============================================================== Guild: Pony Community Leaders Channel: Community / event-questions ============================================================== [11/4/2022 2:13 PM] alexwolf84 My question involves Events General, do we just post the Discord Event link or can we post the advertisement for the event? [11/4/2022 2:20 PM] phoenixfire42 I'd say you can do both :dashshrug: [11/4/2022 2:57 PM] alexwolf84 awesome! [7/22/2023 5:46 PM] rainbowbrony i plan to do a event soon (online con) but i would need more help setting it up and to help during the event its called derpystown fest website: https://ossscott40.wixsite.com/derpystown-fest?lang=en {Embed} https://ossscott40.wixsite.com/derpystown-fest?lang=en Home | Derpystown Fest an online brony convention on discord https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/AecL7XYDS6RLmH0cZ58D4DcpHIQH867Hy9v7VxT5tMU/https/static.wixstatic.com/media/705b3b_9a497c5234064722832048dfa3636abf~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_782%2Ch_560%2Cal_c/705b3b_9a497c5234064722832048dfa3636abf~mv2.png [7/22/2023 5:47 PM] rainbowbrony who here is interested to help? [7/23/2023 4:17 AM] comradesparkle That event is very similarly named to derpyfest, a pony event at a camp in Germany https://bppc.info/derpyfest-2022/ {Embed} Zecora95 https://bppc.info/derpyfest-2022/ Derpyfest 2023 [7/27/2023 5:27 AM] meganought For those that don't know, Manechat has a sister project called With twitter self-destructing and most art sites not quite there anymore, we were thinking about how we could try to help artists get their name out there, and let potential customers know they have commissions. Then some friends of mine in the sonic community set up a discord server where they use discords "publish announcements" feature to let artists advertise to multiple servers that they otherwise wouldn't be able to and I thought "that's a great idea, I'm stealing that, just needs to be tweaked a bit." So my idea is simple: a weekly newsletter! Artists sign up with their commission sheets, we vet them to make sure they're SFW and meet any other requirements we might have, we write a letter with discord IDs, discord account names and links to their ref sheets and we publish that list to any server that signed up to receive it. Any artists involved would need to be using Manebooru. The exact details of what it would look like are still in discussion, so theres potential for change, and as you're the ones receiving the letter you should have some say in layout and content I feel, but the general idea is three main sections: 1. Manebooru's featured image 2. The list of artists open for commissions 3. Any Manebooru news/events I'm not entirely sure if we want to run this though Manechat itself or spool up a new server for it, but right now I'm looking for general feedback from other moderators and if you think this is something your server would be interested in or something you'd sign up for. So, thoughts? [7/28/2023 5:21 AM] meganought im guessing this was too long, didnt read? [7/28/2023 5:49 AM] emperor_sombra I read it yesterday but I was extremely busy at work. Forgot to reply. I think a news feed for multiple servers is a good idea for a commission information. I don't know if requiring to use manebooru is going to be accepted by all artists though. [7/28/2023 6:33 AM] meganought probably not, but this takes time and effort to organise and costs nothing aside from an account. also yes, this is definitely advertisement for manebooru too. im not gonna hide that. there are problems with this idea, but i cant reasonably think of solutions to them and this is atleast *something* that could help MLP artists while the internet is in turmoil [7/28/2023 6:35 AM] meganought (i am happy to get feedback on ways to potentially improve the idea) [7/28/2023 12:39 PM] phoenixfire42 I read it, but idk. We just don't do anything atm with commissions. I suppose I'm not majorly adverse to it, but perhaps it's not my domain to deal with. [7/28/2023 6:43 PM] comradesparkle I think a problem with doing this is if someone passes whatever vetting you do, then scams someone, or something else goes wrong, it can cause drama that then falls back on you. That's a large part of why we don't allow advertising on our server. It's not worth the risk. However for those who do allow it, I can see merit to the idea of having a list of artists who are probably a safe bet, rather than a wild west where a client is much more likely to encounter a scammer. [8/3/2023 6:55 PM] rainbowbrony true but its based on a game called derpystown [1/2/2024 12:55 PM] romulus4444 Hi @EQD can I get a link to the pony day calendar you will be using this year? [1/2/2024 12:56 PM] slimpickens_ {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/984574888201322556/1191802191552458802/equestria_daily_kalender.jpg?ex=66158149&is=66030c49&hm=d326761dd5ad619a10dc7ff258c4da5ce94286f7f3b09245d313fbbc943b7633& [1/2/2024 12:56 PM] phoenixfire42 I can poke Seth about it, but in general it's the same as always. They exclude some days now tho [1/2/2024 12:56 PM] nedemai you guys are way faster than I am heck [1/2/2024 1:51 PM] romulus4444 Thanks! Do y'all go by the date listed or by the date of the event it's based on (which changes from year to year, like solstices) [1/2/2024 2:22 PM] comradesparkle The listed date. They were fixed a long time ago, on a year when summer solstice was not on the more usual date. [1/2/2024 2:43 PM] romulus4444 Okiedoo, thanks a ton! [1/2/2024 6:09 PM] phoenixfire42 fyi this is what Seth said about it, since it's pretty much him who dictates it :VelSip: {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/984574888201322556/1191880935784857690/image.png?ex=6615ca9f&is=6603559f&hm=8eb32caafd5dc2c1403d876026ea26cebb796d663a771551824c480bead662ef& [1/2/2024 6:20 PM] romulus4444 :lyrathumbsup: ============================================================== Exported 23 message(s) ==============================================================