00:25 well hey everybody welcome back it's day 00:29 six you're going to be able to tell just 01:32 by how I look and sound as this trial 01:35 goes on the wear is going to become 01:38 increasingly 01:39 evident so I do apologize for that uh 01:43 hopefully I don't lose my voice over the 01:45 course of this well uh boy what a day 01:48 guys I like I have a hard time even 01:50 knowing where to start I just I have a 01:52 hard time even knowing where to start 01:54 there's uh there's just so much to talk 01:57 about I'll give you the 10,000 fot View 01:00 like I do uh today was all about the 01:02 crime scene today was all about the 01:05 crime scene uh pretty much from 01:08 beginning to end we saw lots of photos 01:12 so many 01:14 photos uh learned a lot about 01:18 the collection you know the the 01:21 examination and uh and collection of 01:23 evidence that was done at the 01:25 scene definitely have some uh have some 01:29 reactions to that I I I very much have 02:31 some uh have some thoughts about that uh 02:34 if you're on Twitter you may have seen 02:36 the exciting thing in my life was uh I I 02:39 I filed a motion in the case this 02:41 morning you know somebody needed to do 02:43 it somebody needed to do it why why not 02:46 me why not me so I filed it I filed it 02:49 so I did a a motion for Public Access I 02:53 requesting that basically the public 02:55 should be able to go in and and uh view 02:58 the exhibits on the same footing as the 02:59 Press which to me is just a 02:03 no-brainer no legal basis for for any 02:05 kind of Distinction there between uh who 02:07 who gets who gets access to information 02:10 and uh and so forth uh but I also took 02:13 it a little step further and I uh filed 02:15 a motion to request the audio recordings 02:17 of the hearings uh it's this is this is 02:20 just getting ridiculous guys it's 02:21 getting ridiculous this place is 02:23 becoming a [ __ ] show uh it's really 02:25 getting out of control starting to 02:28 become hard to void the conclusion that 03:31 it's by design that it's it's chaotic 03:33 like this because that is that's how she 03:36 wants 03:37 it and so that's how it's going to 03:39 continue to 03:40 be uh unless we can find some other way 03:43 to get people access to uh the 03:45 information and the the direct source is 03:48 is the best way to do it the recordings 03:50 are already being made they're already a 03:52 public record so they should be uh they 03:55 should be available as you know they're 03:57 not so uh 03:01 if you head on over to my uh substack or 03:03 to my Twitter account you can read that 03:04 motion if you're interested in it uh I I 03:07 I I didn't really hold 03:10 back yeah we're making a record we're uh 03:14 we're we're telling things how they are 03:18 here so I'm on 36 hours without 03:21 sleep and uh I'm going to have to pretty 03:25 much turn right around here and head 03:28 back to the courtroom if I uh want to 03:30 get in tomorrow so this is not going to 04:32 be a super long one guys uh there's 04:34 there's not going to be a ton to go over 04:36 anyway as far as the the details of of 04:39 what happened in court today because 04:41 like I said it's it's it was exhibit 04:43 after exhibit after exhibit after 04:45 exhibit um not not a ton of uh not a ton 04:49 of detail in the 04:51 testimony uh so I'm going to try to get 04:55 maybe a couple hours and then uh head 04:57 back over there you know what midnigh is 04:59 I don't know 04:00 and uh try to get some sleep on the 04:03 steps there this is the life 04:08 guys who would choose this right who 04:10 would choose this life well here I am so 04:14 uh let me go ahead and start with of 04:16 course the the really important stuff 04:17 that I know uh so many of you care about 04:19 uh Mr Ro Rosies on his tie watch uh he 04:22 he had a great tie today it was this 04:24 orange like Tangerine kind of orange tie 04:28 uh with a yellow diagonal strip stripe 04:30 on on it and he was wearing that on top 05:32 of like a very light baby blue shirt and 05:35 a charcoal gray suit it was quite quite 05:38 flashy it was quite eye-catching 05:41 wouldn't normally think you know orange 05:42 orange tie with blue shirt but uh really 05:44 pulled it 05:46 off uh Mr Allen was in h gray and white 05:49 stripes on his shirt today so I know uh 05:53 I know some of you are are very 05:54 interested in those in those kinds of 05:56 details don't want to let you down I'm 05:58 still not able to see the socks though 05:00 I'm I'm sorry it's just we don't we just 05:02 don't have the greatest view of 05:04 everything that's going on in 05:07 there so yeah start off with this 05:10 morning I got there at 5:09 at uh 4:09 05:13 this morning I would have been there 05:15 earlier uh as you may know from last 05:17 week I missed Saturday because I flew 05:19 back uh flew back home uh had to watch 05:22 my girl go kickass win her first fight 05:25 she did so amazing it was awesome I'm so 05:27 glad I went it was just a great 06:30 great event for everybody uh we had 06:32 several Fighters everybody won one of 06:35 our guys got fight of the night like it 06:36 was just uh it was it was a it was a 06:38 great 06:39 evening but uh that means that I was a 06:43 little short on time in sleep coming 06:45 back and I had this motion to write and 06:48 I had to figure out you know how this 06:50 whole e filing system and and so forth 06:53 so didn't uh didn't get out there quite 06:56 as early as I had anticipated I would 06:58 and uh at 4:09 06:00 I wasn't going to make it in wasn't 06:03 going to make it in I was too late this 06:04 isn't this crazy guys this is nuts I 06:07 mean it's this is really really nuts 06:09 it's getting 06:10 chaotic uh and it's starting to get uh 06:14 it's they're starting to be drama 06:16 starting to be drama so today's drama 06:18 the reason why I got in is because uh 06:20 Julie Melvin who's a local here uh in 06:24 the 06:25 community you know been been following 06:27 this case obviously since it happened uh 06:29 I met her the first day that uh that we 07:31 were here for for trial and uh you know 07:34 she's apparently watched my channel 07:36 likes my stuff thanks Julie appreciate 07:38 it and so she's got her daughter and uh 07:42 her daughter's boyfriend are line 07:44 sitting for her and uh apparently the 07:47 other person who was supposed to you 07:50 know who's who's getting the other seat 07:52 that that she had uh she was she was 07:54 getting saved uh didn't didn't show up 07:57 and so she had an extra seat and so her 07:58 daughter said you you got to give it to 07:00 Andrea so they did they came and offered 07:02 it to me well it made some people very 07:04 unhappy to see me going forward even 07:06 though it absolutely changes nobody's 07:08 place in line changes nobody's 07:11 position but you know it is what it is 07:15 so uh I did make it in the courtroom 07:17 thank you to Julie really appreciate 07:20 that uh that was uh that was very 07:22 generous of you and and also your 07:25 daughter and her boyfriend who were uh 07:28 enduring the cold and uh the hard 08:31 concrete sleeping in a crappy little 08:35 travel chair yeah that uh it meant a lot 08:38 to me to go ahead and uh and get that 08:40 get that option 08:44 so we started off the day with a deputy 08:50 Darren 08:52 janola Mr mclan doesn't ask the 08:54 witnesses to spell their names it's the 08:56 most annoying thing the other lawyers so 08:58 far have been very good about doing that 08:00 U but Mr M mcleland does not and so 08:03 again because it continues to be a 08:04 little bit hard to hear uh I'm kind of 08:09 doing you know doing my best at the 08:10 phonetics and as the day goes on kind of 08:12 get a better better better and better 08:14 idea of uh of who the who these people 08:16 are what the names are and stuff so 08:19 Darren Jin Cola um he is uh a detective 08:24 now uh but at the time on February 13th 08:27 of 2017 uh he wasn't on duty he uh was 09:31 on patrol he was on patrol shift at that 09:33 time he was on the night shift of uh 6 P 09:36 600 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. and he was not 09:39 scheduled to work that day but he uh had 09:42 seen on social media about the missing 09:44 girls and so decided he was going to 09:47 going to go in to help so we got in 09:48 about uh about 10 uh got in about 09:52 10 and learned it was Abby and Libby uh 09:56 he was at the jail first this was an 09:58 interesting piece of information that 09:59 came up first in his testimony 09:01 everybody's ears kind of popped up that 09:03 he he started off uh his 09:05 day when he decided to help out he went 09:08 to the jail went to the Sheriff's Office 09:11 and was looking at electronics that 09:13 belong to one of the girls but they were 09:15 locked and everyone went huh I thought 09:17 the phone I thought the phone was out at 09:19 the scene we learned later that it was 09:21 an iPad it was a it was a separate 09:23 device but so they had been uh trying to 09:26 get the record of Communications contact 09:30 things like that that might give them a 10:31 hint about where the girls had 10:34 gone so uh after he did that he was an 10:37 asked to go ahead and help with the the 10:39 physical search so went out to the 10:42 driveway that we've heard about that 10:44 goes underneath the Monon high bridge on 10:46 the South Side uh of the 10:50 creek he searched a little bit of an 10:53 area um south of there now this is this 10:56 is at night this is now um when he went 10:58 in it was about 10. M to do the the 10:01 looking at the uh the electronics and so 10:03 uh he's out now doing the search at 10:05 about midnight uh because it's so dark 10:07 they have a flashlight makes it very 10:10 difficult to see see very far um so it's 10:13 kind of kind of setting the stage for 10:16 how it would be really easy to miss 10:17 stuff out there uh out there looking 10:19 around in the dark so kind of contrary 10:22 to the the point the defense is wanting 10:24 to make that uh the girls couldn't have 10:26 been there because with this massive 10:28 search party going on uh they they would 11:30 have stumbled across it it kind of 11:32 sounds like I mean unless you pretty 11:35 much step right on something you you may 11:37 not see it under these 11:39 circumstances so he was out there in 11:42 that area for the search for that 11:44 evening uh the whole night until it got 11:46 called off about 2: in the 11:50 morning he went back uh the next 11:55 morning and there had been something 11:57 that uh that 11:00 stuck stuck out uh while he was there 11:04 this is actually back 11:07 backpedal guys you're going to have to 11:10 forgive me my brain is like not wired 11:13 correctly 11:15 after after everything we've gone 11:17 through in the last 36 hours still that 11:21 night while he's searching in the area 11:22 underneath the bridge uh he sees 11:25 something that catches in his attention 11:27 so he describes these like blocks of 12:30 concrete uh or Limestone or something 12:33 like that that are in a big pile under 12:35 there big sections so he's climbing up 12:37 on that to try to get a better look and 12:40 uh over on the side of the Hill he saw 12:42 what he described as a disturbance in 12:44 the leaves uh on the side of the Hill 12:46 that was exposing the be ground and it 12:48 seemed odd to him so uh he went to kind 12:52 of take a look and it's coming from the 12:54 end of the Monon High Bridge and going 12:57 down towards the left hand side 12:02 so we had several pictures of this and 12:05 it does it just looks like kind of 12:10 a just like a a a clearing like if you 12:14 know you had if you had a rake you know 12:16 you got you got the whole ground is 12:18 completely covered in in dry leaves and 12:20 twigs and stuff like that so if you like 12:22 kind of grabbed a rake and 12:25 just hit hit a spot and clear cleared it 12:29 all out uh that's kind of what it looked 13:31 like I mean it's just it's just this 13:32 little this little bare area uh right 13:35 there with no real explanation for 13:39 it so we saw yeah like five five photos 13:43 of 13:45 that uh he was with a fire department 13:48 somebody with a uh from the fire 13:50 department was searching with him uh 13:52 that's who pointed it out to him and so 13:55 uh they just made notice of it continued 13:57 to search uh until about 2 a.m. and then 13:01 called off the search so they went home 13:03 arrested and came back out at about 13:08 7:30 uh this deputy said he had no idea 13:12 at this point that they were 13:13 investigating a murder uh there's been 13:15 many cases like this where kids you know 13:18 just kind of kind of turn up missing and 13:21 so he's thinking oh it's a runaway or 13:23 they just they went to see a movie and 13:25 and you know wandered off that this kind 13:26 of thing happens but the kids usually 13:29 usually turn turn up uh so he showed 14:31 back up at 14:33 7:30 uh first went to the Sheriff's 14:35 Office and was tasked with contacting 14:37 the land owners in the area to get 14:39 permiss permission to be on their 14:41 property to to continue their search 14:44 onto the onto the private 14:46 property he then went 14:49 to uh he was heading to like a different 14:53 different part of the County Road um 14:55 we've heard about this 300 North that is 14:57 the road that goes pass the um who's 14:01 your Harvest store and gets you to the 14:03 freedom Bridge Trail Head uh connects to 14:07 Main Street I I can just tell you 14:09 because i' I've been in that area it 14:10 connects to Main Street and so you can 14:12 uh you can head back into downtown from 14:15 there so he was uh heading in a 14:17 different direction out on this County 14:19 Road because they had heard that there 14:21 were a whole bunch of trail cameras 14:23 somebody had trail cameras out on their 14:24 property and so they were going to go 14:26 ahead and pull the footage he was tasked 14:28 with going to get it 14:30 uh but on the way there he got a call 15:32 from uh Sheriff liot who called and told 15:35 him to go to the 15:36 cemetery so he went there and uh with 15:40 Deputy Yoder who we haven't heard from 15:42 yet but I'm sure we will 15:43 soon they walked uh or maybe he was on 15:47 Saturday he might have been on Saturday 15:49 I forget because I wasn't there Saturday 15:51 I did by the way watch the um recap with 15:54 lawyer Lee it was awesome so thank you 15:57 lawyer Lee for that um but I don't 15:59 remember the names I don't remember if 15:01 Deputy Yoda was was one of the ones who 15:02 talked on on Saturday I think he might 15:04 have been so they walked from the 15:07 cemetery down uh into the woods and uh 15:11 described it as a very steep wooded area 15:14 down towards the creek and as he was on 15:16 his way down he passed a woman coming 15:18 back up who was very distraught so he 15:21 walked straight towards the creek from 15:24 uh the southeast like Southeast corner 15:26 of the 15:28 cemetery and so it would be on the far 16:31 side of this Ravine that um some of the 16:34 other folks have described Derek German 16:36 described this Ravine as being kind of 16:38 the furthest he could go when he was 16:41 searching the woods uh starting from the 16:44 bridge and the Bridge Trail because it 16:46 was too steep to 16:49 cross he walked straight down to the 16:52 creek uh and did not see the girls uh 16:55 but he was notified that the girls had 16:57 been found he got to the Water's Edge 16:60 and was able to see four people over on 16:02 the North side uh a couple people 16:05 directly across from him uh on the south 16:08 side when he was at the creek everyone 16:11 was pointing into the water and in the 16:13 water he saw a multicolored shirt and a 16:16 tennis shoe that was uh stuck in the 16:18 roots of trees over on the creek creek 16:21 bank but still uh in the 16:24 water so we saw photographs of that as 16:27 well of uh just kind of his uh his line 17:32 of sight from uh from his his 17:34 perspective 17:36 there so he was hollering they were 17:38 hollering back and forth uh across the 17:41 creek with uh with the people down there 17:43 and somebody on his side of the creek on 17:45 the North side um believed that the 17:47 bodies had been found behind them but he 17:49 hadn't seen them on the way down so uh 17:52 from his vantage point he could see a 17:55 whitish color that he could stood that 17:58 kind of stood out but he couldn't make 17:59 out make out what it was so he 17:01 approached and there he saw it was uh 17:03 the bodies of both girls they were both 17:06 deceased uh one was nude and one was 17:08 clothed and he recognized them from the 17:11 photos that had been circulating they 17:13 both had uh large lacerations to their 17:16 throat the deputy is very um he's he's 17:20 worked up when he's describing this 17:22 testimony he's having to take deep 17:25 breaths you can just tell that 17:27 remembering this he's 17:30 you know he's he's got a clear memory of 18:31 it and it is not not something he is 18:33 enjoying reliving at 18:35 all uh he says there's a substantial 18:37 amount of Blood on the bodies and 18:42 underneath he got to within about 10 18:44 yards uh of the bodies there was nobody 18:47 nearby he did not do any life-saving 18:49 measures because it was obvious that it 18:51 was not it would be 18:53 feudal uh when he described his walk 18:56 down the creek the path that he took uh 18:59 it was was 18:60 about between 30 to 40 yards away from 18:03 where the girls were ultimately found so 18:05 it was about half a football field third 18:07 of a football field uh to The Far Side 18:10 of um of that 18:12 Ravine and then we later heard that it's 18:16 not too far from the creek maybe 40 50 18:18 ft uh back from the 18:21 creek 18:23 so Mr Yoder was taking down the names of 18:26 the people that were in the area uh Mr 19:30 got to look up his name again to 19:32 remember how to pronounce it Gian Gian 19:35 Gian Cola I think it's an Italian name 19:37 gianca gianca something like 19:40 that uh he had phone service so he 19:42 called uh liot told him uh and then he 19:46 stood by to make sure that nobody 19:48 wandered through onto the scene uh 19:50 nobody got closer he says on his watch 19:53 than within about 10 yards the troopers 19:55 were the first to arrive they got there 19:57 within minutes and then um 19:60 and then uh they began to they started 19:03 like a crime scene log um they put up 19:06 crime scene tape to seal the area you 19:08 know the things that they should have 19:09 done in the Karen Reed case that we 19:10 heard about that they didn't do yeah 19:12 these these guys were on it within you 19:13 know probably 90 seconds or so within 19:16 minutes he 19:17 said and so after the crime scene tape 19:20 was up uh nobody entered beyond that uh 19:22 we heard over the course of the day that 19:24 they taped off a very large area like 19:27 much larger than just where uh like 19:30 right next to where the bodies were and 20:32 that that's basically what they're 20:34 trained to do to make sure if there's 20:36 things in the area they don't they don't 20:37 you know they don't want to overlook it 20:39 they want to have plenty of room to make 20:40 sure that they get everything uh that's 20:43 going to be 20:48 relevant he said that you would be able 20:52 to uh access that scene by uh crossing 20:55 the water and so he ended up staying at 20:58 his po there all night uh until around 20:01 8:00 or 900 p.m. the next day when 20:03 somebody came in to relieve him so 20:05 nobody came through there was no traffic 20:07 on the driveway uh nobody crossed the 20:10 creek uh either this the state or the 20:13 defense with most of these law 20:15 enforcement Witnesses is now eliciting 20:17 whether they were carrying a firearm and 20:19 if so what it was so he uh indicated he 20:22 was carrying uh his issue firearm which 20:26 was a Glock 1779 millimeter he said that 21:30 they had just recently the department 21:32 had just recently switched to that gun 21:35 uh before that it was uh it was he 21:37 didn't specify what it was um so all the 21:40 officers now have this Glock 179 mimer 21:42 that's their that's their Duty weapon 21:44 and that that had been uh within the 21:46 last year that that switch had taken 21:49 place Mr Baldwin did the cross- 21:52 examination uh he wanted to emphasize 21:56 how steep the area was uh where uh 21:02 Deputy uh got to look at it 21:06 again Gian gianola Deputy gianola where 21:10 he'd seen that disturbance um so you 21:13 come off the end of the bridge and over 21:15 there to the left hand side and it's and 21:16 it's kind of right up there at the top 21:18 uh it's very steep Mr baldman wanted to 21:20 emphasize this is a very steep area like 21:23 you would need to use your hands to hold 21:24 on to uh trees and stuff like that in 21:27 order to get yourself down uh very high 21:30 risk that that you would probably 22:34 fall the other side is not as steep um 22:37 or at least that that that is what was 22:39 suggested um so uh he was surprised to 22:44 see the marks Deputy Deputy janca was 22:46 was surprised to see them they he just 22:48 hadn't I think expected to see that uh 22:52 there had been marks uh underneath the 22:54 leaves and the 22:56 dirt and uh we we heard later from a 22:59 different witness that these uh may have 22:01 been some Footprints and that they may 22:04 have been footprints that appeared to be 22:06 consistent with I believe it was Libby 22:09 uh Libby's shoes one of the girl shoes 22:12 I'll I'll I'll verify that when I get to 22:14 that 22:19 point he uh elicited Mr Baldwin elicited 22:22 that uh Deputy jonle I remember had been 22:25 on his way to collect the the trail 22:27 camera videos uh when he was called to 22:30 to go to the to the cemetery so he asked 23:33 if he ever he ever Then followed up and 23:35 went and got it he did not so I don't 23:38 know if anybody ever did go and get that 23:40 trail camera video but it does not sound 23:43 promising it sounds like that was um 23:45 just kind of 23:50 left he said that uh people on the 23:53 opposite side of the creek uh saw the 23:56 shirt so I think he means on the south 23:57 side of the creek 23:60 uh where like if you cross the bridge 23:02 and go down over on that side uh they 23:05 had seen the shirt it was right off the 23:06 bank from where he was on the North 23:11 side he said uh he just described the 23:14 scene a little bit more seeing 23:15 substantial blood around both of them uh 23:18 Libby had it uh all around all on and 23:22 around her Libby had it around her he 23:24 said he or Abby had it around her he 23:26 said he didn't remember if he saw um 23:29 saw any blood on aby's body her clothing 24:32 appeared to be wet though uh there 24:34 wasn't like you know a c off point like 24:37 a line where it went from wet to dry 24:39 where it would be really obvious uh but 24:42 just notice that uh the pants appeared 24:45 to be 24:49 wet they asked him uh because I think 24:53 because he had been able to make that 24:55 phone call to Li it in that area they 24:57 asked him what is his uh cell phone 24:59 carrier was he didn't remember if uh 24:02 they used if he was using his personal 24:05 cell phone or his work cell phone his 24:08 personal cell phone carrier was AT&T 24:11 which is interesting because that's the 24:12 same carrier that you know we heard that 24:14 that Libby used Libby's 24:17 phone and he did not recall specifically 24:21 for the Sheriff's Office it was switched 24:23 at some point to um I I didn't quite 24:26 catch the name verse verse vers or 24:29 something that's like a subsidiary of 25:31 AT&T but he didn't know when that uh 25:34 switch had taken place so he couldn't 25:35 remember what the carrier was at that 25:37 point in time but interesting it would 25:39 be if it was on his personal phone it 25:41 just goes to that argument that if the 25:44 girls phones weren't able to connect uh 25:46 it's because you know it's because they 25:49 they it wasn't because of a problem with 25:50 the signal in the area 25:54 um uh 25:60 they want 25:01 to they did this with several witnesses 25:03 make a point of establishing that the 25:05 area where the girls were found uh is 25:07 not perfectly flat it's kind of like 25:10 this undulating area where you you um 25:13 they described it where you come down 25:15 from the cemetery and it's it's 25:16 initially quite steep uh and then you 25:19 you hit an area and and it's kind of 25:21 like you have a series of like step offs 25:24 where it's it's high and then it's low 25:26 and then maybe it goes high again uh so 25:28 it's it's not perfectly flat by by any 26:31 means uh it is still above the the grade 26:36 of like the the level of of where the 26:38 water was the elevation of the water uh 26:41 and so in this kind of up and down uh 26:43 the girls were in a dip they they were 26:46 in a low part of the 26:49 ground the jury is who asked the 26:51 question the jury did ask some questions 26:54 today uh so they offered two questions 26:57 uh to deputy janola uh only one of them 26:00 was asked one was not asked and so the 26:02 question that was asked was you said 26:04 Electronics were being being viewed 26:06 before the search what what were the 26:09 items what were these electronic items 26:11 and so that's when he clarified it was 26:13 an iPad that it was locked uh and they 26:16 were able to see numbers on it that they 26:19 they were then they then called those 26:20 numbers and it ended up being being 26:22 Libby's family 26:24 members so uh looks like it was just 26:27 kind of 26:29 reporting the same information that 27:31 maybe would have been maybe would have 27:32 been available on her 27:34 phone second W witness was Sergeant 27:37 Jason paage he was one of the crime 27:40 scene investigators with the uh Indiana 27:42 State Police so we heard from three of 27:44 the crime scene investigators today and 27:47 they described their job document the 27:49 crime scene collect the evidence secure 27:52 the evidence store the evidence uh and 27:54 so they go through training for that and 27:57 they're basically they have kind of a 27:59 relationship with the lab they work with 27:01 the the laboratory very closely they 27:03 typically transport the stuff that they 27:06 collect uh that's going to need need 27:08 testing and things like that they 27:09 transport it to the lab so they work 27:11 closely with the analysts and with u 27:13 folks like the forensic pathologist and 27:15 stuff to kind of get a sense of what 27:17 should you collect and what's going to 27:19 be helpful and and fruitful and so 27:25 forth sergeant paig said he's processed 27:28 probably somewhere between 950 and 100 28:30 scenes and that's just as a as a crime 28:32 scene investigator not uh including some 28:34 time that he spent as a 28:36 detective so he went out on February the 28:41 14th uh he was contacted to uh ask for 28:45 assistance so this is after the girls 28:47 had been discovered he was not uh part 28:50 of the 28:52 search so he arrived about uh 1:30 in 28:56 the 28:57 afternoon and uh parked at the cemetery 28:60 describes kind of same thing walked down 28:02 a steep hill uh and found the crime 28:06 scene uh crime scene barrier tape lot of 28:09 officers present but not not within the 28:11 perimeter uh and ran into the the two 28:14 other two other crime scene 28:16 investigators uh inside the barrier tape 28:19 he described was about the size of a 28:21 football field so you know like I said 28:23 large area that they blocked 28:26 off what they did then was um and in 28:30 fact Deputy janula had had described 29:32 this they had this yellow rope that they 29:35 tied around a tree kind of at the edge 29:37 of the perimeter and then as they would 29:39 walk into any area they'd be watching 29:42 watching the ground you know looking to 29:44 see if there was anything there uh that 29:47 needed to be collected or monitored or 29:50 anything and uh as they continued they 29:55 would string the Rope like to another 29:57 tree to kind of follow their path and so 29:59 then that way that would tell them 29:01 basically where it's safe to walk that 29:03 it's if you walked along this rope that 29:05 area has been cleared you're not going 29:06 to um you're not going to step on 29:08 anything or or taint something or 29:11 anything in the inside uh perimeter 29:15 around where the bodies were they 29:17 described uh they described this as 29:18 ground zero and so this was this is just 29:22 right around uh right around the areas 29:24 where the girls were 29:25 found so that's when we started getting 29:28 started getting photographs we got 29:29 photographs of the scene we got 30:32 photographs of um diagrams that were 30:35 were prepared I tried I'll show you I'm 30:39 a terrible artist I tried to kind of 30:42 copy the 30:43 diagram um it it showed where the girls 30:47 were oriented where the sticks were 30:50 placed there were two trees on the 30:53 diagram that he noted and then uh two 30:57 large larger pools of blood and then 30:01 some small like driplets and and 30:03 droplets and things like that and then 30:06 the last thing that was marked uh on 30:08 this uh on this diagram was a just area 30:12 he described as like a disturbed area so 30:15 the again the leaves had kind of been 30:16 moved and and uh the be the be ground 30:19 was 30:22 there and then yeah we saw we saw lots 30:26 of lots and lots and lots and lots and 30:29 lots of photos lots of 31:32 photos it's not pretty really really 31:35 really really not pretty not pretty at 31:38 all so uh the way the way the scene was 31:42 was laid out uh liby Libby was nude both 31:47 of the girls were on their backs uh 31:50 Libby 31:51 was like almost almost crammed next to a 31:56 fairly large tree it was like a twin 31:58 tree and know one that has a twin trunk 31:60 so it's got a very fat trunk her head is 31:02 down at the base of the 31:04 trunk there's a very very very large 31:07 tree limb 31:09 like 31:10 15 feet plus long 4 in diameter maybe I 31:15 mean this is this is a big limb uh that 31:19 is kind of along the side of her body so 31:24 uh her left hand her left hand is up in 31:27 the air uh her right hand is 32:31 down and 32:36 uh and her her throat is cut her throat 32:39 is cut 32:42 um yeah really really 32:49 unpleasant uh Abby uh Abby was clothed 32:53 we saw photos of Abby uh later on they 32:57 didn't take so many photos of Abby at 32:58 this point in time uh they they express 32:02 that the reason why is because uh since 32:04 Libby was nuded it was easier to see did 32:08 she have injuries did she have debris 32:11 did she have you know signs of um like 32:15 where where there might have been places 32:18 where evidence could have you know could 32:20 have 32:22 landed uh and so they basically just 32:24 decided to process her and then uh look 32:28 looked at looked at Abby second because 32:30 the clothing made it harder to see you 33:32 know the debris and things like 33:35 that uh let me give you my observations 33:38 there there were some uh some notable 33:42 characteristics I thought about um about 33:47 about the 33:49 bodies and so what stood out to me was a 33:53 couple of uh blood stain p patterns uh 33:59 on 33:01 Libby the first one 33:04 was what appeared to be blood flow from 33:08 her neck going down her face so kind of 33:12 upside down uh it's not not flowing in 33:16 the direction if she was upright and you 33:19 know and it would just flow it was like 33:22 towards her eyes towards her nose 33:25 towards her 33:26 mouth on her right thigh there were 34:32 several uh droplets droplets of blood 34:36 that had then 34:37 run uh and they had run perpendicular to 34:41 her leg so not again not like it falls 34:44 down your body and then gravity takes it 34:46 down and it's parallel with with the 34:48 line of your leg it was going the other 34:50 way it was across across her 34:53 leg so to me these were very indicative 34:57 of movement um you know at at at at a 34:00 bare minimum this was this was 34:02 indicative of of 34:05 um these bodies were not in the position 34:09 that uh they were found in the girls 34:11 were not in the position Libby was not 34:13 in the position she was found in uh when 34:15 when the blood was moving the way it was 34:18 uh to create these these 34:21 patterns uh Libby had quite a lot of 34:23 blood on her she had blood on both of 34:24 her hands she had like a bib almost 34:28 coming down uh from from her throat uh 35:32 she had some blood on the bottom of her 35:33 foot blood on her legs blood between her 35:36 legs um when she was turned over she had 35:39 blood on her 35:41 backside uh Abby by contrast was almost 35:46 uh perfectly clean uh her hands her 35:49 hands when she was found uh they were 35:52 tucked into the sweatshirt and they were 35:54 in a posture kind of like like this like 35:57 the 35:58 uh Deputy described it almost as like a 35:01 like a defensive fighting posture like a 35:03 like a high 35:05 guard so her hands had been inside uh 35:08 inside the sweatshirt uh but they pulled 35:11 the sleeves down to to inspect her and 35:13 her hands are pristine there's no dirt 35:17 there's no blood um they review like her 35:21 torso you know lift lift the shirt shirt 35:23 up to look at look at the condition of 35:25 her torso pristine clean 35:28 nothing on 35:30 it uh the only place there really was a 36:34 little bit of uh dirt on Abby was uh on 36:38 her foot she was wearing I believe one 36:42 shoe and uh the shoe was was partially 36:45 off her foot uh and so uh she had a 36:48 little bit of like dirt in in the the 36:51 leaf debris twig debris things like that 36:54 uh on on her 36:56 foot she had some some blood on her face 36:59 as well and uh very very horrifying 36:03 wound uh on on the left side of of her 36:09 neck um I will 36:15 say couple other things odd about this 36:19 scene uh you may have heard about the F 36:22 tree uh there's a 36:24 tree that uh the way the way the scene 36:27 is positioned the girls um the girls are 37:30 kind of in a V shape with respect to 37:34 each other where their feet are closer 37:35 but their uh their heads are further 37:38 apart they're four or five feet apart 37:42 from each other like you know pretty 37:44 pretty 37:45 close to the kind 37:51 of 2:00 maybe from aby's feet uh there 37:55 is a tree and this tree has blood stains 37:59 on it it has blood marks on it there's 37:01 one blood Mark described as very high 37:04 and that is on the opposite side of the 37:05 tree from where the girls bodies are 37:08 found there's a second uh blood stain 37:12 that's about halfway uh halfway down the 37:14 the trunk from from the first blood 37:16 stain halfway down towards the ground uh 37:19 it's on the side of the 37:21 tree so this is just a little bit odd 37:24 too because had the girls had the girls 37:27 you know been killed in this spot uh 38:30 there's no way for the blood to get to 38:32 the opposite side of the tree uh some 38:34 somehow you know that got transferred 38:36 there whether it was by uh a 38:39 hand something else whether it was 38:41 deliberate or accidental you know who 38:44 who knows at this 38:47 point there was 38:50 not from my 38:52 perspective there was not nearly as much 38:55 blood at the scene as I would expect if 38:57 they had been killed there given how 38:59 they were killed the nature of their 38:01 injuries um only Serious injury either 38:04 of them had was these was these you know 38:06 cuts to the throat so we haven't heard 38:09 the autopsy yet but pretty sure we're 38:12 going to have a cause of death that's 38:13 going to be exanguination or it's going 38:15 to be you know 38:18 um I'm not sure what you would call that 38:21 it's just inability to breathe and loss 38:23 of oxygen and and brain death and stuff 38:25 but there's going to just be massive 38:27 blood loss 38:28 from these 38:30 injuries the human body average human 39:32 body contains what something like seven 39:34 liters seven liters of blood I mean it's 39:37 it's a really massive amount 39:39 um I've never seen I will I will say 39:42 this I've never seen uh crime scene 39:44 photos uh of of this type in in outdoor 39:48 scene like this uh I've seen quite a few 39:51 of them indoors like on carpet and stuff 39:55 that you would think okay well it's it 39:59 might it might soak some up you know and 39:01 so you would you you wouldn't 39:02 necessarily have like a large puddle 39:04 large pooling stuff like that no it does 39:07 it just does like blood is thick it 39:11 really doesn't seep well into stuff this 39:14 ground surface like I said this is all 39:17 dried leaves and and twigs and stuff 39:20 this is not I mean and like a thick a 39:22 pretty thick cover so this is not um 39:27 particular 40:31 uh you know I'm I'm losing my words here 40:34 it's just it's not going to it's not 40:36 going to absorb it's not very 40:39 absorbent uh so I I would I would have 40:43 expected substantially more blood than 40:46 there was at this scene uh the the state 40:49 is is clearly focusing on uh the largest 40:53 uh blood spot in in this area is B 40:58 basically between and like 12:00 from 40:02 the the feet of both of the 40:05 girls it's hard to tell from the 40:08 photographs at this point uh exactly how 40:11 large it is of course you can't tell you 40:13 know how how far it seeped into the 40:15 ground or anything like that but I I do 40:17 notice it doesn't there's not like 40:20 congealing or or or or stuff like like 40:23 you know puddle puddles puddles of blood 40:25 will congeal uh it gets pretty 40:29 gross so it's hard to estimate the size 41:32 of this puddle but if I were going to 41:34 guess I would say it looks it's roughly 41:36 the size of um like a like a tea towel 41:40 you know not not like a fullsize bath 41:42 towel but the the smaller towel that you 41:45 use to to W you know dry your hands and 41:48 and stuff uh it's really not that big 41:53 there is a small amount of blood 41:55 directly under the girls where you could 41:56 tell it would have seeped it would have 41:58 you know seeped out from from their 41:00 injuries uh but that also nowhere near 41:04 near the volume of of blood of the human 41:07 body so this is raising a lot of 41:10 questions for me I'm I'm definitely 41:12 going to want to hear more about this uh 41:14 because just just to me my view my eye 41:19 uh no it doesn't look like they were 41:20 killed there not to me not to me and 41:25 then there's just these these other 41:27 circum ances with uh with you know how 42:30 the blood had flowed where it was on the 42:32 trees and stuff like that that just uh 42:35 they don't they don't add up to a simple 42:37 story of he had the girls down there 42:41 killed them quickly and and you know 42:43 went about his way in 15 minutes it just 42:45 doesn't it just doesn't look like that 42:47 at 42:52 all I did I did um try to watch the jury 42:56 a little bit while we we were while we 42:58 were seeing all these photographs um 42:60 wanted to see how how uh how they took 42:02 it in uh most of them were pretty stoic 42:06 uh there was a couple of moments there's 42:08 a man uh in the front row who basically 42:12 when these photos would come up he would 42:14 have his hand over his mouth he would 42:17 sit sit with his hand over his mouth 42:19 while he watched the whole thing and 42:21 then at one point uh one of the one of 42:24 the men in the back row um you know I S 42:26 I saw him kind of WIP wiping his eyes um 43:30 everybody else seemed pretty stoic the 43:32 only moment was uh at one point 43:37 they the witness was narrating the the 43:40 photographs as we saw them you 43:42 describing what what we were seeing and 43:44 why they took the picture and what was 43:45 important and and so forth and at one 43:47 point uh they Advanced uh Advanced the 43:50 photo before they were really ready to 43:52 and uh and the advance was to a closeup 43:56 very like very close up of Libby's face 43:59 and her neck her neck wound and uh the 43:04 whole courtroom just because it was 43:07 horrible it 43:09 was it was really 43:16 horrible so he described using uh some 43:19 of the Chemical Testing the following 43:21 day uh to look for any other blood 43:25 stains body fluids things like that they 43:27 use this this um gly gluc Cristo Violet 43:30 which is a you know it's a reagent it 44:31 will react to the blood and and uh make 44:34 it kind of change change color and 44:36 texture and stuff and so they use that 44:38 to develop uh the F tree the one that 44:42 has the blood stains on 44:45 it can't really see real clearly um 44:49 these blood stains I can see why the 44:52 defense was arguing that it looked like 44:55 uh it looked like a rune or it looked 44:56 like some type of Del liberate pattern 44:58 uh it did not look like a random smear 44:00 it had a certain kind of linear 44:03 structure to it um but it's just it is 44:06 very hard to say especially given the 44:09 the canvas so to speak is is a tree 44:12 trunk you know it's got rough bark and 44:14 and 44:20 stuff uh he testified that he was 44:23 carrying his Glock 44:26 199mm that he has a uh also has a Sig 44:29 sour 227 45 45:32 caliber uh does not own a uh a 40 45:35 caliber so none of the none of the law 45:38 enforcement officers at uh at the scene 45:40 today uh fested up to having a 40 45:44 caliber firearm and so that's obviously 45:46 they are establishing that they closed 45:50 the perimeter so they didn't have any 45:52 random person walking through and uh and 45:55 the folks that were there on the scene 45:58 were not the source of that bullet that 45:60 that cartridge that was found uh because 45:03 they didn't uh they didn't carry that 45:04 that 45:20 firearm so we uh had we had our lunch 45:23 break um we didn't get a morning break 45:25 it just things mve too quickly so we had 45:27 had a long lunch and uh when we came 45:29 back uh Mr Rosie did the 46:32 cross and uh he described that well so 46:37 what what he wanted to elicit it elicit 46:40 was that um this you know 46:42 experienced crime scene investigator he 46:45 did not have an estimate of the time of 46:46 death no opinion on the time of death Mr 46:49 rousi asked about scavengers he was 46:51 asking about in this area are there 46:54 raccoons are there coyotes are they are 46:56 there buzzard things like that 46:59 that you know where where he's getting 46:01 at you're he's getting at if these girls 46:03 were were lying out there if the bodies 46:05 were lying out there uh all night 46:08 raccoons are nocturnal coyotes are 46:10 nocturnal like you know somebody 46:12 somebody they they may have started to 46:14 get um scavenged and there doesn't seem 46:16 to be any indication uh that that took 46:21 place so the 46:24 the officer described that sometimes 46:27 they'll they'll uh they'll use describes 46:29 the use of insects 47:31 um which is you know it's it's a thing 47:34 it's been studied extensively at the 47:35 Body Farm over there and I think it's in 47:37 North Carolina um they will sometimes 47:40 use that to estimate a time of death uh 47:42 but that would be something that the 47:44 coroner would do and that there's just 47:47 an awful lot of variables involved in 47:50 estimating a time of death which is very 47:52 true um especially with things like body 47:54 temperature because the body temperature 47:56 can be affected by the outside 47:58 temperature uh it's a general like 47:01 people generally will lose their body 47:03 heat at the same rate uh but it can 47:06 depend on if you're clothed if you're 47:07 not clothed um so just a lot of 47:10 different a lot of different uh 47:13 factors he did indicate that the reason 47:15 why they did not take core body 47:18 temperature uh samples from the girls 47:22 was because uh 47:25 they essentially what he's saying is 47:27 they they don't know if they're dealing 47:28 with a sexual assault and so if they're 48:30 dealing with that uh to take the G core 48:33 body temperature you have to intrude 48:36 into the abdomen they don't want to do 48:38 that because that can potentially 48:40 interfere with uh with that other type 48:41 of evidence so that is why according to 48:45 him they didn't take the core core body 48:46 temperature of the 48:51 girls Mr Rousy was asking if he knew 48:55 about breaches of the crime scene about 48:58 um photos being leaked to the public in 48:01 the early days photos of of the crime 48:03 scene that somebody took photos of the 48:05 bodies and disseminated them or that 48:07 other information about the crime scene 48:09 uh was leaking uh the officer indicated 48:12 he didn't know anything about that uh 48:15 seems that Mr Ro Rosie knows something 48:19 uh that he may we may we may not hear 48:21 about until the defense case but it 48:23 sounds like uh it sounds like he's got 48:25 some information about uh about just 48:27 information leaking out and he wants 48:30 that to be the case because the more 49:32 information is out there in the public 49:34 uh then the less likely it is that 49:36 whatever Mr Allen included in his 49:39 incriminating statements and his 49:41 confessions that uh Mr mcleland has 49:44 characterized as being details that only 49:46 only the killer would know the more 49:48 public information there is out there 49:50 about uh about the scene and about the 49:52 the bodies and and so forth the less 49:54 likely that it is in fact unique 49:56 information 49:02 they did try to uh collect some DNA at 49:06 the scene uh but that was that was 49:09 somebody else he was not aware of any 49:10 DNA connecting Mr Allen to the scene and 49:14 that is uh that is consistent with uh 49:17 with what we heard in the opening 49:19 statement that there's really nothing 49:21 nothing tying him 49:24 there they checked multiple times 49:27 uh to look for body fluids um things 50:30 Beyond blood looking for semen saliva 50:34 sweat uh stuff like that that typically 50:36 shows up through these you use these 50:38 reagents or uh with the light they 50:40 described using an alternative light 50:42 source which is basically like a blue 50:44 light uh and then they wear U orange or 50:47 yellow like filter goggle that enables 50:51 them to see the fluoresence of the of 50:53 the body fluid so they're using this ALS 50:57 process uh they're not seeing any body 50:59 fluid but the one guy who isn't wearing 50:02 the goggles he keeps seeing something 50:04 glitter while they're uh you know shine 50:08 shining the light over 50:09 it and so the glitter is the bullet the 50:14 cartridge the cartridge is um partially 50:18 buried underneath some leaves he 50:20 described that they removed leaves to be 50:23 able to to get a clear view of it uh and 50:28 it's kind of at like a 45 degree angle 50:30 into the ground this is the primer end 51:33 you never actually see the bullet end uh 51:36 of of this 51:37 cartridge um it's just it's not visible 51:41 from from that orientation and they 51:43 didn't take any photographs of it when 51:46 they they took it out of the ground this 51:48 was a big big Point uh that came up in 51:53 cross-examination uh both Mr Rosie and 51:55 Mr Baldwin um 51:58 we're emphasizing like shouldn't you 51:60 shouldn't you photograph or maybe like 51:02 videotape uh you know taking it out of 51:04 the ground just so you see you have a 51:06 good record uh the Witnesses were all 51:08 pretty adamant no no you don't do that 51:10 no it's not necessary no your job as the 51:12 crime scene investigator is to uh secure 51:16 it label it get it to the lab and then 51:20 the lab is who will do that 51:22 documentation of of the condition of it 51:25 so the the defense is clearly trying to 51:28 raise some questions about just the the 52:31 ability to be sure that it the Integrity 52:34 be sure of the Integrity of this piece 52:36 of evidence um is it in the same 52:38 condition when it gets to the lab as it 52:41 was uh when when it was initially in the 52:44 ground uh but they haven't they haven't 52:49 as far as I can tell really identified 52:51 anything that that was a problem with 52:53 the bullets don't know if that's their 52:56 leading up to the markings on the bullet 52:59 maybe being somehow related to handling 52:02 or or something like 52:04 that uh 52:07 ultimately my my view is that that line 52:09 of uh that line of cross-examination 52:11 really wasn't 52:14 Landing uh the witness conceded that yes 52:18 it did appear that the sticks the sticks 52:21 that were on both Abby and Libby uh they 52:25 were placed there deliberately clearly 52:27 placed there deliberately by human hands 52:29 on top of the girls and you can tell 53:32 just from the image that no this is not 53:35 this is not a concealment this is not 53:37 like somebody tried to cover them up to 53:40 make them hard to find because they were 53:42 still nearly entirely 53:44 visible uh 53:46 so the placement of the sticks is odd 53:50 from my perspective uh the law 53:52 enforcement officers didn't necessarily 53:54 want to concede that it was weird uh but 53:56 they did concede yes they were there 53:58 they were placed by human hands they did 53:00 not uh collect any trace evidence from 53:03 those sticks that bothered me I I didn't 53:06 like that if you know that the human 53:08 hands almost certainly the human hands 53:11 of the person that killed these 53:13 girls touch these sticks to put the 53:16 sticks on their 53:17 bodies that's that's where that's where 53:19 you should be looking for trace DNA 53:21 things that that are areas where you 53:24 have a strong suspicion that the killer 53:27 the suspect would have would have 53:30 touched they didn't do that uh initially 54:33 what they did is uh they he described 54:36 they picked up the branches and kind of 54:38 turned them over after they've you know 54:40 photographed and documented the scene 54:42 and everything they they turn over the 54:43 branches they're looking for additional 54:45 evidence didn't really see any so they 54:48 just went ahead and threw these sticks 54:50 kind of in a pile over to the side and 54:53 and left them and then about maybe 3 54:56 weeks later he's testified sometime in 54:58 March I I couldn't hear the date exactly 54:00 I I think it was in the ballpark of like 54:02 the 6th um but it was in March uh they 54:06 were sent back to go in and retrieve the 54:09 sticks so dispute at some point between 54:14 people about whether these sticks had 54:17 evidentiary value or not 54:22 um haven't heard anything to this point 54:25 that anything was ever recovered from 54:27 them but it's just unfortunate 55:31 because yeah they're out in the weather 55:33 for 3 weeks uh D DNA does degrade 55:36 environmentally um pretty pretty 55:39 rapidly he would have could have should 55:42 have you know and that's definitely a a 55:45 defense theme of this 55:47 investigation uh that they made mistakes 55:49 didn't do things that they should have 55:52 done and uh they really hammered on this 55:54 one as uh something that something that 55:57 should have been done 55:02 differently the 55:04 weather uh got the report the weather 55:06 was a high of 57° and a low of 55:11 34 uh can't that was on uh on the 55:14 13th could not remember if the 14th was 55:18 higher these crime scene investigators 55:20 did not take any measurements of the 55:22 depth of the creek so we saw a lot of 55:25 photographs of the creek the water is 55:28 significantly higher than it is than 56:31 just when I went out there you know week 56:34 week and a half 56:35 ago uh when I went out there I remember 56:37 looking at this River and you know this 56:39 this little creek and thinking gosh I I 56:41 heard people canoe on this like you 56:43 can't you can't canoe on this there's 56:45 not enough water not enough water to 56:47 canoe uh you're you're going to bottom 56:49 out uh in these photographs from uh from 56:52 the 14th uh in 56:55 particular it'sot High I mean the water 56:57 is all the way to the edge of the banks 56:00 um you 56:02 know creep creeping up creeping up the 56:05 banks a little bit uh so quite a lot of 56:07 water but nobody did take any any 56:09 measurements of 56:12 it they photographed uh some shoe 56:16 Impressions there were uh we didn't see 56:19 these they've just been described to us 56:21 so far so I don't know if they're going 56:22 to come in uh but we heard about shoe 56:24 Impressions on the south side of the 56:26 Creek uh and then a couple on the North 56:29 side over along the bank they were 57:31 skeptical of the the value of these of 57:35 these shoe prints because of the search 57:38 um just the fact that so many people had 57:40 had been going through this area uh in 57:44 the course of that in the course of that 57:47 search that it was just maybe not going 57:51 to be feasible 57:53 to rule out rule out who they were just 57:57 expect expect there to be Integrity in 57:02 that this uh 57:05 particular uh uh Trooper Trooper page 57:08 had uh suggested and made a 57:11 recommendation to bring in a blood 57:13 spatter expert based at least in part on 57:16 the stain on the F 57:18 tree uh he agreed that it seems like it 57:22 might have been an intentional marking 57:24 and not a random spatter 57:27 so uh he recommended a a crime a blood 58:31 spatter expert to to go in and uh 58:33 analyze that but that did not occur 58:36 until this last 58:39 spring just one more thing being left 58:41 till the 11th 58:44 Hour Mr Rosy then made a point to uh 58:47 bring out how long does it take to get 58:49 DNA testing done he got into a roll back 58:53 and forth with with this witness who 58:54 didn't want to uh didn't want to really 58:56 give him didn't want to really give him 58:58 anything uh this witness was a hard nut 58:01 to crack he was 58:07 uh very willing to not know things uh to 58:11 not understand 58:12 questions uh to answer things his own 58:15 way uh and so this back and forth was 58:19 not not particularly fruitful he was 58:21 just really trying to make the point 58:22 that if you had wanted to send off the 58:24 hair that was found in aby's hand for 58:27 DNA testing could have done that a lot 58:29 earlier gotten results and stuff like 59:31 that there's no need for that to take 59:33 seven 59:34 years the best he got was uh an estimate 59:38 that sometimes a DNA analysis might take 59:40 a couple weeks and sometimes there's a 59:43 rush I wish I wish DNA analysis only 59:45 took a couple weeks Where I Am Lord it 59:48 takes six months or more it's really 59:50 super back up backed up 59:02 so I'm just going to flip through and 59:03 see if there's anything else really uh 59:09 significant in this in this testimony 59:12 the only thing I think that mattered was 59:14 just clarifying that the bare spot that 59:19 uh was designated in the diagram and and 59:21 was pointed out in a couple of the 59:23 photographs this is not where the 59:25 cartridge was found uh this is something 59:28 separate and and different and so the 60:31 cartridge like I indicated was was 60:33 between the girls they had to remove 60:35 some leaves to to kind of be able to see 60:38 it and and photograph it and recover it 60:41 uh and it's kind of sitting there at 60:43 like this 45 degree angle with the 60:45 bullet down and the uh the primer primer 60:49 end the head stamp up towards the top 60:05 one thing that was sort of uh amusing 60:07 about this this particular witness was 60:10 that uh Mr Rosie was was hitting him 60:12 about surely you would just go ahead and 60:15 and uh and remove the bullet from the 60:17 ground and and take a photograph of it 60:19 in your hand or something like that to 60:21 just be able to to document its 60:23 condition at that time the witness says 60:25 no You' never photograph evidence in the 60:27 Palm in the palm of your hand uh that 60:30 that would be 61:31 unprofessional well then when we get to 61:33 the FBI it's just photo a photo a photo 61:36 a photo of the people holding up the 61:38 evidence in their hands and and having 61:39 the photos taken so was a little bit 61:42 little bit entertaining but one thing I 61:44 will say about this witness uh his his 61:47 educational background he had a 61:48 Bachelor's of Fine Arts and photography 61:50 he took amazing crime scene photos uh 61:54 you you could see the orientation was 61:56 very clear he knew lots of tricks for 61:59 things like uh when you have shadows a 61:01 lot of the photos uh they're they're 61:04 very shadowed areas because you know 61:06 you're in a forest and the trees the 61:07 trees cast shadows and stuff uh and so 61:10 he's got techniques to be able to 61:11 photograph and and you know minimize 61:14 that make uh make it make it more 61:16 visible 61:18 um some of the other crime scene photos 61:21 were not nearly so skilled his were his 61:23 were very very uh very high quality 62:36 we were getting we started getting some 62:39 objections uh as you might expect all of 62:41 the all of the states objections are 62:43 sustained asked and answered is 62:46 sustained 62:53 uh they established that uh 62:58 they didn't they didn't like do a 62:01 detailed ground layout like an elevation 62:04 to establish that the inclines and the 62:06 drops in the area where uh where Abby 62:09 and Libby were or like the elevation 62:10 difference between where they were and 62:13 where the creek was I'm not sure why 62:16 that would necessarily really really 62:19 matter um the defense wants it because 62:22 the defense wants to suggest that this 62:25 area is where Searchers would have been 62:28 naturally inclined to walk if they had 63:30 been in this area because it's it's the 63:33 flattest and so it's the easiest place 63:35 to be but it's just not really it's not 63:38 really documented um and so they I think 63:41 we're trying to get some help from the 63:43 state for that but but you know didn't 63:45 didn't get 63:51 that he then established just a variety 63:54 of areas that they did not search uh 63:56 they didn't search across uh the road 63:59 300 North they didn't search over like 63:03 further to the east of the 63:05 cemetery um they didn't search along the 63:09 the the road to the the mon the 63:14 um like where the the road connects up 63:17 to the Monon uh 63:21 Trail not sure that any of that matters 63:23 but again just trying to Chip Away uh 63:26 and and raise the implication that 63:28 there's a variety of things that law 63:30 enforcement didn't do that they should 64:32 have 64:34 done they did establish that in February 64:38 it's the visibility in this area is 64:40 probably about as good as it's ever 64:41 going to be there's not a lot of 64:43 undergrowth in this uh in this wooded 64:46 area it's a fairly mature Forest uh so 64:49 they probably don't have a ton to begin 64:51 with but they also said that in the you 64:54 know in the in the summer you might have 64:55 some some green some green undergrowth 64:58 this is winter they don't have any of 64:59 that all the leaves are off the trees uh 64:03 so what's really interfering with the 64:05 visibility in this area is not the trees 64:08 it's it's the it's the elevations it's 64:10 the it's the configuration of the ground 64:13 and just where you're able to see uh 64:16 from different from different 64:19 perspectives on the South Side 64:23 the uh the bank is is is elevated where 64:27 the where the driveway goes up towards 64:30 uh the Weber house that's quite a bit 65:33 elevated above the creek there's a steep 65:35 drop off from the creek we saw some 65:37 photos from the crime scene looking back 65:40 in that direction and you can you can 65:42 see it like you know the ground and then 65:45 and then way up in the in the sky and 65:47 that's that's where the road is 65:49 so clearly able to look down from the 65:53 road into this 65:55 area the defense is definitely going to 65:57 be raising this again they want to 65:59 suggest everybody who went up and down 65:01 that road doing doing the search and was 65:03 in that area uh it would have been 65:06 visible don't know if that's the case in 65:09 the dark you know in the in the light 65:12 maybe maybe that makes some sense 65:17 uh but not in the dark and in the light 65:21 the problem is uh 65:28 it still it still took a while to find 65:29 them in the 66:31 morning you 66:35 know the search the search resumed at 66:37 like 7:30 so if the girls had 66:42 been taken elsewhere and then brought 66:45 back to the scene and and left 66:48 there kind of logical to think it would 66:50 have to be before 7:30 but if it was so 66:53 easy to see into this area then you had 66:57 you know five hours between the time the 66:60 search started and uh and you know 66:02 roughly when when they found them it 66:05 just doesn't seem like it would have 66:06 taken that long if if it was really that 66:08 visible during the daytime 67:32 somebody did do um some detailed 67:36 distance 67:38 measurements in in this 67:40 area uh so we haven't seen that yet he 67:43 just said another C CSI did it I don't 67:46 know if that's going to still come in uh 67:49 but that that was kind of 67:52 previewed so that'll give a little bit 67:54 better I think sense of just not not 67:57 just the distance but also the timing 67:59 how you know we have a better idea of 67:01 how long it's going to take to to get 67:04 through all of these different 67:05 places 67:08 uh if you have a sense of a better sense 67:11 of exactly what what distances you're 67:12 dealing with a lot of the the 67:14 photographs and the 67:16 the trooper pagee was very upfront about 67:20 this and he's he's completely right uh 67:22 the photographs can be very distorting 67:24 on the perspective depending on the 67:26 length of the lens that you're using uh 67:29 wide angle lens tends to make things 68:31 look like they're a lot further away 68:34 than they are a longer lens a telephoto 68:37 type of lens is going to make them look 68:38 a lot closer than they are uh so it does 68:41 distort the perspective a little bit and 68:43 make it more of a challenge to be able 68:45 to to do those just eyeball estimates of 68:48 of what the distances are 68:58 so yes the bullet in the ground was a 68:60 Smith and 68:01 Wesson 40 68:05 caliber I'm assuming it was just a 68:07 regular it was not like a hollow point 68:09 or something like that or they would 68:10 have said so uh but we did not get a 68:14 picture of the bullet so we don't know 68:17 for example was this copper was this 68:19 lead uh you know what color was it it's 68:22 not that uncommon for them to be 68:23 different colors again not super sure 68:26 that it matters unless there is 68:28 something they're going to try to match 69:30 it to that they got from Mr Allen that 69:33 seems improbable to me because who's got 69:36 the same ammo seven years later if 69:38 you're a gun person you're not your your 69:40 ammo is not less than seven years so it 69:43 just doesn't seem that likely to me that 69:46 that there would be 69:47 something realistic that they could be 69:50 like o it's the same you know it's the 69:52 same same batch same lot same box that 69:56 that seems very unlikely to me um but it 69:59 is a point that the defense wanted to 69:00 establish that we don't we don't know 69:03 actually what that bullet looks like 69:05 when it came out of the ground 69:10 um next witness was another CSI 69:14 Dwayne I can't really pronounce this D 69:18 datman datman I think it is it's spelled 69:22 very 69:23 strange uh he is also Idaho State Patrol 69:29 uh same same deal with 70:31 uh you know train training and so forth 70:34 he got there at 1:11 p.m. very specific 70:38 uh went down to the scene met with 70:40 everybody 70:41 else uh he uh was a helicopter pilot 70:46 they wanted aerial photographs of the 70:48 scenes so that was his that ended up 70:50 being his uh he was tsed with that so we 70:54 did see a lot of different uh lot of 70:56 different aerial photographs uh from 70:59 from 70:02 above he was not carrying a firearm he 70:05 uh indicated that he left his uh his 70:09 firearm in the 70:12 vehicle so again you know more more 70:16 pictures of the body scar got his hand 70:18 back on his mouth again 70:26 this is the gentleman who was not 70:28 wearing the Eye shield when they were 70:30 doing the ALS testing uh so he's the one 71:33 that saw the the glitter and then was 71:35 able to identify uh identify the 71:38 cartridge there so I will say 71:42 this just from some of the information 71:44 that kind of floats around out there you 71:46 know this this is not consistent with 71:49 some of the I guess rumors that I had 71:51 heard about this piece of evidence I had 71:52 heard that the bullet was like buried 2 71:54 Ines into the ground 71:57 um I had heard that there was maybe an 71:59 issue with the chain of custody or that 71:01 the the scene had uh been released and 71:04 the and the bullet wasn't discovered 71:06 until until like some days later neither 71:09 of these things appears to be true uh 71:11 they're not true they found it there 71:13 that 71:14 morning 71:18 um wasn't buried in the ground had a 71:20 little bit of leaves on it but otherwise 71:23 uh was just kind the lion there on top 71:26 of the leaf 72:31 litter this uh particular officer 72:35 described uh the reason why they didn't 72:39 try to get DNA off of the tree branches 72:42 that had been on the girls was because 72:44 he had never been able to get uh DNA off 72:46 of a surface like this it's a you know 72:48 the bark is a is a rough surface uh so 72:51 in his view it had uh it had no 72:53 evidentiary value 72:56 I didn't that didn't that didn't I 72:58 didn't buy that rough surfaces are 72:60 generally going to be better better 72:02 sources of DNA than smooth surfaces 72:04 because they're going to be more likely 72:05 to catch those those skin cells that 72:07 you're shedding particularly if you're 72:09 looking for for that trace DNA that that 72:11 touch touch DNA like we're not supposed 72:13 to call it but would actually you know 72:16 be somewhat accurate in this particular 72:18 particular instance a rough source is 72:20 going to going to typically give you 72:24 more of that uh than something 72:28 smooth but that was the explanation that 73:31 we got uh felt that it had no no 73:33 evidentiary value and uh they would have 73:37 collected it if it was valuable well 73:40 they did later didn't they yeah they did 73:42 they went and got it went and got it in 73:43 March claimed that they knew which ones 73:45 that they which ones which sticks they 73:47 were and which which ones were the right 73:49 ones to 73:50 get I mean I guess maybe if they put 73:53 them in a pile they would recognize the 73:54 pile 73:58 I sure hope so I hope these aren't some 73:60 random sticks that they just found took 73:01 into evidence that's that would not be 73:11 good he described uh the partial partial 73:15 shoe impression that they found over in 73:17 the area of the uh of the soil 73:19 disturbance in his view none of the shoe 73:22 Impressions had evidentiary value he got 73:24 into a little bit of a technical 73:26 description about why that is that's 73:27 because when you're dealing with these 73:29 feature comparison techniques that are 74:32 not really Sciences they're just 74:34 eyeballing things and being like do they 74:36 look a lot like each other uh there's a 74:39 distinction that's drawn between what 74:41 they call class characteristics and 74:43 individual 74:44 characteristics so class characteristics 74:47 are the things that every item of a 74:49 similar class is going to share so 74:52 example if you have a pair of Nike shoes 74:54 uh of a certain size they're all going 74:56 to have the same print all going to have 74:58 the same footprint when they come off of 74:01 the manufacturer's line but after you 74:04 have worned them and scuffed them and 74:07 stepped on things and cleaned them and 74:10 so forth for however many months years 74:12 whatever then they start to pick up 74:15 individual wear and that is what 74:18 produces uh individual characteristics 74:21 so in these feature comparison types of 74:25 techniques uh typically that is what 74:27 they're going to look for is something 74:29 that can individualize the mark uh that 75:32 this particular uh item made now he 75:35 didn't really get into why that means it 75:39 wasn't of evidentiary 75:41 value uh because we heard that the shoe 75:44 print that was near uh near 75:48 this near this disturbance on the south 75:51 side of the bridge uh looked like one of 75:53 the girl shoes 75:56 that that seems that seems like that has 75:58 some evidentiary value to me uh call me 75:02 crazy 75:06 but Mr Baldwin cross-examined uh 75:10 cross-examined this 75:12 witness and uh got got some concessions 75:15 it wouldn't have been difficult to photo 75:19 the you know to photograph the bullet 75:21 where you could see the tip that would 75:22 be a wise thing to do uh 75:26 but the the witness also emphasized that 75:28 the really important thing to do with 75:30 this type of evidence is you package it 76:32 right away because you might damage it 76:34 and so that's why uh their preference is 76:36 to go ahead and let the lab do those 76:38 types of detailed uh uh 76:44 documentations he did not document that 76:47 the clo uh or that Abby herself uh were 76:52 damp uh acknowledge that that could be 76:55 important and so presumptively he didn't 76:58 notice that they were damp and that's 76:60 why he didn't not it he he was willing 76:01 to concede these things this this 76:03 witness was far more willing to be led 76:07 than the uh first first CS CSI 76:12 guy uh Mr Baldwin asked if there they 76:15 had seen any mail prints in the area of 76:20 where that um that single partial shoe 76:23 print that looked like the looked like 76:24 the victim shoe uh if they had seen a 76:28 mail Print near there and they they said 77:30 no so that's something the defense will 77:32 build on hey there's prince in this area 77:35 the girl picked up the prince these man 77:38 supposed to be you know marching her 77:40 down to the creek wears his 77:43 Footprints absence of evidence of course 77:45 is not evidence of absence uh but 77:47 they're going to Jin that up a lot I 77:50 think they're going to try to emphasize 77:52 that there's too much missing that it 77:53 isn't just one thing that 77:57 uh is a giveaway it's that if this crime 77:01 occurred the way that the state said it 77:03 did you would expect a lot more to be 77:06 there so just more evidence of 77:10 uh the the the control the conflict the 77:14 movements uh and and and so 77:21 forth when Mr Baldwin 77:25 was asking him about uh he he he would 77:28 not concede that this was a very odd 77:30 crime scene and so Mr Baldwin asked 78:34 uh does you know isn't it weird to be at 78:37 a scene where sticks have been 78:39 deliberately arranged on the bodies and 78:40 so the state objected to this that that 78:43 whether they were arranged is 78:44 speculative and that of course is is 78:49 sustained there was a very testy 78:52 exchange about the failure to collect 78:54 the sticks 78:57 uh he indicated he did not know why they 78:01 were sent back ultimately to get them uh 78:03 conceded that yes human human hands had 78:06 to pick up and and move these sticks and 78:10 but he he was trying to back away well 78:12 but there wouldn't have been a 78:14 transfer B Mr Baldwin was asking well 78:16 and so that you know could could result 78:18 in a transfer of DNA and the deput is 78:21 saying well not or the trooper is saying 78:23 not not if he was wearing gloves so Mr 78:25 bald's like so was he wearing gloves the 78:29 trooper says well I don't know and uh so 79:33 then Mr baldman says so shouldn't you 79:36 have collected it and he says well we 79:38 did and Mr baldman says 79:42 when and he says the trooper says a few 79:44 days later and Mr Baldwin gives him a 79:48 look gives the jury a look few days 79:51 later he's not buying that that was that 79:52 was a little bit of a score on him they 79:54 they did try to minimize um the 79:57 significance of that that if it did have 79:59 evidentiary value they left it out there 79:01 in the weather for 3 weeks at least uh 79:04 so this this is not just a few days not 79:07 a not a big deal very likely that 79:10 anything that could have been recovered 79:11 from that uh would not would not have 79:18 lasted he thought that the photographs 79:20 of uh the tree were good enough for the 79:24 blood spatter EX expert that there would 79:26 be no reason for the blood spatter 79:27 expert to need to go out there 80:31 personally no idea as to whether it was 80:34 inappropriate that a blood spatter 80:36 expert would take seven years to get 80:39 called 80:45 out so they walked through some of the 80:48 areas where they thought the killer may 80:50 have walked to look for evidence there 80:53 so basically walked from the bridge down 80:55 this slide down to the access road and 80:59 in this area they found these Footprints 80:02 so then over on the north side of the 80:03 creek as well then on the bank they 80:05 found they found 80:08 Footprints but these were not of 80:10 evidentiary value apparently they took 80:12 some photos of them they didn't take 80:13 imprints or anything like 80:15 that so we'll see if we see these 80:18 photographs come into evidence at any 80:19 point in time we have not seen them so 80:21 far 81:31 saw nothing resembling the set of three 81:33 Footprints going down to the creek that 81:35 was a a point that Mr Miller wanted to 81:42 uh oh boy Mr Baldwin now I'm calling him 81:46 Andy Miller because that's the 81:47 prosecutor in my in my 81:51 jurisdiction too many hours without 81:53 sleep guys 81:57 uh this is also the witness that that 81:58 testified about how um you you wouldn't 81:01 chance doing the a core body temperature 81:05 uh because you don't want to uh you 81:08 don't want to risk interfering with uh 81:10 with evidence of uh of sexual 81:15 assault described a lot of these Vari 81:18 variables uh if you're also wet you know 81:21 will change the rate at which you lose 81:23 body temperature he touch the bodies to 81:26 see if they were 81:27 cold 82:35 um he said his only recollection of the 82:38 temperature was that it was 41 degrees 82:41 at one point on the 4th 14th so I would 82:44 assume that was probably either you know 82:47 probably pretty early in the morning or 82:48 maybe late in the evening because they 82:50 did describe that they were there all 82:51 day they they left that scene uh at like 82:55 10 10 to 10:30 that evening um after 82:59 processing the 82:01 bodies some other items that they 82:03 collected they 82:05 collected uh another bra a pink colored 82:08 sock uh another 82:11 shirt a drink cup a a Jimmy John's drink 82:15 cup with a straw that looked new didn't 82:17 look like old and and weathered and 82:19 stuff some uh Camel cigarette butts an 82:23 energy drink can 82:25 but all these things were on the end of 82:29 the bridge on the North side so if 83:32 you're following the the high Trail 83:34 following the trail on the path that the 83:36 girls took it was at the end before you 83:38 go onto the bridge and and go proceed to 83:41 cross the the 83:43 creek not sure if any of those things 83:46 will have been tested suspect once again 83:49 that will be what the defense is getting 83:51 at that these could be evidence of 83:53 potential Suspects and it wasn't 83:55 followed up 83:58 on Mr Baldwin did ask a very good 83:02 question on redirect here he asked this 83:05 witness if you had to do it all over 83:07 again would you take a photograph of the 83:10 bullet as you had pulled it out so that 83:11 you could see the tip and the witness 83:14 conceded that yes he would uh it it was 83:17 a good question just because all that if 83:19 you if you if you could do it all over 83:22 again it's just a good way to frame to 83:24 kind of put the witness on the 83:26 spot 83:29 uh to see how reasonable he's going to 84:32 be if he's going to if he's going to dig 84:33 down and say no absolutely not there's 84:36 just no I I I I wouldn't I would do it 84:38 all the same he doesn't look reasonable 84:40 you know because concession he made more 84:43 information is better than less and so 84:46 everything else being equal yes you 84:48 would want more photographs than 84:53 fewer not that that means it's critical 84:55 that they didn't do it but just 84:57 everything else being equal sure you 84:60 would take that you would take that uh 84:03 you would take that 84:05 photograph the jury's questions 84:08 indicated they were not really to me I 84:11 mean you can tell me your read uh but 84:12 they indicated to me the jury is not 84:15 really buying into uh where the defense 84:18 was going today with his argument about 84:20 the bullet and needing to document it 84:23 making sure that it's the same one that 84:25 the jury gets to see this was a a way 84:28 that they phrase that question several 84:29 times that's why you have to document 85:31 things to be sure that the evidence the 85:33 jury is seeing is the same thing that 85:35 came from the 85:36 scene so the jury asks is there any 85:39 reason why the bullet submitted into 85:41 evidence would be a different bullet and 85:44 uh the witness explain no we have 85:46 processes to make sure that uh these 85:48 things are identified they're tagged 85:50 they're stored uh if you're going to 85:51 access it you have to sign it out when 85:53 it goes to the lab it's it's secured in 85:56 a box uh so all of these steps are taken 85:58 to make sure that things don't 85:00 inadvertently get switched and uh the 85:03 the one that the jury is is looking at 85:06 is the same one that was taken into 85:08 evidence second question was is there 85:11 any process to ensure the jury is seeing 85:13 evidence that is not 85:15 tampered and uh again he just emphasize 85:19 they have this evidence collection and 85:21 and uh monitoring system that assigns 85:24 everything in number and and manages it 85:26 and so forth and then tracks everybody 85:28 who uh who accesses that piece of 86:35 evidence Brian Oley was the third of the 86:39 uh crime scene investigators who 86:43 testified and 86:45 uh likewise he got out there early in 86:49 the morning he was the lead he was the 86:51 lead CSI guy he had the least experience 86:54 of all of them at CSI but he's the one 86:56 that got the call from uh whichever 86:60 Deputy it was that called him uh so he's 86:03 the one that kind of organized the 86:04 others to uh to respond as well and help 86:07 that meant he ended up being the 86:10 lead uh this particular 86:14 witness he had a really hard time 86:16 answering the question like there were 86:18 several times that uh Mr Mr Latrell was 86:21 handling uh the direct of of these 86:23 Witnesses and so Mr Latrell would ask a 86:26 question and the witness just he would 86:28 answer something completely different he 86:30 would just say something completely 87:31 different never never answer never 87:33 answered the original 87:35 question so like for example he went on 87:38 this long description about um exactly 87:40 where he arrived near the the old Deli 87:43 cemetery and where they went and so 87:44 forth the question had been when did you 87:47 arrive and so we never got an answer to 87:51 the question of when he arrived on the 87:52 scene probably doesn't particular LLY 87:54 matter but 87:56 uh he was just going on about you know 87:59 I'm not really sure what county road it 87:00 is I'm not from here and uh had a long 87:03 description of the parking lot who was 87:05 parked in there and things like that all 87:08 in response to uh when when did you 87:14 arrive he is also a hunter and so he was 87:17 uh he was I'm not going to say drawing 87:20 on that expertise but they did bring out 87:23 that uh in his opinion this was Prime 87:26 Deer Country I I had when I was out 87:29 there I I saw deer out there and I mean 88:31 it has certainly crossed my mind this is 88:33 a great place to hunt especially down 88:35 there in the river bottom because one 88:37 there's live live you know Wildlife 88:41 everywhere but the way that the uh the 88:45 ground is configured you have a natural 88:47 the the cliff is right there you have 88:49 this natural bank that's going to stop 88:52 any any shot that you take uh very hard 88:55 to you know accidentally shoot too high 88:56 and you get a rise and your bullet 88:58 escapes or something like that it's so 88:60 steep that nobody is going to be coming 88:02 down there so you don't you know really 88:04 have to worry too much about about uh 88:07 about somebody you know being Beyond the 88:09 bullet or whatever so that had crossed 88:11 my mind also that this would be a really 88:13 good place to hunt and he did confirm 88:16 that that's not necessarily helpful uh 88:19 to the state if they're trying to 88:20 suggest that this 88:22 bullet only could have been there 88:25 uh be because because Mr Allen left it 88:27 there if there's like Hunters crawling 88:29 all over this area well then uh makes it 89:32 more likely makes it more likely or even 89:35 just casual Shooters I mean let's be 89:37 real I don't know how many people are 89:38 going out and shooting uh shooting deer 89:40 with a 40 caliber handgun I hope nobody 89:42 is honestly that wouldn't be good um but 89:45 just in general as an as an area to be 89:47 down shoot shooting um target shooting 89:50 stuff like that yeah it's it's pretty 89:52 pretty ideal for something like that 89:57 uh he they they came back to the trail 89:59 cameras with this witness and he said 89:02 that he was specifically told that none 89:04 were found this is not consistent with 89:07 what we heard from uh from was it Gian 89:11 Gian Colo the the first witness that he 89:14 was on his way to go collect them 89:16 because they had been specifically told 89:18 this land owner has several trail 89:19 cameras he's got video 89:23 um so there is an inconsistency there uh 89:28 again is it critical I don't know but it 90:31 definitely goes to a potential source of 90:34 information that they may or may not 90:36 have uh have followed up 90:42 on uh he also indicated that they at 90:45 some point had used the the County's 90:47 plat Maps the the maps that show the the 90:50 land boundaries and the ownership and 90:52 stuff like that to be able to to 90:54 identify the owners and contact them to 90:56 ask them do you have trail cameras out 90:59 here do you allow people to hunt on your 90:01 property have you given anybody 90:03 permission to be out there to hunt uh 90:05 just because that could again 90:06 potentially give them some more some 90:09 more individuals some more leads that 90:11 they would be able to 90:19 pursue he did not believe he was uh 90:21 carrying a firearm but if he was 90:25 it wasn't a uh 40 it was either a Sig 90:28 sour P 91:30 22745 or a Sig sour P 3659 mimer would 91:35 not have been anything 91:38 else he interacted with the FBI's uh 91:41 evidence Response Team the evidence 91:43 response team is who uh was tasked with 91:46 securing the clothing that had been 91:48 found in the water remember the the tie 91:50 dye the tie-dye shirt and the 91:51 shoes there were some other uh items as 91:55 well these were photographed we saw them 91:59 um there was a uh 91:01 handkerchief there was a uh sweatshirt 91:05 like a a hoodie type sweatshirt that was 91:08 H submerged in the water there was a uh 91:11 what he described as a footy sock uh so 91:15 all of these things are are wet uh the 91:17 FBI took them off to uh secure them get 91:21 them in the in the drying room in one of 91:24 the County one of the county 91:29 offices they walked uh around Ground 92:32 Zero in a in a line doing a step and 92:35 walk so they all line up and step by 92:37 step they they go down the line to make 92:40 sure that they haven't missed anything 92:41 so that's essentially their way of being 92:44 able to clear that 92:49 scene just got some more uh some more 92:52 detail some more kind of specific trying 92:56 to narrow down exactly where in this 92:58 area uh the the bodies were found so I I 92:01 have a clear image of that basically if 92:04 you look at a map of the river um the 92:08 creek you see the the bridge comes 92:10 across and the creek starts to uh starts 92:14 like takes some turns and so it's 92:16 basically in the area like beyond beyond 92:19 the little curves uh that that the the 92:22 stream takes but down 92:24 in what they're calling a flood plane 92:27 area so it's it's lower it's not all the 92:29 way down at the water level it is above 93:32 a bank uh but it's in an area that yeah 93:35 it probably probably does flood uh from 93:38 time to time with the amount of water 93:39 going 93:41 through more uh photos of of the bodies 93:46 and uh description of them of them being 93:49 processed I did notice um you know one 93:53 of the one of the questions that I had 93:55 raised from some of these 93:58 photographs 93:60 um I'm assuming which is maybe not a 93:03 smart thing to do but I'm assuming that 93:06 all of the blood was dried because of 93:08 the time that has elapsed and and uh the 93:11 state you know is clearly clearly 93:14 wanting this to be you know many hours 93:17 almost uh almost 24 hours between the 93:20 time that the the girls were killed and 93:22 the bodies were recovered so you know 93:24 blood blood should have all dried by 93:26 then it's just very hard to tell in 93:28 these photographs though it's very hard 94:30 to tell in these photographs you know 94:31 when blood dries it tends to kind of go 94:34 Brown get very dull um and it just the 94:38 photographs were still in many spots 94:41 quite quite bright quite quite red 94:44 looked like possibly still 94:47 wet so I described uh the strange what I 94:51 considered to be kind of strange uh 94:53 blood pattern 94:55 that were on uh on Libby's body the only 94:57 other one I I can remember now um is 94:60 that on on both of her hand her both 94:02 both of her hands were were quite bloody 94:05 uh but on one of her hands I believe it 94:09 was the right uh there was a an area in 94:14 the Palm that looked like it had been 94:17 cleared like there's blood all around 94:19 but then there's like this clear area uh 94:22 so it almost looked like something had 94:24 been there or else something had rubbed 94:27 it to remove to remove that part of that 94:30 part of the 95:31 blood the other thing that was quite 95:33 distinctive was there was a blood 95:35 pattern on her wrist kind of like 95:39 this that looked it it looked kind of 95:42 like if you took a string and dipped it 95:44 in Blood and then pressed it it was very 95:47 linear like that and it didn't have it 95:50 didn't have like a clear droplet it 95:52 didn't have a clear flow it didn't have 95:53 a clear smear it looked like it looked 95:55 like a line it was a it was a bizarre um 95:60 bizarre 95:03 pattern but 95:05 otherwise uh yeah the 95:10 real the real weird things here were 95:13 those those strange strange blood 95:16 patterns the strange blood flow that 95:19 appeared uh on on Libby and then with 95:22 Abby being 95:25 almost completely clean 95:28 almost almost uh almost in 96:32 almost 96:34 pristine her hands especially almost 96:37 completely 96:40 pristine and it made me wonder if if uh 96:44 was was she washed or something I mean 96:46 we know the clothes were removed you can 96:47 see we we see the photographs of the 96:49 clothes the jeans are clearly way too 96:51 big for her not her jeans 96:57 um we saw um the placement the location 96:02 of the the shoe and the phone when her 96:05 body was was uh was rolled 96:08 over uh and so they're basically down in 96:11 the small of her back the the phone is 96:13 on the ground the shoe is on top of the 96:15 phone the shoe ironically it's the same 96:18 black Nike shoe it was John O'Keefe's 96:21 shoe it's the same shoe it's the same 96:24 same shoe go 96:26 figure only other little detail that 96:29 kind of came out uh about that evidence 97:32 is that the phone case she had a Harry 97:35 Potter phone case a little 97:37 Gryffindor Gryffindor phone case and so 97:41 both of the girls they were ultimately 97:44 placed on on clean white sheets they 97:46 were wrapped up put in new body bags and 97:49 uh transported over to Tera Tera oat for 97:53 the autopsies 97:56 we concluded uh before we were done with 97:00 uh with this uh this particular 97:02 witness um he was he's attending the 97:07 autopsy so I'm sure we're going to get 97:09 some evidence about that there was a a 97:11 brief 97:12 sidebar where they were arguing about 97:15 photographs coming in and ultimately uh 97:19 the judge overruled the defense ex 97:21 exceptions with the exception of the 97:23 final seven of them which she said uh 97:26 they would need to complete the state 97:27 would need to complete the foundation 97:29 for those with the forensic 98:31 pathologist uh so those we seem to be 98:34 leading into uh to the autopsy and I 98:38 suspect that's what we are uh going to 98:40 be getting tomorrow we'll get uh this 98:43 Witnesses witnessing of it and then 98:46 we'll we'll probably I would expect get 98:48 the uh get the medical 98:50 examiner so that was really the day I 98:53 mean 98:54 not a ton of stuff but uh yeah it's 98:58 really not fun to watch it's really not 98:60 fun to watch nobody nobody likes photos 98:02 like that uh I think for all that 98:05 there's always concern with trials like 98:08 this that oh you know there's going to 98:09 be people there just to gratuitously 98:11 look at this stuff there's really not 98:14 there's really not no nobody nobody is 98:16 enjoying this 98:20 process so guys oh man I'm ready to get 98:24 some sleep if yall don't mind I'm gonna 98:26 I'm going to run through your super 98:27 chats real fast thank you so much Bri 99:30 for the 499 thank you not sure what 99:33 happened with the first one so here's 99:34 another well thank you for the double 99:36 down you're you're in it to win it thank 99:39 you for all you're doing for this case 99:41 uh everyone like And subscribe thanks so 99:43 much for 99:45 that 99:46 uh that's the same one the squid thank 99:50 you for taking the time to cover this 99:52 trial and also thank you for advocating 99:54 for Public Access with your filing well 99:56 like I said somebody needs to do it it's 99:59 it's it's it's it's reached a point 99:02 where it's just become very flagrant 99:06 uh I mean i' I've said I I at some point 99:11 if you wonder what the purpose of 99:14 something is you just look at look at 99:16 look at what it is look at what's 99:17 happening look at what it's doing like 99:20 that that's 99:21 it the chaos is starting to seem like 99:25 it's by Design that's how they want it 99:28 it's not being taken under control 99:30 because they want it to be like this 100:31 they want people to be at each other's 100:34 throats over line disputes they want the 100:36 media to be triangulated against the 100:38 public uh they they want all of this to 100:40 be the case and it's just so unfortunate 100:43 and so 100:44 unnecessary and if we could all just 100:47 have these audio recordings as they were 100:50 coming out and reasonable access to 100:52 these exhibits 100:55 we wouldn't need any of this we wouldn't 100:57 need I wouldn't need to have traveled 100:58 2,000 miles to be here all these other 100:00 people who have traveled to be here 100:02 wouldn't need to and you know what the 100:03 people in the local 100:05 community the ones who were who were 100:07 traumatized by this 100:09 crime yeah they they wouldn't have to 100:13 be camping out at 2 in the morning in 100:16 front of their own Courthouse just to be 100:18 able to get uh to get that get that view 100:23 K RB she she wants to drive everyone 100:24 away so she can run the trial in the 100:26 dark maybe I 100:30 mean I I 101:33 yeah my my other view of it has just 101:35 been it's a big hazing you know this is 101:37 just a big hazing this is just a 101:40 penalize us for showing up much as she 101:43 can maybe try to discourage try to 101:45 discourage 101:46 people it's not working so far sixth 101:50 estate thank you for your time effort 101:52 and amazing Recaps will your very 101:54 welcome thank you for being here with me 101:56 Oxanna Luke with a super sticker thank 101:58 you 101:59 Oxanna really appreciate 101:02 that Megan j do we know if it appears 101:07 Abby dressed herself in Libby's clothes 101:09 premortem or does it appear she was 101:11 dressed by the killer 101:12 postmortem so we don't know it hasn't 101:16 been said if you were going to ask me to 101:19 speculate I would speculate looks like 101:21 she was dressed by somebody else 101:24 kind of hard to tell but the reason why 101:27 is because the jeans for example were 101:29 not fastened uh they they were kind of 102:32 partially opened bunched up um the way 102:37 that her hands were kind of caught up in 102:40 the 102:42 sweatshirt it just it doesn't you know 102:44 it doesn't look like how a person would 102:46 put on would put on their own clothes 102:48 but I don't know if we have any uh I 102:50 don't know if we have any real 102:53 information about and we certainly don't 102:54 at this point I don't know if we're 102:56 going to get 102:57 any analysis about that I one of the 102:00 reasons I have that thought too is 102:02 because of course this hair this hair 102:04 that's now lurking out there and we know 102:07 that it's a female hair it's possibly a 102:10 relative of libes but we don't know 102:13 we're we're waiting for confirmation on 102:15 that we know that the sweatshirt that 102:17 Abby was wearing belonged to Libby's 102:19 sister and so Libby sister seems like an 102:22 obvious source of this hair 102:24 and that's one of the things I I had 102:26 thought about was you know you just have 102:28 random hair like inside your clothes or 103:30 or whatever if somebody was dressing 103:34 dressing Abby in the sweat in the 103:36 sweatshirt and you know pull pulling her 103:39 hands through and stuff like that well 103:40 then I could see there's a hair inside 103:42 it gets all tangled in her hand and they 103:45 wouldn't know because her hand is still 103:47 is still stuck up inside the sweatshirt 103:49 they didn't pull the sweatshirt all the 103:51 way down to our wrists um that to me 103:54 would be a very conceivable explanation 103:57 for how that hair got there and and the 103:59 position that it was 103:01 in but we don't know we'll have to see 103:03 if anything else about that comes out 103:04 rumor has it thank you Andrea for being 103:06 we the people you are amazing well thank 103:10 you gray your motion emojis I'm not GNA 103:15 lie I enjoyed writing this one I really 103:17 did I enjoyed writing this one it's it's 103:19 not often you get to write a motion 103:22 where the law is just so unequivocally 103:25 clear on your side that uh it's it's 103:29 really easy to explain it and so then it 104:31 just became an exercise of of telling 104:34 the story of what's what's happened with 104:36 this trial and why it 104:38 matters 104:40 so the crypto tax lawyer Thank You For 104:43 Fighting the good fight for truth and 104:45 Justice get some sleep fellow Esquire we 104:47 appreciate you more than you know well 104:50 thank you I will get a few hours at 104:52 least before I head back over to the 104:55 courthouse and try to get some more on 104:57 the courthouse 104:59 steps Nicola Maxwell please get some 104:01 sleep we can hear this tomorrow look 104:03 after yourself so happy your friend when 104:04 her first fight take care of yourself 104:06 well thank you I will I will get 104:09 sleep carazola X I don't think Allen is 104:12 going to make it to appeal if he loses 104:14 he called out some of the guards and a p 104:17 gang in the two years he'll wait for 104:19 appeal guards will find a chance to look 104:21 away when gang skulls him yeah big 104:25 concern big concern his safety in there 104:27 I mean you're not alone it's a comment 104:29 that has come up many times uh in the 105:31 courtroom from people that are that are 105:34 talking about this and concerned about 105:35 it his his safety is 105:37 very very legitimately a concern six 105:41 estate did the girls appear muddy at all 105:43 on the lower bodies and feet a uh Libby 105:47 yes Libby was very muddy very muddy uh 105:51 especially all through her legs uh on 105:54 her back when she was rolled over um her 105:57 back was just very covered in in debris 105:60 and 105:01 stuff Abby almost not at all like I said 105:04 Abby was almost perfectly pristine and 105:06 the only place where she this is another 105:09 reason why potentially uh it's a 105:12 situation of another person dressing her 105:15 the only place where she really did seem 105:17 to have some debris and dirt and stuff 105:20 was on the very bottom of her feet and 105:22 so her very but her feet are you know at 105:25 least partially inside the shoes so I 105:28 don't know about you I would never put 105:30 my shoes on with a bunch of junk on my 106:32 feet that would drive me nuts you're 106:34 walking all over it it's stuck in your 106:35 shoes uhuh no you brush your feet off 106:39 and then and then stick them in your 106:41 shoe so uh but that was really the only 106:45 really the only dirt on Abby that we saw 106:48 it all she was extremely clean extremely 106:52 clean 106:54 Nell wood Andrea you are a damn rock 106:56 star well thank you thank you so much 106:58 it's it's just emotion it's just a 106:01 lawyer thing you know it's just what I 106:02 do but I I do appreciate 106:05 that 106:06 pantoufle I don't know if that's how you 106:08 pronounce it but that's that's how I'm 106:10 going to say it panl found you through 106:12 Peter tros Peter tros is awesome glad 106:15 you found your way here glad you made it 106:17 in the courtroom great coverage thanks 106:18 to the people who helped you get in stay 106:20 strong well thank you I'm going to keep 106:22 right on trucking 106:23 because if there's one thing I can do I 106:26 can uh I can dig deep and take it to the 106:29 final 107:30 Bell TF thank you for fighting for 107:33 Access and transparency and taking a 107:35 stand for the girls and for us all well 107:37 it's my pleasure I think it's extremely 107:39 important that uh people see this trial 107:43 it's it's very important it's it's 107:45 critical for justice everybody everybody 107:49 wants the person who did this to this 107:51 girls uh to pay to pay the price uh and 107:55 so we we we all are invested in knowing 107:59 if if that person is Richard Allen or 107:03 not Wendy DB thank you Andrea well thank 107:07 you Daniel Baker during graphic pictures 107:10 did you make any observations of Richard 107:12 Allen so I really didn't I couldn't see 107:14 him very well from where I was at in the 107:16 courtroom uh I'm basically kind of 107:19 behind him and uh at a little bit of an 107:22 angle and he's so small uh that pretty 107:27 much anybody in the chairs ahead of me 107:29 they they block my view I I really can't 108:31 see him at all I did see just at various 108:35 points in the day uh he's taking notes 108:39 he does you know seem to be engaged in 108:41 the process that way periodically turn 108:43 and and talk to Mr Baldwin uh but with 108:46 respect to the um the photographs in 108:49 particular I did not see any specific 108:52 response from him 108:55 skeptic curiosity thanks Andrea for all 108:57 you're doing well you're very welcome 108:00 you know honestly it's kind of an 108:02 adventure you know it's kind of fun and 108:04 I can't lie I like a good fight every 108:05 once in a while I haven't thrown down in 108:07 a little bit so you know sometimes you 108:09 just got to file em motion just to shake 108:11 off the dust brutally honest Andrea did 108:14 you notice if there were sticks placed 108:16 above aby's head just asking because EF 108:19 said he gave one of the girls horns SL 108:22 antlers with sticks 108:24 no I did not I did not see sticks above 108:26 aby's head um with Abby the sticks were 109:30 basically uh it was on let me check my 109:34 diagram because I want to be sure I 109:35 remember which side it was 109:37 on it was on her leftand side and it was 109:41 basically just like a cross basically 109:43 just like a cross of sticks uh I did not 109:46 see anything near her head I didn't see 109:48 anything up near Libby's head either so 109:52 I don't I don't think there were uh I 109:54 don't think there were 109:56 antlers I don't think 109:59 uh I don't think uh the Twigs I don't 109:01 think that explains what Elvis uh Fields 109:04 was talking 109:06 about camela Norris best advice if 109:08 someone pulls a pew pew on you run run 109:10 run away you don't want to go to the 109:12 second location Please be aware of your 109:14 surroundings stay safe 109:16 yeah tough situation I mean I know they 109:19 always say don't get in the car right 109:21 don't get in the car 109:25 it's hard because you know you feel like 109:27 your life is threatened and it's very 109:29 normal I think for anybody under a 110:31 situation like that everybody wants to 110:33 live the tiniest little amoeba that 110:34 doesn't have a brain wants to live uh 110:37 and will fight to live and so it's just 110:40 natural to do whatever you think is 110:44 going to extend that extend your life 110:47 and minimize the risk that you're going 110:48 to get shot get killed you know whatever 110:54 uh but yeah what could happen to you in 110:56 that second location could be far 110:02 worse Michael osbrook I'd like a job are 110:05 you hiring 110:08 Andrea you K me 110:11 well no can't say I am I I mean do is 110:16 this is this a job is this a job I don't 110:18 I don't know we're sitting we're all 110:19 sitting out here in this line out front 110:21 of the courthouse in the morning by 4:00 110:23 in the morning we're all like what are 110:25 we doing here what are we doing with our 110:27 lives have we really lost our minds is 110:29 this really what we're 111:30 doing yeah we are that's what we got to 111:33 do if we're going to get access to this 111:36 iosa Plex gifted 10 memberships that is 111:39 amazing thank you so much for doing that 111:41 that's awesome asid Lee how could one 111:44 person do this in a short time span and 111:46 not get caught big big question that I 111:50 have after seeing the scene and uh just 111:54 yes having that kind of perspective on 111:57 what has transpired here what it would 111:59 have taken I was already skeptical about 111:01 this for several 111:03 reasons uh the ability to control two of 111:06 the girls with one one person one 111:10 gun obviously not going to say that's 111:13 impossible of course not uh but it's 111:15 just there's more opportunities for for 111:17 somebody to be able to escape somebody 111:19 be able to get away somebody to be able 111:21 to you know make some noise the complete 111:24 absence of noise having been down there 111:28 you hear every tiny rustle in the leaves 112:32 there will be a squirrel you know 100 112:35 yards down the road jumping through 112:38 trees and you will hear it uh I don't 112:41 know if the sound kind of carries in 112:43 there or what but it's it's just it is 112:46 everything is is very audible the lack 112:48 of 112:50 sound it had been reported and it seemed 112:53 seems to be confirmed through these 112:54 these uh photographs today that uh 112:57 there's no signs of a struggle this was 112:60 a big one for me this is a big one for 112:03 me I don't know how one person kills two 112:06 people and neither of them struggles 112:09 because you you you you it seems to me 112:11 like you would have to either leave the 112:13 one alone to be able to kill the other 112:16 out of sight of the one in which case 112:18 again now you're you're giving that one 112:20 an opportunity to to escape 112:23 uh you're not doing it in front of them 112:27 because there's no way you're not going 112:29 to struggle at that point if you as soon 113:31 as you know as soon as as soon as you 113:33 know that it's 113:34 coming yes you're going to fight for 113:36 your life even the tiny little amibo 113:38 will do that so they didn't know it was 113:40 coming and that seems very very 113:42 difficult to accomplish with one 113:45 person and so now yeah all of this is 113:48 just kind 113:51 of to me being being 113:55 being built up on more and more by 113:58 seeing this scene and what was done the 113:00 the the the fact that the bodies clearly 113:03 were moved you know for for some reason 113:06 in some way in some fashion uh the the 113:09 blood dripped in ways that is not 113:11 consistent with where they came to rest 113:14 the placement of the branches the 113:17 dressing of Abby very much like I said 113:20 does look like somebody else dressed her 113:23 and all this happened in 20 minutes got 113:25 him off the bridge down down the 113:29 hill across the 114:33 creek doesn't make a lot of intuitive 114:36 sense to me so I I continue to have 114:39 questions about that myself Connie roblo 114:42 with a super sticker thank you so much 114:44 for that the squid with your description 114:47 of the condition of the girls it makes 114:49 no sense that we haven't heard about the 114:51 cops making a real effort to find where 114:54 the girls were killed it seems obvious 114:56 someone ran out of time to clean them 114:02 up yeah I mean they had seven years to 114:05 find suspects and locations and stuff 114:08 and they just didn't I mean the the the 114:11 state is they're laying the the 114:13 groundwork to to just double down on the 114:16 girls were were killed here uh I mean 114:20 I'm I'm I'm open to hearing more like 114:23 yes if if if massive amounts of blood 114:25 could have seeped into the ground and 114:26 then they were just moved you know like 114:28 a short distance in the 115:31 positioning for some reason that isn't 115:33 quite clear to me why Richard Allen 115:35 would do that 115:36 but they are going to try to establish 115:39 that large blood stain as being where 115:43 where the killings took place so I'm 115:45 going to want to see the testing of that 115:47 blood stain is it one of the girls is it 115:49 both of the girls uh if it's just one of 115:51 the girls then 115:53 where's the other you know if it's both 115:56 of them I'm going to still want to see 115:59 how how do we estimate the volume here 115:01 cuz it looks like I mean it looks like 115:07 maybe maybe being very generous a 115:11 gallon maybe being very generous a a 115:15 gallon I think that's being overly 115:17 generous generous 115:19 honestly I really it's a leader 115:24 call it two lers call it two 115:27 liters that's not 115:30 enough that's not enough there is a lot 116:32 of blood that should be there and I'm 116:34 just not seeing it so great show me the 116:38 uh show me the drain you know how how 116:40 fast does this ground drain you know 116:42 maybe maybe if maybe if this Blood could 116:45 have drained away maybe it's possible 116:47 but I am very very skeptical of this at 116:51 this point in time 116:54 some guy with cancer on a scale from 1 116:57 to 10 how bad is Judge goal is one one 116:01 bad or one good I mean I got Jo I got 116:05 judge go at like negative five right now 116:07 and she is um her demeanor in front of 116:10 the jury is radically different than it 116:14 is than it has been in these pre-trial 116:16 hearings I had commented before about 116:19 how she like during the Motions in 116:20 limony she just would not even hide her 116:22 her contempt for the defense her disdain 116:25 like she's got a sneer up there on the 116:27 bench at all times she is not doing that 116:29 at all with this jury she is very much 117:32 in the background uh she is she's got a 117:35 little bit of that judge Bev kenon uh 117:38 buttering up the jury uh kind of 117:41 demeanor to 117:42 her but that's the most of what the bulk 117:45 of what she's doing over the course of 117:46 the day there are not a lot of 117:48 objections of course I'm not seeing 117:50 what's happening at the sidebars because 117:52 they're going behind their little screen 117:54 and you know she's got the white noise 117:55 on so we can't hear what's happening of 117:57 course so who knows what's happening 117:00 that's not in the view of of of the 117:03 audience and the jury uh but when it is 117:05 in their view yeah she's on her best 117:07 behavior right now so that that is an 117:10 improvement uh but the disregard for the 117:13 law that's you you don't come back from 117:16 that with me when you're a judge you 117:18 have one job you have one job it's to 117:20 respect and uphold the law and and uh 117:24 I'm just I'm not seeing that I'm not 117:26 seeing that at all I'm seeing 117:29 uh I'm seeing a sense from her that she 118:33 is the 118:34 law and she's not you know if she wants 118:37 to be the law she needs to find 118:38 somewhere where she can like go run for 118:40 King instead of uh instead of for 118:43 judge AKA radar appreciated More Than 118:47 Words Andrea thank you thank you well 118:49 you're very welcome thanks for being 118:50 here with me 118:52 simcha with a super 118:55 sticker Priscilla Stevenson with a super 118:57 stickers thank you guys so much and 118:60 typically unique just saying thank you 118:02 well thank you to all of you guys thank 118:04 you for your support thank you for being 118:06 here really does mean a lot to me it's 118:08 making all of this worthwhile sweet be 118:11 me tomorrow's autopsy report will there 118:14 be toxicology if they weren't killed 118:16 there all unimaginable things could have 118:18 happened thank you for your ethical 118:20 coverage well that's a nice thing to say 118:22 say I appreciate you uh I appreciate you 118:24 putting it like that I I am trying to be 118:26 sensitive 118:28 um and uh and fair you know I'm I'm not 119:31 I'm not I don't I'm not here with an axe 119:33 to grind I just really want to know what 119:34 happened and I want to know who's to 119:36 blame you know I want to know who's to 119:38 blame for this uh I would expect yes 119:40 there will be a toxicology um that would 119:43 be pretty typical in a case like this uh 119:48 it's just it gives you information about 119:50 you know the story of of how the crime 119:53 took place were they drugged were they 119:56 you know just whatever uh tell tells you 119:60 a little bit 119:01 more I am looking forward to the details 119:03 of the autopsy I mean not looking 119:05 forward obviously uh but it's it's it's 119:09 very important information and it's 119:11 information that there's really no 119:13 substitute for it that uh that 119:16 examination 119:18 just provides a lot a lot of details a 119:22 lot of a lot of the parts of the story 119:24 that we can't get from other 119:26 places shell urba you said one of two 119:29 questions posed by the jury uh were 120:31 asked do you know my only one was no 120:33 because we don't know what the other one 120:34 was we uh typically when a jury asks a 120:38 question and it's not allowed to be 120:40 asked it's because uh it violates the 120:42 Rules of Evidence in some way it might 120:44 be asking about something that's been 120:46 excluded uh it might be asking for 120:48 something that's inadmissible so I don't 120:51 I don't know the details of of what it 120:53 is or or why um but just noted I think 120:56 that is the first one so far that they 120:58 haven't been allowed to ask I did I did 120:00 see from uh from lawyer Lee's recap on 120:02 Saturday that they asked a bunch of 120:04 questions on Saturday uh as well so this 120:06 is definitely this is an attentive jury 120:09 uh they're sharp they're focused on the 120:12 details um the entire day you know they 120:16 they they were riveted they were riveted 120:18 um they're paying very close attention 120:20 to to what they're saying so 120:23 that's a very good sign you know it 120:25 means that they they're concerned about 120:27 the details they know the details matter 120:29 and they are really invested in getting 121:31 this right and at the end of the day 121:34 that's really all you want from a jury 121:35 you know you want them to want to get it 121:37 right 121:39 so that's it guys this went on slightly 121:41 longer than I intended to Dory thank you 121:45 bunches too uh I am going to crash now I 121:48 am going to uh get myself a couple hours 121:51 of sleep 121:53 before I have to head back out there and 121:55 uh try not to lose my voice I think I'll 121:58 get it back I'm I'm pretty sure that um 121:01 I know I sound terrible but I'm pretty 121:02 sure it's mostly from just yelling at 121:05 the fights on Saturdays I work the 121:07 corner and that's really like that's 121:10 like my main job my my job is I I put 121:12 the stool up in the corner for for the 121:14 for the fighter to sit down in between 121:15 rounds I keep track of the water bottle 121:18 and you yell you know you got to yell 121:20 you yell them you know they're encour 121:22 encouragement you know what what 121:23 openings you see the things that they're 121:25 doing you know all that stuff you like 121:27 yell constantly so I was thinking about 121:29 it what did it work out nine minutes no 122:33 because everybody fights two minute 122:35 rounds so but that's still that's 18 18 122:38 minutes 18 minutes Sol of like solid 122:40 yelling it'll that'll do a number on 122:42 your voice so that that was on me my bad 122:45 guys but uh I will try to uh I will try 122:48 to get it back and I'm sure the lack of 122:50 sleep isn't helping 122:52 so today on the notepads uh I was I'd 122:55 say about 10 pages shy of a full legal 122:58 pad maybe dozen Pages shy um not quite 122:03 as many as 122:04 yesterday uh because mostly for today 122:08 I'm just tracking I'm tracking all the 122:10 exhibits you know I'm tracking them by 122:11 number and the description of what they 122:13 are and stuff so that uh I have good 122:15 notations of that because what happens 122:17 is later on in trial uh as it proceeds 122:21 people start referring back to the 122:23 things that are already admitted and so 122:25 they'll have the witness on the stand 122:26 and they'll be like well you know 122:28 showing you what's been previously 122:29 admitted as exhibit 42 doesn't this 123:31 completely undermine what you just said 123:33 you know not really but something along 123:35 those lines so then you're going like 123:36 what's exhibit 54 I can't see it so now 123:39 I have I have my record of of the 123:40 exhibits that I'm trying to trying to 123:42 maintain so that uh we can keep track of 123:45 that kind of thing but otherwise yeah 123:47 the testimony itself uh far less far 123:51 less impactful than than just than just 123:54 what we what we saw what we witnessed 123:55 today absolutely horrifying gruesome 123:58 stomach turning 123:02 appalling once again just 123:06 uh just really appalled for the families 123:09 to have to sit in the courtroom you know 123:10 and witness that and just kind of amazed 123:12 that they that they are doing that you 123:14 know it's it's 123:16 obviously so important to them because I 123:18 just imagine imagine what it feels like 123:23 to see that and so to uh to take that on 123:27 you know they they have a a strong 123:29 purpose and a 124:32 strong strong Compass guiding them to 124:34 make it through that 124:36 courtroom so I really do uh I really do 124:39 hope the best hope the best for 124:41 them whatever that might be you know 124:44 with this particular case regardless of 124:47 the outcome you just you really you 124:49 really want the family you really want 124:51 the family to be able to get some 124:54 closure I don't know if they're going to 124:56 get it 124:58 but all right guys that's it for me I am 124:02 on my last legs thank you again for 124:05 joining me really appreciate all of you 124:07 it's been amazing these last several 124:10 days just seeing how many of you are 124:12 turning out interested in this trial 124:14 that's what's keeping us going you know 124:16 that's why we're doing it so I'm going 124:18 to keep plugging forward and I will 124:20 certainly let you know if judge uh judge 124:21 gold does does anything with my motion 124:23 I'll tell you straight up I'm honestly 124:25 not really expecting her to um the easy 124:27 the path of least resistance for her is 124:29 to ignore it um she can so she knows 125:33 that if she rules on it uh that that's 125:35 what tees up you know the next step the 125:38 ability to take it further so I think 125:40 she's just going to not find time to 125:43 deal with it you got to built an excuse 125:45 because you're uh you're in the thick of 125:47 the busy part of trial but you know Hope 125:51 Springs Eternal something could happen 125:53 and uh bottom line we've got the record 125:55 now of uh of what's going on in there 125:56 and how wrong it is so with that guys I 125:00 am going to say good night thank you 125:02 again I will look forward to fingers 125:05 crossed getting in the courtroom 125:06 tomorrow and bringing you my recap at 125:09 the end of the day so I will see you all 125:11 then take care have a wonderful evening