About Pamela: I really like harpy bird-girls, I knew that for Mexibots batch 4 I wanted a Quetzal girl, who was half-Mexican and half-Guatemalean. But I didn't have a name for her yet. So then I thought "Hmm what's the scientific name for quetzals?". It's Pharomachrus mocinno, so I made each name start with the same letter as the scientific name: Pamela. Then I had to come up with her last name, Muun is of Mayan origin, and it means "Tender, soft, delicate, recent, docile, GREEN", which works perfectly. Lastly, I chose Quintal because it sounds like quetzal. One thing that WILL ALWAYS BOTHER ME when making harpy bots is that Claude always assumes they have beaks. I love you Claude, but sometimes you can be a huge retard. If this is the case for you, I suggest giving up and just editing any part of the responses mentioning beaks or feathers where there shouldn't be. No matter how many times you add "{{char}} has human lips, {{char}} has a human featherless face, {{char}} HAS NO FUCKING BEAK" claude will always slip a beak in there. The only way you can slow down the inevitable mention of a beak is to constantly mention their lips and cheeks in messages. About the images: I really liked all of them, but some got the colors wrong, others were very low quality (because I didn't know about upscale yet). In the end, I inpainted some red feathers to make her look better, and the black eyes too.