00:04 hey everyone we have a lot to go over 00:08 tonight that happened in court today at 00:10 the Richard Allen trial first things 00:12 first um let's make sure my my sound is 00:16 working when I am not home and I don't 00:19 have my earphones I 00:21 rely on all of you while I'm 00:25 live um a lot to cover and I'm a little 00:28 bit late because uh I there is a artist 01:32 in court doing some sketches and uh she 01:36 is finishing up one that is really 01:39 important it'll I think help us 01:40 understand the autopsies a little bit 01:42 more and so I was going over it with her 01:45 and she's going to be sending it to my 01:47 email so I I just want you to know we 01:50 have some sketches kind of showing the 01:52 injuries to Abby and to Libby um so so 01:57 there's your you know by the way trigger 01:59 warning for everyone we are going to be 01:01 talking about um you know difficult 01:05 things and autopsies of two little girls 01:09 who were brutally murdered um thank you 01:14 so much I appreciate that Duncan fund um 01:19 someone brought us Duncan while we were 01:21 asleep uh outside the courthouse and it 01:24 was so delightful to wake up to um thank 01:27 you to everyone for your support thank 01:29 you all right um so I'm going to do what 02:33 I always do and I'm going to go through 02:35 notes clearly autopsies were a very big 02:38 detail detail and deal today where we 02:41 are going to go over them in detail I I 02:44 I'm a Believer in not um holding back 02:49 because I feel it's so important and um 02:51 so I'm going to share that but let's 02:52 just go through the order let's go 02:54 through beginning to end of court today 02:56 all the notes I took and then again um 02:58 when we get to the autopsies I will have 02:00 some sketches to help us understand um 02:04 exactly what we saw today or a bit of 02:07 what we saw a lot less graphic though 02:10 all right it is October 23rd 2024 I'm in 02:13 Deli Indiana and I attended court today 02:16 attended the trial of Richard Allen it 02:20 uh started with a new witness today uh 02:23 Sarah carbaugh uh s c a r b a u g h is 02:28 how uh she spelled her last name she had 03:30 very very long hair I later learned that 03:33 she was 35 years old she stated that on 03:35 the stand and uh you know I I thought 03:39 she looked young um but she uh explained 03:44 that she is uh as local as you can get 03:48 when it comes to Deli she lives right 03:49 outside of Deli sort of Born and Raised 03:51 as local as you can get Troublemaker 03:53 Baker thank you so much um thank you to 03:56 everyone for your support I'll I'll 03:58 thank people later so I can stay focused 03:59 but it mean means a lot thank you to 03:01 everyone and to mods so Sarah would 03:04 visit the trail on a daily basis to walk 03:07 her dog and she would pass by the monan 03:11 High Bridge entrance from her home um 03:15 but she would use the mir's farm 03:18 entrance that's actually the same 03:19 entrance to remind all of you that Libby 03:22 and Abby used that fateful day on 03:24 February 13th 2017 where Kelsey dropped 03:27 them off and uh if anybody sees my video 03:29 of getting the lay of the land I use the 04:31 mir's uh Farm entrance the mir's farm 04:34 entrance is directly in front of the 04:37 mir's farm the mir's family house um 04:40 they donated allegedly donated according 04:41 to Sarah some of the land and that's why 04:44 they um this entrance is directly in 04:47 front of their house mir's Farm entrance 04:51 when uh she was 16 years 04:54 old she would walk across the bridge 04:57 Sarah is explaining but as an adult she 04:01 stopped attempting to walk across the 04:03 bridge um it made her nervous she would 04:06 only go to like a few steps and be done 04:09 um she did not know Abby and Libby but 04:12 she learned that they were missing 04:13 through an amber alert on February 13th 04:17 um she was driving by in her little red 04:21 Saturn uh this day on February 13th uh 04:25 the the mon on High Bridge Trail just to 04:28 see how busy things were on the trail on 04:30 February 13th it was a beautiful day she 05:32 said it was warm for February and she 05:35 would pass uh she she actually would 05:37 pass by does that help um three to four 05:41 times that day and she saw mini cars 05:44 that day on February 13th the last time 05:46 she drove by was around 400 p.m. and I'm 05:51 going to go back to yesterday and state 05:53 that that's exactly right they were able 05:56 to pull surveillance from the hoer store 05:60 and they have Sarah they mentioned we 05:02 didn't know who Sarah was yesterday but 05:04 they had Sarah driving by at 05:07 3:56 p.m. so when she says a little 05:10 around 4 that's exactly right and she 05:14 saw a group of people around that time 05:17 and she saw a woman with blonde hair 05:19 looking stressed out and she saw that 05:22 this group of people just kind of looked 05:24 and she kept saying that's stressed out 05:26 they just seemed stressed I realize you 05:28 can see my computer behind this is that 06:31 is that better okay there we go so she 06:35 just seemed uh the the the woman with 06:37 blonde hair seem stressed out she uh 06:39 Sarah was driving 06:41 Eastbound and she saw on the north side 06:44 of the road a man walking West covered 06:47 in mud and 06:50 blood I looked at him Sarah says and he 06:54 did not make eye contact with me she 06:58 slowed down because there was was a man 06:00 walking on the side of the road that is 06:03 why she slowed down she did not 06:05 recognize him and she again states that 06:08 she did not know Abby and Libby were 06:11 missing at this 06:13 time by the way at this moment I put in 06:15 parentheses that Richard Allen and his 06:18 attorney Baldwin are talking during this 06:21 uh testimony of 06:23 Sarah Sarah explains that she learned 06:26 the girls were missing after she arrived 06:28 home so at this time she did not know 07:32 she then learned of the photo of the 07:35 bridge guy after she learned the girls 07:36 were missing and she recognized the man 07:39 as the one she saw on the road covered 07:42 in mud and 07:44 blood his demeanor Sarah says was 07:47 noticeable sketchy was the exact word 07:50 she said he was sketchy she says she 07:54 explains that when someone is walking on 07:56 the side of the road towards you you 07:58 notice he was walking like this and she 07:01 demonstrates and I took note of how she 07:03 demonstrates so I'm going to show you 07:05 she actually stood up off the stand 07:07 walked in front of the jury to 07:09 demonstrate how this man who was covered 07:12 in mud and blood was walking so I will 07:15 do it for you taking one for the team 07:17 Sarah did 07:21 too if there's room here 08:33 Sarah explained that he was hunched over 08:37 like that and that's how he walked and 08:39 she did that walk in front of the jury 08:42 you guys will never see that so I did my 08:45 best to recreate Sarah's 08:48 walk 08:53 um there was she explains mud on the top 08:58 and blood and mud on his legs and it 08:01 caught her attention she wondered if he 08:05 had fallen down a 08:07 cliff she noticed the sun behind her as 08:11 she was heading east that was what also 08:13 helped her understand the time of day 08:16 she is actually Sarah explains to the 08:18 jury traumatized with anything that has 08:21 to do with murder and she also 08:23 overthinks things a lot so she did not 08:26 say anything at first about seeing this 08:29 man cover with mud and 09:31 blood um but 3 weeks later at the mir's 09:36 entrance there was an officer stopping 09:39 cars and taking tips and she decided to 09:43 be brave and tell the police what she 09:46 saw now she is speaking to the jurors 09:49 when she explains that when this 09:51 happened that the Del Deli the town is 09:54 so small and it is so tight-knit that 09:57 this crime turned their town upside down 09:00 it was frightening she says the police 09:04 presence was really upped and so on that 09:06 day they were actually barricades 09:08 requesting cars to stop to share any 09:11 tips they might have she spoke to police 09:13 that day and she gave her official 09:16 statement seven months 09:19 later and she spoke with a lot of 09:22 certainty on the stand and in her walk 09:25 um that was one thing I 09:27 noticed and then there was the defense 10:30 redirect bald or excuse me the frence 10:34 the the defense cross forgive me I wrote 10:36 redirect I meant cross the cross exam is 10:38 next with the defense and the defense 10:41 attorney uh that was cross-examining her 10:44 was 10:45 Baldwin and Baldwin claims uh that Sarah 10:50 originally said mud 11 times in her 10:53 initial statement that she saw a man 10:55 covered in mud but she did not say blood 10:60 Sarah says to Baldwin that she 10:03 absolutely said blood maybe she was 10:06 mumbling or maybe she was nervous or 10:08 maybe police didn't write it down but 10:11 she definitely said mud and 10:14 blood Baldwin says that Sarah was 10:17 interviewed a couple of weeks later and 10:19 he says to her you did not say blood 10:22 only mud 10:25 Baldwin um Sarah claims after that Sarah 10:29 gets quite defensive of her statement 11:32 and quickly she claims that there is an 11:34 hour of missing video from that 11:36 interview I wrote next to that wait what 11:39 that's exactly what I was thinking I 11:41 wrote Sarah claims there's an hour of 11:43 missing video of her interview I wrote 11:45 wait what Baldwin asks her about missing 11:49 video and Sarah says all I know is there 11:52 is an hour of video from my interview I 11:54 have never been able to watch and I 11:56 don't know where it is but I know that I 11:59 said mud and 11:01 blood Baldwin doesn't acknowledge what 11:05 she just said and reiterates that in the 11:07 interview transcript the transcript that 11:10 he has with him she did not say blood 11:13 and she gives her the transcript to read 11:17 and Sarah reads the 11:19 transcript Sarah maintains after reading 11:22 the transcript that she said blood only 11:26 that she said blood and mud but the 11:28 transcript does not have blood Sarah 12:33 becomes quite defensive and she states 12:36 that her testimony has not 12:39 changed Baldwin then says well in your 12:42 third interview which was March of um I 12:48 didn't put the the year I assume 2017 12:51 but I did not put the year your third 12:53 interview you never say mud you only say 12:57 blood he claims 12:59 Sarah is confused and she says she has 12:02 never changed her story that she saw a 12:05 man with mud and 12:10 blood Sarah doesn't know why a third 12:14 interview would would only say covered 12:17 in blood and not mud too so now they're 12:20 saying that she only said blood in her 12:22 third interview and not mud she has no 12:25 idea why she reads the transcript on the 12:28 stand bald 13:30 says that Sarah has always said her 13:33 story hasn't change 13:41 wait oh so Sarah says that she has 13:45 always said that her story hasn't 13:48 changed and she has always been 13:51 consistent but in 13:53 2017 mud changed to blood Baldwin says 13:58 and 13:60 um and you also mentioned in in your 13:04 third interview that it looked a pig 13:06 looks like it had been slaughtered there 13:09 was so much 13:10 blood and then baldon asks and did you 13:13 help did you stop to help this guy if it 13:16 he was covered in blood she quickly said 13:19 in Quotes no I'm a woman I won't stop to 13:24 help a man exclamation point Baldwin 13:27 then States you originally stated it was 13:30 a tan coat and in a second interview you 14:33 said blue Sarah says I think I 14:36 originally saw a lot of mud and I 14:38 thought tan Baldwin States you said in a 14:42 second interview there was a sweater 14:44 under his coat there was a curl to his 14:48 hair she thought she explains that she 14:52 passed him and he did have a little bit 14:54 of hair sticking 14:56 out Baldwin States you also said that he 14:58 had feminine eyes now to 14:02 this um Sarah says she never rememb 14:05 saying that and she seems quite shocked 14:07 that someone suggests that she said that 14:10 the man had eminite eyes now I want to 14:13 point out that I don't think that's too 14:15 absurd um that I don't think that's a 14:18 bad thing we're referring to a man that 14:21 she saw that she believes is Bridge guy 14:23 we're at the trial of Richard Allen 14:25 Richard Allen has very large eyes so 14:29 when comes to what the the prosecution's 15:31 theory is that Richard Allen is Bridge 15:34 guy huge eyes are often related to being 15:38 feminine look at every Disney princess I 15:41 mean they're like this big right so I 15:44 don't know my point is I don't know if 15:46 Sarah saying that he has like had these 15:50 feminine looking eyes would hurt the 15:52 prosecution or this 15:55 trial um that's a side note for me I'm 15:58 going to continue 15:00 and Richard Allen is not being mentioned 15:02 at all during this testimony I'm the one 15:04 mentioning Richard Allen because he has 15:06 these very large BD eyes have mentioned 15:09 them so I'll get back to the testimony 15:11 just a side note for me because the 15:14 Baldwin bringing up that Sarah said that 15:17 he had these feminine looking eyes 15:18 really seemed to upset Sarah she said 15:22 that she never said that um Sarah says 15:26 that she never remembers saying that and 15:29 Baldwin asks her to refresh her memory 16:34 and and to read the transcript where she 16:36 says this and she 16:38 refuses that's how strongly she feels 16:40 she is now refusing to read the 16:43 transcript Baldwin explains that Sarah's 16:46 phone pinged it's Verizon but you but 16:49 then he says you claimed you didn't have 16:51 a phone but that your phone pinged Sarah 16:54 speaking to the juries says that her 16:57 phone pinged at some point that at some 16:59 point she had her 16:01 phone Baldwin says you saw him though 16:05 for just a mere second this man Sarah 16:09 says 30 seconds leading up to him as I 16:13 drove and then passing him she explains 16:17 why she saw him for 30 seconds because 16:19 as she's driving down this country road 16:21 she sees him in the distance she gets 16:23 closer she sees him she 16:27 passes um baldw sort of says but you 16:30 said that you really just saw him in an 17:32 instant and she said 30 seconds and then 17:35 she explained why and she said an 17:37 instant to you can be a mere second to 17:40 me I saw him for 30 17:42 seconds 17:44 um then he kind of says well look um you 17:48 know you're just passing him she said 17:50 you know yeah I was 100 feet from him I 17:52 was 50 feet from him when I passing him 17:53 I'm two you know I'm this I'm two feet 17:56 from him so she speaks to the jury and 17:59 answered to him saying you said you only 17:00 saw him for a mere second and she's 17:02 saying at least 30 seconds she speaks to 17:04 the jury and she says I saw him I 17:07 couldn't tell how fast he was walking 17:10 maybe he was a man in his 30s or 40s he 17:12 was covered in mud and blood I saw 17:17 him 17:20 um she says that she saw a hat on this 17:25 person and oh so this is the redirect 17:28 now now the prosecution is back so 17:29 that's how she concludes with Baldwin 18:31 and now the redirect is back and the 18:35 prosecution um asks her more about what 18:38 she saw she said that she seemed to have 18:39 a pullover sweater with what she thought 18:42 was a tan hood that this man was wearing 18:44 a pullover sweater with a tan Hood she 18:46 saw a hat on this person she admits that 18:50 she only knows really about baseball 18:52 caps and it was an odd hat it was a 18:55 weird hat he was hunched over it was a 18:58 weird hat and her mind is now tainted 18:02 and she admits that she cannot describe 18:04 the Hat she actually made a joke that 18:06 she said that she has looked at so many 18:07 hats in trying to decipher what hat this 18:10 man is wearing that she felt it was like 18:12 Tinder for hats just swiping and swiping 18:15 she admits her mind is now tainted she's 18:18 not going to be able to figure out what 18:20 hat this person was wearing but that he 18:23 certainly had a hat 18:25 on but then there's a question by the 18:27 prosecution and ask her well could you 19:30 have mistaken any hair or curly hair for 19:33 a hat and she says possibly meaning she 19:37 thought that this man had curly hair and 19:40 they're saying could that have been a 19:41 hat you saw and not his hair and she 19:43 said 19:45 possibly the redirect continues and 19:47 she's talking to the 19:49 jury did you indicate in your last in 19:53 your first interview did you oh so so 19:56 the prosecution is asking Sarah did you 19:58 indicate in your first interview that 19:60 you saw a man with mud and blood Sarah 19:02 says yes in your second interview she's 19:06 asked did you see a man with mud or 19:10 blood and uh she there are in this 19:15 moment many many objections by Baldwin 19:18 I've never seen the the defense have so 19:22 many objections to this questioning by 19:24 the prosecution objection objection he's 19:27 saying it needs to be rephrased he's 19:28 saying they're leading 19:30 um most of the some of the objections 20:32 are sustained they were just like in 20:33 order boom boom boom and uh the last one 20:36 was overruled and the prosecution is 20:39 able to continue in your second 20:41 interview did you see say you saw a man 20:45 with mud and blood Sarah says yes in 20:48 your third interview the prosecution 20:50 asks did you say you saw a man with mud 20:53 and blood on him she says yes and now we 20:56 have recross oh there's more recross 20:58 Baldwin gets back up Baldwin pushes that 20:02 she said mud 13 times in her first 20:05 interview and she did not say blood and 20:08 she did not say blood the second 20:10 time you know what she said to that she 20:12 said in quotes are we doing this again 20:16 she said that to Baldwin she reiterates 20:19 an hour of video is missing and that's 20:23 not on her that's exactly what she said 20:24 she goes there's an hour of video 20:25 missing and it's not on me she said but 20:29 she Sayes she said mud and 21:34 blood the jurors have questions for 21:37 Sarah they asked what her age was in 21:40 2017 that's when she states she's 35 21:42 years old and so she realizes she was 26 21:46 she believes she said 26 27 she settled 21:49 on 21:49 26 how wide was the road wer asks she 21:54 explains that it's a country road so 21:56 narrow she says small enough sometimes 21:58 that you have to pull 21:59 over how did you know it was blood 21:02 someone asks her she says that the color 21:05 and what it seemed like it just looked 21:07 like blood how close were you uh jur 21:11 asked and she said three feet away 21:13 Baldwin had issues with her saying three 21:16 feet away that's when um he stood up and 21:19 he said I have a question after these 21:21 answers that you said that you were 21:23 originally when you originally testified 21:25 you said that you were 20t away from him 21:28 she says she looks at bald and she says 21:30 I passed him at first it's 20 feet and 22:33 then 10 then it's 3 feet as she's 22:35 passing I write she gets very defensive 22:39 like to a point where it wasn't a good 22:41 look in my opinion so inserting my 22:43 opinion here she was so defensive it was 22:45 not the best look and at this point she 22:48 says in quotes I didn't take a ruler and 22:52 measure I was driving but she says as 22:56 she passed him she was probably three 22:58 feet away 22:01 and that was the test of 22:04 Sarah and that was my water bottle 22:08 falling we're going to get to the next 22:11 witness Dr Roland cor theed forensic 22:15 pathologist who performed the autopsies 22:17 before I do that I'm just going to check 22:19 chat and see how everyone's doing thank 22:22 you everyone for your 23:56 is that is my is my sound back 23:00 now that's exactly why I want to take a 23:08 break I'm going to make sure that I'm 23:12 good am I back okay that's exactly why I 23:16 wanted to take a break so to say what I 23:18 was just sharing things 23:21 are about to get heavy here so yeah just 23:25 taking a break making sure everyone's 23:27 good um 23:29 um before we continue thank you everyone 24:32 for the super chats I see them hello to 24:35 our new members thank you Amy mix buuny 24:39 thank you for being here thank you 24:43 everyone 24:45 um all 24:47 right is there still no sound or are 24:50 some people just behind some people 24:52 might be behind you guys are saying 24:54 since you've been 24:57 live yeah I can slow chat let me get 24:60 chat slowed right 24:02 now we do have a lot of people here 24:04 don't 24:11 we okay I'm slowing chat at this moment 25:34 okay all right I'm also going to check 25:37 and make sure that I got this last 25:41 um okay I have the last sketch I was 25:44 looking 25:45 for so we are about to talk about hard 25:50 things autopsy photos of Abby and 25:55 Libby that we saw today 25:01 and as I stated in my lunch live this 25:04 case is just brutal this 25:09 crime thank you everyone all 25:15 right okay new witness Dr Roland core 25:21 KR he is a semi-retired forensic 25:25 pathologist he's performed a he's just 25:28 per he performs autopsies that's what he 26:30 does he is wearing a suit I have to 26:33 share what he looks like he is wearing a 26:35 suit with a red tie and he has bright 26:38 white hair thinning a little bit on top 26:41 but he he makes up for it with his big 26:43 white eyebrows and his big white 26:46 mustache he has these darker eyes and uh 26:50 honestly he looks like uh he just walked 26:53 out of a Monopoly board game or a Clue 26:56 board game take your pick whether it's 26:58 the Monopoly man or Colonel Mustard he 26:00 was just like this 26:02 classic um I think you get the picture 26:06 um 26:07 just anyway very distinguished looking 26:12 gentleman he had a very soft voice uh 26:16 with a whistle sort of like the Gopher 26:18 on Winnie the Pooh um I don't know if 26:20 you know that character on Disney's 26:22 Winnie the Pooh there's a gopher 26:24 character and he sort of whistles as he 26:26 talks and it was similar to that and 26:29 sharing this because he was difficult to 27:32 hear and we were all straining our ears 27:35 it got better after lunch but it was 27:37 very difficult we were all leaning 27:39 forward I was doing this um Family 27:42 allegedly complained and said we can't 27:44 hear they said there was nothing they 27:46 could do but after lunch he did get up 27:48 with his pointer at the at the big 27:50 screen to as we were all looking at the 27:52 photographs these heartbreaking 27:53 photographs and it did get better and 27:56 I've certainly compared notes with my 27:57 neighbors and others so this is what we 27:02 have and the photos were very clear and 27:04 so we saw the 27:07 photos he explained his detailed 27:10 background for a very very long time 27:13 which makes sense when it comes to an 27:15 expert witness because what the defense 27:17 is going to try to do with this witness 27:19 is make him not look like he's this you 27:23 know professional or expert as he is 27:25 they're going to try to minimize uh his 27:28 expertise and so they spent a very large 28:32 amount of time sharing his expertise and 28:34 his training and again it was very quiet 28:37 I did not take notes during this it took 28:39 a long time and I understand why they 28:41 had to dot their eyes and cross their 28:42 teeth with what an expert he is he 28:44 explained that in his career he's done 28:48 probably 28:50 7,700 to 7,800 autopsies he's been an 28:54 expert witness in multiple States 28:55 Montana Indiana Illinois he's 28:59 testified uh for the defense and the 28:02 prosecution or whoever sends him a 28:04 subpoena which he says is usually the 28:06 prosecution but uh he'll testify forever 28:09 it's just typically the prosecution that 28:10 asks him to testify in 28:13 court and uh he's being handed now the 28:16 states exhibits when he was contacted on 28:19 Valentine's Day 2017 214 2017 he was 28:23 called and he was asked to perform the 28:25 autopsies of Abby and Libby on Fe 28:28 February 28:29 15th after he's handed the state 29:32 exhibits he's asked if he recognizes 29:34 these images and he looks at them and 29:37 says that he does recognize the images 29:39 that he's looking 29:41 at they start with Abby um they share 29:45 her height and weight um Abby was 29:48 actually under 100 pounds and 64 Ines 29:50 both Abby and Libby we learn today were 29:52 the same height both 5 29:54 foot4 um which I mentioned um so that 29:58 that's how tall they 29:59 were we start to see the photos of Abby 29:03 um in her clothing he explains that 29:06 there was blood on her hooded sweatshirt 29:08 and that she was wearing again a deli 29:11 swimming sweatshirt it was I learned 29:14 Kelsey Germans sweatshirt that was in 29:17 the back of the car that um Libby had 29:21 put on and was wearing earlier in the 29:23 day or allegedly wearing earlier in the 29:25 day and uh but Abby was found in this 29:28 sweatshirt 29:30 deceased she had a sports bra on she had 30:33 a pink they refer to it as a pink 30:35 camisol we saw it it was more of a pink 30:37 tank top and then she had a sports bra 30:41 and she had actually another bra under 30:44 her sports bra I had heard that I wasn't 30:47 completely clear but we did see 30:48 photographs of that they they took off 30:50 all the layers one by one and so she had 30:52 a a bra on as well as a sports bra and 30:56 then she had jeans on which which um 30:00 were Libby's 30:03 jeans external on her neck um I'm going 30:07 to pull up the sketch now so I'm going 30:08 to share with you that I was sitting 30:11 next to she actually is also a friend of 30:14 mine and she is an artist and while we 30:17 took notes she sketched the entire 30:20 time um let me share 30:24 this and we are going to pull up these 30:27 sketches 30:29 of 31:36 Abby and sorry forgive me I'm looking 31:38 for 31:41 Abby 31:48 okay can everybody see 31:52 that um by the way my friend um who is 31:56 doing this as a service 31:58 um I thanked her and I I asked if I 31:01 could support her business she's a 31:03 freelance artist she actually said no 31:05 because she's doing this on behalf of 31:07 Abby and liby but I'm going to say that 31:08 she does have an Instagram account at 31:11 hey Christina MAAC 31:14 um I'm very grateful that she did this 31:17 today because uh no one's ever going to 31:20 see these photos necessarily or or we 31:21 don't know but she this is a very good 31:23 rendition of what we saw when it comes 31:25 to aby's wound 31:29 so this shows on the um I'll read to you 32:34 you know what while you look at this I 32:36 will read to you what I 32:38 heard so there was an external um it was 32:43 5 cm in length and it was so deep it 32:46 caused holes in the in the muscle fibers 32:49 the we're referring to the single 32:51 incision across of aby's neck and it was 32:54 two to two and a half inches wide the 32:56 muscle tissue was cut 32:59 they refer to the essay kit for Abby by 32:03 the way as well and 32:07 um explained everything that took place 32:10 in the essay kit I won't go over that in 32:12 detail you can Google that if you're 32:14 curious what goes into an essay kit um 32:17 they did not see any visible 32:20 injuries on the essay on the on the kit 32:25 and it so by that he means visible 32:29 trauma 33:31 but I appreciate that Dr core said this 33:34 it does not mean that there wasn't 33:36 sexual contact he just did not indic 33:40 this kit just did not indicate injury or 33:43 trauma it did not have any 33:47 abrasions um so that that is what he 33:50 explained and I will just jump fast 33:52 forward and that's exactly what was said 33:54 about Libby's essay kit as well so you 33:57 can know but I do appreciate that Dr K 33:01 stated it does not mean that there 33:03 wasn't sexual contact and I just want to 33:07 point out which I always do there was 33:09 certainly essay involved because making 33:12 two miners take off their clothes one of 33:14 them being found 33:15 nude that is assault 33:19 um 33:21 so just wanted to share 33:24 that um 33:29 see there were really no other major 34:31 abrasions or lacerations or wounds 34:35 besides her one wound in her neck um the 34:40 Stab Wound was actually you know I put 34:43 question marks by this so I'm not going 34:44 to say it I'm going to need to confirm 34:45 that I don't want to start any um 34:47 conspiracy so I'm going to skip that I 34:49 put question mark and to ask first and I 34:51 never did so um I'll jump forward this 34:55 is there were no other injuries Beyond 34:57 her neck there were no defensive wounds 34:01 and there were no blunt force trauma 34:04 wounds there is a speculation that Abby 34:08 was 34:09 constrained there was a faint ligature 34:12 mark across the 34:14 face it could have either been tape but 34:18 there was no tape residue it could have 34:20 also been 34:21 cloth now the sketch artist Christina in 34:24 the middle you can see that there's a 34:26 line on her chin I wrote my own drawing 34:29 and he pointed out the faint lines on 35:32 the screen that he believed were the 35:36 were the possible uh constraints meaning 35:39 on her face and he pointed out these two 35:41 lines and they were very um parallel to 35:45 one another and they were here and here 35:49 and I actually think that middle has one 35:51 of the lines and she labeled it a 35:52 superficial wound but I actually think 35:54 he was pointing out the faint there were 35:56 some superficial wounds but I think he 35:58 was pointing out the faint lines there 35:60 he explained that the lines went right 35:03 um oh sorry it was here and here and he 35:05 did not believe that this constraint 35:08 would have covered her mouth that it 35:11 would have been below her mouth and 35:13 again either being constrained with tape 35:17 or cloth and there was no tape residue 35:21 like with duct tape that would be clear 35:23 that there was duct tape but right 35:26 across here 36:31 um the 36:32 laceration was uh it was a sideways 36:36 Direction and he said it was most likely 36:39 right to left oh and sorry it was on the 36:42 left side of her neck so um right to 36:47 left on the left side of her 36:50 neck and then um the prosecution States 36:54 we're going to come back to Abby and 36:56 we're going to jump to 36:59 Liberty and as they jump quickly to 36:02 Liberty um to Libby he explains that 36:06 three major vessels were cut including 36:09 the jugular vein and then the judge 36:12 actually interrupts and asks the council 36:14 to approach and after quite a while 36:17 nobody's really quite sure why the judge 36:19 has asked councel to approach the jury 36:21 is then told they're going to 36:23 break before anything else happens and 36:26 we all of a sudden have a minute break 36:28 in 36:29 court um this is when someone allegedly 37:32 told me that family or others were 37:33 complaining in the courtroom that you 37:34 couldn't hear anything you could hardly 37:37 hear this gentleman um Dr core and the 37:40 judge explains after everybody comes 37:42 back that the jurors and important 37:44 parties can hear she hopes the media who 37:46 has the best seats in the House can 37:48 relate info if anybody can't hear it but 37:50 she cannot improve the 37:53 sound 37:56 um and so we continue on with liberty 37:01 and um I'll show you my own sketch that 37:06 well no let's just pull this up 37:09 um oh actually you know what this is the 37:12 moment I knew there was a reason I 37:13 stayed on Abby they started to go to Li 37:15 they started to go to Libby's autopsy 37:17 but then they actually went back to Abby 37:21 so then we stuck to Abby so it was 37:22 almost like this false alarm we're like 37:24 we're going to come back to Abby let's 37:25 talk about Libby and then we had like 37:27 these Libby and then um we quickly went 38:30 back to Abby and so this was 38:36 um a chart I made of Abby let's see if I 38:39 can hold it 38:41 up they explained the veins 38:44 there um and they showed that and that's 38:48 so that's where the cut is so the 38:50 blue it was actually a graph on the on 38:53 the screen the veins and then the cut 38:57 and that was what I 38:03 drew 38:07 um and this is actually I'll show you 38:09 this this is what I drew with the 38:11 possible 38:13 restraint um because he actually pointed 38:16 it out and this was an actual photograph 38:19 uh a closeup of Abby and I drew this 38:26 um and there are two black faint lines I 39:30 realize that I'm small let me pull this 39:33 up bigger I just realized 39:38 okay so those were the faint lines that 39:40 were pointed out on this photograph of 39:42 her this was a real photograph we were 39:44 looking at and the faint line could be a 39:47 cloth or duct tape but no tape residue 39:49 lines below mouth so mouth not 39:52 covered and because I just made myself 39:54 bigger I'll show you again this other 39:56 chart I made of Abby 39:59 um those were her veins and that was 39:02 where her cut 39:14 was 39:17 um this is now where we turn to a photo 39:22 and looked at aby's backside and there 39:27 is a sketch 39:28 of that as well and so I'm going to 40:30 bring that up 40:33 um so let me 40:46 switch this was a photograph that we saw 40:50 um it was titled lighter mortise which 40:54 uh if you Google you look up it's 40:56 actually um liver mortise and it's the 40:59 pooling of blood This Is How They 40:02 explain what we're looking at here on 40:04 the backs side of 40:08 Abby um the way her backside looks meant 40:12 to Dr core that she had been dead at 40:14 least 10 hours if not 40:18 longer and this is also um where we see 40:24 that there is debris on her back meaning 40:27 that that she was likely laying nude on 40:30 the ground at some point because that 41:33 was under her 41:34 sweatshirt and the places where it's 41:37 pink and red was where there was 41:39 pressure between the part of her body 41:41 and the ground and where the blood 41:43 pulled um and the blood pulled of course 41:46 also where there was clothing she had 41:48 two bras on she had a regular black bra 41:51 as well as a sports bra and so there 41:54 were going to be pressure points there 41:02 um I will go 41:03 back to this 41:09 one and um I'll explain we're going to 41:13 get to Liberty now so I'll just explain 41:14 a few things on this sketch um there was 41:18 blood on her arm but they explained that 41:21 was after pulling off her hoodie that is 41:24 what her pink tank top looked like I'm 41:26 starting on this side I'm starting on 41:28 I'm starting I don't know what side 42:30 right or left that you guys are seeing 42:33 um and then her one gash and then they 42:35 took off one by one those are her two 42:38 bras and some superficial wounds and 42:42 because the wound was 42:44 gaping the doctor says that he stretched 42:47 it to measure just how long it was after 42:51 he cleaned it out um and so it was quite 42:55 long um over two 42:00 inches all right now we'll get 42:04 to Libby and I do have uh sketches of 42:08 Libby let me see where I want to start 42:11 Libby is also 64 in 42:15 5'4 the first photo that they showed was 42:18 prior to cleaning her body it was 42:23 heartbreaking um and I did note that 42:26 Kathy Allen um Richard Allen's wife 42:28 looked so sad during this moment um and 43:34 Ra's uh Richard Allen's sister had an 43:37 arm around Cathy so Richard Allen's 43:40 sister was there Richard Allen's mother 43:43 and Kathy 43:44 Allen Richard Allen was looking at the 43:47 photos I couldn't see his expression 43:49 because it was you know he was in front 43:51 of me but he was looking at the photos 43:53 and sometimes he would take 43:56 notes uh um I feel like there was 43:59 something else I saw here and I realized 43:01 I needed to share something 43:04 else 43:09 um first 43:12 pick prior to cleaning the body oh I 43:14 know what it was I want to say there has 43:16 been a lot of questions about Abby and 43:20 uh how much blood because there was a 43:21 lot more blood on Libby at the crime 43:23 scene and there's been speculation that 43:25 Abby didn't really bleed when they 43:27 showed the autopsy they explained how 43:30 there was a lot of blood on the white 44:33 sheet behind her as they lifted her and 44:36 undressed her so um there was 44:40 certainly blood with Abby it was just 44:43 more um Consolidated in one spot there 44:45 was only one injury to 44:49 Abby all right 44:53 um let me see this sketch 44:58 okay 44:59 so Libby was um Libby had a lot more 44:03 injuries so I'm going to share the 44:05 sketch 44:18 um 44:22 um let's see is that better 44:28 so this is Libby you know I'm going to 45:30 make this big and just get me off of the 45:33 screen for a second so you can see this 45:36 if I can figure out how to do 45:39 that okay I don't want to cover any of 45:42 it up I I agree that her injuries did 45:45 seem very personal so these were all 45:48 photographs they were actually 45:49 photographs that we 45:51 saw so we'll start you know what I'm 45:53 going to make it larger we'll start with 45:55 this um this was the first let's look at 45:59 that photo really 45:00 quickly um so the first photo was prior 45:04 to cleaning her body and there was blood 45:08 just 45:09 everywhere and um the second photo was a 45:13 closeup of the first and second wound in 45:16 her neck and it probably 45:19 looked like 45:23 this and um noting and they noted that 45:26 there was a tag in her wounds 46:31 so um the tag in her wounds if you look 46:34 here and you see so let me just see how 46:37 you guys are seeing this let me make 46:39 sure that this looks how I want to look 46:41 okay so if you see this and you see that 46:45 on the so look at the right wound and 46:48 how the 46:49 skin um kind of comes down in that like 46:53 he referred to that as a 46:55 tag and 46:58 um in that tag he says technically the 46:03 one wound is two wounds at at the very 46:06 least because what it means is it 46:08 indicates a second pass of the weapon or 46:11 he would refer to it as an instrument or 46:13 a sharp object meaning um that these two 46:17 wounds overlapped and he was he was um 46:22 there were multiple passes with the 46:24 weapon I'll call it a weapon it killed 46:26 them um 46:28 um putting my phone on do not disturb 47:31 forgive 47:34 me so 47:37 um 47:39 yeah sorry guys 47:42 um put my game face back on 47:46 here there um they explained some 47:50 superficial wounds on her body um so 47:54 I'll go I'll Zoom back out now 47:00 um okay I'll explain the superficial 47:03 wounds I there were there were many 47:05 things to sketch here and I don't know 47:08 if she Drew The Superficial wounds so 47:10 I'll just explain the superficial wounds 47:12 here I am everyone um they pointed out 47:16 that um there was an incision in her 47:18 chest just below her shoulder like sort 47:20 of like between her chest and her 47:22 shoulder blade down here I don't know 47:24 what side but on one of these sides I 47:25 don't have the picture front of me there 47:28 was a tiny abrasion just below her neck 48:31 and a superficial superficial abrasions 48:34 in her 48:36 neck um there were multiple tags on each 48:40 there were tags on each wound there were 48:42 multiple passes on each neck wound so 48:46 with Abby there was one pass and one 48:50 wound with Libby there were multiple 48:53 wounds and each wound had multiple 48:56 passes and and guys they were large I 48:58 even wrote here honestly this is me 48:00 trying to write I'm just going to show 48:02 you my attempt so you can see the 48:05 differences and 48:07 um I'll show you and I just wrote next 48:10 to it so deep and so bad I think we were 48:13 all just in 48:14 shock 48:17 um this was my attempt I just wrote so 48:21 deep and so bad 48:27 it really really 48:29 was oh and this is when I wrote I wrote 49:32 this I said Libby's family is watching 49:35 Richard Allen's family is watching 49:36 Richard Allen is taking notes and and 49:38 watching and I wrote the pics they're so 49:40 graphic this is shocking I wrote wounds 49:43 massive like I was clearly taking it in 49:45 and 49:47 just four or five huge wounds is what 49:50 they 49:52 stated pix graphic that's sort of just 49:55 how I take my notes in there 49:01 and by the way this is not easy for me 49:02 to talk about I'm not doing this 49:05 for I just feel like it's so important 49:08 to know what these girls went through 49:11 and to have the truth because there's 49:12 been such a lack of transparency I am 49:14 not enjoying doing this and being the 49:16 messenger right now I hope you all know 49:18 but I also know that if Libby's if the 49:20 victim's family are in there watching 49:22 this everybody should know what these 49:23 two girls went through so that's you 49:25 know I guess I just want to share my 49:27 purpose really quickly too because this 49:28 is not easy for me but I also know that 50:31 nobody else can be in not everyone can 50:33 be in the courtroom there's no audio 50:35 there's no video so I'm just I'm just 50:38 trying to be honest and be the messenger 50:40 here 50:42 so I will not forget 50:45 today all right game face back 50:49 on let's keep looking at 50:53 this um okay so then he explained the 50:57 closeup pick of a pattern and Christina 50:02 has done a great sketch of that 50:07 example 50:09 okay so he shows a photo of one of the 50:13 wounds and points out what that what 50:15 seems likely to be a seated pattern and 50:19 he calls it a seated pattern multiple 50:23 times um but it is confusing because he 50:26 keeps saying serated pattern but he's 50:28 never saying that a serated knife was 51:30 used or anything like that he actually 51:33 as he calls it a serated pattern he he's 51:35 also seeming to say that that doesn't 51:37 necessarily mean the weapon was 51:41 serated um he also refers at one point 51:43 to like more like abrasions I have 51:44 question marks here I'm I I remind 51:47 myself to ask my fellow seatmates what 51:49 they're seeing but I certainly see a 51:52 serated edge pattern and as you can see 51:54 here in this really good sketch that's 51:57 what we're seeing right on the edge of 51:59 one of the wounds it's serated like 51:02 there's also a gaping wound above the 51:06 serated pattern that's not really drawn 51:10 here in detail so let's see 51:13 here so there's clearly multiple wounds 51:17 in her neck as you can see here right on 51:20 this picture the sketch only shows the 51:23 serrated but above it you could see the 51:27 start of another big gaping wound like 52:32 it was really large on this um hold on 52:38 here right 52:40 there and 52:42 um this is 52:44 when uh Dr core brought up and 52:47 speculated something that he had been 52:49 thinking about after his reports were 52:52 done and he said that so again it's not 52:56 shown here but it was next it was a spot 52:58 a gaping wound next to this serated 52:01 pattern um okay and I'll I'll show you 52:04 these because this actually kind of is 52:06 more like these 52:07 gaping wounds 52:12 um well let's just look at it all right 52:14 okay there you guys 52:19 go the gaping wound above the serated 52:22 line is another wound that Dr K 52:25 speculates another piece piece of the 52:27 knife was used or put into this large 53:31 wound like the handle going too 53:35 far he explained that he had been 53:38 thinking about it and that in his garage 53:40 in Dr cor's garage he has a box cutter 53:43 and he had been looking at his box 53:44 cutter and a box cutter has a plastic 53:47 thumb grip to keep it from 53:49 slipping and the more that Dr core has 53:53 thought about it since his 53:55 report the more he's realized that it 53:57 could be the side of a box cutter that 53:01 went too far into this gaping wound of 53:04 Libby's 53:11 neck 53:19 um abies they go into this and this was 53:23 hard to hear but he was asked about 53:27 symptoms of what would happen from their 53:29 wounds before they 54:32 died he explained that aby's symptom 54:35 from her 54:37 wound 54:40 um would be 54:42 pain 54:44 bleeding and then Panic sets in 54:46 depending on the person and then the 54:49 heart rate tries to compensate for the 54:51 loss of blood and the blood pressure 54:53 starts dropping and then the body goes 54:56 into shock 54:57 there's lost 54:59 Consciousness she is not sustaining 54:01 normal function and the brain shuts 54:04 down it's asked how long would it take 54:08 for Abby to 54:11 die they say if she was still sitting up 54:14 versus if she was sitting still versus 54:16 upright it would be 54:18 different at least 10 5 to 10 minutes 54:21 maybe longer depending on how still she 54:24 was in terms of injuries to Liberty it 54:27 would be the same symptoms the blood 54:30 loss because of her injuries would be 55:31 more rapid and the stages of shock more 55:34 rapid that's where then he refers to the 55:38 hands with blood that we had seen in 55:40 photographs today and earlier when we 55:42 saw crime scene photos both of Libby's 55:49 hands were covered in blood both of them 55:52 and I had speculated with you that I 55:54 wondered if she had grabbed her injury 55:57 Dr core said as much he said that he 55:60 believed that the hands with blood on 55:02 Liberty were probably her initial 55:05 reaction it would be the initial 55:06 reaction of many people to apply 55:09 pressure and stop the 55:11 bleeding he said it could take 5 to 10 55:13 minutes but probably five minutes with 55:16 Libby since three vessels were 55:18 cut he estimates that the time of death 55:21 for both girls was 40 41 hours before 55:25 the autopsy was done done on February 55:28 15th well to be more clear the autopsy 56:31 was done on 56:34 February oh sorry 56:36 February February 15th at 800 a.m. in 56:40 the 56:41 morning and again on Libby there were 56:44 four wounds on the neck five maybe five 56:48 they were similar in size to aby's but 56:50 they had multiple passes and this is 56:53 again where they reiterated there was 56:55 nothing visible in the SA 56:57 kit but um that doesn't mean that there 56:01 wasn't 56:04 sa so then we get to a redirect 56:08 I'll take these 56:13 down and uh there is a redirect with 56:16 Rosie or I keep calling it a redirect 56:18 it's a cross a cross exam I don't know 56:20 why I'm referring to as a redirect then 56:22 that concludes the prosecution's 56:24 questioning of Dr core and and then 56:27 there is a cross exam with Dr not Dr 57:31 Rosie with attorney Rosie and Rosie is 57:34 claiming that Dr core said he couldn't 57:36 be sure of the time of death so that 57:39 he's surprised you know that he's 57:41 stating a time of death 57:43 now he also said that during the uh 57:47 deposition Rosie is saying that during 57:49 the deposition Dr core said he could not 57:52 tell uh what weapon was used on Abby 57:57 Dr Court answers and saysyou right I 57:59 said it was a sharp instrument but I 57:02 certainly cannot say with certainty what 57:04 that sharp instrument 57:07 is um question by the defense says well 57:10 you said that this injury could be 57:12 caused by anything from a pocket knife 57:14 to a kitchen knife but you said nothing 57:17 in your deposition back then about a box 57:20 cutter Dr cor says correct explaining 57:24 that he thought about it later the dent 57:27 says 58:33 um I'm going to skip that because I'm 58:35 not certain I have the right facts there 58:36 I don't want to start 58:38 anything I'll go back with all these 58:40 questions and and I I'll tell you 58:41 tomorrow during my lunch live 58:46 um they explained that they did collect 58:49 um or try to collect anything around 58:51 fingernails but essentially the 58:52 fingernails were so short especially on 58:54 Abby that it was almost impossible she 58:57 was likely a 58:58 nailbiter there was 58:01 um there's a question from the defense 58:04 about cerebral edema a swelling of the 58:06 blood and the Brain uh with um Libby and 58:11 Dr core explains that Miss German's case 58:13 was 58:15 mild um and then the defense said but in 58:19 all of this autopsy report there is 58:21 nothing to say who did this is that 58:25 correct and Dr said 58:28 correct now Rosie is actually getting 59:30 pretty feisty with this expert witness 59:32 Dr 59:34 core and Rosie starts saying that Dr 59:37 core should have come to his office with 59:40 this new information that there was a 59:42 February deposition where he never 59:43 mentioned a box cutter he never 59:45 mentioned his new thoughts about this 59:47 handle of a box cutter and why did he 59:49 not come to Dr Rosie's office and and 59:52 the defense's office and share this core 59:55 claims Dr core claims in response to 59:58 that that he has not changed his 59:60 deposition that he has not changed 59:02 anything that would make him need to go 59:04 to the office of the defense and tell 59:06 him the only thing that is he's thought 59:08 about now is he has a theory about a box 59:11 cutter due to seeing one in his garage 59:15 Rosie says well how many times have you 59:17 talked to the prosecution since the 59:19 deposition in February Dr cor says a few 59:22 times Rosie says but you didn't add a 59:25 supplemental report after sharing this 59:27 with the prosecution Dr cor says that 60:30 happens if I change something and I have 60:33 not changed 60:35 anything Rosie then says but you sat 60:37 down with a reporter two years ago had 60:39 coffee with 60:41 them uh Dr core says did I say Dr Rosie 60:45 attorney Rosie Dr core Dr core says that 60:49 is 60:50 correct now we have a redirect with the 60:52 prosecution Dr um lutrell and he asks 60:57 how many knives do you think were 60:00 used and his answer which confused me 60:03 because I was expecting multiple knives 60:05 at this point one seated another the 60:07 multiple weapons his answer is that he 60:10 believed there could just be one uh 60:13 weapon or knife that was used question 60:17 uh by the prosecution are you sure that 60:20 the tags and artifacts in Libby's wound 60:22 doesn't mean that there was more than 60:23 one 60:24 instrument Dr Cor answer is not 60:27 necessarily so in other words not 61:30 necessarily doesn't mean he is certain 61:32 there could be one there could be 61:35 more after this concludes for the first 61:37 time ever there are no jury 61:42 questions and that concluded the 61:49 autopsies um okay before we get to the 61:51 next witness checking how is timing on 61:54 chat 61:59 um 61:02 I will just do I need to was do I need 61:07 to um do I need to slow down the chat or 61:11 are we good thank you so much Chelsea 61:14 thank you to everyone 61:17 here oh my goodness thank you everyone 62:31 um I have my phone on do not disturb but 62:34 that's my husband who overrides the Do 62:36 Not Disturb so forgive the sound 62:41 there all 62:43 right um thank you everyone we'll go to 62:45 these 62:47 later um I see a lot of questions so I 62:50 want you to know that I will go back to 62:51 them let's jump to the next witness um 62:55 the last witness for the day 62:59 so the next witness is Christopher Cecil 62:02 first sergeant 62:03 Cecil he is part of the Indiana crimes 62:06 against children task force and he's uh 62:09 he shared his CV and he's actually 62:11 graduating this year he will be part of 62:13 the Cyber crimes investigation unit and 62:15 he has been involved in hundreds of 62:18 cases in 2019 he was a computer forensic 62:21 examiner for the Indiana State Police he 62:24 had done extractions 62:26 on uh a lot of extractions to let them 62:30 see the full contents of an Apple device 63:33 he used a new gray Key System to get all 63:37 raw data that looks for lost or deleted 63:39 data and he um and we're now referring 63:42 to Libby's cell phone or her iPhone 6 63:47 the gray key is a program that was used 63:50 this is not sellbrite that was one that 63:52 another one that Indiana State Police 63:54 used but this is gray key is actually 63:57 used it's different to get information 63:60 out of the phone and then other programs 63:03 make that informational information 63:05 readable it includes things like dates 63:07 times texts photos Etc on February 13 63:12 2017 he took uh he didn't take the phone 63:15 on that date but he he took Libby's 63:18 phone and he looked specifically at that 63:20 date because he knew that Libby and Abby 63:23 were on the Monon high bridge that day 63:25 and recorded Who police believed to be 63:27 the abductor on the bridge they were 64:30 trying to establish a timeline and 64:32 compare the data for investigators here 64:35 is a report now that showed up on the 64:37 screen of a summary of His findings it 64:39 was an Apple iPhone 6 and there were at 64:43 least two people that often used this 64:45 phone Libby and 64:47 Abby there was actually he knew this 64:50 because of user accounts and information 64:52 for both girls stored in the phone 64:54 including iclouds and pass passwords 64:56 both of the girls shared this phone 64:58 that's just how close they 64:00 were the Apple health application was 64:04 page nine of this report and we're going 64:06 to go over it and it is really 64:08 interesting so they explained that the 64:10 Apple health application tracks and is 64:12 always tracking and working in the 64:14 background when it comes to steps it 64:16 could determine steps that were walked 64:17 or ran or uh the value of what kind of 64:21 thing elevation everything time date 64:24 steps distance Etc 64:27 so on 213 64:30 2017 there were 100 excuse me there were 65:37 1,682 steps recorded between 131 and 208 65:43 p.m. on that day now as I read this 65:46 let's put in something that helps at 65:48 2:13 so the date is 2113 and the time 65:51 that the video of bridgeguy was taken 65:53 was also 2113 so just remember 213 65:56 that's the time I have to like put 65:58 everything around that time so just 65:59 remember the video on the 65:00 bridge that says down the hill was time 65:04 stamped at 65:05 213 um so going back to this at so 65:09 between 1:30 meaning starting before 65:10 they're even dropped off because um 65:14 Kelsey actually drops them off let's see 65:16 I can find this I have Kelsey is on 65:19 surveillance camera dropping them off at 65:23 the bridge at 65:24 1:49 p.m. 65:26 just so I'm just going to help you guys 65:28 okay so Kelsey drops Abby liby off at 66:30 the bridge at 149 at the mir's 66:33 entrance and 66:35 then at uh at 2:13 p.m. is when we hear 66:41 down the hill so just keep those two 66:45 times in your brain while I share these 66:47 other times from the Apple health 66:49 application so between 66:52 131 so before they even are going to the 66:54 bridge and 208 there are 1,682 steps 66:59 taken 66:01 um there 66:07 is forgive 66:13 me I just want to make sure I get this 66:17 right this was difficult at first and we 66:20 were comparing notes so I want to get 66:22 this right 66:28 um at 67:31 2:31 uh there is an elevation change 67:34 because the Apple health application can 67:36 record um how many flights of stairs you 67:40 take but essentially what it means is 67:42 you're taking steps with an elevation 67:43 change and there was an elevation change 67:45 at 67:46 231 two floors worth of an elevation 67:49 change and then at 67:52 2:32 he concludes that the phone stopped 67:54 ever moving again at 67:57 232 so dropped off at 67:01 149 146 149 I keep forgetting that I got 67:05 to get that right hold on dropped off at 67:08 149 by 67:09 Kelsey Bridge Guy video taken at 67:12 213 they say that the phone never moved 67:15 again after 67:18 232 but let's get into the details 67:20 there's more but let's let's get into 67:23 the other times 67:28 so at um 68:33 1:41 a picture was posted to Snapchat 68:37 liby 68:38 Snapchat at 1:43 another picture is 68:42 posted to Libby's Snapchat while she's 68:44 in the car the vehicle so that would 68:46 make sense because again Kelsey dropped 68:49 them off at about 14 uh9 this is um 143 68:53 a pick is posted of Liberty in the car 68:55 on her Snapchat at 2:05 p.m. a picture 68:59 is posted on Snapchat of Abby on the 68:01 monan mo monan high bridge at 2113 is a 68:06 video taken of bridge guy at 2:14 68:10 someone tries to unlock the phone so 68:13 that's big so one minute after the 68:17 bridge Guy video is taken somebody tries 68:20 to unlock the phone at 214 they are 68:22 unsuccessful in unlocking the phone 68:26 at 68:27 2:31 flights are climbed at 69:31 2:32 the last time the phone 69:35 moved and let's keep getting into the 69:37 nitty-gritty because there's a lot of 69:39 nitty-gritty 69:47 here so let's see 69:49 here he 69:52 explains that the health app is always 69:54 on and it would always detect movement 69:56 if the phone moved it would detect 69:59 movement there's this knowledge C info 69:01 it's like okay this is where you're 69:04 going to learn that I am not a tech 69:05 person I'm writing stuff down I'm doing 69:08 my best here to relay what I heard I 69:11 this stuff is like kind of Beyond me I 69:13 doing my best uh sort of like my 69:16 sketches knowledge C info tracks 69:19 activity even simple activity like a 69:21 light on uh on a phone in 2019 knowledge 69:28 C becomes a thing so it wasn't a thing 70:30 back in 70:31 2017 necessarily but it's becoming a 70:34 thing in 70:36 2019 gray key the program they're using 70:40 which is not cite but gray key the new 70:42 programming that Indiana State Police is 70:44 starting to use gets knowledge C info 70:47 and then the software is used to put it 70:49 into a readable form so that we can read 70:53 exactly what they extract from the phone 70:56 so he's just sort of like kind of 70:58 bragging about how detailed this is um 70:01 it shows when the phone is being so 70:03 knowledge C stuff can show when the 70:05 phone's being charged when it's being 70:06 plugged in when apps are utilized when 70:09 calls are made everything like that um 70:13 and it shows a 70:14 timeline so going back to that uh going 70:19 back to uh that 141 oh so that 141 70:24 explain the picture was posted on Snap 70:25 Snapchat and it's found in the Snapchat 70:28 application like the Snapchat cash at 71:31 143 there's that other Snapchat pick of 71:33 Liberty in a tie-dye shirt in a vehicle 71:36 in an automobile and she is smiling it's 71:38 of Libby at 20:5 there's that other 71:41 Snapchat on the mo mon on high bridge 71:45 and we've already gone through this 71:46 we're going through one more time 2113 71:48 video of bridge guys recorded Abby 71:50 Williams walks across on that video and 71:54 a man Walks Behind her what happens 71:58 after the video stops well at 2:14 and 71:01 41 seconds someone tries to unlock the 71:04 phone and they are unsuccessful and at 71:06 232 is the last time the phone 71:08 moved um 71:12 but 71:14 um and then the last recorded data is at 71:19 1032 p.m. and then after that the 71:23 battery likely is completed you know it 71:26 might not have been p.m excuse me that 71:28 was probably a.m the next morning 71:30 forgive me at 10:32 a.m. is the last 72:32 recorded data the battery likely 72:34 depleted now in 2019 to 2024 a lot of 72:37 programs have changed to extract data 72:39 you get updates on programs and he 72:41 wanted to see the new info Cil wanted to 72:43 see the new info so he reprocessed the 72:46 original raw data so he did not do a new 72:49 extraction from the phone but he took 72:51 the raw data and he plugged it in this 72:54 is in 2024 to see how things have 72:57 improved and what he might get that's 72:59 new he also had access to bunner's data 72:03 that was someone a couple days ago that 72:05 also extracted the phone using sellbrite 72:08 and they compared his method one 72:10 extraction to help write a second report 72:12 of Libby's 72:14 phone the data was added in the second 72:17 report May 2024 to August 72:21 2024 so there was no old data that was 72:24 changed just data that was added to this 72:26 report and here is Page four of the 72:29 second report I explain all those times 73:32 so again I'm just going to say them one 73:34 more time really fast 131 or at 1 141 73:37 pick of a Snapchat 143 pick post of 73:39 Liberty in the car 205 a picture posted 73:42 of Abby on the bridge 213 video of 73:44 bridge guy 214 someone unsuccessfully 73:47 tries to unlock the phone 231 p.m 73:50 flights are climbed two flights are 73:52 climbed 2:32 last time phone has moved 73:55 um um knowledge C shows that the camera 73:58 is being used but it does not show 73:00 photos that were taken on page 11 it 73:04 shows that there's a video captured with 73:05 iPhone at 73:06 2113 this is a issue the the location he 73:11 explains starts at Deli High School when 73:14 this video at 213 starts capturing but 73:16 he explains that 4 seconds into the 73:18 video that the GPS Narrows onto the 73:21 bridge he says that's important because 73:23 sometimes that can happen so even though 73:25 the GPS gets it wrong right when a video 73:26 starts recording it doesn't mean it just 73:28 takes a while to Center in and it did 74:30 Center 4 seconds into the video onto the 74:33 bridge not Deli High School um the 74:37 Snapchat data location was turned on so 74:40 Snapchat was supposed to get your 74:41 location um but Apple developers they 74:45 don't want the apps to necessarily wear 74:46 the battery out of the phone so even 74:48 though there's a location data on in the 74:50 background Snapchat location in the 74:52 background is only updated in intervals 74:55 not consistently or constantly and again 74:58 he says 74:59 232 um uh was the last movement of the 74:04 phone but then this is where we get to 74:06 the issue the defense brings up at 4:33 74:11 a.m. he allegedly gathered 74:14 info that there were there were texts 74:18 and missed calls that came 74:20 in on on Libby's phone at around 4:30 in 74:25 the morning war and this is what the 74:27 defense has always stated that they 74:29 believe that the phone was turned off 75:30 and turned back on and then perhaps 75:32 maybe the time of death isn't certain 75:34 right like there's all these 75:37 thoughts 75:39 well according to according to Cecil he 75:43 says that he gathered info that the 75:45 phone was never turned off so that's 75:48 interesting to me he's this idea that 75:51 maybe the phone was turned off and 75:52 turned back on by someone at four and 75:54 all these texts came in he says that he 75:56 gathered info that shows that the phone 75:58 was never turned off and then there also 75:01 asked and there was never any movement 75:03 after that after that time at 2:32 and 75:07 he said no there was never any Movement 75:08 by the phone after 2:32 and the phone 75:10 was not turned off and then he also said 75:14 that between the time of the last 75:17 movement of the phone and the missed 75:20 text and calls that came in around 75:22 4:30 there are FaceTime calls and other 75:26 texts that come in during this time and 75:29 when the around that 4:30 p.m. they 76:32 receiv received 76:33 19 uh SMN SMS 76:38 messages don't quote me on that now I'm 76:40 like reading my notes a little insecure 76:43 um when all of the text messages came in 76:46 oh at 4:06 PM for example there was a 76:49 text received from Becky Patty and it 76:51 said you need to call me now with four 76:54 exclamation points several messages came 76:56 in at 4:33 a.m. to Libby's phone 15 to 76:00 20 messages all came in at once and then 76:04 it is asked to Cecil can you explain 76:07 that and this is a direct quote from him 76:11 based on the data I have I don't know so 76:15 in other words he cannot explain 76:18 why 15 to 20 messages all came in at 76:21 once at 4:33 a.m. in quotes BAS based on 76:25 the data I know I have I don't know 76:29 based on the data I have I don't know 77:32 direct 77:33 quote but at 4:34 a.m. that is the last 77:37 activity on Libby's phone and then it 77:39 lost power it is not turned back on 77:42 until 3:06 p.m. and it's turned back on 77:45 by Lieutenant bunner who now has the 77:47 phone after they found the girls bodies 77:49 at the crime scene 3:06 p.m. on 77:51 Valentine's Day 77:53 2017 we then have a break for the 77:55 afternoon we come back and uh then on 77:59 page 11 he explains this is another 77:02 thing that gets confusing a Snapchat of 77:04 Abby walking on the uh monan high bridge 77:08 that photo that we've seen that she 77:09 posted to her Snapchat they did not find 77:12 that picture on her device and he 77:15 doesn't know why there are other all the 77:18 other Snapchat photographs that are 77:20 posted on the Snapchat are on her device 77:25 but this one photo was not found on her 77:29 device and they don't know 78:31 why um then it is asked of him how many 78:36 steps are in a flight of stairs when it 78:38 comes to Apple health and they said 78:39 about 16 steps and you have to go 78:41 approximately 20 feet in 78:44 elevation then there's a cross 78:48 exam and there are 78:51 Snapchat picks are continued she's she's 78:54 really pushing the the cross exam is 78:56 really pushing these Snapchat picks and 78:58 how there's a Snapchat missing missing 78:00 and how that could be where is this 78:02 SnapChat if it's not on the 78:05 phone 78:07 um you know they they then they ask this 78:10 and it's really interesting they say 78:11 there's a shutdown log and every time 78:12 you turn off or on your phone it resets 78:15 the 78:16 log so they asked the defense asked the 78:19 question when bunner restarted the phone 78:21 on the 14th of February at that 3:06 78:24 p.m. it restarted the shutdown log 78:26 didn't it and uh Cecil answers correct 78:30 and the jury will never have that info 79:32 is that right defense says and he writes 79:35 correct someone explained that to me it 79:37 seems really important and I don't 79:40 understand what the shutdown log is 79:42 there's Apple messaging is brought up 79:44 now so if user a has an Apple iPhone and 79:49 user B has an Android that means that 79:52 the text is an SMS which stands for 79:55 short message service I was today years 79:58 old when I learned that I did not know 79:60 that SMS stands for short message 79:02 service so if someone has an Android and 79:04 someone has an iPhone it's an 79:06 SMS they don't need the Internet they 79:10 are delivered differently he says that 79:11 is correct so a question the defense is 79:14 bringing up so during this time that the 79:17 phone received these alleged FaceTime 79:20 calls and at you know 4:06 p.m. on the 79:23 13th at 4:30 3: a.m. on the 79:26 14th it received zero SMS messages that 80:30 needed a tower to send and a 80:33 433 she all of a sudden receives 15 SMS 80:38 messages and when I'm hearing this by 80:41 the way I'm thinking to myself well this 80:42 Mak sense because there are times when I 80:44 do get messages that I'm an iPhone user 80:47 and my Android friends my iPhone 80:49 messages will come in sometimes and my 80:50 Android friends they won't come in so to 80:52 me I'm like okay this is making sense to 80:54 me like if 80:56 okay but wait for it let just keep 80:59 going but the SMS messages are time 80:03 stamped at the time they're received so 80:05 if an SMS message doesn't come in right 80:09 away when it's received and when it's 80:12 actually sent is when it's timestamped 80:15 like when we actually get the 80:17 message so it may be unknown if the 80:21 messages came on time or late because it 80:24 just shows the time they arrive and that 80:27 is correct so now the defense 80:29 says explains that with an iPhone 81:33 messaging with iPhone 81:35 messaging if they're if it's late it's 81:39 timestamped at the time the first 81:42 attempt was made so in other words if if 81:47 those came in late they would be time 81:49 stamped earlier so she said you really 81:51 can't be certain whether the facetimes 81:54 came on time or the IM messages came on 81:57 time like you don't know that they 81:59 really came throughout the night this is 81:01 the defense arguing and Cil was like 81:03 kind of like yeah you're right correct 81:05 that was kind of a w moment I'm like 81:06 wait so now we're back to square 81:10 one why why right why did all these 81:14 messages come in at 4:30 to Libby's 81:16 phone the morning of February 14th 81:20 2017 and do we really know that other 81:22 FaceTime messages or iold messages were 81:24 coming in before then throughout the 81:26 night I guess I'm back to not being 81:28 completely 82:30 sure and then the defense States 82:36 this there is nothing on this device 82:39 that ties Richard Allen to Libby or Abby 82:42 is that correct and Cil says 82:45 correct and then she states there is 82:48 nothing it's a there's nothing on this 82:50 device that ties Richard Allen to the 82:53 murders of Libyan 82:55 is that correct and Cil says that is 82:58 correct I have to point this out I 82:01 actually disagree with his answer and 82:03 let me explain why I believe his answer 82:06 should be that he doesn't know if 82:08 there's anything on the device that ties 82:09 Richard 82:10 Allen to the murders because the 82:13 prosecution at one point we're at the 82:15 trial of Richard Allen which means that 82:17 the prosecution at one point is going to 82:20 assert that bridge guy is Richard Allen 82:23 whether that's true or not we don't know 82:26 whether the jury's going to buy it we 82:27 don't 82:28 know but the prosecution has not 82:30 asserted this yet but they're certainly 83:32 preparing to assert that bridge guy is 83:34 Richard Allen and when that happens 83:38 because it's going to happen they will 83:40 assert that bridge guy AKA Richard Allen 83:44 was captured on Libby's phone so in my 83:47 opinion the answer should have not been 83:49 correct the answer uh by Cecil should 83:52 have been he's not sure because 83:55 if the 83:57 prosecution asserts their theory that 83:59 Richard Allen is Bridge guy and the jury 83:01 buys it and he is guilty thus there is 83:04 technically something that ties Richard 83:06 Allen to the crime but that's to be 83:10 determined and I'm nitpicky now so I'll 83:12 move forward but I just that was 83:15 something that bothered me moving 83:19 on um his answer should have been I 83:22 don't know now the 83:25 prosecution brought um now there's 83:28 redirect by the prosecution they're 84:30 explaining that Richard Allen had a sell 84:33 phone in 2017 and I put whoa prosecution 84:37 finally brought up Richard Allen for 84:38 like the first time ever the defenses 84:41 brought him up but the prosecution 84:42 hasn't we're on day five this is the 84:43 first time the end of you know the end 84:46 of the day that the prosecution is 84:47 actually naming Richard Allen they're 84:49 saying that Richard Allen had a cell 84:50 phone in 2017 it was a unique serial 84:53 number of Richard Allen cell number and 84:55 did you were you able to compare that to 84:57 the other devices did you know the cell 84:59 phone that Richard Allen had at this 84:01 time and they he explains that they 84:04 analyzed uh phones of Richard Allen and 84:07 other electronics but when they searched 84:09 his phone that they were never able to 84:11 find the phone that Richard Allen had in 84:14 2017 thus it could never be analyzed so 84:18 there you go and after 2:32 p.m. oh I 84:21 say that the phone stopped and oh and 84:23 then they go into after 2:32 p.m. did 84:26 the phone ever move again and he States 84:29 no 85:31 um okay so then this is towards the end 85:35 of the 85:37 day and uh there are jury questions 85:42 they're asked if any jurors have 85:43 questions again there were no questions 85:45 after the 85:46 autopsy and after the jury questions are 85:50 collected there is a massive sidebar 85:52 like a sidebar that almost put me asleep 85:55 because they put the white noise on so 85:57 we can't hear and it was on for so long 85:59 I was getting cozy um I have a blanket 85:03 with me in the court and as a cushion 85:04 for my seat and I was getting cozy um 85:10 and we're not sleeping too much at night 85:12 so that we can get into the 85:13 courtroom um so boom massive sidebar I'm 85:16 like what's this about well they they 85:18 conclude the sidebar and they come out 85:20 and I'll just say this with so many 85:22 questions from the jury there might have 85:23 been nearly 10 questions from the jury 85:25 I've never seen so many questions from 85:27 the jury and it was all over all about 85:29 Cecil's testimony some of the questions 86:32 admittedly I didn't really understand 86:34 but I will tell you what they were 86:35 mostly about they were mostly 86:40 about the missing 86:42 photo that was seen on the 86:46 Snapchat but 86:48 missing from Libby's device so that that 86:52 photo that appeared on Snapchat that 86:54 they were never were able to find on 86:55 Libby's device that's where most of the 86:58 questions stem from 86:00 and they they asked what that meant and 86:06 uh they asked actually one of the jurors 86:08 asked if that technically meant that 86:12 Libby could have posted the photo using 86:16 somebody else's device and Cil 86:18 essentially answered technically yeah 86:21 that could be one reason so I mean the 86:24 J's going there I thought that was 86:27 interesting um wonderer asked what the 86:29 black spaces are and the timeline of the 87:31 first report the answer is the battery 87:35 levels another again another person 87:38 asked about the photo depicting the 87:40 bridge with um that didn't make it on 87:44 Libby's somehow wasn't extracted from 87:46 Libby's phone um someone was asking how 87:49 does a phone receive texts or FaceTime 87:52 calls um he didn't really have an answer 87:55 didn't understand that question the jury 87:56 is asking if they checked if he checked 87:58 the cell towers that day to figure out 87:01 so a lot of questions now about the 4:30 87:03 like all the texts coming into Libby's 87:05 phone at 4:30 a lot of questions about 87:07 that too and so one juror asked well did 87:10 you check the cell towers and how they 87:11 reacted to the phone and he explained 87:14 that no he wouldn't do that but that 87:16 another investigator would that it 87:17 wouldn't be his job to check that I 87:19 wrote again so many jur questions um 87:24 then somebody else asked if Snapchat 87:26 videos could be deleted and knowledge SE 87:28 data with an app usage he didn't 88:31 understand that question neither do I um 88:34 then somebody else is asking if a piic 88:36 could not be saved due to battery life 88:40 someone else asked where the Snapchat 88:42 picks were saved that was in the 88:44 Snapchat cache and in her photos oh oh 88:49 and in the app data and uh these sort of 88:53 questions can continued and that that 88:57 was a day 88:58 today and they called it a 88:01 day so there you go 88:07 um so I'll I'll look at some questions 88:10 now this is a great first one lighter 88:13 was what they had on the screen and if 88:15 you look it up it is another term for um 88:19 I'll tell you I'll read it cuz I was 88:22 confused as well but that was 88:25 absolutely what was on the screen 88:28 Googled 89:31 it uh it's another term for liver 89:34 mortise also known as postmortem 89:37 vividity or 89:39 postmortem I'm not going to try to 89:41 pronounce that word it's a postmortem 89:43 change that occurs when blood pools in 89:45 the lower parts of the body after death 89:47 this pooling causes the skin to discolor 89:49 ranging from pink to dark purple thank 89:52 you AI overview 89:56 um I am going to look at everything you 89:60 guys have been sending um now and I 89:03 we'll if you have a question put a giant 89:06 question mark on it and I'll answer some 89:10 questions and thank you 89:12 everyone it means a 89:16 lot thank you Grandma Michigan 89:26 interesting Theory thank you 89:29 Essie Libby was forced to put them on 90:31 because it was 90:32 easier oh my gosh I know uh can't stop 90:36 crying for days I'm going to probably 90:39 have some time to myself it was you guys 90:41 it's heavy man it's heavy stuff and the 90:43 more I learn the more 90:46 just horrible it gets I cannot imagine a 90:50 worst nightmare and this town is so tiny 90:52 and so tight-knit and 90:55 to think it could happen there I've been 90:57 to this beautiful 90:59 spot thank you so much Elina thank you 90:02 for taking the time to be in Indiana and 90:03 cover this case Sami day thank you for 90:06 gifting a 90:07 membership Lynn thank you for being a 90:09 member for 19 months thank you for 90:11 keeping us informed you are welcome it 90:14 is not easy but thank you for 90:16 appreciating this um thank you 90:21 Rosemary thank you Deborah 90:29 thank you so 91:33 much all right let's get to these 91:42 questions okay I'm looking 91:45 now I saw some one person asked if Dr 91:48 John was in chat he's not he is 91:50 parenting 91:51 tonight um 91:55 I will I will catch him up 91:10 though that's interesting someone says I 91:13 have an iPhone user at home they just 91:15 told me if using the find my iPhone app 91:18 if the phone is changed to lost or 91:20 stolen it will power on that is 91:23 interesting that people work trying to 91:24 get into her iPad to find her iPhone 91:27 that evening so 91:29 that's is 92:32 interesting I know keep keep the 92:34 victim's families and your thoughts I I 92:36 see them every day and my heart just 92:38 goes out to them and I can't imagine 92:40 what all the families are going through 92:43 um Richard Allen's family too sitting 92:45 there 92:47 um 92:51 yeah what about how Libby's back looked 92:58 um so um let's pull that up 92:03 again oh so we didn't see Libby's back 92:06 actually um that I recall we did see 92:08 Libby's back at the crime scene I won't 92:11 ever forget that um I didn't notice much 92:14 because I didn't have anyone pointing 92:15 out to me what to look for it was there 92:17 was just a lot of blood but there was no 92:20 back photo of Libby that I recall from 92:22 the autopsy photos today 92:28 thank you so much KCl we really 92:30 appreciate 93:33 you that is true Troublemaker Baker a 93:35 lot of people are saying who was killed 93:37 first they have never stated 93:39 that 93:41 um great question Rebecca Lee I want to 93:44 know now too is RA right or 93:52 left-handed Heidi yeah so that's I think 93:55 a question many people are 93:00 asking sorry guys I can't keep up with 93:02 all the questions again if you have a 93:04 question that you need me to answer 93:05 right now put a red question mark 93:08 because the chat's going so fast um I 93:11 can't see everything that's coming 93:13 through and forgive me if I'm missing 93:17 something wouldn't Searchers hear a 93:19 ringing phone it makes no sense you're 93:21 right I think that's part of the 93:22 question is was there a moment when her 93:25 phone wasn't catching service was it 93:26 turned on um there's certainly a lot of 93:29 theories out there wouldn't Searchers 94:31 hear a ringing phone I'll I'll say this 94:33 though I went out to the area where they 94:35 were found I went to the cemetery I've 94:37 gone through the woods I've gone to the 94:39 bridge well it's true that there's a lot 94:41 of leaves right now because it's it's 94:43 October and in February there were no 94:45 leaves they were all on the ground this 94:47 is a very dense wooded 94:50 area um and I'm personally not surprised 94:53 that nobody found them until the next 94:55 day um I don't I don't know why a phone 94:59 wasn't ringing I don't 94:03 know maybe they also put the phone on 94:05 silent right they haven't said maybe the 94:07 girls were hiding the phone and they 94:09 certainly didn't want the phone to ring 94:11 while they were with 94:16 him it's a great question Lynn I'd love 94:20 to know that did they try to lift 94:22 fingerprints off of Libby's phone to be 94:25 determined I would hope they 94:28 tried they did not really discuss the 95:31 blood on Libby's legs today oddly um I 95:35 think that the theory is 95:38 that there was just a lot but you're not 95:40 they they didn't really or if if he did 95:42 I missed it but no they didn't discuss 95:45 the blood on Libby's legs today in um 95:49 detail 95:56 we do not not yo if there was DNA taken 95:59 off of Li Abby and Libby's bodies or 95:00 pronal effects that tie that are a tied 95:03 to their murders um there was DNA taken 95:06 from their bodies we learned that 95:07 yesterday about all the evidence that 95:09 was taken and swapped from their bodies 95:11 and we learned about the sa kits that 95:12 were taken but as of right now we have 95:15 not heard of any DNA that was found that 95:17 would connect uh DNA of a 95:22 killer great question gray is the jury 95:25 paying attention they absolutely are and 95:28 they are taking a lot of notes um and as 96:31 you can see by the questions they're 96:33 asking they have a lot of questions one 96:35 thing that's interesting about this jury 96:36 is there are certainly some jurors that 96:38 know about this crime it's not like 96:41 other trials I've covered like the dbel 96:44 case where like if you had seen one 96:45 documentary on the case you were like 96:47 not even considered like they wanted 96:49 every jury to have absolutely zero 96:52 knowledge about the crime case in this 96:55 situation I've heard that that wasn't 96:57 really a mandatory thing and some of the 96:00 first juror questions that were asked 96:03 like on the second day and the third day 96:05 really had me thinking that these some 96:07 of these jurors know more about this 96:09 crime because some some of the questions 96:11 I even thought we haven't even gotten to 96:14 that yet has that even been mentioned um 96:16 and I think that just hearing about the 96:18 questions they're asking like everyone 96:19 wanting to know about the missing photo 96:21 on the Snapchat everyone wanting to 96:23 understand why the phone didn't turn 96:25 back on at 4:30 I think that perhaps 96:28 these are jurors that have been thinking 96:29 about this case for a while and I think 97:31 their question show that they're paying 97:33 attention some of them looked really 97:35 distraught today during the autopsies 97:45 clearly 97:48 um that this is a possibility that's 97:50 crossed my mind skinny Pete do you think 97:51 Abby May been alive and grabbing what 97:54 whatever clothes perhaps who who knows 97:57 um I don't you know I don't know did did 97:01 did the the killer redresser did before 97:05 or after did she put on clothes herself 97:09 did Libby give her clothes I don't know 97:11 if we'll ever 97:13 know 97:15 um I don't know but we do know from the 97:18 debris that was found underneath her 97:19 sweatshirt that at one point she was 97:22 lying on the ground without a 98:35 shirt do I find it surprising that 98:37 Richard Allen's family is there to 98:38 witness all of this you know I do find 98:41 it interesting I I find it interesting 98:43 because this doesn't always happen with 98:44 a defendant um I've been to quite a few 98:48 trials now and um there are often not 98:52 people there for the defendant it's not 98:55 uncommon um I don't know what message it 98:59 gives the jury and I don't know what 98:01 they're thinking this is what I think 98:03 this is what I see I see a tightnit 98:06 family I see um Richard 98:09 Allen's sister rubbing Kathy Allen's 98:12 back I see um commitment and I I even 98:17 see Richard Allen's dad and it certainly 98:20 makes me more 98:21 Curious and again I don't know what 98:24 they're thinking I wonder if they're 98:26 there to learn just like the public 98:29 because remember this case has been so 99:31 tight lip they really haven't shared 99:33 that much I don't believe with 99:36 like Richard Allen's 99:38 family um you know allegedly he 99:42 confessed to some of his family 99:44 allegedly we're going to find out later 99:45 in the trial I think um and I think in 99:49 many ways this is how I feel about most 99:50 defendants family that in many ways they 99:54 to our victims um they didn't ask for 99:57 this I I say that again with Chad Dell's 99:59 Children um they they they didn't commit 99:05 any crime that we know of um we don't 99:08 know if the defendant committed a crime 99:09 but we don't know if they committed any 99:11 crime um I don't think they did and uh 99:15 their lives are turned completely upside 99:17 down so um what do I think it gives the 99:21 message I think if I don't I don't think 99:23 it's bad 99:28 but it is 100:36 interesting thanks Rebecca yeah possibly 100:40 right that's a great question you're 100:42 right Rebecca like you think there's a 100:44 lot of things they could perhaps figure 100:46 out 100:49 um you know I want to talk about this 100:51 thank you Vanessa do I think that Libby 100:53 might have put more up a fight versus 100:54 Abby and that's why it seems like she 100:55 was targeted or got the worst of it this 100:57 has certainly crossed my mind but let me 100:58 point out that what was shown in the 100:00 autopsy today that neither girl really 100:03 had defensive 100:05 wounds that's surprising so we're not 100:10 seeing necessarily that Libby put up a 100:12 fight right there there's no evidence of 100:16 that what there is evidence 100:18 of is um and I'm no profiler but I don't 100:21 think it takes a genius to see that 100:23 Libby was certain certainly targeted or 100:24 or there was more rage towards Libby I'm 100:27 not 100:28 saying forgive me and I'm not saying 101:31 that um the killer um knew Libby I don't 101:37 know I do not know but uh at the crime 101:43 scene there she was targeted in there 101:46 was more Rage or or something or anger 101:49 towards Libby um absolutely 101:59 right and from that you can suggest that 101:01 she was targeted to begin with 101:19 um you guys have a lot of great theories 101:22 and I'm not even I think I'm almost just 101:24 like too exhausted to theorize I just 101:26 it's just so sad it's just so sad I 102:30 can't imagine any person doing this to 102:35 two two innocent girls best friends out 102:38 for a walk on a day off of 102:41 school I think actually I am going to go 102:43 take off and rest it's been a very very 102:46 busy day and night and then um get back 102:49 in line at the courthouse 102:52 so I um going to take off but thank you 102:55 everyone for being here I see that we 102:56 have 8,000 in chat um I think that shows 102:59 how many people care about Libby and 102:00 Abby and uh May Justice be served right 102:04 whatever that looks like May Justice be 102:06 served through these two best friends um 102:09 thank you for your support while I'm out 102:11 here it means the world and actually 102:12 makes it possible to be out here so 102:15 thank you thank you um thank you for 102:17 subscribing thank you for liking thank 102:19 you for your super chats and I'll just 102:21 double check speaking of super chats 102:22 make sure I didn't miss 102:28 anything Susie thank you I will I will 103:32 or dinner we're right now just packing 103:35 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and 103:37 eating them quickly had LGE but um I I 103:42 will thank you get some 103:49 snacks all right thank you everyone 103:51 thank you to our moderators and a big 103:53 thank thank you to again Christina who 103:55 did the sketches today that really 103:57 helped to drive home um how horrible 103:02 these autopsies were and how important 103:04 it was to see that and um you can find 103:07 her at Instagram at hey Christina Mack 103:11 again she is not asking me to say that 103:13 she wanted to do this as a service to 103:15 Libyan Abby I am the one saying that her 103:18 Instagram is hey Christina Ma and uh you 103:21 can let her know that you're grateful 103:23 that she was was able to do those for us 103:26 all right guys um we'll see you tomorrow 103:29 bye