;------------------------------------------------- ; eraTheWorld 4.576用 ○○口上(キャラクターの名前を入れる、下にコンセプトなど一言あれば入れる) ;------------------------------------------------- ;他者による修正、加筆、改変については、同梱のライセンス条項に従ってください。 ;------ キリトリ カイシ ----------- ;eraTheWorld proto4.07パッチ取り込み用 Ver1.13 ;テンプレートの使い方 ;初めに置換コマンド等により KX を K(キャラNo) に変更して下さい ;キャラNoはCSVフォルダのCharaファイルを参照 例(霧雨 魔理沙の場合):KX =置換=> K11 ; ;------ キリトリ オワリ ----------- ;**** FlagManagement ********************************************************** [SKIPSTART] CFLAG ;panties stolen CFLAG:K15C_TOTAL_STEAL_PANTIES_WITNESSES = 1001 ;reverse time stop xp CFLAG:K15C_TIMESTOP_TEASING_XP = 1002 ;settings CFLAG:K15C_SETTING_DISABLE_HATE_DIALOG = 1101 [SKIPEND] ;****************************************************************************** ;### 口上存在判定 ################################### @M_KOJO_K15_2(ARG) ;ここでRESULTSを設定すると他の同キャラ口上を突っ込まれても正常動作する。 ;RESULTS = _TEST_ RESULTS = _ENG01 RESULTS:1 = /EGG/ ;と設定すると、"EVENT"系イベントだと ;M_KOJO_TEST_EVENT_K15_1() とかで呼ばれる…はず。(未テスト機能) ;ここでCFLAG等のキャラ変数を使う場合、キャラ番号の指定が必要になります ;コメントアウトを外して眠姦口上有、時間停止口上有に1を入れると、それぞれ時間停止時、眠姦時にコマンド口上が読み込まれるように ;入れないと時間停止時、眠姦時は一切喋りません ;Xにはキャラ番号を入れてください ;CFLAG:X:眠姦口上有 = 0 ;CFLAG:X:時間停止口上有 = 0 ;口上存在判定です、けしてコメントアウトしないでください RETURN 1 ;### 口上基本フラグ設定 ############################# @M_KOJO_ENG01_FLAGSETTING_K15 ;基本フラグ設定はここで行ってください ;共通の口上フラグは必要な箇所のコメントアウトを外してご利用ください ;口上専用フラグはご自由に ;Xにはキャラ番号を入れてください ;眠姦口上有、時間停止口上有、なりきりに1を入れると、それぞれ時間停止時、眠姦時、なりきり時にコマンド口上が読み込まれるように ;入れないと時間停止時、眠姦時、なりきり時は一切喋りません ;edit: enable these to support descriptions for ts/sleeprape CFLAG:15:眠姦口上有 = 1 CFLAG:15:時間停止口上有 = 1 ;CFLAG:X:なりきり口上有 = 0 ;破瓜キャンセル口上有に1を入れると、@M_KOJO_EVENT_KX_LOST_VIRGIN_STOPでキャンセルの成否を操作できます ;CFLAG:X:破瓜キャンセル口上有 = 0 ;口上内抱き寄せ判定_初回と口上内抱き寄せ判定_通常に1を入れると、M_KOJO_EVENT_KX_PERMISSIONで押し倒しの成否を操作できます ;CFLAG:X:口上内抱き寄せ判定_初回 = 0 ;CFLAG:X:口上内抱き寄せ判定_通常 = 0 ;押し倒し禁止に1を入れると、自分から押し倒してこなくなります ;以下は恋慕かセフレがつくまで押し倒してこなくなる使用例 ;CFLAG:X:押し倒し禁止 = 1 ;来訪不能に1を入れると、来訪してこなくなります ;以下は面識があるまで来訪してこなくなる使用例 ;IF !CFLAG:X:面識 ; CFLAG:X:来訪不能 = 1 ;ELSE ; CFLAG:X:来訪不能 = 0 ;ENDIF ;### 口上色判定 ################################### @M_KOJO_ENG01_COLOR_K15 ;ここでSETCOLORすることで口上に色を付けられます ;例:SETCOLOR 0xC07070 SETCOLOR 0x8b9ddd ;※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ ;"UPDATE判定" ;※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ @M_KOJO_ENG01_UPDATE_K15 ;口上独自のUPDATE用 ;ENCOUNTER専用に独自分岐フラグを仕込んだ場合等にどうぞ ;UPDATE判定でCFLAG等のキャラ変数を使う場合、キャラ番号の指定が必要になります ;CALL K15_SETTING_HATE_DIALOG RETURN 1 ;※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ ;"ENCOUNTER"系イベント(エクストラ構文) ;※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ @M_KOJO_ENG01_ENCOUNTER_K15 ;初対面、挨拶のタイミング ;TALENTの変更はここでどうぞ。 ;経験の変更は齟齬が出る場合がありますので、CSVを修正し同梱する事を推奨します PRINTFORML ;home = mansion IF K15_PLAYER_IS_SDM_RESIDENT() IF K15_BED_ROOM() == 1 PRINTFORML 「Please enter.」 PRINTFORMDL As you open the door, you are greeted by a silver haired maid, who is dressed in a blue maid outfit. ELSE PRINTFORML 「Ara, I was looking for you.」 PRINTFORMDL You are greeted by a silver haired maid, who is dressed in a blue maid outfit. ENDIF PRINTFORMDL She looks and acts very elegantly. PRINTFORML 「Mistress %CALLNAME:16% has already informed me of your service.」 PRINTFORML 「You should realize that it is a great honor to work for the Mistress.」 PRINTFORMDW The maid stares at you for a moment. PRINTFORML 「My apologies, allow me to introduce myself.」 PRINTFORML 「My name is %NAME:15%, the head maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.」 PRINTFORMDW After she gives a bow, she proceeds to explain the rules and your function at the mansion in a bossy manner. PRINTFORMDL ... PRINTFORMW 「Do not sleep during your shift.」 PRINTFORMDL ... PRINTFORMW 「I will be expecting you to clean up your room and keep your clothes as good as new, at the very least.」 PRINTFORMDL ... PRINTFORMW 「...and more importantly, try to behave yourself in presence of guests and the Mistress.」 PRINTFORMDW After she is finished, she gives you a cold look. PRINTFORMW 「I won't allow you to disappoint the Mistress.」 ;at the mansion ELSEIF K15_PLAYER_IN_SDM() PRINTFORML 「Welcome to the Scarlet Devil mansion.」 PRINTFORML 「I don't believe you received an invitation.」 PRINTFORML 「That is rather bold of you.」 PRINTFORMDW You are greeted by a silver haired maid, who is dressed in a blue maid outfit. PRINTFORMDW The maid stares at you coldly while approaching you with elegance. PRINTFORML 「My apologies, allow me to introduce myself.」 PRINTFORML 「My name is %NAME:15%, the head maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.」 PRINTFORMDW She gives a bow while deliberately showing off her leg belt filled with knives. PRINTFORML 「I won't allow you to disturb the Mistress.」 PRINTFORMW 「I will be watching your every step.」 PRINTFORMDW As you continue to go inside the mansion, you hear a feminine shriek near the mansion gates. ;visit ELSE PRINTFORMDL You come across a silver haired maid, who is dressed in a blue maid outfit. PRINTFORML 「Ara, I heard about you. The new resident at that place.」 PRINTFORMDW The maid stares at you for a moment. PRINTFORML 「My apologies, allow me to introduce myself.」 PRINTFORML 「My name is %NAME:15%, the head maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.」 PRINTFORMDW After she gives a bow, she proceeds to talk a bit about the mansion and her Mistress. PRINTFORMDL ... PRINTFORMW 「Hmmm...」 PRINTFORMDW You feel a cold stare coming from %CALLNAME:15%. PRINTFORMW 「Please excuse me, I need to return to the mansion rather soon.」 ENDIF ;setting SETCOLOR C_WHITE PRINTFORML DRAWLINE PRINTFORML CALL K15_SETTING_HATE PRINTFORML DRAWLINE PRINTFORML RESETCOLOR RETURN 1 ;※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ ;settings ;※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ @K15_SETTING_HATE PRINTFORML %CALLNAME:15% acts very cold and hostile towards the player if she hates you or gets mad and angry without acquiring love. PRINTFORML PRINTFORML [0]Enable feature PRINTFORML [1]Disable feature INPUT SELECTCASE RESULT CASE 0 PRINTFORML It may be a good idea to learn how to dodge knives. CFLAG:K15C_SETTING_DISABLE_HATE_DIALOG = 0 CASE 1 PRINTFORML %CALLNAME:15% looks disappointed at you. CFLAG:K15C_SETTING_DISABLE_HATE_DIALOG = 1 ENDSELECT PRINTFORMW RETURN 1 ;※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ ;"SP_EVENT"系イベント ;※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ ;================================================== ;デート帰りにファーストKISS(合意も付く) ;kiss ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_SPEVENT_K15_1(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;地の文表示 ;CALL SPEVENT_MESSAGE_1(ARG,ARG:1) ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL PRINTFORMDL Before returning home, %CALLNAME:15% turns around and looks at you shyly, fiddling with her dress. PRINTFORMW 「Please close your eyes for a moment.」 PRINTFORMDW As you keep your eyes closed, you feel her coming closer. PRINTFORMDW You start to feel her warm breath on your lips. IF K15_LOVER_LOVE() PRINTFORMDW You feel her hesitating, but eventually she presses her soft lips against yours. PRINTFORMDW She kisses you very deeply and full of passion while you could feel her racing heart beat. PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%♪~」 PRINTFORMW 「I have dreamed of this moment for so long...」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% stares at you full with love in her teary eyes. ELSE PRINTFORMDW You feel her hesitating, but eventually she presses her soft lips against yours and kisses you. PRINTFORMW 「Nng...」 PRINTFORML SELECTCASE RAND:2 CASE 0 PRINTFORMDW She smiles at you warmly as you open your eyes. PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, please remember my first kiss.」 CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「... Thank you very much for today.」 PRINTFORMDW She says as she turns away. You can't help but think how cute she is as she hurries back into the Mansion not realising how flush her face is. ENDSELECT ENDIF ;キスをキャンセルしたい場合は以下を開放 ;TCVAR:キスキャンセル = 1 ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;デート帰りに告白(恋人が付く) ;confession ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_SPEVENT_K15_2(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;地の文表示 CALL SPEVENT_MESSAGE_2(ARG,ARG:1) ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;小分岐 ;------------------------------------------------- ;告白内容 ;この告白内容表示後に受けるかどうかの選択分が表示されます ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 0 IF FIRSTTIME("デート告白イベント") PRINTFORMDL Sakuya walks home next to you, her arms wrapped around your waist. PRINTFORMDW Just as you two are about to reach the Mansion, your eyes meet with Sakuya. SELECTCASE RAND:2 CASE 0 PRINTFORML PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, there is something I need to ask you.」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% fiddles with her maid dress and acts unusually shy. PRINTFORML PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, I always thought that serving the Mistress was all that my life could offer me.」 PRINTFORMW 「But being with you made me realize that there may be more to it.」 PRINTFORMW 「I came to realize that I care about you and there is nothing more I want than to be with you.」 PRINTFORMW 「I love you. %CALLNAME:MASTER%, will you accept my feelings?」 PRINTFORMDW She looks deep into your eyes. CASEELSE PRINTFORMDW An expression you can not quite describe overcomes her - one filled with a hint hesitation and anticipation. PRINTFORML PRINTFORMW 「Umm... %CALLNAME:MASTER%, there is something I want to say... No, something I want to tell you.」 PRINTFORMDW She says with a seriousness you have never heard before, and stares into your eyes. PRINTFORML PRINTFORMW 「When I am with %CALLNAME:MASTER%, I feel like I can be myself.」 PRINTFORMW 「... Not just a maid serving the Mistress, not just someone that can stop time...」 PRINTFORMW 「But just『Izayoi Sakuya』.」 PRINTFORMW 「... That is why, my feelings, I have to convey it to you now...」 PRINTFORML PRINTFORMW 「I...」 PRINTFORMW 「I love you, %CALLNAME:MASTER%.」 PRINTFORMDW She lowers her eyes, hiding a blush, but looks up at you once more. PRINTFORMDW With cheeks painted scarlet from nervousness, she says―― PRINTFORMW 「... Will you, go out with me?」 ENDSELECT ELSE PRINTFORMDL On the way back, Sakuya faintly murmurs, PRINTFORML 「... I had so much fun today.」 PRINTFORMDL From her faint whisper, she continues, condensing a million feelings into her words, PRINTFORML 「I feel happy whenever I am with %CALLNAME:MASTER%...」 PRINTFORML 「And I think nothing will change how I feel.」 PRINTFORMDW She smiles gently, her voice barely a whisper in the wind. PRINTFORML PRINTFORMW 「... Say, %CALLNAME:MASTER%, will you think about going out with me?」 PRINTFORML PRINTFORMDW Though her words are nonchalant, you can see her eyes are filled with anticipation and unease... ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;告白オッケー(恋人が付く) ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 1 SELECTCASE RAND:2 CASE 1 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%...」 PRINTFORMDW You see a tear flowing down her eyes as she smiles warmly. PRINTFORML 「Ah. Sorry, I'm happy.」 PRINTFORMDW She scooches up to you and hugs you tightly. CASEELSE PRINTFORMDW When you reply that you feel the same way, a sheen of moisture wells up in Sakuya's eyes. PRINTFORML PRINTFORML 「Really...?」 PRINTFORMW 「Are you really okay with me?」 PRINTFORML PRINTFORMDL Her expression falters, as if she can't believe it's real. You nod in response, clearly conveying your conviction. PRINTFORMDW Overcome by emotion, Sakuya leaps into you, embracing you. PRINTFORML PRINTFORMW 「...」 PRINTFORMDW Sakuya buries her face into your chest. PRINTFORMDW You wrap your arms around Sakuya, who can not express her feelings through words alone. ENDSELECT PRINTFORMW 「I'm so happy. %CALLNAME:MASTER%, I love you.」 RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;告白失敗 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 2 IF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORMW 「...」 PRINTFORMW 「...Umm, That is fine.」 PRINTFORMW 「Looks like I was a bit overcome by the moment.」 PRINTFORMDW Although she tries to regain her usual composure, you can tell that she is dejected. PRINTFORMW 「I had lots of fun today. Really.」 PRINTFORMW 「I would be happy if you would take me out some time again.」 PRINTFORMW 「And... um,」 PRINTFORMW 「one day, I will definitely make you look my way.」 ELSEIF TALENT:思慕 PRINTFORMW 「Ah, is that so?」 PRINTFORMW 「I'm sorry if it was too sudden. It must have been too unexpected or you have someone...」 PRINTFORMW 「Ah, It's nothing.」 PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, please consider my offer.」 ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;デート帰り ;date end ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_SPEVENT_K15_3(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;地の文表示 CALL SPEVENT_MESSAGE_3(ARG,ARG:1) ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL SELECTCASE ARG ;通常帰宅 CASE 0 IF K15_LOVER_LOVE() IF K15_LUST(750) PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, I love you.」 PRINTFORMDW She embraces you and starts to rub her body against yours with mischievous intent. PRINTFORML 「My chest feels so warm...」 PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, please stay with a bit a longer%UNICODE(0x2665)%~」 ELSEIF K15_LUST(500) PRINTFORML 「Thank you very much for the wonderful date.」 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, I can see you are getting a little bit tired.」 PRINTFORML 「Do you want to take a bath together or maybe some dinner?」 PRINTFORML 「Or maybe?♪」 PRINTFORMDW She smiles seductively. ELSE SELECTCASE RAND:3 CASE 0 PRINTFORML 「... I see, so Meiling did something like that... I will punish her when we get back.」 PRINTFORMDL You chat about mundane things. PRINTFORML 「Hm? You want to hold hands? Sure.」 PRINTFORMDL Just by holding hands and strolling, you feel a wave of contentedness crash over you. PRINTFORML 「Then... Here... How is it?」 PRINTFORML 「Right now I feel happy just by having you by my side, %CALLNAME:MASTER%.」 PRINTFORML 「What about you, %CALLNAME:MASTER%? Are you really happy by my side?」 PRINTFORMDW Of course, you reply. The two of you return home, basking in the closeness of one another. CASE 1 PRINTFORML 「Hmmm, What should we do for the next date?」 PRINTFORML 「I want to eat that one. You know, the one featured in the Bunbunmaru Newspaper...」 PRINTFORMDL The two of you have already started planning for the next date on the way back. PRINTFORML 「Ah, But I also really want to see landscapes with you again, %CALLNAME:MASTER%. Hehe.」 PRINTFORMDW The two of you chat, never running out of new topics on the way back. CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「Fufu, Time really flies when I am with you, %CALLNAME:MASTER%.」 PRINTFORML 「Even though time goes by really fast when you are having fun,」 PRINTFORML 「for『me』, that is not a problem at all, %CALLNAME:MASTER%♪」 PRINTFORMDL Sakuya says as she throws her arms around you, making a show of the watch that she holds in her hand. PRINTFORMDL You, knowing that telling her it is hard to walk in her embrace would end it, PRINTFORMDW simply enjoy the warmth of her body as the two of you make your way back. ENDSELECT ENDIF ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 IF K15_LUST(750) PRINTFORMDL She scooches up to you, tempting you to embrace her. PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, I love you.」 PRINTFORML 「After such a date, I'm certain I'll get a bit lonely.」 PRINTFORML 「So, please stay with a bit a longer.」 ELSE SELECTCASE RAND:5 CASE 0 PRINTFORMDL The two of you look back on the date on your way back. PRINTFORML 「I had tons of fun today♪」 PRINTFORML 「Oh, yeah, lets go there next time!」 PRINTFORML 「I will show you a good place I know. Hehehe.」 PRINTFORMDW Enjoying the sensation of her breasts pressing against your arm, the two of you return, laughing and chatting along the way―― CASE 1 PRINTFORML 「Time flies when you are having fun.」 PRINTFORML 「Almost makes me want to stop the time when we go out.」 PRINTFORML 「Hehe, That was just a joke. But, thank you for today.」 PRINTFORMDW Sakuya thanks you as you arrive home, a hint of loneliness dancing across her face. CASE 2 PRINTFORML 「...Oh, It's already this late?」 PRINTFORML 「Did you have fun, %CALLNAME:MASTER%?」 PRINTFORMDL You nod, soliciting a warm smile from Sakuya. PRINTFORML 「That's good. Then, lets do this again sometime... okay♪?」 PRINTFORMDW Imagining the next date, the two of you walk back together... CASE 3 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, Thank you very much for today.」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% gives a kiss on your cheek. PRINTFORML 「I certainly wouldn't mind if you invited me again.」 PRINTFORMW 「Please excuse me and have a nice day.」 CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「I like the time when we walk back together.」 PRINTFORML 「How should I put it? It's almost like an extension of the date...」 PRINTFORML 「Makes me feel like: ”Ahh, I just came back from a date”.」 PRINTFORMDL A wave of peacefulness and contentedness surfaces on Sakuya's expression as she speaks. PRINTFORMW (I would be happy if %CALLNAME:MASTER% felt the same too...) ENDSELECT ENDIF ELSEIF TALENT:思慕 SELECTCASE RAND:3 CASE 0 PRINTFORML 「Ara, It's already time to go home...」 PRINTFORML 「I had a pretty good time♪ Please take care of me next time as well♪」 PRINTFORMDW Sakuya says as she waves goodbye, a smile on her face as she returns home... CASE 1 PRINTFORML 「Thank you for inviting me out today.」 PRINTFORML 「Why don't you visit the Scarlet Devil Mansion next time. I will make sure you have a great time.」 PRINTFORMDW Sounds good, you say, promising you will visit next time. CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「Going outside with someone is pretty refreshing once in a while.」 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, thank you for today.」 PRINTFORMW 「Goodbye.」 ENDSELECT ELSEIF K15_LIKES_PLAYER() PRINTFORML 「Thank you, I didn't mind spending my time with you today.」 PRINTFORML 「I also managed to get some ingredients to brew some tea.」 PRINTFORMW 「Please invite me again someday.」 ELSEIF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMW 「Please excuse me, I have some work to do to compensate the time I wasted.」 ELSE SELECTCASE RAND:3 CASE 0 PRINTFORML 「Let's go back now.」 PRINTFORML 「It was a nice change of pace. Please invite me next time when you have the time.」 PRINTFORMDW Sakuya bows politely and waves goodbye before returning home. CASE 1 PRINTFORML 「Looks like this is the end of our rendezvous today.」 PRINTFORMW 「Please take care on your way back. Goodbye.」 CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「Thank you, I didn't mind spending my time with you today.」 PRINTFORMW 「Now, please excuse me. I have to return to my duties.」 ENDSELECT ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;反発刻印消去イベント ;Hate Mark Removal [Hate Mark 1] ;------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE 1 SELECTCASE RAND:2 CASE 0 PRINTFORML 「...」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% lets out a smile. PRINTFORMW 「Our trip wasn't as bad as I expected.」 PRINTFORMW 「I did manage to get some ingredients for tomorrow, so you have my thanks.」 PRINTFORMW 「Please excuse me.」 CASEELSE PRINTFORMW 「...Hmmm.」 PRINTFORML 「I understand. I will let bygones be bygones.」 PRINTFORMDW Sakuya shakes her head in acquiescence, relaxing her posture, prompting you to finally sigh in relief. PRINTFORML 「But there will be no next time, okay?」 PRINTFORMDW Though her words are cautionary, there is no hostility in them anymore. ENDSELECT ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;反発刻印2>1レベルダウンイベント ;Hate Mark Removal [Hate Mark 2] ;------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE 2 SELECTCASE RAND:2 CASE 0 PRINTFORML 「...」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% sighs and you feel that she is less angry at you. PRINTFORML 「Today wasn't as bad as I expected.」 PRINTFORML 「I did manage to get some ingredients for tomorrow, so I wouldn't consider it a waste of my time.」 PRINTFORMW 「Please excuse me.」 CASEELSE PRINTFORMW 「...Haa. I guess you at least are regretting your actions.」 PRINTFORML 「I will forgive you, but only a little.」 PRINTFORMDW It seems like Sakuya's mood has improved, if only slightly. PRINTFORMW 「However, if you ever do something like that again... I probably don't need to tell you what will happen.」 PRINTFORML 「I think you understand that you can never escape my powers, yes?」 PRINTFORMDW Looks like in order to completely get off her bad side, there is still some work to do... ENDSELECT ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;反発刻印3>2レベルダウンイベント ;Hate Mark Removal [Hate Mark 3] ;------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE 3 SELECTCASE RAND:2 CASE 0 PRINTFORML 「...」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% sighed and puts her knives back into their sheaths. PRINTFORML 「Today wasn't as terrible as I expected.」 PRINTFORMDW You feel that %CALLNAME:15%'s glare has become a tiny bit warmer today. CASEELSE PRINTFORMW 「......」 PRINTFORMW 「I suppose that you have some intention of apologizing.」 PRINTFORMW 「I guess I will give you a chance.」 PRINTFORML PRINTFORML 「... After all, it is quite troublesome if the amount of flammable trash increases.」 PRINTFORMDW For a brief moment, you feel a terrifying intent exuding from Sakuya. ENDSELECT ENDSELECT ENDIF RETURN 1 ;※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ ;"EVENT"系イベント ;※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ ;================================================== ;部屋で遭遇 ;Room encounter ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_1(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;小分岐 ;------------------------------------------------- ;MASTERが入ってきた ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) ;------------------------------------------------- IF ARG == 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF !TCVAR:15:今日会ったか CALL K15_FIRST_GREETING_OF_DAY_LINES() ELSEIF K15_HATE_ANGER() CALL K15_HATE_COMMENT ELSE CALL K15_GREETING_LINES(0) ;won't do time stop hijinks in front of Remilia IF !K15_SAME_LOCATION_AS(16) LOCAL:1 = 20+K15_DESIRE_INTIMACY() SIF LOCAL:1 > 60 LOCAL:1 = 60 CALL K15_SAKUYAWORLD_TRY(LOCAL:1, 0) ENDIF IF MARK:快楽刻印 > 0 && RAND:7 < MARK:快楽刻印 PRINTFORMDL As you approach her, the memories of pleasure carved into Sakuya's body comes to life. PRINTFORMDW It makes her yearn mercilessly for your touch subconsciously. CALL K15_Subconscious_Desire ELSEIF MARK:時姦刻印 > 0 && RAND:7 < MARK:時姦刻印 PRINTFORMDL As you approach her, \@MARK:快楽刻印>0? #due to time stop rape,%" "%\@the memory of intense carnal pleasure carved into Sakuya's body comes to life. PRINTFORMDW It makes her yearn mercilessly for your touch subconsciously. CALL K15_Subconscious_Desire ENDIF ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;TARGETが入ってきた ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) ;------------------------------------------------- IF ARG == 2 ;------------------------------------------------- IF !TCVAR:15:今日会ったか CALL K15_FIRST_GREETING_OF_DAY_LINES(1) ELSEIF K15_HATE_ANGER() CALL K15_HATE_COMMENT ELSE CALL K15_GREETING_LINES(1) ;won't do time stop hijinks in front of remilia IF !K15_SAME_LOCATION_AS(16) LOCAL:1 = 20+K15_DESIRE_INTIMACY() SIF LOCAL:1 > 60 LOCAL:1 = 60 CALL K15_SAKUYAWORLD_TRY(LOCAL:1, 0) ENDIF IF MARK:快楽刻印 > 0 && RAND:7 < MARK:快楽刻印 PRINTFORMDL As you approach her, the memories of pleasure carved into Sakuya's body comes to life. PRINTFORMDW It makes her yearn mercilessly for your touch subconsciously. CALL K15_Subconscious_Desire ELSEIF MARK:時姦刻印 > 0 && RAND:7 < MARK:時姦刻印 PRINTFORMDL As you approach her, \@MARK:快楽刻印>0? #due to time stop rape,%" "%\@the memory of intense carnal pleasure carved into Sakuya's body comes to life. PRINTFORMDW It makes her yearn mercilessly for your touch subconsciously. CALL K15_Subconscious_Desire ENDIF ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;TARGETが風呂に入ってきて一緒に入る ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) ;------------------------------------------------- IF ARG == 3 IF !TCVAR:15:今日会ったか CALL K15_FIRST_GREETING_OF_DAY_LINES(1) RETURN 1 ENDIF IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMDW She glares at you when she noticed you, but doesn't say or do anything. ELSE IF TALENT:恋人 IF MARK:快楽刻印 > 0 && RAND:7 < MARK:快楽刻印 PRINTFORML 「Excuse me.」 PRINTFORMDL Sakuya's eyes meet with yours as she puts her body against you. PRINTFORML 「Haaa~ This feel so good~...」 PRINTFORMDL She sighs lazily and places her hand on your thigh under the water. PRINTFORML 「Hm? What's wrong, %CALLNAME:MASTER%?」 PRINTFORMDL Smirking, Sakuya starts moving her hands closer and closer to your groin. CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「――― Why don't we do something that feels even better?HPH」", "L") PRINTFORMDW A devilish smile dances across Sakuya's face and a tinge of lust surfaces in her eyes as she presents her body to you... CALL K15_Subconscious_Desire ELSEIF MARK:時姦刻印 > 0 && RAND:7 < MARK:時姦刻印 PRINTFORML 「Ara, I see you've already entered the bath.」 CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「Wait a moment, I'll just quickly wash... Hnng...HPH」", "L") PRINTFORMDL Sakuya says as she enters the bath and begins washing her body. PRINTFORMDL However, her gaze is already transfixed on your body and her movements seem unnatural. PRINTFORMDL Perhaps the memory of the time stop rape has made her go into heat, for she washed herself with excessive showmanship, PRINTFORMDL purposefully making a show of washing her erogenous zones, her fingers doing a sensual dance across her body. PRINTFORMDL Finishing with a cascade of hot water, she lowers herself into the bathtub as a contented sigh escapes her lips. CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「Nnnhg... Ahhh... I'm ready. HeheHPH」", "W") CALL K15_Subconscious_Desire ELSE PRINTFORML 「Hey, %CALLNAME:MASTER%. Will you make some room for me next to you?」 PRINTFORMDL Sakuya enters the bath next to you. PRINTFORML 「Ahh~. This feels so nice, right?」 PRINTFORMDL After submerging herself in the water for a while, Sakuya rests her head on your shoulder. PRINTFORML 「It feels this nice because I'm taking the bath with %CALLNAME:MASTER%, maybe♪」 PRINTFORMDW Enjoying the feeling of the physical contact, Sakuya whispers as she looks up into your eyes. ENDIF ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「Ara, There's already someone in here?」 PRINTFORMDL Blushing slightly, Sakuya approaches you and enters the bath next to you. PRINTFORML PRINTFORML 「How is it? The temperature of the bath, I mean.」 IF MARK:快楽刻印 > 0 && RAND:7 < MARK:快楽刻印 PRINTFORMDL Sakuya smirks provocatively as she leans against you. CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「But... Don't you want to do something that feels better than a bath?HPH」", "L") PRINTFORMDL Sakuya purposely squeezes her twin mounds together, a sheet of pink coated over them from the bath. PRINTFORMDW Her nipples stand erect without having been caressed, almost as if they had a mind of their own. CALL K15_Subconscious_Desire ELSEIF MARK:時姦刻印 > 0 && RAND:7 < MARK:時姦刻印 PRINTFORML 「... Looking at %CALLNAME:MASTER%'s body, why do I feel...」 PRINTFORMDL Sakuya murmurs to herself as her gaze swims around your naked body, stopping excessively on the nether region. CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「I-it's nothing... Humph...HPH」", "L") PRINTFORMDL Sakuya tries to hide her arousal by averting her gaze, but after learning of the pleasure while being time-stopped, PRINTFORMDW she subconsciously rubs her fingers against her entrance. CALL K15_Subconscious_Desire ELSE PRINTFORMDW Watching Sakuya as she stretched her back, you cannot help but be blown away by the beautiful curves of her shoulder and breasts. ENDIF ELSE IF K15_LUST(500) PRINTFORML 「Do you want to take a bath together?」 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, would you like me to clean your back perhaps?」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「――Huh, %CALLNAME:MASTER%!?」 PRINTFORMDL Sakuya quickly hugs her smooth, unblemished body in a panic, attempting to hide her nakedness as she enters the bath. PRINTFORML PRINTFORML 「You're already in the bath, I see.」 PRINTFORML 「Ummm, If you'll excuse me.」 ENDIF IF MARK:快楽刻印 > 0 && RAND:7 < MARK:快楽刻印 PRINTFORMDL Sakuya blushes as she enters the bath. PRINTFORMDL It seems like seeing you naked makes her recall the pleasure of sex with you. PRINTFORMDW As if dizzy from the heat of the bath, she sneaks occasional glances at your groin. CALL K15_Subconscious_Desire ELSEIF MARK:時姦刻印 > 0 && RAND:7 < MARK:時姦刻印 PRINTFORMDL Seeing your naked body, Sakuya's body can't help but recall the pleasures it received while being time-stop raped. PRINTFORMDW A stream of moisture trickles down her leg even before entering the bath. CALL K15_Subconscious_Desire ELSE PRINTFORMDL Sakuya enters the bath, keeping a small distance from you. PRINTFORMDW Casting an occasional glance at her figure, you can see the nape of her neck - glistening with droplets of water. ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;TARGETが風呂に入ってきて出て行った ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) ;------------------------------------------------- IF ARG == 4 IF K15_LIKES_PLAYER() && K15_LUST(750) PRINTFORML 「Oh. %CALLNAME:MASTER%...」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% stares at you for a moment, but looks a bit embarrassed after she realizes she was looking for too long. PRINTFORML 「My apologies for the intrusion. Please enjoy your bath.」 PRINTFORMDW She leaves while glancing in your direction. CALL K15_Subconscious_Desire ELSE IF MARK:快楽刻印 > 0 && RAND:7 < MARK:快楽刻印 PRINTFORML 「――Ah... Hnng... Ah!」 PRINTFORML 「P-Pardon me...」 PRINTFORMDL After losing herself in your body, Sakuya finally comes back to her senses. PRINTFORMDW She hurriedly exits the bath, covering her nethers as she hastily retreats. CALL K15_Subconscious_Desire ELSEIF MARK:時姦刻印 > 0 && RAND:7 < MARK:時姦刻印 PRINTFORML 「...Ara, You're already in the bath.」 PRINTFORML 「...Hnng... Pardon me...」 PRINTFORMDL For a split second, Sakuya swallows hard as an unknown shock of pleasure runs across her body. PRINTFORMDW Your eyes follow her as she leaves, and you notice a small trickle of liquid down her thighs even though she hasn't entered the bath... CALL K15_Subconscious_Desire ELSE SELECTCASE RAND:2 CASE 1 PRINTFORML 「P-Pardon me.」 PRINTFORMDW Sakuya hastily exits the bath in embarrassment. CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「Oh. I'm sorry for intruding. Please enjoy your bath.」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% immediately left after she found you. ENDSELECT ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;TARGETが風呂に入ってきて追い出された ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) ;------------------------------------------------- IF ARG == 5 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMDL Your eyes meet with %CALLNAME:15%'s for a split second. PRINTFORMDW Before you knew what happened, you are standing fully clothed outside the bathroom door. ELSEIF K15_PLAYER_IS_SDM_RESIDENT() SELECTCASE RAND:2 CASE 1 PRINTFORML 「My apologies for the intrusion, %CALLNAME:PLAYER%, but you haven't finished your tasks for today.」 PRINTFORMDW She gives you a polite bow and before you knew what happened, you are standing fully clothed outside the bathroom door. CASEELSE PRINTFORMW 「――Ara.」 PRINTFORML 「Bath time is one of the only times I can relax.」 PRINTFORML 「Since I don't think I can relax in the bath with %CALLNAME:MASTER% around, would you please leave?」 PRINTFORMDL You find yourself outside the bath just as she finishes her sentence. PRINTFORMDW Seems like she threw you out using her power. ENDSELECT ELSE PRINTFORML 「My apologies for the intrusion, but I need to take a bath. Please come back after I'm finished.」 PRINTFORMDW She gives you a polite bow and before you knew what happened, you are standing fully clothed outside the bathroom door. ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;外出先で遭遇した ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) ;------------------------------------------------- IF ARG == 6 IF !TCVAR:15:今日会ったか CALL K15_FIRST_GREETING_OF_DAY_LINES(1) RETURN 1 ENDIF IF K15_LOVER_LOVE() PRINTFORML %GREETING_K15()%, %CALLNAME:PLAYER%. What brings you here?」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% excitedly comes closer to you with a mischievous look on her face. PRINTFORML 「If you don't mind... hey♪~」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% suddenly hugs your arm, clinging to it happily. ELSEIF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% stares at you coldly. ELSEIF K15_LIKES_PLAYER() PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% gives a small bow and smiles when she notices you. PRINTFORML 「Ara, %CALLNAME:PLAYER%. What brings you here?」 ELSE PRINTFORMDW When %CALLNAME:15% notices you she gives a small bow. PRINTFORML 「%GREETING_K15()%, %CALLNAME:PLAYER%.」 ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;他キャラとデート中に遭遇した ;ARG:1にデート相手 ;------------------------------------------------- IF ARG == 7 ;remilia IF ARG:1 == 16 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% bowed towards you both. IF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「%GREETING_K15()%, Mistress, %CALLNAME:MASTER%.」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「%GREETING_K15()%, Mistress.」 ENDIF ;other ELSEIF K15_LOVER_LOVE() PRINTFORML 「Jii...」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% gives a glare to you and your date. ELSEIF K15_LIKES_PLAYER() PRINTFORMDW You feel a glare from %CALLNAME:15%. ENDIF IF !TCVAR:15:今日会ったか CALL K15_FIRST_GREETING_OF_DAY_LINES(1) RETURN 1 ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;その他 PRINTFORML ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;朝起きたとき(おはよう口上) ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_2(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;小分岐 ;------------------------------------------------- ;非同棲かつ相手が先に起きてる ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 1 || LOCAL:1 && ARG == 2 ;------------------------------------------------- ;TARGET私室にMASTERが入っている(恋慕時添い寝中就寝時のみ? ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) ;LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- ;IF LOCAL:1 && !ARG:1 ; RETURN 1 ;ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;MASTER私室にTARGETが入ってきてる(恋慕無しでも入ってくる可能性有り ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) ;LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- ;IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 1 ; RETURN 1 ;ENDIF ;共通。あなたが男かふたなり時、合意ありで奉仕・口淫経験一定以上 IF GETBIT(TALENT:MASTER:性別,1) && CFLAG:既成事実 & 合意_うふふ && EXP:奉仕快楽経験 >= 10 && EXP:口淫経験 >= 10 SELECTCASE RAND:2 CASE 0 PRINTFORMDW Still groggy from waking up, you feel a weird but pleasurable sensation coming from your lower body. PRINTFORML PRINTFORML 「Amph, Nnph, Hnnng, Juru... Oh my, you're finally awake.」 PRINTFORMDW Looking down, you see Sakuya between your legs, kissing your penis with fervor. PRINTFORML PRINTFORML 「When I was cleaning your room, I happened to see your morning wood. It seemed like it wanted release, so..」 PRINTFORML 「By the way, the smell is mindblowingly strong. You should... Rero... Really wash it carefully.」 PRINTFORMDW Sakuya wraps her lips and tongue around your member even as she speaks, the slurping noises coming from her lips intensifying by the minute. PRINTFORML PRINTFORML 「Fuuu――...haa... It's so hard...! Aumph, Juru... Nhh... Jubu... Mmmmggg!」 PRINTFORMDW Finally, you are at your limit, releasing your semen directly into Sakuya's mouth, whose eyes are muddied with a glazed expression. PRINTFORML CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「Nnng...HPH Juru, Juzozo~HPH Phew... Haa...HPH」", "L") PRINTFORMDL Sakuya pools the semen she's milked in her mouth, opening wide and showing the white liquid dancing on her tongue. PRINTFORMDW And just like that, she swallows it with an audible gulp... CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「Cough, What a thick load...HPH Thank you for the mealHPH」", "W") CALL K15_Bed_Blowjob CASE 1 PRINTFORMDW Waking up to a pleasant feeling, you hear a wet noise coming from your groin. PRINTFORML PRINTFORML 「Good morning... Haaa, Nchuu, Pero Pero...」 CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「? What this is? Morning sexual relief, of course. It's the duty of a maid after allHPH」", "L") PRINTFORMDW Your penis is completely coated with Sakuya's saliva, the length and degree of her blowjob apparent from its condition. PRINTFORML PRINTFORML 「Did you wash it properly? The smell was really strong... Chuu.」 CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「However, if I were to rate it on the shape, smell, and size, it would get full marksHPH」", "L") CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「Chyuupa... Come on, give me your extra thick morning loadHPH」", "L") PRINTFORMDW With that, she latches her lips on your glans like a vacuum, and a burst of hot liquid rushes into Sakuya's waiting mouth... CALL K15_Bed_Blowjob CASE 2 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, wake up.」 PRINTFORML 「Do you want to be punished like Meiling?」 PRINTFORMDW You fly out of bed without thinking. CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「...Hmmm, It's unexpectedly soft...!?」 PRINTFORMDL You wake up to find Sakuya poking you cheeks. PRINTFORMW 「F-Forget what you just saw! Forget it right this moment!! \/\/\/」 ENDSELECT ELSEIF CFLAG:好感度 >= 1500 && CFLAG:信頼度 >= 300 SELECTCASE RAND:4 CASE 0 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, it's morning already.」 PRINTFORML 「If you don't wake up, you'll end up like Meiling, okay?」 PRINTFORMDW You wake up to Sakuya's gentle morning call. CASE 1 PRINTFORML 「It's time to wake up, %CALLNAME:MASTER%.」 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%?」 PRINTFORMDL Sakuya calls as she moves her face closer to yours. PRINTFORMDL Having enjoyed her fragrance, you open your eyes and greets her. PRINTFORML 「... If you're awake already then get up quickly!」 PRINTFORMDW Sakuya scolds, a pretty blush creeping up her cheeks... CASE 2 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, wake up.」 PRINTFORML 「Do you want to be punished like Meiling?」 PRINTFORMDW You fly out of the bed without thinking. CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「...Hmmm, It's unexpectedly soft...!?」 PRINTFORMDL You wake up to find Sakuya poking you cheeks. PRINTFORMW 「F-Forget what you just saw! Forget it right this moment!! \/\/\/」 ENDSELECT ELSE SELECTCASE RAND:2 CASE 0 PRINTFORML 「It's morning already, %CALLNAME:MASTER%.」 PRINTFORMDW You wake up to Sakuya's voice. CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, wake up.」 PRINTFORML 「You'll be late for work.」 PRINTFORMDW You wake up to Sakuya's voice. ENDSELECT ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;同棲かつ相手が起きている ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) ;LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- ;IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 2 ; PRINTFORMW ; RETURN 1 ;ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;同棲かつ相手が寝ている ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 3 PRINTFORMW RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;MASTERが起きていて、相手が起きてきた ;添い寝時TARGET起床はこちら(TARGET衰弱or添い寝中TARGET睡魔負け後そのままMASTERが起き続けた上で相手が起床した場合限定 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 4 ;------------------------------------------------- ;非同棲 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && !ARG:1 PRINTFORMW RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;同棲中 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 1 PRINTFORMW RETURN 1 ENDIF PRINTFORMW RETURN 1 ENDIF ;その他 PRINTFORML ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;夜寝るとき(おやすみ口上) ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_3(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- SELECTCASE ARG ;------------------------------------------------- ;自室に帰る(定時になって寝る) CASE 1 ;sleeping SIF CFLAG:PLAYER:睡眠 || CFLAG:TARGET:添い寝中 RETURN 1 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% leaves to her bedroom without saying a word. ELSE IF TALENT:恋人 PRINTFORML 「Fuwahh, It's already this late...」 PRINTFORMW 「I wish I could stop time to preserve this moment forever.」 PRINTFORML 「I am the happiest when I'm with %CALLNAME:MASTER% after all♪」 PRINTFORMDL Her gaze softens as you stare into each other's eyes. PRINTFORMW 「Well, good night, %CALLNAME:MASTER%.」 ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 || TALENT:思慕 PRINTFORML 「Oh my, it's already this late?」 PRINTFORML 「I will have to excuse myself here today.」 PRINTFORMDL Sakuya murmurs sleepily, her voice indicating she would like to stay awake longer. PRINTFORMW 「See you tomorrow.」 ELSE SELECTCASE RAND:2 CASE 1 PRINTFORML 「Well now, it's almost bed time. I will have to excuse myself here.」 PRINTFORML 「Please, have a good night, %CALLNAME:MASTER%.」 PRINTFORMDW Sakuya leaves without another word... CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「\@ BASE:体力 > 500 ? Please excuse me, It's getting a bit late. Good night. # Yaaawn~ Ara, please excuse me, It's getting a bit late. Good night. \@.」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% leaves to her bedroom after she gives a bow. ENDSELECT ENDIF ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;眠そうにしている CASE 2 ;sleeping SIF CFLAG:PLAYER:睡眠 || CFLAG:TARGET:添い寝中 RETURN 1 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% goes to sleep without saying. You see her sometimes glare at you as she is falling asleep. ELSE SELECTCASE RAND:6 CASE 0 PRINTFORML 「Nnng... I feel a bit sleepy.」 PRINTFORMDW You can see her grogginess as her centre of gravity sways sleepily... CASE 1,2 PRINTFORML 「Fuwaaa... I'm sleepy.」 PRINTFORMDW Sakuya covers her mouth with her hands as she stifles a yawn. CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「\@ BASE:体力 > 500 ? Please excuse me, It's getting a bit late. Good night. # Yaaawn~ Ara, please excuse me, It's getting a bit late. Good night. \@.」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% goes to sleep. ENDSELECT ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;睡眠中(起きていないので会話というよりは寝言?) CASE 3 ;------------------------------------------------- ;イタズラ中 CASE 4 IF TALENT:恋人 || TALENT:恋慕 SELECTCASE RAND:4 CASE 0 PRINTFORMW 「Nnggg... Ah... Haaa...」 CASE 1 PRINTFORMW 「Ah... Hyaa...」 CASE 2 PRINTFORML 「\@ TALENT:恋慕 ? %CALLNAME:PLAYER%~ # Stop it... \@.」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% talks in her sleep as you molest her. CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「Nnngg... I like this... Nnngg... Ah!」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% talks in her sleep as you molest her. ENDSELECT ELSEIF TALENT:思慕 SELECTCASE RAND:3 CASE 0 PRINTFORMW 「...Fuuu...hiii...」 CASE 1 PRINTFORMW 「Munyaa...? Ah... Nng!」 CASEELSE PRINTFORMW 「Nnng.. Ah... Not there...」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% talks in her sleep as you molest her. ENDSELECT ELSE SELECTCASE RAND:3 CASE 0 PRINTFORMW 「Munyuuu... Nnng...」 CASE 1 PRINTFORMW 「...Haaa... Nnng...」 CASEELSE PRINTFORMW 「... Nnnmm?... Ah...?」 ENDSELECT ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;衰弱中(恋慕付き拠点内キャラがMAIN_MAPで衰弱状態になった場合か、お招き部屋で相手が衰弱した場合に発生 CASE 5 ;------------------------------------------------- ;MASTERがダウン(部屋まで運ばれる) CASE 6 IF K15_LOVER_LOVE() SELECTCASE RAND:2 CASE 0 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%!? %CALLNAME:MASTER%!?」 PRINTFORML (%HE_SHE(MASTER)% fell unconscious...) PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%...」 PRINTFORML (I need to make sure that my love is alright and safe.) PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% carries you back to your room surprisingly quickly and you feel her caring presence as you sleep. CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%?... %CALLNAME:MASTER%!?」 PRINTFORML 「Are you okay, %CALLNAME:MASTER%!? ... Eh? You're just tired, you say?」 PRINTFORMDL After calming down and confirming your well-being, Sakuya sighs in relief. PRINTFORML 「My... What am I going to do with you?」 PRINTFORML 「Don't make me worry so much, idiot...」 PRINTFORMDW Sakuya sighs as she holds you gently, carrying you back to your room. ENDSELECT ELSEIF K15_HATE() PRINTFORML 「Was I too rough on %HIM_HER(MASTER,,1)% today?」 PRINTFORMW 「Let's hope %HE_SHE(MASTER)% learned %HIS_HER(MASTER)% lesson now.」 ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 SELECTCASE RAND:2 CASE 0 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, are you alright?」 PRINTFORML (%HE_SHE(MASTER)% fell unconscious...) PRINTFORML (Let's make sure that %HE_SHE(MASTER)% is alright and safe.) PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% carries you back to your room surprisingly quickly. CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「A-Are you okay?」 PRINTFORML 「You're working too hard... Goodness's sake.」 PRINTFORML 「It can't be helped. I'll carry you back to your room, just tell me where it is.」 PRINTFORMDW Sakuya sighs as she carries you in her arms back to your room. ENDSELECT ELSE SELECTCASE RAND:2 CASE 0 PRINTFORML 「Ara, %HE_SHE(MASTER)% fell asleep.」 IF K15_PLAYER_IS_SDM_RESIDENT() PRINTFORML (%HE_SHE(MASTER)% is a part of the mansion.) PRINTFORML (It's part of my duty to bring %HIM_HER(MASTER,,1)% back to %HIS_HER(MASTER)% room.) PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% carries you back to your room surprisingly quickly. ELSE PRINTFORML (I don't want that Shrine maiden to think we're starting another incident.) PRINTFORML (It's best to bring %HIM_HER(MASTER,,1)% back home.) PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% carries you back home surprisingly quickly. ENDIF CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「... Are you okay?」 PRINTFORML 「This... seems like just over-fatigue.」 PRINTFORMDL Sakuya supports you with her shoulder nonchalantly. PRINTFORMW 「Even I can't just leave someone lying on the ground after all...」 ENDSELECT ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;TARGETが自室まで戻ってきた CASE 7 ;sleeping SIF CFLAG:PLAYER:睡眠 || CFLAG:TARGET:添い寝中 RETURN 1 SELECTCASE ARG:1 ;------------------------------------------------- ;そのまま着替えて寝た CASE 0 PRINTFORML 「\@ BASE:体力 > 500 ? Please excuse me, It's getting a bit late. Good night. # Yaaawn~ Aa, please excuse me, It's getting a bit late. Good night. \@.」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% went to sleep. ;------------------------------------------------- ;部屋から追い出された CASE 1 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMDW You are suddenly standing outside %CALLNAME:15%'s room with no memory of going outside. ELSE PRINTFORML 「\@ BASE:体力 > 500 ? Please excuse me, It's getting a bit late. Good night. # Yaaawn~ Aa, please excuse me, It's getting a bit late. Good night. \@.」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% sends you out of her room. ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;他キャラとのHを止めさせて寝た CASE 2 PRINTFORMW 「\@ BASE:体力 > 500 ? Please excuse me, It's getting a bit late. Good night. # Yaaawn~ Aa, please excuse me, It's getting a bit late. Good night. \@.」 ENDSELECT ;------------------------------------------------- ;非在住TARGETがMAIN_MAPで休憩 CASE 8 ;------------------------------------------------- ;前のターンから一緒の部屋にいる状態で相手が寝る(お招き部屋含む( CASE 9 ENDSELECT ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;移動時すれちがい ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_4(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;小分岐 ;------------------------------------------------- ;立ち止まった ;この後遭遇口上に接続 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 1 PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;軽く会釈して通り過ぎた ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 2 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% ignores you. ELSEIF TALENT:恋人 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, where are you going?」 PRINTFORML 「Will you come with me after your errand is done?」 PRINTFORMDW Returning Sakuya's smile, you continue on your way. ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 SELECTCASE RAND:2 CASE 0 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% bows politely as you leave. CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「Ara, Isn't it %CALLNAME:MASTER%?」 PRINTFORML 「... In a hurry? Have a safe trip.」 PRINTFORMDW Sakuya says as she gives you a quick wave and smile. ENDSELECT ELSEIF TALENT:思慕 PRINTFORML 「...」 PRINTFORMDW Sakuya waves her hand as she notices you. ELSE SELECTCASE RAND:2 CASE 0 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% returns your greeting. CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「Hello.」 PRINTFORMDW Sakuya curtsies politely ENDSELECT ENDIF IF MARK:快楽刻印 > 0 && RAND:7 < MARK:快楽刻印 PRINTFORMDL Although her demeanor seems normal from afar, as you pass her, PRINTFORMDW Sakuya's mind fills with the memory of pleasure carved deep into her being, and her nethers moisten without prompting... CALL K15_Subconscious_Desire ELSEIF MARK:時姦刻印 > 0 && RAND:7 < MARK:時姦刻印 PRINTFORMDL However, underneath her clothes, almost as if anticipating some sort of reward, her erogenous zones start thirsting after you. PRINTFORMDW Sakuya's eyes start following you even without her realising... CALL K15_Subconscious_Desire ENDIF PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;無視して通り過ぎた ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 3 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMDL You feel a cold sharp look from %CALLNAME:15%. ELSE PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% notices you from the corner of her eye. ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;その他 PRINTFORML ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;他者介入でムード変化 ;TODO: WIP ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_5(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;ARGに入ってきたキャラ(人数が膨大なので、自己把握自己責任で ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;character ID SELECTCASE ARG ;------------------------------------------------- ;15 Sakuya CASE 15 PRINTFORMW 「I haven't seen a doppelgänger in a while.」 ;------------------------------------------------- ;16 Remilia CASE 16 ;her room IF CFLAG:300 == CFLAG:ARG:初期位置 PRINTFORMW 「Please excuse me for the intrusion, Mistress.」 ELSE PRINTFORMW 「%GREETING_K15()%, Mistress.」 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;50 Flandre CASE 50 ;her room IF CFLAG:300 == CFLAG:ARG:初期位置 PRINTFORMW 「Please excuse me, Miss %CALLNAME:ARG%.」 ELSE PRINTFORMW 「%GREETING_K15()%, Miss %CALLNAME:ARG%.」 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;54 Patchouli CASE 54 ;her room IF CFLAG:300 == CFLAG:ARG:初期位置 PRINTFORMW 「Please excuse me, Miss %CALLNAME:ARG%.」 ELSE PRINTFORMW 「%GREETING_K15()%, Miss %CALLNAME:ARG%.」 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;58 Meiling CASE 58 ;her room IF CFLAG:300 == CFLAG:ARG:初期位置 PRINTFORMW 「Excuse me, %CALLNAME:ARG%.」 ELSE PRINTFORMW 「Ara, %CALLNAME:ARG%. Are you done with your guard duties?」 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;59 Kaokuma CASE 59 ;her room IF CFLAG:300 == CFLAG:ARG:初期位置 PRINTFORMW 「Excuse me, %CALLNAME:ARG%.」 ELSE PRINTFORMW 「Ara, the library assistant.」 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;other CASEELSE ;IF K15_IN_SDM(CFLAG:ARG:現在位置) ; PRINTFORMW 「Ara, a guest.」 ;ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ENDSELECT ;------------------------------------------------- ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;情事を目撃した ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_6(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;ARGに情事相手 ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;小分岐 ;------------------------------------------------- ;情事を目撃した(馴れ合い度:低) ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 1 PRINTFORML 「Hmmm...」 RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;負けじと参加(馴れ合い度:高) ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 2 ;cheating with remilia IF ARG == 16 ;first time IF FIRSTTIME(@"修羅場{16}") IF TALENT:16:恋人 PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%! Mistress!」 PRINTFORMDL She blushes heavily and fiddles with her dress and looked more excited than angry. PRINTFORMW 「Mistress, I have to apologize, but ever since you both got together I've been feeling a little bit lonely...」 PRINTFORMW 「So, please let me join♪」 PRINTFORMDW Before you and %CALLNAME:16% could answer her, %CALLNAME:15% is kissing and caressing you both passionately. ELSE PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%! Mistress!」 PRINTFORMDL She blushes heavily and fiddles with her dress and looked more excited than angry. IF K15_LOVER_LOVE() PRINTFORMW 「How cruel of you to cheat on me with the Mistress...」 ELSE PRINTFORMW 「How cruel...」 ENDIF PRINTFORMW 「I thought my service would be enough for you.」 PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, %CALLNAME:16%, I will forgive you if you let me join in♪」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% kisses and caresses you and %CALLNAME:16% very passionately. PRINTFORMW 「I love you, %CALLNAME:MASTER%♪ %CALLNAME:16%♪ Chuu~」 ENDIF ELSE PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%~ %CALLNAME:16%~」 PRINTFORMW 「Please let me join♪」 PRINTFORMW %CALLNAME:15% plunged to the both of you without hesitation and starts to kiss and caress you and %CALLNAME:16% very passionately. ENDIF ELSEIF TALENT:恋人 PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%!」 PRINTFORMW 「How cruel of you to cheat on me...」 PRINTFORMW 「I thought I would be enough for you...」 PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, I have no other choice than to join you.」 ELSEIF TALENT:ARG:恋人 PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, I heard rumors of you and %CALLNAME:ARG% being a couple.」 PRINTFORMW 「Yet seeing you both like this, it kind of hurts.」 PRINTFORMW 「So if you don't mind, please let me join♪」 ELSE PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%!」 PRINTFORMW 「I have feelings for you and seeing you both like this, it kind of hurts.」 PRINTFORMW 「So if you don't mind, please let me join♪」 ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;気まずそうに立ち去る ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 3 IF ARG == 16 PRINTFORML 「Mistress!」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% looks shocked, but she quickly regained composure. PRINTFORML 「My apologies, please excuse me.」 ELSEIF TALENT:恋人 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%!」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% looks shocked and quickly runs out while looking a bit sad. ELSEIF TALENT:ARG:恋人 PRINTFORML 「My apologies, please excuse me.」 PRINTFORMW (Well, I heard a rumor that they are together.) ELSE PRINTFORMW 「My apologies, please excuse me.」 ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;その他 PRINTFORML ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;情事を見られた ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_7(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;ARGに目撃者 ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 0 ;------------- IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;小分岐 ;------------------------------------------------- ;情事を見られた(目撃者の馴れ合い度:低) ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 1 PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;目撃者が負けじと参加(目撃者の馴れ合い度:高) ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 2 PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;目撃者が立ち去る ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 3 PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;その他 PRINTFORML ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;目撃した情事を問い詰める(現在無し ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_8(ARG,ARG:1) RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;パンツ没収された ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_9(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL PRINTFORML PRINTFORML 「Hmmm... what are you hiding?」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% looks at with you with suspicion. ;multiple or single? IF FLAG:パンツ輸送 > 1 PRINTFORMDW Before you could react, %CALLNAME:15% has all the panties you've stolen in her hands. ELSE PRINTFORMDW Before you could react, %CALLNAME:15% has the panty you've stolen in her hands. ENDIF PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, just what is this?」 ;considers stealing Remilia's underwear a major offense IF K15_CHECK_STOLEN_PANTIES(16) PRINTFORMW 「The Mistress's...」 CFLAG:弱み握り += 3 ENDIF ;first time panties IF FIRSTTIME("パンツ没収") PRINTFORMW 「Collecting girls underwear, it's a very inappropriate hobby to have...」 ELSE ;mattaku PRINTFORMW 「Honestly... It's a very inappropriate hobby to have...」 ENDIF ;hates the player IF K15_HATE() ;sakuya or remilia's panties IF K15_CHECK_STOLEN_PANTIES(15) || K15_CHECK_STOLEN_PANTIES(16) IF K15_CHECK_STOLEN_PANTIES(15) PRINTFORML 「Even my underwear...」 ;stolen from her IF CFLAG:ノーパン ;already knows about your timestop IF CFLAG:時間停止バレ == 1 PRINTFORMW 「You are the worst to humiliate me like this.」 ELSE PRINTFORMW 「How did you...?」 CFLAG:K15C_TOTAL_STEAL_PANTIES_WITNESSES += 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF PRINTFORMDL She looks at you with pure killing intent. PRINTFORMW 「Do you know that the price of this is your life?」 CALL K15_KNIFEATTACK_SPELLCARD() ELSE PRINTFORMW PRINTFORMW 「I will need to correct your behaviour.」 ENDIF ;loves the player ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 IF K15_CHECK_STOLEN_PANTIES() PRINTFORMW 「I was wondering where my panties went.」 ;stolen from her IF CFLAG:ノーパン ;already knows about your timestop IF CFLAG:時間停止バレ == 1 PRINTFORMW 「You could've just asked me if you wanted them... It's a bit embarrassing to walk around like that.」 PRINTFORMW 「Or are you enjoying humiliating me?」 ELSE PRINTFORMW 「How did you get them?...」 CFLAG:K15C_TOTAL_STEAL_PANTIES_WITNESSES += 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ;punishment ;steal player panties IF K15_CHECK_STOLEN_PANTIES(15) || K15_CHECK_STOLEN_PANTIES(16) IF CFLAG:PLAYER:206 CFLAG:PLAYER:206 = 0 CALL K15_SAKUYAWORLD_GAIN_XP(10) PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% watches you closely with a smug look on her face. PRINTFORMDW You suddenly feel your genitals rub against your clothing in an uncomfortable way and you realize your own underwear are gone in instant. PRINTFORMW 「Ufufu♪」 ENDIF ENDIF PRINTFORMW PRINTFORMW 「In any case, I will have to correct your behaviour later♪」 RETURN 1 ;other ELSE IF K15_CHECK_STOLEN_PANTIES() PRINTFORMW 「Even my underwear...」 PRINTFORMDW You feel a glare coming from her. ;stolen from her IF CFLAG:ノーパン ;already knows about your timestop IF CFLAG:時間停止バレ == 1 PRINTFORMW 「Are you enjoying humiliating me?」 ELSE PRINTFORMW 「How did you...?」 CFLAG:K15C_TOTAL_STEAL_PANTIES_WITNESSES += 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF PRINTFORMW 「In any case, I will have to correct your behaviour later.」 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;押し倒した ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_10(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;小分岐 ;------------------------------------------------- ;うふふ==2(開始時) ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 1 ;drunk IF TCVAR:泥酔 IF K15_LUST(900) PRINTFORMDL The drunk and obviously excited %CALLNAME:15% pins you down by hugging you tightly. PRINTFORML 「Cuddling with %CALLNAME:MASTER%♪~」 PRINTFORML 「So warm%UNICODE(0x2665)%~ My body feels so warm♪~」 PRINTFORMW 「Mou%UNICODE(0x2665)%~ Stop struggling♪~」 ELSEIF K15_LUST(500) PRINTFORMDL The drunk and blushing %CALLNAME:15% pins you down by hugging you. PRINTFORML 「Cuddling with %CALLNAME:MASTER%♪~」 PRINTFORMW 「So warm%UNICODE(0x2665)%~ My body feels so warm♪~」 ELSE PRINTFORMDL The drunk %CALLNAME:15% pins you down by hugging you. PRINTFORML 「Cuddling♪~」 PRINTFORMW 「So warm%UNICODE(0x2665)%~」 ENDIF ;hate ELSEIF K15_HATE_ANGER() IF K15_LUST(900) PRINTFORMDL You are suddenly laying down on the floor and your hands are tied up with rope. PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% looks down upon with a sadistic lustful look on her face and stepping on your member. PRINTFORMW 「I wonder what I should do with a dog like you...」 PRINTFORMW 「Yes, you are a dog, got it? Now bark.」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% steps on your genitals with all her force while she blushes. PRINTFORMW 「Is there a problem? Ufufu♪」 ELSE PRINTFORMDL You are suddenly laying down on the floor and your hands are tied up with rope. PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% looks down upon with disgust on her face and stepping on your member. PRINTFORMW 「I wonder what I should do with a dog like you...」 PRINTFORMW 「Yes, you are a dog, got it? Now bark.」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% steps on your genitals with all her force while she gives a disgusted look. PRINTFORMW 「Is there a problem?」 ENDIF ;no escape TCVAR:TARGET:好きにして = 1 ;considers punishment CFLAG:弱み握り -= 1 SIF CFLAG:弱み握り < 0 CFLAG:弱み握り = 0 ;blackmail punishment ELSEIF CFLAG:弱み握り IF K15_LUST(900) PRINTFORMDL You are suddenly laying down on the floor and your hands are tied up. PRINTFORML 「Ufufu♪ %CALLNAME:MASTER%%UNICODE(0x2665)% You have been misbehaving too much♪」 PRINTFORMDW She shows off her damp crotch and it is obvious that she is very excited. PRINTFORML 「I need to discipline you♪~」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% hugs you tightly while kissing and licking you. ELSE PRINTFORMDL You are suddenly laying down on the floor and your hands are tied up. PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%♪ You have been misbehaving too much.」 PRINTFORML 「I need to discipline you.」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% stomps on your member while giving you mischievous smile. ENDIF ;bathroom ELSEIF BATHROOM() PRINTFORML 「Ufufu♪~」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% pushes you down while cleaning your back. PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%♪ please allow me to clean you properly.」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% starts to rub her naked soaped up body against yours in a very sensual manner. ;likes the player ELSEIF K15_LIKES_PLAYER() IF K15_LUST(900) PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% pins you down by sitting on you. PRINTFORML 「Ahn%UNICODE(0x2665)% %CALLNAME:MASTER%♪」 PRINTFORML 「I'm sorry, but I need to use you for a moment♪」 PRINTFORMDL She looks at you with eyes full of desire. SIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「I... I can't stop thinking about you.」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% kisses you on various places while she undresses you. PRINTFORML 「Please allow me to make you feel good♪」 ELSE SELECTCASE RAND:8 CASE 0 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% pins you down by sitting on you. PRINTFORML 「I'm terribly sorry, but I...」 PRINTFORMDL She thinks of something for a moment while blushing heavily. PRINTFORML 「I noticed you constantly staring at me and some of the other residents.」 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, it is very important to keep your urges under control here at the mansion.」 PRINTFORML 「So, please lay still for a while♪」 PRINTFORMDW She smiles at you mischievously... CASE 1 PRINTFORML 「Ufufu♪~」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% pins you down by stepping on your torso. PRINTFORML 「You love my legs, right? I noticed you staring at them.」 PRINTFORMW 「Ufufu♪~」 PRINTFORMDW She smiles at you mischievously while she starts to tease your crotch. CASE 2 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% sits on you with a bossy look. PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, it is very important to keep your urges under control.」 ;is girl IF TALENT:PLAYER:性別 == 1 PRINTFORMDL She gently touches your wet panties. ;should have a penis ELSE PRINTFORMDL She touches your erect bulge. ENDIF PRINTFORML 「And just what is this? See, I was right.」 PRINTFORML 「Don't worry, I will provide you with necessary release.」 PRINTFORMDW She smiles at you mischievously... CASE 3, 4 PRINTFORMDL She pins you down by sitting on you. ;is girl IF TALENT:PLAYER:性別 == 1 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, it's inappropriate to walk around with panties that wet.」 ;should have a penis ELSE PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, it's inappropriate to walk around with an erection.」 ENDIF PRINTFORML 「Please allow me to provide sexual relief♪」 PRINTFORMDW She smiles a bit mischievously. CASEELSE IF TALENT:恋人 PRINTFORML 「... I can't wait anymore.」 PRINTFORML 「It was %CALLNAME:MASTER% who teased me first... okay?」 PRINTFORMDL You, who are pushed down gently in a blink of the eye, stroke Sakuya's hair lovingly. PRINTFORML 「Really, that trait of yours is really unfair... You know that, right?」 PRINTFORMDL Sakuya's eyes are foggy with lust, and she doesn't waste a moment peeling off your clothes. PRINTFORML 「I'm sorry, %CALLNAME:MASTER%, but you'll have to bear with me until I'm satisfied.」 CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「I'll make sure you won't be able to stand after this... Okay?HPH」", "W") ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 || TALENT:思慕 PRINTFORML 「...Phew, Uhhgg...」 PRINTFORML 「Sorry... I can't...」 PRINTFORMDL Sakuya pushes you down in the blink of an eye, her eyes hungrily devouring you. PRINTFORMDL Her hot breath dances across your neck, and her slit rubs against your thigh. PRINTFORMW 「It's all your fault, %CALLNAME:MASTER%...」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「... I can't take it anymore.」 PRINTFORMDL Just as you hear Sakuya's voice, you find yourself constricted by her body. PRINTFORML 「Fufufu, It's your fault, %CALLNAME:MASTER%, for seducing me like this...」 PRINTFORMDL Her tongue flicks across her slightly opened lips, and her silver hair wraps around her pale skin. PRINTFORMDW From her expression and words, you understand what is about to happen. ENDIF ENDSELECT ENDIF ELSE ;lewd IF K15_LUST(900) PRINTFORMDL She pins you down by sitting on you. PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, it's inappropriate to walk around with an erection.」 PRINTFORML 「Please allow me to provide sexual relief♪」 PRINTFORMDW She smiles a bit mischievously. ELSE PRINTFORMDL She pins you down by sitting on you and applies lotion to her hands. ;is girl IF TALENT:PLAYER:性別 == 1 PRINTFORMW 「Not very bright, are you? It's inappropriate to walk around with a wet stain down there.」 ;should have a penis ELSE PRINTFORMW 「Not very bright, are you? It's inappropriate to walk around with an erection.」 ENDIF IF K15_PLAYER_IS_SDM_RESIDENT() PRINTFORML 「I won't let you humiliate the Mistress, so I will need to provide you with sexual relief.」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「I won't let you disturb the Mistress in that way, so I will need to provide you with sexual relief.」 ENDIF PRINTFORMDW She is surprisingly cold about the situation. ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;なだめられた(終了時) ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 2 ;------------------------------------------------- ;抜け出した ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && !ARG:1 ;hate IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMDW 「Tsssk.」 CALL K15_KNIFEATTACK_STEALTH ;time rape ELSEIF K15_SAKUYAWORLD_CHECK_SP1() PRINTFORML PRINTFORML 「You're being too cruel... %CALLNAME:MASTER%♪」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% strikes a seductive pose and shows you her pocket watch. PRINTFORML 「Think you could escape?♪」 PRINTFORML PRINTFORMDL [0]Escape TINPUT 3000,1,0 SELECTCASE RESULT CASE 0 PRINTFORMDL You use your time stop to escape. PRINTFORMW 「Mou...」 CALL GETOUT(MASTER) CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「There will be no escape this time♪」 CALL K15_SAKUYAWORLD_SP1(1) ENDSELECT RETURN 1 ;other ELSE IF TALENT:恋人 PRINTFORML 「Nnng... Haaa... Haaa... Are you done already?」 PRINTFORML 「But I wanted to feel your touch a bit more, %CALLNAME:MASTER%...」 PRINTFORMDL Although her pink breasts press against you, you tell her to endure it until next time. PRINTFORML 「... I understand.」 PRINTFORMW 「Next time, please make love to me until I lose conscious, okay?」 ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 || TALENT:思慕 PRINTFORML 「Ha... Haa... You're already done?」 PRINTFORML 「Can't we continue...just a little bit?」 PRINTFORMDL Sakuya runs her fingers across your groin, pleadingly. PRINTFORMDL You grip that hand firmly, making Sakuya give up on her advances. PRINTFORMW 「... Next time, let's do it til the end, okay?」 ELSE SELECTCASE RAND:2 CASE 0 PRINTFORML 「Ara, %HE_SHE(MASTER)% got away...」 CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「My, you're already finished?」 PRINTFORMW 「I can still go on but... I guess it can't be helped.」 ENDSELECT ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;抱き着きモード満足終了 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 1 IF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「... Thank you, %CALLNAME:MASTER%.」 PRINTFORMDW Sakuya nuzzles her nose against your chest, breathing in your aroma before untangling her body from yours. ELSE PRINTFORML 「... Phew. I feel a lot better after that. Thank you very much.」 PRINTFORMW 「Please take care of me next time too, okay %CALLNAME:MASTER%♪?」 ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;抱き着きモード強制終了 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 2 IF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「... Looks like we had an intruder this time.」 PRINTFORML 「Next time, let's do it properly, %CALLNAME:MASTER%. Promise?」 PRINTFORMDW Sakuya licks her lips exaggeratedly, as if to show you on purpose... ELSE PRINTFORML 「Looks like we have an intruder.」 PRINTFORMDW Sakuya leaves as if nothing had happened. ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;抜け出す失敗 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 3 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTDATAW DATAFORM 「Stop struggling!」 DATAFORM 「Don't try to escape!」 DATAFORM 「It's useless to try to escape.」 ENDDATA ELSE SELECTCASE RAND:2 CASE 0 PRINTDATAW DATAFORM 「Mou~ Stop struggling and let me pleasure you♪~」 DATAFORM 「Muda♪~ Muda~ Muda~ Muda~ Muda♪~」 DATAFORM 「Please stop struggling and let me pleasure you♪~」 DATAFORM 「Please don't try to escape, I might get sad.」 DATAFORM 「It's useless to try to escape.」 ENDDATA CASEELSE SELECTCASE ARG:1 CASE 1 ;好きにして状態から抜け出せなかった IF TALENT:恋慕 CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「My my, you can't escape from meHPH」", "L") CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「Did you forget my powers? NnnggHPH」", "L") PRINTFORMDL Just as you think you got away from Sakuya, you find yourself restrained by Sakuya once more. CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「Come on, try your hardest to escapeHPH」", "L") PRINTFORMDW A devilish smile surfaces on Sakuya's face. Looks like there is no escape from her. ELSE PRINTFORML 「Ara, I won't let you go.」 PRINTFORML 「It's %CALLNAME:MASTER%'s fault that I became like this,」 PRINTFORML 「so take responsibility, okay?」 PRINTFORMDW You are restrained by Sakuya with a challenging smirk. Seems like there is no escape. ENDIF CASE 2 ;欲求不満が高くて抜け出せなかった IF TALENT:恋慕 CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「Haa...HPH Haa...HPH Haaa...HPH...」", "L") PRINTFORMDL Sakuya uses her powers to restrain you against your will. She has clearly lost her senses. PRINTFORMDL Drool trickles from the corner of her mouth, and love juices flows from her honey pot. PRINTFORMDW You can't escape from her current state - one you never could have imagined from her normal self. ELSE CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「Not yet...HPH I still haven't had enoughHPH」", "L") CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「Come on, you can『use』me as you like, so please fill me up some more...HPH」", "L") ENDIF ENDSELECT ENDSELECT ENDIF RETURN ENDIF ;その他 PRINTFORML ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;浴場で遭遇 ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_11(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;小分岐 ;------------------------------------------------- ;追い出された ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 1 PRINTFORMDL CALL K15_KNIFEATTACK_STEALTH ;extra attacks IF K15_HATE_ANGER() CALL K15_KNIFEATTACK_STEALTH CALL K15_KNIFEATTACK_STEALTH ENDIF PRINTFORMDL PRINTFORMDL It may be a good idea to let her bath. RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;目が合った(追い出されない) ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 2 PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;その他 PRINTFORML ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;寝床に忍び込み ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_12(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;小分岐 ;------------------------------------------------- ;追い出される(怒り) ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 2 PRINTFORMDL IF K15_HATE_ANGER() CALL K15_KNIFEATTACK_SPELLCARD() ELSE CALL K15_KNIFEATTACK_STEALTH CALL K15_KNIFEATTACK_STEALTH ENDIF PRINTFORMDL PRINTFORMDL It may be a good idea to let her sleep. RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;寝床に侵入 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 1 PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;寝床に侵入(相手が恋慕) ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 2 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;寝床に侵入(相手が恋慕・衰弱) ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 3 PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;追い出される ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 4 PRINTFORMDL CALL K15_KNIFEATTACK_STEALTH ;extra attacks IF K15_HATE_ANGER() CALL K15_KNIFEATTACK_STEALTH CALL K15_KNIFEATTACK_STEALTH ENDIF PRINTFORMDL PRINTFORMDL It may be a good idea to let her sleep. RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;追い出される(衰弱) ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 5 PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;その他 PRINTFORML ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;お仕事中 ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_13(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;ARG:1に残っている仕事量 ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;小分岐 ;------------------------------------------------- ;仕事開始(職場へ移動する) ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 1 IF CFLAG:現在位置 == CFLAG:MASTER:現在位置 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% left without saying anything to you. ELSEIF ABL:欲望 >= 5 && PALAM:欲情 >= PALAMLV:7 PRINTFORML 「... Looks like it's time for work.」 PRINTFORML 「Now then, if you'll excuse me.」 PRINTFORML (... No... I have to endure it... At least until I finish work...) PRINTFORMDW Although she tries to act as if nothing is wrong, Sakuya heads to work even though her face is flushed and her breathing is jagged... ELSE IF TALENT:恋人 PRINTFORML 「Oh my, it's already time?」 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, I'll go to work for a bit.」 PRINTFORML 「See you♪ %CALLNAME:MASTER%♪」 PRINTFORMDW With a satisfied nod, Sakuya heads to work with a bright smile. ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「Ah... It's time for work.」 PRINTFORML 「Because of that, I'll have to excuse myself here...」 PRINTFORMDW Sakuya says as she heads towards work with a slight skip in her step. ELSE PRINTDATAL DATAFORM 「Please excuse me. I have duties to attend to.」 DATAFORM 「If you would excuse me. I have my duties to attend to.」 DATAFORM 「Well then, since it's time for work, I will have to excuse myself here...」 ENDDATA PRINTFORMDW Sakuya disappears after a polite curtsey... ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;業務中 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 2 ;doesn't receive message when working on banquet SIF CFLAG:15:職種 == 48 RETURN 1 IF ABL:欲望 >= 6 && PALAM:欲情 >= PALAMLV:10 SELECTCASE RAND:3 CASE 0 CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「Ha...HPH Ha...HPH...」", "L") PRINTFORMD Even while at work, Sakuya's body burns with lust IF EXP:V絶頂経験 >= 300 || FLAG:異常気象 == 2 PRINTFORMDL , imagining the sensation of her inner walls being churned up. ELSEIF EXP:A絶頂経験 >= 300 || FLAG:異常気象 == 3 PRINTFORMDL , dominated by the desire for her anus to be penetrated deeply. ELSEIF EXP:B絶頂経験 >= 300 || FLAG:異常気象 == 4 PRINTFORMDL , shaking from the pleasure from her nipples, which have become hard just by rubbing against her own clothes. ELSEIF EXP:C絶頂経験 >= 300 || FLAG:異常気象 == 1 PRINTFORMDL , her clitoris engorged from just imagining being abused. ELSEIF EXP:M絶頂経験 >= 300 || FLAG:異常気象 == 5 PRINTFORMDL , longing to have her throat, which was as sensitive as a sex organ, raped. ELSE PRINTDL . ENDIF PRINTFORMDL And she is in no state to focus at all. PRINTFORMDL Although she tries her best to clean, the love juices that flows from her pussy stains the floor. PRINTFORMDW Looks like the work load has just increased... CASE 1 CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「...Nnng, Huuu...HPH Huuu...HPH」", "L") PRINTFORMDL Sakuya is doing something behind the pillar... PRINTFORMDL Seems like she is masturbating with a broom between her legs. CALL HPH_PRINT(@"(Even though I shouldn't be doing something like this...HPH I can't take it anymoreHPH)", "L") PRINTFORMDL She is so engrossed in her actions she didn't even notice you... PRINTFORMDW You decide to leave her be... CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「Ara, There's some mold here...」 PRINTFORML 「... Wait? I'm sure cleaned this place already...」 PRINTFORML 「Huh, Huhh? Here too, I'm sure I just...?」 PRINTFORML PRINTFORML 「......?!?!」 PRINTFORMDW It seems like they were stains from her own love juices. ENDSELECT ELSEIF ABL:欲望 >= 5 && PALAM:欲情 >= PALAMLV:7 SELECTCASE RAND:4 CASE 0 CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「Ha...HPH Ha...HPH...」", "L") PRINTFORMD Even while at work, Sakuya's body burns with lust IF EXP:V絶頂経験 >= 200 || FLAG:異常気象 == 2 PRINTFORMDL , her inner walls recalling the feeling of the meat rod. ELSEIF EXP:A絶頂経験 >= 200 || FLAG:異常気象 == 3 PRINTFORMDL , her anus begging to be penetrated. ELSEIF EXP:B絶頂経験 >= 200 || FLAG:異常気象 == 4 PRINTFORMDL , her nipples erect, begging to be fondled. ELSEIF EXP:C絶頂経験 >= 200 || FLAG:異常気象 == 1 PRINTFORMDL , her clitoris engorged from rubbing against her clothes. ELSEIF EXP:M絶頂経験 >= 200 || FLAG:異常気象 == 5 PRINTFORMDL , her lips longing for oral stimulation. ELSE PRINTDL . ENDIF PRINTFORMDL It becomes a hindrance to her cleaning. PRINTFORMW 「Nnng... Uuuu... Endure it... Endure...」 CASE 1 CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「...Nnng, Huuu... HPH Huuu...HPH」", "L") PRINTFORMDL Sakuya is doing something behind the pillar... PRINTFORMDL Seems like she is masturbating with a broom between her legs. CALL HPH_PRINT(@"(Even though I shouldn't be doing something like this...HPH I can't take it anymoreHPH)", "L") PRINTFORMDL She is so engrossed in her actions she didn't even notice you... CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「―――HPHHPH... HaaHPH, HaaHPH... Ah!」", "L") PRINTFORMDW Looks like she noticed your staring. Sakuya stares at you, face flushed with arousal and embarrassment. CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「Ara, There's some mold here...」 PRINTFORML 「... Wait? I'm sure cleaned this place already...」 PRINTFORML 「Huh, Huhh? Here too, I'm sure I just...?」 PRINTFORML PRINTFORML 「......?!?!」 PRINTFORMDW It seems like they were stains from her own love juices. ENDSELECT ;ここから通常業務。IFが無駄にデカくなりがち…… ELSE SELECTCASE RAND:21 CASE 0,1 IF TALENT:機嫌 == -1 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% looks slightly annoyed while working. ELSE PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% smiles a bit while working. ENDIF CASE 2,3 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% instructs some of the fairy maids. CASE 4,5,6 PRINTFORMDW It must be your imagination, but she seems to clean multiple places at once. CASE 7,8,9 PRINTFORMW 「Ah, at this rate the cleaning isn't going to be done...」 CASE 11,12 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% disciplines some of the fairy maids. CASE 13,14 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% scolds some of the fairy maids. CASE 15 PRINTFORML 「Ah, blood takes so much time to clean...」 CASE 16 PRINTFORMW 「She better not be sleeping again...」 CASE 17 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% scolds a fairy maid for breaking something. CASE 18 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% scolds some of the hobgoblins. CASEELSE IF TALENT:機嫌 == -1 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% looks slightly annoyed while working. ELSE PRINTFORML 「♪」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% hums some melodies while working. ENDIF ENDSELECT ENDIF ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;仕事終了 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 3 IF CFLAG:現在位置 == CFLAG:MASTER:現在位置 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% looks at you in a cold way. ELSEIF ABL:欲望 >= 5 && PALAM:欲情 >= PALAMLV:10 CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「Haa~HPH Haa~HPH……」", "L") CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「At this rate...HPH」", "L") PRINTFORMD Unable to control her lust during work, Sakuya stares at you, IF EXP:V絶頂経験 >= 200 || FLAG:異常気象 == 2 PRINTFORMDL wanting you to make a mess of her inner walls. ELSEIF EXP:A絶頂経験 >= 200 || FLAG:異常気象 == 3 PRINTFORMDL wanting you to dominate her anus. ELSEIF EXP:B絶頂経験 >= 200 || FLAG:異常気象 == 4 PRINTFORMDL wanting you to fondle her breasts until they change shape. ELSEIF EXP:C絶頂経験 >= 200 || FLAG:異常気象 == 1 PRINTFORMDL wanting you to play with her clit until it falls off. ELSEIF EXP:M絶頂経験 >= 200 || FLAG:異常気象 == 5 PRINTFORMDL wanting you to rape her mouth with your tongue. ELSE PRINTFORMDL lusting after you. ENDIF PRINTFORMDL She imagines being abused by you. CALL K15_Subconscious_Desire CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「Ahh......HPH」", "W") ELSEIF ABL:欲望 >= 5 && PALAM:欲情 >= PALAMLV:7 PRINTFORML 「Haa~、Haa~」 CALL HPH_PRINT(@"「Finally...」", "L") PRINTFORMD Unable to control her lust during work, Sakuya stares at you, IF EXP:V絶頂経験 >= 200 || FLAG:異常気象 == 2 PRINTFORMD imagining her inner walls ELSEIF EXP:A絶頂経験 >= 200 || FLAG:異常気象 == 3 PRINTFORMD imagining her anus ELSEIF EXP:B絶頂経験 >= 200 || FLAG:異常気象 == 4 PRINTFORMD imagining her breasts ELSEIF EXP:C絶頂経験 >= 200 || FLAG:異常気象 == 1 PRINTFORMD imagining her clit ELSEIF EXP:M絶頂経験 >= 200 || FLAG:異常気象 == 5 PRINTFORMD imagining her lips ELSE PRINTFORMD imagining her body ENDIF PRINTFORMDL being abused by you. CALL K15_Subconscious_Desire PRINTFORMW 「Nnng... I'm almost finished...」 ELSEIF K15_LOVER_LOVE() PRINTFORML 「Thank you very much for your assistance.」 PRINTFORML 「If there is anything I can do for you, please ask.」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% fiddles a little bit with her dress. ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「Thank you for your assistance.」 PRINTFORML 「Please make sure to rest properly.」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% gives you a little bow. ELSE PRINTFORML 「Thank you for your assistance.」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% gives you a little bow. ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;その他 PRINTFORML ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;食事系 ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_14(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 0 ;------------- IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;持っていた食物を食べられた ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == -1 PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;その他 PRINTFORML ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;MASTERが押し倒した ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_15(ARG,ARG:1) #DIM iTotalClimax #DIM iTotalPlayerClimax #DIM iIntercourseClimax #DIM iCum #DIM iSemenCreampies ;口上主はTARGET ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;小分岐 ;------------------------------------------------- ;未実装(押し倒しコマンドに統合? ;MASTERが押し倒した(ウフフ開始時) ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) ;LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- ;IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 1 ;PRINTFORML ;RETURN 1 ;ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;逢瀬終了(ウフフ終了時) ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 2 ;timestop SIF FLAG:時間停止 || CFLAG:睡眠 ;fix RETURN 0 ;------------------------------------------------- ;variables iTotalClimax = EX:C絶頂 + EX:V絶頂 + EX:A絶頂 + EX:B絶頂 + EX:M絶頂 iTotalPlayerClimax = EX:MASTER:C絶頂 + EX:MASTER:V絶頂 + EX:MASTER:A絶頂 + EX:MASTER:B絶頂 + EX:MASTER:M絶頂 + EX:MASTER:射精 iIntercourseClimax = EX:V絶頂 + EX:A絶頂 iSemenCreampies = EX:膣内精液 + EX:アナル内精液 iCum = 0 SIF CFLAG:膣内射精 >= 1 iCum += 1 SIF CFLAG:アナル射精 >= 1 iCum += 1 SIF CFLAG:口に精液 >= 1 iCum += 1 SIF CFLAG:顔に精液 >= 1 iCum += 1 SIF CFLAG:手に精液 >= 1 iCum += 1 ;extra line PRINTFORML ;------------------------------------------------- ;nothing IF iTotalClimax == 0 && iTotalPlayerClimax == 0 &&iCum == 0 && iSemenCreampies == 0 ;lustful IF K15_LUST(900) IF K15_HATE() PRINTFORML 「...」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% glares at you with a blushing dissatisfied face. ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%?」 PRINTFORML 「Please don't tease me like that.」 PRINTFORML %CALLNAME:15% looks at you with needy eyes while blushing. ELSE PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%?」 PRINTFORML 「Is there something wrong?」 PRINTFORML %CALLNAME:15% looks at you with a blushing, yet dissatisfied face. ENDIF ELSE IF K15_HATE() PRINTFORML 「...」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% glares at you. ELSE PRINTFORML 「Is there something wrong, %CALLNAME:MASTER%?」 ENDIF ENDIF ;extra line PRINTFORMW RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;climax IF iTotalClimax IF iTotalClimax > 60 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%%UNICODE(0x2665)%~」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% embraces you while recovering of exhaustion from all the climaxes she received. ELSEIF iTotalClimax > 30 IF K15_HATE() PRINTFORML 「Ah%UNICODE(0x2665)%... ah...」 ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「Ah... %CALLNAME:MASTER%%UNICODE(0x2665)%... ah...」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「Ah%UNICODE(0x2665)%... ah...」 ENDIF PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% rests on you to recover from the climaxes she received. ELSEIF iTotalClimax > 10 IF K15_HATE() PRINTFORML 「Ah... ah...」 ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「Ah... %CALLNAME:MASTER%%UNICODE(0x2665)%...」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「Ah... ah...」 ENDIF PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% tries to calm her breath from the climaxes she received. ENDIF ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;semen on body IF iCum ;cum on face IF CFLAG:口に精液 ==1 || CFLAG:顔に精液 == 1 IF K15_HATE() PRINTFORML 「The smell of your semen, it's so vulgar and filthy.」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% glares at you while wiping the semen off her face. ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「The smell of your semen, it's making me feel a bit dizzy%UNICODE(0x2665)%」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「The smell of your semen... It's embarrassing to think about it.」 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;semen in body IF iSemenCreampies IF iSemenCreampies > 1200 IF K15_HATE() PRINTFORML 「To think you put so much of that in me...」 IF EX:膣内精液 > 0 && !TALENT:妊娠 PRINTFORML 「I don't want to be pregnant.」 ENDIF PRINTFORML 「Guh... It is slowly creeping out.」 ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「My insides feel so warm and full%UNICODE(0x2665)%」 IF EX:膣内精液 > 0 && !TALENT:妊娠 PRINTFORML 「I wonder if I'll get pregnant♪」 ENDIF PRINTFORML 「Ah%UNICODE(0x2665)%... It is slowly creeping out.」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「It's embarrassing to have that much semen in me...」 IF EX:膣内精液 > 800 && !TALENT:妊娠 PRINTFORML 「Are you trying that hard to impregnate me?」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「Are you trying to humiliate me?」 ENDIF PRINTFORML 「Ah... It is slowly creeping out.」 ENDIF ELSE IF K15_HATE() PRINTFORML 「Guh... To think you put that in me...」 IF EX:膣内精液 > 0 && !TALENT:妊娠 PRINTFORML 「I don't want to be pregnant.」 ENDIF ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「Ah%UNICODE(0x2665)%... Your semen feels warm inside of me%UNICODE(0x2665)%」 IF EX:膣内精液 > 0 && !TALENT:妊娠 PRINTFORML 「I wonder if I'll get pregnant♪」 ENDIF ELSE PRINTFORML 「Ah... It feels warm inside of me.」 IF EX:膣内精液 > 0 && !TALENT:妊娠 PRINTFORML 「I'm not sure if I want to be pregnant.」 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;post IF K15_HATE() IF CFLAG:15:溜まってる度 > 900 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% glares at you while blushing with a dissatisfied look. ELSE PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% glares at you. ENDIF ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 IF CFLAG:15:溜まってる度 > 900 PRINTFORMDL She scooches up to you and looks at you with begging eyes. PRINTFORML 「You're being so cruel...」 PRINTFORML 「I want more%UNICODE(0x2665)%~ Please, %CALLNAME:MASTER%.」 ELSEIF CFLAG:15:溜まってる度 > 500 PRINTFORMDL She teases you with her finger while smiling warmly. IF iTotalPlayerClimax PRINTFORML 「Did it feel good, %CALLNAME:MASTER%?」 PRINTFORML 「I wouldn't mind if you would like more~」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「Did you enjoy pleasuring me, %CALLNAME:MASTER%?」 PRINTFORML 「I want to make you feel good as well~」 ENDIF ELSE PRINTFORMDL She kisses you on the cheek and smiles warmly. SIF TALENT:恋人 PRINTFORML 「I love you.」 IF iTotalPlayerClimax PRINTFORML 「Did it feel good, %CALLNAME:MASTER%?」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「Thank you for your pleasure.」 PRINTFORML 「I want to make you feel good as well.」 ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IF CFLAG:15:溜まってる度 > 900 PRINTFORMDL She looks at you blushing heavily with needy eyes. PRINTFORML 「Please don't make me beg, %CALLNAME:MASTER%.」 ELSE PRINTFORMDL She smiles a bit and blushes. IF iTotalPlayerClimax PRINTFORML 「Did it feel good, %CALLNAME:MASTER%?」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「Thank you, it felt good.」 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;extra line PRINTFORMW RETURN 1 ENDIF ;その他 PRINTFORML ;------------------------------------------------- ;事後描写 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 3 ;------------------------------------------------- ;精液が垂れてきた ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 1 PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;愛液が垂れてきた ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 2 PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;事後のムード ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 3 PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;服を着る ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 4 PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;添い寝する ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_16(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;小分岐 ;------------------------------------------------- ;添い寝を始めた(開始時)(存在せず ;記入チェック ;LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- ;IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 1 ;PRINTFORML ;RETURN 1 ;ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;添い寝を終了した(終了時) ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 2 PRINTFORML IF CFLAG:TARGET:衰弱 PRINTFORMDW You see %CALLNAME:15% sleeping very peacefully after you dosed her with sleeping drugs. ELSE PRINTFORMDL You see %CALLNAME:15% looking lovingly at you as you wake up. PRINTFORML 「Good morning.」 PRINTFORMW 「Did you sleep well?」 ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;その他 PRINTFORML ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;時止め終了時 ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_17(ARG,ARG:1) #DIM iNumOfPeople #DIM iTotalClimax ;口上主はTARGET ;排他と明記されていないモノは状況によっては連続で表示されるので注意 ;ARGに射精状況 ;ARG:1に射精状態 ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;get variables ;number of people iNumOfPeople = K15_NUMBER_OF_PEOPLE() ;------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------- ;小分岐 ;------------------------------------------------- ;ARG=1~3は排他 ;謎の快感 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 1 ;intensity iTotalClimax = EX:無自覚C絶頂 + EX:無自覚V絶頂 + EX:無自覚A絶頂 + EX:無自覚B絶頂 + EX:無自覚M絶頂 PRINTFORML 「!??」 PRINTFORMDL Her eyes widen as she feels the ecstasy from the pleasure you just given to her. IF iTotalClimax > 30 PRINTFORML 「Mmmmghhh%UNICODE(0x2665)% Yaaahhh!%UNICODE(0x2665)% Ahn%UNICODE(0x2665)% Ahh♪」 PRINTFORMDW She tries her best to suppress her voice, but the pleasure is too intense and sticks out her tongue letting out lewd sounds. PRINTFORMDL The pleasure made her collapse onto the floor and makes her pant. PRINTFORML 「Ahn%UNICODE(0x2665)% Ahh%UNICODE(0x2665)% What is this♪ Ahhh%UNICODE(0x2665)%」 PRINTFORML 「Ah♪ so embarrassing...」 ELSEIF iTotalClimax > 15 PRINTFORMW 「Mmmm♪ Ahn%UNICODE(0x2665)%」 PRINTFORMDW She tries her best to suppress her voice, but a small lewd sound escapes. PRINTFORMDL She is clearly embarrassed by it and tries to hide her mouth while blushing heavily. ELSE PRINTFORMW 「Mmmmmghhh♪」 PRINTFORMDW She tries her best to suppress her voice while blushing. ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;絶頂 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 2 RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;パンツ紛失 ;panties stolen, Sakuya will search for them ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 3 ;already taken today SIF TCVAR:351 && CFLAG:291 == 0 RETURN 1 ;sakuya already knows you're the panty thief IF CFLAG:時間停止バレ PRINTFORML 「...!?」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% is suddenly struck with a feeling of unwanted liberation. PRINTFORML (Again?...) IF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORMDW She looks at you with a pout. CFLAG:15:弱み握り ++ ELSE PRINTFORMDW She glares at you with anger. CALL K15_KNIFEATTACK_STEALTH ENDIF ELSEIF CFLAG:K15C_TOTAL_STEAL_PANTIES_WITNESSES == 0 PRINTFORML 「...!?」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% is suddenly struck with an unfamiliar feeling of unwanted liberation. PRINTFORMDW She wants to confirm, but the last thing she wants is for anyone to notice. PRINTFORML (Are my panties gone? How? Who? Who would do this!?) IF iNumOfPeople > 5 PRINTFORMDW However, with so many people around here, she is worrying more about herself than finding the culprit. PRINTFORML (Guh... so embarrassing...) ELSE PRINTFORMW (...) CFLAG:K15C_TOTAL_STEAL_PANTIES_WITNESSES += 1 ENDIF ELSEIF CFLAG:K15C_TOTAL_STEAL_PANTIES_WITNESSES < 5 PRINTFORML 「...!?」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% is suddenly struck with a familiar feeling of unwanted liberation. PRINTFORML (Again?...) PRINTFORMDW She remains calm and pretends like nothing happened while looking around with cold eyes. PRINTFORML (Is it some kind of fairy prank or magic? Maybe the gap youkai?) PRINTFORML (Or maybe... a perverted rival?) IF iNumOfPeople > 5 PRINTFORMDW However, with so many people around here, she is worrying more about herself than finding the culprit. PRINTFORML (Guh... so embarrassing...) ELSE PRINTFORMW (...suspicious...) CFLAG:K15C_TOTAL_STEAL_PANTIES_WITNESSES += 1 ENDIF ELSE PRINTFORML 「...!?」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% is suddenly struck with an overly familiar feeling of unwanted liberation. PRINTFORML (Again?...) PRINTFORMDW She remains calm and pretends like nothing happened while looking around with murderous eyes. PRINTFORMDW Your eyes meet and she vanishes. PRINTFORMDW You feel a sudden sensation of someone searching you. IF K15_CHECK_STOLEN_PANTIES() == 0 PRINTFORMW 「Tssk...」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% looks grumpy for some reason. ELSE IF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORMW You see %CALLNAME:15% smile at you for some reason. CFLAG:15:弱み握り += 5 ELSE PRINTFORMDL You feel a glare coming from %CALLNAME:15%. ENDIF FLAG:パンツ輸送 = 0 PRINTFORML PRINTFORMDL But more importantly someone took all of your stolen panties! ;last CFLAG:K15C_TOTAL_STEAL_PANTIES_WITNESSES = 10 ENDIF ENDIF ;increase effect TCVAR:351 = 1 RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;【無自覚口内射精】 ;semen in mouth ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 4 PRINTFORML 「Mmmph...」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% is clearly shocked by the liquids that suddenly appeared in her mouth and makes muffled noises. ;精液中毒低精飲 IF ARG:1 == 1 PRINTFORMDL More concerned by maintaining her appearance, she somehow manages to swallow it. PRINTFORML 「Ugh, disgusting.」 SIF CFLAG:時間停止バレ PRINTFORMDL She glares at you with \@ TALENT:恋慕 ? an angry pout # an angry look \@. ;精液中毒低吐き出し ELSEIF ARG:1 == 2 PRINTFORMDL Unable to swallow it, she spits it out. PRINTFORMDL She wipes the spitted out liquids as soon as possible. PRINTFORML 「Ugh, disgusting.」 SIF CFLAG:時間停止バレ PRINTFORMDL She glares at you with \@ TALENT:恋慕 ? an angry pout # an angry look \@. ;精液中毒低手で覆う ELSEIF ARG:1 == 3 PRINTFORMDL She tries to slowly shallow the liquids but is clearly embarrassed by the situation. PRINTFORML 「What is this? Disgusting.」 SIF CFLAG:時間停止バレ PRINTFORMDL She glares at you with \@ TALENT:恋慕 ? an angry pout # an angry look \@. ;精液中毒高精飲 ELSEIF ARG:1 == 4 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% is shocked by the liquids that suddenly appeared in her mouth and makes muffled noises. PRINTFORMDL Realizing what it is, she swallows it. SIF CFLAG:時間停止バレ PRINTFORMDL She glares at you with a pout. ;濃厚精液&精液中毒低吐き出し ELSEIF ARG:1 == 5 PRINTFORMDL The spitted out liquids somehow instantly vanish when they hit floor. PRINTFORML 「Ugh. The smell and thickness of it, I feel sick.」 SIF CFLAG:時間停止バレ PRINTFORMDL She glares at you with \@ TALENT:恋慕 ? an angry pout # an angry look \@. CFLAG:ARG:不機嫌 = +1 ;濃厚精液&精液中毒高精飲 ELSEIF ARG:1 == 6 PRINTFORMDL Realizing what it is, she swallows the thick semen. SIF CFLAG:時間停止バレ PRINTFORMDL She glares at you with a pout. ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;【無自覚顔面射精】 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 5 PRINTFORML 「!」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% is clearly shocked by the liquids that suddenly appeared on her face. ;無知持ち&精液経験100未満 IF ARG:1 == 1 PRINTFORML 「Ugh, what is this? Disgusting.」 PRINTFORML 「I will have to discipline the maids for this prank.」 PRINTFORMDL She has a disgusted look on her face for a while. ;通常ぬぐい取り ELSEIF ARG:1 == 2 PRINTFORML 「Ugh, what is this?」 PRINTFORMDL After she realizes what it was, the liquid vanishes in an instant. IF CFLAG:時間停止バレ PRINTFORMDL She glares at you with \@ TALENT:恋慕 ? an angry pout # a disgusted look \@. ELSE PRINTFORML (If I find out who that was. A few knives won't do.) PRINTFORMDL She has a disgusted look on her face for a while. ENDIF ;顔射精液舐めとり ELSEIF ARG:1 == 3 PRINTFORML 「Ugh, what is this?」 PRINTFORMDL After she realizes what it was the liquid was gone in an instant, but you see still see her licking her fingers. IF CFLAG:時間停止バレ PRINTFORMDL She glares at you with a pout. ELSE PRINTFORML (Ahh... So disgraceful...) PRINTFORMDL She has a disappointed look on her face for a while. ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;【無自覚手淫射精】 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 6 ;ぬぐい取り IF ARG:1 == 1 PRINTFORML 「Ugh, what is this? Disgusting.」 PRINTFORMDL She wipes the liquid in an instant. IF CFLAG:時間停止バレ PRINTFORMDL She glares at you with \@ TALENT:恋慕 ? an angry pout # a disgusted look \@. ELSE PRINTFORML 「I will have to discipline someone for this prank.」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% has a disgusted look on her face for a while. ENDIF ;舐めとり ELSEIF ARG:1 == 2 PRINTFORML 「Ugh, what is this?」 PRINTFORMDL She wipes the liquids while licking her fingers. IF CFLAG:時間停止バレ PRINTFORMDL She glares at you with a pout. ELSE PRINTFORML (Ahh... So disgraceful...) PRINTFORMDL She has a disappointed look on her face for a while. ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;【無自覚アナル射精】 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 7 ;A感覚2以下 IF ARG:1 == 1 IF EX:アナル内精液 > 750 PRINTFORML 「Mmmmphh!」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% tries her best to hold in her voice. PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15%'s eyes widen as she holds down her maid skirt as she feels her intestines overflowing with semen. PRINTFORML (What is this!? It feels so gross. There is so much of it...) PRINTFORML 「Disgusting...」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「Mmmmh...」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% tries her best to hold in her voice. PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% is shocked as she holds down her maid skirt. PRINTFORML (What is this!? It feels so gross.) ENDIF SIF CFLAG:時間停止バレ PRINTFORMDL She looks at you with \@ TALENT:恋慕 ? a pout # a disgusted look \@. ;ソレ以外 ELSEIF ARG:1 == 2 IF EX:アナル内精液 > 750 PRINTFORML 「Hyaaaaah%UNICODE(0x2665)%」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15%'s eyes widen as she holds down her maid skirt as she feels her intestines overflowing with semen. PRINTFORML (What is this!? It feels so gross and yet it... there is so much of it...) PRINTFORML 「Ahn%UNICODE(0x2665)%」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「Hyaa%UNICODE(0x2665)%」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% is shocked as she holds down her maid skirt as she feels something warm in her intestines. PRINTFORML (What is this!? It feels so gross and yet it...) ENDIF PRINTFORML 「Aaaahh%UNICODE(0x2665)%」 PRINTFORMDL She loses her composure as she cums from pleasure. PRINTFORML 「Ahn%UNICODE(0x2665)% So embarrassing...」 SIF CFLAG:時間停止バレ PRINTFORMDL She looks at you with \@ TALENT:恋慕 ? a loving look # a pout \@. ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;【無自覚処女喪失】 ;virgin loss && vaginal ejaculation ;------------------------------------------------- IF ARG == 8 PRINTFORML 「!!?」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% holds down her maid skirt and is clearly in pain with some tears flowing down her eyes. PRINTFORML 「What!? What is this!?」 PRINTFORMDW Thinking it's some kind of attack on her, she quickly draws her knives with an intention to kill. ;gets angry TALENT:機嫌 = -1 RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;【無自覚膣内射精】 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) ;------------------------------------------------- IF ARG == 9 ;非処女膣内射精ピルなし ;非処女膣内射精ピルあり IF ARG:1 == 1 || ARG:1 == 2 IF EX:膣内精液 > 750 PRINTFORML 「!!???」 PRINTFORMDW A huge quantity of semen is suddenly poured into %CALLNAME:15%'s vagina. PRINTFORMDW Her eyes widen and she falls to the ground. IF ABL:V感覚 >= 3 && ABL:精液中毒 >= 3 PRINTFORML 「Mmmmphh~ Ah%UNICODE(0x2665)%~ Ahn%UNICODE(0x2665)%~」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% tries her best to hold in her voice, but the pleasure was too strong for her. PRINTFORMDL She sticks out her tongue and starts to pant. ELSE PRINTFORML 「Mmmmphhhggh.」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% tries her best to hold in her voice. ENDIF IF CFLAG:時間停止バレ PRINTFORML (What just happened... So much of it...) ELSE PRINTFORML (What just happened... I feel a bit bloated...) ENDIF ELSE PRINTFORML 「!?」 PRINTFORML (What is this warm feeling?) PRINTFORMDW A liquid secretes from %CALLNAME:15%'s love hole and she clearly feels uncomfortable by it. ENDIF ;taking her virginity and cumming inside ELSEIF ARG:1 == 3 IF EX:膣内精液 > 750 PRINTFORML (!!???) PRINTFORMDW A huge quantity of semen is suddenly poured into %CALLNAME:15%'s virginal vagina. PRINTFORMDW Her eyes widen and she falls to the ground. IF ABL:V感覚 >= 5 && ABL:精液中毒 >= 5 PRINTFORML 「Mmmmphh~ Ah%UNICODE(0x2665)%~ Ahn%UNICODE(0x2665)%~」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% tries her best to hold in her voice, but the pleasure was too strong for her. PRINTFORMDL She sticks out her tongue and starts to pant. ELSE PRINTFORML 「Mmmmphhhggh.」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% tries her best to hold in her voice. ENDIF PRINTFORML (Is this what the pain was?) PRINTFORML (Is this what I think it is?) PRINTFORML (There is so much of it... I look almost pregnant...) PRINTFORML 「Disgusting...」 ;abnormal EXP:異常経験 +=1 PRINTFORML 異常経験 + 1 ELSE PRINTFORML 「!?」 PRINTFORML (What is this warm feeling?) PRINTFORMDW An unfamiliar liquid secretes from %CALLNAME:15%'s love hole. PRINTFORML (Is this what the pain was?) PRINTFORML (Is this what I think it is?) ENDIF PRINTFORMDW ... PRINTFORMDW She realizes what just could have happened. IF CFLAG:時間停止バレ IF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORMDL She looks at you with a pouting yet loving look. PRINTFORMW 「Mou... I wanted to lose my virginity to you in a more intimate setting.」 PRINTFORMDW She shrugs and gives you a loving look. PRINTFORMW 「But I'm happy you were the one to take it.」 CFLAG:不機嫌 = 0 TALENT:機嫌 = 1 ELSE PRINTFORMW 「You truly are the worst.」 PRINTFORMW 「Taking my virginity like this... I won't forgive you.」 ENDIF ELSE PRINTFORMW (No... This can't happen so suddenly... I didn't want to lose my virginity like this...) SIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML (I wanted to save it for %CALLNAME:PLAYER%!) PRINTFORMW (Who... Who could have done something like this!?) PRINTFORMW (My knives might not be enough!) PRINTFORMDW ... IF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORMDL She looks at you with a pouting yet loving look. CFLAG:不機嫌 = 0 TALENT:機嫌 = 1 ELSE PRINTFORMW (Suspicious...) ENDIF ENDIF ;set suspicion to max CFLAG:K15C_TOTAL_STEAL_PANTIES_WITNESSES = 10 ;knows that she lost her virginity TALENT:処女 = 0 ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;時間停止解除共通 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 0 RETURN 1 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;ナマでやらせろ時 ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_18(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;小分岐 ;------------------------------------------------- ;避妊要求台詞 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 1 IF K15_HATE() PRINTFORMW 「It's important to use contraceptive.」 ELSE IF EXP:出産経験 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, it's important to use contraceptive.」 PRINTFORMW 「\@TALENT:恋慕?I'm sorry, but I#I\@'m not ready for another child.」 ELSE PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, it's very important to use some contraceptive.」 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;断った ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 2 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMW 「I will never forgive you if it goes the wrong way.」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「I'm not sure if I'm ready.」 PRINTFORMW 「I don't want to risk getting pregnant...」 ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;断ったのに粘られて切れた ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 3 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORML 「What do you think you are doing!?」 PRINTFORMDW She glares at you with murderous intent in her reddened eyes. ELSE PRINTFORML 「What do you think you are doing?」 PRINTFORMDW She glares at you. ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;危険日以外許可 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 4 PRINTFORMW 「Well, I'll allow it on safe days.」 PRINTFORMW 「But please be careful, I might get pregnant.」 RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;危険日許可 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 5 PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%...」 PRINTFORMW 「You know I might get pregnant if you do that.」 PRINTFORMW 「Well... I love you, %CALLNAME:MASTER%.」 PRINTFORMW 「So, please let me bear your child.」 RETURN 1 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;神社暮らしを承認して貰う ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_19(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はARG ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;小分岐 ;------------------------------------------------- ;認められる ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 1 PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%...」 PRINTFORML 「Even though it hurts a lot to leave the mansion, I want to be with you.」 PRINTFORMW 「I hope the Mistress can forgive me.」 RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;認められない ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 2 PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%...」 PRINTFORML 「I have to apologize.」 PRINTFORML 「Even though there is nothing more I want than to be with you, I can't abandon the mansion.」 PRINTFORMW 「Would you consider moving to the mansion? I'm sure the Mistress will make an exception for you.」 RETURN 1 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;帰宅時 ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_20(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はLOCALS or RESULT ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;小分岐 ;------------------------------------------------- ;通常帰宅 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 1 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% left by ignoring you. ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 || K15_PLAYER_LOVER_REMILIA() PRINTFORMW 「I apologize, I need to return to the mansion.」 ELSE ;gokigenyou PRINTFORMW 「I need to return to the mansion. Good day.」 ENDIF ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;デート中帰宅 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 2 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% suddenly left without saying a word, making you worry slightly. ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「My apologies, but I really need to return to the mansion.」 PRINTFORMW 「Today was very enjoyable, have a good day.」 PRINTFORMDW She left after making a polite bow. ELSE PRINTFORML 「My apologies, but I really need to return to the mansion.」 PRINTFORMW 「Have a good day.」 PRINTFORMDW She left after making a small bow. ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;玄関先でお見送り ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 3 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% left by ignoring you. ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 || K15_PLAYER_LOVER_REMILIA() PRINTFORMW 「I apologize, I need to return to the mansion.」 ELSE ;gokigenyou PRINTFORMW 「I need to return to the mansion, good day.」 ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;陥落素質取得時 ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_21(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はARG ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;小分岐 ;------------------------------------------------- ;恋慕取得 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 1 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% lays in her bed, hugging a pillow. PRINTFORML (It's getting so hard to sleep lately.) PRINTFORML (I... think I'm falling in love with %CALLNAME:MASTER%.) PRINTFORML (%HE_SHE(MASTER,1)% makes me feel so comfortable, yet it makes my heart ache at times.) PRINTFORML (I can't stop thinking about %HIM_HER(MASTER,,1)%, even the fairy maids have begun to notice...) PRINTFORML (I even broke some dishes today for the first time in years, so humiliating.) PRINTFORMW 「Love...」 ;is a lover IF TALENT:恋人 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% begins to hug her pillow tighter and even kissing it. PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%~」 SIF TALENT:処女 PRINTFORMW (I'm a bit nervous since I'm a virgin.) PRINTFORMW (Is this what being a couple feels like?) ;player has no lover ELSEIF !TALENT:MASTER:恋人 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% begins to hug her pillow tighter and even kissing it. PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%~」 SIF TALENT:処女 PRINTFORMW (I'm a bit nervous since I'm a virgin.) PRINTFORMW (Does %CALLNAME:MASTER% think the same of me?) PRINTFORMW (Will %HE_SHE(MASTER)% accept my feelings if I confessed to %HIM_HER(MASTER,,1)%?) ;player is coupled with Remilia ELSEIF K15_PLAYER_LOVER_REMILIA() PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% begins to hug her pillow tighter. PRINTFORMW (No, I mustn't. Mistress %CALLNAME:16% loves %CALLNAME:MASTER% and confessed their love to each other that day.) PRINTFORMW (I'm more than happy to continue serve them...) PRINTFORMW (Maybe I can still serve %HIM_HER(MASTER,,1)% in some way...) ;player already has an couple ELSE PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% begins to hug her pillow tighter. PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%~」 PRINTFORMW (Does %CALLNAME:MASTER% think the same of me or does %HE_SHE(MASTER)% have another love?) PRINTFORMW (If only I got these feelings sooner...) ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;思慕取得 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 2 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% is lying in her bed, trying to fall asleep. PRINTFORMW (Why do I think of %CALLNAME:MASTER% at this hour...) PRINTFORMDW She put her hand on her chest and closes her eyes. PRINTFORMW (I wonder why I'm so relaxed when I'm with %CALLNAME:MASTER%.) RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;愛欲取得 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 3 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% masturbates in her bed. PRINTFORMW (Ahn%UNICODE(0x2665)% I can't stop thinking of having sex with %CALLNAME:MASTER%%UNICODE(0x2665)% Ah♪) PRINTFORMW (Aah%UNICODE(0x2665)% Please drown in your pleasure, %CALLNAME:MASTER%%UNICODE(0x2665)% Aahn♪~) RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;愛人取得 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 4 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% lays in her bed uncomfortably and moves her hand to her crotch. PRINTFORMW (Ah, I'm wet from thinking of all the lewd things I did with %CALLNAME:MASTER%.) PRINTFORMW (It's disgraceful of me... yet I want to tease %HIM_HER(MASTER,,1)% more...) RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;セフレ取得 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 5 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% lays in her bed uncomfortably and moves her hand to her crotch. PRINTFORMW (Ah, I'm wet from thinking of all the lewd things I did with %CALLNAME:MASTER%.) PRINTFORMW (It's disgraceful of me... yet I want more...) RETURN 1 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;調教終了時に自慰 ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_22(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はARG ;ARG:0に自慰状況 ;ARG:1に自慰種類 ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;通常自慰 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 1 IF ABL:自慰中毒 >= 5 IF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML (%CALLNAME:MASTER%~ I want pleasure%UNICODE(0x2764)% Aahn♪~) PRINTFORMW (Ah♪~ hold me%UNICODE(0x2665)%~ Ah♪~ %CALLNAME:MASTER%%UNICODE(0x2665)%~ Aaaahh%UNICODE(0x2764)%~) ELSEIF K15_LIKES_PLAYER() PRINTFORML (So disgraceful♪... Ha♪ Ah♪ Yet it feels so good%UNICODE(0x2665)% Ah%UNICODE(0x2665)%) PRINTFORML (Ah♪ %CALLNAME:MASTER%~ Ah♪ Why~ Why do I think of you?~) PRINTFORMW (Ah♪ I'm sorry♪~ Mistress%UNICODE(0x2665)%~ Aaaahh%UNICODE(0x2764)%~) ELSE PRINTFORML (So disgraceful♪... Ha♪ Ah♪ Yet it feels so good%UNICODE(0x2665)% Ah♪) PRINTFORMW (I'm so sorry♪~ Mistress%UNICODE(0x2665)%~ Aaaahh%UNICODE(0x2764)%~) ENDIF ELSE IF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML (I want to service %CALLNAME:MASTER%, provide with pleasure~) PRINTFORMW (I want to hold hands~ Yaa%UNICODE(0x2665)%~) ELSEIF K15_LIKES_PLAYER() PRINTFORML (It's so disgraceful for me to be doing these kind of things...) PRINTFORML (Why~ do I think of %CALLNAME:MASTER% when doing this~) PRINTFORMW (I'm so sorry, Mistress~ Yaa%UNICODE(0x2665)%~) ELSE PRINTFORML (It's so disgraceful for me to be doing these kind of things... Yet...) PRINTFORMW (I'm so sorry, Mistress~ Yaa%UNICODE(0x2665)%~) ENDIF ENDIF PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;同室時自慰 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 2 PRINTFORML (Holding hands with %CALLNAME:MASTER%♪~) PRINTFORML (So warm♪) PRINTFORMW (So warm%UNICODE(0x2665)%~ Ufufu%UNICODE(0x2665)%~) PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;中だし精液自慰 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 3 PRINTFORML (Ah~♪ It feels so warm♪) PRINTFORML (So warm%UNICODE(0x2665)%) PRINTFORMW (So warm%UNICODE(0x2764)%~) PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;無知持ち(自慰経験(調教自慰経験は差し引き)による分岐あり ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 4 LOCAL:2 = EXP:自慰経験 - EXP:調教自慰経験 ;無知消去イベントあり(表示は一度だけ IF LOCAL:1 >= 25 ;地の文分岐。書きたい場合は[SKIPSTART][SKIPEND]を削除してください [SKIPSTART] ELSEIF LOCAL:1 >= 20 ELSEIF LOCAL:1 >= 15 ELSEIF LOCAL:1 >= 10 ELSEIF LOCAL:1 >= 5 [SKIPEND] ELSE ENDIF PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;陥落素質あり自慰中毒高め ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 5 ;------------------------------------------------- ;C敏感orC感覚10以上 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 1 PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;V敏感orV感覚10以上 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 2 PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;A敏感orA感覚10以上 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 3 PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;B敏感orB感覚10以上 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 4 PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;部位指定無し ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 5 PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;その他 ;上の分岐を一切書かずに、ここに書くことで陥落素質あり自慰中毒高め自慰の共通口上を表示することが出来ます PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;自慰中毒高め ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 6 ;------------------------------------------------- ;尻穴膣腔同時 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 1 PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;膣腔のみ ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG:1 == 2 PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;その他 ;上の分岐を一切書かずに、ここに書くことで自慰中毒高め自慰の共通口上を表示することが出来ます PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;我慢 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 7 PRINTFORML (No, I mustn't... I need to be patient...) PRINTFORMW (I can't wait~) RETURN 1 ENDIF ;その他 ;上の分岐を一切書かずに、ここに書くことで自慰の共通口上を表示することが出来ます PRINTFORML RETURN 1 ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;浴場連れだし ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_23(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はLOCAL ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;小分岐 ;------------------------------------------------- ;断られた ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 1 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMW 「You can clean yourself... right?」 ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORMW 「My apologies, but that's... a bit embarrassing.」 ELSE IF K15_PLAYER_IS_SDM_RESIDENT() PRINTFORMW 「\@K15_LIKES_PLAYER()>1?Sorry, #\@I will have to refuse. There are some things you will need to learn to do it yourself.」 ELSE PRINTFORMW 「\@K15_LIKES_PLAYER()>1?Sorry, #\@I will have to refuse. I'm sure you know how to clean yourself.」 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;一緒に入ってくれた ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 2 IF K15_HATE() PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% reluctantly agrees to enter the bathroom with you. PRINTFORMW 「Don't even think about pulling down my towel.」 ELSEIF TALENT:恋人 PRINTFORML 「I would love to take a bath with you.」 PRINTFORML 「Would you like me to wash you?」 PRINTFORMDW She has a cheeky look on her face. ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORMW 「I could use a good bath, would you like me to wash you?」 ELSE PRINTFORMW 「It's a bit embarrassing, but I could use a bath.」 ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;その他 PRINTFORML ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;懐妊 ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_24(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はLOCAL ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL SELECTCASE ARG ;恋慕 CASE 1 PRINTFORML (I've gotten pregnant \@EXP:出産経験?again #\@from %CALLNAME:MASTER%) PRINTFORML (I'm so happy to bear the child from the one I love the most.) IF TALENT:16:恋人 PRINTFORML (Mistress... will it be alright for me to have a child of your lover?) ELSEIF TALENT:恋人 IF EXP:出産経験 PRINTFORML (We already had \@EXP:出産経験>1?children #a child\@, so I'm sure %HE_SHE(MASTER)% will be delighted as well.) ELSE PRINTFORML (We are lovers, so I'm sure %HE_SHE(MASTER)% will be delighted as well.) ENDIF ENDIF PRINTFORML (Aaa♪ I'm so happy.) PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% gently caressed her belly. PRINTFORMW 「Please grow up to be a healthy child.」 ;思慕 CASE 2 PRINTFORML (Ah, It seems that I've gotten pregnant \@EXP:出産経験?again #\@from all the mischief I did with %CALLNAME:MASTER%.) PRINTFORML (I'm not sure if I'm ready...) IF TALENT:16:恋人 PRINTFORML (Mistress... I'm so sorry...) PRINTFORML (Will you forgive me for having your lover's child?) ELSEIF TALENT:恋人 PRINTFORML (We are lovers, I'm sure he'll take responsibility.) ELSE PRINTFORMW (Aaa, I should have been more careful...) ENDIF PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% gently caressed her belly. PRINTFORMW 「Please grow up to be a healthy child.」 ;陥落素質無し CASE 3 PRINTFORML (I don't want be pregnant \@EXP:出産経験?again#\@...) PRINTFORML (Why... %CALLNAME:MASTER%...) PRINTFORML (It's embarrassing and humiliating as the head maid to walk around pregnant...) PRINTFORML (Everyone will think disgraceful things of the Mistress...) PRINTFORML 「Why... Why... I'm so sorry Mistress...」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% cried in her bed for a while. ;無自覚 CASE 4 ;loves player IF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML (How did I get pregnant?... How?...) PRINTFORML (Is it from %CALLNAME:MASTER% somehow?...) PRINTFORML (I can't face %HIM_HER(MASTER,,1)% anymore if it's someone else's...) PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%... %CALLNAME:MASTER%...」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% cried in her bed and couldn't sleep that night. ELSE PRINTFORML (How did I get pregnant?... How?...) PRINTFORML (I don't want be pregnant...) PRINTFORML (It's so disgraceful and humiliating as the head maid to walk around pregnant...) PRINTFORML (Everyone will think disgraceful things of the Mistress...) PRINTFORML 「Why... Why... I'm so sorry Mistress...」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% cried in her bed for a while. ENDIF ENDSELECT ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;出産 ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_25(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はLOCAL ;ARG:1 何人目の子供か ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL SELECTCASE ARG ;恋慕 CASE 1 PRINTFORML (I was able to give birth safely today.) PRINTFORML 「Ufufu♪ Looks like %CALLNAME:MASTER%. So cute.」 PRINTFORML (It was a bit hard being pregnant, but it was all worth it.) PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% holds her newborn child close to her chest like only a mother could. PRINTFORMW 「I'm so happy, please grow up well.」 ;思慕 CASE 2 PRINTFORML (I was able to give birth safely today.) PRINTFORML 「So cute. Looks a bit like me and %HIM_HER(MASTER,,1)%」 PRINTFORML (It was a bit embarrassing and hard being pregnant, but I'm happy.) PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% holds her newborn child close to her chest like only a mother could. PRINTFORMW 「Please grow up healthy and serve the Mistress well.」 ;陥落素質無し CASE 3 PRINTFORML (I was able to give birth safely today.) PRINTFORML 「So cute. Looks a bit like me and... %HIM_HER(MASTER,,1)%」 PRINTFORML (I'm such a terrible mother getting pregnant without a proper relation...) PRINTFORML (It was a bit embarrassing and hard being pregnant, but I'm glad it's over.) PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% holds her newborn child close to her chest like only a mother could. PRINTFORMW 「Well... I won't blame you. Please grow up healthy and serve the Mistress well.」 ;無自覚 CASE 4 PRINTFORML (I was able to give birth safely today.) PRINTFORML 「So cute.」 PRINTFORML (I still have no idea how I got pregnant, but I'm somewhat happy.) PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% holds her newborn child close to her chest like only a mother could. IF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「Ah... I'm so relieved. The baby looks just like %CALLNAME:MASTER%.」 PRINTFORMW 「Ah, I'm so happy. Please grow up well.」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「Please grow up healthy and serve the Mistress well.」 PRINTFORMW 「Hmmm... looks familiar... somehow...」 ENDIF ENDSELECT ;その他 PRINTFORML ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;オナバレ ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_26(ARG,ARG:1) ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL SELECTCASE ARG ;------------------------------------------------- CASE 0 ;見られた瞬間 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORML 「Eehh!?」 PRINTFORMDL She glares at you with a blushed face. ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「Eehh!? %CALLNAME:MASTER%!?」 PRINTFORMW 「I was just... thinking about you...」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「Eehh!? %CALLNAME:MASTER%!?」 PRINTFORML 「I was just... just...」 PRINTFORMW 「Haven't you learned to knock before entering someone's room?」 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- CASE 1 ;何もしない IF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORMW 「Mou~」 ELSE PRINTFORMW 「So humiliating...」 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- CASE 2 ;そのまま続行 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORML 「I will remember this!」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% continued to masturbate while glaring and ignoring at you. ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「It's a bit embarrassing, but I'll do it for you.」 PRINTFORML 「Please enjoy, %CALLNAME:MASTER%~」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% continued to masturbate while saying your name and looking at you. ELSE PRINTFORML 「So humiliating...」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% continued to masturbate while blushing and glaring at you. ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- CASE 3 ;追い出し PRINTFORML 「Get out!」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% thrown a hand of knives at you, luckily just missing you. ;------------------------------------------------- CASE 4 ;やっちゃう IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORML 「What are you doing?... No, not now...」 ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「Ah♪ %CALLNAME:MASTER%~」 PRINTFORMDL She welcomes you with open arms to embrace her. PRINTFORMW 「I love you.」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「What are you doing? Don't come closer!」 PRINTFORMDL She readies her knives, but she doesn't throw them as you approached her. PRINTFORMDL As you embrace her hot body, she looks away shyly while blushing heavily. PRINTFORMW 「Promise me to be gentle with me.」 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- CASE 5 ;事後 ;------------------------------------------------- CASE 6 ;事後お泊り IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORML 「You want to stay for the night?」 PRINTFORMW 「Sure, you can sleep on that of pile of newspapers.」 ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「Do you want to stay for the night?」 PRINTFORML She smiles in a loving way. PRINTFORMW 「I hope you don't mind if we sleep together... and cuddle a bit.」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「Do you want to stay for the night?」 PRINTFORML 「Well, the mansion doesn't have any futons.」 ;I don't know the name of this PRINTFORML She starts to push her index fingers against each other in a shy way. PRINTFORMW 「I hope you don't mind... sleeping in my bed...」 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ENDSELECT ENDIF ;================================================== ;相手からデートのお誘い ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_27(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はLOCAL ;ARG:1は目的地 ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL SELECTCASE ARG ;------------------------------------------------- ;誘い文句 CASE 0 SELECTCASE RAND:4 CASE 0 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, there is this dish I would like to prepare tomorrow, but I'm lacking some ingredients.」 PRINTFORMW 「I was wondering if you would you like to accompany me?」 CASE 1 PRINTFORMW 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, would you like to go on a date with me?」 CASE 2 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, I need to go on an errand.」 PRINTFORMW 「Would you like to accompany me?」 CASEELSE PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, there is this place I would like to visit with you.」 PRINTFORMW 「Are you available?」 ENDSELECT ;------------------------------------------------- ;受けた CASE 1 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMW 「Good boy.」 ELSE PRINTFORMW 「Thank you, I already made preparations.」 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;断った CASE 2 PRINTFORMW 「Is that so?」 ;------------------------------------------------- ;部屋に誘われた CASE 3 ;------------------------------------------------- ;部屋に誘われたのを受けた CASE 4 ;------------------------------------------------- ;部屋に誘われたのを断った CASE 5 ;------------------------------------------------- ENDSELECT ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;脱衣口上 ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_28(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;ARGに脱がし方選択 ;ARG:1(ARG=3の場合のみあり)地の文の反応 ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL SELECTCASE ARG ;------------------------------------------------- CASE 0 ;全裸にする ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 ;時間停止時 IF FLAG:70 ;通常 ELSEIF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% glares at you as she undresses. ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORMW 「Does seeing my naked body excite you, %CALLNAME:MASTER%?」 ELSE PRINTFORMW 「Please don't stare so much. It's a bit embarrassing.」 ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- CASE 1 ;下着姿にする ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 ;時間停止時 IF FLAG:70 ;通常 ELSE ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- CASE 2 ;半脱ぎ ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 0 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 ;時間停止時 IF FLAG:70 ;通常 ELSE ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- CASE 3 ;パンツちょうだい ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 SELECTCASE ARG:1 ;------------------------------------------------- CASE 0 ;交換です ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORML 「Only if you give me yours... I'm sure they need to be washed.」 PRINTFORMDW She looks at you with disgust while blushing a bit. ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「In that case, may I have yours as well?」 PRINTFORMDL You exchange your underwear as she smiles happily. PRINTFORMW 「Ufufu♪ Thank you, %CALLNAME:MASTER%♪」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「In that case, may I have yours as well?」 PRINTFORML 「It's... too embarrassing to do it alone.」 PRINTFORMDW You exchange your underwear as she blushes heavily. ENDIF ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- CASE 1 ;OK(嬉々 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORML 「...」 PRINTFORMDW She looks at you with disgust while blushing a bit. ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORMW 「Here, %CALLNAME:MASTER%. What are you going to do with them?」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「What are you going to do with them, if I may ask?」 PRINTFORMDW She blushes heavily as she gives you her panties. ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- CASE 2 ;OK(渋々 ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORML 「...」 PRINTFORMDW She looks at you with disgust. ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORMW 「It's a bit... embarrassing.」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「What kind of request is that?」 PRINTFORMDL She glares at you while blushing as she gives you her panties. PRINTFORMW 「So embarrassing...」 ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- CASE 3 ;嫌です ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORML 「What kind of request is that?」 PRINTFORMDW She glares at you with disgust. ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORMW 「That's a bit... embarrassing. My apologies.」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「What kind of request is that?」 PRINTFORMDL She glares at you. PRINTFORMW 「It's a very impolite thing to ask.」 ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDSELECT ENDIF ENDSELECT ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;怒り口上 ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_29(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;ARGはTARGETの度胸で分岐 ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL SIF FLAG:70 RETURN 1 SIF CFLAG:うふふ == 2 RETURN 1 ;------------------------------------------------- ;小分岐 ;------------------------------------------------- ;怒らせてしまった ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 1 IF K15_HATE() PRINTFORMDL She has her knives drawn with murderous intent in her reddened eyes. IF K15_NUMBER_OF_PEOPLE() == 1 CALL K15_KNIFEATTACK_STEALTH ENDIF ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORMDL She has her knives drawn while looking reluctantly angry at you. ELSE PRINTFORMDL She has her knives drawn and you feel a killing intent in her eyes. ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;泣かせてしまった [臆病]持ち ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 2 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% has her knives drawn, but you can see crying. RETURN 1 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 1 ;================================================== ;相手が押し倒しを解除 ;================================================== @M_KOJO_ENG01_EVENT_K15_30(ARG,ARG:1) ;口上主はTARGET ;-------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL = 1 ;------------- IF LOCAL ;------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 1 ;疲れた IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% gives you glare and lets you go. ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%, I'm very sorry...」 PRINTFORML 「I'm a bit exhausted, good night...」 PRINTFORMDW She rests on you while hugging you tightly for a moment. ELSE PRINTFORML 「My apologies, I will have to stop. I'm feeling a bit tired.」 PRINTFORMDW She gives a small bow and dresses herself like nothing out of ordinary happened. ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 2 ;満足して解放 IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% gives you a glare before cleaning and dressing herself up. ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%♪ Was my service to your satisfaction?」 PRINTFORML 「I love you...」 PRINTFORMDW She embraces you tightly for a moment after ending her session. ELSE PRINTFORMW 「Was my service to your satisfaction, %CALLNAME:MASTER%?」 ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 3 ;満足したところを押し倒された IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORML 「You want more?」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% glares at you while blushing. ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「%CALLNAME:MASTER%♪~ You still want more?」 PRINTFORML 「Please use me to your satisfaction.」 PRINTFORMDW She embraces you tightly while teasing you a bit. ELSE PRINTFORML 「You still want more?」 PRINTFORMDW %CALLNAME:15% looks at you while blushing. ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- ;記入チェック(=0, 非表示、1, 表示) LOCAL:1 = 1 ;------------------------------------------------- IF LOCAL:1 && ARG == 4 ;壊れるまでしてあげる IF K15_HATE_ANGER() PRINTFORML 「Hmm, is that so?」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% steps with all her weight on your groin while glaring at you. PRINTFORMW 「I would gladly break you.」 ELSEIF TALENT:恋慕 PRINTFORML 「You still want more?」 PRINTFORMDL She gives you a loving smile and gently holds your face by your cheeks. PRINTFORML 「You don't have to beg, %CALLNAME:MASTER%.」 PRINTFORMW 「I will more than happily service you until you are fully satisfied. Ufufu♪」 ELSE PRINTFORML 「Ara, does it feel that good to beg for more?」 PRINTFORMDL %CALLNAME:15% gives you a smug look and proceeds to step on your groin. PRINTFORML 「Ufufu♪」 PRINTFORMW 「Well then, can you start by licking my feet?」 ENDIF RETURN 1 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 1 [SKIPSTART] ;------------------------------------------------- ;オナバレ遭遇時の地の文。口上色はここで付けてください。 ;CFLAG等のキャラ変数を使う場合、キャラ番号の指定が必要になります。 ;デフォルトのものと置き換えたい場合は上下のSKIPSTART~SKIPENDを外してください。 ;置き換える気がないならスルー。 ;------------------------------------------------- @M_KOJO_EVENT_K15_ONABARE_1(ARG) ;------------------------------------------------- IF ARG PRINTFORML A弄ってる場合 ELSE PRINTFORML V弄ってる場合 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- [SKIPEND] [SKIPSTART] ;------------------------------------------------- ;オナバレでそのまま続けてもらう場合の地の文。口上色はここで付けてください。 ;CFLAG等のキャラ変数を使う場合、キャラ番号の指定が必要になります。 ;デフォルトのものと置き換えたい場合は上下のSKIPSTART~SKIPENDを外してください。 ;置き換える気がないならスルー。 ;------------------------------------------------- @M_KOJO_EVENT_K15_ONABARE_2(ARG) ;------------------------------------------------- IF ARG PRINTFORML A弄ってる場合 ELSE PRINTFORML V弄ってる場合 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- [SKIPEND] [SKIPSTART] ;------------------------------------------------- ;オナバレなし崩しックスの地の文。口上色はここで付けてください。 ;CFLAG等のキャラ変数を使う場合、キャラ番号の指定が必要になります。 ;デフォルトのものと置き換えたい場合は上下のSKIPSTART~SKIPENDを外してください。 ;置き換える気がないならスルー。 ;------------------------------------------------- @M_KOJO_EVENT_K15_ONABARE_3(前戯1,本番はどっちか,回数,注入量) ;------------------------------------------------- #DIM 前戯1 ;1=C 2=B 3=M #DIM 本番はどっちか ;0でV、1でA #DIM 注入量 #DIM 回数 SELECTCASE 前戯1 CASE 1 PRINTFORML C責め CASE 2 PRINTFORML B責め CASE 3 PRINTFORML M責め ENDSELECT IF 本番はどっちか PRINTFORML Aで本番 ELSE PRINTFORML Vで本番 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------- [SKIPEND]