============================================================== Guild: Pony Community Leaders Channel: Pony Leaders / server-meta Topic: For server questions and suggestions. This is not a general chat please. Messages may be deleted as items are resolved. ============================================================== [6/9/2022 4:19 PM] davidsilver ... So where _is_ the general chat? [6/9/2022 4:19 PM] meganought > Do not use this Discord for any personal reasons i guess there isnt one [6/9/2022 4:20 PM] davidsilver Huh. Live and learn (shuts up) [6/10/2022 5:49 AM] jdbo VC's have an open chat button I guess we could just use that, or maybe Threads [6/10/2022 5:50 AM] cerisecisilipp While chatting with people and keeping a sense of community is nice I think we should probably reserve more general chatter for within the communities we're in, gives us an excuse to pop in and see one another while we keep this place clean and professional. [6/10/2022 5:52 AM] allysterblack6145 > 2) Do not use this Discord for any personal reasons, this is not a social server. {Reactions} ☝️ (3) [6/10/2022 5:52 AM] cerisecisilipp Settles it for me [6/10/2022 5:53 AM] jdbo so you might want to disable threads in most text channels [6/10/2022 5:53 AM] allysterblack6145 Just follow the rules and we are good : D [6/10/2022 5:53 AM] cerisecisilipp Agreed [6/10/2022 5:54 AM] jdbo I guess threads here could be use for discussion a reported user [6/10/2022 5:54 AM] jdbo like providing more evidence to something [6/10/2022 5:56 AM] cerisecisilipp Yeah, at the end of the day rule 2 covers all interactions within the context of this server, not to imply people can't just be generally personable as they collaborate and corroborate. [6/10/2022 6:28 AM] shooterism And for casual conversation, there are always DMs. This server is purely meant to be professional, with necessary information being easy to find without having to sift through paragraphs of casual conversation :pondwink: {Reactions} 👍 (3) [6/10/2022 8:17 AM] g.5940 Cool if you need me you can contact me through one of my server mods then ^^ [6/11/2022 1:33 PM] __flynn__ Hey, may I please also get the role for The Top 10 Pony Videos? {Reactions} rdclap [6/11/2022 5:41 PM] woxwiz5895 I need the Friendship Land role if you have that, thanks. [6/11/2022 7:51 PM] databytebrony Would be good for the #reporting-guidelines to include how to hyperlink accounts not in the server. It's not exactly intuitive and I know I'll forget someday xD `<@ID>` [6/11/2022 9:15 PM] phoenixfire42 I had to do that in EQD for the new staff, I get it [6/11/2022 9:15 PM] phoenixfire42 :flutterhellodarkness: [6/13/2022 12:14 PM] aceofspades1147 Oh fucks sake the Hype Squad, Mod Mail, Admin Server etc bots are back again keep watch for em [6/13/2022 2:51 PM] phoenixfire42 That was my last report [6/13/2022 2:51 PM] phoenixfire42 :lunasip: [6/14/2022 4:09 AM] aceofspades1147 I get like 15-20 a day on my main account [6/18/2022 2:09 PM] xipheros @Confetti Just as a heads up, your server portal expired. [6/18/2022 4:28 PM] meganought yeah the server dropped below 14 boosts for long enough for the unique server link to expire [7/1/2022 11:32 PM] captainmuista What are the conditions for a server to be added here, is it limited by size or age? And who's authorized to invite people? I'd imagine Admins? [7/1/2022 11:56 PM] xipheros That's a good question. Probably should be covered to clear things up for anyone else too. [7/1/2022 11:57 PM] violetskies Rule 5 kinda talks about that [7/1/2022 11:59 PM] xipheros Guess it always comes down to the "What-ifs" when it comes to these things which is probably where Administrator discretion comes into play. [7/2/2022 3:09 PM] phoenixfire42 The way invites have gone is I have dropped into the server and scoped them out real quick to make sure they have rules that abide by Discors ToS and whether it appears that they are enforcing them. I would figure any admin could do this, but in general it has been me. {Reactions} glimlurk [7/2/2022 4:00 PM] xipheros :smoldergemmunch: [7/3/2022 11:07 AM] epiclper https://tenor.com/view/the-one-he-is-the-one-gif-14744864 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/the-one-he-is-the-one-gif-14744864 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/Nw6Rm-tU5OuFxYzLwbgsQMcGzqlVJXBwBVBYATLkE3g/https/media.tenor.com/onnmKSXLCvkAAAAD/the-one-he-is-the-one.png [7/9/2022 2:25 PM] dragonsreborn333 @Crumpet is our boi [11/1/2022 4:57 PM] zephyrmoon Just wondering whether we could introduce "spoilering" image posts when it comes to reported content that can be unsettling or NSFW? Meaning users who wish or need to see the content can but those of us who do not wish/need to, don't have to subject ourselves. [11/1/2022 5:01 PM] imiya I do think spoilering stuff can be useful if we properly warn for the images but pretty much every report has something unsettling or NSFW. We'd need a standard list of things to warn for [11/1/2022 5:05 PM] emperor_sombra If something could be considered NSFW it has to be in a channel that is marked NSFW by Discord's rules. No exceptions [11/1/2022 5:08 PM] imiya True, I guess just Suggestive ? I don't think we've seen anything like full on ERP [11/1/2022 5:09 PM] comradesparkle #reporting-guidelines is clear on this. Anything NSFW has to be censored. [11/1/2022 5:22 PM] zephyrmoon Doesn't seem like the majority are adhering to this rule. [11/1/2022 5:23 PM] databytebrony I think most people have been adhering to that regarding visually NSFW content. Controversial / vulgar was never defined as requiring censoring / spoilering [11/1/2022 5:24 PM] zephyrmoon Then again, NSFW can be seen at different levels depending on the person. So I guess it would need to be defined within rules or otherwise unless we're going by the individuals own opinions per post. [11/1/2022 5:28 PM] stormshadow_cote The rules do clearly define what to censor. The only mention of any censoring is in #reporting-guidelines and it says to censor all genitalia if evidence includes explicit pictures, and victim/unrelated parties' names get censored too. Otherwise, everything else is to be unaltered. [11/1/2022 5:33 PM] zephyrmoon I guess I would define some of the non censored reports as disturbing enough to censor, but it course that's purely what I do not wish to see unless I'm required to. I'm not stating to edit the original image, more so to spoiler tag it so that no one is subjected to an image unless they chose to do so. This would have no affect on the original content of the report. [11/1/2022 5:34 PM] imiya What exactly would you like spoilered? [11/1/2022 5:38 PM] zephyrmoon There have been a couple of cases, I'd have to dig back through the channel. It was more something I figured may be desired by more than just myself going forward. Just an idea more than a request. [11/1/2022 5:38 PM] comradesparkle I understand. I mean you can spoiler things if you really want to, but in order to come to a decision on whether or not to ban someone, you're going to have to look at the evidence anyway. [11/1/2022 5:40 PM] zephyrmoon Oh for sure. [11/1/2022 5:46 PM] zephyrmoon As of yet there hasn't been a report that involved anyone within my server, so we've got lucky if anything..that or our vetting is sound. [11/1/2022 6:02 PM] allysterblack6145 That's a tricky one. So the only thing I could say to that this server is specifically for information. To not look at what is posted when the evidence is required to show why action was taken might not allow you to get the full picture of what happened and why. Certainly if something on here is worth banning in your own server, you should know all of what happened right? [11/1/2022 6:06 PM] zephyrmoon Oh I totally agree, I guess my point was more to use the spoiler function to hide the post until the user can read the report and then decide whether they need to see the image evidence. Thus far I haven't needed to to act upon any reports, I'm sure I will eventually but it has meant that I've had to look at some fairly unsavoury imagery. Like I say, not a complaint more just an idea I figured I'd stick in here. Conservation of mental health and such when you're exposed to so much negative or concerning content these days on the internet. [11/1/2022 6:07 PM] allysterblack6145 Yeah, you are not wrong, and I do agree. Let me ask around for some more feedback myself but I have no problem with that. I'm always trying to think of what an outsider might think if they saw reports out of context so I can get a little hung up on small stupid stuff at times so my apologies, Just wana keep everyone safe and accountable. [11/1/2022 6:09 PM] meganought i strongly suggest an NSFW report channel. not every spoiler is properly tagged and there are NSFW servers in here [11/1/2022 6:11 PM] zephyrmoon Please don't worry genuinely, like I say it was more an observation from being in PCL for some time now, than a complaint or concern. I can fully appreciate both sides of the argument as to wanting to make sure everyone is reading reports that come in..but also making sure that we aren't being exposed needlessly. [11/1/2022 6:13 PM] ixrec My personal preference is to spoiler images "of bad stuff" that gives me a visceral :raritydisgusteugh: reaction every time I see them, e.g. a screenshot of message containing bigoted language is usually something I only want to look at once, and it'd be nice not to see it the next time I click on that channel. But this is a micro-optimization, I don't mind if anyone doesn't bother. [11/1/2022 6:15 PM] zephyrmoon Pretty much how I feel on it aswell, I think it would be a welcome tweak but if the majority aren't bothered then it wouldn't affect me to a real degree. [11/1/2022 6:17 PM] allysterblack6145 Hmmm. Maybe it would be better to ask people to start censoring all images in general. Just to avoid any confusion. And we can ask people to describe the image if they don't already do so in the report? I'd hate to have to draw the line anywhere as to what is and isn't bad ya know? And by just making it a general rule, the worst thing is just people have to click. Now idk how hard it is to spoil or do any of that on mobile though. [11/1/2022 6:18 PM] ixrec mod stuff in general is so hard on mobile I probably wouldn't try to put a report together on my phone anyway [11/1/2022 6:18 PM] ixrec we could say "spoilering images is _encouraged_" [11/1/2022 6:18 PM] ch33z3gutz nsfw report maybe? but em.. i don't think if it should be accessible to <18 [11/1/2022 6:19 PM] allysterblack6145 Yeah, that was Comrade's idea just now. [11/1/2022 6:20 PM] allysterblack6145 That might work for sexual content, or tos content. Thing is we already censor content because we have servers in here that have mods that are minors, so that may just be a pointless extra channel. [11/1/2022 6:20 PM] ch33z3gutz ah that's true .. [11/1/2022 6:21 PM] zephyrmoon I'd imagine the majority of people have a similar idea on what could be, excuse lack of a better word, triggering for users. But then a lot of reports here are on some fairly heavy topics. [11/1/2022 6:23 PM] zephyrmoon Drawing the line in my own space on what is considered SFW Vs NSFW has caused many issues between mods and users. A blanket spoiler addition may be your best bet, though the cons are also understandable. [11/1/2022 6:25 PM] allysterblack6145 Honestly, the pros likely outweigh the cons. Even though its understood that as a mod on the internet you may... probably will see some unsettling things, your point of having to see the content when you might not need to, and the effects that may have is a very good one. [11/1/2022 6:25 PM] romulus4444 part of being a moderator is unfortunately having to be exposed to some of this stuff so your users don't have to. it suck, and is one of the worst parts of the position. but someone's gotta do it {Reactions} 👆 (2) [11/1/2022 6:26 PM] imiya It's pretty easy now, actually {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1037130528861737091/Screenshot_20221101_182620.jpg?ex=6615c093&is=66034b93&hm=7502ed82c31da1bdb945d8905a1c19895b70a9062ddbd3a2bff31e25344cb2b4& {Reactions} 😮 izzyooh [11/1/2022 6:26 PM] allysterblack6145 Huh, how about that [11/1/2022 6:27 PM] zephyrmoon Agreed entirely, also @Dr. Romulus exactly that. We will of course still be exposed when neccessary like you say, but again like you say it would remove the unnecessary interactions with the content. [11/1/2022 6:27 PM] romulus4444 spoilering all images only works if there's a description of what's spoiled, or there's no point in spoilering it if you have to click on it anyway. just something to be considered [11/1/2022 6:27 PM] zephyrmoon ^ that's also a good point. [11/1/2022 6:27 PM] imiya :flutterthis: [11/1/2022 6:28 PM] imiya My biggest pet peeve is people misusing spoilers and just making it a game of trigger peek a boo [11/1/2022 6:28 PM] allysterblack6145 Yeah, it would need to be clearly defined in the rules how to explain the content. A lot of what we post, people usually describe what's going on well enough, so I don't think it would be all that much extra work. {Reactions} lyrathumbsup [11/1/2022 6:28 PM] zephyrmoon I would hope people within this server, given the nature of its existence, wouldn't be doing such things. [11/1/2022 6:28 PM] imiya I could certainly go either way. I'm kind of jaded to a lot of this stuff. [11/1/2022 6:28 PM] allysterblack6145 There are a lot of people here, but agreed [11/1/2022 6:29 PM] ch33z3gutz there's also these two sects of um server moderation; ensuring how verified a user is, how much discord should scan an image, etc. etc. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1037131315310493806/Screen_Shot_2022-11-01_at_6.28.55_PM.png?ex=6615c14e&is=66034c4e&hm=48707982f1b78758d0d6863140841b43ed9d58b301fa9ea28c29a2aee8bc97c4& [11/1/2022 6:30 PM] romulus4444 and mobile has been getting easier for moderation, which is nice. but it's not all the way yet. mobile users are still hamstrung in several cases, but it *is* getting better [11/1/2022 6:30 PM] zephyrmoon I did play around with that and found that we had issues with totally sfw images and messages being removed. [11/1/2022 6:30 PM] ch33z3gutz ah that's true [11/1/2022 6:30 PM] allysterblack6145 I'd like to never ever use discord's auto mod. It seems to delete things that are not bad, and allow things that are **all the time** unfortunately. [11/1/2022 6:30 PM] imiya Since we set g5 chatter to public and had to turn on the screening it's been nothing but a pain in the ass [11/1/2022 6:30 PM] allysterblack6145 That could be a big ole problem if it starts kicking images during a raid, or a serious report [11/1/2022 6:30 PM] zephyrmoon I removed Discords automod entirely as it caused more issues and actually gave Moderators a harder time. [11/1/2022 6:31 PM] ch33z3gutz that's true it did indeed do that [11/1/2022 6:31 PM] romulus4444 i've seen some servers use it, to varying degrees of success [11/1/2022 6:31 PM] ch33z3gutz specifically the chat auto mod [11/1/2022 6:32 PM] romulus4444 manechat is far too big and active to try it out without letting the feature develop for a while, so we have it turned off. it seems more aimed at smaller servers or servers with smaller staff. [11/1/2022 6:33 PM] romulus4444 personally, for a more serious/informational server such as this one, i'd leave it off [11/1/2022 6:33 PM] ch33z3gutz true, shacks pretty small (thank christ) [11/1/2022 6:33 PM] zephyrmoon Even with my own space being less than 1K members we still had major issues with images being deleted and members attempting to repost again and again which flagged bot spam filters.. Just isn't quite there yet. [11/1/2022 6:33 PM] stormshadow_cote Ponies React only uses it to notify us about flagged keywords, we don’t have it perform any mod actions [11/1/2022 6:34 PM] romulus4444 and even then it mostly detects minor swears like "ass" [11/1/2022 6:34 PM] ch33z3gutz hummm.. another one i've seen is level up to unlock perms like at level 5 or so [11/1/2022 6:34 PM] ch33z3gutz oh my god yeah someone got muted for saying cunt or something [11/1/2022 6:35 PM] aarondee Really? [11/1/2022 6:35 PM] ixrec a reporting server like this is also unusually likely to need to post content that automod would and should delete in any normal server, so I'd just expect it to be off in any server like this [11/1/2022 6:36 PM] romulus4444 that's a very region-specific word in terms of level of vulgarity, so automod can't know the context [11/1/2022 6:36 PM] ch33z3gutz yeah [11/1/2022 6:37 PM] zephyrmoon That's another issue, sort of off topic but relevant, Facebook has absolutely zero understanding of region specific humour/sarcasm/language. Especially when it comes to British phrases. [11/1/2022 6:37 PM] zephyrmoon I imagine Discord will have similar problems. [11/1/2022 6:37 PM] comradesparkle Yes, those are all good points, and the reasons why automatic moderation is disabled here. [11/1/2022 6:38 PM] ch33z3gutz oh speaking of regions that reminded me [11/1/2022 6:38 PM] ch33z3gutz ill be *right* back [11/1/2022 7:35 PM] databytebrony This is the reason why I require all moderators in my server to be 18+ Moderators are supposed to be able to view everything anyone says in the channels they have access to so that they can discern if the content posted is not appropriate for that channel or server, then log actions taken. Staffing kids under the legal age for a position that expects them to report pornography exposure doesn't sit well with me. [11/1/2022 7:44 PM] zephyrmoon It would also technically be illegal and could be considered as distributing porn to minors. Given the fact you'd be giving them access. I also work on an 18+ staff only rule. [11/1/2022 7:59 PM] ixrec ...are there (public) servers with <18 mods? :ponee: [11/1/2022 7:59 PM] ixrec I never even thought to make it a rule [11/1/2022 8:00 PM] zephyrmoon It's just an unspoken rule for me, I'm of the same opinion.. but apparently there are. [11/1/2022 8:12 PM] ch33z3gutz yeah [11/10/2022 3:44 PM] ch33z3gutz should i add being a moderator of chrispy tube server [11/10/2022 5:54 PM] phoenixfire42 What do you mean by that? [11/10/2022 6:45 PM] ch33z3gutz to my intro, sorry that was an unfinished statement [11/10/2022 7:27 PM] phoenixfire42 Oh, you can put whatever you want in your intro; it's there to break the ice/identify you so we can give you a role more so than anything :LunaLaugh: [11/10/2022 7:56 PM] zephyrmoon I was gonna say, I don't think any personal info is really relevant beyond the server you're representing 😅 [11/10/2022 8:48 PM] ch33z3gutz sorry i’m just tired gfgfzfgd [11/10/2022 8:50 PM] ch33z3gutz also; should the moderation of that server be invited here? considering reports on members based on situations in there have been reported [11/10/2022 10:16 PM] zephyrmoon Nay worries, Rule #5 in the rules channel for that one. [11/10/2022 10:17 PM] zephyrmoon If the server has been invited here then yes, depending upon what level of control your moderators have. [11/10/2022 10:24 PM] ch33z3gutz right on! [11/10/2022 10:49 PM] phoenixfire42 If you are interested in bringing in another server, DM me an invitation of it and I'll poke in. [11/14/2022 6:38 AM] snowshovelmusic There's a new Discord Nitro Phishing / Scam thingy going around. It looks legit at first glance, but it's not, be careful and avoid this kind of messages! Since you're all Server owners / admins or mods, share it so more people is aware of this! {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1041678435434643456/1yzC00J.png?ex=661d11a4&is=660a9ca4&hm=47796373409bd986fa6d5381c87bfda16ca61eda0fac6b1bce5d14a5ad6ea044& [11/14/2022 8:15 AM] imiya What happens when you click accept? Does it take you to a screen to log in? [11/14/2022 8:24 AM] snowshovelmusic I don't really know, but I wouldn't risk it. [11/14/2022 8:28 AM] imiya Apparently bots can't message people with free nitro gifts, so that's a good place to start [11/14/2022 8:50 AM] epiclper When you click it it throws you to a fake login page [11/14/2022 8:50 AM] imiya Thank you, standard phishing then [11/20/2022 7:35 AM] emperor_sombra I saw what happened in Manechat to and I wanted to say every server mod team needs to look out for moderator impersonators. It happened to Ponies React last year also. If someone joins your server claiming to be a moderator who had their Discord old account hacked/disabled I would suggest you immediately isolate them in a room where they can't see any other channels. That way they can't search for answers when you ask them questions only they would know. Also try to contact the real moderator via some other known social media account. Never give a new member claiming to be a moderator mod powers until you are 100% sure they are who they say they are. The impersonator from our server had "proof" which was just some jpg of an e-mail from Discord saying their account was hacked. I asked them about some artwork the real admin made and the impersonator folded. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1043867182041403453/Fake-Mantisprayer.jpg?ex=661bcd92&is=66095892&hm=51feb79a40ad472784a7ead4048f430f97a2f473c37b0ff32361a8cb152ab49b& [11/20/2022 9:36 AM] dragonsreborn333 Yeah same thing happened to me also last year and they folded when asked about the name of my secret server [11/20/2022 11:28 AM] databytebrony The technique I have for that sort of verification is I have all of my staff's email addresses and they have mine. Haven't had to use it yet, but have ot just in case. Most often, we verify via Minecraft xD [12/18/2022 5:50 AM] rainbowbrony {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1053987621308747806/20221217_235129_0000.png?ex=661bb4f7&is=66093ff7&hm=38192e752efeb4818b389e4fc0d231df65742caf3685bf3bd331ddb76e4cbc55& [12/23/2022 6:17 AM] rainbowbrony my banlist is now compatible with all redbot instances {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1055806378696003594/Screenshot_2022-12-23-12-15-30-62_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg?ex=66191850&is=6606a350&hm=bace340a6974587690428a9e4fe3771fb19af5dd41837e49ca3e152ea986e47f& [1/22/2023 12:20 AM] gmoneyy. I’m assuming I can post suggestions strictly for this place, not our servers collectively, so here we go. While I do understand this server being made for the sole purpose of gathering reports and just that for everyone running MLP servers, I do think it could benefit having a separate channel or even a category for discussions, especially in regards to more serious reports (such as what was argued and discussed about in #reports ) Now I do understand the risks of having this such as what happened (and is currently happening), but I think it may be a good idea to let people discuss about what has happened, maybe just to clarify, get more information, or even just talk about it. I also understand #report-discussion could be used for this, but clearly that isn’t working in this way lol. I enjoy this server and appreciate everyone for making it easier on us all, so feel free to do as you all want; I will follow however this server is meant to be run. Just a thoughtful suggestion! [1/22/2023 12:20 AM] mr.bat I'm a moderator on these discord servers Purplesmart.ai, MLP FiM Admin on Fighting is Magic Community Hub [1/22/2023 12:21 AM] Deleted User :FSnod: [1/22/2023 12:22 AM] mr.bat Pseudo +1 mod? on: Pax Solaris Daybreakers Post War World [1/22/2023 12:25 AM] phoenixfire42 Guys, I'm sorry if I came on a bit hard there. I really don't want this server to fall apart. The problem in my eyes is that if we allow complete open talk on reports for anything other than questions about them, things start to drift towards drama. People will disagree about the wisdom of a ban, or decide that something else should be done. That's not the point of this server. This server also does not exist as a global ban list. People are free to decide for their own if a report is worthy of a ban, we do not need people telling other people what to do. If your report is comprehensive, it should speak for itself. Granted, often times there are legitimate questions about a report. If you have them and want to discuss them in a professional way, that is fine here. [1/22/2023 12:26 AM] Deleted User Even if there’s “drama” is that more important then keeping the servers safe from harm [1/22/2023 12:26 AM] angellamb. All im asking, is that you dont surpass very serious issues as “porn shaming” [1/22/2023 12:26 AM] Deleted User We should be more focused on that [1/22/2023 12:26 AM] angellamb. Other than that I appreciate the reports. So when i see a name join the server that i see reported here i know what to do [1/22/2023 12:27 AM] Deleted User Yes. [1/22/2023 12:27 AM] gmoneyy. I fully get what you were saying and I do understand what your trying to do with not having one. But I also want to add the fact that most people here are either staff or owners in at least decently sized servers, and are usually the ones dealing with the issues of drama and arguing, not starting/being involved. Like I said I fully get how this could go either way, but it may be something to think about, or even try and see what happens. While clearly everyone didn’t get along super well, it is worth noting must people here probably know enough to not get themselves involved in silly drama. We’re here to help each other, not fight with one another over channels. [1/22/2023 12:28 AM] mr.bat Questioning or asking for more clarification or elaboration on a server report should be able to be had somewhere, which I believe is #report-discussion unless if talking about reports counts as drama? None the less I don't think posts should be removed or silenced just because in theory it *could* go into a drama filled discussion [1/22/2023 12:28 AM] angellamb. ^^ [1/22/2023 12:28 AM] phoenixfire42 That is correct. I need to be more clear about that channel. [1/22/2023 12:29 AM] phoenixfire42 I do think posts should be removed specifically in #reports though. There should be nothing but reports there [1/22/2023 12:29 AM] gmoneyy. That’s what I figured to, but I assumed it wasn’t really used much with most of the discussing taking place in the actual reports channel instead of the questions channel [1/22/2023 12:29 AM] Deleted User This server should be more focused on keeping servers safe and helping by talking about reports to get more proof and other stuff [1/22/2023 12:30 AM] gmoneyy. Maybe just limit the reports channel, and have the questions channel be used for situations such as this. Easy way to allow for some discussion without going too close to having drama spill out everywhere. [1/22/2023 12:30 AM] Deleted User Don’t focus on the drama there isn’t any in the first place [1/22/2023 12:30 AM] gmoneyy. In my eyes, a win win. [1/22/2023 12:31 AM] angellamb. Exactly. [1/22/2023 12:32 AM] mr.bat Agreed, but from my own pov people including myself drew some ire against you as instead of redirecting users to #report-discussion you started to delete their posts / shut down convo before it was made clear :UltraTinyBoop: [1/22/2023 12:34 AM] phoenixfire42 I would say if I had to be more clear, what I had an issue with was the pinging of other servers and pointing out that people exist in other server with a ping in reports. I understand the value of removing these problems from the community, I really do, but I don't like the idea of policing other servers in any way. People are here voluntarily because they want to see the reports and should be given the freedom to decide things themselves without pressure. Granted the reaction to a report as serious as that should be obvious, but in general that is my stance. [1/22/2023 12:35 AM] mr.bat Fair [1/22/2023 12:35 AM] phoenixfire42 And I again say that for a report that serious, Discord Support should be contacted. Even if you think it's not going to do anything, that is bad enough to warrant outside scrutiny. [1/22/2023 12:36 AM] mr.bat True as well, I wish Discord Support was more active to help [1/22/2023 12:36 AM] angellamb. Oooh okay now i get what you mean. [1/22/2023 8:19 AM] emperor_sombra https://discord.com/channels/981802864353632266/982421543873282109/1066706117738111077 I would suggest everyone ban this account (@Amanda - QA 1065093250307858472) on their server ASAP. But also never give anyone who joins your server admin roles until you know 100% who they really are. Bad people try to impersonate your staff claiming they can't use their main account. Make sure all of your staff knows not to do this. Have a system in place where you need several people to agree on giving a new account admin perms. [1/22/2023 8:21 AM] da_blue_cola Not to belittle, but I feel it should be common sense not to give people admin unless you confirm they are the right person. [1/22/2023 8:23 AM] da_blue_cola That being said, this *did* happen after all [1/22/2023 8:24 AM] phoenixfire42 I am in every server here (I think :sweating_spike:) and I have no mutuals with that account. [1/22/2023 8:25 AM] da_blue_cola I have one mutual: the official Deep Rock Galactic discord server [1/22/2023 8:25 AM] da_blue_cola Which suggests that this was once a legit account, but has since been hacked and repurposed as a Trojan horse [1/22/2023 8:26 AM] da_blue_cola {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1066710430464086099/IMG_6397.png?ex=661bd981&is=66096481&hm=7f4b5f0fce3bd342ec8a5ef61c13998251efc400de02c01085e52639a709603d& [1/22/2023 8:32 AM] imiya It sounds like a co owner was hacked, is that not their account? [1/22/2023 8:33 AM] meganought no [1/22/2023 8:33 AM] meganought thats some guy's account [1/22/2023 8:33 AM] meganought they tried the same thing in manechat [1/22/2023 8:33 AM] imiya Interesting [1/22/2023 8:33 AM] meganought or atleast, if they are related to mlp general, im unaware [1/23/2023 6:04 AM] zephyrmoon Can I just ask why regular members here have access to @ everyone? [1/23/2023 6:05 AM] zephyrmoon Missuse seems apparent as of recent. {Reactions} This [1/23/2023 8:00 AM] epiclper I think, since everyone is at least a rather reputable admin at the very least and it's a closed community, it'd be okay to have it accessible to everyone for emergency uses [1/23/2023 8:25 AM] da_blue_cola I agree with this. “Misuse” is a bit of a misnomer. It was used appropriately, spreading a general warning about users who would go to extensive lengths to achieve petty goals. In short, it’s somewhat justified as the people in question are very likely to perform a similar personal attack. In addition, the other uses of the everyone ping aside from the most recent case have been to reiterate the rules and purpose of this server. I also agree with Epic’s statement that all of us here are at least trustworthy to a degree, and we wouldn’t use the everyone ping unless we deemed it absolutely necessary. [1/23/2023 12:31 PM] zephyrmoon I think you've misunderstood the point of this server if I'm honest. Every report here is important and should be taken seriously. Should we all simply start using @ everyone for every single report? I'd be interested to hear staffs point of view on this, but use of these commands via regular members will likely mean myself and others will mute the server due to unnecessary pings. [1/23/2023 12:41 PM] romulus4444 I would say that everyone ping was misused. I would also say it should remain an option for actual emergencies [1/23/2023 12:46 PM] vuisammie Interestingly, it also seems that there are two cases of moderators in their community being treated horribly by other staff, and there also seems to be a complaint about moderation in the server being too lenient [1/23/2023 1:25 PM] epiclper Not entirely true A spammer is less important than someone actively going against a protected group or actively leaking personal info. Not every report is immensely important, yet good to act on. [1/23/2023 1:29 PM] vuisammie Now I wouldn’t mind a ping whenever there is an actual report. [1/23/2023 1:30 PM] imiya I dislike pings and have notifs on for the server. That's my input [1/23/2023 1:31 PM] imiya Maybe we can just ping those servers which someone is in? I'll admit I'm not entirely sure why the ping was used in the report Marsh made. [1/23/2023 1:57 PM] fluffymarsh I did the ping cause they threatened me With something serious [1/23/2023 2:19 PM] comradesparkle Can we tone this down a bit? The point of this place isn't to tell others how to run their servers. If you have advice, then take it to DMs. This server is intended purely as a directory. [1/23/2023 2:20 PM] zephyrmoon I'll be real, given how many people have been talking about the wrong topics in the wrong channels, not using the report template and simply misusing the server. I have no idea what the @ everyone was even for. I feel like a lot of people here seem to be using it as a staff discussion area..which I'm fairly sure is incorrect. [1/23/2023 2:20 PM] fluffymarsh We need a chat for this lol [1/23/2023 2:21 PM] comradesparkle That ends now. You're perfectly fine to bring up the everyone ping, I'll discuss it with the others, but the rest of this conversation isn't within the scope of this channel [1/23/2023 2:33 PM] romulus4444 Again with the deleting. [1/23/2023 3:05 PM] fluffymarsh on behalf of MLP General I want to apologize for all the inconvenience caused in the last few days,Many of you ended up stuck in the middle of the drama and I don't want to cause that again,I want us to be able to work together for the good of our communities No fights and no arguments [1/30/2023 10:41 AM] emperor_sombra Anyone using Mee6 bot watch this video. https://youtu.be/od91GuH3SyE {Embed} No Text To Speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od91GuH3SyE This MEE6 Exploit Can Ruin Your Discord Server! Mee6 released their new ChatGPT command called "ask-gpt" and wowsers. Who ever would've thought that this command could be used to bypass Discord's automod and spew complete hate speech. The worst part about all of this is that this silly command is enabled by default. LINKS ---------------------------------------------------------------------... https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/LiKbJIpVUkJ-TIenswUYMNQstqWXZDn8C5YYkkqT8gY/https/i.ytimg.com/vi/od91GuH3SyE/maxresdefault.jpg [1/30/2023 10:42 AM] emperor_sombra The command looks to be not working right now but I would disable the command like in the video to be safe. [1/30/2023 10:43 AM] emperor_sombra This command can also get the bot to ping everyone in the server. [1/30/2023 10:47 AM] imiya Haha I just watched this video. TLDW is you can circumvent discord's automod and use mee6 to send a command that embeds a list of racial slurs (with the "i"s replaced with "1"s). He also mentions you can use "disco-gpt" bot to ping everyone but I've not heard of that bot and don't know how widespread it is. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1069644995872694312/image.png?ex=661d4c08&is=660ad708&hm=f8a6458bbabe0e0c8b935fdd787a7adff0789ebc9f80e84a5dad3ed2acd0cdf8& [2/5/2023 4:59 AM] epiclper Tbh wouldn't it be better to make 2 separate messages for ID postings? I'm 90% on mobile and Discord sucks when it comes to copying, you can't select and copy there. I have to copy the whole message and one by one cut and paste the IDs out whenever a report has been made. Not sure if it'd be better to post 2 messages, one of which is only each ID in separate lines which would make copy pasting a ton easier for bans. [2/18/2023 11:47 AM] epiclper Gonna repeat the above again :cry: [2/18/2023 11:47 AM] epiclper It's annoying on mobile [2/22/2023 1:56 AM] snowshovelmusic I guess everyone here is aware of Agatan rape at HarmonyCon drama, am I right? [2/22/2023 1:57 AM] elongatedmusket I am not. [2/22/2023 1:58 AM] snowshovelmusic https://twitter.com/AgatanMusic/status/1628127838468550657 {Embed} Aggie | Agatan music 🔜✈️ harmonycon (@AgatanMusic) https://twitter.com/AgatanMusic/status/1628127838468550657 Dear all, this is all one side of the story. I regret if I have hurt feelings. But these alagations against me are not the facts. Please be fare and give me a chance to defend myself. I will give a statement soon. Nick Twitter [2/22/2023 2:01 AM] gabrizzy i never heard of them before yet i can't take their post seriously with the spelling mistakes [2/22/2023 2:01 AM] elongatedmusket Good lord, first Sawtooth now this. :AL_doomed: [2/22/2023 2:01 AM] snowshovelmusic In any case you want to kick/ban him out of your server here's his discord and ID: Aggie | Agatan music#5032 364787328730005514 [2/22/2023 2:01 AM] elongatedmusket Thank you for sharing [2/22/2023 2:02 AM] phoenixfire42 I know nothing about this. I won't take action until I see some evidence right or wrong. [2/22/2023 2:02 AM] snowshovelmusic It's very serious, police is involved, german and us embassies as well. [2/22/2023 2:02 AM] gabrizzy good thing i wasn't there to see for myself [2/22/2023 2:03 AM] phoenixfire42 If the authorities are involved that's good. [2/22/2023 2:04 AM] snowshovelmusic https://twitter.com/GleamyD/status/1628124759882928136 {Embed} Gleamy Dreams ~ (@GleamyD) https://twitter.com/GleamyD/status/1628124759882928136 Look at the fucker trying to get out of responsibility for his crimes that he confessed to the police. The reason there is a police report is because he admitted to his crimes. You can not fucking victim blame and throw shit at the most beautiful girls I have ever met. https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/f3vFRZIJzWnuTFuxDGy5wo47oSLcwEyi6JX5myAsxjk/https/pbs.twimg.com/media/FphC12qXsAAGPF0.jpg Twitter [2/22/2023 2:04 AM] snowshovelmusic https://twitter.com/DjMoontune/status/1628067415371161601 {Embed} Moontune (@DjMoontune) https://twitter.com/DjMoontune/status/1628067415371161601 Shout-out to @AgatanMusic , who sexually assaulted my future sister-in-law and violently raped another girl through manipulation at Harmonycon. He's still out there, unpunished, despite the facts that are known. Likes 164 Twitter [2/22/2023 2:06 AM] snowshovelmusic There's a lot going on... [2/22/2023 2:07 AM] elongatedmusket Man, a great way to end off the night. Shit is horrible. Not to mention what happened earlier this month. Real dark times :AL_doomed: [2/22/2023 2:07 AM] elongatedmusket Thanks for sharing [2/22/2023 2:08 AM] snowshovelmusic You're welcome. [2/22/2023 2:09 AM] phoenixfire42 This is an interesting development. I will have to see how this one unfolds. [2/22/2023 2:09 AM] gabrizzy only a matter of time before justice will be served [2/22/2023 2:10 AM] snowshovelmusic As far as I know Agatan has been trying to reschedule his flight to come back to Germany asap [2/22/2023 2:11 AM] snowshovelmusic And trying to escape just make things worse for him. [2/22/2023 2:59 AM] itsskyliner Oh what the fuck.. [2/22/2023 3:03 AM] imiya I had also never heard of this guy until the event. It sounds like he didn't hang around much of the online fandom and was at conventions/collabed because his brother is a brony, so I wouldn't be surprised if paths rarely crossed [2/22/2023 6:39 AM] snowshovelmusic In other news... Police dropped the case... [2/22/2023 6:40 AM] gabrizzy so basically he got away scot free? [2/22/2023 6:40 AM] snowshovelmusic Yeah [2/22/2023 6:40 AM] gabrizzy great, that's just great [2/22/2023 6:46 AM] snowshovelmusic I don't know why I haven't seen this tweet earlier. https://twitter.com/GleamyD/status/1628068838058205186 {Embed} Gleamy Dreams ~ (@GleamyD) https://twitter.com/GleamyD/status/1628068838058205186 THE IRVING POLICE WANT TO ALLOW THE MAN WHO SEXUALLY ASSAULTED MY SISTER TO GET AWAY WITH IT BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT TO BOTHER WITH AN INTERNATIONAL CASE. WE ARE STILL PURSUING, BUT WE MAY NEED FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE RETURNING TO THE STATE SO WE CAN MAKE THE CHARGES STICK. Likes 145 Twitter [2/22/2023 6:50 AM] snowshovelmusic 3 Victims https://twitter.com/bajaisanarc/status/1628128138319302659 {Embed} Hypocrite Hippogriff (@bajaisanarc) https://twitter.com/bajaisanarc/status/1628128138319302659 @AgatanMusic I said it once and I'll say it again. There is no other side. You are a sick freak. You raped and sexually assaulted at least 3 women at @HarmonyPonyCon and you will pay dearly. We know you are trying to flee the country, you won't get away with it, you deseased lunatic. Twitter [2/22/2023 8:50 AM] snowshovelmusic A whole thread about Agatan and his behaviour: https://twitter.com/AmynthaA/status/1628365125341048832 {Embed} Amyntha-Eszti-Art (Commissions open) (@AmynthaA) https://twitter.com/AmynthaA/status/1628365125341048832 In light of recent events that happened at Harmonycon regarding Agatan. And after a lot of doubting and talking to friends who are in contact with the victims. I want to share my story. The events I will be talking about happened between Ponycon Holland 2022 up to now. (part 1/?) Twitter [2/22/2023 10:02 AM] ch33z3gutz i’ve just seen [2/22/2023 12:34 PM] astrolazuli I usually ignore Twitter drama, but this is pretty serious. We'll wait to see where it goes before taking any action. [2/22/2023 12:36 PM] docanubis According to the con officials, all of this is real [2/22/2023 12:42 PM] phoenixfire42 It seems pretty credible, but for charges this serious I don't take them lightly. This is beyond the arena of internet debating this belongs in court. [2/22/2023 12:46 PM] captainmuista Agreed. All we have here is word of mouth and twitter posts. It's up to everyone's own discretion to ban his account from their servers of course but until we have more information from *official* sources I personally don't see the point in discussing this here any further. [2/22/2023 12:50 PM] ch33z3gutz i’m sorry, does anyone have the tag? [2/22/2023 12:51 PM] captainmuista @cheezy [2/22/2023 12:51 PM] ch33z3gutz thank you [2/22/2023 1:02 PM] astrolazuli Agee with Muista and Phoenix, btw. We should see what the actual people involved say and do. It's dangerous to jump the gun this early, so I suggest servers that want to ban the guy, to do it discreetly and not push any sort of message publicly until more is elaborated on the case. [2/22/2023 1:04 PM] phoenixfire42 It's never a good idea to take a stand on someone who has yet to be prosecuted. On the off chance they are innocent (not saying this guy is) it could put you in a really bad spot. [2/22/2023 1:04 PM] ch33z3gutz i’m going to believe a victim until proven otherwise [2/22/2023 1:05 PM] dragonsreborn333 Innocent until proven guilty [2/22/2023 1:06 PM] astrolazuli Sure, you can do it, but you should also be careful with the actions you take against the accused, because if he's somehow proven innocent, that's gonna look bad on anyone who jumped the gun against him. It's happened before, and I wish people would learn that lesson already. None of us are a court of law and we shouldn't act like one. [2/22/2023 1:08 PM] romulus4444 It is also important to protect potential new victims, especially when predatory behavior has been exhibited [2/22/2023 1:09 PM] astrolazuli Ofc, I'm not saying otherwise. I'm saying to be responsible with one's behaviour in cases like these. [2/22/2023 1:09 PM] astrolazuli By all means, do believe the victim. [2/22/2023 1:09 PM] astrolazuli But let us not act like a jury. [2/22/2023 1:09 PM] romulus4444 Agreed [2/22/2023 1:09 PM] phoenixfire42 It is possible to have compassion for the victims without starting a witch hunt against the accused {Reactions} flutterthis (9) [2/22/2023 1:48 PM] epiclper Accusing people, especially when it comes to Twitter drama where everything goes very quickly and harshly, can go south yeah... been on the receiving end of that once :CrazehPoneh1: Not saying this guy is innocent, but innocent until properly proven I guess. I haven't been following what's going on there... [2/22/2023 1:55 PM] elongatedmusket Yeah, I essentially agree with Phoenix, Astro, and Muista on this one [2/22/2023 1:56 PM] ch33z3gutz there’s a lot of personal reasoning behind why i’d rather believe a potential victim [2/22/2023 1:57 PM] ch33z3gutz and in the scenario in which the accused is proven to be innocent, explanation would be given [2/22/2023 1:59 PM] imiya I don't think anything said contradicts what anyone else has said. If any concrete information comes out either way, I'll certainly try to keep an eye out. [2/22/2023 2:02 PM] aarondee I banned them in my servers [2/22/2023 2:02 PM] aarondee if the allegations are untrue [2/22/2023 2:02 PM] aarondee ill unban them [2/22/2023 2:03 PM] aarondee you gotta remember you are protecting people here [2/22/2023 2:03 PM] aarondee that includes potential threats [2/22/2023 2:06 PM] phoenixfire42 You have to remember, that's not actually true. It is in the best interest of the accused *not* to talk at first tbh because of the legal ramifications it can have. They could easily be as guilty as they come, but you have to acknowledge the bind this kind of internet callout puts people in. [2/22/2023 2:12 PM] aarondee i dont think you should say "that's not actually true. " i think its more of a "Is this actually true?" situation [2/22/2023 2:13 PM] aarondee We can have our personal opinions on the matter [2/22/2023 2:13 PM] aarondee but i dont think we should say that as outright truth [2/22/2023 2:13 PM] aarondee We dont know as of right now, and it doesnt look like we will for awhile [2/22/2023 2:13 PM] imiya I think you misread Phoenix's message, "that's not true" referring to "an explanation would be given" [2/22/2023 2:13 PM] aarondee ohh [2/22/2023 2:14 PM] aarondee sorry my bad [2/22/2023 2:15 PM] phoenixfire42 Yea. It's usually not a good idea to spill your guts on a case in public record while it is going on. [2/22/2023 2:15 PM] romulus4444 Also keep in mind that this server is not for fostering witch hunts, regardless of whether there's a witch or not. We're all trusted to do what is needed with the information we get through here. Sometimes that means a preemptive ban, other times it means holding off until more information is had [2/22/2023 2:15 PM] ch33z3gutz you misunderstood me, in the scenario the accused are proved to be innocent in the court of law, the ban would be lifted and an explanation would be given privately [2/22/2023 2:18 PM] phoenixfire42 That's pretty much the rub yea. If you believe that a ban is warranted, then okay. It's your servers to do with as you please. The information is nice to have for sure and I will keep an eye on it, but I do not feel threatened by this yet. To my knowledge they are not even in my server anyway. [2/22/2023 2:19 PM] imiya I don't think this will be going to court if the charge has been dropped (or the police refuse to continue with it). I don't think the accused engages with G5 anyway, so I don't have anything that I feel pressed to do, aside from keeping an eye out. I understand why you would want to protect but I also understand the folks waiting for more information. Without any proof (which I don't think we have one way or another) we just have hearsay tweets and recountings of events. [2/22/2023 2:19 PM] imiya Anyway, not much we can do as outsiders aside from wait to see how the situation unfolds and then see if we want to reverse decisions or make new ones. [2/22/2023 2:21 PM] phoenixfire42 It would be quite unfortunate if there is no criminal investigation. Unfortunately though, I don't pin myself as a criminal investigator so in lieu of a good deep dive done by someone I can't take a stand. [2/22/2023 2:22 PM] phoenixfire42 If they do things on Discord though and I see logs, I will act for sure. It doesn't take a charge for me to do that [2/22/2023 2:36 PM] stormshadow_cote I saw speculation that it might mean they’re handing it off to FBI for international affairs? [2/22/2023 2:37 PM] imiya Yeah, I saw stuff like that too, that they'd have to get embassies involved [2/22/2023 2:37 PM] imiya If we get anything official/legal I imagine it will take months to years [2/22/2023 2:39 PM] phoenixfire42 Justice is slow, but it usually catches up to people. Not always, but it's the best we can do. [2/22/2023 3:01 PM] itsskyliner I think the FBI covers national stuff between state lines [2/22/2023 3:09 PM] comradesparkle Yes. It's not within the FBI's remit. Doesn't mean nothing will get done, but it won't be them handling it. [2/22/2023 8:21 PM] snowshovelmusic There's a lot of investigations going on. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1078124422017319083/police.png?ex=66173b1c&is=6604c61c&hm=cd5df2ab4f865fd48adc70b20a381428e82801fb246b0ab7ae50b2de12f4a148& [2/22/2023 9:11 PM] gamoray I guess for those who didn't know, the case was a class 2 misdemeanor and I'm not sure how that is handled for visiting foreign nationals... my guess is that the US police really couldn't do much other than send him away and ban him from entry to Texas for some period of time [2/22/2023 9:13 PM] gamoray I was up at the rock musicians party at HC when the news broke and got it fairly directly from people who knew what was going on [2/25/2023 3:13 PM] Deleted User this is so strange, how did this even happen [2/25/2023 3:13 PM] Deleted User what even caused this [2/25/2023 3:15 PM] Deleted User it just seems extreamly odd that this all just happend out of nowhere [2/25/2023 3:21 PM] Deleted User dont ping me btw i donnt rlly wanna think about this rn its all too disturbing me for me and it actually makes me extreamly sad. [2/25/2023 3:22 PM] imiya (allegedly) a convention and coercion like a lot of other instances. i dont think we have further developments at this point [2/26/2023 7:57 AM] Deleted User Another incident in the community? [2/26/2023 7:57 AM] Deleted User This is so disturbing and gross. [2/26/2023 7:58 AM] Deleted User This will really give bronies a bad name for sure [2/26/2023 7:59 AM] imiya I wouldn't worry about that, 10+ years of other stuff have already done that and I don't think this is really leaving the community. [2/28/2023 5:10 AM] emperor_sombra Discord updated their guidelines. This guideline means you can't have gun and drug talk outside of NSFW flagged channels. This rule is vague enough that it could apply to alcohol too. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1080069453968068639/Discord-updated-Guidelines.png?ex=66151410&is=66029f10&hm=681347856e0ab865692ec6bf6fd065dbce9e267371ea1c97bb0876d9411ad209& [2/28/2023 5:19 AM] dragonsreborn333 Bruh [2/28/2023 5:20 AM] meganought it does seem to be strongly implying guns rather than anything else [2/28/2023 5:21 AM] emperor_sombra I think they are just covering their liability if some parent complains about something their kids are seeing in chat. [2/28/2023 5:23 AM] dragonsreborn333 Regulated goods can mean drugs [2/28/2023 5:25 AM] emperor_sombra It means prescription drugs too. [2/28/2023 5:29 AM] dragonsreborn333 It could also mean regulated foods like durian due to its smell [2/28/2023 5:30 AM] itsskyliner I can no longer discuss tanks and stuff [2/28/2023 5:30 AM] itsskyliner https://tenor.com/view/1984-skander-big-brother-gif-21303304 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/1984-skander-big-brother-gif-21303304 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/g_4oxb-Uug_kOPiQN16zqFBTnNH94T5TENpDrjR0UGU/https/media.tenor.com/KpzU7TGzfEcAAAAD/1984-skander.png [2/28/2023 5:30 AM] meganought dude. [2/28/2023 5:31 AM] meganought mods using that meme is uncool. [2/28/2023 5:31 AM] emperor_sombra I really think they are just worried about kids seeing drug and gun talk. [2/28/2023 5:32 AM] dragonsreborn333 Yeah that’s fair [2/28/2023 5:32 AM] itsskyliner I hope so, it's just so vague and such a blanket rule that it could potentially apply to a lot of things [2/28/2023 5:50 AM] .sor This is most likely the fear of people discussing doing a shooting in Discord. [2/28/2023 7:14 AM] gamoray Odd, I can't find that in the updated discord guidelines on their site [2/28/2023 7:27 AM] emperor_sombra https://discord.com/guidelines {Embed} https://discord.com/guidelines Community Guidelines | Discord These community guidelines are developed to make sure everyone on Discord has a good time making great memories. https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/sWcA-ygu9-PNII7FixV4z6y1ghgom4r-bDy2HXKq26A/https/assets-global.website-files.com/625fe439fb70a9d901e138ab/62e7de80f30846346e5910f0_photo_2022-01-08_22-08-17.jpg [2/28/2023 7:35 AM] gamoray I looked through that, and don't see the section you highlighted [2/28/2023 7:35 AM] gamoray Oh wait [2/28/2023 7:35 AM] gamoray It was in an odd spot [2/28/2023 7:35 AM] gamoray Nvm [2/28/2023 7:36 AM] gamoray Legit looked over it 3 times and somehow missed it every time [2/28/2023 7:47 AM] meganought same [2/28/2023 7:47 AM] meganought it took like 5 tries [2/28/2023 7:57 AM] imiya Interesting addition [2/28/2023 2:19 PM] miboopls Counterpoint: minimum age is 13 so the app isn’t meant for kids anyway unless they’re planning on lowering that sometime soon. That said I think this is meant to target fringe radical communities that could harbor potential criminals/terrorists and all that. To me it just seems like another way to slap them down if they get a report. I.e. if they only find an unhealthy and concerning amount of drug/gun talk and not much else wrong. I doubt that they will waste their time targeting and fighting larger communities that generally are healthy parts of discord. However, that’s just what I’d do and I’ve been wrong before [3/8/2023 11:08 AM] emperor_sombra https://discord.com/blog/clarifying-our-dangerous-and-regulated-goods-policy {Embed} https://discord.com/blog/clarifying-our-dangerous-and-regulated-goods-policy Clarifying Our Dangerous and Regulated Goods Policy We recently announced updates to our Community Guidelines, which go into effect March 27, 2023. In this article, we’re diving deeper to clarify our Dangerous and Regulated Goods policy. https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/IXZmu7-w38dkUSG7NL8G0gpB3C12OZlkmk8cWqJuPhU/https/assets-global.website-files.com/5f9072399b2640f14d6a2bf4/6402942dbef5384072addc0d_BackupBlogHeaders_Batch2Artboard%25207.png [3/8/2023 11:08 AM] emperor_sombra Discord is taking back those recent guideline changes for now. [3/8/2023 2:32 PM] fluffymarsh MLP General Completed one year:partytimepinkie: {Reactions} ApogeYEAH [3/8/2023 2:32 PM] ch33z3gutz congrats! [3/8/2023 3:15 PM] romulus4444 {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/910228538454577173.png [3/8/2023 3:16 PM] romulus4444 Congrats! [3/8/2023 6:04 PM] phoenixfire42 @Ponies React! I don't mind that much personally, but the last guy that was reported on is badgering me in DMs about your bot ban. Maybe it's not such a good idea to specify the reason that explicitly to them when you ban them based on PCL. It could cause some drama between servers. Maybe a policy on this is warranted, idk :Derp: [3/8/2023 6:05 PM] emperor_sombra :SpitSmh: [3/8/2023 6:06 PM] phoenixfire42 More so referring to explicitly saying it was an EQD related ban :Derp: [3/8/2023 6:07 PM] emperor_sombra Did the bot tell them why we banned them? [3/8/2023 6:07 PM] phoenixfire42 Yes [3/8/2023 6:07 PM] phoenixfire42 They got the ban message as a DM [3/8/2023 6:07 PM] emperor_sombra Ah ok. [3/8/2023 6:08 PM] phoenixfire42 It's a pretty minor point, just something that can create discussions that don't really need to happen by accident. [3/8/2023 6:09 PM] emperor_sombra I had that setting turned off and it still sent a DM. [3/8/2023 6:09 PM] phoenixfire42 They DMed me this [3/8/2023 6:09 PM] phoenixfire42 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1083164681180553379/image.png?ex=66171c38&is=6604a738&hm=fb3fb000b5d37b9e932bc4bcb10e3c707ece3eade2b725f2f251f3cb161e975a& [3/8/2023 6:09 PM] phoenixfire42 So they got it from the bot [3/8/2023 6:11 PM] comradesparkle Yes, our bot does that too. We get around it by either not banning them using the bot, or if we do, using a code phrase to say it was based on evidence from a pcl report [3/8/2023 6:12 PM] emperor_sombra Never got conformation that the bot was sending DMs until now. I thought I had it turned off. [3/8/2023 6:14 PM] phoenixfire42 I know it's an accident. I'm not upset, it's just a thing that can create drama. [3/8/2023 6:35 PM] romulus4444 is that Dyno? good to know [3/8/2023 6:44 PM] stormshadow_cote No, it’s Mee6 [3/8/2023 6:45 PM] romulus4444 oh i must have been thinking of shining armor then [3/8/2023 6:45 PM] stormshadow_cote Yea [3/8/2023 6:46 PM] stormshadow_cote Another reason Mee6 is a bad bot. [3/8/2023 6:46 PM] stormshadow_cote :stupidmee6: [3/8/2023 7:07 PM] gamoray oof, Mee6 is just stinky to me because they do NFT scams {Reactions} silverstreamthis (2) [3/9/2023 7:22 AM] ch33z3gutz the shunk shack will be closing down on march 12th {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1083364249042169996/IMG_9217.png?ex=6617d614&is=66056114&hm=07f9b62c2893e87912a3b9e5adb4aebe3201de959734f435708a742ed3b9ddeb& [3/9/2023 9:40 AM] dragonsreborn333 F [3/9/2023 12:44 PM] phoenixfire42 I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately that does put me in a bit of a tough spot. :TwiNervous: @deleted-role if you guys close down you'll have to leave. :Derp: I'd accept a rebrand if Shunks just wanted to step away. You've got until then to think about it I guess. :dashshrug: [3/9/2023 12:46 PM] fieldofcloverz Totally understandable ^^ I was gonna bring it up [3/9/2023 1:20 PM] _shunks_ Understandable 👍 [3/10/2023 12:07 PM] Deleted User rip my friend in this server [3/12/2023 6:10 PM] epicacrylic We've closed the server With that, I myself have asked to be part of the ChrispyCondo team, but we will be retiring the Shack role as of today [3/12/2023 7:27 PM] Deleted User You already applied for another server? [3/12/2023 7:28 PM] epicacrylic Chrispy is a close friend so ye [3/12/2023 8:01 PM] Deleted User I see. [3/20/2023 10:04 AM] evil_gavier Hey, there's a new server going around (some of you have probably seen it already), organizing early in case rplace 3 happens. They're legit, and got most of the big names from last year already. Could we add them to this server? It'd make things way easier for everyone that wants to participate if every pony server knows about it and can point users there [3/20/2023 10:05 AM] vuisammie Ooooo [3/20/2023 6:12 PM] phoenixfire42 Is there reason to believe r/place is going to happen again though? Also is this actually a normal server? [3/20/2023 6:17 PM] meganought theres a lot of rumours and some evidence that reddit's been messing around with the r/place codebase we wont know for sure till they announce something, but we're just planning on the off chance. manechat's traditionally been the hub for r/place stuff but tbh we're still just emotionally drained from the last one and dont want to host things [3/20/2023 6:25 PM] phoenixfire42 Yea, I was there for the last one I saw the mess. It's not a bad idea to be ready for it like that. Idk if PCL serves much value to that though if it's not a public server yet. [3/24/2023 6:20 PM] emperor_sombra The new soundboard feature is coming April 6th I think. A new role permission is in the server settings already. It is on by default for everyone. The sound board lets people play sounds by pressing buttons in voice chat. There are some default sounds and people with the right permission can add new sounds. The permission "Manage Emoji and Stickers" will change to "Manage Expressions" which includes emojis, stickers, and sounds. This FAQ explains it well. https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/12612888127767 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1088950525074096150/Soundboard.png?ex=6619b3b4&is=66073eb4&hm=03ef480206cf87f6d7e0d8c4af228d4cac861352a2a56a218a9d21f6d4f001a6& {Embed} https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/12612888127767 Soundboard FAQ This experimental feature is only available to manage and play on desktop to a limited number of communities! For mobile users, they will be able to hear sounds played through Soundboard. Since thi... [3/24/2023 6:21 PM] Deleted User we need to be clear so that people can't abuse it [3/24/2023 6:21 PM] emperor_sombra Yeah, turn this off now for everyone if you don't want it abused. [3/24/2023 7:38 PM] Deleted User You can just use a soundboard to go through your mic, you know like how everyone does it [6/20/2023 12:30 PM] langou @LFO's Community Hello, the reason I'm reaching you is because the user @Phantom Logic informs me that this account @Floofle Poof is used by @Pegamation to purposely re-enter to a server after getting banned, can you confirm that you have ban Floofle Poof in your server after realizing that it was an account of Pegamation? If it's the case, is it necessary to take some actions on Floofle Poof account on the many servers it's in? [6/20/2023 12:41 PM] langou - Pegamation has been banned from The Top Ten Pony Videos yesterday and Floofle Poof has joined today 6h ago. [6/20/2023 12:59 PM] .mattz Yes absolutely, as soon as they joined my server they were suspiciously complaining about me banning pegamation [6/20/2023 1:00 PM] .mattz I could tell that it was pegamation on an alt {Reactions} ponkcheck [6/20/2023 1:07 PM] comradesparkle Interesting, if you have proof of that you should post it as a report, as pegamation has been reported twice and we accept reporting alt accounts [6/20/2023 1:16 PM] langou I'm releasing that i don't have Top Ten Pony Videos role i'm a mod here too ^^ [6/20/2023 1:18 PM] comradesparkle you do now [6/20/2023 1:19 PM] langou thx :ponkcheck: [6/21/2023 12:21 PM] vuisammie Hey, I just want to give a heads up on pony palace, we are currently having thoughts of shutting down the server after lack of activity and general brony talk in the server. [6/21/2023 12:23 PM] amoo. Aw man that sucks to hear, such a big server. Incase y'all need any help with ideas on how to increase user interest and activity I am up for DMs. I go now *woosh*. [6/21/2023 12:25 PM] vuisammie Well that’s the thing, we host events, we are starting to host raffles, but nothing seems to be working… and it doesn’t help that half of our staff, including the leader, is basically dead, and the person who is taking charge is basically changing the server more than they seem to have mood swings… [6/21/2023 12:26 PM] amoo. :AL_AmooThink: [6/21/2023 12:26 PM] vuisammie If anything, I think I’ve given it my all… we just lost what the server truly was in the first place, and can’t seem to get it back. [6/21/2023 12:27 PM] amoo. Perhaps, talk to the leader and so they could transfer their ownership to somebody from the team that is WILLING to work on the server and make it better than it already is. I know that feeling, I had my server dead for almost whole 2 years, but now with its 750 members its running smoothly. [6/21/2023 12:28 PM] amoo. From what I see it kinda lacks encouragement, aka, no level ranks. If people wanna get something, they must chat and due to levels they recieve perks from that, that is *something* that raises server activity and interest a little bit higher. <:] [6/21/2023 12:28 PM] vuisammie We have level ranks [6/21/2023 12:28 PM] amoo. :AL_AmooAlerted: [6/21/2023 12:29 PM] vuisammie Honestly, I just want to start fresh. [6/21/2023 12:29 PM] amoo. I think that would be perfect. As in, completely resetting the serveror creating a new one from scratch? [6/21/2023 12:30 PM] vuisammie Creating one from scratch, but one that had the original intention of pony palace… or rather friendship land as it truly was. [6/21/2023 12:32 PM] amoo. :AL_AmooGiggle: Well, if it is really THAT bad then, perhaps creating one from scratch would be perfect. Wishing you luck, though, of course do take some time to think before doing something, maybe there is a way out to revive the current server. As mentioned, maybe try talking to the leader, transfer ownerships and updating the server, who knows how it will end up? [6/21/2023 12:36 PM] gabrizzy well that's not good, if you plan on creating a new one, i could help you out [6/21/2023 12:36 PM] amoo. Same here, but at most with suggestions :AL_AmooGiggle: [6/21/2023 1:21 PM] vuisammie I might take your offer on this. I’m still hesitant to pull the trigger on the server though [6/21/2023 2:11 PM] vuisammie You know it’s bad when the most activity we get in the server is when people start talking about guns [6/21/2023 2:21 PM] emperor_sombra :AJshotgun: :GlockIsMagic: :KirinGun: [6/21/2023 2:23 PM] vuisammie :CadanceGun: :derpgun: :RDwidagun: [6/21/2023 2:57 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/angry-bunny-gun-gif-23859392 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/angry-bunny-gun-gif-23859392 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/HEnz4cpXjqvnzSYPyJIWSgSbTILBP67NUBab8wHcCKA/https/media.tenor.com/nZHmrLEBb68AAAAD/angry-bunny-gun.png [6/21/2023 3:11 PM] ice_daddy :twigun: [6/21/2023 3:13 PM] Deleted User :kiringun: [6/21/2023 3:13 PM] feedthemee 🔫 [6/21/2023 3:44 PM] romulus4444 :ponkwithponkgun: [6/21/2023 3:46 PM] fluffymarsh :G5ponywithgun: [6/21/2023 3:47 PM] dragonsreborn333 What a poor choice of words knowing that the chat talks about guns💀 [6/21/2023 7:06 PM] langou :PearbutterxShotgunner: [6/21/2023 7:07 PM] zatillias :sunofagun: [6/21/2023 8:25 PM] gabrizzy give it some more time [6/21/2023 8:25 PM] gabrizzy and speaking about guns [6/21/2023 8:26 PM] gabrizzy https://tenor.com/view/scout-gif-25786536 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/scout-gif-25786536 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/_Yb7PlTIGGw79o_SOCLk8vSGeUIEG7PLl8LF7iIhaD0/https/media.tenor.com/-CKrl-DTP1UAAAAD/scout.png [6/21/2023 10:39 PM] feedthemee joke's on you i'm flashbang resistant {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1121268284361277531/image.png?ex=66174d77&is=6604d877&hm=f534759db29eee27f9b9c211e629dc94ea01b55524079fb7dc9374ae2f853d6c& [6/21/2023 10:42 PM] gabrizzy *bonk* [6/21/2023 10:43 PM] feedthemee oUcH [6/24/2023 2:21 PM] vuisammie I would like to relinquish my title as a pony palace representative [6/24/2023 2:22 PM] vuisammie Which also means I should probably let myself out since I probably no longer have a right to be in this server. [6/24/2023 2:22 PM] romulus4444 that's how it was when shunk shack shut down [6/24/2023 2:23 PM] romulus4444 sad to see ya go [6/24/2023 2:23 PM] vuisammie I know… thanks for the good experience, I might be back, who knows [6/24/2023 2:23 PM] romulus4444 :rdsalute: [6/24/2023 2:24 PM] feedthemee https://tenor.com/view/doctor-who-wilfred-mott-salute-gif-5165008 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/doctor-who-wilfred-mott-salute-gif-5165008 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/QCN4nOupU9Jyl19nZ1U1KII1tL2W1Td-j-Usvgcfozc/https/media.tenor.com/7PQIE7pndmYAAAAD/doctor-who-wilfred.png [6/24/2023 2:25 PM] gabrizzy godspeed, and good luck [6/24/2023 10:57 PM] romulus4444 i'm gonna clean up #server-portal a bit. i may be pinging some people for new invite links if they are expired [6/24/2023 11:00 PM] romulus4444 ok nvm the only server that needed reposting i am staff in already. all done! [6/25/2023 8:25 AM] langou :RDSalute: [6/27/2023 6:44 PM] amoo. Alright so I joined on my alt just now which has access to servers I wouldn't want my original account to be in and I came across **Sugarcube Corner**, in which the high staffs are: Homiegunz [@homiegunz 1027119086494289930], HomieSkid @Skid 1014654359147118723, Skipy who used to be a staff [@SkipyThewoman 1000617462003421244]. Worm aka Ethreal who is the owner [@worm 738559376645685248] Posting these users here because they were reported before: https://discord.com/channels/981802864353632266/982421543873282109/1050907054929358878 https://discord.com/channels/981802864353632266/982421543873282109/1066263522268430377 I checked in the server and it appears to be 'somewhat' dead, but, openly full of NSFW contents and disturbing commentary/posts [examples listed below]. Sceenshots include some disturbing stuff for examples (Censored + censored users) including r@p3 jokes/commentary, NSFW imagery in general chats and so on from the most RECENT finds. Reason why I am posting this here is to suggest to reporting this server to Discord itself and perhaps specific users too, due to it breaking TOS guidelines, and, typically, seeing that 50+ people have reacted that they are 18-, they can openly view that type of content there in the server which is absolutely disgusting. And terribly sorry if I used the wrong channel.. I really dunno if its suitable for #reports or whatever else. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1123383466667540520/SPOILER_image.png?ex=6615c4e1&is=66034fe1&hm=714980db6c12e4af26a94302d85560b37671c3c74be3e0ac58a52aeba5427c2f& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1123383466889859142/SPOILER_image.png?ex=6615c4e1&is=66034fe1&hm=01d3d3dc29338ef56da60b7bfeb039c4fa638a5258763de9d79928bef751c4d1& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1123383467103756488/SPOILER_image.png?ex=6615c4e2&is=66034fe2&hm=ac29075210f9a7bc30676a9dd089e18054a4b95f09f1246559d5e8bf0893315a& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1123383467355406396/SPOILER_image.png?ex=6615c4e2&is=66034fe2&hm=6b51ad2a562949d7d3b64003f092d5aae28d793407b64a5b625b2bd6756dd846& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1123383467586113537/image.png?ex=6615c4e2&is=66034fe2&hm=464a7aeeefc342a23a58d466506c22b5741a0d912fcd7ae35fd523afb91d1d4e& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1123383467816788008/SPOILER_image.png?ex=6615c4e2&is=66034fe2&hm=775f1bfc0b069938d97c7619c056f8da57448728d9e1d5b75b3dcfd58f2ce395& [6/27/2023 7:10 PM] romulus4444 HOW is this motherfucker STILL in these servers?? {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1123389807121420368/image.png?ex=6615cac9&is=660355c9&hm=f628aa35d085f1e9d2d8c2e22488abd694b764d229a9271983026ecfceb46a6e& [6/27/2023 7:10 PM] romulus4444 wait hang on that's a different guy [6/27/2023 7:11 PM] romulus4444 no i was right the first time [6/27/2023 7:11 PM] romulus4444 wtf [6/27/2023 7:14 PM] amoo. {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1092531423098966076.png [6/27/2023 7:15 PM] stormshadow_cote He's also in a server that's not a part of here, a small server dedicated to the reactor Ponybro I Guess [6/27/2023 7:15 PM] amoo. Thats the right guy dw. [6/27/2023 7:15 PM] amoo. I re-checked the IDs like 6 times x] [6/27/2023 7:15 PM] nightstars. dam... homiegunz is also in my server [6/27/2023 7:15 PM] nightstars. didn't know that [6/27/2023 7:16 PM] romulus4444 isn't this one of the guys who nuked MLP General? [6/27/2023 7:16 PM] nightstars. from my latest knowledge, it was someone named quastik [6/27/2023 7:16 PM] amoo. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1123391520423284808/image.png?ex=6615cc62&is=66035762&hm=e4c695607bf5bda28cb78dcc04c2cff0cbc08ceeac89352b36012ebd8f12c56d& [6/27/2023 7:17 PM] nightstars. oh? [6/27/2023 7:17 PM] nightstars. so not only quastik aka sandwork & foregone05 [6/27/2023 7:18 PM] nightstars. lemme show his main acc and alts, he got +11 more but couldn't find em yet [6/27/2023 7:19 PM] nightstars. @deleted_user_dce74c110f8a 601599776294961154 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1123392258780180561/image.png?ex=6615cd12&is=66035812&hm=312c7b6ea4c626b227709ca69cce721725a414a5ed360312e0472da698e50e85& [6/27/2023 7:20 PM] nightstars. @catatonia 604310704501030933 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1123392406763618394/image.png?ex=6615cd35&is=66035835&hm=c7df0ec55898f6042ad63e9237bf559d04e25d04a5b800019e782c21a9a9d404& [6/27/2023 7:20 PM] nightstars. there, this person was involved in multiple raids [6/27/2023 7:20 PM] romulus4444 wait that's Glim Enjoyer?? [6/27/2023 7:20 PM] nightstars. yes! [6/27/2023 7:20 PM] romulus4444 holy fuck [6/27/2023 7:20 PM] nightstars. sadly [6/27/2023 7:20 PM] nightstars. mhm [6/27/2023 7:22 PM] amoo. Oh yes this dude uhmmm... also from Sugarcube {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1123392996583415858/image.png?ex=6615cdc2&is=660358c2&hm=4ecceadd1048d089e266e9e449d024f8b121abba0f9775d60cf29478f6eb3e57& [6/27/2023 7:22 PM] amoo. They are toxic asf like damn get help. [6/27/2023 7:22 PM] nightstars. what's more sad is he tried manipulating people to make them think he's innocent and also he manipulated some admins to grant him perms [6/27/2023 7:23 PM] nightstars. ikr?? [6/27/2023 7:23 PM] amoo. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1123393103605280950/image.png?ex=6615cddb&is=660358db&hm=fb40eb3f4bf805b2f1a50491ce9e1ba566ef81181f388fe78eaf06599fae7fd9& [6/27/2023 7:23 PM] romulus4444 what is sandwork's alt that was reported here? [6/27/2023 7:23 PM] nightstars. one of his alts is @catatonia [6/27/2023 7:23 PM] nightstars. he got +11 more [6/27/2023 7:24 PM] nightstars. I'm trying to catch em all [6/27/2023 7:25 PM] nightstars. was sandwork ever reported here? [6/27/2023 7:26 PM] nightstars. cuz he should get reported tbh, he traumatized lots of innocent users [6/27/2023 7:26 PM] romulus4444 ponies react did, but they (that account) hadn't broken any manechat rules yet, so we left them [6/27/2023 7:26 PM] romulus4444 @Emperor Sombra you were right [6/27/2023 7:26 PM] romulus4444 i didn't know they were an alt of that guy [6/27/2023 7:27 PM] amoo. 😭 Bro {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1123394192794718248/image.png?ex=6615cedf&is=660359df&hm=2df919876607a4b7d730dfc2caa83fd8544cfcc3b1db048feeaafe250c21be2c& {Reactions} 🗿 [6/27/2023 7:27 PM] nightstars. :michaelmyers: [6/27/2023 7:27 PM] romulus4444 apparently they were just terrible on that account too, jeez [6/27/2023 7:28 PM] nightstars. mhm [6/27/2023 7:28 PM] nightstars. sandwork suppose to be his main account [6/27/2023 7:28 PM] nightstars. but I guess he got no main account from the beginning [6/27/2023 7:35 PM] romulus4444 thanks for the heads up y'all [6/27/2023 7:37 PM] amoo. 💪 [6/27/2023 7:39 PM] nightstars. :ChankaSalute: [6/29/2023 11:36 AM] dragonsreborn333 Feesh {Reactions} 🐟 (2) [7/22/2023 3:20 PM] meganought great idea, seeing how common scams have become [7/22/2023 3:21 PM] meganought if i was a betting man id even be thinking it was just one or two users doing it [7/22/2023 3:21 PM] phoenixfire42 Idk, but there are clearly bot farms around [7/22/2023 3:28 PM] comradesparkle there are a number of recurring names that crop up a lot in those scam accounts. I think you could be right that it's just a small number of people behind it [7/22/2023 3:29 PM] romulus4444 hopefully this will help streamline the reports channel for more serious community threats [7/22/2023 3:36 PM] meganought can i ask why we need to lay things out like this: i find it easier to just do ID: @Meganought 95828309849432064 saves a bit of time rather than type out an extra word, makes the log more compact {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1132395835230011583/image.png?ex=661adece&is=660869ce&hm=85a5d7569ee3b44fed9b904dabf72b8e1df3ed45169748c40ac14aac8f851918& [7/22/2023 3:37 PM] phoenixfire42 That's fair tbh [7/22/2023 3:37 PM] meganought not a huge issue or anything [7/22/2023 3:40 PM] phoenixfire42 Yea I just felt a compulsion to redo that board. I might also touch up the rules here in a bit to address the new board. Just gotta think about it, nothing major changing atm. [7/22/2023 3:42 PM] phoenixfire42 If there is anything I should address, y'all can let me know :Derp: [7/22/2023 5:21 PM] Deleted User Can’t believe our own leader would do such a thing [7/22/2023 5:22 PM] Deleted User {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1124944615913558048.png [7/22/2023 5:22 PM] Deleted User Sad day [7/22/2023 5:29 PM] phoenixfire42 :spikewtf: [7/22/2023 5:30 PM] feedthemee what [7/22/2023 5:40 PM] Deleted User :ZoniLaugh: [7/23/2023 9:29 PM] Deleted User wait what [7/23/2023 9:29 PM] Deleted User oh wait nvm [7/30/2023 4:09 PM] Deleted User idk where to put this at this is strange, idk if this person is bad or not its a very diffrent speech if the person is bad {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1135303162857803816/image.png?ex=661c37f6&is=6609c2f6&hm=0e6aab68af91cbf90376ad4e749a868bc975789c8ec198d08c27abdf0efac39d& [7/30/2023 4:10 PM] Deleted User nvm there we go {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1135303308702134404/image.png?ex=661c3819&is=6609c319&hm=3211f8d3da86edf339b021a519f8c4920ce0049fe740f79a8a1fcbc1be7edbe5& [7/30/2023 4:12 PM] phoenixfire42 new version of an art scammer? [7/30/2023 4:12 PM] phoenixfire42 The whole "let me work for you" is the scam [7/30/2023 4:12 PM] phoenixfire42 Also "Arts" in the name [7/30/2023 4:12 PM] phoenixfire42 Biggest red flag ever [7/30/2023 4:14 PM] Deleted User yeah. i just always make sure if someone with arts in the name is a scammer or not [7/30/2023 4:15 PM] phoenixfire42 I've seen one or 2 people that are not, but that's against a mountain of 100+ that are. Tbh at this point it's just stupid for you to do that if you aren't a scammer. It's just stupid to do it if you are a scammer, you would think they would learn. [7/30/2023 4:17 PM] Deleted User Not everyone knows the word "art" is used in these scammers username. plus. i find it quite mean just to call someone a scammer who isnt just because arts is in their name. [7/30/2023 4:19 PM] phoenixfire42 Well I mean yea, you can verify, but that verification is pretty easy to do. If there's any doubt at all, talk to them in your server in a hidden chat. If they get back to you in a way that someone who has any understanding of English at all would (or even just at all tbh), they aren't a scammer. [7/30/2023 4:20 PM] phoenixfire42 These bots or account farm workers just join servers to DM scam people. They won't respond to even direct pings in your server [7/31/2023 1:33 PM] Deleted User i just hate when pepople get falsely accused of being a scammer just because they have art their name [7/31/2023 2:20 PM] romulus4444 Has that actually happened? [7/31/2023 2:58 PM] Deleted User prob [7/31/2023 2:58 PM] Deleted User idk [7/31/2023 3:19 PM] stormshadow_cote If there's no evidence of it happening yet, it's best not to get worked up over hypotheticals as long as such a prevalent issue is currently at hand. [7/31/2023 4:13 PM] meganought basic vetting should be applied, obviously [7/31/2023 5:51 PM] comradesparkle We've had one show up, and were almost banned, but seemed slightly different from the typical scam account. They answered our questions, talk in the server now and again, and a regular had actually already commissioned something from them and received it, so :shrugderp: [7/31/2023 6:01 PM] comradesparkle The real scam accounts you can sort of spot easily most of the time. One of them likes using arts in the name, especially with female names before it. Recent discord join with an art related name is an obvious one. If in doubt, Jail them and probe. If they ignore you in there, they're a scammer. Linked accounts are worth checking, some of them can be many years old but are just filled with junk like retweets trying to bury scam pestering that they send out. [8/16/2023 10:26 AM] emperor_sombra If anyone here used Discord.io they got hacked. It is an unofficial website for listing Discord servers. https://youtu.be/wJbKwOY2sio {Embed} No Text To Speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJbKwOY2sio Discord.io got hacked! Discord.io is NOT Discord.gg / Discord.com! But this hack / data breach does affect Discord users that may have used Discord.io (yeah it's confusing) Discord.io, a website like top.gg and disboard.org that allows you to advertise your server as well as create free vanity invite links, got breached. 760,000 users had their information uploaded t... https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/LURc1SsTE7fzVQfZrU1J0fHExno0TQWUSI_Ynqw8aCM/https/i.ytimg.com/vi/wJbKwOY2sio/maxresdefault.jpg [9/5/2023 3:28 PM] epiclper Can an @Admin maybe invite "DonglySFM" here too? He's Admin for PonySFM and SFM-Ponies, also a creator/helper for many of the current SFM models out there. [9/5/2023 3:28 PM] epiclper :pone_love: [9/5/2023 4:52 PM] phoenixfire42 You can invite your own staff here. We have a landing channel to screen anyone who joins to make sure they are indeed your staff. [9/6/2023 4:00 PM] nightstars. that's sad to see @Griffith doing this in https://discord.com/channels/981802864353632266/982421543873282109/1148848082218389654 I thought they were good [9/6/2023 9:05 PM] gabrizzy what's worse is that they think ||sexual assault|| is okay as long as it's "fictional" [9/7/2023 7:47 PM] nightstars. I have sadly issued ban to @Griffith because I can't trust their present since they justify such a thing, what else they could do in the future, so yeah, its for the best [9/7/2023 9:30 PM] gabrizzy :flutteryes: [9/18/2023 6:31 PM] vuisammie Hey @EQD keep on eye on @GeoGameDev. They posted something very similar to another person who purposely tried to send a scam thru a “questionnaire”. This happened a few years back in pony palace. Just keep an eye. [9/18/2023 6:41 PM] vuisammie Also this, and I don’t know if it’s just me, but the a button is far away from the i on the keyboard, so I think there may be some lying going on. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1153460772001808444/IMG_2022.png?ex=661dad0e&is=660b380e&hm=cb8d126575b9151331d8a9cdc99daed239d786b6c17585616a3662ba79b11089& [9/18/2023 6:44 PM] phoenixfire42 Why would they message you for that :spikewtf: [9/18/2023 6:44 PM] phoenixfire42 I saw it happen but they left the server already [9/18/2023 6:45 PM] vuisammie Maybe because of how I reacted to that suspicious message they sent in the server? [9/18/2023 6:45 PM] vuisammie May have mistaken me as a mod [9/18/2023 6:45 PM] vuisammie This happens in two other servers as well, no worries. [9/20/2023 9:29 AM] vuisammie Hey, just looked into this, unsure if it should be called this anymore, but the more I look at pony palace, the more I’m thinking it’s completely moving away from being a mlp server. I don’t know if that means anything, but I think it should be important to note. [9/20/2023 10:17 AM] romulus4444 I got a double doomsday ping from there yesterday so i double checked the staff is still intact [9/20/2023 10:19 AM] romulus4444 They're still a 2k+ server with a lot of user overlap with the rest of the servers here, so even if they stop being pony they and we could still benefit from mutual mod reports [9/20/2023 10:30 AM] vuisammie Less than 2k, 1879 last I checked. This number seems to be dropping at a steady pace. [9/20/2023 10:31 AM] vuisammie Invite links do wonders in showing you something private servers aren’t supposed to show… [9/20/2023 10:36 AM] romulus4444 Lol, speaking of which, you need to update yours https://discord.com/channels/981802864353632266/983582763720527872/1094811672834736170 [9/20/2023 10:37 AM] vuisammie To be fair, I’m no longer an admin there, but I guess since I have it might as well fix that [9/20/2023 10:38 AM] vuisammie There ya go {Reactions} lyrathumbsup [9/20/2023 3:49 PM] phoenixfire42 Honestly, I know this is a pony thing, but it could stand to benefit from broadening the scope if enough people were okay with it. [9/20/2023 3:53 PM] phoenixfire42 Like, furry servers are massive and are also where most of the scams come from. Don't need to do it, but just sayin' [9/20/2023 3:54 PM] phoenixfire42 Anecdotally I can confirm that because a lot of the art scams I get are in them (and in pony servers) :GlimISee: [9/20/2023 4:06 PM] vuisammie Yeah, that’s true… both parts :hahapanic: [9/26/2023 10:22 PM] amoo. So he brought it up in my DMs and out of curiosity I asked why would he in the first place begin discussing NSFW subjects in someone's DMs as they are underage and this is what I'm being spammed with 😭 😭 😭 Idk how to respond or if I should believe any of it idk {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1156415532489265233/Screenshot_20230927_102101_Discord.jpg?ex=6615f7e4&is=660382e4&hm=b4cd0480a6637d672b3d2fa9a300ae32601cb54cfa18ec5825226f97118feedc& [9/26/2023 10:22 PM] amoo. Has there been anything else going on idk? {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1156415656326086656/Screenshot_20230927_102240_Discord.jpg?ex=6615f801&is=66038301&hm=28f050694d51ed5312ae3bad81791dc92a32d01e3282853cc566b693af5b1777& [9/26/2023 10:23 PM] amoo. Sorry if this is the wrong place [9/26/2023 10:24 PM] amoo. Idk where it'll be relevant [9/26/2023 10:24 PM] dragonsreborn333 I’m still having that issue with discord not loading the images [9/26/2023 10:27 PM] amoo. Ok [9/26/2023 10:30 PM] dragonsreborn333 Those two have never joined plaza [9/26/2023 10:30 PM] amoo. 'Those two'? [9/26/2023 10:31 PM] dragonsreborn333 Kaiser and blue shade [9/27/2023 7:28 AM] emperor_sombra Yeah I don't understand how Kaiser thinks and talks half the time. [9/27/2023 8:36 AM] vuisammie Ah, yeah, kinda forgot the report, but did have a feeling the conversation would go south if a conversation about their pfp was brought up really to any full extent. I don’t know, something seemed a bit off [10/2/2023 2:06 AM] amoo. Anybody knows about this guy? In one day within a few hours he managed to join like 8 mutual servers that both him and I are in and I am unaware incase he had done any suspicious activities + fresh account 1154526632934129735 @Dragon {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1158283799751307347/IMG_3432.png?ex=661cc3d9&is=660a4ed9&hm=6d38a7f60d94c37b0ab24f80b1aee93da708851a0c46f9f42ba2f5b8a65f5c0d& [10/2/2023 2:09 AM] dragonsreborn333 Hmm he’s in plaza just joined too [10/2/2023 2:25 AM] epiclper Maybe got banned on another account or something? [10/2/2023 2:36 AM] amoo. Dunno how verification is very… basic and doesn’t say anything else {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1158291432898039829/IMG_3435.png?ex=661ccaf5&is=660a55f5&hm=a561cdd58403ebbc3fb54cce0b695a7d2823c06b06be01789f112a043aaa0b40& [10/2/2023 2:36 AM] amoo. Caused my concern cuz he joined many servers at once and it’s like eh?? [10/4/2023 1:09 AM] da_blue_cola https://discord.com/channels/981802864353632266/982421543873282109/1156447056685187082 🍿 [10/7/2023 5:10 AM] amoo. Sorry if this is the wrong channel to place, has anybody heard anything about this? Screenshots are still working in progress but idk, there will be more info soon here and there {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1160142035081252874/Screenshot_2023-10-07_170630.png?ex=661a4bf7&is=6607d6f7&hm=aa442c62c2acf7f794e9729ee720aee0eddb742398bb3c38c58e09018dd6a136& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1160142035458723860/Screenshot_2023-10-07_170653.png?ex=661a4bf7&is=6607d6f7&hm=ab7a6bfab5422a4f104e47a550501933f3c5b87f998a9be0502e1312cc80cf0a& [10/10/2023 5:07 PM] vuisammie What I was saying is discord currently (according to what I’ve seen) is only allowing dms with people you are currently friends with. It seems like it is cracking down on the massive surge of bots that happened today. This means that sharing a server isn’t enough to be able to dm someone at the moment. Don’t know if it’s been fixed yet, but I just had it happen to me and a server just pinged everyone about the issue [10/10/2023 5:10 PM] comradesparkle I have real doubts this is due to the scammers we face. They all already send friend requests to start with so they don't get blocked out when they get banned [10/10/2023 5:10 PM] vuisammie The issue is resolved, dms seem to be working as they should now [10/10/2023 5:10 PM] comradesparkle This is why it's important to ban them as quickly as possible or prevent them from seeing the member list. [10/10/2023 5:12 PM] vuisammie … [10/10/2023 5:12 PM] vuisammie I think you may have missed what I was saying [10/10/2023 5:13 PM] vuisammie Oh it’s really wonky and selective on which non-friends you can dm right now… [10/10/2023 5:15 PM] meganought are you talking about the server lockdown feature? [10/10/2023 5:15 PM] vuisammie Wait a minute [10/10/2023 5:16 PM] vuisammie I think my discord just went psycho on me [10/10/2023 5:17 PM] vuisammie Okay, whatever the problem was is fixed… I don’t even know what just happened. [10/10/2023 5:17 PM] meganought probably server lockdown [10/10/2023 5:17 PM] vuisammie With someone I’m sharing 4 servers with? [10/10/2023 5:19 PM] vuisammie No it can’t be server lockdown, one of those servers I constantly get scams from. I think my discord is just being weird again. Dunno what causes it either. [10/21/2023 3:16 AM] ironsona I was told some more pedophilla going on with the same person from this report https://discord.com/channels/981802864353632266/982421543873282109/1160720041394851900 [10/24/2023 9:02 PM] vuisammie Hey, warning, this account may get compromised, taking a risk to see if something is a scam, but trying to redirect it to my alt if possible [10/24/2023 9:10 PM] databytebrony That's a really bad idea .. [10/24/2023 9:13 PM] vuisammie Btw it’s the Jupiter star in @EQD. [10/24/2023 9:23 PM] amoo. :AL_AmooWince: [10/24/2023 9:24 PM] vuisammie Shoot [10/24/2023 9:25 PM] vuisammie The more this conversation goes on I’m really starting to think it’s not a scam [10/25/2023 3:21 AM] epiclper What conversation? [10/25/2023 3:21 AM] epiclper Some kind of "game" to test :kek: [10/25/2023 5:33 AM] meganought https://tenor.com/view/war-games-joshua-woppr-strange-game-doctor-only-winning-move-is-not-to-play-gif-16198386 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/war-games-joshua-woppr-strange-game-doctor-only-winning-move-is-not-to-play-gif-16198386 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/cuBa-lynbgUy7l_6Nra7shqDTc_htncwCMeUjg7flQc/https/media.tenor.com/TWt0r0pMX2cAAAAe/war-games-joshua.png [10/27/2023 9:00 AM] amoo. Hello PCL members. After a REALLY long time of digging, my partner and I have finally found out who KRIZ’s alt is and exposed it in a pretty vague way. Unfortunately right now we are not available to type the report out as we are settling things in a more organising way to make it easy for you to read out once it’s out, but 100% later today we will get it over with, sending all information from top to bottom with all provided screenshots. Do keep in mind that this will be a pretty long report in regard to all the little pieces we have collected and most likely a brain 💥. Await for updates, that alt of his is in all of the servers his official account was banned and he used it for stalking. :) [10/27/2023 9:13 AM] gabrizzy more people to snipe, this is gonna be fun [10/27/2023 10:08 AM] amoo. Report is now being worked on, await for the post within the next hour or two. [10/27/2023 12:04 PM] gabrizzy :YippeeBounce: [10/27/2023 12:21 PM] amoo. It has been finished [10/27/2023 12:21 PM] amoo. teehee [10/27/2023 12:30 PM] astrolazuli Thanks for the work put into this, I also had suspicions about that account being his alt. [10/27/2023 12:31 PM] da_blue_cola We had them from the beginning [10/27/2023 12:31 PM] da_blue_cola I never let it go [10/27/2023 12:32 PM] astrolazuli Nice work both of you :astroheart: [10/27/2023 12:33 PM] genryu I have one question. Was the real name used to bait him, found by following the larwulf persona or the kriz persona? I think you are very likely correct either way but if you find it by following larwulf would definitely make it 100% [10/27/2023 12:38 PM] amoo. Here's yer confirmation :] {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1167502620827603015/Screenshot_2023-10-28_at_12.38.19_AM.png?ex=6619638b&is=6606ee8b&hm=fd07949bd20e582ea9d9d30f5bd852ebf3251152253843b37dd96f4442ff3dd8& [10/27/2023 12:38 PM] da_blue_cola :AL_AmooBreakdance: [10/27/2023 12:39 PM] genryu Ok perfect, thanks [10/27/2023 12:40 PM] amoo. Ofccc [11/5/2023 8:58 AM] amoo. Anyone here knows anything about this dude named Green Fluttershy? @Flag Swept 1099912847737245718 lancealot4566 They suddenly turned rude and hostile towards innocent peeps in chat after being told off to move their conversation into a different channel for more sensitive topics, because the way the began the convo was 'Why are so many people turning transgender?' and complaining about the fact that most likely they do that for attention x-x But yeah afterwards they turned hostile after we told them to change channels, afterwards left server to avoid Shadow Realm lmao. [11/5/2023 8:59 AM] amoo. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1170724028806340709/image.png?ex=661be137&is=66096c37&hm=8e8442374bd8f6de0d67484bc6debc802421b52abcbc665fc217ac18125cd04e& [11/5/2023 9:18 AM] nightstars. For me they just kept joining and leaving my server, they were barely active too, so yeah *from what I'm seeing from other servers, they seem to be problematic* [11/5/2023 9:33 AM] emperor_sombra They joined my server for a day then left. They did chat a bit and wanted to post their art. They did nothing bad during that time. [11/5/2023 10:25 AM] gabrizzy yeah they are just seeking attention [11/5/2023 10:25 AM] gabrizzy gets no attention, they get pissed, and leave [11/11/2023 9:25 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon I know them well and they are really not a good person [11/11/2023 9:27 AM] amoo. Context [11/11/2023 9:28 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon I was on an other Server mod and they joined there. First they were friendly and as if someone put a lemon into their mouth they became with no reason angry and insulted everyone for no reason. [11/26/2023 7:44 AM] vuisammie So… anyone else watching pony palace just stop existing anymore? [11/26/2023 7:53 AM] emperor_sombra I wasn't in that server. What happened? [11/26/2023 7:56 AM] vuisammie So basically… it just got worse. Leadmare has basically rebranded the whole server to become an anime roleplay server, deleted every single message up to this point… and is now abusing admin to ban people that she doesn’t like. [11/26/2023 7:59 AM] zero_problems I gave up I had a lot going on and gave the server away ive been doing jobs left and right and have gotten all my money stolen by my father so i gave up on the server and I'm sorry it's come to how it has [11/26/2023 8:00 AM] vuisammie I see… [11/26/2023 8:01 AM] vuisammie Well, I’m starting from scratch then I guess. There are now people who are willing to follow this time… [11/26/2023 8:01 AM] zero_problems I hope it goes well for you I wanted to keep trying but I had more things i to worry about and so many people told me to give up so I finally did I hope you do much better than I did [11/26/2023 8:02 AM] zero_problems Sorry that I wasn't that good of a friend either dont do what I did and don't give up [11/26/2023 8:03 AM] zero_problems I'm gonna get back to work [11/26/2023 9:17 AM] epiclper I think there was a global banlist at some point right? Would love to include that on my server(s) so I don't have to manually ban people each time [11/26/2023 11:19 AM] comradesparkle No. This server is not intended to be used as a global ban list. Not every report is someone who may need banning, you should decide based on each report what action to take, as not all reports may be applicable to your server. [11/26/2023 4:50 PM] rainbowbrony i had a bot for this but i stopped maintaining it bc this server didnt want a global ban list bot i still have that bot but it no longer runs i could bring it back to life but only if we need it [11/27/2023 6:41 AM] epiclper Tbh at the end of the day it's still each their own decision what they do, and tbh I rather ban early than not at all to prevent other people being harmed, especially when it comes to scams. If they are wrongfully banned they can send a mail. [12/1/2023 3:19 AM] amoo. Y’all who has some more information on this Blue Thunder fella that’s horribly hated on Derpibooru for harassing people that ship their OCs with Twiligjt Sparkle? :) [12/1/2023 4:04 AM] comradesparkle oooo [12/1/2023 4:04 AM] comradesparkle he's done this to me [12/1/2023 4:16 AM] comradesparkle This is probably a better fit for #ask-for-advice though. Server Meta is more quesions about the server itself. [12/1/2023 4:29 AM] amoo. O sorrii oki!! [12/17/2023 9:15 PM] amoo. Anybody got any **more** certain information on this user that goes under ItsMehLife/Bam! ItsTheBrownBrony/Appletopia/FunGuyTheFungi? 736707163749351477 1163602043563413505 [12/17/2023 9:15 PM] amoo. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1146426109697732728/1186128003697217638/IMG_4677.jpg?ex=65921ec9&is=657fa9c9&hm=06f064a830b3a6ad32503a9301b8b060039f713981ff20c90dc7d3a00ef001d5& {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1146426109697732728/1186128003697217638/IMG_4677.jpg?ex=65921ec9&is=657fa9c9&hm=06f064a830b3a6ad32503a9301b8b060039f713981ff20c90dc7d3a00ef001d5& https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1146426109697732728/1186128003697217638/IMG_4677.jpg?ex=661c8c49&is=660a1749&hm=c32e0e1bfa76c04a3f5d3b5186ffb93b79d2658870c28d6d114890993a987584& [12/17/2023 9:15 PM] amoo. If there has been any more incidents, etc. [12/17/2023 9:30 PM] gabrizzy i have more screenshots of this person justifying his reasons of dating minors [12/17/2023 9:30 PM] .derpy. I believe this was from one of their other accounts I made a report about (@SkyTheGuy 1163602043563413505). They changed their name to "StarGaze" a little bit after that report if I recall correctly. I'm not the one who got or was directly given this screenshot though, so I'm not completely sure of like where it happened just to be clear, but what he says is pretty messed up regardless. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186133351598395403/image.png?ex=661c9144&is=660a1c44&hm=8c66996f33b7d9beceff41c9e2e0fc5826146dc4954d8eaea462db96949ff896& [12/17/2023 9:31 PM] amoo. Thats helpful, thank you Derpy! [12/17/2023 9:31 PM] gabrizzy oh, so it was this person when they said they apologized to me [12/17/2023 9:31 PM] amoo. Gross 💀 [12/17/2023 9:32 PM] amoo. Aint no way a person like THAT is out there apologizing like bro, naw, you fuckin exposed yourself saying you aint attracted to adults, fuck that [12/17/2023 9:35 PM] gabrizzy at first i took his apology with a pinch of salt, until i saw his true intentions [12/17/2023 9:50 PM] gabrizzy i'm gonna leave those here to show what kind of a person he really is {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186138307550257162/image.png?ex=661c95e1&is=660a20e1&hm=373ea00c231c04f1458185f56a268fb68aee9b296a104df39d33198326a61689& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186138307948707870/image_1.png?ex=661c95e1&is=660a20e1&hm=f67814b4b536e7e1d159a676930d7a383bb3d2020c99073b9d96dbe00a54d416& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186138308183593091/image_2.png?ex=661c95e2&is=660a20e2&hm=56f5e5ea0735bbfcc3d886f36a2f7d00a76b3dadb8ee4869c42b1a97c2b26fc5& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186138308460421214/image_3.png?ex=661c95e2&is=660a20e2&hm=f19065149b9b9e6ad17b746c571a2d679560f7ca784230719db552fb4730008b& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186138308749819945/image_4.png?ex=661c95e2&is=660a20e2&hm=9a3772da87edf75fa33851e5f30fe60a86e2fca99ae6524cc181017941be1eaf& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186138309051813978/image_5.png?ex=661c95e2&is=660a20e2&hm=1bd40b436e560de6a47f83ad59d2eea8ae39b80434adce6c80c101480342ec4c& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186138309316059226/image_6.png?ex=661c95e2&is=660a20e2&hm=418703110e5a0551c0bfc296ead2e317dafb3a0cbf30a68a8001ced2c53fa657& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186138309588680724/image_7.png?ex=661c95e2&is=660a20e2&hm=c1c6c8953561304e6085be2e7be4d76d03dc581dfc045b3f78abe9783d6918ba& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186138309819371582/image_8.png?ex=661c95e2&is=660a20e2&hm=046b062bdc56c445b41558ffe97d46513d3ac8ac1e51a48bc5dd799d74449f85& [12/17/2023 9:53 PM] amoo. EUUGHHHHHGHGHGHG Would this be okay for me to post in my blacklist? :p [12/17/2023 9:54 PM] gabrizzy wait, i have more [12/17/2023 9:54 PM] gabrizzy {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186139450493894827/image_9.png?ex=661c96f2&is=660a21f2&hm=2de2dba5c4ada9656e22f56ac2b76a6b50a9542b22a0a24de085250f9f2b29f2& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186139450787504138/image_10.png?ex=661c96f2&is=660a21f2&hm=500ffe9a6fc6258f6dbbd46dda31093e207ad4e2c7ea9dc1f3a9c04014f33701& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186139451123040256/image_11.png?ex=661c96f2&is=660a21f2&hm=fc00bd3e3bca82b72a7a9e914d598e0800f10ad128c74e5a962755bc251a0208& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186139451383099473/image_12.png?ex=661c96f2&is=660a21f2&hm=649fca4cec8754dc90d15f4215b3b806efd88e3bafc1de2a315107e8df241782& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186139451680890900/image_13.png?ex=661c96f2&is=660a21f2&hm=430193da2548e4b0f79a67ae37c577b3f374f116de5c12cbb33258f77cd4318e& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186139451924152480/image_14.png?ex=661c96f2&is=660a21f2&hm=11624839a4f5a6cca21657d41825983ecb98af626146848577fa6400ee887bfc& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186139452226154527/SPOILER_IMG_2063.jpeg?ex=661c96f2&is=660a21f2&hm=be82266be564ee049b2bafb091663b0c61d3d986483abbd5d56bad2f9e4a7802& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186139452523946074/SPOILER_IMG_2072.jpeg?ex=661c96f2&is=660a21f2&hm=449227c6957f13ff513b5c00190dee00086d30d4c7cf65fc472a895576790f87& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186139452872065104/SPOILER_IMG_2071.jpeg?ex=661c96f2&is=660a21f2&hm=1be571a47135466d49d5236055bdefb4472063cce2c3e33386d1d13b9ce74f66& [12/17/2023 9:55 PM] gabrizzy there, you can go ahead and put them in your blacklist [12/17/2023 9:56 PM] zatillias What the hell [12/17/2023 10:00 PM] amoo. Thank you all very much [12/17/2023 10:01 PM] phoenixfire42 How old are they? [12/17/2023 10:01 PM] amoo. They are 20 [12/17/2023 10:01 PM] amoo. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186141166786322443/3.webp?ex=661c988b&is=660a238b&hm=f9f76bb5c79fb12a9d1cc03215d9a1c466372ea837026e0ae9b08c12ed5e41dc& [12/17/2023 10:01 PM] phoenixfire42 Honestly the more I read about this guy the more it feels like he should be reported to the NCMEC :TrixieConcern: [12/17/2023 10:02 PM] amoo. I could attempt to 'befriend' the guy on my alt and gather up some personal information [12/17/2023 10:02 PM] amoo. Might take a while but this is gross as shit, worthy attention [12/17/2023 10:02 PM] amoo. Ill send in some of my sentry to do some research too :p [12/17/2023 10:05 PM] lunar_explorator Hang on, this name seems familiar. Not from EaW, but I've seen them in other reports from another server before. They may know more. [12/17/2023 10:05 PM] lunar_explorator @Dr. Romulus [12/17/2023 10:08 PM] amoo. The reason why I am asking this is because also a lot of people on Twitter are asking about him after they found out this screenshot, so id rather inform them about it and ADDITIONALLY gather more information since he is still out there on the loose :p [12/17/2023 10:08 PM] amoo. Increases my blacklist matters also [12/17/2023 10:08 PM] amoo. So yeah, ew, fucking hell [12/17/2023 10:08 PM] amoo. 'Will you lose feelings for me if I turn 18?' **So I had to lie** 'No.' [12/17/2023 10:08 PM] amoo. THATS SO EEUEUHHGHGHUFGSJGDHJASDBVHJAB [12/17/2023 10:10 PM] amoo. I feel so bad for the victims.. [12/17/2023 10:11 PM] phoenixfire42 If he has actual victims it should be reported to the NCMEC. Does he have victims or is he just a creep? [12/17/2023 10:11 PM] amoo. Err so far from what I KNOW he did convince one of the minors to ERP with him :p [12/17/2023 10:11 PM] amoo. There are screenshots of it too but are not publicly exposed [12/17/2023 10:12 PM] amoo. Idk if there are more [12/17/2023 10:12 PM] amoo. But knowing how easy, unfortunately, they are to fall, most likely there are plenty [12/17/2023 10:12 PM] phoenixfire42 I see. Well that's too hearsay for me to do it myself, but I believe it highly possible, if not likely. [12/17/2023 10:14 PM] amoo. I will attempt to befriend the guy and pretend like I am underage on my alt to see what happens next, will attempt to gather as much as possible and make it less obvious whilst sending out my people to try and do some research if he has any socials or whatever [12/17/2023 10:19 PM] lunar_explorator https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/683026967330947127.webp?size=48&name=existential_dread&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/683026967330947127.webp?size=48&name=existential_dread&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/rWZpvP78jiEFI5PdsIjyfVdjetMnXXTEaMwE2Ig6Urk/%3Fsize%3D48%26name%3Dexistential_dread%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/683026967330947127.webp [12/17/2023 10:19 PM] lunar_explorator Good luck detective [12/17/2023 10:20 PM] lunar_explorator Maybe? I don’t know what “Good luck” implies here and or if that’d be a good thing [12/17/2023 10:21 PM] lunar_explorator “Here’s hoping for the ultimately best outcome, detective”* [12/17/2023 10:21 PM] amoo. :AL_AmooGiggle: [12/17/2023 10:22 PM] amoo. If I will get him to send me a selfie [12/17/2023 10:22 PM] amoo. He is done [12/17/2023 10:22 PM] amoo. >:) [12/17/2023 10:22 PM] amoo. My tool will find all possible shit with it [12/17/2023 10:22 PM] gabrizzy "i am going to end this man's career" [12/17/2023 10:22 PM] phoenixfire42 :GlimISee: [12/17/2023 10:23 PM] amoo. {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1124064947316474079.png [12/17/2023 10:23 PM] amoo. Teehee!!! [12/17/2023 10:26 PM] lunar_explorator https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/487514926416396299.webp?size=48&name=salute%7E1&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/487514926416396299.webp?size=48&name=salute%7E1&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/v7NG7ewqmvoVVO2WbYKDG-8cJyWBStjD15yPn2EJEeU/%3Fsize%3D48%26name%3Dsalute%257E1%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/487514926416396299.webp [12/17/2023 10:28 PM] lunar_explorator Maybe try not to get *too* caught up, but yeah [12/17/2023 10:29 PM] amoo. Its time to sink into the shit that I am soon gonna go through as I already DMed the dude with the 'Hai! OwO Just saw your profile, hope you dont mind being friends!! Hehe :D' UUGUGHGHUSHGDYUSDSJ ITS NOT ME USING 'UWU OWO' *DIES* [12/17/2023 10:29 PM] amoo. Mission failed, we'll get em' next time [12/17/2023 10:30 PM] phoenixfire42 :leafeon_uwu: [12/17/2023 10:31 PM] gabrizzy :GabbyWheeze: [12/17/2023 10:43 PM] amoo. teehee [12/18/2023 2:05 AM] romulus4444 originally banned from manechat in june, then again last month for ban evasion. the pedo stuff never came up there {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186202470796492910/image.png?ex=661cd1a3&is=660a5ca3&hm=fd6ef3bbca5deae5cb3f3bfacaff18185847304617ebecc896cc7847a15492f3& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186202471463407676/image.png?ex=661cd1a3&is=660a5ca3&hm=44cafb9461c84401a541ca5e500062df67ccf01ffece1c158a1d42020620a35e& [12/18/2023 2:05 AM] phoenixfire42 Yea we banned them in EQD for just being a prick [12/18/2023 2:05 AM] phoenixfire42 The Pedo stuff is since that [12/18/2023 2:05 AM] amoo. Christ [12/18/2023 2:07 AM] amoo. Yeah when they were Appletopia they approached me in DMs through EQD cuz I was pretty active there, and started asking “What makes my character a female” like.. he wanted me to go more into details about the private stuff like bro tf you on about 😭 Argued with me about furries and anthro characters and afterwards started pointing the fact that I blocked him out in public making people look at me weirdly 💀 [12/18/2023 2:08 AM] phoenixfire42 I wish you told me that then :GlimISee: [12/18/2023 2:08 AM] phoenixfire42 I know you can handle yourself, but it would have probably made me do something about them sooner [12/18/2023 2:10 AM] amoo. I’m so sorry 😭 I got myself too used to the fact that when an incident would happen like such, the staff would be like “Well that seems like a personal thing, besides you are both adults so there is no issue here” (not speaking about EQD, I’m saying in general) so I brushed it off by blocking him and avoiding EQD for a while :p [12/18/2023 2:11 AM] amoo. I was thinking about it but since I was being told before that it’s a silly thing and personal, decided not to disturb with the bullshit [12/18/2023 2:12 AM] phoenixfire42 Well, we've had a bunch of people come to us before about weirdos DMing them, so I just decided that you shouldn't be using the server to send unsolicited DMs to people. [12/18/2023 2:12 AM] amoo. :AL_AmooShy: [12/18/2023 2:12 AM] amoo. Will be more forward next time something happens [12/18/2023 2:13 AM] amoo. The dude later had the audacity to join my server afterwards 💀 Boi got yeeted for being a creep, until more stuff started showing up, so we wrote a blacklist [12/18/2023 2:13 AM] phoenixfire42 It's no big deal, just putting it out there [12/18/2023 2:13 AM] amoo. {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1092527602335498361.png [12/18/2023 7:04 PM] amoo. Progress going well so far, Fungi is online, communicating through my alt [12/18/2023 7:43 PM] genryu This conversation is pretty incredible The ultimate libertarian, he is a pedo out of spite for the government. [12/18/2023 7:44 PM] genryu It's really funny that he says he stop finding them attractive as soon as they tell him they are 18 it's not even that he is attracted to minors because of how they look, he is attracted to the idea of fucking kids. This is remarkable brain damage. [12/18/2023 7:45 PM] phoenixfire42 Unfortunately that is how it often is. The taboo becomes attractive. [12/18/2023 7:46 PM] phoenixfire42 It is a sickness of the mind and needs clinical treatment if it is that large an influence [12/18/2023 7:46 PM] genryu The funny thing is, if he moved to a country with a lower age of consent, he'd just have to go lower to break the taboo, but it wouldn't fix anything else for him. [12/18/2023 7:47 PM] genryu This is the opposite of a jail bait, he is a jail magnet, he will get there one way or another. [12/18/2023 7:48 PM] amoo. I feel horrible because basically I said that my alt is 14, soon turning 15, and whenever I comment on stuff making my 'char' sound innocent or just not knowing some simple stuff, he comments with things like 'Oh how adorableee!!' so its the innocence that he is going for which is sickening [12/18/2023 7:49 PM] genryu How do you do this without taking a shower every 25 seconds? I feel dirty just by you describing that [12/18/2023 7:49 PM] amoo. Experience and trauma :) [12/18/2023 7:49 PM] amoo. Ive been doing this for years now :p [12/18/2023 7:50 PM] phoenixfire42 I could probably do it, I just have no desire to. I'd rather not play games with these losers. They will get what is coming to them one way or another. [12/18/2023 7:51 PM] amoo. Im asking here and there like where he works, etc etc and acting up all innocent, and this is where its going so far 💀 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186470812304293978/Screenshot_2023-12-19_at_8.50.57_AM.png?ex=661dcb8d&is=660b568d&hm=e652f1f040c7a850e0c0f63d87df18bd693138700be69ff264abcb3632e69642& [12/18/2023 7:52 PM] amoo. I said something like 'I like someone but they are an adult, and I dont want people to attack neither of us for the age gap' sort of stuff so thats why they commented about my '19 year old friend' [12/18/2023 7:52 PM] phoenixfire42 You really should report him to the NCMEC [12/18/2023 7:52 PM] amoo. Once I dig out more information [12/18/2023 7:52 PM] phoenixfire42 My understanding is that he is from the US, correct? [12/18/2023 7:52 PM] amoo. California, yes [12/18/2023 7:52 PM] phoenixfire42 So yea I would do that [12/18/2023 7:53 PM] amoo. 20 year old Mexican American working in the food industry, gathering money to soon go to college [12/18/2023 7:53 PM] phoenixfire42 If he is so gone that he is willing to meet up with random kids online in person he should be on the NCMEC radar [12/18/2023 7:53 PM] amoo. Im hitting the right target then [12/18/2023 7:54 PM] amoo. He claims to be a starter streamer, I will try to get a Twitch link out of him to do some research on it and see if there are any more connected socials [12/18/2023 7:57 PM] amoo. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186472377316540486/Screenshot_2023-12-19_at_8.57.13_AM.png?ex=661dcd02&is=660b5802&hm=de170993208c6484079a0e5a998c37517c62a61f7e970784d436e07308a9b034& [12/18/2023 7:57 PM] amoo. Fucking dying [12/18/2023 7:58 PM] romulus4444 this guy is so gross [12/18/2023 8:00 PM] amoo. Ill need one big-ass joint after this 💀 [12/18/2023 8:01 PM] phoenixfire42 Good thing I popped a bottle of wine 30 minutes ago. This is turning into something [12/18/2023 8:01 PM] amoo. Oi, share some? [12/18/2023 8:01 PM] phoenixfire42 If I could [12/18/2023 8:01 PM] amoo. {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1124351504057380954.png [12/18/2023 8:02 PM] amoo. This might take a while, because I need to gain the dudes trust, but I will be keeping a folder of our ENTIRE conversation from top to bottom, once things get spicy, it will be shared here [12/18/2023 8:02 PM] amoo. SO I doubt itll get done within a day, but I can already tell he has built a bond w me >:) [12/18/2023 8:02 PM] phoenixfire42 I really don't understand how these people are so willing to just believe people are kids anyway [12/18/2023 8:03 PM] amoo. So yeah my main target is to find where he works, to gather some social links, and maybe attempt to get a selfie if possible, that requires a shit load of time and pain in the ass but they seem naive as fuck [12/18/2023 8:03 PM] amoo. Especially from an innocent 14 year old :) [12/18/2023 8:03 PM] phoenixfire42 You'd think that someone doing something they know is illegal would be more cautious [12/18/2023 8:04 PM] amoo. This yeeyee ass is fucking dumb as shit 💀 [12/18/2023 8:09 PM] amoo. Fuck it Time to head to the bathroom for a little while 💀 *grabs vape* {Reactions} GlimISee [12/18/2023 8:32 PM] gabrizzy oh boy, i could tell where this is going [12/18/2023 8:55 PM] amoo. Any other certain info y’all need me to dig out? :p [12/18/2023 9:06 PM] gabrizzy um, maybe ask him about his dating experience [12/18/2023 9:07 PM] amoo. Will note [12/18/2023 9:07 PM] amoo. Im going further now by asking 'Where would you bring me if I were to come to Cali' [12/18/2023 9:12 PM] amoo. *loads shotgun* {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186491301261221938/Screenshot_2023-12-19_at_10.12.41_AM.png?ex=661ddea2&is=660b69a2&hm=d702e1d37d3c353dffc5c70fafae02e7c6c95875b1dd1e62376a32fd66833d1d& [12/18/2023 9:15 PM] gabrizzy it's dangerous to go alone, take this [12/18/2023 9:15 PM] gabrizzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1096430270653141104.png [12/18/2023 9:15 PM] amoo. He gave me his IRL name 💀 Time to attempt and get the last [12/18/2023 9:16 PM] gabrizzy one step away from pressing the nuclear launch button [12/18/2023 9:17 PM] stormshadow_cote How sure are we that it's not false info? [12/18/2023 9:17 PM] amoo. Thus why I am doing this, to gain more info, surely I will get something more than just this [12/18/2023 9:17 PM] amoo. Just need a lot of time and to continue playing innocent to not break character [12/18/2023 9:18 PM] amoo. Knowing how naive this person is errr.. I honestly doubt they are lying [12/18/2023 9:19 PM] amoo. :AL_AmooStare: {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186492997098020935/Screenshot_2023-12-19_at_10.19.21_AM.png?ex=661de036&is=660b6b36&hm=c76e43a42c9347c81e87fbb61ae78a32d1b1275f0a83a98ec6d85d34b2b13070& [12/18/2023 9:20 PM] stormshadow_cote {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1160737505486835753.png [12/18/2023 9:20 PM] amoo. :))) [12/18/2023 9:20 PM] phoenixfire42 I am amazed he is not suspicious. No 15 year old talks like that :GlimISee: [12/18/2023 9:21 PM] amoo. Trust me I met a 13 year old who spoke in proper grammar and had a very well developed vocabulary 💀 [12/18/2023 9:21 PM] stormshadow_cote I was a big stickler for grammar when I was young [12/18/2023 9:22 PM] amoo. Its hard to pretend being a different character 😭 But if its working, then its.. working :D [12/18/2023 9:22 PM] phoenixfire42 It's not just the grammar and vocabulary, it's the depth. All the kids I see in Discord speak in more broken concepts. They don't care to be so magnetized like that, at least in my experience [12/18/2023 9:23 PM] amoo. Afterall, we are all different heuhueh. So yeah, I will continue my digging whilst sitting on my lecture 😭 [12/18/2023 9:23 PM] amoo. Crying loudly {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186493990539903047/Screenshot_2023-12-19_at_10.23.24_AM.png?ex=661de123&is=660b6c23&hm=fc3a2710d2ee24087f0df1d9c6f3aeea43f3e2c20c361f93e98e245b85eac34a& [12/18/2023 9:23 PM] amoo. I need a joint, maybe 4, 2 bottles of wine, monster energy and gin please [12/18/2023 9:29 PM] lunar_explorator Some fourteen-year-olds talk as if they're attempting to evoke the spirit of Descartes. [12/18/2023 9:29 PM] lunar_explorator Some adults... that. (Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with that with the right context and people) (But this is a very wrong context!) [12/18/2023 9:29 PM] lunar_explorator https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1011915711377055794.webp?size=48&name=catloaf&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1011915711377055794.webp?size=48&name=catloaf&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/CqXMb5LzPbKOTgWFC-CX0yeUp6AZZaWmuTndSYsJHfY/%3Fsize%3D48%26name%3Dcatloaf%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1011915711377055794.webp [12/18/2023 9:30 PM] phoenixfire42 There's usually a certain naivety about kids though, and they also generally use different slang and banter. [12/18/2023 9:31 PM] phoenixfire42 If anything, they talk more like a kid than amoo [12/18/2023 9:32 PM] amoo. My baby, my poor poor baby, poor alt, that was originally given a character, a name and an age to stay undercover, but due to circumstances like this, poor dood needed to turn 14 from originally 27 😭 [12/18/2023 9:32 PM] phoenixfire42 Idk, I guess I'm thinking too much like a Discord mod and not enough like a pedo [12/18/2023 9:32 PM] phoenixfire42 I have to turn my brain off for that [12/18/2023 9:32 PM] amoo. As far as you act innocent and clueless, thats what gets them drooling [12/18/2023 9:33 PM] amoo. {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1033430960840126505.png [12/18/2023 9:33 PM] amoo. Im too good at that [12/18/2023 9:33 PM] amoo. Cuz I am in general fucking stupid [12/18/2023 9:33 PM] gabrizzy ✋ [12/18/2023 9:33 PM] phoenixfire42 :pinkwow: [12/18/2023 9:38 PM] amoo. 😭 [12/18/2023 9:52 PM] amoo. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186501192239566860/Screenshot_2023-12-19_at_10.52.03_AM.png?ex=661de7d8&is=660b72d8&hm=f98aeac7690331a0ce00d0cb677b137aa8acfc6c1345b802af0332c0992a9438& [12/18/2023 9:52 PM] amoo. Things are getting spicy 😭 [12/18/2023 9:53 PM] phoenixfire42 :wtfglare: [12/18/2023 9:53 PM] amoo. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186501543193755779/Screenshot_2023-12-19_at_10.53.25_AM.png?ex=661de82c&is=660b732c&hm=1446f5515738f80b14752dcf29c1759de5dba759042cbe45ea499ae99ccd5556& [12/18/2023 9:53 PM] amoo. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1186501644234530866/Screenshot_2023-12-18_at_1.08.41_PM.webp?ex=661de844&is=660b7344&hm=a63664631a06393919c5bbed1c2831fbefb2696a2c477cfcb0227e5f76043553& [12/18/2023 9:54 PM] zatillias :umm: [12/18/2023 9:55 PM] amoo. i feel cringe as fuck needing to s-stutter and *roleplay* but ugh if i need to pretend like a innocent 14 year old boy then so be it [12/18/2023 9:55 PM] amoo. But hey, more evidence aye :) [12/18/2023 10:01 PM] amoo. OH BOY. [12/18/2023 10:03 PM] amoo. whatever the fuck is happening in my dms rn is making me go insane [12/18/2023 10:03 PM] amoo. 💀 [12/18/2023 10:03 PM] phoenixfire42 :BatPolice: [12/18/2023 10:04 PM] phoenixfire42 This is crossing the ERP line [12/18/2023 10:04 PM] amoo. MMMHMMMM. [12/18/2023 10:04 PM] amoo. if only i could explain in what sort of emotion i am right now 💀 [12/18/2023 10:04 PM] amoo. im like nervously giggling and sweating and side eyeing everything [12/18/2023 10:06 PM] gabrizzy ⚠️**Attention! We are now at DEFCON 1.** ⚠️ [12/18/2023 10:09 PM] shalour :ABloomBlink: [12/18/2023 10:09 PM] amoo. :AL_AmooBreakdance: DANCING IN THE MOON LIIIIGHTHT anyways okay yeah ill keep digging and once i am home create a folder with the entire conversation :p [12/18/2023 10:10 PM] amoo. more updates will be uploaded l a t e r [12/18/2023 10:10 PM] gabrizzy 👍 [12/18/2023 10:10 PM] gabrizzy doing god's work [12/18/2023 10:10 PM] amoo. Bread 👍 [12/18/2023 10:10 PM] .derpy. :GlimStare: [12/18/2023 10:19 PM] amoo. :AL_AmooTired: [12/18/2023 10:55 PM] amoo. Got his irl pics [12/18/2023 11:01 PM] .derpy. That was quick.. I'm surprised he's not even slightly holding back sending all of that info to someone he's known for like less than a day :GlimLoopy: [12/18/2023 11:01 PM] amoo. {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1033430960840126505.png [12/18/2023 11:02 PM] gabrizzy talk about trust eh [12/18/2023 11:02 PM] amoo. Just that thirsty {Reactions} GlimmerDead [12/18/2023 11:03 PM] gabrizzy if it was an 18+ years old person talking to him, he would have said no immediately [12/18/2023 11:16 PM] amoo. Alright, we are done for today as he went to bed :p So far what I managed to gather: - Country - Nationality/Race - Work focus - Height - Age - IRL face - ||Sexual preferences|| - IRL name - Console and platform usage What was happening throughout the conversation? - Both spoke about meeting up in person - Spoke about each other, sort of an introduction aka name, age, etc. - Both spoke about relationships and past experience - Him offering to become “secret boyfriends” - Him offering to commit ||sexual intercourse|| - Attempted ERP - Spoke about the big age gap between each other and how it doesn’t bother him, in his words: “I’ll risk anything just to be with you and do things to you no matter what it causes me” ._. [12/18/2023 11:17 PM] amoo. So much just happened just within 5 hours 💀 [12/18/2023 11:20 PM] stormshadow_cote {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1077746221986349057.png [12/18/2023 11:20 PM] amoo. Yeaahhhh. [12/18/2023 11:20 PM] amoo. {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1124351504057380954.png [12/18/2023 11:20 PM] amoo. *exhausted noises* [12/18/2023 11:26 PM] amoo. Keep in mind of what sort of character I have made my alt into 14 year old male, living in Australia with 0 experience in socialising or knowing anything about adult things. Goes to school, is 157cm tall, and the “irl name” is Thomas. [12/18/2023 11:26 PM] amoo. So yeah [12/18/2023 11:27 PM] amoo. My poor baby [12/18/2023 11:39 PM] gabrizzy :PZ_ApplebloomStare: [12/19/2023 10:27 AM] vuisammie I was gonna say, you could have just thrown me at em. [12/19/2023 10:28 AM] amoo. What is up my PCL-ers. 40 screenshots of my alt and Fungi speaking to each other. I must warn, some of these screenshots contain some very explicit topics and in general pretty disgusting shit (no imagery, just text), but this is the entire conversation from top to bottom that I had with this guy for 5 hours today. Tomorrow more info will be gathered. Take a look, send opinions, etc. Keep in mind, I pretended to be a 14 year old boy who has an innocent persona innocent and has barely any knowledge in adult stuff, tries to be friendly and 'expand his horizons' in getting more friends, allowing his 'friends' to do whatever they will and think is right. Screenshots contain also his IRL selfies(censored) and some small details that may be useful for further investigation. - Green censored is my alt [12/19/2023 10:29 AM] vuisammie Jesus [12/19/2023 10:30 AM] amoo. I could attempt to drop screenshots too instead of a file, but it will cause a bit of spam, so I apologise. [12/19/2023 10:30 AM] vuisammie Can you spam my dms with those images, my phone can’t open rarity files. [12/19/2023 10:31 AM] amoo. Ill send it here for public viewage. [12/19/2023 10:33 AM] amoo. That is all. [12/19/2023 10:41 AM] voidtemplar2000 Ewwwww [12/19/2023 10:42 AM] voidtemplar2000 Uhhhh [12/19/2023 10:42 AM] voidtemplar2000 User ID please? [12/19/2023 10:42 AM] voidtemplar2000 So we can drop the hammer [12/19/2023 10:42 AM] amoo. 736707163749351477 @FunGuyTheFungi theguywiththepie09 / FunGuyTheFungi [12/19/2023 10:45 AM] voidtemplar2000 Thankee [12/19/2023 11:26 AM] captainmuista Idk how to tell y'all this [12/19/2023 11:26 AM] captainmuista But we reported this guy months ago [12/19/2023 11:27 AM] captainmuista For the same thing [12/19/2023 11:27 AM] stormshadow_cote Well, she phished out enough info from him to report to the NCMEC [12/19/2023 11:28 AM] astrolazuli We caught him actively ERPing with a minor, knowing full well they were a minor [12/19/2023 11:28 AM] astrolazuli I made a report about this [12/19/2023 11:28 AM] comradesparkle There are more than those. He has a few alts. Search the reports and you'll find them. [12/19/2023 11:29 AM] comradesparkle We banned him before any of the underage stuff came to light, he was just a continual rule breaker [12/19/2023 11:35 AM] astrolazuli Here, for those who missed out on it: https://discord.com/channels/981802864353632266/982421543873282109/1160720041394851900 [12/19/2023 11:43 AM] amoo. If I manage to get his work address and contact the work office after I gather some more stuff mayhaps they might do smt about it too :p [12/19/2023 11:43 AM] amoo. Cuz I got his face [12/19/2023 11:43 AM] amoo. I got SS of him sharing it soo yeppie [12/19/2023 11:43 AM] captainmuista I can't help but wonder how discord would look upon this, because you've effectively doxxed the guy by showing his face to us with the intent to expose him. I couldn't care less what happens to the guy himself, pedos get what's coming, but if breaking tos in this pursuit of what can be called vigilante justice isn't look upon favorably, and this WILL be looked upon if an investigation opens, this server might be in trouble. Your account, Amoo, might be in trouble [12/19/2023 11:45 AM] amoo. :BettyEating: I dont wanna debate much here and there tbh but I am just trying to connect ties between sharing it on Discord and people uploading YouTube vids of them catching pedos whilst publicly sharing their face(s) too so eh? I do see your point but brr, if you want, sure idm removing it/censoring it :] [12/19/2023 11:45 AM] amoo. So yah no problemo, gimme jus a moment and I can do that brrr [12/19/2023 11:47 AM] amoo. Boom :3 [12/19/2023 11:47 AM] amoo. :AL_AmooBreakdance: [12/19/2023 11:55 AM] amoo. I may not do much, maybe MCMEC may be a bit much, but there is a possibility to call up the work office if I will get the information about it one day to see whether they will deal with it or not :p I aint in the end gonna blackmail him or anything, but just in general provide the fact that I have the right stuff to get him in some sort of trouble for his actions, online or not, afterall he was hoping for Thomas 'who is 14' and him to meet up one day in person and do stuff with, so there is that Sooo thats why it needs a shit load of time and patience and to see where it will go, it can be easily dropped eventually without an issue without any action being taken apart from these screenshots just being spread for a **bigger** awareness than there is right now lol so yuh :Sunglas: 💪 [12/19/2023 11:58 AM] gabrizzy well that was a lot of tomfoolery i just read [12/19/2023 11:58 AM] amoo. fr fr 💀 [12/19/2023 11:58 AM] gabrizzy i really hope he get what he deserved [12/19/2023 11:59 AM] amoo. Sooo yeah if theres any other sort off objections or questions or whatever else my DMs are open :p [12/19/2023 12:02 PM] amoo. Nevertheless thankies for pointing it out in the end :3 [12/19/2023 12:32 PM] romulus4444 Tom foolery :AJsmirk: [12/19/2023 12:33 PM] comradesparkle Hmm. I think Muista is right. I didn't really have the time to look through those posts and see what was in there at the time they were posted, but If you hadn't censored it, I'd have taken it down. We already knew he was a pedophile. This doesn't really give us any information that really matters as far as we can really make use of. Maybe if you wanted to report him to whatever authority is appropriate then you can, but I fail to see how this really falls within the purpose of this server [12/19/2023 12:34 PM] stormshadow_cote Wdym NCMEC is a bit much? Dude's a literal danger to children [12/19/2023 12:35 PM] amoo. Dw! I got it censored already :3 [12/19/2023 12:37 PM] amoo. Sorry didn’t mean to say it like that, I’m just worried that maybe even if I will gather all the necessary information they might not do much, maybe ask for some more certain stuff that will be harder to gather ooooor I can get myself in trouble instead x_x idk how Cali does stuff, I never* reported anything to the government, so it may be a plus minus here for me [12/19/2023 12:37 PM] amoo. I may be overthinking it! I dunno! [12/19/2023 12:38 PM] amoo. But I do believe that the work office should do something about it at least, yknow? If I’ll dig it out [12/19/2023 12:40 PM] astrolazuli I hate to be that guy, but screenshots like these, especially when pretending to be a child instead of being one, are not usually taken very seriously. They sure wouldn't hold in a court of law. [12/19/2023 12:40 PM] astrolazuli All that can be done is report him and hope for the best, but even then I wouldn't be so hopeful [12/19/2023 12:40 PM] amoo. Worth a **shot** at least [12/19/2023 12:40 PM] astrolazuli Absolutely [12/19/2023 12:42 PM] comradesparkle Oh of course. At most all they would do would be to keep it on file. [12/19/2023 12:43 PM] comradesparkle but it's long past any of our involvement. We're not here for vigilante justice, we're here for reports, and I think there was plenty enough evidence against him already without needing to bait him into a honeypot. I mean we had enough reasons to ban him even if he wasn't into kids. [12/19/2023 12:45 PM] comradesparkle Now what would be more useful would be keeping in some degree of contact with him longer term, to see what his alt accounts are if he makes new ones. [12/19/2023 12:46 PM] amoo. The reason why I went far with this was after I provided screenshots of him generally exclaiming that he does not find adults attractive and prefers minors in the sake of relationships and stuff, so that just fucking messed me up because of the *brrrr trauma manipulation* and some sort of filing needs to be done, especially when it’s such a huge confession, that’s against the law and can fuck up his reputation, in which it has but in the online world for now, across Discord [12/19/2023 12:48 PM] amoo. So yeah, once again, apologies that I didn’t think about the face censoring, thanks for pointing it out :3 Was in a rush, exhausted and just mad that he fell for the character that stated to be 14, wrong as fuck I did see SOME SORT of hesitation coming from him when it came to explicit things, but not enough of it to the point where he would stop and continue to keep it PG, so yea it’s a weird balance around here [12/19/2023 3:13 PM] phoenixfire42 Discord and the NCMEC are already linked together. When you do something like post actual CP Discord forwards all of your sign up info to the NCMEC. If you are concerned about getting their actual info, you have to realize that Discord has it and can readily provide it to them if they are asked to. [12/20/2023 10:12 AM] phoenixfire42 Upon consideration, I have decided that it is perhaps not in our best interest to host the screenshots of this here anymore. Whether or not you agree with the ethics or practicality of doing such things is not the point, it's that I don't think it is particularly healthy for the server as a whole to keep them here. It could potentially land us in some water down the line if we were to continue posting things like that. I think such materials are better provided on a need to know basis elsewhere. :VelSip: {Reactions} upvote (9) [12/20/2023 12:18 PM] amoo. :lyrathumbsup: [1/6/2024 8:01 PM] astrolazuli Can we please go back to showing screenshots (or any other proof) for all reports in #scam-reports? [1/6/2024 8:02 PM] romulus4444 one of the points of that particular channel is that there is less burden of proof for scammers because there's jsut so many [1/6/2024 8:04 PM] romulus4444 but if you would like i won't ping your server for scams [1/6/2024 8:05 PM] astrolazuli We don't mind pings [1/6/2024 8:05 PM] astrolazuli But we also need proof before blindly banning someone [1/6/2024 8:05 PM] astrolazuli It's not that we distrust you, but there is a right way of doing this, we think [1/6/2024 8:15 PM] phoenixfire42 At this point, I've seen so many scammers you can honestly just look at their profile and already know they are one [1/6/2024 8:28 PM] astrolazuli Sure, but some of these scams are also made using stolen accounts, like this kind of scam https://discord.com/channels/981802864353632266/1132389528162795660/1193020848228028556 [1/6/2024 8:29 PM] astrolazuli Once again, it's not that we distrust you, but a random account for you could be a compromised legitimate member somewhere else [1/6/2024 8:29 PM] captainmuista Plus it doesn't make sense that #reports requires proof yet #scam-reports doesn't, it's all the same principle no? [1/6/2024 8:30 PM] astrolazuli Besides, it only takes a single screenshot, I don't think it's too much to ask for [1/6/2024 8:30 PM] phoenixfire42 Art scammers do not use stolen accounts, and the purpose of that board was to lower the standards a bit because of how annoying it is to report them 5 times a day, but okay. [1/6/2024 8:33 PM] astrolazuli All I'm asking for is to post a single screenshot, again, I don't think that's a lot to ask for [1/6/2024 9:03 PM] miboopls tldr we just want to know what they are guilty of, helps with judgement and what to look out for [1/6/2024 9:05 PM] phoenixfire42 Okay, I hear you. [1/7/2024 5:56 AM] comradesparkle I dunno, when I see something like this, I'll just throw a ban instantly. There's a 0% chance of this being a legitimate user. I've banned hundreds of these now like that. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1193508518385434654/image.png?ex=661bb66d&is=6609416d&hm=95f6889229e86f9484ef1251db58edf69c80712e9cc17e0181dc7fcefe8cfba8& [1/7/2024 5:57 AM] comradesparkle Is it really necessary to post a screenshot of their DMs with every report? [1/7/2024 6:51 AM] gabrizzy i mean, i would at least post a screenshot of what i'm reporting to make it more believable, but it's getting common to the point where they don't need any introduction of their actions [1/7/2024 6:55 AM] gabrizzy there are already signs of people being scammers, such as having an obvious name/bio above, stolen artwork as pfp, and the member list being able to pick up members involved with suspicious activity [1/7/2024 6:55 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon And not being active in the server [1/7/2024 6:55 AM] gabrizzy not replying when you pinged them multiple times :GabbyWheeze: [1/7/2024 6:56 AM] gabrizzy we have recognized these patterns for so long that it becomes muscle memory [1/7/2024 6:57 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon *Identifying and Banning scammer speedrun any%* [1/7/2024 6:57 AM] gabrizzy fast af boi lesgoooooo [1/7/2024 7:06 AM] comradesparkle 99% of the time, yes. We have had a few try and get through though [1/7/2024 7:07 AM] dragonsreborn333 I’ve had a few with ai pfps but they were customers [1/7/2024 7:08 AM] .derpy. One of them even tried doing the whole script to get me to commission them in DMs after I pinged them about it :LunaWheeze: [1/7/2024 7:11 AM] comradesparkle {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1193527231532773467/image.png?ex=661bc7da&is=660952da&hm=35ee36d913c99b0736d38bc09e20335741a481687710824b064508b5449dd099& [1/7/2024 7:13 AM] comradesparkle {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983595218387488778/1193527739697860719/image.png?ex=661bc853&is=66095353&hm=982494c3f812cf2278a40007ef4bd85e554453ae5912a58ff88af26d748e62ee& [1/7/2024 7:14 AM] comradesparkle They knew they'd been rumbled with that one. Asking for favourite episode is a good way to spot anyone with legitimate interest since it's a little more open ended than asking for best pony [1/7/2024 7:16 AM] dragonsreborn333 I found out that not all of them are using ai or anime pfps some use a picture that shows a real person [1/7/2024 7:17 AM] dragonsreborn333 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1092855092471922880/1184615949941342259/image.png?ex=65a84e13&is=6595d913&hm=8adb64f2215a7b6070f19974c3d1108689f32badd63d0ef4bfc3d2a4984b843b& {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1092855092471922880/1184615949941342259/image.png?ex=65a84e13&is=6595d913&hm=8adb64f2215a7b6070f19974c3d1108689f32badd63d0ef4bfc3d2a4984b843b& https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1092855092471922880/1184615949941342259/image.png?ex=66170c13&is=66049713&hm=650027a2ee9cfb43379575acd925bb96b0e18e87c60600263e5b65fa86c1f302& [1/7/2024 2:00 PM] latent_logic my approach has generally been to be quick to kick new joiners that look like scams, but not ban in case they want to re-join and argue the their case. So far I've not had any rejoin [1/7/2024 2:01 PM] latent_logic I've found the members tab to be super useful, scammers much more often join via server discovery vs our public link (we do have legitimate joins via server discovery as well, it's just a factor that increases the odds of someone being a scammer) [1/7/2024 2:04 PM] phoenixfire42 We get enough normal joins that it's hard to tell via invites, but 95% of the time they give themselves away with their awful profiles/account age. If there is ever any doubt you can just throw them in the brigg and they will not get back to you, or if they do it will be nonsense. [4/1/2024 6:04 PM] meganought yeah lets yeet this list. at best, i dont think its very productive to have here, at worst... [4/1/2024 6:20 PM] astrolazuli Sorry to keep complaining, but that list uses information copypasted from this very server, which is meant to be private, without anyone's permission, on a public platform. I think it's fair of us to at least demand that our reports are not copypasted for that purpose without our consent. It simply defeats the entire purpose of this very server, and it worries me that this was done without the consultation of anyone here. ============================================================== Exported 901 message(s) ==============================================================