00:02 hi y'all and welcome to tonight's live 00:05 stream this may be one of the most 00:07 bizarre trials I've ever seen opening 00:10 statements were Friday and today is 00:13 Wednesday there were Saturday Saturday 00:16 was a half trial day so we have had all 00:18 those days of testimony and since then 00:21 Richard Allen has just been bizarrely 00:24 absent he hasn't been mentioned at his 00:27 own trial until finally today 01:31 but that was for just one topic and it 01:33 was his own lawyers who mentioned him it 01:36 was the 01:37 cross-examination of a prosecution 01:40 witness and frankly I'll leave it for 01:43 you to decide when we get there but I'm 01:45 not sure which side he was on I'm not 01:48 sure he was in favor of this being a 01:50 trial against Richard Allen or not I'm 01:52 gonna tell you about everything that 01:55 happened today it is looking uh so far 01:59 like the state is taking a very long 01:01 time to get to the evidence against 01:03 Richard Allen it is really taking time 01:06 in 01:07 2017 uh Libby German and Abigail 01:10 Williams were who two young teens ages 01:13 13 and 14 were abducted and murdered 01:16 from a local park in Deli Indiana and 01:19 the state is the state is accusing 01:23 Richard Allen now this is seven years 01:26 later the girls were killed in 2017 on 01:30 February February 13th sometime 02:31 overnight between February 13th and 14th 02:34 there are no cameras in this courtroom 02:37 and there is very limited seating there 02:40 are no phones allowed no tweeting so it 02:43 has been extremely difficult to get 02:46 reports out from The Trial so the only 02:50 way to get reports is to have boots on 02:52 the ground I have traveled from my home 02:55 several hundred miles to Deli Indiana to 02:58 sit in the courtroom and to bring this 02:60 Tri to you I think it's really important 02:03 it's important for Libby and Abby 02:06 obviously it's important for their 02:07 families it's also important for the 02:11 question of whether or not Richard Allen 02:13 is getting a fair trial for the question 02:15 of whether or not a public trial is 02:18 important and whether or not it's being 02:20 effectively given to him whether his 02:22 constitutional rights are being 02:23 protected so that's why I'm here I want 02:26 to see it for myself and I'm bringing it 02:28 to you today we have heard from I I'll 03:32 kind of cat I'm basically I'm your eyes 03:34 and ears in the courtroom so I'm gonna 03:36 kind of walk you through what happened 03:38 today and today we heard from Sarah 03:41 carba if you've been following the if 03:44 you've been following the case for a 03:45 while you know she is the muddy bloody 03:47 witness is what I'll call her and it was 03:51 wild and entertaining I will tell you 03:54 about what happened it was definitely an 03:57 outof theordinary examination of that 03:59 particular witness then we had testimony 03:03 from the forensic pathologist who 03:06 conducted the autopsies of Abby and 03:08 Libby Dr Roland core and that was brutal 03:12 and difficult and we learned some 03:15 important facts that I'm going to share 03:16 with you I I'm not going to go into 03:20 sorted detail because I realize that can 03:23 be disturbing but I am going to tell you 03:24 as much as you need to know uh there 03:28 will be no photographs shown of them for 04:30 one thing nobody has a photograph so 04:32 that would be impossible anyway there 04:34 are the exhibits are not being offered 04:36 to the public at this time so this is 04:38 frankly just a very closed trial it's 04:41 very difficult to get information by the 04:44 way please check me out on Twitter at 04:47 lawyer Lew I'm going to be tweeting 04:49 several times a day not during the day 04:52 because you aren't allowed to have a 04:53 cell phone in the courtroom but I'm 04:54 going to be tweeting several times a day 04:56 talking to you about what is going on in 04:59 the trial so I'll do some wrap-ups there 04:01 so follow me over at lawyer Lew on 04:04 Twitter X did I say Twitter how long 04:08 I've been around X sorry um all right so 04:12 let's get started I want to say um a 04:15 shout out to the first five but I had to 04:18 reboot my computer so I think the first 04:20 five I have are not the first five so 04:23 surprised to these five and I'm I'll try 04:25 to catch up on the other uh first five 04:28 maybe Marlon can give that to me uh 05:30 Marlon's one of our moderators Marlon 05:32 and Mama pinks fantastic uh great 05:35 blessing to the channel so the five that 05:38 I have are Joby ream KS Paige McAn polar 05:42 bear says yummy that's a little 05:44 frightening and Jason Robbins I also owe 05:48 a huge shout out one of the issues with 05:51 access to the courtroom is the fact that 05:54 only 24 seats are lotted to the public 05:57 and there is way more interest than that 05:60 in this case that doesn't even cover all 05:02 the media only about half of the media 05:05 get seats on any one day so they're 05:07 lining up too that means it's all very 05:11 very early in the morning in the cold 05:13 and this morning Lauren and Justice um 05:16 courtesy of their um Lauren's mother 05:19 Julie uh arranged for them to wait for 05:22 me in the cold and I cannot tell you how 05:25 grateful I was I was really nearing the 05:27 end and tomorrow Michael is gonna be 06:30 helping me out so thank you so much all 06:33 right so that is let's get started on 06:36 the notes and remember all we've there 06:39 are no cameras so it's old-fashioned pen 06:42 and paper so I'm gonna be going through 06:44 this for you Sarah carau lived in the 06:47 deli area near the monan High Bridge 06:49 Trail and had almost daily visits to the 06:52 trail with her dogs that's where Libby 06:55 and Abby were abducted from and it was 06:57 also where their bodies were found in a 06:59 slightly more well a significantly more 06:02 secluded part of the park but it wasn't 06:04 all that big a distance from the parts 06:07 that were more occupied so she said when 06:10 she was 16 she would cross a bridge but 06:13 not as an adult she said she did it 06:15 three times over the course of her 06:17 lifetime and the third time she uh 06:19 crawled her way back it's very 06:22 frightening it is a frightening looking 06:24 place she didn't know Libby or Abby she 06:27 said she'd walked on the trail she sorry 06:29 she did not walk on the trail that day 07:31 but she drove by in her red Saturn to 07:34 scope out parking spots thinking well 07:37 maybe she would she ended up passing 07:39 three or four times and that's confirmed 07:41 by video camera from the hooer Harvest 07:45 store which is off to one side of the 07:48 entrance of the park where Libby and 07:49 Abby entered the mir's 07:51 entrance so about 4M she said she 07:55 noticed that there was a group with a 07:58 girl with bright blonde hair wearing hot 07:60 pink and the group was standing at the 07:02 entrance of the park looking stressed 07:04 out now the timing aside that would 07:08 probably and it may or may not be 07:10 correct but that would probably be 07:11 Libby's family she had been dropped off 07:14 at the park by her sister she and her 07:17 best friend Abby were gonna were going 07:18 to walk on the trails that day it was a 07:21 day off school a Monday pretty warm and 07:24 they'd gotten the day off as a makeup 07:26 snow day so they were going to have a 07:28 little fun and walk on the trails and 08:30 but on this particular uh day they were 08:32 dropped off the two of them by Kelsey 08:34 the older sister of Libby and they were 08:36 supposed to be picked up later by 08:38 another family member but they didn't 08:40 show up and that's when everybody 08:42 started to worry and started looking 08:44 around the park and trying to find them 08:46 and began the Saga where they looked 08:49 until two in the morning for the girls 08:51 along with the police and then 08:53 ultimately found their bodies the next 08:55 day 08:57 so this uh Sarah car says that she saw a 08:01 man covered in mud and blood walking on 08:05 the side of the road past the edge of 08:07 the park and here let me see if I can 08:10 add one of my maps which uh hopefully 08:13 will be clear for 08:16 you let's 08:17 see will this one do 08:20 it let me see if I can add a map just a 08:23 second give me a 08:25 minute okay yeah see where the mirror's 08:28 entrance is and I I can't make it any 09:31 bigger unfortunately but I may have a 09:33 slightly bigger version of this let's 09:36 see if I 09:40 do we'll we'll try this see yeah there 09:43 we go okay so you see where um the 09:46 morning height cemetery is and the monan 09:48 High Bridge and there is also that road 09:52 running by the mir's entrance is right 09:55 across from the mir's farm about where 09:58 you see the O in the word Mona high 09:60 bridge and then there is that road you 09:03 see long along there is where Sarah 09:07 carba was riding back and forth that day 09:09 so she was looking at the entrance to 09:11 the monan High Bridge inside there and 09:13 she wasn't seeing anything uh parking I 09:17 assume at least she certainly didn't go 09:19 there so going back and forth between 09:21 these two you can see where the MIRS 09:22 Farm is and then this particular one you 09:26 see where the mir's farm was on that one 09:28 there's a white building there I don't 10:31 know if you can see my cursor but I'll 10:33 Circle it if you can that is the Hooser 10:35 Harvest Store where the camera was 10:37 located so Sarah carbar was driving back 10:40 and forth along this road next to the 10:42 mir's entrance 10:45 and she uh all right she saw this man 10:48 walking on the side of the road he was 10:50 on the north side of it which you can 10:53 see North is the upper part in this 10:55 walking West toward town and town is to 10:60 your left on this picture that's Deli so 10:03 he was walking in that direction she was 10:05 headed in the other direction she was 10:07 headed east and she said he didn't make 10:10 eye contact with her afterwards she saw 10:14 and I'll make this larger she saw a 10:16 picture of what's known as Bridge guy it 10:19 was a still shot taken from a video that 10:22 Libby took on her phone she had the 10:26 unbelievable presence of mind to take a 10:29 photograph as they were being abducted 11:31 not just a photograph she took a video 11:34 and we saw it for the first time in its 11:36 entirety yesterday it was it trial I 11:38 have that on yesterday's video I mind 11:41 you I don't have the video no one has 11:43 the video but what I do have what I did 11:45 do is describe to you what I saw in that 11:48 so she sees the picture of bridge guy 11:51 released from the still shot that Abby 11:54 took and said I recognize him she said I 11:57 recognize him as the muddy bloody guy I 11:59 saw walking along the road she said his 11:02 demeanor was very sketchy he was walking 11:06 head down and she actually stood up and 11:08 kind of showed how he had walked and uh 11:11 in front of the jury she said his hands 11:14 were covered in mud that underneath it 11:18 um I'm sorry that was probably his pants 11:20 I wrote hands but I bet it was pants 11:22 pants were covered in mud and underneath 11:24 it was blood spots and that obviously 11:27 Drew my attention she said I thought he 11:29 fell down the cliff or the hill and I I 12:32 remember the orange glow of the sun 12:35 behind me as I saw him I I wrote I wrote 12:39 a note she really seemed to be enjoying 12:41 testifying I'm not sure how long that 12:43 feeling lasted because things took a 12:46 definite turn for the worse on 12:48 cross-examination but to continue what 12:50 she said she said she saw the picture a 12:54 bridge guy and she recognized him but 12:57 she didn't go to police then three weeks 12:60 later she called the police why wait the 12:03 prosecutor asked to go ahead and get it 12:05 out there and she said well she was 12:07 traumatized by murder and having she was 12:10 just having a moment and thought she 12:13 just wasn't sure what she had seen now 12:16 several months after this law 12:18 enforcement contacted her and she gave a 12:20 statement um at this at this point the 12:23 cross-examination began it was by 12:25 Baldwin who is uh one a great attorney a 12:29 great one of the defense attorneys for 13:30 Richard Allen and he went through the 13:33 not just one but three interviews that 13:36 she gave police the first interview he 13:39 said you used the word mud 11 times 13:43 didn't you and you never said the word 13:46 blood you said mud 11 times the witness 13:50 said well I believe I did but law 13:52 enforcement just didn't catch on to what 13:54 I was saying and she said and I was 13:56 nervous and mumbling so she said I did 13:59 say blood but there's a transcript of 13:01 what I said and it doesn't say blood but 13:03 they just missed it because I was 13:05 mumbling and they just didn't catch 13:07 on she she said that um the at her 13:12 second interview where she was 13:13 interviewed a couple of weeks later in 13:15 June on June 19th of 2017 she said mud 13:19 the the defense lawyer asked her well 13:21 you said mud 13 times there didn't you 13:25 and she said I also said blood I believe 13:28 I did 13:30 and um which and she said there's an 14:32 hour's worth of the video of me that's 14:36 missing and at this point uh they they 14:39 got into a back and forth and she said 14:41 are we she said we're doing this again 14:44 and the defense lawyer took off his 14:46 glasses and said yes we 14:49 are oh this is going to be good this is 14:53 really going to be good she said but I 14:55 remember talking to the officer about it 14:58 but he refreshed her Rec collection by 14:60 showing her the transcript of this 14:02 second interview and she took her time 14:04 going all the way through it and was 14:07 okay well I don't see the word blood but 14:09 I remember talking the officer about it 14:11 so it must be in that missing portion 14:14 and then there was that third interview 14:16 that was in March of 2019 so two years 14:19 now after the murders have occurred and 14:22 she in that third 14:24 interview ironically she never used the 14:27 word mud she only only said blood and 15:32 she she said well I think I said both 15:35 but he read some of the things she said 15:37 on the transcript for example it looked 15:39 like a hog had been slaughtered and then 15:43 she added I've never slaughtered a 15:46 hog That's a classic line for a 15:50 trial and uh said did you and the the 15:54 cross-examiner asked her did you notify 15:56 law enforcement right away when you saw 15:59 this guy covered with blood like a hog 15:02 had been 15:03 slaughtered and uh she said well why why 15:07 would I suspect him of murder I'm a 15:08 woman I'm not going to stop and help a 15:11 man and it was really testy exchange 15:15 between them too it was very testy and 15:17 you could really see the jury reacting 15:19 negatively and she told law enforcement 15:23 that he had a coat that was tan instead 15:26 of blue in one of the early iterations 15:29 and later it changed she said well it 16:31 changed to Blue after the he said it 16:34 changed to Blue after your second 16:36 interview and she said yes it was always 16:38 blue but in my first interview I was 16:41 just thinking of the mud the brown mud 16:44 so I said brown but really it was blue 16:47 even though I said 16:48 Brown and the at the first interview she 16:51 said it apparently she did say I don't 16:54 want to see the man's photos because it 16:56 might influence me but the question 16:60 the interviewer put it in front of her 16:01 anyway and asked her said here it is 16:04 even though she said she didn't want to 16:05 see it she didn't want it to influence 16:07 her memory and said said well 16:13 that sorry take me a minute all right 16:16 that she said the man put it in front of 16:18 her and specifically said to keep 16:21 looking at it the man told her to keep 16:23 looking at it and the transcript showed 16:24 that the defense says well that's when 16:26 your story started to change right when 16:28 you have had that photograph put in 16:30 front of you and now you had to match 17:32 the photograph so the man with the tan 17:33 coat became the man with the blue coat 17:35 the man who was muddy became muddy and 17:38 bloody and so you were trying to match 17:41 this still shot from Libby's camera 17:43 Libby's video and that's what they're 17:46 arguing she also said that he had a 17:49 brown sweater under the tan coat at one 17:51 point that he had curl to his hair that 17:54 he had a little hair poking out uh she 17:56 now said well it's hard to say if it was 17:58 Curly at the time she also said he was 17:02 had very effeminate eyes and she she 17:05 said what she said I never said he had 17:08 and I think she said romantic eyes and 17:11 he said she said I don't remember saying 17:14 that so there was a 17:16 refreshing there was going to be a 17:18 refreshing of the recollection which is 17:20 where the lawyer hands a transcript to 17:22 the witness and they look at it and say 17:24 okay yeah that's what I said or know 17:26 that you've gotten it wrong so in this 17:27 case he said well would it if I 17:29 refreshed her recollection and she said 18:31 no I'm good it was this was some crazy 18:36 testimony here this is the fourth 18:39 witness who has seen someone in the park 18:42 that the prosecution has put on and 18:44 without fail each of this these 18:47 Witnesses has had a great deal of 18:49 difficulty describing anybody who looks 18:52 remotely Like Richard Allen the 18:55 defendant on trial for murder here and 18:58 very interesting interestingly even 18:00 though he's sitting in the courtroom and 18:02 they're saying yes I can clearly 18:04 identify Bridge guy and this is what 18:06 bridge guy looked like even though all 18:08 of that was there not one of them was 18:12 asked and is Bridge guy present here in 18:15 the courtroom and then they could have 18:17 said why yes he is there he is sitting 18:19 at the table over there how many times 18:21 have you seen that on TV right pretty 18:22 common they say you know can you 18:25 identify and is that man sitting here in 18:27 the courtroom yes there he is and none 18:29 of that has happened no one from the 19:31 sand has identified Richard Allen not 19:34 this witness not the other three who 19:35 have come on and said that they saw 19:37 someone in the park 19:39 nobody so that's extremely telling I 19:42 think so there was also uh 19:45 cross-examination about you claimed not 19:48 to have your phone with you all day 19:50 isn't that true and she said I feel like 19:53 I would not have driven around without 19:55 my phone for hours in this day and age 19:58 and my cell phone Ed off the tower so 19:00 your information is incorrect now at 19:03 this point there wasn't really any any 19:06 kind of impeachment of her the defense 19:09 lawyer didn't take it anywhere but it 19:10 had sort of reached a point where he 19:12 didn't have to because now the jury just 19:15 no longer knew what to believe about 19:17 what she was saying she claimed to have 19:19 seen him for 30 seconds even though she 19:21 was traveling at 35 miles an hour past a 19:25 man walking in the opposite direction 19:28 she said he was wearing ing extreme 19:30 layers of clothing on a warm day that he 20:32 was being weird and was covered with mud 20:35 and blood she was hostile and sarcastic 20:38 at this point she said well I can't tell 20:40 you how many freckles or if he had a 20:42 feminine eyes but she said I can clearly 20:46 I could clearly describe him and tell 20:48 what he looks like and even so no one 20:50 said is this the guy over here so when 20:54 she said he had a tan sweater she said 20:56 what she meant this is back on redirect 20:58 she said she was describing a hoodie and 20:01 she wasn't sure if it had a hood but 20:03 kind of a hoodie thing with pockets in 20:05 the front and a pullover she said he had 20:08 a h a hat it was odd to me but I'm only 20:11 familiar with baseball hats everything 20:13 else is odd to me I've been shown so 20:17 many hats in all the interviews and the 20:21 prosecutor asked well could you maybe 20:23 have mistaken a hat for hair so in other 20:27 words she thought he had a hat but it 20:28 was just his hair she was seeing and she 21:31 said well yes that's possible I remember 21:33 it was a weird hat she said the man had 21:36 his shoulders hunched pulled into 21:38 himself and he had his hands in his 21:40 pockets which is exactly what the still 21:42 shot on aby's phone V Libby's phone 21:46 looks 21:47 like all right more 21:50 and excuse me she said an hour to an 21:53 hour and a half of her second interview 21:55 was missing and she figured that's when 21:58 there just had to been her discussion 21:01 about the blood she mentioned it to them 21:02 and they just didn't capture it because 21:05 they were missing video there were 21:07 raindrops on the coat and uh on his coat 21:10 there were splatters of blood he had to 21:12 in right by the river because he was 21:14 really muddy he was caked with mud she 21:19 said so she says on the first on the 21:23 first interview she said mud and blood 21:25 on the second interview she said that 21:27 and on the third interview the reason 21:28 she only discussed blood was they 21:30 already covered the mud and the blood 22:32 was the most important sighting of what 22:35 she had seen so there was recross then 22:38 again by the defense attorney and the 22:41 defense attorney said well in your third 22:44 interview you were exhausted talking 22:46 about mud so you just didn't mention it 22:48 is that it and she said well uh we the 22:51 officer and I focused on blood that's 22:53 what we focused on and that he said well 22:56 you mentioned mud 13 times without blood 22:00 in that second interview so in that 22:03 second interview where you say part of 22:04 it was cut off what you're saying is you 22:07 mentioned nothing but blood and at the 22:09 moment it was cut off that's when you 22:12 suddenly began to talk about blood and 22:15 he said we have to just take your word 22:17 that there's not mud but blood even 22:20 though you only said mud in the part we 22:22 have do we just have to take your word 22:24 for it then there were a few questions 22:27 for her from the jury the jury is 22:29 allowed to ask questions here what was 23:31 your age in February 2017 and she said 23:34 she was 27 28 how wide is the road and 23:37 she said it's narrow for it's a two-lane 23:40 road and a little bit narrow so if two 23:42 big trucks were to pass each other they 23:45 would get their tires off on the road 23:47 and can you describe why you thought 23:49 that there were blood spatters and her 23:51 answer was because I saw blood 23:54 spatters how do you um how did you know 23:57 they were blood splatters spatters or 23:59 splatters I'm not sure which they asked 23:01 and she said it stood out because they 23:03 were still fresh uh and he had 23:06 whitewashed jeans so it made it stand 23:09 out so that's how she knew for sure it 23:11 was it was Bloody how close was the man 23:14 to her she said less than three feet 23:17 away and the cross-examination was well 23:19 you previously said 20 feet and she said 23:22 it was three feet and then she got 23:24 pretty angry and said fairly loudly I 23:27 didn't take a ruler out and say hey 23:29 you're not standing I think she said 17 24:31 inches away from me no I was driving so 24:36 she was yelling she was very defensive 24:38 and the jury I think clearly reacted in 24:40 a negative way that's four strikes on 24:44 those Witnesses for the defense not one 24:46 of them has come through with a solid 24:48 description connecting Richard Allen to 24:51 the person they saw in the part that day 24:53 now Richard Allen mind you admits he was 24:56 in the part that day but he obviously 24:59 says that he was in the part that day he 24:02 had nothing to do with the murders and 24:03 he left before the murders occurred we 24:06 are going to be getting heavily into the 24:08 timeline since mercifully someone is 24:11 going to be standing in line for me 24:12 tomorrow I'm going to be working tonight 24:14 on the timeline tomorrow night we will 24:16 have the detailed timeline that I'm 24:18 going to be working toward and we have 24:19 some brand new information today that 24:22 I'm going to be adding in you're about 24:23 to hear it pretty soon so the next 24:26 witness and I I have numerous people I 24:28 need to I need to not miss that uh Nana 25:32 thank you so much for the super sticker 25:35 and uh Joby I appreciate that very much 25:38 and um you were one of my first five I 25:41 don't know if you were or not but thank 25:43 you both ways Allison uh set up a 25:46 YouTuber support service for the trial 25:49 sell sandwiches and water she's also an 25:51 entrepreneur and holds cell phones there 25:53 you go people could run down grab their 25:55 cell phones really quick great 25:58 entrepreneur activity Alison I agree 25:00 with you oh and Joby is a new member and 25:03 so is Trina Sloan and sha Patrick 25:06 compassion at RN and Lily and Dave 25:09 Elliott this is awesome so many new 25:11 members I'm so glad to have y'all uh 25:14 super sticker from will madic Jill Stout 25:17 has been a member for eight months 25:18 that's like forever we started our 25:20 membership about eight months ago so 25:22 that is really 25:24 cool uh Mike thank you me for helping 25:27 Andrea wa waiting to be awake just to 25:29 say Thank You Ah that's really nice 26:31 thanks Mike well it's it's mutual 26:34 there's lots of help going on there's 26:37 Andrea has bionic ears for hearing the 26:39 softest spoken witness so there's a lot 26:42 of what did you get here what did you 26:43 get there what was said here so it's 26:46 really been useful I mean the people in 26:48 the courtroom really have a desire to 26:50 get the reporting right and to make sure 26:53 and that kind of cuts across all people 26:55 people are always talking back and forth 26:57 I really enjoyed was sitting next to um 26:00 Lindsay who works with hidden True Crime 26:02 today and she's great about Notes too 26:05 and uh talking to Lori from there as 26:08 well anyway fantastic group and it's 26:10 been a really good experience getting to 26:13 know 26:14 people all right from a retired Arkansas 26:18 trial lawyer there you go oh thank you 26:20 Marsha I appreciate that so much all 26:22 right well I'm going to stop doing that 26:24 so we can dive back in but I do 26:26 appreciate it so much k thank you I 26:29 appreciate it very much um oh wait that 27:33 reminds me a shout out to Sarah special 27:36 shout out to you glad that you've been 27:38 watching for a long time and you will 27:40 know who you are all right so let's move 27:43 into Dr Roland core semi-retired 27:46 forensic pathologist that means he does 27:49 autopsies he was so softspoken he was 27:53 incredibly hard to hear so much so that 27:56 the families complain they couldn't hear 27:60 what on Earth was being said and we had 27:02 the judges first ever apology I'll have 27:06 to get to that wow that was a moment a 27:09 definite moment when judge Gull 27:11 apologized so what he told us was and 27:14 I've cut it down like I said we are not 27:16 going into gory details but there are 27:18 parts that you have to know to 27:20 understand the case and that's exactly 27:22 the part we're going to focus on and 27:24 talk about Abby he said was 64 inches 27:28 this is really hard for me where I come 28:30 from it's inches but I'm trying hard and 28:34 weighed 95 pounds and she at um Libby 28:38 same height uh gave her weight what one 28:42 of the things he did was check to see 28:45 whether or not either girl had been a 28:47 victim of SA or SV and in this 28:51 particular case the answer for both was 28:54 no now that was not at all intuitive 28:57 Libby was found completely unclothed and 28:01 lying on her back one arm up one arm by 28:04 her side and com like I said completely 28:07 uncoded Abby was clothed however she was 28:11 wearing some of her clothes and some of 28:14 Libby's clothes including two bras both 28:18 hers and Libby so it was a definite 28:22 thought that perhaps something had 28:24 happened but from what they could tell 28:26 he said there was nothing suggesting 28:28 traumatic contact of a nature related to 29:32 SV said it doesn't mean that there was 29:35 no contact but normal contact in that 29:38 way would not leave somebody with the 29:41 kind of injuries or wounds that he would 29:44 be looking for using this kit so that 29:47 was something we had heard about but it 29:50 was also a really great relief to have 29:52 that 29:53 confirmed now both of the girls had cuts 29:57 on their necks that's how they died that 29:59 was the wound that actually killed both 29:02 girls for for Abby there was only one 29:07 wound ins siiz it was cut her she was 29:10 cut across her neck there was no blunt 29:13 force trauma there were very faint 29:16 linear marks across her face and mouth 29:19 now interestingly and this is one of the 29:22 things where I tell you we compare and 29:23 we are trying constantly to figure it 29:25 out what I drew on my was he said there 29:27 was one line here here and one line here 29:30 very faint I couldn't really see it on 30:32 the photograph he pointed it out now 30:35 several other people around me enough so 30:37 they're probably correct said that the 30:38 lines were both down here he said he 30:42 thought well could it be maybe tape 30:45 across her mouth something like that 30:47 which also makes me think it was one up 30:49 and one down but there were so many of 30:50 them they're probably right U what could 30:52 it have been cloth or tape and he said 30:55 he checked and there was no residue that 30:57 you might have with tape so that made 30:59 him think no probably not there were no 30:02 signs of restraint now weirdly and 30:06 living and Abby were treated completely 30:08 differently I mean one clothed one 30:10 unclothed U but Libby's neck had four or 30:14 five cuts her right kateed her left 30:17 kateed and her left jugular were all 30:20 cut and um it was at this point and I 30:23 wanted to go ahead and say that the 30:24 judge we we came back from a break and 30:26 the judge apologized for the sound her 30:29 statement was uh PE people you know 31:32 can't hear I know that and she said she 31:35 hoped the designated media who have the 31:37 best seats in the house could hear and 31:40 could get it out to the public which of 31:42 course did not answer the family's 31:44 concerns that they couldn't hear because 31:46 they haven't been given those front row 31:48 seats so there were drawings and 31:52 diagrams of where the jugular vein and 31:55 where those um various things that had 31:58 been cut in the in the neck all right 31:01 I'll be more precise let me go back I've 31:04 already forgotten the words what were 31:05 they karate there we go the karate and 31:08 the jugular he drew that but there were 31:10 also actual photographs of both Libby 31:13 and Abby and those were obviously 31:17 extremely disturbing and the family 31:20 completely stoic and they wanted to know 31:22 that's what I envisioned anyway that's 31:25 how it looked to me like they they 31:26 wanted to know the truth about what had 31:28 happened 31:29 and it was really just horrendous and 32:33 with four or five different wounds on 32:36 Libby's neck just 32:38 appalling um Abby had pulled blood on 32:41 her neck which you could see where it 32:43 had been cut and the um she had um a 32:47 white sheep below her that have a had a 32:49 little blood on it so my thought was and 32:52 no one talked about this but wait is she 32:54 still actively bleeding because she's 32:56 supposedly been dead for hours she's 32:58 maybe even almost a full day this is 32:01 even after that so why is there blood on 32:03 the sheet that they picked her up in and 32:06 put her in a body bag and brought her 32:08 for the autopsy so why is there blood on 32:11 there I can see where there might be 32:13 some transfer but it should be dried by 32:15 then but somebody near me pointed out I 32:17 think it was uh Lori said well I that 32:21 she had been at a trial and when 32:24 somebody had been picked up there was 32:27 pulled blood and then as their body was 32:29 turned some of it came out so perhaps 33:31 that was it perhaps that's why there was 33:33 blood behind them but nobody answered 33:34 that question it was something I wanted 33:36 to know the answer 33:38 to so um all right let's 33:43 see all right um one really important 33:47 Point again nobody talked about this one 33:49 but I wanted to know very much aby's 33:52 back was covered with dirt and there 33:55 there was a comment by him you know this 33:56 is dirt on her back well that would have 33:58 been underneath her clothing so why 33:00 would she have dirt on her back that was 33:03 confusing and I wasn't totally sure was 33:06 this really a picture of Libby or was 33:09 was there and so it was it could be my 33:11 mistake but it could have been the 33:13 witness's mistake as well because Abby 33:15 shouldn't have had dirt on her back 33:17 because she was wearing clothing and you 33:19 would think by the time she was laid out 33:20 she would have been wearing that there 33:22 was a there were questions earlier about 33:24 where was she dressed and they weren't 33:27 able to say it was right present in that 33:30 spot she had been on her back for a long 34:33 period of time and this has to be Abby 34:35 because it was all about Abby right here 34:37 um and he thought it had been at least 34:39 eight hours just based on what he was 34:41 able to see Libby um also no evidence of 34:45 any kind of SV which was a huge relief 34:49 those wounds that I mentioned I think 34:50 we're almost done with this so I know 34:52 you're probably ready to move on past 34:54 this but I do want you to know enough to 34:56 be able to understand the case 34:59 initially oh boy this this cross was was 34:02 really good initially the witness 34:04 decided that at least one of the cuts 34:07 and he showed a picture was done with a 34:09 serated 34:10 knife and some of them were not done 34:14 with a serated knife that was a defense 34:16 argument well there are two knives there 34:18 must be two people because why would one 34:20 guy be car you know carrying two knives 34:22 that's that seems excessive it's not 34:24 very likely but he said at the witness 34:28 said that after having in his rep in two 35:31 different reports he put serated But 35:34 ultimately he decided that it was not 35:38 Serra that it was actually the handle of 35:41 a box cutter which has parallel ridges 35:44 for thumb grip and that was what had 35:46 made these marks and it somewhat kind of 35:49 resembles that pattern you might see on 35:52 the rubber he said to and so there was 35:56 great cross-examination on that I'll get 35:58 to it in just a minute he said to lose 35:00 enough blood Libby and Abby would have 35:02 been alive at least 5 to 10 minutes and 35:07 Libby you know had more Cuts but her 35:09 reaction was to stop the bleeding he 35:12 said a natural reaction he doesn't know 35:13 but her hands were bloody to stop the 35:15 bleeding by applying pressure and they 35:17 mentioned she had swelling of the brain 35:20 possibly from something like that 35:22 although they never really explained why 35:24 they were asking all these questions 35:26 about cerebral edema and whether or not 35:28 she had swelling in her brain so they 36:31 could not determine with any kind of 36:34 precision when exactly the girls died 36:36 and that's a big point of contention 36:39 because what the defense thinks happens 36:41 is the girls were abducted they were 36:43 taken down to a road right below the 36:45 bridge they were told down the hill 36:47 where they were taken to this to this 36:49 road they were driven somewhere and 36:53 brought back sometime after the search 36:55 was called off at 2 and before it 36:56 resumed at 6:30 and their bodies were 36:59 placed there in a clearing not really a 36:02 clearing but a flattish area south of 36:04 the cemetery and above the creek not all 36:07 that far from the creek the the 36:10 prosecution thinks that's not at all 36:12 what happened they were ordered down the 36:13 hill they were forced across the creek 36:16 and then they were forced up to that 36:18 flat area and they were killed probably 36:21 right there in that flat area now they 36:23 could not determine like I said with 36:26 Precision when they die but he said 40 36:29 41 hours something like that before the 37:32 autopsy which would put it at the time 37:34 the prosecution wanted but at one point 37:37 he had said something different the 37:38 defense pointed out he'd said 24 to 48 37:41 hours which would open up that window 37:43 for the defense to also be 37:46 correct so he said uh he could not say 37:49 much about the type of weapon that was 37:51 used and he admitted that he said he 37:54 can't you can inflict these types of 37:56 injuries with any instrument went from a 37:58 pocket knife to a kitchen 37:00 knife uh that for Abby also probably 10 37:04 minutes she might have had the 37:06 opportunity to react she her air flow 37:08 was not restricted so she could have 37:10 cried or screamed one of the things that 37:13 the defense has made a big point of is 37:15 that nobody in the park had any idea 37:17 this was going on no one heard screams 37:20 no one rest of their aid or was 37:22 concerned or called the police and the 37:24 defense says that's because they weren't 37:26 there they were taken somewhere else 37:28 otherwise they would have screamed they 37:30 would have run around this is a 5 foot 38:32 five guy how's he going to manipulate 38:34 two girls force them up a hill while he 38:37 himself is climbing up the hill how's 38:38 all that going to 38:40 happen all right 38:44 the okay looking for okay Libby four to 38:47 five injuries uh that he said he could 38:49 not tell whether a right hand or a left 38:51 hand inflicted the wounds if that had 38:54 been obvious then it might have 38:56 indicated two people had done it or one 38:59 but we aren't able to tell that did you 38:02 uh and he was asked about why he had not 38:06 redone his report when he decided maybe 38:09 it was not a serated knife after all 38:12 instead it was the Bots cutter and he 38:15 just said well you know maybe he should 38:18 have at some point after he'd been 38:20 badgered about it but for a while but he 38:22 he had given this he talked to them 38:25 about it and at no point had he ever 38:27 changed what he had said in those early 38:29 reports and what he had told them so the 39:32 defense was clearly upset that there was 39:34 this change in testimony at 39:37 trial all right zipping through my notes 39:40 uh never con y you 39:45 and I hate silence let me let me keep 39:49 talking he so he said yeah might have 39:52 been a good idea to generate a 39:53 supplemental report but he just couldn't 39:55 say that with any certainty 39:58 the next witness Christopher Cecil now 39:00 I'm going to thank a few people in 39:01 between but this was really interesting 39:05 he is one of the more honest Witnesses 39:08 I've seen somebody who will just say 39:11 what they think and they aren't worried 39:12 at all about what people are going to 39:14 think about it those are really 39:16 refreshing witnesses there aren't a lot 39:18 of them but they have a lot of 39:20 credibility when they do that but it was 39:23 difficult to tell you will be astonished 39:25 when I tell you the what he said about 39:28 Richard Allen and whether or not he 39:30 could connect Richard Allen to this case 40:32 so let's dive into that I am going to 40:34 thank a few people so I thanked H 40:38 Katie uh mom of hes the mess I like that 40:41 name oh thank you I really appreciate 40:44 that so 40:46 much uh Michael thank you for uh the 40:49 video I appreciate that Jessica new 40:52 member um and Cosmic shy love your 40:56 channel and hair oh thank you 40:58 thank you very much Cosmic shy uh Punk 40:01 Rock Harley thank you so 40:04 much Daniel saying he he prays that 40:08 they're in the presence of the Lord 40:09 Jesus Christ I agree with that bless her 40:12 little hearts it just it's a truly 40:15 heartbreaking case and that's one of the 40:17 reasons it's so important that it get 40:20 the right defendant that the right 40:22 defendant be sent to prison forever that 40:26 needs to happen that really needs to 40:28 happen here and when you see at the uh 41:31 photographs of the scene that I mean the 41:34 autopsy photos were also bad but for me 41:37 the more moving photographs were the 41:38 ones at the scene and just made me 41:42 absolutely ins sensed on the on behalf 41:45 of these girls just 41:48 outrageous uh wow April that is a 41:52 terrifying story that is truly truly 41:55 terrifying um yeah I understand why 41:58 you want to know about the case uh thank 41:60 you for saying that Lis Thank you new 41:02 member and Nikki T Nikki tiny is a uh 41:06 super sticker thank you I appreciate 41:10 thank you AR day is giving me coffee at 41:13 spences I tell you what in those cold 41:15 mornings that's super 41:17 important uh Isabelle small contribution 41:20 that's very kind thank you very much and 41:22 raspberry Bray vintage 10 lawyerly 41:25 memberships gifted thank you very much 41:28 Raspberry Beret I appreciate it okay 42:31 you're Michael's mom is is saying thank 42:33 you for the dog compliment they have a 42:35 very cute 42:36 dog all right Janet super sticker and 42:39 I'm gonna stop right there uh thank you 42:42 very much Janet and I'm gonna stop there 42:43 so we can dive back into Christopher 42:45 Cecil he is the commander of Internet 42:48 crimes and crimes against um young 42:51 people I'm trying to use my words 42:53 correctly uh task force with the Indiana 42:56 State Police and and he talked he had 42:60 was a computer forensic examiner with 42:02 the Indiana State Police in 2019 they 42:04 had a brand new piece of equipment 42:06 called gray key he could not wait to use 42:09 it as any techie knows and he 42:12 volunteered to reexamine Liberty's cell 42:15 phone obviously hugely important 42:18 remember it's where she was taking 42:22 Snapchat photos at the part that day 42:25 that helps give them time frame and then 42:26 of course the video that actually shows 42:30 a man walking toward them on the bridge 43:32 there's sound on it where you can hear 43:35 oh by the way yesterday I had said I 43:37 thought it maybe was aby's voice that 43:40 said something like there's no way to 43:42 get there there's no path some words 43:44 like that and a a sweet soft little high 43:48 voice and her 43:51 yesterday her Libby's mother told one of 43:54 the local media that it was Libby's 43:57 voice so there's some confirmation of 43:59 that I didn't know and I thought maybe 43:00 it was aby's but it was Libby's voice 43:02 and that's about all you can hear that 43:05 is all you can hear until they enhanced 43:07 it and there are a few words you can 43:09 hear that say guys down the hill but it 43:13 took a lot of enhancement and a lot of 43:15 work to add that so you could hear and 43:17 understand those words and that was the 43:19 only part that they enhanced there's 43:21 some more talking by that high voice 43:24 girls voice but there's not much and to 43:26 me it looked like 43:28 that when she was taking this video she 43:30 was trying to conceal the fact that she 44:33 was that she was using her phone that 44:35 she was taking the video it was about 43 44:37 seconds most of which was pointed down 44:40 at the ground but it was kind of moving 44:42 around only briefly did it move up and 44:44 show something on the bridge I 44:46 personally in it and from my angle never 44:48 could see the guy it was really brief 44:51 but they that's where they got their 44:52 still shot from of the man now known as 44:55 bridg guy and the question they think 44:59 Bridge guy is the guy who abducted them 44:01 in his opening statement the attorney 44:04 for Richard Allen said you aren't going 44:07 to know that based on the video you're 44:10 not even going to be sure the guy on the 44:12 bridge is the one who says the words 44:14 guys down the hill it may be someone 44:16 else who says it so and I I can't really 44:20 answer that because I never saw the guy 44:22 on the bridge that's how quick it was I 44:25 I can see where it might not be the 44:26 right guy and there some people um 44:29 looking into doing studies about how far 45:32 he was on the platform to try to do some 45:35 measurements I'm hoping that there will 45:36 be an expert witness who will give us 45:38 some information about that and whether 45:40 or not Richard Allen's height fits there 45:42 or anything along those 45:44 lines so he this what he did was look at 45:48 Libby's phone and he generated a report 45:52 multiple reports every time they came 45:54 out with a new version of the software 45:56 he would redo it it and so he or another 45:00 another um another person working in law 45:04 enforcement would redo it Liberty and 45:06 Abigail Williams were both using the 45:08 phone he confirmed now one of the 45:11 fascinating things he gave us all this 45:13 will be included in the timeline I'm 45:15 going to be working on 45:16 tonight there were the witness talked 45:19 about the the activity data on app's 45:24 app's on Libby's iPhone and 45:27 this particular data was showed steps it 46:32 showed distance WT and the stairs 46:36 climbed and the question is whether or 46:39 not that can fit with the prosecution 46:42 theory of the case or can fit with the 46:45 defense theory of the case at 46:49 131 there were 46:51 1682 steps taken at 208 414 me all of 46:58 this will be in the timeline so you can 46:59 kind of get a sense of how it all fits 46:01 together then at 46:04 225 68 steps for 50 meters and at 231 46:09 two floors which he checked and would be 46:13 roughly 20 feet so if it's not literal 46:17 steps then the distance that would have 46:19 to be dropped down for Apple to count 46:21 that as a floor would be 10 feet so 46:24 every time you move 10 feet down it's 46:26 going to count that as a floor whether 46:28 with literal steps or just a change in 47:31 the 47:33 altitude so and the two floors nobody 47:35 asked him this but I'm pretty sure that 47:36 can be up or down that it doesn't matter 47:39 which direction you're 47:40 going now remember that it one so at 139 47:45 1682 steps so a problem is at 149 Libby 47:51 and Abby were still in in the car or at 47:53 least the car had dropped them off and 47:55 was now going away and the Kelsey the 47:58 sister said she just dropped them off 47:60 she didn't wait a substantial amount of 47:02 time and then at 208 you've got meters 47:05 wed at 225 you got 68 steps 50 meters at 47:10 two and oh I even me missed this is why 47:13 you need a timeline um 213 is the down 47:15 the hill video after that 68 steps and 47:19 two floors so that would sort of account 47:22 for they walk down the hill to that road 47:27 and that would be probably two floors it 47:29 did look pretty steep but how does that 48:31 account for them walking to where the 48:33 creek is and walking across the creek 48:36 and then up the embankment on the other 48:39 side so it did seem like that might be 48:41 super important and that if we do a 48:43 timeline maybe we'll get some good 48:45 information to try to evaluate the 48:47 theories of both sides so do not miss 48:50 tomorrow night tune in it's going to be 48:52 really important we're going to be 48:53 looking at all of that in context so be 48:56 sure to do that 48:58 so at one and remember the phone was 48:00 posting during all this time so at 1:41 48:03 the phone posted a photo to Snapchat at 48:06 143 another one and this was probably in 48:09 the car which doesn't really fit with 48:14 the uh steps of 682 although they were 48:17 in a range they were in a range of 48:19 between 131 and 208 so does make things 48:22 a little harder to evaluate at 143 um 48:26 there there was picture it was one in 48:28 the car with Libby in the front and um 48:30 Abby behind her we only know that not 49:33 because they showed the pictures but 49:35 because of the fact that they described 49:36 the picture 205 uh Snapchat of the mon 49:40 on high bridge and 207 was the last time 49:44 that the phone was unlocked at 2:14 Abby 49:48 was across the bridge with the person 49:50 behind her and the video starts at the 49:54 43 second video at that point someone TR 49:57 to biometrically unlock the phone and 49:60 it's not successful at 232 is the last 49:04 movement of the phone we're going to 49:06 plug that in the timeline and see how 49:08 that all works with everything at and 49:10 then the last recorded data was about uh 49:15 he thought was at 49:17 1022 can that possibly be I have to chat 49:20 that number that seems crazy and he 49:22 thought the batter's out that's why but 49:24 it turns out that was incorrect because 49:27 because there was another download on 49:30 that phone all of which is very 50:32 confusing and I mean not just to us but 50:35 to them as well he said so he said so 50:38 repeatedly at the he did a second report 50:41 and because there were new software 50:43 updates he didn't perform any new 50:45 extraction he just reprocessed the data 50:48 they already had he fixed a few mistakes 50:50 found some additional information and he 50:53 said for example we saw um a video role 50:57 and photos that were not stored in 50:00 knowledge seed we don't even need to get 50:02 into that I'll just tell you that's 50:04 something they taught a great deal about 50:06 but the fact that they use them is 50:08 tracked you could one of the problems 50:10 that the jury was really worried about 50:12 was an insinuation from Baldwin that 50:15 maybe they weren't getting the very 50:17 latest data maybe they weren't getting 50:19 it all maybe they were getting stuff 50:20 that have been contaminated and wasn't 50:23 being processed properly so what the 50:25 prosecution has been trying to do is 50:27 Shore that up and say we were very 50:29 careful we dotted all our eyes crossed 51:31 all our tees and you are getting the 51:33 absolute right information and one of 51:36 the what they were saying here is we 51:38 didn't lose anything like a video or a 51:42 photo something really important when 51:45 this data gets lost and the defense is 51:47 asking about this lost data every time 51:50 we 51:51 reprocess they're talking about stuff 51:53 that's underlined not stuff that matters 51:55 or that would have affected the the case 51:57 so they made that 51:00 point the um and before I forget let me 51:04 uh thank a few people I don't want to 51:06 run too far behind Catnapper thank you 51:09 so 51:10 much Mr Crowley oh thank you what a nice 51:13 what a nice comment thank you coffees 51:17 thank you for the wonderful people who 51:18 are line sitting for me what a great 51:21 point they certainly deserve that I am 51:24 so appreciative because I really was 51:27 kind of at the end so I'm grateful there 51:29 are a number of people and I'm trying to 52:31 work out the schedule and I'm just 52:33 really grateful to all of you thank and 52:35 if if there are some we still have 52:37 plenty of slots so if you have time and 52:40 you live in the area please please let 52:42 me 52:42 know all right so at two well yes I'll 52:46 keep going all right the one of the very 52:49 confusing facts and the witness could 52:51 not explain it at all was that the 213 52:56 video the all important video that Libby 52:59 took actually shows she was located near 52:02 Deli high school well she clearly wasn't 52:05 we can see the bridge in the video it's 52:08 right there so we know where she is we 52:11 know she was dropped off right there at 52:12 the park and we can see it in the video 52:14 so it's not possible what he said was 52:17 that it's kind of like when you do a 52:20 find my iPhone or you follow somebody on 52:23 your iPhone and it when you first click 52:26 on that person it shows you a big range 52:28 like the person is somewhere in here and 53:30 then after a minute it kind of goes 53:32 actually they're right here and it zips 53:34 down and goes to a very small pinpoint 53:36 he said that's kind of how it works and 53:39 that maybe it just wasn't open long 53:41 enough to pinpoint it down to the fact 53:43 that actually she was right there in the 53:45 park not over at Deli High 53:48 School the phone stayed on he said he 53:51 now believes until 4:30 a.m. and it 53:55 received uh SMS tets at 4:30 a.m. and it 53:59 has to be on to receive those now that's 53:02 a that seems contradictory that it could 53:05 have been on all that time but the 53:08 prosecution wants wants to say well 53:11 those were just downloaded by some 53:13 incident and the defense wants to say no 53:15 they weren't they were downloaded at 53:17 4:33 a.m. because somebody manually 53:20 handled that phone as they were dropping 53:22 the bodies off and they or killing the 53:25 the girls right there and they left the 53:27 phone there and they TR they opened the 53:30 phone and that's when the messages came 54:33 through so there was no indication he 54:36 said that the phone had been turned off 54:38 that it stopped moving at 2:32 in the 54:41 afternoon that was the last movements 54:43 and which does that mean anyway we'll 54:46 get into that in our timeline and 4:33 54:50 a.m. the messages come through so is 54:53 that possible at 54:54 2:13 she is 54:57 recording this video she's recording the 54:60 video of the guy on the bridge walking 54:01 toward them and saying you know how's 54:03 she going to get down there where he 54:05 wants her to go because that's going to 54:08 be there's no path how am I going to do 54:10 that and then at 232 the phone stops 54:15 moving well we know the phone was found 54:17 under aby's body that is a really short 54:21 time from 213 to 54:23 2:32 to do all of that get the girls 54:26 down the Hill across the creek up the 54:29 embankment because it's not right there 55:30 it's a little ways down I mean it's not 55:33 just right present there I don't 55:35 actually know how far it would be 55:37 distance-wise but like I say it's a ways 55:40 and is that possible could they have 55:42 done all that between 213 and 232 when 55:45 the phone stopped moving I don't know 55:48 but we're when we build out our timeline 55:49 we're going to start spotting stuff like 55:51 that where we have questions or we want 55:53 to know more or where we have 55:54 uncertainty around what exactly happen 55:56 happen so 4:33 a.m. the next morning 55:00 that's when those messages suddenly come 55:02 through and that is really bothering the 55:03 jury they've asked lots of questions 55:05 about it at 4:30 uh let's see 3:6 PM a 55:11 day later it finally Powers off and the 55:13 witness says yeah that's when it lost 55:14 power that's when it fully lost 55:17 power all right anything else uh the 55:20 around 207 the phone was locked unlocked 55:23 Snapchat we'll put all that in our 55:25 timeline he also included a a photo he 55:29 found on the internet that reports to be 56:32 from Libby's Snapchat but it isn't on 56:35 her phone it's not a photograph on her 56:37 phone and it wasn't available when he 56:40 opened up her Snapchat app so it was 56:42 again who knows where it came from and 56:44 he didn't know 56:45 either he didn't recall how he found 56:49 it all right I'm going to skip all that 56:51 because we'll put that in the timeline 56:53 you just really don't want to miss 56:54 tomorrow it's really going to be good 56:57 received uh zero SMS all right we 56:60 covered that more or less Lieutenant 56:02 bunner connected to a phone 56:06 blah sorry give me just a second this is 56:09 the problem when you when you have to go 56:11 off I I think today I had 40 something 56:14 pages of notes it was a lot of 56:16 Notes One odd thing that they talked 56:19 about was the FBI having requested the 56:21 full file extraction and he asked 56:24 Lieutenant Holman could he provide to 56:27 the FBI but there was apparently it was 56:30 never actually provided to the FBI which 57:32 is part and parcel of what Baldwin 57:35 talked about in O his opening statement 57:37 on behalf of Mr Allen he said that there 57:40 was a turf war between the Indiana State 57:43 Police and the FBI and they didn't work 57:45 together and that that meant the 57:48 investigation was hampered that things 57:50 that couldn't should have been done and 57:51 looked for 57:54 weren't all right let's see what else oh 57:56 and here we go the moment we've been 57:59 waiting for so the on 57:03 cross-examination the defense asked well 57:06 isn't it true that you also looked at 57:10 Richard Allen's phone ding ding ding the 57:13 first mention of Richard Allen I think 57:16 since opening statement not one mention 57:19 of Richard Allen I was surprised they 57:21 didn't even object beyond the scope even 57:23 though he's the defendant and the so the 57:26 question was 57:27 nothing on any of these devices ties 58:30 Richard Allen to Abigail Williams isn't 58:34 that true and it's 23 different devices 58:36 from his home that they looked at and he 58:40 the witness said that's true and nothing 58:43 on any of these devices ties Richard 58:45 Allen to Liberty German true and nothing 58:49 on any of these devices ties Richard 58:51 Allen to the murder of Abigail Williams 58:54 true or to the murder of Liberty German 58:57 true and like I said this was a witness 58:00 who's just you know he just tells the 58:02 truth he isn't somebody who sort of 58:04 Shades things and what he was saying was 58:06 there was no history of connection 58:08 between the two of them he hadn't been 58:11 texting Libby German or he hadn't been 58:14 sending SnapChat photos or following 58:17 Abigail none of that was happening he 58:19 didn't have a connection that they could 58:21 see or affirm there was no nothing to 58:25 indicate he had done the murders that 58:26 they found on his device nothing to 58:28 indicate that he knew the girls that 58:30 they found on his device and like I said 59:33 they analyzed 23 different 59:36 devices the number of jury questions was 59:40 enormous I'm think they they had a stack 59:43 of papers that came from the jurors 59:46 after this and they go over but they 59:48 meet at a separate table they play this 59:50 sound in the background it took them 59:51 forever to go through all these and 59:53 decide which ones were appropriate that 59:54 they could ask and they asked a lot of 59:57 very technical questions I won't read 59:59 them all but I'll just give you a flavor 59:01 of them that um they they wanted to know 59:05 the jury did who was depicted in the 59:07 Snapchat on the Monon High Bridge and 59:10 there was no one in the one picture he 59:13 had talked about at 2:05 p uh pm. and in 59:16 the first report what are all the blank 59:18 spaces under events they wanted to know 59:20 are you blanking stuff out keeping us 59:22 from knowing it and he said no it had to 59:24 do with the battery I guess being low 59:28 something the juror um another was how 60:31 does the phone get calls and and tets 60:33 and stuff but not get SMS messages if 60:37 without a signal or a Wi-Fi connection I 60:40 don't know he said uh did you checked to 60:43 see if AT&T had cell tower issues during 60:46 this period of time which was an 60:47 interesting question he said no they 60:49 hadn't checked he said that the Snapchat 60:54 does not save updates to a story which 60:57 could be a reason that things were gone 60:59 but the photo should have been on the 60:02 phone so little confusing there he said 60:05 that if you um Can messages be sent by 60:09 cellular service yes how much data is 60:13 lost if the phone Powers off and stores 60:15 a month of Records he didn't know if if 60:19 there accumulative data for 30 days from 60:23 how much do you lose he said he didn't 60:24 know did the method one it rtion that 60:27 was a do not know he just it it went on 60:30 and on a lot of things that he didn't 61:32 know and that the jury wanted to know 61:34 but they were some of them extremely 61:36 technical clearly some of the jurors 61:37 have a lot of technical background and 61:39 knowledge and they were asking a lot of 61:42 those kinds of questions the jury really 61:44 really wants to know how on Earth those 61:47 messages downloaded at 4:33 a.m. that is 61:50 going to be a huge issue for the jury 61:52 super important both sides will need to 61:54 hit that hard in order to commit it's a 61:56 jury because they don't get it and of 61:59 course that's what the defense is 61:00 pointing out why would this this doesn't 61:02 make 61:04 sense all right anything else what 61:06 happened to the Health Data they asked 61:09 between 218 and 225 when the phone 61:12 wasn't detecting movement he said it's 61:14 just a matter of there not being 61:15 movement not data that's missing per 61:19 se and then one question was how did you 61:22 determine Mr Allen had no connection to 61:25 Abby or Libby and he said well he just 61:27 didn't find any information about them 61:29 other than that they did there were 62:33 searches looking at news after the 62:35 murders occurred but there was no 62:37 indication that he knew them 62:39 beforehand there was some internet 62:41 search activity all right so we have 62:44 covered the day's activities I will take 62:46 a few not uh few notes few questions 62:50 obviously I'm getting tireder and child 62:52 I'll be I'll be Punch Drunk on some of 62:53 these I'm sure but I'll take a few 62:55 questions let me make sure I have 62:57 thanked everybody because there were a 62:58 lot of people to thank and I can't tell 62:00 y'all how much I appreciate it and how 62:02 encouraging it is to me that y'all come 62:05 and you watch and you participate and 62:07 you ask questions and you are um 62:10 contributing I mean I'm so grateful so 62:12 grateful and to all the people who 62:13 volunteered to stand in line thank you 62:16 Ang Angels I'm so grateful so grateful 62:20 okay Bon thank you so much jaded Bell 62:23 another new member that's wonderful 62:25 Vesper appreciate 62:27 it uh Truth Exposed oh good Heavens that 63:31 sounds horrendous I can certainly see 63:33 where you that is terrifying okay uh 63:36 Court K you're 63:38 welcome and Truth Exposed I'm so sorry 63:41 that happened to you uh Katherine 63:44 hardgrave thank you oh I forgot to say 63:47 if you have a question put question 63:49 marks at the beginning of your question 63:51 and it will give me the best shot at 63:53 finding it in 63:55 there all right right punk rock Carly is 63:57 a new member Leah is a new member Lily 63:00 thank you so much I appreciate it and La 63:03 Mack as well Cheryl gifted five lawyerly 63:07 memberships and Marcy Downham is a new 63:10 member blessings Galore oh thank you 63:13 that's very generous I am so 63:16 appreciative Joe barard super sticker 63:19 thanks Joe and day ly Wellness is saying 63:22 will the defense call Keegan Klein about 63:25 the fake profile one of the one of the 63:28 potential suspects vetted in a serious 64:31 way by the pro by the prosecution by law 64:35 enforcement is a man named Kagan Klein 64:38 he is now serving prison he received a 64:40 43e sentence for um s SAA I guess I 64:45 would call it against children I'm 64:47 trying to think of words I can use that 64:48 are safe uh safe for YouTube and so 64:52 anyway for really photographs and things 64:55 like that inappropriate photograph so 64:58 that's what he was accused of and is in 64:60 fact he plag guilty and is serving a 64:02 lengthy prison term he had been in 64:05 contact with Libby and became a central 64:08 suspect for law enforcement I did a 64:10 video on that you can go back and look 64:12 at that as far as whether they'll call 64:14 him the judge has ruled out all of 64:17 Richard Allen's thirdparty coporate 64:20 evidence in legal terms what that saying 64:22 is that that the judge has said he can't 64:25 present present evidence that other 64:27 people committed this crime she said 64:30 none of his evidence was strong enough 65:32 this despite the fact that law 65:34 enforcement intensely investigated 65:36 several people and hasn't really ruled 65:39 them out as suspects for any 65:42 reason I I said I think that was went 65:45 too far I don't think that should have 65:46 happened all of his third party culprit 65:49 stuff being it's being removed but so as 65:52 far as Ken Klein testifying at trial I 65:56 don't think so but will he testify in a 65:58 profer that's a separate situation where 65:02 the jury is out not present and they 65:06 then evidence is presented to the judge 65:09 in theory the judge could change her 65:11 mind although she's made a firmed 65:12 statement that she's not going to admit 65:14 it at trial but at a minimum it creates 65:18 a record which can be taken up on appeal 65:21 so that the appell court knows what the 65:23 evidence is and can make a ruling with 65:25 some intellig with understanding what 65:27 exactly is going on 65:29 there all right so uh good question 66:32 Let's uh head back over 66:34 and I should have checked where I was 66:37 I'm going to zip back and see if I can 66:38 find what where some of the question 66:40 marks are and how far back it goes I'm 66:43 just gonna have to start like right here 66:46 and just pick a spot because we have a 66:48 lot of messages all right oh I'm looking 66:51 for those question marks oh there's one 66:55 what were the jury questions about the 66:56 phone I read a bunch of them there were 66:58 a bunch more some of them were highly 66:01 highly Technical and um sometimes I 66:03 understood them sometimes I didn't even 66:05 know but uh I think I read most of the 66:09 ones that I at least understood um there 66:12 were things like could Snapchat pictures 66:14 not exist depending on the way they were 66:16 posted and he didn't really follow that 66:18 he said I don't know there was at least 66:21 one picture he could not recover and he 66:24 he didn't know why he couldn't get that 66:26 picture he wasn't clear why it wasn't in 66:28 the in the camera right there on the 67:31 phone it should have been and it wasn't 67:33 or it should have been in the Snapchat 67:34 app now it could not have been posted to 67:36 her story and I don't know Snapchat but 67:39 apparently if it's in your story it 67:42 lasts for a certain amount of time if 67:43 it's not in your story it lasts for Less 67:46 I could have that backwards many of you 67:48 will know far more about Snapchat than I 67:51 do all right does the app give us start 67:54 and end times for two flights of stairs 67:57 and it's during the period of time he 67:00 explained so it doesn't mean that from 67:02 2:25 to 232 it took you that long to 67:05 walk two flights it means that during 67:08 this period of time you did walk two 67:10 flights but it could have been at the 67:12 beginning at the end or in the middle 67:13 there's no way to know or it could have 67:14 been spaced out over that period of 67:17 time I think that pretty much is it 67:19 hopefully hopefully I covered at least 67:21 most of them all right looking for those 67:25 question marks at the beginning I saw a 67:27 bunch so I may have zipped past them oh 67:30 I see I went all the way up no wonder 68:32 y'all weren't asking any questions okay 68:34 Mango Tango did Libby's phone get Texs 68:37 and calls until it turned off at 10 pm 68:39 yes it it continued to get Texs and 68:42 calls but it did not get those SMS 68:44 messages until 4:33 a.m. and is there 68:47 somebody in the chat who knows why let 68:50 us know I I I'm mystified so is the 68:53 witness and so there is no answer right 68:56 now for how or why that happened did 68:59 anyone notice um I 68:01 IHS is ihv Shands I'm not sure if I got 68:06 that right anyone notice or will testify 68:08 to a notable change in ra Behavior 68:10 between the murders and his arrest yes 68:14 there will be testimony from a number of 68:16 witnesses including the prison 68:18 psychologist including his maybe 68:21 probably his wife and there are going to 68:23 be a number of people who are going to 68:24 be testifying about the medication he 68:27 received the treatment he received in 68:29 prison uh we were told in opening 69:31 statements we're even going to see video 69:33 of what his prison conditions were like 69:36 so we are going to hear a lot about that 69:38 Richard Allen confessed repeatedly to 69:41 these murders but he didn't do so except 69:43 in a very limited period of time now 69:45 yesterday some exhibits were from the 69:48 preliminary hearing this summer were 69:50 finally made available in the courthouse 69:53 in Fort Wayne which is not where we are 69:55 we're down here in Deli for the trial 69:57 and those exhibits included a written 69:00 statement by Richard Allen a note that 69:03 he wanted to confess and he wanted to 69:05 confess to the families or confess for 69:08 the murders of Libby and Abby there was 69:09 a written note from March early March I 69:12 think it might have been the third or 69:13 the fifth so that will without question 69:15 be coming in during the point of time 69:17 point in time when the prosecution 69:20 submits these confessions that was early 69:23 and I think before he had received the 69:24 first dose of how so hopefully we'll 69:28 build out our timeline bigger and bigger 70:30 as we learn more facts and that'll be 70:32 one on there and we'll be able to try to 70:34 trap those confessions the prosecution 70:36 says he received he said I I didn't do 70:40 it he was treated horribly for a period 70:42 of time then he broke confessed and then 70:45 when that bad treatment stopped he 70:47 stopped confessing and said no I never 70:49 did it so will this March time frame 70:52 throw off their argument if he hadn't 70:55 yet been given this how doll and was he 70:58 still being treated badly we're going to 70:60 find out more about all of 70:02 that coming up soon uh was Richard Allen 70:05 there yes he is there each and every day 70:07 as a defendant he has to be present his 70:10 wife and mother are also present in the 70:12 courtroom each and every 70:15 day uh so let's see uh who is this Anita 70:19 B what about his phone where did it show 70:21 him we don't have a lot of information 70:24 about what it shows yet all we got was 70:26 that little bit that it did not connect 70:28 him to Abigail or Libby that's the 71:31 little bit we got today just definitely 71:34 not where the prosecution wants to end 71:36 with one of its Witnesses but that's how 71:39 it ended that is that is or how the 71:41 cross-examination that first one 71:44 did Tabitha asking me about whether I 71:46 think others are involved I always try 71:48 to hold off saying what I think until we 71:50 kind of get through trial I try to be as 71:53 neutral as possible giving you the facts 71:55 and just presenting them to you with 71:57 some analysis of kind of Legally how 71:60 things are headed but I try to let you 71:02 make your own decision so I will say 71:04 what I think but I will wait to do that 71:06 so that y' everybody feels comfortable 71:09 coming that they're going to get as 71:10 unbiased objective facts from both sides 71:13 as I can possibly give 71:15 you all right oh that's a great idea 71:18 thank you Finn please do press the 71:19 thumbs up I would really appreciate it 71:21 and should have said that long ago so 71:23 please do subscribe we would love to 71:25 have you come back for more I am up here 71:27 in Deli and I'm going to be covering 71:28 this trial every day and I'm would love 72:32 to have you come back for 72:34 more uh so uh modern Soul asking me have 72:37 you seen any evidence that implicates 72:39 the defendant not yet in fact the only 72:41 witness to mention the defendant said 72:43 that there's no connection between the 72:45 defendant and those two girls who were 72:47 murdered that's the only witness to 72:50 mention his name so far so if the trial 72:52 were to stop this second it's looking 72:54 good for Richard Allen of course we have 72:56 not gotten to the part of the case where 72:59 they implicate Richard Allen it's taking 72:01 a while to get there and it's sort of 72:03 weird because he isn't really in I mean 72:05 it's not that he's not involved in the 72:06 case he's sitting there but he's not 72:08 actually anywhere in the testimony it is 72:11 a really different weird trial do you 72:14 feel the prosecution is lacking in 72:15 evidence pointing to the defendant yes 72:18 so far but that's because they haven't 72:21 gotten to it yet I think they will get 72:23 to it it isn't there is a lot of it the 72:26 confessions are in my view what is 72:29 either going to swing it or kill it and 73:32 that's when we'll really get the idea 73:34 about whether or not he's guilty can the 73:37 defense show that there was this limited 73:39 period of time and he confessed because 73:42 of the sheer torture that's what they 73:44 would call it that he was under or is 73:47 the prosecution going to be able to 73:48 prove he tried to confess because he had 73:50 found Jesus and I don't know lost it at 73:53 some point in time but he found Jesus 73:56 and just wanted to clear his soul of 73:58 bear his soul of what he had done we 73:01 will find out that 73:03 opinion step since the one witness said 73:06 part of the video of her lost was lost 73:08 by law enforcement can the defense bring 73:10 up the other missing videos good 73:12 question as to whether or not there 73:14 would be a door open there and I I think 73:16 there probably would be I think they 73:18 were already would have been so we'll 73:20 see if it comes up at any point it has 73:23 to be relevant at some point but I would 73:25 I would think it would be uh Carla am I 73:27 getting enough rest no not at all not at 74:31 all that's why I'm so grateful to the 74:33 people who are standing in line for me I 74:35 really I'm it's not feasible without 74:37 that and I wasn't doing that before and 74:40 when y'all started volunteering I was 74:43 just overwhelmed I mean it's crazy it's 74:45 wonderful RC is someone jealous or angry 74:49 about the close relationship Libby and 74:51 Abby had uh you know 74:53 RC I don't picture it being that they 74:57 did have a beautiful relationship so 74:59 cute well the best little story is about 74:01 how Libby had her phone be able to be 74:04 unlocked by Abby because she didn't have 74:06 a phone so they could both use their 74:07 fingerprints and use her phone so cute 74:10 but I don't I mean I don't picture this 74:13 being a kind of crime that would be uh 74:17 would be by someone who would be in that 74:20 right frame to be jealous of their 74:22 relationship that would be somebody 74:24 maybe their age like a y teen this is 74:27 just not a young teen crime that's I 74:29 just can't picture 75:31 it Amber an how can ra defend the 75:35 confessions without taking the stand I 75:37 think the way they would do it is 75:39 through his wife his mother and through 75:41 the timing I think they don't plan to 75:43 say they don't plan to well my guess 75:46 they don't plan to put him on the stand 75:47 that's what I would assume but because 75:50 all he could say is yeah I went crazy 75:52 what they'll do instead is offer for 75:54 example the prison psychologist to say 75:56 yeah he was so nuts I had to give him 75:58 how doll he was having so many troubles 75:01 that I was really concerned about him I 75:03 saw him deteriorating I saw him 75:05 disintegrating and therefore when he 75:07 began to decompose mentally I knew that 75:10 I needed to give him this medication and 75:13 I felt like he was not in his right mind 75:16 that's the kind of testimony I think 75:18 they're going to offer to defend against 75:20 those 75:21 confessions the so-called bullet they 75:23 had they don't have anymore didn't get 75:25 destroyed in testing there hasn't been 75:27 any testimony about that with so I don't 75:30 know the answer they talked about 76:33 packaging it so neatly I didn't get the 76:35 impression it had been destroyed but 76:37 then they did compare it to his gun so 76:40 maybe at that point it was 76:42 destroyed all right we'll take a oh I 76:45 need to come back over here where was I 76:46 on D 76:48 Lily grety Mama Nancy Grace mentioned 76:51 that he confessed with the use of a box 76:53 cutter so that has not been mentioned 76:56 yet it is true that he is said to have 76:60 confessed to have using to using a box 76:02 cutter that and that was why some of the 76:06 questioning around the autopsy was so 76:08 important because a box cutter clearly 76:10 doesn't have a serated edge and their 76:13 own autopsy report said serrated edge 76:16 said it twice and so they the defense 76:21 felt it had a really strong argument 76:23 this box cutter thing was false it was a 76:26 serated knife that actually was used and 76:29 therefore couldn't be just Richard Allen 77:32 or couldn't even be Richard Allen this 77:35 whole box cutter confession was false 77:37 now that the witness has changed his 77:39 testimony and is now saying well I don't 77:41 think it was a serated knife I think it 77:44 was the the ribbed rubber handle of a 77:48 box cutter that made this Mark here now 77:51 that is has created a problem for them 77:53 which is why they went so hard on the 77:55 cross-examination of the man who did the 77:58 autopsy and who changed his testimony 77:00 really at the last minute 77:02 there all right we'll do last maybe oh 77:06 just a couple more gosh we've gone gone 77:09 long but it's a lot of fun Jody vanover 77:11 possibly the phone was put in airplane 77:13 mode by The Killers could be and 77:16 somebody took it away from her it it 77:18 really it could be Lorena do you think 77:21 Libby's comments about no path Etc were 77:23 her way of giving Clues to what was 77:25 happening see I had even thought of that 77:27 that's a great Point Lorina yeah I think 77:29 it definitely could be and makes a lot 78:33 of sense and I think it was also her way 78:34 of kind of being practical okay you want 78:36 me to go there are you come on there's 78:38 not even a path that makes no sense I I 78:41 think stalling I think all of those 78:43 scenes it could be all of that she 78:45 clearly had a lot of presence of mind 78:48 that's what I will say about that young 78:50 girl she is really Brave Leslie Jacobs 78:53 do you know why the prosecution is 78:55 calling witnesses that claim to have 78:56 seen Bridge guy but then describe him as 78:58 not resembling Richard Allen how do they 78:00 think this will help their case it is a 78:02 huge mystery I do not understand it they 78:05 all of these witness came on and said 78:07 they had seen Bridge guy and they were 78:09 real sure it was Bridge guy and their 78:12 descriptions have changed dramatically 78:15 or have nothing to do with Richard Allen 78:17 and the initial descriptions had nothing 78:19 to do with Richard Allen Young uh tall 78:22 one one she said I only came up to his 78:24 forearm it's Giant and Richard Allen is 78:27 only 55 so U it just it none of these 79:31 descriptions really fit or make sense 79:34 and they don't hang together so yes I 79:36 think it was the this whole section was 79:40 a real mess for the state I don't think 79:43 they have any good clear eyewitness 79:45 testimony that links Richard Allen to 79:48 this case and how do we know that we 79:50 know that because not one of those 79:51 Witnesses mentioned Richard Allen he's 79:54 sitting right there in the courtroom 79:55 they're saying they saw Bridge guy 79:57 they're saying they recognized him from 79:60 the blurry photograph that was 79:02 distributed and none of them says yes I 79:04 recognize him and there he is not one 79:07 and that alone is pretty 79:09 telling did they recover call Call's 79:12 asked me did they recover the 70 days of 79:14 missing interview tapes or were they 79:16 mentioned in court yet they have not 79:19 been mentioned in court and they haven't 79:20 mentioned about whether they were 79:21 recovered but I don't think they were or 79:24 will be I think think they're just 79:26 gone I don't know if they will mention 79:29 that at all part of that related to The 80:32 Lost interview for example of Brad 80:34 holder he was one of the third-party 80:36 culprits that Richard Allen wanted to 80:38 point to and the judges said none of 80:40 that is coming 80:42 in has there been mention of any similar 80:45 crimes or disappearances in the area the 80:47 answer is there aren't any similar 80:49 crimes or disappearances in the area it 80:51 was generally a very safe place there's 80:54 one exception to that and it doesn't 80:56 seem to be connected or really similar 80:58 but there was the death of four young 80:00 girls in a fire nearby but it doesn't 80:03 seem to have any connection it was an 80:05 arson fire that was located nearby in 80:08 this 80:09 area all right and we'll do a couple 80:12 more questions as I said and I am 80:14 looking right now was there muddy on 80:16 either of the girls one of the girls 80:18 clothes so um Libby as I said was not 80:20 wearing clothing and she had a lot of 80:22 mud on her back um I don't think there 80:26 was significant mud on either girl's 80:28 clothing now that you mention that but 81:31 there was testimony that they the 81:34 clothes that Abby had on were very wet 81:38 and they were wet up to a line a 81:40 specific line on both the shirt and the 81:42 sweatshirt the implication of that is 81:44 that she walked through the water that 81:46 she crossed the creek and that that 81:49 Creek coming up to you know yay high on 81:51 her got it all wet from that point on 81:55 but but what that would mean is she had 81:57 to have been wearing Libby's clothes for 81:00 them to have a similar line as she walks 81:02 across by that time she was already 81:04 wearing Libby's clothes which would mean 81:06 that the clothes exchange had to have 81:08 happened before that Libby's shoe and 81:11 some of her clothing were found in the 81:13 creek the whole thing is really strange 81:16 it's really difficult to figure out 81:18 exactly what on Earth went on you can 81:21 tell it's horrible but it's hard to know 81:23 to figure it out that's a good question 81:26 Allison any information in Richard 81:28 Allen's phone where does it Place him 81:30 that evening we don't know all we know 82:32 is that there was nothing that directly 82:34 connected him to the murders or to the 82:36 two girls we got that straight that 82:38 statement straight from the man who 82:39 analyzed his 82:41 phone uh was there any jury reaction 82:44 when Richard Allen's name was finally 82:46 being brought up hugie buns asked I 82:49 didn't notice any particular reaction it 82:51 certainly was not favorable testimony 82:53 for the prosecution but I didn't notice 82:56 a visible start or anything like that 82:60 were the girls fingernails examined for 82:01 DNA well one of the things he mentioned 82:04 was that they normally take fingernail 82:07 clippings but he said that Abby must 82:09 have been a nailbiter and her 82:10 fingernails were super super short there 82:12 wasn't enough to be able to get 82:14 fingernail clippings from them so they 82:16 couldn't do that I assume they did for 82:19 Libby but you know now that you mention 82:20 it I don't remember him circling back 82:22 around to that issue and saying yeah 82:24 that's actually that's something we did 82:27 on Libby and Jolene thank you so much I 83:31 appreciate it I appreciate everybody 83:33 thank you so much for your uh super 83:36 chats and super stickers I'm very 83:38 grateful I'm also super grateful to the 83:40 people who are standing in line for me I 83:42 really can't even begin to thank you all 83:44 enough so I will look forward to seeing 83:47 you tomorrow night don't forget timeline 83:49 you don't want to miss that I'm going to 83:50 go live at 7 or as close to it as I can 83:53 possibly get I'll be giving you an 83:55 update on what happens tomorrow and we 83:57 will be diving in on the timeline and 83:59 watching stuff as it unfolds so I will 83:02 look forward to seeing you tomorrow 83:03 don't forget to like And subscribe