00:01 hi y'all and welcome to tonight's live 00:04 stream we have waited seven years for 00:08 this moment in an act of Bravery that 00:11 not many adults could ever hope to 00:13 achieve 14-year-old Liberty German 00:16 filmed her own abduction hoping somebody 00:20 would catch this creep and within hours 00:23 she and her best friend Abigail Williams 00:26 aged 13 would be found brutally murdered 00:29 within the park where they had gone for 01:31 a walk in a secluded area in the park 01:34 now Richard Allen is accused of this 01:36 heinous crime he says he's not the guy 01:40 the access to this trial is incredibly 01:43 limited the only way to find out what is 01:46 happening in the courtroom is from 01:48 somebody who's actually physically 01:50 present sitting in the courtroom there 01:52 are no computers there are no cell 01:54 phones there's no tweeting so it's 01:57 old-fashioned pen and paper it's 01:59 oldfashioned notes pads and if you want 01:03 significant legal analysis of what's 01:05 going on your only choice is to turn to 01:08 YouTube and to people who are actually 01:10 present in the 01:11 courtroom the defendant has been barred 01:14 from presenting all of his most critical 01:17 evidence and we absolutely need boots on 01:20 the ground and eyes in this courtroom 01:23 and that's why I have traveled hundreds 01:25 of miles to be here present during the 01:28 trial now just hearing that a 02:31 13-year-old and a 14-year-old were 02:34 killed is enough to make anybody 02:36 incensed and then seeing the crime scene 02:39 photos would make anyone just absolutely 02:43 enraged they're just horrific but I will 02:47 tell you what we saw today outraged me 02:50 in a completely different way because it 02:52 was so brave and it was so courageous 02:55 and what we saw Liberty German do I mean 02:58 hats off she's worth a 100,000 of 02:02 whoever killed her easily so today what 02:06 I want to do is take you through the day 02:09 at trial give you some analysis as we go 02:12 and I'm going to then tell you now 02:13 naturally of course I can't show you the 02:16 video I'm going to show you the short 02:18 clip that law enforcement gave us before 02:21 trial I'm going to show you that and 02:23 then I'm going to show you and then I'm 02:25 going to describe to you the much longer 02:28 version that we saw today it was packed 03:30 with surprises things that were not 03:33 expected uh that just all the way around 03:36 not not at all what I thought we were 03:38 going to see but I think it had some 03:39 really important lessons and some really 03:41 important things that it will tell us 03:45 and through this we're going to talk 03:47 about law enforcement Witnesses who set 03:49 up the the introduction of this video 03:52 evidence and we're also going to talk 03:54 about some witnesses who were in the 03:57 part that day and boy I tell you what if 03:00 Richard Allen had not put himself at the 03:02 crime scene these State Witnesses sure 03:05 could not have done it that testim all 03:08 of that testimony was just a jumble a 03:10 real mess so special shout out to the 03:13 first five in the chat um El Jane and 03:16 Missy R Rita young Jeff nunnelly and 03:18 desert rose really great to see you 03:21 thank you for being here I also want to 03:23 give a special shout out to Sally and 03:25 Bill creel I really appreciate you're 03:28 watching uh I've been meeting a ton of 04:30 people just a few people I'm going to 04:32 shout out are um Lena and Mike Deborah 04:36 from D line and Gail who has been my 04:38 line buddy all right so let's get 04:40 started talking about what happened 04:43 today at TR and one thing I want you to 04:45 notice I had noticed these mysterious 04:48 things up on either side of the judge's 04:51 bench wrapped in kind of black plastic 04:55 trash bags but they're they're not that 04:57 big maybe that big something like that 04:00 but wrapped tightly in these black 04:03 plastic like a trash bag and I asked 04:06 somebody in the courtroom what what are 04:08 those guess what they are they are 04:11 cameras cameras that could be used to 04:14 film this trial but that are not being 04:16 used to film The Trial there are two in 04:18 the front and one in the rear of the 04:20 courtroom but they're not being used and 04:22 the trial is not being filmed not even 04:25 the audio is being released to the 04:27 public during the 04:28 trial so you know we've actually been 05:32 three days now into the trial and I 05:34 don't think there's been a single 05:35 mention of Richard Allen to this point 05:38 what the law enforcement is doing is 05:41 just setting up what happened to Libby 05:44 and to Abby that day in the park they've 05:46 taken us through the crime scene the 05:49 crime scene photographs and today we 05:51 went through a lot more evidence so we 05:53 started with uh Ryan o Oley who was back 05:57 on the stand and he identified a bunch 05:00 of items that were found in the creek 05:03 there were items of of clothing and so 05:06 forth that were at the scene but Libby 05:09 was not wearing any clothing and Abby 05:11 was wearing a mixture of her clothes and 05:14 Libby's clothes and then a bunch of 05:15 Libby's clothes were found down in the 05:18 creek so to kind of list those for you 05:20 Libby's Nike shoes uh blue jeans blue 05:24 jeans waist 26 the reason that's 05:27 important is that was probably aby's 05:29 that's why they mention the waist and 06:32 the clothes the jeans or pants that Abby 06:35 was wearing I think they were jeans were 06:37 probably libes they didn't fit her they 06:40 were the wrong size there was also a 06:42 tiedye shirt extra large a gray hooded 06:46 sweatshirt um underwear black and purple 06:49 sock pink sock head scarf and a black 06:52 Faded Glory shirt large all of that came 06:55 from the creek and then from the scene 06:59 because they cataloged all the physical 06:01 evidence that they collected there at 06:03 the scene Converse tennis shoe right and 06:06 left that were on Abigail Williams she 06:08 was actually wearing those Libby was 06:11 barefoot she was completely unplowed uh 06:14 a 40 caliber Smith and Wesson cartridge 06:17 that is ultimately important because law 06:20 enforcement says they can trace that 06:22 unspent cartridge back to a gun they 06:26 actually found in the home of Richard 06:30 Allen they say they can connect the two 07:33 uh and then stranded material there was 07:35 a good bit of it and we don't really 07:37 know exactly what that is or whether it 07:40 it we know there is a new hair that's 07:43 being analyzed that had not been 07:45 analyzed before although it seemed like 07:47 that might be something dramatic it also 07:50 now appears that it actually came from a 07:52 relative of Libby a female relative 07:55 perhaps her grandmother with whom she 07:57 lived or her sister who had just loaned 07:59 her her shirt for that day so at this 07:02 point there was also though we found out 07:04 stranded material from the right hand of 07:07 Abigail from the left arm of Abigail and 07:12 uh would that be no there's some more 07:14 we'll find some more through this I'll 07:15 keep reading there's going to be more 07:17 anyway they took um a bunch of swabs 07:21 from the inside of Libby's left wrist 07:23 and right wrist from her belly button or 07:26 belly I'm not sure which the thigh above 07:28 the knee uh here we go some more fibrous 08:31 material from the pinky finger of the 08:33 left hand of Libby now why are these 08:36 hairs and fibers so important because 08:39 one thing that law enforcement looks for 08:41 is if there's been a scene where 08:42 someone's been murdered there may have 08:44 been a scuffle there may have been some 08:46 kind of fight between the victim trying 08:49 to get away or trying to push the person 08:51 away and if so there may be hair there 08:53 may be DNA that would be underneath say 08:55 the fingernails by the way there were no 08:58 swabs taken under the fingernails and 08:00 there were no fingernail clippings that 08:03 were listed in the items that they 08:05 talked 08:05 about so they may have just missed that 08:08 opportunity um the okay they had swab of 08:12 the thigh I think I may have said that 08:14 sorry blood stain on a tree four feet 08:18 above ground level that's really 08:20 important in this case the defense says 08:24 there was a rune painted on a tree we'll 08:27 just briefly get into that there is a 09:30 significant wild and possibly 09:34 meritorious claim that the defense wants 09:37 to make but that the the judge has not 09:40 allowed them to make the defense says 09:42 that the things that happened here at 09:44 the scene were done by odinis as part of 09:47 a religious ritual that there were 09:49 sticks laid on the girls and I will say 09:51 it was bizarre looking and those sticks 09:54 were in a pattern that they say mimet 09:57 runes in addition they say that blood 09:60 from Libby had been painted on a tree in 09:03 the shape of something like a letter F 09:05 that is also a rune coming from a Norse 09:09 uh 09:09 religion as far as but all of that is 09:13 out what is in is that there was blood 09:16 on the tree there was reference to it as 09:18 the F tree or the F there was some other 09:22 word they Ed there that sounds strange 09:24 doesn't it the F tree but I think it was 09:26 something along those lines and the tree 09:29 according to the prosecution they're 10:31 going to argue that that blood on there 10:34 was something from hands that her hands 10:37 touched the tree the blood however we do 10:39 know is on the opposite side of the tree 10:41 so I guess she would have had to have 10:42 her arms around it Libby specifically 10:45 all right swabs from there were blood 10:48 stains around the girls in various 10:50 places and they swabbed those there was 10:53 a black Nike tennis shoe underneath 10:56 aby's body a mate to the one that was 10:59 found in the creek both of them belong 10:01 to Libby there was a swab from U all 10:05 kinds of swabs from the ground and also 10:08 for the between the tree not just not 10:11 just on the tree but like at the foot of 10:13 the tree a red stain below the head of 10:16 Abigail a swab uh from more swabs from 10:20 the tree from the left index finger and 10:22 left pink pinky finger of Libby and from 10:25 the cell phone of Libby underneath aby's 10:28 body were found not not just the shoe 11:30 but also the cell phone of Libby and so 11:33 they swabbed that as 11:36 well there was one of the things the 11:40 prosecution has done extremely well in 11:42 this case is respond the one of the 11:46 things that the jury asked and they're 11:48 allowed to ask questions here after a 11:50 witness finishes testifying and one of 11:53 the things they asked about suggested 11:54 maybe they were concerned about chain of 11:57 custody were they getting the real scoop 11:60 on is this real evidence and have you 11:02 preserved it are we seeing the final 11:04 real evidence so the prosecution has 11:06 expanded the amount to which they go 11:09 into detail and talk about exactly how 11:12 the evidence was collected and how it 11:14 was packaged and how it was preserved 11:17 and that's smart because that is 11:18 directly responding to what the jury has 11:21 been concerned about so that's one of 11:23 the things that they've been 11:25 doing there were um on he also went to 11:29 the tosy and collected items there as 12:32 well swabs from uh the left thigh and 12:36 right thigh and right breast and left 12:38 breast of Libby they did an um saay 12:41 evidence collection kit for both girls 12:44 what we understand the result is going 12:47 to be but we haven't had it testified to 12:49 is they were negative that there was no 12:51 sa against either Libby or Abby but that 12:54 evidence has not been presented at trial 12:56 that's just something we've heard about 12:58 and we'll have to wait and see whether 12:60 that actually materializes and it's true 12:02 at trial Trace fiber from the upper left 12:06 arm of 12:07 Abigail a black hooded sweatshirt on 12:11 Abigail from uh with the word German on 12:14 the back so that was again that was 12:17 Libby's clothing on Abby uh it said Deli 12:20 swimming of course she might have 12:21 borrowed that in 12:23 advance uh blue jeans size too big for 12:27 Abby with Derek on them 12:30 a gray cotton bra with red stains size 13:33 34 and that was a weird thing Abigail 13:36 was actually there were two bras on her 13:38 her bra and then Libby's bra put on top 13:40 of that which is I don't know I mean if 13:44 you can explain that to me please do 13:46 it's just bizarre just absolutely 13:49 bizarre but again it was very surprising 13:51 that they didn't swab under the 13:53 fingernails and that they didn't clip 13:55 the fingernails there was no mention of 13:56 that cuz that's such a common place that 13:59 long enforcement looks when there's been 13:01 an assault to see whether or not there's 13:03 something there that might be traced 13:06 back to the perpetrator DNA uh something 13:08 from Touch Hair skin cells anything that 13:12 they might could use to trace so they 13:15 were there one of the things that was um 13:18 a little frustrating about today is that 13:21 items were collected items were I am 13:26 very very tired I only got a couple 13:28 hours asleep I had to be there at 245 uh 14:31 so one of the issues is that the the 14:36 exhibits were often paper exhibits and 14:39 every single juror is getting a copy and 14:41 they have a folder that they're putting 14:43 all of these in and collecting them in 14:45 but and which is actually a great way to 14:48 have make sure that the jury has all the 14:50 evidence but in this particular case 14:53 what that means is people in the 14:55 audience can't see it so there's no real 14:58 way to see what the was a lot of times 14:00 they'll refer to photographs and then 14:02 they'll hand them to the jury but 14:04 there's no none of that actually 14:06 connects through and is shown to the 14:09 audience one they U went into the issue 14:13 of um the moisture on aby's clothing 14:18 that was one of the things they talked 14:19 about the jeans she had on were wet and 14:22 they talked about a line that was on the 14:24 sweatshirt she was wearing as well as 14:26 the pink tank top that she was wearing 14:29 underneath it both of them had a line 15:32 where there was water why is that 15:34 important it's because the prosecution 15:37 thinks that Libby and Abby were forced 15:40 across that they had crossed a an old 15:44 railroad railroad Trestle across a creek 15:48 long one very long it spanned a 60 foot 15:51 height and it went a long way into the 15:53 woods on either side that they were 15:55 forced to go down the hill on one end 15:58 from the far end from from where they 15:59 had started and that they were then 15:02 forced to go across that Creek it was as 15:07 the one of the officers said that it was 15:09 anywhere from one to two one to two 15:11 inches deep and up to three feet deep so 15:15 that line would be an indication that 15:18 maybe Abby really was forced across the 15:20 creek because she had waited in the 15:22 creek and that's why she was wet up to a 15:24 certain line so I think that's why 15:26 they're suggesting that there were there 15:29 were was also talk about the bullet the 16:32 unspent casing that was found there at 16:34 the crime scene and that it was a Smith 16:37 and Wesson it was a 40 caliber um what 16:41 it was a 40 caliber round and one of the 16:45 things they talked about was that one of 16:48 the most common weapons is a Smith and 16:50 Wesson now one problem today with some 16:52 of the law and frankly up until now too 16:56 some of the law enforcement Witnesses 16:57 are sort of hostile to the defense 16:60 and so they'll object to things that are 16:02 ah you probably shouldn't object to that 16:04 you know so and I don't mean they 16:06 literally say objection but for example 16:09 the witness was asked well one of the 16:10 most common weapons in the world is the 16:12 Smith and Wesson isn't it and I mean 16:15 that it's just true and the witness said 16:17 no like oh come on it is too you you 16:20 don't have to win every single point 16:22 that particular thing you could just say 16:24 sure and it doesn't mean you've lost 16:25 your 16:26 case the they talked about the fact that 16:29 the reason that they swabbed the risks 17:32 of Libby was to see whether there would 17:35 be some DNA there from the perpetrator 17:37 somewhere that wasn't maybe her blood 17:39 but maybe where some blood of the 17:42 perpetrator might be mixed in maybe 17:44 they'd be able to collect something but 17:47 as the defense pointed out there was no 17:49 connection to Richard Allen now at this 17:51 point there was an objection sustain 17:54 where the prosecution said look this is 17:56 not really the witness to ask if that 17:59 this stuff was DNA connected to Richard 17:02 Allen you need to ask the DNA witness 17:04 and the judge said sustained ask another 17:07 witness all right I have tons and tons 17:10 of people to thank and I'm so excited 17:12 thank you uh Lisa Williams curious EES 17:16 uh Carol Carolina RN Bethany are all new 17:20 members thank you so much I'm excited to 17:23 have you along Nemesis I appreciate that 17:26 very much and Michael Lon has been a 17:29 member for six months fantastic thank 18:31 you Michael and I'm so glad you're back 18:33 he was displaced by the 18:35 Hurricanes Joe barard thank you very 18:39 much I appreciate the super sticker and 18:40 Marissa Fontaine and a and I will get to 18:44 the others in just a minute let's go 18:46 back to our our talk of the day 18:51 so the let's see we'll head on to um the 18:56 there was talk when in this particular 18:58 witness and did I even tell you who the 18:00 witness was now that now that we're far 18:02 into what the Bri yes I did Brian Oley 18:06 okay so I did I did mention who the 18:08 witness was one of the things was that 18:10 one of the things he was asked was about 18:12 a breach of Integrity of photos from the 18:15 investigation he just said I don't have 18:17 any knowledge of that and I talked 18:20 yesterday they had sort of hinted at 18:22 that from the defense wanting to say hey 18:24 y'all Le some photographs but they they 18:28 are a little a little at risk there 18:30 since there was also an issue related to 19:32 the defense having photographs on a 19:35 table and those getting leaked by 19:36 someone who knew the defense side and 19:38 the judge felt like it was something 19:41 that was directly attributable and that 19:42 the defense lawyers ought to be punished 19:45 for now they were reinstated by the 19:47 Supreme Court they remain Richard 19:49 Allen's attorneys but still it's a 19:51 little Brave to talk about that they got 19:53 nowhere with it since he said he had no 19:55 knowledge of 19:56 it he thought um and this is certainly 19:59 what I thought initially when there were 19:02 sticks on top of Abby and Libby and he 19:06 said he thought they were an attempt at 19:08 concealment having seen them I don't buy 19:11 that I don't buy that at all I mean I 19:13 pictured branches from trees with you 19:16 know leaves or ferns maybe something 19:19 that was big leafy green that would 19:21 maybe cover up the girls they were not 19:23 like this these were sticks just sticks 19:27 that were placed on the girls it would 19:29 would do anything to conceal them 20:31 because there were just I think two 20:32 sticks on Libby three on Abby so it it 20:35 really wouldn't make any sense to put 20:38 sticks on them to conceal them so 20:40 personally that's just my take since we 20:44 I can't show you the pictures I'm going 20:45 to try to give you my very best 20:47 description of what I think about 20:49 it he said he did not see any cut sticks 20:54 or anything like that one thing I wanted 20:57 to note he he talked about a he did 20:00 about not seeing any significance in the 20:02 way the sticks were positioned as you 20:05 know the defense claims that these were 20:08 in the shape of runes that the the way 20:11 they were placed had meaning the way 20:13 they were on top of each other had 20:15 meaning but in this particular case he 20:18 said he didn't see any significance to 20:20 that one of the effects of that is the 20:23 prosecution is Hemming itself in when it 20:25 comes to the possible prosecution of 20:27 anybody else so each time they eliminate 21:30 one of Richard Allen's arguments that 21:33 someone else could have been involved or 21:35 they address that and push that aside 21:37 that then pin that witness down to that 21:39 particular statement of fact and then 21:42 they're stuck that's what they have to 21:44 testify to from here on out or the 21:46 lawyer will say well didn't you say back 21:48 then that you thought that these sticks 21:50 had absolutely no meaning that there was 21:53 no significance no communication it 21:55 wasn't a rune didn't you say that he 21:57 didn't use the word romee but that's 21:59 exactly how the cross would 21:01 go so let's see um the sweatshirt on 21:06 Abby was too large for her the jeans on 21:08 her uh were too large for her the sizing 21:11 was more consistent with the size of 21:14 Libby and that ger and what the witness 21:18 said was it looked like Libby had 21:21 disrobed and then her clothes got put on 21:24 Abigail not 100% correlation because 21:28 Abigail's clothes 21:29 were at least her jeans were in the 22:32 creek so it just was a bizarre situation 22:35 he was not able to determine he said the 22:38 location where that exchange of clothing 22:41 occurred he couldn't figure it out 22:43 either he mentioned one large stick had 22:46 an indentation and he thought that it 22:48 had been moved from near the body I 22:53 could if do you have any idea what that 22:54 means if you do put that in the chat I 22:57 wrote it down and just scratched head 22:59 over it I have no idea what he meant by 22:01 that there was foot traffic in the area 22:04 before Oley got there for his search and 22:07 he never really worked or did anything 22:10 with the shoe Impressions that would 22:12 have been available right there at the 22:14 scene the defense obviously wants a 22:16 point of that to say that this was a a 22:19 shoddy incomplete investigation that 22:21 they fingered Richard Allen without 22:23 really bothering to see whether other 22:26 people might have been involved might 22:27 have been more responsible 22:29 there was no attempt to look for 23:31 fingerprints at the scene they F tree 23:34 they did call it an F tree see I was 23:36 right about that it had red staining and 23:38 a blood spatter expert was finally hired 23:41 by the state this year to look at the 23:44 tree the defense ask the witness well 23:47 why not hire someone earlier why wait so 23:49 long to hire a blood spatter expert and 23:53 he said well we had a guy who knew 23:55 enough about it and there this was again 23:57 an example the witness really arguing 23:60 which I think can make it more difficult 23:02 for the jury because to believe the 23:04 person because if they argue too much 23:06 it's a lot of times better if a witness 23:08 just acknowledges a few things where hey 23:11 life isn't perfect I yes I probably 23:13 should have done that 23:15 earlier all right I already talked about 23:17 the water level he was not able to 23:19 locate a point where one or more 23:22 individuals climbed up that Northshore 23:24 so to set the scene and I I've got 23:29 a slide here that I can show you let's 24:31 pull one up so we can kind of get a look 24:33 at what we're talking about okay so um 24:38 you see where the bodies were and I said 24:40 last night I was going to move this 24:41 further down but I hadn't done it yet 24:43 you if you see kind of go toward the 24:45 middle of that the blue I did where the 24:48 creek is so you could see more easily 24:50 where Deer Creek is located the clothing 24:54 was in the water but on one side the 24:59 south side of the creek the bodies were 24:01 on the north side of the 24:04 creek and the creek by the way just FYI 24:07 flows from right to left from where you 24:11 see Logan home over there toward Freedom 24:14 Bridge that's the direction of the flow 24:16 of the creek so the bodies and the 24:18 clothing were on opposite sides although 24:21 the clothing was in the creek so it 24:23 wasn't it wasn't like it was on the 24:26 shore and so one of the things 24:29 the the girls were forced down the Monon 25:32 High Bridge which you can see in small 25:35 print there oh I no I put it in in red 25:38 too monan high bridge and there's an 25:40 arrow to it it's a long bridge so it 25:43 spans that Creek plus a good bit on 25:46 either side the girls were forced down 25:48 the hill law enforcement believes on the 25:51 south side which would kind of make 25:53 sense for where their clothing was found 25:55 in the creek on the west side but then 25:58 their bodies were found on the North 25:60 side so the question is you know how did 25:02 that happen and where did this exchange 25:05 of clothing happen how where and how did 25:07 all of this happen right in the middle 25:08 of a par where of course there aren't 25:10 that many people around but there are 25:12 other people around and the defense has 25:14 done a good job of getting people to 25:16 talk about how sound carries in there 25:18 and people probably would have heard the 25:20 girls had they screamed so how did this 25:22 happen how exactly did the clothing get 25:24 in the creek and the bodies up on the 25:26 hill and one of the things that the 25:29 defense said well did you locate a spot 26:31 where the girls came on the South Side 26:34 who knows how the clothing happened they 26:36 moved to the north side and then they 26:38 had to go up to the spot where the 26:40 bodies were found and they did you find 26:43 a spot where one or more individuals 26:45 climbed up that Northshore and the 26:47 witness had to say no he didn't find 26:49 that so I think the defense is going to 26:51 argue that the girls were taken out by 26:55 Road in a car from underneath the bridge 26:58 because a road does run under the bridge 26:00 right where they were forced down and I 26:02 think the witness will say they were 26:04 taken somewhere not the witness the 26:06 defense and they were brought back to 26:08 the morning height Cemetery you see up 26:10 there and then probably maybe dead 26:14 already I'm not really sure what the 26:15 argument will be and then they made 26:18 their way down that hill to where the 26:20 bodies are which by the way is extremely 26:22 steep from what we've heard everything 26:24 on that side between morning height 26:26 cemetery and the creek there's a there 26:29 are a lot of very steep areas in 27:32 there one of the most uh most difficult 27:36 things for the defense is the fact that 27:38 that unspent casing was found at the 27:40 scene and matched to Richard Allen's Gun 27:44 now Richard Allen has a number of 27:45 arguments against it one he wants to 27:47 make is that this whole concept that you 27:49 can match an unspent casing to a 27:52 particular gun is just nonsense now that 27:55 witness may or may not be allowed to 27:57 testify judge G has under advisement and 27:59 I don't think she's ruled yet now one of 27:02 the things he he also argues is that 27:05 there isn't really a match they've made 27:07 this up and then a third thing he wants 27:09 to argue is maybe any match was invented 27:12 by you law enforcement and he wants to 27:16 do that by suggesting that there aren't 27:19 enough photographs to show that bullet 27:21 that there are some photographs showing 27:22 it in the ground there are none showing 27:25 it taken out of the ground none showing 27:27 it in the lab just 27:29 results of testing they may actually 28:32 have made a little Headway on that today 28:34 maybe some unexpected Headway from a 28:37 juror 28:38 question I think and I think so did a 28:41 juror that the witness who collected the 28:44 bullet said that they were placed into 28:46 some kind of uh ten or box and the 28:50 witness today testified that the bullets 28:53 were in paper they they were inside some 28:56 paper so one of the arents his team may 28:59 have is that there was a collection of 28:02 this bullet and somehow a different 28:03 bullet was put in there one was in a box 28:06 one was in paper it couldn't have been 28:08 the same that may be an argument that 28:09 his team will have now we're I would 28:12 have to go back to my notes and make 28:13 sure but from a juror question I think 28:15 they remembered the same thing I 28:18 did all right let's keep going and I 28:21 have let me make sure that I am keeping 28:23 up I'm very grateful for your super 28:26 stickers I think you don't even 28:28 understand how encouraging it is that 28:29 y'all do that it just makes me think oh 29:31 good they're really enjoying this so 29:33 this is something they actually want and 29:35 enjoy so thank you Aon M spunky thank 29:38 you for the super sticker and Martha 29:41 Chandler thank you so much ARA Sheridan 29:45 appreciate it and 29:47 Kathy thank you Kathy and Joby ream so 29:52 appreciative and look at that neuros 29:53 site Zena has been a member for four 29:55 months that's great I'm so glad to have 29:58 you as a member for that 29:59 long Barbie's two bits is saying 29:02 grateful for the hardships you endure 29:04 this has been B just unexpectedly 29:08 difficult to bring this uh information 29:10 to you I do think it's important but uh 29:13 we also are probably going to end up 29:14 talking at the end about just some of 29:16 the things that make it difficult to 29:18 report on this and some ways that I 29:20 think I'm might might have to adjust 29:22 just to make it physically possible to 29:24 do all right the there was a 29:29 situation as the defense pointed out 30:31 where a sock was collected at the scene 30:34 and there's a picture of someone holding 30:36 the sock with their bare hand obviously 30:39 not the greatest crime 30:42 scene uh identification and collection 30:46 technique right because the DNA of the 30:49 person picking it up might end up on the 30:51 sock and and confuse some issues so that 30:54 was one thing the defense pointed out 30:56 and that there were no defensive wounds 30:58 anywhere on Libby's body and there was a 30:03 just there were some questions from the 30:05 defense earlier about the bodies and 30:08 whether or not law enforcement had 30:10 looked at bug activity or feral animal 30:12 activity the defense would like to say 30:15 there was no reason there is no reason 30:18 for the prosecution to believe that 30:20 these bodies were at the scene for a 30:24 full day because there was nothing that 30:28 had been happen to the bodies that you 30:29 might expect to happen over the course 31:31 of a full day if they've been killed in 31:34 the afternoon on the 13th and found on 31:37 the 14th maybe there would have been 31:39 more problems with the body like bugs or 31:43 like feral animals but in this 31:45 particular case it was Winter it was 31:47 February so I don't think that argument 31:50 has kind of gone anywhere because I 31:52 think it I think most people think yeah 31:54 you don't really have bugs and the 31:56 witness did say that animal AC it is 31:58 attracted by bug activity which I 31:01 thought was I'd never heard of that I I 31:03 certainly think that feral animals would 31:05 be attractive regardless of bug activity 31:08 if they're hungry but in this particular 31:10 case I didn't think it was a super 31:12 strong argument and there were a ton of 31:15 Juror questions jurors are allowed to 31:18 ask questions in this case and these 31:20 jurors have been very active and they've 31:22 been very proactive with making 31:25 questions that are fact-based and 31:27 they're getting important questions in 31:29 and getting good answers the first was 32:32 did the undergrowth appear to be 32:34 disrupted under Abby to indicate she was 32:36 dressed as she lay there you what a 32:38 great practical question yes that that's 32:40 a good one he said he didn't recall 32:43 that the next question when evidence was 32:45 tested at the lab how is that logged and 32:48 resealed in the same bag and they went 32:50 into detail as I mentioned earlier to 32:52 make sure that the jury understood how 32:55 exactly evidence is collected Catal LA 32:58 and 32:60 preserved next question is it common 32:02 practice to change gloves during 32:04 evidence collection or for that matter 32:06 wear them and the witness said yes and 32:10 was the bullet collected in the envelope 32:12 or a pill pill box and he said an 32:15 envelope and it was never 32:17 removed very fascinating because that I 32:21 remember like the juror that I think 32:23 they said a pill box but I I have to go 32:26 back to my now many notebooks ago juror 32:30 question final one what ident with this 33:32 witness what identifies which I items 33:35 were reopened by a lab and he explained 33:37 it so you can see they have a lot of 33:38 questions around what is what is the 33:41 preservation of evidence what have you 33:43 done to make sure we're only getting 33:44 real good solid evidence that is clean 33:48 that's connected to this particular 33:50 crime scene so we know we're not getting 33:52 the wool pull pulled over our eyes the 33:54 net witness uh Trooper Brian bunner ISP 33:57 for 20 years Indiana State Police he 33:00 oversees the digital forensit program he 33:03 used celebrite to extract data from 33:06 Libby's phone and he got a video and now 33:09 I am going to describe to you what we 33:11 saw in this video up until now in fact 33:14 I'm going to start with let me show you 33:16 what law enforcement had released they 33:18 had released a 4 second clip of a well 33:23 first they started with even less than 33:25 that they started with a clip of a man I 33:27 won't tell you what it says just in case 33:29 you haven't heard I won't predispose you 34:31 one way or the other but there was this 34:33 brief clip and that gets played and then 34:37 um they later they added a little bit 34:40 more to it so that there's a little bit 34:43 more I'm going to play both or just a 34:44 few seconds so let's add that to 34:48 the I'm playing it over and 34:56 overing so that's a still shot from from 34:02 Libby's video and there's a little bit 34:04 of the clip of video first they release 34:06 the 34:11 audio oh that's not very 34:15 loud and I can tell you why in just a 34:18 minute okay so what we heard was the 34:22 whole video and I'm going to tell you it 34:24 was both more important and less 34:28 impactful to the case at the same time 35:31 than I had expected and I'll just kind 35:34 of describe to you what I saw and then 35:36 give you some analysis because we have 35:37 been waiting for this video for seven 35:39 years Libby German one of the most 35:43 courageous people you could ever meet 35:45 filmed this from her own from her own 35:49 phone from her own camera she filmed 35:51 this as she was being abducted as the 35:54 the person was coming toward her and she 35:56 got just a little bit 35:58 the what the law enforcement had 35:60 released was that picture of a man and a 35:02 little bit of him walking then a little 35:04 bit of video and the the reason the 35:07 audio was so hard to hear and so light 35:10 on that second one is that's when they 35:12 first released it but it had not yet 35:13 been enhanced and I will tell you what 35:16 it was really difficult to hear what 35:19 here's what it looked like to me it 35:21 looked like somebody is trying to film 35:23 without letting the per the people know 35:27 that they're trying to film so it's a 35:30 lot of this you know movement around 36:32 there's it flips up and you can see the 36:34 bridge really quickly I could not even 36:37 catch fast enough and I was you know off 36:39 to the side so that could have affected 36:41 it but I couldn't even catch that there 36:44 was a picture of a man there and there's 36:48 apparently Abby and then a man up behind 36:51 comes up behind her and Abby comes 36:54 toward Libby now at that point I don't 36:57 know their voice voices but there's a 36:00 high pitched sort of nervous sounding 36:03 girlish voice and the one thing that you 36:06 could hear clearly on it was some 36:10 whimpering from a girl and then there's 36:13 no path there for me to go to so that's 36:16 where they say law enforcement I would 36:19 believe anyway that the girls were being 36:21 ordered down the hill and when you heard 36:23 that first clip with the audio with the 36:26 enhanced audio it says down the hill 36:29 later law enforcement released yet 37:30 another piece that seems to say guys 37:34 down the hill but it is it needs it's 37:37 the kind of thing that you need to play 37:39 over and over in Loop and play in slow 37:41 motion they've played it twice now at 37:44 trial but you can't just play evidence 37:47 you can't just put evidence out over and 37:49 over again at trial because that becomes 37:52 too much of an emphasis on it and the 37:53 jury should just accept it for what it 37:55 is but I should think if they're given 37:57 any kind of video equipment back in the 37:59 Jury Room that they would play that over 37:02 and over and over again as soon as it's 37:04 released I know that's what I want to do 37:05 because I want to hear what is 37:07 said there was the what it looked to me 37:11 like was that Libby was saw what was 37:16 happening and she thought I better film 37:18 this and she started filming you have a 37:20 lot of it's up then it's the ground and 37:22 it's around and it's sort of chaotic and 37:25 I think she was trying to do it without 37:27 making making it clear that she was 37:29 doing it I'll be honest it definitely 38:31 seemed to me like it was possible that 38:33 there was one person behind her and one 38:34 person in front of them one of the 38:36 things that the defense had said is to 38:38 the jury you won't even be sure the 38:41 words are spoken by Bridge guy the guy 38:44 coming toward them and given how much it 38:46 moves around it's really not possible 38:49 for that to be briefly the the foam pans 38:52 down and you can see that road below 38:55 them where the defense would like to 38:57 argue that there was a vehicle there 38:60 that took them away that they may well 38:02 still argue that I think he did say even 38:04 that he thought Libby had gotten into a 38:06 car and Libby and Abby had gotten into a 38:09 car and gone somewhere but it is a 38:12 terrifying scene and even so you know 38:16 that Libby had the presence of mind to 38:19 do something about it to say I'm gonna 38:21 catch this guy he's not getting away 38:24 with this I'm going to film him and 38:26 people are going to see this and just it 38:30 made you want to stand up and shout for 39:33 Libby good for you I mean what what a 39:37 person you know what a what character 39:39 that just really shows the kind of 39:41 person she is and how much Superior she 39:44 is to whoever did this to her it's 39:47 anyway it was it was moving for that 39:50 reason because you realize and you could 39:53 see from the chaotic nature of it what 39:56 it must have have meant to her to film 39:60 this and why she did it you could really 39:02 see that you could kind of hear the 39:04 panic and what I'm guessing is aby's 39:06 voice but when she says there's no path 39:08 there for me to go 39:10 to there had been talk about one of the 39:12 girls said there's a gun I didn't hear 39:14 that but there was so much that we 39:16 couldn't hear the only audio enhanced 39:18 part was the down the hill I had no idea 39:22 I asked everyone around me most people 39:24 several people anyway even thought that 39:26 this wasn't the this wasn't the video 39:29 there must be another video that's what 40:31 I thought at first I thought well this 40:32 must be just a brief you know I don't 40:35 know how long it was 15 seconds turns 40:37 out I think it was 40 but it was just a 40:39 brief video and then we're going to get 40:41 the down the hill one because I never 40:43 heard the words down the hill in fact 40:45 nobody around me did I mean literally 40:47 nobody heard down the hill they could 40:49 all hear the girls say something like 40:52 there's no path and I the words I got 40:54 were there's no path there for me to go 40:56 to and but everybody heard a little bit 40:60 of that but nobody heard the down the 40:02 hill if it had not been from the 40:03 enhanced audio I don't think those words 40:05 would have been would have been Audible 40:08 for the jury or for 40:11 anybody let's see if there's anything 40:13 else I don't want to leave anything out 40:14 about that because we have waited for 40:16 this for absolutely forever and I do 40:19 think the the most moving part of it was 40:22 what it says about Libby and her 40:24 presence of mind and why she was doing 40:26 this and you can just see that that and 40:28 you can actually just see the the I 41:32 don't even know how you can do it but 41:33 you see the emotion behind why she's 41:36 doing this and you see the reason why 41:38 she's doing this and what it's costing 41:40 to try to do this without letting 41:42 anybody know at the same time I think it 41:45 has less value evidentiary than I had 41:49 hoped I mean I had really hoped there 41:50 would be maybe a clearer shot maybe 41:52 there would be more of it would be just 41:55 something where you could actually tell 41:57 was happening and who was doing what 41:59 because of the way it was filmed and 41:02 because she was afraid I think when she 41:04 filmed it there wasn't anything like 41:07 that but good I mean good on her isn't 41:11 strong enough I mean I I can't even tell 41:14 you what it makes me think about Libby I 41:16 just hat is off to that girl I tell you 41:21 what it has been kind of emotional I 41:23 mean seeing those pictures and 41:25 stuff all right so they also took still 41:29 shots from the video which he had 42:31 enhanced uh but they handed those out to 42:34 the jury so I did not get to see those 42:37 so I can't tell you what was in them one 42:39 of their goals was to make Bridge guy a 42:41 little clearer and I don't know if those 42:44 are that's the same as what was released 42:46 to the public or whether these were more 42:48 enhanced than 42:51 that they one of the things they did 42:54 with Libby's phone was kind of odd they 42:56 they kept doing doing new extractions 42:59 wasn't 100% clear why it may have been 42:03 that celebrite was releasing new 42:05 iterations and so they would get the new 42:08 ver newest latest version and they would 42:10 try her phone again in case any new data 42:13 came up at one point they even reached 42:15 out to Homeland Security and had custom 42:19 Homeland Security do an analysis of the 42:21 phone where they had some licensing or 42:23 some abilities was celebrate that the 42:26 local Indiana State police would not 42:28 have but in this particular case the the 43:32 witness admitted that every time that 43:34 happened there was a little bit of data 43:36 lost there was uh they went through each 43:40 time there was the phone was extracted 43:43 on February 15th and then again February 43:46 21st Homeland Security did it again then 43:48 there was another extraction October 43:50 11th and then another one in 43:53 2019 so in each of these instances there 43:56 was some data lost he said that is true 43:59 each time you plug in or extract data 43:01 you lose some but he also said that 43:05 doesn't mean and he reassured the jury 43:07 that doesn't mean text messages that 43:09 doesn't mean anything that is um the 43:14 kind of stuff you would expect to find 43:15 on a phone you're not losing emails 43:16 you're not losing text messages this is 43:18 underlying data that is being pulled 43:22 out he looked at there was also 43:25 reference really quickly in Cross 43:27 examination to the camera rooll on 43:29 Libby's phone having a photograph of 44:32 Libby Libby's own funeral now I think 44:36 the meaning behind that would be that 44:38 the phone was taken returned to her 44:40 family used and one of the things they 44:42 did was take a photograph with it at her 44:45 funeral and then it was returned to law 44:47 enforcement so I think the the point was 44:50 other people have had this phone family 44:52 members have had this phone so we can't 44:54 really trust the data but since it had 44:56 already been searched once before that I 44:58 didn't feel like that completely undid 44:00 it but we may learn more about that it 44:02 was done so quickly that it was a little 44:04 bit difficult to understand what exactly 44:06 the defense was trying to 44:08 suggest there was also talk in the 44:10 defense cross-examination about the 44:13 longitude and latitude being nowhere 44:16 near the bridge so what the witness 44:18 explained was from a video you can 44:20 actually get location data it's not just 44:24 that you see the bridge it's also that 44:27 you can see where the longitude and 44:29 latitude are and in this particular case 45:31 in Libby's video you see the bridge you 45:34 actually see it briefly as the camera 45:37 pans up and apparently I guess you can 45:39 also see Bridge guy it was so quick and 45:42 the angle so bad I didn't see that but 45:44 like I say that is the video so I 45:46 believe it's on there and longitude and 45:49 latitude suggested it wasn't near the 45:51 bridge well we know it was we could see 45:53 the bridge in the video and so the 45:55 defense is saying well maybe this data 45:58 is unreliable maybe we can't really 45:60 count on it another point that offense 45:03 made was that fine my iPhone was enabled 45:06 and they tried to ask well isn't find my 45:08 iPhone something parents often use to 45:10 trap their children and that was 45:12 sustained there was the witness was not 45:14 allowed to answer that so I think the 45:17 reason that the defense asks this is to 45:19 suggest well you the Germans said we're 45:22 out looking for your daughter why didn't 45:24 you just use find my iPhone 45:27 not only do I think it would be very 45:29 difficult to make a good argument there 46:32 but also I can tell you why I can 46:34 guarantee you that in 2017 I had no idea 46:38 how to use fine my iPhone would it have 46:40 been a great idea should I have probably 46:42 been using it then to trap my children 46:44 probably so but I didn't know how to do 46:46 that in 2017 and I'm sure that's a 46:48 pretty clear answer about why the 46:50 Germans weren't using that if I mean 46:52 they did call AT&T and asked them to 46:55 Ping Libby's phone so they were doing 46:56 all they could to find her I don't I 46:58 don't think the fact that they weren't 46:00 using find my iPhone means anything 46:02 other than that they didn't even know it 46:04 was possible or they didn't know how to 46:06 use it if they did know it was 46:08 possible all right so we've been through 46:10 the data that was lost when the cell is 46:13 turned on and 46:14 off and there were additional 46:16 coordinates found by another sergeant in 46:19 2024 according to a defense question but 46:21 this witness didn't know anything about 46:23 it so we didn't find out that'll be 46:25 interesting I don't see how they can be 46:27 anywhere except at the bridge because we 46:29 see the bridge but maybe these 47:32 coordinates will come later when the 47:34 phone reactivated at 4:33 the next 47:37 morning and there were text messages 47:39 downloaded that would be fascinating if 47:41 we get any information like that the 47:44 duror questions were what was the 47:46 February 13th time when the longitude 47:50 latitude in other words what when you 47:53 got this longitude and latitude data 47:55 what time was it and the answer was 47:58 213 the next question what information 47:01 is on the knowledge seed database and 47:04 there have been talk about the knowledge 47:06 seed being something Apple had installed 47:08 in its in its various um computers cell 47:12 phones and other devices and this 47:15 knowledge seene was not known people 47:17 didn't know it was there so as a result 47:19 celebrite wasn't searching it it wasn't 47:21 looking there then that became known and 47:23 celebrite started to look there so the 47:26 witness just said well when we as soon 47:28 as celebrite knew about it they started 48:30 looking there all right more juror 48:33 questions was the report from 1017 from 48:36 ISP Indiana State Police or Homeland 48:39 Security answer Indiana State Police was 48:43 a knowledge SE database produced by 48:46 Homeland Security and they said we 48:48 believe it was there in the method three 48:50 extraction that the homeland security 48:52 did that was a type of extraction but at 48:56 that point nobody knew about this 48:58 knowledge seed so nobody knew what they 48:00 were looking at or 48:02 for this is obviously one juror with a 48:05 whole lot of technical knowledge so 48:07 that's going to be a hard thing for the 48:09 for the lawyers because now they know 48:11 there's somebody on there and they're 48:12 going to have to figure out how on Earth 48:15 they are going to come get this person 48:17 to to follow along how are they going to 48:20 give them enough information so they can 48:22 buy what is being said next question as 48:26 of two 2017 February 2017 were you aware 48:30 of any deleted photos or videos witness 49:33 said no and do Snapchat photo saved to a 49:36 person's phone one of the one of the 49:39 photographs Libby had taken was a 49:41 Snapchat photo and the witness said well 49:44 it could be in the Snapchat database but 49:46 I don't really know so they didn't get a 49:48 firm final answer on that final question 49:52 could an iPad associated with iCloud 49:54 have pulled the location of the part and 49:58 the answer oh there is one more um so 49:01 then final question did you ever 49:03 photograph the lck stream before you 49:06 locked it to show notifications since it 49:09 was last accessed and he said he didn't 49:11 think so both of those questions were a 49:13 little bit over my head so there you 49:15 have it and for those of you who know 49:17 what they're talking about please put 49:18 that in the chat for all of us so we can 49:21 figure out what it was that the juror 49:23 was talking about all I can say is that 49:25 juror knows a lot more about the 49:27 underlying technology than I 49:30 do all right so miss constru has been a 50:33 member for six months that is awesome so 50:37 glad Miss constru and uh yes I do I am 50:41 really wanting to go to bed tonight all 50:43 right Megan o thank you so much I 50:46 appreciate it chrisy thank you Christy a 50:49 painter's daughter Vicky Smith is a new 50:53 member Kate's meow thank you so much and 50:57 uh Bethany uh has anyone asked to borrow 50:00 my notes yes I've loan my notes out we 50:02 also sit back there I'll be like did you 50:05 get this you know this I'll draw a 50:06 little circle over here that means ask 50:08 somebody else and they'll ask me did you 50:10 get this what time was that what was the 50:13 word he said here so there's a lot of 50:15 camaraderie and sharing I think there is 50:18 widely perceived need to get this 50:22 information out to the public and I 50:23 think most of the people there really 50:25 feel like this is a that's being offered 50:28 that we really want to be able to 50:29 provide this to you so that you have the 51:32 chance to know what's happening so that 51:34 this is a public trial despite the 51:36 difficulties and they are 51:38 many all right so um now after lunch was 51:43 a little quicker we went through a bunch 51:45 of uh Witnesses I mean it wasn't quicker 51:47 in time but it was quicker in terms of I 51:49 think there's less we have to go over 51:51 I'm trying to give you a full and 51:52 complete yet brief overview of the day 51:56 so um where did Bethany thank you so 51:59 much and wow y'all are overwhelming me 51:02 thank you so much Joanne thank you I 51:05 appreciate it and Jenny thank you Jenny 51:09 and anyone anyone that's a great name 51:12 Robert Elliot thank you for the super 51:14 sticker and Kathy thank you very much I 51:18 have many many people I'm gonna dive 51:19 back in because I don't want everybody 51:21 to get bored as I look at this but I 51:23 just want to tell you how much I 51:24 appreciate each and every one of you all 51:27 right so after lunch Jeremy Chapman 51:30 testified he is an Indiana State Police 52:32 assistant administrator and AV 52:34 technician he is the guy who enhanced 52:37 the video using some programs he found 52:39 three frames as I mentioned earlier he 52:41 could enhance he found one audio clip 52:44 that he enhanced that was the only one 52:46 he enhanced was the male voice at the 52:48 end and I did wonder why because there 52:50 was other there were other statements by 52:53 a female voice and it was a young 52:56 sounding very high pitched female voice 52:59 which is why I thought maybe it was more 52:01 Abby than Libby but it could have been 52:03 both of them and also Libby may have 52:05 been focused on trying to get this on 52:07 film one of the things we heard about 52:09 her I think from her grandmother was 52:10 that she had been she had watched a show 52:13 where there was a female detective or 52:15 someone who was helping the police solve 52:16 crimes and she wanted to do that and 52:19 ironically she did she did or at least 52:22 she she did her best we'll put it 52:24 whether she's managed or or the ISP a 52:27 manag she sure did she sure did her 53:31 best he believes the words that are said 53:34 are gued down the hill there was an 53:35 objection the prosecutor asked him what 53:38 do you believe the male is saying 100% 53:41 objectionable I think I couldn't believe 53:43 that was allowed the objection was 53:45 unduly suggestive and yeah yeah and also 53:49 it's something it's the province of the 53:51 jury to decide what he says but he gave 53:53 his opinion guys down the hill one of 53:56 the things they've been talking about in 53:57 the trial was girls down the hill and no 53:00 one had heard that before and this 53:03 witness said guys down the hill okay the 53:06 enhanced images um are changed he said 53:10 and he did take some sounds out in order 53:12 to enhance IT background noise and so 53:14 forth he filtered out the next witness 53:16 Riley Vorhees lived in Deli in 2017 she 53:21 was a 10th grader and she was in the 53:23 park the day that Abby and Libby were uh 53:27 objective they were they were younger 53:29 they were eighth graders but you know 54:31 roughly friends of hers on social media 54:33 for example they knew of each other and 54:35 she personally went every day to the 54:37 trails that particular day she went with 54:39 two of her sisters and Brianna 54:41 Wilson they saw a person she remembered 54:44 the person that day when they were 54:47 almost to freedom Bridge so 54:50 let's will this one do it for us yeah it 54:53 will okay so see Freedom bridge to the 54:56 far left left there that's one end of 54:59 the park and then the park runs from 54:01 Freedom bridge to your right there both 54:03 on the North and South sides of that 54:05 Creek and it kind of runs along there 54:08 there trails and then there's right in 54:10 the middle the monan High Bridge where 54:12 the trail can cross to the other side so 54:15 the girls were that day uh the girls who 54:20 were taking a walk went started at the 54:22 freedom bridge and they were almost back 54:24 to it for the day they had left home 54:26 around 11:30 and they were almost back 54:28 to it back to Freedom bridge when they 55:31 saw somebody who didn't say hi back 55:33 glared at me and seemed not to be a 55:36 happy person they F she this witness 55:38 found it unsettling and she said to your 55:40 friends he seems to be unhappy and she 55:43 said her friends didn't seem to notice 55:45 him she was the only one who noticed him 55:49 the person she saw was suspicious or 55:51 stood out because he was overdressed for 55:53 the weather his face was covered he was 55:56 wearing a hat and he was 55:59 Caucasian he had a mask over the tip of 55:01 his nose not covering his eyes and a hat 55:04 and a heavy coat with a hood and his 55:06 hands in his pockets she said admitted 55:09 she had seen the bridge guy image it was 55:12 widely distributed and that she realized 55:16 as soon as she saw it she said that it 55:18 was the man she saw on the trail now the 55:23 cross-examination wow uh it was it out 55:26 just kind of take you through it the 55:28 witness said she had to be home by 2:30 56:32 she had to be at her friend Brie so she 56:34 was at her friend Bree's house dropping 56:36 Bri off by 2:20 so she could be home by 56:39 2:30 so that meant she would have gotten 56:41 to the opening there at the end of 56:43 Freedom bridge at the right where the 56:46 Trail Ends there at about 2:15 p.m. she 56:49 said so the man had to have been there 56:52 before that and whether he was leaving 56:55 or not that may be debated he was in all 56:58 this is what she said in her statements 56:59 he was in all black she said he seemed 56:01 dark maybe because of his unhappy 56:04 Behavior she told Steve mullen's The Who 56:08 law enforcement one of the lead 56:09 investigators Steve Mullen that he she 56:12 was he the man was wearing a black 56:14 hoodie pants a mask and a face covered 56:16 by black cloth and the defense pointed 56:21 out that she could only see the man from 56:24 here to here so that's not exactly a 56:26 great way to identify somebody when all 56:28 you can see of them is that much just 57:30 upper part of the nose and the eyebrows 57:32 and the eyes so the 2017 in 2017 she 57:36 gave a statement to law enforcement and 57:38 the defense went through this in which 57:40 she said the person she had seen the man 57:43 was in his early 20s or 30s was a bigger 57:47 build was 57:49 muscular and had dirty blonde hair 57:53 sticking out of the hoodie that was 57:55 Curly 57:57 that is kind of if you were to put 57:59 Richard Allen on one end of the spectrum 57:01 and that person just subscribed on the 57:03 other end of the spectrum they are way 57:06 miles apart he is very small about 5 57:10 foot five his lawyer said he's um small 57:14 he not muscular he has dark hair 57:16 although right now he's totally shaved 57:18 at the time he had a beard and according 57:22 to the net statement that she made he 57:25 had curly hair brown eyes wrinkly face 57:27 and a square jaw then in a 2021 58:31 statement uh she talked about different 58:34 things she even stated she thinks her 58:36 memory has been affected by what she has 58:39 seen it was I I tell you it was so 58:43 inconsistent her testimony it just 58:46 really didn't make a lot of sense um she 58:49 said she saw the bridge guy at 2115 the 58:52 person she believes is Bridge guy but 58:54 who is a young person with curly blonde 58:56 hair sticking out of a hoodie who's 58:58 muscular and of a bigger build so she 58:01 says she saw him at 2115 and maybe she 58:03 should 58:05 um let's see she's not one who 58:09 photograph oh oh oh this was a really 58:13 interesting point remember that Libby F 58:17 photographs or videos Richard Allen if 58:20 it's Richard Allen she she videos bridg 58:22 guy I should put it that way I think it 58:24 was at 58:25 213 meanwhile at 2:15 on the other end 58:29 of the park these girls are seeing this 59:33 person they say as Bridge guys so the 59:36 times don't match on that and though it 59:39 was a little odd to me they didn't lean 59:42 into that and say well this was 59:43 absolutely Richard Allen don't you think 59:45 this is exactly who you saw because then 59:47 they have him at 2:15 and he's on the 59:49 other side of the park when the video is 59:52 being made by 59:54 Libby and I have to double check my time 59:57 I think that's what it was was 213 she 59:59 asked the question about 59:01 213 the the witness's explanation was 59:04 well she'd just never been asked to 59:06 estimate stuff before she was young that 59:09 she saw bridg guy in the media and she 59:11 was certain it was the man she had seen 59:13 that the pictures she admitted the 59:15 pictures she saw might have influenced 59:17 her memory but now she is positive the 59:19 man she saw was Bridge guy and the 59:22 defense just said okay you you say 59:25 Bridge guy right and she said yeah and 59:27 they said okay and they showed a picture 59:28 of bridge guy who's wearing a a lighter 60:31 jacket not light but like light blue 60:33 maybe and jeans and they said you said 60:36 he was wearing black jeans a black 60:37 jacket a black hat and a black mask and 60:40 none of those are on bridge guys so that 60:42 was the way the cross-examination went 60:45 the next witness Brianna Wilbur also 60:47 there that day with the first witness 60:50 Vorhees and talked about at 12:43 taking 60:53 a picture of the high bridge and then at 60:55 1:26 six on their way back taking a 60:58 picture next to one of the benches more 60:60 sign posting of the time frame when they 60:02 were in the park that someone caught her 60:05 attention on the way out it a warmer day 60:07 but this person was wearing too many 60:08 layers in a deer jacket I'm not sure 60:11 what that is and the way he was walking 60:13 caught her attention he was walking with 60:15 a purpose everyone says hi to each other 60:18 hi back but this guy didn't and gave her 60:20 weird Vibes she told law enforcement 60:24 however that the guy had something 60:26 covering ing his nose and mouth had his 60:28 head down you couldn't see his hair was 61:30 he maybe wearing a cap blue or black 61:33 jacket and blue pants so it was really 61:36 different stories the cross-examination 61:39 said well you know was by Baldwin one of 61:42 um a lot of fun to watch him do a 61:44 cross-examination and he said the guy 61:46 creeped you out right shows a picture of 61:48 BG and you stood as high as his upper 61:51 forearm isn't that what you told law 61:53 enforcement she said' well I just 61:55 guessed at it he said 'well you you 61:57 would say he was a taller guy right and 61:59 she had to kind of at least admit that 61:00 much and you told law enforcement he was 61:03 muscular in the August 2020 statement 61:05 she said yeah and a younger guy said 61:07 well I'm not sure well did you tell and 61:10 so it went like that and she says well I 61:12 was just 16 she said well but did you 61:15 see a guy who was 20 and brown and curly 61:18 hair and she didn't recall the bottom 61:20 line is if she only came up to the guy's 61:23 upper forearm then that was a really 61:26 really tall fellow I mean that guy had 61:28 to have been very 61:30 tall the next witness Betsy 62:33 Blair uh said she had seen a man on the 62:35 bridge and she saw two girls Abby and 62:38 Libby she found out they were later she 62:40 didn't know them at the time at least I 62:43 don't think she knew either of them she 62:44 may have known Libby I don't think so 62:46 though okay she saw an image of rich guy 62:49 from the image from Libby's phone and 62:52 said I recognized him as a guy I saw on 62:54 the bridge she saw him 50 feet away and 62:56 he looked at me like he was expecting 62:58 somebody or something and I felt like he 62:01 wasn't looking for me so I turned around 62:04 that's relevant because the defense has 62:07 made a suggestion that and they haven't 62:09 fully fleshed it out but one of the 62:11 arguments I think they would have made 62:12 about third party culprit is that if 62:15 only they've been allowed to fully 62:17 present this evidence and they will make 62:20 at least a profer of it that they 62:21 believed the girls were meeting someone 62:23 at the park and maybe that person 62:25 abducted them 62:28 they at this point she said she'd 63:31 already mentioned sketch once in the in 63:34 the direct examination and 63:37 now the now she was asked they asked you 63:40 to identify the person and it was hard 63:42 right this well this is her first 63:43 mention in the prosecution asked that 63:45 and she said yeah they asked me to do a 63:47 sketch huge issue for for both sides 63:51 because the prosecution has gotten the 63:53 judge to rule out the sketches that were 63:55 made bu an artist the defense asked for 63:58 that they wanted one sketch in they 63:01 didn't want both primary sketches and in 63:04 fact there ultimately were four 63:05 different sketches all of which looked 63:07 in my view wildly different none of them 63:09 looked exactly the same so on 63:12 cross-examination she stepped into that 63:15 again the sketch issue the the 63:18 cross-examination asked well you 63:20 recognized he was in his 20s or 30s 63:22 right and have brown poofy hair and she 63:25 and that you said he was more boyish 63:27 looking and beautiful in appearance he 63:29 was of average height he didn't seem 64:31 short he had no facial hair didn't see a 64:33 hat on him so you can see these are just 64:36 all contradictory with each other and 64:38 they're contradictory with Richard Allen 64:40 the prosecution is trying to make all of 64:42 these into one person Richard Allen none 64:46 of these subscriptions seem to fit 64:47 Richard Allen and they don't even match 64:49 with each other so that's going to be a 64:51 serious 64:53 challenge she she said when and this was 64:56 where I think they may have just opened 64:59 the door wide to those sketches when I 64:02 said he was younger this person I was 64:04 describing I was comparing two sketches 64:08 so she offered that on defense and she'd 64:10 already mentioned it during the direct 64:12 so I don't know they asked the judge to 64:15 let it in they had a sidebar I mean we 64:17 couldn't hear but you could tell what it 64:18 was and then after the jury left for the 64:20 day they said to the judge well we need 64:22 to we need to raise that issue of the 64:24 sketches clearly the judge judge had 64:26 ruled against them said no sketches are 64:28 coming in and they wanted to argue it 65:30 and then I think they said they would 65:31 just file something in writing and so 65:33 we'll get a brief or something like that 65:36 will be filed so there were several 65:38 juror questions what was your distance 65:40 to the man on the bridge 50 feet in that 65:43 distance how could you determine he was 65:46 looking for someone great question right 65:49 really good and the witness had a pretty 65:52 good answer she said his posture you 65:53 know how he was standing he was facing 65:55 Upstream 65:57 the next question you stated the man 65:59 have poofy hair could you have mistaken 65:01 a hat for hair so somebody looking to 65:05 connect Bridge guy with a hat to this 65:08 poofy hair description and she said yes 65:11 she might have mistaken 65:13 that there was some quick testimony then 65:16 from Steve Mullen who has already been 65:18 on the stand once one of the lead 65:20 investigators about reviewing video from 65:22 the hooer Harvest store on February 14th 65:25 so what they did was when they were 65:27 trying to figure out where the girls 65:30 were and shortly after they found them 66:32 they pulled this video from the hoer 66:34 Harvest store which is right across from 66:36 an entrance to the park and they watched 66:39 cars go back and forth along a road that 66:41 runs along the side of the park so they 66:44 found numerous people who matched with 66:48 their descriptions or they were able to 66:50 pinpoint time so for example they talked 66:52 about finding he talked about finding 66:54 Betsy Blair's vehicle Kelsey Germans 66:57 that's Libby's sister who dropped her 66:58 off at the park so that pinpointed when 66:01 the girls arrived at the park and Sarah 66:03 carboss so we'll put all of that into 66:06 our timeline which will be coming 66:08 someday soon as soon as I have time to 66:10 get that well all right we'll do a very 66:13 few questions I am worn out so I'm 66:15 headed to bed uh Allison thank you so 66:18 much anyone who's ever minut attat 66:20 wishes they could have filmed their 66:21 attackers I'll say and you know it is so 66:24 true everyone wishes they had a 66:26 friendship like aby's and Libby's I will 66:28 tell you what one of the things I loved 66:29 the most was the testimony that Abby 67:33 didn't have a cell phone Libby did well 67:35 you know Abby wanted a cell phone she 67:37 was in eighth grade and her mother 67:39 testified that she was gonna get one 67:40 when she got to high school but for now 67:42 no cell phone so Libby put both of their 67:46 fingerprints their lib um Abby could use 67:49 her phone anytime her fingerprint opened 67:51 Libby's phone I just oh I loved that 67:54 loved that Tom 23 thank you so much Tom 67:58 23 for the super sticker uh Paulie 1984 67:02 how does the prosecution explain the 67:04 phone coming back on at 4:30 a.m. there 67:06 is no explanation yet I feel sure we'll 67:09 get something but for right now no 67:12 answer yet uh QuickBooks Online tips and 67:15 tricks is a new member thank you Wes 67:19 Jackson thank you so much Wes and Sharon 67:23 thank you very much uh clever nit name 67:26 I'll be there Saturday line set yes I am 67:29 going to I do need I've gotten a few 68:31 people writing me I'm so busy I don't 68:33 even have time to write you back also I 68:35 don't have my phone all day but I am 68:37 going to ask for some help doing line 68:38 sitting because I'm not going to be able 68:40 to continue this and I would like to 68:42 cover the trial as much as possible I'm 68:44 G to have to make some adjustments I 68:46 don't know exactly what but I'm going to 68:48 do something so yes clever nickname uh 68:51 write me on my gmail which you'll find 68:55 under if you go to the lawyerly page on 68:57 YouTube you can find under the I forget 68:60 if it's under about or Community 68:01 somewhere in there you can find that 68:04 information La Mac thank you I 68:07 appreciate that and it's been an honor 68:09 to cover it but also one of the harder 68:11 things I've ever done I never 68:14 experienced so much physical involvement 68:16 in deal in you know doing something 68:19 connected to the law it's not this much 68:23 uh thank you Glen f it does need eyes on 68:25 it I totally agree with you and thank 68:27 you Nel T y'all are y'all are 68:29 overwhelming me and I'm so appreciative 69:32 simcha thank you cara B thank you very 69:36 much Cara and 69:38 tiger and uh Michael uh yes I did see 69:42 that and Laura H thank you yeah I do 69:46 need to get some rest all right we'll 69:48 we'll come over and answer a few 69:49 questions and then I have some more 69:50 people to thank after that so let's 69:52 check out what some of the questions 69:54 are and let's see oh I totally forgot 69:58 put your question marks at the front and 69:59 that gives me a much better chance of um 69:02 finding them so please put them in the 69:05 front all right I'm and many of you 69:08 already knew that so I'm grateful for 69:09 that thank you all right I'm not going 69:12 to go way back I'm just going to start 69:13 right here wherever I find the next one 69:16 um you hope I haven't eaten I just 69:19 wanted to say thank you oh well thank 69:20 you I appreciate 69:22 it and let's see Diane is asking if 69:26 there's a retrial or appeal do you think 69:27 it will be made public thank you for all 69:29 you're doing so you know it's the 70:32 decisions around the publicity and the 70:34 way the trial has been conducted have 70:36 been made by the judge so unless the 70:38 judge changes I would imagine that the 70:40 net trial would have many of the same 70:42 characteristics unless there's a 70:44 specific request from the appellant 70:46 court to change something about it and 70:48 either in order or just comments made so 70:50 that the judge feels it has to be 70:52 changed the other option would be that 70:54 the judge could be removed but three 70:56 times the Supreme Court has refused to 70:58 do that and it's really really hard to 70:01 get a judge removed I would I would 70:03 think that would be very difficult and 70:05 the Supreme Court has made it clear it 70:06 will be 70:08 difficult all right let's see who else 70:10 um Maria could the hair be transfer 70:13 evidence I would I think the what 70:16 they're looking at is the root of the 70:17 hair itself may have DNA but it's 70:20 probably going to match a female 70:22 relative of Libby so it doesn't seem 70:24 like it's all that significant it like 70:26 it's going to change anything for the 70:28 defense D Laura how do the attorneys 71:31 decide who to line up as Witnesses does 71:33 the prosecution put on the strongest 71:35 part of their case first that is such an 71:38 interesting question done Laura and that 71:39 really depends on what they have to 71:41 prove one of the things you have to do 71:43 is lay a foundation for evidence so you 71:46 can't just come in in the first day and 71:47 have somebody come up and say okay so 71:49 there was DNA then it matched to soand 71:52 so well DNA of what what are you talking 71:54 about so first first you have to find 71:57 the hair then you have to collect the 71:59 hair and then you have to show the chain 71:60 of custody of the Care sometimes that's 71:02 all one witness and sometimes it takes 71:04 more than one then you have to have the 71:05 DNA tested and that's when you'll be 71:07 able to give finally the answer so there 71:10 are foundations that you have to lay 71:12 before you can go ahead and put some of 71:15 this information into evidence so that 71:17 confines you to some degree what they 71:20 clearly have decided to do is start with 71:22 just the facts what happened to Abby and 71:24 Libby and taking you through their day 71:28 how their bodies were found the just the 72:31 finding of the video they're doing it 72:33 very methodically very slowly marching 72:35 through the facts of the case we are not 72:37 anywhere near really Richard Allen yet 72:39 we haven't really found out anything 72:41 about Richard Allen's connection we've 72:43 had a lot of talk about Bridge guy but 72:46 nothing that says Bridge guy is Richard 72:48 Allen we've had a lot of talk about 72:50 unspent casing but nothing yet to say 72:52 unspent casing connects to Richard Allen 72:55 that's the kind of thing that we're 72:56 waiting for and that is just a decision 72:59 made by the prosecutor they just decide 72:01 whenever and Ellis are you surprised by 72:04 the lack of Hard Evidence I am surprised 72:07 there's plenty of evidence in the sense 72:09 that there is a lot of information from 72:12 the crime scene but the connection to 72:14 Richard Allen isn't really strong but 72:17 obviously we really have to hear those 72:19 confessions are they as unhinged was he 72:22 as mentally unstable as he thought we 72:24 will just find out 72:28 uh so Jennifer where was the Len L was 73:31 it somewhere else I don't know what the 73:33 Ellen L is I'm sorry I can't answer that 73:37 um pug and spice do you think ra will 73:39 take the stand under no circumstances 73:42 will he take the stand not only is that 73:44 generally something that people advise 73:46 against but I'm still not convinced that 73:48 he is all that U mentally recovered yet 73:52 so I I just think it would be disastrous 73:54 if he were to attempt to do that 73:56 uh Wine Woman Nappa thank you for the 73:59 super sticker I let me head back over 73:02 and there may be some questions in there 73:04 as well so let me make sure that I get 73:06 everybody okay 73:08 so 73:10 um Laura thank you I appreciate that I 73:13 can't remember exactly where I was let's 73:15 see I think I thanked KS but if not 73:17 thank you KS and Chuck thank you and 73:21 Alex Alexis is a new 73:23 member uh no one thank you thank you I 73:26 appreciate it very much uh 73:29 CBC Wine Woman Napa thank you I better 74:32 get these up quick while I'm talking and 74:34 Penny deal I appreciate all of you very 74:37 very 74:38 much B Campo super sticker thank you 74:42 bampo and Laura and Eminem y'all are 74:45 overwhelming thank you so much I really 74:47 do appreciate it so let's answer just a 74:49 couple more questions and then I am out 74:51 of here until tomorrow let's see what 74:54 else don't for oh there we go bet C Su 74:57 why is access to this specific case so 74:59 restricted it relates to the decisions 74:02 the court has made uh at the beginning 74:04 if you one of the first things I talked 74:05 about and you'll have to scroll back if 74:07 you're coming into the live late is that 74:09 in the front of the courtroom are these 74:11 two things sitting on either side of 74:13 this raised bench and then there's one 74:15 in the courtroom and they have black 74:17 trash bads wrapped on them I what is 74:20 that I'd heard from somebody what are 74:21 those black trash bags and I was 74:24 puzzling over that and asked somebody 74:25 the courtroom it turns out they're TVs 74:27 or cameras they're cameras so this could 74:30 be televised but the judge has decided 75:32 it's not and the judge has decided 75:34 there's no overflow room with video 75:36 projection into the Overflow room 75:38 there's no audio that's going to be 75:40 released to the public as the trial 75:42 progresses or video with audio that 75:44 would be released nothing is going to be 75:46 released so at this point it's just very 75:48 locked down it's very difficult to get 75:50 in a lot of seats has have been allotted 75:53 as they should be to Media which doesn't 75:55 include YouTube and to the families both 75:59 sides so those seats are taken and then 75:02 there's just not a lot left over so it's 75:04 difficult to get 75:05 in um Beyond fire do you think Bridge 75:08 guy is a killer or just a random I am um 75:11 going to I always try to maintain 75:13 neutrality until we get to the end of 75:15 the case so I'm going to try to do that 75:17 again here and I don't know the answer 75:20 certainly it looks bad we'll put it that 75:23 way uh Beth Bo ask when transparent 75:26 is critical can the American citizen 75:28 complain somewhere there are certain 75:29 individual things that you can complain 76:31 about for example uh you can complain 76:33 about maybe the release of the audio 76:35 recordings anything that there's a 76:37 statutory right to most of this will 76:39 just be reserved for appeal around the 76:42 evidence that's kept out but a lot of 76:44 this stuff isn't really anything I mean 76:48 assigning only 24 seats to the public 76:51 and refusing to put rules around it well 76:53 there's nothing really to appeal on that 76:55 there's nobody who has oversight of that 76:57 that's just a choice being 76:00 made all right let's see Patty bromfeld 76:04 after seeing the video do you think it 76:05 looks like Richard Allen you 76:09 see when it's not slowed down you see 76:12 less of Richard Allen than you did in 76:15 the clip that the government had given 76:17 out earlier that the state had passed 76:19 out I there was nothing extra in it that 76:22 suggested it was Richard Allen it's the 76:24 same videotape we saw before and you 76:26 just really can't tell there are stories 76:29 around here that everybody in the entire 77:33 I don't know 40 mile radius they would 77:35 put Bridge guy up and the when it was a 77:38 still shot and they would put a person 77:40 of the picture of somebody else up and 77:42 they were person after person after 77:44 person was compared to bridge guy and 77:46 everybody thought well this could be the 77:48 guy my neighbor my friend my 77:49 brother-in-law whatever could be Bridge 77:52 guy and that was some that he apparently 77:56 had characteristics that people thought 77:58 looked like anybody and everybody so I I 77:00 don't think there's enough from uh for 77:03 me to be able to say for sure that 77:05 that's Richard Allen I can't tell you at 77:07 the time one other thing he did have 77:10 facial hair so that isn't ruled out with 77:12 Bridge guy but is ruled out by some of 77:14 the descriptions by the witnesses that 77:16 the person didn't have facial 77:19 hair all right so uh Evan marer juile 77:23 Bridge guy got close to Aly in the video 77:25 you mentioned you heard a girl with a 77:27 high-pitch voice squeal um yeah it was 77:30 more like a whimper like almost a cry 78:33 and right before she says I don't that 78:36 whatever those words were about you know 78:37 there's no way for me there's no path 78:39 for me to go 78:41 down uh so how close would you say the 78:43 suspect got honestly you can't tell 78:46 anything about it and you can't really 78:48 hear what he says they enhanced it 78:51 otherwise you would have no idea you can 78:53 hear what I'm guess in is Abby but 78:56 nothing else and the part where 78:58 supposedly Abby says there's a gun or 78:00 someone does I don't hear that maybe it 78:03 was just a rumor it wasn't anything that 78:06 ever came out in court documents that I 78:07 heard Evan Mah do you believe oh same 78:10 question can the FBI agents initially 78:12 involved in the case be called yes I 78:15 think they could be if they're under 78:16 subpoena Beth hammer do you find the 78:19 local people helpful or unfriendly to 78:21 the YouTubers well I think for the most 78:23 part people have been unbelievably and 78:25 nice and I've seen that sort of 78:27 uniformly among the people I some among 79:31 some people I think there's some 79:32 resentment of the YouTubers and the idea 79:35 that they've come in from the outside 79:37 but I think there's also recognition 79:40 that this is an important case and I 79:41 think a lot of people here want eyes on 79:43 it and they definitely want it explained 79:45 they want someone to come in and say 79:47 Here's what's happening and the who has 79:49 time to go and sit in the trial all day 79:51 for a month and so if someone with a law 79:54 degree will do that for you and give you 79:56 their analysis in the end of the day 79:58 what they think is happening I think a 79:59 lot of people do appreciate that I've 79:01 been overwhelmed by how kind people have 79:03 been really just how nice locals have 79:05 been unbelievably great and it is a 79:08 pretty area just beautiful 79:11 place so that's my opinion uh jobber 79:15 floof wow that's a great name why does 79:17 everybody put all their chairs coats 79:19 pillows and such used while waiting in 79:22 line what where well where do you put 79:23 all that stuff so well um you there's 79:27 there are many things that aren't 79:28 allowed so you can't bring them you 80:30 can't bring stuff that you otherwise 80:32 would maybe want to have with you you 80:33 have to be careful to only bring things 80:35 that the court 80:36 allows uh all right Rea Bell please 80:40 subscribe Richard Allen and wife as 80:41 you've observed them and the answer is 80:44 they're not right together so you 80:46 there's not a lot you can see about 80:48 their interaction she sits a couple of 80:50 rows back um she a beautiful woman very 80:54 pretty woman and uh Richard Allen you 80:57 know is a lot of times I can't see him 80:59 at all based on depending on where I'm 80:01 sitting he's a bunch of people between 80:04 Richard Allen and me he sits 80:06 shoulder-to-shoulder with one of the 80:08 prosecutors all the time they moved the 80:09 two tables really tight together because 80:11 they need some room to move around on 80:13 the side near the jury so I mean he's 80:16 sitting right there next to the 80:17 prosecutor Prosecuting him it's a really 80:20 strange Affair and then behind him sit a 80:22 couple of guards so that's how they've 80:24 um made it safe and he's right there at 80:27 the council table always neat and 80:30 presentable will his voice be heard in 81:32 court on audio yes Mary I believe so 81:35 during the confessions we are going to 81:36 have some recordings of his 81:38 conversations with his wife and mother 81:40 from the jail so I do think we're going 81:42 to actually see 81:44 that Julie Melvin yes I do know Julie 81:47 Melvin and uh she has a great daughter 81:51 and uh or daughter's boyfriend or 81:53 son-in-law and I've enjoyed talking to 81:55 Julie there like there have been an 81:57 amazing number of people I mean I have 81:59 lists and lists of just these people 81:01 were all nice to me it just goes on and 81:03 on people have been really nice and 81:05 definitely uh Julie is 81:08 included all right so let's see how can 81:12 a defense not be able to produce 81:13 evidence I I think it was a mistake I do 81:16 feel like they should have been allowed 81:17 to present some at least of the third 81:20 party culprit evidence and I feel like 81:22 it was too broad to just say nothing you 81:25 know you don't get 81:27 anything all right some quick thanks Viv 82:30 super sticker thank you so much um 82:33 Teresa troll would like to see Libby get 82:35 a postumus honorary doctorate and 82:37 forensics wouldn't that be awesome that 82:39 would be so awesome I just I am 82:43 overwhelmed by that 82:44 girl Cara B and Raspberry Beret are both 82:48 Rasberry Beret vintage are both new 82:50 members welcome we are glad to have you 82:53 join us and thank you very much Spence 82:56 for the fun for people to stand in line 82:58 for you yes we we need that group we 82:01 have got to have that group because I 82:02 won't be able to keep it up at this pace 82:04 and I want to you know I want to 82:06 continue to cover this I think it's 82:08 important and I want to be able to get 82:09 that information to you but honestly no 82:12 one could sustain this with just you 82:13 know two hours of sleep on a night it's 82:15 just not even possible and the cold is 82:18 killing me I am not from around here we 82:21 put it there my blood is much thinner 82:26 uh let's see um Sr in the chat says they 82:29 live 30 minutes away and are willing to 83:31 line sit for me starting at midnight a 83:33 that's awesome that's fantastic so Sr 83:36 just needs to um communicate with me and 83:39 I I'm I'm asking because I'm at the end 83:42 of what I can do and I need some help 83:44 and so that's I don't know how else to 83:46 get it so I would really appreciate that 83:48 very much well I will see y'all tomorrow 83:50 night I'm trying really hard to go right 83:52 at 7 so that we can keep to our schedule 83:56 but I I can't always do it just because 83:59 sometimes by the time I get home from 83:00 court depending on how late we go and I 83:02 get my notes already ready so I can talk 83:04 to you it may take a little bit longer 83:06 but I'm aiming for seven and I will see 83:08 you soon I will see you tomorrow night 83:10 at 7 83:28 feel