00:01 hi y'all and welcome to tonight's live 00:04 stream today was a day that pretty much 00:08 everyone has been dreading it was a 00:10 nightmare of a day for everybody from 00:13 the family members most especially to 00:17 the defendant to just everybody who was 00:19 watching we saw the appalling the 00:23 gruesome crime scene photos that showed 00:26 the very heinous crime that was 00:28 committed against Liberty J and Abigail 01:31 Williams I am up here in um I am up here 01:35 in Indiana covering the deli murders 01:38 trial the murders of the murder of two 01:42 young girls a 13-year-old Abigail 01:44 Williams 14-year-old Liberty German 01:47 right 01:48 now seven years after their murders on 01:51 February 13 01:53 2017 Richard Allen is on trial for those 01:56 murders and I am up here covering that 01:60 it is a very controversial case but 01:02 there was nothing controversial about 01:05 what happened today 01:06 universally anybody and everybody would 01:09 condemn what we saw today it was 01:12 appalling now here's what I'm going to 01:14 do I am going to describe for you what I 01:18 saw it made me incredibly angry I am not 01:22 sure that I'm mad at Richard Allen but I 01:25 am for sure mad at somebody and we had 01:29 four Witnesses take the stand all law 02:32 enforcement and they who had gone to and 02:35 processed the crime scene we talked 02:38 about items of clothing that were found 02:40 in the Stream we saw the brutal photos 02:43 of Abby and Libby dead it was a a crime 02:46 for which there really just are not 02:48 words and I'm not going to go graphic 02:51 with it so you don't have to worry about 02:52 that I am going to tell you the basics 02:54 so you can understand uh I will cover 02:58 all of that but first I want to talk 02:00 about part of the unfolding Story one of 02:03 the biggest stories of this entire case 02:06 which is the difficulty getting access 02:09 to this courtroom the difficulty making 02:11 sure that this is a public 02:13 trial now let me I forgot to check let 02:16 me make sure am I getting are people 02:19 able to see me is it looking okay let me 02:23 uh let me look up and see did I get my 02:25 thumbs up oh good good good okay so 02:27 we're good all right 03:30 so um and so I want to do a shout out to 03:34 the first five tonight in the live chat 03:37 Olivia's mum AKA Sue Shannon poon nimic 03:41 Patty Brumfield drew p Gambino and CW 03:44 welcome special shout out to the five of 03:47 you and we have a new member bernardet I 03:49 missed her membership and I'm very sorry 03:51 about that bernardet welcome and we are 03:53 delighted to have you as a member so 03:56 let's get into part of the story The 03:60 access the difficulty getting into the 03:03 trial seeing what is happening as we all 03:05 know it's not being televised that's why 03:08 I drove hundreds of miles and then 03:10 that's why I'm here outside Deli Indiana 03:13 so I can be at the trial every day this 03:16 morning I arrived at the courthouse at 03:18 4:30 a.m. and that was too late I did 03:22 not make it into the courtroom for the 03:24 morning session now don't worry I got 03:27 notes from three different people to 03:29 whom I'm very grateful I'll mention them 04:30 later and I will cover it all and I was 04:33 also there for the entire afternoon when 04:36 they showed the photographs over again 04:38 so I got to see all of that but I do 04:41 want to start with talking about that 04:43 because it is so much a critical part of 04:46 this story the question of whether or 04:49 not there is real transparency around 04:52 this trial or whether this is something 04:54 being tried with a blanket of secrecy 04:56 over it and the public is not being 04:58 granted full access so even though I 04:01 arrived at 4:3 436 it was in the morning 04:05 I was number 28 in line and only 24 are 04:09 admitted somehow one other person 04:11 dropped out so I ended up being number 04:13 27 so at that that was too late for that 04:18 initial session there was talk about how 04:20 there there's room in the bat to easily 04:22 add another row but the judges made a 04:25 decision that she will not be adding 04:27 another row in fact there was another 04:29 row during the hear earings held this 05:30 summer but that has been removed and 05:33 those chairs are I think the ones 05:34 sitting out in the circular Atrium just 05:38 outside the 05:40 courtroom so you are not if you don't 05:43 get in you aren't allowed to be on the 05:45 third floor where the trial is so here's 05:48 what happens you have to go down to the 05:49 first floor and get in line for the 05:52 afternoon session but you aren't allowed 05:53 on the third floor where the trial is 05:55 you can go up at the break but today the 05:58 jury was running a little late so the 05:60 judge didn't take a break so everyone 05:02 came out at lunch they get right back in 05:04 line when the doors open everyone on the 05:07 first floor hits the stairs running to 05:10 the third floor as fast as possible Mad 05:13 Dash to join the line of people to get 05:15 back in so that now access for the 05:18 afternoon will be available and 05:21 everybody waits an hour to see whether 05:23 they will or won't get in just in case 05:26 something goes wrong after that hourlong 05:28 wait in which there is no lunch there's 06:31 nothing to drink no food could be 06:33 brought in there's there's nothing so 06:35 that entire hour you wait again and then 06:39 fortunately I was able to make it in 06:41 that second time to see the afternoon 06:43 session and fortunately also so grateful 06:46 to get notes from some of the people who 06:48 were there we've been sharing back and 06:50 forth I got notes from both uh Lori and 06:53 lesli from hidden True Crime from Andrea 06:55 Burkhart so I'm fully covered on the 06:57 morning but I also got to see everything 06:00 in the afternoon so I can describe it to 06:02 you firsthand because they did go all 06:04 the way back through that again in fact 06:06 there was an objection about that 06:07 probably it was done at sidebar couldn't 06:09 hear it but I think they were saying 06:11 look you've already done this once this 06:13 is cumulative but the judge allowed it 06:15 to come back in through another witness 06:18 so someone tried to instill some order 06:21 to kind of make a list okay here's who 06:22 was in the order and the guard said you 06:24 can't do that the judge wants it this 06:27 way no rules and she won't won't a AG 06:30 ree to rule on anything so it's 07:33 intentional chaos is what I would 07:35 describe it as and it is creating a real 07:39 difficult system where people can't get 07:42 access so when you think about it I mean 07:45 is it even possible to cover this trial 07:48 on an everyday basis because if you 07:50 arrive at say 2 in the morning and you 07:54 get into the trial at 8 the trial goes 07:56 from 9 to 6 usually pretty close to 6 07:60 and then you have to go back you have to 07:02 prepare a live stream you have to go 07:03 live for an hour and after that you're a 07:06 little too wired to sleep so let's say 07:08 you go to sleep at 11:30 then you get up 07:10 at 12:45 so you can be prepared to make 07:13 it to the courthouse by two now is that 07:15 sustainable for a month six days a week 07:18 I'm going to suggest to you probably not 07:20 and so I don't exactly know what the 07:22 solution is here but I'm not giving up 07:25 I'm not quitting yet and I I hope I can 07:28 figure out a way that we can make it 08:30 through because clearly this is a crazy 08:33 system I don't know if it will get 08:35 easier it didn't as of today when you 08:38 can't when you arrive at 4:30 and you're 08:40 already too late wow you know just wow 08:44 so but let's get into what happened 08:46 today at trial because it was the day 08:49 that everybody has been waiting for 08:51 there is that bombshell argument by the 08:54 defense that the crime scene photographs 08:57 prove odinis committed this murder 08:60 odinist set it up as a religious 08:03 sacrifice that they placed sticks in a 08:07 fashion on top of the girls so that it 08:09 was in the form of a rune and they also 08:13 painted in blood a rune on a tree beside 08:16 the body so we finally got to see this 08:19 we finally got to see what it looks like 08:23 so let me just take you through the day 08:24 we started it was as I said for law 08:27 enforcement we started with Darren uh 08:30 Gia Cola he talked about having uh he 09:34 saw he's a detective for Carol County 09:36 and he saw on social media that the 09:38 girls were missing so he and one of the 09:41 things he did early on before they found 09:44 the bodies he tried to go into the girls 09:47 Electronics hoping he might find a 09:49 message or something between the between 09:53 say liby and her friend something like 09:55 that but the electronics were locked he 09:58 said he tried to to figure it out and 09:01 wasn't able to access it that evening so 09:04 they were trying to figure out where 09:06 could Libby and Abby have gone of course 09:09 we now know the bodies were found the 09:11 very next day on the 14th they went 09:13 missing on February 13th 09:17 2017 he also talked about something we 09:19 had not really heard about before a 09:21 disturbance leading from a downward 09:23 angle from the bridge with bare ground 09:26 exposed I may have that um let's see if 09:30 I have that map put in here I think I 10:34 might let us see oh good I think I do 10:39 okay so do you see um in little print 10:43 maybe I have a better one where you can 10:45 see it a little bit bigger I'll try that 10:48 give me just a second I will remove that 10:51 and I will try 10:52 another uh another shot to see whether 10:55 there's something else I could show you 10:56 because I'd really like you to see that 10:58 section really big let's see how we go 10:01 okay see the monan High Bridge there we 10:05 know that the girls were walking across 10:07 the monan High Bridge and by high they 10:11 are not kidding it's 60 feet above the 10:14 water and what that means is that 10:16 there's not it's not a a cliff 60 feet 10:21 and a cliff over here it's a railroad 10:23 Trestle so it had to be relatively flat 10:25 so the train could go across it had to 10:27 be really flat so the train could go 10:29 across it it it's abandoned of course 11:31 many years ago but it starts back before 11:34 the creek and it ends way into the woods 11:37 on the far side so you can't see me way 11:39 into the woods on the far side so that 11:42 it can be a flat area and it's sloped up 11:46 from that area so that monan the monan 11:50 High Bridge the girls were to at the end 11:53 of it and I I'm hopefully you can see my 11:56 arrow I'm not sure but say right about 11:58 where the word clo 11:60 is but move it um move it over to that 11:03 white line say roughly in there 11:05 somewhere is where the Monon High Bridge 11:08 actually ends and the girls were were at 11:12 the end of the bridge when we know that 11:14 Libby filmed the person that law 11:17 enforcement believes is the killer we've 11:20 only been shown four seconds of a longer 11:23 video clip the jury hasn't been shown 11:25 the full clip yet so we will wait to see 11:28 what actually occurs with that but in 12:30 this when the girls come off the monan 12:32 High Bridge U and we hear in that little 12:36 clip someone says I think they say guys 12:40 guys down the hill and it's a very steep 12:44 hill and what we learned from this 12:45 witness was there was a disturbance 12:47 leading from a downward angle from the 12:50 bridge where be ground was exposed as if 12:52 somebody slid and made their way down so 12:55 that's proof that's evidence that Libby 12:58 and Abby actually were there at the end 12:60 of the bridge and tried to go down as 12:02 someone ordered them to go down the hill 12:05 now law enforcement believes the reason 12:07 they were so eager to do that to comply 12:10 is that the person had a gun and that's 12:13 why it was so extra frightening for 12:16 them so the the uh Darren g giaola said 12:20 he got a call from detective liot that 12:23 told him this is now the 14th the day 12:25 the bodies are found saying I because 12:28 nobody found them that night on the 13th 12:30 said go to the cemetery they've been 13:33 found so he drives and 13:36 let's we'll add this back do you see the 13:40 morning height Cemetery at the top there 13:43 that's where more or less the staging 13:45 ground was you can see the bodies are 13:48 located where about where the x is based 13:51 on what I saw today I would say that 13:54 I'll probably end up moving that a 13:56 little bit lower the clothes were 13:58 actually in the cre so I don't think my 13:59 arrow is very good so move that Arrow up 13:02 a little bit and the bodies down a 13:04 little bit and that'll sort of comply 13:06 with what we saw today a little bit more 13:08 crisply so the the detective said go to 13:11 the cemetery right there morning height 13:13 cemetery and they've been found he heard 13:17 that there were clothes in the creek so 13:20 he started walking into the woods and 13:22 it's apparently very steep here from the 13:24 morning height Cemetery going downward 13:27 toward the creek some parts very steep 13:30 some parts there's a ditch Ravine that's 14:31 extremely extremely Steep and so he 14:34 found a way down he he said that uh as 14:38 he was coming down into the area near 14:41 where the bodies were he saw an 14:43 extremely distraught female coming up 14:46 out of the area that is most probably 14:48 Libby's great aunt the sister of Libby's 14:51 grandmother with whom Libby 14:53 lived now the the girls were found with 14:57 Libby unclothed and Abby fully clothed 14:02 and but they were not wearing well they 14:05 Libby wasn't wearing anything but Abby 14:07 was not wearing the clothes she had 14:09 originally had on she had on some of 14:11 Libby's clothes it was they were all 14:13 jumbled up so none of this made a lot of 14:15 sense of course they didn't know that 14:17 yet this comes out more over time there 14:20 was blood on or underneath both 14:22 according to this witness as we saw 14:25 later there was a lot less blood 14:27 underneath Libby that could be an 14:29 important point for the defense they 15:31 believe that the bodies were brought to 15:34 this area and left there they do not 15:36 believe that liby and Abby were actually 15:38 killed right here they think they were 15:41 killed somewhere else and that there's 15:42 not enough blood for the entire crime to 15:44 have happened right there however there 15:46 was a fair amount of blood so there had 15:48 to been some gushing blood right then 15:51 and there so I don't know exactly the 15:53 defense argument but with it definitely 15:55 seemed to me something happened there 15:56 based on the blood around the bodies so 15:59 aby's clothing was wet and that would 15:04 indicate part of what law enforcement's 15:06 theory is which is as you as the ax 15:10 there for the close next to and in the 15:13 creek they were really in the creek the 15:15 girls were forced they believe across 15:17 the creek they were at the South Side 15:20 about where the monan High Bridge is 15:22 below the creek and they were forced 15:24 across it up into the area and now I can 15:27 probably add this back so you can see 15:29 where the clothing is again I'd moved 16:31 that bodies thing a little bit lower 16:33 based on what I heard today and so they 16:36 were forced across the creek up toward 16:38 where the bodies 16:40 were the they were located they had 16:44 large lacerations to the neck where they 16:46 had been cut and that's how they were 16:48 murdered they were 30 to 40 yards south 16:52 of that Cemetery I showed you in the map 16:54 and you can see the creek from where 16:56 they were there were differing estimates 16:58 was it the 15 people was it sorry 10 to 16:02 15 10 to 15 feet or 20 feet from the 16:04 creek but something along that order now 16:08 there was there were a lot of questions 16:09 for each and every witness about were 16:12 you carrying a gun and if so what was 16:14 the gun the reason for that is an 16:17 unspent bullet casing was found at the 16:19 scene between the bodies of Libby and 16:22 Abby we knew that much and we know that 16:24 law enforcement believes it it's traced 16:27 that exact bullet casing unspent bullet 17:30 casing back to a it had been cycled 17:34 through a gun owned by Richard Allen 17:37 that they found in his home the defense 17:39 argues that's junk science you can't 17:42 match a an unspent bullet casing to a 17:46 machine made gun that doesn't even make 17:48 sense and also the law enforcement 17:51 believes that the that it doesn't law 17:54 enforcement ah defense believes that it 17:57 also doesn't match that the 17:60 whatever incidental things were slightly 17:02 different about the gun it doesn't match 17:05 what you see with the bullet casing so 17:08 we did learn though for everybody who 17:10 came today and who was present at the 17:13 scene none of them was carrying a 40 17:18 caliber gun at all so the point being 17:22 none of them could possibly have dropped 17:25 that unspent bullet casing at the scene 17:30 so there were they did find in the creek 18:32 this witness told us a multicolored 18:34 shirt a sorry Libby had been wearing a 18:37 tie-dyed shirt and a tennis shoe stuck 18:40 in a root inside the 18:43 creek the from a distance he was able to 18:47 see a whitish color that stood out and 18:52 that there were he talked about the 18:55 bruum um the large lacerations to the 18:58 throat is how I'll put it and there 18:60 was like and I'm since I have notes from 18:03 three people I'm trying to consolidate 18:05 them I felt like I'd done it all but 18:06 there may be a little bit left to do 18:08 they also talked about how incredibly 18:10 steep it is and I talked to some people 18:12 today who actually have been there and 18:14 they had to use all four um limbs in 18:18 order to climb up to get to where the 18:20 girls are where it's a little flattish 18:22 and the bodies were there on a flatter 18:25 area but to reach that is extremely 18:28 steep one the arguments the defense make 19:31 makes is how is that possible I mean how 19:33 does one five foot five guy Corral two 19:37 girls get them to climb up the hill 19:40 while he's climbing up behind them and 19:41 obviously can't be aiming his gun at the 19:43 exact same time and get them to do all 19:47 of these things unclo themselves change 19:49 clothes whatever all without screaming 19:52 at all because there are people around 19:54 who could have heard and they didn't and 19:56 then murder them again without them 19:59 having said anything and without them 19:01 screaming or letting out anything that 19:04 would notify people around them it's a 19:07 mystery and not yet fully explained but 19:10 they he did talk about the fact that it 19:12 was really steep that you had to you 19:14 needed your hands to descend he was 19:16 talking about coming down from the 19:18 cemetery to where they 19:22 were he um he did say too he had heard 19:26 about the cloth in the creek so he went 19:28 toward the Creek he ended up actually 20:30 passing the bodies he apparently went 20:33 pretty near them but didn't notice them 20:35 at that point went on down to the creek 20:37 then they said no go back up he turned 20:39 around and that's when he saw the 20:41 whitish shapes that he had 20:43 seen the one of the things he talked 20:46 about doing was calling other people 20:49 that was a really important point 20:51 because of the fact that there's been a 20:54 question about Libby's cell phone 20:56 Libby's cell phone went off about 5:00 20:59 didn't receive any messages then 20:01 suddenly at 4:33 turned on again and 15 20:05 messages downloaded the defense says 20:08 that's not possible unless somebody is 20:10 manually turning it on at 4:33 so the 20:14 jury has been interested in in what cell 20:18 phone service did people have now this 20:20 witness said he didn't recall whether he 20:22 had his personal or his work phone but 20:25 his personal phone used AT&T we don't 20:29 yet know I don't think anyway what Libby 21:31 used either if the jury asked a question 21:34 earlier that told us they were thinking 21:36 all right if if the her phone didn't 21:41 work and other people's phones worked 21:44 then maybe that would tell us something 21:45 if maybe maybe this is just a place for 21:48 bad sale reception for Verizon or AT&T 21:52 so we will have to wait and see exactly 21:55 what comes out from this in terms of how 21:57 many witnesses and what exactly I's 21:59 phone used but it was a really percepted 21:01 question earlier by the 21:04 jury and the jury had a question after 21:07 this witness as well wanted to to know 21:11 and oh let me go back to one point I 21:13 said that he had passed the two bodies 21:15 didn't even really notice them now that 21:17 is an important point the defense has 21:20 been trying to suggest that the bodies 21:23 would have been visible to people who 21:25 were out searching for them the night 21:27 before that people across the stream or 22:30 searching near them would have spotted 22:32 the girls if only they had actually been 22:34 there the fact that no one saw them the 22:37 defense says means they weren't even 22:39 present there and so they would like to 22:41 say that they were visible the fact that 22:44 he walked past them was an argument 22:46 against 22:48 that all right so let's see if I 22:51 finished I think I now finished that 22:53 witness and we move on to oh the jury's 22:55 question I wanted to tell you they 22:57 wanted to know what electron was it that 22:59 you were viewing on the 13th and the 22:02 answer they said was a tablet iPad 22:05 tablet of some sort but it was lot so it 22:07 didn't really matter they didn't 22:09 actually view it they had it in their 22:10 possession but they didn't view it the 22:13 next witness was Jason Page and he also 22:17 another law enforcement he was talked 22:20 about pulling out mapping roping off a 22:25 crime scene taping off there's probably 22:27 my word the size of of a football field 22:29 he said they wanted to go really big and 23:31 they could always make it smaller but 23:33 they wanted to go big to start with and 23:35 there was a talked about them even 23:38 having a dive team right there in Deer 23:40 Creek looking for evidence or anything 23:42 they could find Ground Zero where the 23:46 girls bodies were they roped off an area 23:50 30 to 40 feet in diameter so they would 23:54 get all the area around them and they 23:56 spent a substantial amount of time 23:58 searching for that now I have a ton of 23:01 people to thank so let me thank Melissa 23:03 Hicks d uh Danielle Ortega and Mufasa's 23:07 IL illegitimate son they're both new 23:09 members welcome we are so glad and thank 23:12 you Melissa and Dana W thank you for the 23:15 super sticker M Meyer intentional chaos 23:18 inde indeed uh indeed thank you and I'll 23:22 get to everybody else in just a minute 23:25 all right so Abby as I had mentioned was 23:27 clothed here's what Abby was wearing she 24:30 was wearing shoes jeans a black 24:34 sweatshirt and a red you could call it 24:36 pink shirt underneath it not quite a 24:39 camisol just a tank top maybe underneath 24:42 her other clothes there there was a 24:45 large blood stain the whole area 24:48 according to this witness was saturated 24:50 with blood there was a lot of blood he 24:52 believed in this area Libby had her eyes 24:55 and mouth open and there was blood on 24:57 the side of her face andet there was 24:00 also blood coming down into this area 24:03 right here and there was a lot of 24:06 question about how some of how it flowed 24:10 because it seemed as if maybe it had 24:11 gone upward there had been some talk 24:14 about whether um the girls had been 24:17 upside down at some point there was a 24:19 lot of question about where the where 24:21 exactly the blood moved we are going to 24:24 hear from blood spatter experts who will 24:26 talk about that there was a place where 24:28 blood was on Libby's leg and it seemed 25:30 to flow up and across her leg in a way 25:33 that physically would not have made 25:35 possible both girls were on their backs 25:38 Libby um just lying there flat on her 25:42 back and then the the difference for 25:46 Abby was her arms were curled upward and 25:49 inside her shirt sleeves like that so 25:52 they were curled upward toward her and 25:53 then one leg was bent under the other so 25:57 kind of like that 25:59 and that's what she looked like at the 25:02 scene both of them were just a ghastly 25:05 pale it was really horrifying I mean I I 25:09 can't even describe to you how bad it 25:12 was and that's why I'm not going to 25:14 describe it to you I'm just going to 25:15 give you the part that you need and that 25:18 you need to know in order to understand 25:20 what happened and to make some 25:22 intelligent thoughtful um conclusions 25:25 about what happened but I'm not going to 25:27 go into any specific detail ja there are 25:29 Parts you have to know and that's what 26:31 we'll talk 26:32 about there were branches on top of them 26:35 and I will say because everybody's going 26:37 to be wondering uh what were the 26:40 branches like did they look like runes I 26:43 can't say runes um but I did think they 26:46 looked like they were laid in the exact 26:49 same way on top of Libby and on top of 26:52 Abby and they one of girl however had 26:55 three on her and the other girl two so I 26:58 think it was Abby who had three and 26:00 Libby who had two and so it did look it 26:03 was sort of like a cross but it wasn't 26:06 exactly like a cross it's difficult to 26:08 describe and I tried really hard to do 26:10 some drawings for you but as you saw my 26:13 my drawing of the courtroom scene 26:15 yesterday that is not GNA work so I did 26:18 the best I could um but I I think it's 26:21 better to just sort of describe it let's 26:23 see if I have anything anything I can 26:25 show you I don't I really don't think I 26:26 do I don't think I have anything that 26:29 can show you it was just really 27:30 difficult the two girls were were facing 27:35 their they they were they were near each 27:37 other they were not there had been talk 27:39 about how one was on top of the other 27:41 well that was just incorrect that one 27:43 was not on top of the other they were 27:45 both lying separately and both lying on 27:48 their backs but as far as the as they 27:51 were pointed with their feet kind of 27:54 toward each other so out in a V more or 27:57 less with their feet together the bullet 27:60 was found right between their feet right 27:03 around that area they spent a lot of 27:05 time showing us that we'll get to that 27:07 in just a 27:08 minute so um During the period when 27:12 those crime scene photos were being 27:15 shown the attorney Baldwin put his arm 27:18 around Richard Allen and was talking to 27:20 him whispering to him as the pictures 27:23 were shown the one of the points of that 27:26 would be for Baldwin to make the 27:28 statement that this is upsetting for 27:30 Richard Allen too because they content 28:32 he didn't have anything to do with this 28:34 so for him to see this is as upsetting 28:36 as it is for anyone else to 28:39 see the um let's see all right I'm gonna 28:44 skip that we will move next 28:48 to all right we're still on Jason Page 28:51 and to give you a little background on 28:52 him because my outs are a little out of 28:54 order here uh he was um for 24 years 28:57 with the Indiana State police he was a 28:59 crime scene investigator for 16 and has 28:02 processed 1,000 crime scenes I think he 28:05 said about a 100 of those were 28:07 murder he talked we one of the issues 28:11 was the flow of the from the throat to 28:13 the top of the head and the question of 28:16 whether or not could Libby have been 28:17 upside down there was a lot of confusion 28:19 around that both of her hands were 28:23 bloody very bloody her face was turned 28:27 to the side looking sort of toward one 28:30 of the branches I guess but that's how 29:32 it was her arms were out 29:35 straight uh her right thigh had blood 29:38 across the 29:39 leg and the tree blood was actually not 29:43 facing the girls but away from the 29:46 girls the the witness on 29:49 cross-examination and this was by Rosie 29:52 we've heard from Baldwin a lot but this 29:54 is um really the first time I think 29:55 Rosie has done a witness here in this 29:57 trial and said he did not know Rosie 29:02 asked him you don't know when she died 29:04 between 213 the the day that the girls 29:07 disappeared in 2114 the days the bodies 29:09 were found you don't really know exactly 29:11 when in that period of time these girls 29:14 died and he said he did not have an 29:16 opinion about that there and he hit back 29:20 on a theme the defense has been 29:22 developing that there could be scavenger 29:24 animals in the area raccoons buzzards 29:28 and he said did you look at that that 30:30 could tell you about the crime scene 30:32 right about maybe the timing of it and 30:34 the witness just said not necessarily he 30:37 said well you could use in insects right 30:39 and he said well we might on occasion 30:42 but not in this particular case the the 30:44 Witnesses were definitely not giving the 30:47 defense any answers that the defense 30:49 wanted they were primed to not give them 30:52 the answers so that was throughout the 30:55 day he was then Rosie asked a question I 30:59 thought was a little bold he said have 30:01 you heard what happened at the at the 30:03 crime scene was leaked to the public 30:05 early on he said no and then Rosie said 30:08 well in 2017 are you familiar with 30:11 photos being leaked or information about 30:13 the crime scene and he said no the 30:15 reason that was a little bold is because 30:17 of course the defense has been accused 30:19 of leaking photographs of the crime 30:21 scene and it wasn't the defense but the 30:24 photos were laid out on a conference 30:27 room table in one the attorney's offices 30:30 a friend former employee came in took 31:32 photos of those and then distributed 31:35 those to some podcasters at that point 31:37 no one published them and in fact one of 31:40 the podcasters notified law enforcement 31:43 that they had received this and they 31:44 felt like they probably shouldn't have 31:46 received that at that point then the 31:48 judge fired the lawyers she got really 31:51 angry Supreme Court reinstated them 31:54 that's a whole can of worms but what 31:56 happened at the at the crime was leaked 31:59 twice then and so I thought I thought it 31:02 was a little risky for him to ask that 31:03 because the witness might have said are 31:05 you sure you don't mean the time that 31:06 you leak the photos and it would have 31:08 been really a bad situation but the 31:10 witness didn't say 31:12 that he also Rosie talked about the fact 31:16 that there is not a lot of evidence 31:18 connecting Richard Allen to this crime 31:20 scene DNA he said that's something you 31:23 take extra precautions with right he 31:25 said are you aware of any DNA evidence 31:28 and the witness had to say no I'm not 32:30 and there was this I think I wrote this 32:32 down pretty close to a quote there was 32:35 no trace evidence material to this case 32:39 uh no trace evidence material to this 32:41 case was recovered so they didn't get 32:44 fingerprints they didn't get DNA and or 32:48 some blood of Richard Allen that was 32:50 left which would be DNA or or anything 32:53 else that connected him he didn't drop 32:54 his wallet his keys weren't there there 32:56 was nothing physically to connect him to 32:60 this crime scene they and the witness 32:02 admitted no we don't have anything like 32:05 that they did not try to recover trace 32:09 evidence from those sticks that were 32:11 across the girls the defense cites this 32:14 is a missed opportunity that If Only 32:17 They had made more of an effort they 32:18 could have gotten this they and they 32:21 said we did examine them but we he the 32:24 witness later talked about the fact that 32:26 they just didn't even collect them I'll 32:29 get to that in just a minute aby's 33:31 clothing was damp suggesting that that 33:34 supports the theory that the girls were 33:37 moved across the creek and you're going 33:39 to see several things throughout this 33:41 that will support that the witness said 33:43 he looked up the weather report for what 33:45 was the weather like on February 13 2017 33:49 and in fact he said he just looked it up 33:50 a couple of days ago and the high that 33:53 day we'd heard it was unseasonably warm 33:55 the high was 70 de the low though was 30 33:58 4 so the girls if they were killed that 33:01 afternoon were out all night in the cold 33:04 he also talked about shoe Impressions 33:07 that were photographed around the scene 33:09 and also on the south side of the creek 33:11 and the defense says this is also 33:13 another missed opportunity and it's 33:16 another way to show that Richard Allen's 33:18 not the 33:20 guy they they talked about the fact that 33:23 those photo those Footprints didn't 33:26 include a small man footprint the only 33:29 thing they found was a partial 34:31 impression down moving down from the 34:34 monan High Bridge toward the creek and 34:36 they thought that was probably Libby's 34:38 shoe so there was there was no man's 34:41 shoe small man's shoe mixed in with that 34:44 that meant they couldn't connect Richard 34:46 Allen to being with the two girls as he 34:48 took them down the side of the Hill 34:50 which is the prosecution 34:52 Theory the um he talked about the hair 34:56 that was in aby's hands and 34:59 how long it would have take would take 34:01 to process it they are waiting eagerly 34:04 for that hair to come back for some 34:06 reason which is just not really 34:09 understandable the prosecution waited 34:11 seven years to test a hair that was in 34:13 Libby's hand that had a follicle on it 34:15 and therefore had DNA it appears that it 34:19 is female DNA and that it matches one of 34:22 Libby's relatives so it doesn't sound 34:24 like it's going to be a bombshell it's 34:26 not some man's hair that that she 34:28 grasped as he was attacking her it's not 35:30 like that it appears it's just going to 35:33 be she was trying on her sister's shirt 35:34 and she got a hair on it now could there 35:37 in theory be some connection between one 35:39 of Libby's family members and the murder 35:41 I guess possibly I think that is a 35:44 really really really hard sell to so I 35:48 think that it would be difficult to for 35:50 that to really end up benefiting the the 35:52 defense but they did nonetheless talk 35:54 about 35:55 it all right let me thank aoup couple 35:58 more people because we have tons of 35:60 people I need to thank Striker Anderson 35:02 is a new member awesome hope Evans thank 35:06 you for your super 35:07 sticker and n t is thanking me for the 35:10 coverage it is not an easy trial to 35:12 cover that is all I will have to say 35:14 about it thank you uh thank you very 35:16 much Nel T and 35:18 Nemesis you trust I won't give up I hope 35:21 not but that I can only go one to two 35:23 hours of sleep a night for so long we 35:25 will have to see if I can figure out a 35:27 way around and if you have suggestions 35:30 put them in the chat because I think 36:32 what is going on right now isn't 36:34 sustainable there has to be another way 36:37 of accessing it and getting the 36:39 information that we very much need out 36:41 of this trial it is so critically 36:44 important and a constitutional right 36:46 that every defendant have a public trial 36:48 and that is not something that we do 36:51 just it's not just words we put in the 36:53 Constitution part of the reason we do 36:55 that is because we really do believe 36:57 that if there's not oversight by the 36:60 public into the trial then there may be 36:03 injustice people may be convicted 36:05 wrongly they may be charged wrongly and 36:07 they may be sent to jail when someone 36:09 else committed a crime so we are 36:11 specifically wanting to know if Richard 36:14 Allen actually committed this crime 36:16 that's ultimately the question in a case 36:19 and public oversight is what makes it 36:21 really clear that the trial is fair that 36:24 he's receiving every possible 36:26 opportunity and may I say by the way the 36:28 jury is so engaged they are doing such 37:32 an amazing job they are writing notes 37:34 they are leaning forward they are 37:36 hanging on every word it's really 37:40 impressive all right uh uh clever 37:43 nickname is a new member that's 37:44 fantastic Nemesis super sticker thank 37:48 you very much I appreciate that and TLA 37:50 is a new member I'm gonna um thank you 37:54 TLA 1616 Terry and uh Tom 23 I'm going 37:58 to stop right there uh super sticker 37:60 thank you so much all right we are now 37:03 going to get into the bullet casing huge 37:07 issue today during the testimony and the 37:09 bullet casing as I mentioned was found 37:12 between the bodies of the two girls 37:14 right at their feet so the girls are 37:16 lying like this and the bullet casing is 37:19 right there between the 37:20 feet so they were they there was a stick 37:26 that was over the bullet just kind I 37:28 don't think it was literally over the 37:30 bullet because it was coming off the 38:31 girls bodies the projectile was facing 38:35 downward it was really amazing that they 38:38 found it and I I'll tell you the story 38:40 when we get to the next 38:42 witness they there are no photographs of 38:45 it being lifted out of the ground and 38:48 there are no photographs or videos video 38:51 of it sitting on a countertop in the lab 38:55 before it's being tested the defensive 38:58 has made a great deal of about that I do 38:02 think it backfired I think it ended up 38:04 creating a problem for the defense with 38:06 the jury but he would th this particular 38:09 witness said well I wouldn't I wouldn't 38:11 normally take photos or video of that 38:14 being taken out of the ground I wouldn't 38:16 really be focused on that and it's not 38:19 necessary to place it on a table and 38:21 photograph it I wouldn't do it the 38:23 defense had a good point which is what 38:25 if this particular bullet that you pull 38:28 out of the ground had a dent or a paint 39:30 mark because that might make it very 39:33 identifiable and the fact that you 39:35 didn't document what it looked like that 39:38 creates a problem for us so defense we 39:41 you say it completely matches Richard 39:44 Allen's but you didn't show us pictures 39:46 of exactly what you took out of the 39:48 ground so how do we know it wasn't 39:49 changed or altered somewhere between the 39:52 time you pulled it out and the time you 39:54 tested 39:56 it he was never asked to inspect lots of 39:60 things around the area the defense said 39:02 well you weren't asked to inspect around 39:05 let's see if we 39:06 can pull this up see the mir's farm up 39:10 there and there are fields around it 39:12 they said you weren't asked to inspect 39:14 around the mir's farmhouse in the 39:16 cornfields you weren't asked to inspect 39:18 behind the mir's farm you weren't asked 39:20 to inspect over by the freedom Bridge 39:23 you you didn't search around the Hooser 39:25 Harvest store which is really between 39:27 the bridge and the mir's entrance up 39:29 there closer to the mir's farm he they 40:33 said you didn't look at any of that and 40:36 so that 40:37 was the point being that this search 40:40 wasn't really complete that law 40:42 enforcement didn't do a good enough job 40:45 looking for the evidence it would have 40:49 they believe shown Richard Allen 40:50 couldn't be the Killer and help law 40:52 enforcement finger the right 40:55 person so they went into a list of who 40:58 was at the crime scene that was one of 40:01 the one of the huge issues by the 40:02 defenses maybe someone else dropped this 40:05 40 caliber casing right there between 40:08 the girls after all there were law 40:10 enforcement people in and out but the 40:12 the prosecution has person by person 40:15 eliminated that defense each and every 40:18 person they say were you there what gun 40:20 did you have what what if you had one at 40:23 all and if you did have it what kind of 40:26 bullet casing would you have had or what 40:27 kind of bullet did you use and without 41:31 exception they've all so far said that 41:34 they've limited the number of people who 41:36 were there and so far each one of them 41:39 has said I did not have a 40 caliber gun 41:41 some of them said I didn't have a gun at 41:43 all and they've talked about how careful 41:45 they were keeping people out of that 41:48 area now another suggestion that a rumor 41:52 had been that maybe that bullet was 41:54 planted and it wasn't found until some 41:56 days after after the murder that was 41:59 definitely dispelled by the fact that 41:01 there were actually pictures of the 41:03 bullet with the body still present at 41:05 the scene so we'll get to that in just a 41:08 minute all right let's see anything else 41:11 about that a the the witness was asked 41:14 well would it be helpful uh to show the 41:17 round being plucked out of the ground uh 41:19 and that it's the same as the one you 41:22 actually tested that you say is Richard 41:24 Allen and the witness said well okay 41:26 yeah it could be so they got that far 41:28 with 41:30 it the next witness was um Dwayne I got 42:34 his correct last name uh datzman Dwayne 42:38 datzman with the with he is now with 42:42 courtroom security but retired from the 42:44 Indiana State Police years with the 42:46 Indiana State Police he was a sergeant 42:48 in the lab for 20 years he went to this 42:51 scene and did scene photos and aerial 42:54 photos he said he had no firearm with 42:57 him yet another person eliminated he 42:59 talked about Ground Zero and the which 42:03 was within several feet he called it 42:06 around the 42:07 bodies he arrived at that at 1:21 p.m. 42:11 and left at 10:30 p.m so a long period 42:15 of time processing 42:17 this Abby was we we saw this is uh when 42:21 I began to see the photographs for 42:23 myself Abby um having her mouth open 42:26 blood from her neck on to the side of 42:28 her 42:29 face Libby uh had some blood on her heel 43:32 so as if she had maybe stepped in some 43:36 blood and here we finally got a 43:39 description of how that bullet was 43:43 located and really it was quite a story 43:46 because they were using a blue light 43:48 around the bodies to find blood this 43:51 blue light would illum illuminate areas 43:54 where they would see blood and they 43:56 would know okay 's an area there's an 43:58 area that's what they were looking for 43:00 well this particular witness didn't wear 43:04 the goggles that you normally wear so 43:07 that you can see it I forgotten why he 43:08 said there was some reason that he 43:10 wasn't wearing those orange goggles like 43:12 they bothered him I can't remember what 43:13 he said but he kept as they were shining 43:16 it around since he wasn't wearing the 43:18 goggles he kept seeing a glitter 43:21 something glitter right there in the 43:22 leaves he saw it but saw it again wait a 43:25 minute and so he brushed the leaves away 43:28 and found this 40 caliber cartridge now 44:32 could it have been there for a long time 44:35 yeah sure could have been could have 44:37 been there is hunting he talked about in 44:39 the area there are deer in the area so 44:43 possibly there could have been one there 44:45 all along but it was quite a coincidence 44:47 for it to be right there between the 44:49 girl's 44:52 feet he talked about the head of the 44:55 unfired cartridge being faced down and 44:58 what he could see and what was shown on 44:01 the photograph was the base of the 44:03 bullet casing so that ultimately was 44:05 pulled out there were no other 44:07 cartridges located anywhere in that 44:10 crime scene that was the only one but of 44:12 course it was kind of amazing that they 44:14 even found that one because it was 44:16 covered with leaves that had to be 44:17 brushed off and if they hadn't done that 44:19 light probably no one would have seen it 44:21 that's what made the 44:23 glint he talked about the sticks on the 44:25 body and they discussed what are we to 44:27 do with these sticks and ultimately they 44:30 decided we're just going to leave them 45:31 there and they saw they didn't see any 45:33 blood on them he said they were rough 45:35 and crumbly some of them had Lykan on it 45:37 they decided they had no evidentiary 45:40 value and so they didn't collect them or 45:42 take them into the lab for examination 45:45 now the defense made some good hay with 45:47 that about the fact that obviously those 45:51 should have been pretty important to the 45:53 scene they were actually touching the 45:55 girls and the defense wanted to know 45:57 well couldn't somebody touch DNA beyond 45:60 that for example someone put those 45:01 sticks on the girls oh another thing I 45:04 wanted to mention to you when I heard 45:06 about these sticks arranged on the girls 45:09 in my head I thought maybe somebody was 45:11 trying to camouflage them trying to hide 45:14 them and I pictured branches leafy green 45:18 branches or maybe evergreen trees that 45:20 were being put on the girls it wasn't 45:23 like that it was literally sticks so it 45:25 didn't really do a good job 45:28 at hiding a body if that's what it was 45:30 aiming for it was just really 46:32 ineffective that just is not how it 46:35 worked so in fact um he said that there 46:39 were two different things I wrote down 46:41 so I cannot tell you exactly which one 46:43 is right usually I try to clarify these 46:45 with other people but I didn't realize 46:46 till I went back through my notes that I 46:48 had two different things one was that 46:50 two to three days later he went back to 46:53 collect those sticks and the other was 46:56 that on March 3D he went back to collect 46:59 those sticks either way it was after the 46:01 crime scene had been processed and the 46:03 entire processing had ended that he went 46:06 back to get them now the defense tried 46:08 to get him to admit that he went back 46:10 because somebody said what do you mean 46:11 you didn't bring the sticks in go get 46:13 those sticks bring them in we're gonna 46:15 test them but he at that point he denied 46:18 that he didn't really answer why he he 46:21 just went back it wasn't really clear 46:23 but I think probably most people figured 46:25 yeah somebody said you need to go back 46:27 back and get those at least some 46:29 somebody started talking about it and he 47:30 thought to himself I need to go back in 47:32 any event somebody concluded it he also 47:36 talked about the disturbance in the soil 47:39 down to that drive right below the 47:41 bridge and how he tried to find shoe 47:43 Impressions found only that partial 47:46 one The Searchers had climbed through 47:48 the dirt looking for the girls so he 47:50 just figured we don't really know who's 47:52 who's what here he did not find shoe 47:54 impressions of what he called 47:56 evidentiary value you now the 47:59 cross-examination talked about whether 47:02 or not the crime scene should be 47:04 photographically documented and he 47:06 really wanted them to have photographed 47:07 the bullet being taken out of the ground 47:09 and I think that backfired in just a 47:12 minute I'll explain to you why he talked 47:15 about the fact that maybe the tip could 47:16 be this kind of tip or another type of 47:19 tip if you don't show us a picture of it 47:21 how do we know which type of tip this 47:24 particular room was he did not actually 47:26 notice that clothes were damp the 47:29 defense trying to make the point well 47:30 you weren't that 48:31 observant he did not see shoe prints of 48:34 any evidentiary value but there were 48:36 some that looked similar to the victim's 48:38 shoes which seems like of evidentiary 48:41 value did you see a small adult male 48:44 print next to the victim shoe print no 48:48 and he refused to agree that this was an 48:50 odd crime scene which I thought was a 48:53 little bit it I told you that the 48:55 Witnesses were really oppos oppositional 48:58 with the defense and there were some of 48:60 these things that they just should have 48:01 agreed with I mean by any standard this 48:04 is an odd crime scene two young girls 48:07 found dead right next to each other in 48:09 the middle of a park with sticks on top 48:11 of them that's just odd there's no way 48:14 around it there was a question then from 48:16 Baldwin or whoever was asking this I 48:20 think it was Baldwin um have you ever 48:21 seen sticks arranged in a pattern on a 48:24 body like this before and 48:27 there was an objection by the 48:29 prosecution to the word arranged and 49:31 that was sustained by the judge now what 49:33 that was about is the judge has told the 49:36 defense they can't bring in their theory 49:39 that odinis committed this murder and 49:41 that these sticks were arranged in runed 49:44 forms that is uh very controversial that 49:48 ruling uh many and I would be included 49:50 in this think that the defense should 49:52 have been allowed to bring in at least 49:54 some of those third-party culprits and 49:56 some of the evidence related to those 49:58 third parties and that it makes it very 49:01 risky on appeal because all of that was 49:04 eliminated and he does have the right to 49:06 present anything he connects up to the 49:09 crime all right they asked about um 49:14 whether he was whether it would have 49:16 been wise to maybe get some blood 49:18 spatter from that tree that had what the 49:22 defense says is an f on it and what the 49:25 prosecution apparently believes is 49:27 handprints from Libby and they said no 49:30 the photos documented it well enough the 50:32 witness did said are you aware of sticks 50:34 or other items left behind that did have 50:37 blood and he said maybe smaller ones and 50:41 the defense point was well that's pretty 50:44 important that's like really 50:46 important and also he this was a a good 50:50 cqu by the defense attorney they said 50:54 may it was he said he didn't let the 50:57 sticks remember he said they were of no 50:59 evidentiary value for the most part they 50:01 were crumbly and then Baldwin and it was 50:03 Baldwin said it it was if it was rough 50:06 couldn't there be skin cells on it and 50:08 he said well maybe wasn't it a mistake 50:10 not to get that and the witness said 50:12 well I don't think so well somebody 50:14 placed that on those girls right maybe 50:17 there were skin cells on there and and 50:20 the witness said something like unless 50:21 he was wearing gloves or maybe wwin did 50:24 and he said the witness said 50:28 I think it was the witness said that 50:29 Baldwin saidwell was he wearing gloves 51:31 and the witness Saidi have no idea and 51:33 Baldwin said yeah that's exactly right 51:36 because that was his point is you don't 51:37 know whether he was wearing gloves so 51:39 why don't you collect it and maybe 51:41 you'll get lucky and you'll get some 51:42 touch 51:44 DNA and at some point they did test it 51:47 but it was some period of time later 51:49 well I guess I don't know yet that they 51:51 tested it I know they collected 51:53 it all right let's see what else never 51:56 and he also o was not asked to look at 51:58 those areas around the mir's farm or 51:00 around the Hooser Harvest store anything 51:02 like 51:03 that what was the temperature of the 51:06 girls when they were found that was 51:08 another question important one and he 51:10 said he didn't know they didn't test 51:12 should you have tested he asked he said 51:14 well they didn't want to insert anything 51:16 due to the potential that there had been 51:19 SV he said well couldn't you put a 51:21 thermometer under the armpit and they 51:24 had not done that so A couple of these 51:27 things um and he went into how do you 52:31 calculate the decline in body 52:33 temperature and the witness really 52:34 didn't seem to know the answers around 52:36 this issue and it's so important because 52:38 the temperature of the girls bodies 52:40 might give a clue to when they were 52:42 murdered and could prove whether the 52:44 defense is right that the bodies were 52:46 left there sometime between 2 and 4 in 52:49 the morning or whether the prosecution 52:51 is right that they have been dead since 52:53 the earlier 52:55 afternoon so did anyone measured the air 52:58 temperature he said it was 41° on the 52:00 14th which was a little different from 52:02 what we had heard from the other guy 52:04 although he was talking about the 13th 52:06 so maybe the 70 degrees had gone away by 52:09 the 14th talked about some items that 52:12 were not collected such as another bra a 52:16 sock a shirt on a bench a Jimmy John's 52:20 cup with a straw an energy drink and a 52:23 couple of cigarette boot butts fresh at 52:25 the entrance to the bridge 52:27 and uh some of these were collect I 53:30 don't know if any of them were collected 53:32 he went through I understood this to be 53:34 a list of things that were not 53:38 collected the prosecution then pointed 53:41 out that core temperature is the 53:44 temperature at the center of the body so 53:45 you can't measure that by putting a 53:48 thermometer under an armpit that's not 53:50 going to give you the core temperature 53:52 although I don't know it might be pretty 53:53 close they'll have to ask probably 53:56 either the some kind of expert related 53:59 to that but at this point the argument 53:02 that they couldn't take the temperature 53:03 because of worry about whether there was 53:05 SV that's sort of the where this entire 53:09 issue 53:10 ended the the cross-examination ended 53:13 with this question if you had it to do 53:15 all over again would you have taken a 53:18 photo of the end of the bullet to show 53:20 the 53:21 jury so this it's the same as the one 53:25 that you tested against Richard Allen's 53:27 Gun he said I imagine I would have but 54:31 then but then and this is where things 54:34 headed south for the defense the the 54:37 jury asked a question and they have 54:39 asked fantastic questions really 54:42 perceptive and showing great involvement 54:45 and here it was would there be any 54:47 reason that the bullet submitted to 54:49 evidence would be a different bullet 54:52 which gave the witness the opportunity 54:54 to say no it it would be the same it 54:58 would be exactly the same that's I put 54:00 it and the next question is there a 54:03 process to ensure jury is seeing 54:05 evidence that is not 54:08 tampered and that gave the witness the 54:10 opportunity to say we have policies and 54:12 rules and chain of custody and I I 54:15 signed this in to an Evidence Clerk and 54:17 we're really careful with all of this 54:19 there's a chain of custody we don't just 54:21 willy-nilly you know throw things in a 54:24 bin and then they figure out what case 54:25 they're going to assign it to were very 54:27 cautious and careful with him Baldwin 54:30 did not have any questions after this 55:32 and it really I thought made an impact 55:35 because the jury was saying look is this 55:37 a real concern or is this just a 55:39 question that's kind of made up by the 55:41 defense and I think the answer came back 55:43 pretty soundly that it's not a real 55:46 question these are these are kept in a 55:49 careful chain of command it also 55:52 prompted a real change in the way the 55:54 prosecution handled the rest of what 55:57 they were doing throughout the rest of 55:59 the day they were extremely careful with 55:02 everything they said about chain of 55:05 custody they went into phenomenal detail 55:07 and then you put it in what kind of 55:09 container and what was it made of and 55:11 why did you use the paper container 55:13 instead of plastic and they went in 55:14 detail and who did you take it to and 55:16 who took it you took it personally okay 55:18 and you took it to okay you took it to 55:20 the evidence guy and how what did you do 55:22 I signed it in and what what did that 55:24 person do well they accepted it and then 55:26 it was number numbered and they went 55:28 into a lot of detail to reassure the 56:30 jury with an issue that they were 56:32 obviously worried about an issue about 56:34 are we getting legitimate evidence 56:37 that's actually in processed that comes 56:39 from the scene and that there's no 56:41 problem or issue 56:43 with so I thought that that it it led to 56:46 sort of a change in the tenor in in that 56:49 area the Final witness for the day was 56:51 Brian Oley who was employed by the 56:54 Indiana State Police until 2021 when he 56:57 retired he was a crime scene 56:58 investigator for seven years he um and 56:02 let me before I forget let me thank uh 56:04 some more people I am so appreciative 56:07 you do not know how much I appreciate 56:09 your super chats your nice comments it 56:11 it means a great deal to me so let's see 56:14 where Tom 23 was and then I'll put oh we 56:17 have new members tangerine and Brandon 56:20 mccroy welcome to both of 56:23 you and gingi probs I'm stunned by the 56:26 lack of access says it seems like you 56:27 tell us about a new barrier each day so 57:30 it it is it's a new issue each and every 57:33 day that is really how it's been and it 57:36 is um difficult it is difficult to see 57:38 the case and I am still here so there 57:41 you have it that's what I have to say so 57:43 far um and I do want to say thank you 57:46 Sky goddess for your Super Chat and I 57:48 would definitely give a shout out to our 57:51 mods Marlon and Mama pinks who were 57:53 doing extra work during the trial I 57:56 really am so so appreciative hope Evans 57:58 new member and then uh Finn uh can a 57:02 higher Court get involved with having an 57:04 overflow room I don't think any higher 57:06 court is going to order something as 57:07 specific as an overflow room that would 57:10 have to be done by the trial court all 57:12 right let's head back over to our notes 57:14 for the 57:15 day so the this next witness arrived at 57:20 the cemetery well remember the cemetery 57:22 right at the top there right at the 57:24 cemetery and talked about how it drops 57:25 off Fair abruptly and steeply sharply 57:29 was his word from the cemetery down to 58:31 the creek it's heavily wooded hey we got 58:34 several hints today that maybe there 58:37 were trail cameras well that would be 58:40 incredible evidence right it might show 58:42 people walking through that would be 58:43 great but although it was mentioned 58:45 twice apparently there either were no 58:48 trail cameras or no one actually got 58:50 footage from them we didn't get anything 58:52 from that and from the way the witness 58:54 is taught I don't think there is 58:55 anything 58:57 now he was a little unclear about 58:00 whether he had a firearm at all but if 58:02 he did it had 45 caliber not 40 caliber 58:06 bullets in it there were then we went 58:09 into a little more detail this witness 58:11 did about what exactly was found in the 58:14 creek the clothing that we found there 58:16 and we had been talking about that on 58:18 earlier of our broadcast and so we got a 58:20 little bit more there was a camiso with 58:24 that was black with a pink emblem some 58:26 kind of pink logo on it it was a size 58:29 large brand Faded Glory there were jeans 59:33 that were inside out and the underwear 59:35 was inside them kind of hooked to them 59:38 and there was a tie-dye shirt extra 59:40 large so all of those things probably 59:43 would have been well not the jeans 59:45 necessarily but the other things would 59:46 have been things that Libby was wearing 59:49 the jeans might have been aby's and then 59:51 aby's was wearing Libby's jeans at the 59:54 scene we didn't get a definitive answer 59:56 on that but that's what I think they 59:57 were saying there were also footed ankle 59:00 socks black with some debris on them 59:03 there was a handkerchief or bandana 59:05 which I think Abby had been wearing 59:07 earlier there was a Nike shoe in the 59:11 creek large and still tied oh libes lies 59:15 not large um there I put an L there and 59:18 it was still tied now that was important 59:20 because the Witnesses were trying to 59:22 suggest that it came off it got sat down 59:27 maybe in the mud or something as she was 59:28 being forced across the creek that's why 60:31 she lost one of her Nike tennis shoes 60:34 one thing I did think they showed us a 60:37 picture of the bottom of Libby's feet 60:39 and they were dirty they had dirt on 60:41 them and blood at the heel but it did 60:44 seem to me that Crossing that Creek 60:47 would would create a especially if if 60:50 she wasn't wearing clothing there would 60:52 she would definitely have scratches that 60:56 her feet would be cut up and it didn't 60:59 appear that way from the picture so that 60:01 may be something that we see the defense 60:02 head into next is do they have injuries 60:06 consistent with having been forced 60:08 across the creek especially Libby who 60:10 apparently was not even wearing 60:13 shoes and there was also a zip up hooded 60:18 gray shirt gray sweatshirt fleece that 60:22 was submerged between the jeans and then 60:24 a clump stuck on a root that had the 60:26 shoe and the tie-dyed shirt on it so all 60:28 of those things were there in the creek 61:31 sort of along aign there and the there 61:35 was blood on the back of Libby's leg is 61:38 what I wrote there I did not when they 61:40 rolled her over I personally didn't 61:42 actually see 61:44 that they um he talked about in detail 61:48 like I told you about all the steps he 61:50 took he wore two pairs of rubber gloves 61:52 so he wouldn't contaminate it he took 61:54 swabs he and talked about all the 61:56 different things he did to try to 61:59 preserve and make sure that anything he 61:01 took like DNA samples or swabs anything 61:05 was pure and pristine and didn't get 61:08 contaminated by somebody else at the 61:10 screen at the scene he talked about the 61:12 lockers how they put them in an 61:14 individual Locker they connect it to a 61:16 particular case they have an Evidence 61:18 clerk he just went into a whole lot of 61:19 detail to reassure the jury that they 61:22 were doing everything they could to get 61:24 accurate evidence to the jury 61:28 all right underneath and we did finally 61:30 see they rolled aby's body over and 62:32 underneath we could see that one Nike 62:36 shoe and next to it the phone which had 62:41 uh it had um a Harry Potter case on it 62:45 and to me that was so poignant because 62:47 it was such a teen thing you know she 62:50 thought that was cool she really liked 62:52 having Harry Potter on her phone and 62:54 just the contrast between that and just 62:57 sort of the joyful youth of that and 62:60 this scene where these two bodies are 62:02 lying there and it was I thought that 62:06 was very poignant I thought that was 62:07 really telling about what exactly this 62:11 scene really 62:14 means they were cold to the touch the 62:16 witness said rigor mortise was 62:18 pronounced and set which would suggest 62:21 the bodies have been there for some 62:22 period of time I imagine we'll hear from 62:24 Witnesses with different ideas about 62:27 just how long that was the jeans that 62:30 were on Abby were too large for her 63:33 suggesting she was wearing Libby's jeans 63:36 that was that has always been a very 63:38 confusing Point how did they how and why 63:41 did they swap clothing how exactly did 63:43 that even happen there was another shoe 63:47 cons the shoe underneath her was 63:49 consistent with the one in the creek 63:50 they were a matching pair and remember 63:53 the one in the creek if I didn't mention 63:54 this was tied suggest guessing it she'd 63:57 actually been wearing it when she lost 63:59 it all right being and okay I have hit 63:03 the end of my notes so let me head over 63:04 into the chat and I will answer a few 63:06 questions let's see where we were 63:08 thanking people I was with Finn looking 63:12 now for Finn so I can thank other people 63:15 I'm not finding 63:17 Finn I am looking for Finn um all right 63:21 I'm just going to stop oh there we go 63:23 okay Sr are you allowed to discuss the 63:25 questions that the jurors put forth to 63:27 the people on the stand yes to the 63:29 extent we learned them thus far it 64:31 appears the judge has read each and 64:33 every one the procedure is the jury asks 64:37 a question in written form and they hand 64:39 it to the bayth sometimes I can see who 64:41 asked it a lot of times it happens and I 64:44 can't really tell who wrote that down 64:46 initially and passed it in and then the 64:48 bayi takes it to the judge the judge 64:50 reads it calls the lawyers up and they 64:52 have a conference they turn on some 64:54 static so people in the courtroom can't 64:56 overhear it they all have this 64:58 conference she comes back on the bench 64:01 that conference is about is this a 64:03 question that can be answered and a lot 64:05 of times when jurors are allowed to ask 64:07 questions the things they're asking 64:09 about are the things that jurors would 64:10 want to know but that have been ruled 64:12 out under the Rules of Evidence that's 64:14 not the case here these have all been 64:17 questions that were just highly 64:18 practical and the judg has read them as 64:20 far as I can tell all of them without 64:22 any redaction just read them and had the 64:25 witness answer them so in my coverage 64:27 I've covered every single jury question 64:30 that I've heard if I missed any this 65:32 morning I don't think I did because I 65:34 did talk to three other people and get 65:35 their notes so I don't think I did but 65:37 those juror questions I've given to you 65:39 in their entirety so that that and I 65:42 think they're so important because they 65:44 are a window into how the jury is 65:46 thinking and what they're worried about 65:48 so that's why I always try to include 65:50 those I think they're really really 65:53 important all right gret anaro thank you 65:55 for the super sticker very much I 65:57 appreciate that and DC prime time oh 65:00 thank you thank you very 65:03 much so gingi Props is asking a question 65:06 about how doll being used in prison 65:09 because that was one of the drugs that 65:11 was given to Richard Allen he claims 65:14 that he conf well the prosecution says 65:17 he confessed multiple times to the crime 65:19 he says well the reason for that is you 65:22 heavily medicated me and you tortured me 65:25 basically by putting me in a situation 65:28 where I was in solitary confinement for 66:30 four solid months people were yelling 66:32 things at me I was not allowed out and 66:34 this whole living condition given my 66:37 already existing major depressive 66:40 illness meant I was just driven nuts and 66:44 I started confessing that's what his 66:46 argument is so she's asking about the 66:49 use of that imprisons I all I can say is 66:53 it was I think that is the name of the 66:54 drug that was prescribed to we'll hear 66:56 more about it but that's what I remember 66:58 too so I all I can say is it must be 66:00 legal um thank you Coco I appreciate 66:04 that and punk rock I appreciate that as 66:08 well so DC prime time is saying that so 66:12 far DC prime time is kind of leaning 66:14 toward ra being guilty but is it Beyond 66:16 A Reasonable 66:17 Doubt I am really one of the reasons I'm 66:20 up here is I really don't know to me 66:23 it's most important that he receive a 66:26 Fair trial because I cannot tell you 66:29 after seeing these pictures how much I 67:32 believe someone must pay for this crime 67:35 but it has to be the right person if 67:37 it's not the right person as I've said 67:39 before that's not Justice that is in 67:42 Justice and so the right person needs to 67:45 be the one charged and then convicted of 67:47 the 67:49 crime all right truth and 67:52 transparency uh thank you yes I 67:54 definitely do need more rest I don't 67:56 think it's going to happen tonight but 67:57 thank you very much I appreciate it 67:60 Amanda the was the bullet under the 67:03 leaves um yes the bullet was under the 67:06 leaves because the witness talked about 67:07 brushing the leaves aside but he saw the 67:10 glint he saw the glint in the light so 67:12 part of it must have been exposed but 67:14 then he brushed the leaves there was 67:16 talk while how did what did you do and 67:18 he said I lightly brush the leaves aside 67:21 to expose it I will say they showed the 67:23 picture on the screen and it could have 67:25 been my angle or or how far away I was I 67:27 really couldn't see this obviously it 67:29 was there because they physically have 68:31 it but I just couldn't see where it was 68:34 they were saying here it is and I I 68:36 don't know I just couldn't see it and 68:38 thank you Kathleen for the super sticker 68:40 all right we'll take a few questions 68:42 we've gone pretty long and I have to get 68:43 up very very early so let me go back and 68:46 see if I can get some of the first 68:48 questions my goodness I there were a lot 68:50 of questions quickly so I may not have 68:52 been I should have been faster all right 68:55 um I'm just going to start here I'm 68:57 sorry if I for it didn't go far enough 68:58 back but Noble terbus asked me about 68:02 whether this was similar to a tarot card 68:05 I don't know I'll have to look at that I 68:06 don't know anything about tarot cards so 68:09 I can't really answer that I have now 68:12 seen the pictur so maybe I can make a 68:13 more informed thought about whether or 68:16 not that's the 68:17 case uh C Butler wants to know was there 68:20 an R kit used the answer is yes we heard 68:23 a reference to it and from what I 68:27 understand the way the prosecution 68:29 phrased it in opening was that Richard 69:31 Allen kidnapped these girls in order to 69:34 have his way with them but he was 69:36 interrupted before he could and that we 69:39 will know that W Richard Allen will tell 69:42 us his motive and how he did it and as 69:46 far as how he got interrupted the only 69:48 way they could know that I think it must 69:49 have been in one of the confessions 69:51 because I I don't know what they mean by 69:53 interrupted uh and but apparently this R 69:57 kit is going to be negative we have not 69:59 heard anything about what it was simply 69:01 that they were going to do on these 69:03 Witnesses weren't involved with that 69:04 portion that will come 69:06 later with other Witnesses could a 69:09 vehicle get into the area where they 69:11 were found Sky gotd his ass no I don't 69:13 think so a vehicle could not get into 69:15 that area be because it was just too 69:18 steep I don't think there would be any 69:20 possibility of that there was across the 69:23 creek there was a road road that 69:26 Vehicles travel that goes to a home 69:28 right there so a vehicle could travel 70:31 along that road then there's a slope 70:34 downward where they saw the slide 70:36 remember um in the dirt going down to 70:39 the creek and then cross a creek and 70:42 then it's a steep climb up the other 70:44 side so they agree that the girls moved 70:47 from one side to the other but they 70:49 don't agree about there being a vehicle 70:50 there on that pathway the defense thinks 70:53 there may have been and the prosecution 70:54 says no this was one guy on the bridge 70:57 this was Richard 70:59 Allen all right looking for a few more 70:03 questions let's see Linda were there any 70:05 bruises on the girls I didn't see any 70:06 from someone holding or carrying them I 70:09 didn't really see any in what we what we 70:11 saw today I I did not spot that and I 70:14 didn't see a lot of cuts or scratches 70:16 like you might have expected if someone 70:18 was walking through the woods and they 70:20 weren't wearing clothing so I found that 70:23 frankly very confusing I do not fully 70:26 understand it I don't have answers yet 70:28 I'm very 71:30 curious Harry Potter is cool says nursy 71:33 dog mom yes yes 71:35 indeed and I that was a very poignant 71:38 thing I thought Tina why was Richard 71:40 Allen suspected and at what point did he 71:42 become a suspect well obviously he had 71:44 to been suspected before they matched 71:48 that bullet casing to his gun and 71:51 because they got a search warrant to get 71:53 his gun and then matched it so they 71:55 suspected before then the facts that we 71:57 know about they didn't have the 71:59 confessions yet so we do know he 71:01 admitted he was at the scene that he 71:04 admitted he was on the bridge that day 71:07 he admitted he had gone to the park that 71:09 day there were um V there was video that 71:13 U of people going by who said they saw 71:15 his car in a certain lot so we knew that 71:17 there were some things that connected 71:19 him to the scene at least to the park 71:22 but there really was very little other 71:24 evidence that's been one of the 71:26 hardfought issues is how little evidence 71:28 there was to connect him to these crimes 72:31 before the search warrant and before the 72:34 confessions both of which happened after 72:36 the arrest and not 72:39 before 72:40 um so a grape kit all right that's what 72:44 I'm supposed to call it all right April 72:45 oin does it statistically make sense 72:48 that a 50-some year old with no criminal 72:50 background would Commit This gruesome of 72:52 an offense seems odd to me but maybe I'm 72:54 just naive could the defense bring that 72:56 up I think they will to the extent they 72:58 can they may not be allowed to talk 72:00 about um the fact that he has not been 72:03 arrested before or that he hasn't been 72:06 convicted of a crime before and so that 72:09 may not come in we'll we find out how 72:12 far the judge will let them go talking 72:14 about that I'm guessing they won't get 72:16 that in but they obviously the 72:19 prosecution won't be able to point to a 72:21 long string of crimes that were very 72:23 similar because there simply are none 72:26 can you tell who the juror questions are 72:28 coming from I they are fantastic I 72:30 totally agree with you Aon C and I 73:33 imagine it is one or two people I saw 73:35 one guy ask a question one time I saw 73:37 him you know rip the page off and hand 73:38 it in but that's the only time I've 73:40 actually been able to spot it and I can 73:43 depending on where you are you can only 73:44 see certain jurors just from the 73:46 particular Vantage points I haven't 73:48 spotted it but I I'm on the hunt I will 73:50 see if I can figure it out whether it's 73:52 just one person lots of them 73:55 is there anything that can place Allen 73:57 at the scene yes there is Allen he 73:59 himself placed himself at the scene now 73:01 there is a big issue about whether he 73:03 was gone before the girls were forced 73:05 down the hill before they were murdered 73:08 even on the government's time frame the 73:11 state says that they were killed 73:13 sometime in the afternoon and he may 73:16 have left according to him as early as 73:17 1:30 that's been stretched out to maybe 73:19 3:30 so there could be overlap both 73:22 sides are still battling the timeline 73:25 and we we will be starting our timeline 73:27 really soon where I will be going into 73:29 what is that who did what win so we can 74:31 kind of look at that and watch it 74:33 unfold as they put in their evidence and 74:35 make that very 74:37 argument Leslie how is the jury 74:39 responding to the defense do they seem 74:41 like they agree with innocent until 74:43 proven guilty I think they've responded 74:45 very well to the defense so far I think 74:47 they do agree with innocent until proven 74:49 guilty for the most part they agreed 74:51 during Vader questioning that yeah 74:53 that's what they would do and so I think 74:55 they were making a real effort to do 74:58 that and to to to wait that's what 74:02 Baldwin kept asking them to do wait wait 74:04 for our evidence wait for our case don't 74:06 just decide right away after you've 74:08 heard a little bit from the state give 74:10 us a chance they were trying to do that 74:12 and I think that they are agreeing with 74:14 that and they are trying now I did think 74:17 that one question today actually was a 74:19 pretty significant one I thought there 74:21 was a shift when the prosecution is made 74:25 a good made a point that the defense 74:27 argument really wasn't making sense the 74:29 defense was arguing that there there 75:32 should have been photographs of the 75:34 bullet as it was taken out of the ground 75:35 there should have been photographs on a 75:36 table in the lab and there weren't and 75:38 the jury said well is this really a deal 75:40 is this really a thing could isn't it is 75:43 there a big risk that the real evidence 75:45 isn't to us have you bothered to make 75:47 sure it's really there so the state is 75:49 now taking that opportunity to be really 75:52 specific with exactly the chain of 75:54 custody 75:56 Olivia's mom is wondering if the casing 75:58 is even related to this crime and if 75:60 that's gone what do they have on Richard 75:01 Allen the the two biggest things are the 75:04 confessions and this bullet casing so 75:06 both of which they only got after they 75:09 already suspected him so with very 75:11 little more than that we know about 75:14 anyway very little more than the fact 75:15 that he put himself at the scene they 75:17 got the search warrant and then they got 75:19 the gun and that's when they actually 75:21 moved to uh begin the prosecution 75:24 process 75:27 s Cipher wondering about appeal I I 75:29 personally have said I really think that 76:32 completely eliminating all thirdparty 76:34 culprit evidence that opens the door 76:38 wide to an appeal you never know the the 76:42 appell court may decide that there was 76:43 sufficient evidence maybe through the 76:46 confessions that it was harmless error 76:49 but these are some pretty big harmless 76:51 errors we'll put it that way could you 76:54 see Richard Allen's reaction or 76:56 Expressions during the crime scene 76:57 photos no he has got his back to the 76:00 gallery so I can't see that at all I'm 76:02 not able to tell anything about what 76:04 he's saying or thinking or any 76:07 Expressions when the amount of blood at 76:09 the scene bua martinz tell them if they 76:11 were killed there or not also weren't 76:13 they able to give an approximate time of 76:15 death so be and Martin that is such a 76:17 great question but the two sides differ 76:18 on that what the prosecution believes is 76:21 there was the there is a lot of blood at 76:23 the scene it happened right there but 76:25 the Defence is suggesting is maybe not 76:27 so much so um let's see where was I cat 77:31 all right let's get Catnapper in 77:33 here so yeah it was they were really 77:36 horrific pictures thank you Catnapper I 77:38 appreciate the thought as well as the 77:40 Super Chat and um then we are at 77:45 Kathleen thank you yes I think the 77:47 transparency is critically important I 77:49 think it matters I think it matters for 77:51 our Constitution and for our country 77:53 Connie thank you so much for the super 77:55 ER and Camila a member for four months 77:58 fantastic thank 77:60 you Megan thank you for that very 77:02 generous Super Chat and is it possible 77:04 for us to start a rotation that's what 77:06 I've been thinking about too we may need 77:08 to do that so we can make sure that 77:10 there are attorney eyes on it at all 77:13 time and the reporting can come through 77:14 to you it's hard to give up wanting to 77:17 be there for every bit of the testimony 77:19 because hearing it yourself is something 77:23 it just it's hard to replace that it 77:24 really makes makes you understand more 77:27 but in it just practically speaking I 78:30 think that probably something along 78:32 those lines is what's going to happen 78:33 have to happen Kathy from Western 78:36 Australia cool that's really cool I 78:38 appreciate your you're watching and 78:40 Camila thank you so much I appreciate it 78:43 very much take myself to a nice dinner I 78:45 did that last weekend somebody gave me a 78:46 state dinner on one of the super chats I 78:48 said I'm doing that I am doing that so I 78:51 did all right well I will see you 78:53 tomorrow night just to remind everybody 78:56 I typically go live at 700 p.m. Eastern 78:59 when I come back from court I have to go 78:01 through my notes I try to sort of 78:03 condense them and organize them a little 78:04 bit mostly cut them down so that I can 78:08 give you just what you actually need as 78:10 opposed to every word that I wrote down 78:12 I write a lot of words down that were 78:14 said so I try to cut that down so I 78:16 don't always go right at seven during 78:18 this period of time I just get my notes 78:21 done as soon as I have them ready and I 78:23 can talk to you that's when I'll go I 78:25 try to do tomorrow a short summary too 78:27 we'll we'll check on that that might be 78:29 something I'll do earlier in the evening 79:31 so I will see y'all tomorrow somewhere 79:34 around 7 maybe more like 7:45 I'll look 79:37 forward to it 79:55 here