============================================================== Guild: Pony Community Leaders Channel: Rules / announcements ============================================================== [6/7/2022 12:24 AM] allysterblack6145 @everyone an 18 plus react role has been added to the rules. In order to see the portal to the NSFW servers on here ya gotta click that to agree you are an adult. [6/7/2022 4:12 PM] allysterblack6145 For those that have NSFW content in their servers. Like the verification system we have in place here to make sure users are agreeing they are 18+, should your server have this system, you can contact an admin and we would be willing to let you post in #server-portal should you meet those guidelines. {Reactions} eevee_dancing (7) [6/8/2022 7:45 PM] allysterblack6145 Twitter has released a communities function and there is nothing for MLP so I just made one, if yall wana come together on that platform join up! Looks like Dustykatt and I are the only ones in there atm https://twitter.com/i/communities/1534680073487454212 [6/12/2022 3:40 PM] phoenixfire42 @everyone Sorry for the ping, but I feel it is important that people see what I posted in #reporting-guidelines concerning the creation of reports. If you have any questions about this message or anything else regarding reporting, please let me know! {Reactions} Faceofdeath (3) Wicked (3) [9/24/2022 9:47 PM] phoenixfire42 @everyone I feel the need to remind everyone here that it is not okay to send the reports posted here anywhere else. They should not be lifted and passed around in DMs, and you definitely should not be sending them to users as justification for why they are banned. This has always been suggested in rule 4, but because it came across so casually I have added rule 8 in an attempt to make this point more clear. If you have reason to believe this is happening, let me or another admin know and we will take action to try and rectify this. {Reactions} 👍 (12) [9/25/2022 10:32 AM] allysterblack6145 Howdy yall, as some of ya are well aware I have been out of commission for a short while. My grandpa passed last month and unfortunately things happened to only get worse. However, things are finally getting cleared up and I wanted to take a second to stop by here and address the group for feedback. So far it seems like this place has been able to fill its role as intended and hopefully we have been able to do better by those we are looking after as a result. Since some of yall have had time though, if there is something in this chat that you feel is unhelpful, or there is something that isn't in this chat that you feel like should be included, then please let us know. I really want to thank everyone who has been around to help one another out and I'm beyond proud we have so many people here who give a damn about this community. With all of that being said I do however need to address something more serious now. Firstly just a small addition to phoenix's very comprehensive report from yesterday.... When looking at Lovely's PCL and other "moderation groups" one of the larger things I identified are the feelings of people outside of them. Many see these groups as secret chats to control or take advantage, or as global ban lists that are followed without logic or reason. These concerns were noticed and I wanted to ensure we avoided that here. What had occurred with "Sugar" is a great example of why people are weary of these chats so I really want everyone to be aware of this. Just because a report is posted here, even with "proof" does not mean that things are as they seem, and by following everything that comes through this chat and banning the names you see could lead to much bigger, and unnecessary issues in the future. Obviously I am not saying to not take reports seriously, just please be aware that people have mixed feelings about this sort of thing and this is a good teaching point to show why. [9/25/2022 10:32 AM] allysterblack6145 Finally here I want to wrap up with chat expectations. Just like I said before, when looking to pull this together I looked to many other examples of systems in place so that I might have a better understanding of what will work, and what will not. Ya know one of the biggest things to tank these chats almost every time? Casual messaging. Ya know why? Shit talking. Crazy right? When expectations were set to remain on point with conversations and to be as accurate as possible, this was done to PROTECT everyone. Keep everyone safe, ensure you are reporting in ways that are detailed and respectful, and helping other most in ways that are the same. Coming back from my RL situation and going through logs has been disappointing I am not going to lie. There are quite a few people in here who insist on carrying on casual conversations and even making highly inappropriate jabs or comments despite other users trying to keep the channel on track. I apologize for not being around to moderate this guys but c'mon. I need to make it very clear, everything you say on the internet has a chance of sticking around. All it takes it one single comment for you to damage what we are trying to do here. If even one person loses faith in this system or finds it dangerous due to how we conduct ourselves then it is a failure. A really stupid simple one. We are all humans right? Most people have shitty things to say about others from time to time, I know I do. But this is not and will not be the place for it. Period. That shit is done understood? We all should be more than aware of how inappropriate that is and the time for excuses is over, I will be removing you and informing your mod teams moving forward if you keep it up. [9/25/2022 10:32 AM] allysterblack6145 NOW, sorry about all that guys, I meant just to do the feedback part at the front there and to let yall know why I have been afk a lot here. But... obviously things needed addressing. Beyond that everyone is doing a really incredible job and on Behalf of EqD I must say that these reports and the advice shared around from time to time have been an invaluable part of our team. Despite being so busy recently I can still see that taking place within my moderation team, so really thanks yall and keep it up! {Reactions} 👍 (7) ❤️ (4) CatDance (3) 💙 (2) [10/20/2022 7:55 PM] allysterblack6145 Looks like we had a video linked in reports that contained content that violated ToS. I want to remind everyone to ensure they are handling content that violates ToS appropriately. Information is the whole point of this so you should always do what you can to provide as much as possible, like we described in the reporting guidelines. In the event of sexual content, be sure to censor when needed, and in the event that you can't censor something, either capture what you can, or be sure to include as much information in place of the capture. But please, don't post anything that could be against what is allowed, and also remember some of the servers in here have mods that are kiddos (not to mention the people who simply don't want to see that stuff) {Reactions} 👍 (6) PinkieCheck (4) [10/31/2022 12:49 AM] phoenixfire42 @everyone At request I will remind everyone again, *please* do not lift any reports from here for any reason. The reports on here are on a need to know basis (the need to know is staffing a server), and the way we can operate reporting so freely is because we keep things discrete. I don't desire for anyone on here to be singled out or to see individual repercussion from anyone they report on in here, so don't share this information with anyone else. {Reactions} 👍 (11) [10/31/2022 12:51 AM] phoenixfire42 Also if you have any specific information regarding a leak, please DM me or another admin about it so it can be dealt with discreetly. {Reactions} 👍 (5) [11/27/2022 11:07 AM] comradesparkle @everyone After an incident during the previous week, I need to reiterate the above. The contents of this server are **private**. Do not repost, quote from, paraphrase, or otherwise share information relating to any reports outside of this server. Under no circumstance should you even disclose their existence in public. While it is encouraged that you discuss the action you want to take regarding a report in private with your fellow staff, please keep that out of public view. Keeping the contents of this server private helps us protect innocent victims, as well as the moderation teams of the servers which contribute reports. The last thing any of us want to hear about are members being harassed, or servers and staff being attacked in revenge. There is also a matter of trust. Many of the most important reports are very sensitive and can only be made in the confidence that they remain confidential. Divulging them elsewhere completely undermines this. The ability to report discretely is required for PCL to fulfil its purpose of keeping the community safe. Finally, If you feel that a report would be useful to a server which is not a part of PCL, please contact a PCL admin and explain the situation. Do not post it publicly in that server! {Reactions} 👍 (22) twilight (4) [1/22/2023 12:43 AM] phoenixfire42 Just to re-iterate this point, as long as it is kept professional reports are allowed/encouraged to be discussed in #report-discussion. Please try and keep #reports for only reports. Thanks! [3/8/2023 6:51 PM] phoenixfire42 Hey @everyone! Sorry for the ping, but some changes are happening around here that need to be stated. We are still in the midst of these changes so this is likely not the final update, but it's a start. First off, I now retain possession of this server, and we have added two more staff members, @Emperor Sombra and @Dr. Romulus. Secondly (and perhaps controversially), we want to try something new here. As far as the reporting goes, nothing has changed. However, in order to more properly align this server with it's original purpose of serving the community and promoting events, a first step we have decided to take is to create an #off-topic general chat. The hope is that by loosening up on that end here we can get to know each other better and find more common ground. It should be noted though, **absolutely nothing related to the reports or reporting should be discussed there, no exceptions.** We have areas for that kind of discussion already in #report-discussion, and things of that nature should be handled more professionally in those chats. Also keep in mind that we do have minors here, so please use common sense there and obey Discord ToS. I don't feel a need to say that because we are all staff somewhere, but I probably should. Also, please try and keep drama out of here. If it needs to happen, take it to DMs or another arena. :sweating_spike: So the TL;DR of that is that #off-topic is for whatever you feel the need to talk about or want to talk about, so long as it doesn't have anything to do with reports (and I would say general server discussion as well, that is best for #server-meta). If you have any questions about these changes are anything else moving forward, you can ask them in #server-meta. I think that's all for now. :coolrainbow: {Reactions} cloudybounce (8) crrystalsss (6) 😳 (3) [3/8/2023 7:06 PM] phoenixfire42 I changed the rules to reflect the changes fyi. {Reactions} 👍 (5) [3/24/2023 7:02 PM] emperor_sombra The new soundboard feature is coming April 6th I think. A new role permission is in all server settings already. It is on by default for **everyone**. The sound board lets people play sounds by pressing buttons in voice chat. There are some default sounds and people with the right permission can add new sounds. The permission "Manage Emoji and Stickers" will change to "Manage Expressions" which includes emojis, stickers, and sounds. This FAQ explains it well. https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/12612888127767 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983243420216733736/1088961135564312727/Soundboard.png?ex=6619bd96&is=66074896&hm=a5ec39d8774ae53a2177ca6e0e8b8c73e306116a20a73d9de819c071f929c46b& {Embed} https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/12612888127767 Soundboard FAQ This experimental feature is only available to manage and play on desktop to a limited number of communities! For mobile users, they will be able to hear sounds played through Soundboard. Since thi... [3/24/2023 7:03 PM] emperor_sombra :sweetiealarm: Be aware that people with Nitro can use sounds from ***other*** Discord servers. {Reactions} ponydafuqrainbow (3) smugflare (2) [7/2/2023 3:52 PM] romulus4444 Hello everyone, Regarding the status of the MLP General server with PCL, they've been suspended indefinitely while they weather some administrative upheaval. The existing leadership there has been leaking reports from here to the reported and generally has acted in a most unprofessional manner regarding reports of users from their server. While we do not wish to set a harsh precedent for continued membership in PCL, we also wish to retain the trust in our system and the reports given in confidence to our community from the rest of our constituent members. As a reminder to everyone, the core idea here is to allow reports of discord users and community members that may be a danger to the community at large to be disseminated amongst the various leadership of our members. These reports should be digested and acted upon by individual servers as they see fit; we aren't going to tell anyone how to run their servers. However we still ask that reports made here remain confined to this server and to the leadership discussions in your individual servers, for reasons that should be obvious. Thank you for helping to make our corner of the fandom a better place for all! {Reactions} pippnod (12) 🙏 (12) 🇼 (12) [7/2/2023 3:54 PM] phoenixfire42 @everyone [7/22/2023 3:19 PM] phoenixfire42 @everyone After some internal discussion, I have decided to add a new channel: #scam-reports. This channel exists for reporting all of the DM scams or otherwise compromised accounts with a lesser standard of reporting. It should be a quick way for you to dump scam account IDs and not have them muddy up the normal reporting board. That is all for now. :Salute: {Reactions} ThumbsUpCatHappy (11) Flim (6) Flam (6) moonbotlilshit (3) hyperclap (3) 🎉 (2) [9/18/2023 7:49 PM] phoenixfire42 @everyone in the interest of keeping things rolling and fair here, I added a new channel #proposal. If you have anything you seriously want to discuss about changing in this server, or anything you think needs addressed by a collective, put it there. We will talk about it. That is all for now. {Reactions} 👍 (3) [4/1/2024 5:59 PM] phoenixfire42 @everyone Recently, a list of supposed foalcon associated users was posted on this Discord. Since this posting, the list has become complete public knowledge around the fandom (I have seen people talking about it in our respective Discords, on 4chan, etc.). Do to the nature of this list being intended as a user "hit list" (which goes against the spirit of rule 2), the list potentially containing PCL reports while also being freely accessible to the public (which is strictly against rule 9), and the scope of the list far extending past Discord itself (largely pulling information from Derpibooru, FimFic, Rocket Chat, etc.), we (being the admins here) don't think it's entirely appropriate to host it on this platform. I have no personal authority or innate desire to dismantle the list as of writing this, but we don't feel entirely comfortable having PCL be associated with it. {Reactions} Pony_Community_Leaders (11) 💙 (11) ============================================================== Exported 22 message(s) ==============================================================