import ctypes import string import sys import os, math, time from natsort import natsorted import shutil import glob os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') print("") print("") ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleW("TIMELINE CHECKER") path = input('Scene folder: ').replace('"','') anim_path = input('Output folder: ').replace('"','') if not os.path.exists(anim_path): os.makedirs(anim_path) print(f"\nSearching .png files...\n") files = glob.glob(path + '/**/*.png', recursive=True) total_files = len(files) print(f"\n({total_files}) .png files founded.\n") count = 0 tl_count = 0 check_list = ['cameraOPos"', 'cameraORot"', 'cameraOZoom"', 'cameraFOV"', 'cameraPos"', 'cameraRot"', 'timeScale"'] for current_file in files : if os.path.isfile(current_file): with open(current_file, 'rt', encoding="ansi") as fp: for index, line in enumerate(fp): if line.count("Timeline") >= 2: if 'timeline' in line: elements = line.strip().split() for element in elements: if 'id="' in element and not any(check_string in element for check_string in check_list): tl_count += 1 file_name = os.path.split(current_file) print('\nTimeline scene found: '+file_name[1]+'\n') fp.close() shutil.move(current_file, anim_path+'\\'+file_name[1]) break else: continue break else: fp.close() count +=1 print(f"\n({count}/{total_files}) Timeline scene count: [{tl_count}]\n") print("\n╭⋟────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮") print(f'\n Total timeline scenes found: [{tl_count}/{total_files}]\n') print("╰────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────⋞╯\n\n")