============================================================== Guild: Pony Community Leaders Channel: Pony Leaders / reporting-guidelines ============================================================== [7/22/2023 3:31 PM] phoenixfire42 When making a report in #reports, the general template to follow is: ID: Username: Reason: Your report should exist to convey to anyone else in this server as clearly and irrefutably as possible why you think the user is problematic. This server does not exist as a global banlist, it exists as a place for others in this community to share this information as they please and use it as they please internally (please don't leak it elsewhere :GlimISee:). As such, the quality of your report is often the sole deciding factor on if action is taken by anyone in particular. When you report on someone, please do censor out all other users who do not need to be identified for anonymity purposes. [7/22/2023 3:33 PM] phoenixfire42 Below is an example of what a report might look like: ID: @PhoenixFire 481669431597203456 Username: PhoenixFire Reason: Came into chat and immediately posted this, along with other rude things about bronies. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983248483215613963/1132395006339068035/image.png?ex=661ade08&is=66086908&hm=bd795ef4c482f58e9668b49ad253c476ef714f7c6eb75a643ee030b925dbfe5c& [7/22/2023 3:33 PM] phoenixfire42 ** ** This is a very basic report, but this is just a general example of what you might try and do. If you are not aware of how to do so, the way to obtain a User ID is to first go into your settings, and towards the bottom there should be an advanced tab. Go there and turn on developer mode. This will let you right click on a user's profile picture (not their message, this will get the message ID) and hit copy ID. The way to make a ping in their report next to the ID is by typing <@ID HERE> in the message box. If done correctly, it should automatically transform your text into a ping (EX. @PhoenixFire, done by typing \@PhoenixFire). This method of pinging is critical to use because it allows you to ping users anywhere, even if they are not on the server you are messaging in. ============================================================== Exported 3 message(s) ==============================================================