NCamera = { FOV = 35 # Field-of-View SYSTEM_NEAR_PLANE_DISTANCE_BASE = 0.0 SYSTEM_FAR_PLANE_DISTANCE_BASE = 12000.0 # Used for all ships ENTITY_SPRITE_DESIGN_ENTRY_CAM_DIR = { -1.0 -0.6 0.3 } ENTITY_SPRITE_DESIGN_ENTRY_CAM_LOOK_AT = { -2 -1.5 -1.0 } # x=closer -y = up +z = left -z = right ENTITY_SPRITE_DESIGN_ENTRY_ZOOM_SCALE = 1.7 # Used for ship sections in the ship designer ENTITY_SPRITE_SHIP_SECTION_CAM_DIR = { -1.0 -0.9 0.7 } ENTITY_SPRITE_SHIP_SECTION_CAM_LOOK_AT = { 0 0 0 } ENTITY_SPRITE_SHIP_SECTION_ZOOM_SCALE = 2.3 # Used for planets ENTITY_SPRITE_SYSTEM_VIEW_CAM_DIR = { -1.0 -0.5 0.3 } ENTITY_SPRITE_SYSTEM_VIEW_CAM_LOOK_AT = { 0 0 0 } ENTITY_SPRITE_SYSTEM_VIEW_ZOOM_SCALE = 1.6 # Used for planets in the species customization menus ENTITY_SPRITE_CUSTOMIZE_SPECIES_VIEW_CAM_DIR = { -1.0 -0.5 0.3 } ENTITY_SPRITE_CUSTOMIZE_SPECIES_VIEW_CAM_LOOK_AT = { 0 0 0 } ENTITY_SPRITE_CUSTOMIZE_SPECIES_VIEW_ZOOM_SCALE = 1.7 # Same, but specifically for ring worlds ENTITY_SPRITE_CUSTOMIZE_RINGWORLD_CAM_DIR = { -1.0 -0.75 0.3 } ENTITY_SPRITE_CUSTOMIZE_RINGWORLD_CAM_LOOK_AT = { 0 0 0 } ENTITY_SPRITE_CUSTOMIZE_RINGWORLD_ZOOM_SCALE = 1.9 # Used for the animated front end background ENTITY_SPRITE_FRONTEND_BG_CAM_DIR = { 0.0 0.0 1.0 } ENTITY_SPRITE_FRONTEND_BG_CAM_LOOK_AT = { 0.0 0 0 } ENTITY_SPRITE_FRONTEND_BG_ZOOM_SCALE = 10.0 GALAXY_SHOW_FLEETS_ZOOM = 2300 # Camera zoom interval to show fleet icons GALAXY_SHOW_STARNAME_ZOOM = 800 # Camera zoom interval to show star name SHOW_FLEETS_ZOOM = 300 # Show fleet icons instead of ship icons above this height HIDE_ORBITS_ZOOM = 0 ZOOM_STEPS_GALAXY = { 100 200 400 600 900 1500 3000 } # Galaxy zoom steps # ZOOM_STEPS_SYSTEM_PERCENTAGES = { 0.01 0.05 0.25 0.5 1.0 1.5 3.0 } # System zoom steps in percent relative to the system size ZOOM_STEPS_SYSTEM_PERCENTAGES = { 0.025 0.1 0.25 0.5 1.0 1.5 3.0 } # System zoom steps in percent relative to the system size ZOOM_STEPS_SHOW_FLEET_HEALTH_BARS = { 3 4 5 6 } # on which zoom steps per-fleet health bars should be shown LEAVE_SYSTEM_ZOOM_STEP = 1 # Controls which zoom step is used after leaving system ENTER_SYSTEM_ZOOM_STEP = 6 # Controls which zoom step is used after entering system SYSTEM_SPACE_SCALE_MULT = 10.0 GALAXY_SPACE_SCALE_MULT = 2.0 SYSTEM_HOVER_RANGE = 0.005 BORDER_NAMES_FADEOUT_ZOOM = 600 BORDER_NAMES_FADEOUT_SPEED = 4.0 BORDER_FLAG_FADEOUT_ZOOM = 600 BORDER_FLAG_FADEOUT_SPEED = 4.0 NEBULA_NAMES_FADEOUT_ZOOM = 250 NEBULA_NAMES_FADEOUT_SPEED = 1.5 EDGE_SCROLLING_PIXELS = 3 # how many pixels from window edge that will trigger edge scrolling SCROLL_SPEED = 0.035 # higher values = faster camera. NOTE that this is tweakables from settings as well! SYSTEM_CAMERA_RESTRICT_EXTRA_SPACE = 100.0# how far the camera can go outside a systems outer radius SYSTEM_MIN_PITCH = 20.0 # in degrees SYSTEM_MAX_PITCH = 80.0 # in degrees GALAXY_MIN_PITCH = 30.0 # in degrees GALAXY_MAX_PITCH = 85.0 # in degrees FOCUSED_MIN_PITCH = -80.0 # in degrees used when focused on planet/ship FOCUSED_MAX_PITCH = 80.0 # in degrees used when focused on planet/ship FOCUSED_MIN_ZOOM_BASE = 20.0 # base min zoom FOCUSED_MIN_ZOOM_MULT = 0.5 # min zoom is base + entity radius * FOCUSED_MIN_ZOOM_MULT FOCUSED_PLANET_MIN_ZOOM_MULT = 1.6 FOCUSED_ZOOM_RATE = 0.2 # higher values means faster zoom in/out FOCUS_START_ZOOM_STEP = 4 # which zoom step will be used when focusing on a new object ROTATION_RADIANS_PER_MOUSE_UNIT = 0.004 # moving the mouse 1 pixel results in rotation of X radians * sensitivity from settings MOUSE_MOVEMENT_TO_START_ROTATION_SQ = 16 # how far (squared) you need to move the mouse before the game recognizes this as a camera rotation action SYSTEM_SLIDE_RADIUS_FACTOR = 4.0 SYSTEM_SLIDE_SPEED = 100.0 } NGraphics = { CAMERA_DISTANCE_TO_ZOOM = 10.0 DEAD_SHIP_DRAG = 15.0 # When ships die reduce their speed with x / second ORBIT_HSV = { 0.44 0.8 0.6 } SYSTEM_INNER_BORDER_HSV = { 0.0 0.0 1.0 } SYSTEM_OUTER_BORDER_HSV = { 0.1 0.8 0.9 } SYSTEM_LINE_ALPHA_FADE_STEP = { 1 6 } # Fade alpha betweeen zoom step X and Y SYSTEM_LINE_ALPHA_FADE_VALUE = { 0.1 0.05 } # Fade alpha value between X and Y DEFAULT_PLANET_PLANE = -150.0 PLANET_TO_MEGASTRUCTURE_SCALE = 0.045 MOON_SCALE = 0.7 PLANET_SCALE_SYSTEM = { 0.425 0.325 0.35 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.75 } # Scale for each System zoom steps PLANET_DESTRUCTION_HIT_ENTITY_SCALE = 0.02 # Scale of the planet destruction hit entity is * this # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RELATION_COLOR_PLAYER_HSV = { 0.67 0.8 0.35 } RELATION_COLOR_ALLIED_HSV = { 0.8 0.35 0.4 } RELATION_COLOR_NEUTRAL_HSV = { 0.0 0.0 0.22 } RELATION_COLOR_HOSTILE_HSV = { 0.0 0.3 0.3 } RELATION_COLOR_SELECTED_RGB = { 1.5 1.1 0.0} ASTEROID_PLANE = -100.0 ASTEROID_POSITION_OFFSET = 8.0 ASTEROID_HEIGHT_OFFSET = 4.0 ASTEROID_DIST_POW = 3 ASTEROID_AMOUNT_RADIUS_SCALER = 0.1 ASTEROID_MAX_SCALE = 4.0 ASTEROID_ROTATION_SPEED = 0.3035 GALAXY_STAR_ICON_SCALE = 1.5 GALAXY_STAR_ICON_MAX_SCALE = 1.25 GALAXY_DUST_SIZE = 25.0 GALAXY_DUST_SIZE_EXTRA = 35.0 GALAXY_DUST_ROTATION_SPEED = 0.005 GALAXY_NEBULA_DUST_SIZE = 10.0 GALAXY_NEBULA_DUST_SIZE_EXTRA = 25.0 GALAXY_NEBULA_DUST_ROTATION_SPEED = 0.002 ARCHAEOLOGICAL_SITE_MAP_ICON_OFFSET = -0.5 PLANET_TILT_FROM_SUN = 0.52 # Tilt away from sun PLANET_RING_TILT_FROM_SUN = -0.16 PLANET_MAP_ICON_OFFSET = 0.6 # based on planet size PLANET_DISSOLVE_ANIMATION_TIME_SCALE = 7.4 # Larger value => planet dissolve animation lasts longer MEGASTRUCTURE_MAP_ICON_OFFSET = 0.06 # based on mega structure size TRAILS_ALPHA_FADE = 0.5 # Controls of quick we alpha fade-out TRAILS_MISSILE_ALPHA_FADE = 6 # Controls of quick we alpha fade-out missile trails TRAILS_BASE_WIDTH = 1.0 # Trails width TRAILS_MISSILE_BASE_WIDTH = 3.0 # Missile trails width TRAILS_LOCATOR_NAME = "exhaust" STRIKE_CRAFT_TRAIL_FADE_RATE = 1.0 STRIKE_CRAFT_HEIGHT_OFFSET = 30.0 STRIKE_CRAFT_HEIGHT_RANDOM = 5.0 BORDER_TEXTURE_SIZE = 2048 # size of borders data texture. larger = slower with more sample points. Too small and it will be inaccurate too big and the super sampling won't have much effect BORDER_MIN_SIZE_FOR_SYMBOL = 16 # To show a symbol the border blob must be able to fit a square of x pixels BORDER_SYSTEM_RADIUS = 35.0 BORDER_HYPERLANE_THICKNESS = 20.0 BORDER_INFLUENCE_MAX_DISTANCE_FACTOR = 1.88 BORDER_OWNERLESS_SYSTEM_RADIUS = 30.0 BORDER_OWNERLESS_HYPERLANE_THICKNESS = 20.0 BORDER_OWNERLESS_INFLUENCE_MAX_DISTANCE_FACTOR = 1.88 BORDER_VISIBILITY_THRESHOLD = 0.05 STAR_PIN_CIRCLE_RADIUS = 2.0 # The lines that go from solar systems down to the 0-plane. This is the radius of that circle STAR_PIN_CIRCLE_NUM_POINTS = 6 # how many points in the circle on the 0-plane STAR_PIN_ENABLE_NEUTRAL = yes # Should the game draw pins for stars that are not within any borders? STAR_PIN_NEUTRAL_COLOR = { 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 } # The color for pins that are not inside any borders BORDER_FLAG_SCALE = 0.6 MAPNAME_BORDER_SCALE = 1.0 MAPNAME_BORDER_MIN_SIZE = 100 MAPNAME_BORDER_OFFSET_MUL = 0.75 MAPNAME_BORDER_OFFSET_ADD = 4.0 MAPNAME_NEBULA_SCALE = 0.8 MAPNAME_SECTOR_SCALE = 3 NULL_ENTITY = "test_object_entity" NULL_INSTANT_PROJECTILE = "default_instant_projectile" NULL_MISSILE_PROJECTILE = "default_missile_projectile" SCIENCE_SHIP_SURVEY_ENTITY = "survey_base_effect_entity" SCIENCE_SHIP_SURVEY_ENTITY_LOCATOR = "" SCIENCE_SHIP_SURVEY_ENTITY_MAX_SCALE_FACTOR = 1.0 # Scale in xy can max be scale z * SCIENCE_SHIP_SURVEY_ENTITY_MAX_SCALE_FACTOR. Scale z will be equal to the distance between surveyed object and ship CONSTRUCTION_SHIP_TERRAFORMING_BEAM_ENTITY = "terraforming_effect_entity" CONSTRUCTION_SHIP_TERRAFORMING_PLANET_ENTITY = "terraforming_planet_effect_entity" CONSTRUCTION_SHIP_TERRAFORMING_BEAM_ENTITY_SCALE_XY = 1.0 # Scale xy in local coords between ship and planet. CONSTRUCTION_SHIP_TERRAFORMING_BEAM_ENTITY_SCALE_Z = 0.62 # Scale beam tip z in local coords so beam hits planet surface. CONSTRUCTION_SHIP_TERRAFORMING_PLANET_ENTITY_SCALE_R = 3.0 # Scale radius r of the cloud surrounding the planet. # NAVIGATION_ARROW_X values might require a game restart to push changes NAVIGATION_ARROW_ENTITY = "navigation_arrow_entity" NAVIGATION_ARROW_OFFSET = 150.0 # offsets the arrow towards the edge NAVIGATION_ARROW_FONT = "Orbitron" NAVIGATION_ARROW_FONT_SPECIAL = { "l_russian" "arial" "l_polish" "arial" "l_chinese" "Chinese_normal" "l_japanese" "Chinese_normal" "l_korean" "Chinese_normal" } NAVIGATION_ARROW_TEXT_OFFSET = -50.0 NAVIGATION_ARROW_TEXT_SCALE = 1.6 NAVIGATION_ARROW_FONT_SIZE = 32 NAVIGATION_ARROW_TEXT_KERNING = 8 SHIP_TURRET_PROJECTILE_SPAWN_LOCATOR = "turret_muzzle_01" STRIKE_CRAFT_PROJECTILE_SPAWN_LOCATOR = "projectile_spawn" SHIP_TARGET_LOCATOR = "target_locator_" MISSILE_HEIGHT_OFFSET = 10.0 # how high up missiles will fly MISSILE_RANDOM_OFFSET_MIN_RADIUS = 5.0 # random spread of missiles MISSILE_RANDOM_OFFSET_MAX_RADIUS = 10.0 BALLISTIC_PROJECTILE_MISSED_LIFETIME = 2.0 # missed ballistic projectiles will live for (at least) this long before being removed PROJECTILE_ENTITY_STOP_STATE = "stop" # state that gets played on missile- projectile- and on_hit entities when its time to stop SHIELD_EFFECT_TIME_SCALE = 1.5 # how fast the shield effects are animated SHIELD_EFFECT_LOOP_INTERVAL = 0.5 # when to loop animation. value is in percent SHIELD_DISTANCE_FROM_SHIP = { 2.0 0.0 5.0 } # how far "out" from the ships shields will extend. left-right upd-down front-back SHIELD_DISTANCE_FROM_SHIP_MULT = { 1.15 1.15 1.15 } # how far "out" from the ships shields will extend. based on ship's size. left-right upd-down front-back SHIELD_EFFECT_ENTITIES = { "small_shield_impact_entity" "medium_shield_impact_entity" "large_shield_impact_entity" } SHIELD_EFFECT_LOOPING_ENTITIES = { "small_shield_impact_looping_entity" "medium_shield_impact_looping_entity" "large_shield_impact_looping_entity" } MISSED_BEAM_LENGTH = 1500.0 # how long missed beams will be SHIP_DAMAGE_TEXTURE = "gfx/models/ships/other/" SHIP_DISSOLVE_NOISE_TEXTURE = "gfx/models/ships/other/" SHIP_RANDOM_HEIGHT_OFFSET = 15.0 SHIP_MOVEMENT_LENGTH_CONSIDERED_ZERO = 0.002 # Below this value ships actual rotation will be used otherwise the forward vector. RANDOM_HEIGHT_MIN = -20.0 RANDOM_HEIGHT_MAX = 20.0 MOVE_ARROW_SYSTEM_CONTROL_POINT_SPACING = 100.0 # When plotting the movement arrows how far apart should the control points be? MOVE_ARROW_GALAXY_CONTROL_POINT_SPACING = 5.0 # When plotting the movement arrows how far apart should the control points be? MOVE_ARROW_SYSTEM_TARGET_ENTITY = "move_indicator_entity" # Entity that is used at the end of the arrow MOVE_ARROW_GALAXY_TARGET_ENTITY = "galaxy_move_indicator_entity" # Entity that is used at the end of the arrow ATTACK_ARROW_SYSTEM_TARGET_ENTITY = "attack_indicator_entity" # Entity that is used at the end of the arrow ATTACK_ARROW_GALAXY_TARGET_ENTITY = "galaxy_attack_indicator_entity" # Entity that is used at the end of the arrow TASK_ARROW_SYSTEM_TARGET_ENTITY = "task_indicator_entity" # Entity that is used at the end of the arrow TASK_ARROW_GALAXY_TARGET_ENTITY = "galaxy_task_indicator_entity" # Entity that is used at the end of the arrow BYPASS_ARROW_GALAXY_TARGET_ENTITY = "galaxy_move_indicator_entity" # Entity used for special FTL jumps - for now use the default move target GUI_PLANET_RING_DIR = { 1.5 -0.25 1.5 } # direction of the ring for planets in gui icons TI_TEXTURE_GROW_AMOUNT = 1 # amount to grow TI for graphics #REPAIR_FLEET_EFFECT_ENTITY = "ship_repair_entity" #UPGRADE_FLEET_EFFECT_ENTITY = "ship_upgrade_entity" #ORBIT_FLEET_EFFECT_ENTITY = "ship_orbit_entity" #IDLE_FLEET_EFFECT_ENTITY = "" FLEET_EFFECT_ENTITIES = { "ship_repair_entity" # when repairing "ship_upgrade_entity" # when upgrading "ship_orbit_entity" # when orbiting "" # when idling } FLEET_EFFECT_ENTITIES_BILLBOARD = { 1 # when repairing 1 # when upgrading 0 # when orbiting 1 # when idling } FLEET_EFFECT_ENTITIES_SCALE = { 0 # when repairing 0 # when upgrading 1 # when orbiting 0 # when idling } FTL_WINDUP_ENTITY_HYPERLANE = "hyperlane_ftl_ship_effect_entity" # for hyperlane windup FTL_WINDUP_ENTITY_JUMP = "warp_ftl_ship_effect_entity" # for jump drive windup ALIENFX_DEFAULT_COLOR = { 0.43 0.8 0.61 } MAX_GFX_PROJECTILES = 100 MAX_GFX_PRIO_PROJECTILES = 100 MAX_GFX_MISSILES = 50 MUZZLE_FLASH_LIMIT = 50 MUZZLE_FLASH_DURATION = 2.0 MAP_MODE_NEUTRAL_COLOR = { 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.75 } COUNTRY_BORDER_COLOR_RANDOM_SATURATION_OFFSETS = { 0.0 -0.1 0.1 -0.2 0.2 -0.3 0.3 } COUNTRY_BORDER_COLOR_RANDOM_VALUE_OFFSETS = { 0.0 -0.1 0.1 -0.2 0.2 -0.25 0.3 } CONSTRUCTION_COLOR_VALID = { 0.38 1.0 0.6 0.5 } CONSTRUCTION_COLOR_INVALID = { 0.0 0.95 0.3 0.5 } CONSTRUCTION_COLOR_IN_PROGRESS = { 0.41 1.0 0.6 0.10 } CONSTRUCTION_PROGRESS_BLEND_SPEED = 0.025 CONSTRUCTION_MEGASTRUCTURE_PROGRESS_BLEND_SPEED = 0.001 HIDE_HYPERLANES_OUTSIDE_TERRA_INCOGNITA = yes HYPERLANE_DEFAULT_COLOR = { 0.0 1.0 1.0 } HYPERLANE_NO_ACCESS_COLOR = { 0.9 0.15 0.0 } MODIFIER_TEXT_ICON_SCALE = 0.70 CELESTIAL_WARNING_COORDINATE_VALUE = 550 # System size at which you get errors for the system being too big (500 is the normal values, as graphics can glitch with bigger values) # Newer comment: upped limit to 550 as custom_starting_init_01 is regularly at around 520 without any issues reported GDF_SHIP_GRAPHICAL_CULTURE = "nemesis_01" FEDERATION_UNKOWN_FEDERATION_ICON = "GFX_unknown_federation" } NInterface = { PLANET_SKY_DEFAULT = "sky" PLANET_SKY_MOON = "sky02" PLANET_SKY_MOON_RINGS = "sky03" MAX_WARGOAL_ITEMS = 3 FLEET_SIZE = 50 # Fleets of this size of above is displayed with the special fleet overlay TOOLTIP_TIME = 0.05 TOOLTIP_DELAYED_TIME = 0.8 TOOLTIP_POSITION_OFFSET = { 21 24 } TOOLTIP_POSITION_OFFSET_STAR = { 6.4 0 } PERSISTENT_CHAT_LINE_HEIGHT = 20 # default y-size of persistent chat messages NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_XPOS = 130 # X-position where notification message starts NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_YPOS = 44 # Y-position where notification message stops NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_CLOSE_WARNING_PERC = 0.30 # Percentage of time left before auto close NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_SPACING = -10 NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_MARGIN_RIGHT = 80 NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_SPEED = 120.0 NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_DURATION_STANDARD = 30 # How many days the notification should be shown ARCH_VIEW_DEFAULT_MAX_CHAPTERS = 6 # default number of supported chapters in a site, will be overriden if a site is scripted to have more ARCH_VIEW_TEXTBOX_SMALL = 200 # height of textbox when not showing an event ARCH_VIEW_TEXTBOX_LARGE = 265 # height of textbox when showing an event DEFAULT_CITY_POP_LEVEL = 4 # Shown in empire designer POPS_TO_SHOW_CITY_LEVEL = { 1 20 40 80 120 } # Decides how many pops are required to show the next level of city-infrastructure in city_frame TRADE_VIEW_DEFAULT_CREDIT_CHANGE = 1 # Default value TRADE_VIEW_SMALL_CREDIT_CHANGE = 10 # Decides how much value is changed while holding control when increasing/decreasing credit in trade TRADE_VIEW_LARGE_CREDIT_CHANGE = 100 # Decides how much value is changed while holding shift when increasing/decreasing credit in trade TRADE_VIEW_MASSIVE_CREDIT_CHANGE = 1000 # Decides how much value is changed while holding shift AND control when increasing/decreasing credit in trade TRADE_VIEW_WIDE_MODE_THRESHHOLD = 1470 # Shows Trade View in wide mode if game resolution is above this SHIP_NAME_CAP_LENGTH = 175 # Fleet name max width to limit Henrik Thyrwall's imagination SHIP_NAME_SIZE_MAX = 26 # Max number of letters in ship names SPECIES_NAME_SIZE_MAX = 20 # Max number of letters in army names MUSIC_SILENCE_CHANCE = 15 MUSIC_SILENCE_TIME_FIXED = 5 MUSIC_SILENCE_TIME_RANDOM = 25 ADVISOR_DEFAULT_SHOW_SOUND = "advisor_generic_phrase" ADVISOR_DEFAULT_CLICK_SOUND = "advisor_clicking_respons_01" ADVISOR_ANNOYED_COUNT = 5 ADVISOR_ANNOYED_SOUNDS = { "advisor_clicking_respons_05" "advisor_clicking_respons_06" "advisor_clicking_respons_07" "advisor_clicking_respons_08" "advisor_clicking_respons_09" "advisor_clicking_respons_10" "advisor_clicking_respons_11" "advisor_clicking_respons_12" "advisor_clicking_respons_13" "advisor_clicking_respons_14" "advisor_clicking_respons_15" "advisor_clicking_respons_16" } ADVISOR_SOUND_MIN_WAIT = 2.0 # After playing a VO line, don't play any other VO line for X seconds ADVISOR_SOUND_BLOCKED_DEFAULT = 0.0 # Default time VO line blocked from playing for X seconds ADVISOR_SOUND_BLOCKED_SHIP_LOST = 10.0 # This VO line will be blocked from playing for X seconds ADVISOR_SOUND_BLOCKED_FLEET_ENGAGED = 10.0 # This VO line will be blocked from playing for X seconds POP_FACTION_HEADER_SPRITE_TYPE_DEFAULT = "GFX_faction_header_blue" OUTLINER_PING_TIME = 2.40 # Amount of seconds to show the ping when having selected an object from the outliner FRONTEND_ANIMATED_BG_ENTITY = "frontend_background_entity" FRONTEND_ANIMATED_BG_ASPECT_RATIO = 1.777 MAX_NUM_SAVE_GAMES = 100 DAYS_PENDING_ARCHAEOLOGY_NOTIFICATIONS = 30 # num of days archaeological notifications are shown ARCHAEOLOGICAL_SITE_IN_PROGRESS_SPRITE = "GFX_evt_archaeological_site_in_progress" SITUATION_LOG_ARCHAEOLOGY_PICTURE_SPRITE = "GFX_evt_archaeological_dig" SITUATION_LOG_ARCHAEOLOGY_ICON_FILENAME = "gfx/interface/icons/situation_log/" SITUATION_LOG_FIRST_CONTACT_ICON_FILENAME = "gfx/interface/icons/situation_log/" SITUATION_LOG_DEBRIS_PICTURE_SPRITE = "GFX_situation_log_debris_picture" SITUATION_LOG_DEBRIS_ICON_FILENAME = "gfx/interface/icons/situation_log/" SITUATION_LOG_MODIFICATION_PICTURE_SPRITE = "GFX_situation_log_modification_picture" SITUATION_LOG_MODIFICATION_ICON_FILENAME = "gfx/interface/icons/situation_log/" SITUATION_LOG_ESPIONAGE_PICTURE_SPRITE = "GFX_evt_archaeological_dig" ESPIONAGE_OPERATION_VIEW_TEXTBOX_SMALL = 200 # height of textbox when not showing an event ESPIONAGE_OPERATION_VIEW_TEXTBOX_LARGE = 265 # height of textbox when showing an event ESPIONAGE_OPERATION_VIEW_DEFAULT_MAX_CHAPTERS = 6 # default number of supported chapters in an operation, will be overriden if an operation is scripted to have more FIRST_CONTACT_RELATION_ICON_UNKNOWN = "GFX_option_icon_unknown" FIRST_CONTACT_RELATION_ICON_ISOLATIONIST = "GFX_option_icon_isolationist" FIRST_CONTACT_RELATION_ICON_FRIENDLY = "GFX_option_icon_friendly" FIRST_CONTACT_RELATION_ICON_HOSTILE = "GFX_option_icon_hostile" ARCHAEOLOGY_DIFFICULTY_SPRITE_NAME_ROOT = "GFX_archaeology_difficulty" FIRSTCONTACT_DIFFICULTY_SPRITE_NAME_ROOT = "GFX_firstcontact_difficulty" ESPIONAGE_DIFFICULTY_SPRITE_NAME_ROOT = "GFX_espionage_difficulty" MAP_ICON_ITEM_MINIMUM_WIDTH = 10 MIN_GUI_SCALE = 0.5 # Minimum UI scale factor TOPBAR_BUTTONS_SHORTCUTS = { "contacts" "F1" "situation" "F2" "market" "F3" "empire" "F4" "expansion_planner" "F5" "policies" "F6" "edicts" "F7" "traditions" "F8" "ship_designer" "F9" "fleet_manager" "F10" } # Shortcuts for topbar buttons, there aren't enough F-keys! TOPBAR_BUTTONS_PRIORITY = { "contacts" "situation" "market" "empire" "expansion_planner" "policies" "edicts" "traditions" "ship_designer" "fleet_manager" "technology" "factions" "claims" "species" "leaders" } # The order of topbar buttons ALWAYS_SHOW_NAVBAR = no # if yes then the left side navbar will always be shown NAVBAR_CLOSE_DELAY = 0.5 # how long time in seconds the navbar will stay open after un-mousing it NUM_INDENTATION_SPACES = 4 OUTLINER_PLANET_CONSTRUCTION_MAX_ENTRIES = 3 # not enough space in vanilla stellaris for more. priority: starbase, tile, army, pop OUTLINER_STARBASE_SHIPYARD_CONSTRUCTION_MAX_ENTRIES = 6 # The max number of starbase shipyard construction progress bars to show in the outliner, # make sure to also update the progress bar sizes OUTLINER_SHIPYARD_CONSTRUCTION_MAX_ENTRIES = 20 OUTLINER_UPDATE_EVERY_N_FRAMES = 7 # Optimization (mainly for late game) SOCIALVIEW_CONTEXT_MENU_MARGIN = 2 # Margin for social view context menu SOCIALVIEW_CONTEXT_MENU_BUTTON_OFFSET = 10 # Offset for context buttons WAROVERVIEW_BATTLE_RESULT_BASE_EXHAUSTION = 0.10 # In order to avoid a very small win with no losses on one side looking like it was "overwhelming" PERSISTENT_CHAT_LINES_DURATION = 60 # in seconds PERSISTENT_CHAT_LINES_FADE = 1 # in sceonds PERSISTENT_CHAT_NUM_LINES = 5 POP_ENTRY_GROUPING_THRESHOLD = 8 # the minimum amount of pops in the planet view jobs ui required before we start grouping them together EXPANSION_VIEW_NUM_DISTRICTS = 3 DEFICIT_MONTH_LEFT_ALERT = 12 #Show alert when less months left NUM_DISTRICT_BOXES_TO_SHOW = 15 # How many district boxes will be shown before we show " 12/20" instead NUM_RARE_DEPOSITS_TO_SHOW = 4 # How many rare deposits will be shown before we switch the gridbox to a summary icon and "x5" instead NUM_DEVASTATION_SEGMENTS = 4 # How many "levels" of devastation there is AUTOMATION_RESOURCE_ALERT_MIN_POOL = 300 # Alert the player if pool is lower than this AND monthly transfer lower than the next entry AUTOMATION_RESOURCE_ALERT_MIN_MONTHLY = 10 # Alert the player if pool is previous entry AND monthly transfer lower than this DIPLO_SCREEN_TEXT_HIDE_COOLDOWN = 10.0 # How many seconds the alien message text in the deplomacy view will be shown DIPLO_SCREEN_BG_NEUTRAL = "GFX_diplomacy_textbox_neutral" DIPLO_SCREEN_BG_AGGRESSIVE = "GFX_diplomacy_textbox_aggressive" DIPLO_SCREEN_BG_POSITIVE = "GFX_diplomacy_textbox_positive" DIPLO_SCREEN_BG_NEGATIVE = "GFX_diplomacy_textbox_negative" CITY_SELECTION_DEFAULT_PLANET_CLASS = "pc_continental" # used for special planet types that don't have different option for each species GC_SENATE_BG_EMPTY = "GFX_0_senate_floor_portrait_bg" GC_SENATE_BG_0 = "GFX_1_senate_floor_portrait_bg" GC_SENATE_BG_25 = "GFX_2_senate_floor_portrait_bg" GC_SENATE_BG_50 = "GFX_3_senate_floor_portrait_bg" GC_SENATE_BG_75 = "GFX_4_senate_floor_portrait_bg" GC_SENATE_BG_100 = "GFX_5_senate_floor_portrait_bg" IMPERIUM_SENATE_BG_EMPTY = "GFX_0_senate_floor_empire_portrait_bg" IMPERIUM_SENATE_BG_0 = "GFX_1_senate_floor_empire_portrait_bg" IMPERIUM_SENATE_BG_25 = "GFX_2_senate_floor_empire_portrait_bg" IMPERIUM_SENATE_BG_50 = "GFX_3_senate_floor_empire_portrait_bg" IMPERIUM_SENATE_BG_75 = "GFX_4_senate_floor_empire_portrait_bg" IMPERIUM_SENATE_BG_100 = "GFX_5_senate_floor_empire_portrait_bg" GC_SENATE_BG_0_MAX = 13 GC_SENATE_BG_25_MAX = 38 GC_SENATE_BG_50_MAX = 63 GC_SENATE_BG_75_MAX = 82 DAYS_PENDING_FIRST_CONTACT_NOTIFICATIONS = 30 # num of days First Contact notifications are shown DAYS_LEFT_TO_SHOW_NUMBER = 360 # Num of days until vote when this number is shown DAYS_LEFT_TO_COLORIZE_NUMBER = 60 # Num of days until vote when this number is shown and colored OPINION_PROGRESS_SPRITE_EXCELLENT = GFX_diplomacy_opinion_excellent OPINION_PROGRESS_SPRITE_GOOD = GFX_diplomacy_opinion_good OPINION_PROGRESS_SPRITE_NEUTRAL = GFX_diplomacy_opinion_neutral OPINION_PROGRESS_SPRITE_POOR = GFX_diplomacy_opinion_poor OPINION_PROGRESS_SPRITE_TERRIBLE = GFX_diplomacy_opinion_terrible COLONY_TYPE_DEFAULT_SPRITE = GFX_colony_type_picker # Sprite for the picker button, or if the colony type lacks a sprite SELF_INTEL_ICON_FRAME = 3 } NGameplay = { GUARANTEED_COLONIES_DEFAULT = 2 GUARANTEED_COLONIES_MIN = 0 GUARANTEED_COLONIES_MAX = 2 # These values control the mid and end game sliders in game setup MID_GAME_START_DEFAULT = 100 MID_GAME_START_MAX = 400 MID_GAME_START_MIN = 25 END_GAME_START_DEFAULT = 200 END_GAME_START_MAX = 800 END_GAME_START_MIN = 50 START_YEAR_SLIDER_INTERVAL = 25 VICTORY_YEAR_DEFAULT = 300 VICTORY_YEAR_MAX = 1050 VICTORY_YEAR_MIN = 100 VICTORY_YEAR_SLIDER_INTERVAL = 50 SCORE_NO_ECONOMY = 5000 # For countries with no economy that still count for victory SCORE_ECONOMIC_POWER = 1 # Per economic power SCORE_TECH_POWER = 0.25 # Per tech power SCORE_MILITARY_POWER = 0.00 # Per fleet power SCORE_POPS = 2 # Per pop SCORE_PLANETS = 50 # Per colony SCORE_SYSTEMS = 10 # Per system SCORE_SUBJECTS = 0.5 # Fraction of subject's own score SCORE_FEDERATION_MEMBERS = 0.1 # Fraction of Federation member's own score SCORE_CRISIS_KILLS = 10 # Per crisis ship killed TECH_COST_DEFAULT = 1.0 TECH_COST_MIN = 0.25 TECH_COST_MAX = 5.00 TECH_COST_SLIDER_INTERVAL = 0.25 LOGISTIC_CEILING_DEFAULT = 1.5 LOGISTIC_CEILING_MIN = 1.0 LOGISTIC_CEILING_MAX = 2.0 LOGISTIC_CEILING_SLIDER_INTERVAL = 0.05 GROWTH_SCALE_DEFAULT = 0.25 GROWTH_SCALE_MIN = 0.00 GROWTH_SCALE_MAX = 1.00 GROWTH_SCALE_SLIDER_INTERVAL = 0.05 SHIPYARD_MAX_OVER_CAPACITY = 5.0 # Max amount of ships that we should want to be queued in one shipyard (x shipyard capacity) SHIPYARD_DISTANCE_DIV_FACTOR = 2.0 # The lower this is, the more reinforce tends to use the closest shipyard(s) available. Strongly NOT recommended to have this <1 SHIPYARD_REINFORCE_MAX_DISTANCE = 1000 # Shipyards further away than this from the closest shipyard will not be considered for reinforcements LIMITED_EXPLORATION = 1 # If set to 1, only science ships with scientists can enter unvisited systems RANDOM_START_DISTANCE = 75 # The minimum distance at which empires will spawn from each other in random start SHROUD_FLAG = "breached_shroud" GUARDIANS_OF_THE_GALAXY_FLAG = "guardians_of_the_galaxy" UNRESTRICTED_WARS_POLICY_FLAG = "unrestricted_wars" GALACTIC_MARKET_FOUNDED_FLAG = "galactic_market_founded" DECADENCE_START = 20 # After this many years of being awakened, an awakened empire will experience decadence DECADENCE_CHANCE = 0.5 # Chance of decadence increasing each month (multiplied by total size of empire & subjects) DECADENCE_INCREASE = 2 # How much does decadence increase per time? DECADENCE_MAX = 100 # Max decadence FTL_MAGNET_DISTANCE = 50 # The distance at which ships will warp in when caught by an FTL snare NUM_DISTRICTS_BASE = 0 # Base num districts NUM_DISTRICTS_FROM_PLANET_SIZE = 1 # Each planet size adds this many districts BASE_AMENITIES_USAGE = 5 MAX_PLANET_POPS = 1000 # Used for building calculations BASE_PLANET_BUILDING_SLOTS = 2 MAX_PLANET_BUILDING_SLOTS = 24 BASE_PLANET_BRANCH_OFFICE_BUILDING_SLOTS = 0 MAX_PLANET_BRANCH_OFFICE_BUILDING_SLOTS = 4 BRANCH_OFFICE_INCOME_SCALE = 0.5 # Per planet trade value BRANCH_OFFICE_COST_INCREASE_MIN_RANGE = 3 # Above this number of hyperlane jumps away, increase cost for branch offices BRANCH_OFFICE_COST_INCREASE_SCALE = 0.1 # Additional cost per jump REPAIR_BUILDING_COST = 0.5 REPAIR_BUILDING_TIME = 0.5 MIN_PLANET_STABILITY = 0 LOW_PLANET_STABILITY = 25 # Used for alert BASE_PLANET_STABILITY = 50 MAX_PLANET_STABILITY = 100 LOW_HAPPINESS_STABILITY_EFFECT = -50 # If all pops have 0% happiness, stability is impacted this much HIGH_HAPPINESS_STABILITY_EFFECT = 30 # If all pops have 100% happiness, stability is impacted this much POP_CRIME = 2 # From each pop with happiness (scaled inversely to happiness) MIN_PLANET_CRIME = 0 # Minimum planetary crime HIGH_PLANET_CRIME = 50 # High planet crime MAX_PLANET_CRIME = 100 # Maximum planetary crime CRIMINAL_SYNDICATE_HIGH_CRIME_MULT = 0.5 # Applied to branch office value at max crime CRIMINAL_SYNDICATE_LOW_CRIME_MULT = -0.5 # Applied to branch office value at no crime MIN_PLANET_AMENITIES = 0.25 # Mult of amenities to amenities needs MAX_PLANET_AMENITIES = 2.0 # Mult of amenities to amenities needs MIN_PLANET_RELATIVE_HOUSING = 0.5 # Mult of housing to housing needs MAX_PLANET_RELATIVE_HOUSING = 4.0 # Mult of housing to housing needs MIN_BLOCKED_DEPOSITS = 1 # Always try to have this many blocker deposits on planets when generating the galaxy MIN_UNBLOCKED_DEPOSITS = 3 # Always try to have this many non-blocker deposits on planets when generating the galaxy DEPOSIT_USED_CATEGORY_WEIGHT = 0.25 # The higher this is, the more randomization will tend to diversify planet deposit types COLONY_DEPOSITS_USE_NULL = no # Should the null deposit be a potential outcome in randomization? COLONY_DEPOSITS_FIXED_BASE = 5 # min number of deposits on colonizable planets COLONY_DEPOSITS_RANDOM_BASE = 2 # this number of random deposit chances are always given to colonizable planets COLONY_DEPOSITS_FIXED_FROM_SIZE = 0.2 # ( planet size * this ) is added to min number of deposits on colonizable planets COLONY_DEPOSITS_RANDOM_FROM_SIZE = 0.2 # ( planet size * this ) is added to random deposit chances on colonizable planets NON_COLONY_DEPOSITS_USE_NULL = yes # Should the null deposit be a potential outcome in randomization? NON_COLONY_DEPOSITS_FIXED_BASE = 1 # min number of deposits on uninhabitable planets NON_COLONY_DEPOSITS_RANDOM_BASE = 0 # this number of random deposit chances are always given to uninhabitable planets NON_COLONY_DEPOSITS_FIXED_FROM_SIZE = 0 # ( planet size * this ) is added to min number of deposits on uninhabitable planets NON_COLONY_DEPOSITS_RANDOM_FROM_SIZE = 0 # ( planet size * this ) is added to random deposit chances on uninhabitable planets QUICK_CLEAR_BLOCKER_GENERAL_MODIFIER_WEIGHT = 1 # How heavily should general max districts modifier be considered for quick-clear blocker QUICK_CLEAR_BLOCKER_SPECIFIC_MODIFIER_WEIGHT = 1 # How heavily should specific-type max districts modifier be considered for quick-clear blocker ALLOW_EMPIRE_DESIGN_CHEATS = no # Not used for crisis faction, mainly for FEs/AEs SCALED_DIFFICULTY_MAX_GALAXY_SIZE = 1000 # At this galaxy size, the full scaled difficulty modifier is applied SCALED_DIFFICULTY_GALAXY_SIZE_MULT = 0.75 # How much does galaxy size impact difficulty scaling SCALED_DIFFICULTY_HABITABLE_PLANETS_MULT = 0.5 # How much does amount of habitable planets impact difficulty scaling FALLEN_EMPIRE_REPEATABLE_TECHS = 10 RELATIVE_POWER_SUPERIOR = 1.5 RELATIVE_POWER_OVERWHELMING = 2.5 ECON_POWER_COST_DIV = 1 TECH_POWER_COST_DIV = 100 TECH_BASE_POWER = 200 TECH_REPEATABLE_POWER_MULT = 1.0 RELATIVE_POWER_FLEET_MULT = 2.0 # How much is fleet power factored when determining relative power RELATIVE_POWER_ECONOMY_MULT = 3.0 # How much is economic power factored when determining relative power RELATIVE_POWER_TECH_MULT = 1.0 # How much is technological power factored when determining relative power MIN_HABITABILITY = 0.0 # Planet habitability must be at least this value to be able to colonize ABANDONED_EMPIRE_FLAG = "special/" PRE_COMMUNICATIONS_EMPIRE_FLAG = "special/" FLEET_MIN_TI_CLEAR_RADIUS = 10 # min radius for clearing terra incognita will use the highest of this and sensor range TI_TEXTURE_SIZE = 256 # size of the internal terra incognita texture high resolutions can cause stuttering and will increase memory demand and save file size. TI_CORE_SCALE = 0.9 START_YEAR = 2200 SYSTEM_INNER_RADIUS_OFFSET = 30 SYSTEM_MIN_INNER_RADIUS = 150 SYSTEM_OUTER_RADIUS_OFFSET = 100 SYSTEM_BOTTLENECK_RADIUS = 2 # System will be considered bottleneck if within N systems there are no intersections between all of the directions SHIP_DESIGN_SAME_NAME_FACTOR = 10 # The higher this is, the more likely a design of the same name is to be picked when upgrading to latest design GALACTIC_DEFENSE_FORCE_NAMELIST = "GDF" IMPERIAL_ARMADA_NAMELIST = "IA" JUMP_DRIVE_COOLDOWN = 200 # Days between uses of Jump Drive RELEVANT_DISTANCE = 150 # Within this distance we're considered to be diplomatically relevant CONSTRUCTION_SHIP_WORK_SPEED_MULT = 1 # Construction ship construction speed multiplier CONSTRUCTION_SHIP_STATION_OFFSET = 5 # distance to the station that the ship is building SCIENCE_SHIP_SPECIAL_PROJECT_OFFSET = 20 # distance to the special project when collecting data SCIENCE_SHIP_SURVEY_SPEED_MULT = 0.5 # Science ship survey speed multiplier SCIENCE_SHIP_ANOMALY_RESEARCH_DAYS = { # equal level is middle (count of items / 2) 20 #9 levels above anomaly 24 #8 levels above anomaly 30 #7 levels above anomaly 35 #6 levels above anomaly 45 #5 levels above anomaly 55 #4 levels above anomaly 65 #3 levels above anomaly 80 #2 levels above anomaly 100 #1 level above anomaly 120 #0 level equal to anomaly 180 #1 level below anomaly 300 #2 levels below anomaly 540 #3 levels below anomaly 720 #4 levels below anomaly 1080 #5 levels below anomaly 1440 #6 levels below anomaly 2160 #7 levels below anomaly 2880 #8 levels below anomaly 5760 #9 levels below anomaly } HYPERLANE_GEN_REMOVE_PERC = 0.15 # Try to remove 40% of the longest edges HYPERLANE_GEN_REMOVED_MAX_DIST = 20 # Don't remove an edge if you have to travel more than 20 stars to reach the same position HYPERLANE_GEN_REMOVE_TOO_MANY_EDGES = 4 # Remove edges if having 4 or more edges GALAXY_GENERATION_RELAX_ITERATIONS = 1 #Higher values means that systems will be more evenly spaced. Too high values will break spiral galaxies GALAXY_GENERATION_CENTER_DUMMY_POINTS = 256 #number of dummy points that occupy empty space when relaxing the system positions PLANET_ORBIT_DISTANCE_MIN_SIZE = 10 PLANET_ORBIT_DISTANCE_SIZE_SCALE = 0.33 # extra orbit distance per planet size over PLANET_ORBIT_DISTANCE_MIN_SIZE PLANET_SHIP_ORBIT_DISTANCE = 10.0 # how far from the planet ships will orbit PLANET_STATION_ORBIT_DISTANCE = 6.0 # how far from the planet orbital stations will be STARBASE_ORBIT_DISTANCE = 15.0 # how far from the star starbases will orbit PLANET_DESTROYER_OFFENSIVE_SHIP_OFFSET = { 0.0 0.0 10.0 } PLANET_ORBIT_STACK_SIZE = 4 PLANET_ORBIT_STACK_DISTANCE = 2.0 BASE_SURVEY_TIME = 20.0 # Base Time In Days for surveying a planet LEADER_POOL_SIZE = 3 # Each leader pool will consist of this many leaders LEADER_POOL_LEAD_TIME = 10 # Years leaders will remain in the leader pool until replaced LEADER_BASE_SKILL_CAP = 5 LEADER_MAX_SKILL_CAP = 10 LEADER_SKILL_MIN = 1 LEADER_AGE_HEIR_MIN = 18 # Min age of generated heirs in dynastic governments LEADER_AGE_HEIR_MAX = 26 # Max age of generated heirs in dynastic governments LEADER_AGE_MIN = 28 # Min age of generated leaders LEADER_AGE_MAX = 50 # Max age of generated leaders LEADER_SKILL_LEVEL_START = 1 # Skill Level Leaders start with. XP needed { 200 475 825 1250 } LEADER_EXPERIENCE_REQUIREMENT_BASE_VALUE = 125 # Base value when calculating required experience for next skill level LEADER_EXPERIENCE_REQUIREMENT_SCALE_VALUE = 75 # Scale factor when calculating required experience for next skill level LEADER_RULER_MONARCH_EXPERIENCE = 5.0 LEADER_RULER_HEIR_EXPERIENCE = 1.0 LEADER_ADMIRAL_FLEET_COMBAT_BASE_EXPERIENCE = 5 # Leader Admiral base experience from fleet combat LEADER_ADMIRAL_FLEET_COMBAT_EXPERIENCE_SCALE = 0.5 # Scale factor used when calculating experience gain for Admiral LEADER_ADMIRAL_FLEET_COMBAT_SHIPS_KILLED_CONVERSION = 0.05 # Scale factor for total number of ships killed after combat when calculating experience gain for Admiral LEADER_ADMIRAL_FLEET_COMBAT_SHIPS_DISENGAGED_CONVERSION = 0.025 # Scale factor for total number of ships that disengaged after combat when calculating experience gain for Admiral LEADER_ADMIRAL_FLEET_PIRACY_SUPPRESSION_DAILY = 0.05 # Leader Admiral base experience from piracy suppression LEADER_GENERAL_GROUND_COMBAT_BASE_EXPERIENCE = 100 # Leader General base experience from ground combat LEADER_GENERAL_GROUND_COMBAT_EXPERIENCE_SCALE = 2.5 # Scale factor used when calculating experience gain for General LEADER_GENERAL_GROUND_COMBAT_ARMIES_KILLED_CONVERSION = 0.25 # Scale factor for total number of armies killed after combat when calculating experience gain for General LEADER_SCIENTIST_LEADING_RESEARCH_FIELD_EXPERIENCE = 3.5 LEADER_SCIENTIST_SURVEY_EXPERIENCE = 10 # Experience gained from surveyed planet LEADER_SCIENTIST_SUCCESSFUL_ANOMALY_RESEARCH_EXPERIENCE = 50 # Experience gained from a successful discovery research LEADER_SCIENTIST_COMPLETED_SPECIAL_PROJECT_EXPERIENCE = 100 # Experience gained from completing a special project LEADER_SCIENTIST_COMPLETED_ARCHAEOLOGICAL_SITE_STAGE_EXPERIENCE = 75 # Experience gained from a successful archaeological site roll LEADER_SCIENTIST_ASSIST_RESEARCH = 0.10 # Experience gained from assisting research per day LEADER_SCIENTIST_ASSIST_RESEARCH_MULT = 0.20 # Assist Research modifier-mult per skill level (this value times skill level equals modifier) LEADER_GOVERNOR_MONTHLY_EXPERIENCE = 5 # Monthy exp from governing sector. LEADER_AGE_DEATH_CHANCE_AGE = 80 # Before this age the chance wont increase LEADER_AGE_DEATH_CHANCE_INC = 0.002 # Increase with these % for each year above CHANCE_AGE LEADER_AGE_HIGH_DEATH_CHANCE_AGE = 100 # Above this age, death chance increases drastically LEADER_AGE_HIGH_DEATH_CHANCE_INC = 0.02 # Increase with these % for each year above HIGH_DEATH_CHANCE_AGE HABITABILITY_IDEAL_PLANET = 1.00 # Habitability of Gaia worlds HABITABILITY_WRONG_PLANET = 0.70 # Below which point we color habitability icons and text yellow HABITABILITY_OPPOSITE_PLANET = 0.40 # Below which point we color habitability icons and text red HABITABILITY_AUTO_MIGRATION = 0.40 # The minimum habitability that will be considered for automatic migration WAR_EXHAUSTION_NAVAL_CAP_ADD = 100 WAR_EXHAUSTION_SHIP_KILLED_MULT = 2.00 # Multiplier of war exhaustion gained from ships WAR_EXHAUSTION_ARMY_KILLED_MULT = 0.25 # Multiplier of war exhaustion gained from land battles (armies) WAR_EXHAUSTION_PLANET_DESTRUCTION_MULT = 5.0 # War exhaustion from planets destroyed WAR_EXHAUSTION_PASSIVE_GAIN_YEARLY = 0.1 # The amount of yearly war exhaustion gained during war while under WAR_EXHAUSTION_PASSIVE_GAIN_CUTOFF WAR_EXHAUSTION_PASSIVE_WAR_SIZE_DIV = 0.1 WAR_EXHAUSTION_PASSIVE_GAIN_CUTOFF = 1.0 # At this amount of war exhaustion (excluding occupation) you stop getting war exhaustion passively over time WAR_EXHAUSTION_FROM_UNITS_CUTOFF = 1.0 # At this amount of war exhaustion (excluding occupation) you stop gaining war exhaustion from lost units WAR_EXHAUSTION_HIGH_THRESHOLD = 1.0 # Apply negative modifier and show alert if war exhaustion >= this ENFORCE_STATUS_QUO_ENABLED = yes # Can status quo be enforced at high WE? ENFORCE_STATUS_QUO_MONTHS = 24 PLANET_HEALTH_MAX = 100 PLANET_HEALTH_REGEN = 0.05 # Each day PLANET_HEALTH_REGEN_DELAY = 60 # Days since being bombarded before repairs can be done at full speed PLANET_HEALTH_PROTECT_POPS = 0.75 # At above this health fraction, pops will not die PLANET_HEALTH_PROTECT_ARMIES = 0.75 # At above this health fraction, defending armies take half damage from bombardment PLANET_HEALTH_INHIBIT_FTL = 0.5 # At above this health fraction, planet FTL inhibitors are functional PLANET_HEALTH_INCREASE_ARMY_DAMAGE = 0.25 # Below this health fraction, defending armies take double damage from bombardment PLANET_HEALTH_ARMY_PROTECTED_DAMAGE_MULT = 0.5 PLANET_HEALTH_ARMY_INCREASED_DAMAGE_MULT = 2.0 ELECTION_COST = 200 # Base cost of electing a candidate DEMOCRATIC_ELECTION_COST = 50 # Base cost of supporting a candidate democratic election. NEXT_ELECTION_MESSAGE_DAYS = 90 # Days player can choose a new ruler from new election date NEW_RULER_MESSAGE_DAYS = 45 # Days player can see message of new ruler ETHOS_MAX_POINTS = 3 # Number of points which you can spend on ethos. GOVERNMENT_CIVIC_POINTS_BASE = 2 # Base amount of civic points (to "pay" for government civic costs) POP_ETHOS_LOWER_ETHIC_THRESHOLD = 0.5 # If the % of pops following an ethic is <= this relative to its attraction do not diverge away from it POP_ETHOS_UPPER_ETHIC_THRESHOLD = 2.0 # If the % of pops following an ethic is >= this relative to its attraction do not diverge to it POP_MIN_ETHIC_RELATIVE_ATTRACTION = 0.1 # If relative attraction is less than this, do not diverge to this ethic POP_ETHOS_DIVERGENCE_INTERVAL = 360 # Number of days until a Pop has a change to diverge from empire ethos POP_ETHOS_DIVERGENCE_RATE_MULT = 0.05 # Chance of a pop evaluating its ethics every year POP_CHANGE_FACTION_CHANCE = 0.05 # Once every month a pop has X chance to change faction but only if the pop wants to POP_CURRENT_FACTION_WEIGHT = 1.25 # Weight for current faction is multiplied by this much for pops POP_FACTION_APPROVAL_VERY_LOW = 0.20 # Below this level of approval a faction will have severe happiness penalties POP_FACTION_APPROVAL_LOW = 0.40 # Below this level of approval a faction will have severe happiness penalties POP_FACTION_APPROVAL_BASE = 0.50 # Base faction approval POP_FACTION_APPROVAL_HIGH = 0.60 # Above this level of approval a faction will have some bonus happiness POP_FACTION_APPROVAL_VERY_HIGH = 0.80 # Above this level of approval a faction will have more bonus happiness POP_FACTION_MIN_POTENTIAL_MEMBERS = 5 # If a faction has less potential members than this, do not form POP_FACTION_CREATION_COOLDOWN = 180 # Wait this many days after creating a faction to create another one (not applied to hidden factions) POLICY_YEARS = 10 # Years a set policy can not be changed for SPECIES_POLICY_YEARS = 10 FEDERATION_LEADER_POWER_THRESHOLD = 1.25 # Must have this much more power than current Federation leader to become new leader FEDERATION_MIN_MEMBERS_TO_KICK = 3 # Can't kick alliance members unless you have at least this many members DEBRIS_BASE_COST = 0 # Base cost of special project for analyzing debris DEBRIS_ANALYZED_AREA_POINTS = 20 # Points * Level given for each component analyzed DEBRIS_ANALYZED_TECH_PROGRESS = 0.10 # Tech progress added when analyzing component that require tech you don't have DEBRIS_DAYS = 1800 # How many days the debris is visible for DEBRIS_RESEARCH_TIME = 90 # How many days it takes to analyze 1 debris. SPECIAL_PROJECT_BASE_PROGRESS = 1 # i in the equation for special project time: x = (k * i) / (i + (y1 - z1) + (y2 - z2)... + (yn - zn)) SCIENCE_SHIP_SPECIAL_PROJECT_DIST = 25.0 # Distance to be able to progress a special project PLANET_SENSOR_RANGE = 1 # Base Sensor range for system that contain fully owned planets in it PLANET_HYPERLANE_RANGE = 2 # Base Hyperlane Detection range for system that contain fully owned planets in it EVENT_AUTOSELECT_MONTHS = 9 # After these months an event option will be autoselected TRUCE_YEARS = 10 # Truce last for X years INSULT_COOLDOWN_DAYS = 30 # How often can you send insults? AUTO_DECLINE_DIPLOMACY_DAYS = 180 # Number of days after which diplomatic action will automatically be declined FEDERATION_PERK_EXPERATION_MONTHS = 3 #Month for picked perk to expire if level lost FEDERATION_BASE_ETHICS = 3 # count of unique ethics not penalized for federation cohesion FEDERATION_ENVOY_BASE_EFFECT = 1.0 # envoys base effect on cohesion FEDERATION_MEMBERS_PENALTY = -0.25 # penalty for each federation member FEDERATION_NO_MEMBERS_PENALTY = -100.0 # penalty if the federation has no members FEDERATION_ETHICS_PENALTY = -0.15 # Federation cohesion penalty for extra unique ethics FEDERATION_OPPOSING_ETHICS_PENALTY = -0.5 # Federation cohesion for opposing ethics FEDERATION_BASE_COHESION = 5.0 # base federation cohesion FEDERATION_COHESION_RANGE = 100 # max cohesion range FEDERATION_COHESION_TO_XP = 0.1 # cohesion to xp conversion FEDERATION_MAX_FLEET_SIZE = 0 FEDERATION_JOIN_COHESION_PENALTY = -100 # Cohesion loss every time a new member is added to the federation (after the first two) FEDERATION_LEAVE_COHESION_PENALTY = -100 # Cohesion loss every time a member leaves the federation FEDERATION_SWITCH_COHESION_PENALTY = -50 # Cohesion loss when you switch federation type ENVOY_IMPROVE_RELATION_BASE = 0.25 # Monthly effect on opinion when an envoy is improving relations ENVOY_IMPROVE_RELATION_MAX = 100.0 # Maximum value from using envoys to improve relations ENVOY_HARM_RELATION_BASE = -0.5 # Monthly effect on opinion when an envoy is harming relations ENVOY_HARM_RELATION_MIN = -100.0 # Lowest possible value from using envoys to harm relations ENVOY_RELATION_EFFECT_DECAY = 1.0 # Every month that there is no envoy effecting opinion it moves towards 0 with this/month EMBASSY_IMPROVE_RELATION_MULTIPLIER = 3 # Multiplies ENVOY_IMPROVE_RELATION_BASE if you have established embassies MIN_RIVAL_YEARS = 10 # Years before you can remove an empire as a rival MAX_FRICTION = 100 # Max friction (total) FRICTION_FROM_BORDERING_SYSTEM = 5 # Friction for each bordering system CUSTOM_EMPIRE_SPAWN_CHANCE = 50 # Chance that an empire will be created from an existing template instead of randomly generated (10 = 1% chance) FALLEN_CUSTOM_EMPIRE_SPAWN_CHANCE = 50 # Chance that a fallen empire will be created from an existing template instead of randomly generated (10 = 1% chance) FALLEN_EMPIRE_OUTER_BOUNDARY = 100 # Outer boundary of galaxy that fallen empire generation will try to avoid FALLEN_EMPIRE_INNER_BOUNDARY = 0 # Inner boundary of galaxy that fallen empire generation will try to avoid ADVANCED_EMPIRE_EXTRA_WARSHIPS_MIN = 3 # How many extra war ships do advanced empires start with? ADVANCED_EMPIRE_EXTRA_WARSHIPS_MAX = 7 ADVANCED_EMPIRE_MIN_EXTRA_SYSTEMS = 2 # Min extra systems an advanced empire can start with ADVANCED_EMPIRE_MAX_EXTRA_SYSTEMS = 5 # Max extra systems an advanced empire can start with ADVANCED_EMPIRE_COLONY_CHANCE = 75 # Chance that a colonizable planet inside advanced empire's borders is colonized ADVANCED_EMPIRE_ALWAYS_COLONIZE_HABITABILITY = 0.70 # If habitability is at least this, always colonize planet in advanced empire's borders MATURE_GALAXY_YEARS = 100 MATURE_GALAXY_COLONY_DISTANCE_FIXED = 4 # max dist at which planets can be taken (fixed) MATURE_GALAXY_COLONY_DISTANCE_RANDOM = 2 # max dist at which planets can be taken (random) MATURE_GALAXY_COLONY_DISTANCE_SURVEYED = 6 # additional dist outside borders that has been surveyed MATURE_GALAXY_TECH_TIER = 3 MATURE_GALAXY_NAVY_SIZE = 1.0 # of naval capacity MATURE_GALAXY_EXTRA_MINERALS = 10000 MATURE_GALAXY_EXTRA_ENERGY = 5000 MATURE_GALAXY_EXTRA_INFLUENCE = 500 MATURE_GALAXY_EXTRA_UNITY = 2500 # per planet MATURE_GALAXY_MAX_NUM_STARBASES = 4 MATURE_GALAXY_STARBASE_LEVEL = "starbase_level_starhold" MATURE_GALAXY_NUM_ARMIES = 10 MATURE_GALAXY_CAPITAL = "building_capital_2" MATURE_GALAXY_COLONY_CAPITAL = "building_capital_2" MATURE_GALAXY_COLONY_POWER_PLANT = "building_power_plant_3" MATURE_GALAXY_COLONY_FARM = "building_hydroponics_farm_3" MATURE_GALAXY_COLONY_MINE = "building_mining_network_3" MATURE_GALAXY_COLONY_LAB = "building_basic_science_lab_1" MATURE_GALAXY_ARMY = "assault_army" MATURE_GALAXY_HOME_POPS = 50 MATURE_GALAXY_HOME_BUILDINGS = 10 ADVANCED_GALAXY_YEARS = 200 ADVANCED_GALAXY_COLONY_DISTANCE_FIXED = 5 # max dist at which planets can be taken (fixed) ADVANCED_GALAXY_COLONY_DISTANCE_RANDOM = 5 # max dist at which planets can be taken (random) ADVANCED_GALAXY_COLONY_DISTANCE_SURVEYED = 10 # additional dist outside borders that has been surveyed ADVANCED_GALAXY_TECH_TIER = 4 ADVANCED_GALAXY_NAVY_SIZE = 1.0 # of naval capacity ADVANCED_GALAXY_EXTRA_MINERALS = 20000 ADVANCED_GALAXY_EXTRA_ENERGY = 10000 ADVANCED_GALAXY_EXTRA_INFLUENCE = 1000 ADVANCED_GALAXY_EXTRA_UNITY = 5000 # per planet ADVANCED_GALAXY_MAX_NUM_STARBASES = 6 ADVANCED_GALAXY_STARBASE_LEVEL = "starbase_level_starfortress" ADVANCED_GALAXY_NUM_ARMIES = 20 ADVANCED_GALAXY_CAPITAL = "building_capital_3" ADVANCED_GALAXY_COLONY_CAPITAL = "building_capital_2" ADVANCED_GALAXY_COLONY_POWER_PLANT = "building_power_plant_4" ADVANCED_GALAXY_COLONY_FARM = "building_hydroponics_farm_4" ADVANCED_GALAXY_COLONY_MINE = "building_mining_network_4" ADVANCED_GALAXY_COLONY_LAB = "building_basic_science_lab_1" ADVANCED_GALAXY_ARMY = "assault_army" ADVANCED_GALAXY_HOME_POPS = 150 ADVANCED_GALAXY_HOME_BUILDINGS = 25 # Bombardment damage to planets from ships ORBITAL_BOMBARDMENT_DAMAGE_MAX_SCALE = 200 ORBITAL_BOMBARDMENT_COLONY_DMG_SCALE = 0.01 ORBITAL_BOMBARDMENT_PLANET_DMG_SCALE = 0.002 ORBITAL_BOMBARDMENT_ARMY_DMG_SCALE = 0.02 ORBITAL_BOMBARDMENT_ASSAULT_ARMY_DAMAGE_MULT = 5.00 # Assault armies take this much more damage from orbital bombardment ORBITAL_BOMBARDMENT_KILL_POP_CHANCE = 0.3 # Multiplied by stance & damage dealt ORBITAL_BOMBARDMENT_KILL_POP_COOLDOWN = 10 # Min days between killing pops from bombardment # Collateral damage to planet from armies COLLATERAL_DAMAGE_CHANCE = 0.10 # Chance that an army causes collateral damage while dealing damage to an enemy army COLLATERAL_DAMAGE_BASE_SCALE = 0.02 # Base amount of planetary damage inflicted from collateral damage COLLATERAL_DAMAGE_DEFENDER_MULT = 0.50 # Collateral damage from defending units is multiplied by this COLLATERAL_DAMAGE_MAX_PER_DAY = 0.25 # Per combat side COLLATERAL_DAMAGE_KILL_POP_CHANCE = 0.1 # Multiplied by damage dealt STATION_SELF_REPAIR_TIMER_DAYS = 10 # Number of days after taking damage before a station will start self-repairing STARBASE_SELF_REPAIR_TIMER_DAYS = 30 # Number of days after taking damage before a starbase will start self-repairing STARBASE_DISABLED_HEALTH_PERCENTAGE = 0 # Percentage of max health when a starbase that can be disabled will be disabled. STARBASE_ENABLED_HEALTH_PERCENTAGE = 0.05 # Percentage of max health when a starbase that can be disabled will be enabled. STARBASE_AUTO_CONTROL_DISTANCE = 80 # Distance at which a fleet can seize control of a disabled starbase INFLUENCE_ADD_UPLIFTED_SPECIES = 500 # Influence gain when uplifting species PLANET_COMBAT_WIDTH_BASE = 5 # Maximum number of troops that can fight at the same time PLANET_COMBAT_WIDTH_FROM_SIZE = 0.2 # Extra combat width per tile GENERAL_DEATH_CHANCE = 0.05 # Chance that general dies when an army under command is destroyed (scaled to number of armies) ANOMALY_SPAWN_CHANCE = 0.050 # Percent chance that a planet gets a discovery when surveyed ANOMALY_SPAWN_CHANCE_INCREMENT = 0.005 # Percentage increase towards next chance when failing GOVERNMENT_COOLDOWN_YEARS = 20 # Cooldown years after changing government before you can change it again GOVERNMENT_CHANGE_INFLUENCE_COST = 250 # The Influence it costs to change government typ EMPIRE_SIZE_BASE = 30 # No penalties at this empire size or below EMPIRE_SIZE_FROM_DISTRICTS = 1 # Per district EMPIRE_SIZE_FROM_SYSTEMS = 1 # Per system EMPIRE_SIZE_FROM_COLONIES = 5 # Per planet EMPIRE_SIZE_FROM_BRANCH_OFFICES = 2 # Per branch office EMPIRE_SIZE_FROM_POPS = 0.5 # Per pop DIPLOMACY_WEIGHT_BASE = 0.0 # Base diplomacy weight for all empires DIPLOMACY_WEIGHT_STANCE_FACTOR = 0 # Factors weight from Diplo Stance before it is added to diplo weight DIPLOMACY_WEIGHT_SPRAWL_FACTOR = 0 # Factors Empire Sprawl before it is added to diplo weight DIPLOMACY_WEIGHT_NAVAL_FACTOR = 0.025 # Factors Naval Power before it is added to diplo weight DIPLOMACY_WEIGHT_GESTALT_WEIGHT = 1.0 # Gestalts gets a flat base value DIPLOMACY_WEIGHT_POP_BASE = 1.0 # Base diplomacy weight for each pop DIPLOMACY_WEIGHT_POP_HAPPINESS = 2.0 # as in formula: DIPLOMACY_WEIGHT_POP_BASE + (DIPLOMACY_WEIGHT_POP_HAPPINESS * Happiness) DIPLOMACY_WEIGHT_ECONOMY_FACTOR = 0.15 # Factors Economic Power before it is added to diplo weight DIPLOMACY_WEIGHT_TECHNOLOGY_FACTOR = 0.1 # Factors Technology Level before it is added to diplo weight EMPIRE_SIZE_TECH_COST_PENALTY = 0.004 # Per empire size above base EMPIRE_SIZE_TRADITION_COST_PENALTY = 0.006 # Per empire size above base NUM_TECH_ALTERNATIVES = 20 TECH_WEIGHT_BASE = 10 TECH_WEIGHT_POTENTIAL_ADD = 0 TECH_RESEARCH_NO_LEADER_PENALTY = -0.25 TECH_COST_MULT_FALLEN_EMPIRE = 2 # Awakened Empires pay this much more to research techs TECH_WEIGHT_PREVIOUS_OPTION = 0.5 # If a tech was one of the alternatives last time its weight will be multiplied with TECH_WEIGHT_PREVIOUS_OPTION ## tradition cost = ( base_cost + ( cost_tradition * num_traditions )^traditions_exponential ) * ( 1 + cost_planet*num_planets + cost_system*num_systems ) TRADITION_COST_TRADITION = 8 # change this value if you want to increase all costs TRADITION_COST_TRADITION_EXP = 1.700 # change this value if you want to increase costs at the end TRADITION_COST_MULT_TRADITION_GROUP = 0.05 # each adopted group adds +X% to total cost KEYBOARD_DOUBLE_CLICK_TIME = 0.5 # Seconds listening to control group double clicks. MIN_TRADE_DEAL_LENGTH_YEARS = 10 # Minimum length of a trade deal in years. MAX_TRADE_DEAL_LENGTH_YEARS = 30 # Maximum length of a trade deal in years. MISSION_PROGRESS_MAX = 1 # When is a mission finished? NEW_HEIR_CHANCE = 0.05 # Chance to get a new heir each day. Range is 0 to 1 MIN_ELECTION_CANDIDATES = 4 # If we have fewer factions than this, add additional independent candidates ELECTION_BASE_SUPPORT = 0.05 # Election candidates always have at least this much support ELECTION_INDEPENDENT_SUPPORT = 0.20 # Independent candidates get this much extra support ELECTION_SKILL_EFFECT = 0.10 # Candidates get this much extra support per skill level (multiplicative) AI_FULL_RIGHTS_POLICY_FLAG = "ai_full_rights" BORDERS_OPEN_POLICY_FLAG = "border_policy_open" SET_DEFENDER_WAR_GOAL_TIME_LIMIT = 360 # Days defender have to set war goal after war started. OCCUPATION_BASE_VALUE = 5 # Base value of occupied system, used for calculating relative occupation score of empire OCCUPATION_PLANET_VALUE = 10 # Per planet in system OCCUPATION_POP_VALUE = 0.1 # Per pop in system OCCUPATION_STARBASE_VALUE = 10 # If starbase is upgraded SYSTEM_LOST_CLAIM_STRENGTH = 10 # Strength of a claim given to an empire when their system is annexed RESOURCE_CLUSTER_COUNT = 6 # Number of resource clusters containing special resources RESEARCH_AGREEMENT_SPEED_MULT = 0.25 # Research speed increased by this for trade research agreement deal MOVE_CAPITAL_INFLUENCE_COST = 250 # Influence cost to move the empire capital to another planet. MOVE_CAPITAL_COOLDOWN_YEARS = 10 # Cooldown in years for moving capital. INTEGRATE_SUBJECT_MIN_DAYS = 3600 # Amount of days the subject has been a subject before we can integrate it SUBJECTS_INTEGRATION_CAP = 1 # Amount of integrations you're allowed to have at the same time SUBJECT_INTEGRATION_BASE_PROGRESS = 5 # Cost per month for subject integration SUBJECT_INTEGRATION_COST_BASE = 50 # Base cost for integration SUBJECT_INTEGRATION_COST_PER_POP = 1 # Integration cost per pop SUBJECT_INTEGRATION_COST_PER_PLANET = 10 # Integration cost per planet COMMAND_LIMIT_MAX = 500 # Max value of Command Limit COMMAND_LIMIT_BASE = 20 # Base value of Command Limit NAVAL_CAPACITY_MAX = 9999 # Max value of Naval Capacity NAVAL_CAPACITY_BASE = 20 # Base value of Naval Capacity NAVAL_CAPACITY_POP_MULT = 0 # Mult value of Naval Capacity for each Pop NAVAL_CAPACITY_BASE_GALACTIC_COMMUNITY = 400 # Base value of Naval Capacity for the Galactic Defense Force/Imperial Armada STARBASE_CAPACITY_MAX = 999 # Max value of Starbase Capacity STARBASE_CAPACITY_BASE = 3 # Base value of Starbase Capacity STARBASE_CAPACITY_SYSTEM_MULT = 0.10 # Mult value of Starbase Capacity for each owned system STARBASE_CAPACITY_POP_MULT = 0.00 # Mult value of Starbase Capacity for each Pop STARBASE_BASE_LEVEL = "starbase_level_outpost" # The base starbase level UPGRADED_STARBASE_BASE_LEVEL = "starbase_level_starport" # The first starbase level you upgrade to # TECH_TO_SURVEY_OWNED = "tech_galactic_ambitions" ASCENSION_PERKS_SLOTS = 8 # Number of ascension perk slots EVADE_HOSTILE_CANCEL_ORDERS_THRESHOLD_DAYS = 180 # When evading hostiles ships will cancel orders that would take more than X days to reach. EDICT_MAX_RESOURCE_COST = 1000000 EXPERIMENTAL_SUBSPACE_NAVIGATION_TIME_MULT = 3.0 # value * hyperlane distance to system defines the MIA time (travel time in days) for a Science Ship MIA Jump SECTOR_RESOURCE_TRANSFER_AMOUNT_LARGE = 1000 SECTOR_RESOURCE_TRANSFER_AMOUNT = 100 HIGH_PIRACY_RISK = 0.8 #ratio of dangerous actual piracy to trade protection MACHINE_EMPIRE_EXCLUSION_TRAIT = "trait_mechanical" # pops with this trait will not be built by machine empires PSIONIC_TRAIT = "trait_psionic" # trait identifying psionics CHOSEN_ONE_LEADER_TRAIT = "leader_trait_ruler_chosen" # trait identifying the chosen one ARCHAEOLOGICAL_SITE_DICE_ROLL_MIN = 1 ARCHAEOLOGICAL_SITE_DICE_ROLL_MAX = 10 ARCHAEOLOGICAL_SITE_DISCOVERY_SCORE = 14 ARCHAEOLOGICAL_SITE_DISCOVERY_DAYS = 90 ESPIONAGE_OPERATION_BASE_ROLL_FREQUENCY = 30.0 # Roll frequency in days ESPIONAGE_OPERATION_SUCCESS_SCORE = 14.0 ESPIONAGE_OPERATION_DICE_ROLL_MIN = 1 ESPIONAGE_OPERATION_DICE_ROLL_MAX = 10 RELIC_VIEW_SLOTS_PER_ROW = 3 RELIC_VIEW_SLOTS_PER_ROW_WIDE = 4 RELIC_VIEW_DEFAULT_ROW_COUNT = 2 MEGASTRUCTURE_BUILD_CAP_BASE = 1.0 BASE_ENVOYS_REGULAR_EMPIRE = 2 # The starting number of envoys for regular empires RESOLUTION_VOTE_TIMER = 1440 # number of days a resolution will be on the senate floor before being passed/failed RESOLUTION_VOTE_PREMATURE_TIMER = 720 # number of days until the custodian/emperor can prematurely end the senate session SENATE_RECESS_TIMER = 720 # number of days until the next proposed resolution will be put on the floor after the current vote COUNCIL_DIPLOMACY_WEIGHT_MODIFIER = 1.5 # how much a countries diplomatic weight will be increased when voting if on the council CHANGE_VOTE_COOLDOWN = 120 # number of days after voting in a resolution before you can change your vote DEFAULT_COUNCIL_SIZE = 0 # default number of community council members, will be modified DEFAULT_COUNCIL_VETO = no # can the council veto resolutions by default? DEFAULT_COUNCIL_EMERGENCY_MEASURES = yes # can the council by default propose emergency measures? CATEGORY_VOTE_COOLDOWN = 2520 # time before another resolution in a given category can proposed again TYPE_VOTE_COOLDOWN = 5040 # time before a referendum of a given type can be proposed again VETO_COOLDOWN = 1800 # time before a country can enact another veto EMERGENCY_MEASURES_COOLDOWN = 7200 # time before a country can propose another emergency measure DEFAULT_VETO_COST_MULT = 3 # proposed resolution cost is multiplied by this to determine the cost of vetoing that resolution JOIN_COMMUNITY_INFLUENCE_COST = 100 # cost to join the community manually after its formation LEAVE_COMMUNITY_MIN_INFLUENCE_COST = 100 # minimum cost to leave the galactic community LEAVE_COMMUNITY_MAX_INFLUENCE_COST = 500 # maximum cost to leave the galactic community LEAVE_COMMUNITY_INFLUENCE_COST_FACTOR = 0.5 # factor determining actual cost of leaving the community, this is multiplied with empire sprawl LEFT_COMMUNITY_MODIFIER_TIMER = 7200 # how many days the left_community_modifier will affect the leaving country COUNCIL_ELECTION_TIMER = 7200 # time between galactic council elections COUNCIL_ELECTION_SOON_CUTOFF = 180 # when there is less than this many days left until the next council we show an alert COMMUNITY_FREEZE_RESOLUTION_MONTHS = 48 # The time period a resolution is frozen by the Custodian/Emperor CUSTODIAN_TERM_LIMIT_DAYS = 10800 # The time period that a Custodian keeps their position CUSTODIAN_TERM_LIMIT_EXPIRATION_MESSAGE_DAYS = 1825 # The amount of days left on a term limit when a notification should be sent to the custodian about their term expiring ENVOY_STRENGTHEN_IMPERIAL_AUTHORITY_RELATION_GROWTH = 2 # Monthly opinion growth when having envoys assigned that strengthen the imperial authority ENVOY_STRENGTHEN_IMPERIAL_AUTHORITY_RELATION_DECAY = -1 # Monthly opinion decay when having envoys assigned that strengthen the imperial authority ENVOY_STRENGTHEN_IMPERIAL_AUTHORITY_RELATION_MAX = 200 # The highest the above growth can get to ENVOY_UNDERMINE_IMPERIAL_AUTHORITY_RELATION_GROWTH = -2 # Monthly opinion "growth" when having envoys assigned that undermine the imperial authority ENVOY_UNDERMINE_IMPERIAL_AUTHORITY_RELATION_DECAY = 1 # Monthly opinion "decay" when having envoys assigned that undermine the imperial authority ENVOY_UNDERMINE_IMPERIAL_AUTHORITY_RELATION_MIN = -200 # The "lowest" the above growth can get to FEDERATION_LOW_COHESION_CUTOFF = 0.1 # when there is less than this ratio left of cohesion with negative cohesion growth we show an alert OPINION_MAX = 1500 # Upper limit for opinion value OPINION_EXCELLENT = 750 # Min value to be considered level excellent OPINION_GOOD = 300 # Min value to be considered level good OPINION_POOR = -300 # Max value to be considered level poor OPINION_TERRIBLE = -750 # Max value to be considered level terrible OPINION_MIN = -1500 # Lower limit for opinion value FAVOR_CAP = 10 # Max amount of favors from same empire that can be stored FAVORS_PER_RESOLUTION_CAP = 100 # Max amount of favors that can be used for a resolution BORROWED_DIPLO_WEIGHT_FAVOR_MULT = 0.1 # Diplo weight mult per favor DECLINED_TO_LEAVE_FEDERATION_CASUS_BELLI_TYPE = "cb_secession" # Casus belli to use on the federation leader if a request to leave the federation was declined FEDERATION_VOTE_RESUBMIT_DELAY = 180 # Number of days that must pass before you can propose to vote for a given law again DEFAULT_ORIGIN = "origin_default" SPAWN_SYSTEM_BUFFER_DISTANCE = 10.0 # Systems created via spawn_system will not spawn within this distance to another system unless there really is no space for them to not do so SPAWN_SYSTEM_ATTEMPTS = 15 # Number of times the game will try and find a location for a system created via spawn_system before it defaults to the center of the galaxy. Note: The last two tries ignore SPAWN_SYSTEM_BUFFER_DISTANCE EDICT_CAPACITY_BASE = 1 # Max number of active edicts before penalties kick in INTEL_CAP = 100 # Maximum Intel for countries INTEL_YEARLY_DECREASE = 1.0 # Amount of Intel lost every year to reach the target Intel INTEL_YEARLY_INCREASE = 12.0 # Amount of Intel gained every year to reach the target Intel INTEL_FROM_TRUST_MULTIPLIER = 0.5 # Value to be multiplied to the trust to calculate the minimum intel due to trust INTEL_FROM_COMMUNICATIONS = 10.0 # Minimum Intel, after establishing communications INTEL_FROM_NON_AGGRESSION_PACT = 20.0 # Minimum Intel, if there's a non aggression pact INTEL_FROM_GALACTIC_COMMUNITY = 30.0 # Minimum Intel, if both empires are part of the Galactic Community INTEL_FROM_GALACTIC_CUSTODIAN = 45.0 # Minimum Intel, if we are galactic custodian and they are a galactic community member INTEL_FROM_GALACTIC_EMPEROR = 65.0 # Minimum Intel, if we are galactic emperor and they are an imperium member INTEL_FROM_GALACTIC_EMPEROR_HEIGHTENED_SECURITY = 80.0 # Minimum Intel, if we are galactic emperor and they are an imperium member and the imperial_security_directorate resolution is passed INTEL_FROM_COMMERCIAL_PACT = 20.0 # Minimum Intel, if there's a commercial pact INTEL_FROM_MIGRATION_PACT = 30.0 # Minimum Intel, if there's a migration treaty INTEL_FROM_GUARANTEE = 20.0 # Minimum Intel, if one country is guaranteeing the other country INTEL_FROM_DEFENSIVE_PACT = 40.0 # Minimum Intel, if there's a defensive pact INTEL_FROM_FEDERATION_ASSOCIATION = 40.0 # Minimum Intel, if the country has federation association status INTEL_FROM_RESEARCH_AGREEMENT = 30.0 # Minimum Intel, if there's a research agreement INTEL_FROM_FEDERATION_CENTRALIZATION = 10.0 # Additive modifier to the base federation Intel. Multiplied by centralization level INTEL_FROM_EMBASSY = 20.0 # Additive modifier to the minimum Intel. FIRST_CONTACT_DICE_ROLL_MIN = 1 FIRST_CONTACT_DICE_ROLL_MAX = 10 FIRST_CONTACT_LOWER_INSIGHT_SCORE = 0 # score for any insights to be granted FIRST_CONTACT_HIGHER_INSIGHT_SCORE = 5 # score for more insights to be granted FIRST_CONTACT_LOWER_INSIGHT_REWARD = 1 # insights granted for FIRST_CONTACT_LOWER_INSIGHT_SCORE FIRST_CONTACT_HIGHER_INSIGHT_REWARD = 2 # insights granted for FIRST_CONTACT_HIGHER_INSIGHT_SCORE FIRST_CONTACT_DISCOVERY_SCORE = 10 # score for completing the stage FIRST_CONTACT_DISCOVERY_DAYS = 50 # 50 days for 1 roll FIRST_CONTACT_DISCOVERY_DAYS_AI = 75 # slower for AI to guarantee player has a chance to finish first FIRST_CONTACT_FIRST_STAGE = "base_contact_set" # Starting stage for all first contacts (see game/common/first_contact) FIRST_CONTACT_INTEL_TARGET = 10 FIRST_CONTACT_POLICY = "first_contact_policy" FIRST_CONTACT_POLICY_FLAG_CAUTIOUS = "first_contact_cautious" FIRST_CONTACT_POLICY_FLAG_PROACTIVE = "first_contact_proactive" FIRST_CONTACT_POLICY_FLAG_ATTACK_ALLOWED = "first_contact_attack_allowed" FIRST_CONTACT_UNKNOWN_SPECIES_PORTRAITS_AMOUNT = 22 #Matches number of portraits in gfx\interface\intel\firstcontact\unknown_species; picks which one to use by doing ( "GFX_unknown_species_portrait_" + ( % ) ) SPY_NETWORK_LEVELS = 50 # What is the base maximum spy network level? (spy_network_levels_add and relative encryption can increase this value) SPY_NETWORK_MAX_LEVELS = 100 # What is the absolute maximum spy network level? SPY_NETWORK_ENCRYPTION_DECRYPTION_LEVELS_EFFECT = -10 # How much does each point of relative encryption difference modify the maximum network level? SPY_NETWORK_ENCRYPTION_DECRYPTION_LEVELS_MIN = -40 # Lower bounds on the infiltration level modifier value SPY_NETWORK_ENCRYPTION_DECRYPTION_LEVELS_MAX = 40 # Upper bounds on the infiltration level modifier value SPY_NETWORK_MAX_POWER = 100 # Including all modifiers, how powerful can a Spy Network ever be? SPY_NETWORK_MAX_ENVOYS_COUNT = 1 # How many envoys can be assigned to build a single spy network? SPY_NETWORK_DAILY_ENVOY_SCORE = 1.0 # How much progression do you get for each envoy SPY_NETWORK_SPRAWL_SCORE_SCALE = 400.0 # This many empire sprawl in the opposing empire adds 1 to daily spy network progression. SPY_NETWORK_BASE_LEVEL_SCORE = 5.0 # It takes (SPY_NETWORK_BASE_LEVEL_SCORE) + (Current Level * SPY_NETWORK_PER_LEVEL_SCORE) points to increase spy network level SPY_NETWORK_PER_LEVEL_SCORE = 5.0 # Per level portion of the above formula SPY_NETWORK_MONTHLY_DECAY = 1.0 # If we don't have an envoy assigned to a spy network or it's above the max value, it decays at this many levels per month SPY_NETWORK_ENCRYPTION_DECRYPTION_BONUS_MULT = -0.10 #Encryption vs decryption bonus scale, multiplied with the difference between those values. SPY_NETWORK_ENCRYPTION_DECRYPTION_BONUS_MIN = -0.4 # Lower bounds to encryption vs decryption (bad for attacker) SPY_NETWORK_ENCRYPTION_DECRYPTION_BONUS_MAX = 0.4 # Upper bounds to encryption vs decryption (good for attacker) SPY_NETWORK_MAXIMUM_ASSIGNED_ASSETS = 1 # Maximal number of assets that can be assigned to spy network SPY_NETWORK_RELATIVE_ENCRYPTION_DIFFICULTY_MULT = 1 # Difficulty modifier to be multiplied to the relative encryption SPY_NETWORK_RELATIVE_ENCRYPTION_DIFFICULTY_MIN = -4 # How low can excess Codebreaking drop the difficulty of operations? Negative numbers good for the spy. SPY_NETWORK_RELATIVE_ENCRYPTION_DIFFICULTY_MAX = 4 # How high can excess Encryption increase the difficulty of operations? Positive numbers good for the defender. SPY_NETWORK_RELATIVE_ENCRYPTION_MIN = -4 # Lower bounds for relative encryption SPY_NETWORK_RELATIVE_ENCRYPTION_MAX = 4 # Upper bounds for relative encryption GALACTIC_EMPIRE_BASE_AUTHORITY = 100 # Starting imperial authority when establishing the galactic empire GALACTIC_EMPIRE_MAX_AUTHORITY = 200 # Maximum value for imperial authority GALACTIC_EMPIRE_ENVOY_AUTHORITY_CHANGE = 0.1 # How much imperial authority is gained/lost each month per envoy assigned IMPERIAL_COUNCIL_CHANGE_MEMBER_INFLUENCE_COST = 100.0 # Influence cost of adding/removing members to/from Imperial Council MENACE_PERK_MINIMUM_ACTIVATION_TIME = 360 # Number of days before the perk can be deactivated SEEN_ALIENS = "seen_aliens" PLANET_COLONIZED_STRING = "colonized" # Identifies when a planet is newly colonized in telemetries PLANET_ACQUIRED_STRING = "acquired" # Identifies when a planet was acquired in any way from another empire in telemetries TRADITION_CATEGORIES_MAX = 7 } NSpecies = { MIN_ETHIC_POINTS = 3 HALF_BREED_BASE_CHANCE = 0.1 HALF_BREED_SAME_CLASS_CHANCE_ADD = 0.3 HALF_BREED_SWAP_BASE_SPECIES_CHANCE = 0.33 HALF_BREED_EXTRA_TRAIT_POINTS = 1 HALF_BREED_EXTRA_TRAIT_PICKS = 1 TRAIT_MODIFICATION_BASE_COST = 3000 # This cost is always added to a species modification project so modifying single pops isn't efficient TRAIT_CLIMATE_MODIFICATION_COST = 3 TRAIT_MODIFICATION_COST_MULT = 20 # species modification cost to be multiplied with the absolute trait cost of all changes applied, per pop MODIFICATION_COST_MULT = 5 # adds to the above species modification cost, per pop ROBO_TRAIT_MODIFICATION_BASE_COST = 1500 # This cost is always added to a species modification project so modifying single pops isn't efficient ROBO_TRAIT_MODIFICATION_COST_MULT = 40 # species modification cost to be multiplied with the absolute trait cost of all changes applied, per pop ROBO_MODIFICATION_COST_MULT = 20 # adds to the above species modification cost, per pop UPLIFT_COST_BASE = 3000.0 TRAIT_MODIFICATION_TIME_LIMIT = 30 # Timeout for species modification special projects HOMEWORLD_HABITABILITY = 0.3 # Habitability on homeworld is increased by this value MUTATION_REMOVE_CHANCE = 50 MUTATION_ADD_CHANCE = 50 MUTATION_MIN_TRAITS = 2 MUTATION_MAX_TRAITS = 5 } NShip = { AGGRESSIVE_STANCE_INVASION_ODDS_MULT = 1.5 # Transport fleets on aggressive stance want to have combat strength of enemy ground troops x this to invade a world AGGRESSIVE_STANCE_MIN_POWER_MULT = 0.2 # Fleets that are less than our military power x this will be ignored by aggressive fleets that are bombarding DESIGNER_WEAPON_PREF_MUL = 1.33 # How much does weapon preference tags in the ship designer affect the weight it assigns a weapon? DESIGNER_WEAPON_STACKING_DIV = 0.25 # The higher this is the more the ship designer will try to vary which weapon types are used on its sections ABANDONED_STATION_DECAY_RATE = 0.003 # Abandoned stations lose this amount of health per day STRIKE_CRAFT_COMBAT_REGEN = 0.2 MOVE_SHIP_TO_FLEET_MAX_DIST = 50.0 OUT_OF_COMBAT_SHIELD_REGEN_MULT = 5.0 # Shields recharge this much faster outside combat SHIP_SPEED_SCALE = 0.045 # Setting this to 1 makes the scripted speed value correspond to units/day SHIP_MAX_EVASION = 0.9 # The maximum evasion value a ship is allowed to have (percent) FLEET_BASE_FORMATION_SCALE = 2.0 FLEET_BASE_FORMATION_DIV = 10 FLEET_FORMATION_CIRCLE_SHIPS_PER_LAYER_MULT = 4 FLEET_FORMATION_CIRCLE_RADIUS_PER_LAYER_MULT = 2.0 FLEET_UPGRADE_QUEUE_FACTOR_MULT = 0.25 # Scale the importness of the number of items in the construction queue when calculating best shipyard for upgrade in. LANDING_TIME_DAYS = 10 # Amount of days it takes to land an army MOVE_TO_ACTION_THRESHOLD = 5.0 # distance threshold used by move_to fleet action to determine when the fleet arrived HYPERLANE_WINDUP = 50 # In micro updates ( 10/day ) HYPERLANE_WINDDOWN = 0 # In micro updates HYPERDRIVE_INTERSTELLAR_TRAVEL_SPEED = 2.0 # In micro updates ( 10/day ) RULER_SHIP_SCALE_MULT = 0.5 # Scale up of unique ruler ship. JUMP_DRIVE_WINDUP = 14 # Jump drive windup in days JUMP_DRIVE_RANGE = 100 SHIELD_RECHARGE_TICKS = 20 # Combat ticks before a shield that is fully depleted will start to recharge MILITARY_POWER_HEALTH_WEIGHT = 0.5 MILITARY_POWER_ARMOR_WEIGHT = 1.0 # compared to health MILITARY_POWER_SHIELD_WEIGHT = 1.0 # compared to health MILITARY_POWER_DAMAGE_WEIGHT = 0.5 MILITARY_POWER_SCALE = 0.25 MILITARY_POWER_EXPONENT = 0.65 # math: power = ( ( effective_health * damage_per_day ) ^ exponent ) * scale # below values determine how large an effect special values such as shield penetration have on the military power of a weapon MILITARY_POWER_ARMOR_PENETRATION_WEIGHT = 0.5 # larger value = adds more military power MILITARY_POWER_SHIELD_PENETRATION_WEIGHT = 0.5 MILITARY_POWER_HULL_DAMAGE_WEIGHT = 0.33 MILITARY_POWER_ARMOR_DAMAGE_WEIGHT = 0.33 MILITARY_POWER_SHIELD_DAMAGE_WEIGHT = 0.33 MILITARY_POWER_TRACKING_WEIGHT = -0.5 # at 0% tracking MILITARY_POWER_RANGE_DIV = 100 # smaller value = adds more military power MILITARY_POWER_MISSILE_MULT = 0.75 # overall military power of missiles is lowered due to being vulnerable to PD MILITARY_POWER_PD_MULT = 1.15 # overall military power of PD is increased to compensate for relatively bad DPS/range DEFAULT_ARMOR_RATIO = 0.4 DEFAULT_SHIELD_RATIO = 0.5 MIN_SPEED_FOR_UTILITIES = 1.25 # Minimum value for ship utilities with speed to be considered viable when creating designs EXCESS_POWER_BONUS_THRESHOLD_MAX = 1.0 # 0.5 means 0-50% excess power linearly scales ship_excess_power modifier between 0-1. EXCESS_POWER_BONUS_THRESHOLD_MIN = 0.05 # min value for excess power to be used. SHIP_EXP_GAIN_COMBAT = 1.0 # Gained each day ship is in combat SHIP_EXP_GAIN_PIRACY_SUP = 0.1 # Gained each day ship suppressing piracy SHIP_EXP_EXPERIENCED = 100 # Amount of exp to reach experienced rank SHIP_EXP_VETERAN = 1000 # Amount of exp to reach veteran rank SHIP_EXP_ELITE = 10000 # Amount of exp to reach elite rank CAN_TRAVEL_BETWEEN_UNEXPLORED_SYSTEMS = no # Can move between 2 unexplored systems } NCombat = { # When ships are attacking they will try to stay at max range and orbit their target. # If the ship is closer than max range this value determines how fast it will "back off" in order to get to max range. # 0.0 means that the ship will not back off and orbit with whatever radius it already has # 1.0 means that the ship will prioritize orbit velocity the same as "back-off"-velocity. i.e a 45 degree angle COMBAT_BACK_OFF_RATE = 0.04 SHIP_SMOOTH_ROTATION_THRESHOLD = 3.141 # Used to smooth rotation rate of ships. equation is "y = x * ( min ( 1.0 x / SHIP_SMOOTH_ROTATION_THRESHOLD ) )" where x is the wanted delta rotation this tick and y the resulting delta rotation FORCE_DISPARITY_BASE = 20 # Added to size of fleets when calculating force disparity FORCE_DISPARITY_MAX_EFFECT = 2.0 # Max multiplier on force disparity COMBAT_DAYS_BEFORE_TARGET_STICKYNESS = 5 # Combat must have gone on at least this many days before ships 'lock in' their target COMBAT_TARGET_STICKYNESS_FACTOR = 1.5 # The higher this is, the less likely ships are to switch targets RANDOM_TARGETING_WEIGHT = 3.0 # The higher this is, the more random ship targeting will be ADMIRAL_DEATH_CHANCE = 0.1 # Chance that admiral dies when their ship gets blown up COMBAT_SHIP_TARGETING_SIZE_MULT = 0.03 # The higher this weight is, the more likely smaller, more fragile ships are to be targeted first COMBAT_SHIP_TARGETING_SIZE_MAX = 10 COMBAT_SHIP_TARGETING_TRACKING_MULT = 2.0 # This weight is needed to ensure high-tracking ships target high-evasion ships COMBAT_SHIP_EVASION_TARGETING_WEIGHT = 2.0 # The higher this is, the less likely ships are to target enemy ships with high chance to evade their shots COMBAT_SHIP_LOW_HEALTH_THRESHOLD = 0.5 # The health threshold at which the low health targeting weight is applied COMBAT_SHIP_LOW_HEALTH_TARGETING_WEIGHT = 1.5 COMBAT_SHIP_DISTANCE_TARGETING_WEIGHT = 0.002 # The higher this is, the less likely ships will be to fire on distant targets COMBAT_SHIP_DISTANCE_TARGETING_WEIGHT_MIN = 0.10 # Target weight can't be multiplied by less than this due to distance COMBAT_SHIP_UNARMED_TARGETING_WEIGHT = 0.05 # The lower this is, the less likely ships are to target unarmed enemies over armed ones COMBAT_SHIP_STARBASE_TARGETING_WEIGHT = 0.75 # The lower this is, the less likely ships are to target Starbases over military ships & defensive platforms COMBAT_SHIP_EVASION_AVOID_MIN_SHIP_SIZE = 8 # Minimum size of ships that should try to avoid firing on highly evasive targets COMBAT_SHIP_EVASION_AVOID_THRESHOLD = 0.7 # Above this level of evasion, try to find a less evasive target COMBAT_DETECT_RANGE_MULT = 1.05 # Range to engage in combat with other ships is * COMBAT_DETECT_RANGE_MULT COMBAT_DETECT_RANGE_MIN = 10 COMBAT_AREA_MIN_ATTACK_RADIUS = 0.2 COMBAT_EMERGENCY_FTL_LOST_RISK = 0.01 # x% risk of ship becoming forever lost when jumping. COMBAT_EMERGENCY_FTL_DAMAGE_RISK = 0.10 # x% chance of ship taking damage in emergency ftl jump COMBAT_EMERGENCY_FTL_DAMAGE_AMOUNT = 0.20 # x% of damage that emergency ftl can potentially cause COMBAT_BASE_DAYS_UNTIL_EMERGENCY_FTL = 30.0 # how many days a fleet should be in combat until they can emergency ftl MISSILE_HIGH_CONTROL_DISTANCE = 5.0 # if the missile is closer to the target than MISSILE_HIGH_CONTROL_DISTANCE it will turn sharply MISSILE_HIGH_CONTROL_INTERPOLATION_RANGE = 5.0 # how long the missile will interpolate between "smooth controls" and "full control" MISSILE_BASE_ROTATION_SPEED = 0.001 # base rotation rate of missiles in radians per tick MISSILE_RETARGET_CHANCE_START = 100 # How likely a missile is to find a new target in range the first time its target is lost MISSILE_RETARGET_CHANCE_REDUCTION = 35 # How much the chance for a missile to find a new target is reduced each retargeting after the first SHIP_DISENGAGE_BASE_CHANCE = 0.75 # Chance each time a ship takes damage that it disengages, scales with damage received (X = chance at SHIP_DISENGAGE_HEALTH_THRESHOLD of health damage) SHIP_DISENGAGE_MAX_CHANCE = 0.5 SHIP_DISENGAGE_HEALTH_THRESHOLD = 0.5 # Health must be below this before damage taken for a ship to disengage SHIP_DISENGAGE_FRIENDLY_TERRITORY_MULT = 1.25 } NPop = { FORCED_SPECIES_GROWTH_PENALTY = 0.5 # This amount of progress is lost on setting a forced species for growth FORCED_SPECIES_ASSEMBLY_PENALTY = 0.1 # This amount of progress is lost on setting a forced species for assembly BASE_POLITICAL_POWER = 1 # Base political power MIN_POLITICAL_POWER_POSITIVE_STABILITY_IMPACT = 0.0 MAX_POLITICAL_POWER_POSITIVE_STABILITY_IMPACT = 20 MIN_POLITICAL_POWER_NEGATIVE_STABILITY_IMPACT = 0.05 MAX_POLITICAL_POWER_NEGATIVE_STABILITY_IMPACT = 20 BASE_POP_GROWTH = 3 # Base growth rate of pops LOGISTIC_POP_GROWTH_R = 0.125 # Logistic Pop Growth Constant r LOGISTIC_POP_GROWTH_FLOOR = 0.1 # Logistic Pop Growth won't lower growth to less than this percent. LOGISTIC_POP_GROWTH_MIN_POPS = 5 # Treat small colonies as having this many pops to avoid the very bottom of the curve LOGISTIC_POP_GROWTH_LOWER_THRESHOLD = 0.5 # Ignore penalties to Pop Growth if the current number of pops are below this percent of the carrying capacity MAX_CARRYING_CAPACITY = 500 # Logistic Carrying Capacity Cap (so modders have access to this value in case they make a planet with infinite districts or something like that) MAX_NEW_COLONIES_SCALE = 2 # At this ratio of new to old colonies, no further scaling of migration REQUIRED_POP_GROWTH = 100 # Required growth to make a new pop OVERCROWDING_NO_GROWTH_THRESHOLD = 1.15 # At this amount of overcrowding (required housing / actual housing), growth stops entirely OVERCROWDING_DECLINE_THRESHOLD = 1.25 # At this amount of overcrowding (required housing / actual housing), pops start declining OVERCROWDING_ABSOLUTE_THRESHOLD_FOR_NO_GROWTH = 5 # Planet needs this amount of overcrowding (required housing - actual housing) for OVERCROWDING_NO_GROWTH_THRESHOLD to kick in MAX_NUM_GROWTH_OR_DECLINE_PER_MONTH = 10 # No more than this amount of pops can grow, assemble or decline in the same month RESETTLE_UNEMPLOYED_BASE_RATE = 0.05 # Chance an unemployed pop will automatically migrate if an acceptable location is found (Range is 0 to 1) RESETTLE_DESTROY_COLONY_COST = 200 # Influence surcharge for manually resettling the last pop from a colony NEW_POP_SPECIES_RANDOMNESS = 0.5 # The higher this is, the more random species selection of new pops will be. Does not apply for assembly, as this would mean randomly picking obsolete species NEW_POP_SAME_SPECIES_WEIGHT = 1.0 # The higher this is, the more new pops will be weighted by number of same or subspecies pops NEW_POP_EXACT_SPECIES_WEIGHT = 0.5 # The higher this is, the more new pops will be weighted by number of exact same species pops NEW_POP_SLAVERY_WEIGHT = 0.25 # The higher this is, the more new pops will tend to be balanced between enslaved and non-enslaved species NEW_POP_SPECIES_DIV = 0.05 # The higher this is, the more planets will tend to grow species that are underrepresented on the planet NEW_POP_HABITABILITY_THRESHOLD = 0.75 # If habitability is under this, apply exponentially increasing penalties to new pop weight NEW_POP_LOW_HABITABILITY_PENALTY = 2 # If habitability is under current threshold, apply increasing penalties to new pop weight NEW_POP_HOMEWORLD_MULT = 2 # Pops have increased weight for growing on their homeworld NEW_POP_ASSEMBLY_TRAIT_MULT = 2 # Extra weight per trait point for assembled pops NEW_POP_GROWTH_RATE_MULT = 0.5 # How much does species' total predicted growth matter for new pop weight NEW_POP_IMMIGRATION_MOD_MULT = 1 # How much does species immigration growth mod trait matter for new pop weight (when there is immigration) POP_ENSLAVE_MAX_RANK = 1 # Pops above this stratum rank will not be enslaved from civics, etc BASE_POP_DECLINE = 5 # Base decline rate of pops REQUIRED_POP_DECLINE = 100 # Required decline to remove a pop POP_DECLINE_THRESHOLD = 3.0 # A species will decline when there is another species with a growth priority this many times higher BASE_POP_ASSEMBLY = 0 # Base assembly rate of pops REQUIRED_POP_ASSEMBLY = 100 # Required assembly to add a pop MAX_EMIGRATION_PUSH = 100 MAX_GROWTH_FROM_IMMIGRATION = 10 MAX_GROWTH_PENALTY_FROM_EMIGRATION = 0.95 # Fraction of base monthly growth DEFAULT_CHANGE_JOB_THRESHOLD = 1.1 # A job must have this much higher weight in order for a pop to switch to it from their current job LOW_HAPPINESS = 0.40 # Below this happiness, show bar as red HIGH_HAPPINESS = 0.60 # Above this happiness, show bar as green BASE_PRODUCTION = 1.0 # Base value of pop production BASE_HAPPINESS = 0.50 # Base value of pop happiness RECENTLY_CONQUERED_DAYS = 3600 # How long the recently conquered modifier stays on pops. SAME_STRATA_EMPLOYMENT_BONUS = 5.0 # How much score will be added to an unemployed pop when considering it for a job in the same strata FAVORITE_JOB_EMPLOYMENT_BONUS = 1000.0 # How much will be added to a jobs weight if it's favorited } NArmy = { MONTHLY_REINFORCE = 0.2 # Monthly health percentage reinforcement of armies BASE_HEALTH = 200.0 # Base health BASE_DAMAGE_MIN = 1.5 # Base min damage BASE_DAMAGE_MAX = 3.0 # Base max damage BASE_MORALE = 200.0 # Base morale MORALE_DAMAGE_MULT = 1.0 # Morale Damage Multiplier how much of damage is also dealt to morale. MONTHLY_MORALE_REGENERATION = 1.0 # How much morale this unit regenerates each month percentage of max value. DISENGAGED_EFFECT = 0.15 # When a unit is disengaged, damage it deals is multiplied by this BROKEN_MORALE_EFFECT = 0.25 # When a unit's morale is 0, damage it deals is multiplied by this LOW_MORALE_THRESHOLD = 0.5 LOW_MORALE_EFFECT = 0.75 # When a unit's morale is less LOW_MORALE_THRESHOLD, damage it deals is multiplied by this ARMY_EXP_GAIN_DAMAGE_DEALT = 2.0 # Gained each time army deals damage ARMY_EXP_GAIN_DAMAGE_TAKEN = 1.0 # Gained each time army takes damage ARMY_EXP_EXPERIENCED = 100 # Amount of exp to reach experienced rank ARMY_EXP_VETERAN = 1000 # Amount of exp to reach veteran rank ARMY_EXP_ELITE = 10000 # Amount of exp to reach elite rank NUM_DAYS_BEFORE_RETREAT = 30 # How many days that need to pass before we can retreat. RETREAT_UNIT_LOST_MIN_CHANCE = 0.10 # Chance that a retreating unit is lost (scales to health) RETREAT_UNIT_LOST_MAX_CHANCE = 0.75 GROUND_COMBAT_RANDOM_TARGETING_WEIGHT = 1.0 # The higher this is, the more random army targeting will be GROUND_COMBAT_LOW_HEALTH_THRESHOLD = 0.5 # The army health threshold at which the low health targeting weight is applied GROUND_COMBAT_LOW_HEALTH_TARGETING_WEIGHT = 2.0 ARMY_MILITARY_POWER_SCALE = 0.25 ARMY_MILITARY_POWER_EXPONENT = 0.65 # math: power = ( ( effective_health * damage_per_day ) ^ exponent ) * scale ARMY_MILITARY_POWER_DAMAGE_MULT = 1 ARMY_MILITARY_POWER_MORALE_DAMAGE_MULT = 0.5 ARMY_MILITARY_POWER_HEALTH_MULT = 1 ARMY_MILITARY_POWER_MORALE_MULT = 0.5 ARMY_MILITARY_POWER_NO_MORALE_FACTOR = 3 ARMY_DISENGAGE_BASE_CHANCE = 0.75 # Chance each time a ship takes damage that it disengages, scales with damage received (X = chance at SHIP_DISENGAGE_HEALTH_THRESHOLD of health damage) ARMY_DISENGAGE_MAX_CHANCE = 0.5 ARMY_DISENGAGE_HEALTH_THRESHOLD = 0.5 # Morale must be below this before damage taken for an army to disengage ARMY_DISENGAGE_MORALE_DIV = 2.0 # At max morale, army chance to disengage is divided by this ARMY_DISENGAGE_MORALE_MIN_DIV = 1.0 ARMY_DISENGAGE_TARGET_PRIO = 0.5 # Target priority for disengaged armies is multiplied by this } NEconomy = { COLONY_MONTHLY_GROWTH = 3 # How much the colonization pop grows every month. COLONY_MAINTENANCE_COST = 8 # Base cost per month for a new colony. FLEET_UPGRADE_TIME_COST_MULT = 0.50 # Upgrade fleet time cost FLEET_UPGRADE_SECTION_COST_REFUND_MULT = 0.75 # Refund factor for ship section when upgrading FLEET_UPGRADE_COMPONENT_COST_REFUND_MULT = 0.90 # Refund factor for ship components when upgrading EXPANSION_COST_MAX = 1000.0 # Maximum cost of single outpost EXPANSION_COST_BASE = 250.0 # The influence base cost of outpost EXPANSION_COST_DISTANCE = 25.0 # Added per hyperlane jump away CLAIM_COST_MAX = 1000.0 # Maximum cost of a single claim CLAIM_COST_BASE = 20.0 # The influence base cost of making claims CLAIM_COST_STARBASE = 15.0 # Added cost for upgraded starbase CLAIM_COST_COLONY = 15.0 # Added cost for colonized system CLAIM_COST_DISTANCE = 15.0 # Added per hyperlane jump away CLAIM_COST_MULT_OFFENSIVE_WAR = 1.0 # Claims are ( 1 + this ) much more expensive to add for attackers in war CLAIM_COST_RIVAL_DISCOUNT = -0.20 # Claims are ( 1 + this ) much less expensive against rivals TRADITION_COST_RESOURCES = { "unity" } # Resource for tradition cost TRADITION_COST_AMOUNTS = { 300 } # Tradition base cost COMMERCIAL_PACT_VALUE_MULT = 0.1 TRADE_AMOUNT_MULTIPLIER = { 1 5 10 50 100 } # Multiplier interval for resource trading base amount MARKET_TRADE_FEE_BASE = 0.3 # Base procentage for market trade fee MARKET_TRADE_FEE_MIN = 0.05 # Minumum trade fee percentage MARKET_FLUCTUATION_ABOVE_BASE_PRICE = 1 # Base fluctuation when trading a resource' base amount if price is > 0 MARKET_FLUCTUATION_BELOW_BASE_PRICE = 0.2 # Base fluctuation when trading a resource' base amount if price is < 0 MARKET_MIN_FLUCTUATION_FROM_BASE_PRICE = -80 # Min fluctuation from base price MARKET_MAX_FLUCTUATION_FROM_BASE_PRICE = 400 # Max fluctuation from base price MARKET_DAYS_TO_BASE_PRICE = 1800 # Days until resource price reaches base price from max or min price MARKET_FLUCTUATION_EPSILON = 0.5 # If | fluctuation | < epsilon, reset fluctuation to zero MARKET_MONTHLY_TRADE_FRACTION = 0.1 # market base amount will be multiplied by this when determining starting amount of a monthly market trade MARKET_MAX_BASE_AMOUNTS = 200 # Max resource base amounts that the player is allowed to trade in a single trade INTERNAL_MARKET_DAYS_TO_BASE_PRICE = 3 # MARKET_DAYS_TO_BASE_PRICE * VAL for the Internal Market INTERNAL_MARKET_FLUCTUATION_MULT = 2 # Multiplier of MARKET_FLUCTUATION_ABOVE_BASE_PRICE/MARKET_FLUCTUATION_BELOW_BASE_PRICE for Internal Market MONTHLY_TRADES_ECONOMIC_CATEGORY = "monthly_trades" PRICE_CHANGE_EQ_POS_C = 320000 # Constant C in f(x) = ( c / ( x - xo ) ) + d for f(x) > 0 PRICE_CHANGE_EQ_POS_D = -133.3 # Constant D in f(x) = ( c / ( x - xo ) ) + d for f(x) > 0 PRICE_CHANGE_EQ_POS_X0 = -600 # Constant X0 in f(x) = ( c / ( x - xo ) ) + d for f(x) > 0 PRICE_CHANGE_EQ_NEG_C = -45000 # Constant C in f(x) = ( c / ( x - xo ) ) + d for f(x) < 0 PRICE_CHANGE_EQ_NEG_D = 20 # Constant D in f(x) = ( c / ( x - xo ) ) + d for f(x) < 0 PRICE_CHANGE_EQ_NEG_X0 = -450 # Constant X0 in f(x) = ( c / ( x - xo ) ) + d for f(x) < 0 PIRACY_FULL_GROWTH_DAYS_COUNT = 3600 # time it takes piracy to grow to full value without it being suppressed PIRACY_SUPPRESSION_RATE = 10.0 # suppression multiplier, makes suppression more efficient then growth PIRACY_MAX_PIRACY_MULT = 0.25 # base multiplier for max piracy TRADE_DELIVERY_PERCENTAGE_HIGH = 80 # >= 80% of trade value reaches destination TRADE_DELIVERY_PERCENTAGE_LOW = 50 # <= 50 of trade value reaches destination SLAVE_MARKET_SLAVE_BASE_COST_RESOURCES = { "energy" } SLAVE_MARKET_SLAVE_BASE_COST_AMOUNT = { 500 } SLAVE_MARKET_SIZE_CAP = 100 #Max amount of slaves allowed on the market SECTOR_AUTOMATION_CONTRUCTION_RAND_FACTOR = 0.1 # Random factor applied to the score of constructions in the sector automation SECTOR_AUTOMATION_FREE_JOBS_BUILD_CAP = 0 # Sector automation will build if there is unemployment OR free jobs <= SECTOR_AUTOMATION_FREE_JOBS_BUILD_CAP OR free housing <= SECTOR_AUTOMATION_FREE_HOUSING_BUILD_CAP SECTOR_AUTOMATION_FREE_HOUSING_BUILD_CAP = 1 SECTOR_AUTOMATION_BASE_FOCUS = "basic" # Items in this sector focus list are appended to all other ones MONTHLY_SUBJECT_TAX_ECONOMIC_CATEGORY = "subject_tax" MONTHLY_SUBJECT_INTEGRATION_ECONOMIC_CATEGORY = "subject_integration" BORROW_DIPLO_WEIGHT_FAVOR_RESOURCE = { "influence" } BORROW_DIPLO_WEIGHT_FAVOR_COST = { 10 } } NAI = { AI_FREE_JOBS_DISTRICT_BUILD_CAP = 1 # AI will not build new districts on a planet with more than this many free jobs AI_FREE_JOBS_BUILDING_BUILD_CAP = 2 # AI will not build new buildings on a planet with more than this many free jobs AI_DEFICIT_SCORE_MULT = 100 # AI will score buildings producing resources in deficit this much more AI_FOCUS_SCORE_MULT = 40 # AI will score buildings producing focus resources this much more AI_AMENITIES_SCORE_MULT = 50 # AI will score amenity buildings this much more than other misc resources AI_HOUSING_SCORE_MULT = 4.5 # AI will score housing buildings this much more than other misc resources AI_CRIME_REDUCTION_SCORE_MULT = 2 # AI will score crime fighting buildings this much more than other misc resource AI_ADMIN_CAP_SCORE_MULT = 2 # AI will score admin cap buildings this much more than other misc resource AI_POPS_SCORE_MULT = 1 # AI will score pop growth and assembly buildings this much more ( already fairly high weighted in code ) AI_UPGRADE_SCORE_MULT = 40 # AI will score building upgrades this much more ( since they don't take up a new building slot ) AI_MIN_CURRENCY_INCOME_TO_BUILD_STARBASE_MODULES = 100 # AI will not build starbase modules if energy income is below this threshold AI_TECHNOLOGY_RARE_WEIGHT_MULT = 5 # AI will multiply AI weight of rare techs with this value AI_TECHNOLOGY_INFINITELY_REPEATABLE_WEIGHT_MULT = 0.01 # AI will multiply AI weight of infinitely repeatable techs with this value AI_IN_BREACH_THRESHOLD = 3 # AI will consider leaving the community ( and wont try to join it either ) if theyre in breach of this many resolutions AI_MAX_DISTANCE = 200 # AI considers all systems more distant than this to initially be too far away, but this will be multiplied to increase search range when that happens AI_POP_MODIFICATION_DISCOUNT = 0.25 # AI pays this much (of base) for gene/robomodding projects MIN_DISTANCE_TO_JUMP = 3 # Target must be at least this many systems away for AI to want to use jump drive AI_JUMP_DRIVE_BRAVERY = 0.33 # AI will not want to jump into systems unless enemy is this much weaker than them, relatively # These are used to determine where the AI should be upgrading its starbases STARBASE_COLONY_SCORE = 5 STARBASE_HABITABLE_PLANET_SCORE = 3 STARBASE_MEGASTRUCTURE_SCORE = 5 STARBASE_BYPASS_SCORE = 10 STARBASE_CHOKEPOINT_SCORE = 2 STARBASE_HAZARD_CHOKEPOINT_SCORE_MULT = 1.5 WAR_OCCUPIED_BORDER_PRIO = 20 # Priority on targeting systems that are bordering our occupied space WAR_OWN_BORDER_PRIO = 10 # Priority on targeting systems that are bordering us WAR_ALLY_BORDER_PRIO = 5 # Priority on targeting systems that are bordering allies WAR_NO_BORDER_PRIO = 0.01 # Priority on targeting systems that are in the middle of hostile space WAR_DEFENSE_OWN_PRIO = 3 # Priority on defending own borders WAR_DEFENSE_CONTROLLED_PRIO = 5 # Priority on defending conquered systems WAR_DEFENSE_ALLY_PRIO = 3 # Priority on defending allies WAR_NEUTRAL_SPACE_PRIO = 0.5 # Priority on targeting enemies in neutral space WAR_ATTACK_CLAIM_PRIO = 1.5 # Priority on targeting enemy systems we have claimed WAR_DEFENSE_CLAIM_PRIO = 1.5 # Priority on defending claimed system we have conquered WAR_DEFENSE_OWN_PLANET_PRIO = 1.5 # Priority on defending own planets in a controlled system WAR_DEFENSE_OWN_PLANET_ENEMY_CONTROL_PRIO = 5 # Priority on defending own planets in an enemy controlled system WAR_ATTACK_PLANET_PRIO = 2.0 # Priority on targeting enemy systems with planets WAR_ATTACK_PLANET_CONTROLLED_SYSTEM_PRIO = 10.0 # Priority on targeting enemy planets in controlled systems WAR_ATTACK_STARBASE_PRIO = 1.5 # Priority on targeting enemy systems with upgraded starbases WAR_DEFEND_STARBASE_PRIO = 1.5 # Priority on defending systems with an upgraded starbase WAR_ATTACK_MILITARY_FLEET_PRIO = 3.0 # Priority on targeting enemy military fleets WAR_ATTACK_JUMP_DRIVE_FLEET_PRIO = 2.0 # Priority on targeting vulnerable jump-drive fleets that are in cooldown SPACE_MONSTER_MOVE_CHANCE = 2 # % chance that space monsters pick a new wander target each week SPACE_MONSTER_WANDER_FACTOR = 0.75 # The higher this is, the further space monsters will tend to wander from their spawn point (range: 0.0 - 1.0) TERRAFORM_SAVE_CREDITS = 1000 # AI wants to have at least this much energy over after starting a terraforming EXTRADIMENSIONAL_MIN_FLEETS = 3 # At less fleets than this, extradimensionals pull back to the portal AI_NO_RETREAT_LIMIT = 3 # At fewer owner/controlled planets than this, the AI will fight to the death in their home systems CRISIS_THREAT_THRESHOLD_UPPER = 100 # At this crisis threat, AI drops other priorities and focuses on fighting the crisis CRISIS_THREAT_THRESHOLD_LOWER = 10 # Below this threshold, AI stops focusing on crisis fighting CRISIS_MILITARY_POWER_MULT_DEFAULT = 1.5 # AI willing to engage crisis factions at these odds normally CRISIS_MILITARY_POWER_MULT_CRISIS_FIGHTER = 0.6 # AI willing to engage crisis factions at these odds if they prioritize crisis fighting CRISIS_MILITARY_POWER_MULT_INHABITED_SYSTEM = 0.5 # AI willing to engage crisis factions at these odds in systems of others under attack by crisis CRISIS_MILITARY_POWER_MULT_OWN_SYSTEM = 0.33 # AI willing to engage crisis factions at these odds in their own systems CRISIS_MILITARY_POWER_MULT_DESPERATION = 0.10 # AI willing to engage crisis factions at these odds when down to their last few worlds CRISIS_MILITARY_AGGRESSIVENESS = 2 # aggressiveness of crisis empires. This works the saame as the value in personalities (but crisis don't have personalities, and were using the default "1" BOSS_MILITARY_POWER = 40000 # The military power at which AI feels safe to engage a 'boss' creature WAS_HUMAN_MONTHS = 180 # Amount of months that the AI will refrain from making large changes to the empire if it's taking over from a player MIN_FLEET_FOR_OPERATIONS = 500 MIN_FLEET_TO_RESTRICT_SYSTEM = 3000 MIN_FLEET_THREAT_TO_CRISIS = 8000 FLEET_GROUP_ABORT_MISSION_MULT = 1.2 # The wanted amount of fleet power needs to have increased by at least this much for the AI to reconsider a mission once commited FLEET_COMBAT_INTERVENTION_MULT = 0.5 # The AI wont try to intervene in a fleet combat unless that intervention puts us at this percentage of the enemy fleet ( i.e. we wont intervene if the enemy outnumbers us by 2 or more ) OFFENSE_VS_DEFENSE_STRATEGY_ALLOTMENT = 0.75 # How much of its fleet power should a country with 1.0 aggressiveness should try to commit to offensive missions FLEET_DAMAGED_THRESHOLD_WAR = 0.75 # threshold when a fleet will be considered damaged and should return for repairs and avoid certain actions FLEET_DAMAGED_THRESHOLD_PEACE = 0.95 # same but for peace FLEET_ARMOR_DAMAGED_THRESHOLD_WAR = 0.75 # same as above but for armor FLEET_ARMOR_DAMAGED_THRESHOLD_PEACE = 0.95 # same but for armor in peace TARGET_BASE_SCORE = 100.0 # base score to use when scoring AI military targets HOSTILE_FLEETS_TARGET_SCORE = 20 # extra score for engaging hostile fleets CAPITAL_TARGET_SCORE = 5 # extra score for defending/invading a capital CRISIS_CONSTRUCTOR_TARGET_SCORE = 3 # extra score for crisis defending constructor ships CHOKEPOINT_TARGET_MULT = 2 # extra multiplier for defensive scoring of chokepoints MIN_GIFT_SIZE = 25 # in opinion impact MAX_GIFT_SIZE = 50 AI_TRADE_INTERVAL = 5000 # the higher this is the less often the AI will offer trades MAX_TRUST = 100 # trust can never be more than this MAX_TRUST_DEFENSIVE_PACT = 100 # trust can tick up to this if defensive pact MAX_TRUST_ASSOCIATE = 100 # trust can tick up to this if federation associate MAX_TRUST_NAP = 75 # trust can tick up to this if non-aggression pact MAX_TRUST_MIN = 50 # trust can always tick up to at least this BASE_TRUST_CHANGE = -0.25 # only applied if no other factor is changing trust MONTHLY_TRUST_GUARANTEE = 0.25 MONTHLY_TRUST_RESEARCH_TREATY = 0.10 MONTHLY_TRUST_MIGRATION_TREATY = 0.25 MONTHLY_TRUST_NON_AGGRESSION_PACT = 0.50 MONTHLY_TRUST_COMMERCIAL_PACT = 0.25 MONTHLY_TRUST_ASSOCIATION_STATUS = 0.50 MONTHLY_TRUST_DEFENSIVE_PACT = 0.75 MONTHLY_TRUST_SUBJECT = 0.25 MONTHLY_TRUST_FEDERATION = 1.00 MONTHLY_TRUST_AT_WAR = -2.00 MONTHLY_TRUST_RIVAL = -2.00 MONTHLY_TRUST_EMBASSY = 0.10 BROKEN_TRADE_DEAL_FACTOR = 0.5 # How much does broken trade deal affect opinion (based on value of deal) THREAT_PLANET_MULT = 8.0 # Base threat multiplier for planet THREAT_STARBASE_MULT = 4.0 # Base threat multiplier for system with upgraded starbase THREAT_SYSTEM_MULT = 2.0 # Base threat multiplier for system HIGH_THREAT_THRESHOLD = 50 # Must have at least this much threat to become fearful SHARED_THREAT_MULT = 0.5 # How much does having a shared threat boost opinion? THREAT_SHARED_THREAT_REDUCTION = 4 # Each point of threat will also eliminate this much shared threat SHARED_THREAT_MAX = 200 THREAT_DECAY = -0.25 # Each month THREAT_DISTANCE_FACTOR = 0.01 # The higher this is the larger the threat reduction from being far away THREAT_SIZE_FACTOR = 1.0 # How much does the relative power of the aggressive empire affect threat? THREAT_SIZE_FACTOR_MAX = 2.0 THREAT_SIZE_FACTOR_MIN = 0.1 THREAT_NAP_FACTOR = 0.5 # How much is threat lowered if we have a NAP or defensive pact? THREAT_POSITIVE_OPINION_FACTOR = 0.002 # How much does opinion of the victim affect threat? THREAT_NEGATIVE_OPINION_FACTOR = 0.002 THREAT_OPINION_MAX = 1.25 THREAT_OPINION_MIN = 0.75 AI_AGGRESSIVENESS_LOW_MULT = 0.5 AI_AGGRESSIVENESS_HIGH_MULT = 2.0 AI_AGGRESSIVENESS_BASE = 25 # Base chance AI will declare a war (multiplied by personality aggressiveness score) AI_AGGRESSIVENESS_PROPAGATOR_BOXED_IN_MULT = 10 # When a warlike 'propagator' personality is boxed in aggression is multiplied by this value AI_AGGRESSIVENESS_BOXED_IN_MULT = 4 # When an AI can no longer peacefully expand aggression is multiplied by this value AI_AGGRESSIVENESS_NO_COLONY_TARGET_MULT = 2 # When an AI has no immediate colony targets and at least MAX_PLANETS_FOR_BUDGET_FACTOR planets (but is not boxed in) aggression is multiplied by this value ACTION_MIN_DAYS_REJECTED = 10000 # AI will remember a rejection at least this time ACTION_DAYS_REJECTED_RANDOM = 5000 # Max random extra days AI will reject offer ACTION_MIN_DAYS_REJECTED_PEACE = 360 # AI will remember a peace deal rejection at least this time ACTION_DAYS_REJECTED_RANDOM_PEACE = 360 # Max random extra days AI will reject peace offer INSTANT_AI_DIPLOMACY = 0 # AI answers diplomacy immediately. No proposals are sent off to AIs. DIPLOMACY_RESPONSE_COOLDOWN_DAYS = 7 # Cooldown days before the AI will consider answer a proposed diplo action, after that on daily roll with increasing chance until proposal experation date DIPLO_BREAK_THRESHOLD = -30 # If AI values an existing deal at less than this break it ACCEPTANCE_DEAL_BREAKER = -1000 # This is used when something is a deal breaker in diplomacy ACCEPTANCE_DEAL_ALWAYS = 1000 # This is used when the AI should always accept a deal MAX_GUARANTEES = 3 # Below are various acceptance factors for specific actions FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_CRISIS_FACTOR = 30 FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_OPINION_FACTOR = 0.1 FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_VOTED_DOWN_PROPOSAL = -50 FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE_ALLIANCE = 30 FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE_COEXIST = 0 FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_OTHER_ATTITUDE = -50 FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_SHARED_RIVAL = 10 # per rival FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_SHARED_RIVAL_IN_FEDERATION = 5 # extra per rival in alliance FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_SHARED_THREAT = 0.25 # scales with actual threat FEDERATION_CONQUEROR_DIFFERENCE = -50 # penalty if one side wants to wage wars of conquest and the other doesn't FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_RELATIVE_STRENGTH_FACTOR = 5 # For each 1x we are stronger than them FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_RELATIVE_STRENGTH_MAX = 20 FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_MEMBER_VOTE = 50 # added to acceptance when a member is voting whether to approve an alliance invite FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_MEMBER_VOTE_SIZE_FACTOR = 0 # for each member above two FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_MEMBER_VOTE_MIN = 50 FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_ASSOCIATION_VOTE = 100 FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_DISTANCE_MULT = -0.1 # per 1 border distance FEDERATION_LAW_SUPPORT_THRESHOLD = 50 # How big ai weight should be for AI to support the vote FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_SUPPORT = 100 # Support for ai law FEDERATION_PROPOSE_THRESHOLD = 125 # How big ai weight should be for AI to propose the vote FEDERATION_WEIGHT_COHESION_FACTOR = 0.25 # Cohesion added on the vote weight FEDERATION_ALL_AI_LEADER_WEIGHT_FACTOR = 1.5 # Since the AI is set to generally not propose votes on laws in player federations, it needs this boost to care enough to reach FEDERATION_PROPOSE_THRESHOLD in AI-only federations. DEFENSIVE_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_OPINION_FACTOR = 0.2 DEFENSIVE_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE_ALLIANCE = 50 DEFENSIVE_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE_COEXIST = 20 DEFENSIVE_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_OTHER_ATTITUDE = -50 DEFENSIVE_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_NUM_PACTS = -50 # per existing defensive pact DEFENSIVE_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_SHARED_RIVAL = 30 # per rival DEFENSIVE_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_SHARED_ALLY = 30 # per shared ally DEFENSIVE_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_SHARED_THREAT = 0.25 # scales with actual threat DEFENSIVE_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_RELATIVE_STRENGTH_FACTOR = 5 # For each 1x we are stronger than them DEFENSIVE_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_RELATIVE_STRENGTH_MAX = 20 DEFENSIVE_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_DISTANCE_MULT = -0.1 # per 1 border distance EMBASSY_ACCEPTANCE_OPINION_FACTOR = 0.5 EMBASSY_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE_ALLIANCE = 100 EMBASSY_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE_COEXIST = 40 EMBASSY_ACCEPTANCE_OTHER_ATTITUDE = -25 EMBASSY_ACCEPTANCE_NUM_PACTS = 0 # per existing defensive pact EMBASSY_ACCEPTANCE_SHARED_RIVAL = 40 # per rival EMBASSY_ACCEPTANCE_SHARED_ALLY = 60 # per shared ally EMBASSY_ACCEPTANCE_SHARED_THREAT = 0.25 # scales with actual threat EMBASSY_ACCEPTANCE_RELATIVE_STRENGTH_FACTOR = 1 # For each 1x we are stronger than them EMBASSY_ACCEPTANCE_RELATIVE_STRENGTH_MAX = 20 EMBASSY_ACCEPTANCE_DISTANCE_MULT = -0.05 # per 1 border distance NON_AGGRESSION_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_OPINION_FACTOR = 0.2 NON_AGGRESSION_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE_ALLIANCE = 100 NON_AGGRESSION_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE_COEXIST = 50 NON_AGGRESSION_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_OTHER_ATTITUDE = 0 NON_AGGRESSION_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_NUM_PACTS = -30 # per existing non-aggression pact NON_AGGRESSION_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_SHARED_RIVAL = 50 # per rival NON_AGGRESSION_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_SHARED_THREAT = 0.25 # scales with actual threat NON_AGGRESSION_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_RELATIVE_STRENGTH_FACTOR = 20 # For each 1x we are stronger than them NON_AGGRESSION_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_RELATIVE_STRENGTH_MAX = 100 NON_AGGRESSION_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_DISTANCE_MULT = -0.1 # per 1 border distance RESEARCH_AGREEMENT_ACCEPTANCE_OPINION_FACTOR = 0.4 RESEARCH_AGREEMENT_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE_ALLIANCE = 100 RESEARCH_AGREEMENT_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE_COEXIST = 50 RESEARCH_AGREEMENT_ACCEPTANCE_OTHER_ATTITUDE = 0 RESEARCH_AGREEMENT_ACCEPTANCE_NUM_PACTS = -30 # per existing research agreement RESEARCH_AGREEMENT_ACCEPTANCE_DISTANCE_MULT = -0.1 # per 1 border distance RESEARCH_AGREEMENT_ACCEPTANCE_GIVEN_TECHS = -0.5 # Per tech we have they don't RESEARCH_AGREEMENT_ACCEPTANCE_TAKEN_TECHS = -0.5 # Per tech they have we don't RESEARCH_AGREEMENT_ACCEPTANCE_TECHS_MIN = -100 RESEARCH_AGREEMENT_ACCEPTANCE_TECHS_MAX = 100 COMMERCIAL_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_OPINION_FACTOR = 0.4 COMMERCIAL_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE_ALLIANCE = 100 COMMERCIAL_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE_COEXIST = 50 COMMERCIAL_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_OTHER_ATTITUDE = 0 COMMERCIAL_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_NUM_PACTS = -30 # per existing commercial pact COMMERCIAL_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_DISTANCE_MULT = -0.1 # per 1 border distance COMMERCIAL_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_GIVEN_VALUE = -0.5 # Per collected trade value COMMERCIAL_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_GIVEN_VALUE_MIN = -100 COMMERCIAL_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_GIVEN_VALUE_MAX = 0 COMMERCIAL_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_TAKEN_VALUE = 1 # Per collected trade value COMMERCIAL_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_TAKEN_VALUE_MIN = 0 COMMERCIAL_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_TAKEN_VALUE_MAX = 100 MIGRATION_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_OPINION_FACTOR = 0.5 MIGRATION_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE_ALLIANCE = 10 MIGRATION_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE_COEXIST = 0 MIGRATION_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_THREAT_MULT = -0.5 # scales with actual threat MIGRATION_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_OTHER_ATTITUDE = 0 MIGRATION_PACT_ACCEPTANCE_DISTANCE_MULT = -0.05 # per 1 border distance VASSALIZATION_ACCEPTANCE_PROTECTORATE_MULT = 0.1 # multiplied by number of techs potential overlord is ahead in VASSALIZATION_ACCEPTANCE_PROTECTORATE_MAX = 20 VASSALIZATION_ACCEPTANCE_NUM_POPS = -0.25 # per pop VASSALIZATION_ACCEPTANCE_POWER_DIFFERENCE_MIN = 1.5 VASSALIZATION_ACCEPTANCE_POWER_DIFFERENCE_MULT = 15 # for each 1x over min VASSALIZATION_ACCEPTANCE_POWER_DIFFERENCE_MAX = 100 VASSALIZATION_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE_ALLIANCE = 20 VASSALIZATION_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE_COEXIST = 0 VASSALIZATION_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE_ATTACK = -1000 VASSALIZATION_ACCEPTANCE_OTHER_ATTITUDE = -20 VASSALIZATION_ACCEPTANCE_OTHER_THREAT_MULT = 0.2 VASSALIZATION_ACCEPTANCE_OTHER_THREAT_MAX = 20 VASSALIZATION_ACCEPTANCE_DISTANCE_MULT = -0.5 # per 1 border distance OFFER_VASSALIZATION_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE_VASSALIZE = 100 OFFER_VASSALIZATION_ACCEPTANCE_OTHER_ATTITUDE = -1000 OFFER_TRADE_ACCEPTANCE_ATTITUDE = -1000 # if attitude is trade = no OFFER_TRADE_MIN_RESOURCE_THRESHOLD = 0.8 # if ai want for an accumulative resource is at least max * this it won't trade away that resource TRADE_MAX_RESOURCE_PERCENT = 0.3 TRADE_MIN_RESOURCE_DELTA = 10 TRADE_MIN_RESOURCE_STOCKPILE = 500 TRADE_RESOURCE_STOCKPILE_UNDER = 0.33 # AI will want to trade one resource for another if stockpile is this low (fraction of max storage) TRADE_RESOURCE_STOCKPILE_OVER = 0.75 # AI will want to trade one resource for another if stockpile is over this (fraction of max storage) TRADE_RESOURCE_FRACTION_MIN = 0.1 # How much of stockpile AI should offer to trade (min) TRADE_RESOURCE_FRACTION_MAX = 0.2 # How much of stockpile AI should offer to trade (max) MIN_WILLINGNESS_TO_OFFER_TRADE = 0.75 # AIs with a personality whose trade willingness is below this will not offer trades TRADE_VALUE_RESOURCE_INCOME_BASE = 50 # used for calculating resource income effect (lower = more value reduction from higher income) TRADE_VALUE_RESOURCE = 2 # for minerals and energy (scaled by income & need) TRADE_VALUE_RESOURCE_MONTHLY_MULT = 0.5 # value of monthly resources is multiplied by this compared to lump-sum TRADE_VALUE_SYSTEM = 5 TRADE_VALUE_COLONY = 0.2 # Per pop TRADE_VALUE_SENSOR_CHARTS = 2 # Per new comms TRADE_VALUE_SENSOR_CHARTS_MAX = 10 TRADE_VALUE_SENSOR_LINK = 0.05 # Per system within their borders TRADE_VALUE_SENSOR_LINK_MAX = 1.0 # Multiplied by treaty years # Above are various acceptance factors for specific actions AI_BUDGETING_START_YEARS = 15 # These variables are used for some of the AI's budgeting to ensure it prioritizes the right things early on AI_BUDGETING_MID_YEARS = 30 AI_BUDGETING_LATE_YEARS = 50 BUILDING_DEMOLISH_THRESHOLD = -1 # At AI weight less than or equal to this, demolish building or district BUILDING_BUILD_THRESHOLD = 1 # Ait AI weight greater than or equal to this, the AI will consider building it. MIN_ASSAULT_ARMIES = 20 MAX_ASSAULT_ARMIES = 60 ASSAULT_ARMIES_PER_POP = 0.1 BUILDING_EXISTS_DIV_SCORE = 1 # The higher this is, the more the AI will avoid building the same building on planets NUM_TRADITIONS_FOR_EDICTS = 49 # How many traditions does the AI want before spending Unity on edicts (there are 49 in total in the base game counting adoption & completion effects) MAX_PLANETS_FOR_BUDGET_FACTOR = 5 # At this amount of planets budget is normalized MIN_NAVY_SIZE_FOR_ADMIRAL = 10 # AI wants a navy of at least this fleetsize before buying an admiral LEADER_FRACTION_SCIENTIST = 0.6 # Fraction of AI Leaders that should be scientists LEADER_FRACTION_ADMIRAL = 0.1 # Fraction of admirals LEADER_FRACTION_GENERAL = 0.1 # Fraction of generals LEADER_FRACTION_GOVERNOR = 0.2 # Fraction of governor LEADER_FRACTION_CHANGE_CAP = 11 # Leader cap > this will decrease scientist fraction and increase other ABORT_MISSION_LIMIT = 0.50 # MilitaryPower fraction below this level will result in AI escaping battle WAR_EXHAUSTION_TO_INTERVENE = 0.25 # AI may want to intervene to help empires with this war exhaustion or higher PEACE_WAR_EXHAUSTION_FACTOR = 100 PEACE_OCCUPATION_FACTOR = 100 PEACE_STATUS_QUO_FACTOR = -75 PEACE_HIGH_WE_STATUS_QUO_FACTOR = 100 PEACE_DEMAND_SURRENDER_FACTOR = -100 PEACE_DEFENDING_CLAIM_SYSTEM_FACTOR = -10 # For every system PEACE_DEFENDING_CLAIM_STARBASE_FACTOR = -40 # For systems with upgraded starbases PEACE_DEFENDING_CLAIM_PLANET_FACTOR = -100 # For systems with colonies PEACE_RELATIVE_NAVY_STRENGTH_FACTOR = 50 MIN_WANTED_SCIENTISTS = 1 # Below this AI prioritizes energy spending to get more scientists ENEMY_FLEET_POWER_MULT = 1.2 # AI will need the fleet power of the enemy multiplied by this value to become offensive in an offensive war ENEMY_ARMY_POWER_MULT = 1.0 # AI will need the military power of the enemy multiplied by this value to land armies on planet ENEMY_FLEET_POWER_HOME_SYSTEM_MULT = 1.0 # AI will need the fleet power of the enemy multiplied by this value to attack hostiles in own systems CRISIS_NAVY_SIZE_LIMIT = 100 # Crisis fleets will aim for this size before attacking targets HORDE_NAVY_SIZE_LIMIT = 50 # Horde fleets will aim for this size before attacking targets ANTI_CRISIS_NAVY_SIZE_LIMIT = 50 # Anti-Crisis fleets will aim for this size before attacking targets CONTINGENCY_IGNORE_HUBS_THRESHOLD = 0.5 ATTITUDE_CHANGE_BUFFER = 0 # Don't change attitude if weight diff is less than this AI_COMMUNICATIONS_RANDOM_VALUE = 60 # AI communications days will vary with +- these many days TRANSPORT_FLEET_SIZE = 20 # AI will have transport fleets of this size TRANSPORT_RETREAT_HEALTH_THRESHOLD = 0.75 # If a transport goes below this amount of HP it will try to emergency FTL AUTO_EXPLORE_ATTRACTION_SCORE = 200 # Attraction score to auto explore a system will descrease by this much if system is owned by you or has a planet owned by you MAX_EXPANSION_DISTANCE = 2 # Max number of jumps away AI will build starbases MAX_EXPANSION_DISTANCE_SUBJECT = 2 # Max number of jumps away AI subjects will build starbases EXPANSION_OWN_PRIORITY = 1000 # Priority on rebuilding destroyed starbases in colonized systems EXPANSION_CUT_OFF_SYSTEM_PRIORITY = 10 # Priority on systems cut-off inside own territory EXPANSION_BORDERING_PRIORITY = 500 # How much will AI prioritize bordering systems when building starbases EXPANSION_RESOURCE_PRIORITY = 2 # How much will AI prioritize resource-rich systems when building starbases EXPANSION_COLONY_PRIORITY = 10 # How much will AI prioritize systems with colonizable worlds when building starbases EXPANSION_BYPASS_PRIORITY = 10 # How much will AI prioritize systems with bypasses when building starbases EXPANSION_MIN_VALUE_FOR_HIGH_PRIO = 10 # How much value does a system need to be considered priority over building up existing systems in borders EXPANSION_RANDOM_AMOUNT = 50 # A random roll of this amount is added to each system's score when deciding where to expand next EXPANSION_RESOURCE_GAIN_UPKEEP = 0.5 # When checking candidate systems for outposts, the AI looks at the resources in the system and counts this fraction towards upkeep gain MAX_CLAIM_DISTANCE = 4 # Max number of jumps away AI will make claims on MAX_CLAIM_DISTANCE_SUBJECT = 2 # Max number of jumps away AI subjects will make claims on CLAIM_BASE_VALUE = 100 CLAIM_RESOURCE_FACTOR = 2 # How much will AI prioritize resource-rich systems when making claims CLAIM_BYPASS_FACTOR = 10 # How much will AI prioritize systems with bypasses when making claims CLAIM_RELATIONS_FACTOR = -0.1 # How much will AI factor in opinion when making claims CLAIM_COST_FACTOR = -0.2 # How much will AI prioritize resource-rich systems when making claims CLAIM_COLONY_FACTOR = 25 # How much will AI prioritize colonies when making claims CLAIM_BORDERING_FACTOR = 100 # How much will AI prioritize bordering systems when making claims NO_WARS_FLAG = "ai_no_wars" NO_LEAVE_FED_FLAG = "ai_no_leave_fed" SURRENDER_ACCEPTANCE_HIGHEST = 1 # Display "ready to surrender" in war summary badge SURRENDER_ACCEPTANCE_HIGH = -20 # Display "approaching surrender" in war summary badge SURRENDER_ACCEPTANCE_LOW = -60 # Display "unlikely to surrender" in war summary badge SURRENDER_ACCEPTANCE_LOWEST = -100 # Display "for sure not surrender" in war summary badge AI_ALLOWED_TO_BUY = { "minerals" "food" "alloys" "consumer_goods" "exotic_gases" "rare_crystals" "volatile_motes" "sr_living_metal" "sr_dark_matter" "sr_zro" } AI_ALLOWED_TO_SELL = { "minerals" "food" "alloys" "consumer_goods" "exotic_gases" "rare_crystals" "volatile_motes" "sr_living_metal" "sr_dark_matter" "sr_zro" } AI_MIN_CURRENCY_TO_SELL = 1000.0 # If the AI has less currency (energy) than this it will consider selling resources AI_MIN_CURRENCY_INCOME_TO_SELL = 10.0 # If the AI has less currency (energy) gain last month than this it will consider selling resources AI_MIN_HABITABILITY_TO_COLONIZE = 0.35 # AI will avoid colonizing planets with habitability lower than this. AI_MIN_BRANCH_OFFICE_WORTH_TO_ESTABLISH = 2.0 # AI megacorporations will not establish branch offices unless value is above this SLAVE_BUY_EC_THRESHOLD = 1000 # if we have less ec than this, dont buy slaves SLAVE_BUY_UNEMPLOYMENT_THRESHOLD = 2 # if any one planet has this many unemployed pops, don't consider buying slaves for it SLAVE_BUY_HABITABILITY_THRESHOLD = 0.4 # if we cant find a planet with at least this much habitability for a prospective slave, dont buy it SLAVE_SELL_EC_THRESHOLD = 3000 # if we have more ec than this and a positive net income, then don't sell any slaves SLAVE_SELL_UNEMPLOYMENT_THRESHOLD = 1 # if any one planet has this many unemployed pops on it, consider selling one as a slave SLAVE_SELL_MIN_POPS = 1 # do not sell slaves from this planet if it has this amount of pops, or less SCIENTIST_HIRING_REPLACEMENT_THRESHOLD = 1.25 # When hiring for a job category, how much the score has to be higher than the previous tenants's score to replace him SCIENTIST_HIRING_PREV_JOB_THRESHOLD = 1.1 # When hiring a scientist, how much the better score for the new category has to be compared to your current employment score SCIENTIST_HIRING_UNEMPLOYMENT_MULT = 1.1 # how much of a bonus unemployed scientist get to their job score SCIENTIST_HIRING_SURVEY_MULTIPLIER = 0.5 # when hiring for research, the multiplier applied to a scientist who's on a science ship, to ensure surveying has priority over research WAR_DECLARATION_MAX_DISTANCE = 50 # How far away (in jumps) another empire has to be before the empire will not consider them for declaration WAR_DECLARATION_MALUS_DISTANCE = 25 # Distance between empires (in jumps) at which the AI will be less likely to declare war WAR_DECLARATION_MALUS = 0.05 # malus per jump above the malus distance (above) for each jump WAR_DECLARATION_MINIMUM_SCORE = 0.5 # minimum score multiplier for war declaration after all distance have been applied COLONY_AUTOMATION_COOLDOWN = 3 # Number of days automation will not be done after a build queue item on a planet completes COLONY_AUTOMATION_DISTRICT_PREFERENCE = 1.5 # Prefer to build districts over buildings unless there are multiple building slots open or this many times as many districts as buildings, minimum 1 DIPLO_ACTION_REPEAT_DELAY = 360 # number of days before the ai will try to repeat a proposal # These weights determine how much an empire wants to strengthen/undermine Imperial Authority and how large portion of their envoys they are willing to spend on it. # Positive means they want to strengthen, negative means undermine. # Zero means they don't care and won't use envoys for it. IMPERIAL_AUTHORITY_ENVOY_WEIGHT_EMPEROR = 3.0 IMPERIAL_AUTHORITY_ENVOY_WEIGHT_OPINION_EXCELLENT = 2.0 IMPERIAL_AUTHORITY_ENVOY_WEIGHT_OPINION_GOOD = 1.0 IMPERIAL_AUTHORITY_ENVOY_WEIGHT_OPINION_NEUTRAL = 0.0 IMPERIAL_AUTHORITY_ENVOY_WEIGHT_OPINION_POOR = -1.0 IMPERIAL_AUTHORITY_ENVOY_WEIGHT_OPINION_TERRIBLE = -2.0 IMPERIAL_AUTHORITY_ENVOY_WEIGHT_COUNCIL_MEMBER_ADD = 1.0 # This is added on top of opinion weight. Not used for the Emperor. IMPERIAL_AUTHORITY_ENVOY_WEIGHT_MAX = 3.0 # This value means you are willing to spend all available envoys for strengthening if needed. IMPERIAL_AUTHORITY_ENVOY_WEIGHT_MIN = -2.0 # This value means you are willing to spend all available envoys for undermining if needed. IMPERIAL_AUTHORITY_STRENGTHEN_ACCEPTABLE_THRESHOLD = 0.75 # If Imperial Authority percentage is above this, AI won't assign as many envoys for strengthening. IMPERIAL_AUTHORITY_UNDERMINE_ACCEPTABLE_THRESHOLD = 0.25 # If Imperial Authority percentage is below this, AI won't assign as many envoys for undermining. RESOLUTION_VOTE_ABSTAIN_THRESHOLD = 5.5 # the AI weight of a resolution need to be at least this much, else the AI will oppose it RESOLUTION_VOTE_SUPPORT_THRESHOLD = 7.0 # if the AI weight of a resolution reaches this value the AI will vote for it RESOLUTION_VOTE_VETO_THRESHOLD = 1.0 # if the AI hates something this much ( weight is lower ), they might veto it RESOLUTION_VOTE_EMERGENCY_THRESHOLD = 10.0 # if it isnt their own resolution but the AI still loves something this much they might declare it an Emergency Measure RESOLUTION_VOTE_FREEZE_THRESHOLD_DELTA = 3.0 # if the resolution next in line after the current resolution is this much better, the AI will freeze the current resolution RESOLUTION_USE_FAVORS_THRESHOLD_DELTA = 2.0 # if weight reaches the threshold +/- DELTA (support/abstain) AI will use favors to boost their diplo weight # Resolution AI weight is multiplied by values in these ranges based on opinion RESOLUTION_TARGET_OPINION_MIN_FACTOR = 0.0 # Corresponds to Terrible opinion towards the resolution target if resolution is non-harmful, Excellent opinion if harmful RESOLUTION_TARGET_OPINION_BASE_FACTOR = 0.5 # Will be used if opinion towards resolution target is neutral RESOLUTION_TARGET_OPINION_MAX_FACTOR = 1.5 # Corresponds to Excellent opinion towards the resolution target if resolution is non-harmful, Terrible opinion if harmful RESOLUTION_PROPOSER_OPINION_MIN_FACTOR = 0.5 # Corresponds to Terrible opinion towards the proposer RESOLUTION_PROPOSER_OPINION_BASE_FACTOR = 1.0 # Will be used if opinion towards the proposer is neutral RESOLUTION_PROPOSER_OPINION_MAX_FACTOR = 1.3 # Corresponds to Excellent opinion towards the proposer MAX_SUPPORT_PERCENTAGE_FOR_FAVORS_SUPPORTING = 55 # if we are supporting the resolution, don't spend favors if support percentage is above this MIN_SUPPORT_PERCENTAGE_FOR_FAVORS_OPPOSING = 45 # if we are opposing the resolution, don't spend favors if support percentage is below this DIPLO_ACTION_FAVOR_AI_ACCEPTANCE_VALUE = 5 # AI acceptance boost per favor TRADE_VALUE_FAVORS_MULT = 2 # Used as a multiple of DIPLO_ACTION_FAVOR_AI_ACCEPTANCE_VALUE for AI to evaluate acceptance in trade deals EXISTING_FAVORS_MAX = 5 # Max amount of existing favors for the AI to gift new favors in trades GIFT_FAVORS_MAX = 2 # Max amount of favors to gift AGREEMENT_INFLUENCED_BY_FAVORS_AI_BREAK_COOLDOWN = 1800 HORDE_INVASION_PLANNING_DEPTH = 5 # How far out does the Horde AI looks for invasion targets (in system hops) SWARM_INVASION_PLANNING_DEPTH = 5 # How far out does the Swarm AI looks for invasion targets (in system hops) SWARM_POP_TARGET_MULT = 1.0 # Extra target scoring for swarm (multiplied by number of edible pop on the planet) SWARM_UNEDIBLE_POP_TARGET_MULT = 0.10 # Extra target scoring for swarm (multiplied by number of non edible pop on the planet) SWARM_NUM_DEFENSIVE_FLEETS = 3 CONTINGENCY_LINKUP_DESIRE = 10 # how much the contingency wants to link up its various hubs CONTINGENCY_MEGASTRUCTURE_EXTRA_VALUE = 4 # How attractive are megastructures to the Contingency (added to the base value of 1) CONTINGENCY_BASE_DEFENSIVE_FLEETS = 4 # Number of active hubs is added to this CONTINGENCY_CONSTRUCTION_DEPTH = 3 # Number of systems not owned by the contingency construction fleet are willing to go through UNBIDDEN_PORTAL_EXTRA_VALUE = 20 # How much does the Unbidden want to defend their portal (compared to base value of 1) UNBIDDEN_BYPASSES_EXTRA_VALUE = 4 # How attractive are bypasses to the Unbidden (added to the base value of 1) UNBIDDEN_RIVALS_EXTRA_VALUE = 10 # Extra target scoring for rival invaders (Aberrant and Vehement) UNBIDDEN_TARGET_EXTRA_VALUE = 10 # Extra target scoring for randomly chosen nemesis UNBIDDEN_PSIONIC_CONQUER_DESIRE = 20 # Extra weight added to psionic empires when rolling a nemesis (base 1 + number of owned bypasses) UNBIDDEN_CHOSEN_ONE_CONQUER_DESIRE = 50 # Extra weight added to empire lead by the chosen one when rolling a nemesis (base 1 + number of owned bypasses) AVERAGE_FLEET_SIZE_FACTOR = 0.05 # Ballpark estimate of the minimum size a fleet should be in relation to total fleet power FLEET_MAX_DISTANCE_LOOKUP = 20 # Maximum number of hops the fleet AI should consider when assigning mission. # If no objective is found, the backup AI will send it to the closest objective available, or back to base. FLEET_MAX_DISTANCE_LOOKUP_LARGE = 30 # Maximum number of hops the fleet AI should consider when assigning mission on a large map (800 systems or more). FLEET_MAX_DISTANCE_LOOKUP_HUGE = 50 # Maximum number of hops the fleet AI should consider when assigning mission on a large map (1000 systems or more) OWN_FLEET_POWER_FACTOR = 1.0 # How much does AI count its own fleet power when evaluating forces ALLY_FLEET_POWER_FACTOR = 0.5 # How much does AI count ally fleet power when evaluating forces ENEMY_FLEET_POWER_FACTOR = 1.0 # How much does AI count enemy fleet power when evaluating forces FLEET_SUPERIORITY_FACTOR = 1.5 # How stronger should the AI be before it starts considering splitting fleets (fleet count = relative strength / this factor) CRISIS_FLEET_SUPERIORITY_FACTOR = 1.0 # Same as previous but will be compared to the strongest foe in the universe CRISIS_INHIBITOR_EXTRA_VALUE = 10 # extra incentive for crisis to destroy inhibitors, currently only used by the extra dimensionals AI_FOLLOW_FLEET_DESIRE = 5 # AI desire to follow "take point" fleets from random people AI_FOLLOW_WAR_LEADER_DESIRE = 10 # AI desire to follow "take point" fleets from the war leader CRISIS_EMPIRE_PROTECTIVE_MULT = 1.5 # Used when calculating atitude protective weigth AI_GALCOM_PATROL_ORBIT_TIME_DAYS = 60 # The time that the Galactic Defense Force AI will stay in orbit around a capital before moving to the next one CRISIS_EMPIRE_DESTROY_DESIRE = 1 # AI desire to destroy stars as a crisis empire }