========== FILE: 104-10003-10041.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Vind noe [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | WE ~ ~ th uaciassiFieo — ] WpreRMAL —O. conry PeTiAL . _seckeT— i : ad : _ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET ate was (Optional) . ; : ping of article othe ,Kamnedy’ wap/oa Arthur Po Torte AY | er Stare | °° Birch O'Ned —_ Reen-2b8 been on and off US- eh ! 4: an for the Italian Communist press. | te , Note that in the ection pencille : 5. in red rumors are ‘referred which | | suggest that timc: it was the | H Ageney te organise the murder of | ° | {| —eT | | | 14. rome 610 “euave TR secret [(] CONFIDENTIAL [J een UNCLASSIFIED & . ========== FILE: 104-10004-10143 (C06932208).txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ‘(f04-10004-10143 [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | ~ Date: 05/08/96 Page: 1 JFK ASSASSINATION SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION FORM AGENCY INFORMATION . AGENCY : CIA RECORD NUMBER : 104-10004~-10143 RECORD SERIES : JFK , : AGENCY FILE NUMBER : 201-289248 DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR : CIA FROM : TO : ' TITLE : DISCUSSION BETWEEN MEMBER SR DIVISION CONCERNING OSWALD'S STAY IN HELSINKI. DATE : 06/01/64 PAGES : 2 SUBJECTS : HELSINKI TRIP USSR CONSULATE DOCUMENT TYPE : PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION : SECRET RESTRICTIONS : 1B CURRENT STATUS : RELEASED WITH DELETIONS DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 06/12/93 OPENING CRITERIA : COMMENTS : OSW10:V43 1993,.06.12.10:33:55:150000: ws NW 64937 Docid:32106269 Page 1 ======== PAGE 2 ======== OWvess a AB (O: “uncLASstFleD 7 Oren ee al MB venti CJ secret SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM: PA JP 5 | Bree [HO 2B? . i TO: (Officer designation, room number, and DATE building) OFFICER'S | COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom INITIALS te whom. Drow a line across column after each comment.} . RECEIVED FORWARDED R 1975 Y he. SX af | clone 50/- BF 748 ‘Document Number Tio $38 “8 . for FOIA Review on AUN we age Lh ou, D weslerOMQLGecd DaSESRET —] CONFIDENTIAL C) (RRMA) UNCLASSIFIED ======== PAGE 3 ======== pT gee b - 1 June 1964 - SR Ojiisior PUSeUuss/ON, betiwoen ilo br — ad p%eb/, brd COS Holsink) CanmeleN ing az) - MENO FOR THE RECORD yF _Osw4sn's Stay ~y BORO Ae Jovwh) QU ° 1. At 0900 this morning I talked with Frank Friberg receatly returned COS Helsinki re Warren Commission inquiry concerning: the timetable of Oswald's stay in Finland in October 1959, ineluding his contact with the Soviet Consulate there. (Copy of the Commission letter of 25 May 64 and State Cable of 22 May 64 attached.) 2. Friberg gave me the following information: a. It takes 25 minutes to drive from the airport to downtown Helsinki; b. By taxi, it would take no more than 5 minutes to reach the Soviet consulate; c. The Seviet consulate probably closéd at 1300 hours local time on Saturdays in 1959; ; qd. Passenger lists Qnanifests), at the U.S. Consulate in Helsinki are retained for six months only and then are destroyed. Mr. Robert Fulton (CIA) was U.S. consular official there at the time. e. A copy of State's cable inquiry would go to the Helsinki Station and they would assist in preparation of a reply. ee 3. Mr. Friberg agreed that it would be worthwhile to cable che Station concerning points not covered by State in their inquiry. He suggested changes incorporated into the cable sent to Helsinki. “ oa Lee H. Wigren C/SR/CI/R AINTL PROSRAAL pista | HEX i pacPane FOR FICSRIG iP i Cade KO. (2, 3,4) AYEAT AEST wso/ocu; «CABLE WEN (14) HED (8) FOR FLING ‘Document Number 116 -¥38 for FOIR Review on. JUN 49 976 SaMe AS RECEASED pog * =B40 - i [econo cor _| ‘Gua . Dov->eaays 137 Docld:32106269 Page 3 ========== FILE: 104-10004-10143.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== A AAAAN \it04-10004-10743 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | Bow R ======== PAGE 2 ======== cingdiry. would po ssist in’ prepararicn “sugges tha changes. incorpozated ========== FILE: 104-10004-10156.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== A AAAAN \it04-10004-10756 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | bor B ======== PAGE 2 ======== 1 June 1964 i MEMO FOR THE RECORD ] 1. At 0900 this morning I talked with Frank Friberg recently returned COS Helsinki re Warren Commission inquiry concerning the timetable of Oswald's stay in Finland in October 1959, including his contact with the Soviet Consulate there. (Copy of the Commission letter of 25 May 64 and State Cable of 22 May 64 attached.) 2. 3. Friberg gave me the following information: a. It takes 25 minutes to drive from the airport to downtown Helsinki; b. By taxi, it would take no more than 5 minutes to reach the Soviet consulate; c. The Soviet consulate probably closed at 1300 hours local time 6n Saturdays in 1959; d. Passenger lists (manifests) at the U.S. Consulate in Helsinki are retained for six months only and then are destroyed. Mr. Robert Fulton (CIA) was U.S. consular official there at the time. e. A copy of State's cable inquiry would go £0 the Helsinki Station and they would assist in preparation of-a reply. Mr. Friberg agreed that it would be worthwhile to cable the Station concerning points not covered by State in their inquiry. He suggested changes incorporated into the cable sent to Helsinki. _ Lee een Document Number «6 “340 C/SR/CI/R I *-- E14 Review on JUN 1976 SAME AS “TIO-836 ======== PAGE 3 ======== 13-00000 See Sanitized File Number 335 For svsrils olev ce ee eee ee ========== FILE: 104-10004-10213.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== A AAAAN 2 V0a-t0004-10273 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 . ~ Do | : Yet - AMA) , 9 July 1964 MEMORANDUM FOR THE ‘RECORD - SUBJECT . : Discussion with Warren Commission Staff Member REFERENCE: Letter from J. Lee Rankin, General Counsel of the President's Commission, to Mr. Richard Helms dated 3 July 1964 _ “——P © SAfer dascussuehs th Stauizcn 4 Taly em girstions. fix Cue Tf hie y cto mods Busse Wears of Aas Fess awd “As ged ubese of €/SR and the DOP, I met «ith Mr. W. David Slawson of the staff of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy at 1406 hours on this date in the Commission's offices at 200 Maryland Avenue, N.E., Washington, D.C. The purpsse of this meeting was to discuss apparent inconsistencies in material provided the Commission by CIA and ty the Department of State which were calicd to our attention in a letter from the General Counsel of the Cummission to Mr. Helms, dated 3 July 1964. 2. By way of introduction, Mr. Slawson said that in the portion of the! - Commission's report that he was writing, he sould have to deal with the : question of whett.er or not the OSWALDs! depzrture {rom the USSR - and the circumstances {i.e. timing) of that departsre - were unusual or , suspicious in any way. He expressed his belie/ that they probably were not and cited Soviet relaxation in such matters jn the post-Stalin era. However, he war.ted to be sure in his own mirg that our information was not in conflict with that which the Commission had received from State’ since all of that information would remain in the records of the Commission. 3. After stating my belief that. there was no real disagreement or inconsistency between the information from CLA and that from State, I expressed the view that the matter resolved itseif into three questiozs: for FOIA Review on JUN 976 . estoy. jak. os Spee ee A ======== PAGE 2 ======== 13-00000 a. Dothe Soviet authorities normally permit Soviet “citizens married tu forcign nationals to emigrate from the Sovict Union to the homelands of their spouses? . b. | Do they normally permit such Soviet citizens to accompany (i.e. depart simultaneously with) their spouses from the Soviet Union? c. How long does it take such Soviet citizens to get Soviet exit visas ior such a purpose (time lapse from application to granting of visas)? ; : 4. Concerning the first two questions (3a and 3b above) I pointed out . _._that we had addressed ourselves mainly to the question of Soviet citizens being allowed to accompany their spouses abroad while State dealt only with the larger question of Sovicts married to foreigners being atiowed to emigrate without reference to whether or not they left simultas:cously with or at another time from their spouses. Mr. Slawson cormmented that this explanation was most helpful and he reread what both we and State had said in that light. S. By way ér further explanation, I said that the statements in paragraph 6 of our memorandum of 6 April 1964 concerning Soviets being permitted to accompany their foreign spouses abroad were based ona review of 26 cases, of which 10 involved Americans. . In only four of these cases did a Soviet wife leave the USSR in the company of rer foreign husband; in 14 of the cases the foreign spouse departed alone; and in the remaining seven cases insufficient details are known to permit us to categorize them. I added that although State's information began by citing the issuance of ‘724 quota and non-quota immigrant visas by the American Embassy in Moscow during the period FY 1954 to December 1963, it did not indicate how many of these visas were for Soviet citizens who had married U.S. nationals. Actually State provided detailed information for only sixteen cases and did not indicate in many of these whether or not the Soviet was permitted to accompany the foreign spouse. /6, In response to ======== PAGE 3 ======== 13-00000 4 6. In response ty a question from Mr. Slawsoa I stated that most of the'26 cases upon which we based Gur statements involved foreign ’ students, exchange teachers and other relatively transient persons, _ and while a number of cases have certain points in common, they bear ‘little similarity to the OSWALD case in that none imvolved a defector who - ‘married prior to rcpatriating. I noted that paragraph 6 of our 6 April 1964 memorandum to the Commission had pointed this out. Mr. Slawson indicated that hg was now satisfied on this matter. 8 7. ‘Concerning the length of time taken by Soviet authorities to process exit visas for Savict citizens married to foreign nationals (question 3c above), I stated that, in my vpinion, the information provided by State (in the third enclosure to Mr. Meeker's letter) substantially corresponded to the views expressed in paragraphs 6 and 7 of our memorandum to the Commission dated 6 April 1964. Mr. Slawson asked if it would be pussible to elaborate paragraph 7 of our memorandum of 6 April by providing 2 statistical breakdown of the cases on which our statements were based. I indicated that this coald be done. 8. At this point Mr. Slawson stated that as a result of our discussion he felt that the question of possible inconsistencies had been resolved. However, he asked that «e send a brief written reply to the Commission's letter of 3 July 1964 embodying the substance of what I had said concerning the basis for staternentz included in our 6 April 196¢ memorandum. [This would include the gist of the draft reply to the Commission which I showed to C/SR on 8 July plus an elaboration of our statements concerning Soviet visa applications. ] 9. Mr. Slawson indicated that he would be sending parts of his report dealing with the Sovict intelligence services to CIA for checking as to their accuracy. ‘He did not say when this would occar. 10. After concluding the meeting with Mr. Slawson, I yead Volume 52 of the transcript of testimony before the Commission. s included the reinterview of Marina OSWALD. . L Lee H. Wigren C/SR/Ci/Research oo a ======== PAGE 4 ======== 13-00000 eB agek fee Pe of Spruce ~ Sf sy y ie — els 7249 yr epphcaherre - Pan me, . Pine - Ue a obsie of Ong ; fo ack sey. eee mt motte yee , aS (e clip KBONS JZ Tom . ee . SANDE John (but note that be wanted to take her out ith hin prier te their marriege, since che was still technically narried te tut Seviets refused exit visa, ani he had to return . nting of exit visa in erder ' someone else, later te marry her and thea ovait era te bring her out.) uN . TD HZSTO preu0gy HOSEL oN CUTTIT JIGSAFISVENETIS =: SUNG WsW{S ISTAOS_LOOMLIN Lz21 wRIOTTUOS ; . Fara . 92 §SASVD TYIOL ne eee et Ot enn cn cece eo ======== PAGE 16 ======== 13-00000 Fe amen sent ee em tae tbe vee eo és hantaraid STERN -ZASLAVSEZTY Arlene KIRSCH Leonard NIEESOH Philip | PEGARTY Thomas’ SUCYER Robert PASSAUI Leclane CELATI Amfleare FELLUZONA Giovanni YEVNIEH EeTTIN Arrmulf JOHANSSON Fort WHDEECTAK Gunnar IDXDAEL Hugo TEELIN ils LZRRUAN Edgar PEWWILL C. Crant 2IZAZP2EZ Frenchman CRUZ OCAMPO Alvaro : GRIECO Ruggiero orn 2a _ t= LAVIFZALA Asser LYYSOURIDES séchillefs PACHLER 4llen SCCGNA:CGLIC Fario HRONS cf Tem SANDOR John ce Seine ot Re ae cen oe HAGUE LETE APPLIPATIO“ . 26 bug €1 ‘ Seon after 30 Jan €0 Feb or Yar 62 28 fay 59° rig 10 Kay_61 “iamediately fee 61 duly 61 iwediately 9 Sly 61 ® or Jan €2 Avy 61 or prior 21 Lee 61 eid-El or prior imeciately 28 Kar 630 Annediately nid 50's or prior 1959 or Z) early 151.7 aid-47 fall 59 or prior 1T Fes 62 Aug 627 4yg 60 Bee 60 prior dul £2 2 Nov 57 inzediately US ‘2 ‘Fen 62 i TS -Awy 60 ‘not out yet Aug 61 expected June 62 Gtaly - Jely 62 ° é2 not o=t yet spring/ Sweden - Epril 62 visa xic+ebd Seedan — aes Ts not yet oct Mar 62 Sweden - spring 62? LS - nid 50's May 62 Preree ~ as of 21/ rot yet out Aug 52 2 Fialoo4 - 4 j Italy - rareh 63. Italy - 6 Hay 61 lerway - 7 dul €2? TE- 31 var 98 - ======== PAGE 17 ======== 13-00000 a 1, Paragraph.6,of our memorandum of 6 April 1964 waa a | ; . sp og “are-- og response to question. #3 of your. memorandum of 12 March 1964 entitled: y Questions Posed by State Department Files. ‘ That question read as follows: “At the time that L.H. OSWALD and M. OSWALD lef ~ Russia for the United States wae it legal and normal under Soviet law and practice for a Rusaian national married to an American to ve able to accompany him back to his honieland? Was the vapidity «fh which L. H: OSWALD was able to accomplieh this and Marina's retuxnin any way unusual? “* 2. Our reply addressed iteclf to the legality and normality of Soviet cltdizens accompa nying ies: departing simultaneously with) foreiga spouses out of the USSR. It wae baaed ona review of 26 cases, of which 16 imvolved Americans, in which foreign nationals married Soviet citizens im the USSR. In oaly four of these 26 cases, did the Soviet wife leave the Soviet Usion in the Dot . ' company of her hueband. In one of these four cases, an Italiae Communist / Party member married ======== PAGE 18 ======== 13-00000 Party member married in the USSR and by prevatling upon the Hialiea Embaasy to hold up Italfan vieas for Soviet seamen, was able to arrange for hie wife to accompany him to Italy. In two more of the cases, an American met his future wife on a vieit to the USSR, married her on'a subsequent trip, and - brought her back to the U.S. No detalis are available on the fourth case, which involved a Swedish student who married a Soviet student and apparently drought her out with him. : 3. In 14 of the remaining eases, a foreign husband (in one case a wife) i departed alone, In another case the wife preceded her huokand because he had been failed a month or two previously for violation of travel regulations and in 7 additional cases the sequence Is not known. 4. The information in the third enclosure to Mr. Meeker's letter regarding length of time taken by Soviet authorities to process visa applications of Soviet wives of American citizens substantially corresponds with the conciusions which we expressed in paragraph 7 of our tnemorandum of data 6 April 1964. The material from Mr, Meeker provides useful additional a {regarding Sovict visas ======== PAGE 19 ======== 13-00000 tne hed eterna eee te a, Le nereceemenenen so aerate mete bbe ce eee meee nee ene: cee emer ned aeatee Meemn | ‘vegarding Soviet visa processing, and does nct materially alter the conclusions stated in paragraph 6 of our memorandum. We feel that any ’ apparent inconsistencies may stem from the different approaches tothe ~ problem by the State Department and this Agency. ======== PAGE 20 ======== 13-00000 , : ° - aN: a 7 , - ed Dy me BBA - 76794. fey Of FO _ wine: ana ae ; 2, at 9, by, hy / witestd puck Af £296 # ; ts Bovis bubde “Ov oy. Lomonscovihay | Feoges bt, Aer Far nelu v0 263 Migervs 21 ) hy it Ait teat aud ; Son oa . Sasinca Fite, thitece. | ; . th Ocuztd g f° ; fo AL_ : : A reat aye % Conds thae Bical side 9710S pw A a Loe odeiith aw 4x 182, Lat Maly, n. Mee sed, a UG HATS t YL lies iu, gare d. Wh LAS A PAN (Sepaasena. Mug Ws mous, Kons Guo vie, -wt2 AIA fas be GOA, goltd ake for feel c . . 0G bans Seve, abbey. af or Jor te Gil, fre giebon ¥ Vos. he thon Jel WY i 7 ated Ore /) Ase 2 tet (Aub, 3 ae 7} WE LSE 7H We 14 the 62 he mz ad bet Movs ITew, ol, Lia- 7964! 22 di, oF ral gen ls Leng: cad. Por ada. o/ rom 33. Shr sac Ad tn we seed fess, LTA Wes Lb ok 4 lis fo vi Site $2. tec broths, fi AMIE WV — “born 926 — - ayale hese d , Westies ai Artecdlil Z g SIW SL, de by: dard. 10! BM bed Yl Leb ce me 29 fed cy. ¢ an Uv ; é ======== PAGE 21 ======== 13-00000 Seam ees pee: meee meme pee ets ie “ “Ate ae Et ca ue a ote | . loed. it - mrs “4 ws o apaated | Jin — poll inaces he - . Trin, CA F ' Sade . ° a . . = . Zy nen QD nF. — a LAS 1... 0a 9 duly 1961, Mr. W. David Slevsen and o representative of CIA diseussed the questien of apparent intensistemcies in material pro- vided the Cenmission by CIA and by the Desarteent. et State. At that tins the question was resolved to He, Slawzen's sztisfaection, at te was agreed that CIA would furnish a statistical treakdew ef the cases en whisk CIA based the statezents in paragraph 7 ef its meneranccum of 6 April 196h. 2. Peregreph 7 of the 6 April meaeracdum etdressed iteelf to the legality and nernality of Soviet citizens departing the USSR simltan- eecsly with taeir foreign speses, Stateaents were based cn a review of 26 eases (ten Anvolving uorteans) tn whtea fereign nationals married Seviet eitizens in the USSR, In enly three ef these 2 cases did the Soviet wife leave tho USSR in the eompany of Ler imsband. In two of the eases an smeriean net his future wife en a visit te the Soviet Unien, married her on a subsequent trip, and breught her beek te the U.S. Me details are available on the third case, witeh invelved a Swedish student whe married a Seviet student and apperently brevet ber o1t with hia, In ======== PAGE 22 ======== 13-00000 , _ parted aloe, In one siere ef Ue 23, the wife preceded har husbend beeause he had been Jailed a month er tee previeusly fer Vielation ef : travel regulations, sd In the seven ether ceses the sequence is not known. 3. The information in the third enslesure to Mr, Mecker's letter regarding length ef tine teken by Seriet exthorities te precess visa applications 6f Soviet wives ef Jarriean eltixems substantially corres< ponds with the conclusions wales we exzressed im paragraph 7 of tha our 6 April memorandum, In ekeven ef the 2% eases, this time peried 4s knom fairly definitely er ean be inferred. In three eases it tock fron : ; five te nine menths, Inferring ia the ether eight cases, three took .. : abeut six menths, two mere were issued in net mare than nim to eleven reguicd nonths, and three feck a minim ef seven te twelve montis. Apparent Aincensisteneies between thése statisties ani these previded by the State . ; Departaent undoubtedly arise from a differene im appreash by the State Lepartaent and CIA. ======== PAGE 23 ======== 13-00000 < PI MeMeR Im ENT Me INN OS 4 AN OemLS AMrtad eek Seeman ats meta nae arte nen een anata anne ne me rene ene cenatad a In three cases there ms a Lapeer ef several mexths between. svrlieation ant tsecmnee of the Sovket exit visa (tive months in ene taney six tn the seceat, eat rise An the third). In anether case the Be did se sens six menths after Ge wedding enly beeause the Soviet extherities teld bin that her exit enplication eculd net be precessed until he hed left. The visa was femned only ebeut six weeks after his departure, but it may have beer amglfed fer when they were married er at any tine during the m=t six emtie. In four other cases it 1% pesribile te infer apprexinate tine lixits fer the granting of an exit visa. An was granted within four to five neatha, the second within six te ssem nenths, the third within nine nenths, and the fourt: within elerm meaths. In three additional cases Vise issuance teek a minimce of sever, eleven, and twelve months res- pectively, me ======== PAGE 24 ======== 13-00000 vo a Man vecllancout niles 21 on Sows mamed Cc Fase igheas cy Ades F ZASLAVEKIY hes Aev berland, ‘haa bend Me Nharold BERMAN b plead e Cede 7 ye Aine id 4 US{K. (2 Oct 62) . wed wn USA, Yelena KNYE UKE ny of er wet bref Dongen . Leorard AIRS CH ‘shor ah has w b been ‘bitding ain hte Fond Em ner Cine te WIR R4260 |, Sa MM conTiiecnrg ies hu US. CMeanied on sev yal. Charnes abe cllractzed hen + Vg Ae. Metent 4% , “tea doy pg sey ber Wha Aroniled Fob sod a, nol Sw hich. - HMyal, apis bis plig le phaud a ‘ulcbar * illu Af un Mudtule Y ca * ite dov 4 ahs. te te ou Leia comp reseed (te 4 net Mectag wn wives leave coulis olts ON DE f atte Quid gporlunithe. AmEub Meters Acipalele A - 308, 318.62. - 7 ad. a Lenamdn, Us tvbauge vy at elieos 4, Aw Lb of finerg it, Atlate, 62. uta lenonfer Le ches full. “gener donde elf teal / art lu int at elles cere today tha Aeubine ley a (4 wealef ced Y ======== PAGE 25 ======== 13-00000 | oa A |: ee Re. ~ . & 2 een a ‘ “eg? | . de : pele ia Lid - “atninpe “hanes etn tank bid bia dhitetnted by ae Aev ailteytas Leurmad wuld Hel :20% Lie iy ~ fo exurmint fer htpos yuivets it , pourers had whe Mea “Ly: feo. wedding i. Lt pe ¢ sof cul oj aegely fine - “fics ata- aid A ag 4 MA. Heald puch a pend Le Harved ot witha « C ftrha a DE ~ 266h 3, vsol- ZPIRGE i OE a | Nils Bi (HELIN , devedol eye, age dledeal of "hey pe ogtain - Mer nul gel . bei. able to val He hentia wife, be wtesch (HHetg typlate, Ee Vrosev Eveudlinen “at pistes ES ; TICRYSTAL- 1 ff derfuct Apt /6 Aye EZ. Nits WH Acad. o; nits waa ace fh ear tt wpe Ranma KRAVTEOUE MEL Se | Kurt voaarl sso’, Ayredishe ayulaneg e exper: phediad manutd Jaw ba SE ee been! Kove, ple wld Tass analitt, AEPROMISE (Z0/— 274504) eMeanied Me é/ ~ did ss cutleis * TOOL. is: y lhe Cok oe eleclariuyy Hedools At Mir Ser gals Cee len aa aves att lo ng? let Mates CO ======== PAGE 26 ======== 13-00000 OMA te wotully.— ae oe: Like. tip he bnk- 5h "ibd wedisk Good Metrtfles “He wal pecrwniled 67 1d. Station autpoel, PES te . argu we Tne manage, Se w/ neal rd Ary “fer, Koasotnel Vaile (ee the ). “abl 1d: (43S, ’ dee furre ufe an (ao 1, ous [6.6L VA lee suede ie MOL On her Gide olted ial Miewg ae - a Cader BCL beset ect FELT Let Lord . frrtee' Quapriras Le nice bler ” She Scud. v Uualned had deol Lad tbe pth hy ff euch louis bas out Yee Ol tot weg lin Lar ae lien? - one lor f pall ou not Tal get. He crreaclina ter (pre cers y Jus CBR Lbs r/. Mm én Catt Jb. Ne Cextd yet be ‘bald ber pyc te Cour he, ko be Lt tw 62 tite. pthtiatay thtid Yer . foel a len ia Lh Mild | “Aid feb Ua bu, Yuin delagd, Sl be Ye eeuld coh dg COMC 1 Sov evleranak Pepe | [hey have eelled Of Ae” e440 ae yD ekily Ute WR." Pod beat haz eeull/ tags Vinee - buy fine tet that ppl Tati @ of reer je Ler lo tubv WSK ela lo 4 bon ======== PAGE 27 ======== 13-00000 bg ain. — a © Bonne Moeoen'srn Is . Y H6o- 6/ OS ny I a Nibihy Keishinshay zy _ Salarsp Geeile te tains iad S, Ae bie Labed hug 61, lkle tb Collenbotf, Ae” 2) 4 Aprue & life wet. sob oud (Ase ls o ypettd acl Mes Vdd we Lr 20! lade Nore an gol of exp the gol arta Feb 62 aud véaud d hin Ma Maret. ‘ ao John Litt oR 20l- apt d praene ), Mien can 4 Sang Wtastion, La ue bo i909. fast wife fllid dw ee Meck , Wil ZT, Ol C956 be alee fin Mit oer ba panel 9 Houte Neel Kdetownl Jetoe. - at 7 Mthey wwf 26(- 276 #67, aj Aanernae Koedukey. ee Label julipts fg de at Net Mothva, Te sted dasce Ys acupld fete dig he stl, Wittued Ao \dev lerobete d ALIMA OW Maen Mesegertth Cie). JS bain Aan vat 7 Uy coud avg, Leu dan slety [| lle ======== PAGE 28 ======== 13-00000 j fon sapetoley 9 ihe i 1 A /, ht at Mevhoe Val, $2 Meaeacid 75 , | AM 87, Lived ihe 0 lay D) ot abit IS Vad apps. dual Me Gk . Ly nite. 6 Mme poe ke foie blurs C8 OS1R Nov $7. Jw fiery gare JS peamthion A blac UiLR . ; deer Lyit chat NED hee RAL! ed VY a il isle z (59 H/BPP bss itid Spee ae ag dev hora th va a4 id, Mot ed? Se Med pumanend Mbiliot Ww . UK co 7 L061. hse oY Touko LAVIKALA, Faaril, Laur sLuent, 7> USSR on eMeh et H phe SE-S4 gear, CMarutd - ow, all Gt taohinsy Ade. * Aires KCB wed hin Aeauet cok ff ge ce A VALINK fy ======== PAGE 29 ======== 13-00000 Ms Dawid L Aerie US .ertigen; posited - Aye LYevinl (ee }&to cand ty Zo/ ADs * onion 5 Me iid : ZELENKov 20/- BBA736- “fol UZE Lym BouR DES, Manied Aelita Borteina. DYoMine 7 DEM * they 59, 20(- 3/2213, LCCGHAMICLIG “1A 2 pretty thal dom fier O° Ve ba yw watt fi ‘nec oe feet leas Hf a p pet Avhdhe. A Len | at arom — fe Pruth ‘a ite ; fect, Since Sle as K6B bis af Agesd Univ. sel h ORANE - RoBULSON , ba ola Brit svontal- ao Mavcbzita, han been: 4 wig A USSF, emcngracl, Aur to Ira at- A 0 otal Dr ina Mibkkalorie RvSAMOVA as dye (e uv?) of Alawe t, é Masiages, ht ten Arn oernut - iz ired 22.€, sect, Ne seQwittld adatom, Le bt the aul orilia vilip sad of Wk) hy ae Mat hus Hs hid. ipgcred Y give Of taid Chay suld ======== PAGE 30 ======== 13-00000 tad hia A “Ce & Cul dpeclog T oft it Uae / Toh Cron: , fen bet HT had nif OWsone yuarsved a heal few would Ae thle to huwe Lhe tou. Y feat auto, gon oF bee ng b t WER, pawied Sev Lidiae LIESSIN|’ Abe aubkermtid hi Bag Auk 's piaccliner fend hac c& Ke6T ) WAT] bots he 3 eye old. Med: ? fe , Ad aw vad 1 Svs Aid ued gt © . Cjilau deta co dye nl. 4, heagile Calan OS Pub staned i, Mote til dyt 49 (0s ~nuivale dt), t iL ale mpt vA wide edi tes Ste “ub AO id. ony, C “4: Aoi Gev ‘ ant “4, at At: ya oHatbii Untuoesss - A , inte fg 6i i Sé2 te buowl ts arinaik Vity 2-an al Lkhrh oe ; rS 0 us flsene hs ore A tn HK awk Jesh, haying at Lieb aur (24h. Like | Bo: ======== PAGE 31 ======== i “Ae wlll in hens maid z haya oy pag Alicdenlez pimansno/hgeased Ugo Kasai Get © Wen ayod She, Chbld B deans Yet Pee i” KeBnis tite any i } ha. As Malet da ‘clad heheh — - celich Seappesedlly wold net ae - FOLDERS NOT @yeCKED GA1Ane Uf £761 -62. Jnticanwe : dUMDadl & hidiga. b hee LELENKOVA 2017, ss2 736 ======== PAGE 32 ======== 13-00000 i writisoy, REDS KM oy “Tanaé Stepanovna KORGUROVA,' a omance » developed Between them ‘and NIELSON. "Became dotersiined to sarzy her which he finally did in the: apts : His fently did. everything in their power to discourage this romanc’ and Soha an Ga hie second. trip: to: the ‘USSR ‘in January 1959, Philip Robert was: given an INTURIST Anterpreter/giide named - of 1962." - - Hefnes: “of the State’ ‘optartnent received letter from HIELSON's father 2 re affelr tot seeking help but advice on whet to doo ae . NIELSON later received letter from his father in fall 1960 giving in Getails the contents of a conversation father had had with John Hanes of State. Soounmenscibetdock} Hanes stated thats . a, All Americen-Soviet marriages had turned out to be unsuccessful, b. The Soviets never let one of their nationals out of the country under such circumstances unless the person had been recruited as a spy. c.The Soviets will pretably not given NIELSON 2 viea(he tried uneuccess- fully all summer and fall 1960 and in 1%1 to get Sev visa). ® ======== PAGE 33 ======== 13-00000 i } i 1 ' Nora Murray). Rs ‘tégard te the: ‘marriage. of a Soviet to « a ‘fofetgoer tore nonzero (vio narried a British diplomat in the. rgiots)hes this: - to soy "thst. of the. Women wie ‘have arried foreigners sust have agreed "at one tine or another to carry out soine eort of spy work for the: Soviets. Otherwise, they would, not -bave been given portidseton to parry ‘foreigners, = for even the marriage certificate has. Jo te issued or the secret police." Nora,kerself,vas recruited by State Security through coercion and only , . i. allowed to leave the country by agreeing to work for “Teaket State Security. This she never did ee ince. out of the country, she broke completely with — the Soviets and it is presumed that she has furnished information on thet organization to the British services. (1 Spt Spied for Stalin® by _ Petr DERYABIN, State Security officer who defected in 1954,has this to say ebout the Soviet women who have contact with or who marry foreigners: Soviet women associating with foreign men will be recruited by State ‘Security when the association is first begum,or after it has developed, or when plans for marriage heve been made, * Even if only 5% of these. voren are 100% loyal State Security. workers,and the others work less loyally, it is stil) considered a vorthwhile operation.No woran known to be anti-Soviet would ever be given a visa to leave the country even if she vere parried to an ambassador.The Soviets instruct all persons in this category to make remarks against the Soviet Union when abroad,but these remarks are not tc be too strong, _ flor are they made for publication*by press or radio." In the carly 1960f % vhen anyoung American was thinking of parrying an INTURIST guide,his fathor contacts 4 imowledgeable official of the State Department who made the follow: 1. All A®erican-Soviet rarr: ces may ka: turned out to be unsuccesful 2-_.The Soviets never let one of their natioanls out of the count: di h Zee ry under such ow. ces (marr: age to @ foreigner) unises the person had been recruited 3 ======== PAGE 34 ======== 13-2000 _ (ontrrazvadyvateinoyé upra’ jeitye-th0), of ts: KCB fotttaten operations against foreigners iraide the USSR, When the operation leads outside the USSR into foreign countriee,1.0., when the. probaklé Fecruitnents have teen achieved,and the persons in question eave the USSR, ‘the operation ie. ‘than turned Rake to the Foreign Intelligence Directorate (inostremaye porevleniye- IND) a \Sontiques the operation until such time as st is terminated. : “ ======== PAGE 35 ======== 13-00000 Johni ‘SANDOR = Hand proposed to Vixtoriya Keer had to leave USSR before ttey could ret married. FLVA in°1956, but” Returned: in 1957 and:rarried her Nov. Arrived together in US in March 1958. ; By ======== PAGE 36 ======== 1 poone N | H wf i u- w so f BOL mts 3". Ay Covinitt Hebe BETWS Ae hire, a 7 - Aresen Leon at cl. “ the o. AHIR 2K: Ves . [A ws aft ; a re f ah << . — Ahn ular he lan Ain Lit SLOG 0A pees 462. — DUSEh Yate re din la UEP LER uAA ED, Ad ttt: ok Men “A G he Citys chat uy “eae (iti ed « : - ¢ ” ; AEOORTY VAor. Vv: Zé Hay 7 Bebe! eee co Mati, (eo ut bs 76 ve 74-57, : . 36 ======== PAGE 37 ======== ate Ata RHEE Ha SEARS i Sibe e 4 a oonies " SHOLOVA, Tamara uf to ‘Tealtéa ‘Scogniedglia whom: CON = married to Allen’ David PACHLER, 0.8 card for nember, — = married to LONMDAKL, 201-332736 ~ EHD, Natalya = married Gunnar NORDENSTAM-fros Bothenburg. Now living in Sutteborgs SEREBRENTKOVA, Tamara - Leningrad Univ, burn ca, 1936-37. Former INTURIST guide. My records do‘ not indicate to whon she is nmerried, Louise Losount, Aelita Borisoma = Born Sudmrxceyien Yalta , 29 May 193K. nee Married to Achiliefs LESSOURIDES aka DEAIKA : in August 1959. 201-312213. cor.” efitdgen. She bas 201 file, See sn/6/e' left. Living with siother Tealteny: \ i 4 4 = Married AE PROMI SE/, ) - SEE SRe Z ========== FILE: 104-10005-10321.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 1a neon. 104-10005-10321 WN, FRANKFURT; BERLIN, COPENHAGEN, VIX, PARIS, STOCKHOLM mys, ats THE MkGUa. ey NW, COPEJO GMNY _ dele, Hag u, BE CHE DIR’. ======== PAGE 2 ======== “CLASSIFIED: MESS C) INDEX 1 NOUN (3 FILE IN-CS INFO CITE DIR be . DY MAY 33 FLED TO FRANCE, WAS Di COPE 36-37 BOT EXPELLED Po DEMMARE FOR FRANCE VIA ICELAND. IN 40 DY SWEDEN, MARRIED MAY BMILSSON, CAME US VLA USSR IS 41 AND RATURALIZED CITLZION SINCE as iLL A CHECK AS POSSIBLE, IX ======== PAGE 3 ======== 19-89 “ROUTING INS ========== FILE: 104-10006-10247.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== A AARAAN \it04-10006-10247 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | . . T . FROM: (Requesters nome) @) BADGE NO. ~ . NAME CHECK AND CONSOLIDATION REQUEST - Th CHECKING INSTRUCT IONS SUBJECT TO BE CHECKED GIVEN NAMES Foelerevich ex Roman Vi lg S.J N, beloewna SPELLING VARIATIONS TO BE CHECKED OTHER IDENTIFYING DATA (Occupation, sex, CP membership, I. S. affiliations, etc.) AKA, ALIASES DATE OF BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTH CITIZENSHIP RESIDENCE aaa ESE PW OS Se RESULTS OF RID/1NDEX CHECK NO PERTINENT IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION . Pfeemencemnee INSTRUCTIONS FOR REQUESTERS IN ALL CASES : 201 CONSOLIDATION © Use gummed label; type or print all entries. @) Upon receipt of index card reproductions draw a green diagonal line across the items you do not want. @ Edit (use green) the reproduced index cards to indicate: (a) cards to be destroyed (mark with green D and note reason for destruction) Examples: document destroyed; duplicate or less informative than retained in- formation; information of no CS value. 1. Return this form with the card repro- ductions, also return pertinent documents, aperture cards and the dossier if a 201 on the subject exists. 2. For each document to be included in the consolidation (i.e., copy or cross reference to be placed in the 201 file), green D the corresponding card and check (a) or (b) below: (a) [J Consolidate into 20I- (o) (J Open 201 file on subject. [no] OTHER INTERESTED DESKS OR STATIONS Note 2. Information concerning foreign public personalities (except mili- tary) may be available in BR/OCR (bo) corrections and additions, inclu- ding infinity symbol co when card in- cludes all facts contained in the document. Note 1. Records of COI, SSU, OSS and CIG are in RID/ARD, and those that meet indexing criteria in CSHB 70-1-1 are carded in the CS Main Index. If you believe there could be additional in- formation of value in these records, you must request an Archives Index _ search. ======== PAGE 2 ======== 13-00000 7a One Roman Fedorovich DEDXOV, born 28 March 1927 in Ariensk, USSR, and his wife Vilasa Nikolayevna DEDKOV, born 31 December 1930 in Minsk, USSR, sppided-fer were listed as applicants for entry vieas to Indieg, sometime prior to April 1962. DEDKOV, who was issued Soviet passport number 207451 on 17 September 1960, was scheduled to arrive in New Dethi for two years as an English language teacher at the Soviet Embassy. iF It is not known wkhether-er=not DEDKOV actually arrived in New Delhi. KX aK Btorr. Ko ahywr Bonin te fvcbionr 4 wig BOAT 10 Ave ‘964% ere oe ======== PAGE 3 ======== 13-00000 28 Nar 1927; Art Sh (terns ys ========== FILE: 104-10007-10345.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 9D ANAANAN ‘ioa~10007-10348) (2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F, KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 : eeAS £ CNLY _ JENTI Lat aN SECRET Chief, CI/R&A 2cN . TO: (Officer designation, room number, ond | are vs Jo ; building) Onricen's : sal Chief, AF out gee ¢ Chief, EE * chief, FE 5 D 3107 - - Chief, NE---——--;~~--.- 6 D 3107 ; Chief, WE 4B 4405. FORM 61 0 USE PREVIOUS sear coinore’* EX] SECRET ([] CONFIDENTIAL (] jue Onry (_ UNCLASSIFIED \ ======== PAGE 2 ======== 13-00000 CASSIFICATION PROCESSING 4 7 | ==> PRO- ACCOM. D | S A Cc H poseD ACTION riisaco To || MARKED FOR INDEXING Chiefs of all Stations NO INDEXING REQUIRED INFO. LY QUALIFIED READQUARTERS DESK CAN JUDGE INDEXING Chief, KUDOVE AAS MICROFILM SUBJECT © warre ommission Testimony - Selected Excerpts ACTION REQUIRED - REFERENCES FYI... 1, The Warren Commission's Report on the assassination of President Kennedy focused attention on the magnitude of the problem. involved in the protection of the Chief Executive. As you know, it is our responsibility, overseas and in headquarters, to render every support possible to the Secret Service in the conduct of its statutory responsibilities in the United States, and especially when the President travels abroad. 2. The circumstances confronting the Warren Commission produced discussion and testimony on various aspects of the problem of Presidential protection and on interagency operational cooperation, which normally do not find their way into the public domain. These include the acquisition and dissemination of information, consultation, coordination, and operational interchanges, I believe you will be interested in the attached extracts of testimony given before the Warren Commission by U.S. intelligence and security officials. Pertinent Fortions have been side lined. I commend these materials for reading by all officers in positions of senior responsibility in headquarters and overseas, ee Document number 1S F2ZT BD. FLETCHER M, KNIGHT 5 Der DSI2DHd4I for FOIA Review on SEP 876 DATE TYPED DATE DISPATCHED 23 Dec. 1964 | @ FEB ie [CROSS REFERENCE TO DISPATCH SYMBOL ANO NUMBER HEADQUARTERS FILE NUMGER | Book Dispatch No, 4726 | CLASSIFICATION | : 100-300-12 | SEGRE ’ yo oO ORIG'NATING ‘6 ad OFFICE — OFFICER — TYPIST a = CI/R&A’ Raymond G, Rocca __gwh mes 3? dbx + COORDINATING Tor wieeR'S NAME loFFICE Syma. Date Aerie RELEASING [oF FICER’s SIGNATURE a —EZ/Ry a. ~ — _ — ore ar HQ COPY ISPA TCH ======== PAGE 3 ======== AF Division Abidjan ~ Accra “ Addis Ababa ” “Algiers “ Bamako Brazzaville” Bujumbura (// Conakry Dakar+~ Dar-es-Salaam -~ Freetown .Kampala “~~ Khartoum Lagos — Leopoldville 4— Lome ce Lusaka *~ Mogadiscio »~ Monrovia Nairobi .~ Pretoria «~~ Rabat ~~ Salisbury ~~ Tananarive:~ Tripoliz- Tunis Yaounde The above listing has been reviewed in the AF Division. Ld (Initials) D€ -ibution For - Book Dispatch No. 4726. EE Division Athens ¢~ Bern —~ Frankfurt uu Nicosia Vienna The above listing has been reviewed in the EE Division. (Initials) FE Division Bangkok ¢~ Djakarta -~ Hong Kong -~ Honolulu Kuala Lumpur-~ Manila ~~ Melbourne Okinawa - Pirore—Penis Rangoon -~ Saigon ~ Seoul -~ Taipei Tokyo Vientiane —~ Wellington +~ The above listing has been reviewed in Division. —. _ (Initials) -T ======== PAGE 4 ======== NE Division Aden *~ Ammani~ Ankara ~~ Baghdad Beirut Cairo Colombo Damascus Jidda -~ Kabul Karachi ~~ Kathmandu ¢~ Kuwait New Delhi +7” Tehran : The above listing has been reviewed in the NE Division. Distribution For Book Dispatch No. 4726 WE Division Brussels“ Copenhagen «~~ The Hague «~ Helsinki Lisbon London a ‘Madrid ~ Oslo — Ottawa Paris Paris/ LCPIPIT «~~ Reykjavik -—~ ° Rome Stockholm uo The above listing has been reviewed in ======== PAGE 5 ======== WH Division Asuncion — Bogota ~ Buenos Aires~ Caracas Georgetown “ Guatemala City -~ Kingston «~ La Paz e~ Lima —~ Managua, «~~ Mexico City “ Montevideo ~~~ Panama City Paramaribo ~~ Port-au-Prince -~ Port of Spain -~ Quito — Rio de Janeiro ~~ San Jose & SemJuens San Salvador .-~ Santiago ~~ Santo Domingo a Tegucigalpa . The above listing has been reviewed in the WH Division. ti, (Initials) -3- T Distribution For Book Dispatch No. 4726 ======== PAGE 6 ======== oo at) alli) eS) Bee ee eee Bee Pep DDP ADDP C/OPSER Cc/TSD C/CA c/ccs c/SsOD Cc/CcI C/FI C/AF C/AF/1 C/AF/2 C/AF/3 C/AF/4 C/AF/5 C/AF/6 C/EE C/EE/G C/EE/K C/EE/SA C/FE C/FE/CH C/FE/HULA. C/FE/JKO C/FE/ PMI C/FE/TBL C/FE/VNC C/NE C/NE/1 DC/NE/AA C/NE/4 C/NE/5 C/NE/6 See eee ee ee eC) Headquarters Distribution for Book Dispatch No. 4726 C/WE C/WE/1 C/WE/2 C/WE/3 C/WE/4 C/WE/5 C/WE/BC C/wH C/WH/1 C/WH/2 C/WH/3 C/WH/4 C/WH/5 WH/COPS WH/POA WH/POB WH/ Plans CI/R&A CI/ LIA ClI/ OPS/ AF CI/ OPS/EE Cl/OPS/FE CI/OPS/NE CI/OPS/SS Cl/ OPS/WE CI/OPS/WH RID Originated by: Chief, CI/R&A, Ext, 7468/23 December 1964 ========== FILE: 104-10009-10021.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== | AY DIVIsTON Johannesburg Lagos Rairobi Pretoria Rabat Salisbury EUR_DIVISION Barcelona Berlin Bern Bonn Copenhagen Geneva The Hague Hamburg Helsinki Lisbon London Madrid Milan Munich Liaison Base Munich Ops. Base (Laurion) Oslo Ottawa Paris LOPIPIT Rome Salzburg Stockholn Vienna Zurich NE DIVISION Ankara Athens Beirut Calcutta Colombo Istanbul Rew Delhi Rawalpindt Teheren " YE DIVISION San Jose Sen Salvador Santiago Santiago de los Caballeros Sao Paulo Tegucigalpa Rio de Janerio ======== PAGE 2 ======== FE/CA 1h | C/cO/cA 8B/CA DO/CA 3 CI/RBA 10 EUR_DIVISION E/CA B/SC E/BHL E/F E/T E/TB E/G E/AS E/BC ========== FILE: 104-10009-10222.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ‘foa-to008-10222 . | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | ‘'" 4m Charles C. F. adpxy' - . : a _ . # “ Dixrecter General Australian metry Intelligence Organization “; G@ PB. O. Box &105RB “ Melbourne Dear Charles, Thank you for your letter of 15 October | recommending against the declassification of Warren Cosmisaion Gocumcnt CD-971. 1 might mention that our inquiry to you in August (19638) . waz in anticipation ef further pressure for the ia release of Warren Coumaigsion payers, a pressure | / YY | oe which has not materialized. Accordingly, there is Vv wea - . . | met, at ‘the present tine, any iateatica to release oO x oe Should the question be raised at some future (ee a _ time, the points made by you in your letter provide . Ci ' every reason te keep the docunent out of the Lo y" "public domain. \ With kindest regards, Siucerely, vot 9, d Ys/ Richard Helmy - po Dovuent sn 42 Tc ; Richard Yelag for FOIA Review on SEP 976 Director ; . : Distribution: ; eer DCL 1-appp = Ordg = Micee " Sigmaturve Recommended: i ~ pte 1 = DDCI .e o1- PUI/AR _ 2 = ppp =u . oan 4, g Ve 5 Deputy pirector for’ ‘Siane DDP/FE/PMI/AN/Auos Taylor, Jr. (x 5002) sab (25 Koveaber 1968) he Ss ========== FILE: 104-10012-10022.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 21 Wa US/82/71 Dear. Anthony, Re arding your letter 6/705 of 10 May 1982, our records indicate~that Valeriy Viadimirovich Kostikoy traveled to Mexico, France, Spain, the U.S. and Cuba during the period 1959-61. In 1961, he was assigned permanently to Mexico City as a consular officer and served there until August 1965. He was varigusly described as a translator, vice-consul, and attache. During this tour he attempted to cultivate a U.S. Government employee assigned to our embassy in Mexico City. do Rolr- - ‘ In September/October 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald approached ‘the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City in an attempt to get a visa allowing him to return to the USSR. Kostikov, as a consular officer, handled this visa request. We have no information which indicates ‘any relationship between these individuals other than for the purpose of Oswald's making his visa request. Kostikov returned to Mexico City for a second tour of duty in July 1968. During this tour he was again assigned to the consular section and was a second secretary. It appeared that he was tasked with following the activities of the Central American communist parties.and left-wing groups, and he met often with members of” these groups, reportedly providing them with funds and technical guidance. In July/August 1969, Kostikov made an unusual TDY trip to Moscow lasting three weeks. (His family remained in Mexico.) In July 1970 he made a four-day trip to Havana. Kostikov's tour in Mexico ended unexpectedly in September 1971, Our information indicated that he was not due to leave for another three to four months, and at the time of his departure, there was some speculation that the suddenness of his departure was due to the fact that = os he was known to Lyalin. too - Bo eS CROSS FILE COPY FOR 201- DO NOT DESTROY D Oso - O05 — ve> D26/- 30505 2 ======== PAGE 2 ======== While in Mexico he was considered by some to be the mont effective and dangerous of intelligence officers in Mexico. He has been described as being without morals, education, and manners. | Shortly after his arrival in Mexico in 1968, he was arrested in front of a house of prostitution after becoming involved in a fist fight with some locals. It appears this incident did not affect his position in Mexico City, despite the fact that it received a good deal of press coverage. We are aware only that Kostikov arrived in Beirut in June 1978. We are unable to confirm his presence there now. Although our file indicates that Kostikev may have been a member of Department 13 (Executive Action) (Department V's predecessor), we have been unable to confirm this. Also, to the best of our knowledge the KGB has not engaged in such executive action since 1959. Sincerely, 9) /s/ David . Dayid H. Blee Mr. Anthony C. M. DeVere ; —— — PRO1e ATTACHED DDO/CI/RA/Joan Paxson (21 May 1982) DISTRIBUTION: Orig & 1 - Adse 1 - CI/RA Chropo - 1 - 100-2-95 1 - Reading Board 1 - Paxson JOO - 2- GS ========== FILE: 104-10012-10024.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== froa-10012-10024 [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | oes yor t . . ' . " we je 6/705 10 May 1982 VALERIY VLADIMIROVICH KOSTIKOV— . 1. Please refer to our conversation of 6 May. KOSTIKOV, born 17 March 1933, Moscow, was posted to Beirut in 1978 as lst Secretary and may still be there. He is identified KGB and served in Mexico City from 1961-71. There is a reference to him on page 307 of BARRON's KGB which suggests that he may have been Department V. We do not appear to have asked LYALIN about him, and are now doing so. 2. We also note that EPSTEIN in "Legend" claims that accerding to a CIA telecheck KOSTIKOV was Lee Harvey OSWALD's KGB case officer in Mexico City. According to BARRON (page 335) OSWALD was in Mexico between September and November 1963 and was seeking to obtain a Soviet visa. There was certainly a KGB interest in OSWALD, although according to NOSENKO this was defensive. 3. The reason for our current interest in KOSTIKOV will be obvious. As you are aware, our Embassy in Beirut, in common with other Western Missions, has been subject » threats and violence in recent months, and in view of earlier hostile attentions from the KGB, we have been reviewing our records of KGB staff in the area who might have been involved in promoting strong-arm tactics, 4. We would be grateful for your views as to whether the KGB are likely to be behind any of the recent incidents (possibly through the Syrians) and for any information on KOSTIKOV and his activities in Mexico and in Beirut. In particular, what are your comments on the OSWALD story; can you confirm that KOSTIKOV is still in Beirut; is there anyone else in Beirut or Damascus whose . trace record suggests an Active Measures role, or worse? 5. We should be grateful for an early reply and as I said on 6 May will treat anything you can tell us on a strictly Service to Service basis. CROSS FILE COPY FOR 201-¢ DO NOT DESTROY Yours ever 4 AOL Oe Form 547a Processed Por FTA of ¥- { t AC M de Vere XM : ae /S p 5 7k ‘avid | Q vavid mee? | oo i ™ fOr AMS ! yA eA a eee 7 Ar ae 7 ========== FILE: 104-10012-10035.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== froa-10012-10038 (20 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | O) secret al een "CONFIDENTIAL ~~ tt: UNcLasstFiéD SUBJECT: (Optional) TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) dissemination of ‘this information outside the “Chick - “Counsel and Director’ of "HSCA;’ saw a copy of attached. document -:. Seé his attached letter to Sergyj CZORNONOH, 04 December 1976. RBH OP-187 ‘fom 610 “EE ] secret [] CONFIDENTIAL [7] INTERNAL =) UNCLASSIFIED ======== PAGE 2 ======== Our ref; GEN 1 \ cow av 30 March 1978 \ Please find attached correspondence received from one Sergyj CZORNONOH who claims that he provided information about Lee Harvey OSWALD to the American Vice Consul (presumably Tom Blackshear) in Sofia, Bulgaria, in August 1963. - 2. I have sent copies of-these letters to the FBI and to my Head Office in London. WS DH Jones for G M L Blackburne-Kan Mr A H Stimson Enc. ======== PAGE 3 ======== 13-00000 * SE RC. y/ CZ 2 oRNON OM TH STREET, OE VA NIG cac/onhin fan et a Ae ay af : | SACRAIAED COE gsKly ee | RETURN RECEIPT ? 6fi SH EVI ASS |- 3 REQUESTED. «==. = OO COSSACHUSETR We, Meu, a : ao. Se : WASHING TON, 2.6, | | foe ag 82682-1025 : Ion - *. ° ree! _ - . +. . ae, ======== PAGE 4 ======== 13-00000 SERCYS CZORNON OH - VOE NTL STREE | SACRAMEN 70, EK / FoR MA, ORIy PAARCK ‘4S 9 7b. 70 4Bf7/ TPS, Vin At ASCA DOR : BRITISH EP BASES 3B/00 fAASSACHUSETIS AVE, am Wh WASHINGTON, Df: DEAR SP, | Wo TE LETTER ON FEBRUARY IS, (978 7° PH, JAMES CALLAGHAN RFIME AUMIS TER J ENCL WED RECIST: EREO S7AVL WO. AS10687. oN Suk VIDSM6CE | WAS SY LONDON ENELAND AT THE AIRPORT, (PI0UCRATI OW OFFICER Mo, 7 7- ‘Hb No WISA TPIPUER ATION PLACE 4G UN OER Heute ARREST, Pik, SAUTH IN POKICE “Nt FEK A! SECRET SERWCE BReuCHT ME STEAK O(NNER AND Pokit® OFFICER INTERROGATED ME, HE ASKEM 01E WHAT THE BVIBOSSY OF LSS, A,KAY WHAT DID yeu HEARD [NW WENN, AUSTRIA, 1 SAID | HRVE HEARD THAT ONE ANIERICAN DEFECTOR ( pR LEE HARVEY OSWALD O) 70 Rusisa AND HE RETURNED To UNITED: “STATES OF AMERICA THES 07AN HE Snipes To Kikkh 70 PSLALTINATE PRESS. Ve E eW Webs, SUR S02°7H Wie OFFICER WKEO 27E "” Do You KNEW Vig VANE } SAID AE MBPIE ST SRT ON O" HE NAME WAS PUBLISHED ONE TIE (MN NEWS)’ PARER 1N WASHINE7TON [PLT Mk, SPU 7TH pone ce. OF P/CER SA/O - cy EG 7 FIND « ======== PAGE 5 ======== 13-00000 pes uration aces By . ne *. . za Cob : & " 8 cr etn fas / “Do, “SEARCHING Foe Tis. FIR. Wy bai: Ne POKtle BF] 77H IN TELAI CENCE: AND PPAPUCRA TIONG SASRONG puke. EM Ost) HELP To LINO* THE TRUTH: AMO TF ASK |! GOVERNPIENS Je FoR UARD my. RECORD ia tA 18 OPES 6° Layali ti MINE C3 Es | SENATOR DDANIEL Ki INOUYE CME B88, 2h.S; St SENATE SELECT CONDI TIER OE ea GENCE 1 ENCKOLE IS Copy KETIER 70 vo mn ALSO 1 ENCKOLE YEr, LETTER ; 2On pen BLY Le bye Wd et ep Ou uLT (eo bir. (hh fRé | 7 Pty W ComtNe& piAtkh 18° CONTRO 8, 7 _ Be “ABCENTS: SOPIE OF THE DE Y, 1 CET NeT FORWARD To MIE: Fi hi SUp) _ ee IMPORMA TION AND DER Cae. WWE! ! ce: PETE Ag ty - AS 5 Paes pear ibo-®7000 ======== PAGE 6 ======== , Sergyj Czornonoh BL 7/S07/ AMMABASS 7 ON 1106 --11th Street Sacramento, California 95814 To Russian Ambassador Embassy of U.S.S.R. . 1125 = 16th Street . This is retyped letter from hand written Washington, D. C. | . : Dear Sir: Mr. Wasilev Consul gave me order to transmit this information to U. S. Government, "on August 9, 1963 in Sofia, Bulgaria. ~Mr. Wasilev, Consul of Embassy of U.S.S.R., gave me this inforsation about Mr. Lee Harvey Oswald on August 14, 1963. Mrs. Besera Asenova, girl friend of Russian Consul came to my room and repeated that Mr. Lee Harvey Cswald is assassin. He will kill President Kennedy. On August 15, 1963 in Sofia, Bulgaria, at the airport in embassy car, I told to Mr. Blackshire, American Vice Consul, that Mr. Lee Harvey Oswald is acsissin. He has a weapon or has ordered one. Mr. Blackshire said it seems like he will kill someone. I said that Mr. Lee H. Oswald is preparing to kill President of the United States, John F. Kennedy. Mr. Blackshire said where will it happen. -I said they (right wing) will invite President, criticize him in the newspaper, then kill him. Mr. Blackshire told me he will give the telegram to Pepertuent of State and he gave me the address where to report. - At 9 acm. on August 19, 1963 in Washington, D. C., I went to see (Mr. Kippingan). Director of Special Counselor Service Department of State at 1901 Pennsylvania Avenue-11th floor. I told the Director that I have information about President Kennedy. The Director said do not mention name of President Kennedy, only respond to the questions. -The Director said tell us what will happen to Mr. Lee Harvey Oswald then. I said Mr. Lee H. Oswald will be killed after kill Kennedy. I said I will take the truth drug to tell the truth. Director tell us who else get killed in this country. I said as I heard, that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. will be killed. Who will kill Dr. King, Jr. Negro leader? . I said a man who is in prison at this time. (Mr. James Earl Ray was in prison at that time.) Director asked where assassination will happen. I said in Dallas, . Texas. Director said if someone gave this information here I would expel the man. Director did call on F.B.I. agents after F.B.I. use anesthesia gas to freeze me to drub me to keep amnesia. . I told Director Department of ‘State that Mr. Lee Harvey Oswald have a weapon. Go see him. Director told me’you too can have weapon--e0 what if Oswald got ‘weapone . . : . . Sincerely, erggy Hoon f Sergyj Csornonoh U.S. Passport #027000 U.S House of Representatives Select Committee ona Assassinations told me to write letter to > Embasey in early 1977. . ry WA of ======== PAGE 7 ======== ' Sergyj Czornonoh ~ , ': Regis Hotel .. -1106 llth Street : Sacramento, CA 95814" Mr. John M. Price . District Attorney “Dear Mre Price: . political assassination which. I refused, On January. 20,197 . 8th and I Streets, man came to me from police or post: office,’ U.S. Department.» of Justice and freeze me by gas and told me to. take’ gun, pistol“ and we will . ‘.* colon and rectal: surgery on;January 31,': 1978. ' strain order or respond to me: iwhat could be done. Be be treated : :a8 human. Police put’ frame’ Up” ‘on. me : me "chat ‘vight..wing do use such people’ like: ihe. 2 Sacramento, California: This is a xetyped letter. _ I visited Mrs Ferry :y Deputy District = _~ Attorney, on August 16, 1977, -I told in the. office that. FeBel. agents and” a . Secret Service use police department to harass mes. Police: department: do. f. " supply Pencil» of anesthesia gas to- ‘the. manager" of the: building: I. Lives: ‘The =.) by seetal -and they use many other ture me =f to brainwash’ m ‘to, use. me’. in n ‘Sacramento on tell you where to go to shoot = to kill = Mr. Sargent Shriver. . 1° ‘refused. 75. ‘Manager, Mr..Sisel, of Marshall Hotel, call on: the man. to tell me this on _the street. In February 1976, police intelligence. told me that: assassination will not happen here. . How about to’ moye -to Maryland ‘eta In: ‘this letter It ask you! to get ‘report: from | Dr... bleed today very. much and I am weak, «. In: this lett made record-to use me in assassination. | OT ‘refuse night June 14, 1976. Also I: enclose copy letter 70 “sent Supervisor, on January 26, 1978 ‘and copy of his reply: ======== PAGE 8 ======== Ut ab . oy A a Be Legal Center “For The Disabled 1722 J STREET, SUITE 19.* SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 “Telephone: 446-4851 °° | . : March-3, 1978 an, : 7 . ge Sergyj Czornonoch fe 1106 llth Street Sacramento, CA 95814 wN; Dear Mr. Czornonoh: This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter regarding difficulties you have encountered with the police and the FBI. In the event that there is legal action taken by the police ’ or the FBI to institutionalize you this office will provide {: you with legal representation. , . "If you have any further legal problems please ‘contact this * Sincerely, po a CoN: oe LESLIE KAY - er Paralegal DO a | CATHERINE HUGHES. ~. ' Staff Attorney we ========== FILE: 104-10012-10076.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== DY ASSASSINATION DS ACT OF 1992 ======== PAGE 2 ======== Warren Commission Report: District Attorney Garrison > REFERENCES 1. We are forwarding herewith a reprint of the article “A Reporter At Large: Garrison", published in THE NEW YORKER, 13 July, 1968. It was written by ~ Edward Jay Epstein, himself author of a book, ("Inquest"), critical of the Warren Commission Report. 2. The wide-spread campaign of adverse criticism of the U.S., most recently . again provoked by the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy, appears to have revived foreign interest in the assassination of his brother, the late President Kennedy, too. The forthcoming trial of Sirhan, accused of the murder of Senator Kennedy, can be expected to cause a new wave of criticism and suspicion. against. the United’ States, claiming once more the existence of a sinister "political murder conspiracy". We are sending you the attached article--based either on first-hand observation by the author or on other, identified sources=-since it deals with the continuing investigation, conducted by District Attorney Garrison : of New Orleans, La. That investigation | tends to keep alive speculations ebout the death of President Kennedy, an alleged "conspiracy", and about the possible involvement of Federal agencies, notably the FBI and CIA. . 3. The article is not meant for reprinting in any media. It is forwarded primarily for your information and for the information of all Station personnel concerned. If the Garrison investigation should be cited in your area in the context of renewed anti-U.S. attacks, you_may use the article to brief interested. contacts, especially government and other political leaders, and to demonstrate to assets (which you may assign to counter such attacks) that there is no hard -- . evidence of any such conspiracy. In this context, assets may have to explain to _ their audiences certain basic facts about the U.S. judicial system, its separation of state and federal courts and the fact that judges and district attorneys in the states are usually elected, not appointed: consequently, D.A. Garrison can continue in office as long as his constituents re-elect him. Even if your assets have to discuss this in order to refute--or at least weaken--anti-U.S. propaganda of © sufficiently serious act, any personal attacks upon Garrison (or any other- “public personality in the U.S.) must be strictly avoided. ae fet Avtochment: 1 unclassified article, -per para 1 dls ======== PAGE 3 ======== Apiajan chon ACCP GOL Addia Avaba sikia Asmere Ms Aver Sungal Cacncas 2 ieftenee Georgetown Dakar Guatemala Tes ag 2: Laan Guayaquil’ kaupa is Kingstoa Preetown Ta ¥az Xhartoun Lina Riasbaga Menies City 2 Keduaa Hoantewideo Lager Punsna “ tusaks Harte Alegre Mogedfiecio > AV. Spain Mearovia haixoblL Rabat Telpels Yaounde Sau Salvador Sentlage Seuto Dewiage deo Paulo EUR Divigioa Rerlin 3 Tegucigalpa Benoit 5. Peuege re e PS Rae naw nN Pou Mm RE Division $B/Division Amman c/sB Ankara 2 SB/ CA Athens ba) sp/ BR 3 Beirut ap/c 2 Bembay SB/YA Caleutta sB/P Colombo $B/cl Dacea istanbul Wii/C/CA/ Faeae 2 Jerusalem JSidde w/t 2,3,54,5 Kabul 13:8, Go Karachi : Katmandu 1eD°/RR Kuwalt co DCA Lahere CZ/ F&A Madres ¢er/1ce New De thi FexL/Wetse ” Nicesia sic ’ Rawelpindt TR/Tsolation Library Teherea FI/SPa Mps/PSG INTERNAL DISTPIBUTL ON . AP/COP/cA CS Special Group Offices: AP/L AF/2. 2 aR/s Ar/b AF/5 AF/@-Ethicnia C/Ch = DC/CA o/c, {veg ry 8/6 8/AS g/sc ¥/BF. %/BC a/F ========== FILE: 104-10012-10078.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Tfioa-to0121 EASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 eon dab atl Gocument Number (129-968 ' for FGIA Review on SEP 76 fom 610 “Een [7] SECRET CONFIDENTIAL [] {sronty [] UNCLASSIFIED . O ======== PAGE 2 ======== 13-00000 | MH ts , o mus untassrie © Oo Se CO coe rian © seerer - ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET oe 7a ob - 3 eke AINE WRICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom Oraw a line cross colume after each comment.) SUBJECT: (Optional TT s] & } 23 (9 fos DE SanG 2n0nn % 5 = \\ ry Aa, ae] com 610 “Ei 7] secReT (] CONFIDENTIAL [7] INTERNAL =] UNCLASSIFIED ======== PAGE 3 ======== fo, . | [ Rxscutive Registry ponove® ~ (ZEST xpiae - MEMOSANOUH FOR: Director of Central Jateligense 3506 ViA - t Deputy Divector fer Plase auegRcr : “Letter for Director fran Gir Casrles Spry (A8t0) i. Attacked is a sealed letter -frem Sir Cherles spry, i Birestor Gepersi of the Australian Security Intel ligeses Oxvganiaatioa. (eno provided a cupy of the letter to tae Ghier of Station, Beibourze}, and a suggested reply fer your signature. & ty Ghariag’ letter to you recoumeuda agaiagt a@aclessifivation of the Harrea Comateaign deoument CD-871, which refers ta cuxy isveetigatien of smonymoun telepaone elle te the Canberra Bubasay before and atter the anesemination of President Kennedy. i S. & sonmsider the pointe made by Sis Cherries is his 1 Letter to be valid and socardiugiy reqsanend pgaiast her 3 are “‘eoncurs with ‘¢hte yecounendation. William B. Welsen "for FOIA Review on SEP B76 — Chiei, Far Saat Bivieton A. Latter fron Sir Cuarleas dory B&B. Letter Gepiying ta Gir Charles Spry . FARA 3898, subject: Deolesaificstion of Yarre! Comaission pecuseat &-371- ae 2. Gopy of CD-97i.. E. FASW 3656, aubject: Bequest gor Release of Warren Coamicsion Hoounent ec: bpCT DDP/FE/PMI/AN: Amos Taylor; Jrl:are (19Rovember 1968) Distribution . Orig & 1 - Addressee - C/CI Staff ; 1 - DDCI 1 - CFE 2 - DDP 1 - CFE/PMI De Nw 68 1 ~ ADDP 1 - CFE/PMI/AN ote 2ST FXGS ========== FILE: 104-10012-10079.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Toa 10012- 10079) | | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 1) 7 i ; : - te - “ [roxas ; a 26 nov ws ¢ TA aa po we _ TN a air Charles c. F. apery eon =aIZ L. Biswctor General am, | dustreliaa Souurity Intelligence Organisation — \\ $. ®. 0 Box $1¢58R - NR \ | Melvoourne on ne oe a ” | | : | | Bene -Gharlea, S, i | ‘Thants you a tor your letter of 15 October i recouagading t the declazsification of { Warren on docunent Cp-971. I might | seution that our inquiry te you is August (1968) was in anticipation of further pressure fer the release of Warren Commicsion papers, a prescaure which has oot meterialized. jovordingly, there ia net, at the present tine, aay intention to release CB~-972. Deputy pirector tox" ane : . ; , DDRZFE/PUI/AN/Amos Taylor, Jr» 6 $802) 2048) (25 November 1968) j - ssl DX GY SF — time. the pointe sade by yen in your ‘Totter ‘pravide | every reason to teep the out of the { public domain, | With kindest regarde, | 7s] Richard Yelm t. Distyibtiiee ee: PDCI L - aADDP - ie oo - 2 - BCI | Signature Recommended: a 7 oe : 1 - net / | i AN i | | ========== FILE: 104-10014-10051.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== com avavavatay — rere. \it04-f0044-10054 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | ms 2C/EURN, £1C/EUR (3 /Wy - : 44 rms (eaBoss } re oo : , we, SECRET ; FRP: 42, «4 4 : on oo , . STAFF (crzoy: C/EUR/NOR (729) INFO: -EUDORECORD, EUR/IGL, MDSX, one, RYBAT, Gens, 1 96 3123036 ASO PAGE 001 IN 3123036, TOR: 0812482 FEB 96 (CoPR 94608 wee ee ene, pone ence eee eee eee 9-6 SECRE 081247Z FEB 96 STAFF “CITE Gevemaes oases TO: ~ IMMEDIATE’ DIRECTOR. gg “4q “FOR: LIMIT EUR(NOB) INFO: nearby crc fey,” sur /Ecu) “SLUGS: “WNINTEL RYBAT ‘SUBJECT: RELEASE OF CLASSIFIED DOCUMENT REF: _ DIRECTOR 633349 96 3117723 ‘TEXT: / ACTION REQUIRED: - SEE PARA .2. ; web, ab ce! ‘2. (THE FAX. (rarron)REcEIvED APPEARS: TO BE. INCOMPLETE. “ir . “CONTAINED A‘ COVER SHEET, ‘A ONE-PAGE (COPENHAGEN) CABLE STATING "NO" - TRACES" AND THE FIRST PAGE OF A DIRECTOR CABLE REQUESTING TRACES ON LEE HARVEY ((OSWALD)). UNLESS THE MISSING PORTIONS OF THE DIRECTOR CABLE HAVE SOME BEARING. ON(DENMARK, STATION)CANNOT' MAKE A CASE - AGAINST RELEASE OF THIS MATERIALIK-GWE WOULD- INSIST, HOWEVER, THAT “CRYPTS BE DELETED ‘= AS REF INDICATED WOULD BE THE CASE. 3. ._ PLEASE KEEP US APPRISED OF DATE THESE DOCS WILL BE RELEASED $0 THAT GTaTION MAY INFORM AMBASSADOR AND OUR Gzarson SERVICE ~ CHIEFS. eb zl . 4. CL BY: 0716497 CL REASON: 1.5(C) DECL ON: .X1 -4.....PILE: ,.021-120-004/1. .DECL’ DRV. HUM 4-62. END OF MESSAGE; -.. - - SECRET - > = DO! NOT’ DESTROY _ |. CROSS FILE COPY FOR: ‘ . . 201-0289248 ========== FILE: 104-10014-10064.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== froa-10014-10064 [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | , SECRET lndosdooddddnoabioodntiieni cn Kn en uene COO COO) Ve de we reve ve tere vere deve eve deter % QPERATOR : SEEGER, EDWA BADGE: KT283 OATE : 1h SEP 93 x we OFFICE : IMS/FABOSS PHONE: 047552 TIME : 15:26 ve *% ROOM : GC520K8 PRINTER: TOIS PAGE : 001 % ve REQUESTER: HM877 * % OSN: SPET 21162 DOC DATE: 20 NOV JI MHF A: 91-6320813 * idediddouddicnidcdconcodonenouee’ COMET tdodduddveedocnoononiic Fore rere rere revere sever evoke / / SECRET FRP: 5 pp ew ee STAFF ACTION: SE/USSR/10-3 (752) INFO: C/ORMS, DOMOS, LIMITO, OOPO, SEDORECORO, FILE, 000-2, SE/RR-3 (9/W) 91 6320813 ASR PAGE 001 IN 6320813 TOR: 2014552 NOV 31 SPET 21162 SEE RET 2014552 NOV 9I STAFF CITE ST PETERSBURG 21162 TO: MOSCOW INFO DIRECTOR. FOR: LIMIT SE/USSR/I0 INFO SE/RR SLUGS: WNINTEL GTDANCER SUBJECT: KGB OFFICIAL NIKONOV REF: NONE TEXT: 1. ACTION REQUIRED: NONE. 2. DURING THE WEEK OF 3-9 NOVEMBER 1991, U.S. PROFESSOR £.8. ((SMITH)), HAD SEVERAL DISCUSSIONS IN MOSCOW WITH "SLAVA" ((NIKONOV)) , WHO 1S A LONGTIME FRI7ND ANO NOW DEPUTY TO KGB DIRECTOR ((BAKATIN)). THE PROFESSOR HAS KNOWN N!IKONOV WELL SINCE 1976, HE CURRENTLY IS INSTRUCTING ON A FULBRIGHT GRANT AT ST PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY UNTIL 22 DECEMBER 1991. SEE PARA 7 FOR BIO ON THE PROFESSOR. OCOB STEVEN R. HEIBERG HAS BEFRIENDEO THE PROFESSOR, WHO WAS DINNER GUEST AT HEIBERG'S HOME ON 10 NOVEMBER AND PROVIDED THE FOLLOWING INFO ON NIKONOV AND HIS NEW KGB JOB. 3. NIKONOV 1S THE GRANDSON OF FORMER SOVIET FOREIGN MINISTER VYACHESLAV MOLOTOV. THE U.S. PROFESSOR TAUGHT NIKONOV IN 1976 AT MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY WHILE A FULBRIGHT PROFESSOR. NIKONOV WAS REGARDEO AS EXTREMELY INTELLIGENT AND CAPABLE BUT GAVE THE IMPRESSION THAT HE WAS AN IDEQLOGICAL HARDLINER. THE PROFESSOR BELIEVED THAT HE WAS LIKELY TO BE A RISING STAR IN THE SOVIET SYSTEM AND RECOMMENDED HIM FOR AN . IREX-SPONSORED VISIT TO THE U.S. AS EXPECTED, NIKONOV'S VIEWS AND RHETORIC MODERATED VERY VISIBLY AFTER HIS FIRST OIRECT EXPOSURE TO ?HE U.S. HE HAS HAD AT LEAST ONE ADDITIONAL IREX-SPONSOREO TRIP TO THE U.S. AND HAS SPENT PERIOOS OF TIME As A FERSONAL GUEST AT THE HOME OF THE U.S. PROFESSOR IN ARYLAND. 4, NIKONOV CAME TO WORK IN HIS POSITION AT THE KGB AS A RESULT OF BEING A CLOSE FRIEND OF BAKATIN. OURING THE AUGUST 1991 COUP ATTEMPT NIKONOV SAID THAT HE REFUSED TO FOLLOW HIS BOSS'S ORDER TO ACT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DECLARED STATE OF EMERGENCY. HE WAS DISMISSED BY HIS BOSS (NFI) FROM THIS Se - POSITION AND CALLEO BAKATIN TO SEEK ADVICE. BAKATIN SAID HE WAS ALSO 'OPPOSING THE COUP AND WOULO LOOK OUT FOR NIKONOV ONCE ORDER WAS RESTORED. SOON AFTER THE COUP BAKATIN CALLED HIM TO ASK THAT HE ASSIST WITH RESTRUCTURING THE KGB. AFTER iT WAS . AGREED THAT NIKONOV COULD OECLINE TO ACCEPT TWO-STAR MILITARY Ta KGB RANK ANO WORK IN THE JOB FOR AN EQUIVALENT CIVILIAN. COMPENSATION PACKAGE, HE CAME TO THE KGB AS BAKATIN'S DEPUTY. NIKONOV SAID HIS FRIENDS WERE DELIGHTED THAT HE HAD DECLINED THE KGB COMMISSION. 5. NIKONOV'S FIRST ASSIGNMENT FROM BAKATIN WAS MAKING ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE KGB-CIA LIAISON RELATIONSHIP WHICH HAS NOW COME INTO BEING. IN PREPARATION FOR ONE POSSIBLE QUESTION <<< TEMPORARY WORKING COPY - DESTROY AFTER USE >>> SCRE T ======== PAGE 2 ======== 13-00000 - SECRET deve tere ve ve vere de ve dese dt Nese sete de Seven Se ese ae He MeN Te ere *% OPERATOR : SEEGER, EOWA BADGE: KT283 DATE we OFFICE : IMS/FABOSS PHONE: 087552 TIME * ROOM : GC520KB PRINTER: TOIS PAGE *% REQUESTER: HM877 % OSN: SPET 21162 OOC DATE: 20 NOV oi todddniddocoTeTdonioTnonnongons COMET tude WE'CH MIGHT BE RA'SEO, NIKONOV PERSONALLY REV'EWED “GB FILES TS OETERMINE IF LEE HARVEY ((OSWALD)) HAO BEEN A KGB AGENT. HE REVIEWED FIVE THICK VOLUMES OF FILES GN OSWALD. NIKONCY 1S GW CONFIOENT THAT ZSWALO WAS AT NO TIME AN AGENT CONTROLLED BY THE KGB. FROM THE GESCRIPTION OF OSWALO IN THE FILES HE douBT EC THAT ANYONE COULD CONTROL OSWALD, BUT NOTED THAT THE WATCHEO HIM CLOSELY ANC CONSTANTLY WHILE HE WAS IN THE tse. HE COMMENTED THAT OSWALO HAO A STORMY RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS SOVIET WIFE, WHG RODE HIM iNCESSANTLY. THE Flic ALSO REFLECTES THAT OSW8.0 WAS A POCR SHOT WHEN HE TRIEO TARGET FIRING IN THE USSR, 6. IN PREPARATICN FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF A LIAISON RELATIONSHIP WITH THE SWEDISH INTELLIGENCE SERVICE, NIKONOV PERSONALLY PERFORMED AN INQUIRY FOR BAKATIN INTO THE FATE OF SWEDISH DIPLOMAT RAOUL ((WALLENSERG)). THERE I$ STILL PRESSURE FROM THE SWEDISH SIOE TO HAVE A DEFINITIVE ANSWER ON THIS MATTER BECAUSE OF THE CONTINUING IMPORTANCE OF THE WALLENBERG FAMILY. NIKONOV WAS AMAZEO TO FIND OUT THAT THE KG3 HAD NOT ,BEEN ABLE TO PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISH WHETHER WALLENBECRG HAD DIED “AND UNDER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES. HE WAS ABLE TO FIND PARTIAL EVIDENCE FROM FOURTEEN OIFFERENT SOURCES (NF:). NIXONOV NOW BELIEVES, BUT FOUND NO CONCLUSIVE PROOF, THAT WALLENBERG WAS EXECUTED LATE IN 1947. THERE WERE INCICATIONS THAT WALLENBERS WAS SUSPECTEC OF HAVING CONTACTS WITH OTHERS WHO WERE ACCUSED OF PROVIDING FALSE OIPLOMATIC IDENTITY DOCUMENTS TO OTHERS BEYOND JEWS SAVEO FROM THE HOLOCAUST. . AMONG THESE WERE NAZI WAR CRIMINALS WHO WERE ALLOWED TO ESCAPE. THERE WAS NO PROCF OF WALLENBERG'S GUILT IN ANY OF THESE CHARGES. 7. FULBRIGHT PRGFESSOR WHO IS NIKONOV'S FORMER PROFESSOR ANO FRIEND IS: NAME: €.B. ((SMiTH)} - 0O8: C.1920 CiT: USA OCC: PROFESSOR SF HISTORY AT UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, RETIRED LOC: RESIDES NEAR ANNAPCLIS, MC OTHER: FULBRIGHT PROFESSOR FOR WINTER 1991 TERM IN ST PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY, USSR; TWO PREVIOUS FULBRIGHT ASSIGNMENTS IN MOSCOW AND SEVERAL IN PRC AND GERMANY; HCSTS FORMER STUDENTS FROM USSR AND PRC ON U.S. VISITS THERE ARE NO BASE TRACES ON SMITH. HE SERVED IN THE MILITARY AND IS VERY WELL DISPOSED TOWARDS THE U.S. GOVERNMENT. HE VOLUNTEERED INFO ON NIKONOV AND OTHER USSR, PRC AND GERMAN CONTACTS TO REIBERG AND CAN PROVIDE CONS !DERABLE 810 AND ASSESSMENT INFO ON THEM, 074-005-011, 201-0005925 FILE: OEFER. DECL OAOR DRV HUM 4-82. END Of MESSAGE SECRET END OF DOCUMENT <<< TEMPORARY WORKING COPY ~- DESTROY AFTER USE >>> een per Ident tc sonTennne’ 14 SEP 93 15:24 : 002 took ========== FILE: 104-10016-10021.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== A AARAAN \ir04-10016-10021 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | ane “) _-CLALSIF.ED MESSAGE} wes “ihe following action is eis 9 MELBOURNE, . authorised: De SENS/T/IZE coms C/N 4 | , : " WFD a ocl, p/ocl; DOP 5 c/cl, c/tt/st, VR - Stened: : ' R.0. #1 - Unit C7 LirA cn SECRET moor. . vs GOP Vote: If destruction, cite . a : 2 ’ ; reasons and coordinate DIR INFO CNBR CITE MELB 2517 (ROLLOFIER ACTING) 4 appropriate, BYBeT GPFLOOR oo i Dec 831N7 I {87 REF DIR 85690 - te “ sauaRE PRELIMINARY CHECKS ON RECORDED CONVERSATIONS REVEAL FOLL: ‘A NO TRACE 1952 DARK BLUE BUICK BELONGING SOVIET or BLOC INSTALLATION CNBR OR SYDNEY. . ‘3 NO LICENSE PLATE IDENTICAL TO ONE MENTIONED BUT FOLL wo aming i 9) 9s ee um g.9-Orenn Nese VARIANTS CHECKED’ CCC O12, 1960 VAUXHALL, TWO-TONED BLUE, venijd ‘SATRAPINSKY, 149 WENTWORTH AVE, WENTWORTHVILLEs CCC 122, 1949" “GTANDARD , FAUN, WILLIAM JOHN SIMS, BINALONGs CCO 122, 1960 roulga, BIEGE, KEITH BETHKE, 28 HEWITT AVE, WAHROONGA. NO SQUARE DEROG ON ABOVE. © NO IDENTIFIABLE INFO ON AUSSIE MENTIONED CNBR weed) -D FRASERS HENTIONED SAME REF ARE ALP NPS. .E INDON FIRST SECY POSSIBLY IDW R. WILLY SASTRANEGARA HAS MOUSTACHE RUSSIAN CAPABILITY NOT KNOWN TO SQUARE} NOT NOTICEABLY CLOSE TO SOVS CNBR. : - GROUP 5 ' Excluded from ovtomatic REPRODUCTION. BY OTHER THAN THE ISSUING. OFFICE IS. PROHIBITED Copy No. ======== PAGE 2 ======== rp REP GhOR. . Se - WILL ADvise FURT HER DEVELOPMENTS. SE mi ne i ========== FILE: 104-10023-10087.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ‘fioa-10023-10087 [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | se 7 DO. NOT REPRODUCE ' ( SECRET —ss*—st—é DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER III _ 15 November 1974 R 856, Sry, yy . n Ky, Rhy _ ANNEX B Oo Re Ping fhe ou THE 201 SYSTEM Prop On, . on (a) Rescission: Annex B of Chapter III, CSHB 70-1-I,; 27 October 1966 1 INTRODUCTION The 201 system provides a method for identifying a person of specific in- terest to the Operations Directorate and for controlling and filing all pertinent information about that person. The system also provides a means for identifying subjects of 201 files from various categories of information about them and for producing lisits of 201 personalities according to those categories. Only a rela- tively small number of personalities indexed are of sufficient interest to justify opening a 201 dossier. These are normally subjects of extensive reporting and CI investigation, prospective agents and sources, members of groups and organi- zations of continuing target interest, or subjects on whom a volume of corre- spondence has accumulated. 2. THE 201 SYSTEM The principal features of the 201 system are: . a. The 201 Number: a unique number, i.e., 201-1234567, assigned to each individual in the system to serve as identifying file number for reporting on that _ individual. ._b, The 201 Dossier: the official file containing the 201 opening form (Form =>: =~ " 831) and all biographic reporting on and references to the individual, ie, per- °~- oO sonal history, current status, aud prospects. ooo ew : The ‘Master 20r Record: a “machine ‘yebord Ginetaied by: the opening oF a 201 file. This record produces the master 201 refererice for the Main Index and * ° stores the pertinent i information which may later be retrieved! for special listings. d. Matin Index Master S01 Reference: this reference, printed in reply to an . Index Search Request, is printed as illustrated below. When data are absent within the record, succeeding di data items | or r lines will be moved up and the ref. erence consolidated.. ~~ ” SECRET ‘ ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 7 10.01 Codes 2 es. "" QL. Record Date (year only) >” . DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER II, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 201-0032671* 0002 CROIX, WILLIAM PENDLETON 2 EX M DOB 12 APR 26 OB GERM, P sre) CIT GERM oce wanincts?— —-G) E REF AACD-12345, 20 JUN $3 OCC CODE CH RCD DATE $3. SUBJECT RECENTLY ATTENDED THE SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL . CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHEMISTS ‘AND PHARMACISTS HELD IN MUNICH, GERMANY FROM 22 THROUGH 29 OCTOBER. . 30 NOV 70 00833595 3 ( ’ { ; i Information About Subject ; ‘ 1. Sequence Number and Name i | 2. Sex and Date of Birth wees weet aod - oan ‘ 3. Citizenship fot 2 et a ~ i j H : 4. Place of Birth ; : 5. Occupation : : 6. Occupation Code 7. Text Document Reference Data Group 9. Name Type Indicator 12, Reference ISG Control Information 13. Date of latest update of the record 14. STAR Index Record Number SECRET , ======== PAGE 3 ======== 14-00000 SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER Ill, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 e. Ol Code: a two letter symbol used in conjunction with the 201 ‘per- sonality records in the 201 system to record the association of an individual with organizations or activities of operational interest. OI codes cover intelli- gence and security service affiliation, whether staff or agent, or known or suspect, as well as activities of DDO interest. There are two categories of OF codes for use by components: (1) general ol codes (Attachment 4) (2) OI codes assigned to a specific component for intelligence services or other specific organizations. A component may request an OI code be established by submitting a mem- orandum to the DDO/RMO through the component Records Management Officer. A 201 personality may be assigned two OI codes. An OI code may be assigned ‘when the 201 Personality File Action Request (Form 831) is initiated (see paragraph 3b below) by filling in Box 13 or a code may be assigned or added at a later date by a Form 831 amendment. The 20] system has the capability of producing machine listings of 201 personalities by OI codes. For example, if an OI code has been opened for the security service of a certain country a listing may be compiled of all members of that service. . f. 201 Machine Lists: produced from the mechanized 201 Index, based on names or other identifying information of personalities on whom 201 dossiers exist. ~ 3. OPENING A 20] DOSSIER a. General -The opening of a 201. dossier is the prerogative: of an operational ‘com-* ‘ponent, in coordination with the Information Services Group. An opening creates a master 201 record. Changes to the master record and the occasional closing. . of 4 201 dossier,are controlled jointly by the desks and.ISG. 201 dossiers may be = van “ opened on persons who meet the carding critéria described in Chapter If of this ”- handbook, when there is a reasonable expectation that additional information will be acquired and filed in such a dossier. Generally dossiers are opened on { : persons about whom counterintelligence information is being reported, and per- sons of operational interest to the Operations Directorate, specifically those} persons for whom provisional operational. approvals and operational approvals‘. are requested (see exception below). 201 files are not to be opened on staff A employees, staff agents and most categorfes of contract employees. Files oo “ ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-00000 «CHAPTER Il, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 persons who are only of local interest to a field station or ‘Headquarters desk and on whom no DDO records correspondence exists are not a part of the DDO records systém and are to be maintained by that unit. Some desks levy require- DOHB 70-1-1 -4 ee ments.on ISG for automatic 201 openings én certain categories of persons whose - names appear in incoming dispatches. These’ are listed in Attachment 2. 201 dossiers should be opened in the following categories: wwe (1) Subjects of provisional operational approval and operational ap- proval requests. However, a file need not be opened when a POA is requested for persons being trained for a foreign liaison service and who are of opera- tional interest for training purposes only. (2) Person for whom the field requests a 201 opening. (3) [Sear oxruRg] personalities: bonafide diplomats of other than denied area countries, in close association with staff personnel. ~ _@) Subjects of a Personal Record Questionnaire Part 1 ~ (8) Persons on whom a Main Index search reveals information ‘in five ° or more documents (see DOI 70-20). ; (6) Subjects of Interagency Source Register memoranda from LSN/ ISR (opened only by IP/RMS). b. Requesting a 201 File Opening Headquarters desks may open a 201 file by filling ont and submitting a 201 Personality File Action Request (Form 831) to the Records Main- tenance Section (IP/RMS). Form 831 is also used to create or amend the - master 201 record and 201 machine listings and to register the’ assign- ment of a cryptonym to a 201 personality, Attachment 3 consists .of sample 201 Personality File Action Requests for opening and amending 201's. A field — -"station ‘may Tequést the Spening ‘of a 201. file by writing 201." fn the” Head- ° " quarters file or- cross-réference box on the dispatch form and/or’ “after” the subject’s name in the body of the dispatch. A telepouch’ request for a 201 opening is made by indicating 201- in the file number line. A cable request is made by placing 201- after'the term “File” on the last line of the transmission.-IP/AN will open 201 files as requested by dispatch or telepouch but it is the responsi- bility of the desk to‘respond to cable requests. Field stations are notified of 201 openings through receipt of of the field master 201 record, as 1 ; ======== PAGE 5 ======== 14-00000 DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER III, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 4, CONTENTS OF THE DOSSIER Information about a 20] personality should be filed or cross-referenced into his dossier. When additional information is discovered on a 201 subject through a name trace or other process, i.e. review of predecessor documents, it must be consolidated into his personality dossier. See DOI 70-20 for consolidation procedures. Material which is filed in the dossier includes but is not limited to: a 201 Personality File Action Request (Form 831). b. Biographic information including Photographs, fingerprints, and handwriting samples. 1 c. Personal Record Questionnaire Parts I and IL. d, Operational and other security approvals. _. - .- 7 e. Name check replies, requests, clearances, and approvals. ’ £. Acknowledgement of pseudonym. : g. 201 personality assessments and evaluations. 4 . { h. Copy of contract and termination papers. * i, Secrecy agreement. * j. Agent Duty Status Report. ~k. Training and evaluation. "1, SGSWIRL report. “om Newspaper clippings. - “n, Any information which ‘helps provide a better understanding of the . - subject and our: interest in. him, this ‘may i include He operations} | reporting: 5. MAINTENANCE OF ‘201 DOSSIERS . The 201 personality dossier contains, in document date order, papers which have been made a part of the Central Records System as well as those which “have not. Record documents may range from newspaper or magazine articlés on the subject to finance and other administrative papers, . ======== PAGE 6 ======== 14-00000 SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER III, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 a. Purging a. Purging a 201 dossier is the responsibility of the desk officer. It requires discrimination in recognizing operationally useful material, rather than the simple distinction between official and unofficial papers; it will therefore take place under the supervision of a Records Officer. Purging should be done periodically. A 201 dossier being forwarded to Central Files for retention should be purged. A 201 dossier should be purged of the following: . ‘ (1) Duplicate material, i.c., exact copy(s) of a document. (2) Name trace form (Form 362) unless it has been the basis for the opening. (3) All abstract slips, (4) All document restriction notices (Form 1884). (5) The disseminated version of positive intelligence information if a copy of the raw report is contained in the 201 file; the dissemination number then must be transferred to the first page of the raw report. (6) Routing slips, routing and record sheets (Form 610) and dispatch cover sheets unless there are remarks such as coordinations or comments. (7) Record copy documents which only repeat substantive information contained in other documents in the file; authorization for destruction is by the Records Officer. (8) Top Secret documents are not to be retained in-a 201 dossier forwarded to Central Files; the document must be downgraded for retention | in the 201 dossier. To downgrade a Top Secret document, an authorized officer in the originating office or the Records Officer having jurisdiction over the contents of the material must possess Top Secret. classification '~ authority. If the document canriot be downgraded the file should be retained’ at the desk or the copy of the TS document should be removed,. retained a in a desk TS file or forwarded to ‘the Top Secret Control Officer, and ‘a: _ cross-reference sheet’ (Form sary placed in the’ "2a file le giving ‘the location of the TS ‘dceument? --- oo (9) Deferred documents (se0 5b(2)). b. Maintenance Procedures oo ee (1) All material in a 201 dossier will be filed in document date order. In the case of document attachments which have been classified into a 201 SECRET ======== PAGE 7 ======== 14-00000 - SECRET . DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER HI, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 dossier and separated from the basic document by the assignment of a slash number, the attachment will be filed by the date of the basic document. (2) Deferred documents will not be filed in a 201 dossier. If they are to be retained in the dossier they should be sent to IP/RMS for classification ; into that 201. (3) Field index cards (hela by some- desks) and area desk cards may ~ be retained in the 201 as part of a consolidation procedure. These cards should be mounted on a full-size sheet of paper for filing in the 201. . (4) A 201 dossier previously opened on a person who becomes a staff J employee and which contains Record Copy documents will be restricted to : the ISG/DIP unless the desk retains the restriction. The dossier should be closed if there are no Record Copy documents in it. 7 (5) A 201 opened in pseudonym should be consolidated into the true name 201 if one exists or converted to the tue name. = =~ (8) Field and duplicate (shadow)*201 files no longer of active interest should be incorporated into the official 201 after the duplicate material has been purged by the desk officer and the remaining information classified to that 201 by the Analysis Section (IP/AN). (7) Any document with a predecessor organization cover sheet or an : OPC (Office of Policy Coordination) cover sheet from the Archives and Disposition Section (IF/ARD) m must be returned to IP/ARD for processing to the 201. (8) Desk memoranda (with or without a document source number) . containing substantive or derogatory information on the subject of the 201 — should be sent to. IP/AN to be classified officially into the 201 flee =. - - - . (9) An attachment which should be. separated ‘from its basic document . _ |. 1., for inclusion in 2-204 personality dossier will be forwarded with the basic -docunient to. IP/ AN. for'processing { into: the 201, ; : remaining in oO dolar being retisod te Central Files, sine t that document _ in an envelope sealed with black tape (see DOI 70-17). Any RYBAT, P&L, — or KAPOK document sent to Central Files not in a black-taped envelope.will - . automatically be handled as desensitized. A black-taped envelope may con--*- =." - tain only one document and must be filed in chronological order within ‘the - file. If there are numerous documents of this type the desk officer may black-— v. a tape the entire dossier rather than individual documents (see DOI 70-10). ======== PAGE 8 ======== 14-00000 DOHB 70-1-1 -4 CHAPTER III, ANNEX B eg 15 November 1974 Black-taped dossiers or dossiers with black-taped documents will be _ handled as restricted dossiers, . a Do (11) An. inactive 201 dossier or an-inactive volume of a large 201 _ ,sossier on. permanent charge: should be -retumed to-Central Files under ,.. Routing and Record Sheet with the notation shown below..: o “ O uncussipico =) Py conripentim, «secret ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET Restricted Dossier o (Attach Fors 2021 to . 1 . . . oe a we ======== PAGE 9 ======== 14-00000 SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 - ae CHAPTER III, ANNEX B 15 November: 1974 6, 201. DOSSIER CHARGES ~* A 201 dossier may be kept on permanent charge at the desk during any period of active interest. If the dossier is transferred to another desk, the desk officer who is transferring the dossier must notify Central Files of the transfer. Ceatral Files will then send the Notice of Transfer of Document or File Account- ability (Form 2977) to the new action desk officer. . Py CONFIDENTIAL TTT (whee pitted tay KOTICE OF TRANSFER OF DOCUMENT OR FILE ACCOUNTABILITY This is to notify you that accountability for the document(s) and/or file(s) citea below has been transferred to you by: Accordingly, IP's records now reflect you as the custodian. Please contact IP/Files, Ext. 362, if you have any questions regarding this transfer. 708M 9977 use Pecveeee cortiens 79 CONFIDENTIAL The new action desk officer must then fill out a 201 Personality File Action © Request (Form 813) to change the action desk designation to insure that the - 201 personality will be included in the © Headquarters and field machine stings -- . - for his component... coe Petts - - 7. RESTRICTED DOSSIERS a. Access to a sensitive 201 dossier may be restricted by holding the file atthe vy desk or placing it on restriction in Central Files. — (1) The dossier may be restricted by checking-Box-2 on: the 201 Personality File Action Request (Form 831) when the file is opened. SECRET ======== PAGE 10 ======== 14-00000 — SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 . : CHAPTER III, ANNEX B -4 15 November 1974 (2) The dossier may be restricted by holding it on permanent charge from Central Files. (Note: To maintain the restriction of a dossier being retumed to Central Files for retention, a File Restriction Notice (Form 2021) must accompany the dossier.) (3) The dossier may be restricted and held in Central Files by. sub- * mitting a File Restriction Notice (Form 2021). : : CONFIDENTIAL (then Pitted fa) FILE RESTRICTION HOTICE 1. To restrict a file, complete Section A (signature of R.0. not necessary). 2. To remove a restriction, couplete ‘Section B (R.0. ‘signature necessary). . SECTION A RESTRICT TO: (Use country or nen-country code number. See CSI 70-28) RESTRICTED BY: eq COMPONENT: eeet Date: S°F5 202) tetaraszter* CONFIDENTIAL [ va, suroet Cav. co7erd 4 - by Access to a restricted dossier located in Central Files is limited to the . personnel of the restricting desk or persons authorized by that desk. Any request _ for the charge of a restricted dossier or any document within.a restricted_ dossier | ‘held in ‘Central Files will-be forwarded with the ¢ntire dossier and 4 multiple routed cover sheet to the restricting desk. This desk may then forward the file’ to the requester or-deny the request and retum the dossier to Central Files. The - desk will notify the requester of a denial. . tee c. Anyone requesting a restricted dosster, or a document within é “petite dossier, .permanently or temporarily charged to’a desk, will be referred | to. >. that . desk by Central Files, - 26.6. SECRET ======== PAGE 11 ======== 14-00000 EEE ot ALS eh Senin Rea PTE = Garasadeaedvahunanumaee iocten thaw teanaoltia Fate eheeerery, rs ( ( SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 ~~ blank, ‘ase the non-country code 900'in-the action box (Box-14), and indicat CHAPTER Ill, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 8 REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION ON‘ 201 PERSONALITIES The Automated Index Section (IP/AIS) will provide the identity of the subject of a 201 number unless the 201 file is restricted, in which case the requester will be referred to the restricting desk. IP/AIS will also provide the 201 number assigned to a name, unless the 201 file is restricted, or state that there is no 201 number assigned, Requesters should © supply identifying information whenever available for each name submitted. ‘Requests pertaining to five or fewer names or numbers may be made by telephone by calling the IP/AIS red line extension; IP/AIS will provide the information by return call to the requester’s extension as listed in the Badge Table. Requests for more than five names or numbers must be listed and sent by tube or courier to IP/AIS; IP/AIS will reply bys retum mail. 9. 201 DOSSIER CANCELLATION A 201 file may be authorized for cancellation by a Records Officer, after. appropriate coordination. The file should be forwarded to IP/RMS which will destroy the folder and the cards leading to it and will remove the name and number from machine lists. Any Record Copy document contained in the folder will be reclassified to'another appropriate file or sent to the Destruction Unit (IP/DU) as directed by the desk Records Officer. 10. 201 MACHINE LISTINGS Machine listings provide field stations and Headquarters desks with names and 201 numbers in the requester’s particular geographic or functional area of interest. If a component wishes to exclude a sensitive 201 personality from. its _ alphabetic, numeric, and eryptonym listings, this may be done when opening’ - the 201 or later by a 201 amendment. On the 201 Personality File Action Request (Form 831) leave the country of location (Box 15) and interest desk (Box 16) _ ‘ permanent charge to the responsible desk: The only listing which will include the: : 201 number is the IP/201 record for the Vital Records program. 201 listings ¢ are, categorized as standard or nonstandard and as scheduled, or special,” - a. Standard Listings --. e ee Issued semi-annually to ‘Headquarters and the field; based ona component’s -.. interest as indicated in the “Action Desk,” “Country of Location,” and | “Interest . SECRET ======== PAGE 12 ======== 14-00000 SECRET moe DOHB 70-1-1 i i PCE a lat’ CHAPTER HI, ANNEX B 4 - wry . ee, . . 15 November 1974 . Desk” blocks on the 201 Personality File Action Request (Form 881). The standard listings available are: 1 oe : be @ Alphabetical bys surname, ‘leading to a 201 number; so 7 (2) Alphabetical by given name, leading to a 201 ‘number; “ (3) Alphabetiéal by eryptonym, leading to a 201 number; a (4) Numerical, leading toasumame; _ (5) Numerical, leading to a cryptonym. con - . Totten tag Be CHING 20t SURNAME DLPHA to. Cat. ct : FTUTS/19437503 07, . oo. SHI i 3 f /70tS 71393700017 ve . - ter CHIN: CHIN + SHOU fe /TULSSEIOSZOOOLS «A 24SUNEE . : cHIe SHSUWSE AOTIAII9N/00RE go": CHIN, asoY * USP CCOM? 004975t CHIN WR Sucu het . O4JANL9 «CHI, FURICH, PROV. CHIN? = 0234629 : Culm cuss SHHIU=MENS 7710972349690 " 2UOCTOR «Cit, PANCINIP LAs scat aate - CHAT 9176820 Coin CHIe See Sunt ATLES/TLOS/00L A L@ROVZ2 CMITMe HUNAR CHAT = 0069786 coins CHEK, SHCU-TAD : yenanas | CHIN - “DIPT CCAM 69995390 . 7 CHI LT CHORE, SHOMMISENG FTLIS/TIOSSL col + Catan, CANTON EXGR ChAT 0857855 . CHIK HK 0 SHC TZE SOPALALIAIS ICO? O2SE928 «= CHIM, LEACKIRE CAO CHIN? 0130418 . Cute tatw Me SHOIN-VEL STULS/EL08749$ 22UANLG CHIN, FURIEN ccor? §=0091A93 CHIN cen, serspeyt _ ORsUN9O Cite GanTON PAOF CHIN? GosoZAs CHIN USA “te SHU=Sarr : INECLE = CHIMS BRANGTUNG PREY cas? 0052638 . CHiN eat eo SRCHTY STL? 930 FULI0 CHIN, RWANGIUNG PROV. aeny Cxat 0328328 cHta Tale FULEGIIZLOLIZ oo CHIN, HUAN TANG TS cule Ob26arn - . Cte im HUAM 171457289572 wOvI0 te : "TSR Guar 0797335 CHI x eee eTUASFIONS/ZIIT Ok ctaczz .. CHIN DF miu CHIN? 0200223 Chin fare a osnas? Cui ern CTULSF2AAS/SL OSS geaweis CHIN, RAAKGTUNG CHIN? OLT96E20 Cuts Coie 2G FTVES/2STOITS, CHIN, FURIER | CHIR? GONaTS9 Cun Ve SHI-MSTUT STLLSZZ8AS 77 os irene CHEM, NHANGTUNG - CO“? 0993199 - GUN 9 SHU mSee £72457209570133 ~ CHIN, FOCCHCR CHIN? §O179422 : Cutt Cute SHU . TOMAS - . . ccem. o22stel = Cutm cey ETULS72929/90N07 a QoFsAlS «= CHIND ChAT . 0830156 - TT" Cee ose OC srresszesss27ie 27mOv23 CHIR, Fano: CuIn? 0176673 ". CAfe Cite . “ cHin a ccom = 0221972 a Guts cite Cent, Wer Ldaus 77419708477009 cincat | Cute - .o CHIN? 0223162 - 7 Otte ey 285s 25nMV20- CHINFERGSHUN |. ., CHIN? 0479024 “CHtm tate Ces eN st Sime INS £7109729737010 OtsuLZs CHIN, BAKSSU atta ment in the 201 system, enough information is not 4. To accommodate this type of req identifiable personalities concerning wh ‘yet available to require the opening of d file may be assigned numbers These are relabeled *201” if a file is opened. IDN numbers are car- ried with 201 numbers in appropriate general or special listings, where they are identified by t#e letter “I” in the “Type of Name” col- ‘umn. IDN numbers are not @S file numbers. . = °§. All 201 code numbers are assigned by. RID at headquarters, either upon receipt of Férm 831, or of a field dispatch. If a dispatch is written about a pergonality not yet in the system, a 201 number for it may be requested Simply by writing under headquarters file number Dispatch Symbol and No. 7 XYZA-12345 : 6. IDN numbers ¢ are assigned by’ RD at headquarters 1 upon the - request of stations or desks which are developing special identification _ programs within the 201 system. The field receives current notifica-~-- CC) tion of new 201 openings and IDN numbers through the Field Index Card . a Service. .- . 44 ======== PAGE 19 ======== oS SECRET ; . 7o-'-t wee CSHB 43<4~+ CHAPTER Il, ANNEX B CLANDESTINE SERVICES . ; HANDBOOK NO. 43-1-4- 15 February 19 %. Stations or branches often are concerned with peydonalities not of general CS concern. Files on these may be kept in any desired _ order. Should such personalities become of generaY CS interest, they must be brought into the 201 system. *, ne 7 45 SECRET’ ========== FILE: 104-10048-10124.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Tfroa-t0048-10724 [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | “BIS PATCH. 7 ee PROCESSING = _ ey ee od Chief, 8 Ns [A SPECIAL CO > HE GRR oe pecia q = nie th” RELEASE AS SANITIZED-[ wom nemo I Chief of Station, JUWAVS _ a IN | an Report on JMWAVs-s Re ations: ip with ANCARBON-1 = | ACTION REGU TAD: REFERENCES soos ACTION REQUIRED: Paragraph 10 REFERENCES. A, WAVE 8981, dated 24 September 1962.7 nt tore Al “ku” B, WAVE 9169, dated 28 September 1962 - Tray Anipenee y | _C. WAVE 9343, dated 2 October 1962 nu ,ut a Act. -.D. DIR 40975, dated 6 October 196242 AH dere} | : M Be UFGA 14417, dated 4 March 1964 iv ny © fu y suBuEcT TYPIC/OPERATIONAL, ae 0 Fos “42. - nyrsopuerton. In Reference E, JMWAVE forwarded a review of the nature of its relationship with " AMCARBON-2. Thia review indicates that the relationship with ANCARBON-2 evolved from that action which was taken in September 1962 to insure that a security breach would not occur as a result of an investigation which was being carried out by the Identity 1 relative to the fact that the establishment .of the Identity 2 was being. kept from the YOBELT South Campus as a-result of security restrictions which. were in some way,related to JMDUSK, While the relationship with AMCARDON-2 stemmed from the remedial action which had been taken in a crisis situation, the establishment of a working relationship with the Identity 3 was an objective which JMWAVE had always hoped to obtain, As a matter of fact, in Reference A, the recommendation was made that JMWAVE be given. approval to contact the major South Florida news media in an attempt to work out a relationship with these news media which would insure that they did not turn the publicity spotlight on those KUBARK activities in South Florida which might come to their attention, Thus, when a relationship was established with AMCARBON-2, it was carefully cultivated in order that JMWVAVE might be able to use this contact at the Identity 3 ag a means of achieving the objective of having a relationship with the Identity 3, which would simultaneously insure the security of JNWAVE's operations and give JMWAVE an outlet into the press which could be used for eran oS Lips Tien _ surfacing cortain selsct'propagand® {tena,. In the period October to ! : ree we (CONTINUED) | Attachments: ‘use’ a . it : A = Five Newspaper clippings “ , x hi Be Identities os ; ' Distribution: ” . i 1 3 pa - Chief, SAS, watts . ; DATE TYPED APRS RS4 LF 19 March 64 | .o . : : T obetaaanca cos eeescecss "GISPATGH SYMBOL AND NUMBER . UFGA~14781 | cneluted tie sntonatie | dowocreding ead CLASSIFICATION eceltesttienin “S-4-C-R-E--B- | ORIGINATING | h : ‘ | Pornce™ = OFFICER “ TYPIST ea. | cos Andrew K, REUTEMAN/vtp - : we RI Chrono COORDINATING 1.~- Cos Chrono “OFFICE SYMBOL Los /sMAVELS %" 53 use raevous comon. REPLACES FORM ato» WKH MAY BE USED, “a War 31 1984 Pah em AM aang ======== PAGE 2 ======== 13-00000 ; “CONTINUATIONOF =). |) SNTISATIGN e Ree - DISPATCH - ar: “= | UFGA-14781 December 1962, all of JMWAVA's business with the Identity 3 was handled via ANCARDON-2/ In mid-December 1962, ANCARDON-2 made the suggestion that introduce REUTEMAN to * AMCARDON -1 in order that there be a backup contact, in the evont that AMCARBON-2 were out of to or unavailable at such times as REUTEMAN might require assistance from the Identity 3, REUTEMAN : agreed to AMCARBON-2's suggestion, and, as a result, AMCARDON-2 : hosted a luncheon on 12 December i962 a at the Miami Club in the Hotel Columbus, Miami, Florida, at which AMCARBON-2 introduced ANCARBON-1 to REUTEMAN, As a result of this initial meeting on 12 December 1962, an operational relationship has developed with ANCARBON-1, and it is believed that this relationship contributes ’ ‘to the fulfillment of the over~all JMWAVE mission. In view of this, a apecial activities report is being submitted to cover the nature of JMWAVE's relationship with AMCARBON=-1 during the period December. 1962 to March 1964.° ‘FRAME or REFERENCE oR JUTAYE |S RELATIONSHIP WITT. AR RBON ~1 reviewed the ground rules under which he had been’ cooperating with REUTEMAN,.This review was conducted for AMCARBON~1's benefit, in order that he might clearly understand the frame of reference. which’ should prevail in his relationships with REUTENAN, ‘In this review, AMCAREON-2 pointed out that it was the policy .of the Identity ‘3 that it would take no action which would purposely embarrass KUBARK or its South Florida operations. As -@ result, if any embarrassing items relative to KUBARK's operations ‘dn South Florida did.come to the attention of the Identity 3, this material would be brought to REUTEMAN's immediate attention. AMCARBON~-2 made it clear to AMCARBON-1 that such items should be discussed with REUTEMAN in a frank manner, In addition, AMCARBUN-2 made the point that, after an item was discussed, AMCARBON-1 ‘. should follow REUTEMAN'’s guidance relative to how any particularly embarrassing item.might be handled by the Identity 3, so that it would not expose KUBARK operations and, at the same time » would not jeopardize the journalistic reputation of the Identity 3, _In addition, AMCARBON-2 pointed out that, if ANCAREBON~1 brought a: potentially embarrassing item to REUTEMAN's attention and remedial action on the matter was not taken, by REUTEMAN within & reasonable period of time, then the Identity 3 would feel free - to expose any ineptness on KUBARK's part, AMCARBON-2 pointed out that in return.for this cooperation from the Identity. 3, _ REUTEMAN had agreed that he would. be available for contact by telephone or periodic personal meetings at which AMCAREON-1 and AMCARBON-2 could discuss broad trends and developments in Latin American affairs, AMCARBON-2 advised AMCARBON~l1 that this arrangement did not mean that AMCARBON-1 could expect to obtain any classified information from REUTEMAN, The point was also made that AMCARBON-1 should not press for the obtaining of classified information, but he should be alert to steering tips which REUTEMAN might furnish him on fast-breaking news stories. AMCARBON~1 indicated that he understood the frame of reference which had been outlined by AMCARBON-2, This frame of reference has prevailed throughout JMWAVE's relationship with ANCAREON =] " during the period December 1962 to March "1964, | 3. AMCARBON-1'S JOURNALISTIC CARGER, AMCARBON=1 originally “started to work for the identity 3 in 1557 on the City Desk, and subsequently advanced from this assignment to an assignment '. which entailed covering major political developments in Florida. At a later date, ANCARBON~1l became a feature writer for the Identity 3, Then.in July or August 1962, ANCARBON-l was made ' the Identity 4, This assignment was considered to be a significant Gi (SIFICATION 7 FORM 8.60 53a = USE PREVIOUS EDITION. il (40) SECRET conninuzD ======== PAGE 3 ======== FLLIIIN WE ss DISPATCH. * . JFGA-14781 promotion for AMCARBON-1, and it reflected confidence in him by the Identity 3 management, AMCARBON-1 is by no means an expert on Latin America, but he is developing his knowledge on the area and, at the moment, he gives every indication of wanting to be a long-term Latin American specialist. QDELF has been questioned about AMCARBON=-1, and he has indicated that AMCAREON~1 is regarded in the journalistic trade as an extremely likeable fellow who has .& keen mind but who lacks experience in depth on Latin American affairs, It is QDELF's opinion that given an appropriate lapse of time, AMCARBON-1 will develop into one of the leading Latin American specialists in U.S. journalistic circles, AMCARBON-1 has a working command of Spanish, and he is constantly attempting to improve his language fluency « It is REUTEMAN's opinion that AMCARBON-1 has developed rapidly as a Latin American specialist, and he will continue to grow in this field, Thus, he is a contact who should be developed and harnessed for exploitation, bearing in mind that he does have long-term potential, _ '4, AMCARBON-1'S CONTACTS AND SOURCES, In keeping with the traditional pattern of source protection which is common to ; newspapermen, intelligence officers and law enforcement officers, ANCARBON-1 attempts to guard the true identity of all of his ; sources, On the other hand, when pressed, AMNCARBON-1 has identified some of his sources to REUTEMAN, in order that meaningful evaluations could be made of that information which AMCARBON-1 had passed to KUBARK. As a result of these occasional witting identifications of his sources, and, as: a result of general conversations with . AMCARBON@-1, REUTEMAN has learned that AMCARBON-1's sources include the following ‘persons: ; . oy he . Lijis* #PERNANDEZ Rocha (201316766), secretary *general of the DRE. -:.-.. , b. Manolo #RAY Rivero (201-239298), chief of JURE, Cc. Carlos *JODD y Lobo (201~-264141) of the defunct Havana Times, ....~ , d. AMBIDDY-1 (201-267437). e. Aureliano *SANCHEZ Arango (201-019245), leader of the AAA -' . g, - Edmund #LEAHY of the Washington News Bureau, AMCARBON-1 ‘ regards this source as being particularly interesting, in view ' of the fact that LEAHY's daughter is a secretary in the office of Attorney General Robert KENNEDY, Ge Frank #FIORINI (201~242256), free-lance pilot and ' adventurer. ——— he Eduardo *SUAREZ Riva, public relations man for the MRR, . i. Luis ‘ #MUNOZ Marin, governor of Puerto Rico, ; j. Juan *BOSCH Gavino (201-103272), former president of the Dominican Republic, ke Charles *KEELY of the Copley Wire Service. 1. Jorge *VOLSKY Kraisler (201-352252),. an employee of “USIA in Miami, AMCARBON-1 is well aware of the fact that VOLSKY ig a defacto stringer for Tad SZULC of the New York Times, but this does not deter AMCARBON-1 from attempting to exploit VOLSKY as a source of information. . A ‘ORM “89 53a suse previous EDITION. ======== PAGE 4 ======== 13-00000 _ to February 1964, ANCARBON-I has furnished JMWAVE with operational : ‘yeported that the Identity 3 was attempting to research a full vonn 7 ° ; ; PAGE NO. 8.80 53a, Use PREVioUs EDITION. a eee ’ fox] 4 ‘ . =k one CONTINUED ° i . 5. OPERATIONAL SUPPORT. On occasion, AMCARBON-1 is used to carry out certain operational support tasks. In such instances, AMCARBON=-1 makes his inquiries or carries out the required action within the context of his normal journalistic activities. The use of ANCARBON=1 for operational support tasks enables JMWAVE to harness the investigative facilities of the Identity 3, -Several examples of how AMCARBON-1 has been used in operational support tasks are outlined below: . a a. ‘Andrew ORDONO Camps. In March 1963, Andrew *ORDONO Camps, DPOB 30 September IST4, Cibara, Cuba, A 12 837 617, arrived -in Miami and was given routine CAC processing. The details of this processing are contained in MIAM-0085, dated 12 March 1963. After being released by CAC, ORDONO was interviewed by the Identity 3, and a sensational story was developed, In. view of this story, JMVAVE tried to locate: ORDONO for debriefing, This effort was not productiv ’ thus AMCARBON-1 was asked to locate ORDONO, AMCARBON-1 did locate one in Houston, Texas. See WAVE-6307, dated 25 March 1963, for etails. Cn . b. Discrediting Carlos BANDIN of the MRR Splinter Group. In UFGW-2555, dated 13 September 1963, Headquarters suggested that JMWAVE might be able to discredit Carlos BANDIN Cruz (201-309611) of the MRR splinter group as a result of BANDIN's overinflated claims relative to his faction invading Cuba, Headquarters' interest in discrediting BANDIN was also stimulated by the fact that BANDIN's irresponsible publicity stunts were causing problems for AMBIDDY-1, As'.a result of Headquarters’ interest in this matter, REUTEMAN had &® luncheon session with AMCARBON-1 on 24 September 1963, at which . AMCARBON-1 was advised that the BANDIN faction of the MRR was.less than accurate in.its claims relative to its activities in Cuba, In view of this, REUTEMAN suggested that the Identity 3 might want to soft peddle any future war communiques which the BANDIN faction might release. AMCARBON-1 stated that, in view of REUTEMAN's coments, the Identity 3 would not only soft peddle, but would ignore the BANDIN faction in the future. Once BANDIN was discredited with AMCARBON-1, the word was soon leaked by ANCARBON-1 to other newspapermen that BANDIN was not a reliable source, As a result ‘of this action, the BANDIN group has received minimal media coverage in South Florida since September 1963. 6. OPERATIONAL INTELLIGENCE. In the period February 1963 intelligence as outlined below: 's @, “In WAVE 4836, dated 21 February 1963, AMCARBON-1 ~~ reported that AMBEND-1 was back in Miami and was the object of ._& great deal of press interest in view of AMBEND-i's release from a Havana prison. '- AMCARBON-1 also indicated that AMBEND-1 would probably be a knowledgeable source on the current activities of the UR in Cuba. This operational intelligence was most helpful in terms of keeping JMWAVE informed on AMBEND-1's movements, Subsequent developments revealed that AMCARPON-1 could not contact. AMBEND-1, and thus AMBEND-1's return to the United States did not cause the publicity stir that was initially anticipated. ; b. In WAVE 6176, dated 22 March 1963, AMCARBON~1 feature article on the Bay of Pigs invasion. The intent of this , article was to furnish a recapitulation of the entire tactical situation. In this connection, AMCARBON-1 pointed ont that he was 2 ======== PAGE 5 ======== 13-00000 ‘thinking about exposing the role of Miami attorney Alex E, *CARLSON, missiles were hidden in Cuban caves, This information enabled , _reported'on a discussion that he had had on 10 October 1963 with ‘representatives were telling the outside world about their ‘going .to be directed toward the Identity 5. Armed with this warn- ' from.a Cuban fishing vessel might be an individual who had previousl} For’ 530" 58a (40) residing 145 Curtiss Parkway, Miami Springs, Florida, in the Bay of Pigs operation, AMCARBON~1 stated that, if -LSON were of any current interest to REUTEMAN, then the Identity 3 would soft peddle the CARLSON angle, REUTEMAN advised AMCARDON-1 that he had no interest in CARLSON but knew of him and was of. the opinion that. CARLSON was a sound and honest attorney. The receipt of this operational intelligence enabled JMWAVE to brief CARLSON on the Identity.3's over-all interest in the role that CARLSON had Played in the Bay of Pigs invasion, This briefing, in turn, enabled CARLSON to more adequately prepare himself for a meeting with AMCARGON-1, . While AMCARBON-1 did attempt to pursue this Bay of Pigs story, he never did put anything into print as the story: ms overtaken by other developments before AMCARBON-1 could finish 8 research, .... c.. In- WAVE 0904, dated 9 July 1963, AMCARBON-1 advised OMWAVE that Mx, Trevor *ARMBRISTER, an associate editor for the Saturday Evening Post, was in Miami during July 1963 attempting to research a story regarding the possibility that strategic JMWAVE to keep Headquarters informed on sensational—type articles which might be appearing relative to Soviet missiles in Cuba, “d, © In‘WAVE 4701, dated 20 September 1963, AMCARBON-1 gave JMWAVE his resume of the discussions which he had with ANBIDDY~1 ‘at..the’ Miami Playboy Club on.19 September 1963, This . information was ‘useful in obtaining an insight into what AMBIDDY-1 was telling. the press. . . "en WAVE 5661, dated 10 October 1963, AMCARBON-1 AMBIDDY-1"s public relations man, This operational intelligence was useful in terms of keeping KUBARK advised as to what AMBIDDY-1's operational activities, . : £. Im WAVE 6910, dated 31 October 1963, AMCARBON-~1 informed JMWAVE about the flood of telephone calls which were being received at the Identity 3 relative to so-called KUBARK vessels which were located in South Florida waters, This information alerted JMWAVE to the fact that press scrutiny wag ing, JMWAVE-was.able to take action which minimized the publicity repercussions from a renewed press interest in the Identity 5, g. In WAVE%671, dated 16 November 1963, AMCARBON-1 reported to JMWAVE the fact that he had received a letter from Peru which contained an interesting operational lead to one ; Carlos MONTALVANO in Puno, Peru. This lead was examined by JMWVAVE, Headquarters and the Lima Station. This examination revealed that the letter was written by a crackpot; thus, there was no real. operational potential in this lead, This incident did underscore [. the fact that AMCARBON-1 is willing to bring potentially significant q operational leads to JMWAVE's attention. ; h, In WAVE 1614, dated 6 February 1964, AMCARBON-1 advised JMWAVE that he had received numerous telephone calls indicating that Armando Andres GUIROLA Forte, who had defected been seen in Minami during November or December 1963, At the same time, AMCARDON~-1 pointed out that he was suspicious and thought that these telephone calls indicated that GUIROLA was not a bona fide defector, but was either a GOC agent or a KUBARK plant, who was being used as.a means of creating an incident which would embarrass the GOC, as a result of their fishing boats penetrating ° CLASSIFICATION —B-E-G-R-~E_T. ; fe] CONTINUED {USE PREVIOUS EDITION, ======== PAGE 6 ======== 13-00000 / . United States terracorial waters. REUTEMAN a. .ised AMCARDON-1 FORM 3-60 (40) that KUBARK had played no role in mounting a provocation operation against the GOC, At the same time, REUTEMAN pointed out that it was highly unlikely that GUIROLA was a GOC agent, As a result of this conversation, arrangements were made for JMWAVE to check out certain aspects of the GUIROLA story, At the same time, ANCARBON~] was prevailed upon not to write a story which might lead the public to speculate on whether GUIROLA was an agent or a plant in a propaganda play designed to embarrass the GOC, 7. PROPAGANDA OUTLET, AMCARBON-1 has been used successfully, during the period covered by this report, as a propaganda outlet - through which items of interest to KUBARK could be surfaced in the free world press. Examples of how AMCARBON-1 has been harnessed in this field are outlined below: . . &. AMCRAB-1, The AMCRAB-1 defection story originally surfaced in. the Miami area on 13 October 1963 via the Diario de las Americas, which played up an API release from Montevideo, The API Montevideo story highlighted AMCRAB-1's information . relative to GOC activities in Uruguay, The story in the Diario ‘de las Americas’ had an extremely limited impact on Spanish readers in the Miomi area, As a result, it was decided to do a series of feature stories on AMCRAB-1, pointing up the fact that AMCRAB-1 | was typical of the veterans of the Granma expedition, who felt they had been betrayed by CASTRO and had been relegated to positions : of obscurity :once the revolution had put CASTRO in power, AMCARBON-] was briefed in ‘detail on the AMCRAB-1 story, and he was given an -opportunity to debrief ANCRAB-1 under controlled conditions in a JMWAVE safehouse.’. After completing his debriefing, ANCARDON-1 wrote a series of feature articles on AMCRAB-1, The first article in the series received front page headline play. The series of articles on AMCRAB-1 were well written, and they provided an excellent. peg for: JMVAVE to mount a replay operation via other propaganda assets. . ANCARBON-~1's story on AMCRAB-1 was picked up by UPI, API and others, and it was played throughout Latin America, The details of this surfacing can be found in WAVE 5826, dated 14 October 1963; WAVE 6092, dated 19 October 1963; and, WAVE 6174, dated 21 October 1963. : sO ’ pb, - Charles GRIFFIN Shrimp Boat. Story. On 26 February 1964 JMWAVE learned that when Mr. Charles GRIFFIN'S sons went to Cuba to reclaim-the hijacked shrimp boat, JOHNNY REB, they found that ~ . select items were missing from the boat when it was turned over to them, It was believed that this information would make a good human interest story which JMWAVE assets could use to counter GOC propaganda claims that United States officials had stolen items from.the Cuban fishing boats which had violated United States territorial waters, In view of this opinion, a steering tip was given to AMCARBON-1 to have the Identity 3 representative in Key Weat interview Mr, GRIFFIN. This interview was carried out, and an article outlining the points which were of interest to SMWAVE was published in the 27 February 1964 edition of the Identity 3. . : c. LAYC Story, The March 1964 LAYC meeting in Santingo, Chile, was not receivang appropriate coverage in the South Florida newspapers; as a result, REUTEMAN contacted AMCARBON-1 on 5 March 1964 and suggested that the LAYC meeting was a story which the . Identity 3 should pursue, AMCARBON~1l was grateful for this steering tip, and he assigned the task of preparing the story on the LAYC to one of the members of his staff. A story on the LAYC was subsequently published in the 6 March 1964 edition of the Identity 3 / : ; (COMMENT: Copies of the articles cited in subparagraphs a through © above are attached for Headquarters information,) 58a 0s Use PREVIOUS EDITION. ======== PAGE 7 ======== 13-00000 ty 58a 8. POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE, Attempts have been made to obtain aisseminable positive Tatelligence from AMCARBON-1 during . the period covered by this report, This attempt has beon fenerally unsuccessful, in that AMCARBON-1 does not have a great number of contacts in Latin America who would give him access to worthwhile intelligence apprecinbly in advance of the information appearing in the overt press, As a result, AMCARBON-1 is usually not aware of |pf inside developments in any Latin American country; consequently, he is not a worthwhile source. of positive intelligence, Asa . matter of fact, AMCARBON-1 is less valuable as a source of positive intelligence. than most journalists, This is attributable solely to his lack of long-standing contacts in the Latin American politica] ‘scene, It is believed that AMCARBON-1 will ultimately overcome this shortcoming; thus, we will continue to attempt to harness him ter ‘ the collection of Positive intelligence, - 9, coMMmNT.: an the period covered by this report, AMNCARBON-1 has been Yound.to ‘be a straight-forward individual who is honest, cooperative, and: who understands the need for security, Our relationship also indicates that AMCARBON-1 is an accurate reporter of that information which he passes to KUBARK. In view of this, JMWAVE plans‘ to:continue to harness AMCARBON~1 in the same manner that he has been used in the past. It is believed that our rela- tionship with AMCARBON-1 enhances our ability to conduct our operational mission in a secure manner, In addition, this relation~ ship tends to minimize the possibility that JMWAVE might have diffi-| culties with the media outlets in the South Florida area, As a result of our continuing relationship with AMCARBON=-1, a special activities report Will be be forwarded at appropriate intervals, 10, It. is ‘yequested that a 201 number be assigned AMCARBON-1 and that JMWAVE be advised of the number, - END OF DISPATCH USE PREVIOUS EDITION, ======== PAGE 8 ======== j Ooty Sot od ee - ae ; ~ SUABEIFICATION Dig 3 H SYMBOL AND NUMBER j 4 CELLU ALON OF - Sep er | : . ; parate Cover Attachmest } - DISPATCH SECRET B to UFGA~14781 : ee . + qdentatiea - 1 - fhe Miami News: 2 ~-Ginland Training Center for\ "Qetarded Children 3 - fhe Miami Herald 4 ~Qatin American Editor, 5 - The LEDA ‘DISTRIBUTION : : ' «3 » Chief, SAS / . 2.=— RE Chrono’. 7% ' |. - AMCARBON-1 201 _1 - COS Chrono - . GROUP 4 Exchaced from automate! asyvnrracing and Ceca iy be Sel pea 44 oe S30 CLASSIFICATION | one Und PREVIOUS EOITION, SECRET oreree RR RI OT tee «1 ernest ate teh ========== FILE: 104-10048-10252.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | 1 104-10048-10252) pyerepnennrnge tet ett ! ovally to: “ Heterenceui_ a local detective ort wae obtained fron The information in thie 1 Jieo in Parie. leo of the Colonbian. f the Po ivit iw other cofntries a the delegates delegates of certa end he accompenie utorested stations serve to. confirm, port to the latter odxoerning act rhe m, and he added nemes of nformant is studying im Paris I It ie likely that the 1: bub it 40 thought it m Lo eo ¥ i E 4 i es i 2 F | a 3 é povided a. re ) legat:. pr ds This 1 te Berlin, ne a ORR o AN ee Ba LOA: 2 PAPO 200 - aw on One bares ret T aS LE SE ae ae ee eee tare ret ses ight mation, have this infore. or possibly add a. fal already on he bit to, the mater: ll ======== PAGE 2 ======== A DERRY: SRR ES EPA tM UR a a Te Yestival Munéiel de la Juventud held in Berlin in ee CONFIDENT ee } » Report Nov ; oe ene : f: See 22 damary a0 . “ 89 demary 1 1968 ‘Boures eo reports’ that an informant 4in- Parte bas sutatygon information we the ‘Yoon Police concerning delegates of certain other ee se the IIz . at and Septenbor 39626 These. names ‘together with the ocomente of the. informant are inoluded is oy) ae aiyea, ovens Aves: B.- ee tio 0 adacions OrtEs, 17 Oo Oe Ho. 7 oS OS Ne asia 2 vs i. Mee 88. aie. ra Moe 12. mo. 0 eter HORNED. & Aree ° » : bina. dal ae yee Moolas egret Aopsta, evoritor de teatro. ‘) Quan Pedro’ROJAB, pinbor . 6. 7 ‘ ” Yolanda 8 Stotrons da LOB, onsada con 03 antérter ‘the Lik ra delegates are as follewes 2 1 Eartan Giz 01: ailbert, everitor | Bhr Lque QUINTES! Pate fold a COAS, asbn oatudsante 4 do nedioins rr] Praga . : a Cages aan am . +t. 7 neste oe UTLEY, poste’ eseritor J peeleotnn,» wis . ce a Podagogta y "responsable Ps la -., ‘dologaojén de Cuba". Ke peligrose y ouande hue nooneide : © retratarlo on Parise no ce dejse-: - 4: “Praxeteoe GARCIA Benftes, eomeroiarte de Holguin a (Yous CANETTI, gemmrotante « ou Santiago de Cube. ========== FILE: 104-10049-10362.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== - Guben, believed to be 8 mesber of a group of vealthy anti-CASTAO Cubans, ~~ '. Menbers.of- which have talked to Mr, Pavley recently about their ' dated 2-October. The second of operational interest to Station Habana, and a separate menor endim ot ee subadsted on that: conversation, _ ; and moneys. he pointed out that Cubans in Cuba are afraid’ to start an . | underground movement, and there was no way to raise funds, etc. My. -. Pawley gave him no encouragement on the money angle, saying that even - ££ there were Ameri cais willing to rag the risk ef becoming involved '. ° dn Cuban yevolutlonary activities by furnishing LB - Rovement, which he doubted, he felt that at the present time it “would nee ' - (1) there is no-unity among the anti-CAST®O groups, and there are ab. "Least 10 that he news of who are working absolutely independently of | one anothers and (2) CASTRO ie in cotitrol of the country and has the _ support of ‘Vir. Pawley said he felt the Cuban economic situation was. worsening | ‘stened to the play-back of a tape, brought to Washington from Man, ' recording of Mr. Pawley's conversations with two Gubans during the “ppokie” indistinctly, was difficult to understand. He mentioned a. : . Meeting "with some af our prople who came up from Cuba" to discuss oa de . - plang. Re said his group had been contacted by a representative of = General Jose: Eleutorio PEDBAZA, leader of Cuban revolutionary groups - . “in the Dominican On _: hed taken and was told that they had a plan “to start sabotage". The - “S Cuban. add the PRDRAZA xepresentative said thelr group (the PEDRAZA | "-_. group) had four. provinces organised in Cuba, mentioning Camaguey and. .- .- .. Santa Clara, and that: they had ‘two provinces yet to be organised awe _ tyrn on CASPROs but until that time comes it. would be | dangerous, to “yt to > organise a rewolutionary movements oe } 7 fro4-10043-10362 [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | 2 . oe 20 October 1959 - ighlights of Tape-Retorded Gonversation in Miami Between Mrs, saan cokanegy ond om Unidentified Cubs during - eriod 17-15 October = an 2. ‘Gs 20.Octabay the undersigned end Owen Foust, of WH/3 ‘end given to Colonel King King by Mr. Pawley on 19 October, which was a period 17-18 October. The first conversation was with an onidentifled plane for. sabotage. of the the coming suger harvest ag reported in UMA$32 : Gaban wap AMPACAol, a Cuban journalist “2. the ‘iaclaiessa Ocuan, to ind wmechah of 4a secs oa Republic, who wanted to kmow what action their abn °.'g, dpe piper Geta ba group mueded tro hinge <> moral pecking money for such a - bo. like "putting money down.a rat-hole" for the following reasonss. a large number of Cubans, especially the peso claire teal fast and that if it gets bad enough, a large number of Cubans will | SET QO P73 78 ======== PAGE 2 ======== ~ he Mr. Pawley asked the Ouban if his group felt they had moral - gupport ef. the Us %. and the Cuban replied thatcthey wanted U. 5. ‘moral, support: but whether they had it or not, thay felt they were obdiged to carry through with their plans. Mr. Pawley said he didn't . know.what to tell him —= would have to think about it and see if any~ thing cevld be done. He said, “having been connected with the U. 5. _ Government, Ican't get. involved in revolutionary movements", Alao . ~" gadd-he would hate to. see the Dominican Government got involved, . " which might be difficult te avoid with so many Cuban exiles there, . _ bat commented: that ‘he vader atood "the Dominican Sovernent. haan! ¢ | : SER ========== FILE: 104-10049-10375.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ‘fr04-10043-10378 ' [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 eee oa - . . " MICROFILMED ( —ALR EN. 7 JUL 141989 DOC; HEE TSER. CLASSIFICATION. To: “Chief, Wap » FROM “Chier of Station, Ciudad tmujtlio SUBJECT: GENERAL— * Operata onal ‘SPECIF Ie. a - PAWLEY usiness Interests in th Dominican Republic . ACTION REQUTRED For info only. * In addition to minerals exploitation in ‘wnich Mr. William : D. \PAwtEy has. substantial investments, negotiations are being conclude for the purchase ‘by _PAWLEY of the Hotel Hamaca in Boca Chica, a resort -town near the ajmostrgompleted © new international airport, about 30 km: “east of Ciudad Trujillo. : 2. "Another ‘activity which : is 5 kept very th under \ wraps is the - oncession granted. PAWLEY for procurement and world-wide sale of all new issues|of Dominican postage stamps. This activity is managed by “Edward P.. #PAWLEY,, ° other of William, whose office is in the Dominican post office bu ilding. , Os Pewtig es - 3.7 ~The: source “( sidered sensitive) of the information ‘in para~ Loo : graph 2. is Mrs. Nora\KBRITZIUS, . citizen: employed by PAWLEY toe: : ‘in the business.” The source volunteered ormation ona” | 10 June 1958 ms Digtribution: | 7 oo " FoRM HO. » 81- wan | ts war - Bln | ========== FILE: 104-10051-10106.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Toe: 10051- 10106 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 < OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 eat OTe a . SO1O-104 my os oo ‘y a . oe we que a ‘UNITED states Gov JMENT 7 oy MM emoranduin To : Files exe 3 DATE: 29 January 125) 7 ae” . . FROM : M. D. Stevens . suyject: THE LEE HARVEY OSWALD CASE #351164 . 1. According to a newspaper column of "Allen and Scott" in the ’ Chicago American of 6 December 1963, on the OSWALD Case, Abram CHAYES, legal Officer of the State Department, was one of two persons in- mediately responsible for OSWATLD's being permitted to return to the United States from the Soviet Union in June 1952. The other individual i named was Iiewellyn THOMPSON, the then Ambassador to Russia. Another in said to have been involved in.the handling of OSWALD's case was Samuel WISE, Counsel of the American Embassy in Moscow. 2. Abram CHAYES, #735223h, who as of 16 February 1961 was deserined (2) as “the new Counsel in State" » was grented Security approval for lielgor ‘contact with J. Foster COLLINS (in the office of the Chief of the Cover Action Staff) on 6 March 1961. The request for CHAYES' clearance was a "Blanket" request to permit. discussion with him of NSC 5412/2 metters cn. a need-to-know basis. . 3. In September 1961 there was a White House namecheck request on CHAYES' wife Antonia (toni) Leigh CHAYES, nee: HANDLER. . contact clearance with C/CA on a continuing basis. This time his contact 1 | 4, In March 1962, CHAYES was granted a renewal of his liaison | was Archibeld ROOSEVELT, Jr. 5. On 10 February 1962, HUMAN EVENTS reported as follows with reference to CHAYES: ; . Chairman of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, has scored the new State Deoartment regulations on passports, clain- ing they would allow Reds denied passports to "rifle freely the ° confidential. files of the FBI, the CIA and other investigative 7 agencies." The man behind the new regulations, which Walter ts claims violate the Internal Security Act of 1950, is reportedly : State's chief legal officer, Abram Chayes. Chayes, a Kennedy ; appointee, is an ex-Harvard professor who was Chester Bowles’ top legal.adviser when Bowles was Governor of Connecticut. : - Wallter has introduced. legislation to remedy the new passport 7 My regulations." Oar 2 ofo. : "SOFT ON COMMUNISM: Representative Francis E. Walter (R.-Pa.), | i t ======== PAGE 2 ======== a ~ 6. Samuel WISE, "Counsel in the American Embassy in Moscow" who is referred to above, may well be Samuel Griffin WISE Jr., #74574, SD & SSD, who apparently was once a contract employee on AEACTIVE. [fhe State Department reviewed WISE's file on 2 June 195k; and as of September 1962 a Samuel G. WISE was Second Secretary of the American Embassy in Moscow. At that time WISE advised in a cable to the State Department _ . . re te wp ene J ’DAVIS' case is very similar to that of. . OSWALD; and he, like OSWALD, Lived in the Soviet Union for two years after his defection and prior to making application for return to the United States .7 . 7. WISH was an applicant for CIA employment in early 1953 and was security approved subject to polygraph on 11 August 1953. He did not enter on duty and in September 1953 the office which had been interested in him was "no longer interested". On 13 November 1953, WISE was granted a CSA.to permit his use as a contract employee on AFACTIVE in. New York City. His CSA was cancelled on 24 March 1958. 8. WISE was named as a friend of William Orville MUNSELL, #61693-DL, auring an investigation of the latter for possible CIA employment in 1952. WISE, according to MUNSELL's landlady and social acquaintance in Washington, D.C. during the pericd of about a year which ended. in April 1952, was the only person she knew by name with whom MUNSELL was friendly. According to the informant, WISE was a student at Columbia University whose address was 423 Fornald Hall. MUNSELL was Security disapproved for CIA employment in June 1952 because of his close association on a professional and social basis, while attending Denver University from 1946 to 1951, with persons of questionable loyality. In November 1954, MUNSELL was of interest to project FIALIVE with reference to assignment to Dhahran, Saudi Arabia; however, the interested office withdrew their request on him, after Security advised of the derogatory information regarding him. 9. WISE from 1951 to 1954 attended Scarsdale High School in Scarsdale, New York, which was attacked by a Citizen's Group, which alleged Communist influence in the school system. He had several questionable associates in addition to MUNSELL.: M. D. Stevens ========== FILE: 104-10051-10170.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ‘od“10081-10779 [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 : sonal history, current status, and Prospects. “s ~ SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER I 15 November 1974 ANNEX B THE 201 SYSTEM Rescission: Annex B of Chapter III, CSHB 70-1-I, 27 October 1966 1. INTRODUCTION The 201 system provides a method for identifying a person of specific in- terest to the Operations Directorate and for controlling and filing all pertinent information about that person. The system also provides a means for identifying subjects of 201 files from various categories of information-about them and for — producing lisits of 201 personalities according to those categories..Only a rela-_ tively small number of personalities indexed are of sufficient interest to justify opening a 201 dossier. These are normally subjects of extensive reporting and Cl investigation, prospective agents and sources, members of groups and organi- zations of continuing target interest, or subjects on whom a volume of corre- spondence has accumulated. 201 SYSTEM | a. The 201 Number: a unique number, ie, 201-1234567, ; assigned to each individual in the system to serve as s identifying file number for reporting on that individual. . b. The 201 Dossier: the official file containing the 901 ¢ opening form (Form “831L) and all biographic reporting on and references to the individual, i ie, per- “e The Master 201 Record: ‘a machine record generated by the be oa of - a 201 file. This record produces the master 201 reference for the Main Index and stores the pertinent information which may later be retrieved! for special listings. d. Main Index Master 201 Reference: this reference, printed in reply to an Index Search Request, is printed as illustrated below. When data are absent within the record, succeeding data items or lines will be mov. ed up and the ref. erence consolidated. 23 SECRET ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER Ul, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 0902 CROIX, WILLIAM PENDLETON 2 201-0032671* —(@) @p_-SEX Mf bop 12 APR 26 OB GERM, penury(3) TYPE WANE ‘T-———() Cent GERM Occ PHARMACIS’ ad) OX CODES AA m5 S>OCREF AACD~12345, 20 JUN 53 OCC CODE CHEN RCO DATE 53 UBJECT RECENTLY ATTENDED THE SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL oo) 2) CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHEMISTS “AND PHARMACISTS HELD IN MUNICH, GERMANY FROM 22 THROUGH 29 OCTOBER. 30 NOV 70 00833555 Information About Subject 1. Sequence Number and Name 2. Sex and Date of Birth 4, Place of Birth 5. Occupation 6. Occupation Code 7. Text Document Reference Data Group 8. 201 Number . 9. Name Type Indicator 20.. OI Codes 11. Record Date (year only) 12. Reference ISG Control Information . 13. Date of latest update of the record 14, STAR Index Record Number eee Oe: Oe, er ee 24 i ======== PAGE 3 ======== 14-00000 _ A » i é e : i SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER Il, ANNEX B: 15 November 1974 e. OI Code: a two letter symbol used in conjunction with the 201 per- sonality records in the 201 system to record the association of an individual with organizations or activities of operational interest. OL codes cover intelli- gence and security service affiliation, whether staff or agent, or known or . suspect, as well as activities of DDO interest. There are two categories of OI codes for use by components: (1) general OI codes (Attachment 4) (2) OI codes assigned to a specific component for intelligence services or other specific organizations. A component may request an OI code be’ established by submitting a mem- orandum to the DDO/RMO throvgh the component Records Management Officer. A 201 personality may y be assigned two OI codes. An OI coder may be assigned when the 201 Personality File Action Request (Form 831) is initiated (see paragraph 3b below) by filling in Box 13 or a code may be assigned, or added at a later date by a Form 831 amendment. ' The. 201 system has the capability of producing machine listings of, 201. . de-has been.opened. for the ecurity ‘service of a certain ¢ county a listing may ‘be compiled of. all ‘members ~ of that service. f. 201 Machine Lists: _ produced from the mechanized 201 Index, based on names or other identifying information of Personalities on whom 201 dossiers exist. 5 3. OPENING A 201 DOSSIER , ‘ a. General The opening of a 201 dossier is the prerogative of an operational com- ponent, in coordination with the Information Services Group. An opening creates a master 201 record. Changes to the master record and the eccasional closing of a 201 dossier are controlled jointly by the desks and ISG. 20] dossiers may be ~ opened on persons who meet the carding criteria described in Chapter II of this handbook, when there is a reasonable expectation that additional information will be acquired and filed in such @ dossier. Generally dossiers are opened on persons about whom counterintelligence information is being reported, and per- sons of operational interest to the Operations Directorate, specifically those persons for whom provisional operational. approvals and operational approvals are requested (see exception below). 201 files are not to be opened on staff employees, staff agents and most categories of contract employees. Files on 25 SECRET ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-00000 SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER III, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 persons who are only of local interest to a field station or Headquarters desk and on whom no DDO records correspondence exists are not a part of the DDO | records systém and are to be maintained by that unit, Some desks levy require- ments on ISG for automatic 201 openings en certain categories of persons whose ‘names appear in incoming dispatches. These are. listed in Attachment 2. 201 dossiers should be opened in the following categories: . cet (1) Subjects of provisional operational approval and operational ap- proval requests. However, a file need not be ‘opened when a POA is requested for persons being trained for a foreign liaison service and who are of opera- "tional interest for training purposes only. (2) Persons for whom the field requests a 201 opening. ' (3) MHFIXTURE personalities: bonafide diplomats of ‘other than ; denied area countries, in close association with staff personnel, (4) Subjects of a Personal Record Questionnaire Part I. or more documents (seéDOL 70-20). - (6) Subjects of Interagency Source Register memoranda from ISN/ ISR (opened only by IP/RMS). : , b. Requesting a@ 201 File Opening Headquarters desks may open a 201 file by filing 0 out - and submitting a 201 Personality File Action Request (Form 831) to the Records Main- tenance Section (IP/RMS). Form 831 is also used to create or amend the master 201 record and 201 machine listings and to register the assign- ment of a cryptonym to a 20] personality. Attachment 3 consists of sample 201 Personality File Action Requests for opening and amending 201’s. A field station may request the opening of a 20}. file by writing 201- in the Head- . quarters file or cross-reference box on the dispatch form and/or after’ the subject's name in the body of the-dispatch. A telepouch request for a 201 opening is made by indicating 201- in the file number line. A cable request is made by placing 201- after the term “File” on the last line of the transmission. IP/AN will open 201 files as requested by dispatch or telepouch but it is the responsi- bility of the desk to respond to cable requests. Field stations are notified of 201 openings throygh receipt of the field master 201 record. 26 SECRET _ BRR ======== PAGE 5 ======== DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER II, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 4. CONTENTS OF THE DOSSIER Information about a 201 personality should be filed or cross-referenced into his dossier. When additional information is discovered on a 201 subject through a name trace or other process, i.e, review of predecessor documents, it must be consolidated into his personality’ dossier. See DOI 70-20 for consolidation procedures. uo Material which is filed in the dossier includes but is not limited to: oe +a, 201 Personality File Action Request ( Form <) 9 7 b. Biographic information including photographs, fingerprints, and oe}, Personal Record Questionnaire Parts I and Il. _~ a. Operational and other security ‘approvals. ne . ‘e. Name check replies, requests, clearances, and approvals. ‘h. Copy of contract and termination papers, © i. Secrecy agreement. i. Agent Duty Status Report. Lk Training and evaluation. : Co, at ~ L SGSWIRL report. "= 9 a mi. Newspaper clippings. a ; . ; ; kh Any information which helps provide a better understanding of the | subject and our interest in him; this may include operational reporting. ; : 5. MAINTENANCE OF 201 DOSSIERS ) The 20] personality dossier contains, in document date order, papers which have been made a part of the Central Records System as well as those which have not. Record documents may range from newspaper or magazine articlés Gn the subject to finance and other ‘administrative papers. 26.1 SECRET ======== PAGE 6 ======== 14-00000 SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER Ill, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 a. Purging Purging a 201 dossier is the responsibility of the desk officer, It requires — discrimination in recognizing operationally useful material, rather. than the simple distinction between official and unofficial papers; it will therefore take place under the supervision of a Records Officer. Purging should be done periodically. A 201 dossier being forwarded to Central Files for retention should be purged. A 201 dossier should be purged of the following: : (1) Duplicate material, i.e., exact copy(s) of a document. ; (2) Name trace form (Form 362) unless it has been the basis for _ the opening. . st : (3) All abstract slips, , re ' (4) All document restriction notices (Form 1884). (5) The disseminated version of positive intelligence information if a copy of the raw report is contained in the 201 file; the dissemination number then must be transferred to the first page of the raw report... (6) Routing slips, routing and record sheets (Form 610) and dispatch 7 cover sheets unless there are remarks such as coordinations or Record copy-doeuments which"? only, repeat’ ‘substantive informat ed. in-“other.. documents in the file; authorization for destruction is the Records Officer. (8) Top Secret documents are not to. be retained in a 201 1 dossier forwarded to Central Files; the document must be downgraded for retention - in the 201 dossier. To downgrade a Top Secret document, an authorized officer in the originating office or the Records Officer having jurisdiction over the contents of the material must possess Top Secret classification authority. If the document cannot be downgraded the file should be retained. at the desk or the copy of the TS document should be removed, retained - in a desk TS file or forwarded to the Top Secret Control Officer, and a cross-reference sheet (Form 867) placed in the 201 file giving the location of the TS document. - (9) Deferred documents (see 5b(2) )- b. Maintenance Procedures (1) All material in a 201 dossier will be filed in document date order. In the case of document attachments which have been classified into a 201 26.2, SECRET ======== PAGE 7 ======== 14-00000 eSATA SHE TRY BOAT PEI RAPD TE NTL PAL RAMEE BERTI TOI RIPLEY RNS BNE MRT ay CARNE, SRR NRTEER EYP OPEN FI ROOT BREA BE PIAL SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER Ill, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 dossier and separated from the basic document by the assignment of a slash number, the attachment will be filed by the date of the basic document. (2) Deferred documents will not be filed in a 201 dossier. If they are to be retained in the dossier they should be sent to IP/RMS for classification into that 201. (3) Field index cards (held by some-desks) and area desk cards’ may be retained in the 201 as part of a consolidation procedure. These cards should be mounted on a full-size sheet of paper for filing in the 201. : (4) A 201 dossier previously opened on a person who becomes a staff employee and which contains Record Copy documents will be restricted to _ ‘the ISG/DIP unless the desk retains the restriction. The dossier should be closed if there are no Record Copy documents in it. (5) A 201 opened in pseudonym should be consolidated into the true name 201 if one exists or converted to the true name. . (6) Field and duplicate (shadow) 201 files no longer of active interest should be incorporated into the official 201 after the duplicate material . has been purged by the desk officer and the remaining i information classified ~ to that 201. by the Analysis Section (P/AN). ees (1) Any document with predécesse organization. cover. sheet or an: OPC (Office of Policy Coordination) cover sheet from thd Archives and Disposition Section » ORIARD) must be retumed to IP/ARD for processing to the 201. . : (8) Desk memoranda (with or without 2 document source , number) - containing substantive or derogatory information on the subject of the 201 - should be sent to.1P/AN to be classified officially into the 201 file. _ (9) An attachment which should be separated from its basic document _for inclusion in a 201 personality dossier will be forwarded with the basic ~ document to IP/ AN for processing into the 201. tee, : (10) To retain the P&L, RYBAT, or KAPOK sensitivity of a document remaining in a 201 dossier being retired to Central Files, place that document in an envelope sealed with black tape (see DOI 70-17). Any RYBAT, P&L, or KAPOK document sent to Central Files not in a black-taped envelope will automatically be handled as desensitized. A black-taped envelope may con- .” tain only one document and must be filed in chronological order within the file. If there are numerous documents of this type the desk officer may black- tape the entire dossier rather than individual documents (see DOI 70-10). 26.3 SECRET ======== PAGE 8 ======== 14-00000 DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER III, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 Black-taped dossiers or dossiers with black-taped_ documents will be _handled as restricted dossiers. . oo, . (11) An inactive 201 dossier or an inactive volume of a large 201 . dossier on. permanent charge: should be -returned to-Central Files under a . Routing and Record Sheet with the notation shown below... 0: 9°. Ope "OD conripentia, - “Gel SecREr ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET “"" CP uNceassiFieD [ Restricted Dossier (Attach Porm 2021 to Dossier) - : (2) Mor-Restricted Dossier For Split Charge Dossiers: _ ALL docupents prior to. OBES OO uncuassirien ======== PAGE 9 ======== 14-00000 SECRET : . DOHB 70-1-1 Tee, oo. CHAPTER II, ANNEX B 15 November: 1974 6. 201 DOSSIER CHARGES ~ A 201 dossier may be kept on permanent charge at the desk during any period of active interest. If the dossier is transferred to another desk, the desk officer who is transferring the dossier must notify Central Files of the transfer. Ceatral Files will then send the Notice of Transfer of Document or File Account- ability (Form 2977) to the new action desk officer. 2 CONFIDENTIAL * (uben Fitted 32) Tae This is to notify you that accountability for the doc! ument(s) and/or file(s) cited below hes been transferred to you by: . _ fo. wae - Cy), Cl av. Accordingly, IP's records now reflect you as the custodian. Please contact IP/Files,° . - Ext. 4362, if you have sny questions regarding this transfer. : i rs CONFIDENTIAL The new action desk officer must then fill out a 201 Personality File Action Request (Form 813) to change the action desk designation to insure that the: ~ _ 201 personality will be included in the Headquarters and field machine’ listings - for his component. ae ae oy 7. RESTRICTED DOSSIERS a. Access to a sensitive 201 dossier may be restricted by holding the file at the desk or placing it on restriction in Central Files. . : (1) The dossier may be restricted by checking-Box 2 on the 201 Personality File Action Request (Form 831) when the file is opened. — 26.5 SECRET ======== PAGE 10 ======== 14-00000 SECRET ”” DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER Ill, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 (2) The dossier may be restricted by holding it on permanent charge from Central Files. (Note: To maintain the restriction of a dossier being retumed to Central Files for rétention, a File Restriction Notice (Form 2021) must accompany the dossier.) (3) The dossier may be restricted and held in Central Files 5 by sub- mitting a File Restriction Notice (Form 2021). "CONFIDENTIAL (thee Filled Ta) “FALE RESTRICTION HOTICE - - - To restrict @ file, couplete Section A (signature of R.O. not necessary). 2. To remove a restriction, complete Section B (R.0, ‘signature . Recessary). . ee _ | SEGTION A * "RESTRICT TO: "(Wee country or nou-country cate musber. See C5t 70-28) __. 82, WORT CL BY COE? CONFIDENTIAL .. b, Access to a restricted dossier located in Central Files is limited to the personnel of the restricting desk or persons authorized by that desk. Any request for the charge of a restricted dossier or any document within a restricted dossier held in Central Files will be forwarded with the entire dossier and a: multiple- routed cover-sheet to the restricting desk. This desk may then forward the file to the requester or deny the request and return the dossier to Central Files. The desk will notify the requester of a denial. c. Anyone requesting a réstricted dossier, or a document within a restricted dossier, permanently or temporarily charged to a desk, will be referred to that : desk by Central Files. 26.6 SECRET ======== PAGE 11 ======== 14-00000 SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER III, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 8. REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION ON’ 201 PERSONALITIES The Automated Index Section (IP/AIS) will provide the identity of the subject of a 201 number unless the 201 file is restricted, in which case the requester will be referred to the restricting desk. . IP/AIS will also provide the 201 number assigned to a name, unless the 201 file is restricted, or state that there is no 20] number assigned. Requesters should _ supply identifying information whenever available for each name submitted. Fe se Tt A a lac oH a aa - eel a . Requests pertaining to five or fewer names or numbers may be made by telephone by calling the IP/AIS red line extension; IP/AIS will provide the. information by return call to the requester’s extension as listed in the Badge . .. Table. Requests for more than five names or numbers must be listed and sent by tube or courier to IP/AIS; IP/AIS will reply by return mail. 9. 201 DOSSIER CANCELLATION A 201 file may be authorized for cancellation by a Records Officer, after appropriate coordination. The file should be forwarded to IP/RMS which will : lestroy. the folder and the cards. leading -to it. and will. the number from-machine lists: Any Record Copy decument’ CGiitained in: the folder : _ will be: reclassified to another appropriate file or sent to the Destruction Onit (IP/DU) as directed by the desk Records Officer. 10, 201 MACHINE LISTINGS Machine listings provide field stations and Headquarters desks with names and 201 numbers in the requester’s particular geographic or functional area of interest. If a component wishes to exclude a sensitive 201 personality from its | . alphabetic, numeric, and cryptonym listings, this may be done when opening ."” the 201 or later by a 201 amendment. On the 201 Personality File Action Request (Form 831) leave the country of location (Box 15) and interest desk (Box 16) blank, use the-non-country code 900 in the action box (Box 14), and indicate permanent charge to the responsible desk. The only listing which will include the 201 number is the IP/201 record for the Vital Records program. 201 listings are categorized as standard or nonstandard and as scheduled or special. a. Standard Listings ___ Issued semi-annually to Headquarters and the field; based on a component's interest as indicated in the “Action Desk,” “Country of Location,” and “Interest 26.7 : SECRET ======== PAGE 12 ======== 14-00000 SECRET _ ee! : DOHB 70-1-1 } eee CTE 2 late CHAPTER II, ANNEX B { . wo. . oo . : . 15 November 1974 Desk” blocks on the 201 Personality File Action Request (Form en, The, standard listings available are: « . : 8 we q) “Alphabetical by “ senanie:laatig to a 201 number; (2) Alphabetical by given name, leading toa 201 number; (3) Alphabetical by cryptonym, leading to a a 201 numbe (4) Numerical, leading to a surname; _ @) Numerical, leading toa cryptonym, FUL A CHINA 201 SURNAME ALPHA L BIKE OI-2 rr ae tac. Bs Fs SHAU Ts JPEESZ3343/F90307, ~ FTsULIS “ateds01 * CHIN RANG TUNG swou ET s71t572383/00017 |” . se + DDT . 230959 SHOU Te JTIISSL363/00017 ©. A | 24 SAMEL a soe . as 7653. +: SHCUSSFY 267747 110870038 30° - - CHIN. ANOY "+. BUSP. ECON? 00%3751- . ” SHoU MEL .. ,OSEANL9 CHIN, FURICH, PROV. 7 CHIN? 0234629 6 77209713497690 . “\2UNCTOR - CHIN, PANCINIP TAy PCRT ARH econ ceacat enn . DIPT CHIne 25anv20- CHIN, PErGSHUN cuIne OLSLZ9- Ne WEARSSU eita cca . . 2a ISCAM-RSLEN, KLANGSU cnar . HERGHAT : chAG CHIN? : CHIN, KUANGEUNG PROV. + + GNaTe a CHIN, RanPcTUNG . CHIN Cunt, FUxtex Prov CHIN? CHEN, SHU=TE Tr tbenessr ees AL + GEOL CHIN? CieN, SHE TEN P4757 _ End, CHaus sie ootsest Cube, Sut TG #72157086776839 CHIA,MANG Cree : cuin? . 0153929 Cer, Sues Ly 2711572225 /27377 ents | . SPIN COON” 0767542 Evry Su TE. APULS/OGAT/OI2TS =k : 1 GNSL32e EHPER, SHU-YAU /73125/2655/1031 CHIN, KNAHETUNG cca? 6993176 CHOE, Sev CHIN, PERE ING CHIN? 0107396 VEG STUS72095 75397 HEN KW Cue? OtTsezs es YANG HSIENe MUN ARMY .CNAT © 0342428 tMe CTE TANT WT Chow athe 7 z SHninat ‘CHIN? onesorg | : . L Ame Yn FPLLDZ25707 398427 VO OSSEPIP | CHEN, 37E y Guin? OLs6TsH . z - meee. . SECRET/ORGANLZATION INTERNAL USE OLY . . . z ; EQ TMPNET CL ay 054079 4 . 26.8 SECRET ======== PAGE 13 ======== '», O-code of XX or codes of XX, XY, or XZ. A 201 personality list could also. be | - produced of all persons who were born in Germany between the years 1915 . “Note however’ that the listing would contaix:enly those personalities with: 2 . with no OI code would be excluded. The requester could however ask that ~” that when retrieving lists based on occupation, the listing will be only as specific. ' as the occupation code (Attachment 1). The’ occupation code. for a courier.” ', occupation. For example, the occupation code CRAF covers those who practice i some trade or manual occupation, i.e., carpenters; bricklayers, painters, mechanics ©... | | (arranged) according to any, but not more than three, of the following keywords: SECRET aa , : DOHB 70-1-1 - LS CHAPTER Ill, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 All standard listings are cumulative; previous editions must. be destroyed 7 upon receipt of current editions. These listings are by their very nature extremely . sensitive compilations of information and must be given every possible safeguard. b. Non-Standard Listings — ' Based on one or more of the following selection criteria: ° 2 (1) Country of location , coo hae . - : (2) OL codes (organization and/or intelligence affiliation)’ 94 © "* (8) Citizenship ate Re _ (4) Year of birth (plus or minus a given number of years) . These selection criteria may“be used singly or in combinations. For example, i a user could obtain a list of all 201 personalities who have ‘been assigned the and.1920, with the occupation.computer ‘specialist, who are now citizens of the ~ United States, located in Mexico, and who had been assigned the OI code AA. OI code AA. Those personalities with an. OF:ecode- other.-than-AA- and ‘these- persons who have not been assigned an OJ code also be included. Note also oa covers only a documented courier. Someoccupation codes cover moré than one ” and electricians. If a list is requested for electricians, all others in this category will be included ‘in ‘the printout, These non-standard listings may be sorted .. © (b) Givenmame) -(d) Country of birth * an cs ' (e) Citizenship (f) OI code (g) Location 26.9 SECRET ======== PAGE 14 ======== SECRET > _ DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER IU, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 “Sorts can be made within ‘sorts. For example, 201 personalities may be sorted ~ alphabetically by surname within OI codes for given. countries of location.- - - Because two OI codes may be listed: for each personality, those names ‘with two OI codes would be listed twice. ste ' e Scheduled Listings > , : Standard and non-standard listings printed semiannually. ..d. Special Listings , ' ”. Unscheduled, usually non‘standard, listings produced on a one time basis” |” in response to special operational requirements. e. Request for Listings — oo . All requests for standard or non-standard alphabetical and numerical 201° ' Hstings for Headquarters and the field, for changes in periodic. listings, and for.) . _ information on the 201 machiné list system should be made to the component Records Management Officer. : : se o _ 26.10 SECRET ======== PAGE 15 ======== 14-00000 SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER I], ANNEX B : ttachment 2 15 November 1974 AUTOMATIC 201 DOSSIER OPENINGS Note: 201 files will be opened automatically by IP/AN on the following cate- gories of people. 1. Arab Republic of Egypt (ARE) - a. Diplornats with rank of third secretary or above. b. Military attaches and assistant military attaches. c Intelligence officers of the General Intelligence Department (GID). (Prior to opening of an ARE 201 file, check with NE/E for correct spelling of name and additional biographic data.) 2 British Commonwealth cee. a. All positively identified members of MI- 5 and MI-6, the British Intelligence : > be ALL positive! ly (IMIS). ec. Canadian Communist Party officials on national or provincial Jevels and officials of the Canadian Communist Party front organizations. Do not open unless there js at least a date of birth given. d. All members of the Security Service of the Royal Canadian: Mounted. Police (RCMP-SS). _ 3. Cuba Intelligence service employees (DSE, DGI). +. Israel a. All Israeli diplomats. C/NE/ISR should be indicated as the originating office with CI/SP always indicated as the secondary office of interest. . Military attaches. Assistant military attaches. ° d. Identified intelligence officers. - 26.15 SECRET ======== PAGE 16 ======== 14-00000 ’ » ° «& £ ret a aes = « chan a : a ES Pea ertht chiA Sahitcmriest ae Ot Ae eke ne 98 f Re TNT I NO aL TIC Ter ORM ? SECRET ) DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER III, ANNEX B Attachment 2 15 November 1974 5. North Vietnam All diplomats and NELSV (PRG) officials stationed abroad. 6. USSR a. All Soviets assigned PCS to an official representational installation, ‘ te, : embassy, consulate, commercial representation, national airline (Aeroflot) office, news media office. - . b. All Soviets assigned Ps PCS to the United Nations i in New Yor Paris, Geneva, and Vienna. ' . ; _&. | Audio technicians, after coordination with SE. desk. concerned: - i ~ d, Students who will be studying abroad for a full academic year at institutions : of higher learning. . 26.16 SECRET ======== PAGE 17 ======== 14-00000 SECRET po-I-l CSHB 49-44 CHAPTER It | “CLANDESTINE SERVICES HANDBOOK NO. 4d-4=1 US February 1980 “these personalities. Tato the cs: records £ CoB, 201 ~123456, i is assigned to each _ status. and prospects. Once the .futwre reporting on the individya Ol number is assigned, itis.usedin | . both as a file number and in, n place of a Cie Bae ay | SECRET oe a go- tl eb. ======== PAGE 18 ======== 14-00000 woe an c ~ SECRET a Fo-l-t- “CSHB-43+4-4 en CHAPTER I, ANNEX B CLANDESTINE SERVICES AY : HANDBOOK NO. 43~t-¢ . 45 Febroary 1980 of the Cuban desk on the dramatis personae. In addition to 201 per- sonalities, such lists should.contain the names arid identifying data... of persons who should be kept track of, althougy { they may only be of © tangential interest or on whom there may be ttle ‘or no ‘data other .: than that given in the listing itself: , 4. To accommodate this type of requi ment in the 201 system, . identifiable personalities concerning wh m enough information is not US ae er etter ete tee meen ean eu ane nema Dispatch Symbol and No. S.... ce Bp vee XYZA~12345 - Headquarters File No. 201 - : 6. IDN numbers are assigned by RID at headquarters upon the - request of stations or desks which are developing special identification programs within the 201 system. The field receives current notifica- tion of new 201 openings and IDN numbers through the Field Index Card . Service. . 44 SECRET ======== PAGE 19 ======== - SECRET ee , 70-11 — we CSHB 43-4-+ .. . ; . CHAPTER Ill, ANNEX B CLANDESTINE SERVICES | HANDBOOK NO. 43-4+-4-. 15 February 19 : ' 4, Stations or branches often are concerned with peréonalities : - not of general CS concern. Files on these may be kept in any desired order. Should such personalities become of genera CS interest, they must be brought into the 201 system. * og _ 45 ‘SECRET: ========== FILE: 104-10052-10130.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Tfioa-10082-10730 [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | CLASSIFICATION “TC PROCESSING ACTION: SECRET: MARKED FOR INDEXING: NO INDEXING nequinco ONLY QUALIFIED CESK CAM JUDGE INDEXING catet, SAS Chief of Station, WAVE DISPATCH SYMBOL AND NUMBER: i” CL SSIFICATION SECRET HQSFILE SUMDER 201 ~ - 330173 ======== PAGE 2 ======== AOMORANDU FOR “CL. As meomested : Gay -» Saver has. (Sjercitz Naciozel..a:: ou plass.at 2103 wha: : Saad pous om .of Guterberg and & psy E Awl == but as. a ea ; : : said, in English | the mystery wes- z ” ‘about 2030 heuzs . 3 ‘probsbiy be back in ab sens, by tais % what (hla sples ae = his pre: 3 ======== PAGE 3 ======== ween etn APARICIG pad one 54} “gud. ats be ms3'to a quistion eC] yet eye sae) be] § assured Lit 8 waeeget ronmes sores i surprised at the sudkiomess of nis trancter By ota E35 UO Fg Tess gor wa, wee mew ek OLS th gue he had. trduble to sone cthoy, Suresss way t o oo oy whe LS OS e oxsu Extoagy|') ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-00000 ‘petting along very nic gathering methed- 13 at alk 4 to =~ thus he often zet3 caly fre night. £111 in det ML he ds ext mile heavy “8S @ Sata ied 6183 138 a potnozragtits 8, a etbnbed 1 sister | resdad ing: "ia Reynosa, My) Tors > isd to an ""smerdoan of Noxdesn descent, Lites m a . “to the border to visit her sister Soon + we op her: |: teip -~ de tails not ¢ ches a engraving exhibit cn ‘the the 26th: ‘in Ciudai } eb Kin-in troubla s Felt that the Mexices by, the Castro, Cub: By SA very x or" f thi: donts your * Be Por the Me CAR me ~ clusys at: fg & mobile pick vp 7G: % the proscribed Le -~' then, without ‘or By) _ the: Street. to. Mel sno: “w) waile {L} is weldin:, E “his eyes onde ears op open. eg ents e. vhile questions. 03 xely wary dest he‘ arora 1 Deg int vont to toss afer std o 20th ix ‘Tampi 2 the avis: : ] segned Leos arr’ 2 princital ‘organizer <2. Bot might thi ‘ to throw aueaect ca csi theses rhe Tice: a hich BE is has’ conversa etion 3 oO g.a.gocd ” ues 2 teoldad ¢ to b

point has besn abeands ‘at the corner of & aloxs tlowiy up the sterect is woy back dow, the ¢ om ========== FILE: 104-10059-10099.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== TORE REPRODUCT ae i ER ODUCTIONS (When Filled 1) DD/S-HB : : Mr. Joseph E. Murphy, ar. GGL w3 . SUBJECT PuGH, Robert West } + ee oe ee ed MEMORANDUM FOR: ATTENTION 1, Reference is made to your request | dated 4 January 1966 7 wherein you requested a Covert Security Approval - to:permit Sub-.. Sere. use as First Officer in the Far East under ect [HBELKA/ “OE 2. In accordance with the provisions set. ‘forth din Clandestine Services Instruction No. 10-5 and Clandestine Services Instruction ». Field No. 10-5, a Covert Security Approval i _ gran, ced for the. use’. the Subject as described in your requ t above. ; : 3. Subjects of Covert Security Approvals themselves as, nor are they to be represented of CIA Regulation 10-3, Therefore, if you. should ‘ date to change the status or use of this individual, ‘a request for approval to cover any proposed change should be submitted to thts office, 5. This approval becomes invalid ta tus oon: ihe Subject 's services are not utilized within six months of the date « of this memorandum, . Victor R, White = Deputy Director of. Sechrity. ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 : 27 MAY 1968 |. seMoRANDUM FOR: Chief, Executive Officer } . Project an ar] 4 ve 2 LGB foo, tod gre : "SUBJECT PUGH, Robert West] : [ #789 656 | WB 1. Reference is made to your request dated 4 January 1966 for a Covert Security Approval to permit Subject's use as a First Officer in the Far East under Project iBTLKA/JBCREED. Concurrent with issuance of the approval, the fo ‘owing is offered for your information. : in . i -2. Investigation has recently been completea with generally ; favorable results. However, Subject's military file indicated that : he had béen found unfit for duty due to excessive drinking, and : had been allowed to retire in the best interests of the Navy. His Navy record stated that this drinking problem adversely affected ’ his judgément, reliability, and personal behavior. This weakness — had been discussed to no avail with Subject on several occasions. It should be noted that domestic inquiries developed no indica- tion of over-indulgence since his departure from the military en October 1964. ; i 3. Additionally, it was developed that Subject's brother of, (Bartholomew, aka: Bart PUGH} was the Subject of an FBI investi- Bation in 1941, which was conducted to resolve allegations regarding the loyalty of Subject's brother. Subject's brother was determined to have been associated with known Communists and was active in — Communist matters in the Los Angeles, California area during this period of time. However, it was noted that these activities had caused a break with this individual and his family, who were not in sympathy with his viewpoints and activities. There was no ======== PAGE 3 ======== ======== PAGE 4 ======== ======== PAGE 5 ======== paastsonanay, ‘it was developed ; was the eubject of an FBI investigation in 19h Viaich ‘as- CROSS REFERENCE TO | ======== PAGE 6 ======== ======== PAGE 7 ======== you less any debits ‘yo | forwarded to your bank (756 Baird ‘ Santa Rosa} Cali ” guccess in’ the future | fir. Bagpves: re Pugh resicn He indigatéd:t go home. ~ ======== PAGE 8 ======== nO Peace ob-el Tunknown REASON(S) FOR CANCELLATION ee “MICROFICHE REPROD UCTIONS DATE CGF sfificr 1s useo 10 anv CAPACITY, A NEW REQUEST FOR APPROVAL VILL BE : oe 937 cesorere vacvious eotreon. ======== PAGE 9 ======== EQUEST FOR: “APPROVAL oR INVESTIGATIVE ACTION: al ‘ : ‘(Aloaye handcerry 8 copy of this fora): - PLEASE COMPLETE EACH SECTION AND APPROPRIATE BLANK: x Le UDONYM.. aKa on ALIASES 1. mi PROVISIONAL OPERATIONAL APPROVAL OPERATIONAL. APPROVAL PROVISIONAL COVERT SECURITY APPROVAL © RT SECURITY APPROVAL [es PCONTRACT TYPE a: SPECIFIC AREA OF USE FULL DETAILS OF USE . 4. INVESTIGATION AND COVER. - 1F NO TNVESTIGATION ouTsibve cha. EXPLAIN FULLY : ; : -PRQ AND GREEN-LIST STATUS PRO ¢. OR EQUIVALENT, IN (2) COPIES. ATTACHED tae He PROHE GILL BE FORWARDED ~ . | __jero $1. OR. EQUIVALENT, IN (1) COPY ATTACHED - - | J GREEN LIST ATTACHED, No: i ot os i Bp. ~. 6... RI TRACES: : : ¥ - Ca CSC CE : : __7+ DIVISION TRACES. se ett . Z 8. FIELO- TRACES oa [Jer senescent SIGNIFICANT {NFORMATION ATTACHE! : NOT INITIATED (Explanation) SIGNATURE OF CASE OFFICER ========== FILE: 104-10059-10188.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 SOUn6e and Ske AACA: timate wita§ USliexd | SHURA | LOR 8 walle hook SeoteG OSU Pt han ========== FILE: 104-10061-10053.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Tftoa-10061-10083 [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 QO8 EZ ACTION REQUIRED REFERENCES FEF: DIR 39176, 1 February 1962 1. As stated in veferense, attached for passage te( GEIR /aee two copies of « report on MORINES Bebessbals the original of Cats revert wes given to (HAIG oa 6 Pobruary 192. The last pumgreph of attestmeat tedns pequnet fer the menite of the Uabriafing of Buhgeet. ° - = Attachwent: Report (2 es w.s.0.) Distributions 2 - 2/3 w/att 1; ~ RI w/att ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 . education: - & Fev.uary 1962. MEMORANDUM FOR : (M. de Vosjoll7 SUBJECT : Report on Antonio RODRIGUEZ Echasabal Antenio RODRIGUEZ Echaszabal was bora in Cuba oa 17 August 1913. He hac 'a master's degree in agriculture, professedly has no religion but ie a Mason. RODRIGUEZ is married to Edith JONES, who was born in Cuba om 10 March 1917; she is, however, of Haitian origia, being the ‘daughter of'a former Haitian Ambaesador to Belgium, aad she is a devout Episcopalian. The couple is known to have three children: a son who was ‘inst reported to be in Havana, Cuba; a daughter married to a man of German birth who waa employed in the Castro land-reform organization | ‘uatil his departure for Germany in December 1961; and a son, Aatonio RODRIGUEZ Jones, born 24 August 1943 at Havana, who was studying at the Ecole francaise Internationale in Washington, D.C. in 1961. This son has been reported to be anti-U.5. and to have requested permission of his father to go to Cuba or te another "socialist country to continue his “Antoato R UEZ Jones resided‘in: , Washingtoa, De ome with Yvonne: JONES, his” ‘eunt. and sister -of the. ‘wife of Antonio RODRIGUEZ Echazabal. ~ Mise JONES was bora 10 April 1910 at Antwerp, ‘Belgium; she was unmarri: and was a secretary at the Pan Americaa Health Organization. She became a U.S. citinen in 1959, Since the Castro regime has come to power, ‘Mies JONES is said to, have opoken quite opealy for Castro and againet the U.S. Government. _ RODRIGUEZ lived in Haiti for about éighteen years prior tothe =~ commencement of his diplomatic career, having been barred by the Batist: government from returning to Cuba. He became a Haitian citizen and was the owner of a Port-au-Prince meat market called "Z] Oso Blanco". Wher Castro aseumed power in Cuba, RODRIGUEZ took over the Cuban Embassy in Port-au-Prince in January 1959 alter the Batista-appolated officials had fled to the Dominican Republic. Soon thereaiter he was named Ambassado: to Haiti. ee Following his appointment to the diplomatic pest, RODRIGUEZ continu: to maintaio contact with persons in opposition to President Duvalier of Hal: vitizen of Cuba ee ee te . Y { LIE de ======== PAGE 3 ======== 14-00000 In late July 1959, Haiti was invaded by a small gr ap of Cubans, suppos as a prelude to an invasion of the neighboring Dominican Republic. The incursion was succesefully repelled by the Haitian Government, which publicly charged RODRIGUEZ with complicity in the raid. RODRIGUEZ the: closed the Cuban Embassy and returned to Cuba after selling hie private property in Haiti. While RODRIGUEZ was atill in Haiti, two attempts were made on his life. He-accused the Trujillo regime in the Dominican Republic aad, indirectly, the Haitian Goverar:ent of complicity in those attacks. L Ta November 1959,. RODRIGUEZ went to Guatemala as Cuban Ambassadc: There, he appears to have associated freely with pro-Commuaist groups. J. March 1960, he was requested by the Guatemalan Goverament to leave the country on the ground that he was engaging in activities inimical to the best interests of Guatemala. In November 1960, RODRIGUEZ reported to Karachi,. Pakistan, as Cubs. Ambassador. His wife accompanied him there and served as his chief . secretary. During the initial months of hie tour there, hie closest relation. in the diplomatic colony were with officials of the Belgian Embassy, . presumably as a result of ithe fact. that: Belgium. had represented Cuba when /there was no. Cuban repres ative in Karachi. During 1961, however, his ‘social contacts were almos exclusively with Sovi atellite and Chinese . ‘Commualst diplomatic. pe: 60 - ee In late 1961, ‘when RODRIGUEZ apparently had decided t to defect, he confided to an acquaintance in the diplomatic colony that he was finished “with politica and wanted to devote the rest of his life to agriculture. He he: at the time to go to the Dominican Republic or to another, unspecified Sout!: American nation. At the time of his departure from Karachi by alr for Germany ia early 1962, RODRIGUEZ reportedly made only a very limited statement at the airport regarding his defection. The event apparently received very little, if any, prese notice in Pakistan. : '. Insufficient information existe at present to permit a determiaation ae : “the genuineness. of RODRIGUEZ's disaffection with the Castro regime. Fe: - rensone which have not as yet been fully.reported, the Department of State . dented a visa to RODRIGUEZ, apparently after he had made the decision tc _resiga his post in Pakistan. “We understand, howevor, that, following his eee, Non res | : : “Citizen or Guna « Soe : | Jf eee Har TE as aL ee UME ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-00000 arrival in France ia January 1962,°he received permission frem French” authorities to travel to and reside in Martinique. It appears thas he left © France oa 31 January 1962 en route to Martinique. This service would appreciate having the results of aay debriefing of ; RODRIGUEZ. by: @rench authorities with particular reference to the reasons or h ignation and his. plans or the future. ========== FILE: 104-10062-10227.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ‘Ttoa@10062-10227 . [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 a Lye, dITS “WLLIWSNWULL |: “3SN 38 AVW HOIHM . 9-38 WHOS SADV1dae ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 2. a Kin pore ee bot REF/S a, tn « Ee FSH Sree congect SecoNDaRY/D0C REFS _ £0 ROUTING 4 ' ECONDARY ( 3 FC) dA , we . ao " a ar See aver ee cee iencn nee en pce wc. IIMS WMYA-01936 = upate Fs Cae Pachidhed ; : “10 p WMYASOI937 GSO-TA-003— T2709763 a "ROT REIS ; ; LIGAFE-T/TRANSHITTAL OF A CRA ADVERTISERERT ; a _HMYA=01938 050-126-008 10/09/83 eee cncenetn ae ecpenens tee AO ELUNE ~ABTEWEERLY. PROPAG ANDA ‘GUIDANCE ISSUE 127° bares 27 JUL a": tn om ~ MRVArO1939 IGAFF- “isnaaent’ 1TH oF. iy Nanri “CRAC ARTICLE ; a aa cma eee 9 (:1,\ TRAMSHITNAL OF ARTE HRYA=D1980 050-003-427 12709763 ~ ° sree reine WIP ; LUIS LAURO ESCAMILEA HARTINE? ~ . ot — “MMYADOI98Y 0 50008-9389 \ 12709763 ee BE OLMIS RHBORTC/ FORWARD TUG UF DIESSSENT: CORRESPONDENCE v7 i / : HMYA=01942 RED PstaAy o8 pe 237 tee y : ac WHS /RE cod tae cee 4 . nove np ier ne VADIRT cee rie SES ‘a if PING pow RO TTS, TRANSHBSEAL OF PRI youty Farge : a * an . HMYA=D1948 a Q50-606-027/03 230 Vo an “CAs. PROJECT. EISULE/EROGRESS | ue kanye TOR THE PERT vv SURAT SEES — ~T* 7T HMYA-01985 201 Lf. RO" MHREG . cee ees KAPOK RECO. 33 see 363 ee ee : ceeet * “HHYA=D1968 US0=-126-008 ~~ Z370INES_ Tne 9 BI-WEEKLY PROPAGANDA GUIDANCE | \ESSUE V2 DATED @ AUG 63 “WMYAOI9G? O é P HMYA-01948 ~ HMYA-OITE _ Huya-01950__ 26 10976 OF sae abo SHAD viva ArG-FERTOB’ “TU=T3 ses inva=01959 20149181033) 28 ~ 26/09/63 ; ar ATTEMPT TO RECURIT (FRANCISCO VILLANUS VA -ofewes} ot a fa HAYA=O1952 T2UrSS5he OLITUES SUBJ OF Bee ereugea a > . 81033 02/10/63. Fe . ETEXT: Thizertont TON” RY HOME OF SUBT mHrAS TOS) et 050-004 02/10/63 es / : pHBORIC FORWARDING OF DIS SIDENT CORRESPON 20 1=0065855 03710783 CTS OF EDE: ns ALDONADO LEAL 201 oF '03/10/63 Dis oj _ HMYA-01953_ Huy A-01956 ERRED *O50-009-005. 04/10/63 carr eoeieeae ACTION TW SHBiNAS ” seer, 53 | HeYASOT9S1 as _ AMT AONE DEFERRED F /ANTI=CO (053-0024 ACTAVENTES “Te HATATEAN, $0~G06+110/03 britove ======== PAGE 3 ======== er eeRnannE * Onl | “4 co bare S-E-C-R-E-T H dOC REF /SECONDARY (2)- ‘ FCN ‘f AN : . 16/06/77 a SECONDARY /0¢ Ree. CODE ‘ROUTING HAYA-DI9 050-00 . 17 YE spe . neers 14. wend “agua SINALOA ‘ z : wivasomes —_ vente ae OPERATIONS. Moves sence = MAES wnva-01065 — — ae Sie LOMMITTEES OF T ten OMNIS . NG OF L (3 X ; MMYA-01967_ Os0-006-102 0gsigve3s HS “BIO DATATWATIGNAL ‘TEADERS Fae eH oo me sinva~D1964 anes DEFERRED Ab 63 . . a0 CeMHs3 : P : unt AO198 wen EREAGER, 50-0 £ a Scan (7 1!) > SRSA ee aan ee 21°72 _, VIBIGNT/LIMUDWIDEN CARO OF | Tre MOVIRIENTO DE LIGERACTON NACIONAL ot HMVA=O 1 S0-0 ; 140763 ‘9 Tee ce BO C/WH/3 " *CBYGAT/CLMUD=CARLD vekwinoet a5 Be y | HMYA-01971 an biit 3 006-08 /P2thor 3 ; 5 AO | C/WH/3 wee N . wavn=mng7g RO 1-07 sons ita seen hae <1, 1 DOLORES QTELO Asauer : . Do -- os : iia ‘ "t BBt-06 09/10/63 ~ RO HHS “PROJECT LIRA ais “OF” RAL COMME THENTS” FOR ATARG uu ‘ _ 20i- 721. | 41410763. , AO) C/WH/3 ~ CAUHIS” an : 1N CHS Nr EC IMHT on) *ounss Hemme nT LU TERG IN _C/MH/3 (AO C/WH/3 Poa my 36710763: DATA. ON CERTAIN PC PEM LEADERS” 2:e0l-OUS6922 RTA DiptacrL vacate 4 OPERA Tons 201-034 2623 58/1 ATCT IO=TRANSH, TAL OF. Pa uae 050: bbe 18/10/6. ie -" 2stO/63- MEO note At AC -WH/REG C/WH/3 ‘SHIP. CR 50-126-006 | 234 19/63 Eco 08 NOV 6. $ is mexXICO CIT cry 7-500: ° . 25/1016: = 25/10/63 * . 257 T0/6s In te “AO CrM/3 RO” SU7UHIS™ aie “CIWHAZ 201-006 5845 206584 PAGE ate =, DOC REF/SECONDAI * Cove ROUTING, HMY A=O1993 LIN. C/WH/3 HRYA=D199 AO CUWHI3 HRYAO1905 rey ENT CHR HY A=01906 LA'CAGUNA; COAHUILA LMHS | ======== PAGE 4 ======== Serer ieee eprture L —s Trane GUTTER 3 AB rOtomR oo DEFE 25/10 5 . : __"RuwouF/OIsHEERLY rnOPAGAND _ 18021 te fe ee ever ch ev 01108) PAGE doc REE / SECONDARY C2) Fea? pate” + / ee MYA-01993 005-410 _. Soriores 050- ¥ ~~ FORWARDERS Oe PHOTO = NHYA-O1994 : _« DLE /ARBULLD IGAFF=3 O18 168 F_NEKS is ARTICLES. esa a100s Senne it oy eee CAL fiogte ETT €x ECUTEVE coat tee oF ne. Cy] TAROROS OE tA LAGUNA, conn Ui _/wern-01996 050-004-131 : | oa -BMBORTC/FORUARDY ! ‘WEVA-O1827 . LIGREFST /ANTE-COMLE a | ARTOIS 7 | _DERTAG/LIVAGATE 1. OPI ‘s/pavecOt999 201-0293644 , “CIVALVEZY TRAVEL YO = PYA=02000 tl VACATE ef GRUARD HADI j-pontane i 7 LETTER CONCERNING suay 0 REP’: RY A~02008 aa RHA EAR? -0058638 05/1176 HHYA-02003 — - oO /08 05/11/63 J : L1PAIL /paaGness REPORT -FOR . THE: _ . HAVAV2 : a : 73 ; ooh itpsprogress REPORT FOR vtirs :PERLOD iw 2 MYA-O2005 050-124-022/03 . 46 2005 ____sreneseR ; 200-006-055 *.*- fon wae WATCH Bprva=02008 ! dps * PHO HMYA-OUZ0I0 - KUTUBE /LIVACATE PROJECT. OUTLINE. / weiva-02014 - 050-005-109-_- 08/1176. J a-02012 * AUASTASIO DE UA GARZA AKA. REBEL. E: f Va - " KUMOLE/TRANSHITTAL OF NEMS. age eT Co ANGy. Jana J wey A-02014 725286 tie / eve _ jan J wpva-02015 2010293614 |: CMHT3 ___LIVALVE/1-PRQ PaRT. 1 2 _ YAO2018 LIMUD/L ISIGHT -ReVIEM OF” HAVA~02017_ Af QeTIC ary — biadaart: RR rae ti : HAVA-OZ019- ; C7aRTS~ LIBIGHT/LIMUD-TRANSHETTAy or mvA-02020 050-126 008 I 1%6 pes “208-006-055 - Baie ~-LONAUNICATI ONS. ETCH LIST PASE 18020 ~~. 1 SHESTeR EMT 16/0877 ======== PAGE 5 ======== vwaum 1cocuus Terie. OLF7TR TLIPP - : “OSS 18/1103. | Commi EAT TONE WE NAIST ce SECRET “2 ANPOET CL: BY 011981 So SeBSCeRMEST ty yi? | SECONDARY DOE. RE RECO 26 NOV 63 | --~050-004= _ PEDRO SAENZ FLORES --50=124=000 oO AAivacaTe-1 opt abt Francisco vi LANUEVA OTONES rer 050-009-005," 20/1116 te 006 = ~002/05 23/11/63 : LIB sutrt THUDSLETTER TO “RO LEG DE sngey i283. Net G5B+O 54-029 : 05/12/63. JLIGAF! -1. we ANsH nT TIAL OF, NEW: _HMYA=02037_ _ WHY A~02038 “HHVA=UZO39— = HMYA=02060 VeINLIT? ======== PAGE 6 ======== 14-Q0000-~ ~~: -- .. ce : REDTOP EPOX ionth OFFICIAL POLISH PRESENCE, MEXICO a : : bids cea aon TO OF "eT OreteTaL no Tice Pe ee K op T $ Lo. , 1 * Hous OB7TE 2OICO7Z9530& 22/09/76 . my AO LA/COG : ; Gi caprice/ .. twart-00003 9 S% 04/02/58 a. IN, 8 7 MMMT-OD2 12864) 06/06/58 rt a Cn i ee IKON | swert-00407 G01 2846)°% 03/09/58 _ AO dP | HT ~01729 07/12/60 IN HHMT-01985 —-49/06/61f In . | WAMT-O2116" 201-0229607 Tory AO IR OO : B I do. CL Seo ee. AND P ' HMMT-02156 . 201: 290115) ¢ 08/0861L AO DESTROY : (YOLANDA 6 17900 - HMAT-029146 24 117 AO IP/FE BY . ALA: inch AROL- 4 Insnd RSTER ooo eeeencse ce . a HMMT~02946 TESS 763 ogg ap FIELD SALARY PAYMENTS TO . a _, HAMT-03035 | 6 07/0976 : a ee La * TVED: FROM RIS OPERAWTONS LIJENNET-T™ - HMMT-03106 - $0-004-134 28/09/64 - IN WH3- a eo MOE Ie LIST OF MEXICAN COMMUNISTS AND.LEFTISTS HHMT-0312i 3 05/10/62 3 ce ie ( aie ; an AiO OFICIAL, DIPLOMATIC LIS . “ m HOPTDOBI2G 7 Ny 9030-300 Roe oe IN WG)ne HMMT 9.2961 b 201 year &® 16/08/63 . ; — a wn —0” GOSEPH A. _—_ ot _ oe ee Se ate utpeLt/4-42- COVERT. Taxes gs , ee rantiousee gr eucie he "13/02/64 _ a 2 AO IPL og UG (GOSEPH B,. a AMT -04676 Borcondee76 29/06/66 SIM. IP EMILIO LUIS RTERA . te te ee _ -* 7 er O67 eco OS tin es SE ‘38/0714 — — cn’ (iat) tae RECD 05_ AUG. 64 . HMM 04809 _- 765711) 7/08/66 ey “er (7 TAO ap —Gostpn a GAR Ryo an , a ae ern OORT 8/10/64 : . - NO WH/REG “KAbOK REED 150 eT he rae : _ ‘Swerr-oeve2 aH (hh, - oe mR. gosenn « GARCIA) o6 | a “. . HI Q5 U “e - 6 ah Cc . : . TRANSMITTAL OF PASSENGER MANIFESTS was 200-008-064 : 1. —HNMT=058977--— NG an Oe ewe ZBTIOIBS TIE 06092 5O1-0592287 29/12/65 o / AO C/uH/t ~ Broo U BARB Lie =292287 as 7 eee HMMT~06277 51-0351547 10/02/66 AO. WH/C/E TYPIC/LICO CTRANSMITTAL OF PERSONALITY DATA _ “—HANT=06310-— 23702788 RO WHT _ Hemet 06311 23/02/66 AO WH/C/E ” PAGE 11 6796 poc REE SECONDARY (2) esy SECRET gowoanrivoc her CODE ROUTING WT =06312 | B19=124-032/03 arb 166. aan gf AO MAES, HMMT=“06347 dhe wae 2 OO nan we oie 5 ete” ae . ao C/UH/T HMHT=06470 ~~ SUUEUTaGATERACUNURED EEN om aue La r SCRIPTION 0 OF PCH/PPS MEETING [ON 20 MARCH 1966 MARKING THE CLOSING OL WEEK OF SOLIDARITY ~ HMMT“O8479 7 i ge . Ke RHIREG © KAPOK Wf eto URES NESS. ¢ _. TOG vege ef A MAIR Ni TORRE, FER NEUF DOMOERATT STUSERTS 25-27 APRIT T9855" “~— , HT =86710 75/04 26/05/66 yo -AO- C/WH/1 7 . ______ TYPIC/UR I PYOV/TRANSHATTAL OF TRAFFIC — J __ ° 6 TRANSMITTAL REPORT-R hee ION OF SECURITY OF DFS SECURITY SQUAD __WeOrT=06763 ecg BSigeres en [oc - Aner 09% oo ' Ll ANAK RA . aed sit de a an enn ======== PAGE 7 ======== 14-08RORE Fs SECONDARY (2) FCN DATE FSN . SECONDARY/DOC REF CODE ROUTING Frw4=47499 _ ‘ Ck/€/8 - 200-008-095 26/06/78 WO. cB BA ASKETBALL Te X1C60 » WRAMG7509 AO -MGSB/™ WmmnA-6866 40 j * HMMS*02409. AO Ir - ®@ : DEL VELAIQ HMS-02588 | , AO EE/G Hs~02593 rv) HMMS-02866 © c AO WHICIE — HOeNS-02919 S AO IP/FL: HMMS~03034 S360 - LEO REOL ” ORTOS 764 ; ; OSEPH B CIR) . ‘ ~ Hwes-03467 - al Go tine 29/06/64 . AO _ CA/B4 . ae OTDORIC /SUPPORT-ZRF N . _. _. C i . - ~TiMMs-03682 O50-006-005 ~ 24/08/84 . are IN 1 35 ANTONIO ANTENCIA PUADO ; . Bhs crn | OI gg------- 10 Cc cee te AO WHAT | VHMMS-03734 LHO 2ohe0s6 9248” aasngo ; . . Ao IP/CRU te ; vos ws JRANSMITTAL Q Puntos GRARHS ee ' -W/HMMS-03789 Ltonneae eae RAO rTO7EE : WO HMMS-03790 Sore 29010166 eA MHA “LIFTER/9 5 : - HMMS-03799 201-6007132x09 29/10/66 . an Ao oP : vnenann = DAVIS ALFARO” SIQUETROS ey Renee a HMMS-03819 : “201-0351565 < GI/11/86 ~ 7 AO 1P UNDELIVERED LETTER TO ADOLPH BERNARD HORN a / HMMS-03843 201-0139367 Sbayp et ——— ee. ne (212 Ge BERNARDO “REYES WAS eG wHMMS-03868 LHe 201-0269248 ay neronde tei Ao _IP/tRU __HMMS~04268 wiets-06368 oes 05786. a HMMS-05966 ~ HMHS-Ol PAGE 16795 Z| 25 (Rl a . - S*E-CoR-E-T oo 06/78 22 Gilat rs aa FSN + SECONDARY/00 F foe iP ROUTING — ie 10/03/70 “WEDTO: om ADA OFFIGIAL POLISH PRESENCE, MEXICO” PR “ : oe : = 201-0730 . AS RES “ke EPLY =. FANT 1 SEK were 1961- 73053 : ; +5) a0 : /10/83.7 OM re : PAN. AMERI AN CONGRESS OF: PHARMACY. AND BIGCHEY:STe- 204-0734817 03/10763 AO fee b ET/OBERATIONAL - JAMES BOLIN SETTLE /eGt-7 2.277 2201-07 28291 23a e p1oL10/63 ; ‘ ne: Eat BEI SION ReOMPLEX 3 . 074-006-519/03 10/10/63 62. er en TY GETS 06-099 °° 10/10/63 - reawsni ttaNr PUBLICATIONS fee 2) st "205-0N50663OF/T0/83 LESICLE- 1- ned hE ST FOR PRQ,. ,PART II 04/40/63 Oo] oa - LCIMPROVE /ODEARLN NTERVIEW REPORT 201-03. ARPALPS I Se ny sna 201-0735 310763 2637" OR /DIBS — 218343 \ 04/10/63 ; 10s Y=T "201-0292287. AN CARLOS BARBARA oo 0356072 © L IMOTORS 22 20 an. CAMEO ‘ , ria oe 361 0051203 __ : ~ECEMPROVEZLINTL : *: = — ee 201 aby 55888 2 4O/N 7634: TRACE, REPLY = FRANTISEK VECL ae -73 88 / 24=032/03~ 08770 ~ ~ - AMROD “WAS. 203-0204 810° : Acein ee 8 O : 11/10/00 . \"FATR KY EY PELYPENKATOLIREL WI ROLATORTOV 70 _ PAGE mt GuEL ae SC VORONGWI A 7 PERUMEN7OA" NP KUZNIE \ (4. ao c 4 tepteD voeITER r4 LARA 20T Y0 as Loe aca . A : S~E-C-R-EY 16/06/77 : BOC REF/SECONDARY(2) sty ATE FSN SECONDARY/DOC REF CODE ROUT wemw-11993 004-117 10/10 : AO IP aoe “LATIN beni CaN JMSTITUTE AF is SOVIET ACADEMY GF Ectewces SO Ammw- 11996 050- 0/63 AQ WHE - SUBYACT_OF AMMA 998 Hemw-14995 Wo Baco9s2 V6OIES ~ a Cv CR HMMW 11996 8291. 17/10/63 . AO re see oor HS L047 SbeaATIONAC TRARY ATTIAS ~ ~ ae HMM - 11998 163 AO) IPS : 11999 mes pane (arty 10/10/63 | : KO wenn -11999 i “NO 7 BES : ‘Om b RALLING LIS cue jn) wmrw- 12000 050: 136-008. 10/10/63, ~ AQ TPL vinine et PeAvUABRT ME CHIT NANCE MATEO TAY ======== PAGE 11 ======== c4fnesB/ = : = . . . SEnC-B-E“T saad “ DOC REF/SECONDARY( FCN ATE SN SECOND ART DOG FEE cord HMMW-11993 . 050-004-117. 10/10 ad . : LANIN AMERICAN ENSTITUTE of wike Soviet ACADEMY OF ScTENCE! : HMMW- 11996 : 050-006- 0/63 ac . “ SUBJECT_OF HAMA- oot 98 . . HMMW- 11995 201-03 49952 7246/10/63 0 : of ac nate L-2 . ot : HMMW-11996 01- 0728291 V7INO/63 a: : (eho yl ISTON/OPERATIONAL /HARRY ATTraAs HMMW-11998 353886 10/10/63 at : . “MANUEL Acne? HERN ; Hemw-11999 02, 9 126 SB0708. 10/10/63 ay @)otan ma LING LIST . HMMW~ 12000 ~ _ 050-126-005 (10/10/63 ac : “ KUWOLF/FORNARDING GUIDANCE MATERT AL HMMW-12001 050-004-124 OHO IGE mn . a. . FOREIGN ADDR Ess LIST OF THE PCV or .- ! HMMW- 12003 ‘ 050-126-005 “47/10/63 ac | . : KUMOLE /FORUAREING HONG KONG PAPER ARTICLE CHINESE REFUSE MEXICANS EXIT’: apes HMMW~ 12006 . ~0737652 * 17/10/63 _ 40 d 7 prboRTC7 ERS Gh su6i OF ATTACHMENT ~ ES Lo * “HMMW-12005 110/63 “ ad. of ae PHOTO. oe Orrer ee ee, a fr Humw- 12006 201 =Oee867 “17/10/83 ne : ad a SIMON D, CLACKE : . : RO + Ye 12007 201 0686. 17/10/ 163 : ao : - TARGET STUDY ON CANILO CHAVEZ Y MELGOZA f Uy 12008 050-006-095 /01 24/1 0/63 AG i -—- LIRICE/PROJECT RENEWAL 2 ae : 7 eo FA - 72009 “201-0322753 3171076 on ty : vy, fa — 12010 TRANSMITTAL OF BACKGRQUND INFO RE DR, RENE VALLEJO ORTIZ ° HpimMw- 12011 29107264 477. \ 17/10/63 as » SUBJ OF : IMMW-12012 F0i 0277475 24/40/63 ; ‘. _ yok Rebs TRACE REPLY-NIKOLA_ zc 1201 27, _. 7 tn =12013° RE E we 2k 10/63 3 "ROT Box jo ane FRA NSMI VAL OF PHOTO ALEUMS Cova. “12014 0-126-036/03.. 16\10 kook wo Oe EN \/REXTCAN”PROGRAW-RTNE = t Cane e08 WAS oe Bit 102 ~ |Z HMMW-12016 c bit Wr We ia 0; : ~ (eebox? E EeAT Twat oraaasht TTA OF THE-8z - AND -ES-WARS AW" “‘PHONE™ i mu 12017 0107348 63 : DHL ET/OPERA ONAL“NOTIFICATION OF POA‘. . : MMW 12018 Fo 9 “201-0735943 26710783 . OE ees Ty : A "CR ravorenationa TRACES- BOHU L, OFFICIAL clEcH EMBASSY, MEXICO CITY. en ao “rods. 201-0735106_: 31/10/6 uo by ; LCHARVEST=PERSONAL INFO DATA SHERTS — rn f 201-0302219 —-* 31/10/63 wast bt. : _ LREDWOOD/LCIMPROVE-GEORGIY IVANOVIOH ZUBKOV_/201-302219/ MW= 12021,” ‘019-126-015 © “25/70/63 : a : Ve ‘+ PBRUMEN-KUCAGE/REQUEST FOR COPIES O€ VISITE CUBA. - fo “12022 2 201 -0087222 26/10/63" “ EE : Ann REOCAP CIMPROVE ES foe HMMW-12023 01-015 0234 140763 ; ; . . 2 ocr M i NAB-1 . coe i MW -72024 : T=01877 10/63 , 61 COVERT INCOME TAX RETURN= HOWARD 0. M@SCHIANO | i HMMW- 12025 201-0737639 12/11 AN : : “TDENTAY A we ee P ‘JY. PAGE. 18369 . -. S-BeC-R-E-T . a _ / & . : ‘ S-E-C-R-EXT 16/06/77 UGC REF /SECONDARY (2) FCN TE FSN SECONDARY /DOC REF CODE MMW 12026 050- 31/10/63 | i 7 XY . AO so. . LIBIGHT/PROJENT EXTENSION ‘ wee =122e7 31/10/63 . AO LIENVOY-8 Oo eee cee \ . fo HMM 1 2628 : 201-02 ees a en Vr nas \ ae 4 : + PRIMO MIRAGLYA SA 7 ve o. \ t wemw-12029 2 B TH84/10/63, : to ‘i j ' Ao 1t VICTOR MAWOEL GUTIERRER GARVIN , ' ' . wiKW 12039 . Pn 3 . 410/63 AC du suas 0 (| i MMMW He TZ25%7 Mesa ======== PAGE 12 ======== 14- 000°: - ~~ «61 COYERT IN (TAF FLTUBN-MOMARO 9, MOSCHE AND = coon " HMMW- 12025 . 201-0 MTs ee? a we . ot tee LOENTIAY A etl . ae : “PAGE 18569 ce . - S-E-C-R-E-T el ivreer tiiey Ohrees an . . q co _ ee ec S-E-C=R-E-T terms? opt "REF /SECONDARY2) FCN - FSN . SECOND AS rol SEF MM = 12026 050-006-G42/01 31910/63 oo . .. : LIBIGHY /PROJECT EXTENSION ‘ , / Pane 30 1/10/63. . 128 2Wt-G280295 05/44/63 ‘ - PRIMO MIRAGLIA SANMAFTIN . 10068 248 31/10/63 LIERECT PROJECT EXTENSION “oe MMW 12055 "050-126-028/01" 7711963" a “y LIMIX PROJECT RENEWAL FOR FY 64 iMW-12056 050-126-026/01 07/11/63 S Sp ce “050-126-027 709 O7 711/634 2654 34./10/ 193 . 0824 spbat — 2469" ~ ~OSTITTS 5§0-006-042/06 31/10/67 OE GUERRERS : 34/10/63 MMW ; . Rear se fRe 11 | wMMW-12038 *301- -0732662 ve “immi-42039 neats 050-126-004 “ey ee ae Hi GUE PENAL po ~12042 oon = 12066, S0-126- 025/01 07/1 7 =" FELISB=M-PROJ RENEWAL FOR FY HMMW-12045 050-124-021/01 07/11/63 __LITEAR PROJECT RENEWAL FOR FY oz = 100-005-001 7371 byes" Sprott ey IN Hes TS- ~187398- “A Mid 12053." _ . Ona. 12054 a CICHEW” PROJECT RENEWAL FOR FY 860 vie 12057 050-124-020/01 07/11/63 nos LULISP- C PROS RENEWAL FOR ae 64 - LIETHIC pRoiect RENEWAL FOR Ny 64 . a Pak MMW- 12059 050-126-025/01 07/11/63 : . AQ WH3/: LELISP- Xx PRO] RENEWAL FOR FY 6600 eae €2 IMPDET CL BY 01198 | PAGE 183468 7 : 5 16/06/77 FUG WER ILECOND ABC 2) FON FON SECONDARY /DOC REF CODE Rou? wee 1G 90-126-022/01 111163 ; AG WHE ======== PAGE 13 ======== CrETHIC, PROJECT RENEWAL FOR FY 6 _ time =12059 -050- ae oro Se : + 7S SegecaR-E-T < Ane naggggcnnany én gene pate A ese IDARY 00 : My=1206 ~atrer oe Be ab eO2z101 OUT ARS ARY 7006 RE ut car Vi svast agg ———ETEOAK ER aye 53° a Eee et . Fs RYBAT RECD 06 NOV 263 - pea : e0i- 0209362 peor OzeRzk8 ‘0671416 RVBAT, RECO: 04 NOV 63°- 201-0243573 = ce . aed RH _ ANTONIO "HORIN' RODRIGUEZ. a _HEYM=12178 e - 050 =C04= ize "2rt2163 | KMEW=12780 050 411701 31713 ys “wud sue “WARD LCIHPROVE/00 BLE SENT PROJ: oo ee et Mae Le ae _ Hpi 42182: reagan 122 1p". Kew=12183 020-1 26-021 /08 3216 : BE/C a HAILING OF LEAFLETS” ; ExHYOTZ IBS a= DTDORIC HOEPLTOREZREPORT ‘ON ZRAFHAID x I 2105 | _ os. 120-019 13/12/6 MWR 12186 201008 5436. -IP-. _I6UEL PENALOZA a Hite 12187 “~~~ _— INTERCE! Te CORRESPOND ENE . epe12788 201-0 $3006 71218 RED bea e LIOIN —_ PAGE 18366 ch nut BREST emi eAY Edy ReelA ay , bipeees para te ======== PAGE 17 ======== S 16/06/77. - Oe “REET SECONDARY(2) FCN i FSN ; SECONGARY /DOC REF > CO be ROUTING MHA 22285 | : 050-006-101/03 : , WN i : i ACCOUNT OF DEVELOPMENTS = GETS3 WAS 201-275992 Too. HMMA- -22286 ; 200-009-042 oa ad; SAS/ES aa CUBAN TRAVELZCUBANA PASSE ' ee HMMA-22287 050-006-117 . ROT OHS HMMA~22288 , AQ. C/WHIS LILINK/CONTRACT WITH CILINK=2 uO , —AMMA-22290 201-0736781 15/10/63 ac fe/ci . LCHARVEST/OPERATIONAL~~SUBY OF REF AZS REPORT OF CONTACT WITH LIANG SSU-CHZENG : —AMMA-22291 050-126 2083 105 14/10/63 - : : AQ C/WH/3 ; > RUWOLF | LIL TSE 050- iT 021/03 14/10/63 . _. LLTEAR, Suatus BER ORT FOR AUG-SEP 63. ~ 0507004-116 15/40/63 800k ON PENETRATION oF OF MEXICAN eDucaTl / ag/107 63 \ SAMMA=22296 HMMA=22295 (or THMMA-22296.. ” “HMMA-22297 : —HMMA=22298 a CHmma- 22299 ; -02774 8/10/6 HUET /OPERATIONAL=-PASSPORT a NIKoLR UC 050-009-012 15/10 CUBAN EMBASSY TRAFFIC WAS Rvant _ ae 201-0218 125 | 15710/63— F Ten : ANS. OF JUAN A CASTRO RUZ TO /KEAVE ‘cuBA BECAUSE” OF THREATS AGAINST HER GN. TECHNICIANS WORKING” IN CUBR 050-124-028/04 : AQUATIC: 23) 10/63” ot 15.756 ; .. \ 201=0760850 18/1076 63 OR a OF gyETTERS REGARDING TRAVEL OF NICARAGUAN COMMUNISTS TQ THE Bi Ss ~ 23/10/63 ~~ SEM i s:s “— 1790/83 ayeat™ eo 22 6 ree V OPERATI pan von REPORTS 139° ‘SEP 637 004-1213 18/10/63 Licentee GAOL TIONAL o3 By IO/8s ON TRAVEL OF . NICARAGUANS AND COSTA RIG AMROD. was 20. #000 a 50-12 oc026 703 17/10/63 . u PRI “YOUTH “GROUP CHARGE 050-126-025/02 17/10/63 . ~ : KUWOLE/LIGAFE ; : °201-0069101 © 18/10/63 TT - REQUEST FOR PHOTOS OF PANAMANIAN COMMIE IN MEXICO CITY ; 126-026/03 17/10/63 LIEVICT STATUS REPORT FOR “MAY AND “JUN”63~ a 201-015061 7/10/63 ” ” (sipnae- 1 VISIT sO MEXI ny: (5-13 0CT.63 . PAGE 19355 S-E-CoR-E-T ED TMPDET FEL BY 071981 CMA a S-E-C-R-E“T 16/06/77 os FES /SECOMUAB ECE) cM DATE N ‘ SECONDARY /DOC REF ODE ROUTIN Wana = 27515 . AGUATLEN 23/10/63 ces Lely: SD i SENT TH TSb 1. i amma eet PrBAT 18/10/63 AO” C/WE 1 news 9717 2 PEG 22,007 G2 WEIMAR GOTD WH /REG pot : MMR - 77% ° +6356 p— AQ) WH/RES vaboy Beth PR ea 4) UISTNE-) LA]Mes us i. AD FETE ======== PAGE 18 ======== 14-0000 nr nS Lila REF /SECONDARY (2) hou DATE FSN : SECONDARY oC cet rN: MMA-22315 ATIC 23/10/63 Sent 0 *oeb AMMA-22316 YBAT O[ 18/19/63 a a: vi hon . RECE 22" OCT 63 KEYWAY/Q§MOTH WH/REG . MMA-22317 e 201 -0350663 8/10/63 an) Z KAPOK RECD 28 OCT 63 LISICLE-1 . . : HMMA~22318 200-008 -005 22/10/63 ao OE OL fi} tac/2001 AC/OPERATIONAL TRAVEL OF CZECH. NATLS Aima-22319 201-0204656 22/10/63 ay gE oulGoid ras /tpnonc opeRe TLONAL--RETURN OF EMIL HRADECKY /201-2064 ama-22320 201-0294839 22/10/63 Ac EEL PCS DEPARTURE OF | ZBYNEK SAMONIL 1201 -294839/ “AMHA-22321 01-0283512.22/10/6 al OE A ox GIy tas /200iac Obekat towAt RE TLanadr Lupvik, HUBENY 1261- ZBAStC. MMA-22322 3 0509 22/1076 201-730509 . ay BESS ° TAG/20DIAC OPERATIONSC “FRANTISEK HETZL_/ a fimma-22323 2 OIF TAG/ FOBT A FO RATION an Ab cram ed : 0 GPpox /oPERATIONAL=-FNU SZAPINSKI AKA CZAPINSKI wAMMA-22326 1 201- TyOWAL =A eet AE /201- 596000 AC EESP Ox OPERA TONAL -=ADAH CHAFE Aivnin-22325 OER 4-008-015 © 22/1076 IN C/Wes LCHARVEST /OPERAT TONAL -THE SMUGELING OF CHINESE COMMIE | MONEY. INTO ECUADOR “Fiama~22326 1-0735 34 “22/40/83 AG FEIC™ LCHARVEST/THE GIGORE1 OPERATION AMa-22327 0 201-0285 165: 18/10/63 : Ciwe- PERUMEN- RSATTERE TED RECRUE TRENT , QF OR. ARSENIO MINSAC | 7 LAhMa-22328 472. 18/10/6 IP ol. PBRUMEN- ) REPORT ON CUBA BY VISITING FRENCH PRIEST FID SENT TO FI/O FLO SENT TO FI/D ARMA~22351 DEFERRED - Bee LA VOZ DE MEXICO, OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE MEXICAN Commi ~ ARTY -. . . AMMA-22353 DEFERRED sss ee/t0/63 Ciwert - SOURCE OF HMM-7666 AMMA-22354 201-0293411 22/10/63 WHI) ME > . LIVALVES a) Panes PITCHES TO COMMUNISTS IN MEX CITY : TMMA-22355 7 240270 yo 22/10/63 arrrns paarases OreansreR OFC SCO-26 TO MEXICO AM A= 22356 | 201-0282533. “22/10/63 ae Clan 3 . : LIPLETY PROJ- -TERMINATION OF CIEPIETY- “1 . Timm a-22357 201-0282533° 22/10/63 ~ soe CI WH IR . LIPLETY PRO ect AGENT SERVICE RECORD oN LIPLETY= a AMM a= 22358 201-0729530 22710763 Ose TE . OSCAR conceee ion MENDOZA WMMA-22359 050-009-012 22/10/63 oo Chime 2 CUBAN EMBASSY TRAFFIC —Aimma-22360 056-300-001 22/10/63 ; Cant 2 oo __.., ABEL BERNAL AYARZA a, : AMMA-22361 201 -0290894 227 10/63” ~ Cun (3 CITAMIL ey . ee " AAMMA-22362, = —Ss—=«~=«=i 0252871 2210/63 7 - - : C/WH ER ALFONSO LOPEZ MICHELSEN ° I MA~22363 FID 30/10/63 ; FAD = SENT TO_FI/D oe oe : TMMA-2 2364 201-0185345 23710/63 INT TO7WE IT x JOSE RAMON GRULLON MARTINEZ . MA-22365 050-006-091/03 25/10/63 AQ IP/FI LITEMPO/PROCEOURE FOR OBTAINING | EXT CAN” TRAN-STT-VISAS”FOR CUBAN = WAS KAPOK fees TMMA-22366 = 050-006-091/05, 24/10/63 ao c/wer3 LITENEY QPERATINAL” REPORT OT AUG-30 SEP 63 — ee Am a-22367 2 005-027 25/10/63 - ; : : 7. IN IP eee OMe ERATIONS PASSPORTS OF “YUGOSLAV NATIONALS : an ¢-050- “O08 -016- : coor mHA-22368 200-009-042 26/10/63 ‘ : ot “" pO SAS/ES CUBAN TRAVEL /CUBANA PASSENGER MANIFESTS ! =0557 10976 A“ FURTHER LIFE OF THE LIMOTOR PROJECT Un , UMMA-22371 201-0256202 24/10/63 IN C/nW/3 SONS OF VINCENT HALLINAN, AMERICAN COMMUNIST “ PAGE 19353 . S~E-C-R-E-T _E2 IMPDET CL BY O11¥8* pe nS biaRee ere fr Te 5 S-E-C-R-E-T , 16/06/77 LOL RER/SECONDARY! @3 N DA FSN SECONDARY/DOC REF CODE ROUTING wmMMn-22372 shguaria) 30/50/63 AQ TSD SENT TO TSp° ~ soe HMMB-22373 On 050-008-0 25/10/63 IN EE/E ‘ ae . (etbors PE. et eee ASSPORTS OF POLISH NATLS ce be HMPA ZZITE ENG 24/10/63 ROT TWH PT : : IOKG IBAL Oe eGat20 I , i F : i nmen-22375 050-006-134 24/10/63 - o IN CfWH.B : TRANSMITTAL GF INTERCEATED LETTER : . cove DETANAIGAIR 5/10/63 : IN Cewe t * ======== PAGE 20 ======== ah 22375 YAMHAW22376- MMA-22377 Am n=22378 Arima = 22276 am a-22385 Laman 2238). Aon n-223 ; MIN a B52 125-022706-~ “2571078 —s— > - ~ o ’ oa . 3 SEC lay sDOg EF PO Fo 26/10 ky “ReGATZOL! . : 7 . Q6-134 26/10/93 __ IN| flan TRANSHET TAL OF TNTERCEPTED “LETTER: ee . 201-0329618 25/10/63 IN Ceee ? TRANSMITTAL OF PRQ PART Toceuestin PAUL CHEREL . ogee 201-C3298618 25710783 : . ; Ag KAPOK FECO 30 OCT -63 LITAMIL-13 . . a 550-009-012 25/10/63 cece teeeentne Jae AO LTP ie) -0 CUBAN EMQ, TRAFFIC WAS O19=120- O32” 201 -0729530 25/10/63, ; DECAR CONCEPCION pgENoots . oo. . 200-009-5 ZS/IDISS nares OF ore AN DIPLOMATIC TRAVEL REPORTS RED. 257/10 . ~ Soviet. no “eines FOOOSTUFF 201-0052516 ©: ROBERT Sears BEN Maa -2238- MATERTAL FOR PRESS COMMENTS | f mn-22386 201-0029488 "25/10/63 a : TRNECK/CORMTEST | CORRESPONDENCE - Guu A~Z 2785 O50-008-091/08 25/10/63" - QPERATIONAL/LITEMPO-2 REQUEST FOR DATA _ Auman -22388 “~“20T= UeITeTe « e3/10763 To we oma-22 -22387 7 ams 22388 Gia 720387 “20T=0369577 01-07386 TRANSMITTAL_PR@_PART.{-TULIO PRIETO 050- gosea7tyo1 = 25/ 10763 = KAPOK™ RECO by so 8ta° : = 7 : 201-0031548 er tO/es |) ; : efext LRYBAT RECD “OS Nov e63 o3 onRaW/OKASs shy ; ; a MANUEL - pe NEG BA zoviAc Bre cara TRAVEL MinPO 050-126-036 /03 - 28710/43 ~PYBORTCTOPERATIONAL- GKOP ROBOWN/MEXTTEN PROGR was 200-124-087 03 - ; a) A\gERT TOF FID: ‘ ee "050;124-023 /03 DGC REF/SECOWDARY (2) MmMMA-22401 Mmm a=22602 “wMMA- 22453 alaska -22466 nym ~22405 amen -22608 | ; LiLt SP ae a DRLET/ZODI # FON ew CODE ROUTING ag1-0739082" 1/10/63 IN. y ARREVAL. abo ALEXANDER WAKQWSKT 7201-7390827 AN os -0Q8 -005 3110/63 ; a0 ov Colpras openathan Q aL PASSPOR CZECH NATIONAN — _ 307 - ie LIMOTOR PROGRES 63 24 B27 Ba 0/63: _ _ IN LI TEAR=POSSTE E RECRUNQENT P LITEAR=T BY POLTSH TS po 50-906 -006 10/63 ° a nO Gwe OPERATIONS peste LC ANA YSIS OF 201 FILES. oe 267-0155 768 SO71OT RS iar ! ; te ALBERTO GROUX PETE Lr . ac t3p “gy a1s24 ======== PAGE 21 ======== 320 TUSK PORT Beeeh " Steabhes ~~ oo Oe C=-PA ; eeaien eerererci -. S+E-CR-E-T - : : £2 IMPOET CL BY 011984 , , ; | SeECoR-E-T 16/06/77 DOC REF/SECONDARY(2) . FCM ° DATE . €Sh , SECORDARY/DOC REF “CODE ROUTING MMMA-2e601 201-0739082 31/10/63 a In C/uH/3_ ts = % — iMMA=22003 = : : . LIMOTOR PROGRESS REPORT joes 63 ; ‘ MRMA-22606 _,050-126-021/03 30/10/65 _ a i: IN__¢/Wns3 MMA-22405 050-006-006 31/10/63 CAMn/3 OPERATIO NAL =-CONSOLIDAT. D_ ANALY MA=-. 06 ; . MLBERTO GRoUr ee MA~22407 ATLET 05/11/63 fumma-22408 ote 124-032705 31/10/63 ° - . oe AMROD HAS, 2017-02068 : MMA-; Ww . " 6 ae AnRoD was 201-020681 HNHA=22610 “019-126-032/03 31/10/63 200-006-033/03 Bs / 10/63 ” ARTICLE “FOR pies CORMENTS : 5 31/10/63 . "201 1-0735265 ” 34710768 FRANCISCO REFUGIO, . PEREL (MORON foe ENT To FI/D fae Jiro aczzkio_ 055-009-013 | be eT ey ° =00 REDCAP/L IMPROVE DMITarY TRYZWA 10-004-126 06/11/63: AY cove nourrs C/WH/* FCN “poe, REF SECONLARY (2) : ane #36 IANA.NMA-ALD ======== PAGE 22 ======== 00000 ~~ ~ HMMA-22628 O50- Hie ~asvernr (eeeren ae rs 5 + vr MO cima Hmma-22420 °°. 2041-07368 IN C/WH/3 cre LTCMARO=1/RECRUL ; PAGE + 19351 " €2 IMPDET cL BY 011981 S-E-C-R-€-T - "16/06/77 - ‘ DATE . 7 af, SECONDARY /00C REF CODE ROUTIN: 07/11/63, . eo CAuns3 C/wH/3 cx — ta Ht PASSPORTS WTS 201-0736336 05/11/63 TONAL -WSFLUFFE/NAM — sroonse getty FORWARDING OF PROJECT OUTLINE WAS KAPOK ~ __050-006-091/03 07/41/63 DEFERRED TIONAL? WILLIAM. SANFORD 201-D32637 ; LU ae AAR aN OPERATIONAL /LIMOTOR 05 0=008=018 Be 703 rr a ae cs : omer FEMVOTOBERATTONA ROUND-UP REPORT ON TITO VISIT TO MEXICO” a S-E-C-R-E-T Oo - £2 IMPDET CL BY 011981 . =| . rs . . oo . $-f-C-R-€-7 ". 46/06/77 boc REE /SECONDARYC2). DATE FSN . SECONDARY/00C REF CODE ROUTIN: /_WMMA= 55 -0285162 08/11/63 cg CAS (8bpoxrdt ERTHL-EUGENTUST, SPYRA nc as - a 15711763 . * Soe - AO FISO SENT 1 a0 L we as a Sut 10, res on iO" 1F “WAA-Z2652— a OO7TTT7ES" i” / TRANSMITTAL ‘OF “CUBAN EMBASSY TRAFFIC WAS Rv@AT ; ; ° ae A=22463 201 age eR SLTEG 08/11/63... ~ Ff ag 1 AO IP "AO" C/MH/3 HO BHTET “AO. FLD Ao CHaN/3 * 08/11/63 - INICANS TO CORA “15/11/63 . 07/11/63 DS-ODENVY REPORTS LS AMROD WAS 201-020487 a, tie bana on ererRee QS_INDEX “ OERATIONAG EtAc pe aie ae aE e WMA id RESS we : K/ZODEACADPERATIONAL ~BOLESLAW. JELEN mo : . wh-22675 ua A 00-008-008 _- 14/41/63 AO EE/YAL J YMA-22476 08-005. *- 14/11/63 “AO C/WH/3 -[s ae ; _° ‘° 20p1e Ge OK OF OPER TIONA: STRAVE OF POLISH NATIONALS ‘ ‘ * . eo contact METH ROBERTO: "SALAS, CUBAN ‘PHOTOGRAPHER tk : A=22478 -201-0760220_ 13/41/63 Ao__IP MA-22679 2 201 O72 IN G/ia/3 AO. C/WH/Z ~ wd 7 _u x . nO” cvwns? AO °.C/MH/: “ISSUE———— 21/1163 "PAGE 19369 EZ INPDET CL“BY ones ======== PAGE 24 ======== aa TO setetoneeet 16/06/77" y0C EE /SECOMDART C2) FSN " SECONDARY /00C REF $gd€ tou 0 | —— REBORT ren ali $8 were EN BOUT WOVE i a Non. gg —---— -REVIEM_OF BORK ENTITLED | Se eee mENTCOR 10 -tH TO COMMIE AND SOCIALIST GROUPS. IN mex. ; USAGE OF TERMS “tet ene. artes a 201-0042557 "1S/11/63 : JUDITH FERRETO SEGURA/ FORWARDING OF COPIES oF poe DEFERRED - <<: 15/99/63 STATION R PoRti G“LANGUAG SENT TO. flo " 19-006-08 i / 16 41 oo Os OFT 06/ 2763 EMENTS SIGNED BY PBRUMEN-JUAM FRANCISCO GONZALEZ RODRIGUEZ - 030-006-105 705 41S/i/ e DEFERRED. ACIELA PEREZ 0 Agee (ere }~ HMMA-22516 c . * 060-006-056/0102. ee = _-KAPOK RECD_26 NOV saat ; TAG/LOBTAC/OPERATIC L~-ARRIV, /MMMA~22519 Re 201-0308989 SH PAGE 19368 WPDET CL BY 0115 Poi 2 sss pad ee ag yggizz bo REF /SECONDARYC2) " Few Te RaET ’ ; sc tt 22520 SSi-oroscen «DOYS FSW SECONDARY /D0C REF CODE RO” ======== PAGE 25 ======== 14- 0000 o : Fe . S-8-C-R-€-7 6/06/77 { HM ic BSE ssfcompat 2) Fcn DATE Sw O SECONDARY /D0C Wer ° fone Routt wv A~22520 Oi 368 29/14/63 ene pee CLESLAW ok. Heurtt regy-tosvie ee Bore : fm nm 2252 oY sine TWEEN iano CUBAN, EMBASSY OFFICIAL, 7 ee ~ witen-20522 oat eng LHL N cra PT. . + HWHA-22523 om O1-0356059 2144 ne es CE 207) a PORUMEKTVORGE ANTONIO abagand: gana WMA 22526 _FORELGA EAVES TRENT, tw nea a ee CHkWA-22525 "ihe AL > Sr ir | 1.) ; “SENT 10 ae . “ : SF LL | A a WrmA=22527 sent To AUS "(02/92/63 "WO crtsi WHHA=22528 a Oar TON A boar Fie eerttes won remem nares [7 NO" UNH, CUBAN ERBASSY TRAFFIC ¢ . . __WmnA=22529- aa aR wine qh Operore Pe gM A, MY HMMA=22530 . BORG aay 11 763 In IP : CoMUNIST sobee PENETRATION PROGRAM ADDITIONAL INFO on ANTONEO MORIN RODRIGUED AND_ALEJO | ea WENDET GARCIA” HomMA-22531 ATIC 02/12/63 . C/TSt SENT To C/TS6 oem a JUDITH FERR TO SEGURA- oe Lo soonest eZ fe OLe0 R68 22/1163 cise: AVERY -OSMACD HAS POT=2EP ROB HMMA-22536 DEFERRED , ee/163 C/WH, i COLOR PLATES REQUESTED _ : k= SENT TO_C/TSD ers “HMMA-22536. Le rprery ons teeeSS3 oy 22/80/63, c/wn HMMA=22537 050-006-126. 26/11/63 AO. C/WH _ OPERATIONAL /LIMUD INTERCEPTED ORRESPONDENCE aan CUBAN TRAVEL. an - "201-0279366 AO ¢/un ‘AO CAWH. 7 trTs 05 ! AO IP " eae R SY Tacs * O5/11163, “NO. C/WH. RANSHITTAL poe cuneN | pIPL_travel RPTS i _ AO. CAR) AO _C/WH . I C/uH PAGE 19347 _ SECRET: E2 IMPDET CL BY 01198 ry ot 46706777 - SECONDARY /DOC REF. we boc REE /SECONDARY(2). ore "Cove -RouT a~22549 FID tt 2063 . AO FI/D NT oy HHHA-22550 "050-126-028/01 02/12¥63 "a0. e/wH . OPERATIONAL /KUWOLE /LIMUF - MANOEL PIG. CORRETA JUNIOR ON. yma-22552 veo 24 (053) 126-023/03 05/1 2/63 AO C/WH wena-22553 / ” “isi =032/03 05/12/63 iT = : : ROO $ $201 020681 Ao wie c/w Ad ; AGENT SERVICE RECORDS” oR TERS § AND\?. MEMO OF ORAL COMMITHENTS For (LeFTER 1 201-0875186 EES (e FR 0 3)}p/ ========== FILE: 104-10063-10206.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 1it04-10063-10206 [20 2025 RELEASE UNDER or PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT ©! OF 1992 | J 4&b0 [E vent NO INDEXING REQUIRED ONLY QUALIFIED DESK CAN JUDGE INDEXING ‘DIRECTOR 39871 1, Enclosed for Headquarters ‘information | are copies. ‘of | literature mailed by the Catholic Association for Inter-. national Peace (CAIP) to its members (attachments i, 2 and 3) concerning "Negotiation 1 Now!" : : 2. Also enclosed as of possible interest are copies ‘of CAIP materials (attachments 3, 4 and 5) concerning its 40th Annual Conference, scheduled for October 27 -— 29, the theme of which is "Selective Conscientious Objection in an “Age of—----->-: Conflict."" The-conference is to be held at Dunbarton College of Holy Cross, 2935 Upton. Street N.W., Washington, D. C. : 3. ‘The above items were received: by Oliver. H. CORBUSTON ' fwhoT} had joined the CAIP for cover purposes):in the course of a ‘previous assignment. Attachments tH -and 3 are forwarded in response to meterencee ; bey i Cortahe Oliver H. CORBUSTON Attachments: As stated. oe Distribution: , ; 3 - Chief. DO/I watts” ole. Chief, DO w/o: att . CLASSIFICATION REVIEW ponpucTe on_/.2/, L L be DISPATCH SYMBOL AND NUMBER - | UYCA-3510 ========== FILE: 104-10064-10012.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Thos 10064-10012)... -~ -1 2025 F RELEASE UNDER THE UNDER THE ERESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992) a t « “DISPATCH | == MAPS ED FOR rect re; D ef, vie BLO Div; hief Far Ea D thro, . Chief, WOMUSE/r0G | Erte | TOKYO. 7263 As noted in reference, forwarded herewith is @ copy of the sub- ject memorandum. Please note that the information in the memorandum : Paragraph B. 4. b) is particularly sensitive and should only be given properly restricted dissemination. - - ot os, . Mark J. any. bo "ATTACHMENT . . Memo dtd 27 Nov 67 . Distribution ee - C/SB Div w/l.cy attach . “.. 1 = C/FE w/l cy attach. . - a 1 - C/MOMUSE/TCG w/l1 attach ======== PAGE 2 ======== - 27 Noverber. 1967, itvORANDUX FOR THE RECORD: | a cee SUBJECT: BSHEIREN and the Four U.S, avy Desertors a “origin ana and Dovelopaent t of BEHSIREN oe Founding: - BEHEIREN (Japan "Peace for Vietnam" Com was organized in ei ae EEE Gndependent group of intellectuals and cultured persons whose . purpose was “to help restore peace in Vietnam." Actually, ite is a loosely organized group of ox-JCP. members, progressive. intellectuals, leftist cultured persons, and leftwing students | - banded together in the name of opposition to the Vietnam war. i by two common denominators, dedicated anti-Americanism and=; _ vefusal to bs dominated or controlled by the orthodox x Japan Communist Party. ~ .. s Be Rard-Core Secretariat: - “The real ‘force behind the. organization of BEESIREN, right from the beginning -to the. present, has been a brilisant Communist named YOSHIEAWA. Zuichi. whose conspiratorial organizational skills bavé - een perhaps the most indispensible ingredients in BEHEIREN‘’s development. YOSHIKAWA was expelled from Tokyo University for his role as a ZENGAKUREN leader in the 1960 U.S./Japan™ Security Treaty riots. He then went into fulltime JCP mass movement professional work, becoming the Secretariat official’ in charge of international relations for the Japan Peace : Committee. YCSRYKAWA breke with the JCP in late 1964, . following the rupture in relations between the JCP and CPSU .dn May that year. The inspiration for BERBLIREN springs in’. ‘large measure from YOSHIKAWA's personal desire to use his organizational talents in countering the JCP and its Japan Peace Committee. YOSHIEAWA, in addition to being a2 well . ‘qualified English linguist himself, years. ago surrounded ‘himself? with a small following of similarly qualified: licutenants, whom he brought along into BEREIREN to give “him the necessary depth and experience to run this new © : YOSHIKAWA functions as BEHEIREN's Secretar ======== PAGE 3 ======== - / 3. Respectable Intellectual Front: Folilovwir - mental Communist principles for ase novenent were cee ce ‘than the JCP itsel? follows these tenets), the ex-JCP . organizers of BEREIREN kept themselves in the background - and lined up a number of prominent Japanese: progressive. . intellectuals and leftist cultured persons to front for — BEREIREN. The choice of OBA Uakoto, ex-Fulbrighter and — popular young novelist, to be the chief front man — Chair- man - Was an extremely lucky stroke for BEHEIREN. ODA has ‘taken to this grand-standing, front work like a duck to. 09°.) water. It has given him 2 chance to give unbridled vent ta: - bis own latent anti-American foelings, puffed him up to the extent that he has been dubbed “the emperor" by other BEHEIREN . activista, and given him at long last an ideological mission .— to pursue. ‘YOSHIKAWA has performed magnificently in feeding : ODA's ego needs and in infusing and indoctrinating ODA so. | that his words and actions take on sufficiently virulent. - “ anti-Anerican overtones, ODA has served another vital. 00°00") function for BENEIREN by recruiting a sizeable number of : fellow intellectuals to join the ranks of BEHEIREN activists. (Attachnent 1 is a listing of a number of those Japanese who |. have been identified as active BEHEIREN supporters or aympa~ .. hizers.} \ 4. Organizational Development: In its 2 “1/2 year history, BEELIREN has not appreciably changed its organizational format, eithough it has moved its office three tines and modified its ... mame even oftener. PEHEIREN ig not a “mass organization", be-° . cause it has bad no ‘sizeable popular backing to the present -- : timc. Its hard core, secretariat organization is run by = =... YOSHIKAWA and his lieutenants. Its public image, inteliectual .. _front is led by ODA, and given body by a score of like-minded me ‘intellectual friends of ODA and YOSHIKAGA, who form the loose... - _ body of BEHEIREN's activist leadership... Under this BEDEIREN ... leadership superstructure lies a paltry base of only several ‘hundred BEHEIREN “rank-and-file“::supporters, mostly young . : ‘Japanese students. Organizationaily, BEHEIREN has no ferrsl . ‘ gembership system, so its base of supporters is fluid and not)... precisely measurzble. However, the base support for BEHBIREN || hss definitely been on the upswing during 1967, and made such... * notable strides during the past summer that JCP Headquarters © officials finally feit constrained to note with concern that ~ _ BEBEIREN was beginning to drain off a growing number of pro- °° gregsive youth who otherwise would have been absorbed into oo the JCP's own youth movement. BEHEIREN leaders:.have tried to. . ‘help this growth along hy setting up 2 youth section, calling , at "Young BEHEIREN." BEERIREN's imaginative actions and. “ publicity-conscious programs have been responsible for its . :; .gecent growth, and this period of growth seems to be now on ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-000 the verge of - renlly ‘pleking up speed. and momentun.”- “AB a result. ; of its role in the case of the four deserting sailors, BEHEIREN °.. has reaped bountiful publicity, has succeeded in touching a delicate Japanese public nerve of sympathy and pacifism, open---: | ing a floodgate of support for BEHEIREN from all, over Japan. ee When this case fades from the limelight, it is still most ~~ ~.- likely that a fair percentage of current wave of _popular support fox BEHEIREN wil i rmanent mass backing, a support its future activities, - &. Activities and Accomplishnents: “ BEBEIREN has engaged in a number of propaganda actions, and. participated in inter~- national anti-Vietnam War activities. It has tried to co- «© ~.: operate with certain front activities in Japan controlled by. the JCP, most notably the Japan Committee to Investigate War Crimes in Vietnam activitiés, which culminated in the Tokyo . Court of last Atigust, but has been soundly and rudely rebuffed. by the JCP. In spite of this, BEHEIREN has churned along at. its own pace, with a continuing series of anti-Vietnam war. ~- actions, most of. them related in some way to the American - re pacifist movement. In this regard, BEHEIREN has succeeded in: cornering a virtual monopoly on Japanese contacts with the U.S...) pacifist movements, and has effectually capitalized on this to i ae promote its own action program. The case of the four aaah hea sailors, while an- apparent lucky windfall for BEHEIREN, only points up the fact that BEHSIREN, through past organizational | work and promotional activities, was “johnny~on-~the-spot", _- ready and capable (unique in Japan in this regard) to take - | -the ball and run with it. BEMEIREN ran all the way in this” case and scored its most notable success since it was organized. . (Attachment 2 is a listing of BEEEINEN's more notable activities . : since its founding. Attachment 3 is a partial listing of. bt American and other foreign persons rn. to have been in. contact with or. cooperated with BEHET 4 ‘B.” The Case of the Four Sailor Deserters. and BEREIREN, ~ Le How It Started: © “The consensus of all available overt nedin material, with no recorded dissent, indicates that the an ‘Zour sailors voluntarily left their ship, went AWOL, and ended up wallowing around Tokyo's hippie-land. - Precisely what : ‘personal — ‘grievances prompted the four to embark on this mis-adventure is | not yet known. . But, up to this point, the four could fairly be categorized ag misguided youngsters, gone astray in a foreign — ae land, and due to get slapped back in line with traditional... °.. Navy justice when they finally decided to stop the fun and BO - back to the SMPs 50 for, this made their canes far. from ek, BBAMNG 3 E 6 R E L ======== PAGE 5 ======== ======== PAGE 6 ======== 'for hiding the four deserters. Other Private.d = jJonging to BEHEIREN leaders and loyal ee art oa _ Sbroughout both the Kanto and Kansai sreas. : Le) BEUEIREN/Soviet Linison: PEDEIREN Secretary Genera “YOSHIKAWA has maintained periodic contact with Soviet Embassy. officials for years. BEREIREN Chairman ODA hes met Soviet Peace Committee officials in Moscow. The exact means of how . this Jiaison was accomplished in this case is précisely—ba - rom @ covert phone tap on the Soviet Embassy's line; A full, >. : transeript. is available of two phone calls made on 30 October, oe first by Brian o Chief Press Attache Nikola a, | Vasilyev (ch, and second by YOSHIKAWA to First S@erétary =. | /: inoy, urgently requesting a private mesting | | ot ster that ay to discuss “an extremely important, extrencly; sate matter", without _ doubt the case. of the four sailors. Be ee} BEEEININ/U.S. Pacizist Linison: BEHEIREN contacted : Dartmouth University professor Ernest. Pp. Young, who flew to. °.~ Japan om & November, apparcntly helped BEBELREN leaders chock on 11 Nevemher. (Attachment 6 is,tho translation of a Sanked Sole Shimbun article, dated 21 November, reporting an interview cae, with Young, giving his version of his role in this case. >. 2 5. Esea to Hoscow: ‘The four deserters turnea up in Se - mozcow on 20-Novenber. The press has speculeted widely and ~~. “unanimously that the four left Japan on the Soviet passenger |. ._ Ship Baikal on 11 November. Again, there ig no dissenting = . _ opinion, overt nor covert. The only mystery concerning this - - mechanics of how the four boarded the Baikal and who assisted. Yokohama, DEHSIREN completed its most highly successful and - pee only did BEHUIRER smear the American Government's image in Japan, not only did BEHEIREN gain a vast amount of priceless - : publicity that will swell the ranks of its supporters and be. : duvaluable in future activities, but BEZEIREN doubtlessly. §~:. even made a profit, financially, on this low budget operation ° _ donations are still’ pouring into SERZIRGN Headquarters from _ . all ever Japan to “help and protect U.S.. deserters". a out the bona fides of the deserters, and returned to the U.S. 0” finnl phase of the Japanese portion of this case concerns the “- . in this maneauver. But with the sailing of the Baikal from - . beautifully executed activity in its 21/2 year history. Not" ~ ======== PAGE 7 ======== ‘Active. DEALIREN Supporters or Syepathizers “SOSHTKAWA Yuichi (oouninEN Becretary 7 Genorad) | - former scp a member. * ; . ODA Makoto (eameinzx ¢ Chatrean) ~ "poputar novelist. : . RATKO Kon ~ Akutagava prize winning novelist. ““@. KUBO Keinosuke ~ film producer and director, i ———Ssneeoeranwne- "{SURUET Shunsuke - Doshisha University professor. a TSUROUT Shunsule | TSURUMY Kazuko - sister of Shunsuke (thoir father io the late e- - “2 “philosopher, Yusuke). cee. a oe et FORDYALA Yozo =~ bigh echool ‘teacher. oo _ . MUTO Iehivo, ~ exauce (tried to travel to u. 8. t to ‘yepresent . o a denied a visa to enter sera “e year e eat “ae 9.. YAMADA TAUADA Atsushi. « ex-JCP, e 10. FUSUDA Yoshiyuki - playeriter. 11, TOINAGA Ichiro ~ cartoonist. — 12. FUKASAEU uitsusada ~ professor: 13. ABAZU Kiyoshi - ~- , graphic designer. 4d. TAKADO Kanane ~ Christian leader. 15. YOSHIDA Kéju - ~ £3m director. 16.° USIHARA Shun ~ writer. a 17. HASHIMOTO Wineo ~ Buddhist priest 18. HOTTA Yoshie - ‘novelist. a 9. GOTO Hiroyuki ~ scientist. ne 0. KOWABARA Takeo ~ - professor at Kyoto University. ; a a . ======== PAGE 8 ======== 14-00000 25, TERAK Minako | geo aan 26. ANAT ‘Funthike: - . “27. : NASU Masanno oa 98. MATSUMOTO Ichiju | , 29. FUKUTONI Setsuo ae 30. KORIHARA Yukio - Pecos _ | Bi. eter ANDO Simbel, CHEDA MIA Hido, EGAWA ‘Teka, ‘YOSIE Nittaten, ; mary Echiro, HOSHINO Yasuseburo, ICHIX Saburo, IZEYAUA Juro, 2 ISHIDA Takeshi, KARAT Yoshiko, EASA Seiichi, KATAGIRI Yuzuru, — “HATO Shuichi, KAZAMA-Wichitaro, NATSUURA Sone, KIDOEORO lasso, - EATSKOI2 Satoshi, KOBAYASHI Shoichixo, KOWATSU Sakyo, ‘KOBAYASEI Toni, KONO Osanu (Shu), KURODA Hidetoshi, BAROVAMA , “Masao, MIDORIKAWA Toru, HIZUSAWA Yana, MORITAKT Ichiro, oh KUCHAKU Seikyo, BURANATSU Hiro, NISHIO SHO Noboru, NOHURA Koichi, 7 4 OGOSEE Teruo, OISUKQISY Yoshiko, SERIZAWA Tac, ‘SHIRAT Shinpel, - SHINMIRA Takeshi, SHISHIDO Hiroshi, SUGIURA Hitsuo, SUGIYAMA a ‘Tatsusaru, SUZUKI Kasabira, TAXSUCHI Yoshitono, WADA Nagahisa, - YAMADA Munenitsu, YAMADA Toshio, YAMAGUCHE Kosaku, YAMANISHI - R4sohS, YASUDA Takeshs, YOSHINO Gonzabure, YOSHIWARA Koiehizo, “ OKANOTO Taro, MATSUMOTO MATSUWOTO Seicho,. EL Rokusuke, IZUVUT Taku, ur “ANAYA Noriko ,_ KATO Yoshiro, SHTROVAMA Saburo, TAKABASHI - Taketono, ODAGIRI Hideo, ORUKA Hinove, SANG Kenji, SUZUKI Michiniko, KUBATA creat Haag eorrmcrana Select, MARUYAWA unio, SEGRET. ======== PAGE 9 ======== 14-00000 RURO Ronit, } KONAKA | Fotare, SAKAMOTO PSURUSIIMA Sotsurei, — Yoshikazu, SAITO. Masahiko, | etc.” " cowneteaer “Although not recorded here, many ‘of the above persons . “are (eznICP. ======== PAGE 10 ======== ; ; Regular once-per-nonth denonstrations ata public park ‘Sn : Toxyo ’ consisting | of anti-American Epceches & Bad tollowed by street o. : marches. JES . _ coe fade ae one : An ‘all ight Tv “teach-in" vith: ‘BERETREN netivist deadors, woe “glong’ with special guest, U. 8. pacifist Carl Oglesby (Chairpan | of. ; the Students for a Denocratic ‘Society. dy ae La col. S.A fuld page advertisement in the New York Tines. “as Novexber 1965)" ‘followed by another full page ad in the Washington Post - : G april 1967), appealing to Americans to stop the war in “Vietnan. mes wo hen A ‘weet in Conference’ of Two Nations for Peace in Vietnam, bid held in Tokyo in August 1866, and attended by EEHEIREN activists and = -seven U.S. pacifist leaders (including Dave Dellinger), and ebservers , - fron Frances England, Canada, the uss, istan, sn Mongolia. a Soe A nase meeting din Tokyo in October 1966, ‘guest speakers of ; which ' were French paciziats, Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. ; ae 6. ‘Nationwide tours of Japan ‘for lectures and peace rallies for “such anti-Vietnam war pacifists es Professor Howard Zinn and the late A, 3, Huste of the United States, Claude Bourdet of France, and Thich Bhat Hanh of South Vietnan, we nS _ a Coe mass necting in Tokyo in January ‘W967, sponsored by _ BBHBIREN and feataring u.8. folic singer ond. pacifist Joan Baez.) =. a ae Be rt continuing progran. of direct distribution of panphicts to. U.S. 3 troops stationed in Japan, and those coning to Japan on a warshivs, : and for rest or hospitalization fron Vietnax. C8 Be ; ake o. ‘Participation by two BEREIREN activist leaders 5 (Kyoto | ’ University professor KUWABARA Takeo and Internationzl House staffer | . TSURVEL Foshikyuis » taking advantage of a trip to the U.S..te attend. g non~ps. ea se Pan Mer Se Congress ou Caltural Problemsy in - me enti-Vietnam war artmouth oo University in early May 1967, “folloved by an unsuccessful attempt = “So invite Cassius Clay to visit Japan on -bebalf of BEEEIREN . oa 2 “ 20. Continuing oftorte to bring te > Japan for a nationwige ee ee ======== PAGE 11 ======== 14-00000 speech tour on “ponale of PERSTREN, Soviet: poet ¥. evgont Yevtushenko, : an effort that has not yet reached fruition but “is still porte . atl “participation in the Stockholn duly 1867 “Forld Conzerénce | on Vietnam," by sending two BEMEIREN activist leaders as delegates. ne Pa Cooperation with the: U.S. Quakers,’ pacifists, and Earle Reynolds. in sending the yacht “Phoenix” with modical aid, first te ‘Haiphong, then on 4 second trip in the Fall of 1967, secking but — failing to find landfail to seliver medical aid to eithor North or South Vietuam. : ; 13. * Attenptea, but failed. due to inabilits to ; obtain vs ‘visa,’ to send a HEHEIREN activist leader eo ichiyo} to the U.&. to - Lo participate an the 21 October 1967 enti-Vietnan War demonstrations. i ; 14:: ‘Currently carrying outa “fund raising canpaign to send 2 id ship ta North Vietnam. In this, and other activities, DEEEIREN leaders are maintaining ever closer liaison contact with their a counterparts abroad, such as the Fr “Cétiite® Vietnam National." .- «4 in an effort to generate public stipport for this aid ship fun ; raising canpaign, BEHGIREN succeeded ta issuing 4 public appeal, under the endorsing signatures of Tokyo Governor MINOBE Ryolichi and - Yokohana Mayor ASUKATA Eehios as well as the suai inte. lectuals : supporting BELE REN. F 18. ‘tn October 1967, 1 EEREIREN solicited apptoval to hold anti-~ Vietnam Var demonstrations in front of the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, : expecting to be denied end then intending to make this denial a court test case. Instead, DEHSIREN was given this’ permission, and conducted two orderly and yvoli~publicized demonstrations in front of the Amcrican Enbassy, garnering a larger public turn out of participants 4 than ia any y Previous | ‘SEHEIREN-sponsored Genonstration. . ; ; 16. Assisted and abetted the defection to. the USSR of £ four oe American sailors from the U.S. Navy carrier intrepid. Following this success, BDEWEIREN's most effective activity to date, HEHEIREN leaders are Organizing a permanent “underground railway" of Japanese intell~ — . ectuals who will volunteer their hozes as possible “way stops" for —— hiding future U.S. + military deserters that BEHEIREN | now hopes to .2 For other details, seo co ‘Bote yovinteliigence = reporting M11547, 32 Hay 1966 dt el2046, 14 October 1966 ; EITHINGSO, 10 May 1967. EFP-12851, 5 July 1967". EST+-13981, 8 September 1967 : OEYE-13154, 27 Septenber 1967 - . Biko, Se" 22 November 1967 es s700, il Saly 1967 ======== PAGE 12 ======== 14-00000 = partial Listing of of Anertean and Other Foreign . Persons Known to Have ‘Been in Contact with oe - . €ooperated with BEmrmey S| : ‘Anericans. o : Staughten } iad (ez-Yale proteacos). - Korman Hailer (novelist) © Dave Dellinger (editor of Liberation) | Howard Zinn ‘@oston uw professor). : “Donald Keyes (Nationel Comittee for a Bane : a . Buclear Policy, . “David lcheynolés (chairasn, War Resisters' = A. J. Ruste (now decease De . Willdam Davidson is Bradford Lyttle oe 3 o Charlotte Thurber i : (Hiss) Quentin Bassett (Students ‘for : a Denocratic ae - Society) u Murray Levin | Boston B. » professors) q Barbara Dening Uasociate « editor « ot Liberation . ae i , . Joan Booz ‘(folk singer) - . . a ======== PAGE 13 ======== 14-00000 ; Ira Norris, ‘(paris expatriate) 19. Otte Naisan ‘honetic, Hew York city peace activist) a Barbara and Earle Reynolds “(Aivorced but separately . -, active Lone-tane xesidents ; aa in Japan) : ; Willian Re christensen “(an' ‘Aner tenn pacifist aritter, BY: : _ who gave BEEEIRNEN its first... | : @sperionce in the ssummer of ~. - 2866 in exploiting for pro- >. ' paganda in Japan, and then in’ © - arvanging the onward journey. - of an American who wanted to” me, defect to the USSR) : Brian Vietoria ‘(head-shaved pacifist ‘and neonverted" , Buddhist priest, Enewn to be in - regular contact with the Soviet Embassy in Tokyo) Oats ur. wintowby ‘Genu, phonetic, : "chief ‘of ‘the ‘quaker. ve Peace Action movement in the B. 8"). ; 7 An unidentified “anorican of Js panese descent, ‘fron . Hawaii, who is currently a student at Waseda ‘tnivereity Kosaku Yonaguohi: (reportedly born in U.S., present a a eitizenship status unclear} (formerly a was & professor at Homoyame University | ‘4m Osaka, but has been teachin at the Waniversity of Calizornia aa Berkoley. Claude Bourdet, France (french os BS the Vie opie) a: Posey bust, Great Britain (Campaign for uciear D: S~ Senes Endicott, Canada (word Peace eounet3) ‘Faiz Abmed Faiz, Pakistan - : ‘ ns ' Gabita Muslepov,. USSR — Toner ======== PAGE 14 ======== 14-00000 . Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, ‘Brance eee canna arnt vet : lirs. ‘Erdenebat Ojon; Mongolia. . : Konstantin Shugnov, USSR >> Francis Marcel kabn, 1 ‘France (Comitet Vietnan ve canner ar arr National) _ 3 fi Thich Nhat: e Hands South Vietnam © ants is not, by any noans, a complete listing, nor | So, -; does it necessarily list BEREIREN's most important. - - aetivist contacts abroad. But this list is ra~ - presentative in showing the breadth of BEHEIREN - disison abroad, particularly. with the American. “new left" ======== PAGE 15 ======== KAWA, " sec 7 " relary-genera] of thle tee (Beheiren), tells conference Tue: ision appearance -Manday by the. Soviot -liner. Raikes ‘oviet port of Nekhodka, ” Sources in the.- Metropolitan Police Department sald -Tues- could have boarded the ship by special -gangway for. Soviet} -f i | peacefully Government officials, :. Japanese’ watchmen: werd ton Suard at another gangway; for ordinary . passengers when $222, . cd. passengers. ° Including “elght .. Americans, , nama’ gangway. Tt was ‘learned that 17. offi: f clals of the Soviet Embassy and ‘ trade mission In: : -The police it was “quite pe Y Soviet anthorities in Tokyo ar ranged * e deserters’ exit... Beheiren Pledge | pie Yuichi Yoshikawa, ,Becretary- "| Seneral of the Japan Peace-For “Vietnam Committee: (Beheiren), told a press.conference Tues- day that the committee could not | disclose - show. «the ‘four Americans left “pecause’ it” had romised. not to do ve He nelther affirmed ed th ‘| Naito. said.- m.'the US aircraft carrier Intrepid boarded the] th ‘ner ‘before: it: departed Yoko-|- 50 r sources ald that possible” that the: a a2 lee q a4 id who made a dramatic tele. in Moscow are believed’ to have ‘left Japan irregularly which left’ Yokohama on November 1i for the Far. East . wo . Not Worried. “ they* were — practicalt 3 '|}Penniless but appeared - quite} unconcerned, Naito said, . ave He id he deserters” aph Soe parently .. enjoy: ippie’ lfe,: tc on pan and. aeked | frying on cheep vapees, food; jhe Behelren ito find them-Joba ange ono such as udon in. which they’ could utilize (noodles) ‘and shochu.” - 3 thelr English brofelency. He said the four Americans: The Sar ren 0 rea .wantéd to: live in Japan, and! ey. could - nT aPan fie “possible “in Tokyo. _t {Naito and his friend. Yamao* 7. decided to ask the help Beheiren ‘and delivered the} . four men - to: the Beheiren,; around: November 26. Japariese: police. authorities scon hikawa -sald.” -_ Naito. said’ he met ‘two ‘of/after they learned tha the. .four — deserters—Airman| could: not. live in Japan. Dick 19, and Airman|~A spokesman. for. the Justi Mike es , 18—at -a -hip-| Ministry" said” “Tuesday angout in. Shinjukujthere was. nothing’ oad eye 2 at vert ‘s leavin; le. . both.: Americans] r t 5 Wore leather jackets and other:ministrative ‘agreement ‘in the informal clothing which they!Japan-US Security Treaty gua- sald they, borrowed from their:rantees Us - military ‘personnel Japanese hippie friends hang-.the right to come, to stay in : . ‘|, He sald he understood. tha other eye, Lindner and the the four Americans were . tech: Barilia, 20, -and -Aireoq we Crale_W." Andersop,taty personnel, -” - 20-went - “around Furthermore, " if: their: exit " she : was before: ic US authorities} - pialte. cay overtone a ana made. an omidial request to the iu, : -95,ithem, he added, - ; . nia : fo..28.4 ze" also said there. were no _ be preferred against the heiren officials and-other Ja- ..jthe Americans ‘in ‘Japan and helped their departure to the ing around: the Shinjuku: area. or leave Japan, ically still enlisted .US mi Prentice “Craje: Ww, : ener! exit] in pal took place: on’ November ‘11, it house: .in Hayamiyacho,.. Neri-‘Japanese police to search for ber: 2 _ Wapanese Jaws allowing charges * :panese people who: “protected” Soviet: Unio a ======== PAGE 16 ======== Went: to Tokyo and Tridd to Dissuade Them; St ‘Frobab Bly Escaped roa Japan_on. the T 2th or the 13th 4 ‘2 - (New York, " November’ 20; Correspondent Tadashi. ONODERA)’ ” Professor ~ ‘Erngst_P-iYOUNG of Dartmouth College in the U.S., -consented to an “interview . with. this reporter: on the question of the four American ‘seamen who deserted from the U.S. aircraft carrier Intrepid. At the interview held on the 19th, Professor ‘YOUNG clarified that the:Peace for Vietnam Association ‘(Beheiren, . with Makoto ODA acting as its representative) . contacted an anti-war organiza tion in ‘the U.S., and at this, Professor YOUNG hurriedly visited Tokyo, and . ‘meeting the four seamen in a room. in an apartment house in Tokyo on the 9th s-and 10th; tried to persuade -them .to return. In regard . to ‘the’ ‘pres ent ‘where- * yrabouts “of these four seamen, he made :the ‘noteworthy,, statement’ ‘that “those . “four were still in Japan, up until. the night. of the ith, when: = bere, Japan, - 2 pba t they are _Probaby. no: Long : Professor: Behedren ‘contacted ‘Davia ‘DEMCNGER, ‘a vact#ist: aztivist™ in the U.S., asking him to "send someone to Japan to hear the stories of * ythe four seamen and announce them in the U.S." I have been in Japan ‘twice, , and I also once served as special. assistant. to Ambassador REISCHAUER. uring that’ time, I became friends with Beheiren representativa’ ODA’ and ther intellectuals in Japan. It was for these reasons that I was given «this assignment...; I personally have never, participated, actively fn the ore anti-Vietnam war movement. so far.. 7 : ; 7 er ~~ ” When: dia you arrive in, Sapa, ~ seamen? wo Boe, fo0r -- Professor: I arrived. ‘in Haneda on November 8, and met the four seamen gen the 9th and the. LOth.... The, place of interview was in an apartment house’ pe dn Tokyo, but I: ‘cannot say. at. this time where’ that apartment, hoyse was and” ziwho owned it... However, on both days, I talked’ fully with, these. four seamen, evefor more than. three hours. on each occasion (according ‘to an investigation: made by the public security authorities, Professor YOUNG. ‘arrived in, Japan ‘toward the evening of the 8th, and stayed at Hotel, Tanakanwa’ ‘in Shiba, ‘£5 Minato-ku, until: ‘the: morning of. the, ith)... 5 ces ; : . What 1 were “the motives for these ‘four seamea's ‘desertion? ; a “professor: The desertion’ was. s completely the decision. ° ‘these four © persons. . It seems that the. four seamen decided not to return. ‘to the sship, — =,when the Intrepid ‘entered, Yokosuka Port on October 17, and they were per- © oy mitted to go ashore for rest for one week. | My impression.on meeting these’ - i yp.four seamen was that they were definitely not ‘deserting’ for the purpose of | chs selfeadvertisement or that they, were giving false reasons. I am, convinced ‘_teerthat mney. ¢ deserted veally. out oF doubt. about. the Nietnan ware ° * professor: T On: the “aight ¢ of ‘the aed, ‘two. 5 days b ‘before’ ‘the "enegia “was due to.sail, the four went to Shinjuku, and told the people whom they | met at a bar they happened to visit, that "we are fed up with war." The i... Japanese who heard them sympathized “with ‘then,: and. at’ one time, the. four lived with some hippies (according ‘to this paper's investigations, they’, include Mx, K., a student of Tokyo University's Liberal Arts Department, ' and vanguard artist Aes who gather a at Fugetaudo 4 in a Shinjuku. ). Finally» o ======== PAGE 17 ======== ========== FILE: 104-10065-10028.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ‘Toa-to0ss-i0028 [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 : Seonet a e Pa * 3 Ramon Joseph ALVAREZ Durant Recruited: March 1955 as member Station unilateral . surveillance ~~ team : OA - 28 Feb 1955, 1 Oct 55: Converted to Contract status w/annual salary $3600. Late:1956: P/A in charge of surveillance team § also was in charge of photo surveillance of the Soviet Mission, including processing the film, LIEMPTY was crypt for the k#a support team targetted against the Soviet Embassy. Under LIEMPTY, the 3 basehouse- were encrypted: LIMITED - basehouse across street from Soviet Embassy. See net LILYRIC - basehouse across the street from FAY Soviet Embassy. LICALLA - basehouse ak from which pictures taken from garden area of Soviet Embassy. Note: photo of man alleged to be OSWALD was taken ' from the LIMITED basehouse,. 12 Dec 58: ALVAREZ married LIEMPTY-19 (Hester ROOS, who assisted asa him during the next 10 years as a part-time support : . : asset xm as P/A for the LIEMPTY activity, surveillance § photo coverage of the Soviet target (1958- 1968.4 : In Oct 1962: In order .provide maximum compartmentation between the various basehouses, Oliver G. SCANTLING was inserted as the cutout to the LIMITED. basehouse and its basehouse keepers (LIEMPTY-6 §& 8), réplacing ALVAREZ. ALVAREZ continued as cutout for the LIENTRAP (roving van), - LICALLA and LILYRIC. This-gave ALVAREZ more time to process. raw photo take. This continued from October 1962. until 1 Sept 1964 when ALVAREZ assumed cutout responsibility for LIMITED basehouse - again. In 1969: ALVAREZ separated from LIEMPTY-19 and a mMmaaagRr messy divorce suit followed, In Rec 1969, he was put on half pay & had his ops duties suspended due-his full-time — involvement in legal matters re the divorce. On Zh June 7 he .€ LI-19 signed quit claims §& secrecy agreements, ALVAPEZ paid $1,099 as termination honus . Last Station contact with “ALVAKEZ was XMXABXEEXLARR May 71 ¢ ‘ when ALVARKZ received the iast of his termination bonuses, visited In 1963 when OSWALD allegedly wakkadxints the Soviet embassy, 25? Y( SCANTLING was &ek the P/A for the LIMITED bas feRET ‘and LIEMPTY-6 (Jorge Barcello VILLAGRAn Alvarez ) was the ph Te who took the pictures, ======== PAGE 2 ======== . ee % Sat SEgge> car LIEMPTY-6 was recruited in June 1954 as member of physical surveillance team, In Dec. 1955, he and his wife occupied the LIMITED basehouse. He took pictures for 13 years & was terminated 31 May 1968, signed quit claim § secrecy agreement which was witnessed by SER ALVAREZ, \ ALVAREZ wax presumably was the individual who developed the photos which LIEMPTY-6 took, as well as the photo tech coverage of the other 2 basehouses, SCANTLING's true name is Juan N. FRAIS-RAMIRRZ. (Contract agent) Soviet Embassy Coverage: Project LIEMPTY converned primarily with photo ron, 993 of the Soviet installation. ive ALOR, 931955 through 30 June 1972, ar ead 593 the original 3 basehouse$ which were: LIMITED had been terminated. = LICALLA (activated in 1957 to provide photo coverage ; the rear (garden, parking lot area) of the Sov. Embassy. LILYRIC (activated 1956 to provide photo coverage of the front entrance of the Soviet Emb. Terminat 30 June 1972. LIMITED (activiated in 1955 to provide photo coverage of the front entrance of the Sov. Emb. Terminate 31 May 1968. ========== FILE: 104-10066-10010.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Thos 10086- 10010 wi 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS. ACT OF 1992 § I, a : Sota oe SIGNAL CENTER USE x4, a te toe sate frogs * onF oO OF oO OF ‘DB CLASSIFICATION ‘SECRET a, : Sg STAFF. , SIE DIRECTOR a~Les81 CONF:4), : FILE ps 2 yl CLC. oy 4 eal oissen o,/7 MOY, yi, KO, DD werumnve PER s-& BI Dene ¢ re: [unser curse MEXICO CITY. ¥ ri RYBAT UNINTEL RNVIEU ¥ LX }. U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SELECT COMMITTEE ON ASSASSINATIONS WHO CURRENTLY INVESTIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES, ~ SURROUNDING ASSASSINATIONS OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY AND DR- MARTIN LUTHER KING HAS TOLD. STATE THAT THEY. INTEND TO PURSUE LEADS IN PORTUGAL» UK AND MEXICO RELATING To JANES EARL RAY. CURRENTLY ” SERVING TINE FOR KING, MURDER. THEY BASING THIS INTEREST oN INFORMATION THAT “RAY WAS IN LISBON BRIEFLY IN MAY 198. SHORTLY BEFORE HIS APPREHENSION IN LONDON IN JUNE 1968. 4 , 2. MR. G. ROBERT BLAKEY, CHIEF COUNSEL AND STAFF DIRECTOR OF COMMITTEE SAYS SELECT COMMITTEE TOLD STATE THAT HE WANTS To ESTABLISH "CORDIAL RELATIONSHIP" WITH APPROPRIATE PORTUGUESE “NATIONAL POLICE AND HOPES TO ENLIST THEIR ASSISTANCE INCLUDING ACCESS TO THEIR FILES AND IN LOCATING AND INTERVIEWING POTENTIAL WITNESSES -4 3. DEPARTMENT HAS SOLICITED EMBASSY SUGGESTIONS AS TO HOW BLAKEY SHOULD PROCEED. 4 one DO.NOT REPRODUCE ORIG; © usr: ‘RETURN TO CIA EXT: , RELEASING OFFICER COORDINATING OFFICERS AUTHENTICATING OFFICER CLASSIFICATION REPRODUCTION BY OTHER THAN THE 1SSUING OFFICE 1S PROHIBITED E 2 IMPDET ======== PAGE 2 ======== OUTGOING MESSAGE SIGNAL CENTER USE ONLY - AGE cor acer 66 Tre MRO OMF OO Q B i) is] i) is] CLASSIFICATION SE CRE T MESSAGE HANOUNG INDICATOR DATE-TIME GROUP cre MESSAGE REFERENCE WUMBER STAFF DIRECTOR 12393] OD weees # 4. WISH TO CALL ABOVE TO ADDRESSEES' ATTENTION IN EVENT INDEX DISSEM BY: CONF: INFO: FILE NO INDEX oaq -retuanto PER [steTrons are SOLICITED FOR ADVICE OR ASSISTANCE- RTACTION IS COOPERATING FULLY WITH BLAKEY AND CONNITTEE INCLUDING ALLOWING THEM ACCESS TO DIRECTORATE RECORDS. AFTER SUITABLE SANITIZATION FOR SOURCES AND METHODS. HOWEVER. BELIEVE COMMITTEE'S EFFORTS TO INTERVIEW POLICE AND WITNESSES AND RESULTING USEFUL INFORMATION OBTAINED, IF ANY, IS LARGELY OVERT FUNCTION WHICH CAN BEST BE. HANDLED BY LEGATTS OR OTHERS WHO WOULD ALSO BE IN A POSITION TO BE PUBLICLY a OR IDENTIFIED IF NECESSARY. ¥ 5. (stafrowsjexeected TO, PROVIDE EMBASSY BEST ADVICE IF SOLICITED BUT REQUESTED TO AVOID INVOLVING [STATION -OFFICERS).IN NEGOTIATIONS EVEN IN THEIR [COVER)CAPACITIES - IF CIRCUMSTANCES SUCH THAT THIS UNAVOIDABLE. PLEASE ADVISE H@S BY CABLE SO THAT THE MATTER CAN BE APPROPRIATELY HANDLED WITH BLAKEY AND DEPARTMENT. & df , ORIG? 0/SA/DO/0 LSOVERNIS COORD: OLC {CUMMINS?. DE/LA {LAUDERF. 9 CAME eR peu sac accu , C/EUR/IB {ger mes AUTH: a5 SA/D0/0 {KATROSH}s REL? DC/EUR {ESTES}.¢ pare: 24 NOVEMBER 152 Sedfome E- L&E orig: -MASOVERN . unit: O/SA/DO/ Fa ext: 4542; oLe—¢ avreurvec [fl oeriafy “HI ; Y fakes h iC /EUR/IB Lona? Pirro ee 7 om COORDINATING OEPIcEns i - AUTHENTICATING OFFICER wa 'N BY OTHER THAN THE ISSUING. OFFICE | ‘SPI “BITED. -E-2.-.. IMPDET wh 2 SESE nD ce en AR RW. ========== FILE: 104-10066-10076.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ‘ees 10066- 10076) 1 $2025 RE RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 h Ime. Rr cs ‘ c MEMO FOR FILE SUBJECT C : OTS (late TSD) and Jim McCord's Cuban Activities: 1. Ben Colling ‘phoned to say that one of the feLlowsin jail. is still around, and after he got out he inquired around and got no indication that McCord was ever involved, ‘Hone of the other oTs poopie: have any recollection of McCord's involvement, 2e. I said that Iwas sure that the man who was rolled up - might not have any idea pf NeCord's invotvenent, if indeed he vas - involved, If McCord'!s involvelenent was merely headquarters plannigs, and no releasing operation was ever undertaken his role might never ‘surfaces However, we had been told that planning-did involve. Tsp pople at the time, along with Pecuritys For instance, I knew that . the Security man with TSD at the time had a job of hand-yolding with the families of the thrse non; there may be some TSD record of that. which would lead to someone who would Inowe ; . . Be Golling was pulled out of a staff meeting to tall to nme 2 and 1 . said he would call back later. : . SDB “RETURNTO cA. Background Use Only Do Not Reprod ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 - MEMORANDUM FOR: PIRECTOR OF CENTRAL TELLIGENCE | ments.’ ‘Shortly. ther eafter, t he 5 Havane * Shai ation racing t the i con currence of Ambassador Bonsal and Miss ‘Carolyn O. Stacey, an Embassy employee,-to mourt an audio opera m against NCNA throngh- the wall of the adjacent apartment in which Miss Stecey lived, - In November 1959, the FE Division sent one case officer and one TsD technician to Havana, and the installation of a microphone and tape ~ , Fecorder was completed in Miss Stacey's apartrment on 29 November - oo 2. ‘By 5 June. 1960, it thad pecomé vyident that two other zooms occupied by NGNA: possibly-hotzed- communication ‘equipment and were used for conferences, At that time Bryer nus] FE Division - ease officer, went to Havana and explored the possibility of improving the operation, Hé managed to lease an spariment divect?y over the’. a NONA’ office and arranged for a stay ~behin ad agent to Occupy this s ace, 3. Tn August 1950, ‘a team of three sD technicians who were a in Havana on 2 separate SR Division operation agr eed to install the... as additional equipment required’ for the NCNA operation, A second FE: : ‘Division. case officer, Robert Neet, came down to Havana; and he,- oe : together with the technicians, installed 3, robe microphone and tape | oe ' vacorder in the apartment obtained by [Ma oF ver the NONA office, «| . on About this time the equipment was removed from Miss Stacey's 97. 12 27 : apartment, with the exception of the plastic probe which was teft ~~ ) nthe wall.and plastered over. 4 bes ======== PAGE 3 ======== 14-00000 4, As an additional security precaution to provide a safe haven, and after consultation with the Acting Chief of Station, akey_ to an apartment in the same building 2 e2ased by Mrs, Mazjorie Lennox, an Embassy secretar y, was obtained, Mrs, Lennox was . told that access to her apartment: was 2 esded for photographic -_ surveiNance | purposes.. and ee ies ‘would work against ‘holding indefinitely the lease to. the apartment over -NCONA since the owners of the building were _ cancelling sub-lessors' contracts ‘and recalling leases... Ii was, therefore, decided to install transmitters and switches in order to permit continued monitoring of the target irom ‘A distant listening post,. “Another: three-man teama of TSD technicians “consisting 9. David L, Christ {alias Carswell), Walter E.. Szuminski {Alias Taransky} and Thornton J. ‘Anderson falias ‘Danbrext} documented as tourists had been sent to Havana to install audio equipment in the Chinese Nationalist Embassy before it was due to be turned over to tee he Chinese Comrmnunits,. This operation aborted, . This team was ..-: -. then sent to work on the instatlation of the transmitie xs inthe apart. _ snent over the NCNA office. : : 6. At 2400 hovrs on 14 September,’ Christ, who *vith the other technicians was working in the target apartment, falled to keer 2 scheduled appointment with Neet, At 0100 hours on the 15th of © - September, the apartment of Mrs. Lennox was entered into and. searched by Cuban authorities, and. she was teken into custody, AES oe 154 #0 hours on 15 September, Neet, 2 he stay-behi Ind | agent and his: wife- we e picked up by th Cuban authorities and detained, : _ As of teday the agent rernains inthe cust stody of the Cuban’: - authorities, His wife bas been released and is still in Havana, .Neet was released.1715 hours 16 Sertember and has subsequently veturn ned. to Washington where he is being debriefed... Mrs. - Lennox w: Sat, subsequently released and has also returned to Washington where she isbeing debriefed, The three TSD technicians remain in confinement,” They have been seen in confinement but not contacted by an Embassy - officer when ha first attempted to secure the release of Mrs. Lennox. : Christ was last seen by Neet when they were j s the morning of 15 Septembar, At that time Christ Q ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-00000 : found on one ‘of. the ‘technicians “who ‘identified th, the apar tment.to- “employees. ‘It ds unclear’ at present wh: ‘wpor t by. the technicians and station pee, be used in ee : they: were caught : . knowledge as- to . apartment in which the 1 men werk caught i is in the i name of £ pene. ogent, swith the original. lease being in the name’ orpan be charged with espionage "against the people of China... Subsequent | : Hugh. Kessler to. ‘contact the three men at 1730- hours on 17-September | . leaving: ‘Cuba 2s tourists since the filling out of the landing card - to have been maltreated. : : 8 “According to articies in the éuban papers the three technicians were arrested. while in the apar rtment over the NCN: office and completing the ‘installation of the equipment, The ~~ press article adds that the key to Mrs. Lennox's apar stment was whith it belonged, “AL Cuban’ “pr @sa releases have refersed to the men by alias arid. have not.identified them as Government or Age ptor y had been: ‘oreed 4 > stay- . 34-the. sg 9. Initial information indicated that. the three technicians would preas releases have been unclear on this point. An attermpt by Consul was unsuccessful, . He was not’ ‘per mitt they were in custody, nares them but was told tted to see ; “The three technicians travelled to Cuba as 5 ts urists. under .: vary tight commercial cover, two.of them working fox a. company 4 in: New York and the third, on 2 in \ Baltimore, in eack ‘case'the cova door: “Pele phone’ messages: ‘and zoail are picket Fi Agency contract employee. The men were provided with this ‘cover | as well as unbackstopped home addresses for use when entering or. requires this information. Subsequent to their detention the home” addresses have been partially backstopped so. that inquiries will - - indicate that someone with this alias name had lived in the apar tment suse in question. Insofar as the cover companies are concerned, | fforts are being made to provide a backstop to withstand inguiries -. rom the press shouid the Cubans reveal this information. In view | ‘. gE br ======== PAGE 5 ======== 14-00000 | other inquirers,... The law firm has been briefed on the éntire situa . tion. ‘50 that they may-be in 2 position to ect if any action by them. ana whether recognizable photog: rapas of the individuals are: released - >to the” press,” ‘The two wives so faz have taken. the bad news’ exces cf the thinness of the cover, itis uncertain whether this wall succeed, . ‘ll, A cleare ed and wi tting law firm in ‘New York h has be en briafed by Mr. iL. Houston, on the situation with the: thought th + inquiries . : seceived by the cover company could be referred to the firm of: -- lawyers from whom ro comment would be obtained by the press or appears ‘desirable or feasible: “Tt woe aot appear that snuck: suppor of aay. kind can be obtained £ from th s tre dethen: me Sook} in a diner in the Des ar by the Gffice of Security, and he will get in touch with Security 4 ie he zeceives S any inquiries on this mater 2 _Securi ty, by the Same Hons and. course of Acton. : 13, The wives of the other two technicians have been told what . has Happened and are being contacted at least.once daily by TSD. statlers and their wives who have been briefed on the situa: ion, Ale: roblems on which the Ageacy ‘could a be the wives are telling their neighbors sip. ‘This story will be adjusted depen he Cuban Government takes; whether the aliases remain unbroken well,. Q G n ‘ ======== PAGE 6 ======== MEMORAY DUM’ RE (SibscaLspe , . ns 20 Septermer 1986 ’ record There is a folder of sensitive non-0S/ material pertaining to this... - operation, retired under Black Taoe wrapping, Job #57-86/78, restricted , to Offices of DCL, DDSI, DBP, C/WH, C/sH/PL, o/si/s, C/o, 3/TSD, Director of Security and General Counsel. China Operations is not cited as. an originator, address¢e, or info resipient of any of this sensitive’ material.. WH/RMO ======== PAGE 7 ======== 14-0000q> . . 27 vote | . be ART Oi ISAS "REG? Seebioral » : fet. 1, iusth Gperacia: *) Mator_ Billy B. Cevgdelt, Towsnnder. 7 woe aba : han 3 Uan year ¢ Coa. Og aC LO Bo: Zr: oe Lhate pa! may cose sitheut. advent ams, « How Miaad, Mexiec Civy, Sv conutingenty ples se fo. empleyees. ; The cor that Eagse | te Were 2 ericd wine Er t have fas pe weadat at, trek end tle. aaY Sk ======== PAGE 8 ======== ; : . LS Ce C Ce wa al saa uo & 3B. Reqnest for bilesk tre ae , . i. Request thet RELBAGH CONTINGENCY OVLAN 62-2 be Zeplemented. | 2. Pors of entry. ve 2 ‘ 3. Date, Losal time, ad aixd: h, Dasired dest, dns OD. a, 5. Other regrimarots, de., otretehers or bunks in the event gubjevts are Bbowpital esses. a oe : G. Name, organization ona ‘celephona muscer af zequeating party. - 7% Name an@ telepaase nucher of * RUBE RK gontests: et daating exd off-inniing points. . ; : C. The following pergonnel sre unculeageatsie ond “ioc 3 with respoasibility of activating thie pier: oO a : tae 2. Major Richart. f. Fe Sane, 25/6SD/T: s/o Organization: Aix Surnert Wivisio, mo/P Home Phone: JH 3-1h05 _ OF€iee Phones: Sterile Nerberzs MB 83205, EE O55 Earvenusdces 92,7858, TOT ; Real Tare 1558 “2. Me. Roberh Merraro - . ss oe COrgenization: fiz Sorport Rivisies, Ob/2. : Hore Phome: JA t3 - Ofiee Faene: Gaee as 2 ee eterna, 3. Major Billy 8. Caushell, Comender Tat. ZL ; o Orgenivation: Das. 1, Wsth Cyz tonal Braleaidan aml . Traiving Cx, Eghiu Airy Foree Base, Floride. « Howe Phone: 652737 ; ; a Offee0a Fhonet Eglin Air Force Resa, Floclda 631590 4, Mejor Keusets Re Burtea, © elt Det. at Creanizatien: D2 ! : y rsp Kyo Pini De a AT ======== PAGE 9 ======== Distelovtion: -~3- D. Tet: 3. fivatsh 1 G54 ond orc dn steutby easactty umbil further notjae. Staniby capecity is heroin defined as espability to Booltion the eiscratt at any gort of catey da east, seh or anuthyest: UY. S. fron Easton to Los sugeles wlthin 15 heure. EB. Aseurtiug the subjests will be released dn Havana or Mexico City, Bet, L wi pregere mission feliersa for Flights frca eost ; proveble porte of entry + te Teolatien ema Andrews Aly Forte Base» -fexeuep na scone } Grig. & 2 ~ CL Star? 3-6 ce BS ofee G/tsp CoG Tee c/w. Gd US 0 0 tf eee ¢ & 4 ========== FILE: 104-10068-10142.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 2 CABLE DRTATLS THLRPHONE COAVIRGATION THCLIDING VERBATIN TXT BDWAKS POSSIBLE “COMMOTION SOMIET COVERDENT wett aSsuscrmarTon, CADE SUPATLS MUNRO CALL OF 25 OCTOEER 2962. Cask. a a OSTORE OL TIAISOS cOMTACE VINA Fu SRR AD NESTS costact. HER MGCID-5 ASSIS MUSPOMSIRTLIPT Tuts AGFIVIEY 70 KOGAN. USNA received telephone ‘cal on 23 November lating to be Potish driver of. ‘Russian vehicle. _Tnfor:nation c/er AVINEATICATIRG Grriga® Opprece Tita ay HOF WER THAN THE (SUG OFFICE iS PROHRITED. 2) Cony Ra ========== FILE: 104-10068-10164.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ~| 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 } “ pe/amo: R. Chtn, 25357 | PE/TELD: Mr. John Keanody, 15934 RETURN TO CIA Background Usa O Do Not Rien: ========== FILE: 104-10068-10172.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ‘oa“toose-to172ee 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F, KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 ti 113. SECOND REGIONAL (SARK INFLUENCE ======== PAGE 2 ======== ========== FILE: 104-10069-10077.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 1 104-10069-10077| [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | 00 )3 244,087 nL he 3037h 27 Noverber 1962 : - oS i gupgeets ” Reported Use of Yacht Potomac by Alpha 66 On 20. ‘Nov €2 ‘LAFO received an unsolicited telephone call or the Usted * telephone numoer. ‘The caller wanted to advise that there was reportedly in the harbor at Long Beach a vesse)., formerly used by the late Theodore Roosevelt, called the Potomac. This vessel, according to the informant, was . being used by the Alpha.66 organization. She was believed taking on e carge of weapons crated as Argentine beef, and destined to leave soon for veattle. He added that a Wes Davis had just bigned on as an engineer, and there vas enother character named c1art Roberts on board. Both were descrived as tearded . adventurers. ee s 2.--The caller refused to “Adentiry himself, claiming that ke did not lmow whether contact with the Agency would be approved by his employer, and further cid not know whether or not the vat a as valid o or of intergst. ch, l : esssn 3. In ‘response to. a call tothe Intelligence Officer, ULCG, it was icarned . . that ther 1s a vessel, the Potouwac, formerly one of the 155" USCG cutters. “- For gome time.it had been used by the late F. D. Roosevelt as the presidential - “yacht. Later it had been disposed of to the Maryland (State) Fish and Game ' Commission,. and more recently it had been acquired by the Hydra-Capital, inc., 410 West Coast. Highway, Newport Beach, California (OR 5-1549). . hy usce: advised further that. an investigator for the Los Angeles County Prosecutor, D..L.‘Wheeler, had accepted an assignment (taking leave of absence to do so) to bring the -Potomac’.from the Barbados to California. The plan, supposedly, was to make ‘her a ‘floating museum of some sort. i On his arrival in Bartados, Wheeler is reported to have found the craft in foul shape, with only.a-.single engine. operative. a 3 g The craft later, however, did ‘turn“up . in San Diego in October and was later baeryed tiedip in: Cerritos Channe] 3 ; She an : appears tobe’ eres as age of esha 5 A: FAL “(paragraphs 4 and 2), subsequently identified vas re-contacted by telephone. Th Was actiyity came his way, we @ would appreciate another ail ; aviong ears the statement hat it was his.understanding that the Cliff Rovérts he eferred to pre- ‘viously had come. from Barbados with the vessel y) This was' ‘tepivak eg): first : reference ” to Barbados. : ; S Or J 6. The above’ is. for your information only. The sketchiness of the material ~ “presented LAFO ag well as the circumstances of its origin militate against its _ eredibility. As:a consequence, no follow-up is anticipated unless requested, » WAETURN Backgrowiis. Ui y ‘Bo Not Reprocuce ========== FILE: 104-10069-10112.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== \io4-10069-10712 . | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | cee 2225579 a states ody 4S00r. ° cans Ap contact, watt a. new source Who will be | a continuing one ? -88 [Robert Pratchett, Ja. US. citizen. with 27 yeers éxperience in. os whois currently in direct contact with a Cuban’ counterrevolutionary: woos group ‘in. the: US known as “Alpha-66, ‘and who is also in contact with anti- Castro Cubans.wor" ing in Havana. ‘ He will give us more detailed information during the:coning weeks ; and: represent to us the, ambitions » operations and proposed sabotage activities of Alpha-66 so that they can either be . : controlled, encouraged or @iscouraged, es the case may be from the ot viewpoint of those. interested. in Cuban’ section . ‘GLOUPS « . ” : 2. ‘ Bio. data on ‘prachett, ‘for. ‘any ‘prior clearance’ c or interest in hin, based: ‘on what’ he > may. Present to us for, consideration, is as follows: ‘ oy New York and Havana a and Co., Havana 946 ~ 1958. Paramount Pictures Internationel, Havena| 185 | Arny (Rank of Major) _ New Providence a New Jersey qT we 36° ‘Prachett, ‘Who | appears “to be: a nature ‘and loyal us citizen, is . interested in being of the best possible service to the US Government in, @ non-pay status, in assisting where he can in terms of his detailed ' | knowledge of Cubans, Cuba, and the Spanish language, which he speaks : “| perfectly. Other than observing the plans of the Alpha-66 group as a j : - potentially: successful sabotage group, he is not affiliated with eny - , counterrevolutionary group,. but is: now in business for. himself es a DY -- private investor in a firm-hg ome’ and operates, called/PREFIXT Business | /: Forms Inec.,.60 East hend St.6° New. York. © He indicated that Aghe-66 plans © ' “were ‘to blow all:.the power, pl o : ReTURNS 7 a Background Use Only Do ) Not Represuae ========== FILE: 104-10069-10120.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 1 104-10069-10120) DER ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT [e) THE PRESIDENT JOHN F KENNEDY SASSI AS 2025 RELEASE UNDER 8010—104 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum TO : ATIN: FROM SUBJECT: eins SECRET ges Chief, Contact Division PATE: 31 August 1962 Support Branch (Crowley) Chief, Minneapolis Office ; La Cuban Refugee Group 0 G3 1. Enclosed are three names provided by (George Hauer of Cleveland, Ohio. These apparently are the eaders of the Cuban group which you_and I have discussed in some detail, For the record » Gaver PO in touch with me because we had Present. Headquarters' records will show, however, that i he was interviewed by Gene Rittenburg in September 1960. ; for the purpose of establishing reception groups, taking in medical supplies, ammunition and weapons » and to bring out other Cubans who wish to leave the country. As you know from our discussions, they are seeking help in the form of supplies, ete. CHauez) understands that no help will be given without some measure of control by our Agency, and he agreed to provide the names for Agency consideration. oe third man on the list is in Cuba at the present time. Heuer} : Specifically requested that we treat any on-the-street ° investigation with Qreat care, ue me your expression of interest as soon as possible. {Hauer ds not an exceptionally patient man » and I certainly expec to receive an inquiry from him in the near future. I believe he is genuinely motivated and quite capable » and in his resent position of recruiting executive personnel for. mst & Ernst) he could be quite useful to the Agency, VERNON R. SANDO , V 3. Please expedite any checking you might do “th sor] C - Hi ° VRSando/jr Enclosure SECRET SENSITIVE 599% ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 ========== FILE: 104-10069-10132.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992) ‘iioa-to089 10132 . ores cr 9, aia . “a cower | Ttay \ - ROUTING AND RREORD ‘OHaET : eran | COAMENTS terior cad conned to. st aco te oan Crew 0 tae cues cess hse eas OTANARLE 1 asiaryes SST @ SUTURE AAgn ann. ======== PAGE 2 ======== Tos Ghicf of Statlon (itsma Pen") Infor Qitat, PR Frans Chdof of Stattan®. Wet tea Gemaral s Cpaya tions} (ia Ea \ Sudjoats Spesities InformaGien cemmoraing fdea A fOT1OF REQUEREDs Bone in exnaver to rogutst of Scan, the following ta a eanpoal te ef informatica fia LEGSLL P. (aprep (ing7 8) end VERQEL M, Ren (1059 C) concamalag Eéca a. : 1, Essoylptica of eubjests btetwass 93 and 49 years eld, ehowd 6 Sasd tall, rathcr tal@, all mowsteshe, vary etreng ax’ vigaran, fine wate resin, Hae Speaks quite geod Eaglica, Bo fe marricd end bes eto 9 cp W=ycur ald dara. Es bea o edoter fn Bey ost vie Jo a saturaldasd Auaricoa citlem. Ciisulbeaye gi jent cpcald all, Leva fimo suole, hes ca tnpsussive Misery, Texte co exd palate vary vali. 20 Early during tho war bo vas Gaperte’ co o Jou to a Comma concentration caxp (Catecad priscear’o Mésntificatica aumhor ca righ? fore-c/74)) are ho epea coveral horrible end curviwad ealy by ack Bisco EMS be kaa esst ef bis tine ds \ES apparently fin intelligeass cp- related erat of tho timo, (RSME, GEYUA beparte tat tea fice) MAME nop La Cand 1990-2. cas cucked fo by em offer fen oudjost to nowst cambilesd cparations asi wes ehortly aftanands éslared SA Bo cmate by the Preseb. 3s Oudjeot tock pars on a civilian ia the Atlante Oparatian oe oon ane to ono roport, vest.fa uith vest cums of conay bake propeganiny BG cppesitica, ota, SUITED (Idea BD) and “AGES 5 idee J coeiered Yea A°0 exsexplictmcat is Contgal Viet Ban enong the fou notable athicuanaste ia that epea, particularly fn respcot to hie contributies to the Vietmmess pesifiestica progrca vaich bo coordinated tareughost the esurca of Operatica Atlaata, he Ou ica8 Ao en cid fricad of Gal) 2 , feomer obic? of TUL Ea eas for a tise (Junndngest 1999) EaGional Desuri ty Bivialen, éuming waleh tina ke proposed to VILLIENS jaint eparatdoas=-goal retourcss end expeedeyso— (cinilar t Caiot proposal, ebove) but VILLINES pefuocd, considered proposal pre veoatica sansuvar. §, Maret—April 1994 cebjaut eppieashad Statica ani UBMID for eilitary exppert for. wrogres to cuppert suslews of a pesplo’s ailitta (gama in tho Ba freng esua, Jaferation end carrespoatense oo thio praponal ve cant spon request, - SECRET ======== PAGE 3 ======== eon aagreens Isat 37 Enoleserca - Tama, 9 8 Saxo 2933 me grig 0 2s Miivosca is Gite? 73 ochiost tx URMEEaS USS © Tas & $165k ty tropa Gur © rs 999) edajen® za cand ty tho | oe cicsica to Poland ead fast Gummy €9 oStead 0 SECRET EPS ======== PAGE 4 ======== ce . + ne Governor CY ‘ / 4 a, t SECRET é fa 20/ — Pb7ES” es e D Sw be & on. a 3 os Pe Pe yet as &s . Y a ========== FILE: 104-10069-10185.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Tod t0089-10186 : | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992), por = SE FET ————-n TT ee —DISPAVCH | secarr ee . ee _ — an ‘seep fod CORES Chief, Task Force W [axe eesese | } . ae Aa Wot ets : Chief of Station, JMWAVE ° CE eee —_ woact Opera tiona 1/GYRO SE So Agreed Activities Sosy REFERENCE: DIR-14742 ju --- i } « | i . . 1. INTRODUCTION. As a follow up to reference, Maj. Watlington arrived in Wiami on 6 June 1962. After Maj. Watlington had an op- portunity to discuss the local situation with Lt. Col. Carlos Causes + the local ACSI representative, arrangements were made for a lengthy | session on the subject of Agreed Activities. It tas agreed that | this discussion would take place at 1000 hours on 7 June 1962 at a JEWAVE safehouse facility. This meeting subsequently took place as | . geheduled and was participated in by Lt. Col. Causes, Kaj. Watlington, Dudley R. JENTONS, Charles B,.WIESINGER and Andrew K, REUTEMAN. fhe specific points which were outlined in this discussion are covered in the following paragraph. | | 2. DISCUSSIONS. in the course of the 7 June 1962, conversations with ACSI representatives the following topics worthy of recording were discussed. a. Opa Locha Refugee Referral Procedures. Way. Watlington made the point that in accordance with the agrecrents which had been reached between ACSI and KUBARX, local procedures were to be agreed upon in order that ACSI might obtain refugee referrals froa Gra Locka which could be used as a basis upon which to mount OB collection operations. Maj. Watlington under— scored the point that ACSI had no interest or charter to run other than OB collection operations. At the — : | Gane time if any of their operations produced intelli- 3 OF ‘a Gence on subject matter other than OB, this intelligence ° ‘ i on would be reported via existing ACSI reports channels, . REUTELAN indicated that JLAVAVE, acknowledged the validity of ACSI's mission in the OB field, and we were therefore f ; willing to 99 erate fully in this regard. On the other ra eg yahds ve Lies S6ved that it was essential that certain + pro. Ueete Yuk — : - - bee Cw - 8 PES a 2a / = scr 2° Som. i, Folds =~ ; istribution: 3. - Chief, TFW aU oe 3 "bo Net Reproduce, TO 7 BO ti ======== PAGE 2 ======== - — = SONTINUATION OF " CLagainicaTion . DieFATCH GYEEOL KD KUMETA ne BIGPATEH . SECRET UFGA-4322 safeguards bo built into any Opa Locka r@ferral in.order that we could minimize the possibilities for duplication “of effort and/or wire crossing. This concept was readily accopted by Maj. Watlington. It did not, however, strike a totally responsive chord in Lt. Col. Causes. This was noted but in order to proceed with preliminary arrange- nents, REUTENAN put forth the proposal that ACSI register a list of dgent requirements with Opa Locka and that this ‘list could then be used as a basis upon which refugee screenings could be conducted. It was suggested that Col. Kail would be the logical point of reference in Opa Locka } through which the referral system could be managed. In ame . *this connection it was pointed out that once Col. Kail ~ identified an individual whom he considered tobe pri- —~ marily.of ACSI interest, he could arrange for this indi- vidual to be referred to Lt. Col. Causes' covert unit, At the same time Col. Kail would make arrangements to pass to KUBARK representatives at Opa Locka and to Station JMWAVE ao copy of the Opa Locka debriefing of the individual who had been referred to ACSI. Upon receipt of this in- : formation KUBARK representatives at Opa Locka and at Station JMWAVE would review the referral, If this review revealed that the individual was not of operational ars, interest to JIMWAVE and his primary access was not in fields . V7 other than OB, no objections would be expressed relative to ACSI retention and full exploitation of the body. Maj. Watlington expressed satisfaction with this proposal and “gtated that he would be prepared to discuss it further once he had an opportunity to personally review the func- tioning of the Opa Locka _center. ~ YL QA ect agiioi or Re use by aveTherUs. Aging Tune b/ \ far b. Antonio “CUESTA Valic. “Born 13 June 1926. Lt.Col. \(° Causes asked if wo Could clarify the current status of « our relationship with Cuesta. As this name did not ring as a bell with any of the JMWAVE representatives, Lt. Col. Causes was asked for further details. This produced the mtatement that ACSI was interested in CucSta ‘And wanted to uso him in an infiltration operation: ACSI had allegedly previously traced Cuesta with Station viWAVE and had re- coivod the reply that’ KUBARK had been in touch with the individual but had terminated him because he was unreliable. , In view of this response Lt. Col. Causes wanted to know whether we would recommend the reuse of Cuesta by ACSI. Wo responded tea this by stating that we would review our files and would forward a written reply to Lt. Col, Causes within tho next few days. . . . sae a c. Laureano *BGATYSPA Falla. Born 1 May 1938. .Lt. Col, CausdG asked Iv" Wwe stliY rétained an operational interest in Batistal Ef we did not’ACSE was interested - in using this individual in an infiltration operation and 83 a result wanted JLIWAVE's opinion as to Batista's capability and reliability. We advised Lt. Col. Causes that we would check our files and would forward a written reply relative to Eatista within a matter of a few days. uv “ d. Antonio *ORDONEZ Hernandez. Born 24 August 1918. , Lt. Col. Causes asked If we Were currentiy in touch with Ordonez. Ag this name rang a belli with REUTEMAN we ren: sponded by stating thatYSubject tas of tnterést to ual In this connection we indicated we were{ willing to reexaming)y . Gur relationship with OrdoneZj7in order to detérmine “his — 4 full potential or capability, and if his capability was . ‘greater in the OP field than in figlds which wer@ of interest_: to us, we would Certainly consider/relinquishing our interest, aw ======== PAGE 3 ======== CONTINWATION "1C ” BIseATetA " CLASGIEICATION SECRET. ———_—$——— UFGA-4322 — — Lt. Col. Caugos stated that he felt that he had established his equity in Ordonez through the name trace procedure. Despite this, he had found that Ordonez had disappeared from circulation; and, there- fore, he assumed that we were debriefing this man. e. Third Country Diplomats. REUTEMAN asked the ACSI representatives whether they were currently in touch with any third country diplomats. aj. Watlington stated that\ACSI had previously tried to harness thepy €apabilities of the Spanish, Uruguayan and Canadian § @iplomatic pouches./{ Coordination of these activities With KUBARK had resulted in ACSI's being denied the use of these facilities. As a result Maj. Watlington stated that at thy present time ACSI was not: in touch with any third OF Bnet, On the other hand, ACSI was interested in pursuing the third country diplomatic channel ps a means of establishing communications with inside dssets. At this point Lt. Col. Causes stated that he was very disappointed at KUBARK's refusal to allow him to use the facilities of the{Spanish, Uruguayan’2 or Canadian poucheS\] It was indicated that KUBARK under- stood I. Col. Causes' reaction; however, the KUBARK position was based on sound security principles and could not be altered. The additional explanations which were made relative to the security implications which were inherent in the use of third country diplomats and how misuse could affect long standing government to governnent or service to service agreements between ODYOKE and free worid countrics did not make any impact on Lt. Gol. Causes. This gentleman was predisposed to anterpret KUBARK's refusal to allow him to use certain 2 (diplomatic pouch Phanneis as a clear indication that Sie-of KUBARK*s “primary responsibilities in the Hiani area was to restrict and inhibit ACSI operational activity. Once this attitude was identified no further attempts were made to persuade Lt. Coi. Causes that our actions had been taken in the best interests of the intelligence community. f£. Wardtime Yafiltvation of ACST fgents. A dis- cussion of those Support Gervices which KUEARK might render to ACSX operations revealed that Lt. Col. Causes was still interested in having JMWAVE infiltrate two of his agents into PRRUMEN, in this connection the poiut was made by ACSY that under optimum circumstances they would prefer that JMVAVE assume responsibility, for the agents in. the lidami area and then deliver them through a secure mechanigm to liavana. if this were not possible ACSX would reluctantly accept infiltrativa of their agents into any point in PBRUMEN. Lt. Col, Causes was told in very precise terns that JMWAVE would not undertake to infiltrate any of his agents into Havana, On the other hand, we would consider any proposal for the infiltration of selected agents to a beach area in PBRUMEN, The point was made that in this connection Lt. Col. Causes had to understand that our maritime capabilities were limited and we were currently committed to the full exploitation of ‘these assets for at least six weeks in advance. As a result any operational plan which he might submit to us should be keyed to the agsumption that approximately six to eight ‘weeks would paGs before we could realistically consider the servicing of his request. Lt. Col. Causes agreed to project his operational plans within this frame ..of reference, “iF : é. Me, : : . KY / ae oe ete etn eaten NE pr en REE SSL RESTS a Abc eceemra ate t cassie STORET ORE a Pe lasheoe semen + enunennnenenenreanenen ence ne etre eaten hilt sie aime Sime & ======== PAGE 4 ======== ARITA ARVO re CLAGBINICATION ~~ Vosrarch evi ax enkenta DISPATCH ° | SECRET UFGA-4322 . G. Documentation. A discussion of tho documentation ~ problem relative to agent infiltrations revoaled that at * the ponent - ACSI gid not have any.documentation problems which they’ felt warranted discussion at this session, | ’ : h. " Coordinatioa Forms. The discussion of opsra- tiopal coordination revealed that ACSI was willing for JMWAVE to coordinate locally those operational. proposals which might be received from,Lt. Col. Causes. Once this ; coordination was effected and if there were disagreoment, ~ then the operation could be referred to the Washington L headquarters of both ACSI and JIMWAVE, Maj. Watlington . > stated that the forms for effecting coordination in ac- cordance with procedures which had been agreed upon at a4 Washington would be sent to both JMWAVE and the ACSI unit vad in Miami in the near future. In view of this Maj. . _ Watlington suggested that we not initiate the coordination mechanism until these forms were on hand circa 1 July 1962. a Dr nazapeme en ge ner Pe pees me ince i. W/T Assets. The discussion of the use of W/T facilities in terms of PBRUMEN operations revealed that the Miami ACSI unit did not have any W/T assets in PBRUMEN at this time. On the other hand, Lt. Col. Causes was interested in establishing W/T assets in PBRUMEN. In : oT view of Ghis he asked if JMWAVE would continue to assess, polygraph and train those individuals that ACSI thought _ were suitable W/T candidates, It was indicated that we * iepeereret ae nt were cortainly prepared to review all appropriate cases and would render whatever support was required. This then resulted in a discussion of whether JMWVAVE would be willing to monitor ACSI W/T transmissions from PBRUMEN in those instances where the W/T operator had not been assessed, polygraphed or trainod by KUBARK. We indicated that we \ would ba glad to moniter, such transmissions if we were told in advance of the date, time and frequencies on which tho breadcasts were to be made. This then led to a dis~ cussion of whether JMWAVE would be willing to transmit C/V messages for ACSY agouts. Here again, we stated that we would favorably concider any requests for C/V trans- missions providing that we knew the content of the message, the identity of the agent who was to receive it, and the « ..@gent's location and equipment which he might be using. Lt. Col. Causes stated that in view of this discussion we could anticipate that he weuld be levying requirements on us in the near future for support in the W/T field. ; t if { & ea RAE Morty jo Seeret Writing. A discussion of 3/W teéhniques iv revealed that i¥ @ yéquest for the issuance of S/W were ie recoived from their Miami representative it would be re- viewed, and if ACSY approved the operation KUBARK would be asked to issue a system. If JMWAVE agreed via lecal coordination that the operation in question required the use of S/W, then this recommendation would bo cabled to our Washington Headquarters where coordination would be effocted with ACSI. Once this was accomplished, KUBARK Washingtgn would cable to JMWAVE the number of the system t which was \to be issued. JMWAVE would then issue the system to the ACSI representative in Miami. 3. COMMENT, At the conclusi6a of the above discussion arrange- ments were fade for lunch, but Lt. Col. Causes chose not to partici- pate in the luncheon session. During -the luncheon conversation "Haj. Watlington indicated that he did not believe that Lt. Col. . Causes would cooperate within the spirit of the DCID's. As a result he asked that JMWAVE be extremely patient with ACSI until such time - as Lt. Col. Causes retired and could be replaced. Maj. Watlington t eed o& ======== PAGE 5 ======== OLBPATCH GYESEOL ARD WUMEEN UFGA-4322 CLASUIICATION = * SECRET indicated that the retivemeat was scheduled to take place at the end cf September 1962. At the end of thé luncheon session ar- rangenonts were made for JENTONS to take Maj. Watlington on a ~ rour of Opa Locka, Based on this tour additional discussions axe to be held with Maj, Watlington. particularly in regard to tho development of proceduiles for referral of agents to ACSI from the Opa Locka flow. 4. OPA LOCKA, Maj. Watlington and JENTONS subsequently went out to the interrogation center at Opa Locka, Here they had an interview with Col. Kail, “the tenor of which was, on the part of Maj. Watlington, to assure himself that the ACSI repre- sentative, Francasi, was having adequate access to operational leads. Col, Kail said that operational leads were shared ac- cording to their abilities between the KUBARK representative and the, ACSI man. However, there were occasional difficulties in assuring that the men best qualified received the body in question. In addition, he said KUBARK. occasionally pulled a man out of the Center without his completing the full treatment which precluded the ACSI representative's getting his hands on someone who might be well qualified for their operations, Maj. Watlington believed that assurance that the ACSI representative got a fair deal might be achieved through a more complete briefing of Col. Trudencio Ulibarri, who is in charge of the preliminary screening so that he would more fully understand what was needed. JENTONS said that this would be a very good idea, but that it would be better if it were a dual briefing with a KUBARK representative being present as well. Maj. Watlington said that he would ask his headquarters for permission to have such a briefing given. Coil, Kail expressed his opinion that the assignment of JENTONS to formal liaison with the ACSI representatives would do much to eliwinate present difficulties and all present echoed this pious thought. 5. AGREEMENT, When JENTONS turned Maj. Watlington over to Lt. Col. uses after the meeting at Opa Locka, the two ACSI representatives said that they believed that, for the time being, it would be better to continue the system as at present, pending JENTONS' permanent arrival at the beginning of July 1962. As. Lt. Col. Causes is obviously skeptical about the outcome, this was agreed to as a stopgap measure. END OF DISPATCH “at /f- 2-1? g enc Sp eertk ========== FILE: 104-10069-10260.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Toa 10069- 10260 - | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 / of Y a . ES . No-1 72-55 3 : ve te chi Lise : 5 May 4 Ww tn Wl : ton Chief, Mew Grieans Office The ti-formation Councit of the Americas, 620 Gravier Street, Hew Orleans, Louisiana 70136 Ref. on NO-152-65, Support Branch (Richardson) memo of 28 April 1965, “3% pon AIS es ee eed 1. The Information Council of the Americas (INCA) Of 620 Gravier Street, - New Orleans, Louistana, was recently opened 'as a source of foreign Intelligence information on the radio broadcasting industry in Latin America, The current program of INCA is primarily concerned with the dissemination of taped record~ ings of anti-Communist material, called Truth Tapes, to certain radio broad- casting stations in Latin America and North America for use as a weapon against Communist penetration in the Americas. tts headquarters are located at 620 Gravier Street, Hew Orleans, Louisiana 70130. You will find the names of its. officers, directors, and consultants given on the enclosed letterhead of the. organi zation. A J2eL:HYO 2. We have been in recent contact with Edward ScannelV Butler, Executive Vice President and Staff Director, and have received his assurances of. whole- hearted cooperation in our agency's mission. [¥esterday we examined all of | the files ‘of correspondence between Hr. Butler and personne! of various radio- tations in 16 Latin American count ries.| tn order to build up a market for the Truth Tapes program in Latin America, Mr. Butler first obtained from the appropriate consul in New Orleans a list of the radio stations in operation in his country. He next wrote the administrative personnel of these stations about the anti-Communist purpose of INCA and offered to supply each station with Truth Tapes. Those stations requesting them were then provided with a series of the tapes. One or two years later, Mr. Sutter sent the participating station a questionnaire designed to elicit information. about audience response to the Truth Tapes program. Copies of the first questionnaire and of a revised one are attached for your information. Judging by the responses we read, the {NCA correspondence files will provide a limited amount of information; dated i304 aad 1555, an the identification of radio stations in Latin America which are broadcasting Truth Tapes, their addresses, the names of key personnel, the identification of stations not responding to the INCA offer, sizes of audiences, and their responses. Ja the case gf Uruguay, the exchange of correspondence between!Nr, Gutter and for. Martin Mi queo-Narancio pontained information about the political orientation OF 8S > personnel “tn Montevideo /HO-TOO7E/. This example, bowever, is an exception, ce the files contain virtually ro detatled political information of stanifi Ll PG . > / * SC7D fait TAT copy ~ bO-Nor RELEASE Copy t RETURN TO CIA Background Use Onty Do Net Reproduce’ ( LY Oz74dS ======== PAGE 2 ======== foned yesterday that, tna Id wetecoae r ppestions avout addittonsal topics. C stions designed to elicié technical information about ‘the station and its equipment, such as descriptions (manufacturer, type, model) of trans~ mitter, receiver, antenna type and power, frequencies and frequency range, reli- ability of cquipment, normal and emeryencsy power sources, remote pick-up arrange- ments, etc. We stressed of course that none of these topics should be introduced into the questionnaire unless Mr. Butler was convinced of their suitability for his immediate purpose as well as for the long~tern propaganda alm of his organi- zation. He stated that our su3gestions were entireiy proser and, in his opinion, were reasonable requests that would not arouse the station manager's curiosity. We pointed out to Mr. Butler that, while Information fabout key personnel and — their political orientation,) about the station's adainistrative policies, etc., was of prime importance tous, these subjects obviously could not be introduced ‘into the questfonnaire. He agreed that it would be better to elicit such infor~ mation in another manner, as he had done with(Dr. Miqueo-Narancio,Pbut because of his very heavy responsibilities, he did not Rava time-to-devefop similar ‘sources of information in each of the other 15 countries. 4, tt occurs to us that you or a possible consumer could assist us by ; suggesting other appropriate topics for Mr. Butler's consideration in the revision wt of the questionnaire. We shall appreciate whatever help you can glve us In this regard. 5. tn the meantime, as soon as all of Mr. Butler's current correspondence been properly filed, we expect ta extract the appropriate information froma hes the folders and to present the material in a series of 00-B reports LLOYD A. RAY DABrandao/gn Enclosures cc: Services Branch ========== FILE: 104-10069-10359.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== TO: (Officer designation, room number, ant bvilding! . ORFIDEN Ab ======== PAGE 2 ======== in Moscow when’ he \(the: ft September 1961 as: part of making this view of Hal known to you.’ Our- source comments, that. "aelperin always seems to show up whereve feed ========== FILE: 104-10070-10079.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Toa-t0070-10079 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 } pa oi And a Action Required: ” Lode Traces on AMFAUNAS 2 through 23, ident POAS” n AMFAUNAS 2, 2 4, 6, 10, 121, 12, 13, 1, 18, 19. . 2. Ascertain whether AMFAUNA=3 is of operational interest to ODIBEX (see paragraph 15b). | 6 3. Forward evaluations of documentary intelligence provided by. i j AMFAUNA-4 (see paragraph 56). . - . “a an . N . a 4, " AMFAUNA-12 is a Cuban national who was recruited and trained in. H : the United States and returned legally to Cuba(in March 1961 to serve as yy : resident agent in.Havana.> Since then he has built a net @f over twenty fly sub-agents and“*has*sent back 140 S/W messages, from which upwards of - fifty intelligence disseminations have been made. He is highly : ‘. motivated for his work and under effective control by JMWAVE. The quality of his production is, for-the most part, very good and improving although‘he is at times distracted by an understandable interest in para-military operations. Operationally he is very skillful; however, . he has been known to. take unnecessary risks. There is no reason to think that he is under hostile control nor that the operation is likely’ in the future to be turned against us. There De however, the real. we risk that he may one day fa}1 into a G-2 trap baited with the Escambray guerrillas. If so, this Will be due to the fact that contact with the guerrill was his first assignment and, although he has been re- : directed "to intelligence collection, he sometimes seems to feel that e has led in his primary mission. This, plus the fact that he a evident. believes that the end is now very close, is apt to make him. f. 1 ~ertseneg to an appeal from the “heroes of the mi Py - : AN @Present Status of the 0 eration. - Modus 0 erandi: S$. There is considerable evidence that AMFAUNA-1 is A ni ttachments: A-D; Inc1 Y>. Se . pare Charts A,B,C,D h/we A, =" ‘Fig ~ 6S cory il July 196} Attch. E'- Identities: BEAT ANAS 229). - - Jeattch. F - Identities, ~~ . ~ | t tna Ki UFGA-4703 o3 ar FG b - Sf 201- 291986 : tot a ======== PAGE 2 ======== 1 : skillful “in the practice of security. He has built a false identity | » takes pains to check on the security. of his sub-agents, and he uses Zz ROJO )to such an exte . legally, and all his f ‘that she should not reve ' KUBARK, hoping to collaborate.with him; AMFAUNA-1 treated them both ot | ‘whom he recruited without prior checking because time did not permit “he -has reported that one of his subeagents is under G-2 surveillance, i unreported cutout between AMFAUNA-1 and AMFAUNA-4, “women. AMFAUNA=1 has’ not been explicit on this point, but it is ,...-;' . believed that he shares his favors between them. “If 80, he has the’ | | different bed edch night. This practice must certainly reduce the - of . i Communications: UFGA=4703 * SECRET | which he uses wherever posaible in his opsrational contacts, he is usually selective and cautious in his choice of collaborators, he a syotem of cutouts for much of his work. 6. Someiof AMFAUNA=1's older collaborators know him by true name, | but wher Ver, pagoible he introduces himself to new contacts by the - ; name of (Fyulsd MROJON\O Evidently he is now living the part-of (Julio ?7 that he has in effect a double identity. In one Of his S/W measageés he asked that the widow of AMCUSP-] be warned not to reveal that ("Ju on is in Cuba. Since AMFAUNA-1 is in Cuba : i Yiland friends know it, this can only mean that AMFAUNA-1 and ("Julio ROJO" )areo7 2o/- 241930 pseud@Nymn used bu Shb ool | / Fe In: recruiting sub-agents, AMFAUNA-1 relies primarily on his H own judgment and intuition. If he approves of a person, he will recruit him. “However, he has shown himself to be very cautious in granting his approval. He has reported two persons whom he does not. -. completely trust because, while otherwise well qualified, they drink. too much and are indiscreet. For two other examples, AMBOAel and LITAUe& approached him separately and revealed their relationship with identical. with reserve while he checked them out with JMWAVE. He has submitted, the names of other contacts for checking. In the case of AMFAUNA-4, ( it, he put his misgivings in-writing: "Right away AMFAUNA-1 arranged for a personal interview, taking utmost precautions» since we have had sad previous experiences with members of CASTRO's armed forces." 8.. Once he has recruited a sub-agent, AMFAUNA=1 manages to keep i an independent eye on the former's security. On more than one occasion and that for the time being he is staying away from him. _ 9. In general AMFAUNA-1 seems to trust in the efficiency of his security precautions. On 25 February 1962 he reported that Identity 1 had been caught, but that he was in no danger because he had been compartmented from her.°Thisycomp. etmentati is achieved by the use ~*} of (five, cutouts: "AMA? OM FAUNA-3, ANFAGN Ba AMBOA-1, and A=5, who maintain contact for AMFAUNA-1 with most if not all of his subeagents. Chart A, which shows AMFAUNA-1 in. direct contact with AMFAUNAS 7: through 13, may be in error on this point. It would be more in keeping with AMFAUNA-1's known modus operandi for him to have . cutouts between himself and these sub-agents, ‘If there is a cutout or cutouts here, their identity is not yet knéwn, There may also be an 10. Except for AMFAUNAs# , all the above-mentioned cutouts are women. Two of his support agents, including his mail drop, are also | best. of cover for his relations with them, It also clarifies the otherwise puzzling picture of a legal resident of Cuba sleeping in a possibility that the €~2 will pick him up for routine questioning. ‘11. The bulk Of AMFAUNA-1's communications come via S/W. His méssages to JMWAVE are sent to accommodation addresses serviced by AMPAN-2 and AMCUTLER~1, JMWAVE's,messages to him are addressed to AMFAUNA-14. AMFAUNA-1 can also use(diplomatic couriers) for sending documents and other material unsuitable for S/W. He has‘a personal contact with two of the officers(of the Spanish Embassy yho either bring it to the JMWAVE area and ‘mail it to AMCUTILER-1, or ‘carry it con Madang a Vote ann fe fn aenne eee A a fee aba Janna nl oe \5-. PAK Te treme. ======== PAGE 3 ======== 14-00000 conmmuationce ~ | - = ; tb, -eccond via Be Tha courier 8 of the (Spanis way of (Argentine aay) 2 " IGBATEM AMPAUNA2 18 « Embasay » aooyy SL the use of AHRIPE-1 and AMRAVEL an So yoten can algo work inthe other direction.’ ’ AHFAUNAS1 hag,been suppiied with S/W materiale for his own use by way ol by 4 18. A third commun oneionatbiannal’ etets jn the weekly tolophone conversations (botweon) AMCUTLER-1 '. for pasein, AHFAUNA]-1] is still at liberty. and his wife .s ey AUNA=2$0/ It io useful’: 7 eignals already prearranged by S/W, and for confirming that probably coze firat by this meangs Finances: “ wee If he is ever arrested, the news will 18, Expenses of the,operation ara $290 per month. The money is given monthly to Identity-3 or Identity-4 in the JMWAVE area. 3, upgn receipt of the dollars, notifies identity-1 in Havana who in - turn pays Cuban peses to AMFAUNA-1. cedure with Identity-2. by S/W. Sub-agents: i Identity-| Identity-4 follows the same pro- AMFAUNA-1 confirms receipt of this money 15. Following is a deacription of the sub-agents in the AMFAUNA net, including AMCOG-2 and AMBOA-1 who, although they have their own independent connections to JMWAVE, have to some extent joined forces. ‘ with AMFAUNA-1. j Attachment served as E, forwarded under separate cover, . For the identities of AMFAUNAs 2 through 23, see . ° a. ANFAUNA-2} AMFAUNAe1's sistersinslaw, she formesly various enbassies) and now serves as his cutout to at leas the foliowing: . o Fi (1) AMCOG-2: . She first appears in’AMFAUNA-1's correspondence in his S/W message No. 14 dated 19 May 1961, where he mentions that she was his. link to a radio station operated by the(Rescate) 27 organization. Nothing ever came of this proposed communications channel, but’ AMCOG-2 remained in contact with AMFAUNA-1, helping him arrange asylum for burned agents and passing some of his communica- tions{ to diplomatic couriergt4 AMFAUNA-1 reported 4 on 9 July 1961, in his S/W message No. 21, that AHCOG-2 knew him only by his alias Qulio ROJO)O7In his message No. 118, dated June 1962, he reported that AMFAUNA=15 had accidentally blown his true name to AMCOG=-2. For a further discussion of AMCOG- and her relation to the security of AMFAUNA=-=1 see paragraph 56 below. (2) ale AuNA-4 She is the secretary of @NCOG-2} with whom she hds done clandestine work. She now his contact to members of his net(in asylum in theg t & 25 serves AMFAUNA-1 as an accommodation addres and as a source of information. Message No. 112 dated 18. April.1962 included the name of a Communist nurse | who has allegedly come to the United States with the mission of infiltrating a counter-revolutionary group. AMfAUNA-14) Sbtained this information from a doctor (in a Havana clinicS©? She also is AMFAUNA-l's link to~the Dutch diplomatic pouchyYzUY (3) AMFAUNA-15;: She is a relative of AMPAUNA-1") and.a friend oF AMCOG-2.: She is-also the wife of AMPAUNA-12) 8hd a friend of AMFAUNA-16 who is now imprisoned on the Isle of Pines) and sends her ol.’ a oN | ======== PAGE 4 ======== fl.” - CORTINVATION ; . . : _ ; BISPATEH . , . UFGA=4703 ~ - b. AMFAUNA=3: AMFAUNA-1'e first mention of her is in his S7Wmesdage No. 127 dated 4 May 1962. She has provided information on (military hospitala#‘and has a trusted contact (Identity 7) Gn the G-2.),4She also was AMFAUNA-1's cutout to Identity-12, who was a( Havana contact) of the(guerriila leader Oswaldo RAMIREZ)24In early June 1962 she waa approached by Identity-8 who claimed to be the naw contact to the (RAMIREZ)organization. i (See also paragraph 58 below.) On 15%March. 1962 AMFAUNA-3 . was traced by ODIBEX who proposed to use her in their Operation CASINO. A negative trace reply was given at that time. Headquarters is requested to ascertain whether ODIBEX has a valid prior claim on this agent. ° ” c. ANFAUNA-4} He is a high-ranking Cuban Army officer who has provide ‘AUNA-1 with documantary information which ought to be of some value, although JMWAVE has not yet seen it, it having gone to Headquarters via Madrid) through the * channel described in paragraph 11 above\32He “also claims to f : be receiving information from Identity-9 and Identity-10. | _ AMFAUNA-1 was introduced to AMFAUNA=4%) by AMCOG-2 who in turn | was introduced to him by Identity-13.0l For a further discussion of this matter, see paragraph 56 below. Lo: d. AMBOQA+1: The origin of AMFAUNA-l's contact with this agent, who has also been recruited independently by . JMWAVE, is uncertain. He first mentioned her in October \ 6 1961 as his cutout to Identity-14,(a Cubana Airlines pilot) who had formerly been a contact of ‘AMCUSP-1 and who subsequent- ly defected. AMFAUNA-1's last mention of her was on 15 . November when he reported that she had given him a map show- ing artillery installations on the south coast of Las Villas. It is possible that AMFAUNA-1 has broken contact with her, but since he has not reported having done so it is considered a _more likely that she remains hie cutout to(two Cubana Airlines? pilote}who are known to be still reporting * , (1) AMFAUNA-18: He was recruited in March 1962, and has provided AMFAUNA-1 with(passenger lists) 24 and the\location of artillery emplacements) which he has (spotted from his aircraft). it is rot tknown how AMFAUNA~1 first met AMFAUNA-18, and it is possible that AMFAUNA-1 meets directly with him. | It is only surmised that AMBOA-1l, is his cutout to | | him. (2) AMFAUNA-19: He was recruited at the same time aS AMFAUNA-18. Althcugh AMFAUNA-1 did not explicitly say so, it can be inferred that he and AMFAUNA-18 are witting of each other's recruitment. GARD _R e. AMFAUNA-5: AMFAUNA-1 first reported her as an agent in September -d@ She is the sister-in-law of AM AUNA-23 4 former (naval officer) who had been an agent of AMFAUNA-1 as © early as July 1961 but had been caught and imprisoned for try- ing to leave Cuba illegally.2U4she has been the source of . information on Cuban (airfields) and is the cutout to a group of people. employed at({Rancho Boyeros Airport)24It is believed ‘that the identities of all these people have not yet been reported, but they seem to be effective. On 29 May 19621 AMFAUNA-1 reported the arrival of an undocumented Soviet ‘plane 3 at Rancho Boyeros) and forwarded the passenger list which he said one of his agents had obtained clandestinely. Following are the persons with whom AMFAUNA-5 is known to be in contact. UBE ¢ Ped ° a (1) am€auna-20) her husband. AMFAUNA-1 has written that he has broken personal contact with this man, ======== PAGE 5 ======== 14-00000 . oyna SEE ne epee ae cine = wera enaparen SECRET °° °| UFGA-4703 ° former €hier engineer of thed& a) he was recruited by Havana 0, and has been corresponding with ‘ (2) AMPAN 121 Of fice OF Kreport Station in 19 JMWAVE by S/W. (3) AMFAUNA-21: alchier inspector of mechanics? for Cubana Airlines. He has stated hia willingness to Gabotage air traffid, put his precise contribution to AMFAUNA-1's operations’ is not known. (4) AMFAUNA=221 A chief Gf electr- cal inatruments of “ for Cubana Airlines’, Nothing more is known about thie v3 oman. “ar re) (5) AMFAUNA-23: Brother-in-latu of (aurauna-s > ae f. AMFAUNA-6: A support agent. AMPAUNA-1 has written wort { that she has no access to information of interest, but ia an I! intelligent and brava female whom he uses for cover and to secure overt information. g- AMFAUNA-7: An ‘old friend of AMFAUNA-~1 and his brother AM@UTLER-Tyo| He works closely with AMFAUNA~@ and@ formerly was AMFAUNA~l's cutout to CGhe Uruguayan Embassy » | he. AMFAUNA-8:° An old friend of AMFAUNA-1 and nis 06 brother AM =Ijo| He has a contact in the Cnterior Ministry) and works Closely with AMFAUNA-7. % o& ° i. AMFAUNA-9: A former(sales manager for: aCcoffee firm) he secures information of general interest from(coffee buyers travelling throughout Cuba. . om j. AMFAUNA-10:«0 A widow of a bank,employee, she has rn contacts in({Santiago de Cuba) and in the (Cupan Navy and G-?. She is also(related to the son of Fidel CASTRQ and has provided information on (the sons whereabouts and indocttination. Zz! k. AMFAUNA-i1: An employee of the(Hinistry of roveign® Trade) and the wife of a Communist member of thef Central 96 Planning Board (JUCEPLAN)} she has reported political intelligence. In March 1962 AMFAUNA-1 réported that she was under surveillance and that he was therefore avoiding her. soe » |. 1. AMFAUNA-12: He obtains information from contacts s&h within the(Cuban Petroleum tnstitute cree) Jo 4 “ m. AMFAUNA~-13: AnCinsurance) company employee with contacts in the Cuban Government, he has reported information on G-2 activities in Cuba and the United States. ‘ Background and Motivation: & 34.16, AMFAUNA-1 is a Q@3-year-oldJCuban male, born in Cuba of Spanish parents. He has tried his hand at various kinds of work S ne luding the Gmport business, journalism (he was once editor of@ fario de la Marina) and insurance) He has also ventured into politics, faving Been a candidate (of the Autentico ane in 1958) p ring the panish Civil War he was a member of the (Falanje Espanolaya d during World War II, until the entry of the United States, he was a agent2y '—6fF ‘the German Intelligence Service.) The JMWAVE case officer who trained AMFAUNA-1 in tradecraft in“March 1961 (see UFGA-1247 of 10 TApril 1961) observed that he already had a grounding in clandestine hniques. The case officer also characterized AMFAUNA-l as "a pheasant, intelligent fellow" and "the most astute member of the team" comprising himself, AMCUS@yl) and AMCUTLER-1 4 vey A ol” i EE AAT U8 ARREST ATE EINE COATES ATO BAE th HE PARA STE ITE ORO APEHAUAE C20 KEPROOUCTION ======== PAGE 6 ======== 14-00000 GLACSIPIGATION °° f yp . “, .t ; ; & f SECRET - en — ST eT CONTINUATION GF UFGK-470 | BISPATCH oO ; children, all atill in Cubaf{as of ugcon 1961) However, it ie noted that the two children havea different matronymics, that neither of them is his wife's last name, and that all three dependents have different addresses. It is ascumed that this is his third wife. Since AMFAUNA-1 has never mentioned her in any of his S/W correspondence, it is also assumed that she has gone the way of her tyo predecessors. ‘fre cS) we 18, AMCUTLER-1. who was questioned on this point, said that his 4 “Brother is living in(Guanabacoa) with his present wife, that he has been ‘ci ocmarried only once beforej°and has only one child from the first marriage 4 is information is not considered definitive, because the last point ih directly contradicted by AMFAUNA-1's PRQ Part I which he wrote him- if, but it is included here for what it aay be worth. CUTLER=1)9/ 'edded that his brother has no sexual relations with his sub-agents except what ie conaidered ncrmal and acceptable by Cuban standards. ie 19. The elements of AMFAUNA-~1's motivation, then, include an adventurous spirit and a taste for clandestine work. Although "anti- ommunism" may be an overworked expression, it w uldegeem te apply’ in She case of AMFAUNA~1,,9i f his former membership lin t Falangeé) and the “(Garman Intelligence Service \can be taken as indicGators. Also included should be the ioss of a(freight forwarding business)which started out omisingly in 1959 but folded up after a yeaMof CASTRO's revolution- y government. Finally, although these factors did not yet exist “in January 1961 when he wae recruited, AMFAUNA-1 is certainly affected bw by the death of AMGUSP-1and the imprisonment @f his father) 1 it ° f te -Bontrol \ “ euneean 3 20, %It is evident from his S/W messages that AMFAUNA-1 derives great personal satisfaction from his work against the CASTRO regime. His connection with KUBARK provides him with the means to do this work. This is believed to be a strong element of control. There have heen many opportunities to test this control, by ordering AMFAUNA-1 te do something or to desist from doing something else, and the control is believed to be effective. Previous History of the Operation ~ January to May 1961: 21. AMFAUNA~] was engaged in some form of clandestine work against the CASTRO regime as early as(December 196304 As with so much elge in _L_this operation, detaiis are lacking, but it is known that he already hed an understanding with Identity-29 whom he had known for twenty ciccypars 6 In December 1960, Identity-29 introduced AMFAUNA-1 to Identity~ »°27,(an MAR coordinator from Matanzas) who had been introduced to, dentity-29 by one of the members of her group, Identity-28,' ¢fdentity- 47,in turn brought in Identity~26,(@ fellow MAR coordinator. 7) re xt 22. In January41961, AMEAUNA- lélcame legally to the United States Avtogether with ANCUSP-}) and AMCUTLER-1)and looked up their old friend AMJAG-4, who at that time was “~heavily” engaged in work with the resistance groups. AMJAG-4 introduced them to a JMWAVE case officer who instructed them to return to Cuba, to form contacts with as many resistance groups as possible, and to report their progress through \MRUNG-1) who was JMWAVE's principal agent in the paramilitary field. Also imlthe JMWAVE area at this time were Identity-19 and Identity-23 Whom they met and with whom they were later to work. |° ol i) . 0423. AMFAUNA-1, anGurL8r-9) and aMcusP-1 returned toCuba in nuary 1961\C_ They dispatched “Identity=16 (to the Escambray,\ Identity- to Sancti Spiritual? Identity-18 to Trinidad),,and Identity-37 to ~ fanzZanillo, Bayamo, and Santiago de Cuba.t0 An unidentified courier was ‘put into touch with the guerrilla leader Identity-15, and ANCUSP-1) 9} ~and ANCUTLERSI) went to Cienfuegos with Identity-19 to make contacts “with insurgétit groups there. ute ======== PAGE 7 ======== CLABSIFICATION OFSPATCH SFEE2OL AND MUKSER SECRET ‘ UFGA=4703 >time, aa did ANRUNG-1) ©} : of ry, _25..9| To support the activities of AMFAUNA-1, AMCUTLER~1,, and aNCUSP-D, it was agreed that JMWAVE would deposit 815000 monthly into t 1 bank account of AMCUSP-) and the latter would provide the ~adquivalent in Cuban pesos from hislown resources inaide Cuba. =5) ol PAI oo a 26. AM€usP-} and AMCuTLER-J continued to busy themselves with npteparations for supporting the April invasion. They contacted « f entity-2r who, at their request, provided cover ag (travelling drug salesmen\for Identity-19 and also for Identity--20 who was intended to be a radio operator for Identity-23. -Although AMFAUNA-1 knew all eae people, he was compartmented from these, operations to some tent, so that after the arrest of ArCusP-1) and the escape of CUTLER-}) he had some difficulty in reestablishing contact with them, ol ° 27. ancurtes!) and AMFAUNAw1, working together, held naetings ath Identity-33, a Cuban Army officer stacioned at the(San Antonio delO } ns es Banos \base, and discussed fee for ayupporting the invagion. /~AMFAUNA-l“also contacted Identity-35, the (commandin officer of thed jan Julian base) and arranged fom its surrender, using Identity=3%,~ ead of the(OA in Pinar del RicPYas a cutout. He had another agent ‘on the base, Identity 36, and had already recruited AMFAUNA-11, an employee of the(Ministry of Foreign Trade,o : oO 26. Gn 18 Marct“h 962) AMcUsP™1)and AMRUNG-}) were arrested by the G-2 While Kolding a clandestine meeting. At first this was not regarded as too serious a matter. The G-2 had broken into the meeting only after having been alerted by the suspicious behavior of a woman a lockout, and it was believed that they had no real evidence. (CUTLER) ame to the JMWAVE area on @ April 196}) and returnedlagain to Cuba on O Aprilstill optimistic that AMCUSP-l)Jand AMRUNG-J) would either be réleased or could be helped to escape .°l However,,one, f the other of prisoners apparentlyfconfessed and implicated AMCUSP-1) and AMRUNG-1) who were executed Gn 20 Meily ‘With the wave of arrests accompanying the April 17 invasion, aveurLer-9 took asylum in the Venezuelan Embassy and AMFAUNA=1 went temporarilpPlinto hiding. ut : 29. On 27 April 1961 AMFAUNA-1 resumed operations by sending fdentities 24, 25, 26° and 27°to collect order of battle information hn Matanzas. Identities 26 and 27 returned tu Havana to report. ‘dentity-25 remained in Matanzas, and I[dentity-24 was caught by the G-2. 30. In May 1961, Identity-30 informed AMFAUNA-1 that sohe kind of conspiratorial activity was going on in the heme of AMCOG-2, He ~drranged to meet her through Identit,-30 whom he thereafter used aaa cutout to her. 31. This phase of the AMFAUNA operation is diagrammed in Chart B, e following people participating in this phase were separated from the ration by known causes: . . a. By arrest and execution: ' “ (i) afeuse-25 ot. (2) AMRUNG-1) of A NN b. By arrest and detention: (1) Identity-24 (2) Identity-28 c. By asylum or escape to the U.S.: (1) aMCUTLER-1) Ol (2) Identity-23 } CASTRO's bodyguard AMFAUNA-1 had warned her not to trust the man, but = “i she met him again ‘on the following day and was caught with him. ~~ f<5 AMFAUNA~1 commented that some of his other agents were not compartmente 1-4 from her, and he had ordered them to go into hiding. He did not 4G identify these other agents. Presumably they included A EAUNA? and 4) AMFAUNA~8. % ui, AMFAUNA-3 was recruited during’ this périod and used as a cutout. to Identity-1206 the (iavane representative)of the insurgent =.Leader(Oswalde RAMIRED. Acvording to an officia,L announcement by .the Cuban Government, (RAMLR as Ji in action on (é April) 1962. Other sources have contra Tcted this reportQand the matter still remains in some doubt. However, according to information obtained by AMFAUNA-1, Identity-12 was arrested in his home in Havana in late April. Fora further discussion of the possible security implications of this connection, see paragraph §9 below. : 42, Identity-51, who during the period sune’ te November 1961, had been serving as a link to(the Ogwaldo RAMIREZ grou » now established a contact with Identity-54, a res dent of (Cienfuegos who claimed to be a disillusioned counter-revolutionary. -As a'¥cutout to Identity-$4, she used Identity-53: As far as the records, Snow, no results were ever —-.obtained from this connection. we, . to . C643. Identity-14 defected during this period, as did Identity-57, _1 7 (nother Cubana Airlines pilot whom AMFAUNA-1 had recruited and was AA GARE ARVO t | msn ROE A SR OORT DA EEA IOIIO EEO SOR CEN ORR ALTE ERNE SE ASTI EEE ST ELI EEE IOC AE ESA RIRNOTNOIE RD AD NL RR SN ar a RE TEES, ======== PAGE 10 ======== . Security Analysis: CONTINUATION OF CLADGIFICAT:ON =) DGQSATCN SYREROL ARD NURAOER 4 GIsPATCH SECRET UFGA=4703 . paragraph 1Se above, FAUNA-1 seems to have an excellent network within Cuban @viation but how it works remains a matter forcgonjecture. It ie supposed that AMBOA-1 is handling the two( new pilots) °o . : uu, AMPAUNA-21 and AMFAUNA-22, both «mployees at (Rancho BoyertoatS Airport, firet made their appearance durin; this period, and AMPAN-12 (who haé and continues to use his own S/W vommunications to JMWAVE) found his way into the AMFAUNA operation. All three are known to AMFAUNA-5, and it is believed that sh. is nrobably the cutout to them, 85, Identity-55 and Identity-56 were mentioned briefly as active during the period from December 1961 to Ap:i1 1962. The former had been a contact of AMRUNG- pl and seems to have gone into hiding; in any case, nothing more has been reported on him. The latter was an agent of AMFAUNA-1 in (Santiago de Cubajoin January 1962 he was in niding and awaiting a chancé to go into asylum. 46. AMPAUNA-1l1 remained active durin; this period, and AMFAUNA-9, 10, and 12 ware added to the operation. Four descriptions of there agents, see paragraph 15 above. uy. This phase of ‘the -AMFAUNA operation is diagrammed in. Chart D. The following people participating in this phase were separated from the operation by known causes: . a. By arrest and detention: (1) Identity-11 i (2) Identity-12. : b. By asylum or defection: ! (1) Identity-14 ° . (2) Identity-55 (3) Identity-56 i (4) Identity-57. Production: 48, JMWAVE records do not show thé tocal number of AMFAUNA reports disseminated since January 1561. The figure is at least fifty, and is believed to be nearer cone hunired, if the present frequency. of dissemination can be a criterion. I: content they have leaned , heavily toward the activities of insurgent groups, militia movemants, location of artillery, and aviation matters. There has been a more recent tendency toward political and economic information, which is being encouraged by JMWAVE, Evaluations of his production are lacking. 49, The possibility that AMFAUNA-1 is a double agent is censider- ed remote. His successful LCFLUTTER, the fact (or what is believed to be the fact) that his close friend and fellow agent cusP-i) was executed, and AMFAUNA-l's owi character and background, alljargue against the proposition that he was originally dispatched by the G-2. However, it must be admitted that the LCFLUTTER caribe beaten.; Also that there is no proof, other. than the fact that AMCU poh uize is in the JMWAVE area and behaving like a widow, that ANCUSP-1)was really executed. There is documentary evidence plin the formolof a letter written by a fellow prisoner to AMCUSP-1's) widow, that he was held in prison in March and April 1961. However, the person who identified and<=buried the body was AMFAUNA-l's father, who was subsqquently 5) - 4 : enenee 6 Dinas aA nF aPrntttatt Pastas 6 ce een CRE RR NET OF RS nae LAS Reem apm STIONS, ttn GARD:REPRODU : tf se ======== PAGE 11 ======== 14-00000 — rots wacom gc CLAGBIMCA? ON CONTINUATION OF oe DISPATCH SECRE? 50. Similarly, all that is known about AMFAUNA-1's background comes from AMFAUNA-1's own statemants embodied in his PRQ Part I, No. confirmation of this information has aver been obtained. From this point of view there is no guarantee that AMFAUNA-1 ie what he claims to be. For all the proof to the contrary available to JMWAVE, he could as easily have been al Spanish) Communist as a member of the (Spanish Falanges 24 q : $1. These points are listed for the sake of ccmpletenggao, but © little@limportance is attached to them. Tht known fact that (QUANTUM=82 and (QUANTUM-52 fonsider AMFAUNA-1 reliable suggests that he at least was not a(Spanish)Communist. And an unusually extensive independent view haa''!been obtained. of AMFAUNA-1l's operations through the reports and debriefings of eight of his egents who have either escaped to or are in communication with the United States. The defection I: Identity-14, and the escape and debriefing» of Identity-19, Faontity-23, Identity-26, and Identity-29, have all cor.tirmed parte of AMFAUNA=1'8 |, story. Finally, AMCOG-3 has reported by &,/W that AMCOG-2 is in contact ~ with AMFAUNA-1, and AMFAUNA-2's telephone conversations with AMCUTLER-1} provide a continuing check on the safety ¢ud whereabouts of AMFAUNA~1.9/ 52. For the same reasons, the possibility is heavily discounted that AMFAUNA-1 has been caught and doubled by the G-2 since his arrival in Cuba, Additional indications that all is still well are the fact that he never omits the safety signal that was given him for use in his S/W, that his operational activities are consistent with his character and background, and that the reporting of his agents is consistent with thejr access to information. 53. Whether AMFAUNA-1 is now in danger of being detected, and whether the G-2 could double him if they do catch him, are two questions remaining to be considered. Taking the second question first, it is believed that the chances of the G-2 running a successful CI operation against KUBARK through AMFAUNA-1 are extremely slim. To be sure, the G-2 has certain weapons that¢they could use against AMPAUNA-1. | His father is already lin prison, serving a fifteen-year sentence, and his mother and two children(are atill in Cuba ac potential hostages.) It is also conceivable that the G-2 could use AMFAUNA-1's own interest in paramilitary operations as a lever by persuading him that KUBARK, by neglecting to support the insurgent leader Oswaldo RAMIREZ, was responsible for the latter's death and has demonstrated its indifference to the fate of the Cuban people. This would all take time, however, because AMFAUNA-1's reaction to arrest, at Least initially, would of, probably be an attempt tojgmulate his two heroes, AMCUSP-1) and AMRUNG-D. In the time that it woul@/take the G-2 to break dowm\this resistance, At UTLER-1) would almosttéertainly have learned, either through his phone‘leonversations with AMFAUNA-2 0: ‘by the interruption of the same, «hat something is wrong with AMFAUNA-1. “ ; ' $4, The risks that AMFAUNA-1 is now running are believed to be considerable. for one thing, at least ten persons with varying degrees of knowledge of his clandeetine operations, have been held temporarily or permanently by the G-Z, which is believed to be increasing in competence as a security force. For another, AMFAUNA-1 takes unnecessar chances, as by interrogating a new and untested agent (AMFAUNA-4) in the personal automobile of his sister-in-law, or by personally trying to penetrate a restricted area. And for a third, he has some contacts which can be dangerous.to him. 55. AMCOG-2 knows too much about AMFAUNA-1 for the latter's good. It is believed that AMFAUNA-1 himself is aware that this is a potential- ly serious security weakness, because he ‘took the trouble to report it (see paragraph 15al above). TMe AMCOG operation is itself a fairly complex one, and will be analyzed in a separate dispatch. The, aspects of it which, bear,on the AMFAUNA operation are that AMCOG-2 and(her o c brother AMéoc-3 dre (close relatives of a very prominent anti-Communistod Cuban politician) and that they are widely known, both in Cuba and in eerie PRODUCTIONS ======== PAGE 12 ======== 14-00000 HO, |b — : . 2 Sen UFGA~4703 et CONTINUATION OF | BISPATCH prosecution for actspagainst it, is a matter for wonder. It has been rumorad that (the old°politician\has a blackmail hold over Fidel CASTRO by virtue of ‘ie possession of very damaging information about CASTRO. There may be some substance to this rumor. As a young student estes is believed to have committed criminal acts, and the (old politician would have been in the best possible position at the time to obtain proof of them. This might well explain why the family enjove immunity today. 56. It would seem, though, that an aler* and competent security service, which the G-2 shows signs of becominy, if it 18 enjoined from arresting and prosecuting an espionage suspect, would at least try to control and moniter his operations by penctrating them. It is there- fore a cause for speculation that, in February 1962, an important officer of the Cuban Army CAMEAUNA-4 4 allegedly desirous of defecting, was introduced by Identity-13 to AMCOG-2, and a matter for Jeep concern that AMCOG-2 passed the lead along to AMFAUNA~1 who accepted it with- out any prior checking and actually held his first meeting with the would-be defector in an automobile tracea"le to AMFAUNA-2. Since then, it has been observed that reports avd sub-sources offared by AMFAUNA-4 are absorbing an increasing amount of AMFAUNA-1's time. The military manuals andjcocuments turned over by AMFAUNA-4, and sent ‘to Headquarters via the (QUANTUM and the (adrid, Station have not yet been geen by JMWAVE, so it is not ‘yet known whether AMFAUNA-4's production ean be given a sufficiently high evaluation to allay the doubts raised by the manner of his recruitment. Headquarters is asked to advise on this as soon as pogsible, and to provide traces on AMFAUNA-4, comet 57. The other potentially dangerous contacts are, as might be expected, in the field of para~-military activities. In November 1961 & AMFAUNA-1 was in touch with Identity-52, a(nephew of Oswaldo RAMIREZ, through Identity-51, a resident of (Cienfuegos to Identity-52 was arrested) late in the year 24 AMFAUNA=1 then developed another contact to the(Gswaldo RAMIREZ group) through Identity-12, (RAMIREZ's Havana ) representative, whose cutout to AMFAUNA-1. was AMFAUNA-=2, a woman from Sancti Spiritus)now resident in Havana, Identity-12 was arrested in jpn presumably as an aftermath of the 16 April battle in which AMIREZ was reportedly killed. 58. in late May or early June 1967, fdentity~8, a person from Sancti. Spiritus known to AMFAUNA~3, called on her in the “company of a certain Ricardo *r2QuTERDE) o claimed tcfpave had a meeting on 28 May near Tceinidad with one Comandante Fide: *HERNANDEZ Perez who gave TZQUIERDO) a letter for delivery to Identity, iz. Unable to find 26(.2utt850)approacheu dentity GLEARANGRS, FOLLOWING Is THE BACKGROUND OF TITS CASE, WERE IS a MAN BY THE " o NAVE OF\WETLIAN J. AC TRESEN TLY FORKING FOR ECA IN Was THGTON WHO IS GOING TG RESIGN FROM ECA AND COME WITH GIA, AIT WILL GO OVERSHAS FOR OPC, HE IS b GOING TO LEAVE ECA SCKETIME AROUND THE END OF THIS MOTH, AXD MUST HAVE SOk ExPLagiat Ton AS TO THE REASON FOR HIS RESIGNATION, THEREFORE, CPC WISHES 70, erxrK LOCATE SOME FIR! WHICH ILL BE WILLING TO BACKSTOP EXX (@cOU'S) ‘RESIGHATION, IN. THE ‘Form or GUPROSEDLY HIRING CON. (AGON) HAS BEEN A RESEARCH ANALYST ON BOOHOKIC ; “AND, FIUANGIAL, PROBLEM? wm TTALY, AND: ‘i? 3S FELT THAT. PERHAPS, SIPLOYUENT. WITH RIA WOULD BR A :202CAL IMEOMKENERWOUREASCH TO GIVE FOR RUSTONING’FROM ECA, ‘THE ATA COVER GILL NOT BB UTILIZED FoR (COW'S) a COVER OVERSEAS, -AROUT ALL THAT ran BS QUIRID OF AIA WOU'D BETO ACKNOMLEDOR, ~ , sasrriyys eS ROROTHBRRE ft TSPORMATICN aye ======== PAGE 2 ======== H LEA “=. SECURITY INFORMATION == CITE NY 2392 CASE 914500) “THIS]IS SENSLTIVE Ao ae inne ======== PAGE 3 ======== -d ooo. . sitgermoncmnrré “TNPORMATTONOSENE some a po 67438 ======== PAGE 4 ======== dustortan High School) = bastordsn, Botherlands _ ° ‘St, Louie Vaiversity, Ot. Leuts, Mtecours: =(4StF ast 6/57 Georgetow Feroign Service Sehool - 2 yrs. { 6/47-8/48 University: of. ‘tengo ~ MA. in Interaaticaal Beononie : _Palattone ia 19581 a eos Eocnonie Recovery in the _Hotberiande = y Mareball. 2 Plea®! c . Greoetved ‘qrecent " Iptermetional cual Eecncmt.st, | GS-7, in = (Suropeon Program Division of ZCA), Meinly concerned: “With Italian end Trisete economic sffatre. Analysed eooncale and financial position of |/itely| in Light of! BCA ai4 progrem, and (handled aduinistretion of the} (eid vrogram iteeif) Aloo prepared two, three and . . four year forecasts designed to show oupected . _ economic trends and dovelopments(in Italy. These. were included in the EG comerteGivaat presentations. Ost. 47 — June '4f Rocoarck analyot in Historical Division } (of Depertzent of the Army. Engaged in selection - . of and formulation of reports oniGorman documents } ce . . which shed light on the Weet Europe camnaign. . Oct, 46 - feb. 47 Archiviat in Office of Military Government ) oF for Germany, Department of the Army. . Served as ebief of the Documents brary, collected rerorts, °. ‘Gievateheo, eables, ete and developed an index syeten Jay b5 2 ‘beg 45 wars ltntstant tel Pood ead tert ( with(Militery Gov's Seetion of Hq. aray Gevup, Dutioe consisted zainly of avatledility ona * Foruirencs te etedioe commocted with food needs of the Gerasa pepalatioa 1 ======== PAGE 5 ======== THES: ‘THAT HE is BEING OFF sD A JOB wath: ‘THE “RESEARCH INSTITUTE, SOF. ~ aifERICA THAT: HE’ "STRESS “TH ANE OF LEO CHERNE WHO ACTUALLY WILL ‘BE ’ GLY PERSON WHO. WELL: ‘BE ABLE ED BACK uP THIS STORY. °° : | Oe ul pe fe wd ae Hoey ======== PAGE 6 ======== * willingness. of Mr. Cherne to backstop.the cover story of a proposed “morning, .23 Jamary Gf. the Be ‘to him in civilian amploymant, Since the Research Institute of America 5 . Pursuant 0, conversation between Ur. (Rose) and ur. Engels of CIa/ope and Mr. Travis of 00/Contaste, an appointment was mada: for Mr, : (Ross) to gee Mr, Leo Cherne, Executive Secretary of’ the Research : Insti- ., ‘tate of Angrica, 292 Madison Aveme, .New York City, ‘to explore’ the The appointment wes made, and kept, for Wadtesday- 1952 in New York City“in the presence of Mr. Clark gw, York branch of the Contacte Division, © =.” proposed story of ‘the (agent jin’ question, ‘take up'an offer to be extended seemed to fit in naturally with his background and activities in ECA, Mr. Cherne was aakad: : . . a. _If'he would backstop the (agent's) story that he wad quitting ECA to take employment with the Pesearch Institute of America during his three months period of (training with cIA,) and b. Whether he would in fact employ the agent |and send him as a representative of the Institute tolltaly|at the con- clusion of his pertod of training, Mr, Cherne replied that unfortunately the latter was impossible inasmch as his company did not send personnel overseas in any capacity, 4s regards the immediate backstopping of the agent's} story, however, Mr. Cherne said that he would be happy to oblige for a period of train- ing only, to wit, three months, after which other cover would have to be sought. Mr. Cherne requested that he be furnished at an early date with more.complete information ag to what was to be expected of hin in his role as a vackstop and further stated that he would like to meet the mt} sersonally as soon as could be arranged, This has been camunicated to Hr. Engels, the case officer, who will oblige at the earliest opportunity, ‘ 3. This case 7428 ======== PAGE 7 ======== W2e , SECRET ======== PAGE 8 ======== ah his MA in International Eoonomic ‘Chicage, has been working for Bi earch Institute of America to Be . iting for their weekly newsletter on 5h do with’ Yestern Europe. (lire ‘Acon : ‘German, French -and Italian.) It could be admitted ia that he would like ‘eventually to do such writing abroad, but has . iH not yet found a way. ; or) - 2. _His hiring may be delayed for some tines Mr. 160 ° Cherne will be informed when the story is to be useds By that tine, Mr. (Acon will: have called on Nre Chernee DANIEL J. WHEALTON; Week, DI /atp ote ======== PAGE 9 ======== _ SECRET b; ROUTING AND RECORD HEET a 7 1 Gui | hs should’ be lsed in the "TO" column, Under each comment a OeN BUSINESS wHICH WAT KNOWN AS (GALES METHODS INC.\, ROCKEFELLER PLAZA, NEw YORK. ie} HE JOINED (THE RESEARCH INST. 1939 X 19530 PLEATE ATTIGN CASE NUMBER TO THESE EFFORTS. ======== PAGE 39 ======== 14-00000 Go FROH SUFPORT (TRAVIS JRA So oy ey OR case he" REUR NYOR 6845. - “MILLARD ADVISES THAT THE NAME OF THE SISTER WHO NED , MR. ARDIEIGH 15 MRS. HELIN B. Bxonoert(ms.‘mgiGes). BIOORAPHIC DATA ON: “anbtSfer = RECEIVED AND MILLARD 38 INITIATING SECURITY CLEARANCE ON HIU, / a8 SOON AS If B RECEIVEDE WE WIL ADVISE YOU Is.wasse 028 ======== PAGE 40 ======== ======== PAGE 41 ======== - REUR WA/21187 ¥ 2t “CLOSED ‘CagE 187 1. “ESS KREUGER ¥ KREUGER, LEO CHERNE'S X LLO CHERNE'S ADVISES HE IS E¥PECTED BACK IN NYC 19 ¥ 15 AUGUST, EXACT X UNKNOWN. re - SECRETARY, 2 °°! HOUR UNKNOWN ©: s Ze ANYTHING FURTHER? ======== PAGE 42 ======== i i } H { H DAHE FROM SUPPORT (TRAVIS )WA 24593 SASS 9145(CLOSED). - . REOR NYOR 9236 AND LEO CHERNE, MOREE Ao THE PRESEVT Tee THERE 1S WORKING FURGHER TO AE Dox, HANES FOR YOUR ANSWER, a ======== PAGE 43 ======== + e ne tae : hon fe Betta Wiesel. Aerio) ======== PAGE 44 ======== l. This wild: eonfina “Mrs (BEG Verbal request thet , Contact Division/0O ask its Boston field office to arrange appointreants for Mr. {Edward HBSo) of Cover Division, PLANS to sea Sty Rot Conpeaje-ead Wee (on of the Board, Gaiety ) (Satety Ke: Rezor Company, and Hr. Gom. 3, Toulnts n, Senior Vice resident of the(Firat National Bank of Bodten) at their oon- ~ ‘wenience on Wednesday May 21, 1952, The purpose of the visit - Py is to expicre the willingness of these gentlemen to aot as ° pt estensible donors of funds to support @ murrent operations pe i 2. This will also confirm Mr Rose's)request that the im . -New York City field office of the Contact Division/0O arrange , 2 appointment ‘for Mr.(Ros8/to seer. Leo a: aorta 7 7 , of the Research Institute of America at Mr. Cherne's conven \ fence on Thursday May’ 22, 195 Cherne, who has for :asi i time rates backstopping the activities of (en agent)in this~ i » has apparently. pressed ‘willingness: tof providen4 th ! | Saepter this’ {agent al abroad, The rpose of the intsrvi ‘ “uh f to discuss more fully Mr. Cherne's proposal. Cow> Di ; f would be happy to have an 00 field office representa nr er present to incur e: gontinul tye” ‘3e AS-8 result of the above requertu, Mr. Ces: found. ; to his regret that he was umable to ovoperste with the égonoy are : at the present time. Mre Toulmi se cu the cthor hend, #as most cooperative. Mr. Cherne, unfortinstwly, was ons of towne ~The Yew York field office has been exked to try te arrange a. meeting with Mro Cherne, as outlined ateve, ver Wodueedey | afterncen, June 4, 1962, ========== FILE: 104-10071-10060.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ‘hee: 1007 1- 10060 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN JF. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 } pn a et —— } Z 4-63 o i ROUTING | D RECORD SHEET an INSTRUCTIONS : i PRIOR TO FILING . TO: ACTION BRANCH t 1. Filin Sect. 2. 0n back. Detach back flap ‘ . . and ‘orward to RID. If file no. and title shown are not proper, 2. Destroy font cover sheet, unless it records ~ | insert proper file no. below and forward c significant action taken or comments requir- document to RID/AN. ing preservation. FROM: PROPER FILE NO. io RID/ TO: ALL ADDRESSEES FILL IN SECTION 1 ON BACK, IF APPROPRIATE COMMENTS ro 3. INNA i. i CY 2E/ f LE / } H i | { ! 3. i i l iq | ! ! . ! : Pa 7 4 ‘ (f i Ma Caer oF OF De lt Sf. oF A ene kt, | ; oka ton yo ~ C te Tern Dope /B/\ —-cuK 4 6. Hl | 4 3. i ! | ¢ i € | 1 | i i ' 73. | i i ( i t i i | ; DOCUMENT NUMBER j 7 UWCA 03510 (49) a ======== PAGE 2 ======== cuss HFECATION. RYBAT/SECRET PROCESSING ACTION MARKED FOR INDEXING NO INDEXING REQUIRED CAN JUDGE INDEXING. || IAICROFILM Chief of Base, Washington GE WOMUSE "Peace"! Demonstrations ‘ACTION REQUIRED - REFEREWCES DIRECTOR 39871 1. Enclosed for Headquarters information are copies of literature mailed by the Catholic Association for Inter-— national Peace (CAIP) to its members (attachments 1, 2 and 3) concerning "Negotiation Nowi" 2. Also enclosed as of possible interest are copies of CAIP materials (attachments 3, 4 and 5) concerning its 40th Annual Conference, scheduled for October 27 - 29, the theme of which is "Selective Conscientious Objection in an Age of . Conflict." The conference is to,be held at Dunbarton College. | A of Holy Cross, 2935 Upton Street N.W., Washington, D. C. < 3. The above items were received: by Oliver H. CORBUSTON who had joined the.CAIP for cover purposes . :in the course of a previous assignment. Attachments i, 2 and 3 are forwarded in response to reference, , oe Oliver H, * CORBUSTON aaa aa Attachments: ‘As stated, Distribution: 3 - Chief, DO/I w/atts 1 = Chief, DO w/o att DISPATCH SYMBOL AND HUMBER UWCA~3519 ; CLASSIFICATION _ RYBAT/SECRET ========== FILE: 104-10071-10122.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 1 104-10071 10122) . » 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 |* wee RETURN TO CIA a ‘ . Background Use Only - - ? + Do Not Reproduce Te cniel, NBA (Z-tZ DATE _ _ FROM Senior doprosentative, (ew Dolhd + * GENERAL Opsrational/ INTEL SPECIFIC CPEYLIPPER = Pranseittal of Reporte of 3, Prepawitted herewith are copies of THAR IAVLT reparto and notes as listed belov, Hot included are carbon copies cf tho initial report (plans vnéated) end the report covering the period 28 Deceaber - 1% January as the third copy waa not nado, . 2. HERIAULP requested that, ig posaidle, a set of bis report be made available to him on his returao to facilitate preparetion of a easter roport on overall findinge and imgpreceions. A Phoans ¥, USED Enclosures Uadsr separate cover (Pouched 7 Hay 1955 “14 Jon ~ 23 Jaa vb - 7 wer 25 Jen = 30 Jan (8 Mor = 16 Kar 30 Joa ~ 8 Feb v18 Kar - 30 Mar F Fort ~ L7Fed Intorvioy with’ U.5. TAG , * 18 Pod (1 pp) Bapr- 12 apr " 20 Fed - & Har Notebook Diatribation: Orig & 4 = Bye 9 Kay 55 2 = Vilos SEE 51-28 A ======== PAGE 2 ======== ec ne een a ene rename eee pee RT debriefing cf T A ee NURI or come to Washington for a day or sc in the very near future for further debriefing. This te to be arranged at her convenience. Fa S 7) In view of the fact that THERIAULT has been umitting R of the Agency's role in sponsoring her trip, I suggested that I s new make ner witting in terns of the security involved. It 2. seemed advisable to me since it 1s likely that there will be a) future contacts with TIVKIAULT, CNEA-5 agreed to this. &/ ‘ & 2) THERIA'LT 4g to be advised that she is at liberty to al digeuss any and all aspects of her trip with anybody with the =) e ception of the Agency's role in sponsoring it. 02. id Peroved from Projec PAF L iPfER =" jassificatlopx: ONG / SECRET cos CCAS & Foldu % > Sot ======== PAGE 3 ======== if Gary ee ee oR OPM LT OE SO Se . : Lures 2e- °) In view of the vast amount of work that must be done, T suggested that 7 plan to spend two days - 16 and 17 May ~ '¢ 4t becomes necesvary. ‘ o Poldg sh 5 Absa Liog Jong Ss Prongag fren SEY = t Boz: NET ~ sy t % 3. 26 Bo 4 Joneral Covsents. iy / 1 beve no. talsed wath aany Ford Pouadation »eopi@ and 1 TO’ peopie. 443 darreseed theds qualdty. They ofe workscg herd and ere doing {t in a colf=cffooing aamner. & have not heard one critiodsn of t.ca froa anybodve There are a £69 Guia, of cour I have not yet mot thea. They fare hore °to help Ind’a eaxay Gut ber projcata and hey 44oac” no one put 4b. ind they seca te Co @ not only der0eraticnscdy but with a very reed wareedb sy2p-thy «o yet they otey quietly in the background vga take none of the zreddte put I feal nore -trongly exch wook % am hare thet the work 40 60134 and 4a having fam enfously geod effest in relieving tension end hostility between the two countricas fhe resuits of the patuad work dre spperon’ now and hope bea recently Ancreased enong Indienay sleo their cam self-csonfidenso, when confidenge ineren: ea, censitiveness deorersea, of Courses Froi ail J have picked up, the feeling 4s widesprond that tmbraandor Allen did e good job out here. as one put At, Phe wan axasetdy right for the period he vas heres; just ao Bowles was right for the epectal probles3 of his two yesara.® Both Indjan and ..ierdeous highly raise both aca. “ve have a prize in Evelyn Heresy snd soagkody sho thapk God every night that she 4s here. she and. De4end i sae? ore posts the .ctrldved suericens in north India, certrinly. Svelyn Hersey ie “nown throughout India, Sho waa Sobinl Webfore nttrehe »t tho =nb-asy beginning I thins 4n 1948. The only cao nttached to any enb-esy anywhere, I understond, Her tore eo to interpret the sociad ch:-nges taking pdeco Sn inddag to beeoad nware of the needa ang probieas and how these needs nnd probleazs were boing iet; »nd to offer her services end her expericasa whenever or wherever it wes asked for. hen the administratica eh nged, she wns dieaieced spublican ba the grounds that this wee a new Sdeag nobody eleo had ever done such a thing, that ia nu other foreign serviog «nd s0 why should the U.Sodam At Hr. cilents urgent insistenae, che was sent baek, this tine unter the »ogia of Ta&i- She is, however, doing the seno jobs Eee duffirenge is very wide; she 4a edalrcd end Loved by liveralig thou:: nda of Indians froa the high echalens dowa to the ovewwersa ano vther horijena. whe do cslled on for e:vieo 4a mares ficlds end by very high offdesala,. Sho vorka behind tho eccucs and fools thet her work vould be ruined were she given aredas for wheat sho hos actually done. she 4s vavid ond full of life end one would hardiy -all hex self effacing; and yot her wore 4c Gone alaoct anonynouely, J heave been around her enough to sae how wido her o4rele of Inddan friends 493 end how conatentl; end continuou sy they etresa through her house, sho go ove indie. Hao trsvelicd moh sore than 209 thougend m4ics.. She say in reoqat tontha ehe hn: felt abeolutely no sutegonica towsrd her ro en Agerdorn. she is ohrewd, hes sherp eyea and cazag 4a know e&zabho poratacr)iyy 43 nobodyis F ooh) 43 etrongiy antic Go %; 4s varahe: and intellestuelly Goenible. Gus of the best ainds J have run 4nto since coning ott. cy J wash «3 had five tines the PE e, in Ti. They coretuld e "Wosd polities, J. think it Posed yeh Pep foe fava hb Bie Nowe, ae aN e. ad ======== PAGE 5 ======== 5. 6s . : STE ONS ca IT GRRE aie ta nm RR(NODED ILS e., Genera. lJomments. (continued,) 4 very good projext haa regentiay bee: inunched, It te cried The Delhi freining und orient.»tion Centre for Pornign Teehnici: ns in Indie. Tiis isa the sceond time At hne been held, YJ think. Gt begins today, Jan. 24. Gontimes for two weeka, (The first one worked out e fine short bibldogrnphy on Indiay and a littic brochure on "Peods eveilable in North Indis.) Thde second coureo covers the Indien villnge, with visita out to villyeges, Indian art, erchitesturo, dance; Indian history; religtony Yolen in india; other religiona and philosophies, Indian fendly lire and customs; Kealth probiensa and rea Urocst educetional problens, urban problens; rural unesploynent and ef@y the role of foreign aid in India; diecuasion of the Pive Year . Pian. pga en we BET It is the wind of briefing that eycry foreigner coming to Indid,Shousd have. It is open to eis of then/ we were dovited ainply cs gueate and shaii attend zany of the meetings. Faiags sre chown; trips to art galleries and auseums, eta, Miss Hersey har hed uct. to do with this; slao Dre bouglas Eeminger. and yrobrbly othera, too, Indians will do zost of the briefing, ‘ 2 ehall write later aiout the PAve year Plen. am etdiai ER etudying 4t. Shall have s number of intervieua with the Ce Planners, or with « few of thea. Shall also go out on acveral ¢ of the projeets, Thie ceeag inportant to ue for scedad changes and how they sre mede troed polétieos, Fhe politieal picture’ oan aert-inly not be dnderstood if the cultural and ev@inl pdoturee are not atudied and apalysed carefully. we +re enclosing » fed excerpte of Hv. Nebra, ur. Menon Gongress Party vi; ======== PAGE 6 ======== 14-00000. R, 3, fm eee ene oe ae A RAR AH (MaDe (tus o4éq ond Ends of Informations 22 Hy Pioh.,told ae that the Gomgunists are organising the dosesti@ workers of New Delhi . Lest woes there wad a gsoating 2° oyahs at Endda Gato colied togather for this pur oo¢, The waex bef ro the bearers (er tho oueep ae) were oslled together. The Gomaunista are godng about it dn s ohresd way; making very reasonable desanils, euch 16 o hal? day off ech woek, n rise of perhaps 4 of & 6e3 a 2onth in wagag, 4 Gouminist dn every home will reslly be somethings Re crya there is iittle petivity of Congress perty or Soeislist party enong lsbor groups. The work is bo done by Gouzurists. fPhey, sonehow,’ nave the soncy Go thes organs sathnal work whase there ds little nonoy ansng reguier workers Guo to weakness of daduatry, suell meabar ond low wages ys of the vorkerayd.Ho io troubled over leak of ootivaty esong the desocrrtfa groupa in isbor cd4reles. Saya he hao been here cniy 3 sonths end ernnot ia yet soa the picture clearly. Fhe stato Dept.ts eoldness about peradtting fn..idea to vaodt the -iracn dn Ghina g:vo the U. S. a very bad presa ont here. it wre very clover otrategy on the part of Ghinoy St ure bed strategy on our part to appear caidous to the feclings of the fesiiies, Familiy affection rugs deep out here. It another ene of our many eaoil biugdera which sonchow loom so largo when viewed the hundreds of aillions out here., If, souehou, everybody 4 count up to ten vefere opoaking, end think nod hov China is going to tele 4t but how tho entiro area of ania ill rerct. fhose faailies Gouad have becn told quictly end personelly thet 1¢ thoy wanted to go they vould not be protestsd by en agericen prooport,; they co.ad even havo been ocarct2 urged not to goy but tho blatant press rolesoe. . . . Forgive ay eGatorielising, J aad sure XJ am not suppoocd to Go Sts tod one fa very close here to the sind and heart of 4340 and onnnst help boing ruaro of these reactions of the peuple. anyone who levea the U. S. oennot help but oish thet mcm our o;oltesaen could epee cora Coftly and nore tnrctfully, a broggart or bully is dislike 7 el tasn bodngsa. To have strength fs Pinos to brendich that etrangsh offends. . Se SI cs a ve The Finca of India (Jan, £5) has exocllent editoriol oa the o59 socialistic soodety gonk ag outifacd by nchru ond Gongresa perts leaders. "Boca Avad’ mark a revolutionary ohafts in gengeeas po. * e + o o All that St wcamt was on acknovlcdgacnt of the imsveaging) 4, dgportant role of the public sector dn the national ceomesy co a } role that was already defined with grester preciaica fn tha : 4asustried poldey resolution. Phere was arthing to &ndisase thst there wovid be ey neu engroaghaent on the sphere reserved to private cnaterprise, end the fosrs expresocd cutsida tho Congr ca that score were, therefore, unjuotafiod, Hoitber tas thera any justification bor the apprehension that the new ckgestiva ecent a red4eal departure frou the Saryed igesd. « o o Baad mattered really unas not tho Label th t Bas given the eco CPSEa on tat the extent to which in gotual preotisa dt could re the production of greater veelth end in ita ~re eqaitakla Gistpatations o . . What was odgnifdeant . . . wag that 1¢ should EE PGS es re Roney Bred PERG SS. OF SES DEE RION 2 ae eat serene TUBE, CARD .REPRODUSTIONS ======== PAGE 7 ======== Oadg a ad erita of Anforent. on (cont.) , Axe. enw Es _&f eA! ee oe sp ae + ee ° = ~. ‘ hove been eoapelled at thia stege to ceck s sore ,opuler dabek for ita econsade and socdel poddedes.. . . If this couattacat io ta be sore than » design to steel the opponents! clestoral thusdes, the fy Gongreas Governzents at the Centre and in he States have ' qaned ively to eet about the task of translating tho mea prigsiples Anto polieica, . . . Fhe only way to aske the policy of Gongress Governnenta ecoord with Gongresa principles is acl? eriticdism and et there were reaponsible Gongresszen at Avadi who sev eager even in the condenmation of nalpraetices y Congreseasa. eo « » . Phe roed to full enployment <-- for which tho Gomgrese has for the firet tiag 1nid down e tine-limit - = is by no Geags Gaoye 3t dezapds e coapXeto renovation of iife in the countryside on the one hen@ end speedy industrialisgtion making the country as ealfe eufficiont ne posodble on the other, (ete.) Digest of OF Se LR nmin s apagen on Jan, 2Abh. Ho spoke of the unsuitebdlity of totolitardonisa dn the denooratia Ropublio of India and the in Goqunacy of ca, dtalien, stating that there waa left only e Soolaliatia approach open to the courtry. He statos thet the aceoptence of tha gocdalistic society as Sond meant the nationalisotion of institutions that could dimnediately. Bationaliscd with ndvantogo. Phe presughion ia so doing, daid Ur. Geokruskh, was thot Soadalised produotdon would be core psofitable, Ha, hovever, cautioned that 4¢ experfense balded that vicu, the otep aight have to be retrzccd, a Wo otated that a Socdnlistio ideal which rosgeived the support of tho people could achieve the tuo objectives of incresaing getional ineoue end enhancing individual davadend,- He otated that Indic hed established eeonoate etability though at a rather low lovel of prosperity during the férat Plan period. Yio oadd the eredit for the ochiavescas went nod porely to egonoaga RaRagcacat end pleaning but inanded other fac, stay anong thea aooiotence froa fricadly nations. Tho Unitcd States, he sai Q had contributed the largest share of foredga gid. o 1 gay! Removed from reosooe( PAV? L PIER si CS Classification: NE Bi qasesesy. S02 oC 74” 2 Boxn Fol 3 3 isc Sind4 ond itr. Haden (pravate seorctary of Mra. Gendbiva St and reception clors et Prine Udniotcsia Eause) over a es37 = Gup of tea in their quarters told G2 the following otory es = ant Uhilo an China, at firot big banqaes g4vea thea, te. peten and bio deughtcr (and othero) vero carved taey baby 24ve Nee Capped honcye Uro. Gath’ (his daughter) was co ehoccd beat a cat the aeenen the osghs end turned abeye Bone of theq ky a aOze w : ql chile they vere da Gidce. aa not ever gorved aggin to thea ; Te gad Ee ee nM ee career ee Ee tea emncermes I man SESE ========== FILE: 104-10071-10139.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | iioa-t0071-10138 {olite} ire jozonce numzer)} $2685 — lh em Director fp “RPRICRITY NO NIGHT ACTION , ' 7 “Ty “eS oI : “ASUNCIC Nv B NEKOX, BARCE LONA,. BEIRUT, BERLIN, BERN, BOGOTA, CA . . ARACAS BRASILIA , BRUSSELS, BUENOS AIRES, CLOSES, COPENHAGEN, EBTOW?N, UATE =MALA crry,, MUNICH, OSLO, (PANAMA crry, PARIS, : SAN SALVADOR, SANTIAGO, SANTIAGO I DE Los CABALLEROS, 5, SAC" AGLO, AHOLM, TEGUCIGALPA, ay KYO, VIE NNA, ZURICH . WILLARD, Fs} RN 20 JULY 1931, HEIGHT FIVE: FEET EIGHT INCHES fe) ae be ee ee Ty - AUTHENTICATING RELEASING OFFICE’ : EAS * “OFFICER: | -- Sotiventtah nih derentsriret] RSPROOVTION. BY CTAER Th. © COP¥ BOL ======== PAGE 2 ======== TaD ete gy Teenie os “DANCE INSTRUCTION SCHCOL; HAS REPORTED . NO REASON BELIEVE GALT HEADED FOR "COVER ALL OSssIBILiTms, ( ucex (2 psstaer | CO ko nizex PF rite mics Fre no, {ciassificaiion) ! FIVE FEET ELEVN INCHES, WEI B iLD, “BROWN HAR, PROBABLY Cur — BLUE OR He = MEDIUM COMPLEXION, RACE WE , EMPLOYMENT AS SEAMAN, REM ARKS: NOTICEABLY PROTR D. LEFT EAR; REPORTEDLY ISA LONE WOLF; ALLEGEDLY ATTEND: COURSE IN BARTENDING; CONSIDE: ED ARMED AND EXTRE DANGEROUS, zZ. “WILL POUCH PHOTO oF GALT TO ANY ADDRISSEE DESIRING IT, ADVISE, 3, GALTS CU SRRENT WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN, WHILE i Ir GALT "1S OR HAS BEEN IN YOUR ‘ ARE, SHOULD BE PASSED TO LIAISON AND ANY THER LIKEL SOURCES, SELEASING OFFICER ======== PAGE 3 ======== 14-00000 ¢ : “CA 0 RETURN TC. SE SECRETARIAT DISSEMINATION | . [A insex (i ozsmor te . :f [[j Ko inex PFE IN CS FILE NO. . : il PER #- felVigt (classification) ~ ~. keete Gnd tims filed) (eisrence eumaor; _ . 5 6H . . : . os . Cie = DIRECTOR ao CH LNERGO REQUESTS: THAT ANY iD NFORMATION REPORTED BE EVALUATED AS TO RELIABILITY AND THAT AS BMS MUCH DE TAIL AS PCSSixs BE PROVIDED. CAB LE ANY POSITIVE REPLY PRIORITY TO HQS AND PASS TO LEGAL AT TACHE IF ANY Ey < TER COUNTRY. GILEASING OF Fe ========== FILE: 104-10071-10239.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 104-1007 1-10239| 19 eee ee . “*. Yo - sae, - Attached hereto is a copy of a rundown of — A AL ese ‘prepared in SR/3/FI on as a basis for his discussions and will attempt to obtain /Bri tishj consent to joint further —_—. ~ . development of / is His discusaions i ee should begin sometime after 19 Aprile hm . ~ a on ee une tok, ma 7 “n! Ut Caece ¢ RETURN TO CIA . Background Use Only _ 20 Net Reproduce “| 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | ======== PAGE 2 ======== enn OG second incideat i istable Anericaa woman corres= : Uriendly with her there and Her association with Subject us, including the person who : xb ject!s retura home we learned a was alse Lo be sta tionec in yoscot. nnoving that she would touch with wrote him that she was coming and advised ‘r. Before rived our Letter had arrived in lisscow y visited hi la hha a tt » the man who had - ws to Subject, bad at: : Abc stat 2nces to phone or visit bie iL pondent Subject hac met in Bras: had revested to her his 2nti-Sov. in Brussels tims well knowa to sone had introguced Subject to us. that this & nowho had word : ne ‘ree bart sie would cause Subject era) pecone et to u Soviet 3 : eh he CLG How veply to our s eguilibrivw:, es he ir Lott ========== FILE: 104-10071-10404.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== lftoa~t0074-10404 E 2025 RE EASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 2) Q MESSAGE rom “TOTAL comtes: SECRET. = en OUTING AND/OR iNTALS 2 SEEN Pa . ~ CoP] / De eA . = 19 April 1968 te, Ee Net Reganaee” 42 SECTETAMLAT DISSEMINATION =~ ws a ee | DESTROY “oO RETUAN TO._________.. BRANCH Oo. THE ee A ARS TOR , oO No prosx a= “FILE MES FIRE NOL os ‘ 7 hes QV Ct ~ —— [ms a, Pc DIDeH NDP, boop. cslae ae AT oe ‘ cleue. clot, elf, WIE , a COORDINATING OFFICERS. ve | tettuded “trom muteratia A “auTmenncanne dewngroding end 7 OFFICER... : declonsiticotion —L of eo ======== PAGE 2 ======== ~ MESSAGE roma Pa | ROUTING AND/OR BIMALS - SEEM BY —____ oO NO o wore oo “PRE fat CS FRE BOL oe “= me Pa “2 fetite) reference Oo MATERERM 8 aA, DRIFTER WITH LONG ° ae . an COOROMATING oreicens BS oe ; : oa : RELEASING OFFICER Te ° an . Extleded trom eviemetic - AUTKERTICATING REPROD AON BY OTHER THAN THE ISSUING OFF _JS PROHIBITED, ° 177. corr Bo. ========== FILE: 104-10072-10001.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 104-072-1001 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | OPERATIONAL AND SOURCE COVER SHEET 22 Br FROM: Gan Jose,) Coste Rica ____. REPORT NO. _(HR8906 REPORT MADE BY: Stefan Re Labangn/etl «NO. PAGES: 2 REPORT APPROVED BY: stefes B, Labenow NO. ENCLOSURES: Bee below DATE OF REPORT: 1 February 1956 . REFERENCES: DISTRIBUTION: ~ By copy to: 2 7 NMashington, watt. (6-21 -(Gaatenala,) w/att. "2 = files (G-% 1 «(Hamtco, u/att. (0-261 ~(6em Salvador) w/att. Eubasay _ 1b-251 =(Bamttago) u/o att. . . (6-7 1 -(Pammma) w/o att. SOURCE CRYPTONYM: of 1D_NO 1G NO. (west) KRYPTON: () YES (]NO SOURCE, OPERATIONAL DATA, AND COMMENTS o-2 3 ib-26_ Attachmonter. 1 copy each of attachnmt to(duatenala)(Naxtes) and (Gan Salvador 2 copies to Washington. Orally to: ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 SECRET f FIELD INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY: 2z. hot (\ 4 SUBJECT: Guatemalan Exile Activities ha Samuary Lite 7 {0 “7 PLACE ACQUIRED: Costa Rican,(San Jove) att Does L Neorary es SOURCE, SOURCE EVALUATION, APPRAISAL OF CUNTEN” . High level Central American exile (F). Appraisal of Convent: Documentary. oS ; . of Qn 1h January 956(Co Carlo@’PAZ Tojada, under tne Col) FranciscgyCos Galvee in Coats ca fre San et _ Sd@ressed to the agcazmodation addroas (*Jus uit 692) | Mhich 49 used by COSENZA, and ie Fenslated as Follows: 3 "Although I have wanted very much fo answer your letter of 7 Decamter 13 ‘esyoemoh, many things have /bbstruoted it and so tine nas slipped Sy agate: uy wish, so that I have been able to write you only today, * : i) "In spite of the latest newasahich you must be oroneee: 9 7 to thiok thet what) happened is nothing but an incident, natural to the @. i really believe thas the eragsy-one with whom wo were dealing was trying to negotiate amd : participate in the winninge which there would be without mich rick om hie pari.) If-the business failed for one reason or another, it does not signify eagthiag ~ more than a loss of time and some short-range hopes, but not in an impovtaat monner.gy Far from that. Something positive is being accomplished withia a general line of forcing Maria Dolores to act in a manner which ie good fer veld I hope to contime in the activity and I have exactly the patience of a op) ter repairing its net éa wait for a fly to fall into it. : ‘With relation tg what you transcribed from Dona Moha,4 that to dus to the fact that the fat oney who was formerly so close to ne, hos rtd Tron os and hee dedicated himself to the task of defaming me because he was unable to get something he wanted from me. Since he has nothing else to say, he says that I have very strange rolations or that I belong to fhe comredes.§~1s yoa wil) ; understand, thia is nothing more than a disloyal “ae8kS,in whioh he is an eo expert. Tho pais A recently arrived fron El IndioteSyoan increase your information conc this, I have already written to the good friend of + " Stat morona'9/so that he may qxplain if there is ty. Although’ she fa ~~ alvaty Polly seffering-2 otrong ¥eeietten) i her activib’ tha I do not think she a “ will reeuperete. 4,. pr. “I have strengthened the connections with Roquel0, and other friends of the al SECRET | | + NOV Esy 51-58 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. i? =—aee = 3 poe 79 Ld ======== PAGE 3 ======== ; 22 (xs2p0s ; ‘'finea mi morens'. I think that, depending on how things appear, we should estivate our requests and also gonteaplate now solutions to the large problen. I om writing today to the fa ‘to maintain a centimity of sction end to eee if the prevailing circumstances can be taken adventege of and given a purpose. ®J consider it extremely important that we maintain ourselves in clocer correspondence than up to now, I understand that it is I who have failed to / gnewer you, but I hope that the explanation of the events eafficient, Failing to do co would be to fail to show interest and would evea result in everything becoming cold and paralysed for who knows how long. "Tho big carlZArrote mo very affectionately. I think thst the problems that | they cause each other are completely negative and that they cause us to deviate frea the only road which should be followed." 2. A reference to the plenned revolt which was discovered and destroyed by the Guatemalan Government in December 1955. x . + ‘CASTILLO Armas. (4. 3. A code name for Mwatemalan President Carlo 4, squats uasaavn MadDonald. Pz 5. (ta jor) Mareo antonio franco Chacon, According to Humberto GOHZALE2Z Juares, there was’ a dicagreement betwean FRANCO and PAZ Tejada, which resalted in FRANCO’, CHARNAUD of PAZ' dealings with - pP ea, . 6, The Commntate. } MIERER HEITHANN Te Humb Juarez. 8. Ek Salvador. 9. Meateo, 10. (coi adortofbancra Montenegro. ll. Gaetezala, 12. Juan Joo ALO. oo f SS SECRED oy -173 aly ======== PAGE 4 ======== Ce flees le swetdido ro pase dt per im inncibehlt Me Aprott Ae OO pe eed cle nn park dental Hots de Bitar nbs genmak Mt F~ ee Ome e- / 7 Pet der fa ced Oo apn MO fe Lopirmes 4m Cribs plats per t~ - Ahan ======== PAGE 5 ======== sirens Sravnv ies yes is 00000 14 ======== PAGE 6 ======== 14-00000 ========== FILE: 104-10072-10013.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | ‘ “Ch oa >. oe TEE TE TSG SSS STA OH TRS ARS i Siotes evthin the wesning of the: “Espionage tows, ithe i saguttcaes pace is greiiditad iy ise. i ! ' BD 8 OR i oo-f) - 3, ? BG FB t ' "Ele f : 3 40. : "NO.PAGES =. 3 ‘REFERENCES fina fy ahha | Cure SA Si, 5) ; ‘ i; i j t { t i : Pe to exon tr, ba bat aura, e i Sapam, to inguire about MIDDAUGH in true name, Seg ee te ing Gee was SS told that MIDDAUGH was in Washington and was given a phone number for him to call direct. AMCLOCK/1 was planning ire oe call Washington at a later day if he had not been contacted. 5. AMCLOCK/1 reported that he has had no security problems and has not been molested inside of PBRUMEN. He was treated "royally" by the AMTHUG regime in early 1967 and everybody seemed pleased to see him back. Apparently his return surprised some individuals who pri- vately thought he would defect rather than return to PBRUMEN to live. During this time he enjoyed special privileges and received frequent invitations to official functions with foreign diplomats. However, by mid 1967 the special privileges and invitations were gradually suspended for no apparent reason. (For example, he was no longer k allowed to take his private car to a government garage for repairs and he had to arrange for themaintenance of his house, which was given to nim and kept up by the government at first). AMCLOCK/1 believes that this was due to his being under "observation" while going through a reorientation period after his long stay abroad. There is nothing to indicate that AMCLOCK/1 is not trusted or accepted by other govern- ment officials. The fact that he was sent out again. is: REP trong s E c R E T ======== PAGE 4 ======== . Ve : et eT . we Eee co as ep Re Ce te arg eo RIEL “Chih ET OTS Rael CRATE Day tO TMT of SE tt ; . moo ms SECRET - Ds se oe -3- indication that he enjo,;s a favorable position in the AMTHUG regime. He hopes that in 1968 he will be asgic¢ned to another permanent post abroad. 6. In reference to his w.fe AMCLOCK/1 stated that he is now convinced that she is totally against the AMTHUG regime. After their marriage in late 1966 he was not sure of her true political ideology but during the past year he has been able to confirm her disagreement on a number of occasions. He feels confident that she would follow him in any movement against the regime, such as defection, but has not told her gbout his work for WOFACT. Gemsate KIAE Diaz. fose a SULBECK TD BOER MPO CL “GR. hee Gua 7, (Re larding the trip to New York, AMCLOCK/1]/ reported that with “& them came (Iden ®} a known intelligence types and four other individualeh not known tO 7him but helieved ope ant igence/Fypes- Later AMCLOCK/1 : haguem identifim these individuals aséidens Li (WN na(Q@. In answer to are’ specific estitons” ANCLOCK/1 said that the crate they brought contained a Cneee” only a vase fox (den Ps» AMCLOCK/1 is not aware if any weapons or specia ost “instructions have Been sent to@den FP. in connection with ragial dis- iW : . . . ro . . 3 “ turbances in WOLADY. The routine Instructions given to Gden P) were to oppose LNHARP actions in HTBASTE whenever possible and to try to bring? $ e all debatable matters to HTBASTE, where they have better support. Cus (as B vo) ge we 7 es 7x : 5 "OT: Cite 8. AMCLOCK/1 was not seen going in or out of the room and the gt tol Meeting was conducted without interruption under most secure condi- } nav’ _ tions. DI GERVENO established immediate rapport with AMCLOCK/1 and their relations remained most cordial throughout the meeting. Only DI GERVENO and AMCLOCK/1 were present. 9. DI GERVENO was careful not to mention salary payments to AMCLOCK/1 who is not fare of his salary increase to $1,000 a month effective 1 January 1é However, he requested $500 to buy books | and baby items for his daughter. DI GERVENO told him that he would bring him the money in their next meeting. All payments to AMCLOCK/1 will be 1/A'd to JMWAVE together with the agent's gigned receipts. Intelligence Production 10. Although most of the meeting was used to discuss operational matters, AMCLOCK/1 reported disseminable information -on the “following requirements given in DIRECTOR 37960. . : @. Present aetitude of the PBRUMEN government towards the 2ctation of a military attack on . ted by the United States; formal military: :wern tO al] PBRUMEN army officials 3382} ======== PAGE 5 ======== EET ANT AA AT, SAR RN b. Cc. PBRUMEN views regarding Edens (Gand; & (bo BASE/NEW YORK 3396) mm. Replacement of PBRUMEN Ambassader ta the U views regarding the Soviet Ambassador to (DO BASE/NEW YORK 3392). Vi. The next meetir was scheduled for the following 27 September, for lunch at the Beekman si PBRRUMEN iG ajay, ======== PAGE 6 ======== 14-00000 .. } Iden . Iden ~ Iden Iden Iden Iden Iden Iden Iden iden _ iden Iden Iden l Iden iden iden Iden Iden PER em etn I ROE NEE PR G “ 445-5547 . Ae Ante Commodore Hotel, Room 1263 fi fi} / David Cordova General Assembly of the United Nations Delegates Lounge, United Nations Secretariat building of the United Nations 688-4683 Embassy House, 310 East 47th Street) 986-2948 U.S. Mission to the United Nations Pa pet . i . In ste 4 Alberto BOZA Hidalgo-Gato < Y : aN ca 1 Joaquin Camilo GARCIA Alonso’ ; - Gonzalo DIAZ Diaz . L: Loy 78 [ana Te ay: a pe we - Rogelio RODRIGUEZ Lop 4 io | wt VE . . r "Papo", a courier to the Cuban Mission to the United Nations Cuban Mission to the United Nations : * “Weg, oe ra . Identities to NYM-2233 Afro-Agian- Latin American Peoples Solidarity Organization - AALAPSO ' Latin American Solidarity Organization - LASO oe 18 1967 SECRET ¢$ cory gegen ======== PAGE 7 ======== 14-00000~~~ ; sage nau” ROA “ Se, 1 a | “l4 SECRET wes Identities to UNDA 22 Iden A ~ United Nations, Committee IT iden B - Seqve*Srmenez Escobar (201- 749244) Pa ere yp fees a : : : Iden D’= Songs ‘Cosbio/ Director, of ‘International Organisms in the Foreign Ministry : iden E ~ Kyser Lege SRUB, ‘Cuban Ambassador to Canada Iden F - Bank of Foreign Commerce a Yan e iden G ~ Fernando“Aivans Tapio hr ar or oe Hoes. Se Iden if ~ Foreign Relations Committee “of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party awe Iden I - Isidro’ ROSALES (201-335336). Iden Go ae . Lo - Antonid’ CARRILLO (201-349956) aa, weapon ge: - Gabriel MOLINA (201-817838) ======== PAGE 8 ======== feet RENEE DPS re Nee GEOL NE Oe oe LAE NN, NORE re ELIDA CME NTE iN anh aT ats ayranient Mr 0" ARPT TS * Ate o. sae “5.9 iva) ms CONTACT REPORT NO. 2 9 October 1967 TO: AMCLUCK/1 File NYM-2234 FROM: Peter J. DI GERVENO/JMWAVE Distribution: l-Unit A Chrono DUMMY SUBJECT: Meeting with AMCLOCK/1, 1-Unit B Chrono DUMMY 27 September 1967 4-AMCLOCK/1 File (Original via ELMARD) REFS: DO BASE/NEW YORK 3362 and 3359; DIRECTOR 37254 and 37960 Operational Chronology 1. On 27 September 1967 AMCLOCK/1 met DI GERVENO from 1130 to 1530 for lunch.at the Beekman site. The agent was not seen entering or leaving the site and he stayed out of sight when food was brought up from the restaurant downstairs. The meeting was conducted under secure conditions and without interruptions. Only AMCLOCK/1 and DI GERVENO t t. Deere BNO were present at the megiDy: Coceaiwal (e/- WORUY beset ca Naor ANCTOSKA eported that he had been assigned to work in Gen By with den BY same as last year. A few days be his departure from pesouen, Cen 2 told AMCLOCK/1 to watch out tor den i who is a _-Wember of the intelligence service and will be reporting ‘on JAMCLOCK/1. Lue Kee The implication was that AMCLOCK/1 was still under observation by the AMTHUG regime and (iden _< C-actually told him to bend backwards in every way possible to prove himself while in New York. AMCLOCK/1 explained that this meant to live a model life while abroad and to perform extra work | whenever required, without complaining. AMCLOCK/1 believes that (iden “B is being trained to take over AMCLOCK/1's position as an expert TNH-économics for the AMTHUG regime. teh this is the case, this may be the last time AMCLOCK/1 is sent toUden A> Still, under much probing, AMCLOCK/1 could not come out with any Clear indication that he was suspected or was falling out of ‘grace with the AMTHUG regime. Although the agent has a tendency to emphasize his "delicate" position, the case officer believes that he is not mistrusted and still enjoys a favorable position in the government, although probably considered too bourgeois to be completely integrated with their communist philosophy. 3. Regarding the recent changes made in PBRUMEN diplomatic ¢, AMCLOCK/1 was not aware of any security shake up , the Foreign Ministry. He regarded these changes tter in accordance with their policy to bring back a reorientation tour all those diplomats stationed mree consecutive years or more. AMCLOCK/1 actually personnel abro taking place i FS CRETE = ge eos wn et ======== PAGE 9 ======== ’ ae . SECRET appeared not to be aware of any major purge and not to be concerned about it. However, if this is ‘true the chances for AMCLOCK/1 to be reassigned abroad in the near future appear doubtful at this time. 4. When DI GERVENO asked AMCLOCK/1 about his work and how the recent changes may affect him, the agent then reported the following information about his position in the Foreign Ministry. After his return in late December 1966 he was given four months vacation, during which time he went by the ministry from time to time but had no job assigned to him. He used most of this time for a honeymoon and to relocate in his new home furnished by the PBRUMEN government. In the SRE of 1967 (iden Coconsidered him actively as a substitute for , siden Dowhom Gden does not like..However, the job did not materialize because Iden CTs ~plans to send Gden BD as Ambassador to Canada were not OS he “accepted py den > whon Eden Cowas going to send as Ambassador to ye 5 Swit land. At that\ time CLOCK/1 was also considered for a position fant gh in @den Fowhich was the position the PBRUMEN President wanted him to /§ OtGE High! take But AMCLOCK/1] avoided the position although it implied frequent Af : . cal ravels abroad. The reason AMCLOCK/1 gave for not taking the position wé a fe at Gden PF was that he @id not want to break away from his diplomatic, career and felt he would be better protected among his friends in the? i ~ Foreign Ministry. Consequently, after his vacation AMCLOCK/1 want . Vue pack to work in the Foreign Ministr but without any specific duties bare, He is actually doing odd_jobs for Geen Cy: like ecgnomic studies. In Fok Pre mid 1967 AMCLOCK/1 and(iden G>were proposed by (iden and accepted by Ce widen Has members ofa Our-man committee (the othe . — “not been selected yet) which is to be created in the For to make specific area_ studies and recommendations tod anty both AMCLOCK/1 and (iden @ have been assigned to the HTBAS hee jt is concluded that the creation of said “Advisory Committed” ia not Al ; contemplated until early 1966. According to AMCLOCK /1 the creatin Apa of this "Advisory Committee" has been discuased at tne highest levele Orly ang it may have some influence in the policy making decisions a : 5 7 in b 7 - Aietate a fees RUMEN fot Ugen Hi which is the main body that dictates present PERUMEN [he oreign policy. ab lint two membora have qn Miniatry c. Since nOeABLON, ¢ . vol nie 5. It may be wel] to record here that we should tare wilh a grain Aged Cot salt the selection of AMCLOCK/1 to such a sensitive source of information as an "Advisory Committee’ to (den Howould be. The agent ov of wie may be trying to build up his importance to us. It is Gof intercat =a C aati _ note that in the past year that AMCLOCK/1 has been residing inside of } Ag (é PBRUMEN he has made no clear effort to obtain and develup new equrces t of information and to bring out with him intelligence of particular t interest to us. For example, he has no information on the apecific | requirements we gave him in 1966 prior to his return to PBRUMEN anc when asked to identify his main sources of information ne said they were his contacts in the Foreign Minist and (Ideng Le and & whe, —— SE ET sa GRAK AS one cR APE) fact 1 Fe AnFO™ Dep FEIT ? ======== PAGE 10 ======== 14-00000 --- >" 2 oom en en eo UN FONE ACTS ag arenes SON aaa” ’ ae ne. “ ( Foe ealTe ade es eee s ECR ET . \ yan -3- are old friends of AMCLOCK/1. (aiden Klie also a cousin of AMCLOCK/1'8 wife. (AMCLOCK/1 is 4 aifficult individual to debrief on hard intelligence.) 6. Regarding internal security if the PBRUMEN mission in New York, AMCLOCK/1 reported that the entire third floor of the mission is used only PY members of the intelligence service. Not even the Ambassador is allowed in that area. pesides(iden B,- AMCLOCK/1 correctly identified the known members of the intelligence service permanently assigned to the PBRUMEN mission. fA. Finances ‘ 7. AMCLOCK/1 was given $500 he requested from his escrow account and signed 4 receipt for this amount, which will be T/A'd to JMWAVE. g. During the meeting AMCLOCK/1 was debriefed on the following information which was disseminated as indicated: a. Changes of PBRUMEN diplomats abroad; expected internal reorganization in the PBRUMEN Foreign Ministry {DO BASE/ NEW YORK 3373) bp. Advisory Committee on PIRUMEN Foreign Policy (bo BASE/ NEW YORK 3376) ce. Informal message sent to PBRUMEN Prime Minister by Mexican President (0 BASE/NEW YORK 3375) * a. Appointment of PBRUMEN hunpaspador CO the Congo (prazzaville) (OG BASE /REW YORK 3374) Future Plem. . g., Next meeting if tentatively scheculed for 29 Sepbember between 13nG and 1400 hours. Wath the assaygement of AMCLOCK/1 to Aden B\his free time will be more restricted from now qn for future meetings. However, the agent agreed to contact DI GERVENO, a8 often as possible. ========== FILE: 104-10072-10228.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Viod-t0072-102728 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992]. Cc _ Selaet ’ na ~ os: : GAMENET) a “ ROUTING AND RECORD SHEE INSTRUCTIONS | TO: ACHON BRANCH PRIOR TO RLING _ as ee Fill in Sect. 2. on back. Detach back fla and forward to RID. : 2. Destroy front cover sheet, unless it records significant action takan or comments requir. ing preeervation. . FROM: If {U2 no. end title shown are not proper, Insert proper file no. below and forward document to RID/AN. 9 a) PROPER FILE HO RID/ TO: ALL ADDRESSEES FULL IN BECTH COMMENTS orricea se eT WHICOG/REG. $ 8® 8 8 8 8 @ 98 ® © @ © @ &© @ @ 8 6 e® ¢ @ @ 8 e- © ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 ae; / . RD/ . ‘ . TO, ALL ADDRESSEES @ PILL IN @ECTION 1 ON BACK. IF arrnortiate . a COMMENTS . ® . eoou . ware . : e 2. s) Of: \ nN RST PT ft kn ia) 72 a = ae ¢ ps 3 e e@ © 6 @ @?e 6&© 6&6 6&6 «86 «© BCU BO G 6 eo DATE weer DOCUMENT NUMMER NDA 03263 toms 6100 var ======== PAGE 3 ======== “4 i . 4 . 7 CLASSUFICATION H - ; ; DISPATCH 7 | ;, SB owt oe 4 Acree cc) | mateo fon impcrins t : Caief, 8AS ~ | mo NDLLING REQUIRED ~ —J . TIO. Cher of base, Rorid ee ~ a ony QUALItD SS ‘ Chef of Station, KAVEs Chief, WHD sc | ? FROM III SSS ETT —_ Chief of Station, Mexico City — woe Tot 7 ieee oe vee Contact Report {ur AMIL-9 Yo] ACTION REQUIRED - REFERENCES ~ _ — ~~ — ~ PERUMEN ; Attached, for addresses,’ are copies of Subject contact reports dated 11 May, 1h May, and 15 May 1963. i iJ Z - C/SAS, w/att : M 3 2. C/WHD, w/att . ett’ 2 ~ COS, WAVE, w/att [// BN 2 = COB, Merida, w/att 1/Ajc 3 - Files ae ; _£S Copy ~- 2-2 2 UP P Lk 7o 1" CROSS REFERENCE TO OISPATCH SYMBOL AND NUMBER HOA 22403 HEADQUARTERS FILE NUMBER CLASSIFICATION eer y SECRET 6 P- 6079 cm Attachements > |. As stated above iE BS. | Distribution: = ds ======== PAGE 4 ======== interesting. It will ve recalled that. ronnohtt en “FERN, wan ‘peeigned | to seer instruceton politica y 2 evel 992665 —_ 6. BA alco to}4\ (ra)enee Rogeit RIGUS ved & abholarshipe. It_ii on is May 63. WIZ said tha€ Antonio CARCIA Lara ‘wae ex ja. return to. kexico rhortly « errRet ; weer) ======== PAGE 5 ======== 48 we) thet he was in contéet with Raul ROA, tees, contast con ROA", va, that on 9 May at’ the Eabacé L told Gua) to nay wos sick, ‘dee pale green, bad ‘breath etc. "Be contact ‘with PEDROZA and ARRUZA if p gaitle and eize ‘then up. said it. would be eift ievlt ‘because he has no reacon to aee thems Ho “werely attended the inas acre) seasion of the Seminar. (5): however, did dientity both men from LTERODE wake! which r avowed him on thie fate. SEORET. we . a} ======== PAGE 6 ======== 14-00000 ======== PAGE 7 ======== 14-00000 ARO SUSMITY ED WIS Basz CATAINABLE ======== PAGE 8 ======== 14-00000 ======== PAGE 9 ======== 14-00000 ======== PAGE 10 ======== ======== PAGE 11 ======== 14-00000 ======== PAGE 12 ======== 14-00000 ‘finin, "ha. / tan. colisolidada, % 8 momentanea ausencia de Pia beta “no-ha: sraatornado 2 "tate @ las: eee ======== PAGE 13 ======== ========== FILE: 104-10072-10289.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ‘igen 10072- 10289) _ «2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 ). My 5 “AnD -RECORD RD SPLET 7 —— i. : ; “TNsTRUCTIONS’ i | PRIOR TO FILING : 10: ACTION BRANCH ‘ { : I a in Sect, i, sips Rave wee flap ul fle ng, “and title shown are not proper, . 2. Destroy frontreover shéet, unless it records insgrt proper file no. below and forward significant action taken or comments requir- decugent to RID/AN. 1 | ing preservation. 4 FROM: PROPER FILE NO. RID/ i YO: ALL ADDRESSEES FILL IN SECTION 1 ON BACK. IF APPHOPRIATE { ' * COMMENTS { v y ; ROOM OFFICER'S : ! ro | 8 =e 1 Bede y, “8S I =| Ee : ( - fie o fey Yffced dens ; OA ae ? eye { (OE OK, —\| 1 | ca fatesh GF LONE a8 7 fe rf MICROFILMGD . hor Le Sa f Wtl3. APR 9 1964 t reek: (os pet DOG. MICRO. SER. Alle aR BE Al Ta ve Chicken 2} id aa Bs Cbrager Decsgepe | = 4 Lowe CAs foc | i fy Ar: (oR fae lip ke gery { By Pe caret A fp of & eH EO of hy 0€ ° { “i PLC 1 PO: pf repre ee oe the ar eb. Ce ae RID/Fl ABSTRACT FILE TITLE TRACE REQUEST INDEX DATE MICROFILMEO Yet BRE VIOUS Huthons, - ORM 16s 610a DOCUMENT DA <4 OOCUMENT NUMBER UFGA 14781 FILE NUMBER {PRIMARY CODE) Po /- WA = re ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 VMISROFILM=ED Chief Special Affairs Staff AL _. SO: OMY QUALIFIED P| , HEADQUARTERS DESK 4 - _ cam suoct Inbox Chief of Station, anwave |\F ee Re TYPIC/OPERATIONAL aole 246016 ; Activities Report on JMWAYE's Relationship with AMCARBON <1 QUIRED - REFERENCES i ACTION REQUIRED: REFERENCES | H \ 1. INTRODUCTION, In Reference E, JMWAVE forwarded a review of the nature) of its relationship with AMCARBON-2, This review indicates that the relationship with AMCARBON-2 evolved from that action which was taken in September 1962 to insure that a security breach would not occur as a result of an investigation which was being carried/out by the‘Identity 1 relative to the fact that the establishment, of the Identity 2 was being kept from the YOBELT South Campus as a result of security restrictions which were in some way related to JMDUSK, While the relationship with AMCARBON-2 stemmed from the remedial action which had been taken in a crisis situation, the establishment of a working relationship with the Identity'3 was an.objective which JMWAVE had always hoped to obtain, As a matter of fact, in Reference A, the recommendation was made that JMWAVE be given approval to contact the major South Florida news media in jan attempt to work out a relationship with these news media which would insure that they did not turn the publicity spotlight on those KUBARK activities in South Florida which might come to their!attention, - Thus, when a relationship was established with AMCARBON-2, it was carefully cultivated in order that JMWAVE might be able; to use this contact at the Identity 3 as a means of aragraph 10 WAVE 8981, dated 24 September 1962 WAVE 9169, dated 28 September 1962 WAVE 9343, dated 2 October 1962 DIR 40975, dated 6 October 1962 UFGA 14417, dated 4 March 1964 mMoQw rd oveee achieving the!objective of having a relationship with the Identity 3, which would simultaneously insure the security of JMWAVE's operations and give JMWAVE an outlet into the press which could be used for surfacing cerfain select propaganda items, In the period October to “tuye \ oo (CONTINUED) Attachments: jusc (Oth du RID/AK fg A ~- Five Newspaper Clippings oe B - Identifies © Se = gol- THoY Me ve - Distribution: | ZO (al 3 ~ Chief, /SAS, w/atts. xX DATE TYPED DATE CASPATCHEO 19 March 64 PRR 1664 MSPATCH | sres ee ‘ECRET ’ sf MARKED FOR INDEXING WO INDEXING REQUIRED CROSS REFERENCE TO DISPATCH SYMBOL AND NUMGER UFGA-14781 ' I 1 J | HEADQUARTERS FILE NUMBER CLASSIFICATION (LVovlsECRET 4 201- 3. AMCARB inally q JOURNALISTIC CAREER, AMCARBON-1 ori started to work for Tderbeity_o in e-Crty Desk, and subsequently advanced from this g& nt to an assignment which entailed covering maj pO e At a later date, ANCARBON-1 became a feature writer Ident in July. or August 1962, AMCARBON-1 was fra ry 4. This assignment was considered to be a signitt« ~ in CLASSIFICATION PAG NO. fa USE PREVIOUS EDITION. SECRET 2. CONTINJED oy | “fils ======== PAGE 3 ======== 14-00000 ee . 2 ol, ote CONTINUATION OF - . . ut . DISPATCH * SECRET | UFGA-14781 : lecember 1962,/ a21 of JMWAVE's business with the Identity 3 ras handled via AMCARBON-2, In mid-December 1962, AMCARBON-2 ade the suggestion that he introduce REUTEMAN to AMCARBON-1 nm order that there be a backup contact, in the event that ‘MCARBON-2 were out of town or unavailable at such times as IEUTEMAN might| require assistance from the Identity 3, REUTEMAN igreed to AMCARBON-2's suggestion, and, as a result, AMCARBON-2 1osted a luncheon on 12 December 1962 at the Miami Club in the lotel Columbus', Miami, Florida, at which AMCARBON-2 introduced iIMCARBON~1 to REUTEMAN, As a result of this initial meeting on \2 December 1962, an operational relationship has developed with \MCARBON-1, and it is believed that this relationship contributes to the fulfillment of the over~all JMWAVE mission, In view of | this, a special activities report is being submitted to cover the yature of JMWAVE's relationship with AMCARBON-1 during the oeriod December 1962 to March 1964. 2. FRAME OF REFERENCE FOR JMWAVE'S RELATIONSHIP WITH AMCARBON-1 When AMCARBON=2 introduced AMCARBON-1 to RVUTE ? ICARBON-2 reviewed the ground rules under which he had been cooperating with REUTEMAN,' This: review was conducted for AMCARBON-—1's benefit, in order that he might clearly understand the frame of reference which should prevail in his relacionships with REUTEMAN, In this review, AMCARBON~2 pointed out thai it was the policy of the Identity 3 that it would take no accion which would purposely, embarrass KUBARK or its South Florida operations, As a result, if any embarrassing items relative to KUBARK's operations in South Florida did come to the attention of the Identity 3, this material would be brought to REUTEMAN's imnediate attention, AMCARBON-2 made it clear to AMCARBON~-1 that such items should be discussed with REUTEMAN in a frank manner. In addition, AMCARBON-2 made the point that, after an item was discussed, AMCARBON-1 should follow ‘REUTEMAN's guidance relative to how any particularly embarrassing item might be handled by the {dentity 3, so that it would not expose KUBARK operations and, at-the same time, would not jeopardize the journalistic reputation of the Identity 3. . In addition, AMCARBON~2 pointed out that, if AMCARBON-1 brought a potentially embarzassing item to REUTEMAN's attention and remedial action on the matter was not takea by REUTEMAN within a reasonable period of time, then the Identity 3 would feel free to expose any ,ineptness on KUBARK's part. AMCARBON-Z pointed out that in return for this cooperation from the Identity 3, REUTEMAN had agreed that he would be available for contact by telephone or periodic personal meetings at which AMCARBON-1 and AMCARBON-2 could discuss broad trends and developments in Latin American affairs. AMCARBON-2 advised AMCARBON-1 that this arrangement did not mean that AMCARBON-1 could expect te obtain any classified infocmation from REUTEMAN, The point was also made that AMCARBON-L should not press for the obtaining of classified information, but he should be alert to steering tips which REUTEMAN might furnish him on fast-breaking news stories. AMCARBON-1 indicated that he understood the frame of reference which had been outlined by AMCARBON-2, This frame of reference has prevailed throughout JMWAVE's relationship with AMCARBON-1 during the period December 1962 to March 1964, 3, AMCARBON-1'S JOURNALISTIC CAREER, AMCARBON--1 originally started to work for the identity 3 in 1957 on the City Desk, and subsequently advanced from this assignment to an assignment which entailed covering major political developments in Florida, At a later date, AMCARBON-1 became a feature writer for the Identity 3. Then in July or August 1962, AMCARBON-1 was made: the Identity 4, This assignment was considered to be a significant oO CE ASGIFICATION Sa USE PREVIOUS EDITION. SECRET |= CONTINUED N ce eee we by Onn bee ley ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-0000! 0 ame te eee pb aneoe ‘CONTINUATION OF : , Sececensne PAEMERELERTT DISPATCH. SECRET | UFGA~14781 promotion for AMCARBON-1, and it reflected confidence in him by the Identity 3 management, AMCARBON-1 is by no means an expert on Latin America, but he is developing his knowledge on the area and, at the moment, he gives every indication of wanting to be a long-term Lavin American specialist, QDELF has been questioned about AMCARBON-1, and he has indicated that AMCARBON-1 is regarded in the journalistic trade as an extremely likeable fellow who has a keen mind but who lacks experience in depth on Latin American affairs, It is QDELF's opinion that given an appropriate lapse of time, AMCARBON-1 will develop into one of the leading Latin American specialists in U.S, journalistic circles, AMCARBON-1 has a working; command of Spanish, and he is constantly attempting to improve his language fluency. It is REUTEMAN's opinion that’ AMCARBON-1 has developed rapidly as a Latin American specialist, and he will continue to grow in this field, Thus, he is a contact who should be developed and harnessed for exploitation, bearing in mind that he does have long-term potential, 4, AMCARBON-1'S CONTACTS AND SOURCES, In keeping with the traditional pattern oF source protection which is common to newspapermen, intelligence officers and law enforcement officers, AMCARBON-1 attempts to guard the true identity of all of his sources, On the other hand, when pressed, AMCARBON-1 has identified some of his sources to REUTEMAN, in order that meaningful evaluations could be made of that information which AMCARBON-1 had passed to KUBARK, As uw result of these occasional witting identifications of his sources, and, as a result of general conversations with AMCARBON-1, REUTEMAN has learned that AMCARBON-1's sources include the following persons: { | a, Luis’ ¥FERNANDEZ Rocha (201-316766), secretary general of the .DRE, , Se . ' ob. sanol@eRAY Rivero (201-239298) , chief of JURE, | ic. carlos® SDD y Lobo (201-264141) of the defunct Havana Times, ~ ~ | d, AMBIDDY~-1_(201-267437) | #0 mamund LEAHY of the Washington News Bureau. AMCARBON-1 regards this source as being particularly interesting, in view of the:fact that LEAHY's daughter is a secretary in the office of Attorney General Raqpert KENNEDY. 1 \ | og, Frank onmnr (201-242256), free-lance pilot and | adventurer,.- bo ‘ h. nduardo PSUAREZ Riva, public yelutions man for the MRR, , ie tLe Luis Ufiunoz Marin, governor of Puerto Rico. . | JuanY#BOSCH Gavino (201-103272), former president of je the Dominican Republic, rat * Ky Charles KEELY of the Copley Wire Service. -C- ' 1. Jorge WVOLSKY Kraisler (201-352252), an employee 0 (( USIA in Miami. AMCARBON-1 is well aware of the fact that VOLSKY is a detacto stringer for Tad SZULC of the New York Times, but this does not deter ‘AMCARBON-1 from attempting to exploit VOLSKY as a source of information, 1 i i i r i CLASSIFIGATION 5.60 53 USE PREVIOUS EDITION. SECRET (40) PAGE NO. [> 3 CONTINUED e, Aureliano *GANCHEZ Arango (201-019245), leader of the AAA. ======== PAGE 5 ======== " Y . . a SAIS teeth db bat . .CONTINUATIGN OF : ‘ a ; DISPATCH _ SECRET UFGA-14781 ps 5. | OPERATIONAL SUPPORT, On occasion, AMCARBON-1 is used to carry out certain operational support tasks. In such instances AMCARBON-1 makes his inquiries or carries out the required action ‘ within the context of his normal journalistic activities. The use of CARBON-1 for operational support tasks enables JMWAVE to harness; the investigative facilities of the Identity 3. Several > examples of how AMCARBON-1 has been used in operationa support ~ tasks are outlined below: a 3° | f yi" | a. Andrew ORDONO Camps. In March 1963, Andrew *ORDONO Camps, PPOB 30 September To14, Gibara, Cuba, A 12 837 617, arrived in Miami and was given routine CAC processing. The details of this processing are contained in MIAM-00&5, dated 12 March 1963, After being released by CAC, ORDONO was interviewed by the Identity 3, and a sensational story was developed. In view of this story, JMWAVE tried to locate ORDONO for debriefing. This effort was not productivgd, thus AMCARBON-1 was asked to locate ORDONO, AMCARBON-1 did locate ORDONO jin Houston, Texas, See WAVE--6307, dated 25 March 1963, for details. bp. Discrediting Carlos BANDIN of the MRR Splinter Group. In UFGW-2555, dated 13 September 1963, Headquarters Suggested that JMWAVE might be able to discredit Carlos BANDIN Cruz (201-309611) of the |MRR splinter group as a result of BANDIN's overinflated claims relative to his faction invading Cuba, Headquarters' interest in discrediting BANDIN was also stimulated by the fact that BANDIN's irresponsible publicity stunts were causing problems for AMBIDDY-1. As a result of Headquarters’ interest in this matter, REUTEMAN had a luncheon session with AMCARBON-1 on 24 September 1963, at which AMCARBON-1 was advised that the BANDIN faction of the MRR was less than accurate in its claims relative to its activities in Cuba, In view of this, REUTEMAN suggested that the Identity 3 might want to soft peddle any future war communiques which the BANDIN faction might releases AMCARBON-1 stated that, in view of REUTENAN 's comments, the.Identity 3 would not only soft peddle, but would | ignore! the BANDIN faction in the future, Once BANDIN was discredited with AMCARBON-1, the word was ‘soon leaked by AMCARBON-1 to other newspapermen that BANDIN was not a reliable source. As a result of this action, the BANDIN group has received minimal media coverage in South Florida since September 1963. : a. OPERATIONAL INTELLIGENCE. In the period February 1963 to February 1964 ENCARBON-I has Furnished JMWAVE with operational a 1 intelligence as outlined below: : a, in WAVE 4836, dated 21 February 1963, AMCARBON-1 reported that AMBEND-1 was pack in Miami and was the object of a great deal of press interest in view of AMBEND-1's release from a Havana prison. AMCARBON-1 a1so indicated that AMBEND-1 would probably be a knowledgeable source on the current activities of the UR in| Cuba. This operational intelligence was most helpful in terms} of keeping IJMWAVE informed on AMBEND-1's movements. Subsequent developments revealed that AMCARBON-1- could not. contact AMBEND-1, and thus AMBEND-1's return to the United States did not cause the f publicity stir that was initially anticipated. i b. In WAVE 6176, dated 22 March 1963, AMCARBON-1 reported that the Identity 3 was attempting to research a full feature article on the Bay of Pigs jnvasion, The intent of this artigqle was to furnish a recapitulation of the entire tactical situation. In this connection, ANCARBON -1 pointed out that he was ’ . ——— “PRGE NO. 4. _ eer oo CLASSIFICATION FORM 5-60 SUG UBE PREVIOUS EDITION. Ixx| (40) . SECR ET bx] CONTINUED we ======== PAGE 6 ======== 14-00000 .of any current interest to REUTEMAN, then the Identity 3 would -_ . . . ; CONTINUATION OF .- + mememmenee omen rai weyers: DISPATCH SECRET UFGA-14781 thinking about exposing the role of Miami attorney Alex z, ScARLSON residing 145 Curtiss Parkway, Miami Springs, Florida, in the , Bay of Pigs operation, AMCARBON-1 stated that, if CARLSON were soft peddle the CARLSON angle, REUTEMAN advised AMCARBON-1 that he had no interest in CARLSON but knew of him and was of the opinion /that CARLSON was a sound and honest attorney. The receipt of this |operational intelligence enabled JMWAVE to brief CARLSON on the Identity 3's over-all interest in the role that. CARLSON. had played in the Bay of Pigs invasion, This briefing, in turn, enabled |CARLSON to more adequately prepare himself for a meeting with AMGARBON-1, While AMCARBON-1 did attempt to pursue this Bay of Pigs story, he never did put anything into print as the story was overtaken by other developments before AMCARBON-1 could finish his res ayeh. (P . “ c. In WAVE%QQD4, dated 9 July 1963, AMCARBON-1 advised JMWAVE that Mr. Trevor WARMBRISTER, an associate editor for the Saturday Evening Post, was in Miami during July 1963 attempting to resedrch a story regarding the possibility that strategic missiles were hidden in Cuban caves, This information enabled JMWAVE to keep Headquarters informed on sensational-type articles which might be appearing relative to Soviet missiles in Cuba, | d., In WAVE 4701, dated 20 September 1963, AMCARBON-1 gave JMWAVE his resume of the discussions which he had with AMBIDDY-1 at the Miami Playboy Club on 19 September 1963, This information was useful in obtaining an insight into what AMBIDDY-1 was telling the press, 1 e, In WAVE 5661, dated 10 October 1963, AMCARBON-1 reported on a discussion that he had had on 10 October 1963 with AMBIDDY=1's public relations man, This operational intelligence was useful in terms of keeping KUBARK advised as to what AMBIDDY-1's representatives-were telling the outside world about their operational activities. . / £, In WAVE 6910, dated 31 October 1963, AMCARBON-1 informed JMWAVE about the flood of telephone calls which were being received at the Identity 3 relative to so-called KUBARK vessels which were located in South Florida waters, This information .alerted JMWAVE to the fact that press scrutiny was going to be directed toward the Identity 5, Armed with this warn- ing, JMWAVE was able to take action which minimized the publicity repercussions from a renewed press interest in the Identity 5. In WAVE7671, dated 16 November 1963, AMCARBON-1 reported to JMWAVE the fact that he had received a letter from Peru which coatained an interesting operational lead to one Carlos MONTALVANO in Puno, Peru. This lead was examined by JMWAVE, Headquarters and the Lima Station, This examination revealed that the letter was written by a crackpot; thus, there was no real operatioaal potential in this lead, This incident did undersc the fact that AMCARBON-1 is willing to bring potentially significan operational leads to JMWAVE's attention, h. In WAVE 1614, dated 6 February 1964, AMCARBON-1 advised JMWAVE that he had received numerous telephone calls indicating that Armando Andres GUIROLA Forte, who had aefected from a Cuban fishing vessel might be an individual who had previous been seen ‘in Miami during November or December 1963. At the same time, AMNCARBON-1 pointed out that he was suspicious and thought that these telephone calls indicated that GUIROLA was rot a bona fide defector, but was either a GOC agent or a KUBARK plant, who was being used as a means of creating an incident which would embarrass the GOC, as a result of their fishing boats penetrating FORM 5-69 53a UBE PREVIOUS EDIT.ON. SECRET | Gal CONTINUED PAGE NO. 5. CLASSIFICATION ======== PAGE 7 ======== 14-00000 | 5.60 53a USE PREVIOUS EDITION. SECRET : CONTINUATION OF 7 mentee teen see Gert | DISPATCH SECRET UFGA-14781 ———- —_—_ i ; United States territorial waters, REUTEMAN advised AMCARBON-1 that; KUBARX had played no role in mounting a provocation operation against the GOC, At the same time, REUTEMAN pointed out that it was highly unlikely that GUIROLA was a GOC agent, As a result of this conversation, arrangements were made for JMWAVE to check out certain aspects of the GUIROLA story, At the same time, AMCARBON-1 was prevailed upon not to write a story which might lead .the public to speculate on wnether GUIROLA was an agent or plant in a propaganda play designed to embarrass the GOC, - iT. PROPAGANDA OUTLET, AMCARBON-1 has been used successfully, during the period covered by this report, as a propaganda outlet through which items of interest to KUBARK could be surfaced in the free world press, Examples of how AMCARBON-1 has been harnessed in this field are outlined below: a 1 a. AMCRAB-1, The AMCRAB-1 defection story originally surfaced ir. the Miami area on 13 October 1963 via the Diario de las Americas, which played up an API release from Montevideo, The API Montevideo story highlighted AMCRAB-1's information relative tc GOC activities in Uruguay, The story in the Diario de las Americas had an extremely iimited impact on Spanish readers in the Miami area, As a result, it was decided to do a series of feature stories on AMCRAB-1, pointing up the fact that AMCRAB-~1 was typical of the veterans of the Granma expedition, who felt they had been betrayed by CASTRO end had been relegated to positions of obscurity once the revolution had put CASTRO in power, AMCARBON- was briefed in detail on the AMCRAB-1 story, and he was given an opportunity to debrief AMCRAB-1 ur.der controlled conditions in a JMWAVE safehouse, After completirg his debriefing, AMCARBON-1 wrote a series of feature articles: on AMCRAB-1, The first article in the series received front page headline play. The series of articles on AMCRAB-1 were well written, and they- provided an excellent peg for JMWAVE to mount-a replay operation via other propaganda assets, AMCARBON-1's story on AMCRAB-1 was picked up by UPI, API and others, and it was played throughout Latin America, The details of this surfacing’ can be found in WAVE 5&26, dated 14 October 1963; WAVE 6092, dated 19 October 1963; and, WAVE 6174, dated 21 October 1963, b, Charles GRIFFIN Shrimp Boat Story, On 26 February 1964 JMWAVE learned that when Mr, Charles GRIFFIN’S sons went to Cuba to reclaim the hijacked shrimp boat, JOHNNY REB, they found that select items were missing from the boat when it was turned over to them, It was believed that this information would make a good human interest story which JMWAVE assets could use to counter GOC propaganda claims that United States officials had stolen items from the Cuvan fishing boats which had violated United States territorial waters, In view of this opinion, a steering tip was given to AMCARBON-1 to have the Identity 3 representative in Key West interview Mr, GRIFFIN. This interview was carried out, and an article outlining the points which were of interest to JMWAVE was published in the 27 February 1964 edition of the Identity 3. c. LAYC Story. The March 1964 LAYC meeting in Santiago, Chile, was not Yeceiving appropriate coverage in the South Florida newspapers; as a result, REUTEMAN contacted AMCARBON-1 on 5 March 1964 and suggested that the LAYC mzeting was a story which the ; Identity 3 should pursue, AMCARBON-1 was grateful for this steerin tip, and he assigned the task of preparing the story on the LAYC to one of the members of his staff, A story on the LAYC was a, subsequently published in the 6 March 1964 edition of the Identity 4. (COMMENT: Copies of the articles cited in subparagraphs a through c above are attached for Headquarters information,) PAGE NO. 6. CLASSIFICATION ======== PAGE 8 ======== 14-00000 .the per wieraren woe ee ak wae tee 8.| POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE, Attempts have been made to . obtain disseminable positive intelligence from AMCARBON-1 during od covered by this report, This attempt has been generally unsuccessful, in that AMCARBON-1 does not have a great number of contacts in Latin America who would give him access to worthwhile intelligence appreciably in advance of the information appearing in the overt press, AS a result, AMCARBON-1 is usually not aware of jin inside developments in any Latin American country; consequently, he is not a worthwhile source of positive intelligence, As a matter $f fact, AMCARBON~1 is less valuable as a source of positive intelligence than most journalists. This is attributable solely to his lack of long-standing contacts in the Latin American politica scene, |It is believed that AMCARBON-1 will ultimately overcome this shortcoming; thus, we will continue to attempt to harness him fdr the collection of positive intelligence, 9,. COMMENT, In the period covered by this report, AMCARBON-1 has been Found to be a straight-forward individual who is honest, cooperative and who understands the need for. security. Our relationship also indicates that AMCARBON~1 is an accurate reporter of that! information which he passes to KUBARK, In view of this, JMWAVE plans to continue to: harness AMCARBON-1 in the same manner that he'has been used in the past. It is believed that our rela- tionship with AMCARBON-1 enhances our ability to conduct our operational mission in a secure manner, In addition, ‘this relation~- ship tends to minimize the possibility that JMWAVE might have diffi- culties with the media outlets in the South Florida area, As a result of our continuing relationship with AMCARBON-1, a special activities report will be forwarded at appropriate intervals, 10, i It is requested that a 201 number be ussigned AMCARBON-1 and that JMWAVE be advised of the number, { . | . END OF DISPATCH FORM (40 5-60 53a USE PREVIOUS EDITION. SECRET | > . CONTINUEO CLASGIFICATION PAGE NO. 7. ======== PAGE 9 ======== 14-00000 t | H i i 3 : : 1 i i i | i | - . ‘ at ‘hoot log ’ ba iti Of Our Lalla Amarica Stall Communist-d o nated, Cuban-inspired ; Latin youth group conveneg Monday in Santago, Chile.| ° . About 400 representatives - of Latin American youth organizations, for the most part Communist oricnted, are expected to ak the second- ee See rn or ae ee er str cece te Latin American Youth Con-:- ” gress. . : It hos an interosting.- anatomy. And | whether by" dosign or accident, both ite” timing and 1 foal significance, . Chile 1s one lof ‘five Latin, | countries phich still maintalns - diplomatic relae: tions with Cuba. It also is _ considered the one most like- ly to vote itself Communist. Presidential ‘jclections wilh ae ACT ASR EN VE { a a “ 5 1 : ing contendar| is Salvador. 7 Allende, candidate of the Communist controlled Ponte Jar Action Front (FRAP). Allende lost by 35,000 ‘votes ; ; jn 1958 to outgoing president’! Jorge Alessandn. 4 A * provinela} election to} name a nationpl deputy will be held next |week, a day’, after the Youth Congress$ " closes. Outcome of the elece's tion may provjde an indica-". tlon of which way the coun." try will go in September, wees ote . Relncipal organizer of the? _& Youth Congress ip a 36-10-10! » year old Cubjn Comniumat + * namod Jodéquin Mas- Martinez, A U,S. offlolal de - seribes. him “one of the . prainlest” of| the Cuatro’; followers. ~ : Mas stepped In last fall! when the Congress, originally : scheduled for! July of 1963, | faltered. Cuban exile groups claim he gets pis instructions for the Congress directly from Moscow. ure School Soclal Science at the Univerpity of Havana “and now vice president of the University Student Federa- tion, artived| in Chile in Septenrber. Vo qileldy) argued he Taternatlonal Preparation” Convultteo for the Conyress National preparation ‘groups began to sprout up ip other Latin countrics ot the same Chilean authorities ordered Lm expelled peveral Unics as = a Communist o P his behalf. _ Mas left Brazil, Bolivie and Venezucla ouser Gommuntst leaders, : % then went on to Progue and : Moscow. i ‘ Ho returned to Santlogo Dec, 26. He was met at the A small, but: significant ” lo have polit *~ $3 TIN MYAMT WERALD —_ Friday, March 6, 1064 A January, 1963, . preparatory mecting for the. Second Congress nearly fiz- zied when the Cuban delega- tion was’ detained in Mexico | on ‘its way to Santiago. The ' Panamanian representative flew from Santiago to Mexico . to confer with the Cubans, then returned to Chile end the mecting resumed, The July date was set, an agenda: agreed on and the theme, “Fight of the Young for: Peace” was adopted. “International”: preparation sree PCE RT ETT: SNE TS attended only by Cuban" youth representatives. Theme . for the Congress was changed" “to read “For the Liberation of Latin America” and it took on a’ more “antl- ’ imperialist” tone. Nothing more was heard until mid-summor with little - interest apparently being * genorated among Latin youth “ groups, The Congress was re- ‘acheduled for Auguat snd . sagan didn't take place. * _-In March, howeyer, another’ .'To salvage lost ‘prestige, It” _ Was announced in late August '* Santiago “in consideration of |, Numerous zetiions.” _ exile orgascrations in Miami have waged a heated ' Alvarez, Jeader of the Cuban, "specific irstuructions for or- ., outlined. _ to send sepresentatives to “meeting: was held in Cuba, Mas, a fornyer president of | of! “foreign agent” Each tme |, d Soctalist arty officials intervened in [1 No Nov. 20 for § where ho conferred with F * the Congress would be held in be held in September, a leads" af Latin Youth Group in Chile Organized by a Cuban By DON BOUNING' Since its ineeption, Cuban propaganca campaign against the Congress. ; A letter from a top Soviet youth official to Aldo Natusnal Preparation Cormssittee for the Congress, was cepratuced and circulat- ed by tte exiles,* In- 3% ganinng the Congress ere Exile graups have promised Santiago when the Congress convenes to “denounce the | Commuzist effori to’. braiswash the youth of Latin’ America.” ; : —————t a ’ MIAMI HERALD arc country, This time Chilean Interior minister Dr. Soltero del uo intervened and Mas come back. * A > But for Mas, the Congress: may not have come off. ° , “Yt is an outgrowth of the . fiest Lation American Youth 2 \ Congress held in Cuba tn ° F 3960, It was there the “Cuba SI, Yankeo no” theme was Aine / 4 yin ee ’ D Cpe 204° 74+, ======== PAGE 10 ======== DISPATCH SYMBOL ANY eee Separate Cover Atuac. B to UFGA-14781 GONTINUATIO - F ELASSIFICATION HON O ? DISPATCH SECRET : Identities -l- Ge Miami xews)| i : 2- Guniana Training Center t0¥/ Gun arded Children > 3 - The Miami Herald & mete, atin American nditor>/ 5 4 me te) ok a Aphis we __ SCA & + | [oe — urcd HAT7h oe Tenet = ——— — | 80 \ ~14b AL eeo" 53a USE PREVIOUS avon | SECR ET \a conrimueo i 7 es cory 4 RJ ========== FILE: 104-10073-10061.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 1 104-10073-10064 [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | te 4 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY — This moteriol ontoins information affecting the Noilenal Defense of the United Stores wi 18, U.S.C. Seca. 793 and 794, Hie srandimissionor evatation af which COUNTRY SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. ~ PLACE &. DATE ATO. SOURCE: bo an Bl belwadeer ‘ _ Report ec Cuatthtens of ths Ceestoy pate piste, ase dobeteset by @ Secetal Repmeaaitarive — rn ef tho €xbia Rutieral Revilestenayy’ NO. PAGES ~ - Gounteies ag apeshial rapzas. cnr Shy sey opt in pp sm This REFERENCES Ban Baivedee - -3 Bay. 62 . THIS IS UNFVALUATED MEOWATON Trea foe ose. - guben national exiled ta chews. Tule Fernander ae : . ae fe) Seuree tale Llmayer vio roturoet socanthy fron a trip to the Goxeral " Cuban Devaletteasry Cosnoih. im cavert was cexaaped. by m Aen reprctinive sotgt to the ee Apter - Gueterres to Aatanfe ds Yagonn. vepart, written on 2 Hoy 62, fe © 211 copert to the Reveletiemssy Council ef Cuba regarding greazel - | ecedieteca én Gl Galwader cad opssifically dealing with Cubans fa ehot country. Tee author ¢f tho report wos cent te Bl Selvadsr fer thio paxtiauler parpees Ciooetfied: CIEL. Claseified: COGYERSUTIAL. - RETURN TO CIA “Background Use Only: Do Not Reproduce CoO-feB-LoB- Belle tol hob, x 3 Lh pas EP FOWSS ee RO Cd we fe ========== FILE: 104-10073-10074.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 ‘fica-t0073-10074 [DISPATCH #% Chief, Task Force W wom Chief of Station, JMWAVE Lik?” wn : orc cepeege epg eee re ee eanOperational /CYROSE/AMCUTLEF : -AMCUTLER-1 Frogress Feport for November | ACTION REQUEMLD REFERENCES. Action Required: fer veur information. Reference: 23 November 1962. Developments: UPCA-6637, cated 1, AMCUTLIUF-1's. efforts during the reporting neriod were directed toward: (a) supporting the AMPFAUNA operation; and (b) developing new KUTUBE operations. 2. In support of the AMFAUNA operation, he has been investipgating AMFAUNA-4, for which purpese he has intervieved seven Masons in Miami who presumably should have known AIMFAUNA-4 but did not, and two indi- viduals in New York who did know him. (See UFCA=7118.) 3. AMNCUTLER-1 has also reported a notentia! courier channel to ~ANTAUNA-1, -using: ° 6 . H be ke frenz3ie SARELES Martind 0! ST Dey pee Baye Tee arazi lig citizen ory aoe ES Rorn ¢@ 7/1 97's ow ee vesidenceay N.E.&#iscayne aivdl “Miami, Fla. Occupation: Fmplovee of [Brazilian#consulatep and his brother > 1 fee FanuereancureCrare ts] ae BraziYian citizen Born. L905 “Residence? (, Havana, Cuba é Occupation: Officer of /Brazilian’ Embassy Havana ¢ Once a month a pouch passes between the Brafitiad Consulate in Miami and the Embassy in Havana, and AMCUTLER+1 has made. use,of it to send letterg for posting in Havana to AMCUTLER-2. The twof ABELENY brothers are personal friends of ANCUTLER-1 and AMCUTLER-2;~ but AMCUTLEF-] does not " (Continued) Distribution: Lo - Headquarters UFGA=7171 HEADQUARTERS Fut Menent a @ 19-6-747/3 RETURNTO CIA. Background Use Only Do Not Reproduce ; i # 09593 ======== PAGE 2 ======== “balieve that they would yet be willing to carry or send any obvious _f° .enpionage material. He does believe that they would be wi ling to -” gurry canned good to AMCUTLER-2, and this is. being explored, with the --ddea of concealing. money, maps,etc. in the tin cans. . &. For the purpose. of trying to develop new KUTUBE operations, - AMCUTLER-1 has been. following up leads given him by hie case officer, | Ss ° i fuuie HERN, NDE aka /"El jfe ibie’l b esidegces665 N.E. th St%,| Apt. 8, Mi. F E E who gave additional information on the caves which, he said, are the is property of his brother-in-law \ \ ce EabA md hucarrej atabe ; — \UDio C) _ H Ree wie. ov Sub’s_pRepl Rly 3 eeoPaUcART ; } it 1 4 and \ in Cube Ps Sa pase pennaste Betaneourt {- af Cand Lara, Bone | f “who still lives in the area. G ft_hs 5. AMCUTLER-1 reported that his friond/*Pepe" GONZALEZ) whose | brother-in-law now resident in oe is a son of , oH (orl Carlos PEDEMONTE Ps . . lead _of/ Cartographig Offica of Fa G [Sub"> sca. ts conta oF Sub. hao received word that /PEDEHON PE, is looking for a way to leave Cubanc 7 | ANCUTLER-1 is ing tocflevelop additional information on PEDEMONTE '4 | f oituation from/GONZALEZ<) Other than press clippings, the only JMWAVE | truce on /PEDEM iW is contained in HKH-02664 of 15 April 1960. Poor 09 3B0S° | 6. On 22 December 1962 . CUTLER-1 reported that he had been invited by one oe a *Chique"” NTE: ciifuba . i ban citis 3 powTatl sub 0 2er- 393 945 Py ’ 0 join a maritime expedition aimed against tanker traffic on the south} ‘coast of Cuba, with the further objective of seizing a Cuban- the other of the neh would be on guard duty at the key. IAZ d turned down the offer. \ JMWAVE file checks showed that tha n were indeed of interest \to KUBARK, and that AMTABBY Underwater Demolition Team was possibly involved. Appropriate defensive measures wore immediately taken. : sub. of ol-a9gscs with. effer To SELL him Froduction: mae, Th US Gove Ag gat y- - ial te several thousand dollars. LOPEZ and CEIJAS told 8. The following reports were disseminated during the period: UFG~1955 "Reaction to Current Crisis within Cuba" UFG-2098 "Possible Military Use of Caves near Trinidad, Las Villas" UFG-2143 “Identification of Two Cavos near Trinidad, . Las Villas Which Could be Used for Military. Pusposes” UFGT-2823 “Passenger Manifests for Flights to & From Cuba". Costs: 9. The following expenses were incurred during the period on behalf of the operation: : Two months! salary $500.00 Use of POV $0.00 Meeting expenses 26622 Future Plans 10. No change. END OF DISPATCH ========== FILE: 104-10073-10101.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== fioa-t0073-10101 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 im . [DISPATCH | rere Station, JMWAVE f Ss f ceauat TONAL/TYPIC/ AMFAUNA ‘ hio Special Affair aff a oo. . mE ee —_—— _—_ Can CRE ROCA a c > RERONCS . Aetion Required: For Your Information 1. Following are the results of the debriefing of AMFAUNA-14 in the JUWAVE area from 22 November to 2 December 1963. 2. AMPAUNA-14 did not leave her apartment all day Sunday, 6& Oct. (a Honday, 7: October, she went to work as usual, When she arrived, she found a letter waiting for her which had been forwarded to her office from her accommodation address; it was in AMPAUNA-1's handwriting and contained nothing of any interest, so she was gure there was a secret writing message on it. old and short, who from his appearance might have been a bus driver, and the other a very young dark-skinned man. They waikvd into the . office vestihule and told the guard that they wanted to see AMFAUNA-14, | fhe guard came into the office to give AMFAUNA-14 the message, and the two men followed right behind. They told AMFAUNA-14 that she had to come with them to identify an arrested person, AMFAUNA-14 said that eho would have to ask her supervisor for permission to leave, because it was not yet closing time. She turned to go back into the office, and the two men followed her in, The supervisor told her that it would be all right for her to go, but said that she should check-in by Phone if there were any difficulty, AMFAUNA+14's father and uncle, both of whom work in the same office, asked whether they could come with her. The men said no, because she would be coming right back; they said they were taking "her _to "G-2" headquarters in La Vibora. | 3, At 1255 hours two men arrived at the office, one about 45 years | . { | GOMtAnued.seeeeeeeenes oA LB biepig ct oC a yor OX Distribution: of & Bw Orig & 2 ~ Chief, SAS IN PEK-X J- 6 -se/3 CS Copy sare seusetee veo ee sea | 19-6-50/3 «lB : re tlt, mt oe co tsssiicatlos Hg ======== PAGE 2 ======== B : Se ei et, wy gt oe foy,.3 ; . . 4. “AMPAUNA-14 tried to dispose of the letter ahé had just re- - ‘ ceived from ANFAUNA-1 by leaving, it on the desk of a fellow employee together with some potatoes and a carrot for cover, but the men would ‘not let her, She did, however, manage to destroy a page from her note- book containing telephone numbers, 5. At the DSE headquarters in Villa Maristas, AMFAUNA-14 was _ turned over to a militiawoman who had her strip and perrormed a body *< goaroh on her, She was fingerprinted and pnotographed and her biograph data were taken down, after which she was locked in a cell which had an adjoining private bath. Nothing else of importance happened for the rest of the day. 6. During her four-day detention period AMFAUNA-14 was handled ne Cec 73 follow officers: ITS Bic: ‘ CENT ny tReS birdnearen ° El csi DOB CUS SR TANA ConA “hy JoeB ED prancisco ABAD: AMFAUNA-14 believes that this is hig — alo neme, He no roduce himself, but she saw the name on her release papers which he signed. He was born about 1918 and is about 5°4" tall, weighs about 160 pounds, and haz a fat build, aquiline nose, greenish eyes, dark skin, grey-brown wavy hair, rough laborer's hands, and two teeth missing from the lower jaw. He smokes both cigars and cigarettes, hia manner was soft and kindly, and AMFAUNA-14 believes -he ie probably poorly educated. He is married, but AMFAUNA-14 did not arn whether he has children or what his address is. He wears civilia /plothes and drives a black 1956 Pontiac with a grey roof. Discussing ~ @ man later in the AMCOG household, AHFAUNA-14 was told by Pedro TLL (whois 8 brother_of Justo CARRILLO) that Pedro knows ABAD. — ing to Pedro, ABAD is part Jewish and\an old Communist who worked half of Fidel TRO during the Batista pariod. Pedro CARRILLO thinks that ABAD may now have some regrets about the course he has taken. : Rs (b) "Carlos" aka "Samuel": AMFAUNA-14 does not know hie true nawe, He was born about 1942 or perhaps a little earlier, He is about 5'6" tall, weighs about 150 pounds, and has a muscular build, — drooping eyelids, light olive skin, wavy chestnut hair with a widows — peak. He is a nervous pacer, and walks with his head bent forward and tilted slightly to one side, An expression which he frequently used was "0.E." pronounced “OKAH" with the accent on the first syllable. He told AMFAUNA-14 that he had been a student in the Commercial School of Havana, that he had worked clandestinely under the Batista regime, had been arrested by Col, Esteban VENTURA Novo, had been released due to the influence of his father, and had gotten. out.of the country with the aid of the Mexican Ambassador to Cuba, coming then to the United States. He drives a 1959 black and white Chevrolet Corvair, wears : Givilian clothes, and carries a pistol, sometimes a .45 and sometimes a .38, AMFAUNA-14 believes him to be a 100% Communist, She thinks he ' gay have been somewhat better trained than Francisco ABAD and may have been somewhat superior in rank, although this was never clearly evident There seemed to be a little professional jealousy between the two men. IZ she told one man something which she had been unable to remember for the other, the second would show signs of jealousy or resentment. "Carlos" subsequently told AMPAUNA-14 to phone 61-4319 and ask for “Samuel” when she wanted to reach him. She phoned him at this number bout ten times in all. The phone was alwaye answered by the same woman, except for. once when a boy answered and then called for his mcther to come and take the phone, AHFAUNA-14 would ask for "Samuel" aud the woman would invariably reply that he was not there. AMFAUNA- 14 would then ask the woman to take a message for him to please call “Dolores.” The woman would always reply "Yes, Comrade." Discussing this person later within the AMCOG household, AMFAUNA-14 was told by Tereel (PADILLA Sthat he, thought "Carlos" Samuel TILES. $¢f5S* ob AALS TS Seas or Comment: The physical : arlos" does not match that of Bamtel RODILES Plana. lephone numbe' ~4319 is listed in the 1962 Havana telephone dir 'y.to one Maria Antonia SCARCANO Araujo,AArtes 47, Casablanca, Havana,’ WAVE traces on this ‘ ¥F14 SELF 6/7: SCRA . $5 , Dileng <.cNtyje7 Fcr CLAseiFt : rons . $ | =s0 83a ek Previous soitiON. eh [xl . oa fk CONTINUED ======== PAGE 3 ======== : ° . . wows aeemeee : 4. Savnewi Us ua-14004 , . t ‘ name inolude HCSA-09806 of 23 April 1963 showing that one Maria CARCANO -‘Arujo (born 7 December 1935) travelled to Chile in March and April 1963 on @ diplomatic passport, An AMOT report of 27 September 1962 mentions one Antonia CARCANO Araujo as a communist in charge of vigilance, and living at 47 Artes St., Casablanca. There also appears to be a Maria ARAUJO (born about 1908) who ig an old-time Communist living at Artes 47. AMFAUNA-1 has been given the names of several former residents of this neighborhood in hopes of finding a relative of the CARCANO or ARAUJO families whose physical description matches that of "Carlos," AMIPAUMA-1 has also interviewed Col, VENTURA in the WAVE aren, VENTURA remenbers case similar to that of "Carlos" but doea not remomber the boy's name, He says that he seems to remuaber that the boy's father was connected with one Jose LOPEZ Villaboy (on whom WAVE haw numerous tracea) and that he was assisted in getting to Mexico by a Mexican diplomat named "Benjamin." @yricusa 266i £5 noewy Bee €/9237 : ; Te man appease st ar a & HEAMVAR FERS (oc) Fnu lnu: This man appeared a mes during AMFAUNA- ié'a interrogation. She never heard his name at thie time, but later saw him on televisiod interrogating ANSIGH-2 and he was identified then aa Jose AntonioWFERNANDEZ Menert. She does. not believe that this is hig true name, begduse it is her understanding that DSE officers use Qliases in their public appearances. He is about 5'11" tall, slender, with darkigsh skin and black hair combed straight back. He has very large greon cold eyes. He was born about 1930 and appears to be un- educated, with a cynical and vulgar manner, He woars ER iatand : . . Kare 4. 7, At about 1600 or 1700 hours on Tuesday, 8 October, AMFAUNA-14 was brought into ABAD's office for her first interview. ABAD began by asking if she knew why she was there, AMFAUNA-14 replied that she hed no iden. ABAD observed that that was strange, because he had. . 4% judged ber to bo an able and intelligent womeas 7 6c 0A be ER 267 5% 8, Honestly believing that ghe might have been denounced by the jealous wife of her lover, Manue 1 FeCOMPANTON ,» AMFAUNA-14 suggested that it might be &@ personal matter, 7 (Ab athy:) NEC NCB: C14 Card COIN ECA ET Oakweene SEE. ®. g@aid that it\was not, He-then fitia her if she knew ohs<94 Lais Braulio! ILLAR Negret, AMFAUNA-14 said that she did not, ABAD eaid that th was strange, because VILLAR Negret knew her, He asked 42 she w One Angel *BRINGAS, AMFAUNA-14 said that she did. ABAD ophed why fame, Kooy BRWBOM, ane yous Sony, Moving pis geunyp NEC 10. AMPAUNA-14 said that she knew the man as Luis *NEGR ‘and had not recognized the name VILLAR Negret. , Gb han Ko c BS TT oe 11. ABAD told ANFAUNA-14 that NEGRET was then under detenttor und~ had implicated AMPAUNA-14 in his confession, ABAD wanted to know wha AGVAUHA-14's connection with NEGRET had been, AMFAUNA-14 said that NEGRET had been in her house once, and once in her mother's, 13. At this point ‘in the interrogation, ABAD was called away and AMFAUHA-14 was returned to her cell. Two hours later the interrogation was rosuned, ; : & 23. ABAD picked up where he had left off, and asked AMFAUNA-14 what connection she had had with Angel BRINGAS. AMFAUNA-14- said that ske had known BRINGAS no better than she had known NEGRET., ABAD said that she was lying and urged that she cooperate. AMFAUNA-14 promised that she would cooperate. ABAD said that NEGRET had told the DSE that AMVAUHA-14 had had sexual relations with BRINGAS, and AMFAUNA-14 denied the allegation, 14,.-The interrogation wae again interrupted, and AMPAUNA-14 was ret to her cali, When she returned to the interrogation room, ahe f#aw that ABAD had an envelope containing what she recognized to be papers taken from her apartment, including airline passenger manifests, ciphering material, instructions for using the deciphering material, so , aod insurance policies and personal papers belonging to AMFAUNA-1. : AWHAUNA-14 now realized that it was.time for her to pretend to ~ CLABGIFICATION PAGE NO. SS" SSa Uae eaevious e0iTION, s8EC £ 7 [x] : » 3 ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-09000_. ——_—____. Cooperate with the Ddz, as’ AMFAUNA-1 had briefed her to do in such a | ‘situation, « 15. - ABAD began by telling her that she was in a very serious 3. situation, because he knew that she had had very close connections wath a KUBARK agent. ABAD asked whether AMFAUNA-1 was identical with _ "Julio." AMPAUNA-14 caid that AMFAUNA-1 had been known as "Julio," ABAD then wanted to know whether NEGRET had been working with "Julio," AMPAUNA-14 denied this, ABAD asked whether NEGRET had known "Julio." AMPAUNA-14 denied this too, but volunteered the information that "Julio" had provided NEGRET with mail facilities, and that AMFAUNA-14 had been the cutout between them, Did NBGRET know uf "Julio's" existface, ABAD wanted to know. AMFAUKA-14 said that herda2d not , that she had brought . NBGRET mail and money which she had gotten from "Julio," and had picked wail up from him and delivered it to “Sulto," but that NEGRET had . never known "Julio's" identity. 16, The truth about AMFAUNA-14's relations with NEGRET and BRINGAS according to her statements to her KUBARK case officer in November 1963 in the JMWAVE area, is as follows: : (a) In about mid-1962, AMCOG-2 asked AMFAUNA-14 to serve as: outout’ ‘between herself and an unident 4 fied agent, and AMFAUNA-14 agreed. AMFAUNA-14 was driven to the meeting site, which was on the sidewalk in front of a textile factory near Calle 100 in Marianao, by ANCOG-2's chauffeur, a Spaniard named "Segundo," This agent introduced |. himself to ANFAUNA-i4 only as."Bl *NEGRO", and AMFAUNA-14 described . herself to him as an employee of an unidentified embassy. For contact . _ purposes, ‘“R1 Negro" gave her the telephone number 29-4800 or 40-4900, bY (b) Later, w when AMFAUNA-14 began to trust "El Negro" more, { ehe gave hin the telephone number of her mother, She learned that “MRT Kagrofa" true name waa tariea Rranlio VILLAR Negret, and that he = ‘Lived in a amall room in the rear of the textile factory, The telephon ‘Humber which he had given her was always answered by a woman whose Geme she learned to be “Waximina." (c) VILLAR Negret was born about 1928, and was about B11" tall with broad shoulders and.a strong build. He had black wavy hair. brewn eycs, an olive skin, and a face marked by acne. AMFAUNA-14 — . Bever learned anything about his family directly from him, but DSE officers told her that he was married with one child, parents lived on a farm in Pinar del Rio Province. . (4d) VILLAR Negret was a member o ucionaria |. ‘Denocratica, which AMFAUNA-14 understands to be a successor organizatiog’ to the AAA of Aureliano SANCHEZ Arango, He had formerly belonged to _ |} en action component of this organization, but more recently had de- - voted himself? to intelligence collection. AMFAUNA-14 brought hb eh sy | 1 Puctions and money from ANCOG-2, and picked up his intelligenc iad he '/veporte which she delivered to AuGoG-2, She underst that ‘ANCOG-2_ y gt these reports via diplomatic channela to Fr AEZ ink 1 ELS Laeg, 19 t mo. 2 livered them to. an individual identified only as<7k . ra x Mez," The last contact which AMFAUNA-14 had had WIth sa py ry Hegro® wae in nid September 1963 when he passed her a report which wv be said concerned le . t ia ‘Colonbia, . Once when "f a ye (e) Neg: meet with AMJAUNA-14,. This cousin was Ange14¢BRING. n employee of nt an ado, -talephonedé 0. On various other subsequent occasions, BRINGAS Filled in for Negro." WE.INKC- CN 95B9. PROUDEN BY Os ~KICF, (£) According to what the DSE officers told her, "El Negro" was errested about 1 October and was to be shot. AMFAUNA-14 asked her DSE interrogators whether it would not be possible to reindoctrinate “Bl Negro" instead of shoot him, but they told her that it was not worth the trouble because "El Negro" was raon of low _ morals who. CLARSIFICATION 7 PAGE NO. . Peco Sa vex previous enrtioN. BECRET FF] ======== PAGE 5 ======== ‘ be shown to Angel BRINGAS when and 12 ue As Caugnt, (g) On 12 or 13 October 1963, after AMFAUNA-14 had been re- - leased, she was telephoned at her Place of employment by Angel BRINGAS . who told her guardedly that "51 Negro" had been arrested and said that he would like to send a female cousin of his to talk to AMFAUNA-14. A meeting was arranged in the home of ANFAUHA-14'a mother, The female cousin, whose name was "Gladys", told AMFAUNA-14 that BRINGAS had gone into hiding and wondered whether "the family with which she worked" | (the AMCOGS) could help him get into asylum. AMFAUNA-14 said that she doubted this. "Gladys" told AMFAUNA-14 that, in case it were possible to do anything for BRINGAS, she should tclephone "Gladys" with an. ipnocent message. It was understood that @ meeting would take place at 19800 hours on the same day of the telephune call at the Ten Cent Store S3rd between 10th and 12th in Vedado. AH#AUNA-14 does not remember | Gladys telephone number which was left with her mother. (bh) In spite of what AMFAUNA-14 told the D8E, AMFAUNA~1 had: had nothing to do with NEGRET. AMFAUNA-14 had told this story to pro- tect ANCOG-2, NEGRST had known that AMCOG-2 was involved, and had once had a meeting with her in her home. Nevertheless, AMFAUNA-14 briefed ANCOG-3 on the cover story which she had told the DSE and told her that, dn case she were ever arrested and questioned, she should admit having talked to KEGRET in her home, but deny having been involved in the communications channel or knowing anything about it. Station Comment: Luis Braulio VILLAR Negret appears to be ... identical With Luis *NBEURE Villar (born 4 November 1930 in Consolacion del Sur, Pinar del Rio), who is carded as ACSI source No, 492 and appears in AMBUD correspondence as National Coordinator of the Accion Revolucionaria Democratica, "El Guajiro Bermudez" appears to be iden- tical with Gerardo Jose *QUESADA Vasquez (201-292022) (born 9 May 1919, Pinar del Rio), President and founder of Accion Revolucionaria Democrati >| sua S082 scurce Me, (28, Tesrr arc na Station traces on Angel BRINGAS. | | Woh ‘Fhe 1968 Havana telephone djrectory has no listing fitew20-4990, con Ak Asv._d9 #4]17, Mariango; JMWA Mv-aVUU 19 Listed to Karae1 PELABALUL ; has no traces on him. There ‘ds no listing under 70-5570, However, under 70-5579 there ia the Cuban Ra X y Foto, S.A., Calle 23°: #72, La Rampa.) RAAT Ll he Ieike-"Peuse te z . 5 ~ QIRCPS. - * 17, ABAD appeared to be particularly interested in how NEGRET and "Julio" obtained their funds, and kept returning to this subject during the interrogation, ; : 16, ABAD then addressed himself to the contents of the envelope and a guitcase found in AMFAUNA-14's apartment, He commented that all these things appeared to belong to AMFAUNA-1 and his son, and asked how they happened to be there, AMFAUNA-14 replied that AMNFAUNA-1 and his” son, together with AMFAUNA-3, had been hiding for a few days in her apartment because their usual hiding place had become unavailable. 19. ABAD wanted to know how and when AMFAUNA-14 had first tet AMPAUHA-1. ANFAUNA-14 replied that she had met AMFAUNA-1 in about. February 1962, that AMFAUNA-1 had regularly parked hie car in a lot near her office and that they had seen each other on the street frequently, that ANFAUNA-1 hed finally spoken to her, and that a friendship had:-: developed which finally turned into a love affair. (Comment: This was a lie told to conceal the fact that it had been AMCUTLER-@ who had in-- troduced thes.) She said that AMFAUNA-1 had been her lover until about. July 1963 when she broke up with him because he was too busy with clandestine work to pay the proper amount of attention to her, 30, ABAD asked what part AMFAUNA-14 had played in AMFAUNA-l1's . clandestine activities, AMFAUNA-14 replied that AMFAUNA-1..would some- . tises telephone her late at night to invite her to go out for a ride, and she would then find that AMFAUNA-1 was going out to have agent seetings and wanted her along for cover, ABAD asked whom AMFAUNA-1 had been meeting. AMFAUNA-14 mentioned a person known as "Gustavo" and 88a ss pravious eDitiON, ======== PAGE 6 ======== Veenmen eens we BECRET | ‘+ + UFGA-12804:-. gave the physical description out of Cuba. (She never knew AMFAUNA-24's true name.) She also mentioned Manolo *VILLAMANAN, the true name of AMFAUNA-13 (whom she: had. known Only as AMFAUNA-1's buciness partner but when she thought she ‘could : safoly mention now that he was out of Cuba.) For good measure she added @ notional name and physical description. : : : \ 21. Referring back to AMFAUNA-1'e automobile, ABAD asked what kind of a car he had driven, AMFAUNA-14 replied that it was a gray Chevrolet Impala. She repeated that ANFAUNA-1 had formerly parked it near her office, but said that she had not ssen it recently. ABAD apked where AMFAUNA-1's red car was, and she said she did not know, He asked what the license number on this car was, and.she said she did not know. He never asked anything about the third car which AMFAUNA-1 had . obtained. ; 92. ABAD commented that the DSE had observed AMFAUNA-1 in his gutomobile in the Havana dock area on 1 January 1963, having a meeting with another person. (AMFAUNA-14 recalls that this other person was after an attempt to pick up AMFAUNA-]'s radio. $3. With reference to the KUBARK agent known as "Julio", whom they had recently identified with AMFAUNA-1, ABAD said that he knew that "Julio" had left Cuba in October 1962 and believed that he had gone to Rurope, but he said he did not know whether "Julio" had gone Clandestinely or legally. : 234. AMFAUNA~14 wae asked about AMFAUNA~1's subsources in other provinces, but she said she knew nothing about them. ABAD said he was eure that ANPAUNA-1 had a good anuree on tha Tala of Pinas. Whorne war name might be "Raul". ABAD also mentioned the name of a person who had been shot about two weeks previously and who he believed had been work- dug with AMFAUNA-1. (AMFAUNA-14 doee not remember the name of this percon. ) 25. ABAD asked if AMFAUNA-1's son had helped him in this clandes-: tine work. AMPAUNA-14. replied that the son had been with AMFAUNA-1 . freqvontly, but that she thought it was only because he was’helping — . AMWPAUNA-1 with hie buainess and that the son probably had had nothing to do with clandestine work. wee ; : apartsent, and said he could see she was not cooperating with him, She was not voluntecring information, he said, but waiting to be asked questions, ABAD said he was sure that there was much that AMFAUNA-14 could tell him spontaneously, and he intimated that there might be a- chaace for her to rehabilitate herself. weplied that they had been left in her apartment by AMFAUNA-1, who . dutended to instruct her later by SW what to do with them, She said that AMFAUNA~1 had trained her in this system, and had left her his. materials, so that he could use her as a stop-gap communications 2ine while he was trying to reorganize hie net. Crvigw a is ad ad ah <€ 38. ABAD told her that this was plainly ni ue, cause some 0 the lists were dated later than AMFAUNA-1's departure date. He said he they hed been brought to AMFAUNA-14's apartment by, AMCUTLER-2, ‘who had been observed coming there on 5 October with Loliypf*CORREOSO. (fais was true, according to AMFAUNA-14. AMCUTLER-2 and lin CORREOSO had brought the pasgenger manifests to AMFAUNA-14's house at about 1630 or 1700 hours on 5& October, and had stayed about fifteen minutes, AT the first in two weeks, initiated by AMFAUNA-39 by means of a telephone call to AMFAUNA-1's mother. who was serving as cutout between them. . AMPAUNA-38 had called the meeting to ask whether she had received any instructions from AMFAUNA-1 as to how to,act in case of an internal upriging, which a number of people in Cuba seemed to be expecting about Of AMFAUNA-24, whom ghe knew to be safely’ - AMPAUNA-24, and that he and AMFUANA-1 had rendezvoused in the dock area ~ 26. ABAD again turned to the envelope of papers found in AMFAUNA~14 Cm $7. ABAD asked her where the pasgenger lista came from. AMPAUNA-i4 1400 hours that samc day, AMFAUNA-14 had had a meeting with AMFAUNA-39, . ======== PAGE 7 ======== (The DSE interrogators never ¢ at any: “bias ‘sentionea AMFAUNA-39, © her about this enrlier meetifg, so ANFAUNA-14 concludes that 2 4oF eae’ been under intensive surveillance that day; either AMCUTLER-2 had been . ‘under surveillance on 5 October, or she herself had been under some. kind of periodic spot check, ) 830. ABAD asked AMFAUNA-14 how she had become acquainted with ARCUTLER-3, and AHNFAUNA-14 repjied that she had met AMCUTLER-2 through AMPAUNA-15, the wife of a cousin of AMFAUNA~14 Who is a prisoner on the Iele of Pines, “90, ABAD then asked AMFAUNA~14 where her SW materiales were, which. surprised AMFAUNA-14 because she had thought they had been found during her house search and were part of the incriminating envelope which ABAD was holding. AHNFAUNA-14 told ABAD where to look for the materials, and he gent somebody to get then, 92, ABAD wanted to know how AMFAUNA-i and AMFAUNA-3 had gotten out of Cuba. AMFAUNA-14 said she did not know, She said she understood they were to get their instruction on the street once they had left her apart-| ment. 33. ABAD abruptly asked AMFAUNA~ 14 wh whether she knew anybody in ‘ayano, AMFAUNA-14 said she did not, hen produced a. photograph of ANPAUNS-14 together with AMFAUNA-1 and bare 29|and told her that she : had boon in 2's home in Luyano with AMFAUNA-1 on Saturday, 7 Septe: z He asked AMFAUNA<-14!whetherlAM@EE32 were employed in an embassy, AMFAUN. 14 said whe did not know but ae she thought so, She said she knew to be a personal friend of AMFAUNA-1, and thought that he might occasionally have helped AMFAUNA-1 with his mail. (It was true that AMIPAUHA-14 had gone to ‘a house on 7 September with AMPAUNA-1. Later the sane aay_ AMFAUNA-15 took her to Miramar to introduce her to SeP20ne 27. Gust the DOD acvey cagiisacd au, duleacol lu AMTAUNA-22, AWFAUHA-14 concluded that they had not observed this meeting, and that. / teererore it had been AMWEE}4 who had been under surveillance on 7 Geptember and not herself or 'ANFAUNA~1. She also concluded that the DSE. had been inefficient in not transferring their surveillance to herself: and ANPAUNA-1, ) ' * 38. ABAD again obhanged the subject suddenly, “Where is the radio?’ . ho asked. “Could AMWEE-@ have it?" AMFAUNA-14 said she did not know. anything about a radio. ~ "Where is the camera?" asked ABAD. AMPAUNA-14 - admitted having seen AMFAUNA-1 with a Minox camera, but said she did not krow what AMIFAUNA-1 had done with it, She said she had hoped that AMPAUHA~1 would leave it with her, and pretended to be hurt that he had pot done so. ABAD asked her whether she had ever seen one like it in ‘the A8CO0G house, and ANFAUNA-14 said that she had, Throughout the interrogation, ABAD kept reverting to the subject of the camera: and the Bhe replied that her grandmother was the cousin of AMCOG-3'! ‘mother. ABAD said that the whole family had been under observation .@ long time, and mentioned: an organization (name not remembered b “RNPAUHA-14) which ANCOG-2 had worked with during the Batista era, he wanted to know, was ANCOG-3 doing. AMFAUNA-14 said that she d think he was doing anything clandestine. ABAD replied that the DSE positive that AKCOG-3 was doing secret work. AMFAUNA-14 said tha je should not delude itself, that the entire family was too self: engage in anything of the kind. 36. ABAD. asked what the. diplomatic visitors to the AMCOG household talk about. AMVAUNA-14 said that they. “never talk On a ABAD asked *| about the attitude of"the Doctor" (AMCOG-3's uncle), and AMFAUNA-14 said : that he was waiting for the situation to settle, nt "what about “aur AuHA-37" asked ABAD. "Did she tork | aid that she did not, but: that she so ABAD wanted to know whether AMFAUNA-3 Air Fioriéa. AUFAUNA-24 ‘answered that PAUN. 3 . 36. AMVAUMA-17" AMFAUNA-14 gave him information. i_ work: with some one’ s:ae BERVIOUS EDITION. ======== PAGE 8 ======== * UFGA-12804 had been involved somehow with her sister who Jives in Florida, ABAD asked whether AMFAUNA-14 had been a good friend of AMFAUNA-3, and she @aid that she had been, ABAD asked whether AMFAUNA-14 had ever heard AHPAUNA-3 speak about the Escambray insurgents, AMFAUNA-14 said that she had not. ABAD asked whether ANFAUNA~3 had had contacts with any embassy people, for example the Spanish Embavsy. AMFAUNA~-14 said that she did not know of any such contacts. . 37. "How abcut ANCUTLER-3?" askec ABAD, "Wo know that she spends (& lot of time there," AMPAUNA-14 said she did rot know, ’ 838. ABAD asked AMFAUNA-14 if she were # revolutionary, AMFAUNA-14 said that she was not, but that neither was the against the revolution. She said that she had joined the militia early in the revolution, but had soop dropped out because there were some things about the revolution which she did not understand, For instance, she could not underetand why thore should be so many shortages and rationing, whereas before the revolution there had been plenty. ABAD exp)sined that the shortages wer the result of the imperialist blockade of Cvba. AMFAUNA-14 seid that she could underatand this, but that it did mot explain why there should | be a shortage of coffee when Cuba grew its own, ABAD said that coffee was in short supply because Cuba was sending coffee to the Soviet Union in gratitude for Soviet assistance in overcoming shortages caused by the imperialist blockade. §AHFAUNA-14 replied that this was very logical now that it had been explained to her, and said she wondered why the revolutionary government did not publicly say so in order to put an end to public grumbling on the subject. 4 38, .Barly in the morning of 9 October, ABAD produced the letter ™ which AMPAUNA-14 received from AMFAUNA-1 on 7 October and held up the letter to the light, examining it carefully for traces of SW. AMFAUNA- UAto developer pilile wore brought end che wae tald ta davealan the latta which ehe did in the presence of ABAD, "Carlos, "anda third man whom ehe Was unable to get a good look at. All were very surprised and disappointed when nd secret writing appeared. They kept asking her if she were sure she was doing it right, and began intimating that she was deceiving them. (Station Comment: It is indeed surprising that no secret writing appeared, because this letter was almost undoubtedly the. one containing SW message no, 1 to AMFAUNA-14,) 40. ANFAUNA-14 also explained the use of her carbons, The only accommodation address ehe gave away was AMFAYNA-1's JMWAVE area post office box. She deliberately protected the (Rosa JUSTIZ hddress. (the home of ANPAN~2), not knowing whether this waa a real or a fictitious person, GA oY 41. "Carlos" and ABAD now invited AMFAUNA-14 to work with them, She Feplied that she might be willing to do a0, but first wanted to know what work would be expected of her, For instance, she said, she would not inform on people in her office, They told her that this would not be askedof her, because that sort of work is done by the Defense Committees. Her work, they said, would be much more important, namely maintaining a link between themselves and KUBARK. She said that would be all right, but she was afraid that it would not last long because KUBARK would probably put her on ice as soon as they learned that she had been arrested, They told her not to worry about that. 42. °"Carlos" and ABAD suggested to her that AMFAUNA-1 had briefed her to agree to cooperate with them, She denied this, claiming that she had not really wanted to work with AMFAUNA~1 at all, but had merely let herself be imposed on for old times sake, They asked whether they could trust her, She said she thought so, and asked whether she could trust them to ksep their promises, They assured her that she could, and said whe would be released the following day. : . 43. In the morning of 10 October, atter. being. to1d that she was to be released, AMPAUNA-14 was moved to a smaller cell without a bath. ‘She: sent for ABAD and complained “that he-had double~crossed her. He told ======== PAGE 9 ======== 14-00000 UFGA-12894 Bune her that he was going to keep his word and release her, but that her original cell was needed for some new prisoners who were expected. He said that the DSEZ had received advance word that a boatload of refugees: were going to try to leave Cuba that night. Many of them were women, ton one of there was pregnant, so he wanted the larger cell with bath or then, 44. ABAD plways trented AMFAUNA-14 kindly and considerately, When she had 8 headache, he ordered aspirin fcr her, Hévsaw to it that she received soft drinks when she wanted them, and he seemed to be- honestly distressed whenever she wert. AKIAUNA-14 believes that it had been the DSE's intention from the very beginning to recruit her, be- eaguse she doubts that all DSE prisoners are treated as well, 48. The firet SW message which AMFAUNA-14 wrote while under DSE control was dated 10 October, the day of her release. The DSE officers asked her what her control signal. was, and she replied that it was a rubrio, but algo included her true control signal. She deliberately ausbered her first controlled SW message no. 2, to conceal the fact that she had already written several messages containing intelligence reports, — 46. In all she wrote three SW messages. under control, She was ; obliged to write each one in duplicate, one ‘of which was mailed and the other given to the DSE for study.. One day "Carlos" came to her very .-{ angrily, said he doubted that her carbons were anything more than 5 | _ ordinary paper because he had been unable to develop anything | that she | Hy ww and @hmnntadnd bane wed th mn mermavrar a hag srittcn, and threatcasd her with roarrcost. AMTAUNA-14 told hin V | that she did not know anything about it, but that if by chance he had |. tried to deveiop the letters she had written with the pills he had ‘taken-from her, it would not work, This surprised "Carlos," and -AMPAUNA-14 explained that there were two different SW systems, one for outgoing mail and the other for incoming. "Carlos" then asked her if . ' there were. any significance to the size of envelope used, or to the way: ‘the letter paper was folded, AMFAUNA-14 said she did not think so. AMFAUNA-14 feels that "Carlos" and ABAD never completely believed that . he bad an SW system, because none of the letters which she received disclosed SW when developed, and none of the letters which she wrote showed any traces of 8W when held up to glancing light. * 47, "Carlos" was the DSE officer who maintained contact with AWPAUNA-14 after her release. For two or three weeks he saw her every - day at her apartment, sometimes for only twenty minutes, and sometimes ataying for several hours, frequently late at night. Occasionally he called her at her office. Finally AMFAUNA-14 told him that she had to get up early in the morning to go to work, and asked him to visit her ‘early in the evening, which he agreed to do, At.the time of the in- ' tercepted AMGLOSSY landing in Pinar del Rio, "Carlos" did not visit “AMPAUNA-14 for five days. When he finally returned, he was dirty, aweaty and tired. He dictated an SW letter he wanted AMFAUNA-14 to -gend to KUBARK, and while she was writing it he fell asleep. - "@8, AMFAUNA-14 had to prepare written reports for him, which she :“pigned. with the pseudonym "Dolores," He told her never to call him at ‘ DSB headquarters, because he was never there. Once he brought her a book on Marxism to read, and promised to take her someday to visit a collective farm in Pinar del Rio Province, 49. Despite his occasional efforts to get her to pick up the thread of the AMFAUNA net, AMFAUNA-14 believes that the primary target she was . intended to work against. was the AMCOG household. From remarks made by both ABAD and "Carlos", she deduced that they already had an informer -in the house, but that they were not satisfied with his production, - Toward the end of her period of DSE -controlled activi jen felt that | the DSB was becoming relatively less interested in AM “net, and more in the AMCOG household. _ 80, They asked her about one Vicente LAGO, who 8 a, :at, the AMCOG house and who ‘Seems to be particularly intere! ======== PAGE 10 ======== They also wanted to know what diplomg ie weationed theo. ons (Toma JUESADA), they exclaimed and said thay were very intereste n him, and asked whether she could arrange invitations to His hougze. Other diplomatic personne} AMFAUNA-14 m tioned as visitors to the AHC hoRy ware. | MFOSCHINI ( 9 ), Brasilian agdor_Lais Pinto, a fenale secretary of fhe United Arab Republig Em aha-ttfe of n former Seapanese Ambasnador, Fortunately, during the four weeks following MIFAURA-14's release from DSE custody, no ‘diplomats visited the AMCOG “Ck Fee ld RE pestKa H 201-994 71 3 oaran bald 81. With the knowledge and encourdgement of the DS, AUFAUNA-14 vigited the ANCOG house nearly every day. Her first visit took place at noon on 1] October and she stayed until about 1800 hours, during which time she told AMCOG-3 the entire story. He listened and took a few notes, but kept most of the story in his memory, He encouraged and calmed AMPAUNA~14, told her to follow DSE instructions to the letter and assured her that KUBARK would send her instructions. pati AMFAUNA-14's immediate preoccupations were AMCUTLER-2 and AMAL the (whom she knew to be blown to the DSE as KUBARK agents), . -39 (who was not yet identified but had her telephone number and might oali her at any moment with damaging results to himself), and ~ the possible arrival of 8Wymessages from KUBARK naming other agent - personnel, ° ‘ 53. ° On 11 October, the day after her release, AMFAUNA-14 sent a a Steers AR FH. = Barve avy: ae ~— =a mommaye iv ANCUTLER-S via ARTAUNA-19 and the ascthor of Mancle VIEEAMANAS warning her that she had been arrested. She also asked ANCOG-2 to send | a warning to WEE?2, = -¥, Nat Cp boat wy ter a4 TEM ee 8 ee oie S21ICY dame Herr dpod by Ose | 84. On 13 or 14 f ; MeuiCOG-2 went to @ home o pert im O'PARRILL where she met Wanda HINI whom she asked merely to warn a @ that the DSE had AMWRE}2 ‘identified. Tyo or three days later, - Wanda’ FOSCHINI reported backyjto AHCOG-2 that hu 2 evidently was not taking the warning seriously. By this time, however, ANFAUNA-14 was; i sure that lANWRE knew that something was wrong, because he had tele- 4 ened AMFAUHA-I's mother asking for "Soledad ind‘ had been told that 4 ut ledad" was unknown, (Regarding Albertina 'FARRILL'S knowledge of these developments, AMFAUNA-14 believes that she probably knew nothing. arres pore than that AMPAUNA-14 had been_ on released. ) A-quig} © ; \ m , of sot-ssor rh | 65, On ober AMFAUNA-14 sent a warning telephone ca 0 i AMPAUHA-39, She dialled 20-6102) end told the woman who anewered "Please ~€04l Hanolo that Soledad calledgtand that he should not telephone me beeause I am going to be out of Havana and will call him when I return ' _, AMPAUHA-14 19 not sure now whether AMCOG-3, whom she consulted on the “pest way. to 4. thizg, had noted the telephone number, 4 Cralya 0) so stun tat| 2607 S53867TS~ ob se. Sin om ARPAT ‘oon warHing was her lever (Manuel ANIONY) whose warn 1 Alejandro,¥'> Unbeknowns 5 30-3, she sent & message to(COMPANTONI) via -AHCOG-3'g ehuuffeur telling him to stay sway from hérpbhut asking him to-telephone. her occasionally, ~ . . 57. On 30 Ostober when she arrived home from wor FAUNA Do found "Carlos" waiting downstairs for her, Trying to divert his atten- tion from the mail box, she invited him to come right in, but he asked . her why she did not open her mail box first, She did so and found two letters from ANFAUNA-1, dated 19 and 25 September, They both contained veiled references to names like "Carmina" (. 2), "Bdgardo," (AMPAUWA-37), Bl Grande" (AMPAUNA-25), andg\'Igor™ (Airey) 9 ‘One of them instructed AMFAUNA-14 to have, "Carmina" introduce her to "Edgardo" and the other intimated that (isor")nad something for her. . 58. "Carlos" ordered her to develop these letters, and she did so, Wo secret writing appeared, which did not surprise AMFAUNA-14 because the letters themselves contained instructions for her, but it did ======== PAGE 11 ======== arene ER NN Surprise "Carlos" who again began to accuse AMFAUNA-14 of double- crossing him. AMFAUNA-14 explained the absence of SW by saying that KUBARK was probnbly testing its communications channels and waiting for things to quiet down before sending messages, 6 RE) 2 59. "Carios" then told AMFAUNA-)4 to get in touch with Aa : BM t the package which he was holeing: for her, She telephoned 9 2 from her office and said she wanted to see him,v| E42 agreed to a meeting, but stipulated that it be after 1700 hours and in his office, AMFAUNA- 14 reported this conversation to "Carlos" who told. her to ‘proceed with the meeting. | 2/80, ANGE! 22 took AMFAUNA-14 into a pmaii room, “where she quickly plained the situation (she felt she should not spend much time in 2's office becauge she was afraid the DSE had her under surveil- ance} this was confirmed laterdiwhen "Carlos" asked her casually how / much time she had spent in 2's office, apparently trying to eaten her out itn a lie). 2 seemed surprised, and worried, and told her to take care of herself: ( She told AMWE % that the reason the DSE had wanted her to meet with him was ae pick up a package which . they believed he was holding for her..o AMWEE) 2 replied that he was no ‘longer in a position to receive or send packages, because the diplomat with whom he had been cooperating had been declared persona non grata, 61. "Carios" alao told AMFAUNA=14 ‘to contact AMCUTLER-2 to qrrange introduction to "Edgardo,"’ AMFAUNA-14 telephoned AMCUTLER-2 umber , expecting to be told that AMCUTLER-2 was not there, and was : very surprised when AMCUTLER-2 herself came to the telephone. AMFAUNA- 14 told AMCUTLER-2 that she wanted to see her, but AMCUTLER-2. said she had aa bad case of asthma and could not see anybody; AMFAUNA-14 re- ed this convergation to "Carlos. " Ie ao. aubaees tty abel zs dean ase 4 + d i oct understood the warning’ message “gent to her, so she sent oy -2 two more oral messages via AMFAUNA-15 and one via Lolita ory “duane 2 had eithor wat wanandwand av | PF nove Sescocaves cz . » explicitly advising her to hide or take asylun. ‘ _. 68. "Carlos" continued .to press AMFAUNA-14 to see AMCUTLER-2 , and AXCUTLER-2 showed no signs of heeding AMFAUNA-14's warnings. AMFAUNA~1 pherefore gent one more message, this time a written one, via Lolita aying that she really must see AMCUTLER-2 in the latter's rome fo: the purpose of coordinating cover atories. AMCUTLER-2 then © paid a visit to the home of Lolita Ruoge to pass the message that she agreed to the meeting, } (i 64, On 3 November, with the knowledge of "Carlos," AMFAUNA-14 went _ to. dmcorisn-3"* house. "Carlos" briefed her to obtain an introduction “to. "Rdgardo", to find out where AMCUTLER-2's coffee shops wereylocated, and to find out whether ANCUTLER-1 was a a close friend of Eloy AGUTIERRE 62° Ache, be F a, : «68... AMCUTLER-2 told AMFAUNA~14 to tell “got @ close friend of GUTIERREZ Wenoyo, She said to add that angry with ANCUTLER-1 and thinking of divorcing him. : 6. AMVAUNA-14 and ANCUTLER-2 devised the following cover 6 OFIO for the protection of the source of the airline jpassenger manifests CAMFAUNA-18, whom AMFAUNA-14 does not know) and of "Edgardo" CAMFAUNA- | 7, ‘Whom AMVAUNA-14 does not know): : (a) Before leaving Cuba, AMFAUNA-1 had asked AMCUTLER-2 to - look out for his mother, and to pass on -to AMFAUNA-14 anything that . |. might come addressed to "Betty." One day, &8 colored woman called at _ AMCUTLER-3' 8 coffee shop on Calle San Rafael with a package addressed “to "Betty". The coffee shop employees had thought that the package was intende: or an. employee whose name is "Ketti" and had given it to her, , _ Said ag hot hers, and there matters rested until one day . when ANCUTLER= sited the coffee shop and was told about the incident. eaployees that she. knew who the package was ======== PAGE 12 ======== coe . s ce 8 4 moe . (b) AMCUTLER-2 had received a-.letter from AMFAUNA~1 dated 18 October saying that she would receive a visit from a person known to her “who would introduce himself as "Edgardo", and asking her to introduce ~ "Edgardo" to AMFAUNA-14, This person has not yet arrived, and: AMCUTLER-| 3 does not know who he is. : | a | .’ 87, AMCUTLER-2 agreed to stick to these stories in case she is interrogated, and to brief "Ketti" to support the coffee shop story. | She also told AMFAUNA-14 she had decided to go into hiding immediately, AMFAUNA-14 asked her not to do it so soon after her visit, but AMCUTLER- { 2 said that AMFAUNA-14 should provids her with cover by telling the DSE ! that. AMCUTLER-2 had spoken of taking a holiday at Varadero, 68. Making her report to "Carlos" after this meeting, AMFAUNA-14 teld these cover stories as though they had just been revealed to her . by ABCUTLEH-2, . 69. 4 fourth letter arrived from AMFAINA-1, consisting of two pages of overt text. AMFAUNA-14 was sure that it contained SW because of the banalities in the cover letter. Before turning it over to "Carlos" she took it to AMCOG-3 who had sumebody make a literal copy -of it and then destroyed the original. AmFAUNA-14 turned the copy over to "Carlos" who had her develop it, and was again disappointed and angry when no SW showed up. (Station comment: this letter had contained SW number groups for OWL reception.) ¢ i 70, On or about 10 November 1963, AMFAUNA-14 prepured a written ' yeport for the DSE on the visitors to the AMCOG household. This report HI ‘was actually dictated by AMCOG-3 to AMFAUNA-14 who took it down on the ; _ typewriter, She then made a handwritten copy of the report to turn in - , to the DSE, keeping the typewritten copy for self- -briefing. She brought YW e ont ow PS is « an Vd damnd sennndns . . the typewritten copy out with hor. Tolicwing 15 a literal tranclation: ne : ~\ “ . che OB be AT tie : : vr.) srnesto ‘@MAKT and hig wite Lolita: I do not know them very well. ‘it r can Say about them is what Y have heard, that -they : ‘are old friends of the family, and that the doctor took a trip to Mexico with AKCOG-3'a uncle latter's election, Nagter £h6 3 5 b, Sr, Pedro CARRILLO and his wife Margot: He is a tb or o> Justo *CARRILYD and has been a friend of the Taniiy for a long time. They sympathize with the Revolution in some aspects, but their daughter (who I think is engaged to the son of AMCOG-2) left Cuba for exile, and this caueed them to change. I do not know why their daughter had to. \ take asylum, Liane Piet | 6. pr.) oscar ' “baw and his wife War arita: Within the family ‘she has the nickname e. s a judge. ntil very recently he ‘was neutral, but now it seems t at they have loaded him with work and he ia ina very bad mood because I believe he has the work of eight cases,» She does not sympathize much with the Revolution. They have no ~ childfen, but aimost all of her family is abroad which I think is her : p®incipal reason for being discontented. b. Avda peD4Id wed dg, Sra, Nenita de FeCARAMES : She is’ the Vite of/fnu CARAMES, the former Chie¥ of Police of Havana. She has a daughter by him whom | she anftrarz and o: ie fcamwe of family warnth, o the house in sear 257707 O who is a f=) ast thrée her as and has become. a very good fr ho’ in reality it was her cousin .who- ======== PAGE 14 ======== 14-00000 “ABUOG Kamiiy 10x many ‘youre s-- soy nee eee ew ow ee 7 sister abroad anda brother: who is in prison, Her father and ‘nother | seldom come” to. the house, A sister of hers is a doctor of some. farm, All she does if obtain medicines for the’ prisoners, thereby causing |,” a lot of trouble for AMCOG-2, AMCOG-3 and the old man, aa Jer Date | . g.» Joaquin Shancusz and his wife: Sara: CAccording: to what I ve heard, he {8 a trave ng s&Tesman ror some laboratory, >.His wife is the sieter of the wife of the old man's two nephews, Pandho and AMCOG-3 (sic). I have also heard that she is always trying to: get ‘medicine for her son who, from what YX have. heard, is abnormal. °F ve qntak " BANCHEZ “pera ino: She lost “both her. pa ‘oh. (Dr, Maria Dolores | father and mother when she was rteen years old, and the AMCOG family took her in as-an adopted daughter. The oid man paid for her education. She is like a daughter to him, and like a sister to the nephew and niecd, She works in the emergency hospital. She is not openly opposed to the regime, but nevertheless the separation from her brother and her relati has greatly affected her, - situ tawyutin os fae id “fp 42t ~ ‘ (Dry Vicente f#Laco and his wife pugria gue quis: His brother Roberto LAGoW who sore years ago, was Pola’s first husband, They have two sons abroad. From what I have heard, he devotes. himself _ex- clusively to his professian, and it is she who is most r upset by the. Separation from her children, -..:. -..9% 20. 20 —p as j. wercedes/eVALDES eases, a case very similar to that of STEPFANI, excep 83 a woman who is a very good friend of ck. AHCOG-2's husband, jand Syn the same situation with her relatives abroad, She is just one more of the many refugees in search of warmth and friendship, with no friends left in Cuba, nae k. Julio /SBRAVO: A long-time friend of Pancho, all Kis family ie abroad. He is another case of warmth and friondship, he.uses the swimaing pool a lot, he is alone, I have even seen him cutting trees with AHCOG<=3, a typical case of an unhappy man, in the afternoons hs Plays chess with the old man, and I have never heard him say anything bad about anybody, not even about the situation, the only thing - as is natural - he misses his daughters and his water etit & ae a na OT aw - one 4?! Raquel ACASKGRAN: The “vidow ri the Director of Culture in ernment, sesus CASAGRAN, the Gre Qrau Gove Jesus CASAGRAN and sister of Raul LAZARO who was wifit aide to both Grau and a Prio. She is very highly regarded by — the fam ly I have never heard her express herself in any way against. the Government ; I would call her neutral, wet oot : af ote Com As. aed eeped cb LAT te oa aay orgs (Rotten: Former wite of Jose Maria de la Aguilera) she comes to e se w her two daughters and hermother who is a. cousin of Sra, Paulina, AMCOG-2 helped her a lot in hiding her husband during the Batista tyranny. I have also heard that AMCOG-3 helped her with her divorce. Apparently she does not sympathize with the Revolutia although I believe that it is out of spite against her husband. Her mother’s name is Leopoldina SANCHEZ Vda. de Crecente, and her nickname A isfyonga. due, Avia ‘ . fw do ete, ge ete, -2 3/509 “Tha, oon, ni ida fp using YY etre who is a close 4 ank}¥*PAEZ and o. os@' ERO th8 husband of Polita, She is another | family warmth, She has wanted to leave Cuba ever able to, This ig her principal obsession t of her mother as well, She has been coming to the house a lot ast thre @ years, and has become a very good friend of the - Bc th in reality | At, was her cousin who was a better friend \ ae ‘yg : poldina Brave: Thia couple has two children who are really hers from her first arr age, Manolito and Lourdes, He has a a leaning eas in Havana, and fr know that she has ======== PAGE 15 ======== ee 1 gee ee ee before she married J, AGUERO, Politically speaking, she follows the Grau line, She is more or less neutral, and devotes herself to her teaching work. He devotes himself exclusively to his. work, pee p. -Manuel *COMPANIONI and his wife Alicia: They have been acquaintances oF ANCOC-2 and ANCUC-3 Tor many years, although it was not @ close friendship, rather a friendship of Montmartre, Tropicana, etc. A daughter of theirs is abroad, He too was a very good friend of Armand PEO who used to be a friend of the family, and now in the course of time they have become closer friends of the family. In other words it is another case of friendship caused by being abandoned by others. He has & small deodorant factory in the same house where they live. They both - have their mothers here. a. L : . eee a ee a ae q- Jack/*CONNILL, 21 and his wife Marina: His mother has been @ very goad friend o amily for many years, and she was a school friend of the two nieces of the old man, This couple have always been friends of the family, the more so now that so many of their friends have left Cuba, 71. AMPAUNA-14 turned this report over to "Carlos" on 11 or 12 November, At this meeting he asked her to try to make contact with AMFAUNA-3's brother who he said had- been transferred to a hospital in Las Villas. AMFAUNA-14 said she would try, but thought it would be: . difficult, This was the last time she saw "Carlos,'"' He telephoned her again on 16 November t ask what was new, and this was their last 1 telephone contact. 72, When AMFAUNA-14 arrived at AMCOG-3's house at about 2000-hours on 15 November 1963 tor the regular Friday night supper, he took her aside and said he wanted to speak to her privately later. At about 4330 hours she went to his room. There he told her that he had received orders that she was to leave Cuba the following week. He said that precise instructions were to come on 16 and 17 November, so he made a lunch date with her for Sunday noon at his house. 73. AMFAUNA-14 was frightened by this, She did not sleep well Priday or Saturday nights, and spent Saturday in her home. 74. Sunday afternoon in AMCOG-3's house, AMCOG-3 told her that she was to leave the following day. She said that she did not want to. AMCOG-3 responded that this was an order, He said that the DSE would probably arrest her again soon, and for her own safety and that of other she must leave. He added that there were others who were to leave too, whose departure had been made conditional upon her own, : 75. AMFAUNA-14 asked whether AMCUTLER-2 were one of these other people who were to leave too, and AMCOG-3 replied that she was. 14 told him that she thought AMCUTLER-2 would not agree to leave, said that he thought she would because the orders had been couched in very strong terms, 76. He then showed her the instructions, both for herself and for AMCUTLER-2. He had her type her instructions on a piece of paper, and then memorize them, 77, Then AMCOG-3 gave AMFAUNA-14 the following verbal. messages” ‘to deliver when she reached JMWAVE: . : (a) A colonel fnu LANDEIRA, a tank expert who had ‘been. in the Cuban Army under GRAU and PRIO, is a prisoner on a farm in Havana Pro= vince. He is given three days off per week to go home. His wife knows in advance when he will be coming out, AMCOG-3 does not know the wife} but has indirect contact to her, AMCOG-3 says the man is honest and ‘ intelligent and fas real soldier, and if we want him out AMCOG-3 can arrange it. . . : b) As of about 1800 hours on 17 November, a you gim . infiltrated Anto Cuba and had been hiding at the h ‘31 CLASSIFICATION ======== PAGE 16 ======== ae PRENSA He TORII a ee 7 . - . Pe . . . . DISPATCH |. Sse RE: . UFGA- 14894 had been noved to a new hiding place, AMCOG-3 was considering trying to help the young man into asylum in the Uruguayan Embassy through a certain ("Pepin") whose identity is not known to AMFAUNA-14 but; who she thinks is oe" UFuguayan attache. {c) AMCOG-3 is out of one-time pads and needs a resupply. (d) It is very possible that AMCUd-3 may be able to obtain and forward a copy of AMFAUNA- 14 DSE dossier. 78. On Monday morning, 18 November, AMFAUNA-14 dressed as she had been instructed, and atuffed a pair of slacks and sneakers into the straw handbag which she had been told to carry. At 1300 hours she left her office and proceeded on foot to the coiner of Atares and Arango in Reparto Luyano, arriving there at 1400 hours, Here she exceeded her instructions, waiting for AMCUTLER~-2 not five minutes but fifteen, She then walked very slowly toward Calzada Luyano, hoping that AMCUTLER-2 might overtake her, This consumed another ten minutes, and by the time she reached the Calzada Luyano it was too iate for. her to walk the re- mainder of the distance, so she took a taxi. 78. AMPAUNA-14 discharged the taxi one block before theParque de la Virgen del Camino and walked the rest of the way. She went to the sbrine where she prayed for a few minutes, and then sat on a bench from which she could see the whole park. 80. At 1510 hours a 1954 Buick taxi arrived at the park. The driver stayed in the car, and two men ~ a colored man and a fatr-haired man - got out and walked around for about ten minutes, Finally they approached her and gave the challenge, to which she gave the correct response, One of the men then said simply "Follow me", They took her back to the taxi and put her in the back seat with one of the men, the. other two riding in front. . 81. . They headed out of the city. When the reached the Carretera de Varadero, one of the men asked her politely if she would mind keepin her eyes directed down toward the floor and not look out the window. She rode this way for about two hours, By then it was dark, and she wa told she could look up again. She took advantage of the opportunity to change into her slacks and sneakers. 82. Finally the car stopped, and she and her two escorts got out; They walked a long time. At one point, whistle signals were exchanged with someone in the darkness, and two other men appeared, one of whom: was AM@KE}2. AMPAUNA-14 and AWWEE}2 greeted each other politely, but * pretendeddnot to know each other. dt 83, They did a lot more walking and joined up with another man, wh turned out to be the radio man. He had a lot of equipment with him, and AMPAUNA-14 and AH@EE}2 helped to carry it. 84. They now reached the mangrove and began to walk through water, At one point their guide became briefly lost, but found his way again almost.-immediately, When they came to the open water, one of the guide! went forward and signalled. The boat came in in response to the signal AMPAUNA-14 »\ E}+2, and the radio man walked out Into knee-deep water and climbed into the boat, which already had a crew of two, 85. The boat proceeded out to an unidentified key, The crew con- cealed it in the mangrove, cleverly lacing and tying branches together over it to form a camouflage cover, There they went to sleep. 86. The following day, 19 November, was spent at this spot. A radio message was received during the day, At night the boat put -out for Cayo Wegano, The waves were enormous, and. AMFAUNA-14 was terribly seasick. The boat remained at the rendezvous point until 1045 hours, -” with AMPAUNA-14 pleading for the crew to return to land, saying she . would rather be shot than remain so seasick. Finally the crew did put back, saying that the ship probably would not come because thé sea was 2 = - es 4 &: ======== PAGE 17 ======== ‘tallied perfectly, and the AMHICK team were well briefed on all of the - dnetructions reached her, They were taken, she said, by Lolita FORMOS " AMCUFLER-2 had visited AMFAUNA~14's apartment twice, On both occasi UFGA- 12894 ~’&, ; 67. Wednesday, 20 November, was apent on the same key. A very, ° long radio message was received during the day. AMFAUNA-14 and ‘AWE, 2 both helped the radio man to decipher it, and their combined efforts took about three hours,’ Then they put out again for ‘the Cayo Megano ; rendezvous point. By this time their drinking water was all gone, | The boat was overloaded, so much of the food'and equipment was left behind on the key. Again no ship appeared. -This time, instead of | returning to their original hiding Place, the crew took the boat to Cayo: Mosquito. | i {, ; : i Here they spent the remainder of. tha'‘night, and all ct Thursday 21 November, ‘Their water was gone, there was very little focd left, | and there was only enough gasoline left for one more ‘one-way trip” out to the rendezvous point. At 1400 hours on 21 November another radio message was received With the combined efforts of the radio man, AMPAUNA-14 and AWE g| it took between two and three hours to decipher it. Everybody: Ba very optimistic; they were all sure that they would be picked up that night. 7 89. Promptly at 2300 hours. the ship was seen approaching. boat put out immediately, and 4ts passengers were taken aboard. the shi AMPAUNA-14 was taken into the sick bay where she was given a pill little water, ‘nd somewhat later some varm broth, A 90; From the moment she stepped into the ‘boat on 18 November, unt if she was hauled out by ‘the armpits on 21 November, AMFAUNA~14 riever lef the boat. Her side and legs were bruised from the pounding of the waves: against: the boat. A little blood vessel in her‘right eye was broken by a twig snapping in her face as she walked through the man- grove, This was treated by the ship's! doctor, i el. ” AMFAUNA~ 14 says that the AMHICK team performed very well, The pickup in the park was. done excellently, The slight delay while they looked her over, she says, was due to the fact that the men had ex- pected another woman to be with her, and they were waiting a few minute in case the other woman should show up, The AMHICK. team said that the had also boen briefed that she would be wearing her hair in a bun, She had not been briefed accordingly, and she was wearing her hair down her back in a pony tail, This discrepancy did not cause any con- fusion, because every other item of the visual recognition signals : @2, AMFAUNA-14 was impressed by the precise timing of the team's: movements, by the fact that everybody was where he was supposed to be at the time indicated, She expressed admiration for their seamanship, and their ability to pick out one spot of mangrove from another in the pitch darkness, 93. She says that, during these trying days, the team members were alwaya in cals control of the situation, and never failing in their courtesy to her, 94. Regarding AMCUTLER~-2, AMFAUNA-14 is sure that the exfiltration who had been standing by for them from Friday to Sunday. What Lolita did with them, ANFAUNA-14 does not. know, She knows that we had suggested that Lolita take them to AMFAUNA-1's mother, but she also knows that we had indicated to AMCOG-3 that AMFAUNA-1's mother might be under surveillance, so she thinks Lolita might have taken them directly to AMCUTLER-2. In any case, she knows that messages sent previously by AMCOG~3 to AMCUTLER-2 reached the latter, and she sees no reason to assume that these instructions did not. 95... It does not surprise AMFAUNA~14 that AMCUTLER-2 did not follow the.orders, ANCUTLER-2, she says, plays her own game with little con- ration for others, Between the time that AMFAUNA-1 left Cuba on J September, and the time that AMFAUNA-14 was arrested on 7 O¢tobe T, nei, ======== PAGE 18 ======== SECRET‘! " urcd- 12804 AMPAUNA-14 had asked her to remove the suitcase that AMFAUNA-i had ieft behind, but on both occasions AMCUTLER-2 had found some excuse not to do so, When AMFAUNA-14 visited AMCUTLER-2 in her home in. Guanabacoa on 3 November for the purpose of coordinating their cover stories, AMCUTLER-2 did not seem very interested in coordinating stories or anything else. AMFAUNA-14 believes that AMCUTLER-2 may be working for the-Geceed= voRECTOR: Ce TT " ; To TON, sy i nfo om oe ET. 272002 “pr. cms, WAVE 9295 PP. Sy - Ww 6 74 1 oY 2a TYPIC: av Ba NTY Fore p comma. vv REFS: he VAVE R064 Tim ccero) 3. AVE go7r (IN 66EE7) ce wae een OW Fcagcgy De WAVE £074 (w 66863) By WAVE nim (wt G7 242) a a F. WAVE. £196 uw 67216) | Pe WAVE 8196 (1% G 7381) “be, FOL [€ Teaw@ariow oF BEFS a Tupy a ponte a Ae RY pr oe et pe he a3, ENTERING DIREGLY THE RAGE. TEODGRO IS IH CHAR oF TUF VTCILANCE OF KARAT OM. ARLE, VHO IS ANIRAL’S PAN, IS IN CHARGE OF waPAT TWD... DOCTOR JIPERES IS IM CHAPCE OF THE INTELLIGENCE FOR KARAT: WE. THIS YAS GR. JIVEXED vORMED VITH PANCHD VILLA IN HERE SEPORE. @.. NT9.. THE ORE CATA ON CAVID'S HAN AD THER FUYG IONS. DATA on BULLDOZER. “NIGUEL SUAREZ VER KEIDEZ $0 YEARS @o. raw ie. $938. - UB DONO! KAYE THE DAY atD POLTH, Sou OF ‘FATED At CEPA. WORKS 1s ‘THE-UATER SUPPLY LIKE OF 80CA pa LAME. 15 PAPRILD | a fed * ee ‘SD MAL 6 SHRDRES, uly rs mass BERG! OF Bone Dm at. ARE. “eT. woRK ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 Aree ee wee! HS RECE PT IONE. “DATA ON EL RIRATA,— JOSE TE“PRANA CARHONA, “ALIAS EL NING, TF OreER, se Te woe ‘adat WITH ‘A 6 HORSE POWER 'WOTOR wH0 wit v PK ID REGEET Tons. “9S YEARS @D.- SORN IN SOC MLARRE ON 19 RPC “APR IED AD. HAS “CHILDREN, FISHERVAN. CONTINUES. | Be BON ‘27 ANDRO “AID ALTA Wacta, Lives IN “ROCA DE CALAMRE. . Ff “ure BOAT TS "La. ewrorer. DaTA ON EL VI Sn. AMTF.. Ture wee. ‘hag pare TIRRA DO) was “HOUR: 0 Ldgate THE. RADIO OPER AT OR. ROBERTO RoTtabo CACERES. ” Years ap “RERW OH 49 Sent En SER 19826, SON OF MER INIO. AD MARIETAL Lives ow Bt ‘Santa: ROSA FaRv oN THE HIGHWAY OF. SAN JUAN DEL “ALAPPE a re LATER 2200 cra ‘COORDINATES. LIS A TAXE. DRIVER. DATA ON. wParR Iga. HIS BAPE MOUSE. ESTEBAN SUAREZ ROJAS. 56 YEARS ane Pe S58 REEMA [bat GH OF FARO AW I6AbELAs boas - AND ¥AS @ CHILOREN, LIVES 19 reel FAR, CONTINUES, De be RARPERS, 2 WEYL LATER SEW YOU TIE Exact Locat ron ey copviwtts, ‘SO. | DE LA CARIDAD (RANTREZ) ALARCON)DPOB 26 SEPT 12 CAMAGUEY, CUBA. . . RESIDES(SAN- LUIS. BELTRAN 66}, CANAGUEY. "WARRTEDCDELF IA cmoLtuar 06 rc GONZALEZ) WITH, Four CHILDREN. SON’ HARIANO (wan rne2> HERNANDEZ LIVES “307 NeEs S6TH ST, RIANI. SUBJ FORRER ARMY OFFICER PRIOR 59 AND } | PRESENTLY. WORKS AS CANAGUEY PUBLIC PROCTOR, . / Be MO ‘Local oppivy TRACES SUBUS. ONLY WAVE TRACES INFO PROVIDED . anTAUP= 18. waren ‘SUMMARIZED PARA 1 ABOVE. ine ant ========== FILE: 104-10076-10371.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ‘ioa-t0076-10374). IDENT JOHN F. KENNED Y ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 |. 7% 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRES' ======== PAGE 2 ======== ======== PAGE 3 ======== ========== FILE: 104-10076-10372.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 19 1 104-10076-10372) ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 ======== PAGE 3 ======== 14-00000 . a ========== FILE: 104-10076-10374.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== CT OF 1992 | ASSASSINATION RECORDS A ESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY “oiaere 7s _ | 2025 RELEASE. UNDER THE PRI P FROM. ataAVE RETURN To CIA ~ Background Use Only - Bo ‘Not Reproduce 06 CARL os Gnsnen awe) MAVE TRACES, REF, R _PRANCISCO(RESE, oF ‘La_MUERT AD nea) a ast APPROX 4a RS. ========== FILE: 104-10076-10375.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== i. mee FoR ne ae a . -RETURNTO CIA Peo MWAVE . Background Use Only scr SAS. 8 ln. Do Not jt Reproduce OF opp, dope; “soo 6 ca 2, cafpes, ca/erop, cafo 4, th, Cifors, erfte-2, ifr, resent, tw, wr 1, sofes 2, 00/1, ad/néhi SECRET 1eMpOg2 DEC 12 68352 63 IN 78746: “DIR-INFO LANT PACY BARR CATE WAVE 8927 : wisp A INTEL TYPIC SUPDATA: - AMICE- ~14, FROM AMTRUNK-7 (WITH PARA 1 FROM UMBC . (GERGa onen MEMBER OF A DRE- SPONSORED. INFILTRATION TEAM, WHC OBTAINED: THE. TNFORMAT 10N FROM’ UN IDENT (FED LOCAL, FISHERMEN AND PARA. 2Fi IRENE (MIL FAN THE WIDOW OF JUAN G@nuee (MILIAN), wHo RECEIVED TH INFORMATION IN A CALL an MAGDAL ENA mere THE MOTHER OF LAZA 2 hos “RID: | “NO INDEX. FILED ego? oe, a os ‘ REPORT CLASS SECRET CONTROLLED DISSEM eras COUNTRY: CUBA ED BBmemator: : oF twa arracaa | y Geese oF 100 CABLE HAS GEDS — _AGDCY EES RELE 2902S IR : OaTe DISTRIBUTED BASED ON: LIAISON: OUe teceoen Sreses awvomaria DO MHGHRCING BIO PECL OHI CatTION An Po + AEPROBUCTION BY OTHER THAR SUING OFFICE 1S PROMIBITED, §-. Copy. . ======== PAGE 2 ======== oo wien = . lee ramen’ < — - ag oe CONTRA INTELL SHLE aSene ¥ ; Tah meterisd coetels internation m saectoe f fe Mekeist Dolyece of the Veet tnerey tne Ee tine. ate Ferme Lens, Te 18 WEE Sete TR ene. teencminioa oF "BEEN FO Pee ee Bw .: . : wT ERTTON BRET KOR COMO” eee ie eee beeen paneer ae Ae See eet te coer Meme REFORT NO. TDGS _ SALE STR PRECEDENCE Oats OF + REFERENCES * APPRAISAL - oa a ALD REFS RE mon : - { Tuas tS s UNEVALUATED THFORMATION. SO:MICE GRADIGS ANE OLFWITiVe. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT (3 TENTATIVE, day 4s or DECEMBER 1963, THE NORTHERN COASTAL AREA OF - ALONG THE COASTLINE. N THIS. AREAS ge de oe oe 3. FIELO. DISsEM CINCLANT, cincso, » eEeAVRENVEST | ‘usce (on). ========== FILE: 104-10076-10400.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ‘Hod “10076-10400) | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 } VISA ST LANCHAS GAS? KOMAR LLEVAN AMORA EVAN AHA ast PAPA SEIS: CAR GAS: DE RIG PED OS" vIvaSs X QUE TIPO coveust ILE USAN Papa SI au TILE con ADIT Tye PARA B PLE: YAS. POE ======== PAGE 2 ======== ========== FILE: 104-10076-10416.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ‘toa 10076-10416) *.[2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 i NTo. Bectorouna Use fe) © Not Reproduce _CRPREOUERON. wr OMEN THAN THE SUING PRCA ========== FILE: 104-10076-10442.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Tftoa~t0076-10442 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 “Souza. ‘BORN Kapoma: ‘DATE. ‘oun: PES ro. a. COMMODORE: MOTELS, net. Track —) ‘GatLe ¢ ‘wo itty Pry ToEMIF TABLE Teaco : STAFF ore ieee cusae ANY, . ry vit Foun. CHILDRER.. Fouren cae ======== PAGE 3 ======== ========== FILE: 104-10077-10067.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== fioa~10077-10067 [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | “Tre rc Pees ; . RETURN TO CIA REF: A. UFGT-4905 (pare. so Background Use Only’ oo B, UFGT-4735 . Do Not Reproduce ©. BIR 31166 : . he wT olf im 7 . . MR. Conan A’ Jonson con TRACT EXPIRED 28 ‘OCT: 63. ADVISE se an Be Ee NEWEL. x | * WT CABLE “ASAP ¥ a “ORIGINAL CONT cr. » NEGOTIATED AT 3m SmuATE. 4 -—.|. END OF MESSAGE” . queat “eadquarters payroin: ‘Sunjece ‘starting with _ s April 63 salary. oe , ae OP athe HE: o ORVILLE C. DAWS¢ ‘ C/SAS/P ERSORNI aha TTY vb i or 3 ae - * ait pamniass. ate a oT . “Wov. -_cooRDIRATN we orbieras . eo : aefasune “oursct Lo ‘ee Qo : . ObUCTION ¥ OTHER THAN, “aL fit OFRICE BAS FROHLB TL fopy Ne r) . 4 eh = a ~ MS 72. ========== FILE: 104-10077-10076.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 104-10077-10076) | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | DEDPANNICTIAN AY OTHE@ THant THE IccMIANS Crore ie oocumrren ========== FILE: 104-10077-10087.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== fioa~10077-10087 [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 REF: A. WADR 9692 (IN 64546)= RETURNTO cla fot Rees Only B. GGMA~7109, 1 AUG 1957 +5 Do Not Reproduce BQS REQUEST WELDRAKE'S COMMENTS ON SUBJ OF REF A. PLS INFO MADR. NO TRACES HQS OTHER THAN REF B. RE PARA 4 INTERESTED HADR STATION THINKING RE POSSIBLE UTILIZATION. END OF HESSAGE 06 * ROWUESTED URGENT TaACEs (A}A0EEO ABET JON CONDES) ronsER LABGUAGE [NSTRUCTOR OF WELURAKE, ae in Gamract vita OAS SPAIN AND WHO HAS OFFERED SERVICES TO KURARK. ‘7 ONLY RECOND OF SUB AT HAS AND MADE ae Aereee BB OReReT {ee | ree COORDINATING OFFICERS tia ========== FILE: 104-10077-10112.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 VES VI re ree “US liew 63 16 32 | rT RETURN To cI Background Use A o'Not: Reproduce 7 “NO. IDESTIPIABLE TRACES Ba: “Eaves o mae contact tn ‘ext aie Frciaded trom pitomatic ae AUTHERTICATIAG | + Covmngrading eat G Ooetaserticalie.: gs GeFicen ~ ========== FILE: 104-10077-10136.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Thtoa-10077-10736 [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | rs Sw ~ \- wee th ge 5909 i | REF: WAVE 8103.(I8 67254) ODACID SRST OM/-99 TO HBPINCH MEXI OR 3 SEPT 63 AUTHORIZING VISAS. SAS CQ@HET: Ref requested coordination wi State regarding expediting 3 5 Viens for wife and danghter lejanéro RI0SECU Arencabia) i. wave 2 asset. Mh oF 16! LOGE RD KATING _SYFreres ‘ sees 7 mmm lerteset to aytmeta | H t ew Retrasing Geficea agrererirayins 1 nen pene one () SRORBE. ass REPRODUCTION BY OTHER Titi THE (SiG OFFICE IS PROHIBITED. Gery No vad aa : co, ase bos - 4 tee ees, i re ========== FILE: 104-10077-10153.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Tftoa~t0077-10783 [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | G.BLE SBC: “[PLS POUCH CABLE FO. FOLLOWING: } (WRENCH: POUCE,. ae -FEOB - BONN | ee Oo ur 7 3N. GNVA ” .CAIR. : ae f tte : ee BUTHENT CaSene Comm. qrad-ng 2nd. p - ~ " ecw rehc atom : a BPR cea A . ty, A ======== PAGE 2 ======== NO INDEX PFILE-IN CS FILE a ae} rey _ | H Btw 2 he Cit Dar “PIRAAE RELAY DIR 65367 TO(HEW DRLAT)POR INFORMATION. Fel eastae: 7 SUTHEBT aries evrtcre “HA. TBBEPRODUCTION BY OTHER THAN THE ISSUING, OFEATE IC CoM uUE- ren - + g ao a ======== PAGE 3 ======== ES RucEwTiy CONCLEDED ECS: ‘REVIEW OF INDRA PEOGRAM. SE RAD ITY = EFFORTS TAVE NOT. ACHIEVED ANY SIGNIFICANT RISULTS AND. - Cur WPEKDATION: OF PROGRAM AS sucH “WO LoNe=2 VARRANTE L MAIN REASon 2 “= ene CPR EE UDA 2 FAILURE x 1S ouAT EAR: TRCONICIAN RE ROTTEN coe any '. - IDS GAS’! ExEN ul SBLE By LUBE: WHEY: sEASTEED SCRTIOI/ORICHIL. ‘os SOTLVE ‘OF 3000 T TECHS. FROM. VE ‘FIGURES: NOT: COMPLETE; Wz eSTT! TE PROBABLY: LESS TRAN, FIFTY ae CANDIDATES! BAVE RECEIVED CONTRACT APPROVAL, "AND. ee ABLE. ‘compm ve aboot 12H “WHO mye ACTUALLY. ADE IT. 70 Tor: z LAND bea ‘arn ‘AeouT. TAIRT? RECRUITED recus meme. = , Ee: ‘ECH BECHUITING: & 5 1p AGGRESSIVELY, “ ecATCUATAG TEC! SOUTENCE IN BAVA ANA, _ FEARS oF INFIUT BATION OF BOSTILE 4C=ITS CONT... _ SO OSDUATINE OFS ICC aa”: "Shaw: a AELEASING OFFICER . (Tt OT nb rwemrieatiog : . - Jp eueate VERLCER ca SECRET . bo Cass fs. nepr@oucTiON BY OTHER Tran, THE Sawi OFFS & iy PRON ® A ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-00000 OGFERAED Coe ROUT-NF ‘ ‘ (10 Bia BSsey EBLE Loss oF INTEREST IN TEE PROGRAM on PART OF. CASTRO: i + { : pare. i SELF, THESE FACTORS WHICH EMERGE FEOU OUR STUDY OF THE CUBAN BORUANCE ACCOUNT, FOR LACK OF RESPONSE FIDH EMBASSIES. 70 an APPLICATIONS , ‘LONG DELAY In GETTING WORD BACK FROU HAVANA aw | SEALL NUMBER OF TECHS ULTIMATELY BIRSD, LONG TIS Lc, arTwE=N \ TAITLAL APPLICATION AND ULTIMATE APPROVAL FROM HAVA, WHICH RUNS six 70: TINE ‘KONTHS ; BAS" COST CUBANS NOMBER OF TECHS ¥EO WERE ANITIALLY ‘EAGER DoT SUBEEQUENTLY LOST INTEREST OR TOOK OTHER — — 3. oe ‘PACE OF - FOREGO TG WE pe NOT BELIEVE iT WORTHUEILE” a ZISE STRESS. wo -arRING CHANNEL, PSEATIONS MITE, ACTIVE ' LEADS, suduLn STR LOC TECHS it cont} AND IT ‘LEERY ‘CURANS WILL courawce, IRE NEEDED Tacus- ON: Lrurrip ‘SMLECTIVE | BASIS" AS ‘parr. pip PRIOR | “CRPRIMA PRoanéy. “STATIONS THERIPORE ABE URGED TO CONTINUE BE - ALERT POR. sUcR OPPORTUNITIES | axa TO EXPLOIT Tui In SAMS SARWER ; OTHER ‘OPPORTUNITIES eS) PLACE RESIDENT ACEUITS Iz CUBA, -taeegran: 16 -Oriiegat feu? _— CONT, . aan terete om enemas eating 5 REPRODUCTION BY OTHER THAN THE SUR Cece ie 8a Cope bee. £ ae ee ee ======== PAGE 5 ======== 14-00000 CRE ITING: TECHS TD, 70 i son orack ‘STEO NG INDICA i mesma LACZING ‘THIS Tiky on Litas TICLE: 28 ie HEY aaa teora 238 ‘ wed OR EAsine opricea ood oo, : mt ee ae TOM aT Ne . # . . sz = eS _ ¢ ey yo gteccas Le a BEPRODUCTION sy Ore ======== PAGE 6 ======== 14-00000 et ay, SAS. . ooo, COGMDIMATING Crrictas wanes one ee as poses eTecaricatias —— L_SECRET ol “REPRODUCTION @Y CuzD Tae — ========== FILE: 104-10077-10266.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Yoa=t0077-10266) | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 a2) | TS Ee — {2 by v — j ROUTINE : . INFO. ; CITE Dik , seacs TYPIC PERS ; REF: WAVE-0461 a a xe | ; _ Gomme anon anm ron me 4 cornice moms 888/COMNEST: Pls advise re clearance subject ref b a , coax telecon) a . FaAlip Waraor/Office of Ssourity ud at cooro:marine woreteens RELEASING OFeecen (mg TE des | : avrecnticatine [ 2 ABRODUCTION BY. OTHER. THIRN THEAESUING. OFFICES PROMIBITED.... Copy. Na, wwe a ========== FILE: 104-10077-10285.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== fioa-t0077-10286 (pers RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | ay aoe a) “e ° . ° te ne “ROY W. FORSLUNI} “SAS/PERSOWNED TS ROR ET | 8576 “ eo gta ee ag ie cer ereenitee Ge ee nme cent ; . - 5 DECEMBER 6306 Sr eee ee _SMRAYE . . , 7 5tec $3 22 ude TYPIC PERS — REF. WAVB-7893 * ob um. (GREER P. HANVEY P'LEARED PER REF REQUEST. END OF MESSAGE COMMENT: 8 C1N 65155) mr. ~~ a 848/COMMERT: eq priority amendment pernit use of subj WAVE ares aa Maritime c/é. ya f Cree. hit LO Swan ORVILLE C. paysom Z COORDINATING OrficaRs ul OuP | aeceaseme dtricer -O I — Oe ae sroners | sucucurioaring Doi Commer ad. -g ent ! 4 § aS cr Le B T : t ter esertea tion J Ore yea a _ { Ip “ REPRODUCTION BY Omis THAN THEE FesuinG UrFiCe 1S FROPUBITED, 097 ========== FILE: 104-10077-10296.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Tiiod 10077-10296 ~_.{2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 a “ ws , ToOMDIeRTIOG CIeserat : ; . rr cae a ee meee dee cae onsen sercaccme orricza ba hy {(— : AOTMgATicaring : ary wteceta : ps BoRST ========== FILE: 104-10077-10356.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ‘Tioa-10077"10366| | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | —esiis ers. OS Nae 8316 (1B 70529) cee ee thee 3) WAVE 8346 (1N 70905) “cy DER 87628 me Bee “Dy DER WIZ i a +i DIR. 87508 7 . ” WAVE, 8762 (IN ) 76933) * PLEASE BRIEF DAIBOLD OH WAVE'S VIEWS RE MOWEE-Y) CACHING AND on | pa DEAD DROPS ar THIS TD 1M Licer Mir v us ) ma Hyun Deen/ Com cunee) Contin) EO Cas Sik chive to Pane peeps tR C.kugeT Citta =, a ee re , O38 | “WES (Busser si) ========== FILE: 104-10077-10369.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ‘04=10077-10368 [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | es . Bos: . “ "CLASSIFIED. MESSAGE 7 122 __ CABUZZETTI nk _ : fe ] To ROUTING EX. © Coreg K $a 2.) INDEX. SECYr eT | tT j sT _ Sal WO INDEX w——— eee © 2 il 5} OP FILE IN 65 SLE NG fe aes 0 ana eS -—=- — isi aoe if oepbinede oi 1X-Teourne CAM PRRUMEN eee a ' 8B 252.- OYORNTITIES: | OG. . Ok Gnow ALVAREZ’ DELALA capa) a8 a (Jose LUIS: GONZALEZ cantannéers) oe GILBERTO | LIWAY nope :é¥fgs \( 201- 920941) (RoceLre IGLESIAS partie) a EXD OF MESSAGE H f ' : : CRETARIAT: . PLEASE REF ATTACHED CABLE TO THIS CABLE. 2) 2? ~ SAS/B0R_ Mr. Armstrong (reLacoorn) SAS/MOD_Mr. Maggio (TELECOORD) — - COOMOIMETIOG OFFicEns ' eal | 7 f oe “ MEL AdiMG Orpacee — | Hemant hom wees , | P to - {1 @ommeretemg ome euTetaricariag ewe an ewe ========== FILE: 104-10077-10382.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Titoa- 10077-10382 : 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | “| RETURNTO CIA Background Use Only Do Not Reproduce.” “pm sams: Pen ro m BEuCEScO 13, ruse sequin) xe 1 a6 10 19 RS 196 PRIOR MIS RETURH LAOS. BOS OFFICER WILL ESCORT, ADVISE Dy HO? CONTERIEE. a, , ao5 a or , . _ | sae Congas (wraAtR/2,. CHIE MAGA sui) ane BS FEB 19Gb. ibn) _PRRSGRAL PRD STRONG AD FLAN PERSONAL, VIBTY JTRTORS POLICNENG OS’ TALES. . ‘7 SSSAGIMATING OFFICERS . “RULE ASINe OFFICER ‘ } (aE da | ‘score eta | ASTOESTICNT ORG i _Soctneeabeeten . j orricee. a LBRCRES | |p) senoolad v OTHER THAN THE ISSUN@G OFFICE 1S PROHIBITED. Cony Ma ========== FILE: 104-10078-10014.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 104-10078-10014| [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 JFK ASSASSINATION SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION FORM AGENCY INFORMATION AGENCY CIA RECORD NUMBER 104-10078-10014 RECORD SERIES JFK 80TO1357A AGENCY FILE NUMBER DOCUMENT INFORMATION AGENCY ORIGINATOR : CIA FROM : DIRECTOR TO : JMWAVE ; TITLE : DIRECTOR CABLE RE TRAVEL TO SAO PAULO. DATE : 12/14/1963 PAGES : 1 SUBJECTS : TRAINING BRIEFING TRAVEL PLANS WITHHELD DIRECTOR CABLE DOCUMENT TYPE : PAPER CLASSIFICATION : SECRET RESTRICTIONS 1B CURRENT STATUS : RELEASED IN PART PUBLIC - RELEASED WITH DELETIONS DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 09/27/95 COMMENTS : JFK17 : F21 : 1995.09.27.16:41:00:970028 {[R] - ITEM IS RESTRICTED 104-10078-10014 HW 54559 Docld:32352106 Page 1 ======== PAGE 2 ======== f ops 5 /am, ccs* 3, Fi, Fi) Int 2, EE, a WH LVR rn tn en INFO RIOD | WAVE ‘DYvouR PORULGH BETIDE . REP: | SAOP 4538 (10 80402) ra 7 GR. ALEXANDER SEATTON ETA sao PAULO - 201 on 20 DECE PAH AIR. DO Bersi, _FRAVELL ING ‘LIGHT STATE. = TUR .. oo wi contact STATION OY ARRIVAL » END OF MESSAGE ~"" C/S COMMENT: . CONCERNED BRIEFING AND TRAINING OF BETIDE. ee > BRD ntasiheg feeneroaring. ortreres. zeae CTEAS Ot easiag oneeoa ! ey j [OC sate Woes aatnexy on 8 8Reane I = mie erat ian senobhhictt 1 8y onute Thtaar ese al V/A oe Docld: 32583106 Page. 2 ======== PAGE 3 ======== € aheq SOTZSEZE:PIOCG 6CCFS AH 6 Top Secret Date of Report: 04/02/2001 me . Print One Document with Issues - All input Fields . - Sorted by Issue ee Record ID no (104/180): 104-10078-10014 ~ 104No: 104-10078-10014 jfkidno: 1995.09.27.16:41:00:970028 box number JFK17 vol foider: F21 status: SAN : record number meeting date: 8/25/98 status validation SAN postpone count: 9 first postpone date: fed registry notice no: fed registry date: new postpone date: “ Next Doc Issue Date: 12/01/2005 General Comments: SAO PAULO AND RIO de JANEIRO, SAOP; PROTECT (BE) RELEASE (TIDE); OPS DETAIL: LIGHT STATE ISSUES Subform: ‘ : issue: BE DIGRAPH occur count: 2 action . : doc issue date 12/01/2005 action date: _ issue comment: SEE 104-10017-10041. OTHER DOCS WILATERDATES. ae issue: CABLE PREFIX occur count: 1 action doc issue date 10/01/2017 action date: _ _ _ _ issue comment: NOTE EXCEPTIONS TO 2017 RELEASE IN DOC COMMENTS _ . issue: CIA INSTALLATION : occur count: 5 action doc issue date 10/01/2017 _actiondate: = __ issue comment: NOTE EXCEPTIONS TO 10/2017 INGENERAL COMMENTS issue: OPERATIONAL DETAILS ; occur count: 4 action doc issue date 10/01/2017 _actiondate: = = = _—_ issue comment: NOTE EXCEPTIONS TO 2017 INGENERAL COMMENTS = - : — Top Secret Page 4 of 1 ======== PAGE 4 ======== A AGENCY RECORD NUMBER RECORD SERIES AGENCY FILE NUMBER : ORIGINATOR : FROM : TO : TITLE : DATE : PAGES SUBJECTS DOCUMENT TYPE CLASSIFICATION RESTRICTIONS CURRENT STATUS DATE OF LAST REVIEW : OPENING CRITERIA : COMMENTS : Date: Page: JFK ASSASSINATION SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION FORM cIA 104-10078-10014 JFK 80TOL357A cIA DIRECTOR OMWAVE lt DIRECTOR CABLE RE TRAVEL TO SAO PAULO. 12/14/63 1 DIRECTOR CABLE TRAVEL PLANS BRIEFING TRAINING PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT SECRET 1B . RELEASED WITH DELETIONS 09/27/95 JFK17:F21 1995.09.27.16:41:00:970028: HW 54559 Docld: 32352106 Page 4 10/29/98 1 ego ======== PAGE 5 ======== Ls ; 27. CIA whistoRca SeMEW Rees ak . ; RELEASE AS SANITIZED 1998 INFO: DOP, CH, c1/ors, Ci/OA, cCS 3, Fi, FLINT 2, cE *, wt lié- 27) wo] 16-20 wave DYVOUR PBRUMEN lozhroe REF: |2i- 27 }4538 (rN B0402) X~ MR. ALEXANDER SHATTON ETA SAO PAULO PAR AIR DO Barsih 201 ON 20 DECEMBER. TRAVELLING 2y _) Statesmen, oo With = CONTACT [16-27 ] ow ARRIVAL. END OF MESSAGE TO ] ee, C/3 COMMENT: — *CONCERNED BRIEFING ANO TRAINING offozh ioe. ; 24 Gil C/SAS/IDB _&, a NG fr fi C/E DESMOND FITecEnarp + . note hate wee one ce a4 nore < NOLCaSICS OFFER . — HH 54559 Docla: 32399706 feage’s.-.— ane ======== PAGE 6 ======== Technical Corrections By NaraID 05-Oct-99 NARA ID 104-10077-10371 104- 10093-10032 104-10093-10033 104-10103-10333 104-10106-10383 104-10106-10421 Date Of Change 11-Dec-98 : 15-Dec-98 05-Oct-99 14-Dec-98 02-Dec-98 08-Dec-98 10-Dec-98 Meeting Date 06-Aug-98 25-Aug-98 23-Sep-98 23-Sep-98 25-Aug-98 25-Aug-98 25-Aug-98 Page Change of Postpnement 2 12 vice 7 9 vice 8 9 vice 11 9 vice 8 27 vice 25 7 vice 6 14 vice 13 Comments ARRB missed reviewing page 2. One name and 2 digraphs are protected on page 1; 2 names of CIA employees need to be protected and are on the list for protection . See pages 48-49, para 2.a, of ARRB final report for justification. Additional postponement conforms to previous ARRB determination. Substitute missed words with "official cover" per page 56, para 3.k. of ARRB Final Report. Also, see 180-10145- — 10233. Document partly illegible; only redactions needed are protection 9 digraphs--root words can be released. Slug line/pseudos are releasable. See 104-10093-10033. The document sent to ARRB was partly illegible; the only redactions needed are 9 digraphs. ARRB protected 4 crypts, the root word is now released. 5 more digraphs of this crypt were missed; 4 other authorized postponements are released. Additional postponements conform to previous ARRB determinations. Protection of two missed digraphs approved by ARRB elsewhere in this document. . “ Additional postponement conforms to previous ARRB determination - missed name on cover sheet was protected by ARRB elsewhere on this page. Additional postponement conforms to previous ARRB determination. Missed dispatch prefix was protected by ARRB elsewhere in this document. HW 94559 Docld:32352106 Page 6 ======== PAGE 7 ======== HRG Record Print ID: File Title: Job Num: Location: Box Num: Vol/Folder: Title: Title Res: Date of Document: Status: From: From Res: To: To Res: Pages: Orig. Classification: Originator: Last Reviewer: Review Date: Exemptions: Medium: Last Inputter: NARA Comments: Agency Comments: Release: Release Date: Doc Num: Keywords: Duplicate Document Of: COMPONENT DATE TASKED Sent to NARA: Agency Name: HW 54559 Docld:32352106 Page 7 SECRET Printed on: 1995.09.27.16:41:00:970028 JFK 80TO1357A HRG JFK17 F21 10/5/1999 DIRECTOR CABLE RE TRAVEL TO SAO PAULO. - N 12/14/1963 SAN DIRECTOR N JMWAVE N 1 iS CIA 1A 1B x PAPER coller ORIGINALLY UNIT INDEXED ARRB 25-Aug-1998 DIR 89299 11206 DIRECTOR CABLE TRAVEL PLANS BRIEFING TRAINING BETIDE Component Review Info DATE REVIEWED Y CIA SECRETE Res: Res: RESPONSE KZZ22 422 APPEAL DATE DECISION 1995.09.27.16:41:00:970028 ======== PAGE 8 ======== HRG Record Print Agency Number: Disk Number: Control Number HW 54559 Boold:32352106 Page & 104 10078 10014 SECRET SECRET Printed on: 10/5/1999 1995.09.27.16:41:00:970028 ======== PAGE 9 ======== F oni. A, Fourmon unin: SAS/=0B My ; re DEC, 63, x : Po * | Lis-27) - cg FISTORCAL Z REVERIE, lo, ~~ RELEASEAS SANITIZED 3, Fi, FHINT 2, cE LL, INFO: DOP, CI, C1/oPS, cHoA, ccs Fn . li6- 27] mo] [6 6-20 wave y DYVOUR PBRUMEN loefro , REP: [2i- a7}ise (IN 80402) % to DO BRASIL 201 ON 20 DECEMBER. TRAVELLING" fone | Biinimene i Wie COWTACT [I6- -27 Jov Arriva, END OF MESSAGE C/3 COMMENT: — *coNCERNED BRIEFING ANO TRAINING ofozhiox. | 1 | | on G C/SAS/EOB JING a | 9s —__ ; tay is Se. , | ~ otf Lae ! en DESHON) Fivtceap NORE Mare NS oft "cee i ACL CASING FFiger , _ ‘WW 44559 - poorasszasike vat — ======== PAGE 10 ======== ae S)p4 BINT Is Date: 07/22/98 { Page: 1 JFK ASSASSINATION SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION FORM Q AGENCY INFORMATION 7 AGENCY : CIA RECORD NUMBER : 104-10078-10014 . RECORD SERIES : JFK AGENCY FILE NUMBER : 80T01357A DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR : CIA FROM : DIRECTOR , TO : JMWAVE TITLE : DIRECTOR CABLE RE TRAVEL TO SAO PAULO. DATE : pe/tale3 PAGES =: SUBJECTS : DIRECTOR CABLE > TRAVEL PLANS BRIEFING TRAINING DOCUMENT TYPE : PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION : SECRET RESTRICTIONS : 1A, 1B CURRENT STATUS : RELEASED WITH DELETIONS DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 09/27/95 OPENING CRITERIA : COMMENTS : JFK17:F21 1995.09.27.16:41:00:970028: ([R] - ITEM IS RESTRICTED HW 54559) Docld:32352106 Page 10 ======== PAGE 11 ======== To FROM: Dik RETURN TO CIA ~ Beevground Use Only f be & | RAVE Boy - Aegivas.. —_—_ END OF HESSAGE YS COMMENT: CONCERNED BRIEFING AND TRAINING oe le. JC. ays ie sos Lo a i : in i ie i i ! crore: chan NG OFFICERS iL EASING OFFRgER — woe TE c R 7 Tr i 9 pockh 42946 ‘Page-1 & ========== FILE: 104-10078-10020.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Tiiea-0078-10020 : E 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | a Xu Me EE seep gt 2 ASSES Mi SSAGE ae noes —s c fit 3 bat KO. RETURN TO CIA ; oo” Background Use Only Ot ls ..* Do Not Reproduce ~ sas 8 ms 5 comener: Teuasted pesa/tiss dae . Dede Industries, Miami to backatuy WAVE cover F OOFP. oo 4 t | 4 A COONS MATING creiceas MEALALING Steiete Z a [ ROR : an) ee ~~ +340ICE IS PROHIBITED. : Cope ; 17-206 ore i Secietne Har stomata Cowng! otreg ong @rewmtestes aureraricatin Oreitte. ========== FILE: 104-10079-10391.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 104-10079-10391). | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 7 JFK ASSASSINATION SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION FORM _ AGENCY INFORMATION AGENCY : CIA RECORD NUMBER : 104-10079-10391 RECORD SERIES : JFK ° AGENCY FILE NUMBER : 80T01357A DOCUMENT INFORMATION AGENCY ORIGINATOR : CIA FROM : TO : . TITLE : HANDWRITTEN LIST ENTITLED "ASSETS KNOWN". DATE : 01/01/1900 PAGES : 2 SUBJECTS : HANDWRITTEN : LIST ASSETS DOCUMENT TYPE : PAPER CLASSIFICATION : UNCLASSIFIED RESTRICTIONS : “1B od CURRENT STATUS : RELEASED IN PART PUBLIC - RELEASED WITH DELETIONS DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 12/01/97 COMMENTS : JFK18 : F23 : 1997.12.01.17:12:45:216031 HW 54559 Boocld:32352508 Page 1 ======== PAGE 2 ======== oN oN ay aw | - 982% 7 oF Sl d) OLD ia - , / beat) Athy eC ~ “of- | Al Cpr - + (feb cic Leos Satins) . saat WE oO a ata ada agots (a) Lien bunce uwilabull 2, le Leer benee /, a f y¥othe, Ar ere hinee - ¥ 3 Aaguvord L [a ruelew 11S Lt egy (O01 wy A) Peay - Arid olbeail™ “ only) 12. Reference ISG Control Information 15. Date of latest update of the record 14. STAR Index Record Number 24 SECRET _ ‘, De ON A et banecres eine PAGE > of — ======== PAGE 3 ======== SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER II, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 “"e. OI Code: a two letter symbol used in jon with the 201 per- i a tation of an individual interest. OL codes cover intelli- gence and security service affiliatiq ether staffcdy agent, or known or suspect, as well as activities,¢ aks) two. categories of OI codes for use by compo: (1) general OI (2) OI codes assigned or other specific organizations A component may request an OI code be established by submitting a mem- orandum: to the DDO/RMO through the component Records Management Officer. . : A 201 personality may be assigned two OI codes. An OI code may be assigned ‘when the 201 Personality File Action Request (Form 831) is initiated (see paragraph 3b below) by filling in Box 13 or a code may be assigned or added at a later date by a Form 831 amendment. : : The 201 system has the capability of producing machine listings of 201 personalities by OI codes. For example, if an OI code has been opened for the security service of a certain country a listing may be compiled of all members of that service. . f. 201 Machine Lists: produced from the mechanized 201 Index, based on names or other identifying information of personalities on whom 201 dossiers exist. - : 3. OPENING A 201 DOSSIER Ws a. General ; GO S The opening of a 20) ex is he” prerogatixe of an operational com- . — ponent, in coordination iit ati sMeroup, An opening creates tiomBErviee: a master 201 record\\S{hnves“to th and the occasional closing of a 201 dossier are cdjtetled jos sks and ISG. 201 dossiers may be | --, opened on persons whowmec OO criteria described in Chapter II of this t- ‘ handbook, when there is * as le expectation that additional information will be acquired and filed in ‘such a dossier. Generally dossiers are opened on persons about whom counterintelligence information is being reported, and per- sons of operational interest to the Operations Directorate, specifically those persons for whom proyisional operational. approvals and operational approvals are requested (see exception below). 201 files are not to be opened on staff 4 employees, staff agents and most categories of contract employees. Files on- 25 SECRET ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-00000 nd Ne | | i } ( ( SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER IH, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 and on whom no DDO records corresponde ts are not a part of the DDO records systém and are to be maintains yb init. Some desks levy require- * - ments.on ISG for automatic Nits nt certain categories of persons whose * names appear in inco: i jat listed in Attachment 2. 201 dossiers should XS EU 7 (1) RACK oe : proval requests: Hong ed not be opened when a POA is requested for persons being g tral r a foreign liaison service and who are of opera- . “tional interest for training purposes only. : persons who are only of local interest to a cen station or Headquarters desk (2) Persons for whom the field requests a 201 opening. (3) (errxTURE personalities: bonafide diplomats of other than denied area countries, in close association with staff personnel. _@) Subjects of a Personal Record Questionnaire Part 1. _. - ” (5) Persons on whom a. Main Index search reveals information i in five or more documents (see DOJ 70-20). (6) Subjects of Interagency Source Register memoranda from ISN/ ISR (opened only by IP/ RMS). b. Requesting a 201 File Opening Headquarters desks may open a a 201 Personality File Action tenance Section (IP/RMS) filling out and submitting 1) to the Records Main- ‘53 “as see to create or amend the he Iis ee to register the assign- ce master 201 record ment of a cryp erent ee 3 consists of sample 201 Personality ion Rega ing and amending 20I’s. A field 5 station may requ t the- ie i by writing 201- in the Head- quarters file or crossx e on the dispatch form and/or after’ the subject’s name in the body‘0f the dispatch. A telepouch request for a 201 opening is made by indicating 201- in the file number line. A cable request is made by placing 201- after the term “File” on the last line of the transmission. IP/AN will open 201 files as requested by dispatch or telepouch but it is the responsi- bility of the desk to’ respond to cable requests. Field stations are notified of 201 openings through receipt of the field master 201 record. 26 SECRET COUL7E6 —_ pace Sof OD COPY NO. ======== PAGE 5 ======== SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER III, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 4. CONTENTS OF THE DOSSIER ‘Information about a 201 personality should be filed or-cross-referenced into his dossier. When additional information is Oo on a 201 subject through a name trace or other process, i.e., revie ecessor documents, it must be consolidated into his personality: iv OI 70-20 for consolidation procedures. : / oo 4 : oe Material which i lossier.é ut is not limited to: La 201 PRY File (Form 831). b. Biographic i handwriting samples. uding photographs,’ fingerprints, and 2 8 Personal Record Questionnaire Parts I and II. d. Operational ‘and other security approvals. .- on e. Name check replies, requests, clearances, and approvals. f. Acknowledgement of pseudonym. g 201 personality assessments and evaluations, ; 4 . { h. Copy of contract and termination papers. : i, Secrecy agreement. j. Agent Duty Status Report. - a k. Training and cvaluation<\ Ww . 27 1 SGSWIRL repe US} . | m. coon gm n, Any information-y agin vide a better understanding of the subject and our interest ihNQ tis may include operational reporting. 5. MAINTENANCE OF 201 DOSSIERS The 201 personality dossier contains, in document date order, papers which have been made a part of the Central Records System as well as those which have not. Record documents may range from newspaper or magazine articles _ on the subject to finance and other administrative papers. 26.1 SECRET GO0L IED ======== PAGE 6 ======== 14-00000 SECRET - DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER III, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 a. Purging Purging a 201 dossier is the responsibility of the desk officer, It requires discrimination in recognizing operationally useful material, rather than the simple distinction between official a ial papers; it will therefore take place under the Supervision of 4: ficer. Purging should be done periodically. A 201 dossier. bei r to Central Files for retention should be purged. A 20) «dossier “Sheu DBs Purges aaf the following: mel tae (s) of a document. (2) Name h Wi the opening eK , (3) All absttdct slips, : (4) All document restriction notices (Form 1884). (5) The disseminated version of positive intelligence information if a copy of the raw report is contained in the 201 file; the dissemination number then must be transferred to the first page of the raw report. (6) Routing slips, routing and record sheets (Form 610) and dispatch cover sheets unless there are remarks such as coordinations or comments, (7) Record copy documents which only repeat substantive information contained in other documents in the file; authorization for destruction is by the Records Officer, : (8) Top Secret documents are i \\ ined in-a 201 dossier forwarded to Central Files; th ae n é downgraded for retention : Op Secret-document, an authorized ycer having jurisdiction ib op Secrét classification in the 201 dossier. To officer in the origi nt c; ed the file should be retained at the desk or the 2 tS ument should be removed, retained in a desk TS file or fo (led“to the Top Secret Control Officer, and a cross-reference sheet (Form 867): placed in the 201 file giving the location of the TS document, - : ; (9) Deferred documents (see 5b(2)). b. Maintenance Procedures . (1) All material in a 201 dossier will be filed in document date order, In the case of document attachments which have been classified into a 201 26.2 SECRET - 62) unless it has been the basis for : 001768 PAGE ? of Pa COPY No. a ======== PAGE 7 ======== 14-00000 SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER II, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 dossier and separated from the basic document by the assignment of a slash number, the attachment will be filed by the date of the basic document. » (2) Deferred documents will not be filed in a 201 dossier. If they are to be retained in the dossier they should be sent RMS for classification into that 201. - A os (3) Field index car f ae J'and area desk cards may \b consolid ’ be retained in the: i rocedure. These cards should be mounted : (4) A 201 dossiex pr employee and which contalg ‘\ ing in the 201. . enerbon & person who becomes a staff cdg Copy documents will be restricted to the ISG/DIP unless the. advk Fetains the restriction. The dossier should be closed if there are no Record Copy documents in it. (5) A 201 opened in pseudonym should be consolidated into the true name 201 if one exists or converted to the true name. . _ (6) Field and duplicate (shadow) 201 files no longer of active interest should be incorporated into the official 201 after the duplicate. material has been purged by the desk officer and the remaining information classified to that 201 by the Analysis Section (IP/AN). (7) Any document with a predecessor organization cover sheet or an OPC (Office of Policy Coordination) cover sheet from thé Archives and Disposition Section (IP/ARD) must be returned\to IP/ ARD for processing to the 201. <(N 4 document source number) iiformation on the subject of the 201 jn the 201 file. arated from its basic document containing substantive <— should be sent tog (9) An attact for inclusion in a ae ér will be forwarded with the basic document to IP/AN for g irito the 201. (10) To retain the P&L, RYBAT, or KAPOK sensitivity of a document remaining in a 201 dossier being retired to Central Files, place that document in an envelope sealed with black tape (see DOI 70-17). Any RYBAT, P&L, or KAPOK document sent to Central Files not in a black-taped envelope will automatically be handled as desensitized. A black-taped envelope may con- tain only one document and must'be filed in chronological order within the file. If there are numerous documents of this type the desk officer may black- tape the entire dossier rather than individual documents (see DOI 70-10). 28.3 SECRET EEE NCAP SR 2s Sa AA AEBS TOUS RRR Y ETM IY GOUT 26 pacz_ Sof Za, 89 2 cory NO. ======== PAGE 8 ======== 14-00000 SECRET - DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER III, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 Black-taped dossiers or dossiers with black-taped documents will be _ handled as restricted dossiers. . woe . (11) An. inactive 201 . dossier or an { ive volume of a large 201 _. «dossier on. permanent charge. shoul to Central Files under -,,.Routing and Record Sheet with 0 iown below. . ; : we EK) secrer (For guidance see CSB 70-1-1, Chapter ITI, Annex B.) Volumes) #___ of ___ votune(a) of 201- Restricted Dossier (Attach Porm 2021 to Dossier) (J Non-Restricted Dosster r ar Dossiers: ? 8 prior to toe (date y 4 “i 1P/Pilea, ALL \ RY, “desk. coer oven ER toe . Gi) secret] comrinentian = teak C)UNcLassiFiED SUUL770 ======== PAGE 9 ======== 14-00000 my see 201 personality will be includedan: for his component. gv : LL RENEE TRE PN MLDS, RAS OAT NE-YO EADS MOTE PRAY DTA PUY ERED ALAS tty PANERA DN TERA PAPI PS MTR WP OLN RW . : HN IOLA SERINE PRET ro A EE 1S es aeves BS : ; SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER III, ANNEX B . 15 November: 1974 6. 201 DOSSIER CHARGES -: A 201 dossier may be kept on Ppermanent’.c Ne the desk during any period of active interest. If the dossier, is transfettadto another desk, the desk officer who is transferring the dossier must. zip! fy Central Files of the transfer. Central Files will then send eN t of Pransf eR Qcument or File: Account- ability (Form 2977) to the ES This is to notify you that eccou delow has been transferred to you by: Accord ingly, IP* aT 8 records now reflect you as the custodian, Ext. 4362, if you have any questions regarding this transfer. intability for the document(s) and/or file(s) cited Please contact) IP/Files, {224 2977 use peavious wertiems CONFIDENTIAL Gt The new action desk officer must then. fill Request (Form 813) to change ine ft eo) K von Personality File Action designation to insure that the desk or placing it on rest (1) The dossier n¥4¥ be restricted by checking -Box-2 onthe 201 } Personality File Action Request (Form 831) when the file is opened. 26.5 SECRET C004 71 PAGE _/p)_ COPY NO. ======== PAGE 10 ======== 14-00000 SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER III, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 (2) The dossier may be restricted by holding it on permanent charge from Central Files. (Note: To maintain the restriction of a. dossier being retumed to Central Files for retention, a File Restriction Notice (Form 21), =. 2021) must accompany the dossier, \ a ; (3) The dossier er & fae id held in Central Files by sub- “ a File se . ot AON \e (When Pitted In) FILE RESTRICTION NOTICE 1. To restrict a file, complete Section A (signature of R.O. not necessary). . . Ne 2. To remove a restriction, complete Section B (R.0. signature necessary), , RESTRICT TO: (Use country or nou-country code number. See CSI 70-28) RESTRICTED BY: ——— COMPONENT: . Date: SECTION B - REMOVE RESTRICTION (AUTHORIZED BY) COMPONENT: Date: 5985 2021 35 eTess'er* CONFIDENTIAL £2, IMPOET CL ov. c7e7? for the charge of a restricted dossier nt within.a restricted dossier held in Central Files will be fo: routed cover sheet to the r to the requester or-de: desk will notify “ ..b. Access to a restricted dossier located in Central Files is limited to the personnel of the restricting desk or person os by that desk. Any request i e.gntire dossier and a multiple- . Thi k may then forward the file dossier to Central Files. The : vow or a document within a restricted dossier, .permanently or arged to a desk, will be referred to that desk by Central Files, 26.6 SECRET GUULI 72, £ racs _// of 4, cnpy Ho. a | ot —rn ======== PAGE 11 ======== 14-00000 © w ~~, E | SECRET 5 DOHB 70-1-1 g CHAPTER Il, ANNEX B raed Huse sane _ interest. If a component wishes to exclidé . the 201 or Iater-by a 201 a * blank, use the no Ww “y b categorized as standard o: 15 November 1974 8, REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION ON’ 201 PERSONALITIES “he Automated Index Section (IP/AL Jn ovide the identity of the subject of a 201 number unless then20tu He E icted, in which .case the requester will be referred _te @\restrigting Webk. woe a 'to a name, unless the 201 signed, Requesters should for each name submitted. pa numbe; \ supply identifying informatio ~ “Requests pertaining tdcfi ewer names or numbers may be. made by telephone by calling the FAIS red line extension; IP/AIS will provide the information by return call to the requester’s extension as listed in the Badge. Table. Requests for more than five names or numbers must be listed and sent _by tube or courier to IP/AIS; IP/AIS will reply by:retum mail. 9. 201 DOSSIER CANCELLATION. A 201 file may be authorized for cancellation by a Records Officer, after appropriate coordination. The file should be forwarded to IP/RMS which will destroy the folder and the cards Jeading to it and will remove the name and number from machine lists, Any Record Copy document contained in the folder will be reclassified to another appropriate file or sent to the Destruction Unit (IP/DU) as directed by the desk Records Officer. 10. 201 MACHINE LISTINGS - Machine listings provide field stations and E adquarters desks with names and 201 numbers in the requester’s =e raphic or functional area of ve 201 personality from its is may be done when opening ersonality File Action Request and interest desk (Box 16) action box (Box 14), and indicate only listing which will include the he Vital Records program. 201 listings are lard and as scheduled. or special. alphabetic, numeric, and ceryptqnyé (Form 831) leave th ec) Permanent charge tye Ne 201 number is the IP/20k¢% a. Standard Listings Issued semi-annually to Headquarters and the field; based on a component's. interest as indicated in the “Action Desk,” “Country of Location,” and “Interest ; 26.7 SECRET COPY NO. 6004773 PACE JB op dy ——meee ======== PAGE 12 ======== 14-00000 ww . : ae . SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER III, ANNEX B . . 15 November 1974 Desk” blocks on the 201 Personality File Action Request (Form 831).° The standard listings available are: t, wo be . mos Soe Ora caine SECRET/ORGANIZATION INTERNAL USE ONLY 2Ot SUQNAME ALPHA LIST a - : ! TR, Shi Te TTUTSTUSNTTSOTET /ETJULL4 |. CHING KWANGTUNG “CHIN? OleSsoL” eH CHEM, SHOU T /711371343700017 7 5 ‘ - . - OPT Ress CHIN { “SHU T. £7915/1345/00017 pA 24am . . 70653 . » CHIN SHOU-SFY JOTTAT VOR L00R8 . vo" - CHIN, A4OY . QUSP CCOM? 0043751 CHIN { SHcU MEL JOASANTD == CHIN, FUXTEM, PROV. CHI? 0234629 to OOM ENE i CHER, SNA ENG, ‘17109713837690 "RINCTOR © Cite, MANCHUZIA, PORT agtH . CHAT OL7S620 CH { - Giese SOU SUH FTLUS/ELOSZOOL A "L2NOV22 CHEN, HUNAN, . CuAT 9089786 orn | SriCu-TAD LeHARSS CHIN DIPr cons = g9253990 . . CHIY i CUTER, SHOT ESENG PPLESFTLOSSL . car + City CANTON EKGR CHAT | Q892855 _CHIK CHE, SHC TZE SOTOLALIAI/L E97: " O@SEPZ4 CHT, KTACKIEC PRO CHIN? 0130615 cut ! fuer, ouneeret STLLS/Y1057495 A2SANIG CHING FUXTEN COCK? §=a091n03 *. CHIN i cans t . O9JUNI9 CHIN, GaNTOH PROF CHIN? “OO402A5 CHIN USA { outs: oo -A | RONEELE CHING RwANGSUNG PECY CHAT? 0052638” CHU MWAT H CutN, SH 47105/2899/6930 O2UUL30 CHIN, KWARGIUNG PROV. aeMy CHAT = 0328328 "CHIN: Taw t # SH CAN ATEEGAIZ1O/122° ree be CHEM, HUAN TANG TS CHIN? O2e43a CH 1K EMOENG SHUSCHIUAN Z7ERS/ 258572 NOV30 tix : TSEA CHAT 0797335 . CHIN HK » & + Si Mt LTUNSS2985 72797 a Ctan2z2 CHINPFICIU, |. CHIN? O2n9223 . CHIN | R preerea O4RAST? Culm erat : . P71tS2983751057 DEIULLS CHIN, Re SNGTUNG CHIN? O179821 cuts cHty ; A453 FTULS/257977%% 19 CHIN, FURLEN CHIN? 0044759 curn t SIUIS STRES/Z9NS 77 - BBFENOT CHING XHANGTUNG 0973195 = CHIN | 1 sty mse FULLSZ2095/8133 ~ OSHAYLA CHIN, FOCcHCH O179K622 CHIN CHIN Hf SMv=ny A SOMAR26 O2z3161 - : guts cey H ¢! Suet £T115/2205750307 A OBFERLE «CHIN, HOPET- Oe30155 use t Gum, SU RUT fI1ES72085 72710 27N0V23) GSN, FANG CHENG 0175823 . 5 thea i curn, smu Les. wR : CHIN : IM 0222972 GM cite i CHL, SF LtAUG *TLI97us677004 crrcan CHiN . . o\\ O223162 : CHEM CHTy ; CUE, a UI sTILS 22579726517 25NOV20- CHIN, FERCSHUN -. Ol79026 . “CHEM TAT H nkINS 271097249737010° O1NL28: CHIN, KTARSSU JM. OR5NKSO CHIN Lars ' ‘ . “8 2086920" . fe: CHAT = 99969qT cur uss t yA STELS/2829/05397 152230. z Cuso CHIN? O17¢625 + CHIN CHI { 1) STRESS 2979002027 reneni9 * Ad NAT? 0052630 “CHEN Haar i: ATNISS2A95 277397 k TH? OOGSILD Cutn retw \ Ye SMieSvay /TLLS/23 797039 L ind 0103299) = CHEN CHIN | CHEN, SHUsTE £7115/2895717957 0763916 Ott aye +t CHEM, SHU TED 74787 0013991 CHIN ! CHEN, SiN HUNG 7711570667/6639 CHIN? . 0153929 . Gwin CHiN i SMV ATUUS 22995727577 CCOM” OTT ARE Cute UK t e Seu TR ATILS/NGAT/OIITS Ok O13tz20 cuts ENs SHU-VAU 7711257269571 031L “£Cn4? 0995196 “ 1 CHIR Ma SMU=Y Et v CHIN? O107396 Cte cnn ux aed Sm YIN /71157289975391F ora SS CHIN? O1T5424 CHtn { te SMMMYIN FTULSZ2 57974 N27 omnrsa cor Hs YANG HSIEN, WIN ARMY -CNAT — G359828 : cute | “ ATFeNdS Cutan. Mire tANG “INT oceaw asnaaio cHin f erty ZtAPHAL CHIN, SHaNGHAL cH? onsauin . cuts } fn AM YD FPL UDS25 TEs 39427 ¥ O4SEP2B° CHIN, Set CuWAK . CHIN? O1gnrsn Coie { SECRET/URGANLZATION INTERNAL USE OLY EZ Tener cu ny 054079 26.8 SECRET OUL774 ose =f a ======== PAGE 13 ======== 14-00000 { H i 7 I i i f : ., (arranged) according to any, bi mG He CHAPTER II, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 All standard. listings are cumulative; previous editions ‘must. be. destroyed upon receipt of current editions, These listings are by their very nature extremely sensitive compilations of information and must be NANG possible safeguard. ’ Based’on one or more of b. Non-Standard Listings a~ © \ “9%. (1) Country | e Aue Mion og i} vc, , on _ (2) OL codes nization < Igence affiliation)” ~~ "” (3) Citizenship aa a mae _ 4) Year of birth (ph or minus a given number of years) - (8) Occupation... - .: + aa . These selection criteria maybe used singly or in combinations. For example, a user could obtain a list of all 201 personalities who have been assigned the Ol code of XX or codes of XX, XY, or XZ. ‘A 201 personality list could also. be - produced of all persons who were born in Getmany between the years 1915 and. 1920, with the occupation. computer ‘specialist, who are now citizens of the United States, located in Mexico, and who had been assigned the OI code AA. Note’ however ‘that the listing would contain only those personalities’ with an OI code AA. Those personalities with an OI code other. than AA and those . with no OI code would be excluded. The requester could however ask that persons who have not been assigned an OI code also be included. Note also that when retrieving lists based on occupation, the listing will be only as specific as the occupation code (Attachment 1). The’ occupation code for a courier ° covers only a documented courier. Some “occupation codes cover more than one © occupation. For example, the occupation code CRAF covers those who practice some trade or manual occupation, i.e., carpenters; bricklayers, painters, mechanics " and electricians. If a list is requested for electriciap: rs in this category “will be included in -the printout. These nomsfan e following keywords: (a) Sum “‘¢ ae (b) Given’ same W . af (4) Country of birth Pu a (e) Citizenship So : : (g) Location 26.9 SECRET COUL275 DOHB 70-1-1- s-may be sorted. . ======== PAGE 14 ======== 14-00000 SECRET , __ _DOHB 70-1-1 - CHAPTER II, ANNEX B- ‘15 November 1974 ~ alphabetically: by sorname_ wi en. countries of location.: - - Because two OI code lity, those names with two “Sorts: can: be made within ‘sorts. nh exay ersonalities may be sorted” - “ee in 0) “OI codes would Lb ——- al poet _ Standard and noma tings Printed semiannually. ..d. Special Listings . Unscheduled, usually non-standard, listings produced on a one time basis | in + response to special operational requirements. e. Request for Listings All requests for standard or non-standard alphabetical and numerical 201 : listings for Headquarters and the field, for changes in periodic listings, and for information on the 201, machine list system should be made to the component Records “tt co Oe ao ; 26.10 SECRET 3 re) . pace /S” of od : COPY NO. | ======== PAGE 15 ======== 14-00000 DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER I, ANNEX B Attachment 2 15 November 1974 AUTOMATIC 201 DOSSIER OPENINGS ae \ Ye 4 Note: 201 files will be opened automaticly by 2p IAW ogy the following cate- gories of people. : above. b. Military attaches and assi c. Intelligence officers of the General Intelligence Department (GID). (Prior to opening of an ABED201 file, check with (NEI for correct spelling of name and additional biographic data.) 2.( British Commonwealth] “a. All positively identified members 0. f fT on andra Services, b. (Misi identified members of the (isly Military Intelligence Service ~ {(IMIS) c. (Canadian) Communist_Party official ae officials of theCanadiay Comsfuni t unless there is one date of'B oe given, i “ge i. GW \\ Intelligence service employees (DSE, DGI). 4. srael > reer All Israel) diplomats. Y should be indicated as the originating office with CI/SP always indicated as the secondary office of interest. MIG the itis) Intelligence 1 or provincial levels and rganizations. Do not open ad. All members whe 3. Cuba oyal Canadian Mounted _| I . a . Military attaches. 2 Assistant military attaches. i. Identified intelligence officers. 26.15 SECRET pass JG of 2a. TCE, COPY NO. ======== PAGE 16 ======== 14-00000 | SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 © CHAPTER Ill, ANNEX B Attachment 2 15 November 1974 | 5. North: Vietnam All diplomats and it 3 6. USSR aN) a. Row we = representational installation, Le, Ssy, con, Re resentation, national airline (Aeroflot) office, \bfficials stationed abroad. - b. All Sovis | ea PCS to the United Nations in New York, Paris, Geneva, and Vienna. ° x Audio technicians, after coordination with SE desk concerned. d. Students who will be studying abroad for a full academic year at institutions of higher learning. . rea 26.16 SECRET 001778 ======== PAGE 17 ======== SECRET 7O-I-[ CSHB 43-4-4 CHAPTER I ‘CLANDESTINE SERVICES “ ‘HANDBOOK NO. 43-¥=1 » , 15 February 1960 ai TANI) el oe mo « 1.. A relativel\\ small proportion of the total number o personali-~ ties indexed by the CS are of active operational interestAt any given '. point in time. These are normally subjects of extensive reporting and ' CI investigation, prospective agents and sources, arid members of . groups and organizations of continuing target interest. Each of these personalities is assigned either a 201 number gr an IDN number. ase -:. 2. The 201 number serves a dual purpgSe. It brings the files on : _. these personalities into the CS records s¥stem. A Single number, e.g., 201~123456, is assigned to each p erson, and a dossier controlled - by this number is established which fontains, or has cross referenced ‘to it, all of the reporting on the indtvidual’s personal history, current , Status.and prospects. Once the 261 number is assigned, it is used in ',..futyre reporting on the individu both as a file number and in place of other identifying data. Up-to-date machine listings are published . periodically to help field st4tions wet owrcu desks keep book an on those 201 personalitied fal particular geographic or ~functional area of inter¢ i) a . arent th sae machine listings should in- 0 jes onal interest because of their connection with a “ ¥ organization even though there may a not be sufficiext information or specific interest to warrant opening ve. @ file. For gfample: A considerable number of stations are concerned » With the activities of Cuban exiles. Coverage of their movements, . -», factions ghd objectives can be assisted by furnishing all participating: stations/up-to-date listings containing information under the control: crca wasKks 7o-l-l Ait ; 1 Dod ho _ | GOUL?79 a Me en ene ======== PAGE 18 ======== 14-00000 fe ~ ( SECRET | ( a . - . Fo-1-1 mie es CSHB43-144 SU END . CHAPTER Il, ANNEX B ‘CLANDESTINE SERVICES ‘ HANDBOOK NO. 43~t-r . 35 February 1960 ' of the Cuban desk on the dramatis personae. In addition to 201 per- ; ae sonalities, such lists should contain the names arid identifying data we of persons who should be seer Sai they may only beof ~.- : tangential interest or on_w ttle or no-data other «= - than that given anit : : 4. To accomm ate | ement in the 201 system, ' identifiable personalit(@) ao whgm enough information is not yet available to requir# et 8 es of d file may be assigned numbers | me of the » following type but in the same ies: . . . 7) ° These are relabeled “201” if a fife is opened. IDN numbers are car- . ried with 201 numbers in appropriate general or special listings, where they are identified by tHe letter “I” in the “Type of Name” col~ * umn. IDN numbers are not S file numbers. : : - | 5. Aul 201 ‘code numbers are assigned by RID at headquarters, - 4 . either upon receipt of F6rm 831, or of a field dispatch. Hadispatch . z is written about a personality not yet in the system, a 201 number for i it may-be requested Simply by writing under headquarters file number ; in the dispatch form as follows: ; , oan vo 6. IDN numbers a: a xy. RID at headquarters upon the - : request of stations co ‘which are developing special identification programs within the 201 system. The field receives current notifica- tion of new 201 openings and IDN numbers through the Field Index Card . Service. .- 44 yo _ SECRET OUULTEG ======== PAGE 19 ======== 14-00000 . order. Should oa e of geney they must be ma ( SECRET ; . . 70-I-l soot CSHB 431+ . . CHAPTER WM, ANNEX B CLANDESTINE SERVICES ) HANDBOOK NO. 43-4-i- 15 February 19 not of general 1 oa these may be kept in any desired CS interest, PRO 45 SECRET- 608 47 et pint Zo. & oO. gery NO} ========== FILE: 104-10088-10070.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Tfioa~10088-10070 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | tae APPROVED FOR RELEASE 1994 . gent’ ey ON CSINO. 10-5 CLANDESTINE SER Bake SECURITY INSTRUCTION NO. 1 A) Revised 17 July 1958 f COVERT aveadh AND RELATED MATTERS ©” ”” or PU ed. aerating eet Reference: CSI-F No. 10-8, 17 July 1958 Rescission: CSI No. 10-5, 31 January 1955 CONTENTS Page Page . PURPOSE ....... 2c. eee ween 1 EMPLOYEES AND OFFICIALS . GENERAL. wwe ee ee eee eee eee OF FOREIGN SERVICES.....5 INVESTIGATIONS............2 NOTIFICATION OF TERMINA- OPERATIONAL APPROVALS..... 2 TION OR DISCONTINUANCE COVERT SECURITY APPROVALS - | ° OF COVERT SECURITY AP- - . AND PROPRIETARY © "|, PROVALS OR PROPRIETARY APPROVALS, ........-++++5 9° APPROVALS. 3.0... 008 COVERT SECURITY APPROVALS : SPECIAL § R i, ‘ e FOR LIAISON WITH UNITED - Weta ae . SERVANTS OF eee ED ROL MENT ‘iN PLACE EMPLOYEES..... \n\\C\J. ain = STATES OFFICIALS . ‘1. PURPOSE \ ob a ypugee This instruction describes c aly : tidns of headquarters components with regard to covert approvals and related matters which are the subject of CSI-F No. 10-5. 2. GENERAL a. The Chief, Counter Intelligence Staff, is delegated authority to act for the Deputy Director (Plans) in the exercise of a!l functions which are the lat- ter’s responsibility with regard to the granting of Operational Approvals and Provisional Operational Approvals. me b.. Tha Director of Security has designated the Deputy Director for Investiga- ions and Operational Support, Office of Security, to represent him in dis- charging the functions which are reserved to him with regard to the granting .. of Covert Security Approvals, Provisional Covert Security Approvals, . “= Proprietary Approvals, and Provisional Proprietary A, prevais.: _ c. it is the basic intent of both components ‘that sensitive operational data _snall remain within the custody and snowledge of the Clandestine Services, and that sensitive securiiy investigative data shall remain in'the custody and knowledge of the Office of Sécurity:: ‘recognized, however, that such data may be necessary for proper performance by either component end, consequently, where necessary, it shall be made available or shall be. discussed to the extent necessary. magento ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 c CSI NO. 10-5 “ CLANDESTINE SERVICES oA SECURITY INSTRUCTION NO. 10-5 We sayy Renee! 17 July 1958 3. INVESTIGATIONS & yr The function of performing all investigations in the United States in connec- tion with approval matters, except for the check of certain Agency records, is reserved to the Office of Security: 74 arr . 4, OPERATIONAL APPROVALS . : . ts Ange a.: The assembly - -and analysis. ot ‘all file material (including the {les of the : 2) { Records Integration Division) in the Clandestine Services will be 'accom- : . we plished by professional personnel of the interested operating divisions i under the iachnical supervision of the Counter Intelligence Staif and sub- ject to spot check by the Counter Intelligence Staff. Certification will be : : : i made in each case by a responsible official of the requesting division that — ; F i the material furnished is complete and accurate. 2) .b. The requesting division will assemble any biographical data; information ‘of investigative or security significance (such as additional names the subject may have used); information relating to-character, reputation, ... politics, or other activities, favorable and th information or. comments; background information: PRQ at quivalent (in du=" . plicate); and freld traces. Any. informandip nished by the. _ --' . Bubject concerning himself (s ce a ory statement, records’ ) of activities or emplo tions, etc.} will Lee rmatio fina produced--includ= Lo be furnished verbat: ing that resulting fro cal interrogations, personal observation, field investigations, e -.--Will be fornish ed to the Counter Intelligence Sta& for necessary tral ac: to ine ‘Ofliée of Security. It is alsonec- _ . i sf essary to forward PRQ the’Counter Intelligence Staff before ‘an Operational Appreent will ssued, The Counter Intelligence Staif . | will not forward PRQ Part I to the Office of Security. In rare, compli- i cated, or sensitive cases the Office of Security, in coordination with the Counter Intelligence Staff, may wish actually to review the material of ae the Records Integration Division. A brief practical statement of the scope, ee nature, and geographical area of the proposed usage of the subject will “ se : be furnished to the Office of Security along with the other data. oN et ‘ . The requester should also furnish to the Counter Intelligence Staff for ; transmission to the Office of Security any suggestions regarding the in- vestigation to be conducted and any particular points to be emphasized in the investigation, such as special skills, abilitias, and weaxnesses of the subject. The requester should also indicate what would be the most) | -.-2™. plausible type of cover (i. e., general Government or commercial) to be employed in-the conduct of the investigation and whether the subjecthas been briefed as to the fact of a pending investigation and, if-not, why this — is not feasible. , . ar: oa Following appropriate investigation and analysis 6t'a‘case,- the Ottics of Security will forward {ts recommendation to the Counter Intelligence Staff, with the investigative data enclosed. Upon receipt of this material ======== PAGE 3 ======== 14-00000 CSI NO. 10-5 CLANDESTINE SERVICES en SECURITY INSTRUCTION NO. 10-5 oar _ Revised 17 July 1958 oe oe the Chief, Counter Intelligence Staff, or his designee, will, if the Office of Security does not recommend against the use of the individual, determine whether an Operational Approval should be granted and will notify the Of- fice of Security of its decision. However, in the event the Office of Secu- rity recommends against the use of an individual and the Clandestine Services still desires, on a-calculated risk basis, to use the dndividual, | . the Counter Intelligence Staff will inform the Office of Security of this’ fie . fact, .In this event, the Counter Intelligence Staff and the Security Support ae : so. . . Division will endeavor to arrive at an agreed pesition and, to this end, X the former will hold the granting of the Operational Approval in abeyance until five day$ have elapSed after the Office of Security has been advised of this Intention, The Counter a Ss “ ON the Office of sontebiara bhi” derail n>ens iiananiemaneniarese hier e IEE 7 oo . Security whenever it has: , SNE PATE UIT Po XQ _- (1) Granted an Operatig oe Ba perational Approval, (2) Cancelled an Opera! eo ves e. Ih Operational Approval asd ‘Qitige ‘of Security will forward investi- gative reports, name check r See to the Counter Intelligence Staff. . In extremely sensitive cases, weyers particularly those in which the - . sts security or good of the Agency as a whole is involved, the Office of Secu- . , _” “rity will not be obliged to furnish all investigative material. In such cases hin, we ce the Office of Security will inform the Couhter Intelligence Staff that such Sof material has been withheld and will, upon request, discuss the matter with Cote : ' the Chief, Counter Intelligence Staff, or other appropriate official of the cee: oo, Clandestine Services. . {. A Provisional Operational Approval may also be requested where clrcum- | stances warrant. A search of the indices of the Agency, including those ns of the Office of Security, is a minimum requirement for issuance of a Pro- oe visional Operational Approval. g. Whenever interest in an individual under consideration for elther an Oper- ational Approval or a Provisional Operational Approval {s terminated for any reason, the requester, in order to prevent needless processing, will i notify the Counter Intelligence Staff promptly so that the latter may in turo a advise the Office of Security. 5. COVERT SECURITY APPROVALS AND PROPRIETARY APPROVALS a, All background material will be assembled by ihe interested divisions and will include any biogrephic data; Information of an investigative or secu- ~~ rity significance; tnformation-relating to character, reputation, poiliics, : . 7 moma past employment. residences, and other activitles: favorable and unfavor= Te moe "able information; PRQ Part I or its equivaieni {in ‘duplicate); and field : traces, This material is forwarded direcily to the Office of Security !n its original form. (Traces need not be obtained from the Records Late- gration Division; see paragraph.5. , below.) A brief practical statement. of the’ scope, nature, and geograp al area of use of the subject will also \y He NRE Brae HEE ge gt ee et ney a . ======== PAGE 4 ======== ( ( qr» ee OHEHO. 0 CLANDESTINE SERVICES \W. - * SECURITY INSTRUCTION NO. 10-5 Ww” ’ Revised 17 July 1958 be furnished to the Office of Security. The requester should also furnish ' conducted and any particular points to be emphasized in the investigation, : such as, special skills, abilities, and weaknesses of the subject, The re- quester should also indicate what would be the most plausible type-of cover (i. e., Government or commercial) to be employed in the conduct of the : investigation and whether the subject has been briefed as to the fact of a . oan Pending ‘ygetigation and, # not, why this is not feasible, b. In Covert Security Approval or Proprietary Approval cages, the files of the’ J Records Integration Division will be searched by representatives of the Office of Security. All files of the Records Integration Division, except those portions containing specific sensitive operational data, will be made available to the representatives of the Otfice of Security. In those in- stances where a document of interest contains sensitive operational data, designated professional personnel within the operating division will re- view that portion of the information and furnigh therefrom to the repre- ; : sentatives of the Office of Security all information of the nature described an _ in'paragraph 5.a., above, The Office of Security will conduct appropriate ; re investigation in each case and will issue or deny Covert Security Approvala . ve and Proprietary Approvals, and Provisional ‘Covert Security Approvals and Provisional Proprietary Approvals, ae ae me Approval cases or Proprietary Appr wills” (1) Make available to the AIG: Yecitigence Staif any » ificant infor- mation in cases wher ate Security Approval ¢ roprietary Ap- provals are granted, mam ye (2) Immediately call to the aT! RAW ounter Intelligence Staff any new evidence in Covert Securi: Approval or Proprietary Approval cases that reflects the subject’s connection with a foreign government, the Communist Party, or any front organization of the Communist Party. . d. Where the Office of Security issues or denies a Covert Security Approval or a Proprietary Approval, formal notification Will be directed to the re- quester, In the case of disapproval one copy of the security disapproval will be forwarded to the Counter Intelligence Staff, Where a Covert Se- curity Approval or Proprietary Approval is denied and the Clandestine Services stilt desires to use the subject on a calculated visk basis, the Of- "re, The Office of Security will retain the mee Ny Covert Security . flee of Security will, upon request, furnisa to the Counter Inteliigence Staff a oo .. Summary of the investigative data, Thereafter, the Counter Intelligence Staff, the requester, and the Security Supoort Division will attempt to reach an agreed position. , . _ e@..A Covert Security Approval or a Proprietary Approval may be preceded : by a Provisional Covert Security Approval or a Provisional Proprietary Approval, AAO wens ao rere “3 \ | | ======== PAGE 5 ======== 14-00000. ‘ CSI NO, 10-5 Ne ra CLANDESTINE SERVICES (@\\% SECURITY INSTRUCTION NO. 10-5 \t ) “3UI9 September 1963 f, Unless otherwise designated, by the Office of Security, investigative data - in either Operational Approval or Covert Security Approval cases involving aliens may be shown to proper offices of the division and may, if deemed necessary by the division, be forwarded to the field. The dispatch or cable in such cases will be coordinated with the Counter Intelligence Staff and the Office of Security. No investigative data will be transmitted or dis- closed to other than Agency staff officials without the specific prior ap- proval of the Office of Security, The need-to-know principle will be applied — strictly in such cases. No investigative data regarding United States cit~- o fe izens will be transmitted to.the field without the specific prior approval of . nae the Counter Intelligence Staff and the Director of Security and subsequent . ~ «°°. to such approval without coordination with the Office of Security on the dis- . patch or cable involved. . ~ — 8, COVERT SECURITY APPROVALS FOR LIAISON WITH UNITED STATES OFFICIALS Requests for Covert Security Approvals for sanaroaty ,§\\officials, wheth- _, er such officials are in the United States or abroad) MA be smitted directly “to the Office of Security. Each request MAD be Specifivs icated as a re- quest for a Covert Security; ‘Oval for Liaison, ‘The request shall be accom~ . “panied by all available biog: phic information, to include.wn rever possible in o,. . cases of civilian employees of United States Government agencies the name, date and place of birth, the employing agency, and the position and assignment | of the persén involved, In casés involving-militaty personnel -the minimum bio- graphic Information required shall consist of the name, date and place of birth, . Yank and serial number, and the parent service. In each case the details ofthe... liaison with the individual must be set forth. —— , 7. SERVANTS OF AGENCY EMPLOYEES — Requests to headquarters for appropriate checks on domestic personnel em- ot : ployed in the homes of Agency employees overseas shall be forwarded by the / requester to the Office of Security accompanied by all available biographical information and the results of overseas investigations. . . .8. EMPLOYEES OF OTHER U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES / Proper clearance of staff or contract employees (including indigenous em- ployees) of other U.S. Government agencies for operational use includes notification to and aporoval by the employee’s parent agency in Washington. ! Requests for clearance will be forwarded to the Chief, Counter Intelligence Z Staff, Attention: CI/ Liaison. Clearance will not be given until thé approval j / t () of the parent agency has been obtained. If, after such approval ig obtained, , tt is decided that the employee will not be used as requested, or upon termi- nation of use, CI/ Liatson will be notified so that the amployee’s pa x : rent agency {may be advised. - . : 4 3. SMPLOYEES AND OFFICIALS OF FOREIGN SERVICES re - Requests for-searches of the- indices of other United sites agencies or the rn ; Office of Security, or investigation of emp! ANN icials of foreign 5 ee eeeeaiatintnes eee eens aa iatioe narcedae or preter rey 2S Son ‘ hs er? . ye tems SR ======== PAGE 6 ======== CLANDESTINE SERVICES ® Noe es INSTRUCTION NO. 10-5 “a 8 2 7 19 September 1963 il. SPECIAL SERVICES - + tte information concerning the subject. oe 12. DOUBLE AGENTS 13. DEFECTION AND RECRUITMENT IN PLACE ". which will immediately inforrn the Director of Security and such ciher United | SECURITY , intelligence services with whom Agency employees maintain liaison, shall be i forwarded by the requester to the Counter Intelligence Staff for processing to ‘ : the Office of Security. Such requests shall be transmitted with complete : results cf tleld traces, all available biographical information, and a state - ment as to the service which the subject represents. wo . 7 { 10. NOTIFICATION OF TERMINATION OR DISCONTINUANCE OF COVERT SECURITY APPROVALS OR PROPRIETARY: APPROVALS’ 7. : “* og continuance of interest in or termination of empla: use of a person on whom a Covert Security Approval or Eepor tetas y “Apprdgyal has been re- quested or granted. | wy The Office of Security shall be promptly’ advised by ae of the-dis- i) av “at “ a, Requests for Covert Miecks: and Special ‘Inguiries will be-transmitted to the Office of Security thr re Counter. Intelligence Staff, Each re~ oo quest shall indicate the rea. inquiry, shall specify the exact ac- ee . ; boas tion required, and shall contd ‘available background and/or biographical : b," In. the ¢ case t's be the most ‘plausible type. “of ‘cover (i. &, , general “Government ‘ or com- “. mercial) to bé ‘employed during the inguiry and any other information which’ would provide guidance as to the conduct of the investigation. The operational decision authorizing the doubling of an agent of a foreign power will be coordinated with the Counter Intelligence Staff even though no Operational Approval or Provisional Operational Approval is required, : fe) No attempt to defect or recruit in place (a) a member of the Communist Party te Los or (b) a government official of a denied area country shall be made in the neice . eee oben: United States without prior coordination ‘with the Counter Intelligence Staff * : ») . States agencies as | may be appropriate. a - Richard. Helms - uty Director (Dlans} ======== PAGE 7 ======== DDO INSTRUCTION Ww ‘NO, 50-10 “ Rescission: CSI 50-10, 13 July 1970. pr propriate, reference h Ceiteeeed Ta DOI 50-16 ot OPERATIONS-GENERAL — 4 September 1973 . RESTRICTIONS ON OPERATIONAL USE OF CERTAIN . CATEGORIES OF INDIVIDUALS : 1. GENERAL a. Elemental in the conduct of clandestine operations is the use of of human gents to accomplish the missions of the Operations Directorate. In gen- eral, it it is DDO policy to select agent assets with primary regard to the agents’ abilities, target access, and secur security, and with few restrictions as to their origins, professions or status’ as members of particular groups. The basic rule is that any consenting adult may be used by. the Operations Directorate. There. are, however, certain ‘sensitive categories of individuals . Or groups whose operational use by the Operations. Directorate is prohibited »” - or, in some. way: restricted for reasons not necessarily. ‘elated. to security. considerations. - es vee fe eee a b. These prohibitions or restrictions stem from one of the following: (1) The Agency has been directed by .U.S. Governtienta authority to restrict or avoid the operational use of a parti ilar category, of in- dividuals. : (2) The Agency has entered into a sp organization, government, co: category of individuals,<\ (3) The Director or the Depi restrictions on ‘the operational 1 "due to the extreme tisk or sens ial éstrictive agreement with an 9 OF _ official | responsible for a rector for Operations has imposed ‘certain category of individuais . SOF such exploitation. 2. PURPOSE The purpose of this instruction is to set forth the 1 proh hibitions ‘and policy restrictions (as distinguished from security restrictions) which currently per-"" tain to the operational ns i he special approva LAER YT LE NIIP MI NS OL REE I NET PE API a - in cases. Whe ation: which provid more: detailed guidance than has been icempted in this instruction. The special approval procedures set forth in this instruct on'do'not supersede or alter in any way the requirements for covert a & contained in DO! and DOI-F 10-5. : ; 2 ======== PAGE 8 ======== DOI 50-10 SS DDO INSTRUCTION. OBERATIONS-CENERAL ON NO. 50-10 . 4 ‘September 1973 3. DEFINITIONS Within the context of this instruction, the definitions listed below. will apply. Special note must be taken of the fact that the key term- “operationad use” employed throughout this instruction has been defined in the most succinct a manner consistent with clarity. It has not.been ‘feasible, However, to. cover in : : a definition the entire scope of possible variations in operational circumstances . which may be encountered in DDO activities. The definition of “operational ~ use” is intended to provide guidance for the majority of cases, and must be employed with responsible operational judgment. Issues involving a deter- mination of “operational use” which cannot -be resolved with reasonable as- surance by the responsible operating components will be referred to. the oa “ Deputy Director for Operations for decision. oo a. Operational Use : Operational use is interpreted to mean. the recruitment, utilization, or traine2:.- : ing of any individual or. group for DDO. purposes on either a witting or -.. unwitting basis by or on the‘behalf-of an element of the Operations Direc- a toraté, Utilization’ is made of an individual or’ group whenever thatin- - .- dividual or group, responding ‘to the direction ox.golicitation” of a DDO element, provides information, performs services, ides cover, or supplies financial, material, or other support necessary forthe accomplishment’ of DDO operational objectives either itectly, or indirectly, to or for an ele- thent of the Operations Directoraté . b. DDO Element at Any person or groufwho or which is responsible to, owned or controlled ™ either directly or indirectly by the Operations Directorate. Included under is this definition are employets, meimbers of Agency proprietary mech- c. Operational Contact - Any association having as its purpose the initiation or furtherance of DDO operations, 4, RESTRICTIONS ON OPERATIONAL USE a. Restrictions on the operational use of individuals or groups are of four types and cover twenty five separate catevories a8 outlined below and.as described : in greater detail in paragr: aphs 5 through 8 of this instruction: - (1) Operational Use is Prohibited see paragraph 5): (2) Members and trainees of ériox CF (b) fFutbright grantees; | 74 ======== PAGE 9 ======== 14-0000! _, * DOI 50-10 ” . OPERATIONS-GENERAL 4 September 1973 DDO INSTRUCTION. NO. 50-10 (c) Officials or employees of the Keternationa Association for Cultural Freedom; (d) Officials, employees, or dgrantees of the Ford, Rockefeller and 7 2 , > : Camegie Foundations; i ; ” (e) Employees offUS. private detéctive investigative agencies. a ? ea (2). Operational Use equires “Special Extra-Agency Concurrence (see a _ ‘paragraph 6): - RPLOVIAE OF- SALADIO . ee ne (a) Employees of other U.S. Government agencies; . (b) DDO agents or assets in. the United States; - ; wo (c) Agents and human. sources ‘of foreign intelligence registered by . . other U.S. agencies; xo) 9 (d) Citizens (or persons documented as citizens) of Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom: (including its overseas dependent territories ) ‘and New. Zealand; . * (e): Citizens of Norway, ‘West Ge . (f) Merchant seamen on ships of . (3) Operitional Use. Requires. e nany ‘and “The Netherlands : “(b) CARE ‘employees : . (c) Individuals engaged in-public relations ‘activities; (d) Officials, representatives; or employees of .Communist countries in the United States; (e) Foreign delegates or employees ‘of the United Nations assigned © Cm . ' in the U.S. and USS. citizen delegates or employees wherever _ assigned; (£). Staff members or officials of Red Cross societies; (g) Officials of the Vatican State; . (h) U.S. Government-funded professors, lecturers, students or grantees; - (i) Members of ‘educational or “private. voluntary ’ organizations; ‘(j)-Officials or employees of ‘the African-American ‘Institute: (k).Volunteers’ to America. : - (4) Operational’ Use Requires Approval by Chies of rea Division ies” . paragraph 8) woe a ; pe mntrolled ‘by the highest | type of ‘in his particular case. ======== PAGE 10 ======== 14-00000 Dor 50-10 , ) OPERATIONS-GENERAL ..- . 4 September 1973 DDO INSTRUCTION NO. 50-10 5. OPERATIONAL USE PRON ED a. Members and Trainees of scrion. _ Ff 9 ; . (1) It is Agency policy that members and trainees of ACTION will not: be ) used in any capacity, with or without remuneration,. by the Agency ~ or by organizations under its jurisdiction. (The term “members offAC- 9 \ TIONS will be understood to mean anyone employed by OF assocral ed : with [ACTION except trainees.) GF oa 9. (2) It is Agency policy that former frembers_ of ACTIO may be em- “yO ployed.or used by the Agency or by organizations under its jurisdiction . ) only in accordance with the following: . a {a) Except as stated in (b) below, a forme: “Yngmber of ACTION) ...may be employed or. used operationally" an _Agency only if a_period. of five full” year ; separation from ACTION. (° G4. : : ie) An Ageaey conte éd orga : o , censuses oem oe a et AN ST SE NORAD A Et, j ‘elapsed. since his. 1 may hive a former, member of. the provisions of subparagraph (ay or (b) above’ must have’ the specific prior approval ‘of the Deputy Director for Operations. (3) Former frainees whose ACTIONservice included dutyfor training] lover- . Seas ere ‘subject to the rules governing employment oF use of er G G. members of f ACTION of mene s?) above), Former traines Wh . id not serve at any time $s memberg df ACTIONand whose ACTION 2H ) service did not include ilo tralicing} {overseas may be employed or used operationally by DDO ‘lements“provided the specific prior ap- proval of the Deputy Director for Operations is obtained. - (4) A former fnember or trainee of AcrtoN whose employment oruse 0.0 0 8 fey is permitted by subparagraph (2) or (3) above may nat be assigned - mo) . to or used in a country for Which he. had been soe r to which oo not he had’ been- assigned while with | ACTION 92 BFE So arian wre vate. corporation: ON SIpenonnel na Vv) }: The specifi c prior-approval af the # Depa must be obtained.’ ve : COOLI43 ======== PAGE 11 ======== _ DOL 50-10 ma - DDO INSTRUCTION © | OPERATIONS-GENERAL NO. 50-10 : 4 September 1973 (b) Lf the individual Ce formexymember of ACTION or a former 7 lrainee whose ACTION servité included duty or training over- seas,. five years must have elapsed since his separation from 49 ACTION 99 9 CO ‘ : : If contact with a former) A ACTION member $r. a formey ‘trainee pwhose : U9 “{aCTION service include duty (or trating overseas Should~be un- - avoidable during’ the required ‘five year. waiting period, the Deputy Director for Operations may request an excep! ‘om the Director of Central Intelligence. Among the possible’ ‘such, unavoid- C ‘able contact would be the designation’ of a forme tember or trainee: Fy o @ 4 as the liaison officer’ to, the Domestic Collection Division. me b. Fulbright Grantees ; DDO policy prohil its the-operational: use of individuals who ¢ are receiving G4 U.S. Government suppor} “under. certain provisions (see’ below) of the | “Mutual Educational. and. Cultural: ‘Exchange Act. of .1961,. as. amended, ‘ commonly known ‘as the’ Fulbright:Hays* Act. [Falling ander: this prohibi- ___tion. are¥teachers, scholars," lecturers a ‘students ineludin Fstu-- .. «Gent artists and student “musicians who" a4 3 Scholarships..or grants -by’.the. Beard -of Foreign Scholarships[appointed - b y the President. of the United States.” Operational use of such individuals : is prohibited only. during the period when they are participating in the c% educational and cultural exchange program This prohibition specifically oes not apply to the several other, categories o! ‘grantées Jsupported by other provisions of the{Fulbright- -Hiys Act such af artists, athletes, leaders, @ : specialists or participants at international trade fairs or expositions who : ; ‘@ : do not come under ‘the aégis of thefPresident's Board of ae Scholar- 2 . ‘ships (see 7,j., below). J _ @ Officials or Employees of theffaternational Association for Culbata F reedom\ i - ~*- -='-" DDO policy, prohibits: the operational ugg, | of the. officials or. employees .. [- . . of the) International ASsociation for Cultufal Freedom Contacts with. such” 1 © 2 indivi tals which DDO officers are obliged to make in- their cover ca- : ci pacities must be -limited, to their: cover assignments. Dons bee _d. Officials, Employees, 6rfGrantees. of the Ford, Rockefeller and Carnegie. _ Foundations | oo . stag tS ATH TERR ite tere eartoteamnaeamt ein tate te POOLIT44 ======== PAGE 12 ======== “DOL 50-10 © OPERATIONS-GENERAL 7 4 September 1973 . y : ~ DDO INSTRUCTIONS NO. 50-10 e. Employees. of /U.S. Private Detective Investigative Agencies DDO policy prohibits the operational use either in the United States or overseas of the employees of any U.S.-owned or -controlled. éprivate 4 detective investigative agency] This policy does not apply to operational . use 6f employees of orggnizations which are engaged strictly in commercial Yor credit investigations. a. re : 6. EXTRA-AGENCY CONCURRENCE REQUIRED a. Employees of Other U.S. Government Agencies _ Approval for the operational use °6 taff or contract: (including foreign) emiplovees fof other U.S. Government ‘agencies( will be granted only in’ cases where theJemployee’s parent agency in Washingtod has been notified of and has approved of theintended' operational use in accordance with . _. the provisions of DOI 10-5. gg ot a ‘b:[DDO Agents or Assets in the United state” Vee i FT : _. An ‘accordaneé with ‘the. agreement’ éxisting ‘between the [Federal Bureau. ~. of: Investigation and. this’ Agency} the restrictions listed "below apply to. - op the operational activity of the Operations’ Directératé, conducted. in’ the » G4. nited States. Coordination. with the FBI:of ‘appropri mo . . DDO operational activities in the Usifed.Statespi ‘the responsibility of : : Sy the Chief, Liaison Group, Opérations Staff. toes oo , (1) All_invéstigations by-‘this Agency. of fforeign officials in the United ¢4 Stated require the priory concurrence of the_FBIS In this context, the : term J"investigation” means systematic. and direct inquiries or pro- GF cedures (such as physical on technical surveillances or neighborhood . inquiries} aimed at ound inforppation concerning an individual's : 5) ease on Fi . activities’ or background; “investigation” | does not include the ac- ceptance or the develop t of information through social contacts or contacts normally made by Agency officials in discharging their. - cover functions. ~ Do, ‘ ; eT a, (2). Any approach in the, United State{by a ‘DDO element for’ recruit- So. : i) : ; ment of any foreign official or of any visitor from a Communist-country wee requires the prior concurrence of the FBI ( on Any. planned meeting in the United. StateSTor assessment and-social development. betweérfa DDO élément and a foreign official:of known 5 xo or presumed: interest to the FBI. or between a.DDO element anit an q official or visitor from a Communist country requires that prior noti- fication be provided to the Fst] : ee Be (4) Whenever domestic DDO 79 rations. involve’ matters ‘pertaining. to thefaational security of the Tnited Statest appropriate identification of persons “engaged in the operations in the United States will be ~~ 2G ======== PAGE 13 ======== _ DOT 50-10 OPERATIONS-GENERAL NO. 50-10 4 September 1973 provided /to the 83) In accordance with this policy, the following _ categories-6f DDO assets will. be identified [to the FBI: DDO per- o9 sonnel, agents of the Operations Directorate who are either U.S. citizens or alien residents; and foreign agents of the Operations Directorate recruited | abroad, who -come to the’ Ursted States -for’ operational a Oe ae - ¢. ABents and Human Sources of Foreign Intelligence [Registered by Other GT US, Agencies) ; 0 Doe ~ . . .WhefInteragency Source Register. (ISR) has. been. established. at head-. C - _. ° quarters to provide for United States Intelligence Board (USIB) agencies . _ iS centralized record of agents and human sources of. foreign intelligence]® ? 4 principal‘ purpose. of the {ISR is to register primacy. of interest and prevent.multiple recruitmentor unintentional, duplicate. operational use “9 ; ; of such agents and. human ‘sources}-It is USIB policy that no individual os ne) (Zegistered in the IsRlby ‘ong: USIB “agency will be used for operational pur-.*.» Tee ee poses by. any other: USIB pe Ne the specifj¢: prior approval of the : Lagency-having primacy of interest Ifa BDO el desires to arrange the "+ GG Etranster or joint operational use of a resistgy 1 individual, the ISRwill con-. ” “oy, tact the gency having primacy of interest'toJdetermine whether there is a. ” willingness. to ‘discuss: this’ é1 Te d. {Gitizens (or Persons Documented .as Citizens) of. Australia, Canada, the z4 United Kingdon (iriéluding, its Overseas Dependent Territories) and New Zealand See : ¢ ~ (1) The operational use of fai ti Ag) of the above-named{countries (includ- ~ ; ing the overseas dependencies of the United Kingdom) is restricted Co by agreements with the Titeligence or security authorities of such @7 “ countried, which require the prior approval of the E2propriate Hiaison?3] authority. Such approval will be obtained at the earligst feasible stage of development through the/European Division (in the case of citizens A of Canada or the United Kingdom), or through the East Asia Division @ @ (in the case of Australian or New Zealand citizens) J oo (2) The above restriction also governs the Ge of false documentation ar - representing DDO staif or agent personnel as citizens of the above- ~ ' named: countries.{Approval for thefuse-of such -documeéntation{ will - . be sought through the sume channels as stated in subparagraph (1) . q above. Sos ; . (3) Authority to imake operational use of the persons or documentation] ” ‘described in the above subparagraphs without: obtaining the prior”. approval ff the Liaison authority concemed may be granted only by. the Deputy Director for Operations onQby the Director. ======== PAGE 14 ======== f. ~ o DOI 50-10. oO) DDO INSTRUCTION _OPERATIONS- GENERAL of NO. 50-10 , 4 September 1973 ; ; e{Citcens of Norway, weil Germany and The Netherlandsh e operational use PE any citizer of Norway, West Germany” or The” 29 . Netherlands{ is, under~ certain conditions, contingent on prior approval . : | of the Gational intelligence service concerned? These Scountfies} are par-. ses ! ticularly Sensitive in cases involving the operational use of their citizens ¢ ‘ST. ' whe _areyiierchant Sdamenfand who’ are (Serving .on ships | ing their eo flags}. Each case i y olvint the proposed operational. use ta a citizen ot - : one’ of these’ Foutles will be reviewed by the Chief of the [Evropean? z : Division in the light of the agreements existing between this Ewe and o | the national intelligence havi concerned. After weighing: all of. the. — oe ‘2 equities, the Chief of thefEuro; an) Division will decide whether approval : : is required)from the e(Euro intelligence ? aorviea £0 cerned. ‘When re- --quired,: approvals for the operational : use ch. ‘obtained from the appropriate Piational , peal} Division. . f ividuals -will_ be ea by ‘the EEuro- 99. .SMerchant Seamen on’ Sh 3s..0f Certain’ Countri 2° operational’ yse “off ‘fm rohan? seamen, regardless . -off: ps) « the flags “of “AG ali me who are’ Ferving ‘0 ependencies ), New. Zealand, Norway,.- dg is, under certain conditions,’ subject’ ~ to provisions of the. agreerggpts existing between this Agency. and. the ~ Bational intelligence service’ peered Each case involving the proposed. operational use of such(a meréRant seamén awit be sgigwed by the Chief “sue of the Eurd sean{ Division or the Chief o the fast” As Division, as ap- ° propriate light of the fpertinent interservic “Tasreement] After weighing ‘all of the equities, the Chief of the Europe 4 [Division or the Chief of the fEast sial Division will deteymine the course of action to be taken wi regard to fe national intelligence service [concerned. 7, APPROVAL BY THE DDO REQUIRED - S Approval by the Deputy Director for Operations for the operational use fore ae) . of any individual who falls into. one ct the categories described in this-para- °° .°-! - graph will be requested by memorandum. The individual's covert approval me status will be described in the memorandum to the Deputy-- Director.,for .- Operations, together’ with a concise expianation of the inteaded. operational - use. (in connection with this paragragh.-contacts by the Domestic Collection Division with individuals ov firms do not require approval. by -th :Deputy*: ‘Director for - - Operations ‘provided. they constitute “merely briefing. or: ‘de- - _ btiefing for the purpose of obtaining information acquired by an individval or representative of a firm in the course of his normal activities. If, however, in any case the contact is on behalf of another element of the Operations fe) SECRET ======== PAGE 15 ======== 14-00000 NO. 50-10 DOI 50-10 DDO INSTRUCTION - _ ~OPERATIONS-GENERAL ~ hee 4 September 1973 Directorate or another agency; or if an individual or firm will be requested _ to perform an operational task or to deviate from his or its normal pattern of activity; or if the activity, even though consistent. with the individual's or firm’s normal pattern of activity, will take place because requested or _ funded by the Démestic ‘Collection Division; that case- will-be-subject_to- the requirement, for approval by. the Deputy. Director for Operatjons..). a, Publishers, Producers, ‘Journalists, or: Employees” of Public: Information ‘ oo ' Media) (see DOI 240-6) g (1) Operational use of jublishers or producers. of public information. Aa requires prior approval by the Deputy Director for Operations whenever ' there is danger that such activity might serve in any way(to influence USS. public opinion Such activities include but are not limited to the - Epublishing of books, newspapers, or magazines,. the: making of films, at ne e production of TV or radio: programs or the issuance in the. United. “erational use abroad of fpublishers or producers of public ‘information g ‘media for ‘non-U. §.. audience does not require approval. by. the Deputy _ Director for’ Operatiotis’ evén_though such activities. ma have some » unintended and unsolicited [fallout in the United- States (2) ‘Approval by the Deputy-Director for Operatior s is also required prior to the operational .use of journalists,’ news _ ‘service correspondents ‘or stringers, _ and) Oyees of news’ media including TV and radio stations wheney i the individual is'a US. citizen or when fthe news - edfum involved is under’ U.S. ownership r control. a. ofca Employees <3 = is DDO policy to: avoid operational use of “employees of théCCARE organization including indigenots employees. Exceptional individual casé involving priority operational, objectives will be considered on their merits. _ . Prior approval: by the Deputy Director for Operations will be. required ¢. Individuals] Engaged ‘in ‘Public Relations. “Activities (see DOT 50-. 18): * Individuals, engaged in public ¢4 tations activitied which in any way have or seek to have anfinfluence on public opinions in te Unit ed States ~ considered to be ina separa te sensitive category: In view of the pecu aspects of bic relations tivity’ including the special rectuirements of ; the foreign Agents Redistrationl Act, approval by the Deputy Director . ~ for Operations ‘is required prior to-the operational usefin a public relations . co epi any individual who is Eigaged i in. public-relations activities? s$ and who is located in or operating ik toc United States. - LAN 0604148 _ States of any, public opinion influencing ‘information. mediaf'Theop-- : Joy oye TY, radio, or news gee ‘ Oita pes eserrectnreeneenpne ep Irg r aT pT THE RS HER FU NER ======== PAGE 16 ======== NO. 50-10 4 September 1973 | ; ( SECRET C | DOI 50-10 DT -DDO INSTRUCTION i. OPERATIONS- GENERAL ‘ | d Sfficiats, Representatives, or. Employees of Communist Countries in the - i United Stateg (see DOI 60-11) | ~ Prior approval of the Director or the Deputy Director for Operations is required for operational contact in the United States with or operational . ‘ use of Bificials, representatives, or employees of the USSR, its satellite D7 . i) : countries, Communist China, or any other country under Communist . , ‘ control{If, while in the United States, such individual is to be investigated, - ' approached for recruitment, or contacted for operational purposes,{the prior EF concurrence of the FBX will also be required in accordance wi para- . graph 6.b., above. GS. MATONEL + . a ; a e.) Delegates or Employees of the United States me nS ‘ t is “DDO policy that the operational use of/delegates or employees of ‘the United Nation3, including those of its[various ‘main organs and of VF its related intergoVernmental agencié3] is of such sensitivity as to require .. Special consideration by the Deputy“l irector for’ Operations, especially . : “worthwhile cases wheréin operational ' use of a " particular fUNY individual “is deemed essential for the accomplishment of the DDO.mission, approval.. ~ may. be obtained. ‘In-each case involving a non-U,Sq citizen -assigned ins "the U.S. or a U.S. citizen wherever. assigned, thé: Deputy Director ‘for’ Operations will ake requ regarding use of pos citizen, elega es, 0 ployees| not assigned in the U.S.) If, whil ie States, the ‘ey individual is“to be investigated, approac} recruitment, or-.contacted for operational pur- poses, the prior concur a the. FBy may also be required as outlined in paragraph 6.b., above. oss Gf £[Staff Members or Officials ‘9 Red Cioss Societies~ oo ie) he operational use of staff members or officials of thefTaternational Red i Cross or its affiliated national Red Cross, Red’ Cresceni or other equivalent 44 recor requires special consideration and prior approval by the Deputy ~ irector for Operations:.DDO elements should make” every effort to avoid’ ‘ the operational use of staff. mémbers or officials offRed Cross societies. flow-* 7 ever, when especially high priority. objectives are at stake and altemative : : agent assets are-not: Available; approval for the use ‘of such indi: viduals x may ~) be granted by the Deputy, Director for Operations. - 7 og, ‘ of the Vatican State FG 4 : perational contact with)o Ficials of the Vatican. St : _ with the prior nuproval Of" t I “use offVatican oft! ‘Director for’ Operations. : ; Oh. U.S. Government Furded Professors, Lecturers; ‘Students or Grantees ae: one US. ‘or foreign m professors, | lecturers’ or sees AN ‘ether persons partici- - oF al, athletic or oon a ======== PAGE 17 ======== DOE 50-10. @PERATIONS-GENERAL 4 September 1973 : GF ” is considered of such sensitivity as. to require ‘special consideration and ap- proval by the appropriate. Area Division Chief. This authority may not be delegated. The request for approval will be. by memorandum in which the individual's covert approval status will be described, together with a concise. explanation of the intended operational use. =... a {Citens or. Alien. Residents of the U.S. Used © DOL5I9) ‘. "The operational use.it ast c - .. been-admitted: for _permanent:residénce: or ‘ha . period: in the U.S., requirés} ) ‘ alo “the.-Chief of the ‘Ares Division under: whose jurisdiction “intended ‘use. is,to take place.» oe . Non-US. ‘Citizen Delegates or Employees -of- the United Nations not. As» C7? », signed in the UB] 2 ss co me | The operational“use of fion-U.S. citizen delegates or employees of the @€ 4 United Nations Who are not assigned in the US. requires the prior ap- : i proval of the Chief of the Area Division under whose jurisdiction the in- tended use is to take place. : ; of Members of the Academic Community, ; ; ; ; ') (1) Within the context of this instructionfa member of the academic com- £7 munity Jis defined as:Cany student, faculty member, administrative "_officé¥ or staff official of a college, university or similar institution of 7 higher’ learning- including their associated -research centers. Persons "associated with institutions such as police or military training centers ~ > . : (except. the four college-level: military service academies) or under- - LF. going specialized technical training with business or commercial firms a ‘are not considered to be members of the academic community. - Operational use of finembers of the academic community, especially 72% those cases wherein an individual isto he made witting of Agency interest, will be on a highly selective basis: Exch case will be examined to ascertain its éssentiality to the DDO mission in terms of the ‘price _ of possible disclosure, and ‘to ensure ‘that propery security procedures. can be observed. ‘When it has been detent ited that the operational use of apiember ‘of the academia @ 1 : EA ity af defined above: is vee mee 5 I § ww (2 ======== PAGE 19 ======== (— ee sey DOI 50-10 - OPERATIONS-GENERAL: eo NO. 50-10 4 September: 1973 » .:-+ 4,Operationally feasible‘and without suitable alternative, prior approval in the following cases will be obtained as indicated below: © (a) Any U.S. citized who is aJmember of the academic community, . ; ._ and who is associated in any way with any U.S. or foreign college, 99 . ; oe ee : university or similar institution of higher learning;[ : (b) ‘Any fon-U.S. citizen who is a member of the academic community? o¢ ; and Who is associated in any. way’. with any /US.-owned or U:S-9 ¢ ; . ; _ affiliated college, university _or institution of high D ? CO, . . . ne ing which is located cithexin the United States or abroad. Z Cc nO . ee ‘Tf the individual is located in the Unite ates, approval will be. OF hfpeoeh | we oO : quested: by memorandum to the Chief, Foreign Resourcés Division. : The memorandum will include a statement that the individual is, or “is not, a DCD asset or contact, and in’ the event he is will include +> the concurrence of the Chief, Domestic Collection, Division. .. dividual is located outside’ the United States, appro over the area “concerned.| ( academic’ communit owned or’ U:S.-affi ad - ¢, sidered sensitive. The operational ‘the approval of the Chief, of ithe ea Division Fin a any.case involving ‘a well known ‘person or “hav ecial security implications, the Division Chief to whom the request is referred. under the above pro- *_ visions will consult with the DDO and obtain the latter’s approval. (3) The provisions of paragraph (2) do not apply to, Domestic Collection C \ ; Division contacts vith members of the academic ‘c mmunity| but such J contacts are subjec to the following requirements: . (a) If afmémber of the academic commindy would be asked to per- form an operational task or to alter his Hormal pattern of activity in order to serve Agency purposes, prior approval of the Chief, ~ Domestic Collection Division is required. Additionally, if such an . “individual will be in a foreign area; the concurrence of thé Chief ~~ . + Of the Area: Division concerned will be obtained. . “" (b) Prior concurrence will be obtained’ from’ the appropriate Area - . Division’ Chief if an individual is:to’ ‘be utilized in a politically. 2 v.00 . sensitive area where his presence or activities could potentially wor» embarrass: the interests of the ‘U:S. Government. . 7 “ey? The. eqiiirements of -paragraph °8,a. “apply- ifa citizen’ or valien “ on moot - resident of the United States would be used in a- denied area, we ae - (4)-At the end ofeach calendar: year, Chiefs. of. Divisions .will submit” a. report to the Deputy Director for Operations (via Chief, Foreign Resources Division) on the number of indi dugls\recruited from the members -of the” ©! way “with(O. S.-'¢ ng{-is:-also, “con-" se of such individua also. requires ..~- ======== PAGE 20 ======== ‘teatially sensitive operational cases in each Division. . | (5) It should be noted that the provisions of this paragraph do not apply . _ ~. ~ to DDO employeesfvho wish to study or.teach pe Fe aly Approval for: - > oa *) a such activity will | & obtained in accordance with the @ provisions of oo AR 10-7. : ( SECRET ¢ Oy : . ; DOI 50-10 ; O i DDO INSTRUCTION OPERATIONS- GENERAL ; » NO. 50-10 ; 4 September 1973 ne . : ri [eestemi community 1g ‘that year. This andit will permit the DDO * ee ot keep abreast ofrhajot quantitative changes in the. number of po- ; ' : i | .- 9. INDIVIDUAL CHANGES OF STATUS OR Gi When an individual undergoes a:change; ofstatus. which places him in one of Bo '*) | X i the restricted categories described-abov or transfers him from one category i to another, his operational. ase tinued operational use is contingent upon ; approval oT reapproval as ed for his new status.” Coe . rr 7 i ; cee 10. INTERPRETATION OR MODIFICATION oF ‘RESTRICTIONS. Certain of, the policy réstrictions ‘ scribed : in, this" instruction are “subject to’ interpretation,. extension or modification’ by- the. Deputy’ -Director ‘fer Opera: ions depending:on the. -conditions”.and” the atmosphere. for-DDO operations ° t any particular time. Especially when dealing on. the. edges of policy rulings... “and within the guidelines set forth ‘herein, particular heed should be paid to! ee the price of disclosure, including careful consideration of the sensitivities of. .~!- the individuals involved. When there is any doubt concerning the application of these restrictions, guidance should be obtained from the Deputy Director . for Operations. | ======== PAGE 21 ======== —~ + ’ APPROVED FOR RELEASE 1994 GIARISTORICAL PEREW PROGRAM INSTRUCTION SHEET 733 or Ae 2/6/73 3/9/64" to redefine. categories of contract personne), Minor revisions are made to up- -|date the paragraph. Former paregraph 54, Pro- curement Contracts for the Services of Individuals, is renumbered 55 with no change in text. 6/16/70 New paragraph 54, Agents, ° _{is added to establish -Jauthorities and responsi- vilities ‘for the manage- ment'of agents andto . {clearly distinguish [between agents_and contract personnel. Pagosa Rescinded. ======== PAGE 22 ======== 14- 00000 i i i i i i i ‘ | n. MANDATORY RETIREMENT FOR AGE st eeeeees ! 0. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE FUND ....... .. . p. PERIOD OF SERVICE FOR ANNUITIES .. . ! | | . q. COMPUTATION OF ANNUITIES ........ | | . ee ‘\t, RECALL OF RETIRED PARTICIPANT *. . ns _ | §, REEMPLOYMENT OF RETIRED PARTICIPANT ; 19 “ §MONIES.. ee, ++ 118,19 | u. LIMITATION ON NUMBER OF RETIREMENTS (000020211) 118.20 |; sEOTION VIII: MANAGEMENT. OF NONSTAFF PERSONNEL § i Sl. PERSONNEL DETAILED TO OR FROM THE AGENCY ...... 119 | /S2 CONSULTANTS » 123 53. n. 125 . 5A, . i2g “ | 55. PROCUREMENT ConTRacrs FOR THE SERVICES OF , . we! { . INDIVIDUALS - treats ve, BO Ve ; Cc } 5659, Reserved. . ” : : re SECTION 1 ix: REgoRDS AND REPORTS — in 60... PERSONNEL ARGS AND, REPORTS., ™~ Figure Title \ ya Pigure ae Yeo - S/ 1. \éuisien INTELLIGENCE. choss sone H Dis ' | { i 2. NGUISHED INTELLIGENCE MEDAL ... j | 3, INTELLIGENCE STAR. I. i 4 INTELLIG ENCE MEDAL OF MERIT ......... 4a. CAREER 1 NYeRYIGENCE MEDAL ........... 4 5 EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE MEDALLION ...... cee 94 I 6. RETIREMENT MEDALLION ............................0... 94.1 ! 1 FORM 600, RECOMMENDATION FOR HONOR OR MERIT : . AWARD | see baeeeeeneeeees sees 8B j 8. Reserved - : . : Bales 3 OFFICIAL SEAL oF THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 100: 2. "10." “AGENCY FLAG’. iL ‘AGENCY PLAQUE . . BIOGRAPHIC DAT, TO BE SUBBITTED BY "1. UNDER COVER’ ON AN. INTENDED SPOUSE o Bo [FORM 3154, SERVICE ABROAD Nat MENT “ “<< anes Re Revised: 23 February’ 1973, (733) " 2 c c ran on a ======== PAGE 23 ======== 14-00000 rail “HR 20-53 gem paragra) ed policy, authorities, and responsibilities conce: a veh eewers> mtract personnel. It does not apply to consultants (see a services acquired through aw industrial or procurement contra! cle 55), to personnel employed by proprietary projects (see HR 230-8 ents (see HR 20-54). PERSONNEL | 1 | a. GENERAL. There are two categories of ¢ contract personnel contra contract ct employees . | r53. CONTRACT PER and independent contractors, (1) CONTRACT EMPLOYEES. Although “they are not appointed employees, contract employees are are employees of the U.S. Government. They have all . the rights and privileges granted by law to U.S. Government employees ’ . yo, : : "im accordance with their citizenship, status as well as those rights and privileges specified, in their contracts. They work under supervised con- oo: rr ny ditions and are compensated on .a- salary. basis. Contract employees are grouped Into three categories: : (a) Career Associate (Type C) Contract Employees: Contract employees who perform duties, usually of a clandestine and operational nature, ‘on @ career basis. They are normally required to demonstrate their operational value to the Agency for not } han three years, in the case of US. citizens, or not less thanfiv , in the case of foreign nationals, to qualify for career associate) . When it is necessary for a carger associate to have ‘thes stafl-type a cess to.an Agency instal- . . lation or RC t fematlor ‘he ‘must meet the same security ape Se : . _o proval crit ee tatt employee. : : . Lo . -. (b) Internal ( Vi SN) dpntract Employees: Contract employees, engaged . Bo whe. cp, , for a specifi a of time, who normally: work Inside Agency. instal-..” ee |” lations. They” are required t to meet’ the same ‘security approval ‘eriteria. _ (as statt ‘employees, b put are “permitted only such access to classified .. Information as Is autharized in their security ‘spproval and is required «in the performance ‘ot their duties, : (e) External (Type E) Contract Employees: ‘Contract "employees, engaged for a specific period of time, who normally work outside Agency in- stallations. They are not required to meet the same. security approval eriterla as staff employees and are not permitted the same access to Agency installations as staff employees or Internal contract em- ployees. They are permitted only such access to classified information as is authorized In their security approval and is required in the per- formance of their duties. « . (2) INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS are not employees of the U.S. Government, . They are self-employed { individuals who are engaged under contract to provide specific services. They receive only the compensation and benefits _considered necessary to retain their services, In the Operations Directorate, their duties are normally limited to historical research and analysis and, - to the direction, utilization, spotting, or support of agents. They normally - do hot carry out espionage or covert action tasks. (Care must be taken _ . to distinguish between independent contractors, defined herein, and agents, i defined in HR 20-54.) : : Lot . b. POLICY - iy (ay it is. necessary to. provide tor Ones “not bemeb through the vse. -personnel:.. . fate SNell-qualifiee individuals who, » 0004156 * | ======== PAGE 24 ======== 14-00000 : \\ PERSONNEL Pp. s : : \ HR 20-53b(2) NG to, meet. opérational r (c) there is a ro ep ex the Agency to long- PR ERD oyment; : (d) the nature of the misyo: Yor which the individual is being engaged precludes his being subject to administrative control or working spe- cifically defined hours; : (e) the individual’s primary employer or interest is not the Agency and ‘the services the Agency desires from him are supplementary to his primary interest or vocation; or oo Wo. . _ . (ft) there isa Jong term requirement for personal services which, for op- . oo . * perational’or security reasons, cannot be performed by Agency staff wot . : . , personnel . — ° : oO : (2) The engaging of contract personnel is subjett to the following restrictions: . ./ (a) New contracts, contract renewals, and contract amendments for in- - dividuals under current or anticipated nonofficial cover, must have prior approval of the appropriate component of the Operations Direc- torate. ot : : : . (b) Contract personnel may be engaged only for approved activities for oy which funds have been made available. Funds for these activities will - oo -* be budgeted annually and, will not exceed Limitations imposed by the . : head of the component concerned. a aN oe : . ss os. + {¢) Contract employees are subject Jadirertons} anpower controls and . ; cellings established by the Director ‘of Gentfal Intelligence during the annyal budgetary. review.\cycle. ‘Independent contractors are. excluded from celling- controls. « : \. : | (d) Contracts, wlll Cw enever possible, .be, written, and ‘signed. “However, ‘when speci LSequ ity “or operational fac rs prevent the execution of ‘ ; , - a formal wriffén-tontract, a memorandum in Heu of such a contract | . .. : to may be prepared tgdgoumentitue Commitments and obligations of the . . "Agency and the in ayy Soe . oo . H (d) Appropriate securityVor operational approvals will be obtained before . any contractual comraitments are made to individuals and before any disclosure to them of classified information. . (1) No commitments relating to the use of the services of an employee of another Government agency will be made without prior approval of the Operating Official or Head of Independent Office concerned and the Director of Personnel. o -- (g)-No commitments will be made to contract personnel that appointed. _ employment status will be offered at the conclusion of or during any. period of their contract service, without prior approval of the Director on OL Personnel and the Director.of Security. a . (n) Contract employees. must meet Agency medical standards prior. to the approval and authentication of their contracts. A psychological assess- ment and psychiatric evaluation of those contract employees in whoa’ | “the Agency may have more than a: short-term interest will be carried out whenever: feasible. - : ek. Se TS sree er geen oe 1), Indepevident’ contractors.:a J medical standards; however, a Which .obligates the Age, . “@ satisfactory mec needs without obligating = [~ ten va roe required to. meet “Agency Qnitract contains. any. provision ide “medical or disability” beneLits, - picn is required, to include a psycho-. 7 fon, if necessary: 77" "* we So hevisea: 23 February 1973 (733: ======== PAGE 25 ======== 14-00000 he tee QNNEL ; PERSONNEL RE | digating (j) Contract personnel candidat I : cannot be acknowledged m n wa EIRIR 20-53e ot | | Whos empjoyinent with the Agency eg oviged adequate cover and an ap- ate te : : propriate cover legend, This réq at legal entitlements and other “os : : engaged * contractual benefits be provided and tax Labilities satisfied in a ; Lo; ing spe- | manner consistent with the character of the cover and cover legend. . j q : (k) Although staff employees are expected to sever active connections with an i : acy and ° the Agency upon retirement, there may be instances in which continua- - Se oP ey y,to his. tion tn service under contract after retirement is necessary or clearly | i i in the best interests of the Agency. The use of retired annuitants under ; } 5 ; for op- a contract is governed by policies specified in HR 20-13. . a 7 y wy stall (1) Not used, nfo g hots (m) Coritracts providing for basic-- compensation at. a rate which, If pro-. . me : wictions: | jected on an annual basis,.would exceed the maximum annual! rate . . : for in- | for a GS-15, will not be executed without the approval of the Director } ust have of Central Intelligence. All such requests will be forwarded through : as Direc- the Director of Personnel for his recommendation. le RESPONSIBILITIES vitles for (1) THE DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL will fitles will (a) formulate contract personnel management policies and procedures and :d-by the provide guidance in improving the effectiveness and flexibility of the: nn program within the Agency; trols and *- (b) monitor contract personnel management to assuge- consistency among uring the _ the directorates whue giving due regard Gl Roraton needs;.- excluded. = - (c)._ provide a repository: for. sensitive eae ation using the . : : guidelines for special files set. f cite eo However, (da) approve and authenticase contracts a :eution of (e) monitor contract ployee! telling autho atlans established by the . contract Director of Centt intelligence; an ms of the . (f) ‘maintain - ‘computer-based records on contract:‘personnel and ensure. ' currency and accracy of Input and output data. sed before (2) THE DIRECTOR OF SECURITY will. ven wefore any (a) establish standards and (procédures tor granting security approvals t which meet the Agency’s contract personnel requirements; yployee of (>) grant security approvals for the use of contract personnel including yproval of their access to classified information and Agency installations; armed and (c) ensure currency and adequacy of Security approvals by making periodic a co Teviews and reevaluations; Ce -, appointed . (a) provide’a repository for all _seourlty, tniformation pertaining to con- suring any “+ tract personnel. 7 2 Director (3) 9B CHIEF, CENTRAL COVER STAFF will Qo: Bo : (a) provide cover and cover, legends for coné ‘sonnel whose em- | ‘or to the ployment by the Agency cannot be pt edged; ae assess- (b) ensure currency of.such cover Mids by making periodic. 5 a neriad reviews and reevaluations; AWW : : 7 ; we" (eg) ensure that the mat DA provi le lements and con- - tractual benefits ying‘tax Mabilitias onsistent with as- ret Agency - signed cover an gends. : ee : 7 provision 7 benefits 4) THE DIRECTOR OF iXED: CAL, SER “ of . a psycho- (a) establish standards and BRON key for medical and psychiatric evalua- te tions and for psyehologieah Aesenent of contract personnel; 1973 (733) ~Revised: 23 February 1972 (733) . £2 IMPDET "127 SECRER CL By: 002230 — : aN 000k 1 5p ======== PAGE 26 ======== 14-00000 racts, are set forth in HHB 20-12, 53. AGENTS. This paragraph sets forth policy, responsibilities, and authorities , concéming the engagement and the management of agents. . HR 20-54 PERSONNEL r (b) make periodic reviews and meses ice’ juati ons-of ‘contract personnel j b. POLICY when requested to do so, 4 Ay ae (1) Agents cannot ! (5) DEPUTY DIRECTORS AND HEADS'O: INDEPENDENT OFFICES will en- (3 Government em: sure directorate uniformity of contract administration in matters such as . with normal pe: qualifications determination, compensation, allowances and other benefits, | (a) Initial appri personnel record keeping, systematic cost accounting, performance evalua- ‘ - commitment tions, cover determination and training, terminations, and security and “ an agent. i j medical approval processing requirements. (b): Agents will : j (6) THE DIRECTOR OF TRAINING will provide appropriate training courses ~ . and a mant j and facilities for contract personnel. and control 4 : (1) THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE will . . > No com : soe - ‘(a) adniinister pay, leave, and allowance entitlements of contract: person- - : Densath nel consistent with contract provisions an requirements; a Le ata rat (b) 1h eoerdination with the Covert eek ister a secure system. sf - maximt " for the settlement of Federal al security tax ob- This liz ligatiors. WD does no ad. AUTHORITIES PAW Ye . ; (2) No com ‘(1) The Director of P Deputy a and the ‘speclt Contracting Ofticer Tits, wit (Chief, Contract Pelso S Division) are, upon request of a Deputy Director, beneflt: i an Operating Official, Head,of Independent Office, or a duly appointed . normal . contract. approving offic! rj. ‘authorized to. execute, amend, renew, | and. . co. , terminaté contracts with ‘contract personnel. - . qa ‘ (2) Deputy Directors and Heads of. Independent Offices may designate Con- j . . tract Approving Officers to approve contracts when payment’ is" to be’. . co 3 charged against’ funds under their control Obey. | (3) Authority delegated to” Chiefs of ‘Station and “Base under the provisions. ot. Lae &. an q FR 20-31 is subject to the tollowing lmitations: ' j rn ' (a) All contracts executed in the field will be subject ‘to review by the = fo. : i j Director of Personnel. “(d) In general; 3 (b) Deputy Directors may limit the exercise of the authority granted to ards. Howe ~ chiefs of field installations to any extent they deem desirable, am _ to provide! | (c) Contracts prepared by headquarters will be amended only by, or with | ay be carried, the prior approval of, headquarters. Contracts executed in the field (e) Agents wh § may be amended in the field, but all such amendments must be. for- { the United warded to headquarters. their asso< (4) All contracts written under the authority of this regulation will be subject tax Mabili{ to legal review by the General Counsel under such conditions as he may 20-35.) prescribe, e. PROCEDURES. Requirements and procedures concerning personnel records, i. personnel actions, security approvals, cover, cover salary, medical” evaluations, a Pe compensation, qualifications determination, ‘training, and processing of :con-"- ::- ia a { } a, GENERAL, Agents are wit ting ‘manpower, assets, unique to the Operations . Dizectorate, who .carry out esplonage and covert ‘action tasks on behalf of the -.- Agency. Agents are not employees of thé U.S.°Government. They are self- empioyed Individuals whose services may be heal « inated at any - time. Care must be taken to distinguish oe ‘herein, and independent contractors, detined in HR 2053 A 128 aN? 23 Febquary 1973 (733) Rn net anetene ======== PAGE 27 ======== HR 20-54b [PERSONNEL b, POLICY ; AN (1) Agents cannot claim rights and privileges normally granted to U.S, yf Government employees; therefore, they will not be managed in accordance with normal personnel and administrative standards. (a) Initial approval of the Counter Intelligence Staff is required before any - -commitments are made or any classified information is disclosed to an agent. (b) Agents will receive compensation, benefits, and emoluments in amounts and a manner deemed best by the Operations Directorate to motivate and control them, subject to the following limitations: - (1) No commitment may be made to an agent to provide gross com~ pensation (basic compensation, additional compensation, fees, etc.) . ata rate which, if projected on an annual basis, would exceed the maximum rate for a GS-15, without prior approval of.the Director. - . This Umitation applies only to payments made by the Agency. It does not apply to bona fide coveringoms. ../. -. .« : {2) No commitment may be made to an agent to provide special bene- fits, without the prior approval of the Director of Personnel. Special -benefits are Agency. obligations other than basic compensation, normal overseas cost of llving payments, and ae operational expenses. i. re a ¥ . (3) No commitment may be made to an agent that “ap jointed status will be offered at the conclusion of his service unless such com- a . mitment Has b&en;tecommended by.-the “Reputy Director - tor ; ‘s . Operations or his ¥eblgne salveae the concurrence| of the Director of edi |bytheiDirector of Personnel. - subject to Agency} be carried out, unless precluded by security considerations. 8) : .v to provide medical or diss a F] (e) Agents who are U.S, citizens, resident aliens, or foreign nationals in the United States, must pay Federal tax on all income derived from their association with the Agency. Procedures for satisfying Federal t L . tax Uability will be determined by the Covert Tax Board. (See HR J : 20-35.) . 3 (f) The use of retired civilian annuitants of the U.S. Government as agents En . will be governed by policy set forth in HR 20-13. ~ (2) All commitments made or implied to agents will be recorded in either a Forme] Agreement or a Memorandum of Oral Commitment... (a) A Formal Agreement is a-written agreement, signed.by the agent and. . ; an authorized Agency representative. Forma): Agreements will be nego- 's . tiated whenever’ operationally feasible, ~~ « bee . (b) A Memorandum of Cral Commitment ts a written record ot an agree- signed: by an authorized Agency. representative but not. by, the Use of- Memorandums. of Oral Commitment..will. be limited to terest not’ to’ solic : agent: + those cases when in the Agency's be 'g signature. ======== PAGE 28 ======== 14-00000 — HR 20-55 — Oo. PERSONNEL re RESPONSIBILITIES AND ar : f (a) formulate procedures for the engagement and management of agents : and to issue operating directives and special instructions, as necessary, 1 to control the use of agents by headquarters and field units; . (b) execute, amend, renew, and terminate Formal Agreements and Memo- randums of Oral Commitment. with agents; and to review Formal Agreements and Memorandums of Oral Commitment executed in the field; tee on (c) suspend procedures implied in this regulation upon his personal deter- . mination that operational and sécurity aspects of an agent’s-manage- mect are so sensitive as to require processing through special channels. (2) The Director of Personnel is authorized to . (a) approve, after coordinating with affected Agency components, the — commitment to an agent that he will receive special benefits; . (b) approve the commitment to an agent that he will be offered appointed status at the conclusion of his service, when such commitment has ‘been recommended by the’ Deputy Director for Operations or his des- ignee, with the concurrence of the Director of Security; com . (c) execute, amend, renew, and terminate Formal eements and Memo- : ‘randums of Oral Commitment when requé 0 so by the appro- Ag authority may also phel and the Special Con- @ i SQpmmitment written * cas to legal review by fe may prescribe, —_ | (3) 55. PROCUREMENT CONTRACTS FOR THE |. SERVICES OF INDIVIDUALS a. POLICY. Procurement contracts whose basic purpose {s to obtain the services of one or more individuals, negotiated with profit and nonprofit institutions, associations, partnerships, proprietorships, and other organizations, are per- mitted only when the. particular ‘services Sought ¢ cannot be obtained in any : other practicable way, won 7 b. PROCEDURES @ Except as provided In subparagraph b(3) below, all Proposals for such procurement contracts and their renewal must be justified {n writing by the component seeking the services and be submitted to ‘the Director ‘of © _ Personnel for his approval. before commitments are nade or negotiations . started. These proposals will deseribe in. some “aw pine services to be ren- dered, the qualifications required, the pr. tion of the task, and | the reason or reasons why a ae he judged | to be. the best method of acquiring ae AMOS regs? 130 \\Y sey February 1973 (733) a) The Deputy Director for Operations is:authorized to : @3 PERSONNEL (2) The Directs personnel g examine th sonnel. It t rector: of P Office of Lc tract reque; are written BR 45.2, i . (3) The approv (a) for pro ~ dental j reports! task pe thme (; ». (b) for prot require: testing; follow~ tlon—r¢ above. ! ¢. RESTRICTION! . . . i (1) Operating ¢ - + through the : erly briefed- . Agency Inic . “Operating ¢ the relation © affects the; _ curity clear, : -@ Technical 1 procuremen _ employer-e . * organizatio; istrative au the Agency; cles, private i 56-59. Reserved. : Revised: 23 Februt ======== PAGE 29 ======== HR 20-55c PERSONNEL . (2) The Director of Personnel “ascertain whether any staff or nonstaff . a personnel are available to perform the needed services, If not, he will ga examine the feasibility of satisfying the requirement by hiring new per- bet sonnel. If this latter course of action also proves impracticable, the Di- rector of Personnel will approve the proposal and return it either to the Office of Logistics or to the originator for subsequent submission of a con- tract request to the appropriate procurement unit, Procurement contracts are written under the authority of the Director of Logistics as stated in ER 45-2, ; . (3)-The approval of the Director of Personnel is not required | (a) for procurement contracts involving the services of individuals inci- dental to research and development or the preparation of studies or ote . : reports, where the fee reflects an end product (a,report written, a , task performed, etc.) rather than a computation based mainly on - |. + time (pep hour, per man year); |. oot (b) for procurement contracts involving the p equipment which - requizes the services of experts or tectyyicia elivery, installation, testing, initial operation or ma: a e\treining, etc. However, any follow-on contract for servi sh ., . “ as tenance or opera- tlon—requires the Directs S; el’s ir. roval as set forth above. x . . o _ & RESTRICTIONS _ BS ; S . : are 0. (1) Operating Officials SPo: \\ ring’ all personnel acquired’ ”” te . through these procedures. Th re that such personnel are prop- noe -erly briefed and thoroughly* r3édnd any Umitations on their access to _.. .Agency.information and buildings and other pertinent securi Operating Officials-are.requized, to.advise appropriate. offices ‘at | the. relationstilp or use.of Such ‘individuals is subject to“a-change- which | +. affects the-terms. of. their contractual-arrangements, -thelr status,: or. S6: curity clearances, 2000 o scone . (2) Technical representatives and other. types of personnel engaged under procurement contracts or other agreements which do not create a direct. employer-emiployee relationship are prohibited by law from holding formal organizational positions or positions requiring the exercise of any admin- istrative authority. They are also prohibited from formally representing the Agency in meetings with representatives of other Government agen- cles, private industry, or foreign governments or industries. 56-59. Reserved. t. a £2 IMPDET Ct By: 002230 ========== FILE: 104-10088-10074.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ‘ioa-t0088-10074] w DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER IIf 15 November 1974 RETURN TO cl A Backgrounct ‘Use Only Not ‘Reproduce THE 201 SYSTEM 27 October 1966 Rescission: Annex B of Chapter I, CSHB 70- LINTRODUCTION = ses The 201 system provides a method for identifying a person of specific in- terest to the Operations Directorate and for controlling and filing all pertinent’ information about that person. The system also provides a means for identifying subjects of 201 files from.various categories of information.about them and for’... : ‘producing lisits of 201: personalities according to those categories. Only arelae 9 0 0 tively small numbér of personalities indexed “are of- sufficient interest to justify ~~ ; : opening ‘a 201: dossier. These: are hormally. subjects. OF, “extensive reporting and ~zations of. continuing target | spondence has accumulated « 2. THE 201 SYSTEM OS® » x ‘The principal features of the: 20. “system are: a. The 201 Number: a uniq number, ie, 201-1234567, assigned to each © individual in the system to serve as identifying file number for reporting on that individual. : "bh. The 201 Dossier: the official file- containing the 201 opening: form (Form 831) and all diographic reporting on and references: to the individual, ie, per: sonal history, current status, and Prospects: ; . . : c. The Master 20] Record: a a machine record generated’ by the openiag of a 201 file. This record produces the master'20! reference for. the Main: Index an stores the, pertinent. information which: may” er oe retrieved! for special, Bs RES. “a: Main Index “Master 201 Rejerene er thig cinted in. reply to Index Séar ch eed is printed as ‘illus then data. arg ab ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 DOHB 70-1-1 . CHAPTER ul, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 4. CONTENTS OF THE DOSSIER "Information about a 201 personality should be filed or cross-referenced into his dossier. When additional “information: ‘is discovered ona 201 subject through a name trace or other process, ie, review of predecessor documents, it must be’ consolidated into his Personality dossier. See DOI 70-20 for consolidation procedures. " Material which is filea in the dossier includes but is not limited to: 8 201 Personality File Action Request (Form 831)... b Bidgraphic information inéluding photographs, fingerprints; and . _ handwriting samples. © oo rs Personal Record . Questionnaire Parts I a g. 201 personality assessmerits and evaluations. uf h. Copy of contract andi t mination papers. i. Secrecy ‘agreement. j. Agent Duty Status Report. / “kk “Training and evaluation, : s “1. SCSWIRL report.’ om Newspaper clippings. n. Any information which helps provide’ a better understandi ng of the subject and our interest i in him; this may include operational reporting. ° 5. MAINTENANCE OF 201 DOSSIERS: The 201 personality dossier contains, in documer t have been made a part of the Central Reco ds “have not. Record documents ‘may’ on the subject to finance andeoe § ee as. those » which . pr der, papers which -° 66 ======== PAGE 3 ======== a 7 DOB 70-1-1 : CHAPTER III, ANNEX B vo : 15 November 1974 plave- under ‘the supervision of a Recordi periodically. A 201 dossier being forwarded t be purged. A 201 dossier should be purged Officer. Purging should be. done 0 Central Files for retention should _ of the. following: - ae eo) Duplicate material, ie, exact copy(s)-of x o (2) Name trace form (Form 362)" the opening, os te (8) alas (4) all documeh “.°(8) The. disseminated - version’ of - positive intelligence information jf - &. copy of the raw report is contained in the 201 file ; the dissemination number : then must be transferred to the first page of the raw report. . (6) Routing slips, routing and ‘record sheets (Form 610) and dispatch ; .coyer sheets unless there are rernarks such as coordinations or comments. tric’ n notices (Form 1884). oe (7) Record copy documents which only repeat substantive information . Contained in-other docu uments in the file; authorization for destruction is by the Records Officer. oO : : (8) Top Secret documents are not to be retained in a 201 dossier forwarded to Central Files; the document must be downgraded for retention : . in the 201 dossier. To downgrade a Top : Secret document, ‘an authorized "officer ia the originating office or the “Records Officer having jurisdiction “over the ‘contents of the material must possess Top Secret classification -- authority, If the document cannot be downgraded the file should be retained at the desk or the copy of the TS document should be removed, retained in a desk TS file or forwarded to the ‘Control Officer, and xi cross-reterence sheet (Form 887) plac g Of the TS document." Top See - (9) Deferred docume -b. Maintenance. Proced . (1) All material in a 201:'doss TH will tiled in document date order. In the case of document attachments which have been classified into a 20! 26.2 ‘SECRET a OCOLIST ile giving.the location” -* ======== PAGE 4 ======== SECRET NY DOHB 70-1-1 dossier and separated frém the basic document by the assignment of a slash number, the attachment will be filed by the date of the basic document. (2) Deferred documents will not be filed in a 201 dossier. If they are. . to be retained in the dossier they should+be sent to IP/RMS for classification ” be retained in the 201 as part of a consolidation procedure. These cards should be mounted on a full-size sheet of paper for filing in the 201. .- - - ~ for inclusion in a 201 personality dossier will be forwarded’ with the basic oo 7 (5) “A 901 opened in pseudonym should be. @disolidated i ’ name 201 if. one exists ‘or converted ° 0. He’ t ae “"... (6) Field and duplicate: into that 201. ‘CHAPTER II, ANNEX B° 15 November 1974" .(S} Field index cards (held by some: desks) and area desk cards may : . » (4) A 201 dossier’ previously opened on a person who becomes a staff employee: aad which contains Record Copy ‘documents, will: be restricted-to ato the’tnite oe es should be incorporati to, the duplicate material aAS has been purged b: to that 201 by the Section ((IP/AN): : (7) Any document with a predecessor organization cover sheet or an OPC (Office of Policy Coordination) cover sheet from the Archives and Disposition Section (IP/ARD) must be retumed to IP/ARD for processing to the 201. . . Te (8) Desk memoranda (with or without a document source number) containing substantive or derogatory information on the subject of the 201 should be sent to. IP/AN to be classified officially into the 201 file. - (9) ‘An attachment which should be separated from its basic docurnent + “document to IP/AN for processing into the 201... (10) To retain the P&L, RYBAT, or KAPOK sensitivity ofa document . ve :- the ISG/DIP unless the desk retains the restriction. The dossier should be’ . .,, closed if there are no Record Copy documents in it. en, jadow) 201 ‘files no‘longer of active interest. information classified ~ remaining in a 201 dossier being retired to Central Files, place that document. | in an envelope sealed with black tape (seé DOI 70-17)’ Any RYBAT, P&L, or KAPOK document sent td-Central Files not in a black-taped envelope will automatically be handled a3 desensitized. A blackttaped envelope may con- tain only one document and must be filed ror ological order within, the file. If there are mimerous documents.cf this ype thé desk officer may black- tape the entire dossier rathes han‘ individual documents (see DOI 70-10). ======== PAGE 5 ======== . .° _ handled as restricted dossiers. '..,dossier on permanent charge’ should be returned to Central Files :, Routing and Record Sheet with the notation shown below.-; . “OL uneassiign Cy BTM constDENTIAL ee DOHB 70-1-1- CHAPTER III, ANNEX B Me ~ 15 November 1974 Black-taped’ dossiers .or dossiers. with. black-taped . documents will. be we, (13) ‘An. inactive 201. dossier or an -inactive volume. of a large 201 under a “IP/Piles Gce.52 See CSHB 70,121, Votume( 2) ot___ votuze(s) | of 201-. Restricted Dossier (Attach Porm 2021 to Dossier) 2 (7) Non-Restricted Dossier — For Split Charge Dosaters: ALL docupents prior to fb. jo, kdate fovsarded to IP/Ptlea, ALL. a documents after retaindd at) “ees. | ' cu ar, gorsre SH atae SECRET = [J COMFIDENTIAL « [) iTERNAL 7 uncuassteiza USE GMLY bea ======== PAGE 6 ======== rho DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER Ill, ANNEX B “15 November-1974 6. 201 DOSSIER CHARGES A 201 dossier may be kept on permanent ‘charge at the desk during any period of active interest. If the dossier is transferred to another desk, the desk officer who is transferring the dossier mast notify.Central Files of the transfer. Central Files will then send the Notice of Transfer of Document or File Account- ability (Form 2977) to-the new action desk officer, : ve coe _ CONFIDENTIAL” © = (then Pilled 10) BADGE Tais is to notify you that accountability forthe dodume . below has deen transferred to‘you'ty: * ‘ Tenet Accordingly, IP's records now refieat “EXt.°4362, 12 you have any quéatsans eal are En| boc, oate_ OF. TRANSFER” 1975 2977 wae recevous eorrso—s CONFIDENTIAL The new action desk officer must then fill outa 201 Personality’ Pile Action - Request (Form 813) to change the. action..desk’ designation to insure thatthe 201 personality will be included in the Headquarters ‘and fiald’ machine: » for. his component. pes soe a soe : “1, RESTRICTED. DOSSIERS a a. “Acces to ase! : “deék or placing it ‘be re: ‘ ec by..checking - Box t (Fonn 831) when the file i Ww S$ open ======== PAGE 7 ======== 14-00000 . routed cover sheet to the restricting ‘desk. ‘This desk raay then forward the’ file. _to the requester or: deny ‘the request. and return the dossier. to Central Files. The. DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER IN, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 (2): The dossier ‘may be restricted by holding it on permanent charge. _ from Central Files. (Note: To maintain the restriction of a dossier being returned to Central, Files’ for retention, a File Restriction. Notice (Form 2021) must accompany the dossier.) + (3) The dossier may be restricted and held in Central Files by: sub- “.mitting a File Restriction Notice. (Form 2021). CONFIDENTIAL “(then Fitted tn) FILE RESTRICTION NOTICE To restrict a necessary). .2.- To remove a. restriction, couptete Section necessaiy). : tile, coaplete Section A (signature 02. R.0,- not . 8: ignature country code number. See CSI 70-28) Terma Date: 27a 202) ahs CONFIOENTIAL £2, IMPOR CL. a¥: 067422 ow. b. Access to a restricted dossier located in Central Files is limited to’ the” personnel of the restricting clesk or persons authorized by that desk. Any requést © for the charge of a restricted dossier or any document within‘a restricted dossier -” held in Central Files will be forwarded with the entire dossier and a ‘multiple- desk will monty the requester “of: a denial, ent within a restricted dossier, ‘permanently or temporarily ill-be referred to:that.. desk by Central Files. ======== PAGE 8 ======== _ 9, 201 DOSSIER CANCELLATION _ — DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER III, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 8. REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION ON: 201 PERSONALITIES . « The Automated Index Sectian (IP/AIS) ‘will provide the identity of the ‘subject of a 201 number unless. the 201 file is restricted, in which case the | requester will he’ referred. to the re@fricting desk. . wee, a IP/AIS will also provide the 201 number assigned to a name, unless the 201° file is restricted,-or state that there is no 201 number assigned, Requesters should... . supply identifying information whenever available. for each name submitted, “Requests pertaining to five or fewer names or numbers may be made by telephone by calling the IP/AIS red line extension; IP/AIS will ‘provide the information by return call-to the requester’s extension as listed in the Badge _ Table: Requests for more than five names or numbers must be listed and sent . _ by tube or courier to IP/AIS; IP/AIS will reply by retum mail. ‘A 201 file may be authorized for ‘cancellation by a Records Officer, after appropriate coordination. The file should be forwarded, to IP/RMS- which will destroy the folder and the cards leading to it and emove the name and number from machine lists: Any Record Copy document ‘contained in the folder will be reclassified to another appropriate: file or sent to the Destruction Unit (IP/DU) as directed by the desk’ Records Officer. “10. 201 MACHINE LISTINGS Machine listings provide field stations and Headquarters desks with names and 201 numbers in the requester’s particular geographic or functional area of.- _ interest. If a component wishes to exclude.a sensitive 201: personality from its . the 20] or later by 2 201 arnendment.-On the 201 Personality File Action Request-’ - (Form 831) leave the country of location (Box 15) and interest desk (Box 16). blank, use the non-country code 900 in the action box (Box: 14), and. indicate - _ Dermanent charge to the responsible desk. The only listing which will include the © 201 number is the IP/20i record for the Vital Records program. 201 listings’ are > ~ _ categorized as standard’ or nonstandard and-as. scheduled or special. : - a. Standard Listings Isstied semi-anr interest as indicat ally to Headquarters and ‘the’ field; based.on'a component's ‘ : “Country, of Location,” and “Interest ° L hn COOLITG alohabetic, num and cryptonym listings, this may be done when opening |= , ) SS, g ======== PAGE 9 ======== “FOr a trina 201 SURNAME ALPHS C 973 SHOUT s7LIS7134I/O00LF Hea te raped age agate /1109713437690 “SHOU Ste *TALSFELOR/09L Satu-T CHER, SHCU TIE SOTOLSLI43/1897: CHFEN, SHM=v ET fTRUS(N1037 635 Cust, Senet CMEG) SARAH ys: WE ATLESS25%5 489399 HAY SPLEGSSD1A7122 AN /7418/232572 AVILSA2PASFETIT Seu FES oo Sey WAS APTUSS2PBS/ 31 OS7 SSIES LANS ATELS 225750 7H oT sretas ty 5 ued SHE LTLLSS29#S 750394 Sim, SEU RUET SEL SAZ ORS F2710 me Se ° Guus SIME LIYANG /TELD/US477099 Gets Sd LE APES 225797255107 MUL ING PTLOPLPATILOLO FTVSI2 095705997 JTULSS 2679702027 PIANSS2B 35 £27797 SSHAN ATLISLLSTISONL UTE FTILGIZARS/UT AST SMIUSET PILESSOSGI 25899 APUUSS2A IS L2T3TF WO FTULS/ AGNI ADIT? an Yb STUNG 220457593917 AVON STS STA 16 JPITS/ 1183750397, “SHEN=ESENG /TLIS/LLORE OVAL ZPLYGZZESSALOML standard listings available a are: “9070: . . CHIN, AMOY-. = YPE NAME “'2UOCTOR ~ CHEN, MANCHUT IA, FoR. ant SECRET te DOHB 70-1-1. 2S, CHAPTER UI, ANNEX B ~N. The. S0i Persona File ‘Action Request (Fe Form: s31). The ‘ Bos evry t ye VTJULEA - CHIN RWANGTUNG: 24d ANLE ta? OPT agae . 728658, . USP Eoome -cosa75r ST CHIT 0236829 . GIAT 0175620 OBJANI9-” CHI + PUR IEM, Lanov22, CRIN, HUMAN : oS euat TPNARGS CHIN : prpr’ ccom 2 Cita, Cant ie ENGR CHAT “CHIN LTACKDC Pro - on extue otaosts T25sN18 Cults FUKIER a . . 2091N93 SOFsUNS9 ENT, CANTON vee PROF Sine 00¢02R8 i L9DSCL9 CHIN, KRANCTUNG PECY Gut? 0952638 i O2sUL30 CHIN, KWANGTUNG PFGY. ARH O32R32a i . 19 CHIN RUAN TANG TS | s\ \edu 0126438 : NOVIO ie we’ 0797335 h c1ac22 Chins PetLtU. ue ~ ‘euis? o2n9223 : | ! . » OMRASTT OF sULLS +} LENIN?) OL79621 cen i 19 . 2 CHIN? 044759 : _ 2UFENOT “COM? 6173195 i oseayta- SoS MCMIN® O179H22 cHin. 3OMAR26 \Orer “ccom. ozzatet \OIST Chat . g836156 PROF CHIN? 0176673 » LON 0271972 CHINT O2Z75182 cHIn? CHIN, FENG CHUN XT! oF CAltte HST } faNs3u + OIMEAGT OLIS625 vgs2430 SOUSL LO! CHIN? OtaI2a9 OSG VOEC19 " CHiny xeAKGTING PECy. CHI Ra AMG TY! SCH, PUK ZBOECST CHEN, SHAS 2TMAP20 Cube y Set crsc73 CHIMING CCA VeeaatT o cnin . DeFEAS gratize . LTMOva6 M93 96 OSADALT- 15JUNDS: 07 : ======== PAGE 10 ======== 14-00000 . DOBB 70-11 CHAPTER Tl, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 All standard. listings are cumulative; previous editions must. be. destroyed o upon receipt of current editions. Thése listings are by: their very nature extremely sensitive compilations. of information and must t be ‘given every possible safeguard. : ook Non-Stondard Listings o " Based on one or Flore of the following selection criteria : re (1) Country of location ~ (2) OF codes ( (Org: oo (3) Citizenship» ance ns wo HP are oR . : (4) Year of birth (plus or minus a given number of years) (5) Occupation. . : : These selection criteria -may “be used ‘singly or. ‘in combinations For éxample, “auser could obtain a lst of all 201 pers 1 as “Or code of XX or codes of XX, xY ‘or, Xe 201 personality list could also: ‘be prodiced of ‘all persons. who ware) Germany. betweén the yeirs 1915 Sand 4920, with. the occupation: computer spécialist,. who, ‘dre najy citizens’ of the: United States, located in Mexico,and who. had been. assigned the OI: code AA.: Note however that the listing would contain: only. ‘those personalities with an. OI code AA. Those personalities with ‘an - OI ‘code other. than ‘AA ‘and those .. with no OL.codé. would be excluded. The requester could however ask that ~ persons who have not been assigned an OI code also be included. Note also that when retrieving lists based on occupation, the listing will be only as specific as the occupation code (Attachment 1). The’ occupation code for a courier .| covers only a documented courier. Some ‘occupation codes cover more than one” “occupation. For example, the occupation code CRAF covers those who practice. -_ some trade or manual occupation, i.e., carpenters; bricklayers, painters, mechanics “*- “and electricians. If a list is requested for electricians,-all others.in.this category.” ~ will beincluded in-the printout, Thesé -noa'standard ‘listings may be sortéd i ‘ d) according to any, but: not more than three, of the following keywords “(a) Sumame’ : -:(x) Given name . foe os °-(6) Date: of birth so ~ (¢) ‘Location ======== PAGE 11 ======== 14-00000 yy . DOB 70-1-1 - CHAPTER Ill, ANNEX B- 15 November 1974 ‘Sorts can: be sade within ‘sorts, For example, 201 personalities may’ be sorted ~~ alphabetically by surname ‘within OI codes for ‘given. countries of ‘location... --*. Because two Ol codes may be listed: for each Personality, those 1 names with two _ Ol. codes would: be listed twice.) 0; fb ee . . m c. Scheduled Listings: oe : om ee yo - Standard as non: standard listings’ printed semiannually. © a. Special Listings "Unscheduled, usually non-standard, listings produced 0 on a one iime basis — _ in responsé to special operational requirements. - e. Request jor Listings : : Il “requests for. standard or non-standard “alphabetical and, ‘numerical 20) ". listings for Headquarters andthe field; for changes in periodic, listings; and for information ‘ri the 201 machine list: system should be made. to ‘the! component - Records Management Officer, 4 . 26.10 SECRET | C804475 ======== PAGE 12 ======== 14-00000 . DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER Ul, ANNEX B Attachment 2 15 November 1974 _AUTOMATIC 201 DOSSIER OPENINGS ° ee: Note: 201 files will be opened automatically by] 1P/ AN on the, following cate- -gories of people ; oo Te os \ ; Arab “Republic of Egypt (ARE) a. Diplomats with r ank of third secretary or above. - ; b. Military attaches and assistant military attaches. >9 ; ok Intelligence: officers sof the Geieral Intelligence Department (CW). oh ‘of an (ARE)201 file; check wit ‘Qe for correct 2 speling ~ (Brior, to opening of naine and: mdeone biographic data: ritishe “commonealih). . All positively identified penis rs Of MI- hoa a adeeb ritish aQinteigens : Services. : vo 7 b. All positigely identified members ‘of the|Jrish Military, Ielgence Service: a (Gus)? c. Ganadian) Communist Party officials on national or provincial levels and Sfficials of the/Canadian) Communist Party front organizations. Do not open - ~ unless there is‘at least 4 date of birth given. 29 de All members of the Security Service of, the Royal Canadian | Mounted - Police (RCMP-SS). ) 7 : 2 p 3..Cuba . intligence service employees s (Ds, Dor). Al ety diploms its. ee p "office with CI/SP always im {as the originating office of interest. ~ ‘sD)svouia be Gnd ated as the seco: b. Military attaches. c. Assistant military attaches. i. Identified intelligence 0. fficers. py ======== PAGE 13 ======== 14-00000 . SECRET ‘CHAPTER UI, ANNEX B Attachment 2 15 November 1974 5. North Vietnam All diplomats and NFLSV (PRG) officials stationed abroad. 6. USSR a. AL Soviets “agsigtied PCS to- an ‘official representational installation, ‘Le, embassy, consulate, commercial Tepresentation, national airline (Aerofiot) _ office, news media office. - b. An Soviets assigned: PCS to 0 the United Nations i in » New York, Paris, Geneva, ; and Vi jenna, . Audio io tees, after coordination with SE desk concerned. DOHB 70-11 ======== PAGE 14 ======== 14-00000 — : SECRET - yo-l-t — CSHB 404-4 a ae wo CHAPTER IT | CLANDESTINE-SERVICES | ‘HANDBOOK NO. 4e~t-1 » - 45 February 1960 “Tt brings the files on... stem. A single number, — rson, anda dossier controled ; tne personalities into the CS records e.g., 201-1 23456, is assigned to each vidual personal history, current status at and prospects. “Once the 2 anaes is assigned, it is usedin . future reporting on the indivi f a other identifying oe pt “date machine jistiags are published ; ; Periodical to nee ield tions and headquarters desks keep book — sonalitied falling i in their particular , geographic: or : ; . ‘clude the. identitied of persons of operational ‘inter est because of: their _ ‘connection with’; target: group OF © organizatio 70 ever. though there. may not be sufficient information o: Of toe he drt bb aan i) DIL . ======== PAGE 15 ======== 14-00000 ae _ (. SBCRET ¢ \ Gb-l-} CSHB43+4-4 CHAPTER Ol, ANNEX B , CLANDEST: TINE SERVICES * HANDBOOK NO. ao-ter 15 February 1980 of the Cuban desk on the’ ‘adramatis personae. In addition to 0 201 per- co sonalities, such lists should contain the names and identifying data. — of persons who should be ° kept track of, although they may only be of - Seta available to require the opening ‘ot file may 7 be assigned numbers. en of the ° following type but in the ‘same-séri : ge _ These aré ssabeledl 28 G1? i ried: with: 201. numbers ‘in appr where they-are identified\by.+ umn: DN numbers | are. not f e genera} ¢ or- special listings ter.“1” in the § 1@” fot woe, Be. All. 201 code. numbs TS are: ¢ assigned by RID at headquarters, ~~ ee oe either upon receipt of Form 831, or of a field dispatch. Ifa dispatch — a is written about 2 pergonality not yet in the system, a 201 number for ; . ; it may be renee imply by writing under headquarters file number in the dispatch form) as follows: Boo. ~ Di Spatch ‘Symbol and.No, /. KYZA~12345 2 Headquarters Pile No, — tion ot new 201 openi L Service. . “ OGOLATS ======== PAGE 16 ======== 14-00000 C SECRET Pi . go-t-f “— . CSHB 43-1- CHAPTER Il, ANNEX B CLANDESTINE SERVICES i. ; 4 HANDBOOK NO. 43 15 February 19 | . . i A. 7, Stations or branches often are concerned with peySonalities = = * YS : not.of general CS concern. Files on these may be kept in any desired os order. Should such personalities become of gener ‘CS interest, 9. , _they. must be brought into the 201. system. «, ce So ======== PAGE 17 ======== 14-00000 DOHB 70-1-1 _. CHAPTER Ill, ANNEX B Ss 15 November 1974 9002 CROIX, WILLIAM PENDLETON 59 ; “ 2a1-00326714 ; eo EX M.DOB 12 APR 26 . “PROB GERM,: BERLIN : TYPE NAME T—— —I 3 IT G oo ‘OCC PHARMACIS . OI CODES AA Xx (©) SP 2345, 20 JUN 53 OCC CODE CHEM RCD DATE 53 1 UBIECT RECENTLY ATTENDED THE SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL” . am) . : CONF, OP THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CiteMISrs .*. : z 4ACISTS HELO IN MUNICH, GERMANY FROM 22 THROUGH : e i 29 oCcTOSER. . . i : “30 NOV 70 ° 00833555 ; Information ‘About Subject &: 1. Sequence Number and N 22 Sex and Date of Birth | 3. Citizenship 4. Place of Birth 5. Occupation 6. ‘Occupation. Code 7. Text SN Ne a eh Document Reference Data Croup 8, 201 Number ~~ _- 9. Narne Type Indicator “16. OF Codes’ 11. Record Date (year only) . Reference ASC Control“information 136 Date of latest update of th M, STAR Index Record Number 24 SECRET —GU0L184 ======== PAGE 18 ======== on DOHB 70-1-1 o CHARTER ill, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 e. OF Code: a two letter symbol used. in conjunction with. the 201 per- sonality records in the 201 system to record the association of an individual with organizations or activities of operational: interest. OI codes cover intelli- gence and security service affiliation, whether staff or agent, or known or ; ‘suspect, as well as activities of DDO ‘interest. There are two categories of Ol oe codes for use by cqmponents: : (1) general OI codes (Attachment 4) (2) OT codes assigned to a specific component for intelligence services _ or other specific organizations. © A component may request an OI code be established by submitting amem-— orandum to the DBO/ RMO through the _ component Records Management Officer. . . A201] personality may } be assigned two ol codes, An or code may, be assigned . : when’.the 201 Personality: File Action . Request: (Form, 831) is. initiated (see paragraph 3b below) by. filling‘in: Box 13°or a code may be’ assigned oradded. tea later date by a Form 831 amendmen "The 202 system “has the* capability of producing... achine. listings. of 201 “: personalities by OT codes. For'example, if an’ OI code has been opened fot the. security service of a certain country a listing” may be compiled of all members ' of that service. f. 201 Machine Lists: produced from ‘the mechanized 201 Index, based on names or other ideatifying information of personalities on whom 201 dossiers exist. . : . 3. OPENING A 291 DOSSIER a. General The ‘opening of a OL dossier. is the p prerogative of an’ “opérationa al -co: - ponent, in coordination with the Information Servicés Group.'An opening creates -a master 201 record. Changes to the master record-und-the occasional cic : of a 201 dossier are goolied jointly by.the desks’ a ISG. 201 dossiers r may be ~ a ai “Foe : cruployees ptioa ‘bélow). “201 files are and most) categories of contract employees: ‘Files oa wo ot SECR OuGk182 ======== PAGE 19 ======== 14-00000 Up " ments on ISG for automatic 201 openings on certain categories of persons whose » _tenance Section (IP/RMS). Form 831 is also used to create or amend the _ master 201 record and .201 imachine listings and to register the - assign- is \unade by . pla acing’ 20) "will open 201 files’ Bsn r oe a ae lity: 0 of the: desk to” re ‘DOHB 0-1-1 HAPTER II, ANNEX B wy AND 15 November 1974 and on whom no DDO records correspondence exists are not a part of the DDO persons who are only of local interest toa ‘field station or “Headquarters desk i records systém and are to be maintained by that unit. Some desks levy require- # names appear in incoming dispatches. These’ are listed in Attachment 2., 201 dossiers should be opened ‘in the following categories: (1) Subjects of provisional operational approval and operational ap- proval requests. However, a file need not be opened when a POA is requested for persons being trained for a foreign liaison service and who are of opera- _ tional interest for training purposes - only. _ (2) Persons for. whom the field requests a 201 opening.: = (8)(M FIXTURE “persohalitié bonafide ‘diplomats | oF: other thant a denied area Countries, ih lose : iation with staff personnel.” : “( 4): Subjects of a. Personal Record. Questionnaire Part 1 (5) Persons on ‘whom a a Main’ Index ‘search reveals information i in ‘five or more documents (see DOI 70-20). . (6) Subjects of Interagency Source “Register memoranda from LSN/ , ISR (opened only by TP/ RMS). b. Requesting a 201 File: Opening "Headquarters desks. may open'a 201 file by filling out and 1 submitting . a 201 Personality File Action Request (Form 831) to the Records Main- ment of a cryptonym to a 20] personality: “Atta chment 3 consists of sample £01 Personality File Action Requests for opening. amending 201’s.’ A’ field ° station may request the: opening of a 201. ee ng 201- in the Head- quarters file. or cross-reference box aN form and/or after’ the, subject’s name in'the body. of the dis herequest for a 201. openin : indicating 201: i fter. ‘the te 0004183 ========== FILE: 104-10092-10202.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 104-10092-10202) | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 |_.... - Y 4 i et FRO NON, tag Se . f RETURN TO CIA INFO 1 ODP, Cl, CI/CPS, Wi 7, RR VR, Background Use Only SE eke | ees ee inl DIR wave CITE YEXI 6332 PLL SS Co. REF AVE 517M AC’ .) Kt \ MEXT REQUESTING PROCESSING REQUIR hae SENT. IT UNL IMEL SE CPR ET C/S COMMENT: **RYBAT REF. [2966 . ========== FILE: 104-10092-10267.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-0000 (104-10092-10267) | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992[ “"" -“ _ * . . . FROM « MEXICO CITY -AETCN. CA/O % (CA/O COPY SLOTTED AT 1405, 3 OCT, LMa) WO 1 CA 2, CA/PEG, CA/PROP, CI/IC 2, Fi, FI/INT, WE 4, WH 7, RF, VR j SRE 0316102 1 30cr 6332419 [ PRIORITY DIR INFO PALP CITE HEXI 6335 | DIDORIC wREprTowe | [ REF MEXI 6384 Cj, 37461) IDENS OF REF: A, [ALF oxso DIBILDOX}, B, CNE, c, FusA, | CmGn CREF we -. __ RETURNTO CIA -_.. Background Use Only Do Not Reproduce ========== FILE: 104-10092-10340.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== R THE PRESIDENT J JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 —— 24, 06 Do . REQUEST st TRaces[esp INITIATION POA ON MRCTOP Parti. Lera Mann 108 K AUG es “AEXICN CITY, er39 PESIDED CHIcLes acre roar at | , s. [NATIONAL HAS FOLL IS, wat Bea, naugetces: ] Zi PESIDISS 255 rearmpid? Deen, rasezrit, cer cane “) PRICILLA LAWVOCKI, ALSO on ROSSELLE, MEXI MAS NO TIACES Avy veers] “2 « [Late Jpovrsen EMB SECURITY CFFICS? 94 SEPT TwaT weg 27 taARTyY a6 WEEK EARLIER WITH[SOV FIPST Sic SERGEY sEPatyEYICN “0%: TNOW 3 STANT I SUSPECT KGR peste sty [Fass conpespst, vient prore FEroTov] enn TeIen cake UD PARTY AT. HONE ov [ureainia ome MEZ. "SET ,] oT pEesov IN O06 NCE was {sone BovrA TEND RICARDS -POEPY CERVANTES, CINTO ORT eT TAL ole aS ove. is twat [sorEz wm ers S VIFE’S MATR DRESSES, —_ rate nnecep ae 0 prior © TO MONTHS 290, 2. ibs PRGMINENT vExt ces 01 . o8 VD HAL 4 BAe. ‘ Be IT STATION. AND. PRES HMA Ot ony ce a) seine 3578. commas spon, aerate pe trp ee is TAMA Bom rs . + Gresoenses werk comsrovartys, p TE Aen weeny sr rm tas ASSOC 1fHOk m3 ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-0000. SENT. mat A =e spereneer caeioeit ve = up han aw 8 Tr Jue # wie] 4 5 i aided aint : sin aoe tetas 3 So ee ae = Swe: oe fame ra 2a to, But iF OF c (ors? BT INOW -} elie INFo ========== FILE: 104-10093-10010.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== “hoa. 10093- 10010) -| 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | "89 + ODP, OOOS/L, DODS 4, SPOG 2, Ci/oPS, FI, SAS B, RF, fa, i. Le DIR WAVE CITE MEXI 6536, Fen COPIMEN HTBasre LSPereusoggy Ie WHILE IN NEV YORK 7 OCTOBER CONTACTING CUBAN EXILES yITH POSSIBLE LINKS FEXI, Litem 3] oan CHANCE ENCONMTE® AND CHATTED SO TEFLY WITH ANTONIO DE Souza CARBAJAL] PEPREO CIMAN IN DELEGATION, | ON OWN INITIATIVE, L-{s| sucee ste DEFECTION TO wHIcM (RE pee PEPLIED HE MERELY CEOFOPRING HIS DUTY, pK VERV FO YCHTENED, (pe Sona] DID STATE HE VOULD TALK WITH Lf] gay Ty Faye wee SRCURE CIRCURSTatcES, L4S|pESeR ses GE souzalas eo yey wan," 6 2. REGUEST TRACES, COMMENTS, ADVICE GN ANOTHTR TRIP BY L-f)TO HeY. FOR PHRPOSE TaLutts [DE sovza] SECRET wan Loca een de block eeibboetly an oR Poh en eee eae AETURNTG CIA Background Use Only Do Not Reproduce oan . _ 0005 COS? = ========== FILE: 104-10093-10065.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-0000 "% ODIO INFO WAVE CITE MEXT 6597 BepatT pppymears 0 . J. PESEST TRACES ANE Pos GENITO ENIZ enroMice) tee dsxfizse] Los APAENS, MASANZOS, TET Preuta istrwecro m7) _ & MaUaNa enayrent, feeracra] recom ca — G ° oS . — “ GANTA COItg AMEPICAN CITIZENGUIG Teor y Noor: NO PTUs “AUT nets, AR TT eee ep es Am Mette ARO Pe eee ET ” r2\ to rem atest nos on 5 TTT ye ATA POOR Trem not: LONER TRave_ NUT perst rer ag rouems gy pot: WAS Pmauey «ature ef Lt STATES VAG AROTSS TH OTNTEOMAL AMD EYTTON TORVEL Teta, Teen 7) LPP TOM MATTER ey OP LAPTE?, ALAINS wattraoe t rirenept ce caren ae vu TN NATIONAL POST CFFICT, SSPSSTaLLy qeveeesure ceetray, crys ue ma ME AGETETEN ANTIACASTO® PEPSONS BY FopATHE WITS MUST ERe OF TECHS LIVING HOTEL MACTOMOL « ======== PAGE 2 ======== ========== FILE: 104-10093-10109.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 is . 104-10093-10109) | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. om. MexiCo CIty Ww 8 . ro, voP, ci/oa, sas 8, mac . SECR ET 22233 DIR INFO WAVE awry, CITE MEXI 6628 Be 45573 PER UMEN , » ral t. REQUEST TRACES AND POA [sor GE ANTONIO ABASOLO GARCIA) CUBAN, vf “GRADUATE GEORGIA TECH] ADDRESS i orn ta DOB 1927,/ TNOUSTRIAL ENGINEER + [CALLE 96 OXABER 308 TELEPHONE 2- - 63814 =NIRAMAR | KAVANA’.» SUBJ DIVORCED FROs MARTE PAZ Sone nLLaW WHO NGe REPORTED LIVING WITH TWO CHILOREN AGES 5 atD 7 Infant Y.? sues [CHIEF OF pivisten IN MINISTRY INDUST PIES,] WORKS CLOSELY WITH/ERNESTO “CHE” GUEVARS. ECNTROLS WOOD FURNITUaE INDUSTRY, PORTION OF PAPER INDUSTRY INCLUDING PAPER SACKS, INDUSTRY] ONE OTHER UNSPECIFIED INDUSTRY. HAS HAD SOME CONTACT WITH SOVIETS TM CONNECT TON WIT ulcenENT PROCUREMENT ~ RECENTLY REPORTED BEL IEF SOV SCONSTR UCT ING SUBMARINE BASE IN CUBA. CANE TG MEXICO ON SPECIAL PASSPORT 2 AUG 63 TO SEE CHILDREN BUT FORMER WIFE “ANAGED vTAW twa PREVENT CONTACT. RETURNED CUBA 2i AUG. — ot 7 2+ EROTHER OF SUBJ 1S GUSTAVO ABASOLO, CUBAN, ABOUT 42, LEFT CUBA ABOUT — noe / 4959 OR 196¢ GOING FIRST To! BERMDa,| LATER TO MEXICO. Os EMPLOYED CONT rucua. Y/ze YEARS COMPANIA INTERAMERICANA DE SEGUROS./ NOt | ASSIST ANT “PANAGER SALES /fOR | MEXICO. STRONGLY ANT I~ CASTRO, FRIEND OF AMSEVER-2. CORRESPONDS WITH SUBJ reeouos etiam avs Y DTPLOMETIC PORCH. AT STATION REQUEST riRoucH A- 2 fousta ======== PAGE 2 ======== RGMLY. ASKED SUBJ iF WOULD. BE WiLL ina FURNISK “CERTAIN INFORBAT sow ~ a fee ‘wHon SUBJ KNOWS AS ANT I= CASTRO. ‘SuBd GAVE TENT AT IVE AGREEMENT o ‘BUT ASKED. HOw FaR DO YOU WANT 4 To Go? "Ss SUBJ PLANNING TO LEAVE CUBA AT END OF YEAR, DISILLUSIONED WITH EC INES ‘BELIEVE STATION HIGHT BE ABLE PERSUADE HIM STAY IN PLACE. _ 4+ DIVORCED ROTHER OF EX-WIFE HAS RE* MARRIED To| [yoaquiw wiRAsAL,| ONMUNIST 5 FORHER “CHIEF CF SECURITY SERVICE" “HAVANA, RECENTLY FROMOTED TO MERE InPcAT att posyt 10N. 9s ABOVE ENFO FROM | GUSTAVO ABASCLO,| FLESHED OUF BY a-z WHO REI uBd DURING AUGUST COSC KENI. NO STATION TRACES ANY PERSONS “MENT 10NED_ weRE TE “er¥ CA CONFIRMATION SUBJ TRAVEL. LIFIRE LISTS 2 Sod KE" ‘GARR LED “SrecteL., PASSPORT 63/442, SHOW HIS ADDRESS A as/tale ¢ meni 12] PARIRRGDY 7 ========== FILE: 104-10093-10266.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 0009 04-10093-10266|,.., AREAS 2798 + Sea emma Ya a ng MA EA A hey cm a _ RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 L fate 4 MERGETOR : MEXICO. CITY wi & } + oP, + ci/ors, coh, SAS »Q SECRET 2123562. DIR INFO WAVE CITE “EXI 676} Fr oA. MEXI 6622 (iw "S673 ) a DIR 79e7G “~~ R ny an 1. FALLING DEVELOPS MENTS aS R2OSULG OCT 3¢ AND 1 NOV. 2. SUS IN FREQUEDY ConraCi YJiH ERNEST: "CHE" SUTVATS. 3. aAbLitiunal moriVariun sinind Sued FLAw LEAVE Cura IS SE AELE HELP SUPPORT CHILDREe. A, POUCH COMFO SYSTEM NOW Iv EFFECT WORKS AS FULLUYS. BROTHER GIVES LETTERS To miss CFNU) Te as érven arog} EMRASSY, WFXI, OUTER ENVELOPE MARKED FR [eonwen 18 BulPust] oe [erie NBASSY, xava. ‘InnER ENVELOPE MARKED FUR SUBJ CARE oF (E. cowes (caehMed|oe. vers 1 LETTERS To sub FUR Wnun HE WuRKS. Syste WORKS BOTH HAYS. sof Se AeB Knows Endanes FURCER wet [rueva 1 PAPELERA DE Pues NTES caress] 18 CLD, man SICK, ¢d Ing LIND, seer HER OF : Kaname PER IMEN . tel mee ane #2 monet as aae sued seins sepicines 70 Eacascdlr money poucs. [6 Eakene ase ace: COMMO CHANSSL AS RESULT MIS FORWER DIMLONATIC CONNECT IONS, As2 PEL IEVES fs PAST» 2, AA tome RETURNTO CA Background Use Only. Do Not Reproduce Sleay vave worEo. en(sranti] soneten SERVICE (2D ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-0000 : ‘cuassiico MESSAGE _ CAN BE ARRANCED IN PEXICS. THIS FIRST LETTER, OSTEMSLLY ran y | Locate atten cone basse to mevaenimdliaetinenit et dts 11 ime tbl Wn a 6." Ae2 HAS. BEEN TNETRUCT ED GET WORD Sad Asa? caN SERVE SELF, CHILDREN, AND DEMOCRATIC Cause BEST Dy ATasIvS 10 PLACE. LETTER TO INDICATE TMAT FINANCIAL AID FOR CRILDCEY wT FER, BUT ACTUALLY SRAMTED GY aed, WiLa nul HOLD Ub SPECIFIC ER OT v “GurT AS BAIT BUT WILL SOUND SUZud Gui ON WILLINGNESS STAY IN FLACE IN RETURN FOR SOLUTION CHILD SUPPORT FROELEYS AND GOCS CHANCE OF HAVING NARE CLEARED AFTER FALL OF CASTRO REGIME. 7. SELIEVE APPROX TYO THOUSA'D PESOS MONTHLY PAYASLE IN MEXICO MIGHT DO THE TRICK. WILL MEEP HoS INFCRYED ALL DEVEL OPNEMTS. , 3. PLS POUCH SOSNEST COMPLETE PERSONALITY PROFILE on cue. FROM CLOSE FRIESS [a8 10 beta cuarDia]OF REF 2, INDEX (221-85ss59] fe * enw awxermresatapseianen d beecodtera apne leek Bement tee ay Ri eRe RE I sone eso esas eee Ob Bua > Ob C/S COMMENT: Suu 1s orcs ANTONIG ABASCLO eascia,) Mi | So pear rn I ee ear ehtaekia aa ics RTO | ========== FILE: 104-10093-10279.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-2000 104-10093-10279| 1 DIRECTOR MEXICO.CITY wi & (wh TEMPO COPY SLOTTED AT 1630, 2 NOV 63)BP ihe - hwo. «(CA 2, CA/PEG, CAYO 4, C2, Cl/oPs, CI/IC 2, Ci/OA, Fi, ian qd: sere 6772 Mabbasan 53108 KUWOLF L ICOax INMEDIATE ACT ION . REF MEX 6771 Can > *ié ‘ ss — IDEN 1St [CARLOS CRUZ MORALES, “pRESIDENTE FEDERACION UNIVERSITARIO DE SOCIADADES ESTUDIANTILES. (FUSA)) SESE T ere etn ein on mmm em dn nlm i a en oN A RRIF i i i . Cae ea ========== FILE: 104-10095-10075.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== doe yO ccs029 010654... —C5e255 = C1755" c.. ‘ tS pr’ €39366 eo ae . CE es a ; " on C5€3C4 560901: 1 62 : 450 , C55966 © 561101 21. 64 450 te “TIT YX C+ 65s 3 TC 057303 - Frees. os a 450 c5711¢ 1, . 450 st Limes cha 450 C57826 +s SLs 450. po 613385 = . 4508 ‘ ti? a - 450. OQ ¢615€6 «571201. 1, vv 450 Cé318S 571201. ¢ 1 450 “2 “CCELEL ST 121 “I: CC o C2£120 = 580201. - or “ce. 450 . o-' €57225 §80201- °° - 1. os LW 450... C61 8S4 580403 T_ Ww S”SCSC~SS oO CE21E6 580502 dy XX 450 _ 027405 580601 1 64 450° ~~ C5I9EF S$ 80625, 1 FF 450 & ¢€276C7 528C915 a 64 450 ~C€55921 £81004 eh. “WV 450 CRISS FEL02S T 46 is 590718. LATHAM, ROBERT Ff soe dreriadtatanneneny Ste STOOL, *%580601".:NORWAT STUART G 630628 PUCKETT LOUIS 0. 4507 04-10095-10075]~ “*| 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 rr CATE... CATEGORY =—‘. RENNER RODHAM ¥ - 3 OHARA PAULINE.C - STRATIGN EUGENE A | KRAVCCV FREO MAHONEY. HARRY T 3 FLORSTEDT ROBERT F [ MACPHEE KEITH Lo JETT CHARLES, LS ictters HUTCHISON: N: AUDREY | “Sa070L SCOTT WI WINSTON M 580701 5€0701 VAN BIESBROECK M L__ WEITZEL -ISABELLE T .UICKOW DANIEL 1 RK 681022 GOODPAST N 591002, LYCN LCUISE ANNE 5e0s0l. BODDEN ROBERT C. ‘SLOAN LIN. S 610121 CANTY KATHRYN 590517 .-CLARK. PHILIP H D&1201 BROMUND DANIEL . 580910 CLINTCN JOHN A S8050L . RAWLS. WILLIAM & 600215 BOWERS. BETTY A 621204” WHIT GLENN 580601 NORWAT STUART G- 580701 GUINAND ALICE @ 601028 WILSCK RONALD J 621202 DEAN WARREN L_ 610723” SCHERL FRANK — T/TIME YRMOQDA “050301. 020615 060526 “020291 020411 050119 o20101 | 030701 O1lLLOL 030208 010612 020901 020609 020201 020491 011101 011001 010801_ 020701 040911 020618 110517 “TMEXTCO MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO _____ MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO MEX CO” MEXICO MEXTCO MEXICO __ MEXICO. OM EXTCD MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO “MEXICO MEXICO 5 _020315 _ ~001101~ 000101 000801 030308 010517 _010001 “= 000826 000301 020015 __ 050802 000030 _ 090101 050004 020114 (245124 020825 MEXICO | 7” to MEXICO MEXICO “MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO MEXTCO MEXICO MEXICO _MEXTCO_ CuO “MEXICO “MEXICO “MEXICO “MEXICO” MEXTCO MEXICO MEXICO MEXICAN MEXICO MEXTCO . ======== PAGE 2 ======== etnian Pla tere reUR ls AKLA RU oo nn UA LTRE . CATEGORY YRMODA ~R40219° Zi : : 050623 $40405 = ZAMBERNARDI, ROBERT. 040906 ee 620610 SPATHAR RICHARD Z 021028 cs74ce = §90915°" - 620705 “CARLSCN. WILLIAM T 020921 ceé2028. “600217. “NONNEMACKER R_-HARCLD- 000502 039106 26 TRINNICH SEYM " 020723 621217, LINTON JEAN-LO- 020207 620105 _ HARMAN: THELMA G | 010220 is 020327 020327 020015 "820016 020521 041025 010230 1 020913 1 030401 T 040799 ( L 020009 clu. 450 _Shgge5 BEGAN GUNNA WBE CKNAN GUNNAR W. 020108 ~“““OLE6ET 63030 “Ty. j 450 630703 - GORE LAURA T. 000401 e) €19477 © €306 a RR 450 Scone EEINGLASS Du t GLA 040324 “1. 450 650908 WHITE ALAN Po ; 020221 Tt : 450 650703 HARRIS HUGH F JR ~~~-020015 so “. 450° "650915 «CHANDLER HARRY A 020124 “' 006274 “1450 “641122 KARTY_FLORYAN © 010317_ / —““CSTere 55 0- SETS HALSECERTRODE “020409 oan ¢323 14 450 Bei STEEVES CAROL C- 020120 O1S7C4 cc 450 660507 ETSINGER HOWARD T 020425 _ C2€0ES “CC 450 SAAS PULLER VENNETIE “01020 ~ . C&10E2 vv 450 650630 FLANNERY JAMES E .% 010429 CCPLES cc 450 680417 PAXTON PAUL P23 1001 €2434E 450 650606 PHILLIPS DAVID # “900913 927, STROBE. MURTEL -D a 021029 fo 020029 L's oo 020128 611031 BRADY JOHN 6B 010826 621114 OSTROM GAIL A ; 020807 “MEXTCO MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO) MEXICO MEXICO” “MEXICO MFXICO MEXICO MEXICO MEXTOCO “MEXTOO MEXICO _ MEX TCO MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO “MEXICO MEXTCO MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO, “MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO ~ MEXECA MEXICO ======== PAGE 3 ======== ne ee cae ony “tp eree 5H Hot sodocd ULOwE AR GHABE on Porqeany Molen cseest | £20903 SS8LL15 KING MARY E M4021 MEXECO £EC77E | 924104 570221 MORGAR JOHA N40318 — MEXICN ‘RUASEL TS Sas ~ Ho 10408 OF 026¢01 MEXTCO .. 050001 MEXICO | 7 _ MEXICAN a 920022 MExfcn ” 4 920691 MEXICAN i 930194 = MEXICO i 020001 2 MEXTEA : 050522 | MEXICO 4G 01c6lo =| MEXICO 4 R 060420 ~~ MEXTCO ot PALMER SYLVIA Zz 34069) MEXICO y pO RVESTAD GRO jER € 060307 —MEXICN 4 ; - 0S030L ~~ MEXTCO 1@ 020024 ‘Mexico Oe STL Se: ~_ 020208 MEXICO : . $71201 S. 920115 ~~ MEXTCA /@ c10b1é §802C1 450 600320 SPERA ALFONSO G 920120 MEXTCN ann C591z7_ _—$802Ce_ 600322 SILEC ANTHONY 020117 so WExIer ep ey ; : TREO 050004 MEX ECO 8 020212 MEXICO Beata WEL 020026 MEXICO 620256 “GUDERKIRK RICHARD H. 030413 | MEKT ON -@ c2€0€3 S81101 > 450 610122 WEEKLEY ROBERT D 020222 MEXICO . COs2zh. 590522 610712 CAREY GILBERT W_ _ 420121 | MEXICO EC SOS: 2 . MANEE 051029 MEXLTS 020001 MEXECS 020¢16 —-MEXT CA 611216 otdi29” EXTRA €22012° «~€C0125 620401 MARINE PAUL ALLEN 020207 MEXICS — Cl227¢ 609129 820221 SALMCK JOAN A 920074 MEXICO C2E0SC _é0 "641005 "KEENAN THOMAS J Yi - 060803 9 «MEXICO @... €291€2 + +=€00306 HAWKINS M-C LLL: 929226 MEXICO _ LCG! 20110 | 105" RR AY WILL RW" 020526 = MEXICD Cris4C 20112 “610630 PFPPER 050519 MEXICO @. . C2012 “€205er 450 649615 MARINE PAUL ALLEN Som) 220115 MEXTCS 022702 220514 450 650221 ANDERSON JAMES E aye 020908 = -AFXICA .CO451€ —€207CB 450 ~ 650715 OUNCAN ROBERT C «30008 =| MEXICO np nen a ne ne ote peteiy ee ] . .STE-C-R-E-T ======== PAGE 4 ======== ARR VAC” PLU 7 (gy ¢19l42 -EZioe Gilera poeta 9 : ~"BLOLO9 ~~ MEX O27 ANT CK 031023 MEXICO en tte See © 0's Se Se : : B 229699 MEXTCO ly CeaaaT 3 +1 es ee 040922 MEXTCO | cusT 4a 30) re oe 7 040920 wentcn i 4 GAGA LA 1 7 O2OLLK MEXICO cnn. CORE ae Se GbaInn EXTEN c4set 439 t a2" MOXTEN COCI42 a 930004 MEKT CM CFIC CS EIS 1 020001 MEXTCO e 06224) © “E3CTL7 1 130235 MEXICO C3e93ks Lo. ESL. 2 450) SS ETOVE"SANCRET DOLORES 020229 MEXICO __ ; “e278 s e823 i 020106 MEXTCO @. C2s018 “630911 1: 721005 MEXICD eo a —OlCTOL — MEXICA Me re 020014 MEXTCO e@ 1s 020522 MEXTCO iS wb: 2450. 680513 -pPURKEY: GAR i 020015 MEXICO —oaTiTi 640511 1 450 661108 LADENEURG ARTHUR T 920528 mex TCA C25644 . €40521 1 _ 450 660730 . BRIGHT WILLIAM C 020210 MEXICO nnn Ceseee £40715 1 670726 -BOJARSKI TEO-’S 030012 MEXICO . OF26te = I ¢ "AEC “TO30224 WEXTCO oY ce ‘oz0020 | mexrcn e914 “RR 020201 . MEXICN ee I FF 020312. ~~ MEXTEN C1S7EE «641118 1 FC 450 670930 DURKIA SHIRLEY L 021013 mMextcn -C198LE 650407 1 cc 450 ©71107_ HAUSMANN CYNTHIA 92071 MEXTCN “oe COCSSE . TL50 a a : f ed TF ~MEXTCO 216 4 €50605-~ _ I- CC. i : 3 020027... MEXICO C13723.<- 650616 fF 1 eF 450 179 “HARRT'$: "JOAN INE LEE _OSOOLL = MEXICO : C€29€2 — -GSCTCE 1 ct 45 680601 COVINGTON ROBERT 4 021924 MEXT EO 1 @ ° c5é44c 650729 1 RR 450 690421 DILLECA PAUL L 030823 MEXICO Ni C#47ES 650912 1 FR} 450 S70911 BURLEIGH CHARLES H_ 020001 MEXICO C3I7e4> €5C913— i ~ RF ye 450°" -F00630 PELAYC ROSA To "860918 MEXICO @ C2sece . 450929 1 . FF 450 680129 ~PICCOLE JOSEPH S 9% =: 920322 MEXICO ; - €8€628 — @81012 1 - ce 450." 671212 MAGGARE-PEGGY M O20201. MEXICO : Z71i7z@ €£1128 1 RR 450 670901 HOOPES JUOTTH A o1d9ns MEXICO @ C2598 66ClCs L vv 45) 689113 SERVILLA ARTHUR D 229095 MEXTCA 1036022 660405 LR _ 450 680405 BAKKE ALFRFD GC mzench = MFXECN jee apee ~~ 6€0504 1 FF 450 & 10928 _HENKUEN CLYDE Tf s 010425 MEXICO : side 268 S-€-C-R~E-T ========== FILE: 104-10095-10161.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-2000 104-10095-10161 KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | rn ‘ . . SUPPORT assis Unilateray ph 1249 - 1961 4/55 — 1/69 yaa - 1/62 Pp Ono tens Cherles As Sderson III Chier S ‘ep - 19/64 Thomas steneone Chief A 2/ 67>: Phi to} ael Pep er Unilateral photo Cubans 6/59 - 4/64 Robert Zambernardi (resigned Me: 7/59 ~ 6/62 Richard Spathar TSD. (retired) Unilateral photo Soviets 3/54 - 4/59 Harry T. Mahoney * (retired Chicago) 5/57 - 8/64 A. Goodpasture (alternate CO and internal routing) 6/58 - 6/63 Louis D. Puckett (retired) 6/63 - 10/64 Thomas Keenan 65 - 66 William Bright ES Liaisoh phone taps | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. “Leo) 56 - 68 Outside Agent ‘Remoh Alvarez (resigned in 1959 - 1969 Winston Scott (deceased) 1959 - 1960 Alfonso Spera (retired) 1959 - 1960 Turner snth (outside, now retired) 1959 ~ 1960 John (Training rept resigned) 1960- 1961 John Brady (retired) 1962 - 1968 A. Goodpasture 1961 - 1971 Charles Flick (outside TSD Staff Agent - retired) Lyaison - surveillance Prio¥"195y, & Robert Melberg (retired) 3/54 = 4/59" Harry Mahoney (retired) 4/59 - 1961 Thomas Hazlitt 12/62 - 9/67 Robert ‘Feldmann. TSD Outside unit 4/58 - 12/63 Glen Widden (retired) 6/59 -4/6L, Joseph ... Resigno (ps) Unit blown and closed sow Mexico) ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-0000 \ . 1 va 1 . . . 8/56-6/69 i /62 COS Winston ™, Scott (dece d) t ase COVFRT ACTION Prior to 1954 Howard Hunt (retired) 12/54'~ 7/53 Williard Will: (resigned) 12/56 - 9/61 Stannard Short (retired) Chief 9/61 - 3/64 David Phillips C/(retired) 8/62 - 9/64 Gunnar Beckman Asst 2/64, - 6/65 James Flannery C/(retired) 9/64, - 11/66 Harold Dalghren Asst 10/65 - 1967 Stanley Watson C; (retired) 66 - 68 Don Heath 68 - 71 Joseph SmithC(retired in Mexico) CUBA OPERATIONS 56 - 4/62 Thomas Hazlitt Chief 2/60 - 4/62 Jack Stewart (retired Coste Rica) wes - wee Bob Shaw Chief 9/63 - 7/65 Bay Swider, . 5 10/63 - 5/65 Lorna Mackay (nto } oo, 8/64 - 6/65 David Phillips Chief (metered 9/65 - 10/68 Joseph Piccolo 10/65 - 12/67 Peggy Maggard SOVIET TARGET 6/57 - 10/59 Louise Lyon (ne tarsd! 6/62 - i/67 Prentice Marheine (ps) 9/59- 8/65 Herbert Manel. Chief (retired 7) : 9/59 - 8/65 Barbara Maneliy Outside CO 5/64 ~ 7/66 Willian Bright 4/65 - 11/67 Cynthia Hausmann 6/65 - 7/67 Alice Pittinger 7/65 - 4/69 Paul Dillon Chief SOVIET TRANSCRIBERS 6/56 - 8758 Morris Gordon (resigned) 6/58 - 6/63 George Misko 6/63 - 70 Boris Tarasoff (retired in Mexico) ======== PAGE 3 ======== 14-0000 RET EC CSECST- 2 06338¢ CERES (022485 “C1CLié “C5GL27 Cia 274¢ *€.2£0 $° CEC TaO _. €2€0€3 cof2Zh 72013 oT C45 TE Ce07ze striae 22013 £22103 * San Aer £20903 + 360810 5710 -. 580924 - §elio01- §90522 €205c1 €20514 €207G68 a £70301 600320 600322, EONUNES BA BARBARA J J iH ren ison ieee RS ANCHO: JOSEPH: Ga . ICAUPINE RICHARD 060420 ai weEXico ALMER SYLVIA QRVE STAD GROVER e. SOLE. RAC CHSE J TCCCLO JOSEPH -S. PERA ALFGNSO G TLEG ANTHONY L tse — PME TCO “17080519 MEXICO | MEXICO 030213 “920022 920691 030104 | \'o5a522 |: MextTco o1e6e1o |. MEXICO | 24060] | MEXICO 960307 MEXICA en te TEXTE 020212." 0270024. : MEXICO. 026222 | MEXICO: MEXICO NOZOLIS > MEXICO 1920908 MEXICO “30008 “ MEXTCA ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-0000 “MEXICO MEXICO: _ MEXTCO - "MEXICO -MEXICO. - i: “920106 ~~ REXTCO q20700~ > €375C7 Reien “a2002a C6942 €30615, aere oe OP op 459 CSC De ba Sagi > 062241 ave 730823 651001 5 ESOT — BSOTS 911005 MEXICO”: ALGa “OLCTOL. "MEXICO 9 3 MEXICO = 26 WEXTCO 020210 = MEXICO" - 030012 MEXICO “930204, MEXTCO ; | Mexico © “—“e3TiT1 » 028644. y C146 EC DENEURG ARTHUR T — IGHT WILLIAM Co; yo OSL 670123— 670930. “_ 6TLlo?. Se FCO ET CRTOTS > Cis7éee €43118 CisBLleE 650407 o21013 = MEXFCO 920791 sOL0 RKIN SHIRLEY LL: USMANN CYNTHIA “680601 690421 670911 E MEX ECD MEXTCD é5C729 650911 ef1128 OPES JuOTtH ATT RVILLA ARTHUR D VV Ga owkee da 5.9% y. (25958 66c1c9 n2ne%§ MEXICAN C36032 660405 82coch MFAICO — 010425 MEXICO ~. PAGE 268 | SHECAR-EET! ======== PAGE 5 ======== wean ree ores sees ww tr eae YRMQDA -. 05030 ae a MEXICO » 861280 020615... | MEXICO... C5304. _ 060526 MEXICO. CTE “e20291 “MEXTCO™ e20411 MEXICO : _ O50119 MEXICO, ~~ O2010L MEXICO © ; > “Q30701:* MEXICO .:- “CC6475 "; * i ia a __OLLLOU MEXICO —~“ts7veer S50616. Lewes eo. 450 (02: | ; ERT & “930208 MEXICO ccgo29 S5C911° 1. af : . 010612 MEXICO. :P1C6S4 ©: 551101 020901 = MEXICO) “T. €2eG - 020609 MEXICO: '. CLISS§E® -»020201 .. MEXICO: | ~_26393€6 020401 —2 MEXICO! | OLiLOr ~~ MeExTca SERCH 560901. ..O11001 ~~ MEXICO €55966 : 561101: 010801. MEXICA ; “O20701 "MEXICO: ~CLETED ~ ; , 58 < OL000L |” » 057303: 570506 y 450boner 681022 |i 110517 | c57l1c : 570618: “450f" “591002 : Ml 020315: ~_SSISEC O9t “Oo1ll0L “C57820. .. OOOLOL 000801 J TEANTY KATHRYN. 930308 ARELARK: PHILIP H_ ‘010517 __&é PROMUND DANIEL. _010001_ Ct “= 000826 €2£120 000301 eens: 020015 “Célesa 7 E 050802 “C621EE =65805C20 ANORWAT STUART G- 000030 027405 580601 1 Ofy odie : : AND ALICE.@ > [} 000101, Glee) ane T Hoyt | . EIT LOUFS ol 050004— 27607 5acs1s: tw : ee nl ~ 020114 C55921 | §81004. fo Lik 621202 945129 EIST FErozs 1 Mega 4 y 610723 4 Be. = (4b "920825 7" MEXICO” “MEXICO MEXICO MEXTCO” MEXICO_ MEXICO MEXTCO MEXTCO MEXICO MEXICO” MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO. MEXTCO “MEXICO. MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO” "MEXICO. OO nde remem nen et ======== PAGE 6 ======== 14-0000 i+ NOe _ CATEGORY YRMQDA TO “40215 - 0C7143 950623 7" @22562. 05 "040908 ~CETSEE 021028 C574CE ARLSCN WILLIAN T- 020921 * C€2028— ONNEMACKER; t HARCLD_ 000502" Tees RUBE} = 021020 % “920029 020128 - 010826, . -, 020807 4630926 | 030106 i "630601 . “ eo8659 COLL ) 000322 7610408 -€61877_ “610702. _ 020015 Se 020016 a CLuShET if i 24 650606 ' eo es “wEXTCO “MEXICO MEXICO MEXICO “MEXTCO _ MEXICO + MEXICO ~~ MEXICO MEXICO _MEXICO MEXICO, MEXICO. “MEXT CO: } ClEéLES 020513 | MEXICO’ C5£544 030401 - MEXICO C2741 940709 "MEXICO 2. COC3S0 . eae -020009 | MEXICO ~ _' O256E4. E2CBTS -..020108 MEXICO. —OLeeer 6: $3003. =~, 0O0401l ~~ MEXICO. >. €19477 , -€306 ~ 040324 MEXICO... . CBE6E4 020221 ~ MEXICO_. Ct 020015. MEXTCO an 020124 MEXICO : 010317. MEXICO 7 CSTSTE _€30901 ~ 020409 MFXICO * 632314 ~"€31T36 “020120. MEXICO o1s7c4 . 2 EEG 020425 MEXICO —"CHEDET __E3122€ “641115 fe ““gol020 ~~ MEXICO bot Cé10€2 . E4020 "650630 _| - 010429 MEXICO = CCOLES 680417 O3LOOL MEXICO “009 L3 MEXTCO ========== FILE: 104-10095-10276.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,0000 104-10095-10276] - | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | . * road bad Lo 20 September 1980 MEMORANDUM FOR: DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIG Bs reer of STESCALADE =, Audis oy In May 1959, the New Chine: Ne 73 Agency iNcMA) opened an office in Hayana in the El Medico Building which is occupied - _ partly by business concerns and partly, used. fo> residential apart “ments. Shortly thereafter, the Havana Station obtained the con~ currence of Ambassador Bonsal and Miss Carolyn O, Stacey, an Embassy employee, to mount an audio operaticn against NCNA through ~~ the wall of the adjacent apartment in which Miss Stecey lived.» no November 1959, the FE Division sent one case officer and ene TSD technician to Havana, ‘and the installation of az microphone and tape recorder was completed in Miss Stacey's apartment on 29 November | 1959. : « By By Jane: 1960, it had becom mae Svident that two ot: char 3 zooms» oceupiea by NCNA possibly- houzed communication equipment and ob were used for conferences, At that time Bryan , FE Division case officar, went to Havana and explored the poss st Ha of improyin the operation, He managed to lease an ectly over the . NGNA office, and arranged for a s stay-behind 3 ag ent to occupy this space. : - 3, In August "1960, a steam of three TSD technicians “who were. in Havana on a separate SR Division operation agreed to installthe. © 7A. additional equipment required for the NCNA operation. A second FE ‘Division case officer, Robert Neet, came down to Havana; and he, together with the technicians, installed a probe microphone and tape 9 recorder in the apartment obtained by Milla over the NCNA office, sit- About this time the equipment was removed from Miss Stacey's apartment, with the exceotion of the plastic probe which was lefe - -°* in the wall and plastered over. oO ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-0000 |“ §.E-C-R-E-T 4, As an additional security precaution to provide @ safe © 2 haven, and after consultation with the Acting Chief of Station, akey. to an apartment in the same building leased by Mrs. Marjorie “y Lennox, an Embassy secretary, Was cotained. Mrs, Lennox was told that access to her apartment was needed fox photographic ° surveillance purposes. 022 : : oS and security would work against the apartment. over -NCNA since: rs. - eancelling. sub-lessors' contracts ‘an therefore, decided to install transmitters ant * permit entinued monitoring of the target fom ‘a distant post, = Another three-man teamn-of TSD techni lane. cons - David L, Christ {alias Carswell), Watter E.- Szuminski (alias -. Taransky) and Thornton J. Anderson {alias Danbrunt} documented = as tourists had been sent to Havana to install audio equipment inthe: “ ~ “ Chinese Nationalist Bmbassy before it was due to be turned over to. the Chinese Cornmunits.. This operation aborted, This team was ©: -..= _ then sent to work on the instatiation of the transmitters in the apatt- ment over the NCNA office, 5° Sones - ° - 6, At 2400 hours on 14 September,’ Christ, who withthe - other technicians was working in the taz get apartment, failed to keep! 2 scheduled appointment with Meet. At 0100 hours on the 15th of “- September, the apartmeat of Mrs, Lennox was. entered into and. searched by Cuban authorities,. ‘and she was teken into ‘custody. AE’ 1540: hours’ on 15 September, Neet, the stay-behind agent and his: wife : th “Cuban authorities and detained. Sy 7.. As of today the agent.remains in the custody of the Cuban . authorities. His wife has been released and is still in Havana, Neet -. was released.1715 hours 16 Septernbex and has sudsequently returned. - 2: ~ to Washington where be is being debriefed....Mrs. Lennox was. subsequently released and has also returned to Washington where she -_ ig being debriefed, The three TSD technicians remain in confinement." Thsy have beea 52eD in confinement but not contacted by an Embassy oficer when he first attempted to secure the release of Mrs, Lennox ~ ’ Christ was lest sesn by Nest whe2 they were joiatly interrogated _ ithe moraing of 15 September. At that time Christ did notappear . -2-— ======== PAGE 3 ======== 14-00000 .Was unsuccessful.. He was not permitted to se2 them but was told , company consists of a telephone answering service and a name on 1 the . leaving: ‘Cuba as tourists since the filling out of the landing card + to have been maitres ated, 8, Accor ding to articles in the Guban papers the three technicians were arrested while in the apartment over the NCNA ofiice and completing the installation of the equipment. The. press article adds that the key to Mrs. Lennox's apartment was found on one of the technicians who identified the apartment to 5 which it belonged, All Cuban press releases have ref ferred to the = men by alias and. have not.identified them as Government or Agenc mployees.. ‘itis unclear at praesent wnat story had been-agreed” upow by the technicians and station pey sonnel’ to be used in ‘thé éyent _ they were caught, (While being interrogated with Neet, Christ indicated that Neet was his boss, and Neet con sistently denied any knowledge as-to why -he was being held.) . “The: sub-lease ‘for the . apartment i in which the men were caught is in the name cf the stay- 9:2... peaind agent with the original lease being in the name. of Mills, the. = Division Case Officer. JL 2 ee 9. Initial information indicated that. the th ee technicians would be charged with espionage "against the people ef China’, . Subsequent o > = press releases have been unclear on this point,- An atternpt by Consul Hugh Kessler to contact the three men at 1730 hours on 17 September they were in custody, .-- -)- 10, The three technicians travelled to ‘Ce ba as tourists under very light commercial cover, two.of them working fc> a. company | in’ 0s New York and the third, one in Baltimore, In each case the cove oe door; Telephone messages. and mail 2re picked + periodically by 2 2a Agency contract employes. The yen were provided with this cover © as well as unbackstopped home addresses for use when entering or. requires this information. Subsequent to their detention the home ~~. addresses have been partialiy backstopped so-that inguiries will = c.00° 7 indicate that someone with this alias name had lived inthe apartment ~~ house in question. Insofar as the cover companies are concerned, ... aiforts are being made to provide a backstop to withstand inguiries from the press should the Cubans reveal this information. In view | ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-0000 Pa S-E-C-R-E-T ef the thinness of the cover, it is ancertein whether this will ‘Succeed, rs 1l, A cleared and ¥ tting law firm in New York has been briefed. ! by Mr, L. Houston on the situation with the though st that inquiries . received by the cover company could be referred to the firm of © lawyers from whom no comment would be obtained by the press or _ yo other inquirers.. The law firm has been briefed on the entire situa- ” tion so that they may be in a position to sct if any action by them appears desirable or feasible’ It would not appear that much support of any kind can be obtained from the law firm or the iaw tis rms in- Cuba which are associated with’ them. : en -. 22, Insofar as ‘the families are concerned, one of the technicians - —_ is a bachelor presently on home leave between twotours in Japan. 9 o. . His father, a cook in a diner in the Boston area, has been conta acted . 7 by the Cffice of Security, and he will get in touch with Security if he zeceives any inquiries on this matter, Secur by the sarme -_ token, will keep in touch with him as the Cubans reveal their i inten- tions and course of action, = oe a i re ee ; 13, The wives of the cther two technicians have beentold what | kas Happened and are being contacted at least once daily by TSD i” staifers and their wives who have been briefed on the situation, A. conference with the two wives was held in TSD'en 19 September te go over the whole situation and determine if '@ Ware any i at problems on which the Agency ‘could the wives are telling their nei aS oo, trip, This story will be adiu sted dsven . what co the Cuban Government takes, whether the aliases remain unbroken and whether recognizable photographs of the individuals are r to the press, ‘The two: wives 59 ye hav takea the bad news e a RUDOLPH E, GOMEZ” Q oO ‘gy 1a) ‘ i i { i e mon ete eee cnr een nang nee, ~ SAT meen, ot em go Annee ======== PAGE 5 ======== 14-00000 AS, . COG - RELESSS CONT INGE ‘CHART. OR MAF RE REFLREXGE: Seetioral vorozautical ubasts: TASK OSGANTZSTICH: bes. Po 1OWSth Operational Eyie.as Bally By Cary vel, Soracemder. 1. SETUATICH: Daniel L. Cersvell (Mius), &. Re Teransky (ales) ave ee) diay hes een. Bforts are: being, nsite to a2 may cosur witheut advenus novite 2. Minaal, Mexico Civy, Svitesrlord, 5 coutingensy plen be Porcsabotad to ) emlcyzes. The vortrelitag fants: thit there: enphoye?s were in Caos pericd ginee their aed thei: pave Crna acintat ued, A vntsl suth %! then have paese for plouning purposes the 2 Cisy or “other sreas”. dep2eding on hy reqaats2. 2 Ww A Tredaing Gaiwp. Major : 2 ghey eibevnt (Alies) end Bdwrrd #28 re were Forged by 7S ry ke ‘3 preveéare Ls dard my th2 entire AY spperentiy ======== PAGE 6 ======== 14-0000 3. n&juest for bask transport ghd ineiwde: i. Request that RELIASG SONTENCENCY OvLad E242 be dmpleuented. 2. Port of entry. : - ae 3. Dats, Local tine, ara esxGlcla desizel for pie up. hh. Dosixed destinstion. ' g. Other requirements, de-,. ptretehers oF bunks in the event eudjests are hospital ceases. : : a 6. Name, organization 28 selephons mucber of rsqueating party. Te Rane ond telephone mebor of KUBARK qantasts et loading ard off-loeting points. - . oc. Tay Pollowing personael sre knowledguavle end eharsed with the responsibility of 4yeting this plar: i j. Major Richard I. Skies, 25/AsD/DB/? Organization: Air Gupport Divissoa, iD/P Home Phone: JE 3-105 oo, Office Phone: Sterile Merbers. pe 8.5285, BK 9-855 - Recension 6862,7554, 7307 Rol line 1058 . 2. Mr. Roberb Merrevo - . . Organization: Air Sugport Rivision, Db/P Bore Phone: JA 4-3593 Offiee Fhone: Same 5 1... 3. Major Billy Be Cambell, Ceormonder, Tat. 1. . Organization: Dat. 1, ‘1h5th Operstional Braluavion and Treining Croup, ¥elinu Air Force Bane, Florida. Howe Phone: 66273T _ oe . Office Phone: Eglin Air Fores Resa, Florida 631590 © _ ih, Major Kenseth R. Burtea, C28 officer, Net. Re. . : Organization: Bat. 1, ‘hoch Cper2tiens) Brelnation end , ‘eainizg Creup, Eglin Mir Yeeee Base, Florida. Rome Phone: 66256 Offtee Fasne: Eglin Ae Foree Rese, Fierida €31215 - HeEeieRe8-T ======== PAGE 7 ======== ‘ 1 1400000 - ‘ ~ oe . : wc a oe = ws B-B-C-ReE-T ~3- D. Det. 3. furnish 1 C-54 ond crew an stenudby capacity until further notice. StanIby capachty is heroin defined as espability to pooition the eirereft at any port of entry ia cast, south er smithyest: U. S. from Eoston to Los Angeles within 15 henrs. E. Aserrring the subjects WIZ be released in Havena cr Mexico City, bet. 1 will preyere mission folders fer Flights from most provable porte of cntvy to Isolation end Andrews Air Feree Base. " RECHARD I. SKINNER Distribution: Grig, & 1 - CI Stet? 3-08 3-@ 3 Oe (3-6 3 - c/Tsp 3 ~ CoG 3 - TY . 3 - Cf . 3 - Dra/opr ========== FILE: 104-10097-10069.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-0000 104-10097-10069 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | Rieny 080 INFO 1. riss(vora v os VaR IG A 2. ONUARD TRAVE AER OL INEAS ‘PANAMA. Ar 203. amr Ivins | _ B0eO e829 gi 8 DEC. “SECRET. . I i SS 00, NL ========== FILE: 104-10097-10077.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14.00000 104-10097-10077 2 | N RECORDS ACT OF 199. KENNEDY ASSASSINATIO! HE PRESIDENT JOHN F. 2025 RELEASE UNDER T' (C45 KOTIFICD ap S271 E.STTED 1839 9 oFe/ins) #05? Gifca, Rifes, wz, ee A ya CLS SER & F cosssez ~ #0 631N76536 INSCOLATE O80 rere wave cate HEXE 7339 9 Dee 63 TVPLe conno Sg ts REQUEST Paty pos TO INCLUDE conso TRAIN : tannannga] Oy Ina For|aanta (vaLpEs) 20, O8 Site, ovo Lucas awa ettacSpos ae suty 29,| natauzas, respiue [mazes wexselt 163 |eavexay) i vant 2 (WaLbisy] cipLoven as (stars? Clas] Ministry (asatten | OD . e109 eevFdnd avers, SHE SCHEDULED PETURY CUBA Ca 2a DEC FROM °. ) OURE weer prscuaty ¢ CAPLETED LENGTHY STUDIES PROGRAM UxnEA ASUSPICES (tonto n2aLzu Ghana rzarz ox 5. 20 BOX tances. ruosx, EeRat & ========== FILE: 104-10097-10170.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 1104-10097 -10170) [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 FROM + vexico CITY ACTION: we 6 7O + ppp, c1/0P5, 0/04, WH 7, SAS & VR y ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-0000 CLASSIFIED MOSS/.GE MEXICO CITY ACTIGIA: poos 4. INjIO ot poos/L, ci/ors, EE 4, WH 7, SECRE 7 1436132 DIR CITE MEX] 7333 eabes tl j @S0LOC VirnIN BEDOK OKROW x1 fared, rs VD ”? P G ‘syarosiuy os CRAVITATIONAL COLLAPSE AND OTHER TOPICS. TN REL ATIVAG LAE ASTROPHYSICS. SY4POSIUY UNDER AUSPIC:S OF jSOUTHVEST CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDIES OF DALLAS AND NZTINGS TO. : @ [BE MELD AT STATLER- ~¥iiLton, /PLeeansxt PLANS RETURN NEXI 18 DEC. [sources > PRSKINC, ========== FILE: 104-10097-10360.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== DIR CITE SEX! 7206 i wou KAPOx PERUMEN yee ma yal REF 4 DIR 82999 ° re : ; ai% : De ou ) B MEAL 6967 ‘Te PRO DATA ON Ligart=1 As ranursin BY BROTHER 22 NG! & _ POUCHED. ae a Be BROTMER: FEELS siBs VELL INE REMAIN INSIDE FORSEEARLE PUTER. SENDING. ‘sus. ANODWER 1 LETTER wm DEFINITE D Decision ae wie 1 AMSEVER . 2 whine: EST NELTSH a ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14.00000 . Taeae COUTRE URL BE OUR “CLEAR Sug OF Tv VENER wasn ke ‘ev ot hen BAYS SUBS stant pron pam TE AND FOESAY alveNT ist REone as “EahLY AB 1959. wit BAOT Hea WIRSELF was Kct aR r 2 EwPHaStRED REF FEATEDLY T Tat suns snowy waver a sk For eaimact ute oieRS hoo : ae oe a Haex(BoNsce 33 . cfs costars Rect “ eraresi as Go oH Satie: ete BEAin | FOREN, (ad Cont i : Waies, Ghat OF 7 ROSAR Comet. Re ie ine evo WP 88, i 2 ========== FILE: 104-10098-10072.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-0000 104-10098-10072 aa 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | PROCESSING ACTION MARKED FOR INDEXING + XE - | ro rnvextne xequixen ONLY QUALIFIED DESK } CAN JUDGE INDEXING MICROFILM As a:yesult of the recent review done of the LIFEZAT and LZERVOY. Project, it came to Headquarters attention that LIERVOT-8,“who' was believed to have been terminated, was still '“govered by the LIERVOY Project. According to HIQA~14676, LIENVOY-8 was the cause of ‘ {ty problem for LIERVOY im February 1960 when he requested ‘| ale ‘from LIENVOY and a trensfer to his parent organization, the } General Staff of the Presidency)| LIENVOY-8 was deseribed as 2 gour nationalist who disapproved of ODYOKE' s (sharing of the o es that LIERVOY-8's clearance has is no Agent Service Record or ; Z LIERVOY-8 was included in the Q RVOY : request for the 1961/62 project year, but not for the 1962/63 year. The field project renewal request for k is requested. that ‘the Station inform Headquarters of he present status of LIENVOY-8 (201-118406). If he has been ersinated, please forward an Agent Service Record. If he is still being used, pleane provide & current analysis of hig relia- - -Bility and coments on any security probeles present in light of his actions. and reputation in 1960. END OF DISPATCH OATE .. ALY. #. a COD 23Tm —- 4 Ha CLASSIFICATION oe " zy SECRET 201-118406 ORIGINATING ========== FILE: 104-10098-10264.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== - | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 19927 r4Doono [104-10098-10264] ~ . bY x SEECET O07 Ik P AT C He . CLASSIFICATION ~~ PROCESSING ACTION SECRE® _ |. MARKED FOR INDEXIEG — MARKED FOR UNDOKTIG atc _Chter, WH Division oe ONLY QUALIFIED DESx = CAN JUDGE INDEXIWa sana Vaset of 5 shoe Faxieo City 7 MICROFILM iON GORE 5 zr- StORSO WM oiLidges Torre: = ad Attached herewith is PRQ Fart I on Subject. Provistozal Operational Approval ia requested, @loag with 201 susber, Sadject's exyptonyn, assigned 15 Ootoder 1965 ty the station, follow vader Seperate cover. Willard ¢. Curtis 3 + WD, w/att. h/w ant u/a/o 3 CROSS REFERENCE TO OISPATCH SYMBOL AND. a oo DATE : — ~ ENBIA~22485 15 Fovember 1963 CLASSIFICATION HQs FILE NUMBER: 201. SECRET ========== FILE: 104-10098-10328.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== v4-p0009 104-10098-10328 -~ ~ | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 bean oe mate i ees 0 48S, ener CLASSI” web TF | . [~ SEunT Hy | 1 Gikecioa aN KEXICO CITY “HON wH 8 Ci, Ci/Ors, CI/IC 2, Ci/OA, vR N EC RE T 1716362 .s . : CLORITY TESY INFO DIR CITE MEXI 7416 §2lzm8247¢ ‘F pir eg72e & . 1, aT 16 OFC MTG [SvLUCW/I SAID WIFE VROTE SHE ARRIVING RERIDA 23 | “SC BY ATR AND WILL COME ON GEXE CITY SPEND xMAS WITH MIS. RE SHE QRINGING CHILGAEN AND WANTS 90 MERIDA REET HER, i | . vt RECUESTED 150 DOLLARS IN VIEW WEFE'S VISIT aND TO PURCHASE STA CLAUS FOR CHILDREN, ALSO RENTIONEO KMAS OCuuUS CuT DID NOT NT “6255 PCLN a. RECUEST TEGU DECISION ON ANCUNT BE SIVER(S/ 1. ALL PAYRENTS pay CRE WILL BE BADE IN PESOS. - an ASSISNED ey PARTY LEADERS HERE LIVE ALONE IM KORE OF LIODORINA GARCIA, PCM HEMBER, CALLE NO. 17, COLOMTA RONTEZUMA, “VRCIA IS DIRECTGR OF KEARGY SCHOOL WKERE FIVE PCA RERBERS TERPCRARIL a iAATEREO. \SVU*S WIFE ad CHILDREN WILL LIVE vITH HIF AT agOvE “DRESS WHILE MEXI. NEXT GP ATS WITH Fal SCHEDULED 20 DEC. yo cy presen ikrG Cy PRES KOT Givin BONTA CISSIVINON CY CTHTQ THAN Te CONS CHCE 6S PROtEtro . ========== FILE: 104-10098-10380.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-0000 “69s DIRECTOR FRO. MEXIQG CITY ACTION: ¢/se 2 (SR NOTIFIED AM PO sone, Citi, o/F4/B, doo if SEC chet 815482 } PRIORITY DIR CITE MEXE 7468 | REDUOOD REGSEIN PEF DIR 90366’ a - cee . : PLS PROVIDE IDEN AND ETA SO Cat HEET AIRPORT. wernt? “wos ¢76. SECRET c/s COMSENTs SDISSEMINATION APPLICABLE TO essa neal CASLeS. SeSTAFFER IDENTIFIED SELF fercucesil HON setndjwo WAS AWAITING CALL AND WHO CONFIRMED CALL PROM HEX! ra (CT see J PePROOUCTION 6Y OTN2 THAN The 15.\ciNG" Cre CE i3 ========== FILE: 104-10098-10391.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,0000 104-10098-10391 [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | CuesrrrD MEERA ee > = { i | ad © MEXRCO CITY > uo. CHfGA, ces 3, eH 7/40 > ET gosessz ' _ CITE REXE 7479 20Cr 685194 | __ : _ 8 CHASSAY LPSHRINX Loo! gris Sut MEME vaaa{ 40 | j el EN IS AR. feces SECRET LEPAR ========== FILE: 104-10098-10401.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 CiPECTOR MEXECO CHTY 2an € woe, aove, 2003/L, poos 4, ca 2, ca/pes, ca/eror, cafe &, crfors, cific 2, Fb, Fifoy FI/inT 2, ten tek, we 4, wn, o0/t, ao/ci 2, ac/ne, av/ar Saiene 21 GD2DZ CEC 21 Bih7Z 63 INTER ryPic[Eep iGxeT RUE DIR TBIZE , _ oF oF SuPDATA ScuRce pif 1GNes F 20M [i TAL INA] AND [FRENCH] aMEASSADORS 7S CUBA, CUBAN MERCHANTS AND SUGAR EXPERTS OF CUBAN GOVERNMENT TO INITIATE COMMERCIAL BARTER WITH WEST EUROPEAN CONTRIES DOI DEC 63 PADA MEXICO MEXICO CITY 2g DEC 63 AP2 4 3CURCE WESTERN CUROPEAN BUSINESSMAN WHO TRAVELS FREQUENTLY TO CUBA WHERE HiS COMPANY MAINTAINS COMMERCIAL INTERESTS, ED Disses Tan OF THE ATTACH TORCRTON cH LE MADCON MADE QUT. + Tric AG. NOY PEXDIND BY The ACION ee, a | Bae NS er eet cal ee AINE MOR oe eats aN ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 CONTRAL INVOLMESENSE AGENCY 1 ins metetlal conteion (stermetce ofiscting (ta Notlose! Coteme of tte Usited States oti te bese ies ee fio) Ceosecee Leon Se OSS tes Sag TO SS ose Caen = “ ' Cae aond a> Libss IM AVION CONTROLS ; . : Wreea Filtiot eit 1 + SOUNTAY REPORT NO. TESS INFO suqcat Oats C1572. parernewes Re werm teed nennssmeg 4 Dee —_ tN S2y 7 QOFCRINSES : E589 BsFoAT NO. 13.6 UNEVALUATCEO tizcauaticn, SOURCE GRADINGS ARE COPEATIVG. APPRAISAL C? CONTENT (3 TOMTATIVG, i. THE CUSAN GOVERRMENT WAS RENEWED NEGOTIATIONS FOR THE \ | PAVIMENT GF DEGTS RESULTING FROM EXPROFPRIATIONS MADE: FROM CERTAIN WESTERN EUROPEAN EUSIRNESS INTERESTS, THE CUBAN MINISTRY GF FOREIEN | i TRYING TO INTERIST WEST GERMANY, LTALY AND FRANCE IN RADE 1S COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES SO TRAT A FAVORACLE ATMOSFUERE WILL PREVAIL AT THE TIME CF THE COMPLETION OF THE GAR CROP RARVEST IN MARCH WHEN TRE COMMIDITY 1S NORMAL LY MAQMETED, NICOTIATICNS FCR . -PARATIONS ARE TAKING FORM {MN CUBAN OFFERS TO SELL TOBACCO \N CRDLR GF _FRIORITY, TRE CUSAN GOVERRMENT IS TRYING TO COTAIN CLACTIACATION = SECRET Jose fensy/ecot| eev7 | ata |e ======== PAGE 3 ======== 14-00000 | j FERTILIZER, TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES, AND CHEMICAL etccurta IN TACHANGE FOR SUCAR CN A SIRAICHT CARTER DEAL, THE CUSAN GOVERNMENT i CAPECTS A CUNCER ChCP IN ICSS WHICH, IF CCLO AT The Avenace i WORLD PRICC CF 8 CENT A (US CURRENCY), Saduip eRCoUcE ‘ agtur Co5 Mellin SCLLARS (US) IN CREDITS. ========== FILE: 104-10098-10404.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 1400000 PAY ‘berore AURQICAEE VIET TECKS LEFT BY SuTP FRow SAPTIACS DE SUZA. ON 19 NOV nee ox 900° sovs WERE SEEN WALMIN STREDTS wacac wITH clirteass a 9 tECD. 8 ASS’ SoxPTtcn They avs, Lav88 an’ ‘AbaT "Six MONTHS ======== PAGE 2 ======== ve meee wee cave ee vaTeMeAs 10 ve: Cote Lets SEE-TwD, FLOW oF cOvS 1S. MORE WILY ======== PAGE 3 ======== opRpstTion WOULD Rave 0 VALUE of BEA NG. comes aa a . MAGE Y FIDEL DESHACE™. = * 3, see one’, ABOVE. Ag ROT RNGYN, BUT CUBAN POSITION IN DISPUTE VERY PTRDEPENDAST, UNARPEOTED a a mAat € oe “t, ROST OF THE BELITIA PERSONNEL HAVE BEEN convents To, SREY REGULARS PAST SIX ROFTHS. . agro - , 3. [2 [yr ISPRESSION 1 THAT CUSAN AR¥Y NOW VELL TRATED es) @ SARIZED. : 4. ON TEN DEC. “FaR Sond, ALL CARS HALTED oN RAD, URILE CONTINGENT CUDAN TROOPS SURROUNDED a CAKE FIELD AND SPRAYED it YITH GURFERE, “sRANCIED aves FouNn NO GRE. TROOPS WELL PED AkD & REC: SUFFLEED. (SOURCE ef REUT 9 DEC). SoR20a aPPRox ee RES "-FROH RARIWA TOUARSS PLILR OSL RTO. SECRET ats wy tannara ccna na eghd nte a . efs cea S 2B MOLY t Sad BERETS CRA £5 COR CHELATES | ========== FILE: 104-10100-10034.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== “(104-1070 10034) = | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 ; taows CIRECTOR . wn. sas 6 y) 44 oer, C/0Ci, OOP, NE_4, EL 6, + CuBLE SEC: \YPLS POUCH CABLE TO POLLOWING:) (WRENCH POUCH) oF c é Fras * yeop) BONN” AMR BEL - wor > vie = arue BERN GVA CAIR BEIR TEHE TELA B10D gA0P (wexr’! warp* ssco Mow BUEN Capa LaPA LIMA qurr quaT ss swYO) MELB TOEY «= EO—Sté«éwAVE™ =o Baer ms MGB MILA | OTTA TRIE G4 e509 | SECRET | os SY OTHER ======== PAGE 2 ======== RONIS: ad EASLED . * 6x5s . 21 Nov, FILE ICS | RTAIN STATIONS AND BASES Cry FROM: CiRECTOR - Oe CONF: IWS L370 suLpI-LUDRESSEE CABLE NO ¢ 7 REF: DIR 22218* ba, 1, RECENTLY CONCLUDED HOS REVIEW op (phen PROGRAM SHOWS THAT GUGLDT EFFORTS HAVE NOT ACHIEVED ANY SIGNIFICANT RESULTS AND CONTINUATION OF PROGRAM AS SUCH NO LONGER WARRANTED, MAIN REASON - aes & KUBARK FAILURE IS THAT CUBAN TECUNICIAN RECRUITING PROGRAM a EAS BEEN MISERABLE FAILURE WHEY MEASURED AGAL:. 7/ORIGINAL _ m= =o SECTIVE OF 2000 TECHS FROM WESTERN EUROPE ALONE. THOUGH CUR - 4 FIGURES NOT COMPLETE, WE ESTIMATE PROBABLY LESS THAN FIFTY CANDIDATES HAVE RUCEIVED CONTRACT APPEOVAL AND WE ABLE OONFINH =. ABOUT TEN WHO HAVE ACTUALLY MADE IT TO THE ISLAND, rook - 8 SUCCESDED iW GHSERTING ABOUT TRIRTY RECRUITED TECES INTO TEE - VARIOUS HIRING CHANNELS, BUT SO FAR ONLY TWO HAVS RECEIVED ‘CONTRACT , pees tose . APPROVAL FROM HAVA. 2. CUBAN FAILURE TO RECRUIT IN SIGNIFICANT NUMBERS APPEARS ... DUE LARGELY TO RELUCTANCE FOREIGN SINISTEY £ND FOREIGN SERVICE = OFFICERS PURSUE TECH RECRUITING NISS1ION AGGRESSIVELY, GUREAUCHATICG IHCOMPETENCE IN HAVANA, FEAR OF. INPILTRATION OF HOSTILE AGENTS COOKRHINATIiWS OFFICERS - CERASING OFFICER ” REPRODUCTION BY OINER FT: ======== PAGE 3 ======== 14-pppog EEtIISccoe. fet raoias PAGE THO INFO . PERFORMANCE AQOOUNT we LE OF RESTOKSE apes MIPUY Hak SOT SOQ Lot ea oF a ome” — 3. IN PACE OP FORRODING TS DO MOT BELIEVE 11 woRTEUEtiS TO CONTINUE INTEXSIVE SEARCH FOR aA. CANDIDATES FOR INSERTION ‘ATO GUBAM MIRING CuummEL, 7SEAT10K Wind ACTIVE LEAnS SHOULD STAY WITH THEM IW THE HOPE THEY MAY STILL BE HIRED, BUT CEASE EFFORTS TO GENERATE LEADS FROM SCRATCH, ON OTHER SAND, THERE ARE PAIR TRADES WOR BLOG THOHS TH GHRA ANC) TY LEY COMMS WILL coTZNUE TO RIVE AEE. T°CE7 ON UNWITFO SELECTIVE BASIS AS THEY DID PRIOR ™ hoki. PROGEAM. STATIONS THERLFORE AMY CRCKD TO Wass 2. ALCRP FON SUCH OPPORTUNITIES AND 1 WAPLOIT THEM IN SAME MANNER ~~ ‘8 Ald: OTHER OPPORTUNITIES TO PL-CB RESTEERT AGENTS IN CUBA, COORDINATING OreteEas ======== PAGE 4 ======== ‘w t0ns, Le SOnaarn Corre Bef PAGE THREE > > INFO Cite Ow aes 3 &7 TN THIS CONNECTION WE NOTE TaaT “OST PEE EEN OFFICIALS RESPONSIBLE 702 RECRUITING TECHS TEND TO RELY HEAVILY ON LOCAL cP STAMP OF APPROVAL OR OTHER STROWG INDICATION THAT ChsDInATE 18 POLITICALLY ACCHPTACLE. LACKING THIS THEY XAY CITHSR IGNORE THE APPLICATION ©& REJECT it, wy *. RESPONSE OF MOST STATIONS IN INPLENEWTING (pnw mag BEEN NOST GRATIFYING. WE FOVIDED CUBANS WITH qooD NUMBER HIGHLY QUALIFIED ENGINEERS AND TRCRIICIANS THIGH THEY FOR REASONS CITED zy AGHIFICANT ABSULTS 15 MERELY BRFLECTION CORN comTESTON AND INEPTITUDE WITS RESULTANT FAILURE ACHISVS TRIN omy GoaLs, 5. Discowrinus uss(qipiims siuc axe sinz 206-126-~47, °F aw oF session CIS COMMENT. bahia nea-dates CS Slee. Copy may be seen in CIA reference file. COORDIMATING OFFicEAS wen . lah Steed Hon seroma: theasing ornican BECREt ; = = auruen tiga REPRODUCTION sy OTHER THAN THE ISSUING OFFICE IS PROH iT Pre pe ======== PAGE 5 ======== 14-0000 Info rere cet —— si i ee ========== FILE: 104-10100-10065.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14.00000 104-10100-10065 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 ved KUDESK ZROCEAN RE DIR- Oe oF IDEN A ROREX DUDDM 202~€3827, | ; a Ow OF ex & (gOa00efakibotSs MEARINGD ALLS CARTOO BOR 2 WAR 36 PARIB MAIC. “ ========== FILE: 104-10100-10086.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== “104 40 100- 10088 2025 "RELEASE UNDER "THE P PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS / ACT OF 1992 |. irra =e oe ne ae a . i : i . ol) BRU LiNe. DefwE/h/X : SECRET od ba ‘at 59 rene ee a ae 163... 3 MEXICO -ROME WAVE | “pETURNTO CIA. | a FROM: DIRECTOR ground Use Ont a .- : ae " Do Not Rrepyaqus ee CONF: C/E. 2 a . ; a : ~ Info; DOP, poor, ¢ C/Cl, C/FI 2, CMH 55. C/SAE 5, RFA VR a“ : KAPOK KEYWAY PERUMEN oo . 72346 “REP: ROME C534 (IN 28856)* (NOT SERT MEXI) - 1. tanomr (q02N A), FORMER LONG TERM RESIDENT PBRUMER, ©ILL RECUAS PURUMEN Of BUSINESS TRIP FOR IDEN B. LAGTER IS FIRM TE REPRESENTLS ALGG SITD OTHERS. PLANS DEPART ITALY 6 OCT TO VISIT FRIENDS SUISSE TitEI! PROCERGTUG NADIE 0 TAKE TRERIA FLIGHT DIRECT PERUMEW 11 ocr nas [ttatleceses 2 PORT. GILL APTEMPE EXIT PORUMEN APFROX 0 WEEKS AFTER ARRIVAL FOR BRIEF TRIP 3720 FOR DEERIEFING BRIEFING BY KUBARNER. OPES RETURN FERUMEN FOR TWO OR THREE. MOCTHS me. | BS a ; 2. eR MEXI CABLE ROWE CONTACT EAMETS FOR masaoe| rom PPIOK HIS TERME. RS PORVARDING KEK FULL EETATLS THIS OP. «EMD OF HEesAgE © (igjteme wa will tzavel Faas requests contact Mexieo City fcr brief exit. ========== FILE: 104-10100-10087.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 104-10100-10087; 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT | JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 ; DIRECTOR ae CMe-2 -_ 7 nro "DOP, ADDP, cle, chr 2; chet 5, “c/sas 2 RF, cy - oe . INFO ROME WAVE - IDEN A os BORN 26 FEB ro may} [iaaijerer, FORMERLY AGENT IN CUBA pon[ PLAT ]AKD 0 ONWER “TUEE FACTORY. 10BH B (hosp FIRM, TURIN ========== FILE: 104-10100-10090.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ee : CLASS IFIED MESSAGE INDEX aco BSECR2 TAS oe ne — — Soh aeey acta: DIRECTOR ONE: °C/SAS 5 VFS “ODP, ADP, C/C1, RI/AN DUMMY, C/WH 5, RF,IVR > WAVE | INFO MA EX] v7 RYBAD TyPrC . REF: WAVE 4369 (mr 20073)* . ; OY - (Jose us (2AtA)] suBy Para & REY, RESIDENCE 31-29 MERE 38 MosASCE mewrrcat, va Joae WH EXD OF FEaSAgs " 8a8/commenr: “enat to Kuma, BRTURN TO ClA oe Rope ets/cl__feotin Pom (4m Grats) & rayafrenr[ wissen | (ty phone) ep: S38 “ Pf coonsmarine orritens (aay? Me a Beltasiaa orpicaa : ' AuTatativatiag Fie athaded trem geie aig Cenigrating ong CBrtesuhestres 4 . mm ew remem ie mM ========== FILE: 104-10100-10152.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Te 14,00 104-10100-10152 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 4992 | $52 ro & vewber 1967 8 DacoRic cc (DEP Tres 3 REP: DIR_ Lhe te cle * . o8 ipa A Cason Souaa'] fous caf). “Heatran VO cls, _Gackground Use Ona, « ~ ; ‘ Do No aprons d Qa tassas Orercee: ========== FILE: 104-10100-10157.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 000 - 104-" 10100- 1015: 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1092 moan CLASSIFIED MESSAGE _ ng DRIG = be stw A” Lo, ‘ : uNTT GAS/EOS . (INDEX. §-E-C-R-E-T : at 629250 GENO INoEX DATE :8 OCTOBER 1963 _ [i FILE iN-CS FILE NO. 19-G-78 _ TO MEXICO city FROM: DIRECTOR CONF: sas & ; INFO Ope ct, cH/0PS, c1/oa, Fl, FI/INT. 2, wH 7, RF, ve io PREITY MEXI 7 INFO . — cneor FGAYGY IgWTITY:A aurenng seas Tm oF UrSOAGS RETURN TO CIA. ========== FILE: 104-10100-10185.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-0000 104-10100-10185 “| 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 i) ao . a na t ees wan * ca BR, Leto /n ~ ~— ust ’ ve BRASS. fees 5 Ecare F to WSS - - ~- Fie —_ aa “UP, CH/SA, wk 7, OF, VR TIPIC : as IRTTER TO AXGOCR-2 BEIM POOCHED MEXT BY MOM ACOCUWRLELE MANIFEST 2. REATEST MEXI WAIL O/A 1 KOVEMSER ABD ADVISE HGS ACCORDIMOLZ. - END OF MESSAGE ertagtng creer JO- Oe sxe R rT | L domme reding 068 | a ctw tcc hie ROBUC HON BY oid CARS THES SUING. Crea iS PRODHeNTEN Sita ae ========== FILE: 104-10100-10192.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== au f 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 T RLYVAY PBRUTIEN CRINGOR BRYS 9460 (IN.38151)* Kr SENT PARIS 43. LOND) ae HURRICANE FLORA DAMAGE TO CURA ‘TILL FROSPRLY Fr ~ sue . LDAVY CONCSITRATION FOCD £ND MEDICIN. IN WARITIME CARGO TO “CUBA, THUS ALTERING PERCENTAGES AND PSYCHOLOGICAL MMPACT aN« 7 ' SABOT.GE OPS AGAINST CUBAN SHIPPING. WISH CFFuCT roReienimy . oo _ | SABOTAGE OPS UNTIL THIS FACTOR Dist APPEARS AU USE INIEVOU To) 7 : BAKE. CERTAIN CRANGES. IK APPROACS. .%. FURTHER GUIDANCE FORTHCOMING 48 800K 4S POSSIDLE. END OF sEsseGr SAS/Comnents : * Plans for siubot ging Rio Cronso. ~€ ST ~. Tsp/cab(Te 11y Jones] by p _DESHOND ods wp Fault” — ot C885, ========== FILE: 104-10100-10199.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-0006 104-10100-10199} 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 © INDEX CE NO INDEX me ie CTS LISS Rp ee in cs ee NOS : _ MEXTOO crey FRO DIROCTOR c/Fi 6 / ae JET, CFT Sy Chi 5, 0/0s 2, RF, WR | 1. Ww DeEDIATE wa CITE DIR 3 §:33 8 4 ux KAPOK LCHARVES? REF MED 0483 (IN 36143)# 1. LEAN SOU CHES 2733 1035 2052, BW1-TH 14h HUW avs, TX. BA TODXEUA UNIV BA, MA. UNIV Pama MA “ARVABD 28-31 fF AE SNTTOMAL, RORERRAGEEEA RIV, CALA ‘ae 2 EE IL RE CE ANCES 32-33 PROF RATIONAL PEKING UNIV; ‘PROP WANTOMAL TSINCZ. 41-43 SEEDER FELLOW ACADEMIA SINYCA !O PROF NAPIONAL TSIBGRUA UNTV, PEKING \o-.d MSMBER OF TSINGRUA UNIV 5-01 BEAD OF DEPT oF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCTIT... - TSDNGHUA; VICE PRESIDENT ARSRITRCTURE S.Ci. -y LOGRD MATING OFFICERS cROuP | a Se rmnnnnns ae semen tats sere toate on nay a re St 3 Eg ¢ RET | | paacherin hia | OFFICER 4AN THE ISSUING cence iS PROHIBITED. ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-0000 Tj INDEX (0 NO INDEX {7 FLEE IN CS ALE WO. Front: DIRECTOR CONF: INE + OF OUR N&TOM," POLD OF HIS PAST ANXTETY AND PERPLEXTYY IN HIS OWN WORK. HE COORDINATING CFFICERS | car ; | (COmTTEUED) RELEASING OFFIEER rns Soa Lice te sitamete | AUTHENTICATING asis oFFrin 1 Gawengrasing ans! EnTicatin BECRET 1] dectauartcation Ortiues eg ne ee et DUCTION BY OTHER THAN THE SUING OFFICE 5 PRGHIBTED, Cosy Hen ======== PAGE 3 ======== PELEASING CERICER AUTHENTICATING . orricee REPRODUCTION BY OTHER THAN THE ISSUING OFFICE IS PROHIBITED. Copy No ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-0000 . PIRECTOR “CeTASD A AS WDB AGC. ERENT PLACE BO OE TD CAR HE WOULD ERPECT IY COSRNED CHARCE TAWE: COLE, CHM. Ba. COMBE ING LEAR. 5: CAIDAS FOR SEORTEFIED OR, DERN. AAT OE 108 AD ACNE -TELS h. SD SETAE 1. NN DORN 4 AFOOT FRIDGE 70 LIANG. SA 1 0G ENG ONE COUNT WE 38. MED CI @FICER. GAS BESE USED FRIMTPAUE TS SGICH MOK: IS PAST... _ Aaa ER Vile FURTHER BACKOROUND. REANY PERSOBAL COSSCDINRSIETS. HIS FUNCETON WILL 2S 90 USE PAG? FRIENDSHIP TO IF SO SYATIO.: SHOULD BE PREPARED SAFEROUSE UNTIL FURTHER STEPS CAN BE TAKEN. 6. STPLATE 1 ARRIVIM] MEKI 12 OCTORER 2145 HOURS VIA RASTER= | cee } COSMAS MATING OFFICERS | cree | Qtr pastwe OFF. AMTMERTICR TING Oseiece | eS BOFRODUCHON BY OTHER THAN THE BSUING OFFICE IS PROHIBITED. Coe, Ma ======== PAGE 5 ======== 14-00000 | DEFLRRED rot NES Cite oe DORDIATS MEXT STATION ADVA.CE OPERAPIOMAL FUNDS AND PER DIEM AS HECRSGARY TO STFLATE i SINCE BO OPPORTUNITY DO 80 HERE. CHARGE ICHARVEST 00A. FI Staff Licyd George (by phone) 0C/PSB/08 Stcve Kuhn (vy phone ) CI Steff it-. Mertz (by phone) perg(c) C/WH/3 J. Whitten (by phone) . willias c- RARORD TERRE: oe 7 R & oa _ ; ========== FILE: 104-10100-10200.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== CLASSIFIED nesase | eee | > conte pseener ol TA ..-5 : re tee 7 FEE Sirs Lc, C/Ft 2, Cw 5, 0/98 2, \’ Fee a ee ee ~ CITE WR PI Staff Lloyd George (by phone) DC 'PED/O5 Steve kuna (by poice) Cl Seetr = so Mir. =— Qe phoac) BORO) ger CWB 3 8 BORER, (I phone } ========== FILE: 104-10100-10223.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ‘ CLASSIFIED MESSAGE : ne O) innes SECRET BK No wnvex we ci v.. EREO-DE- JANEIRO; MEXICO CITY | 16Gcr63 22 2 Frost TR ECTOR cong, EE , | [oereno STC TER , , ROUTINE Seg te ~ Sty wpe on - wee: OE, C/C1, C/N 2, Cor/D , COC, Ch = 16 / PRIORITY ‘RROD - ‘NFO PREORITL MEXI cue om © | 6 6 REP: MEXI 6550 (IN 40823)* (NOT SENT.RIO) i. (FOR. P10: SOME MEMBERS OF CHICOM DELEGATION TO THE SEVENTH CONGNESS oe OF INTERNATIONAL UNION OF ARCHITECTS (UIA) HRLD HAVANA 29 SEPT - 3 OCT AFTERWARDS WENT MEXT TO ATTEND UIA GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ARCHITECTURE. MEXI GROUP NOW SCHEDULED LEAVE MEXX 0100 HOURS 19 OCT FOR RKO. FOLLOWING BIO DAA ON THREE MEMSERS OF GROUP KNOWN 10 HE MEXT: TNG= PAO 2799.16 1405; '201-7353%6; B. 20 AUG 1901, HONAH; ony “k U.S. EDUCATED; MSR NPC; | B. cLUANG 520+ CHENG 2733 °1835:2052,° 201-736781; B. 1901, TORYO; U.S. C. 2) WU CHING: RSIANG “0702 2529 '43827:201=736317;°'B. CIRCA 1919, MANCHURIA;_ 2. DURING STAY GROUP MEXT UNILATERAL APPROACHES MADE TO:YANG: TING: DAG’ OSFECTION OF RECHUITMENT Ti PLACE. FOLLOWING CONTACTS WITH: YANC SY FoRmen “PARTNER Di ARCHITECTURAL FIRM CHINA AND BY MBR U.3. FIRM°YANG PrEVIOUSLY ASSOCIATED WITH, ‘YANG ACCEPTED DWTERVIEW WITH RUBARX STAFFER WHO USED COVER: CONTINUED CIERD MATING DFT. Cf GE MELE RS NS TEFECER ALTSONTi Gating Orticee ======== PAGE 2 ======== “¢ IFIED MESSAGE *"'- HED MESSAGE ONT OD INDEX SECRET um; CG RO INDEX —_——~ bat FRE IN Css FILE NO. TO FROM: DIRECTOR CONF: INFO : "76/66 RESEARCH SCHOLAR CHINA. CONVERSATION FRIENDLY ABD INCLUDED DISCUSSION MAINLAND ALTHO LIANG LEFT ALONE WITH OUR WAY FOR HALF HOUR. “LEAN. ATTTTUDE FRIESDLY BUT FRIENDLY DYSCUSSIONS SINCE OPERATIONAL DISCUSSION DID BOT SRAM APPROPRIATE IW EITHER CASE. 0'S: BROTHER, U.S, CITIZEN, ARRIVING MEXICO 16 OCTOBER TO TALK WIT ok | AND ASK HIM If WISHES REMAIN IN FREE WORLD. oa “6 4, REQUEST [AIUD MOAITOR ACTIVITIES GROUP BRAZIL AS FEASIBLE AND ATTEMPT DO NOT RECOMMEND FORCED APPROACH TO ANY OF GROUP, SINCE OUR OOVER FOR THIS ACTIVITY WEARDNG THIN AND THESE IS LONG RANGE COAL OF FUTURE POLLOW UP THESE CONTACTS WHES APPROPRIATE ACCESS CAN BE ARRANGED. CONTPRUED COORDINATING OFFICERS aor - a [see _, | Ac casine OFprcee . j losses uf Autataricaring yf | | cmeptcates | orercen | REPRODUCTION BY OTHER THAN TE ISSUING OFFICE IS PROHIBITED, Copy No. ======== PAGE 3 ======== CLASSIFIED MESSAGE SECRET CNS DEX O FEN OS ELE NO CITE DIR 76/66 5. FOR MEX7T: PLS INEWIIFY OTHER MBRS OF MEXT GROUP ENROUTE RIOD AND OF RESULTS:WU MEETING WITH BROTHER. END OF MESSAGE = * */FE aN CCONTIMATING OFFICERS 1 nos; H i Cectades from evlemetic | met Sine orficea ! ” _ H AUTHENTICATING Md SECRET | “Serer MTA REPRODUCTION BY OTRER THAN THE (5 0U:%c OFFICE IS PROHIBITED, Coos No ========== FILE: 104-10100-10237.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-p0000 104-10100-10237| 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 ‘Mexico City + DIRECTOR - te wt & o 4, er, ve REF: MEXI 6547 (IN 40710)* JW. {MIDW\ 3207 (NOT SENT MEXI) AY MI DEY ADVISES CARTRIDGES DELIVERED CORPUS CHRISTI 1 OCTOBER “ONE BOX FIFTY POUNDS CARGO 64-NS1104 "IDIF. END OF MESSAGE acl “WH/COMENT: "Requests Hdqs advise ,taken on Reqn 559-5-64. WILLIAM E, ========== FILE: 104-10100-10239.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== FAVE wo MERI are pin 7O67Y 9 ; oa re oe OF re gp RN 1S [MICHEL CHIDIAC, LEBANESx\ CHARGE 18 NAVARA. SEX |. MEXY, 5954 :1D 6008 FOR RECENT TRAVEL. __ RETURNTO CIA ‘Background Use Only . Do Not Reproduce - 8/MOB E=o Parliog (in draft) a Fi ========== FILE: 104-10100-10247.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 20000 104-10100-10247| 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | aaa Bet. 1963 : wEXICO city $36.08 4 - + PRIGRETY HRI ne —LTLARE Oo RETURNTO CIA ‘REF. DIB 7. 2 24 oo Do Not Reproduce EDN A: (em w company, \mam 420 LaxiicrOx ave \ © NEW YORK, ¥. Y.. a Se 7 | 2. 1DEN B: [Gomus naaitry SURVEY assoc ares [ SEATTLE, BASHINGTON (UVEST BOTIONAL,; . a | Sab OF EESSAGE ========== FILE: 104-10100-10251.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 2 08. ; Bsxer NIX: ade : S/BOE- wy Joes . x 200-120 ~50.. ALI JHTAVE TOME CASABLANCA RABAT Fie BAIGURG ct ae LONDON HILAN OTT: a C/Sas 5 5 GP AGP, MMEDIATs | MADR . INFO HAND - BRUS DF GU LAND CASB me ; . oo. QROeTINE) rst. OTT DAR “HEXT - | , “gmumroca 77347 FRAK ILA : : ; Background Use ron TYBAT ZRWAGON T. Ca ~ Bo Not Repro 1. FOLLOWING 18 FBIS TICKER. Iria FPO CASTRO’ Ss oe ‘ceren “SPEECH: “CASTRO REVEALS THAT HIS SECURITY FOXCES HAVE gust DISCOVERED AR ATIZUPTED SABOTAGE OF Ta: CUBAN MARCHANT. SHI | ‘LAS VILLAS. CASTRO CLATUS THAT THE CIA PLACID A BOMB ABOL! en VESSEL IN GKMOA, ITALY, BUT THAT IT viS BIFECTIVE AND 3 aoe ee GO OFF. THE BOND AS POUND, HE SAYS, GN THE SHIP 8S 22 1:3 og, KUBARE HEX POLICY 18 mo OOIDLENT ARD COMPLI: aut ag SPECIFICALLY ASKED. | ========== FILE: 104-10100-10319.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 SxaiDiRSaSEaED 4 ; BE, Reiehnardt 7 Ne ° acua/3 SECRET sen D oct 63 rakICO CITY augur t$2 gor — a { “ _ 793595 RYEAP L. sons BAS TaD 90 APEC fen Gem EPTEMATT ORAL. SETTIC Quali ity PERRO AS PURREL DIBECIOR FUR XEXICO ABD CIATRAL AMERICA. ee G3 GOOD FOSSIBILIFY WE OE ASE PLACE Acme Tet POSITION 2. REGGE? SORPEGN CORSETS ER UEEEEFY THTS COWEN DN Toes SADT ACURRS AND CUSIVICKTEGHS ATP COLSACESRIGIICS OF SUITABLE GSvIce $0 FELL COVER POSEETUa. . Be ew RETURN TO CIA . Background Use ar I Do Not Reprot-ce CCc/ac - itr. Etrence (rhone) Cy . CdS/Pexs ~ fix. Cachess {rhoos! ah TIN RP. Heeasar ch far - cre art bel ReLeasing Gericee ~ (oem ee AgTHEN HCA ING Orrt eR 5. B COORDIMATING OFFICERS i it a Katee L___ 2: Be—__t REPRODUCTION BY OTHER THANSIHE ISSUING OFFICE 1S PROHBITED. Vo pant r ========== FILE: 104-10100-10357.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 MEX! RYBAT TYPIC AMQUAR MILAPROM Reve. A. DIR 76270 # TORE IG Tee B. DIR 78271 PLS PASS VOLLONING MESSAGE TO AMQUAR 1 AT BEF ADDRESS AND PROVIDE HIM BECURK WusiiG CHARNEZ TOE ANY WESSAGE HE DESIRES SEXD TO HIS BQ CONTACT MATTHEN HL ONTEICH SHOWN TO AMQUAR 1 AS “DAVID BA:.A5". "). SE ASSURED NOTHING WILL BE BOME IN REGARD CONTACTING BAVIES CETIL CLEABEN.STTH YOU. REQUEST YOU ALSO DO ROTHING UNTIL COORDINATED WITH US. BEST SOLUTION WOULD BE YOR YOU TRY ARTAMGE THREE TO SIX MONTHS LAAVE OF AGBENCE TEICE YOU GAN EXTEND IP WECES- 3. HAVE EBTABLISNED CONTACT WITH|LUIS CABAS CAMPA "HO SATLING GN CUBAN SHIP. NEXT Tims|LUIS|AVAILABLE FOR CONTACT im DCT7 OUTHIDT CUBA DESIRE YOU BE PREPARED TRAVEL TO THAT LOCATION FOR PL: OWAL 3. PESSC™ saath THIS MESSAGE WILL ALSO PROVIDE A BECURE COMMO CHANNEL TO mx. is6%i0" Ofte My hie . BACK 3 OF EDWARD A. ========== FILE: 104-10100-10394.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ‘1104-40100-10304%m | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | ger as fobs wos Ure, speP, C/Cl, 14 C/5as oils 7 ; ; 1% MRID . 1NtO MEX! Cite OUR 8 14 8 1 KAPOK PBRUMEN REF: MRID 0312 (IN 53124) 1. OOCOrL MEXI SHOULD BE GIVEN LEAD co MILTON LTwN. AVOID. ING KUBARK INVOLVEMERT THIS CASE. 2. NO TRACES(ERWESTO ABREU GOMEZ) AGERE BE 15 TARGET FOR DEVELOPMENT FOR PERUEN OPERATIONS. INFORMAL DISCUSSIONS WITH AaRED GORE ON LYNN CASE AND PORBTELY Late reTRODUCTION TO ODCOIL, AGENT MAY PROVIDE OPPORTOWITY POR ASSESSAENT 23> DEVELOPING Bac 2088. ®WH COMMENT: Ref reported U.S. citizen. LYER told Berids da police chief of drugs case. Chief suggested 5.8. agent be be inserted in net. (Merida wishes develop Chief ABREY ‘for PRROMEN ops. ~~ 8A6/ROB. Ronis Ca Draft) C/wap sou ae neeter es pe art “7 Ae /we/s baal ~“y [weccaaetn | AvIMUNTICAT ING J ek eer teete ========== FILE: 104-10100-10396.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== TH PI ESIDENT JOHN. 1. — moun (soremia] me PROVIDIAO CRS 5,998,909 TO ar: eva) [pxesromrr cuamanant CHEMICAL WORKERS FEDERATION] Bro|Gseocncap OFFICE yoR vax 1H Decmenmn (Cirrt] ELECTIONS. Cab 15TA) USING FOXDS GAIN SUPPORT FOR DEMOCRATIC SLATE, HOWEVER DEMOCRATIC GROUP ROT ABLE AGREE OM SLATE HOR WHO TO EAD IT. a. ROQUEST OP DETAILS Yaou[HUIMEEING AS RIOD DEVELOPING PARALLEL ELECTION OP AND ANXIOUS AVOID CONFLICT OR COMPETITION auc DEMOCRATS. sce 0 Ho ne come rum oy cays mr Ones (in drafe) COOROIMATING OFFICERS oe tae Ser ’ ========== FILE: 104-10100-10411.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== NT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 14-gudga 104-10100-10411 = 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESI Cre rey mimes PBRUMEN eryrs REFS: A. MGIA-223850 S. SIR sspoges ; : (BS TAXA THREE B BEY 4 faqun. Papaes Ss Lavi] WED RoW RESIDING MEK AND FRIEBD OF Lifamil. 2) FAMILY, VERY PRORARLY WIFE oF (Seto sarva"Fomrrsl\ mp come UTRLLIGINCE GEYICER PREVIOURLY nxpomrzp oY ciffanLd\ am mapeRtaNT eacesrminrr/sexecrion vanaey. AMET? 1 a. MGTASY NEXT EXMAGE POOSIRIRIYY WrULring [Fusi06il 4B Lxap o 7. £it¥i) ERD OF uresaae Do end Use Ont GAB Comment: *L Gault 7) ne port Re? RYBA j AC/BAB/CI WT ba fa TOW oir ore eat SDSS 44 ========== FILE: 104-10100-10419.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 0009 04-10700.10479)aqumal 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 x eee wWITd CHIZF MISSION AND COS CONCURRENCS, ADDERS MAY OBSERVE SAME pee Oe give. _y GFFICE HOURS AS COVZR MISSION. SEY SELCAL PLUS MOBEPOR YOU ca/qrn y SS Sons ae otdos “ S . ae A hener ========== FILE: 104-10100-10424.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== nD 104-10100-10424) - AN PLANNING ATTEND CUBAN ANNIVERSARY. CELEBRATIONS } JANUARY, PLAFS LEAVE CUBA FIBSY wiex GF Jai PROBABLY CUBANA TO MEXEOO, (GHOTH BAS REQUESTED KUBARE KOT |" ATTEMPT CONTACT. KUBARE WILL RECEIVE DEBRIEFING RESULTS, IP’ END OF MESSAGE x, PD hd: nied ee wr eae Bicca athe verses j ; i BAS We rie te, ========== FILE: 104-10101-10054.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 104-10101-10054| 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 FaiuellY ROBE ~~ MEXI, SALY REF: SALY 4839 CIN 63096) oe If PCI DOES NOT GIVE /DEVISTA-1 CONTACTS IN SALV, STATION ot . SHOULD PASS TO [DEVISTA-1 ONLY FIRST FOUR NAMES OF ABOVE REF. ESSAG AETUAN TO CA END OF MESS46E Backer aund Uso Only Bo Net Beproduce _s WH/COMMENT: Suggested Cemmrnists as possibie contacts (DEVISTA-1 = ========== FILE: 104-10101-10109.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-gagao 104-10101-10109 ro | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | C/WH/3 ========== FILE: 104-10101-10124.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-gudga 104-10101-10124 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | s Cane de } d cu =| Mh SEC EP z : vs Berimwir LI - " . be 2 DECEMBER 1963 5 iE ics Fe NC | _ 1, , MBKIOO CITT s0gOTA LIMA JMGAVE GUATEIALA no DHRECTOR Olott spe cB. a UDP, Th 2. .CA/PEG, CA/PROP, WH wl t 10 Boge Lina Guar NFO \, CITE DIR er om £67 > 86694 " IDMH: GRACE BOLMES, P.0.BOX 1767,\ CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA. en er ee es 19 - ag thas Aviae | Si heal at Re te va ot, tee FREE G ROnERETED.- Guee tam: |S IST S ========== FILE: 104-10101-10129.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 _[104-10101-10129|-— + 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 2. rat 2 an. KRONE K. SUZUKI, RAMS FACIPIC COMMERCE CONSULTANES, SUITR 315, 60 SUTTER STREET, SAM FRANCISCO, CALEVORNIA. ‘HLEPHONE DOUGLAS 2-6534. ge cocautaties orn o aw otour 1 < —emmecer — , Ueeewted ture auterngny ! iad gdene coe abtucereatine { u Aas Wantrhoetign oprices ad aa eee ’ * we cemewerr IS Once is eRe NeirTce, ========== FILE: 104-10101-10134.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-0000 104-10101-10134) + | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY eer RECORDS ACT OF 1992 y . F EEE : 2 UT Cases ~ 5652 te ter. we FOR MExr: WQS AS TO PEF AID: A) AGRIR wy WRN WP ACCEPMMRIE AS roe por comes pT + ° Eel vu Gres PossEriary MOvTiG 6 Byer ra JEW Pur ad Yer neneentiEp Fo@ FAIRE ua VET Aa) TOLD GAC 90 SEK: AOTHER SITE. tis) 3 sicrrcs DISCUREED ‘Wir Rroenens om reporters a : ee ERE OLD 19 ERI ITVS on STR DOG Hse SP om Ean AND OFFSET PORSCHE DIVTEATION FROM USPRORIMLY STE. HTS. NOW Bal m vray fer. oss oS HOST DESIRABLE xosT Pew ~~ PAKILE. Dy Tis RESPECT KES amar Cas CrP evrmsrton ACT AS HOGT ASSES rexT INVITE 1ASS CAS & HELD PELL aASiNG Ser tee ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-0000 ROUTINE eee 8) cna coma net ct 2 se ane . Ap OOGRC AND PREVENT FORCING THOM THO CLOAER ALLIANCE WES KXEMGCISES C% OBER “@) Lo rmocn UAE LASS CAN 5S UOT FOR EXPEESCION DEOOCRATIC VES Os SOCRIE FCoE GIRETION AAD BEVELONENT GBOKIWOGK MOEBAARE POR THC PACEIES. “tp RVME DORS NOT CONFLICT WITH MEKL GEATTON OPERATTONS. : . bes ean or a LD TP AL, om ANY PARA 3 COREEIONS PAIL, PERAK AnD OF (HICH RAISED BY VEHFRNCE YEUU RESPONSE COGEC LETTER REPORTED TW REF.) B) PALP WQS JUDGRMENE THAT TIME EFFORT AMEDD SUBTATY HOLDS) EVENT RBOUREES COURTERPRODUCTIVE DIVEKSIGN RESOURCES ROM OTHRR ELEMENES HEEPITOME PROGRAM, PEVELObOGHS OF TSC TACTICS, O8 TASMPUL KUBARK CAYC COUMEERACTION. 5. TF PABA 4 SITUATION UNPOLDS CHE COULD WYSHDRAW INVIETATION ON GROUNDS TRAVEUATE PAREICIPATION (ASSUMENO BOYCOTT) OR CONTTHUR AS HOGT BUY CTD SUNDRY G. FOR PAL: PARA ORE SRTEFTNG GORDERO) WAOCH CONTENT PALP RECEIPT prisms erriep as: RELEASING OFFICER i SECRET ji . THAN THE ISSUING OFFICE iS PRON HEITED, ; ‘Copy No ======== PAGE 3 ======== AMREEMENE IBGUR TNVITATION ACT AS HOGT TLCLLTR. AWARBIRSS Of AXD CCHUITE. T TO ALL CONFIRGENCIES. MOREOVER, SORDPAG SUA =E ASSURED CONTINUING COSEC SUPPORT LITERACY SEMINAR AMD DESIRE HOLDI°“G THAT EVSHT AT BARLIEST DATE CONVENIENT 7. YOR MEXI: QS BELTEVES IP UVLINELY TAT FARA 3 COMDITIOUS CAN BE MET ALTHOUGH POSSIBLE THAT THIS EVENT COULD BE USEFUL QS DISPATCH WILL INCLUDE MACKOROUND AUD DETAILS LASS STRATEGY. SINCE CORDEAO)MAY LEAVE SUR SHORTLY wa/3/rexx BER (in draft) veteailihorrich ROPROQGUET TD EY ========== FILE: 104-10101-10135.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 1400000 = 104-10101-10135 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 ee! ae ating . ========== FILE: 104-10101-10175.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 104-10101-10175) 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 Oc ne 32 2 a ache 4 ,, ‘a Ad wa PRIORITY Bo0x are e ae com bee 8 B yd 1] 5 “CARA “MARA WATE: VOUS MEX! LIMA PaCy: Guar BURN MOXT Boce ‘ovuir AYA RIOD SAGP SACO LAPA SANS SDOM REPS: A. DIR #5577 B. DIP FGb3R to THEA Aun anvacatTiOndS Taal BACBLLENT BAFLOIZATION Cll SULA HAVING BENEPICTAL EFFFCY IN THAT H'GH UNTEREST CREATED AMONG CECPLE TS ENCOURAGING AND/OR CAUSING SOs GOVERNMENTS ADOPT STROY sR I 5 VEBEZUELA POSITION IN OAS. VIEW THIS, SUGGEST ADDER ACTIVITIES CONCENTRATE PRIMARILY (BUT NOT EXCLUSIVELY) THIS ASPECT, I.E. EFFORTS DEMONSTRATE TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS THAT PUBLIC OPINION IS IN FAVOR VENBZUELAR POSITION OF TAKING FIRM STAND AGAINST CASTRO. EMPHASIZE THAT CURRENT ISSUE BEFORE OAS RAISED BY SISTBR REPUBLIC, VICTIMS OF SOVIET AND CHICOM SUPPORTED AGGRESSOR; IMPLICATION BEING THAT ODYCEE PLAYING WO MORE THAN SUPPORTING ROLE. 2. CONTINUE USE " NO COBXISTENCE WITH CASTRO" ‘THEME. CONSIDER HAVING LABOR, STUDENT, OTHER ORGS SEND TELEGRAMS TO LOCAL GOVTS AND OAS IN SUPPORT VENEZ POSITION: FOLLOW OEP UP BY PUBLICIZING TELEGRAUS IN PRESS. VIA MBLIA SPRCULATS WHAT SEEPS LOCAL GOVT MIGHT FAVOR LN SUPPORT VENBZ, INCLUDING Lait Bt Soe tr yore. e Sheth bime Urriias a aviManticatine ovvecra REPRODUCTION BY OTHER THAN THE ISSUING OBFICE 1S PROHIBITED. ======== PAGE 2 ======== COURTATLUENT BCOROMIC nities: ALL POSSIBLE CoMMTCATTORS emEAK, HEMISPHERE HOTHING MORE THAN SCHOOL FOR CRIME 4. FOR HORT GUAT BOGO SDOM. ADVIGE WHAT ACTION TAKEN PER REFS SD OF MESSAGE c/wa/\ c/QYy2 c/war3 ws” C/E/6 C/ah? ========== FILE: 104-10101-10198.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 104-10101-10198) [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | * RYBaT TYPICY amon ‘Ber a. mad} 7317 (1m 76917) > = 7298 (IN 75880) 22410 Para 2 1. PER REY 4 IT LIERLY & MEET WILL BE EELD WITS COnAY” NEXT WEEKS. | 2, HENCE DESIRE LIFEAT COVERAGE ON IDEN WAS SOON AS PRACT)” ORBLE SINCE ME BELIEVED LOCAL CASE OFFICER. (3. IF WECESSARY TO EFFECT OSVERAGE ON IDEN, STATION way JUSPEMD COVERAGE ANSESS/1 HUT PREFER MAINTAIN BOTE. . 4, REQUEST STATIGN TRACES ONLY O8 SUBJECTS EEF B AND C. NO MEADQUARTERS RECORD ON RITEFR. 8. PLEASE KRWEW THE TWO POST BOXES SERVICED BY LIKAYAK/2 Un | LOWAS’ ‘AND! WYGNEL _SHULTZ. 6. . PLEASE HAVE GERENDE OR SCANTLING TRANSLATE AND SEND é -¢ Tees come bP “RNCEIVED YOUR RIND LETTER FIT HO! . JUL 10 RODRIGUEZ." RETURN ADDRESSEK TO HE ar saa Hud | ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 Ty xO inh “inher wee men ========== FILE: 104-10101-10215.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,0000 {104-10101 10215 ; | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 7 |: ge , be HO bE Le BS bg FC IN CS FILE NG, tome: DIRECTOR OMe: FO: ° ALL cos, cop nis ue REDWOOD LCIMPROVE , 1. 20 DECEMESR I8 FORTY-SIXTH ANWIVERSARY OF FOUNDING OF SOVIET STATE SRHCURITY ORGANIZATION, HIS “CHEKIST BIRTHDAY" 15 TRADITIONALLY CELEBRATED BY KOB BRSIDENCIES AROUND THE WORLD BY DISCREET GATHERING IN EMBASSY OR OTHER OFFICIAL: ERBTALLABION, OR IN HOME OF REZIDENT OR OTHER REZIDENTURA MEMBER. : 2. ON PREVIOUS OCCASIONS SOME STATIONS HAVE BEEN ABLE TO MAKE NEW IDENTIFICATIONS OR TO COMVIRM PREVSOUS TENTATIVE IDENTIFICATIONS ,, OM BASIS OF ATTENDANCE THIS PARTY. SUOGEST ADDRESSEES MOUNT UNILATERAL {| SUNVEILLANCE AND/OR ALERT LIAISON SEEVICES TO EIS DATE 45 APPROPRIATE. ‘ Cree ee) Se Res secez? a eo wee ea THE Doo ‘ . ‘ b0s/ ======== PAGE 2 ======== . ? . — 2 . ay } : : oa i " Ve . 2 5 4s ‘ * , y ih: . F BECRET ~~ es eS a ee ee a CETERA EEE egcagtT . P . - 4 oy : § a « «ze oe : > . \G i: ======== PAGE 3 ======== -that this cable must go to Weegee L gee: tk ga ie QAI Ey err ngs ren Seay New ========== FILE: 104-10101-10227.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,0000 ESTED AODEES To consiDER: SURF AC Iii MO PRO BAN ACTS, ete ========== FILE: 104-10101-10239.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-0000 104-10101-10239 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | Ps . . ‘ rar S ¢ —_— ~- : ~ Be ee OO Nee a we eas &aOa tak ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-0000 QO ser Ce stoner L - Ty ewe met eae aD : rs ; , cite Ove G/CHF :. REVTERS, UPL, AP REPORT FROM NORCOW EIGHTEEN DECEMBER THAT APPROX FIVE HUNDRED AFRICAN STUDENTS GATHERED AT GUANA | HABASSY, FOUGHT THEIR WAY PAST POLICE BARRICADES AND MARCHED ™ nan 11M TO PROYEST ALLEGED KILLING GHANA STUDENT ASARO ADDED. STUDENTS CARRIED PLACARDG “STOP KILLING AFRICANS", SKULL 45 . CROGSBONES LABELLED “RUSSIAN FRIEMDSHIP", “FRIENDS TODAY, THE MP peveL ToMoRROW" “MOSCOW 18 SECOND ALABAMA", STUDENT DELEGATION | RRESENTED MESO TO MINISTRY HIGTER EDUCATION CHARGING “OUR FREEBON BEING THREATENED HERE BECAUSE STUDENTS ARE BEING BEATER vx | DIFFERENT PARTS OF SOVIET UNION AND ONE WAS KILLED RECENTLY IM KALINEN, OR WANT THE POLICE TO TAKE STROMGER ACTION. SOVIET OFFICIALS CLAIW ADDEO DIED OF EXPOSURE WHILE JRTOXICATED. STUDENTS BELIEVE HE KILLED BY RUSSIAN BECAUSE HE WANTED MARRY RUSSIAN OIBL. . HG HIRE SE8VICE. FBIS SOURCES PLAY STUDENT ACTIOM mo Po a tee Fs I JNC (DEN a. SSSErecG te EVIDENCE OF RACIST ATTITUDES DESPITE SOVIET PROPAGANDA Sri Convince 2278S @arree OFF Ceee . Uecbebeae gee cae Areretees mem esteemeenn . os ele fetats ee | ccnstigianin ne seertee . REPRIO TOR LTE TAN TRE SEUNG THRICE 5 aCe con Me, ======== PAGE 3 ======== 14-0000 ee / Phas SEW ESM YRANS RROTHRREOOD AT) + LES AMS a: Nari PROBABLY ONLY SPARK: SETTING OFF ‘aNC SMOULDRRING STUDENT RESENTMENT OF | POLISICAL INDOCTRINATION, SEGREGATION, EXPLOLTATION FOR PROP PURPOSES fil !SCtNENT TO RECENT CONGO EXPULSION OF SOVIET DIPLOMATS AS ANOTHER. FACET SOVIET LONG RANGE PLAN TO DUPE, EVEN. TAKEOVER, NAIVE AFRICAN STATES BY MEANS OF SUBVERSION, STUDENT INDOCTRINATION AND: CONTROL, ECONOMIC v 28 ie POLITICAL STRINGS . , ‘3. SEE BIWEEKLY GUIDANCE SEVEN HUNDRED NINETEEN FOR FURTHE R ACTION AND BACKGROUND. WATCH STUDENT GROUPS FoR DEMONSTRATIONS, ARTICLES AMD PUBLIC STATEMENTS cone REPLAY@D, INTERVIEW Hs “TRAINED STUDENTS. GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, EDUCATORS FOR REACTION. ‘4. SEND CLIPS HOS END OF MESSAGE . CoARUENET NG Qhesrens | EASING POLICE 7 AUTHENTICATING tat : orticee cee REPROPS Ft terry tet Copy -No ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-00000 ========== FILE: 104-10101-10247.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== “104-40104-10247 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | sae A wer » CIE OM RYBAT TYPIC YOBITE AMWORLT 90 383 1. PLEASE ADVISE IF SAMBORA LEGEND COMPLETED AND ALL PERTINENT PAPERS POUCHED TO EQS. > 2. SUBJECT HMMW 12212 DIRECTED TO APPLY POR MEXI VISITORS viga. END OF MESSAGE CABLE SEC: Pleane add C/WH to distribution. ========== FILE: 104-10101-10256.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,0000 104-10101-10256) [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | me | a tao 2 Ve ae ’ ; : | "WED QE 2. \CSEA BOW ACTIVE ama AXANBT. ROUXING INDICATOR RUEIOW ASSIGHED. OMLY KUBARK TRAFFIC HANDLED BY OTTAKA. ED OF SNSSAGE CoaRDINATENG Tee Geout ; pee Tee Benes commenter acute tare actaman | f 1 Aewagredeng ana i é BCRST ; | L dectonrincetion /él On BH & STHER THAN ATHE ISSUE OFFICE 18° PROW: BITED, 2, £24, ZL. AUTMERTICATING ett td ========== FILE: 104-10102-10224.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,0000 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 }.., : % 7 ae peta Fe ae SECRET - SENSITIVE | Draft Memorandum to the DCI from William Harvey Dated 27 November 1962 a , This is not a controlled item a rsa RETURN TO Oi8 Background Use Only Do Not Reproduce # US ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-0000 , Brats sare ae “SST Par “om the Cas sad political prengaca of ro/Commertat regina to: retard devel: Sp the Orbe eoonsny. and asiatain a drain on Bloe resources. d.. Maintain waxiaun | gars pocusut IS : verage of Cuban inte! tiger > "A SOURCE REPS RENCE IN CS THISTERECAL - “e cy _ PAPER hO0. e Prepare —D0 NOT DESTROY— ======== PAGE 3 ======== 14-00000 Cevextly support the shove-eitsd ws +B. national! aa . he’ elligence coverage of Svba- , wich pertiealar caste ea the followings ======== PAGE 4 ======== - aa tab ep Ni ======== PAGE 5 ======== 14-0000 ======== PAGE 6 ======== 14-00000 MODAN, FR torwouy ’ ======== PAGE 7 ======== 14-00000 | aD SECRET “SESITIVE ARUP 1 Esetateit (r+ attematic ayeng cs one ======== PAGE 8 ======== eeevmenn! Sunbere ++ NS ee mtieat [== SECRET - susirive] 27 November 1962 Note: Discussed 27 Ucyenher 1862 by DD/F with Gl end approved gener: i: im principle by UT, Fully concurred (ty ; by BD/P. ' ‘MEMORARO FoR; Director of Central Intelligence - - TaROUGH: ° Deputy Director (Plena) SUBJECT: - Operational Plen for Continu! Lng mo Operet tons Against Cubs 3, Action: This memorandua is for your inforastion ‘gnd pursuant to your request, Recommendations for action rra contained ia Parugraph V below. The purpose of this memersinns: ‘ia to ecolineste an operational pina for the action which we " believe should be taken by CIA ogainst Cuban fur the predictahls future, In‘ guamary the plan provides for ccntinuing, even intensifying, the intelligence effort egeinst Cubs and for the reorientation of the current effort into » long tern denied area type of operation of the highest priority. I, ASSUMPTIONS: ‘A. The United States Government will give public assurances that, provided no nuclerr or offeusive weapers = 2r present or re-introduced into Cuba, end provided Cubr deer not take netdon to threaten the perce. -ond security of tke | ======== PAGE 9 ======== 14-00000 ® These assurances will preclude eny ‘meaningful CIA action ‘on a phesed basis to provoke a revolt inside Cubz, sinve unless there are major changes in operational and internal con- - ; ditions: in Cuba, such a revolt if provoked would be totally deatroyed Py Cuban counteraction in aR. matter of hours or, ot es a practical matter will, preclude invading Cuba on the pretext ‘of a contrived provocation such as en attack on Guantanamo. 2Ce CIA operations: involving a. high noise level anda * diaeadet ‘elenent of ‘attributability, particularly paramilitary, " guerrilly,. and conmande type operations will. be unacceptable as a matter of ‘policy. De The Castro-communist regime will remain in power for ‘the indefinite. future, with its security and coatrol apparatus relatively intact and with the capability not only of crushing , unsupported resistance activity, but of making operational . conditions 1a Cuba increasingly difficult. While it. is possible that recent and future developments including the Soviet action in renoving the offensive weapons from Cube nury serve to weaken and discredit Castro, there is as yet no hard indication that the control of the Castro-coanunist regime over “ae ‘uhd toca rabetactity weakenod, . ., The _Vaited States assurances of no invasion and no - support of: an invesion will, in effect, constitute giving tc Castro and his regime a certain degree of sonctuary. This will ======== PAGE 10 ======== 14-00000 { i’ severely denoge the aorale and motivation of anti-regine Cubene | both inside sad. outside of Cuba, ‘which will make it ineresaingiy ‘ : “ dattioult for us to. recruit agents, maintain agents already recruited, and. continue or intensify our intelligence and other efforts against Cuba and the Castro-communist regine. oy a 2a 7 Be Despite. the Sbove. factozs,; Higher. Authority probably ye ve wale! gontique ‘heavy: pressure on: the! CXA: for a maxtous | effort S : . "against, ‘Cuba ‘ond may even cont.Aiue to contend that the ultinste. 4 objective ita the overthrow of the Castro-conmunist regime. “This is an unrealistic objective, however, except.on a very . long-tera, basis as tie. Uaited States Government, we believe, . jc ~ will be unwilling in the. immediate future to commit troops ’ to support such, an overthrow. The United States Governnent in its overt dealings with the Cuben exiles probably will not "express. ‘the above factors to them in the context or with the bluntness: stated here, . /G. In view of these factors, the so-called “Irzck Tro", . course of action, 4.6., unlimited support of Cuban exiles and exile ETOUpS. with no real control or objective purposes in the hope that ‘these groups will be able to shake the _ Castro regiae will, although unrealistic, become _increzs ing ty attractive at various levels in the United Sta tes Government. ; H. As & matter of policy, political pressures end "economic pressures short. of blocksde,. raids, sad | aggressive sabotage against Guba: will be continued. ======== PAGE 11 ======== 14-00000 qr. Fi view of the above assumptions prramilitary, command and sabotage. operations, except in rare selective instonces will serve Little purpose; also they will be counter-procuct tye since, it. ‘undertaken, they will make the collection of intelli. gence more ditzionlt and should. only be undertrken in those very ' few instances. where an unusually high return can be demonstreted, Regardless of what other pressures are placed on CIA for tection against Cuba, it would eppear clear that Higher Authertiy . wa insist on os continued, . even intensified, tatelligence coverage of Cuba. J, ‘In view ot the policy factors, an iacreased use of factlities,’ veal estate sod basing outside the United States, :° particularly in’ Latin Auerics, will be both necessary snd desirable. , Adequate aerial reconnaissance of Cuba will continue. iz. “OBJECTIVES: ‘Based on the above sssumptions, the following objectiven appear to be proper for continuing CIA operations against - Cuba 3 4. Take all feasible clandestine sction to isolate and assist in isolating the Castro-communist regime in Cubn from the rest of the Western Bemisphere and the rest of the Free World. - , "Boo "Zo. the maximum extent possible, discredit the Castro- communist. reg ine tn Cuba and in the Festern Heuisphere and the rest of the world. ~4— ======== PAGE 12 ======== 14-00000 c. Maintsin through clandestine means, short of commauds and guerrilla ‘type. operations, the maximum economic and political pressures’ on the Cuben regiue and economy not only _ for the purpose of hawpering the Cuban regime, but for the . additional purpose of insuring the maximum ‘possible drain on ; " Bles resources used . to support, Cubs. 3 . oe Maintsin. maximum ‘possible ‘intelligence and counter- . Intelligence ‘coverage of Cube, “including particular emphasis ; 1. Capsbilities and intentions of the government. ‘ee oR ‘ Activities of the Cuban G-2 and its other security. organs. 3. Soviet’ and Bloc activities in Cuba. ee State of potential resistance, incliding the os morale | and tenper of the ‘populace. ) | &. " walitis and military order of battle and equip- ment. . 6. The loci of power and of possible stresses and strains in the power centers in the Cuban goverumoent, - 7%. Relationships between Cubs, USSR, Red China, the Bloc, Latin American nations and other Free Wor!d ‘end uncommitted nations. 8. The level of and the weaknesses in the Cubsn we a ' -5= ======== PAGE 13 ======== ‘BR. Toko maximum ection to induce a split in the Cuben regine. dad maintain the capability of capitalizing immediately through clandestine means. to the extent possible on any : significsnt uprising, revolt, resistance, split in the regino, or strains ‘gud stresses smong Cuban) leadership or in Cuben/ . _ Bloc. relationships. so : int, OPERATI Peat _ Espionage and Intelligence Collection - All fersible . ‘effort ‘mould be undertaken to continue snd intensify intelli- gence: collection concerning Cuba. The status of our latelli- genes collection and related operational activity at the ’ present time and its development during the past six months -is delineated . du detail in Attachment 4, which was preprred tr serve as the basis for. the ic's report on this particulser : matter ‘to the President's Board of Consultants on Foreign _ Intelligence. “You will. note that this lengthy docusent " presks down under nunerous ‘gub-beadings the intelligence coverage which has been developed. by the Clandestine Service. Set out below aro specifics of operational action it is proposed to take to continue and, as possible, increase ne telligence coverage of Cube. 1. fatelligence Exploitetion of Refugees: As you know, with the quarantine and the cessation of sir braver t the heavy’ flow of Cuban refugees haa dwindled e almost to nothing. In view of this and in connection ======== PAGE 14 ======== yes with the contingency pilenning for supporting any persibis mjiitary sotion in Cube, the Opa-Locks Interrogation - ) Canter as auch was disaantied, : although. the personnel of. the Center have been retained intact. In order to - re-astablish. the flow of intelligence from refugees, it is. proposed that. Pan Auerican Airveys and KLY be * taducea to. ‘relnatitute their: regular’ flights from Havana to Miams.’ This should be done as scon a3 " possible after the settlement of the current nogotizttons and UN discussions. Coincident with this, _the Opa~Locka vefugee’ interrogation center will be re-established , with the sane personnel. - Resident Agents in Cuba: Every effort will be ‘aade to continue to exploit to the fullest, preserve the viability of and, where necesssry, re-establish commimica- ' tieas: with the isi recruited agents now resident in Cube. To an ‘extent, the speed and effectiveness of this effort _ wll of course depend upon the stringency of future Cuban security snd control action, which it is impossible as yet to accurately forecast. 3. Third Country Operations: The priority on re- cruiting agents in third countries for dispatch to Cubs will be reiterated gnd strengthened and every effort . is will be made to jucreage. this coverage, both through “the dsvelopaent of additional resident agents in ‘Cuba oTe- ‘ ======== PAGE 15 ======== 14-00000 We. will, continue to _preas gon services] wan are assisting us in the effort - agninst Cuba: for additional coverage, including the “ wecruiting of agents within their own areas for joint wry dtepateh, to Cada. . The [services Juost effectively co~ a . operating at ‘this point in this connection sre the oe [Britian intensify the program already undertaken to deny through ‘ clandestine sud covert means critical materials to the Cubrn economy, This consists primarily of denizl operations, possibly sone Preclusive buying and inducing friedly U.S. and allied firns and governments to prevent the shipments of atrategic aaterisla, to Cuba. | jot Fe Counterintelligence: ‘The current t counterintelligence : . and counterespionage progran against the Cuban G-2 snd related services will be continued and ag possible intensified. , This ‘program hos developed Substantially and it should bs posaibie within the. coming Months to increase its effectiveness considerably in countering not only Cuban but Bloc intelli- * gence operations mounted against United States interests from Cuba, 6. Political Action, Propaganda, Peychologicn1 Warfare: o- Ta thar fiele the following tasks will be continued and where — ‘appropriate intensified: — . 1. Assist and support State in any feasible actin. ; -13- , 4 ======== PAGE 21 ======== 14-00000 to develop end exploit current OAs and Latin Americ:n attitudes favorabie’to the containnent Pnud/or overthenw of the _Castro~communist regine. : 2, Assist State dn the development of post-Crstrn ". concepts, leaders, and political B8oups, ; ~ 3, Stimlate, support. and tide covertly the ve propaganda and political action activities of the cn ond. other Cuban political Groups rnd individuals, ra . 'Ppropriate, who offer a potential for impact inside Cote be Develop, maintain and exploit the will of the Cuban people - to resist Castro-communian, making maximun use of the downgrading of Castro and his regime during © ‘the missile crisis. Be. Discredit and ridicule Castro and his Yegine “in Cuba, in the Heuisphere snd elsewhere, with emphosis OB the thene the missile crigis denonstrsted con- Clusively that Castro is nothing but a nere pawn of Soviet imperialisa, ; . 6, Continue "Radio Anericas” aod other CIA Sponsored Cubag exile. radio brosdcasts «3 2ppropriate. v Launch propaganda balloons after an operations} Capability has been satablished and policy authority is "Granted to conduct propaganda balloon operations. “Continue the infiltration of Propaganda naterin1 dato Cube via open mails, legal travellers and couriers, ‘with special omphagis on selective black cperations, =i4- ======== PAGE 22 ======== * | j a H, Explottation o of Builo Grvups: We wilh continue the clsidestine exploitation of. exile groups for tutelligence as collecting, psychological warfare sud other 2pproved missicns.. ‘As fenathle, we will act to mount ss much of this effort 2s possible: from: areas outside the continental United States, end particularly frou Latin Anorica. i ‘Higher Authority decides | ) on a “Track ‘Ttwo" concept: or on. any, ‘similar concept which | — ‘ contemplates : heavy wucontrolled and only generslly directed 1 ' ection. operations of Cuban groups against Cubs, it is believed that efforts should be made to ‘transfer as much as possible i" of the’ esponsibility. for this non-clandestine, non-intelligencs | type-¢ operation into the politics! field, which is the province . 10% the Department of State, in this connection, “it is believed iit would be sdvisable to press for the creation within the . | Departuent of state of an office of Cuban Exile Affairs te " handle the overt government relationships with 1 Cubsa exile groups. - IV, ORGANIZATIONAL AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES: Maximum implementation of the above plan which provides for the moat intensive feasible collection of intelligenc:, . the implementationof£ releted progrems a3 outlined, and the maintenance of eapabilities to exploit targets of opportunity Jas well as take advantage of any future substantial changes "4m internal Cuban conditions will, it is believed, permit and wake sdvisable the following: ' #15 ======== PAGE 23 ======== 14-00000 A, & gradual but substantial reduction in the expenditures and pergonnel of Task Force W. 7 Le BR Consideration of the re-positioning of Task Force W within the Clandestine Service, possibly as 8 major conpenent of. the wa Davision under different direction. C,. The abolition of the operational Kongoose méchsnian, ‘D. The removal of the past ‘frauework: which required detailed consideration by the Special Group (Augmented) cf even minor operstional deteils and decision by committee on points which it is believed ore coupletely within the purvier of ‘the DCI and those officers to whom he delegates decision. Ve. ‘ESCOMMENDED ACTION: A. Your soncurrence in the above general operational plan is recomended. B, -It is recommended that you discuss this plan with the Special. Group (Sugmented) and secure its comeurrence. Cc. It is recommended that you secure from the Specint Group (Augmented) policy approval to attempt to induce Fan Anerican Airways and KLM to. resume their flights between Ainanl ond. Hevana at the appropriate time, pb. It is recommended that if eny “Track Two" conceyt is proposed, you endesvor to tranafer to the Department «£ State all pessible overt aspects of this type of uncontrolled -16- ======== PAGE 24 ======== 14-0000 ¥, - it you concur in this Concept, wilt be nade Specific recommendat lon: to 9a. ‘concerning the Fe-post tioning of Teak Force ========== FILE: 104-10102-10233.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 104-10102-10233). . c “T “D . iw, . : SECRET NCRORN “5 PAICH SYJABOL AND NO, ISPATCH _|. CONTINUED CONTROL = \L “HBRA 9438 ~~ TO . ‘Chief, WHD - HEAOQUARTERS FILE NO. deal Chief, EE. , - iota , 201-050539 a — FROM Chief of Station, Rio de Janeiro if -’ |. 20 June 1962 ‘BEDOX/Opéerationa j . RE, "43.3" — (CHECK “X" ONE) “SMEDIFY Information Concerning |__| __MARKED FOR INDEXING "fad SZULC (201-050539) [_|__NO INDEXING REQUIRED ACTION REQUIRED INDEXING CAN BE JUDGED ; FYI. | BY QUALIFIED HQ. DESK ONLY REFERENCE(S) 7 oe « Pegs a lL Attached is a SMEDIFY report concerning Tadeusz SZULC which includes SMEDIFY's traces on SZULC. 2. Station has the following information regarding Ignacy '. SACHS, who is mentioned in the attachment. ' -ALBICUSPID from ALBICUSPID-5, 4 May 1961 (ultimate source: ‘fa, . - Henryk HRANKROWSKI, former member of the Polish Commercial fa ' Mission, in Brazil) oe . . : Ignacy SACHS, upon his return from India, will not t Work in‘the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but will ; be reassigned to the Latin American section of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Trade. He recently wrote a report on Latin America based upon material contained in the South and Central American press. He reportedly had a falling . out with his superiors in the Foreign Ministry, hence the ransfer. . ; . ALBICUSPID from ALBICUSPID-5,. 30 May 1961 .(ultimate source: Czeslaw SLOWAKIEWICZ, Polish diplomat) . . Ignacy SACHS, after a period of disgrace, has a new job, economic assistant for underdeveloped countries in . Department III of the Ministry of Foreign Trade. a Distribution “~~ WHD w attachment, _ . ~ 1 °-"EE w/attachment ®®°'D Rinlan 42 Suvec- 1 = Sao 'Paulo , , ; 2 Biles Ll Le 19 June 1962/bej Fac Oe cw, ~ kro fee Ss Pet 6? tate 4 Zhe Gages ow Bot Cok, LZ. ‘ Loe . Bt ves Live, ~_ Po bog ve tid? Ce AL. teil f /s - ‘USE PREVIOUS EDITION. SSIFICATION REPLACES FORMS . ¢ MS SECRET/NOFORN wae ant owsoure” | CONTINUED CONTROL ======== PAGE 2 ======== : . selected, entries from his card, 2mi June, 1961. . o, . . . Zadeusz SZULC (3G The Station copies of the original reports on SZULC have been destroyed, . I attach,. however » & memorandum consisting of semen cet eee ten 2. .- . ALL ‘the information is from the same source, a Polish emigre “who knew SZULC personally and also had, informants in the Polish Embassy, "3. | There is little doubt that SZULC.was pro-communist at the time, _ and that he. co-operated with Ignacy SACHS, a cousin who was employed , by the Press Section: of . the Polish Enbassy, and provided him with "information", , It would, however, be unwise. to jump to the conolusion that: this collaboration took the fora of espionage, since SZULCs does not seen | to have made any secret of the relationship. : a ean find no evidence that Tgnacy SACHS was an intelligence officer, but he seems to have been an active propagandist, He returned to Poland in 1954. A report from the same source, dated June 1956, stated that he then occupied the Brazilian desk at the Polish Institute for International Affairs. + S3eaw ae Gh ======== PAGE 3 ======== . Ab SK an die Sieh ifat {egret me . Deo, 1947: sub-source! aw . sind file ’ Tadeusz SZULC, ho’ Born: oc. 1926, | ; » ° + NatLonalitys Pole. Naturalised U.S. citizen "y ° 1955. i .t Occupation: Journalist. Used to work for the "Brazil Herald" and now for FRANCE “PRESSE. Is.on good terms with the Polish Legation whom he. supplies | with information on Brazil.. One of the party who accompanied Raul FERNANDEZ on his mission to Montevideos He fs the son of Seweryn SZULC. Re subject's efforts to find employment in American press -circles. Mr, HORAN tried to help him, due to a letter of. " ‘Harold HORAN Of introduction from SZULC's uncle, Zohn WILEY, Anerican Jun e 1 52.3 ‘ Rew Yorke: Lo Ambassador in Lisbon, but desisted. on finding that SZULC had been connected with the Rio de Janeiro communist paper -o "Diretrizes". Further details of ‘subject's efforts ‘to find a job in the . United States. He is to work on the Palestine Commission of the U.N.O. ‘as from middle of February. Subject still fin New York and writing regular reports on U.S. political affairs and personalities to the Polish ’ Legation in Rio de Janeiro. frying to get a job with U.S. Press through the influence of Mrs. J. WILEY, Subject ‘at present in New York, married to an American girl, and working in one of the American News Agencies, Since arrival of new Legation (Warsaw) he was in touch with the Minister, the Secretary and the ex-Press Attache, . the late Wikinski. Told by Warsaw Poles in Washington Polish colony in Rio de Janeiro. . that to be useful he cannot have a job’ with the Press Dept. of the Washington Polish Bnbassy or the Polish Press Bureau in New York, . Using his "Uncle" introduction letters (the U.S. Ambassador John Wiley married to Polish born, Irene BARUCH, who is the sister of the first Mrs. SZULC} , he obtained: a job with Americana on orders from the Poles. Subject is helped financially by the Polish Legation in Rio de Janeiro, Thanks to introduction letters from the WILEYs, SZULC penetrated several circles in New York. He is writing reports to Rio de Janeiro and working with people in New York and is considered useful for future tasks, Nephew of newly appoirited U.S. Ambassador in PANAMA, he is now trying to get a job in Panama as American correspomient,. He has a job with U.P, in New York. In Rio de Janeiro in 1947/48, was fellow traveller and informer of communist nucleus on the staff of the communist newspaper "Diretrizes", Also worked for FRANCE PRESSE and Toporced ogwierty on the be Visited Rio de Janeiro. from 11.6,51 to 27.6,51 when he returned to New York. Whilst in Rio, he was in touch with Igahey SACHS to whom he brought information from the USA. The two are relatives and boyhood friends and subject writes personal letters to SACHS containing matters of interest to the Polish Legation, Subject also has useful contacts in New York in political and artistic circles, obtained through his Aunt. Is believed to be trying to obtain American citizenship through having married an American woman, / ~ 2 covccece ======== PAGE 4 ======== Sept, 1951: March 19523 ' ‘ Personal, reports on the U.S, Ambassador to Panama, * John WILEY, continue to be forwarded by the. Polish Legation in Rio de Janeiro to Warsaw via subject. Source met subject in America recently. Subject volunteered that he obtained much information on the differences of policy between the British and American Governments on the Persian problem through his aunt, the wife of John WILEY, and that he kept ‘the. PoYish Government informed through Ignacy SACHS. “He boasted acquaintance, with Drew PEARSON and the - Shah of Persia. ========== FILE: 104-10102-10237.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== [DISPATCH . Chief, Special Affairs Staff _ ONLY QUALIFIED . 4 & HEADQUARTERS DESK i CAN JUDGE INDEXING ; Tt E SSS EZ : Sussect Operational /TYPIC/AMTRUNK Project AMTRUNK Operational R sees ACTION REQUIRED. ROE " ‘ ~~ -. PRIORITY ACTION: Request Headquarters decision on continuation or termination of Project AMTRUNK, “ 1. Attached herewith is an operational review of and progress ‘report on the AMTRUNK team for the period of 4 through 31 March. . Station views on the operation are summarized below. ' 2. The AMTRUNK operation has the following disadvantages or weak- nesses: . ; . : these agents only when | tage. It is believed that if the. operation were to develop, control would diminish rather than increase in the advanced stages of the operation, since the need for KUBARK assistance will decrease as operational successes increase. It is believed tha oO. selling out" the operation to any one of the major re- itical groups at any hat he felt it advantageous to ; It is believed that, if he is not already doing so, he is most likely to collaborate with either the Segundo Frente del Es- cambray, headed by Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo, or the MRP faction headed by Manuel Ray. In the meantime AMICE/27 will a to have his own way with the operation. . He S that, 2, xeceiving spe KUBARK handling of the : Since AMTRUNK/1, accprding on in the first place, ilt may ld nothing! from AMTRUNK/1, Bxogest 7h TRU’ , i 19-6-@43 Distribution: . (re - 3 = C/SAS w/attchs oe vEAS. nae . . Fo wees “Fr ======== PAGE 2 ======== vISPATCH SYMBOL AND NUMBER UFGA - 8381 CQNTINUATION OF - DISPATCH * : io” : z : 4 - : B. This operation has pall eh eR erie, +2 -any AMTRUNK agents are picked up by. the oppos on in Cuba. ot only will KUBARK stand to suffer, but ODACID will be tied directly in to the Operation, » as may. also QKFLOWAGE, by whom AMTRUNK/1 is employed, 2 The. latter could prove to be most embarrassing She CCRC REIT y recognized as a possibility, if not a probability, in the event any of the AMTRUNK team fall into C.: The security of this operation has certain questionable aspects. ’ At least six people were told about the operation in varying degrees f prior to the time the team was safehoused. AMICE/27 and AMICE/14, did not satisfactor thet forma -Of an unknown nature from his KUBARK con- tacts. An undercurrent of friction has recently developed between AMICE/14 and AMTRUNK/3 which manifested itself in a fistfight on ' 29 March, This was precipitated by AMTRUNK/3 who called -AMICE/14 the Cuban term for a. homosexual, the ultimate insult to a Cuban. This in turn gives rise to the question whether AMICE/14, with a _ Possible history of homosexual activity (see UFGA-8411), has made ‘such an approach. to AMTRUNK/3. oo D. The commitments made to AMICE/27 or which AMICE/27 claims were '. made to him are a matter of concern to the Station. This is an area over which future misunderstanding or aggravation might easily develop. E. The Phase 1 landing point appears highly risky. It is within five miles of a cruise missile site ‘radar, and.in an area frequently patrolled by sea. Rage. Tene; | OS atom a] £0: i J operation, poss y of the two operations crossing or targetting on the same individual will be present. 3. In examining the strengths of the AMTRUNK operation, the AMTRUNK group as a whole represents superior agent materiel. T of the four have been ASR ee eo appear to have a nuniber of tairly well placed contacts on the inside whom they ex- pect to be able to call on for assistance. Although they have been ‘out of ,direct touch with a number of these contacts for periods ranging up to two years, this is frequently..the case in this type . of operation. The objective of the operation is worthwhile. y_ and the sdvantages and e@-mean tao EPeinine and -p quarters' decision is to continue: with the operation at this tine, | operational plans for Phase I and Phase II will be submitted as formulated. , . . ‘END OF MESSAGE USE PREVIOUS EDITION. ======== PAGE 3 ======== io oe , i: \ 31 March 1963 1 PROJECT ANTRUNK OPERATIONAL REVIEW 2 SROSESE SMTRUNK OPERATIONAL REVIEW I. STATUS REPORT ON TRAINING AND PROCESSING, 4-31 MARCH, ee . . The AMTRUNK Team, consisting of AMICE/27, AMICE/14, AMTRUNK/2, ‘and AMTRUNK/3 were safehoused on 4 March 1963 at Safesite #164 on Plantation Key. Andrew S, PARMERS, KUROAR instructor from headquarters, was already at the training site when the team was brought there by the two case officers, Irving N. PEGGINS and Hobart J. VANDEBORN. PARMERS remained at the safesite until 16 March during which time he conducted training in clandestine methods and techniques. This training included security, cover and compartmentation, clandestine communica- tions, agent spotting, selection, recruitment and management, and operational planning and reporting. The training included group discussion and participation in a series of ‘appropriate operational situations, several problems, and daily physical training. During this two week period, either PEGGINS or VANDEBORN visited the safesite every day, spending an average of two or three hours with the group in operational dis- | cussions and processing. During the week of 18 thru 23 March, ‘both case officers spent a majority of the time with the group, ‘debriefing them in detail on their operational contacts, workin out operational details of their infiltration, and continuing their training on an informal basis. The week of 25 through 30 March was spent in PM-type training with emphasis on compass -and map reading, including two night problems, and on weapons familiarization and firing. During the period under dis- ” cussion the AMTRUNK group were all LCFLUTTERED, were assessed OO by the KUROAR assessment team, were given an initial series ' of immunizations, were issued clothing, were processed: for _ alias documentation, were processed for disguises, and were further processed on cover and finance problems. The re- sults of the LCFLUTTER examinations were sent to headquarters under cover of UFGA-8111, on 13 March 1963, Based on DIR : 26430, no further LCFLUTTER is planned at the present time. Transmitted’ as attachment "A" to this dispatch is PARMERS Ww 3 report on his training of the AMTRUNK group, transmitted as Sica attachment "B" are the results of the assessments of the x” _ AMTRUNK group, and transmitted as attachment "C" is the be 4 training report for the week of 25 March. ZNO r carne II. AMTRUNK MISSION OBJECTIVE. ane Sok $+2 4 Zw ges tae ao Pd ashi Aer Fwy ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-0000 yon eens A, AMTRUNK Personnel power A secondary and subordinate jon if to determine he climate prevailing amony thé populace in Havana for organizing resistance elements capable of either pasSivé or active sabotage. This sécondary mission is exploratory in nature only, through the first phases of the project. In order t6 accomplish the foregoing missions, .the operation HaS been Split into two initial phases, which will be compartmented from each other. _ These two “indivi of, ‘Havana provi province, _____._ “"Havanafor a period. of. approximately _t _exfiltrate black from fhe Samé point at “which “they infiltrated. ‘black an Tlitration. ‘through the “keys” area ou the north coast Matanzas. Thése two individuals will likéwise_go into ‘Havana vana for_ aperiod of several wééks and then exfiltrate black. s are discussed in | detail in following para- make initial “contacts. ancae certain select “high ‘Tevel military _fi igures in Havana. ‘The following paragraphs discussing these “phases aré not designed to be operational plans. Detailed operational Plans for each phase will be forwarded as de= veloped, ly K/2 is 2 year old Cuban who is mature for his years, and ienced in clandestine opera- tions. Gia) University in Havana for Cl two years, arenes 1) Social Studies. Prior to Fidel's takeover A/2 was allied to student elements of the Partido Autentico which upheld the constitution 6f 1940, He supported the revolution against Batista till it became apparent. that Castro had cast his lot for a Communist regime. During his university years from 1959 to 1961 he was actively engaged in supporting anti+Castro groups with weapons and materials. Following thé Playa Giron invasioné great many in the Havana underground were rolled up but A/2 avoidéd compromise. He continued in this | work through 1961 and finally agit Cubs 5 Althotgh A/2.does not consider ; _O. IRK he has beén Cooperative lroug Tout raining. He “is” ‘a pensive individual who displays good judgement.. His presént attitude towards KUBARK appears to - be one of "wait and see". In thé fiéatiwhilé, he is con- scientiously applying himself in preparation for his mission. ======== PAGE 5 ======== 14-0000 squite loyal to reel his quick wit is "appealing to his fellow team members. He worked under A/2 in the tinderground as an action type, principally engaging in sabotage. His _uinderground work began while he was in secondary school when in 1958 he supported the revolution against Batista. In late 1960 he sided With the counter=réevolutionaries and began full time anti-Castro activities, After the ¢rack down following the Bay of Pigs invasion he avoided detection atid continued to engage in underground activities, Finally when the situation bécame hopeless hé left Cuba by air for mi 1962. While A/3 has performed satisfactorily in his training up to date, his performance falls far short of the other thrée members. A/3 feéls KUBARK should only _.. -t_ for this operation and a) ~inter— “tere” in the actua plans o e operation, Fartunately his role in this operation is comparatively minor and he appears willing to comply with whatever A/2 decides. Nevértheless, ; roblems in the_ puture. ’ B. TASKS 1. Conduet black infiltration landing at Punta La Jijira blish contact with the farm manager at 2, Through contacts of A/3 obtain transportation for A/2 to Guanaba or Havana, 3. Although not definite, A/3 may remain at his® and train assets in maritimé reception and clandestine cémtiinications. Havitig compléted this he would then be ex- filtrated at Punta Jijira. 4, A/2 will go to Havana and obtain Safehouse and operational support through his contacts. 5. A/2 will contact and develop two potential assets With high level connections Within the Rebel Army. 6. A/2 will train support arid opérational assets in ¢landes- tine COimittunications as well as arrange for trarisportation for his exfiltration.. T. Exfiltration of A/2 at Punta La Jijira or Puerto Escondido (AMS 3885 II). ======== PAGE 6 ======== 14-00000 inta: x LS 963. “The infiltees will make their way to, * farm one kilometer from the coast and from there A/2 will be provided with tranSportation to. go ‘to. Guanabo or Havana, 2. The exfiltration of A/3 Will occur thrée days after his infiltration, This arrangment, aS yet, is not definite. 3. ‘The exfiltration of A/2 is tentatively Planned for 31 May 1963 at Punta La Jijira or Puerto Escondido. A/3 fééls that Puerto Escondido would afford a moré secure point for exfiltration but that a reconnaisance of the area would be necessary before final decision is reachéd. Prearranged telegram Signal would indicate his preference. 4, The above dates fall Within a favorable moon phase for maritime Operations. In addition the infil-exfil schedule will allow for an éxtra margin beyond the 10 days which A/2 considers thé minimum acceptable period of time to make his contacts ., OPERATIONAL: ASSET NITHIN CUBA from the point the manager of Yi years of age, is ‘tiarried and has an Saeiehtary school éducation. Hé has no record 6f undergrourid activity. A/3 will depénd upon (GREP? to make the following contacts in order to obtain transportation to Guanabo or Havana: He Se ina for a brief period in the past for counter= revolutionary activities. b, ======== PAGE 7 ======== 14-0000 é. Another contact of A/3 is E ; single, Sth grade education. He provided support in the form of food and safehousing to underground workers in the past. His home| address is Go z Havana, He owns a @jutz t of Havana. Subject will be contacted by A/3 if he needs to be safehoused in Havana. 2. The following assets would bé contacted by A/2 after arriving in Havana. They will be contacted in ‘thé order listed. Théir function will be to provide safehouses and vehicles for A/2. : ‘ 5 years of age, born in Havana, A/2 firs met her when she was a stiidént at the University of Havana majoring in Social Sciences. Presently she lives with her aunt in Havana and A/2 has maintained cor- réspondence with her. She has hélped previously in ; providing .safehousing foy the underground. She als6 has i a car. . b has helped A/2 in. underground activi- ly. He has a brother, two daughters and a Son now residing in the U.S. His daughters live in' . New Jersey and were last seen by A/2 about six months ago. Subject was a member of the Partido Pueblo Cubano, an anti~Batista group, Sdacy and was a professor of @E Subject was originally a “member Pe. a KUBARK con- Bh Bi pt NI fag 7] ) ~ 5 » ue] p: 4 ict ib ment and two cars and has previously helped A/2 in andér- ground activities, He has a daughter who works for the government but is not Sympathetic to the regime. The husband of this daughter, however, 3 g a: .A/2 has maintained correspondénce with@e ' ; ; fidante during Castro's takeover. i 1 ‘ CQEENOCOD ‘lives pa herself, has an automobilé and is a | ; close friend of A/2 and his wife. f) a Pee 2a a ======== PAGE 8 ======== 14-0000 ca eCloria (CEAEEAD ace Q320a% born in Havana, single, j ar = re led the University Havana, lives in G 3. The following two operational assets will be contactéd by A/2 after he is saféhousSed in Havana. Their function will he to spot Army officers disaffééted with the Castro Regime. B married. Subjéct in the Rebel Army but iS not Hé was a friend of Castro's an diiring the revolution and A/2 claims he still maintains i : . some coftact with Fidel. He also claims WEES has been : ; woyking in a limited fashion against Fidel and was originally associated with thé MRR and Monte Cristo groups. primary intérest has béén trying to or= Ze his friends within the Rébel Army against Fidel, AGS is a very discreet individual who has not been - identified as an anti-Castro organizer by the G=2. A/2 claims to be a close friénd of } trusts him completely. ‘A/2 saw and talked to CR in prior to his flying out of PBRUMEN as 4 refugee. presently on active duty. b , age early:@os, served in the @ ) dur ng World War II. According to A/2 ms Eee SES d M+ ——— RETURN TO CIA . Background Use Only Do Not Reproduce PROJECT Gendbres . CAMBARO)o| (azroor Jo). | (GamBaro) aj (CAMBARO) 9) (azROOT)9) - &eR007) 9 ~-(eroort)?l . CAMBARQ) oe eaucone)? ( George MATECKO) i oF Gamparo) ay GERCor)»| | Geroor) of _G@erooty2! AEROOT)?!: CAMBARO)>} ontract) , Groot) of (EROOT) > (CAMBARO)o} 3 Contract) Ganhad) Gxx6o2), Gerdor), Gexdon) 7 AM Cc BARO -9- Ww FUNCTION : | : ” Assessment © Log Officer : ' Project Officer . Gase Officer Case Officer , i Audio Surveillance ; k Photo Instructor _ , Photo Instructor Commo Officer Log , Officer Me dical Officer _ Firearms Instructor Documents Instructor Native Consultant SW Instructor SW Instructor. Native Consultant | | . Documents instructor : | Photography Medical Officer Judo Instructor Airborne Training j i i ========== FILE: 104-10120-10502.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-gagao me nouoee | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF F A992 : i SECRET- ‘ - (Wen Filled In) . 1 KAME OF SUBLiCT. FILE NO. . ie | is KEY TO_ANALYSIS SYMBOLS* L ) SEARCH INSTRUCTIONS (To be completed by requester) 4 Nio= NOT HDERTICAL 7 [searcn NAMES AS WRITTEN SEARCH OVERT CARDS ONLY 1- = IGE - j ND = IDENTICAL NOT DEROGATORY [searcn NAME VARIATIONS (Record known to exist} SEARCH } U-NDEUNABLE TO LOENTIFY-NOT DEKOGATORY [sro/cas ANALYSIS OF FILES SEARCH | SA = SEE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM 7 : [INoices CHECK ONLY (Do not pull files) SEARCH ALL CARDS i SOURCE DOCUMENT NAME - LAST, FIRST, MIDDLE .( Type or print) eer RT i abu +H | Oe RESULTS NAMES CONTINUED ON ATTACHED SHEET WHI. Yp ffMWWWWI)-: yf), "REFERENCE DOCUMENT ANALYSIS* OR CHARGEOUT RESULTS CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE Y YY YYW) Ldddsil Li lla FOR Fil - Component - Extension) ~ XN SK ORM 745 sie tah 1738 INDICES SEARCH REQUEST ee (38-43) HICH ARE OBSOLETE. ER (Name al ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-0000 “ . , : ©" "SECRET . ("hen Filled In) | No. | FILE NO. TYPE REFERENCE DOCUMENT PAGE | ANALYSIS* OR CHARGEOUT jd i SECRET | [ | { ========== FILE: 104-10120-10657.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14 AL ™ 104-10120-40657 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | “. . . . . (When Filled In) CROSS REFERENCE FOR PERS. SD FILES OURING PROCESSING OR REVIEW, IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED THAT A POSSIBLE OR ACTUAL RELATIONSHIP EXISTS, OR MAY BE FOUND TO EXIST, BETWEEN OR AMONG THE PERSONS LISTED BELOW: o> (GLUTMULE Le -CULLY vurrex ) £387570 subject 3 (NS b. burp )~. #3477 subject's mouse (Gunacoe: Bute) of SD £39130 subject's ref. 5.D £19130 (Sticrt be BMT) o6 £49893 subject's ref. (ae-scrs 10 carci. S06 £58032 eubject's nbr. fOWARD Cy FEXIMOKE E3778 subject's ref, Fics eb. me uy job £56172 subject's nbr. ae re He cor ) 26 £6236 subject's ref, CLIRE EOCTH LUCE ERSe2001=L subject's ref, RETURN TO CIA Background Use Only Do Not Reproduce SIGNATURE yoann ey LESH CONFIDENTIAL (4-38) ========== FILE: 104-10121-10021.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 — = 4 \ 104-1012 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992]; that Subj classifie ========== FILE: 104-10121-10091.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 104-10121-10091 [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 ne SECRET © (When Filled In) FILE NUMBER : -- ed PREVIOUS TRAVEL si? cover ; COVER COVER CATEGORY - DATE SRIEFED SECURITY OFFICER te ‘ores 1987 SECRET (oe) YER ee ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-0000 ‘PERSONAL AFF AIRS (cha -t Syn AL CORRESPONDENCE (J > home addr shop talk). NAL CONEUCT (morals, drinking, representative americane) TH FOREIGNERS (overseas briefing, phase out on return) E AUDIO SURVEILLANCE (microphones, shop talk at bume hotels, report to Cadequacy, resuest Ty #ivdaD (local custome, t sponsibility for dep ========== FILE: 104-10121-10174.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== a et <1 __‘ > Ri RI T PI T Y 1 DS ACT OF 1992 | 104-10121-10174) (aE ELEASE UNDE HE RESIDEN JOHN F. KENNED ASSASSINA ION "RECOR fioa-107at-10174) 5 an Rabat , : paiei AY oper oT PROCESSING AC MARKED FOR INDIKING unicef, Far East Division Chief, WODONE NO INDEXING REQUIRED ONLY QUALIFIED DISK CAN JUDGE INDEXING Sicntfane 347 Plovtienel 1cs3 4 ra . Ssicntianel1s63 : * _ a Dw pent tian 0°93 7 190 58 03[Jacob SACKLOVE) 3 Matilija Avenue, Van Nuys, Californid)oS Told HAMILTON] (1171 Eddy Street, Providence, Rhode Island\oy a (92-45 115th Street, Queens, New Yorklox da Fernandezy SANCHEC) (7 Stebbins Avenue, Staten Island, N.Y JO% 229 646 o%Carmen Rodriguizy MENDOZA) (57 Sheridan Terrace, Ridgewood, N.J}0O3 243 655 ojNorman R. HARTHERODT) (331 First Street,N. E., Washington, D. C] o% 2. This is to advise that these facilities have been cancelled. FOR THE DIRECTOR OF SECURITY: RETURN TO CIA _ Background Use Only — Do Not Reproduce Vogt ========== FILE: 104-10121-10239.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 104-10121-10239| [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | 03 ‘Gear, Sara Sioux (Barnes | 0-892 21T Oo oe - Jchn Frerklin \- O-12 243 ~ S-ouse Subject"s spouse is a current GS-5 eteff enployee who mp in Barch 2956. BD. 3 oG- CreMNER, Claude Griffith gee Sutject's gas son was a sumer contract exricyee st a C Agency facility for 1. FLD. . i o> Claude G.7=- O-kG2h7 - 8 Subject's GR ig @ current GS-10 staff exployee who BOD in July 1g51. HD. . Bubject's SR is a current GS-12 staff eayloyee who =D in Apri) 1gshe. “Eig fle contains an $88 fleg sheet dated 6 March 1956. Ho pertinent derogatory information. oF 3 “SatvERS. Forrest he O- Sudject’s supervisor is a current GS-15 staff exployee who EOD in September 1949. B.D. FOV (vous, Donald Georre & 0-38713 - suvervisar Subject's supervisor is 4 current GS-18 staff employee who BOD in September. LAS. R.DB. SENsL1s ========== FILE: 104-10121-10263.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 104-10121-10263) | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992] __- aly Oetober 1960. HORA DOM FOR: e ATTENTION . - Support. Bran SUSIECT : MORLES, Tavid Se . i. This will confirm’ ‘the. verbal request to - from Mr. Jo Jo Mullane, dr. on 13 October 1960 ¢ residence eddrésses be. “provided, for Subject," one ‘in. the Los Angeles -are: a new position with the Departnent of” “Ee from overseas and resigning from State. Deparisiont : feels ‘Somewhere in New Eng’ Arey | Staff. athe fier tel of sone private business ventures in which he is currently engage in the Phoenix, Arizona areag. . Subject was understood “to have been moved ot his company to the | Miami area, leaving Los Angeles on 14 October 19606. . ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-0000 - ke Mr. Lavery was advised that for purposes of answering. inquiries - in-Los Angel es, - Subject to-be identified as a. sinzle Andi vidua approximately 3 have a zood ‘position “with his enplo} ery. over $20, 000" > per “year. ========== FILE: 104-10121-10304.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 1400000 ([104-10121-10304 } | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992) , . - : Oo . ; RETUAN TO CIA, a ye, ; - @ Background Use Of INTERVIEW “PROCESSING SrinsT : ROvrING -Do,Not Reprodu Advice received reveals ‘thatthe subject person is schednled for overseas travel as indicated below - _ Departure z ag Title & ; ; . e Date L¥ Heirs iS Grade CS -s2 OA tebe Laben Lik. - [o- t ‘ Destisatdon Ly be tds hare \ PRELIMINARY PROCESSING - A reviewol this file and the above information reveals: CJ No special briefing topics or LJ See below [J No special cover problems ‘or [J See below [J No special debriefing by other or f/f Requires debriefings on : : : “‘€as circled) SI Q CRYPT LJ No special badges or credentials or // See remarks . ® t . REMARKS Diy u Jes Date of Polygraph LY ss REA, S37 INTERVIEW - On the indicated date subject was interviewed on the following points: wx Security regulations in general, : 2, _ Travel Precautions (to carry nothing identifying him with CIA), 3. _¢%~_ Cover Story (nature of cover; adequacyor prior briefing; possibility of. inconsistencies; briefing of spouse). lh. 47 Personal Affairs (proper handling of bank account, credit accounts, for ‘ warding of mail). ; Se. i Personal Correspondence (no mention of CIA in letters to and from subject). 6.__. Personal Conduct (a. general good behavior, b. no black market or currency transactions, c. po undue duriosity in natives in his area, d. no attempts to identify or approach otherCIA personnel in area except for official business and through official channels). i Other Travel (only official travel in or through Soviet controlled areas). - ° Others . ACTION — [-/ Security debriefing by the undersigned LJ Subject was referred to completes action necessary in this case. the following for the indi- cated additional briefing: . - oF . [7 The follewing were obtained from [7 Subjeet waspermitted to subject and forwarded appropriately retain the following for turn in for disposition. at a later date. Dates Ft ASS e ========== FILE: 104-10121-10366.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-2000 104-10121-10366), | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | 4 t ar - ‘ 4 . . . 5 . SECRET ns . REQUEST FOR APPROV EQ (Always PROVAL OR INVESTIGATIVE ACTION care 7 October 1959 1205 I x3203 Ix Security Support Division/Office of Security SUBJECT: = Robert A. Maheu (True name) C1/OA FILE NO. Ri 201 FILE NO. [orenarionalarrmovatSSSCSCSSC*dC*d norman anova CCS [[reovisionat covert security aprnovat———~«|—~ideovent name enece SOS [covent secuniry arProvar |__| seecuat_inquiny (50 Tela Tnvectiaetion) [Teoventsecuniry aprnovat Fon Liaison WitW uss. orFIcINS SSCS SPECIFIC AREA OF USE . . U.S. and Jordan FULL DETAILS OF USE May be employed by the King of Jordan to handle Jordanian public relations in the U. S. . CRYPTONYM, PSEUDONYM, AKA OR ALIASES INVESTIGATIVE COVER §S OR WILL SUBJECT BE AWARE OF U.S. GOVERNMENT INTEREST IN HIM? [x ]ves | Jno | IS OR WILL SUBJECT BE AWARE OF CIA INTEREST IN HIM? [x frves | [no |] INDICATE SPECIAL LIMITATIONS OR COVERAGE DESIRED IN THE SECURITY OFFICE INVESTIGATION Per discussion with Mr. J. O'Connell, sufficient Security Office investigation has already taken place. . 1F NO INVESTIGATION OUTSIDE CIA, EXPLAIN FULLY PRQ AND GREEN LIST STATUS Available at OS . RQ 1, OR EQUIVALENT. 1N (2) COPIES ATTACHED | | PRQ !} WILL SE FORWARDED “ PRQ 11. OR EQUIVALENT. IN (1) COPY ATTACHED | | GREEN LIST ATTACHED. NO: NO RECORD NO INFORMATION OF VALUE DEROGATORY INFORMATION ATTACHED, WITH EVALUATION NOT INITIATED (Explanation) has not been in WILL BE FORWARDED ar RI TRACES (Derogatory Information and Evaluation Attached) DIVISION TRACES (Derogatory Information and Evaluation Attached) artsseete TT Ynccons =i x [won ot ocaronv [eenccnvonv | a " . oO , EXTENSION] S LGNATU OF BRAN HIEF eee Be a Viana? [Best (orpeiae eth 03 3203 iam R. Freeman linda SECRET ayy 7a ========== FILE: 104-10122-10135.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 104-10122-10135) [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | ~ oe. 1 t % 7 " . “ _ 2 Lo 4 SECKET GLO /, & 4 Green Liat - 20h C Rumber Rumber Rurber peuetec) PYTT3L LOPEZ, Fernanien, dulic Antonio ' MACEO Masque, Antonio oe : MARTICOREMA Castillo, Reynaldo © oO MIBGUEZ Kunes., Crestes 90k56 -: MUIBA Bonie, Arturo SO3TT HIEPO Planes, Darsicio solve OLIVA Cantu, Oscar 90399 GSA Amat, Jorge de le LSS PEOROSO Amores, Acelo CPLA Estenta, Pedro Oconrel 90375 PERDIGOE Figurola, Pedro 90396 _ RICARDO Beras, Jose Manuel , HNOZ de Jusn, Mario . . _.. PADROR Gonzeiez, Rodolfo Armon ~ RODRIGUEZ Gouzeiez, Inmiel ROSELLy Layva, Florentino Orelia ROUSSEAU Bueno, Santiago : SARCHRZ, Rives, Eoriques Reimndo SUAREZ Hernandez, Roberto Guillermo TORRES Pacheco’ Hector de : VALDES Andino, Pedro Julio - VALDEZ Hartanez, Sergio VALLE Gutierrez, Jesus del VAROEA Cortinas, Julio Pascual VESA Clerk, Menuel de le ACOSTA Suarez, Orlando o ALOMA Sebas, Ernesto Ignacio ~" ARTECOHA, Jose ir. : BARHET iz, Enrique Raimundo BARROSO Palacio, Jorge EENITEZ Pinsdu, CABRERA Rodrigues, Timoteo Anando CALATAYUD Rivera, Antowio: ~~ CAHMENDIA Socarras, Rodolfo CORORA Willer, Pemoa DIAZ Reyes, Mario Rolando _ ESPINOSA Hsverrete, Pamon FAJARDO Rojas, Juan FELIO Febregat, dose Vicent ; _PERHANDEZ Gairch, Sergio Reul on 10 0 SECURITY ========== FILE: 104-10122-10147.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 104-10122-10147) [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | oe . - a . -. cd File 24 November 1964 Chief, Alien Affairs Staff . he Santiago ARGUELLES Izquierdo {AAC«-1130) - #244420{ C) Angel Manuel BENITEZ Benitez (AAC~-1131) - #744305(C) Alicio CALAS Roque (AAC-~-1132) - #7371 75(C) Alfredo FERNANDEZ Martinez (AAC-1133) - #737177( Cc) Conrado FERNANDEZ Morales (AAC-1134) - #272300( C) Felix FUENTES Games (AAC-1135) - #284891( C) Orlando GARCIA Duarte { AAC~-1136) - #218729( C) Jose Angel GONZALEZ Castro ( AAC~-1137) - #223976(C) Guillermo GONZALEZ Lazo (AAC~1138) - #733496(C) Jose Severino HERNANDEZ Martinez (AAC-1139) - #283744(C) Pedro LOPEZ Cristo ( AAC~1140) ~ #284375(C) Raimundo MARTINEZ Gonzalez (AAC-1141) - €284148(C) Ricardo Anibal MORALES Navarrete ( AAC~1142) - #380858(C) Alberto PEREZ Martinez ( AAC-1143) - #223124( C) Manuel A, RIVERO Colona (AAC~1144) - #228117(C) Jorge Delio RODRIGUEZ Triana (AAC-1145) - #744303(C) Mario Andres ROMERO Arias ( AAC~-1146) - #277933( C) Jorge Luis SILVA Del Monte (AAC~H147) - #218751{ C) Juan Cornelio TAMAYO Cordovi (AAC-1148) - #218752(C) 1. On 24 November 1964 Bob Gambino, SOD/SO, called and said that subjects will probably be returning to the U.S. around 30 November 1964. | [cin Sec. 03 | [05 oi. Sec 2. On 25 November 1964 Jack Scanian) SOD/SO, advised i that the arrival would be in the first week of December 1964. 3. On.30 November 1964/Jack sestian dvised that all but AAC-1142 and AAC~-1143 would‘be returning on about 5. ‘December 1964 at midnight on an Agency C-118. 4, On 1 December 1964(Geanlon)adviaed that subjects (except 1142 and 1143) would probably arrive at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., at about midnight on 5 December 1964 on an Air frce C-l18 06 with tail number 3820. He said that Bob Gambino, (Arthur Garza) @ (filliam Robertson)and Dr. \James Fearon) M.D,, would also be ob ob ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-0000 aboard. He said that the plane would also have loose cargo as follows: outboard motors, radio beacons, silence weapons, other weapons, commo gear, medical equipment and parachute drop equipment. He also said Gambino may be carrying some TSD material. He stated that James Fitchett, under (Air Force )32 cover, would be there to transfer subjects to a C-54 for further travel Eo Camp Pickett and that Fitchett would meet the Customs and I&NS men at Base Cperations. 5. On 2 December 1964 1 advised Lawrence Fleishmann, Deputy Comznissioner of Custome of the arrival and told him of the type of gear aboard. He said he would have his man meet Fitchett at Base Operations. 6. On 3 December 1964, I advised Frank Braden, I &NS, of the arrival of subjects and the other passengers and that Customs and his man should meet James Fitchett at Base Ops. i . . a + W. M. Knott OS/AAS/WMK: es 4 Dec 64 py ======== PAGE 3 ======== ete ne ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-00000 ========== FILE: 104-10122-10307.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 104-10122-10307| _ . | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | , .. =” o . 4 - weet MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Security 4 May 1967 SUBJECT : MORGAN, Edward P. 1. I first met Ed Morgan in about 1952 or 1953 through our association with the Society of Former Agents of the FBI. Both Ed and I served on the Executive Committee of the Washington Chapter of that Society in 1953-54 and both Ed and I were interested in having the Ex-Agents National Convention in Washington, D. C. At that time Jim McInerny was President of the Washington Chapter. 2. I went overseas in 1955 and I have seen Ed possibly four or five times since my return in 1957. While I have been active in the Society, Ed Morgan has not been. The last time I saw Morgan was in January 1967 at an Ex-Agents dinner. All of my association with Morgan has been through the Ex-Agents, and I have never been in contact with him socially other than through the Society. 3. The following information is hearsay concerning Ed Morgan. I have reason to believe that all the information is true, but I do not know it on a first hand basis. Ed Morgan served in the Bureau from 1940 to 1947. He isa tall, personable, nice looking individual and in the Bureau he ended up in the Training Division. He used to give lectures to the new Agents classes and the National Academy classes, and through his speaking ability he came to the attention of Director, J. Edgar Hoover. At the end of the war Morgan left the Bureau to enter private law practice. 4. According to rumor, Morgan entered the field of Federal Communications practice. His firm became well known in this field and the firm name is Welch, Mott & Morgan. Rumor is that he obtained TV franchises for a number of oil men in the Middle West, and took his pay in oil leases. He made a-great deal of money in a short period of time and is reportedly worth at least a million dollars. wee ======== PAGE 2 ======== ze 5. At the time of the Korean War, Morgan accepted an appointed position in the Office of Price Stabilization. He headed the investigative and compliance unit of OPS and in this position he hired a number of Ex-Agents. It was in this job that he reportedly ran afoul of the Bureau. Morgan apparently proselyted a great number of Bureau Agents at higher salaries than the Bureau made and this made Director Hoover furious. A few years later a rumor was started that Morgan hoped to replace Hoover; the Director was even more furious. I do not know this for a fact, but it has been speculated that Morgan is persona non grata with the Bureau. 6. Morgan continued active work in the Society of Former Agents between 1955 and 1957. In 1957 he ran for the office of National President of the Society. He was defeated in his bid for this office and was very bitter about his defeat. For the past ten years he has not attended more than two or three local meetings, and he does not participate in Society activities. It was rumored that Morgan blamed his defeat on the Bureau, stating that he was defeated because the Bureau had black-listed him. 7. According to rumor Morgan moves in fairly high circles in the District of Columbia. I believe he belongs to the Touchdown Club and I also believe he belongs to one of the more exclusive country clubs in the area. He drinks, but I have never seen him intoxicated. Other | than the items mentioned above, I have never heard anything unfavorable concerning him. There are a number of people in the Agency who knew him and worked with him at the Bureau. I feel certain that(Erank Holmes)~ would know him fairly well, as well as Bill Harvey, Ron MacMillan, Herman Horton and Glenn Fields. Lyon L. (Slug) Tyler, who has been utilized by Central Cover)for a number of years, formerly worked for Morgan in his law firm, but broke away from the firm because of some disagreement. Tyler would probably know a great deal concerning Morgan's personal habits. It should be remembered, however, that because Morgan's law practice is primarily an administrative practice. before the FCC, most of his business associates would be in the broad- casting and news business. "Charles W. Kane ========== FILE: 104-10122-10344.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 104-10122-10344) [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992) * 7 EVES ONLY 7 June 1966 SUBJECT: MAHEU, Robert A. 1, Robert A. Mabeu, a personnel relations executive and former F.B.1. Agent, has been utilized by the Office of Security on many sensitive assignments since the early fifties. He has also on several occasions been cleared for use by the DD/P in various capacities. He does business.as Robert A.. Maheu, Asso- ciates, and maintains offices in Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles, California, where he is now residing. 2, It has come to our attention that the Senate Subcommittee investigating wiretapping activities (Long Committee) has expressed considerable interest in Maheu, He has never been asked to per- form any technieal surveillance on our behalf. 3. The first inkling we had that the Long Committee was interested in Maheu came to our attention through the OGC. Mr. Lawrence Houston advised that Walter Yeagley, Assistant Attorney General, Internal Security Division, had casually mentioned to him that he had been advised by Raymond A. Taggart, an AID o employee, that he may be called upon to testify before the Long Committee regarding his activities while employed by Maheu (1954-55), 4, The only significant association the Agency had with Maheu . during that period involved the struggle between two Greek industrial giants, Stavros Niarchus and Aristottle Onassis. Maheu had been retained as a trouble shooter for Niarchus. Onassis had just cone cluded a pact with King Saud which would allow him to control approxi- mately 90 percent of the ofl shiprnents out of Saudi Arabia. In con- sumating the deal, he allegedly employed every trick in the book. His achievement caused much consternation among the British, German, and American interests. Niarchus also realized as a result of this the balance of power and influence weighed heavily in EVES GHLY | SECRET Re Riratant nF twee Mees oe. a - ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-0000 - Been nr So SEBRET. ~ EYES ONLY favor of Onassis in their own private battle. It was this mutual concern of the United States and Niarchus that set the stage for a joint venture. Niarchus supplied the money, personnel, and documents; the Agency furnished the communications, courier facilities, and direction in the form of our Commo channel, pouch system, and the NEA Division's expertise and guidance. S. Spyridon Catapodis, a Greek Broker, who had an ax to grind against Onassis ae a result of being manipulated out of a handsome commission he believed due him for his interceasion with certain Saudi officials to secure oil rights for Onassis, spear-— headed a campaign to publicize Onaseis' high-handed methods of operation. This triggered off all sorts of international litigations which erupted into suits and countersuits: by all parties concerned. Of particular note was the case of Catapodis vs. Onassis, which suit was filed in New York State. While Niarchus was being exam- ined before trial by Onassis! attorney, he claimed Government privilege in answering certain questions, This tact was challenged by the attorney and pursued to the point that eventually it was re- corded in the briefs filed by both the plaintiff and the defendent that CIA was, in fact, the Government agency of interest. Close coor- dination was maintained during this period with Justice and State. At our request a representative of the U. &. Attorney's Office in New York monitored all of the Hearings. Mr. Houston is intimately familiar with the actions in this case, and copies of his memoranda pertinent to it are contained in his files. _ §. The Security file on Subject contains a Covert Security Clearance issued 16 August 1954 at the request of NE/2, Att: William Miller, for Maheu's use on Project TWIXT. Other inter- ested DD/P personnel were identified as William F.:Rowland, < ting Chief, NEA Division; George Prussing; Walter Snowden} and Charles Woliamson. : . 6 . 7. Mr. Maheu was contacted to determine whether the Com- mittee had been in touch with him. He stated he was not aware of their interest in him. When the Taggart conversation was men- tioned, he promptly replied that it must be the Onassis operation they are looking into. He recalled that he had Onassis' New York office "covered"! sometime during the period. John Frank, a EVES OSLY cECHET ======== PAGE 3 ======== 14-00000 eS SEORET _ HIES OWLY former staff employee, and then a private investigator, was en- gaged to arrange for the coverage. Maheu could only identify the technician by the name.of Leon. Presumably, this coverage was done as a routine technique to keep the Niarchus interests informed . on Onassis' movements. This was not initiated at the request of any Agency component so far as our records indicate. 8. Subsequently, Maheu advised he had received 2 message from one of the Committee's attorneys named Homme who wanted to fly out to talk with him. Maheu fended him off by saying he was tied up for the next several days. He then contacted his attorney, Edward P. Morgan, ef Washington, D. C., and it was decided that Morgan would meet him in St. Louis on 24 May for a conference. '9, On Thursday morning, 26 May, Maheu called to advise that he was at tha Madison Hotel, Washington, D. C., and was anxious to talk with us. At his request it was arranged to have Colonel Edwards accompany a member of this office to meet with him. : _ 10. Maheu opened the conversation by announcing that he had been selected to be the star performer on a planned TV hearing © which is scheduled to open within the next few weeks. He went on to give the basis for this statement tn the following detail. When he first talked to Ed Morgan of the possibility of his being subpoenaed, Morgan assured him that he had nothing to be concerned about inasmuch as he was a very close friend of Senator Long's personal attorney who had considerable influence upon the Senator. The lawyer resides in St, Louis, and he suggested that they beth go out and solicit his assistance. After the presen- tation of the facts, all three flew to Washington where the lawyer secured an appointment with the Senator. Mr. Bernard Fensterwald was in attendance at the meeting. He identified himself as the Chief Attorney for the Committee, According to Maheu, Fensterwald made it clear that Maheu was their ace in the hole and without him the Hearings would have no appeal. He implied that Maheu's clients and their opposition added EVES uy SEGRET Cet ta, : mot - ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-00000 fey ABGRET BYES ty 6 up to a very attractive package. Such headliners as Niarchus, Onassis, Dave McDonald, and Howard Hughes are hard to come by. Fensterwald further referred to Maheu as the type who employed the technique of cutting the Government in just enough on his touchy operations to permit him to hide behind their akirts tf he were caught. It is the opinion of the lawyer that, unless the Senator can be convinced to the contrary, he will proceed with plans on schedule. 11, Maheu's most active account and, at this time, almost exclusive client is Howard Hughes. in the past he did considerable work for Dave McDonald, former president of the United Steel Workers, So far as this office knows, the Agency never had any: interest in either of these clients. However, it should be noted that the IO Division was granted a Covert Security Approval on 4 June 1959 to approach Maheu and advise him of the Agency's interest in international labor. Maheu claims he never became involved in any "bugging" operation for either of thease accounts. . 12. It is not believed that Maheu wants or expects us to front. for him in the Onassis tap matter. As mentioned previously, to our knowledge this was not Agency sponsored. However, if exploited, it would probably eventually lead to exposing our part in the Onassis/ Niarchus feud. As it is a matter of court record, it could not be denied nor buried. Even though the details might be protected by a declaration that it involved classified operational information, it would set up a field day for the press and critice of the Agency. : 13, Mr. Maheu is presently furnishing cover for a DODS staff . agent in his Washington, D. C., office. In this connection, two of Maheu's employees have been cleared and witting. Other clearance actions noted were: CSA granted FI/Plans, Cover Division on 30 August 1954 for use under LPHIDDEN; CSA issued to NE, Division on 7 October 1959 for Maheu's use in the United States and(Jordan ) ag inasmuch as he may be employed by(the King of 3 ordan| to handle G ordanian public relations in the United States. 24 SECRET ======== PAGE 5 ======== J 4.00000 he a 4 EYES ONLY 14. In 1958-59, Maheu was used by the FE Division in two sensitive operations targeted against Sukarno. Mr. Allen Dulles was aware and approved of these operations, Mr. Joseph Smith who was then Chief/PMI, is knowledgeable of the actions. 15. While none of our interests in Maheu relate to wire~ tapping, it ia evident that the extensive and diversified use of him makes us vulnerable to exploitation should he be interrogated in depth regarding hie activities. 16, Mr. Maheu is maintaining a cooperative attitude and has promised to do all in his power to protect the Agency from embarrassment or compromise, 5 sve ONLY , | SECRET. | ========== FILE: 104-10123-10097.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,00 wan 104-10123-10097| : [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | . eGR SECRET ee MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Technical Services Division ATTENTION - : Mr. Clayton Kallander 226 Westout FROM : Deputy Director of Security (Investigations and Operational Bupport) SUBJECT 3: O'CONNELL, James P. ‘ 966483 1. Returned herewith find alias documentation which was issued by your office to the Subject in accordance with our request on 6 April 1962. 2. The documentation in question is no longer needed and may be destroyed. 3. Please convey my appreciation to those responsible for the expeditious handling of this matter. FOR THE DIRECTOR OF SECURITY: Attachments: \) - + | (Gettfornia\ Driver's License a , Social Security Card A Reserve Officer's Association Membership Card (Eraveler's)Auto Insurance ID Card /msL June 1962 RETURN TO CIA Background Use Only Do Not Reproduce x 2IBR ========== FILE: 104-10123-10098.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,0000 104-10123-10098) [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | *, 66483 9 £PP 1962 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Technical Services Division ATPERTION 2 Mr. Gorm Seamer 226 Westout Building FROM : Deputy Director of Security (Investigations ani SUBJECT 1. This will confirm our verbal request af 5 April 1962 that you prepare alias documentation in the alias indicated which will include but not necessarily be limited to the following documents: [Calirornia} | 0 Driver's License, Social Security card, Reserve Officers Association identity card with the rank of Commanier, ani an eppropriate insurance identity card. . phys: Byes - Blue; Hair - Brown; Height - 6°3"; Weight - 200 Iba; Complexion - Ruddy; Birth - 19 February 1917, Elshurst, New York; and you were - requested to utilize a non-backstopped, multiple mit address in San Frahcisco. : 3- The documentation in question will be returned to your office when the Subject has no further use for same. . 4. Your prompt attention to this mtter is sincerely appreciated. FOR THE DIRECTOR OF SECURITY: BURN it CIA ckground Use Only Do Not Reproduce 18K ========== FILE: 104-10123-10160.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== rN | r ER S ACT OF 1992 “{1o4-10123-10760| [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORD Bee £ S SS . 7 4 19 January 1662 : Fon: Chief, Cover Sunport Desk ~ : Rotert J, iecnare aoe ae os a 3 in 423 partnents 3051 Idaho Avenus, % “ashington, D.C, #156229 A-SB/2 “A has requested secur? ty eprroval to use the above site to a a contract Agent. Approvel recommended, EATLSs }, Er. Marx Folder requires @ place for the use of "E75 "3 (1723W1) an Agent of Securi ity Research Steff. He has ohtsined permission of SAC/FO' and requests S2/2 to grant securi ty mproval, ee a. since this site is to be terminated on 1 March 1961 and : ui CACAO has advised that it is leased in alias no security TW aa : tion. can be ascertained, : scom end that SB/1 be advised that there is no securit; “i o 7. tien to the contemplated use of this site, cath ) 1’ : Sotert. Je Leonard ========== FILE: 104-10123-10219.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-2000 104-10123-10219) [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 cr . - Le ee OD ALE . OC Base, , = “y Le, . 2 a Pane a L . . . ~ bet. CN, wet ; . ~) (Nem ; an “TLL . Meee OS ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 Ty TR eo 23 FED i855 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Support SUBJECT 2 Key Aasignments . Office of Security i. This memorandum submits proposed key assignments in the Office of Security for your information and approval; such assign- ments are contained in paragraph 2. 2. ‘The following key-aseiguments for the Office of Security are proposed for the summer of 1965: ; . a, Mr. Arthur C. Sheridan, GS-15, Chief, Technical Division, will replace Mr. James P. O'Connell, Jr. in (3-17 (Okinawa )as Chief, Far East Regional Security Staff during uly 1965. ; b. Myr. James W. McCord, Jr., GS-15, who is presently attending the Air War College, will replace Myr. Sheridan as Chief, Technical Division during June 1965. ======== PAGE 3 ======== 14-0000 c. Mr. James P. O'Connell, Jr., GS-15, will be assigned to a GS-16 position as Chief, Investigations Division upen hia return to Headquarters in Auguat 1965. ‘3 After Mr, O'Connell hag had a brief period of orientation ”. in this assignment, I plan to recommend that he be pro- moted to GS-16. (SIGN=ZD) Howard J. Osborn Director of Security The assignments contained in paragraph Z are approved FELEES Date £/ L. K. White Deputy Director for Support Distribution: Original - Return to OS 2-555 v2 - PersBr, os/aurs/eufPat/ph (x6200 - 19 Feb 65) ========== FILE: 104-10123-10220.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-0000 ~ © AVD bY } 104-10123-10220| | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | 7 2f ; > ae SECURITY INDOCTRINATION AND SECRECY AGREEMENT 7BYEMAN CONTROL SYSTEM, BYECOM: APPROVAL vo’ A special system of security and control, known as the BYEMAN Security and Control System, has been established by the Director of Central Intelligence for the purpose of providing maximum security protection to a number of extremely sensitive intelligence collection projects. Each of these projects requires a separate, special security approval for access. In your official capacity in connection with U. S. Government communication systems. ‘ you have been grante 'a ‘BYECOM! approval which permits you to perform - your official duties as regards BYEMAN projects in general, without regard. » a to the necessary separate special security approvals. Strict adherence to the! > te 7 (BYEMAN Control Manual and all supplemental directives must be adhered to 2 in the handling of BYEMAN materials or information, You are requested to read and sign the Secrecy Agreement and Oath. wh 1. In connection with my indoctrination into the BYEMAN Control System, I acknowledge my full understanding of an agreement with the follow- ing provisions: 2. & Security restrictions and penalties for violations of the 'BYEMAN Control System, to which Iam subject, are covered under- Title 18, Sections 792, 793, 794, 795 and 797, U. S, Code and Section 19 of Public Law 831, Internal Security Act of 1950. b. It is my responsibility to ascertain that persons with whom I may have reason to discuss materials or sources of “BYEMAN) activities to any degree have also been properly cleared and designated to receive and discuss ‘BYEMAN information, ¢.) By reason of my ‘BYEMAN clearance alone I do not have access to all ‘BYEMAN, information or materials but only those required on a "MUST KNOW" basis. y d. Iwill report to the BYEMAN Security Officer immediately any violations of BYEMAN, | regulations of which I become aware. e. Iwill advise the: ‘BYEMAN)Security Officer of any personal changes in my status or assignment. f. No change in my assignment will relieve me of my obligation under oath and that the provisions of this oath remain binding at all times. 2. Ido solemnly swear or affirm that I will never divulge, publish, or reveal either by word, conduct, or by any other means any classified informa- tion, intelligence, or knowledge relative to BYEMAN)sources except in the per- formance of my official duties and in accordance with the requirements set forth in the ‘BYEMAN: Control System Manual or supplemental directives. as oS ~ so 4 i SIGNED :;: DATE Ernést M. Kropft a oe SECRET | ; ========== FILE: 104-10123-10223.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 104-10123-10223) | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 st } Med CLASSIFIED MESSAGE -. ig . . . * \CTION: §=0S 2 INFO. : FE 6, 0c 8, S/c 2 Ex ECR E T 2502272 (sEAC)INFO DIR (r¥e) CITE QOKIE) 835 (Fapusto) "2 6-'7 27 REF (tac) ae1s* CLEARANCE CHANNELS TO APPROPRIATE. STATIONS. | 2! (3 os 5 ss as HE VISITING fone} xm (nm. Gn AIGYF { (MANI,) re SECRET. . | SEppET EXCLUDED Fae iutouric DOWN= al GEADING AND DECLASSIFICATION .* - DERBARUPTIAN BY ATUCD TUAM I@QHIA APEICE. 10 -DOAWIRITER 2 ========== FILE: 104-10123-10407.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,0000 UNDER THE PRESIDE pre. 4 August 1966 MEMORANDUM FOR: Security Advisor, Honor and Merit Awards Board SUBJECT : Honor Recommendation for JAMES W. McCORD, JR. The attached recommendation for an Honor and Merit Award is forwarded for your information and recommendations concerning any security measures that should be taken in the processing of this award. cA . -_ , Lor ELLIN L. BEATTY -¢ - Executive Secretary/HMAB Attachment Distribution: Orig - Addressee : 1 - HMAB Case File Son ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-0000 SECRET (When Filled In) DLS (> G : é/o 5 im DATE * RECOMMENDATION | FOR HONOR OR MERIT AWARD in duplicate) TO: on tariat onor and Merit Awards Board FROM: (Operating official) Secretariat, H Director of Security Section A Personal Data . AWE PERSON RECOMMENDED (Last, First, Middle) 2 1ON' + 3. GRADE 4.5D “YScoRD, Games W., dr. HIVE! Btige—Audid soe 58 ©, OFFICE OF ASSIGNMENT 6. STATION es /fechnical Division K [reapoarters [| rievo (Specity tocetion) 7. HOME ADDRESS (No., St., City, Zone, State) 8. OF FICE EXT.(Ifhqs.)| 9 CITIZENSHIP AND HOW ACQUIRED 6801 Floyd Ave., Springfield, Va. 4192 U. S.. - Birth 10. RECOMMENDED AWARD Wt POSTHUMOUS Certificate of Distinction [ YES BK [no 12. NAME OF NEXT OF KIN 13. RELATIONSHIP [14. HOME ADDRESS (No., St:, City, Zone, State) 1s. HOME PHONE Sarah FEuth MeCord Wife Same as 7 451-5279 Section B Recommendation for Award for Heroic Action or Accep 16. WERE YOU AN EYEWITNESS TO THE ACT | [ves | [se RRR QK( wus Personnel in immediate vicinity or who assisted in act or shared in same hazard: 17. FULL NAME 18. ORGN. TITLE © 19. GRADE 20. OFFICE OF ASSIGNMENT List any of the above persons given an award or recommended for award for participating in act: 21. FULL NAME 22. TYPE OF AWARD Conditions under which act was performed: 23. LOCATION 24. INCLUSIVE DATES | 25, TIME OF DAY 26. PREVAILING GEOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS AND OBSTACLES ENCOUNTERED Section C Recommendation for Award for Achievement, Service, or Performance 27, DO YOU HAVE PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE SERVICE OR PERFORMANCE] - YES no WG SSN 28. OFFICIAL ASSIGNMENT AT TIME OF SERVICE OR PERFORMANCE Chief, Technical Division, OS 29. COMPONENT OR STATION (Designation and location) Headquarters 30, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Supervises the activities of the Technical Division, 0S Personne! who assisted or contributed substantially to the service or performance 31, FULL NAME ws 32, ORGN, TITLE 33. GRADE 34, OFFICE OF ASSIGNMENT MARCY, William M. Elec. Engr. 10 OS/Technical Division PETIT, Alan F. Elec. Engr. 13 OS/Technical Division List any of the above persons given an award or recommended for award for participating in the performance 35. FU AM 36. TYPE OF AWARD LLN i MARCY, William M. PETIT, Alan F, Certificate of Distinction 37. INCLUSIVE DATES FOR WHICH RECOMMENDED | 38, ASSIGNMENT COMPLETED 39. NOW IN SAME OR RELATED ASSIGNMENT Yes NO [| YES | [ no Foun : i USE PREVIOUS EDITION, SECRET a tt (er ======== PAGE 3 ======== y4ann00 a SECRET (When Filled In) Section D Narrative Description Award for Heroic Action or Acceptance of Hazard: Was act voluntory? Describe why act was outstanding, and if it was more than nor- mally expected. Explain, why, and how. If an aerial or marine operation, describe type and position of craft, crew position of individ- val, ond aff unusual circumstonces. Indicate results of the act. Award for Achievement, Service, or Performance: State charocter of service during period for which recommended. (Give complete de- scription of administrative, technical, or professional duties and responsibilities if not covered in Section C; include dates of assign- ment and relief.) What did the individual do that merits the award? Why wos this outstanding when compared to others of like grade and experience in similar positions or circumstances? If appropriate, include production records and assistance rendered by other per- sons or units. What obstacles were encountered or overcome? Indicate results of achievement, service, or performance. Include refer- ence to Fitness Reports, Letters of Commendation, or other documentation already on file which supports this recommendation, 40, From early December 1965 through May 1966, Messrs. James W. McCord, Jr., Alan F. Petit, and William M. Marcy, of the Technical Division, Office of Security, spent many off-duty hours in experimentation with various items of equipment in an effort to improve and strengthen the . Agency's Audio-C “termezsures Program.z4{They conceived and developed © a unique techr’, 4n (fluoroscopic scanning\which is considered to be a major breakthruugh i the detection of clandestine microphones and other devices targeted against the Agency. It gives the Agency for 24 the first time the capability tofdetect hidden technical listening de- vice a capability for which thée’intelligence community has expended large” sums of money to develop in a variety of approaches. This tech-- nique will not only benefit the security of all Agency installations: at home and abroad, but will be of utmost benefit to other agencies in the community. This technique was met with wide acclaim by the intelligence community and the Technical Security Countermeasures Committee. >u In experimenting with thellx-ray in combination with a fluoroscopic screen,\these men showed this combination had distinct advantages in terms time and effort over the considerably more expensive(i-ray 24 film and processor.) In further refinement of this technique, “they designed an innovation in the form of’ a [fluoroscopic cloth) witch has screens }) 24 x CONTINUED ON ATTACHED SHEET the distinct advantage of flexibility ovér the luorescen currently available on the commercial market. 41. ENCLOSURES (Liat individually) If orginator is not an eyewitness or does not have personal knowledge of the act or performance, attach affidavits of eyewitness or individuals having personal knowledge of the facts. wn 1, PROPOSED CITATION 2. 3. 42. “Ze INITIATED BY 43, TITLE AND SIGNATURE OF OFFICIAL MAKING 44, DATE ~ RECOMMENDATION wa ~Aah Ermal P. Geiss Deputy Director of Security (PTOS) G/N ¢ Section E Recommendation Forwarded Through Officials Concerned For Their Information 45. TITLE AND SIGNATURE = DATE Head of 55 Career Service : Le OB See Palen A a Vig ° (Career service of nominee) Acting Director of Security LO LLE G 46, TITLE AND SIGNATURE DATE Deputy Director of Operating Component a7. TITLE AND SICNERER A, L Bannermal DATE 66 Deputy Director of Career Service 4 nus “962 Deputy Director for Support SECRET Bias ======== PAGE 4 ======== teotien D Continued - Janes W. McCord, Jr. To further enhance the use of this equipment, these nen ceveloped an inconspicuous, easily transportable package, consisting of two attache cases which hold th ~ray fluoro- 24. scopich\equipment, wall racks, and motor units.~ This makes it possibte for an audio-countermeasures team to enter offices, residences, and safehouses without undue attention. | These men have shown great ingenuity and resourcefulness in the application and development of this audio-countermeasure. technique. Through their further efforts in package design they contributed significantly to the future clandestine use of this technigue-on a world-wide basis. This technique provides the Agency for the first time a procedure through which large in- terior wall surfaces, room furnishings, and objects can be rapidly scanned in “real time" in the search for hostile tech- nical penetrations. This capability will significantly enhance the security of all Agency installations. . } ? on eu ========== FILE: 104-10123-10421.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 pereny 14-2000 104-10123-10421| W., Jr. IFE: Ruth é CHILDREN: Mike,12; Anne ,10;Nancy,8. ASSIGNMENTS; 64: CIA, Security Off, Washington 62-63: Dept of Army 132195 Civilian ,Germany 53-62: CIA, Security ‘ Off, Washington é 51-53: Dept of "Sen | , Security Off, San { 72, 16-35 Francisco 48-51: FBI Agent, . a California EDUCATION: Univ/Texas ,46-48,BBA, Bachelor Bus Adm Lincoln Law Sch, Oakland,Calif,51 ICAF, Assoc Prog,60-62 HOBBIES: Golfing, Scouting Advisory trl PERMANENT ADDRESS: 77 5701 Floyd Ave Springfield, Virginia 2/jed ========== FILE: 104-10124-10037.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,0000 [104-10124-10037] _ 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 ; REPORT OF OR AWARDS, BOARD. (CONVENED: PURSUANT TO REGULATIONS R 20-635 AND AFR 20-635) fmareh 1959 nor Awards Board having considered a recommendation that: vesth ° (First) (Middle! POSITION TITLE n, tighter AeteeBipe Ciiet fon fac OFFICE ASSIGNED TO ae tae LOY LUIFOR HEROIC ACTION, ON CE [Tor MERITORIOUS ACHIEVEMENT OR SERVICE DURING THE PERIOD zk - wh 2055 . ‘ APPROVES THI RECOMMENDATION ae DISAPPROVES. THE RECOMMENDATION (Japproves, BUT IN LIEU THEREOF, RECOMMENDS THE AWARD OF: CITATION 01Reeretnncnat ene ash ORDO NROBIAN REASONS FOR DISAPPROVAL OF RECOMMENDED AWARD 6 frog the inforsotion available to it estionsble veluc, ie not giufficionthy cute 23 an “ys eo SNARE CET TSS EI Ht ll SIGNATURE a 1 TYPED NAME OF CHAIRMAN, HONOR AWARDS BOARD Gowan i. Sowa : DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE SIGNATURE « . { verd Rerlton) 05 iAR ‘TYPED WAME CF RECORDER REPLACES FORM 37-176 WHICH MAY 6E USED. ========== FILE: 104-10124-10149.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 104-10124-10149| 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 Ae $0 9-527 alk Marah 1960 in tha F issue of © ence rey oF raga: 3 acon ee ee er eae urote a 2 ‘q90/ih wader RD—177 at ner *b6 (« cas cae ie }oDOHAID's vial! .. 7. Kate AND: ; MoDORALD' s “with the dovelopoent of the Identi-Kdit.. evnsand Corporatics ing with NeDONAID, has built « manber of these its ot 412 advise the Agency of ‘those sold to foreign powers, estos . ti : manager of Tounsend Engineering Co: poration, is 4 EB and understands the Ageney’a interost ta the Kits sarkor ela oa - ., @ school fox Identi-lt userg., Three from 25D have attended this ® : 4. Therefore, ve Shave no ‘dostire te ailenste hig foolings. Hovertheloss, x vould suggeat thit Hrs JOHES, during his forthcoming visit to the West : » interview Fr. MoDOHAID to determine, Af possible, the reason for . : fnelnaion of U.S. Intelligence interest in the attached artisles whether 0 or ========== FILE: 104-10128-10300.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-0006 zd . 104-10128-10300) [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | . - Setater’ + ‘ 5 OeVice | - » FOR THE RECORD ' 4 Feb. 1961 FROM: Kammer 03 SUBJECT: (STRATTON, Michael Weimer ] FLBSO74 1. On this date Subjectta cace was coordinated with Mr. MoCORD of SRS in connection with Subject's operational use within the U8 by WH/4/Propagante. The implications of a CI operation with the States by this Agency ari the possibility Subject might come to the attention of the FBI through association with Court WOOK were discussed. 2. Mr. MeCORD expressed the opinion that it 1s not necessary to advise the FBI of the operation at thia time. However, he wishes to review the case in a month, The file of Subject, along with that of the WH man who is supervising the operatio & IPS # 5) will be pended for the attention of Mr. HoCORD on 1 March 1961. JS = 7 eee ee er De ra SF Gisel a RETURN VO GIA \ ‘ Background Use Only _ De Not Repreducs cl ========== FILE: 104-10129-10002.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,0000 [104-10129-10002| | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 } ecole DO NOT USE THIS SPACE * oa “ [a . ve =; oI THIS DATE (Fit! In) PERSONAL HISTORY STATEMENT August 31,/F6/ INSTRUCTIONS - 1. Answer all questions completely or check appropriate box. If question is not applicable, write “NA”. Write “Un- known” only if you do not know the answer and it cannot be obtained from personal records. Use blank Space at end of form for extra details on any. question for which you have insufficient space. 2. Type, print or write carefully; illegible or incomplete forms will not receive consideration. 3. Consider your answers carefully. Your signature at the end of this form will certify to their correctness. Careful completion of all applicable questions will permit review of your qualifications to the best advantage. SECTION i GENERAL PERSONAL AND PHYSICAL DATA | 1. FULL NAME (Lest-First-Middle) - - . 2. AGE 3. SEX VoD RIGUEZ EMILta Amertce} 33 Years 8 Mone MALE FEMALE . 6. COLOR OF EYES )” COLOR OF HAIR’ 8. TYPE COMPLEXION 9. TYPE BUILD tom! 150 ths. ROWN | “BLACK “RuDdy MEDIUM 10. SCARS (Type and Location) NWEONE 11. OTHER DISTINGUSHING PHYSICAL FEATURES NONE 12. CURRENT ADDRESS (No., Street, City, Zone, State and Country) 13. PERMANENT ADDRESS (No., Street, City, Zone, State and 936/ S.W.'179 ST. g3er Swepper, PHONE: _PERRIWE S57, FLA. PEaaNne $7, FLA. \CEdaR S-B341 16. LEGAL RESIDENCE (State, Territory or Country) FLORIDA, 4.5.4. 14. CURRENT PHONE NO. 1S. OF FICE PHONE NO, & EXT. f t Eden S-§34/ 5 NA. 17. NICKNAMES 18. OTHER NAMES YOU HAVE USED NONE lEUGEnte Gonzalez,’ 19. INDICATE CIRCUMSTANCES (including Length of Time) UNDER WHICH YOU HAVE EVER USED THESE NAMES. Fem RPRIL 1960 To PRESENT 1" HAVANA,CUBR AND MIAMI, FLA. AS UNDERCOVER NAME 20. (EF LEGAL CHANGE, GIVE PARTICULARS (Where and by What Authority). . PSECTION ti POSITION DATA 1. INDICATE THE TYPE OF WORK OR POSITION FOR WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING (CONTRACT AGENT j \ 2. INDICATE THE LOWEST ANNUAL ENTRANCE SALARY YOU WILL ACCEPT (You will not be considered for any position with a lower entrance salary). ¥,600.06 . 4. INDICATE YOUR WILLINGNESS TO TRAVEL SZ r | OCCASIONALLY [| [rrequentiy [X|constantiy | | 5. INDICATE YOUR WILLINGNESS TO ACCEPT ASSIGNMENT IN THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS (Check (X) each item epplicable) CERTAIN LOCATIONS ONLY (Specify): . WASHINGTON, D.C. [Xx] ANYWHERE IN U.S. | OUTSIDE CONTINENTAL U.S. 6. INDICATE WHAT RESERVATIONS YOU WOULD PLACE ON ASSIGNMENTS. OUTSIDE THE WASHINGTON, D.C. AREA. ADEQUATE PAY AND LIVING CONDITICWS FOR SELF AND FAMILY ror 444 use Previous EDITION. ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 -2- - SECTION Itt * ° CITIZENSHIP 1. DATE OF QIRTH 2. PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country) 3. PRESENT CITIZENSHIP (Country) Taw. 27,1728: HAVANA, CUBA a 4. CITIZENSHIP ACQUIRED BY fs. DATE NATURAL- 6. NATURALIZATION CERTIFICATE NO. BIRTH : MARRIAGE | X| OTHER (Specily):WATX, DECEMBER $41 3 | 7, COURT ISSUING NATURALIZATION CERTIFICATE 8. ISSUED AT (City, State, Country) -S.Distarcr Cougr of Ensrenn Disp. of Loustan New Opeeans LA - 9. HAVE YOU HELD PREVIOUS NATIONALITY +" IF YES, GIVE NAME OF COUNTRY Xives [x CUBA 11, GIVE PARTICULARS CONCERNING PREVIOUS NATIONALITY. CUBAN BY BIRTH 12, HAVE YOU TAKEN STEPS TO CHANGE ves | 13 GIVE PARTICULARS PRESENT CITIZENSHIP N. A . 14. IF YOU HAVE APPLIED FOR U.S. CITIZENSHI! HAT 1S PRESENT STATUS OF YOUR APPLICATION (Firat P. rs, Etc.)? 16. PORT OF ENTRY 17, ON PASSPORT OF WHAT COUNTRY UNE SG , (¥6, MIAMI, FLA. SWISS PROTECTIVE -PasspoRT 18. LAST U.S. VISA (No., Type, Piace of Iseue) 19. DATE VISA ISSUED RESIDENT | U.S. EMBASSY IN HAVANA, CUBR Nov. S942 SECTION iv EDUCATION 1. CHECK (X) HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION ATTAINED OVER TWO YEARS OF COLLEGE - NO DEGREE | | LESS THAN HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE | HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE BACHELOR'S DEGREE 2. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1. NAME OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL : 2. ADDRESS (City, State, Country) COLEGIo DE LA SALLE} HAVANA , CUBA _ 3. DATES AT TENDED (From-and-To) 4. GRADUATE Sep. 45% 7 Nov. (742 3. HIGH SCHOOL a p 2 v-~ g Q kLA& AL 26 NEw O2LEANS . Noy. (f42 June (74S [Xlves Cd df CCidC 1. NAME OF HIGH SCHOOL 2. ADDRESS (City, State, Country) 3. DATES ATTENDED (From-and-To) 4. GRADUATE 4. COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY STUDY Cuolog Draw! Sh | 22 i iy M.-P J SAS 4 > __&--._ SECTION WV CONTINUED TO PAGE 3 - NAME AND LOCATION OF COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY ======== PAGE 3 ======== 14-00000 . er ’ a “__ SECTION IV CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 5S. F A GRADUATE DEGREE HAS BEEN NOTED IN ITEM 4 WHI EQUIRED SUBMISSION OF A wRI OF THE THESIS AND BRIEFLY DESCRIBE ITS CONTENT. CH REQU . ® TTEN THESIS, INDICATE THE TITLE ez EPITETO EN LAS CBRAS DE BERCEO (De wor REMEMBER EYpcy Trreé). 4 DETAILED) STUDY oF THE MANY USES CF Tue EPITHET In BERCEO'S WORKS A lary CEevTeRy WRITER, (MELDING A CROSS— REFERENCE LISTING OF ALL EFIT “ WETS AS StHowNn IN His WRITINGS, | 6. TRADE, COMMERCIAL AND SPECIALIZED SCHOOLS STUDY OR SPECIALIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS OF SCHOOL FROM TO Mi | MONTHS | |_| 7. MILITARY TRAINING (FULL TIME DUTY IN SPECIALIZED SCHOOLS SUCH AS ORDNANCE, INTELLIGENCE, COMMUNICATIONS, ETC.) NAME AND ADDRESS OF SCHOOL STUOY OR SPECIALIZATION FROM TO 8. OTHER EDUCATIONAL TRAINING NOT INDICATED ABOVE. SECTION V FOREIGN LANGUAGE ABILITIES e COMPETENCE - IN ORDER LISTED R-Read, W-Write, $-Speak HOW ACQUIRED “1, LANGUAGE (List betow each language in which you possess any degree Equiv. FLUENT ALENT BUT of competence. Indicate your To é Proficiency to Read, Write or NATIVE eet rd uy Speak by placing @ check (X) FLUENCY in the appropriate box(es). ADEQUATE | ADEQUATE]: LIMITED os FOR FOR KNOW- NATIVE OF [s [eR | s[r{wls|r [wls TPP LTS BX Xi | aane CECE | TEER Po SS 2. 1F YOU HAVE CHECKED “ACADEMIC STUDY” UNDER “HOW ACQUIRED", INDICATE LENGTH AND INTENSIVENESS OF STUDY. Feom (F949 10 1954 STUDIED THE ROMBNCE LANGUAGES AT THE GRADUATE LEVEL 3. IF YOU HAVE INDICATED FLUENCY FOR A LANGUAGE HAVING SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES IN SPOKEN AND WRITTEN FORM, EX- PLAIN YOUR COMPETENCE THEREIN. 4. DESCRIBE YOUR ABILITY TO DO SPECIALIZED LANGUAGE WORK INVOLVING VOCABULARIES AND TERMINOLOGY IN THE SCIEN- TIFIC, ENGINEERING, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, MILITARY, AND OTHER SPECIALIZED FIELDS. FAMILIAR WITH SCIENTIFIC AND EVGINEERING TERMINOLOGY W SPANISH. IF YOU HAVE NOTED A PROFICIENCY IN LANGUAGE, WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO USE THIS ABILITY IN ANY POSITION FOR WHICH OU MIGHT BE SELECTED? . [Sg Yes (No ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-0000 | SECTION Vi - GEOGRAPHIC AREA KNOWLEDGE AND FOREIGN TRAVEL cn List BELOW ANY FOREIGN REGIONS OR COUNTRIES IN WHICH YOU HAVE TRAVELLED OR GAINED KNOWLEDGE AS A RESULT OF RESIDENCE, STUDY OR WORK ASSIGNMENT. INDICATE TYPE OF KNOWLEDGE SUCH AS TERRAIN, HARBORS, UTILITIES, RAIL- ROADS, INDUSTRIES, POLITICAL PARTIES, ETC. se KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED BY DATES OF TYPE OF . DATES AND SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE RESIDENCE = PLACE OF STUDY TRAvEL|stupy esas NBUANR, 4 VECINIT Yo POLIT CA. Comemic ¢ SociAg SThucty i -“e ree ><) < a 2. INDICATE THE PURPOSE OF VISIT, RESIDENCE, OR TRAVEL IN EACH OF THE REGIONS OR COUNTRIES LISTED ABOVE. ‘To worl, As Assis ley t Dishaek Mauayen fa Cou kies CLecTere Co. iv chae: <=. Le ‘ . Latea gembwed iv Cubs. facmr MAac wo & of then Havana Office, Hhvawa, Cub4.. Soe (967 98 Punecha? fer fon ch M46 ” 3. UNITED STATES PASSPORT NUMBER AND EXPIRATION DATE, IF ISSUED. im ; 5 WELOGS FEL Expiaed = Sept 2 (960 (wer renewed) SECTION VII TYPING AND STENOGRAPHIC SKILLS 1. TYPING (wpay | 2. SHORTHAND(wpnvd 3. SHORTHAND SYSTEM USED - CHECK (X) APPROPRIATE ITEM RY, WA. srecownirine | [srenorves | [orwen (Specltys 2. INDICATE OTHER BUSINESS MACHINES WITH WHICH YOU HAVE HAD OPERATING EXPERIENCE OR—TRALUNG (Comptometer, Mameeety OLN ES MME OGRA , ADDING MACHINE, CALCULATOR , DieTATING MACHIVE SECTION VI3i SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS whe ST Abt HOBBIES AND SPORTS IN WHICH YOU ARE ACTIVE OR HAVE ACTIVELY PARTICIPATED. INDICATE YOUR PROFICIENCY IN cH. FUS: yi ; : ; WING, HUNTING, SWIMMING (Good UNDERWATER RESISTANCE) PHOTOGRAPHY (Back # WHITE AND Cocoe) Muss cylp ‘ Bow hin Aveaa C ALL OF THe Raove . ", “Ay SEVEROL WsTRU MENTS GY EAR), FLYING 4 2. INDICATE ANY SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS RESULTING FROM EXPERIENCE OR TRAINING WHICH MIGHT FIT YOU FOR A PARTICULAR POSITION OR TYPE OF WORK. . Tencuine Aad ROMIMIS TROT IVE FX PERIENCE SEcuR ED AT THE UNnIvVERS: Ty LECEL AWD IW FOREIGN TRADE MANAGEMENT RESPECTIVELY. Akso CAPACITY Te CARRY our WDC PENDENT ResEnRet{ AT THE GRapuRTE LEVEL. 3. EXCLUDING BUSINESS EQUIPMENT OR MACHINES WHICH YOU MAY HAVE LISTED IN ITEM 2, SECTION VII, LIST ANY SPECIAL SKILLS YOU POSSESS RELATING TO OTHER EQUIPMENT AND MACHINES SUCH AS OPERATION OF SHORTWAVE RADIO (Indi- cate CW apeed, sending and receiving), OF FSET PRESS, TURRET LATHE, SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL DEVICES. FAMILIAR WITH GEVERAL SClEVTig¥e APPRRATUS AS MAY BE PRESENT ech ph fo weTay . (WA MEChL RaESEALCH aS YES CATION VICE GLASSIF - SELECTIVE SER) y SERVICE ACT OF 1948 {As,amended) 4. 1F OEFERRED, GIVE REASON DABETES MELL/ Tus $2 2. MILITARY SERVICE RECORD \. CURRENT AND/OR PAST ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIP CHECK (X) AS MARINE AIR COAST |MERCHANT| NATIONAL|AIR NAT*L| FOREIGN ORGAN. OR MIL. APPROPRIATE FORCE | GUARD |] SERVICE (Specify): HAVE SERVED] vit st service! 4. TOTAL LENGTH EXTENDED ACTIVE OUTY IN U.S. ARMED / FORCES (Past and/current service) DATE ENTERED ACTIVE DUTY op SERVICE, SERIF LOR FILE NUMBER (If now serving, provide cur {rent number) PRIMARY MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTY (Mos or Destgnatoy) AND Tt TITLE 11. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF MILITARY DUTYES (Indicate whether applicable to past pr current service) 12. CHECK (X) TYPE OF SEPARATION FROM ACTIVE DUTY | HONORABLE DISCHARGE RETIREMENT FOR SHRVI |_| UNDUE HARDSHIPS RELEASE TO INACTIVE DUTY RETIREMENT FOR ¢GQMBAT DisAg! Y 1, DO YOU NOW HAVE} YES 2. ARE YOU NOW A MEMBER OF THE| 3. ARE YOU NOW A MEMBER os RESERVE STATUS? NAT'L. GRD. OR AIR NAT’ u. THE ROTCT 5. CURRENT RANK, GRADE OR RATE RANK hen mf Wa 9. PRIMARY MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTY (Mg p 10. SECONG ITARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTY (Moe or Deo-| nator) AND TITLE ignator) p le . ‘1. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF MILITARY RESERVE DU 12. ARE YOU CURRENTLY ASSIGNED OR ATTACHED YES | 13. A you HAVE! ANSWERED “YES TO ITEM 12, GIVE UNIT OR AGENCY fas UR ESERVE. NAT‘L. GUARD OR ROTC TRAIN: AND ADDRESS IT 14. HAVE YOU A MILITARY MOBILIZATION ASSIGN- |_[ves| $5. 1 you Have awealiak TO ITEM 14, GIVE UNIT OR AGENCY MENT - . . FOR LONGEVITY PURPOSES INCLUD~ §NG ACTIVE AND INACTIVE DUTY ======== PAGE 9 ======== 14-00000 1, ARE YOU ENTIRELY OZPENDENT ON YOUR SALARY? B< Yes 2. 1F YOUR ANSWER IS “*NO” TO THE ABOVE, STATE SOURCES OF OTHER INCOME 3. BANKING INSTITUTIONS WITH WHICH YOU HAVE ACCOUNTS NAME OF INSTITUTION . ADDRESS (City, State, Country) t o L1¢ i ok Mane Wi pate LA. Uis.f. CAVADA MRVANR, CUBA. 4. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN, OR PETITIONED FOR, BANKRUPTCY, [_] ves 5. IF YOUR ANSWER IS “YES TO THE ABOVE, GIVE PARTICULARS, INCLUDING COURT AND DATE(S) W- A. 6. GIVE THREE CREDIT REFERENCES IN THE UNITED STATES ~ ADDRESS (No., Street, City, State) 7, DO YOU RECEIVE AN ANNUITY FROM THE UNITED STATES OR DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA GOVERNMENT UNDER ANY RETIREMENT ACT, PENSION, OR COMPENSATION FOR MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE? —_[_] ves Oxo 8. IF YOUR ANSWER IS “YES* TO THE ABOVE QUESTION, GIVE COMPLETE DETAILS 9. DO YOU HAVE ANY FINANCIAL INTEREST IN, OR OFFICIAL CONNECTIONS WITH NON-U.SCORPORATIONS OR BUSINESSES; OR IN OR WITH U.S. CORPORATIONS OR BUSINESSES HAVING SUBSTANTIAL FOREIGN INTERESTS? (2 res J no (If anawer “YES*, fumiah detatts on separate sheet.) SECTION XII : MARITAL STATUS 1, PRESENT STATUS (Single, Married, Widowed, Separated, Divorced, or Annulled) SPEGIFY: 2, STATE DATE, PLACE, AND REASON FOR ALL SEPARATIONS, DIVORCES OR ANNULMENTS NA. \ WIFE, HUSBAND If you have been married more than once - including annulments - use a separate sheet for former wife or OR FIANCE: husband giving data required below for all previous marriages. If marriage contemplated, fill in appropriate! information for fiance. 3. NAME (Firat) : . ep CERO CPRULINE 1 . SUANITA | Ross , | ReDRiGUez 4. STATE ANY OTHER NAMES EVER USED “INDICATE CIRCUMSTANCES (including tength of time) UNDER WHICH ANY . OF THESE NAMES WERE USED. IF LEGAL CHANGE GIVE PARTICULARS Phala } (Mea AME SINCE Curt Haoa) (Where and by what authority). USE EXTRA SPACE PROVIDED ON PAGE $6 ry KN, 5. DATE OF MARRIAGE OF THIS FORM TO RECORD THIS INFORMATION. iJUVvE 16, 1¥¢h - 7. HIS (OR HER) ADDRESS BEFORE MARRIAGE (No., Street, sty State, Country) ~C, . SB 3500 Mpku : PB LIVING 9 CATE OF DEATH 10. CAUSE OF DEATH . [s 7. FREQUENCY OF CONTACT 8. DATE OF LAST CONTACT ONC = EARL (278) DUNE /Fél _ 12, 1, FULL NAME (Lact-Firat-Middle) j APLE Rf. 6. CITIZENSHIP (Country) MEXICAN 5. EMPLOYED By 6. CITIZENSHIP (Country) | 7. FREQUENCY OF CONTACT 8. DATE OF LAST CONTACT 1. FULL NAME (Laat-Firet-Middie) 2, RELATIONSHIP . EMPLOYED BY [SEINE Gaming enesveney oF omy oes oer 2. RELATIONSHIP ; pee] 5. EMPLOYED BY 2 \ ( ======== PAGE 13 ======== 14-00000 SECTION XIX CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 6. SPECIAL REMARKS, IF ANY, CONCERNING RELATIVES NOTED IN SECTION XIX ABOVE Above nelalive bas been a eovlewuons 8esiden f (ny He USA. Sree (Fé5- 6, Mew Ppleins, a, SECTION XX RELATIVES BY BLOOD, MARRIAGE OR ADOPTION WHO ARE IN THE MILITARY OR CIVIL SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES 3. AGE 4. CITIZENSHIP ve 2. RELATIONSHIP 6. TYPE AND LOCATION OF SERVICE (If known) 1. NAME (Last-First-Middle) [AOSS, JOSEPH ALBERT) 5. ADDRESS (No., Street, City, State, Country) BhorHER WW Law , MARINE P1L0T AND ProreGRAMEeR INSTRUCTOR Foute 2, Box SITH , Reusacels Ah Zensincoch “M Abe Mik SraTOw 1, NAME (Laet-First-Middle) - - RELATIONSHIP 3. AGE 4. CITIZENSHIP. 5. ADDRESS (No., Street, City, State, Country) » TYPE AND LOCATION OF SERVICE (If known) 1, NAME (Last-First-Middle) 2. RELATIONSHIP i AGE 4. CITIZENSHIP 5. ADDRESS (No., Street, City, State, Country) » TYPE ANO LOCATION OF SERVICE (If known) SECTION XXII REFERENCES, ACQUAINTANCES, AND NEIGHBORS 1. LIST FIVE CHARACTER REFERENCES, NOT RELATIVES, IN THE U.S., WHO KNOW YOU INTIMATELY NAME (Last-Firet-Middte) BUSINESS ADDRESS {No., Street, City and State) RESIDENCE AODRESS (No., Street, City and State) Daaw Tv. AMA ft4 “PO. Box. 28S™ UM. PVE BLUE AR 2. LIST FIVE PERSONS, IN THE U.S. WHO KNOW YOU SOCIALLY - NOT RELATIVES, SUPERVISORS OR EMPLOYERS BUSINESS ADDRESS (No., Street, City and State) RESIDENCE AODRESS (No., Street, City and State) 6F 38 Col6eghSk ‘Mew On lec f - 4209 Park Ave. Sw re 2E) Ca. 33/0 CAST 1G LIONE! New Ge leans, ba- §3¢ Pyrermo Ave. Corae Gables Maui Ae SAS CANE! VETOA (Last-First-Middle) EGASCo SERVICES , MY. GNkK. CwWIL SERVICE BUSINESS ADDRESS RESIDENCE ADDRESS (No., Street, City and State) (No., Street, City and State) Wl bees q- New Gelecus 7, : RETHHE D S12 WatyaAT Sh Cnt Stance wo Cnlenus) : THCANE UMIVERS ITY Shavtsh DEPARMEN T “ank. NAME (Last-First-Middle) ======== PAGE 14 ======== 14-00000 ee -14e a) i SECTION XXil CLUBS, SOCIETIES, AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS con Fe ° NOTE: List names and addresses of all clubs, societies, professional societies, employee groups or organizations of any kind (Include membership in, or support of, any organization having headquarters or branch in a foreign country) to which you belong ér have belonged. DATES OF MEMBERS! 1 NAME AND CHAPTER (Number, Street, Cli State, Country) rRom UTuULawe (an veesiTy JEST Ph Syma Lrg unk. hae K . DE PAMW UNL VERSITy VG. raenicay HES - 0, een ef Gaui ¢ fa de tank. a. ese, fF @ | SECTION XXilt RESIDENCES FOR THE PAST 15 YEARS ADDRESS - LAST RESIDENCE FIRST (Number, Street, City, State, Country) INCLUSIVE DATES ======== PAGE 15 ======== 14-00000 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION . DO YOU ADVOCATE OR HAVE YOU EVER ADVOCATED; OR ARE YOU NOW OR HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A MEMBER OF; OR HAVE YOU EVER SUPPORTED OR BEEN ASSOCIATED WITH ANY POLITICAL PARTY, INDIVIDUAL OR ORGAN - IZATION WHICH ADVOCATES OR TEACHES THE OVERTHROW OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES BY FORCE, VIOLENCE OR OTHER UNCONSTITUTIONAL MEANS, OR SEEKS BY FORCE OR VIOLENCE TO DENY PERSONS THEIR RIGHTS UNDER THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES? . . 1F YOU HAVE ANSWERED “YES" TO THE ABOVE QUESTION, EXPLAIN NA. 4. 1F SO, TO WHAT EXTENT? . DO YOU USE OR HAVE YOU EVER USED INTOXICANTS? NA 6. IF SO, TO WHAT EXT 7 . DO YOU USE OR HAVE YOU ENT EVER USED NARCOTICS? . HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A MEMBER OF, OR SUPPORTED, OR HAD ANY CONNECTIONS WITH A FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ORGAN- IZATION OR ITS ACTIVITIES? . Cores. [X]No IF ANSWER IS “YES*, GIVE COMPLETE DETAILS. veh. . Se RM NCE NAMES OF GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS, AGENCIES OR OFFICES TO WHICH YOU HAVE APPLIED FOR EM- C.D.A.,-STATE DEPARTMENT, PAN AMEMCRA Union, Crue SERVICE, ANY OF THE ABOVE HAVE CONDUCTED AN INVESTIGATION OF YOU, INDICATE THE NAME OF THE IMATE DATE OF THE INVESTIGATION. UNk. NOTE SPECIAL| If your answer is “YES” to the following Questions 10, 11 or 12, provide the information requested for each INSTRUCTIONS | question on a separate, signed sheet and attach the sheet to this form in a sealed envelope. HAVE YOU, OR TO YOUR KNOWLEDGE HAS YOUR SPOUSE, EVER BEEN DETAINED, ARRESTED, INDICTED OR CON- ISTEP OR ANY VIOLATION OF THE LAW OTHER THAN A MINOR TRAFFIC VIOLATION IN THE UNITED STATES OR IF SO, STATE NAME OF COURT, CITY, STATE, COUNTRY, OATE, NATURE OF OFFENSE AND DISPOSITION OF CASE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIAL INSTRUCTION ABOVE. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ARRESTED, COURT-MARTIALED OR OTHERWISE PUNISHED UNDER MILITARY LAW OR REG- ULATION? IF SO, DESCRIBE INCIDENT(S) AND PROVIDE DATE(S) OF OCCURRENCE ON SEPARATE SHEET IN AC- CORDANCE WITH SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE. re ARE THERE ANY UNFAVORABLE INCIDENTS IN YOUR LIFE, NOT MENTIONED ABOVE, WHICH MAY BE DISCOVERED IN SUBSEQUENT INVESTIGATION, WHETH: 8 YOU WERE DIRECTLY INVOLVED OR NOT, WHICH MIGHT REQUIRE EX- PLANATION? IF SO, DESCRIBE INCIDENT(S) AND PROVIDE DATE(S) OF OCCURRENCE ON SEPARATE SHEET IN AC- CORDANCE WITH SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE. SECTION XXV : PERSON TO BE NOTIFIED IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 1. NAME (Firat-Middie-Last) é 2. RELATIONSHIP PRULINE TURHITA FODRIGLEZ Wire 3. HOME ADDRESS (No., Street, City, Zone, State, Country) 4. HOME PHONE NO. 360 SW. (78 St PEARINE $7, Chcbig ~S- 8341 S. BUSINESS ADDRESS (No., Street, City, Zone, State, Country) - INDICATE NAME OF FIRM OR|[6. BUSINESS PHONE NO. & EXT. EMPLOYER, IF APPLICABLE MA - 7. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, OTHER CLOSE RELATIVES (Spouse, Mother, Father) MAY ALSO BE NOTIFIED. IF SUCH NOTIFICATION iS NOT DESIRABLE, BECAUSE OF HEALTH OR OTHER REASONS, PLEASE SO STATE. LA- - 18 - ======== PAGE 16 ======== 14-00000 -16- On e [SECTION xxvi ° CERTIFICATION ty 4 YOU ARE INFORMED THAT THE CORRECTNESS OF ANY STATEMENT MADE IN THIS APPLICATION WILL BE INVESTIGATED. Cs 4 have read and understand the instructions. | Certify that the foregoing answers are true and correct to the best of m knowledge and belief. | agree that any misstatement or omission as to material fact will constitute grounds for imme jicte dismissal or rejection of my application. | also understand that any false statement made herein may be punishable by law (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1007). 1. DATE OF SIGNATURES 2. Sk TURE OF APPLICAS - Soh S,/66/ [? Zhe 2 Cobison i 3. SIGNED AT (City and State) 4. SIGNATURE OF WITNESS : 4 () |}_ Gee, 7 - é Mihm, FLR. Kanto £ fixchre : NOTE: Use the following space for extra details. Reference each continued item by section and item ni sign -your name at the end of the added material. Page and sign each such page. ber to fitich it relates, If additional space is required use extra Pages the same size as this Ne meet sere ee. Ce eet ew ========== FILE: 104-10129-10027.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 104-10129-10027| + NAME (Last, First, Middle) + OFFICE, [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | i \ J = SECRET Xv DATE OF BIRTH 2. Piccolo, Joseph S. 8 Dec 1935 5S. PRESENT POSITION DIVISION. BRANCH (or overseas station existing cover if lateral assignment ) ua) ~ Statd Ops Off - #0396 6576 8. PROPOSED POSITION (Title, Number, Grade} 6. EMPLOYEE EXTENSION j~ _{Managua, Nicara . PROPOSED STATION (6~ z2 aL JSMCOBRA Ops Off. #1770 GS-12 + TYPE OF COVER AT NEW STATION 10, ESTIMATED DATE OF 11. NO. OF DEPENDENTS TO DEPARTURE © ACCOMPANY O/A 11 Oct 68 Militar COMMENTS Subject was medically approved for overseas assignment in December 1967. Is returning short of tour for assignment JMCOBRA. 15. wow NUMBER AND BUILDING|16. EXTENSION + DATE OF REQUEST RE ees TING OFFICIAL CG Forslund 3D5319 Has. 6576 16. OFFICE OF SECURITY DISPOSITION 19. OVERSEAS CANDIDATE REVIEW PANEL DISPOSITION REQUEST FOR PCS OVERSEAS EVALUATION By (ose 259 225 088s ========== FILE: 104-10129-10033.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 104-10128-10033) . (2 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 } amg «|p = ¢ Cj ” SECRET ( pot : Middle) aa A é 2: DATE OF BIRTH 3. GRADE December 1935 GS-11 remtiese ttstoer | oo Operations Officer 8. PROPOSED POSITION (Title, Number, Grade) . First, .coolo, Joseph 8. FICE, DIVISION, BRANCH (or overseas station and existing cover if fateral assignment) 0396 Ops.0fficer GS-13 10. ESTIMATED DATE OF 11. NO. OF DEPENDENTS TO DEPARTURE ACCOMPANY 27 Jan _ 1968 9. TYPE OF COVER AT NEW STATION \ State Integree) 32 COMMENTS 12. Subject will be in Headquarters area lateral transfer. ofa 2 23 3 January 1968. . OFFICE OF SECURITY DISPOSITION 0 7 deve Security rove has bgen granted to: « OVERSEAS CANDIDATE REVIEW PANEL DISPOSITION "REQUEST FOR PCS OVERSEAS EVALUATION rome 25a $54,053" SECRET << a ========== FILE: 104-10129-10034.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 2025 RELEASE UNDER TI! JATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 JD € ======== PAGE 2 ======== ========== FILE: 104-10129-10264.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 1400000 104-10129-10264 . ard cee . | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. 7+ T- KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, CI/OA SUBJECT 201-274330 #214 485 1. Reference is made to your memorandum dated 15 January 1965 requesting an appropriate investigation in connection with your ” Provigional Operational Approval interest only for Subject's use ag @ (PA-PROP Asset)in Miami by WH/SA/I0S under Project JMATE. zy 7 2. 3. notification from you. A search of our indices was made in the name of the Sub- Ject and reflected the attached information. This case is being closed in our office pending further ( a“ #*Cusctdd R. Waste Deputy Director of Security ¥ iy Attachment: As stated CLOSED DALY /vsf 21 January 1965 ========== FILE: 104-10129-10438.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 104-10129-10438) | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 7 . : * SECRET ‘ (When Filled In) TRAVEL BRIEFING DATA FILE NUMBER PICCOLO, Joseph Jr. 109709 OFFICE RANK OR GRADE GS-9 Grate) 32_ DEPENDENTS BRIEFED STATUS CATEGORY - SPECIAL BRIEFING PROBLEM SECURITY APPROVAL FOR TRAVEL VERIFIED IN SUBJECT FILE SECURITY APPROVAL FOR TRAVEL BASED ON FILE REVIEW BY BRIEFING OFFICER SECURITY FILE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW BEFORE BRIEF ING |__| EMERGENCY CONTACTS (met on arrival, phone no., alternate action to make contact) SECURITY REGULATIONS (operational talk, documents, indigenous employee hazards) |__| TRAVEL PRECAUTIONS (recognition overseas, camera, black market, currency exchange) PERSONAL AFFAIRS (charge accounts, traffic tickets, litigation, neighbors) PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE (Jimitations, home address, shop talk) PERSONAL CONDUCT (morals, drinking, representative americans) ASSOCIATION WITH FOREIGNERS (overseas briefing, phase out on return) HOSTILE AUDIO SURVEILLANCE (microphones, shop talk at home-hotels, report to security) COVER PROBLEMS (adequacy, request for briefing on arrival, family knowledge) RESPONSIBILITY ABROAD (local customs, traditions, religion, responsibility for dependents) OTHER REFERRED BACK TO CENTRAL COV ay 4 64 DATE BRIEFED Ue vi {fj tore: 1987 SECRET thee em (erties) ========== FILE: 104-10129-10439.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,0000 104-10129-10439) | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | . CONF IDENT IAL (When Filled In) REASSIGNMENT PROCESSING !. THIS 1S TO RECORD RECEIPT OF, AND WHERE INDICATED. ACTION ON A ROUT ING DOCUMENT WHICH PLACES THIS EMPLOYEE IN THE ASSIGNMENT SPEC IFiED DOCUMENT FORM 1152 TRAVEL ORDER CERTIFICATION REQUEST RETURNEE LIST OVERSEAS PANEL LIST 2. THE FILE HAS BEEN REVIEWED FOR INFORMATION, FLAGS, OR OTHER INDICATORS HAVING A BEARING ON THE PRO- POSED ACTION. THE VARIOUS ASPECTS CONSIDERED AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE, IF ANY, ARE AS FOLLOWS: OTHER OR COMMENTS SUITABILITY INFO MEDICAL INFO PRIOR PANEL ACTION COVER PROBLEMS INTEGRATION PROBLEM NEEDS REPOLYGRAPH Ge REASSIGNMENT ACTION APPROVED C 4. CASE [S FORWARDED HEREWITH FOR THE FOLLOWING ACTION Zp verse 1948 Essides! CONFIDENTIAL = [a= (4) ========== FILE: 104-10130-10215.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-001 104-10130-10245) | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | " secRET Were: . fi “ip af hed monet Pf fot beh MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Cover Support Desk ROofpso fofr~ ‘eo € FROM : Mr. Robert J. Leonard SUBJECT : TARASOFF, Anna #131751 B-SB/2 GIST: A special meeting was convened to consider the problem of the prospective visit of Subject's father to the Russian Embassy to obtain a visa. It was determined that he should not be briefed in advance and that an army cover be provided for Subject. “ DETAILS: 1. On 13 October 1960 the undersigned as representative of the Office of Security met with Mr. Birch O'Neal, CI Staff; T.K, Chalmers, CI/Projects; [Henry C. Woodward) CCG/DC; oF Thornton W, Means, OCG/OCB and the Subject to discuss the problem of a prospective trip to the Russian Embassy by the Subject's father for a trip to Russia, __... : ++ 2. Mr. O'Neal had Mrs. TARASOFF recount the details of the situation, She said that several months ago her father ANTHONY ADAMOVIEZ had indicated an interest in attempting ‘to locate his brother and sisters in Russia. He. sent correspondence to his home town and received a reply from his sister MARIYA KALNAK, c/o KALINOTSKIY, VZDEN SKIY RAYON, MINSKAYA, U.S.S.R.. She stated that his brother IVANU ULYANOVICHU ADOMOVICHU was also living. This correspondence inspired ADAMOVIEZ with the desire to visit his brother and ister in Russia wed his retirement. ADOMOVICHU, age 66, ——in good health, recently’retired from his job as a laborer wtsir with American Steel and Wire Company and is now determined to =. Br. isit Russia. Subject's mother has no intention of returning o Russia. 3. Mrs, TARASOFF, on her return from a short vacation isit to her husband BORIS D. TARASOFF, an Agency employee ======== PAGE 2 ======== of her father's intention to come to Washington to make inquiry at the Russian Embassy in regard to his visit to Russia. Subject's father wished Subject to accompany him but she indicated that as a government employee she did not want to go there, Ob 4, Mrs, TARASOFF says that her oldest sister, Mrs. [Sherry COMELLA* knows of her CIA employment and the necessity Hot to divulgé this information. Subject stated that her father and mother know only that she is a government employee, They are not interested in the Agency or Department where she or her husband is employed. Subject also advised that although her landlady and Sears Roebuck Department Store know her as CIA she is not aware that anyone else knows. 2. Mr. O'Neal asked what could be done about this situation. Mr. Means said that Subject's husband is in exico under Light state|cover but had previously been 32 backstopped firmly as a contract employee of the Department SC of State, Escort Branch, Division of Language Services,\ He said he would firm up this backstop so that in the event of x inquiry at that |Division of. State\it would be confirmed that 22 he is in Mexico on an assignment. Mr. [Woodward \stated that 7 he would provide a U.S, Army | Translation Unit|\cover for > Mrs. TARASOFF retroactive to her entrance on duty. The. undersigned stated that he would conduct expedite credit checks’on the Subject and’ Her husband to ascertgin whether or not they Had been recorded as Agency employees. 6. It was agreed among the conferees that since the father of Subject was unwitting of-Subject's CIA employment he would not be specially briefed on what to answer in the event that the question was asked in connection with his VISA application. It was agreed that not knowing the specific Department of Government he would have to consult his daughter and then she could give the cover which had been prepared for her. The undersigned pointed out the possibility that Subject's - father might know of Subjects employment but it was agreed that in view of his age and background it was very improbable and that it would be better not to brief him specifically on Subjects employment but to let the question be handled naturally. SECRET | | ike ======== PAGE 3 ======== 7. Subsequent to the meeting expedite credit checks on the Subject and her-husband revealed. no record at either the Credit Bureau or Stone's. It has subsequently been learned that Subject's father had visited the Embassy and had been asked to give a short history and the names of his chileren, €~ Subject was listed by her father in her maiden name, Consequently no further difficulty is expected in this matter, The Office of Security is to be kept advised of further developments in this case by T. K, Chalmers, Subject's . supervisor. ACTION: None. Information only. ‘ et) Command Robert (4, Leonard a ========== FILE: 104-10130-10305.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-2000 104-10130-10305] _ | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | \ Fue ’ s soe . CONFIDENTIAL (When Filled In) REINVESTIGATION ACTION SUBJECT - - . . . : y Y PAR AISEL 0 : DeherS yy, LTRS Yj 7 . ‘ THE FILE OF THE SUBJECT HAS BEEN REVIEWED IN CONNECTION WITH THE REINVESTIGATION PROGRAM AND. NO ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: INVESTIGATION WITHIN LAST FIVE YEARS _ URRENT ASSIGNMENT OVERSEAS POSSIBLE RETIREMENT OR RESIGNATION ON LWOP STATUS (Other) / aN VIEW OF THE ABOVE, THIS CASE HAS BEEN PENDED TO . THES CASE IS TO BE FORWARDED TO THE CHIEF, TRANSACTION REVIEW SECTION, CLEARANCE BRANCH, UPON SUBJECTS RETURN FROM OVERSEAS OR ANY CHANGE IN CURRENT STATUS. - REMARKS RETURN TO CIA Background Use Only Oo Not Reproduce IGNATURE FOR C/TRS. CLEARANGE Vi . FORM f 3-63 1986d CONFIDENTIAL (4-68.13) yd ========== FILE: 104-10130-10339.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,00 ee SD brea we ry Sth 0D 104-10130-10339| = . [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | AE oy JOY EET . ‘ . nos OL Titman rou Bee wot Reprodues Memorandum for the File 13 February 1962 TARASOFF, Boris O38 About two weeks ago Hr. [Sounttaa, 00/C extension 3026, called and said that they needed an interpreter for a Soviet Delegetion for one afternoon and Subject had been selected. Mr [Sounitza] oF said that Mr. Kuhn had given his approval recently on the Subjéct. fos Mr. Sounitaq said that a new exchange program is now under negotiation. . 99 24 Subject will be _under [state Department, Jcover es a contractor for the language school. | ilo security objection was interposed to Subject's use. R. C. Swéndiman possess ========== FILE: 104-10130-10343.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== ib "|t04-10430-10343 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 ] ; _ et 2 oS een ~. . - — fj BEEBE? lA ISVs fm po . EX | tov EOD OFriwm TRAVEL ORDER NO. ‘oe: TRAVEL ORDER Presa gee Time ae TRAVEL GROER NO. Boris D. Tarmsoff (Fup) [UrriCiAt STATION i OFFICE PHONE Pow “D.C. p GS-11 od YOU ARE AUTHORIZED TO TRAVEL AND INCUR NECESSARY EXPENSES IN ACCORDANCE WITH REGULATIONS. THIS TRAVEL OR CHANGE OF CFFICIAL STATION, IF SO DESIGNATED, IS MADE FOR OFFICIAL PURPOSES AND NOT FOR YOUR PERSONAL CONVENIENCE. ITINERARY, MODE OF TRAVEL AND PURPOSE Washington, D.C. to Mexico City ané return. RETURN TO CIA NODE: Air Background Use Only PURPOSE: DY Replacement for Station Eeplayee while on haw leave. Oo {Not Reproduce Avea Classified Cetegery A. — ; TRAVEL DURATION PER DIEM ALLOWANCE ~AUTOMOBIGESALLOWANCE ) BEGIN END ENYS PER MI. ENTS PER Mi, f . costey cone” ADVANTAGEOUS 9 bag "60 Pe MONCARRIER To cov'T. ALLOWANCES AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS WITH REASONS . ay — - 2 Pn) | 90 days THY 2 2 . 9% 2 ° [ stant State Cover | = gf ESTIMATED COST OF TRAVEL I | DEPENDENT TRAVEL AUTHORIZED PROCURE TRANSPORTATION BY [NAME ~~ ~=«O(DaTE OF BiRTH [RELATIONSHIP | [TRANSPORTATION REQUEST "ASH OR OTHER DISPOSITION OF EFFECTS AUTHORIZATION $1400.00 (02) SHIPMENT COORDINATION SIGNATURE. TITLE & COMPONENT Ry r PORM 540 opsolerg (28-48) 3-59 PREVIOUS MFG 6-50 EDITIONS. py | : ========== FILE: 104-10130-10344.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,0000 {104-10130-10344 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 } ree - ~_- RAVE dRIEFING SHE ¢ Ee TAL ASOFF, Rov, DESTINATION: DEPENDENTS BRIEFING: PIEXICO CITY PREVIOUS TRAVEL: Area_.o «Cover. Years, RETURN TO GIA Background Use Only Areas Cover - Oo Not Years Area Cover. Vers Risk of Capture Category A x B c D . Travel Briefing _SPECIAL BRIBFING J Bmergency Contacts ©. Personal Conduct 2. Knowledge of Security Regulations “1.. Association with Foreign Nationals 3 ‘Travel Precautions &. Defensive Audio Surveillance 4¢. Personal Affairs “J . Cover , a. Personal Correspondence , ‘10. Responsibility as American Abroad Date prietea, 2-2 C—@O __ — SEGRET aol ========== FILE: 104-10130-10356.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-2000 104-10130-10356) | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992) . e we Adi ST Ly _ ceey ate Be. = fa book ls A ZF [ee7 - ee . ite sy As ere’ Ved ========== FILE: 104-10130-10381.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,06 0009 104-10130-10381 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 ] wed a SIECKES ~ , Lows em 2B Ma, 1963 RETURN TO GIA. . . . ground Use Only’ : MEMORANDUM FOR: The Record - Oo Neg Reproduce. se SUBJECT: Mr. Boris D. TARASOFF, PCS Security Clearance -l. I have been advised by a representative of the Office of Security that Mr. TARASOFF will be granted security clearance for PCS to Mexico City with the fol- lowing proviso: — . That WHD is aware of and recognizes in conjunction with his overseas function: Mr. TARASOFF and his family are known to be CIA; and, further, are known by USSR representatives whom he served as inter- preter/translator in the U.S. (NOTE: I believe that during the periods of the interp./transl. duties he was given coverfof Dept. of State or U.S. Govt. Contract EmpLoyeé). 2. I advised that the WHD was aware of the above, accepted same, and that the proviso would be brought to attention of C/Wwi/3. W. S. RENEHAN Pers St l=?~ ========== FILE: 104-10130-10472.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== "(104-10130-40472 .| 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 |»- "C uwevassteren RNA [1 CONF’ =NTIAL ra SECRET of SL CTI a. ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Tete gee EXTENSION, 26 NAR 553 TO=. (Officer designation, room number, and : ~ : : building} OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from who INITIALS. fo whom. Draw a: line: across. column: after each comment. 1. Office of Security (Attn: Mr. Bannerman) G-E-31 (J CONFIDENTIAL =] Tora “{([] UNCLASSIFIED ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-0000 | FBI, in his management. MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: The Wackenhut Corporation 3280 Ponce de Leon Boulevard Coral Gables, Florida 1. Mr. Bannerman, Security Office, arranged through Chief, CCS for the writer to meet Mr. Geor, jWackenhut, President of subject, to explore its potential for cover| support. At 10:30 a.m., on 14 March 1963, Mr. Wackenhut, Mr. Wes Reynolds, and I met at Mr. Reynold's home, 3809 37th Street, Horth, Arlington. - ~My. Reynolds epparently represents Wackenhut in the Washington area, although I did not gather that the firm is. actually operating here at present. Mr. Wackenhut end Mr. Reynolds, both, ere ex-FBI agents. 2. Wackenhut started his firm in 1954. In 1961 it was reported to have 1100 employees and anticipated 196] sales in excess of $5 million. At present it has offices in Miami, Coral Gables, Tampa, Jacksonville, Philedeiphia, New York. City, Boston, Buffalo, Denver, Los Angeles, San Jose (calir. ), Honolulu, Sen Juan and Ponce, Puerto Rico. Wackenhut freely states that _ he trades on the reputation of the FBI by publicizing widely the 21 ex-FEI agents, including two former Assistant Directors of the 3. The Operating Divisions of the company and their services are described in e Wackenhut brochure as follows: Investigative Division . Performs all types of investigations for attorneys, insurance companies, benks and other businesses; sets up internal audit systems to prevent embezzlements, and investigates personel back- grounds of prospective executives, business partners and associates. Scientifie Services Division Conducts pre and post-employment, pre=-promotional and 1 gpect- fie lie detector examinations for business and industry; spectel- izes in technical security and investigetive techniques, scientific detection devices, and electronic and mechanical security methods and equipment, and performs electronic "sweeps" to counter business esplonage through the detection of electronic intrusion attempts. ======== PAGE 3 ======== 1400000, . Internal Intelligence Division Specializes in exposing and controlling inside thefts that may renge from employee pilferage, through embezzlement of thousands of dollars, to highly valusble industrial secrets. Central Clearing Division Assists personnel end security directors to sereen quickly the backgrounds of present end potential employees through the messive files of The Wackenhut ‘Yorporation. Retail Store Protection Division Increases net profits by reducing inventory shortages through the control of internel end externel losses with security programs designed to meet the client's specific needs. tr: Services Division - Provides specialized training programs for security, fire fighting, investigative and other personnel of business organiza~ tions and professional groups. Industrial Security Division Provides the essential security services that are required by all companies seeking or handling government classified contracts; assists management in disaster and emergency planning. Fire and Safety Division Supplies ambulance services, first eid erews, Waekenhut fire- men fully trained in the technical field of industrial and mni- Gipal fire fighting ‘and equipment, and safety surveys, systems, and educational programs. " Quard Forces Division Selects, investigates, trains and supervises the uniformed and plein-clothes guards who protect your operations; also provides uniformed receptionists and guardettes; makes physical property surveys to determine security requirements and. establishes security systems and controls. 4. Mp. Wackenhut wants to expand abroad, in view of his successful venture into Puerto Rico. However, he has no definite plans as of the present and seemed to be seeking Grom CIA covert xt sponsorship] for entry into areas of interest to us. He is pre- pared to furnish personnel himself /or to permit integration of 2y Agency nominees.{ 5- It is not epparent to me that there is any significant market for Wackenhut's services in foreign countries, except possibly among American businesses with physical plants overseas. The nature of these services, I would presume, would make rather . difficult acquisition of the necessary occupational permits in many countries. The potential for clandestine intelligence acti- vities would be too apvious to host governments, and the emphasés ======== PAGE 4 ======== -3- on former FRI personnel probably would enhance such suspicions, particularly in Latin Anerica where 'FBI" means "intelligence" since ites WW IT activities there. 6. CC8/NC on occasion receives requests for advice to busi+ ness orgenizations as to setting up security systems at overseas installations. We recently referred a request of this type, : involving 6 major oil company, to the Physical Security element of the Security Office. Conceivably, the Agency might make some arrangement to advise Wackenhut of such requests, providing our own Security Office is satisfied as to Weckenhut's competence. (We >“ could then place an Agency representative, if desired, Am the teaxi2 dispatched overseas by Wackenhut} should his compeny successfully secure the contract. T- Wackenhut seid he would be willing to dispatch teams to “set up personal security systems for foreign chtefs of state . whom the Agency wants protected. He is amenable, in fact, to any reasonable application of his capabilities to Agency problems. He would be willing to negotiete financing in equitable propor~ tions in the event an overt operation, set up at Agency behest, were not financially self-susteining. 8. Wackenhut impressed me as a clean-cut, energetic, ambitious young business man who is obviously proud of what e 3 to be a@ superior organization of its type. He is interes profits, but it is my impression he is sincerely eager to do what he can to essist the government and feels that CIA offers one possible oppor= . -tunity. Incidentally, he appears somewhat younger in person then __ in the pictures appearing in the promotional material given the writer. : ‘9. Copies of this memorandum are being furnished those Agency - components which might have an interest in utilizing subject com- peny. Ingzirles may be directed to the vriter. FRED R. YOUNGBLOOD Chief, CCS/HC ========== FILE: 104-10130-10485.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,0000 104-10130-10485) | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | » mt Background Use Only wht Do Not Reproduce DATE _ nen te ol Chief, Central Cover Staff FROM: Christos S. Gikas Acting Chief, Enplo; Activity Branch James W. Franklin cting Chief, Euployee Activity Bran Please check your records for any cover considerations in connection with the rélease of a retirement medallion to VITALE, Guy, DDP/WH. No cover objections. SUGNATURE " RETURN TO ORIGINATOR FORM USE PREVIOUS s-67 183! EDITIONS ========== FILE: 104-10131-10010.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,0006 a - : sakes eat —_— 104-10131-10010) [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | IRFORMATION FOR THE SECURITY FILE TO 3 Chief, Personnel Security Division Date: i July 1965 FROM ; Chief, Interrogation Research Division Inp#: 21642 CATEGORY A: 1. Foreign relatives residing in foreign countries. ~~ 2. Foreign relatives (non-US citizens) residing in the United States. — eens 3. Relatives residing in foreign countries other than U. 8. Government connected. . CATEGORY B: 1. Any relatives employed by foreign governments foreign owned firms or foreign intelligence organizations. CATEGORY C: 1. Foreign social acquaintances residing in foréign countries. 2. Foreign social acquaintances (non-US citizens) residing in the United States. 7 3. Social acquaintances otner than U. 8. citizens or Government connected residing. in foreign countries. CATEGORY D: 1. Any acquaintance employed by a foreign government, foreign : owned firm. or foreign intelligence organization. CATEGORY FE: 1. Close Agency acquaintances. CATEGORY F: 1. Current roommates. CATEGORY G: 1. By whom recommended. 7 Te RELATIONSHIP TYPE ASSOCIATION CATEGORY NAME( citizenship) ADDRESS EMPLOYMENT TYPE CONTACT ======== PAGE 2 ======== WH/C #65-200 10 May 1965 MEMORANDUM FOR: C/F1/INT/IE 24 SUBJECT : Foreign Intelligence Officera(in Liaison with CIA }n the United States REFERENCES A.Your Memo dated 14 April 1965, Subject 2s above. B. SAS Memo #64-96 dated 5 February 1964 L The following information is submitted per your reference A which has been reported previously in reference B to the Director of Security. Name: Colonel Carlos LUNA Position: Argentine representative to the Security Comn:ittee of the OAS, Washington, D.C. Nationality: Argentine Background: AN HAL Age, 49. Born Argentina. Wife is Argentine. Senior Colonel in the Argentine Army. Career Army Intelligence officer. Formerly an officer assigned to the Secretaria de — Informaciones del Estado (SIDE), the senior Argentine Intelligence Service. ! with which we maintain official Maisons) 74 ‘he Argentine service has assigned officers to the OAS Security Committee (at Washington, D.C. Yat our official reque: He replaced Lt. Col Francisco RAMIREZ and has almost finished his tour here. Estimated time of ’ departure from Washirgton, D.C. in July 65. He was assigned to the OAS Security | Committee by the Argentine Army and the _Argentine latelligence Service (SIDE). We . John Wilson, DC/WH/2 "3 OC aa dectassi ======== PAGE 3 ======== -2- Frequency of Meetings: Occasional. No more often ; than once per month a5 a rule. Place of Meetings: At homes of above lsted afficers or at restaurants, , 2, The above contact stems from a past association, is only sermi-official and in each instance covered by a Memorandum of Record to WH Division. Harold F. Swenson WH/C/SP cc, Deputy Director for Plans Distribution: Orig & 1 - Addressee 1 - DDP 1 - WH/C/ESEC 1 - Chrono SECRET ========== FILE: 104-10131-10014.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 104-10131-10014) | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 } ’ lel : > iS 1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Personnel ATTENTION 3 Mrs. Dorothy Turncr Roam 5503 FROM 3 Deputy Directer of Security (Investigations and Operational Support) SUBJECT + (gare, Harold F(a) #73035 7 i. his is to advise that a CIA Identification Card will be issued in the above captioned alias to an employee of TFW. You are requested to establish an indices card in the above alias in order that the Office of Personnel vill be in a position to ack- . nowledge any inguiries that might be received concerning the Subject. 2. Upon receipt of any inquiry, you are further requested to promptly acknowledge Agency employment for such individual ani then to advise the Chief, Cover Support Section of the Office of Security, extension 6280 or 7380 or in the lattars absence, Mr. George Ladner, TFW/Security, extension 6055. KUENKE/efb 6 November 1962 - PENDING M/R: See TFW memorandum dated 5 November 1962 which was con- curred in by Moorhouse of CCS with the understanding that I would advise Mr. Bannerman of the action taken and obtain his approval upon the latters return on or about 9 November 1962. An exception was made in this case to the general rule that CIA identification in alias will not be issued [ike Gtate Department)integrees. The exception was granted because of Subject 's positiad and long experience in matters of this nature and due to the fact that it will be strictly controlled and limited to . assignment which will be directly by Mr. Harvey. ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 RUA Het ae . . (then Fitted ny. - 4 3 oO &E DATE PREPARED REQUEST FOR PERSONNEL ACTION 24 Ostober 1962 J. SERIAL NUMBER 2- NAME (Last-First-Middle) SWENSON, Herol@ F. 3. NATURE OF PERSONNEL ACTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE REQUESTED| 5. CATEGORY OF EMPLOYMENT 7, COST CENTER NO. CHARGE- | 8. LEGAL AUTHORITY (Completed by ABLE Office of Personne!) [er ro cr | 3232-2000~1000 ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGNATIONS 10. LOCATION OF OFFICIAL STATION DDP Tesk Force W Offices of the Chief Washington, D.C. td. “RrraShe, ‘Pau OF : 12. posiTiON NUMBER 13. CAREER SERVICE DESIGNATION OPS OFF (D BR CH) ; 0663 14. CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE (GS, LB, etc.) | 15. OCCUPATIONAL SERIES Gs 5) 16. REMARKS 168A. SIGNATURE OF REQUESTING OFFICIAL 188- SIGNATURE OF CAREER SERVICE APPROVING OFFICER 19, ACTION (20, EMPLOY. | 21. [2!- OFFICE coplnc CODING 22.STATION 23, INTEGREE Cove cope CODE CODE [28.nTE ExPiRES | NTE EXPIRES 29. SPECIAL 30. RETIREMENT DATA 31, SEPARATION) 32. CORRECTION/CANCELLATION DATA REFERENCE ian “— 38. CAREER CATEGORY 39. FEGL! / HEALTH INSURANCE NQ.SOCIAL SECURITY NO, CAR/RESV O - watveR [WEALTH INS. CODE PROV/TEMP 1 + ves 2.LEAVE CAT. . FEDERAL TAX DATA . STATE TAX DATA CODE 0 = No PREVIOUS seRvice FORM EXECUTED) CODE 0, TAX EXEMPTIONS | FORM EXECUTED INO. TAXISTATE CODE 1 = NO BREAK IN SERVICE Von Yes REAK 1M SERVICE (Less THaw 3 YRS) 2 - No 3 = BREAK IM SERVICE (MORE THAN 3 YRS) 45. POSITION CONTROL CERTIFICATION » O.P. APPROVAL DATE APPROVED 2 ne 1 a antral FORM OBSOLETE PREVIOUS EDITION -t (4) 4-62 1152 AND FoRM 1152, SEC ========== FILE: 104-10131-10016.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-001 104-10131-10046 > [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 a MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Technical Services Division APTERTION br.‘ Clayton Kallander ° 226 Westout Building Deputy Director of Security (Investigations ani Operational Support) BUBJECE : SWENSON, Harold ¥. #73086 FROM 1. There is attached hereto T¥W/Support memorandun dated 5. Hovenber 1962 requesting alias documentation for the Subject in his registered alias. 2. Please note that a backstopped driver's license ‘has been requested for the Subject. The Office of. Ll, therefore, initiate action to procure a beckstoped bins Bot Hock State: Drs conn Please issue the requested documen- tation directly to TFW/support. FOR THE DIRECTOR GF SECURITY: | ABDS /TOS (ASST/IOS Attachments As Indicated cc: IFW/Security KUENKE/efb 6 November 1962 PENDING ======== PAGE 2 ======== 1400000. . . Ctypces 5 November 1962 MEMDRANDUM FOR: Technical Services Division {Authentication Branch) 1. Attached for your informafion is a completed form D-104 e : poets SAP sommentation for|Subject in his registered elias, * se handle this request on an expeditious beets einew D necessary for Mr. SWENSON to make some contacts in the near future. 3. Refer any inquiries to George A. LADHER, dre, ext. 6055. HOWARD 3. PRESTON Attachments Po Form D~104 | cos OS/sD/2 ======== PAGE 3 ======== ======== PAGE 4 ======== ; a | . oe HIN if G if ========== FILE: 104-10131-10028.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== (104-10131-10028) (2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992, E; MILITARY :;COVER BACKSTO es RG S-DIVISION men gos ========== FILE: 104-10131-10099.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 104-10131-10099) | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992) A, ot et : . Headquarters MEMORANDUM FOR: Special Agent in Charge _ Washington Field Office ues Baa” sane 1. Your office is Office of Origin. 2. Subject is of covert interest. Conduct investigation according to standard regulations « except as as hereinafter noted. 3. Assignments are as follows: a. DISTRICT FIELD OFFICE-will. conduct the following National Agency checks: PPE EEE ES DO NOT CONTACT Far Dd. WASHINGTON FIEID OFFICE: At Columbus, Georgia Informants (if possible) Euployment =. Police anf Credit At D.C. Police and Credit &. Special Instructions: @. Subdject has superently been located as follows: 1945-1947: Washington, D. ¢. (details uimow) [ATTACHMENTS | (9+ 398+43) Ble, ty ======== PAGE 2 ======== wie 4 Wye owe <¢ 29N7-1949" Catt Columbus, Georgia and/or Panama - wea db. Sublet gives the following character references: SEiiion ¢. TiuUare, 428 8. Prestoajstreet Street, Baltimore, Na. Fe oe nminaan of the Soa, (ERY Coy, Colubus, Ga. 4 ey ========== FILE: 104-10131-10111.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== (104-10131-10111| Hee eee ae aot Ce nen SINATON RECORDS ACT OF 1992 ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 “ NOTLFICATION OF ESTABLISHMENT ¥. *'=' OF. MILITARY COVER BACKSTOP ee ERATING ‘COMPONENT AGES, Fe feies Eee ere ponsibili (R 240-250) ss om ou 15 ========== FILE: 104-10132-10092.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== Fiaoa- 10132- ooegt" 7 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE ,PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992) wieVitin 5 ..onas Bla NO. 10 . Lj an wi we 5010-104 { a ( a \ ran ee > UNITED STATES GOVi.sANMENT - .: Memorandum — _TO : Bites ws? ; ; DATE: 29 J; eanuary 1964 ; FROM : -M. D. Stevens “sugjecr: THE LEE HARVEY OSWALD CASE #35116 1. According to a newspaper colum of "Allen and Scott" in‘the — Chicago American of 6 December 1963, on the OSWALD Case, Abram CHAYES, Legal Officer of the State Department, was one of two persons im- . mediately responsible for OSWALD's being permitted. to return:to the United States from the Soviet Union in June 1962.. The other individual: named was Llewellyn THOMPSON, the then Ambassador to Russia. . ‘Another .~ Q said to have been involved in the handling of OSWALD's case ‘was Semel ° WISE, Counsel of the American Embassy in Moscow. 2. Abram CHAYES, #352234, who as of 16 February 1961 was described as "the new Counsel in State", was granted Security approval for liaison contact with J. Foster COBLINS (in the office of the Chief of the Covert Action Staff) on 6-March 1961. The request for CHAYES' clearance was a "Blanket" request to permit discussion with him of NSC 5412/2 matters on a need-to-know basis. . 3. In September 1961 there was a White House. nemecheck request on” CHAYES' wife Antonia (Toni) Teigh CHAYES, neé: -HANDLER. / . 4. In March. 1962, CHAYES was granted a renewal of his Liaison a contact clearance with C/CA on a continuing basis. This time his contact ~ was Archibald ROOSEVELT, dre : 5. on. 10 February 1962, HUMAN EVENTS reported as follows with ~ reference to CHAYES: : “SOFT ON COMMUNISM: Representative Francis E. Welter (R.-Pa:), Chairmen of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, has scored the new State Department regulations on passports, claim- ‘ing they would allow Reds denied passports to "rifle freely the . confidential files’ of the FBI, the CIA and other investigative : agencies." The man behind the uew regulations, which Walter - claims violate the Internal Security Act. of 1950, is reportedly State's chief legal officer, Abram Chayes. Chayes, a Kennedy . appointee, is an ex-Harvard professor who was Chester Bowles’ top legal adviser when Bowles was Governor of Connecticut. Walter has introduced legislation -to remedy the ‘new passport ~ ; regulations." i Document Number {elel029 for FOIA Review oa ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 6. Samuel WISE, “Counsel in the American Embassy in Moscow" who is referred to above, may well be Samel Griffin WISE Jr., #74574, SD & SSD, who apparently was once a contract employee on (ARACTIVE. [The State Department reviewed WISE's file on 2 June 1954; and as of September 1962 a Samuel G. WISE was Second Secretary of the American” Embassy in Moscow. At that time WISE advised in a cable to the State Department that it appeared that Bruce Frederick DAVIS, #352267, who defected from the United States Army in Germany on 18 August 1960, had not expatriated himself. DAVIS' case is very similar to that of OSWALD; and he, like OSWALD, lived in the Soviet Union for two years after his defection and prior to making application for return to the United States./ 7. WISE was an applicant for CIA employment in early 1953 and was security approved subject to polygraph on 11 August 1953. He did not enter on duty and in September 1953 the office which had been interested in him was "no longer interested". On 13 November 1953, WISE was granted a CSA to permit his-use as a contract employee on (ABACTIVE in New York City. His CSA was cancelled on 2h March 1958. 8. WISE was named ds a friend of (William Orville MONSELL, #61693-DLj during an investigation of the latter for possible CIA employment” in 1952. WISE, according to MUNSELI's landlady and social acquaintance in Washington, D.C. during the period of about a year which ended in April 1952, was the only person she knew by name with whom(MUNSELD.was friendly. According to the informant, WISE was a student at Columbia University whose address was 423 Furnald Hall. (MUNSELT) was Security disapproved for CIA employment in June 1952 because of his chose association on a professional and social basis, while attending Denver University from 19h6 + to 1951, with persons of questionable loyality. In November 1954, CMONSELL was of interest to project PFALLVE with reference to assignment to: ‘Dhahran, ‘Saudi wdi Arabia} however, the interested office withdrew their request on hin, m, after Security advised of the derogatory information regarding him. 9. WISE from 1951. to 1954 attended Scarsdale High School in Scarsdale, New York, which was attacked by a Citizen's Group, which alleged Communist influence in the school system. He had several questionable associates in addition to/MUNSELL. M. D. Stevens dectassification ========== FILE: 104-10133-10437.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-2000 104-10133-10437|. . ns aS at Gh ite aye .-|2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. anal ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | na + gig SELHEL, “dD De es UNITED STATES GOVrANMENT “ Memorandum a ry _To- : Files 0. Vee FROM : M. D. Stevens subject: THE LEE HARVEY OSWALD CASE #351164 1. According to a newspaper colum of “Allen and Scott" in the Chicago. American of 6 December 1963, on the OSWALD Case, Abram CHAYES, Legal Officer of the State Department, was one of two persons im- mediately responsible for OSWAID's being permitted to return to the United States from the Soviet Union in June 1962. The other individual named was Llewellyn THOMPSON, the then Ambassador to Russia. Another - said to have been involved in the handling of OSWALD's case was Samuel WISE, Counsel of the American Embassy in Moscow. 2. Abram CHAYES, #352234, who as of 16 February 1961 was described s "the new Counsel in State", was granted Security approval for liaison contact with J. Foster COLLINS (in the office of the Chief of the Covert Action Staff) on 6 March 1961. The request for CHAYES' clearance was a "Blanket" request to permit discussion with him of NSC 5412/2 matters on '@ need-to-know basis. . 3. In September 1961 there was a vhite {House namecheck request on CHAYES' Wife Antonia (Toni) Leigh CHAYES, neé: “HANDLER. 4. In March 1962, CHAYES was granted a renewal of his liaison contact clearance with c/CA on a continuing basis. This time his contact was Archibald ROOSEVELE, Ire : : 5. on 10 February 1962, HUMAN EVENTS reported as follows with © reference to CHAYES: "SOFT ON COMMUNISM: Representative Francis BE Walter (R.-Pa.), Chairman of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, has scored the new State Department regulations on passports, claim~ ing they would allow Reds denied passports to. "rifle freely the confidential files of the FBI, the CIA.and other investigative... ‘agencies." The man behind the new regulations, which Walter claims violate the Internal Security Act. of 1950, is reportedly State's chief legal officer, Abram Chayes. Chayes, a Kennedy appointee, is an ex-Harvard professor who was Chester Bowles’ top legal adviser when Bowles was Governor of Connecticut. Walter has introduced legislation to remedy the new passport regulations .“ , _SECRET Document Number 27> 211029 ee 5 407 Excluded fram "| ‘for FOIA Review on FEB 1977 dovegrading and wel ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-0000 6. Samuel WISE, "Counsel in the American Embassy in Moscow" who is referred to above, may well be Samel Griffin WISE Jr., #74574, SD & SSD, who apparently was once a contract employee on‘SAHACTIVE. [fhe State Department reviewed WISE's file on 2 June 1954; and as of September 1962 a Samuel G. WISE was Second Secretary of the American Embassy in Moscow. At that time WISE advised in a cable to the State - Department shaigit appeared. .thak.samecaivedeniok»DAVIS, «jf 3522 Qigmmgs0 . tr \ defected from the United States-Army -in Germany “on“48 August’ 1060zshed = ° not expatriated himself. DAVIS' case is very similar to that of OSWALD; and he, like OSWALD, lived in the Soviet Union for two years after his defection and prior to making application for return to the United States./ 7. WISE was an applicant for CIA employment in early 1953 and was security approved subject to polygraph on 11 August 1953. He did not enter on duty and in September 1953 the office which had been interested in him was “no longer interested". On 13 November 1953, WISE was granted a CSA to permit his-use as a contract employee on (APACTIVE in New York City. His CSA was cancelled on 24 March 1958. V7 8. WISE was named as a friend of William Orville MUNSELL, #61693-DL, during an investigation of the latter for possible CIA employment in 1952. - WISE, according to ‘MUNSELL'S, landlady and social acquaintance in Washington, D.C. during the period of about a yeer which ended in April 1952, was the only person she knew by name with whomi, MUNSELL” was friendly. According .to the informant, WISE was a student at Columbia University whose address was 423 Furnald Hall. (MUNSELL,* was Security disapproved for CIA employment in June 1952 because of his close association on a professionali and social basis, while attending Denver University from 1946 to 1951, with persons of questionable loyality. In November 1954, \MUNSELL: was of interest to project (1 (EJALLIVE with reference to assignment to:Dhahrai, Saudi Arabia; however, the interested office withdrew their request on him, after Security advised of the derogatory information regarding him. : 9. WISE from 1951 to 1954 attended Scarsdale High School in Scarsdale, New York, which was attacked by a Citizen's Group, which alleged Commmist - influence in the school system. He had several questionable associates in addition to MUNSELL. Lys Bhecue M. D. Stevens. scunkT GROUP Excluded from evtomatic th diag and ======== PAGE 3 ======== 1400000 ra "er FORM NO. 10 . . SECRET So10-104 . re ; : : es UNITED STATES GOVi2NMENT . . ’ : ° Memorandum 7 To’. : Files we n>) oo, " DATE: 29 January 1964 “FROM : Me Di Stevens suBjecT: THE LEE HARVEY OSWALD CASE - #851164 1. According to a newspaper colum of "Allen and Scott" in the ’ Chicago American of 6 December 1963, on the OSWALD Case, Abram CHAYES, Legal Officer of the State Department, was one of two persons im- mediately responsible for OSWALD's being permitted to return to the United States from the Soviet Union in June 1962. The other individual named was Llewellyn THOMPSON, the then Ambassador to Russia. Another - said to have been involved in the handling of OSWALD's case was Samuel WISE, Counsel of the American Embassy in Moscow. : 2. Abram CHAYES, #352234, who as of 16 February 1961 was described as "the new Counsel in State", was granted Security approval for liaison. ‘contact with J. Foster COLLINS (in the office of the Chief of the Covert Action Staff) on 6 March 1961. The request for CHAYES' clearance was a -"Blanket" request to permit discussion with him of NSC 5412/2 matters on _& need-to-know basis. 36 ‘In September 1961 ‘there. Was a- White House namecheck request on i: CHAYES' wife Antonia (Toni) Leigh CHAYES, nee: HANDLER. ot he ‘In March 1962, CHAYES ‘was granted a renewal of his liaison’. contact clearance with C/CA on a continuing basis. This time his. contact was Archibald ROOSEVELT, IX 5. on 10 February 1962, HUMAN EVENTS reported as follows vith, ‘reference to CHAYES: . . . an "SORT ON COMMUNISM: Representative Francis E. Walter » (RePar), Chairman of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, has....: . scored the new State Department regulations on passports, claim- _ ing they would allow Reds denied passports to "rifle freely the - : confidential files. of; the..FBI, .the CIA and other investigative -agencies." The man behind the new régulations, which Walter” claims violate the Internal Security Act of 1950, is neportedy. State's chief legal officer, Abram Chayes. Chayes, a. Kennedy. ‘appointee, is an ex-Harvard professor who was Chester - ‘Bowles '" top legal adviser when Bowles was Governor of Connecticut. — Walter has introduced legislation to remedy the new passport : regulations." ) SECRET Document Number T= Ra1029 rs 5 : fe from automatic} _ fer FOIA Review on FED ° 1977 downgrading aad ; aerlesifcain,. ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-0000 SECRET -2- 6. Samuel WISE, "Counsel in the American Embassy in Moscow" who is referred to above, may well be Samuel Griffin WISE Jr., #74574, SD & SSD, who apparently was once a contract employee on AEACTIVE. [fhe State Department reviewed WISE's file on 2 June 1954; and as of September 1962 a Samuel G. WISE was Second Secretary of the American Embassy in Moscow. At that time WISE advised in a cable to the State Department _. /DAVIS' case is very similar to that of OSWALD; and he, like OSWALD, lived in the Soviet. Union for two years after his defection and prior to making application for return to the United States.7 - 7. WISE was an applicant for CIA employment in early 1953 and was security approved subject to polygraph on 11 August 1953. He did not enter on duty and in September 1953 the office which had been interested in him was "no longer interested". On 13 November 1953, WISE was granted a CSA to permit his use as a contract employee on CTIVE in New York City. His CSA was cancelled on 24 March 1958. 8. WISE was named as a friend of William Orville MUNSEIL, 461693-DL, ' during an investigation of the latter for possible CIA employment in 1952. . only person she knew by name with whom MUNSELL ‘was friendly. According | WISE, according to ‘MUNSELL's landlady and social acquaintance in Washington, .... D.C. during the period of about a year which ended in April 1952, was the to the informant, WISE was a student at Columbia University whose address ’ was 423 Furnald Hall. MUNSELI: » was Security disapproved for CIA employment: - . Security advised of the derogatory information regarding hin. New York, which was attacked by a Citizen's Group, which alleged Commnist: in June 1952 because of his close. association on a professional and social. pasis, while attending Denver University from 1946 to 1951, with persons of questionable loyality. In November 1954, CMUNSELL was of interest to . project ®JALIVE with reference to assignment to Dhahran, Saudi Arabia; ~ however, the interested office withdrew their request on him, after 9. WISE from 1951 to 1954 attended Scarsdale High School. in ‘Scarsdale influence in the school system. He had several questionable associates i addition to MUNSELL.: : ao 0 Mp whew M. D. Stevens GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic Covngradiag oe ee Later ated one cate ========== FILE: 104-10143-10088.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 104-10143-10088) TS wrens men penp Aan : b. The 201 Dossier: the officgal fi ae ' 831) and all biographi ating. opine refer NV the individual, ie., per- ~ sonal history, curren! a . : ( ») " - ( SECRET ( | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 |. . a a a DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER Ill 15 November 1974 ANNEX B So - THE 201 aN Rescission: Annex B of Cha RY MAT. 27 October 1986 say Sse L vtropuer ut oe - al . . . ae - The 201 system oi od for identifying a person of specific in- terest to the Operations ectorate and for controlling and filing all pertinent information about that person. The system also provides a means for identifying subjects of 201 files from various categories of information-about them and for producing lisits of 201 personalities according to those categories. Only a rela- tively small number of personalities indexed are of sufficient interest to justify opening a 201 dossier. These are normally subjects of extensive reporting and CI investigation, prospective agents and sources, members of groups and organi- zations of continuing target interest, or subjects on whom a volume of corre- spondence has accumulated. 2. THE 201 SYSTEM The principal features of the 201 system are: . a. The 201 Number: a unique number, i.e., 201-1234587, assigned to each individual in the system to serve as identifying fil ber for reporting on that individual. « \ : “file COnDI ing the 201 opening form (Form @ e. The Master 201 Receg ‘ ecord generated by the opening of = si«Ct a 201 file. This record produhy Synaster 201 reference for the Main Index and stores the pertinent information-which may later be retrieved! for special listings. d. Main Index Master 201 Reference: this reference, printed in reply to an Index Search Request, is printed as illustrated below. When data are absent within the record, succeeding data items or lines will be moved up and the ref- erence consolidated. , 23 SECRET Rae Stal Page cy GUUL7E3 care — op ay ad NO, —aweem,. cence, ======== PAGE 2 ======== 1714-00000 © DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER III, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 OX CODES AA Xx. RCO DATE 53 201-0032671" —(@) TYPE NAME ery SUBNTEENY ANNUAL SOSTATEON OF CHEMISTS 1 2 22 THROUGH Se how 70 00833555 Information About Subject 1. Sequence Number and Name Bons 2. Sex and Date of Birth - 3. Citizenship 4. Place of Birth 5. Occupation 6. Occupation Code 7. Text Document Reference ax rot y) 8. 201 Numb: 9. Name Type 10. OF Codes 11. Record Date only) 12. Reference ISG Control Information 13. Date of latest update of the record 14. STAR Index Record Number 24 SECRET i 3 j z SOY oui n. ae. ee ======== PAGE 3 ======== 1400000 + Tree NTO NUMA PAT DOPED RAED PORES BND DONE SN PR ral { SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER III, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 e. OI Code: a two letter symbol used in sonality records in the 201 system to reco oki with organizations or activities of opext\ jon with the 201 per- ation of an individual Nierest. OL codes cover intelli- ethér s: agent, or known or suspect, as well as activities, i aks) two categories of OL codes for use by compo ON : _ (1) general OT. ROY SS (2) OI codes assigned YO or other specific organizatio - . A component may request an OI code be established by submitting a mem- orandum to the DDO/RMO through the component Records Management Officer. i : % A 20] personality may be assigned two OI codes. An OI code may be assigned ‘when the 201 Personality File Action Request (Form 831) is initiated (see paragraph 3b below) by filling in Box 13 or a code may be assigned or added at a later date by a Form 831 amendment. . . The 201 system has the capability of producing machine listings of 201 personalities by OI codes. For example, if an OF code has been opened for the security service of a certain country a listing may be compiled of all members of that service. f. 201 Machine Lists: produced from the mechanized 201 Index, based on names or other identifying information of personalities on whom 201 dossiers exist. . : 3. OPENING A 201 DOSSIER aw \ a. General ; \ Ww a The opening of a 201 @ prerogative of an operational com- | ation SG ies sroup. An opening creates taste and the occasional closing sks and ISG. 201 dossiers may be opened on persons whowme ig criteria described in Chapter II of this handbook, when there is ‘a gas le expectation that additional information will be acquired and filed in Such a dossier. Generally dossiers are opened on : persons about whom counterintelligence information is being reported, and per- | sons of operational interest to the Operations Directorate, specifically those : persons for whom provisional operational. approvals and operational approvals are requested (see exception below). 201 files are not to be opened on staff ' employees, staff agents and most categories of contract employees. Files on - of a 201 dossier are cdgtes SECRET COUL765 ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-0000 DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER III, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 persons who are only of local interest to a ~ station or Headquarters desk. records systém and are to be main in SNW nit. Some desks levy require- ments.on ISG for reat A names appear in incoming dossiers should be. (pens NY ae \\ (1) Sub WG Pp proval requests» How for persons being a tonal interest for training. Purposes only. © and on whom no DDO records nae ts are not a part of the DDO ‘b listed in Attachment 2. 201 onal approval and operational a ap- ed not be opened when a POA is requested (2) Persons for whom the field requests a. 201 opening, - (3) MHFIXTURE personalities: bonafide diplomats of other than denied area countries, in close association with staff personnel. _) Subjects of a Personal Record Questionnaire Part L saat nt certain categories of persons whose . r a foreign liaison service and who are of opera- . ” (8) Persons on whom a Main Index search reveals information § in five or more documents (see DOI 70-20). (6) Subjects of Interagency Source Register memoranda from LSN/ ISR (opened only by IP/RMS). . b. Requesting a 201 File Opening Headquarters desks may open a filling out and submitting a 201 Personality File Action AWS 31) to the Records Main- tenance Section (IP/RMS) ‘83 also used to create or amend the master 201 record asd nN She | aie % and to register the assign- ment of a cryp s hment 8 consists of sample 201 Personality yeHon Fag Rane ing and amending 201’s. A field station may request th Ag Ol. file by writing 201- in the Head- quarters file or ered ox on the dispatch form and/or after’ the subject's name in the body Sf the dispatch, A telepouch request for a 201 opening is made by indicating 201- in the file number line. A cable request is made by placing 201- after’ the term “File”. on the last line of the transimission. Te/AN will open 201 files as requested by dispatch or telepouch but it is the responsi- bility of the desk to’respond to cable requests. Field stations are notified of 201 openings through receipt of the field master 201 record. 26 SECRET G0UL7E L 1766 Pacz S copy NO. oP? oe ======== PAGE 5 ======== 14-0000 » SECRET _DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER III, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 4. CONTENTS OF THE DOSSIER Information about a 201 personality should be filed or cross-referenced into his dossier. When additional information is discovered ona 201 subject through a name trace or other process, ie., revie ecessor documents, it must aa OI 70-20 for consolidation be consolidated into his personali procedures. . y ‘ | : ; Material which i YY dossie: ce is not limited to: Loa 201 Pe File (Form 831). . . b. Biographic luding photographs, fingerprints, and handwriting. samples. STSCI I <= (9808 BESET POAT NO ETN ROBPRA STACEY DAD PAPO RO ES HP nen so 2 ec Personal Record Questionnaire Parts I and Il. d. Operational and other security approvals. to, 7 e. Name check replies, requests, clearances, and approvals. f. Acknowledgement of pseudonym. 8. 201 personality assessments and evaluations, 4 . ( hb. Copy of contract and termination papers. *. & Secrecy agreement, - j. Agent Duty Status Report. oe Training and evaluation, ( Ws 2" 1 /SGSWIRL ao a ap vide a better understanding of the is may include operational reporting. m. Newspa 5. MAINTENANCE OF 201 DOSSIERS The 201 personality dossier contains, in document date order, papers which have been made a part of the Central Records System as well as those which have not. Record documents may range from newspaper or magazine articles cn the subject to finance and other administrative papers, 26.1 SECRET ======== PAGE 6 ======== SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER III, ANNEX B 15 November 1974 a. Purging Purging a 201 dossier is the responsibility of the desk officer. It requires discrimination in xecognizing operationally .useful material, rather than the simple distinction between official a ial papers; it will therefore take place under the supervision Se icer, Purging should be done . periodically. A 201 session belts Kory to Central Files for retention should. ‘be purged. A 20) dossier Siowhe Ds f the following: be purge Aa ANNU a ean e ol lowing: “qay\p plivate mat AN: Ros (s) of a document. Wig ‘\ : fale = “ (2) Name _tra SH \hQtr EAS unless it has been the basis for - / the opening. PN , oo ae (3) All absttact slips re (4) All document restriction notices (Form 1884). ; (5) The disseminated version of positive intelligence information if a copy of the raw report is contained in the 201 file; the dissemination number then must be transferred to the first page of the raw report, (8) Routing slips, routing and record sheets (Form 610) and dispatch cover sheets unless there are remarks such as coordinations or comments, (7) Record copy documents which only repeat substantive information contained in other documents in the file; authorization for destruction is by the Records Officer. \\ : ; (8) Top Secret documents are Onn in-a 201 dossier ty forwarded to Central Files; the é downgraded for retention in the 201 dossier, To & Sec 26.7 SECRET 6004773 numb ‘to a name, unless the 201 i signed, Requesters should ~ ewer @Byaildbie for each name submitted. ======== PAGE 12 ======== 14-0000 SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER III, ANNEX B : ee . 15 November 1974 Desk” blocks on the 201: Personality standard listings availableare: -; : (1) Alphabetical by sum File Action Request (Form 831). The. ag to a 201 number; no ; oo leading to a 201 number; . . “FOr a china “201 SURNAME ALDH, an 5 Naa “Tats CISy MAY be ATERSF IAS 750397. ATUL » CHEN» RWANGTUNG ~ 0265401" RK sou T /7135/1343700017 | ~ - ofr 32833 CHIN Sueur te /TIRS/139370001F A Be gAMLL : . 70653 SHCUSJFY 787747 310870038 90 - CHIN, ASOY . BUSP COM? 0343751 HK Susu Men - 2. | @asatt? CHIN, FUXTEM, PROV. 7 CHIN? 0236629 cusa SHINEE 77109713537690 TRUNCTOR © CHIN, MANCHUPIA, SCAT ARTH - GMAT O179620 CHIN Sey SH FTLUS/LNOS/OOR «=A D2ROV22 CHIN, HUNAN . CAT 0059786 SetCU-TAd . 1enaR4S = CHIN blpr coos” aesssag FM SHCUOTSENG PPLESZILOS/E° AR. Cithety CANTON ENGR ChAT © 0812855 Cuike SHCU TIE /OTQIA1I4301007 °° Ozsen2e | CHI: LIACKIKE PRO CHIN? 0130615 CHEN, SHOU=¥ER 77215711097499 A2ZIAN1E CHIN, FEKTEN cCceH? = aoonng3 CHEN, Sieory . . ., O9JUNDS CHIN, CANTON PROF CHIN? ‘OOG02R9 GME, Steger . A LONECLA «CHIN, RRARGIUNG PRCY clat? 0052638 Cute SHirmCHE4 771157222576930 © @2sUL3O CHIN, RWANGTUNG PROV. AtHY Cuar 0328328 QUT 9 SHY Cray STLESSIZ1O/122° caren Sie CHING HAN TANG TS CHiN? at2za43a FMy SHURCUUAN SPLLSS 248572 NOVI tix - "SEA CHAT 0797335 ATINSI200S 12797 = A CARE22... CHIN DFILIU . CHIN? 09209223 : R my OMPAST? .BEIULLS CHIN RaaNGTUAG . CHIN? O179G21 Cesey Su) MS TANS STENS/25707 74 10 CHIN, FUXIEN an CHIN? 0045759 Cults” Sees 1UNS F711572 98577 +, 23FENO? — Cittte MHANGTUNG : “ €CaN? on73195 : - cu SHU WStd 772157289576133 > OSMAYLA = CHIN, FOCcHeH . Chin? o17aa272 © SHtlmeta . FOMAIZG OPT = CCGM. o223t61 Ee Suited £7219/2225/350307 A OBR EBLA. CHIN, HG: OF2°185 Hr, SHU KET STEES/ZENS72710 27n0v23 0175873 cura, se Lay . wR a 0221972 Gout, Ser LEAWG *7119705677009 | circa. O223162 Coetty Sit LE PES 72 579726917 Z5NNv20- Orra6zs Ceres SitLtus 7710972973 /7010 orsme2s © ON5nA sD f shuetty “ & Qaseezo:. ; 0996967 Cobh, Sey tae 2711902885/05897 1543430. iC: Caso CHIN? o17ee2s Creer, suu-P ay £711472979702027 wenECI9 ” NAT? OUS2030 Chen, SHd-3z% STLNS 2895727737 Ok cn AN FTLIS £25 7970090" CHEN, SHUMTE /PTES/24R5 717957 CHES. SHU FEM sm7g7 v cory TING 7271297066776639 Yay STUUS 72895027377 TRO ATIUSSNGHT/0RITS Ok VA FIZEG/ZESS/LOSL “718 y Yi /TLS 72099759917 “VEN STULSZZST9FANRZS “3 14? O805119 a? O1dI2=Ne MN? O7A3914 OOtleoL CHIN? . 0153920 COOH” OMET HE woe O18l320 Cay? = 0993198 aa CHIN? DLOT346 CHIN? Q17SL24 D YANG HSIEN. WN ARMY -CNAT 03494520 WTF CHIN, Tite CANS ant cane OVltain 2TArw et CHIN, SH AL on44010 . . CHiN SHUM ATLL DFAS TEs AAAS v O4SEr2P CHIN, SUT CHAK Olss7sa . cone IZATION IMTERNSL USE ONLY a EZ IMPNET CL wy O54079 26.8 SECRET (op) co) ri UL?774 ======== PAGE 13 ======== . ' DOHB 70-1-1 - CHAPTER Ill, ANNEX B re 15 November 1974 All standard. listings are cumulative; previous editions must .be destroyed upon receipt of current editions. These listings are by: their very nature extremely _sensitive compilations of information and must be WY possible safeguard. au SN | oe sfliation y b. Non-Standard Listings . "7" (3) Citizenship ® ; ; _ (4) Year of birth (pluilor'minus a given number of years) -(B) Occupation ey vec ou These selection criteria may be used singly or in combinations, For example, ‘a user could obtain a list of all 201 personalities who have been assigned the Ol-code of XX or codes of XX, XY, or XZ. ‘A 201 personality list could also. be o produced of all persons who were. born in Germany between the years 19135 and. 1920, with the occupation. computer ‘specialist, who are now citizens of the . . . United States, located in Mexico, and who had been assigned the OI code AA. . Note however that the listing would contain only those personalities with an OI code AA. Those personalities with an OI code other. than AA and those . with no OI. code. would be excluded. The requester could however ask that persons who have not been assigned an OI code also be included. Note also . that when retrieving lists based on occupation, the listing will be only as specific . as the occupation code (Attachment 1). The’ Occupation code for a courier ° = covers only a documented courier. Some “occupation ‘codes cover moré than one” occupation. For example, the occupation code CRAF covers those who practice some trade or manual occupation, Le., carpenters; bricklayers, painters, mechanics "and electricians. If a list is requested for recent rs in this category ss willl be included in -the’ printout. These noi ., farranged) according to any, but nqt-mnora th a ) sms EVN ANE po _ (a) Countey of birth pW OS (e) Citizenship - So ce (g) Location at 26.9 SECRET GOUL7T5 ======== PAGE 14 ======== SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER ii, ‘ANNEX B 15 November 1974 “Sorts can: be made within ‘sorts. ack exar ersonalities may be sorted *- alphabetically- by surname within) =o : ee Ny ity, those names with two OI codes would Be) lis wiged) Standard and none ve oe semiannually ; ..d. Special Listings "| Unscheduled, usually’ non-standard, listings produéed on a one time basis : in 2 Fesponse to Special operational requirements. e. Request for Listings All requests for standard or non-standard alphabetical and numerical 201 listings for Headquarters and the field, for changes in periodic listings, and for information on the 201 machine list system should be made to the component Records Management Officer. we Cs i” 96.10 SECRET BOU4 99 IUL EY en- countries of location.. - - ac _/ ST ot 4a, Cope yo. | — ======== PAGE 15 ======== 14-00000 "3. Cuba SPA ERASE SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 CHAPTER Il, ANNEX B Attachment 2 15 November 1974 AUTOMATIC 201 DOSSIER OPE s Note: 201 files will be opened automatically iby eas oy the following cate- gories of people. ge ‘ 1. Arab Republic of Pa. Wes gS a. Diplomats with rank of NV b. Military attaches and assistant ‘military attaches. c Intelligence officers of the General Intelligence Department (GID)) (Prior to opening of an ARE) 201 file, check with 'NE/E, for correct spelling of name and additional biographic data.) ; 2. British Commonwealth} " g. All positively identified members of MI-5)and(MI-6) the British) Intelligence Services. b. All positively identified members of thei Irish Military) Intelligence Service (IMIS). . c.' Canadian} Communist Party offick aah or provincial levels and officials of the: Canadian Comming mt organizations. Do not open unless there is at least: ‘date o jRoyal Canadian Mounted ; given, e FB ; d. All members\(of, th Security s ‘Police (RCM al ° NC a Intelligence service a DGI). 4.Israel” a, All: Israeli: diplomats. ‘C/NE/ISR) should be indicated as the originating office with CI/SP always indicated as the secondary office of interest. b. Military attaches. c. Assistant military attaches. : ad. Identified intelligence officers. 26.15 SECRET e fat ui UL? 77 ======== PAGE 16 ======== y4-nnnn0 "7 SECRET DOHB 70-1-1 * CHAPTER III,. ANNEX B Attachment 2 15 November 1974 5. North Vietnam All nant and NFLS bfficials stationed abroad. an : ee ce Se ficial representational installation, ie, | — Be con: a cor presentation, national airline (Aeroflot) office, ne —b. Alt son ed PCS to the United Nations i in New York, Paris, Geneva, and Vienna. - : t . Audio technicians, after coordination with SE ‘desk concerned: a Students who will be studying abroad for a full academic year at institutions , ” of higher learning. : "96:16 SECRET ========== FILE: 104-10147-10304.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 1992 “(104-10747-10304 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF _s SIGNAL enter USE ONLY AGE cor ace ros wre mro per OMF oO o§F 99 o 0 Oo i CLASSIFICATION . 7 a . “SE CRET MESSAGE HANDLING morcaton > - DATE-TME Grour “MESSAGE REFERENCE NUMBER ; eee st ee attecren . h25581 : 7: INFO :, ier iol Sh WIN lane : 4 ve any : are of Lifa WL Deus PER 2 ue ee Dims # To: Lispon, INFO. LowboNs HEXICO™ crn or oO e a RYBAT. uniwTEL, Ruvrey go BSc Greantneenarae oF PRESIDENT KENNEDY AND DR. MARTIN LUTHER & KING HAS “ToL. STATE THAT THEY. ‘INTEND TO PURSUE LEADS IN PORTUGAL = _UK AND, nexECo RELATING TO JANES EARL RAY CURRENTLY ~ SERVING TINE FOR KING MURDER. THEY BASING THIS INTEREST ON : INFORMATION THAT“ RAY WAS IN Lisson’ BRIEFLY IN MAY 1568, SHORTLY. ‘BEFORE HIS _APPREHENSTON, IN LONDON IN JUNE 1968: 4 ec. MR. Gs ROBERT BLAKEY, ‘CHIEF COUNSEL AND STAFF DIRECTOR OF conniT Tee SAYS SELECT connaTtee TOLD - “STATE THAT HE WANTS To ESTABLISH “CORDIAL “RELATIONSHIP™ WITH ‘APPROPRIATE PORTUGUESE NATIONAL, POLICE AND HOPES TO ‘ENLIST THEIR ASSISTANCE INCLUDING ACCESS. To THEIR ‘FILES AND IN LOCATING AND INTERVIEWING POTENTIAL © WITNESSES. 7 3. DEPARTMENT HAS. SOLICITED EMBASSY SUGGESTIONS AS TO HOW BLAKEY SHOULD PROCEED. ¥ a ~ DATE: ORIG: © UNIT: EXT: : 2r2AARLSB ” RELEASING OFFICER COORDINATING OFFICERS AUTHERINCATING OFFICER : | CLaSsinICATION REPRODUCTION BY OTHER THAN THE ISSUING OFFICE IS PROHIBITED E 2 IMPDET ‘CL BY: ======== PAGE 2 ======== oe OUTGOING MESSAGE git ee tap ee SIGNAL CENTER USE ony _ ; s ee od ee ~ a] 0 oOo o-oo oa 9g a 2 2 pare-nue orour ot a easace nertnance muinen ae DIRECTOR os INFO! FILE’: : os mer -DISSEM, eye, ms ‘aga D env re “rsh To CALL ABOVE TO “ADDRESSEES* ATTENTION oN" Event” “STATIONS ARE SOLICITED FOR ADVICE ‘OR ASSISTANCE. ‘RTACTION as + COOPERATING FULLY UITH ‘BLAKEY. AND. COMMITTEE INCLUDING ‘ALLOWING . then’ access To DIRECTORATE, RECORDS. AFTER SUITABLE SANITIZATION “FoR SOURCES. “AND METHODS. " HOUEVERS - BELIEVE ‘CONMITTEE'S: EFFORTS TO INTERVIEW POLICE iv WITNESSES “AND: RESULTING “USEFUL INFORMATION ; OBTAINED. IF ANY Is LARGELY OvERT FUNCTION, WHICH CAN BEST: ‘BE. EXT: | 154e 7, HANDLED BY LEGATTS OR OTHERS WHO WOULD ALSO ‘BE INA POSITION TO BE PUBLICLY QUOTED OR IDENTIFIED IF NECESSARY- y 5 ‘STATIONS) EXPECTED To, PROVIDE EMBASSY BEST ADVICE IF. \ . . SOLICITED BUT REQUESTED TO Avorn INVOLVING: STATION) OFFICERS IN “NEGOTIATIONS ‘EVEN “IN THEIR COVER - “CAPACITIES = IF CIRCUMSTANCES suc ‘THAT: THIS UNAVOIDABLE. ‘PLEASE ADVISE H@S BY. CABLE 30 THAT THE MATTER CAN BE APPROPRIATELY HANDLED WITH BLAKEY AND. ~DEPARTHENT.. ad “ORIG: 0/SA/DO/0 LSOVERN}S COORD: OLC CUMMINS? « DC/LA {LAUDER}. © —— aG58 Ut awk inss James. C/LA AER Liebabtaen] s C/EUR/BC TSaemeen, C/EUR/IB ABERGER?} 3 AUTH? SA/DO/O LKATROSHS REL? DC/EUR LESTES}.f pare: 14 NOVEMBER 197 Sefer onic: -MASOVERN . , unt: — O/SA/DO/ OLC— he (- Y DC/EUR/BC | u \ A tiie : Ink tae se DC/EUR - .- C/7EUR/IB- Lcriasni S$A/D0/0 " “RELEASING OFFICER COORDINATING OFFICERS AUTHENTICATING OFFICER CLASSIFICATION - REPRODUCTION BY OTHER THAN THE ISSUING OFFICE IS PROHIBITED £ 2 IMPDET CL BY: ========== FILE: 104-10150-10136.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 « blank—TOP. SECRET when form is detached from controlled document. oo CONTROL AND COVER SHEET FOR TOP * GLassIFIED, RIPTION : Bos f yoc. NO. 7 Su 7G WL. voce bare ABE ZY |. copy NO. 0) 2 Widen & 7 If) , #/0 104-10150-10136| 2025 RELEASE | TNR —— . UNDER THE PRESID * eee a i ENT Jom F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 attached to Top Secret Docuniént—Automa SECRET. DOCUMENT tically downgraded or declassi- - [_____Recistry | CIA, CONTROL NO. TSS PT Le amyamn vO4 2 2 NUMBER OF PAGES Zi ATTENTION: Tuisilopre will be placed on top of and. or classified Top Secret ‘within! the CIA and will transmitted outside IA, Access to Top Secret duties relate to the ter. Top Secret Control O, and indicate period of; stody in the left-hand columns provide indicate the-date of: ing in the right-hand columns. main attached to the docume: er ts Hmited to Top Secret ficers who receive and/or release ached to each Top Secret document recetved y nt until such time gs it is downgraded, destroyed, or Control personnel and those individuals whose offictal the attached Top Secret material will sign this form 4. Each individual who sees the by ‘the Central Intelligence’ Agency \, Top, Secret document will sign end RELEASED 2 RECEIVED - REFERRED TO OFFICE DATE TIME Ey Ae NOTICE OF DETACHMENT: When t and transmitted, to. Central ,Top Secret: Control for record. , . . Lee DESTROYED | nis’ form is detached from Top Secret material it shall be completed tn, the | fi appropriate spaces pelow DOWNGRADED" : Del BY (Signature) TO WITNESSED BY (Signature) BY (Signature) ay . . Ly no Vhs : ac TOP SECRET a \ OFFICE ======== PAGE 2 ======== oe ee a. ; “HALERTAL PEVTEWED AT ON ASSASSINATLONS, STAFF MEMBERS TOP SECRET DOCUMENT = + ey HEADQUARTERS PY yOUSE SELECT COMME TBE LE YUTLE/NUMBER/VOLULE The_] Examination of the |. Bona Fide: Fides of a KGB pefector cate : 1 Document - dated February: 1968 JcLusIvE DATES? TODIAS UNIT/LOCATTON: cl GF) fear ‘ PATE RE HWVINWED BY. - SIGNATURE OF ECRIVED. RE STURNE D (PRINT NAUE) be REVIEWING OFFICIAL Tr, Alb Sm Lt a Co thu es SRE oe BAD + ======== PAGE 3 ======== ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-0000 TOP SECRET 1. Attached is copy number 10 of the February 1968 CIA study entitled "The Examination of the Bona Fides of ' a KGB Defector - Yuriy I. Nosenko." 2. Please note that the. CIA finds this study to be inaccurate in many important details and to contain the results of faulty judgements leading to unfounded conclusions. 3. We have deleted certain portions of this study containing information which bears on the security of _ ongoing, viable CIA operations, or is related thereto. 4. We request return of this study when it has served your purposes. TOP SECRET — : (004266 ======== PAGE 5 ======== The Examination of the Bona Fides of a KGB Defector ~ Yuriy 1 NOSENKO February 1968 CUCL 267 TS No. 197124 Top Secret | Copy 10 ======== PAGE 6 ======== 14-00000 El oe Top Secret CONTENTS PAGE Introduction : : 1 Summary of Case 3 I FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS : 11 NOSENKO's Statements About Himself : 11 Soviet Officials' Statements : 20 The Product of NOSENKO's Debriefing 21 Positive Intelligence Information 21 Counterintelligence Information : 22 Significant KGB Operations Not Directly Related to NOSENKO's Claimed Service 24 "The KGB Agene in Paris" (sgt. ReBE™Sounson) 24. ° "SASHA" (Identity Unknown) 28 "The KGB Agent in the British Admiralty". : (Uilliam VASSALL) 30 The KGB Audio Attack on the West German a Embassy 31 " ANDREY" (Dayle W. SMITH) 33 Edward Ellis SMITH : : 37 II’ EXAMINATION OF NOSENKO'S BONA FIDES ; 41 Notes for the Reader : 41 III PRE-KGB BIOGRAPHY . 45 Birth to 1945 SO to “45 Moscow Institute of International Relations (1945-ca. 1950) 48. Naval RU Service (Ca. 1951-ca. 1953) . 49 Summary: and Conclusion 58 CIGL1 268 (i) : TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 7 ======== 1400000 Top Secret CONTENTS Top Secret Copy 19 PAGE VI SEVENTH DEPARTMENT (June 1955-January 1960) (Cont.). Operational Activities (1955-1958) 113 Entrapment of [MALTA\ 0G, 114 Recruitment of [BURGI| (6 115 Attempted Recruitment of (GEHRCKENS) b¢ 121 Contact with Gan and[BIRSE] 06,06 122 Recruitment of [SUNDAR) pb 123 ‘Travel to London (1957 and 1958) 124 Operational Activities (1958-1960) 127 Recruitment of {HARRIS| fo 128 Compromise of AFT) UG 129 Recruitment of [DREW] 04 130 Recruitment of [LUKIS] 06 131 Recruitment of {WILBY]| U4 131 Recruitment of [TAYLOR] 66. 132 “Recruitment: of (MERTENS] Ob 133 Compromise of BARRETT] ne 134 Compromise of (WILLERFORD Bb 136 Recruitment o RIPPEL) 137 Lee Harvey OSWALD : 143 Summary ; 144 Knowledge of other Seventh Department American Tourist Operations 145 Seventh Department Counterintelligence Operations (1955-1960) 146 NOSENKO's Information 146 Information Furnished KGB by George BLAKE 148 KGB Tourist Study 149 Summary and Conclusion — 150 VII AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION OF AMERICAN DEPARTMENT (January 1960-January 1962) 151 Deputy Chief of Section 151 Transfer to Section 152 Predecessor as Deputy Chief 153 Responsibilities 154 Deputy and Occasional Acting Chief 156 General Supervisory Duties 159 6001269 (444). TS No. 197124 iG ======== PAGE 8 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret CONTENTS PAGE ’ VIL AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION OF AMERICAN DEPARTMENT ; (January 1960-January 1962) (Cont.) Cryptologic Attack on Embassy Communications 236 "Knowledge of CIA Personnel within Embassy 240 Suspected CIA Officers — 241 Unsuspected CIA Officers 244 Personal Handler of Agents 248 Temporary Assignments Abroad 251 Planned Travel to U.S. 251 Travel to Cuba (November-December 1960) 252 Travel to Bulgaria (April-May 1961) 254 Compromise of] LUNT OG 256 Promotion and Transfer to Seventh Department ; - . (January 1962) 259 Summary and Conclusion 261 VIII SEVENTH DEPARTMENT (January 1962-January 1964) - 263 Introductory Comment . 263 Chief of the American-British Commonwealth . Section (January 1962-July 1962) 265 NOSENKO's Agents : ; 265 Operational Activities : 268 Entrapment of JOHNSON] D4 : 268 Entrapment of ONES| Ob . 272 Recruitment of [BIENSTOCK|O6 | 273 Travel to Geneva (March-June 1962) : 275 r - Purpose of Trip : 275 Investigation of SHAKHOV 276 Security Escort for Delegation : 278 Visits to KGB Legal Residency . . +279 KGB Officers within Soviet Delegation 279 Association with Other Soviets : 280. Supervising Case Officer for BELITSKIY 282 Contact with CIA : 286 Operational Activities (continued) 288 Attempted Recruitment of (BRAUNS] D( 288 Summary and Conclusion 290 6001270 (v) TS No. 197124 ‘ Top Secret Copy 10 SFA ======== PAGE 9 ======== Top Secret . CONTENTS ae Lo . : : Lo PAGE “VIII. seventy Derannnens Cenoos 1962- January. 1964). . ce uty chiet of “Seventh Department - (July. 1962- January 1964) “291 -. KGB. ‘Operations: JL . 292° ."-Reeruitment of: {SVEN HANSKIZ| 06 292 Investigation, of (§LESINGER NL 293 Arrest and_Interrogation oreoregal 295 “GRU Agent (GHUBINIOC | 296 Arrest. of BARGHOORN 298 Investigation of’ OSWALD 303 Residence - in. USSR a 303 ' Request» to Return to. USSR...) : 305 - Post=Assassination Review of KGB File 2 B07 - The. CHEREPANOV Rapers: : . 309 Contents Lh . 314 NOSENKO's Travel Document , 315. Return. to Geneva (January- February 1964) ° . 316. . “Purpose of Trip - 317 -Wisits to KGB Legal “Residency 318 . “Availability for Meetings with CIA 318 ‘.NOSENKO's Written Notes ~~ . 0 319 NOSENKO's Defection .”. 320%. o => - Knowledge. of Other, Seventh Departuent oe ‘ Operations 325. Operational activities (July 1962-. Co ee of January 1964) » °326.° KGB “‘counterintelligence Operations Among?!" ) )-Amerdiean Tourists 326 Information “Furnished. ‘the KGB by - ae os . George BLAKE : 327. KGB ‘study of, American: Intelligence . So “Toutist: Operations 327. 6 NOSENKO' 's “Information : : 330. / Summary 331 331 / Summary and conclusion ” 0001274. Ot) “Top Secret TS No. 197124 - Copy oe ======== PAGE 10 ======== 14-00000 f - Top Secret CONTENTS i a b. PAGE — IX - OTHER ASPECTS OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMED KGB SERVICE 335 Relationship with General GRIBANOV . 335 we Communist Party Status . 338 Knowledge of KGB Forms and Procedures 342 Awards and Decorations 345 Sourcing : . 343 ~ Ranks ; 350 7 X PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PSYCHIATRIC ASSESSMENT ' 355 _ : xI SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS: NOSENKO'S BONA FIDES 357 ~ ee ~ Annex B - Summaries of Cases Not Examined in Text 399 Index of Personalities 437 r . CUCL ano (vil) TS No. 197124 . Top Secret Cory 10 ======== PAGE 11 ======== - Top Secret - Introduction —S rdgment™ of NOSENKO' s ‘bona - fides entailed the. distillation. ‘of thevhuge volume of coun counterintelligence ©.’ ‘information assembled in connection with his case,. including the product. of,“his lengthy interrogations, the analysis of . . KGB_ operations which he related, the results of file checks_ “of ‘thousands ‘of individuals: involved, comparison of his’. assertions’ against. ‘collateral “information from all: Sources and with: counterinteliigence records on: the KGB sagsregates of NOSENKO' ‘Ss claims, .in order to permit. comparison. of his statements with matters-.of known fact and to permit appli- cation: of: ‘reasonable’ ‘judgment. Conclusions are drawn from: claimed :-*. - “The final.conclusions ‘répresent. the. aggregate . of: ‘conclusions "independently drawn from the examination of" each major: period in. - his. claimed’. 1 biography. Done Soe 6001273 _ TS No. 197124 Copy —_10- ======== PAGE 12 ======== “Top Secret - CONTENTS PAGE ‘IV. KGB ENTRY (ca. 1953) 61 ‘Date of Entry _ ‘ aoa ge cos 62 Role ‘of General: KOBULOV. es 64 Eligibility. - ean mo ; 67 . Processing for. Entry. | oe, Se -. , 68 _ Initial Service . ote oo 8 79 Other Aspects Relevant to KGB Service. : wu. 72 Summary and. Conclusion: oo . Sa 74 Vv AMERICAN EMBASSY “SECTION. oF AMERICAN DEPARTMENT. - oe a . . “(eae (1953- ~June 1955) 75 _ Operations’ Against American Correspondents 73 KGB Files. ... i a . 77 NOSENKO's ‘Agents _ : , : 78 “Operations Against U.S. “Army. Attache: Personnel . 81 Custody of Case Files ae oo : ' 83 NOSENKO's Agents... a a . : 84 NOSENKO's° Targets” we - oe ae _ 87 oo HECKELSON 06. ; - 87 ~ (MEARNS). 0, 88 “TRICHARDS ies 89 : ‘90 ; oe 2 193 ‘ os 93 6.06, ob oo. 94 vB ‘aieteton ee 95. BU evans OT. 2 WAN PEE 97 Additional Reporting’ - ma fC : 99 Summary and. Conclusion Ba 99 Q VI. SEVENTI: DEPARTMENT | Cine 1955- “January 1960) oS YO: “Introductory Comment” co oo ee Cote 101 “NOSENKO's Agents ~ | o a os we ‘ 104 |. Soviet Citizen Agents’. , “HG 104 . Homosexual Agents YEFREMOV and VOLKOV © we 110. - “Summary - . Soe 112-0 Giy “TS No. 197124 fe Top Secret - ss Copy @ wk | ======== PAGE 13 ======== 1 or eercan “Top Secret CONTENTS: _ PAGE Introduction °°)" ... Bo ae ° 1 - Summary of One a! A ne 7 ae 3. FOUNDATIONS . OF NOSENKO" S CLAIMS ar rs NOSENKO's ‘Statements About Himself ~ - ae A Soviet Officials' Statements. © re 20° ‘The. Product of NOSENKO's Debriefing Se os Positive Intelligence Information © ee ar “Counterintelligence Information nn re 22 - Significant KGB Operations Not ’ Directly Related.to NOSENKO's a re Claimed Service .. : See 24 ; "The. KGB Aggne ie Paris" noe a . oo (Sgt. Rp ; : "SASHA" - (Identity Unknown) — Bo 28 _"The KGB Agent in the British Admiralty". —— ne (William VASSALL) |‘ . 30 : ‘The Kp ‘Audio. Attack: on the West German : . ue Embassy - 31 ‘ANDREY" ‘(Dayle’ We srtn) 4 Co . 33° dward Ellis. SMITH a ol eet es te ta BF EXAMINATION: OF NosENKo" 8 BONA FIDES. / 4&l a Notes for rhe: ‘Reader a AL. PRE~KGB - BIOGRAPHY Lo 45 Birth. to" 1945 Le 45 Moscow, Institute of International. Relations i (1945-ca. 1950). 4g ‘Naval. RU Service. (ca. 19$l-ca/ 1953) 00 7 he : Summary: and Conclusion oe weg 58 GiGL268 ere TS No. 197124 Top Secret a ; Copy 10 ; TSOHNSON) =| s oe 24s ======== PAGE 14 ======== Top Secret _ a Summary of Case - The -NOSENKO case opened-on 5 June 1962: in the corridors: . of the Palais des Nations in Geneva during the United Nations . Disarmament Conference. A Soviet official approached an - ‘American diplomat with the Suggestion that they get together ‘forvastalk the following day. The diplomat advised CIA.of | ‘the appointment, explaining that he thought the’ approach: so » unusual Chat. it might’ be an offer of cooperation or deféction...: - He said*he believed the Soviet to be’ Yuriy Ivanovich NOSENKO, ms member of the Soviet. Disarmament Delegation. ee Tt J. Later’ meeting with the American diplomat,. the’ Soviet official identified himself -as NOSENKO. and stated : KGB counterintelligence officer sent to Geneva to ensure the... security of the Soviet delegation. He knew that the American had previously’ served in Moscow and erroneously believed that | ~he was the “American Rezident" in Geneva. ‘NOSENKO stated... ‘that. he needed approximately 900. Swiss francs immediately“to - _ cover. KGB operational’ funds which he had squandered on- ae . liquor and a prostitute’ in Geneva. He offered for: this amount “to sell’ two items.of: information: to American. Intelligence... | These’were the identity of a former American Embassy employee .. » in Moscow who was a KGB. agent "hear ciphers" in the Washington area, and the identity of a Soviet in Moscow who, although...” _ostensibly a CIA agent, was’ actually controlled by. the. KGB. .° “In reply; the American’. explained that-he was not an intelli- gence officer, but that. he could place NOSENKO in contact : with. an appropriate U.S. official in’ Geneva later that, same _ .That evenin hour meeting f _- travellers to the Soviet Union, NOSENKO.told the CIA officer. of ‘his financial. difficulties and repeated his offer to sell” o 6004275 a “TS No. 197124 _ Top Secret Copy 10 ======== PAGE 15 ======== Tep Secret Yuriy Ivanovich NOSENKO Top Secret C001 274 TS No. 197124 Copy _ 10. ======== PAGE 16 ======== Top Secret © (Summary of Case) the two items ot°information. He said that the need for money was his immediate motive fcr contacting CLA, alchough in the ensuing discussion he aiso expressed dissatisfaction with the Communist regime in the Soviet Union. NOSENKO met CIA‘ representarives four more times in Geneva in June 1962. With the second meeting on ll June, his earlier expressed reservations disappeared almost entirely. He answered most questions put to him on KGB organization and operations. His knowledgeability was almost exciusively Limited to the KGB Second Chief Directorate (responsible for counterintelligence and security within che USSR). NOSENKO seemed to be what he claimed to be: a KGB officer ina sensitive position with knowledge of important KGB operations. NOSENKO returned to Moscow on 15 June, having promised to do everything within certain limits to collect information on matters indicated to be of interest to CIA. The only restrictions he placed on his cooperation were his absolute refusal to permit operational contact with him inside the USSR and his request that no mention of his coilaboration be communicated to the American Embassy in Moscow. He promised to notify CIA via an accommodation address when he came to the West again. ,; NOSENKO again accompanied the Soviet delegation to the Disarmament Conference in Geneva in January 1964. Since last meeting with CIA he had been promoted to the rank of lieu- | tenant colonel and had become the Deputy Chief of the largest department in the Second Chief Directorate. At the first of the new series of meetings on 23 January he announced that he had decided to defect to the United States. He cited as reasons his continuing dissatisfaction with the Soviet regime and the fact. that he. probably would have no further opportunities to travel to the West in the foresee- able future. Although he implied that he wanted to defect as soon as possible, he agreed to remain in place in Geneva while arrangements for his reception were being made in Washington. NOSENKO had brought a large amount of new information, much of it in scribbled notes, on KGB opera- tional activity which he had collected in the 18 months since his last meeting with CIA. + 6001276 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy fo SE Sa ES ======== PAGE 17 ======== Top Secret — . (Summary of. Case) : On 4 February, four days before the date tentatively selected for NOSENKO's: defection, he reported that he had. -received a cable from KGB Headquarters ordering his immediate return to Moscow ‘to. participate in a KGB conference on - Do foreign tourism to the. ‘That night exfiltration _ Soviet. Union. was driven across the border to Germany where his debriefing was resumed in a” : Frankfurt safehouse.,. The decision was: reached: on 11 -February ‘to .bring NOSENKO to the United States,’ and in the early. | evening of .12 February: he: i scorts arrivéd in: c » thence to.a safehouge . 4 : quest of. the Swiss: and Soviet Governments, u NOSENKO’ met - on 14 February. with representatives of their...” respective Washington Embassies in the offices of the U.S. ervice. He told both that CIA completed its initial. debriefings of ‘NOSENKO-on 8 February, and.on 24. February. he was introduced to.” representatives’ of the FBI for questioning. “At about the ‘Same time, there-was. a marked Change. in NOSENKO.'s comport- . ‘ment. While outwardly ‘ t C 1B ‘Sessions, -it- became inc espond ‘to specific que and” stioning. » His free time in W nearby cities was punctuated" b behavior, and disputes with his. se his-behavior by saying that he was a result: of his defection, abandonn I a children, and the! disgrace that he had brought to his family name,..and:on this basis CIA accéded to NOSENKO's démand for a vacation: On 12 March, NOSENKO left Washington witha. oCIA -case-officer and two CIA security guards for. a two-week. .Wisit::to Hawaii... There his: behavior: deterioriated still . further. “He drank heavily and: almost constantly; he. consorted witha number of Prostitutes; he was loud andc . in ‘public places; and he spent money extravagantly and “. ‘conspicuously, . . ome, ° See, we ashington y drinking bouts, crude. : curity escort..-. He explained : - under. great tension ae ent of his wife. and’. rude. 5. “TS No. 197124 . 7 Top Secret” a - 7 Copy _10 ======== PAGE 18 ======== Top Secret (Summary of Case) During NOSENKO's absence from Washington, consultations were held with the FBI regarding steps to be taken to restrict his movements and activities. This Agency was concerned that his behavior would attract undesirable attention and publicity, perhaps police arrest, and that doubts about his bona fides, which were becoming known to a widening group in the U.S. Government, might be inadvertently revealed to NOSENKO himself. The FBI on 1 April indicated ict would "not interpose objection" to the CLA plan to limit NOSENKO's .freedom of movement, and the Acting Attorney General, the Department of State, and the White House were advised. On 4 April NOSENKO was driven to a new safehouse ina ‘Washington suburb, and told that this safehouse thenceforward would be his regular place of residence. Since that time’ NOSENKO has had contacts with CIA personnel only, has been under full-time guard, and has not been permitted access to news media. Intensive interrogation of NOSENKO, including a polygraphic examination, was begun on 4 April 1964 in order to obtain ‘information which he had been reluctant to divulge earlier, and to clarify contradictions in what he had already reported. The polygraph examination results were inconclusive. This phase of the interrogations was terminated on 24 April 1964. Despite the searching nature of the questions and the implicitly and explicitly expressed doubts of his veracity, NOSENKO asserted that he was willing to answer, or to try to answer all questions put‘to him. Because more information pertinent to the question of his bona fides was needed, a new series of interrogations was begun in mid-May 1964. Different interrogators were introduced and questioning was ‘resumed in a neutral, non~hostile manner. The period of neutral questioning continued until mid-November 1964. After further consultations with the FBI, a round of | hostile interrogations began on 26 January 1965. Between . then and 5 March, NOSENKO was questioned for a total of about 140 hours by individual interrogators and interrogation teams, and he was directly challenged on many of his previous assertions. He admitted that certain of his earlier statements. had been incorrect, and that he could not explain contradictions 6001278 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 19 ======== Top Secret (Summary of Case) in his testimony. Nevertheless, NOSENKO maintained he had - . been basically truthful, and that ‘he- had come to. the United’. States solely for the reasons he had originally given. These interrogations. were suspended on 5 March 1965...'.: Questioning of NOSENKO during the summer and autumn of.” 1964 and the interrogations. of January and February 1965 "concentrated on the period of his claimed service in the |. American Embassy Section of the American Department; KGB.) Second Chief Directorate, from January. 1960 to “January 1962 “Among. the reasons for selecting this particular period were v the comparatively large amount of collateral information: ¢:-'s- . available against which . NOSENKO's statements.could be checked;.” | the importancé of. the Embassy and its personnel as -critical..° -. KGB Second. Chief Directorate targets; their importance from _the standpoint of ‘American security; and the extent of | nO “NOSENKO's. claimed knowledge of the activities of the Embassy: - "Section, of which he claimed. to, have been Deputy Chief. ©" . .. In keeping: with a Soviet practice with which NOSENKO was: . familiar, CIA: asked NOSENKO in February.1965 to signa series.” of interrogation reports, so-called "protocols", most,of he ; which. céncerned, the period. of his ‘claimed service: in the“) '.. American Departwent.’.Thesé were written by the CIA interro . "gators, and they: were designed to, set forth NOSENKO's exact: _ Statements and meaning on. various ‘specific subjects.*.-The” “protocols were in no Way. presented to. NOSENKO ‘as: documentary “portions of a."confession", but rather as distilled and. final Statements. of what he.did and did not know concerning: . -) particular topics. - NOSENKO-was asked to read each’ page. of. each protocol carefully and:to-sign his name at the bottom to indicate that he understood and--agreed with’ its contents; “he was allowed the use: of a dictionary and was permitted to ask any questions and make any changés that he wished. (3. (Amendments were- entered by the interrogators ‘and: were initialed. by NOSENKO.) .NOSENKO'was asked, after reading” _@ach page and after completing the.entire protocol, whether. - ‘he: understood what ‘was. written there and whether there were. any more. changes, he wished to make...He was then asked to . Sign and date the statement, "I have read and understood: — “this report and certify it as correct", at the end of the. final page. “With one exception, he -did.so calmly and without © .. objections. In. one or two instances he remarked that. his _ Statements were presented in such 4 manner as to make them Pet “STS No, 1971245 = _~ Top Secret Copy 10 ======== PAGE 20 ======== yeonnn9 Tep Secret (Summary of Case) Oo suggest any changes o¢ fact or presentation which would maké them more accurate, Commenting on the use of interrogation reports, NOSENKO said on 4 March 1965: "My lif I absolutely understand what I am doing when I an signing any paper, This is an officidi document, and I fully underscand what \ I'm doing when I sign it as being absolutely correct." Further questioning was conducted from 26 July until 14 August 1965 with the Participation of Petr DERYABIN, a former KGB officer. These interrogations, held in Russian, were for the Purpose of using DERYABIN's KGB experience to obtain a clearer understanding of NOSENKO's claimed personal and professional background. During the period 19-25: October 1966, NOSENKO was questioned for seven days on specific aspects of selected tepics ranging from his identity to his involvement in and knowledge of specific KGB Operations. Questioning was in both Russian and English. Although the interrogations identified topics and time periods in NOSENKO's accounts which contained the greatest number of Contradictions and discrepancies, neither the contradictions nor the discrep- ancies could be resolved, - Because of the incidence of deranged persons CIA has encountered among would—be defectors, the question of : NOSENKO's mental stability was a Matter considered early after his defection in Geneva. Fron his arrival in the United States in 1964 NOSENKO has been under psychiatric observation. A CIA Psychiatrist and a CIA PSychologist, both with extensive experience with Soviet Bloc defectors, monitored many of NOSENKO's Anterrogations. In May 1965 the psychologist for three weeks questioned NOSENKO on his life from birth until 1953, when NOSENKO claimed he joined the KGB; in an attempt to identify psychological factors which might underlie NOSENKO' The psychiatrist and the psychologist concluded independently, on the basis of their observations, that NOSENKO was mentally stable. 0001280 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —__ ======== PAGE 21 ======== . Top | Secret : (Summary of Case) oe NOSENKO. has’ not been interrogated since October. ‘1966. _The period since has. been devoted to the examination ‘and. ~. xeview of the accumulated interrogation notes, transcript _. and other materials, and ain the Preparation. of the. Present “1st No: “toring . Copy 1.0 ; ======== PAGE 22 ======== Top Secret CHAPTER I FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS « Evidence of NOSENKO's bona Fides is comprised of his own statements, the corroborating statements of Soviet officials, | and the counterintelligence information he has provided. NOSENKO's Statements About Himself In his meetings. in 1962 and 1964 with CIA abroad and in the course of the interrogations since, NOSENKO has: made numerous statements about himself. More than any other, however, a statement written in July 1964 (after the initial hostile interrogation was concluded) is a thoughtful and well-expressed exposition of how he wished CIA to regard him. It is quoted here in its entirety. My life, my childhood and ‘youth passed in very comfortable circumstances since the position of my father gave us. the opportunity to live without lacking for anything. And the only difficult periods of my life before the death of my father were at the naval schools attended in Kuybyshev, Baku and Leningrad, and at the beginning of my working life, when I was in the Far East in 1950- 1952. The opportunity. to be always well-dressed, to have a sufficient amount of money, to have my own car, to be able to use the car given me by ny family and also my father's car, the opportunity to travel to the South and to vacation .in the best sanitariums, dachas, and so forth; all this unquestionably Iéft its mark on me and became something of a habit. After the death of my father, my successful progress in my work gave me a higher salary, and although I did not have all that which I had while my father was alive, still I did not experience any serious difficulties. But already I wanted to live still better. G00{ 282 ll . TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy 10 _ ======== PAGE 23 ======== ; Top Secret a (FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS). _ “Up: to 1953, ‘“.over the course of my. entire life--at “school, “in the Institute, at work, at home in ‘the _family--it was always pounded. into my head that’ : '. Stalin was a great genius, that he was good, Keene -etce.; and the thought. never occurred -to mé to “question: his words or his deeds. because everything ©. “that he said, -and everything he did, were completely _ ‘axiomatic. The arrests.and trials only involved “traitors and it. was considered .and explained that ‘ithe. betrayor ofthe people: wa. ezhow, the head of oathe NKVD.- Not even the shadow of “doubt fell’ on. the. , mame-of Stalin. Soon after Stalin's death. in 1953” I-read a certain document given: me: by ny. father... .This. was ‘a:secret letter: of the ‘Central Committee .°" -- of .the CPSU on, the’ ‘case. of the doctors;' it was “.not, addressed to.all communists but only to members os and candidate members of the Central Committee. . . L was.deeply shaken by. this letter. which described ~ _-in’ detail -how these : “people, important. specialists in the field ‘Of: medicine, were brought: to such. al. condition that‘they. condemned ‘themselves; that is, (they: confessed. sto.things. -which*had never happened,. “" to.things. which they'had never done. They were.- simply. forced to give. ‘the evidence which was need by ‘the: ‘investigators... ‘The secret letters on the -” “eult of Stalin: and :much™ that I’ heard in the KGB: about the reign of: Stalin,: ‘all this left ‘its’ mark. “and forced me, to think deeply: about:the real truth and. to: look at'everything more: eritically.. T-no -” ~ longer: had faith in'.all-‘those® ideas: which for: years a had been. pressed into my. head : . tb The” ‘new ‘le ers (Khrushchev ‘and: Company) used t | Samé ;methods. but already: diluted with the water: of: democracy, with playing. up to the people and attempts: “to. convince them that a new era would arise, a new. and better life, and ‘that now the’ Party was always,” ‘going to:con¢ern itself with the’ welfare of the “people. .In fact, it was a.struggle for- power” ‘and the use of all means in this ‘struggle, even micro- ._phones” (they lastened to. thé conversations of.) . Beriya-and his friends; later they listened to the conversations of Molotov, Malenkov,.. Kaganovich, and others).,"Khrushchev's ‘endless. blabbing about’ : — ts. No. 197124 _ Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 24 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) successes, when in fact they didn't exist, the figures about how the USSR had passed the USA in the production of butter and milk, when in the stores they were available only infrequently. The endless promises of a better life when in fact nothing of tthe sort is taking place. All this ‘similarly forced me to re-evaluate not only the events which were taking place in the country, but already the entire ideology of the Party, its external and internal course. The events in Novocherkassk where 20,000 to 25,000 people rose up and the way in which this popular indignation was suppressed by troops with Many casualties. This also made a deep impression on me. When I was resting in the summer of 1961 in Nikolayev, from my relatives--my father's brothers--I understood well the real relation of the workers both to the leadership and to the Party as a whole. At the same time I saw how the workers really lived, how they eat, what they have and what they can buy with their wages. I heard a great deal from my father about the domestic pdlicies of Khrushchev in regard to the development and the course of construction in industry, about his complete illiteracy in. engineering technology and industrial economics, about incorrect decisions in regard to many industries, and this was not only the opinion of “my father, but also of other important leaders in various fields of industry. But no one dared to open his mouth and when in December 1955 my father tried, as an engineer, to prove that a certain. decision would be incorrect, he received such a rebuff from Khrushchev that he was profoundly shaken and in the opinion of my mother this brought him to his illness and death in August 1956. The events in Germany and especially in Hungary showed with absolute clarity the bankruptcy of communist ideology. What was especially important for me was the fact that in these countries it was a Protest not of individuals or groups, but of the 13 GOL 284 | TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy 10 _ ======== PAGE 25 ======== . Top Secret , (FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO! 8 CLAIMS) entire people who. “could no longed” endure: ‘a regime: “imposed on’ them by force. -: Here it is necessary- to. “emphasize that the: life.of the’ people in these. >) countries was much. better than that of the: people .in, the USSR. (I: saw- for ‘myself -how. people live ‘in ' Czechoslovakia, - in Germany, and beyond any. doub they live “better than | the entire People + of: the.<* Soviet. Uaton) »" Bs : ; ” “the “split. “of: ‘the “gnternatdonal. Communist moves. _ment became for mé.a clear fact ‘and confirmed: my opinion. that the theory of Communism is. .a ‘theory. ‘buile. on “sand and that it is practiced according to. “the needs- of: the leadership.of the Party ata given. stageof.: life and: that :in reality. full material. °, - welfare ‘would never be: enjoyed by the people but. only by the leadership. cand the Party | and the... “government. : a Working: in ‘the KGB L ‘came ‘t0: “anderstand. ‘much. and “became conscious‘ of: the contradiction: between: the vinternal’ and external course’ of the USSR... : Such... oo . quest ions- as disarmament, the ban of atomic. weapons, : ‘the: position of- ‘the USSR in. the. United:Nations--all' “these are. cused | only ‘in the’ ‘interest: of. propaganda. vand as ascreen for carrying ‘out of = the: policies . needed by the communist. party: -- (1 was. myself ‘present’ ‘atthe negotiations in Geneva. and | “saw “politics of the Soviet. ,delegation. ye : . P ow much they. ‘éarn, how ‘they can dress.and .live on heir wages, and I. paid: ‘Special. attention.to ‘the -. ife of. rdinary people and not-to. that of scienti “engineers, ‘etc.: And.all- the ‘propaganda. ‘about: the = “enormous armies of. unemployed in the.countries*of. ‘the West, .about the ‘heavy exploitation’ » and che. ‘unbelievably difficult life' was immediately. dispelled... .And what.I met in. my own, work, how. which. Soviet citizens get sent where abroad--this finally debunked this propaganda. . Many of my. KGB - aequaintances-: ‘think back: with great. pleasure | -about | life abroad." ™ oocnes “Ts No. 197124 Top Secret - : - Copy - ======== PAGE 26 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) I entered the Komsomol completely without thinking about it. The time came, the right age, and I became a Komsomol member like all the others. It was different in regards to the Party: I joined the Party in-1956 after the death of Stalin and while I was working in the KGB and already at that time there was a lack of faith and indecisiveness : in me. My father continually insisted on this, , : saying that without the Party I would never move 4) ahead and would not have success in life. .But I myself understood and saw that I would not be able to work in the KGB unless I was a member of the Party. And if I worked somewhere else, I would truly never move ahead in my career unless I entered the Party. But from the very beginning of my entry into the Party, I deeply hated all the Party talmudism and dogmatism. All the Party meetings were literally a torture. Especially when I became the Deputy Chief and then Chief of a section, and then Deputy Chief of a department, because then I had to speak _at these meetings. Because this meant to lie, .to twist my soul, and to attempt to show myself as deeply dedicated to the Party and its course. In 1960 my oldest girl's asthmatic attacks became” worse. The question of a change of climate was raised. At that time the Second Chief Directorate “needed to send an officer to Ethiopia for two to _ three years to conduct counterintelligence work among the Soviet specialists there. It cost me a great deal of effort to personally talk Second Chief Directorate Chief General GRIBANOV into letting me go. The Party and work references had been confirmed, all the questionnaires were already filled out, the photos had been submitted; that is, all the formal- 1 - ities had been accomplished. -But at the very last - moment the Central Personnel Office of the KGB began to protest against my going with my family to Ethiopia. The reason for this was that from the house check made at my place of residence they received information that I sometimes came home in a drunken condition and on this ground had quarrels with my wife. A tour abroad with my family was necessary because of the health of my daughter a5 —— GO0L286 ‘TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 27 ======== sin Top Secret (FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) (since 1963: the “Gliness has: become better) and also it would have been ‘advantageous from the financial. point of view. From this © time on "I understood’ that... Personnel. would, not Tet. me BO. abroad with my family. “Knowing many officers “in “the - First ‘(Foreign , Intelligence): Chief Directorate,.” I began. to under- — : stand that being: sent. abroad is entirely determined, | . “not by knowledge, experience: in-work and success, ©- . but only by. the absolute "cleanliness' of the ; “person's autobiography and” complete assurance as to ‘his limitless. dedication to the Party and the a "government; — _But not only being: ‘sent abroad but. the 7 . assignment _ of. personnel in the. First and Second- ues : Chief Directorates, and- ‘the entire. KGB depends on” me ‘the reasons indicated. -by te.and also'.on good relations ‘with the leadership: ‘and: good. gonnections with workers : “I lived about" 4 years with. my” wife and: our ‘Life ‘Was nota hell... ‘It is true that there were quarrels jpand basically: they: ‘boiled down: to the fact-that- she °* “took an extremely unfavorable. -attitude towards my) 0.) “delays at’ work and also.when.I ‘would. be delayed with “some of my: friends and ‘acquaintances. wafter work and... - ~ would. come home. with. a few drinks under my belt. Of | “course, L.loved. ‘and. love my children and-only the us fact ‘that they are taken care’ “of -financially until: “they - ‘grow up: and have. received an education to some. extent consoled ‘me in taking the decision to leave _the USSR. What’ do I have. in® ‘mind when I.speak of financial security? “After the death of my father,’ = the: family received a. large ‘monetary allowance; plus) -the money that my. Mother had saved and valuable. : “ property, etc. My_ mother many times offered to -divide all this in. three -parts:. for me, my brother, “and for. her,. but. T ‘suggested that we not ‘do this -~ before her death... And,’ of course, my mother will | not leave my ¢hildren without attention, and my share of the Property” and the money will be given to my children.» : t G001287 | | si ioyiaa’. po . TS No. 197124 - Top Secret Copy —-_ ======== PAGE 28 ======== 14-0000 | | Top Secret (FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) If the defections of [former KGB officers] PETROV, RASTVOROV and DERYABIN passed without evoking any particular thoughts, the defection to the United States of GOLITSYN, whom I had heard of as an intelligent person and a capable officer, undoubtedly : caused me to think very deeply. Because to act thus, d it is necessary to have not only boldness and decisiveness, but also great strength of will. And already I put to myself the question, will I be able to act thus in view of the dissatisfactions and disillusionments which had-accumulated inside of me? “departure I myself of my own desire entered into contact with you. The reason for this was the loss of money received by me for operational expenses. I would have been unable to accumulate such a sum of money before my departure and there was nobody to borrow from. To tell the truth about the loss of the money would have meant that it would be necessary to explain where and in what circumstances it had been lost. This would have risked expulsion from the KGB and a serious reprimand from the Party. Not to tell the truth, to think up some sort of a story--they wouldn't believe, and worst of all, they might think that I had appropriated the money, that is, stolen it. And this would be for me the worst of all. and I would, of course, in such event have told the truth. : a Being in Geneva in 1962, not long before my a ae To tell the truth, it was only after my return home from Geneva in 1962 that I gradually, not. immediately, began full to realize all’ the seriousness of my contact with you and its full meaning. And . . although I.did not give, you any promises or assurances . about our continued contact in the future, I under- : stood that you sooner or later would set yourself the task of continuing our contact. And here it was . that weighing up all the reasons and causes which I | . have indicated above that in 1962 I took for myself : ‘the decision to leave the USSR at the first opportunity : -and that I started to work towards being sent on a . ql trip abroad. 17 00014288 : TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy 10 _ a ======== PAGE 29 ======== 1400000 Top Secret "(FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO"S. CLAIMS) of ‘'baggage', that is, with materials which could. : be.useful. and necessary for you. In this entire. - “period up: to. January’ 1964 I tried to. collect: infor- -., mation. which would be of the maximum value for you.:. ©. My assignment to the position of Deputy Chief of the, " Seventh Department: in: July. 1962 gave mé-a- greater °° _ Opportunity than before. But at the same time. this assignment almost éxcludéd the possibility of a trip ‘ abroad and it was -only with great difficulty ‘that 1 ‘was able fo. get away’ for. the trip in January .1964. It was necessaty to convince’ my’ superior CHELNOKOV - and..then to ask, CHELNOKOV- to convince. othets.’, In’: z this I advanced many reasons: that-1-had not spent: ~ - all the money (in foreign curtency); that the - 0. - \médicine which I bought ‘for my daughter had proven’ very successful and that-I needed to buy some more medicine to ‘carry, out ‘one more series‘of treatments;.” that. this trip would not "be a long ‘one and that-since (I was jalréady the Deputy Chief of the Department. I:, would not. be ‘able to: travel abroad any: more and so, “therefore; this trip.would probably bevmy ‘last.: Of “course, all this was. said at convenient moments: and outside of. work... Things: were. easier.with the". ‘Eleventh Department (which. deals ‘with trips abroad) ' because I.was on good terms ‘with thé ‘KGB: officer. ‘who ‘covered Switzerland, besides which when. I.came™ back. from Geneva. in..1962I.-had brought him a‘number . | Of. course, I wanted. to. come abroad. with ‘some isort’, of. presents... - vo The publication in’ 1963, by the. foreign: press.o _ the VASSALL’ case. put me on my guard since’ in the. : newspaper Times-it’ satd outright ‘that. the English: - learned about him -thanks.to the Americans who °\'.:: - learned about VASSALL insthe spring of 1962. -- . “Fortunately, the leadership .of the First:.Chief:) ) < Directorate, as.'I. learned from my colleagues, ‘came. ~ “tothe conclusion. that here the Americans had:been..*_ helped by ‘GOLITSYN... “But at.the.same time the: . . First Chief Directorate was not completely’ sure’ of” this. But the publication in the American press of ...Alsop's articles on the CIA alarmed me: extremely. ‘This article in.one spot said plainly that as far " as;is known the. KGB ‘does Not have any sources in the 18 6004289. - Top Secret Copy —____ TS No. 197124 ======== PAGE 30 ======== Yep Secret (FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) CIA while at the same time the CIA has penetrated the KGB. From this moment, I do not conceal this fact, I began to feel afraid that the KGB would somehow learn of my contact with you. This article deeply ‘interested’ the KGB. During ‘the closed trial of PENKOVSKIY I got a pass from the Second Department and went, in order to look at him myself. For sometimes it is enough to simply look at a man, to see how he holds himself and to hear how he speaks in order to form some sort of an initial opinion of him. Personally, I liked how PENKOVSKIY held himself at the trial; I liked his appearance and I understood that everything which had been said in the KGB about him and the sort of person they were trying to make him out to be (that he was morally degraded, that he had descended and sunk into a swamp) that all this was nonsense, bluff, and. chatter. And PENKOVSKIY, the ‘same as GOLITSYN, gave me a feeling of greater confidence in the correctness of the decision taken by me to leave the Soviet Union. : 26 July. 1964 Tr Signed: Yu. NOSENKO- - 19 C6LL260 . TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy _10_ ======== PAGE 31 ======== Top Secret “(FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S- CLAIMS). ef Sovice Dttictais’ Statement 3 About NOSENKO «| : The portrait: “Of: NOSENKO which. emerges. “trom Soviet” ma '. officials" statements ‘about. hin since his-defection coin-. ‘eddes markedly with. NOSENKO's sélf-description.. According to the comments of | Soviet officials, principally intelli-- | “gence - ‘officers most. likely to be speaking authoritatively, ‘defector: ‘NOSENKO: was: the son ‘of. .the deceased Minister, he. ‘served: over a decade in the KGB,;: his’ ‘personal shortcomings. vo WET overcome. through: the patronage of KGB General. GRIBANOV, -cand in conneétion:: with operations ‘against Americans) he . occupied positions: of’: ‘progressively greater trust and. uxeésponsibility, . ultimately. becoming. Deputy Chief .of . the -o largest department. in the key Second’ (Counterintelligence) ©: » . Chief Directorate.:' According. ‘to. these SOUTTES 5. his defection - wrought severe’ damage: “foryears to come" to the KGB - . - because” of his. -knowledge of KGB operations. against. ‘American - “targets, and his. ‘treachery | prompted: the expulsion and- disgrace of. numerous.senior KGB- personnel, the recall’ of tiany: others “from abroad, the- virtual. suspension of KGB | : “operations in the. United States, and extraordinary | plans” to - jp Seeassinate, hin. wl a . se ca aa ; - CDC Last: ; : ede TS No. 197124 Top Secret et ‘Copy — ======== PAGE 32 ======== 14-00000 Top Secret (FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) The Product of NOSENKO's Debriefing ‘ Positive Intelligence Information At his first meeting with CIA in 1962 NOSENKO asserted that he was acquainted with Ministers of the Soviet Govern- ment, who were friends of his father, and he heard what was said in their circles. His debriefing and interroga- tions did not bear out his assertion that he was informed of the attitudes and aims of the Soviet leaders. His responses to questions about the viability -of the then Soviet Government, for example, were couched in vague and general terms and did not reflect any specific knowledge. From his debriefing it emerged that NOSENKO had spent his entire adult life either as a student or as a state security official, and he stressed that since the early 1950's he had had few interests and "no real contacts" outside of the KGB itself. Questioned on a wide range of topics, including ‘various aspects of nuclear weaponry, missiles, electronics, communications, unconventional weapons, military industry, military units and equipment, and research and development, NOSENKO repeatedly said that he had no knowledge of such matters and that his responses reflected only personal opinions. Because of his two assignments to Geneva with the Soviet Delegation to the Disarmament Conference, questions were put to NOSENKO about Soviet .underground testing, Soviet. efforts in the fields of chemical and biological warfare, Soviet disarmament aims and Soviet views of the corresponding attitudes and intentions of the United States. Becausé his assignments to the Soviet Disarmament Delegation were for cover purposes only, NOSENKO disclaimed any special knowledge. He explained that he took no part in the substantive work of the Delegation nor did he have any connection in the USSR with officials or organizations ‘concerned with arms control or disarmament policies. NOSENKO's failure to provide any useful positive intelligence information was not unique, although previous KGB defectors did not have NOSENKO's claimed access, either on the basis of his family ties or on the basis of his KGB counterintelligence position within the Soviet Union. KGB 21 CUCL 232 . TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy 10 _ ======== PAGE 33 ======== (FOUNDATIONS. OF -NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) ; ‘ - officers: who defected earlier to Western services. provided - “ne. Significant military, economic.or scientific “information” on-the USSR,. and the political information: provided by a few (usually: ‘relating: to the personalities and relationships. 2 in the ruling: group. (of the. Communist Party) was of marginal. value. wo : . : ‘Counterinteditzence Information. Me NOSENKO.' s- nowledge™ of: KGB. foreign intelligence. operations was’ limited, “for-his whole career had been spent in the. Second. Chie - (Counterintelligence) . Directorate concerned. 3% 0." with: KGB, operations within the Soviet Union.. His. information. ce ‘on Second Chief. Directorate operations, however, was... ” _apparently a eounterintelligence windfall,’ becausé most. of" ‘his KGB.assignments involved operations against American . : targets,’ either visitors» to. the Soviet Union or members of. -. the Embassy staff. n: Moscow... - From. this circumstance he. .. ‘represents. himself. as’ an’ authoritative source on KGB: success” and, failure in. rec ing. Americans. ‘in: othe USSR during the . NOSENKO ° has. “described = “scores fe) KGB operations: mounted. against. American ,Embassy. personnel ‘during that ten year: period.’ Because. of¢ dasting relationships’ ‘he established” with KGB colleagues; NOSENKO kept abreast: of KGB ‘operations | * -against: ‘the. Embassy, even while serving elsewhere than. in the Embassy Section. -NOSENKO has stated that ‘he would .- know. Af acts: were’ otherwise, ‘and he has asserted y. that’ no Anerican: ‘stationed’ _permanently- at : was: recruited between. the-early.1950's-and™ his. “in"1964 :. NOSENKO: naméd' six members of the Embassy... rejected KcB recruitment overtures, fand all have. confirméd’ i i “1 He ‘provided ‘information onthe |. ‘vulnerability of ae ‘significant aumbér of Embassy personnel; in. -particular, two Foreign Service Officers were. consequently. ° _ withdrawn from Moscow... Physical search has confirmed. the: - “information’.he provided: ‘regarding: the. KGB audio. surveillance’ "installations: in: the ‘Embassy. Among: Americans ‘other than Embassy. personnel whom “NOSENKO- described.as KGB’ ‘targets, he provided: information leading . to the identification‘of 51 KGB. agents, including seven. “correspondents in Moscow, the Moscow. representative of: the Cf american | Express Company}, the’ former code clerk "ANDREY". ayle SHITE, see -Pe 33), and Sgt. Robert Lee JOHNSON, - 6001293 oS oF TS Now 19712" oo Fop Secret Copy VBR ======== PAGE 34 ======== 14-0000), Top Secret (FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) Mrs. JOHNSON, and James Allen MINTKENBAUGH. Twenty~five of this number acknowledged KGB recruitment before or after NOSENKO's information was received. In fifteen other _ instances NOSENKO's information has been corroborated in ‘part by the individuals' admissions of contact with (if not recruitment by) the KGB, or by other sources' reports of their recruitment. Besides these 51, NOSENKO provided leads to four other American KGB agents, including an officer in an American military intelligence organization, none of whom has: yet been identified. Lastly, NOSENKO identified 22 Americans whom the KGB knew or suspected to be American Intelligence agents. From NOSENKO's information 68 non-American KGB agents have been identified. Although investigations are still incomplete, in 39 of these cases the individual's KGB recruitment has been reported by other sources, or the individuals were suspect forjother reasons. Among these 68 individuals were ajFrench|'and a Canadian Ambassador to Moscow, an Austrian and an /{ndonesian Army Attache}, a if Director and a.Deputy Secretaty of the [indian Foreigni| Ministry, and a British Admiralty employee (William VASSALL, -gee below). -In addition, NOSENKO provided leads on 22 other KGB foreign agents, yet to be identified. NOSENKO's infor- _ mation about the KGB electronic attack on the |German Embassy|| in Moscow was confirmed by subsequent technical and physical search... With respect to the KGB itself, NOSENKO named (if not completely identified) approximately 1,000 Soviet citizens who are or have been affiliated with. Soviet intelligence : and security organizations. These included over seven hundred active KGB staff officers, of whom 435 were serving ~ in the Second Chiéf Directorate. Of the 165 KGB officers he named as belonging to the First Chief (Foreign Intelli-~ gence) Directorate, over one hundred had been previously reported to be KGB personnel, as reflected in CIA files. NOSENKO's information permitted updating CIA holdings on previously received reports of the 1959 KGB reorganization, particularly as it affected the Second Chief Directorate, He described further refinement of responsibilities, the Second Chief Directorate's absorption of previously inde- pendent directorates, the creation of new units from elements 23 GUGL294 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy __10_ 4iB% ======== PAGE 35 ======== a Top Secret (FOUNDATIONS: of. NOeENEO CLAIMS) formerly belonging to: other ‘aumbered directorates, -and . ; _individual- officers. prominent in each. ..NOSENKO was not. as” _ productive with respect, to KGB operational methods and Headquarters. procedures, although he. furnished. numerous. examples, particularly. regarding operations mourted against” Embassy. personnel,’ which Provided - useful insight on these: ‘toptes. | S : * foe Loe : : oe aa ‘Significance KGB Operations Not Directly Related to NOSENKO" s ‘Claimed Service “air: “of ‘the KGB “operations which NOSENKO has. described: care favorable. evidence’ of his bona fides, but they. break ' down into. two ‘qualitatively ‘different groups. — Operations - which" NOSENKO related to specific KGB. positions he held at particular: times are’ described ‘in the following section in . @onhection with an. examination of his KGB career.. The - : remaining operations axe those which. NOSENKO said he learned of ‘informally, ‘or ‘by accident, or-even'-,despite (not because of): the KGB position he. sheld-at--the time. Since these are... not’ material: to his. tlaimed: positions at various :times in the’ ‘KGB, they. are summarized. in .Annex Be (NOSENKO' s. leads. to most non~American KGB.. ‘agents belong. in ‘this latter. group, but. for: reasons of. buevit they are omitted from this paper: mong the items‘ o information: which. NOSENKO. provided but “which do not relate*to. specific KGB positions he held. at: particular. times, there. are several: “which - merit special | note here. ' These, | which are among the most significant ° his revelations ; ‘leads. to Sgt. Robert Lee JOHNSON,- "the KGB agent in: the ’ h Admiralty" (William ‘VASSALL) 5 "SASHA". (the KGB./agent, in. merican Military Intelligence) : “ANDREY" (Embassy. military, code clerk Dayle W. SMITH) ,. Edward SMITH (CIA officer). and the'.KGB electronic attack | he(West: Gerpaipabassy in Moscow.-~ : TF The KGB Agent in Paris" (Sets Robert Lee somusow) ao ws ‘The - ‘first: item “of information given “by ‘NOSENKO | “ upon: meeting: CIA. in Geneva in 1964 was a lead to a KGB _ agent.who was® an’ American. serviceman stationed at a sensitive U.S. military. installation in the Paris.area, The agent had ‘been the source: of documentary, intelligence which had been. Ee oe TS No. 197124 Top Secret = Copy ======== PAGE 36 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) shown to Premier Khrushchev personally. Although still _ active, the agent had lost access to classified documents. some months earlier, in 1963. NOSENKO characterized the lead as the most important single counterintelligence item | that he acquired during the year and a half he was a CIA collaborator at KGB Headquarters in Moscow. soonest NOSENKO''s ‘Information Shortly after returning to Moscow from Geneva in 1962, NOSENKO first learned of a KGB agent's successful penetra- tion of a classified documents vault at an “important American military installation" in the Paris area. Because the documents included information on strategic targets in France as well as in the Soviet Union, he assumed that it was a "strategic planning installation" The installation had its own airfield and that there were "procedures for bringing Top Secret documents in and for taking them out". There had been six successful entries of the vault, four in 1962 and two in 1963, On each occasion Special Section technicians travelled TDY to Paris under diplomatic courier cover to assist the local KGB case officer in: the technical details of the operation. Their function was to advise the case officer concerning the entry'to the vault and later surreptitiously to unwrap and re-seal the documents. The case officer, on this basis, would give appropriate instruc- ‘tions to his agent, and the technicians probably never met -the American.. . Although this was a ‘First Chief: Directorate operation, _ officers of the Special Section of the Second Chief Directorate were used. . The.Special Section was comprised ‘of technicians transferred from the KGB Operational- Technical Directorate, and usually it handled surreptitious entries to Western embassies in Moscow. Among these officers were S.A. IONOV, L.A. LEBEDEV, S.D. ILYIN, V.V. SINITSYN, V.Z. KARETNIKOV, M.I. PREOBRAZHENSKIY and Fedor FOFANOV. © IONOV, LEBEDEV and ILYIN took part in this operation, and FOFANOV was later involved. ‘The specialists were not the ones that carried out the operation. It was carried out by the case officers of the Paris Legal Residency. The specialists just opened and then GOG12¢ 25 oy . TS No. 197124 | . _ Top Secret Copy __10 ======== PAGE 37 ======== Top Secret _ _ (FOUNDATIONS, OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) resealed the packages. LEBEDEV said. that ‘they: ‘alsé placed: some radioactive’ substance, with-the help of the American agent, in, the. lock of the vault: door; when the ‘substance was. “removed, “they: could pick the lock. ‘They. did thé same thing © [used some radioactive substance] to the safe'-in the vault.” ° Before everything. was. finally. ready,.:the Special Section -S . technicians- had to visit, Paris: ‘several ‘times... The first) time was the beginning of 1962..° The Paris: Residency couldn’ t have. launched" the. operation. ‘before. 1962, because - ‘they. a couldn‘*t do it without: ‘the help. of. Special ‘Section techni-- cians and the latter. did not. travel to Paris” in. (1960 or 1961. “Entry. into. ‘the ‘vault. area was" ‘first. achieved after ‘the agent. used some radioactive. substance: to determine. ‘the combination. ~The agent’ also photographed. ‘the, lock for KGB _study. Subsequent. entries were always made between two and. five o'clock in the. morning. ::. The. agent removed documents _. from’ the vault and. delivered. ‘them::to. his KGB. case’ ‘officer, who in turn passed them. .to Special Section technicians. The envelopes were: then: opened:,: ‘photographs- were nade’. the- documents were. repackaged, and. the envélopes were given’: _~back to the case™ ‘officer for return to the~vault. -.There= vafter, | ‘the. Paris: ‘Legal. ‘Residency. pouched: the films to: Moscow, “and the’ technicians. themselve left Paris. ‘until: the ‘next: : The KGB. officers were. ‘able: to’ complete ‘the whole. operation “during the. agent's night duty. -. ‘During this time, they. had: “to. pick up’ the materials,, drive:-some place- ("maybe thé 9 ~~ | Soviet. Embassy") open the’ documents, » ‘photograph: them,. close ; them. again just. as" they... were, and return them:to the’ agent. a : The KGB could not specify which: documents the agent was to _ “bring ‘out “th hat “all. the ‘documents had to be. opened. . : , y “received from: the. agent o : Since ‘he. heard tha Linost all ‘of: . the material obtained - was of.. interest. to: the: Ministry of “Défense, NOSENKO concluded : "that it came from a. military.-installation..- The, agent couldn‘ t bring’ out a great. deal ‘of: material, only what he ‘could hide ." on his person.-- ‘From what. the KGB technicians ‘said, NOSENKO thought . the agent. was not alone on “duty. ' The technicians. said that "the agent explained [to co-workers] that he is going out for coffee ‘or a sandwich", and that “he is. gone - for ondy 5: or 10 minutes". . : . ae ee 26 co co TS No. 197124 Top § Secret oS 7 . “Copy. ======== PAGE 38 ======== 14-0000 Tep Secret (FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) The last time the vault was entered was in the fall of 1963. At about that time the agent, a military man, received a promotion and was relieved of his night watch duties. (The agent was scheduled for rotation to the United States but, with his promotion, he had obtained an extension until May 1964.) Although the agent was still active in January 1964 and was still assigned to the same military post, he had lost access to the classified : documents. The information obtained from the agent's vault ‘was highly sensitive and so valuable to the KGB that the Paris Legal Rezident as well as several case officers there had been rewarded for their part in the operation. Before leaving Moscow for Geneva in January 1964, NOSENKO had been told that the technician FOFANOV had been sent to Paris in the KGB hope that the agent would be able to re-enter the vault again before his transfer to the . United States in May. .When NOSENKO visited the Soviet Embassy in-Paris on 19 January 1964 while-en route to Geneva, FOFANOV was on duty at the entrance and NOSENKO “chatted with him. FOFANOV said he-"was not doing good" and he "would probably be sitting there until May", but he had hopes "that something might happen". . . 4 . to, . The American agént was getting paid by the KGB and he. was recruited with the promise of a substantial sum of money. NOSENKO didn't know if he was recruited in Paris or if it was even a formal recruitment, nor what plans the KGB had for him after he left Paris. . - NOSENKO learned of the case “in little pieces" at separate times from various members of the Second Chief — _., Directorate Special Section who participated in it, . ; ‘principally LEBEDEV or KARETNIKOV in Moscow, and FOFANOV later in Paris. [Under intensive questioning, NOSENKO has -also alleged he learned of the case from IONOV, the Chief. of the Special Section.] NOSENKO explained that he knew LEBEDEV and KARETNIKOV from their visit to his office to discuss technical installations at new tourist hotels, when NOSENKO was Deputy Chief of the Seventh Department. COGL2¢8 27 = ‘TS-No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 39 ======== _ (FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) -NOSENKO." Ss ‘lead was identified as Army Sérgeant : “Robert Lee JOHNSON, who served in:the period . ° 1962- -1963 at a military courier station at Orly - Field, Paris. JOHNSON: confesséd to KGB recruitment of himself.and his wife, his recruitment: of Jamés Allen MINTKENBAUGH, and the latter's. “subsequent collaboration with the “KGB... Mrs. JOHNSON and’ MINTKENBAUGH. have Sorroborated ‘JOHNSON s statements. — : : NOSENKO ‘is apparently unaware of JOHNSON's:. earlier (since 1952) involvement with the KGB ain Berlin,’ the United States, and in’ Orleans, France. With respect to the 1962-1963 surreptitious entires of the ‘courier station. vault,> however," JOHNSON ''s admissions coincide with thé information provided by_ NOSENKO, with no significant. differences. — ae - was. ‘going, to. defect, ‘he: ‘was. ‘told that™as a- consequence ~. additional persons in CLA°would be informed of his’ éase- and he-was asked.to™ searth his recollection for any evidence of .a KGB. penetration of CIA. NOSENKO. knew of , but: he recalled a KGB agent; an American 1s. "SASHA", who was .a member: of - a U. Su. military ~~ rganization, '.- . : OSENKO's Informétion “- NOSENKO- learned: of "SASHA" from Me ‘A. SHALYAPIN; the .KGB- officer who,: while assigned to; the First Chief Directordte . and working’ in ‘Berlin; recruited the agent in 1955- =19576 "SASHA" whovhad been. recruited by financial inducements, | : had officer. status; he. wore. civilian clothes to his ‘meetings: with his KGB handler‘and he could have been either-a ~ ‘.civilian or military intelligence officer. "SASHA" returned: to the United States “in the 1960's" or “in 1962". “SASHA was stationed in the United States at the time of the Cuban missile crisis but had been unable.to provide the KGB any ; 6001289. S.No, 197124 oe Top Secret - Copy . ======== PAGE 40 ======== Top Secret (FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) relevant intelligence of any significance. NOSENKO thought that "SASHA" served as a department chief in intelligence when he was re-assigned to Germany in November 1962 - early 1963. NOSENKO met SHALYAPIN for the first time in September or October 1962 [after NOSENKO's first visit to Geneva and initial contact with CIA] through his friend, Yu. I. GUK.- GUK had known SHALYAPIN when they had served together in the First Chief Directorate in Moscow. SHALYAPIN had served in the United States, Uruguay, Berlin, and Cuba. In 1962 he had been assigned to the Latin American Department of the First Chief Directorate, as a case officer. He retired from the KGB and through NOSENKO's intervention with Second Chief Directorate Seventh Department Chief CHELNOKOV, SHALYAPIN obtained-a position with Inturist. Presumably out of gratitude to NOSENKO, SHALYAPIN felt free to talk, and over drinks he expressed his bitterness at his treat- ment by the First Chief Directorate which, without hin, ‘would not have had the agent "SASHA" in Germany “at that — . time". [1963]. NOSENKO. heard such details ashe knew. of © . "SASHA" in.the course of several-such talks with SHALYAPIN. _ |. Under intensive questioning on the "SASHA" case NOSENKO retracted his statement that he had first heard of the case. from SHALYAPIN, though maintaining that he was sure he had discussed the case -with-SHALYAPIN “at some time". Pressed .-to identify his first source, NOSENKO then cited several officers--some First’ Chief Directorate, some Second-who could have told him about it. because they were likely to know of it though none of. them was actually involved in the operation. Ultimately NOSENKO refused to commit himself _ on this point, saying he did not remember from whom he first learned of "SASHA". : se Comment: "SASHA" has not been identified. G0C41350 29 : TS-No. 197124 Top Secret Copy _ 10 ======== PAGE 41 ======== - Top Seeret_ “(FOUNDATIONS ‘OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) ‘Willian VASSAL (“KGB Agent in the ‘British Admiralty") ‘Asked in’ ‘the June - 1962. meetings. with CIA if he’ .. was: familiar: with ‘the case of George BLAKE, the former KGB vagent: in “MI- 65 NOSENKO ‘replied.that he knew of another, more ‘important. KcB agent. who was. employed in, the British ‘ Admiralty. NOSENKO' s Information The. KGB: thas. now’ Gn’ 1962)" ‘an agent | in a “high government: position in London ‘who. provides most ° valuable. information, - some ‘from NATO intelligence services’ conferences. The agent Was recruited in. Moscow in 1956 or 1957 on: the -basis of-a ‘homosexual: ‘compromise. In Moscow he was “a First: | - Sectetary™ "Chiefof protocol" of: the British. Embassy. °°. | After™ leaving: “Moscow: ‘he became an “assistant. to.the- Minister, 7 something like’. that" ain ‘the: Admiralty.” “He may bean : chief of the. secretariat, but he's close to the. All: papers for. the. Minister. go. through him. He's” ot. an intelligence | officer. : “He is meeting with the ‘KGB . “Several KGB officers ‘received the Order of Lenin for. part in the: operation, including the ‘London Rezident OSENKO. learned -of the- agent' Ss existence, but. not. of his identity, from his.friend-and colleague in the Second Chief. Directorate,’ V..A. CHURANOV,. who had made the recruit- . section in ‘the! British Department. ~ “GOLITSYN had ‘ea $4 provided a lead. ‘to a’ KGB" -agent- who:was the: source of Admiralty documents». which | GOLITSYN had ‘reviewed in KGB Headquarters. On. ‘the. basis. of ‘that lead, British security - authorities onli’ June. 1962 passed to CIA a. ‘list. of twenty suspects,. ‘including. VASSALL. “On 17° June CIA gave'the British authorities a preliminary Yeport on NOSENKO's..information;. onthe basis of which the twenty-man list-was . reduced ‘to VASSALL sand one other suspect. Full 0004304 ee, : ee TS No, 197124 -Top Secret. == Copy. ======== PAGE 42 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) Comment: (Continued) details of NOSENKO' s information were passed to British authorities on 20 August, and on 12 . - September 1962 VASSALL was arrested. He promptly confessed. VASSALL's confession confirmed what NOSENKO had reported. He had been recruited in Moscow in 1955, after a homosexual entrapment, by two KGB officers, one of whom he identified as CHURANOV. He continued to collaborate with the KGB after returning to London, first in. his job in the Admiralty Naval Intelligerice Division, as clerical officer assistant to the Civil Lord's private secretary, and finally, - as an employee in the secretariat of the Naval staff. In London he was- met by KGB officer “KOROVIN" who has been identified as London -Rezident RODIN. VASSALL's last meeting with the KGB in London was on 17 August 1962. At the time of his arrest in. September he had, in preparation for his next meeting on 30 October, .. fifteen rolls. of film containing 140. photo-. —sraphs- of classified Admiralty documents. \\ Ke. Audio Attack on ‘the [Wiese German | Embassy. “In 1962 and 1964 ‘NOSENKO reported on KGB microphones concealed in several Western embassies in Moscow. Aside from the American’ Embaséy (see p. 25), he furnished the | Breatest: detail on the microphones. in the West German] Embassy. Ww NOSENKO' s Information The ‘KGB was able to enter - surreptitiously every ‘embassy in Moscow, with the exception of the American and British Embassies. It had. been particularly successful with respect ‘\Wko the {West German|Embassy. KGB microphones monitored the \{{West German\ Ambassador as he dictated his reports or held -"Piscussiond with diplomatic colleagues, including American Ambassador Thompsdii. The microphones were operative during the period 1959 through 1961, and the KGB monitored then- Ambassador [Kroli} s dictation of cables, dispatches and db 31 , * gaet3e2 ~ TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy if * SIGR ======== PAGE 43 ======== Top Secret “(FOUNDATIONS' OF NOSENKO! 8. CLAIMS) , conversations as wéll. as Passages of a book he was.writing h ‘Soviet, Union... : sole ; Pts , : -NOSENKO™ learned. of the KGB ‘microphones either from OL So BUBNOV; Deputy, Chief of the Second Chief Directorate’ Ss _- Third (Austria and Germany): Department, or Mikhail SKORIK, .. Chief of. that. Third Department's First Section. In: 1960- -.1961-Tatyana - -GRISHNYAT brought from the Operational Technical Directorate. to” NOSENKO | in. the American: Embassy - Section daily monitoring -reports: “from microphones in the : “Américan’ Embassy. On such occasions she had a much larger volume of material addressed to: the Third Department, from _Atterican’ Embassy. ST “NOSENKO" s: ‘information’ was’, “gubstantially correct. Independent. of that. information, cially egurest authorities ‘learned in 1963 that their “ , ¢al security officer-in Moscow had been recruited. by the: KGB. They. surmised. that the? ‘recruitment may: have taken’ place as early: as . 1956.5. ‘In. August. 1964 the leader of a technical - ‘search ‘team: was seriously disabled by mustard’ presumably at the hands “of the | finally, ‘another_search team: i completed a “"tear- down" of. the|West ; Seeman} “. Embassy,;--in- the’ course “of which two. separate audio systems with: 24. microphones. were found, cas well as~ 27. microphones in the residence ‘of. . é “In addition, evidence was* found indicating. ‘that the _Embassy had been the. | Starget. of a sophisticated: ‘electronic attack ~ ‘against its” cipher machines. and its “acoustic ae “TOOM...” ‘NOSENKO! 's \aseertion that. the KGB microphones - “were ~ ‘operative: ‘in 1959 and -his ‘sourcing of: his © ‘information to the periodic visits of Tatyana’ “GRISHNYAT to the ‘American: Section, are contra- .dictory..” NOSENKO claims hé was not in, thes. _ American ‘Section until 1960. a a me : STS No. 197124 Top Secret; = Copy — _which NOSENKO concluded thatthe KGB was even ‘more successful , in monitoring. the [West German] Embassy than cit was the * Bete » 3IBR ======== PAGE 44 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) “ANDREY" (Dayle W. SMITH) When contacting ‘CIA in 1962 NOSENKO offered to sell information about two KGB operations, one of which he knew only under the KGB cryptonym "ANDREY", a KGB agent recruited in Moscow in 1949 or 1950 who in 1962 was working in Washington "near ciphers" NOSENKO's Information~1962 "ANDREY" was a U.S. Army sergeant who was spotted for the KGB by "QUEBEC" (Roy RHODES). [RHODES served in Moscow from April 1951 to July 1953. He dated his own recruitment by the KGB as January 1952.] RHODES was still in Moscow. when "ANDREY" was recruited by the Second Chief Directorate, although RHODES was not aware of "“ANDREY's" recruitment. The KGB approach to NANDREY" was based on “women and money" _MANDREY" ‘worked satisfactorily ‘in Moscow for the KGB,. providing ' ‘materials" and information on ciphers. He promised that he would cooperate with the-KGB in future assignments abroad, but would not work with them in ‘the | United. States as he did not want to "sit in the electric chair". He was paid well for his cooperation in Moscow. The KGB wanted to. pay him more but’ he refused; he said he could not plausibly explain the possession. of -too much money. When the. KGB offéred him diamonds and other gems for later sale, he did not take then, telling his case officers that possession could arouse the attention of the. American police. In 1950 the agent left. Moscow for the United ‘States. The KGB. waited for him to reappear in some other _country,. but he did. not. Finally, in 1955, the KGB sent V.M. KOVSHUK, the then-Chief of the American Embassy Section 'of the Second Chief Directorate, and a participant in. "ANDREY's" recruitment in Moscow, to the United States to find the agent. KOVSHUK travelled under the alias "KOMAROV", under the cover of either Second or Third Secretary of the Soviet Embassy in Washington. 6061304 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy 10 33 ======== PAGE 45 ======== | _ . £ 7 : Top Secret “. (FOUNDATIONS OF. NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) . KOVSHUK, with the’ help of the KGB Legal Residency in Washington, learned- where the agent was. living, identified is.automobile,. and contacted him at the end.of 1955 or the beginning of. 1956. .KOVSHUK had looked for him.a long’ time. He found where "ANDREY" parked his car, but. "ANDREY" lived in a place where there. were many’ other people and it was difficult.to get’ close to him. At’ first "ANDREY" was, frightened and refused to. work, but-when at the third me contact he was offered $1,000; ‘the agent..accepted the money — ‘from KOVSHUK because, due to his gambling, he was: again: in financial straits.- From that point on he worked weil with | the KGB. | He again provided good:information,. information considered important. by the. KGB... When KOVSHUK found hin,-- "ANDREY"- was working in the Pentagon and he was still working there in 1962 ea Be In reference to ‘his modus ‘operandi for meetings with: 9 °_ “ANDREY", KOVSHUK, knew. he was..under surveillance by the — “FBI.;°,His meetings “always took place in. cars. . KOVSHUK an would lose his surveillance the-day before ‘the meeting: and ravel outside -of Washington where he would wait by. the -» ighway;\. "ANDREY".would rive by and stop, KOVSHUK: would i pr : ANDREY's"" information,” -~. d Rudolf Ivanovich ‘ABEL | Y INS: def. i Paris’ in May 1957] also ‘Provided the information: leadi ‘to-the ‘arrest of Roy | RHODES... When RHODES was under investigation, “ANDREY". was called‘as a‘witnhess because’ evhad’ worked with: RHODES in Moscow. .."ANDREY". was’ the’ ont such witness, called;.° nd*he was called:u on"several times to tell how RHODES ad--behaved .in. Moscow. © "ANDREY" could "be: identified'as— o, ‘the ‘only person who testified at the trial. - During this |: investigation of RHODES, "ANDREY" ‘stopped meeting KGB officers, because he was: afraid hetoo would be exposed and- ‘arrested. "ANDREY" may have feared that RHODES was. involved ? may merely. have been: panicky ..in his own recruitment, or: hema , because he knew he. could be accused of the same thing as 34 an a CO, re: ee ee _TS-No..197124° = fete - Top Secret a Copy —___ ======== PAGE 46 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) RHODES. Little by little, however, "ANDREY" resumed his meetings with the KGB, "having little other choice". : KOVSHUK turned “ANDREY" over to a member of the Washington Legal Residency and returned to Moscow. NOSENKO did not know who succeéded KOVSHUK as the handler, but KOVSHUK's successor eventually turned the case over to N.G. BAGRICHEV,.: who concluded his tour in Washington in 1961. NOSENKO. did not know BAGRICHEV's successor, but asserted that there — must have been one since. "ANDREY" was still working with the KGB in 1962. NOSENKO's Information-1964 - While continuing to associate “ANDREY's" recruitment with RHODES' presence in Moscow, NOSENKO in different discussions of the case asserted that. "ANDREY" was recruited in "1948-1949", "in'1952 or earlier", or "in 1953". "ANDREY" had been recruited by KOVSHUK and N.M. BORODIN. After returning to the United ‘States, "“ANDREY" worked at- the Pentagon, "in codes", but by the. time KOVSHUK. recontacted him in: the United States” he was’ néaring the end of his enlistment, and he was working in an Army recruiting office. -° He was stilil-working in the recruiting office when BAGRICHEV took over the case from KOVSHUK. “It was not. RHODES’ trial at which “ANDREY" appeared, but he was among persons called during the pre-trial investigation. "“ANDREY" was called just once, and he was scared to death. | _TANDREY" did not testify at the RHODES trial. In Moscow, "ANDREY" Had explained to the KGB how the code machines in the Embassy: worked and may have given the KGB parts of. code machines such as "“dises" [sic, meaning rotors]. “: Aleksandr SELEZNEV, a deputy department chief in. the Communications Directorate of the KGB, had been involved in “the “ANDREY" case: NOSENKO first saw him in 1953 during the period that "ANDREY" was.working for the KGB in Moscow. SELEZNEV came to meetings in the American Department to discuss and plan KGB meetings with "ANDREY". The reason for SELEZNEV's presence was that the case officers were not technical specialists, and SELEZNEV would supply them with 35 | 6061366 TS No. 197124 Top Secret ; Copy LO , ======== PAGE 47 ======== Top Secret ; _ (EOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S beans) -queations to be asked of iM ANDREY", Since SELEZNEV ‘came tio .these meetings’.in civilian clothes, whereas NOSENKO later “Saw him in.uniform in his visits to the, American Department, NOSENKO spéculated that SELEZNEV may “have attended some of _y, the meetings’ with "ANDREY". | Although NOSENKO did not know ~--: “how the KGB exploited hin, he repeatedly emphasized "ANDREY' s" yereat: importance to the KGB during the. time he worked for them in Moscow.:.."Thanks' to his help. they were able to read -your. State Department. codes... "To: date we have never been ; ’ablée-to read your military codes.2:" ."ANDREY" brought no military code material to the KGB, only State Department 4 material.:. Mainly, he described. the operation of code machines and what. daily or other: periodic. ‘Settings ‘were made. : “ANDREY" supplied valuable matérial from the ‘time’ that | : the first’ ‘récontact was ‘madé. iti.the United’ States until he = "ceased meeting the KGB because of: the RHODES trial. Again, ‘after the -trial,-he. was able- to: ‘furnish ‘good material. This was true both. while KOVSHUK was handling him and while | BAGRICHEY was..the. case. officer. Between June .1962 and. while, NOSENKO was. in: Moscow, he heard that. going wrong with this operation” : “ANDREY". (was. ‘identified ‘as former. U.S. Army oo - ‘Sergeant Dayle W.: SMITH, who ssérved as a-codé machine mechanic while. assignéd to the office - of ‘the U.S. Military “Attache - -in. the Embassy in Moscow from‘April 1952 to. April 1954. : NOSENKO's. information :has been confirmed ‘as. -substantially. correct by admissions of. Roy... ‘RHODES ‘and. ‘Dayle: We. ‘SMITH. ‘C"ANDREY") ¢ RHODES. informed. the FBI ins a 1963. interview that among, other American enlisted personnel. ofthe - Embassy .in- Moscow,:- he. ‘reported on SMITH to ~ ‘the KGB... After. denying involvement with ‘the . KGB in interviews with the FBI in 1964 and 1965, SMITH admitted. that:he had ‘been approached Bea, J by the KGB in Moscow in late 1953, that he had _been offéred a large sum of cash and géms in exchange: for classified information concerning Embassy. cipher systems, and that he had provided ack re : : eo 36008 a Do TS No. 197124 Top Secret 7 Copy __ ======== PAGE 48 ======== 14-0000 : ¥ 2 3 par . Top Secret (FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) Comment: (Continued) the KGB with a mock code machine rotor. He further acknowledged that he had been recon- tacted by the KGB in the United States in 1957, where he met KGB officers regularly until September 1962. He identified by photo- graph all of the KGB officers described by NOSENKO as having taken part in the operation. NOSENKO “cannot be certain" that he did not know about "ANDREY" while he served in the Embassy Section in 1953-1955, and when pressed to describe specifically the source of his information, he invariably indicated that he earned of the American agent later, informally from KGB colleagues. . : ! = aa ad. Edward Ellis SMITH -NOSENKO's Information In. the context of a 1962 discussion of KGB operations against the American Embassy in Moscow, NOSENKO was askéd ! whether he knew "about SMITH". He answered: "SMITH?. The vee - | ved-head.° Listen, he headed the FBI, he was a.colonel and , headed counterintelligence." NOSENKO went on to describe a _the mounting of a blackmail operation, of which he was { : the. case officer, against SMITH (whose KGB cryptonym was "RYZHIY", or "REDHEAD"). . \ “ B , _. §MITH had: been sleeping with his Russian housemaid, who : was an agent planted on him by the KGB. When the KGB was ; unable to obtain actual incriminating photographs, she was a instructed to take photographs of herself on SMITH's bed. : These were then combined.with photographs of SMITH to produce photomontages, copies of which were delivered to SMITH together with a letter inviting him to a meeting with the KGB. SMITH came. The KGB was represented at. the meeting. by GRIBANOV, NOSENKO and one other officer. At this initial meeting SMITH was not interrogated nor asked for classified information. SMITH agreed to come to further meetings. 37 6004 3¢8 “TS No. 197124 Top Secret . Copy 10 ======== PAGE 49 ======== 1400000 i, a Top Secret (FOUNDATION OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) When SMITH did not come to the next scheduled meeting with GRIBANOV, NOSENKO sought out the maid to find out what had happened. She reported that SMITH was in a state of desperate indecision; he had paced his room all night as if his mood was alternating between despair and defiance. To increase the pressure on him, the KGB sent him threatening letters on each of the succeeding three days. Finally, on the third day, instead of meeting the KGB, SMITH went to Ambassador BOHLEN and reported the blackmail attempt. SMITH was immediately withdrawn from Moscow and (as of 1962) he was "still in intelligence work". In 1964 and afterwards NOSENKO denied that he had played any personal role in the case. He explained that as a junior officer in the American Embassy Section at the time, working on correspondents, he would not have taken part in f so important an operation. He said that he had heard about: the operation from V. M. KOVSHUK, SMITH's case officer. (On a later occasion NOSENKO said that his only personal role was being assigned to a phone-watch to receive . surveillance reports connected with the initial KGB approach to SMITH.) ? GOLITSYN's Information In February 1962 GOLITSYN reported that in 1957 he had read a two-volume KGB study. which gave examples of successful operations against the Embassy in Moscow. One case concerned an American, probably single, who was either the Security Officer or the counterintelligence representative inthe Embassy. He had a dog, .and lived in an apartment in the city or a country house outside Moscow. His Russian maid _ or cleaning.’ woman was his mistress. The KGB concluded that the American would not. succumb to ordinary blackmail and consequently the maid, a KGB agent, was instructed to confess to him that she had been recruited by the KGB against her will and would be arrested if she did not fulfill her KGB tasks. The American agreed to help her, and GOLITSYN believed that he did not report this to his Washington headquarters. GOLITSYN also recalled that the American first supplied only misinformation to the KGB, but when the KGB complained, he provided a mixture of truth and misinformation. GOLITSYN said the case study he read was based on a true incident 38 60 01369 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 50 ======== = Tep Secret ‘ (FOUNDATIONS OF NOSENKO'S CLAIMS) which took place between 1953 and 1957, but he was not sure that the operation actually resulted in a successful recruit-— ment, as was alleged in the study. Comment: Edward Ellis SMITH (a redhead), Embassy Security Officer (and CIA employee) from July 1954 to June 1956, reported to the Ambassador on 5 June 1956 that he had received four letters from the KGB. The first, received on 2 June 1956, enclosed incriminating photographs of himself and his Russian maid and requested him to come to a personal meeting with KGB representatives outside the Embassy. When he did not do so, SMITH subsequently had received three threatening letters. In ! reporting the matter to the Ambassador, SMITH - admitted having been intimate with his Russian maid. SMITH was recalled from Moscow on 8 June 1956, and he left CIA employment a year later. When interviewed in March 1962 on the _basis of the GOLITSYN information, SMITH admitted that he had maintained his affair with the Russian maid during most of the time of his Moscow assignment, 20 July 1954 to 8 June 1956, and confirmed that to help her he had in fact passed unclassified information through her to the KGB for many months. NOSENKO clearly ascribed the SMITH operation. to the period when NOSENKO was in the American Embassy Section, in 1953-1955. SMITH's state- ment that he reported the blackmail attempt to the Ambassador in June 1956 is confirmed. I£ NOSENKO was, as he says, transferred to the Seventh Department in 1955, he could not have played any role in the KGB approach to SMITH. If he played such a role, he was in the Embassy Section in 1956, not in the Seventh Department as he claims. lf he played a role in ‘the SMITH case as well as_in the Seventh Department recruitment of [BURGT} (see p.115), it remains (4 possible that he was neither an officer in the Embassy Section nor Seventh Department and was acting in some other KGB capacity. 39 6001340 ; TS No. 197124 | : Top Secret Copy __ 10 soo aban 4 ] . eR ======== PAGE 51 ======== Top Secret CHAPTER IL EXAMINATION OF NOSENKO'S BONA FIDES What NOSENKO has said about himself, the information about the KGB which he has provided, and the apparently corroborative statements which Soviet officials have made since his defection represent prima facie evidence that NOSENKO is a former senior KGB officer. To permit a conclusive judgment that he is a bona fide defector, the information NOSENKO provides about his life and related fe persons and events must be coherent, and his accounts of important events must be consistent. Allowing for personal vagaries such as lapses of memory and so forth, as well as for factors of accident and coincidence, the information he relates must conform within reasonable limits with that which is known from independent and reliable sources to the United States Government about Soviet realities and about the events, topics and individuals NOSENKO describes. Lastly, the information NOSENK provides must plausibly relate primarily to the KGB positions he held, and his account of how he functioned in these positions must be substantiated by verisimilar detail. . : The following portions of this paper, organized in chronological fashion insofar as possible, summarize this examination of the significant aspects of NOSENKO's claims. Notes for the Reader In order to follow the examination as presented the reader should note the following: The examination tests the validity of the presumptive evidence favoring NOSENKO in terms of coherence, consistency, and compatibility with fact and plausibility. G0C1311 41 TS. No. 197124 Top Secret Copy _10 _ ======== PAGE 52 ======== 14-0000 Tep Secret (EXAMINATION OF NOSENKO'S BONA FIDES) Notes for the Reader (Continued) NOSENKO's claims are judged in the light of his own assertions and in comparison with collateral information. It is not the function of the examination to speculate about possibly. credible alternative explanations for the paradoxes reflected in NOSENKO's statements, except when such explanations are advanced by NOSENKO himself. If there is no immediate explanatory note pointing out the relevance or significance of some item in the text, the reader may expect that the item's relevance or significance usually will be developed in the immediately-following text. Otherwise seemingly minor points are included because of their aggregative significance: they will be a matter of | comment in the Summary and Conclusions section following each major portion of the examination. Direct questions and NOSENKO's replies about his | contradictions, inconsistencies, ambiguities, retractions, omissions and the like, are reflected in the text. Where, | during his interrogations, it was not possible to pose direct questions without furnishing NOSENKO information or vite ot insight into the interrogators' purposes, the topic was : covered exhaustively if indirectly, and NOSENKO was ‘Provided every opportunity to comment on the matter in question. When the text indicates that NOSENKO apparently Was not asked about a particular matter, or that "hé didn't “say", or "didn't comment" or "didn't indicate awareness" and so. forth, the reader Properly may assume that the matter was covered extensively. ; In instances in which NOSENKO contradicts or retracts earlier assertions, no more weight is necessarily given to his final assertion -as opposed to earlier contrary claims. To assist the reader in following what are sometimes lengthy and complex accounts of events, NOSENKO's narrative is broken from time to time by a clearly identified editorial comment which seeks to draw the reader's attention to the relevance or Significance of NOSENKO's assertions, .or to what conclusion is drawn. 42 G00L312 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 53 ======== - ‘Notes for ‘the Reader’ (Continued) | : Top Secret “ CEXAMINATION “OF NOSENKO'S BONA ONA ELDES) . ay he ‘the “end of. each episode - in NOSENKO' s ‘pio geaptiy : there appears a: ‘conclusion resulting from. the. examination = ' of NOSENKO's: ‘claims with respect to. that period of his. life. ~The. ‘judgment. of whether NOSENKO is a bona fide .defector is. the. “sum of. _these independently drawn conclusions. 6004343 43 TSN. - 195 124 ======== PAGE 54 ======== Yep Secret CHAPTER III PRE-KGB BIOGRAPHY NOSENKO's biography from birth to entry into the KGB is relevant to his bona fides insofar as it is material to establishing his true identity, his general veracity, and. his eventual eligibility for KGB service. Below are summarized pertinent events in his early life, his study at the Moscow Institute of International Relations, and his RU service, as reconstructed from statements he volunteered as well as from the accounts obtained in repeated interrogations. Birth to 1945 - NOSENKO's Account NOSENKO was born on.30 October 1927 in Nikolayev, in the Ukraine. Atithe time of. Ais birth, his father, Ivan ‘Isidorovich NOSENKO, was a shipyard mechanic and an evening student at the Nikolayevy Shipbuilding Institute. Shortly .after NOSENKO began kindergarten in Nikolayev, in September 1934, his father graduated from the Shipbuilding Institute and the family moved to Leningrad, where NOSENKO started the First Class of school in September 1935. From 1935 to /1937 NOSENKO lived in Leningrad where his. father was director of a shipyard. In 1938 the elder NOSENKO became Deputy People's Commissar of the Shipbuilding Industry and the family moved to Moscow, where NOSENKO completed the Sixth Class in June 1941 just as the war broke out. _NOSENKO has given two versions of his whereabouts for the next two years. In one, he said that on the outbreak of hostilities he was enrolled in the Moscow Special Naval School which was evacuated to Kuybyshev where he finished the Seventh Class; thereafter he transferred to the Lenin- grad Naval Preparatory School (which had been evacuated to - 6001315 45 . TS No. 197124 Tep Secret Copy 10. ======== PAGE 55 ======== Tep Secret (PRE-KGB. BIOGRAPHY) Baku), where he finished the Eighth Class in spring, 1943. In a second version [more probable since entry to the Moscow Special Naval School required prior completion of the Seventh Class] NOSENKO said that when the war broke out he and his mother were.evacuated to Chelyabinsk, where he completed’ the Seventh Class in summer of 1942. They returned to Moscow afterwards, and NOSENKO was then enrolled in the Moscow Special Naval School (then in Kuybyshev) where he completed the Eighth Class in 1943; in the fall of 1943 NOSENKO was enrolled in the Leningrad Naval Preparatory School (then in Baku). ; After just six months in Baku, without completing the Ninth Class, NOSENKO ran away from school and returned to Moscow. =. - . Comment: . NOSENKO has asserted variously that he ran away and fought on the front at Tuapse, and that he had finished the Tenth Class in Baku and then spent the period 1943-1945 at the Frunze Higher Naval School, the equivalent of Annapolis. He has retracted both assertions. 7 NOSENKO completed the Ninth Class in June 1944 at the Moscow Mining Institute, and when the Leningrad Naval Preparatory School returned to Leningrad from Baku, he -Yesumed his studies there. Early in 1945, however, NOSENKO ” veceived a gunshot wound in the hand, and after being os hospitalized for a month, he left the Naval school. 46 COC1317 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 56 ======== " (PRE-KGB BIOGRAPHY)» Se, . : . | . NOSENKO “completed ‘the Tenth ‘Class at the Leningrad Ship-~ . : building Tekhnikum in June 1945, and he successfully passed... — '. the necessary examinations to qualify him for entrance to |" “the Moscow Thatitute of international Relations. :that ‘summer... Birth to 1945+ Su mary and Conclusion ‘ NOSENKO is “virtually the sole’ source of: information | on : “his early. life. However, this portion of his claimed. rs, ‘biography: is consistent. with the NOSENKO family's where~ en -* abouts as’ publicized in press ‘accounts at the time of his: “i. father's death in 1956,°and with the existence of the schools he claims: to. have attended. : : Allowing. for. exaggerated’ claims of. boyhood heroics : (fighting at; the front, . attending the Frunze Academy, and. formal induction in and discharge from the Navy), all of° _— i which NOSENKO has retracted under interrogation; NOSENKO's. Claimed identity as the’ son ‘of Minister Ivan I. NOSENKO andthe substance of his claims” about his life until 1945. : are accepted as truer 7: J, . . : a 6061318 FS No. 197724 Top Secret Copy 10 ======== PAGE 57 ======== Top. Secret _ (PRE-KGB. BIOGRAPHY) “of International Relations. (1945 aca. 1950) In’ yall of “his accounts, NOSENKO. ‘has. ‘stated that. he ‘entered - the Institute's Faculty. of International Law and English ins. * "September 1945. He completed _ his, ‘first year. -in: spring 1946. . In ‘i947; on. “completion of: his! ‘second year ‘at the Institute, ee : NOSENKO claims he received a’ commission asa. junior lieutenant -- "in the reserves"; he does not recall. in what arm he received. a commission, . other: ‘than, being. sure that it-was“not -in the a ‘Navy. . ; woe Soviet students. ‘dotipleting their ‘second year of. - higher. institutions are commissioned, but. in oe ; / an arm (Army.,: Navy, . Air Force) -of Soviet defense > = - forces. At that time they receive their* voyennyy » bilet (military booklet) which reflects their ». 7.0 “assigned MOS and category. (sostav). CIA interr gators were unable. ‘to resolve why NOSENKO’ : . pleaded ignorance: on this matter, and concltided. oe it ‘may relate. in’some manner to his claims to ' subsequent commissioned: service in the Navy. In -1947,- also, NOSENKO ‘married. the. daughter of. a Soviet Army Lieutenant General, Augustina K.. TELEGINA "just after", her, father had -been arrested. in connection’ with Stalin's’ ‘campaign’ . against Marshal: Zhukov's. associates... NOSENKO recalls neither: the date of that marriage,: in what season of the -year it: occurred, nor - how long after her father's arrest. ‘[The. |, . “significance of this.first marriage lies in NOSENKO's contra~. - -dictory statements about when and how he obtained’ his divorce... |: See. , below, 1 : . : 4 i ag | “ood? oT TS ‘No. 197124 Top Secret _ “Copy 1 ======== PAGE 58 ======== Tap Secret (PRE-KGB BIOGRAPHY) NOSENKO has said at various times that the Institute ‘course was of four years! duration and that he entered the Naval RU on graduation in 1949; that it was four years' duration and that because he failed a state examination he was graduated later, in 1950; that it was of five years' duration and he graduated in 1950, on schedule; and that it was of five, years' duration but “he failed an examination which delayed his graduation for three months. Comment: See p.367for report that NOSENKO joined the KGB : upon graduation from the Institute in 1947. The duration of the Institute course and the date of NOSENKO's completion are materiai to the plausibility of his claimed Naval RU service, which he said followed almost immediately upon his departure from the Institute. Naval RU Service (ca. 1951 - ca. 1953) - NOSENKO “claims” that upon completion of his studies at ‘the Institute of International Relations he entered the Naval RU, serving in the Far East and then in a Baltic post, finally successfully. "transferring" to the KGB through the intervention of his father’ s friend, KGB General KOBULOV. 49 6001320 ; TS No. 197124 Tep Secret Copy 10 ======== PAGE 59 ======== | Yop Seeret - (PRE-KGB BIOGRAPHY): “2 -/ THe ‘significance of NOSENKO's RU service is the fact. ‘that’ he claims it launched his intelligence career and.: -servéd ‘as the means. through which he secured appointment | tothe KGB after.once having been rejected. .The two or more. years ‘he claimed to have served in. the RU representa. | : “significant period’ of his adult life for which he should .\ have no difficulty accounting: ‘Finally, the date of his -actual transfer from the Naval RU to the KGB is. critical to. - “determining the time from which his claims about KGB. Service: “Gan. be judged: credible. ‘NOSENKO: volunteered extensive. comment on his Naval-RU- “service at.his first meetings with CIA in 1962.. After his 964 defection, iti was the topic on which he made one of . shis’ initial retractions’ and his ‘first admission that.he had “earlier made.a false claim.. .The subject of his ,Naval -Ru service was consequently prominent in interrogations, in oa 1964,°1965-and 1966. However, throughout these interrogations, . Challenges of:his assertions about-his RU service’ prompted... -adjustments in his claimed date .of graduation from the... - nstitute or. claimed date’ of entry’ into the KGB, just as.) mo challenges on ‘those latter:topics-prompted amendéd state-.\~ eS Ments with respect: to his RU service. The extent. of the “. © till-unreconciled discrepancies and contradictionsin °°: NOSENKO's various:accounts is best. perceived “in comparison - of his: statements ‘made: in1962, 1964, °1965 and 1966.7 |; KO's Information-1962 : SE fin: : “Institute of International Relations:. - n 1950 and immediately reported for duty. with the RU... {He dia not: amplify “how. he drew such..an-assignment.]... In ° ‘September 1950°he was. offered assignments.in Leningrad,::: ° — Moscow,.;and..in the: Far. East; and he chose.-the Far East "so _ no-one. would think.he. would take advantage of his father's. position". He was.assigned to a radio. signals. interception ° unit: in Sovetskaya’Gavan' (on the Soviet ‘coast opposite =. ..Sakhalin), where he collected Order of Battle information by “Monitoring the communications of American units operating in Sg 6001321 tN 197124. Top Secret: Copy ======== PAGE 60 ======== Top Secret (PRE-KGB BIOGRAPHY) Korea. In spring 1952 NOSENKO suddenly fell ill. Returned to Moscow and given a medical examination, he was diagnosed -to have “a small spot on a blood vessel under his collarbone" and he was confined to the Hertzen Sanitorium outside Moscow - €or two months. In summer 1952, again eligible for duty, NOSENKO was offered an assignment to the Military-Diplomatic Academy, but he rejected the opportunity because the curriculum was almost identical to that of the Institute from which he was graduated. : ; In summer 1952 NOSENKO was ordered to the Baltic city of ‘primorsk, "the former German city of Pillau". {[Baltiysk, a larger city close by Primorsk, is the former German city of Pillau.] There NOSENKO was involved in the formation of "agent-observation posts", in which candidates from among Soviet seamen were formed into three-man teams and trained as stay-behind agents in the event of war. In early 1953, after less than six months in the Baltic assignment, NOSENKO returned on leave to Moscow where he met at his father's dacha KGB General KOBULOV, First Deputy to then-MGB {KGB] Chairman Beria. KOBULOV, on finding that NOSENKO did not care for his RU assignment, invited him to consider joining the KGB. . So a - NOSENKO's Information-1964 Prior to NOSENKO's graduation he had been tentatively “assigned by the Institute's military commission to the RU, -and on the instructions of the Institute's “secret unit", he --was interviewed by a’ RU Colonel -KALOSHIN at the RU Personnel Department. After passing the state examination on the gecond try, NOSENKO entered the Navy in- September 1950, when he received orders calling him to active duty as a junior lieutenant. He also. received orders assigning him to the Intelligence Staff of the Seventh (Far East) Fleet. He ‘left Moscow approximately .1.October 1950, travelling for ten days by train to his unit, which was stationed near Sovetskaya Gavan'. He was there assigned to a Reports Section with duties which included translating American naval publications and making summaries of Order of Battle information of American naval forces in the Far East. A radio signals intercept unit was connected with NOSENKO's unit, but [contrary to what he asserted in 1962 and 1965] he was not personally concerned with that unit's activities. 51 _ 6001322 -- ; TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy _10 ======== PAGE 61 ======== “Top Secret _ (BRE-KGB- SrOCEnEEY). . “In spring. ‘1951: NOSENKO was promoted ‘to. the rank of . lieutenant. . At the énd of 1951 NOSENKO was assigned as an ” "apprentice". in the Agent- Intelligence Section near ~..: Sovetskaya Gavan'; an assignment which involved subchaser. delivery and ‘Pickup: of agents from Hokkaido and ‘Sakhalin. . In early, 1952 NOSENKO filed’ by - mail for divorce ‘from : TELEGINA in a Moscow. court. In April 1952 he returned to. _. Moscow on leave, where he visitéd the Naval RU Headquarters oo. . . personnel: officer, Col. ‘KALOSHIN,: and. requested a transfer . : “from the Far East. -During May and June 1952: he-was .on leave accrued during his two years' service in the Far. East. Following :his: leave, in summer, 1952, NOSENKO was’ -. ordered. to proceed.to Rostock but he refused, and took.- ‘unauthorized leave.” *. (He: could not learn what his. actual. “assignment was to be in Rostock, ‘and he heard that. the Naval © /Intelligence. Points in Germany were being closed down. )* “subsequently. was. assigned to the. Baltic city of. ‘paltiysk; -where he reported for duty with the Intelligence. Staff ‘of. the Fourth (Baltic) Fleet. He was assigned: toa Naval» 6*- Intelligence Point being set. up in Sovetsk. (sic, see Pe 57), a. “Small town. “in Primorskiy. Kray", near Baltiysk. ; . ‘Primorskiy- Kray: is in. ‘the Far East, as- NOSENKO! Ss interrogators* pointed. out. to him’ at the time.- : /NOSENKO.. subsequently. claimed it was his earlier.: : post,’ “Sovetskaya Gavan', which. was-in Primorskiy. Kray,. ‘a. fact known’ to him from the way his ce, ‘letters were ‘addressed... ‘This. As. also an. error. an . see below. — wey Co ; eat . Comment : “In Sovetsk NOSENKO prepared training materials for agents... Comment :: - NOSENKO also: said that after refusing to. go to ° ° Rostock he himself. had received training in: ; Moscow: and then was sent. to Rostock and Sassnitz,. phe GO0K823 TS No 197124: Top Secret — “Copy ======== PAGE 62 ======== Tep Secret (PRE-KGB BIOGRAPHY) Comment: (Continued) in East Germany, before going to Baltiysk. In retracting that claim, he explained that he © _knew his CIA interrogators would not believe that he had successfully refused the assignment in Germany. _ In August or September 1952 NOSENKO returned to Moscow for 7 to 10 days to complete the divorce proceedings which he had initiated in the Far East. This was not regarded as leave, but official business. He afterwards returned to Sovetsk, but he did not like his work there, and in late 1952 he requested leave to return to Moscow to seek a transfer. When his unit: commander refused him leave, NOSENKO appealed to. Admiral GOLOVKO in Baltiysk, and because of the elder NOSENKO's influence, was able to return to Moscow for a month's leave in January. 1953. At the end of January NOSENKO visited the RU Personnel Officer, KALOSHIN, and stated his distaste for his work. KALOSHIN told him to "look around", and NOSENKO spent February 1953 “at the disposal of the Personnel Department", not doing anything. Since he wasn't working, he didn't receive his pay, and he lived with his parents. Comment:. Just before giving this account of his January so 1953 leave, NOSENKO claimed that he spent _ January and a.part of.February at the Kubinka. Sanitorium. He has never reconciled these two" statements. . . : - : NOSENKO's Information-1965 ‘Prior to his graduation-from the Institute, a military .. commission tentatively assigned NOSENKO to the Navy, after which he visited a special section at the Naval Ministry to file special forms for a security check. Although nothing was said at the time, NOSENKO believed then that he was slated G0C1 324 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy _10_ 53 ======== PAGE 63 ======== os 7 Top Secret ‘(PRE“KGB BIOGRAPHY) ~ “to, join ‘Naval- Intelligence. . after passing-all of his '.examinations, :in the. fall of 1950 NOSENKO received orders « _ calling. him to active duty. » Offered a choice iof assignments,” - ‘“NOSENKO chose the Far East "to prove that he was now ready “to make a man. of himself". “Arriving in Sovetskaya Gavan" in...-- . Primorskiy. Kray (sic), NOSENKO was assigned to a Reports. ) Questioned in 1965 on the location of Sovetskaya © Gavan', NOSENKO insisted that: it was located in Primorskiy. Kray. Shown contemporary Soviet: maps Clearly :locating it in Khabarovskiy Kray, 9. NOSENKO angrily asserted that the map had been _ ‘falsified by his interrogators to confuse hin. NOSENKO's contention is somewhat ‘analogous. to ‘being. stationed in Oregon for-an'extended;= : ‘périod and thinking oneself to be in California. - In Sovetskaya Gavan'. NOSENKO 1iked the work and did’a 00d: job: despite rigorous working and: living ¢énditions nd during his service there he was :commended as an out— ./ Standing officér.. NOSENKO and: his officer colleagues." -: | analyzed: the: product of some. 300 radio intercept operators ae as well’ as information received from Sakhalin and Vladivostok. NOSENKO' was’ promoted to lieutenant, the. normally.‘required 7 - time in grade of one: year having been: educed to six months -’ for Fa ‘Bast ‘service... °°) nr URES ar Se spring, 1951, after about seven months' service, th early 1952 NOSENKO’ published in a local newspaper his _ _intent to divorce his wife, and he “forwarded the necessary , legal ‘papers to Moscow.) 0 0 a : re Y :NOSENKO's two-year tour. would not~en@ until October or: November’ 1952, nor was he entitled to any leave before that time. * An understanding superior, however, arranged for him - to take; leave in April 1952: so that. he: could return to rs ‘Moscow: in time for his. father's birthday on’1 May.. On 2 May TS No, 197124 -Fop. Secret 2 - a a : . Copy ____- >» - ======== PAGE 64 ======== Tep Secret . (PRE-KGB . BIOGRAPHY) he reported to the Naval Ministry and was told to return for reassignment at the end of his leave. NOSENKO was on leave in May and June 1952, and he remained “at the disposal of the Naval Ministry". [According to his 1962 and 1966 versions, he was hospitalized.during this period.] In the summer of 1952 NOSENKO was offered assignments to the RU Military-Diplomatic Academy, to a special Naval espionage. school, and to a post in Germany, but he turned them all down. He rejected the opportunity to attend the academy, because he had had almost all of the courses earlier at the Institute of International Relations. "Sometime after his return to Moscow from Sovetskaya Gavan'," NOSENKO completed the formalities to secure his divorce from TELEGINA. [According to his 1964 account, _NOSENKO visited Moscow later, from his Baltic assignment, “to complete divorce proceédings.] In August 1952 NOSENKO received an assignment to Sovetsk, in the Baltic, where he arrived in early September 1952. His assignment there was as a political officer, in which capacity he was involved with sailors being trained for . wartime sabotage missions. - His main task was to prepare the training plan for. the.agents, to instruct them in such subjects as “The Foreign Policy of the USSR", and generally to see to their needs. NOSENKO did not care for his assignment in Sovetsk and in December. 1952 he obtained leave to spend the holidays-with his. parents in Moscow... In January ~ 1953 NOSENKO and his parents visited KGB General KOBULOV at the latter's dacha and KOBULOV, learning of NOSENKO's dissatisfaction with the RU, suggested he consider working _for. the KGB... 2. 2 1 . ; ~ After New Years in 1953 NOSENKO went "to rest for several days" at the Hertzen “House of Rest", located 65-70 kilo- meters from Moscow near Kubinka. There he met his second wife, Lyudmila Yulianovna KOZHEVNIKOVA. {In 1964 and 1966 . statements NOSENKO claimed he was not "resting" but was fel. hospitalized with tuberculosis for several weeks in January ? and February.] . : . | 55 6961326 "TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy 10 _ ======== PAGE 65 ======== ‘Top Secret ae - (PRE-KGB BIOGRAPHY). = NOSENKO's Information-1966(Apri}) At an intérview with the militaryplacement commission’ © \— at the Institute before graduation, NOSENKO. indicated that «0 = “he wanted to work in "some sort. of a military organization". ‘Sopn thereafter the chief of the Institute's special, section , gave him a telephone number to call. “NOSENKO recognized the. .: number as one belonging to the MGB {the predecessor of, and . hereafter referred to,as; the KGB]. NOSENKO was invited to can interview with KGB.officials who queried him about his | --background and his’ knowledge. of English... Later, however, < _ the chief of. the Institute's Special section. informed - er * NOSENKO that his qualifications were unsuitable for assign= . = wment:= to the KGB. During the summer of 1950 “while state ~ examinations were. underway" [in earlier. versions NOSENKQ - ‘-claimed the examinations. were over in June], NOSENKO began ‘to process for entry into the Naval’ RU, through Colonel... _KALOSHIN, the Chief of the. RU Personnel. Department. ~ He | “ Filled out questionnaires in duplicate, wrote: two auto-"~ “biographies: and, in-August or September, submitted copies... > Of his diploma. | [Note that this version of events. omits: ©” “any -reference to delayed graduation caused by his having | to’-take a state examination a second time.] For the next -nine-months, until March 1951, -NOSENKO: awaited being called’. “to RU segvice. “ [In earlier versions,:.NOSENKO claims: he. : entered the RU, in 1949 or 1950.].0 fo we “2 On-12 March 1951 NOSENKO received’ two. orders::from the... “) Naval Ministry, one calling him to active Naval’ service and: | “the other assigning him as a translator to the Intelligence’ - :~' Unit of the Seventh Fleet.in the Far East. On 13 March, | on KALOSHIN's instruction, NOSENKO ‘reported’ to the Moscow .°. - City Military Commission and was issued his travel documents, . _ and NOSENKO departed Moscow: for his post on’ 16 or 17 March... ... At the end of March NOSENKO arrived .at his post near .. - os Sovetskaya Gavan’ and.began work in the Reports Section of the Seventh Fleet Intelligence Unit,. ee BP of ae ss. TS.No. 197124 Top Secret ~ Copy ======== PAGE 66 ======== 14-0000 Les ‘ESR : ES Top Secret (PRE-KGB BIOGRAPHY) At the end of April 1952 NOSENKO left Sovetskaya Gavan‘ on leave, arriving in Moscow on 28 April. {Note earlier versions in which he was transferred because of illness, and that he was permitted to return to Moscow because of his father's birthday.] While on leave he became ill with tuberculosis anil spent almost two months in May and June. ‘1952 in a sanitorium near Moscow. During the month of July 1952 NOSENKO was ordered to the Naval Intelligence Point of the Fourth (Baltic) Fleet in Sovetsk, in Kaliningradskaya Oblast (at the head of the Bay of Gdansk}. Sovetsk was a small village located on the spit of land between Kaliningrad and Baltiysk. [The only Sovetsk in Kaliningradskaya Oblast is located many miles inland from Kaliningrad, in the opposite direction from Baltiysk. When NOSENKO was shown their locations on - contemporary Soviet maps, he insisted that he was correct, although Primorsk, where NOSENKO had said in 1962 that he was assigned while in the Baltic, is located on aispit of land between Kaliningrad and Baltiysk.] NOSENKO remained in "Sovetsk". but a short time, and he returned to Moscow at the end of 1952 to seek another assignment. Before his departure he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant - -of the Administrative Service. [In previous versions he claimed to have become eligible for promotion and was promoted while in the Far East, after less then a year's service.] : On 1 January 1953 NOSENKO and his parents were guests at the KOBULOV dacha. NOSENKO indicated his dissatisfaction with his RU assignment and KOBULOV promised to find him a place in the KGB. From the middle of January to the middle of March 1953 NOSENKO was under treatment at the sanitorium near Moscow where he had been hospitalized in 1952, and there he became acquainted with his second wife, Lyudmila Yulianovna KOZHEVNIKOVA. [NOSENKO's earlier accounts either omitted reference to this period of hospitalization, or indicated - that it was of considerably shorter duration.] : 57 C001 328 TS No. 197124: Top Secret Copy 10 _ ======== PAGE 67 ======== “Top Secret _ \(PRE-KGB BIOGRAPHY) _NOSENKO' s Information- “1966 (October) . ‘In his. most recent ‘account; in , October | 1966, ~ NOSENKO» Said that before graduation from the Institute the military. ‘placement commission sent him to tthe’ KGB, but there he was. ‘told that, he was not qualified as a candidate because of : _ mediocre. academic record and drinking habits. >. NOSENKO' said * ‘she .did not mention this rejection earlier, because his~ - interrogators, would not have. believed. that: ‘he ever became _ / a, KGB. officer after once being rejected.” De wee NOSENKO also volunteered’ that he had: "Lea" when he claimed: to -have entered ‘the Naval RU in 1950. In fact,;..~. ; id,’ he entered . the.RU. in, March | 1951. and, “was, on” active ‘This Latest: audertion discredits ‘almost ‘all. ‘of his earlier. claims: “regarding entry into: the RU,..including: ‘the date of ‘his graduation from. the Institute, the timing if not-‘the - . fact-of his. ‘promotion, the number, | sequence, ‘and purposes of his visits’ to: Moscow, his...” -:., hospitalization. with. tuberculosis, and. his . assignment to. the Balti leet . 3 "sum mMaLy - and Conclusion cos * According. ‘to NOSENKO! “Ss contradictory ‘statements, which “are. still unresolvéd after interrogations ‘over .a: ‘chree-. 0 / year period, he graduated from the Institute of International *: Relations in ‘either 1949'or 1950. .- Before graduation, he ~ . (a) was selected’ for Naval assignment,’ (b)-:sought a Naval. - assignment,.or.(c) was, selected for and. rejected by the _KGB' and then -he - sought .an assignment to the RU} or, a :. immediately following graduation, or three months or nine . months’ later: (in the following year), he was. called to.- TS Now 197124 ======== PAGE 68 ======== 14-0000 _ Tep Secret (PRE-KGB BIOGRAPHY) active Naval service and assigned to the RU. With neither . training nor indoctrination he was assigned initially to the Far East for nine months or three years; there he participated in agents' operational training, or reports work. In the:latter capacity he was or was not involved in RU radio signals intercept operations. He either never _gerved in the Baltic or, if he did, it was for three months or six months, during which he either participated in agent training or was an administrative or political officer. He was promoted to lieutenant in the Far East ox in the Baltic, after either seven months' or thirteen months' RU service. : Despite his claimed active commissioned service in the Navy, NOSENKO knows nothing of Soviet Navy tradition, doctrine, organization, or procedures. . He disétaims know- ledge of RU. organization other than at the posts where he served, "because of his junior rank". However, even at those posts he describes neither the staff, the functions mor the personnel intelligibly nor. does he describe the posts" actual locations. _...®he sole Hgéadquarters RU officer NOSENKO identified: was * the personnel. ‘chief, Colonel KALOSHIN...He identified .no ranking officers in either the Baltic or Far East intelli- gence staffs. Some thirty GRU officers he did identify, ' by his own admission, NOSENKO knew not from his Naval RU service, but through social acquaintance, later, in Moscow, -or through-his visits to Geneva. Conclusion. . NOSENKO did not serve in the Naval RU in any of the capacities at the places and times he claimed. 59 Lt 1338 TS No. 197124 a Top Secret Copy 10 — ======== PAGE 69 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret CHAPTER Iv ... KCB ENTRY State Security ~(MGB) merged under the MVD, of: which Beriya became Minister, There followed |... 2 period of widespread reorganization entailing ™ ‘the transfer or: dismissal of ce / Beriya's “arrest just. four months later in ‘June. “State Security (KGB) “in March-1954, -. and Evdokia PETROV, Yuri RASTVOROV,. and Petr - DERYABIN ,. among others, defected in the wake: of these events....-From in chey “£ . SOurces,' CIA*has 4 substantial ‘amount of infor-: .. mation against which NOSENKO's accounts of thi ~-: period may be weighed. 0 nS ts : 2 Fo “the convenience of the reader,» the’ tern _ "KGB" is used hereafter to refer as we '.. predécessor organizations in 1953-1954 7 - NOSENKO mentioned » MYD/KGB in 1953.-.In a-biographic sta t _ after his defection, however, he asserted hi _: began in 1952, a ‘date he ‘insisted ‘ ar. toe ne ot, Repeated interrogations: 7 “"" preduced a variety of dates of. claimed KGB entry, ranging. . . from “the beginning of 1952" to April 1953, all of which °° were accompanied’ by modified accounts 6f the circumstances. Of his entry (as well as of his earlier period of service é1 co 0001334 | . TS No: 197124: . Top Secret Copy 10 _ a ======== PAGE 70 ======== Top Secret (KGB ENTRY) in the Naval RU and of his date of graduation from the Institute of International Relations). To the extent to ' which he has been consistent at all, he has cited March 1953 as the time of his entry to the KGB. Date of Entry NOSENKO at his: first meeting with CIA in Geneva in 1962, volunteered how and when he joined the KGB. NOSFNKO had just returned from his Naval RU assignment in the Baltic, he said, when he met KGB General KOBULOV and KOBULOV urged him to join the KGB. NOSENKO stated that after completing his processing, he reported for duty in the Embassy Section of the Second Chief Directorate's American Department in March 1953, “just after Stalin died". (Stalin died on 5 March 1953.) : ; Comment: According to KGB defectors, the precise date ; : of entry to the KGB would not likely to be forgotten by a KGB officer. The date is the ‘basis for computing length of service and is a common entry. on KGB administrative forms periodically filled out by KGB officers in the course of. their service. ' According to NOSENKO in January 1964, he transferred to the KGB from the Naval RU "in something like 1952", "just after Yu. I. GUK transferred from the Second Chief Directo- rate". i . Comment: _GOLITSYN had reported that GUK was transferred out. of the Second Chief Directorate in January 1952. 6001332 °? : : TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 71 ======== Top Secret : 7 as ve (KGB. ENTRY) _ in ‘February 1964 NOSENKO wrote a biographic statement: in ‘which he noted. that. he entered’ the KGB. in 1952, -and in’ ‘which oe ~ ‘he back-dated by one. year his 1962 account. of. his. activities ’ Van'the period 1945- ~1955, Although he was then reminded.of: | his: 1962 statement and the contradiction was discussed. with . him, after study he indicated his approval by signing an’ official biographic statement (for the Intelligence Community) -: which indicated that he entered. on duty” with the KGB. -in. 1, SPout May 1952 1952. At the first. ‘hostile interrogation in. April. 1964, -NOSENKO was confronted with his contradictory claims. In response, NOSENKO ‘stated that he returned to Moscow from: the Baltic. in- .. August 1952 - [by. most of his other, accounts, NOSENKO returned ’ in January 1953] and entered the KGB’ on 5~7 September 1952.. ..By March 1953, NOSENKO stated, he had already worked in the Embassy - Section’ for some months against American correspon~ ; dents, and it was "just after Stalin's death, after the | against American Army Attache personnel. [NOSENKO ultimately ’. settled ‘on June or July* 1954 as the time of ‘this reassignment. “ See" Bee 84.) ee. . . . “Chalienged in: April 1964 to. ‘resolve the. ‘contradictions of his ‘earlier claims. that: he joined the KGB variously .in January 1952, September. 1952,’ or March’ 1953, NOSENKO. Tes ‘asserted that the ‘truth was ‘that his service dated from March: . “1953, after Stalin's: “death. : He -went on to. explain: that. he : ' £inished his Institute studies in 1949 (sic), "defended his. ., diploma" and-then failed one ofthe four required State: examinations. - All four examinations, he said, he had to’ : take’over-again, and as a result he didn't -receive his. ‘diploma “-until 1950 although he "officially" graduated in 1949.00, “ NOSENKO said that to ‘avaid admitting | “this unpleasant’ thing",- “he claimed he joined: the KGB in: 1952-anda after claiming that: again". NOSENKO went on to say that the actual date of entry... “.. was while Stalin was. still alive, on "12 or 15 March 1953" - or about. 15 March A 1953... . . “ : “a 6001333. aS No. 197124. — : Top Secret we . Copy . 10 * reorganization" ‘that’ he assumed ‘responsibility. for. operations. ..”.’- “to be a.fact, "did not want ‘to. correct it, to twist it around:.:,.. ======== PAGE 72 ======== 14-0000 . 13+15 March 1953. In 1966, however, ina written state he entered the: KGB in March 1953 .and he acknowledgec ‘by the KGB- entry commission when he first applied in one year, since his interrogators would not have believed Top Secret (KGB ENTRY) Comment: NOSENKO's explanation takes no account <= - fact that he had already said (in 1962) => he joined the KGB in March 1953. KGB defectors describe the period ir-< following Stalin's death in the KGB as ~ extensive reorganization and uncertaint? which new candidates were not being acce Other evidence of the improbability of °: entering the KGB in March 1953 is discus below. : NOSENKO repeated during 1965 interrogations the ¢ he said he entered the KGB on 2 April 1953, but a week in another signed statement, he said it was. the "micals. March 1953". .. In his final interrogation in October 1966 NOSENEO he had lied, and had known. at the time he was lying, he Had said he joined: in 1952. Asked by his interreg zs _why he had lied, NOSENKO said, “There was no sense.” He went on to explain that because. he was only an averace student and a heavy drinker, he had been found unsui he. had tried to conceal this by adjusting his account =y that he was eventually accepted by the KGB after an earlier rejection. . : - . ; The Role of General Bogdan .Zakizrovich KOBULOY In all of his accounts NOSENKO has attributed tc General KOBULOV's initiative and intervention his entry to - In. the account which he volunteered in. Geneva to CI: 1962, NOSENKO said KOBULOV was a friend of the elde= whom he met when the KGB General "dropped by" the > dacha outside of Moscow, and KOBULOV at the time ( 953") was First Deputy to Beriya, the Minister of 64 TS No. 197124 6001334 - Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 73 ======== : Top Secret (KGB ENTRY) | thea-sD. 3 ‘NOSENKO gaid that when KOBULOV learned of NOSENKO' s - dissatisfaction with the Naval RU, KOBULOV encouraged him’ to. enter. counterintelligence and invited him to visit the _ General's office. ° NOSENKO said he did not, but nevertheless - - xeceived a wéek Iater a telephone call from the KGB Personnel. . . Office asking him to appear at the secretariat of General KOBULOV and informing him ‘that: General KOBULOV: had already a arranged fox a building: ‘pass. a - NOSENKO gave - a ‘different, ‘somewhat more detailed. account in April 1964, In this) ‘version, he first met KOBULOV, a... friend of the NOSENKO family, in February 1953. - NOSENKO said KOBULOV had visited.his. father in the latter's office, and oo, . that evening ‘the elder -NOSENKO ‘brought him to the. NOSENKO -— : - @acha to spend the weekend... {NOSENKO had..just. before. been .. informed.by his interrogators that. KOBULOV was at that time. . posted in’ Germany,. not. in. Moscow.].. According to .NOSENKO,,.. ‘KOBULOV was in Moscow on a short visit. from Germany. © “My: father invited-im to. spend Saturday night and Sunday. . -On” Sunday’ we were playing: billiards and KOBULOV asked me.what— -I. was doing,. and I told ‘him I was at the disposal of: the-: (Naval | RU), Personnel Department : and. that I didn't. warit. to. eturn. to. the Baltic." . NOSENKO.’said that KOBULOV. offered to call the KGB’ Pérsonnel’ Office and have them. "look * -NOSENKO. over" ,. and NOSENKO assented, after which He twice “visited the. Personnel Office where he filed completed forms NOSENKO asserted. that. KOBULOV. did not forget, because “Just _aS soon as STALIN died, KOBULOV immediately returned from ~ -- Germany" after being. “summoned by Beriya or someone",,.-and: - - .on "maybe the 10th of March" NOSENKO received a call from’ Oe '“KOBULOV's assistant. 'NOSENKO claimed he reported to’ KOBULOV' Ss: office, and although he -waited two hours to see the General,” .. the latter was busy elsewhere.” Instead:of seeing KOBULOV, ..." however, NOSENKO said he was finally. taken to the office: . . Of Second Chief Directorate Deputy Chief: SHUBNYAKOV,.who | --” “assigned him. forthwith. to® ‘the: “Embassy Section of the American ‘Department... _ : . . we. : In: April 1964 NOSENKO introduced a new variant. He said - ‘that he met KOBULOV while accompanying his parents on a’ visit in. January to KOBULOV's dacha [NOSENKO had previously.» : graphically described .KOBULOV'S weekend visit at the elder - NOSENKO's], KOBULOV intervened in his behalf, and he was ‘called to the KGB Personnel Office to be interviewed and.to “6004335. a TS No. 197124 _. Tep Secret oe Copy 10_ 65 ======== PAGE 74 ======== . Top Secret {KGB ENTRY) receive necessary forms. NOSENKO stated that he heard notning further until after Stalin's funeral, waen he was summoned to KOBULOV's office and afterwards assigned to the Second Chief Directorate. During the July 1965 interrogations NOSENKO retracted his earlier claim that KOBULOV and his father had been close personal friends. He stated that his father's relationship with KOBULOV was not personal, and that KOBULOV had never visited the NOSENKOs. : ; In a biographic: statement written in April 1966, NOSENKO -said that he had met KOBULOV but twice, once on 1 January 1953 at the latter's dacha, and the second and last time in the elder NOSENKO's office as NOSENKO's father and KOBULOV were departing. to attend Stalin's funeral. On that latter - occasion, NOSENKO claimed, KOBULOV promised to concern him- self witn NOSENKO's entry into the KGB and it was several days later that NOSENKO was summoned ‘to KOBULOV's office‘ "and told ne was appointed to the KGB. ; ... Comment: General. Bogdan Zakharovich KOBULOV was a career security official, but from the immediate post- war period until after Stalin's death he was not assigned to KGB Headquarters. As of 1952, .he was posted to Germany with the Chief : . Directorate of Soviet Properties Abroad, then no directly subordinate not to the MVD but to the Council of Ministers and latterly to the ~ ‘Ministry of Foreign Trade. Until he returned from Germany in March 1953 to assume the position of Beriya's deputy, he had no office in KGB Headquarters. KOBULOV was arrested . with Beriya in June 1953, and also later executed. In light of the foregoing, it is improbable that KOBULOV was instrumental in NOSENKO's appointment to the KGB at the times NOSENKO claimed. If KOBULOV ever interceded in NOSENKO's behalf, it is probable that NOSENKO would later have been purged after KOBULOV's . 66 6001336 .- TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —____ ======== PAGE 75 ======== Top Secret - (KGB’ ENTRY) ‘Comment: | - (Continued) . vie “and Beriya' Ss arrest and execution. ° NOSENKO' Ss “eventual retraction of his assertion that: his: ..: ‘father and. KOBULOV were intimate acquaintances ‘makes it the more’ unlikely ‘that KOBULOV played ~ *. any role at any. time: ain ‘NOSENKO! ‘Ss. appointment » oe 7 to the’ KGB. . : : . : aa “Throughout: the various versions, NOSENKO has’ provided about’ his .entry. to the KGB, | he -has emphasized how influen tial was’ his father! S! : Prominent: position’: in ‘the’ Soviet In the. period 1953-1954, «during: which NOSENKO “claimed he entered the KGB,.it.was KGB policy = © avoid recruiting: the _Shildren of: Senior © fe ovigt: officials.” Ses . - NOSENKO asserts” that. he was rejected. for KGB Appointment: oo “upon graduation: from. the Institute: of. tnternational Relations.:: © ' ing. ‘to have’ completed: an .. : undistinguished: period of service with the Naval RU, NOSENKO ‘acknowledges ‘that’ he was no ‘more. @ligible in 1953:for KGB. appointment ° than he “was at: the time: of his. rejection, - 0901337 : 67. “ TS. Now 197124 Top Secret... oe - Copy 10. . ======== PAGE 76 ======== Top Secret (KGB ENTRY) NOSENKO states that in March: 1953 he was already twenty- five and a half years old, a member of only the Komsomol, and that he had not been recommended for Party membership. He further claimed that on entry to the KGB he became secretary of the Second Chief Directorate Komsomol organi- zation. . Comment: Eligibility for Party membership, if not ; membership itself, is a requisite for KGB appointment. By Komsomol statutes,of that time, twenty-five was at that time the maximum age. Thus, at the time of NOSENKO's claimed KGB appointment, he was within six months of being dropped by the Komsomol as well as still “lunqualified for Party membership. He could not have been. secretary of the Second Chief... Directorate Komsomol. organization, as discussed “on p. 338. “ NOSENKO has referred ‘frequently to having contractéed “tuberculosis for’ which he-was periodically hospitalized. “Comment: According to KGB defectors familiar with the -- .. ., Standards -in- force at the time, no candidate ‘was accepted who had ever had tuberculosis. KGB Processing for Entry NOSENKO has stated (in- chronological order) that at his initial. interview with a KGB personnel, it was not necessary ' for him to complete any forms or questionnaires since the KGB’had his Naval RU file; that he was told that the KGB would request the Naval RU file and meanwhile he was given three copies of a four to six-page biographic form to complete at home; and (at his last interrogation in 1966) that he 68 60013 - TS No. 197124 38 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 77 ======== - Top Secret - ad ENTRY) : _never. spoke to. any KGB personnel officers nor visited the “personnel office (and thus. completed no. forms . | Provided by hem) «. we. : » .Comment : The: most important document. fillea out ‘by _. 4... prospective KGB officers was'a detailed. 16-page : '..personal. history questionnaire, Anketa : '. spéetsialngo naznacheniya sotrudnika KGB, which _. Was completed in one copy’ only. © Classified’ even when blank, the form was not: permitted to ., be taken home.. KGB. defectors have described . “2 completion of the form “as an experience :not. © “likely to be: forgotten". NOSENKO omits in all . accounts: reference to ‘other docunients’ which. are . known to’ -have -been. required ‘in connection with : a: _KGB officer" Ss Processing. for duty. ‘NOSENKO ‘ingistead ‘that. he took: no: 5 physiéal examination. ain. nnection with processing . for KGB ‘entry. DAS medical examination was a, ‘routine: ‘and mandatory . “part of a KGB’ candidate! s processing. | Former =» — “KGB défectors could think .of no. instance’ in. : * - which: the examination could. be waived, parti-- .. -Cularly fora. candidate with. a recorded history . “of Euberculosis. “ . ; ~ NOSENKO. ‘claims. in all of his ‘accounts: that. he entered the. aa KGB building and, with a pass obtained at the Pass Office, — ; .was permitted to proceed without escort. - NOSENKO specifically °: the ASB 6! eonoe - a BES Las No. 197124 Top Secret Cepy - —10__ “asserted: that the: “name of. the interviewer. aid. not appear’ on ere ======== PAGE 78 ======== Top Secret (KGB ENTRY) Comment: Persons not holding a valid KGB identity . document were not permitted entry to or move- ment in the building without escort. The interviewer's name did appear on the building pass. The interviewer's name was essential to the issuance of the pass: the interviewer ‘had complete responsibility for the visitor's custody while on KGB premises. Initial Service in KGB (1953) “NOSENKO stated that. in the period of Beriya, in March- "dune 1953, the two existing directorates were the First _ Chief Directorate, which was the foreign intelligence directorate, and the Second Chief Directorate, the counter- . intelligence directorate. The designations were later reversed for a few months, he said, by Krugiov, Beriya's s successor. , Comment: Beriya reversed the designations of the First and Second Chief Directorates in March 1953, Vand they weré not changed back until March 1954. NOSENKO does not know how his own directorate '.. was designated either at the. time he allegedly . entered on duty or during his entire first ‘year of KGB service. NOSENKO described-the KGB identity document of the. period, but in spite of repeated questioning could not recall any- thing unusual about ite 70 00013490 —. TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —__ ======== PAGE 79 ======== Top Secret. oan awiee , following stalin’ s death’ ‘in ‘Maxch: 1983 ‘and: again following Beriya's: arrest. in June: _-1953, all KGB identity. documents: were. “temporarily “recalled for revalidation.” On both ‘occasions ‘new stamps.were placed.on the: document, lacking _which the bearer could-no longer enter the KGB. ° installation... KGB defectors state that the * - events: were the topic of “humerous anecdotes at mat ‘the time. . cane po : NOSENKO “elaims: he received: “no ‘training in. the ‘KGB, but as assigned operations responsibilities. immediately upon’ ae ‘reporting for duty. He’ had explained that training was ‘unnecessar because of. -his. Naval. RU: experiences OSENKO' s dack: of txathing * is unlike that. of: any - ‘other ‘KGB. defector. ‘His Naval RU service, by. NOSENKO's own account.,: provided. little if. any. rep ati n for, his: sub qu nt: KGB, ‘duties rubles as a case ‘officer, plus secrecy, “language and > ongevity: pay,: plus. 500 rubles. "rank pay" -as.a. lieutenant. ‘He. xecalled that: ‘there was, “one year, 1984 when. KGB officers KGB’ officers! rank. pay. was: ‘abolished in. ‘September 1952 and not™ restored until ‘April. “1954, a period which ‘covers NOSENKO's -first.. ‘year of claimed. service - in ‘the KGB. : Se eh co01344. Top Secret a co : : - Copy. 10. "S.No. 197124 a ======== PAGE 80 ======== Top Secret » (KGB ENTRY) NOSENKO claimed that he was promoted to the rank of senior lieutenant in April 1953, shortly after joining the KGB. _ Comment: All promotions in the KGB were frozen from the : " time Beriya became Minister in March 1953 until late 1953, NOSENKO's actual sequence of promotions has never been established. He has also claimed this promotion occurred in 1952 ‘and in 1954. See p. 351. NOSENKO acknowledged that his qualifications for continued _ KGB service were probably reviewed in connection with the _ purges following both Staliri's death and Beriya's arrest, - during which reviews numerous negative factors in his back- ground would have come to light. He stated, however, that | he could only.assume that the important and influential position of his own father outweighed the negative factors. -Comment: .NOSENKO +has never mentioned any influence his os father had on his KGB service aside from that exercised through KOBULOV, who was himself arrested and executed. ‘Other Aspects. Relevant to 1953 KGB Service — See EO nee AL service _ NOSENKO insisted that the KGB was organized from components of the MVD not earlier than late 1954 or early 1955. a 72 6004342 | TS No. 197124 . Top Secret . Copy —__ ======== PAGE 81 ======== Top Secret. | (KGB ENTRY) “- Comment: The KGB was organized in March 1954, in a final. : EB '. reform of Beriya's organization of Soviet : - security agencies." . Preceded by a series of ae purges, the inception of the. KGB would presumably: be memorable to a KGB officer serving in Moscow “ Héadquarters at the time, 9 0 0 7° Leet .. NOSENKO stated that the MVD ee . (subsequently to ‘become the KG ; } ~ was located in:1953 in four buildings, including the oe _ /* Agricultural Exhibition and the. "KI (Committee of ‘Infor- “o~ Mation) Building". . Se , oe ves ‘Intelligence Directorate. B First’ Chief Directorate) . ° Comment: The Agricultural Exhibition and the "KI vee oe : Building" were one and the.same. From his” . Statement, NOSENKO is unaware that the KI ~. .(a-combined foreign intelligence agency) . _ C@ased: to exist in 1951, a-matter perhaps. unfamiliar .to.a KGB officer serving ‘at a substantially later time,. but one which -:: . other KGB officers serving. in Moscow -in ~, 1953. recalled easily. poe oe Fak OSENKO did not know where ‘the Chief. tia was located in 1953-1954... Directorate of the — Mili According. to KGB defectors, a staff officer in ‘the Counterintelligence Directorate at the time would: have had frequent occasion to deal with... the Chief Directorate of the Militia.. a a 0 6004343 m = TS No..197124 Top Secret 3 Copy 10 ======== PAGE 82 ======== Top Secret (KGB ENTRY) KGB Entry: Summary and Conclusion NOSENKO's assertiohs regarding the KGB in the 1953-1954 period throw no more light on the actual date of his KGB entry than did his claims of when he transferred from the Naval RU; the contradictions and inconsistencies are interrelated. It is possible that a former KGB officer, relating the truth as he recalls it about events occurring ten years earlier, could be inconsistent; that he could forget his date of entry, not remember what administrative procedures were, fail to recall the circumstances of the organization -. he joined were, be inaccurate about what his. pay was, and be vague on what his KGB identification document looked like. Recognizing that administrative regulations and procedures are on occasion honored in the breach, it is also possible that NOSENKO was accepted by the KGB despite ‘the fact that he was the son of a senior official, that he had tuberculosis, that he was unqualified for Party member— ship, that he had been previously rejected and all at a time when the KGB was not accepting new recruits. | _. Zhe probability of these events being coincident, however, “is remote. On examination, NOSENKO's latest admission, that ‘he "actually" entered the KGB in March 1953, is no better . substantiated: than earlier accounts: citing other dates. Conclusion ’ NOSENKO did not enter the KGB in the manner nor at the time he claimed. 74 6001344. | _ TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 83 ======== Top Secret oe ; 7 ‘CHAPTER - v -NOSENKO ‘claims to have ‘served . .in. the ‘American Embassy © Section of the American. Department (Second Chief Directorate)” from his entry in the KGB until. June 1955. His targets. during this period.were at first American correspondents. _ xesiding. in Moscow -and later Army Attache: personnel of. the American’ Embassy - ‘in Moscow.. His assignment involving’ Wet Lea “American. correspondents -lasted anywhere from ‘six to eighteen | months (depending: on the various dates he claimed: he entered the KGB). -His-involvement with the Army Attaches: lasted from sometime in 1954. until his. transfer to the. Seventh. i: June 1955 . . : " NOSENKO’ ‘has’ sought. to “avoid ‘discussion o£: his ‘own or “other: KGB. activities. during: this entire period: which he.’ - characterized: on occasion.'as: "not relevant". "of no consequence", ”. He has repeatedly: stated ‘that he: "found: imself". only “after this: initial KGB service in the’ american’ Embassy. Section... “Until ‘then, he asserted, -hé was ‘a ‘wastrel nd ."“did “not pay attention to the: work". “(He has. ‘Wariously. ated. his: self-discovery..as occurring in. -1955 when he “transferred to the Séventh Department; in- June 1956.in ‘connection with his participation in and award ‘for. slg oe ~case; and after ‘August: 1956. when ‘the death of his. father © forced. Aim. to pull himself together.) “ operetionis Against Aterican Correspondents, : NOSENKO exempted ‘Himse £. from reporting. details of: KGB. work: against .any specific American. ‘correspondent in’ Moscow .. ” -in 1953-1954 by saying that, as a new, very. junior employee -he had no access to operational filés and did not partici-. pate personally in the handling of any of the correspondents. 75 os mo “001345 Now 197124 po (Top Secret Cony — 20 10. as ======== PAGE 84 ======== Top Secret Although able to identify correspondents in Moscow who were then recruited KGB agents, NOSENKO learned this information either in conversations with his superior {v.A.] KOZLOV or at some point and in some undefined way after he no longer was working against these targets. NOSENKO made clear that he was not the case officer responsible for the more important correspondents: "KOZLOV himself was working with_them, the chief of the section himself£--with GHAPIROPSwi th SHAPIRO} s 06 (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - ca. 1953-June 1955) wife. I also know that KOZLOV was Working with (WHITNEY) 04 and with \(Andrew J.) STEIGER. Y% For each of these persons there was an operational file which I did not see." According -toQ NOSENKO, he was in no way involved with STEIGER! andOiG . {Edmund STEVENS American correspondents who he alleged were Feoruited agents of the KGB. _ Comment: [SHAPIRO] was identified as a KGB agent by a . GOLITSYi in 1961,. before the lead was received from NOSENKO.0$ SHAPIRO!'s KGB agent cryptonym, ‘known to NOSENKO and GOLITSYN, appears in the CHEREPANOV papers: (see p.309). The KGB defector Nikolay: KHOKHLOV in April 1954 C6. “4dentified thé Polish-born wifé of (WHITNEY) as : a KGB agent, an allegation which she denied. - MOSENKO said his early months in the job were spent reading personality (not. operational) files on a number of the correspondents in Moscow ,(none of which indicated the individual's developmental or agent status) and familiarizing himself with. KGB, methods. Later NOSENKO was assigned the "agent network" or drivers, clerical personnel, and domestics surrounding four of the correspondents, (SHAPIRO, GILMORE , C1 06,06 SALISBURY and THHITNEY|.06 He met with his agents periodically to determine w. ether. they had developed any important infor-~ - mation. His superior KOZLOV often went along to the meetings with NOSENKO, first to show him how to handle the agents and afterward whenever something interesting would begin to develop. In fact, according to NOSENKO, KOZLOV would accompany him to meetings with these Soviet citizens-agents when there was even a hint that something of interest might 76 6001346 . TS No. 197124 Tan Garret Copy eer ======== PAGE 85 ======== Yep Secret _ (AMERICAN ‘EMBASSY SECTION = ca. 1953-gune 1955) a develop. ‘NOSENKO has described some of these ‘agents in’. . “general terms, but for all but‘a few he recalled neither - - their’ names nor personalia concerning them. Poa Ce _ 08, an Og: 08. tb OG pra HAE EOs GTUMORE) SALISBURY and TNE |. KGB Files on‘ On the day of his acceptance into the KGB, NOSENKo a “stated that he was taken. directly to. the offices of the’ -.; American Embassy Section. _ There he met the section chief; ‘VLA. KOZLOV, who told. NOSENKO that he’ would take Over. the’ >) “(Work of: the departing case officer, Captain Anatoliy. re _ “*TORMOZOV, in operations against American correspondents , in " .. «Moscow a I % .. When NOSENKO reported for work the _ found a'desk in. Room’615 and, —. sitting there... At. first ‘I was running traces,’ and ‘at the’ - “* same time I was reading the files on journalists... — I think ‘there -were seven files in all, and I didn't’ see any other." ‘following day; he. "There were. three othér guys. ___.NOSENKQ listed these files as_those on[Henry SHAPIRO, Eddy (0% Ué 7 <“GILMOREY (as. well ‘as ones 2 es wife (SEREBRYANKOVA) y / . GuTINEy eo CPPRYYSHEVA), [Harrison SALTSBURY\and [Thora ob es ENK identified(SHAPIROhas an "old agent. of ours". 3 said th tWHITNEY] “worked ‘for us: while he was in Moscow “gave-us some material, but he refused to work for us phe left the country" Dv[GILMORE|,\NOSENKO said, was.an . active ‘recruitment target in 1953" and, 1954, but“ NOSENKO |": cid pot Know, whether he was recruited, Likewise, he a “not know the status of GaLIspury) as of.1953,0 0 _AWHITNE at gents... T VE sensitive, and ‘from them “you would nevér out whether ‘he (the. subject of. the file) is es not". NOSENKO explained that, once a person became an ‘agent; another file is set-up, “and these agent files were held: by. . ‘the chief of the séction, KOZLOV. NOSENKO stated that he - en. persons “slowly and made some ., . ¥éad “the files‘on the sev a extracts for myself. in my personal log--such things as . 6001347 77 Fo TS. No. 197124 Copy __10_ Top Secret 0 oo : RGR) ======== PAGE 86 ======== 14-0000 ‘Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~ .ca- 1953-June 1955) notations of their dates of arrival, things I could not remember". He was also given the files on the agents surrounding these correspondents, their drivers, maids, and cooks. : Agents Reporting on Correspondents NOSENKO said he was respons ip chwed handling the agents who were reporting off (SHAPIRO) jmriuey) SALTSBURYand the \b (ELLMORES, and met them requiarly to learn whether "anything Was new, whom did (SHAPIRO! feet, what might be interesting in his behavior, what might be suspicious in his behavior, whom he is contacting, etc". He then reported to KOZLOV and - would sometimes prepare a written report of his. conversations with the agents.- Asked. to describe these meetings, NOSENKO ‘replied: "Tet us take the same case of (Snag ix6) I would meet drivers about ‘three times a month or even two - times. (At the meeting I would ask the driver what was new in{SHAPIRO!s behavior gince our last meeting, “ whethe (SHAPIRO| had suspicious contacts with forei~ | gners, about his meetings with Russians, were they conducted openly or, perhaps, was (SHAPIRO) walking O6 behind the person. he met. and then the man [agent] - would begin his report.. Of course, if he spots anything suspicious he calls immediately, and I would see him the next morning. Otherwise, I would tell. him at thé meeting that I would see him again in about ten days or in two weeks, but if there was something interesting he should call immediately. "It was the same with the maid and the cook. Upon returning to the office I- would have to report to. -KOZLOV about my meetings, either orally or in “writing. | If, for example, (V.M.] KOVSHUK [also of the American Embassy Section] hada meeting with his . agents, he too had to report immediately to KOZLOV. If the meetings were taking place late in the day - and lasted until midnight or later and there were no written materials submitted at the meeting, I could go home and then report the next morning." IGE 6001348 78 ' ; TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 87 ======== Top Secret _ -_ AMER ENDASSY SECTION ~ ca. + 1953-June 1955) _ ce -KOZLOV. accompanied 1 NOSENKO to meetings » with the various © ‘agents. surrounding the correspondents. "At. first he’ was | ‘teaching.me. ‘Then he. would go in cases when something . “interesting would.begin ‘to develop, even when it‘hadn' to ; yet. begun |.to develop but’ when there may have’ been a hint | es : n a case of some : other case’ officer." : : : NOSENKO's. agent network consisted mainly. of: domestic: and” clerical personnel. in. contact. with the’ correspondents and r their. families.” “Asked to describe then, he: sai ; ‘My: first. ‘age at OG. 3 ‘woman’ agent ,- a eook, wh: “was. working at | GILMORA)S place. She also worked” vat. the. Associated uoREy later. Her. codename was’, 'AGLODINA', a funny.one.". (While. ‘reviewing a list- “of Soviets. “employed by, Americans ‘ain: Moscow; ' ‘NOSENKO inthe’ fall of .1965 identified one Yelena Sar. : KOSITENKO as his. former agent "AGLODINA". “At -that time he “told. CIA. that he had taken. over. KOSIENKO.. from TORMOZOV: geen - entering the American Embassy -Section in. "19534, that -: she subsequent 1 worke . for_and zeporteéd on “\GILMORE}' '> “successors. Richard>d -“RASISCHRE. - MOSENKO. (ertuoRt “that .KOSIENKO. | "never < . provided. any interesting information.) - "My secon agent was: a. ‘chauffeur: whosé eryptonym, ” think, was "SERGEY". I think’ he_was driving for[MHittNeySOb: Then I. also had-[SHAPIRO}' s>chauffeur, a funny. little: ‘fellows: In other words ©® ‘charwomen,’ chauffeu: was: my. agentura . fagent network] + Although NOSENKO. ‘was. able to. give. a. breakdown | ‘of .this ne work’ in texms of -the number. and type of agents targetted « against, particular. ‘individuals, he had forgotten ‘their ‘exe. fae names’ and could not, provide personality information on any: - Of ‘them. “He explained: - “I don"t remember now. They’ all.. ‘passed: by- like'.a' river because: ‘they | were turned over. Often." . NOSENKO did recall that it was he who'selected. ‘and : handled . “the agent who was: placéd. in SHAPIRO’ Potsice as‘a: secretary; “this agent. had earlier worked in, t offices. of Moscow News, ay van English- language newspaper published in Moscow. Ci ag ae ore “TS No. 197124. es Top Secret 8! Copy 10 ======== PAGE 88 ======== 14-0000 (AMBRICAN EMBASSY SECTION - ca- NOSENKO estimated ten to twelve agents dents. This, he sai experienced case off ‘MOSENKO described hi . Target ‘{Baay erimorii| 0 7 (Thomas euTTNEY) ~ mo [Harrison SALISBURY) a NOSENKO classified two other, of his agents as : [ienry SHAPIRO} LL, row 8 Top Secret 1953-June 1955) that he was responsible for handling ‘in operations against the correspon d,‘was a normal load, although more icers might have as many as fifteen. s agentura as follows: agents Two agents, the cook and the driver; one operational contact, a part-time cleaning gixl;: and ; a girlfriend of [EILMORF] s sister- Sb in-law and [GILMORE 's Russ ian| wife. OT wt - One agent. his driver, “SERGEY” + : "0b ny : Three agents} (SHAPTRO;'s secretary and his chauffeur, pilus an old woman who was a relative of SHAPIRO's wife and Lived with qthe ‘SHAPTROS\ in Moscow: “secr' tary and chauffeur later _- worked for (Kenneth BRODNEY| and reported: on him to NOSENKO; HRODNEY) temporarily took ‘GHAPIRO! si ace. in. Moscow. a : a TWO agents; SALISBURY! s Gnivorr and a part-time cleaning girl. "neutral", in that..they did not have specific targets on-whom to, report+ ine first of these. was. the director. of MOSGRAN, - language training program fi we ya ’ “VYOLODINA" + ym was name. The second same program who in Embassy employ i true name oO responsibility for ees in their £ "tyOLODINA" - a Russian- > His . put. NOSENKO could not recall his true - was a female teacher in this structed some of the correspondents, and homes; he could not recall the when NOSENKO was relieved of his 1954, he turned over. ‘on foreigners in Moscow: | the correspondents in all of his agents to other case officers in the American Embassy section whom he continued to handle in his work with Army 6001350 with the exception of .RAKETA" and "OLODINA" + Attaches. 80 TS No. 197124 Tan Cacret Co ======== PAGE 89 ======== Top Secret _ _| (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION. -. ca. 1953-June 1955) ‘operations against ‘U. 1S. Army Attache Personnel ; NOSENKO claimed specific "‘pesponsibility for Work against “American Army Attaches during twenty months ‘of 1954-55, ao: ~ period in which: NOSENKO claimed no supervisory responsibility to divert. his attention from personal | operational duties... _(NOSENKO,. explaining why he did not know more details about: -'.-the Embassy. Section's targets: while :he was its deputy - chief . . in 1960- 1961, said that’ as a supervisor he was too busy < . ‘ everséeing subordinates. | Hence, .NOSFNKO ‘continued, .he could -: not be. expected: to’ remember as many such details as‘would <= — be possible had he been .a.case officer working. daily. on only _ .four or five targets. -Elsewhere,;-he.-contrasted. operations : ‘against: tourists, who often came and went in a matter of a o ~ few days, with the ‘work against the “service attaches and’ diplomats. permanently . stationed. in. Moscow, who could be. “studied systematically. ‘and slowly.) os ot “MOSENKO: ‘has: sata in. ‘avegerent contexts - that. as. “the American’ Department. case officer: ‘responsible for’ operations: against: Army Attaches he’ received ‘and was’ responsible for. assimilating the productof a.wide variety. of sources ‘on the.. ; individuals. who were. his: targets... He has mentioned infor- mation. yeceived :from ‘the... KGB © First. Chief - (Foreign: Intelli- . :'gence) Directorate; the ‘Archives of the MGB/MVD/KGB;: and ~ ~ the microphones. which were. emplaced, about a. year before : NOSENKO entered the. American. ‘Departm nt. - “in ‘the- army: Attache offices: ‘were ‘his moSte.0 0 : ‘valuable’ ‘source ‘of: information. on his: ‘targets ; ‘oF (1954-1955;-that* he knew: nothing-of these... «2 >" -microphones- until he re~entered, the. Embassy .Seétion. ih 1960; and’ that’ he learned of their. '..cexistence: duxing. 1953 1955. but not: where any were located. : . ces ek Soe TS No. 197124 _ Top Secret - Copy 10 | ======== PAGE 90 ======== 14-0000 ‘Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~ ca. 1953-June 1955) Information was also received according to NOSENKO from the network of Soviet chauffeurs, cooks, language instructors, and other agents in the Embassy; permanent and roving surveillance patrols outside the Embassy; fixed observation posts next to, acros$ from and near the Embassy; advance notification of intent to travel by the attaches and their itineraries; and reports from outside Moscow, including surveillance, agent networks, the Militia, and the military. The point of collecting and assimilating this information, NOSENKO said, was to be able to know what the military attaches were doing in Moscow and thereby to control their intelligence collection activities. Far less important was the goal of recruiting military attaches; NOSENKO knew of only a. few instances when this was attempted, and all of these efforts allegedly failed. The KGB's principal interest in control rather than . recruitment has been NOSENKO's explanation for knowing .little about the backgrounds and personal lives of his targets--such information, he stated, simply was not pertinent to the primary mission of control. He has also used this explana- tion to support his assertion that.there were no recruitments * of American military personnel during this. period. . .Comment: NOSENKO's agsertion that the KGB's mission was to control rather than to recruit “American : military attaches is contradicted by the emphasis KGB tradition and doctrine place on conducting operations against the United - . States, the-"main enemy", in the KGB” parlance, in this case American officials with access to classified information, who were residing in - the Soviet Unione 9 0 ee - In the USSR, especially in the early 1950's ~ prior to the U-2 reconnaissance, the Service. Attache travel program was the primary means - by which the U.S. Armed Forces acquired intelili- gence information on the Soviet Union's military~industrial complex. The prevention -or inhibition of this collection activity fell consequently to KGB components concerned with the security of military-industrial installations, 82 TS No. 197124 Gad 2 . 0001352 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 91 ======== Top Secret ss (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~"ca. 1953-June 1955)’ _‘Commént :° (Continued). ; ; Des os with transportation fdcilities,: and wit _. geographic regions’ to which the Service: "Attaches travelled. Approval of | Sexvice « ‘Attache travel itineraries was not-within the . competence: of a case officer within the Embassy” . .* Seetion; the determination would ‘have to- have > “lbeen made by officials concerned: with~ the © ..USSR's military and industrial security and’. - aware of reciprocal privileges being extended ° ‘ “to Soviet Service Attaches in the United - : . States, matters: involving the ‘GRU. as’ well’ a “the KGB.’ An Embassy Section’ case officer | ‘;would have as a matter of course monitored ° . reports: of Service Attaches' travel,. searching: ‘for personal vulnerabilities among his targets, ‘and assisted’ local KGB elements in: ‘setting Up. provocations outside of Moscow. NOSENKO, ° however, ‘has included neither ‘of. these latter functions. -as -havir “Sometime. in ‘the. ‘irst. half of. 1954" NOSENKO said; “he as relieved -of his” “responsibilities: for the correspondent. - ses, and from then until his ‘transfer from the American .-., Department. he ‘handled. KGB: Second’ Chief Directorate. operations against ‘the: officer. personnel of" the Army Attache's office. . NOSENKO's* account ofthe: turnover of the correspondent files — oO: hi . Successor and OF. he: acceptance. of. the attache files : b “easy ot 2 és _took over: ‘the. Army: Attache cases: €rom.. When I was leaving. in 1955; I ‘turned a Nikolay’ KHRENOV.. | ittache files: over to. Valeriy. BUDYLDIN." ” the” 93 1353 Ts No. 197124 - Top Secret ======== PAGE 92 ======== Top: Secret (AMERICAN DMBASSY SECTION - ca. 1953-June 1955) -10. April 1964: "I made a mistake [when] I said I accepted the cases from KHRENOV.... I accepted the cases . from Pavel Fedorovich PANKRATOV. This was in the beginning _ of 1954. . -15 April.1964: NOSENKO said that he thought he turned over the correspondent files to F.V. KISLITSYN (who returned to the USSR from Australia in May 1954). NOSENKO asked when the PETROVs defected in Australia; he explained that he was not sure about KISLITSYN and could have given them to another officer. “If KISLITSYN came [back from Australia} ' in 1953, then it was to KISLITSYN. Otherwise, it was some- one else.". : . ; 18. June 1964: "KISLITSYN-came into the. Embassy Section . “an 1954 and‘I gave nim the files on American correspondents. BUDYLDIN also joined the section this year and took the files on the Army Attache and, his assistants from PANKRATOV. “"BUDYLDIN left Tater. that year.and turned those files over . .- tosme..... Yuriy LEONTIYEV. joined the section in 1955,. and I gave him the files|on the Army Attache and his assistants." . NOSENKO has..also‘been indefinite as ‘to the date. he assumed ~ responsibilities for the Attaches. As noted above, he said ‘on 10 April 1964 that he received the files in the beginning’ of -1954.°. We had earlier said that he.worked on the corres=- -“pondents “only. ‘about six months" If the date of March. 1953, -which-he most often gave for his” entry into the KGB, is : .correct, this would place. the. turnover in the fall of 1953. ‘On other occasionshe has said specifically that he turned “over the corresponcent' cases and began work against the - Attaches in January 1954, on- still others that this occurred in. May 1954. In February 1965, NOSENKO said that he could. _, not remember when he changed assignments. “Agents. Reporting on A rmy Attaches --Asked in April 1964 to describe the agent network (agentura) at his disposal in operations against Army Attaches during this period which began in 1954, NOSENKO replied: "There were two maids, a cook, drivers...about ten persons, plus the agent ‘'SERVIZNIY¥Y' and the one with the cryptonym 'DMITRIYEV'.... These additional two agents, ; about 12 or 13 agents altogether." With one exception, this 84 600435 TS No. 197124 v4 Top Secret — Copy ——__— ======== PAGE 93 ======== Top Secret === — * (AMERICAN EMBASSY “SECTION - ca. 1953-June 1955). : network remained constant’ ‘until NOSENKO transferred from the’ American Embassy Section in mid-1955..°He met each agent _» ‘about ‘once a week, except. for the chauffeurs who were met. . three times a month in a safehouse or onthe street. The. - Assistant. Army Attaches used a pool of five drivers at. ; random, all of whom were his: agents, NOSENKO said. Apart — from the permanent driver for the senior Attache, none’ owas. targetted against specific members of the attache office.” : - ‘ . J: = As noted earlier, NOSENKO named “VOLODINA" and -"RAKETA". as agents he used against ‘correspondents — ones “and against Army, Attache targets, but he never a again referred to them and, in describing his. ~~ own activities, he‘ ‘never’ indicated how or in . . what cases they were used. . : i * Reéoeding - to: NOSENKO, this network. ‘was "Just! a. supporting agentura, which very: seldom was' worthwhile," the-main source of information: on ‘the Army, Attaches being. the microphones: in. their’ offices. nie . a : “newly. ‘added to the ‘network while NOSENKO ‘hela this. ees ‘was a:maid.inserted to report on Army At Attache. fharl “Gb. MICKELSON\-and his successor (Fillmore. K.. __ MEARNS er name, NOSENKO thought, was NOVIKOVA. -She was an. . a. . English-speaking university graduate but "hid her ‘knowledge poet Of English in order ‘to overhear conversations ox ‘read. , ni letters. without, taking them outside" 4 Les “Besides: NOVIKOVA,: “ NOSENKO namad one ‘other: maid who was - So his: agent,,.. Mariya. ‘NEVEROVA ,: eryptonym. "SHVEDOVA,“ and she» | ‘was targetted against. the Assistant Army Attache? [ira>. 6. | “SS RICHARDS I He described NEVEROVA as a “little, old, thins. -woman,." from: whom he never’ obtained anything of” interest. a They: met. ina ‘safehouse. on. ‘Kuznetskiy: Most. 7, a Y _ oe a - | 85 7 “580 : JSD s ~ . SNe. 197124. ‘Top Secret a "Copy -10__ ======== PAGE 94 ======== - Tep Secret {AMERICAN FPMBASSY SECTION - ca. 1953-June 1955) Of the KGB agents among the chauffeurs, NOSENKO named Nikolay SHNYRYEV, who was used by various attaches. "He reported where they went, what they said, whether they took notes or photographs, whether they had unusual packages with them, and so on." When viewing photographs (see below) in September 1964, NOSENKO identified Vladislav VOROBYEV as his former agent ““"SERVIZNI¥". He had been working in the Embassy since its establishment, starting first as a messenger boy and, in . NOSENKO's time, performing clerical tasks. VOROBYFV had no direct connection with the Army Attaches, and NOSENKO said he himself did not know why he had been given VOROBYFV to handle in 1954. The main function of this agent was ‘delivering to NOSENKO copies of the unclassified telephone listings of the Embassy, issued monthly. _ "DMITRIYEV's" true name may have been Dmitriy KUKOLEV; . NOSENKO’ saw this name on a 1962 phone list and thought, but ‘was not sure, that this was his agent. An electrician who worked on the Embassy's electrical wiring systems and elevator, "DMITRIYEV" reported to NOSENKO on antenna wires and other wires he had observed on the top floors. Like -VOROBYEV, "DMITRIYEY" had no direct connection with the Army Attaches. - Se, a a ; Comment: . Elsewhere NOSENKO described an electrician who : _ provided some technical information on the Embassy, but he related him to his second tour _in the Américan Embassy Section in 1960-1962 and didnot then claim that the electrician. was his agent. — poe . a In September 1964 NOSENKO was shown a series of 260 biographic cards on Soviet citizens employed by the American Embassy in Moscow. Each card contained a photograph of the person involved and short biographic notes, including his name and job in the Embassy. The first time he went through these cards, NOSENKO was permitted to see only the photo- graphs; NOSENKO did not identify the photographs of SHNYRYEV 86 _ . TS No. 197124 0001356 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 95 ======== Top Secret " ° (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - ca. 1953-June 1955) "and KUKOLEV but said that the face of VORORYFV was familiar, adding that he thought his name was VOROBYEV.: “Shen shown ‘the Embassy biographic cards on SHNYRYEV and KUKOLEV, he: _identified each of them as his agents during the 1954-1955. period in the American Department and equated them to the '. Cryptonyms given previously. .In the case of SHNYRYEV, when shown the biogtaphie information, which listed’ SHNYRVYEV as: "chauffeur for. the military attache," NOSENKO exclaimed:.. ; .. "Oh my God, this is my own agent." He later said it was‘a <» good photograph of’ SHNYRYEV. '. NOSENKO's ‘Targets ~ a, Asked sin ‘February 1965 to list the Army Attache personnel - for. whom he was directly. responsible: during 1954 and 1955, NOSENKO orally listed the ‘following names: {[" MICKELSON po MEARNS, RICHARDS, FELCHLIN, BENSON ; Is Ly 3 _ In’ the order as given by NOSENKO} the list . comprises two” generations of Army Attaches in - “Moscow.: It is neither in-alphabetical order. .- nor chronological according ‘to date or service... : . inv Moscow. - It is, however, in descending vr {jo . erder.of:. rank: from {Colonel MICKELSON),through 06 a “0? (Captains MULE} and\STROUD( to Fhief warrant. © Ob “[HICKELSON ; _NOSENKO ‘correctly: identified [EarI_L._MICKELSON|as a {eolonel_and the Army y Attaché) in’ Moscow during 1954 dnd 1955,. |... fo PANKRATOV. was “the case’ officer. originally handling [HICKELSON, Ob “andthe case was turned over: to- NOSENKO in 1954. When asked. ° | .. ~-Sabout: agents’ who might have been working against-{MICKELSON}-Ob _ NOSENKO said that: there was.one cook, a KGB operational. a ‘contact whose’ namé-he: did’ not recall, and [MICKELSON}-s” maid,06 : whose name NOSENKO believed: was NOVIKOVA: In addition to. cee ~these two, the only other source reporting on{MICKELSON} was 06 . ne his. chauffeur, whose name NOSENKO also. did not’ remember. : cp AUR" TS-No. 197124 : Top Secret “Copy 10 ======== PAGE 96 ======== Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - ca. 1953-June 1955) NOSENKO said that the KGB learned nothing interesting about b& [MrcKELsoN] from concealed microphones, telephone taps, or surveillance, and that no operational approach or recruit- ment was attempted. There was, in_fact, no interesting or derogatory information on {HICKELSON\ from any source. ob . Comment : (MICKELSOMi\ was involved in at least two incidents inside the Soviet Union which NOSENKO has not reported. In May 1954 he was arrested in Tbilisi on the (false) charge of : having photographed a bridge. In August 1954 6 (MICKELSON) was arrested again for illegal photo- - graphy south of Kharkov; on this occasion he was held for two hours before being released. It is judged that such events, particularly those staged by the KGB, would be known to the KGB case officer responsible for the attache officer concerned. J : ee 27 : 7 ee orbs NOSENKO accurately identified(Fillmore K. MEARNS}as 10 MICKELSON|'s replacement and said that he was: the responsi- “ “Ble case officer. There were_two agents and one operational _contact working against MEARNS), \L, Of these, NOSENKO could ". recall the name only of ‘NOVIKOVA, the same maid who reported . vp Cariier on{ MICKELSON} ScBesides being told to attempt to over- hear (MEARNS! conversations, ‘NOVIKOVA was instructed to search his clothing and to copy ary notes she might find, -- but she never overheard or found_anything of intexest to. the KGB. NOSENKO recalled that [MEARNS personal effects bb were searched by the KGB while they wére being shipped to Moscow from the United States, and that all his service records had been discovered. and photographed. (NOSENKO -«, has told-this same story about {HICKELSON.) NOSENKO described §s. MEARNS |as being more "active" in Moscow than |MICKELSO had 94 een and said that information from concealed microphGnes showed him to have a strong character. Nothing of interest concerning him was received from these microphones or from telephone taps. 88 GO012%&q - TS No. 197124 1358 Top Secret Copy —___ ======== PAGE 97 ======== " Top Secret .. (AMERICAN EMBASSY. SECTION = ca. 1953-June. 1955) 5». NOSENKO ‘correctly identifiea: Tra Be RICHARDS) as a a. bugil colonelPwho served as an;Assistant Army “‘Attache). van in Moscow... The one-agent reporting on{ RICHARDS) whom NOSENROG, . ‘could name’ was: the ‘maid Mariya NEVEROVA, KGB cryptonym | "“SHVEDOVA",, but she had never provided any worthwhile <°” “information | jgboutsiRrcuarns). (In addition,.some Soviet drivers ij a on EECEEPS “but! nothing. useful was. obtained from . <[prcnarps} served. in Moscow from. July. 1954 ‘to! o, . July 1956... ‘There was..a microphone. in the office. - which he shared. first’ with GICKELSON] and | jlater. va! ith (MEARNS >A - TAG te T CH RDS|confirmed : “that- Mariya NEVEROVA was” ‘des¢ribed her ‘as a “mousy ™ woman ft ‘who had a. heart attack during the. period’-she. : was ‘employed by ‘him, an. incident which w. not: .récalled by NOSENKO: .° 22 -.'_Fe For- about:.four’ months .of his’ “Moscow: tou [RICHARDS y took Russian-language lessons. from Ludmila “GROMAKOVA: in his apartnient.: During g these ‘lessons, (RICHARDS).often discussed labor “conditions and wages in: the United States. and on'.one oécasion, had-her’ record ;yher speech on his: tape recorder... “GROMAKOVA was pregnant: an ‘unmarried. at- the ‘time.-: In another: context, " NOSENKO named. ‘GROMAKOVA | ‘as a KGB agent durin “erste ‘the: 195321955 period. a QU RIcHARDS}identifiea one wieledyar't (chee diminutive of: Vladimir). as’ his principal _.. “driver... About: 62. years. old in 1954, Volodya's : father was, a rich. jeweler in Moscow atthe time’ a Of the Revolution. Volodya himself. was well- educated and, on-one occasion while picnicking. . outside Moscow, ‘he spoke.intelligently with - yeh gy Bey 001359. a Be 1s No.. 97124 ‘Top Secret. ======== PAGE 98 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - ca. 1953-dune 1955) Comment: (Continued) ab [RICHARDS] about the Revolution, propaganda, and news media. NOSENKO did not know of Volodya . who, as RICHARDSY, driver, was NOSENKO's agent by HOSENKO's own account. ob (FELCHLIN | . , of NOSENKO correctly identified \Howard L. FELCHLIN;as a . (Lieutenant colonel] who served as|Assistant Army Attac | in foscow. By far the most aggressive of his targets and hence the. object of special interest, NOSENKO said PELCHLIN] served0f in the Soviet Union during 1954 and part of 1955, until being declared persona non grata. NOSENKO did not recall |. she. names. of, any agents Specifically targetted against — of [FELCHLIN although he thought FELCHLIN] must have had a maid oy “who would have been a KGB agent. Additionally, NOSENKO _ & said, the Resistant Army Attaches shared a pool of cars and - . drivers, an “these were his agents. Unable to recall the (¥ precise date of FELCHLIN’s expulsion, NOSENKO related it to “some event regarding ‘Soviets stationed in the United States ‘for which the Soviet Government decided to reply in kind. ; ‘NOSENKO' was imprecise as to the pretext used to expel . 8 [FELCHLTN but said the action was based on information which _~» - fad been accumulated. from a number of sources and incidents. For example, \FELCHLIN] had been caught taking some photo~ “-- graphs arid a report. had been written; along with other (Ksimilax indications of |EELCHLI 's activities and reports of- Gagents: in contact with \/FELCHLIN the report was filed away i : for possible future use. NOSENKO was questioned further on Eee orice the February 1965 interrogations. | He said hen that {FELCHLIN jalone had been declared persona non grata, on and: that.nod other attaches had been involved. NOSENKO - --explained his having. but few details concerning this action ‘by the fact that. it took place after NOSENKO had transferred from the American Department to the Seventh Department in. June 1955. NOSENKO knew nothing of [FELCHLINY s background. igl64 6001 267 90 1360 : TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 99 ======== 1400008 * ~. Top Secret e (AMERICAN EMBASSY. SECTION - ca. 1953-June 1955) : Comment: [FELCHLIN] visitea the USSR as a merchant. seaman "rand a diplomatic courier before arriving in. duly 1953 as ‘an|Assistant—army-attache] jie . Served in the la ter .capacity for. one“year, ‘until duly 1954,.when he. was expelled: He ‘had . previously: served in. Austria and West Germany | _. and” had been in official. contact with -known -GRU officers at both posts, as well as in.the United States. During his entire tour in: , Moscow: he was the object of intense KGB © veillance.. =: - . oo ws Shortly after his arrival in eptember 1953.0" “CEELCHLIN|: with 1_fellow{Assistant Army Attachel OF O$ Martin. J... MANHOFF\ and “two {j e_Attaches}, oy _ took a train trip to Siberfa, the first trip. ~°. permitted. such Americans’ in Many years. Six. “Months later, on 25 ‘March 1954, the Soviet Okalleging that |FELCHLIN-ana his companions had "; lost. some "spy“documehts" on the train.”: On. : ; --another occasion, while travellin With avon oo ‘British Military Attache (PELCHLIN returned, toO¥ ind a scantily clad. ~ his train compartment to f Sdviet female. in his berth. NOSENKO ‘rec In June. 1954, while.in the’ company of “Army Attache,—FELCHLIN|was arrested in Kiey’:. bya Soviet . Army: of ficér for photographing a had heard it’ and that-he thought[ YEAGER] was. 04 the Air Attachél). A large crowd gathered and, ©. -after “some sogthing, [PRLCHE IN) anal ¥ aken ‘to a Militia station where..they wére = ordered to sign’ a confession... ‘They were held. eleven‘hours.,..and their arrest caused the: ; - American Ambassador to deliver a ‘strong protest . Le note 0 (FELCHLIN| was’ told on 3 July 1954 to 1 @ Soviet. Union within 48 hours.’ - \.” ter A. M KINNEY}, the [American ALT}Og we ne aie 91 ee - G004 364 ; —TS.No. 197124 Kalleging that tere eng eetiele falsely we lieutenant Colonél_ Fig. YEAGER,_an assistant), OFU6 ilitary target. ° (NOSENKO has.never mentioned: © ; ObEREAGER's: naney when ‘tola the name and “asked. 0 “oO or an identification, NOSENKO said that he 0” . Top Secret Copy 10 ht. YEAGER| were (4 06. as 4 | ======== PAGE 100 ======== 14-0000 _ Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - ca. 1953-June 1955) Comment: (Continued) Attache and one of (FELCHLIN s travelling companions at the time the “spy notes" were allegedly lost, was declared persona non grata at the same time. Ambassador Bohlen success— .fully insisted, against initial Soviet refusal, that his personal plane be allowed into the USSR to fly]FELCELIN and (McKINNEY lout. In O6 O06 February 19 NOSEN. was asked t8 describe ' the unusual circumstances under ‘which [FELCELIN] 06 left. NOSENKO said he could not, inasmuch, as he was no longer in the American Department at the time. Told that the expulsion took place in 1954, NOSENKO said this was not the correct date. 0 Queried concerning SHNYRYEV, |RICHARDS| and Ch [FELCHLIN] immediately recognized His photograph and name as one of the chauffeurs assigned to the office of the Army Attache at the Moscow Embassy; [RICHARDS|was taken on his first trip oF. outside Méscow by SHNYRYEV. He remarked that the Attaches referred to SHNYRYEV as either “Nikolay Perviy" (Nicholas the First) or “Nikolay Vtoroy" (Nicholas the Second) to distinguish him from another chauffeur with , the same name. [FELCHLIN|said that SHNYRYEV 06 drove primarily For the Army Attache himself, but sometimes drove for the Assistant’ Army . Attaches, and he remembered that SHNYRYEV was not well, suffered from war wounds, and had continuing chest or lung trouble. Asked whether SHNYRYEV had any medical problem, NOSENKO said he was not_aware of any. . (& [FELCHLIN|said his maid Dora FEDQROVA was in Ner 50's. When she spoke with FELCHLIN | 06 about a job, she asked for about 120 rubles a month, which seemed excessive, so[FELCHEIN) (06 offered 80. . FEDOROVA refused and left. ‘Two days later she returned and accepted. She spoke little English. Other maids came. to the back door of [FELCHLIN’s apartment to "chat" withO6 her, and suspécting that they were reporting to FEDOROVA, [FELCHLIN] teased her about it. . 92 6001362 TS No. 197124 Top Secret ‘opy —__— Po copy | [BIR ======== PAGE 101 ======== Yep Secret =. , “(american ENBASSY SECTION - “cae 1953- -gune #955) Comment: (Continued) ' ; , : 'FEDOROVA's' previous ‘employer - at: the, Embassy” «gave. her full name. to: columnist Drew Pearson | with ‘a statement that she was one of the chief.. ‘spies and the local "boss" of the Embassy net- .work., Pearson printed the allegation. In the ‘Summer of 1953 or 1954, accordina to[FELCHEIN], 04 the maid approached [FELCHLIN}-wi th the articlé, oy «waved it in his face, and accused him of being _i, Pearson's source. © NOSENKO did not recognize ~.FEDOROVA'S name and’ did not recall’ nearing er. a reading | of this incident. Passo] 0 oe OX NOsENKO. contectay identified his target fionn Ss. “BENSON: as a miajor| and {Assistant Army Attache} in Moscow. . He did not O : recall the_names of any agénts. working y_against|BENSON| but 0 “0 said that(BENSON|was. with(MULE|and{STROUD |(see below)(in-(% 66 ‘ or (Stalingrad 3 in 195 5\when all three wére caught by the KGB. 7 STS} with “el “electronic " "spying" devices. They were declared ~~ _ persona-non grata. The KGB: had no other derogatory infor-: mation on {BENSON £ “from, any ‘other. source, oe “{Ganowi ~ Db _OQK__ NOSENKO: crectly identifica Iiam R. STROUDpas*a —---.-. -(eaetainjana an{Assistant~ Army—Attac 08 The only: agénts | '. working against him were the Army Atfache drivers. - From. . “concealed ‘microphones, the KGB learned before/STROUD} sé “ : “s arrival in Moscow that” he was an.expért in.the use 6f Neeaeatee spying apparatus; He was «eh bsonf ana TROD 06,0 06. )ar | Stalingrad); vand was declared persona :non’ grata.along wi them. (sée— (see below)... Other. than this, NOSENKO > said, the KGB " knew nothing. unusual or interesting avout [Smaova| from any _ a source. : oe 6904363 . ogTS No. 197124. Copy - 10 ======== PAGE 102 ======== 14-0000 Tep Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - ca. 1953~June 1955) 06 0G Comment : [stRoup with[BENSON |and[MULE} was the victim ~ Of the Soviets' seizure of technical equip- ment in {Stalingrad ]and was declared persona /() non grat@ on{7 May 1955} On 31 January 1955 0% he travelled to Kharkov from Moscow with First Secretary [Frank SISCOn]to interview an AmericanO& . defector living there. According to NOSENKO, _ OLStscof]was suspected by the KGB of being a CIA officer. The visit of/éx-FBI agent SISCOB| and (1 06 a military officer to an American defector is / judged to be an event in which the KGB would have. taken interest and one which the Attache's KGB case officer would find memorable. [none 06 / Ob NOSENKO correctly identified ("alter MULE]as an [Assistant. Army Attache| and as such Said that he was the case officer responsible f6r him. NOSENKO described an operational 66 approach to| MULE, in which he himself participated: In 1953 or 1954 there had’ been several defection approaches to Soviets in the United States with the promise of money and anew life. After the KGB_Second Chief Directorate decided 1 to try the same measures, {MULE| was selected .06 He was only a - 0€ feaptain) despite his lengthy service in the Army and infor- Mation from concealed microphones indicated that he was often ' disparaged by the other Attaches. When (MULE) received letters from home, he threw them in the trash, and the maids turned these over to the KGB. From this mail it was understood ; OU that MULE! did not have a house.in the United States but live ith_his family in a trailer. The father of two Oechildren, [MULE] haa sent his wife from Moscow to Germany for an abortion, as a third child would have imposed too great an economic burden. On the basis of all this the KGB appointed N.M. BORODIN, a recruiter of the American Depart- ment, to attempt to defect [HOLE Ob Together with BORODIN, KOVSHUK, and L.A. LEBEDEV rom the Second Chief Directorate's special technical section), NOSENKO travelled to Leningrad for the operation. LEBEDEV installed a clock containing a concealed camera as well as microphones in {MULE} s hotel room, 06 94 6001364 , TS No. 197124 Top Secret p : Copy aise | a EE a tee ======== PAGE 103 ======== Top Secret att (MERE CAN GREET ‘SECTION ~ ca. + 1953-June 1955)" and BORODIN entered: ‘the room: to ‘await fHOEE}S\return. When poate ‘started “to enter ‘the room, he caught Sight of BORODIN . oe and. ried‘ to ‘back! out, but NOSENKO and KOVSHUK ‘closed ‘the © door.from the hall and prevented his escape. - BORODIN Obreviewsa for [MUL 18) the facts..the KGB.had accumulated about ‘his -lack..of, Suecéss in the.. -AYmY ; | the: disdain of his fellow. os Attaches ;° and his ‘shortage of money and then offered hima. “job as a. "consultant". BORODIN had either $5,000 or $10,000°.in an envelope to. encourage [MULE} to accept. Accordina(5 “to: NOSENKO, Rote] refused outright, felling BORODIN to get Comment : + GioLE} reported this incident. He said that. he “was: locked in his hotel room and subjected to. _a recruitment attempt by an MVD agent calling’ himself Jack SIEGAL, who offered him $10,000. .£or “work"-on a_long-range basis. SIEGAL - a emphasized that (MULE would not be. required .to 06 procure documents from the Embassy, and gbacesraing to] [MOLE)S SIEGAL: was aware of facts concerning iu "s. personal life that could — - have been’ obtained only from listening devices | 06 in{MoLe" S.apartment or.office. SIEGAL_left after about 20 minutes; having soyneg pete: to report the incident. C(MULEWidentified ~ SIEGAL/BORODIN - by photograph, but was, unable identify NOSENKO.” : KGB lack of, interest: in- ‘reeruitments, which - NOSENKO elsewhere cited to explain-his ignorance . ~of the personal -backgrounds. of his Army Attache targets, is belied | by. sre [ MOLE) saee- 06. ‘ys . ae gh Soke ee i So ana) $i UD \Expulsion from from. the: Soviet Union: ~ after ‘NOSENKO ‘had. _been transferred _ to the Seventh ~ go. : ‘Department. in 1955,{BENSON,~ MULE) and [s STROUD|were the targets). 4 “ of.a KGB operation which, resultéa in all three men being : OG , ..declared persona non grat » NOSENKO gave the following account -of this.incident: For some time.the Second Chief Directorate had been trying: to acquire a small, convenient piece of : eo, 8 TS -No. 197124 Top Secret _ 7 Copy — _ ree ======== PAGE 104 ======== 14-00000+ > ob [s: Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~ ca. 1953-~June 1955) electronic equipment which American Intelligence officers were known to be using during their travels inside the Soviet Union. As early as the beginning of 1954, the American Department had been given authorization from the Central Committeeé.of the Communist Party to steal this. equipment from the Americans, provided that the success of such an operation was assured. Before his transfer to the Seventh Department in 1955, NOSENKO himself had helped to develop plans for the operation and had even arranged an abortive attempt to seize the equipment from an Attache at» 4 railroad station outside Moscow. tite [RenisoH (MULE) ana 06 O06 STROUD were on one of their trips (after NOSENKO's transfer) ! it was learned that they had the equipment with them, and the KGB decided_to take it from them in (Stalingrad}./) The hotel rooms of BENSON} STROUD) nd MULE were watched constantly from a visual observation post? an it Was noted that they never ate in the hotel restaurant but always in their rooms. It was also noted that the apparatus was placed under a pillow before they began to eat. “Shile they were seated at the table having dinner, therefore, the KGB officers suddenly entered the room and seized the equipment. In order to . partially cover the illegality of_this act, it was decided Y asone to make a show of, expelling BENSON (MOLE\ and (STROUD) from the U6 Soviet Union, and this was done by havingthe Foreign Ministry declaring each persona non grata. o 0 Comment: The equipment. was seized from Genson} [MULE] and 6 [STROUD on 5 May 1955, and the three were déclared ersona non grata on 7 May, a month before NOSENKO claimed to have transferred to the _ Seventh Department. “hen the 7 May date was given to NOSENKO during the February 1965 interrogations, he replied that the operation was handled at a higher level, that he did not directly participate in it, but that he had been involved in the earlier planning to seize the equipment. It was pointed out to him that he had always said he was in the Seventh Department at the time of this operation, and that he had consistently said that he transferred .from the American to the Seventh Department in June 1955. WOSENKO offered no comment. 6001366 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 105 ======== Top Secret “(AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - ca. 1953-June 1955) (Ghiomesa} te : : NOSENKO- said’ ‘that in 1954 and 1955 there. was a “~. civilian administrative officer.in the Embassy by the name of (ames CARDELLA-(); The-KGB had_no interesting or unusual information cc concerning re Shout nan-bL any SOUrCE ¢- and NOSENKO could say. nothing more out nim. O06 ; : . . As a member of ‘the’ “Army” ‘Attache's staff, . : = % ‘CARDELLA’.also would have been NOSENKO's target. (Chief Warrant Officer CARDELLA) served ° in Moscow. _from September 1953 until June 1955. “In 1964 +; a, microphone -was. discovered. in the Embassy office Sars occupied. The microphone- was: elieve to a been “emplaced in | 1952. “See . (HOSENKO incorrectly dentitied George VAN LAETHEM Las. . av[Assistant Ain Air Attaché|at the Embassy against whom an ., operation. was attempted in.1953 or 1954. He said that during this. period. a Russian actress, Alla LARIONOVA, was ‘placed on. a.train: going. from Berlin to Moscow with the _ Mission. of Striking up an acquaintance with [VAN Ti LABTHEM].06 which. could be followed up in Moscow.:.She sticceeded in: ‘meeting - -him: and’ gave him her address and telephone number. Although she was certain’ that ‘she’ would hear from.him, he . never did: call‘her in Moscow. .NOSENKO said that he had. / heard ‘about. this from P.F.: PANKRATOV, the case officer - handling LARIONOVA.: le added that, CHURANOV was the case -officer. responsible for (VAN™ LAETHEM|: along with other 06 members of . the’ (Aix Attache)’ S-office at-that time.- NOSENKO OY knew of no other. KGB interest in or activity. concerning: soreness “97, CUCL3E7 © SC TS No. 197124, Top Secret: — Copy _10 ======== PAGE 106 ======== A Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - ca. 1953-June 1955) a Comment: | VAN Bois Meas not an |Assistant Air Attacng 0§ but an\AssiStant Army Attach serving in Hoscow from vlarcn 1951 to Ma¥chn 1953. When eb VAN LAETHE:D completed nis two-year tour in Moscow in Marca 1953 (when NOSENKO said ne entered tne KGB), ne was succeeded py [Nalter O6 HULE, for whom NOSENKO has claimed resdonsi- bility. The fact that he was [Assistant Arny 0& Attacué] and (ULE! predecessor siould be known to the responsible KGB case officer, in tnis case, NOSENKO. As [cryptographic security 6¥ officer] and officer~in cnarge of the Embassy {Kp [gode room, VAN LAETHET|had supervisory respon- sibility for the milifary code clerks and mecuanics, including Dayle SiilITH, and ne was on fairly close personal terms with Sergeant | Roy RHODES until|VAN LAETHEM?s departure from06 Moscow in March 1953. [Van LAETHEL}'s duties (6 also included responsibility for Sensitive electronic activities in the Embassy. VAN LAETHEi was again in Moscow from 19 iMarcn to 19 May 1955, wien NOSENKO claims to have been. the KGB case officer for Army Attaches. Altnough this visit was only a temporary as- signment, it was represented to the Soviets aS a permanent assignment. of an Assistant Army Attacne (and thus, presumably NOSENKO's tar- get) because of the sensitive nature of his duties. He was project officer for the entire signals collection program at the Embassy, and ne went to Moscow to review the program including the planned use of the new electronic equipnent waich was seized from {BENSON, iMULE 96,06 and [STROUD in Stalingrad) in (may 1955] (whilef \ 06 jvan LAETHEM) was still if Moscow). WAN LAETHEHM) 06 stated tnat no meeting such as the one WOSENK described with LARIONOVA ever occurred. G90 368 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ws ======== PAGE 107 ======== 14-0000 ¥ ae Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - ca. 1953-June 1955) Additional Reporting Knowledge of another KGB operation involving Americans was said by NOSENKO to stem from his 1953-1955 service in the American Embassy Section, against CIA officer and Embassy Security Officer Edward Ellis SMITH (see p. 37). NOSENKO claimed to have personally participated in the operations against E.E. SMITH in 1954-1955.° The incidents which NOSENKO described, however, occurred in June 1956, by which time NOSENKO, by his own account, had been out of the American Embassy Section for a year and when he was involved in the Seventh Department recruitment of [Richara (6 BURGI} His involvement in the [BURGI| case has been confirmed. , NOSENKO has also described the KGB recruitment of military cipher machine mechanic "ANDREY" (Dayle SMITH, see p. 33), whose true name he claimed not to have known. He dated the xecruitment as occurring "in 1949-1950" and "before he joined the KGB", although he said that he knew of the : existence of the agent during his first tour in the Embassy Section in 1953-1955. However, NOSENKO also related that “ANDREY" was recruited while Roy RHODES was in Moscow, that RHODES "had spotted 'ANDREY'". "ANDREY" and RHODES ®ver- lapped in Moscow from April 1952 to July 1953. "ANDREY" fixes his own recruitment. as occurring in December 1953, and until his departure in April 1954 he was responsible for the entire Embassy code room. In that capacity "“ANDREY" was a direct subordinate of the Army Attache cryptographic security officer, NOSENKO's target /Army Captain Walter MULEL 6 | If NOSENKO served in the ‘Embassy SeCtion during 1953-1955 as he claimed, it is difficult to perceive how he could have remained unaware of “ANDREY's" identity. American Embassy Section - ca. 1953-June 1955: Summary and Conclusion : According to NOSENKO, immediately upon entering on duty with the KGB he was assigned without training to what he describes as the most sensitive and important section of the Second Chief Directorate. There, after first handling agents covering American correspondents resident in Moscow, TS AE 4369, Top Secret Copy __10_ BR 99 ======== PAGE 108 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~ ca. 1953-dune 1955) he was made the case officer solely responsible for opera- tions against the commissioned officers of the Embassy's . Army Attache office, until his transfer to the Seventh jl Department. Alleging complete knowledge of all service attache operations, NOSENKO flatly asserts that there were ; no KGB recruitments of American military personnel during ‘ the period of his assignment to the Embassy Section. Pertinent to the consideration of .NOSENKO's statements . is his reluctance to discuss the 1953-1955 period, and his ‘inconsistent accounts of the dating and circumstances of his entry into the Embassy Section, of his assumption of responsibility as sole case officer for Army Attache tar- | gets, and of his transfer to the Seventh Department. ..Al-" though NOSENKO could plausibly claim failing memory to ex- plain some areas of ignorance, he does not do so. Instead, | he is positive and insistent that his statements about his targets are a factual and complete account of what was then known to the KGB. His assertion that the KGB was not in- | ‘terested in his targets' vulnerability to recruitment is belied by his own statements as well as by the [MULE) case , 06 as he himself related it. He is uninformed about both At- tache personnel and agent-informants who, by his own ac- count, were his targets and his agents. - : Conclusion NOSENKO did not serve in the American Embassy Section throughout the March 1953-gune 1955 period as he claimed. Specifically, he neither entered the Section in March 1953 nor transferred from the Section in June 1955. In whatever period he may have served, he was not the sole case officer responsible for commissioned officers in the office of the Army Attache. Unaware of many aspects of KGB activities involving Army personnel and by his own account not involved with either Air or Naval Attache personnel or diplomats, NOSENKO has no valid claim to certainty that the KGB re- cruited no American Embassy personnel during this period. 100 - 6001379 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy _______ | R@ ======== PAGE 109 ======== Top Secret CHAPTER “VE january 1960)" acond Chief Directorate ping 1 55-1965, in which he was. “involvéd. vith Seventh Department operations against ?merican and British tourists,- coin- cides v 2G of a substantial oo " Pmerican: and (Ari Intelligence program |\_ ‘aimed at exploi ourists visiting the” ’ Soviet. Union. sginning in 1956, the growth “OF tourism wh 1 followed the post-Stalin~ “thaiv inti “had arowh to the point: “where. it: could } usefully exploited by CIA.” ve nitially, returning American tourists. were _debriefed''on their experiences in: the Soviet | Union ané particularly with reaard to their. “acquaintances there with Soviet citizens who- might Je susceptible to eventual recruitment... — - - Gradually ,- leads were developed to Americans - - planning to visit the® USSR, and from among : (these, agents were selected, trained in: ‘Clandestine operational techniques, briefed...) ~~ . #elligence requirements, and instructed . how to identify and develop potential agents | _from among their Soviet contacts.” The “American agents. performed a variety of clan *:- -‘destine tasks including passive assessment | . of Soviet candidates: for recruitment, propa~*. : ganda “activities,. and infiltrating equipment, | ia - loading Geaddrops; or mailing letters bearin . “sé@ctret writing, all ‘des tined for CIA agents: —a “in the. Soviet U ; ! rz1e © ‘program.reached its: height ; in 1959, by ‘the. end of which over:one hundred and" fifty agents ‘under ‘tourist cover from CIA salone, ad. performed. ‘missions in the USSR; by Comment: oO 202 a “coe 374 2 a 75 No. 197124 ‘Top Secret = Copy ======== PAGE 110 ======== 14-0000 | Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT. ~ June 1955-January 1960) Comment: (Continued) : ' then a substantial number of similar missions had also been launched by American military intelligence organizations and by the [British}|| and allied services. It is a matter of fact, not of conjecture, . that as early as 1957 a large number of these tga ; agents were coming to the attention of the KGB within the Soviet Union. Few were arrested, Instead, all were surveilled, and some pro- voked or entrapped, as the Second Chief Directorate and its provincial KGB counter~ | intelligence elements sought to identify the » Soviet citizens with whom the American agents were in contact, as well as the agents' specific clandestine tasks. By the summer of 1959 the KGB had obtained from its British agent, George BLAKF, complete details of_the objectives and methods of CIA and{B British .j Intelligence tourist programs, together with a number of case examples. : It is within this context that one must examine NOSENKO's claims to KGB service in ‘and consequent knowledge of Second Chief Directorate counterintelligence operations against American and British tourists in. 1955- 1960.. yep NOSENKO claimed he served with the Seventh Department from June 1955 until January 1960. According to him, the Seventh Department exercised counterintelligence functions involving foreigners then visiting the Soviet Union, including businessmen, seamen, foreign delegations and some: ists, as well as the hotels and restaurants utilized by visitors. He said that by 1958, however,. the number reign tourists visiting the Soviet Union had grown appreciably, and in June 1958 the Seventh Department Tourist Section was split, and two new sections were created. NOSENKO explained that one of the new sections became 102 00 39 S13 TS No. 197124 Top Secret _ p Copy 9 '8R ======== PAGE 111 ======== ‘Top Secret o sl : (SEVENTH DMPARTMAN? .~ June 1955~January 1960) bl 2 EO) x elligence Operations conducted . against American and British Commonwealth nationals,. the other ‘section was charged with all other nationalities, It is convenient to divide the. 6x Claims -to service in tt amination of NOSENKO's - | periods. The first of Me oeventh Department into two - ‘these. covers the years from June beginning’ of 1960... "| NOSENKO ‘described ‘his’ personal and direct participation . in Seventh Department operations during this four and ‘one- vhalf years as including: ~ ao. . oe, Coy sRecruiting and handling ‘Soviet citizen agents and - -targétting them. against American tourists. NOSENKO's © “agentura varied in number from eight to-fourteen agents, . - + Most. of whom were employees: of Inturist. Sloe. 7 weet jclgunting operations against fifteen foreigners, coe “principally Americans,.in the Soviet Union... mo . \4Recruiting a pair of. wo ) SRecruiting and handling Arsene PRIPPEL\: the [American Of ‘Express Company | representative in Moscow. (NOSENKO“écnt inued--~ a Ob to meet [FRIPPET}even after Moscow to New “York. Q the. Seventh Department. )' ae - Brom personal involvement or “that he learned of all the impo against American tourists durin -"! Department service, otherwise NOSEUKO ‘claimed — rtant operations conducted’ g this period of his Seventh. Ton Gece TSNO. 197124 Top Secret = copy 10. (lee | ======== PAGE 112 ======== 14-0000 oo . Top Secret . (SEVENTE DEPARTMENT - June 1955-January 1960) NOSENKO's Soviet Agents - ; The Seventh Department Tourist Section, just established when NOSENKO was transferred to it in mid-1955, had no agent ‘ network for operations against American and British tourists. Consequently, HOSENKO said, he and the other case officers . : had to "start from the beginning". ‘ As a first step NOSENKO was introduced by a fellow oe officer to a number of “trusted persons" in Inturist. These were not agents, he explained, but "just persons a KGB man could approach with questions about somebody or something". NOSLNKO collected information on these and others with the aim of formalizing their recruitments. By the end of 1955, he estimated, he had a network of about eight agents, all of them Inturist interpreters. During the following four . j years, the number of agents whom NOSENKO handled varied. : | Agents would be transferred from one case officer to another, some would leave Inturist, and "things were sort of changing . all the time, back and forth". In 1956, NOSENKO said, he had about ten agents, in 1957 there were about twelve, in ae 1958 about eight, and at the end of 1959 (when he was preparing to return to the American Department) he had . approximately twelve. The substance of NOSFNKO's descrip- tion of his agents is as follows: Larissa SOBOROVA - - | one of the first agents recruited in 1955 by NOSENKO within Inturist. She reported to him‘on all foreigners with whom she worked as an interpreter. She worked with_NOSENKO when . he served as a guide for British subjects [BIRSE] and| LANE inQh ol | the summer of 1957. During 1957-1959 she Was involved and possibly sexually intimate with American|travel writer OF U6 Horace SUTTON), SOBOROVA was NOSENKO's agént until 1959, ~/ when she married and “retired". : An Inturist English-language interpreter, SOBOROVA was 9001374 104 oo TS No. 197124 To Secret Copy _____ p Py aieh | 1 , ++eveemmecesecin ss EES ST SS 0 TET TT ======== PAGE 113 ======== tikolay R6GOv ROGOV Top Secret © °_ (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - June 1955-January 1960) Comment: SOBOROVA was’.an, Inturist guide’for a number " .. ‘9f American tourists, including CIA agents, ; _.. between (1957 and 1959. {SUTTON has identified 06. .-. her. In 1959 she was the head of all English- — : language interpreters, at’ Inturist headquarters » in “the: National Hotel,. ‘Moscov. : . . a a Viadinir MURONTSEV_ 7 MUROMTSEV, KGB ‘eryptonym “LEDEDEV" /was recruited by -HOSENKO from Inturist in, 1955. He was HOSENKO's agent.) -until called into the army in about. 1959, when. he was .sent to. a Soviet Air Force™ Academy in Central. Asia to serve .as an interpreter with Syrian students there. - During that -period his file was held by the KGB organization in Central © * Agia. then he’ returned, to Moscow he was re-employed by the - KGB Second Directorate. a . . . “ NOSENKO has said elsewhere that MUROMTSEV ‘had been a'Second Chief Directorate agent “since, oo 1958"; ; implying ‘that. someone else recruited’ .. him and that he thus could not have been. ““NOSENKO'S - agent in 1955. MUROMTSEV was. os, identified.in 1957 as .an Inturist guide by woe two (CIA sources. © , . ; “ROGOV, KGB ‘cryptonym “"OZERO", was. ‘recruited . in’ 19554. He fad been formerly a "confidential contact" of the KGB. He -~... worked -in the central, Inturist office which assigned inter- __preters to: ‘British and American citizens visiting ‘the ‘USSR. cles 105 Me _ ae TS No. 197124 Top Secret. ======== PAGE 114 ======== 14-0000 a 4 - Yop Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~ June’ 1955-dJanuary 1960) Comment: CIA records refer only to one Alexander ROGOV who in 1960 was a senior official at the main Inturist office in the Hotel National in Moscow. ‘ Nataliya SHULGINA i SHULGINA was an Inturist interpreter recruited by NOSENKO canes in 1955. NOSENKO knew that double agent Boris BELITSKIY | {see p.282] “reported to the KGB that CIA had warned BELITSKIY against SHULGINA". ; . : Comment: KGB-controlled CIA.source BELITSKIY reported to CIA that SHULGINA was a KGB agent: CIA did not warn him. SHULGINA was for two years the secretary-interpreter of NBC correspondent Irving R. LEVINE after his arrival in Moscow in July 1955. She served as a guide for an American musical troupe's visit in the USSR in 1956 and in 1956 and 1957 she served as a guide for American tourists in Moscow. According to BELITSKIY, she.was involved in the sexual , ‘entrapment and KGS recruitment of [British MP Ob Tom DRIBERG NOSENKO's apparent ignorance of SHULGINA's involvement with_LEVINE and other . Americans, as well as with (DRIBER , and of herb foreign travel, belies his claim at she was his agent during the 1955-1958 period. Shown her photograph in 1964, NOSENKO failed to recognize it. ‘hen he was then given her name, he. identified her not as his former agent but just as a Second Chief Directorate agent once involved with BELITSKIY. t 1 goos7G 108. , TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy _—___ 7164 ======== PAGE 115 ======== , ‘Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT “~ June 1955-January 1960) . Tamara. KUNGAROVA oe KUNGAROVA ‘was van Inturist interpreter recruited by NOSENKO .in 1955... In 1957.or:.1959 she was involved in a: “KGB. sexual: ‘entrapment operation of an American ‘professor [John hn THOMPSON, but there.was no attempt to recruit him. ‘eween. 1957 or 1958 and 1960 she was targetted against American tourist 'and.suspect CIA agent [Philip NI! NIBLSEN) (3 (see p.420). KUNGAROVA [married NIELSEN] and ‘emigrated to %, 03 England, and: the KGB. was still interested in [NEELSEN) at 03 the time ‘NOSENKO™ lett the Seventh Department. Elsewhere NOSENKO ‘has. saia KUNGAROVA was an: agent’ who:came to the: Seventh~ Department from: the British Commonwealth. Department in 1957 - or early 1958.°-If true, he could not have ° recruited her or: have been. her case officer in’ the 1955- -1957. period...” ‘In describing the . '3(NIELSEN) case, NOSENKO indicated he. himself :was not. involved‘ and,. although. he commented on .- KUNGAROVA's role; he never mentioned that: she was’ or had been his agént.. KUNGAROVA was °° . interviewed by the FBI.-on. the basis. of. NOSENKO's information and she confirmed that she had. been. intimate: with, THOMPSON}. while serving as an° _ turist guide, as well.as with ‘other Americans. She denied, however, that: ‘she had .ever colla-~ borated. with ° the KGB _KUNGAROVA. died in, 1965... Aleksandr burTRIvev, KGB: -eryptonym "TOMO"; ‘when NOSENKO recruited him: in’ 1958, was a candidate member’ of the USSR Academy: of: Sciences and a specialist on Japan and Thailand. He spoke ‘Japanese and English and worked at the. Japanese Exhibition .in Moscow. :- He "was used against British and American” nationals". " DMITRIYEV was also. ‘used against. communications. oe an co 6064377 hte ; < TS No. ‘197124 Top Secret Copy - 10 _- ======== PAGE 116 ======== Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~- June 1955-January 1960) personnel at the Japanese Exhibit, but while he telephoned NOSENKO, he was meeting with another KGB case officer. DMITRIYEV accompanied a sports delegation to Norway anda Soviet circus to Japan. Comment: DMITRIYEV's travel to Norway and Japan in 1958 is confirmed. From NOSENKO's own statement he was aware of DMITRIYEV's activities, but he was not his case officer. (Fnu) IVANOV Once a recruited agent in the Baltic area, when IVANOV moved to Moscow the provincial KGB suggested he might be of some use in the capital. IVANOV was a lawyer employed by the Institute of Foreign Trade when NOSENKO became his case officer. IVANOV was later turned over to the British Commonwealth Department which "planted him in the British Trade Mission or something like that". ; ? Comment: CIA retords. contain no “reference identifiable : with IVANOV. Marina RYTOVA RYTOVA, KGB cryptonym “KRYMOVA", was turned over to NOSENKO by another Seventh Department case officer, I.A. -KONSTANTINOV, in 1956 or 1957. . She was educated at the Military Institute of Foreign Languages, where she studied military subjects as well as foreign languages. When NOSENKO became her case officer she was working as an _interpreter at the Russian Permanent Exhibit in Moscow. She continued this job until about 1960, when she became an instructor in the Greek language at the Institute of International Relations. She reported to NOSENKO information Cane 108 6004378 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy _____ ======== PAGE 117 ======== 14-0000 . (SEVENTH Paraemee - June 1955-January 1960) “which: ‘she ‘obtained | on, foreign delegates or “foreign tourists “who visited the Exhibit in ‘Moscow, and on foreign délegates ‘attending meetings at .the Ministry: of Agriculture, where she ‘served as.an interpreter in English and Greek. RYTOVA -. served several tiimes as an- ‘interpreter for Khrushchev ‘and '*- once participated in a conversation he-had with the: Iowa _.farmer [Roswell]. GARST. In‘1959-or 1960 she was sent as - an interpreter with asmall delegation visiting GARST's .farm.in the United States,, and was used by the KGB Legal . Residency. in: Washington to.report obsérvations made enroute. ~ and while there... RYTOVA was married to a captain or major ‘who works in a military office in Moscow. She had one danghter,. approximately 14 years old. Soa . le : RYTOVA: served as. an. interpreter for Roswell. GARST in’ the USSR in 1955, 1959 and 1963 ana '. she visited’.the U.S, in 1958 and 1962.. Her “biographic data’ is consistent. with the infor- : mation related: RY NOSENKO. oe : Yevgeniya (*dane) DANKO “DANKO; “KGB - cryptonym: “OKSANA", worked’ in “the erican 24 “Express Compahy)of fice’ in Moscow for fArsené_ FRIPPEL|UL. “ (NOSENKO 's. agent, see p.137)- and for darsene for JERIPPEE| Ss? O6 ° . successor, (Michael JELISAVCIG.(( NOSENKO - took DANKO over . “from Seventh Department..case officer I.A. KONSTANTINOV in 1955- 719576: She was” “used to report on n (JELISAVEIC) > DANKO: was ‘an Inturist guide in 1956, 1958 ana .,1959; ‘and she was working. for the’ American? (Express Company office in 1960 66] RIPPER|Ieft .— mo : ea Moscow in 19617 by: which time NOSENKO ha {| Tee Bee Sar " transferred from the ‘Seventh Department. ic U C43 3 7g. ce 7 109 ; eas _ . TS No. 197124 a Top Secret / oe Copy _10_ ae ======== PAGE 118 ======== 14-0000 . Top Secret | eS (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - June 1955-January 1960) Soviet Homosexual A ents eta Agents The KGB operations which NOSENKO described commonly © involved sexual entrapment, Many of the Operations in which he claimed a personal role involved the use of homo- Sexual agents, KGB agents whose homosexuality was exploited against susceptible male targets. ‘hile NOSENKO was never their official case officer, in specific recruitment— entrapment operations he worked with "LUCH", "NIKOLAYEV", "SIBEYAK", “KOSHIKIN" and "STROYEV" (Victor BELANOVSKIY, b used in the compromise of [Richard BURGI, VASSALL, and the Canadian Ambassador WATKINS). He provided virtually no personality information on them and usually could not recall their true names. Two such homosexuals, ‘however, VOLKOV and YEFREMOV, NOSENKO claimed were his own agents. NOSENKO claimed to have re~-recruited VOLKOV, a former agent (cryptonym “SHMELEV") and recruited YEFREMOV (cryptonym "GRIGORIY") and. to have been their sole case officer from the beginning of their KGB careers in 1957- become too well known. He said he met them frequently, and directed them in at least a dozen entrapment operations or other homosexual encounters, NOSENKO claimed he took them with him when he transferred to the American Department in 1960 and back again in early 1962 to the Seventh Department. : : ' YEFREMOV and vorKov Because he had been seen meeting a foreigner in a os public toilet in Moscow, NOSENKO said, the KGB concluded’ that A.I. VOLKOV- might be a homosexual and hence of some Operational value. To verify this possibility in 1957, a homosexual agent of the Moscow Criminal Investigations - Department - provoked VOLKOV into a compromising situation. Then VOLKOV, who had previously been a xcp agent but was at this time inactive, was summoned by the KGB and, after NOSENKO interrogated him, he admitted his homosexuality and agreed to NOSENKO's Proposal to. work for the KGB among 110 6001360 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy __ 68 nares ‘ a ======== PAGE 119 ======== . Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - June 1955-January 1960) homosexuals. VOLKOV helped NOSENKO the following year to recruit a homosexual acquaintance, Aleksey (patronymic not recalled) YEFREMOV. The two agents subsequently worked as a team against foreigners under NOSENKO's direction; in addition to specific targets, they had the general assign- ment of associating with foreign visitors in Moscow for the purpose of spotting possible homosexuals. NOSFNKO described on 12 June 1962 his use of these agents: "Although I am a chief of section there I have all sorts of agents. I have a good agent apparatus. I have beautiful girls, whom I can use as I like. I have homosexuals, in particu- lar, one special pair. JI am afraid they are known to both you and the British... I permitted this pair to work [without specific assignments] on their own. I give them money and tell them to go look around, but only Americans. Look for American pederasts. They call me at night: "Yuriy Ivanovich. There is a mister so-and~so here.' I say: 'Well, let him [do what he wants]. We'll-talk about it tomorrow.' So the next day they go’ to a special hotel room. We make photographs. Then we think about what he represents. Is he worth it? Then, as Chief, I recommend that he be recruited or not--depending:‘_ on his position, what he can give, what he can tell. If he can give something, I say: ‘Well, let's have a go [figrat].' After this, I speak to these boys: 'Well, go with him again. Do whatever is wanted.' All this is observed by the KGB. The [hotel] administrator enters. ‘What are you doing?' The administrator calls the Militia. An akt is drawn up. ‘Well, you are a foreigner. “This is not our business. . We don't know what to do.with you.' Then the Chief arrives and a conversation ensues: ‘Listen,- what shall we do? Pederasty is punishable by three to five years and now, on the basis of recent legislation, by up to eight. Understand, if your friends find out that you are a pederast-- and how can they help but find out'..." S01 3e4 111 . TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy _10 ======== PAGE 120 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - June 1955-January 1960) When NOSENKO moved from the Seventh Department to the Second Chief Directorate's American Department in January 1960, he took VOLKOV and YEFREMOV with him. They were never used against targets in the American Embassy but, NOSENKO said, the Seventh Department “used to call me on homosexual prospects". VOLKOV and YEFREMOV continued as active KGB agents until some time in 1960_or 1961. After they were employed once more lagainst[1j.B. goxunson} in UG January 1962]. it was decided that they were oo well known". NOSENKO claimed that the agents were retired and that he himself sent their files to KGB Archives in 1962 or 1963. NOSENKO's Soviet Agents: Summary NOSENKO claims to have been these agents' case officer for two to five years, during which he met each regularly, assigned them operational tasks, and received their reports. With the exception of YEFREMOV and VOLKOV, however, NOSENKO can cite few instances of their operational use, and he has but superficial knowledge of their personal backgrounds. It is unlikely that this is merely the result of failing recollection. He knows no more about the three whom he claimed he took with him to the Embassy Section, where he continued to be their case officer for two more years, than -he does about the others. In the two instances where his | agents were involved in KGB operational activity, NOSENKO |, ‘ is unaware of SHULGINA's work with LEVINE and|DRIBERG, andb was not involved when KUNGAROVA_was targetted against and married CIA agent Philip NIELSEN. NOSENKO's familiarity : | ith the nine agents he named appears to be that which would be acquired second-hand, not through personal contact as he claimed. : : With respect to YEFREMOV and VOLKOV, the evidence does not sustain NOSENKO's claim that he was their case officer in every operation from their recruitment in 1957 until their retirement in 1962-1963. He is unfamiliar with either “agent's background, He cannot say where either of them lived or, indeed, how he got in touch with them when he required their services. With the exception of the 7B. 06 JOHNSON |compromise in 1962 (see p.268), all of VOLKOV's and 6901382 112 . TS No. 197124 - Top Secret Copy —____ : Oe . Uke ======== PAGE 121 ======== Top Secret ca | ra ‘berks ‘< June 1955-January 1960). - ot YEFREMOV' s “known, “activities. with xespect to “Americans took _ place! in ‘the course of‘less, than twelve’ months in 1959- : .1960..: It-is-probable that - MOSEHKO' s: claim. that: he. was-’ their sole case.officer.during even. this relatively brief. period is’ also. false. In the period April -Hovenmber. 1959, “apparently. unknown to” HOSENKO;, - VOLKOV. and YEFREMOV were. -invelved with one Dutch and’ five American visitors‘ “(including ‘three’ CIAvagents) in the Soviet Union. Further, in other * ‘contexts HOSENKO has described their i volvement w ith » 063 Aniericans‘ BaRELN TN see ‘p.419)- ana SARLoul Vin ’1959, ote - of. which. .NOSENKO only .learnec. when_he retired VOLKOV's ana -YEFREMOV's file in 1962-1963. 4K KARLOV| was | a Swedish, not an American, citizen.].. oe OG ar ar Operational ‘Activities (1955-1958) | Tourist Section Case Officer. a Recording. to” HOSENKO, he was among. the first ‘case officers” Ste" arrive in. the Seventh Department ‘Tourist. Section when - it / was: being formed. .He ‘took part with: other officers in the acquisition of an’ agent. network from-.within Inturist,- sin’ ‘the - _ stablishment.of facilities. and. methods, and generally jetting: ‘things: going", _ After several months, he. _partici-— patec in, what he says was his first operation against. an American’ tourist.” This: was’ NOSENMO's béhind-the~scenes ~ ve (and, hence. unconfirmed) ‘and ‘unsuccessful attempt to compro- mise. American ctadene Martins MALIA} 06: NOSFNKO' S$ next case ©). oy the: first operation: in which his participation is confirmed). “took place.a year later, in’ June 1956, when he assisted in. the homosexual entrapment and recruitment: of [Professor. 06 CRichara BURG)... Sometime in 1957,.he said, he was ersonally — involved, inthe: attempted recruitment: of the| German}, businese-Ii Oe ENG and in the: sexual and blackmarket entra fient of: -SUNDARY &(Norwegianl! journalist. poth, SENRCKENGPand. [sunpag|( B06 “admitted.to having been the object. of KGB. recruitment « attempts, the former reluctantly ina private interview, ‘and the latter publicly: in the press. _ It has. been possible. to " question neither in-detail.] “NOSENKO's® ‘presence in the third "operation" in, ‘1957, is “confirmed: he accompanied the = tS No, 197124 , Top Secret Copy — = llge Pa ======== PAGE 122 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT — Junie 1955-January 1960) OY,bs ; British publisher Sir Allen LawE| and the latter's inter- (GBreter TRSE| on a tour of Soviet publishing houses. ; According tO NOSENKQ, it was for the purpose of observing ob parse} a suspected British intelligence agent}. ay Attempted Entrapment of HALA) (1955) . "0G 04 : NOSENKO's Information [Martin MALIA} a graduate student, spent about four months in the USSR in 1955 and was suspected by the KGB of having connections with American Intelligence. Toward the end 08, his stay, while under surveillance, |MALIA|was observed in 6. contact with a Soviet citizen believéd to be a homosexual. The Soviet was detained by the KGB, and NOSENKO eventually obtained a confession that he had had homosexual relations with/MALIA] NOSENKO arranged for the Soviet to introduce : 66'MaLTArto a KGB homosexual agent, and the latter enticed Qh [MALIA to a specially equipped hotel room in Moscow. NOSENKO 7 was On the scene (but not directly in touch with MALIA) - when(} the introductions were made in a Moscow restaurant, afd from an observation point in a neighboring hotel room he watched 06 the KGB agent and[MALIA in homosexual practices. (MALTA) O6 insisted on the lights being turned off, however, and it was impossible to obtain compromising photographs (the KGB did not yet have infrared photographic equipment) and therefore no recruitment approach was made to [MALIA.Db During this and a later trip to Moscow in 1961, [MALLE was “very cautious", Ob and the KGB never succeeded in é ploiting [MALIA‘S| homo- O% sexuality for a recruitment approach. ob a _ Comment: (maxzal, a U.S. Navy intelligence officer during World War II, visited the Soviet Union in 1955 and twice in 1962. While buying books for the Library of Congress and.several universities 0 in 1955,|MALTA\ travelled over 10,000 miles throughout thé USSR, an event sufficiently unusual at the time to be publicized in the Soviet press. On 1955 and 1962 trips he had contacts with dissident Soviet citizens and he smuggled to the West literature for publishing 6001384 41a : : TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —____ ISR ======== PAGE 123 ======== Top Secret °(SRVPNTH DEPARTMENT - June 1955-January 1960) (Continued) ° . ; ; abroad... In_ ‘Decenber 1963fEEA) was. the object of.an. ‘attack in’ the Soviet vress- which charged - “sthat. during 1962 -he had "spent his time “in ‘ ‘Mosocw looking. for’: dissension in the ranks Of: 6 (UnLEE was, then dn at’ drunken Cebauches" Comment MALIA\was then .in periodic contact with CIA; n the spring of 1963 he Genied having had any, involvement.with plackmarketeers , -homo-" exuals or females. inside the Soviet Union. obs pra not been interviewee in connec- - “tdon wi HOSE KO" s allegations. 06 Recruitment’ oft BURGI. 1956) ae At ‘the first, ‘meeting with CIA in Geneva in 1962, HOSENKO | . Re qe a brief ‘account of the recruitment of {Richard — BURG]; © ag . FA Rea ar een ee . “J. OE a homosexual provocation operation. which began in Moscow | and ‘culminated ° ‘with. an. approach. An’ Kiev. in, June. 1956. Te professor), The recruitment was effectéd on the basis This. recruitment) “which occurred close in “tifne’ “to: ‘the o eath of - HOSEKKO' Ss fatier,. was by HOSENKO's later accounts. a turning. point. in his personal” and professional: life. :.: ao ’ Prom: it, NOSENKO-said he acquired a sense of self-confidence «= sand responsibility’ and began to "grow" froma wastrel into. an. effective and successful KGB. officer. As a result of : “this operation, the first ‘successful recruitment. in’ the then : short, history. ‘of. the ‘Tourist. Section, -NOSENKO asserted he~ first came ,into personal . contact. with General GRIBANOV. . “According to/all accounts ‘he gave prior to- October 1966, “when | he retracted the claim, NOSEIIKO ‘received the first of.. : a series of KGB awards for. operational performance because “be the~ URGI)case-—a letter- of commendation. Within a month . Of. ‘this operation, HOSENKO, said, he was Promoted from the rank. of iieutenant to, captain. 7 ares : 90485 ‘is: ce oe | -TSNo. 197124, Top Secret Copy 10. me o : . . Abe? ======== PAGE 124 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret i fT { i (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - June 1955-January 1960) NOSENKO's Information NOSENKO stated that at the time of BURGI"s arrival in the USSR, his file contained a copy of his visa application (anketa), “maybe" an excerpt from a cable sent by the . Soviet Embassy in the United States saying that a visa had | been granted, a routine note from Inturist giving [BURGI!'s Ob anticipated date of arrival and his itinerary insi le the Soviet Union, and the results of file checks of the KGB main-Archives and of the First Chief Directorate Archives. ‘ NOSENKO himself ran the file checks, which proved to be negative; there was no information on record concerning {b [BURGT, and since no other names were mentioned in the Ob Raterial available [BURGI, no other checks were made. pb The KGB interest in |BU Gl\ derived exclusively from the fact §¥ that he was ja professor of Slavic studieS|and therefore had contact With students who might eventually work for the U.S. State Department, American Intelligence, and for other target organizations. NOSENKO did not recall who first suggested an attempt to recruit him. when [BURGI| arrived in the Soviet Union, he came in : contact with’ a number of KGB.agents, and their reports were placed in‘an informal file maintained by NOSENKO. NOSENKO could not recall how many such agents there may have been, ; their names, or what they might have reported concerning (4(BoRGI\ ((BURGI] had an Inturist interpreter but NOSENKO did : not Know whether he was a KGB agent.) From some source, : name forgotten by NOSENKO, the KGB obtained indications that _O5fBURGI\was a homosexual, and it was decided to try to obtain grounds for recruitment by homosexual compromise. NOSENKO therefore approached Yu. A. LOPUKHOV, an officer of the British Department who handled the homosexual agent Viktor BELANOVSKIY, and- asked permission to use BELANOVSKIY in setting up the compromise. After permission had been . received to mount an operation on this basis, LOPUKHOV and L NOSENKO met with BELANOVSKIY and instructed him to make e) {BURGI" s acquaintance in a hotel dining room. The compromise proceeded according to plan: BELANOVSKIY met [BURGI, theo fact of common homosexuality was recognized, and [(BURGI|was O6 invited to BELANOVSKIY's hotel room where homosexual acts took place and photographs were made. NOSENKO was in the adjoining room and directed the compromise, although he did not meet [BURGI} at this time. mas 6001366 #18 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —__ . 464 ======== PAGE 125 ======== Top Secret : . “GevRETE PEDAREE 7 Susie t9S5-Sanury +1960) ns As ‘the - result of NOSENKO' s ‘special request, the compromising . photographs, were "ready by the- “following day.. A. report of the . compromise- and a ‘request: for permission to. attempt. recruitment “were: then’ submitted ‘to NOSENKO's superiors. The request came | -.. back with the approving signatures of O.M..GRIBANOV and A.S*. “FEKLISOV,* the Chief of the American Department. of: the ‘First . Chief ‘Directorate, which had: expressed interest in Tee et aeth0 ~ inthe United States )j BURGI 'syitinerary called for him to fly from Moscow to Kiev a short*while: after: this episode and,.: — a having called the. Kiev KGB with instructions, NOSENKO and KOZLOV flew there..to prepare the operation. (Burer arrived the next 06 morning. and” was met- at the airport by (fnw KHODAKOVSKIY, an ~*~“ officer of the Second: Directorate in Kiev. who operated under . inturist .cover..;: wo moa : . . In ecovdance Wen +t the operational plan, the local: KGB. . officer. told “BURGT) enroute. to the city that all the hotels in Kiev. were full atthe ‘moment because of various conferences, . - but: :that ‘Inturist’ had arranged for him to stay for about a day ina ‘private apartment ‘in the center of. town; he would ‘be: . moved to.a hotel.as soon as possible. . When the’ car arrived. at the. ‘apartment : building in Kiev, NOSENKO,. KOZLOV,.V. Sein ” PETRENKO,’ a: local--KGB officer,. ‘and: (£nu). -RASTYKAITE, « a woman “housekeeper, were waiting for them..° NOSENKO could ROE “pf . remember .how.er whether he introduced himself ..to[BURGI}.” The recruitment: conversation, he ‘said, was handled by! “KO LOV= : NOSENKO" ; t NOSENKO | had forgotten by. 1965 who ‘said hate : emember what- I talked about ana I don! ‘remember - what KOZLOV. tabked about. “Many things::: were’ discussed. “It started: with how he liked. his. stayin the Soviet Union. ......Then we slowly pro-; ceeded. to’ say how unfortunate it was that informa- “tion: had beén''received about his ‘conduct: in Moscow ol We-told him-that his. homosexual activities were ‘known ; - ‘that. this.was punishable under Soviet law: -/ according: to’ ‘article so-and-so of ‘the ‘criminal code’: ~ ete.,sthat- he was. not a diplomat, had no diplomatic immunity, that he could be taken to ‘court according: * to the Soviet:.law... Well, -he was scared; confused, .., “Upset, and, felt uncomfortable. Then we slowly - : proceeded. to say that _ everything could’ be. smoothed . “tte aS No. 197124 Top Secret © = Copy 10 ======== PAGE 126 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret | (SCVENTH DEPARTMENT - June 1955-January 1960) out, and the basis was prepared for the man to say: , | ‘All right, I agree to help'... We showed him the — . ; 7 pictures. He was embarrassed of course--he was ; : naked; Then we prepared the basis: ‘You have a- ‘| noble task.. You teach; you have students; the students may become future specialists on Russia or may work as diplomats, etc., but many of these students can be used by intelligence. They may be sent somewhere with special tasks. Maybe you will tell us who among the students is preparing for government: service, how they are distributed, etc.'... . During the first conversation everything was made completely clear... He was not at all willing to . help or work for Soviet Intelligence. He was told | that he must understand that in this case "helping Soviet Intelligence' was a very broad term. I \ remember that I told him: ‘Understand, nobody is | going to ask you that you help our friends. over ; . there, or me, if I should be there, or that you do anything bad or conduct any kind of subversive ' activities, that you organize explosions or murder.' : . fter the Soviet Union, he was supposed to_go to | (esis) to visit the(Russicum) of the Watican], and oY 1) ‘ ere KOZLOV grabbed the subject and began to ask _! _ questions about this school. He told us a bit about O¥the (Russicum! and we asked him to write about it and he wrote down some names of the professors who” | ’ teach Russian. subjects..." According to NOSENKO, the discussion lasted about five 6. hours; at its end BURGI| signed a short statement that he O¢ agreed “to assist the organs of Soviet Intelligence". . : (NOSENKO first said that it was he who took this statement 6 from [BuRGy} but later he could not remember whether. it was he or KOZLOV.) BURGI| was then taken to a Retel. ’This was the £100 time NOSENKO met [BURGI], Following the recruitment, he moved into the same hotel, a floor above Ob{BuRGz, and for the remainder of|BURGI|'s stay in Kiev became (\f, his constant companion and guide. An attempt was made “to smooth out all the dirty business that had been brought up during the recruitment talk". NOSENKO took [BURGI| to an old OG 0001388 118 TS No. 197124 Top Secret — Copy ii58 ======== PAGE 127 ======== Top Secret | ; 7 Cer DEPARTMENT ~ June © 195s ganna 1960) . cathedral in “ Kiev;. with KOZLOV and PETRENKO they: visited a kolkhoz and the; writer ‘SHEVCHENKO's grave in nearby . Kaniv. -The subject. of -homosexuality was not raised.again. From. “Kiev, [BURGIbleft the Soviet Union without returning to .’ Moscow. “Before. the approach, NOSENKO. had visited the ‘ American Department of the First Chief Directorate and “had - arranged with its chief, ’/FEKLISOV, for a recontact sae in : New York City should|BURGI|-be recruited.’ |BURGI} was 06 ob » instructed how. to use a. recognition signal for a first. ee meeting. in the. New “York. Public. Library. About £ive: days: after returning to_Moscow, NOSENKO “turned ‘over ail his materials. on the [BURGI foperation to a6 .the First Chief Directorate. Somewhat later Sergey . GUSKOV; Chief of the American-Canadian-British , Tourist Section, 7 _KOZLOY, and NOSENKO. visited: American Department Chief FEKLISOV in: the: First. Chief. Directorate -and, expressed - an interest in further ‘developments. in the case. FEKLISOV told them that — /BURGI|: had been. observed ‘to arrive for the first meeting but he KGB refrained from establishing contact. The first.» “ ‘actual meeting in New York City took ‘place the. second or third 6 time [BURGI|*appeared, ‘and a.KGB officer, of the New York. Legal »Residency = ‘continued to meet with him until the revolution in ae .Hungary in.Iate [October] 1956,, when {BURGIP refused to colla- OG -. borate > ‘furthers. NOSENKO later heard from someone in the- . ‘American Department ,.. ‘First Chief Directorate that ‘the casé ‘was closed. . For their roles in this first- recruitment of . the.;Seventh Department ; NOSENKO said he and .KOZLOV. received -letters of commendation and bonuses of one month's’ pay by. order of SEROV,. Chairman of the KGB; PETRENKO was ‘given-a ~ ‘letter ‘of. commendation and half a Month's salary; and. even « RASTYKATTE, the . ‘housekeeper, ‘got a commendation. . : “In 1964 NOSENKO. ‘reported “for: the. first time. ‘that his - uperior, A.S. KOZLOV,, ‘Deputy . Chief of the Seventh. Depart— ent, had also taken part in this. operation, but. that, he, ). 7 " HOSENKO,. was the responsible..case-officer.. In August 1965, when asked who had recruited (BURGI}: NOSENKO replied :.O6 "KOZLOV: and. NOSENKO." Asked who recruited him first, . . “NOSENKO said: _"KOZLOV; naturally. . Me was the Deputy Chief of the. Department. « The collection of. the materials. [in ‘| .. preparation for the. approach]. owas" in ‘the ‘hands of Case — o Officer NOSENKO. “ : . : oe COLL 369 --119 : , : oe 7 TS:No. 197124 “. . - . Fop Secret me, 10 Le a on Pr ce tienen te aa ic enero ad ======== PAGE 128 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~ June 1955-January 1960) Comment: In a 22 November 1957 interview with the FBI,. QL {BuURGI) had recounted how he was compromised and recruited by the KGBwhile in the USSR in June 1956. His version substantially confirmed ‘ that.provided eight years later by NOSENKO. 06 (Burer asserted (contrary to NOSENKO's account) that the KGB officers knew a good deal more : about him than what might have been acquired 66 during [BURGI|'s visit to the USSR, including details of [BURGI)'s close relatives, his work og fo with the(Russicum| in (Romé], his earlier travel . to Brazil, his military service in Korea, and his acquaintance with Alexander KERENSKY. on 25 May 1964 (BURGI] positively identified SENKO (from a photograph) as being the junior of the two KGB officers who recruited him. The other KGB officer (KOZLOV) was ‘the controlling figure and was in command". h\G The BURGI| case is the earliest confirmed instancé of NOSENKO's participation in a KGB operation. .See ie for comment on the tb relevance of the BURGI]} case to the period of NOSENKO's claimed service. in the Seventh Department. . _NOSENKO's claim that]BURGI’s compromise and recruitment was based only on information “routinely acquired from [BURG]'s visa applica- 06 _ tion and from apparently chafice meetings with KGB agents on his arrival in Moscow, is contradicted by (BURGI's description of the 06 KGB's familiarity wi his personal life. NOSENKO carinot sustain_his claim of having personally traced| BURGI) through First Chief 06 {Foreign Intelligénce] Directorate files (the probable repository of information on [BuRGT] 06 which the KGB recruiting officers used). NOSENKO, as described elsewhere, is unfamiliar with the mechanics of KGB tracing procedures.. Ob According to[BURGI}'s statement and NOSENKO's own eventual admission, NOSENKO lied when he COG4 206 £389 120 - TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy PY Te 6 ======== PAGE 129 ======== Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - June 1955-January 1960) ‘ (Continued) : wo of Bo . first claimed to’ have: recruited purer}: ‘unaided. ‘NOSENKO has. subsequently retracted all claim regarding. the effect.of this. case on his. career: ..Contrary to his earlier assertions, “ hé-now says it won him. neither awards nor. : promotion. .— : . . Attempted Recruitment! - of (GeRRCKENS) (957) : NOSENKO' Ss. ‘Information ‘NOSENKO made 2" an. ur unsuccessful recruitment: ! approaich ins 1957 nO te Hamburg Shipping executivé Hans GEHRCKEN on. the basis. bof | sEHRCKENS §)©-commercial ventures in the ust Reo The. responsi-... ble case officer originally. Was A.I. VERENIKIN. of the Sixth — ‘Section.of the? Seventh . Department. this section was then ° esponsible: ‘for operations against foreign : ‘seamen ...Since: ERENIKIN spoke®no\German}. and: GEHECKENS] ‘was known to’ speak06 English,: NOSENKO was selécted.to make fhe apprgach— ‘because’ 5 the. “knew English a Tittle". “When asked why a [German an peaking KGB case officer was not used, NOSENK answered: * The’ higher-ups said ‘go’ work ‘on this case’; and. that was* ‘all. ..After being rebuffed by-{c¢ EHRCKENS|, NOSENKO. saw- Neem ‘several more: times during the 1957 visit to Moscow, but when. OSENKO attempted to. renew contact upon|GEHRCKI NS) return (4 o -the Soviet. Union in 7958." the’ latter refused © see him. o GEHRCKENS} vas interviewed by CIA ¢ on “19° guy” T965,. and; while generally uncooperative, described: a."mild approach" in Moscow during. ‘1956 -or 1957 which may.-be :the one. described bys -NOSENKO.' ° (He was not questioned on the’...”: . ; identities of the Soviets involved. 1 sccend OG “* continues to have extensive business contacts — - with: Soviet” commercial representatives paWest'|( _cGermany}.and was recently reported to have _ a ee ; , est a a o 1S No: 197124, Top Secret p4eg 5. Copy 12 ======== PAGE 130 ======== 14-00000 _ Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - June 1955-January 1960) Comment: (Continued) OY negotiated a sizable [shipping contract with the Soviet Union shortly after a“visit to the USSR. His principal contact at the Soviet Trade Mission in [Cologne] has been a GRU officer. / 0% Contact with LANE | and [BIRSE| (1957) NOSENKO's Information The British subject |Sir alles LANE] travelled in the summer of 1957 to the Soviet Union to visit various publishing houses and brought with him as an interpreter [Arthur BIRSE). (6 The latter was of Russian extraction, having Iéft Petrograd | (Leningrad) before the Revolution, and he served in| British 29 Intelligence} during the Second Yorld War. The case was , handled by another. section of the Seventh Department, but . O{ because of (BIRSEY s past, "some of our leaders decided that it would bé good if one of our workers could approach him, would get in on the case under the cover of the Ministry of feta Culture, who would take care of this person, who would help . him meet with all sorts of people representing our publishing pee] companies. The choice fell to me. I was chosen for this job." Taking along the KGB agent Larissa SOBOROVA as an interpreter and using the alias "NIKOLAYEV", NOSENKO (Oo accompanied BIRSE} and [LANE] in Moscow and Leningrad during . -The only. object was to watch/BIRSE 0) .their stay there. because he was suspected of having an intelligence mission, and no approach was made or contemplated. NOSENKO explained that the use of the NIKOLAYEV alias with[ BIRSE] and (LANE |made(i( it necessary for him to use the same namé when travelling - to Great. Britain in 1957 and in 1958. : Comment: il was interviewed subsequent to NOSENKO's’ eféction, and.he was able to identify NOSENKO's photograph as that of a "Russian official he met in Moscow _who was introduced to him as "NIKOLAYEV". | LANE] said that he could remember 06 TS No. 197124 6001392 122 . Top Secret Copy (arg 15/88 ======== PAGE 131 ======== , Top Secret ; . "(SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~ June 1955-January 1960) (Continued) : . -nething in particular, vabout NIKOLAVEV except Cw -that he appeared a "friendly, -helpful man who - had: opened up considerably towards the end of y visit ‘to.Moscow in July.1957". mrt * 'NOSENKO seems unaware of the probable basis . for KGB interest in|BIRSE 306 Born of [Se ottish OY yarents}in pre-revolutionary [Petrograd, .. BIRSE]/() 06 - served with the{British Military. Mission in a Moscow during World War IT and was interpreter - ars for {Churchill} pduring the latter' &:-meeting ~ °° | 06 with: (Stalin): He. was the (Official _interpreter0 § ' :for the Royal Commission. Ninvestigating the “yevetations. 6: Of KGB. officers Vladimir: PETROV’ oa and, his wife, who defected in 1954 in pose ‘“NOSENKO apparently does “not know that {BIRSE} Ob: returned.on similar trips to Moscow in 1958 ‘and 1959 (while NOSENKO was ‘still. in’ the ° ‘Tourist Séction) and. that -ih-the ‘latter year: . two KGB officers attempted to recruit him. (Bait ‘SUNDAR)\(1957) | Recruitment of “. NOSENKO's’ Information “In: 1957 Or’. is5e-alfiozvegian-jourmari Qe ener SuNDA im ‘visited: the Soviet Union @ and an attempt was made to recruit himslA Second’ Chief: Directorate officer, N.A: ARKHIPOV,: 06 made [SUNDAR}s , acquaintance: and handled the entire: operation = ‘against him, but NOSENKO himself pilayed © a réle._ NOSENKO | - presented himself to[SUNDAR using the name "SMIRNOV". or: le "SERGEYEV" and posing as a’painter, and to1d (SUNDAR}-that ne O6- ‘could find women--for“him. A’ party..was arranged wi a .KGB pagent. as! [gUNbARy S>date anda Second Chief Directorate secre- tary, as’ SENK' - . Late_in the evening NOSENKO. and: his date - excused ‘themselves, and‘ /SUNDAE \-had sexual relations with theO - female agent. : Photogra is of the. scene were taken by the’ KGB... Shen -NOSENKO - and{ SUNDAR} saw. one another the next. day , 06: -Ob{SUNDA® announced that Ne had~some articles, cameras and. the . like, that he wanted. to: sell: on’ the blackmarket...NOSENKO Os, “GGG 207. - “TS. No. 197124. Top Secret . in ae Copy _—= ======== PAGE 132 ======== Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~ June 1955-January 1960) offered to arrange the sale and took [SunDaR] to a dingy section of Moscow. As they arrived before a small house, 66 NOSENKO asked |SUNDAR to give him the things to be sold. At this moment a KGB officer posing as a militiaman approached . and arrested the two for blackmarketeering. At the Militia ob station, | SUNDAR' was recruited by K.N. DUBAS, then Chief of the Seventh Department, under threat of imprisonment. Thete was-no further contact with |SUNDAR) after he left the USSR, GG however, because on his return to Oslo) he published an |( article in which he described his e@xpériences, "but not all of them". : 060,10 Comment : (Egil SUNDAR, a journalist for Aftenposten in — Oslo} travelled to the USSR in December 1957 as member of a press delegation in connection with the opening of a new[SAS!air route to’? Hoscow i, [SUNDAR] wrote an article on his return in which. he described his arrest for blackmarket activities and his subsequent recruitment; he , also reported_this to Norwegian authorities. Ol According to] SUNDAR), he was introduced to Moscow blackmarketeers by an artist, whose name he did not know, and_was apprehendéd | - immediately afterwards. [SUNDAR!has not been 06 interviewed on the basis of NOSENKO's infor- mation. Travel to London (1957-1958) NOSENKO reported that his first official travel outside the Soviet Union was in 1957 when he was selected to accompany a group of athletes who had been invited to visit London. As.he explained, it was a KGB order that a security officer accompany any such delegation. [NOSENKO elsewhere cited this KGB practice, but later denied any such order was issued]. The Eleventh Department of the Second Chief Direct- orate (responsible for designating Second Chief Directorate — G00L3E 124 TS No. 197124 Top Secret yeh COPY —— ======== PAGE 133 ======== _ Top Secret 2 : (SEVENTH DREARY = gune 1955-January 1960). officers: for. this. purpose) . teldphénea’ K.N. pUBAS, chief. of ‘the Seventh Department, to requést .an officer who spoke. -. English: ‘DUBAS asked NOSENKO whether’ he ‘wanted to make the » trip.’ :, NOSENKO replied:’ "Why not?”-I-have never been . abroad: yet.". NOSENKO consequently . travelled to- ‘London, ..- using the alias. Yuriy Ivanovich NIKOLAYEV and posing“as.. ““the deputy chief" of thé delegation. “Hé ‘was ‘specifically “instructed to observe one member of the. delegation, a woman named MYARIMYAYE, ’ ‘whose father had been killed ina Soviet’ “prison and whose political reliability. was uncertain. : : * Additionally; che had: the-.general task of watching all members of the delegation for possibly suspicious contacts “with foreigners. The delegation consisted of - approximately 60 persons. and to help: him in carrying out. these duties, 7 » NOSENKO was _assigned _ three or four agents and: several “operational contacts‘ among the. delegation members. He was oe the only” KGB securit officer. which, accompanied . the group. : ghe Second’ trips ‘to Londo took place. a:-year later, in the. fall of,-1958, again as ‘a security escort. - This time ' he accompanied | a delegation of éleven or twelve boxers, and, -.again he.used the alias: NIKOLAYEV and the cover position of: . - deputy chief of. the: delegation. NOSENKO. said. he was the’ . Only security officer” with ‘the delegation, and he-had two “agents and ‘two... operational contacts, among the boxers. His “assignment was: general; no one in -particular-was kept under mS observation, and the ‘KGB -had ‘no derogatory. information” concerning any member. of. the: delegation..." *.- NOSENKO- used the. NIKOLAYEV. alias for travel to London - - -because:it was the alias used earlier with the’ British ~~. “subjects: press) and EANEDS NOSENKO ) explained this situation | as follows? "OE : : ; . oe “With Bred) na Vane ve used, the name NIKOLAYEV, > yuriy: ‘Ivanovic a: ‘representative of the Ministry... - of. Culture. ‘And ‘then when the question was. raised || “of sending me in 1957 with the delegation to” an _ England, Iwas forced’to go there as NIKOLAYEV. ‘Because [of this]. I. went as the assistant head of “the delegation, again representing. -the Ministry of ‘Culture. I didn't go under “my own name because it "was decided that when‘ these, people (ErRSE} anal LANE, Tol 4 4 Top Secret - 5 P a Copy 10 Cobgae5 ======== PAGE 134 ======== 14-00000 Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~ June 1955-January 1960) went back to England, they would tell who they were with [report their contacts in the USSR]. They would probably question [BIRSE }especially, as one 06 who used to work in intelligéhce... [BIRSE|would O04 say: ‘There was this man from the Ministry of Ciilture, NIKOLAYEV. He was with us all the time, even went to Leningrad with us.' So they would say: 'How does he look [what does he look like]?' He would say: 'He looked so-and-so.' I'd go there, and they would look at me and say: - 'How come this Man-~his name is NOSENKO, and yet he is very similar to the one described by[BIRSEL' That was Ob why it was decided I have to go again under the name NIKOLAYEV. Just a matter of conspiracy. Since I already became known as NIKOLAYEV to the Britishers, this would be noticeable." Comment: That NOSENKO (as _NIKOLAYEV) took the trips is corroborated by |British records, according to || which, a Yuriy IVanovich NIKOLAYVEV, born 30 October 1927, arrived at London from Brussels on 20 August 1957. His visa application described him as a member of a group invited by the Light Athletics Association to partici- pate in contests in London. He left on 27 : August 1957. With the same name and date of birth, NIKOLAYEV arrived again at London on 12 October 1958 with seventeen others, all described as boxers. His visa application described. him as an "office worker", but.on his landing card, NIKOLAYEV was listed as a boxer. He left London on 19 October 1958. On neither visit did NIKOLAYEV attract the attention of any(British security service} (9 While these trips are corroborated, they are not material to NOSENKO's claims to have served in the KGB positions he alleges he held at the time. 0004396 126 TS No. 197124 Pe) Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 135 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret " (SEVENTH .DEPARTMENT - June’ ‘1955-January 1960)” ae are opérational’ ‘Retivities: (1958- 1960) ; u Deputy | chiét of the American-British Commonwealth Section ; “According to ‘NOSENKO, ‘the. Seventh Department was “reorgan- ; » ized in June 1958, and NOSENKO' s section, which -theretofore had: been ‘concerned with. operations against foreign. tourists . from all countries, was split. into two new sections, one. concerned with tourists from :the United States and: the | - British Commonwealth. and the other with tourists from Europe, , Latin America, and all other countries. -. NOSENKO claimed . ' that at that time he was promoted.to the position of Deputy Chief of the Américan-British: Commonwealth Section,: “the 7 “most. important section (of ‘the Seventh Department". m “rn September ‘1958, | he claimed to have: personaliy. recruited ‘{Gisella HARRI HARRIS), It was also-in 1958, he said, that he super- vised. the sexual. entrapment of{Virgil | KRAFT) 70 1though Seventh | Department Chief’ DUBAS. made. the actual approach. Beginning cin the spring | of 1959. he said he directed his agents YEFREMOV: . and _VOLKOV in a series of successful entrapments<; DREW; LUKIS? CWILBY, 7 TAYLOR}> ‘and {MERTENS].(§ NOSENKO stated’ that. he also these hémosexual- ‘agents: in 1959 in compromising two: can guides” at the Sokolniki 1 Exhibit; BARRETT and WILLER>. FOR ‘Pinally, NOSENKO said, he. recruited the Moscow “representative of ‘the (American “Express COftpany, -FRIPPED} 24 06. NOSENKO. claimed that his: ‘Operational success during 1959 1 “earned him:a commendation ‘from the ‘KGB Chairman. (He has . Sines. retracted all claims ‘to any awards earned during | his ~ _ KGB. service.],:/ It was because of his position as Deputy. _ Chief of. the. American-British Commonwealth Section, NOSENKQ_ ‘said, ‘that he first’ became: involved: with ‘Lee Harvey OSWALD « ee “NOSENKO’ asserted ‘that ‘the recruitment ‘Of ‘agents among . “. foreign tourists, was secondary to his department's principal — .* mission, the. detection of. Western intelligence officers and ." agents.among the increasing. flow of tourists visiting. the - Soviet Union.” In line with that. counterintelligence mission, on General GRIBANOV' s order in the fall of 1959, _ NOSENKO tar 7 _ 127. °: “Top Secret | . ai “Copy 10 pn ======== PAGE 136 ======== 14-00000 Top Secret ' + (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~ June 1955-January 1960) reviewed what the KGB knew through 1958 about the use of tourists and tourist cover by Western intelligence services, It was from this task that NOSENKO claimed he learned of all the important arrests and recruitments among American tourists as recorde by the KGB at the time. Recruitment of [HARRIS | (1958) NOSENKO's information / NOSENKO in 1958 recruited Gisella HARRIS], an employee of the} American Express Company in Salt Lake Cityl. The recruit- ment’ was based on her romantic and sexual involvement with a Soviet citizen, who told [HARRIS] that he was in trouble O€6 with Soviet authorities and persuaded her to accompany him. to the police. (HARRIS! agreed to meet and cooperate with OG. the KGB in[Salt Lake City), The case. was turned over to the(0 First Chief Directorate, and NOSENKO was unaware of any - further contact with her. 06, 8 ; ; Comment: {HaRRIs, a former German citizen, visited the USSR on a tourist visa in 1958. According to statements made to the FBI in 1958, the purpose of her visit was to contact her former lover, . |, -2 Soviet soldier who had fathered her child in [| Germany] in 1953. She hoped to persuade him-to ivoreé his Soviet wife and marry her. She described her recruitment by two men, one of whom resembled NOSENKO. When shown a photo- graph in 1964, she tentatively identified NOSENKO as one of the men who recruited her and said that, of the two involved, he "was definitely the man in charge" while the other & “was merely present and listened". According 0 to /HARRIS], she has had no further contact with Soviet intelligence, ; , , ; 6901398 ad 128 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 137 ======== 14-00000 TopSecret ors | (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~ June 1955-January 1960) ne Compromise Perea 06 “NOSENKO' s: Information . ed KRAPT, a ¢lergyman-froni“thé “Chicago ay area } with his ' wifé visited the Soviet Union as a tourist’ in 1957 or 1958, , and. NOSENKO was assignéd’ asthe responsible: case’ officer. a The. KGB ‘learned(KRAFT {had been intimate with a.Soviet woman “- during ‘an earlier ‘trip ’to‘the-USSR, and ‘NOSENKO. arranged: for ~ “+ her. to. come’ to“Moscow from” Leningrad, where she was. then ; “* living, in order to compromise; KRAFIOGUKRAFS) sand the. Soviet OL - woman. were intimate “in the “lattér's room in the Grand Hotel. Photographs were. taken, and then militiamen broke into the © ‘room, ‘finding)KRAFT and the woman. unclothed. NOSENKO was in a nearby room,. supervising. the operation... The’recruitment: approach. was. then made by. DUBAS, the Chief of the Seventh. Department.’. (NOSENKO had been the case officer and had _ : “handled the operation, but he ‘took ho. part in the confronta~ -. tion or recruitment approach “because DUBAS wanted it for - “ himsel£f".) Although . the ‘recruitment was not .firm; (KRAFT) 6- ‘and -DUBAS" "had an agreement" that ‘nothing ‘would be. done ~~ about ‘the compromise: if KRAFT) did not criticize the Soviet 06. Union in lectures:-about his. ‘¢ip: ‘which “he was to ‘give -in == *: the United: States. =: DUBAS ‘again contacted [KRAFT }when . he came (6 to ‘Moscow: in 1963,° and afterwards his file& was turned over... First. Chief. Directorate.’: NOSENKO ‘recalled that’. the | = First: lief Directorate ."said: that (KRAFT, fwas not . ina good 6 “xegion: of the United ‘States. ‘And ‘also 41 - smelled: like he. “had spoken of the ‘approach made to him," . Therefore, NOSENKO - concluded, . he robably- AG | not. -Peen, contacted in. the. United. According to” “the FBI, ‘some’ ‘time’ before’ ‘1960. samme faces a pamphlet in which he described thé KGB approach, omitting reference to his -. sexual compromise. In a statement given to . os se the: FBI. on 4. November ‘1964 ‘Lepary, who is an 06 es, - G0613¢9° PTS No. 197124 Top Secret © (2/6) copy 19 _ ======== PAGE 138 ======== : 4.00000 "acniltent ean - Top Secret _ (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~ June 1955 amaary 1960) - ~ Comment: Continued)-.. Le - og.i0 nen feontimsea) ‘Pastor OE the peoples. Charen “Chicagop “stated that he had visited the $ Soviet. “-Union“in 1956, 1958, and 1963. He confirmed . “NOSENKO' s information in detail except that he. denied having. been intimate with the Soviet. : woman involved. He related that the “Chief” > - who interviewed him had “several photographs | ce which portrayed ‘him and the female in intimate _ compromising positions and which appeared to: ‘have been.taken in her hotel. room". ‘(KRAFT casa ° that” che had told the "Chief" that they could do- him no possible harm ‘as "no one would believe | >= that they. were valid photographs". (EEAFT} denied 06 . agreeing, - ‘to collaborate with the: KGB at any . _ time. Pe, . ; a los NOSENKO' s: “information gorge. ye. DREW van ‘Bmerican: ‘who visited. the soviet “Union in: spring of.1959, was the Yesponsibility of case officer: the VV. IVANOV. . By: chance, | however ,{DREW]became. involved withO6 - ~“ NOSENKO'S: homosexual agents VOLKOV and YEFREMOV and they : “ yeported this to NOSENKO, then the Deputy Chief of the.” “section. “NOSENKO. and .IVANOV- discussed the case with DUBAS” “and possibly: GUSKOV, the Section Chief, and WOSENKO flew . * alone to Leningrad ‘to. make the approach. (IVANOV was not, “1. Judged qualified. ). NOSENKO. arranged . fox [DRE"], to be OG. : we . compromised in a Leningrad hotel room with a homosexual -agent of the. local KGB handled. -by’a Leningrad officer: — - PERELETOV. Using the alias "Mr. SERGEYEV", NOSENKO alone’ ) recruited{ DREW] in an ‘office of the. hotel., The KGB First “. Chief Directorate was interested. in(DREW|"s recruitment ‘0 ‘because he might .be able to spot other hi Homosexuals, possibly some in the Ue 8. Government. Ss : : ce Top Secret == Copy 1 TS No. 197124 ©. ======== PAGE 139 ======== 4-00000 ae Top Secret Bs as (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~ June 1955-January 1960) Comment: DREW |zeportea the approach in 1959, describing 7 _a four-hour interrogation by "“SERGEYEV' in . ‘Leningtad® and generally confirming NOSENKO's --account.of the opération. : Re-interviewed by ‘ "the FBI on 12 May 1964, DREWlidentified NosENKO's U6 . photograph as that.of his interrogator ‘and : : Said that, although NOSENKO was a young man, from the way everyone reacted:to him it’ was “clear that he was_the man in charge. Another “man was present, (DREW) said. — “OG “Recruitment of {LUKIS\(1959) an - -NOSENKO's’ Information: ae - ¢ ; In" June or possibly July 1959 NOSENKO _personally recruited ‘a British subject, “(fnu) [LUKIS (or LUCAS)}; in a room of ‘the 06 Hotel Astoria in Leningra after[LUKIShad been compromised (¢ “by NOSENKO's homosexual agents, VOLKOV and .YEFREMOV.: The case : ‘was then turned over to Ye. A. TARABRIN, at that time Chief . 5 f£ the British Department of the First Chief Directorate. - oo? OSENKO furnished no more information on this case and-did’ os". mot ‘know its current status," but -he believed the KGB’ has. 8 not been’ in contact ‘w th{LUKIS] subsequently. as. not -yet-been’ identified. by ‘the ope : service 5 : eet i [WILBY|(1959)- ; oe -NOSENKO's Information "By ‘himself NOSENKO. recruited| Willian: stanley WILBY}in a. hotel in Moscow in July. 1959, a ex{WILBY|had been compro-(& J mised by either ‘VOLKOV or YEFREMOV,, NOSENKO's homosexual “-.. agents. ‘(YILBY)is a British citizen and his case was also CH. : (Like(DUKIS|> see above) turned over to TARABRIN.: oe COCL1401 . Po a 2 “TS No. 197124 ; Top Secret. Copy —10.__ : ======== PAGE 140 ======== 14-0000, Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~ June 1955-January 1960) ~ b ( Comment: [fitps} reportea the approach to(British author ~ . tieS}in 1959, saying that he was “brought up bef6re SERGEYEV" (an operational alias some- times used by NOSENKO). He has not been ‘re-interviewed since NOSENKO's information was . Yeceived. Recruitment of |TAYLOR (1959) NOSENKO's Information NOSENKO personally and alone recruited the Moscow representative of [British European Airways], whose name 24 -NOSENKO did not recall, at the Hotel Metropol in Moscow during the summer of 1959, possibly in August. The approach was based on homosexual compromise involving NOSENKO's agents VOLKOV and YEFREMOV. ' NOSENKO explained that the Seventh Department in 1959 had a section dealing with commercial representatives, which was responsible for the{ BEA|man. That section had asked ' NOSENKO's section for help.’>4 "They said they didn't have any agents or any- thing and didn't know what to do. So somebody said, ‘Well look, why don't you ask the chief of the section?’ He's a specialist on homosexuals and can arrange everything for you.' So I wound up handling the case, and TARABRIN (of the First Chief Direct- orate) said I should report to him." : {In this passage NOSENKO was referring to himself, although he has always claimed he was Deputy chief of the section.] 5/68 oO 132 6004402 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 141 ======== Tep Secret oe ws ~.. (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT. + June 1955-January 1960) Commient = Gana confessed homosexual, is Se escribed indicating that it took place | in August .. 1959 on the basis of his homosexuality. He : ‘reported in 1962 that the recruitment had “been effected by a “Colonel SERGEYEV", and. . when re-interviewed in 1964, he Nanhesitant ly ‘y-: identified NOSENKO as "Colonel SERGEYEV'.,." adding | that the mere sight of NOSENKO's photo- - ‘graph "sent shivers down his back". ._ TAYLOR: -also identified a photograph of VOLKOV.’ °- ; Recruitment ‘of MERTENS | ca9s9y a NOSENKO's Information Se OBE ete sguiaesjaue © to ‘Eisenhower! s. planned visit to the . : Soviet Union. my a L : . : : “NOSENKO’ reported ‘that Ganeet\was | recruited on ‘the basis » of the 1959. photography’ when he ‘returned with another . Lo exhibition. in’1961. _ The recruitment was’ carried out ‘by ‘s the First. ((inérican)* ‘Department of ‘thé KGB Second: Chief - “Directorate, and NOQSENKO:: was “not involved. : mmediately on - his return’ to the United States. . in January 1962 ,{BARRETT) confessed to the FBI ob that he had been recruifed in 1961 on the basis . oF photographs. depicting: him.in a homosexual - ‘act’ with VOLKOV,- which’ had been taken during . his 1959. trip - £0 Moscow. He. claimed. that’ the’ photographs had .béen taken while he was. - unconscious, after being Syusged., Gathers was 06 ' contacted. once. by the KGB. in New York City : following his admissions to the FBI. He was. _ contacted by KGB. officers, including SKVORTSOV. of: the, First: Chief Directorate, during later “trips to the Soviet Union. in 1963, -1964, and “71965. and arrangements were made for meetings “in. the United States... : No Soviets ‘appeared 3 at. such scheduled meetings. a " Comment a “TS ‘No. 197124 - Top Secret 7 | jee) _. Copy 10 ======== PAGE 144 ======== 14-0000 | Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - June 1955-January 1960) Compromise of [WILLERFoRD | (1959) NOSENKO's Information _ , Ob 11,08 06 (Frederick ng the (a 1 Rb, an American Negro} was {BARRETT s (roommate during the (1959 exhibition] in Moscow. Tnitiat y he was a target of the Moscow City KGB Directorate which Ob betieved WWILLERFORD] to be an FBI agent and had been collecting information on hin. Unaware of the interest of the other ‘KGB element, VOLKOV and YEFREMOV had made { WILLERFORD}! s 06 photographs to be taken of (WILLERFORD land YEFREMOV in a Moscow 06 hotel room. NOSENKO watched [WILLERFORD and YEFREMOV through ()/ a two-way mirror and was able to describe the scene in detail. It was only after these compromising photographs had been obtained that NOSENKO learned of the Moscow City KGB Directorate's interest in QVILLERFORD).I4 NOSENKO's own department and the Moscow City Directorate then made joint request for operational approval to recruit [{WILLERFORD but 06 attempts at the time, The case file was retained by the Moscow KGB organization, and NOSENKO did not know whether (WILLERFORD] was approached subsequently. Comment: WWILLERFORD] was interviewed by the FBI in duly 1964 and "advised emphatically that-he had feel that he ever’ could be compromised by anyone except through the use of drugs, since he felt that he was 'too smart' and most Soviets that he has ever met are aware of his 06 pro-American sentiments", BARRETT has reported 86 that|WILLERFORD| had visited VOLKOV in his hotel room and was friendly with him [BARRETT [said that he had often wondered if WILLERFORD was a homosexual because of his manner and bearing. , 136 G00 1406 TS No. 197124 Top Secret ISK Copy ======== PAGE 145 ======== Top Secret _(SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - June 1955-January 1960) Conpany|iepresentaticn | in Moscow, 5 inued fo.be one of this-agent' s two ee KGB handlers, even after transferring to the American .. Department in:1960 OC\|PRIPPEL} eft Moscow in 1961 but. | returned on:-trips:.to: the USSR in 1962 and 1963,. when NOSENKO- met him..* The only recruited: American whom NOSENKO ever ‘claimed.to handle, (FRIPPEL confessed to ‘his recruitment (6. “when questioned’ by ‘the FBI on .the basis.of. the NOSENKO lead. GGaithough the [FRIPPEL} case only started during NOSENKO's : first’ assignment to.the Seventh Department. (1955- 1960), it: is. described in’ its. “entirety, through 1963, for | the conven~ _ience. of the reader : “NOS ENKO'S ‘Information _ Oat -his - second: meet ng. with: CIA : in “Geneva on a June: “1962, ; NOSENKO described. the .circumstances:in which an- unnamed. et foreigner was. compromised . by a. KGB female: agent, ‘Klara... :. “Konstantinévna: “GORBACHEVA.., >Hé described the. scene ‘in detail including the. ‘attempt™ by: a KGB | technician’ to take motion . pictures through:a two-way. mirror, .and the confrontation of the foreigner by ‘the ‘militiamen, who. -broke’ apnto the: LOOM... OSENKO identified ‘that foreigner. as [FR ELPby. name the (j¢ ellowing. day. while. discussing: KGB suc ‘in, Moscow: : see a ° There’ “another. ‘agent, [KGB éryptonym] | “artur!. ‘He was nota correspondent. © He. knew me as George,:: «Yuriy. Ivanovich,. and’ my. last’ name as NIKOLAYEV... He . Was “a -_permanent_ t_xepresentative, not in the Embassy, — ; but of thetAmerican. Express.. Company]; in’ Moscow. "co : fpetppens (Arthur FRIPPEL}” He liked drinking, al ays » @rank....He was also strongly . ,attracted to women. . provided .him.with beautiful women... Well, we- *. decided to: havea ‘talk with him.’ Why? - What’ could: he give? . He now works “in. the} fAmerican Express “4 CF «Company imain” office in New York. City). A new ; coutace , 137, ag No. 197124 , 7 Top Secret a “Copy = - 10 ; So, ae ie ======== PAGE 146 ======== 14-00000 Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - June 1955-January 1960) department has now been organized for the Soviet Union and the Peoples' Democracies. And he is chief of the department... He is no longer in Moscow, but he was here two and a half or three years. We hope that he will return. We are waiting for him to come back. We know that the company : wants to send him again, because he knows. the Russian . language very well. He is, in fact, an emigre, this 7 \oTFRIPPE «And he also did a good and intelligent job of establishing relations with Inturist. He had very good relationships with ANKUDINOV, the Chairman of Inturist, and with other people, both the chiefs and the low-level workers... But, why was [FRIPPEL| O6 ; ‘recruited? I was interested in knowing precisély oO by whom, by name, and how approaches were being made to our delegations [in the United States]. I was interested in him from the point of view of counter | intelligence, not intelligence. hat kinds of : ; approaches are taking place to our people in America and by whom? This is what interested me. But he ° ; didn't know anything. He provided only superficial | information, nothing more." NOSENKO was then asked vhnether (ua FEd wouta not have been useful for coverage of Americans visi ing the Soviet Union. He replied no, that the KGB had already had great success in this by other means. , - In Geneva in 1964 and during subsequent debriefings. and interrogations, NOSENKO' made additional statements concerning the [FRIPPEL\ case. NOSENKO attributed his involvement in the/ FRIPPEL| xvecruitment as follows: : , . ; "In 1958, after 1958, when I became the Deputy ‘Chief of the section, my area of activity was narrowed down. I didn't handle all the tourists at that time. I worked as the Deputy Chief of the section and I had. my own little area-~for example, the permanent representative of thefAmerican Express 9 Company} and besides that I began to-collect all the materi on all American tourist firms which have anything to do with Inturist and which send tourists to the USSR." 138 ap TS No. 197124 6001408 Top Secret Copy 6/9 ======== PAGE 147 ======== | Top Secret . (SEVENTH DEPART. June 1955-danuary, 1960) ‘Although he had personally. ‘recruiteal RIPPI do so alone.. Col. V.D.° CHELNOKOV, Deputy Chief (and later » Chief) of the Seventh Department, was present, and he and -: NOSENKO "carried-out“the recruitment together" ‘in early. September. 1959. ‘NOSENKO- was, however 1 PRIPPEL S case. en officer,’ . a : ” NOSENKO. met “pretty steadily" with] PRIPPED] until: January 1961,. and once NOSENKO and his wife, in company with. ~ : -CHELNOKOV and (Eat wife, had dinner ath FRIPPEL(s, home, where 06 : 06 they met’ Mrs. [FRIPPELLCA( Odette FRIPPEL]was unaware. of her a “husband's status as a- KG agent, 7 and therefore NOSENKO and... a CHELNOKOV used Inturist cover for their acquaintance with - of -PRIPPEL “Although unusual for KGB Second Chief Directorate a.) ‘ase‘o ficers to visit agents ‘in their homes with wives . present, NOSENKO explained that he went because he "was. invited", “and ‘CHELNOKOV" went: “because he was also. involved the recruitment", . : As Deputy Chief of a: Tourist section of ‘the Seventh. _Department and later as Deputy Chief and Acting Chief of ; “the. American. Embassy: Section of the American Department, - ag le “NOSENKO continted to -meet- ‘with [FRIPPEL in Moscow hotels and 06 ‘restaurants... Throughout this. period @ was almost... . ~ invariably aeeee one by. CHELNOKOV: - “Pethaps one’ “time I: & met, ‘with! FRIPPEL|alone, otherwise it was. always with ; CHELNO Usually. NOSENKO would arrange meetings. with. (FRIPPEL] at CHELNOKOV's request and the two continued to ; ith [FRIPPELfbdespite his. lack of produttion,: because’... | _ they. “kept hoping’ he would. give. something"... (In: a.different.. ‘context, but* speaking of CHELNOKOV, NOSENKO explained that: GRIBANOV. insisted that even Department’ Chiefs-of the - ‘Second - Chief. Directorate must each have’ two or three agents. Ye ; ; when ‘NOSENKO. began. to work in. the. American ‘Embass ” : Section of the. American Department in 1960, he. nety sen “obuith, him because {FRIPPEY ‘was acquainted with, some Americans : ». at the Embassy. NOSENKO questioned FRIPPEL about the Embassy Sand about Embassy officers George. WINTERS and, Lewis W. oak BOWDEN , , Put (ERIPPEL) never told NOSENKO anything” useful. ee M 7. TS. No. 19rd n Top Secret. Copy 10 ======== PAGE 148 ======== 14-0000 ‘ ! t pee ne: ANN | Y RORENERE A TENE ANI RENAN EY cen weer rey A Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - June 1955-January 1960) _ NOSENKO continued to act as [FRIPPEL|s case officer after Qb/FRIPPEL|left the Soviet Union and after NOSENKO had been ransferred and promoted to the position of Deputy Chief of the Seventh Department. He _met twice with PRIPPEL] during©6 this latter period when[FRIPPEL|visited the Soviet Union as 64 a guide with groups of foreign visitors. Both of these meetings were handled by NOSENKO alone, without CHELNOKOV. The first meeting took place in the summer of 1962, after NOSENKO returned to Moscow from Geneva. {FRIPPEL] arrived OG in the Soviet Union as a guide for some American journalists. (NOSENKO was unable to give the composition of the journa- list group or to recall where they stayed in Moscow and where else they travelled in the Soviet Union.) NOSENKO contacted him in Moscow. to. learn what questions the newsmen _ intended to ask Khrushchev during a scheduled interview; . [subsequently NOSENKO acknowledged that standard practice required visiting journalists~to submit their intended ; questions for Khrushchev in writing to Soviet. authorities rior to interviews]. After the interview, he recontacted Q6 TPRIPPEL|to learn the reaction of the journalists to .their alk with the Soviet leader. NOSENKO could not recall their ’ specific reaction to the Khrushchev interview but did remember that they were "satisfied". Another reason for - Qbcontacting |FRIPPEL NOSENKO added in a later discussion, was to learn whether any. of. the journalists might have ‘joined the group at the last moment in the United States, which might suggest intelligence connections on their party MOSENKO met [FRIPPEL\alone for_the second and last time ‘during March 1963, Since |FRIPPEL] was a guide for tourists C4 aboard the ship "Olympia", which stopped for a day in Yalta ie and Odessa, NOSENKO flew to Odessa from Moscow and accosted FRIPPEL\ in the lobby of the hotel where the tourists were aving_ dinner. Finally able to get away from his group, 06 [FRIPPEL) called on NOSENKO in the latter's hotel room, and €he. two drank and talked. NOSENKO had given{FRIPPEL}a 0( bottle of vodka.as a gift, and[FRIPPEL| said he wanted to 0G _.° give NOSENKO some whisky in return. ey drove in NOSENKO's car to the port, where NOSENKO waited in the car while Q6 LERIPPEL went aboard for the whisky. (He had invited NOSENKO o visit the ship but could not obtain a pass for him.) /BK . TS No. 197124 Top Secret ~ Copy 0001440 — 140 Sutera ======== PAGE 149 ======== 14-0000 . ey Secret ; | (SEVENTH an - _June 1955- January. 1960) . woe oe he brought another American, ‘so “.. NOSE O: had“to’ invent for himself a suitable cover (inturist) . son the spot.. The three returned. to the. hotel and drank ‘some more; everyone getting drunk. During this. contact <| pareper] 06 reported ."nothing of importance" ‘and his most interesting news, was that.he might again be reassigned. +3 Moscow in. December (1963 as. the (American Express Compa: epresentative,?. ia (NOSENKO said he later read a report thatl PRI BPEL L] had’ been (6° assigned ‘elsewhere, and it was. therefore unlikely that. his. agent * would return to Moscow. This’ report was submitted by Bes V.V..KOSTYRYA (alias VLADIMIROV) , « .a member. of the KGB Legal ~ ‘Residency. and overtly an Inturist - ‘employee in New York ChtY ‘who: was. a, former ‘Second - ‘chief Directorate: colleague. of. Obs rovided x ho interesting. infozmation ‘auring. KO's" two meetings: with: him™in- 1962 and’ 1963 5 when . n “3 February 1964, “while: reviewing the “CHEREPANOV ; apers™ ‘(see P. 309) in Geneva. NOSENKO was asked. about th 7 cleaning: woman" " [Elsewhere ‘NOSENKO. described ‘SHVEDOVA as his” own agent working against- American y.: Attaches, seé.p. 85..]. Asked what connection’ ‘[FRIPPED),had’ with Amexican’ intelligence, NOSENKO replied ‘that: he.-could,not say. To. ‘the inquiry why not, since =‘ 'S case: officer, _NOSENKO. was | silent.” b r. : oviet. -male -who eenowledged. having been a KGB’. agent” ‘used gainst. French-speaking foreigners. ..Included among the» ‘h ou Dota -TS.No. 197124 Top Secret. = Copy : 10 __ ======== PAGE 150 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - June 1955-January 1960) . O a latter, the Soviet told ]ROBERTS|, was PRIPPEY], whom the 4 KGB suspected of being an American intelligénce agent. {[NOSENKO reported {ROBERTS|pLrecruitment but has never indicated awareness of other KGB agents being targetted against [PRIPPEL} 06 . {FRIPPEL!'s Information 06 {FRIPPEL, who uses the nickname “arthur | was the (American C7 Express Company |representative in Hoscow from 7 April 1958 to 3 January. 1961. He was first interviewed on the basis of NOSENKO's information on_30 April 1964, and when shown a picture of NOSENKO, (FRIPPEL |admitted his recruitment by the 06 KGB in 1959. During this and subsequent interviews with o6 the FBI, FRIPP Ee reported in detail on his association _ Qi with the KGB. LF IPPEL's version coincides with that. provided by NOSENKO to a considerable degree, with the following exceptions: _ “ERIPPEL) asserts that at the time of his recruitment - he KGB wanted only general information on American Embassy officials and American tourists travelling _ to the Soviet Unionfunder American Express auspices oF . Aecording: to NOSENKO,LFRIPPEL] was originally O recruited to provide information on American intelli- gence approaches to Soviets in the United States, ‘and he claimed that [FRIPPEL} was not needed for O4 coverage of Americans visiting the Soviet Union, ‘since the KGB had already "great success" by other : means. NOSENKO stated ‘that later, when he trans— . " ferred to the American Embassy Section, he took OGnis agent [FRIPPEL] with him to report on acquain- 66 tances among the Embassy employees. NOSENKO and J FRIPPEL] agree that, with one exception (when O(FFRIPPEL| was queried regarding BONDEN and WINTERS) , ob RIPPEL| was not so used. . : 6G EERIPPEL, while acknowledging that NOSENKO partici- pated in all meetings and on occasion met[FRIPPEL ar alone, stated that CHELNOKOV "was in charge of th entire operation". gouL4ate 142 TS No. 197124 . Top Secret Copy - alba - ======== PAGE 151 ======== a a , Oo >. Top Secret _ an SEVENTH DEPARTMENT . ~. Sone “1955 S“January 1960). ao elaims thee he saw NOSENKO-on three occasions, . twice: in Odessa, while visiting the USSR in: 1962 and -1963.. NOSENKO insisted that he met{FRIPPELbbut once 2 Ob “in Odessa and once in Moscow, in that ‘period. NOSENKO. voluntecred. his’ ‘account “of theCPREPPE), "casein Géneva.in 1962. and 1964. Me fréely -. "related the details of the s er 1962 and, “) / February .1963 meetings: Perens IPPEL- in the be: : = USSR. His account, of (FRIPPEL} 's activities ‘is~ 06 ~ consistent wi h{FRIPI E "a. version, except as noted above net Lee Harv ey. OSWALD : . (1ps9~ 1960). For continuity of ‘préséntation, both: ‘periods ‘Of NOSENKO’ isi. _ alleged* involvement: with: OSWALD: in 1959-1960 and: in 1963 . -are..described'.elsewhere. | (Seé p.303.).. According to NOSENKO, he- was: involved with OSWALD~ in. 1959. because he was..then a Deputy: Chief of the Améerican=British Commonwéalth®™ Sect fon @-Seventh.Department. In that capacity: he. participa decision ‘that. OSWALD was: of no interest to: the KGB. -NOSENKO's information on his involvement: with ‘OSWALD:.in 1959 is. insufficient. to serve as vidence. confirming or ‘refuting his claimed - ervice:as Deputy. Chief. of the. American: Section » £ the Seventh. Department vin 11959. soe a ae 7 | Goetats So TS. No. 197124 Top Secret = Copy. 10 ======== PAGE 152 ======== Top Secret - (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - June 1955-January 1960) i Operational Activities - 1955-1960: Summary According to NOSENKO, after an uneventful assignment in the American Department's Embassy Section, in 1955 he was transferred to the newly-organized Seventh Department Tourist Section as a case officer. Between 1955 and 1957 he assembled. a network of agents and- was involved in four KGB attempts to recruit_foreign tourists. One of these attempts, that against ]Richard BURG], was the first recruit-06 ment of the Tourist Section; it won NOSENKO.a commendation, brought him-to the attention of General GRIBANOV, and turned NOSENKO into an effective and successful KGB officer.. In 1958 NOSENKO was promoted to the position of Deputy Chief - of the American-British Commonwealth Section. He then — recruited the second member of his two-man homosexual team and, in 1958 and 1959, participated in ten KGB attempts to i. xyecruit American and British visitors to the USSR and one American resident of Moscow. NOSENKO's: success in the : Seventh Department prompted GRIBANOV to transfer him back . o the American Embassy Section as Deputy Chief with the eryiical priority task of reviving KGB operations against . rican Embassy code clerks. . : a . It is worthy of note that of the fifteen cases in which -he personally participated, by his own admission, NOSENKO became involved in.nine not because they were operations of his section, but because the targets were the victims of homosexual or other entrapment. In addition, three of the fifteen operations were not directed by his section, but: by senior Seventh Department officers. According to his own statements, four others were specifically the responsi- . bility.of other Seventh Department sections of KGB elements, including the Foreign Seamen Section (GEHRCKENS) , Delega~ ( Ol Dbtions Section [LANE and(3IRSH), Commercial Representatives 64 CbSection (TAYLOR), and \WILLERFORD] (Moscow City KGB) . [FRIPPEE] 0G .~* does not relate clearly to ilOSENKO's claimed Seventh : Department service:. NOSENKO states he was also used as an agent of the First Department Embassy Section. Even the remaining case, that of {HARRIS} was not necessarily a 001414 144 SO , g TS No. 197124 - Top Secret X15 Copy ======== PAGE 153 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret. . ; 7 ae ee Le . (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~ June 1955-January 1960) ; Seventh Department operation: by NOSENKO' S other Statements, “she was not a "tourist" and she would have been the target ~ ~ of. the Moscow Oblast KGB because of her’ intention to marry a Soviet: “citizen. . . ; oa While NOSENKO's participation ‘in. the attempted recruit- ment of the targets he ‘Gescribes, even.where not ‘confirmed, is not’ Gisputed, : the evidence suggest that he was an. : English-speaking ‘specialist in sexual: -entrapment,’ not al -scounterintélligence officer responsible for the identifi~ cation of foreign agents among tourists. or for: the develop ment y rec ruitment, and exploitation ‘of. agents. for. the KGB : : Not g NOSENKO has. said. indic: ‘that. there was ‘any “material change” in his: “duties and: responsibilities after. -- he was’ allegedly. promoted to, Deputy. Chief..of the American British Commonwealth Section. “The evidence is that he was. more” active, ‘but not: that he had* any’ administrative. and : visory responsibilities ; : pivledge. of other x Seventh ‘Department : American “Tourist. GEEBas -SNOSENKO ‘said ‘chat. upon his “return” to: the Seventh’ Depart: ment in 1962-as Chief .of ‘the _American-British. ‘Commonwealth : ection, he: reviewed the section' Ss; activities during his, wo-year absence, e.g. January 1960" ;to January - 1962... In’ e-course of. that review he made written notes of the section's operational. targets: during that. period: notes. - which he, brought. to Geneva in 1964.- (See: p. 319.), “NOSENKO: . -could not.déscribe the. operations | other “than. to’ gay ‘that he «recorded the. target's names -and™ such details as he could’: | ‘acquirer at the time of his review. Eleven of the operatic ns. included ‘in his: notes.were those. against Bernarc “Patrick” ‘PRESSHAN; “John RUFE,, © Gerald EVERN, | VV, NorYman-FISK, Ralph MATLAW|,“Marvin KANTOR, | Ob Wchael GINSBERG| and (William TARASKA:({ All were from the: period 1956-1959 and six of ‘the elevén individuals were. identified. by the KGB as homosexuals... All ‘Of these cases’.- are, described in | Annex Bel a . ne Ee ar “TS.No. 197124 °— Does eS K ======== PAGE 154 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - June 1955-January 1960) | Comment: NOSENKO has never resolved why these cases, : - . which predated the records he claimed he reviewed, were included in his notes. More important, he never could explain why he was unfamiliar with American tourist cases which occurred at a time, when he claimed that he was Deputy Chief of the American-British | Commonwealth Section and was knowledgeable of all such cases. . : KGB Counterintelligence Operations Among Foreiqn Tourists, 1955-1960 . Besides those operations in which NOSENKO claimed personal _ involvement or about which he learned in his capacity of ‘Deputy Chief of the American-British Commonwealth Section, “NOSENKO claimed awareness of what the KGB. knew of the use ‘of tourists in the USSR.by foreign intelligence services ‘ throughout the 1955-1960 period. Information from other : sources. serves as'a basis for judging the validity of - NOSENKO's claim. : : oo, ; ; NOSENKO's Information . NOSENKO's Tourist Study | Sometime between May and October 1959, during the tourist season, NOSENKO was ordered.to gather facts for — “Second Chief Directorate Chief GRIBANOV. concerning the use of tourist cover by foreign intelligence services during the period 1955 through 1958. NOSENKO said he assembled this material from the Seventh Department's annual reports ’ of the years 1955-1958, supplemented by information he - obtained from discussions with knowledgeable Seventh -, Department case officers. NOSENKO recalled only that the “) study incorporated statistical data on the growth of foreign tourism; he did not remember the content of the - study, any examples included in it, ox what the study - concluded about American or British Intelligence tourist oe 146 . 6001416 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 155 ======== 14-0000 , Top Secret ss, (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~ June 1955sJanuary 1960) - Operations. Nevertheless, based on-his research for this , Study as well'as.on his géneral and supervisory. responsi-. “bilities in the Seventh Department, NOSENKO: asserted that. : he.cotild accurately, describe ‘KGB counterintélligence: operations among tourists during the period 1955-1960. _--Extent’ of KGB Knowledge Soe According ‘to NOSENKO,” operations against: foreign. tourists _ were developing slowly during this period and very little: _Was known by the KGB about the American Intelligence use of. tourism at»the time: he wrote the study-in 1959. : No. * ; agents were definitely identified among American tourists, - “and no tourists were "catight. in’the act" mailing letters,” oy ; “servicing deaddrops: or ‘contacting agents, with one exception... 66 (MeGUIRE Ssic, see below.) ° The Seventh Department, NOSENKO... vs said, déveloped suspicions concerning a number. of tourists. °° | ‘because of their apparent interest.in photography, or because they were disseminating foreign ‘literature. . The KGB never.?s . established any firm intelligence connection, -however,~ Se, _, despite: various’ operational measurés : ak uch as. vy are “* (Covert baggage search) .and maneuvering KGB agents in : yeontact with the suspec “tourists... No’ Américan tourists. “were definitely identified as American Intelligence agents _ .NOSENKO concluded. On’ related matters, NOSENKO asserted | : that during. his 1955-1960 service in the Seventh Department ~ ».,the KGB° acquired no information regarding American Intelli= “gence: use. of tourism; specifically, the KGB obtained no |. ' documentary information on this topic from any ‘agent source, “American Tourist Agents I have read and. ndersto this report, and certify. Ait: “as correct. Boy a 151 No. 197124 Top Secret Ce ud Copy ln. ======== PAGE 166 ======== : mT. _ Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) i In the two years of NOSENKO's service in the section . there were a total of-over three months when he said KOVSHUK was 111 ox on leave. NOSENKO recalled that he was Acting Chief during KOVSHUK's two 30-day leave periods in 1960 and 1961, although he did not remember precisely in which months. a, He also served as Acting Chief for about a month in the e summer of 1960 when KOVSHUK was in the KGB hospital with heart trouble and for a week or two some time in 1961, again when KOVSHUK was ill, He recalled that KOVSHUK was also lie absent for several days in connection with preparations for f . President Eisenhower's planned visit to the Soviet Union in - e °° «1960. . As Acting Chief in KOVSHUK's absence, NOSENKO stated that: Jhe was responsible for supervising the administrative work and operational activity of the entire section and, in particular, for assuming KOVSHUK's: work in directing Operations against diplomatic personnel‘assigned to the American Embassy. : : : > pager. eee NOSENKO could recall no operational decisions that he made as acting chief, nor any specific or unusual occurrences during these times, NOSENKO said that the only specific . responsibility-of KOVSHUK's which he handled in the Chief's absence was repotting to the Chief of the First. Department about all correspondence going’ out of the Embassy Section. NOSENKO stated he met none of KOVSHUK's agents during his absences, nor could he remember any of them except: GLAZUNOV : [whom NOSENKO said in April 1964 was his own agent and later oo said was. "KOVSHUK's and FEDYANIN's"] and the American Of correspondent | STEVENS }[about whom NOSENKO had reported in ‘connection with Do, oo his activities in 1953-55]. Boe According to NOSENKO, KOVSHUK had personal contact, under bo Ministry of Foreign Affairs cover, with "some" American a » Embassy officers, but. the only such Embassy officer he could identify was WINTERS, and he knew of no details about : KOVSHUK's relations with him. ; , ; 158 7 8 6001428 68 ve TS No. 197124 Top Secret. Copy ======== PAGE 167 ======== "AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - “ganuary 1960-January 1962)" Comment: -NOSENKO knows ‘neither 2 that Qin Ne one es - was. identified: formally by the Embassy. to the Soviet Government to be a’CIA employee, ‘nor: that KOVSHUK (who was aware of this fact), . was in personal | contact with[MORELD, Do General, ‘Supervisory puties “ -In. interrogations: ‘of January 1965 NOSENKO was ‘questioned | in considerable detail. about his supervisory duties as ‘Deputy Chief of the Embassy. Section, .. -He didn't. know'what smajor dutiés occupied most of his time, nor which were. the most. important:::.He. stated that | "everything" was. important. ._ lis subordinates were GRYAZHOV.” and: KOSOLAPOV (responsible: - ‘for code ‘clerk. operations),,. [Vladimir] DEMKIN assisted by [Yevgeniy] GROMAKOVSKIY (residents of America. House), |... “(NALD ‘GAVRILENKO. (Air Attaches pérsonnel andthe aircrews, “ef. the: Ambassador' s aircraft), [I-Ya.]. KURILENKO (Army —.- . “Attache. personnel) ,, ‘and {Victor} BELOGLAZOV (Naval Attache - 2°. personnel). Excépt for "little! questions" ‘which the . ae a wofficers, decided, for. themselves; NOSENKO said he dirécted 9 90". =. ‘their “activities, discussed with them various aspécts of 9 +) ee their work, and responded.’ to” their. questions as required. he could’ no nswer: their questions, NOSENKO stated,- (Or: if the problem: was notwithin his authority, NOSENKO discussed:.the matter with KOVSHUK.’ | If it was necessary, NOSENKO claimed’ the ‘thereafter: would. ‘aigcuss . the. Matter with: American’ Department. Chief. KLYPIN. or his successor,” (s. M.].- and on. some | “occasion with Second ” ‘Chief: ; NOSENKO. - ated ‘he: accompanied - his: “subordinates to’ Some - fieétings with -their.-agents;,, not: because he didn't trust . them, but to hear for himself what the agent was reporting. He cited as’ hypothetical. examples occasions. when DEMKIN. . might rélay: reports -from:Ella UMANETS or Inga VARLAMOVA on “(agents working against America House residents), reports ” - which “NOSENKO would want to-hear .for: himself,. personally. - .NOSENKO would not’ estimate to his interrogators: what -percen~ : tage. of Embassy Section’ agents he met inthis fashion. “= - oOULa29 | we . ee “tg Ne! soriad Top Secret ss - Copy 19. p oo lbh). my wo ======== PAGE 168 ======== 14-0000 : . Tep Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) In addition to supervising his subordinates's direction of agents, NOSENKO said he personally managed PREISFREUND! ()¢ ("PROKHOR") and{WEISS] ("SARDAR") . ~ - Ob . Supervisor of All Code Clerk Operations NOSENKO said that, upon assuming responsibility for supervising operations against American code clerks, he found a very "difficult situation". Prior to the assignment of KOSOLAPOV to the American Embassy Section in late 1959, all operations against code clerks had been handled by MALYUGIN, but during MALYUGIN's two years of effort there had been no operational approaches and no successes. then NOSENKO took over there were no active developmental. operations against code clerks under way, he stated, and the only agents or operational contacts being used against whom had accomplished anything of importance. No non-Soviet citizen agents were being used in Operations against code- room personnel. . . : According to NOSENKO, in January or February of 1960 GRYAZNOV was assigned to the American Embassy Section as a second assistant to NOSENKO in his code clerk activities. -From this point .on,. NOSENKO; KOSOLAPOV, and GRYAZNOV: shared the same KGB Headquarters office, There, all KGB files on American code clerks as well as the files on all agents available for work against them, were stored in one large safe accessible to all three officers. NOSENKO supervised .all of the section's. work along these: lines, and no provo- cations, compromises, recruitment attempts, or recruitments could have been planned or carriéd out without his prior. knowledge and agreement when he was in Moscow. If NOSENKO was absent on a trip, he would have been told about any such activity upon his return, : ‘NOSENKO said that he carefully directed the work of GRYAZNOV and KOSOLAPOV during these two years, discussing their cases with then, taking part in operational planning, and approving or disapproving all Operational measures. 160 , 216 TS No. 197124 G0U1420 a Top Secret. Copy ======== PAGE 169 ======== ; “Top Secret. 7 (nese mines SECON : Januazy 1960-January 1962) rs : when. NOSENKO. took ‘over responsibility for operations’: : against ‘code clerks, Hie’ read files on targets and agents,: “discussed the’ situation with. MALYUGIN,. DEMKIN (the American Embassy Section case officer responsible for the residents ~ -. of -America. House) , ‘GRYAZNOV,. and_ .KOSOLAPOV, and reported -. his findings and recommendations to his’ superiors, KOVSHUK | and KLYPIN. : Several changes were made as a result, NOSENKO - asserted. In introducing a new program for the work of -— the section,. NOSENKO ‘suggestéd the use of third-country. : nationals (neither American nor Soviet citizens) for agent © work against code clerks; in line with this suggestion, he 3 [itary officer, § “WETSS} 608 against the America House. : against ei Litary's code~clerk Matthew ZUJUS}.. Another such 0% 06 . -.. sagent airectly handled” by. NOSENKO ‘wasc the Finnish, “business* = 08, D6. ewan Johan PREISFREUND),=who figured in the case of the™ ; Ohh Gulitary. code clerk JaméS STORSBERG].(see p.166). ‘NOSENKO pacieoe so suggested. initiating: activity “dgainst code clerks prior --to their arrival in the USSR and specifically proposed that | ".. Operational Measures -bé undertaken or that operational — .. possibilities. be studied in ‘Helsinki, the city. through which most of the. American; code clerks passed, on- their way to: Ques ned. jater on individual’ cases, NOSENKO retracted -his assertion that he read and. - studied! all‘the-files 6n individual American : code clerks,* stating. instead that he did not, - study any. although. he’ "may. have. skimmed some". “He -insisted,- however ,‘. that” in any “event he read all the current incoming information on . code “clerks received from microphones,. agents. . and’ ‘the liké, and routed the reports to the: case: officer. concerned. a Lo. » Gdb4434 “eR “48. No. 197124 Top Secret =~ copy 10 SS\-was specifically targetted ()G 8: ======== PAGE 170 ======== 14-00000 ceaeg een pnilitcee’ .The code clerk had already provided the KGB with some infor- Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) GOLITSYN's Information About KGB Operations Against Embassy : Code Clerks in 1960-1961 / The most significant collateral information about KGB Operations against American code clerks in this period, with which to compare NOSENKO's assertions {on this topic}, is that provided by GOLITSYN after his defection in 1961. GOLITSYN identified KOSOLAPOV and GRYAZNOV by name and from photograph as being two veteran KGB officers, personally known to him, who were in 1960 "working against code clerks in the American Embassy in Moscow." With respect to the priority attached to the recruitment of American code clerks in 1960, GOLITSYN commented in 1961 that: "The task of | strengthening of work against Americans had been a standing requirement, both in the past.and most particularly fin 1960]. This work was particularly intensified after the appointment of SHELEPIN.to the KGB... In 1960, it was “recommended in’ the KGB to intensify the work against the Americans at the Embassy in Moscow, and against American colonies in other, countries... This question of intensifying work against the Americans was up before the Collegium of the KGB. Thereafter there was a directive from SHELEPIN regarding the intensification of work against the American cipher-clerks." _GOLITSYN said that NOSENKO was not assigned to the Embassy . Section in 1960-1961, since if he had been GOLITSYN would — have known about it. | Preparing for his assignment to Nelsinki, GOLITSYN. in the spring of 1960 visited the Embassy Section and learned ] from GRYAZNOV that the latter had as an agent an Fmbassy code clerk who was scheduled to be transferred to Helsinki. pores mation and he was considered by the KGB to be a "real" agent. GOLITSYN was told by GRYAZNOV tnat if the code clerk's transfer materialized, GOLITSYN might have him in Helsinki as his agent. | 162 300 6001432 TS No. 19714 Top Secret Copy —__ ======== PAGE 171 ======== os... Top Secret. . (AMERICAN: mpassx, Seen - January, 1960-January 1962), ? GOLITSYN also ‘learned from GRYAZHOV in spring of 1960 ' “that: the latter. had developed - an operation ‘against an . » Embassy military code clerk in :which the KGB.was "99: per . cent, sure" that, the target would be recruited . . GRYAZNOV informed GOLITSYN ‘in April | or May: '1960- that ‘an* American: employee ‘of the‘ ‘Embassy in. Moscow, possibly: a code clerk, was either recruited or. prepared for recruitment on - the basis of -homosexual. compromise’ beginning in 1959. and . - concluding in 1960.» The KGB had photographed the American in various homosexual: acts~ but. SHELEPIN, who had just become “. Chairman of the KGB, at the time was- stressing ideological’ Yather -than- blackmail recruitments. -SHELEPIN said that the “homosexual ‘blackmail ‘was in- this ‘instance :"too dirty", and... the KGB should find-another basis for. recruitment.. ‘SHELEPIN, ~@id not exclude future use. of. the photographs y which: the. KGB would hold ain | reserve... ne : : are “while” ‘on: ae temporary - assignment to Helsinki: in. ‘November | 1960, V.V... KOSOLAPOV : “told GOLITSYN “that he had come-to © s weisinkd “in ordér. to accompany : an’: Embassy code clerk back : to Moscow on. the ‘train... KOSOLAPOV ‘planned to strike up an“). : acquaintance ‘with: the ‘code clerk. w ich ‘he. could continue | ls "to develop in Moscow::... In ‘September | 1961 a friend of . ' KOSOLAPOV also visited Helsinki. on-temporary “duty.” GOLITSYN tried to get him: to: ‘talk “about : KOSOLAPOV's : ‘November train‘. © operation, | but KOSOLAPOV.'s: friend’ would ‘not: discuss © the * casé. -GOLITSYN. reasoned that.’ _thete: ‘would be no reluctance to discuss. the case if it had’ been ‘unsuccessful, and. that... therefore KOSOLAPOV ‘must have been successful - in 1 developing the. ‘code. clerk: on the ‘train; Ore afterwards .. Be Thad recently been : - used in ‘the. “successful recruitment’ of. an American employee "Of. the ‘ . a ““TS.No. 197124 Copy - _-10° ======== PAGE 172 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) ; Comment: Two of GOLITSYN's leads may refer to[SToRsBERG) ()& % OL and(GARLAND] (see below). The other leads, more’ - than one of which may refer to the same : individual, have not resulted in an identifica- tion of any code clerk target of the KGB. Operations Against Military Code Clerks Comment: According to official U.S. Government records, : Service Attaches of the Embassy in Moscow as _Of 1960 shared a single cryptographic center and a single military code clerk (except when “two code clerks overlapped ‘during periods of turnover). The military code clerk was respan- sible for enciphering and deciphering the . traffic of all three military services. In’ ‘practice, at least one other ‘member of the ‘Service Attaches' offices.in Moscow held a cryptographic clearance:and was trained to replace the- regular military code clerk when the_latter was absent. - (James STORSBERG was the only military code 06,05 clerk Jassigned to the Moscow Embassy from . . February 1960 to September 1961, when his hg successor, [Matthew ZUIUS|, arrived. [STORSBERG] U¢ himself: arrived in Moscow in January 1960 and departed in November 1961. Meo During the period of (STORSBE "s tour in Moscow, back- ,Cryptographic dutes were per- ay formed by the (Militar Communications Officer, (/f 06 CWO-2 HURLEY), |HURLEY] performed these duties O6 on a number of ccasions, including ‘the night of the KGB approach to [STORSBERG] and he could & be loosely termed a code clerk. (Although : - NOSENKO has distinguished between (STORSBERG'd oe function as "military code clerk" and (HURLEY|'s 06 duties as “military code machine mechanic", he considered both to be within the general category 164 6001434 ud TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —____ ======== PAGE 173 ======== Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION -: January 1960-January 1962) _ Comment :. (Continued) ; : oo “ ..O£: “military. code clerks". ‘-NOSENKO - reported _that there was no KGB ‘opez#ation. against oe 0 (HURLEY) ) Additionally, (HURL EY} performed repair 06 work -on the cryptographic machines: and-directed: certain. other ‘sensitive, activities atthe - : . Embassy DG [HURLEY'S tour in Moscow began: shortly , “06 before (STORSBERG 's; in December 1959, and he . served: there until June- or. July 1962. “~The. “only other person performing’ official | “functions in .the military code room during. the “1960-61 period was {dames KEYSER, who arrived Ob” in Moscow..on 22. Decémber 1960" ‘and’ was assigned =| .to-the office'of the Air Force Medical Officer... — “As ‘a concurrent sécondary assignment, | (KEYSERS 06 ~. ‘worked as‘a.clerk-typist in the office of ‘the Air Attache: :~ From’ February - until mid-April ™ ‘1961,.as a collateral duty,[KEYSERS| worked snl - the joint military -code room where he was’ in : training. to serve as back~up: cryptographer. Lo He was relieved of ‘this duty in April 1961 for: ‘xeasons of low aptitude and lack’ of interest; - in June ‘1961 ‘he was. removed: from: Moscow because a £ reported” homosexual activities. ; “significance of : the’ following: cases, arly. that of(STORSBERG; is ‘the 5081 ol - collateral: information corroborates © — or ‘con radicts ‘NOSENKO's ‘claims ‘to have™ ‘been ¢ Deputy Chief of the American: Embassy. Section, to have: ‘supervised all. KGB operations.’ against Embassy code ‘clerks, ‘and ‘to have ‘certain knows. ; ‘ledge that no Americans inthe Embassy’ were ~~ )>.": -recruited between. “ANDREY" (Dayle: SMITH)? in : .1953- cand’ NOSENKO? s ‘defection. in: 19645: 6004435 ie : | TS "No. 197124 Top Secret Copy 10: ======== PAGE 174 ======== 14-00000 i \ Top Secret { ' (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) Attempted Recruitment of] storspeRG |O° NOSENKO's Information~1962 NOSENKO first ‘alluded to a KCB attempt to recruit an - | unnamed American military code clerk during his initial meeting with CIA in'1962:° He was describing a new technique | (which he later claimed to be-his own idea) introduced in the 1960-1961 period to overcome the ‘reluctance ‘of Americans ‘in Hoscow to develop ‘friendships with Soviet citizens. : Beginning in 1960 the KGB instructed "third-national" agents | (Germans, Frenchmen; ‘and-Finns,; for example) to visit the. American Club on Kropotkinskaya Naberezhnaya to cultivate American enlisted men living there. (GOLITSYN learned of ; .. One such agent of NOSENKO and the KGB concluded that GOLITSYN had reported the KGB practise to the Americans, because | 1 | foreigners no. longer were permitted to enter the America - House billets freely for dances, movies, and the like at the club there.) NOSENKO had recruited the agent known to - GOLITSYN in-order. to develop an American military code - .. clerk, Without. identifying either the foreign agent or the Recruiting a military code clerk from the Embassy was the American Embassy Section's “number” one assignment", and for . a year NOSENKO was involved in ‘an operation against such a ° target almost ‘to the ‘exclusion ofall other ‘duties. The ; no “case was considered to be the "number ‘one" case, and KGB : . Chairman SHELEPIN as well as Second Chief ‘Directorate Chief '.GRIBANOV impatiently inquired as to its progress. The targe was ‘an’ American /Army sergeant|with about 20 years' service JU, who, the KGB lea ned, wanted to retire and take a. position , [as a code clerk) with the State Department. For -the purpose UO” of developing the target, NOSENKO recruited a foreigner who a visited the USSR frequently. The "third-national" agent was - dee et, placed in contact with the American, and they had several 7 : drinking bouts together. After about two months; NOSENKO . instructed his agent to take the American to the agent's hotel room and introduce him there to a KGB female agent. ; - 34bR 166 , 6901436 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy _____ ======== PAGE 175 ======== |). (AMERICAN “EMBASSY SECTION — Janwary 1960-ganuary 1962) Although ‘the’ girl and the American were intimate, no photo- ‘graphs were taken, nor were photographs ‘taken the next time’ -¢/the agent: provided the American with a girl. ' On ,the third. ‘such occasion, :however.,, the KGB’ technicians. did obtain eye incriminating photographs.: The foreign agent also involved the American. in: an illicit ‘currency transaction: in which: | “the American contributed $300.as his share ‘to. finance ‘the: ery purchase. and subsequent ‘sale’ of ‘some jewels. . The American ». "was aliowed:to believe that he earned a $5,000 profit: the- money was actually. furnished ‘by the “KGB. © . After‘a‘ year": development, GRIBANOV: decided that a ae recruitment should be .attempted, ‘through: another foreigner. The original foreign agent, was:withdrawn ‘from ‘the: operation, and “a KGB. officer, ‘Nikolay Semenovich SKVORTSOV,. was Ce ee introduced to the’ American in “the. guise ‘of ‘wealthy French we i businessman “Marcel MICHAUD"... SKVORTSOV/MICHAUD met. and come drank? with the American several ‘times, "even at America.* .House".. It was SKVORTSOV's estimate that. the American was. . very careful vbut. that he might be susceptible to recruitment.) while’ drunk.: After meeting ‘with the American-“‘at ‘the club’in’ © America.House ‘one evening,’ SKVORTSOV telephoned him and | - _ invited him’ “SKVORTSOV's ‘hotel “room ‘to-meet "two Dutch =... giris". When he'arrived, SKVORTSOV explained. that ‘the girls of had refused t come, but that he could ‘call another girl for... the American. The'‘girl [identified by” NOSENKO “in 1964" 2%: z ‘a-KGB’ agent ofGRYAZNOV's who was used . A 7 and she “and ‘the ‘American were. intimate’... in KVORTSOV''s “hotel” zoom.” In“ an.adjacent :room were GRIBANOV,.- “NOSENKO ,*.KOVSHUK, and: another KGB ‘officer. In another’ =. .* djacent: room were technicians of the Operational Technical - ixrectorate, -who taped the American's-conversations.. ‘When. the American left SKVORTSOV's room’ at ‘two o'clock:.in' the - mning, he Was "very: tipsy". O an¢ other. BE sutercepted him in the“hallway;,eséorted. him into the adjacent. ae “Foomr and ‘locked the door. |. NOSENKO himself solicited the Sh American's: collaboration with the"-KGB in -éxchange for mo $20,000 in’ cash~ (which. was offered: in. two packages: of :$10°: ‘; Rotes)* and the’ promise. of additional ‘sums. . When the American ~ . vefused,- the KGB. officers. disclosed. their ‘knowledge -of his’ “ plan to transfer to the State Department. - They threatened... - “ to inform, the Embassy- that he.had collaborated with the kKGB,°: _ 4m. which casehé would get neither the cash nor the job with © 161 ee Le 6804437 . ~ TS No. 197124 7 ‘Top Secret - Copy 10 ======== PAGE 176 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) the State Department, The American was adamant in his refusal, although he was held in ‘the ‘hotel room all night long. At about six o'clock in-the morning the KGB officers received a telephoned report that the Embassy Marine guard had called America House to advise that the American. was needed at the Embassy because an enciphered telegram had arrived. The American was then released. The KGB "knew" that the American did not report the recruitment attempt. Using that circumstance ‘for blackmail rather than the incriminating photographs, the KGB planned another attempt to recruit him if he ever returned abroad. When the non-Soviet agent used in the first year of developing the American target had come to the attention of GOLITSYN, GOLITSYN visited the Embassy ‘Section ‘to see ‘if he could use him in First Chief Directorate operations abroad, NOSENKO was on leave at the time, but GOLITSYN talked with another Embassy Section officer. GOLITSYN was told "Don't _ touch him, he's ours", [The relevance of this incident is. C62 discussed below.] NOSENKO's Information-1964 At the second'méeting with CIA in Geneva in 1964, NOSENKO identified the American military code clerk as {"gim".% STORSBERG. .The foreign agent NOSENKO recruitedfor the _ case was (Johannes PREISFREUNDP(KGB cryptonym "“PROKHOR"), a (Bing. In repeating the subsfance of his 1962 account of ; the’ KGB recruitment .attempt, NOSENKO emphasized his personal role in directing both [PREISFREUND] and the KGB officer SKVORTSOV/MICHAUD. ae . : GRIBANOV and KOVSHUK, not NOSENKO, actually made the ; recruitment attempt. NOSENKO was not present; he waited outside the room with GRYAZNOV. Neither did NOSENKO recruit PREISFREUND|. The latter was recruited by KOVSHUK "who needed credit for the recruitment" although ‘NOSENKO had initially cultivated thef Finn. // Under ‘KOVSHUK's orders, NOSENKO served as(PREISFREUND' case officer, although KOVSHUK accompanied him to operational meetings with the agent. : . 464 6001438 168 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ____ ======== PAGE 177 ======== _ Top Secret oo (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - - January 1260rsansinny 1962) (GnersrRsvnb was ‘used. in no- KGB operation other ‘than in the development - of (STORSBERG OY, His usefulness ‘declined “because he was suspected, particularly ‘by: his * alLow Bins} |/ - of, hhaving. some xelationship. with the ‘KGB. A eport of: the[ Finnish security. rvice, | é. ‘advised CIA’in Décembér 1960 that/p Hersrae) p "isa: Soviet agent who - calls ‘at ‘the America ~ .Club “in, Moscow ‘and develops Americans in an. attempt to penetrate. Western circles". After GOLITSYN's' deféction lin December - 1961] -MOSENKO- (who a “had by then: transferred back ‘to’ the - ‘Seventh ° Department) and. ‘-KOVSHUK concluded* that {PREISFREUND)thereby - had béen identi-: 06. - fied’ as a KGB’ agent “to. American: Intelligence, - and that: PREISFREUND) should : ‘not ‘be-used: again” against American. Be “Embassy “NOSENKO was: told to‘use’ suitabiels: in dt. oe “Seventh Department: ‘operations, but* he Was ‘unsuitable. ‘since ce Me h ‘knew ondy(Finnish) “and. Russian 4 ; ; OSENKO! s. Informatio -1965 me a “the vy March 1965. nterrogations- NOSENKO . provided: ~some ‘additions as .well vas’ further amendments ‘to: yo what’ he’ had related‘ earlier: about (GTORSBERG. (/ GRYAZNOV | wrote | ‘the. initial operational’ plan;. which. NOSENKO ‘read and: | ™ ey ‘approved 4. ‘The - plan: called for.a- detailed: study: of [STORSBERG) ot ‘and the: creation: of. ‘some; basis :on ‘which: ‘to make ‘an: operay ; ., tional..approach..:” The case: developed. slowly ‘in: 1960. From @+~ s oot, female clerk_named [¥ YAZHINSKAYA}.and othér employees-in the- ; BRELSFREUND|obtained - background ieeoam atten OL 2 STORSBERG) ‘who sometimes Visited, he~Sauna in “the Finnish~ y Embassy] REISPREUND. \was directed to visit América House al. Ir ¥ order: _ ro) strike: up an acquaintance ‘with: STORSBERG, and ae 7. when he was successful, ‘he managed ‘to -lure/STORSBER to. his0G Bl hotel. room, where the KGB obtained incriminating ‘photographs. cs eis of{ STORS: BERG).andthe..femalé agent ‘Inga. VARLAMOVA. ‘USTORSBERG Bu : “Obi ose /PREISFREUND) Ss rooms many times at. different hotels ~ Zz} : in Moscow,~ ‘-but-the KGB. took” incriminating photographs on oe, we - GovLAR9 : 22 8 TS. No. 197124 ~ Top Secret Copy 10 ~ ” ======== PAGE 178 ======== 14-0000 oo Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960~January 1962) — 06 06 only two occasions, (PREISFREUND] introduced STORSBERG] to , SKVORTSOV, and when they had become acquainted, SKVORTSOV 0 invited (STORSBERG] to his Zoom at the Leningrad Hotel on a number of occasions; but (STORSBERG]alwa S refused. On one 04 evening in the middle of 1961, however , {STORSBERG| acoep ons Ot SKVORTSOV's invitation’ in-the belief that -he would meet : non-Soviet girl$: NOSENKO was in the hotel and he had | made arrangements with the KGB Operational Technical ; Directorate to-call at once if audio coverage of the American Embassy indicated anything which might affect the recruitment attempt. - ee _ ; : : While NOSENKO waited outside the room; GRIBANOV attempted i Ob to recruit (STORSBERG on ideological rounds; his proposal was translated by KOVSHUKG6 STORSBERG, ‘however, must have . given SKVORTSOV's ‘hotel ‘room telephone ‘number to'someone at the American Embassy; ‘because while GRIBANOV was talking to fi him someone called SKVORTSOV's room’ looking for the American, i When this happened, ‘either GRYAZNOV or NOSENKO knocked on \ the door and a vised KOVSHUK that the Embassy was searching i} for [STORSBER The recruitment attempt was thereupon | terminated, w successfully. : | Hi .. NOSENKO "could not remember" if he had ever read the KGB fo file on [STORSBERG,(% [In describing KGB practice. NOSENKO | : ' consistently equated custody of a case file ‘with ‘being the a responsible case officer.] He had ‘no interest in “earlier 4 i . reporting", although he had read current Materials concerning OO{STORSBERG) As they. came into the Embassy Section, — ‘Comment: NOSENKO at that time in 1965 was then confronted cripts in which he claimed ‘to have ‘run.-the Operation, to have been deeply ‘involved in it, and to have personally Spoken ‘to {STORSBERG) ()7_ during the recruitment attempt. NOSENKO interrupted the Yéading of the ‘transcript, Calling it "nonsense", ‘He said he was drunk at all the 1962 meetings in Geneva and was nervous in the presence of CIA officers. te 1166 001440 170 . TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 179 ======== 14-0000 (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962)-. (Continued) 9. Te But ta admitted that he had "painted-hiiself" as being — _ Somewhat more active and important than’ facts : justified; but ‘said this ‘reflected only* TE "white lies" which did not:‘affect the. otherwise. complete accuracy’ of ‘his story with “respect: to’ _ the position he occupied at the time nor the ~° ' events.which then transpired.) 2. 0 vl. nc 0o ~ NOSENKO's: Information=196 “ 7) .-) During the 1964 interrogations NOSENKO had-been vague as. > a to the timing and sequence of events in the[{STORSBERC| opera-Ob ; np tion, and-in 1965. he: refused to.specify dates for this oro "..-Jany. other operation he ‘described, stating he could. no‘longer ©’ _ zpvbe: sure.when. any, particular incident ‘occurred; Questioned “ QGagain. about the(STORSBERG case in October 1966, NOSENKO os dnsisted that hé~had directed the entiré operation from -’ . beginning to end,.and that it was his: most: important case. | -At his interrogator's. insistence,’ he provided’ the..following' -. chronology: . . re ee ee abe ORSBERG arrived: in Moscow.: (NOSENKO. |... accepted. the-actual. date ‘as supplied...” by the ‘interrogator.) . es (BREISFREUND was recruited by “KOVSHUK. - NOSENKO, after retracting his‘claim:: 9 ~ “he. recruited PREISFREUND| Said he 0G.° .. ale first met(PREISFREUND|"a week.or so. 06...) -after his Yécraitmént™ | (which occurred,:./- 9: . according to most ,accounts,; in. early’ 1960). In October 1966, however, . NOSENKO said that he and [PREISEREUND]: . first met."in the middle of “I960, im | “. the summer of 1960"... Po “Summer 1960: _-{PRETSFREUND) first provided a woman to Be 4 ~ 60014 4 ean aig IAAL ; ne oe, - a TS. No. 197124” -TopSecret = © Copy 10 ======== PAGE 180 ======== 14-0000 - Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) . r O Early 1961: Compromising photographs of {[STORSBERG| and a Soviet female were first obtained ; at the Hotel Peking in Moscow. . 6 About May. (PREISFREUND] was withdrawn from the 1961: operation and SKVORTSOV was introduced about three, weeks before the approach to [STORSBERG, of . oO: June 1961: Unsuccessful KGB approach to [SToRSBERG] in the Leningrad Hotel, Moscow. (Earlier in the 1966 interrogations NOSENKO had said that the approach was made’ "a_month or a month and a half Ob before STORSB G} left Moscow". Told (i. that |STORSBERG| Was reassigned in November 1961, NOSENKO said that the approach was in_June 1961, five months ob before [STORSBERG|'s departure.) ... OL. (STORSBERG] reported that the approach was in October 1961. See below.] . (STORSBERG} s Information : STORSBERG |\did not report the KGB recruitment approach until the NOSENKO lead prompted his being interviewed by the FBI on 14 September 1964. His reasons, he said, were that the KGB officers had warned him not do so and. he — feared that by reporting the approach he would jeopardize his chance for employment with the State Department. He said that he provided-no information to the Soviets during or after the approach in October 1961. With the exception of the timing of the recruitment attempt, [STORSBERG!s Ob account of the operation is fairly close to that provided by - NOSENKO, including the roles of PREISFREUND) and SKVORTSOV, (6 whom he positively identified by their photographs. He was unable to identify photographs of GRIBANOV, KOVSHUK, or. NOSENKO. : . ob , ee STORSBERG| said’ that he first became acquainted with Qo iP TSFREUND\in February or March 1960, he was first intimate. with a female procured by BREISERFOND] "six months or so" o) 0001442 172 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ; j5/SR ======== PAGE 181 ======== 4-00000 oo Top Secret _ (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~ January 1960-January 1962) | fe egay ca. June] -after. arriving in Moscow, and it was not. “until more.than a year later, in September. 1961, that he - first met SKVORTSOV,. posing as the, Frenchman “Marcel 7 re os -MICHAUD" {§ ‘STORSBERG |was uncertain how’he bécame acquainted “with: SKVORTSOV; stating variously | that he met him through. — _ .StateyDe artment ‘code clerk‘\Joseph MORONE {bthrough | friends at tnd Finnish] Embassy, or that he becamé acquainted with. -SKVORTSOV while he, {STORSBERG)” was serving as bartender in ~the America Club. ‘During .September 1 rc gaEiE on ob “intimate with female friends of: SKVORTSOV on, two occasions in. SKVORTSOV" s hotel room... oe boas ; “In the ‘middle of dgtober"M%61, on the evening: of the KGB recruitment attempt ;[STORSBERG|saw SKVORTSOV,<(MORONE|Mand = an unidentified: fe ‘sitting together in: ‘the: America (Club. ©, oe not have see B\with ; KVORTSOV in October’ 196101 ONE|Was trans~— Loe * ferred: ‘to Lisbon .the leit sus Aug St. after. he.. on _himself, was compromised by the KGB. See p. 198. . As far as CIA is aware, (MORONF)-has- never been: OS ” questioned regarding his“alleged_ association. a with, SKVORTSOV/MLCHAUD on[SORSBERG" OG - (ORONE) was dancing with the “unknowsi «tone: Grenson G: as invited “to visit’ SKVORTSOV's hotel “for drinks. (SvORSBERG|OS a SKVORTSOV left .the- America Club,. ‘and [STORSBERG}, was e again Ob Ba _ intimate with a.Soviet female in SKVORTSOV's hotef room. .. - It was. immediately after leaving SKVORTSOV's. room - on this i night. When (STORSBERG}was accosted by. the: “KGB... on a ‘signed: ‘statement: which | ‘he gave ‘a. ‘representative of | . “the U.S. Air. Force. Office of Special. Investigations on - 29 July 19650(S (STORSBERG] gave somewhat different details. “According to this is account,: three or four: months’ after : arriving in the Soviet Union in. November 1959 (sic), he met: JO(BREISFREUND)-through friends at the(Finnish\lEmbassy. .There- after (PREIS FREUND]. became a frequent visit x to thé: America’ -. Club, and” a, friendship developed between, the two. On four | 7 6004448 173° TS No. 197124 eo : Top Secret 7 : rae Copy 10 ======== PAGE 182 ======== 14-00000 _ Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) { iS) . d6 occasions | STORSBERG Jwas intimate with females, in PREISFREUND}' s hotel rooms. 04 |STOR BERG) last saw (PREISFREUND| around the end of September or the beginning of October 1961, when [PREIS- Ob FREUND \stopped coming to the America Club. At about that time, he_first, met SKVORTSOV through (MORON foat the America _ Club. 0% [MORONE| left Moscow the previous August.] {STORSBERG| 06 was not sure Of the exact circumstances of his introduction goto SKVORTSOV nor did he_know the latter's relationship with - (MORONE). After meeting STORSBERG))SKVORTSOV frequently - Visited the America Club and acfively cultivated (STORSBER 'sOG friendship. This soon led'to an invitation to visit SKVORTSOV's apartment, where STORSBERG) was intimate with a% Soviet female acquaintance of SKVORTSOV. It was after a second visit to the apartment, about a week after the first, that the KGB made its recruitment approach. According to : - QO this as well as{STORSBERG" s earlier account, the approach — occurred in the Middle or toward the end of October 1961. a In connection with an OST security interview on 5 August 19659 BTORSBERG) denied having furnished defense information "to any "Communist intelligence agency" or having ever agreed to do so, that he*had been contacted by a'member of a foreign intelligence agency since his'return to'the United States, or that he knew’ of anyone at the American’ Embassy in Moscow who. had been contacted by a member of'a "Communist intelli- - gence agency". He also denied having agreed in any way with ' &b (PREISFREUND! to’ buy diamonds. 0b {STORSBERG) s denial with respect to the diamonds is in’ contradiction both with the specific assertions of NOSENKO and with GOLITSYN's more general allegation that the unnamed American was recruited by the KGB after being compromised by (PREISFREUND] in illicit speculation.] al Ok Yew... [PREISFREDND's Information ~ CIA interviewed [BRE1SPREUND) in July 1965 in Helsinki}, [NOSENKO himself had suggested that (BREISFREUND] would confirm his story of the (STORSBERG case. ]y, While |PREISFREUND]))6 correctly identified photographs of. KOVSHUK, NOSENKO, and Me STORSBERG, he maintained initially that he had only a usiness relationship with KOVSHUK and NOSENKO, that he never had anything to do with the KGB, and that he did not even know what the initials "KGB" stood for. 0001444 174 , ; us TS No. 197124 Top Secret ~' Copy ____ ======== PAGE 183 ======== " QMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION, - Fannary:19¢0-genwary 1962) - {eRErsPRevnD} finally admitted; however ,. that he. had ‘been involved in: a KGB operation. against [STORSBERG] and he’ agreed Ib to tell. "the: entire. ‘truth"., His version of the “case, while’ .. “containing: “gome’ internal: contradictions; only a » “coincided with: that’ provided ‘by. "NOSENKO. . (PRE! 3 ‘claimed . to be- hazy. on‘ the date of all-events connected ‘with “his contacts’ with the’ KGB. © “The: dates, however, could be *- ree nstructed from the known dates of otherwise related events fel which he ‘said occurred about the time he was recruited or : tbfirse met [STORSBERG) or last visited the America House, and - -go0-forth.}--He described. being: recruited by’ KOVSHUK, first’, . Gating the: event as at: the ‘end of .1959 or the beginning of | 1960, and later as. ‘March-April 1960.: According to{BREIS= 6 ~ FREUND, .. he, was. "cultivated": neither by NOSENKO or by.. oy KOVSHUK. The fi st: ‘time he met either was when he was: confronted and ‘recruited by KOVSHUK. undér threat of prosecution for. black- market: dealings. ~. :[NOSENKO™ is° unaware of that’ feature. of Ob [PREISFREUND] recruitment. y: “On NOSENKO's ‘and “KOVSHUK's- ions, about six months after (PREISFREUND| s© recruit- Ob Instructions, : ment, he ‘became ' acquainted’ with \ ‘STORS BER Tana? “in: the. summer D6 . s£ 1960 on*one’ occasion 'he~ ‘lured [STORSBE! RG Jinto, intimacy with OG. -female ‘KGB. agent” (earlier identified by” OSENKO)..in his. He never saw. (STORSBERG} again, n nor..did- he Dt operations : _ 6 itn’ ‘the -Referrin to the, night RSBI S|was. intimate: i : female KGB ssecteaune Fie Hotel room, (PRETSFREUND) Db. ob aid he-slépt:in the hotel corfidor | while [STOF tORSBERG] and Jand the Ob firl< shared his “bed. “ At: one“ point- ‘during * sro ‘evening: he- Limpsed :NOSENKO® in’ ‘the hallway ,° wearing: a rubber: apron. “He. :deducéd from this’ that. NOSENKO had been involved in’ ‘surreptitious photography of{STORSBERG)and the. > girl. “0b NOSENKO. stated: that. photographs were taken of” QL, (STORSBERG] and. ‘a, girl. in(PREISFREUND Reece. yom." He has. mever. ‘sai “anything oO” “suggest, ‘however, that.He ever: personally- was involved .. ; n. photographing’ any, of. the’ compromises he’ : “Claims to, have, arranged, ‘nor has ‘he ever’ a , ‘claimed any. competence in clandestine photo~. - graphy. couLags ‘175 SO “aie! 18.No. 197124 Top Secret ue Copy 10 ======== PAGE 184 ======== 14-00000 Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~ January 1960-January 1962) 06 , Before his last meeting with CIA, /PREISFREUND ]mentioned that he was planning to visit: Leningrad with his family, but that he had learned from’ business*contacts in Moscow: that Soviet authorities suspected him of complicity in NOSENKO's defection. He was apprehensive and particularly concerned that the KGB might suspect that he had related his role in the [STORSBERG case’ to American Intelli ence, (6 During his final meeting with CIA‘on 13 July 1965{ PREIS~ ()/ FREONB] asked his interviewers for advice as’ to whether he should or should not travel to the USSR. He was told that © if the situation was as-he described; it could be quite « _ dangerous for him to return. [PREISFREUND] stated then that{)( he agreed, that he would not go to the USSR after all. ' OW - co, Comment: (PREISFREUND|did shortly thereafter visit the am Soviet Union’ as he planned, and according to \l Finnish| official’ travel records returned to: \OlLHelsinki\on'24° July 1965. From his apparent ; immunity. to°KGB pressure, it is concluded that 08 (PREISFREUND]is to some degree still.under KGB ' control. ; : ; a GOLITSYN's Information GOLITSYN, who served as a KGB First Chief Directorate counterintelligence officer in Helsinki until his. defection. in December 1961, reported that he had met in Helsinki on. several occasions in 1960/a Finn by the name of PREISFREUND] OF, 06 ‘whom he wished to use operationally. In December 1960. - {[GOLITSYN's passport showdéd that -it took place in January 1961] GOLITSYN visited the Second Chief Directorate's American Department in Moscow to request the permission of | KOVSHUK to use {PREISFREUND! against Americans in {Finland} Ob lf ., .KKOVSHUK refused the request with the explanation that 06 PREISFREUND} “helped in one recruitment now, and it is - NNecessary to be careful for about six months so as not to arouse American_suspicions". GOLITSYN learned from KOVSHUK that PREISPREOND| hag met the target at America Club in 0001446 +78 . : : ” TS No. 197124 Top Secret 158 Copy —. ae ======== PAGE 185 ======== Top Secret: - CERECHS BIAS SECTION - - January 1960-January 1962) “Moscow: ‘and had ‘involved him. in speculatory activities. and. - lured ‘him’ into’ intimacy ‘with various female KGB- agents. . . According | ‘to: KOVSHUK;,; the recruitment .was accomplished™' _ “1960, atthe end of 1960"; (BREISFREUND) "had helped ‘to created’ . the’ circumstances" and had been withdrawn from the operation . before’ the. actual ,approach, which was made by KGB- officers. | Phe: American target of (PREISFREUND), from what KOVSHUK relate to GOLITSYN, was either: a code: clérk“or diplomat. (GOLITSYN “later expressed - his personal belief that the individual. ‘Probably: was. unmarried and might” have’ been . a. “military Comment: - tf GOLITSYN' s ‘lead’ ‘is not ‘co @HORSEERG): b but to : “some other. American code clerk against: whom : ob (PREISFREUND|.was. used, NOSENKO's claim to have. pervised all such’ ‘code clerk operations | ‘ais refuted. : fo. : . th the ‘absence’ ‘of contrary ° wry ‘evidence; ‘itis. “juagea that While the time of" ‘the — be the most ae eteibie 1 ‘because: of the. circumstances. under... -he-acquired his information. * These circumstances-~. visit’ to and. discussion: with .KOVSHUK in Moscow, © RE: ESEREUND are. confirmed .by NOSENKO and Ob... € :is’éstablished by passport’ ‘informa-. ‘,,. It. follows: that’ ‘the: operation against (STORSBERG} ‘thus OC would have taken’ 1 place® ‘more than six months. prid6¢ tot e timé ~ NOSENKO: and* ‘GTORSBERG| clained « Such a significant’ inaccuracy 0G by: NOSENKO,: out an event which: he. said took place less than a: ‘year. before he described it-to CIA. (in. June 1962), _ undermines: his claim to: the role he played in the ‘case and: - hence.to his position as Deputy Chief. of. the ° American “Embassy . "Section. and” Supervisor, of) code: ¢lerk operations. - G0GL447 nee \IOISK- 5 No. 197124 -.. Top Secret 7 Copy 10 bbe oe > _ GOLITSYN's lead refers to{STORSBERG) 6 The role of {P felbeiamaye Te ======== PAGE 186 ======== Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~- January 1960-January 1962) Attempted Defection of \KEYSERS | U.S. Army Specialist Fifth Class [James KEYSERS] served in Moscow from December 1960 as an assistant to Embassy. Medical Officer/Donald C. MARTIN, | an Air Force Captain. 06; vy go KEYSERS\ was ' the ‘Yeplacement of {Staff - Sgt. J.G. BRADLE who Ob ad been earlier withdrawn from~Moscow because ‘he was: ; homosexual. Besides his duties with the Medical Officer, Or (KEYSERS] was assigned administrative functions in the office of the Air Attache. s8{KEYSERS| was trained also to perform back-up cryptographic duties” under (James - STORSBERG jin the(6 military code room, but he was relieved of this duty in April 1961. Because of his admitted homosexual tendencies, . Hb KEYSERS\ was removed from Moscow by his American superiors on 16 June 1961. aSjease. first spoke © of what turned. out to be: the | KEYSERS |\case in Geneva in 1962, but without naming the KGB O° Raven or identifying him as[STORSBERG!s replacement. TheO6 sae KGB and Embassy officials almdést simultaneously discovered . ' the American'to be a-homosexual,; he said;:and when the KGB found ‘out that the target -was- to withdraw from the Soviet Union,.a letter offering him asylum in the USSR was sent to the American. ‘NOSENKO himself followed ‘up the letter by ' personally ‘repeating the KGB offer to the American at the airport just before his’ departure. to recruit(STORSBERG and then proceeded to repeat his 1962 description of the KGB action taken againstf STORSBERG! s sb replacement, whom he. identified as[ ZUJUS).06 everal d _ later, NOSENKO telephoned the Geneva safehouse and requested an urgent meeting with CIA. At the meeting he announced that_he had made a misptes that oronseEN’ s replacement was Db db not (20gUs}, but [KEYSERS}>” (REYSERS,,jinot (Z bhe said was the homoSexual code c pats whom se NOSE KO ad personally accosted at the airport. . fe On 24 semua tits NOSENKO described the KGB attempt 6001448 78 ya 16e TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 187 ======== Top Secret: ” (AMERICAN: EMBASSY SECTION = January 1960-January 1962) “NOSENKO's ‘Information - oS . BD . Kersnrdwasl Snonsnenshs replacerient as military ‘code clerk, and the "sensed at once". that he was.a homo- °° sexual, ‘and the case preoccupied NOSENKO the exclusion of everything-else. NOSENKO and other: KGB officers, for. — example, chased{ KEYSERS(@11 over Moscow, ‘attempting (without, .., success) to confront their target.in- compromising circum-. ‘stances.’ The American ice ballet:\Ice. ‘Capades troupe):.came. __ : to. Moscow, and {KEYSERS* became « involved at ‘America. House with some of its. male homosexual members. . The Embassy - Security: Officer. learned of{KEYSERQ!. activities at about the same ‘time ‘NOSENKO’ learned of them through ‘a’ KGB agents ng The -KGB would. *- have’ preferred to, attempt to. recruit (KEYSER, Seat. it learned \. that he was.to- be withdrawn from the Soviet Union: - The KGB. “then sent a letter: col KEVSERED at his :room‘in America ‘House,. - 2 he was ‘in, :and- offering. him asylum ©. in the. UssRdbo{KEVSERS laid. not: respond to the: letter... On the ee day . of (KEYSER "_ departure; KGB surveillants: reported that he * had left = America House for thé airport, accompanied: by an — : “Assistant: ‘Army Attache. «.-NOSENKO.. ‘sped to, .the sch[ xe and. in. pointing: ‘out. the trouble the terminal ‘building: found. occasion .to- approach| KEYSERS] DG" : valone. - NOSENKO asked. if{ KEYSERS} Had: thought. abo the. offer pe in the letter, _ but. (KEYSERS) did not respond -and immediately (ors we reported the APPL OAC AE tO” ‘the: officer: escorting | him. a the time. NOSENKO Ser ouchea tet ad” concluded thatCKEYSERS| ad not’ deported. receipt. of. the ( ‘letter inviting Him-to ‘defect, because no information to’ : this: effect was: ‘obtained from microphones ¢ or: telephone | tape (ierseis Information: Prior. ‘to: his: departure from. noscow @EYSERS acknowledged _ ‘to his. superiors his’ homosexual tendencies and he admitted. involvement: ‘in three homosexual incidents; °all“at America © -House. He was: rebuffed .by a.Marine guard ‘in*March 1961, .. ‘and he twice- engaged © in homosexual ‘acts with members of - the. - Ice Capades troupe in May. He denied any public:display'of..~ “his. homosexuality but. said he could not be. sure. that someone _ --had not entered his room at America House, while: he. and. a » homosexual partner were asleep. cos 004449. : “179 oe 7 wR *< TS No. 197124 Top Secret — | Copy. 10 ======== PAGE 188 ======== 14;00000 _ Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) In a debriefing in West Germany on 26 June 1961,/ kevseRs] 06 related the events leading to his withdrawal from cow. On 15 June he had been called to the office of Army Attache 0& (Coroner URBAN) who advised him that he was being transferred rom Moscow the, following day for excessive drinking, and cautioned him not to reveal the reasons for his transfer. i that reported by KEYSERS} and Embassy officials.0b 6 However, before the everits NOSENKO described, 0° (KEYSERS! behavior and reputation had already een discussed between Security Officer John ABIDIAN and Army Attache, [Colonel HOFFMAN, a Ub conversation which (HOFF! Tj}concludes. was’ among. those sensitive matters compromised by micro- phones later discovered in the Army Attache offices. Similarly,(Colonel URDAN/s conversa-~()b b tion: informing )KEYSERS\of his impending transfer was concluded to have been monitored by the -game KGB microphones, from which the KGB would have learned, contary to NOSENKO's assertion, that [KEYSERS')did report the receipt of the ‘defection létter to his superiors. Bb (KEYSERS] described the Russian who approached him at the airport as heing 40 to 45 years old, about 5 feet 8 inches tall, approximately 225 _ pounds, and having a dark complexion and light hair. NOSENKO was then 34 years old, and he is . several inches taller and not. rotund. When 0b [KeyseRs) was shown photographs of NOSENKO, he - id not recognize him. fl According to NOSENKO, the KGB "sensed at Deonce" that (KEYSERS) was a homosexual. He is unaware of cértain information relating to 0G CREYSERS!! homosexual activities, drinking, and difficulties with his superiors, although that information was available through KGB agents in America House and had been widely discussed in Embassy offices in which microphones had been emplaced. No KGB officer directly connected Comment: NOSEMNKO's ved by( KEYS generally coincides with 6004450 180 8/5 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 189 ======== Top Secret (AMERICAN ‘EMBASSY SECTION > January 1960“January, 1962) Lo ‘» Comment: - (Continued) mie 06 06 ; oe. : with “the case could 1 regara [RevsERS] as-Grorsisngys, replacement 0&6 KEYSERS}arrived in Moscow al almost ‘2. (a year beforel: had: ein Syrian am ‘Samih WEISS). the |1)V “recruited - and handled{Syrian amy offic "main ‘agent" in -a-KGB Gevelopmental operation agains€| ant WV thew Peter ZUJUS 0o[ZUU5] arrivea in Moscow ‘I961°to assumé the Military code. clerk duties £| STORS and he ‘remained | there until: January 1963. _ *NOSENKO did “not recall the fZUJUS |case until. he was reminded 0b of it‘by a reference-.tof (Sami NBISS \which was among: his. . notes: which he brought. we Geneva. - , NOSENKO's ‘Information a Y Captain 6 ajor in the Syrian Army] “who was. Studying at the-Tank Academy. > He visited the” ‘America | Club, _-and when he identified\2ZUgUS |b photograph as one of the 04. "persons: he had. met there, fy he was ‘told to develop him, not . : en 4 UJUS Jhad ot n“Stationeéd “in O, Lebanon” and the Syrian was Sh: Sonly a snort. - istance away .b(WEISS \merely ied and developed (Z% (augusT 1.06 | “durin conversations at the America Club. On one. oécas: peUeyoe ~ bithen ZUSUS] agreed that it would be niee to have some [Lebanese] [ sa. vodka, thé KGB B arranged r some to’be sent from the KGB B Legal | “Residency: in Beirvd,, ana [eTSe)presented it to"Z0I08} as a gift from friends jy . D6 ; OG . : were : a 0 Se" TS No. 197124 Top Secret si‘ s Copy 10 ======== PAGE 190 ======== 06 "main agent"(HWEIS bb : ; Tep Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) db ZUJUS}' case officer was GRYAZNOV, and besides handling the 3, NOSENKO supervised GRYAZNOV's activities with respect 0 [Z JUS|.0G NOSENKO read the Second Chief Directo- rate file on the Amefican, as well as all reports as they came into the Embassy Section, and he discussed the case with GRYAZNOV, KOSOLAPOV, DEMKIN (the case officer responsible for America House), and his own superiors. GRYAZNOV wrote the operational plan, which called for thorough development by (WEISS) in order to learn everything about him and eventually Qbto introduce an agen to(ZugUS| through the Syriail,i¢ Progress Z Sbwas slow because db Bo UJUS) was quiet and reServed an often Stayed alone, even’ in America House, Although [WEISS] and (6 ZUIJUS became_acquainted; ‘they did not become godd friends. Go On t days /WEISS\planned ‘to visit America House, NOSENKO | -fihen they met ‘the day following(wEIs "Qo GETSS Jwould report such things aS-wh met him in hotels or restaurants, never in safehouses. - This occurred every week or two, dependin on{ WEISS)" availabilityob SPingetings ‘with (2UJUS} 6 i Ich Americans wer ~ rinking heavily and who at America House was involved with which girls from foreign embassies. Although WEISS |visited O6 America House once or twice a month, and drank-there with ; Ue (zusu8} he reported little of interest. - bb The KGB’ learned "something" about fuave family in the United States, the details of which NOSEN did not recall: he was sure, owever, that_there was nothing unusual or of ; interest to the KGB about (ZUJUS! ‘family background. There O6 was no information on ZUJUS\ reGeived from KGB microphones, Ob telephone taps or sur ilYance, and'the KGB was unaware of any vices G not knoe of sae which (2030S may have had. 06 NOSENKO did not know of any other ‘agents ‘working against ZUIJUS|. The KGB did not attempt to recruit(ZUJUS)\ while SENKO was in the Embassy Section. If there had been a. recruitment attempt later, after he left the Section, NOSENKO would certainly learned of :it from GRYAZNOV. oe ; "Because no one else knew him", at the American Depart~ ment's request NOSENKO continued to manage \WNEISS\' contact 0¢ with ZUJUS\ after NOSENKO transferred to the eventh Depart-— ment ih Jafuary 1962. In March or April 1962 it was pianned Obthat WEISS\ would invite( Zusus|to a restaurant where he p& woul € introduced to "a friend", but the meeting had not O30L452 182 bleh TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 191 ======== Top Secret ”. (AMERICAN. EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) SRC ee OS ONER Giea eae vand'.left for. Geneva. When WEISS} eturned. tox (Syria) in April | :.1962,. he was not turned over to the First. Chief Directorate: “his: file was. sent: to Second ‘Chief Directorate: archives a Qh {Gosu8y Stneornation 7 During “youtine® debriefing: by U.S. Army authorities in ob nck ade eee an ‘Embassy: Security Office report that in the summer of °1962{ZUJUS}had been ‘intimate with an (6 “:, Austrian woman; : "Lillian" (Last name unknown) , who had “wisited America’ ‘House ‘with someone from the United, “Arab “Republic ‘and had: returned alone _a few’ days” later, when she -was picked up by (ZUIUS).i¢ since’ ‘2usUS was. a*cryptographer, () the America House manager interViewed "Lillian" and learned “that she-ckaimed to be from:Vienna d&nd to be- travelling with “her. employer, .a Czech. When | the Embassy ° Security Officer. learned from.the Austrian “Embassy that no Austrian’ passport : had ‘been: issued | ‘to "Lillian", he asked her for her = passport. ~ She replied ‘that'she had. forgottén-it. and then left, -saying - shé was ‘going to her! hotel. ‘for. ‘the . The Helsinki esidéncy's query to the Helsinki police chief about (JENNER) 0} _, indicates that KOSOLAPOV's cable contained information about Qo JENNER]: :not just notice that KOSOLAPOV was coming to Helsinki. _, It was at the airport in Moscow, not on the train, that Qo ."SOLISTKA" gave (TENNER her telephone number, an event which . would be presumably memorable to NOSENKO (as supervisor of all code clerk operations) if only because of his futile ob wait for [JENNER |to call. Finally, NOSENKO is unaware of the ' * actions 6F KGB agents who were employed as maids b JENNER} (6 From the foregoing it is concluded that NOSFNKO was neithér KOSOLAPOV's supervisor, nor in this instance, supervisor of ali KGB operations against American code clerks. GdUL460 189 TS No. 197124 Top Secret 568 Copy 10 _ ======== PAGE 199 ======== 14-0000 06 fe _ Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) ob Development of John GARLAND | The GARLAND) case is of particular significance to judging the validity:. of NOSENKO's claim to complete know- NOSENKO is not merely unaware of KGB action taken with respect to [GARLAND} he vehemently asserts no such action was taken. Do NOSENKO's Information: NOSENKO on 28 January 1964 identified twenty Americans .employed by the American Embassy in Moscow who were of interest for various reasons to the KCB. He gave a short Statement concerning each of the twenty, among which was GARLAND, about whom NOSENKO said, "Code clerk, but nothing doing"S Later asked to review the list: and supply any , additional information he might have, NOSENKO stated that Obthe KGB was studying [GARLAND] like the other code clerks, to gather enough incriminating material to make a recruitment. The case officer was KOSOLAPOV. NOSENKO did not recall any -he had read the KGB fil€-on GARLAND|,but ‘he thought he must have read reports concerning-him aS they came into the Embassy Section. There was no operational plan drawn up Ob for (GARLAND because the KGB developed no derogatory infor- gb mation concerning him; no recruitment thus was ever planned or attempted. NOSENKO could recall no background informa- tion concerning [GARLANp),) uch as his travels and acquain-— tances whise stationed in Moscow. , Confronted in October 1966 with the evidence [see below] _Of KOSOLAPOV's trip to Helsinki-to seo many [GARLAND] back Ola to Moscow on 16 November 1960, NOSENKO was inSistenf that there was no such trip, that KOSOLAPOV travelled but once , -to Helsinki in connection with [JENNER] in early 1960, and ©% that the KGB had taken no such action with respect to (GARLAND), (NOSENKO had earlier reiterated that he was KOSOLAPOV's direct supervisor from January 1960 until January 1962 and he would have had to know and to approve 28K TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ____ COGL46L 190 ======== PAGE 200 ======== Top Secret = _ (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~ January 1960-January. 1962) ° "in advance any Operational ‘travel performed by his sub- ; ‘ordinate outside of the USSR.) = Reminded that he transitted _Amsterdam on a direct flight to Cuba on 15 November 1960 ‘(the day before KOSOLAPOV 1a nage samkd with [CARLAND):, . NOSENKO stated. that, he would “have learned. of KOSOLAPOV's *” '. travel in any case, whether or not he was in Moscow. ; . Ob Ob Garzand)'s neormétion : : (GARLAND was first interviewed ‘on 17 duly 1962 bythe. Regional Security Officer in Moscow as’ 4 result of the. “GOLITSYN lead’[see below]. In this. interview-(GARLAND.deniea Ob “having met any Soviet of KOSOLAPOV's physical description |" _ ‘during the Helsinki-to-Moscow train trip and also denied.. y pavin been_approached by Soviet Intelligence. On 30 duly J 1963 (GARLAND) was interviewed by the FBI and on 31 July he © . _ = Was.given a polygraph examination. The latter, according... va. to the FBI, "disclosed no information indicating that . . Qb[Gartanp was deceptive in his statements. to us denying ‘any: ° association With Vadim. Viktorovich KOSOLAPOV or denying ever, =~ knowingly being contacted by any foreign intelligence agent", ©: b EGARTAND)~ by his: own statement, took the train on 16 November. .. -, 1960 .£¥om Helsinki.to Moscow; -to assume the duties.as pes ‘supervisor -of the [State Departrient “code “room) in the .Em . GOLITSYN's’ Information: ’ ~ '_ GOLITSYN,.-who was. not posted to*Helsinki until July. 1960,°. |: “reported that. "about the. end of°1960;, about November or.” a possibly by the beginning of 1961", the KGB Second Chief” Directorate sent a télegram’ to the Helsinki Legal Residence.’ — advising that an American code clerk would arrive in Helsinki. in transit to Moscow. The telegram Stated that the respone=== sible case officer, KOSOLAPOV, would be sent’ to Helsinki “a alias and under Vneshtorg cover for the purpose :of strikin Up an acquaintance to be continued with the American in | °”: Moscow. The Residency procured: for KOSOLAPOV a place‘in --. ' the American's compartment. GOLITSYN himself went to the °- = ‘train to see off"a ‘Soviet delegation returning to Moscow, : - and he talked with KOSOLAPOV. Later in the-summer or fall: _9f 1961, GOLITSYN met’ in Helsinki another Second Chief. - ‘Directorate officer from the Embassy Section, and he inquired EN 5 No. 197124 ; Top Secret _ Copy 10 — ======== PAGE 201 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) about the case on which he had helped KOSOLAPOV. From the Embassy Section officer's refusal to discuss the case GOLITSYN concluded that it must have resulted in a success-~- ful recruitment; otherwise, the Embassy Section officer would have eC willing to talk to him about it. shown{ GARLAND} s photograph by the FBI on 13 March 1962, i GOLITSYN failed to identify it “as being that of the unknown i individual he had seen in the train compartment in Helsinki 4 with KOSOLAPOV". . Information From Other Sources KOSOLAPOV arrived by train in Helsinki on 12 November 1960. The Finnish railroad manifest of passengers travelling from Helsinki to Moscow on 16 November 1960, lists KOSOLAPOV (as KOLOSSOV) among eight Soviets aboard the train, and|John W. pd GARLAND] the only American. [See accompanying exhibit.) As he had with regard to GenveRl (see above), SERGEYEV of the KGB Legal Residency in Helsinki on 11 November 1960 asked the local police chief (and KGB agent, according to GOLITSYN) for help in locating {GARLAND} an American who would arrive there on 14 November. 9 ~ Development of GARLAND} Summary and Conclusion _ Whether or not GARLAND) was aware, and contrary to NOSENKO's assertior?| GARLAND (clearly was the target of a KGB operation entailing KOSOLAPOV's travel to Helsinki. NOSENKO denies (with a vehemence which the foregoing summary cannot accurately reflect) that KOSOLAPQV,, travelled to Helsinki except in connection with|JENNER|)"and his assertion thus cannot be . .smissed as the product of fault recollection in which he fonfuses the casescof JENNER) and GARLAND\, © } i yf | NOSENKO's denial of the facts of the(GARLAND\|case is fatal to his claims that he was KOSOLAPOV's supervisor, and that he supervised all KGB operations against American code clerks. , Moreover, the KGB action in the{ GARLAND) case impugns NOSENKO' s(y6 claim that, as one time Deputy Chief of the Section, he would necessarily know of any operations mounted against Embassy code clerks. 192 G001463 . ISK —sTS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —___— ======== PAGE 202 ======== 14-0000 : EXHIBIT 2. - Complete Train Manifest, Helsinki-Moscow : Loettelo mathustajista, jak ......°.. .. Junella,. gerne Smee inen, satu mart. * w{okeanen,:Frens Osker '. | ° - Teal “001464 1s No. 197124 ======== PAGE 203 ======== Hl mi al 1| 4 i ml 6b the file on|MORONE| and saw his visa ree Phonon but never M Top Secret _. (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~ January 1960-January 1962) of KGB/Polish UB Operations Against/ MORONE ‘At his first meeting with CIA on 9 June 1962 NOSENKO Made a passing reference to an operation in which he had placed a female Potisn UB agent in contact with an unnamed American from the Embassy while the latter was visiting Warsaw and later brought the agent to Moscow to further compromise the American. On 11 June 1962 NOSENKO was asked whether he had foreign (non-Russian) agents working against the American Embassy, and he replied that he himself introduced the idea of using such agents to develop Americans afraid of becoming involved with Russian girls. He had several such agents, he said, and he sometimes asked the East German and Polish security services to supply him with such agents, As an example, NOSENKO cited the case of a Marine guard and a code clerk from the Embassy who travelled to Warsaw. The code clerk was intimate with a Polish female agent, whom NOSENKO had planted in their train compartment, on the train ‘to Warsaw, and later in .Moscow. — : : : . In an FBI’interview on 24 February 1964 NOSENKO : referred to the case again, and- when the names of code , Obeierk Joseph MORONE | and Embassy Marine guard(Frank BeGcs] DS were mentioned, he immediately identified them as the men involved. : 1 NOSENKO's Information i) (worowg} s case officer was NOSENKO's subordinate and specialist in code clerk operations, KOSOLAPOV. NOSENKO read saw him in pérson. NOSENKO discussed the IORONE|case with U KOSOLAPOV and GRYAZNOV on a number of occaSions. Several KGB agents were employed against [MORONE) including foreigners as well as Soviet citizens, - g& : 193 TS No. 197124 Top Secret 7/68 Copy 10 ======== PAGE 204 ======== pb Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) Svetlana IVANOVA, a maid or Waltress at America House reported to DEMKIN, her case officer, everything she saw or heard concerning [MORON Oe KOSOLAPOV Visited her several times with DEMKIN-to discuss [HORONH,)band NOSENKO himself met her once or twice in one Of thé two safe apartments that DEMKIN had at his disposal. NOSENKO did not recall any specific information from IVANOVA on [HORONE|which was ‘interesting or useful. f . . SARWAT EL SHAZLY, an Egyptian employed at the Egyptian Embassy and an agent of the Sixth (Underdeveloped Countries) Department of the KGB Second Chief Directorate, visited America House and met (MORONE], but he reported nothing of value that NOSENKO recalled. 04 Pietro CECCHI, an Italian cook at the American Embassy and KOSOLAPOV's agent, reported everything he heard or saw about Americans to KOSOLAPOV, but NOSENKO recalled nothing specific that CECCHI had reported about (HORONE) In early 1960 GRYAZNOV went to East Berlin to obtain two -German women who could be used against the residents of ‘America House.. One of these, Hanna, a blonde, was documented as a West German. NOSENKO never met her but instructed (PREISFREUND) (see the (STORSBERG) ase) to take her to America House and Ieave her on her own. Hanna went several times to ' America. House in 1961, but NOSENKO can recall nothing that she may. have reported on{MORONE].M The second East German girl was documented as an Austrian, NOSENKO never met her but he recalled that she was asked for her documents at _ “América House on her first or second visit there. She replied that she had left them at her hotel, left America House, and never returned. (NOSENKO did not remember the time when this incident occurred, beyond the fact that he ; was still in the Embassy Section and that. ABIDIAN was the Embassy security officer at the time.) From one of these agents Jer possibly in some other Manner, the KGB learned that [Moron was planning to go on leave in Warsaw. NOSENKO, KOSOLAPOV, and GRYAZNOV thereupon decided to employ a Polish female agent in an attempt to compromise him, KOSOLAPOV wrote the draft of the operational plan for the attempt, which was approved by GRIBANOV after - 194 (6001466 TS No. 197124 Top Sécret 0/86 Copy ____ ======== PAGE 205 ======== Top. Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~ January 1960-January 1962) .. Some editing by NOSENKO and KOVSHUK. KOSOLAPOV next. met aoa “with a Polish UB’ counterintelligence officer in KGB Head-.. | " quarters. to discuss tne’plan. Thé’ Pole was! told that the _ “target ‘was an American Embassy employee, but not that he «”° was a code clerk; this fact: was deliberately kept.from the:. ° “< Poles... ee m we 2 As a result of this meeting, a Polish girl was obtained’ | by the Polish UB and sent to Moscow by train. “Upon -her ae arrival She was met by KOSOLAPOV, who took her: to a Moscow hotel. where he gave her instructions concerning her role | in the operation. The girl was told to meet /iMORONE]-on the 6 train, flirt with him, -have. him fall in love With her, 2 8 -° continue the association, and study him. ‘She was ‘to tell ‘ him that. she had been. in Moscow as a guest of her uncle, a. member :of the Polish Trade. i ; that she.could meet him agai Arrangements ‘were made with the KGB Operational Technical. - Directorate for a tecinician to be placed on the train in. _ a y-the: compartment next*to that of (J1ORONE] ana his companion, 8% rs {BEGGS}, “for audio and visual. (bu rnot piotographic) coverage... ° :) “” NOSENKO aid. not zecail wnen GoROMi| ana [Broce |aett. The Polish agent. did,. however; “Succeé ‘in making |HORON: acquaintance, and the technician from.t ix -torate reported back 6 NOSENKO. the day ‘after the train : feached Warsaw: The technician told NOSENKO the girl had., ae -“engaged, in sexual Antercourse witi(HORONE)during the trip.g(, a “The. tecanician also report ‘that. ne. tape recordings. ob=.%-°. | : ained were ‘poor gqualit oe Pe ok he Operational BD: At this juncture’ in‘ NOSENKO's interrogation Sw -he-was reminded that he was en route to Cuba *) >’ on. 15 November-1960 and did. not’ return ‘to ~~ Woscow, until mid-December, and that. State::. °[BEGGS|left “itoscow on 13 November and arrived on the following day... NOSENKO responded ‘that™ : ‘instead of naving talked to the technician - ” - personally; he may. have read the technician's Top Secret AR Copy 10 0 Department: records “indicated that [MORONE) and Oo ur ======== PAGE 206 ======== Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) Comment: (Continued) “~~~ yeport. and had seen "the film strips" after “his return from Cuba. NOSENKO, it will be noted, had said earlier that there was no . phétoegraphic coverage of (MORONET s train * compartment. o Because the KGB still lacked compromising materials, KOSOLAPOV prepared a paper requesting that the girl again be brought. to Moscow and permission to acquire compromising photography during her. visit. The requests were approved by higher KGB authority. When the girl arrived, KOSOLAPOV met her alone and took her to the Hotel Peking, to a zspecially equipped room. The girl called MORONE} at Americal OGxouse, and} MORONE subsequently visited her~in the hotel room two or three times, during which photographs were taken These were placed in the KGB's file on MORONE), “He did not - fall in love with the. girl, as the KGB had hoped, and she had no further contacts with him. Although the KGB had the compromising photography, it was felt that there were insufficiently incriminating to. attempt to recruit /MORONH. The KGB wanted to trap him in .the apartment. of a Soviet woman, to catch him in something that was definitely prohibited. For this. purpose, Svetlana IVANOVA (see above) was supposed to lure [NORONE) out of America Housé to somewhere in Moscow, but before anything _ , . further could be. done, the Americans ordered} MORONE out of fC Moscow before the end of his tour, possibly because they were concerned about his association with IVANOVA. .There- fore, NOSENKO said, the KGB made no attempt to recruit (MORONEY. 26 NOSENKO has also expraibsa (to the FBI) that no attempt was made.to recruit MORONE )because Khrushchev instructed ‘the KGB to refrain from any action which Might affect the improvement in relations which the Soviets sought with the United States. 916K 196 : TS No. 197124 COCi46g ‘Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 207 ======== Top Secret - (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~ January ‘1960-January 1962) “0b ‘| MORONEY |S: Ingormation - Following receipt of information about his compromise, . - received’ from a sensitive. Polkish source,’ ‘[MORONE] was first) gf interviewed about’ the allegation in May [961: “On 19 August. 1961 he was transferred: from Moscow. -In an October 1962 security. {gtervicu, (HORONE) stated that he had travelled with OL cs BEGGS).to Warsaw on 12 November 1960. On the-train . he saw a Polish girl outside their compartment . and asked her. -... ". what ‘languages ‘she. spoke. .. Later she entered his compartment, . sand when he tried to erigage her in sexual relations, she. 00) lapped. his face.. A:day or two:after they arrived in Warsaw,” the girl contacted him at:his ‘hotel, and he went to her .ro ‘where they had sexual relations. According’ tof MORONE};. nee had sexual relations:with atleast. two-other women w ape in ~*~ >° Warsaw. He and BESGS }returned | o Moscow without, incident, ; * On'6 February 1961, a ter (MORONE had returned to Moscow; 0& “the Polish girl -from' the train €allea- him at America, House, Dat -and thé: following day hé visited her in her room at the: Peking. Hotel, where they were Jagain intimate. © On either | : this-or..an. earlier p ccasion the girl told him that.she had “an uncle “in -Moscow > (SoroNe thas denied. being approached or. recru ted by Soviet. teri: gence. . . "Information om Other Sources: “AS sensitive Polish source. reported in. 1961 that on . : “November 1960 ‘a Polish female,-an' experienced . English-. ~ speaking agent of the Polish: ‘UB; arrived.in Moscow where . he was.met ‘by a-KGB case. officer: named “VOLODYA".. She tayed at ‘the- ‘Hotel. Warsaw. in. Moscow.. “The -KGB..case. officer, apparently -from the Americi epartment of the KGB Second. hief Directorate,. on’.10..November 1960" (sic) pointed MORONE] (6 ‘out.to this agent. at a-railroad: station’ in Moscow. . Under: GB..instructions;. the Polish. female. met (MORONE, Land was* Ob. intimate with him’on the train to Warsaw. In “Yarsaw. on. : 12 November 1960" (sic): she’ was quite friendly with [HORONE}, oe .but. pursuant ‘to’ instructions,. ‘she refused all overturés tt : ngage in intimacies. - The next.day.she’ took {MORONE] to a OG | Suitably-prepared Polish’ UB" safehouse where incriminating photographs were clandestinely. taken Nosdow ony Feb herself. na im, The female agent again. travelled to. Moscow on-5 February’ 1961. oa 008469 197 ; ag ae - 4s No. 197124 | Top Secret _ Copy 10 _ ======== PAGE 208 ======== 1490000 OothatMORONE) ha Ob _ Fop Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) and stayed at the Peking Hotel. Further compromising 06 photographs were taken of her and /MORONE Jon this trip. The female agent travelled to Moscow a third time and-on 12 d 13_February 1961 more photographs were taken of her and [MORONE}. Bb . 6 QoThe Marine guard [BEGGS} has confirmed that the Polish girl and [MORONE were intimate on the train to Warsaw, and d been recontacted by the Polish girl in. Moscow. in February 1961. : Torok s fellow code clerks and residents of America House deScribed him as a heavy drinker, a heavy gambler, and a ladies' man. Various reports indicate that MORONE] was involved in a currency-speculation ring operatéd Ly_SARWAT EL SHAZLY, the KGB agent mentioned by NOSENKO, ane MORONE| ( confirmed that on at least one occasion SARWAT arranged t introdugtion of|MORONE] and other code clerks to Soviet females\ {MORONE was intimate with_one of them in SARWAT's apartment in the spring of 19619 (MORONE] was also said to | a close friend of the Embassy cook, and KGB agent Pietro e be pbcEccur, and(MORONE!had admitted that along with other oR) g . gt Americans, hé madé it a common practice to purchase rubles illegally from CECCHI. One report states that CECCHI asked a Marine guard to deliver blackmarket rubles to (MORONE] in theé State Department code room, (a restricted area to which MORONE) had been sexually intimate with Svetlana IVANOVA, IMKIN's agent, and with Ella UMANETS, another KGB agent at America House identified by NOSENKO. jl, (MORONE)denied having been intimate with IVANOVA. He said, however, that he had told his friends that he nad, that he knew both ; IVANOVA and UMANETS well and that he had once askéd IVANOVA. to arrange dates for him ard ariother code clerk with two ~ Russian females. IVANOVA did, and sexual relations ensued, . h HORNE had no access). A number of reports indicated that The Army code clerk (StorBend has reported that (MORONE'} 0% was acquainted with the KGB officer SKVORTSOV who,. as "MICHAUD", was involved in the KGB attempt to recruit STORSBERG, (See p. 173. )00[STORSBERG] recalled meeting MICHAUD at America House; MICHAUD had frequented the bar there: In one version of his recruitment (STORSBERG! said that (MORONE was 06 198 6064479 1S No. 197124 Top Secret ails Copy —____- ======== PAGE 209 ======== Tep Secret (AMERICAN. EMBASSY SECTION ~ January 1960-January 1962) ' in SKVORTSOV's ‘company the night SKVORTSOV lured [StoRSBERG] (6 ' to the hotel where the KGB tried to recruit him a Operation Against MOR Be Summary. and Conclusion’. '. “ NOSENKO relates: but one aspect of the(fiononi| case, the”. ; use of ‘the Polish UB. female agent. He is apparently unaware —--*. @f information known to KGB*agents (and hence to the KGB),. |: . Ob'such asi MORONET's sexual involvements with IVANOVA's friends: ; “~ “and at SARWAT EL: SHAZLY's apartment, his. illicit curréncy - Boe dealings with CECCHI,- d his relationship with UMANETS,~ ‘O0He errs in relating LofMORONE] the Bact German female. agent.” ., ¢ sent to: America House: the incident ‘occuned,' but. later, soe, “ Obwhen (ORONE) was no longer in Moscow nor was NOSENKO himself... . moe *.. Still vin. the. Embassy Section.:: (Seep. 183.) The KGB did, ob ast lack a sufficient basis for attempting. to recruit. °°". - (OV{MORONE}>; if it refrained from the attempt, it was for othér reasons... KGB inaction did not ‘relate to Khrushchev '"'s concern “for Soviet-United States relations;. this, was. the period: .” . “between the U-2 incident (May 1960). and the.Berlin crisis. -- Even with respéct. to the Polish UB agent, there is: ,persuasive evidence that neither NOSENKO nor: KOSOL played the roles :NOSENKO described: | to ‘Cuba .and- KOSOLAPOV: was in. Finland: -It/is concluded from .the foregoing’ that NOSENKO; ‘ : os instance, was. not. supervisor of all KGB operations against... “American codé clerks nor“ would’ he necessarily have known of'.. - recruitments among. Embassy personnel, . we rn Other KGB Targets Among State Department Code Clérks _; .In.connection-with his responsibility for directing XGB’operations against American. codé clerks’ in 1960-1961, NOSENKO has. commented on five other State Department. code’... : ‘Clerks ‘who. served*in Moscow during, that period...” ‘Their. brief.” . “treatment in this paper: réflects not their unimportance but: : “ . NOSENKO's limited comments. and the lack of collateral...” “4. a : . Be, Be 606440 oO ra gp BERL TE No. 197124 Top Secret = 2 copy tn ======== PAGE 210 ======== 1400000 Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) information. The significance of these cases is the extent to which information provided by NOSETKO accurately reflects - the KGB's knowledge of each target, , [Haurice ZWANG] We NOSENKO identified ZHANG Jas a State Department code clerk who was “actively worked on during the 1960-1961 erigd. An Egyptian agent, name not recalled, introduced OL fawane to a female KGB agent in an attempt to obtain incrimi- nating photographs, but the female did not like ZWANG] and (6 refused his sexual advances. In January 1962 (when NOSENKO claims he left the bassy Section) the KGB was engaged in no activity against(ZWANG Db The KGB agents had no agents in contact with him,~and“had no information indicating ([2wanG|was vulnerable. Ob / Comment: “In connection with a State Department security _ interview conducted after ZWANG)returned from /(, Moscowbt\ WANG )related that in March or April 1961-an Egyptian. introduced him to a Soviet female whom he visited in her apartment on "several occasions but with whom he was not intimate. Although ZWANG \denied it, a poly- 06 graph examination indicated that he was intimate with his maid during visits to her partment, ; . ob (zwanc? s maid has been identified as a KGB “agent. Various Americans stationed in. Moscow have reported that (2WANG\was active in currency Ob speculation and blackmarketeering with. the Egyptian and KOSOLAPOV's agent, CECCHI. 200 CCL or aj ro) TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 211 ======== _ (AMERICAN EMBASSY‘ SECTION ~- January 1960-ganuary 1962) 2 et oe DO te Ce ne ae cron NCSENRO, identi fiea(TayLo as a State Department —_ jcode clerk and. the target. of “KOSODAPOV. ' The" KGB was inter- | “ bested in (PAYLOR) because of his intimacy with his Russian maid” (a KGB agént) and. “his - sympathy towards: the Soviet. oo [Union and its people". No attempt ‘was made to recruit |-_ i rioR ona the of the lack of compromising photographs of ant) sPFAYLOR \and the maid, and because the KGB did‘:not ‘want to : jeopardize the more important (STORSBERG).case by risking a _ Scandal with(TAYLOR) oj. lovee 6: et : “(EAYLOR)has acknowledged that he was intimate. | with his: maid from about September 1960 until. . his departure in early 1961, on: one: occasion. “vin d had tola(ArLOx ene. in Moscow, and that O° maid had told{TAYZEOR\she was pregnant and: . “ QG[PAYLOR\| offered-her méney for an. abortion... Pe {> (PAYLOR \left Moscow in February-1961 and.the — ge. GB attempt ‘to recruit (STORSBERG|did not occur jb © intil June 1961, according to NOSENKO,“or . * ie ober 1961, according to GTORSBERG), p ( woe at a re ae ; “* NOSENKO. identified! y\as..a State Department code: - “Clerk. atthe Embassy who was a arget either of KOSOLAPOV:.- _ Or GRYAZNOV. The KGB Knew nothing interesting about him -.-.- such as who his friends ‘in Moscow were, or his travel in’ * Or outside of the Soviet Union.*. The’ KGB: had no derogatory °°: information about him and was unaware of any vulnerabilities.” “pe may. have had. ‘No ‘operational méasures were taken against. . — GOLL473 - 201: . SS a oe = 62. ' TS No. 197124 . Top Secret BS - Copy,__10 ======== PAGE 212 ======== 14-00000 Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) b Comment: [Bares in Moscow from May 1960 until October . T961. In July 1961 he travelled to the Caucasus with his friend and formerjovert cra Cf employee, Agricultural Attache BROWN The two / were under surveillance by five persons at all times on this trip. On one occasion they found “repairmen" in their hotel room upon returning unexpectedly ahead of schedule, and on another an “attractive and available Soviet female" was believed to have been planted in their train compartment. ob (Robert DWELLY Reviewing an American Embassy telephone_list_in September 1964, NOSENKO said that he “believed" DWELLY] was (f a code clerk during the 1960-1961 period. There was no 6b approach to [DWELLY and he knew no details of the opera- pl tional plan agains (BWELLY\nor the identity of any agent who might have been used against him. (DWELLY] s case officers were KOSOLAPOV and GRYAZNOV. 0b Under interrogation in February. 1965, however, . NOSENKO said that the KGB was "100 pereéent sure" that he was a homosexual on the basis of his "behavior when visiting a public men's room", There was a "big hunt" for [DWELLY] and Ob on a number of evenings when [DWELLY was known to bé free 0b from work, NOSENKO himself, YAZNOV, KOSOLAPOV, and . NOSENKO's homosexual agents YEFREMOV and VOLKOV waited in 6 vain in a KGB surveillance car in the hope that (DWELLY] wou1dO visit downtown Moscow and the could establish contact with him.’ No photographs of [DWELLY were obtained: there was no approach and no recruitment. ny . ; NOSENKO later added that "perhaps" GRYAZNOV's homosexual agent “VOLODYA" had spoken with (BYELLY} in a Ub public toilet in a_museum or a park and it was on this basis that he concluded DWELLY] was a homosexual. 0b 202 6001474 TS No. 197124 Top Secret pGA Copy ======== PAGE 213 ======== Top Secret aa ~ (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-gJanuary 1962) _ Baeuey as assigned to Moscow asa: code. clerk. rom April-1959 to July 1960. -In.a: Department - Of State security interview in March-.1966 “(prompted by. NOSENKO's .information), he cate-— ': gorically denied being a homosexual. ° »He ‘described: two .occasions. _in- Moscow when, while “walking alone,: two men, who ‘by their general 7 appearance : and. actions made him think they _ were .“queer", ‘were: trying. to attract his. . attention. He recalled that, on one of the two occasions, one: asked him. the way. to the ‘toilet. ons b. . og : . NOSENKO riginally ‘identiiea[@arrevlas « a” military enli, ted man. in Moscow. during the 1960-1961 period, and .an . Operational: target: of: DEMKIN. “In February 1965.,, however, “he -identified: him as a. ‘State Départment. code clerk for whom: the responsible. case. officer was. KOSOLAPOV, whom NOSENKO Supervised The KGB ‘attempted to lure? GAFFEY into -downtown pe Moscow usin ‘Svetlana IVANOVA, the maid in America House... ho was. ‘one of: DEMKIN" s: ‘agents, = DP ~xepeated -invitations.- UM September: 1962: ; “yesidént-of America. ‘House, fFréd .- : Ob. >-Keported: during a State Department: securi -y ‘interview that (GAFFEY} had’ told. him. ob. that he" had, been intimate. with a girl at - 6 - America ‘House .jG, GAFFEY|told{KADERA}that he aial not. know: she. was ussian:until he” was walking ‘her: home. and met IVANOVA, who identified her as ‘such... America House manager [Péter BINDER ws reported. ‘rumors in America. House - fhae (GARrEY. ob E 00014275 203 . : TS:No. 197124 ~ Copy _10_ : Top Secret ======== PAGE 214 ======== 1400000 an Fop Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) Comment: (Continued) ~ . was having an affair with IVANOVA in America House. He described (GAFFEY] as the heaviest 04 drinker in America House and said that occasion- Ob ally [GAFFEY|coula not report to work due to his drinking. In describin the KGB approach & made to him in early 1963, [BINDER! (see p.405) quoted his interrogator as Saying” that /GAFFEY])b took IVANOVA to(RBINDERYs room in America Housé, A{, implying that he was intimate with her. at that time. Db\GAFFEYwas recalled from Moscow in the summer of 1962, before the expiration of his tour, because of drunkenness. During a State Department security interview, [GAFFEY admitted db being intimate with IVANOVA at America House and at her apartment 5) GAFFEY] reported that IVANOVA had told him she was pregnant and had asked for money for an abortion. : j Supervisor of all Code Clerk Operations: ' Summary and Conciusion According to 'NOSENKO, on transfer to the Embassy Section, | operations against the American code clerks .were the Section's priority task and thus his most ‘important single responsibility as Deputy Chief. He asserts to be complete his awareness of what was known to the KGB on this topic at the time, because of his senior. position, his personal review of relevant files . and correspondence, his personal direction of KOSOLAPOV and GRYAZNOV, and his personal participation in their operations. | Without exception, in every one of the cases NOSENKO describes there are facts substantially. at variance with his account, in direct proportion to the amount of collateral information | available. , . Conclusion From the foregoing it is concluded that he was neither Deputy Chief of the Embassy Section nor supervisor of all operations against American code clerks. Consequently, he would not necessarily have known of recruitments among other Embassy personnel. 204 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —__ glsk COCL47E ======== PAGE 215 ======== _ Top Secret (aMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION | ~ + January 1960-Jansary 1962) . case Officer for ‘Embassy security ‘Officer. on = ~ dohn ABIDIAN : “john ve ABIDIAN served as the Embassy Security. "» O£ficer:in Moscow from 2 March 1960 until . . February. 1962,.. approximately ‘the same period as . NOSENKO's claimed service in the’ Embassy . .. Section” of -the: American ‘Department. The State - Department replacement for CIA officer Russell - LANGELLE, ‘ABIDIAN was. coopted by CIA to perform a number of operational | tasks,. including : _ performing clandestine letter mailings: to CIA. agents inside’ the Soviet Union and servicing - deaddrop™ emergency: communications from CIA - /- source GRU Colonel O.V.. PENKOVSKIY. . : 2on - ABIDIAN studiedin Paris in 1949-50: and, ‘then: “-gécured ‘employment: with’ the Department of State ‘asa clerk/typist.. He remained in Paris until . 1954, After special training at the CIC school ‘at Fort. Holabird and the Secret Service school, -). “ABIDIAN served from-1956 until leaving for’. - Moscow-in 1960-as a ‘Special agent.in the State” Department! 8-OFfice. of Security. “A~ ‘large’ part*™™ “of: his* work in. this period | was accompanying . . .foreign dignitaries visiting the United States,. “a .. including: Soviet. Foreign Minister Shepilov in November’1956,.Mikoyan in the spring of 1959, ~- and’ Khrushch Vviat ‘the end: Of 1959¢ ' These. .. ‘ “205 1 No. 197124 40. Top ‘Secret . Copy ======== PAGE 216 ======== 14-00000 Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) Comment: (Continued) duties brought ABIDIAN into contact with KGB officers stationed in New York and Washington as well as among the Soviet delegations. One of’the members of the Khrushchev entourage was .KKOSOLAPOV, NOSENKO's subordinate in the Embassy Section, During his 1962 meetings with CIA, NOSENKO mentioned ABIDIAN in several instances, identifying him as the Embassy Security Officer and as "a CIA officer" and describing his letter-mailing activities. His knowledge of ABIDIAN was attributed to his claimed position of Deputy Chief of the Embassy Section. After recontacting CIA in Geneva in 1964 NOSENKO for the first time explicitly claimed to have been the KGB case officer responsible for ABIDIAN in Moscow and for the first time described ABIDIAN's alleged servicing of a deaddrop in | 1960. NOSENKO has described ABIDIAN since 1964 as the sole 7 American for whom NOSENKO was personally accountable during vi “his 1960-1961 Embassy Section service, and one of the most ado. important counterintelligence targets of the Embassy Section and therefore of the entire Second Directorate. : Duties asa Case Officer . When he reported for duty in the Embassy Section NOSENKO was told by KLYPIN and KOVSHUK that one. of his duties would be case officer for ABIDIAN, whose arrival in Moscow was then expected in the near future. ABIDIAN was to be the only American target for whom NOSENKO personally was officially accountable while he served in this section. KOVSHUK gave NOSENKO such information as the section had on ABIDIAN. ‘Included was ABIDIAN's visa application, the negative results of checks of KGB Headquarters files, and a report prepared by the American Department of the First Chief Directorate. According to that report, which was based on correspondence from the KGB Legal Residencies in the United States, ABIDIAN — 6001478 206 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy _____ | ======== PAGE 217 ======== Top Secret -"(AMBRICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~ January~1960-January 1962) . “had served as a Department of State ‘Security Officer concerned with ‘the “safety of Premier Khrushchev when he visited the.- “United. States. in 1959; ‘from ABIDIAN's behavior at that time, the Legal Residencies concluded. he. was an intelligence officer, probably with CIA. That report. and the fact that ABIDIAN was. replacing the ‘known CIA officer Russell. LANGELLE as Security _ Officer, made, ABIDIAN one of the most important counter- °" - ' intelligence ‘targets of the Embassy Section and therefore of, the. entire Second Chief Directorate. no - * NOSENKO personally opened the KGB file on ABIDIAN and _ later adopted for him: the cryptonym "ARSEN" used earlier by . personnel of: the. Seventh (Surveillance) Directorate of the: Second: Chief Directorate. °° © 0° : . oe : Was pts to learn more ~ about.the life and career’ of ABIDIAN. | He visited the Chief Of the. American’ Department of thé KGB First Chief Directorate, but that unit had no information: not included in its original: “report. NOSENKO requested that ‘the KGB Legal Residencies in the United States’ be asked for. further details, but none were “ever received.:, NOSENKO thus never’ learned of ABIDIAN's) 0 5.) education:and study abroad, :date of entry -into the Department - ‘of State,: promotions, personal rank, p evious ‘assignments, . - NOSENKO was unsuccessful. in his attem military. service, or foreign, service status Prio: to ABIDIAN's .arrival:in Moscow, the. KGB decided not .- © work. aggtessively against him with agent contacts or ~ : rovocateurs unless he. first demonstrated some personal ulnerability. ~ It -was considered ‘better to concentrate on _ urveillancé’ coverage in the. hope.that, as LANGELLE's eo! uccessor,he might lead “to another POPOV".. |. [POPOV, a — GRU. Lieutenant’ Colonel’and: CIA agent, - ccording to KGB. . Ources....was apprehended ‘i 19592). we os . Because ABIDIAN. was. considéred:to.be.a CIA officer; hes. as made a “special target" of surveillance from the date. of - 4 vhis arrival.’ He was always: under 24-hour surveillance by’ -..: at least two and often three. KGB teams, so that .at. any. ‘hour. - a team was available’ to cover him. if he left the Embassy.- ‘The only time this intensity-of coverage might have been ~ -reduced,. NOSENKO said,: was during a period of about one and |: ' 0he-half months “in 1961, when surveillance of the Embassy. | GOC1479 © 207 ce | oo ce, TS No. 197124. - ‘TopSecret = Copy 10 ======== PAGE 218 ======== Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) was generally reduced in order to allow increased coverage of British targets in connection with the PENKOVSKIY case. As the responsible case officer, NOSENKO directed the surveillance of ABIDIAN and evaluated the operational possibilities offered by information from surveillance reports. : In line with the emphasis on surveillance, the opera- tional plan for ABIDIAN written by NOSENKO in October 1960 called for no direct action but specified that: oo . “ABIDIAN's maid Tatyana FEDOROVICH, an "operational contact" of. the Embassy Section, was to continue to apply metka to ABIDIAN's clothing and "NEPTUNE-80" to his shoes. (According to NOSENKO, these are surveillance aids. Metka is a "thief powder" applied to clothing pockets, leaving a trace on anything with which it comes into contact. Its primary purpose is to-aid in the detection of operational letters mailed by suspected foreign intelligence officers and agents. NEPTUNE-80, applied to a target's shoes, leaves a trace on the ground which the KGB even long after- wards can follow with a dog.) The only item of information received from FEDOROVICH was that ABIDIAN was having an affair with an Embassy female employee. FEDOROVICH was “unable to find personal mail or personal papers in ABIDIAN's apartment. - . -Pietro CECCHI, Embassy employee and KOSOLAPOV's agent, was to try to cultivate ABIDIAN and report whatever -he learned concerning him. CECCHI never obtained any significant information on ABIDIAN's personal life. ‘“ABIDIAN was developing CECCHI as an informant on American personnel at the Embassy", but NOSENKO did not recall any specific report CECCHI gave to ABIDIAN that was of interest to the Embassy Section, ae . -Two Embassy chauffeurs were to apply NEPTUNE-80 to the floorboards and foot pedals of ABIDIAN's car if. -. necessary. G9C1.486 208 TS No. 197124 Tep Secret Copy ======== PAGE 219 ======== Top Secret ” (AMERICAN: EMBASSY ‘sECTToN ~ January 1960-January. 1962) - “HALL other. agents..and ° nm were’ to be instructed perational contacts of’ the ABIDIAN (see below). to report every detail ‘about ‘ ; “Surveillance ‘teams wers to be instructed ‘to check ali _" ‘places: where ABIDIAN might be Mailing letters, os . “~Coverage of ABIDIAN's mail’ was to be: continued. oo “Apart from those specified by other KGB agents, ° yudmila GROMAKOVA and “KaMo" (a KGB agent: whose identity NOSENKO. did not recall). were involved with ABIDIAN: _ GROMAKOVA, a language i l ; _ for Embassy personnel, was an agent handled by Embassy Section - Case officer GAVRILENKO. ABIDIAN took "only several" Russian agué E v ENKO did not know 3 .. He. learned... : MAKOVA's contacts Orting from her. the operational plan, two her students... In actuality “Yegular. language lesson “three one-half hour les Shortly after his arriy . from Moscow, ° lop ed ABIDIAN: took: ae s from GROMAKOVA, ‘normally sons per week, from al until his departure agent, “KAMO", Was an agent of the Moscow Ci Y KGB organization who met ABIDIAN at. the Baku Restaursee by accident. © When informed ‘that .ABIDIAN gave "KAMO". his telephone number ,..NOSENKO recommended that - "Kamo" try ‘to” DIAN.. After arguing that oO. 2B fs) 5 ® a Es) , O- HH I z isa = fad Qa ® [eo 5 a w © 209 a e Vi4e4 TS.No. 197124: Top Secret , | Copy ======== PAGE 220 ======== 14-00000 Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~ January 1960-January 1962) no further action was taken. [See below for ABIDIAN's account of a similar incident, but one which occurred in NOSENKO did not know the room number of ABIDIAN's office in the Embassy or on what floor it was located, but he could have checked, if necessary, with a copy of the Embassy tele- phone list published monthly, since it contained the office room number of each American employee. [The Embassy telephone list contained apartment, but not office room numbers.] ABIDIAN's office was in the "Zone of Security" (i.e., secure office areas). _ NOSENKO said that a report from an agent (identity not recalled) indicated that there was a sign on ABIDIAN's office door which said "Security Office", (There © was no. such sign.] -NOSENKO was unable to determine if . ABIDIAN had a secretary. No dictation was monitored in ABIDIAN's office because no KGB microphone was installed there, [In 1964 a microphone, albeit then. inoperative, was - £ound in the room occupied in 1960-1961 by ABIDIAN.] NOSENKO recalled no particularly interesting or important information about ABIDIAN obtained from other microphones in the Embassy. -NOSENKO did not know the location of ABIDIAN's apartment in the Embassy building, nor how it was furnished, since "data of this nature was not Operationally significant unless the target had shown vulnerabilities or was under active development". : ; Aware that. ABIDIAN travelled from the USSR two or three times while stationed in Moscow, NOSENKO did not know to which countries he went or the time of year when the trips were made. Such information would have been of interest to . him as ABIDIAN's case officer since, like LANGELLE's earlier trips abroad, ABIDIAN's trips were presumed.to be for Operational purposes. However, there was no possibility for - accept a request for Operational action against an American diplomat coming from Moscow". G8CL4gea , 210 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 221 ======== : Top Secret "(AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION > Jantiary 1960-danuary 1962) : With #éference: to whether the KGB ‘could have photographed - _ ABIDIAN's. passport on ‘his return to Moscow, NOSENKO. said. “ that’ the Second Chief Directorate does not photograph pass-. ports. of. foreign.diplomats entering the. Soviet Union. While _this procedure would not be impossible, it was not considered © "SO. important’ as: to.justity the ‘special ‘effort involved’... : : According ‘to ABIDIAN, he openly ‘discussed his - travel plans with Embassy - language teacher : . GROMAKOVA (GAVRILENKO’ S agent), and on at: least “" some occasions used international telephone |. ~~. calls ‘to arrange ‘for accommodations at ‘his . destination in Europe. Also, .the™ ‘Foreign ..*- .Ministry,-UPDK (which. office provides adminis- ‘trative services to foreign diplomats in- Moséow) ¥. to which. ABEDIAN sent his passport: ‘for .an exit visa for ‘each departure, could have noted : from passport entries the whereabouts of ‘his, earlier ‘travel. ; . ABIDIAN took ..no trips. in- ‘the Soviet ‘Union: outside of | SCOW,, since > if he» chad, “NOSENKO would - “have known and - \ . -eReceiving: notification. ‘of. ABIDIAN' Ss ‘request. ‘to travel from the. UPDK: (the Soviet Foreign Ministry unit ‘which » ‘provides: administrative: services to the. diplomatic: 7 community: in OScow) =” : : cd the UPDK of. KGB. approval for the trip. “Aavising ‘appropriate ‘local: KGB offices of ABIDIAN's: _ itinerary .and.'giving. them. instructions for. surveillance | and: any other - necessary operational activity. : - 0004403 . ce -* 1§ No. 197124 Top Secret ss “Copy dQe ======== PAGE 222 ======== Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) ; ~Receiving, reading, and filing all reports of ' surveillance and other Operational activity carried out by various KGB units, ; : NOSENKO was certain that he took none of these steps. Even if he were absent when such a request for travel was made, he would have seen all documents upon his return; he did not recall seeing any such documents in ABIDIAN's file. Comment: ABIDIAN who is of Armenian origin and speaks the Armenian language with a high degree of proficiency, made a trip to Armenia between 5 and 9 October 1960. While in Armenia ABIDIAN visited with various churchmen, their parish- ioners and an Armenian who had repatriated from Greece in 1946. ABIDIAN attended a service in Echmiadzin celebrating the anniversary of the accession ‘of the Katolikos VAZGEN I, and also visitéd some relatives of his in or near the city of Yerevan. After returning to Moscow, an Armenian whom ABIDIAN met on that trip tried to contact ABIDIAN at the Embassy, but ABIDIAN refused to see him. : ‘After being told ABIDIAN had attended a service celebrating the. fifth anniversary of the Armenian Katolikos, VAZGEN I, NOSENKO recalled that ABIDIAN had gone. to Echmiadzin and that an agent: had reported a contact with | him there. This agent, NOSENKO recalled, was a priest or a monk, and the report concerned only his conversation with ABIDIAN; the agent had ‘no further contact with him.’ . NOSENKo said | that this was his sole recollection concerning ABIDIAN's trip... : oo. With reference to ABIDIAN's travel to ] Armenia in October 1960, NOSENKO recalied ° having. been on leave at the time. However, NOSENKO's reconstruction of the timing of his alleged leave still placed him in Moscow at the time of ABIDIAN's trip. In 1966, NOSENKO “stated that he had lied, that his 1960 leave was taken in January, not October. 6001484 a12 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 223 ======== - Top Secret " GMBRICAN, EMBASSY, SECTION ~: January 1960-January 1962) . . Except. for the’ ‘American woman with whom ABIDIAN’ was* thought to have been. intimate, :NOSENKO’ knew none of | = ABIDIAN's close American friends in Moscow nor his close’ friends ana professional contacts’ among foreigners there, “ny “ MOSENKO - received and read. transcripts. of, all telephone - calls that ABIDIAN made or received at his office and. “apartment via the Moscow city telephone system, but he recalled none of their. names'nor nationalities, because ; there’ was nothing, of interest in’ the. conversations, mS ; “At ‘the: end of the: January-February 1965 ‘interrogations’ .. concerning ABIDIAN NOSENKO acknowledged that he. knew little: -, about .this: important KGB target. He was "working badly" as '- ABIDIAN's case. officer, he said, because he had had to ~ concentrate on- Supervising -the work against code clerks, ~ABEDIAN': s Letter Mailings | : - - During. ‘the 1962 meetings with NOSENKO- in Geneva, -he - “yeported KGB knowledge of ABIDIAN's mailing of at least “three clandestine letters, in each case to KGB-controlled. . agents... ‘According ‘to NOSENKO, the KGB detected: all. the ~) letters mailed. ‘by. ABIDIAN through,.the use of metka. He . “eautioned the CIA representatives: from further use of. ‘Embassy . “employees for” mailing letters to agents in thé Soviet: Inion.:*, He noted ‘that after LANGELLE,; no such letters’ were mailed for a year anda half,. until ABIDIAN: mailed ‘séveral. “explained that'Embassy employeés": servants applied an - dorless substance (metka) to: ‘clothing. pockets,:and, traces: of. the substance rubbed off on any. thing it contacted, such as .a.letter.: All “the letters mailed in Moscow were passed through - a machine’ which: ‘identified: letters bearing. tracing | of’ metka, he said, and ‘this was. how ‘letters ABIDIAN mailed - were intercepted. © .[NOSENKO said the machine was a fotoapparat, | literally. ‘a camera, ‘but presumably ‘he-meant some ‘sort of: light-sensitive: device.]* NOSENKO. ‘recalled that: ABIDIAN had mailed.a letter to. someone - in Odessa, ‘and. two to. the Baltic ." area, ‘probably - to Riga, and ‘all’ weré detected ‘by metka, not . by ABIDIAN's. surveillants.”. According -to NOSENKO, no new ; agents were. discovered, . however, since all of the agents to whon -° “ABIDIAN mailed’ letters were already’ controlled | by the KGB. . . . coLaes 213, . a No. 197124 Top Secret Copy 10 ======== PAGE 224 ======== | Tep Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION — January 1960~January 1962) Comment: NOSENKO's information is substantially correct, that no letters were mailed for one and a half years after LANGELLE's expulsion, and that ABIDIAN mailed two or three letters, including ones to the Baltic area and to Odessa, No letters were mailed from February 1960 until ABIDIAN mailed one on 1 April 1961, and of the three letters ABIDIAN mailed, one was to Odessa and one each to Latvia and Estonia. CIA has conducted tests to determine whether a substance such as metka was being used as a KGB control device. Ultra-violet, chemical and microscopic analyses developed one possible use of a metka like substance, Analysis of an article of clothing of a foreign diplomat in Moscow who served as a CIA support agent produced a sharply positive reaction. NOSENKO later described how metka was applied to ABIDIAN's clothing by his maid and how, in particular, this. led to the discovery f the letters ABIDIAN mailed to the agent in __ Odessa and to his parents in the United States. -"ABTDIAN!s maid in Moscow was Tatyana FEDOROVICH. She was an operational contact reporting to ARTEMOV. She started to work. for ABIDIAN a few months after his arrival, perhaps three months but no longer than six months after his arrival. I met her shortly after she began to work for ARIDIAN in order to get acquainted with her, in order to evaluate her and give her general instructions about her work for RBIDIAN. I do not know the exact date of this meeting but it was before the fall of 1960. TI wrote the operational plan on ABIDIAN in circa October 1960. At this time FEDOROVICH was already working for ABIDIAN. This operational plan stated cs that FEDOROVICH would continue to put metka reguiarly iG on ABIDIAN's clothing. : COUL4EG 214 TS No. 197124 an Top Secret Copy —____ ======== PAGE 225 ======== Top Secret (AMERICAN. Sees SECTION - January 1960-Jennazy 1962) . ““PEDOROVICH put metka on ABIDIAN' s clothing during | the entire period that’ she worked for him. She did-. ‘this. every two. or three weeks except. for a few. times | when she was;sick-or on leave.’ No one else, had’ - ‘access’ to ABIDIAN's apartment..and therefore novother _ person’ had the possibility c of putting metka on his. clothing. ae : Oo “T have said that ABIDIAN “mailed an. operational etter. to the KGB: doubie: agent "ARKHANGELSKIY'! (in Odessa). He mailed it at the mailbox on. Tverskaya : Yamskaya where he had gone several times earlier... Surveillance: ‘did not’ see ABIDIAN mail the. letter - but the mailbox was controlled and the letter to : ““ARKHANGELSKIY' was found, along with a letter to. ABIDIAN's. ‘parents. . Both of. these letters had metka - ‘on them, as. I was told by SUMIN (a. KGB secret Ss swriting. specialist) ..-I cannot remember, the date -that: ABIDIAN. mailed ‘this: ‘letter except | that it. was - sométime-in 1961." oan - . ABIDIAN. had | no maid. in Moscow: ‘until ‘sixteen him’ ‘part-time from: July, 1961 until he left. -Moscow.:) ‘Thus FEDOROVICH could not -have applied - the metka which as-NOSENKO claimed. resulted-in.. ~ “the: interception. of the..letter .ABIDIAN. mailed ‘1 April 1961, and- by ABIDIAN even atthe timé the letter to. : “ARKHANGELSKIY": was mailed on 2: July 1961. (1961 while ‘FEDOROVICH was. ‘working’ for: him.” O0GLag5 | 215 Top Secret = Copy 10 ~months- after his. arrival; FEDOROVICH worked for of probably was not yet employed a " ABIDIAN"s third letter was mailed on 1 September | Le TS ‘No. 197124” ======== PAGE 226 ======== 14-00000 Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY-SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) Told that FEDOROVICH could not have been applying metka regularly to ABIDIAN's clothing at the time of the “ARKHANGELSKIY" letter mailing, NOSENKO insisted that no one but FEDOROVICH had access to ABIDIAN's apartment, that he himself briefed her on the use of metka, that the letters were intercepted’ by use of metka, and that FEDOROVICH was responsible. -ABIDIAN's Servicing of the Pushkin Street Deaddrop Site In 1964 NOSENKO reported for the first time that in 1960 or in early 1961 the KGB had surveilled ABIDIAN visiting what was believed to be a deaddrop site on Pushkin Street in Moscow. He provided additional details when questioned again in 1965. NOSENKO's Information In 1960 or early 1961, while NOSENKO was his responsible case officer, ABIDIAN was surveilled from the Embassy to a residential building on Pushkin Street in Moscow. A KGB stationary surveillance post at the Embassy saw ABIDIAN leave with the Publications Procurement Officer of the Embassy in a chauffeured automobile, rather than in the car he normally used. ABIDIAN's surveillance team followed the car to a bookstore. Both Americans. entered the bookstore, but shortly thereafter ABIDIAN left alone and walked around the corner, where he entered a residential building next to a meat market on Pushkin Street. The surveillance team saw him go in but did not follow him. ABIDIAN emerged after a few seconds. This unusual incident was reported by the surveillance team to the KGB Seventh (Surveillance) Direct- orate, and the building was inspected that same day by KOZLOV, the Chief of the First Department of the Surveillance - _ Directorate, and MATVEYEV, the Deputy Chief of the Second Chief Directorate's American Department. Taking into account the character of the building and its inhabitants, the - @uration and circumstances of ABIDIAN's visit, and the | suitability of the hallway ~ particularly the radiator in it - for use as a deaddrop site, it was decided by the leader- ship of the Second Chief Directorate and the Survelllance GdULZE8 216 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 227 ======== . Top Secret - (AMERICAN EMBASSY, SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) Directorate that a. ‘stationary surveillance post should immediately. be set up; to cover this location. ° Because. of .the short time available, it was not possible to place. this. .. post inside the building, so it was set. up across the street. In, addition, the radiator was checked daily to ‘see if. any>- _thing,.such.as a magnetic container, had been concealed behind ite The, post was’ manned around the: clock for 30 days, after which it was maintained from, 0800 until midnight for another | two months. .Ifa package or ‘magnetic. container had “been _ found behind the radiator, which was. checked every morning, it was planned to attach to it very thin wires to trigger a- signal should someone. remove -the package. ° ‘At’ the’ same time . ‘amember of the surveillance ‘team would be stationed'on the ©: :. - landing of the staircase in this building; out. of sight from: “the hallway below. During the three months: that. the post .; . ..was.maintained, nothing. was found concealed behind. the radiator; nor were any Suspicious persons seen entering or leaving the: building. ::The-post was ‘then discontinued, but. the address -was.placed ona list. of suspicious places inspected daily © by the Surveillance ‘Directorate. The true significance of - this’ location became ‘known to the KGB" only later, after. the . artest of PENKOVSKIY in, 1962. : : NOSENKO. ‘first: heard of ‘ABIDIAN' s visit to “the: suspected. deaddrop’ ‘site.on:the day ,it occurred... He was sitting, in. : KOVSHUK's ° 6ffice when he réceived a telephone ‘call from an MATVEYEV telling him of the incident; - Although NOSENKO was” ~ ABIDIAN's case “officer and KOVSHUK was, Chief of the unbasey ae “Section, the. decision .to. place. the. “stationary - surveillance ‘post at the site was made at.a higher level; neither of them : was involved.’ in it or in the ‘later. decision to discontinue the post. ™. ‘NOSENKO- himself visited the. building on Pushkin. Street the following. day. or” the day after, but ‘he remained “oniy a few minutes and did- not. recall any details of- the’. hallway, “except: tha there was a radiator. there... . Ss ABIDIAN' s case. ofeicer;: | NOSENKO . recalled: ‘receiving the: .surveillance ‘xeport of “his visit to the Pushkin ‘Street: building. — “and placing: this. report ‘in ABIDIAN's file; (This case’ “file ~ -NOSENKO turned over to his successor, GRYAZNOV, about - 28 December. 1961, Just before he transferred to the ‘Seventh Department. ) at . . . 4 a fee wo 8004469 BS No. 197124 Top Secret == Copy 10° ======== PAGE 228 ======== Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) NOSENKO received no written reports on the results of the stationary surveillance post, but he did discuss this matter ‘with KOZLOV on an almost daily basis during the first month of surveillance, and periodically after that. These discus- sions took place either by telephone, when KOZLOV was visiting NOSENKO's office, or when NOSENKO visited KOZLOV's office in KGB Headquarters. From KOZLOV or perhaps someone else, NOSENKO learned that the post had been discontinued after 90 days. On the basis of these conversations with KOZLOV, NOSENKO knew that nothing of interest occurred during the period of the stationary surveillance. NOSENKO was in the Embassy Section during all the period that the stationary surveillance post was watching the Pushkin Street site and was there when he heard from KOZLOV that the post had been replaced by periodic inspections. NOSENKO did not report this incident of surveillance on the Pushkin Street deaddrop site to his CIA contacts in Geneva in June 1962 because by that time the post had already been discontinued without anything unusual or suspicious having been noted, and he thought that this incident would be of no particular interest to CIA. When last asked whether he had visited the Pushkin Street ._ address several days after ABIDIAN had been seen there, as the had earlier said, NOSENKO replied: "I dontt remember. I do not want to say that I visited the deaddrop. I don't remember now whether I-visited it or not. It seems to me that I visited it, but I don't remember. It seems-that I visited it with KOZLOV, but I cannot say 'yes', and I cannot say 'no'." ; : : . - 218 CoCL1490 Top Secret Copy _____ TS No. 197124 ======== PAGE 229 ======== ‘Top Secret : - (AMERICAN EMBASSY’ SECTION ~. January 1960-January 1962) ABIDIAN visited. the Pushkin’ Street deaddrop . Site only once;: on 30 December 1961, a full. year Jafter the time reported by NOSENKO. As ".NOSENKO reported, accompanied by an Embassy. ‘Economic Officer, ABIDIAN left the Embassy in ‘an official car. with a Soviet driver and : '.proceeded in a bookstore on the corner of _- Pushkin Street. Leaving the bookstore.,, .ABLDIAN ‘entered the building where, the site was located, * determined. thatthe drop. was empty, and left.” “One minute later, returning to the Embassy, “: The deaddrop was proposed by PENKOVSKIY in’ _- — August 1960..' CIA officer|Eugené MAHONEY walked OS bythe site. on-12: November and “4~Decembér 1960;. . on’21 January 1961 (MAHONEY) briefly entered the -0$ building to confirm the site's precise location. . ; .. Ifthe - KGB ‘had surveilled[HAHONEY]s visits and OF : had put the site under :surveillancé; NOSENKO “might -be relating. those events: by mischance in , attributing -the visit.to ABIDIAN. In ssuch’a’ -- circumstance, howéver,.NOSENKO, as ABIDIAN's . “= case officer, would have known that his targec = 'visited’a site which had been previously: noted n connection with the suspicious movements: of - ‘another Embassy official. - Further, NOSENKO's °. description of ABIDIAN's route, companion, and’ “sequence Of ‘movements is’ so precise ‘as to refer: Clearly to. ABIDIAN.-. Lastly, ‘NOSENKO disicaims: a ‘any knowledge .of [MAHONEY ]or-his activities; he O0$ "asserts. that [MAHONEY] was neither the object of 03 = KGB suspicion or concern: For reasons no. . an “combination. of circumstances nor NOSENKO himself - . can plausibly. explain, NOSENKO can describe -ABIDIAN's deaddrop. site. visit although it = | ° occurred at.a time when NOSENKO was no longer ‘ ABIDIAN's ‘case officer. and when he was assigned - : to another Second Chief Directorate department. |. Moot TE he turned over ABIDIAN's ‘file. on 28 wo .| December. 1961 to another Embassy Section officer, » as’ he claimed, NOSENKO could not. have received |: ea anes TS Nos 197124. < ‘Top Secret) _ Copy 10. ======== PAGE 230 ======== 14-00000 Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) Comment: (Continued) nor filed the initial surveillance report of ABIDIAN's visit to the Pushkin Street site. If he transferred to the Seventh Department two days after ABIDIAN's visit, as he claimed (and NOSENKO's participation in the([Tl.E. JOHNSON] case Ob indicates that he was working against tourfsts. by 5 January 1962), he could neither have visited the site as he described nor could he have received thereafter the daily surveillance reports. He could not, of his own knowledge, assert that the surveillance was terminated after three months, since well before .the: three months' surveillance ended he was abroad in ‘Geneva. Lastly, it cannot be for the reason NOSENKO claimed (that the surveillance was unsuccessful) that NOSENKO did not mention ABIDIAN's activities to CIA in Geneva in 1962. Case Officer for John ABIDIAN: Summary and Conclusion If for no other reason than ABIDIAN's security functions with the Khrushchev entourage, files of the First Chief Directorate would record his name: If NOSENKO states to the contrary, that traces were negative, NOSENKO did not run the traces himself nor know the results. According to NOSENKO, ABIDIAN was “one of the most important targets of the Second Chief Directorate"; all KGB resources were employed for two years, including 24-hour surveillance, the exploitation of all agents with access to him, audio sur- veillance, and technical aids, with amost absolutely negative - results. The results could not have been negative: for _ NOSENKO to so assert ‘can only mean that NOSENKO was not informed of the results. In the two instances NOSENKO cited of Embassy agents' activities against ABIDIAN, he made fundamental errors: ABIDIAN's maid was not employed by ABIDIAN-at the time NOSENKO insists she was applying the metka, and GROMAKOVA taught ARIDIAN Russian throughout his Stay - in Moscow, not just “several times". NOSENKO acknowledges n 220 (96 CUUL 490 TS No. 197124 Top Secret ~ Copy ___ ======== PAGE 231 ======== "that ABIDIAN's travel in “: been approved by the KGB, "target's. activities. NOSE "so involved, although he b _made. ~~ Lastly,. although NO. ' Embassy Section assignment “the ‘Pushkin Street de “when NOSENKO by his own account “present in the Embassy. Section. -- (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January. 1960 “0. Case officer for Embassy Security Operations against’ Am ‘BELOGLAZOV. > Listing Department personnel KLYPIN:. ALESHIN had. t ‘Second / military intelligence personnel, he 2B January 1965" NOSENKO claimed for e 26 Top Secret ~January 1962) the Soviet Union would have had to: and that the responsible case orders for his ‘su officer would-have issued elatedly. recalled one trip ABIDIAN SENKO claims: to kn : ow, from his , details of ABIDIAN's visit to | addrop, “the event occurred at a time gould not have b 4 Conclusion .. It is. concluded from the foregoing that NOSENKO was not Officer John ABIDIAN, « Supervisor of 0 erations Against . s sobeewrsor of ~berations Against . |. AMerican"Service Attaches detail in 1964 on his responsibilities ‘in’. - ion, NOSENKO claimed no personal réle in’: | erican service attaches. He ‘said only : ; ar. 2d in the section, -DRANOV was the respon~ iple case officer for the Naval personnel, including the assy Marine guards, and when ‘DRANOV was transferred: hortly' thereafter, his: responsibilities were assumed by . : “the names ‘and functions of American. ; + NOSENKO. mentioned that: Yevgeniy . ikolayevich ALESHIN.was Second Deputy to Department Chief — he’ special. assignment fe) ‘Chief Directorate activities against all foreign ; To) including service attaches. n . the first time. that other ‘responsibilities as Deputy: Chief thar . perations against American: service attaches, had among his: f supervising o oo De, 4S 4 2 B2E EE TS No~-197124 Top Secret — “Copy 10 600440 een physically f Coordinating © 3 ======== PAGE 232 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret {AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) and for the first time claimed case officer responsibilities against American targets other than ABIDIAN. He related how, at his meeting with KLYPIN and KOVSHUK on entering the section in January 1960, KOVSHUK suggested that NOSENKO assume super- visory responsibility for the service attaches while KOVSHUK supervised operations against the civilian diplomatic staff of the Embassy. NOSENKO stated “supervising" meant that the case officers for the service attaches referred their ques- tions to him, not to KOVSHUK. These included case officers GAVRILENKO, responsible for Air Attaches, KURILENKO, for . Army Attaches, and DEMKIN, for enlisted personnel of all services. "While he was getting acquainted with the section on DRANOV's retirement", NOSENKO himself took case officer responsibility for the Naval Attache personnel. This res- ponsibility was subsequently assumed by DRANOV's former assistant, BELOGLAZOV. NOSENKO could not initially recall how long he supervised service attache operations; he later said "several months" and finally “five or six months". Neither could NOSENKO recall what other pressing duty or duties caused him to be relieved of this function. He said this resulted from KOVSHUK's proposal that supervision of the service attaches be assumed by ALESHIN who was Deputy Chief of the Second Directorate's American Department and coordinator for Second Directorate operations against military intelligence officers of all nationalities. Supervisor of Service Attache Operations: ' Summary and Conclusion Because of the tardiness of NOSENKO's claim to have been responsible for operations against service attaches and because he was not able, when challenged, to substantiate his claims by providitig any details of KGB activities against these targets, it is concluded that this. aspect of his claimed KGB service is a. fiction. GOCL4e4 222 i TS No. 197124 _ Top Secret Copy —___ ======== PAGE 233 ======== | Top Secret "(AMERICAN EMBASSY. SECTION - January 1960-January 1962). Soyey ' Custodian. of KGB File.on Embassy Security). As former Deputy Chief. and Occasional. Acting Chief of the... American Embassy Section, NOSENKO: claimed awareness of KGB ... “knowledge of its American Embassy target. ‘Specifically, . _\NOSENKO claimed to have been custodian of the Second: Chief. | Directorate's filé on Embassy security. 9. are _? . NOSENKO's Information _ NOSENKO's knowledge of the physical’ layout of the Embassy . derived both from his. general supervisory functions during ::~ 1960-1961 and from his.“responsibilities as the officially” =: registered’ custodian .of -the KGE file on the Embassy security.: He received thé file from the ‘Section Chief, KOVSHUK, when ~~ he arrived in January 1960... As. was permissible under KGB... procedures, as. long as ‘the custodian was: still in the same |. directorate, .the’ file’ was’ charged to BAKHVALOV. ‘[Sée'p./153. for NOSENKO's various assertions with respect to BAKHVALOV. J NOSENKO ‘had custody of the file. charged to himself, and -from-. January. 1960 until NOSENKO was leaving the section on 25-28-") December 1961, only KOVSHUK, NOSENKO, and GRYAZNOV and©-)) °° KOSOLAPOV (both of whom shared NOSENKO's' office and. safe) had access’ to the file. °° °°. on Bo The file consisted. of two volumes, one for the old” es To lding’ on Mokhovaya Street ‘and. the second (about-an inch’. ° thick) on. the new Embassy building.occupied in 1953 one Chaykovskiy. Street. The. file contained detailed floor plans .No operational’ analysis or; planning by NOSENKO: or others: was done on the" basis ofthis “file during NOSENKO"s two ‘years: in .the-Embassy Section: It was used only for reference © Set purposes, since the KGB had concluded that it was impossible -for a ‘Soviet citizen to penetrate the secure areas of thé Embassy because of the American security precautions‘ in- effects (ow wk. oo . %, os aa i 223. oe GOL 495 - TS. No. 197124 ee Top Secret - - Copy 10 - ======== PAGE 234 ======== Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) All Soviet employees of the Embassy who entered the restricted areas, "the seventh through the tenth floors", were carefully questioned because of the special KGB interest in these offices. [The secure area barred to unescorted local employees | is comprised of the eighth through tenth ' floors.] NOSENKO personally placed some reports by KGB agents in the Embassy security file, while he was custodian. None of the information was of interest or important or useful enough for him to remember, and he recalled none of the KGB agent sources. [In another context NOSENKO cited an instance in which an unrecalled KGB agent had reported f{erroneously] that ABIDIAN's office had a sign on the door reading "Security Office".]J ' Nothing could be recovered from the Embassy classified | trash, which was always burned at an unrecalled location by a non~commissioned officer or Marine guard accompanied by an officer. [At the Moscow Embassy the Marine guard detailed for the purpose has always burned the classified trash alone. NOSENKO may be unwittingly referring to a U.S. military security procedure requiring a commissioned officer to witness and to certify, the destruction of classified documents. If NOSENKO is aware of any such procedure, he has never indicated . it: in any context. J Loe In 1960- -1961, when NOSENKO was Deputy Chief, he either knew the location of all offices and personnel within the Embassy or he could obtain them from the monthly Embassy telephone lists which the KGB received regularly from agents. The lists gave office numbers. [The Embassy telephone lists contain names, apartment numbers and telephone numbers, but omits office room numbers. J: In 1960 a “metallic chamber" {acoustical room) arrived at the Embassy for President Eisenhower's use and for secret conversations. None of the technical specifications of the room were known, nor was its location. An unrecalled source reported only that meetings were held in the room, which was in the restricted area. 224 te TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 235 ======== 14-0000 ' Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY “SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) _. The KGB accomplished only one theft of classified materiai ‘during 1960-1961, A charwoman who was’ an agent of BELOGLAZOV . stole a bag of papers from the Naval.Attache office, .. The:torn “and crumpled contents included a-draft of a report of Naval. “-Attaches' observation of ships and factories on’a trip to-. | ‘Leningrad. The report was only of routine interest to the: KGB.: The charwoman was’. granted a cash award. . oe » Custodian of Embassy Security File: Summary and Conclision’ : = NOSENKO cannot ‘describe the’location. (even by floor) ‘of. . any of -his own targets; such aS ABIDIAN, the military code. “room, or the State Department communications center. In. fact, he cannot describe the location of the office of any - individual or unit in the Embassy, even.of the Ambassador.:— When challenged to substantiate his-claim to knowledge of ~ the Embassy security’ file, NOSENKO asserted that he had never read it nor paid any "special attention" to its content “in: ‘the two years he ‘was file custodian. —1t is concluded -that >: - NOSENKO's claim that he was custodian of the file is an invention: : Audio. Operations Against: thé’ American’ Embassy... NOSENKO's ‘knoWledge ofthe KGB-microphone ‘system in the." Embassy derived “from his alleged responsibility as Deputy | chief. of. the .Embassy..Section. for xeceiving and routing to. .-: : ppropriate KGB personnel. the reports of: ‘monitored conversa- | ions. Also, in‘ his ‘capacity as Deputy Chief and: custodian: ’.. ttended-a.meeting at the end. of 1960 or the béginning of 1) <=) 961 atwhich he learned details of the locations of specific. .: icrophones hidden in thé Embassy. L tly; NOSEMKO claimed: . > obtained information ‘on’ the KGB. aud operations against-. 0.3" he Embassy, -even*after he- left the Embassy Section, from his. ~former subordinate GRYAZNOV..: NOSENKO..regarded the information bout. the KGB microphonés,’ first mentioned in Geneva in 1962, s the most important he provided CIA.. eR en oa 225 ' | Dg . | nD . oo 2 TS No. 197124 FopSecret == copy 10° ======== PAGE 236 ======== Top Secret — (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) NOSENKO's Information Handling of Monitor Reports According to NOSENKO, only a limited number of KGB personnel, all in the American Department of the Second Chief Directorate, had access to the monitor reports. These included Department Chief KLYPIN (but not his deputies), KOVSHUK, NOSENKO himself, and GRIBANOV, to whom important items were shown. The existence of the audio operation and its product were concealed from personnel in other KGB Departments. The reports were produced by the Second Special Department of the Operational Technical Directorate (OTU). The OTU Second Special Department has several sections, one of which was the English Section under Colonel N. Ya. KUZMIN. -KUZMIN's monitors, fluent in English, listened to and transcribed the tape récordings. Their reports of the _‘ preceding: day's product were brought daily by Tatyana GRISHNYAT (of the Second Special Department) to the American Department. (In some accounts NOSENKO has said that he received the reports first, at other times that they went first to KLYPIN.) NOSENKO reviewed the reports, marked significant portions and usually within twenty-four hours returned the reports to the Second Special Department. _ In. NOSENKO's absence either KOVSHUK.or GRYAZNOV reviewed the reports. The Second Special .Department. prepared sterile abstracts of the portions NOSENKO had marked, abstracts which disguised the source of the information contained: the abstracts were returned to the American Department for the reference of individual case officers in the Embassy Section and for filing in the delo-formulyar (developmental file) kept on each American employee in the Embassy.. Location of the. Microphones a. In the 1962 Geneva meetings with CIA, NOSENKO emphasized that the KGB was listening to all conversations of the service attaches and particularly, to conversations held in the office of the Minister Counsellor. In addition, he referred to "points" [microphones] in the office of an unnamed State Department employee, in the Agricultural Attache office shared by BROWN and HORBALY, and in the Embassy code room. 226 CEU 4e8 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ——— ] | | ======== PAGE 237 ======== - Top Secret , . -January 1962) : \(AHERICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~ January 1960 In 1964, at the second meeting with CIA, NOSENKO produced | ‘a handwritten note which he asserted listed all the micro- phones in the Embassy which were operative in the years 1960-1961. NOSENKO. explained that at the-end of 1960 oy _the beginning. of 1961, he and KOVSHUK met with Department : Chief, KLYPIN. The purpose ofthe meeting. was to discuss... . the possibility of. releasing monitors from some of the - Embassy microphones so they could be ‘assigned to Viadimir PETROV, Chief of the American Department's Second Section for. use against non+Embassy targets. : (PETROV had earlier ‘requested English~language monitors from the Second Special: -- Section,-but“had been told that English linguists were ~. . engaged on priority targets.).. At the meeting, KOVSHUK’ and \ “KLYPIN reviewed the microphone coveragé of the Embassy... , Chancery to decide which rooms offered information of little “ Walue’,’so that: the monitors for. those’ ‘microphones: could be. -.¥eleased to PETROV'S Second Section: KOVSHUK used NOSENKO's —. “notebook in.which to list Embassy apartments’ and offices... then.being covered ‘on, a full-time basis and to note those of - lesser. importance.: KOVSHUK decided to relinquish, tempor- arily, monitoring of Embassy apartments. He continued the. “monitoring -of ‘the ‘code room, despite the limited. vatue of “ / the information obtained, At. the end of the meeting KOVSHUK ~ gave or NOSENKO took the list, and NOSENKO retained it in’- his. office safe until bringing a a it.to CIA in. 1964... _..NOSENKO! “list showed that"microphones were located in ANES 22. : the, following offices. of. the noted -occup “Office of the.Minister Counsellor, FRE “Office of the Naval Attache, - HOUGHTON; "Office of ‘the Army Attache, URBAN; , "Office of the Air Attache, NEILSEN; - "Office.of the Assistant. Air Attache, WINDSOR;. "Office of the- Assistant Air Attaches, SENIO. - _and= SACHANEN#)° 8 0 Rss Pe RE San ate "Office of the Assistant Army Attaches, MASON, . ERS; - , REITZ and WILSON; = *. re - “Office of the Political Officer, GLEYSTEEN: . a "Office of - igricultural Attaches, HORBALY and BROWN;. ; v "Military Code Room; °° 9 800 coe ce “"State Department Code ‘Room. and Teletype Office;. _ appartments of (EREERS, HOUGHTON, URBAN] and(NETLSEN} -"Eighth Floor Bar (Marines) "- hbo a ete So - Mb vee . OR 227. - a a ws 7 oe TS No. 197124 Copy _L0_ nf C004 429 wa Top Secret: 7 ======== PAGE 238 ======== . Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) NOSENKO said that "many" microphones were installed in the chancery building before the Americans occupied it, but he did not know how many were installed in all, how many : -were in any particular room on KOVSHUK's list, or where they “were located in specific rooms. He did recall that most of the microphones were emplaced in the outside wall, the wall nearest Chaykovskiy Street, as most of the offices faced this street and microphones emplaced there were less vulner- able to technical search and discovery. : According to NOSENKO, there were no fixed microphones 1h America House, the Embassy quarters of enlisted military personnel. In 1960-1961 there had been a discussion of using KGB agents employed there to emplace temporary audio devices for one or two days at a time in the rooms of the Americans, ‘as well as in the Embassy garage- These plans were vetoed, however, because of the risk of discovery. For the same reason there was no attempt made in this period to emplace a device temporarily in Spasso House, the Ambassador's residence, or in the apartments of Embassy officers. The _ KGB was afraid that they would be detected and there would be a scandal. _ oe Performance Characteristics of the Microphones - According. to NOSENKO in 1962, the audibility of the microphones in’ 1960-1961 ranged from very clear to zero, but the microphone system was deteriorating. The KGB could do nothing about it because they could not gain access to the inside of the Embassy. Referring to the.microphone in the Minister Counsellor's office, NOSENKO said that it was becoming increasingly difficult towwork with its product. The microphone was fading, and the recording tape sounded as if "somewhere far away, somewhere in the cellar, someone is speaking ina whisper". . KUZMIN, the KGB officer respon~ sible for the monitors, ‘said that soon the KGB could recover nothing. Of the microphones then (in 1962) in place, about twenty no longer were operative. In 1964 NOSENKO referred again to the microphone in the Minister Counsellor's office. NOSENKO learned from DMITRIYEV [Deputy Chief of the English-language Section of OTU Second Special Department] how difficult it was to 2238 OOCt 56 1560 TS No. 197124 Top Secret_ Copy ———— ======== PAGE 239 ======== ¥ -. (AMERICAN EMPASSY ‘SECTION ~' January 1960-January: 1962) - -monitoer conversations in that office.’ ‘Only very experienced .. linguists were used, but even they had to listen "ten, pk fifteen, even twenty times" in order to. understand portions - of the recording. After NOSENKO left ‘the Embassy Section,:: ° on several occasions in 1962-1963 GRYAZNOV, his. former sub-- ordinate and his successor, referred.to the microphones'. . decline.. GRYAZNOV said the, microphones ‘were picking up’. *'> /- only snatches of conversation, and that: in a year or. two o 920" . they would be completely inoperative.” As a result, GRYAZNOV - : insisting.on. the recruitment of — . code‘clerks at all costs. “Besides the told NOSENKO, GRIBANOV. was cate st » fading quality of.. + “the microphone's signal, GRYAZNOV, KOVSHUK and FEDOSEYEV. - i ishi alue.of the audio operation to .. - “the Embassy use of the “room-in-a-room". - ANOSENKO said 2°. .s that in. 1960-1961. the KGB: had. information ‘that, in’prepara> | / , tion for’ President Eisenhower's visit, a "steel chamber"... . had’ been constructed within ‘the Embassy where secure conver- *.; Sations could be ‘held. ] BO _ Microphones in the North Wing /n. » RecOrding to. NOSENKO; '. devices were ever. install ‘from the. chancery): prior no-microphones or other. audio. _ éd'iin’ the north wing (as distinct." to.the Embassy's occupancy of the -' -. building in 1962. In his first meetings with CTA in. Geneva . ‘he described how he. knew... When it’ was decided to permit. <° “the Embassy to construct the north wing, NOSENKO wrote. a’): een : roposal’ that audio: equipment: be’ installed, . Approval was. held up by KGB: Chairman Shelépin, who. had reservations eee pportunity was lost and. the KGB instal onsequently,’ NOSENKO' suggested to CIA that the Minister ‘Gounsellor, the service attaches, and: others presently. .- ‘Occupying rooms in'the chancery which had microphones,. be. _ “moved gradually to the north wing, where the KGB had neither. .: @udio equipment’ nor the capability of.-installing any. 0 8. cw : — «G00E5e, TS No. 197124 .° ‘Top Secret - Copy 10° ======== PAGE 240 ======== Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) In 1962 while citing examples of the kind of information the KGB obtained from monitoring, NOSENKO referred only to the offices of the Minister Counsellor and of the service attaches. According to NOSENKO, Counsellor FREERS dictated Top Secret and Secret cables. If the content justified, GRIBANOV was informed and he notified the KGB Chairman immediately. FREERS ‘also dictated fitness reports on Embassy personnel from which the KGB learned of various American officers' personal weaknesses. With respect to the service attaches, NOSENKO said that the KGB learned from microphones where they intended to travel, and what they wanted to find out: : In 1964 NOSENKO provided some additional details. He said that audio reception was good from the military code room, but that the occupants rarely spoke, When one of them “was monitored, the monitor report was sent immediately to the Eighth Directorate which was concerned with ciphers. : Nothing was obtained from the State Department code room and teletype room because of the interference from the noise of the teletype machines. The microphones in the apartments produced rarely anything of interest. An exception was advance information obtained of a social affair, for which the English-language Section of the OTU Second Special Department would be asked to pay particular attention. There ‘was a microphone with good reception in GLEYSTEEN's (a political officer) office, but no secret information was obtained. Similarly, the conversations were overheard in the Agricultural Attache office, but nothing significant was obtained except “something" which made the KGB suspect HORBALY was connected with American Intelligence. .In a protocol signed on 26 October 1965 NOSENKO summarized his knowledge of the value of the information obtained by the KGB via microphones in the Embassy: 230 GOG15C2 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy __- ======== PAGE 241 ======== Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January /1960-January 1962) "I regularly reviewed all of the’ ‘transcripts from- microphones. in-the American Embassy for a period of ; approximately . two years, from January 1960 to.January~ ' 1962.. The following.is the only. information which I can remember as being important, interesting or operationally. useful to the! (KGB: 2 ; "From: the microphone 3 in ‘the office of the ‘Minister — Counsellor, FREERS, I remember that-he. occasionally .' G@ictatéd-.cables about, the Embassy' s evaluation of. = -. certain declarations or acts of the Soviét Government- ‘and advised the State Department..on.-positions. for ~ negotiations with the USSR. This information: was a oa. Of such importance ‘that. special reports were written”: o-) Fo. te the .central Committee. ‘of the CPSU... However, Ir -. ..+.. Cannot .remember ‘any’ Specific incidents: or events - which these cables: reported nor any specific: Soe : “evaluations. or. recommendations made: “in these. cables. ma "Also. from the microphones ‘in the’ “Minister. - Gounsellor' s ‘office, I remember that: he dictated: _. ° fitness reports- (kharakteristiki) © on. about: twelve - “. officers in the Embassy. 1.cannot: remember who'.any - Of these. officers’ were or any details. from: the” “reports... » There. was. nothing in -these: reports ‘which : was of interest (or useful - to. ‘the. KGB , - "Brom: ‘the microphone in the Army Attache! s office I. remember’ that the -service .attaches: regularly discussed plans for: trips within. the. USSR and ‘the. _targets that they. wanted to- cover. .- ‘They ‘also dis» eusséd ‘the! results of. these. trips ‘after - ‘their. ‘return. However, I. ‘cannot ‘remember ° any information’ about - specific’ trips. planned ‘by. Specific. ‘service’ attache. personnel or any. specific. ‘targets. that - ‘they planned: -to-cever'or.any specific operational: activity. taken oo by- the organs. of..the' KGB. ‘against service attaches": oo / on trips. within the USSR which was .based on infor- mation obtainéd’ from-this ‘icrophone. « There was no. *-interesting,. ‘important, or useful information about the personal ‘or ~professional Lives: or about. the... . vulnérabilities of anyone inthe service attache offices (Army, Navys and | Air). obtained : :-£rom ‘this “microphone: oe 23k “TS No. 197124 Top Secret | a - Copy 10» ======== PAGE 242 ======== vs Top Secret _ {AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION, -’ January 1960-Januiary 1962) .- . "I. xemember that’ from the microphones in the State . Department code room occasionally. ‘a code clerk would read numbers; These numbers were only of interest -to the Eighth Directorate (Communications and’ Cryp= “ tology) of the KGB. I do not. remember any conversa-.. tions from this microphone. There: was no information: ‘from this microphone of any~of the code- clerks which . was interesting, important, or useful to the Embassy 7 ~; Section, First Pepartment, Second Chief Directorate;. ‘ KGB.: - : : . . “During the. approximately two years in which:I daily: reviewed the, production:-from/all the micro- .. phones in. the Américan. Embassy I do not remember - any ‘information on-any American in the Embassy which was interesting, important, or useful to me as the- “. Deputy.Chief of the. Embassy Section except. the points noted cin: othe: above paragraphs.".. Resuits of, Technical- ‘and Physical Search ot - NOSENKO' s information {no action nad been taken as a. ‘Yesult. of GOLITSYN's earlier report that there was: a micro- -phone in the “Embassy, office. occupied by the Minister- “Counsellor] . was,. as far _as.it went, confirmed by a search . of the Embassy.chancery “in spring.1964. According ‘to the _USIB. Security. Committee damage report which followed, a microphone and associatéd probe’ was first discovered in the ‘outside ‘wall ‘behind ‘a radiator in Room 1008 of the chancery. -[In--1960. this room.had been the. office of the Army Attache, . : where .NOSENKO reported -a microphone was emplaced.]~-The ~ “microphone's cable was traced to a major cable which ran : horizontally (several inches}. under the outside’ surface of “the east face of the. chancery, to the roof area of the north :)-annex.. A number. of vertical: cables were found to run to the '-» various .microphone: installations...) Fifty microphones were: . positively. identified ‘[ultimately, fifty-four were found], . - although the system apparently. was devised for’a considerably _ greater number. -The microphone system covered all outside “.xooms on floors six through ten, with certain ‘exceptions. ‘The USIB damage -report. concluded that the microphones were installed. before the, Embassy. took occupancy of the. chancery in-1953. . - ‘ oo 7 coe . 1s. No. 197124 Top Secret Copy a ======== PAGE 243 ======== Top Secret. " (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION -. January 1960-January 1962) - ; The discoveries in the chancery led. to. the discovery of - other Soviet technical equipment installed in the. north wing. “north wing roof, there’ were found three coaxial cables,-all . . terminating in the concrete floor.of the. north wing. attic: in 1962.0." that the ‘Soviets, before the Embassy occupied’. ' monitoring. microphonés “in the chancery. In. threé ‘coaxial cables may ‘have been either is -still unknown, but, they may. have been a eature of a highly:sophisticated ele¢tronic. : attack against the code. room, thé existence or not have. Known. ..When NOSENKO was. informed in uf 1965 by CIA that there -had been a technical. discovery.” in the north wing, he offered his nthe north wing ‘and ‘insisted.that whatever. |. @udio system. ~*~ amage Estimates ith reference to the damage caused by the audio penetra- . the préeviously-cited USIB’ damage. report ‘stated that “it “tion » the United States, | ‘The Soviets have gained considerable - Top Secret Copy 10 ‘Parallel .to the audio cable running ‘from the:.chancery to the. ~ ~The. coaxial cables. appeared to be of more recent installation,: probably prior -to the Soviets" evacuation of the north wing = °° " While. not’ definitely established, it is assumed the north.wing,.used.it as a listening post for . preparation for American occupancy the main cable: _.. ‘from ‘the chancery .was concealed. and’ run from the.’ - ~-nerth wing roof to the basement, ‘and presumably we _ from there.to a listening post elsewhere. Theo" - Anstalled at that time or earlier. | Their purpose character of which NOSENKO did not know and need.” personal -assurances’:that nothing was. installed... was: found must be’.something. unrelated to ano) ~ must be. concluded ‘that due tothe extensive period of penetra~:— "tion; the cumulative effect has resulted in serious: damage tO. TS. No. 197124. ======== PAGE 244 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~ January 1960-January 1962) knowledge aS to the effectiveness of United States operations within the Soviet Union, particularly the military attache collection program. Soviet knowledge of U-S. emphasis upon certain intelligence collection areas has made it possible for them to identify priority intelligence and probably Soviet targets and thereby permitted them to implement specific counteractions. The Soviets over the years must . have amassed considerable information concerning the personal habits, problems, attitudes and weaknesses of personnel ‘assigned to the Embassy which can be used by them for purposes of exploitation at any time of their choosing in the future." Col. Theodore F. HOFFMAN, Army Attache in Moscow from May 1959 to May 1961 (a period coinciding with some eighteen months of NOSENKO's claimed two years' service in the Embassy Section), has been more specific. Interviewed by CIA, Col. HOFFMAN recalled instances which the KGB, by monitoring just the conversations held in his office, could have become aware of the vulnerability of service attache personnel. As examples, he cited the two occasions on which military code pe clerk [STORSBERG| was reprimanded for absenteeism (unavailable for cipher duties because he was elsewhere with “girl friends"); HOFFMAN's conversations with America House manager ‘Ch eter BINDER (the personality probiéms, drinking ‘habits and other incidents relating to America House residents and visitors to the America Club), and the detailed circumstances prompting the decision to remove substitute code clerk|[KEYSERS) 6 | ' £rom Moscow (homosexuality)... [Besides his general duties as Chief of the Embassy Section, NOSENKO claims special: responsi- bilities for each of the persons mentioned. He supervised’ _ the KGB officers operating against code clerks and residents of America House, and asserts he was personally involved in -the KGB attempts to recruit {STORSBERG| and (KEYSERS jb'"(The KGB attempted later to recruit [BINDER?*as well.)] In summing up his views, Col. HOFFMAN said: "To be perfectly frank, I would assume that ... some ‘of our modus operandi, some of our targets, some. of the results, and all 6f our personal weaknesses were compromised." 7 234 GOCL5SCE TS No. 197124 . Top Secret Copy —____ . GSK ======== PAGE 245 ======== : Top Secret - | (AMERICAN EMBASSY. SECTION - January 1960-Januaty 1962). /Budio Operations Against. ‘American Bnbassy: “Summary and Conclusion” se Given. that HOSENEO'S: “information: about microphones ‘in the “chancery has been ‘confirmed,. that information's. significance. ‘remains the extent. to which it ‘substantiates his claims, . e.g+, that his knowledge derived. from his. position, as Deputy. Chief, and’ that. he for two-years ‘reviewed - the reports of | what .the KGB monitored ; from: microphone Patiphaced. ain’ the . - NOSENKO! s ‘knowleage. ‘of the- ‘mi rophones'" ‘existence’ ‘is: not - “proof that‘ he was Deputy Chief of the. Embassy Section, (or . even proof ‘that he‘ served. in'that.unit).° KGB soiirces serving | _ elsewhere than in the Second: Chief Directorate . earlier. reported the. microphones ' _ existence; ‘GOLITSYN © spécificalif identified one as being: in | the: Min ister. Counsellor! s offi : s Acquisition of. the: ‘List i inicrophon 1960- -1961" as singular: (the. more so since. he .never- hinted ofthe. list's existencé. while describing ‘the: microphones .i the. chancery to CIA in 1962).* He asserts that he had no.” -plan to: defect- in: 1960- -1961, when ‘thelist was acquired, “that for.no- apparent - -purpose he. risked keeping ‘a. highly’ ; sensitive document. in:a:safe. hé. shared with’ two “subordinates” | “(GRYAZNOV and: ‘KOSOALPOV), .and. keeping: ait.even after. he left. he “Embassy Séction:for the Seventh Department... NOSENKO- as never: _plausibly. explained - ‘the ‘circumstances ‘which - | rompted | his retention..of the list til 1964, when vhe od i “CIA sin ‘Geneva. ~ i ding ‘to’ NO NKO,. he: ‘reviewed. ‘what: must’: ha been ‘literally hundreds: of ‘monitor - reports-in the course of* two. - years, important ones of* which were forwarded to Second. - Chief Directorate Chiéf GRIBANOV, and.others of. such signi : * ficance that ‘they were ‘the subjects: of special reports. sent. .- - to the Central. Committee of the CPSU. Yet when ‘challenged ” - ~. he Gites not a singlé example, despite - the fact: that this... ‘Period included. such critical events. affecting | Soviet-United © 0001867 235 ee “TS No. “197124 ‘Top Secret. oe - Copy _ 10 ======== PAGE 246 ======== Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) States relations (and hence of priority interest to the KGB), as the U-2 and President Eisenhower's visit. Of the micro- phones which produced useful information, NOSENKO describes those in the Minister Counsellor's office, the office of the Army Attache, and in the code room; when challenged to cite examples of information obtained, he-asserts that none produced any information of interest to the Embassy Section.- Lastly, although he stresses the value of the chancery : microphones as sources of information on which he rdied to direct operations against code clerks and other Embassy personnel, he again can describe no actual instance. In the single case in which he asserted that he relied on information procured from microphones. (KEYSERS! failure to0b report receipt of the defection invitation), he was in error. Conclusion From the foregoing it is concluded that, NOSENKO's claims to the contrary, his information on the chancery microphones does not sustain his claim either to have been Deputy Chief of the Embassy Section, or his claim that he personally reviewed the KGB microphone monitoring reports. : Cryptologic Attack on Embassy Communications As former Deputy Chief of the Embassy Section of the American Department NOSENKO claimed to be knowledgeable of the extent of KGB success in its cryptologic attack on Embassy communications. He has consistently asserted that the KGB had never succeeded in reading enciphered communica- tions of the service attaches [for which reason he claimed GICL5C8 236 ee TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —_-___ ======== PAGE 247 ======== Top Secret : - ary 1962) - ‘aneRTCAN EMBASSY. SECTION. - January 1960-January 1962)3° 2st. to the KGBhe ‘recruitment of a military code clerk was his priority : Of the micro-ask in 1960-1961]. He "knew", however, that the Eighth °. KO describesirectorate was: reading at least some State Department’ = : Office Of. -nbassy traffic. Os Be a rs ~ | NOSENKO' s Information ©” chancery © At his.secdnd meetin he rdied to. sncern that the American Embass 3 -ad only rarely seen. the. clear-text of deciphered cables,: “ t the most, “ten or. twelve times" during 1960 and 1961.0) "The Russian text of those deciphered state Department... ° E : B chairman ‘Semichastnyy, who some-. -ekseyevich KLYPIN, Chief of the American > ' } successor, S,M. FEDOSEYEV.. IOSENKO .... | ‘aw such material. on the desk of .KLYPIN and later on’ « 7 _EDOSEYEV's. desk, but was | arp ittec Lt, ikolay ZEMSKOV, “from the Secr " trectorate, brought a boo. «He would open» Paper and ‘permit . wl. °. This was Eighth. » @ad aloud ‘to NOSENKO by KLYPIN, but they. C we RS '. osition of the American’ Ambassador ‘or the U.S. Government... | “f political questions and were of no significance to him. . nfrequently. there. was ‘mention of the expected arrival of - - Mericans who were not permanently assigned to the Embassy, . na. NOSENKO remembered that. one such item concernéd the ©. on Frival ofa’ one-or two-man "commission", to check ‘the work erted that™'£ the’ Political Section. The attitude of the Secretary of ae te or ‘the American Ambassador Was sometimes expressed on . he Claimed “rtain. unremembered topics, but NOSENKO took no interest oan ce 7 G0015C9. ' oe . TS No. 197124: Copy 10 . TS:No. 197. Copy . - } - Top Secret : ======== PAGE 248 ======== 14-00000 Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) in the information as it did not relate to agents or agent activities. NOSENKO noted, however, that the material ; concerned messages from the Secretary of State to the American Ambassador, Moscow. All of this material was highly sensi- tive, and few people were permitted to see it or even to know of its existence. NOSENKO stated that it was treated more carefully than Top Secret information. Unable to describe the techniques of the KGB Eighth Directorate in breaking U.S. Department of State crypto- graphic systems, NOSENKO nevertheless did indicate methods as known to him. One method, mentioned by NOSENKO on 12 June 1962, stemmed from the habit of certain Embassy officials (notably Ministers Counsellor FREERS and McSWEENEY) dictating the text of outgoing cables aloud. When the texts were picked up on the KGB microphones, the Eighth Directorate compared them against enciphered traffic intercepted by other means. NOSENKO has referred to the Eighth Directorate's interest in equipment sounds and snatches of technical conversations picked up by the microphones in the State Department and military code rooms. : "Now, we also listened to the code room and the teletype office, but we could never get anything out of the teletype office because of interference [equipment noises which drowned out conversations]. b In the military code room--that was where {Games H.)0 STORSBERG |and later (Matthew P.] ZUJUS\worked--we Ob didn't get much. We could hear[STORSBERG)\ swearing(j, on occasion, and then he would mention a group of numbers. This was, of course, all recorded and we turned it over at once to the Eighth Directorate, dealing with coding and decoding. Of course, all other intercepts were turned over to them also." With respect to the use of code clerks by the American Department, NOSENKO recalled that in 1948 or 1949 the KGB was helped a great deal by {James H.] McMILLAN {a military code clerk of the Embassy staff who defected in 1948], and by “ANDREY" [Dayle SMITH, see p. 33]. It was thanks to 238 6001510 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —_____ BRR ======== PAGE 249 ======== tg00pae. (MERICAN EMBASSY Becrzoy - January edoosanaaty 19 1962) _ but possibly John Discoe SMITH, : State Department communica st _ tions technician who defected to the USSR sometime between Ba! ae 1960-1967. when - his: presence: in. ‘the. USSR was. publicized] “ regular’ Yeports:-to Khrushchev and the Central Committee on: wtheix. intercepts until "the end of: 1961 .or.the beginning ..;"" -(The acoustical room was installed: in December 1962.)].°* After ‘learned of the KGB's loss of. its code breaking capability’ ‘from Second: Chief Directorate Chief, .GRIBANOV. * GRIBANOV.” Top Secret : "ANDREY' s* help that the KGB were able to ‘read State Depart~ ae ment and ciphers. . [At. the time of. SMITH's tour -in Moscow ; : og single code room was shared’ by State. Department ‘and. + -alitary. code, clerks. . As. the only cryptographic machine: : -- technician: assigned to:the Embassy, ‘SMITH. had .access to. both . “state: and military cryptographic equipment . ] . NOSENKO also: named MARTIN and MICHELL LNsa, mathematicians ---who defected to: the USSR .in July 1960] and: “an American: *) 5+” eode-clerk brought to the USSR from India" - {unidentified, « “NOSENKO ‘said’ the ‘Bighth Directorate: ‘was submitting vated of 1962". He learned’ this: from GRYAZNOV, ‘his successor =i the Embassy. ‘Section, At about:the same ‘time he learned © -that various Embassy officers were less. often’ 6verheard fron | 2° KGB, microphones - in their offices discussing ‘significant no . information. . This development GRYAZNOV and American Depart~’ “ment Chief: FEDOSEYEV. attributed to.a "room-within-a- room" *.- installed in the Embassy and other Embassy” security measures. his own. departure - from the.Embassy. Section, NOSENKO also: told-him that the Central Committee was exerting consider-_ | able pressure. on..the KGB Chairman.for continuation. of the, information formerly . obtained in this manner}. consequently; ca the KGB Chairman: was demanding maximum effort from all KGB fficer conterned with the recruitment: ‘Of code” clerks. ec vexen (239°: Top Secret ” a copy 10 TS No. 197124 — ======== PAGE 250 ======== Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) | Cryptologic Attack on Embassy Communications: ; Summary and Conclusion From USIB and’ NSA damage assessments following the discovery of the microphones in the chancery, it has been concluded that it was equally feasible for the Soviets to have recovered plain text (by analysis of Cipher machine emissions) from enciphered service attache traffic of the period 1952-1962, and from enciphered State Department traffic during 1952-1959, “ANDREY" (see Pp. 33), the code machine mechanic the KGB allegedly recruited in 1953, serviced the cipher machines in a common State~service attache code room; his access was not limited, as NOSENKO indicates, to State Department traffic. On the basis of these fundamental errors, it is concluded that NOSENKO was not knowledgeable of the extent of KGB cryptologic attack on Embassy communications, and that such information as he provided can not be related to his claim to have been Deputy Chief of the Embassy Section. Knowledge of CIA Personnel within Embassy As Deputy Chief and occasional Acting Chief of the American Embassy Section, NOSENKO claimed that he would “necessarily know whom the KGB knew or suspected to be a CIA officer" under diplomatic cover within the Embassy. Within the section,. “special emphasis" was placed on the ‘identification and development of. American Intelligence. personnel, with the objective of an eventual recruitment. The KGB believed that the Ambassador, code clerks, and Marine guards would not be used to perform intelligence missions: any diplomat, however, was noted as "suspect gac1 542 240 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ____ ======== PAGE 251 ======== Top Secret . (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~ January: 1960 ~January’ 1962) "american Intelligence", ‘the notation referring to CIA. Reviewing lists of American personnel assigned to the . Embassy. during 1960-1961 NOSENKO commented on those who were known or suspected by the KGB. to be, CIA officers, and. ~ on some officers,-who wére not...’ Da , ~ pubassy Personnel ‘suspected to be CIA Officers * Boris” LOSSON) Qf, a [RLOSSON| was considered to be. CIA "Resident" in Moscow, (bavi nant unknown to NOSENKO except that he replaced - vid MARK\-who had been regardéd as "Resident" because Of is. behavior under. surveillance and of. his clandestine letter“ ailing .)\sIKLOSSON) Ss. case officer’was MIKHAYLOV., NOSENKO ecalled. the names of none of the -KGB. agents working on specifically. against [KLOSSON|.0 He never read‘any agent or... >” “surveillance ‘report. indicating that ({KLOSSON| was ensaged in 06 any clandestine. activity. NOSENKO was unaware of [KLOSSON's 6 _ job. in. the Embassy, whether “his family was ‘in Moscow or ce : anyother. features. of his personal life, of his travels. 0 _ inside \the -Soviet Union, the. identities of his close American -..'” " associates 0: _any ef his. Soviet Contacts. ‘.NOSENKO never .- _read (RLOSSONYS: file, 0° 08 0 0 EIA ROVE a) Qe os vee By te. me aa “{KLOSSON was ‘not a CIA officer and had'no’ ° » connection with CIA in Moscow. wee “Su firmed t ‘clandestinely mailed opera- .- ‘tional letters: and visited. a deaddrop site in Moscow. (See . on Be 206) 2 ; . i “ Te “ 241 6004513 ee ee ~ TS No. 197124 - Top Secret’ 8.’ copy — 10 ======== PAGE 252 ======== 14-QOD0R, g, . sein Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) Comment: ABIDIAN was a State Department officer coopted by CIA. Although not a CIA staff employee, he was for all intents the CIA "Resident" in Moscow from February 1960 until November 1961, fay {Steve WASHENKO]| (HASHENKO! was identified as a CIA officer on the basis of his mailing of one or two letters to KGB-controlled double agents in the Baltic area. Additionally, from a KGB micro- phone he was overheard dictating an intelligence report shortly.after he returned from a field trip. Comment: {WASHENKO\was a CIA employee detached from his =——_aee + Pp Washington overt assignment as an(economic ov analyst) £0 be assigned to Moscow. “He was used there for limited operational support activity, including clandestine mailings. He reverted to overt CIA employment after his Moscow assignment, Lewis BOWDEN " BOWDEN .was suspected of being a CIA officer for reasons unknown to NOSENKO. KOVSHUK was in contact with BOWDEN under Ministry of Foreign Affairs cover. Comment: BOWDEN had no affiliation with CIA. d /§8 GOCL5L4 242 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ——— ======== PAGE 253 ======== 14.0900... Top Secret — | (AMERICAN EMBASSY ‘SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) Richard FUNKHAUSER ‘PUNKHAUSER was “suspected of being ‘a.CIA officer because, ; “he.was @a specialist on_ the ‘Soviet. Union, particularly on- “economic matters.” NOSENKO remembered thé names’ of no KGB” “agents working against. PUNKHAUSER, mor any information. about Achim, which was. Fegarded as | derogatory by ‘the. KGB. Comment: FUNKHAUSER had no affiliation with cla. 9 : William HORBALY ~ HORBALY was: -guspectea of. being” a ‘CIA case officer. Or... .. ‘ cooptee because the KGB monitored. through.a: microphone.in ~— the Embassy his diécussion or ‘dictation of obs¢rvations made. on a field trip.” 'NOSENKO knew the names of no KGB agents .. working against HORBALY,- nor whether the = agents ‘ever obtained: any. ‘derogatory, information. -about Ain. The. KGB.did not ‘try:. to recruit _ HORBALY eo pes oo Se Wi I “HORBALY. was’ an overt ‘employee cee “and Sconomi aflalyst of .CIA:before’ being ~” eee appointed ‘to a State Department - position in ~Moscow,. where he’ openly. discussed the. fact - : that he had; ‘formerly. worked for CIA... In; “a ‘January. 1962 he accepted an. appointment to. the” ‘Foreign’ Agricultural Service of. the ‘Department’ of Agriculture. While in. M6scow -HORBALY > “had no. connection with or knowledge of. CIA clandestine - activities. — — 7 CObL515 243000 . So TS. No. 197124 Top Secret. ae Copy 10. ======== PAGE 254 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) George WINTERS | WINTERS was known to be a CTIA officer and was given ; ; special attention because of his operational activity in the { POPOV case (see p.207 ). KOVSHUK was in personal contact with WINTERS under the cover of the Ministry of Foreign Af- In addition he was overheard from a KGB microphone | dictating an intelligence report shortly after he returned from a field trip. . Comment: WINTERS was a CIA officer. CIA Personnel Not Suspected by the KGB. ' Stanley BROWN NOSENKO did not recognize BROWN's name, whose name was on a list which NOSENKO brought to CIA in 1964, a list in- dicating that BROWN shared an office with HORBALY. In that office there was a KGB_ microphone providing good reception, but insignificant production. Comment: Like HORBALY and WASHENKO|, BROWN was an overt employee of CIA‘who was ransferred to the De- ~ partment of Agriculture prior to being assigned to the Embassy in.ifoscow. He was engaged in no clandestine activities during his tour. In''1960 ne -wisitedLeningrad with WINTERS, whom OSENKQ correctly identified as a CIA officer. BROWN and anotner member_of_the Embassy staff were under constant surveillance during a trip within the USSR in igeil eH 244 GOCLSL6 oe TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ______ IR TL ======== PAGE 255 ======== 14-0000 “Top Secret ory 1962) “sERICAN: ‘EMBASSY | SECTION > January. 960-ganuary, 1962) MOREE) aS given’: oe Gorey was. not suspected of” f being a: Cra, officer, stivity-in ‘the ‘ yal contact =: ao oo Roe . : : - _ Be eeaen te cg Commen : (MORELE\was an overt employee of CIA who was ~ he returned | seo.’ Ldentified as such-to..the Soviet Ministry | of i” a Foreign Affairs prior: to his assignment. to’ ‘ the Embassy ‘as a Minister Counsellor. In : a “attempting to. recruit (Fran¢is STEVENS } (see 0 a KGB officer: allegedly commented to{ STEVENS, Oba atl opty acknowledged himself to | to be |: a CIA "employee. KOVSHUK, .under Ministry of. ‘Foreign Affairs cover, was _Gultiveling {YORELS. 06 Gs gene union) hgh ‘was ° “ NOSENKO : identisiea AHONEy} s s“name as that ‘of an employee ~. “E the Administrative Section oF the Embassy. Nothing was * i a list in-. he uy Ye. In’ ti ¢ 1OKn. of (MAHONEY)? ‘such as his previous career, whether he‘ 5° Fece tiene: f .Russian,. when he arrived: or: departed Moscow, or where. ‘ "P an ived- while there.’ ‘The KGB did not: ‘Suspect that he ‘was = rou CIA officer.” wae on overt ‘Comms neeleee Ke) ficer “who ‘served: in Moscow - eing: assigne 1. September 1961 asfan_ 3e engaged «in Services Officey:— His. ~ vis tour. $.- : ‘TA m: mission we was. to support communica ‘WINTERS, | whé “tions with: PENKOVSKIY’ inside the: Soviet. Union. 9 ‘CIA: ‘Officer. ‘From the start of his“tour he was active in ibassy* staff attempts. to familiarize. himself with Moscow luring. a trip ./ and..he frequently toured various areas of the cra . - city on foot. Oe GiAHIONEY| went to the vicinity : _ . of the Pushkin Street deaddrop site on two Sy as a “ occasions during. November and’ December (1960, ‘Ts No. agri , eo Sa TS No. 197124 Copy — Top Secret =, Cory, S10 igi? fy 2 Meet ======== PAGE 256 ======== 14-00000 Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960~January 1962) Comment: (Continued) and examined the site itself on 21 January : 1961, See p. 219.) Throughout his tour[MAHONEY] 035 was subjected to intense KGB surveillance, On” 25° October 1960 ABIDIAN commented that "I find this type of coverage (five surveillants on a recent trip to a barber shop) completely out of character with that which is usually given a new arrival of similar rank. My only inference is that the KGB has at least strong suspicions of MAHONEY} s primary role as a CIA officer." (ABIDIAN's own surveillance at the time was occasional and extremely discreet.) 03 (Manongy! lived throughout his tour in Moscow in America House, for which NOSFENKO's subordinate _ DEMKIN was. case officer and which NOSENKO had described as thoroughly penetrated by KGB agents among the local employees {3 (MAHONEY) spoke Russian, and his administrative tasks exposed him more than most Americans to KGB agents and informants among Embassy local employees. Paul GARBLER .GARBLER was a naval officer in the office of the Naval Attache and the target of BELOGLAZOV. NOSENKO knew the names of no agents working against GARBLER. The KGB obtained no interesting information concerning GARBLER from microphones telephone taps, or surveillance. NOSENKO "did not know" ; whether or not he had read GARBLER's file. -(It will be recalled that in other contexts NOSENKO sdid that all Service Attaches were considered by the KGB to be intelligence officers.) yi : 246 . G0C61518 TS No. 197124 . Top Secret Copy —___ ======== PAGE 257 ======== 14-0000 ‘Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~ January. 1960-ganuary +1962) ° Comment : “the CIA “Chief of. Station. while in. 1. Moscow, “~~ ‘GARBLER had been detailed to CIA by ‘the Navy’: . in 1952, and he served CIAfunder~ Naval covers 2,10 ‘in Berlin}from January 195S*until-July 1955. . He resigned his naval. commission -in 1955, .and~ ; in 1956. he was assigned as a CIA officer to": ; ee he “américan Embassy in Stockholm, under .the_ 32, jd “gover of Second_Secretary and Political Officer}. ‘He rétiirned tO active duty with the Navy in ' June 1961°and on 31 August 1961 he was formally ‘proposed as a candidate for. the position. ‘of « Assistant Naval.Attache’ in’ Moscow..’.In response ‘toa request: from the Soviet Naval Attache : -office’ in ‘Washington, in September. 1961 GARBLER -forwardedto-the Soviet Embassy an official’: i : >. biographic. summary, followed by an official: - :eall.on the Soviet Naval Attache.. GARBLER. “arrived in Moscow on 29° November 1961... — > Prior’ to his affiliation with CIA,’ GARBLER = . had served in Korea where he was acquainted — _ with George BLAKE..’ GARBLER was 4 participant us in the joint :CIA/MI-6 discussions in Washington. in ‘April 1960, minutes ‘of which BLAKE: had. : admitted passing to the Soviets. (Seep. Ay: CIA. thus*assumed GARBLER. to have been~ identified ‘to the KGB as a CIA officer: prior tovhis °°: . arrival in ‘Moscow.. This assumption was ‘confixmed "by. an. article ‘appearing in ‘Izvestiya in ‘October | 1963 in. which the author alleged: that’ GARBLER ; chad earlier. been involved in subversion and. . : 247 Cope consis : Top Secret = Copy 10. ======== PAGE 258 ======== 14-0000, 4 i H t i it Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) Knowledge of CIA Personnel in Embassy: ummary and Conclusion With the exception of ABIDIAN, there is a paradox connected with each of NOSENKO's identifications, as is most evident in the cases of MORELL } and GARBLER. It is a 6. fact that both these individdals wére known to the KGB as CIA officers, a fact of which NOSENKO apparently is unaware. His claim is thus false, that he would necessarily know whom the KGB believed was a CIA officer, and to the extent he related it to his claim that he was Deputy Chief of the Embassy Section, that latter claim is unsubstantiated. Personal Handler of KGB Agents NOSENKO has named seven agents which he claimed to have handled while Deputy Chief of the American Section during 1960-1961. . ; . YEFREMOV and VOLKOV — ‘NOSENKO continued to manage these two. homosexual agents whom he had recruited and managed during his assignment in the Seventh Department, and brought with him when he trans- ferred to the American Department (see p.1ll). They were used in no operations during the period 1960-1961. [NOSENKO described the compromise of Robert BARRETT) in 1959 and knew ()6 of his later recruitment in T961., (See p. 134.) NOSENKO does not know of|BARRETT|'s contacts with YEFREMOV and voLKov Ob in 1961, when he Glaims to have been their case officer.] 248 6001520 2 TS No. 197124 38 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 259 ======== 14-0000, -. Top Secret — {AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) nued ~ to. manage the Moscow manager of the s Company|,during the 1960-1961. period,. as during his assignment to the Seventh Depart— “ment. (See p. “137, ) Aeporeing on an uncooperative “and “unproductive source reporting on. his acquaintances, din. . the: american Embassy+ . we ‘DMITRIVE - ROSENKO' s English. and " Japaniese-speaking agent during the "y955- -1960 Seventh Department period was employed in. the. Japanese Exhibition in. Moscow. (See p. 107.) He. was not used’ operationally during 1960 or 1961. Marina: RYTOVA. - NOSENKO! 's” “agent from 1956 or 1957, “(see p- 108). at the Russian Permanent Exhibit in Moscow, RYTOVA was not. used _ ‘s operationally during 1960- 1961¢ . . oe “LEVINA was. a language teacher : ‘and. ‘liprarian. ati the | ‘Embassy. “sed - as an. informant.'on ther’. American. language . . students, .among whom were a number of code clerks. - She: provided no worthwhile .information.on any American nor was «she. ever used in operations.® At the end of 1960 or the . . “beginning of 1961’ she was fired by |P Paul “SMITH} , and NOSENKO 06 “ -turned:wher. over ‘to another Embassy ° Sttion “officer. -The. ; British. Department planned later to use her in either ‘the British ‘or Canadian Embassies, [LEVINA was employed at. the | “Embassy. from: January:1958. through, January 1962, (cultural, og 08 hffairs Officer | MITH) Left | Moscow. in September: 1961, and of “could” not have been directly involved in LEVINA's. termina- ~ ion. LEVINA thus was. employ it..the Embassy throughout, " NOSENKO"S' ‘tour of. duty with. t imbassy Section. ] | cose, . . 249 oo an aig) 1S No. 97124 - Top Secret ~~ Copy __ 10 ======== PAGE 260 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) Os [2REISFREUND \ Recruited by KOVSHUK, [PREISFREUND\was handled by NOSENKO in the operation against [STORSBERG| (see p. 166). He was OG used in no other operation during 1960-1961. [werss | db ob The(Syrian Army captain| studying in Moscow was first targettéd against America”House occupants, then used in 06 the development of (20708), (STORSBERG]s successor .OCThe latter operation had not terminated when NOSENKO left the Embassy Section in January 1962. Personal Handler of KGB Agents: Summary and Conclusion Of the five agents NOSENKO claims to have brought with him to the American Embassy Section from his previous Seventh Department assignment, none was used operationally during 1960-1961. If NOSENKO handled LEVINA as he claimed, he would presumably know that his single agent in the Embassy served throughout his Embassy.Section assignment and_was not fired earlier, as he asserted .(>(PREISFREUND] and[ WEISS] ()( are discussed in.considerable detail7in connection with . the KGB operations against (STORSBERG and (ZUJUS).(4 NOSENKO's claims regarding the agents he handIed during the 1960-1961 period do not sustain his assertions that he was Deputy ~ Chief of the American Section, responsible for code clerk operations, or provide conclusive evidence that he did or did not serve in the Embassy Section. : WR 6204522 250 - TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy — ======== PAGE 261 ======== a Top Secret. "- (AMERICAN, EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January. 1962) Temporazy Assignments Abroad, NOSENKO - “elains that the: was: scheduled. ‘to travel to. the United States in November.’ "1960 (a trip which was cancelled). and-that he travelled’ to Cuba in November~December 1960 - and.to Bulgaria: in April-May ‘1961, on KGB assignments. | The. significance: of -his travel is. the extent to which'it - relates to his claimed position and functions in ‘the’ Bmbassy Section, © ‘and to operations. in. Moscow | ‘for, which he claimed: supervisory responsibility, 1 . «; In. one of thé) initial meetings in 1962 NOSENKO stated hat, he had been in the United States... He later amended ‘this toexplain»that -he had been.scheduled to make a trip : to" the “United States, but that” the trip had been cancelled... He was: to travel. under: true name, he said, to avoid’ bein connected to. the. jiame NIKOLAYEV, ‘under which he travelled to the, United ‘Kingdom in 1957-and 1958... In. his early « . account he ‘claimed .that the decision to use: his true .name. was. his,..personally;. later he asserted that the decision: -was.made by "the people ‘in charge . of such operations". NOSENKO:.statex ‘that-he was to travel under the cover ‘of! an.-employee of..the “State: Scientific-Technical ‘Committee’ *(GNTK],,-and was.:to.accompany ah. automotive. delegation. | ‘The’ visit, however , was.part of the Soviet-U.S. exchange’: - : ‘ A isit- was Postponed ain‘ ‘T9621, _ NOSENKO" Ss “the name “of ‘NOSENKO- ‘appeared aloniy with. abo. “others on a 20 October 1960 request to the> : Embassy. in. Moscow for visas: for.members. ofa. “Soviet automotive exchange 'delegatién which - ».was scheduled to visit the United States in ..° November 1960, ‘NOSENKO was listed as.an> “engineer. e:mployed by:. the, State. Scientific-. “Technical Committee ». : 251. 7 ae _, 600K523 Crs - TS-No. 197124. Top Secret Copy —10_ ======== PAGE 262 ======== 14-0000 _Tep Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) Travel to Cuba (November-December 1960) ee a (Aovember—becember 1960 When NOSENKO first mentioned his travel to Cuba (in 1962, in Geneva), he claimed that he travelled under the NIKOLAYEV alias, and he provided colorful details of his activities in Havana in surveying the American Embassy there for operational possibilities. In subsequent versions NOSENKO asserted that he travelled in true name, and that his was a routine assignment to accompany a Soviet delegation as a security officer, . : NOSENKO's Information In the latter part of 1960, at the same time as he was preparing for his intended trip to the United States, a special delegation of nickel industry experts from Gosptan, -the Soviet State Pianning Commission, was preparing for departure for Cuba. The delegation was a routine one, consisting mostly of engineers from various sections of the Soviet Uninn. Since there was no one under any sort of suspicion, the Eleventh (Soviet Travellers Abroad) Depart- ment of the Second Chiéf Directorate decided it was unnec- - essary to include a security officer. Two days prior to the departure of the group, however, the Central Committee | of the Communist Party ordered that a Second Chief Direct- ‘ orate officer accompany the group. Because of the short time remaining before the delegation's scheduled departure, © the Eleventh Department protested that it would be impossible | to find a suitable officer who could get his necessary travel documents ready in time. At this point, A.I. KUZNETSOV of the Eleventh Department stiggesSted NOSENKO, who had been | supposed to go to.the United: States and who had “a valid : passport (in true name). The Cubans issued NOSENKO a visa. immediately as did The Netherlands a transit visa. : | NOSENKO's functions with the delegation were purely of a security nature. He flew with the delegation to Cuba in October or November and spent about a month and a half | there. During this time he accompanied the delegation An is 252 | goeised TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 263 ======== (AMERICAN EMBASSY ‘SECTION ~ January 1960-January 1962). everywhere it went, to. different plants, and to meet repre- sentatives of the so-called Institute of Agrarian Reform ~ ~ to discuss how to increase production. | NOSENKO's cover °. assignment: was’ deputy chief of the dele i ' i nthe delegation. ° confidential contacts" during the t have’ acceptéd the assignment had: t ip was to be; he © S given.a special .- aving from Havana Airport, the KGB . _ Ly A.1, -ALEKSEYEV, handed him a package _ ith instructions to :deliver it to Moscow. \ NOSENKO did not. . po oeneontents of the package until he arrived in’ Fo ‘Amsterdam en route’ home, There’.the wrappings became. loose it ‘was bound only by. thin str 1 String) and NOSENKO' took the Opportunity to determine th On his return trip to Moscow, NOSENKO wa ion... Ashe ,was le Legal Rezident in Cuba at it contained copies of "letters \- between iiikoyan and Khrushchev concerning the prices. of::--. sugar" and drafts of agreements between the Soviet Union and East Germany; Bulgaria,. Czechoslovakia, and Rumania. On : arrival. at the airport in amsterdam,’ NOSENKO was told that - the canae nad been received from thé Central Committee ta” Travel. records obtained: photographs taken in bot “~ of NOSENKO's true name his: passport Photograph, confirm that NOSENKO, Oa “minerals: engineer", transitted Amsterdam én _ route to Cuba on. 15° November 1560,. was in. by CIA, which “include a oe, h Amsterdam and Caracas. ©... ervice passport and’: - FopSecret Copy 10 ======== PAGE 264 ======== vagpo Top Secret . (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962} Comment: (Continued) : Caracas on 17 November, and departed Caracas for Havana on 19 November. According to flight manifests, on 13 December NOSENKO arrived in Amsterdam from Havana en route to Moscow and left Amsterdam via air for Moscow on 15 December. NOSENKO was travelling on a service passport; he did not enjoy diplomatic immunity. It is . thus highly unlikely that he did serve as a courier, bearing documents of the nature he described as he claimed, NOSENKO's planned trip to the United States “and his confirmed travel to Cuba damages his claim that he was supervising Operations ‘during this period against Embassy code clerks in Moscow. The trip occurred at the time his at, alleged target, State Department code clerk e) [MoRonEl, was to be entrapped on the train en ; route to Warsaw: (15 November) and while his subordinate KOSOLAPOV was in Helsinki (12-16 November) in connection with another code clerk target, [John GARLAND}, Ob Travel to Bulgaria and the LUNT Case (April-May 1961) In Geneva in 1962 NOSENKO reported that he had been sent to Sofia as a:-KGB response to a Bulgarian Ministry of . Interior (MVR) request that’ the KGB provide a Second Chief: Directorate American Department officer to discuss opera- tions with Bulgarian counterparts. While in Sofia NOSENKO asserted he played a key role .in the compromise of American _- [préfessor Horace G. LUNT|. 0% NOSENKO's Information Consultation with the MVR NOSENKO first heard of the Bulgarian assignment from S.I. YEGOROV, Chief of the KGB unit handling liaison with Bloc counterintelligence representatives in Moscow. YEGOROV 0801526 254 ise TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —_____ ======== PAGE 265 ======== ia Secret -MER ME RICAN, ‘EMBASSY SECTION | - January, 1960-sanuary: +1962) ~said ‘that ‘the Bulgarian Minister of’ the ‘Interior. had a ‘requested, the-KGB Chairman ‘to provide-an officer from the « ” “american Department of the Second Chief. Directorate’ for -.. gonsultation with the MVR American Department in Sofia.) | ’ American Department Chief KLYPIN subsequently. instructed. : “NOSENKO to go.. “NOSENKO .was told, that -he-was going for ~ -' consultations" “and ‘that KGB advisors would discuss his. /‘g@uties with him. . ‘KLYPIN told NOSENKO only that he should “see, -how the MVR worked, ‘and.tell. them’ how the ‘KGB: managed . J 3¢s ‘operations.. NOSENKO ‘had’ no meetings or discussions with "WR representatives in Moscow before his departure,..and~ _knew nothing. about the size. ox responsibilities: ‘of the MVR. “ american ‘Department, the names of any” MVR_ officers, OY. what. ~~ the (MUR's particular’ problems, ‘were. «| : . : » NOSENKO ‘Elew “from Moscow ‘to Sofia in. early ‘April 1961 ~ and was met. at- the. airport: by’ Ais. KOZLOV, a ‘former ‘Second | * .Chief Directorate’ officer whom he had. known’.in’ Moscow. ' The following morning he--was picked up- in an official. vehicle and .was-taken to. KOZLOV's: office” in.the- Bulgarian “MVR building: :NOSENKO: ‘asked KOZLOV what was expected of » : shim and was: ‘told. that. "they want.to know about. how to ‘WOLKK ' against. the. American Legation, everything, right from. ; ' _ detter: ‘A\". NOSENKO was introduced to the Chief KGB... -advisor in Sofia,/ Mikhail -YEGOROV, and: ‘to the Chief of the: “IMVR's American: Department, after. which ‘he. was” assigned an. ; office. in the MVR: building.:’. During, the ensuing | weeks he ce. . discussed both: general, Matters and particular cases with” : ‘individual Bulgarian officers working against the American : “target On.sone .occasion he’. lectured interested MVR officers... on the* principles of ‘operations ‘against ‘foreign Inilitary. . “personnel “in ‘Moscow, ‘and: on ‘another he visited an MVR - surveillance’ ‘post opposite the American: Legation... ‘He >, co “discussed. -KGB methods -of - operations against.-foreign - tourists. _ He also addressed: the entire. American. Department: for about :- . Live ‘hours to. tell them: "what is necessary; what: to pay: ~ attention to, how to work". At the end of his visit, some _ time-in mid-May, NOSENKO conferred with the. First Deputy . ' Minister of the’ MVR about, what had been accomplished .and | » Ais recommendations for improving ‘operations. against Americans. Bee ' 004527 255: cee TS No. 197124 - “Top Secret = Copy _10_— ======== PAGE 266 ======== are Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~ January 1960-January 1962) Comment: NOSENKO doesn't know why he was selected to consult with the MVR in Bulgaria. As far as is known to CIA, such consultation was a function of the KGB advisors in Sofia whom NOSENKO himself described. The American Legation (after a ten-year absence) reopened in February 1960. By 1961 the MVR had demon- strated that it had lost none of its earlier demonstrated efficiency in controlling the activities of resident foreigners and in establishing the basis for mounting operations against American diplomats. There was no . apparent necessity for NOSENKO's Sofia assign- ment, and therefore his account is judged to be untrue. : a O& Compromise of| LUNT | — Ob In Geneva in 1962 NOSENKO described the compromise of (ont in graphic, terms, including his own personal confron- ation of (LUND In his subsequent accounts he had stated '” ‘pbthat while he“never saw [LUNT) personally, he supervised the activities of the MVR officérs who dealt with LUNT} ; Oks About two weeks after arriving in Bulgaria, around the end of April 1961, NOSENKO was reviewing MVR lists of foreigners scheduled to visit Bulgaria, when he came across the name of\Horace G. LUN). NOSENKO recalled that a Slavic linguist of ‘that name had7been reported to him in Moscow by VOLKOV' or YEFREMOV-as a possible homosexual. When MVR al officers confirmed that this[LUNT] was a Slavic specialist, U6 NOSENKO decided to check his’ ¥ecollection against KGB records, for which purpose he telephoned Moscow. _An almost immediate reply confirmed that this was the same (LUNT] who DG had visited Moscow previously, and that he was a Homosexual. (The KGB had never exploited its knowledge of[LUNT!'s homo-. (6 sexual activities and the MVR had not known that LUNT |was OG a homosexual.) iol GOGL52 256 . TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 267 ======== _. Top Secret. "(AMERICAN EMBASSY, SECTION ~ January 1960-January. 1962) ~ cane KOZLOV and the Chief of the. MVR American Department ; _; were very interested in NOSENKO*s lead, and KOZLOV appealed | - ‘ to,NOSENKO’ for his help, since “the MVR had never recruited : an American". The three discussed: the matter with General, DUMKOV, the. Chief of -the MVR Second Chief Directorate, and - NOSENKO suggested that.a MVR homosexual agent should be. | employed, an apartment prepared, and preparations made.for clandestiné photography.: They then advised YEGOROV,,-. the 2 senior KGB advisor to. the MVR, and KOZLOV called GRIBANOV -) - in Moscow. GRIBANOV ‘prohibited /NOSENKO's personal involve~ ment in the entrapnent_of [LUNT) and NOSENKO's* role thereafter _ was merely advising’ th “MVR O ficers, “who didn't know what .- “to do™e. 9 ks 3 oO ae So NOSENKO suggested that the MVR officers get two. - ; homosexual agents, since "maybe [LUNT| wouldn't like one of 06 them", and’he advised them to weigh the time element in: ., deciding whether to. entrap(LUNT|with a view to attempting 06 to recruit him. at once, or Merely to obtain evidence for : later blackmail.'. The MVR. American; Department Chief and his. . Tourist Section chief.were to attempt the recruitmént..’. eo NOSENKO. remained -in .a MVR office where*he could be reached. ‘by telephone inthe event, the MVR officers needed further =~ assistance, | | WOSENKO learned’ from the MVR officers involved “the recruitment. had been successful, and that (LUNT, greed to meet them again on the. following day. ..NOSENKO - later wee meee EReT Efe ave aia not give(oUN “for a contact, in.thé United States” because he was. expected to return to Bulgaria for a Slavic Language. conference in - 2or 1963 6..0:: ob. Shen! Bee eas UNT ‘§ Information T arrangements 06 \iavelied directly fom Sofia: to Belgrade’ and there, y- 1961 he reported to American Ambassador’ George .:.. “Kenan and, to, CIA that hé had’ been recruited under duress . by the .MVR. in: Sofia on.5. May. After being entrapped. with -a- homosexual and accepting recruitment, he ‘was instructed -. to meet clandestinely with a MVR officer in Paris en-route . back to the United States. He was given no other tasks. (2st 16k? © 0001529 pe TE No. 197124 Top Secret =» ~~ Copy 10 ======== PAGE 268 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) Ob , [BUNT] stated that while on an earlier trip to Sofia in November 1960: he became involved with one Georgi Velev ALEKSIEV, with whom he engaged in homosexual relations on at least five separate occasions. He had ‘given ALEKSIEV American travellers checks which the Bulgarian planned to sell on the blackmarket. Once, while in [DUNT] s company, 0 ALEKSIEV had been recognized and questionéd by the Bulgarian civil police .C{LUNT| corresponded with ALEKSIEV after departing from Bulgaria in 1960, and he had advised ALEKSIEV of his planned return in April 1961 to Sofia. ' Comment: [LUNI s account refutes NOSENKO's claims that . the MVR had no evidence of fLUNT!s vulnerability (b prior to receiving NOSENKO'S information in May 1961, and that NOSENKO“s personal partici- pation in the MVR operation was such that he knew that LUNT] was given no MVR contact in the United States. (Js l NOSENKO's involvement in the [LUNT case is unrelated to the assignment he claims at the time, Although NOSENKO cites the/LUNT|case inOb6 connection with his Embassy Section duties, .. . it resembles most of all a Seventh Department operation, , a . NOSENKO's presence in Sofia in May 1961 ~ . (when he claims his operation against [STORSBERG| pb was approaching a climax and when his Subor- dinates were apparently planning to exploit tb (KEYSERS" newly-discovered vulnerability) _ indicates that NOSENKO's presence in Moscow - was dispensable, The GUNT\case is thus not ; evidence ‘supporting NOSENKO's claims regarding Embassy Section ‘service in April-May 1961, nor regarding supervisory responsibility for all American code clérk operations. sr GICLE30 . 258 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 269 ======== (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~ January 1960-January 1962) Promotion’ and’ Transfer to the. Seventh i “NOSENKO stated that his yeturn, to the severith. ‘Bepartnent. te “-resulted From ‘GRIBANOV's . wish .to promote him from Deputy : Chief of the Embassy ‘Section to Deputy Chief of the. whole . American Department. ‘. However, according to: NOSENKO, the .. . "yew American Department Chief, FEDOSEYEV, warited as his ~ -: “.deputy KOVSHUK,, NOSENKO's superior. Under .the circumstances, : - NOSENKO.said he. ‘preferred ‘to. be. transferred back to the: ce - Seventh: Department, in any capacity. NOSENKO ‘reported that - - he spoke: to Sevéenth-Department. Chief V.D..,; CHELNOKOV, and the. . latter proposed’ that: NOSENKO ask GRIBANOV. to ‘be returned. to: | the Seventh Department as chief of the American Section, : with the understanding “that he ‘would be’ appointed Deputy “ Chief’ of -the. Seventh Department. . as soon as the incumbent. _ deputy » {B.A.] BALDIN retired in July 1962.. NOSENKO ‘asserted “his proposal was made and’ approved by GRIBANOV. in September ' or October. 1961+. “GRIBANOV,. according to NOSENKO, :néver an .. indicated his reasons - for. planning, to: appoint him. Deputy. : Chief, of ‘the American Department. or. for. later promoting him. to. Séction: ‘Chief’ and: then Deputy Chief of ‘the. Seventh Pepart~ “196 ss Ltn . we : imp nding “transfer, starting in. December ae ; NOSENKO,: ‘said he..spent.- Several’ hours’ each. day . in.the | venth Department: here he stated he talked with. Depart~ ment :.Chief:. ‘CHELNOKOV, familiarized. himself with certain... ‘files of the American Tourist Section, and aiscussed current perations .and: ‘operational possibilities with ‘the officers- ssigned’ to: this section. ”. .NOSENKO said the formal order ‘for the’ transfer: was: signed by -GRIBANOV on. °24 or .25° December. . “1961,. and ‘within™ the: next! few days NOSENKO officially. ‘signed *- over the: ABIDIAN. case file and the. Embassy, security file. to: “his successor as Deputy Chief of the Embassy Section, : . *..GRYAZNOV.).:As ‘he--had. when he transferred into the ‘American -- Department’ in. 1960, ‘NOSENKO said he took his active agents . with him when. he: returned: to the Seventh Department... 6001534 — eo TS No. 197124 Top Secret . . ~~ Copy 10. ======== PAGE 270 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION ~ January 1960-January 1962) Comment: NOSENKO dates his transfer as occurring “before. GOLITSYN's defection", which he insists. a occurred in mid-January 1962 even after. learning from CIA that the correct date is 15 December 1961. Obliged to take the latter date into account, NOSENKO reconstructed the foregoing chronology of his departure from the Embassy Section and his assumption of duties in the Embassy Section and his assumption of duties in the Seventh Department. Repeated interro- gation has never resolved the reason NOSENKO attached so much significance to the date on which he believes GOLITSYN defectede In claiming to have transferred from the | Embassy Section just prior to 5 January 1962 (when his participation in the Seventh Depart- ment compromise of [W.E. JOHNSON \is confirmed) & NOSENKO's account makes it impossible for him : ; | to have played the role he claimed in the events connected with ABIDIAN's visit to the Pushkin Street deaddrop. (See p- 216.) : | NOSENKO's assertion that he was GRIBANOV's candidate over KOVSHUK for Deputy Chief of the American Department is implausible. . In contrast |. | to NOSENKO's self-admitted undistinguished mo performance, KOVSHUK was a former Deputy Chief of the American Department who had been personally _ invotved:in such American Department operations of the previous decade as recruitments of Roy RHODES and Dayle SMITH, and the development of ; CIA officers WINTERS and MORELL|. and the interro- ()} ' gation of CIA officer: LANGELLE, and the more recent attempt to recruit | STORSBERG. ob S/BR 260 | GOCLS32 © TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —__ ======== PAGE 271 ======== : 7 “ ‘Top Secret "(AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - January 1960-January 1962) ~ “> DEPUTY ° , Summary and Conclusion CHIEF of the AMERICAN EMBASSY SECTION - 1960-1962: “- Recording to NOSENKO, between January 1960 and January: —. 1962 he was Deputy Chief. of ‘the American Embassy Section, . in i i ¢ ; cting Chief, super--— visor of all operations against .code clerks: and ‘for some months service attaches, case officer for priority KGB target ABIDIAN, custod-ian of the Embassy security. file, and: reviewer of all information obtained. from microphones "~~... emplaced in the Embassy. From a comparison. of NOSENKO's assertions,. amendments, and retractions with collateral ‘ information, he was none of these, Further, while’ he may ; have ‘béen familiar with the activities of. Some agents of © the Embassy Section; his relationship with them was not in. . the manner nor: circumstances-he claimeds 9. | eee . From his position as Deputy Chiéf NOSEINKO claims complete knowledge of KGB recruitments and recruitment attempts among -’ Embassy personnel during the period 1960-1961. and thereafter, . f CIA personne] identified by the KGB.on the Embassy staff, ~~ a and. of the status of the KGB. cryptologic attack on Embassy: ommunications, His. apparent ignorance of -KOVSHUK's rela-" ionship with{MORELD| ana KOSOLAPOV's .connection with [GARLAND (OG fute his contention: that he would have known of all KGB. ecruitment attempts; that he was'seemingly unaware of such events. while. Deputy Chief demolishes. his: claim that he would: .’. ecessarily have learned of. them later, and. while assigned. | ilsewhere: ‘Contrary to his claim, NOSENKO does not: know of.» IA“personnel on’ the’ Embassy staff who were. identified’ by. : « NOSENKO's information oh the’ KGB eryptologic | ttack. reflect's:no: special knowledge;. it is superficial -and- dn-error. fh ee a SR a ; Conclusion ° : NOSENKO was neither Deputy Chief of the American Embassy Section nor a supervisor in ‘that section. ve es Ro GUC1533 261 is oo a, — TSNo. 197124 | Top Secret . Copy 10 _ ======== PAGE 272 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret CHAPTER VIII SEVENTH DEPARTMENT {January 1962 to January 1964; — Comment : By late 1959 or early 1960 the KGB had the complete substance of the CIA and MI-6 tourist agent program in the USSR. The information eb- tained from the KGB agent in MI-6, BLAKE, in- cluded accurate details of the objectives and targets of those Operations, as well as the . Practices employed for the selection, recruit- ment, training and briefing of the agents in- volved. As a probable consequence of reports received from BLAKE as well as by the indepen-~ dent confirmation of tourist agents identified in the USSR, the KGB by 1961 was mobilizing all of its resources to counter the threat. The KGB's tasks were made no easier by the increase in bona fide tourists to the Soviet Union, the numbers of which were increasing by thousands annually. Evidently uncertain of the success of domestic measures it was taking, the KGB | extended responsibility for countermeasures to KGB elements outside of the Second Chief Direc- torate. To that end, selected First Chief Directorate residencies abroad were instructed to exploit all of its facilities ‘in developing tourist agent countermeasures. In describing ~ the magnitude of its tourist agent problem, KGB Headquarters cited the scores of American tourist agents who had been identified in just. one year in the’ Soviet Union. In fact, by the time'NOSENKO returned to ‘the Seventh Department. in January 1962, the threat against which the KGB was deploying had passed. By early 1961 the tourist agent pro- gram was suspended when technical collection programs and cther agent Operations made the use of tourists unnecessary. — . The statements of NOSENKO with respect to Second Chief Directorate Seventh Department counterintelligence operations among American 6004534 TS_No. 197124 Top Secret Copy _10 263 ======== PAGE 273 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~ January 1962-January 1964) Comment: (Continued) . ‘ tourists during this period must be examined in light‘of the foregoing facts. Since NOSENKO claims to have held key KGB positions from which vantage he asserts he was particularly well informed about KGB operations against American tourists, it is appropriate to hold him closely accountable for his statements. - NOSENKO's claimed assignment to the Seventh Department, first as Chief of the American-British Commonwealth Section and then as a Deputy and then First Deputy Chief of the entire Department, extended from January 1962 until his de- fection in Geneva in January 1964. By the time NOSENKO re- turned to the Seventh Department for this assignment, the KGB reorganization of 1959 had been completed, and according to NOSENKO, the Department was divested of all of its former functions unrelated to tourists. A newly~created Service ‘sluzhba), NOSENKO explained, assumed responsibility for foreign religious figures, emigres visiting the Soviet Union, and persons: travelling to the USSR to visit relatives. The Seventh Department's former responsibilities for operations against foreign seamen, commercial delegations, and so forth "were similarly transferred elsewhere. In addition to performing supervisory and administrative | duties, NOSENKO asserted that in this period he personally was involved with KGB operations launched against six Ameri- can tourists and participated in investigations of Lee Harvey _ OSWALD and of a disaffectéd KGB colleague from the American Embassy Section, A.N. CHEREPANOV. In this period, also, he travelled on two occasions to Geneva on missions unrelated to his Seventh Department. duties. : ae 7 Because of the senior position NOSENKO said he occupied during his period of service in the Seventh Department, NOSENKO Claimed full awareness of all significant KGB operations against American tourists, - 6004535 264 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 274 ======== 7 Top Seeret 7 _ _ (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT 4 gJanvary 1962-Ganvary 1964) “Chief. of the American-British Commonwealth Section ee (Janvary - July 1962): —_ . “As Chief of the American-British Commonwealth Section NOSENKO said. he was. responsible for planning and coordinating all KGB activities against American. (and British. and Canadian: tourists in the‘USSR “as. well. as for supervising the operaticn- ‘al: work of fifteen subordinate case officers. .He had now.” deputy; -and-he. did not. indicate who assumed his duties in his) absence. . He required. several months at. the beginning of .1962 to "get.the feel of things"; "there were no accomplishments" on his part in’ the initial period on this new job. - In mid- ebruary 1962,..within a.few weeks of his transfer, he. began ~ _preparations for his assignment to Geneva with the Disarma- ment Delegation. .This. involved discussions with the Eleventh - Soviet. Delegation) Department of the Second Chief Directorate, “as well. as with case officers. responsible for the investiga- — tion. of one particular Soviet delegate to Geneva, .SHAKHOV.— OSENKO.claimedthat his préparations for his trip were only | ‘part-time and ‘in. addition ‘to his other regular duties, «He spent his. early, weeks talking to’case officers,. reviewing. ° eports of:the section's activities during. the previous two. ears, and discussing..plans~for the coming tourist: season. :. He proposed a study of representatives of foreign tourist. ‘firms in Moscow. with an eye to their recruitment by ‘the KGB, proposal which was aécepted. . [NOSENKO elsewhere attributed -. he proposal to. his: earlier assignment..in-the Tourist. Depart—_ “ment: in 1958-1960,. which he alleged resulted in the-reccuit- . ent of \FRIPPE) : OSENKO's Agents: NOSENKO claimed that when he transferred. to the, Seventh’. | epartment he. brought. with him the agents. which he had- been... handling in, the. American Department, Embassy Section: wage JS i) Ob a ob - erican Express manager FRIPPEL} departed from’ Moscow in-early 1961, but NOSENKO claimed he continyed to_be the |. " “Second: Chief Directorate. case officer since(FRIPPEL).had no 06. “- s “eontact with the KGB in’New York City, and that he“met 8 ‘Ot. (ERIPPED} twice in. the USSR in*1963. According to, NOSENKO, - 265. oS cones 6004536 a Top Secret ee Copy 20 4). TS.Ne. 197124 ee ======== PAGE 275 ======== 14-00000 1 . Top Seeret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT -~ January 1962-January 1964) [FRIPPEL) was a weak agent: “he was afraid and gave practi- “Cally nothing." NOSENKO said that although he had recruited him, “honestly Speaking, /FRIPPEW was not an agent." The xo nevertheless hoped that FRIPPEL| would be reassigned to Mos= py cow at some future date: (Seep.137 for details of the Gane case.) in the USSR in 1963. However, [FRIPPEL| assert s 6 he also met NOSENKO in Odessa in February 1962, which NOSENKO flatly denies. [FRIPPEL) is. known p& to have planned to travel to ft Soviet Union at that time, and there is no apparent reason why he would make a false claim on this matter. ob Comment: (FRIPPET| agrees with NOSENKO that they met twice [Johannes PREISFREUND | The KGB considered (PREISFREUND)\ compromised to American Intelligence after GOLITSYN's defection (in December 1961) and thus unsuitable for further use against Americans at the Em- ‘bassy in Moscow. For this reason, NOSENKO was told to take Qb (BREISFREUND| with him when he transferred to the Seventh De- partment. “As the agent spoke only finnish dna Russian, however, he was of no use against English-speaking tourists. NOSENKO met with PREISPREUND) Gh the latter's visits to Moscow in 1962, _.but did not use him in any operations. Comment : [EREISPROYNG] asserts that he was no longer a KGB agent after the (STORSBERG\operation (see p.175,6¢ and that although he saw NOSENKO on his frequent return visits to Moscow, 1t was only because NOSENKO sought a companion for wenching and drinking. : | 266 a9 G80£537 . vets No. 197124 i Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 276 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) VOLKOV and YEFREMOV Acccrding to NOSENKO, he used the two homosexual agents in the entrapment of |W.E. JOHNSON\ several days after 06 returning to the Seventh Department. This was their first operational activity since 1959, because they were employed in no operations during the entire period he was their case officer while assigned to the Embassy Section. After the JOHNSON) entrapment , these agents were not used again. NO- | ENKO claimed that in 1962 or 1963 they were retired, and he personally dispatched their files to KGB Archives. {For details of VOLKOV's and YEFREMOV's activities see p.110 Comment: There is evidence that VOLKOV was invclved in . a KGB entrapment operation directed against american tourist William J. ZUBON]Jin July Db 1962 (while NOSENKO claims he was still his case officer}, an event of which NOSENKO ap- parently is uninformed. ab : . *. [ Samin werss | , After his transfer to the Seventh Department, NOSENKO claimed he was instructed also to continue directing! Syrian iI 6 military officer WEISS), who was targetted against military Olcode clerk [ZUJUS) (see ‘p. 161_). NOSENKO continved to meet 06{WEISS] during thé first months of,1962, and in February or ‘March_he attempted to have (WEISS) arrange a social affair -. Howith [Z ZUJUS |\so that another ‘KGB agent could be introduced to - the code clerk. Just before leaving for Geneva for the first time, NOSENKO turned ‘WEISS; ‘ever to. GRYAZNOV, NOSENKO's suc- - cessor as Deputy Chie of: “the American Department Embassy. Section .0b (WEISS! was scheduled.to finish his studies in Moscow - in May 1962, after which NOSENKO bélieved he returned to . (Syrigl. |( \\ Comment: Because of the political climate in |Syraal there has been no opportunity to query( WET! S\ regarding NOSENKO's allegations. C00L538 267 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy — 10 ======== PAGE 277 ======== 14-0000 ‘Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) Marina RYTOVA Until -1960 or 1961 a Greek language instructor at the Institute for International Relations, RYTOVA obtained a job at a CPSU Central Committee school and thereafter ceased all agent work. Nevertheless, NOSENKO asserted that he was offi-~ cially registered.as her case officer until his defection in 1964. NOSENKO's Agents: Summary and Conclusion NOSENKO's claims with respect to these agents do not sus- tain his claims to service in the Seventh Department in this period, since none were utilized in Seventh Department opera~ tions. Operational Activities (January - dune 1962) As Chief of the American-British Commcnwealth Section of a the Seventh Departnient during the period. January-July 1962 NOSENKO claimed he directed the compromise of (W.E. sounson| OL in January, briefed himself on the Section's activities, and prepared himself for his assignment as a security officer with a delegation travelling to Geneva. During March and June he visited Geneva and contacted CIA and, by his asser-. tion, supervised the case officer handling of KGB double agent Boris BELITSKIY. Shortly after his return to Moscow in June he claimed he recruited {Horst BRAUNS|, OL Entrapment of (W.g." Jonson] Jb NOSENKO's Information oe Q NOSENKO first referred to GounSou) in Geneva in 1962, when he described how YEFREMOV and VOLKOV in January 1962 had been used in the homosexual entrapment of a tourist » (JOHNSON) a (96 OX (young Baptist from California The KGB was angered that the erican was writing letters critical of the Soviet Union. Although, the American agreed to NOSENKO's demand that he work with the KGB in the United States, the American immediately reported the recruitment attempt to the Embassy. 268 TS No. 197124 | 004.539 goss Top Secret Copy 4/8 R ======== PAGE 278 ======== j14-00000 Tep Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT. > January’ 1962-January 1964) . ‘In February 1964 ‘NOSENKO: pkoducéd among cther notes “which . he ‘-had brought with him to a meeting with CIA (see p.319) |: “one bearing the name of |EVérétt sin eae theQb date -"5 January 1962"... Questioned about the note,’ SENKO : recalled the significance” of neither. the name nor. the’ ‘date,- and. stated that the case was not. a’ recruitment but “some, sort OF: developmental. operation a *, ONOSENKO. next mentioned [JOHNSON] on. 17 April 1964.. Al-": . ikoueh not immediately recalling] (JOHNSON s apa fe, eventuetty Oh remembered that it was something {gOH HNSON| or OHWSTOK vand 0 Ob that: he’ was{a Bapt Baptist from the~ California coast} WNOSENKO-. piaced the. operation sometime in the « summér of 1962,:.after’ his: return to. Moscow: from Geneva, ‘because he, also remembered he ie wore no, overcoat at the. time. phfc OHNSON) who had come to the '. Soviet.. Union as a tourist, “was discovéred to be.a homosexual, < and:on this basis the: KGB Second Chief Directorate considered vasa ‘recruitment . target.\ Gb The.. Second Chief Directorate - . was not’ interested | in [JOHNSON as | an agent because he had: no; aceéss to important information and “he lived too far from the KGB Legal. ‘Residencies - in. the. United States for convenient con . mo Several. days later KGB surveillance coserves Gouin) co ing.;some letters in Moscow.:.’When' read by the KGB ‘t! : ound to be’ "so: bitter. toward the Soviet Union,.: angry, that the, KGB decided - _something. had: to be done"» to: ‘Directorate had any. use. ‘for. him ‘as. fan) “agent: ‘and ‘because the” GB had.concluded that he. was unlikely to accept recruitment: NOSENKO- didnot know. why -he was. selected to,make. the approach... to (Zounson) except that "BOBKOV said’ I should:go.":. (NOSENKO . said he had reported on duty inthe. Seventh Department: cnly . the day’ before... F.D.. BOBKOV,..a Deputy Chief of the Second: Chief. Directorate, supervised the activities of the Seventh Department.) NOSENKO's homosexual agents VOLKOV and. YEFREMOV > were selected to. ‘compromise[ JOHNSON) | “en 269 a OU TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy on | | BIR: | ======== PAGE 279 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) _ bb WOHNSON\ became acquainted with_VOLKOV and YEFREMOV at the Metropol Hotel. They told JOHNSON that they had recently ar- rived in, Moscew and invited [JOHNSON to visit their-hotel room. . 0° Gounsow] agreed because "they understood each other right away. ey knew they were the same (i.e., homosexuals)." ‘Under the guise of the hotel administrator and a militiaman, KGB offi- ; cers burst in on the trio.- Photographs of the incident had 4 been taken (but had yet not been developed). A report. : ; ‘describing the circumstances (an akt) was prepared and [sounson} ) 6 : was then transferred to another room. By this time NOSENKO had arrived_at the hotel from his office and he went into the room where [JOHNSON was being held. ObThe “militiaman" described what had happened to NOSENKO, in GOHNSONs presence. Addressing (GouNsON PeNOSENKO said? "How come? How could you do such a thing? What are we going to do now? After all, this is punishable by court and...people are given from five to eight years for such relations. It used to be three to five, now it's from five to eight." : Frightened? (JOHNSON wrote out and signed a promise not to criticize thé Soviét Union in the future. The following day, after the incriminating photographs had been developed, NOSENKO approached [JOHNSON in the cafe of the %6 Metropol Hotel and asked him whether he intended to keep his promise. When (JOHNSON said that he planned to do so, NOSENKO O64 presented him with an envelope containing copies of the photo- graphs and said _that they would be released to-the foreign vopress if\| Jor ON were to break his promise. The KGB later 6éblearned at [gomsoi nad visited (or phoned, according to a later~version) the Atherican Embassy and the KGB thus assumed that he had reported the approach. NOSENKO did not recall . what name, if any, he had used during this operation. In 1965 NOSENKO dated the entrapment operation as having occurred in summer in either 1962 or 1963. _ Reminded that his “notes paired [JOHNSON smame with the date of 5 January 1962, NOSENKO insisted that the date had nothing to do with the name, that he recalled the operation as having taken place in summertime. [NOSENKO ultimately accepted 5 January 1962 #s the date of [JOHNSON s entrapment, since it occurred “immediai ly after his transfer back to the Seventh Department. ] 270 0004544 , 5/6 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —__ ======== PAGE 280 ======== pecs Tep Secret _ (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962- 2 06 . oe [SouNsoW}s Information se arr January 1964.) According. to-a statement given to the FBI, prior to his ~~ O6 visit to the USSR {JOHNSON} had written a church authority in: * _ , Moscow requesting permission to preach there. He was.in- formed that some official permission. was needed. {Jounsonp.0b - - : subsequently. travelled-to Moscow as a tourist, and he did . | ‘preach on one occasion but he suspended further such activi "ty-on the advice of Russian Ba ¢) aptist| colleagues 24 During his”: “ten-day stay in Moscow,{JOHN IN| wrote. and posted letters ‘to ' . Some Swepty persons outside the USSR. es ee Ub Set ot . * Gouusow] reported to the Embassy in Moscow on 5:January | 2 : ‘1962. that he.-had. experienced an incident with Soviet plain- 9. °:- on ‘clothesmen at the Hotel Métropol earlier that day: [SOBNSON}, 06.’ ‘who had ‘arrived in’Moscow on 31 December 1961, explained” - “that he was dining alone at the. Metropol restaurant on the “| evening of’ 4 January. when “he: was joined by a Soviet citizen “who identified himself.as “a doctor from Riga". The "doctor" : -: “spoke English. poofly, and OHNSON]agreed to visit the dacctor “’ xoom at. the hotel onthe followitt day, when the doctor’ would have with him a- student friend who spoke English well. - Soon after (JOHNSON arrived in the doctor's room‘on 5 January, ‘the "student" made homosexual advances .0t {JOHNSON} protested and. started to leave when two ‘plainclothesmen sudden n:. the’ room ‘and announced that’ é igning a statement..in Russian, {J f = room where .hé. ‘was confronted wit “aman who identified him- self as Georgiy Ivanovich NIKOLOV,. "the Chiéf of Police".: After threatening: JOHNSON} with imprisonment, "NIKOLOV" of-. fered to -dismiss ¢ e matter, provided [JOHNSON] would Sign a'() commitment not to criticize the Soviet Union when he ‘returned to the’ United States. - a Ss, “On 8 ganuary (JOHNSON) telephoried the Embassy to report that he had: been recontacted by the "Police Chief" who reminded him «Of his pledge and: showed him incriminating. photographs alieged- 7 ly taken of [JOHNSON] and ‘the "student" in the hotel room pre- “2 Shown photographs of. VOLKOV and 1a nk: BOHNSON] thought tes . VOLKOV. t6. be "familiar" ; OSENKO aS”: -. the “Police Chief"... Ss , but he could not idéntify - are - 6001542 os Top Secret Copy 10 ======== PAGE 281 ======== 14-0000 Yop Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) Comment: From their modus operandi the "doctor from ; Riga" is undoubtedly VOLKov and the "student" YEFREMOV. NOSENKO frequently used the opera- tional pseudonym Yuriy Ivanovich NIKOLAYEV and was called Georgiy. 6 : ’ Although JouNson} appient ly confirmed NOSENKO's rote, NOSENKO's version of the case is incompatible with what must have been the actual time frame. According to NOSENKO's version, within five days of founson}' s arrival (6 in Moscow the KGB had discoveréd that he was a homosexual, concluded from “two or three" censored letters that he was a threat, and ar- xanged his entrapment. The rapid pace of ; events suggests that JOHNSON}! s homosexuality O06 was already known to the KGB (if not to NOSENKO; . Qo before [FoHNSON!'s arrival in Moscow. NOSENKO's oh lgnoranée of JOHNSON] s preaching {probably the actual cause of KGB concern) is further evi- dence that NOSENKO did not know the complete . background of the KGB Operation, and that his role was merely that of playing the "Police Chief". : NOSENKO's participation in this case con- tradicts his assertions about the timing of his transfer from the American Department. (See p. 260.) Ob | {William Carroll JONES! NOSENKO's Information (ONES), a wealthy (Baptis®) layman,. visited the USSR on six?! | or seven occasions, each time meeting with Russian | Baptistg. He is personally acquainted with President Johnson and knew . President Kennedy. He was the target of. Seventh Department © , Case officer Vitaliy DERA. While visiting the Soviet Union Db in 1962 JONES] became involved with a Soviet female. Although she was Hot a KGB agent, the KGB took contrcl of her relation- oe “Ob ship with [JONES] and, on JONES|' "subsequent trips to the Soviet an Union, unsuccessfully soltight “to obtain incriminating photo- i graphs. 272 63U1543 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy PALS ======== PAGE 282 ======== j4-aoaaa } Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT: = January 1962-January 1964) ob Comment: - Interviewed by the FBI in. June 1964,-(GoNES] | (the sponsot[of thé annual Présidentialyy = "prayer breakfast" in Washington) confirmed. “the substance of -NOSENKO's information but ., denied sexual intimacies. with any Soviet fe- male .(5{JONES)}‘claimed to have made 24 trips _ to ‘the Soviét Union and to have successfully ‘WK smuggled {Bibles} into the USSR on numerous - occasions.” According to [JONES ,Vbin 1963 . | Pravda publicized an incident in which a num-~- .; ber OF [Bibles were confiscated from his lug- o gage, gg ee eee “i. A'1961 KGB-document furnished CIA“by v7. GOLITSYN cited (JONES\ by name in connection Ol, *. with-a description. of his((Biblet-smuggling Dy ctivities. EAB Ob _ en ve NOSENKO reported the (JONES|case in 1962 in Geneva and stated that thé Seventh. De-. _“partment case officer, DERA, was NOSENKO's’ : “subordinate ‘in the Section. However, NO- ~~ - SENKO's ignorance of (JONES' Bible) smuggling oi, of “(the’activity which most likely prompted KGB’ . action) ‘and of the fact. that(JONES|'activitiesg, |- shad. been’ publicized. in -the: So det press, in<°.0° ** .(BIENSTOCK)-duri g. her: 1962 visit to the... s. epartment casé” officers were K.G. an N an XOVALENKO, ‘who were acting in behalf of -: the Leningrad KGB... The latter had become. interested in: the American tourist whilé ‘she was staying with.a Soviét boy: - friend: ‘in Leningrad... (NOSENKO. himself. would have. attempted: the recruitment, but he was busy preparing to leave for.) Geneva’ in’ April 1962.). ‘During the recruitment, the KGB officers:did not:disclose.their knowledge that she was an-- American Intelligenée: agent and that she had been involved “on | oe os GO01544 co : _-, TS-No. 197124 -. Top Secret _-. Copy . ======== PAGE 283 ======== 14-00000, Top Secret a . | (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) ] in the American Intelligence attempt to deliver a written | message to a Soviet ballerina in the United States. The : ballerina received the message, but passed it to the KGB, | which concluded that BIENSTOCK] was an agent either of cra (6 or of the FBI. After ecruitment, BIENSTOCK)} was turned 06 over to First Chief Directorate officers of Department D (Disinformation). If she returned to the USSR the KGB : ] planned to secure her confession of her relationship with American Intelligence. . _ Oo . Comment: [erenSBoc%] was employed as an interpreter with a Bolshoi troupe touring the United States when she was asked by CIA to pass a letter to the ballerina, a letter destined for the bal- lerina's brother in the USSR. (BIENSTOC re-O fused, and the letter was delivéred by 6ther means. Interviewed by the FBI on the basis of NOSENKO's information, \BIENSTOCK] acknowledgedy, in July 1964 that she had been recruited. by the KGB while visiting Moscow as a tourist in ; 1962, and. that she had been intimidated by the ne KGB accusation of her involvement with the . ballerina. - (Note that NOSENKO stated the KGB open withheld its knowledge of that involvement.) emumn % (IENSTOCK] also admitted having contact in the se Ct«; United States through secret writing with KGB ; ' officers, until the letters ceased at KGB in- itiative in late 1962 or early 1963, CUGL545 274 TS No. 197124 /5R Top Secret - Copy ======== PAGE 284 ======== | - Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-ganuary 1964) “to Geneva’ (March-June 1962): © : NOSENKO. visited Geneva between’ 10 March and 15 June 1962° “asa security officer accompanying the Soviet delegation: to © -the Disarmament Conference. In addition to performing that. “function,. NOSENKQ. claimed he supervised the activities of . another KGB case officer's meetings with a KGB-controlled CIA agent, visited the KGB rezidentura in Geneva and asso- ciated with KGB officers in Switzerland during the period | / Six days before his ‘return to: the: Soviet Union, NOSENKO con~ itacted CIA... ae fo Sa . ; “Purposé of Trip to Geneva. :* NOSENKO arrived.in Geneva on 10. March 1962 listed offi-°--. ‘cially as an "expert" of the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Af- -fairs: attached to ‘tthe Soviet delegation to. the Disarmament Conference. NOSENKO explained. that after GOLITSYN's defec-* .tion in Finland [in December 1961] an order was issued that- “no delegation was to be permitted'to. depart the Soviet ‘Union without an accompanying KGB security. officer... [NOSENKO has since stated’ that.he can recall no such: order.]: : xplaining in.1962 how he came. to be designated, as the ectirity-escort, NOSENKO said he argued that he was. needed ” to direct. the fifteen case officers in his section, but -.-- RIBANOV. stated that Foreign Minister Gromyko was leading . : the: delegation ‘and: that someone of an appropriate senior rank hould accompany. the delegation, not just a senior case offi- er, but’ a section chiéf or a deputy chief or a chief of a. oe epartment.. NOSENKO was the most junior section chief. His. immediate superior ‘in ‘the Seventh Department approved the trip.on the, basis: that™ it would last only a month. —° : G00L54G 2750 “TS No. 197124 ‘Top Secret = Cony 10 ======== PAGE 285 ======== Tep Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~ January 1962-January 1964) In addition to his general security duties with the delegation, NOSENKO said in 1962 that he was given a special assignment to check on a senior delegation advisor, Pavel Fedorovich SHAKHOV (see below). During the 1965 interrogations, NOSENKO provided somewhat varying accounts of the background of his 1962 trip to Genevs. He said that GRIBANOV had nothing to do with his assignment, but that [S.G.] BANNIKOV, the Deputy Chief of the Second Directorate who supervised the Soviet Delegations Abroad Department, made the selection. The. latter department was investigating SHAKHOV, and BANNIKOV was concerned with the selection of a security officer because SHAKHOV, who was suspected of being a Western agent, was to be in the delega- tion. Because of the seriousness attached to the case, the Delegations Department wanted a chief of section as case officer, and when a request was made to the Seventh Depart-— ment Chief, CHELNOKOV, the latter agreed to NOSENKO's as- signment. NOSENKO stated that CHELNOKOV, his superior and friend, let him go to Geneva as "a treat", even though he had just assumed his duties as Chief of the American- British Commonwealth Section, he had no deputy,.and.the trip was occurring on the eve of the tourist season. : _ Investigation of SHAKHOV According to NOSENKO, M.G. SITNIKOV, representing the Soviet Delegations Department, conducted investigations of SHAKHOV in Geneva in 1961, but had been unable to resolve the KGB suspicions about him. Because of the failure of these early efforts, the KGB decided to send.a "senior guy" to the Disarmament talks in 1962, and NOSENKO was chosen "to finish things up". Before leaving Moscow in March 1962, NOSENKO discussed the SHAKHOV case with SITNIKOV and with. LYALIN, the Soviet Delegations Department. case officer in charge of the SHAKHOV case. He also read various materials on the case, including an investigative plan drawn up by LYALIN, - NOSENKO has said that SHAKHOV was under suspicion in 1962 because he was working with different delegations at different conferences, and there was some evidence that in Geneva ear- lier he was somehow connected with American diplomat (David MARH), 66 , 7 276 0001547 TS No. 197124 Top Secret 6 Copy ======== PAGE 286 ======== Tep Secret (SEVENTH. DEPARTMENT. ~ January -1962-January 1964) _who was [erroneously] considered to be a_CI& officer. | , . SHAKHOV "maybe" had some contact with(MAPK]in.1960° or 1961, O6 “ but NOSENKO did not know the .substancé-of “it. A counter= “,, intelligence officer of the’ First Chief Directorate, S.M. . GOLUBEV,. had once been ona delegation with SHAKHOV “and. he had. noted: "little details"... while SHAKHOV was in the Uniteg States, earlier, he had been terminated..[as an agent] ‘by KGB officers. who had’ submitted’ a report stating’ that’ SHAKHOV. liked life-in the Unites States: American products, and. money... In that KGB’. report. he was depicted as "not good" © ‘and ot wanting: to work as.an agent". : : NOSENKO stated ‘that SHAKHOV' had served with the Ministry Of: Foreign Affairs in the. United States and that during that service he acted as an agent~recruiter: for the KGB... SHAKHOV was permitted to. travel abroad even*though suspected of being : n American agent, because hé belonged to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and "the KGB‘ could do nothing about his _trips abroad". .: "There. was no ‘proof, only suspicions, and. ‘furthermore, SHAKHOV was a member’ of the personal staff of the head of the. Soviet delegation, S.K. Tsarapkin." - According © .to NOSENKO, SHAKHOV was.not and never.had been a KGB officer.! — SHAKHOV has:Served in and visited the United . ‘States since.1942,.when he was assigned to the ’”“Seviet. Consulate General. in New York.. He at- _ tended the -1945. Conference on International - ‘Organization™ in San. Francisco, and he had at-.- tended. a number 6f sessions of the: UN ‘General .Assembly.: Most recently .SHAKHOV was assigned. “to the U.S. in.1963 as a member of the Soviet - Mission to the UN. | KGB. officer RASTVOROV iden- tified him as an “MVD .{KGB] officer. whom he is. certain he saw at. MVD. Headquarters in Moscow, . KGB defectors PETROV and .DERYABIN -. Co have reported that from a Photograph, SHAKHOV's - face “was .familiar".” An. FBI source, however, in 1964 said that, SHAKHOV was a “pure. diplomat". “and that to his knowledge, SHAKHOV. had. engaged in no Soviet intelligence activity until that , 0004548. os 277 oo - TS No. 197124 an a ‘Top Secret Copy - 10 7 ======== PAGE 287 ======== 14-0000 re, (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~— January 1962-January 1964) NOSENKO described the various ways he had tested SUSPicions of SHAKHOV in. Geneva. He gave SHAKHoy disinformation 4nd tien watched for an indication that he Passed it on to his America; ' Contacts. SHAKHOV was told to perform counter surveillanca tasks during a meeting by NOSENKO with an imaginary agent, while other xcg officers Checked for Signs that SHAKHOV had forewarned the Americans about the meeting. — Pinally NOSENKO revealed to SHAKHOV the location of 2 KGB dead Grop and checked five days later to see whether the Specially Prepared materials emplaced had been disturbed in any way. NOSENKO's conclusion wag that SHAKHOV was absolutely free of SUSPicion, and it was his intention to Teport this finding when he re- Security Escort Officer for Soviet Disarmament Delegation Geneva before NOSENKO made the foregoing statement to CIA.) To assist him in Carrying out his security functions, NOSENKO had the Services of a number of coopted informants of the KGB who were serving in the delegation, [NOSENKO has never re- ported what, if any, security checks he ran on the delegates in. his charge, or what, if any, information his informants Provided hin. NOSENKO has never been Precise about how he Spent his days and nights in Geneva, but he has indicated that he disposed e Pleased because Ambassador Zorin knew who he was, as did most of the delegation, No one paid him any attention. It was known ‘that he was not really a Ministry of Poreign Affairs officer, and he could absent himself from conference meetings at any time. 278 6001549 . TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy 2 ======== PAGE 288 ======== 1400000 Top Secret SEVENTH DEPARTMENT -- January 1962-January 1964) - Virtually every day, NOSENKO told CIA in 1962, he went to the KGB Legal Residency in Geneva, and if he stayed away for more than a day or two, Legal Rezident S.I. GAVRICHEV would invariably ask NOSENKO where he had been keeping himself. GAVRICHEV, according to NOSENKO, treated him with deference, and shortly after his arrival in Geneva in March 1962, NOSENKO gave a lecture on counterintelligence to the assembled members of the Legal Residency. This lecture was given at GAVRICHEV's request, although it was only after some hesita- tion on the part of the Legal Rezident that all of his subor- dinates were brought together to hear NOSENKO. In return for helping the Legal Residency to perform countersurveillance on several occasions, NOSENKO said, he was sometimes allowed by GAVRICHEV to have the use of an operational car and driver to go shopping and carry out other private errands. [NOSENKO “was not under CIA surveillance at any time in 1962 in Geneva and his claims as to his activities there, aside from his meetings with CIA, can be neither confirmed nor refuted.] NNOSENKO claimed that he would know of any others, and he ‘was the sole KGB officer within the Soviet Disarmament Dele- gation in 1962. Among delegates he identified only Oleg GRINEVSKIY as having any connection with the KGB. GRINEVSKIY was one of NOSENKO's own agents within the delegation: in Moscow he was..handled by KGB officers of the Intelligentsia and Correspondents Department of the Second Chief Directorate. Among other delegates NOSENKO described A.K. KISLOV and V.G. FILATOV. According to NOSENKO, KISLOV was head of the Ameri- can Section of TASS and was. "a genuine correspondent"; “"de- finitely not an intelligence officer". . Comment : CIA had tentatively identified all three of . the delegates as KGB officers. ‘KISLOV was ob- served in apparent KGB operational activity in both Washington and Moscow. FILATOV served as an alternate contact with the KGB agent in NATO, Georges PAQUES, British Intelligence ]has re- t{ ported that GRINEVSKIY was a member of the per- manent. Soviet delegation in Geneva who handled Gd C155 ed 279 TS No. 197124 Top Secret We Copy 10 ======== PAGE 289 ======== 14-00900, Top Secret _ (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) Comment: (Continued) ;, ; . : al British ]double. agent. NOSENKO was in Geneva at the time. Association with Other Soviets | According to NOSENKO, the Soviets he saw most often in Geneva in 1962 were A.K. KISLOV (see above), Yu.I. GUK, and M.S. TSYMBAL. (Both KISLOV and GUK were involved in the “ANDREY" case: see p. 33 .) A.K. KISLOV TASS correspondent KISLOV was one of the three other -dele- gates besides NOSENKO staying at the Hotel Ariane in Geneva. . NOSENKO said he arranged for KISLOV's name to. be given as a notional source of information on Soviet disarmament policy to KGB ‘double agent BELITSKIY (see below). NOSENKO drank and caroused with KISLOV while in Geneva, and KISLOV was pe NOSENKO's. companion in early June, when NOSENKO either — _— squandered or was robbed of KGB operatdonal funds. [the lcss he asked CIA to make good], and on the night of 10 June, when he squandered the 2000 Swiss francs CIA provided on wine and women, With reference to the threat posed his security by _. KISLOV's knowledge of his profligacy, NOSENKO said that KISLOV | was “too drunk to know what was going on", and in any event constituted no threat. : oe : In 1964 NOSENKO reported for the first time that KISLOV had been a KGB operational contact while stationed in the: United States and that NOSENKO had been introduced to KISLOV by a KGB officer in Moscow prior to’ departing for Geneva in i 1962, so that he. could use KISLOV at the conference. On the ‘basis of NOSENKO's favorable report afterwards, he said, KISLOV had been recruited as a KGB agent on his return. In 1966 NOSENKO named the Soviets living with him at the Ariane Hotel in 1962, but did not name KISLOV. : nace 280 ME GUCLSEEL TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —_ (BR ======== PAGE 290 ======== Top Secret “(SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - ‘January 1962-January 1964). Yu.I. I. GOK . “Implying that their friendship was of. tong standing; ‘’NOSENKO related in 1962 that he and GUK ‘were together nearty :-every day in Geneva, ‘where they went’ out’ to; chat and. have a “few drinks. Asa consequence, NOSENKO. was -granted access to the residency. and was ablé to elicit information about -some “ef GUK's operations in Geneva. (He described his “big. big ‘friend" GUK as the Deputy Legal Rezident in Geneva and ‘the only: “strong officer" | in-the | Fesidency. In 1964 NOSENKO ‘attributed his gaining access Comment to the. residency in 1962 to TSYMBAL, not to M.S. ‘Se ‘TSYMBAL ce “tn! 1962 NOSENKO reported * TSYMBAL! s “presence ‘un Geneva and “identified him as- Chief of the Illegals. Directorate: of. the- “KGB First. Chief Directorate. 4 He alluded to having spoken with himy., but placed no particular: emphasis on ‘their relat}onship. . In 1964 NOSENKO™ claimed that. he. had been dealing with: .. TSYMBAL since.1960 or 1961; when he .was: looking for-some’~ _Candidates for recruitment and.came across some whose’ back- “ground. would have: amade them suitable for the Special {Illegalsi Directorate. : NOSENKO met TSYMBAL in- ‘Moscow : in the KGB. Head- -quarters: and TSYMBAL had ‘asked him several times to transfer. to the First Chief'Directorate and suggested that he might be . assigned. to the United States. In Geneva, he and TSYMBAL: had “ dinner together - -séveral. ‘times’ a week, sometimes: accompanied. _ by KISLOV and .sometimes-alone.° It was TSYMBAL's influence,’ \..., NOSENKO said, “which secured: NOSENKO access: tothe ‘residency. in’ 1962 and established the precedent from which-he was . granted . access in 1964, “ea an gs GOCL552 281 oO a re TS. No. 197124 . Yop Secret — ~ Copy 10. ======== PAGE 291 ======== 14-0000 Tep Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~ January 1962-January 1964) Association with [British Female Secretary NOSENKO has described his association with a] British . Secretary whom he met at a diplomatic reception “in Geneva as .one of an amorous pursuit: he disclaimed any operational interest in the girl. After several dates, NOSENKO could no . longer reach her at her apartment, and he concluded that she had told her superiors that he was a Russian and had pro- bably believed him to be an intelligence officer. ; Comment: According to anfofficial British)report, when | - NOSENKO became tGo persistent if his attentions and the secretary reported the contact to her “superiors she was withdrawn immediately from Switzerland and she later resigned from the {Foreign Office. 24 - ' This same Incident came to the attention of the (Swiss servicé,|/which later reported it to | . CIA, without details, as an attempt by NOSENKO : to recruit the girl. According to this report, "after a time it became evident that NOSENKO's interest in her was not only sexual, but: also in information to which she had access in the course of her duties", A (Swiss official) in \\ to recruit the secretary and that he attempted to obtain "disarmament secrets" from her. — Supervising Case Officer for KGB-Controlled CIA Agent BELITSKIY : . . NOSENKO's Information Among. his .other activities in Geneva NOSENKO supervised a younger and less experienced KGB case officer's handling of KGB double agent BELITSKIY. He first heard cf the BELITSKIY case under the code name "BELKIN", when he was working in the American Embassy Section of the American Department. He G001553 282 &/6@ TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 292 ======== : Top Secret | (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT -. January 1962-January’ 1964) “learned of. the case through his friendship with the chief /of the Second ("Active Line") Section of the American Beparte ‘ment, V.I. PETROV. | BELITSKIY wasia KGB agent whom American .. Intélligence had" recruited in) London: . he had never been. met. “by ‘the Americans in the Soviet Uhion.. NOSENKO did not.:know’- _ thé? date of recruitment but knew the case was, already in pro~ . gress during his’ second assignment with the Embassy Section: ~ (January, 1960-January 1962). .BELITSKIY had been a. KGB agent. - for.a' "long, long" time and was a KGB agent when. he first: ~ _/ went abroad’ (prior. to his. recruitment by American Intélli- . gence). . Be ee . ‘ ; ; ; ‘The “KGB's purpose: in running. the ‘BELITSKIY ‘operation was to lure Americah Intelligence into meeting the agent inside “othe ‘Soviet Union; .to learn-the channels and means through - ' iwhich American Intelligence. communicated with agents inside ‘the Soviet Union. This was the. "most important task" of the. . Second Chief Directorate. Although BELITSKIY, in meeting with his Américan' case officers, continually pleaded fear of . “contacts with American Intelligence -in’ Moscow, this was'a °~ ° ruse; the real. KGB-intent was to use. BELITSKIY to lure Ameri-. “an Intelligence:.into contacting him-in the Soviet Union. © ‘After BELITSKIY was recruited in London, CIA "did not go on with him... he..said,..the. KGB "cherished. the hopé...to lead him in some- ts : : ‘The ‘KGB’ First Chief-Directorate,; with its. own c and objectives, was. unaware of Second Chief _ ‘Directorate objectives in the BELITSKIY case. The First. ‘siya’ (disinformation] ‘at the Second: Chief -_Directorate's re- for what ultimate “purpose the disinformation would be used.” (In. such “cases I.1..AGAYANTS, Chief. of ,-even ‘know, in what country the disinformation was to be used; let. alone the identity of the agent.) mc . ‘According’ to GOLITSYN,. Department D°runs its “operations alone or in conjunction with {never “subordinate to) other KGB departments. 0001554 ~ 23 0 cu ) ; TS: No. 197124 “Top Secret. didn't: hold: any meetings with-him!. . Nevertheless, Chief Directorate,,‘through Department D,” provided dezinformat- - quest, but in.this case,:as in other "games", it. did not know — Department D, did not _ Copy 10 ======== PAGE 293 ======== Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) NOSENKO. did not actively participate in the case until he received in Geneva a cable from Moscow directing him to give advice to the young and inexperienced case officer V.L. ARTE- MOV. ARTEMOV had not worked on the BELITSKIY case in Moscow either; he also had been sent to Geneva to work on counter- intelligence matters and only to direct BELITSKIY df the Ameri- cans should.contact the agent. BELITSKIY had been “inserted" in a World Health Organization Delegation in the hope that CIA would "find him". ~ As a result of that KGB instruction, NOSENKO jcined with ARTEMOV in directing BELITSKIY's meetings with the latter's _American case officers. BELITSKIY Was first met™in Geneva by the American case officer "Bob", and later by "Henry", who was “called out from the States". BELITSKIY noted that the ‘name on the door of the apartment where he met his American case officers was not the. same as that of the person whose apartment it was alleged to be, and that the apartment itself had an “un-lived-in" look. ‘ When the American case officers asked BELITSKIY whether he could establish contact with a Russian on the Disarmament Delegation, NOSENKO advised ARTEMOV not to use anyone from . .the Soviet Foreign.Ministry. NOSENKO proposed instead that BELITSKLY claim to get information from the head of the : American Department of TASS, A.K. KISLOV. The information, of course, would be (disinformation) furnished by the KGB. In case the Americans would check, NOSENKO and ARTEMOV ar- ranged for BELITSKIY to be introduced to KISLOV. The KGB believed that CIA had accepted BELITSKIY's bona fides. From the. KGB viewpoint, however, while BELITSKIY was not a bad agent, he was apt to go too far sometimes, and "add .things on his own". For this reason, the KGB limited BELIT- SKIY's time spent with CIA, to lessen the chance that the agent might. say something which would cause CIA to sense that he was a plant. : GUCLS55 284 : TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —____ ======== PAGE 294 ======== Coinment : 1. ease. cow, as NOSENKO™ described, in Geneva did. meet : however, _ is implausible. Z _Yesponsible for ‘the operation.. ; _ that the KGB instead detailed a “young and in-~ experienced" KGB officer. who happened to be in _, ted NOSENKO, who had learned of the case “unoffi- |. ‘double. agent. opérations, and..who was similarly. ue "inexperienced" -ho guidancé ‘provided by KGB: Headquarters, . al-7 *. * “Moscow. about -the ‘case. “:-gontinuous’ service with the Second Chief ‘Direcs -torate at.least since 1958, and had been..involved.. “. .the. Soviet: Union. I : with. ARTENOV,, . NOSENKO is unaware of ‘the latter’ s ‘Top Secret _ “(snvenrt DEPARTMENT td vanvary 1962- “January 1964), NOSENKO' Ss information about the BELITSKIY-CIA- . relationship is substantially correct, except - “for some inaccuracies about the origin of the BELITSKIY, a commentator. for Radio. Mos~ CIA. officers using the aliases "Bob". and "Henry" .in’a safe apartment. -NOSENKO's version of his role in the case,- He asserts-that BELIT- SKIY, a prominent Russian with acquaintances ‘among influential officials of the Soviet Govern-_ “ment, "CIA for’ several years, was sent by the KGB to Geneva: to resumé contact with CIA. ‘cording to NOSENKO, sent neither the responsible an.agent ostensibly. undér~the control of The KGB, ac- case officer nor. an officer of the KGB ‘section «| NOSENKO states... Geneva at. the time, an officer who had’ no prior. aoe ~ gonnection: with. the BELITSKIY. caSe nor even. . knowledge.of operating conditions in Geneva. NOSENKO further states that. the KGB then. instruc- ce lly, who had no. experience: ox training in. in. Geneva for ‘other, reasons, to guide the other: “KGB officer. NOSENKO can’ cite =: though he claims he exchanged messages with | ARTEMOV was not inexperienced. ‘He had: ‘had ° won with a series-of: ‘CIA. “American tourist agents. in. Although allegedly familiar. -- - 8001556 “TS No. 197124 10° ‘285 Top Secret - copy ======== PAGE 295 ======== . Top Secret {SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964} Comment: (Continued) : involvement with American tourist agents in 1958 and 1959, during a period when NOSENKO claims to have been Deputy Chief of the Seventh Départment's American Section. Under interrogation NOSENKO did not know how, when, or where the BELITSKIY operation started, did not know the nature of (ritish)|| involvement, did not know the operational - tails and contact arrangements BELITSKIY had with CIA, did not. know BELITSKIY's pattern of activity in Moscow or in Geneva, and did not know the alleged objective of the KGB opera- tion, e.g., the substance of the "disinformation" which BELITSKIY was to provide CIA. From the foregoing it is concluded that NOSENKO did not exercise any supervisory func- tion in the BELITSKIY case. Contact with CIA ' On 5 June 1962 U.S. Foreign Service Officer [David MARK| reported to CIA in Geneva that he had been approached by a Soviet citizen whom he believed to be Yuriy Ivanovich NOSENKO, a member of the Soviet Disarmament Delegation. NOSENKO had -merely suggested that they get together for a talk on the following day.. In late afternoon on 6 June, -NOSENKO told (MARK) privately that he would like to talk to(MARK] as soon as U6) possible. He was "not going to pump him for information", but “simply wanted to tell him some things". A luncheon meeting was arranged for 9 June, although NOSENO indicated that he preferred an éarlier date.0b MARK] advised CIA of: the appoint- ment and commented that the approach seemed so unusual that it might be an offer of cooperation or defection. At the 9 June luncheon with MARK} NOSENKO identified him- self as a counterintelligence officer sent to Geneva to ensvre the security of the Soviet delegation. He knew that MARK) had Di previously served in Moscow and [erroneously] believed him to 7" 8 oo01557 286 7a ; TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ___ ======== PAGE 296 ======== . Top Secret Eras DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) be an American intelligerice officer. NOSENKO said he needed _. approximately ‘900 Swiss francs immediately to cover KGB opera- oe tional funds which he had squandered on liquor and a prosti- . _tute in’Geneva,: and offered for this amount to sell.two items. of information. to American Intelligence. The first item. was” the identity of.an American, a former employee of the Embassy. in Moscow, 'who"was a KGB agent. "near ciphers". in the Washing- ' ton’ area.” ‘The second item was. the identity of a Soviet citi- -. gen. in Moscow who, although ostensibly a CIA agent, had been ot planted’ on CIA. by” ‘the KGB. Although NOSENKO proposed a one- time, transaction, he acknowledged to [MARK] that he might. be’ - unable to, avoid deeper, involvement. with ‘American Tntelligence. a Ae : a : [MARK] ntroduced. NOSENKO “to a CIA officer. ‘the evening of ‘9. Jane ‘and::NOSENKO was taken to the first of -five lengthy. meetings. held in a CIA safehouse. At the: initial meeting ote ' NOSENKO described | himself as a. KGB major experienced in opera- tions. against. the American.Embassy..in Moscow. and against . ‘American tourists and other travellers to the Soviet Union. . He: told of his’ financial difficulties and. repeated his offer - to. sell the. two! specified items: of information... He said that .. | the: néed for money was” his immediate motive for ‘contacting - _ * GEA, although in. the ensuing- discussion he asserted also that vhe ‘was- dissatisfied with the Communist. regime in. ‘the Soviet”: “Union... NOSENKO™ emphasized that he had no“intention of be-- coming an American agent and that “after his ‘proposed trans-.. action, he would-have no. further contact with CIA. Despite. ; ‘assertion, after describing the cases.of -“ANDREY" . : (Dayle. SMITH, sée p.. 33"). and. the KGB. double ‘agent BELITSKIY: (see p. 282), . NOSENKO, supplied considerable. biographic infor- - Mation about himself and. also discussed in.general terms cer _ tain additional. KGB operations ‘as’ well as KGB. organization ‘and operational‘ methods in Moscow." He: understood, as he had told(MARK] éarlier,- that CIA would ‘want more information, and he eee to meet again two says: later. ©: : NOSENKO ‘met * ‘CIA ‘vépresentatives: four more tines: in Géneva With the second ' meeting on 11 June, his initially. expressed." . reservations disappeared almost entirely. He answered most’: “. questions ‘put to him: on: KGB organization and operations, most of his information being limited to. the Second Chief Directo- . “rate: ° Besides “ANDREY"™ ‘and BELITSKIY, he. provided leads to. _ More. than a score of American citizens who had. been compro— _ Biised. or reerui ed by. the KGB, and - information. on the: KGB - 287 oe nuts 558 - TS No. 197124 Top Secret z)¢¢ | copy 10 _ ======== PAGE 297 ======== Top Secret {SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) audio surveillance operation against the Embassy in Moscow. Among foreign agents of the KGB NOSENKO identified Canadian Ambassador WATKINS (see p. 23 ) and described a British Ad- _ Miralty employee (William VASSALL, see p. 30 ). He talked freely of his activities in Geneva, including his association with KGB officers there, his visits to the KGB residency and his security duties with respect to the Soviet delega- tion. NOSENKO seemed to CIA to be what he claimed: a KGB officer with personal knowledge of important and sensitive KGB operations. ‘He described his education, his service in '. the Naval GRU, his entry into the KGB and the general func~ tions and operating techniques of the various components of the Second Chief Directorate in which he had served, along with the approximate dates of his service. Ultimately the only restriction which NOSENKO placed on his cooperation with CIA was his refusal to permit communica- tion with him in the Soviet Union. He was willing to meet : .with CIA representatives during future trips outside the Soviet Union, which he estimated would occur about once every other year. He said he would not consider defecting except in cir- . cumstances in which his personal security was endangered, citing as reasons his devotion to his wife and children (and fear of KGB reprisal against them if he fled), his widowed mother's dependence on him, and his love of Russia:.and the .. Russian people. oo : : : NOSENKO promised to contact CIA and arrangements were -made for him to do so, when he came to the West again. Meanwhile, he expressed the intention to do everything within limits. imposed by concern for his own security to obtain in- _. formation which he was informed was of interest to CIA. Oo Attempted Recruitment of |\Horst BRAUNS | ‘Immediately after returning to Moscow from Geneva, NOSENKO ' claimed he personally was involved in the attempt to recruit American tourist [BRAUNS} OG COO4LS5 a TS No. 197124 . oO. Top Secret ele Copy —___— ======== PAGE 298 ======== Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ‘January 1262-sansaty 1964). : _NOSENKO's Information uO ny ~livea in Leningrad” ae: ke 0” oo, sn he fled when the Germans Sati of tion ye eventually” settled in the United. States where the First mn : Chief Directorate learned he had’ become a technician working ° - “© €or an, “interesting company’ making computers, adding machines, Band other instruments". When {BRAUNS), visited the Soviet (06°. : Union, NOSENKO assigned his subordinate (K.G.] -KRUPNOV. to -* "handle the case, and KRUPNOV arranged for Inturist to take _ Cu pf SRAUNS) out of the Inturist hotel and assign him to a room in. “another hotel where. KRUPNOV met him. “KRUPNOV: "couldn't get. g. Qeanywhere" .with(BRAUNS), Spang ne called ‘on. NOSENKO for help. a NOSENKO joined Him in’ RAUNS)"room, ‘and eventually secured - Ne(BRAUNG)' “agrees ent to- cooperate: with the KGB, under threat of . - imprisonment (for €reason (based ‘on BRAUNS" “wartime flight: from. NOSENKO © thought. the. recruitment -was "shaky"; ab he sent KRUPNOV .to Leningrad to consolidate the. recruitment. . C*BRAUNS) x refused. to ni KRUPNOV, and NOSENKO went to Leningrad: and again. talked to, [BRAUNS ae ‘so frightened, -how-- ‘ever, ‘that NOSENKO concluded that™ fe would never work for the - , KGB; NOSENKO decided to terminate. the ¢ case and (BRA RAUNS] was sent ~ “von: his ways ws : . : nots “06 | a : - “-NOSENKO’ aid not know. yea visited the’ Soviet Union, - {ner was he -able-to. identify | any: Soviet, citizens. whom BRAUNS : omet an ‘the. USSR. . : . coe “In. 1964 NOSENKO asserted that he had méntioned ee gay ad to ‘CIA in. 1962, but. could: not at that time recall. his~ 2 NOSENKO- did not mention: (Braung): in 1962: ce “arrived ‘in the Soviet-: Union of °24 June. 1962,77°~ after. NOSENKO had met: with CIA in Geneva. . ao O&(BRAUNS}!' “version is-consistent.with the events” - as related by NOSENKO, although he could not . identify NOSENKO by’ photograph. In other con- . texts NOSENKO has explained: that the Seventh * jag” el. ane o0uLs60 BBR ene. 197124 Top Secret _ wo “Copy 10 ======== PAGE 299 ======== Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) Comment: (Continued) Department was not concerned with foreigners visiting relatives in the USSR nor with Soviet expatriates, both of which were the responsibi- lity of other KGB elements. NOSENKO acknowledges that the KGB knew that (BRAUNS was a former Soviet (6,0? citizen} tb [BRAUNS| plan to visit relatives in ‘Leningfad Was informationaalso available to the KGB through his visa application.p|[BRAUNS] had corresponded for a year before his Visit with a former girl friend in Leningrad. She spent the. first week with him in Moscow (during which the KGB recruitment attempt occurred). The existence of the girl friend was presumably known to the KGB, if not through mail censorship, then from surveillance connected with KRUPNOV's planned ap- ‘proach to [BRAUN§ in the hotel. NOSENKO was un- aware of these facts. : ; Ob Chiéf’ of the Ameri¢an=British Commonwealth Section; — * “Summary and Conclusion / According to NOSENKO, he requested transfer to the Seventh Department to avoid being named Deputy Chief of the American Department over his then-superior, thé experienced and highly ‘successful KGB officer KOVSHUK. He is adamant that the trans- fer took place "before [the defection of] GOLITSYN", which he ‘asserts occured in mid-January 1962. Among his other functions in the Seventh Department, he.cites directing five agents .whom.he brought..from.the American Department. In his initial capacity as Chief of the American_Section, NOSENKO claims in- volvement only in the W.E. JOHNSON| case, his time being spent 06 - either in -"reading in" on his new Job or preparing for his initial trip to Geneva. He alleges that he was directed to accompany the Soviet delegation to Geneva for an extended period, in behalf of another Second Directorate Department, over his objections, when he had no deputy to assume his func-~ tions in his absence, and on the eve of the tourist season. 5i6k 290 COGLSGL TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 300 ======== Top Secret tn Gerieva he said he supervised the KGB double-agent BELIT-'- . °§KIY¥'s meetings with CIA, before contacting CIA himself to -. .-.sell information for a relatively: small sum. Back in Moscow, _ - immediately. after participating in the KGB approach to[BRAUNS).0b - "he claims he bécamé Deputy Chief of the entire 100-man -. Seventh Department. °. - .. ; Poets . . . 4. - ~ Besides the implausibility of NOSENKO's account of seeking “ ‘transfer "to avoid becoming Deputy Chief of the American De- partment", his: dating of the ‘transfer impugns his claims. |. ; GOLITSYN defected..on -15 December 1961. ° If NOSENKO transferred;’ _;, as he said, in mid-January 1962, his earlier participation in ~- Ob the [JoHNSON| compromise (see p...268) -is not evidential of his. - | . Severith Department service. If he transferred just in time: -- , for: the fJOHNSON|-operation, -he could not have played the. role "he claimed in the: Embassy Section (re ABIDIAN and the Pushkin "Street dead drop, seé p.216 J. In: the period with one excep- - tion, none of. his claimed agentura participated in a Seventh Department: operation... No change marked his claimed increased: °-~ “responsibilities: and new ‘functions upon being promoted. to - a “Section. Chief .of the largest department in the Second: Chief © Directorate. Of the five operations. NOSENKO described as -) occurring during this period, all had. aspects for which,.by — “NOSENKO's description of ‘the Seventh ‘Department's mission,”. ‘~ they could-have been in’:the jurisdiction of another ‘Second::’.\: “Chief Directorate: Department.. NOSENKO's various explanations ~ . (, for-his assignment. to Geneva in 1962 prompt scepticism bem) nus: ,cause of tortuous contradictions. In.Geneva he neither: *. -; - directed the. investigation: of SHAKHOV. nor supervised the-BELIT-" SKIY case, as. he claimed.) 70 ye. f es ee ey Deputy Chief of the. Seventh De artment ~.) Ti. (July. 1962-= "Januar 13e7) Oe _, Im July 1962, in line with the personal wish of thé Chief e* the KGB Second ‘Chief Directorate, General GRIBANOV, NOSENKO _ .G004562 291 © oe a — ao. ts No. 197124 TopSecret © — copy _10 ======== PAGE 301 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) was promoted to the position of a (one of three) Deputy Chief of the entire Seventh Department. A year later, he was made First Deputy Chief, and thus second-in-command to CHELNOKOV and general supervisor of all Second Chief Directorate tourist operations. The Seventh Department, which had a strength of about. 100 KGB officers, was responsible for all operations against tourists in the Soviet Union. From this period NOSENKO claimed to have learned, either. by virtue of his position as | Deputy Chief of otherwise, of a number of KGB operations against Americans, including two arrests, one recruitment, and . investigations of a suspected FBI agent and of Lee Harvey OSWALD. NOSENKO as well attributes to his senior KGB posi- tion during this period his knowledge of an American GRU agent - and of the KGB investigation of a disaffected American Embassy Section officer, the latter occurring just before NOSENKO re- turned to Geneva for the second time, and defected. _ 06 Recruitment of [SVENCHANSKIY] NOSENKO's Information In September 1963, NOSENKO took over from his subordinate, Seventh Department case,officer Ye.N. NOSKOV, the management of KGB agent |Alexander NCHANSKLY} (cryptonym "ANOD"). Y- tb (SVENCHANSKIY was the president of|"Afton Tours", a travel 27,0 agency in New York city and the owner of a| Chicago Russian- j0) 0 language bookstore. re was originally some suspicion th that vencaanen ht be an FBI informant, and the KGB was “clhalso concerned over SVENCHANSKIY|'s contacts with AMTORG per- sonnel in New York City. ,NOSKOV, the case officer at the time, “felt" that SVENCHANSKIY] was not an FBI informant and recruited him in 1960 or 1961 after he was arrested for blackmarketeering while visiting the Soviet Union. |SVENCHAN- : SKIY\s cooperation was secured against KGB promises at Inturist would refer business to thé agent's New York travel | agency. a Ss os a (SVENCHANSKIY|'s' task was to screen visa applications of prospective tourists to the Soviet Union for persons who might be connected with American Intelligence. If he suspected such a person, he would make a signal by moving the photograph on the visa application slightly, or making a small pin-prick or pencilled mark on the application form. ratte Ke 292 CuULsE3 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —— iba AT ======== PAGE 302 ======== 14-0000 ‘Top Secret fo (SEVENTH. DEPARTMENT - January 2e2-Tanaary 1964) : When ‘NOSENKO ‘took the case ‘from NOsKoV- in - September. cle ~ 1963, NOSENKO's name as- the handling officer was. entered . .in the’single-volume case file, although NOSKOV ac- . - * companied NOSENKO.to both subsequent ‘meetings with’ we Es Ree Moscow. (in September 1963" and .at ‘the’ end of ese . 06 a [SVENCHANSKTY}: a - Russian-born natut alized 4 10, al erican citizen, is. president | of lAftoh 2%) “Tours Of New York City “and the ‘Cross World, 300ks and Periodicals in Chicago|, . His partner; and: the actual operato of [7 £ \ tel :is'|Sonya _ SOKOLOW, reportedly. @ one- bo: tinie [eon idential secrétary" of Jacob , GOLOS| ogo . Allegations of [SVENCHANSKIY}s_ Communist “sympathies and probable in¥olvement ‘in Soviet espionage. date back..to ‘the Second Werld War. - | His involvement. in. -espionage has been pub- - Lieized in the press (notably. in a .1953 an New. York Times account vof[Harry 6 GOLD' Ss. 06 oF Comment: 2 (Siinansaes she (AtEon | “is| \ecupied | elsew ere with his other. éizmy he .would ‘be unlikely to review and: mark : suspect: visa’ applications, as NOSENKO-. = alleged. (SVENCHANSKIY|'s s background is such . as..to have prevented Ris being interviewed on: vthe basis: Of; the information: NOSENKO, NOSENKO' did not refer to: ‘has: “association wth. }VENCHANSKIY\, Spontaneous] ly, but’ described. - tvonly: after re erring to the written notes. Suspected F FBI “Source f Auered | SLBSiNCHR “QkOn 8 July. 1964 NOSENKO reported on KGB interest.in-- _ an’ American named ‘ SLESINGER, . a proprietor of a photographic... shop. in New York City, who was suspected by the KGB. of “having connections with the. FBI. . . 293 : ” : : 0001564 Se TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy 20 10° he. brought to CIA in Geneva in (1964. (See pay ======== PAGE 303 ======== 14-0000 (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-1964) NOSENKO's Information L, [suesi en] cane under suspicion by the KGB First Chief DirectOrate because of his business transactions with a number of Soviets who visited his store and in whom he seemed to show more than casual interest. The First Chief Directorate was of the Opinion that -b (SLESINGER) was trying to become closely acquainted with Some Soviets, to.study them. (SLESINGER had visited the Soviet Union several times. Léarning SLESINGER] planned0b another trip to the USSR, the KGB suspected that "he might make some contacts or do something interesting" while visiting the Soviet Union.o6 The KGB wanted to resolve its suspicions that [SLESINGER] was possibly an agent or [euesincadaa a se of the FBI. The KGB had Ss a file on/SLESINGER* axa a senior case officer in the american S€ction of the Seventh Department, Yu. M. . DVORKIN, was the responsible case officer. An agent of the Seventh Department who was director of a photo- graphic shop in Moscow was instructed to become friendly Qowith [SLESINGER\ while the latter was visiting the Soviet Union, and the two men later exchanged correspondence. Ob[SLESINGER) went to Odessa to visit relatives, and DVORKIN. irected*the Odessa KGR to "surround" him with agents. who. could watch his behavior. if there had been any indication of intelligence activities, the KGB would have attempted. “to recruit SLESINGER/*but since no evidence was Geveloped,. ‘nO approach-was madé. GLESINGER had travelled to the . Soviet Union before, several times. | Comment: NOSENKO's information was substantially correct. [Alfred Lazarevich SLESINGER|, 06 -teported to the FBI in July 1962 of his June 1962 visit to Moscow and Odessa. In Odessa |SLESINGER|was contacted by a 04 Soviet official who exhibited “intimate knowledge" of his business in New York €ity and had asked whether (SLESINGER] had “ever been bothered by the FBI." dG 294 TS No. 197124 ‘Top Secret 8001565 KR ======== PAGE 304 ======== f'4-00090 (SEVENTH. DEPARTMENT - January 1962-1964) o Comment: (continued) 0 nes ae ne in, 1966 (SLESINGER] reported to the ‘FBI.-that he was in touch with a Moscow photographic... -shop proprietor, and he: deseribed evidence: ..: o£ KGB interest in‘’him during his visit to. _ Odessa in, 1962. Previous te visiting the > ; «Soview Union in 1962, (BLESTNGER) nae been in 06. > contact with a number of Soviet officials. = o "from the United Nations. Saat ua “NOSENKO_.was not. specific in describing how he learned ‘of (SLESINGER) who, may represent a First. Chief Directorate » Gas®s OG et a EE ae ae La ie “(koran s arrest 4 : ; 7 - NosENKO was asked in Geneva in 1964 whether ‘he was “> gnvolved in: the arrest of an American, tourist in the. ». USSR in the. f ej) NOSENKO 2) ae all of 1963. Almost at onces | eh, oa" i’. o, g@entified the ‘case as that. ‘of (Bernard KOTEN*a gpide for’ "(A yqeton ‘Tourd) in_New York City (end RENE an employeé:of . - ee ye a iexander SVENCHANSKIY\:.see above) who had been arrested ~ : \° Sn homosexual charges in Kiev. “)NOSENKO said that [KOTEN] 0: Gn homosexual clh an American agent, of the KGB Selene TT and Technical. (S&T) pirectorate.. NOSENKO did not know tbe oe . agent's name, ER pau i cE OES REO _ one OTE ime, member. of the American’ Communist _ _paxty and a. frequent visitor after the Second World War Dah ~ Party goviet Union, where he had extensive contacts among ee dissident: literary figures and other Soviet citizens, ae (+s particularly among; Russian Jews.» “(NOSENKO explained in-’. “another eontext. that the KGB is wary of foreigners’ contacts _with Soviet Jews because the Israeli Intelligence “Service . has- frequently Sneeirea such contacts.] Because of these many suspicious contacts, both the KGB First and Second. ©..,. Bit ctorates had concluded that [KOTHN} night be a “provocation . agent” planted in-.or recruited from the ranks. of the 66 , . Communist Party in the United States. _ a oo, ; : : 235 - tongt a 1s . grid: c00156q, io. aN ======== PAGE 305 ======== ‘éeODOD =" > Tep Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) gb Qn the eve of (KOTEN|'s arrival in 1963, the Seventh Department learned from V.5. BARKOVSKIY of the First. Chief Directorate's S&T Department that [KOTEN| was. 06 - carrying with him the address of relatives of an. impoxtant Sav agent of: the New York residency, and. that ( (KozEN| intended to visit: the: agent's relatives. while. in -. “€he USSR. The S&T agent. had- asked to be: repatriated to. . the USSR, but when. the- KGB: eventually assented, the agent balked, arousing: KGB suspicions.’ When it was. Qefound that KOTEN) was’ acquainted with the: agent,. the. (G6KGB concluded that [KOTEN "evidently received from American IntelligenGe an assignment to visit [the / agent's relatives].": After /KOTEM visited the relatives D® in the Crimea, the decision was made to arrest him as a suspect American Intelligence agent. (ROTEN was en- V& trapped with a KGB homosexual agent and arrested, although he was released when the American Communist Party and other organizations strongly protested. Ol NosENKO did not personally participate in the arrest nor meet [KOTEN, although he supervised the arrest from KGB Headquarters... - . Coriment: [KOTEN|'s arrest: on: charges .of homosexual : . “Betivities were publicized at the time ina report datelined Moscow and quoting Inturist which was carried in the New-York Times. In van interview with representatives of the Department of State, [KoTEN] described how he 06 had been arrested by the- B- in Kiev on 28. August’ 1963; accused of being’ an American : Intelligence agent and interrogated for three days, and held in jail for a month. : ab ee, GRU Agent [John SHUBIN| The name of [John Andrew SHUBIN] and his year of birth were among the notes which NOSENKO brought to the 1964 meetings with CIA in Geneva. 296 GOOL567 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —_-_— va ======== PAGE 306 ======== ~(SRMRIRA OHPARTIENE —Jonary 1862Janoary 1964) -NOSENKO' s Information wd SHUBIN| was @ a native: ‘of California’ of Russian ex~ oo “traétion, a Russian speaker ;:. anda university professor. in’ New. York City. AUBIN, who. had visited the Soviet _Union twice before, ‘Visi . “1 Or. i959, while. ‘NOSENKO was’ ‘serving | his. first tour of ~ duty: in the Seventh Department. At that time, fein ob -was.the target’ of Severith “pepartment..case officer _AsA.. VETLITSKIY, NOSENKO heard later’ that(SHUBIN|was Of placed under ‘surveillance,: and when: the KGB surveillance.: observed (SHUBIN) as» a passenger: inva Hinistry of Defense d the Soviet Union in:1958- automobile, thé GRU was. asked about.the American. "They © “very furtively ‘said that they were: “from which the KGB | ‘coneltided.. that interested ‘in him" Seas: a GRU- vagent.. Ot 2In 1962 (sic NOSE? 1KO was. reviewing a list of foreign visitors’ to ‘the. Soviet" ‘Union: and’.he noted [SHUBIN's nameQb - and recalled his’ earlier. identification as a GRU. agent. NOSENKO“himself.-telephoned GRU General SOKOLOV's- office... - and .informed: SOKOLOV of (SHUBIN] W\'spresence : (or, according 6b to. another. version,:.SOKOLOV's office was advised by -othérs) . “SOKOLOV!s office: eventually. apologized for. “having failed: earlier. to: ify. t ydnt rest in oe eon” 1940 and gune 1961; not as. an. Améxican tourist under his. -true | Name. Consequently, he” could not then have °. _-. been the ‘tourist. target. Of the Seventh . - Department. casé..officer, as NOSENKO claimed. GB of the GRU! Ss. - passport | 06 [SHUBIN] had no: ‘valid U. if he visited: the: Soviet. Union. -during that _period it was. If NOSENKO . erred, and: actually was referring “gbto fs SHOBrNy » visit in 1961, there is a further _ contradic tion: ‘NOSENKO could not have a noticed his name while. reviewing tourist. dJists in-the Seventh Department, because’ .~he claims he was in the Ametican Department at. the’ time. a hoa 297, Top Secret, we ; coos" TS No. 197124 ; ======== PAGE 307 ======== 14-00000 Moscow. Fog Seerct (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964} Arrest of BARGHOORN At the first of the 1964 meetings in Geneva NOSENKO described the provocation and arrest of Yale Universit Professor Frederick BARGHOORN in late 1963. NOSENKO's most comprehensive statement, from which the following paragraphs wete largely drawn, was made on 9 June 1964, NOSENKO said that the purpose of the KGB operation against BARGHOORN was to retaliate for Persona non grata action taken against three Soviets in New. York City in the case of John W. BUTENKO {in November 1963] and to secure a hostage in exchange for a fourth Soviet (Igor IVANOV) in the BUTENKO case who was jailed. (NOSENKO had asserted in Geneva, earlier, that the operation against BARGHOORN "was to discourage future arrests such as that of IVANOV, not because of any special im- portance of IVANOV himself." : NOSENKO's Information In 1963 four KGE First Chief Directorate officers assigned to the New York Legal Residency were caught in Operational activity in the United States. Of the four, three had diplomatic immunity, but one was a chauffeur and had only. a service Passport. The three Soviet diplomats were held three or four hours by the American authorities and then released. IVANOV, the chauffeur, was arrested since he did not have diplomatic immunity. . GRIBANOV, Chief of the KGB Second Chief Directorate, learned of this arrest probably the next day and was directed by KGB. Chairman Semichastnyy to take "necessary _ measures." GRIBANOV thereupon called to his office ‘ NOSENKO; A.G. KOVALENKO, Chief of the Seventh Department; and G.I. GRYAZNOV and Ye. M. RASHCHEPOV from the. . American. Department. After describing the arrest, GRIBANOV asked what information the Second Chief Directorate Departments had on any American, Embassy employee or tourist, that could serve as the victim of an {retaliatory] arrest. RASHCHEPOV and GRYAZNOV said that at that very moment there were three or four American Service Attaches in Rostov and that, in the opinion of the American Department, these officers might be carrying electronic apparatus. It was known that they had cameras, that they had been taking photographs, and they had been-observed taking notes. They could be arrested in Rostov before they took the return plane to 298 TS No. 197124 Top Secret 9001569 ======== PAGE 308 ======== ~ Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT -Jantary 1962-January 1964)"> GRIBANOV instructed the two’ representatives of the -; - -American Department to write a report on what other . “possibilities existed. He also told. them to request . ° permission. to. arrest and, search: the Service ‘Attaches. 7 GRIBANOV. ‘then: asked what. pertinent: information was — held by. the Seventh Department... He was told that. there - . were relatively few. American tourists inthe Soviet, Union at.that time. . These included BARGHOORN, who: was - mentioned ‘to. GRIBANOV.-along.with one other (name not” wi 2 recalled)...‘ NOSENKO. and -KOVALENKO' ‘reported, however,’ that the KGB had no. " strong" materials ‘to use against .: them... They were ordered. to make an immediate. study of "the situation and. to report bac “to. GRIBANOV as soon, .~ as’ “possible. : Bo, ; : wy Returning: “tothe: ‘Seventh’ Department, NOSENKO - ‘ana who ‘ “KOVALENKO - gathered the entire’ Américan Tourist Section . in their office. In a. general discussion, it was” decided that’ BARGHOORN was the’ only possible ‘American’ target. All information on.BARGHOORN was. gathered, and NOSENKO, and KOVALENKO took..it:to- GRIBANOV. , GRIBANOV: read. it and was pleased;. the.was sure. that~ ’ BARGHOORN was. ‘connected’ ‘with’ Américan Intelligence. ‘He then asked what: could: be-done....:NOSENKO and.’ : KOVALENKO: reported. ‘that BARGHOORN:was’ then -in Thili and ‘that, in fact, Ye.. Nw. NOSKOV. (case officer, -: : > American. Tourist: Section): was in ‘Tbilisi with a woma: . doctor from the KGB Operational” ‘Technical. Directorate. ’ for the” purpose of working against :BARGHOORN; the ’ ‘.doctor:- had. some. ‘special substance: which had been used to maké “BARGHOORN ‘so’ violently ‘£11 that--he: had.to-be: hospitalized. - While -he .was.in-the. hospital, a .carefu séarch had been made.of his ‘bélongings,. but nothing of: operational interest .had been. found.-: In addition, act - KGB. agent was- placed. in ‘BARGHOQORN' S.room as a patient he made anti-Soviet statements ‘and offered - ‘-BARGHOORN™ "materials", | but. BARGHOORN did not rise..to the bait.: Re the time: of.this meeting. with. GRIBANOV,’ BARGHOORN:*:. was scheduled to fly fron Tbilisi to Moscow. the fol-.~ lowing. morning, :-and ‘the KGB.knew from a .phone tap that: “he had an appointment with(Theodore ORCHARD} of the 06 ‘(British = Enbassy|.at the Hote Metropol the ollowing -. - evening. ee eg ; oe _ ara: y 299. oor te Top Secret, as ~ Copy LO ======== PAGE 309 ======== Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) It was GRIBANOV who raised the possibility of giving "naterials" to BARGHOORN in Moscow. NOSENKO said that this would be a provocation, but GRIBANOV replied that this made no difference. He instructed NOSENKO and KOVALENKO to locate an agent who could be used to pass the compromi'sing material to BARGHOORN and told them to write a summary of BARGHOORN's background with a proposal that the Second Chief Directorate arrest him ‘when he obtains materials which are of interest to american Intelligence." This was to be sent in letter form to Semichastnyy over GRIBANOV's signature; the letter was not to indicate how BARGHOORN was to receive the materials. (That the evidence was to be planted was not to be mentioned.) GRIBANOV took a one-page letter on BARGHOORN, along with a similar letter from GRYAZNOV and RASHCHEPOV concerning the Service Attaches, to Semichastnyy. While the four -- NOSENKO,. KOVALENKO, GRYAZNOV and RASHCHEPOV ~~ were waiting in GRIBANOV's office for his return, GRYAZNOV received a telephone call from the Rostov KGB organization informing him that the Service Attaches were in the air on their. way back to Moscow. Shortly thereafter, GRIBANOV returned with the news that the Chairman of the KGB had approved the arrests of the Service Attaches as well as BARGHOORN. Khrushchev was absent from Moscow at the time, but Semichastnyy had . called BREZHNEV and secured his approval. _ When. GRIBANOV. learned from GRYAZNOV that the Service Attaches were already. on their way back to Moscow, he- became furious and sent. GRYAZNOV out "to do the job or die." Meanwhile,. arrangements were made with the - "Department D" (the :KGB. element responsible for ..dis- information, subordinate. to the First. Chief Directorate). to provide materials on missiles which could be passed to BARGHOORN. While these were being picked up, NOSENKO and KOVALENKO returned to their office to plan the arrest. BARGHOORN was placed under immediate surveillance upon his arrival in Moscow. At 1810 hours a radio message wes received from one of the surveillance cars that BARGHOORN had gone to the American Embassy, and it was decided that the agent (name not recalled, aged 25 to 30 years) would be placed in contact with him as soon as he came_out. The KGB knew BARGHOORN had an appoint- ment with \ORCHARD of the British Embassy| at 1900 hours, £24 but at 1900 hours a report was received hat BARGHOORN ! 300 TS No. 197124 GOC1S74 Top Secret oe Copy —____ \ ======== PAGE 310 ======== "(SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - Jahuary 1962—January. 1964) had‘ left the American Embassy in the american. Ambassador's.car. He was*alone but for the Ae Soviet driver.. Nothing could be “done while | a “23, BARGHOORN was in the moving car. ‘A check on ~ > 0 7 OP (ORCHARD) established that he was in the downstairs: - -. Hall of the hotel Waiting.. It was therefore . -- £ decided to approach BARGHOORN wien he left the car “cat the hotels 00 a ae ; ' No sooner had BARGHOORN stepped’ out.of the car. than ‘the: agent approached. "You are an American?" . the agent asked. "Yes." . "Please take it," the ~ - > agent’ said.-'!The agent put’ the: packet containing the ' materials:on missiles: in’ BARGHOORN's inside coat’ ° ~ ' pocket and then ran off. ° >.» BARGHOORN had taken-only-oneor two steps wnen he ‘was seized by NOSKOV and Petr POPTSOV, ancther case. : officer of the American Tourist Section, and told “he was. under ‘arrest.”! A surveillance Car pulled up. : BARGHOORN was’ placed in the car,'.handcuffed (on: GRIBANOV's orders, because the Sceviets arrested in “the United. States. had: received similar treatment): ~ and driven. to’ a Militia station where. a room had::been - i ‘ tion were ‘waiting at the Militia station, KRUPNOV to interrogate BARGHOORN: ahd ‘YEFREMOV. to be _ -the interpreter... When. BARGHOORN: was brought into the Station, an ‘“incident ‘report" form.was filled out,-and vas ‘a document was’ prepared requesting permission to hold. :... him 48 hours. Between 0200 and 0300 hours BARGHOORN — : ‘Was taken to the KGB inner prison. .At' 0400 hours the = Seventh Department case officers were released with instructions to report for’ duty: at 0930 hours. a “NOSENKO and.the others went: home: °° 2 : * KRUPNOV began the questioning in Russian at‘1000° - hours. the next day. ‘Although BARGHOORN speaks. good - “Russian, YEFREMOV remained in ‘case he would be néeded -'to interpret. .NOSENKO entered -the room ‘several’ times “"<.* @uring these sessions. (Although NOSENKO did not: "Want ‘to reveal his face to BARGHOORN because he’ knew : 5 BARGHOORN would be ‘released, GRIBANOV had told a ‘gy: 0 -KOVALENKO that NOSENKO should be there when. they reached | “the point where BARGHOORN was: to teil how:he obtained -' 302 Ggagggma —TS.No. 197124 Top Secret Copy 10 ee ======== PAGE 311 ======== 14-00000 Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT — January 1962~January 1964) the missile documents.) The first sessions concentrated on general matters, such as BARCHOORN's life history. after oné and one half hours of questioning BARGHOORN agreed that the materials were on him when he was arrested, but he maintained that they had been placed on his person. He said that he thought they were "newspapers Or something," that he did not know what they were. The package was then opened and shown to BARGHOORN; it contained about 20 to 25 pages of information on missiles. "BARGHOORN was not, of course, given a close look" at the materials. Following BARGHOORN's admission, another declaration was drawn up by KRUPNOV. and signed by KRUPNOV, KOVALENKO, and GRIBANOV. NOSENKO and KRUPNOV then took it to the office of the Chief Prosecutor where the incident report, the First interrogation, and the first and second declarations were reported to MISHUTIN, the First Deputy Chief Prosecutor. ,GRIBANOV directed that all materials on BARGHOORN, including information from KGB Archives, be given to the KGB” Department of Prosecution so that they could begin legal proceedings against BARGHOORN. After this, all interrogations were conducted by that department; KRUPNOV was dropped from the case; although YEFREMOV. continued to act as interpreter. Comment: BARGHOORN'’s version of his, entrapment, arrest, and interrogation coincide fairly ‘precisely. with. the version provided by - NOSENKO. He identified NOSENKO from a photograph as a KGB officer present at one stage of the interrogation on the “second day of his arrest and said NOSENKO took some part in the pro- ceedings. He recalled NOSENKO as being “clever and quick-witted" and as "giving the impression that he was not a dedicated careerist, but opportunistic and adaptive: he seemed not to care about what he was doing, but doing a good jop nevertheless." CO01573 302 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 312 ======== 14200000 = _ Top Secret i woh "(SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-ganuary 1964) “othe OSWALD CAS '_:NOSENKO'S ‘kriowledge of the’ KGB's interest in . OSWALD ‘stemmed from his claimed Tourist Department .assignments..,. He asserted that while Deputy Chief: :. . Of the American Section in 1959 he participated in. . » the: KGB. ‘determination that OSWALD was of no operational - interest. In September 1963, when NOSENKO was: Deputy ~~ bil Lo "Chief of: the Tourist Department, he was informed of «= |” oS OSWALD's visit to the’ Soviet. Embassy in Mexico City, to ‘apply’ to. return. to the USSR. . Immediately following . Président Kennedy's. assassination, NOSENKO, ase ‘Deputy Chief of the Tourist. Department, reviewed KGB. ~~. records of OSWALD's stay in the Soviet: Union including ©. econd..Chief Directorate file.on OSWALD. _ fae © “For: continuity of. presentation, both “periods of © OSENKO's alleged involvement, with the. OSWALD. case 1959-60 and 1963) are discussed here. _The information -NOSENKO provided on the OSWALD: “-- case is significant if. it’ substantiates. NOSENKO'S |.” claimed positions in.the KGB and confirms the validity. os of his.-claim:that knew the extent of KGB involvement. : = “Prior to OSWALD's axrival in:.the-USSR, he was: “completely unknown to. the KGB. “Moreover, upon... eta. ‘receipt of: his visa-application, the KGB’ Second’ Chief | me Directorate determined that: he.was.not of sufficient ©: importance to justify any special interest by the : Seventh’ Department.” Not until’ about October 1959, : ‘.when OSWALD expressed a.desire. to remain:in the USSR. . did he come to the attention of ‘NOSENKO,. who was, at ~ “| that ‘time, “Deputy Chief of .the! American Section: of - : .- > -the,Seventh Department. /All available materials. on a him.‘were thereupon collected and examined -: the visa ul . application, Inturist reports, interpretérs' reports,. — ~ reports from hotel agents, and. the results of a-check . of KGB.Archives. NOSENKO's subordinate, KRUPNOV:.”.. interviewed the interpreter to whom OSWALD had stated his wish to stay in the USSR. : a - a ggg GQ gi -TS No. 197124 7 Top Secret 1 “4 Copy 10. ======== PAGE 313 ======== 14-0000 ’ Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT -- January 1962-January 1964) Although the KGB considered it possible that OSWALD might be an American agent, the KGB did nothing to investigate this possibility because "this would be done after the person is allowed to stay in the Soviet Union." Surveillance of OSWALD was not increased after his request, and OSWALD was not interviewed by the KGB in an attempt to establish his intentions. KRUPNOV sent NOSENKO, his chief, a memorandum on information which had been received concerning OSWALD. The memorandum cited reports by KGB informants at the Hotel Berlin, where OSWALD was staying in accordance with an Inturist itinerary and a two-page report by the Inturist interpreter to whom OSWALD made his initial request to remain in the Soviet Union. A file incorporating all information which KRUPNOV had collected was thereupon opened in NOSENKO's section. From this: information NOSENKO and KRUPNOV. concluded that OSWALD was of no interest to the KGB, and both agreed -« that OSWALD appeared somewhat “abnormal." For this reason -, NOSENKO. instructed KRUPNOV to advise OSWALD through the Inturist interpreter that he would not.be permitted to remain permanently in the USSR and that he. must depart on’ the expiration of his visa, then seek re-entry. as a’ . permanent resident. through normal channels. at the Soviet | .Embassy in Washington. KRUPNOV followed NOSENKO.'s' orders, and either that day or the néxt NOSENKO. learned that OSWALD “failed to appear for a scheduled tour. arranged by his : ‘Inturist guide. ‘This prompted a search, and.after several hours, OSWALD was found in his hotel room, bleeding heavily _ from self-inflicted wounds. After hearing of this incident from KRUPNOV, NOSENKO then reported it to K.N. DUBAS, Chief Of the Seventh Department. NOSENKO believed that DUBAS in turn reported it to GRIBANOV, head of the KGB Second Chief - _ Directorate, GRIBANOV upheld NOSENKO.'s. original decision that the KGB..should not become “involved with. OSWALD and: that OSWALD should not be permitted to remain in the USSR. — | There was no attempt to. debrief OSWALD because "he was not an interesting person and wasn't normal." OSWALD was never questioned on his past nor asked to write an auto-- biography. : COGLS75 304 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —__ ======== PAGE 314 ======== —, Top Secret _ (SEVENTH ‘DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) 2". NOSENKO did not know who eventually granted “. OSWALD permission to reside temporarily in the USSR. Ds “or who approved issuance ‘of his temporary residence permit.’ The ‘KGB gave instructions: that he not be allowed to live ‘in the ‘Moscow area. Either. the Soviet.Red Cross or. the “Ministry of. Foreign. Affairs ‘may. have made this decision: .to assign OSWALD to Minsk. “The Seventh. Department updated “- his file, and it. was sent,;-along with a cover letter pre-:. . -, pared by KRUPNOV, to. the local KGB organization in Minsk.’ . ‘ KRUPNOV's letter summarized the case and specifically in-'::. :.Structed local authorities: there to take no action con- 0. 7°. -. cerning OSWALD ‘except to observe his activities "passively" ..t0 make sure that he.was: not an-American Intelligence agent on temporary "Sleeper" status...“ NOSENKO read this letter, .:. and it.was signed by DUBAS....On the basis of the “instructions - contained in the letter, NOSENKO said, no active steps could ‘sbe taken in Minsk..without. KGB Headquarters. approval. --tt was: “NOSENKO.'s opinion that. the only coverage of OSWALD during: . his stay in Minsk consisted of periodic checks at his. , Place of employment,. questioning: of his neighbors and... °” associates, and coverage of his mail.» After,OSWALD's ~~ threatened second Suicide attempt, the KGB "washed its ~:' hands of: him"’and that eventhough there was considered": to be some possibility that he was a "sleeper agent," B He acters intére im while he was in Minsk Request to Return to the USSR: The..KGB Second. Chief Directorate was not. con¢erned ~ | fey with OSWALD's. return to the United States in June 1962, .. °° by which time NOSENKO was Deputy Chief of the Seventh = °. Department.” No. further‘ word on him was received at: KGB Headquarters until he appeared: at the Soviet Embassy in .. Mexico ‘City .in September.-I963-and requested.a visa’to..- * return: to the>Soviet Union..--The’ Mexico Legal: Residency: . : reported his visit to KGB Headquarters. by cable, re-. “questing information. . ‘The’ KGB First. Chief Directorate _ had no record on OSWALD...’ M.I. -TURALIN, Deputy Chief of . the First Chief. Directorate's Service Number:.Two (Counter-. intelligence Abroad). called the Seventh Department. to ~ --see if the latter element had any information on OSWALD.:: ‘The Chief of the Sixth Section of the Seventh Department, ' V.K., ALEKSEYEV, received the call and reported the in- a quiry to Seventh Department Chief CHELNOKOV or to KOVALENKO. :: 305° Pe GOL 576 TSN. 197124 ======== PAGE 315 ======== . Comment: NOSENKO thought he himself was present at the time. was given OSWALD's background, including his suicide attempt and the fact that he was not considered normal, and was © _told to advise the First Chief Directorate that OSWALD should not be permitted to return to the Soviet Union. ALEKSEVEV _ relayed this information to the First Chief Directorate. Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) ALEKSEYEV NOSENKO did not know to whom OSWALD had spoken at the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City, and he knew of no contacts between OSWALD and Cubans or representatives of the Cuban Government there or elsewhere, ‘Independent sources, however, reported on visits by OSWALD to’ the Cuban. as well as Soviet Embassies in. Mexico City between 29 ‘September. and 3. October 1963 and on his (apparently overt) contact with a KGB officer under Consular cover at the Soviet Embassy ‘there. -NOSENKO originally said he knew nothing of. any such contact. -In October 1966 he ‘revised this to say that OSWALD did not have contact with the KGB in Mexico City. _.NOSENKO.explained that he had been sitting in the office of Seventh Department Chief, K.N. DUBAS, when a cable arrived at Moscow Head- quarters from the KGB Legal Residency in _ Mexico. The cable, which NOSENKO said he did not personally see, reported that OSWALD had visited the Soviet. Embassy in Mexico City ; requesting permission to return to the USSR and that the cable specified that OSWALD had dealt with Soviet Foreign Ministry personnel only. . rire ~ : : CO0GLS7 306 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy _____ ======== PAGE 316 ======== Coe Top Secret. - (SEVENTH DEPARTHENT = January 1962-January 1964). - Post~Assassination | Review of “KGB ‘File oe X. “NOSENKO next: learned. of OSWALD! s: activities ‘as: a result a of President Kennedy's assassination. About two- hours after ~ ‘President. Kennedy was shot, NOSENKO. was) advised of this..fact “sin a telephone ‘call.to his home from. KGB Headquarters. : A: . short while ‘later he was told, “again by telephone, that the ae President hada‘ died. : About two hours later, NOSENKO was told... + .., that OSWALD thad. been arrésted, and’ he and the other ‘officers of the American Tourist Section were.called’ in to determine whether! the “KGB. had any information.concerning him. Aftér,. ©: establishing’ OSWALD's. identity from’ KGB files. and learning “that his file was still in Minsk, NOSENKO phoned the.KGB S Office | ‘in. ‘Minsk, “on: ‘GRIBANOV's orders.” ‘The’ local KGB: dictated’ .over the telephone. a summary of its file on OSWALD. | This ~: '. summary. concluded with the statement that the KGB in Minsk . “had attempted:."to influence OSWALD’ inthe. right direction". -. GRIBANOV..had been greatly disturbed: about the local KGB! Ss . efforts’ because it had: ‘been given: ‘specific: instructions to -.... carry out nothing. ‘other * than: passive. measures against. ‘OSWALD “there. | He ordered that: all’ ‘records in Minsk pertaining ‘to. ~ OSWALD 's : “stay, theré, “aswell. as an “explanation of the~ - meaning. ofthe. statément:about influencing ‘OSWALD, be. -£lown:: a “immediately: to Moscow ‘by military aircraft.:. NOSENKO personally” _ read the explanation from Minsk concerning the meaning of. . his .statement*.and | thoroughly - reviewed. OSYALD's file when |— t arrived by: plane... Hé ‘then turned the. file-over to S.M.. ae FEDOSEYEV, the Chief of the American: ‘Department. of ‘the’ KGB et Second .Chief: Directorate, ‘who prepared a-two-page summary - . Meniorandum for. GRIBANOV. ©. ‘This memorandum, :which NOSENKO ‘ixéad, was forwarded to ‘KGB. Chairman Semichastnyy, and. - 7 .. Semichastnyy: an turn. xeported to: the. CPSU. Central ‘Committee. cand to Khrushchev “concerning ite. . “OswALD" s° file £rom Minsk. contained. no. information ‘to ‘indicate that the KGB in: Minsk had ‘taken any action with. respect. to: OSWALD contrary to instructions from KGB Head-: quarters. ‘From the date of OSWALD's arrival in the USSR until his departure, the KGB had no personal contact with him and had not. attempted to. ‘utilize him in any manner. 0004578 TS.No. 197124 Top Secret. = «Copy ======== PAGE 317 ======== Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) OSWALD never received any KGB training or KGB assign- ments. If any other department of the KGB or the GRU had wanted to use OSWALD in any way, it would have had to secure permission from the Seventh Department, -which originally opened his case file. In view of OS"IALD's apparent mental instability, no Soviet intelligence organization, particu- larly not the Thirteenth (Assassination and Sabotage) Department, would have considered using him. KGB Head- quarters did not maintain a control file on him following his settlement in Minsk, as it would have done had OSWALD been of any operational interest. The only KGB record on OSYALD maintained in Moscow was an index card giving his ‘name and the fact the Seventh Department had originated a file concerning him. The KGB maintained no separate file on Marina OS!WALD; ‘all information about her was kept in OSWALD's file. There was no indication in OSWALD's file that the KGB had had any - interest in Marina either while she was in the Soviet Union or after she left for the United States. . Comment: NOSENKO later told CIA on one occasion that he “only skimmed the file" and on another that he had it in his possession about 20 minutes. In October 1966 he again said that he read the file and that while doing so he saw a picture of OSWALD for the first time. NOSENKO added that he never met OSWALD personally. -. ; NOSENKO's assertion that the KGB First Chief Directorate first learned of OSWALD when he applied for a re-entry visa in Mexico City in September 1963 is probably incorrect. The consular file turned over to the U.S. Govern- ment by the Soviet Embassy in Washington ‘after the assassination indicated that the KGB First Chief Directorate would have known of OSWALD as early as February 1963 if not earlier. That file contained Marina OSWALD's letter of February 1963 and a letter of July 1963 from OS'NALD, both of which indicated that OSWALD had 308 wey . COOLS 79 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —__— ======== PAGE 318 ======== __ Top Secret» “(SEVENTH DEPARTMENT -. January 1962-January 1964) . (Continued) : : ; cearlier requested permission’ “to return: ‘to the “Soviet ‘Union. ~ In the last dated létter of :the. file, one: of: 9: November 1963, OSWALD- advised’ ~ : the Soviet Embassy in ‘Washington of his'travel - “ander. atias to Mexico,- his fruitless contact ° with an-official..(whom CIA identifies: asa. ' KGB.officer) of: the Soviet Embassy in’ Mexico. City, his -contact. there withthe Cuban ‘Consulate. and his efforts to reach: Havana inorder to .. 7 a visit ‘the’ Soviet Embassy there.” without regard = “to: possible earlier correspondence ,. OSWALD 's ~xequest. fora Soviet visa: addressed to ‘the en Embassy in Washington in July 1963 would require : the Washington Residency to report the matter. to: Moscow..just as NOSENKO described the Mexico City: Residency - later did. NOSENKO's: apparent | Oe ignorance of .OSWALD's communications with the 77.) Soviet’ Embassy in Washington discredits his’ ‘claim: to,. complete: knowledge of all-: aspects of: ‘the KGB. relationship: with OSWALD . : @ CHEREPANOV- on 4 vember: 1963" in: Mos OwW;, ‘a MEZHKNIGA 7 mployee: claiming to be one CHEREPANOV, passed . -to an American: ‘book “buyer. a package. which. he.. “requested. the. American to deliver.to a trust---) : worthy: person: at the American Embassy. | Embassy. = ‘officials found the:package:.to contain.a. | ; “bundle ‘of “typed _or. handwtitten- ‘documents. which. “appearéd - to have: ‘originated in classified KGB . files. Fearing. a Soviet, provocation which ~ .- eouldlead. to’ a denunciation of the Embassy *. for: possessing: classified Soviet Government - ae “documents, Embassy officials had the documents: ..— . photographed and on the nextday, 5: November, ) returned the ‘originals-to. the $ Soviet ‘Ministry, of, Foreign Affairs. ° ar . . a “ cootseo Oe 309 Ps Bop Se Se 1S No. -197124 © Top Secret oe Copy 10 ======== PAGE 319 ======== 14-00000 Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) yO At his first meeting with CIA in January 1964 NOSENKO " related how a disaffected former KGB colleague, A.N. / . CHEREPANOV, had stolen documents from the American Embassy ‘ ' Section and in November 1963 sent them through an inter~ | mediary to the American Embassy. CHEREPANOV's treason was discovered, NOSENKO said, when the Embassy returned the documents to Soviet authorities. CHEREPANOV fled Moscow, and NOSENKO claimed to have taken part in the KGB search for him. NOSENKO brought with him to Geneva the official KGB document which authorized his travel in the search for i CHEREPANOV. , The significance of the CIEREPANOV incident is twofold. : | The KGB documents which CHEREPANOV allegedly sent to the Embassy appear to have originated in the American Depart~ 7 ment's Embassy Section,. and the documents relate to KGB . modus operandi, personnel,.targets, and technical devices | employed in operations during 1958-1960, during part of which time NOSENKO claimed he was Deputy Chief of the- Embassy Section. The KGB document, the "temporary duty : | authorization", is an item of physical evidence NOSENKO _has offered to substantiate his claim to personal parti- ‘Cipation in the CHEREPANOV case and to having held the rank of KGB lieutenant colonel. [The document does not itself xefer to CHEREPANOV in any manner.] — , nee : : NOSENKO's Information The KGB officer, A.N. CHEREPANOV was born about 1920 or: 1921, During World War II he was a KGB officer working with partisan groups behind the lines. Later he was in : Yugoslavia for four or. five years, and was probably Deputy: _ Chief of the KGB Legal Residency in Belgrade. | . Comment: CIA records contain references to an Aleksandr - os Nikolayevich CHEREPANOV, a Soviet diplomat and’ suspected intelligence officer in Belgrade in 1953. CHEREPANOV left Belgrade in 1956. A Yugoslav intelligence officer who defected in 1957 confirmed that CHEREPANOV had been an intelligence officer. CUCL S584 , 310 . : TS No. 197124 Top Secret - Copy ======== PAGE 320 ======== Yep Secret (SEVENTH DRPARTIENE _aamaay 1962-January 1964) _ ‘When ‘CHEREPANOV returnea to Moscow, he had. some (anspecitiea) _ problem getting. a job, but finally. the KGB Second Chief. ~: : ; Directorate ‘took him. into: the’ American Embassy Section of the Ls Lo ‘ American’ Department ,.. working against. State -Department _ fo ‘personnel. in. the. Administrative. Section of the Embassy. | He : “worked - in the same -room.as\V.A. KUSKOV, and-was case officer “for three. KGB targets: Richard SNYDER, wand, -John -McVICKAR, ‘counsilar officers, and [Marion ALBAMONTR ,. Secretary. ‘to. th ” Personnel officer... CHEREPANOV's work a: a” case officer was poor, and as it: grew, worse, the KGB decided. to’ retire him. 20 ~ >. Because of his. service in.World ‘War II, for which he: |. ee received. three ‘years' pension credit for each year of. military: service, he had. enough time. to his ‘credit to be eligible for. retirement. . ALSO, . he was just over the minimum: age (40), for’. : retirement: ‘from: the, RGB. . . : . “Upon. ‘yetiring: in. guly. or. August. 1961, CHERFPANOV. got 2 ao “Job. with MEZHKNIGA.:. Unhappy. about: ‘his ‘enforced retirement |” - and. ‘angry at ‘the KGB, he became even more dissatisfied when oe MEZHKNIGA: turne own. his several attempts” ‘to go, abroad.” a g tha: KGB) CHEREPANOV had ‘stoien’ draft. ois “copies of ‘documents he had handled in the Embassy Section, . In one. case,‘-he -copied: ‘the contents of.a xeport in his own... andwriting, “evidently having been unable to steal the”. ; ntended fon dest: All p08: ‘the: documents he had: stolen were’ : Yo er 1963" Yue Te “GUK’ - prought NOSENKO news ‘about “a catastrophe" in the. KGB. GUK.said he. had the. story from. . B.D. MAKASHEV,a common’ friend of GUK: and NOSENKO. .MAKASHEV - had'been in Foreign’ Minister Andrey: Gromyko"s: officé when . the.:CHEREPANOV papers ‘were. brought there, after their delivery: ‘by Thomas FAIN of: the -Embassy. -MAKASHEV saw the name’ of ’ (Second: Chief: Directoraté Chief}, GRIBANOV on some ‘of the: papers and‘ saw: that. one. of: ‘them’ was a plan. for. agent opera-- “tions against an American. He noted. that. one of ‘the. documents was.at least an.inch thick. Gromyko’ ‘immediately calléd KGB - ‘rman Semichastnyvy, who notified GRIBANOV. GRIDANOV's-~ .. Gdepiity: went’ to Gromyko's office: and: picked up the papers. ‘The KGB then ‘began an investigation ofall ‘the personnel ‘assigned to the American Department during the time period covered Py the’ Papers, (1959. to 1960 [or | 1961. TS No. 197124 Top Secret. = © Copy _10 | ======== PAGE 321 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret | (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) When the American Embassy saw the CHEREPANOV documents, they were afraid that the documents were part of a KGB provocation, and they wondered what the Russians were trying to do. The Embassy officials photographed the documents and on the next day returned them to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. When the Americans gave the documents to the Ministry,.the KGB wondered why the Americans gave them back. The whole matter was held very tightly in the KGB during its investigation for 20 or 25 days. When the KGB examined the documents, some were found to be in CHEREPANOV's hand- writing, but no documents were found which pertained to -CHEREPANOV's own case work, or. that of the American Embassy Section. The KGB found no documents dated later than 1961--none for 1962 or 1963--only 1959, 1960 and 1961. Thus there were a number of indications pointing towards CHEREPANOV, who had left the section in 1961. The KGB did not dare alert him by putting full-time surveillance on him, _but instead mounted fixed surveillance posts at his home and office. In order to provoke CHEREPANOV into some precipitous action, a former KGB colleague was sent to visit him. who, in the course of- conversation, mentioned the great disturbance in the KGB caused by someone passing stolen KGB documents ' to the Americans. CHEREPANOV manifested no reaction to the newsand was quite cool about the matter. The next day the surveillance .post observed him leaving his house in the morning at his usual time, apparently on his way to work, but the surveillance post at his office soon reported that ‘he had not arrived at work. He had "simply dropped out of sight". An intensive search “all over the city of Moscow" ensued, . then spread throughout the Soviet Union: Border controls. were tightened, photographs of CHEREPANOV were sent out to ~Republic.and local.KGB and militia offices, and all.means. of transport | were covered. Reports began coming in from various places that someone who seemed to fit CHEREPANOV's description had been seen acting suspiciously here and there. Reports which came into KGB Headquarters from Gorkiy Oblast strongly indicated the possibility of CHEREPANOV's presence there, so NOSENKO was dispatched to the area to check. GOOLS83 312 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy — ======== PAGE 322 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret. (Sevan DEPART > saadery 1962-January 1964)" NOSENKO wert: to" Gorkiy of” the | fourth: day after ‘CHFRE- PANOV's. disappearance... The area. was.covered with very: deep:: woods, “where a person could low -himsélf for life". : On: the 2 _ seventh day CHEREPANOV was located and arrested‘ ‘in ‘Baka, “where he. was on. his way. to the Iranian. sborder . _ °S.M. FEBOSEYEV and several other American. Department: offi-- = - cers. They brought CHNEREPANOV immediately back. to. Moscow, : interrogating. him on the plane. ; He immediately confessed... to: having given the’ documents to. the Americans. When asked. why, he said he was: “angry: at the KGB, very angry", and ~ e : besides, he thought. he might ask.-the Americans for. some’ money in ‘return’ for the documents. He confessed that: on © : 4 Novembex: he shad. passed the document's ‘to: ‘an American tourist | -who. was a ‘Librarian. interested. in Russian’ books... He said he: ., had. given the. documents to the American in the ‘entrance °- ‘hallway in.the building of the Ministry of Foreign’ Affairs,: the building in which the: Ministry - ‘of. Foreign Trade was also Bt housed. es ; : we 4 co . A special plane was “dgmediately’ sent to Baku, carrying we SS ‘Because. CHEREPANOV. haa eluded’ ‘tHe: KGB. ‘between: the’ two ” fixed: surveillance posts ‘which had beén established, “the Second Chief Directorate suffered. considerable. criticism for not. putting, CHEREPANOV. under: ‘full, round- -the-clock ~ urveillance.’.. ‘CHEREPANOV: ‘himself, “however , - .told the KGB : lat if he had ‘detected his - surveillants he would. have... “written. to. the government ‘and newspapers. a letter. of protest | against “such. an: “indignity, ; such -persecution"; and then: “would -have’ comm ed “Suicide, leaving the: KGB ‘without. proof. » of his » GUELE SS ee we = i ; : ae NOSENKO s assertions. with ‘respect ‘to. the CHEREPANOV case, however, are not material. to _his:claim that. “he. was Deputy: Chief. of . the Seventh’ Department at the | time. -. . ; 0001504 ETS No. 197124" ‘Top Secret > Copy’ 10. ======== PAGE 323 ======== 14-0000 i ae gq prea ae Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) Contents of the CHERFPANOV Package The KGB documents in the CHEREPANOV package totalled .- 103 pages in the original Russian version, divided almost ‘equally between typewritten reports in final form and hand- written draft reports or notes, plus two copies of letters written by Soviet citizens to the American Embassy. The ~ longest single document was a 33-page Top Secret report, dated 18 April 1959, entitled “Operational Conditions in | the U.S.A. and the Activities of American Counterintelligence Organs against Soviet Installations and Soviet Citizens in the U.S.A. in 1957-1958", The report was signed by Colonel A. FEKLISOV, [alias FOMIN, the former KGB rezident in Washington]. whose title is given as "Chief, Pirst [American] Department, First Chief Directorate". The rest of the | documents refer to KGB coverage of various American Embassy and American diplomats in Moscow during the period August 1958 to 15 October 1960. Most of the documents were prepared by or for one senior case officer of the Embassy Section, ; First Department, Second Chief Directorate, Major V. KUSKOV. (NOSENKO has identified V.A. KUSKOV as an officer of the Second Chief Directorate who shared an office with CHEREPANOV from about 1958 to 1961.) Two reports were on Americans who had left the Soviet Union, Edward L. KILLHAM, Second Secretary from July 1957 to July 1959, and Wallace L. LITTELL, Attache from June 1956 to July 1958. ‘There were operational plans “for agent work against four American diplomats once stationed in Moscow, Richard HARMSTONF, Lewis W. BOWDEN, James A. RAMSEY, and George WINTERS. Other documents’ included were an agent's report of her relationship with WINTERS, a summary of LANGELLE's activities while in the USSR, a list of Soviet. citizens whose letters to the Embassy had been intercepted by the KGB, a handwritten:summary (signed by CHEREPANOV). of ‘derogatory information on a Soviet youth who had been in touch with American Consul Richard SNYDER, and various hand- written drafts and notes on the foregoing Americans. : . ; G00L585 314 ; TS No. 197124 Tep Secret Copy ======== PAGE 324 ======== 4.00000 . (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT — January 1962-January 1964) ... The operational plan on WINTERS, as an example, indicated. that’ WINTERS had’ already been identified as an intelligence . officer, and to ascertain the nature of his intelligence ~.. activities, the KGB was ‘to employ : round-the-clock surveil-—. ' lance,. technical aids metka and: "NEPTUNE-80", audio surveil-' . lance, and investigation of his contacts among Soviet... | ~ citizens. © The plan “reflected that while the KGB judgment . ° 40° was-that. WINTERS “"had:a hostile-attitude toward the USSR": ots “and that there “was no basis. for recruitment", care should gon j.- -be*taken not to-alarm him and cause him to leave thé countty | |: | prematurely,‘ since there still might arise an opportunity ~ to attempt to recruit him... 2” mo. et _.. NOSENKO said that he had never seen the documents ~ ce. ’- CHEREPANOV passed to the Embassy, although he was familiar ~*~ . with their. substance: ar Pe : Lo ue _. Comment: The. information in| the CHEREPANOV Papers was “~~. substantially consistent with what NOSENKO had vo -. said earlier in 1962-regarding WINTERS, LANGELLE, ~~ ' HARMSTONE, and Embassy Section operational | ae . techniques .such as the use. of metka.. ees “\NOSENKO'S Travel Document“: ° | "©, When: NOSENKO. first ‘related to CIA da Geneva in 1964). | his knowledge of. the CHEREPANOV ‘case, ‘he produced a documént | (see accompanying exhibit) -which he said was his official”. KGB “temporary duty authorization" to go to;Gorkiy Oblast’: . to search for CHEREPANOV..: The document,. signed by General > *: _ GRIBANOV, authorized Lieutenant Colonel NOSENKO to. travel: to: . Gorkiy during the period immediately before NOSENKO's trip © to Geneva, 15-30 December 1963. .NOSENKO acknowledged. ‘that © it was "illegal" to have kept the document and to:have _. "brought it with him from the. Soviet Union. He did it, he~ “said, to show CIA... re “y er on 6001586 a . - a TS. No.,197124) — ‘TopSecret = Copy __ 10. ======== PAGE 325 ======== y400000 _ Fop Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT .- January 1962-January 1964) Comment: NOSENKO has never provided a satisfactory explanation for his retention of the document nox for bringing it to Geneva. According to an earlier KGB defector, the bearer of a temporary duty authorization is held strictly accountable for the document which has to be turned in with the financial voucher. What- ever NOSENKO's purpose, the effect of presenting the document to CIA was to corroborate his statements about CHEREPANOV and substantiate his claim that he was a KGB lieutenant colonel. NOSENKO was not a lieutenant colonel (see p.350). When he eventually said in 1966 that he was - only a captain, NOSENKO was challenged to ‘..exphain how he came to possess an official KGB document signed by General GRIBANOV and identifying him as a lieutenant colonel. NOSENKO asserted that it came about "by mistake". Return to Geneva (January-February 1964) NOSENKO was detailed a second time to perform security escort duties with the Soviet delegation to the Disarmament Conference, and he returned to Geneva in January 1964 where he resumed contact with CIA and announced his intention to defect. He brought with him a considerable number of hand- “written notes to which he referred when describing to CIA. - officers KGB. operations of which he claimed he learned at. . KGB Headquarters during 1962 and 1963. His delegation security. duties were not onérous. | He visited the Geneva Legal Residency daily and met with CIA almost as frequently ~ while awaiting approval of his defection and exfiltration - from Switzerland, tentatively scheduled for some three weeks later. .A little more than a week after his arrival, however, NOSENKO declared that he had to defect at once, because he had received cabled instructions to return to the USSR immediately. On 4 February 1964 NOSENKO was taken from Switzerland to Germany, and on 12 February he was brought to the United States. ee pom: 316 GOGL587 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —_— ======== PAGE 326 ======== tization for Lt. Colonel Exhibit 3°- ‘Temporary Duty Autho oe NEO, “15- -30 Decenber 1963 Yuriy” Tvanovich | NOSE ve “Committee ft ‘State Security Under. ut the Council of Ministers, USSR no. 15 Decenber 1963 | Issued tos_ Lieutenant Colonel. -___. NOSENKO Yuri: ‘Ivanovich ~ aes UKGB of. Gor kaya . “ Oblast!” Length’ of! 2 or auty to? assignment: ° 15 a 3S: ‘ ‘through: - 30 December i565 : -. Authorization: directive of Chief ‘ofa. Chief” Directorate . — Effective on. presentation ‘ of id ntity: document No.: NK-2513 - chier_ S. . /SRTBANOW of ‘Directorate. of Department © ‘or State Security Under : the Council. of Ministers, | -USSR 0004588 oe TS No. 197124 (Top Secret cy ds ======== PAGE 327 ======== Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) Purpose of Geneva Trip NOSENKO explained that it was his personal wish that _ had brought him to’Geneva, that he was allowed to travel as "a treat" when it appeared to be the last occasion he might have to travel to the West. [NOSEINKO said in 1962 that when he became Deputy Chief of the Seventh Department, as he expected to become, he would travel to the West every two or three years.] He had-discussed the possibility of the trip in 1963 with then-Seventh Department Chief CHELNOKOV, an@ secured his agreement. He also talked with officers of the Soviet Delegations Department, but after it had been decided that he should go, the Chief of that Department, {N.T.] ZHARIKOV, suggested that it might be unnecessary for a security officer to accompany this particular delegation. [A.G.] KOVALENKO, the new Chief of the Seventh Department, — - supported NOSENKO's assignment as a personal favor. ‘Although at one time NOSENKO said that GRIBANOV approved the trip, he “hag later asserted ‘that GRIBANOV.was. not involved and that if GRIBANOV had learned of NOSENKO's plans, he would:not have permitted NOSENKO to go. - » NOSENKO's. only mission was to concern. himself with the general security of the delegation, as he had done in 1962. He had no specific tasks such as on his earlier assignment (e.g., investigating SIAKIDV or supervising the BELITSKIY operation). . a . . . Comment: . NOSENKO has never, satisfactorily explained why >... a-Deputy Chief of the Seventh Department would ~ draw an unrelated assignment abroad which 7 would last many weeks if not months. In’ another context, NOSENKO had described a KGB conference to take place about this time where plans were to be drawn up for KGB operations during the coming tourist season: he ‘acknow- ledged that he was expected to attend, but nevertheless went to Geneva. : 6001530 TS. No. 197124 Top Secret Copy 10 317 ======== PAGE 328 ======== “ Tipa6na Moexay ~——' Top Secret "EXHIBIT 3 - Temporary ‘Duty authorization for Lt. Colonel Yuriy ivanovieh NOSENKO, 15-30 December 1963" ' REVERSE h Kouauaupsnanmsh ne gonauce Samernoro ¢pdxa nO aosapageann na x0-- mananponti o€nea npeacrounrs esancope® orcer 06 mapaczogonanan “+ | wenasm ¢ kowauanposxofl Cymmax. 2! Tips aoayseuan upocazoro Guacta CpeADaents B. xeAcaop. KACCY KOMAE gupowoamoe yzocTomepenme aa RRAOKEUDA KowNOCTCPR. fee tyre ee. ge . eg uB- Lh Laczte deerete Tied. . Y6ua xs Mocken .——* _ Hat, cenpemapuama Le Tears - . . HHO a . OROMHTETA TOCY AAPCTBEHHOA BES3OMNACHOCTH © ° ups COBETE MHHHCTPOB cccr: “. Boasno: . _Asane we ‘packoaut no noiamiepsnis “ia ‘eyseweo . oe a ‘Tepenosoumne peGosanun rene 0058 et most to _ Tasomes za aadgrepry NN. : Cm. Egxaamep . “CO0L589 Top Secret oo : Copy’ - , ROTATIONS OF PRESENCE IN PLACES OF TEMPORARY DUTY - “arrived in city of sotnty sats ; GEE Be ‘ at Ni - a 16 Decenber 1963". “Naprivea in city. of ‘Shekhun' ye. e 17 XII 1963 Did not use. : free quarters" = a. oy s./Chief of: ‘Shakhun' ye Chief Militia Section, Militia Major_ (Tilegible) © "Departed. Shekhun' ye 17/XII- 63 - ' Did not use free quarters" s./Chief of Shakhun' ye. Chief Militia Section, *: Militia Major | (Tliegible). ther Gor 'kiy 17 December 1963 Did not. use free quarters" = _(amesete) , TS. No.. 197124 ======== PAGE 329 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) Visits to Legal Residency As in 1962, NOSENKO said he visited the Legal Resi-~ dency daily. According to strict rules, he explained, an officer in his status {temporary duty assignment which was independent of Residency] should not do so, but his case’ was exceptional because he was a Deputy Chief of Department and because of the relationship he established in 1962 through the intervention of M.S. TSYMBAL. Illegals Direct- orate Chief TSYMBAL, NOSENKO related in 1964, was an old friend; they had become acquainted in Moscow before meeting again in Geneva in 1962, when they dined together frequently. TSYMBAL's wife once had taught NOSENKO in school, and TSYMBAL had once offered NOSENKO a job in the Illegals ' Directorate. NOSENKO asserted that TSYMBAL's introduction of NOSENKO to Rezident GAVRICHEV in 1962 permitted NOSENKO to frequent the Legal Residency in 1964. Comment: In 1962 NOSENKO attributed his access to the Residency to his "old friend Yuriy GUK", not TSYMBAL. . He mentioned TSYMBAL's. presence in Geneva but claimed no close acquaintance, - « Availability for Meetings with CIA In 1964 NOSENKO behaved as if he had no official responsibilities or any demands on his time, and he was willing to spend all of his ‘time in meetings with CIA. . He. ‘said that his absence from the Disarmament Delegation could be explained as "security duties" since everyone on the Delegation knew or suspected that he was a KGB officer. From the first meeting on 24 January until 4 February, © NSOENKO met CIA officers thirteen times for meetings usually lasting for five or six hours. By mutual agreement, most of the meetings started in the afternoon. On two occasions NOSENKO arrived as early as 0930 hours and several meetings continued until past midnight. GUL Ses ~ TS No. 197124 : o. Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 330 ======== (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) - ..NOSENKO's Written Notes” : ‘After returning to KGB ‘Headquarters from. Geneva. in 1962, NOSENKO said, he’ had availed himself of various: opportunities. to record what he learned of KGB operations -in’ order-to inform CIA, and ‘to pilfer appropriate KGB “documents to which he had access,. when he could safely do°™ “SO... He brought to Geneva.in 1964 three KGB-:documents. ‘and- a large number of -handwritten ‘notes. The latter. reflected. :> items. which. he had. excerpted from various documents to which © ‘he’ had access, principally | the Seventh Department Chief's > special file containing. periodic summaries of all Sevénth ‘Department Operations. . ‘He last had-access to this special file; he stated, in’ connection with. his review of -it tin: ‘Décember 1963 to.confirm that it was intact after the’ ‘CHEREPANOV affair.::. While the - file’ contained - no true: names, he claimed -he learned’ such-true identities as were contained | ain:his notes by asking KGB colleagues... For: safekeeping, : NOSENKO. said-he Kept the: notes- and. documents in a. wall safe of. the office which. he occupied alone, ‘as nepaty Chie of ‘the: Department. mE, : oo “Questioned repeatedly: about’ “the KGB. operations: referred in ‘his ‘notes, NOSENKO_ ain: many. ‘instances could not: expand — on what: he had- written: -He insisted ‘he: had written everything he; could discover,” vand, knew “no More. “3 Oe ; Ss sourcing: ‘for the notes doe no : os explain: how he. learned of: the cases described’ Jin the notes dating: from 1957-1959, ‘a period ° net, covered.by.the documents NOSENKO. claimed- he. |. reviewed. ‘Neither. can NOSENKO explain why he’ | was ‘not knowledgeable, without the notes, of ~ ‘; | operations which occurred while he was Deputy ' Chief of the Seventh” Department's American- British. Commonwealth Section. . NOSENKO acknow~" ledges: that his access to a “personal Safe ‘ins o ols - supa Be tg, No. 197124 | Top Secret st Copy 40 10 ======== PAGE 331 ======== Fop Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~ January 1962-January 1964) Comment: (Continued) which to keep the notes was just: fortuitous, since neither all offices had such safes, nor even all offices of Deputy Chiefs. : ‘ NOSENKO's Defection On arrival for his first meeting with CIA during the second Geneva. phase, on 24 January 1964, NOSENKO said that after long and careful consideration since the 1962 meeting series, he had decided to defect. He explained that he had recently been promoted to the position of First Deputy Chief of the Seventh Department, and that because of the stature and responsibilities of his new job, there would be few if any opportunities for him to visit the West in the future. Therefore, he had decided to seize the opportunity at hand and to flee to the United States at once, leaving his family behind. He foresaw no possibility of his wife and children being permitted to leave the USSR for the "next twenty years". NOSENKO told CIA that. "the hardest thing is. to part with my family". He had, however, carefully considered: their - ‘fate as the close relatives of a defector, and he felt that, because of his mother's position in Soviet society, no harm would come to them. NOSENKO was told that CIA accepted in principle his decision to defect. NOSENKO felt that it would be best for him to disappear from Geneva without a trace, leaving all his personal possessions behind; he assumed that CIA would exfiltrate him from Switzerland to the United States. He | ~ wanted to carry out this plat as soon as possible, but the | CIA officers encouragéd“him--and NOSENKO agreed--to remain” in place for at least three weeks more. The reasons given NOSENKO for this request were: -The desire to obtain further information on the local KGB Legal Residency and the Soviet delegation to the Disarmament Conference while he still had access; G64 593 320 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 332 ======== Top Secret. - (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January.1964) _'. =The value of having NOSENKO present when, GRIBANOV.. __- made a visit to Geneva about 7 February, a visit known 7° . to CIA only. through NOSEWKO; a : oe ">The" potential’ value to be derived from NOSENKO's — in-place spotting of CIA recruitment targets. among the Soviet representation in Geneva; ae 7 7 . . oe _~The. necessity of making arrangements, acceptable to' ; NOSENKO, for his defection and resettlement. : —_ In a three~and-a-half hour meeting on: 26 January - NOSENKO ‘emphasized that although he agreed that it was - necessary. -and useful for him to remain in- place until. | GRIBANOV visited Geneva, he wanted to. defect. as'soon as. ‘possible thereafter... reer Sot te 2°.» On-28 January NOSENKO reported ‘that GRIBANOV might not. - . be. coming ‘to’ Geneva after all, ‘by the end of. the week. : 7 0 January NOSENKO’ said that there appeared to be © little C 1 ' » [From 7 to 10. February..1964° GRIBANO V was in Paris, where /he as a KGB counterintelligence officer.].. Therefore, he wanted “= to ‘defect right away. He ‘cited. as ‘reasons the émotiona]l .- -ostrain:.of any further: delay and. the fact. that: he-and ‘his-- “case officers ‘were wasting their time working against the .” local -KGB Legal. Residency, ‘which had: no: worthwhile Or. ee “promising ‘targets. He also fel _ be obtained from the Soviet delegation because ."Tsdrapkit ° - himself doesn't. knx ‘ : Moscow. the day before"..'.CIA handlers,- however, delayed the. ‘defection for one week. by obtaining NOSENKO's .agteement- . .to assist in an. audio operation: CIA proposed to-install listening devices in the offices of the KGB Legal Residency, | .and NOSENKO said he. would. check .certain physical aspects |” -of the. delegation buildings. As. the best time for. the “defection, he suggested Saturday morning,’ 8 February, : because he..probably would not be missed until the following . oo G001594 "os TS. No. 197124 Top Secret — Copy _10 |. -likelihood.. that: GRIBANOV would visit Geneva:or Paris. wee - Was ‘seen on the street with.a Soviet identified by NOSENKO © ° t.that nothing.of. value could *~ : know. what. he ‘will. say.until-he is-told: by. 0! 7% ======== PAGE 333 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964) Monday. This date was tentatively scheduled, ard NOSFimKo again repeated his desire simply to “disappear without a trace". He also asked about exfiltration plans. : On 31 January NOSENKO reported the results of his reconnaissance of the KG2 Legal Residency in connection with the proposed audio operation, which would involve: microphone transmitters operating on a carrier current. He told CIA he had accidentally overheard in the Residency that the building used its own batteries and generator, and therefore the : scheme would not work. He repeated his willingness to remain in place until the arrival of the CHERFPANOV Papers, (see p-309) which he was told were en route from Washington. - He explained that he nad been alarmed at the previous meeting because the delegation was supposed to move from its hotel to a Soviet villa outside Geneva; at the villa his disappea- rance would be noticed more quickly. This move, as he had now learned has been postponed pending the arrival of a housekeeping officer -from Moscow. ‘ At NOSENKO's request on 1 February, it was firmly agreed that the defection would take place on the morning of . 8 February. NOSENKO assumed that exfiltration would Le by automobile to Nest Germany and thence by plane to the United States, and his case officers confirmed his assumption. On 3 February NOSENKO reviewed the CHERFPANOV materials. The defection was still scheduled for Saturday, 8 February. NOSENKO* telephoned the Geneva safehouse from his hotel room in the early afternoon of 4 February and said: “I want to come now and not go back." After arriving at the CIA safehouse he explained that when he dropped. by the KGB Legal Residency following the morning session of the Disarmament ~. Conference, he read a-cable ordering him to return to Moscow’ immediately to prepare for a KGB conference on foreian tourism in the Soviet Union. The residency was arranging for a ticket for NOSENKO ‘to fly. to Moscow via Paris the following day and a replacement was being readied to assume NOSENKO's ‘duties as security officer for the Soviet delegation in Geneva. Before he had left for Geneva.in January, NOSENKO then related, the Soviet Government had Leen deliberating the question of expanding foreign tourism in the USSR and had ~GOCL595 322 . TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 334 ======== Top Secret oS (SEVENTH persian ~ January 1962-January 1964) eee vs agreed. to “open a number of. new, cities. and. tolixist, itineraries. “in this connection.. Semichastnyy had decided that it was. °° '. time to-’call a conference’ to discuss new "tactics: and. stra ~ \tegies" for handling the increased number. of tourists. ‘expected, \ ‘Since NOSENKO: had been placed in charge. Of. the. "entire conference, he-was ‘directed to leave’ at once to. a prepare abasic report on the KGB: handling of: ‘tourists; the |: ‘“réport would be read to the conference either . ‘by himself ox: . ‘by. someone from the leadership of:the KGB.or’the Second. Chief: >». Directorate...” NOSENKO explained. that he‘was the only: one: - », who. could. do’ this’ job ‘as Lt. ‘Col. A.G. KOVALENKO, - the KGB” . "Headquarters: Department- senior officer, ‘was.a xélatively. new’. : -.. Manin’ this line of. operations, having been ‘there only four: ~ -\or five years, perhaps less; > NOSENKO also told CIA that. "by: great coincidence" he ‘had learned,. just before’ the! ‘cable arrived, he was. being moved “to -the Soviet ‘villa on the -. morning .of 5 February. .. He had arranged ‘for: a Soviet chauf~~ _feur to bring a car around - at. “0930. hours ‘the next’ morning.. “for the-move.. -His: absence: would be noted at that time, and | - therefore "the Main thing is to cross..the Swiss border’. -» before morning". NOSENKO felt, “however, ‘that there would” _: be. considerable confusion among the: Soviets in Geneva’ for a ‘time. ‘following his ‘disappearance,’ and. that there. would. ‘be -no réal ‘concern until :the’ evening: | To: foster Soviet. o “uncertainty, - he? had” left. his clothing lying around ‘his hotel: -£o0om and ‘had. “brought no personal’éffects ‘to- the CIA. safe>. : NOSENKO. estimated the first’ Soviet queries” .to Swiss. wo “authorities would probably be.:mad ate..on 5 February. ¢ or. : t : : a “NOSENKO was driven: to.. Frankfurt the: night. of 34° ‘February and . remained -i safehouse there until 11 February," when: - press publicity ‘about ‘the Gefection and Soviet ‘demands for... ° ‘an immediate interview with.NOSENKO dictated. that he be... ‘brought to Washington as: ‘soon as) -possible.’ He arrived. a “the-Unite t J uke Bebruary 1964. 601596 323 : Ce TS No. 197124. Top Secret Copy —10_ Sener ======== PAGE 335 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~- January i1962-January 1964) arene . Knowledge of Other Seventh Department Operations The notes NOSENKO brought to CIA in Geneva in 1964 : (see p.319) included brief reference to thirteen other KGB Operations conducted against what NOSENKO described as oo tourists during the 1962-1963 period. For reasons eited - in the description of these operations in Annex B, these Operations are not material to NOSENKO's claim to service in 1962-1963 as cither. Chief of the American-British Commonwealth Section or as Deputy Chief of the Seventh Department. : : 6001597 325 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy _.10 ======== PAGE 336 ======== "(SEVENTH DEPARTMENT =. January 1962-Jaruary. 1964) 8 vn a , -gperational Activities:. July 1962-January . 1964: , Summary: © “TO substantiate: his claims to havina served ‘as Deputy ss Chief of the Seventh Department during this-period, NOSENKO . describes KGB involvement in the recruitment of (GVENCHANSETY}OL dbthe arrests of fKOTEN} and BARGHOORN, and the investigations ~ . ‘0b.of (SLESINGER, OSWALD, and .of former. KGB officer CHEREPANOV ; . gp has discovery. that [SHUBIN) was: a GRU agent, and his assignment. “““to Geneva. § Even if NOSENKO. learned of the operations. aS ae, ‘he described and they were as he described (there are ‘substan- - tial. reasons why they might. have: heen ‘conducted. by KGB ae ‘elements other than the: Seventh: Department), they are atypical. ‘with respect: ‘to NOSENKO* s own description of Seventh Depart~ fey “ment operations. -.They do not accurately characterize, as”. : : “. NOSENKO | near re KGB. ‘counterintelligence. operations against . - tourists, and thus do not ‘substantiate his Seventh Department. “service. -NOSENKG" s-explanations for his assignment to .. ite -. Geneva. in 1964 are no more plausible than for his earlier" .’- assignment there “in: 1962..° NOSENKO has asserted that, he: was... “not a lieutenant colonel-as the temporary duty: authorization ° indicated, but a.captain,. a-rank incongruous. with a Deputy “°°: Chief .of Department. and ‘oné from which he” presumably would , . “shave been. promoted’as’ he assumed - the. senior KGB positions which he claiméd to: have. held.: : Ba KGB Gounterintelligence. Operations Among American Tourists . pelenticg ‘Because of this. posit iom as a Deputy ‘chies, then’ First Deputy Chief of thé Seventh Department, NOSENNO claimed ~ o awareness of. what the KGB posture was. with, respect. tG oe es en bed ‘001508 326 ; oe CO TS. Noo 197124 - Top Secret == = Copy Sete 4k ======== PAGE 337 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT — January 1962-January 1964) tourist operations, and, specifically, awareness of all significant KGB operations against American tourists. Information Furnished the KGB by George .BLAKE The KGB agent’ in MI-6, George BLAKE, in 1959 furnished the KGB with a documentary account of the joint CIA-MI-6 meeting in June of that year, (see p.148) and he was to furnish other information by which the KGB could keep’ current on such hostile operations. Another. CIA-MI-6 meeting was held in Washington in April 1960, of which a twenty-one page summary was made. BLAKE also passed this document as soon as it came-into his possession to the KGB. KGB Study of American Intelligence Tourist Operations The lengthy 1961 KGB Top Secret study referred to earlier (see p.149) reflects the detailed and accurate information in possession of the KGB during the period of NOSENKO's © alleged service in the Seventh Department in 1962-1963. .Pertinent portions are quoted--as follows: "It has been established that the Intelligence organs of the. USA are displaying special activity in the utilization of legal channels, specifically, ‘in tourism, for the purpose of conducting subversive work against the USSR. Numerous facts indicate that American tourists and members of various US delega- tions, in the USSR strive to visit areas and instal- lations to which employees of the Embassy and mili- tary attaches have no access, establish contact with Soviet citizens, and collect intelligence informa-~ tion. In this regard, the channels of tourism to the USSR are used to dispatch experienced intelligence ‘agents to develop individual Soviet citizens with ~ the objective of their eventual recruitment. In line with the preparation and dispatch of such ; agents, among the tourists the Americans also make extensive use of persons not directly connected with American Intelligence organs. These latter agents are given one-time assignments such as collecting information leading to the ideological development of Soviet citizens. 6201589 327 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy _10 ======== PAGE 338 ======== 14-0000 | See Top Secret: - te te (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT --January 1962~January 1964) 5 "With. the- objectives of accomplishing’ subversive ‘ activities, a so-called: ‘Information Center; has’ _ been established’ in-the. us with the participation es of. the Department of -State.: The "Center' officially... . advertises: that its purpose is to: inform intending _ American tourists to the Soviet Union about the. : opportunities .and ‘restrictions existing there. — : _ Actually, however, the ‘Center’ is -involved.in the _- ideological preparation of American tourists, whom” _ it instructs regarding their. conduct in the Soviet... ' > Union and’ the methods to be used there for propag- -andizing the American way. of life. The ‘Center’: ©: ‘collects. information ‘about the’ Soviet Union from ; returning American tourists, including the political, | attitudes of certain Soviet citizens, ‘their addresses, ete. The direction. of. the 'Center' -is--controlled : by. experienced intelligence officers of CIA. issions.to the USSR-are selected. - carefully.->They ordinarily possess. knowledge of ~~ _ the Russian: language,. know. the fundamentals of photo-_ . ‘graphy, have specific technical‘ training ‘and must ne jock upon their mission\as a-responsible assignment’ : -and not,.as_a pleasure: trip... Américan Intelligence. ~ “organs: prefer to use “persons. ‘who: ave previously: ind” person having relatives the “Candida es for: ‘On Lec 7 the American: tourist agent is. -, instructed as to his intelligence assignment and) ea “his rout and he’ is: acquainted’ with ‘the security. ~ le OR a | conditions in.the USSR, including passport controls, ° , documentation and customs controls, the hazard of -.” ° both physical and téchnical: surveillance, as well: ‘as the possibility ‘of provocations and co promise. making ‘the agent vulnerable “to blackniail. © "Among American Intelligence tourist agent tasks ©’ there are included ‘visual. observation and clandestine photography,...the establishment of contact with Soviet citizens,.and spotting among such citizens persons ; who may be developed. 4s sources of information. For. °. ‘American Intelligence, any. Soviet citizen, regardless ~ —GOCLECO aay oo SO Be TS ‘No. 197124 _. Top Secret oe "Copy —___ ======== PAGE 339 ======== 1400000 + +, Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT — January 1962-January 1964) of his social status or his personal access to important information, is of interest, because of his ability to travel to regions of the USSR which are of interest to American Intelligence. ; . “American Intelligence tourist agents suspect as KGB agents Soviet citizens who too openly express anti- government sentiments, who volunteer information about friends or relatives who work in secret establishments, - who accept an invitation for a clandestine meeting but display an awareness of security principles, wao quickly request aid or assistance in defecting, or who have a good knowledge of foreign languages." .Citing the increase in foreign tourists in the Soviet Union from 35,000 in 1959 to over 50,000 in 1960, the docu- ment instructs a KGB First Chief Directorate Legal Residen- cy abroad uot So, "to utilize all its resources to expose among American tourists pérsons suspected of belonging to the enemy in- telligence or counterintelligence organs." Promising its assistance, KGB Headquarters instructs the ‘Legal Residency ; : _ "to inform’KGB’ Headquarters of foreigners temporarily - visiting the USSR who are of operational interest in the. work against the main enemy [the U.S.]. With this aim, the Legal Residency should intensify its work against local services which are using tourism to conduct intelligence work in the USSR; determine the role played by anti- Soviet emigre organizations with respect to tourism; ex- ploit tourist firms which organize tours in the USSR, ‘with the aim of obtaining information regarding the firms . being exploited by hostile intelligencé sérvices; ana telegraph timely and necessary information to KGB Head- “quarters regarding tourists believed to be of operational interest, including’ the individual's surname, name, pat-_ ronymic, date of birth, profession, date to arrive in the - USSR, means of travel, itinerary, description of group with whom tourist travelling, and any other pertinent information available to the Legal Residency about the 60046041 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy 10 329 ======== PAGE 340 ======== ' (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~ January 1962-ganuary 1964) . ‘tourist. The Legal Residency is further directed to ins... agents in the USSR if it should: become necessary. “Lastly, ) >. De he’ 3 es: to provide all possible - raid, including financial assistance, so ‘that persons we y noted that " fe) : ' ed and: that. American Intelligence had - 7 increased its use cramtitivnational tourist groups." He stated: .. that the Seventh Department received no information during : 1960-1961 regarding American Intelligence usa of tourism as* a cover. for espionage,: H é ; aid, -from’ the | survey conducted in YN's f A American Intelligence” Operations, a document * Department, : . 6001662 ag . ; 1s No. 197124 ======== PAGE 341 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT -— January 1962-January 1964) KGB Counterintelli ence Operations Among American Tourists: Summary BLAKE * KGB documents establish the KGB concern for the threat of American tourist agent operations and the scope of KGB actions to thwart that threat. The effect of NOSENKO's statements is that the KGB did not know of the American tourist agent program. He averred that the Operations he described accurately depicted the nature of KGB counter- intelligence operations during the period. , euacaray Ss | SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ~ 1962-1964: Summary and Conclusion According to NOSENKO,. in January 1962, at the direction of : General GRIBANOV, he was appointed Chief of the Seventh De- partment American-British Commonwealth Section in the expec-~ - ..tancy that he soon would be named a Deputy Chief of the Seventh ‘Department. As a Section Chief, he personally handled agents. { - pna supervised all Second Chief Directorate Operations against $ American and British Commonwealth tourists, of which he de- . Scribes four. In this‘ périod NOSENKO also was assigned the y} °.. Unrelated duty. of serving as a security escort officer with a_ Soviet delegation travelling to Geneva in which capacity he /in- vestigated a delegate of suspected loyalty, SHAKHOV. While in Case officer's management of the KGB double agent, BELITSKIY. On that visit to Geneva NOSENKO first contacted CIA. _ In July 1962, NOSENKO claims that as GRIBANOV promised, he became one ~ Can tourists. In this connection he’ described five operations, as well as his accidental discovery of the identity of an. American GRU agent, and the investigation and search for a disaffected former KGB colleague. In July ‘1963 NOSENKO states 0904603 331 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy 10 : a ======== PAGE 342 ======== oo Top Secret 8 «(SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962 ~January 1964) he became First: Deputy Chief o Again assigned to escort a del .-1964, NOSENKO me Notes of KGB o f£ the Seventh Department... egation to Geneva in January t CIA. representatives again and delivered: perations of which ‘ne had.-learned since his: “ of ‘lieutenant ‘colonel. ‘Finally, - : a_telegram recalling nim toMoscow, an. CIA to accept his immediate defection. ve his Posnpetitish Commonwealth Section; hig description of oS his functions. does not differ materially from that given in® .. egunection with his earlier ciaimed service in the ‘same. sec -tion, as a case officer, and "he describes no administrative. Hor .’supervisory responsibilities. None of his cl with one exception, was employed .in Seventh Departn tions’ he described, iC i . flicts in his varying accounts, neit. NOSENKO cites for ‘his assignment: to Geneva “in 19 is credible. “In Geneva, it is implausible that he conducted the ‘investigation’ of SHAKHOV as he claims, ‘and he clearly: . did not supervise the idan : “SKEYS agement of the double ases as evidence that che": n, the’ Seventh Department, par ty: ¢ + These cases, which included: two: two Ainerican’ ni: "One emigre, one + @'First Chief Directorate target who in- iet citizen,-a hostage, anda permanent: rmanent resident of the Y-are-hot per=.." © have been Deputy -Chief. "A judgment of. _ est. primarily on. an appraisal of ‘other ° : »-G0016C4 mee BE ene 332 ; TS No. 1o7i24 re Top Secret Se Copy | ======== PAGE 343 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (SEVENTH DEPARTMENT - January 1962-January 1964 aspects of his statements, including those relating to his Supervisory duties and to the nature of Second Chief Direc- . torate operations against American and other foreign tourists, NOSENKO has retracted his assertion that he was a liéuten- ant colonel, a rank appropriate for a Second Chief Directorate Deputy Chief of Department, and asserts that he was never promoted beyond the rank of Captain. Most damaging to NOSENKO's claims that he was a supervisor in the Seventh Department is his assertion that he accurately describes KGB counterintelligence Operations against foreign, particularly American, tourists. a senior Seventh Department officer would be aware of the Second Chief Directorate's pre- occupation with American tourists: I£ NOSENKO is unaware of Conclusion ene usion NOSENKO's claims, that in 1962 he was Chief of the American-British Commonwealth Section and was thereafter 4 Deputy Chief of the Seventh Department, are not credible. 6001605 333 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy 10 ======== PAGE 344 ======== 1400000. =. ry al Yep Secret CHAPTER IX Most of NOSENKO's assertions can be examined in a chrono- logical fashion, as has been done in the proceding sections. Some can most easily be examined separately, since they relate not to any particular period of his KGB service nor to any specific position he claimed he occupied, but to his entire KGB career. The principal aspects in this category: of claims are those he made about his relationship with . Second Chief Directorate General GRIBANOV, his Party status, his knowledge of certain KGB forms and procedures, his sourcing of KGB operations, awards he earned for KGB service, and his KGB rank, Relationship with General GRIBANOV From his first meeting with CIA in 1962, NOSENKO main- tained that he had a close personal and professional rela- tionship with Major General GRIBANOV, Chief of the Second Chief Directorate. NOSENKO described recruitment approaches in which hé and GRIBANOV took part together, conversations they had on operational matters, the role which GRIBANOV played in his promotions, awards and assignments, and their after hours carrousing. According to NOSENKO, GRIRAMOV was wholly responsible, against NOSDNKO's wishes, for his. . appointment to the position of Deputy Chief of the American Department Embassy Section in 1960, and when NOSENKO later rejected GRIBANOV's offer to make him Chief of the entire American Department, it was GRIBANOV who arranged his return to the Seventh Department as Chief of the American-British Commonwealth Section and who shortly thereafter appointed him.a Deputy Chief and thereafter First Deputy Chief of the Seventh Department. : COUL ECG 335 ; TS No. 197124. Top Secret Copy _10_ ======== PAGE 345 ======== 14-0000) + Top Secret - NKO'S KGB CAREER) * . “NOSENKO' s Information - Post: ‘is64 | : rmmediately: following his ‘defection: NOSENKO continued to ae .- vefer to this’ special and personal. relationship, which Be :, touched on nearly -every aspect | of NOSENKO's KGB service. ' Under interrogat ion,:however,. NOSENKO. could not. sustain. ~ this ‘claim.-. The extent ‘NOSENKO's. statements were retracted” or contradicted with respect to GRIBANOV. or contradicted. by . other-evidence, is seen from the following examples. excerpted - : from the earlier chronological. ‘examination:, ‘GRIBANOV wrote . the very “best fitness report on NOSENKO that -could -be given -{Retracted. GRIBANOV wrote none of NOSENKO's fitness 28. ~ “yeports) 7° -NOSENKO™ ‘and GRIBANOV. carroused together with. women wre _- provided by NOSENKO (Retracted. ‘NOSENKO . recalled only two. ". peeasions, and could relate only ‘one’in-any detail.); ' yeoruited Edward SMITH: (see. .p. 3%) | together with..NOSENKO 7 _(Retracted. - NOSENKO played no active role in SMITH recruit~ “meht attempt and was not.in Embassy.Section at time.) ; NOSENKO. accompanied GRIBANOV to diplomatic receptions /in, ae .¥961 at, which the latter learned that[french Ambassador -O4 . Pevean}was GRIBANOV's agent (Retracted ™NOSENKO accompanied — co01607 336 oo. | - ee jy. TS No. 197124 — Top Secret <—— copy —__ ======== PAGE 346 ======== 14-0000 Ei . _ Top Secret mn i (OTEER ASPECTS OF NOSENKO'S KGB CAREER) , 6 GRIBANOV on only one sien occasion and learned from "friends" in 1958-1959 about DeJean) ; GRIBANOV put NOSENKO in Embassy Section in 1960 as eputy Chief to supervise code clerk operations (Contradicted. MNOSEMKO was not Deputy Chief and did not supervise code clerk o erations); GRIBANOV approved NOSENKO's operational plan for [HORONE! s recruitment (Retracted.(6 The plan was written by another KGB Officer.); GRIBANOV ordered NOSENKO to prepare study on foreign intelligence services use of tourism (Contradicted. NOSENKO could recall no details of the study nor whether he ever discussed it with GRIBANOV.); GRIBANOV promised to promote NOSENKO directly to lieutenant colonel from the rank of Captain and (subse- quently) personally congratulated him on his promotion to lieutenant colonel (Retracted: NOSENKO never was promoted past the rank of captain.); GRIBANOV was instrumental in NOSENKO's receiving personal commendations from the KGB Chairman, the Orders of the Red Banner,.the Red Star, and. the Order of Lenin (Retracted. NOSENKO received no such awards.); GRIBANOV ordered NOSENKO! to Geneva in 1962 (Retracted. NOSENKO went at the request of the Soviet Delegations Abroad Department.); GRIBANOV ordered NOSENKO to assume charge of the BELITSKIY case (Contradicted. NOSENKO did not supervise the BELITSKIY case.); GRIBANOV allowed NOSENKO to go to Geneva in 1964, "as a personal favor" (Retracted. GRIBANOV was not aware that NOSENKO was to return to. Geneva a second time.): and finally, GRIBANOV was NOSENKO's patron (Retracted. Their relation~ ship was no closer than their relative vank and position indicated.) Conclusion NOSENKO's contradictions and retractions with respect to . his claimed relationship with GRIBANOV discredit his single . and most important unretracted claim, that NOSENKO, on | GRIBANOV's appointment was Deputy Chief of the Seventh Department. K a , 6004608 337 : TS No. 197124 2i6e Top Secret Copy __10_ ======== PAGE 347 ======== ' Top Secret _ (OTHER ASPECTS oF NOSENKO'S. KGB CAREER) candidates © -Komsomol S statements about . h they are consistent» NOSENKO said his formal Pro forma’ memb 1-RU, Ba when he." 7 he transferréd roy from his Naval Ru. He was registered’ with the. KGB referring the matter. to‘ his £ to the KGB ins. @. KGB Komisomol "+ t in the Baltic... said, without <_ msomol unit, . tinely to th Komsomol ‘uni Komsomol, :he ormer. Baltic. Ko: .O£ 1953. NOSENKO claims he*was elected." :. Second Chief Directorate Komsomol1 organi- zation. He was elected, he said, atva.meeting of the °° ~ Komsomol, ‘membership ne ne a a secretary ‘of the “ gagteco 338 I re —TS’No. 197124. Copy ead : : 7 Top Secret - . ======== PAGE 348 ======== 14-0000 gn al Top Secret (OTHER ASPECTS OF NOSENKO'S KGB CAREER) Comment: The Komsomol membership elects only the ‘Komsomol Committee. The latter elects the secretary. ° NOSENKO cannot describe the duties of a Komsomol secre- tary in any specific manner. He does not know who was the secretary of the KGB Komsomol organization, nor could he describe his dealings with that official's office. Comment: The secretary of the Second Chief Directorate , Komsomol organization is directly subordinate to the KGB Komsomol Secretary and would have occasion to deal with the latter frequently. NOSENKO stated that he did not know whether there was a _Komsomol Congress while he was Komsomol secretary of the Second Chief Directorate, but that the Congresses were ordinarily held yearly. ; . ; . a Comment: The first Komsomol Congress since 1948 was held in March 1954, entailing considerable work by every Komsomol member and especially by the unit secretaries. : As Komsomol Secretary, NOSENKO collected the dues of the members of his unit: All members paid in the amount of two _ percent of their monthiy salaries.- 0001610 339 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy _10 ======== PAGE 349 ======== 14-0000 - Top Secret. (OTHER ASPECTS oF NOSENKO'S KGB GAREER)~ "Comment: Komsomol dues were Calculated -on a sliding. wT ~.""seale in which members earning ‘500 rubles: + ; - monthly paid +5 percent, those earning 500 to 1500 rubles: paig one percent; and those _ “earning over 1500 rubles paid 1.5 percent, - wo, -1954 the maximum age for a ; 3 age, and that he was a _ me ‘overage in October 1954, “ana that: no | S extended to Him. - | a - . According to Komsomol statutes ‘at the time; . the maximum :age was twenty-five,-a fact which oor: would: be known by“a pPérson who served asa. _.. Komsomol secretary at the time. NOSENKO would “Rave thus been excluded from the .Komsomol.when he: became ov. rage in 1953,:>not in 1954 as he Claimeds 0 8 : March 1954: Koms . bec Of ‘his claimed .. ‘position as. Komsomol ‘secretary, -the Matter... would have been of vital interest..to’ NOSENKO’ - _ if the facts he related were true we dropped from the Komsomol because oo epted as a candidate member of the . anu z¥ -1956,. NOSENKO claimed that ‘he ‘rin’ the KGB’ who was a member of neither 340. Top Secret TS No. 197124 Copy * ======== PAGE 350 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (OTHER ASPECTS OF NOSENKO'S KGB CAREER) Comment:. NOSENKO is the only Soviet official known to CIA who claims to have occupied a position of trust and who claims he was not a Party member at the time, * In the period following, "to show his eagerness" and’ "to improve himself", NOSENKO asked for Party assignments. For more than a year he ran errands and collected newspapers and performed other such tasks. He stated that he applied for Party membership in January 1956, was accepted as a candidate member. in 1956, and that he was accepted as a full Party member in 1957. Conclusion NOSENKO's claims about his Party activity do not ‘sustain his claims to KGB service, and they suffer from identical discrepancies with respect to chronology, plausibility, and contradiction by independent sources. It is concluded that NOSENKO was never a Komsomol secretary and, if a member at all, was no longer a member after reaching his twenty- sixth birthday in October 1953. The period in which he haa ho Party status was twenty-eight months, not the fifteen he claimed, and it covers the period of his first tour in the Embassy Section as well as a portion of his initial Seventh Department assignment. An officer unqualified for Party _ membership is ineligible: for :KGB service. Consequently, the evidence provided by éxamination of NOSENKO's Party status. indicates that he was not serving in the KGB through at least a portion of the 1953-1956 period. GO0LE12 341 TS No. 19712 - Top Secret Copy 10 ======== PAGE 351 ======== 1 4-00000 - _ that.while he was gen History. Statement, includin ‘premises, and that it co ' e had never *héard of the Communist. .- “! Party Questionnaire,: (Lichn Listok po Uchetu Kadrov)... Shown. ‘an exemplar, NOSENKO‘ stated t ; it i : rs, etc), and finally expressed _ his belief that ‘the KGB did not us oe : . oe Top Secret ’.-” (OTHER ASPECTS. OF NOSENKO'S KGB CAREER) 4 -» Mowledge of Certain KGB. Forms: and Procedures In‘ the course of stated. that Ho was NOt: promoted: because of shortcomings fo his work.~" [He earlier ‘had Claimed: he -was being punished. - for misuse of Operational documents. ] In response to his interrogator's question, NOSENKO replie é d that he had. claimea © Ehouern in 1962 and 1964 to: have been a majo 3 thought. the truth would not’ have been “believed, - __Continuing,”-NOSENKO said he had never held the -xank of lieutenant colonel; and the travel order [which he . . : brought to Geneva in $1964} indicating his rank as lieutenant ! ‘colonel, was filled out erroneously. es : Jit 7 TS No. 197124 ; Copy ' a - a Top Secret ======== PAGE 362 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret (OTHER ASPECTS OF NOSENKO'S KGB CAREER) NOSENKO said in October 1966 interrogations that he had lied when he. had claimed in 1964 to be a lieutenant colonel, that actually he had been but a captain. Asked why he had claimed in 1962 that he had been a major, NOSFNKO denied that he had ever even mentioned his rank to CIA in 1962. Conclusion NOSENKO has stated that he became a senior lieutenant in the KGB in 1952, April 1953, 1954, or, 1956. He was promoted to the rank of captain in 1956 or September /October/December 1959; a major in December 1958 or 1959; and a lieutenant colonel in October/November 1963. He brought to Geneva in °1964 an official KGB document dated: November 1963 identifying ~ him as a KGB lieutenant colonel. In retracting his claim that he was ever a major or lieutenant colonel, NOSENKO asserts that nevertheless as a captain, he held the position of First Deputy Chief of the Seventh: Department. NOSENKO's contradictions and retractions with respect to his KGB rank. parallel.and are apparently related to his contradicted and retracted claims regarding Naval RU '*-gervice, date of entry to the KGB, KGB assignments. and positions held, and in short, to the totality of his claims regarding KGB service, few of which are credible. GUULG24 353 . : TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy _10_ ======== PAGE 363 ======== oe Top Secret _ CHAPTER X "PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PSYCHIATRIC ASSESSMENT °~ ~, Because ‘of the incidence of deranged persons CIA has .. “encountered among many would-be defectors, the question of: . NOSENKO's mental stability was a matter considered early = |. after -his:defection in Geneva. From the time of his arrival .-.: ‘in ‘the United States he has been under psychiatric observa-....-_- tion. .In addition, -he has undergone psychological examina-— “tion. (The CIA psychiatrist and psychologist, besides; being nO » highly-qualified professionals, have both had extensive 00. 17. experience: with Soviet..Bloc defectors. : ‘Their findings were .. reached ‘independently. Psychological Examination 2, In April’ 1964. NOSENKO was administered a-series 6f J. 0 °* psychological tests by. the: CIA psychologist.’ After monitoring . numerous interrogation sessions, the psychologist interviewed © “-NOSENKO for fourteen days during 3-21 April 1965, in any -attempt .to develop sufficient insight into NOSENKO's: persona ity.-to 5 it, the obtaining of a truthful account, of his : - lity.to per i -NOSENKO is a rationalizer, “a distorter,; and an’ evasive. a person clearly capable of dissembling. for personal. reasons, '_ He. is not. a compulsive liar... He ‘is’ inclined to relate what. : “he’ thinks he -is*expected to say rather than to tell. the = 2” truth as.he knows it. He lies. by design as. well as for... /: ‘effect, however, and he does not always embroider just to.” ‘bolster his-ego. ..He is neither “insane". nor: psychotic, and . -: he suffers from no, "delusions". NOSENKO's rationalizations. / are not. the product; of derangement.’ - Ss . 0001625 : 355. TS No. 197124 Top Secret © © copy 10. ======== PAGE 364 ======== Top Secret (PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PSYCHIATRIC ASSESSMENT) Psychiatric Examination ’ Since April 1964 NOSENKO has been under the observation of the CIA psychiatrist. Besides monitoring many of the interrogation sessions, the psychiatrist has visited NOSENKO weekly for the first year, monthly until 1967, and at some- what less frequent intervals since. Findings © NOSENKO is neither psychotic nor neurotic, Of above average intelligence, he is shrewd, perceptive, and highly adaptable. His memory is not defective. Besides suffering .from ordinary lapses of memory, however, he sometimes falsely claims lack of recall. NOSENKO's thought processes are unimpaired; he.is rational and fully capable of distin- guishing fact from fiction. __ PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PSYCHIATRIC ASSESSMENT: Conclusion The findings:of the psychologist and psychiatrist dispel the notion that NOSENKO's behavior and. his statements are other than willful, GOULEZ6 | . 356 . TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy —___ ======== PAGE 365 ======== -° >! SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS ~ ONCERNING NOSENKO'S BONA FIDES .. -NOSENKO claims. that he served for a decade in the KGB in successively senior positions of authority from which he. "derived extensive knowledge of the scope, character, and _« results of KGB.operations against Americans in the Soviet ‘Union in the period. 1953-1963. To substantiate his claim, - . he: provides an impressive array of information about KGB... *, personnel,. organization and operations which, to the extent that it has been confirmed, is presumptive evidence of ‘his .. - bona fides. . Various Soviet officials, including .intelli- “gence officers, have generally corroborated NOSENKO's - ~~ ° Phe examination has compared each element.of NOSENKO"'s- biography relevant to his claimed KGB service with known '/facts and reasonable surmise. ‘The examination reflects - . the test. to which his accounts were put: whether his. fact, and-whether he actually gained the -information he has © “from occupying the KGB positions he claims to have held. . In short, is he what he. says. he is, according to his. own “accounts? 257005. oe oe coe GOOLE 27 — 387 8 No. 197924 Top Secret == Copy 120 accounts are ‘internally coherent ‘and consistent with known. ~~ ======== PAGE 366 ======== Yop Secret {SUMMARY OF CONCLUS TOTS) , This examination had led to the following findings, arrived at independently: . -NOSENKO did not serve in the Naval RU in any of the capacities or at the places and times he claimed. -NOSENKO did not enter the KGB in the Manner or at the time he claimed. “NOSENKO did not serve in the American Embassy Section throughout the 1953-1955 period as he claimed. During the period 1955-1960, he was neither a senior case officer in, nor Deputy Chief of, the Seventh Depart- ment American-British Commonwealth Section. -“NOSENKO was neither Deputy Chief of the American Embassy Section nor a senior officer or supervisor in the Section during the period 1961-1962. "NOSENKO's claims, that. in 1962 he was Chief of the American-British Commonwealth Section and was thereafter a Deputy Chief of the Seventh Department, are not credible. -NOSENKO has no. valid.claim to certainty that the KGB . recruited no American Embassy personnel between 1953 and his defection in 1964, a ; These findings differ somewhat with respect to degree of probability or certifude, but they reflect the preponderance _Of available evidence in each instance. The above judgments, if correct, rebut presumptive evidence of NOSENKO's bona fides.. The contradictions in NOSENKO's accounts of his life and KGB service are so extensive as to make his claims as a whole unacceptable. While truth and fact in this case frequently cannot be -established with certainty, it is evident that truth and fact are not what NOSENKO relates. By almost any test, virtually any of NOSENKO's above claims are impugned by fact or probability, or contradicted or retracted in his own statements. NOSENKO is not what he claims to be, and thus he is not a bona fide defector. 0001628 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ____ 358 ======== PAGE 367 ======== 14,0000 — Top Secret "(SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS) e,,conclusion that NOSENKO is not a bona fide’ — defector, itis necessary to. attempt: to determine his. true’: “motives for contacting American Intelligence and for... | providing: the information he has given. Here, it must be °°. : “ recognized’ that the evidence, largely consisting: of NOSENKO's- own assertions, does not permit unequivocal conclusions, . a : -Nevertheless, ‘the question cannot be ignored. ‘The character “Of the information. NOSENKO has conveyed, the fact that ‘some . of -his':false claims have been corroborated by Soviet offi- . ‘ Cials, and’ the necessity to.make decisions about: NOSENKO's |. “i future all require that at least a provisional ‘judgment. be | © Made. ; cos wee ~ - Given the “. Misrepresentations, the chief ones. are that he issa.-.. ~Swindler posing. as.a former KGB officer for: reasons ‘of personal advantage; that he suffers from a deranged -person-. ‘ality or unbalanced’ mind; that he has -gréatly exaggerated | ; “his*’ actual rank, status and. access: in the KGB, for simply ae “-opersonal reasons;’ or, finally, that. he is a dispatched KGB agent. Pte og RE : rrr “| (Of the reasonable explanations. advanced for NOSENKO's The first two possibilities are easily dismissed. -That: “-NOSENKO ‘is ‘not’ simply.a swind&er who falsély claims for: — personal advantage. to. have been a KGB officer is evident; we believe, from the confirmed details of KGB organization “personnel ‘and operations which. .he has -provided -and. which « = could-only derive from within -the KGB itself... _ psychological examination by qualified specialists rule out. ' the possibility.that NOSENKO's actions and testimony. are the ~ product.-of a deranged personality or unbalanced mind... -: ~: “Second, as -hoted in. the text, extensive. psychiatric and. _It.is somewhat more plausible that NOSENKO is a°KGR. . officer who served. in at: least some of the ‘components for - “some or all of the time periods that ‘he claims, but who: °.. |. » greatly exaggerated his. positions, rank’ and access to infor-.- '» mation, and’ invented. some matters-outright, to achieve . Oo _ greater. status with ‘American Intelligence.: - This explanation, | ' _ _ however, fails’ to accommodate thé. fact that, several KGB. ° |: .. officers. have asserted .that NOSENKO did in. fact hold senior Lo — 6001629 TS No. 197124. Top Secret = == Copy 10 _ ======== PAGE 368 ======== Top Secret (SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS) . positions in the KGB. Also, NOSENKO's assertions with respect to his rank, GRIBANOV's patronage, the recall telegram, and the like, cannot be just a product of his own invention, since these were the subject of comment by other sources, : ; are left with the hypothesis that NOSENKO was dispatched by the KGB. While this explanation does not reconcile ail the anomalies, none of them renders it untenable, In the Absence of further revelations by NOSENKO, or other persuasive evidetice to the contrary, CIA finds that the evidence establishes a presumption that NOSENKO was dispatched by the KGB, and believes that prudence requires that he be regarded as still responsive to KGB control, and that his information should be assessed accordingly. TS No. 197124 Top Secret — Copy ======== PAGE 369 ======== There. follow NOSENKO's olving Americans which 4 “. service. “The cases. include Operations of which he. said American Department. S20f 1963. ° The i NOSENKO's.-infor : contained in no. 399° descriptions of KGB Operations: — yvand vice-versa, as well as. operations .conducted by KGB elements other than 5 ‘. Unless otherwise specified, eae of. the ‘information’ NOSENKO provided: Summaties of Cases Not’ Examined in Text © .not’ clearly relate to specific » ‘for example, Seventh Department” ~ he learned while serving in ‘the the Second. Chief Direct— ; h’ entry reflects all - *. The.-lead may refer.to.one'[Vernon W. PROCTOR] . . Who visited the Soviet Union in).the summer, Nvestigation is not complete. .. * mation was limited to. that tes he brought to Genéva in 0001631 TS ‘No. 197124 : ~ Top Secret — Copy . (10 ry ve | ======== PAGE 370 ======== Top Secret (Annex B) . Oe [ALBINGER, Donald] nt NOSENKO's Information [ALBiNGER} an American citizen born in 1937, visited the USSR in 1963 and there was the target of a KGB investigation in Sochi because:-he was believed to be an American Intelli- Bence agent. In Sochi [ALBINGER) was in touch with a KGB agent, "TRAPEZUND". 0b By NOSENKO's account, the [ALBINGER| case was directed by a provincial KGB element while NOSENKO was assigned to the Seventh Department in Moscow. 7 Comment: According to the FBI, |Donald ALBTNGER) visited the Soviet Union in 1963 and: while there, in _ Sochi, was associated with one Gazarian OHANNES (sic, probably Oganes GAZARYAN), a Lebanese national who repatriated to the USSR in the 1920's. OHANNES allegedly offered OS(ALBINGER intelligence-type photos which ob ALBINGER|said he refused to accept, . Ob. [ALLOvAN ; Lawrencé| NOSENKO's Information An American of Armenian background, ALLOYAN visited the USSR in November 1963 and contacted the KGB. “He stated to KGB officers that he had been asked by an American Army Captain and military intelligence officer, to inform the KGB of American Intelligence use of the Monterey Language School. The Army captain's name is possibly [Hugo VAN KRAKO and the KGB planned to contact him. NOSENKO Hoted the case OG when [ALLoyany, a tourist, first contacted the KGB in Moscow through a Seventh Department case officer. Galiege 400 V7) OG TS No. 197124 Top Secret 82 Copy ======== PAGE 371 ======== Comment: Interviewed by the AN] denied havi He stated that -he PBI in January 1965, _ “os ng been in the USSR -in 1963.0 7 was acquainted with a[Hugo o¢-. ; COVAN_KRAK! W|who had'a son of the same name, but. - | disclaime -knowledge that the latter was an: Army captain QG[ALLOYAN] said he had not seen ee ._the son for. twenty years. ‘The younger VAN 06 ne Whewas interviewed by the FBI and said ; : © was discharged from the Army in 1953 °°). “ a8 a staff Sergeant, and that. he was. notin. “contact with [ALLOYAN.. 06. . : ea | “NOSENKO's Tnformation was: timited to that: ontained in notés brought to Geneva in 1964, . PISSON,; . a NOSENKO, 5: Information i 6b 7 “An American citizen Of Armenian origin, [Henry EPrsoN| Sore (sic) was recruited by the KGB'of the Armenian’ SSR in ~ ee April 1963, ‘on ideological grounds. The recruitment was-:. : tsto have been firm, however, and the: KGB / -menew it if EPISON}-returned ‘to the USSR in.1964, 06... cess to.a military’ installation in thé News /.7 c* nry APISSON|,- a naturalized American andthe’ owner of a hotel and restaurant near| West > $0 Pointh=N.¥., visited the USSR in 196 7 In. 1964“he acknowledged ‘having had contacts.with Soviet officials in’ 1963 .in Armenia, where he May have conveyed animpression of willi “to that contained in. notes ‘brought to Geneva “in 1964. ~ Top Secret ======== PAGE 372 ======== Top Secret (Annex B) OG [ARMSTRONG, Robert| ARMSTRONG, Robert _NOSENKO's Information Wf : (armstrong, ‘the American Ambassador's aide] is known by . the KGB to be. having a homosexual affair with a feode clerk OF 06 of the Danish Embassy, one Johannes BUHLE}, ARMSTRONG is a close friend of another homosexual officer of the American Embassy, [Stephen HOFFMAN! (see below). _ Comment: Recalled from Moscow and interviewed on the basis of NOSENKO's wth ea eon (ARMSTRONG) )6 acknowledged the truth of the a legations. Before resigning from the Department of State in August 1964, he asserted that he had had no contact with the KGB while serving in Moscow. . NOSENKO Provided no source for his infor- mation regarding ARMSTRONG] which was a Embassy Section case at a time when NOSENKO claimed to be serving in the Seventh’ Depart-— ment. : 06 BARTHELEMY, Thomas Franklin] : NOSENKO's Information 06 (panrueLEny] twice led American tourist groups to the USSR in 1959, during which visits the KGB assessed him to be an American Intelligence agent. He was subSe quently in contact with one Was, Farne, a Finn] who was a KGB agent. NOSENKO only. learned of the Barrie.) case and of his contact with [LAINE] while visiting the Leningrad KGB in 1963, Ob(BARTHELENY}' s Seventh Department file indicated that he had been under Surveillance in 1959 because the KGB had informa- tion he had @raduated from an intelligence school. Lape 402 Cll1634 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ie8A ======== PAGE 373 ======== . during his visits’ to ., contacts’ with [LAINE] EM “appeared in the KGB document on Western (See p. 149.) “ “NOSENKO's Information’. ob | Comment: [BERMAN] 1s a professor. at [havvara Gch rsity| ~ who if a specialist in-the - date he acquired the information. ; a -. INDER, Péter 7 - NOSENKO's Information ea The was invo : te in his He. obtained for her. items of clothing from the United ' Since the KGB had been unable to obtain compromising -p graphs of(BINDER\and: the Soviet girl, it had no means exert ‘(presSure on him,:and a recruitment attempt’ thus operations which GOLITSYN provided CIA. i Soviet legal “system. He’ .has visited the USSR. on several occasions for study.and research, and he had described “iseveral incidents which occurred in Moscow . “which appear to have.been KGB Provocations., : |. . ‘NOSENKO: did not. indicate the source of his: ~ © Qbinformation.on(BERMAN, nor. did he provide the | ved with a, Soviet female employee at America — . With whom at ivarious times he had “been. intima BARTHELEMY| was a’ CIA contact .whose intelligence ‘connections were assumed: to have been compromised its” ythe. USSR, -He reported his. Po. CIA. ([BARTHELEMY|'s\ name (()) tourist .. “While on oné-of his frequent visits to the Soviet Union’: American lawyer and -prominent professor of law/BERMAN | Surrounded by KGB agents, but the KGB "could ‘do nothing with was bb. Crop_sergeant in charge of America House" BINDER, House, - room. States. hoto- to failed. 03. GOES mee | T . 197124. URE a S No 24. Top Secret - Copy: ======== PAGE 374 ======== 14-00900 (Annex B) Top Secret (BINDER, Peter| (Continued). “NOSENKO Later identified the Soviet girl as Galya MORELLI, a KGB agent employed at America House as a dishwasher. Vladimir DEMKIN of the Embassy Section was the case officer Department S$ Qbworking against (BINDER, and the Chief of the American «M. FEDOSEYEV participated in the recruitment attempt, in 1962, by which time NOSENKO had transferred to the Seventh Department and thus knew no further details. Comment: 06 U.S. Army Master Sergeant Peter BINDER] served as|manager of the America House from 16 March OF 67 196I to 22 January 1963. On 15 January 1963 he reported to Embassy officials that he had been abducted off the street by Soviet plainclothes-— men, taken to a Militia station, and interro- gated on the substance of a letter alleged to have been written by Galya MORELLI, which his interrogators threatened to send to the Ambassador. The letter alleged that [BINDER](4 had: lived with MORELLI as “man and wife" from 25 November 1961, had warned Soviet employees against Embassy Security Officer John ABIDIAN, that_MORELLI had told[BINDER} she was pregnant () Ob ana BINDER} instructed her to get an abortion, had éngaged in blackmarketing, [BINDER] had oO _ told ABIDIAN's replacement Hugh MONTGOMERY NS about his affair with MORELLI and MONTGOMERY had told him not to worry about it, and that (BINDER]had told MORELLI that Embassy Officer Richard C. JACOB was a "well-trained spy" and that she and other Soviets should be wary of him. When (BINDER\denied the allegations and O¢ challenged e interrogators to send the letter on to the Ambassador, he was allowed to go free.), (BINDER acknowledges that he was intimate with MORELLI and that he gave her gifts of money and clothing; and that she said she thought she was pregnant in February or March 1962; she never mentioned an abortion and made no other demands of [aiid [BINDER] 404 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ____ 15 4 ======== PAGE 375 ======== 14-00000 Tep Secret “Comment: (Continued): Ss oe ee ee 2° states. that. MORELLI | "disappeared" 4 ‘in! “June. or July 1962, while (BINDER}was- on leave. 96...) ‘Except for dating. the. recruitment attempt... cain 1962 instéad of 1963, NOSENKO's fragmentary information coincides with, {BINDER} S account’ “OG. - _/NOSENKO asserts that. the notes brought’ to.. “-,'Geneva in 1964 contained all information. she .was able to discover. °=.NOSENKO claims to have. ' been. Deputy. Chief: of the Embassy Section in. 1961, supervising {BINDER|' sand MORELLI's. case 6 ‘officers, but he relates his. knowledge’ of the.. case neither..to. ‘that. period, mor to the Position a he ‘then held : : _ , NOSENKO' s “Tiformation “(GR aes, porn. in 1896, visited ‘the Soviet Union. with ‘a. ourist group in 1960. He: has ‘relatives in the USSR, and cs e was: re ruited ‘in September 1960. by the. KGB on, idedlogical ” ground ‘ : heh . 0 8 ies’ b Born: din’. 1890. His: brother; oe me TA exander, was born in 1! 1896. . GOLITSYN reported : hat a | Séyenth - Department officer told him-in. ~ “pbiseo that, Adam BROCHES| had been a Soviet-agent: - in ‘the.1920's and 1930's in Paris and that .°” when he .wisited’ the: ‘USSR as a’ fourist- guide in ©1959" or ‘1960 the:KGB. suspected ‘that he might on “be on an Américan | Intelligence mission ‘to * “ contact. V.M. ZARUBIN, his one-time Soviet , Intelligence superior. in: Paris. . According to: “.GOLITSYN, the’ KGB cee surveil- Ob - lance and the Chief of the Seventh Department — "was planning to discuss with ZARUBIN what, : action the- KGB: should take. . ; ov0te39 : : 405 ; : a ee © | TS.No. 197124. Top Secret = == copy _10 ======== PAGE 376 ======== Top Secret (Annex 3B) Comment: . (Continued) . : O& Interviewed by the FBI, [srocues] said that he escorted tours to the US three times in 1960, and that on his last trip, in September 1960, he was approached by Soviet officials for information on members of his tour group. Ob{BROCHES] claimed he refused to cooperate and denied that he had ever been a Soviet agent. ; 06 @RocuE§] said, however, that the allegation might refer to another of his brothers, (Ignacy},06 now dead. . NOSENKO's information was limited to that contained in his written notes which he brought to Geneva in 1964. NOSENKO claimed to have been in the American Department when the Seventh Department recruited (BROCHES}, Ob 06 [BuNDARIN, Eugene Peter| NOSENKO's Information ~ ge. ., . (BuNDaRIm, born in 1917, the son of a Russian emigre, and an employeé of the\"Four Winds Travel Agency} in New York 24 City, was recruited by the KGB in 1962 on i eological grounds. He left che[Fous Winds agency\and his case is?Y ~y inactive because the B is waiting for him to open his own ms) travel bureau} | [BUNDARIN| was handled by Seventh Department Case officer V.G. DERA. . . : ‘Comment: [BUNDARIN, born 25 April 1917, the son of an : emigre 4nd an employee of the [Four Winds ?4 agency; visited the Soviet Union for eighteen days In 1962. He left the[Four Winds agency| 24 ; in 1962 to travel abroad, and he now works for : CO Hermes Travel of California} Interviewed by Hbthe FBI, [BUNDARIN] denied any connection with Soviet Intelligence. FBI reports indicate 406 TS No. 197124 COCLE38 Top Secret Copy ——— 8A BY) ======== PAGE 377 ======== }14-00000 Top Secret “(Annex B) ; ~ Gomtient: (Continued) ., a ae OLBUNDARIN] and parents associate with CPUSA ee : members ‘and participate in CP front: organiza .. NOSENKO's information was limited to that “Contained. in his ‘written notes which he- brought to. Geneva in 1964.: . : - -NOSENKO's: Information g after his defection in 1964 a list. of Visited the Soviet Union, NOSENKO noted | q 4 ouring the "He did not indicate the source -of the information. \... Me “As described in Press accounts of the’ period. |= and stated in a KGB. document on American = | “tourists which GOLITSYN. provided, (CHRISTNER} 06. - Was. arrested in’ the Soviet. Union on charges —-— : ge int £- He had a! CIA mission at the time, .but he’ reported ‘that “he had managed to maintain his: tourist cover throughout his intensive interrogations. in. : the summer of. 1961 NOSENKO claims he-was. in the. Embassy Section of the American Department. | - yb - _ NOSENKO's Information — ; [FAIN}~ an. "American consul” stationed in Yugoslavia visited Moscow in 1959. :Durin wthat visit i a! NOSENKO's agent, VOLKOV, who ‘reported his su - ] an : - 7 los . . . . . i mo aadintiaot } e encountertd Spicion that a Se hO7 Bo gg No. 1 7124" “ i Copy i ~ ‘Top . Secret ======== PAGE 378 ======== 14-0000 | . . Tep Secret (Annex B) [Farn, Thomas] (Continued) . OL FAIN was a homosexual. There was insufficient time during FAIN}'s visit to arrange his entrapment. : oe FAIN| was assigned permanently later in Moscow, and the KGB planned at*that time to entrap him with a homosexual. Comment: In a Department of State security interview 04 [FAIN] has stated that he recalled no Soviets whom he had met during his five-day visit to Moscow in 1959, except’ a female Inturist guide and the Hotel Ukraine receptionist. He reported no noteworthy incidents during his later permanent assignment in Moscow. ob NOSENKO's Information FINK|is an American professor from Philadelphia and frequent visitor to the USSR whom the Leningrad KGB hoped female agent. Because of{his sister's love affair with a Soviet{he was refused a visa in 1963, but the KGB has arranged so that he will be admitted to the USSR if he applies again. NOSENKO learned of the case when the Leningrad KGB objected to[FINR} s being denied a visa: % NOSENKO was Deputy Chief of the Seventh Department at the time. Comment: Interviewed by the FBI in September 1964, HL [FINK] acknowledged that[his sister was trying OX ' £0 Marry a Soviet citizen) but that she had been refused a visa to visit the USSR for the purpose 0o FINK) admitted involvement with a female in Leningrad, during his visit to the SO a 408 COULE 4G to recruit onan ideological basis and through the use of ng” TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy _____ ======== PAGE 379 ======== 1400000 : Top Secret oie : (Annex B) . Comment: (Continued) °° - : ee a USSR“ in’.1961, but denied. recruitment. {PINK} 0, OG asserted that he had visited Europé every. a : : oO . Summer since: ‘1957 (except in’ 1959,-when.he - i” E an nan went to Mexico), and, that he had only. visited | - . the: USSR. once, in 1961. “4 : NOSENKO! ‘Ss. ‘Information: ourist tn 1959, ‘when: he was 2s _ > ‘assessed to be a homosexual, - The: KGB planned to attempt to. ‘recruit him if he returned to the: Soviet Union, NOSENKO - — Obnoted {FIsR's Ss ‘name while. reviewing files of. ‘YEPREMOV: and | oS VOLKOV (see P- 145) in. (1963. _—_ ob ° . “comment: fire) vtereea the “USSR: with his wife and parents ‘ woe oo, in 1959.0 In an interview with the, FBI in... | December “1964 he° claimed. that his- only” Soviet: “ contacts: ‘in ‘the USSR. were:with Inturist -: Sas _ personnel: and a.spinster niece. NOSENKO: ‘has “never explained why he learned of: the, case J only-from the files ‘of VOLKOV and: YEFREMOV: in: 1963, since he: claims he .was their-case ‘officer Sate the: fine [FiSK} visited « the’ Soviet Galen. in 7 1959: ; ; ; oh | GnissERe, “ashesy we N )SENKO* 's. Tafornarion ou APpr Sor ATUSBENG]vanscca, the USSR in 1957 or 1958, when ~opex ational conta was established. ‘between him and the’ RGB. Dogg ae Dy a - . - a . fone tg No. 197124 ~ Top Secret Copy 1.0 10 ======== PAGE 380 ======== 14-00000 Top Secret (Annex B) Comment: One [Professor Michael GINSBERG] reported to U.S. - offitials in Helsinki in August 1956 that he had been the target of a Soviet recruitment attempt earlier in Moscow. His contact has been identified by CIA as a KGB officer whom Ak (GINsBERG, according to the FBI, has met during subsequent visits to the USSR. NOSENKO's information was limited to that Contained in his written notes which he brought to Geneva in 1964, Of [SRover, Preston] . NOSENKO's Information OG : oy (Rovex, currently (in 1964) [Associated Press corres-— pondent! in Moscow, is a recruited KGB agent handled by the Tenth (intelligensia and Correspondents) Department of the Second Chief Directorate, 06 Comment: Preston GROVER} retireg in-1965 ana now lives Ge France with his wife. O,(GROVER's wife was born in Russia and apparently emigrated at about the time of the 1917 Revolucion (GRoveR] 06 met her in Moscow, where she was a corres— Pondent for a French newspaper, According to FBI Teports, she associated with known Communists. in the United States during an earlier assignment here. NOSENKO indicated no source of his information on (Grover. OG qjBR GILL EZa “10 Ts No. 197124 - Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 381 ======== 14-0000 Bo oo Top Secret (Annex: B) | “ NOSENKO' S “Information -An American, moe RHANZAT) (ste) was the object of ‘considerable interest to the KGB during his 26 October-1:° * .. November 1963 visit to the USSR. A’ KGB officer under. cover -,Was in contact with him in Moscow and the KGB planned to | resume this contact in the United States. The Seventh. |. Department action. with respect -to KHAMZAT] was in response Ob to a.request.. from the First Chief Directorate for assis~ ; tance in developing. a contact with hin. in Moscow. | Comment: © NOSENKO's lead fas been identified as’ Charles: 06° ; Pe y. HAMZAVi), who has been noted in frequent — _ contact with Soviet officials from. 1955, when - he immigrated to the. United Statés;: until 1963. ' “According to the FBI, he was in Moscow in 1963, ‘when he was in'contact with a Foreign Ministry official which CIA. identifies as. KGB officer . “T. De BORISOV. screreerra Hed) ° _ NOSENKO! s. ‘Information In. 1958) or “1959. ‘the~ ‘American. “Department ': s ‘Embassy Section. _attempted to. Fecruit(HARMSTONE, “a. a Second or Third Secret ary. 04,0 oe “at the Embass ‘Both male and female agents” were used ~ : against hin, “gna photographs were obtained of [HARMS TONE| 5.06 . homosexual as well.as. heterosexual activities. When- “confronted, - however, HARMSTONE) refused’ ‘to collaborate with the KGB, . : oieereed reported the approach to American officials, but asserted that he was” involved ~ just in. heterosexual ‘compromise. - -NOSENKO. reviewed’ ‘the CHEREPANOV documents (see p. 309 in’ 1964, including the KGB plan. of operations against (HARMSTONI NOSENKO confirmed the substance: and eventual success of the “Pian, ‘which | was to et. HARMSTONE \'drunk and photograph him ° & ob - es a, “Wena 197124 Top Secret _ oo Copy 10 ======== PAGE 382 ======== _ Top Secret (Annex B) Ob [HARMS TONE » Richard |(Continued) while in intimate relations with a Soviet girl. Because the KGB concluded that (HARMSTONE] had not reported the homo~ “(6 sexual compromise, it was planned to attempt to recruit him again later, when he was transferred elsewhere abroad. If HARMSTONE) had reported the homosexual compromise, it would ave been monitored by the KGB over the microphone in the Minister Counselor's office, : In later questioning NOSENKO stated that he learned of bene [HaRustowE case from KOVSHUK. He could not recall who the KGB case Officer was, but was certain that the latter had left the Embassy Section. Tf [HARMSTONE| had reported 66 ‘his compromise, he surmised, he would have been withdrawn immediately from Moscow, and HARMSTONE|did not leave the (6 Soviet Union prematurely. 0b Comment: |Richard Cc. HARMSTON®), who served in Moscow [from ctober 1957 to October 1959 as Second afj ‘Secretary, reported to the. Embassy Security Officer 6n 23 May 1959 that a KGB officer had tried to recruit him after threatening exposure through doctored photographs purporting to : b show HARMS TONE]'s homosexual activities. fHARM- 06 STONE subsequently identified from a visa application photograph the KGB officer as "KOMAROV", an overt contact of Embassy colleague WINTERS, (HARMS TONE} left the SovietO6 Union six months later, admitted homosexual activities, .and -resigned from the Department - of State. The relevant portions of the : CHEREPANOV Papers confirm {HARMSTONE|'s admissions 06 with respect to KGB agents with whom he was involved. "KOMAROV" has been identified as KOVSHUK, NOSENKO's superior in the Embassy Section and the source of what NOSENKO said he learned of the case, oe 412 CObiEa4 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy 12/88 ======== PAGE 383 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret - “| (Annex B) * on HOFFMAN, ¥.~ “stenned oe oo rs _NOSENKO" Ss Information ae An: ‘American Embassy. official. ‘and a friend of - Aubassador's ‘SB aide Robert ARMSTRONG] (see above), ae ne ; ‘known to have engaged” in Homosexual - acts. with an Arienian. cin. Yerevan. The KGB currently (in 1964) is Planning. to. _ attempt: to Compromise and, recruit (HOFFMAN) . me fonment: ‘Interviewed on -the ‘basis of NOSENKO! s allega- _ “Ob thon, HOFFMAN] in a. State Department security 4 -. interview denied ‘homosexual activities, Informed that the results ‘of a’ polygraph.- : examination indicated he had practiced deception -on that question, ‘HOFFMAN]resigned from the 06 Department of Staté on 3f July. 1964.“ (HOFEMAN) 06 - ‘asserted that he had no contact with. the KGB “while assigned in Moscow, -an. assertion. _ supported by ‘the polygraph examination. . a : J) NOSENKO ‘claims he.was assigned to the: See Seventh Department | at the: time [HOFFMAN] was Ob. the target of the Embassy. Section. of the’ | American Department... . “NOSENKO’ 's Information mployed} | was “assigned ‘temporarily. for Embassy. in’ Moscow in - spring 1962:as a. publications, _procurement off cer. ‘He was recruited. by. the. B... GI. GRYAZNOV, of the American Department Embassy - . : ection requested NOSENKO's help in obtaining: a hotel room : adjacent’. to [ac WARD|* S95 for’ a woman: from Leningrad. Wy C00 EAS | 4130 . Uhr . ce ree So 8 TS No. 197124 © Top Secret. cs ‘Copy —10__ ======== PAGE 384 ======== Top Secret (Annex B) 0) Comment: Glowtd|contes recruitment in an interview with the FEI, although a polygraph. examination indicated he was disturbed on related questions, OG (Howaro] had earlier declared his intention to ivorce his American wife and marry a Soviet national. His contract with[USTA) expired in a1 December 1964 and Was not renewed. NOSENKO claims to have been serving in the Seventh Department at the time (Howard) was a target of the Embassy Section. 0% ;HUSTON, Haydén Henry) . NOSENKO's Information One( HUSTON] (fnu) travelled to the USSR on official U.S. Government business from his assignment in Belgrade. In a) in a taxi, but the KGB did not exploit the incident because OL [HUSTON] did not again visit the USSR. : | 0,06 Comment: sta employee Hayden Henry HUSTON] was inter- : Viewed on 30 October 1963 re arding a report Y ‘Csgostavig in |( 1954 as a result of his sexual activities. Ob HUSTON} served in [Yugoslavia for eight years-|( rom.1953 until January 1962, During that TS No. 197124 Top Seer et : . Copy } lok ======== PAGE 385 ======== “(annex B) ~E NOSENKO's. Information : JAFFE} ~an [ABC coveéshbaden _in’Moscow, isan active KGB: agent who was cultivated did recruited by V.A. KUSKOV. In 4963, while in the Seventh. Department, NOSENKO asked Ameri- ‘can Department. Embassy Section officer GRYAZNOV for an agent — ‘who could be used against: a visiting American delegation,, ; ‘and’ GRYAZNOV' suggested (JAFFE. so cr een eee RL : . Before. NOSENKO's information was received, O&[JAFFE|\ reported his recruitment by one “Slava — -" KISLOV" in October 1962. In a CIA interview Q( in December 1966 [JAFFE| did not recognize A.K. “_ KISLOV's photograph but identified.a photo-: * graph, of KUSKOV.as being the KGB officer who recruited him in 1962. (JAFFE| was éxpelled ob “from the USSR in October 1965. As far as CIA: das ‘aware, he-has not’ been interviewed onthe” °. ..*. , “basis of NOSENKO's informations os aa mo -. Comment Marvin -NOSENKO's Information “Melvin (sic) KANTOR, a. Harvard student, was recruited on- : Be ideological grounds in 1961. ‘His case was turned over to wt “the First Chief Directorate. Bo m woe “Marvin KANTOR, a Slavic-language instructor __ ‘at the University of Michigan, visited the USSR ‘in/1958 or 1959.. When interviewed by CIA in “1961 hé admitted having. had contact with Soviet Intelligence officers in the Soviet Union in.” , °1959,.but asserted that he then had flatly ~ yefused to collaborate with Soviet Intelligence. | | - G0UL647 415 - ct ne TS No. 197124 . _ Top Secret ‘Copy —20_ IR - ======== PAGE 386 ======== Top Secret (Annex B) Comment: (Continued) When interviewed in 1963, KANTOR said he had not travelled to the USSR since 1959, NOSENKO's information was limited to written notes brought in 1964 to Geneva, NOSENKO claim&’ he was in the Seventh Department in 1959, at the actual time of KANTOR's recruit- ment, and does not explain why the KANTOR case [KAZAN-KOMARER| 06. NOSENKO's Information Comment: The subject of NOSENKO's lead was [Vladimir O6 - ' Joseph KAZAN~KOMAREX, a naturalized American citizen and the Operator of the [Harvard Travel 74 |p Tourist Agency in Cambridge, Massachusettg. J He has never had any covert relationship With CIA or other U.S, intelligence agencies. In August 1963 the FBI was advised by another source of the Soviet-Uzech plan to lure (KAZAN- 06 : SOMAREK ]to the Soviet Union and take him to Czechoslovakia where héwuld be tried for espionage, GIC1 64 416 ; TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy HER ======== PAGE 387 ======== 14-0000 Top Secret “Gnnex 8) (Continued) , ue 7 . > NOSENKO' Ss” “tnéormatdon,. which: he reported” aniy to: ‘the. FBI, was substantially accurate. In October 1966, ‘after. being warned of the -...:-. .visk by the FBI, fkazan=i -KOMAREK] visited Moscow 0b: for an Inturist travel’ agent&. conference and, en route back’ to Paris, was arrested in: Prague ‘when his AEROFLOT flight was. diverted... 0 000, . |. NOSENKO's~ ‘sourcing for this lead, .which presumably relates to his 1962-64 service in. | -: the Seventh Department, had not been established, ‘CIA did not::learn.of NOSENKO's report on [KAZAN= 06. CKOMAREK] until the latter was arrested in” “Czechoslovakia. in 1966, by which time” NOSENKO! Ss) (interrogation: had: been ‘suspended «. . : Comment: ° ‘NOSENKO! s “Thformation. A : ‘9s : : : : on . rf vi visited the USSR, in 1959, and the KGB cconcludéd that he-.was a “homosexual. and planned to attempt to recruit-him if he should return to the Soviet Union.:— NOSENKO. noted the information. while. reviewing; YEFREMOV : and: » VOLKOV'. ‘8 : fates. ‘Prior: to their. retirement. the. identity. ‘of: NOSENKO' s. lead ‘has’ been” vote confirmed to bé” NOSHIEO' “MATLAW. O6 The case’ ; “is still under, investigation, OSENKO:.clains > o-have been YEFREMOV's and VOLKOV's case : fficer at the time.one of them was-in touch - ; ~ Qwienf ater ohen 1959,. but learned of the case...--~ only. later. ‘when. reviewing | those agents! ‘files. 6001649 oo gp) TS No. 197124 ' Top Secret “Copy ======== PAGE 388 ======== Top Secret (Annex B) a Ob NOSENKO's Information - WIELSEN] visited the USSR the first time in 1957 or 1958, Because he made the acquaintance of some "teddy boys" in Moscow and tried to acquire from them a Copy of the Moscow Cie eessment, LEONOV, @ Seventh Department officer, was introduced to (NIELSEN] in the role of (KUNGAROVA}! 5 father, but (4 with_no positive ‘result. NOSENKO head later “that WIELSEN](% and EuncaRovA pad married] and were living in London. O6 0, NOSENKO was involved in the determination o¢ WIELSEN}s OG Possible intelligence Status on his first trip. Besidés himself and LEONOV, American Department Case officer Viktor KOPEYKIN was ‘also involved, Comment: NOSENKO has asserted variously that he recruited -ObRuncaRoval in 1954 and that she was his agent until 1960, and that she was already an agent in 1958 when she transferred into the Seventh Department from the British Commonwealth Depart- ment, 06 (WreLsEn), a CIA agent at the time, visited the Soviet Union in April 1958, One of his tasks on this trip was to obtain a Soviet . telephone book py NIELSEN] me t [KUNGAROVA) on a U & later trip, in January 1959, Despite CIA Warnings that he was involved in what appeared -to be a Kgp oes ation, (NIELSEN returned to see her in Moscow in January 1960, and there met a Person re resenting himself as[ KUNGAROV 's Q6 b father .06WIELSER reese to Moscow in 962, of married KUNGAROYV > and they moved to France, / RUNGAROVA] died in France in 1965, In January OL 418 Sit Es9 TS No. 197124 : Top Secret Copy PIR ======== PAGE 389 ======== Fep:Secret = (Annex: B) Comment: (Continued) | . 960, when NOSENKO claims pérsonal. knowledge _ Obof (NIELSEN? 5. meeting with (KUNGAROVAPs "father" ,O6 . he was not.in the Seventh Department,. ‘but in ‘the American Embassy Section, Bi . “ob T NIXON, bo Det) > NOSENKO" s ‘Information ; ‘An American tourist, {NTXON) was recruited. by Seventh. . .(Départment .casé.officers in. June” 1963... NOSENKO was not*in : oscow: at the’ time, and knew no. further - details. . * Gomment: Interviewed b the: FBI on the basis of. NOSENKO' s . Ob information, N [XON] admitted having been “ recruited while visiting the Soviet Union. He “was not contacted by the KGB in the United “States, although such. arrangements had been .made at ‘the time of his recruitment. | On a visit to Moscow in 1964,; after NOSENKO's defection, OG: eat Was again contacted by the KGB and he: agreéd to collaborate for fear of reprisals _ against. relatives. in the USSR... OMELICH, 1 Olympics “at Squaw Valley, California. Although he was not .recruited, he was to be recontacted by KGB officers later, “in Switzerland. D| When [OMELICH visited Moscow in. August 1963, oe “Seventh Department American Section case ‘officer K.G. KRUPNOV. . ~ arranged for First Chief Directorate officer (fau) © “ZAYTSEV, ‘to meet. the ‘American. : ons ee TS No. v97124 Top Secret os Copy —10_ 10_ 419 ======== PAGE 390 ======== (Annex B) Comment: comment - Comment: meament Os G0LEx2 — 06 (Zzcuzer, Bernard] Ce {PECHTER| was recr In December 1959, return from the USSR had revealed his hom exual compromise and recruitment by the xep Top Secret In 1963 (ower rca) with SovYet of denied that he or that any mee Switzerland, given the imp . reported his earlier contacts icials at Squaw Valley. He had ever met K@p officers later, ting arrangements were made for although he admitted "he may have ression of Sympathy toward Soviets". NOSENKO's Information uited by the KGB in Moscow in 1959, 4 month after PECHTER|'s » the FBI learned fhat he os to a member of his tour group. NOSENKO cited the(PE a from memory, to Geneva in 1964, Seventh Department c CHTER} case not f6 but from his rittef® notes brought Although Presumably a ase, NOSENKO did not relate ere in 1959, nor did he of his information. : (PRESSMAN, Aron] NOSENKO's Information [Patrick (sic) rer auANl| visited: the USSR wi a delegation of Amer can metallurgists ‘at that time by the kop, Th Over to the First Chief Di 420 TS No. 197124 Copy ____ Top Secret WHISA ======== PAGE 391 ======== Top Secret “(Annex B)osl 2 -NOSENKO! s léad is Believed ito- relate. vofaron 06 “PRESSMAN, a lon -time. Communist and a friend. — 0b of Bernara KOTEN| (see p.295), whose sister: has resided in the Soviet Union since her 1945 marriage to a Soviet citizen who has been‘ identified as a courier for Soviet Intelligence. ObT PRESSMAN] accompanied | a delegation of metallur- . gists from NYU on an exchange visit. to the -- Moscow Mining Institute in (1957; he himself ~ surveyed Soviet language training programs ‘: during this visit. He denied any recruitment “approach. was made to hin there. or on subsequent | w2, trips. to the_ USSR. -NOSENKO cited the’ PRESSMAN case from his. : written notes brought to Geneva in 1964. He. did not relate it to-his Seventh. Department ._ ervice nor: did.he indicate the source of. his’ information. : . . Exoerog fnw * . ce oas ot . 'RASK, Haleer) 06 “NOSENKO* s taformation oe RASK, “the Gresident of World Wide “‘tourdl was recruited in oo the USSR in 1960. He has returned to-the USSR several times) “since... Heis-used for spotting tourists suspected of. having | ‘intelligence affiliations .Ub The KGB has received_only one. — ‘open. code message from [RASK| since” recruitment. [Rask was 0h recruited by Seventh Department: case officer Ye. N. NOSKOV. while’ NOSENKO was assigned to the American Department. .On-.. subsequent’ visits to the USSR. he was met by Seventh Depart— ment case officers of" the American “British Commonwealth: : Section. TS NO T9TIZA TopSecret = copy 10. ce ======== PAGE 392 ======== 06 _ Top Secret ‘ (Annex B) ob mn Comment: (Rasx], a former CIA contact who visited the USSR Sevéral times, reported the KGB recruitment. approach in 1961. ' NOSENKO's information was limited to that contained in written notes he brought to Geneva in 1964. He did not relate the case to his 1962-1964 Seventh Department service. 0 [ROBERTS, Spencer} ; NOSENKO's Information - 96 ROBERTS | was recruited at the end of 1962 after being compromised with a homosexual in Sochi, USSR. The case was turned over to the KGB First Chief Directorate, and (RoBERTS| 06 was recontacted by a-KGB officer in the United States. ROBERTS) confessed his recruitment to the FBI, news of which .Feached the KGB, and his KGB case officer in the United States was hastily recalled to Moscow. (RoseRTs] was handled by the American Department because -he Was a former employee of the Embassy in Moscow. The case officers were V.M. MIKHAYLOV, V.A. KUSKOV, and V.M. KOVSHUK. NOSENKO learned of the events in the U.S. from B.A. SOLOMATIN, a‘ First Chief Directorate American Depart-— -ment case officer. . os Comment: [ROBERTS] had been coopted as a CIA represen-— tative in Moscow in 1950, while he was a State Department officer assigned to the Embassy in Moscow. He confessed his recruitment by the KGB to the FBI in the fall of 1962. He was contacted by a Soviet official from the UN in New York in mid-1963. That official apparently Suddenly departed the United States in December 1963. NOSENKO did not indicate the original source of his information on (ROBERTS), 06 422 COLLES54 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy nd ======== PAGE 393 ======== Top Secret (Annex. B).” . NOSENKO' s “Information. ormex[ governess” to the American Ambassador’ 's family. ho. now (in 1964) teaches at the American school] in Moscow , owas. recruited. by the KGB ‘on the basis of sexual” involvements. The case was. ‘handled by the-American Department at the. time a NOSENKO was” cia the Seventh Department. NOSENKO' s- information’ was” limited. ‘to: written ey notes: brought to Geneva in 1964. He does. not. indicate’ the source of his information. Ob! 088] reported. ‘to the American Embassy: of . ér arrest in Kiev in 1958 on charges of.immoral | éhavior: with a- Soviet citizen. In a May 1965 .. ‘FBI interview she admitted contact in Moscow : vin ‘September 1963 with the KGB, which -stemmed , £rom her continued relationship with the same: “ Soviet citizen, but she denied that the’ KGB ~attempted to recruit her” or contact here... thereafter.. . “WOSENKO" s ‘Information’ .. The. KGB’ “distovered ‘that [ROVE] vis. a homosexual during his’ visit: to: the USSR in 1959. When he returned to ‘the USSR in. 1962,. he was “entrapped: and recruited. The case-was only of “marginal value” “to the. KGB ,- and “it was. terminated in 1963. . ” oy ouL655 423 . ae ne 1s’ No. 197124 Top Secret ' Copy. 10 ======== PAGE 394 ======== Top Secret (Annex B) Comment: [ure a New York City attorney, has admitted November 1963, 0 NOSENKO did not relate tne [RUFE) case specifically to his Seventh Department service when he cited it from writen notes brought to Geneva in 1964, nor did he indicate the source of his information, His notes state that [RUFE] 06 was recruited on homosexual grounds by the American-British Commonwealth Section of the Seventh Department, jointly with the uKeB of Leningrad Oblast, 7 [Scuwarzensace, Collette] SCHWARZENBACH, Collette of - NOSENKO's Information in love with a male KGB agent and was the target of an unsuccessful KGB recruitment attempt in 1958 or 1959, The KGB had incriminating photography, but NOSENKO did not believe it was used, the KGB appeal being based solely on her affection for the Soviet people. vV.M. MIKHAYLOV of. the American Department Embass Section directed the opera- tion. NOSENKO never read the SCHWARZENBACH| file, but he later saw it and the incriminating Pe er aPh Ss [Scuwarzensaci), who was working in Moscow at the time, fel a oo . 06, OF, 07 Comment: (Scuwarzensact: vas: during 1955 and 1956 secre- .o ary to Mrs. BOHLEN, the wife of the American Ambassador, and director of the Anglo-American School Jin Moscow. In 1956 and 1957 she worked for [Henry SHAPIRO, United Press correspondent | ()f Osx _ in Moscow (see P- 76). While employed by / 6 (shaPrro she became acquainted with one Viktor + SERGEYEV, a Soviet publishing functionary. 424 COL4 Cre 1656 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 395 ======== roe 4 “© Comment: (Continued). a ~. In’ January 1959 ‘she’ Was “approached in: “Riga by a KGB.officer who confronted her, with incrimi~ - nating photographs: and solicited her cooperation ‘in. providing information on the U.S. Embassy. “She,immediately reported the. event. to [SHAPIRG, 06 . Js who- informed then-Ambassador THOMPSON, - and (Ob GcuWARZENB ACR). left ‘the USSR shortly. thereafter. -*: Yn early 1959... She provided details of ‘the: KGB recruitment attempt to a State Department ~ = Regional. Security., Officer. in Geneva} on. 4 June ~ 2959. 8 “c.-. NOSENKO. did ° ‘not: “gecall “grom whom he. learned of the (SCHWARZENBACH|.case, which was directed .by the- American Department Embassy Section while che was assigned to. the Seventh Department. OL on (Genanmmrxoy,, ‘Eugene, heasi) : * NOSENKO' s Information ie a O : a y ‘In 1955= 719575 SEREPRENNIKOY, fan ‘employee. ‘Of. -twe [Libeary - . of Congress uwisited Moscow-with a Congressional délegation. (SEREBRENNT! OV} had. a brother “who was a Soviet citizen, a: octor.living in Sverdlovske Assigned. to the Seventh Department ate the: ‘time,:NOSENKO himself arranged for. the. brother to-be- brought to Moscow and briefed him for a. bmeeting- ‘at which. SEREBRENNIKOV| would | be "felt. out" as a prospective collaborator with ‘the KGB. “The meeting. took “place; but the brother told ‘the KGB. that he had had‘ no ~~ opportunity to discuss with SEREBR NNIKOV|the possibility, Ob . of his. helping the. Soviet ‘Union. [SEREBRENNIKOV|was in O06. Moscow only for afew days, and: there was no opportunity: for another. ‘meeting. The KGB concluded -that Mere s Ob suspicions. were’ “aroused By his brother" s behavior. ‘OG TS eer: 425 ne 7 re “TS No. 197124. Top Secret = Copy, hae - ======== PAGE 396 ======== Top Secret (Annex B) Comment: According to his 1964 interview with the FBI, Ob [SEREBRENNIKOV] visited the Soviet Union in 1956 © in the company of Senator Henry H. Jackson. whom he had not seen Since 1918. The "brother" requested a meeting, but SEREBRENNIKOV] was OG convinced from the caller’s uneducated speech and other signs that he Was not in fact ab SEREBRENNIKOV} « brother, and he refused to see im.o4(SEREBRENNIKOV] immediately advised Senator Jackson of the incident, as well as Embassy officials. 24 Gk [SEREBRENNIKOV] 06 returned to the United States, the incident was described in an article in Newsweek Magazine. . (as . [SEvERN, Gerald | . ob NOSENKO's Information (eveRN} KGB cryptonyn "EDVIN" was recruited in’ Moscow by the Seventh Department in 1958 or 1959 on ideological grounds. He is a. valuable all-purpose agent. His case officer was V.M, IVANOV. a Ob Comment: [szvern, @ naturalized American citizen whose me : name originally was {[Gennadiy SEVASTYANOV, hadiXt, Russian-born parents. He enjoys special residence arrangements in Moscow, and prior to receipt of the NOSENKO lead he was suspected to be a KGB agent OLGEVERN has not visited the United States since 61,~and he has not been interviewed by the FBI. : NOSENKO's information was limited to that contained in his written notes which he broughe to Geneva in 1964, . Oe cr . 426 CUCLES8 TS No. 197124 Top Secret | Copy OW ======== PAGE 397 ======== Top Secret : (annex B) “Ob. ute, Sofia ce) NOSENKO* ‘Ss Information : “In September : e962 Buarraves|visieed. eh the Soviet ‘Union and. was recruited by Seventh Department case officer D.A. DITYATEV. © She? hdd originally been recruited in Poland in: (1946-1947 but she was never contacted again because the Kos. believed her to be known’ to. American Intelligence. Comment: In 1962" an EBL. source: reportéd ‘that (GHATTAUER) : stated she was looking. forward to her trip to the USSR and “to being away from the imperia-- “jist policies of. the United States", and that _ Ob(GHAELGRE appeared enthusiastic about Russian ideology" In July: 1964 (SHATTAVER admitted. to 0G, the FBI that she had. had intelligénce contact with Soviet officers in Poland in 1947 and that. she was recontacted by the KGB in September 1962.in Moscow, aftér which she: periodically. met. -a KGB’ ‘officer in New York City until May 1964. -NOSENKO's ‘information was limited to. that contained": ‘in! his, written notes brought to: _ Geneva: in. 1964..-° He did age indicate: the source’ of his information. . ; 96 [iocuous, sel) -NOSENKO" e Information, a oot. : “The. “Fore me Life eorregpondent in Moscow, soovRet] . was. probably cruited by: the KGB. and was an agent, of ‘Vadim BIRYUKOV.0° [SOCHUREK] returnéd briefly to Moscow in 1962 when. Seventh Department surveillance noted his associa* “tion with BIRYUKOV, a KGB officer of the Tenth (Intelli- _ 'gensia and Correspondents) Department of the. Second Chief |, Directorate. -\. : G00L659° 427 TS Now 197124 “Top Secret = Copy 20 ======== PAGE 398 ======== Top Secret (Annex B) Comment: (socnurex who was assigned to Moscow in 1958~ 960, reyete to the Embassy a number of instances in which Soviet officials attempted to pressure him or in which he was in touch with identified KcR officers, [SOCHUREX] has 04 Stationed in the USSR, NOSENKO has not indicated the source of his information on O& (Stevens, Francis| NOSENKO's Information 64 [stevens] an[American see ye ondenth visited the Soviet Untén in 1961 aS a tourist. He was the target of American Department officers KOVSHUK and KLYPIN, who entrapped hin with a Soviet female, accused him of rape, and. blackmailed ; hin into accepting recruitment, His KGB cryptonym was Oe "SERGEY", STEVENS), however, described the recruitment attempt in 4 letter to his mother which he deposited at the Embassy. The letter was Opened and read by the Minister Counsellor, who immediately dictated a cable Summarizing the events described in the letter to the Department of State. The KcB Monitored the dictation . of . Although a tourist and a (Corres fitene, STEVENS] was the concern of the Embassy Section ‘because he was a[former : member of the Embassy staff, ss Oy GCL E60 428 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ======== PAGE 399 ======== Crocs) “Comment: a Gale, after his | ‘compromise’ concerned for is safety ‘for the remainder of his 1961 visit. . to Moscow, did ‘deposit with the Embassy a letter. to his mother. However, he also. gave. . Ambassador Thompson a written report of the KGB _ entrapment, immediately after the incident, : and he was interviewed about the matter. by the ‘Minister Counsellor the following day. Inter-- viewed. periodicallyiby the FBI following his _ "return to the United States-in 1961, [STEVENS] OG _ has denied any further contact with the KGB. - : According to the notes which NOSENKO oe “brought to Geneva in 1964, > on the basis of . which he’ reported the{S STEVENS ace: ferevEngrl “recruitment was accomplished. jointly by the ' American-British Commonwealth Section of the _ » Seventh Department and the American Departy ment * s Embassy» Section: : . . >a _New™ york ity polisenasy chad been’ developed yy the KGB "while .wisiting: the Soviet- “Union in 1958.: a though considered in 1958 a "stupid and unpromising - Boat arget" the Ukrainian KGB. was still.interested in: . ‘attempting to recruit him while he was inthe ‘Soviet ‘Union | in June 1963. oa * gomment:' -(LARASKA,. ‘who | had ‘visited ‘the Soviet Union: ‘in’ 1958, was recruited by CIA for a- mission in 5 --°1960. | When he returned to the United States: ~ he Feported that the KGB had attempted to m recruit him on both visits --[TARASKA] returned OG. to the USSR in 1963 and later reported to the FBI that the KGB had again attempted. to. recruit hin duting that visit.. ee TS No, 197124 ° Top Secret 9° Copy _10 ======== PAGE 400 ======== (Annex B) Top Secret “Comment: (Continued) NOSENKO does no information on fTAR . ol [zHoMeson, John] literature or Russian 06 t indicate the source of his ASKA|. NOSENKO's Information | 6 American professor (THOMPSON, a specialist in Russian KUNGAROVA, a KGB agent within Inturist. with KUNGAROVA and incriminatin The KGB did not attempt to reer planned to continue grounds for his recruitment if When he did not return, and recommended that: the istory, became involved with Tamara He was intimate 8 photographs were taken, uit him, however, but his assessment and establish additional he returned to the USSR. NOSENKO reviewed (fHoMP sont" s f£11e06 case be retired fo KGB Archives. 6, O Comment: @r. John M. THOMPSON, Associche Professor of . istory at India by the na University}, was interviewed FBI in April 1965... KUNGAROVA's photograph as t He identified When he returned to Moscow in 1960 he had out KUNGAROVA, who told him she had sought jo ‘been demoted in Inturi XK) declared intention to Philip Soviet st because of her Union he was unaware of any p might have and that he w by the KGB on either tri CICLEG2 430 . Top Secret marr Te EESEND THOMPSON n -1964:H6/Tuom an American (see ’ also visited the Dé PSON\ stated that . - | otographs the KGB as never approached pe TS No. 197124 Copy R/ER ======== PAGE 401 ======== - Top Secret | Comment: “(continued) : Se . rar ean a! KUNGAROVA was:interviewed by the. FBI, in. . . June 1965. Shé confirmed that she had been - intimate with (THOMPs oN} in 1959 but denied that 06 - she had. been instructed toccompromise hin. a NOSENKO has claimed KUNGAROVA was his. agent . >in 1959, although he. has not related that claim : to his description of her role in | thefENOMPSON] 06 case... - : ; . “NOSENKO" -S Information G68 a was in love with a Soviet citizen, ‘was : recruited by Seventh Department ‘case officers on that basis ©. ~ in 1960 and turned over to.the First Chief Directorate, ; which helped her obtain: employment at. ‘the UN (also given.as. NATO). NOSENKO. was in the. American Department at the time. “Comment: “In 1960 it was reported: chat{HORREY) planned & to. = oe ‘defect to thé USSR. because she was in love a “with a Soviet ‘citizen. In 1961 she married an... ‘American. --In.1962-GOLITSYN reported KGB Se eee to recruit an American identifiable ssHishnnehaecisg her October or November 1959- vast it to Moscow O6(FORREY| worked for the; Bano} ic American Union|in 1954-1959,'but there fs no: ' “indication that, she was ever employed by the ' UN. or by NATO. | . : “ NOSENKO. has not indicaréd ' the’ ‘source of “his: “information on((TORREY}-){In 1959, when GOLITSYN “reported the KGB attémpted to recruit;(TORREY} 0 NOSENKO claims he was in the Seventh, Depart ment, not the. American Department. 6001663 431 a a TS No. 197124 Top Secret =.= = —— Copy _ 10. j0lge ======== PAGE 402 ======== 14-0000 Tep Secret (Annex B) O& (Zvaros, Leon| NOSENKO'’s Information An American rofessor of Russian Literature and a fluent Russian speakertt[iwaRod) siateed the Soviet Union in 1962 or 1963. The target o Seventh Department Case officer K.G. KRUPNOV PPEWAROG] was lured into intimacy with a female KGB agent, of which the KGB took incriminating photographs. At one point Seventh Department Case officer Yevgeniy NOSKOV | incriminating photographs were not sufficient to ensure . Success. The KGB deferred further action pending [TWAROG's O6 expected return to the Soviet Union in 1964 or 1965. r Oo Comment: in a 1965 interview with the FBI, (TWAROG] said he had visited the USSR in 1957, 1960, 1962, and 1964. On his 1962 trip he had met and befriended one Nina Ss. PETROVA, and on one Occasfon they attended a Party accompanied by friends of hers, a Soviet couple. The man's name was Yevgeniy {(TWAROG stated that he was later intimate with PETROVA, but was never confronted by anyone about that fact. In 1964 (after NOSENKO's defection), {TWAROG|stated, he O6 was approached in the USSR by Arthur HAMAN, an Estonian whom he had met in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1962. HAMAN, who had defected in Sweden in 1955, redefected to the USSR in _ 1962. According to (Ewarod) HAMAN offered (9¢ $50,000 if TWAROG would provide background 06 summaries of membérs of his tour group and: ‘threatened hin with the denial of future entry C&to the USSR if (TwaRoG| did not comply. (TwaRog 06 stated that he refused, and no further pressure was applied. NOSENKO provided the information on (TWAROG ] Of from notes, in Geneva in 1964. GOSLEE4 432 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ig/68 ======== PAGE 403 ======== cae (annex: a \ fWonkow,. Rrrretss stl vas re ae _ NOSENKO" s. ‘Information {voLKov)} : construction ‘company “employee and an. “American, - was” recruited by..a Seventh Department case officer in the summer. .of 1962 while visiting the. Soviet Union.. He. was to be cused » in emigre operations.” . Co ee coument: <{@ Kovt: as ‘been’ identified as a carpenter ofen! Living in- ‘California who travelled to the - Soviet - Union in'1962:,. He is a religious. .fanatic with a. record “Of many arrests, and - jhe. may” be. ‘mentally disturbed. .In an FBI - Oineerview (Vorxov}densed that he had been recruited. by. the KGB. “NOSENKO does not ‘indicate the ‘source - of his:information; which was contained in. notes brought | to Geneva.in 1964. recruited ‘by a Seventh Department | case officer © “in n 1963- ‘on- ideological. ‘grounds.’ His-mission.is to advise the KGB by" open. code.-of .any. tourist whom. he: suspected of having | some meri an. “Inte ligence. — : ‘Interviewed by the FBI in’ May 1964 forst> ae advised that he travelled annually to the USSR. “-om. tourist business and has: frequent contacts with Inturist officials in the Soviet Union. He denied. having any intelligence contacts,. with one’ possible exception. In about 1962° _he-was: visited in his Moscow hotel room by a © 6001665 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Cony - 10 433 ======== PAGE 404 ======== Top Secret (Annex B) Comment: (Continued) Ob person represented to be an Inturist official who solicited[VOLSKIY s aid in curtailing foreign tourists’ distribution of Bibles and literature in the USSR, {(VOLSKIY] asserted that O6 he was in no position to provide such assis- tance, and he was not contacted again. NOSENKO's information is limited to that contained in written notes brought to Geneva in 1964. 06 WALLACE, William| : NOSENKO's Information - 10 ;0 A student at the University of (Vienna, WALLACE] was ' recruited on ideological grounds while visiting the Soviet Union in 1961. The Seventh Department made the recruitment, OG and turned WALLACE] over to the First Chief Directorate, which was still managing the case in 1964, Comment: Interviewed in February 1965 in Viennal, OGWWALLACE] admitted having been approached by an unidentified Soviet during a visit to the USSR in 1961. He claimed he refused to "help them", and said there had been no further attempts to contact him. : NOSENKO's information is limited to that contained in written notes brought to Geneva in 1964; he has not indicated the source of his information.’ . GACL6EG 434 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy ER ======== PAGE 405 ======== - ‘Top Secret | (annex By 06, 06 OUNGER, Raph and Evel Evelyn) So ~ NOSENKO' s Information . couple. were. ‘identified as American Intelli- gence “agents” and arrested and recruited by the KGB while “they visited ‘thet USSR in 1961: . However, later they failed’ "‘to-meet, their KGB case officer as planned, in Denmark. The - @ase was handled by- the American Department while NOSENKO was in ‘the Seventh Department. NOSENKO's former subordinate, v. ve KOSOLAPOV, was | directly involved. in the case. > - the (GOUNGERS? were con a mission ‘for ‘the - U.S. Army~at- the time of ‘their arrest, and they _ reported their recruitment immediately upon leaving. the Soviet. Union. KGB officer: : KOSOLAPOV travelled to Copenha en under alias ’ in 1961, ‘at the time, when raetESeadERe were’ DG, scheduled | to meet with the KGB’ in Denmark... _*. NOSENKO did not indicate the source. of his. “information. which che related to CIA in (Geneva “in 1962. : Comment: NOSENKO' s Information : TRING a student who’ visited the USSR in 1960, ‘was. . recruited by the KGB after being apprehended in blackmarkét dealings. ee ee ee os won : blackmarketeering but denied recruitment. : British authorities concluded that he may have given the impression of willingness to. cooperate without realizing the purpose of the Soviet - offer. British authorities report no evidence - of subsequent contacts between “Soviet officials. . ; NOSENKO claims.he was in the American Depart- ment at the: time(ZIRING (was recruited.by the Seventh Department. a : : 435 ~. Comment: ‘Interviewed in London in 1964 ,-BYRING] adnicted GO0L1GE7 TS No- 197124 Top Secret = Copy 19 —— ======== PAGE 406 ======== Tep Secret Index of Personalities ABEL, Col. Rudolf Ivanovich 34 ABIDIAN, John, V. 153, 155, 180, 194, 205-222, 224, 225, 229, 241, 242, 246, 259, 260, 344, 351, 404 ACTOR, fnu (See PROCTOR)DS 399 AGAYANTS, Ivan Ivanovich 283 ’ "AGLODINA" (KGB cryptonym for Yelena S$. KOSIENKQ) 79 & (ALBAMONTE, Marion 317 OG(ALBINGER, Donald 4007 ; LEKSEYEV, Aleksandr Ivanovich 253 ALEKSEYEV, Vladimir Kuzmich 305, 306 ALEKSLIEV, Georgi Velev 258 ALESEIN, Yevgeniy Nikolayevich || 221, 222, 390 ALLOYAN, Lawrence 400, 401} Ub ANDREY" (KGB cryptonym for Dayle Waliace SMITH) 22, 33-37, , 99, 152, 165, 238, 239, 287 Qo[ANDREYEV, Igor Ivanovich 376, 391] vy ‘(ANDRIANOV, Vladimir Nikolayevich 387, 395) 06 ANKUDINOV, Vladimir Mikhaylovich 138 66 "ANOD" (KGB cryptonym for [Alexander SVENCHANSKI¥) 292 - OS{APISSON, Henzy 407] "ARKHANGELSKLIY" 215, 216 ARKHIPOV, Nikolay Alekseyevich 123 OSTARKHIPOV, Petr Mikhaylovich 372) . OLL ARMSTRONG, Robert 402, 413) ‘ARSEN" (KGB cryptonym for John V. ABIDIAN) . 207 ARTAMONOV, Nikolay Fedorovich (Defector) 47, 373 ARTEMOV, Vladimir L'vovich 214, 284, 285 © . "ARTUR" (KGB ecryptonym for (Arsene FRIPPEL) pb 137, 156 Ob[AVDEYEV, Vladimir Dmitriyevich ° 389, 390] AGRICHEV, Nikolay Grigoryevich 35, 36 BAKHVALOV, Mikhail Fedorovich ‘153, 154, 223 BALDIN, Boris Andreyevich 259 ‘BANNIK, Maj. Gen. (See BANNIKOV) 389 BANNIKOV, Sergey Grigoryevich 276, 384, 390 BARGHOORN, Frederick 298-302, 326 _, BARKOVSKIY, Vladimir Borisovich 296 CGBARRETT, Robert 127, 134-136, 248] . We ary -. 6001668 437 _TS No. 197124 Tep Secret Copy 10 i364 ======== PAGE 407 ======== 14-00000 Top Secret RTHELEMY, Thomas “hor, wos} oo ok SEGCS,. Frank 193, 195, 197>-198| eS ELANOVSKIY, Victor (KGB. cryptonym- Ts TROYEV") » . 110, 116 Lp BELITSKIY, Boris Yefimovich 106, 268, 280, 282-287, 291 Jor" 347, 332,332, 337 0 eg : “BELKIN" ‘(KGB cryptonym for Boris BELITSKIY) 282 ; : 8. BELOGLAZOV, Viktor © 159, 221, 222, 225, 246 7 “ab BELOV, Ivan Andreyevich =: wo, O°fgeNson, John S$. > g BENVAMINOV, Aleksandr AleksandEovich Sa . B6 BIENSTOCK, Natali ie : ([BINDER, Peter 203, 204, 234, 4) BIRSE, Arthur 104, 114, 122, 4 BIRYUKOV, Vadim. Osipovich- a 427, 428 / Ss ; :BLAKE, George °° 30%7-102,'°148, 149, (PATD, 2634.3214 331. , BOBKOV, .Filip. Denisovich. a 269 o : ea BOLSHAKOV, ” Georgiy Nikitovich. (GRU) _ "398, ‘BORODIN, Nikolay MikhayTovien’ naka Norman M. BORODIN) - 2) 35, 94, 95.. ae a _ 7 : BORISOV, -Ivan- Dmitriyevich : BORISOV, Petr Pavlov ch : Lewis. We "139, 141, BRADLEY, “Jerome G07 Stree BRAUNS, Horst 268, 288 BROCHES, Adam 405, pe RROCHES, Alexander _ & pacCHES, Ignacy. BRODNEY,; Konaeth BROWN, Ge Stanicy . * BUBNOV, Oleg Sergeye 6 BUDYLDIN,. Valerty. oe BUHLE} Johannes. a IG gt ; Oe UNDARIN, Eugene Peter 406, 407° Ne es OS{BURGI,. Richard. 99; 110, 113, , 115-120, “14a, 344 * WBUTENKO, John W. : . a ((CARDELLA, James CECCHI, Pietro... 194, 298,, 368 \ CHELNOKOV, Col. Vladimir. ‘Bait. (-' 442,°259,°276, 292, 305, 346 St Pe '’ CHEREPANOV, Aleksandr Nikolayevich | 76, 264, 309-313,.319, 322, 326, 381, 411, 412 | ae 142," , 24h - 18, 29, Oo{(CHRISTNER, Rob‘ a ert. OS(CHUCHUKIN,. Vladimir _ ETT. 372) CHURANOV, Vladimir eee eaeseicne "30-31, 97 a 7 oo GO0LEES vo TS No. 197124 ABB — Top Secret Copy | HBR ======== PAGE 408 ======== 14-0000 FS FS Ps ES. a f=) Ponti: Ps wanes aul top Secret "i ANKO, Yevgeniya "Jane" 109 SO DAY, Frank 201, 202) DEMKIN, Vladimir (mnu) 159, 161, 182, 194, 203, 222, 246, 404 DERA, Vitaliy Grigoryevich 272, 273, 406 DEREVENSKOV, Gennadiy Georgivevich 370 DERYABIN, Petr Sergeyevich (KGB defector 1954) - 17, 61, 277, 380, 381, 396 DITYATEV, Dmitriy Alekseyevich 427 "DMITRIYEV" 84 DMITRIYEV, Aleksandr Anatolyevich 107, 108, 249 DMITRIYEV, Sergey Georgiyevich 228 . 1, DRANOV, Vasiliy (mnu) 221, 222 O(DREW, George 127, 130, 131, 347) §L[DRIBERG, Tom 106, 112] - UBAS, Konstantin Nikitovich 124, 125, 127, 129, 130, 133, is2, 153, 304-306 ; DUMKOV, Gen. (Bulg. MVR) 257 nh VORKIN, Yuriy Mikhaylovich 294 v) (Buentr, Robert 202, 203 H& a. EDVIN" (KGB cryptonym for [Gerald SEVERN) 426 EL SHAZLY,. Mohammed Sarwat 194, 198, 199 ¢ Henry (Seé lenry APISSON)| Thomas 407, 408) - OCLFARMAKOVSKAYA, Olga A. 392, 393} - . FEDOROVA, Dora 92, 93 \ FEDOROVICH, Tatyana - 208, 214, 215, 216 FEDOSEYEV, Sergey Mikhaylovich 159, 229, 237, 239, 259, 307, 313, 406 FEDYANIN, Vladimir Petrovich 158 FEKLISOV, Aleksandr Semenovich 117, 119, 314 ob FELCHLIN, Howard L. 87, 90-93| ILATOV, Vladimir Gerasimovich 279, 294 OSfEINK, Davia — 408, 409 HLLFISK, Norman 145, 409 FOFANOV, Fedor (mnu) 25, 27 FOMIN (alias of A. FEKLISOV) : 314, 368 FREERS, Edward L. 227, 230, 231, 238 . OERIPPER, Arsene 103, 127, 137- ~144, 49, 265, 266, 347 | va FRIPPEL, Odette (Mrs. Arsene FRIPPEL) = | 139) | i ; FUNKHAUSER, Richard © 243 Q ABELKO, Sergey Stepanovich_ 376) OLYGAFFEY, Joseph 203, 2041 7 GAMKRELIDZE, Revas Valeryanovich 386, 387 GARBLER, Paul 246-248 . GARLAND, John 189-192, 199, 254) ARST, Roswell: 109 GAVRICHEV, Sergey Ivanovich 279, 318 6001670 439 TS No. 197124 . Yep Secret Copy 10 176K ======== PAGE 409 ======== 14-0000 Top: Secret “GAVRILENKO, Nikolay: ‘Aleksandrovich “ 159, 211,° 222 ” GAZARYAN, Oganes. . 400° . vos : as OG[GEHREKENS; Hans ~~ 113, “Tia - OOIGILMORE, Eddy. 76, 77, 78,.79,. . 86) INSBERG, Michaei_ 445,409,.. , GLAZUNOV, Ilya Sergeyevicli : Ab GLEYSTEEN, Culver — aerate es wo, OLD, Harry~ “293 ; ee pe, fs ne a on COLITSYN, Anatoliy Mikhaylovich 17-19, 30, 38,°39, 62,76, 162, 163, 166, 168, 169,176, 189; 191, 192,232, 235, 266, ‘273; “283, “290, 330, 364, °376, 380, °381, 383, 396, bo 403, 405407, ABR eS Ob Goros, Jacob 293) ~ : . ce : OLOVKO, Admiral. ‘arseniy Geigoryevich "63000 " GOLUBEV, Sergey Mikhaylovich. 277, 384, 385 “GORBACHEVA, Xiara Konstantinovna "437 "Gray" = 3920." . Lo oe ‘GRIBANOV, General Oleg. Mikhaylovich “15, 20, 37, 38, “115, 7127, 127, 144,146, 153, 154, 159, 266, -167, 168, 170, “172, 194, “235,. 237, 2.39 55-257, “259, 260, 275, 276, 291, 298-302, 304, 307, 311, 315- -317, 321, 331, 335-337, 2. ; 346- -349.- 352; / 360; 367, 368, 384, 385, 387- 392 5398 : “GRIGORIY™ (KGB cryptonym for. Aleksey YEFREMOV) ee 2) ee GRINEVSKIY, Oleg Alekseyevich . °° 279° CO ya GRISHNYAT, Tatyana (mnu) ° © 32; 226° - GROMAKOVA, Ludmila © 89, 209 -211,-220 GROMAKOVSKIY, Yevgenty. (mau Ma BSG ey at GEE Peart mR A) ae GRYAZNOV, Gennadiy_ Ivanovich: . 155,156," 159, . 160- ~163,, 168- 170, . 182, 185,.186, 193, 194,202, 204, 217, 223,. 22 (226, 229, ve (235. 239, 259, 267, 298, 300, 382, 413, 415... a “GUK; ‘Yuriy. Ivanovich - 62,°280, 281, 311, 318,383. "384,03 87. “ GUSKOV, Sergey Mikheylovich -..119, 130 a a , HAMAN, Arthur”. ° 432. a CHAMZAVI, Charles P4131) ‘Hanna", Inu. “19G ; RMSTONE , Richard, - 314, : RRIS; Gisella “127,128,717 4t HAYHANEN, Reino. (KGB defector 1957). 2 OCH HOFFMAN, F. Stephen 402, 413(- _ -_ OMBOFFMAN, Col. Theodore—F. ” 180, 234) .* om HORBALY, Willian ° 226, 227, 243, 244 . eb FHOUGHTON, “Captain JT~Cc aaa a HOWARD, Herbert. 413, William Se. odoLer4 TS No. 197124. | | Tep Secret Copy ======== PAGE 410 ======== 14-00000 EGp Gecrer ILYIN, Sergey Aleksandrovich 25 * LSAKOV, Viktor Fedorovich 366 IVANOV, fnu 108 OUfivanov, Boris Semenovich 46, 50, 324, 362, 363, 366, 369, - 370, 374, 386 | IVANOV, Igor Aleksandrovich 298 IVANOV, Vladimir Maksimovich 428 IVANOV, Vladimir Vladimirovich . 130 . IVANOVA, Svetlana N. 194, 196, 198, 199, 203, 204 IVASHUTIN, Petr Ivanovich 347 JACKSON, Henry H. 426 _; JACOB, Richard C. 404 Q°(JAFFE, Sam 415'\ OOMTELISAVCIC, Michael 109\ ObJENNER, Paul 164, 185-190, 192] JOHNSON, Hedwig (Mrs. Robert Lee JOHNSON) 23, 28 JOHNSON, Robert Lee 22, 24-27, 349, 380 oe 0b [FouNSON, Wallace Everett 112, 220, 260, 267~272, 290, 291, 349] JONES, William Carroll, IIL 272, 273] ADERA, Fred 203\ - “"KALNINSH, Khariy Yanovich 385 KALOSHIN, Colonel (RU) (fnu) 51-53, 56, 59 Ob KALUGIN, Oleg Daniilovich 372, 373] 7 KAMO" 209 g KANTOR, Marvin (or Melvin) 145, 415, 416 a KARETNIKOV, Venyamin Zasimovich (or Venedikt Vasilyevich) . 25, 27 . al OlfkarLov, fnu- 113, 145) 4 ObLRASISCHKE, Richard 79 : QO. (RAZAN-KOMAREK, Vladimir Joseph 416, 417\ QOLKEYSERS, James G. 157, 165, 178-181, 234, 236, 258} QG{RHANZAI, Charles (See Charles P. HAMZAVT) | HODAKOVSKIY, fnu 117 : : a KHOKHLOV, Nikolay (KGB defector 1954) 76 , 1 KHRENOV, Nikolay (mnu) 83, 84 KILLHAM, Edward A. 314 ; OG [krPTENKO , Vadim A. 374). ISLITSYN, Filip Vasilyevich 84 KISLOV, Aleksandr Konstantinovich ~ 279, 280, 284, 415 -, KISLOV, Slava (alias of and see V.A. KUSKOV) 415 KLOSSON, Boris 241 : : - YPIN, Vladimir AlekSeyevich 153, 154, 159, 161, 186, 206, 209, 222, 226, 227, 237, 255, 428 . KOBULOV, General Bogdan Zakharovich 49,51, 55, 57, 62, 64-66, 7 | OG(KOLOBASHKIN, Aleksey Mikhaylovich 380] ; ROLOSOV, (alias of V.V. KOSOLAPOV) KOLOSSOV, Viktor Dmitriyevich (alias of V. V. KOSOLAPOV) 187, 192° 441 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy 40 ======== PAGE 411 ======== SS £3 © £2 Pes 2S 2S B saxion] waasnes SER SREB > eM SNP EE NP NTE Net fe Ok KOMAREK (See KAZAN-KOMAREK) | OMAROV, Vladimir Mikhaylovich (alias of V.M. KOVSHUK) -KONSTANTINOV, Ivan Alekseyevich 108, 109 KOPEYKIN, Viktor 418 KOROLEV, Yuriy Dmitriyevich 396, 397 KORNIENKO, Georgiy Markovich 366 “KOSHIKIN" 110 KOSIENKO, Yelena S. (KGB ecryptonym "AGLODINA") 79 KOSOLAPOV, Vadim Viktorovich 155, 156, 159, 160-163, 182, 185-196. 199-204, 206, 223, 235, 254, 261, 435 KOSTYRYA, Vladimir Viktorovich 141 OG (KOTEN, Bernard =. 295, 296, 326, 4210 Papier arene ete oo” ‘KOVALENKO, Anatoliy. «Grigoryevich 273, 298-300, 302, 305, 317, 323, 346 . KOVALEV, Feliks . 366 KOVSHUK, Vladislav Mikhaylovich 33-36, 78, 94, 95, 153-159, 161, 163, 167, 168, 172, 174-177, 186, 195, 206, 209, 217, 222, 223, 226-229, 242, 244, 245, 250, 259-261, 290, 412, 422, 428 KOZHEVNIKOVA, Lyudmila Yulianovna 55, 57 KOZLOV, Anatoliy Sergeyevich 117-120, 255, 257 KOZLOV, Veniamin Alekseyevich : 76-79, 216, 218 KRAFT, Virgil 127, 129, 130 KROTKOV, Yuriy Vasilyevich 372 aL KRUPNOV, Kim Georgiyevich 273, 289, 290, 301, 303-305, 419, 432- "XRYMOVA" (See Marina RYTOVA) KUKOLEV, Dmitriy 86, 87 0 (RULEBYAKIN, Nikolay Panteleymonovich | 370, 374, 379, 394, 398] | KUNGAROVA, Tamara 107, 112, + as, 419160430, 431 KURILENKO, Ivan Yakovlevich 222 Q LKUROCHKIN, fru - 372 \ a KUSKOV, Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich 153, 311, 314, 415, 422 KUZMIN, Nikolay. Yakovlevich 226, 228 KUZNETSOV, Aleksandr Ivanovich 252 Obtiaine, v.A. 402, 403} OQWANE, Sir Allen 104, 114, 122, 125, 1441 LANGELLE, Russell 153, 205, 207, 210, 2 3, 214, 241, 260, 314, 315 —- . : _ LARTONOVA, -Alla 97, “98 EEBEDEV" (See Vladimir MURONTSEV) (LEBEDEV, Anatoliy Aleksandrovich 362 0b fzsenzv, Lev Aleksandrovich 27, 94 LEONOV, Mikhail A. 418 LEONTIYEV, Yuriy (mnu) .-- 84 LEVINA, Maya (mnu) 249, 250 _LEVINE, Irving R. 106, 112 2 . G0U1 673 442 TS-No. 197124 Top Secret _ «Copy wee ======== PAGE 412 ======== 14-000008%. Beles SOCPCL "Lillian" 183, 184 LITTELL, Walkce L. 314 LOPUKHOV, Yuriy Aleksandrovich 116 "Luce" 110 ObfiuKas (See LUKIs)| UKIS, fnu 127, 131] OMLUKYANOV, Pavel Pavlovich 368 | SJEuNT, Horace G. 254, 256-258) LYALIN, fnu 276 Okiysov, vurdy Vasilyevich 362, 375} Of MAHONEY, Eugene 219, 245, 246) . -., MAKASHEV, Boris Dmitriyevich - 311 Ob(MALIA, Martin, 113-115 (MALYUGIN, Aleksandr Stepanovich 153, 160, 161 OWMANHOFF, Martin J, or ob RK, David 241, 276, 286 ‘OS|MARTIN, Captain Donald Cc. 1791 | MARTIN, William lamilton 2397 0 MASON, Major Anthony 227 QOS/HATLAW (also MATLO), Ralph 113, 145, 417| } OQOMATLO (See MATLAW J MATVEYEV, Mikhail Georgiyevich 216, 217 MAYOROV, Igor Sergeyevich - 278 OG (McGOWAN, Edward 148) OGEMcGULRE, Robert Alan 147, 148 QSLMcKINNEY, Walter A. 91, 92\ McMILLAN, James H. 238 ~ Ob(MeSWEENEY, John M. 238) gpeVECKAR, John 311 OSOMEARNS, Fillmore K. 85, 87, 88, 89) | », MEDVEDEV, Viktor Sergeyevich 383, 384 OCMMERTENS, Gerard 127, 133, 134, 347 | MICHAUD, Marcel (alias of N.S. SKVORTSOV) 167, 173, 198 OL (MICKELSON, Earl L. 85, 87, 88, 89) - q IKHAYLOV, Aleksey Mikhaylovich 241 MIKHAYLOV, Valentin Matveyevich 422, 424, 426 MINTKENBAUGH, James Allen 23, 28 ] MISHUTIN, fnu_ 302. .. -. MITCHELL, Bernon 239 : MONTGOMERY, Hugh 404 ] Ob[MorELL, William N., Jr. 159, 245, 248, 260, 261 MORELLI, Galya 404, 405 OL (Hoong, Joseph 173, 174, 183, 193-199, 254, 337} 6( (MULE, Walter 87, 94-96,.98-100) UROMTSEV, Vladimir (mnu) 105 MYARIMYAYE, fnu 125 E] 443 : TS No. 197124 Yop Secret . Copy (10 ======== PAGE 413 ======== 14-00000| a 3 i i ¢ REVERova, e a meee & Ob(NIELSEN, th begs NIELSEN. ps aT. i Ob NIKOLAYEY (. . ET 352 q NIKOLAYEV, yup 1 ? tet qattas used by NOSENKO) - 4 NIKOLOV, Gee... 27 _ eg ty NOSENKO) 271 7 NIXON, rt KVORTSOV, Nikolay Semenovich 135, 167, 170, 172-174" 198, 199 OGISLESINGER, Alfred Lazarevich 293-295, 326] SMIRNOV (alias used by NOSENKO) 123 SMITH, Dayle W. (See "ANDREY") 33, 36, 98, 99, 238, 239, 260, 287 SMITH, Edward Ellis 37-39, 99, 336 SMITH, John Discoe 239 OL[SMITH, Paul 249] SNYDER, Richard 311, 314 SOBOROVA, Larissa 104, 105, 122 OC)SocuurEK, Howard 427, 428) | OKOLOV, Gen. (GRU) Vsevolod Sergeyevic 297 Qé(soKoLow, sonya 293 a "SOLISTKA" (KGB cryptonyn, identity unknown) 185-187, 189 SOLOMATIN, Boris Aleksandrovich 422 OG SPRECHER, George Herman . 377, 378) QOTSTEIGER, Andrew J. 7 -QQSTEVENS, Edmund 76, 158 ; B STEVENS, Francis 245, 428, 429 Qb{STORSBERG, James 157, 161, 164, 165, 166-179, 194, 198, 199, -201, 234, 238, 250, 260, 266 ; Ok Stroup, witliam R. 87, 93-96,~-98| STROYEV" (KGB cryptonym for Victor BELANOVSKIY) vy UMIN, Aleksey Konstantinovich 215° UL(SUNDAR, Egil 113, 123, 124) 0 UTTON, Horace 104, 1054 Ob{SVENCHANSKIY, Alexander 292, 293, 295, 326} VIRIN, Vasiliy. Grigoryevich 392 SYCHEV, Aleksandr Anfimovich 390 : Ts ARABRIN, Yevgeniy Anatolyevich 131, 132, 391, 394 7 ‘ CUCTARASKA, William 145, 429, 430] £ COlEAYLOR, David 127, 132, 133, 144} i ELEGINA, Augustina Konstantinova 48, 52, 55 Mn 8 ITOV, Col. Viktor Nikolayevich 362, 381] as Us THOMPSON, John M. 107, 381, 430, 431 a "TOMO" (KGB cryptonym for Aleksey A. DMITRIYEV) OL RORMOZOV, Anatoliy 79 (TORREY, Carmen 43 . : . . TRAPEZUND" (KGB cryptonym for Oganes GAZARYAN) _ 400 So TSYMBAL, Mikhail Stepanovich 278, 280, 281, 318 ' TULAYEV, Vladimir Yevgenyevich 373 : _, -PURALIN, Mikhail Ilich 305 : Ob [awaxos, Leon 432 ; MANETS, Ella 159, 183, 184, 198 ObMRBAN, Peter 180, 227 OG (VAN KRAKOW, Hugo 4005” 40% 06 VAN LAETHEM, George 97, 9 . 6001677 446 TS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy Top Secret SITNIKOV, Mikhail.G. . 276 2clse ======== PAGE 416 ======== Ser . for Secret VARLAMOVA, Inga 159, 167, 169 VASSALL, Willian John C. 18, 23, 24, 30, 31, 110, 149 VERENIKIN, Aleksandr Ivanovich 121 VETLITSKIY, Arseniy Aleksandrovich 133, 297 VLADIMLROV, Vladimir Viktorovich (alias of V¥.V. KOSTYRYA) 141, 362-364, 369 VLASOV, Gennadiy N. 380 VLASOV, Ivan Pavlovich 372 : VOLKOV, Anatoliy Ivanovich 110-113, 127, 130~136, 202, 2 : . 256, 267-271, 407, 409, 417 0b [vorxov, Vasiliy Andreyevich 433 . VOLODINA" (KGB, cryptonym, identity unknown) 60, 85 Volodya, lnu 89, 90 -"VOLODYA" (KGB cryptonym, identity unknown) 202 0... m-- Volodya, Inu (unidentified KGB officer) 197 06 (Vousxry, Boris 433, 434 | VOROBYEV, Vladislav (KGB_cryptonym "SERVIZNIY"): | 86, 87 Ob [waLLacr, Willian 434 OL[WASHENKO, Steven 242-244) | MATKINS, J.B. 110, 149 Qo (WEISS, Samih. (KGB cryptonym "SARDAR") (160, 161, 181-184, 0 250, 267 ) b (wartney, Thomas 76-80 ) Oy ILBY, William Stanley 127, 131, 132 OG{WILLERFORD, Frederick 127, 136, 144 QGEWILSON, Charles 227] OMINDSOR, David M. 227] WINTERS, George P. 139, 142, 158, 244, 260, 314, 315, 412 oy ObIEAZHINSKAYA, fou _ 169\ s\ OUWEAGER, F.J. 91 ) “YEFREMOV, Aleksey (mau) 110-113, 127, 130-136, 202, 248, 256, 267-270, 272, 409, 417 YEFREMOV, Leonid Ivanovich 301, 302 YEGOROV, Mikhail (mnu) 255, 257 YEGOROV, Sergey Ivanovich 254 pest, Nina Ivanovna 383 \ i Ol YERMAK, Yevgeniy Ivanovich 372) ; “ OL LXOUNGER, Ralph and Evelyn: 435] "Yuliya", Inu 188 "Yura", Inu 188 ZARUBIN, Vasiliy Mikhaylovich 405 . , ZAYTSEV, fnu 419 _ [zayTsEv, Valentin Aleksandrovich 363, 364] ZEMSKOV, Nikolay 237... . ZHARIKOV, Nikolay Timofeyevich 317 ZIRING, Stanley. 435 ZUBON, William J. 267} ZUIUS, Matas 184 - 4 ZUJUS, Matthew P. 161, 164, 178, 181-184, 238, 250, 267) ZWANG, Maurice ~- 2007) : : Feo 6001678 447 IS No. 197124 Top Secret Copy 10 el ========== FILE: 104-10160-10207.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== fr04-10160-10207 [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 ne . . : . 7 SECRET _\ i004 { 1 16 June 1964 Per hia request, Jad Lt. Oliverio Aatoaic TOMEG Yasallo was recontscted 8 64 at his place of resic- provided additional detaiis. and identified Osiel GONZALEZ sad one “G0CO" as possible leads to Jose ======== PAGE 2 ======== 13-00000 SECRET 13. Ars 1964 i . { '" S@BJECT: Reoentact of Gliverio A. TOME Vasalic. (201-283206) ‘ 1. At 2730 bours, & June 64, the undersigned. vas advised ' a@ Bip residence that a itr. TOMEU (Subject) had called the t eecurity nusber qiven him (351-6161) and left the pescage that . be would lite to tals again with Paul Stroud: (the undersigned) . enytine efter 1£0% hours, 6 June. 2. Upes arriving at TOMEU's apartment (Apt. 303, 1cas. . Wahler Place 62, High Poiat Apartment Bouse, Sashington, D. ¢.), : 1830 hours, & dune, TOMEU izcicaeted te Ais two daughters he would like to have name privacy and they end hie wife, Caridad, left 3. ‘TONEY apologised ‘for act having recelled the nane . oO “de VAROUAW as that of dor Gloria de VAROMA. He reiterated . * thet, while in hiding to escape capture by the Cuban Governnent } @abeoquent to his infiltration, he knew only the first aanzeo of the persons vith whom bc came ip contact, but. thea added he knew Ase Gloria ce YARONA, 4a whose bouse he waa hiding, because she. wan the sister of Caries de VAROM, one of bis. iatiitration tean . penders. (Tris Carles de YAROMA may. be ideantical wits : Carlos Maausl de 7AKCm | » -301~289985; or ane. carlos arturo WARGHA Arjoua, §01-253209. 4. Cn several occariceas, according to TONEY, he was seated % the table fin Ana's bouse with several other people. Cue of . ¢escr thoags TOMES bad Ba iafurmetion as to what zinaliy. aappened '. -@@ Carlos de YAROWA, hic infiltrstion team mate, be cucgested Qhat sf Carlos cr Ann were evailable they may be able to Sdentizy *COOG" and. provide dats on. Be. scceseability for esatact. 6. Owe Cael CORALES, forner: Cater oft the Baynas ¥ire Department, wae idestified by ToaxG oe sacther possible lead ag Na RT ro ======== PAGE 3 ======== 13-00000 SECRET . i who vould know LLANVEA. TOMKD cffirned Osiel was previcusl; . 4 ’ with MEHOYO Gutierrez in the Second Front of Escaahray. Osiel | was under ssylum in the Brazilian katassy (sic, Argentine | . Enbassy?), when TUAKU gained political asylum. then Usiel , finally received hie safe conduct from the iumbassy, he veat to Puerto Rico and, TOMEU postulates that Usiel is now again with NEMOTO. in either the United States or Puerto Rico. ‘6. Two sap shots (to be returned) vere provided by. . TOMLU. of binself and six other individuals who vere in asylua . at the seme tine. Se identified these, in the photograph in te which Monsignor Eduardo BOZA Masvidal is seated, as, from : left to right: Manuel VILLANANAN, Oliverio TOMEU, Nils. DIAZ : (believed to be in US), Public AUIZ (US), Jorge Del VALLE (tex?), aad Owiel GONZALEZ (US or Puerto Rico?). 7. Up-n completing the debriefing, Stroud and TOMEU : “exchanged sealt talk" for a while until TOMEU finally stated that bes still wished there was something more he could do to help free Cube, and asked “What do you think I should do?” - Gtroud replied that no person could really sake that type of : Gecisioa for another individual, and countered by aaking | TOMEU what alternatives he had in mind, other than Femaining in the VS Army as a career military officer. 8. TOMEU replied that, of course, he was once an. ; ’ ‘e agriculturalist, but that there were fer job opportunities in Jf which be could apply his past experience. His sister had 2lso . asked hin if be felt he and wis family would want to. Live with ber in Spain or Kexico, but he didn’t think too much of this idea, He then atated that he had been asked by Manuel ARTINE t . 2o take a.job as an instructor, Without indicating any . essceiation of even awareness of ARTIME's activitios, or of ARTIME's contact with TOMEU (an incicated in TOMEU's 201), PONE was asked what he thought of ARTIME's proposition, : GOMES stated that he would no longer follow any man as .a individual or as a leader, because a man's ideals, outlowk, ead objectives. change with time, Yor example, the people of Guba followed Fidel because of the ideals he advocated, When ' Fadel took crer, hie ecconpiishasnis gradually decane quirs Gasgerent from the ideals he had espoused, TONEU continued by eaying he would “no longer follow a man, One could only trust his ideals or an organization which followed those ideals, since a good. organization would be less likely of . being controlled by a single man," When saked for an example Of. the type of organization he hud in mind, TOMEU replied he wae most favorably inclined tovards the ideale and goals of | the JURE, (The JURE or JRC ie an organization crested by — . Manolo RAY Rivero around s. nucleus. of. former 26 July Movement leaders, See nemo and attachment dated 45 July 1063 from doha ugh Crinmins, Coordinator. of Cubag_A re, “ABA, Department of. Btate ta. *w@ B0i-283206.)- |: vr | ‘SECRET. ======== PAGE 4 ======== SECRET -3- “@. %€ abould, perhaps, be noted here that in an informal ‘ exchange vith irs. Dosald WEBSTER, TOMEU‘'s supervisor at the : Defense Language institute, Anaccetia Nawal Annex, 4 June 64, Mra, VEBUTER volunteered the information that “atl of the other , "Brigade students here’ have told me they think very kigaly . of TOMY, ead that he is - very brave man, because be end his : genily were very wealthy in Cuba and he gave at aul “p to go i into extle and fight the Castro Regine.“ . ========== FILE: 104-10161-10001.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 104-10161-10001 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | SN gegen ea 4 Begpdied - © MOTIF ICATION OF ESTABLISHMENT OF MILITARY COVER BACKSTOP: ========== FILE: 104-10161-10115.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,0000 104-10161-10115) [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | NOTIFICATION OF CANCELLATION F MILITARY COVER BACKSTOP TO: MILETARY COVE! lock Records: (OP Memo 20-800-11) ‘Effective Submit Form. 642 To Change | Limitation Category. (HB 20-600-2 t to be redesignated HHB 20-7) - . _t. [J cory to crosor fay A pod Sh. CH cy CHIEF. ILITARY COVER, CCS noe 7 : GROUP t +20. ta eet 155la sf ZCRET Excluded from cutomatic (13-20-43) ey ldowngreding and -declatsificotion ========== FILE: 104-10161-10144.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 104-10161-10144) . 7 : r | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | Y fn : » CEPT , kG “7 “CC oF: 28 September 1961 rs File No. 4455 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Records and Services Division Office of Personnel : THROUGH : Chief, PSD/OS Attention: Mr. Robert C. Swendimen - SUBJECT 3 PICCOLO, Joseph S$. GS~7, WH - Cover Debriefing 1. Mr. Piccolo entered on duty with the Agency on 4 February 1957 and wil! resign on 4 Oct 1961. During his period of es- ployment he utilizedjnominal state r in Mexico from | November 1957 to & January 1960, and from 15 January 196! to resignation used nominal Department of the army cover in Headquarters. .2. Mr. Piccolo was instructed to-indicate his employer for the entire perlod as ClA, 2450 E Street, N. W., Washington 25, D. C. 3. He was further instructed to indicate, whenever necessary, that he travelled, Hsting various countries en route to and from Mexico, but not reveal the specific focation or detalis of his cover assignment. 4. Wr. Piecolo's forwarding address wilt be 1636 N.&. 20th Street, Ft. Leuderdais, Florida. His new employment fs I2ist Tactical Fighter Sq., Andrews AFB. 5. The above information is furnished for your guidance and inclusion In the Subject's personnel and security files. oD. DOLLAT Chief, Milltery Cover Branch, CCG MCB/CCG/EF:s1 Distribution: Orig. & ! - Addressee | - PSD/OS | = WH Division ! - File 4455 | - MCB | - Chrono greeny ========== FILE: 104-10161-10154.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,0000 104-10161-10154) (2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 } ~ 2 ft, i Se Nh ========== FILE: 104-10161-10193.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,00 . 000 104-10161-10193 | 2025 RELEASE UND ER THE PRES! DENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 . tye j gpm a, yey TRAVEL PROCESSING SHEET ~ SUBJECT VA : . C (a 26 =. ose OFFICE en wre eee Se re een: ann aes z © SUBJECT'S file reflects: <7 7, =) Sf Lt A review o ee 7 ia _ VAG DATE OF POLYGRAPH 4 —— a DATE OF CERTIFICATION CONCURRENCE SECURITY FILE REVIEWED BY a%Y _,19? 7 supsECT was interviewed regarding the following; 1. CKnowledge of Security regulations in general. 2. LTravel precautions (No CIA identification); emergency contact numbers. 3,_Cover story (briefing, nature and adequacy). 4. Mependents Briefing. 5. Personal affairs prior to departure. 6. Personal Correspondence while overseas. 7. .Personal Conduct: (10-250 & 20-155). 8, Assignments involving Risk of Capture ~- 10~800. 9, Defensive Audio-Surveillance matters. 10. Other: —— i a ree Date Checked out es ========== FILE: 104-10161-10226.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,0000 ok 104-1016 1-10226) « dame + oF .| 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | ” , vo | SECRET 10 August 1964 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, OSD/OS ATTENTION : Michael Shortley i *< SUBJECT : Vladimir RODRIGUEZ Lahera ® 1. The Subject WHD asset is currently residing ing (Apt . G-32 at the Summit Hills Apartments, 8500 16th St. } ao Silver Spring, Md., a safehouse procured by the Safehouse— Branch, Office of Logistics. (Ostensible lessee of this Apt. is a local Arlington attorney Roger McK. “SHEA; .Esq3 who has acquired the place for the ostensible. purpose of |Providing quarters for out of. town, clients, etc. % 24 66 a 2. On Friday, 7 August 1964 Subject claims to have made a long distance phone cal] from the telephone at the Apt., ' 587-8534} to a cousin, Pablo Rodriguez, 2852 (sic) West 20th ses New York, N. Y., telephone number HI 9-1359. 3. It is requested that your office ascertain if this wv, call was actually made on the 7th, including the time at which the call was made. It would be appreciated if you could ascertain if any long distance phone calls were made ‘+/on 6 August. It is further requested that you attempt to G ' identify the subscriber to the New York number, HI 9-1359. ( No Pablo Rodriguez is listed in the New York telephone ‘ee directory, and the address is obviously an incorrect one as street numbers in Manhattan do not go as high as this number. 4. It would be appreciated if could be communicated to this off, q SEGREL, | we ========== FILE: 104-10161-10321.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14d @. 104-10161-10321 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS: ACT OF 1992 | ®, . . - yg NR tos . . - WASHINGTON “" — . . WASHINGTON . ° ) LEAN OFFICE oa, ob Take Jorge Washington Park Way | v (a. Cc "Gola & Dorthy jk 1 4 \ oan ‘ ' to BPR turnoff, pL2s Garneee) ee AES BEN Coie | Silver Spring, Md. 1820 N, Ft Meyer Drive Home: 693-0368) SG a Roslyn, Va. _ Off, EXt, tit Ror, Tere (Ed LAFFIN & Maj-Lis: @314 Tulsa Lané* thesia, Md, Home: (469-6389 _) Sé ofr ‘Ex 6223 j = John-HART 9..¢ phy tai 7¢S4 w 3S ; ‘/Ops ~ @om-FLORES (Ext; 3481 a Off. Phone 638-5074 (Area Code 202 |* wsziiome: (469-8049 (Area Code 301))% ‘| = Walter CINI (pronounced Chini ' | Gari WILLIAMSO$2> fen, SECY i FI = Gohn-SHERWOOD?AS? ph f- i ‘Eco ~Harry - “MUSPAKUS IR? dete i Clenen @ HERNANDEZ \ 0 American Inst tute for Free Labor Development . . 1925 K St N.W, Social Projects : | Phone: 965~2100( Area Code202 — ne Area Code703 | ‘MMO - ua STEELY 95. Ext, 6528 Vincent Lago \(6/t pads, ete). i = (ex TEJE EDA )93 Ext. 2922 re a “i *- Gatly. swenson ) neealnent Chee pooLe )°3 | _ rc (707 Leland. 549% Ext, 2292 hevy Chase, Md. , ae Phone: (L-4—5867 \°D Wt = William V. BROE c/o Mrs. Robert Phelps /WH = Jake FSTERLINE (Exeo & Peroons) ‘ 06, WH-3 + Larry STERNFIELD (rea HENDFRSOW) X~6523 fern, Sevo vaneet = Dave MeLEAN (roi. ay fabs, tala tay 1 5629 Beacon: Lane) o DP = Desmond FITZGERAL i lls Church, Vifginia 2208 Us RECTOR = Dick HELMS Sh eo] | . roy ce] . EUR-South = Ed FENIMORE fw. 4424 > | Cathe NoguLLouen °6 ied, | R/Cubg = Les RATY pronounced Reti) Reti "(10401 Grosvenor Place} pt.1322) Sj PUR -Ralph KISLEY , eb ookville, M.D. Spain ~(Steve MONGED (F (triend of Gast Phone: (493-9534 ) 5 wee H nb tfey Hl eh poeta wil poset piothey ‘Ss 4! Bs: CBs seal tape ince couse | wi 7° res £7) Xe MU EO a ae th, , SB ========== FILE: 104-10161-10330.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 153389 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Centrel Cover Staff ATTENTION 2 Hr. Thomas K. Strange SUBJECT 3 Peter J, DIGERVIEO é ces § 2285 1. Reference is nade o your memorancum cated 12 duns 1967 regarcing este poreeeictay cover for Bubject*s assignment to Madrid, Bpaise te~2. 2. Security files contain no wows of ceclaration or compromive to foreign Governments or inteliigence/security services. There is no indication of security factore which — would affect the proposed action. Victor R. White Deputy Director of Security (103) REEVES: lst 15 June 1967 ] DDS/10S Closed } ADDS/TOS ] SA-DD/10S } c/1D ] DCVID 1 T/ID/ } ¢/OSD 32C/9SD c/osdDsQ R } C/SAD ] ¢/AAS ] | ARTS ; ES = PRES ge * ad Tao 1 * Exclsded from antematl Gowngrading and ‘i SeeREy | ss ========== FILE: 104-10161-10331.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14,0000 104-10161-10331 [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | rs . e , eet : SECRET C-2285 12 June 1967 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Security Investigation and Operational Support ATTENTION : Mr, Marvin Wehking SUBJECT + Peter J. DiGervino (p) 24 4, lab staff has been requested to establish -officialcover for subject for an assignment to Madrid, Spain ial > « As an essential factor In considering this proposal, this staff would appre- ciate being advised whether or not the subject has been voluntarily declared to foreign governments and intel- ligence/security services or involuntarily exposed to them. Also please advise if any exposure or compromise has been recorded or if there are other security factors present which should be considered in this proposal. 2. Please provide this information by 19 June 1967 . Chief, CCS/NC SECRET 2p ========== FILE: 104-10162-10014.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-2000 104-10162-10074) | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | 2m es Loe WwHEN eeD ND oe ‘ : I . ~~... RO, ROUTING AND RECORD SHEES Ros or ricer Ow INITIALS pester | La de |e | | oct He aay: Sugg et vdacalt + Mat d 43 el ; ~2 20//d Pls. pouch te [Buenos Atres,] p100T 1280 | | — ALF BHO, Dio y Hi D fa ° ” NAME rR Sh 2 ed ansvnacy | C7 [rue NUMER . “ pmpex [| _202/236702 _ ef MICROFILMED . DOCUMENT DATR OOCUMANT NUMIER . "Gf: ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-0000 CUSSIFICATION. OGPARO® rea AND NO, DISPATCH SECRET Sr Chief of Station. fuencs Aires) a 6-24 201-236701 ; ere \ gi 227 1958 BE “AS — (CHECK “K” ONE) [| MARR ED FOR INDEXING [ [ore wenn weaves | ; || (HOUANG CAN AE JUDGED. ’ UT QUAUFIED HQ, DESK ONLY REFERENCES) - [ise ens BEF Attached for your retention is a REDCAP sheet on Ivan im ‘ Qavrilevich ALFEROV mentioned in reference aa requesting an : Argentine visa for travel to Buenos Aires for TDX at the Soviet Embassy. Tho information on this sheet is the result of full headquarters traces. Orostober 1958 OLIVER @, GALBOND Attachment - 1 REDCAP sheet w/traces 3 (Buenos Aires] -|5-24 ; ; (BA Chrono, Mail Room, Subject File) 3 - £2 Brose 3 oe wars rs PB ng . ========== FILE: 104-10162-10017.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 104-10162-10017| CONF + pro {10 ' [evans ames | FROM + DIRECTOR ly CI/OPS, CI/1c, Fl, FL/OPS, A im ler Zh rc) [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | ROUTING (6- 2% wh Eo (saan (mH narra) * CALDMELL : PRODUCTION b BY OTHER THAN THE SUNG OF ce is non, °opy Ne fee -_s ========== FILE: 104-10162-10107.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-001 1000 104-10162-10107 | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | SBOLASSIFLED CEA CO COagentia G1 SECRET es ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET 13 Jamiacy 1947 W/L LP roe ff” Lae . cock Comment to show from whem beildi -[ on | , neCEVED INTIALS | to whom, Orow @ ine ocrous column otter each [ee [rman oo ender _ a : . ; ; Waa un cus drod Yam duals 2. a wtlibe a : Anus YO Neal tdes - co oa \ a So nN rane wn. VoAget IE CELE a . RETURNTOCIA | | P| - DoNotReproduce | Terese pa aes ops goes mttrgaes Hct - ee 610 “eres (2 SECRET. [] CONFIDENTIAL [] IPRA UNCLASSIFIED N ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-0000 ~ 8 . . . . woes oot oe ‘ a . ~~ 7 ° . \ ' - i | TB MENO HO. 5269 } - 10 January: 1961 wt : .MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief,” WH/& a 4 () r SUBJECT : Transmittal of Documentation for use of Vanuel Artime y Buesa REFERENCE ©: Memo from Wi/%, 27 December 1960 : ! i. This is to cosh Eat the fgliovizg Cutan 2comentation wes bandcervted ong. Semmay 1962 by Mr.{ Stanley re as: requested in reference: a. Passport No. 17130 oS : b. Vigencia (Exit Permit) JL-11041-8 oa : { €- International Certificate of Vaccination ; \ 2. The Cuban Passport contains e U.S. Non-Immigrant Visa, B-2, ‘issued in a : Santiago de Cuba on 17 May .1960"ted“ts valid until 17 May 1964. (The Miami Admitted Cachet and Arrival-Departure Record I-94 vere provided by I&NS and are “backstopped”. You will note that I-Sk form shows that subject was admitted to the U.S. on 16 June vee cates same mene ecnneemee nm tee re ean ROR UNE ES T ot 1960 and nes a valid extension of stay until March 15, 1962. : : 3. It is our understanding that subject will leave the U.S. | “rack” but will : the above listed documentation. The documentation should be retumed to : : i TSD/IB when no longer needed for operational purposes. 03 ; ; : CHARLES TRe i H Distribution: : i inal and 1 - Addressee. : ' i ’ cd ========== FILE: 104-10162-10108.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 a 104-10162-10108| -* | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 | Pa “ "SECRET RECEIPT FOR AUTHENTICATION MATERIALS TO: TSD/IB . DATE 9 Semaary 1961 1 HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE FOLLOWING AUTHENTICATION MATERIALS TRANSMITTED WITH MEMO NO. ________ DATED AND PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH Javier Alvarez de la forre @. Cuben Passport $7130 be Cuben Vigezcta (sai: Perzit) JL-110%1-z @. Cehan Intammational Certificate of Vaccination RETURN TO cia Background Use Only Do Not Reproane OFFICER'S SIGNATURE | : NOTE: Authentication Materials must be returned to TSD/IR as son as the intended operational u use has been fulfilled; unused documents, whether filled in or blank, must be returned to TSO/IB - . when no longer needed. . TSD/IB should be notified if any of the Authentication Materials are destroyed, lost, or for any” other reason can no longer be returned. D-s1 SECRET ste Water cee oat en Sacer ee a sent ; i ! nme nt ner ne women, ========== FILE: 104-10162-10120.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 00D 04-10162-10120| __ [2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 ' ZESPONSE TO GREEN List REQUEST NO 198574 30 Jan 62 a 1aTZ F #tuesr, REQUEST Face - OP OF CRiGINATIOG CFFIC: 1] : t Moog] i SEALE arsnaroe” Edy i 200, BLASS 2702 Qtrs B A ZTEAsem Tae aks CITI WING Staten HESUESTES? 7 ts € PEcSteT ietwitr tad LATION “ Residing tn Miemt, Florite 18. We oF FE TUEST aXur sss tive susmirres } ttt ronan care ; ee EF ‘ BS. INCEST 18 SUBJECT i —_ES* I atcz OR Ce acteeary 4 4 i f 7- OCC ePsT Ouse SPECIALTIES, EDUCAT HOR ; oe X_seeecemae crescence ST9es s7. aseoReaTiow REQUICED 6. win itamy Séeeice SEROCE 2ee, CcunTay 9. -PaST CODFATICNS Sexe BOTH SHEETS TO Frjo. tense SOl ccc. seacseus eorrious. : : SECRET i : 4 : 3 1 + L ; = 4 1 = i 20, DESCRIPTION (wetce). (eres) | (nay {eace). loTmpe | “ptx. semse (iF wie, Cit maton awe) : ‘ i” pe exons or WOEDIATE Famiiy. eof assortaTEs t 4 : Yether-Senttaro ALYAPSZ - oe tee cet { “Tiss creee SIGHIFiCaaT Bate (POLITICS, PELIGIOS, ETC) an i i 1 INSTRUCTIONS: SW SeRt: CARSON: FIL OUT FORKS conra ce “es. “Dt eee aE entertain Ame ========== FILE: 104-10162-10121.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000 104-10162-10121 : StcvaTuat of Cas€ orricee . \ for Jozeph Plecolo : | 2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992 ~~. . SECRET REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OR INVESTIGATIVE ACTION tAlusre tandeorry To cosy at thas trees Cl/Qperational Approval end Support Division Security Support Divisim/Office of Security SUBJECT: 7 ~ (Tree ese) . VAIEZ Fernanda purZ CRYFTONYE. PSEULCHTH. aa OF ALIASES Ct/oa wre mo. @s 203 Fee - . - SO FILE wo. Peovisicuat crreeTi¢wal approval Peavisroess PSCPR IC TORY APPROVAL PROVESICOAL COKEST SECUMITY APPR CAL [CGVENT seme cerca COVERT SECumiry arPeovet f__[S0ecree teoumny (50 field jovestigatsaa) COVERT SECCRITY a>PROVAL FOR LIAISOm WITH U.S. OFFICTALS | USE OE UNMIVITN A? OD EOT Ine Cem ecTED SPECIFIC ata OF USE FULL DETAILS OF USE INVESTIGSTIVE COVER Ss G8 VILL SUBSECT BE avGRE OF 0.5. GGsEaNWENT ERTESLST IW tw? t ry HS OG WILL SUBICT BE AnarE OF Cla 1eTEQEST Iw wiw? Dw T ves NCATE SPECIAL LIMITATIONS GR COVERAGE DESIRED tw TE SECUMITY GFFICE tmvESTicaticw Bone a WO IWWESTIGATION CUTS{DE ChA. ExPLain FULLY RQ AND GREEN LIST STATUS tw 62) CoPprEes. artacues Fez 1) @tLt BC FoevarseD SACEW LIST ATIatedd. OO: Zip aee a —_—— [| ert et voeessoce —.i feo t. ce Koutvaceet, Peo 00. ce Coutvarent. im (9) COPY attaceto Sh TRACES (Derogatory [eforeatson ard Evaluation Attached) DIVISION TRACES (Derogatory Lefsceation ard Evcivetsen Attacced) fC coi 190772 irene , SECRET i - j - . RETURNTO cia, ‘ ee re ~ ; Backgrou nd Use Only cori ¥ yy We 0 Not Repro tac SS o Nw ========== FILE: 104-10162-10241.txt ========== ======== PAGE 1 ======== 14-00000_ + 104-10162-10241 (2025 RELEASE UNDER THE PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION RECORDS ACT OF 1992] ome pe” sm eeemaaane UE Ret ge AM ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-00000 ‘4 cc penne anh ans A th MN Li REIN nme IRATE pore camer Mee ent oe nme ee era sae ans Chief, Boviet Bloc Division Chief, Westorn Hemisphere Diyisi Chief of Station, Buonom Aires waceorass corr) - RYBAT/REDTOP/D LOGENESIS/, = ; dia aie eo (AFROOR = Surveislance Reporte Reference: HABA~20512, dated 25 April 1969 1. Reference dispatch described our efforta against AEBOOR and stated that the next phase would consist of a 24 hour a day aurvoeillance of Subject for a period of about two weeks, The coverage was initiated at 0600 hours on 19 May, and terminated at 1535 hours on 26 May, the day of AEBOOR'’s departure for home eave, _ 8. The overall results of the surveilinnce effort were interoating, and provided us with o great deal of basie data which should prove valuable in future AEBOOR operational planning, Although the period covered must bo viewed as somewhat atypical ‘@dince it covered a time of proparation for homo leave, the basic pattern could not have varied greatly from the norm, Thore wae definite evasive action designed to shake surveillance taken by AEBOOR on several occasions; there wore repeat visits to several establishments which could casily serve as lottor dropr or con- tact points; and there was an intorenting contact-on 21 May Groported in BUENOS AIRES 3009) with an individual we failed to identify positively, ; mo : &, Although the above makos it appoar that we are approaching --- -¢he-ASBOOR qeration strictly frum the CI/CE unyle, this is not ; the cage, We are attompting to gathor adequate information to give us a clear insight into AKBOOR's activitios i: ordor to holp us attempt to introduce an accoss agent into thie operation, or to empand direct developmont of Subject by Station officers, — : 4. Yorwarded under separate cover for Headquarters study are copies of the survoillance roports along with a copy of the AELANYARD transorint for 21 May, Attachment: U/8/C as Btated ; ay : eee rE aT Distribution: ty aya b5an, “4 3 = 0/SHD, w/attach u/s/o . 9 = C/WID, w/o attach rm rn DHaPATOH SVMIOK AD MamaTT HABA-20S57 201-236701 el: . mes ee eee ======== PAGE 3 ======== 14-00000 T [PP os een geneeper en erence - eT alee ~ egeree > AUT ge ~~ Chief of Station, buenos Aires - “RO A ° : \ . Chief, Sub via Chief, WH Division : : er ae —— 0) REDTOP/AEX TICK /AEBOOR . { Operational Vossibilitios against ABGOOR { BS WEEE MES Reforonces CSW 7666, 11 February 1909 i, With the departure of ALBOOR and his wife on home Jeavo, wo would like to offer a fow conments about him for possibly future action by the Stetion when he returns, the impetus for these thoughts was ao recent examination of the files of atl those Sovices on the priority target dst to determine if, perhaps, one of thom offers more of a potential for intonsive development tosn another, Tho purpose of this review wag not to discard tho agreod-upon targot dist, since this last is the rationale behind the entire concept of s Stat bes¢ We h Bote Station effort aimed at his eventual recruitment, elective targotting; but rather, to attempt a nacrewiny of the lon's focus on tae one particulur Soviet who appears tu be tho selection for operational devolopmene among the prturity group. ave looked of such factors o8 susceptibilities (known or ntfial), contacts, accosnibility, etc. and, tor reasons discussed Wy feel that AEBOOR may be the best selection for a determined Thus, the Station? focus on the other priority Soviets would continue at its present lovel but at tho same time, ALBOUR would be placed “under the microscone” as the object of a more intonsive Station offort aimed et eg aining multiple accoss to him. 2. With tho deminont departure of BIDANDIT/12 from Buenos Aireo and tho resulting elimination of our one yond contact with ABVULTURH, tho choice of ALNOOR bacame easior to make, hevevor, was based om several considerations which, from our | i vyantesea polnt, seom to offer the best potential fur Station setion when he returns to the country. —e aoe Bm -. POM 88 Ca GT i nrc CCE | ac SR/NC aa_X ) SNsOT/5 Li wy v C/WU/4/A nd His selection, a Acceactbilie g AHBOOR 4a one of tie vary few Soviets with ¥ Foe whos Statger contact has bean mado. Tho socind ovening Spon’ with ham and his wife dn January showod orcellent remise because it appeared that foundations for vapport and ether contact had been laid. We note, nuwaver, that there has beon no montion «2 further meetings gince the initial ose, Sour end onochal€ months ayo, Die to the oiapsed timc, we Qseume that Subtace and his wife are not planning to rociprocate the invitation; on tve otiier land, siough tine wid iuive paised wineo tho Sudgial contact for tho Station to take, pie initiative & lowe? gu tse 3p Pet Li) peeeerenees ~MAGW..10423 Casi iicatia eee eee ae A [a ACLOMNLING eau) ome ee (Tar . due cout fed leviusaza ood ete OMe iymBoL———~ AE u/niis4 USE PREVIOUE EDITION. MPQ, 00 ee ras 1 an | | = ene te meee et ete she ee ======== PAGE 4 ======== } t CONTINUATION OF ! CCARBIFICATION ~ BIEPATCH BVMBOL AND NUMEAT | DISPATCH i : returns from home t2ave. Since there are no other access — Ggents now kn vouch with Subject, the potential for assess- ment of our target personality by dircct Staffer contact becomes crucial in the selective targotting procedure, Through the advantages of direct assossment, wo should be -able to mika a good judgment concerning the suscep ibilities (or lack theroof) of AlBOUR and accordingly, determine the — valuo in pursuing him as a priority target. | \ i again and instigate a second mecting soon after Subject | b, The impressions of AKBOUR and his wife from the one meeting thusfar seen to offer some possible avenues of approach which the Station may wish to consider in their plunning, The wife, in particular, was described as being more relaxed than ABBOOR and through hor professed intorest in theatre, music, and ballet, it might be possible for Nina 1, MAKGANLE to exploit this intorest and invite her to selected cultural events. If AL8OUR does not share his wite's proclivitios for the “arts", then she might appreciate the presence of a fonale comranion who shares her i itereste. AbBUOUR's wife &@lso Claimed is like both Americen songs and dancing, This too, might open the door to some form of imaginative approach buile around a future invitation whoreby the incipient social Folationship of 9 January would be further developed in the depth neoded for a thorough assossuont of the target. Cultie vation of the wife appears to be particularly appropriate because of the apparent conflicts and tensions between her and her husband, ‘The accounts of this relationship from thar revious tour in Mexico and also the current transcripts from LANYARD painta picture of an irascible and foul-mouthed’ husband constantly doing battle with a dominoor ing wife. It seens Likely that the inpression of “sweetness and Light™ walen thoy generated during their ovening with tho Station case officers was atypical end sanufectured for the benefit of | _ their hosts, This, of course, is natural with most coupes who choose not to air their personal differences in public, bue from our paint of view, this lack of harmony between ABBOOR and his wife offers distinct pussibilities for the Station to contact the wife independentiy and offer her weicone divercions from the regimented and turbulent dite with oer husband. (Ne call your attention to the reference since it may provide some useful puints in devising an approach to ABBOOR's wife), Their present homa leave in the USSR would Beem to offcs a readyemade situation for renewod contact when they return since natural curiosity about thoir activities and ties spent at home could be sufficiont grounds for an davitation. cither to both or singly to spond an evening together, We offer those thoughts only because they eppear ta Ue ss geod Opportunities not caly to maintain Staifer contact with a target of priority. interest, but to also dovelop this contact further te the dugrea of intimacy noaded for a recognition and ultiaatic: cuploitetion of his pusceptibilaties. > °@e Shnce there are no secess agents now in touch with ARBOOR, we suggest, a8 a cupplomont to the direct Staffer Contact and in order to obtain additzonal assosements of Subject from other angles, the Station consider “running” a controlled anset into ALLUUR Unuer suitably contrived circumstances. In other words, we weuld crente a Felatiouship. where none pres viousiy oxiatad, By thia device, we are not suggseting a.doable agent operation aa which our ayent offers hinself for recruite went) on the contrary, the rationale is aimply te move a ° contro} led asset ints. the path of thy target and attempt. to ; .08taki tan a contact. thruugh a common bons of social or business ftercets, If we agree that ALNUUK can Do brought under @ adore Ateasive scrudtiny than the other Soviets, then this ploy - would be a logical step in his development as a recruituent targoe if additional access to him is non-existent. - : ELKUSIPIOATION SRCRET er 3a Ves PaRVious anition, ======== PAGE 5 ======== 14-00000 - CLASSIFICATION TE SPATCH OT MBOL AND NUMUER CONTINUATION OF i i DISPATCH (| Teor | tino ana73 d, AVDEFTH: The ability to monitor ALBOOR through this technical operation wus a key factor in deciding to bring him under closer focus, it should be.able to provide the necessary depth to any human assessment of the target and it gives us the Singular opportunity to “ovserve" AEBOUR when ho is relaxed at home and not exhibiting the official mannurisws and personality which he must display in public and around his other Soviet colleugues, If wo are able to expand the burgooning Staffer Contact with Subjoct as well as place access agents in touch with him, then his reactions to these contacts can be monitored and our moves against him tailored accordingly, . 3. As part of the total offort to build up a large amount of inéorwation on the selected target. we are including es an attachnont, &@ copy of the new Personality Characteristic questionnairo (PCQ) with instructions for its use. ly employing it in conjunction with your divect assessment of ALBUOR, we should be able to slowly build up onough information on him so that the indirect psychological asseese mont techniqvcan also be applied. the PCQ is a now form and less time-consuming than others but we believe it should be on intepral part of the entire assessment process focused on a target Soviot and that it can be an invaluable aid in attempting to evaluate the varied impressions of the target which have been obtained from multiple : Bccess to him. An initial review of the PCQ may give the. impression that weny of the questions are irrelevant and have no bearing on the determination of a persons susceptibility to manipulation. The questionnaire should not be perused piecemeal, however, but taken in its entirety since each portion will be interpreted and weighted by phe indirect. psychological assessment techniques until a very complete impression of: the total personality emerges. We encourazo the Station to ucikize the PCQ and when sufficiently complete, forward it to Headquarters for evaluation. : . 4. Once again, we wish to emphasize that Ileadquarters 19 ine sition to offer guidance and support to your efforts, but the {roetion.of the case rests with the Station. The case officer duveived is in the bast spot to fudge the progress of the case and ‘make decisions accordingly, lor this reason, wo encourage a continue ous end candid dialogue, concerning tho various aspects of your ‘operations against the solected Soviet targets in order to insure pretsasional development of each case. if our choice of AKHOOR is @@ ‘variance with your on-thoespot assessment of the priority soviots, thon ‘we would appreciate your appre jogica, aal of him as well as any candidate fox closer focus. . FIGS Efrat “ euggestione about a. nore Attachments da atated H/W Oketributions : 3-COs ron te UAE PREVIOUS EDITION, ‘ BCRSHT — JO P3677 ======== PAGE 6 ======== sea 14-00000 ves vee Noe oe a a) oo) CABLE SECRETARIAT DISSEMINATION, SEALED MESSAME Foray Copirg cf UTING AND/OR INITIALS - SEEN BY PuNDON/UMT NOTIN rey ea GROUP i rnneeneteden oral _ {When Fated in) 7 - nn ee earner aeel REPIPIDUC TION OF THIS COPY PROHIMITEO |e] AOVANCE Cory oO teoueo oO worres PO - Ts : . wokx: (} ves O no 10 ny TLASEIDY TO Pil — A en so CIC LS) av. DIS Evan ACTION W-REF TO PILE NO. rug mo [}Rer v0 arance oasraov sa, PS: 2 SECRET 2720002 MAY 69 CITE BUENOS AIKES/3052 ‘sue n 2) Rar 69 ING 7772 _, DIRECTOR e : REDTOP BIOGENESIS be BIOGENESIS TRAVEL CONTROLS REPORT 26 MAY DEPARTURE (/? , - FOR USSR OF IVAN CAVRILOVICH ALFERYEV (201°236781) AND WIFE i ROSA VIA AEROLINEAS ARGENTINAS 148 TO ROME. LYUDMILA IVANOVNA | MAKAROCKKINA, WISF OF 261°802696, ALSO LEFT SANE FLIGHT. @e PER BILOCULAR ALFERYEVS WILL TRAVEL RONE TO HOSCOW | BY TRASH. BIBAFFLE AND OTHER SOURCES INDICALE WILL RETURW H BUENOS AIRES &77ER HOME LEAVE. | Se HAVE NO INFO OH MAKAROCHKINA’S ONWARD TRAVEL FROM a | ‘ROME NOR ON HER HUSBAND'S PLANS TO JOIN HER. DO OT KNOW i WHETHER DEPARTURE PCS OR HOME LEAVE. | 4. FILE @61°236781 AND 281°6626960. . RORET { | { | t | | , ; > { pod, Mics, GER fl anvenoned att : i vs aN rhe . Heo . . oe . be wud | B20). Gorrie - 291-236 701 ; SECRET QT Neg 67 mene ed ======== PAGE 7 ======== 14-00000 @00 06 see ane A « o . . = © 8s « eae = nourina, AND’ UA INTIAL © varen a” ees fa Fyne TOFAL Core: pATRIEGA GRAHAM: DG WH/4/A SECRET 1926 . 27 MAY a ABLE DECASTARIAT CIROEMINATION Dimon O no woen OD aarunn vo lee wnancit ~ CJ ene an bo A ama 0 one n | (ote ew ce ene ne, oe | [num lao, $8 £,c104,€ eae oS rr TT — Wetarence numaee) ° SBECRET : ; , Leauneemnenmmenemnenend 20 CITE DIRECTOR © f° BUENOS AIRES INFO PARIS 7 1A 7 — O60 . _ReDcoAT BIOGENESIS . re ” REF: BUENOS AIRES 3008 (IN 65800) . _ NO TRACK. - “FILE: = 201-236701 ' END oF MESSAGE + Requested traces Phillipe De Sone, “French - @itigzon, who ia visiting Argentina and is in contact with Ivan Gaveilovich AUPERYEY, knowns iu are | adie ~ = "BECRAT. 7] rae nt ep cnanrenmereniins cammamas.o-smtnet| ======== PAGE 8 ======== 14-00000 CARLt SECRETARIAT DISssEWNATIO” al PERSON/UNIT NOTIFIED ADVANCE COPY oO ts8uto oO sLotteD CLASSHY TO FUE KO. Mee FO CV meme at, ousew wean BREF 70 FE NO. erewo Caer. ro mi) “_ananew() onsraoy () ss. , “enon — [LJaweorr| : , ; ‘ SECRET 2517202 MAY 69 CITE BUENOS AIRES 3009 : l DIRECTOR INFO PARIS : s RYBAT REDTOP BIOGENESIS ihe wesay | fe REQUEST TRACES INCLUDING LIAISON FRENCH CITIZEN PHILLIPE ! DE SEZE, DPOB 22 SEPTEMBER 1920, BORDEAUS, PASSPORT 155114. DIRECTOR i : oF EXPORTACLON FRANCAIS VISITING ARGENTINA. * Re BIBAFFLE TEAM SURVEILLING IVAN GAVRILOVICH ALFERYEV, SECOND SECRETARY AND. KNOWN KGB, DURING WEEK PRIOR ALFERYEV WOME LEAVE DEPARTURE. OW @1 MAY SPEWT SEVERAL HOURS WITH ait LIMPING MAW wKo OBVIOUSLY NOT ARGENTINE, TWO MET IW EMBASSY, ““WAD- COFFEE 18-LOCAL CAFE, VISITED ALFERYEV APARTNENT THEN _ RETURNED EMBASSY. . CHECK OF HOTEL IW WAICH APPEARED MOST UEKELY VISI STAYING REVEALED DE SEZE ONLY GUEST WITH LIMP. "WAS STAYED HOTEL VARIOUS TINES INCLUDING PERIOD 3 TO 10 MAY. a CURRENT: CHECK IN DATE WAS @1 Mavs Be WO STATION TRACES. os de INDEX 'DE BEZE. FILE 881-836701. secret J SAE ~ SECRET ======== PAGE 9 ======== 14-00000 Source: BUENOS AIRES Date(s) of Intercept: 16/17 April 69 o HABA~20528 Rec'd at Prod. Unit: 16 May 69 Reel Now: 5 Processing Completed: 3 June 69 Side(s): 2 Transcriber/Checker: _N.V.M. Readability: Very poor . Translator/Fditor: Lote Typist: L.?. 4, ire ie ======== PAGE 10 ======== 14-0009 " SYRNOS ALES - Reel 5 A. Ivan (ALFSRYEV) B. Rosa (ALFERYEV) C. Anatoliy Tlich (VASILYEV) ((Readability 1s very poor. Musio is playing vory Loudly+)) Aw, Be, and C, continue their conversation, ((Reel 4)) i ’ They talk nbout clothing and dinner jackets. 0. says he doen not ‘ own a dinner jacket, and adda, "But according to regulations, I... By official sovernment regulations, a counselor is srovited/allowed ((to have a dinner jacket)). I'll tell you, there are some people i . who think I don't know thie. They keep quist about it... but T'm i ‘ embarrasood to say..." B. commenta, "You chould have one made, and that's all." C. says that when he needed a dinner jacket, he talked to the Ambasondor nbout it. He adda, "Joncorning the dinner jnaket, } -« he ((the Ambacsador)) said, "Drive over; you have... well, pet it . ' ., fom ALPERYEV,* That's an Ambasnadort" ((Short portion unrendable.)) : : 3. remrko, "Anatoliy Ilich, he ((probably the Ambaasador)) is a : | > etranre man." Meet. Gg ees . They continue talking about dinner jackets. A. ‘says that — eome Atplonate ‘at other embasates also do not have diner jacketn. : He enya to Oe, my don't you aska the Prenoh Ambassador if he ~ . nil contes.” O. oormenta, “shat a comparison!” A. continues "By. the vay, they rent (tai. oonta) ese Ask the Prench “counsel {f-he ownn a dinner snoket oo! QO. atatea, "And you RO. : “ghead and ank how migh thoy pay an ambassador == $500, $1,000. Z know they ast (20) ((a high enlary))." ((Portion unreatables al) . “ent, at once.)) A. says, "He doesn't have onoy they rent ((evening otothew.))* C, disngrees, "No, tvant you're wrong. That doean't ‘bother mee" A. enya, I renlise that." (0, oxplains, thie iea matter of ropranontation. ((4iplomacy)). Tf a wan hae nuch @ “ Aiffloult, erech a 4iffloult... but Z know that (xG)." ; ((Poréton 2 unreadable) all talle atmltaneouelye)) , “Ay Anntuto, “Everybody rents (Coventnr elotiwon))3 & averyboty i ente," 9, axolniao, "But: I auppooed to have it ((s ‘dinner dncltot)) " - ago ing to the remilations, It'a written, it's written. Why dq hould Trent it. If you wioh, I"11 let you read it ((the rorulntion)).! ======== PAGE 11 ======== 14-0000 A. ana C, try to convince each other on the pro and con of renting a dinner jackets C, exnrenses his indipnation about the situation and tells of his converention with the Ambassador about a dinner jacket when. they ware due to attend a function: "I told him... if I find a dinner jncket... So, you will go ((alone)). You have one. But che noked me, Sut why don't you have one?? I said, ‘Yurty Ivanovich, you yourself Imow why I don't have one.’ He shut upese” Inter, Be. agrees, “You nhould have your own ((dinner jneket)). Q. continues to he renentful, and anys, "But the man ((unoclear who, possibly the Ambansador)) ie jelous, so that, I don's knowee. | "that some sort of (Torooked - ‘ketvoy?) counsclor will have a i ; dinner jnoket. I..- (a. dauchs)) I apit on yous..® ((probably | / - referring to © aunpooed oritio)). CG, adda vhat he froquently says i “that “if 8 dinnor jacket in required, I will not RO." : . The three have a drink. ((short pnuse)) they disouss as musie, and talk about an orchent::a which they heam on ‘TV. They comment on tickete which they have receivet for various eoncertes “C(Readability ia very poors the TV covere their convarentions)) They talk nbout thortrical artiats, the Bolahot Theatre, and an ‘orchestra. Mention in made of DINIAYZVIKIY, the comnoser, and rious records. ((Toud muoioe aovers their oonverantion.) ) they, ‘entk about OYNTARH and OSTROPOVIGH, Be flirte a bit with . and % ALL Lanett frequently. . . : “Yanther, B, chanves tho pubseot and spenke. dredtabty about: er works She noke A., "Nas my work at the Bnbasay normal, wae it B, retorte, "Ohee. it wae normal?” A, ataten, “Lt was normal." normals Yea, ((navonestendly)) 4¢ wee normal, I did not (39) normily when T wan ‘obtting in (*Pavlovioh a?) ((not otherwine Adentitied )) ngline. (20). ‘And I'LL tell anyone you. please that Aete brief comment is. wnren ables * it ((the work)) vas not normal 4 B. insinte anmeily, "£"12 say at “myoolt. Ana I won't ask (XG). z know whom to tell, I'll definitely nay ite" Ae onlle her ae fool * - “Be pebukuw hling "The word "fool? ie slways at the tip of your tonues "fool,' fool.’ All evening, All aveninne® As states, "that'n the firot time I said it." Be rants, "So, you said tt tor the tient time! Really? You only paid it once?" we i : ======== PAGE 12 ======== 14-00000 C, attempts to sooth B., “Well, Ivan didn't want to say anything vad. I'm aura of that... It ian't that... It concerns sone sort ofa, (CAML talk eo anew -= unreadable)) A. st>tes, "This is none of your business (4G) and I'm not planning to." B, shouts, “"Rinht, 80 don't put /neat me whore you shovldn't -~ in the pbathroont * ((figurntively sreaking)). (. interrupts, "Rosa, Rosochka, whit i are you saylnet" B. yells, "Well.oe” GO, continues, "Well, Roshees a) Rows, nometinon,.." B, retorts sarcastically, "It's none of ay : ‘ business -- that's the main thing!" 0. says, "Ivan in nomatimos : ’ inoorreot/unjunt in his attitude toward you ((plural)) but you - } ((the inform. "ty")) unterstand how difficult it becomes for : married (36) ((ronnibly moaning “officiale")), Rosa. Rosochka, ——, you shouldn't... you should work rome more/lonrer...” A. repeats to B., "It's nove of your business." O. ndda, "You shouldn't een meat - pe that way... Later evorythiny will be better." A. remarks, ofe cs “She's not antisfied..." O, continues, "Because wo/you have to ms ‘maneuvre gomehow, ven if we were wrong, even if wo were 100% wrong, you ntill have to wait. Por you to see that we are wrong (1-20). Why fe he wrong? Perhape we are wrong, but there was “ eone sort of precondition/reason for it. It's imponnible for us to . - be Wrongs According to his/our ohnracter, persuasion, (1G) v0 desire... Do you underntand what happens, Roszoohka?" A. states, “Do you unlerotand,. when they announce ((unknown what)) to them, “they have not deserved that. It'e always that way... In order to “gant seperaiona on someone, it to absolutely necessary, (2=50) 000" ” B. nrotents, ®({iven)) if (fan acousntion?) de unjust? ALL viqntl ((But ££)) something in woll doneces ((exprena)) some gratitude, “at you plonne..." ©. comments, "Renoohkay don't you see, then the whole thing.ts that we. then (10)." By retorts, "At ledet he could “have onda that they were (?acousing?) me unjustly. At lenat he “gould have usid.e.” O, mays, "Rozal But here (24), do you ; ‘wvloratand, (XG) no suoh attention ta given, Yor him here, you ae eimenasmeniees “ wnlerstand, (70), He ie not alone here, A number of people are there, thin one ond chet one ((eollequiali tho ‘thfth nnd the tenth) Awl then perhana ROANAMA 96 anpootally a wife, That beounss ment . Bennitive/printul. Sha da sort of the moet sincere/frank. person. | But T wouldn't do it thet way, There you are. And ahe will ‘be “eonrect. _Novevar, she @14 not eee the one and the other person c= CAAT te Sis es Qeei se tseapce eae an ermnn r o er : pees be ======== PAGE 13 ======== 14-00000 ode (({the fifth and the tenth person)),., and immediately did not (2C),.. It's good nt times. My Lord, Galka doea that, At times I feel hurt ((but)) I won't say (2G). I won't begin saying it. Sometimes i I feel 20 hurt that (x@)." B. tells C., "Anatoliy Ilich, when 7 ee everything will be clean, when everything will be put in order, then I/you/we can talk about gratitude, But now? ... There's chaos all nround! And you talk about gratitude... ((She sounds incensed) ) ‘ Everywhere there is (1G)." 0, tries to convince her, "Rozat i , You shouldn't talk now, Do you unieretand? It has to be done gradually. After all, there is some cort of restraint/forbenrancey : ' there's a linsee. you have to (14). Roza! How much mor?/loneer 3 . : will we (1G), «4: er all, we havon't been together merely for one day. Take Ivan. (5G) there are a minimum of 6 to 7 of ue men in the Bureau, What I'm saying ie that we must respect ench other, | - We think, we discuss, We might make mintakes in somothing. But, — \ . neverthelovs, 7 of us men won't be too mistaken as would be someone ; "qt (30). And then, a woman will sometimes not see/unteretand, "* . Rosoohka. (XO). Rosa, you shouldn't insult/nurt us that much. We have nerves and they (x0)." Ase comment fe unreadable. ; 3 tele er huaband, | "Bit, ait, all rightt" 6, continues trying convince B, that she shouldn't ineult her husband, - a an “A bit further, B,. telle 0, irritably, "He piles everything You're diaming me, right?" 0, continues telling 3, to ‘. great her huaband better, and cays, "I love ny Galke ‘wery much, “and E nee that Ivan Loves ((you)), < am firmly convinced of that." 3B Lauphr marenationlly, ©. adda, "(XG) that meane te dndulee "(your husband)), Rosa, how can you do that?" 0, ocontinuen, "What do you want to do «= do-you want to see/think: of: your ‘husband’ - ap & soountreL?" 3B, replies, (20) in ((hte)) attitude toward his 7 wife," , adds, "Or that f should be w scounirel? { won't oe one. ; If Galkn would throw me out, t wouldn't beonme a soountrel any ways ; -2°epit on thate No mutter what anybody says about Me, I won't ~pocome A Woountrel any ways Aud I won't be led by the nose by any Wing MADVEDRVA," ((Apynrandly, 0. helieves that: MUMVEDEVA bosase ~ her hueband.)) “Be remuzka, "Z'm talking about (This attitude?) towned hin wife.” 4, etates, "And I'm saying that they sre soountrela," 3B. aontinues, Meee personal attitude..." "On Mes: CO me em ======== PAGE 14 ======== 14-00000 C. etates decinively, "They ((the MEDVEDEVs)) are ws scounirels... Ivan, you shouldn't receive ((or, have anything to do with)) then. On the contrary, you should stay further away. from them sonenlace, as fer away ae pousible." C. continues lecturing BR. about chnneing her attitude toward her husbind,. ; Further, @. telle B. about an iucident which occurred ‘ where the MANVEDEVe were involved, saying that the MEDVSDEVe had ‘ ‘ been given tnredients to make meat pastrica (pivoghki), and thit : ; they had not made the meat pastries but had said that the ingredients had spoiled. He anka Bey “How could those pecple do that? What happened to the ingrediente? Rozal You have to anawerl Please never!" Be anke, "Z shovld anewer?! Let then anawer!" ©, crys, MAHAses But they don't want to ((anower) )." 8B. Aske, Why should I answer?” 0. insints, "Qo aheadsee answert What happened to them, How did they...” Be says, "I defend them!" . 0, ‘continues, “What happened to the ingredients? Please answer. They... somoone elee, if you please... Why? Did they teke then " ((arive them)) soneplace? They volunteered to make them, What ~ “happened ((to the inredients)). How did they spoil? When aid ‘| they spoil? What nmpoiied? And whers d4d they drive to? Answer that question, And (*automationliy?) they twinted everything ; around. Do you know what I'm lending up to? And what happened . ‘ratert® A's commnnt ia wnrentable, 3B. etates cateroriod ly, Tyan Will tesot anything emunt...” .0.'e comment unrendrdle. |. , By repent, “eee hott) twiet anything...” OC. aeke, “And then what ; “about (30)9" A, anys, "This in the very boot eximiess.” Be aske, “ee 7 . what Aid you anyseo2! As nayn anmething unreadable. Be aake, "why do you nnoriba thincs to me thet 2. did not aay? By. the ways oo your manner haa lone ainee been NobLoeders hae ‘tong eines een “ motteedsse" 0, trion to interrunt hex, but she continueny "ees you : "ean blame a@ person for ‘something ‘he aia: nov bay, ond. you will “keep on inointing tnat he paid that you’ (30) meet Aeto remark in ungendnblo, Bs .anyny "s52 8 good relationship. He ( (yaaD VDE) ) das A very fine ralatlonahip/abtitute: ‘toward hin wife." ‘Parther, . 6, Anke, What kind: of relationship de. hae? ag T aid nueh- a thing, : Galka would ive ne ach a laoturesss itt permitted: auch a ‘thing, 7 ada auoh a thing, she would not Live with me. She would never porat me to do such a thiag - — never would ane Look’ Ant my) | if : ======== PAGE 15 ======== 14-0000 . . 6. would be able to do anything so vile." Referring to B.'s statement about the food rely tionship between the MEDVEDEVa, C, saya, "How can you Say that, how can you sive such an example? ({He mimics - B, aaroastically))} ‘They have such ((a good relationship)); everythine in done hy them ina friendly manier.' ((C,. says enn nee nme maliciously) ) Roza, I despise them..." He continues expressing his indignation. He adds, "They have a foursome} the firat are ‘ * the MEDVEDEVa and then, the TEREKHOVe ((the four are good friends)).* i CO. says that "yentertay I upoke with Galya BULDINOVA ((probably ; ; about the MEUVZDEVs nnd the foul up on the meat pavtries))." The three of them then calm down, converse quietly, and have a drink, The music covers a part of their conversation. Theylisten to ‘the munio and make intermittent oommonts. - Later, As begins picktng on B. and anys to 0., "She dooan't "think. She has been in a huff all evening. Instond of thinking, -:, OhGsee” O, interrupts, "Vanya, don't trlk that way. ((He changes dhe topie)) whore do you want to go ((take a trip, or irive))? “Well, Ronochkn..." By yelle, "Well, when I get rid of yous so! May I etate my conclusion/deciaion, or not? Will that minute ever arrive, o% not?’ 0, tries to calm her, *Rosochkn,.." Be continues yelling, "T¢'e absolutely impossible...” O. and B, talk imultaneously <= unrandable. 3B. then saya, "Anatolly Tiioh, that's orrect. After you've talked with him, you Leave. But for me aie goer on with him eternally, from morning to evening, ind during the niet, It's absolutely frinhtening! " 0, again tries - vo calm her down. By goen on, “Why should I wait to eay what I : want to. %any whnt I please." 0, interrupto, "Rosa, Rosoohka, ; Rosa! But sit of thin tages" By adds, He hae n mattotous nous os" “| “@, diangreen, ‘Nothing of the wort; nothing of the cortt ‘Ne. - a. touched upon (the aubjoot)), he naked.” Be-anapa bank, “He. touched upon it... #0 now let hin listen to whnt ttn going to aay einoe he touche’ uncon ite If you object to hin ((unelent)), then shut upe..” 0, arin terion, "Rosa, way I usk one queation?” Be BAY, "You myees” Us begins, “Toase tell mace” Be atarte up arain, ‘He poioona ‘averythingss. decause even. ‘if he says. one: thingy he potmonn everyting." Gy atateny "oh NOses Me. (24). va icv vheptlieemnineien encanta ARCS nam RAL Bema mn Ser SECRER ======== PAGE 16 ======== 14-00000 THY tell ((you)) that the neture of vomen is to exageevrate at times. And I would say not sometimen, but very often, very often. And why do you... don't you think that you (3G), that he is aoting badly towwrd you? .Let him make mistnkenooo" C, continues soothing and lecturing B, and tries to convince her that her hiaband ian't ao bad. A. remaino silent. 0, changes the subject and sureeste that Ivan finish hia dvink, He talks nbout food and enncka. O.» and A. drink up and Lanve the room, The radio is on, B. is walking nround the room, apparantly sleaning up. A bit Inter, sho turne off the radloo End of Recording ((feansoribers notes Contrary to tho Log listing, there ia no furthor recorded convorsation, possibly due to faulty rooordinz.)) ree Peer ete eI ema To RE EN at saree enna eatin odes elo neediness ======== PAGE 17 ======== 1400000 * * werner ts. | we . | Seat © wee aemeeemnran. da part of our continuing offort to effectively nero ia" ca selected FISTEALER » vo ' 3. Althouch we do uct expect this coverage to srevids us a with dramatic results ar scze sert of “break throwh", we lege o: that 2¢ will centritste @ignificantiy te cur overall covernge : ef these Cue tergete. : ‘ ; ‘period ef tine, we will advise : 3. Gzee these cporaticnn have been ie existacen fer @ stererah le Headqwarters of the posults, . . ph is “6 Say * Biante taut teas Bo Cem 8 « ¢/am 03 CY Alta Uh 20t-e254 $5" OTTO TER Som ae ======== PAGE 18 ======== 14-00000 ‘Pee 8 ee T DISPAICH Chief, SB Division chief, WHD _ . Chief of Station, Buenos Aires RYBAT REDTOP BIOGENESIS AEBOOR, ACTON RiQuIaID - REFER — - Reference: | BUENOS AIRES~2749 dated 11 April 1969 ~ we we 1. Even though we have maintained AELANYARD for a considerable length of time, we have not been able to establish a pattern of activity for ASBOOR., The cause of this lack is quite simple: AELANYARD fas been main= tained more or less on a working hour achedule, 1.0., from roughly 0800 to 2200 hours with occasional additional night monitoring, Realizing this, wo decided to carry out a two week operation whereby wo used difforent equip- ‘ment. Wo will cease this phase of the eperution since we now ‘have, we believe, sufficient coverage to ostablish .the pattern of activity of AEBOOR. _. @. The operation has proved very helpful, We now know that on two occasions AEBOOR did nqi return home until five or aix in the morning, Mrs, AEBOOR on one eccasion launched into him domanding to know where he had _ beon,- etc. His reply was "1 have been working" and nothing more, We forward under separate cover. a copy of the portinent transcript involved in this discussion, 3, Our next step against ARSOOR is tu mount via BIBAFFLE a“24 hour surveillance of AEBCOR, It is our present thought to continue this for up to two woeks; howover, wince as many as 12 officers por duy will be needed, the BIBAFFiEs wil’. be hard put to carry it out. . Other operations will have to suffer since wo are convinced that © woll conducted and thorough surveillance could produce ae anseript (u/s/o) or "ey } Distribution: ; wot 2 - Spann alate ara an A BD 7 May 69 vo Be aqng | _ evenness ae / ° . “A Continued wet ne Eee ANS eT 437.08 au wp BECR FE T/RyDaT 201~2396071 : ======== PAGE 19 ======== 14-00000 DIEPATCN SYMBOL ANU NUMBER HABA-20 , 512 "> CONTINUATION OF DISPAYCH extvemely interesting results. . i 4. We will advise you of cur progress. 8, Files 201-236071. Solari WI Phase Edwin W. SHROYER ======== PAGE 20 ======== 14-00000 Cass RaNCO SUBCaSO: M1GUcL RLL I2 LAT FA 13-4-69 QO? Let , a [2 :H#98 Puerta do oumpunillas. intru Roan. I74, Ivune pow "T Rosise ' Desde lua 12.01 hustu 2300 . Y, muchaohg, cose termine (19)? - ‘ Y, » que hora Lleguste yos? sor donde to livveron los diatlos : por tod: la noone? : Iyun. Zod: la noche. A io do (77 MOGILOV 27) Jo . Rosa. A qua horu Llleguste? -/9 eet yd Ivan, Vino, gugun me pureoe @ lus 5 (?) yy Hos, XY donde catuviste? A lo de Minha? a Ivan, Trabu je. ; Ropu. + lo de Misha, oi? ° : Evan. Noe eo (( 2auca corte) ) _Zyane Y no lo adivinuste. ilo lo-adivinnate , ( tmuchucha?). Topise ivan. Hosuc Ivune * Resi : . EVute ' Row@ae . = vane Rosa. 213 Persianas bujun. : 6, Rosa. Vas a salir ahora, ai? _\ Sgsnuc¥seuesnendastere Ivone (( Monesdlatay} - mone _. SeanexhSees ROaQes Ivane (60) Nowe Gorveato. Yo ire. Y donde? A lo do Iurt Ivunovich? No lo yuo a adavinar lo mismo. Abort8d uwenotruoco. . as No vad a udivinur. es Koetus y.rudo como un 1d10tu. LO mbseMo uO UdIVINareoe us Galiate lo boou. (7Va9 2 jugur?) commigo todavia. (( vauso)) ( Surmura algo afixmativo.)) i ¥ que no mo aparogean hasta 1 6 6, Porque yo no hay nade que buoex. scodo me pio1sto ol reven. Xo necesito dormir. Gue no to llevan los diablos por aquie Busrmas Jormic wees hetu claro? Y que nO Me @rArcBoise que? Tode o huce al reves. Levante. La gonte duorde, ’ fuoes todo al reves? ; Que disea (2-30) a a) "gue deeds?" Yo te doy “gue .ieoka, Some so indisal;.ine. ¥ yor no ma yus & persuadir. in oato yO NO GT00s ; Ahora se puso hiateriode oe No me perauadi ras. ae Me A wa mo Liamarun aor. Dos; “Cee. ne se ven de liowasta® Yo digot " Como? quien la dijo soto? * Hilla dices ° MEDVEGES YA wo trabaja (ID)lo conoows? Vou ‘riujae, y olla a%66 qué” @lle Bay HAVILNZO, gy gucds uur que HCKOL. (( De JOKQLOVSEL *} y aeayeree Y elie dio0:"Jome Alferiov? Alfuriov no Viejas - cree Senn ERIN A ta yonto van @ acoaturwe, y eb 02 y o2 esta puseande, 2 poryuc vod Reean. ,¥ eon eete aplome io viada. (( Pousa)) { que ue dooia? dijoa " No, Aitortey no ¥ a mi mo dios. Sastigar y listo. E ({ Siguen hablando de vaosoiones, algunos ompeauran a . Pt Anny ======== PAGE 21 ======== F RLL 12 . “a7 ' FA 13-4-69 QP 32 PARTE 2 ; oo drse de yucaciones on primurcoe dius de may0e Salio lvan : . \ 42} Telefeno vecinos sin contosturs , : $09 Portero eleotrios. Vooinos. $02 Le mismo. : . _ 1605 Se levantun ios porsianas, Pasos, Puertas internas, Je lovanto Rosa. + $930 Puerta cumpanillas. Eatro Ivan. : Oonversun corto tiempo. untre otras cosas Rosa lo pregunta et va Gl cine y si tiene frio, furu primosu peogunta no se egouoha 1 a roepuestu. »are segunda, reapuosta negative. Leen disrion. No a fables. ae . Basta 3325 cin cunblos. , PINAL Del ROLLO . % eye . a + . ‘ i} ° tate * ia ; “ ‘ : L od ’ yt we, 1 y : an ’ ‘ se ’ 1 ‘ ‘. D 5 ' ot + . . ‘ & te , 1 roy . . Cit Yoo voayot ee eer ‘ ‘ B : . at ‘ + ‘ or ’ re ‘ . ‘ 1 4 ” ' . ‘ . 1 ======== PAGE 22 ======== 14-00000 LABRET sce, ra raseie? Ungee nina TION ASS: 00 eeaan: a Se ORME ae won tase soremere zt = C\ Sis toy. \ — : veers Gor pedn a ten ne — eee . . womniow Powe Clown ee pe Son ee . w _t Pre LY i ne “ee DEP TO OUR OO ne on cee nee ee Ree ne ©0050 ov VAS re eo less to ene bee ‘aon Lea . ener i Ci ie vn Ay, lb yt. afte. .. ; 29 ee , SECRET 252254 APR 69 CITE BUENOS AIRES 2835 DIRECTOR : L - puotor U5 Aen 63 W449 7 : Je BIOGENESIS TRAVEL CONTROLS REPORT “THAT GENRIKN BORISOVICH MEDVEDEV DEPARTED FOR MOSCOW ON 25 APRIL WITH VIFE NYHA AND DAUGHTER MAKINA. me PCS DEPARTURE ABRUPT , ATFARENILY UNEATECTED BY MEDVEDEV , BINCE RETURNED FRON HONE LEAVE ONLY LAST SEPTEMBER. CURRENT TRAVEL CERTAINLY NOT RESULT NORMAL ROTATION. FURTHERMORE BILOCULAR GAVE NONE OF USUAL INJICATIONS FAMILY PREPARING LEAVA . “YO APRIL LUNCH WITH GIBANDIT~11, SUBJECT IMPLIED PLANNED 10 REMAIW'ARGENTINA FOR SOME TIMC. WHEN BIANDIT -11 CALLED E DELEGATION 24 APRIL, WAS TOLD MEDVEDEY HAD LEFT PERMANENT! Y. IDAWDIT-9 REPORTS REQUEST FOR PERNISSION OLPART NOT RECEIVED (MS OFFICE UNTIL 2* APRIL. NO nequesT: FOR REENTRY OR SHIP or NHR THCLUDED « . a INITIAL AWALYSIS CURRENT AELANYARD TAPES INDICATES DEPARTURE POSSIALY RESULT OF DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MEDVEDEV ANG : COLLEAGUES , NOTABLY: IVAN GAVRILOVICH QLEERYEV: (201-286701) AND NATOLIY ILICH VASILYEV ¢2B1- 227448) ON OPS OR POLICY WATTERS ; SECRET - rr ======== PAGE 23 ======== 14-0000 C aset dre sDvanca cory f ers | } srorree WY ree BY meres oeeeneneneeenner "REP 10 Pune IO mn cree oc enter re nt rere Sone aoe Steer camer lt4 eh atten [set 0 veereos O we. prea meee mmr nearness eee () aio cory Soermereeemaeemteter ——aton OT > —_—. rr en en ees pny mevemnss 8 PAGE 2 RUESBA 2853S £ CRET REVIEWING AVAILABLE MATERIAL FOR MORE CONCRETE DETAILS AND WILL ‘ ADVISE. 4. FILES 201-3) 3506, . oO SECRET peace re em eee panes Pr terete oA | ======== PAGE 24 ======== 14-00000 st TOTAL SOMES: Ly onta: PATRICIA FLYNN?) a unr. SB/X/WH - ~ (—S EE RE-T ; . er, O412 L319 . i eee vert: 21 APRIL 1909 ———— CABLE GECRETARIAT '* ge ATION QO) twoex Orowmoer (1) servan to ow > ee o OLE 1 CB FILE WO, “conn S838 rus. va, LONE Riley, Cuutalaps h2 . i eenemmnoemmemmens "|." |-~— samnaunaal Fore and tiene tiled) . . : SECRET sane te cmoeane 94535 . 0 G a a dz Reds 71 1 “0 "BUENOS AIRES . ; ; REDTOP AEKICK AEBOOR , “- RERERENCES At DIRECTOR 936378 , B: BUENOS AIRES 2764 (IN $9529)#* “IDENTITY BNCRYPTED ApBogR lost CORRECT 201 NUMBER IS 201+ 236701, “BND OF MESSAGB lel “ lay ,WILMIAN V. BROB / frei ======== PAGE 25 ======== 14-00000 “CABLE SECRETARIAT DISSEMINATION: 2 CrASSib if > MESSAGE _ FERSOR/UNIT NOTINED . . . Ya WD ream aetomet, (When Filled tn) eiipnton a ‘. ADVANCE COPY oO 1wsUED Oo sLOTTEO aya I CLASSY 0 Tl BREF TO FILE NO. sooth rug mo Caer. wo hGilus ge OU A earn by 82 s ‘taancuO) ossracv() 80. Ketone THO: : BB (Jawecorv en , ‘ id SECRET 1825502 APR 69 CITE BUENOS AIRES 2784 DIRECTOR 1Oher 63 39529 . REDTOP AEKICK . | REF: DIRECTOR 93637 Bus most fe REF INDICATES 2801-23670) ENCRYPTED AEBOOR. PRESUME — 7 Wash . 2623607) MEANT. IF NOT, PLEASE IDENTIFY FURTHER. 2 WO FILE. . Oo | en yours SECRET a ea ======== PAGE 26 ======== 14-00000 f ma PATRICIA ant uv: SB/XYWH . y Re 6812 1351S . afl APRIL 1969 Heh AQAA SECERYAMAT O188UMINATION QD) iwosx Onowom =) arruan vo —.--_.. enanen Orns : 126 sn OC one ws cs ere no, ee eee ‘ = yy Fn } . eaMicattont ” Vata and View filed) ‘weterense aenber) os 4 “" SRCRET . ae 8 A ’ oo ra W3 2 Cmuomern O3637 & a f o f BUENOS AlKeS ; : iW Aref . ba | 3 7 ; fo < . WEDTOP ABKICK ee ere ‘ -. SUBJECT OF 201+236701 ENCRYPTED AEBOOR. ee . : et, -. END OF MESSAGE oo Of 7 ~ Be ‘os . Was Comment: Subjoct is on the Station's Priority Target List and ; a de the target of a tesidency audio operation, Agel ~ OFFIOER COfvaan THAR Thad fE=UHIG OPPION 18 FROHTETTED, setae os ======== PAGE 27 ======== 14-00000 THIS PORTION {$ DETACHEO AND THE AROVE if MENT TO CABLE SECRETARIAT Oly CAYPTONYME ONLY THAT WILL HAVE CABLE TRAFFIC . she ======== PAGE 28 ======== 14-00000 ee meena Rosa (auemereva) , 7 Anatoliy Ilioh (VASILYEV) - . ‘pgrees. B. coven into the room and (reets 0, very meaoiowly, telling him that they have deen waiting for hin, Everyone talke | ‘at once, joking and. Taunting. A. calls B, "Rogochka." . ‘ ======== PAGE 29 ======== 14-00000 una shen become the tonic of conversition. Ne Dyas with the good and the bad (a pion and opinion phat, Amortio: Phey work with snyone,s khoroshint , i plokhiei,)" B, stnten, "It in ny imprer nevertheloan, the Amertonns gonchow understand us better, & to mponks : I Aon't whet to talk about ((or, what nomeone ‘tp tatkine nhout))eee As remrko, "T don't uniere‘iand yet ay ~ Ga6397) : af v | B, NABA-2ez12 , . he FOLLOW ING HEAVY Ran, ELECTRICAL STORM ONE AELANYARD LINE WOT OPERATING, CHECK BY GENaNanN SHOWS PROBLEN 18 OUTSIDE LP, PROBABLY AW TONER FAILURE OF SWa~SA PREAMPLIFIER. BIOGEWESIS~14 (DUE RETURN FRO VACATION WEEK 3 NARCH AUD VE FLAN AGAIN REPLACE ‘DEFECTIVE UaIT.. Ge FLAASE ADVISE SOONEST FIUOLUGS ON DEFECTIVE UNITS FORWARDED WQS VLA REF Be a FILE 4-137=188 AND 4-8-1671 —_ SECREY ======== PAGE 36 ======== 14-00000 “DISPATCH [eee [SE def, Soviet_Bloc Division —_____. anal ©) tation, Buenos Aires.__f +. REDTOP AEKICK ° Ic —" iar ag ALEERYEV.-Conjnot_with-Lev-YASHIN- (201 SUD IECE is a copy of a BILOCULAR report of 8 Janunry describing a conversa betwe¢n Ivan Gavrilovich ALFERYEV and Soccer Po) player LeV*YASHINY(DPOQ; 22 October 1929, Moscow, Passport go! 331422). YASH IN and the reat vf the Moscow Dynamo team had just arrived at Ezeiza Airport on Varig Flight 845 from Rio and were departing for Santiago on SAS Flight 955 after a layover in Argentina of three and one half hours. The team was on a Latin American tour covering Chile, Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador, Ce: reimvn oh Zeya eteneerss ALEGRY Sy ser ms . en conenenmmmmmnmnemmmmmmemmeealt 677 Jie7el > oe 2. ‘During-the conversation KGB officer ALFERYEV and -YASHIN, whom we believe ie KGB, show that they are fairly ‘elogo frieyds. They aso mention mutual friends: Ivan Bemenovich™ ARKH IPENKO<(201-731434), 9 suspect 0 vi a : : an ; me, vt 1. pet under separate cover for your information « yn BHUBIN, the former Consul/KGB officer in Chile. ¢- seve coveiseudh . a Beit ne Attachment: : 0/6/0 ae Btated 9/0 BAS'D yn Distribution: 3 - G/ERD, w/attach u/a/e: a . w/o attach. z rath toe AABAW20253.. "8 February 1068 BECRET KGB officer : formerly stationed in Axgontina; and Vitaliy Borisovich ceese Fererle a er ======== PAGE 37 ======== 14-00000 ete Grea men NP ee et nc NN ee eve sae ees 7 8 de encro de 1965 CARTE GI O26 prey y t Lin A Cy 98 AL OO59: irfyina 3 (8IGUs

  • . ce tem ae ======== PAGE 40 ======== 14-00000 | Dis A CH - es ret TTR ACTION . = a | mance on ocx . ' Chief, Soviet Bloc Divisiom wo woe REED a . ONLY GUAITFIED OUSK Chlef, Yeatorn Henisphere Division ___ fe ene none HROM Caiet of Station, Bucnca Aires crore suBNCT (cre - ; ___ ALFERYEY Contact with Lev. vasa (20le ‘ ACTION REQUIRED - REFERENCES ; 1. Forwarded under geparate cover for your information is a copy of a BILOCULAB report of 6 Januery desoribing & converaat iea between: Ivan Gavrilovich ALIZRYZY ant Soccer \ : per ‘Lev YASAIM (DPOB: 22 October 1929, kancow, Paswport . : 1422), YAGSIN and the rest of the Kescow Lynano team bad. jest arrived at Eseiza Airport on Varig Piight 645 from Rio ‘ aad were depart‘sg f6r Eeatiage on GAG Yiight 055 after 6 layover in Argentine of three and one half hours. Tae teas . es on & {atio Awericia tour eovering Chile, Peru, Coloabia, and Rounder. . ¢ &, During the conversation 30S officer ALFERYEY end _. YASBIR, chow ve believe is BoB, chow that they sre fairly 2 glows Sr.enes. Zacy aiso exert ion watue! fricada: Ivae » ls genesevict ADM IVER (201-73 1434), 8 suspect. KGa officer formeriy atatioued in argentina; snd Vitaliy Borisovich - . the former Cousul/Eas officer in Chile. Bien T. RS ======== PAGE 41 ======== 14-00000 Facer (vere Gy 8 de enoxo do 1969 bo ACR UGS: | 7 CARATE GH O26 Mine 5 mY (sIGUE) Ls = arn eufndo enlculn / mfy 0 menos “ ' i ‘aliy ew Fara octe eo vo outur vogure = doupuda el mos quo vione nog visor de vreuciones - , * . ele = aud que ol idg ue viene van da ynenotones 6” . : je - = 3 itueho antregemos yn = be ontregnron unos curntos =! ‘. { ow U \ ' : TWD 2 For 27 Wuy / tlenpude no hy rts = «cdf ented unotedo el a i . | miésero wuyo = wl suyo / puede ser (ue ae.troe de un seni ecte@ Linmeno a la tarde / ued lnblo con ol yitvon = : eli = Como no = fo) | : \ : i : aw'een Ja Sr Bali ~ ‘ : a: it pio con in eiibnjndn & . : Ww UL @ a . i f CHD < le bible JaulZH / donde Masen = Gucnoa dfos = { 5 : wis « buenos dfn = ene qn | 3 : Wh = Yur favor me poirfa linwr a Ivan laity é ; 7 * als = Un momento / uhor voy 9 pee ul 2 amen (oe qyo dicir a ° \ ' wer “YatOV “Md ind KonatantAnovich (WawGuv) / por fuyor 1Lana i ‘ ) sepico a MP DLRILV / 1o Mum Jasidh doada HULU J ru ptdo / : De rapido / porqus tionpo carre «=== nga) waemneane / opore . | . . um momento. / nhorn 62 vie Unjer Uc tanta que Luna pe i ' i t otro minora = Farjua dl aut on ote micro «= ahem él yn : J ~ Yo tango nat tran miieres = Ne conté muvho pure: conunienses ; f= Ud = ‘Lawro act 39-5272 = oe co Se We / no 7 no en ene © Yenta que Lm O21 4201955 © i. WA = Ho / mo dieron eclo entos tret mtwroa y.con.el Ultimo: | : Je pio somunicar = ; ; i S Biveno / mente Lem alii / wero precuntur / au | rere Moucu vite seers ete . « Ikee mucho frio = Bnjo 20 « . , j — sme to Y pasotron aver tenivmnt Joe. | ; wii © Ah qua Lindo / con que juste Aytonon OL)f pero os lonternos | ! o= | af oe ria) ra Ud viene in Buenion aires ne ar") saneteel | w No / nonotras eatimog or do yO an} A HOR ot ww ame edi, = Novotres yonse ub tener un torneo / do "DENAKU = Aad Gun | wou porn Chdle pum jiu eo ; 4 Je! x por qué no vieron ie é : edi, » Noyolrou con mucho giato 7:ywro no noo dejan = TaNA © Que win vorguenzag (ne vie)-= - ; Ae An anvt oligite oncermdo = ras { allA © wud bien duo aa ge u lil = Jnrave que yo antay en Honou = | | edi @ ‘inubion yo. le aio bien . : ; “Xa a ‘qud novadacter hny: & : : afi Con cuidn hnblo yo 4 ; : . - ; alla @ Von In pornom, (ue enty de gurdin-= 6 is = Mucha guete < Huce poco yo sitive on. Moxice « Ite vinto “ushou mudinohos tue hin trol: rte 2 lio yiato a dyan «ebeeee | TA @ yak, ARTDMAKO / trtargo nee an dy aryenting & a wi Lo'pé / oon 41 yo wo onucnird vardn vaceu = Tice pace m8. | * eneontrsa aon 44 on 1ihOC oo | . / if oN = Mus Jaotiint ces Ule ne vionane Rosetros Loa osperurtoa ol: to pasndo = Tinton tenes rm re seme en ae A 4, 2 = ¥ no nule = . . vole ails = .¥ eute afio. yn no vionon & . oe .. ; : Wh = io oreo / pcre Lut ond axvyentiéns ol torucs outed ‘pero ‘tergime = Ahan Lut juecnp Hurygroo @ Austrdngos f pare osotrea no pirticipanos = Huanteon vor te Ju’ YUmbion on eth = Yoro os tan cores = LIL 9/4 ======== PAGE 42 ======== 14-00000 a2 j : " 1) AG, Fite B de enero de 1969 TB 4220039 | . ; . . ° . ran CARTES GR O26 Pégina 4 ° “(STOUR ) JA (as Ropresentantea aa) von a visitar el uwowy . Ad pues allos van hocer wa visita a lo Argentina © Ahora no le heegumnr « L . pa ~ Duane / / eolo wre como huespides / ya no vances tobler i, eo, ok Bueno ¢ 4, “3 Céao fuera que wei hice une visits de “Scent @ Asi oa X(oa rie) —= Porque ev “tan corn” = Bacuche / ae Fiore = bey ee ws pose mojar = nn oxrtable eee bien perqua pay brine a dod onto, / no hace calor = ‘ 7 “heoees Fyoten eotuvimos on Brooil ~ of ue | hace calay @ a ee Stn, P uagegpets cia 29 grados « an ee o Us merseto. aaa - SE Te vente ( Do, ay eos «aR S Gieaes Se? “tess std oe ze neon : ; ane al Wis « Teubien para ti AMelts alo Tiuero =X te ealudan feedos “ me, epradesco qua no han alvidndo al yiejite @ % Bi 24 Sezagesce que no tap aartcndo 2 vi nes Go diamete to vey : Sit FRE TE "Est seme txme: . byt es we o- . . = Yo no cabia a aud here Ula va 0 cae / parau yo Svta : ono = Xe crest que Us eta tarde @ Eesti «. Hogesres 2a venines 4 da Ttalia pase Se Hance. dugnés en ba. Uds a van & onP eo trratte 7 pe) mame Zoran ni Wud dfn ne qué hora hove ve “Les ted sha ouerte én Chie = - 2 boii! on re gases musts Vie: denpee pada = - tron baa Oe Chile / ver att /koudcr'° | a =e setae maar age / prt fg 8 nar ome Ste 8 : es - No oreo 5 denaataido ‘eamplicada = ash Haouohe / ASE sds ert ace un pion price /” . a: ated 6 ta a quidn pi entragar eo aboonute 6 a pone ea, exeo yo a aaa Si (cuummie) a ca ee us irte ro - . | ns (She “it = fe, raise eee = Gree fv aver a a Godce = Parque nosoty a & - Semras oe m Quedarse on Chile 6 : ======== PAGE 43 ======== 42 - : : unss PILE A. ‘Cg _ 92. YURautLa 8 do enero de 1969 u 42-039 CARTELS GR 026 ‘ Fdgina 5 re eo (SIGUB)-AL = Que bien = “JA © Reeuchs te mmndan saludos los muohachea - desde Hexteo - AL © Gmacina « wJA o lie encontré allt con todos ‘-achaches = @ Creo quo esate afo noo vamos encontrar en MOSCU = | ' WA = Vas a venir cs Lconica & “AL o bE / en el mes do junto @ . JA = Busno / y ademfa qué tol & eAL — Todo ont bien / colo no me gusta este elina y hace muche * - calar / eo safocnnte = a Ea eane bafio turco / ued hay que aproveshar 7 vara poder . Ab = Aud ea = No nos queda otra Gltermtiva = ' e@&e - Cufndo pale 61 avidn é ot WA = B1 ovidn sale dentro de um hora y media dos horas = oAL = UVantro de dos horns 4 ‘aA ~ Kiddo o menos / parque 65 un avida de lac *sgasv a Chine ae por qud viene con retrnso ~ Lodavis no liegd @ Aln mojor vay a 42° hasta oll » ~ Uh ee dentro do una hare SB pedan dos horee salen Udo & . iA Paro ss tejo 4 he Gon 40 nin @ JA @ S&L gon 40 nin a. ta oaferLngan on tiene = Fro wee Sapo ma Tu lo cobes mojo = i, -: Brag ¢ Soludee's ote an vista ee, » Bueno / 02 8 at) (viene AVIUVUKI) @ oe aD = La Tab de divisidn noticias del. Canal 15 © Nesotros Quisiormmes hicer un nota / malvim dae noticiere - be sobre este vinie wm VLU & Entonses nocasitiria do Uda toda la ======== PAGE 44 ======== 14-00000 “ee ti.” . . wo. vig Liges Co seers S 8 de encro dn 1969 Doar tem uo9 CANUTE Gt 026 rina 3 (uIGUs )eLs ~ Farn cufndo enleuln / mfs 0 Lena o ay» Farms octe rea ya orter vactro ~ sesypuda ol mes que vicne : ‘ nos vae«i da wieuciones = : i ele = ad que ok *.u Wa viene van da veeceiones é : ; Wl « Of = wlucho antes non ya = be ontrag-ron unos cu.rton © , wlan © Uf / of - : ' ' wis © Far a7 ny / ‘leads ino bry refs ef gated enotede el : rtsero suyo = = auyo / puode ser cue centro do und pene: tee Linnvene a la tarde 7 90% Iuibio con 61 jritron = ; eli = Conono= (¢ 1 «*3:0n la um Lal = i i me - iybto con Ut enbnjed: 2° oo, i t 1 wae UE ow : . a i fai) © Le habla das / dese Koren - Suenos dfio = : wits = buenos dfau = _ .. . : Jk = Pur fiver me podrfa Liam a Ivnn ale WiKi 2 poe . olin = Un momento / chore voy 9 pea iiley eae (ae are dicts a |: ey HaWiOWs “Mi jnd) Konatantinovich (..06V) / por rayor Line P) rapido a oid LAV / Lo Luin Vasilis doode WAL J mice / : : ¥ -paptdo / pesqua tiempo corre s---- 931 eoneanenche / cape : im movente / nhom 61 ynie inion = Ur tenfn que Moras yas ’ otro nitiore © Farjun S1-artf-en-oie mbane = shor: 1 = : Ji @ Yo tango nef tran mihierca = Hs ootd mucho purse curimicures - ~ gon Ud = Sango ef U3-5271 = Le oY ek = No /no 7 no on eae @ fonin que Yaron al 4201550 = wWA = Ko / 20 dieren solo enton tren mtiaroa y con.el Ultine pe puto oonuntoon - | oo ei-ebuend / santma Leg ale RLV / jutero prevuntar / cud >. tad ee tf Mosew ae ilsee mucho frie = Bnjo 20 = sald @ XY nonotym ner tanivmos Bue edi, = AW ia Linde / con que yurto Latonos ALLS pom , wn pace = : : oe . an eos ric) . Ud wviane. 4 Auenon ‘aden Tne of Ae No / nonotroar cot imog ert da sro enp nar cyrsana Obile =e TTT remem on mn ali) ow & Chile &. - ew el: » Novotran. vamos a tenor un torneo 7 do “UTANO® © and ue ~ ydagenoa pars Chilo yuri jie =: .. . alti = X par qudé no. vienon neil é ef = Novoiron oon. mucho. pinto / pero. ng, noo dajan «= Sil» Gug ain verguentne Gievie) = me Wi o ALL ental ute onvercude = ‘ eHA © dud Wien que aa -qya 1 Ud@ dracge nue yo ‘Wi a Tnnhien yo ip oizo:hien = 4 Na oY adawfs qud-novedidos hay & - wie Gon quiidihnbieyoe oo: iis = Con by parsons que-auta da guemdby eo oe | ais @ Mucho uate «-lkice pace yo sitive en Naxtievoe = le vi. to ' : ay Bison mus nehoe iv twin Conds lo = Je vitita a Ivan ne LeBBK: ‘ + iL wo " ei srternos : —_ - Lurotror ‘ ante en Korww © Ivan. MWEHKO / trabajo dat on Ja angartimn = i salii_e in ad / aon a Yo,ue onmonteng varkin voogu « bie poee 16 | 7 ifroontee aon, 42 on | ; fo rreememcans ee emer = . aie tneaniens weeememnemnin a tua Tanti quo Uk neovieheie Nonetze don eaperuies.-eh : wgho pysndo =. - : Do Poa dG w.e XY no ale = Be : . aN & Y ante mio yn mo'vienen 6 i wh oo oreo / porque aluf en dn avyontiny ot tamoo ga? pore) | tomainan ~ Abon nlf Juesan Nungaroa oe: Auitedaeos 2 eoro t Nuact#ou Vata flyrut tenbien on ba eeae . oy Oy no jwrticipanoa « iro on tun. canta = elu 9/4 ======== PAGE 45 ======== Poa 8 do enero de 1969 carro a O26 (10) (ae Representantes 4a) yvana vioitar ol WiUGUAY = A da nejor éllos van hacer wna vioite 4 la Argentina @ shove no le . Oo neagumny = oe a oe _be® 7 solo yee caso hueopides / ya no vemoo hablur 2 : “ee Buena / fun oéno fusrs que una hice we visita de "Sokelni~ , are! oe Sic ea Kos rie) —~ Yorqus'os “tan cerea” = Exeuche / ' 1 Rests os heanemos un color turbore = Ayer hacad un calor ine \ SB ypon et ion es un poo mejor La. ; Latd bien / porque hay brisa doa Yiento, / no hnas caler = a fe, 7 . Nosotroa nyeicn e eotuvinos on Brosil ~ Allf si que hace calor = i ‘ Nosotros a los victe da fd © mafana y hacia 29 oudee - POR. me. - os rotud asisee Th = BToa Vota (Span) ey ries & Aiea een hs nbn me Ate isvalo Huavol « X te osindan eotes CS ioe eeradezco Que no hen alvidndo al wioiite, ~ he yo ,penad que 62 voy @ tener oportunida de Mamete to vy Jam . on Uda o SIA @ A Gantiare = Alut tansace tans “goncgaronses oo grat Gun, tg Peony Sygunn'/ pars ye seta : ¥s 3 Hy venigice Ge Ge ita a coe hemos jugnde en a to int wn te eavta Ude ae va one tee) ; cs Ste pero no esbfa bi qud dfe nd ud fh hove ? “Le Bueno Loa ¢ (Leon) te doseo mucha yiuente « nh Onde °. Bees Linmone. de Cnile @ Agénise Vas coapuda & . onotres hnaemos Chile feru, 7 "olenbin / Bouador - wate poms 7 vO te vay a maninn algo / pardue vay 8 Sener cons | we P oo Gudnde - whl » in pa gee = Ao Ad: Onile é oAL w» OF « “Hh Bao yten vents Ole 6 cad shi Yo crea & a «eae tes | le rao deaaetndo e iicado. we = ce 73 vi 9, pourta ote some ahora w pequatio presente. / yee C) Bhd At -.- . ity bien: eine = = #% malt en ite a quidn : Pt tes 4 creo oye ‘ . BES we“efa ds ariel ia 0 ent al conmil = he ees id VOY.& ver Oo fades = Farwue nosotrce — ge vamos 4 qQuedar n1L/ tres Being ah enn ene eam 0 entoomne a abeequiod (UB) 2°. rs ======== PAGE 46 ======== ; : K E . ht 8 de enero de 1969 § ie-8t59 CARREIE OR 026 Se : Pigim 5 . e (SIGUE) AL = , Que bien ~ oo ~ Escuchs te mondan galudos oo muchachos - ‘desde Mexioo ~ AL wo Gracins < wh ~ He encontrd ollf con todos “ mechachos « ~ Creo que este aflo non ynmoa encontrnr en HOKU = <7 Vase a venir doe licenica 6 “AL = Se /enel mes co jwud = : eA = Bueno / y adamfa qué tal é whl = Todo est:f dion ‘a solo no me gusta este cliz: / hace musho . calar / es scrocante wal A = Ba cone batio tureo / not My que aprevechar 7 yore polar fyear Asa es ~ lio nos quada stra Altermtiva © J. ok @ Ouinde sale e) avidn 4 ‘ aA oo SE ae a ares fo 2 Mee ¥ en Gm hers = : aL Dentro de dos harns 4 WA = lids o menos / porque es un ba tad : . ure eg ‘se es, qué viene gon retmso = ciavia Be Sa mejor vay a ix ui Ad ~ Gis Sens oe um be ‘nadta Mos owe solen Ude Be ae aa Tk: SEG Senin a an major Ang on tiaspe ~ Pare yale tape ta 4 Tu lo codes major = . " aAL.= Vamos a ver of St : ah = Bueno Judea y hasta Ja viota « aa = Udine ar baberas Ansndo y fasta ia vista = (u) ae ae toe TODOROV & a: - ee ae ened pansande torte. he ‘ att Buene / elice fucvan al 0 creo que dentre de pese ee Sore mate « Cunnde elk: viens * :7 “wd . ° hey em 3 re rs on mara FIQDOROY* con ah =e: the on uy. 092 » Buome taries 4 ne Me ak @ Buena tardas « Saoushe yo: ‘te ‘Unmaba a aunts es. 1a a JES ee Ge iete e . pra.nuyy e ct areas enol - : i te parece que df BULDAN OLDINGY cuewZa gn mbiar connigo = eh gue no pematerh Sntea a een ella paxu pOMree. oda acusrda ia os acy) * cae teas mae e Bueno a rs al& « Gano 1 noe 8 athe nae eee pas scar Bi Sa on PeaSasede Ban & = apere un monento =—— (viene ‘VANKI) = ov a 2 banere om de ROH neticina dol Cami 25 = —— ; ======== PAGE 47 ======== 14-00000 D ISPATCH [a CASCATION . PROCESSING ACTION . rae wee ; naexso roe wcnHs Chief, Soviet Bloc Division WO INDENING MLOUIRED_ Chief, Western Hemisphere Divis Divisio’ | __jemrauutan os TRom ar Chief of Station, Buenos Aires( “Zr 7” . ; (e) REDTOP/Operational Evoning with - Goa-Bseori ‘on ‘Wife ‘ ACTION REQUIRED «REFERENCES CROP SUBJECT 1, After many mont: of contact and many promises : . , to "get together" some evening, Paul W, LEVERONE received 070! a firm promise from 201-236074 that he and his wife would . ' . promise became a reality, and the report of the evening's i \ { i i 1 | drop by for n drink and g-snack on 9 January 1060, The : | activities in forwarded under separate cover. 2, Although no firm date for a future meeting was . Bet, every effort will be made to continue social development of Subject, " Attagtinent 4 Warren wa/e ae s Btated . er TH rn wy) baer ” = O/BRD, w/attach, u/a/o = O/WHD, w/attach. me ES COM: _wani-20210° «econ toemrreecee meme Lee hae ae me AN RS, RIN HO ======== PAGE 48 ======== 14-0000 areca i f i. wee tener the entiva country and got to know Jt better than his own, He aleo__ a atasen —_~ : _ 1, Subject arrived at 1990 tearing @ Russian recont as a gift from his, wife and a bottle of vodka with a jar of caviar as a gift from himself.” He apologized that his wife could not make it that evening Lecause she had to atwend a “command perforrance"’, Although Subject claim, to be under a docterts care for problems with his stomach and legs (blood pressure problems) and 1s supposed to avold use of alcohol .or four montha, he did accupt a drink (Seotch) and thon proceeded to chat vbout various inconsequential topice. At about 3000 MARGANDE dropped in and a general conversation enaued, LEVERONE offered to prepare some Shashlik and Subject stated that it was one of the favorite dishes of his wife, Ho suggested that perhaps he could pick her up after the "command performance” and bring her to the apartment. Thio was readily agreed to but since there was an hour and o half remaining before Subject could fetch his wife, ws coatinued with qoneraL convergntion, The following points concerning SubJectts past activity came to light. : , a Subject stated that he had spent some timo in Argentina in _ 1958 and that during this time he had had a chance: to travel freely and cee something of the country. The pouple were friendiier, politer _. and leae hurried then. He did not go into detail as. to what he was doing in Argentina but it appeara to have been an official gisit. b. Kho "high point" was Mexico and 123 fondest momorios are of hia tine spent there. He claims that he was able to travel over had various close friends in the juurnalietic field including several “Amerteano (vio), In Mexico he woe a PRAVDA correspondent. took bbe, 6. Subject alec stated he had Lean dn Eeundor £or an unspoadfted a - ‘Length of time during the month when tho annual Indlun ffuste te held. ‘ic claimed to like tne placo vary much snd desoribed at length ghe Indian praatios of volling all thelr produce at tha fair and then spanding tha money on Liquor. d, When Subject was ready to leave Mextue he applied for a _brenalt via to the United States, When ta ianuance war dolayod for \ * ome time, hu asked tha Amertean officlala concerned df there wore ‘ ‘ BS enpY _sle att th {to HABA -202/0 BECRET —_ROF-28670/ ======== PAGE 49 ======== 14-00000 2 ~ ‘ 2. _ “SPCR any specific problems regarding the visa or ir it wus being withheld simply because he was a Soviet. If the latter were the case, he said he would raise the question with the President ’ of the United States (who was visiting Mexico at the time and \ was going to Rold a press conference), Subject claims that as : a result of this threat the visa was issued almost. inmedtately. Due to completely fortuitous circumstances, Subject and three other Soviet correspondents met in New York on thu Ath of July. . LNERGO allegedly became excited about the presence of four Soviet correspondents in New York at one time and carried on a very \\ tight surveillance which was quite annoying. During this time the notes comptled for books on Latin America were stolen from Subject and as a result his literary ambitions have not beun ' . realized. “ @, Subject stated that he has & 14-year old son in Moscow and i although they mies the’ boy, there are no adequate schools in Argentina. This is the reason for the separation. In Mexico tho Soviet Embassy hau provision for the three primary gradas. That ie where Subject's son started his schooling. 4 2. At 2130 hours Subject left toyick up his wife saying he would be back dn about 40 minutes. This wae fino since it gave MARGANDE and LEVERONE time to get everything prepared for the meal, At 2230 hours Subjuct called te aay they were “on the way! and would Le over shortly. At 2315 they arrived at LEVERONE's apartirent. ° 3, A general four-way conversation continued during which Subject te-and nis wife's comments ran au follows: . 6. Thoir aon in Moscow io studying English and speako it rather .? poll, He also keeps fish in a L75eliter fiat wink. Subjeat was , wnable to reoall tho sort of fish in question. . b, There was a rathor lengthy commentary ca the system of sending single people abroad for aseignment to wmbasalen, Subject'o wife \ wad vory Gurpriged that the Americaus would send alngle men and women ‘ abroad ainee thie was vory "dangerous". She stated that the Soviets occasionally sawi a alagiy girl to a foreign post but the dmplivation was very atrong that she wae "well chaperoned", ' ts SECRET Oat 8 . . . e z} wey ee spe — ~—ee ======== PAGE 50 ======== 7200000 ad _ : 3 _ : ce, They were both interested in the linguistic abilities of individuals asalened to the American Embassy and stated that the : _ Americans were often sent abroad with virtually no knowledge of the ‘ Yenguage whereas the Soviets were always well trained, (Subject 's : wife managed to get thie point across in her halting Spanish and with i assistance from her hustand whom she kept asking for bhe Spanish , equivalent of Ruseian words,) Cubject did state that the Soviet i: language training system was not the greatest and seemed to give o : . point to the U.S, system when MARGANDE eaid that she had learned i it her Spanish from tapes and instruction. d. Subject and his wife agreed that Ihuenos Aires 1s a large, dirty, indifferent city. They talked with nostalgia about their Moscow apartment which was only a ten-minute drive from lovely forests ~“ and streams where "a person could really relax", They’ mentioned that. they had a quinta to which they retired on weekends but that the Quinte wos nuisy and full of mosquitos. (MARGANDE and Sub,iect's wife agreed that finid and Off wora tho most important purchases | An Buends Aires in the summertime.) ‘ ~ +3. Conversation and listening to music continued until about 0200 hours (with Subject's wife oohing and auhing over American songs and arrangements), ‘The evening was friendly and relexed and there was no’ attempt to get into deeper political or ideological discussions since the primary purpose was to establish rapport and pave the way for future meetings. * he Given below are MARGANDE and LEVERONF!s press of Subject ond wifes ‘ oo : > Bubjeots Although Subject at times gives the impression of being rather simple Scilow, this effect 18 created more: by his apparent non=.- aggreseive rttitude than by actual evaluation of hig intelligence. « He ‘ appears to be au courant uf the general situation in Argentina andite essnent of world situations and incidents seoms to be quite logical and unbiased, It might even be auggadtéd’ that Subject 40 not overly influenced by Boviet official stands cencerning certain specific topics. Unltke . " 201-183943,, he does not go about spouting a vary obvious” party’ lines Bubjoct presente a pleasant appearance, dreaves well (ho had on a clean, shirtl), ======== PAGE 51 ======== 14-00000 individual with a fairly good eerse of humor. He appears to understand a : : : \ fair amount of English but it is hard to judge hie speaking ability since Nhe geems to be reluctant to talk at length in the language. He also appears to know some Georgian, He claims to know the Soviet Union west of the Urals rather well but gives tho impresaion that Le has never traveled in the easter: : part of the country, From his comments and from observation it can be ‘ assumed that he enjoys Mexican and medurn American records and perhaps : even prefers tiem to the new, socially conscious Soviet. music, His : ’ t one detracting mannerism ie a heavy and constant blink. i Subject's wife: Subject's wife is aleo attractive and has a warm i personality. She dresses well and is interested in theater, music ‘and : ‘ ! kh, . a ballet, She enjoys going to the Colon but thinks the baliet at the Dolshoy-- -- : : , de much better, She claims to enjoy dancing and apparently does not drink : ’ | t+ vory much. Her Spanish is halting but adequate: to make horasLf wxlerstood. Their Relationship: Subject ana nis hide oppuar lu be @ coupie wits Af not in love, have grown used to each other and each other's ways. : Despite reports and direct evidence of their squabbling, it would be dangerous to assume that this constitutes a weakness or domestic problems ., They appear to rely upon each other and complement each other in social _Bituations to the poingyere & deeper understanding hetween them can be “ geeumed. (An intereat/ occurence wae the wife's ‘flat-duclaration that © ~ the Soviet Union wae rapidly becoming a matriarchal society. Subject agreed “with a emile.) Although Subject does not take open issue with his wife : s¢pn topies where he may not be in complete accord, he manages to get his point soross with « joke and a amile, All im all, Subject and his wife appear te be two that could take part succebafully in. any social gathering. _ MARGANDE thinks they are a "fun couple. W to ry a ======== PAGE 52 ======== 14-00000 ~~ “HESPATCR. [ aacase | —- Ll nas wes ' : ree 2 ee Chief of Staticn, Hontevideo . into, Ghier, Wsetern Ion! ‘splere Division nies, Soviet Hive Nivision ___ Chief of Station, Buenos Aires wT - a - C naw AELARYAND/Tvan Gevrilovion AVTERYBY (201-220071) ___ , ACTION RLGUIRED - RUNERENCES 4 FROM 1. Yt has come fo our attention through AELANYARD that ; Zven Oavrilovich ALFENYEV (201-236072), a known KGB officer, vay have traveled to Wruguay during the first days: of Noventer. This suspicion 16 taend on the fect that Subject informed hie in 2nd end 2ra o. Movember. Although we have been unable to find any record of travel or any request for permianion to : . travel on his part, we cannot discount the posaibilisy of : id ‘his having treveled under false documentation. . . - @.: Porwarded herewith is a photograph of Subject Cor our files. Buenoce aires Station will continue to monitor . ubject's activities. If it appears that he is planning a ‘ trip to Uruguay, Kontevideo Station will be notified inmedi- . ate:y, end sone: coordinated cotion can be teken to try and éeteraine his contacts and gotivities while he is in Uruguay. : Attachments photos at _ Distributions “2 2 @ GOS, Montevideo w/a A= 6, WD wo/e 4 = 6, SBD wo/a ======== PAGE 53 ======== 14-0000 ™ 4 SUMMARY UR ASLANYARD TRANSCRIPTS == OCTOLER 3.968 : (HADA*2008), 27 November 1968) —_) Subjeat appears to be quite hen-pecked. His wife constantly mimics him, telis him what to do and how to sis do it, finds fault with - i j him for no apa: ent reason. She is overebe ring <= doesn't tive Bubject, , : @ chance to answer her rhetorical questions before blasting him with v4 accusations of never listening to her good advice. On 30 Ootober 1968 Subject mentioned that he would have to be going to Uruguay. Dore da no verification of his having made the trip. { ' . e ., Entdye transeripte and covering dispatch filed in 7j=120=221. | : ‘ ======== PAGE 54 ======== Chief of Statitn, suenus Alves Tees eT Ts Chief.of Station, Panara rity Chief, St vie Chief, wt RYPAT RELTOP AETARCIT TECHS Asalpnment of Cryptunya Reference: HABA 19735, @ August 1968 In answer to Paranrenh & of Refererce, the eryptonym ARLANYAPD has hoen assigned to this operation. % TEUNTK C. PACHATTE Distribution: 2 - COS, Buenos Aires” de COs, Panema City WAPW 44212 i ‘gnenet Meenzecan ' i r pnts a -" ; coe r B/0/PT QLNEN HINT Pho 1 > BR/O/FT iol ps4 ne 1. BR/O/HIt = seer 1° TSD/AOR- : re Be WH/4AR o> y Stasnsover a x “TRR/O/ HH Boon Je _TRD/AOB... 4 i “B/ BRENNAN, ‘by phone ~ MN/A/AR a | “be ======== PAGE 55 ======== t J 4 Choe. 8h vieton Chiot, WH Divigiva Chtet of Station, Panama City Chief «ff Gtutica, Beernce Aires BLOTOP /D1OGENES1 B/ AXTABOET /ARKICK/TBCES References: A. MARA-19,706, 7 March 1968 B, BUENOS AIRES 0670, 24 Bay 1988 ‘ C. BUENOS AIRES 0707, 39 Kay 1068 ~~ 1. As poteted cut in Reference A we bad hoped to moaat OA adieu ofecation agaiast 201-236071's (an identified AREICK officer) apertweant when bie predecessor departed 8. Be failod in our ieitial attempt and: kad decided to wit until 201-3230071 loft. the city for a vacation oF a businges trip. Gu 21 May 1969 we learned (via WILOCULAR) that 201-253071 wae seeking a nev ayartaont. BIBAIVLE promptly identified the. real estate agent (IEQHPITY A) respoasible for the apartasnt and on 33 May ealisted his coogeratioa. . 2. with the aid of BSSNTITY A, BICCHTHRIS-14 aed other pera agente cute: eu the target epertacat and use: took 0 thorough end wade photograpte. After craseltation wate Has stations a prosioe voctatest piss me worned ext oo. 3. . Tee apertmect te lecated at RUGETITY B. it ecesiste of w-large Living voea, éiaieg roon, con, tee bodrees, exe eorvents eompleto bath, etitakena, aad conte “yeas “tat quarters. tepvard bet ta tele ane em Attachzent 4 a ceale draviag ef tho ======== PAGE 56 ======== 14-00000 \ BA Meo 19,735 Having gained apsured aceces, the problen of a : ouitebdlo LD presented iteelf. A quick chenk 0f ‘the: occupante in the game building diselosed thatthe — - ocoupant directly ebove the target apartment maa. ailitery collcague (IDMITITY D) of BICGKEESIS-66 — (the BIGAYPLE chief). Contact was catabliahea’ temediately aed although IDEXTITY. D aaa willdtg to | belp, he kad already rented the apartment toe icother . ead gould not ronege,. ie owever. to Bild 4¢ . agreed om acre month and te grant tia BIDAYFLE Cocks aecsae begere be turned it over to the sew 4, While otill cecking a exttable LP, ts. BIBAYFLES woat chead sad installed oix aikew (tus sovheiser “peter” mibes--8000 Oiiee-ia ench rsam, thua ereatiag o biaeral iestallatieoan). Tee holes 4 were Grilled fren the fleer above te the coiling . — of the target egartesat. Cure the inotallati:a was eongloted, the tazget epartzen entered ¢ 59 t ewan Bad mot yet aoved in) aud photesrapha core tetea (so forvard thes uzder eoparate cevar es Attne=ss at B). : 8. After consi¢oveble ssarchieg, a caitable LP ea® leeated at IEAITT 1 shiek bend Sey reat. After copa) castes wit DASTERENA B-46, 2 aqrecmeat was BIBAPTLE-13 (one of tse Gtatisa’s Gailateral scrote) vould Feat the exorteeat e539 coeve apertasa= wae rezted by BIRT D-LB oa 3 daly 1628. we rag a? 22 rersdes of the wire fren the apartosat bo tarest to tho LY uaa delayee daa ryetdir eae ri ether pricrity tacks esd we & akertage of euiteble cable (wea obtained the cable fren ). Tia faenl phase ef che egevaticon usa ‘ . esxpletsd ca 7 desguat 1633, %. Wo eve jest cov beginsing to rectus the. fram tate Sperat toa. The tasve exes dipeathy te es feem the LP ond Kattkew FP. Byeates lenweses ay a 5 wits be ingaty rasGG SG accuse lite pocorased by SiatavLRe § EBEPCUAR TERS CTIOH_REQURaTED s \ ene eS Plecee agaizu @ eve; t ays to Ghie operation, © bh ‘ ======== PAGE 57 ======== 14-00000 matsace Foam totaL commas: —_—! 6 age 28s ERRNO 1 “: MIPRODUCTION. BY OTHER THAN THe lesuine OFF oP fie ee mate a aR ES! ======== PAGE 58 ======== 14-00000 PALDSAUE REM TOTAL COPIES: mu. GLENN HUNT/rbo ta SB/0/PT "6587 oA 15 AUGUST. 1968 CAGLE SECRETARIAT DISSEMINATION {[) ousaov = (]oasruen ro pean (1) one a C2 woex by, a || nee [] wo woex = [7] ena tn cs one to, town SBS. [jue “Tiron Cig [_] x cory yk bne ve 2503 i ” Cte HiaEcroR j =) C5 ow 1 ro TRUENOS mos anes RES iivo:” “PANAMA crTy 4 7a RYBAT REDTOP TECHS : , bose : : | REP: BUENOS AIRES 1184 (IN 70606) : . 2. WOACRE ADVISES THEY HAVE JUST RECENTLY COMPLETED SERIES TBSTS OF COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE CAR TRACKING BEACON WITH GENERALLY ! POOR RESULTS, DEVICES SUITABLE MAINLY FOR CAR LOCATING FOR INVESTIGATIVE PURPOSES AGAINST HREGHHZ UNSOPHISTICATED TARGETS. DEVICES NOT BPPECTIVE FOR CAR TRACKING. DEVICES NOT TOTALLY CONCEALABLB AND HENCB DETECTABLE THROUGH CURSORY INSPECTION OF , VEHICLE, POUCHINS COPY OF ONHS 4084 WHICH RENE RECENT WOACRE ! REPLY TO SIMILAR REQUEST FROM HAGUE, , 2. IN VIEW ANOVE fee Nor CONCUR REF PROPOSAL EG). END OF MESSAGE Gite inet i= 3 Daa. 180/508 yy spine, RY PLONE C arm ‘| 4 Y 7 i 8 but | WH/ 4 EL. \be Sila ae: oi 7 Milks. lita 4 ' J i powonnaRHSMOBANNE SFSUNE my ' : RUAUIHO Opies | 6a chew | | ust antag - aotaranrate | i Leena ee nen duviewilneticn vs) j .. PSPROBUETION BY GLMaS [HAM THE IMAUING OPFICA 18 PRONMIBITAD, +t eure BD ‘| sceneaeatnenhanmnemtanieeataateeadememeetendemramnaeaietmamednetiammesaneaaieneeantmetieredeee wes: ======== PAGE 59 ======== 14-00000 CABLE SECHETARIAT DISSEMINATION LASSIFIED MESS*GE PERSON/Ur i NOTIFIED i. AQVANCE COPY QO sOBUEO oO BLOTTEO \- ve at, VERTON . ' TIME GAR IN CUSTOMS CAN DELAY RELEASE CAR UP TO THREE WEEKS 2 . TOTAL Cories A OUTING AND/OR INITIALS » SEEN BY ND (When Fitted inp REPRODUCTION OF THIS COPY PRI woes: O ves “J no CLASSIFY TO FILE NO. REE TO FILE NO. arm war = PER rine mio Caer. 10 srancn() ousraoy C sia. Jen le a “SECRET. ECRET 1420 AUG 68 ce BUENOS ALRES 1184 DIRECTOR INFO PANAMA CITY ° RYBAT REDTOP TECHS Mine G 7 0 ge ts THROUGH BILOCULAR LEARNED VEHICLE DESTINED FOR ALEGK Ey, TVAN G. ! SUBJECT 201- ~236641 DUE ARRIVE BUENOS AIRES 18 AUGUST ON MORMACK PRIDE. SHIP DEPARTED NEW YORK 4 AUGUST. REQUEST HOS TRY IDENTIFY MAKE TYPE AND MODEL VEHICLE THROUGH MOORE MCCORMACK. BELIEVE ONLY ONE VEHICLE ABOARD CONSIGNED SUBJECT OR HIS EMBASSY SO POSITIVE IDENTIFICATION POSSIBLE. STATION WILL TRY OBTAIN SANE INFORMATION THIS END AND WILL CABLE HAS SOON AS AVAILABLE. 2. REQUEST WOACRE COMMENTS RE FEASIBILITY INSTALLING CAR TRACKING BEACON WITH MINIMUM RANGE FOUR CITY BLOCKS, DURING IN ORDER PERMIT WORK. IF FEASIBLE REQUEST WOACRE Has TECHS THY FOR INSTALLATION. OPERATION WOULD BE RUN WITH BIOGENESIS, . 3, REQUEST KES APPR Au TRIS PROPCSAL. EK CRET i. BT eS on | SECRET ======== PAGE 60 ======== 14-00000 CABLE SECRETARIAT DISSEMINATION CLASSIFIED MESSAGE Tora, Comes u BQUTING ANDVOR INITIALS - SEEN BY. ] Petonomr nomics caourt nn 0 —_ . . {When Filled in) ccmenor a0 LE a a — la — pee _—a ‘sovancecory [T]ssuro [[] correo Ones : . . . mom O ves O no oO ‘ ay, CLASSIFY YO fna : 0 uM BREF TO FILE NO., sem ey £7] c) sus wn Clasy. ro srancnQ) onsrroy Os. )ReTION NFO: p 2 mo cory. / , ° by, vie, vw ths PSD D SECRET 300152 CITE BUENOS AIRES 0707 DIRECTOR INFO PANAMA CITY mst? 1260 | IAPOK REDTOP BIOGENESIS TECHS ) REF: BUENOS AIRES o679(/V/ 1B A2E 1. ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION BY BIBAFFLE HAS ACCOMPLISHED ~ FOLLOWING s ° _ ACCESS TO TARGET APARTMENT COMPLETLY ARRANGED AND BIBAFFLE WILL HAVE ACCESS UP UNTIL 15 JUNE. B. APARTMENT DIRECTLY ABOVE RENTED UNTIL 31 MAY BY _-—-s BIOGENESIS-66 ACQUAINTANCE WHO ALLOWED BIFAFFLERS ENTER AND 2, BURVEY, ORIGINAL PLAN WAS UTILIZE THIS“APT AS SITE FROM WHICH TO DRILL AND TO EVENTUALLY RUN WIRES OUT OF THIS APT TO DIST. LP. WOVEVER 29 MAY ON THE SITE INVESTIGATION REVEALED. THERE NO PRACTICAL WAY RUN WIRES OUT OF THIS APT ‘BINCE ALL OUTSIDE WALLS NEAT AND BARE, © = 0. 0 es “Qs VIEW. ABOVE, WE HAVE INSTRUCTED BIBAFFLE ATTEMPT RENT |. APT ABOVE TARGET. WILL UTILIZE THIS AS LP “ITH BIBAFFLE WEMBER "AS OCCUPANT AND MONITOR. - 8 cornet Ba ne ee eee . e - an ======== PAGE 61 ======== 14-00000 CABLE SECRETARIAT DISSEMINATION. aa “NSIFIED MESSAGE TOA Tere £s coms. Ls: 7. “TING ANO/OR INITIALS » SEEN BY. PERSON/UNIT NOTIFIED —$_$———— ADVANCE COPY oO weu0 oO SLOTTED CLASSIFY TO FILE NO. HAEF TO FILE NO. me mo C}acy. ro SECRET 2520252 MAY 68 CITE BUENOS AIRES O67. DIRECTOR INFO PANAMA CITY 1 KAPOK REDTOP BIOGENESIS TECKS ——- 25M to 18226 (REF1 HABA=19,206, 7 MARCH 1966 ' te VIA BILOCULAR WE LEARNED THAT SUBJECT REF IN couract WITH LOCAL REAL ESTATE AGENT IN ATTEMPT RENT NEW APARTMENT. AFTER QUICK CHECK IN WHICH NO DEROG. UNCOVERED, BIBAFFLE, CONTACTED REAL ESTATE AGENT WHO ‘VERY COOPERATIVE AND NOT ONLY PIN-POINTED APRTMENT BUT aso WILLING ARRANGE BIBAFFLE ACCESS. a ~ @e SUBJECT REF EXPECTED SIGN LEASE 27 MAY. PLANS OCCUPY 1 JUNE. BIBAFFLE NOW PLANNING ENTRY AND INSTALLATION MIKES. BIOGENESIS~14, UTILIZING UVK 2A DRILL FURNISHED "PER DIRECTOR: 6523, WILL MAKE INSTALLATION. BIBAFFLE ALSO WORKING OW LP WITH TWO ADJOINING APTS AS POSSIBILITIES. - “Se WILL DISPATCH FULL DETAILS. SECRET. ======== PAGE 62 ======== raponpe 1 FROESSING ACTION i HARKED FOR INDEXING Wo INDEXING REQUIRED ONLY QUALIFIED OFSK a CAN JUDGE INDEXING ° Chlef, SB via © separa RE! iT OLf-Sovitr rersone y Noport, supplement” ai Characterization on Ivan Gavrilovich ALFERYLV (201-230701) [ACTION REQUIRED - RLFERENCES REF; KUENOS AIRES 9897, 30 January 68 1. Forwarded horewith is a draft Soviet Personality Report, Supplement, and Characterization on Ivan Gavrilovich ALFLRYEV~ 2 (20 236701) Known KGB officer of the Fifth vepartment (Latin America), First Chief birectorate (Foreign Intelligence), who served as Pravda ‘ correspondent in Hexico City from September 1960 to Uctober 190%, Al- though the draft is net in polished form it. is Neadquarters feeling ; that it represents an accurate summary of Subject's 201 file, ileade quarters traces were made on Subject's contacts and included in tie J attached Supplement, ‘The Characterization, prepared in 1964 by Douglas ; : J. FEINGLASS, provides an excellent personality shetch of Subject and . family. 2. Throughout his tour in Mexico Subject and family remained apart from the Sovict colony, associating chiofly with the SHUBINS (201-265547), t and tho SIENGALEVs (20328254), Subject's il] temper, coarse language, and unfriendly wife won him fow friends among his colleagues, (Sce 5 Characterization) Neither did .e have many known contacts among the — - foreign correspondents’ community. Those with whom ne did frequentl : bd associst¢ were represcatatives of Prensa Latina (PL) and Siempre. The toe majority of his time was spent in CP Tintson in Mexico, kcuador, and . Cuba. lie was also actively involved with various icaders of the Movimiento Liberacion Nacional (MLN) and “entra Campesina Independiente (CCL) particularly in the rural arcas of knsenada , tijuana, and Mexicali. He took those occasions to contact local Russian emigres and, ia one instances to dovelop a rural recruiter to assess Mexican youths Y desiring to study in the USSR. : : ': Harriet J. GUILLERHINA “Attachmentst 7 “§PR, Supplement, & ‘Characterisation of Subj. RTS INPUT HO. 6 Distribution: ce ‘Se Buenos Aires w/atts ES rap, ven —23b670/— . Distribution: 1+ BB/O/MI whe ate Cn erence 1 SB/CI/K w/o att 9 [lanivna yon et e te WH/4/ARG W/o att Cy i - RID w/att : Ez Lo no frees. ates sh 4 Sen ae RL G CiiKt TE WY sy obi. ======== PAGE 63 ======== 14-00000 ‘e) oy 2G 8 cs a | CLASH “SATION | TAC ESEING ACTION : SRD ATE mi ares, an | : wim wb f ot a | sea seen : et ao MEA = nie Ee FOR CADE RII Ee es see. qe’ oy, Chier, SB Division _ Chief, WH Divas.son oy ao a uO Chief of Station, Ruonos Aivos Ch swwek KAPOK/REDIOP/1 IOGENES IS Pros yoct ive. Audio. Xusdtallation. Azainst Apartmont of tynn_ALFER Action REQUILD RLFEREWCL i Roforonces;. A.. BUENOS ..IRES 9864, 25 January 1968 ‘ ! B. BUSNOS AIRES 9879, 26 January 1968 ' i; 1. The Station has long been interested in the fact that ‘ but two Soviets voside owrsido of the Soviet "compounds." In . the fall of 1967 wo hogan a unilateral investigation and casing 1 : oft tho apartment thon occupied by Viktor FILIP20V. Our : v undlatoral invostigation rovealed that the lock on the door of this apartmont was a Trabox--a look which reqnires at a minimum sovoral hours of picking. Simultancous to our -wnilatoral investigation wo loarnod of FILIPPOV's planned PCS departure, We also loasnod that the Soviets intended to koop his apartmont and that it was ta be occupied by FILIPPOV's ‘yopLacomunt, In mid-January wo déadided to send BIBAFFLE-3 to tho apartmont building iu order to betviend the portero, We had hoped that the portero would be able to furnish us with @ key to tho apartment, On 25 January we learned that Ivan — ALFERYEV was arriving in Buenos Airvs on 27 January. Une fortunatoly time had run out on us, We therefore decided to j turn to BIOGENESIS. \ -Q;° There wore sevyoral reasovs for this decision, First ‘of all, we do not doubt tho oporational value of having an nud! » instal tation in the apartment of an idontifiod senior “KGB Officer, However, a unilatoral installation 38 a difzioult and at times risky operation. Connidoring this and matching it against tho potentinl tuko ef the operation wo folt that a: joant operation vould ho more prnotivnl, Cost also intluonced our docision, At thy anmo time our exporionce with BYOGENES IS~ in the "Vista" operation showod that BIOGENESIS was porgectly willing to givo ua and only ws tho tapos from ths audic Anatallation,. ; es (Continued) Dinter dbutions = “ fd o dw, ec. tet 74 romnet or uni ciate | Ta a BM dor db Fer HADA=10,, 206 7 March 1068 © a ee ds en Le POTN VE |B LOR ETS KAP OK | ae ee area Sn EE ======== PAGE 64 ======== 14-00000 ete ee eee wen Det me CONTINUATION OF | DISPATCH WAC TUS PMIND « APALT CeLiennh ot HABA-19, 206 3. As oxytained in Reyerence A we briefed BIOGENESIS in the early afternoon of 25 January. BIOGENESIS immediately issued instructions that the portero of tho building be approachod, This was accom ished Successtully in the late afternoon of tho same duy. Unfortunately the portero did not have a koy, The same night a BIOGENESIS team of three (including BIBAFFLE-3 nnd BIOGENESIS-14) attempted "9 in vain to pick the lock. In the course of this lock- in picking exercise PIBAFFLE-3 had to identify BIOGENESIS ' 4 interest in tho apartment to the owner of tho neighboring \ ad apartment, Fortunately this individual is wealthy and ' was cooperative, 4. Once we had been forced to temporarily withdraw (ALFERYEV occupied the apartment on 27 January), we obtained through BIOGENESIS the bjuoprints of the target apartmont and tho apartments which abutted, A study of theso bluoprints shows that the apartment belonging to tho woalthy coopsrative neighbor has a maid's room which sharos the wall of the living room of ALFERYEV's. apartmont, Wo pointed this out to BIOGENESIS and suggested that they onlist the further cooporntion of the owner in ordor that a microphone could be installed through the common wall, Unfortunately tho owner had doparted for - gevernl weeks leave, . 8. Tho owner should be back in ‘Buonos Aires at this time and wo havo instructed BIOGENESIS to approach him again and to move on with tho sporation.. We are also © presontly working on an LP. ‘ soe . (7) @, We shall koop you advised of our progress in this operation, — Petey nna S30 ce J ON NMED ======== PAGE 65 ======== 14-00000 TABLE SETH BERSONUNIT cROUP | ace Choe ATOMS an es at z= CLASSIFY TO PILE NO ‘ase w2G waancuO) orator Osea Ch, Lea ° "$B x As cfc. Ze " 7 Ul [Bi cH ) _ ' SECRE T 0119402 FEB 68 CITE BUENOS AIRES/9915 (STOTREST ACTING) ‘ i | DIRECTOR Tec 3542036 | ‘ REDTOP LCINPROVE : M-REF TO FILE NO. rie mio C)rer. to REFERENCE DIRECTOR 56231 201-2. 36701 [APS APPRECIATE FULL SPR ALFERYEV (@84-2S56B7TT7 AS SOON A POSTE aa - INCLUDING ALL POSSIBLE DETAILS HIS MODUS OPERANDE IN PAST | , KGB ACTIVITY. ‘ SECRET : i | a | 7 Oi 23470/ | | eS cory Rebed. Peribbe | oes ¥ = ======== PAGE 66 ======== } 14-00090 woes: Olyves fxo of , oa cuassivy vo rie ET IZEET IS Cassirien wessace tora cores ‘ gener vo fire ee. } fora Pd . rice aio€) wer. to oeancn oe (“as | REPRODUCTION PRONIBITED Q h PERSON/UNIT NOTIFIED " SE CRE T 3020022 JAN 68 CITE BUENOS AIRES ]9897 MSTOTRES ACTING) DIRECTOR INFO SANTIAGO, HONTEVDIEO, RIO DE J WEIR REDTOP LCIMPROVE \ . (wols7e REF A BUENOS AIRES ‘9548 (NOT SENT INFO ADDRESSEES) B, DIRECTOR 56251 LVAN GAVRILOVICH ALFERYEV (201-256071) AND WIFE ROZA ARRIVED 29 JANUARY 1968 ABOARD KLM 791, MET AT AIRPORT BY VRAGOV (2801-82031) “AND ‘YURSHENAS (261-779979). PASSPORT AND PERSONAL PHOTOS OBTAINED. trent Aa ISKEN | a secre ======== PAGE 67 ======== 14-0000 tee Yo i t b- tee ee beter eee jAlrwamee cure weuLo I posuere wor (C7 ves © no ” Oya: H “ L. AY we DVDS ee | ctature vo mae ~ZeS n 2-AEP TO PLE WO roumscen avid eus ao Cast ro. CRET sarees JAWSS CITE BUENOS AIRES $e64 (STOTREST ACTING) PRIORITY. VISECTOR KAPOX REDTOP BIOGENESIS REF BUENOS alneEs 9343 CIN) oisre> (Ve Wie “Ae NOTING THAT AFTER VIKTOR FILIPPOV'S (221-243346)_ 25 DECEMBER 1967 PCS DEPARTURE, SOVS KEPT NIS APARTMENT (WICH ‘ALONG VITH YURIY CKELPANOV (231-104216) ONLY SOV PRIVATE BILLETS “AW BUENOS AIRES) AND THAT FILIPPOV SUSPECT KOB AND REPLACED BY IVAN ALFERYEV. (2217236071) WHO KNOWN KGG, VE UNDERTOOK UNILATERAL INVESTIGATIGN UTILIZING BIOGENESIS-42 AND _ BILLABONG-1) OF FILIPPOV APARTMENT AND SURROUNDING AREA vITH antic UNILATERAL PLANT AUDIO DEVICE. INVESTIGATION | br¥euoseo APARTMENT TO BE RE*OCCUPIED IN MARCH. WE JUST IN - pagictss OF BRIEFING BIBAFFLE*S IN ATTEMPT MEET AND INITIATE: BOY ‘DEVELOPMENT OF APARTNENT BLDG PORTERO: WHEN VE LEARNED OW oe “GAMUARY THAT ALFERYEV DUE ARRIVE BUENOS AIRES 87 JAWAURY, Be OW BASIE OF FOLLOWING WE HAVE OPTED FOR Joret opt werd uae ======== PAGE 68 ======== 1400000 a tS ar z WAEP TO FILE NO, " wer cone | TNAUFLEL iw Uta Copies _ "TING ANEVOR INITIALS + SEEN AY : } aq “ . “Gaaue rer oa] ‘ . : ’ Aree See werent sf i . . Deweenecrns 120 iv) i 7 4 ( : {Wha ennai <_—-—____— ‘ | ee RiP INOF Tris COPY PROHIBITED i |e] . ) ALVANCE COPY oO ‘SUELO sotren se oO : Oo mox i ves Oi se nena (2) | i CLABBIPY TO FILE NO. eee ener ‘Dissrm ey. rae mo Cleey, to erwent) ation : ¢ ——- . i . PAGE 2 BUENOS AIhES 9884 SECRET | ; ARY OTHER SUITABLE ASSET IN CUICK, COLD APPROACH TO PORTERO. vo e IN ORDER GAIN ACCES PRIGR 27 JANUARY QUICK APPROACH ESSENTIAL. . ‘BIOGENESIS ON OTHER HAND FULLY EQUIPPED, ABLE BACKSTOP, AND ' “CAPABLE UNDERTAKE INNEDIATE APPROACH, Be COST: UNILATERAL oP WOULD INVOLVE CONSIDERABLE. a -FUNDS==' RENT OF LP, SALAKY TO MONITORS, ETC. BIOGENESIS e ON OTHER. HAND CAN AND PROBABLY VILL RECRUIT WEIGHBOR FOR LP ry) UTILIZE BIBAFFLE TEAM MEMBERS AS MONITORS . CAS AN a) . “EXAMPLE RECENT SOV QUINTA OPe= SEE BUENOS AIRES sagt? moi LESS THAN U.S. $100.) . Sopher, : Ge oPs POTENTIALS ON SURFACE 00 NOT QUESTION BASIC VALUE | oF BUG IN APARTMENT OF KGB STAFFER CHO LONG TIME CUAREN a AMERICAN HAND. HOWEVER BELIEVE TAKE WILL PRODUCE PRIMARILY ASSESSMENT INFO AND RESULTANT TAPES WILL” come, “DERECTLY TO STATION FOR STUDY AND EVENTUAL EXPLOITATION. a IN ESSENCE VE WILL RECEIVE TAKE WITH MINIMUM cost, NO RIE AND WO TIE-UP OF OUR MANPOWER. = ee ene - a AFTERNOON 23 JANUARY WE BRIEFED BIOGENESIS-49 who ======== PAGE 69 ======== 14-00000 BEE Seal itd = megemasetien rar Toe. “€ om PRC CLASSIFY TO OLE NOW, a ¢ nigeem by. ae oug mo Cimer to + enancw ) ousteorQ ao. : “RTON a _— ‘ 0D babe re. me . ’ nn eran er eee - - eee - et = Se oe — SE: t Smee ee nena memeenere moe. eer merece PAGE $ SUEMGS AIRES 9064 SECRET a ENTRUSTAST! ORIG: SE/X/LA (BREWER 16047) CUORDI C/SE/K/LA (PMIPPS), SEsOR/x 277? LAsCPB/P REL C/LA/CPB REIO Cu BY 029353, ae ; OND OF Me Beac , _eetegiann MPR ADEA ATABT RERRTT TE Ant Nt & 5 “Yew ======== PAGE 2 ======== 14-0000 i | FORt SE/X/LA IMFO LA/CPR) SE/X/S2 | | SUBJECT: WNINTEL RNMUM CKTOP PoauICK : . . REF: DIRECTOR a310a4 mC 1, PLEASE ADVISE WHAT PORTIONS REF RE_IVAN GAVRILOVICH ALEFERY EV MAY BE PASSED LIAISON, LIAISON CARRIES : ALFERVEV AS *SU T KGB,” WE WOULD LIKE TO CONFIR™ THAT _f ALFERVEV KGB AND PASS 4S MUCH ADDITIONAL SINFO AS POSSIBLE, 2— FILE? 20300236701, E2 IMPDET, : 43574 “CONF IRERT TA FRPs fg sp pe eee DEFERRED TELEPGUCH ACTIONS IP/DP29 (403) INFCS FILE, PF, ODPD=D, C1i/6) ¢ Pree nen meena renee nner nnen enter ceeneceecne nen eeencecesennennenceretenencccnn : 78 0311372 PAGE ont ; ; oa. TOR: 1021382 FEB 7A LIMA 37858 : ; , Ow OOOO BOO OO OOF OF 88088 OOO OOF OE SF O80 8S SOE 2 OECSF8 STS BEER esseeeeEFete®eune . .- CONFIMENT IAL 1021212 FEB 78 DEFERRED TELEPOUCH CITE LIMA 37858 (KINSMAN ACTING) TOL AASHINGTON, | RECORD COPY Nb FRA M7 "CORTDENTIAL 4l- 27 Hol ======== PAGE 3 ======== 14-00000 GUTGOING me ’ . SIGNAL CENTER URE ONLY \ aoe om ace 88 . : OfF QO Go ao a a” o a : Di TOR ; () STAFF a lial O mse piseen BY ‘ : : - O esmmro PER oP ’ Peo Oo : Denn ¢ : 6 Tor LIMALR ; _] : ' ; . DENTITY IS PDBOOR.¥ _— 7 “Qe. FILE: 202-029b702. €-2 INPDET.dA ; . Fi “So Mar 16 ME ce hea SE/8r0 SE/CI/X a ww “eG SE/K/LA (Re SCHARDT IN oo Pasdaahiid £4Den—A , Editi @2 fi ay: DBEtb ee eee Un a EEE NE EL OE OTT sen ra coer cae ee NE CE rR ERS 9 EEE A RN RR * ======== PAGE 4 ======== 14-00000 an “ OUTGOING PSSSAGE . oe ? tronak CRNTER UAE OWT i a omnF oO Oo DS OF G8 oO oO ore SATAFF BORSubZ DIRECTOR | TOs LIMA.¥ - ” . ay Cr se any © REFS LIMA @32783 |IN abS2831 Isly he A L FERTEV Is PROBABLY IDENTICAL TO I! ALPER Y. EV £203-023b7013. IDENTITY, WHO WAS BORN ON 20 JAN 28 “IN TULA HE IS MARRIED TO ROZA ALEKSEYEVNA, BORN ON 20 SEP 34 IN SINOSCOU THEY HAVE ONE SON, VADIN. BORN 24 SEP SS IN MOSCOW. “ALPERYEV SPEAKS EXCELLENT SPANISH AND SOME ENGLISH {D0I! NAR 703.4 2. ALFERYEV REPORTEDLY WAS TDY IN ARGENTINA DURING AUG S&S SERVED AS PRAVDA REPRESENTATIVE IN MEXICO CITY FROM 43 SEP &O TO 28 OCT by AND WAS SECOND, LATER FIRST SECRETARY. OF THE CULTURAL "SECTION OF THE SOVIET EMBASSY IN BUENOS ATRES FROM 27 JAN LA TO 37 (GUL 72+ HE VISITED ARGENTINA PROM 22 JUN TO 4 JUL 7S. Chalet, ‘sp ca (uh, wy) “@ = Catet, WH (W/o At! to). DUPLICATE COTY pn Gites Pe IN 201 aserol ‘ “Tin ‘iat ino uate. WasA-a3030 . nen(VON SRORET ======== PAGE 17 ======== 14-00000 er aie BER em pee sets age emma autem nee EM a NSM aS ETE Sy awa vss oose . i CABLE SECRETARIAT DISSEMINATION ~~“QLASCITICO MEScace TOTAL comes PERSON NOTED rors ANRCOR eran SSFFN BY When Fited in) ADVANC! COPY Oo ISSUED Oo SLOTTED SECRET 20152 DEC 7% STAFF. CITE BUENOS ames sais ~ DIRECTOR INFO SANTIAGO. a o mm REDTOP NTT 16ER REFS A. “BUENOS AIRES 21975 NOT SENT SANTIAGO) (ie) Be HABA 19890, 3} JAN 68 “Gs «SAGO-5977, 5 FEB 68 ‘te “REQUEST ADEE TRACES. VASILIY MIKHAILOVICH MUR AVY EV, DPOB Si DEC. 1915, USSR, COUNSELOR SOVEMB BUENOS AIRES, DIP. PPT 6568.» WIFE LYWMILA NIKOLAYEVNA, DPOB 7 FEB 1935, USSR, OCCU PROFESSOR, DIP. PPT 6369 AND DAUGHTER OLGA, DPOB 25 NOV 1968, —:]—oscvo;- REFS-B-AND © INDICATE SUBU STATIONED PCS SANTIAGO AS OF ‘JAN 68. DEPARTED SANTIAGO 28 JAN 68, POSSIBLY PCS. NO FURTHER. TRACES =. 8 oo, : 2. SUBU AND FAMILY ARRIVED BUENOS AIRES 29 NOV VIA SWISSAIR Qed. BILOCWLAR DTD 29 NOV INDICATES SUBJ’ IS REPLACENENT FOR |) van cavemovich aL FER YE Vy WHO Has NOT, REAPPEARED 4" BUENOS AIRES. \ $s FILES terse, govasem, Et, Import. _BECRET : . DUP = oat cort FOR cross rune | Ww le Q3e ======== PAGE 18 ======== 14-00000 When Aida ny. == reese [2 iors crv meres 1} i inter. a a : 668034 REDIOP BIOGENESIS oO CH fe BIBAFFLES REPORT AEBOOR DEPARTED FOR USSR 17 JULY VIA . | SWISSAIR 201 TO DAKAR. AT RECENT DIPLOMATIC FUNCTION, TOLD . STATION OFFICERS HAD HOPED TO BE LEAVING PCS BUT HAS BEEN EXTENDED AND WILL RETURN ARGENTINA WITH WIFE FOLLOWING HOME | LEAVE. PASSPORT CONTAINS REEWTRY VISA. @» FILES g01-236701. EX-2, APDIR, WNeSISH. CRET ======== PAGE 19 ======== TEeRET Chief of Stat‘on, Buenos Aires x Chief, SB Via Chief, wi REDTOP Cc CPSU Representative in Buenos Aires REFS: A, BD-7783, 19 February 1971 B, HADA 22579, 17 September 1971 C. HABA 21362, 18 Hay 1970 2. Headquarters can provide ao additional guidapce ona CC CPSU Representatives abroad otber than that forwarded in Reference A, ; : 3. According to Reforence B, the Station has tentatively identified one of the Soviet dipiomsts to Buenos Aires as the CC CPSU Representative. Since thie individual was act maned in Reference B, a Headquarters review of tne files of Soviets most likely to hold this position bag beon made and free the information curreatly available to us, Viktor Sriserzevich CHEEMAZOV (201-138117) appears to be thig ine widusal. 3, Although CHEKWAZOV’s present andpast duties do not £4¢ all the criteria sot forth im Reference A, there are cortaim indicators that ho is the CC UPS Representative. Little is known of CHEXHAZOV’s tour in Cuba, where he sas @esigneg as Eocoad Secretary and Chief ef the Consular . BSeetion from 1920 te 1963, Prior to that, however, CHEXMAZOV. - as © Consular Officer in Uruguey frou 1954 to 1956, Ameng tis peperted duties there, the fellowing cosld be considered... ap bauaground leading to bie euayscted current position: a) headied emigre and repatriation aatters aad wea iavalved ia activities requiring Syaniab, which be aud bis wife speak seasonably cell. &) belleved to be active in the Colony's HBGraod, (whieh im gozoral is social vother than political, although the political ofersnt ia ever-nrecent, MESTHOM Esorstary ic usualiy a Farty . aetiviet who is reopoesible for making . eertaia that ae goeaibie coviation srem the a nemeamenn——e——"~ Dapey Binge crops up in any MESTKOM discussions OF setivition, , 48 OCT 1871 DAGTRINTTION BABS1E137 18 Geteber 107: Grigh@= _-.,_ ,SOLORSOILY Buence Aires ancant 11h G8 COPY FED 14.202 -/27 1/7 = infeceen| Boke SB/CI1/X DI CHATTINiceo =~ @e0k } ° ance chrono earns: dam aves ae 1 = Wi/4 52/X/We DUPLICATE 4» IP/AN TOR Ciuss FILING IN WH/4/a8 7 cert en ne oo . ' Aa [ | 1 vee me a oe peernen| ======== PAGE 20 ======== 14-00000 an . € < f 2s a BAW 12137 | a ; ¢) reported\y became angry with a colleagee who refused to prepare a speech comacemorating OORKIY's birthday. ©) wife supervised production of the Soviet publication, URS, 4. In bis current position as Counselor of Eubansy, CARZHAZOV enjoys apparent freedou of aovenent and ia sufficiently high-ranking to be the CC CPSU Representative. In additioa, : Ro firm idontification bas over been made of bis affiliation - with either the KGB er the GRU. Although the Station reported in DUXHOS AIRES ~.18575, 20 Juce 1971, that CUEKHAZOV vas believed to be a “likely candidate for new RGB. Remident”, 1¢ . would seem from infornation contained in headquarters ‘tilee that he is wore likely the SC CPW. Representative, An excerpt from Reference C containg the follovlag indicators: , Daring visits te the Soviet “Quinta” almost @vety wees-end, CHAREAZOY a) lunched with the Anbeseador, b> spent loag periods reading, seated outdoors o trees and remained gonerally aloof fron other Seviets, e) was the only Soviet who addressed other .. fevieta a» “Comrade”, and 4 @) hie wife was anid te treat vives of oe lowsr-ranking perseavel in a brusk and eutboriterien wanrer, Wile the indicators cited above are act conclusive ~ fe theuselves in establishing that CHZXMAZOYV ie the ' .- OS CPaU Representative, they de point up the poenibility that he aight be acting in that capacity. : 8. We evall te iatevested to leasa the ideatity of the Staticn’s tovtative CC CPEY Representative selestion . tt) . O64itlea, from cer review ef the files mentioned is Paragragh 2, &¢ seens that the eect likely candidate for KGB sustdeat, 4 ia Byenes Airen ia Ivan Gavrilevioh ALYEHYEV (201-836701) either Stepesas Pavievich MAGATEIS (201-700a68) ev Ror: . Svasevicb BAKER (S01-867SEs) as Loruty Kaa Residest. id ales like to have the Station's thinking ae te the Sdontition ef the KGB Reelident ané hia Depety. id ’ SOA hy a est ======== PAGE 21 ======== 14-00000 a: «a . _ DISPATCH [| wrerex (7 Fever, svt esis Chief, Western Hemisphere Division | (ee guurn os cting Chief of Station, Buenos Aires 2~ | name went CSREDTOP. AEKICK BIOGENESIS Surveillance of AEBOOR, ACTON RGD - REFEENCES. (ATfenqead ) 1, Since his move te the Residence/Club in mid-1970, AEBOOR has appeared to withcraw from almost all overt activity, Rarely does he appear on BILOCULAR and his daily routine is a complete mystery, In order to determine his present status, the BIBAFFLEs were directed to run a surveillance on AEBOOR from Monday, 6 September through Tuesday, 14 September 1971, During this period his wife was away on home leave, thus giving him the opportunity to pursue a different life if he were so in ned, His overt subordinate in the cultural ‘field, 201°820310, had left PCS without a replacement, , Presumably his cover activities would »e multiplied. Despite 11 this, AESOOR maintained a spartan routine which left no V elue about his present interests, activities, or responsibilities, Ve 4) 2. Most mornings (including Saturday and Sunday), he drove or walked to the Embassy, often buying a paper on the -- ‘way. Once inside he stayed until about 1300 hours when he returned to the Residence/Club, His lunch break was rarely longer than a half hour, He returned to the Enbassy. and stayed at least until 2000 hours, sometimes until 2200 hours, Upon leaving, he walked or drove directly to the Residence/ _ Club and never came out again during the night, MARKED FOR INDIES a A ’ ae 8. ABBOOR's only deviations from this achedule vere an. occasional trip to a neighbourhood shop to buy cold-cuts; one excursion to a leathcr-goocs store to look at suitcases; Distribution: , . feclayey cag cs cre HABA~22432 4 October 1971 ecg andgmmain Seaton eee ee er ENN Ties a dem OR ve Ua ROR TE er ne nal ======== PAGE 22 ======== 12-00000 CONTINUATION OF TG Tiasoc ano womeen DISPATCH HABA~-22432 one attendance at a MEKNiGHT Embassy function; two trips +o Ezeiza airport; and,,gurprisingly enough, a Sunday afternoon tour with 2017873887 and his wife to take pictures along the river front and drink beer in a CoStanera cafe, (During this last excursion, the known KGB officer drove. the GRU chauffour and his wife.) The first trip to the airport was made in the company of several other high-ranking Embassy officials to greet an important transiting delegation, (See HAB§,22399.) On the second trip AEBOOR accompanied by yr 201 28117 (suspect KGB resident) and 2015790164 (chauffeur). : .” On arriva], AEBOOR and his companions went up to the = ~ P 4 cee Aut, Loxvace tu take photos of the Concorde as it landgg for a AY 483- . and 201=228494, Evidently, the KGB and the GRU groups went 8h, separat viene photograph the same plane, ‘ Mer ate Bad . 4, Twice during the period the BIBAFFLEs felt that AEBOOR might have been checking for surveillance, Otherwise there were no incidents of note, Not once were the BIBAFFLEs approached by local authorities with a request that they identify themselves, . ; soto They were joined by Mr. and Mrs, AELESION — 5. In sum, we remain as much in the dark as before about AEBOOR, With every opportunity and reason in the world to lead a hectic pace, he spent the majority of his waking hours within the Embassy, During the days in question he received only one phone call even worth noting, one in connection with the Fischer-Petrosyan chess match scheduled for late September, Nina T, MARGANDE . etn ee ee ======== PAGE 23 ======== 14-00000 FereATRLUAAE EmeCne, STAE ATS AES an i i i ‘ i ======== PAGE 24 ======== 14-00000 . a oe tee tte ce mete eee | w+ weet few e . OS . PERSON UNIT NOTIFIED SEER. fn ware J teen Fest O ae me tetera AOVANCE Copy 8UEO, sotreo RI COUCT ON OF THIS COPY PROHIBITED: ———— _.. MUL 2.2197; OV: eats 3 * on M : Oss aySS25 open 2 th KCROFILMED : TION UNIT a bd > ~ 5. FILE, VR a rey VE 5 a CHOP > 2 i ee EET t) ‘ACTION NO. ” a " , Buen _ : ECRET 242050e_JUn BUENUS AIR E525" -_ ’ \! DIRECTOR ° = 24 dun INS64928 : WU 9 REDTOP_AEGRIP AEKICK BIOGENESIS Nu 3649 eo : "— REF_BUEWOS AIRES 18511(10 237G1) I yy) Ss de BIBAFFLE TRAVEL CONTROLS. REPORL_THE HONE LEAVE te DEPARTURE OF FIRST SECRETARY IV y/AND HIS WIFE ROSA ABOARD LUFTHANSA 501 TO-DAKAR ON 23 JUNE 1971. |. ABOARD SAME FLIGHT. WAS MILATT SERGEY IVANOVICH UX} sokoLovskiy AND HIS WIFE ALEKSANDRA. . ACCORDING TO 1S BIBAFFLE-18 ALL HAVE REENTRY VISAS AND WILL RETURN. 8. FILE: 2601-23607! AND 201~025485, GPr1. crét ======== PAGE 25 ======== 1400000) : Q Matis bik?) REDTOP “ RIOGENESIS _.. Forwarding of Assessment Questionnaires , ACTION REQUIRED ~ REFERENCES REFERENCE: BOOK DISPATCH 7509, 7 July 1970 | ' 4 : . . t ae an SBERET— || - — luwrenoon . to : |. 2 | 2. chie?, Soviet Bloc Divisio | xx femme move | >. Tinto. 4 ONY QUALITILO O&K y j ___Chief, Western Hemisphere Divisior fox svect worn : Rom . . : ° ! Chief of Station, Buenos Aires Ze | berm Ld : 1, Attachment F to Reference was translated and given to BIBAFFLE transcribers for their use some months ago, Trans- mitted herewith are copies or the resulting assessment question- naires on six official Soviets and three local Soviet Cultural it oy Representation Employees, A breakdown on the transcribers and J : t. their products is as follows: i : fee nena VRAGOV (201-820310); Yelena Fedorovna VRAGOVA; Ivan Gavrilovich | ALFERYEV (201-236701); Roza Alekseyevna ALFERYEVA ; and local employees Constantino LOGVINIUK and Luis ORSETTI, BIBAFFLE-33: Assessment of local employee Esteban SEMENIUK (201-860420), . Assessment of VRAGOY. and wife; of Sergey Tosifovich SOKOLOVSKIY (201-025485) and wife Aleksandra Vasilyevna; and of Constantin LOGVINIUK, : , 4, The material in the questionnaires simply reflects the transcribers' impressions and is not necessarily corroct, - BIBAFFLE-30 sves ALFERYEV as short and VRAGOV as greying; but ALFERYEV is tall and VRAGOV's hair is still completely sandy, bee. i i | : . BIBAFFLE-30: Assessments on Mikhail Kohatantinovich 1 Attachnonta: oo Questionnaires h/w Distribution: ; , = Chief, SB (w/atts h/w) 2 = Chief, WH (w/o atta) | ere a breys - a Baran roi cs eth pat a 201-.820910 rr -Got-23670) RADA-22188 | ' 3 Juno 1971 201-860420 7. wee pear a or . 901-028485 . BECRET | %4-90e122 oo + encase wae ee areas Seepage: neem ee ee see amen aarmemannner re ne men ewe ======== PAGE 26 ======== 14-00000 tas weet < -~ oA Be ue . f CONTINUATION OF) SERBIA Sra nara aa eT Sf BISPATCH | 2 STE | onapa-z2iss BIBAFFLES-30 and t& seem to be talking of different pcople when they describe the VRAGOVs and Constantino LOGVINIUK, One of BIBAFFLE-415's impressions that we are checking is her statement that the SOKOLOVSKIYs have occasional parties at home with singing and dancing, We have no evidence of such Bay get-togethers, 3, As Headquarters is aware, the BIBAFFLE transcribers 4 only process material from special operations such as AEVARIETY, way AELANYARD, etc, and cannot furnish assessment on all . a individuals in whom we have interest, Mowever, we have ‘ “requested BIOGENESIS to have the BILOCULAR transcribers work ’ with the form, . ’ Plecs) / 4 beet sf : . Nina T, GANDE i Sit ain ======== PAGE 27 ======== 14-0000 - _ ee a ee LOTS ee eet emesis iy a) » See . ~" ew. eh Mag ba. ZG Wing, (971 .Q ALFERIEV Ivan Gavrilevich. Apede: Parece no tener. Espesa: Resa Alexeievna. . Hijes: cree haber eucuchada que 61 matrimonie tiene una fajoe “ . . Ivan tiene per le wenés un hermane (que tambien puede pertrne~ Te, cer 81 cuerpo diplematice), Pueste quo ecupa: agregade cultural. Lugar donde trabaja: Yo diria-la calle. Oficialnente an la f . embajada, Ne tiena herarie fijo. 3e le escuche estar en casa a: % ‘las mas diferentes heras. Sus salidas de la case se predujeren® . tambien a heras mas diversas de dia (y de neche). Yt Lugar dende se aleja: aotualmente en la ombajada, ~;. -felefenes dende mas cemunmente se enouentras actualmente ne -.,". age esoucha de les Alferiev. : B. PARTICULARES: “"a) Come se le imagina:s : : ‘Baje la mascara de aparente apatia y “Lentatud- serprendente AS ‘agilidad tante fisica.'come mental. Ne es.un linde tipe de hem-." “Dre. Tampece tiene una figura Aarmeniesa. 3in embarge un tipe * que suele gustar a las nujeres. Entrenade..pare eludir el. ai gud~” miente. Muy c@utelese (hasta cen su propia mujer). Le imagine . een la estaturea mas bien baja quo alta. 3uele salir y entrar) en la casa sin hacey ruide y sin avise, tante que ni au major se Gaba ousnta ousnde salia » entraba, b) Referencian al lugar donde nacie: No tenge. _Atgua omplee anterier. en ou preple pais o en el exteriors 3e eacuchaba en algunos epertunidades quo centaba de su vide. do efioiql a Resa, Oree cue oatuve oen las trepas de eoupas. oién en Europa. | Dende oree e pienes uated que nacte: le ubtes on ie Rusia * pentral, Pesiblemente Mesou. Tiene (junte cen Resa) un depar- tamente en un suburbie de Nesou quo so llama Meledietaexd Sten, Ee una casa de departamontos nueva, Fuede Ud. indioar alge aebro la vide hecareiia, antiutades per seneles etc, ! Habite, pere ne'vive*en ean. La onga ne es un hoger pura o1 4 8 ale lusar de estar, Aceras de amistadss wusde deciy solo ¢ de les que tenia en tionpes cuande Le csouoinba. In ke rou 3 nienes, bastante freouontes, on Au guna Liguinhan aiempre = 3} ae @ Menes las maswas purcenss. Ler del grupe de Represene | % -@aoién Comercial om primer lugart Dinkev, Zivovarey, -iakao ~ getohkin, Toldinev (oen sus reapuctivas eapesss), Sekelev- .g. i » ’ 4° ¥ seer ee ======== PAGE 28 ======== gue agregade militar), ‘Vasiliev, fy _ ¥ @12 misme Veloki (cen qu ton tenia muy cerdiales tratos, a cone tanbien cen tede oste grupo). Leg fue ne Irecuenteaban . | ‘ . estas reuniones (y cate llama Stsncien) sen: Vragey, los + ; : : del grupe censular, Shoitaishvili eto. (justamente, al paro='. ; eer amiges de Vragev). ° &) Datos, impresienos y funcién que desenpefia la sefera en la |: : a Cemunidad y pkesto de trabaje que realiza: Ver Rosa A, i. , 0) Que idiomas habia: habla bien ruse, oopatiel tastante regular: |: bore muy lejes de perfeote. En una epertunidad se intsroam= . * so bioren algunas frasea cen Resa en idiema para mi desconecida, ; "que ne era ni ruse ni espahel cen seguridad, ni idiema germa~ ‘: » >) Ridea ni eslava ni latina (hungare?). En una epertunidad se =; ' “*‘@scuche @ Ivan (estande el eele) cantar en dddioh (le que, = '- weaturalmente ne quiere deotr que ni que es un judie ni que. sabe hablar osta idiema). , ; “os _ -&) Eate individne vive dontre de una cemunidad pequefia, s “ ¥ Muy gerrada, Puede usted decir alge sebro su pesicién den= tre do esta cemunidad? . Pesiocién sin duda elevada. 1 oki (y anterisrmente anti | se Evidente respecte de parte de lea Gelegas. ‘Su epinién ea buacada y Gprocinda. Da inpresién qua’ :: @¥, estadia en la Argentina eo una etapa transiteria para eoue par un pueste mis eclovade. Pesiblomento independiente. ‘b) Pextoneco a 2a embajada, ae ) Gual es su funoién, o#n quien esta cemunioade abierta e enouw- Diortamente. .- eo ; : ee . Questién muy dificsl de centestar. Esta extremasenté caute | en hablar hasta cen eu propia mujer. Ofio1almente os agregas | de cultural y ae eaoucha que per le mones an una. pequofia pare\ %e Cosempota sus funcienen eapecs.fiousi rocibimiente (y para. te finanoiera) de Goleguoienas depertivas y ‘Artiationa que. Vionon en gira da la URIS, (tamhion: le hace. Vragov). Vor etre , &ade, las verdadoron funcienen.dy- agregade -vultural. leo tes . ‘ @mpofia Vragev al parecer per entore Coennultas, otirtnn, pew . "4 Gideon do litoraturn, “intorounhie. oultural” eto.) Sin duda Alforioy tiene centactes velader coz aiferonte gante, tante , GOR regidentes ruses, gene. tasbien argontines. De ‘una de aus . oenversagiénen o@ pedria mnocar cenolusién que tenia sug oene Waotes ( puede por que pex intermadie do tercoras parnenan) at een general Lepes, @ per le menes que ‘ete gonorel ne. enouone'{ tra en Ja oafera do “interanos” de Alfariey. Tambien. un tal - dehn ae cuenta ontre sus amiges, Con. frocuenaia Alfackay Venia & le ona on altna lieraa do le nechs,. Tanbien ao Ofoie. | “Ghe que sale de ia sens permitida (ous viajes ‘hice cen Maw. 1 Baute), Al parecer a ambes les interesu la cesta nus alle Font ee a 7 mE cars ======== PAGE 29 ======== de Mar del Plata, 3e escuche quo tiene “plate asignada de hacer regales (pequefies) para mujeres (que mujeres. es un ih misterie). Lea regala medias, perfumes » otras chucherias. ~) Les etros dates acerca de sus actividades (nuy escases per cierte) estaban remotides epertunamente r nd les tengo en- mi memeria, da) Cual es su titule efioial (y segun el): Runoa hablo. de sus - titulos, ..@) Coincide 1 tratamiente de sus collogas y relactenes’ ° gen “gq _°' tactes cen su pesicién ostensible, e se le trata a el cen’ = mas © menes respete que merece de aouerde a,su posioién. . Coinoide plenanento. _ 3. BISIOAs : - ae eee a) Siene algun rasgo aebrosaliente ate.: te, neo tiene. Su mae - “4 2. Jer @ vacea rie de sus movimiontes y posturas terpes (que ie sen pele en apartencia). Alferiev tiene excose de sudex, raceién. No es atractive, pere es sinpatice, custe @ las mujeres. wg 28 llegada de el en su casa cuando habia reunienes se fpste=, .Jaba largamente especialmente per lao mujeres, 3u mujer. Te quiere y esta celesa de ol. 0) Puede dar referencias de aus’ ‘referencias paxa vestirse y ouidade de su peysenn. — 3 We da mucha impertancia ni en vestir ni om ouidads de au per}: * gona. Pesce eacases trajes y aon pesiblemente viejes. Se eseu" ‘ ohaba que les daban a intorvales mas » menes rogulares pera . ifmpiar, Utilisaban serviode | a dondorlic. Peetu. ‘ @ Oxpreaa con habilidad. ‘Menbien en castellane per instant onouentra las expreosienes Adeousdas. Lv persuasive en alte “grade, Ne tiene vinibles mediamen » exprosionos favoritas. . Aigunas de sue expreoience extun penetrades de fina ironia,” i: -mada de anronone. Ne se puode hablur de Qoonte prepiamente = @iobe cuandé habla ocastollane. Que es oxtranjers so neta de sa dejes, 31, parece tener cade ‘y. talente: para idiomas, 5. ‘gdazguros YOOALRS,: Og : Vem suave, modorada, mus baja quo uguda, Ro pousada, pore Gole ligoraments. Habla oon ritme nermal aumontandele sole uande esta exeitade (que .suscade. muy rarag vecos) ‘sere ones © > ‘ein leventar le -yos, Ju ves puede outer. iupertens-(sele on § ' Maras coadiones.) Nuda de tartanudear e halbuceor, ‘ onet Sz: ae ======== PAGE 30 ======== 14-00000 + 6. PSIguUIcaAs. rs o Ne muestra tensién norviosa de ninguna indole casi nunca. - s : : Sabe deminarse muy bien. Ea frie y caloulader, Nada de ties. - . Lejos de ser histerice. 3a enoja en muy raras ocasienes. De- # ‘ muestra su eneje mus bien cen restos (peertazo) que palabras. :! : do trata despoticamente a nudie. wejes de ser numige,’ pers ~: @8 muy pacicnte. , a to on 7. SENTIDO DEL HUOR. MS aes Sremea ne muy o wenude, si le hace, se neta un fine sentide - de hunor en sua bremas. Ne cuenta ninguna clase de cuentes - ebscenes. Je creo quo le gusta eaouchar precscidades y profa~ ‘; nidgdes. Su mujer le reta a menudo y muchas voces le insulta: ” ‘Su reaccisn aparonte eo ne prostarke ni monor atencién. "n |: Gas de un afie de exoucha no nota en el reforencias al sexo. BE203, INTENETES ¥ HOSRYES, oe @) J1ene intereses, habites o manuulidades eapeciales? om . Me se note. Al parecur hace palabras cruzddas. Lee revistas . - y @iarics asiduamonte. Ve TV. : : b) Le agradan bebidas alcoliolicaa? an Ong ge ~ Qeneume de alcolel ea. mederude. Vermuth, cofiao “Reserva San“, { Guan" y Fernet 3ranca sen lao bebidas preferidas. al parecer _-. RO tema vine con las cemidas. : “@) Ztene inclinaoién expectal hucta el sexo? (quienes) : No muostre aparonto inolinacién naoia el coxe. Su mujer de "ma: “v@a en cuande lo hace escenna de celes. No cree que el sexe Le dewina, pere tampeco que ne va a cerrer alguna quo etra aventura (nada prefunde) si ec le presenta epertunidad. a Ba una epertunidad Resale ropreche (haciende un gran esoan- | Gale) porque le vie besar en la deoa a uno mujer (tanbion de 1a embajada, ne ce sacuche © quien). - : . i. ) Habis referencias a cigarilies'on lo cava. No tiene toe ) Cuales sen sua cemides preforidag, ; Se hay referencian, Maa sehbre este ver Resa Ae . -£) Cusles cen sin companiae preferidas? Yo. trata cen aus oalegaa., _, ¥ familia? En que grade? - o a ; iy “" Je monoiene ya.ol-crupe de oun amiatados dentre de ocuurpe ' ~ ddplematios, Alforiev eo un tipe quo suele hacer Qmistadeo —. ‘. faedtl, Ne: parocs toner amigesn intines. Jus collegne le quie= © FOR Y Yespetan al puroder. cen winceridad, - toe } Tieno habite de gaavar dinore? te queja (ol ¢ au. familia) de + alta de dinere? Oualea sen aus runcoioncs ante quejas de‘: ‘@aracter ecencuice? ; a ; ee i ~" NO tiene habite de geatar dinere, Tedo lo ountrarie. lin @6te 54 ~: @eangide cen Resa, We @goitata, ain nex meoquine, ; re) ======== PAGE 31 ======== 14-00000 Ne va a vacilar en rebar, ai sabe que galdra impune. En una oportunidad se escuche cloramente qua en una cenversacién . con lesa que, aprevechande doconeciniente do cambios nortetari- 1 os, leyes, idioma y restricoién de movitientes, por parte de* Be delegacién dopertiva de la lucha greeefomana (ifsr del Pla~{ ta) y aprevecnande su pesicién les rebada algunos miseros: _ i ; Resa encantada, batiendese las palmad de las manes como una wi 9. VEDA PROFESIONAL. ae: a) £3 aparentamonto satisfeche con su poaieiftn. Per etra parte § oreo que espera un ascénse (pesiblemonte um traalade en un o p pais de habla francesa) man? ~}) Cuales sen los actitudes expresadas haeia la gente dei pate y oon quienes se trata. 7 Desprecia al argentine, hembre crielle y al pais y a qus g2~ ‘bernantes y habitantes. Convidera a la Argentina ceme a un pais riquisime, de recourses inagotablea, EXpresa su genuine aseiiore per el periode de peoa prenperidad y aificultades . nel eoenemicas per Jae cusles atraviezael pais. “ste deapreocie. os ne 18 muestra frente a les argontinea, hate de ninguna ma- .. & nera Que piensa de sus celogas y elles de ed? Cemo le valoren pre= fesienalmonte. + ; Nihca sete wsouche epinar sebre lea atres (ea una caracte- "7. Pistica tambien de Resa). Se neta au enemistad evidente con - Vragev. ‘Ji hablan oon Resa de ol, le Lluman invariablomente . @yrag = enemige". Acerca do. ceme le Vveleran les oelegas ya G4 oh opinien. ' ) He se ecupa de oenprae. ‘Raran veces 6 tkuge. 4 once , trayonde yan .. @ Qualytier etra ceum quo le oncargs au nujer. ; if “p) Moneja aute’ a ', Gh, maneja. Al paracer va (per. ve manga: on. taempes dota eaou eha) sin Koenpafentes ni chefor, © 5 -» @) Metudia idiomas? . i’. Aparentamente evtudia frances, ‘on parte en oboe oon Ros. he de cantellane, le entudia praoctionndele on cualquiera epextunidad qve aa le presenta habJande cen la gente del pais, Ne ae osouche que tema a.gin course, Hace patabrus _ OTusadas en castelliane, le que ayuda, . 4) Lugeres dende va a divertirce (oon. quian). _, Galen oen Ress #1 oine (etonpre hurate) « ‘apreveohande ontis: das libres, cen frequencia y buctante regular, Prefieren por © . droulas nactenslen, Visiten bareo y aunts teriag. En algunas ======== PAGE 32 ======== 14-0000 ON TR a gee arene ree enema: A on Van uelea, acompafiades per etres miembreo del C.D. y tumbien een residentes ruses procenunistas. a eate aspecte parece © : que gonan de entera libertad y se les “tiene ilimitada cen- ., | fianza. Entiende que para el persenal sevietice hay un cine en la embajada. Al parecer precisauente alli dende ne van. e) No se esouche nada de medices. I2. SALUD . ae . 8) Sa enforme? : es En lo patelogice es prepense al resfrio y grippe (en forma : siempre ligera). Tiene (tenia) furunculesis y al parecer ». una ferma de eczema. Puede sor nipertireide(per suder bunds’ >) Ne ae eaoucharen quejes ni de cansancie ni ae fatign. “13. SaNBros, ps . Fe . Ne, ne se notaron ningunes cambios del anime. eto. en ninguna : -“ eportunidad. Que les trasladaren del departanente ne parecie © ‘dnnutarlesa. Ni hablaren de este. Tede traslade se produje en , ferma serpresiva. t ======== PAGE 33 ======== 2M tp See SETS an essen dee Chiesa : .& A, ALFERIEVA Rosa Alexcievna ., Apodo: desconocide. Hijes: ver Alferiev Ivan, Puesto que ecupas sepesa del agregado cultural, ‘Lugar donde trabaja: Eubajada. Lugar dende se aleja: cmbujada. _ felefenes dende mas comunnente se encuentra: ‘+ po ne hage escucha de les Alferiev., No puede "By PARTICULARES?’ - I. Persenales: - &) Somo se la imagina: Hace mucho tien. centestar, . . t& inagine ceme una triguefia, de estatura modiana, cen le figura... do pasable e buena. Es una persona perezosa, “ + b) Referencias al lugar donde nacio. Algun amplee anterter en '* SU prepio pais © en exterior. Dende cree o pienga ustad que_ naoios aa . He hay referencias en este aspecte. La ubioe come nacida: en ~ Rusia Central. : ¢) Puode Ud. indionr alge aehre ln vide, hogerefia, amiotadoa -par- | '.., senales ete, : . Male ama de cosa y excelente anmfitriena. Ne le gusta secinar 3 ni mantener el hear impecablomente limpie, Pecas voces hace Gemida 6n casa, generalmente eopas substanciales que sirven ny ie vez cone I y°2 plate, ‘us cemidas solia hacerse traer _ de una rotiseria prexima, por le general pecete al hore. Tambien las previsiones do almacen ge Moin mundnir eonsienal =e ‘mente (ne siempre). Le miane con lo tintororia(vonian o retia fi: . AP prendas.) Pere en cute se torminan sus gas$oe auperflucs. Ee egoteta y culouladera, husca comprar 12 wan barate yosihle ¥ rogatea hat el ultime centavo. Ama ul diners, . Dates impromienes y fundion que desumperia en lm comunidad: y puoate de trnbaje quo roolizn, . Seapves de maa ‘de un afte to esoucha quodn inoognita ubvoluta, Sl matrimonio no. parcae’ "trabujart on Lo atmo, tienen funoie- hee woe bien difurontos y no ne confion iva permenoren du gus roepeotivas actividades 61 une al otro. “mn la onsu ainiplowen~, - $e no hablan de asuntes de trabaje. Lo sU6. ddsemay habla: = => : ® : “ Ruso~bien, vestollane rogulur, Pura nnoorae ontondorm no mns., 40 estudia on lu onga, Yarcoe quo habla ung ddieu dencensoi~ de yor mi (vur Alfertev Ivan), os fo . enw to uns poaseden elovada n. enue ~~ a do uu paride y no nar. ======== PAGE 34 ======== 14-0000 max negate: a ats - ae et nee wey 2° te me eee i ewe vo ‘>. Merites prepios, 3uene amfitriona, .uurida por sus eslegaa def | @: "mas o menes el misme van 29, probabiemento ediada por los de po=* _ Bici$n suberdinada, vor que o estes pos trata como a perros. = * _.. .B) pertenece a la embajada. : : ; ty ¥ @) Sual es su funcién, con quien estn cozunicada abierta o enou= _"" * Diertamente? : . a Ya se dije de le caute que esta este a.trimonio. Carefico de * - ,. dates al respeoto. Puede cenuniour int epinion pergenal de que. / + “$rabaja mas bien “dentro” de la colonia. que"afuera"” en con- ‘traste com su maride. Pesible. que dasemoetia una especie de Vigilancia intarna 7 vela per “buonas costumbres" del STUPOs : ‘- @) Ea le eaposa del agregade 7 nuda mau, 4 ',@) Si, coincide. Lu tratan con respete unos 71a eustiman y guie= |. Yen otros, Loe i : : ee ‘ “e) Te so menciene raggoa sebresalientos algunos, ‘ “ - D>) Los nombres paresen encontrarla “intoronante, Daje ella en . BMA epertunidad no carente du ergulle que tiene una figura: ' ' Buena. : - Ne da quons inpertancia a la manera de veotir ( ne tante cere - per ejemple Klena) ,ere oiende wajer, sieupre mus que ou na= 2 : wade. Le misme al cuidade de au porvena an da excesiva impor §3 _ Banoia. Usa cremas y polvos, pero ne oo miquilla, Critica el mede de vestir d@ mujer argentina cen oferta trenia y ou wode %§ aB maquillaje cen france sarcuame, Yrofiera colores escuros | ‘i zt rey we meee te %e Ese pere no chillenes. Para decir al pase, evto sorpresivasonte | 4 Dien infermada acerca de vida de la alia seciodad eatadeuni- £ donee (p.ej. Jackeline kennedy) y do rouleza ourepea y do mond Geb ertonte, ; Sg «.9@ expreau oon mucha factlidad y unbilidad, fo siente comedn ; ON oualquier ambiente. Faverite modiame do olla es “ured e — U; " Monstrue, aberten". Parvce tenor side. para adieuas, BE -ARRIBUIO VO LALK3 : Hs er de keoa ea un alte. fe mederadu.a aguda, amporisna y @lara, Hable rapide. Nada do tartumudous ‘ni. hulbucess, . Be Ol extrome celeus. Na geile hacia otras mujeres, sine a la Ye: Peon atencién que le presta gu muride yal. truraje: | Obs ile 8 histerioa, yore so oneja fuctlunte, “lu-oneje pasn rupids.: @ buona anfitriena, siempre demina agn tecte oualquiers city eoién embarasena durante las ruuntenos, A ouda une oiempre iene lista una peulebra adeouads dn elegie.. dunow, repites, * . BURGE pArtiodps on alyune discunidn da otra persona 9 purses Bi waa @ heohes ( 0 rofzery & lem do omhujada), jure sionjre . } ¥ “eoquohs muy atanta lun: epiniones du stron, No wuy diplomation® oe . : ======== PAGE 35 ======== gv muy cauta > taxbien muy Q atuta, rand O74 A causa de sus 2 ser despotics, pers es mas pese Giva. Reta muy @ aenudo a sy maridse, in asuntos domegticos,. : dirige la vatuta, Pers en ca ‘ 29 propensa a ba Oiedad. Sus bromas no: son f: t 8 manda a su marido a la ‘Dp que le paric, pore os en ecaaio: mes cuando sale a la calle vesti~ de,al parecer da ella, inadecuadamente 0 cuands ne cuida de. } "Bu salud. En quorrollas entro. las dos ( ! ~ Tas veces oa “au maride “abortoy Renstruose"” »- "fascista", 6. HABI203 INSERESES NovaYEs ae wt . 4,8). Parece na ‘toner. Ve con Yeqularidad’ tv, (especialmente las " “Spanamiej ones ae la hera veligiesa, esta ne la deja pasar). “gr B) Ya s6 havle ae gate. Vor Ivan, > woos v4 C}*i4ene- dnolinacién @apeofal hacia el sexe? &:. Ne ganeta, Fa Colesda, es tedo, : Q “@) Moto tos. A veoos persistento 7 Jarge tiompo, 4 0) We tiene culte al eatemige, Una Soph, un asode ai herne la .~ @8tisface, © ty Ms 2) Ovnales son sua Compania: proferifdas, %e trata cen nue cele: .€96 y familia. rs ; 4 Cen tedeo les ctl, eat fi i toMy tay _ |, Seete9 con les Vragey hay Aiatenotanente "80, le miome Que cen les aniges de Vragev ( Ocnsulade,: lea Sheitesahvilli eto), i: “ « 6) Ne, ne tiene hahite de canter plate. Tiene habite de ; @erles Yote snforna ouande le falta plata, Una ves cast lle “786 bablande oon oU maride de una combinaoién financiers qu et . , Sracaee, Utilizande ‘ou penioén de diplematica hace contrae: ...' | Mandeshermiga de porfumos repa y ptelos a URIS, Utilisa : g0rvioies da ofioinlon de la fleta ypecquera e cemeroial sevietica que ia Vieitan eper . a, tunamente, vet ‘tl apes ======== PAGE 36 ======== 14-00000 7 * Bb) ws aS Vai ie uate, : 4) al traturse de sriecies au expsesun( en conversacisn con sua gonnwcieneles) ea Mnegre yo sbeotu". ec) ab resgeote ue sug colegus nunci e@: y migua la purecen estisar 5 Cugrer, @) yapalor. antagonism son jos del srupe Jriusov. : oo 2m. 2. a) feds is quc sengra iteaa (nono tambien auchos stroa de la csle-4 nia) la auce exeluszv.aente en los neyooitp Judios y no porque? «99 quiere, sino per 2 razenes. Jvenera.wente hadlan ruyo 7 i Srenen Sradiea:nsl gemlda ruse, soneralscnute va avla, a veces VW] asemMoutuda, 38 ulaacenes en Junin, ‘erriontes y Pueyrredon eI ge mencisnan & menule. Yara la ro,u, auy una tienda que esta en los avbarbion de Gran uenes aires. jo me acuerdo mua donde’ ou. fareee partonecer uw dow ucrsinianois Su aucueno varias VYoeus oncrenir dirvccrenes de lopou2tos (no propiumonte ne= gocies) de Juth » Shuvez y Harreg3. a. p.recer tienen un Srenda exclusivagente pore ou puraenkl an la Rep. Vomero. que se ahastece cen urtisusor. yu pesades de made de astos neq201 48, : . /%) ce sengo referenctaa, de que meneja auto. g) Yetudia esol mio sien on forma gractioe (neblande, leyen= “~" da), autuaze Prancos an su casa ( & voces con su maridy).- ad) Jer Alfurie? Ivan, . @) state @) aAnginus, Srunqguita. aen tos persiatunta oon regular freouone ote. : ‘ya, ge que je an fetsgn na da tuprasi$n de ounsunct>. No vo hu netado ningun onahio, 4 , . : ’ Al traturay lea watciwonie ai pranura y fuerte Lapresién fué quo 90 dlevun wal, ampracaén que us dusvunocie ya G 93006 ‘}xue Que 06 Wh error conniderur.e ASL. usa av exooutvumentey anlenu, eote _exphioa frecuontay, sscunus quo hugy & ol nerhde, yor eta pure oreo quo no le duvagrida mayersonte los culen du aw major (vanie awd del invahra). Hahsw eagonua de gunvurawordn wuy thornug entra elled. intanove " el abertoy nenotruess’ av aoavertia on ad aher-tg: tonaido'. La evidonte taunden que dunn ouddu da valud demu Warde i t dee iu le finanotere-,urcue veinur lu mau. purfvotu Qarcenia untre Be, Anbowt tate parte le fwaadsue BO , Cs CLE? Lela b | ======== PAGE 37 ======== 14-00000 a eee ~-egitions . GABLE SECRETARIAT DissemmaTion __CLassireouessact = Tosat Cortes “ pil soe AND/OR HMITIALS.SEER BO Message ___=_TOmAL Copies. ‘ C| Fein worries SES conor i ee : . —— ae 3 Cs es ve i . - ~ ~=s ec _ — : {When Fried ta) r t { 1 | Cc ADVANCE COPY DC issueo Cmcries REPRODUCTION OF THiS COPY DROW HITED an Qo orssem BY Pan Ae Tiog NO. =. (aii ee aly v1 ff Cz i? lof VEL , _ cf SEC RE T @B1810Z FEB 71 CITE BUENOS AIRES I27)-€SHROYER ACTING) ae veg DIRECTOR Roa 25135 1 : - . if |: BUEN fs) rues) . oe . be BIBAFFLES REPORT IVAN GAVRILOVICH ALFERYEV RETURNED oC ‘BUENOS AIRES 5 FEBRUARY VIA SUISSAIR 230 FROM DAKAR. “do STATION HAS NO INFO on PURPOSE OF TDY SUT BELIEVE IT NOT € UNLIKELY HE SUMMONED FOR DISCUSSIONS RE AEPARADISE. 64 “at ms FILE: @at-e367al. GP=1. re 8.3670/ ee vnl SECRET ======== PAGE 38 ======== 14-00000 c be meres eating : . rr ne woe be Bene 1. cae ; i C asc Seoneramar esseamnar LASSIFIED MESSAGE TOTAL-COF” co 2 Levine anucun tnrtaLs-oeee | c Fs ee E | SECRET @81810Z FEB 71 CITE BUENOS AIRES 7271 (SHROYER ACTING) 4 A DIRECTOR Mon 284921 7 a i‘ REDTOP, “AEKICK BIOGENESIS oo t REF: BUENOS AJRES 7069 aves “ jog | C 4, BIBAFFLES REPORT IVAN GAVRILOVICH ALFERYEV RETURNED oo a | ¢ BUENOS AIRES $ FEORUARY VIA SWISSAIR 220 FROM DAKAR. ff of iS STATION HAS NO INFO ON PURPOSE OF TDY.BUT BELIEVE IT NOT ue ; c UNLIKELY HE SUMMONED FOR DISCUSSIONS RE AEPARADISE 64 ’ cs a You Betula lV “Damnage «S80 Ssinenl, 4 2. FILE’ 201-236721. GP-1. ‘ rT dar a Cl. sennene ======== PAGE 39 ======== 14-00000 ADVANTE COPY Oo EO im i at SECRET 1821022 JAN 71 CITE BUENOS AIRES\Z069 : + DIRECTOR “ co © OREDTOP BIOGENESIS AEKICK , WBduas 246580. c ly BIBAFFLE TRAVEL CONTROLS REPORT IVAN GAVRILOVICH yy i ALFERYEV, KNOWN KGB, DEPARTED FOR USSR WITHOUT WIFE i | 17 JANUARY VIA HLM 792 TO AMSTERDAM. PER BILOCULAR, | TRIP 18 FOR CONSULTATIONS i Be FILED 201-286701.. aPo te SECRET ======== PAGE 40 ======== 14-00000 FP RR ONT HOTIBIET purarige vey | | trainer “FR 1 eee emmeme ween, W h Fillet in) staaee ce ata rrr SECRET 1317252 OCT 70 CITE BUENO: DIRECTOR . *. OREDTOP BIOGE _ %e BIOGENESIS REPORTS| RETURN FROM HONE LEAVE OF ROZA ALEKSEYEVNA ALFERYEVA, 2801-23671, 9 OCT, VIA a f& Lope aoe - SHISSATR 230, Ba - Qe FILER 2061-23670). GPele wt EOL Sigs i SECRET .- ees Ck ======== PAGE 41 ======== 14,0000 « 370 v4 EDF IONS . . od ~ eee ene nee oe | CABLE SECRETARIAT DISSEMINATION CLassirer. Message > ForaC cores, ROUTING AND/ON INITIALSSTEN BY SERSONTUNIT Nott 10 — a TS - ‘ vi 2 Tt 1 ,. a | 158462 F ge CREDTOF AE h_ DLOGES he , " * BIOGENESIS report TRAVEL FOLLOWING SOVIETS: "" « /i : ; a : es IVAN ALFERYEV, WHO RETURNED BUENOS AIRES : ; i WITHOUT WIFZ, 4 SEPT VIA SWISS AIR 200. “By VADIM CHEKMAZOV, WHO DEPARTED ‘B.A: 5 SEPT VIA "AER FRANCE @82. CHEMMAZOV LEFT, PRESUMABLY ON HONE LEAVE, TO JOIN WIFE WHO PRECEDED HIM WITH SON IN APRIL. Ce YURIY, LYUDMILA, AND ANTON MAMONTOV, WHO. DEPARTED BsAs CPRESUMABLY UPON HOME LEAVE) 7 SEPT’ VIA AIR FRANCE 090. ° PILES 201-286701, 2 201126117 AND 201-853701. GP+J stent? ' MICROFILMED | SEP 221970 DOC. MICRO. SER. B a0l-)331/F - es | el-086 707 Bsol- 85370/ | ======== PAGE 42 ======== 14-0000 ; ; | owed Lateig eeerneentie came canna. aga ======== PAGE 43 ======== 14-0000 Anaentina ©1 See 70 ey ttn AOR ck Mahle Ae te ini koa nme a ======== PAGE 44 ======== 14-0000 ======== PAGE 45 ======== ======== PAGE 46 ======== 14-00000 ======== PAGE 47 ======== 14-00000 yu Ambassade del +uRss + Pomp treduction conforma: leas Gre be 4 Seceton c : Z Seeasaca " ir Uaesew ae / . - Bepuatica Anetwrima ======== PAGE 48 ======== 14,0000 ha ae ‘@rnert: © operacuan cacnepra. Reasuvellemeat. Cpox wactonmero nacnopta mpcaacs WD yyreesneessee cevccswnnsennnensnanes casartntennesersete SD eeecrwemnes Bo Le délal du présent passeport est prolongs sete AD, Ws gyreweeee nent ined. eesintace Br. Wai a peat pee oat» ======== PAGE 49 ======== 14-08000 ‘a tigtens tot pila cel ey is6t Can’P ea. “pn bot porpan ane ======== PAGE 50 ======== oR 14-00000 :. “REPUBLICA ARGENTINA, . a - “* Mintaterlo do Relaciones Brterlorea.. ¥ Culto -: i Sa. OMA Visa para Verne “arédan ======== PAGE 51 ======== 14-00090 Beem Vieas ‘ ed te ee ee ote Pham een aenm MET REY NNT meme oer meeRR ae cma ======== PAGE 52 ======== 14-00000 ======== PAGE 53 ======== 14-00000 ° ne “UNION 7 ~ DES REPUBLIOUES © ======== PAGE 54 ======== 14-00000 . i ; ‘ Aipexsanures cere, cpr. COWSA COBETCKUX HMANMCTHYECKUX PEONYBANK ni lan epoca nce rpeunancune w soemue : m Tectmpers crear enum ssomuse : ======== PAGE 55 ======== 74-00000 . . x, S be thtusaice du présent, cltoyen..... se L'UNION . Das RerUpLIQuES SOVIETIQUES SOCIALISTES (A Generen wanes ‘Eeseasevs 08 ta uane rir Annewrena v ======== PAGE 56 ======== 14-00000 Orweren o Nporacuns nacnopts. Renonvellement. Cpox nacroamere nacnopta npoaron BRO yyereeseeesn en entesncnene 1G errsrncens Be Le délal du présent passeport ent prolongé jusqu'au veers cenneenrnen OD . ‘Sige: ture ee * Le délal da préecat pacneport eat prolongs Py ae : een aoe Le = Ba ES sane savnnsenenongrocornennnsbsense* “Cpox wactonmero macnopra upoaszert : Jun qu'ee penne Meee cesta Whesnern | 37 yee ennnnnecas Tenge te nS ======== PAGE 57 ======== 14-00000 3: 4. PR Ot eee ees AUNROMATRUECKAA BHSA a enn 5 bce antitemen Toe ester omnes Se tstieamnenmemodeme en tee e ' . . + ======== PAGE 58 ======== 14-00000 . . . € ia \ ======== PAGE 59 ======== 14-00000 anew An Busw. Visas DIPLOMATIQUE} DITLOMATISK DULOMATIC atch aeEnEE - Tiss exe wathle pow! ak Sica alae's.( 4) Se — Prewiaee enicée avant Monact. 1208 Set a yeerry hate’ ee 2. Wnt ======== PAGE 60 ======== 14-00000 gory eer t wna pene | emer enarages arenes + vores my ======== PAGE 61 ======== 14-0000 ‘e8 : ite i tee ‘Meet: BErvewmeve MEtoUReS epesece - RUBGTMNYRAREA sco swenee 06 LUCE . aos. afb. Opt nwpenaen . eo Ma Goa preee at pretungs Gu nats ae . pata ares Gae aed . E s see¥on ======== PAGE 62 ======== 1400000 + Gowen s epazewns tecnents Ones cen Chon neo omaees MEtweare Hees J Ry : . ve \ AP Mlge 86 present pase ip ti eat penteos demp'an “ 19 " en aac eopTe agant = 9. : . ba io , wert eat oer mre ce Wine ge Pah en, Cr wicekoe FRACTRUTRAIBMA ae tastes + 4 YC OMe! CL Mal OUP BPR G CE Zee? BIE HQUGe GC LAd OR Ae Bemmtiie dee Aves ibaa iee Gre Tuts Te salutes ERS Me we td yt dye Pepe Ame dy bast peante heneent AE Sesiate de geewer: pete ert: ot de tel aera de! neh ot geeteetion ant em & sree. : Ae paHpEN Bt vetaED Lae ======== PAGE 63 ======== 14-00000 : aS a Wome, ALPERIEYAL. ey dyeuse. ta Prem or secrétaire ge 1! Ge JTRSU en Argen AU ROM L6 LURMOR DES RPPUR GLEE BOVIETIOUES SOCLALESTS au AM Dat - vsine ; DOS REP LOL IGUES ROVIETIQUED BOCSALISTHS Lt Min nare deo AMfubes Pl: caghres pris toutes tee saberiten Uisice Ch eattlalres de PUMA Vi dee Faye Aimy de tulcort paamie MOrcmeat Wy Binbes Ga Ginwent peanngers of Ge let dacundee tabs it preiasthin ae we Be ban. tag Wie. .tore es Afiei es Ets sageren prie twates tes antennae Lician GE ecDitance Ge PUREE. ot ue Pave Aime de Manes baamer MBreoect te token: Gu gremen! paseeper ot Ge he curds cule of wruiagiton Et ae Os team. ======== PAGE 64 ======== 14-00000 dy riascnad tt. 13.0 068 DWOF AWE CR NE PHOCH FA AHEEPEDRA “Posa Anencoesua,: ; Bessore Compe rapa’ liccs .isarme SCOP ; d Aprentune : Pr th Be aes QORZICLERK COUR NCTE AAS PECTS ee 1 page eye ene tine cranes 9) pw.et os “PemmUnS © enue eh - Seven GRE See en] PMR ST. mE vee mAte 8) cyonemuE saneth Tue, aeepara-eepmele Conps apn ficcoxsotas GoCP | po le Ape owns : ‘RMEED CWDSA : . CORBTCERE COUMATAS TUNECAUS PPCHIT A ‘ Crmmereeceves Rewr ryan: Bs + apne We rpeeenane © ceemnede eaneee COOP 6 Ravers tects | os enecte apom vendre S2.UGTERTS CREED: CARAT MN TENB TT: AanUpie © ce cmepars cat qcvecaus nent Tee, ======== PAGE 65 ======== 14-0000 UNION ! DES REPLBLIOUES E COW CO: > SOVIETIONES SUULATISEes 5 COLMAR TES v | PEC AS > : “PASSEPORT 4. ; 7 LOMATIOL ; | SMwaenathues wis ' | SIPLOMATIOUL | auld : “UNION PUBLIQUE. MOCLMISE:S | ASSED( Met PLOMATIONL “QUIS L Cgh de® _QOUHAAHC Twit ha ‘ aA PLe HEY EAE S ======== PAGE 66 ======== 14-0000. UNION a ” DES REPL BIIOUES COW GO: : SOVILTIOUES SOCIALITES 5 COHMAAIE SO 4 PEC Hoyts i : | PASSLPOR I auc . JIPLOMATIOUL COUMAAHG rit we PECIIYBAUK -atuaoaegnacaud ======== PAGE 67 ======== 14-0000 CABLE SECRETARIAT DISSEMINATION. q PERSCH/UNIT NOTIMED Ss 4 ] “2 (When Fillad In)- ane s. o | OQDUCTION OF THIS COPY PROHIBITED 3 2 @OVANCE COPY sue RoTTED H ri wmoex. [ves [Jno - —_—_- | Cuasmry To cs LE NO. BRaNcA i : Co. __SBe 2 EORG - t ae - ' + 319 : , Wd 11529 1 3 | o is fe BIOGENESIS REPORTS FOLLOWING TRAVEL. a Ae IVAW GAVRILOVICRNALFERYEV AND WIFE ROZA ALEKSEYEVWA ~~ 0 DEPARTED FOR USSR, PROBABLY ou HOME LEAVE, 27 JUNE VIA AIR FRANCE - 862.10 PARIS. _ fly WIKOLAY ALEKSEYEVICH WAUNOV DEPARTED PCS WITH WIFE “vmemtiua IVANOVWA AND. DAUGHTERS MARINA AND TATYANA 28: JUNE NIA-ILM 792 TO AMSTERDAM. (Ge PHLEL 201-256701 AND eei-B17222. GPel. stcret ~ , Scary secret AB oor 3/7002 ======== PAGE 68 ======== 14-00000 Latins on wr ngs eT From HABA-21382, 18 May 1970, Source: BIOGENESIS SMa ey a ey ing gS Sita. tars} 2 we eee) ======== PAGE 69 ======== 14-00000 ; . ~ OPERATIONAL SUMMARY SHEET a 4 Oo . MAY 1970 A, TARGET IDENTITY: (Name, DPOB, 201#,’ present job and location) ‘ ; 7 dvan cayrilevica abc wiV (ARBOOR), Ue 20 January 1928 Sn Tela, 201236701 re wl Second Secrotary/Culsacrl CL icer at Severe Iesones dives y 2n236t B, TARGET BACKGROUND: (Brief resume. of background, family members and where Tocated, whevies Rnuwn vr Suspect Ris Janguagus, > ’ 2 é Inewm Raa. S-erks Spanish, Englishe Apgarently fron peasant bactgrounds ° vines Rota ALel:scyevna (20 Sept. : 1938s Tr Avgentana (possible, 19602 TOE Havena in loscow), sont wat (2h er ye { 2Soeeshe Vaxico City, FAVA rep. in Yoscow), Wife with bby son in Buy 196S— t Suenos Alves, 2nd Scc,/Curiural Officer at Soverb. 4 Ancoss agents, access informants, residence audio/taps, office audio/ taps, physical surveillance, C/O contact, BAB assessmont,. past yecruitment ; attempts, other. Cite significant docuncnts, starting dates.) Besiterce avdios ACLATYAD run jointly with DIOGENFSIS in Auzust 1968, ALEXEY noved | C,. OPERATIONAL SUMMARY: (Short statezents on following where applicable: sainn i earn safe "9 BE tat a the eetedly into cotprund “or unknown reasons in Octover 1969. (HABA+20979, : Office : DILCCULAR is joint lisison teletap. . C/o Direct 6 ntacts Pavl W. LEGO, Nina Te MAQCANDE (IUABA=20210, 16 January 1969)« .f , ’ «s . s . . . List of Busce tibilities/Vulnerabilities: (List of everything which . . poss Oxploitabto by Us, and sign Gant steps we have taken to clarify, ". @onfirm or refute it. Cito document/source.) ; . ; 20528), Thoir behaviour in fublic io ol) mrovtnose nnd ehty she aprears almoat Like @ difforont person, She apyears to harbor rooontnont againot hin broanse of his dehaviour teria hors . , ALFENYEV de very tail-conso lous. (RATAH=21000, 10 Doconber 1949). uo ALMALV hao on cecagion renainod out ald nicht, and has claimed to hin wife wien ho | aeey hoa that he haa hen werklge ({ta0im210%O, 20 Deocnbor 1969), Sirved!Lan-e on his at nicht allegedly proved he mide olondustine orntactas Co i Intense. argunonta shit botvenn ALSS CNV. and wife (AMLAITEATD, BEBAY LE reports, MaDe | tf $ i | ‘ . + ======== PAGE 70 ======== 14-00000 8 ET x Chief, Western Healsphere Divisioa Chief, Soviet Bloc Division Catef of Station, Buenos Aires “ paDLNO © Bernord Francisco BORIBOA A. Seadquarters traces ere requested ons fd t Bernard> Francisco SURIEGA DOB & 18 June 1914, Argentina . CCCURATIONs Director vf Difusove Argention do Bopectaculos y Filmes Artisticas (DARPA) PAPENTG ¢ Bernards and Ayustine- cee DEGRADE ; WER. s'ts Married, wife's cane vaknowa ° "4 @. Station traces siow that MORIZGA, apparently e susician by oon profession, hae e long record of association with Comounist front groupes one of the faunding eeuvers af the Movialent. Ge Unided y Coordi _ penton Gindies. (608) aud reysrtediy a aeaver of the Comuniat Party of «=. .- - Argentios. He. was elso formerly the decretary General of the Argeation othe at telene. Specific references incldet Mus: Qe BABOSlL2k, 16 Cotader 1961, which deserives hin as the owner of the building in which the ICA Disnos Airce Central Sone Coosit.tes had ite Nesdnuarters. | (Thio docuneat also SMentifies EORIRIA as be WEASILO41, 87 Cotoder 1961, whlch reporte WORLEOA's Sreval @o Cubs at the Juvitetiza of the Coafederacion de Trabajedores de eo ea BARHDD AUIBS-91F9, arch 1963. which atatee MOKIBOA cttended dhe Bic Congress far Solidarity £26 Cubss ; . esecnase ======== PAGE 71 ======== 14-00000 on, . - ap Prenas BABA-2Un66 h i @. HABA-15153, 20 January 196s, waich identifies EORIEOA as mo, oy @ eenber of the Comsuniet factiun of the Argeotine Music tune’ ; oo d 3. Deapite hia background, the Station is taking a close look 2 et BOHIMIA os 0 possible unilatersi access cccut. As e@ Director of . the tira which is currently sponsoring the visit of the Moscow Circus, fe ie in constant touch with bath AES00R and (01+H21510. He is, ia ; ' fact, the only consistent uvert contect thut_AEZ008 has aaiotalsed t the ince his arrive) in Argentim. - We Pleese assign a 201. ======== PAGE 72 ======== 14-0000 3 . ; 16 March 1970 APBOOR TARGHTING EXERCISE = 201-236701 GENERAL BACKGROUND? ae . ; oe TCULTIATNCK AFPILTATION: Known xB, Suspect Deputy Resident ee we ee we POSITION: Second Secretary/Cultural — peop: 20 January 1928, Tula Sy FAMILY: Wife - in Buenos Aires Son (born 1955) = in iloacow LANGUAGES: Spanish, excellent . English, some 1998: TDY (possible), Argentina co ae we 19602 TOY, Havana an , cos “3960-61 Mexioo, PRAVDA Ran. : a . 1968- : luenos Aires oy : esroence: Private apartment of Bnbaosy Slub — ‘manus Repanory, weed Taube Mewicors ‘ Renee as uae . FEINALASS = 196k: Tossant brokeround. Vulgar/orude sneeoh, hinhepi bohed ready Voicue “ou Vooavilary. Cholorie tumpaments Rudimentary senso of hunor. Easily uprot by omall things. Impatient, domandinge AELAYARD = Movonbor 19671 Henpacked. Wife alvays arguing ‘with hime 7 pars ste 4 and 22 ‘ Introvert olevor, cantdoug, diotrusted.. tixeedlent self-oon rol, aules s LevLangos Soodallys doings ood nonae of huners yams PRNSOUALITY te PNaLASS = = Wet She ie more “Antal dant than hes "Wot abtrnetives Deninieor lige TnpLoacant vith husbands Hanily-of Ldarae’ . att “ANY! Tp: She fins fault with hor hucband' gor no anparent ‘reagan eVANCHN and MARCAINI, = 29690 Narn poy wonality, aberactives Interested , in ae . ni tenee Jigs Of Ui av ae "neaasvttes Sand 221 In private == total ‘acle of andortandine of her b/inpett thy dod \ to sae ineTabanh/iapetuoune Wang arenes Kevaty AUapSetel th ======== PAGE 73 ======== 14-00000 \ s INTELLICHNCE ACTIVITY: January 1962 (In Quito): observed casing 4 State Dept. building with the Cuban Comercial Attache in Quito, Close contact with Cuban diplomats and locel OP leaders. : 1963: trip to Fnaenada. Contacted rural, recruiter to: assess Mexican youths desiring to study in USSR. : : Mexican tour Involved with luaders of Noviniunto f4iterncion Nacional. (1) and Contral Canpesina Independicnte (CCI) in Ensenada, Mjuana, and Mexicalis ======== PAGE 74 ======== 14-00000 eee es ee VR tS A eRe _ eae \ ee ent ene a 2 ef, Norte Henusters Dindatan 4 Shel _o; Station, Ruenos Aires O procuyRstg/ REBAEFLAY Information on Various Soviets ee coe REGU RUPERT the Attached please find 6 seven-page report in Spanish com= posed by menbers of the BISAFFLE unit. While the report ie sob al- ways accurate, it does represent & good effort on the part of the BIBAFFLE tcam to pull together all available information (telephone taps; surveillance and audio ops) cn Bovict personalities. 2, We suggest that you make pertinent extracts from the ‘ate nt and include the information in your Headquarters files on - tachme . individual Soviet personalities. By MICROY WMED MAR 2.0 1970 Avtachnant 7 a _BIBAYTIG Roport b/w i + Dhatrdbution _ : % = Chief, BID watt Ww. _, Be Onhed, WHD w/o att ay wel ======== PAGE 75 ======== 1400000 + nee FS } a okey fh . 2 a Sheree TTT a bee cee . . 7 Pa ’ 07 /% Oona apts crab y Gcathtanchal 4, NO 259, vf i/' “7 Roeesecrnecnt C6 ATOM GAA aha Ade Els of CtrTasr rrp bhiAse Of, Seede. ip: of LGA Leta. ~porsonal isda inven dc do Ja Minton Boviét ica . . 3 I BET . aga the year 1961, he worked at Editoriol "ESTAMPA", then at "PETERSEN THIRLE Bt ~ CRUZ y Cha”, , : ~ Te should be pointed out that in order to esteblish his activities " and cemmections with ALFERIEV, starting 22-10-69 a surveillance and shadowing : Wee carried cut on subject. “. SER” Og the other hand, and an a result of the use of the clandestined microphones, it was learned that Ivan ALFERIEV,maintained conversations with & peteon by the name of MOGUILEVSKY, who was a member of the directive Council of the Hetropopitan Federation of Chess and the argentineffeaSracion. ”. gaventigation carried out oa subject determined the follovingt Veeeeeeeeeeeen varcetiteovrizvanr 2, , ELA ; Gad, Wor ce wee eee ew 16h89,304 Pol. ved. ; oe UnBs Wor secre vcercess 0,386,446 Doe; 08, Bone ccc c cree cesses David = . we ry pe Wa ne ewe ee ree eee Natalia COBERNOSER ; De boy | Mate oF birth oe ee ee ee vee October 30, 1916 . : ae - Phere of birth cece e ee oe Macechia, Le Pampa. eS i : ( Qlldvrema pe eer eerreeeee Arredonde 2440, Lat Fleer, Apti'® 7 ae | - Wlaee of Work (addreas) . . + + 0 ¢ San Blee 2638, ved, Cap. ees. fee | ILRVEKY occupies the post of Secretary of the- argentine : in. the Sporte Confederation Building, 2" Wes MOOU ======== PAGE 83 ======== 14-00000 . -6- ™ . Ley addres on Viamonte 1360, 6th Floor, Fedeva) | Capital, . Beginning October 22nd of this year a surveillance ami shedowing Service was established to determine his activities and possible oomtacts { with ALFERIEV. i VI, CONCLUSIONS . : EE with reference to the 2nd Councellor of the U.8.8.Re, Uven ALFERIEV, a! the following conclustens have been reached? a) He is a diplomatic officer who carries out his professional work ‘efficientiy, showing at all times great Sagacity when carrying out public contacts and : relations, avoiding on various opnortunities with ingenuity and ability the ' fo shadowing detail assirned to hin. - -:, b) With referenze to his relations and activities within thelimbessy, it io observed that he carries a lot of weight over the rest of the personel, as he is given deferential attention and respect not only at officiel bat private functions within the circle. : e) te As « parton who in abvaya busy, on the go ail day and on tno the'Iate- hours of the night. a) His married life ie not harmonious, due to the character of Bis wife who is “~,,Semperamental and impetuous and not tolerant toward subject. 1t is estimated that these misunderstandings are linked to his activities outsidde of normal Working hours, which take him away from home, as well as, the indifference and silence with which her recriminations are. received. @) With reference to his contacts, mentioned in this report, the corresponding faventigationa are being carried. cut to determine how tw they reach and their inpertence, ======== PAGE 84 ======== 14-00000 rah 4 te ay hia i oot a aE UNE dents oor emeentaamee) LeciantmtnsimanennagstarmemnT mere Somber OIE. RECARO ES TEES CEE ‘ acute ones head a . 1 ERE beg I a a RB SET SN : : ~ WARNED Red ACEC Chief, Soviet Bloc Division ee ho mopans erquRED Chief, WHO; COS, Panama City/MKSPICE ac cue oat Chief of Station, Bueny Aires id) _| anru RYBAT REDTOP AELANYARD BIOGENESIS,ABBOOR i fo References: A. BUENOS AIRES-3801, 2 October 1969 \ B, BUENOS AIRES-3837, 9 October 1969 , 1, We have kept you up to dxte on AEBOOR's sudden move and the subsequent termination of AELANYARD, At the present time, we still do not know whether or not the story of a sudden transfer tc Mexico City was in reality the basis for the move or if a compromise of the operation was the actual cause. As wo pointed out in our criginal cable, our immediate thought was that perhaps the AVDOLMAN flap ‘pad caused all AEKICK types to "pull in" and that perhaps AEBOOP was simply following orders. Subsequent investigation, havever, tended to discredit this thought. : 2, The AELANYARD transcripts reveal that AEBOOR did indeed contemplate the move several days before we actually had wind of it. | Hie wife dld wot like the idee and complained to him about the move. AEBOOR also told his landlord in advance of his move, There 4s algo evidence that AEBOOR was in somewhat regular contact with --: the Mexican Eubassy and although we were not cextain, it appeared <> that he was anxious to learn if his visa had been granted. In cage, on 28 September 1969, AEBOOR and wife checked out of ~. apy - their apartment. ‘'g,. Shortly thereafter, wo made a physical check of the interior ‘of the apartment, Everything geemed to bo in order, Thore was no evidence whatsoever that the technical end of the operation had : _ been tampored. with, Aa we gaid before, it functioned up until and after AESOOR vacated. ue . >. @ontinued. » « Distribution: : : : Sor wari a) = ¢/sBD por Rona « C/WHD . | wy a (2 = COS, Panama City/uKePtce’ | 7 oo 7 CS CoP _ HABA-20070 4 November 1949 AECRET %g01-236701 i AX: eee TET f pert RUBE i, en Tenn crete meena “Sree stamens ======== PAGE 85 ======== 14-0000 as . CONTINUATIONOF | _ pa T BIEFATER SYMBOL AND NUNOER DISPATCH | SEC T HABA-20979 . ——_— 4, We have not been able as yet to establish direct social contact with AEBOOR, Both Nina T, MARGANVE and Paut W. LEVERONE (who Inve legitimate roason to seek him out) have tried, but to date, to no avail, Ou™ hope has been to .have AEBOOR actwiliy tell us of his plans - will he indeed be transforrod tu Mexico? Our original thought was that the Mexico Station could readily determine 4f he had indeed applied for a visa to that country. As you Know, we struck out here also. 5, The fact is that as of this writing, we do not know whether AEBOOR's move was routine and innocent or if indeed there wes souotbing ainister iavelved, If AELOOR does indead pick up and move to Mexico, we shall, of ccurss, be somewhat relieved, However, this will not answer categorically the major quostion -— was the operation compromised? It would appear that regardless of what happens to AEBOOR, we shall never know te actual reason for nis move, However, for what it is worth, the evidence here does not point toward a compromise, 7 : Ahm W. Presi Edwin W. SHROYER &: ======== PAGE 86 ======== 14-0000, CABLE SECRETARIAT DISSEMINATION — “LASsiFeD MESSAGE Torat Copies / 2° OUTING AN YOR IPTTUALe-oHEN ot” [Penccerunir HOTIMED Cl eS en REPRODUCTION OF THIS COPY PRO cence wiosm C)ves (no CLAMFY TO CO FILE NO ee ee BRANCH rns | SECRET 0917a62 OCT {BUENOS AIRES, INFO DIRECTOR , | RYBAT REDTOP AELANYARD BIOGENESIS py + a, § CITE MEXICO CITY 165! i MEXL g ; “REFS: Ae BUENOS AIRES 3214 CSTE et = + By BUENOS ARIES 303166 2/57 “+. 4) Wexaco CITY HAS NO INFO RE AEBOOR TRANSFERe _ ge FILES 201-236701. “SECRET . ‘ gol ======== PAGE 87 ======== 14-00000 - “—— . CABLE SECRETARIAT DISSEMINATIOt C1 ascimiep MEseage Totat Corie’ ROUTING AND/ON INITIALS-AEEN BY Cyressvaer wot “. StCRER. ‘@noue t 3 (When Filled Iu. Sees ADVANCE copy Oem Dacre woax, Cres (no CLAmPY To Ce PRE WO. A. —— ee OV) ee ATH WAEP TO CO PLE NO, O excaw 0 neruan ro a SECRET 091420f OCT 69 CITE BUENOS A{RES 3637 GIRECTOR INFO WEXiCO CITY, SANAMA CITYN RYBAT RECTOP AEL ANYARD BIOGENESIS TECHS REFt BUENOS AIRES sen(O5953Y) Je AEQOOR TURNED OVER KEY TO LANOLORD 7 OCTOBER. 8 OCTOBER LANDLORD ACCOMPANIED KANOUSE AND BIBAFFLE- APPRTWENT THEN DISCREETLY WITHOREW DURING INSPECTION. rANOUSE ANO BIBAFFLE=24 FOUND NO EVIOENCE AELANYgRO INSTALLATION Hap OREN O1ScovERED, (5 Me CANDLORO WILL visit unin 9 OCTOBER FOR FINANCIAL - SETTUewent AND AT KANOUSE REQUEST WILL OFFER APARTMENT FOR RENTAL BY OTHER MHIARSH OGFI CIAL. “Se FOR MEXICO. ANY COMFIRMATION Of AEBOOR STORY RE MEXICAN TRANSFER? . Ne FIL 201236708 Shear & ts tw" SECRET Jom f2670r ======== PAGE 88 ======== 14-00000 LAOLE DECRETANIA: WiDstMAALIUN __ . nhetalnin On MITIALD-SEEN BY t Jocteccieer WOTIPES ADVANCE COPY GC ssaveo Cmcrreo rz let — : wean Clve (xo = CLARIFY TO CO FILE NO ' OY ene AT! AEP TO CO PLE.NG, BECRET O3k@1Z OCT 69 CITE BUENOS AIRES 3814 (SHROYER ACTING) i DIRECTOR, MEXICO CITY INFO PAWAMA CITY “RYBAL REDTOP AELANYYRD BLO soz TECH - WEF: BUEHOS AIRES 3e81 (WO ©. gy FOR MEXICO, REF DESCRIBEQ'S AEBOOR'S (IDEN) ABRUPT " MOVE TO PRIVATE APARTMENT OT EMBASSY CLUB. . - : 2. Of d OCTOBER BIGAFFLES INTERVIEWED LAWDLORD WMO STATED That OW 18 AUGUST AEBOOR SAID PLASNED VACATE : APARTMENT I0 FIRST DAYS SEPTEMBER BECAUSE OF TRANSFER TO . ‘Mawesese4 YEAR A8 STATION NITHERTO ASSUMED BECAUSE OF CONCEDTION LAST YEAR'S COBTRACT, BUT CONTAINED SIMPLE PROVISION FOR THREE WONT ADVANCE WOTICE FROM EITHER PARTY, LANDLGRD ADDED "DED GOT PLAN MANE ZS6UE OF RECEIVING ONLY SIX UEKS NOTICE, PIUANOIAL SETTLENENT PENDING, 7 - Be STORY MAKES BENGE SINCE BILOCULAR snows racquet: ALBOGR CALLS TO MEXICAW EMBASSY BUENOS AIRES BEGINNING 8 SEPTENBER, 10 RETROSPECT NOV CLEAR CONVERSAT1ONB | QONCERUED HIG DIFFICULTIES OBTAINING MEXICAN VIBA.. | ae ABOVE APPEARS INDICATE ATLABVARD | wor OONPRINESED, a SENT MEXICO CiTY). ., ! . \ (MEXICO, APARTNEHT CONTRACT REWEVED 10 JUNE WAS NOT FOR: ee: ======== PAGE 89 ======== 14-06000 CABLE SECRETARIAT DISSEMINATION CLASSIFIEO MESSAGE PERT NOTED een: wes (When Fitied h a pire _ ReeAnOR worm (ves (>a - : CLASNPY TO C8 PLE 02, . ee : oS KARP TO 68 PLE HO i ° : i | PAGE 2 BUENOS AIRES 3814 SECRET ' | 5. FILE: 2601-23676). ae ne . " | SECRET - ‘a | | For cree ange gy te ane ======== PAGE 90 ======== 14-00000 aed uo SECRETARIAL VRDRmOWANITON LC LASSIEIED MEd yaUT ' WUVAL Cortes. Be. DIRECTOR 99984 AL REF A WORK COMPLETED. INSTALLATION REPORT ‘VOLL.OVE VIA POUCH. oe "Q. DURING, ROUTINE LP INSPECTION MORWING 3 SEPTEMBER FOUND LIWE SIX SuA-5A DEAD AGAIN, SANE PROBLEM REPORTED THREE TIMES PREVIOUSLY VIA REFS B, jb AND De PER REF & FIRST TWO FAILURES DETERMINED BY “WEADQUARTERS TO BE PROBABLY RESULT. ELECTRICAL STORM, By GENCE THIS OCCURS ALWAYS ON LINE SIX WITH OWE ADDITIONAL FAILURE ON LIWE SEVRN PERHAPS SOKE " QTWER INFLUEUCE PRESENT SUCH AS POSSTBLE LINE SHORT, WTO, CkANGE OF WTP-9 DID WOT ALTER SITUATION. Me REQUEST WOACRE COMMENTS. ======== PAGE 97 ======== 14-0090 . is scan META LA got oe cece a Crasseiro MessaGe Tora, COMES vate (When Fillea in) Sttnoeines REPRODUCTION OF TH.S COPY PROWIBITLO wor O ve. 0 wo CLASEIPY TO FILE NO REP TO PILE NO. : } vucmo Clacr. ro orancn) oasraoy ea i i ‘— : , “" PAGE 2 3UENOS AIRES 3615 SECRET (Be FILE 4°137~102/2 AWD 74-126-221. /SECRET ee ih -Hraeas | er ======== PAGE 98 ======== 14-00000~ ate! pea goa woos Care $€creTARiAT Disser-natiun Capea ies MESSAGE _Toray Cores rey \ OUT as Atom ITI ALS LEN OT amour t ea ees ree even os) aan et (Wran F itled In) 4 —_ erwanca coPy en [ Jao ven OOuC TON OF THIE Cor! 2 rs moss (lees Clyo eee CU AUPE 70 C8 PEE NO. oe eee _— ew an a .. BAER TO CO PR NO. 0 ee ee ree nemenn O ewe ne O neree ro 5 ORANG ne _——— enone cr} BECRET 2521482 AUG 69 CITE BUENOS AIRES 5523 DIRECTOR Whos N3I0527 RECTOP BIOGENESIS = . 7) fe BIOGEWESIS REPO.TS ANATOLIY [LICH VASILYEV, HIS “WIFE GALIWA AND ROZA ALPERYEVA ALL RETURNED SULNCS AIRES FROM NONE LEAVE 2& AUGUST VIA LUFTHANSA [tA 2 SOV PRIEST YEVGENIY - STEPAROVICH PAK yaiad UVFARTED * wp. 800 me tH ======== PAGE 99 ======== 14-00000 CAR. SECRETARIAT Dissennanio: naa eee SOUTES “HEAT UT! 18 we NA ee ne wradeoy vo cs mae ue. eee: ee ow ah meer ve co mee e. |O meno erie re ee SRM oe ree er ATES a SECRET 1219542 aua 69 CITE PANAMA CITY 0947 BUEDOS AIRES 1NFO LiKe -tcR WYBAT AQUATIC REDLEG BIOGENESIS AELAWYARD Rvs Buttes anes sact( 7230) . ay. AKSPLEG FoRwaRD ING FOUR EACH ADDITIONAL TvO HIRO OW IN-22 POTTED MICROPHONES AMD FOURR EACH “pGC-R KEL PREAMP SYSTONS FOR TEST AMD POSSIBLE USE. AASPICE SUPPLY DOT-S TRANBFORMERS DEPLETED HOVEVER' CUR ‘RECORDS SHO TWELVZ DOt=3°s PREV roUSLY suLPPED WHICH ‘svoup rs 8 BIOGERESIS~14 reserssrons os . S Tee t ======== PAGE 100 ======== 14-00000 Chief, Soviet Bloc Division Chick, Weatern Hemisphere Division i Chief of Station, Buenos Alres . = a Transmittal of Tapes , Arion Raut -eaRNS SSS : References: A, HABA-20415, dated 27 March 1969 i B. LABW-11445, dated 23 April 1969 . .1. Forwarded under separate cover are two AZLANYARD ; tapes covering 26, 27 and 28 July 1969. The recording for 1 the 28th runs through the last half of the first tape and \ all of the second; it involves a conversation between -AEBCOK and 201-268170 regarding the zurmer's experiences during hiz recent home leave. We should very much apprecitute having Headquarters’ monitors review this conver,ation of 28 July and forward to Buenos Aires as — complete a transcription as pussible. Once the transcription is finished the tapes may be destroyed. 2. %In reference B Headquarters suggested that samplings of AELANYARD be forwarded tri-annunlly. Since we have begun forwarding the most interesting AELANYARD tapes for transcrip- tion at Headquarters, we assume there is no longer any need to transmit routine samplings of the initinl BIOGENESIS product. : ne ira I. Wargsrl Attachments: Tapos U/8/0 m9. ik (es : ears i" 4 . BD At aug &4 Diatribution: . : 3» 0/SBD, w/attachs U/8/C & = O/MIN, w/o attacha . _ es cart 201~236701 14~120-2321 ======== PAGE 101 ======== 14-00000 __ Tovar Come: encour + rn seers” pt ~ Tueesee arr racwaiven tt V7 arene eee xo Juco NICE COPY Denes evamey 10 68 748 HO Ce | as BAGP TO COME EHO ores OY 80 a con O mas ao mae aw oO meron 10 - wars FILE, VRC heise, re eet YS 2s : PRC Cibo 6 fegire cd . BE CRE £ O728007 AG 49 CITE AURNOS ATRi S401 DIRECTOR INFO PANAMA Ci7} RYBAT AQUATIC REOTOP BIOGEWES{S AFLABYARD “ . 7) REPL Ay BUERDS AIRES saanQa e319) Be Panama city e8ig (W\13-19) “Ge BUENOS AIRES sso6(wiostes) : " QPPROK 19 AND 2@ AUGUST GLHRMANH, BLOGEWESIS. 14 AND BOLARGE, PIWHOLES IF POSSIBLE. HAVE APARTMENT OVNER'S AH 1SSIOR AWD HE VILL BE OUT OF TOWN, WILL ‘Test LINES 3TH ano WITHOUT Swa- SA PREANPTS USING AMPEX ARD SONY . RECORDERS 1@ LP, {DUE EXCESSIVE FAILURE SWA-SA HERE, PREFER ae INSTALLATION WITHOUT PREAMPS IF POSSIBLE WILL MOVE TO LP DURING TESTING PERIOD. Q. FOR PANAMA CITY: PLEASE POUCH SUOMEST SIX EACH por-3 OR EQUIVALENT TRANSFORMEHS AND FOUR ADIET BONA: Two MuADRED ON AM: 22 mints, POTTED FOR OWK INCH OLAMETFR 'F POSSIBLE. a -: re ee “as 497-102/2 wo Taal wa. ======== PAGE 102 ======== 14-00000 CABLE SECRETARIAT DISSEMINATION | ie ERT ONIN, NOTION j ion Fitverd tn) , eer | BE CR ET 2820062 "UL 69 CITE RUENCS AIRE ~ DIRECTOR ' . an | a -REDTOP BIOGENESIS 7 20m wiie70 Ris BUENOS AIRES 3032 ¢ we 7 772.) 7 yy: | "4, BIOGENESIS TRAVEL CONTROLS REPORT IVAN GAVRLOLVECH 7 wd ‘ ae ARGENTINA ALONE 25 JULY VIA LUFTHANSA 504 _ FROM DAKAR. bo Nor KWOW WHEN OR iF WIFE ROSA RETURNING. a _&. , FILEs 20 19256781. ======== PAGE 103 ======== 14-00000 “7 CABLE SECRETARIAT OrssewmuaTON ~" aganeo Messece Tora Coriea 7 RSON/UPST NOTIFIED eee Een af ADVANCE COPY i) aetD 1 ] SLOTTED i | P Cal n Filled In) amen Careers a a ee IN OF THIS COPY PROK BITS eee j ’ ;. SECRET 2412872 JUL 69 CITE PRIS 1043 (RILANDER ACTING) | ; BUEWOS AIRES INFO DIRECTOR - | RYBAT REVTOP BIOGENESIS ee =} a9 09124 i ' “REF Buenos atnes see9(tA) ©5500 olf 4 ai : 155 gf, UNEOR ADVISES THAT PHILIPPE D Sece™ ff alm Mo . /@OWP AT BORDEAUX I8 KNOWN TO HAVE MADE FREQQENT trips TO EAST: 9 | EUROPEAN COUNTRIES DURING 1956-61 PERIOD FOR NORNAL COMMERCIAL | "- PURPOSES. Ge THERE ARE HO SLATION TRACES. - 8 OS 201 -256701. SECRET ======== PAGE 104 ======== 14-00006 | : DISPATCH | = . Poe MARKED FOR OIDEK Ee i Ion, QUALEED * {Tira : nie of B on Buenos Aixes | lao . is i ff REDTOP /AEKICK/AEBOOR ~ : 4 ae Cc eet i i H . i Action Required: See Paragraph 5. . | Reference : HABW-11473, dated 5 June 1969 ‘1. The detailed analysis of the Station's operational ' efforts against some of the priority FJSTEAL targets and the suggestion that perhaps AEBOOR offcred the best immediate i op3rational promise and warranted special attention was re- ! : viewed and discussed by the interested officers; it should : 1 4 come as no suvprise to Headquarters that there 1s really 11t- tle divergence of opinion, not only as to the priority tar- get, but also insofar as operational approach and conduct is concerned, We would like to correct the apparent Headquarters dmpression that the Station was negligent in the follow-up of operational opportunities and was waiting for the FISTEAL&BS to take the initiative insofar as future contacts were con- eernod. We believe Station efforts have been as aggressive as possible in the existing oyorational climate, and if we were remiss, it was in failing to report in detail the various negative results of what we consider normal operational efforts. 2. ABBOOR was selected as one of the priority Station: 5 targets for the simple reason that three offioers. had direct i access te him through Identity; once he accepted the invita- ; tion to Paul W., LEVERONZ's home he was moved up to the opp of : the priority list einoe 1b was hoped that continued and rather : frequent oentect could te maintcined for assessment and operas. _ pdonal purposes. Evory reasonable vffort was made to follow. Attachment Identity Usd. Distribution = Ohief, SED w/abt USO ;: Chief; WHD watt Us0 \ame . ======== PAGE 105 ======== 14-00000 seme, . pee, CLASSIFICATION DISPATCH FYMBOL AND ALMBER CONTINUATION OF DISPATCH “Up ‘the first social contact (experience has shown that vne FJSTEALers her2 will not take the initiative and must be ectively pursued) but’ a number of conversations (boch face to face and by phone) ended up in the vague promise on the La, part of Subject that "we must get together soon". In the “" . “interlm the Station tightened the coverage of AEBOOR Ly utting AELANYARD on.a 24-hour-a-day basis for a little over two weeks and by conducting full coverage surveillarce for : ! about one week, Our reasoning behind this acting was 1s fol- : , .-Low83 . such intensive coverage would possibiy rermit us to spot a likely place where we could inject an access agent; ._t would give-us-a-better-"feel" of his daily activity; 1t might uncover one or more of his clandestine contacts. The “results of the effort;-while far from solving our problems, did give us a wealth of information which should help us in _. OMY. operational. planning-onsoe AEBOOR returns to his station. EAC’ SB, The dtataff side of the target was not ignored, and Nina T. MARGANDE managed to spend some time in conversation “sss ] [wlth AEBOOR!s. wife during. a- get-together: of-Identity on 21 _ May 1969. As a resuls of this meeting the groundwork has been ___ Badd for a follow-up. by..MAPGANDE; despite the fact that. the : on ie wife was at firet cool and then lutcewarm vo the idea of getting i __. together for a shopping excursion, we-will- do everything po0u- : ° a pn Bible to bring such a meeting about and try have MARGANDE become to a the wife's "confidante', if this is possible. (In order to per- ty 4 miv MARGANDE to pursue this contact in the most natural manner 4 . and to givo her a.chance to meet and assess other FJSTBALer wives, she has also become a member of Identity.) a ee a) : a ce cepeeeee lh penne at a ee mmernan 8 nee BR moae meen “=> Yiti1 his Separture.for home leave AEBOOR was the (primary PISTEAL: targetand will.continue in-this poaltion after 8 return until we oan reach a decision regarding future ac- .,,,ofon. There is one thing that should be kept in mind, however; * and that 4s the fact that oll of the FUSTEALers are reserved in their dealings with members of LNPURE. It seems that it Js pus, = -@hble to get some of the FJSTEALers to accept an invitatina, even to e private home, but to try to develop such a contact into a Continuing social relationship. is a much harder proposition, Leland 0. KROULD's experience with 201-313506 followed this pat= gern, and despite KROULD's efforts to continue ard follow up what seemed to be the beginning of a good relationship, nothing came of the attempty Stephen M. OARSIDE twice tried to utilize a netu- al opportunity ‘to get together with 201-820310, only ‘to be put -off, as he was in an approach to 201-6254855 Paul W. LEVERONE ried on several sooasions to arrange a dinner with 20181899435 nly-to-o@-pub off (arid ‘this despite the fact thac 201-185943 : ingesng extensive social contacts with non-WOLADY typea). 801-025: has expressed an “dnterest in social contact, and “ginoo he te a senior type who should not have to ocheok out and “Rot gonfeyn ue ofesely | sootal activity, we hope thit he will remot confcrin us closely to the pattern. This is not the time = « “ax place..to examina-the: possible reasons for the FISTRALer at=- bébudoy 4t 46 merely mentioned to demonstrate that we are fighting +, 00, Uphill. (aithough inot:@:hopelecs) battle, a battle that we ine “gehd to win by fair means or foul. ; . ======== PAGE 106 ======== 0000 o — _ QSEFRATN TT PSTSPATOR SUMOL AND NUMER CONTINUATION OF | . | . DISPATCH s | pa ocega 5. Whe value of the PCQ (a copy was forwarded with Rererence) in assessment cf target individuals is readily appavent, and it is requested that ten English and Spanish language copies he forwarded to the Station for use in our assessmer.t program. 63a USS PRavigUe EAITION, 2 ======== PAGE 107 ======== 14-00000 ny mye, a. . ie amnaonen: eeeniiet USC Atkacinent to HABA-20695 IDENTITY; Diplomatic Association ae ‘ we _ 20/-2.36707 Sanne T een Nae EES pues ice toned mre oa nna