00:17 you where you 01:32 m m 01:18 all right welcome to defense Diaries I'm 01:20 your host Bob maada and this is the 01:23 people versus Richard Allen day five so 01:27 another day uh a trial it was another 02:31 exciting day action-packed only three 02:34 Witnesses but a lot of information came 02:37 out kind of the uh 10,000 foot view from 02:42 high up in the sky essentially we had 02:44 Sarah carbaugh iwitness uh she is 02:48 another one of the eyewitnesses that 02:51 wasn't on the trail that day but is an 02:53 eyewitness who believes that she saw 02:56 Bridge guy walking on 300 North which 02:00 again is that uh county road that runs 02:04 north of the trail system and uh she was 02:08 very interesting to say the least 02:11 her her testimony was uh was unlike any 02:16 that I've ever seen just in terms of her 02:19 demeanor uh she would have been 02:20 appointment television she would have 02:23 gone 02:24 viral on the socials because it was just 02:28 it was so bizarre her her personality 03:31 was really really hard for me to try to 03:36 pinpoint what was so strange to me about 03:39 her but it just was um secondly we then 03:43 had uh the forensic pathologist come on 03:48 and he of course went through the 03:50 autopsies it was uh obviously 03:53 devastating you know they had 03:55 the you know and it's clinical autopsies 03:58 are clinical it's it's a different vibe 03:02 than the vibe you get when you're 03:04 looking at the crime scene photos where 03:06 you 03:07 have somebody that 03:10 is uh or two people that 03:13 are in the surroundings where the crime 03:16 happened you know it's like you you feel 03:18 a different way whereas you're looking 03:20 at the autopsy photographs you still 03:23 feel the 03:25 heartache but it it's easier to look 03:28 look at because you're trying to 03:30 understand and the science behind it 04:31 while the forensic pathologist is 04:34 testifying if that if that makes sense 04:37 you know I'm not I'm not good with blood 04:39 like it's always been a thing with me 04:41 it's like since childhood I'm like I get 04:43 queasy so you know when I've had cases 04:46 where I have you know had gruesome crime 04:49 scenes uh that were a part of the case 04:51 it's always been challenging for me but 04:53 you know I have to suck it up and and do 04:55 it uh and finally we had Chris Cecil who 04:58 was 04:00 uh who is the uh digital forensic guy uh 04:05 that took over in 2019 he is the 04:07 gentleman who I saw testify earlier uh 04:11 this year in Late July early August 04:13 during the three days of hearings uh he 04:16 didn't get any better he's still uh in 04:19 my estimation not a very good witness in 04:21 terms of the State uh and that's just 04:25 objectively like he's just not a very 04:27 learned man in in the ways of 05:31 uh digital forensics that's just my 05:33 honest evaluation of him um he is not 05:36 somebody I would quantify as a powerful 05:39 witness for the state and uh kind of the 05:45 like and I'm just going to tell you guys 05:46 I gotta do I'm doing Vinnie tonight 9:30 05:48 I want I know I'm going up against 05:51 Andrea and I'm probably going up against 05:52 Lee I don't care uh I like I can't go 05:56 until midnight again tonight this is 05:58 going to force me to keep this thing 05:59 short Ali's got something else to do 05:02 tonight so she's not going to be with us 05:04 uh it's just going to be me I'm going to 05:06 power through I'm going to try to give 05:07 you guys all the Deets that I 05:09 can I'm G to try to answer some 05:11 questions if I can get through the 05:13 testimony real quickly and uh then I'm 05:16 going to bounce and then I'm on Vinnie 05:17 at 9:30 you guys come check that out I 05:20 don't know who I'm on with um that's 05:23 always interesting it's always like a 05:25 nice surprise to find out who I am uh 05:27 who on and we always have replay crew so 05:30 you know I'm sure that we're going to 06:31 have folks that are over with Andrea 06:32 that or Andrea and Lee that'll come and 06:34 watch on De on the replay which is good 06:37 I'm cool with it I'm good with it 06:39 tomorrow I'm GNA be the first on though 06:41 I'm gonna tell you that I'm gonna get my 06:42 ass here and on the stream before 06:44 anybody else uh because I want to uh I'm 06:49 tired of doing it late I want to try to 06:51 get on early uh I don't know if tomorrow 06:54 will be the day where we're going to 06:55 kind of split it up between Ally and I 06:56 the first day we're going to do that 06:58 where I give her my notes she comes live 06:00 early gets all the information out 06:03 before anybody and then I'll come back 06:06 and I'll clean it up at night with 06:08 whatever happened in the afternoon but I 06:10 don't know if that'll be tomorrow but 06:11 I'm G to be on early that's for certain 06:15 so uh I'm going to jump right into 06:17 it uh let's get into Sarah carbaugh she 06:21 was uh just in terms of kind of like the 06:24 the courtroom demeanor again uh Rick 06:28 Allen was very talkative as I said he is 07:31 he is very much engaged in this trial 07:34 like there is none of the uh 07:38 tranquilizer guy staring up at the 07:40 ceiling guy like he's talking with his 07:43 lawyers he looks like he's all there 07:46 mentally to me um I'm not seeing any 07:49 like and I'm not watching anybody else's 07:51 content so you all have to tell me 07:52 because I know you guys are digging in 07:53 all over the place which I encourage get 07:56 the views from all of us we all have 07:57 different perspectives on things uh 07:00 and that includes even defense attorneys 07:02 so Andrea and Lee look at things 07:04 differently than I do and um and vice 07:07 versa so I think it's it's healthy and 07:09 good for you guys to to get all the 07:10 Deets from everybody uh because we're 07:13 all going to make different observations 07:15 you know the reality is is that all of 07:17 us are sitting in there just trying to 07:18 write every single word down so like 07:21 like we're trying to act as court 07:23 reporters we're really trying to kind of 07:25 make transcripts so that we can just 07:27 relay what we're hearing leaving kind of 07:30 a lot of analysis out um just in general 08:34 but I think that ultimately at the end 08:36 of the day that uh you know you're 08:40 you're gonna get a pretty good idea of 08:42 what's going on in that courtroom uh 08:43 mcleland had on a nice uh I think it was 08:47 gray gray suit uh black shirt pink tie I 08:51 actually I like the look a lot thought 08:53 he looks sharp uh Rosie always looks 08:56 good he's always got uh I think he had a 08:58 navy blue suit on uh Andy uh Andy I 08:02 think it was in the Brown family uh he 08:04 looked sharp as well I started to think 08:06 Andy got a haircut I was I was gonna ask 08:09 him but uh I think he has other things 08:11 to worry about than asking my uh 08:13 answering my grooming questions but uh 08:15 and you guys let me know and I know I I 08:19 I was doing the the spaces the the audio 08:22 tweets today I know that the second one 08:24 got cut off uh it I've got three bars 08:27 outside of the courthouse it's it it is 08:29 what it is with that so I am going to um 09:34 really do my best with those because I 09:36 like those I like being able to tell you 09:38 guys because I'm able to impart more 09:40 information in short spaces than I am 09:43 trying to run out there grab my phone 09:45 tweet real quick turn my phone off throw 09:48 it in the box and run back upstairs it's 09:50 like I have a very short period of time 09:52 to do all that stuff in so uh I figured 09:54 that those spaces will be kind of a cool 09:56 way to give you guys uh that are 09:59 following me on Twitter Twitter over at 09:00 defense Diaries which you should be um 09:04 uh to give you guys kind of early 09:05 updates on what's popping all right so 09:09 let's dig into it uh my finger I cannot 09:11 feel my index like I officially cannot 09:14 feel my index finger at all from writing 09:17 after and we're only this is the fifth 09:19 day of trial and I skipped one Ally was 09:22 there Saturday so I think the whining 09:25 will probably intensify uh you know like 09:29 I'm not having to whine about having to 10:31 go through the nightmare of standing in 10:33 line so I I'm cognizant of that I am 10:36 cognizant of that um but I kind of got 10:39 that because I earned it I've been 10:41 covering the spoots on the 10:42 ground uh for since the arrest so like I 10:46 don't feel bad about it I feel like I I 10:48 earn that right uh to be in there 10:50 through our coverage and what we do and 10:52 what we say so um it is what it is all 10:56 right so let's go day five uh 10:00 initially when they come in they publish 10:02 uh mullen's so the first thing that 10:05 happens is mcleland says we want to 10:07 publish which publish means that they're 10:09 handing exhibits that they've printed 10:11 out for the jury to the jury okay so the 10:14 Mullins had a few exhibits uh 213 2 uh 10:18 14 and 10:19 219 that he had uh talked about the 10:23 vehicles that were caught from the who 10:25 your Harvest store of the vehicles so 10:28 that's where we were talking about 11:30 uh Betsy Blair's vehicle uh one shot of 11:34 Kelsey's vehicle and then a few shots of 11:37 Betsy Blair's vehicle uh and then 11:40 also they put in from uh officer Pedro I 11:45 think he's Deputy pige I don't know what 11:47 rank he is at this point he's three days 11:50 ago I can he's a distant memory uh but 11:52 1819 and 20 were all entered into 11:55 evidence and published to the jury today 11:58 and those were the diagrams of the crime 11:00 scene so uh they call their first 11:03 witness who is Sarah carbaugh if you are 11:05 familiar with the probable cause 11:07 affidavit in this case that name should 11:09 ring a bell she is the muddy and bloody 11:12 woman she is the person who claimed that 11:15 as she was driving down uh 300 North uh 11:19 for like the seventh time that day that 11:22 she uh drove past a man at around just 11:26 shy of four o'clock that she says was uh 12:30 muddy from head to toe uh and bloody and 12:34 that he had blood towards the bottom of 12:36 his his jeans closer to his shoes and 12:40 that uh she claimed that she got a 12:42 pretty decent look at 12:44 him and so you know she was one of the 12:46 witnesses they used to get Richard Allen 12:49 under arrest um also that like like I'm 12:53 going to really be trying to cram a 12:54 couple things and I I know how I tangent 12:56 sometimes y'all but if you guys haven't 12:58 heard Tobin The Medalist allergy guy 12:00 he's out go denied it he's he's not he's 12:04 not allowed to 12:05 testify shocked but not shocked um it's 12:08 a it's a bad ruling it's just a really 12:11 it's a insane ruling um one of these 12:14 days all these motions are getting filed 12:17 I'm going to do a live on those because 12:19 we're not hearing about them as as the 12:21 trials proceeding like I'm I'm finding 12:23 out about them probably after you guys 12:25 are in terms of rulings so uh yeah I'm 13:30 just like anything that's happening 13:33 that's not being mentioned in court all 13:35 of us in court are behind in time in 13:39 terms of what's happening in terms of 13:41 rulings because she's not coming out and 13:43 saying okay I Ruled on your motion I 13:45 don't know if you guys heard it that may 13:47 happen back in Chambers I don't think so 13:49 because every day when I get in there 13:51 the lawyers are all Milling about in The 13:53 Well of the Court getting ready getting 13:55 their exhibits ready looking through 13:57 notes you know just getting prepared for 13:60 the day so um that was a big ruling uh 13:04 Andrea's motion was also denied I was 13:06 frankly surprised she ruled on it my my 13:08 guess is she wasn't going to touch it 13:10 but she just she just uh denied it 13:12 without hearing which Andre and I both 13:14 knew that was going to happen uh but a 13:16 record was made so that's good all right 13:18 so Sarah Sarah carau gets on the stand 13:21 she is uh she is a deli resident she has 13:23 lived in Deli her whole life and she 13:26 lives very close to the trails and uh 13:29 her General habit is that she goes to 14:32 the trails almost every day with her 14:33 dogs to walk that particular day she did 14:36 not go to the trails though because 14:39 originally she had testified she's like 14:40 yeah I'm out there daily and then uh 14:43 Dina was the one directing her she said 14:46 is it every day 14:47 or and you know and then she got the 14:50 hint and she's like oh almost every day 14:52 nearly nearly daily and 14:55 so uh on this particular day she did not 14:58 go out to the trails and uh but she did 14:01 she said it was a nice day very nice it 14:03 was a mild day for February it was she 14:06 said it was 47° she's the I think she 14:09 said it was 47 degrees or maybe 51 I 14:12 have it somewhere in here point being 14:14 that they're all giving different 14:15 degrees what the temperature was varying 14:18 from like 41 up to 55 I've heard by all 14:21 the uh different 14:23 testimony and uh she said it was a you 14:25 know a a like just a nice day for early 14:30 February which we've heard Betsy Blair 15:32 was the one who's a little bit older 15:34 she's like yeah I thought it was a 15:35 little chilly out which in reality it is 15:37 I mean we're not wearing shorts and a 15:39 t-shirt when it's like you know in the 15:41 40s but for early February just coming 15:44 out of winter that's like the first kind 15:45 of like oh pretty decent out you know 15:48 let's get out let's go do something so 15:51 uh she typically enters through the 15:52 mirrors entrance and you guys should 15:54 know what that is at this point remember 15:56 we have you can enter over Freedom 15:59 bridge where you come in go right on the 15:02 trails that leads you right into the 15:03 trails that was a path that I took on 15:05 Thursday last week when I went and 15:07 walked it uh you also have the mir's 15:10 entrance which is off of 300 and you've 15:13 got uh Old mir's Farm on the north side 15:17 of 300 and on the South Side you have 15:19 what they have called the mirrors 15:21 entrance and and Sarah actually gave a 15:23 little bit of a history she's like oh 15:25 you know that was land that wasn't being 15:27 used and it was donated uh by the mir's 15:30 family so that's why they call it the 16:31 mir's entrance and and she started my my 16:35 first impressions from her about her 16:38 were that she seemed almost 16:42 rehearsed in the first 10 minutes like 16:44 she had practiced what she was going to 16:47 say what her demeanor was going to be 16:49 like like and it it seemed it seemed 16:52 like she had it down pat like she was 16:55 very Polished in the beginning uh like 16:58 much more than the other I Witnesses who 16:60 just seemed like people that were 16:02 testifying in a trial that were nervous 16:05 she didn't strike me as nervous she 16:07 seemed the opposite of nervous uh which 16:10 was surprising with some of the things 16:11 that she talked about with regard to 16:13 herself kind of trying to explain why 16:18 her memory may have been spotty about 16:20 certain things so at any rate um she 16:24 said on that particular day 16:27 uh and and they always always asked 16:29 these Witnesses if they ever walked 17:31 across the Highbridge and she said when 17:32 I was 16 I did it's like now that I'm an 17:35 adult it's terrifying I I would never do 17:37 it um which I agree with I was I was 17:40 like I said last night I would have I 17:42 was thinking about going across at some 17:43 point I'm like ah that seems horrifying 17:45 and why uh and 17:47 then uh she did not know the girl she 17:50 was not familiar with Abby or Libby uh 17:52 she was alerted to the fact that they 17:54 went missing because she got an amber 17:56 alert on 13th uh she did not walk the 17:59 trails that day she did happen to drive 17:01 by the entrance three or four times that 17:03 day uh she was just driving around town 17:06 enjoying the people 17:08 out that were enjoying the nice day all 17:11 all the people that came out of their 17:12 hidey holes to enjoy a an early early 17:16 spring uh Slash late winter mild 17:20 day uh she said that she saw vehicles in 17:25 the lot all day we're talking about uh 17:28 old CPS 17:30 that lot uh she said there were cars 18:32 there all day so the trails were active 18:34 I think at this point we know that 18:36 throughout the course of the day there 18:37 were approximately 70 people out there 18:40 uh throughout you know from morning 18:43 until you know kind of the search goes 18:45 on not including the 18:47 Searchers 18:48 so she says that uh around 4 o'clock it 18:52 was actually 356 that she noticed four 18:55 people standing near the mirror's 18:58 entrance now I thought this testimony 18:00 was 18:01 strange and and like I always wonder you 18:04 know when you have a 18:06 trial especially when it's seven years 18:09 after the fact you know how much has 18:11 changed in their minds how much 18:13 confirmation bias is going on how much 18:15 have they 18:16 consumed of you know the mass of 18:20 publicity that's been surrounding this 18:21 case over the time and it's it's hard to 18:24 know but you know she so she says she 18:27 sees these four people 18:30 and she says that one of them has she 19:32 doesn't identify if it's the four girls 19:34 that we know exist which is rley and 19:36 Brienne and Ra's two sisters but I I 19:40 have I have a feeling that it was not 19:43 because they would have been long gone 19:44 at that point we know that they were 19:46 gone by depends on who you ask but they 19:49 were gone pretty early uh like a couple 19:52 hours before she would have been driving 19:54 by but she said that one of them had 19:56 bright blonde hair uh with kind of like 19:59 a PE like a pink streak is how she 19:01 described 19:03 it and then uh shortly after that while 19:07 driving and she claims that she was 19:08 going about 35 miles an hour she says 19:12 she saw a man covered in mud and blood 19:15 and no remember this is UND direct okay 19:19 what do you mean there was no Amber 19:20 Alert greeny is that true is that true 19:24 that that would be interesting because 19:25 she 100% said that she got an amber 19:28 alert so that would that would be that 20:30 would be interesting to know they 20:32 released her from her subpoena so 20:34 there's no calling her back that would 20:35 have been nice if somebody on the 20:37 defense would have known that there 20:38 wasn't an amber alert to be able to nail 20:41 around that uh so she says she sees this 20:44 man covered in mud and 20:46 blood uh walking on the side of the road 20:49 okay so just know that there is no 20:51 sidewalk on either side of 300 North 20:54 okay it is it's a country road so you 20:57 basically have gravel on either side 20:59 and it's a two-lane highway or country 20:02 road uh and she claims that he's walking 20:05 West towards town he's walking in the 20:08 opposite direction of her path of travel 20:11 and then she claims that she looked at 20:13 him uh but that they did not make eye 20:16 contact she said she did not recognize 20:18 the man as somebody that she had seen 20:20 around 20:21 town and it always surprises me because 20:25 so she doesn't have this guy wearing a 20:27 face covering right um Rick Allen has 21:30 worked at the CVS in this town that is 21:33 very small I mean the CVS is like the 21:36 only Pharmacy you've got you know it's 21:39 probably like the 21:41 biggest retail store in town maybe save 21:44 for like a Dollar General on the 21:46 outskirts but like in terms of 21:48 around you know the the the main Square 21:52 which by the way there are some amazing 21:54 restaurants in Deli like every meal I've 21:56 had here has been really good for lunch 21:59 um but I digress so she claims she looks 21:03 at him he did not make eye contact eye 21:05 contact she did not recognize the man 21:08 she uh did not know at that point the 21:10 girls were missing uh when she gets home 21:12 she learned the girls were 21:14 missing uh at some point uh then DEA 21:17 shows her the big blowup the bridge guy 21:19 pick and she asks that question she's 21:21 asked all the eyewitnesses she says do 21:23 you recognize that image is the person 21:26 that everyone calls Bridge guy and she 21:28 sayses I do 21:29 and she says that that that is the man 22:33 that I saw walking on the road that day 22:36 and that he was covered with mud and 22:37 blood 22:39 and uh she also so she goes into a 22:42 little more detail she says that the way 22:45 that I would describe it is that he had 22:47 a sketchy walk and and this is where she 22:49 starts getting like I'm like wow this 22:52 this witness is uh Next Level she's like 22:55 may I get down on the may I get get down 22:58 from the stand and straight how I saw 22:60 walking she doesn't even like and and 22:02 like Dean's like yeah but hold on wait a 22:05 second we'll get there so she's like got 22:07 this whole plan Like You Can Tell She's 22:09 been working through this testimony in 22:11 her head you can just tell when 22:12 somebody's ready to go you know she's 22:15 she's raring to go she's raring to 22:17 testify so uh deer then asked the 22:21 question of can you describe what he 22:22 looked like and she said he was covered 22:24 with mud and blood and then she does get 22:26 down off the S and she says it was like 22:28 a sketchy walk is how she how she 23:32 described it she said that he had his 23:33 hands jammed in his pockets and you know 23:36 his shoulders were kind of in and then 23:38 he was looking down I mean that's like I 23:41 I don't know how you guys walk like I'm 23:43 not a guy who walks my head up like when 23:46 I like I'm often thinking like when I'm 23:48 walking the dog I have my headphones on 23:51 and I'm typically like deep in thought 23:53 or I'm listening and I'm like looking at 23:55 the ground you know but for when my dog 23:57 rips my arm out of my you know socket 23:00 because he's chasing a squirrel you know 23:02 and it's like I'm not paying attention 23:04 but like I I don't necessarily consider 23:06 that sketchy you know she she said well 23:08 you know normal people walk around and 23:10 everybody's making eye contact with 23:12 every person they pass I'm like no 23:13 they're not I'm like I I feel like a 23:15 weirdo if I'm like making eye contact 23:17 with every person I'm like people don't 23:19 do that anymore you know like and I'm 23:21 sure that there's some truth to that 23:23 like the smaller the town you get 23:26 probably the more common that is you 23:28 know I mean especially in a smaller town 24:31 where you're going to know a lot of 24:32 people right you know it's 24:35 probably I'm I'm trying to think of when 24:37 I'm walking around here maybe I do keep 24:40 my head up a little more I am like I I 24:42 feel like I say hi to more people when 24:44 I'm in Deli I'm not gonna so maybe I 24:47 retract that whole statement maybe 24:48 that's maybe that's accurate I I'm I'm 24:51 very friendly when I'm down here I'm 24:53 saying hi to all the deputies when I 24:55 come into the courthouse you know they 24:56 they know us at this point like all the 24:58 people the restaurants know us so I'm 24:00 always trying to be very pleasant I want 24:02 them to to have a good impression of me 24:04 that I'm a a kind and decent person um 24:09 so she gets back on the stand after her 24:10 little performance there and uh she goes 24:14 on to describe a little bit what she saw 24:15 she said so his upper torso was just 24:18 saturated in 24:20 mud incredibly muddy that his jeans were 24:23 also muddy but then down around like The 24:26 Shins going down to the ankles she said 24:28 she first sat on the sand that it looked 24:30 like there was blood spots which we 25:33 would probably refer to in our game as 25:35 uh blood spatter um she claims that she 25:39 did not watch as she's driving past 35 25:41 miles an hour okay and she claims that 25:44 she did not view him in the rearview 25:46 mirror um so now she 25:50 testifies and you guys tell me in the 25:53 chat how off she is with her time she 25:56 claims that she doesn't contact long 25:59 enforcement for three weeks now I've 25:02 heard that she didn't contact law 25:04 enforcement until 25:07 July 25:09 so I don't know you know it's like I 25:12 don't know like like that's a huge gap 25:15 in time either way even three weeks when 25:18 they're putting out on blast if you were 25:20 down out and around the trail that day 25:23 and you think that you have information 25:24 that can help the investigation reach 25:27 out to us she waits at least three weeks 26:31 and I've heard that it's more so and as 26:34 a matter of fact and redirect I think it 26:37 was a Freudian slip by deer because deer 26:41 said three months so I don't know if 26:44 that was the reality coming out 26:48 accidentally by deer and it was she 26:50 Freudian slipped it or if it was just a 26:53 slip of the 26:55 tongue I mean so if anybody knows like 26:58 like it's is probably hanging around 26:01 somewhere else on the live that started 26:02 already she could be over at te's she's 26:04 a mod over there like sluth would know 26:06 the answer but that like so let let's 26:10 check that with a red flag right there 26:12 okay um so then she she finally goes she 26:16 talks to an officer she sees an officer 26:18 standing by the mirror's entrance 26:19 waiting for people like hoping that 26:21 people will come you know that her 26:22 walking in the trails he's asking hey 26:25 you know were you out here on the trails 26:26 on the 13th you know and and so they're 26:29 still trying to gather tips get 27:31 information she then says that she sees 27:34 him she feels that that was an act of 27:37 God that this guy was stationed there so 27:41 that that Spurs her on to give her her 27:44 account of what she saw that day so 27:49 um at that point DEA shifts she says 27:52 okay you've seen the uh HHS the who's 27:56 your Hardware or who's your Harvest soft 27:58 uh who's our hardware store oh my God 27:01 I'm never going to say that name who's 27:03 your Harvest store video correct she 27:05 says yes and you saw the still correct 27:09 yes and that was in fact your vehicle 27:12 correct so we heard about that during 27:14 mullen's late testimony yesterday with 27:17 the stills of the cars that was in fact 27:20 she verifies that that was indeed her 27:22 car uh that we saw at 356 driving down 27:25 the 27:26 road so she recognized it as her vehicle 27:29 and that is uh EV 28:31 219 so they then publish that to the 28:34 jury and say look that's her car right 28:36 there there's proof she was there she's 28:38 telling the truth about that 28:40 part oh what's up 28:42 La uh okay so she's done now like I've 28:46 told you she's done with direct state 28:49 has been very very quick with these 28:52 Witnesses and and they do it because 28:55 they're trying to limit the amount that 28:57 they're getting out on direct because of 28:00 that certain objection that we yesterday 28:02 which is beyond the scope now beyond the 28:05 scope is where you have a defense 28:09 attorney or the state depending on who 28:11 did direct asking questions that were 28:14 not brought up during the direct 28:16 examination if they go into an area that 28:19 was not covered during the direct 28:21 examination you as an attorney can say 28:24 hey judge I'm going to object here it's 28:27 beyond the scope of the direct 28:29 they can't get into it we didn't talk 29:30 about it so they can't talk about it 29:32 because you're only allowed to 29:33 cross-examine as to instances or issues 29:37 that they've raised or facts so they 29:40 keep they kept it brief with all all 29:43 four of the 29:44 eyewitnesses Baldwin gets up does a 29:46 cross it gets heated right away and 29:49 Baldwin I keep telling it to you it's 29:51 it's very it's very difficult to get him 29:55 riled in terms of a witness now we 29:57 haven't had any Witnesses on the stand 29:59 that have even come close to getting her 29:02 uh to getting him riled this was the 29:04 first one and he's still he maintained 29:06 his cool you know and she was like 29:08 combative is the way that I would I 29:10 would phrase it so he goes in on her 29:13 right away first thing he asks is you 29:16 used mud first several the first like 29:21 several times when you first spoke with 29:24 law enforcement isn't that correct and 29:27 she said he said 29:29 actually you used mud the word mud 11 30:31 times in your first interview correct 30:34 and he said 30:35 yeah uh and she's like but I'm pretty 30:40 sure I said blood he's like okay well 30:43 I'm I'm gonna show you uh you know do 30:45 you need me to refresh your recollection 30:47 because have you seen the 30:50 transcript and she says well I maybe I 30:52 don't know he's like all right well I'm 30:54 going to I'm going to see you want me to 30:56 refresh your recollection as to whether 30:58 or not you said blood the first time 30:60 that you spoke with them it's like I 30:01 don't know so he brings it up to her she 30:03 reads it and she says yeah I I I do not 30:06 State blood in that first 30:08 interview and then Andy asks her so no 30:11 one told you not to say blood during 30:13 that interview right like you weren't 30:15 directed by law enforcement not to say 30:17 blood right he says no I wasn't directed 30:19 to do that so he says a couple weeks 30:22 later uh you interview again with law 30:25 enforcement and that time you say m 13 30:29 times and she says she's like I and you 31:34 didn't say blood so you say mud a bunch 31:36 of times but you're still not claiming 31:38 that you saw 31:39 blood and she's like well I I don't know 31:43 that that's not right and he's like okay 31:46 so can I refresh your recollection again 31:48 so he goes up brings her the transcript 31:50 again she takes a long time to read 31:51 through it and she says I do not see the 31:53 word blood in there but I'm going to 31:55 tell you right now that I think that 31:57 they lost it an hour of my video 31:59 interview or maybe an hour and a half so 31:03 I was like whoa wait they lost an hour 31:05 and a half of 31:07 her videotaped 31:09 interview and she's like and it's the 31:11 during the part that they lost 31:15 that I said blood and so baldon's like 31:20 okay I I mean I guess we believe you you 31:23 know it's like so she then interviews a 31:26 third time March 20th two years 32:30 later and 32:33 uh again she doesn't say uh this time 32:38 she doesn't say muddy she just says 32:40 bloody she skips the whole muddy part 32:43 and and remember her testimony was that 32:44 this guy was like super muddy so she she 32:48 at this point she's just switched 32:50 completely over to he's bloody and she 32:53 gets really combative at this point she 32:55 says that's no wrong like that's that's 32:59 not correct I said both he says no you 32:01 didn't he's like would it help you to 32:04 read the transcript to refresh your 32:06 recollection and she says no it wouldn't 32:10 I don't want to read the transcript like 32:12 it it was it was like it was crazy it 32:15 was like it was like it was unbelievable 32:19 and like ga's just kind of like sitting 32:20 there watching this all happen and like 32:25 Baldwin looks at the judge he's like 32:27 judge are you going to direct her to 32:29 allow me to try to refresh a 33:31 recollection go doesn't say 33:33 anything and so he's like 33:38 okay all right uh whatever so like and 33:42 at that point if you're sitting there as 33:44 a juror and you're watching her act this 33:47 way like you have to think that there's 33:49 something off like there there's to me 33:52 it just destroyed her credibility I 33:54 thought that she had no credibility 33:55 moving forward during that and and I did 33:58 didn't I didn't understand her 33:00 motivation for doing that you know it's 33:04 like like is she trying to inject 33:05 herself in the case in a way that she 33:07 need not do is she you know does she 33:11 feel that she's a critical witness and 33:13 that that she's helping secure the 33:15 conviction of Richard I don't know but 33:18 you know she was very friendly with the 33:19 state which is not unusual when you have 33:22 state Witnesses and then they get 33:24 defensive when the defense attorneys 33:26 start questioning but 33:28 it was it was off-putting I I I would 34:31 love to know what the jurors thought of 34:34 her I mean I was talking to everyone 34:36 behind me including Andrea I was like so 34:39 she was a lot right she was like man she 34:43 was a lot 34:45 so uh she then says to Andy she's like 34:49 are you trying to trick me and he says I 34:52 assure you ma'am I am not trying to 34:54 trick you and she's she has been the 34:56 loudest Witness in terms of every 34:60 witness has been on the stand everyone 34:02 that's testified 34:04 is like craning my neck turning my ear 34:07 towards what they're saying cupping it 34:09 like I'm I'm just shy of rolling up a 34:11 piece of paper and like sticking it out 34:13 of my ear because and I don't care what 34:15 it looks like so I can hear and this 34:18 this witness I had no problem hearing 34:20 she was full throat she was definitely 34:23 using her best outdoor voice as they as 34:26 they like to say in the courtroom 34:29 so uh and she she says quote my 35:32 description has always been the same 35:35 muddy and bloody muddy and bloody muddy 35:37 and bloody so uh she happened to have 35:41 said the word blood 16 times in her 35:43 third interview and it and she made the 35:46 quote that it looked like a hog had been 35:48 slaughtered and then she starts like she 35:52 she had this habit of looking over the 35:53 jury and just starts chatting with them 35:55 she like I I don't really know what it 35:57 looks like like when a hog gets 35:59 slaughtered I don't know why said you 35:01 know it's just completely inappropriate 35:03 things for a witness to be doing it was 35:06 it was so weird it really was um at that 35:11 point uh when she gave a description 35:14 when she was going back to her original 35:16 description of Muddy and bloody she's 35:18 like I thought he might have fallen off 35:21 the trail or the bridge and just fell in 35:23 the mud I mean he was that covered in 35:25 mud and then uh she goes on to describe 35:28 what she saw she said he was wearing 35:29 initially she said he was wearing a tan 36:31 jacket not a blue jacket and then after 36:34 two years during her third interview she 36:36 changed it to a blue 36:38 jacket okay 36:41 and and then Andy asked her he's like 36:43 did the did the photo of the bridge guy 36:45 have an impact on your memory she's like 36:48 what what do you mean I don't understand 36:49 what you're saying did the photo of the 36:52 bridge guy that you saw hundreds of 36:54 times have an impact on your memory and 36:58 she's like I she's I don't know she's 36:00 like I I don't want to like she and then 36:02 he goes into this thing where during I 36:05 think it was the second 36:07 interview that she had specifically told 36:10 the cops I don't want you to put a 36:12 picture in front of me because I don't 36:15 want my memory to be 36:16 contaminated okay and she knew that the 36:18 photo was everywhere yet the officer 36:21 kept showed her a photo and then kept it 36:24 in front of her uh during the entire 36:26 interview and he asks is that why your 36:29 story changed and she says no like I 37:33 like I think it was probably anxiety 37:35 like I like this whole thing has been 37:37 like a nightmare for me I've been 37:39 incredibly anxious I just wanted to come 37:41 in here and testify and have this thing 37:43 be 37:43 over so she then goes on to testify that 37:47 uh she saw kind of a brown sweater or 37:50 sweatshirt under the now blue coat the 37:53 formerly tan coat and that he had curls 37:56 in his hair that were poking out out 37:58 from his hood because he said his hood 37:00 was up next came a 37:04 very 37:06 demonstrative uh 37:08 emphatic back and forth where Baldwin 37:12 quotes her transcript where she said 37:15 that he had very that the the person she 37:18 saw had very effeminate eyes and she 37:23 said I never said that I never said he 37:25 had like and she used the wrong word she 37:28 Saidi never said he had romantic 38:31 eyes and then and Andy says no very 38:34 effeminate eyes he's like can I refresh 38:36 your 38:37 recollection can I show you she's like 38:40 no no you can't I do not want you to 38:42 refresh he's like we're gonna do this 38:43 again we're gonna do this again and he's 38:47 like all right okay never just so she 38:51 refuses to like review the transcript 38:53 I've never seen anything like it and 38:54 I've never seen anything like it wherein 38:56 the judge hasn't kind of intervened and 38:58 said ma'am okay you're going to have to 38:01 you're have to relax a little bit and if 38:04 the attorney asks you if you want to 38:06 refresh your recollection by reading 38:07 your words you should do that and it may 38:11 not refresh your recollection because 38:13 refreshing your recollection doesn't 38:15 mean that you read something and then 38:17 now you're repeating what you read 38:19 you're reading it to see if it actually 38:22 jars your memory so there's a 38:24 distinction there I know it sounds kind 38:26 of crazy but you're supposed to be 38:29 reading it and in your mind it jars your 39:33 memory like oh all right yeah I I do 39:35 remember saying that now 39:38 so yeah and and I'm I'm like I'm gonna 39:41 go I'm 98% that she said the word 39:43 romantic eyes like I like double check 39:47 if you guys are gonna check Andrea and 39:49 Lee see if like she they heard romantic 39:52 eyes when she came back and and Andy was 39:55 saying eminite eyes so refuses the 39:58 transcript and he moves on and yeah it's 39:01 like 39:03 you your phone pinged off the tower that 39:07 day right and and they got your phone 39:11 number right they got they were able to 39:12 get your phone number she's like yeah 39:14 well they were pinging everybody's 39:16 everybody's phone in town like and he's 39:18 like well how do you know that she's 39:19 like well my parents they they ping 39:21 their phone too so like everybody was 39:23 being pinged they were trying to figure 39:24 out whose phones were what so 39:28 she then says uh what did I say because 40:32 I see her did I say romantic is that 40:34 what I said because in my notes I see on 40:36 the margin I wrote romantic romantic 40:38 eyes is that what I said I can't 40:40 remember all right so uh this is where 40:42 she testifies that she's driving down 40:44 the road remember she says she's driving 40:46 down the road 35 miles an hour okay 40:49 which is pretty brisk and then she 40:52 claims that she sees him for 30 40:55 seconds and and Baldwin's like so 30 40:59 seconds uh you mean from beginning until 40:01 you pass him because you already 40:03 testified that you didn't look at him in 40:04 your rearview 40:06 mirror 40:08 and uh I don't know I don't know what 40:10 kind of car she drives I don't remember 40:12 her testifying to the Mak and 40:14 model uh so she says she sees him for 30 40:17 seconds and she would describe 40:19 him uh and she's like look she's like I 40:22 know what I saw and I saw a white man in 40:26 his 30s 40s or 50s that's what I saw and 41:31 and he's like okay I'm good he sits down 41:34 uh deer gets up for the 41:35 redirect she goes into the hoodie the 41:38 tan sweater and she saw a tan hood and 41:42 that they they she asked her about the 41:45 Hat because she hadn't said anything 41:46 about the Hat yet and she says yes yes 41:49 there was a hat and it was a very 41:52 strange hat it was a strange hat she 41:54 like you know and then this is one of 41:56 the times where she looks over the jury 41:57 she's like really any hat that's not a 41:59 baseball hat I think is a strange hat so 41:03 you know this hat was a very strange hat 41:06 and I'm just like what wow this like 41:08 I've never seen anything like she's like 41:10 she's like it was kind of like um and 41:12 she made this weird statement that it 41:14 was she was trying to figure out what 41:16 type of hat it 41:18 was on I think on the 41:21 internet and she said it was like kind 41:24 of a like for her it was like a Tinder 41:26 profile except with hats trying to go 41:28 through all the hats there were and she 42:31 said that all she knows is that it had 42:32 kind of like a 42:33 bill and that uh she was able to see the 42:36 bottom of his ears so he has a hood up 42:40 yet she's going 35 miles an 42:43 hour no no when she's looking for the 42:46 Hat online she said it reminded her of 42:49 going through Tinder except a Tinder for 42:52 hats 42:54 so this whole thing about the ears was 42:57 really weird she says she sees his 42:59 loes uh again she gets into the posture 42:02 she said it was she said it was weird or 42:04 sketchy that's how she described it 42:06 slumped and like kind of folded into 42:08 himself and 42:11 that 42:12 um uh she says she dips into the second 42:16 interview and she says so your a portion 42:18 of your video is missing is that what 42:20 you're telling us and she's like yeah an 42:22 hour to an hour and a half of that video 42:24 is missing of my my recorded interview 42:28 and so um she then hands her which all 43:32 of the lawyers have been doing on both 43:33 sides have been marked she gives her a 43:35 uh asks her to mark up a photo of bridge 43:37 guy and uh on this on a overview map of 43:41 the area as to where she saw and she 43:44 starts again she turns the jury she's oh 43:46 like so when you take this 43:48 back to the room during deliberations I 43:51 want you to starts giving like it was 43:53 the strangest thing she starts giving 43:55 instructions the jury and and Dina's 43:57 like ma'am she's like please please 43:59 don't do that 43:01 um so uh she then says that you know she 43:05 calls him dots of blood down by the legs 43:09 she said that uh again sticks with the 43:11 muddy and bloody that the coat was dark 43:13 colored uh and that she couldn't see the 43:15 blood on the coat if there was any that 43:18 the sleeves had mud and it was really 43:20 muddy caked with mud and uh some point 43:25 she gets into the third interview deer 43:28 starts leading Andy makes an 44:31 objection and uh she said that she was 44:34 like when she's trying to come up with 44:35 an 44:36 explanation in her third interview and 44:39 why she didn't say Mud She said that she 44:42 was exhausted I was exhausted talking 44:45 about 44:46 mud and the officer was very much 44:48 focused on the blood so you know I was 44:51 just trying to give the officer what he 44:53 wanted and then 44:56 so and and like again this is where Andy 44:00 gets up does a real brief and like that 44:04 he's he goes into that again talking 44:06 about the muddy and the Bloody and then 44:08 again she says we're doing this again 44:09 this this what we're doing this again so 44:12 he's just like no we're good just sits 44:14 down um all right so there were a few 44:16 jury question so she was done she was 44:17 something else she was what a way to 44:19 start the day and she was on for an hour 44:21 so she was a long witness for an 44:23 eyewitness she was a really really long 44:25 witness for an eyewitness so 44:28 jury questions which I always love what 44:30 was your age in 2017 she was 26 so she 45:33 was not a kid she was you know in her 45:35 20s how wide is the road she says it's 45:37 two lanes but that it's very very tight 45:40 if there's two vehicles so she's like 45:43 you know like you you feel uncomfortable 45:45 now I drove down 30 and I didn't I felt 45:46 like it was a normal two lane I didn't 45:48 feel that I was at 45:50 all uh like worried about hitting the 45:53 car coming opposite our way um so she 45:56 says can you can you describe so they 45:59 asked can you describe how you saw the 45:01 blood spatter she's like I like I don't 45:04 know how to say it you know but I can 45:06 tell you that with the blood that the 45:11 blood was still in the the bright 45:14 phase so she's saying you know it was 45:16 really 45:17 red that's how I saw it on his jeans 45:20 like like she's watching a horror movie 45:21 or something that's not what blood looks 45:23 like when it like like the whole thing 45:25 was just nuts so uh the next question 45:28 how close were you to the man and she 46:31 says five feet so now remember he's 46:35 walking on the opposite direction now 46:37 they didn't clarify I don't know if he's 46:39 walking in the opposite direction on her 46:42 side or if he's walking in the opposite 46:45 direction on the other side I'm not sure 46:48 I don't know definitively 46:51 so uh the final question 46:55 is uh or no I think 46:58 I think Andy says to that question 46:00 because the way they work it with the 46:02 juror questions is they'll ask the 46:05 question the witness will answer and 46:08 then the attorneys get an opportunity to 46:10 be able to ask questions as well and 46:13 then I think a Andy asked didn't you 46:17 testify uh one of the times that she was 46:20 you know that he was 20 feet away from 46:22 you so bottom line she was just 46:25 incredibly inconsistent all the way 46:27 through the process her her story 47:30 changed so many times I I don't know 47:32 what she's bringing to the table and 47:34 frankly with the state's timeline I I'm 47:37 a little surprised they called her the 47:39 state's timeline remember they've got 47:41 the girls getting killed between 230 and 47:44 330 I mean I guess 47:47 356 kind of works for them in that 47:49 timeline of a guy walking towards 47:52 town maybe I guess like I mean I walked 47:55 that whole like the trail system there 47:57 so I mean 47:59 theoretically but I don't know it's a 47:02 it's a tough timeline for them to be 47:04 able to 47:05 prove all right so the second witness uh 47:07 and I got to speed it up I'm already I'm 47:09 like I could tell I'm gonna have to come 47:11 back after Vinnie I'm gonna have to do 47:12 another live oh I was trying to get like 47:14 a a night where I could just go to sleep 47:16 early uh so Dr 47:19 Roland core KO HR uh an older gentleman 47:24 uh i' I'd guess probably late 60s early 47:26 70s 47:27 semi-retired forensic 47:29 pathologist uh very learned uh he's been 48:33 doing it a long time teaches he's an 48:36 instructor uh he's got mad 48:40 degrees very qualified guy um you know 48:44 been doing it 48:45 forever he's done I think 7,000 48:49 autopsies he said seven to 8,000 autopsy 48:52 so the guy's the guy's done an autopsy 48:54 or two in his time um so then he kind of 48:58 goes through the process uh which I'm 48:60 going to kind of I'm GNA I'm going to 48:02 blaze through this stuff um like if you 48:05 guys probably want those Deets which 48:07 typically I'll give you but uh because I 48:10 know some people find the the just the 48:13 the whole science by him autopsy is 48:15 really interesting and I took very 48:16 diligent notes you know and he talks 48:18 about like when they get the body what 48:20 they do when they get it out of the bag 48:24 um you know they take notes he'll always 48:26 take copious notes to hair color eye 48:28 color injuries any trauma he notes blood 49:31 uh Blood on the body any wounds it's all 49:33 documented he examines the clothing uh 49:36 he examines it for holes if there's any 49:38 kind of debris uh any kind of uh 49:41 evidence on their hairs fibers anything 49:43 like that um you know because there's 49:46 typically always evidence Tech or at the 49:49 very least a law enforcement officer of 49:52 some variety in the room with them when 49:54 they're doing this uh so will also look 49:57 for insect activity okay and at that 49:01 point uh the body is 49:03 undressed he'll make notes on the 49:05 external observation of what he sees 49:08 prior to washing the body down now in 49:10 this case obviously we know that Libby 49:13 was unclothed uh she obviously had a lot 49:16 of debris a lot of mud on her you know 49:18 so he made you know looked at both sides 49:21 of the body uh and before they end up 49:25 washing the bodies down 49:28 and they also check for evidence of sa 50:32 and so we can confirm once again that a 50:36 sexual crime evidence kit was used on 50:38 both girls samples were taken uh blood 50:41 samples fingernail samples uh and they 50:44 took swabs um from cervix multiple they 50:48 did a vaginal flush to see if there was 50:50 any residue in there they collected all 50:53 of it all of it went into 50:55 boxes which are the kits 50:57 and uh so the external examination is 50:60 wounds illustrations of wounds 50:02 trajectory of wounds whether or not the 50:05 wounds look to be left or right if it's 50:07 a sharp force instrument uh and then 50:10 he's looking for blood samples if he 50:11 finds any he takes blood samples um 50:14 he'll take a blood sample from the 50:17 femoral and then uh he's also um then he 50:21 gets to the external 50:23 examination and uh that's when he starts 50:26 doing that for to see the full extent of 50:28 the wounds see if like organs were 51:31 pierced especially if it was the 51:33 stabbing type injuries um and it gives 51:36 him a better understanding of the cause 51:37 of death it's instructive for them to do 51:39 that so they do that by opening the 51:41 chest cavity and the abdominal cavity 51:44 and at that point they'll also make an 51:47 incision on the back of the skull 51:48 they'll peel the scalp back and 51:50 ultimately they're taking the skull cap 51:52 off in order to examine the brain um 51:55 each organ is removed moved individually 51:58 um and uh they're always concerned with 51:02 making the body presentable post autopsy 51:05 so that uh when you know they're going 51:08 to be buried uh that the body is is as 51:12 intact as it can be and presentable to 51:14 the families so then all organs are 51:16 examined and dissected organs are 51:19 weighed um and dissected he'll they'll 51:22 take tissue 51:23 samples again he he estimates that he's 51:26 done somewhere between 7700 and 7800 so 51:29 I was a little off there that's why I 52:31 don't guess I should just read my notes 52:32 autopsies in his career he's testified 52:34 in 52:35 court on on hundreds of occasions uh in 52:40 12 to 15 jurisdictions in Indiana four 52:42 jurisdictions in Illinois and I think he 52:44 did a one by zoom in Montana he's 52:47 primarily testified for the prosecution 52:49 but he will testify for whoever contacts 52:51 I'm saying they need some testimony um 52:55 so then we look at uh States exhibits 52:58 123 through 137 those were photos taken 52:00 during the autopsy of both lab uh Libby 52:03 and Abby he's contacted on 214 to 52:06 conduct the autopsies on 52:09 21517 so then uh we've got a couple of 52:12 more that were so 224 and 222 are uh 52:16 admitted into evidence and those are 52:18 photos of the injuries 52:19 close-ups uh I think there was a 403 52:22 objection by uh Rosie he was the one who 52:25 did the cross on this and he said 52:28 that uh the uh that they're more 53:31 prejudicial than probative that there's 53:33 they're you know they're not they're not 53:35 giving the jury uh anything more than uh 53:38 anxiety and making them emotional by 53:40 having to look at the close-ups of the 53:42 wounds over objection the judge entered 53:44 them into evidence uh so on 215 they 53:48 perform uh multiple op Toops he goes the 53:51 process is like it doesn't matter if I'm 53:52 doing one or four on a given day my 53:56 process is always the same I complete my 53:58 worksheet height weight weigh the organs 53:01 go back to the office while the case is 53:02 fresh in mind make his notes and then so 53:05 they autop they autopsied Abby 53:08 first her height was 64 inches weight 95 53:12 pounds uh the clothing she was wearing a 53:14 a BL a black hooded sweatshirt blue 53:18 jeans camisol gray sports bra um no 53:21 socks external exam solitary insided 53:24 wound uh to the neck 53:27 uh and then I I think he said that it 54:30 was uh 5 cmers in length and then uh 54:35 initial 54:35 wound uh he deemed it to be uh two and 54:39 two uh two to two and a half uh 54:41 centimeters wide uh and it was the only 54:44 wound on her 54:45 neck so uh again he used the uh the sa 54:50 kit on her collected swabs vaginally 54:54 internally externally cervical swab uh 54:57 she was a nailbiter she had very short 54:59 nails so there was nothing to collect 54:01 from under her fingernails and then all 54:03 of the evidence was collected and the 54:05 samples were placed in the Box for 54:08 testing and uh he testified that there 54:10 was no evidence of traumatic sexual 54:12 assault contact uh and then lutrell who 54:15 was doing 54:16 the direct asked him well that doesn't 54:19 mean it didn't occur there's just no 54:20 evidence that occurred he says well 54:22 that's correct but I didn't see any 54:24 evidence of any kind of traumatic sexual 54:26 contact 54:27 uh and there was no trauma left behind 54:29 so he then describes that there's three 55:31 wounds there's insided wounds which are 55:33 longer than deep there's a stab wound 55:35 which is a deep it's deeper than long 55:38 and then uh a sharp wound which is 55:40 something uh that's done with large 55:43 knives or 55:44 axes um there's also lacerations which 55:47 are different lacerations are not the 55:50 same thing they are there's a tearing of 55:53 the skin with lacerations and they are 55:55 not caused by knives 55:57 so the only wound on her body was in 55:59 fact the neck wound uh no defensive 55:01 wounds no blunt force trauma no bruising 55:05 no ligature but then he says well he's 55:07 like there was a very faint ligature 55:09 mark across her lower face now when they 55:12 threw the picture up I could in fact see 55:14 it it was a very light line that kind of 55:17 came right below her mouth and then when 55:19 they had the picture up you could see 55:22 there was something that kind of ran 55:23 parallel with it that was like uh on the 55:26 upper portion under her chin so I he's 55:30 like I didn't find any he's like it 56:32 could have been like duct tape but I 56:34 didn't find any residue of duct tape it 56:37 could have been 56:38 cloth um I'm not sure what it was I 56:41 didn't find any evidence of what it was 56:43 on her person 56:46 so uh they tried to get into whether or 56:48 not that looked like that that if that 56:51 was something that was placed over her 56:52 mouth was it postmortem premortem or 56:55 perimortem he ended up Landing on 56:57 perimortem which is uh kind of in 56:00 between 56:02 so the directionality of the wound uh he 56:05 term transversal and he says that it 56:08 appeared to be right to left okay to her 56:11 right to left to aby's right to left and 56:13 there was damage to 56:15 vessels um whereas to one vessel and uh 56:20 as far as Liberty 56:22 went she had damage to the three main V 56:27 the right cored artery the left cored 56:29 artery and jugular vein uh which he 57:31 explained has no muscles in the walls he 57:34 was trying to explain kind of how it 57:36 works he says that um you know the 57:41 arteries uh they carry blood away from 57:44 the heart whereas the jugular returns 57:46 blood to the heart okay so uh they then 57:51 get some 57:52 more exhibits 57:54 admitted uh so 223a for Abby 223 L for 57:58 Libby and those are the schematic 57:00 drawings which they put up on the big 57:03 screen and and these were so they're not 57:07 they're not photos thankfully because 57:09 they were uh like I said they're 57:12 schematic drawings that kind of show a 57:15 throat with uh you know no skin so 57:18 you're seeing the the veins the arteries 57:21 in the muscles and then he kind of goes 57:24 through and says that uh you know goes 57:27 through what the there was a partial 58:31 uh partial transaction of the um of both 58:35 of the uh kateed and then there was uh 58:40 and he said in terms of asking him like 58:43 how deep the cuts were he said that 58:45 roughly they went about roughly about a 58:48 half an inch under the skin it was his 58:50 gestate he said that the earrings were 58:52 in 58:53 place in her ears 58:57 um and then there was he would term it a 58:59 gaping 58:01 wound and again he said right to left 58:03 but he's not 100% on 58:05 that he said that the knife handle and 58:08 and when you're looking at the wound he 58:09 said that it looked like there was a 58:11 little blunt trauma at the end of the 58:12 wound which is what made him think it 58:14 was right to left or he thought it might 58:15 have been the hilt or the handle of the 58:18 knife that may have caused that that 58:21 little injury um he said that she had a 58:24 minor abrasion of the lips 58:27 and then again this very faint reddish 58:28 Mark below the mouth and the chin no 59:31 residue from uh any tape found and or 59:35 any kind of residue from any kind of 59:37 cloth or Fiber uh does not appear to 59:40 have her mouth covered and then 59:44 um she said she was clearing on her back 59:46 for a period of time because liver 59:48 mortise uh had set in and that the body 59:51 has to be in that position for at least 59:53 eight hours in order for liver mortis to 59:56 set in 59:57 or liver depending depending on which 59:60 forensic pathologist you ask verer Fitz 59:03 would say liver mortis rer mortis okay 59:06 so we then move on to Libby uh height 64 59:10 inches same height as Abby weight 200 59:13 pounds uh organ's placed in a 59:16 bag and then uh so he he goes back into 59:19 it he says so after they they take all 59:21 the organs out they do place them back 59:22 in a bag they put them in the cavity for 59:24 when they sew her up uh they also did 59:27 the uh the kit 59:29 on Libby there was no evidence uh 60:32 visible to the naked eye of 60:34 trauma um no defensive wounds uh no no 60:38 evidence of restraint she uh Libby had 60:42 four ins sized wounds to the neck maybe 60:44 five depending uh her hands were bagged 60:48 on the picture that we see in order to 60:49 preserve evidence uh the farthest right 60:52 wound so then we're looking at the 60:53 wounds they're terrible to look at just 60:56 terrible 60:57 uh there 60:58 were two applications of what weapon was 60:01 used so he thought in one of the the 60:04 furthest Rune to the right of her neck 60:07 he believed that there might have been 60:09 two passes that there was one pass they 60:12 did one pass and then did it again in 60:14 the same wound which brought him up to 60:16 the maybe 60:18 five um he said that there was a a 60:20 probable incision on the shoulder very 60:22 small and a minute abrasion below her 60:25 neck and there were no other observable 60:27 injuries uh the right side again Pro 61:30 possibly a two- pass 61:32 injury um the left the left is where a 61:35 lot of damage was done there's a gaping 61:38 wound and there is this thing where 61:40 there's five apparent marks which 61:42 originally during his deposition he 61:45 thought were uh from a serrated knife 61:50 potentially and he says that and I kind 61:53 of wrote like I drew a really terrible 61:55 crude sketch to post on Twitter and 61:57 people were like that sketch is horrible 61:59 or something like I'm like said it was 61:01 crude you want me to do so at that 61:06 point uh he claims that after the 61:10 deposition so this is in 2024 when he's 61:13 deposed by defense he said he was back 61:16 home in his 61:17 shop and he was thinking and thinking 61:20 about these like these these strange 61:22 five marks that kind of look like this 61:24 and I I realize it is a terrible picture 61:26 but but at least it gives you an idea 61:28 it's really not that bad like so those 61:30 five marks so that that kind of thing 62:33 that looks like a paral lips that's the 62:35 gaping wound and then right above it 62:37 were those five kind of marks so and 62:40 they're they're not they're abrasions at 62:43 best like they're not Cuts so it's like 62:47 like almost like if something was like 62:48 indented so he's like what could have 62:50 left that and he says I'm out at my 62:52 workbench and I see my box cutter so I'm 62:56 like wow he's like I think it might have 62:59 been a box cutter like the handle of a 62:00 box cutter you know sometimes they'll 62:01 have plastic handles and they'll have 62:03 those like plastic notches on them for 62:06 grip you know so he he ends up like just 62:09 flat out saying he thinks it could be a 62:11 box cutter that cause those 62:13 injuries which fit very very nicely into 62:17 uh the state's 62:19 case so he goes into the symptomatics uh 62:22 in terms of Abby obviously felt pain 62:25 initially there would be the fight or 62:27 flight that she was bleeding profusely 62:29 blood flowing heart will try to 63:31 compensate by pumping more blood 63:33 eventually you'll lose Consciousness and 63:35 then uh eventually you'll expider 63:41 um he said uh the range how long it may 63:45 have taken her to die he gave a 63:46 guesstimate of 5 to 10 63:48 minutes uh and then same with Abby 63:52 observed blood on her hand covering her 63:54 wound that's what he assumed it was from 63:56 which can slow it down he estimated that 63:59 that her death could have taken 5 to 10 63:01 minutes he said those are crude 63:03 estimates more likely five minutes due 63:05 to the three Moon three wounds uh he 63:08 said there's uh there was some cerebral 63:10 edema which is brain swelling 1500 grams 63:14 is the weight of a normal brain he says 63:15 hers was around 1700 grams uh that's 63:19 like it's not uncommon to have that with 63:21 strangling because of the blood loss uh 63:24 but it indicates survival for some 63:26 period of time uh time of death determin 63:29 the time of death and this is what the 64:30 news came out and reported incorrectly 64:33 he said this is not a Precision estimate 64:36 that I'm giving you right here and he 64:37 said that the condition so the way that 64:39 it was asked is that I think lutrell 64:42 said is the condition of the bodies 64:44 consistent with uh with her having died 64:48 40 to 41 hours before the autopsy he 64:51 said yes he ends it Rosie then comes out 64:54 all right I blew it like it took me an 64:57 hour or three I got I get like they're 64:60 going to call me for Skype you guys are 64:02 going to be so pissed go watch uh one of 64:05 the other lives I'll set up another live 64:08 I think I'm only G to be on Vinnie for 64:09 half an hour and then I'll I'll jump 64:11 back on because I'm I'm pretty I'm 64:14 pretty close to like I'm just getting 64:16 started on the cross of Rosie so it's a 64:18 good time to take a break I will start 64:21 another live um I love all you guys and 64:24 I'll be back tonight promise I'm not 64:25 going to Di on you uh but yeah go watch 64:28 some other stuff everybody that 65:30 was um please if you had questions that 65:33 I that I did not get to them and you 65:35 come back to the next live please ask 65:36 him again I will get to them thank you 65:39 for those that have uh made wonderful 65:42 donations to me I'm very appreciative uh 65:45 I love you guys I'll see you at about 65:47 10:05 10:05 is going to be the time all 65:51 right ciao 65:22 you where you go 65:26 TR