2023-05-06 11:45:06 raider256 ayo 2023-05-06 11:45:07 jakobi76 Pog 2023-05-06 11:45:11 vash8 Wokege 2023-05-06 11:45:16 0verflux Wokege 2023-05-06 11:45:17 vulpeshd Wokege 2023-05-06 11:45:19 veibae_my_queen yo 2023-05-06 11:45:21 6voltos BatChest 2023-05-06 11:45:23 vash8 how was your walk with viggy 2023-05-06 11:45:24 raider256 spooked me mid tarkov run 2023-05-06 11:45:24 giantcookie sup cuh 2023-05-06 11:45:25 yoaaf Yo 2023-05-06 11:45:25 kiponz yo 2023-05-06 11:45:26 celestialkou sodaWoke 2023-05-06 11:45:27 cresco_ Wokege 2023-05-06 11:45:30 hypervirtualextreme Tuckge 2023-05-06 11:45:30 guggie8830 Is this the REAL skippy? 2023-05-06 11:45:30 jakobi76 Skippy is back Pog 2023-05-06 11:45:30 aret0s94 Yo 2023-05-06 11:45:31 t0astcat ass 2023-05-06 11:45:32 saaaaaahdude Let's go 2023-05-06 11:45:33 fuhji_ AINTNOWAY 2023-05-06 11:45:34 veibae_my_queen Wokege 2023-05-06 11:45:34 cdoggy Wokege 2023-05-06 11:45:35 avilonio_ HUH 2023-05-06 11:45:35 zray__gaming yo 2023-05-06 11:45:36 realking_b annytfPagMan skippy is back 2023-05-06 11:45:37 thedruidtyler Pog 2023-05-06 11:45:39 lilbyrnezzyboi Yo 2023-05-06 11:45:41 jakobi76 What's up Russel? SUBprise 2023-05-06 11:45:42 avnovas huh 2023-05-06 11:45:44 poppsq Wokege 2023-05-06 11:45:44 chuncesenpai Wokege 2023-05-06 11:45:46 deekool_ Yo 2023-05-06 11:45:46 bmonkyy Pog 2023-05-06 11:45:47 gentong_ Free Anny elisGrumpy 2023-05-06 11:45:51 fnjaf solo druid, cool 2023-05-06 11:45:53 thoukro โ™Ÿ๏ธ 2023-05-06 11:45:54 acencitylive yo 2023-05-06 11:45:54 sambaxota omg I love skippy 2023-05-06 11:45:55 0verflux it's been so long skippy FeelsStrongMan 2023-05-06 11:45:56 phabrysio Stare you're late mr.poppins 2023-05-06 11:45:57 realking_b PepeHands anny 2023-05-06 11:45:57 kyzed dark and darker looks a bit diffrent ... 2023-05-06 11:45:59 levitax EU friendly PogChamp 2023-05-06 11:46:00 ashdemai skippy 2023-05-06 11:46:01 philip0906 I should sleep but I won't, glad second stream 2023-05-06 11:46:01 yekee Sot 2023-05-06 11:46:02 teslatalks skippy 2023-05-06 11:46:03 rubees_ BorpaFoundYou 2023-05-06 11:46:05 tabloid2 !game 2023-05-06 11:46:05 fossabot @tabloid2, [Error: Invalid username.] 2023-05-06 11:46:06 cruzix__ Wrong game FeelsBadMan though it was DaD 2023-05-06 11:46:06 personalcomp damn i really thought dark and darker was back 2023-05-06 11:46:06 yekee Soy 2023-05-06 11:46:08 junlianli dark and darker starting to look alot like wow 2023-05-06 11:46:08 exoxit1 xdd 2023-05-06 11:46:08 plutomonkey Please unmute so I'm not only listening to the voices in my head 2023-05-06 11:46:09 glowffin Finally the skippster is here 2023-05-06 11:46:11 gecka12 not DaD moon2A 2023-05-06 11:46:12 0verflux xdx 2023-05-06 11:46:13 t0astcat juan 2023-05-06 11:46:22 realking_b xdd TeaTime 2023-05-06 11:46:22 scepps hey chat xddwave 2023-05-06 11:46:27 kaiax1 SUMMIT DEAD ;( 2023-05-06 11:46:28 0verflux xddwave 2023-05-06 11:46:28 rawlaa This is not dad FallCry 2023-05-06 11:46:32 hypervirtualextreme peepoCamp 2023-05-06 11:46:32 yekee Gay and gayer 2023-05-06 11:46:33 realking_b xddwave 2023-05-06 11:46:36 ferg767 F summit Sadge 2023-05-06 11:46:38 seeknix how could he not stream it D: 2023-05-06 11:46:38 guggie8830 I have a song you'll like! :) sodaWAVE 2023-05-06 11:46:43 day5ide This is not dark and darker 2023-05-06 11:46:43 athio Sound ModCheck 2023-05-06 11:46:49 rossdaddy DIED OFFSTREAM TOO PepeHands 2023-05-06 11:46:56 muegetsen what level he die at? 2023-05-06 11:46:56 tarzan_jesus1 rare Skippy stream 2023-05-06 11:46:58 phabrysio XDDHappi 2023-05-06 11:47:00 teslatalks omg skippy is sponsored by starforge!? :O 2023-05-06 11:47:05 gd_tobi PauseChamp 2023-05-06 11:47:05 farsyncmaxrev sodaWoke 2023-05-06 11:47:08 cryptic252 POG 2023-05-06 11:47:10 tabloid2 skippy is in elevated 2023-05-06 11:47:17 phabrysio xddinside 2023-05-06 11:47:19 guggie8830 I heard Skippy is next OTK member 2023-05-06 11:47:22 0verflux xddflippingonxddentge 2023-05-06 11:47:24 haewen i thought skippy got ligma 2023-05-06 11:47:26 cyrixb lvl 17 PepeLaugh 2023-05-06 11:47:29 madtypez wasn't he like 19 yesterday lol 2023-05-06 11:47:30 thenima Pog ? 2023-05-06 11:47:33 doobie077 Hmm 2023-05-06 11:47:37 tarzan_jesus1 You died offstream? 2023-05-06 11:47:38 thebluetigah i saw dark and darker a split second and now im depressed 2023-05-06 11:47:38 moxp Where is the woman? 2023-05-06 11:47:38 grayfoxsw20 my heart dropped, game says dark and darker 2023-05-06 11:47:39 bobbymondays wtf? 2023-05-06 11:47:45 thebluetigah thanks a lot 2023-05-06 11:47:45 phabrysio @MadtypeZ $ BIG BEARS 2023-05-06 11:47:47 mrphonoodle yo 2023-05-06 11:47:50 ydyote @GrayFoxSW20, same man 2023-05-06 11:47:50 gebenhd Fix vod Madge 2023-05-06 11:47:50 thenima @GrayFoxSW20 same :) 2023-05-06 11:47:53 bobbymondays oh it said dark and darker for me PepeLaugh 2023-05-06 11:47:54 imjustarandomguy xdd 2023-05-06 11:47:55 malderoni sodaWiggle 2023-05-06 11:47:58 cryptic252 @GrayFoxSW20 samesame 2023-05-06 11:47:59 khalil23ch skippy sponsored by razerrr???? lets gooooo 2023-05-06 11:48:00 sunlitebro true 2023-05-06 11:48:06 goldfausst did he die while i ws sleeping? 2023-05-06 11:48:10 mrphonoodle y he lvl 17 2023-05-06 11:48:11 gingerdipz pyah 2023-05-06 11:48:12 goobersman420 dnd? 2023-05-06 11:48:15 tarzan_jesus1 Lil bro died offstream fr fr 2023-05-06 11:48:19 pepeleptic dnd xdd 2023-05-06 11:48:21 firstfirekeeper Pog dark and oh fuck wow FeelsWeakMan 2023-05-06 11:48:22 0verflux xdx 2023-05-06 11:48:28 shunixtt this is probably just a solo character ? 2023-05-06 11:48:32 thepotheadrabit dis his solo hc? 2023-05-06 11:48:32 johncancerr xdd 2023-05-06 11:48:34 boobaman27 lmao soda died offstream 2023-05-06 11:48:39 phabrysio bears PepeLaugh 2023-05-06 11:48:40 hypervirtualextreme peepoRiot 2023-05-06 11:48:43 lameoj_ im schizoing out looking at his bars for a cam now 2023-05-06 11:48:46 elillama_ yay 2023-05-06 11:48:48 tabloid2 xpp 2023-05-06 11:48:50 elillama_ finally sodaWiggle 2023-05-06 11:48:51 malderoni xddperiodt 2023-05-06 11:48:53 0verflux xdx ๓ €€ 2023-05-06 11:48:53 thebluetigah oh hes doing solo hc too 2023-05-06 11:48:54 garians pyah 2023-05-06 11:48:58 tarzan_jesus1 xddsittingverycomfortablearoundacampfirewithitsfriends 2023-05-06 11:48:59 veibae_my_queen xdx 2023-05-06 11:48:59 yubash1ri He's back hype 2023-05-06 11:49:01 antivist_f @Shunixtt yup 2023-05-06 11:49:01 levitax copyThis is intense. I hope he wins 2023-05-06 11:49:05 itsnotme2206 xddperiodt yass 2023-05-06 11:49:06 pressed___ skippy reached max level and created another character 2023-05-06 11:49:07 yubash1ri its my birthday today chat im 24 hype 2023-05-06 11:49:15 kappa_king aint no way hes levelling again 2023-05-06 11:49:16 zenj4 musac? 2023-05-06 11:49:16 kaijln YOOOOOOOOOO 2023-05-06 11:49:17 bobbymondays @yubash1ri, FeelsBirthdayMan 2023-05-06 11:49:18 baltimore_or_riot Aware pushing 30 2023-05-06 11:49:25 guggie8830 @yubash1ri FeelsBirthdayMan Enjoy your day :) 2023-05-06 11:49:26 mikehuntis4timmy @yubash1ri welcome to being an old man 2023-05-06 11:49:27 goryuka what the fuck D: skippster 2023-05-06 11:49:31 shadedicky no pepeJAM :( 2023-05-06 11:49:35 yubash1ri <3 getting up in age yup 2023-05-06 11:49:35 tarzan_jesus1 @yubash1ri you want a fucking prize? Jk gz 2023-05-06 11:49:36 muricorn did he died or leveling alt? 2023-05-06 11:49:39 cruzix__ Even in wow you can be what you want now. He classifies himself as a stupid cat 2023-05-06 11:49:41 plumel_1909 meow 2023-05-06 11:49:42 smartflex LUL 2023-05-06 11:49:42 yubash1ri ty for the love 2023-05-06 11:49:42 tabloid2 @yubash1ri FeelsBirthdayMan 2023-05-06 11:49:43 schwifter bear on bear violence 2023-05-06 11:49:43 jordi_96 i don't celebrate getting older tbh, since it means less time to be alive Sadge 2023-05-06 11:49:44 phizban Happy happies sodaWiggle 2023-05-06 11:49:44 obscurne Lmao twitch was displaying that soda played Dark and Darker WTF LUL 2023-05-06 11:49:48 smartflex Well Well Well 2023-05-06 11:49:50 athio Whereโ€™s wifey 2023-05-06 11:49:55 bobbymondays i assume if he's solo he cant play the other character chat FYI, hc rules 2023-05-06 11:49:55 farsyncmaxrev no musica sodaCry 2023-05-06 11:49:56 elillama_ @muricorn, vkey might be asleep so he is solo leveling another alt 2023-05-06 11:49:58 yubash1ri <3 you chat have a good day 2023-05-06 11:50:12 plumel_1909 <3 2023-05-06 11:50:15 thenima <3 2023-05-06 11:50:16 tabloid2 XDDWiggle 2023-05-06 11:50:21 sambaxota Well, this is basically like dark and darker if you think about it 2023-05-06 11:50:22 bobbymondays <3 2023-05-06 11:50:23 0verflux XDDHappi 2023-05-06 11:50:31 bobbymondays hav a good birdday 2023-05-06 11:50:33 athio More like sad and sadder 2023-05-06 11:50:38 mdilldill This isn't dark and darker 2023-05-06 11:50:41 tairaaaaa catsitting 2023-05-06 11:50:44 hipsterian Really enjoying my tier 3 sub, the commentary is hilarious :D 2023-05-06 11:50:52 tapendu plsBlob 2023-05-06 11:51:09 mdilldill its bear and bearer 2023-05-06 11:51:09 tabloid2 xddJAM 2023-05-06 11:51:18 regvlarr ayayaxddjam skippy stream 2023-05-06 11:51:18 fewe___ @Jordi_96 you should celebrate that u have made it this far 2023-05-06 11:51:32 avnovas Where am I 2023-05-06 11:51:46 kyotocoffee no music Sadge 2023-05-06 11:51:49 kappa_king has anyone been to a glory hole here 2023-05-06 11:51:58 regvlarr HUH 2023-05-06 11:51:59 resendez1337 no 2023-05-06 11:52:00 garzist bear on bear violence 2023-05-06 11:52:03 karmundur bear vs bear Pog 2023-05-06 11:52:05 sambaxota on what end 2023-05-06 11:52:15 mdilldill i can't bear to watch this 2023-05-06 11:52:18 pluxxygaming He died ? 2023-05-06 11:52:18 moxp pepeKek 2023-05-06 11:52:19 kappa_king any end lol 2023-05-06 11:52:19 jordi_96 @fewe___ true that 2023-05-06 11:52:21 aaronroot15 no way 2023-05-06 11:52:22 lexuz26 Omg no they broke up 2023-05-06 11:52:27 kappaisilluminati glory hole is one of these things that might seem appealing but is actually disgusting 2023-05-06 11:52:29 ministerolaf my pp isnt long enough to go through the hole Sadge 2023-05-06 11:52:32 gebenhd sodaSUFFER 2023-05-06 11:52:33 elillama_ @PluxxyGaming, he is solo not duo rn so no 2023-05-06 11:52:39 cxw7sh Fat and fatter 2023-05-06 11:52:46 mdilldill gay and gayer 2023-05-06 11:52:47 pluxxygaming they broke ? 2023-05-06 11:52:52 isthatclint On what end? As of one side is different than the other 2023-05-06 11:52:56 aftertitan summit died at 31 2023-05-06 11:52:59 todestorpedo Your dick can fit in a glory hole? 2023-05-06 11:53:01 thecowski watchm7Gnome what is good my gnomers 2023-05-06 11:53:02 kappa_king I feel like it would be fun if you've packing 2023-05-06 11:53:12 kappaisilluminati F summit your streams will be missed ๐Ÿ•ฏ๏ธ 2023-05-06 11:53:20 hipsterian Skippy and vei broke up Sadge 2023-05-06 11:53:27 cxw7sh <โ€” Sad and suicidal 2023-05-06 11:53:31 dontstopbelieviin bro im watching the vod from the main, chill 2023-05-06 11:53:36 moxp @PluxxyGaming Yes soda is playing solo wow hc which directly implicates that they broke up. 2023-05-06 11:53:40 thecowski @CxW7SH you are so cool 2023-05-06 11:53:45 wamayy wideVIBE 2023-05-06 11:53:46 shadedicky literally the same gameplay forever. Actual darkshore simulator 2023-05-06 11:53:50 hipsterian Vei with me rn tbh 2023-05-06 11:53:53 johnsmiththe3rd Why he playing an alt? 2023-05-06 11:53:58 pluxxygaming NICE 2023-05-06 11:53:59 mdilldill @MOXP Very true 2023-05-06 11:54:04 bmonkyy @PluxxyGaming veis a single mother now Sadge 2023-05-06 11:54:09 kappa_king would it matter who was on the other end sucking you off 2023-05-06 11:54:12 elillama_ he is playing an alt cause he is NOT duoing rn 2023-05-06 11:54:15 regvlarr xddbriish people are too gullible 2023-05-06 11:54:15 elillama_ use ur BRAINS xdd 2023-05-06 11:54:19 sithius75 leveling up 2 druids at a time ? danHmm 2023-05-06 11:54:20 fatal_flaw xddarrive 2023-05-06 11:54:31 danne1116 Its 5am im watching soda and looking at new jobs to apply for 2023-05-06 11:54:35 0verflux who is this soda you all talking to Hmm 2023-05-06 11:54:35 shadedicky @sithius75 3* 2023-05-06 11:54:37 karmundur @dontstopbelieviin was doing the same lmao 2023-05-06 11:54:40 bushdidkush_ what's the current highest lvl? 2023-05-06 11:54:42 jordi_96 bear vs tiger xdd 2023-05-06 11:54:44 sithius75 @ShadeDicky NotLikeThis why 2023-05-06 11:54:45 tasty_fingers @Kappa_King Exactly, who cares what's on the other side, as long as there's good dick to suck gachiBASS 2023-05-06 11:54:46 0verflux xdd 2023-05-06 11:54:54 shadedicky @sithius75 stockholm syndrome? 2023-05-06 11:55:08 kappa_king JOOOEBIDEN 2023-05-06 11:55:11 ichigooppa Its 5am im watching soda and squeezing my hog to this 2023-05-06 11:55:13 xiondisc FeelsStrongMan 2023-05-06 11:55:16 sithius75 @ShadeDicky damn that's a very serious one LUL 2023-05-06 11:55:18 thenima LLUL 2023-05-06 11:55:29 kappaisilluminati dear mr strimmer, I would humbly request for you to talk about hans eli fors, thank you 2023-05-06 11:55:32 warkless Wokege 2023-05-06 11:55:40 shadedicky @sithius75 malfurion kept him prisoner for the past 20 years its his only option he knows no other way 2023-05-06 11:55:41 k3jenna meow 2023-05-06 11:55:42 radrage69 Wtf is that guild conversion 2023-05-06 11:55:59 absolutely_danish no waaaay, skippy!!!! 2023-05-06 11:56:01 mdilldill This man is living his best bear fantasy 2023-05-06 11:56:07 azsharoth We back EZ on solo even Pog 2023-05-06 11:56:10 uncle_druidus oh the misery NOOOO 2023-05-06 11:56:15 marksman91 you need to leave that guild asap LUL 2023-05-06 11:56:15 coptah what build is he on his solo druid ? 2023-05-06 11:56:18 karmundur music please RapThis 2023-05-06 11:56:19 sithius75 @ShadeDicky oh he was stuck in the emerald dream with him all along danS 2023-05-06 11:56:30 shadedicky monkaW 2023-05-06 11:56:40 kappaisilluminati why is there so little water, is climate change real in wow? KKona 2023-05-06 11:56:41 regnory 5am grinding! savixHypers 2023-05-06 11:56:44 regvlarr SOODA address the butt implant allegations 2023-05-06 11:56:50 nomgol Did he die again? 2023-05-06 11:56:52 chillyhtx The tizz is strong in this one 2023-05-06 11:56:56 kappa_king mod 2023-05-06 11:57:10 uhektiim fucking princess boar can suck one Smadge 2023-05-06 11:57:15 mlgswaglord guild chat is unhinged 2023-05-06 11:57:18 uhektiim I hate this game naow 2023-05-06 11:57:26 saffers93 pull 4 mobs again 4Head 2023-05-06 11:57:36 mdilldill peepoFeet 2023-05-06 11:57:37 normiesweirdchamp this loser is leveling alone again, classic 2023-05-06 11:57:47 kappa_king is anyone a mod here for the main channel, it says my email address is unable to chat for ages now, I just haven't been bothered to try and fix it, I dont remember saying anything ban worthy 2023-05-06 11:57:48 elillama_ @UhekTiim, kite it with the fence and it is ez 2023-05-06 11:57:51 thecowski watchm7Suave 2023-05-06 11:57:52 cxw7sh I once heard that all druids are gay, is that true Mr.poppin? 2023-05-06 11:57:54 thecowski WatchingStream 2023-05-06 11:57:58 pressed___ guys, i heard skippy is playing by himself because vei died in the war. thank you for your sevrice vei and God Bless the troops 2023-05-06 11:58:05 mlgswaglord monkaW 2023-05-06 11:58:09 azsharoth oom xdd 2023-05-06 11:58:12 tyrbergs monkaW 2023-05-06 11:58:16 gammmon xpp 2023-05-06 11:58:17 bluffen xdd 2023-05-06 11:58:19 uhektiim @elillama_ I tried it ended up using its ability and killed me mid heal cast 2023-05-06 11:58:22 regvlarr vei got deleted monkaOMEGA 2023-05-06 11:58:36 krydun What server is hardcore 2023-05-06 11:58:36 giantcookie im super horny 2023-05-06 11:58:38 uhektiim mfer drifted around the fence 2023-05-06 11:58:39 elillama_ @UhekTiim, salute to you fallen soldier o7 2023-05-06 11:58:52 lolnotnate peepoComfy 2023-05-06 11:58:52 driix6 monkaS 2023-05-06 11:58:52 pressed___ Sadge 2023-05-06 11:58:53 regvlarr ayayaxddjam 2023-05-06 11:58:55 kappaisilluminati clutch save 2023-05-06 11:58:55 giantcookie anybody else have a good day today :D 2023-05-06 11:59:06 lolnotnate peepoComfy hope you have a good stream skippy 2023-05-06 11:59:08 soap_v monkaS vei died? 2023-05-06 11:59:08 xorph a third druid but solo? Is that what this is 2023-05-06 11:59:09 mdilldill Dark and darker HUH 2023-05-06 11:59:10 hydjiro big fish :) 2023-05-06 11:59:13 thenima YEP guild chat is great :) 2023-05-06 11:59:16 thehpjx xddcoptercute 2023-05-06 11:59:17 zizonyx eavShy 2023-05-06 11:59:17 veganhealer nice to see him play solo, i couldnt stand that annoying bitches voice 2023-05-06 11:59:21 kappa_king whats the odds on a soda and vei kitchen stream on nmps stream 2023-05-06 11:59:21 idkappa18 no musica? Sadge 2023-05-06 11:59:28 hydjiro lmao 2023-05-06 11:59:30 shadedicky MODS @veganhealer 2023-05-06 11:59:31 mrqrul @kappa_king 0 2023-05-06 11:59:32 driix6 bjpDriix / howdy chat 2023-05-06 11:59:35 kellphy No jammies? kellphYPEPEHANDS 2023-05-06 11:59:39 azsharoth EZ Driix 2023-05-06 11:59:40 lolnotnate @Driix6, vulpes3Flower 2023-05-06 11:59:42 giantcookie @Kappa_King if that happens it wont be for at least another year 2023-05-06 11:59:42 regvlarr impossible, she wont be on cam 2023-05-06 11:59:47 kappaisilluminati the sound, of silence Kreygasm 2023-05-06 11:59:52 a_blackbox nice perma 2023-05-06 11:59:57 shadedicky :) 2023-05-06 11:59:59 voxygen_ meow 2023-05-06 12:00:00 regvlarr sodaWave drix 2023-05-06 12:00:01 yubash1ri nice perma 2023-05-06 12:00:06 kappa_king @giantcookie whys that 2023-05-06 12:00:09 sob590 Chat did they do Deadmines last night? 2023-05-06 12:00:12 xorph 4th druid waiting room 2023-05-06 12:00:17 hairhaver123 HECKIN LOVE WOW 2023-05-06 12:00:21 hairhaver123 BAAAAAAAAAAT 2023-05-06 12:00:28 giantcookie @Kappa_King prob because if she wants to show her face it will take her some time to make that decision and then appear on streams after that 2023-05-06 12:00:29 kappa_king @sob590 they did it earlier 2023-05-06 12:00:30 driix6 Stare 2023-05-06 12:00:35 a_blackbox lookUp 2023-05-06 12:00:36 pajamaplease ima boutta bustt 2023-05-06 12:00:37 loserxii Stare 2023-05-06 12:00:37 giantcookie but i dont see that happening for a couple years 2023-05-06 12:00:42 0verflux Stare 2023-05-06 12:00:43 gebenhd Stare 2023-05-06 12:00:43 giantcookie SHRUGGERS 2023-05-06 12:00:45 nomgol Is this his 2nd character or did he die again? 2023-05-06 12:00:49 pressed___ Stare 2023-05-06 12:00:53 mdilldill Stare soda really 2023-05-06 12:00:54 regvlarr sodaSTARE 2023-05-06 12:00:55 voxygen_ 4th character 2023-05-06 12:00:58 bga9 giantcookie you realize her face is already on the internet right? 2023-05-06 12:01:00 1bugivugi she cant be on cam, otherwise simps wont come to her streams anymore of disappointment LUL 2023-05-06 12:01:01 shadedicky @nomgol this like 4th brother 2023-05-06 12:01:04 uhektiim peepoFAT time to order chicken halloumi wrap 2023-05-06 12:01:05 mikecheal Stare 2023-05-06 12:01:05 daft_simon this is som 4 am degen gaming for sure 2023-05-06 12:01:06 tapendu plsZoom 2023-05-06 12:01:07 benburke6 Stare 2023-05-06 12:01:07 zyfon @nomgol I think third solo alt 2023-05-06 12:01:13 mrqrul @bga9 so what? 2023-05-06 12:01:18 azsharoth Is that vkey? SUSSY 2023-05-06 12:01:36 bga9 people acting like she doesnt come on cam because shes scared or some bs 2023-05-06 12:01:40 voxygen_ melp real 2023-05-06 12:01:42 thehpjx Stare 2023-05-06 12:01:49 cyclops_tobs f 2023-05-06 12:01:50 tarzan_jesus1 Chat getting weird again 2023-05-06 12:01:50 mdilldill Stare show feet 2023-05-06 12:01:51 kappaisilluminati cringe chatters docLeave 2023-05-06 12:01:53 mrnamington ok 2023-05-06 12:01:53 driix6 Stare good stream 2023-05-06 12:01:54 ahhhhsplat xddcomfy 2023-05-06 12:01:55 adeow sodaOffline 2023-05-06 12:01:55 daft_simon f 2023-05-06 12:01:55 sawkondez f? 2023-05-06 12:01:55 zizonyx Good stream 2023-05-06 12:01:56 absolutely_danish Sadge 2023-05-06 12:01:56 bwv861 @UhekTiim what is local time you degenerate 2023-05-06 12:01:56 hydjiro goodnight 2023-05-06 12:01:57 malstrond F 2023-05-06 12:01:58 a_blackbox Stare good stream 2023-05-06 12:01:58 sambaxota wtf 2023-05-06 12:01:58 giantcookie gg 2023-05-06 12:01:58 cryptic252 F 2023-05-06 12:01:59 tarzan_jesus1 See that's what U get 2023-05-06 12:01:59 yubash1ri ope F? 2023-05-06 12:02:00 privatesmack06 ? 2023-05-06 12:02:01 elillama_ Sadge 2023-05-06 12:02:02 pajamaplease awwwwwwwwwww shoot 2023-05-06 12:02:02 mikecheal Good stream FeelsOkayMan 2023-05-06 12:02:03 idkappa18 splendid stream 2023-05-06 12:02:03 loserxii Stare Thanks for that 2023-05-06 12:02:03 azsharoth Good stream 2023-05-06 12:02:04 voxygen_ F 2023-05-06 12:02:04 jamason__ LULW 2023-05-06 12:02:04 zandow Good job chat 2023-05-06 12:02:05 ashdemai that was quick 2023-05-06 12:02:05 regvlarr Stare wtf 2023-05-06 12:02:06 wamayy widepeepoSad 2023-05-06 12:02:06 shadedicky yeah fr just end 2023-05-06 12:02:08 itsthatkitty F 2023-05-06 12:02:11 thenima <3 2023-05-06 12:02:12 elillama_ pain 2023-05-06 12:02:12 ptm101 Sadge 2023-05-06 12:02:13 uhektiim 12 pm @BWV861 2023-05-06 12:02:14 azsharoth ppl in chat being weird Stare 2023-05-06 12:02:15 regvlarr way to go chat xddbriish 2023-05-06 12:02:15 zinful97 bozos 2023-05-06 12:02:16 ahhhhsplat damn 2023-05-06 12:02:16 isthatclint It was because you called her fat 2023-05-06 12:02:16 jamason__ Could see that coming LULW 2023-05-06 12:02:16 normiesweirdchamp so bad OMEAGLUL 2023-05-06 12:02:19 ihssoy Well, back to the vod 2023-05-06 12:02:19 hairhaver123 stop talking about vkey Sadge 2023-05-06 12:02:21 mdilldill Stare wow this was a great stream full of great times 2023-05-06 12:02:21 isthatclint Nice one 2023-05-06 12:02:24 sambaxota good job chat Madge 2023-05-06 12:02:24 loserxii Azsharoth Stare 2023-05-06 12:02:24 aaroninternet guys hes hopping on main acct wit vei duh 2023-05-06 12:02:30 husteguzel great 17 minutes Stare 2023-05-06 12:02:31 pressed___ atpCap 2023-05-06 12:02:32 daft_simon good stream honestly best skippy has done in a while 2023-05-06 12:02:32 fudgement Aight gn 2023-05-06 12:02:33 voxygen_ Nice one retards 2023-05-06 12:02:34 shadedicky chat being moronic on a fucking alt stream 2023-05-06 12:02:37 sawkondez man wtf 2023-05-06 12:02:37 cryptic252 @AaronInternet COPIUM 2023-05-06 12:02:40 iwasbandnowimnot i just got here ReallyMad 2023-05-06 12:02:49 cozser damn incels gotta ruin everything 2023-05-06 12:02:49 okashi_xd did he die 2023-05-06 12:02:49 huckston hello skippers 2023-05-06 12:02:49 johnsmiththe3rd Round 2 2023-05-06 12:02:50 retonyan kanasDed 2023-05-06 12:02:50 zakyprime @hairhaver123 what happened? 2023-05-06 12:02:52 majicnanas what the fickity frack man 2023-05-06 12:02:53 regvlarr xddDespair chat you did this 2023-05-06 12:02:53 azsharoth thats COPIUM 2023-05-06 12:02:54 0verflux xddOMEGALUL 2023-05-06 12:02:55 badgirlenjoyer Sadge 2023-05-06 12:02:57 driix6 Stare wonder if i still got my hourly pay... 2023-05-06 12:02:59 1bugivugi why have I been timed out LUL 2023-05-06 12:03:00 nikerto wtf happened 2023-05-06 12:03:01 mdilldill Stare come back 2023-05-06 12:03:01 driix6 LuL nvm 2023-05-06 12:03:02 mayonnezu Bro I just got here ffs 2023-05-06 12:03:03 duro777 Chatting just got here 2023-05-06 12:03:04 uhektiim I came here to watch him suffer not go back to my suffering ReallyMad 2023-05-06 12:03:10 stritterific ty skippy for my daily edging ๐Ÿ˜Œ 2023-05-06 12:03:21 tarzan_jesus1 @driix6 u get paid? 2023-05-06 12:03:22 sneitx Chatting wher is streamer 2023-05-06 12:03:24 iwasbandnowimnot entertain me ReallyMad 2023-05-06 12:03:30 kappaisilluminati @Driix6 EZ hazard bonus for sure with this chat room 2023-05-06 12:03:33 driix6 @tarzan_jesus1 i pay* bjpDriix 2023-05-06 12:03:35 dan_i_e_l_ cringe chatters being cringe 2023-05-06 12:03:36 thewolfwraith sodaOffline 2023-05-06 12:03:44 badgirlenjoyer not only does he do it for free, he pays for the privilege 2023-05-06 12:03:45 oldmanmoui the unfathomable sadness has returned 2023-05-06 12:03:47 mdilldill Stare 2023-05-06 12:03:49 giantcookie lookUp 2023-05-06 12:03:49 kappa_king @Driix6 check whisper please 2023-05-06 12:03:50 iwasbandnowimnot 3 big balls xddanse 2023-05-06 12:03:55 sambaxota lookDown 2023-05-06 12:03:58 badgirlenjoyer lookUp 2023-05-06 12:03:59 daft_simon he pays to be a mod lol i could almost belive it 2023-05-06 12:04:02 driix6 i did check Stare 2023-05-06 12:04:03 voxygen_ xddanse 2023-05-06 12:04:03 nervationz I'm lost what happened 2023-05-06 12:04:07 shadedicky we love misogynism in the chat TRUEING 2023-05-06 12:04:10 kappaisilluminati he died in the war 2023-05-06 12:04:12 giantcookie he ended the steram :D 2023-05-06 12:04:27 yubash1ri AlienPls catCozy 2023-05-06 12:04:29 giantcookie what is best starbucks order 2023-05-06 12:04:35 tarzan_jesus1 Some absolute tizzlers creeped the fuck out of the strimmer 2023-05-06 12:04:36 daft_simon yeah kinda weird chat just go back to rosting skippy 2023-05-06 12:04:38 nervationz Coffee 2023-05-06 12:04:40 ihssoy The non-existent one @giantcookie 2023-05-06 12:04:42 hydjiro iced white mocha 2023-05-06 12:04:42 mdilldill imagine ending a stream Stare 2023-05-06 12:04:43 ihssoy fuck starbucks 2023-05-06 12:04:47 voxygen_ subhumans in the chat can't just vibe, have to talk about dumb shit 2023-05-06 12:04:49 ministerolaf he prolly realised that hes a degen and went to bed LUL 2023-05-06 12:04:50 chuncesenpai Stare 2023-05-06 12:04:55 driix6 lookUp now what 2023-05-06 12:04:55 kappa_king @Driix6 can you help? Ive been watching since college days and I want to be able to chat, I didnt do anythin 2023-05-06 12:04:56 okashi_xd so he died and went offline? 2023-05-06 12:04:56 kappaisilluminati let's talk about forsen 2023-05-06 12:05:04 tarzan_jesus1 Yes let's 2023-05-06 12:05:13 badgirlenjoyer imagine playing this many druids 2023-05-06 12:05:15 hydjiro ๐Ÿด 2023-05-06 12:05:18 giantcookie @Hydjiro ok i will remember do you add pumps of anything 2023-05-06 12:05:18 kappaisilluminati can't wait for another day of geoguessr and dota :D 2023-05-06 12:05:18 nervationz We don't talk about forsen no no no 2023-05-06 12:05:19 badgirlenjoyer he's a true furry 2023-05-06 12:05:24 tarzan_jesus1 Is dota 2 really that big of a deal? 2023-05-06 12:05:27 driix6 @kappa_king, ill take a quick look, reminder im not one of the admins 2023-05-06 12:05:29 zakyprime forsen 2023-05-06 12:05:33 voxygen_ forsen dota streams are lit 2023-05-06 12:05:38 tarzan_jesus1 Our god gamer should've conquered it by now 2023-05-06 12:05:43 uhektiim surley it was the storm cutting out electricity or internet xddcope 2023-05-06 12:05:45 giantcookie i would watch forsen play dota if i understood the game 2023-05-06 12:05:49 kappaisilluminati they are, i just want more okayeg comms Sadge 2023-05-06 12:05:52 kappa_king @Driix6 thanks, you're a mod tho right 2023-05-06 12:05:55 hydjiro @giantcookie i just replace the whipped cream with some sweet vanilla :) 2023-05-06 12:06:08 metalmordred I hope he goes back to permaing everyone again xddcope 2023-05-06 12:06:10 negativetoo Forsen never would end stream like tht 2023-05-06 12:06:36 giantcookie @Hydjiro NODDERS 2023-05-06 12:06:45 daft_simon i wonder if way started to stream again the weird chatter would go away 2023-05-06 12:06:54 daft_simon way = vei 2023-05-06 12:07:07 kappaisilluminati I think we're tamagucci, thanks for the subs, donos, bitcoins even, tomorrow is another day in the arena, enjoy your morning/evenining/afternoon whereever you're from, peace, I'll see you on the next one 2023-05-06 12:07:16 giantcookie why is vei on stream break 2023-05-06 12:07:19 uhektiim peepoPain time to create a new char and go agane 2023-05-06 12:07:20 giantcookie is she just lounging Ogre 2023-05-06 12:07:26 bobbymondays WTF happened? 2023-05-06 12:07:26 giantcookie Ogre not enabled 2023-05-06 12:07:40 bobbymondays u need editor right? 2023-05-06 12:07:46 daft_simon no leaking Sadge 2023-05-06 12:07:51 elillama_ @giantcookie, new model 2023-05-06 12:08:06 bobbymondays @Driix6, i was watchin bulps what happened? 2023-05-06 12:08:09 giantcookie @elillama_ what does that mean i dont watch vtubers 2023-05-06 12:08:18 bobbymondays scrolled chat being weird 2023-05-06 12:08:19 nervationz I just made you an editor @driix6 2023-05-06 12:08:19 giantcookie why do you need break for new model 2023-05-06 12:08:20 avilonio_ where mr poppins Sadge 2023-05-06 12:08:22 tripleballz_ @bobbymondays chat being cringe 2023-05-06 12:08:40 daft_simon some vei chatters couldnt hold it inn 2023-05-06 12:09:03 droher I just got baited it said skippy went live Sadge 2023-05-06 12:09:15 giantcookie i was just responding to a guy asking if they would do a irl stream together SHRUGGERS 2023-05-06 12:09:19 nervationz Do you think he is looking at this chat right now monkaW 2023-05-06 12:09:30 bobbymondays who cares PepeLaugh 2023-05-06 12:09:33 ydyote he gives 0 fucks 2023-05-06 12:09:42 voxygen_ he should give 0 fucks 2023-05-06 12:09:48 ydyote he saw these cringelords so he dipped 2023-05-06 12:09:54 giantcookie anybody got anything cool going on today 2023-05-06 12:09:56 giantcookie or tomorrow 2023-05-06 12:09:57 daft_simon @giantcookie was other weird shit 2 but he probably just went to bed LUL 2023-05-06 12:10:19 bobbymondays well if i had to guess mf'er needs to sleep if he wants to do sss tmrw but happythoShrug , gn folks 2023-05-06 12:10:29 nervationz I missed what even happened the stream literally ended as soon as I joined 2023-05-06 12:10:46 butwhenwilltheylearn OMEGALUL I didnt realize he started streaming after I sent SOODA 2023-05-06 12:10:51 voxygen_ people were being losers in chat so he ended 2023-05-06 12:11:04 billy_2d srry ill leave 2023-05-06 12:11:23 daft_simon we are guessing that was the problem we dont know anything lol 2023-05-06 12:11:30 hexxer_1 @Voxygen_ what sort of annoying shit was being said? 2023-05-06 12:11:39 daft_simon but some vei coomers was being weird 2023-05-06 12:11:46 nervationz Bro there is like nobody good on to watch rn Sadge 2023-05-06 12:11:52 voxygen_ @Voxygen_ vei this vei irl that, the usual parasocial garbage 2023-05-06 12:11:53 bobbymondays watch vulpes sss list 2023-05-06 12:12:02 butwhenwilltheylearn S4 2023-05-06 12:12:11 billy_2d peepoTrip 2023-05-06 12:12:43 driix6 Stare whos not naked 2023-05-06 12:12:52 gebenhd HUH 2023-05-06 12:12:53 ashdemai i am 2023-05-06 12:13:01 voxygen_ GIGACHAD always 2023-05-06 12:13:12 kaktz2081 i am right now gachiGASM 2023-05-06 12:13:15 daft_simon im outside Stare 2023-05-06 12:13:19 driix6 BillyApprove feel free and liberated 2023-05-06 12:13:25 driix6 well not outside 2023-05-06 12:13:36 ramen_deus @Voxygen_, also some incel shit and a well deserved perma 2023-05-06 12:13:45 voxygen_ @ramen_deus correct 2023-05-06 12:13:50 kaktz2081 get naked outside Madge right now 2023-05-06 12:14:01 voxygen_ streaker Stare 2023-05-06 12:14:12 pressed___ im naked. im also at the airport and will be taking a flight in 2 hours. pray for me 2023-05-06 12:14:23 pressed___ pray that i "finish the job" and die a glorious death 2023-05-06 12:14:25 driix6 LookingSussy 2023-05-06 12:14:31 shovel_knight25 do u feel 2023-05-06 12:14:31 0verflux weirdL 2023-05-06 12:14:32 shovel_knight25 pressed 2023-05-06 12:14:34 shovel_knight25 4Head 2023-05-06 12:14:36 shovel_knight25 DIESOFCRINGE 2023-05-06 12:14:39 pressed___ cum 2023-05-06 12:14:40 giantcookie @Voxygen_ brah the incel shit was cringe,but i havent tuned into a soda stream where he wasnt talking to her in like 6 months, if you dont want parasocial do some solo content every now and then 2023-05-06 12:14:56 giantcookie what is there besides sss and trash talk 2023-05-06 12:14:59 giantcookie SHRUGGERS 2023-05-06 12:15:07 thnqs @giantcookie jesus christ 2023-05-06 12:15:10 korupi horrible take 2023-05-06 12:15:15 daft_simon bruh that a trash take 2023-05-06 12:15:17 voxygen_ ^ 2023-05-06 12:15:20 giantcookie how is that a bad take lmao 2023-05-06 12:15:22 ex7raone so trash take 2023-05-06 12:15:24 slimehive or maybe people should just have an actual brain and not be weird asf 2023-05-06 12:15:25 gebenhd - iq 2023-05-06 12:15:27 bogusny no cookie you're a retard if you can't hold it in 2023-05-06 12:15:28 thnqs you're so fucking weird its blowing my mind 2023-05-06 12:15:28 athio Dafuq 2023-05-06 12:15:28 mdilldill Stare 2023-05-06 12:15:39 giantcookie every stream is just babe this babe that lmao what do you want from me 2023-05-06 12:15:41 voxygen_ Stare 2023-05-06 12:15:42 bogusny don't look for excuses for people being weird 2023-05-06 12:15:54 ex7raone so whats the problem with that ? 2023-05-06 12:15:58 daft_simon @giantcookie thats normal for couples wtf are you on about 2023-05-06 12:15:59 thnqs and why are you pressed about him enjoying his time with someone else 2023-05-06 12:16:01 pressed___ when i grow up, i want to be the guy editting all the eyes to be farther apart in OTK videos 2023-05-06 12:16:15 shovel_knight25 @pressed___ xddBased 2023-05-06 12:16:20 thnqs he's literally not streaming for you @giantcookie 2023-05-06 12:16:33 ramen_deus @giantcookie, if you cant handle listening to people in a relationship talking to eachother without turning into a freak the problems on you bud 2023-05-06 12:16:33 driix6 Stare Vei is the female variant of soda 2023-05-06 12:16:38 giantcookie @thnqs how is that pressed i literally said that is the majority of his content so ppl will talk about her 2023-05-06 12:16:45 giantcookie that is like the most 2023-05-06 12:16:46 driix6 Stare only vei isnt a girl 2023-05-06 12:16:46 giantcookie lukewarm take 2023-05-06 12:16:47 daft_simon @Driix6 best take 2023-05-06 12:16:48 giantcookie of all time 2023-05-06 12:16:51 driix6 Stare 2023-05-06 12:16:52 pressed___ @shovel_knight25, sometimes one eye is drooping down which is *chef's kiss* 2023-05-06 12:16:54 voxygen_ thanks 2023-05-06 12:16:57 ex7raone finally :) 2023-05-06 12:16:58 dragonicdrago driix is sus 2023-05-06 12:17:00 daft_simon got em LUL 2023-05-06 12:17:05 driix6 monkaW He is here 2023-05-06 12:17:06 dragonicdrago remember my words before i di- 2023-05-06 12:17:10 dragonicdrago !vanish 2023-05-06 12:17:14 0verflux monkaOMEGA 2023-05-06 12:17:17 driix6 monkaW soder i was joking 2023-05-06 12:17:23 thnqs i dont usually type in chat but holy shit that rattled me 2023-05-06 12:17:31 ramen_deus epic lol 2023-05-06 12:17:42 slimehive @thnqs same as I 2023-05-06 12:17:43 voxygen_ take so bad it gives you night terrors 2023-05-06 12:17:46 daft_simon monkaS 2023-05-06 12:17:48 dragonicdrago vote him out ReallyMad 2023-05-06 12:17:51 dragonicdrago !vanish 2023-05-06 12:17:53 dragonicdrago FRICK 2023-05-06 12:17:55 celestialkou how dare someone play with a person he enjoys playing with ReallyMad 2023-05-06 12:17:56 driix6 monkaW good vibes only 2023-05-06 12:17:58 voxygen_ ReallyMad 2023-05-06 12:18:02 voxygen_ no 2023-05-06 12:18:05 celestialkou grr that makes me mad ReallyMad 2023-05-06 12:18:07 voxygen_ vibes are gone ReallyMad 2023-05-06 12:18:08 ex7raone monkaW 2023-05-06 12:18:12 dragonicdrago ReallyMad im mad 2023-05-06 12:18:12 voxygen_ furious ReallyMad 2023-05-06 12:18:13 celestialkou having fun grrr ReallyMad 2023-05-06 12:18:18 bogusny yeah putting blame for weirdos online on streamers is some real sad shit 2023-05-06 12:18:23 thnqs back to osrs now ReallyMad 2023-05-06 12:18:24 ex7raone ReallyMad 2023-05-06 12:18:35 celestialkou back to being depressed and not talking to anyone NAOW ReallyMad 2023-05-06 12:18:37 pressed___ i know what everybody is thinking with all this tension in chat 2023-05-06 12:18:44 shovel_knight25 borpaSpin 2023-05-06 12:18:45 daft_simon wow HC streams has been fun ReallyMad 2023-05-06 12:18:49 ex7raone no u dont 2023-05-06 12:18:49 pressed___ "would you kiss skippy in the mouth?" 2023-05-06 12:18:57 shovel_knight25 BorpaFoundYou 2023-05-06 12:18:59 driix6 wait i forgot what i ordered 2023-05-06 12:19:06 pressed___ and the answer is absol-frggin-lutely yeas 2023-05-06 12:19:06 ex7raone wait what 2023-05-06 12:19:12 driix6 either soft tacos or bake stuff 2023-05-06 12:19:24 celestialkou driix you ordered a pizza 2023-05-06 12:19:25 pressed___ how do you forget that 2023-05-06 12:19:32 celestialkou i saw 2023-05-06 12:19:36 voxygen_ ReallyMad I really enjoy soda HC content, it really brings out genuine degeneracy which I really enjoy 2023-05-06 12:19:49 daft_simon so true 2023-05-06 12:19:59 ex7raone guys guys lets raid Vulpes 2023-05-06 12:20:12 daft_simon feels like god old soda content frfr