[Human Village, Shopping District; 5 AM] The brisk, early morning air felt wonderfully refreshing on my skin. Normally, this section of the village would be bustling with life, vendors with their stalls out and the doors of buildings wide open, shopkeeps urging each passerby to come in. Whatever unique treasure was in stock was surely something they couldn't live without! But I hadn't arrived here at the normal time. This was the village within the boundary of night and morning. When the sun was struggling to appear over the horizon, the only souls you might find are the hardest of workers, eager to start their day at the first second possible. Them, or eccentrics. I probably fell in the latter category. In my defense, this habit of mine hadn't started for perverse or strange reasons. It just... happened to work out this way. During a rare trip to the market, one of the vendors managed to convince me to buy something very rare. A strange device from the outside world that you could place upon your ears. He said it would make me look like the Taoist Sage who visits the village every now and then. The strange ear-muff look wasn't what sold me though. It was that, when you pressed the buttons on the second device it was attached to, it would play music. Not just any music, it was something strange, something ethereal. Nothing you would ever hear inside the village. It was impulsive and expensive, but I ended up blowing my savings on the device. I returned to my home, eager to hear the otherworldly music I just purchased a front-row ticket to. On my way there though, I noticed lots of glances and stares by everyone else. It wasn't something I had thought of at the time of purchasing it, but wearing the device on your head makes you stand out easily in the village. It would attract a lot of attention. At best, curious glances. At worst, someone might want to steal the device or think I'm using it for some nefarious magical purposes and yell at me. And at annoyance, they might want to try wearing the device too, and I'd have to stand there awkwardly for several minutes while they listen to the music. Considering all of those factors, I decided that it would be easier to only wear these at home, or when there were no other people around. The latter is easy to do, but a bit boring. Something about the music just screamed for me to listen to it somewhere more fitting. And my uninteresting abode just lacked the atmosphere to do it justice. Walking around in the very early hours of the morning though? That matched the music perfectly. No one was around, so there'd be no worries about drawing attention to myself, and the ambiance of the village, peaceful yet eerie, fit well with the music of the device. Sure, I'd be up at the crack of dawn, but I'd probably just be tossing and turning in my bed anyways. This was good exercise as well. So began this little practice of mine, an early morning walk through the village, listening to the strange sounds of the outside world. Not every day, mind you. That'd be overindulgent, not to mention tiring. But once a week or so? It was a fun little ritual of mine. My mother would probably have a fit if she knew I was doing this. Night was the domain of youkai, and they were unlikely to disappear until the sun had fully banished them. And even still... But her paranoia wouldn't deter me much. The village was as safe as could be, and I had full faith our village guards could handle anything that would dare spring up. Hopefully. Most likely. Well, even still, I never noticed anything out of the ordinary in all my time doing this. Maybe small movements out of the corner of my eye, but when I paid them more attention they would realize their error and lie still. These morning walks of mine were peaceful, somber, and completely safe. A great way for me to start the day, and hopefully get myself in the right mindset to- [Screen Black] "OW!" ???: "OW!" [Fade back in. Chimata, hurt expression] It took me a few seconds to register what had happened. I was walking to the side, approaching an intersection, and the other person was walking fast too, and we- My face flushed red with embarrassment. This hadn't happened before, hardly anyone was out at this hour! I had allowed myself to get too lost in my own thoughts and music... It was shameful. I took the device off of my head and placed it next to me, quickly going over to the girl's side. "I'm so-so-so sorry ma'am, please forgive me! Are you OK?" The girl looked unlike anyone I had seen in the village before. I was certain of this thanks to her... rather gaudy attire. Even among the kind of people who dressed in clothes that stood out here, this woman would still stick out. A patchwork of rainbows and a white cape. What a rather queer look. Rainbow-Clad Stranger: "I-I'm fine!" She brushed her dress and ignored my outstretched hand, standing herself up. Her dress' color scheme might have looked childish, but she actually stood a bit tall. A glare on her face made her look a bit imposing. At least, as imposing as a girl in her get-up could be. Rainbow-Clad Stranger: "It's rather rude to bump into people on the street!" I bowed my head. "You're right, please forgive me, ma'am. I wasn't paying attention." The girl's anger went as quickly as it arrived, first becoming surprise, before finally softening to something more gentle. Rainbow-Clad Stranger: "Well, your humbleness is appreciated..." Rainbow-Clad Stranger: "I suppose I'll forgive you this time. Just be more mindful in the future." I nodded. "Again, please forgive my mistake. It's rare for people to be out at this hour. Are you attending to some business?" Rainbow-Clad Stranger: "I could ask the same of you." "Well, I'm-" Rainbow-Clad Stranger: "But since you've asked, I shall be generous and sate your curiosity!" Rainbow-Clad Stranger: "I've been checking in with the many vendors around town and ascertaining their plans for the future! I have no interest in coming to them while they conduct business, so approaching them during these morning hours while they're preparing works best for everyone!" "Opening as opposed to closing?" Rainbow-Clad Stranger: "There would certainly be an argument for visiting them once they've closed. In my experience though, most people are tired, and ready to pack up and hit the izakaya. I won't burden them when they need their rest, so that's why I decided to visit them in the morning!" "Your work with them must be pretty important if you're willing to wake up this early to talk with them." The girl began to laugh rather haughtily, forcing me to glance around. I didn't want my small talk to lead to waking up the village. Rainbow-Clad Stranger: "Ha ha, of course my work is important! It's my domain as you know!" "As I know?" Whatever haughtiness this girl had seemed to vanish instantly. Rainbow-Clad Stranger: "What do you mean?! Don't you know who I am?" Oh dear, I hoped this wasn't an eccentric. "F-Forgive me, I've had a pretty sheltered upbringing, I'm not well-versed in the... many important figures around the village." This excuse seemed to soothe her a bit. Rainbow-Clad Stranger: "Very well, I can't fault you for that. And besides, I am rather new to these lands myself. It'd be unsightly for me to judge the ignorant instead of correcting them." Rainbow-Clad Stranger: "First you bump into me, and then you are ignorant of me. Twice I've forgiven transgressions against me, so be grateful please." Rainbow-Clad Stranger: "Human, remember this day and remember it well! For on this day, you have been blessed by a goddess! In your presence, standing before you is the one and only goddess of markets..." Chimata: "TENKYUU CHIMATA!" Magic sparkles appeared behind her, as she made a strange pose with her arms. ... I felt like I was supposed to clap, her... "introduction" being so theatrical and flashy. Despite how big and boisterous she seemed to project herself as, I didn't get that vibe from her. That is, for a goddess, she didn't spark any holy fear within me. Those tiny fireworks of hers looked magical enough though, so I couldn't write her off as just a strange homeless person wandering the village. Maybe gods are just weirder and less grand than the stories made them out to be. Judging my options, I bowed my head in response. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Tenkyuu. My name is [name]." This seemed to suffice, as she was beaming. Chimata: "Lady Tenkyuu! I see you know your manners around a goddess, it is appreciated!" The goddess gave a playful hum, whispering "Lady Tenkyuu!" to herself a few times. Chimata: "So, given my status as a goddess of markets, I'm sure you understand why shopkeeps would be of my interest. But what of you?" Chimata: "Perhaps at this hour there might be the rare street merchant wanting to start his sales early, or the day laborer preparing for a long day's work. But you strike me as neither. What brings you out here, amongst the many who clamor for my presence?" This goddess was a bit weird, no doubt about that. But, so far she had been pleasant enough. I figured there'd be no harm in being truthful. "Well, in the mornings, I sometimes like to take walks while listening to music on this device I picked up a while back. It's just something I do on occasion." Interest flashed across Chimata's face. Chimata: "Device?" I picked the device back up and showed it to her. "It's really neat, you just press these buttons here, put these on your head, and it plays music from the outside world." Her face twisted, as she looked deep in thought. Chimata: "May I see it?" Chimata: "N-Not to take it or anything, items are my field of expertise, I just would like a closer look is all! I won't do anything strange with it!" After judging that her outfit would've made it difficult for her to run faster than me, I let her hold onto the device. Chimata: "..." Chimata: ". . ." Chimata: ". . . . . . . . . .!" Chimata: "Yup! This is exactly as I suspected!" "And that is?" Chimata smiled, as she began her lecture. "You see, items in Gensokyo from the outside world tend to arrive here when they're lost. Lost items don't forget their owners though, even if their owners forget them. This device here is still burdened by its owner." "But I'm its owner, I paid a lot of money to have it." Chimata: "I don't question that, but this device does. It hasn't gotten over being lost and still feels as though it is separated from its owner. Thankfully, I happen to have a solution to this..." Oh dear. Was this another scam? Keine had given me plenty of warnings before, but I still fell for them from time to time. I did not want to be out a day's pay because I fell for the old "goddess wants to make your item recognize you as its owner" trick. "Look, Lady Tenkyuu, I think it's-" Chimata: "Don't worry, it's not that difficult!" Chimata's speech hastened. Chimata: "We can fix this real quick, just trust me! Let's see... ummm... Our first meeting! That's special! This is a special occasion! Good! The area is right, this'll be a cinch!" Chimata: "Here's what we'll do! In this tiny little morning market of ours, I can buy your device from you! During our exchange, I will be able to remove the original owner's link to this item! Afterwards, we can exchange back! It'll be easy!" I looked at her a bit confused. "I don't understa-" Chimata: "My divine ability as a goddess allows me to remove the connections items have with their owners! But to do this, the item needs to be exchanged in one of my markets!" Chimata had worked herself up full of excitement, and only just now seemed to realize how this made her look. She took a deep breath to recompose herself. Chimata: "This ritual shows submission to me, an act of faith through which my powers can manifest themselves. Of course, this act must be consensual, so you'll need to offer up your item into this exchange willingly." I looked down at my device, a bit puzzled, and back at Chimata. If this was a scam, it was the weirdest premise for one I had come across. What was so important about my item remembering its original owner anyways? It all seemed a bit silly to me. Yet, for this girl, it seemed to be the most important thing in the world at the moment. She was probably more interested in the fate of my little device than I ever was. She seemed genuine in her actions, it probably wouldn't hurt to play along... [choice X.1.1]: I agreed to do the exchange. [choice x.1.2]: I declined to do the exchange. [x.1.1] "Very well. If that's what you think we should do, Lady Tenkyuu..." Chimata smiled brightly. Chimata: "Thank you! I'm glad you recognize the importance of this!" She shuffled things around us, darting back and forth, and grabbing my arms to have me stand in a cerain spot. The purposes of all her fidgeting and shuffling went beyond me, but eventually she seemed satisfied. Chimata: "Let the market... begin!" She then ran into the alleyway, leaving me standing on the sidewalk holding my device. Yup, I sure felt like a genius for agreeing to this. Finally, Chimata walked out of the alley, looking around as she approached me. Chimata: "Good day to you sir. May I browse your wares?" "You may." Chimata held her hand to her chin as she made an exaggerated "hmmmmm", looking at my hand holding the device. Chimata: "May I see this contraption, good sir?" "You may." I handed her the device as she examined each aspect of it. After a few side glances at me, she finally leaned forward to whisper. Chimata: "You should try and sell me on this item." "What?" Chimata: "Describe it to me! Sell me its good points!" She leaned back and returned to her "discerning customer" attitude. I held back a sigh. "This is a rare and fine device from far outside the village. Angels are believed to have recorded the very songs left within it." Chimata: "Angels, you say? What kind?" "Kind?" Chimata: "Well, it need not matter. I'd give you 2000 Yen for it." "Alright, tha-" Chimata leaned forward again. "You need to haggle, 2000 is way too cheap for this item." "It's fine, I'm su-" Chimata: "No, you're getting scammed! Go higher!" I took a deep breath. "For an item like this, I can't accept any less than 5000 yen." Chimata: "5000 yen! That's highway robbery! I bet I could go down the street and be sold this exact device by 20 other shops! I bet they would know the exact kind of angels that recorded their songs too!" Chimata: "I'll go 3000 yen, and not a coin more!" "Deal." Chimata leaned forward again. Chimata: "For the record, I would've gone to 4500 yen if you pressed it hard enough." I ignored her as we took part in exchanging the device and the money. For how much she had been building this up... nothing seemed to happen. No fireworks, no magic, just two people exchanging stuff. It was pretty uneventful. Chimata: "And now, let's trade back!" Yet again, the bag of coins and musical device traded places with little fanfare. Something Chimata seemed to notice, and decided to correct herself. Chimata: "Ta-da~~~! We did it!" "I'm... still not entirely sure what we did." Chimata: "For you, you're right. It's probably nothing. But for this item, I can assure you that it meant the world. Are you familiar with tsukumogami?" "You mean youkai that come from living items?" Chimata: "Indeed. In all the tools and items around us, there live gods. It is the duty of humans to treat the tools and objects that make their lives easier with the proper respect. Your items do the same for you, after all." "Hmm?" Chimata: "The axe does not ask for a day off, nor does it choose to clock in or out. The axe is prepared to work whenever its master asks it to and will do so until the day it breaks. Items will show unwavering loyalty to their masters. So when they get lost, it fills them with anguish and pain." Chimata: "This anguish and pain can cause them to transform into something else, a being of sadness and sorrow. That's why rituals like this are vital, to help keep them at peace. Now, this device of yours can happily serve you without worrying over its former master. This device recognizes you as its true owner now." "I... suppose that's a good thing, right? I won't wake up to this thing coming to life and strangling me around the neck?" Chimata: "Hahaha! No, I don't think this device of yours will attempt regicide anytime soon!" Chimata stood with a grin wide, her body swaying side to side in anticipation for... oh. Probably for... "Thank you, I'm glad you've put my item to rest Lady Tenkyuu." Chimata: "No problem, no problem! I always love to help the faithful!" Chimata hummed a tune to herself, clearly overjoyed. The goddess gave a nod, before beginning to walk away. Chimata: "I must continue my business with the many merchants, but thank you for your faith! No doubt one with your foresight shall cross paths with me again!" The girl waved as she headed off. I waved back to her, before looking down at the music device left in my hands. I never thought much about tsukumogami. There were the standard rituals you'd see people partake in every now and then to properly dispose of an item, but that was the extent of my experience with them. Was being separated from their original owner enough to drive an item into a rage? Well, maybe they saw their owners as parents. And in that situation, I could see how that would devastate someone. Even living apart from my folks, I still wouldn't... I was getting a bit too sentimental, wasn't I? I held the item close to me, as I took note of the sunlight finally pouring into the street. The period of early morning was ending, and giving way to simply morning. It was a bit of a shame that what was supposed to be a meditative morning walk got derailed so much, but I couldn't say I was displeased. This Chimata lady... she was an odd character, wasn't she? A goddess of commerce and markets. But she didn't seem too sketchy. Odd, flamboyant, and arrogant, but not unpleasant. As I headed back to my home, her verbose final words echoed in my head. "No doubt one with your foresight shall cross paths with me again!" Was her foresight regarding my foresight accurate? Or was this all merely a chance encounter as fleeting as a rainbow, unlikely to be repeated? [x.1.2] "I'm sorry, but I just don't feel comfortable doing this." Chimata's smile fell instantly. Chimata: "B-But this is important! You really should do this, trust me!" "The item is in my possession, it's my property. If my item disagrees with that, it'll just have to deal with it." Chimata's eyes darted back and forth. I could tell she was trying to think of ways to convince me, but my heart had already been hardened. Chimata: "Listen, the, well... the spirits! Spirits are in all the items around us, and yours is upset! Please, this will only take a few seconds!" I shook my head, not interested in entertaining her nonsense. "I'm sorry, but my answer is no." Chimata's face looked crestfallen. This admittedly weakened my resolve some, but not enough for me to relent. Finally, she spoke again. Chimata: "Very well. By legal rights, it is your right to do so. But please understand that if you don't treat the possessions around you well, it brings pain to them. And pain to your possessions will inevitably return to you tenfold." "I'll keep that in mind, Lady Tenkyuu." Chimata gave a sigh of disappointment, before turning away. Chimata: "At least you show humility and humbleness in front of a goddess. And for that, I thank you. It was unfortunate that I could not convince you to ease your device's suffering..." She turned around, flashing a smile. Chimata: "But that is my job as a goddess! It is not to lead the perfect, but to enlighten the ignorant! To show the path forward! If it takes a thousand human lifetimes, I'll show my way to you, to others like you, and all of Gensokyo!" Chimata: "I'm a goddess that stands tall, no matter the obstacles! You remember that, alright?!" Chimata headed off in the opposite direction of me. I waved back, watching as she proudly strode away. She was certainly a strange person. Was she a goddess? Perhaps. But that didn't mean I would entrust her with one of my most expensive possessions. And what about her ego? All her boasts at the end just now... I thought back to some times I had seen arrogant rich jerks in the village before. All of them would have specific ways of talking about themselves. And of talking about others. With Chimata though... It felt different. It didn't have the same aura to it as the rich lady smugly making comments about the lower class around her. The way Chimata spoke felt different from that. Ultimately, it wasn't my concern. My concern currently was getting back home. The sun was already beginning to shine down on the village. My morning walk to enjoy the music of angels had been ruined. Now all I could do was retreat home to lick my wounds. Metaphorically, of course.