V1 preview 15

The Radio FAQ


Both /cyb/ general on 4chan.org/g/ and /ham/ general on 4chan.org/diy/ relate to radio communications and technology. The idea is to have this FAQ to answer all the immediate questions. It is bootstrapped off the Cyberpunk FAQ and the 4chan radio pasta.

This is Version 1 preview 15 of the Radio FAQ. Presently the maintainer follows 4chan.org/diy/ham when operative.


I would also like to recognise and express my fellow anons. This FAQ is a living document. If you have any comments, criticisms, additions, questions please post them in a /sec/ general. (I especially welcome reports of "broken links", either in the ASCII or HTML versions). The vast number of the "answers" here could be predicated by "in several peoples opinion." The general consensus is however that no one person is the ultimate authority.


Table of contents:

  1. FAQ
  2. The Radio FAQ
  3. Background
  4. Introduction
  5. Contents
  6. Range
  7. License
    1. Electronics
    2. Protocol
    3. Band Knowledge
    4. Tricks
  8. Ham Activities
    1. Social
    2. Tech
    3. Morse Code
  9. Monitoring
  10. Unlicensed Use
    1. Making Antennas
    2. Making Receivers
    3. Reception and Decoding
    4. Radio Astronomy
  11. Equipment
  12. Other Resources
  13. FAQ History

Radio and communication technologies are recurring topics. Here are a few quick start notes


Yes, radio communication can get you around the Earth. Literally. You can do that in many ways.

VLF, LF: these band can go through the Earth and are used for reaching submarines. There is a radio amateur band available at 2200 m but to transmit here you'd better use a manly antenna - 600 m length on your own pylons would do.

HF: the workhorse long distance band with several radio amateur bands where you with some skill can transmit around the globe at 10 W

VHF and up: there are many bands available with specific services:

A: you can use the radio amateur packet radio system using store and forward and send data across the world

B: you can use radio amateur satellites (see OSCAR)

C: you can use meteor scatter

D: with care you can use moon bounce or EME to reflect signal back to Earth

(B, C and D will give intercontinental range but not necessarily full globe coverage)

Keep in mind that propagation depends on space weather.


Get a license. Seriously. There are many good reasons for this. To get a license you have to learn a few important things:


This is important for many reasons such as making sure you don't kill yourself or jam emergency bands with harmonics. Remember that at resonance you can generate very high voltages and 100 W power are common and should be taken seriously. Your editor was fried on 100 W HF currents once. On the other hand a valid license you are allowed to make you own equipment, explore new designs involving high voltage gear that would incinerate an elephant.


This is important to make sure you can coexist on the band with others. In case of emergencies knowing protocols is essential. Part of this is knowledge of Q-code and Z-code for commonly used abbreviations, prosigns, brevity codes and abbreviations.

Band Knowledge

This lets you know what frequencies will work well under what circumstances, and there are many bands, many with important limitations. As a licenced ham you can use the 136 kHz (2200 m) band on LF, up to > 300 GHz (sub mm) band on THF. Also important is to know what types of transmissions are permitted at the different bands. Bandplans are put in place to assist in coexistence on the radio waves. Reasoning might not be apparent at first glance but there are reasons behind it all.


If you really, really, really need to transmit without being found there are a lot of things to know. This is one of the reasons it takes time to train military radio operators.

With a license you get a call sign. Without a valid call sign you will stick out like a sore thumb. Just think of teenage script kiddies who have just downloaded LOIC and is boasting on a computer security forum.

Ham Activities

Hams are used in emergencies when the message absolutely has to get through and cell phone nets are down and normal infrastructure such as mains power and landlines have failed. Normal activities are far less dramatic. Rather it is tech and social.


All kinds of people are active. While the stereotype is an elderly man in questionable health also the very young are active. Many disabled use ham to stay in contact with the world. Also many are former telegraphists from the merchant navy or the armed forces.


Modern electronics has made Software Defined Radios (SDR) cheap ( USD 20) and available for everyone and essentially replaces a lot of analogue electronics with Digital Signal Processing (DSP) on a computer such as a PC or even a Raspberry Pi.

A more extensive list of activities is available as well as an extensive list of ham related electronics projects.

Morse Code

With today's technologies many wonder why use primitive Morse code. Part of the reason is exactly that it is primitive: it is simple in terms of electronics, it is relatively simple to operate and you can keep long distance communications going under adverse conditions including burning through military jammers. A transceiver with key can be as small as a deck of cards and that includes the battery. Bandwidth use is very small. For these and other reasons WWII agents behind enemy lines often used Morse code to keep in touch with HQ. A properly trained military Morse code operator will know how to transmit to the target without being caught by enemy intelligence. Today the practical use is that you can bring your radio with you everywhere.

Wikipedia has an article on Morse code.

Morse code can be learned online at LCWO.net and Just Learn Morse Code. If you want clean signals with text you can try Morsecode.me, available at various speed.

Morse code is also culture, also military culture (original in Norwegian).


There is a lot of cold war rules to this activity and all bands are monitored and emitters located as a matter of routine with ground and space based SIGINT systems. Even accidental transmissions into military emergency bands will bring about swift reactions.

Below 30 MHz you will be caught by systems like the Wullenweber, huge antenna systems that at 300 m diameter have earned the nickname "Elephant cages". These are used for direction finding (DF) and have enormous ranges. Some are capable of determining distance in addition to direction and can perform single site localisation. Otherwise direction finders work in groups to locate emitters by intersection of vectors.

Above 30 MHz you will be caught by satellite systems like Mercury, Vortex and more.

And make no mistake, you will be found. And recorded, voice prints archived for future use.

These days the availability of high tech equipment has meant that also hobbyists can do what only government agencies could do 20 years ago. The KiwiSDR radio is provided with a GPS receiver that enables locating emitters using Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA). Since a large selection of such radios are on the net these can be connected from anywhere in the world to locate emitters without the need for your own radio.

Wideband recording are made of all amateur radio bands during contests and the automated conversion to text of QSOs during contests as a way to enforce the rules. These are logged and kept. Since logging the entire HF band generates perhaps 60 MB/s it is quite easy for a dedicated amateur to keep raw data for later analysis such as emitter localisaton. Logging amateur bands only reduces bandwidth requirements even further.

Also services like Broadcastify keep rolling 1 month recordings of all scanners that people have linked to it. That includes public safety, aircraft, rail, and marine radio live audio streams.

Unlicensed Use

Not all activities require a license. In most free countries you do not need a license for reception only with a few exceptions. Listening in to cell phone traffic is typically not permitted. Also listening in on police radio is also frowned at in some countries though these days much of this is encrypted.

It is the use of transmitters (or intentional radiators) that usually requires permission or a license, especially if you made the transmitter yourself. One example is the use of ISM bands. These bands were for Industrial, Scientific and Medical equipment, essentially machines that had to emit at least some radio frequency (RF) noise, and by setting a few bands aside from this the rest of the bands would be free from junk. The 2.4 GHz band is one example, used by microwave ovens but also modern tech such as WIFI, Bluetooth, Zigbee and other protocols. The permission for use comes with the equipment. It is not entirely clear if these bands are free for use with experimenters even though emitted power is kept low.

Making Antennas

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link and no radio system is better than the antenna. A good enough antenna is not hard to make and does not require a license though neighbour and home owner associations can complain. Stealth antennas are therefore also a thing.

With a cheap copper or bronze wire, you can make a good antenna:

Distance between poles (m) Wire Length (m) Solid centre conductor wire diameter (bronze) (mm) Solid centre conductor wire diameter (copper) (mm) Multi-stranded wire (bronze) (mm) Multi-stranded wire (copper) (mm)
25 26 1 1.6 0.35 x 7 0.5 x 7
40 41 1.5 2.1 0.5 x 7 0.67 x 7
50 52 2.1 2.6 0.67 x 7 0.52 x 19
60 62 2.1 3 0.67 x 7 1.0 x 7
70 72 2.6 3 0.67 x 7 1.0 x 7
80 82 2.6 3.2 0.52 x 19 0.67 x 19

Aluminium wire must have cross section area 3 times bigger than that of bronze wire.

A "random wire" can be of any length but is not optimal. More optimal are antennas adapted to the wavelength you want to operate on and will for simple designs cover an entire band. A single horizontal wire at 1/4 wavelength will do. A dipole uses two such wires, each at a quarter wavelength for a total of half a wavelength. More information is available at ARRL but keep in mind that the sky is the limit for complexity. The same goes for area required and the legendary Wullenweber does not fit well in the average back yard.

Making Receivers

Making receivers is possible without making transmission and the simplest way to start is to make crystal receivers. Simple in principle the receivers can be made in pretty complicated versions, all powered by the received radio waves without need for an internal power source. There are guides for making these freely available on the net.

Reception and Decoding

When you listen through the bands you will come across a lot of activities that are not immediately obvious what are. In the old days you have voice and Morse, then Radio Teletype (RTTY) and these days we have a lot of different modulation schemes for various purposes. Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) was once the sole prerogative of governments but these days anyone can analyse and decode. A lot can be found on the aptly named Signal Id Wiki.

As an alternative to listening using your own radio you can listen in using web connected SDR services. One of the first was WebSDR which is a portal to more than 100 SDR servers across the world, selectable through a list or a map. Another alternative is the open source OpenWebRX for KiwiSDR which is also a remote radio listening system, with a list of receivers. There is also a SDR service for satellite communications. There are also other alternatives with propagation data.

Lists of what kind of activities can be found are maintained by people interested in monitoring. Some lists are Milcom HF Frequency List, Monitoring Times, and SWLD. There are also blogs dedicated to Short Wave Listening, such as the SWLing Post.

These days it is quite possible for amateurs to decode radio signals using freely available tools. Some relevant tools are Universal Radio Hacker or SigDigger [github]. It should be kept in mind that even if you get to the data stream, this could be encrypted.

A list of shortwave receivers can be found on the SWLing shortwave radio index.

There are also many license free listening opportunities in satellite communications available. Weather fax has been transmitted on HF bands for years, more recently weather satellites transmit high resolution images in digital format, typically on VHF bands such as 137 MHz.

Radio Astronomy

It is also possible to use ham equipment to listen to astronomical phenomena, and you can even order kits for participating.


You can get cheap transceivers operating on a single band, Morse only, for about 50 dollars. For a few hundred dollars more, you can get Elecraft transceivers, some of which are very portable. QRP transceivers are cheap and cheerful and often easily adaptable for further experiments. A lot of Chinese vendors such as Frog Sound QRP sell single band (typically around 7.020 MHz) Morse code transceivers for a few dollars. The S-Pixie QRP design is popular and costs about USD 4 as a kit from many vendors in China, including an acrylic case. There are two important snags. First of all the frequency is set to 7.023 MHz which in the US requires an Extra class license. That can be fixed by replacing the crystal with one within the 40 m band. The other issue is that the Pixie emits a lot of harmonics, often quite a bit above the permissible. This can be overcome by relatively simple modifications such as replacing a transistor (see also the circuit board) or use a better low pass pi filter design.

More advanced digital HF radios are now available for a reasonable cost such as the uSDX (avoid Chinese under performing and overprices copies), the much improved and still cheap (tr)uSDX and Radioberry. Avoid the Romanian versions of (tr)uSDX since the quality control is shot. Note that uSDX is open source but (tr)uSDX is not. There is also Rpitx, using a Raspberry Pi as a transmitter. While easily available, a license is needed as well as a very good filter to avoid harmonics everywhere.

At VHF and UHF you can get cheap Baofeng radios.

If you want to try a receive only, you need no license. A cheap Software Defined Radio (SDR) like RTL-SDR is good bang for the bucks and gives you huge coverage. SDR is very popular and even has dedicated news sites.

While the electronics supply chain crisis is coming to an end, a lot of components are scarce and some have been discontinued altogether. This means some ham rigs have been discontinued (older Elecraft models and Yaesu FT818ND, the KiwiSDR receiver and more).

Other Resources

More information can be found on Amateur Radio Wiki – The Online Encyclopedia for Hams. There is also some humour available. Good, fee books are hard to come by but CRYSTAL SETS TO SIDEBAND is good, free and comprehensive.

A lot of SDR theory is made available by Analog Devices in the book Software-Defined Radio for Engineers, 2018. At 375 pages it covers a lot of ground, from hardware to the digital processing. Another major works is PySDR: A Guide to SDR and DSP using Python, with Python source code and is also still in works.

A lot of kits, especially for QRP transceivers, are available from many suppliers. An overview is available. A large number are based on the Si5351 CMOS clock generator (datasheet) and the SA602A Double-balanced mixer and oscillator (data sheet) also sold as SA612 (data sheet), NE602 etc. Some examples with source code are available at Circuit Salad.

There are many ham magazines, nearly all cost money. Antentop, on the other hand, is free and also has a lot of free books. A huge archive of magazines, many relating to electronics in general and ham can be found at World Radio History. There is also a huge library of schematics, service manuals brochures and user manuals.

More specific discussion groups are also available, divided geographically and by rigs.

There is also a large (800 MB) library on Mega, ham_lib_2.

License Free Communications

At times people also want to transmit but have no license. There are many legal possibilities, some quite obscure.

Optical Communications

People are probably rather familiar with LED based remote control. LED, especially infrared (IR) LEDs can communicate tens of meters, more so if you use some extra thoughts on optics and modulation. Some well known free space optical links are RONJA and KORUZA. Such links can use visible light, which is convenient for alignment, or infrared light which is is unobtrusive and often stronger and has better performance in fog.

Acoustic Communication

Sound propagates for long distances in water and soil, especially hard soil and rocks. During WWI, people were able to locate trucks by the engine sound propagated through the ground on the other side of the front at a range measured in kilometres. Such technologies can benefit from modern sensors and processing such as for seismic analysis.

Ground Electric communication

Also known from WWI was the "Buzzer" or "Fuller Phone".

FAQ History

This is the first version of what hopefully will be a complete Radio FAQ.

Version 1 Anon

The vast number of the answers here could be predicated by "in several peoples opinion".

This FAQ, as with the radio field in general, is a living document. If you have any comments, criticisms, additions or questions, please post a note on  4chan.org/diy/ham and check for feedback. It can take a little while to respond.