A brief report on Ukrainian CIPsO and their modus operandi, as observed by 2ch.hk/wm anons from constant raids and shilling campaigns. Hohol posters can be divided into the following categories: 1.Baiter Activity: false-flags as a Russian citizen, initiates arguments by asking provocative or outright absurd questions. For example: "Is it true that we're losing? It seems like we are because [_____]", "What are the negative implications of [______]? I thought our army is more capable.", "Please tell me how are we gonna deal with [______]?". These hohols usually engage with those who would try to convince or argue with them. At the same time, their goal is not to engage in a meaningful conversation but instead to gain maximum attention and farm (You)s and thus divert it from more important topics. Targets: newfags. 2. Spammer/shill Activity: posts "insider info" from both pro-Russian and pro-Ukraine sources. Spams links to Ukrainian (Info Army/Info Front UA) Telegram posts. Their goal is to initiate heated discussion over the object of their shilling. Shills do not analyze information as it is not their job — therefore their posts are usually of low quality. Due to low coordination between different CIPsO branches, shills make duplicate posts and are easily detected. Targets: newfags and thread tourists, can sometimes even trick veteran posters. 3. Goreposter Activity: does not hide the fact that they're from Ukraine, though recently they have been seen using UK, Lithuanian and US proxies. Posts pictures of KIA Russian and LDPR soldiers. Main objectives — demoralization, incitement of rage, indignation or even fear. Most of the time their low IQ results in them trying to pass off Ukrainian soldiers and vehicles as Russian, e.g. the video of stray dogs gnawing on a carcass of a clearly identifiable dead Ukrainian soldier. Easily detected Targets: newfags, thread tourists, normies, libtards, etc. 4. Sock puppet Activity: works strictly behind Russian proxies. Tries to pose as a Russian citizen, but fails at basic grammar and slips in derogatory hohol slang like "vatnigger, occupant, ork". Their posts follow a strict CIPsO script which is regularly updated (once every 2-3 days). Usually starts off by acting like Baiters, refers to Strelkov's opinions as an authority and spreads defeatist sentiments. In the first few weeks of the Special Military Operation their go-to talking points were "there's no progress/Russians are stuck", "Putin is humiliated", "what are we gonna do if NATO intervenes?". Later on they changed tactics into farming (You)s, their long-winded discussions gathering numerous replies. Considered to be the most active hohol posters at this time, working across multiple social media platforms, not just 2ch. Can only be detected by veteran posters, newfags and thread tourists easily fall for their bait and start arguing. 5.Peremoga poster Activity: uses various proxies from different locations. Turns ANY topic into Ukrainian victory. The least intelligent type of hohol in any given thread. Looks simliar to spammers and shills, but still engages in discussion. It is still surprising that there are people who fall for their bait and give them (You)s.