============================================================== Guild: Pony Community Leaders Channel: Community / off-topic ============================================================== [3/8/2023 6:52 PM] imiya https://tenor.com/view/rainbow-dash-my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-mlp-my-little-pony-scream-gif-12071485 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/rainbow-dash-my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-mlp-my-little-pony-scream-gif-12071485 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ZQ7NlZcpFylxpnnYruLNDHDoQwv7mty3U2D8IKpNvtg/https/media.tenor.com/Z5ti6QQmoIQAAAAD/rainbow-dash-my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic.png [3/8/2023 6:52 PM] imiya first [3/8/2023 6:52 PM] astrolazuli NOOO [3/8/2023 6:52 PM] stormshadow_cote NO SHIPPING?! [3/8/2023 6:52 PM] stormshadow_cote :riot1::riot2: [3/8/2023 6:52 PM] Deleted User finally [3/8/2023 6:52 PM] imiya applejack: rainbow dahs we have been dating for 10 years [3/8/2023 6:52 PM] mrblitzy :BuzzNervous: [3/8/2023 6:53 PM] Deleted User ive wanted this for ages [3/8/2023 6:53 PM] romulus4444 {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/861309488664281119.png [3/8/2023 6:53 PM] Deleted User nice to meet u [3/8/2023 6:55 PM] Deleted User おはようございます [3/8/2023 6:55 PM] astrolazuli Nice to meet you all [3/8/2023 6:55 PM] astrolazuli And yeah I wanted this too for some time [3/8/2023 6:56 PM] emperor_sombra {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/930936097184292985.png [3/8/2023 6:56 PM] Deleted User i just noticed your friends with tgs (my best friend) [3/8/2023 6:56 PM] Deleted User So how is everyone doing [3/8/2023 6:56 PM] Deleted User im fine [3/8/2023 6:57 PM] romulus4444 i bought pants [3/8/2023 6:57 PM] astrolazuli Yeah, although tbh I don't talk to them lel [3/8/2023 6:57 PM] astrolazuli Am gud [3/8/2023 6:57 PM] imiya i'm trying to rip icons of items from a baby game and failing. where the heck are they [3/8/2023 6:57 PM] romulus4444 the only thing better than good comfy pants are good comfy socks [3/8/2023 6:57 PM] astrolazuli Trying not to embarrass my fellow mods here [3/8/2023 6:57 PM] astrolazuli (They try to keep me locked) [3/8/2023 6:58 PM] Deleted User im like the only person from adip who actually talks here [3/8/2023 6:59 PM] astrolazuli I don't usually talk here [3/8/2023 6:59 PM] astrolazuli Until today [3/8/2023 6:59 PM] astrolazuli Now I'll never shut up [3/8/2023 7:00 PM] Deleted User Congrats on your promotion Romulus and Emperor Sombra {Reactions} SombraExcite (3) [3/8/2023 7:00 PM] zatillias hi [3/8/2023 7:00 PM] astrolazuli Yiis [3/8/2023 7:00 PM] astrolazuli ggs on le promotion [3/8/2023 7:00 PM] astrolazuli and henloo [3/8/2023 7:00 PM] Deleted User atleast i dont have to join 90 mlp servers just to talk [3/8/2023 7:01 PM] romulus4444 https://manebooru.art/images/4015856 {Embed} https://manebooru.art/images/4015856 #4015856 - artist needed, safe, character:izzy moonbow, species:pon... https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/-rQvrtgXIEhUyj9bY1TVAqyT0irJQ5vak9b1GdrZa_g/https/static.manebooru.art/img/2021/10/13/4015856/large.png [3/8/2023 7:01 PM] Deleted User It's Thursday now for me [3/8/2023 7:01 PM] romulus4444 it was wednesday, my friends [3/8/2023 7:01 PM] Deleted User It's 00:01 [3/8/2023 7:02 PM] Deleted User US is still behind 5 hours [3/8/2023 7:02 PM] Deleted User so it's 19:02 there in the East Coast [3/8/2023 7:02 PM] romulus4444 it is 18:02 here [3/8/2023 7:02 PM] Deleted User Central? [3/8/2023 7:02 PM] romulus4444 still a whole quarter of a wednesday left for me [3/8/2023 7:02 PM] romulus4444 texas yeah [3/8/2023 7:02 PM] Deleted User なるほど [3/8/2023 7:03 PM] Deleted User means "I see" in japanese [3/8/2023 7:03 PM] nedemai :TiaLurk: [3/8/2023 7:03 PM] Deleted User Nedi [3/8/2023 7:04 PM] nedemai hihi [3/8/2023 7:04 PM] emperor_sombra :lurkboop2::lurkboop1: {Reactions} RainbowBoop TiaLurk [3/8/2023 7:05 PM] Deleted User wait we have an 18plus session? [3/8/2023 7:05 PM] Deleted User https://tenor.com/view/huh-heh-interesting-confused-confusion-gif-22475884 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/huh-heh-interesting-confused-confusion-gif-22475884 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/Aac50FsAfJfXjC1g9oDjRvseGOK3O_onUxyKHBIZsxo/https/media.tenor.com/eML-M9iCFIIAAAAD/huh-heh.png [3/8/2023 7:06 PM] romulus4444 my brain went "soudesuka" when i was trying to remember the kana even though now i see it's "naruhodo" [3/8/2023 7:06 PM] romulus4444 it's been forever since i took japanese [3/8/2023 7:07 PM] Deleted User I'm still learning japanese [3/8/2023 7:07 PM] Deleted User I only know some basic japanese [3/8/2023 7:07 PM] gamoray ah [3/8/2023 7:07 PM] gamoray I'm about a year into learning Japanese at this point [3/8/2023 7:08 PM] gamoray all I can say is that it gets soooooo much harder [3/8/2023 7:08 PM] Deleted User 私はマーエストロハーモ二ーです [3/8/2023 7:08 PM] shotgunner yo [3/8/2023 7:09 PM] Deleted User also guys [3/8/2023 7:09 PM] slimpickens_ general chat? sweet. Wuzzup fellow moderators [3/8/2023 7:10 PM] stormshadow_cote The role is only to show the server portal channel that links to servers that feature 18+ content [3/8/2023 7:10 PM] Deleted User Me no want いやらしい stuff here [3/8/2023 7:14 PM] comradesparkle Only in terms of the server portal [3/8/2023 7:16 PM] elongatedmusket Huh [3/8/2023 7:16 PM] elongatedmusket Nice nice [3/8/2023 7:16 PM] langou :ponkextrawave: [3/8/2023 7:17 PM] zatillias {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1031461697464045699.png [3/8/2023 7:17 PM] romulus4444 what that's a great sticker [3/8/2023 7:17 PM] dragonsreborn333 hoi [3/8/2023 7:17 PM] elongatedmusket Kinda happy we added an off topic general chat. [3/8/2023 7:18 PM] zatillias Ty! [3/8/2023 7:18 PM] fluffymarsh Twilight Sparkle Cause Yes {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1083181912388014202/E1doLaJXsAIfgmq.jpg?ex=66172c44&is=6604b744&hm=e85953068dc05e561a241ea4ca7c9c3f545aa40c7c8827df44a22099480311e7& {Reactions} 💜 [3/8/2023 7:18 PM] ch33z3gutz twilyyy [3/8/2023 7:18 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/poyo-gif-19744785 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/poyo-gif-19744785 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/eht8cHWBscemSevh0Keye6rADGn67X2D8bsD2Q32jOc/https/media.tenor.com/ZLc6RhfxGZ8AAAAD/poyo.png [3/8/2023 7:19 PM] phoenixfire42 We will have to see how chaotic it gets in here :ajdrunk: [3/8/2023 7:19 PM] elongatedmusket Woona :LunaBlep: {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1083182223399866368/541B6BD6-4814-4AC5-885A-96A33E96A12F.png?ex=66172c8e&is=6604b78e&hm=b4921c421731676655b21d6cf3a8cf3353034523b1c2062e0ce7937083ebd26b& [3/8/2023 7:19 PM] Deleted User aww.. [3/8/2023 7:19 PM] fluffymarsh :PinkieMuhaha: [3/8/2023 7:21 PM] phoenixfire42 It might be too much to have many images tbh. I suppose things could be arranged, but at some point we just turn into a normal server for mods :Derp: Not the worst end goal, but it's something to think about. [3/8/2023 7:21 PM] gamoray *oof* [3/8/2023 7:21 PM] fluffymarsh let's all learn about {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1083182787391131719/Screenshot_20230308-012433.png?ex=66172d15&is=6604b815&hm=1e36b62ced2bf939c3049abf7a83582bbae9fff5d299a4da805eb6bb57726c2f& [3/8/2023 7:21 PM] elongatedmusket Ngl, I wouldn’t oppose that. [3/8/2023 7:22 PM] phoenixfire42 We'll see what direction things go in over time. [3/8/2023 7:23 PM] elongatedmusket :Celblep: [3/8/2023 7:24 PM] fluffymarsh Now a lil Challenge {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1083183485214269490/medium_1.jpg?ex=66172dbb&is=6604b8bb&hm=d41bccf35c561bb6aa81ea24f0baec787eabcd614210d668ab7d6021b98f4680& [3/8/2023 7:24 PM] astrolazuli Walter White [3/8/2023 7:24 PM] astrolazuli welp I tried [3/8/2023 7:24 PM] Deleted User twilight sparkle [3/8/2023 7:24 PM] elongatedmusket Twilight sparkle [3/8/2023 7:24 PM] elongatedmusket Auto correct and muscle memory are amazing things [3/8/2023 7:25 PM] elongatedmusket Sometimes [3/8/2023 7:25 PM] ch33z3gutz twilight sparkle [3/8/2023 7:25 PM] elongatedmusket Sometimes I hate autocorrect [3/8/2023 7:25 PM] ch33z3gutz wooo yeaaa wooo [3/8/2023 7:25 PM] Deleted User https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/885023837148827670/1051735681640173628/Blue_Twist_Dancin.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/885023837148827670/1051735681640173628/Blue_Twist_Dancin.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/885023837148827670/1051735681640173628/Blue_Twist_Dancin.gif?ex=661cbe2e&is=660a492e&hm=f1b1dd71054352eaab5d374b97aaf2e37b3d4602bb2b66fec890025b68116676& [3/8/2023 7:30 PM] slimpickens_ twilight epwtkle [3/8/2023 7:30 PM] zatillias Twighlight Sprinkle [3/8/2023 7:30 PM] gamoray oof [3/8/2023 7:31 PM] gamoray close [3/8/2023 7:31 PM] elongatedmusket Twinkle sprinkle [3/8/2023 7:31 PM] slimpickens_ Sparkle Sparkle [3/8/2023 7:31 PM] zatillias Starlight Glimmer [3/8/2023 7:31 PM] langou Twknkbngslatnbd [3/8/2023 7:31 PM] slimpickens_ bless you [3/8/2023 7:32 PM] langou thx! :rdlol: [3/8/2023 7:32 PM] ryfyloh Twinkle Sprinkle [3/8/2023 7:34 PM] langou twilight qparkle [3/8/2023 7:34 PM] langou much better! [3/8/2023 7:38 PM] dragonsreborn333 twilight sparkle [3/8/2023 7:47 PM] astrolazuli pinkerton pietro [3/8/2023 8:12 PM] vuisammie Oh there is a channel here now. [3/8/2023 8:20 PM] Deleted User Any news about G5 show this year? [3/8/2023 8:20 PM] imiya not *officially* yet [3/8/2023 8:20 PM] imiya i have some *alleged* news [3/8/2023 8:21 PM] imiya dont hold your breath for a mym spring release (rejoice if it does happen) but perhaps an early summer release instead [3/8/2023 8:23 PM] Deleted User I have anime to entertain me till then [3/8/2023 8:23 PM] Deleted User weeblaif [3/8/2023 8:24 PM] imiya its a rough schedule. im not sure how well kids are grasping the gen [3/8/2023 8:25 PM] Deleted User It's also not as remarkable of a gen compared to G4 imho [3/8/2023 8:25 PM] Deleted User I was losing interest after the movie [3/8/2023 8:25 PM] imiya i have a lot of complicated thoughts on it as the one who started the server just a few weeks before the bedsheet leaks [3/8/2023 8:25 PM] Deleted User I can relate [3/8/2023 8:26 PM] evil_gavier the bedsheet leak was so fun [3/8/2023 8:26 PM] imiya im primarily an older generation fan at this point and i was hoping that they would have leant a little harder into the toy potential. they didnt. its the same five characters over and over again. its tiresome [3/8/2023 8:26 PM] imiya that was an excellent time [3/8/2023 8:26 PM] imiya pretty much everything leading up to the movie was a blast [3/8/2023 8:26 PM] evil_gavier yeeee [3/8/2023 8:27 PM] imiya hasbro is looking a little weird overall now. theyre licensing out LPS (which was a HUGE moneymaker in the 2000s, sort of like mlp was) to basic fun. they said in an investor meeting theyre working on licensing stuff out instead of making toys in-house, which im not a huge fan of [3/8/2023 8:27 PM] imiya idk. ceo shifts. management shifts. i get that wizards of the coast and entertainment is important but its like you guys used to be a toy company or something [3/8/2023 8:28 PM] evil_gavier tbf for like 5 years wotc was the only profitable part of hasbro [3/8/2023 8:28 PM] imiya gee i wonder why when they do nothing but *make 90 fucking pinkie pies* [3/8/2023 8:28 PM] imiya i can promise you that all of the kids i have pinkie pies. please. any other character. [3/8/2023 8:28 PM] evil_gavier Never! More Ponk equals More Good [3/8/2023 8:29 PM] evil_gavier who cares about the money anyways, Mtg Secret Lairs got that covered [3/8/2023 8:29 PM] imiya if they dont care about money let me direct the toyline *grabby hands* [3/8/2023 8:30 PM] evil_gavier lol [3/8/2023 8:31 PM] evil_gavier btw, I hope the longer time they're taking to make mym means they want it done right™️ and not a development hell situation [3/8/2023 8:32 PM] imiya i would hope so as well. i do like that weve seen increased animation quality as it goes on and the writing quality is better as well (the first few mym episodes are so ROUGH and all over the place) but the huge lapse is just a shame, it makes me lose interest [3/8/2023 8:33 PM] imiya alongside a lackluster toyline i keep putting my money elsewhere or focusing on my other older toy collections [3/8/2023 8:33 PM] imiya sucks to have to balance not crunching your employees and giving good stories with maintaining your consumerbase [3/8/2023 8:35 PM] fluffymarsh Mods server to chill lol [3/8/2023 8:55 PM] Deleted User What would you do? [3/8/2023 8:55 PM] Deleted User If you were in command of Hasbro? [3/8/2023 8:55 PM] imiya https://tenor.com/view/kinda-funny-cracking-knuckles-getting-ready-greg-miller-gif-14429632 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/kinda-funny-cracking-knuckles-getting-ready-greg-miller-gif-14429632 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/hWe3YEeCgo2mj7IBIXmuRL2oNDengv7D-yi7DvOvuP8/https/media.tenor.com/90gnR_8zgg4AAAAD/kinda-funny-cracking-knuckles.png [3/8/2023 8:58 PM] imiya 1. Increase the quality of the toys. The core of the brand is its a hair play toy for girls who wanted ponies. That was the whole original idea. Starting in 2015 the hair quality went to absolute shit (this was after the TAILS ONLY were getting polyprelene hair in 2013. Then they all started getting polyprelene manes). This eliminates that aspect of the brand because if you've tried to brush the hair of one of those ponies, it gets frizzy, it doesn't withstand normal play. I've seen hundreds of played-with ponies from all years of activity. Encountering hair beyond repair from the 80s through the 2000s is exceedingly rare. Hair beyond repair from ponies straight out of the box, that I purchased myself? Ridiculously high. Either we put nylon back in their hairplugs or we don't do hair at all. I prefer the older ponies because the hair play aspect is big for me, I enjoy that they have hair and I enjoy styling it, washing it. If they were just action figures I wouldn't care so much. Thats the damn *point*. Put nylon back in the toyline. [3/8/2023 9:01 PM] imiya 2. The variation in the toys is despicable. G5 has so many characters yet to actually have mainline releases: Rocky, Posey, Misty is only seeing a toy come out this year after her character being revealed for about a year. Good on them for making Opaline, too, although her hair quality is really poor so I'm not buying the toy. :P I understand that they want to follow the "brand blueprint" and try to make toys inspired by media, fine, I agree that's a good way to sell toys. Stop making nothing but the mane six and the mane five. That's enough. Have you seen kids play with toys, like, they do this all the time with LPS, they record their play sessions and put it online. Girls tend to act out drama, interpersonal drama (source: was a little girl once). They are going to need characters, bullies, sisters, long lost aunts. Hard to play that all out if all you have are three Twilights and one Pinkie Pie. [3/8/2023 9:02 PM] imiya G4 was EGRIGIOUSLY bad with this. Mayor Mare, Zecora only got one release in 2012, what's his name, Starlight's boyfriend, he never got a mainline toy. None of the parents got toys (could you imagine family sets? Those would sell great! Kids love drama! Applejack parent set come on). [3/8/2023 9:03 PM] Deleted User I find g5 more girly than G4 [3/8/2023 9:03 PM] romulus4444 i'm curious who starlight's boyfriend is [3/8/2023 9:03 PM] evil_gavier Sunburst didn't get a toy??? 😔 shameful [3/8/2023 9:03 PM] romulus4444 OH [3/8/2023 9:03 PM] Deleted User Hitch went from Chad to lame dragon foster father [3/8/2023 9:04 PM] stormshadow_cote Let my closest friend's studio develop their fan game :Lunagrump: [3/8/2023 9:04 PM] imiya 3. Goes with the above point, increased congruity with the media. FIM would have been great if they followed it more closely to guide their releases, instead we got no great accessory sets. Seriously, family sets, as above. Episode sets, to act out episodes? Villains vs heroes set! Here's a set with Pinkie Pie and Maud Pie, so you can act out the episode! (Maud Pie got two releases total and none of them were very accessible in the same way $20 sets are. One was a TRU exclusive with flowers all over her face and the other was in a big TRU exclusive set with a bunch of other ponies). For all the complaints about how toyetic G4 could be "Buy our toys!" they did an absolutely abysmal job at it. [3/8/2023 9:04 PM] phoenixfire42 Tbh I'm kind of worried about the future of G5. Hasbro is down bad right now because of Wizards. I can't fathom how they did it but they turned one of the most beloved companies ever into a meme in a year and it is destroying them. [3/8/2023 9:04 PM] imiya Come on, punk rarity as a toy? That would've been great. [3/8/2023 9:05 PM] Deleted User They want to [3/8/2023 9:05 PM] imiya Oh 100% same. I think they demoted MLP from the highest status to "not doing as well as we want but could do better :)" which is like how did you fuck it up. You guys had like NOTHING 2019 and pony life sounded like a flop [3/8/2023 9:05 PM] Deleted User Milk the franchises [3/8/2023 9:05 PM] imiya (I liked pony life! But i was clearly in the minority) {Reactions} PotionNovaYay (4) [3/8/2023 9:05 PM] romulus4444 i am beyond surprised that they never made some of the locations or sets into playsets [3/8/2023 9:05 PM] imiya It's baffling, right! [3/8/2023 9:05 PM] evil_gavier Pony Life is so underrated [3/8/2023 9:05 PM] romulus4444 i ran a panel at EFNW about how pony life is good and you should watch it [3/8/2023 9:06 PM] phoenixfire42 It's actually worse than it looks because Wizards of the Coast is 72% of Hasbro's earnings. [3/8/2023 9:06 PM] Deleted User I watched pony life [3/8/2023 9:06 PM] Deleted User It was something... [3/8/2023 9:06 PM] imiya https://tenor.com/view/kermit-the-frog-yeah-gif-15523731 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/kermit-the-frog-yeah-gif-15523731 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/xbFm8C54WfJs98_tALq_UWGpoSXEn36GCUEuluXRde8/https/media.tenor.com/SzA7MujXLmAAAAAD/kermit-the.png [3/8/2023 9:06 PM] phoenixfire42 If it goes down it will take everything with it [3/8/2023 9:06 PM] phoenixfire42 And it is [3/8/2023 9:06 PM] imiya what r u doin hasbro [3/8/2023 9:07 PM] phoenixfire42 Fyi Wizards of the Coast is Magic the Gathering and Dungeons and Dragons company. That is basically all they are. [3/8/2023 9:07 PM] romulus4444 :potionbread: [3/8/2023 9:07 PM] imiya They have the Peppa Pig license how are they messing up this bad [3/8/2023 9:07 PM] imiya I don't know what goes on in transformers land. Sorry transformers people i'm a girls franchise fan at heart [3/8/2023 9:07 PM] romulus4444 also how do they suck so bad at releasing their own music [3/8/2023 9:07 PM] imiya someone will have to tell me how they're doing there [3/8/2023 9:08 PM] phoenixfire42 They just suck bad in general. They need a clean sweep of their upper management clearly. [3/8/2023 9:08 PM] imiya honestly aside from mlp hasbro has no weight in the girls franchise areas rn. furreal friends exists. lps is getting passed to competent toy companies (basic fun <3) [3/8/2023 9:08 PM] imiya funny cuz i thought they just had one [3/8/2023 9:08 PM] imiya :hascocks: [3/8/2023 9:08 PM] imiya well the ceo at least [3/8/2023 9:09 PM] imiya peppa pig "girls franchise" i guess i don't really count preschool stuff like cocomelon or bluey as "girls or boys". feels neutral enough [3/8/2023 9:09 PM] phoenixfire42 Not enough obviously. Anyone who can turn Magic the Gathering into something unprofitable is the biggest financial idiot on Earth but here we are. [3/8/2023 9:09 PM] imiya i remember when we watched the investor presentation in 2021 and they cut away to a video for their wizards segment and nothing played for like ten minutes 😭 [3/8/2023 9:09 PM] gabrizzy ooh now we got a general chat [3/8/2023 9:12 PM] evil_gavier eh, mtg is doing fine. Standard is fun for the first time in years apparently, they've reined in on the "FIRE design" powercreep, and Commander releases keep printing money [3/8/2023 9:13 PM] phoenixfire42 It's not about the game being fun. The product is fine actually. It's about how it is being managed. We have the disaster of 30th, we have huge price hikes, we have Amazon warehouse dumps instead of distributing the product to local game stores, it's just a complete disaster. [3/8/2023 9:14 PM] evil_gavier yeah they're not exactly building much trust from the secret lair bullshit, the "accidentally" losing like 80% of their online articles, and the $1000 proxies. But they're far from unprofitable [3/8/2023 9:14 PM] imiya i remembered when some weebly site made reimagined versions of the best gift ever line. cries i wish we had this . something substantial even if its rereleases (all we got were unaccessorized pearly ponies) {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1083211221790101544/ssp-bge-rdo_orig.png?ex=66174790&is=6604d290&hm=e9032f282662b0245203622e9bca2f74139dc9c16ef50f9251d0ed294095f56b& [3/8/2023 9:14 PM] phoenixfire42 The problem Gav is that these decisions are demonstrably killing local game stores, and that will creep back into their profits. [3/8/2023 9:15 PM] phoenixfire42 A lot of LGSs can only stay open because of and live and die with Magic. [3/8/2023 9:15 PM] phoenixfire42 And their decisions have made it hard to sell it [3/8/2023 9:16 PM] evil_gavier yeah I had two lgs close in my city, and the third one had to end their partnership because it was hemorraging money for no reason [3/8/2023 9:17 PM] phoenixfire42 I can not believe the Amazon dumps happened. Whoever did those should have been fired. The very idea that you would undercut your own distributors on price online is one of the stupidest calls ever. A lot of places just stopped buying it in bulk after that. [3/8/2023 9:17 PM] evil_gavier short term gains amirite 🤑 [3/8/2023 9:18 PM] imiya *looks up the mtg dump* of course theres a mtg finance subreddit [3/8/2023 9:18 PM] phoenixfire42 Maybe it's all a "big brain" ploy to make themselves look bigger right now so they can sell the company. All it really did though was make them look smol brain and lose half their stock value in less than a year. [3/8/2023 9:19 PM] phoenixfire42 Hasbro is down 41% in the last year and I would not be surprised if Wizards is the entire reason for that [3/8/2023 9:19 PM] phoenixfire42 They are getting memed on by banks lmao. [3/8/2023 9:20 PM] evil_gavier 😔 and not ever for the right reasons [3/8/2023 9:20 PM] imiya i just looked up their 4th quarter earnings and it says down by 26% in consumer products. my guy it was just christmas what do you mean *down by 26%* [3/8/2023 9:21 PM] phoenixfire42 It's a complete disaster. If things to not change Wizards will be the end of Hasbro because as I said it's already 3/4 of all their money. [3/8/2023 9:21 PM] imiya > MAGIC: THE GATHERING had a record year and exceeded $1 billion in revenue for the first time, led by strong growth in tabletop gaming. [3/8/2023 9:21 PM] phoenixfire42 The online game is probably a big part of that, if not the vast majority of it [3/8/2023 9:21 PM] imiya mlp isnt even mentioned :( {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1083213031288360970/image.png?ex=6617493f&is=6604d43f&hm=4b576eb7746d226da858f09c806b0d909012158b551cbacbfa873ed7b4f4b911& [3/8/2023 9:21 PM] phoenixfire42 The physical game is dying [3/8/2023 9:22 PM] phoenixfire42 I mean for sure it's still a big thing, but the community can only take so much. [3/8/2023 9:23 PM] phoenixfire42 They did the same thing to D&D and it's already hurting them. They tried to take away the creative commons license for D&D and charge people royalties for any content with it. Apparently it is "under monetized." Way to speedrun killing a brand. [3/8/2023 9:24 PM] imiya i do remember hearing abt that :izzhee: really good way to ruin goodwill w a community [3/8/2023 9:24 PM] imiya what a move. what do they think was gonna happen [3/8/2023 9:24 PM] phoenixfire42 What's particularly bad in D&D's case is that it's a pencil and paper game. People will just play a new game. They don't *need* D&D at all to play, the only reason people bought the books was sheer goodwill. [3/8/2023 9:25 PM] phoenixfire42 Goodwill that has evaporated [3/8/2023 9:26 PM] phoenixfire42 Magic can bounce back, but tbh idk how D&D ever does. Another game like Pathfinder is just gonna get all the modules now and that is GG. [3/8/2023 9:27 PM] phoenixfire42 They had the sure brilliance to try and come at Critical Role about it [3/8/2023 9:29 PM] evil_gavier at least they won't be missing too much money from that, as it was undermonetized already lmao [3/8/2023 9:29 PM] phoenixfire42 There was a mass exodus from D&D beyond subscriptions with it. That had to cost them millions. [3/8/2023 9:31 PM] phoenixfire42 Very deep convo I know :Derp: I have a habit of doing this :LunaLaugh: It's just something I think about when I think about the future of G5. It's such a minor part of their profits in an already turbulent company. [3/8/2023 9:32 PM] dragonsreborn333 I roll to seduce the dragon [3/8/2023 9:32 PM] romulus4444 :EmberConfused: [3/8/2023 9:32 PM] phoenixfire42 1️⃣ [3/8/2023 9:32 PM] dragonsreborn333 ahhhhhhhhhhh [3/8/2023 9:32 PM] dragonsreborn333 *burns* [3/8/2023 9:33 PM] evil_gavier to a crisp, this one. Rest in ashes, flirty one {Reactions} 😂 [3/8/2023 9:35 PM] Deleted User its bad when i like pony life more then g5 [3/8/2023 9:36 PM] Deleted User the only good thing is that we can upload mlp episodes now on youtube and they wont get taken down at all [3/8/2023 9:36 PM] Deleted User lol [3/8/2023 9:36 PM] Deleted User still dont know why they did that [3/8/2023 9:36 PM] ch33z3gutz hows everyone [3/8/2023 9:37 PM] dragonsreborn333 bored with uni work [3/8/2023 9:37 PM] phoenixfire42 The problem I have with Pony Life is that it doesn't feel to me like it justifies its own existence. It feels like all it is is an attempt to stretch the G4 characters for more money. They don't treat them with respect in it either imo. If you like it though :dashshrug: [3/8/2023 9:37 PM] Deleted User i dont watch pony life much only if im bored sometimes [3/8/2023 9:37 PM] Deleted User g5 is just idk [3/8/2023 9:37 PM] Deleted User i just dont find it as interesting as g4 [3/8/2023 9:37 PM] Deleted User i feel bored alot of the time [3/8/2023 9:37 PM] ch33z3gutz i think thats valid [3/8/2023 9:37 PM] ch33z3gutz i like g5 [3/8/2023 9:37 PM] Deleted User its like they missed smoething [3/8/2023 9:38 PM] Deleted User a bit of something that mlp did that made it good [3/8/2023 9:38 PM] Deleted User kinda like something like bluey did [3/8/2023 9:38 PM] Deleted User idk [3/8/2023 9:38 PM] Deleted User idk where im going with this [3/8/2023 9:38 PM] Deleted User its just missing something [3/8/2023 9:39 PM] ch33z3gutz for me i think its just that consistency and the lesson-esque thing [3/8/2023 9:39 PM] ch33z3gutz like the "dear princess blahdy blah blah" it just doesnt feel as consistent as that [3/8/2023 9:40 PM] ch33z3gutz and despite the fact that its supposed to be a continuation of g4, some things don't add up and that bothers me [3/8/2023 9:41 PM] gabrizzy i feel like i'm the only one here who doesn't watch the show at all [3/8/2023 9:41 PM] phoenixfire42 It's because G4 had a visionary behind it. Lauren (even if ultimately overruled on some points) was able to create a better vision for the art. G5 feels like it is profit driven by executives not by a visionary. [3/8/2023 9:41 PM] ch33z3gutz thats definitely true [3/8/2023 9:42 PM] ch33z3gutz though i would be lying if i said i didnt love the characters individually [3/8/2023 9:42 PM] phoenixfire42 There is some passion behind G5 but it feels like it is hiding behind business calls that hinder it [3/8/2023 9:42 PM] ch33z3gutz yeah i can see that [3/8/2023 9:42 PM] ch33z3gutz ive been meaning to read the idw alongside but i dont know where to find it [3/8/2023 9:43 PM] phoenixfire42 I just order the physical issues :Derp: [3/8/2023 9:44 PM] phoenixfire42 Honestly a good analogue for this is SpongeBob. The show was way better before Hillenburg left plain and simple. [3/8/2023 9:45 PM] phoenixfire42 It got soulless like G5 when he did [3/8/2023 9:45 PM] phoenixfire42 Art almost demands one person to stand behind it and shape it. [3/8/2023 9:46 PM] ch33z3gutz i still feel hopeful that it'll have growth in the future [3/8/2023 9:47 PM] phoenixfire42 There's still a potential for it to get better, but I'm not optimistic. I'd like to be proven wrong though. [3/8/2023 9:49 PM] slimpickens_ I still stand by the fact we only technically have half a season of G5 lol I have hopes as the series progresses it gets better and finds its own [3/8/2023 9:49 PM] ch33z3gutz wdym we only have half a season? [3/8/2023 9:49 PM] phoenixfire42 Well sure, but I am not impressed at all by what we have. The episodes were not that good. [3/8/2023 9:49 PM] slimpickens_ I mean we only really have the, like 7, netflix episodes rn [3/8/2023 9:49 PM] ch33z3gutz i *really* liked the movie but the episodes need growth, and i don't care to watch the youtube shorts [3/8/2023 9:51 PM] phoenixfire42 I watched like 30 of the YT ones then I just got bored [3/8/2023 9:51 PM] stormshadow_cote I'm liking Tell Your Tale far more than Make Your Mark, and yeah the movie was really good {Reactions} ☝️ flutterthis FSnod [3/8/2023 9:51 PM] slimpickens_ I stopped around the Halloween special Only watch as many as I did because I did an event for it lol [3/8/2023 9:52 PM] phoenixfire42 I mean, Tell Your Tale is probably better yea but it's hindered by 5 min length [3/8/2023 9:52 PM] ch33z3gutz if im to watch any of them its probably going to be making a foal of me and the hallowen one [3/8/2023 9:52 PM] ch33z3gutz i watched like the first 7 and then i felt tired [3/8/2023 9:55 PM] phoenixfire42 So yea I guess the TL;DR of my rant has been that I have low confidence in Hasbro or G5 living up to anything anymore. It shouldn't hurt what we already have though :dashshrug: [3/8/2023 9:55 PM] slimpickens_ At least Transformers fans are eating well [3/8/2023 9:56 PM] ch33z3gutz as usual [3/8/2023 9:57 PM] slimpickens_ Hasbro just announced their new “Gamer Edition” figures [3/8/2023 9:57 PM] phoenixfire42 What does that even mean [3/8/2023 9:57 PM] slimpickens_ lmao [3/8/2023 9:58 PM] slimpickens_ Its such a terrible name [3/8/2023 9:58 PM] ch33z3gutz its for gamers only [3/8/2023 9:58 PM] ch33z3gutz you try to buy it as a non-gamer and your kicked out the store [3/8/2023 9:58 PM] ch33z3gutz i think that'd be funny [3/8/2023 9:59 PM] slimpickens_ In reality they are just figures modeled after the War For Cybertron Games (they look dope) but the inclusion of “Gamer Edition” is dumb and makes me laugh [3/8/2023 10:00 PM] slimpickens_ Make sure you have your gamer card on hand before you go to checkout [3/8/2023 10:00 PM] ch33z3gutz you gotta login to your steam account for them to verify lol [3/8/2023 10:01 PM] slimpickens_ kek [3/8/2023 10:12 PM] epiclper Finally :smugset: [3/9/2023 11:06 AM] astrolazuli what's a brony btw? I keep hearing that term [3/9/2023 11:09 AM] zatillias A male fan of MLP basically [3/9/2023 11:24 AM] dragonsreborn333 What’s a scalie [3/9/2023 11:25 AM] captainmuista :CheemsPoint: [3/9/2023 11:25 AM] captainmuista It's you [3/9/2023 11:25 AM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/star-wars-noo-gif-19734251 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/star-wars-noo-gif-19734251 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/96NTBzSvrwbdDqgU_A00dxHIhE77cI5hF0mc394TKeA/https/media.tenor.com/yhcXUDmFngwAAAAD/star-wars.png [3/9/2023 11:26 AM] dragonsreborn333 Ight then a birdie is you 🫵 [3/9/2023 11:26 AM] ebonyrose https://tenor.com/view/mlp-my-little-pony-dun-dun-dun-dramatic-rainbow-dash-gif-12104451 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/mlp-my-little-pony-dun-dun-dun-dramatic-rainbow-dash-gif-12104451 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/_ZEWNhw4P-t9_2j5RH2IrRGXS3OkBqt9Eg76UUOEgMY/https/media.tenor.com/XyKgDxdove8AAAAD/mlp-my-little-pony.png [3/9/2023 11:27 AM] itsskyliner :horseman: [3/9/2023 11:28 AM] dragonsreborn333 Skyler [3/9/2023 2:25 PM] Deleted User おっす [3/9/2023 4:46 PM] romulus4444 :izzyimmagetya: [3/9/2023 4:49 PM] zatillias :izzypeek: [3/9/2023 4:53 PM] vuisammie :Izzyspin: [3/9/2023 6:15 PM] langou :izzymwahaha: [3/10/2023 12:07 PM] Deleted User hi. [3/10/2023 2:56 PM] romulus4444 Howdy [3/10/2023 3:22 PM] stormshadow_cote :aj_howdy: [3/10/2023 3:49 PM] Deleted User https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxocyVr4-VM {Embed} Tyvak https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxocyVr4-VM Dark Cloud Soundtrack - "Departure" "Departure" Composed by Tomohito Nishiura. https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/KlYsUw8NlkV5tOKzKN2wdpdzaA6DFDC53BKSxOMJr1c/https/i.ytimg.com/vi/XxocyVr4-VM/hqdefault.jpg [3/15/2023 1:52 AM] Deleted User Huh 5 days without speaking [3/15/2023 1:52 AM] Deleted User :Pony_Community_Leaders: [3/15/2023 2:02 AM] elongatedmusket Sad [3/15/2023 6:52 AM] langou :FS2Keks: [3/18/2023 10:11 PM] onyxdash we have an off topic now? [3/18/2023 10:11 PM] onyxdash :hurr: [3/18/2023 10:11 PM] elongatedmusket Yis :foxscrem: [3/18/2023 11:37 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/cosmic-ban-ban-hammer-gif-14966695 [3/18/2023 11:37 PM] dragonsreborn333 embed pls [3/18/2023 11:38 PM] zatillias epic embed fail [3/18/2023 11:38 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/587564376274239493/934502544011591710/a_220e81c201db4fdee1871bba27064072.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/587564376274239493/934502544011591710/a_220e81c201db4fdee1871bba27064072.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/587564376274239493/934502544011591710/a_220e81c201db4fdee1871bba27064072.gif?ex=661ac350&is=66084e50&hm=b9107ccd8b4a1cef61fcc926dc1419fe21b583187d7da8b87f8294ab459868ad& [3/18/2023 11:38 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/728677795814703117/885291720546336840/image0.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/728677795814703117/885291720546336840/image0.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/728677795814703117/885291720546336840/image0.gif?ex=661713aa&is=66049eaa&hm=1ae7e6246b9aec81046f9407afdd61481b7eb2cd5fba70ade6f528cb35c9e56d& [3/19/2023 4:35 AM] emperor_sombra Yes, very silly but it is also a full length music video uploaded directly which is copyright infringement so it has to go. [3/19/2023 4:35 AM] fluffymarsh Lol [3/19/2023 4:36 AM] fluffymarsh If i cut The Song is ok? [3/19/2023 4:37 AM] emperor_sombra If it was a short clip it would be ok. [3/19/2023 4:37 AM] fluffymarsh The smile song is ok Right? [3/19/2023 4:41 AM] emperor_sombra Well we want to keep this server professional and I am not sure how the others would feel about it even used in a joke. So maybe not for now. I will ask the rest of the staff. I know you didn't show any of the violent bits. [3/19/2023 4:43 AM] emperor_sombra {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/947501984104214629.png [3/19/2023 6:10 AM] meganought Best not [3/19/2023 1:37 PM] fluffymarsh :rdannoyed: [3/19/2023 1:45 PM] vuisammie :Giggle: [3/19/2023 1:59 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/bingus-gif-18888188 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/bingus-gif-18888188 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/l6aty1hfsgv2_2mmFBiM3_s2MBNcGdHhI_MEtRzJH6A/https/media.tenor.com/ejF6ZwW4lXcAAAAD/bingus.png [3/19/2023 2:00 PM] ch33z3gutz bingus! [3/19/2023 4:18 PM] fluffymarsh My Pone {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1087107859067715696/1679254504753.png?ex=661c3a17&is=6609c517&hm=062531b3cac4c1869f8c16e43b3e4bd26e8079dc88c3cad4e232f55183bedc7a& {Reactions} ♥️ (2) [3/19/2023 4:28 PM] ch33z3gutz marshmallow :o [3/19/2023 6:52 PM] Deleted User i always found da pone coote [3/19/2023 6:52 PM] Deleted User idk why im listening to my old stuff [3/24/2023 10:42 AM] phoenixfire42 Hello pony bros :coolrainbow: I am bored. :ded: [3/24/2023 10:43 AM] gabrizzy heyo {Reactions} TwiHelloThere [3/24/2023 10:44 AM] phoenixfire42 I have nothing in particular to say, I am just bored and not sure whether to sleep or pull an all nighter and it is 11 AM :internalscreaming: [3/24/2023 10:46 AM] imiya I support sleep [3/24/2023 10:46 AM] imiya {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1088836323827269774/image0.gif?ex=66194959&is=6606d459&hm=ce1ca75e1245096db07478c86d6ae51e669d9333051c25cf34e3f6ac16848af8& [3/24/2023 10:47 AM] phoenixfire42 I'm not tired though. I mean I really should on paper, but I got up at like 10 PM yesterday so my sleep schedule is already in the toilet. [3/24/2023 10:47 AM] evil_gavier my condolences [3/24/2023 10:48 AM] evil_gavier become nocturnal I guess? [3/24/2023 10:48 AM] phoenixfire42 I can get away with it which is half the problem tbh. I am grad student so my schedule is flexable. [3/24/2023 10:48 AM] gabrizzy https://tenor.com/view/milk-and-mocha-pat-cuddle-love-heart-gif-15740749 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/milk-and-mocha-pat-cuddle-love-heart-gif-15740749 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/AiPeaWMeTsdC2coWqFz72R1Bzhyfg2RAd--ZUoD_49c/https/media.tenor.com/qjHkX9X0FOQAAAAD/milk-and-mocha-pat.png [3/24/2023 10:51 AM] phoenixfire42 What interesting goes on in y'all's lives? I am just doing boring grad class and research. :ded: [3/24/2023 10:52 AM] gabrizzy well i have applied for university and i would be starting around august [3/24/2023 10:53 AM] evil_gavier I've been editing a fic translation. Turns out that Russian has some idioms that sound hilarious when translated literally to English [3/24/2023 10:53 AM] imiya best of luck w university apps, gabrizzy {Reactions} 👆 (2) [3/24/2023 10:53 AM] phoenixfire42 Hope that goes well for you [3/24/2023 10:53 AM] gabrizzy thanks guys [3/24/2023 10:54 AM] imiya im finally off work tomorrow and i have one more shift. im just waiting for that [3/24/2023 10:55 AM] phoenixfire42 I don't know crap about Russian :LunaLaugh: I'm not exactly a linguist. I studied a little Spanish and a little Japanese but I am just a dumb English speaking American :Derp: [3/24/2023 10:56 AM] evil_gavier well, I don't know anything about Russian either lol, I'm just clearing up an English translation [3/24/2023 10:56 AM] phoenixfire42 Ah. So you are cleaning up the loose translation :Derp: [3/24/2023 10:57 AM] evil_gavier yup, mostly verb tenses, that are very different in Russian so the translator mixed them up often, and literal translations of stuff like "chanting the wedding formula" which make my day {Reactions} LunaLaugh (2) [3/24/2023 10:58 AM] imiya lol [3/24/2023 10:59 AM] phoenixfire42 Yea that's the kind of thing I see from the Russian side of the fandom. We must just have a very different verb system. [3/24/2023 11:03 AM] vuisammie I see there is chat in here :isee: [3/24/2023 11:06 AM] phoenixfire42 :dashshrug: [3/24/2023 11:06 AM] imiya https://tenor.com/view/hello-chat-my-little-pony-my-little-pony-a-new-generation-hello-pipp-gif-23327981 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/hello-chat-my-little-pony-my-little-pony-a-new-generation-hello-pipp-gif-23327981 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/XwnQondjo1rbZ0TKP43R2Hw2QIX75wvFWOK5UWhYzo8/https/media.tenor.com/DyB8PzkGXxwAAAAD/hello-chat-my-little-pony.png [3/24/2023 11:07 AM] phoenixfire42 What can I say, I'm a true Discord mod. I like talking to people online when I should be doing other more important things :Derp: [3/24/2023 11:07 AM] evil_gavier you're in good company lmao [3/24/2023 11:07 AM] phoenixfire42 Yea, I can see that [3/24/2023 11:16 AM] gabrizzy #priorities {Reactions} coolrainbow [3/24/2023 11:16 AM] dragonsreborn333 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/728677795814703117/885291720546336840/image0.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/728677795814703117/885291720546336840/image0.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/728677795814703117/885291720546336840/image0.gif?ex=661713aa&is=66049eaa&hm=1ae7e6246b9aec81046f9407afdd61481b7eb2cd5fba70ade6f528cb35c9e56d& [3/24/2023 12:58 PM] dragonsreborn333 Did you know that in terms of human companionship, Flareon is objectively the most huggable Pokémon? While their maximum temperature is likely too much for most, they are capable of controlling it, so they can set themselves to the perfect temperature for you. Along with that, they have a lot of fluff, making them undeniably incredibly soft to touch. But that’s not all, they have a respectable special defence stat of 110, which means that they are likely very calm and resistant to emotional damage. Because of this, if you have a bad day, you can vent to it while hugging it, and it won’t mind. It can make itself even more endearing with moves like charm and baby doll eyes, ensuring that you never have a prolonged bout of depression ever again. {Reactions} GlimISee [3/24/2023 6:04 PM] romulus4444 I've been busy all day benchmarking an upgrade to one of our microscopes at work [3/24/2023 6:05 PM] romulus4444 But we also had a nice lunch on ThermoFisher's dime, so that's cool [3/24/2023 6:05 PM] romulus4444 Including a Vietnamese coffee slushie with bourbon [3/24/2023 6:12 PM] vuisammie To be real, I lead a very boring life, the normal 8-5 work don’t really do much outside of my social media life… :3_Eevee_Sigh: [3/24/2023 11:46 PM] phoenixfire42 Take sounds tasty. I made myself a Moscow Mule earlier :Derp: But I also get the microscope jank. I have been trying to manually fix our in house STM for over a year now :flutterhellodarkness: [3/24/2023 11:46 PM] phoenixfire42 Relatable outside of the job regularity. My life is chaos :WooperBurn: [3/26/2023 7:32 AM] emperor_sombra Is @Cherina ♡ a moderator on @The Pony Lounge ? They just rejoined this server and I need to verify. [3/26/2023 7:32 AM] itsskyliner Yes [3/26/2023 7:32 AM] itsskyliner They are [3/26/2023 7:32 AM] emperor_sombra :ponkcheck: [3/26/2023 8:23 AM] mittenkitten :cuwt_blob_beg: [3/26/2023 8:23 AM] mittenkitten Am smol mod yiz [3/26/2023 8:23 AM] mittenkitten Dollie rot beeg [3/26/2023 8:23 AM] mittenkitten Heh [3/31/2023 11:50 AM] comradesparkle Without going into any specific details here to keep it within rules, have any of you noticed there are a lot less trolls joining your server lately compared with say, 6 months ago? I've certainly noticed it. [3/31/2023 11:52 AM] gabrizzy as for me, i have been getting newcomers who go inactive after a while [3/31/2023 11:53 AM] gabrizzy but trolls, not so many as of recently [3/31/2023 11:55 AM] evil_gavier 🤔 I haven't noticed, but also I haven't been paying much attention to troll density [3/31/2023 11:56 AM] gabrizzy i haven't got raids in quite a long time [3/31/2023 11:56 AM] comradesparkle It's been pretty clearly noticeable. We basically haven't had a large raid in months. Used to get them every couple of weeks or so. [3/31/2023 12:13 PM] vuisammie Oh I wish that was the case. To be honest, half the time, because I’m the only representative from the server I’m in for here anymore, I’ll often forget to write a report. Tends to feel like we get the bad end of the stick often with the people who join. [3/31/2023 12:14 PM] meganought we really dont get as many trolls anymore. havent had a fun or creative troll in months now [3/31/2023 12:15 PM] vuisammie Also can’t even report the ones I haven’t done yet because of the recent server half deletion. [3/31/2023 12:16 PM] phoenixfire42 We still get trolls. Just not a huge amount. MLP is just not in vogue rn I guess. If it swings back around we will get more. [3/31/2023 12:17 PM] vuisammie Yeah probably. [3/31/2023 12:21 PM] captainmuista Maybe we finally banned them all {Reactions} 😂 TwiEvilGrin (2) [3/31/2023 12:22 PM] phoenixfire42 If only [3/31/2023 12:22 PM] phoenixfire42 All it takes is a 12 year old and a VPN [3/31/2023 12:22 PM] captainmuista Honestly though I don't think we can relate, I've noticed an uptick in recent weeks compared to last year [3/31/2023 12:23 PM] phoenixfire42 It has a lot to do with advertising. The time we got nailed the hardest is when the Netflix series dropped and Seth said something on the blog about the Discord [3/31/2023 12:24 PM] phoenixfire42 The rate of trolls is constant but if the flow is higher then you just get more. That being said, there are some channels that have a higher concentration [3/31/2023 12:25 PM] captainmuista Our vanity link is probably what does it [3/31/2023 12:25 PM] captainmuista That is how the majority of people join [3/31/2023 12:26 PM] captainmuista According to insights [3/31/2023 12:26 PM] phoenixfire42 Disboard is responsible for a lot of them [3/31/2023 12:26 PM] phoenixfire42 If you run a cross check on every troll to their invite I suspect it will be weighted towards that [3/31/2023 12:26 PM] captainmuista For the most part ye [3/31/2023 12:27 PM] phoenixfire42 It's because it's a very "normie" platform, so when people see furry/brony stuff it is just troll fuel [3/31/2023 12:28 PM] comradesparkle Disboard is horrible. I've often argued we should remove ourselves from it. Feels like 90% of our problem users come from there [3/31/2023 12:29 PM] comradesparkle We do get a few genuine joins from it, but not enough to justify it IMO [3/31/2023 12:29 PM] phoenixfire42 The thing is tho that I don't really care if we get a few trolls if it means more people do see the server. I'm willing to do a little work, after all that is the position :dashshrug: [3/31/2023 12:30 PM] comradesparkle The only good thing about Disboard is that having a unique invite from it makes it easy to spot when people join from it [3/31/2023 12:30 PM] comradesparkle Tracking invites has helped a lot in the past [3/31/2023 12:33 PM] gabrizzy well it's true to some extent, but actually my server's been getting along quite well the past month or so [3/31/2023 12:34 PM] phoenixfire42 My philosophy is that extra advertising is not a bad thing. I am willing to do some extra work. The hammer needs some polishing of late anyway. :IzzyHammer: [3/31/2023 12:34 PM] gabrizzy and my sniper needs to get more use out of it [3/31/2023 12:35 PM] gabrizzy at least i don't have to deal with as many trolls as before [3/31/2023 12:36 PM] meganought :redsnipernotfiring1v2::redsnipernotfiring2v2::redlazer::redlazer::redlazer::nothoughtsheademptyred: [3/31/2023 12:38 PM] gabrizzy when they told me to show no mercy, i really mean it {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1091401049820102686/Screenshot_191.png?ex=6619636f&is=6606ee6f&hm=49873f973c06854ac2e9090a3e3208772571a3b48d26ef5c4cd85ca589d57c6c& [3/31/2023 12:38 PM] phoenixfire42 :ded: [3/31/2023 1:03 PM] vuisammie There was actually running joke that we had to have someone make an art piece of a few mods on a tank shooting down a bunch of troll ponies. [3/31/2023 1:03 PM] romulus4444 Back when i was a new mod, we'd get a raid a day, but yeah recently the raids have dropped off a lot. I think part of it is also server size, i notice ponies react is getting the same types of joins manechat had when it was that size [3/31/2023 1:04 PM] gabrizzy tank rampage is fun [3/31/2023 1:05 PM] vuisammie It doesn’t help the fact that a majority of our mod team is middle age American men. Of course we would want this [3/31/2023 1:05 PM] gabrizzy freedom [3/31/2023 1:07 PM] vuisammie :Fluttergun: this basically [3/31/2023 1:08 PM] gabrizzy solve every problem with a bullet [3/31/2023 1:10 PM] evil_gavier dakka is fun [3/31/2023 1:29 PM] imiya I feel like we were never really targeted. Probably because g5 is just more niche [3/31/2023 1:29 PM] imiya The trolls moved on to Esex and Roblox scams lol [3/31/2023 8:06 PM] elongatedmusket Tbh, that genuinely threw me off for a second :AL_MLPLunaWheeze: [3/31/2023 8:08 PM] dragonsreborn333 💀 [3/31/2023 8:08 PM] elongatedmusket I love gaslighting our members [3/31/2023 8:09 PM] dragonsreborn333 We should swap the roles too [3/31/2023 8:09 PM] dragonsreborn333 Here [3/31/2023 8:09 PM] elongatedmusket Eh [3/31/2023 8:09 PM] elongatedmusket No reason to [3/31/2023 8:09 PM] elongatedmusket Oh also [3/31/2023 8:09 PM] dragonsreborn333 :ponkevil: [3/31/2023 8:09 PM] elongatedmusket I need the Amoo’s Lounge role now :foxscrem: [3/31/2023 8:09 PM] Deleted User I'm dying [3/31/2023 8:10 PM] elongatedmusket Hey dying [3/31/2023 8:10 PM] elongatedmusket I’m musket [3/31/2023 8:10 PM] Deleted User https://tenor.com/view/el-risitas-juan-joya-borja-ratones-coloraos-laugh-meme-laughing-man-gif-24899295 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/el-risitas-juan-joya-borja-ratones-coloraos-laugh-meme-laughing-man-gif-24899295 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/eDi86uCnXs0hNdBTFzxtEEQw-fnvOOyeGyWjeoyrzQI/https/media.tenor.com/QgTx6fv4IpAAAAAD/el-risitas-juan-joya-borja.png [3/31/2023 8:36 PM] Deleted User Well now I will delete as much stuff [3/31/2023 8:36 PM] Deleted User because in EqD people will post a lot of reaction gifs [3/31/2023 8:43 PM] elongatedmusket Chaos [3/31/2023 8:43 PM] elongatedmusket It’s very nice [3/31/2023 8:44 PM] elongatedmusket :DiscordHappy: [3/31/2023 8:44 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/chaos-gif-22919457 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/chaos-gif-22919457 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/UcBx6bbbv9mCjiTXmNzAmIamsFCMj7gF6pI63Oz0F7Q/https/media.tenor.com/z_KoI0-y7rEAAAAD/chaos.png [3/31/2023 8:53 PM] Deleted User Seriously I'm feeling that you guys are getting spammed [3/31/2023 8:54 PM] Deleted User like don't know the difference between memes and reaction gifs [3/31/2023 8:54 PM] Deleted User xD [3/31/2023 8:54 PM] Deleted User hello [3/31/2023 8:54 PM] elongatedmusket It was a tad moment of chaos, we’re stabilizing it :LunaSip: [3/31/2023 9:04 PM] elongatedmusket I’ll admit, a bit too chaotic. And yeah we missed some actual problems. Our bad :AL_emohjesus: [3/31/2023 9:05 PM] Deleted User It's ok [3/31/2023 9:05 PM] Deleted User Though seeing plaza going hell right now is just concerning [3/31/2023 9:05 PM] Deleted User we don't allow more than 4 gifs in a row [3/31/2023 9:05 PM] Deleted User because it's spammy [3/31/2023 9:05 PM] elongatedmusket Yeah, I’m monitoring chat. That’s what I thought as well but was a tad busy hopping around servers. [3/31/2023 9:06 PM] Deleted User I'm hoping around the servers as well [3/31/2023 9:06 PM] Deleted User Top Tier joke right now [3/31/2023 9:06 PM] amoo. :Sobbing: [3/31/2023 9:06 PM] Deleted User *hugs* [3/31/2023 9:07 PM] amoo. Arg [3/31/2023 9:07 PM] amoo. Dies [3/31/2023 9:07 PM] elongatedmusket Alright [3/31/2023 9:07 PM] elongatedmusket Seems like plaza is actually under control again [3/31/2023 9:08 PM] elongatedmusket ~~it was always under control, just it got less so.~~ [3/31/2023 9:09 PM] dragonsreborn333 I’m ded now [3/31/2023 9:11 PM] Deleted User What does it feel to spam images in plaza [3/31/2023 9:11 PM] Deleted User I feel bad for people in EqD [3/31/2023 9:12 PM] Deleted User That they get their stuff deleted wondering if they will get warned [3/31/2023 10:33 PM] fluffymarsh AI Is Amazing lol {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1091550927477022740/mlp_oc_brown_hair_white_skin_unicorn_horn_purple_eyes_female_holding_beig_s-1035557044.png?ex=6619ef05&is=66077a05&hm=3c661398eabc428be9e641541665e8f2a3ddefa9f4138b39f26d95fd79b237bb& [3/31/2023 10:33 PM] Deleted User Kawaii [3/31/2023 10:49 PM] Deleted User oh [3/31/2023 10:50 PM] Deleted User I'm confused since it's april fools now xD [3/31/2023 10:50 PM] phoenixfire42 I already got him [3/31/2023 11:35 PM] Deleted User @Astro 💙 people are so confused and I love it [3/31/2023 11:35 PM] Deleted User If we had done this with 10 MLP servers and we constantly changing around [3/31/2023 11:35 PM] Deleted User xD [3/31/2023 11:36 PM] astrolazuli Yeees lmaoooo [3/31/2023 11:36 PM] Deleted User This idea was thrown around by other members of EqD too [3/31/2023 11:36 PM] Deleted User Maybe next year? [3/31/2023 11:36 PM] Deleted User We choose around 5 servers [3/31/2023 11:37 PM] Deleted User and then we constantly change things about [3/31/2023 11:37 PM] Deleted User every 2 hours [3/31/2023 11:37 PM] astrolazuli I'm all for it if other servers are willing uwu [3/31/2023 11:38 PM] Deleted User because it's a fun joke [3/31/2023 11:38 PM] Deleted User and maybe to top this type of joke [3/31/2023 11:38 PM] Deleted User we need to do something even more [3/31/2023 11:39 PM] gabrizzy this is the greatest plan~ [4/1/2023 12:42 AM] dragonsreborn333 Plaza nearly burnt to the ground from lifting the reaction gif/images rule XD [4/1/2023 12:42 AM] Deleted User I feel bad for them [4/1/2023 12:43 AM] Deleted User We don't have rule to prohibit such things but we have a limit of stuff we can post [4/1/2023 12:43 AM] Deleted User Memes belong to memes [4/1/2023 1:45 AM] Deleted User I think most people already realised its a joke but its so good [4/1/2023 1:45 AM] Deleted User We got some people talking in plaza from EqD and EqD from Plaza. [4/1/2023 1:45 AM] Deleted User :3 [4/1/2023 1:45 AM] Deleted User ❤️ [4/1/2023 9:51 AM] dragonsreborn333 :3 [4/1/2023 10:49 AM] elongatedmusket Is very nice [4/1/2023 5:30 PM] drunknotiam Theres still a few people rolling in thrown off, it's kinda funny [4/1/2023 5:49 PM] dragonsreborn333 same here [4/2/2023 8:34 PM] romulus4444 i hope no one got got too badly yesterday [4/2/2023 8:34 PM] arnak Agreed; we just got some roof damage over here, nothing more thankfully [4/2/2023 8:37 PM] dragonsreborn333 Tornado? [4/5/2023 12:15 AM] romulus4444 welcome @Equestria at War! [4/5/2023 12:15 AM] lunar_explorator :wave: [4/5/2023 12:16 AM] vuisammie Yo! [4/5/2023 12:17 AM] gabrizzy heyo [4/5/2023 12:25 AM] lunar_explorator My two other pony partners may be coming shortly Maybe [4/5/2023 12:26 AM] lunar_explorator :star_lurk: [4/5/2023 12:26 AM] lunar_explorator Truthfully, we'd been wondering about what this place may have been for some time [4/5/2023 12:26 AM] lunar_explorator Glad to be here though, and it will be nice to coordinate future events and things [4/5/2023 12:27 AM] lunar_explorator :star_hm: [4/5/2023 12:45 AM] captainmuista I was wondering when y'all would make it here lol [4/5/2023 3:08 AM] langou https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/641744707306651652/842035059346112532/giphy_2.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/641744707306651652/842035059346112532/giphy_2.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/641744707306651652/842035059346112532/giphy_2.gif?ex=66169842&is=66042342&hm=bfb49f8bce3947f6f3af595adf837fdfa59920b687423a6144332baa600ce80a& [4/5/2023 3:42 AM] voidtemplar2000 I think we were mostly just scared about if you'd accept us [4/5/2023 3:42 AM] voidtemplar2000 but happy to know that we are welcome [4/5/2023 5:11 AM] voidtemplar2000 I think our third person may have arrived [4/5/2023 5:11 AM] voidtemplar2000 Veers#somethingsomething [4/5/2023 5:13 AM] emperor_sombra Yes but they haven't clicked on the reaction to get in the server yet in #rules [4/5/2023 5:23 AM] captain_veers 👍 [4/5/2023 5:23 AM] voidtemplar2000 Ayyy [4/5/2023 5:23 AM] voidtemplar2000 The trio is back together [4/5/2023 5:50 AM] emperor_sombra Is @Summertime Sadness a moderator in @The Pony Lounge ? They need to get verified to enter the server. [4/5/2023 5:50 AM] itsskyliner Yes they are [4/5/2023 5:50 AM] emperor_sombra :ponkcheck: [4/5/2023 5:56 AM] meowedsolpud Ayy, hello [4/5/2023 6:05 AM] emperor_sombra :anim_changeling_hi: [4/5/2023 9:19 AM] phoenixfire42 :Derp: [4/5/2023 9:19 AM] phoenixfire42 Hello ponies [4/5/2023 9:21 AM] captainmuista :AL_frog: [4/5/2023 9:22 AM] gabrizzy heyo {Reactions} TwiHelloThere [4/5/2023 10:16 AM] vuisammie Hello fellow an’ new comrades [4/5/2023 10:18 AM] voidtemplar2000 Hello [4/5/2023 10:19 AM] lunar_explorator https://tenor.com/view/hi-new-friend-izzy-moonbow-my-little-pony-a-new-generation-hello-new-pal-hey-there-gif-22937719 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/hi-new-friend-izzy-moonbow-my-little-pony-a-new-generation-hello-new-pal-hey-there-gif-22937719 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/2P3NgxGBAJmCnY9A8CfU3EhmeTHOZRIxYIH_RnfH4IA/https/media.tenor.com/CyNpv6r5tJIAAAAD/hi-new-friend-izzy-moonbow.png [4/5/2023 10:19 AM] vuisammie Izzy :Giggle: [4/5/2023 10:20 AM] gabrizzy yes, it's my twin sister [4/5/2023 10:20 AM] vuisammie Pffffft [4/5/2023 10:20 AM] vuisammie I know how that be [4/5/2023 1:12 PM] onyxdash idk where to post this, but I'm sure y'all remember this guy: {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1093221606979031152/image.png?ex=6616c876&is=66045376&hm=a0d8fca77a5727bf676c1e545659c9a8ec34b3eeb1cc38c880edc8ebc8922a74& [4/5/2023 1:13 PM] onyxdash anyways, he joined my small server, and I recognized him from here and EqD so I slapped him with a ban. He immediately DMs me demanding why I banned him :giggle:. I tell him exactly why, and he immediately starts playing the innocent card, saying he's not a groomer. I block him, and he gets his "friends" to come after me. Is anyone else receiving DMs from this dude? [4/5/2023 1:14 PM] evil_gavier 472551475017416744 just in case someone needs to do some searching too [4/5/2023 1:15 PM] evil_gavier can't say I've heard of anyone else getting DMs from them [4/5/2023 1:15 PM] vuisammie Man was so damn weird in our server. It was almost as entertaining as a circus show. [4/5/2023 1:16 PM] onyxdash he was doing his usual routine in my server (posting this emote after every sentence and acting horny 🥵 ) for like a day before I banned him [4/5/2023 1:17 PM] onyxdash claims he doesn't know what grooming is [4/5/2023 1:17 PM] onyxdash he definitely knows what it is if he's having two of his "friends" DM me claiming he's innocent [4/5/2023 1:18 PM] vuisammie Yep. A whole circus act [4/5/2023 1:24 PM] vuisammie My man actually asked to see the logs 💀 [4/5/2023 1:28 PM] Deleted User Groomers eeeww [4/5/2023 1:28 PM] Deleted User Ban those fuckers [4/5/2023 1:28 PM] onyxdash Prime was banned from EqD back in November [4/5/2023 1:28 PM] onyxdash this became relevant again cuz his "friends" DM'd me after I banned him from my server for the same reason [4/5/2023 1:29 PM] Deleted User I remember the whole incident with Rad and that guy [4/5/2023 1:30 PM] stormshadow_cote Mr. Pinks? [4/5/2023 1:30 PM] Deleted User In EqD, a long time ago and I did find that disgusting [4/5/2023 1:30 PM] Deleted User Rad was a 13 YO at that time [4/5/2023 1:31 PM] onyxdash I wasn't staff when that happened [4/5/2023 1:31 PM] Deleted User I was [4/5/2023 1:31 PM] Deleted User My first months though [4/5/2023 1:31 PM] Deleted User Phoenix and Drunk flipped out because the guy was sending some romantic stuff [4/5/2023 1:32 PM] Deleted User In DMs [4/5/2023 1:32 PM] onyxdash that's a valid response [4/5/2023 1:32 PM] onyxdash idk if Prime was doing the same thing but they were grooming in the chats [4/5/2023 1:33 PM] Deleted User The guy was giving rad gifts like nitro and stuff [4/5/2023 1:33 PM] stormshadow_cote It was a shock to me, Mr. Pinks was active a while back in a Patreon server that Ebony Rose and I are still active in, and he never gave off those vibes. [4/5/2023 1:33 PM] onyxdash actually if it wasn't for Mr. Pink and Equestrian Guard I wouldn't have ever started chatting on EqD [4/5/2023 1:34 PM] onyxdash really makes me sick that people do this stuff behind the scenes [4/5/2023 1:34 PM] Deleted User EG really made want to choose EqD [4/5/2023 1:34 PM] Deleted User The guy is funny walking dude [4/5/2023 1:34 PM] onyxdash I only started interacting with people on EqD cuz of the music VC [4/5/2023 1:35 PM] onyxdash EG and Pink were always in it when I joined in January 2022 [4/5/2023 1:36 PM] Deleted User Who is pink? [4/5/2023 1:36 PM] Deleted User I dunno [4/5/2023 1:37 PM] onyxdash Figgy [4/5/2023 1:38 PM] Deleted User Oh yeh that cunt {Reactions} TrixieConcern (2) [4/5/2023 1:38 PM] Deleted User I think that was the guy who did that stuff to rad [4/5/2023 1:38 PM] stormshadow_cote Yep, also went by Mr. Pinks [4/5/2023 1:39 PM] Deleted User That mf got away [4/5/2023 1:39 PM] Deleted User He said he wouldn't stop talking to rad [4/5/2023 1:39 PM] Deleted User Eeww [4/5/2023 1:40 PM] stormshadow_cote The only thing you can do is report him to Discord Trust and Safety, but even then, if they ban him, he can just make an alt. Short of actual imprisonment, I don't think there's much that can keep them apart [4/5/2023 1:49 PM] emperor_sombra Is @Drew 🥖 a moderator on @The Pony Lounge ? [4/5/2023 1:50 PM] amoo. Yes [4/5/2023 1:50 PM] amoo. Returning [4/5/2023 1:50 PM] emperor_sombra :PinkieCheck: [4/5/2023 1:50 PM] dragonsreborn333 Yes [4/5/2023 1:51 PM] emperor_sombra If one of your moderators would vouch for them as soon as they join I wouldn't have to ping you all every time. :bongocatpingspam: [4/5/2023 1:51 PM] vuisammie Probably need to send at least one more mod from our server. May not be the best idea for me to be the only person from my server representing… the only active one I mean [4/5/2023 1:52 PM] amoo. We can't see the welcome channel 😭 Can't really tell when they join or not and stuff [4/5/2023 1:52 PM] emperor_sombra I thought they might mention it on your server mod chat [4/5/2023 1:54 PM] amoo. Uuhh, its a bit confusing at times lol, some tend to join and don't respond if they did that already, or they respond but don't join just yet BAHAH They are sent the link in private cuz we tend to have trainees sometimes in which we don't let them in here just yet since its only a training guard role. But ye no worries, so far we have all the staff members in here in place :) [4/5/2023 1:55 PM] amoo. This topic probably was already brought up but just out of personal curiosity why was the welcome channel locked/removed? [4/5/2023 2:00 PM] romulus4444 If y'all want to discuss problem users who've been reported, it's better to do so in #report-discussion or #ask-for-advice than in this channel, which is more for non-mod stuff [4/5/2023 2:01 PM] evil_gavier like the huge issue of not having enough emotes :Pony_Community_Leaders: [4/5/2023 2:02 PM] evil_gavier I can't thrive in this conditions [4/5/2023 2:04 PM] phoenixfire42 Yea @Onyx Dash That would have better been for #report-discussion ur not supposed to talk about that stuff in here. {Reactions} 👍 [4/5/2023 2:06 PM] emperor_sombra Yeah, don't know why it was hidden but #joins isn't anymore. [4/7/2023 3:16 PM] dragonsreborn333 *lurks* [4/7/2023 3:21 PM] phoenixfire42 :Derp: [4/7/2023 3:23 PM] dragonsreborn333 Hoi Phoenix {Reactions} TwiHelloThere [4/15/2023 5:41 AM] langou Managing a server with Voice Messages permission for everyone challenge impossible [4/15/2023 5:41 AM] langou :dashlaugh: [4/15/2023 10:37 AM] gamoray I should have enabled TTS in the server for April fools day [4/15/2023 10:37 AM] gamoray Well there's always next year to do it [4/15/2023 11:14 AM] romulus4444 that's fun to troll people with occasionally. as long as it's only occasionally [4/15/2023 11:14 AM] romulus4444 you need to wait long enough that everyone's forgotten that it's a thing [4/15/2023 11:16 AM] meganought man if we tried that, we'd have actual riots [4/15/2023 11:27 AM] gamoray Heh, people already got mad about this year's April fools prank we did [4/15/2023 11:28 AM] gamoray Which was make a fake moderators role and pass it out to random people [4/15/2023 11:29 AM] voidtemplar2000 I nlow what you should do [4/15/2023 11:29 AM] voidtemplar2000 Rename the normal user role to [4/15/2023 11:29 AM] voidtemplar2000 “Moderators” [4/15/2023 11:30 AM] voidtemplar2000 Anf the normal mod role to whatever the user role is called [4/15/2023 11:32 AM] meganought we did think about creating a fake modchat channel and letting users "accidentally" see it [4/15/2023 11:32 AM] meganought i think we did that once, it wasnt as funny as you think [4/15/2023 12:09 PM] Deleted User I used to troll streamers with tts that they had on in their servers [4/15/2023 12:09 PM] Deleted User and they would hear it [4/15/2023 12:09 PM] Deleted User lmao [4/15/2023 4:09 PM] dragonsreborn333 Too quiet in here [4/15/2023 4:10 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/dream-dreamburger-meme-funny-burger-gif-21474567 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/dream-dreamburger-meme-funny-burger-gif-21474567 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/mTjtFmPELlopvD_RSr9chcMEjSljxWc-R_zVoJY2enA/https/media.tenor.com/WuVOdIB4jfMAAAAD/dream-dreamburger.png [4/15/2023 4:16 PM] phoenixfire42 :GlimISee: [4/15/2023 6:31 PM] fluffymarsh Y'all should play Fortnite Just Saying [4/15/2023 6:32 PM] evil_gavier the zoomers have infiltrated the server! Run for your lives! [4/15/2023 6:34 PM] fluffymarsh I Somehow played The Ballad of The Crystal Ponies on Fortnite Some Days Ago {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1096926534230606014/20230227_004645_edited.mp4?ex=661b0871&is=66089371&hm=8488a10740cc893eac800285e3088a8fde8810ec068d941174a5beafc6be3448& [4/15/2023 6:35 PM] dragonsreborn333 Fortnite cringe *yeets to the void* [4/15/2023 6:36 PM] Deleted User I mean [4/15/2023 6:36 PM] Deleted User I'm not a battle royale type [4/15/2023 6:36 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1096926992022110208/image0.gif?ex=661b08de&is=660893de&hm=b32aa84f747413e36a52c2b4336a0573312f9d84bb764dae089480c077277782& [4/15/2023 6:36 PM] Deleted User I stopped playing Overwatch 2 too [4/15/2023 6:36 PM] fluffymarsh Fortnite is now becoming another thing lol not Just a Battle Royale [4/15/2023 6:36 PM] Deleted User Last game I've played was Hogwarts Legacy [4/15/2023 6:37 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/minecraft-steve-building-house-build-gif-19386668 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/minecraft-steve-building-house-build-gif-19386668 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ng47yNTLBgAVchRcQBH_GcB8v_zAloDp-Vi4Dh-6iYE/https/media.tenor.com/JZwkAHCQlLkAAAAD/minecraft-steve.png [4/15/2023 6:37 PM] fluffymarsh I have plans to build An Equestria Map in Fortnite Unreal Editor [4/15/2023 6:37 PM] Deleted User Not bad [4/15/2023 6:37 PM] Deleted User I would love an MLP MMO game tbh [4/15/2023 6:37 PM] fluffymarsh Same xD [4/15/2023 6:37 PM] Deleted User it has potential for that [4/15/2023 6:38 PM] Deleted User Hasbro just doesn't care [4/15/2023 6:38 PM] fluffymarsh Probably Will take a looooooong time [4/15/2023 6:38 PM] Deleted User Hasbro can make a game like that [4/15/2023 6:38 PM] Deleted User they got G5 [4/15/2023 6:38 PM] evil_gavier going by Hasbro's other virtual games, I wouldn't be betting much on it lol [4/15/2023 6:38 PM] Deleted User so [4/15/2023 6:38 PM] Deleted User you can make a game with the likes of G5 [4/15/2023 6:39 PM] evil_gavier the boardgames are fine tho. I wouldn't mind some mlp boardgames [4/15/2023 6:40 PM] fluffymarsh I will Not be able to build All Equestria because It's too big And There's a Space limit but Most places will be Available [4/15/2023 6:42 PM] Deleted User I've been sucked into MLP lately [4/15/2023 6:47 PM] fluffymarsh @Deleted User do u think Equestria is Bigger than The Original Fortnite Island?(the limit is the same size of that Island) {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1096929944006823956/images_7.jpg?ex=661b0b9e&is=6608969e&hm=1adea30233400ba099b917da42d776944aaec385156648b1a08aac14762351de& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1096929944208154704/839c21bff337679a18b98ccb5e0d4b236ab06b15-1027x1024.webp?ex=661b0b9e&is=6608969e&hm=ca4ad692afb46bc2783c47448cd295944ed879570c5fa1b9803aeec7992c885b& [4/15/2023 6:51 PM] evil_gavier I'm pretty sure Equestria is bigger, given that it's an entire country. I wonder how it compares to irl countries tho 🤔 [4/15/2023 6:51 PM] Deleted User Yes [4/15/2023 6:52 PM] Deleted User Equestria is WAY bigger [4/15/2023 6:52 PM] Deleted User Probably would take 200gb or more to build a full map with high detail and stuff [4/15/2023 6:52 PM] Deleted User And Canterlot and Crystal Empire would consume your CPU like hell [4/15/2023 6:53 PM] Deleted User This is only Land btw. You have seaponies too (Hippogriffs) [4/15/2023 7:15 PM] fluffymarsh Fortnite is the heaviest thing i have lol the graphics make the pc almost explode [4/15/2023 7:18 PM] Deleted User Well I have 3070 and R7 3700x [4/15/2023 7:18 PM] Deleted User 32Gb [4/15/2023 7:18 PM] Deleted User at the time my pc costed 3000€ [4/15/2023 7:19 PM] Deleted User Things are getting better for sure [4/15/2023 7:19 PM] Deleted User but I dunno [4/15/2023 7:19 PM] Deleted User If I want to spend more money in a new pc soon [4/15/2023 7:19 PM] Deleted User This one is hardly 2 years yet [4/16/2023 1:04 AM] gamoray oof, I just recently built new system... tho I've been holing off on a gpu since prices are insane right now [4/16/2023 1:04 AM] gamoray so I got the 2080 from my old rig for right now [4/16/2023 1:05 AM] Deleted User I will probably hold onto my 3070 [4/16/2023 1:05 AM] Deleted User till 7000 series [4/16/2023 1:05 AM] Deleted User When BIG improvements happen [4/16/2023 1:05 AM] Deleted User When 4k becomes the standard [4/16/2023 1:05 AM] Deleted User I'm good with 1080p [4/16/2023 9:17 AM] gamoray I'm at 1440p right now, but wanna move up to 4k [4/16/2023 9:17 AM] gamoray Was thinking of getting a 7900XTX [4/16/2023 9:18 AM] gamoray But pricing is still wacky and I don't wanna support AMD or Nvidia with their insane pricing [4/16/2023 4:17 PM] Deleted User Going by how things are going [4/16/2023 4:17 PM] Deleted User AMD is going to win [4/16/2023 4:18 PM] gamoray raw performance wise, nah, but price to performance wise, yes [4/16/2023 4:19 PM] gamoray tbh my biggest gripe with AMD is that the release their cards with half baked drivers and software which puts them at a serious disadvantage on release [4/16/2023 4:20 PM] gamoray sure, it's nice to get performance gains overtime with better drivers... but I shouldnt need to wait over a year after buying the card to be able to get the kind of performance it should have shipped with [4/17/2023 5:33 AM] snowshovelmusic Not only that but also AMD cards tends to age way better than Nvidia GPUs... In the long run they end up being a good choice imo [4/17/2023 1:37 PM] captainmuista Had my nvidia 1660 for some 4 years now and it's still going strong. Not like I can afford a 4K monitor anyways so I'm happy with what I've got [4/17/2023 1:38 PM] Deleted User I can afford a 4k [4/17/2023 1:38 PM] Deleted User but [4/17/2023 1:38 PM] Deleted User 4K isn't the go-to yet [4/17/2023 1:38 PM] Deleted User I am waiting for that to happen [4/17/2023 9:03 PM] gamoray I just like higher fidelity and wanna move onto the new standard... tbh I don't even own a single screen that's less than 1440p, so I might as well finish the jump to 4k [4/18/2023 3:25 AM] Deleted User Maybe it will be a good future proof too [4/18/2023 3:25 AM] Deleted User 4k will become the standard in around some years from now [4/18/2023 3:25 AM] Deleted User 1080p will become redundant [4/18/2023 6:55 AM] gamoray 1080 is kinda outdated imo, especially in the PC world [4/18/2023 10:25 AM] snowshovelmusic I feel insulted... 1080p for me is really good :c [4/18/2023 1:09 PM] solid_dd :pizzatime: [4/18/2023 1:09 PM] solid_dd What's y'alls favourite pizza toppings [4/18/2023 1:10 PM] stormshadow_cote Mushroom, olive, onion, meatball [4/18/2023 1:15 PM] gabrizzy i'm going to say something controversial yet brave [4/18/2023 1:15 PM] gabrizzy ||pineapple|| {Reactions} CadanceMad [4/18/2023 1:23 PM] fluffymarsh Chicken With Catupiry [4/18/2023 1:24 PM] solid_dd We need to destigmatise pineapple on pizza [4/18/2023 1:24 PM] solid_dd Ight based based [4/18/2023 1:28 PM] zatillias Chicken, bacon, and,, buffalo sauce [4/18/2023 1:36 PM] fluffymarsh Guys question,who here knows how to model stuff in 3D? [4/18/2023 2:49 PM] slimpickens_ Pineapple and Bacon with some sriracha drizzled on top [4/18/2023 4:09 PM] vuisammie Spinach and bacon white sauce [4/18/2023 4:18 PM] lunar_explorator Balsamic vinegar is underrated on pizza {Reactions} yesbison [4/18/2023 5:27 PM] romulus4444 I like a pineapple pizza [4/18/2023 5:27 PM] romulus4444 I also like pepperoni, bacon, onions, and black olives [4/18/2023 5:35 PM] lunar_explorator Pepperoni + cheese as the base is a timeless classic (at least with US Pizza) I also enjoyed a pizza though, consisting of the following: Garlic, Olive Oil, Tomato Sauce, Asiago, Feta, Mozerella, Bacon, Grilled Chicken, Pepperoni, Basil, Tomatoes, and Balsamic Glaze [4/18/2023 5:43 PM] romulus4444 I also like a white pizza add black and green olives [4/18/2023 6:42 PM] phoenixfire42 Pineapple is good on some pizzas. Not an amazing topping, but I will not complain. [4/20/2023 11:13 AM] dragonsreborn333 @clyde {Reactions} TrixieConcern [4/20/2023 1:39 PM] fluffymarsh I tried that too [4/20/2023 1:39 PM] fluffymarsh Lol [4/20/2023 2:33 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1098677826175123507/20230419_075432.jpg?ex=66182cf6&is=6605b7f6&hm=8fe9831f5d68cc56b0ea640d09ebcb2d0994c31a6b7066ac2782fad2142fc9e5& [4/20/2023 2:35 PM] romulus4444 Glacier Freeze is my favorite Gatorade flavor [4/20/2023 2:39 PM] Deleted User Isn't this stuff harmful to the heart? [4/20/2023 2:56 PM] romulus4444 {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/908087268986732606.png [4/20/2023 5:48 PM] evil_gavier not more than any other edible ink [4/20/2023 6:10 PM] slimpickens_ God I wish I could inject blue flavor straight into my veins [4/20/2023 6:10 PM] slimpickens_ its always the best flavor [4/20/2023 6:32 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/game-of-thrones-go-t-thrones-hbo-dragon-gif-9583539 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/game-of-thrones-go-t-thrones-hbo-dragon-gif-9583539 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/Cx0tptn0AZAqlniuKEA28yBahLrACkPNCYwfGS1NY30/https/media.tenor.com/qGwv-nF27-IAAAAD/game-of-thrones-go-t.png [4/20/2023 8:48 PM] fluffymarsh I Don't get it {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1098772127081037875/images_4.jpg?ex=661884c9&is=66060fc9&hm=15e8d1c6d17f3cd7789c03e0e283a578a1214a5ee0dd54e6d5739958a97746d3& [4/20/2023 8:59 PM] Deleted User Twilight likes hard stuff [4/20/2023 8:59 PM] Deleted User She doesn't mind fucks {Reactions} wtfglare TwiCoy TwiBlush [4/20/2023 9:00 PM] phoenixfire42 :RainbowTooMuch: [4/20/2023 9:00 PM] zatillias :hitchwtf: [4/20/2023 9:01 PM] Deleted User I am saying she is ok with someone saying fuck but she isn't fine with low effort adverbs {Reactions} GlimISee (3) twisnark (3) [4/20/2023 9:13 PM] evil_gavier lol [4/21/2023 7:30 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1098933797677973545/images_5.jpg?ex=66191b5a&is=6606a65a&hm=38b87fe35bf57ec2c27694f2aab55feef4f91eb631382284ac6ccc456330abaf& [4/21/2023 7:31 AM] fluffymarsh {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1064172474411003924.png [4/21/2023 5:56 PM] Deleted User https://tenor.com/view/confused-what-i-dont-understand-whats-going-on%3F-question-mark-face-english-gif-5524518684131899531 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/confused-what-i-dont-understand-whats-going-on%3F-question-mark-face-english-gif-5524518684131899531 confused.gif https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/IlbRPtcO6eWZ_jl1p9VY5NGNSViBR8z-Y7J3nSoo5-8/https/media.tenor.com/TKsIeRqwuIsAAAAD/confused-what.png [4/21/2023 5:56 PM] Deleted User Rainbow Dash has fingers [4/22/2023 12:45 PM] fluffymarsh First Logo For Ponynite Royale Project xD {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1099375494752915526/sketch-1682180100802.png?ex=661ab6b7&is=660841b7&hm=42d4307299f1f8e2f3610883d31b97ad1a1417657192bf4a8c4945d40c09ca79& [4/22/2023 12:47 PM] gabrizzy where we dropping everypony [4/22/2023 12:52 PM] fluffymarsh Exactly [4/22/2023 12:53 PM] fluffymarsh If this works i'll probably Have to adapt the locations of Equestria to fit on the game lol [4/22/2023 12:58 PM] gabrizzy a fight to the death in canterlot [4/22/2023 1:09 PM] langou :KirinGun: [4/22/2023 1:10 PM] langou I have the Kirin skin 20$ bundle [4/22/2023 7:00 PM] shotgunner That’s a thing now? [4/22/2023 7:01 PM] fluffymarsh My Project [4/22/2023 7:01 PM] shotgunner Oh [4/22/2023 7:02 PM] shotgunner Lol [4/22/2023 7:02 PM] Deleted User Fluffy *boop* [4/22/2023 7:54 PM] fluffymarsh :boop: [4/23/2023 12:01 PM] solid_dd Fluffynite ew [4/23/2023 12:01 PM] fluffymarsh Shushhhhhhh Flushin Impact [4/23/2023 12:02 PM] solid_dd At least I'm not recreating mlp in genshin [4/23/2023 12:02 PM] fluffymarsh Liar [4/23/2023 12:04 PM] solid_dd Nuh uh I'm a truther [4/23/2023 12:05 PM] fluffymarsh Bleeehhhh [4/23/2023 12:05 PM] fluffymarsh :1rdblehh: [4/23/2023 12:05 PM] fluffymarsh Flushin Impact [4/23/2023 12:05 PM] fluffymarsh Booooooo [4/23/2023 12:07 PM] solid_dd Professional fortniter ewwwwww {Reactions} LyraFortDnc TwiFortnite [4/23/2023 10:02 PM] lunar_explorator @Daring Shepard Wilkommen auf Zauberburg [4/23/2023 10:02 PM] lunar_explorator :wave: [4/23/2023 10:46 PM] romulus4444 {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/861309488664281119.png [4/25/2023 11:00 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1100436052449181777/FuPYlz9WcAESGHU.png?ex=661557f0&is=6602e2f0&hm=e22a566cc7b33e45d3705432e7d802dc79e613661a66419ca45e82aed2f49ed0& [4/26/2023 2:13 AM] ceroba__ketsukane Man Xertek wtf 😔 [4/26/2023 4:19 AM] Deleted User Ikr [4/26/2023 4:23 AM] gabrizzy it's always people who put on a nice guy mask where in reality it is a rotten onion that lies beneath [4/26/2023 1:37 PM] zatillias {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1100838191344390164/IMG_4262.gif?ex=6616ce75&is=66045975&hm=f5890866d77cca8c9cf855af6f5a627e09d4bae023d5ea1969f3ca720f59769b& [4/26/2023 1:38 PM] zatillias :sunnehcoming: [4/26/2023 1:38 PM] Deleted User *visible concern* [4/26/2023 1:38 PM] evil_gavier omg its the alicorn !!1! [4/26/2023 1:39 PM] zatillias 1!1!2!11 [4/26/2023 5:50 PM] vuisammie :Sunnywhatthefuckyousaypunk: [4/26/2023 5:51 PM] zatillias That emote name 😭 [4/26/2023 5:51 PM] vuisammie Yes [4/26/2023 5:51 PM] zatillias :problem: [4/26/2023 5:51 PM] vuisammie That emote name indeed [4/26/2023 5:52 PM] vuisammie :chadspike: [4/26/2023 5:52 PM] zatillias :smileof1000terrors: [4/26/2023 5:52 PM] vuisammie Yeah I only had one with an epic name :LunaMotionBlurWheeze: [4/26/2023 6:05 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/587564376274239493/934502544011591710/a_220e81c201db4fdee1871bba27064072.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/587564376274239493/934502544011591710/a_220e81c201db4fdee1871bba27064072.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/587564376274239493/934502544011591710/a_220e81c201db4fdee1871bba27064072.gif?ex=661ac350&is=66084e50&hm=b9107ccd8b4a1cef61fcc926dc1419fe21b583187d7da8b87f8294ab459868ad& [4/26/2023 10:04 PM] dragonsreborn333 {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/910078720772046898.png [4/27/2023 2:02 PM] solid_dd Do you think they'll remake equestria girls in gen 5? [4/27/2023 2:17 PM] zatillias I feel like they'll probably just touch on it in an ep or two [4/27/2023 2:17 PM] zatillias Like oh wowie magical mirror and humans so epic [4/27/2023 2:17 PM] zatillias Looking forward to the toys if the leak is real (which methinks it is) [4/27/2023 3:29 PM] solid_dd What leak [4/27/2023 3:29 PM] solid_dd :twistare: [4/27/2023 4:00 PM] comradesparkle Not a report as such but something to note. Go into your discord automod and add a rule forbidding people from typing a single # [4/27/2023 4:00 PM] comradesparkle # otherwise they can do this [4/27/2023 4:01 PM] fluffymarsh Sorry lol i started this in your server :LunaWheeze: [4/27/2023 4:01 PM] comradesparkle doing this doesn't block making channel pings like this #off-topic [4/27/2023 4:02 PM] comradesparkle If you didn't, someone else would have done eventually [4/27/2023 4:02 PM] fluffymarsh so i sped things up [4/27/2023 4:02 PM] fluffymarsh :PinkieMuhaha: [4/27/2023 4:05 PM] comradesparkle Maybe in future tell mods if Discord introduces another new feature which is a troll's dream [4/27/2023 4:07 PM] zatillias There were stock images of EQG dolls of the mane 5 a few months back [4/27/2023 4:09 PM] zatillias Still no idea where they even came from lol [4/27/2023 4:21 PM] dragonsreborn333 What [4/27/2023 4:24 PM] miboopls That’s [4/27/2023 4:24 PM] miboopls Why lmao [4/27/2023 4:24 PM] miboopls Just [4/27/2023 4:24 PM] miboopls Why was it even needed [4/27/2023 4:24 PM] miboopls XD [4/27/2023 4:26 PM] dragonsreborn333 I’m bringing hell to my personal server with this now [4/27/2023 6:35 PM] phoenixfire42 # Why is this a thing [4/27/2023 6:35 PM] Deleted User How do you do that? [4/27/2023 6:43 PM] fluffymarsh Comrade disabled It to us here :SadDashie: [4/27/2023 6:43 PM] fluffymarsh Unfair {Reactions} ChrysHaha [4/27/2023 6:56 PM] stormshadow_cote I've been seeing people typing that, but I still see standard text, have I just not gotten the update for it or something? [4/27/2023 7:23 PM] phoenixfire42 It was suspect for me on mobile, sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't [4/27/2023 7:24 PM] phoenixfire42 Also Idk if you guys knew but it has 3 levels. # here ## they ### are [4/27/2023 7:25 PM] vuisammie Huh [4/27/2023 7:25 PM] vuisammie Never knew that [4/27/2023 7:27 PM] phoenixfire42 They are implementing markdown formatting beyond the stuff they already have. #, ##, and ### are standard in that for headers. [4/27/2023 7:39 PM] stormshadow_cote I'm on desktop. I guess for some reason I just haven't gotten the markdown update yet [4/27/2023 7:40 PM] dragonsreborn333 yeah, its the same for me, both mobile and pc [4/27/2023 7:40 PM] dragonsreborn333 I dont see it now [4/27/2023 10:04 PM] vuisammie Have you closed a- nevermind [4/28/2023 7:15 AM] comradesparkle I just updated my discord client and can no longer see it. :TwiShrug: [4/28/2023 8:39 AM] nedemai I did a bit of reading on using hashtag for headers, its "experimental" from what I had read and its not on all servers. [4/28/2023 10:13 AM] vuisammie Ah [4/28/2023 11:13 AM] dragonsreborn333 I think they rolled it back [4/28/2023 2:43 PM] jdbo I have it forced on I'm able to see it still [4/28/2023 3:35 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1101592521492156477/Screenshot_2023-04-28-10-29-42-065_com.discord.png?ex=66198cfb&is=660717fb&hm=e872f942cef90d727715ac1ba91cee51bd70b269338884ebe09bbc5370ab0795& [4/28/2023 3:38 PM] dragonsreborn333 ✨ [4/28/2023 3:39 PM] evil_gavier https://discord.com/assets/e820a306c732b90515989dada9995a97.svg [4/28/2023 3:39 PM] evil_gavier aw, I was hoping it would embed [4/28/2023 3:47 PM] dragonsreborn333 Wtf is this layout it’s so horrible [4/28/2023 3:47 PM] dragonsreborn333 :dustedpain: [4/28/2023 4:31 PM] solid_dd It's not thaaaaaaaat bad [4/29/2023 6:43 AM] slimpickens_ wtf how do I undo this [4/29/2023 6:44 AM] slimpickens_ huzzah its back to normal [4/29/2023 2:24 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1101937140889309275/Snaptik.app_7226105904951872795.mp4?ex=661acdef&is=660858ef&hm=27eba52f67b1669b7c48a4a21a9f9da6baffdd48ca243b4418619e91d74d03d4& [4/30/2023 9:39 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1102227803090460672/A_tik_tok_story_where_a_guy_slips_on_a_banana_peel__meme_HIGH.mp4?ex=661bdca2&is=660967a2&hm=58a1668bab0c2aea2315cdb2c29486f9c64667b4e3119a3af9a707e8978aa292& {Reactions} 💀 (2) [5/1/2023 4:53 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1102699443637194812/ssstwitter.com_1682962280560.mp4?ex=661d93e2&is=660b1ee2&hm=1fbc8670da14e755b37d058c7b7ee4267bda4a5a7ab297089329ed76735f900f& [5/2/2023 10:19 PM] .mattz https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/543686009536249858/1103142073114316861/Screenshot_20230502-220459.png {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/543686009536249858/1103142073114316861/Screenshot_20230502-220459.png https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/543686009536249858/1103142073114316861/Screenshot_20230502-220459.png?ex=6615f59d&is=6603809d&hm=bc7d7a3df718b02306a753d8ac1f5efe7c33183a3237b2e104a228b3bff62bdb& [5/2/2023 10:20 PM] .mattz cherry blossom is very upset that i banned him lol [5/2/2023 10:20 PM] vuisammie Do you think it would be a good idea to warn ninny about Cherry? @MattZ [5/2/2023 10:22 PM] romulus4444 if y'all are talking about someone reported, then this conversation should go in #report-discussion [5/2/2023 10:23 PM] vuisammie Sorry, was just asking. [5/2/2023 10:33 PM] .mattz yes [5/2/2023 10:33 PM] .mattz this isn't my screenshot btw [5/2/2023 10:33 PM] .mattz im not in ninny's server [5/2/2023 10:33 PM] .mattz someone just sent this to me [5/5/2023 1:09 AM] dragonsreborn333 :Man: [5/5/2023 9:10 AM] onyxdash {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/930936097184292985.png [5/5/2023 1:14 PM] solid_dd Smart worker harder not [5/5/2023 1:18 PM] emperor_sombra {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1035946631352307762.png [5/5/2023 1:27 PM] solid_dd {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1081955201273045016.png [5/5/2023 4:09 PM] langou {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1037402602654142494.png [5/6/2023 7:53 AM] solid_dd Bless you [5/6/2023 8:08 AM] fluffymarsh polite british [5/6/2023 8:23 AM] langou thx :vapor: [5/6/2023 11:07 AM] solid_dd Just watched the third guardians of the galaxy [5/6/2023 11:07 AM] solid_dd So glad the animation wasn't terrible 🙏 [5/6/2023 11:25 AM] fluffymarsh No spoilers, i'll Watch this on monday [5/6/2023 11:33 AM] emperor_sombra :NoSpoilers: [5/6/2023 11:36 AM] solid_dd Batman dies [5/6/2023 11:38 AM] dragonsreborn333 Drake dies [5/6/2023 11:40 AM] gabrizzy everyone dies [5/6/2023 11:40 AM] silver_edge_uwu Twilight becomes a princess [5/6/2023 11:41 AM] dragonsreborn333 The raccoon dies [5/6/2023 11:57 AM] solid_dd Groot becomes evil [5/6/2023 2:05 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1104468951720800426/sketch-1678557932412.png?ex=661ac95e&is=6608545e&hm=b94faaa0783a932d32acec9f8348604f404f7e255b4a68fe04b787d2f0dbe64e& [5/6/2023 2:05 PM] fluffymarsh Bleehhhh [5/6/2023 2:44 PM] solid_dd I literally have no clue who this is or what that game is [5/6/2023 2:45 PM] Deleted User Genshin Impact [5/6/2023 2:45 PM] Deleted User Cool game [5/6/2023 2:45 PM] fluffymarsh Flushin Impact* [5/6/2023 2:45 PM] fluffymarsh Ewwwwww [5/6/2023 2:45 PM] solid_dd You play fortnite [5/6/2023 2:45 PM] evil_gavier aw cmon don't be a hater [5/6/2023 2:45 PM] evil_gavier (I don't play it either) [5/6/2023 2:46 PM] Deleted User I will probably soon [5/6/2023 2:46 PM] Deleted User since I am weeb for isekai [5/6/2023 2:46 PM] fluffymarsh The game is 100x better than Genshin even Fortnite being a bad game [5/6/2023 2:46 PM] Deleted User ⭐ [5/6/2023 2:46 PM] gabrizzy me who doesn't know what the hell are these two: [5/6/2023 2:46 PM] solid_dd Fortnite < Minecraft Hunger Games [5/6/2023 2:46 PM] solid_dd I don't make the rules [5/6/2023 2:46 PM] evil_gavier I don't care how bad the game is, League of Legends is probably worse [5/6/2023 2:46 PM] evil_gavier source: 8 years playing league [5/6/2023 2:46 PM] fluffymarsh Just know that Fortnite = Cool Genshin = Cringe [5/6/2023 2:47 PM] solid_dd :1rdthis: [5/6/2023 2:47 PM] Deleted User That's biased [5/6/2023 2:47 PM] fluffymarsh LoL is cool [5/6/2023 2:47 PM] fluffymarsh At least better than genshit [5/6/2023 2:47 PM] gabrizzy i classify the both of them to be "idgaf" {Reactions} ☝️ [5/6/2023 2:47 PM] itsskyliner I don't play any of them I have played League and it's soul sucking once you're deep into it, good game but damn it's sweaty [5/6/2023 2:47 PM] fluffymarsh Fair [5/6/2023 2:47 PM] emperor_sombra :TwiFortnite: [5/6/2023 2:48 PM] itsskyliner https://tenor.com/view/war-thunder-furry-maid-dress-hop-on-gif-25307256 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/war-thunder-furry-maid-dress-hop-on-gif-25307256 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/0f3e8Fxv89OAv2dXOQ9g5AYwBq5UXo0c08mva15hdOc/https/media.tenor.com/u57GbnwpSJQAAAAD/war-thunder-furry.png [5/6/2023 2:48 PM] fluffymarsh That's Flu When Genshin [5/6/2023 2:48 PM] solid_dd I want a crossiant [5/6/2023 2:48 PM] solid_dd I WILL EAT YOUR HEART (Respectfully) [5/6/2023 2:49 PM] Deleted User @n1te0wl [5/6/2023 2:49 PM] evil_gavier yea, it's fun to play, but if you want to be any good at it you have to dedicate so much. And that's without even getting into ✨the ranked experience✨ [5/6/2023 2:49 PM] Deleted User UWU [5/6/2023 2:49 PM] emperor_sombra {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1078005605521961020.png [5/6/2023 2:49 PM] Deleted User You are a furry [5/6/2023 2:49 PM] fluffymarsh That's also flu [5/6/2023 2:49 PM] solid_dd We're all furries [5/6/2023 2:49 PM] Deleted User bronies are sub-species of furries [5/6/2023 2:49 PM] fluffymarsh speak for yourself flushin [5/6/2023 2:49 PM] solid_dd Horses have fur [5/6/2023 2:49 PM] solid_dd Checkmate [5/6/2023 2:50 PM] itsskyliner I'm not a furry, I'm an actual horse IRL [5/6/2023 2:50 PM] solid_dd Proof [5/6/2023 2:50 PM] Deleted User *concern* [5/6/2023 2:50 PM] emperor_sombra :horseAlert: [5/6/2023 2:50 PM] Deleted User people, wtf are you on about [5/6/2023 2:50 PM] Deleted User you're human and that's it [5/6/2023 2:50 PM] Deleted User don't think you're horses [5/6/2023 2:50 PM] fluffymarsh I'm a horse too [5/6/2023 2:51 PM] Deleted User https://tenor.com/view/confused-huh-what-dog-question-mark-gif-23128484 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/confused-huh-what-dog-question-mark-gif-23128484 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/4fcKHsrxBnQehbl6m2NjNirIQ5ZV7pdfey4RCjW3jWE/https/media.tenor.com/oSod6ieueYEAAAAD/confused-huh.png [5/6/2023 2:51 PM] itsskyliner (It's a joke) [5/6/2023 2:51 PM] vuisammie Well, considering I’m neither horse nor human [5/6/2023 2:51 PM] Deleted User What are you then? [5/6/2023 2:51 PM] vuisammie An eevee {Reactions} veeveesleepy [5/6/2023 2:51 PM] fluffymarsh Pokemon [5/6/2023 2:51 PM] solid_dd I'm not human [5/6/2023 2:51 PM] Deleted User https://tenor.com/view/ummmmmm-excuse-me-what-gif-19629790 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/ummmmmm-excuse-me-what-gif-19629790 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/8m2C_vQ8tRFAKRbyhqT-RFjj2oe8vUpP02Fq1QUBUbE/https/media.tenor.com/Y0MeIF9AI1kAAAAD/ummmmmm-excuse-me.png [5/6/2023 2:51 PM] solid_dd I'm British {Reactions} teacup (3) [5/6/2023 2:51 PM] vuisammie You right [5/6/2023 2:51 PM] evil_gavier I'm [5/6/2023 2:51 PM] evil_gavier a bit tired [5/6/2023 2:51 PM] evil_gavier goodnight [5/6/2023 2:52 PM] itsskyliner Same [5/6/2023 2:52 PM] solid_dd Hi a bit tired [5/6/2023 2:52 PM] solid_dd I'm dad {Reactions} AJshotgun (2) [5/6/2023 2:52 PM] vuisammie :sbshocked: [5/6/2023 2:52 PM] vuisammie A better reaction would have been AJ with shotgun [5/6/2023 2:52 PM] Deleted User how was the king coronation? [5/6/2023 2:52 PM] vuisammie Just saying [5/6/2023 2:53 PM] fluffymarsh And Furry [5/6/2023 2:53 PM] evil_gavier 😔 I don't have nitro [5/6/2023 2:53 PM] solid_dd Idk I watched Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3 [5/6/2023 2:53 PM] vuisammie There, I saved you the trouble [5/6/2023 2:53 PM] evil_gavier we should get emotes in this server [5/6/2023 2:53 PM] evil_gavier ty [5/6/2023 2:53 PM] fluffymarsh Yeah [5/6/2023 2:53 PM] gabrizzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1096430270653141104.png [5/6/2023 2:53 PM] vuisammie Do we even know if she has a dad? [5/6/2023 2:53 PM] fluffymarsh @PhoenixFire(Sorry for the ping) we should get some emojis here [5/6/2023 2:53 PM] fluffymarsh Not Just :Pony_Community_Leaders: [5/6/2023 2:54 PM] fluffymarsh Or :18plus: [5/6/2023 2:54 PM] phoenixfire42 Idk what to add. Also kinda busy rn [5/6/2023 2:54 PM] gabrizzy the doom slayer is her dad [5/6/2023 2:54 PM] vuisammie You right [5/6/2023 2:54 PM] fluffymarsh Gimme emoji perms 🤪 [5/6/2023 2:54 PM] vuisammie But it wouldn’t work here, doom slayer is still *alive* [5/6/2023 2:54 PM] solid_dd Add dad bot {Reactions} 🙅‍♀️ [5/6/2023 2:54 PM] solid_dd This server would be 500x better with dad bot [5/6/2023 2:55 PM] emperor_sombra All of us admins could add emojis [5/6/2023 2:55 PM] vuisammie I am not sorry for trash talking AppleJack’s parents [5/6/2023 2:55 PM] Deleted User we could add emojis [5/6/2023 2:55 PM] fluffymarsh What About us The normal citizens [5/6/2023 2:55 PM] Deleted User since we have an off-topic channel [5/6/2023 2:55 PM] Deleted User :18plus: [5/6/2023 2:55 PM] vuisammie I should be banned from adding emojis because yes [5/6/2023 2:55 PM] Deleted User I could report you to discord instead [5/6/2023 2:55 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1104481700806930463/catchacha.mp4?ex=661ad53d&is=6608603d&hm=291b1e99703b31c7433f38d585c1f50efa25d0a4548d0a9135cf785384561844& [5/6/2023 2:56 PM] vuisammie Please do. I should have been banned from discord a long time ago :LunaMotionBlurWheeze: [5/6/2023 2:56 PM] emperor_sombra You can suggest emojis [5/6/2023 2:56 PM] Deleted User What have you been doing? [5/6/2023 2:56 PM] solid_dd I got banned once [5/6/2023 2:56 PM] Deleted User watching lolis? [5/6/2023 2:56 PM] Deleted User WTF guys [5/6/2023 2:56 PM] Deleted User Lolis are about till 13 YO's... [5/6/2023 2:57 PM] emperor_sombra :Squintyjack: [5/6/2023 2:57 PM] solid_dd My cat stood on my keyboard [5/6/2023 2:57 PM] vuisammie Does harassing minors into admitting they watch fillycon count? [5/6/2023 2:57 PM] evil_gavier can we go back to talking about emotes [5/6/2023 2:57 PM] zatillias Please [5/6/2023 2:57 PM] Deleted User WTF? [5/6/2023 2:57 PM] solid_dd :TwilightStare: [5/6/2023 2:57 PM] solid_dd OH [5/6/2023 2:57 PM] solid_dd I MISREAD THAT [5/6/2023 2:57 PM] vuisammie That was cherry blossom if anyone is curious [5/6/2023 2:57 PM] Deleted User https://tenor.com/view/really-are-you-kidding-me-gif-23169920 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/really-are-you-kidding-me-gif-23169920 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/eCxa0ulK4LgXZiqXuJUAbXZoect1W75b_hdU18MwvhM/https/media.tenor.com/b-kLuSZ1_SUAAAAD/really-are.png [5/6/2023 2:58 PM] gabrizzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1085588395486613664.png [5/6/2023 2:58 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1104482275795685426/RDT_20230430_1029084226596689472243060.jpg?ex=661ad5c6&is=660860c6&hm=d65f2e9277cad284d3d1ebf3d7359d32218d492ee822c800ef31ba041a5d7054& [5/6/2023 2:58 PM] solid_dd Make this a sticker [5/6/2023 2:58 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1104482316312649839/376095.gif?ex=661ad5d0&is=660860d0&hm=0ce48c01004730f6f741f06243220172a0f372dc2fbb457a66816d39fae1c1cf& [5/6/2023 2:58 PM] vuisammie Please do [5/6/2023 2:58 PM] zatillias {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1104482346750722119/v12044gd0000cgtkh13c77u2o2bp1fn0.mov?ex=661ad5d7&is=660860d7&hm=4aef850a46b11b6737a6e3a70c6fbdb0a37980d9f5473ac83009fe0ec1cb96fa& [5/6/2023 2:58 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1104482437708402719/20230501_183300.jpg?ex=661ad5ed&is=660860ed&hm=27861bf6b18d0b62900c898a811f9d7717d9138d49746671d7f67055f8b9512e& [5/6/2023 2:58 PM] vuisammie Huh [5/6/2023 2:59 PM] vuisammie I can tell you the answer is or [5/6/2023 2:59 PM] solid_dd Or what [5/6/2023 2:59 PM] vuisammie Exactly [5/6/2023 2:59 PM] solid_dd :BadHorseWater: [5/6/2023 2:59 PM] solid_dd Bad [5/6/2023 3:00 PM] emperor_sombra Lets not post people getting hurt [5/6/2023 3:00 PM] vuisammie :sadscoot: [5/6/2023 3:00 PM] gabrizzy :down_boy::down_boy::down_boy::down_boy: [5/6/2023 3:00 PM] solid_dd Pain funny [5/6/2023 3:00 PM] emperor_sombra We want to keep this server professional. [5/6/2023 3:00 PM] vuisammie What if it’s my own pain because everyone laughs when the one odd characters get injured? [5/6/2023 3:01 PM] evil_gavier self deprecation aint funny [5/6/2023 3:01 PM] fluffymarsh Ok Ms. Harshwhinny [5/6/2023 3:01 PM] fluffymarsh /jk [5/6/2023 3:01 PM] vuisammie Boy do I have a story for you that will make you change that opinion [5/6/2023 3:01 PM] solid_dd If I throw a brick at someone's head but they're jay walking, can I get in trouble [5/6/2023 3:02 PM] vuisammie Yes [5/6/2023 3:02 PM] solid_dd But they're committing a crime [5/6/2023 3:02 PM] vuisammie Don’t ask how I know this, but yes [5/6/2023 3:02 PM] solid_dd What if they're jay walking to crime me [5/6/2023 3:02 PM] vuisammie Then no [5/6/2023 3:02 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1104483433851392081/old_man_HD.mp4?ex=661ad6da&is=660861da&hm=3f1ad82b44384f7533849221c64b83eafca57103e8fbe575e1e25bb6f2419f0a& [5/6/2023 3:03 PM] vuisammie 10 out of 10 [5/6/2023 3:03 PM] solid_dd You know what should be a crime? Talking to people randomly in public [5/6/2023 3:03 PM] vuisammie Well, guess we all going to jail [5/6/2023 3:04 PM] solid_dd I'm not. [5/6/2023 3:04 PM] vuisammie Your doing it right now. You didn’t specify which public [5/6/2023 3:04 PM] solid_dd I never interact with anyone in public outside of stores [5/6/2023 3:04 PM] evil_gavier you can still get in trouble if you seriously hurt them. Self-defense applies only if you're not escalating too much the situation (well, at least down here. Idk about the law in other places) [5/6/2023 3:04 PM] solid_dd This isn't a public server is it [5/6/2023 3:04 PM] vuisammie You got a point [5/6/2023 3:05 PM] solid_dd I'll use my soft brick {Reactions} 🤔 [5/6/2023 3:49 PM] dragonsreborn333 :Taffyvoid: [5/6/2023 3:51 PM] solid_dd Scawed [5/6/2023 3:52 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/cat-mauzymice-sematary-haunted-mound-rainbow-bridge-gif-27696530 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/cat-mauzymice-sematary-haunted-mound-rainbow-bridge-gif-27696530 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/0yV5au_prqoATeQB899C_cBeXpLJbgwYuGfApEWzCyw/https/media.tenor.com/ow2PuQ8I5dYAAAAD/cat-mauzymice.png [5/6/2023 3:52 PM] zatillias {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/981590516804251698.png [5/6/2023 4:02 PM] solid_dd Ponies < Kirin {Reactions} KirinPraise2 (2) [5/6/2023 4:14 PM] dragonsreborn333 Kirin < Dragon [5/6/2023 6:18 PM] solid_dd Dragons are almost as overrated as bat ponies {Reactions} batrage (2) dragoangy [5/6/2023 6:24 PM] solid_dd :kirin_tea: {Reactions} BatAnger [5/6/2023 6:25 PM] evil_gavier that's an odd way to say that both of them are correctly rated as the best [5/6/2023 6:35 PM] fluffymarsh Unicorns >>>>> Bats [5/6/2023 7:20 PM] Deleted User bats uwu [5/6/2023 9:42 PM] gabrizzy we pegas are unstoppable [5/6/2023 10:38 PM] fluffymarsh Nahhh we unis are unstoppable [5/6/2023 10:39 PM] shotgunner Bruh [5/6/2023 10:59 PM] gabrizzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1096430270653141104.png [5/7/2023 1:23 AM] vuisammie Yellow animal shotgun gang :AJshotgun: [5/7/2023 2:39 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1104658842236747807/20230506_210231.jpg?ex=661b7a37&is=66090537&hm=b9d9deb4ce01115f69f5b4309b48cbe0e48a9fae0c7a85f60c9c20ab0ae81133& [5/7/2023 2:31 PM] onyxdash :TrixieConcern: [5/7/2023 4:33 PM] fluffymarsh You when genshin {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1104868734818058290/f.mp4?ex=661c3db1&is=6609c8b1&hm=12a9283e7375e53693fddcd4e257c0110a38552b6d9725447236827267534697& [5/7/2023 4:53 PM] solid_dd I will spoil GOTG Vol 3 for you [5/7/2023 5:46 PM] lunar_explorator No longer a crime in California as of last February actually! {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1104887071014932540/image.png?ex=661c4ec5&is=6609d9c5&hm=119eaff8a885019b7dc7f9795c9268b95fcd55863a27c95b8406aeb4cbec79a3& [5/8/2023 4:13 AM] solid_dd I'm not Californian [5/8/2023 10:34 AM] fluffymarsh @Emperor Sombra this should be an emoji lol {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1105140653907771472/94bb7370a6ba587b4d643682d8c6fe9f.png?ex=661d3af0&is=660ac5f0&hm=2ef198df80b511e0750a8f5d7ede7d1bf66f7cd9cb47de92c315b68fc4f4d281& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1105140654180417628/large.png?ex=661d3af0&is=660ac5f0&hm=45a653faac2a143c79731195e3b972ee7ac3ff017c5a367dc7c88609f5efd0d0& [5/8/2023 10:34 AM] emperor_sombra :StopRightThereCriminalScum: [5/8/2023 10:35 AM] gabrizzy hello, you have just reached the equestrian emergency services [5/8/2023 10:38 AM] evil_gavier one that should probably be an emote here is spikewtf from manechat. It doesn't see much use inside the server and we're gonna delete it (along with some others) relatively soon to make room for more emotes. But I've seen it used here and in EQD a couple of times [5/8/2023 10:38 AM] evil_gavier https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/768657316760518656.webp?size=96&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/768657316760518656.webp?size=96&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/jTW-XuuxBRNgT3WLt6t9EiL3zhxp9J9c2qtu_6qMNno/%3Fsize%3D96%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/768657316760518656.webp [5/8/2023 10:39 AM] fluffymarsh XD [5/8/2023 10:40 AM] fluffymarsh What u think about that Spike one gavier sent? [5/8/2023 10:41 AM] gabrizzy what is the number to dial the equestrian police [5/8/2023 10:42 AM] emperor_sombra It's a good suggestion. We should probably pick emojis that we would want to use while doing moderation things. [5/8/2023 10:42 AM] emperor_sombra :Squintyjack: [5/8/2023 10:45 AM] solid_dd So a Cherry Blossom emoji [5/8/2023 10:46 AM] fluffymarsh For when we expose pedos lol [5/8/2023 10:46 AM] solid_dd Good thing there's barely any Pedos in this community right? [5/8/2023 11:55 AM] dragonsreborn333 :FA_CatEye:👄:FA_CatEye: {Reactions} flutterwaaaugh [5/8/2023 3:39 PM] comradesparkle It's a really popular emote in EQD, I see it used a lot. I'll probably add it if you're removing it. {Reactions} lyrathumbsup [5/8/2023 4:22 PM] meganought Yeah we just want to refresh our emotes, it's been a while [5/9/2023 3:00 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1105569919329902803/trim.BCF8B08D-1350-4E8D-BF8E-04B24BB04FC0.mp4?ex=66159039&is=66031b39&hm=fe6f009de138f80f51e9bd739095309239a779c2281fb81ba925936cdb1413b5& [5/9/2023 4:31 PM] fluffymarsh That's so you [5/9/2023 4:31 PM] solid_dd I'd be the opposite [5/9/2023 4:32 PM] solid_dd He looks so loveable what anime? [5/9/2023 4:32 PM] fluffymarsh That's you after genshin [5/9/2023 4:32 PM] solid_dd I WILL RAVAGE YOUR CHEST CAVITY [5/9/2023 4:32 PM] fluffymarsh {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1049367994599473183.png [5/9/2023 4:32 PM] emperor_sombra :Squintyjack: [5/9/2023 4:33 PM] fluffymarsh Hello Sombrero [5/9/2023 4:33 PM] solid_dd {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1090725048253427752.png [5/9/2023 4:34 PM] fluffymarsh You Don't Have this when you Genshin [5/9/2023 4:34 PM] solid_dd Go bully children Fortnite [5/9/2023 4:35 PM] solid_dd Go remortgage your house for the Running Raider Skin [5/9/2023 4:35 PM] fluffymarsh Go simp for anime gorls [5/9/2023 4:35 PM] solid_dd Go build a house the second someone breaths on you [5/9/2023 4:36 PM] fluffymarsh I will [5/9/2023 4:36 PM] fluffymarsh Go Simp to your anime characters [5/9/2023 4:36 PM] solid_dd Go simp for the jiggle jiggle skin [5/9/2023 4:37 PM] fluffymarsh We Don't Have that yet [5/9/2023 4:37 PM] solid_dd You had it [5/9/2023 4:37 PM] fluffymarsh This is Flu Guys {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1105594373158211604/f.mp4?ex=6615a6ff&is=660331ff&hm=05d484601fdaf0ba7674e3efe81301305333b55cf54a25ec583ef83efbb60d9c& [5/9/2023 4:37 PM] fluffymarsh Flu is a Genshin Tik Tok E-Girl [5/9/2023 4:38 PM] solid_dd Shut up you live in Brazil [5/9/2023 4:38 PM] solid_dd Go swing on a vine [5/9/2023 4:38 PM] fluffymarsh You Eat Tea For Breakfast, Lunch And Dinner [5/9/2023 4:38 PM] fluffymarsh Bri'ish [5/9/2023 4:39 PM] solid_dd Your capital is 50% slums and 50% violent crime [5/9/2023 4:39 PM] fluffymarsh Yours Is 90% Tea And 10% fish [5/9/2023 4:39 PM] solid_dd Your monument is a big jesus that does nothing [5/9/2023 4:40 PM] solid_dd Big Ben tells the time [5/9/2023 4:40 PM] fluffymarsh Not Anymore loser [5/9/2023 4:40 PM] evil_gavier Hey uh. [5/9/2023 4:40 PM] fluffymarsh (this Is not a real fight btw lol) [5/9/2023 4:40 PM] evil_gavier I figured [5/9/2023 4:41 PM] evil_gavier but like still, not everyone knows eachother here and yall making us uncomfortable [5/9/2023 4:41 PM] fluffymarsh Oh Sorry [5/9/2023 4:41 PM] fluffymarsh I'll stop [5/9/2023 4:41 PM] solid_dd True [5/9/2023 4:41 PM] solid_dd You should ban fluffy [5/9/2023 4:42 PM] fluffymarsh You too [5/9/2023 4:42 PM] solid_dd *two [5/9/2023 4:42 PM] fluffymarsh Anyways [5/9/2023 4:42 PM] evil_gavier 🫡 I'm banning both off of manechat [5/9/2023 4:42 PM] fluffymarsh Random pirate from a TV show {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1105595724063850676/1683639428377.png?ex=6615a841&is=66033341&hm=8a7c43932235011757fef63e6ac07e571c9a75d863eb144ba0350d5535637ec3& [5/9/2023 4:43 PM] evil_gavier liar, that's Don Ramón from el Chavo del 8 [5/9/2023 4:43 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1105595974509928459/trim.37FC89F8-5E57-4E61-9257-E40B1D872BFF.mp4?ex=6615a87d&is=6603337d&hm=9e25454bfa7777f5ade701da2fc94c89c6c2508aa6817edf1158d56f1055f68e& [5/9/2023 4:43 PM] fluffymarsh Wrong [5/9/2023 4:43 PM] fluffymarsh That's captain black soul from El Chapulin Colorado [5/9/2023 4:44 PM] evil_gavier :O [5/9/2023 4:44 PM] solid_dd Wow [5/9/2023 4:44 PM] evil_gavier I've been outsmarted [5/9/2023 4:44 PM] solid_dd Captain Black Soul [5/9/2023 4:44 PM] fluffymarsh Hehehehaw [5/9/2023 4:44 PM] solid_dd :/ [5/9/2023 4:44 PM] solid_dd That's spiritual black face [5/9/2023 4:44 PM] fluffymarsh I know all the Characters from their series [5/9/2023 4:45 PM] evil_gavier I used to watch it when I was small [5/9/2023 4:46 PM] fluffymarsh Same, It's very popular here in brazil lol [5/9/2023 4:46 PM] evil_gavier south america gang ✊ [5/9/2023 4:46 PM] fluffymarsh Yeahhh [5/9/2023 4:46 PM] fluffymarsh What's your Country? [5/9/2023 4:47 PM] evil_gavier Argentina [5/9/2023 4:47 PM] fluffymarsh Neighbors [5/9/2023 4:47 PM] fluffymarsh 🤝 {Reactions} 🤝 [5/9/2023 4:48 PM] shotgunner Imagine actually being banned for no reason [5/9/2023 4:48 PM] shotgunner 💀 [5/9/2023 4:53 PM] solid_dd I'm on that get banned from ever mlp server % run you know how it be [5/9/2023 6:32 PM] fluffymarsh Where should I Go eat guys {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1105623411541164082/IMG_20230508_205529.jpg?ex=6615c20a&is=66034d0a&hm=ff6bd8e351a26aad36d0468b5de6fd639d0f04a8c986983eec42b3e69b25afbc& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1105623411893477527/IMG_20230508_205646.jpg?ex=6615c20a&is=66034d0a&hm=8994480a61c7c7778bb0195f2d0552da7034cd8ca94eb3e415cfb55b1ff0a226& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1105623412212252782/IMG_20230508_205513.jpg?ex=6615c20a&is=66034d0a&hm=40744bd775e6be6a19cbd58db68d9dd167a0e2823697239afda5245fe252028e& [5/9/2023 6:33 PM] shotgunner KFC [5/9/2023 6:33 PM] phoenixfire42 idk. Wherever sounds good lol [5/9/2023 6:33 PM] fluffymarsh That's The Problem,All of them sounds good :PinkieCrazy: [5/9/2023 6:33 PM] fluffymarsh Maybe lol [5/9/2023 6:34 PM] shotgunner Lol [5/9/2023 8:04 PM] gabrizzy randomize and let RNG decide [5/10/2023 11:19 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1105876756143013919/image0.jpg?ex=6616adfc&is=660438fc&hm=596a823f1e9a5db076c26366a1ad99d39defd17f8b9ef8653585802e8655ef98& [5/10/2023 11:20 AM] ebonyrose Party [5/10/2023 11:22 AM] romulus4444 *neighing sounds* [5/10/2023 11:24 AM] gabrizzy time to kick ass [5/10/2023 11:53 AM] solid_dd :StarlightSmug: [5/10/2023 11:53 AM] solid_dd You know~ [5/10/2023 11:56 AM] fluffymarsh You Can't play Genshin If you Are a pony silly [5/10/2023 11:56 AM] solid_dd Yes I can [5/10/2023 11:56 AM] evil_gavier you can play horse genshin impact [5/10/2023 12:29 PM] vuisammie God damnit. Not again [5/10/2023 3:17 PM] comradesparkle Celebrate [5/10/2023 3:17 PM] comradesparkle and go and find Twilight :TwiSly::TwiCute: [5/10/2023 5:06 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1105964041588965436/video-output-5D44AD04-8682-4287-8D62-213CD6022432.mp4?ex=6616ff47&is=66048a47&hm=b8fced1730b186514848dc4962bdc74c892bf331b818825781fbd497cc887fa1& [5/10/2023 5:16 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1105966698324037703/OMGITS.mp4?ex=661701c0&is=66048cc0&hm=ea2cad17c82c98fb5f20bce931aaf775e86686e6c722d0c82f12da1293fa93ef& [5/10/2023 5:27 PM] solid_dd I despise the background animator who did this [5/11/2023 5:38 AM] comradesparkle Rick and Morty in the same shot [5/11/2023 6:50 AM] elongatedmusket :waltuh: [5/11/2023 7:57 AM] zatillias :jesse: [5/11/2023 1:03 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1106265293363351592/dafoe.mp4?ex=661817d7&is=6605a2d7&hm=988444fad8c5c88213403457340a8a672a2225ded2ebe589fa51b04745faceb4& [5/11/2023 6:02 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1106340551441272892/Fvy5lctXwAAbeay.png?ex=66185dee&is=6605e8ee&hm=51a4089304980834489c6763996f409553dec326397f04b13a700c4773d24204& [5/11/2023 6:35 PM] romulus4444 {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/957422649611538452.png [5/11/2023 7:21 PM] fluffymarsh Do u know who is the Artist? [5/11/2023 7:21 PM] fluffymarsh Their style looks so cute [5/11/2023 7:22 PM] emperor_sombra https://twitter.com/MoozuaMary/status/1465338193876643841 {Embed} Moo! 🐮 🔜 Furlandia (vending) (@MoozuaMary) https://twitter.com/MoozuaMary/status/1465338193876643841 commission warm up #MLP Likes 2822 Retweets 1082 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/L2T0q5rC7nADiyosUsjg3stHCIgOWjiaHUkkPKTlfhw/https/pbs.twimg.com/media/FFXtEOOVUAQKq04.jpg Twitter [5/11/2023 7:22 PM] evil_gavier Moozua https://manebooru.art/tags/artist-colon-moozua {Embed} https://manebooru.art/tags/artist-colon-moozua artist:moozua - Tags - Manebooru Linear imagebooru which lets you share, find and discover new art and media surrounding the show My Little Pony. [5/11/2023 7:23 PM] fluffymarsh Thanks xD [5/11/2023 7:23 PM] romulus4444 it's Moozua, i don't know if anyone said yet {Reactions} AriGolly (2) [5/11/2023 7:23 PM] fluffymarsh Also thanks lol [5/12/2023 6:14 AM] meganought (mooza has a patreon now btw, jus sayin) [5/12/2023 10:32 AM] solid_dd Would y'all support my patreon [5/13/2023 8:10 PM] onyxdash is that in Mexico? [5/13/2023 8:10 PM] onyxdash I see spanish [5/13/2023 8:10 PM] fluffymarsh 💀 Brazil Bruh lol [5/13/2023 8:10 PM] fluffymarsh I'm Brazilian [5/13/2023 8:10 PM] onyxdash :BanditSus: [5/13/2023 8:10 PM] onyxdash oh [5/13/2023 8:10 PM] onyxdash that's Portuguese [5/13/2023 8:11 PM] onyxdash {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/930936097184292985.png [5/13/2023 8:11 PM] onyxdash pardon my silly American brain [5/14/2023 10:21 AM] evil_gavier tbf they're super similar languages and the countries that use them are all next to eachother lol [5/14/2023 10:22 AM] snowshovelmusic Portuguese and Spanish has a lot of similarities. [5/14/2023 10:22 AM] snowshovelmusic I speak spanish, I can somewhat understand Portuguese. [5/14/2023 10:23 AM] evil_gavier same [5/14/2023 10:24 AM] evil_gavier tho it resulted on me hearing "obrigado" and thinking I had to do something lol [5/14/2023 10:24 AM] snowshovelmusic That Blue colour is hard to read in Discord dark mode [5/14/2023 10:25 AM] vuisammie Then just use light mode {Reactions} 😱 [5/14/2023 10:25 AM] snowshovelmusic No [5/14/2023 10:25 AM] snowshovelmusic I refuse [5/14/2023 10:25 AM] gabrizzy **fire in the hole!!!** [5/14/2023 10:25 AM] gabrizzy https://tenor.com/view/cat-flashbang-gif-25002731 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/cat-flashbang-gif-25002731 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/o0x8xkGpGYhLFHisNTaeuj01icxvAYjmX4gTH75RHKA/https/media.tenor.com/fLhSt81F5gAAAAAD/cat-flashbang.png [5/14/2023 10:25 AM] snowshovelmusic ^ This [5/14/2023 10:25 AM] evil_gavier lmao [5/14/2023 10:26 AM] vuisammie Skill issue. Just have better eyes [5/14/2023 10:27 AM] snowshovelmusic You're asking me to have better eyes when I already need better ears... [5/14/2023 10:27 AM] vuisammie :FA_EmolgaShrug: [5/14/2023 10:27 AM] snowshovelmusic https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/568365071491661824/1005806762668068944/890911759181951016.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/568365071491661824/1005806762668068944/890911759181951016.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/568365071491661824/1005806762668068944/890911759181951016.gif?ex=661bc48b&is=66094f8b&hm=38fb1eca4020f50e1be6a2a124f84d09bf819879d72769736719a55014260154& [5/14/2023 10:27 AM] evil_gavier if you believe in yourself everything is possible [5/14/2023 10:28 AM] evil_gavier even getting glasses [5/14/2023 10:28 AM] vuisammie I believe I’m a horse [5/14/2023 10:28 AM] vuisammie Well shoot it didn’t work {Reactions} 😔 [5/14/2023 10:28 AM] snowshovelmusic https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/618381218190196746/939681619520917564/animated.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/618381218190196746/939681619520917564/animated.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/618381218190196746/939681619520917564/animated.gif?ex=661b25b4&is=6608b0b4&hm=0df51ca250f55e7ff9ace169decd128c133acbb622f2e379c052ee0d6cb49f43& [5/14/2023 10:29 AM] snowshovelmusic It never works at first try [5/14/2023 10:29 AM] vuisammie This would be attempt 532. [5/14/2023 10:30 AM] snowshovelmusic Attempt 666 is where you become a horse {Reactions} 😈 [5/14/2023 10:30 AM] vuisammie Probably, give me 20 days [5/14/2023 10:30 AM] snowshovelmusic Do it for science [5/14/2023 10:31 AM] vuisammie I can’t think that fast, I’m a stoopid eevui [5/14/2023 10:31 AM] snowshovelmusic https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/927419244977737778/956511965658890330/877543104046071838.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/927419244977737778/956511965658890330/877543104046071838.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/927419244977737778/956511965658890330/877543104046071838.gif?ex=6617c6af&is=660551af&hm=249e8dc64921d036f394d82085adbe2e022010a00d842e593bf773f57647ea0a& [5/14/2023 10:31 AM] snowshovelmusic Too bad [5/14/2023 10:32 AM] vuisammie Did you just use my own thing against me? [5/14/2023 10:32 AM] snowshovelmusic Maybe? [5/14/2023 10:32 AM] snowshovelmusic 🤷 [5/14/2023 10:33 AM] vuisammie Why you little- [5/14/2023 10:33 AM] snowshovelmusic https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/418250622245142538/941461153501040710/0644805C-453E-4C44-9250-B157F63A4FBB.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/418250622245142538/941461153501040710/0644805C-453E-4C44-9250-B157F63A4FBB.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/418250622245142538/941461153501040710/0644805C-453E-4C44-9250-B157F63A4FBB.gif?ex=66186486&is=6605ef86&hm=e88b85d11deb7fd02a8250eafbac65b5ad8b9de631d9919c7e1ab81715479509& [5/14/2023 10:33 AM] vuisammie :cryaboutitFAST: [5/14/2023 10:33 AM] snowshovelmusic https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/910991831599288330/1095679434259972199/20220804_212712.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/910991831599288330/1095679434259972199/20220804_212712.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/910991831599288330/1095679434259972199/20220804_212712.gif?ex=66167efd&is=660409fd&hm=05654210a584c2bc2109a127ac22eaf60da55b166fe12842c63d4f2a40903bc7& [5/14/2023 10:33 AM] vuisammie Actually, send me there now [5/14/2023 10:34 AM] gabrizzy instructions unclear, i become a succubus instead [5/14/2023 10:34 AM] snowshovelmusic Same, I want to go to the UK [5/14/2023 10:34 AM] snowshovelmusic Side effects... Sometimes happens... [5/14/2023 10:35 AM] evil_gavier question. where are you from? [5/14/2023 10:35 AM] gabrizzy i lived to see myself becoming a demon girl, which is totally not ripped from demon slayer [5/14/2023 10:35 AM] snowshovelmusic Argentina [5/14/2023 10:36 AM] evil_gavier 🇦🇷 hell yeah yeehaw it's two of us [5/14/2023 10:36 AM] gabrizzy professional footballers [5/14/2023 10:36 AM] snowshovelmusic The country of inflation [5/14/2023 10:36 AM] evil_gavier 500 and counting! [5/14/2023 10:37 AM] snowshovelmusic And corrupted governments [5/14/2023 10:37 AM] evil_gavier Which province? I'm from Córdoba [5/14/2023 10:37 AM] snowshovelmusic Buenos Aires [5/14/2023 10:38 AM] evil_gavier I'll make sure to visit if I ever go to the big city [5/14/2023 10:38 AM] snowshovelmusic You ain't missing a lot tbh [5/14/2023 10:39 AM] snowshovelmusic If I were you I'd go to other places rather than Buenos Aires. {Reactions} 😔 [5/14/2023 10:41 AM] snowshovelmusic Chubut is beautiful, I've went there once [5/14/2023 10:41 AM] snowshovelmusic It was a beautiful experience tbh [5/14/2023 10:41 AM] snowshovelmusic There are penguins if you go in the right time of the year {Reactions} 😮 [5/14/2023 10:42 AM] evil_gavier I'm actually going there this summer, gonna visit the glaciars [5/14/2023 10:42 AM] snowshovelmusic 🐧 [5/14/2023 10:42 AM] snowshovelmusic I was lucky to see a dolphin far in the distance, sea lions, penguins and other animals. {Reactions} 🥺 [5/14/2023 10:43 AM] snowshovelmusic And the Whales [5/14/2023 10:43 AM] snowshovelmusic idk how it's spell in english but... Ballena Franca Austral. [5/14/2023 10:43 AM] snowshovelmusic Such a beautiful whale. [5/14/2023 10:44 AM] evil_gavier can't wait to go lol [5/14/2023 10:45 AM] snowshovelmusic Puerto Madryn is a beautiful place [5/14/2023 10:45 AM] evil_gavier Southern Right Whale according to wikipedia [5/14/2023 10:45 AM] snowshovelmusic All the way down to Rawson. [5/14/2023 10:46 AM] snowshovelmusic Good to know, ty. [5/14/2023 10:47 AM] snowshovelmusic I recommend to explore the whole peninsula of Valdes, it's beautiful. [5/14/2023 10:47 AM] snowshovelmusic Punta Ninfas has a really beautiful sight [5/14/2023 10:48 AM] snowshovelmusic And you can see a lot of wild animals [5/14/2023 10:48 AM] evil_gavier :O [5/14/2023 10:48 AM] snowshovelmusic I was there 12 years ago tbh [5/14/2023 10:48 AM] snowshovelmusic I'd repeat the experience if I could. [5/14/2023 10:49 AM] snowshovelmusic And the weather isn't that cold as you might think. [5/14/2023 10:49 AM] snowshovelmusic It has way better weather than Buenos Aires imho [5/14/2023 10:49 AM] evil_gavier I'll make sure to take plenty of photos ~~and make yall jealous~~ [5/14/2023 10:49 AM] snowshovelmusic Go ahead [5/14/2023 10:50 AM] snowshovelmusic Also, I loved how clear the water is [5/14/2023 10:51 AM] snowshovelmusic I've been in Buenos Aires beaches before and the water is awful, but in Chubut? Oh my, the water there is beautiful. [5/14/2023 10:52 AM] evil_gavier ~~must be the baby whale poop~~ [5/14/2023 10:52 AM] snowshovelmusic MAYBE [5/14/2023 10:52 AM] snowshovelmusic https://tenor.com/view/wheeze-wheeze-laugh-nikkal-kundhal-nikkalkundhal-gif-23223780 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/wheeze-wheeze-laugh-nikkal-kundhal-nikkalkundhal-gif-23223780 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/3tQ7CjZuTy7CEMOgTHMDaUl1pOn1_spKrYMIGlKy9B4/https/media.tenor.com/IZX4tB6XZFAAAAAD/wheeze-wheeze-laugh.png [5/14/2023 10:53 AM] snowshovelmusic Also, Buenos Aires beaches tends to be over populated and is boring... Way too many people. [5/14/2023 10:55 AM] evil_gavier oh yeah I went to brazil a couple of times with family and the beaches were super full too. I was a kid so I didn't mind much lol [5/14/2023 10:55 AM] evil_gavier too busy eating sand and drinking salt [5/14/2023 10:56 AM] evil_gavier second time I do remember being annoyed at not being able to find a good place to sit [5/14/2023 10:56 AM] romulus4444 How many people were on the beach [5/14/2023 10:56 AM] snowshovelmusic I feel like that if you go to vacations, you have to go to a peaceful place that's not too crowded. [5/14/2023 10:56 AM] vuisammie Honestly best child life [5/14/2023 10:56 AM] romulus4444 Were there...a brazillon of them? [5/14/2023 10:56 AM] vuisammie :LunaMotionBlurWheeze: :LunaMotionBlurWheeze: :LunaMotionBlurWheeze: :LunaMotionBlurWheeze: :LunaMotionBlurWheeze: :LunaMotionBlurWheeze: [5/14/2023 10:56 AM] snowshovelmusic That's a good one [5/14/2023 10:56 AM] evil_gavier gjdgbagbluiae lmao [5/14/2023 10:56 AM] snowshovelmusic sadfghjkjhgjjndgf indeed [5/14/2023 10:57 AM] evil_gavier most of them were argentinian tourists actually lol [5/14/2023 10:57 AM] vuisammie :nerdbat: [5/14/2023 10:57 AM] snowshovelmusic Because entering Brazil doesn't need any special requirement [5/14/2023 10:57 AM] snowshovelmusic Just your ID card lmao [5/14/2023 10:57 AM] vuisammie Only exiting [5/14/2023 11:00 AM] snowshovelmusic https://tenor.com/view/brazil-youre-going-to-brazil-your-going-to-brazil-ur-going-to-brazil-gif-17868304 [5/14/2023 11:00 AM] snowshovelmusic EPIC EMBED FAIL [5/14/2023 11:00 AM] snowshovelmusic No one needs to say it. [5/14/2023 11:01 AM] snowshovelmusic https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/568365071491661824/1005806762668068944/890911759181951016.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/568365071491661824/1005806762668068944/890911759181951016.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/568365071491661824/1005806762668068944/890911759181951016.gif?ex=661bc48b&is=66094f8b&hm=38fb1eca4020f50e1be6a2a124f84d09bf819879d72769736719a55014260154& [5/14/2023 11:01 AM] evil_gavier error épico de subida [5/14/2023 11:02 AM] vuisammie That my friend [5/14/2023 11:02 AM] vuisammie Is a skill issue [5/14/2023 11:02 AM] snowshovelmusic Yeah, it is. [5/14/2023 11:02 AM] snowshovelmusic I have a lot of skill issues [5/14/2023 11:02 AM] vuisammie What was that emoji [5/14/2023 11:03 AM] vuisammie I know who sent it [5/14/2023 11:03 AM] snowshovelmusic idk [5/14/2023 11:03 AM] vuisammie Anyways [5/14/2023 11:03 AM] vuisammie Now I’m gonna point and laugh and tell everyone to join in and say laugh, it’s embed failure [5/14/2023 11:04 AM] snowshovelmusic Nice emoji reaction [5/14/2023 11:04 AM] snowshovelmusic Do it again [5/14/2023 11:04 AM] evil_gavier speaking of emotes [5/14/2023 11:04 AM] snowshovelmusic 👀 + [5/14/2023 11:04 AM] vuisammie One more time [5/14/2023 11:05 AM] evil_gavier we gotta get some emotes for real [5/14/2023 11:05 AM] gabrizzy since i'm too tired to laugh, i'm gonna just put this emote [5/14/2023 11:05 AM] gabrizzy :laugh_wheeze: [5/14/2023 11:05 AM] vuisammie I almost sniped it [5/14/2023 11:05 AM] snowshovelmusic Same [5/14/2023 11:05 AM] vuisammie I sniped that one [5/14/2023 11:05 AM] vuisammie SCREEEEEEE [5/14/2023 11:05 AM] snowshovelmusic I failed [5/14/2023 11:06 AM] solid_dd Hey guys [5/14/2023 11:06 AM] solid_dd What's up [5/14/2023 11:06 AM] gabrizzy :Bongo_cat_wave: [5/14/2023 11:06 AM] vuisammie Bruh I actually clicked it that time [5/14/2023 11:06 AM] solid_dd :HoofWave: [5/14/2023 11:06 AM] gabrizzy feeling a lot better from yesterday, the dust from moving to a new house really makes my nose go brrr [5/14/2023 11:06 AM] vuisammie Anyways [5/14/2023 11:06 AM] vuisammie Duck [5/14/2023 11:06 AM] vuisammie :duck_dance: [5/14/2023 11:07 AM] solid_dd Duck yummy [5/14/2023 11:07 AM] gabrizzy :ducky_dance: [5/14/2023 11:07 AM] snowshovelmusic Goose [5/14/2023 11:07 AM] snowshovelmusic https://tenor.com/view/goose-geese-goosey-canada-goose-gif-25374618 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/goose-geese-goosey-canada-goose-gif-25374618 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/uSHDRhZ75sypxAGAX_LioTFB56QSoDEtfsOgskZzj8I/https/media.tenor.com/W-k_ZDugN80AAAAD/goose-geese.png [5/14/2023 11:07 AM] solid_dd WOOOOOOOOW autocorrect [5/14/2023 11:07 AM] gabrizzy :gooseshock: [5/14/2023 11:07 AM] solid_dd Doing the opposite for once [5/14/2023 11:07 AM] vuisammie Was about say [5/14/2023 11:07 AM] vuisammie DAMNIT [5/14/2023 11:08 AM] solid_dd No need for swears [5/14/2023 11:08 AM] vuisammie Always when I least expect it [5/14/2023 11:08 AM] snowshovelmusic We are too slow to react to the emoji [5/14/2023 11:08 AM] snowshovelmusic We have skill issues Sammie [5/14/2023 11:08 AM] vuisammie BRUH I REACTED TO IT NO SHOT [5/14/2023 11:08 AM] solid_dd :Wheeze: [5/14/2023 11:08 AM] solid_dd What's even going on [5/14/2023 11:09 AM] gabrizzy reaction sniping [5/14/2023 11:09 AM] vuisammie You will see in a second [5/14/2023 11:09 AM] vuisammie Or not [5/14/2023 11:09 AM] snowshovelmusic I CLICKED IT [5/14/2023 11:09 AM] snowshovelmusic WTF [5/14/2023 11:09 AM] vuisammie XD [5/14/2023 11:09 AM] gabrizzy me too [5/14/2023 11:09 AM] evil_gavier akjbkabosb god dammit [5/14/2023 11:09 AM] gabrizzy i saw it goes to 2 then poof [5/14/2023 11:09 AM] vuisammie Hacker [5/14/2023 11:10 AM] solid_dd Why do you wanna catch this reaction so bad lol [5/14/2023 11:10 AM] snowshovelmusic IT'S FUNNY [5/14/2023 11:10 AM] vuisammie Because it looks like two mares kissing :LunaMotionBlurWheeze: {Reactions} Kiss (4) [5/14/2023 11:10 AM] gabrizzy :nuzzle: [5/14/2023 11:10 AM] vuisammie OH [5/14/2023 11:10 AM] solid_dd NOOOOOOOO [5/14/2023 11:10 AM] vuisammie GOT IT [5/14/2023 11:10 AM] solid_dd I WAS CAUGHT [5/14/2023 11:10 AM] solid_dd :Apogeecri: [5/14/2023 11:10 AM] snowshovelmusic Ponies kissing? [5/14/2023 11:10 AM] snowshovelmusic Way too lewd [5/14/2023 11:10 AM] gabrizzy you're too slow [5/14/2023 11:11 AM] evil_gavier 🎉 WE WON [5/14/2023 11:11 AM] solid_dd It's your fault [5/14/2023 11:11 AM] vuisammie Skill issue, utter skill issue [5/14/2023 11:11 AM] solid_dd I'll skill issue Ur mom [5/14/2023 11:11 AM] gabrizzy distraction successful [5/14/2023 11:12 AM] vuisammie *just gonna retract what I was gonna say, too nervous it might be over doing it* [5/14/2023 11:12 AM] gabrizzy https://tenor.com/view/aloistrancytag-distracted-gif-18185704 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/aloistrancytag-distracted-gif-18185704 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/my5AvDqR5l-ek30gH98FTv5XWyAfsv6sSD1I-WG9dho/https/media.tenor.com/N-uPjRMDDFYAAAAD/aloistrancytag-distracted.png {Reactions} 🦐 [5/14/2023 11:12 AM] solid_dd Say it [5/14/2023 11:12 AM] solid_dd Do it for the vine [5/14/2023 11:12 AM] solid_dd https://tenor.com/view/funny-assassins-creed-vine-2013-gif-25672592 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/funny-assassins-creed-vine-2013-gif-25672592 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/YRIEXWYHvpbUS4HWATzn0_Kbg4V9jyefvL8jcQk3mLQ/https/media.tenor.com/UHMEpy8pNCcAAAAD/funny-assassins-creed.png [5/14/2023 11:12 AM] vuisammie Your taste is shit, it should be two mares [5/14/2023 11:12 AM] solid_dd :Kiss: [5/14/2023 11:13 AM] solid_dd It is [5/14/2023 11:13 AM] snowshovelmusic 🇲 🇦 🇷 🇪 🇸 {Reactions} 🇲 🇦 🇷 🇪 🇸 [5/14/2023 11:13 AM] vuisammie I can’t see [5/14/2023 11:13 AM] solid_dd Look harder [5/14/2023 11:13 AM] vuisammie We already know I’m blind [5/14/2023 11:13 AM] vuisammie I use discord light mode [5/14/2023 11:13 AM] solid_dd EWWWWWW [5/14/2023 11:13 AM] vuisammie Skill fucking issue [5/14/2023 11:13 AM] evil_gavier I only use discord heavy mode [5/14/2023 11:13 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1107324898231197818/video2.mp4?ex=661bf2ac&is=66097dac&hm=0b63c7b70d79fec2a076fc0fe2ff398ea78034aee4049d1166dd2209233733c1& [5/14/2023 11:13 AM] solid_dd El fluffo [5/14/2023 11:13 AM] snowshovelmusic We're not friends anymore. [5/14/2023 11:14 AM] solid_dd Wassup [5/14/2023 11:14 AM] evil_gavier get surface tensioned nerd [5/14/2023 11:14 AM] fluffymarsh El Flu [5/14/2023 11:14 AM] vuisammie O-kay [5/14/2023 11:14 AM] gabrizzy discord is over 9000 tons heavy, it's true [5/14/2023 11:14 AM] snowshovelmusic I'm just kidding Sammie [5/14/2023 11:14 AM] solid_dd Someone put Sammie in #reports [5/14/2023 11:14 AM] solid_dd Source? [5/14/2023 11:14 AM] vuisammie :EeveeCry: [5/14/2023 11:14 AM] gabrizzy "dude, trust me" [5/14/2023 11:15 AM] solid_dd Trustable source [5/14/2023 11:15 AM] snowshovelmusic Sammie Issue: Uses Discord Light Mode ***GETS WIDELY BANNED FROM THE ENTIRE FANDOM*** [5/14/2023 11:15 AM] vuisammie I’m a bully, personally actually surprised I haven’t actually been banned from some communities [5/14/2023 11:15 AM] solid_dd :iloveminers: [5/14/2023 11:15 AM] gabrizzy using light mode and repeatedly spamming flashbangs [5/14/2023 11:15 AM] solid_dd I've been banned from multiple communities for being an edgy white boy [5/14/2023 11:15 AM] vuisammie This actually happened on in princewhateverer’s server [5/14/2023 11:15 AM] solid_dd But I have changed my ways [5/14/2023 11:16 AM] snowshovelmusic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOhmcbfwxnA {Embed} BrinsoTheFox https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOhmcbfwxnA Think Fast Chucklenuts! [Original Video] Steam trade url: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=336349834&token=9Gqa3IWA Please support me with any type of donation, to make me feel you want me to upload memes! MAKE SURE YOU'RE SUBSCRIBED, AND LIKE THE VIDEO! #tf2 #scout #thinkfastchucklenuts #teamfortress2 #memes #tf2memes #tf2meme #meme #savetf2 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/VxV7pk7-v6LjGk2myFiV8xNdmLRGZKftfGTS9OZ6eKU/https/i.ytimg.com/vi/QOhmcbfwxnA/hqdefault.jpg [5/14/2023 11:16 AM] gabrizzy fire in the hole, fire in the hole, fire in the hole [5/14/2023 11:16 AM] vuisammie Just for that I’m banning you [5/14/2023 11:16 AM] solid_dd For being white? [5/14/2023 11:16 AM] solid_dd WOOOOOOOOOOOW [5/14/2023 11:16 AM] vuisammie Wait no, better idea, let’s trade server bans [5/14/2023 11:17 AM] snowshovelmusic https://tenor.com/view/mlp-luna-evil-authority-power-gif-15515923 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/mlp-luna-evil-authority-power-gif-15515923 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ptl8HY7p_IgMyIJptlaSBVE0f84E6-uMxFyIPiMaIZw/https/media.tenor.com/MrLvzyev4e4AAAAD/mlp-luna.png [5/14/2023 11:17 AM] solid_dd Luna stroking her co- [5/14/2023 11:17 AM] vuisammie HOLD UP [5/14/2023 11:17 AM] snowshovelmusic https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/319130640911958017/1072986787745632376/FjaQg3hWAAI5jHU.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/319130640911958017/1072986787745632376/FjaQg3hWAAI5jHU.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/319130640911958017/1072986787745632376/FjaQg3hWAAI5jHU.gif?ex=6616ff51&is=66048a51&hm=30b64cb54546550052de0e4f66d8bc6dfa2cb0473c9e36624b4b770d7d3f3f5d& [5/14/2023 11:17 AM] vuisammie Don’t threaten me with a good time. [5/14/2023 11:18 AM] vuisammie I’m going to shut up [5/14/2023 11:18 AM] evil_gavier that gif is so ancient it has compression artifacts on its compression artifacts [5/14/2023 11:18 AM] solid_dd This fish tastes like garlic [5/14/2023 11:18 AM] vuisammie :wheeze: [5/14/2023 11:18 AM] vuisammie Sir, that’s not a fish [5/14/2023 11:19 AM] snowshovelmusic CIRCA 2012 [5/14/2023 11:19 AM] vuisammie Do better then that [5/14/2023 11:19 AM] vuisammie Find the most ancient mlp meme [5/14/2023 11:19 AM] solid_dd It looks like fish [5/14/2023 11:19 AM] vuisammie Go back to 1985 {Reactions} 💀 Kiss [5/14/2023 11:21 AM] solid_dd My little pony was invited in 1843 by Michael Lipton Peterson as a way to recruit coal miners [5/14/2023 11:21 AM] vuisammie THEN GO THE FUCK BACK TO 1843 [5/14/2023 11:22 AM] vuisammie :LunaMotionBlurWheeze: :LunaMotionBlurWheeze: :LunaMotionBlurWheeze: [5/14/2023 11:22 AM] vuisammie Why do I feel an actually coming on… [5/14/2023 11:23 AM] evil_gavier oh yeah that explains the musical mining safety video. Don't Mine at Night was actually a return to form [5/14/2023 11:23 AM] snowshovelmusic Flu is gonna pull a UNO Reverse card on Sammie sooner or later... I can feel it [5/14/2023 11:24 AM] vuisammie We gonna find out he’s actually from 1843 [5/14/2023 11:24 AM] solid_dd ... [5/14/2023 11:24 AM] vuisammie Ah shit [5/14/2023 11:24 AM] solid_dd So uh [5/14/2023 11:24 AM] solid_dd Horses [5/14/2023 11:24 AM] solid_dd Am I right? [5/14/2023 11:24 AM] vuisammie No [5/14/2023 11:24 AM] evil_gavier 🐴 [5/14/2023 11:24 AM] vuisammie Mares [5/14/2023 11:24 AM] evil_gavier so true bestie [5/14/2023 11:24 AM] solid_dd Mares are horse [5/14/2023 11:24 AM] solid_dd Also Stallion > Mare [5/14/2023 11:25 AM] snowshovelmusic 🇲 🇦 🇷 🇪 🇸 {Reactions} 🇲 (2) 🇦 (2) 🇷 (2) 🇪 (2) 🇸 (2) [5/14/2023 11:25 AM] evil_gavier both are good IMO [5/14/2023 11:26 AM] vuisammie According to part of the fandom, f- [5/14/2023 11:26 AM] solid_dd 🇸 🇹 🇦 🇱 🇱 🇮 🇴 🇳 🇸 [5/14/2023 11:26 AM] vuisammie Oops forgot to un ping [5/14/2023 11:26 AM] vuisammie Oh well [5/14/2023 11:26 AM] solid_dd Hey did you know in terms of human- [5/14/2023 11:26 AM] vuisammie I’m an asshole? Thanks for reminding me [5/14/2023 11:26 AM] snowshovelmusic in terms of human...? [5/14/2023 11:26 AM] snowshovelmusic 👀 [5/14/2023 11:27 AM] solid_dd Without assholes no one would be able to expel waste [5/14/2023 11:27 AM] solid_dd :vapowo: [5/14/2023 11:28 AM] vuisammie PETA would approve of this, don’t tell them [5/14/2023 11:28 AM] solid_dd I am the CEO of PETA [5/14/2023 11:28 AM] vuisammie WELL SHIT [5/14/2023 11:28 AM] vuisammie Or rather [5/14/2023 11:28 AM] vuisammie WELL NO SHIT [5/14/2023 11:28 AM] snowshovelmusic POOP = People order our Patties [5/14/2023 11:28 AM] solid_dd STOP YELLING [5/14/2023 11:28 AM] vuisammie BUT ITS FUN [5/14/2023 11:29 AM] solid_dd YOU'LL SCARE MY CAT [5/14/2023 11:29 AM] vuisammie BUY OUR TOYS [5/14/2023 11:29 AM] vuisammie Oh hell no [5/14/2023 11:29 AM] solid_dd Totally unrelated but when y'all get in a heated internet argument do you read out everything you type before you send it [5/14/2023 11:29 AM] solid_dd Me [5/14/2023 11:29 AM] vuisammie No, I just flail and somehow win every time. [5/14/2023 11:30 AM] evil_gavier I do that every time I type anything [5/14/2023 11:30 AM] vuisammie Well [5/14/2023 11:30 AM] vuisammie Except for one person [5/14/2023 11:30 AM] solid_dd Who [5/14/2023 11:30 AM] vuisammie BlackenedBlue [5/14/2023 11:30 AM] solid_dd Idk who that is [5/14/2023 11:30 AM] vuisammie :veeStare: [5/14/2023 11:30 AM] solid_dd Should I like or dislike them [5/14/2023 11:31 AM] snowshovelmusic musician, admin in PW Hallownest [5/14/2023 11:31 AM] vuisammie Like them. [5/14/2023 11:31 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1107329362908414045/20230512_070034.jpg?ex=661bf6d5&is=660981d5&hm=4cb410bc5148fedd4d7fe27e4a4c74c9fbb96fb118718056105127044e21dbbc& [5/14/2023 11:31 AM] snowshovelmusic Blackened is in this server [5/14/2023 11:32 AM] solid_dd Ewwwwwww [5/14/2023 11:32 AM] solid_dd Garlic bread [5/14/2023 11:32 AM] vuisammie Bread garlic better [5/14/2023 11:33 AM] vuisammie Actually [5/14/2023 11:33 AM] solid_dd I like bagguttes [5/14/2023 11:33 AM] vuisammie I might eat garlic that is seasoned with bread crumbs [5/14/2023 11:34 AM] phoenixfire42 I suck at typing I have to read it anyway [5/14/2023 11:34 AM] phoenixfire42 And still make mistakes [5/14/2023 11:34 AM] solid_dd :TrixieConcerned: [5/14/2023 11:34 AM] solid_dd I type way too damn fast [5/14/2023 11:35 AM] vuisammie Not fast enough to stop us from sniping you [5/14/2023 11:35 AM] solid_dd Suck my cojones {Reactions} Squintyjack [5/14/2023 11:35 AM] gabrizzy ok then [5/14/2023 11:35 AM] solid_dd :BattoMuah: [5/14/2023 11:35 AM] vuisammie Come on, you know you wan- [5/14/2023 11:35 AM] vuisammie Okay then [5/14/2023 11:35 AM] gabrizzy :kisses: [5/14/2023 11:36 AM] solid_dd They should make it illegal to send unsolicited friend requests [5/14/2023 11:36 AM] vuisammie Nah [5/14/2023 11:36 AM] solid_dd Yah [5/14/2023 11:36 AM] gabrizzy maybe [5/14/2023 11:37 AM] solid_dd Looks like we got a Mexican Standoff [5/14/2023 11:37 AM] vuisammie I don’t know, I think that would be racist cause we are both white. [5/14/2023 11:38 AM] phoenixfire42 :spikewtf: [5/14/2023 11:38 AM] solid_dd I'm like [5/14/2023 11:38 AM] emperor_sombra :Squintyjack: [5/14/2023 11:38 AM] solid_dd Good white tho [5/14/2023 11:39 AM] vuisammie I just woke up, I’m actually a legitimate asshole in the morning [5/14/2023 11:39 AM] solid_dd I'm a legitimate asshole 24/7 [5/14/2023 11:39 AM] vuisammie Welcome to the club [5/14/2023 11:40 AM] solid_dd 🤝 [5/14/2023 11:40 AM] solid_dd What are the perks of the club [5/14/2023 11:40 AM] vuisammie Being accused of admin abuse. [5/14/2023 11:40 AM] snowshovelmusic I admin abuse all the time [5/14/2023 11:41 AM] snowshovelmusic 👀 [5/14/2023 11:41 AM] vuisammie I’d say same, but I actually don’t. [5/14/2023 11:41 AM] phoenixfire42 :GlimISee: [5/14/2023 11:41 AM] snowshovelmusic Just kidding, I don't do it. [5/14/2023 11:41 AM] vuisammie I don’t know… [5/14/2023 11:41 AM] vuisammie (I’m joking) [5/14/2023 11:41 AM] phoenixfire42 Typical Discord mod :VelSip: [5/14/2023 11:42 AM] solid_dd I became co owner of 4 servers in my lifetime [5/14/2023 11:42 AM] solid_dd Im pretty much a pro [5/14/2023 11:42 AM] snowshovelmusic https://tenor.com/view/discord-mod-gif-24680816 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/discord-mod-gif-24680816 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/-CkwBSKsMXg30hYWlj6jE1g21BMjxiGgMomQX5TWs5E/https/media.tenor.com/sKXMH6E0o3gAAAAD/discord-mod.png [5/14/2023 11:42 AM] vuisammie Let’s just say every 3 ish days I get a dm from somebody I banned saying I look like a mix of Charles Manson and the other one I won’t say because it’s that bad. [5/14/2023 11:43 AM] solid_dd Can you show it? [5/14/2023 11:44 AM] solid_dd I wanna see [5/14/2023 11:44 AM] vuisammie And the funny part [5/14/2023 11:44 AM] vuisammie I actually look kinda like the first one without the right facial hair [5/14/2023 11:44 AM] solid_dd Get the right facial hair [5/14/2023 11:44 AM] vuisammie Hold on let me refind that [5/14/2023 11:45 AM] snowshovelmusic I still remember when someone told me that I looked like Geezer Butler when he was young [5/14/2023 11:45 AM] solid_dd Who the hell is geezer butler [5/14/2023 11:45 AM] vuisammie Ah man [5/14/2023 11:46 AM] vuisammie It got deleted [5/14/2023 11:46 AM] snowshovelmusic Bassist of Black Sabbath [5/14/2023 11:46 AM] phoenixfire42 Bruh Geezer is a legend [5/14/2023 11:46 AM] vuisammie I also look like a bassist if I can remember which one it was [5/14/2023 11:46 AM] phoenixfire42 I am wearing Sabbath shirt rn lol [5/14/2023 11:46 AM] solid_dd Why are you wearing a shirt [5/14/2023 11:46 AM] phoenixfire42 :GlimISee: [5/14/2023 11:47 AM] vuisammie He asked a good question [5/14/2023 11:47 AM] snowshovelmusic Why are you wearing clothes? [5/14/2023 11:47 AM] snowshovelmusic We are horses. [5/14/2023 11:47 AM] vuisammie WELL EXCUSE ME [5/14/2023 11:47 AM] evil_gavier horses can wear clothes too yknow [5/14/2023 11:47 AM] snowshovelmusic But they spend 90% of their time naked [5/14/2023 11:47 AM] evil_gavier break the societal expectations and limitations [5/14/2023 11:48 AM] evil_gavier think outside the horse box [5/14/2023 11:48 AM] vuisammie Correction, we are poor ponies [5/14/2023 11:48 AM] solid_dd It just ain't natural [5/14/2023 11:48 AM] snowshovelmusic How many times have you seen ponies with clothes in MLP? [5/14/2023 11:48 AM] snowshovelmusic Just a few times. [5/14/2023 11:48 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1107333573536665631/20230513_082759.jpg?ex=661bfac1&is=660985c1&hm=e681a46a505aa43ff83f6217d945763d3be69ac39a167b51cd7074f883f60a8c& [5/14/2023 11:48 AM] solid_dd Four in this photo alone [5/14/2023 11:48 AM] snowshovelmusic They CAN wear clothes, but 90% of the time they're naked. [5/14/2023 11:48 AM] evil_gavier there were a lot more on the later seasons now that I think about it [5/14/2023 11:49 AM] vuisammie Karen (Rarity) would like to speak to your manager [5/14/2023 11:49 AM] solid_dd Which of the Mane 6 do you think could survive in Vietnam [5/14/2023 11:49 AM] vuisammie Pinkie pie [5/14/2023 11:49 AM] solid_dd Wrong [5/14/2023 11:49 AM] solid_dd Rarity [5/14/2023 11:49 AM] vuisammie She knows how to fire a cannon, then she probably knows how to fire a gun [5/14/2023 11:49 AM] evil_gavier maybe it's related to the artists getting familiar enough with flash that they could just add little accessories without taking too much time? [5/14/2023 11:50 AM] solid_dd Cannons and guns aren't the same [5/14/2023 11:50 AM] vuisammie She still has a ducking cannon [5/14/2023 11:50 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1107334192909529108/image_search_1684079435587.jpg?ex=661bfb54&is=66098654&hm=5e12a2fc5b2410e1947466d81a45af73e22e9f03006b181ed39bf858d04b8376& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1107334193173758052/image_search_1684079427589.jpg?ex=661bfb54&is=66098654&hm=eb7b6172ffe4f3bdbc59ba533a846cbc3a387c032853aecf5ab2e3d5efaa561a& [5/14/2023 11:50 AM] solid_dd It shoots confetifi [5/14/2023 11:50 AM] evil_gavier they're the same picture [5/14/2023 11:51 AM] vuisammie It was enough to take out a changling. [5/14/2023 11:51 AM] solid_dd https://tenor.com/view/edited-meme-kumala-gif-25980848 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/edited-meme-kumala-gif-25980848 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/SV5_SsivIcqALx5kJww2OffweBpNb1RufzIN9mTurWM/https/media.tenor.com/xbdB_uAJm4gAAAAD/edited-meme.png {Reactions} 😔 [5/14/2023 11:51 AM] vuisammie Also, i see you aren’t a comic reader [5/14/2023 11:51 AM] solid_dd I read the comics yo momma are in [5/14/2023 11:52 AM] vuisammie I see you aren’t a comic reader [5/14/2023 11:52 AM] solid_dd Idk where to read the mlp comics [5/14/2023 11:52 AM] vuisammie Yaypony {Reactions} 👆 [5/14/2023 11:53 AM] vuisammie To be honest, I’m surprised I haven’t summoned doc annubis by this point [5/14/2023 11:53 AM] solid_dd Thanks [5/14/2023 11:53 AM] solid_dd Definitely not going to do it {Reactions} 😭 [5/14/2023 11:53 AM] vuisammie Btw, she can shoot cake batter out of that cannon [5/14/2023 11:54 AM] solid_dd Cake batter is weaker than napalm [5/14/2023 11:54 AM] vuisammie And you think rarity can do that :spikedoubt: [5/14/2023 11:55 AM] solid_dd I think Rarity has enough covert skills to sneak behind enemy lines [5/14/2023 11:55 AM] vuisammie Also no offense. [5/14/2023 11:55 AM] solid_dd I'm about to be offended [5/14/2023 11:55 AM] vuisammie But last I checked [5/14/2023 11:55 AM] vuisammie Rainbow dash has been shown to fight in a war, despite losing her wings [5/14/2023 11:56 AM] solid_dd Could she fight a fighter jet tho [5/14/2023 11:56 AM] solid_dd Get mat pat on this [5/14/2023 11:56 AM] vuisammie Yes [5/14/2023 11:56 AM] vuisammie She could [5/14/2023 11:56 AM] evil_gavier along with pinkie, yes [5/14/2023 11:57 AM] vuisammie The sonic rainboom is enough to actually fuck up the engines and flight path of a jet [5/14/2023 11:58 AM] solid_dd Disagree to agree [5/14/2023 11:58 AM] solid_dd Anyway [5/14/2023 11:58 AM] vuisammie And last I checked, rarity can’t [5/14/2023 11:58 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1107336166467960842/Video.Guru_20230513_205515405.mp4?ex=661bfd2b&is=6609882b&hm=76cd4b35e7c3f79d5b6522e15047868561977a69664065461d0d8126966cfd80& [5/14/2023 11:58 AM] evil_gavier Starscream is basically a fighter jet but with alien powers, and she wins against him so {Reactions} FA_NeonThis [5/14/2023 11:58 AM] vuisammie And her magic is notoriously bad [5/14/2023 11:59 AM] solid_dd She could use rocks [5/14/2023 11:59 AM] solid_dd W h o [5/14/2023 11:59 AM] vuisammie You think a rock is going to stop a fighter jet, especially considering how much effort and power it took out of rarity to do it last time? [5/14/2023 11:59 AM] evil_gavier wait you haven't seen the death battle?? [5/14/2023 12:00 PM] solid_dd I'm not eleven I Don't watch death battle [5/14/2023 12:00 PM] evil_gavier count yourself among today's lucky ten thousand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8er83h9Bbn8 {Embed} DEATH BATTLE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8er83h9Bbn8 Starscream VS Rainbow Dash (Transformers VS My Little Pony) | DEATH... Watch the DEATH BATTLE before it hits YouTube as a Rooster Teeth sponsor: http://bit.ly/SponsorScrewAttack Episode 17 - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic VS Transformers! Which of these two high-speed Hasbro toys will dominate the skies and win this epic duel? Can a tiny pony really stand up to a giant robot warrior? Want to support the show... https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/Wu8lFXPKVMci_nHmXoGpzvOAIfZPag4gq4uDSeUZPkM/https/i.ytimg.com/vi/8er83h9Bbn8/maxresdefault.jpg [5/14/2023 12:00 PM] solid_dd Throw it in the engine [5/14/2023 12:00 PM] vuisammie Yes, but then she has no magic, and is completely exhausted [5/14/2023 12:00 PM] evil_gavier watch this one, it's objectively hilarious (or maybe it isn't but for me it was when I saw it, ten years ago. God I'm dust walking) [5/14/2023 12:01 PM] vuisammie What does she do now as all the soldiers come running at her with guns ablazing? [5/14/2023 12:01 PM] solid_dd Rarity could solo the entire US military no diff [5/14/2023 12:01 PM] solid_dd Don't @ me [5/14/2023 12:01 PM] vuisammie Ahem [5/14/2023 12:01 PM] vuisammie @solid_dd rarity has the least chance at surviving [5/14/2023 12:02 PM] solid_dd You're wrong and I'm right [5/14/2023 12:02 PM] solid_dd I refuse to elaborate further [5/14/2023 12:02 PM] vuisammie No magic, guns get fired at rarity, rarity is dead [5/14/2023 12:03 PM] solid_dd Bullet proof dress [5/14/2023 12:03 PM] solid_dd Checkmate [5/14/2023 12:04 PM] vuisammie Equestria last I checked, doesn’t have that technology, since they have never seen a gun. Checkmate [5/14/2023 12:04 PM] solid_dd Well you can't prove I'm wrong [5/14/2023 12:04 PM] solid_dd Maybe she kept it secret [5/14/2023 12:05 PM] vuisammie Actually I can [5/14/2023 12:06 PM] vuisammie Bullet proof items weren’t made until guns were actually made, and used, meaning that if in no way they knew about guns, and let’s be honest, they wouldn’t, rarity wouldn’t try to make something like that… and no offense, but they could just knife her [5/14/2023 12:07 PM] solid_dd Uhhhh [5/14/2023 12:07 PM] solid_dd I don't believe you [5/14/2023 12:07 PM] solid_dd I'm still right [5/14/2023 12:08 PM] vuisammie He has been outmatched [5/14/2023 12:08 PM] vuisammie Shouldn’t have came at a pony theorist with something like this [5/14/2023 12:09 PM] solid_dd I'm still right [5/14/2023 3:03 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1107382634327331087/InShot_20220721_032235631.mp4?ex=661c2872&is=6609b372&hm=a1ed6b4bf7df417000a62e0fdf0b58b204cb33d49c6cfb5a056550f6c9c38843& [5/15/2023 1:39 AM] amoo. {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1092527557221552228.png [5/15/2023 1:39 AM] amoo. That seemed more like a personal argument lmao. [5/16/2023 11:39 AM] onyxdash what's with the morse code :TrixieConcern: [5/16/2023 12:11 PM] amoo. 'Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries'. {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1033430960840126505.png [5/16/2023 12:31 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1108069123910541352/Screenshot_20230510-162848_Instagram.jpg?ex=66156d4a&is=6602f84a&hm=527f40ad685ce8452805a51d9a3ba2d903938860efe7ecaef97d379d22d37f5f& [5/16/2023 1:18 PM] solid_dd You spent time [5/16/2023 1:18 PM] solid_dd Translating that [5/16/2023 1:18 PM] solid_dd How do you feel [5/16/2023 1:20 PM] amoo. Decent, I know around 70% of morse code yet still tend to mess some simple stuff here and there. [5/16/2023 1:21 PM] evil_gavier ready to find that blasted holy grail once and for all [5/16/2023 1:40 PM] phoenixfire42 *We're knights of the round table* [5/16/2023 1:49 PM] dragonsreborn333 What grail [5/16/2023 1:50 PM] evil_gavier that line is a reference to the Monty Python and the Holy Grail movie [5/16/2023 1:51 PM] evil_gavier it's funny and you can watch it for free on youtube if you want to [5/16/2023 1:52 PM] dragonsreborn333 Monty python *stumbles and falls asleep* [5/16/2023 1:52 PM] evil_gavier lol [5/16/2023 2:47 PM] onyxdash we are the knights who say ni [5/16/2023 3:42 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1108117332976484352/20230516_195230.jpg?ex=66159a30&is=66032530&hm=2cf7e8fe3f1234c3a856018d488c51e3f55c93922ae997ecf28658b35c52e787& [5/16/2023 4:10 PM] vuisammie Ironically, not even an hour ago I saw the one that had the racist slur as the word they couldn’t say. [5/16/2023 5:06 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/hell-flame-elmo-fire-burn-gif-21641549 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/hell-flame-elmo-fire-burn-gif-21641549 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/HIPkOmb_wwhCNbuXszSmMjUGtjfvOsmb0aTfasfxrv4/https/media.tenor.com/cVKw2AqJS90AAAAD/hell-flame.png [5/16/2023 9:02 PM] Deleted User helo [5/16/2023 11:39 PM] fluffymarsh FNAF Movie Trailer Guys!!! {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1108237448212914196/Blumhouse___Five_Nights_At_Freddys_Teaser_Full-HD.mp4?ex=66160a0d&is=6603950d&hm=2f4674d67d7b7d9ca0a6eb2f8e3eadb8399f4f585cec0e85236e94aee34491f2& [5/17/2023 3:11 AM] solid_dd 0/10 no Freddy sex scene {Reactions} GlaceBonk [5/20/2023 5:11 PM] miboopls Goofy ahh eyes [5/20/2023 5:14 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1109589984677203968/20230520_124050.jpg?ex=661af5b3&is=660880b3&hm=d44f2d086c87bc19ec3548dbc866a29203b9d96bd3e4902f668dae27dd723ed4& [5/20/2023 5:17 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1109590702511374489/20230520_045438.jpg?ex=661af65e&is=6608815e&hm=d93db8cf3f6f386637aa47d5ce5c766c21968301c6e5ce33bc1f9c3bccdd0606& [5/20/2023 7:38 PM] Deleted User hi [5/20/2023 7:39 PM] Deleted User :woonaLove: [5/20/2023 8:33 PM] gabrizzy :Bongo_cat_wave: [5/21/2023 1:58 PM] solid_dd Are potato salad In the sandwich? [5/26/2023 7:15 AM] phoenixfire42 What's up Discord Mods [5/26/2023 7:15 AM] phoenixfire42 :Derp: [5/26/2023 7:17 AM] emperor_sombra :SilverstreamWave: [5/26/2023 7:17 AM] phoenixfire42 ~~I am bored and don't know what to do or who to talk to~~ [5/26/2023 7:17 AM] phoenixfire42 :ded: [5/26/2023 7:18 AM] emperor_sombra I'm still at work for the next 10 hours so I have too much to do. [5/26/2023 7:19 AM] phoenixfire42 My last two weeks have been pretty boring. Sort of waiting for my professor to clear some time to do things to advance my research. [5/26/2023 7:20 AM] gabrizzy :Bongo_cat_wave: {Reactions} TwiHelloThere [5/26/2023 8:35 AM] vuisammie :duck_dance: [5/26/2023 8:42 AM] gabrizzy :ducky_dance: [5/26/2023 8:56 AM] phoenixfire42 Ohio moment {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1111638933302939658/193f6c3b-393d-4003-b52f-288dcff72f44.jpg?ex=66192f6e&is=6606ba6e&hm=6ff680bf774e28eab85315cdcd7c4166a7456e0268165e74f4b86be3cdb5c394& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1111638933793685544/2b576cce-d2bf-4ebd-be4f-1f7b62cae800.jpg?ex=66192f6f&is=6606ba6f&hm=0d033f73fca6ed7d5176a35bff099351eee5c5700d4b255cfe5a249a911dff63& [5/26/2023 9:05 AM] phoenixfire42 Ever wanted to play mini golf at an old insane asylum? Ohio has got you covered. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1111641380146659328/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_663a983c-845d-4e43-ad13-82ceb539f292.jpg?ex=661931b6&is=6606bcb6&hm=5f6e1e05da38bf695da3c35146536c345bf7155a8056f1cf3575aa28d0182044& [5/26/2023 9:08 AM] romulus4444 nice pics [5/26/2023 9:11 AM] phoenixfire42 It's all across the street from where I live. The Uni owns all the land and bought the asylum to repurpose it. The trails are all on a big hill next to it that used to be used for NASA research in the 50s and 60s that the Uni also owns. [5/26/2023 9:14 AM] dragonsreborn333 Send him to Ohio [5/26/2023 9:14 AM] gabrizzy nice view [5/26/2023 9:15 AM] phoenixfire42 I suppose this is one benefit of living in such a crap unpopulated area. There are a lot of places with just nothing. [5/26/2023 9:15 AM] dragonsreborn333 I would like to claim a plot of land [5/26/2023 9:16 AM] phoenixfire42 In 15 minutes I can go from there to my campus surrounded by buildings. Or just my apartment. [5/26/2023 9:16 AM] dragonsreborn333 :ImDead: [5/27/2023 12:35 AM] fluffymarsh I'm late but you should play Fortnite with me :3 {Reactions} TrixieConcern [5/27/2023 12:36 AM] phoenixfire42 You and n1te both, I don't want to play Fortnite :spikewtf: [5/27/2023 12:36 AM] fluffymarsh All of you are Fortnite players at heart...:) {Reactions} TrixieConcern (2) [5/27/2023 12:37 AM] fluffymarsh This photo reminds me of the time I hit my face on a pole because I didn't have my glasses on....good times [5/27/2023 12:38 AM] dragonsreborn333 What chemicals are used to make a tlc plate? @PhoenixFire [5/27/2023 12:38 AM] fluffymarsh Salt and pepper [5/27/2023 12:38 AM] gabrizzy and a little spice [5/27/2023 12:39 AM] dragonsreborn333 And a flamethrower [5/27/2023 12:39 AM] phoenixfire42 Idk what a tlc plate is :GlimISee: [5/27/2023 12:39 AM] phoenixfire42 I am not a Chemist [5/27/2023 12:40 AM] fluffymarsh Of Course you are [5/27/2023 12:40 AM] fluffymarsh you just don't know it {Reactions} TrixieConcern (2) [5/27/2023 12:41 AM] fluffymarsh Don't :TrixieConcern: me [5/27/2023 12:41 AM] gabrizzy :PZ_TrixieHappyStare: [5/27/2023 12:41 AM] phoenixfire42 I'm not a Chemist :RainbowTooMuch: [5/27/2023 12:41 AM] phoenixfire42 I'm cooler than that [5/27/2023 12:41 AM] phoenixfire42 I do Physics {Reactions} 😮 [5/27/2023 12:41 AM] fluffymarsh Oh When did Isaac Neutron invented gravity? [5/27/2023 12:42 AM] phoenixfire42 He didn't invent it because it isn't real :VelSip: [5/27/2023 12:43 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1111877266339811438/image0.gif?ex=661a0d65&is=66079865&hm=c4a648c53981aebfb9d8e5a39b53b6b1b47072ebef604ef830c636de60526d11& [5/27/2023 12:43 AM] dragonsreborn333 *gasp* I thought you were 💀 [5/27/2023 12:44 AM] dragonsreborn333 Thin layer chromatography [5/27/2023 12:44 AM] fluffymarsh Is this some kind of dance to invoke Google Chrome? [5/27/2023 12:46 AM] dragonsreborn333 Used to invoke yo mama [5/27/2023 12:46 AM] fluffymarsh Tsk Tsk [5/27/2023 12:46 AM] fluffymarsh You are not making any sense [5/27/2023 12:46 AM] phoenixfire42 I mean, in the Relativistic model gravity is indeed not real. It's a generalization of an observed space-time effect as a force. It's sort of like how you can say objects on Earth are subject to a centripetal, coriolis, and transverse force even though none of those are real, Earth is just not an inertial reference frame. :Derp: [5/27/2023 12:47 AM] fluffymarsh Oh so...Earth is a ball? [5/27/2023 12:47 AM] vuisammie I heard cringe game get mentioned [5/27/2023 12:47 AM] dragonsreborn333 We are all gravitating towards a big structure called yo mama {Reactions} spikewtf [5/27/2023 12:48 AM] dragonsreborn333 It’s called the great attractor [5/27/2023 12:49 AM] fluffymarsh Yo mama is a big structure? [5/27/2023 12:49 AM] vuisammie That’s what they used to call me in high school :LunaMotionBlurWheeze: [5/27/2023 12:50 AM] dragonsreborn333 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1111879162282643526/image0.jpg?ex=661a0f2a&is=66079a2a&hm=4f1cef0ed38278f98b16d336281dd40ef45af5549d5809c37183619cf8d00339& [5/27/2023 12:51 AM] fluffymarsh I Can only see a face [5/27/2023 12:52 AM] dragonsreborn333 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1100997745583603793/1105901375369531473/image000000.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1100997745583603793/1105901375369531473/image000000.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1100997745583603793/1105901375369531473/image000000.gif?ex=6616c4ea&is=66044fea&hm=a9ba9e5eeb487ccd9208b7ed77a5520222698cdc4584c0bcb05de66770d4a1da& [5/27/2023 7:02 AM] romulus4444 Hi, chemist here. TLC plates are usually made of silica on a thin aluminum backing, but you can also get alumina plates, and the backing can be glass instead for either substrate [5/27/2023 7:03 AM] romulus4444 The typical solvents used to run the plate are hexanes, ethyl acetate, dichloromethane, and methanol in varying proportions based on polarity [5/27/2023 7:24 AM] phoenixfire42 Leave it to the chemist :VelSip: [5/27/2023 7:25 AM] phoenixfire42 There is a reason my research group has Chemists lol [5/27/2023 8:37 AM] dragonsreborn333 I’d probably can only make the alumina type and for the solvent ethyl acetate [5/27/2023 8:42 AM] dragonsreborn333 There are STEM peeps among us {Reactions} TwiSci (2) [5/29/2023 8:08 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1112895323799556096/Me_logging_into_Fort...BCvEtr_1.mp4?ex=661dc189&is=660b4c89&hm=8ba24d39e0187766c38c5c85d1268a1efe586732790b9f6669a13c02436b7756& [5/29/2023 8:26 PM] dragonsreborn333 *coughes* [5/30/2023 6:50 PM] gamoray loud = funny [5/30/2023 6:51 PM] vuisammie I almost made a really bad joke here, but it may come off as an insult. [5/30/2023 6:53 PM] zatillias Is.. the monkey okay? Because if not idk how I feel about this meme lol [5/30/2023 6:56 PM] emperor_sombra @FluffyMarsh Yeah lets not post super loud and/or memes where animals die/get seriously injured please. [5/30/2023 6:57 PM] fluffymarsh It's a toy [5/30/2023 6:57 PM] fluffymarsh It's a toy lol [5/30/2023 6:58 PM] emperor_sombra Looked like a monkey that got zapped by wires to me. Hard to tell in that video. [5/30/2023 6:59 PM] zatillias Yeah, was hard to tell since it was low quality so it gave me the same impression [5/30/2023 6:59 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1113240277793132615/Spidermans_enemy_sings_Life_Goes_On_meme_HIGH.mp4?ex=6615c84d&is=6603534d&hm=ffba94f23e663f8bc07e331718529b3da0f1d3b17a59f7483b6677018795448a& [5/31/2023 6:00 AM] fluffymarsh Guys The Voice Message Option is Now Available for every server,I recommend you disable it in your servers because people can say like bad words and stuff [5/31/2023 8:27 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1113443683010879591/20230531_131234.jpg?ex=661685bc&is=660410bc&hm=c80812a739321a81ed336a3dbe31c06359c67d3b90ae1aabfcffc6d4079baec6& [5/31/2023 8:33 AM] dragonsreborn333 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1113445231703105646/voice-message.ogg?ex=6616872e&is=6604122e&hm=6dd0d4af4cb2b4472a12905d5c18f6e00ad75fef6c4eeca01a8c7c8b0c509346& [5/31/2023 8:34 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1113445403472445511/voice-message.ogg?ex=66168757&is=66041257&hm=2027976a91ed61d1dbc69e2b6590fec6ce12e666cfaf2549e91bdae0112e6559& [5/31/2023 9:01 AM] voidtemplar2000 It’s turned off here [5/31/2023 9:01 AM] voidtemplar2000 Alright [5/31/2023 9:01 AM] voidtemplar2000 We’ve just been dealing with it not dying on EaW [5/31/2023 9:02 AM] solid_dd Awww man [5/31/2023 9:02 AM] solid_dd Literally 1984 [5/31/2023 9:35 AM] meganought ... [5/31/2023 9:35 AM] meganought I don't think I like you [5/31/2023 9:38 AM] solid_dd https://tenor.com/view/ballin-gif-24950934 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/ballin-gif-24950934 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/FKmgPdr76Ktf-uZvYFc9icUo6LH_hL7s7zZXy1TuMyU/https/media.tenor.com/w7hq8dHTdvIAAAAD/ballin.png [6/1/2023 4:27 PM] snowshovelmusic BIG OOF From someone who's a lead con of SEAPonyCon https://twitter.com/StPinkie/status/1664151997904490496 {Embed} StPinkie.eth // Daniel Anthony (@StPinkie) https://twitter.com/StPinkie/status/1664151997904490496 You're not sapphic, sweetheart. You're just a fake-ass transtrender. Twitter [6/1/2023 4:56 PM] solid_dd I have no clue what this means [6/1/2023 4:57 PM] phoenixfire42 I think sapphic means female-female stuff but I am not sure. [6/1/2023 4:59 PM] phoenixfire42 So perhaps they are saying someone who is trans female and into other females is actually a guy? Idk. [6/1/2023 5:06 PM] stormshadow_cote Someone who identifies as female being interested in women, yeah [6/1/2023 5:20 PM] vuisammie So close to being that [6/1/2023 7:14 PM] dragonsreborn333 Lesbean? [6/1/2023 7:27 PM] emperor_sombra Looks like embeds are broken on Discord right now. [6/1/2023 7:28 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1100997745583603793/1105901375369531473/image000000.gif [6/1/2023 7:28 PM] evil_gavier tragedy [6/1/2023 7:28 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/jesus-ballin-mars-bars-gif-19910027 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/jesus-ballin-mars-bars-gif-19910027 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/OsIpAs1ljrE6piexN3eY_lSdy8gt1qQfzlHSLa0H9xU/https/media.tenor.com/wphIipSQJIYAAAAD/jesus-ballin-mars-bars.png [6/1/2023 7:28 PM] dragonsreborn333 Wdym [6/1/2023 7:28 PM] dragonsreborn333 @Emperor Sombra [6/1/2023 7:29 PM] evil_gavier *some* embeds are broken [6/1/2023 7:29 PM] evil_gavier tenor works, and directly uploading files works [6/1/2023 7:30 PM] emperor_sombra https://derpibooru.org/images/2544957 [6/1/2023 7:34 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/731326037866315777/856609880084054097/805403980153880576.gif [6/1/2023 8:03 PM] onyxdash lol did he disable embeds [6/1/2023 8:03 PM] onyxdash :hurr: [6/1/2023 8:03 PM] onyxdash honestly I think that's completely fair [6/1/2023 8:04 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/587564376274239493/934502544011591710/a_220e81c201db4fdee1871bba27064072.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/587564376274239493/934502544011591710/a_220e81c201db4fdee1871bba27064072.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/587564376274239493/934502544011591710/a_220e81c201db4fdee1871bba27064072.gif?ex=661ac350&is=66084e50&hm=b9107ccd8b4a1cef61fcc926dc1419fe21b583187d7da8b87f8294ab459868ad& [6/1/2023 8:04 PM] emperor_sombra We didn't disable embedding. It's just broken on Discord on every server. {Reactions} ☝️ [6/1/2023 8:05 PM] evil_gavier seems to be working again now [6/1/2023 8:05 PM] evil_gavier https://static.manebooru.art/img/2023/5/31/4028540/large.jpg {Embed} https://static.manebooru.art/img/2023/5/31/4028540/large.jpg https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/4CvcIUmAlMXGGusD_PC1tGk9cKAW4VvYmhIRrUFureQ/https/static.manebooru.art/img/2023/5/31/4028540/large.jpg [6/1/2023 8:05 PM] meganought https://twitter.com/amarynceus/status/1664321160434315264?t=yb18Ljys0BbGLyQb9qNKzQ&s=19 {Embed} Amarynceus ⛵️ (@amarynceus) https://twitter.com/amarynceus/status/1664321160434315264?t=yb18Ljys0BbGLyQb9qNKzQ&s=19 It's pride month! Here's some gay-ass horses 💙🏳️‍🌈💜 Likes 845 Retweets 198 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/TsbKxCbxkRMYaTHQ0i9uoo6K6fITS9S3G35cRmSkORc/https/pbs.twimg.com/media/FxjaLJZacAAydUO.jpg Twitter [6/1/2023 8:05 PM] meganought Yep working {Reactions} 🎉 (3) [6/2/2023 3:26 AM] fluffymarsh Would anyone here like to read something I'm writing and give me feedback? [6/2/2023 3:55 AM] shotgunner sure [6/3/2023 12:19 PM] vuisammie That may be the best report I’ve seen yet [6/3/2023 12:29 PM] solid_dd ✊ [6/3/2023 12:29 PM] solid_dd Justice for Nude Trader {Reactions} 💀 [6/5/2023 8:56 PM] fluffymarsh Does anyone here want to like maybe play Fortnite? [6/8/2023 10:35 AM] Deleted User :c [6/8/2023 10:35 AM] Deleted User i like the feature tho [6/8/2023 10:35 AM] Deleted User you all disable every new feature ._. [6/8/2023 11:29 AM] databytebrony Not necessarily disabling every new feature, more so that this specific feature makes moderation incredibly more involved. You can't use any existing moderation tools - bot or builtin - to notify moderators of voice messages that are harassing, harmful, or otherwise rule-breaking. You also can't glance at it to see what's in the message - you have to be in a place where you can listen to a sound file and click each one individually. People can typically read faster than people can talk/dictate, so this also slows moderation as a whole. {Reactions} PinkieApproval flutterthis [6/8/2023 11:32 AM] comradesparkle It's fine if it's a small server with a bunch of people who are all friends and no real need for moderation, but in a large public server it's generally unwanted [6/8/2023 11:49 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1116393515962871819/20230607_175438.jpg?ex=6618067b&is=6605917b&hm=2ceac5619a9a273346d9ca1607495080456cac1cadd0592fa7882f79d74c364d& {Reactions} kedamm [6/8/2023 12:34 PM] romulus4444 Is this supposed to be funny? [6/8/2023 12:35 PM] meganought how do i report other members of this community? [6/8/2023 1:13 PM] vuisammie Yeah, gotta admit some of the admin can be… I probably shouldn’t throw shade [6/9/2023 1:21 AM] onyxdash Wtf is this :TrixieConcern: [6/11/2023 12:24 AM] blazethebass @VoidTemplar whats a Z- react mean? [6/11/2023 12:24 AM] blazethebass Oh nvm [6/11/2023 12:24 AM] blazethebass just found it in report questions xD [6/16/2023 11:02 AM] phoenixfire42 Hello new Plaza peeps :Derp: {Reactions} 1rdwave [6/16/2023 11:07 AM] feedthemee hii :HeartWave: [6/16/2023 12:28 PM] vuisammie Hmmmmm [6/16/2023 12:29 PM] vuisammie I feel like I know one of them, I just can’t put my finger on it. [6/16/2023 12:34 PM] phoenixfire42 Coasters? This isn't the first time they have been in here :Derp: [6/16/2023 12:38 PM] vuisammie I’m probably thinking of someone else, I swear they got in some trouble in pony palace back in the old days. May be wrong about this though. [6/16/2023 5:09 PM] Deleted User :poke_glaceon_lurk: [6/16/2023 5:09 PM] Deleted User Sup y'all [6/16/2023 5:09 PM] Deleted User glad to be back [6/16/2023 5:20 PM] vuisammie Glaceon emoji, yeah they are fine, whatever may have happened I don’t care anymore [6/16/2023 6:19 PM] romulus4444 :glaceonspin: [6/16/2023 7:26 PM] dragonsreborn333 Bro got approval by being shown glaceon emote 💀 [6/16/2023 7:53 PM] ice_daddy :TaffyWave: {Reactions} CS_pat (2) [6/16/2023 11:25 PM] Deleted User I do remember you lol from the days I used to be active in Pony Palace Good stuff [6/17/2023 2:58 AM] phoenixfire42 I am drunk and bored [6/17/2023 2:58 AM] phoenixfire42 :rainbowinternalscreaming: [6/17/2023 3:00 AM] phoenixfire42 Who here is going to TrotCon? :Derp: [6/17/2023 6:15 AM] ice_daddy Not me, I haven't gone to any MLP cons:EmotiNooo: [6/17/2023 6:15 AM] ice_daddy Btw I was reading the reports page and it's really interesting and informative :astroheart: [6/17/2023 6:50 AM] gabrizzy me too [6/17/2023 11:10 AM] databytebrony I'm running a panel! ^.^ [6/17/2023 11:14 AM] romulus4444 EFNW is my next con [6/17/2023 11:37 AM] fluffymarsh Not me unfortunately:( [6/17/2023 1:15 PM] phoenixfire42 Oh yea, that's right. I was at your pannel in 2021 fyi, but I was a shy boi then. You gonna do some hangout or something after it? :Derp: [6/17/2023 1:51 PM] databytebrony Yeah! Probably dinner or something 🙂 I'll throw you in the trotcon channel in the server, we're planning meetup stuff there [6/17/2023 1:57 PM] databytebrony Oh, you're already in there. Cool! 🙂 [6/17/2023 2:12 PM] phoenixfire42 I should have gone to your panel last year, but I was a little overwhelmed with several things :Derp: I can't go this year, but some time I would not mind to sit down and maybe buy you guys a drink or something :Derp: [6/17/2023 2:32 PM] romulus4444 :cheersunburst: [6/17/2023 3:04 PM] fluffymarsh I Never went to a con what is a panel? [6/17/2023 3:07 PM] voidtemplar2000 People sit at a table and talk about things to an audience [6/17/2023 3:07 PM] voidtemplar2000 Sometimes there’s also audience participation [6/17/2023 3:13 PM] fluffymarsh Oh [6/17/2023 3:14 PM] fluffymarsh That must be very cool [6/17/2023 3:15 PM] fluffymarsh My Dream is to Go to one lol [6/17/2023 3:15 PM] fluffymarsh But ehhh only in 4 years i think [6/17/2023 3:16 PM] fluffymarsh Or maybe less if the dollar gets a little cheaper [6/17/2023 3:28 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1119710103042527292/uncut_crotch_goblin_2.0-20230613-0001.mp4?ex=661adccb&is=660867cb&hm=7797d3f42689df4cdbfb2c62de9abb3bd8361c2d609c25dd917e35211611b66b& [6/17/2023 3:39 PM] fluffymarsh Nice Dog And Turtle [6/20/2023 7:27 PM] fluffymarsh Aw Shit Here We Go Again {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1120857506785284207/Screenshot_20230620-202624.png?ex=6615cee6&is=660359e6&hm=9d1e289d1fba9065fce36205c752c5aa0a807fd9cfa637e8eca3684241b1632a& [6/20/2023 7:30 PM] amoo. Who dat [6/20/2023 7:41 PM] fluffymarsh Probably some art scammer 😩 [6/20/2023 7:47 PM] vuisammie Should have posted the whole meme [6/20/2023 7:48 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1120862652982378557/Screenshot_20230620-204623.png?ex=6615d3b1&is=66035eb1&hm=e38523f71f42c92355bd3a75cdfbcd7d39a8189b6f1e63b442df2b77720d200d& [6/20/2023 7:48 PM] vuisammie I don’t get art scams, I get aggressively asked questions [6/20/2023 7:48 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1120862690546548826/Spongebob_disappointed_sound_meme.mp4?ex=6615d3ba&is=66035eba&hm=3269c0db583d40de93355988f9e193bc0e59de6cd101242783df867350e69cb6& [6/20/2023 7:48 PM] fluffymarsh Time to make a report lol [6/20/2023 7:48 PM] vuisammie {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1120862815058657313/IMG_1782.png?ex=6615d3d7&is=66035ed7&hm=5caa485852c86864dc8c427b833658f7a3791a519e762303f89eca88c9af2149& [6/20/2023 7:48 PM] vuisammie Very aggressively [6/20/2023 7:50 PM] fluffymarsh There,reported [6/20/2023 7:50 PM] emperor_sombra You should just reply with, "You just asked two questions" conversation over! [6/20/2023 7:50 PM] fluffymarsh They are like NPCs:Rd_boredaf: [6/20/2023 7:51 PM] vuisammie You know what, I actually will respond with that. [6/20/2023 7:53 PM] vuisammie I know this is crazy, but how much you want to bet they are gonna start complaining about my name and say I have to change it? [6/20/2023 7:57 PM] phoenixfire42 I don't get art scams, but if I did I'd ask them to draw the most depraved and inappropriate thing I can think of at the time. [6/20/2023 7:58 PM] vuisammie As a brony admin, I think we have a common consensus on what this is. [6/20/2023 7:59 PM] phoenixfire42 That's only the canvas for other artistic expression. It'd be more than that. [6/20/2023 7:59 PM] vuisammie Huh [6/20/2023 8:00 PM] vuisammie But honestly, I want to see how far they back pedal or panic, honestly sounds like fun [6/21/2023 12:05 AM] jdbo I got a message from this person I continued it it did not got into anything about art bro talked about dreaming nothing in spesific about it so eh I didn't continue [6/21/2023 12:05 AM] vuisammie Huh [6/21/2023 12:10 AM] jdbo checked the messages they sent on the server they're in they've said "Good morning" a lot of times which okay nothing major, except for they fact they that say it multiple times during the day and it isn't a response to anyone they just say it at complete random. Sometimes said hours apart from each other, sometimes said within 30 minutes of them last saying good morning [6/21/2023 12:12 AM] jdbo like, it's not a thing that's needs to be made clear multiple times a day [6/21/2023 7:28 PM] fluffymarsh OMG I JUST WANT ONE DAY OF PEACE WITHOUT ANY ART SCAMMERS {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1121220114696638504/Screenshot_20230621-201726.png?ex=6617209a&is=6604ab9a&hm=82eb668b51a179d7c906d9c35c4d5cd0e3ec7e99f11f00b51b0c4db5d48c2d9d& [6/21/2023 7:28 PM] vuisammie Maybe [6/21/2023 7:28 PM] vuisammie Go thru with it, see what they have to say [6/21/2023 7:30 PM] fluffymarsh Ahem...🎶SOMEBODY SAAAAAAAAAVEEE MEEEEE🎶 [6/21/2023 7:31 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1121220772011192380/Screenshot_20230621-203033.png?ex=66172137&is=6604ac37&hm=ea9192e62577d3dec647991a198201b53f2c8913e71ed4112e47cd4dd0705167& [6/21/2023 7:32 PM] vuisammie God can I get one, I have a perfect thing to scare them off [6/25/2023 5:36 PM] langou Welcome @Star Strikers team! :Pinkie4thwall: [6/25/2023 5:37 PM] langou https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/641744707306651652/842035059346112532/giphy_2.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/641744707306651652/842035059346112532/giphy_2.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/641744707306651652/842035059346112532/giphy_2.gif?ex=66169842&is=66042342&hm=bfb49f8bce3947f6f3af595adf837fdfa59920b687423a6144332baa600ce80a& [6/25/2023 5:37 PM] feedthemee https://tenor.com/view/tbh-creature-gif-25772842 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/tbh-creature-gif-25772842 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ueR9q3dp2dyM4eac7EYl0wZoI-1xH5ouNNc7NPRAFI8/https/media.tenor.com/mJU99ZjtlQsAAAAD/tbh-creature.png [6/25/2023 5:38 PM] .thenamelessone {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1092159460736245860.png [6/25/2023 5:41 PM] starstrike. https://tenor.com/view/hello-there-hi-there-greetings-gif-9442662 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/hello-there-hi-there-greetings-gif-9442662 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/EREoOKpvjGYm4Wp-Jsp7FxS-GUm-jbQAfhlpQ6mZDlA/https/media.tenor.com/6us3et_6HDoAAAAD/hello-there-hi-there.png [6/25/2023 5:49 PM] nightstars. I know you :0 [6/25/2023 5:49 PM] langou :RarSpeechless: me? [6/25/2023 5:49 PM] nightstars. You’re the one who welcomed me and been active when I first joined pony react! :D [6/25/2023 5:50 PM] langou oh nice :FSyeah2: [6/25/2023 5:50 PM] nightstars. :1rdgiggle: [6/25/2023 5:50 PM] nightstars. Yee [6/25/2023 5:50 PM] nightstars. It’s good to see you again :TiaNeck: [6/25/2023 5:50 PM] langou good to see you again too :Hugs: {Reactions} Hugs [6/25/2023 5:51 PM] langou how is your server doin'? :ponkinteresting: [6/25/2023 5:52 PM] nightstars. Doing great thankfully! :D It’s getting alive and active lately [6/25/2023 5:53 PM] langou sounds really great! [6/25/2023 5:53 PM] langou https://tenor.com/view/stonks-meme-gif-16107418 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/stonks-meme-gif-16107418 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/v0wp-DsTuGLOgq3jE5kWseQAAi5dt1ri1WIG0B59BbY/https/media.tenor.com/Y8Po-y0pXQ8AAAAD/stonks-meme.png [6/25/2023 5:53 PM] nightstars. Yee :KonataDance: [6/25/2023 5:53 PM] nightstars. Yesss [6/25/2023 5:53 PM] nightstars. With the boosts, very stonks [6/25/2023 5:53 PM] emperor_sombra :ponks1::ponks2: [6/25/2023 5:53 PM] nightstars. Ayeee, sup Sombra [6/25/2023 5:53 PM] nightstars. *time to steal it* [6/25/2023 5:53 PM] nightstars. :1rdgiggle: [6/25/2023 5:54 PM] emperor_sombra :StopRightThereCriminal: [6/25/2023 5:54 PM] langou :BatPolice: [6/25/2023 5:54 PM] nightstars. :AJLiarJack: [6/25/2023 5:54 PM] nightstars. I mean.. uh… downloading.. yeah! Downloading [6/25/2023 5:56 PM] langou https://tenor.com/view/piracy-download-a-car-piracy-its-a-crime-download-a-handbag-download-a-computer-gif-17133478 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/piracy-download-a-car-piracy-its-a-crime-download-a-handbag-download-a-computer-gif-17133478 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ZTWsUGwxEsEISuNjymdTnKmuDfzHQOgSZx-OcX3A0ig/https/media.tenor.com/Wc4a_S4PHtsAAAAD/piracy-download-a-car.png [6/25/2023 5:56 PM] langou that advertisement :rdlol: [6/25/2023 6:06 PM] nightstars. :medWheeze: [6/25/2023 6:06 PM] nightstars. amazing [6/25/2023 6:20 PM] jdbo horse [6/25/2023 6:21 PM] stormshadow_cote {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1031407515830853632.png [6/25/2023 6:49 PM] comradesparkle You would download a horse [6/25/2023 7:35 PM] Deleted User if i hear that one moretime i swear [6/25/2023 9:26 PM] gabrizzy :AL_AmooLurk: [6/26/2023 12:22 AM] romulus4444 {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/861309488664281119.png [6/26/2023 12:23 AM] gabrizzy :PZ_Pinkiewave: [6/27/2023 12:28 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1123288681961246800/ED6EFBC5-A68E-48C6-9103-B123B1ECC22D.gif?ex=66156c9b&is=6602f79b&hm=7db67f3bc63b4074e984f4de8cbf2b22f92be8f706ba3e4d6a2e6f0c5602a8ed& [6/27/2023 12:29 PM] feedthemee nice try :HeartEvilLaughter: {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1123289027198582924/image.png?ex=66156ced&is=6602f7ed&hm=0e770f685585a97b2756d0409c961a6b1616f73673b5e31be8f07e62aa3224e9& [6/27/2023 12:29 PM] fluffymarsh Damit [6/27/2023 1:00 PM] evil_gavier hmmmmmm {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1123296878172319896/image.png?ex=6615743d&is=6602ff3d&hm=8ff9e3249b87e0a5b4b6403073dfd9d774ea157e8576ff827390eb79310ff320& [6/27/2023 3:37 PM] snowshovelmusic 12314564. :prince312Ajugh: [6/27/2023 3:43 PM] feedthemee lmao whaaat [6/27/2023 4:09 PM] snowshovelmusic 568765875. New Discord feature [6/27/2023 4:09 PM] snowshovelmusic 456876865. Do you like it? I do. [6/27/2023 4:09 PM] snowshovelmusic :prince312Glimlook: [6/27/2023 4:10 PM] feedthemee :HeartVoid: [6/27/2023 4:10 PM] snowshovelmusic Epic emote fail [6/27/2023 4:10 PM] jdbo 12349876. 12349876. 12349876. 12349876. 12349876. 12349876. 12349876. 12349876. it can get worse [6/27/2023 4:11 PM] feedthemee :wheeze: [6/27/2023 4:11 PM] snowshovelmusic Damn... I love it [6/27/2023 4:11 PM] feedthemee lmaoooo what the discord doin [6/27/2023 4:11 PM] snowshovelmusic 35467467. 4567587658. [6/27/2023 4:11 PM] snowshovelmusic Hmmm [6/27/2023 4:11 PM] snowshovelmusic I wonder how you make it worse [6/27/2023 4:11 PM] feedthemee can you do just numbers or any symbols? [6/27/2023 4:11 PM] jdbo no nitro {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1123344930400632883/image.png?ex=6615a0fe&is=66032bfe&hm=10b58a5d4db1a0bfa9d00f769300956769b357c594ed1038904ae7fc0fd7f68c& [6/27/2023 4:12 PM] feedthemee yes [6/27/2023 4:12 PM] jdbo here's a wheeze emote [6/27/2023 4:12 PM] jdbo :LunaWheeze: [6/27/2023 4:12 PM] jdbo https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1009233984573673553.png?size=128&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1009233984573673553.png?size=128&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/21ybzIKJ82gGDvYi3pzzj8Af3Q8-qnIs3MPK4y1AfLg/%3Fsize%3D128%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1009233984573673553.png [6/27/2023 4:12 PM] jdbo there 👍 [6/27/2023 4:12 PM] feedthemee thanks, im too lazy to go grab it [6/27/2023 4:13 PM] snowshovelmusic :prince312Lol: [6/27/2023 4:13 PM] feedthemee i fully trust your imagination will do the work for me [6/27/2023 4:13 PM] feedthemee :HeartGiggle: [6/27/2023 4:13 PM] snowshovelmusic 6345643. 5437658. 6437856. [6/27/2023 4:13 PM] snowshovelmusic OOOOOhhhhhhhhhhh [6/27/2023 4:13 PM] snowshovelmusic I know how. [6/27/2023 4:13 PM] jdbo yeah {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1123345390591287327/image.png?ex=6615a16b&is=66032c6b&hm=7a763fd039df788dbfac43f5ca7c45e16710671bc2dc584b0c0c7af775bef546& [6/27/2023 4:13 PM] feedthemee 123456789. 123456789. 123456789. [6/27/2023 4:13 PM] feedthemee LMAO [6/27/2023 4:14 PM] voidtemplar2000 123456789. 123456789. 123456789. 123456789. 123456789. 123456789. [6/27/2023 4:14 PM] voidtemplar2000 huh [6/27/2023 4:14 PM] voidtemplar2000 Oh right [6/27/2023 4:14 PM] feedthemee hmmm [6/27/2023 4:14 PM] voidtemplar2000 123456789. 123456789. 123456789. 123456789. 123456789. 123456789. 123456789. 123456789. 123456789. 123456789. 123456789. 123456789. 123456789. 123456789. 123456789. 123456789. [6/27/2023 4:14 PM] voidtemplar2000 lul [6/27/2023 4:14 PM] feedthemee :wheeze: [6/27/2023 4:15 PM] feedthemee so it's only lumbers i assume, right? [6/27/2023 4:15 PM] feedthemee *numbers [6/27/2023 4:15 PM] phoenixfire42 :wtfglare: [6/27/2023 4:16 PM] feedthemee :oop: [6/27/2023 4:16 PM] feedthemee we're just uhhh [6/27/2023 4:16 PM] feedthemee {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1123346150695653488/image.png?ex=6615a221&is=66032d21&hm=b49f65a1fb99690f0bb0a4ebe23758e342af5a607e3028cf144c2770b1b77fc1& [6/27/2023 4:17 PM] snowshovelmusic Lumbers? Yeah, just lumbers... [6/27/2023 4:17 PM] snowshovelmusic https://tenor.com/view/the-simpsons-stupid-lumber-annoyed-gif-14320448 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/the-simpsons-stupid-lumber-annoyed-gif-14320448 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/TDeUyXPSA4rL88sUK-veTdhbDmz8dU8-eeuVt4mY7VU/https/media.tenor.com/FUOmMVOV_uUAAAAD/the-simpsons-stupid-lumber.png [6/27/2023 4:17 PM] jdbo and then you throw in big text and it be like {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1123346438538141718/image.png?ex=6615a265&is=66032d65&hm=5e61c9cd4e0cd166f6149df6db6581c4239265a254bf95c98cfa819859b5025b& [6/27/2023 4:17 PM] feedthemee https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1054643648807051315.gif?size=96&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1054643648807051315.gif?size=96&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/3WNIPlCp48nLrdIRWe5tBi9_PIgvfLco6bERiAD5bns/%3Fsize%3D96%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1054643648807051315.gif [6/27/2023 4:19 PM] snowshovelmusic And for some reason it doesn't work in the Discord APP on my phone [6/27/2023 4:20 PM] snowshovelmusic Discord right now: [6/27/2023 4:20 PM] snowshovelmusic https://tenor.com/view/ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh-gif-19930190 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh-gif-19930190 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/NzPJP4BspTRJmGuCF89-fNhAUtmmYH43JSN8T6m-JwI/https/media.tenor.com/twXvX3CK9jsAAAAD/ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.png [6/27/2023 4:20 PM] feedthemee TRUE [6/27/2023 4:21 PM] snowshovelmusic I want to try something... [6/27/2023 4:21 PM] feedthemee oh noes [6/27/2023 4:21 PM] snowshovelmusic F, it doesn't. [6/27/2023 4:22 PM] snowshovelmusic 1234564. 4365764. 345674. 5476875. 12342454. 1232544. 34567458. 456756. 3456875. 43567432. B̵̿̀u̴̐͝t̴̆͌ ̵̛͘a̴̍͠t̸̏̿ ̷̈̚l̴̀͠e̶ast I can ̈́͛m̵̈́͊á̶ke it ́w̷̿͝e̶̔̕í̸̽r̷̾̽der. [6/27/2023 4:22 PM] feedthemee bahaha [6/27/2023 4:23 PM] feedthemee https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/898395379706511370/1122946562612547665/image.png {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/898395379706511370/1122946562612547665/image.png https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/898395379706511370/1122946562612547665/image.png?ex=661d687b&is=660af37b&hm=506282504df6678440d54bd63153baa4052d8404985850b91a1996a249fe49b0& [6/27/2023 4:23 PM] feedthemee if you put long enough characters into your pronouns section, it will go far beyond [6/27/2023 4:24 PM] snowshovelmusic LMAO [6/28/2023 10:22 AM] quinnnzy yo idk where to post this but zom isnt a mod for general anymore [6/28/2023 10:40 AM] comradesparkle Alright, thanks [6/28/2023 4:18 PM] phoenixfire42 The place to put misc. things about this server is #server-meta [6/29/2023 4:31 AM] amoo. Lmaoaoa Lounge has been 'blacklisted' off some small furry server because we are 'Breaking Discord Guidelines' for not having a verification ID system to our Mature Lounge channel but require a reaction emote + 18+ role *oh noooo* HEUAHahwHUEUH [6/29/2023 4:52 AM] gabrizzy :wheeze: [6/29/2023 5:02 AM] amoo. Fr tried to cancel us for legitimately following TOS yet making it sound like needing an ID verification is a necessity and cancel us HAHA [6/29/2023 5:03 AM] gabrizzy imagine trying to cancel someone for having to post info that could potentially cause doxxing [6/29/2023 5:03 AM] amoo. For real HAHAHA [6/29/2023 5:04 AM] gabrizzy literally bruh moment right there [6/29/2023 5:04 AM] amoo. They even made a document HAHSHAHS [6/29/2023 5:04 AM] voidtemplar2000 bruh moment [6/29/2023 5:05 AM] amoo. With literal fake accusations because 'possible minors can access it' bru its not like we allow them in there anyways we have our little system and strict rules for that [6/29/2023 5:05 AM] voidtemplar2000 You can never really insulate against someone lying on the internet [6/29/2023 5:05 AM] gabrizzy :KEKW: [6/29/2023 5:05 AM] voidtemplar2000 Barring like, video verification, but ahahahha [6/29/2023 5:05 AM] voidtemplar2000 No [6/29/2023 5:06 AM] amoo. I really don't care what they're doing, we have more people on our side and strong partnerships HAHAHHAA [6/29/2023 5:06 AM] voidtemplar2000 "To get acess to this channel, you must physically meet with a moderator so they can verify your age" [6/29/2023 5:06 AM] voidtemplar2000 ... [6/29/2023 5:06 AM] amoo. Give us your CVC code and address [6/29/2023 5:06 AM] voidtemplar2000 There's no good way to phrase that [6/29/2023 5:06 AM] gabrizzy :laugh_wheeze: [6/29/2023 5:06 AM] voidtemplar2000 Sure, my CC details are [6/29/2023 5:07 AM] amoo. Their 'case' document is called 'Justice 2' HAHAHAH [6/29/2023 5:07 AM] amoo. Movie title fr [6/29/2023 5:07 AM] gabrizzy "we will not be held responsible for members subjected to physical harassment by our mods" [6/29/2023 5:08 AM] gabrizzy justice for who? for the 10 people who think things differently than everyone? [6/29/2023 5:08 AM] elongatedmusket The entire situation just had me chuckling to myself lol [6/29/2023 5:08 AM] amoo. HAHAHAHAHA FRRRRR [6/29/2023 5:08 AM] elongatedmusket Yeah hold on let me just like post my social security along with it [6/29/2023 5:08 AM] voidtemplar2000 William Joseph Burns 2369-3985-1982-0265 185 1000 Colonial Farm Road, Fairfax County, Virginia [6/29/2023 5:08 AM] voidtemplar2000 (and now we wait until someone gets that reference) [6/29/2023 5:08 AM] amoo. Like legit the channel is properly hidden and can be accessible with like 3 clicks but there's a little trick in it + labeled as NSFW [6/29/2023 5:09 AM] amoo. Boom TOS my ass we're following it [6/29/2023 5:09 AM] elongatedmusket 765-45-6780 I found these things on a funny little card that has my name on it and reads “social security administration.” At the top [6/29/2023 5:09 AM] amoo. Yknow whats funny too [6/29/2023 5:10 AM] amoo. Kid is 17 and labeled himself as a former discord assistant HAHAHHAHAH [6/29/2023 5:10 AM] voidtemplar2000 Honestly, NSFW stuff on EaW is the least of our irritants [6/29/2023 5:10 AM] voidtemplar2000 most of the time, we have to throw out Z-people [6/29/2023 5:10 AM] gabrizzy wow, discord is hiring underaged mods to do their work? [6/29/2023 5:10 AM] voidtemplar2000 And yesterday, some smartass thought we wouldn't detect htem changing their name to "Wagner PMC" [6/29/2023 5:10 AM] amoo. Fr [6/29/2023 5:10 AM] voidtemplar2000 They were of course shot on sight [6/29/2023 5:11 AM] elongatedmusket Wew, yeah as a person who has been in the hoi4 community. Man I can’t imagine the struggle y’all go through [6/29/2023 5:11 AM] voidtemplar2000 We have a fairly sizable Russian-speaking community [6/29/2023 5:11 AM] voidtemplar2000 So we maintain an absolute zero-tolerance policy for Z-reacts [6/29/2023 5:11 AM] amoo. Fellow Russian here hello 💪 [6/29/2023 5:11 AM] elongatedmusket I am aware, I joined EAW as my first server when returning to the fandom. :foxscrem: [6/29/2023 5:12 AM] elongatedmusket Because I got into hoi4 before I returned to the fandom lol [6/29/2023 5:12 AM] voidtemplar2000 If someone reacts with 🇷🇺 that's their prerogative, but we shoot everyone who reacts with 🇿 and 🇷🇺 on sight [6/29/2023 5:12 AM] voidtemplar2000 Of course, if you spell out 🇿 🇪 🇧 🇷 🇦 that's another matter [6/29/2023 5:12 AM] gabrizzy :Cat_guns::Cat_guns::Cat_guns::Cat_guns::Cat_guns: [6/29/2023 5:13 AM] amoo. People kinda tend to add random flags to stuff like announcements in which I **personally** find fine, but if its Z then that's one big issue cuz I don't allow propaganda and find it offensive as a Russian too [6/29/2023 5:13 AM] amoo. But that's understandable [6/29/2023 5:13 AM] elongatedmusket Especially considering the context of the server [6/29/2023 5:13 AM] elongatedmusket It is about a war game lol [6/29/2023 5:13 AM] voidtemplar2000 OH [6/29/2023 5:14 AM] voidtemplar2000 that actually reminds me [6/29/2023 5:14 AM] voidtemplar2000 There was a guy who played one of the HOI4 mods from the Wagner HQ [6/29/2023 5:14 AM] voidtemplar2000 as Russia and tried to invade Ukraine [6/29/2023 5:14 AM] amoo. ;_; [6/29/2023 5:14 AM] elongatedmusket Bro whaaat [6/29/2023 5:14 AM] gabrizzy zamn [6/29/2023 5:14 AM] voidtemplar2000 Millenium Dawn, the Modern Day mod [6/29/2023 5:14 AM] feedthemee man [6/29/2023 5:14 AM] voidtemplar2000 He ground down, and then some NATO players who were also there stepped in and absolutely bodied him [6/29/2023 5:14 AM] elongatedmusket Man hoi4 players still trying to get those hours in even during war [6/29/2023 5:15 AM] voidtemplar2000 He didn't even get very far, even with nuclear weapons [6/29/2023 5:15 AM] elongatedmusket :wheeze: [6/29/2023 5:16 AM] elongatedmusket Man I remember playing millennium dawn, I haven’t played it in a bit but from my understanding invading Ukraine was pretty easy in that mod, I guess they’ve changed it or he just sucks at hoi4 [6/29/2023 5:16 AM] voidtemplar2000 Afterwartds, he spoke to one of the members of the Duma there and said that "Nuking is the best way to achieve progress in Ukraine" [6/29/2023 5:16 AM] voidtemplar2000 Silver lining, MD now has a much stricter moderation policy [6/29/2023 5:16 AM] amoo. Smh [6/29/2023 5:16 AM] elongatedmusket :stare: did homie really base their strategy on hoi4 nukes [6/29/2023 5:16 AM] voidtemplar2000 Including a shoot-on-sight order for Z-reacts [6/29/2023 5:16 AM] voidtemplar2000 Yes [6/29/2023 5:17 AM] elongatedmusket Hoi4 nukes are like angels kisses [6/29/2023 5:17 AM] elongatedmusket They’re gone before you could even see them [6/29/2023 5:18 AM] elongatedmusket Man :facehoof: [6/29/2023 5:18 AM] elongatedmusket Crazy world we live in [6/29/2023 5:18 AM] voidtemplar2000 As someone who pulls dual roles as both a Community Coordinator and a Senior Contributor, I hear a lot of fun stories [6/29/2023 5:18 AM] elongatedmusket I could imagine lol [6/29/2023 5:19 AM] voidtemplar2000 I would post a screendump of the actual stream, but ahahah [6/29/2023 5:19 AM] voidtemplar2000 I don't think that's a good idea [6/29/2023 5:19 AM] amoo. Ah eh either way, incase some of this weirdass information gets spread as I mentioned above, its absolutely irrelevant lmfao. Just wanted to point it out incase something appears, tho, I doubt cuz we're BIGGER HEHRHRRRR [6/29/2023 5:20 AM] elongatedmusket :eyeshake: my DM’s are open [6/29/2023 5:20 AM] elongatedmusket Im very curious [6/29/2023 5:20 AM] gabrizzy well they gave it their best shot, but they didn't count on running into the biggest community of badass fans [6/29/2023 5:20 AM] amoo. Lmfao + strong partners [6/29/2023 5:21 AM] amoo. Guys we're violating TOS for not asking for ID that's totally not violating privacy policy tho [6/29/2023 5:21 AM] amoo. Sobs canceled foreverrrrr [6/29/2023 5:22 AM] gabrizzy woohoo we are encouraging people to dox themselves as private info is something that we don't give a damn about [6/29/2023 5:23 AM] amoo. Fr [6/29/2023 8:05 AM] comradesparkle May not be legal to do that, GDPR has some pretty strict requirements about the storing of PII. I doubt they comply. [6/29/2023 2:02 PM] Deleted User i dont trust any servers that do that [6/29/2023 2:02 PM] Deleted User or anyone [6/29/2023 2:06 PM] amoo. Fr [6/30/2023 6:20 PM] fluffymarsh Hello Again Guys [6/30/2023 6:20 PM] evil_gavier welcome back! [6/30/2023 6:32 PM] fluffymarsh :1rdhype: [6/30/2023 10:13 PM] gabrizzy :PZ_Pinkiewave: [7/1/2023 2:24 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1124586237177647134/my_bed_is_dead.mp4?ex=661a250c&is=6607b00c&hm=80a644688e20a0582bfc978f1c2d19d2f579e6bce5fba186e65b4e0aac17f83f& [7/2/2023 3:42 AM] phoenixfire42 I feel honored. I met SaveMLP in the wild on EQD and made him say that to me :SylvDab: {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1124968405775163392/SaveMLP.png?ex=661b88f8&is=660913f8&hm=feea524abd5092b0cb456732ae872b3a4fb6c5abcdc58f38eee3e28a1983896b& [7/2/2023 3:49 AM] stormshadow_cote Ah, he decided to stink up the server a bit, did he? [7/2/2023 3:50 AM] phoenixfire42 Unfortunately. I normally wouldn't post that kind of thing in here, but I don't even think it's controvertial to say they are very misguided. [7/2/2023 3:50 AM] phoenixfire42 It was a mildly amusing enguagement [7/2/2023 3:51 AM] stormshadow_cote I'm a proud member of the "Blocked By SaveMLP" club [7/2/2023 3:52 AM] phoenixfire42 Well, if you care, that is their discord. I don't really think they qualify for a report because they aren't like, actually doing harm to users (other than themselves), but there you go. It's just more sad than anything. [7/2/2023 3:53 AM] gabrizzy :cadancewheeze: [7/2/2023 3:54 AM] stormshadow_cote Oh, I even know him as Nicollo from the EqD Disqus before he got banned there [7/2/2023 3:55 AM] phoenixfire42 Yup, that was algernon's handiwork [7/2/2023 9:24 AM] Deleted User Savemlp is just a troll [7/2/2023 9:24 AM] Deleted User I hate how people give him attention [7/2/2023 9:24 AM] Deleted User It’s literally was confirmed he was a troll [7/2/2023 9:25 AM] gabrizzy :cst_thistbh: [7/2/2023 9:25 AM] gabrizzy he's only doing this just to get a reaction out of people [7/2/2023 10:09 AM] Deleted User Yea, its stupid people still give him attention [7/2/2023 12:54 PM] elongatedmusket May I get some explanation on who this savemlp guy is? Im sort of familiar but not fully [7/2/2023 1:09 PM] stormshadow_cote One of the most arrogant assholes the fandom has ever seen. He thinks his vision of the show is the one everyone should be forced to go along with, so he terrorized EqD's blog site comments, spends money on Twitter ads to peddle his bullshit campaign now, and goes and harasses show staff like when he or one of his lackeys badgered Kelly Sheridan on her livestream a year or two ago to show up to a reshoot of S9, and when fandom members like Imalou and BlooRoo announced they contributed to G5, he harassed them too and BlooRoo even privated for a short bit to get away from his group. [7/2/2023 1:10 PM] stormshadow_cote He gets punished time and time again everywhere he goes that bronies have control over, but he never learns and views it as others being "toxic gatekeepers" and completely lacks any self awareness [7/2/2023 1:40 PM] elongatedmusket Jesus [7/2/2023 1:40 PM] elongatedmusket Thank you for telling me [7/2/2023 1:41 PM] elongatedmusket Crazy to see how crazy some people can get over things like that. It’s sad really. Yeesh [7/2/2023 3:56 PM] itsskyliner Have people been leaking shit? [7/2/2023 3:57 PM] snowshovelmusic Looks like they were. [7/2/2023 3:57 PM] meganought Yeah, mostly before you joined I think [7/2/2023 3:58 PM] zephyrmoon Given that servers history of issues, I'm not entirely shocked. [7/2/2023 4:00 PM] elongatedmusket Wew, not suprised [7/2/2023 4:00 PM] romulus4444 can't do much with a server owner that actively works against things [7/2/2023 4:00 PM] imiya thats disheartening [7/2/2023 4:00 PM] phoenixfire42 There is a history of fuckery in general, but the last staw is that we have reason to believe they leaked the last report. [7/2/2023 4:00 PM] phoenixfire42 As in we know they did [7/2/2023 4:00 PM] imiya ultimately not all that surprising. hope they can work through some of the nonsense tho [7/2/2023 4:01 PM] elongatedmusket Well “not surprised” is an over simplification but knowing the history of general it’s not super unrealistic [7/2/2023 4:01 PM] n1te0wl Don't wanna dwell on this too much but general had it coming for a long long time [7/2/2023 4:01 PM] elongatedmusket My thought exactly [7/2/2023 4:01 PM] stormshadow_cote Yeah, they let Homiegunz back in the other day [7/2/2023 4:01 PM] zephyrmoon I do find it quite fascinating how servers with such issues can become much larger than those with very few. Guess anarchy is attractive to some? [7/2/2023 4:02 PM] romulus4444 easy to have inflated numbers if you don't ban anyone [7/2/2023 4:02 PM] zephyrmoon You make a good point actually [7/2/2023 4:02 PM] elongatedmusket Very much [7/2/2023 4:02 PM] n1te0wl I'd imagine all the scum that get banned on our servers have to congregate somewhere :UniSip: [7/2/2023 4:02 PM] phoenixfire42 They can run their server however they want. I just think that the way they choose to do it is counter to what we do here. [7/2/2023 4:03 PM] zephyrmoon 100%.. though MLP general isn't one I know our banned users have flocked to 🙃 [7/2/2023 4:03 PM] astrolazuli I was in shower when I hear "general is kil" "no" [7/2/2023 4:03 PM] romulus4444 back in the day (like way back), manechat and EqD used to trade banned users (they'd get banned from one and go to the other). then after a bit the users would instead go to Plaza back when it was super memey. Now they go to MLP General [7/2/2023 4:04 PM] elongatedmusket I’ve always stated this. MLP General was the runoff of every other major mlp server :SmolderShrug: [7/2/2023 4:04 PM] phoenixfire42 I know which servers banned users go to. I am in *a lot* of pony servers, and I see it happen. General is not the only one unfortunately. [7/2/2023 4:04 PM] zephyrmoon I've never actually stepped foot there, for good reason it seems. [7/2/2023 4:04 PM] zephyrmoon I'm just invisioning this flowchart of yes/no for where banned users end up. [7/2/2023 4:05 PM] elongatedmusket Yeah, that’s to be expected. Even the outcasts have to make community if the congregate enough. [7/2/2023 4:05 PM] stormshadow_cote For now, I'm staying in General for the emotes and stickers [7/2/2023 4:05 PM] zephyrmoon Free stuff is king [7/2/2023 4:05 PM] imiya i find i care much more for smaller, specialized servers as i lose time to spend on my computer, so also havent seen it. not my cup of tea usually lol but everyones gotta have a second place to go to [7/2/2023 4:05 PM] phoenixfire42 What was interesting to me, though, is that every other server on this list is not in PCL (or at least was not. Now they all aren't). [7/2/2023 4:05 PM] meganought It is encouraged to join the other servers here, partly to just see how other servers are run and set up and partly to see is users are in those servers [7/2/2023 4:05 PM] elongatedmusket I got enough of those for that not to be worth it lol [7/2/2023 4:05 PM] astrolazuli I do remember vividly how banned people from both Mane and EQD would come to Plaza [7/2/2023 4:06 PM] zephyrmoon Honestly, that's refreshing to hear. [7/2/2023 4:06 PM] romulus4444 yeah, then plaza got super huge [7/2/2023 4:06 PM] elongatedmusket This was not a response to you btw Meganought it was to Storm lol [7/2/2023 4:06 PM] astrolazuli We also got more strict with people trash talking other servers [7/2/2023 4:06 PM] astrolazuli Which edgy teens do not like [7/2/2023 4:06 PM] astrolazuli But oh well [7/2/2023 4:07 PM] astrolazuli They're someone else's poison now [7/2/2023 4:07 PM] elongatedmusket We have come so far :foxscrem: [7/2/2023 4:07 PM] imiya wheres the ponyland catfights server for modern day ponyfans [7/2/2023 4:07 PM] phoenixfire42 Yea, I started cracking down on that a bit ago. It's just not a good look overall tbh. [7/2/2023 4:07 PM] imiya the runoff of the runoff [7/2/2023 4:07 PM] elongatedmusket I always find it uncomfortable when I see cross server trash talking [7/2/2023 4:07 PM] zephyrmoon Similar occurences for us, we're fairly strict on most things including bad language..but all to provide a safer space. Like you say, edgy teens and the like aren't keen on that. [7/2/2023 4:08 PM] imiya i have come to side-eye most people just trashing on other servers...most of the time they were banned for something pretty reasonable [7/2/2023 4:09 PM] phoenixfire42 Sometimes mistakes do happen. I see some regulars in our server that were banned in other places or vice versa :trixiemmmaybe: [7/2/2023 4:09 PM] stormshadow_cote Oh, I know a good couple specific examples myself. [7/2/2023 4:09 PM] imiya usually these people dont come in guns a blazin "wow this place is sooo much better than that trash xyz you guys are actually nice" [7/2/2023 4:10 PM] elongatedmusket Yeah, I find it funny that they think they’re saying a compliment but to me it’s just feels weird and uncomfortable :SmolderShrug: [7/2/2023 4:10 PM] meganought thats not inherently a bad thing, each server has a very different vibe, community and rules. what got someone banned in manechat, almost definitely the strictest server here, would be fine in most servers for example [7/2/2023 4:11 PM] romulus4444 well, mostly what gets beople banned in manechat is people throwing fits when asked to follow rules [7/2/2023 4:11 PM] meganought which is why this place shouldn't be treated as an automatic banlist [7/2/2023 4:12 PM] elongatedmusket It’s a collaboration of servers not a collective hive mind :foxscrem: [7/2/2023 4:12 PM] romulus4444 of course we only send reports of people that are a danger to other servers, not everyone who gets banned [7/2/2023 4:12 PM] phoenixfire42 this is true [7/2/2023 4:12 PM] elongatedmusket :PinkieMad: who reactin [7/2/2023 4:12 PM] romulus4444 yeah i keep seeing that [7/2/2023 4:13 PM] elongatedmusket Im going to scream, come out. Show yourself! :silvgun: [7/2/2023 4:13 PM] romulus4444 ~~and now with MLPG gone there's no other servers with the same color as the admins~~ [7/2/2023 4:13 PM] elongatedmusket :AL_BBRRRRBRBRBRRR: [7/2/2023 4:13 PM] stormshadow_cote :Reeee: [7/2/2023 4:14 PM] elongatedmusket How to drive discord users insane 101 [7/2/2023 4:14 PM] romulus4444 :kirinirikfwoosh: [7/2/2023 4:15 PM] feedthemee :HeartSip: [7/2/2023 4:15 PM] elongatedmusket :despair: we shall never find out [7/2/2023 4:16 PM] elongatedmusket i am gonna cry [7/2/2023 4:16 PM] feedthemee nooo :snoggle: [7/2/2023 4:16 PM] solid_dd https://tenor.com/view/transitions-kinemaster-black-guy-suit-tiktok-gif-25279479 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/transitions-kinemaster-black-guy-suit-tiktok-gif-25279479 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/VxxGGB9unqJcww_rYQJPL7ebBZ6wb3t1XZZxjkWr18k/https/media.tenor.com/eE2OLGiBR-QAAAAD/transitions-kinemaster.png [7/2/2023 4:16 PM] phoenixfire42 Gonna turn on Logger's ability to trace reactions here real quick hold on :oh: [7/2/2023 4:17 PM] romulus4444 :angeldidnothingwrong: [7/2/2023 4:19 PM] elongatedmusket :despair: ok i give up time to go blow my ears out with music [7/2/2023 4:19 PM] feedthemee :waaa: [7/2/2023 4:19 PM] phoenixfire42 :GlimISee: {Reactions} BattoMuah [7/2/2023 4:19 PM] feedthemee {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1125158950451552346/image.png?ex=661c3a6e&is=6609c56e&hm=63de9accb3e939f432da0e29a77bcc59b4f1262ea5f50d626761a02b831e40ac& [7/2/2023 4:19 PM] feedthemee GOT EM [7/2/2023 4:20 PM] elongatedmusket YO [7/2/2023 4:20 PM] elongatedmusket YOU [7/2/2023 4:20 PM] elongatedmusket ALL ALONG IT WAS YOu [7/2/2023 4:20 PM] elongatedmusket this must have been how hank felt [7/2/2023 4:20 PM] feedthemee 📸 [7/2/2023 4:20 PM] phoenixfire42 It wasn't me [7/2/2023 4:20 PM] solid_dd Huh wonder who did that [7/2/2023 4:20 PM] phoenixfire42 I just clapped it [7/2/2023 4:20 PM] feedthemee phoenix ur getting arrested too [7/2/2023 4:20 PM] elongatedmusket https://tenor.com/view/rot-you-son-of-bitch-gif-21500914 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/rot-you-son-of-bitch-gif-21500914 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/madef4o4zKPXGXGI768VtMuFapAXygaGrAPcy1rH7Qo/https/media.tenor.com/gOv4vafpCB8AAAAD/rot-you.png [7/2/2023 4:20 PM] feedthemee oh wait i just realized i still have a fish pfp oops [7/2/2023 4:20 PM] elongatedmusket sorry [7/2/2023 4:20 PM] elongatedmusket i just finnished breaking bad [7/2/2023 4:21 PM] feedthemee :HeartGiggle: [7/2/2023 4:21 PM] elongatedmusket i have to get the references out [7/2/2023 4:31 PM] fluffymarsh Tbh Yes [7/2/2023 4:31 PM] fluffymarsh Server is full of racists And stuff [7/2/2023 4:33 PM] n1te0wl It's incorrect to say that General *tolerates* racism and other bigotry... Their staff is in on it [7/2/2023 4:34 PM] n1te0wl Like they'll laugh at blatant racism in general chat. Don't exactly remember which staff by name but I damn sure know I saw that behavior before I left [7/2/2023 4:34 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/587564376274239493/1114583461710278796/974207873804541983.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/587564376274239493/1114583461710278796/974207873804541983.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/587564376274239493/1114583461710278796/974207873804541983.gif?ex=661aab3d&is=6608363d&hm=023e79159d475bfa891711c89d5c74900221df41e8f72c1728f1776b9f0b5bb0& [7/2/2023 4:34 PM] fluffymarsh There's 2 Staff [7/2/2023 4:34 PM] fluffymarsh And one of them is back [7/2/2023 4:35 PM] fluffymarsh The other Just Got demoted due to pressure [7/2/2023 4:35 PM] zatillias Yikes [7/2/2023 4:38 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/among-us-ejected-impostor-gif-19787031 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/among-us-ejected-impostor-gif-19787031 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/Y2EvdbpWTScZ41PiSaF4agZ8GoWqi8dXMv8y7mXDKls/https/media.tenor.com/lnsyN3jPc6oAAAAD/among-us-ejected.png [7/2/2023 4:38 PM] fluffymarsh Shotgunner is a good person I know that but he is very naive And honestly don't know how to manage a server [7/2/2023 4:38 PM] solid_dd Server died after I left [7/2/2023 4:39 PM] solid_dd I'm just that awesome [7/2/2023 4:53 PM] fluffymarsh Report time? {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1125167434643558441/Screenshot_20230702-175325.png?ex=661c4255&is=6609cd55&hm=f85e2aadc7e737941e31c44741403a5fd45ed1d6a4bc4e7fc0eb79492e5348a8& [7/2/2023 4:54 PM] phoenixfire42 :GlimISee: [7/2/2023 4:54 PM] meganought That's a new script [7/2/2023 4:54 PM] meganought Of they have linked accounts, give them a quick check first {Reactions} bongoban [7/2/2023 5:18 PM] fluffymarsh First thing i saw when i joined EQD's Minecraft Server :TrixieConcern: {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1125173756646654042/Screenshot_20230702-175722.png?ex=661c4838&is=6609d338&hm=9abfceb5106ca3f3e15777d60e8376abbff4b0ef2d1b65e2fc34dbbbc63f3c70& [7/2/2023 5:20 PM] feedthemee oof :HeartVoid: [7/2/2023 5:22 PM] phoenixfire42 :spikewtf: [7/2/2023 5:22 PM] phoenixfire42 I haven't been on in like a month ngl [7/2/2023 5:22 PM] phoenixfire42 I need to [7/2/2023 5:25 PM] phoenixfire42 I played it a lot for a while. Making a mob grinder and a slime farm burned me out :ded: [7/2/2023 6:28 PM] dragonsreborn333 <3 [7/2/2023 6:58 PM] fluffymarsh :rdconfuse: [7/2/2023 8:02 PM] gabrizzy well damn what a start to July isn't it [7/2/2023 11:39 PM] fluffymarsh Rate My OC Pony Community Leaders Friends {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1125269632463421551/Untitled1134_20230702231005.png?ex=661ca182&is=660a2c82&hm=af3a1504ee39ea15a7359d60f603e5d8a7e2e0de1336e36dfa5657759aad4bf7& [7/2/2023 11:41 PM] gabrizzy cute [7/3/2023 1:07 AM] dragonsreborn333 7/10 cute pone but not a dragon [7/3/2023 1:07 AM] dragonsreborn333 Heh [7/3/2023 1:24 AM] feedthemee 8 / 10, would def hug [7/3/2023 1:44 AM] langou 7/10 :Hugs: [7/3/2023 1:51 AM] solid_dd 0/10 [7/3/2023 12:00 PM] Deleted User aww thats adorable marsh [7/3/2023 12:00 PM] Deleted User ^c^ [7/3/2023 12:50 PM] gamoray Rate my mare [7/3/2023 7:03 PM] fluffymarsh Sure? Where is It xD [7/4/2023 9:27 AM] itsskyliner {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1125779851161387109/Untitled_Artwork.png?ex=66154230&is=6602cd30&hm=ca87cf814ee71f781348aa3b1dd1fd93ce00cfbb911d42a2abbb4b148425fc3f& [7/4/2023 9:27 AM] itsskyliner Made by my friend, Blankpage [7/4/2023 9:29 AM] gabrizzy cool bat [7/4/2023 9:34 AM] zatillias :izzyexcite: [7/4/2023 11:50 AM] meganought :flutterooh: [7/4/2023 11:50 AM] meganought Very nice bat! [7/4/2023 3:49 PM] phoenixfire42 I need to more OC art. Saving money for the con tomorrow though :Derp: [7/4/2023 5:33 PM] fluffymarsh Ohhh What con? [7/4/2023 5:34 PM] phoenixfire42 TrotCon [7/4/2023 7:01 PM] fluffymarsh Ohhh That's So Cool,make sure to show us The cool stuff xD [7/9/2023 1:31 PM] romulus4444 manechat reached 14000 members today :ccloudypog: {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1127653268420558848/Screenshot_20230709_120306_Discord.png?ex=661c12f1&is=66099df1&hm=cb88a6c5e5396fb74329ab598523f8bee8e85de0f9862802e87267ce6a0d5d6a& {Reactions} sunpog (6) mistypog (5) [7/9/2023 1:32 PM] evil_gavier tremble before our mighty legions! [7/9/2023 1:32 PM] romulus4444 wouldn't the mighty legions be from equestria at war [7/9/2023 1:34 PM] evil_gavier 🤔 [7/9/2023 1:34 PM] feedthemee https://tenor.com/view/wait-hamilton-just-you-wait-hold-on-patience-gif-17741777 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/wait-hamilton-just-you-wait-hold-on-patience-gif-17741777 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/gVTROofAxkh2WzqD-k4nLycjzjOhOrQpiwk0WUosVzk/https/media.tenor.com/dUGhRsAnloQAAAAD/wait-hamilton.png [7/9/2023 1:35 PM] evil_gavier well, we have the round number so we get the legions [7/9/2023 1:35 PM] evil_gavier they get to have the unending horde [7/9/2023 1:36 PM] gabrizzy congratz [7/11/2023 7:29 PM] dollierott So cute! Super late to this but x) [7/11/2023 7:29 PM] dollierott Here's mine :D (art by me) {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1128468184815644762/chorgyref.png?ex=6615cf65&is=66035a65&hm=f3ba0485b1c6248a2f571b5eb6314f726059f33dd42e60448ffb13d8a80e3479& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1128468185264443563/chorgyreftransp.png?ex=6615cf65&is=66035a65&hm=3a7b7dd07dde4f0c55aed6f6760b92a777de2fdf926d2fd6a1b485cc03b006c4& [7/11/2023 7:36 PM] fluffymarsh Really Cool XD [7/11/2023 7:36 PM] dollierott Tysm :D [7/11/2023 7:37 PM] dragonsreborn333 Here’s mine (art by Inari) {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1128470171099615393/Dragonsfullref.png?ex=6615d13e&is=66035c3e&hm=752e5c4e18098f3359ff793a064dadce3b4cc81dcdb502af92214d651cdf8d75& [7/11/2023 7:39 PM] meganought oh we're sharing cute OCs today? art by lunar froxy {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1128470656380588092/RefsheetAnthroLowRes.png?ex=6615d1b2&is=66035cb2&hm=19a84808bb0e5b7b46c2f1100795a177271f4ad93b7fcec1849aa3a3d0940953& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1128470656841945119/RefsheetMainFileLowRes.png?ex=6615d1b2&is=66035cb2&hm=7be76d2a0d0a7648feebae2067f93285e6dab0553c4aa94bb87e5b0c8f380617& [7/12/2023 12:33 AM] voidtemplar2000 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/807182041488949318/1023518726152265829/sc27.png {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/807182041488949318/1023518726152265829/sc27.png https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/807182041488949318/1023518726152265829/sc27.png?ex=661b9a98&is=66092598&hm=d85c115db2154e66fe7b5f277f11e1584598e30ab7157d8798f28559b9760f7b& [7/12/2023 12:36 AM] phoenixfire42 I got Zahler to draw my OC at Trotcon in Marker {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1128545318401736815/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_249aadbc-524e-4dbb-996a-1cd6487695e2.png?ex=6616173b&is=6603a23b&hm=c9333ff7f1e88d274d74fcadb083129b82b3134e33cb076c0a98bd9fde027d7a& {Reactions} CrystalHeart [7/12/2023 1:00 AM] dragonsreborn333 👀 [7/12/2023 1:00 AM] dragonsreborn333 That’s very nice [7/12/2023 1:04 AM] phoenixfire42 Zahler is a god at drawing. He does same con commissions and can just casually sketch that out [7/12/2023 1:05 AM] romulus4444 very nice! [7/12/2023 1:06 AM] phoenixfire42 On my wall near my the Copic art I have from Confetti :Derp: [7/12/2023 1:07 AM] romulus4444 i have some traditional confetti art on my wall too, from back when she went by RavenSunArt. one guess who the character is :autumnspin: [7/12/2023 1:08 AM] phoenixfire42 I have the Vaporeon lol [7/12/2023 1:09 AM] phoenixfire42 But idk, Autumn Blaze? I need to ask her to draw something for me but she is busy horse. [7/12/2023 1:09 AM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/vaporeon-gif-22976667 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/vaporeon-gif-22976667 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/OuFzEkUxYbFLrb4AYgvJOGiXzH-DiSxaCXKl7fZMCro/https/media.tenor.com/lT0UltL_FY8AAAAD/vaporeon.png [7/12/2023 1:09 AM] romulus4444 i love that one [7/12/2023 1:09 AM] romulus4444 *f l o p* [7/12/2023 1:09 AM] dragonsreborn333 Liquid [7/12/2023 3:04 AM] amoo. My pone https://derpibooru.org/images/3161001 {Embed} shinoshai https://derpibooru.org/images/3161001 #3161001 - safe, artist:shinoshai, oc, oc only, oc:amoo, oc:amy blo... https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/QGYgfDJ9nKGJJebMpPnvSVO3BtNuBd2B1ipV5Crmrwg/https/derpicdn.net/img/2023/7/11/3161001/large.jpg [7/12/2023 3:06 AM] feedthemee nice [7/12/2023 3:08 AM] gabrizzy have mine {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1128583613634580562/Untitled_Artwork_2.png?ex=66163ae5&is=6603c5e5&hm=c1bcf82b82830e3947fd40d3a5967af0d595f860ba98c4abfa14da9357b91857& [7/12/2023 3:09 AM] feedthemee very adorable :D [7/12/2023 3:09 AM] gabrizzy :Bongo_cat_love::Meong_Love::turtle_love::PZ_StarlightLoveHeart::CoCoLoves: [7/12/2023 3:10 AM] feedthemee https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1105407547818647612.webp?size=48&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1105407547818647612.webp?size=48&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/9jI30nPgtxsSy9sBHdV0VtWZk4-xJphJY9EUk5pZEgU/%3Fsize%3D48%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1105407547818647612.webp [7/12/2023 3:14 AM] feedthemee here have my boyo {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1128585069288759346/frostcomm.png?ex=66163c40&is=6603c740&hm=6b4ae6ad32abb46fd4c987d676f35bcfa0ccafadd42bc6c7d61573f838ae3f2e& [7/12/2023 3:14 AM] gabrizzy cool guy [7/12/2023 3:14 AM] gabrizzy :Pat: [7/12/2023 3:15 AM] feedthemee yippiiieee :D [7/12/2023 3:16 AM] gabrizzy :AL_MLPHug: [7/12/2023 3:17 AM] feedthemee https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/678335509235236874.gif?size=96&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/678335509235236874.gif?size=96&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/r1-ScQBE2DKqvS8ZdcQmJxrXinUWZLzuxZLsnAV4tE0/%3Fsize%3D96%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/678335509235236874.gif [7/12/2023 3:17 AM] gabrizzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1116364113975722034.png [7/12/2023 3:18 AM] feedthemee https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/555050306761654272.webp?size=48&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/555050306761654272.webp?size=48&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ExqhINm7DaTGkxmrxy6NtPvsLIwjgHRKxpmTSCZ9-bw/%3Fsize%3D48%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/555050306761654272.webp [7/12/2023 3:23 AM] feedthemee also ignore my pfp, it's just plaza stuff :kekw: [7/12/2023 3:24 AM] phoenixfire42 :TrixieConcern: [7/12/2023 3:25 AM] feedthemee uwu [7/12/2023 3:27 AM] gabrizzy it looks completely normal to me [7/12/2023 3:27 AM] gabrizzy what a fine gentleman [7/12/2023 3:28 AM] feedthemee with such explosive elegance [7/13/2023 11:22 PM] dollierott i just got this super cute request from Cyanide (sweet.cyanide) as well, it's so pretty 😭 😭 she has comms open if anyone is interested!! {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1129251610120425502/Illustration10-1.png?ex=6618a904&is=66063404&hm=f0eb857fccaeb32c4221d235bacecbd67e80f6519f7d70b1b0a0647684b5c9a5& [7/14/2023 4:09 PM] Deleted User *pat* cute floofy blue horse aaaa [7/14/2023 5:02 PM] fluffymarsh How many reports for art scam do we Have xD [7/14/2023 5:02 PM] feedthemee way too many :void: [7/14/2023 5:03 PM] meganought id bet money its one person [7/14/2023 5:04 PM] phoenixfire42 I think it's a furry infection that bled into pony. It's just the next evolution DM scams. They were awful this time last year, they will pass. [7/14/2023 5:09 PM] emperor_sombra Ponies React is still getting those "Quote Bots" every day. We took ourselves off discovery and every Discord server list and removed every active invite link, but they still kept joining. Turns out they are using our vanity invite to get in so our server's invite must be on a list somewhere. [7/14/2023 5:20 PM] fluffymarsh Ah :/ {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1129522801800392784/Screenshot_20230714-181959.png?ex=6619a595&is=66073095&hm=bb0b066eb1a9e258aeb1a9b902243a6482192502432cc7cc81231f99717f145d& [7/14/2023 5:22 PM] meganought Maybe we need a channel fir art scammers specifically [7/14/2023 5:22 PM] meganought Remember to grab the id [7/14/2023 7:21 PM] amoo. 🤓 Acshually I'm an 🎨 🖼 Artist 🌟 [7/14/2023 7:24 PM] comradesparkle I have thought about this, perhaps a thread might be a convenient way to index them. I'll raise it with the others [7/14/2023 8:29 PM] nightstars. nO No nO, i mUsT DrAw fOr yOu, I HaVe tO SeRvE YoU, wItH ReAsOnAbLe pRiCe [7/14/2023 8:29 PM] nightstars. *fking asks for $100* [7/14/2023 8:29 PM] nightstars. *every week ofc* [7/15/2023 3:22 AM] Deleted User :ZoniCurious: [7/15/2023 3:23 AM] voidtemplar2000 There are artists that I have commissioned that did take 100+ [7/15/2023 3:23 AM] voidtemplar2000 People like Hioshiru [7/15/2023 3:23 AM] Deleted User Gotta say…..I’m really glad this hub exists. Thank you to those of you who took action and formed this server! {Reactions} RainbowBoop [7/15/2023 4:04 AM] fluffymarsh Hello There xD [7/15/2023 4:04 AM] fluffymarsh I'm soooo Bored [7/15/2023 4:04 AM] fluffymarsh :1rdboredd: [7/15/2023 4:30 AM] phoenixfire42 I mean, my pfp and banner cost uh, a lot [7/15/2023 4:32 AM] voidtemplar2000 my pfp was 120 and my banner about...120 too? [7/15/2023 4:32 AM] phoenixfire42 Pfp was like, 200 [7/15/2023 4:32 AM] phoenixfire42 Banner was like, 250 [7/15/2023 4:32 AM] phoenixfire42 Idc [7/15/2023 4:33 AM] phoenixfire42 When you dictate art it's totally different [7/15/2023 4:33 AM] phoenixfire42 They do it to order [7/15/2023 4:33 AM] phoenixfire42 It costs a lot and I understand why [7/15/2023 4:47 AM] gabrizzy hi soooo bored [7/15/2023 4:56 AM] amoo. Banner cost me 6$ PFP I dunno, 60+ dollars or something cuz I did not commission the art lol [7/15/2023 6:28 AM] gabrizzy banner was a gift from a former friend, pfp $15 [7/15/2023 6:32 AM] phoenixfire42 :dashshrug: [7/15/2023 6:33 AM] phoenixfire42 I like supporting artists as well :HankSmoking: [7/15/2023 6:34 AM] gabrizzy me too [7/15/2023 6:34 AM] gabrizzy if only i was rich [7/15/2023 6:36 AM] phoenixfire42 I'm not rich. I just give everything to pony :ded: [7/15/2023 6:38 AM] phoenixfire42 Thousands down in credit. But it's all worth it to be able to make the ultimate Trixie cosplay with this. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1129723595124375592/c1d95df5-6784-4850-ad8c-421b7af92504.jpg?ex=661a6096&is=6607eb96&hm=4d5125258ea40dd51f11e71d8ea96bed87cf9ba3437aa82f4420f1bc440265c5& {Reactions} anim_trixie_guilty [7/15/2023 6:40 AM] phoenixfire42 Fr tho I am fine. I budget to not budget at pony cons and I like to give :coolrainbow: [7/15/2023 6:53 AM] gabrizzy nice drum set and amulet [7/15/2023 10:12 AM] Deleted User That’s a mood lmao [7/15/2023 2:47 PM] fluffymarsh Mine cost 0 [7/15/2023 2:47 PM] fluffymarsh :evildances: [7/15/2023 2:50 PM] feedthemee mine also cost 0! [7/15/2023 2:50 PM] feedthemee (i dont have nitro) [7/15/2023 2:53 PM] fluffymarsh @PhoenixFire what's your fav song? [7/15/2023 2:54 PM] fluffymarsh That u can play on that drum [7/15/2023 3:58 PM] phoenixfire42 Uh idk. I play a lot more bass than drums lol. I play a lot of bass. {Reactions} pogfish [7/15/2023 4:14 PM] fluffymarsh Nice lol do u know How to play any Queen Songs? [7/15/2023 4:15 PM] phoenixfire42 Not off the top of my head. I probably could learn fast though :AJThink: [7/15/2023 4:16 PM] phoenixfire42 I casually do like, Rush, Iron Maiden, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, etc. [7/15/2023 4:18 PM] fluffymarsh Try another one bites The dust xD It's Easy i think [7/15/2023 4:18 PM] phoenixfire42 :GlimISee: [7/15/2023 4:18 PM] phoenixfire42 Yes it is [7/15/2023 4:19 PM] phoenixfire42 It's a fair bit easier than any of what I listed that is for sure. [7/15/2023 4:19 PM] fluffymarsh Lol [7/15/2023 4:19 PM] fluffymarsh Try recording The audio if u do [7/15/2023 4:19 PM] fluffymarsh @solid_dd i can see what ur doing [7/15/2023 4:19 PM] solid_dd No you can't [7/15/2023 4:20 PM] phoenixfire42 It's kind of an uninteresting bass part :hurr: I'd wanna do something more interesting than that. [7/15/2023 4:22 PM] fluffymarsh What about Beautiful Girls by Sean Kingston? xD {Reactions} BattoMuah [7/15/2023 4:22 PM] phoenixfire42 Not sure [7/15/2023 4:22 PM] phoenixfire42 Don't know it [7/15/2023 4:22 PM] fluffymarsh How The.... {Reactions} BattoMuah [7/15/2023 4:22 PM] fluffymarsh Whaaaaaaaat {Reactions} BattoMuah [7/15/2023 4:23 PM] phoenixfire42 Well, this second is not good for me to record anyway. If you want to hear some cringe and bad mixing tho, just go to my YT. Not a skill representation or anything, just dumb crap I did when bored. [7/15/2023 4:24 PM] fluffymarsh Bet lol What's The name? {Reactions} BattoMuah [7/15/2023 4:24 PM] phoenixfire42 It's on my profile [7/15/2023 4:25 PM] fluffymarsh Can u remove @solid_dd's Reaction perms? {Reactions} BattoMuah [7/15/2023 4:25 PM] fluffymarsh Just for the vine {Reactions} BattoMuah [7/15/2023 4:25 PM] solid_dd This is unconstitutional [7/15/2023 4:25 PM] phoenixfire42 :GlimISee: [7/15/2023 4:26 PM] emperor_sombra :Squintyjack: [7/15/2023 4:26 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1129871635026030642/F0x7PnSacAA3E94.png.jpg?ex=661aea75&is=66087575&hm=b52489097da4ad92c08fa765381f823caa78a834e602c04fa572c8fb67190d33& [7/15/2023 4:33 PM] phoenixfire42 Speaking of stupid stuff on my YT. This one still just makes me laugh :LunaLaugh: It's so crap, but it was never trying to be good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzbhphJ0RDM {Embed} PhoenixFire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzbhphJ0RDM Iron Minecart - Villager Song We are your merchant lords! https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/tohSRJOJvdvxnrEEO7WfFEbAHHtME-9wm0RuGwxrDHU/https/i.ytimg.com/vi/MzbhphJ0RDM/maxresdefault.jpg [7/15/2023 4:36 PM] solid_dd 10/10. Made me cry Truly a tore de fours only rivaled by that of the classical masters [7/15/2023 4:42 PM] phoenixfire42 Some day I will actually buckle down and make something that is not crap or a meme lol. I have all the gear and software for it, just not the time or drive to do it alone atm :Derp: [7/15/2023 4:43 PM] ironsona It’s me fr [7/15/2023 4:43 PM] feedthemee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgha9S39Y6M {Embed} MineCraft Awesome Parodys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgha9S39Y6M MINE DIAMONDS | miNECRAFT PARODY OF TAKE ON ME MINecraft parody! enjoly! https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/vzfG8iBWqPwYZ95AJwV39FW2ifJ6YY5a8ez5TDDxijQ/https/i.ytimg.com/vi/dgha9S39Y6M/maxresdefault.jpg [7/15/2023 4:43 PM] phoenixfire42 yus [7/15/2023 4:43 PM] feedthemee the thumbnail right away reminded me of this [7/15/2023 4:43 PM] phoenixfire42 Because that was what I was going for lmao [7/15/2023 4:44 PM] feedthemee uwu [7/15/2023 4:47 PM] phoenixfire42 I need to hook up with some fandom music peoples at some point. :Derp: I'm not good at many things, but I can play bass. Maybe not the best, but surely good enough to do some stuff. Oh well, I will continue to play either way. :dashshrug: [7/15/2023 4:48 PM] romulus4444 come to harmonycon, it's the music con [7/15/2023 4:48 PM] feedthemee i don't have the musical ear at all, but i do love drawing :HeartHeart: [7/15/2023 4:48 PM] phoenixfire42 I want to go to HarmonyCon at some point, but idk when I can yet [7/15/2023 4:52 PM] phoenixfire42 Music means *a lot* to me though. I'm actually like, low-key really sad I couldn't see Prince live when I went to Everfree last year :ded: [7/15/2023 4:56 PM] feedthemee awww :snoggle: [7/15/2023 5:18 PM] fluffymarsh @PhoenixFire subscribed (inscrito is subscribed in portuguese) {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1129884800354889861/Screenshot_20230715-1817392.png?ex=661af6b8&is=660881b8&hm=386fb640fc66136b909d9ee7860465a918d499421ab403818651eccfee0f4b2d& [7/15/2023 5:19 PM] phoenixfire42 :dashshrug: [7/15/2023 5:19 PM] phoenixfire42 Do as you please [7/15/2023 5:19 PM] fluffymarsh Lol [7/15/2023 5:19 PM] fluffymarsh Your oc looks cool can i see it? [7/15/2023 5:24 PM] phoenixfire42 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1129886214992957520/PhoenixFire2.png?ex=661af809&is=66088309&hm=24853d393218039e6c15dce2b99139f44c98febc064ea0eefb26ac8c3e145353& {Reactions} 🔥 (3) [7/15/2023 5:27 PM] fluffymarsh Wow, Really Cool xD She's an Alicorn? [7/15/2023 5:29 PM] phoenixfire42 Unicorn. The wings are magic. [7/15/2023 5:33 PM] fluffymarsh Oh Nicey [7/17/2023 2:30 AM] fluffymarsh Guys Just a Lil Question lol What Your OCs do? Like their job And stuff [7/17/2023 2:44 AM] gabrizzy a bounty hunter [7/17/2023 2:45 AM] fluffymarsh Sheeeeesshhhhh [7/17/2023 2:45 AM] fluffymarsh Epic [7/17/2023 2:48 AM] fluffymarsh Mine is Just a dessert seller on canterlot [7/17/2023 2:49 AM] phoenixfire42 A future villain :rarispooky: [7/17/2023 2:53 AM] phoenixfire42 I have been biding my time, making my plans. Now that I have snatched the alicorn amulet from the archives, the time is nearly at hand for the house of cards to come crubling down. :SylvUwU: [7/17/2023 3:20 AM] gabrizzy can i buy a chocolate cake from you? [7/17/2023 3:25 AM] feedthemee a clockmaker uwu [7/17/2023 3:25 AM] fluffymarsh Of Course :3 5 bits [7/17/2023 3:26 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1130400048061108324/km_20230717_1080p_60f_20230717_030213.mp4?ex=661cd695&is=660a6195&hm=07fd85d5b88ee4de476e3360b2ea4f024444a6402b4d8fde0edbecbd63976c3f& [7/17/2023 3:26 AM] feedthemee at first i thought you meant to say 35 bits [7/17/2023 3:26 AM] fluffymarsh xD [7/17/2023 3:27 AM] fluffymarsh I'm a Canterlot pone my prices are not cheap :3 [7/17/2023 3:27 AM] feedthemee :waaa: [7/17/2023 3:27 AM] fluffymarsh Phoenix After Stealing The Thing [7/17/2023 3:28 AM] feedthemee hehehe, true [7/17/2023 3:33 AM] fluffymarsh ***Goes back in time and exchange the amulet for a Marshmallow and a letter that says: "Never Gonna Give You Up,Never Gonna Let You Down"*** {Reactions} TrixieConcern [7/17/2023 3:35 AM] feedthemee https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/976351935957438555.webp?size=48&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/976351935957438555.webp?size=48&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/9rJSJ5djyLUDE4jlYRY-rofUR1L299ycSs1IxE9yzPs/%3Fsize%3D48%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/976351935957438555.webp [7/17/2023 3:35 AM] phoenixfire42 Fr tho my OC is just a manifestation of whatever tf I want it to be. I am not an RPer. I like the idea of having art commed of random things I experience in the fandom though, and I will do that for getting that amulet. It cost me enough (it's all for charity so whatever). [7/17/2023 3:37 AM] phoenixfire42 It's what I did for this. I used to sit alone in the Music VC with Spotlight a lot (back when MEE6 played music :GlimISee:) and I thought it would be funny to get art of that. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1130402841660506255/image.png?ex=661cd92f&is=660a642f&hm=6fe9ec51b088f3e022900146735041209806871b1914dd6b75dbc3329609e165& [7/17/2023 3:37 AM] voidtemplar2000 Firehorse [7/17/2023 3:37 AM] phoenixfire42 I'm too broke to get more art made rn though :ded: [7/17/2023 3:37 AM] fluffymarsh Dawww that's so adorable [7/17/2023 3:38 AM] phoenixfire42 I spent all my money at the con lol [7/17/2023 3:38 AM] fluffymarsh All The Arts Of My OC Are Free [7/17/2023 3:38 AM] fluffymarsh :bow: [7/17/2023 3:38 AM] voidtemplar2000 I think I’ve spent on ponies uhhh [7/17/2023 3:38 AM] fluffymarsh I literally didn't spend anything on ponies lol [7/17/2023 3:38 AM] phoenixfire42 I'm sure I could track down free comms, but I don't want to. I like supporting the artists anyway and would just feel bad. [7/17/2023 3:39 AM] phoenixfire42 I have spent a gross and embarrassing amount on pony the last 2 years [7/17/2023 3:39 AM] voidtemplar2000 On comms at least [7/17/2023 3:39 AM] voidtemplar2000 I think it is like 3-4k [7/17/2023 3:39 AM] fluffymarsh Omg [7/17/2023 3:39 AM] phoenixfire42 Low ball 10k [7/17/2023 3:39 AM] voidtemplar2000 It depends on how you count it [7/17/2023 3:39 AM] fluffymarsh Where do u live [7/17/2023 3:39 AM] voidtemplar2000 Since I’ve been getting human comms too [7/17/2023 3:39 AM] fluffymarsh UK or US [7/17/2023 3:39 AM] phoenixfire42 Ohio [7/17/2023 3:39 AM] voidtemplar2000 Which are humanizations of my ponies [7/17/2023 3:40 AM] voidtemplar2000 :OhioPride: [7/17/2023 3:40 AM] fluffymarsh :1rdshocked: [7/17/2023 3:40 AM] voidtemplar2000 I love that emote [7/17/2023 3:40 AM] phoenixfire42 Like this was already 2k in one thing {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1130403633029202003/27d43cfc-b0fe-4507-a932-97a625264bd4.jpg?ex=661cd9eb&is=660a64eb&hm=f7ce0c125721db60e20d980dfbabcd53f05e11da07f62a461828e409dfe721f1& [7/17/2023 3:40 AM] fluffymarsh How many Ponies do u have? [7/17/2023 3:40 AM] phoenixfire42 A few [7/17/2023 3:40 AM] voidtemplar2000 Plushie [7/17/2023 3:40 AM] fluffymarsh Life size [7/17/2023 3:41 AM] voidtemplar2000 I think I have five [7/17/2023 3:41 AM] phoenixfire42 I just grabbed this one at Trot last week. No good images lol. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1130403839699337256/240d0e4a-609d-4063-a715-79c22249fc94.jpg?ex=661cda1d&is=660a651d&hm=8e26f48656e3f8be0275b7af35a58be86132fdb5899584d63236806364470174& [7/17/2023 3:41 AM] phoenixfire42 Only the one life sized [7/17/2023 3:41 AM] fluffymarsh I mostly Just Have McDonald's MLP Figures that i stole from my sister [7/17/2023 3:42 AM] phoenixfire42 I have a few plush tho. I got a Luna at the Everfree Charity Auction last year as well. And I have a Rimi Celestia. And a couple 4DE plush. And another Autumn Blaze but smaller :AJThink: [7/17/2023 3:42 AM] fluffymarsh I'm not Paying R$100+ for a pony plushie lol [7/17/2023 3:43 AM] fluffymarsh Do u have a plushie or figure of your oc? [7/17/2023 3:43 AM] phoenixfire42 The plush cost a crap load cuz they are hand made [7/17/2023 3:43 AM] meganought {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1130404389169942568/ff340276-c2f7-44f5-a902-60e70eb9ad51.jpg?ex=661cdaa0&is=660a65a0&hm=d3042de10b202a8e117e6fa3ba19269498ef6d1db6c86bfc65bb021c33f7ec90& [7/17/2023 3:43 AM] phoenixfire42 Like that Luna is ~4 feet long. That took prob like 100 hours to make, 2k is understandable. [7/17/2023 3:43 AM] voidtemplar2000 I think a plush comm is yhh [7/17/2023 3:43 AM] voidtemplar2000 300 USD? [7/17/2023 3:43 AM] fluffymarsh Future Twiiiiiiiii:1rdhype: [7/17/2023 3:43 AM] voidtemplar2000 And that’d be on the cheap side [7/17/2023 3:43 AM] meganought Ye [7/17/2023 3:44 AM] voidtemplar2000 More likely, a plushie comm is 400-450 [7/17/2023 3:44 AM] voidtemplar2000 I got mine for 210 because they were just starting out back then and my OC was at least partly designed to be easily plushifiable [7/17/2023 3:44 AM] phoenixfire42 I just own so much random pony crap now because I raid the vendor halls at Trot when I go. [7/17/2023 3:45 AM] meganought A custom plush comm varies wildly as there's a huge variety of variables, size, quality, complexity of design, the stability of local currency of creator... [7/17/2023 3:45 AM] fluffymarsh I wish i could Go to a Brony con lol there's 0 here in Brazil cause The people here are annoying [7/17/2023 3:45 AM] voidtemplar2000 Shipping, materials, embroidery v. Iron-on patches [7/17/2023 3:46 AM] fluffymarsh Do u have a tattoo? [7/17/2023 3:46 AM] phoenixfire42 Dude I was shitting bricks when I did my Luna plush commission. I paid for 50% of that to Lana one week before the war and she lived in Russia. It was also through PayPal :GlimISee: Thank god she fled to Georgia. [7/17/2023 3:47 AM] voidtemplar2000 Youch [7/17/2023 3:47 AM] voidtemplar2000 Ohh [7/17/2023 3:47 AM] voidtemplar2000 This reminds me of a story [7/17/2023 3:47 AM] phoenixfire42 I don't want one tbh [7/17/2023 3:47 AM] voidtemplar2000 I heard at a bar at GalaCon [7/17/2023 3:47 AM] phoenixfire42 I think Comrade has told it to me lol [7/17/2023 3:47 AM] voidtemplar2000 And you’re free to not believe this story if you think it outrageous but I’ve seen the shipping labels and all [7/17/2023 3:48 AM] voidtemplar2000 The one about a Pear Butter plush? [7/17/2023 3:48 AM] phoenixfire42 Yup the plush that survived [7/17/2023 3:48 AM] voidtemplar2000 I still don’t get it [7/17/2023 3:48 AM] voidtemplar2000 How does it survive all that [7/17/2023 3:48 AM] phoenixfire42 Idk, just luck I guess [7/17/2023 3:49 AM] fluffymarsh When i Travel to the US and go to a Brony con i'll make sure to be wearing The most Brazilian outfit i can find {Reactions} GlimISee [7/17/2023 3:49 AM] phoenixfire42 I don't even really know what that means tbh [7/17/2023 3:50 AM] fluffymarsh That is, a shirt from the Brazilian soccer team, wide shorts and flip-flops [7/17/2023 3:50 AM] phoenixfire42 I don't really know anyone from South America [7/17/2023 3:50 AM] fluffymarsh Well you Know me xD [7/17/2023 3:50 AM] phoenixfire42 Well yea I know a few people online, but never in person [7/17/2023 3:51 AM] fluffymarsh Don't Worry When i find you at a con i'll give you a Neymar 10 Brazilian Soccer Shirt {Reactions} GlimISee [7/17/2023 3:51 AM] phoenixfire42 Soccer/Football is so popular everywhere but the US :GlimISee: [7/17/2023 3:52 AM] fluffymarsh That's why It's cool xD [7/17/2023 3:52 AM] fluffymarsh Funny that the next WC will be on the US Lol [7/17/2023 3:52 AM] phoenixfire42 I never really cared for sports anyway tho tbh [7/17/2023 3:52 AM] fluffymarsh Same [7/17/2023 3:52 AM] fluffymarsh I Hate soccer [7/17/2023 3:52 AM] phoenixfire42 I'm sure that's hard to believe coming from a Physicist [7/17/2023 3:53 AM] fluffymarsh If you're a physicist tell me why can't I be a pony? [7/17/2023 3:53 AM] phoenixfire42 :spikewtf: [7/17/2023 3:54 AM] phoenixfire42 We study molecules here sir [7/17/2023 3:55 AM] fluffymarsh Can I have pony molecules? [7/17/2023 3:55 AM] fluffymarsh Lol I have no idea what a physicist does tbh [7/17/2023 3:55 AM] phoenixfire42 Physics :VelSip: [7/17/2023 3:56 AM] feedthemee my man [7/17/2023 3:56 AM] fluffymarsh *Gasp* so it's your fault I can't get through stuff And Fly?? [7/17/2023 3:56 AM] phoenixfire42 :spikewtf: [7/17/2023 3:59 AM] phoenixfire42 I'd tell you what I do in work, but tbh it's so esoteric that anyone without a background in science would have no idea what or why any of it is :dashshrug: [7/17/2023 4:00 AM] fluffymarsh Try Explaining xD [7/17/2023 4:00 AM] phoenixfire42 :trixiemmmaybe: [7/17/2023 4:00 AM] phoenixfire42 Well... [7/17/2023 4:00 AM] feedthemee https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/903656947562192926.webp?size=48&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/903656947562192926.webp?size=48&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/K4leNclFNFfXM384l1mrmvAB0M9yaVyJ1YxgLx6Azbo/%3Fsize%3D48%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/903656947562192926.webp [7/17/2023 4:02 AM] amoo. {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1065124250547130460.png [7/17/2023 4:03 AM] feedthemee amoo :O what are you doing up so early :kekw: [7/17/2023 4:03 AM] amoo. its 4pm whut [7/17/2023 4:05 AM] feedthemee oh wait nevermind, my brain had a blackout it seems [7/17/2023 4:05 AM] phoenixfire42 So I guess the basis is I am imaging molecules. We can find information about them too while doing so, but that comes later. We basically take an atomically sharp tip and bring it angstroms away from a conductive surface (Au(111) in this case) that has some molecules we want to take an image of on it. The electrons in the molecules will quantum tunnel to the tip if it is close enough as a function of the tip distance to the sample (this can be modeled with a square well in QM, but idk why I say that I am sure none of you have taken QM :ded:). If you then raster the tip over the molecules (at a fixed height in this mode), you can get an intensity mapping of the tunneling curent to the tip. That gives a height map of the surface being rastered over. [7/17/2023 4:05 AM] feedthemee i for some reason thought it's 6am for you even though i know ur 4 hours ahead [7/17/2023 4:08 AM] feedthemee i got absolutely no idea what it means but either way it sounds like something really not easy to do but also fun uwu [7/17/2023 4:08 AM] phoenixfire42 :dashshrug: [7/17/2023 4:09 AM] phoenixfire42 Like I said, it's really esoteric. Like idk how to motivate why we do something that as a process is not digestable to someone who has not taken Quantum Mechanics :trixiemmmaybe: I mean I can give a bullshit pep talk, but what's the point I am not trying to sqeeze funding out of y'all. [7/17/2023 4:12 AM] amoo. Im in SIngapore rn lol [7/17/2023 4:13 AM] feedthemee i see i see. well, by default you're still ahead of me either way :HeartGiggle: [7/17/2023 4:14 AM] phoenixfire42 This is the struggle of working hard science :ded: When I have problems in it and want to vent about it, no one even has the slightest clue wtf I am saying. Some day in pony I will meet another. I hope. [7/17/2023 4:16 AM] feedthemee i may have not understood anything but i really enjoy nerdy talk :flutterhewwo: like i could listen to guys talk about science stuff all day, not getting any what!s being said but i'd still listen, going like "wow" :flutterhewwo: [7/17/2023 4:16 AM] phoenixfire42 Yea I know, and people do do that for me when I need it, but sometimes I wanna have a more technical talk and not just peach all day :Derp: [7/17/2023 4:17 AM] feedthemee i feel like the most common brony is a programmer (me included), but yeah i also haven't met anyone who has a job like you :derp: [7/17/2023 4:17 AM] feedthemee that's totally understandable [7/17/2023 4:18 AM] feedthemee most of my friends are people who have never ever touched code and i only get to cry in shooter's dms when i wanna once again express how much i hate discord.js xD [7/17/2023 4:19 AM] phoenixfire42 I want to go into a pony server and have someone else beat me with a Physics stick. [7/17/2023 4:19 AM] phoenixfire42 :TwiTearsOfJoy: [7/17/2023 4:19 AM] feedthemee hmmmm, i see :kekw: [7/17/2023 4:21 AM] phoenixfire42 Or math. Where are my pony math homies? *surely* there are bronies who know more math than me. :ded: [7/17/2023 4:22 AM] feedthemee i like math but never got beyond doing high school math oop [7/17/2023 4:22 AM] feedthemee i tried going to uni but left after 1st semester since i figured it's just not for me [7/17/2023 4:23 AM] phoenixfire42 Well, I did have to take a lot of it. More than anyone who didn't go into math would. But someone who did would know way more than me if they went all the way. [7/17/2023 4:23 AM] feedthemee it wasnt hard, it was actually too easy for me since i graduated in a programming field on high school already (long story short, high schools in czechia are basically high schools and colleges combined) and i felt too bored [7/17/2023 4:24 AM] feedthemee it also didnt help that they didnt accept me on the boarding school so i had to ride the bus early everyday [7/17/2023 4:24 AM] phoenixfire42 Let me tell you, math changes at a high level. It changes a lot. It doesn't even feel like the same subject anymore. [7/17/2023 4:24 AM] feedthemee and the lectures had gigantic gaps in between [7/17/2023 4:25 AM] phoenixfire42 It turns into science pretty much. Cuz that is what Physics is. [7/17/2023 4:25 AM] feedthemee ik the stuff we did in that 1st semester were matrixes and their operations, some functions, chances and that was about it :/ [7/17/2023 4:26 AM] feedthemee i really love math, always has and its just something that always clicked so easily in my brain [7/17/2023 4:26 AM] phoenixfire42 I mean around Differential Equations and on. The approach is just so alien to anything before. [7/17/2023 4:26 AM] feedthemee but with how unis work, i figured that uni is just not worth it for me [7/17/2023 4:27 AM] feedthemee > The approach is just so alien to anything before. my irl friends describing fractions :HeartGiggle: {Reactions} pinkwow [7/17/2023 4:27 AM] phoenixfire42 Not everyone needs Uni :dashshrug: [7/17/2023 4:27 AM] feedthemee yep! [7/17/2023 4:27 AM] feedthemee but i still wish i found some way to get better education in math [7/17/2023 4:28 AM] feedthemee internet is not always viable, especially the more advanced it gets dx [7/17/2023 4:28 AM] phoenixfire42 What happens at that point is math stops being about a process. It turns into problem solving. You have a bunch of methods that may/may not work and you have to be creative and do weird non-obvious things a lot. Also in DiffEq you start with the solution and work backwards and it is weird if you are not familiar. Lots of sine and cosine and exponentials. [7/17/2023 4:29 AM] feedthemee fun fact, they had to cancel pluses and minuses (on your grades) on my high school because i had so many plusses that i'd get a 0 on my report card (we got grades 1-5, 1 being the best) in math [7/17/2023 4:30 AM] feedthemee i've always viewed math as problem solving :flutterhewwo: i remember i really struggled with math as a kid until i started playing minecraft and suddenly everything we were learning started making sense to me [7/17/2023 4:30 AM] feedthemee it sounds silly but it really helped me when crafting some block or building a certain area that i needed to make plans of how much of each material i need [7/17/2023 4:31 AM] feedthemee and i think that's what made me click in my head and realize that **all** math has practical uses [7/17/2023 4:31 AM] feedthemee what i think schools should do when teaching math is to tell the kids how can they use it. i remember we were never told, it was always just like "lets learn X and Y!" but never explained what either is for [7/17/2023 4:31 AM] phoenixfire42 It's hard to even explain without seeing it, but it gets *weird*. Infinate Series start being the solutions to every problem and you get these special orthagonal functions, or you get complex exponential things and idk it's just strange. [7/17/2023 4:32 AM] phoenixfire42 MC was hype in school lol [7/17/2023 4:32 AM] feedthemee (sorry, i shifted from advanced maths to normal maths heh) [7/17/2023 4:32 AM] phoenixfire42 All my homies find the end portal with matrix math [7/17/2023 4:33 AM] feedthemee i was the only kid playing mc at the time, then not so long after others joined but were more interested in only PvP and stuff, i was more interested in literally anything that required a calculation from me, so mostly buildings :flutterhewwo: [7/17/2023 4:33 AM] feedthemee yes! xD [7/17/2023 4:33 AM] phoenixfire42 I used to do that before commands made it easier [7/17/2023 4:34 AM] phoenixfire42 I've been playing since 2011 [7/17/2023 4:34 AM] feedthemee oooh :o [7/17/2023 4:34 AM] feedthemee idk what year i started but ik it was on the version 1.2 [7/17/2023 4:35 AM] phoenixfire42 Off the top of my head [7/17/2023 4:35 AM] phoenixfire42 Late 2012? [7/17/2023 4:35 AM] feedthemee 1.5.2 is my favorite version :flutterhewwo: [7/17/2023 4:35 AM] feedthemee may be uwu [7/17/2023 4:36 AM] phoenixfire42 I used to be *obsessed* with MC. I followed every version and feature obsessively lol I can prob still place features to versions I played [7/17/2023 4:37 AM] phoenixfire42 If I am not mistaken, 1.2 was jungle introduction and client server merging. But idr [7/17/2023 4:37 AM] feedthemee i dont know at all [7/17/2023 4:37 AM] feedthemee i just remember that 1.5.2 was the redstone update and 1.6 added in horses [7/17/2023 4:38 AM] phoenixfire42 1.7 was the world update :VelSip: [7/17/2023 4:38 AM] phoenixfire42 I find things every so often that I get possibly unhealthily obsessed with, and MC was one of them. [7/17/2023 4:39 AM] feedthemee 1.9 was the combar update that everyone hates (but i liked it tbh :flutterhewwo:) [7/17/2023 4:39 AM] phoenixfire42 Anyone who complains about the 1.9 combat update did not have to experienece pre 1.9 hardcore PvP imo [7/17/2023 4:39 AM] feedthemee teeheehee, tbf many many people were and still are obsessed with mc [7/17/2023 4:39 AM] phoenixfire42 It was awful [7/17/2023 4:39 AM] feedthemee im not so obsessed with it anymore but i like to play it from time to time [7/17/2023 4:40 AM] phoenixfire42 Just mashing both clicks full speed and hoping desync gives you more range is not better than what we got [7/17/2023 4:40 AM] feedthemee truuuuu [7/17/2023 4:40 AM] feedthemee the kids with their autoclickers: [7/17/2023 4:40 AM] feedthemee since 1.9 i stopped using swords :flutterhewwo: i only use axes heh [7/17/2023 4:41 AM] feedthemee yep hahaha [7/17/2023 4:41 AM] phoenixfire42 I will say, full enchant netherite makes PvP worthless. You are basically unkillable to anything but splash potions or a good shot with a god bow [7/17/2023 4:41 AM] phoenixfire42 Sword? Forget about it. [7/17/2023 4:42 AM] feedthemee i was never really interested in pvp [7/17/2023 4:42 AM] feedthemee though i remember in my early days, i was god with the bow [7/17/2023 4:42 AM] phoenixfire42 I was around 2012 with Survival Games and arena servers [7/17/2023 4:43 AM] feedthemee i would play a lot of bedwars and shoot people off of paths hundreds of blocks away [7/17/2023 4:43 AM] feedthemee the czech servers i played on mainly only hosted bedwars and skywars [7/17/2023 4:43 AM] phoenixfire42 Survival Games was peak weekend fun for me. God, I kind of miss thoae days and how innocent it all was. [7/17/2023 4:44 AM] feedthemee saaame ;~; [7/17/2023 4:45 AM] feedthemee there was nothing more cozy than getting home early from school on friday, you got no responsibilities to fulfill and it starts raining so you hop into bed with your laptop and play minecraft all day [7/17/2023 4:45 AM] phoenixfire42 Back when Hypixel was cool. I was on it day 1. Was such a different server back then [7/17/2023 4:46 AM] feedthemee never experienced any of that, it took me a long time before i shifted from the czech communities to international ones [7/17/2023 4:47 AM] phoenixfire42 There were way less games, and basically none of the OG ones remain [7/17/2023 4:48 AM] phoenixfire42 Walls was one (not mega walls), TNT games, quake, trying to remember what else [7/17/2023 4:48 AM] feedthemee https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1032680088325595157.webp?size=48&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1032680088325595157.webp?size=48&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/L3A3Bk_IjXfmJ37WtVfXJ7de4BKGy_M0pvWpgHmht_8/%3Fsize%3D48%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1032680088325595157.webp [7/17/2023 4:49 AM] phoenixfire42 Hypixel got crap when they shifted into skyblock imo [7/17/2023 4:49 AM] phoenixfire42 I mean a lot of people like it I guess, but that is not why I played it [7/17/2023 4:50 AM] feedthemee bro i fricking love skyblock, probably my most favorite ever to play minecraft but i tried the one on hypixel and there is too much stuff happening for me xD its not even skyblock its just economy simulator in minecraft [7/17/2023 4:50 AM] phoenixfire42 Yea it is [7/17/2023 4:51 AM] phoenixfire42 I played OG skyblock way back when. I did it to death though. That's the problem with MC for me now. I have like 10k hours in it it's hard to get excited to do the same thing for the 1000th time. I still will occasionally indulge though. [7/17/2023 4:52 AM] feedthemee i have the same problem, i think i've just played it so much i squeezed all the fun from it [7/17/2023 4:52 AM] feedthemee i've always been to playing more singleplayer, but i just cant anymore [7/17/2023 4:53 AM] phoenixfire42 And that's fine, it only cost me 20 bucks. Probably the best 20 I ever spent in my life. [7/17/2023 4:53 AM] feedthemee i always neeed people now to play with otherwise i get unmotivated and stop playing whatever by a week [7/17/2023 4:53 AM] feedthemee mmhm :HeartHeart: [7/17/2023 4:53 AM] phoenixfire42 Yea I have to play on a server [7/17/2023 4:54 AM] feedthemee its not so much that i need to play on a server, i rather just need to play with people like in a vc and doing specific things together [7/17/2023 4:55 AM] phoenixfire42 I fell out of the MC obsession tbh. Then I fell into Pokemon. Then I fell into anime. Then back into Pokemon. Now pony :GlimISee: [7/17/2023 4:56 AM] feedthemee i had my pokemon obsession always only combined with mc uwu i've played pixelmon since its early release and still play it to this day sometimes [7/17/2023 4:56 AM] feedthemee (pixelmon is a minecraft mod that introduces pokemon into the game) [7/17/2023 4:57 AM] feedthemee and hehe, i seee [7/17/2023 4:57 AM] phoenixfire42 I know pixelmon [7/17/2023 4:57 AM] feedthemee i only had mc, then mc with pokemon, then ponies and now nothing really [7/17/2023 4:57 AM] fluffymarsh I prefer Fortnite {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1130423092515192842/20230717_045837.jpg?ex=661cec0b&is=660a770b&hm=24bb6cbe9ce4df1f4be82d171ddbe865cdcbb5df49f99385c622c5966be85aeb& [7/17/2023 4:57 AM] phoenixfire42 I was obsessed with Pokemon. I used to do competative battling and I played all the games and watched the show and I own like 80 plush of it and just :RainbowTooMuch: [7/17/2023 4:58 AM] phoenixfire42 When I get stuck on something, I get really stuck on it. [7/17/2023 4:58 AM] feedthemee i honestly dont even consider myself a brony anymore. to me a brony is someone interested in the show, the characters, etc. i dont really care about the show anymore at all, but i love the community [7/17/2023 4:58 AM] feedthemee like no other community has so many talented artists, kind people, etc [7/17/2023 4:59 AM] feedthemee teeheehee :D i stopped watching the show when misty left :waaa: [7/17/2023 4:59 AM] feedthemee i also never played any of the original pokemon games. only pixelmon [7/17/2023 5:00 AM] phoenixfire42 For MC it led me to 10k hours. For pokemon it led me to years of nonstop content consumption in the games, show, card game, merch, Showdown, etc. For anime, I watched probably 3000 20 min episodes in 2 or 3 years. For pony, I have spent 10k+ in two years, and well I am here doing this :GlimISee: {Reactions} 💛 [7/17/2023 5:00 AM] feedthemee omg the pokemon cards yeeeesssss [7/17/2023 5:01 AM] feedthemee the only anime i ever watched was attack on titan and holy shit that anime is so good [7/17/2023 5:01 AM] feedthemee the ost is just MMMMM [7/17/2023 5:01 AM] feedthemee 10/10 [7/17/2023 5:01 AM] phoenixfire42 The anime chapter is probably the most fucked lol. It is hard to comprehend just how much time I spent watching anime those years [7/17/2023 5:01 AM] phoenixfire42 Like, often times 12 hours a day [7/17/2023 5:01 AM] feedthemee oh my god :HeartVoid: [7/17/2023 5:02 AM] phoenixfire42 Ffs, I caught up to One Piece (750ish at the time) in a few months while watching other things. [7/17/2023 5:02 AM] feedthemee tbf i binge watched all of breaking bad and better call saul in just april alone :kekw: [7/17/2023 5:02 AM] feedthemee but holy moly [7/17/2023 5:02 AM] phoenixfire42 I watched pony the same way lol [7/17/2023 5:03 AM] phoenixfire42 I watched all of FiM in 3 weeks [7/17/2023 5:03 AM] phoenixfire42 It was January 2020 [7/17/2023 5:03 AM] feedthemee WHAT :wheeze: [7/17/2023 5:03 AM] feedthemee *is it possible to learn this power?* [7/17/2023 5:04 AM] phoenixfire42 Idk but I don't know if you want it. I just get hyper focused and obsessed. It pollutes my mind. [7/17/2023 5:04 AM] feedthemee i watched mlp till like season 5, then had a big break from the show and continued it watching when more of the seasons came out [7/17/2023 5:05 AM] feedthemee i continued watching the last 2 seasons when there was a big family drama happening and mlp really helped me with my mental problems at the time, so unbelievably much [7/17/2023 5:05 AM] phoenixfire42 Honestly, I regret not being in the fandom before the show ended. Oh well. [7/17/2023 5:05 AM] feedthemee im like that when it comes to my projects i wanna work on [7/17/2023 5:07 AM] phoenixfire42 I was too busy being an anime fiend I guess :spikewtf: [7/17/2023 5:07 AM] feedthemee same. i was a brony since 2015 but i never joined any online communities. i only watched yt parodies, songs, etc, but just in 2020 i decided to join discord communities [7/17/2023 5:07 AM] feedthemee its actually funny how i joined [7/17/2023 5:08 AM] feedthemee it was during covid and my mom happened to buy an infected chicken meat that i then had for lunch. i got something related to salmonela and i was in so much pain + feeling so lonely from not being able to even attend classes that i remembered that there are so called servers on discord so i gave it a shot and joined my first mlp server {Reactions} twishake [7/17/2023 5:08 AM] phoenixfire42 I joined EQD on a whim in 2021. It could just as easily have been Plaza or Mane or something else. I guess it all worked out though. :VelSip: [7/17/2023 5:08 AM] feedthemee if my mom bought a fine piece of meat i would probably not be talking here rn heh [7/17/2023 5:09 AM] feedthemee oh damn! i though, knowing ur an admin and even owner of this place, that you've been around for much longer [7/17/2023 5:11 AM] phoenixfire42 You would have thought perhaps, but no. I just sprinted up the ladder because it was there waiting for someone to do it :dashshrug: I had a lot of things I wanted to do to improve the server, and here we are. [7/17/2023 5:12 AM] arnak And on my end, I ended up joining my first community off of a random small reactor on YouTube, and now here we are. Times are funny like that :Sunsway: {Reactions} coolrainbow [7/17/2023 5:13 AM] phoenixfire42 There's a lot of messy parts to getting to where I am in EQD and helping get this place to where it is with the boiz, but yea it all worked out in the end I guess :dashshrug: [7/17/2023 5:14 AM] amoo. {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1119949798359977994.png [7/17/2023 5:15 AM] arnak Well, I say that... funnily enough, my first ever Discord, hell, the reason I have an account to begin with, was due to the Discord for an MLP fic I followed sounding like an interesting thing to hop into. Didn't end up joining any other MLP community thing period until like 5 years later. Times really fly sometimes [7/17/2023 5:16 AM] phoenixfire42 I made discord to talk to my irl friends in 2019 cuz I was several states away for an internship and after several years of a group text message, it got old. [7/17/2023 5:17 AM] arnak ~~I was the schmuck who had to convince his irl friends to sign up and get Hangouts before Discord got huge~~ [7/17/2023 5:18 AM] arnak Speaking of, that reminds me of the Pony Easter egg it had. Wonder how many people recall it or know what I'm even talking about lol {Reactions} dashshrug (2) [7/17/2023 5:18 AM] phoenixfire42 I was never in other servers til pony. I just decided a year and some change after I watched pony to finally like, really dig into it. [7/17/2023 5:19 AM] arnak Lemme see if I can dig it up, I took a screenshot of it ages ago, some might get a kick out of it [7/17/2023 5:19 AM] phoenixfire42 And me being me, less than 6 months later I am going to a con and staffing a server {Reactions} 💛 (2) [7/17/2023 5:20 AM] feedthemee i made discord in 2017 when i joined this one mc server after a long time and it just happened another guy had the same idea as me at the same time and he was so happy to see me that he talked me into making a discord account. funnily enough, we exchanged only few sentences and haven't ever talked since, but thanks to him i have an account from 2017 rather than 2020 (which is when i actually started using it) heh [7/17/2023 5:20 AM] feedthemee i may go to galacon this september but ill see, still somewhat unsure [7/17/2023 5:21 AM] phoenixfire42 I want to go to Galacon. Maybe in the next 2 years [7/17/2023 5:21 AM] arnak Found it! {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1130429097349222441/Screenshot_20200813-152701_Hangouts.jpg?ex=661cf1a3&is=660a7ca3&hm=34a306ed36c006564644b5b4372cfc52cd4ee1285fa9f3956e4913053fb35775& [7/17/2023 5:21 AM] feedthemee i like the idea but i feel like i'm gonna get bored the first day of being there since i only know wasser is going there [7/17/2023 5:21 AM] feedthemee ohhhh i know this, i remember my cousin showing me this [7/17/2023 5:22 AM] feedthemee owww [7/17/2023 5:22 AM] phoenixfire42 Pony cons are what you make of them. Just try and reach out and you will meet some interesting people. [7/17/2023 5:22 AM] feedthemee that's the thing, i have a hard time reaching out to people on discord as well :ded: [7/17/2023 5:23 AM] phoenixfire42 Also, Comrade is going. And I thought Frost was too? Idr. [7/17/2023 5:23 AM] feedthemee dont get me wrong, im not shy [7/17/2023 5:23 AM] feedthemee i just never have anything to talk about. small talk goes right above my head [7/17/2023 5:23 AM] arnak Hope someday I'm able to make a con, myself. I've just never been able to due to travel fees and circumstance [7/17/2023 5:23 AM] feedthemee you mean to make it to a con or host a con yourself? :o [7/17/2023 5:23 AM] arnak That, and I *am* rather shy and awkward, but that's another thing entirely lol [7/17/2023 5:24 AM] arnak Attend one. [7/17/2023 5:24 AM] feedthemee ohh i see [7/17/2023 5:24 AM] phoenixfire42 Comrade and Frost both went to Trot last weekend. Was fun to meet them :pinkwow: [7/17/2023 5:24 AM] feedthemee oh yeah, shyness doesnt help if you're like that as well [7/17/2023 5:24 AM] feedthemee teehee, i so far never met anyone irl from the fandom [7/17/2023 5:25 AM] arnak Hell, I had some friends from across the US come and visit me, and even when it was in places I knew, and people I knew (but had never convened with IRL/physically), I was still awkward as all get out though [7/17/2023 5:26 AM] arnak Everyone said they had a great time and could tell I was riding high despite me feeling awkward, so that all rather worked out, in the end :PinkieSquee: [7/17/2023 5:26 AM] phoenixfire42 It is an awkward thing to do tbh. But for a pony con you just have to sort of embrace the cringe. [7/17/2023 5:26 AM] arnak Same! And that, certainly doesn't help factors but it is what it is [7/17/2023 5:26 AM] feedthemee i'm fine with cringe. after listening to a short talk about cringe from xisuma, my whole view on cringeness changed [7/17/2023 5:27 AM] feedthemee i just really.. never have anything to talk about [7/17/2023 5:27 AM] phoenixfire42 Xisuma huh. I have not watched him in years. [7/17/2023 5:27 AM] feedthemee i need extroverts cuz i am a big time introvert and a listener [7/17/2023 5:27 AM] feedthemee i like to ask questions, i dont care to tell anything about myself heh [7/17/2023 5:27 AM] feedthemee same actually [7/17/2023 5:28 AM] feedthemee but i like him and sometimes he has really good talks about things people normally dont talk about [7/17/2023 5:28 AM] phoenixfire42 I hate small talk. I like deep talk. But I just don't know how to get there :trixiemmmaybe: [7/17/2023 5:28 AM] feedthemee same same same! [7/17/2023 5:28 AM] arnak Eh, for me it's not really 'cringe' or anything. I feel like I've pretty much brushed past seeing anything as "cringe". Just a matter of circumstances, alas [7/17/2023 5:28 AM] phoenixfire42 Ye Xisuma was always cool. I watched HermitCraft back when it started in Season 1 [7/17/2023 5:28 AM] feedthemee daaamn uwu i was too enclosed in my czech community for that [7/17/2023 5:29 AM] phoenixfire42 HermitCraft and MindCrack were the shit. Only one remains now tho [7/17/2023 5:29 AM] feedthemee are you by any chance going to galacon this september? :flutterhewwo: [7/17/2023 5:29 AM] feedthemee never heard of the latter [7/17/2023 5:29 AM] feedthemee but yes, hermitcraft is great [7/17/2023 5:29 AM] arnak Don't have any plans for cons whatsoever, being honest. It's still a glimmer in my eye, in terms of aspiration to attend [7/17/2023 5:30 AM] phoenixfire42 Cuz it died in like 2015. The owner tried to make it more coorporate and everyone pulled out cuz contracts [7/17/2023 5:30 AM] feedthemee i see i see, understandable :HeartHeart: [7/17/2023 5:30 AM] arnak Would love to, but I'm not in a situation where I can easily make one if it's not relatively "local", and even that's a stretch. Life's life sometimes, y'know? [7/17/2023 5:30 AM] feedthemee oof, thats shitty =c [7/17/2023 5:31 AM] phoenixfire42 Tbh I am beyond reckless with my con spending. I need to like, stop that. [7/17/2023 5:31 AM] feedthemee i getchu :snoggle: most people i meet on discord are americans, i know only so few europeans :cri: [7/17/2023 5:32 AM] phoenixfire42 I know a lot of people from Europe in pony at this point. [7/17/2023 5:32 AM] arnak ~~speaking as an American with insomnia... yeah I can understand the sentiment~~ [7/17/2023 5:33 AM] feedthemee tbf so far all americans i meet online dont sleep until at least 2am [7/17/2023 5:33 AM] phoenixfire42 I also know a lot of people from Ohio in pony for some reason :GlimISee: In EQD it's like a singularity. Half the fucking staff blog and discord live here or had lived here at some point (or at least very close to it). [7/17/2023 5:33 AM] arnak But for real, one of my best buds and the only person who I consistently talk to and consider a good friend who I can talk about fandom stuff or otherwise is European, so the presence definitely is there {Reactions} 💛 [7/17/2023 5:33 AM] feedthemee yes! so many bronies are in ohio :D [7/17/2023 5:33 AM] arnak It being 4am currently doesn't help that image :FScoffee: [7/17/2023 5:34 AM] phoenixfire42 It's 5 here [7/17/2023 5:34 AM] feedthemee good god :why: [7/17/2023 5:34 AM] arnak Meanwhile I'm in the other O state [7/17/2023 5:34 AM] arnak You can likely extrapolate which one by me saying the timezone :P [7/17/2023 5:34 AM] phoenixfire42 There are 2 other O states :GlimISee: [7/17/2023 5:35 AM] phoenixfire42 But you are not in PST [7/17/2023 5:35 AM] arnak Correct [7/17/2023 5:36 AM] phoenixfire42 God, I have to be up in 3 hours for a 9 hour car trip. Thank god I am not driving [7/17/2023 5:36 AM] arnak I would be a bit concerned if that was the case! [7/17/2023 5:37 AM] arnak You should try and get some rest Pot meet kettle! But, principle. [7/17/2023 5:37 AM] feedthemee *they had us in the first half, not gonna lie* [7/17/2023 5:37 AM] phoenixfire42 My friends wanted to go to South Carolina. A week after my already planned con trip. A week after a family vacation. :RainbowTooMuch: [7/17/2023 5:37 AM] arnak :SGexhausted: [7/17/2023 5:37 AM] feedthemee im a zombie if i dont get at least 6 hours of sleep. idk how you americans are managing :HeartVoid: [7/17/2023 5:38 AM] feedthemee i mean i could totally do manual work if i sleep less i feel like [7/17/2023 5:38 AM] phoenixfire42 I need a vacation from my vacations [7/17/2023 5:38 AM] phoenixfire42 :GlimISee: [7/17/2023 5:38 AM] feedthemee but when coding, staring at the screen just gets your eyes even eepier and you start dozing off and not actually doing anything [7/17/2023 5:38 AM] feedthemee i need a vacation. period. [7/17/2023 5:39 AM] phoenixfire42 Yea it's a 1st world problem I know. I just get really uncomfortable not being in my room though. I constructed it for me to stay in so I want to. [7/17/2023 5:41 AM] feedthemee i moved to my own place just 3 months ago and while i dont have much stuff here, i feel amazing here [7/17/2023 5:41 AM] feedthemee before i was living with my mom and my sister in an apartment with only one room [7/17/2023 5:41 AM] feedthemee my introverted ass was going mental [7/17/2023 5:42 AM] feedthemee now i have a dilema cuz i dont know where i wanna live. my long time goal was canada but i pretty much lost all interest in it and idk what to chose from in europe [7/17/2023 5:42 AM] phoenixfire42 Yea I like haveing a room I can close the door on. Living in dorms for 4 years was obnoxious [7/17/2023 5:42 AM] feedthemee i've had my eyes on ireland for a while now [7/17/2023 5:43 AM] feedthemee introverted gang uwu 🤝 [7/17/2023 5:45 AM] arnak What was nice was for my stint at University, me and my roommates/best buds had dorms/apartments where we each had our own rooms with which we had as much privacy as we needed. Was definitely something I was glad I was able to have, in terms of a not awful housing experience [7/17/2023 5:45 AM] phoenixfire42 Better than what I got that is for sure [7/17/2023 5:45 AM] phoenixfire42 Especially year one [7/17/2023 5:46 AM] phoenixfire42 We had a fucking floor bathroom I had to leave the room with a key to get to 100 feet down the hall [7/17/2023 5:46 AM] phoenixfire42 :RainbowTooMuch: [7/17/2023 5:46 AM] arnak Yeowch [7/17/2023 5:47 AM] feedthemee ooof, i'd hate that [7/17/2023 5:47 AM] feedthemee my classmates on hs had it the same though [7/17/2023 5:47 AM] feedthemee they were at the end of the hall and the bathroom were in the middle [7/17/2023 5:47 AM] feedthemee and the building was big [7/17/2023 5:47 AM] phoenixfire42 It sucked ass. Especially since I have to pee a lot at night. [7/17/2023 5:47 AM] phoenixfire42 TMI I am sure [7/17/2023 5:48 AM] feedthemee nah i feel you [7/17/2023 5:48 AM] feedthemee i drink so much water i go pee once an hour at work [7/17/2023 5:48 AM] feedthemee i have the high thirst trait from project zomboid but irl [7/17/2023 5:49 AM] phoenixfire42 My metabolism is strange. It is like off during the day and hyper at night [7/17/2023 5:49 AM] feedthemee i have it the other way around hehe [7/17/2023 5:49 AM] gabrizzy here are your 5 bits [7/17/2023 5:49 AM] feedthemee speaking of metabolism, i can eat so so so much food but never gain anything [7/17/2023 5:49 AM] feedthemee like i am physically unable to gain weight at this point [7/17/2023 5:50 AM] phoenixfire42 That was me when I was 16-20 [7/17/2023 5:50 AM] feedthemee i've been stuck at 69kg for years now [7/17/2023 5:50 AM] phoenixfire42 I am still thin for sure, but I just eat way less [7/17/2023 5:50 AM] phoenixfire42 I weigh less than that lol [7/17/2023 5:50 AM] feedthemee idk if the universe is doing it to me for the funny number or what but i'm just stuck at that weight [7/17/2023 5:50 AM] phoenixfire42 I am like 62 or 63 idk [7/17/2023 5:51 AM] feedthemee i eat a lot, especially now that i live on my own i eat meat pretty much daily :HeartVoid: [7/17/2023 5:51 AM] feedthemee how tall are you though [7/17/2023 5:51 AM] feedthemee i'm 6 foot [7/17/2023 5:51 AM] phoenixfire42 5'8''? Somewhere around there [7/17/2023 5:51 AM] feedthemee ah, then we're doing kinda same [7/17/2023 5:52 AM] phoenixfire42 Grad school has destroyed my appetite [7/17/2023 5:53 AM] feedthemee what's grad school? :o [7/17/2023 5:53 AM] phoenixfire42 Masters/Ph.D. [7/17/2023 5:54 AM] feedthemee oh? do you have schools specifically just for masters/ph.d. or is that just a fancy way to say uni [7/17/2023 5:54 AM] phoenixfire42 Bachelor Uni is Undergrad. It's all Uni [7/17/2023 5:56 AM] feedthemee i see i see [7/17/2023 5:56 AM] feedthemee we don't categorize it like that here [7/17/2023 5:58 AM] gabrizzy i weigh like 200 lbs lmao [7/17/2023 5:58 AM] gabrizzy how y'all can eat so much without gaining weight [7/17/2023 5:59 AM] feedthemee i ask myself the same thing [7/17/2023 5:59 AM] feedthemee my entire family is overweight and then there is me (and my brother) [7/17/2023 6:00 AM] feedthemee im just unable to gain weight, idk where does all the food i eat go hahaha [7/17/2023 6:00 AM] phoenixfire42 Idk, but when I was in High School I was a fiend. I used to go to Wendy's and get quadruple baconators and eat full pizzas at Little Caesars [7/17/2023 6:01 AM] feedthemee i think what helps me not gain any weight is the fact i dont drink alcohol (and i never have drunk a single drop of any) [7/17/2023 6:01 AM] feedthemee here, google says it so it must be true~ {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1130439229864955974/image.png?ex=661cfb12&is=660a8612&hm=c4e0fde262e507887f0938ff1e782291f7afc5160d4706f095caa0c8c972fb83& [7/17/2023 6:02 AM] feedthemee oop, my image got deleted huh [7/17/2023 6:02 AM] phoenixfire42 Well... [7/17/2023 6:02 AM] phoenixfire42 :trixiemmmaybe: [7/17/2023 6:02 AM] feedthemee oh now it works. looks like discord had a stroke [7/17/2023 6:03 AM] phoenixfire42 I don't drink a small amount :coolrainbow: {Reactions} ajdrunk (2) [7/17/2023 6:03 AM] feedthemee i find this emote so adorable, gosh [7/17/2023 6:03 AM] feedthemee https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/764167637667282984.gif?size=44 {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/764167637667282984.gif?size=44 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/i4rSrn0Cz8snXqMwsCqsmbQ-ftP0KqtwpRJBBpJf_IM/%3Fsize%3D44/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/764167637667282984.gif {Reactions} bcaBlushingLove [7/17/2023 6:03 AM] feedthemee daaamn [7/17/2023 6:03 AM] feedthemee then i guess you dont gain much weight cuz you dont eat much heh [7/17/2023 6:03 AM] phoenixfire42 I don't get slammed when I drink usually, but I have been known to drink a few times a week. Or 4. Or 5. Or 6. Or 7. :ded: [7/17/2023 6:04 AM] feedthemee :HeartVoid: [7/17/2023 6:04 AM] feedthemee i dont even wanna taste any alcohol cuz i'm afraid i might like it and want more [7/17/2023 6:04 AM] phoenixfire42 Lol [7/17/2023 6:04 AM] feedthemee but from what i've been told it's not even tasty, its just to get drunk with friends kekw [7/17/2023 6:04 AM] phoenixfire42 Well, no alcohol tastes good [7/17/2023 6:04 AM] phoenixfire42 So you are safe there [7/17/2023 6:05 AM] feedthemee yippiiieeee [7/17/2023 6:05 AM] phoenixfire42 Taste in alcohol is coping. No matter what it is shitier than a soft drink. It's just a competition to see who sucks the least. [7/17/2023 6:06 AM] feedthemee hehe, i see [7/17/2023 6:06 AM] phoenixfire42 And there is an acquired taste to things like whiskey, sure, but I would not drink it if it did not have booze. [7/17/2023 6:08 AM] feedthemee oh yeah, i imagine most people drink it for the alcohol either way [7/17/2023 6:08 AM] feedthemee also, we've been talking here for over 2 hours now [7/17/2023 6:08 AM] feedthemee feels like half an hour [7/17/2023 6:08 AM] phoenixfire42 I have been known to drink a little bit of bourbon. I have acquired a taste for it, but yea... [7/17/2023 6:08 AM] phoenixfire42 :dashshrug: [7/17/2023 6:08 AM] feedthemee :HeartVoid: [7/17/2023 6:09 AM] phoenixfire42 It's what I do when bored. I've done it way longer many times before. [7/17/2023 6:09 AM] feedthemee you mean talking or drinking :kekw: [7/17/2023 6:09 AM] phoenixfire42 Both of course [7/17/2023 6:10 AM] phoenixfire42 I am sober tonight though {Reactions} 💛 [7/17/2023 6:10 AM] feedthemee hahaha [7/17/2023 6:10 AM] feedthemee i love long talks like these as well. i used to talk a lot more in my early days, nowadays i feel like there are only so many things you can talk about without getting repetitive [7/17/2023 6:11 AM] feedthemee i always need something new cuz i get bored of things easily (hence why i could never do small talk) [7/17/2023 6:13 AM] phoenixfire42 :dashshrug: [7/17/2023 6:14 AM] phoenixfire42 Idk, I just shoot the shit with people on Discord. I did it enough to where I knew literally everyone in EQD and then I was made to help run it :dashshrug: [7/17/2023 6:17 AM] gabrizzy me who never drinks alcohol: [7/17/2023 6:17 AM] feedthemee i really like helping so my best way to get to know people for me is to discuss some problem of theirs [7/17/2023 6:17 AM] feedthemee my man [7/17/2023 6:18 AM] gabrizzy i only accept cotton candy and marshmallows [7/17/2023 6:19 AM] phoenixfire42 I just throw my opinions into the void and sometimes people care and want to talk about it :dashshrug: [7/17/2023 6:21 AM] feedthemee i need to find people who are willing to learn how to code heh. i love teaching and i love coding and so far i found one person who was interested and before we fell out of touch because of many disagreements, it was really fun and fulfilling for me to teach [7/17/2023 6:22 AM] feedthemee accept for what :derp: [7/17/2023 6:22 AM] phoenixfire42 Sometimes I get drunk and start lecturing ponyville on math. It's fun when that happens because no one wants to tell me to stop :pinkwow: [7/17/2023 6:23 AM] feedthemee xD [7/17/2023 6:23 AM] feedthemee please ping me the next time you do so [7/17/2023 6:23 AM] gabrizzy if they offered me alcohol, i say i only accept cotton candy & marshmallows [7/17/2023 6:23 AM] feedthemee ohhh haha i see [7/17/2023 6:24 AM] phoenixfire42 And then I trained Spotlight to ask people asshole math questions cuz it makes me laugh [7/17/2023 6:25 AM] gabrizzy 2 + 2 is... ten. IN BASE FOUR I'M FINE [7/17/2023 6:25 AM] feedthemee i trained one of our trainees in plaza to explode people whenever i snap my fingers (🫰) in the chat [7/17/2023 6:25 AM] feedthemee well technically- 🤓 [7/17/2023 6:26 AM] gabrizzy thanos moment [7/17/2023 6:26 AM] phoenixfire42 I need to dig up some of my old HW problems or something, but I made a command that just cycles through a list of questions I know no one can answer [7/17/2023 6:26 AM] feedthemee hahahaha, nice [7/17/2023 6:26 AM] feedthemee yes, i'm the thanos of plaza [7/17/2023 6:27 AM] gabrizzy i... i don't feel so good Mr Stark... [7/17/2023 6:27 AM] feedthemee well no, now i'm the element of plaza (people started renaming themselves to "[insert element here] Feed") [7/17/2023 6:28 AM] arnak Even though I probably should've been asleep hours ago, it is nice just hearing and having some fun casual conversation. Dunno if this qualified as the dreaded "small talk", but it's been nice peeking in :clap5: [7/17/2023 6:29 AM] gabrizzy well hello there [7/17/2023 6:29 AM] feedthemee :HeartHeart: i'm also glad, not everyday do i get to talk so much. i often just exchange few sentences with few individuals, some memes and thats it [7/17/2023 6:29 AM] phoenixfire42 Nah it's not small talk [7/17/2023 6:29 AM] feedthemee i love convos that go for hours [7/17/2023 6:30 AM] phoenixfire42 Small talk is worthless say nothing talk [7/17/2023 6:30 AM] feedthemee yeah, small talk is just "how are you", "weather", etc [7/17/2023 6:30 AM] arnak Fair enough! [7/17/2023 6:30 AM] feedthemee just the stuff you can ask on daily basis and not go into detail [7/17/2023 6:31 AM] amoo. {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1119949865917620286.png [7/17/2023 6:31 AM] feedthemee i mean i guess if you're a meteorologist then you'd enjoy people asking "what's the weather" heh [7/17/2023 6:31 AM] arnak I'm pretty sure they'd enjoy that the least at some point [7/17/2023 6:32 AM] arnak Dunno, can't say I'm speaking from that exact personal experience, but that sounds like it'd get old pretty quick [7/17/2023 6:32 AM] gabrizzy wind speed is 100 km/h, relative humidity is 69%, precipitation is 10mm [7/17/2023 6:32 AM] feedthemee when i was still at uni, one of the professors who liked me sat at my table at lunch and started talking passionately about his project that would super precisely forecast weather all around the globe. he was talking for so long i forgot i was supposed to attend a class and that he was supposed to teach a class :kekw: [7/17/2023 6:33 AM] arnak Nice lol [7/17/2023 6:33 AM] arnak Sometimes you just need those sorts of times though. Unfortunate timing! But it tracks [7/17/2023 6:33 AM] phoenixfire42 Idk, I could probably spend a while talking about the wonders of F=ma :lunatellmemore: [7/17/2023 6:33 AM] phoenixfire42 :PinkieGiggle: [7/17/2023 6:34 AM] arnak Where's the captain America overused gif when I need it [7/17/2023 6:34 AM] feedthemee i'm listening~ :HeartBlep: :HeartGiggle: [7/17/2023 6:34 AM] feedthemee i feel you [7/17/2023 6:34 AM] feedthemee https://tenor.com/view/parraque-infarto-fainted-gif-16861591 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/parraque-infarto-fainted-gif-16861591 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/iCB9fkDSJns_i1ogXIzy5rtg6ldnsIgV4anjgvylAic/https/media.tenor.com/tjO1OjX-EJIAAAAD/parraque-infarto.png [7/17/2023 6:35 AM] gabrizzy E = mc² [7/17/2023 6:35 AM] feedthemee ^ meteorologists [7/17/2023 6:35 AM] feedthemee energy equals minecraft on the power of two [7/17/2023 6:35 AM] phoenixfire42 And then I would tell you how F=ma is crap and what you *really* want to do is minimize the action with the Lagrangian. And then I would tell you I am too lazy to do Calculus and here we are again at F=ma [7/17/2023 6:35 AM] gabrizzy yes [7/17/2023 6:36 AM] arnak I miss doing fun calculus And yet, I never want to enter a field where it's a requirement of me :SGWinkBlep: [7/17/2023 6:37 AM] arnak Since I'm now at the point of my slow mode brain trying to remember old dumb formulas that haven't entered my brain in 5 years, I think I should make an earnest attempt at actually going and staying offline [7/17/2023 6:38 AM] phoenixfire42 Honestly, what the hell is momentum? I mean, it's a thing and it's always conserved, but why tf is the number I get when I multiply the velocity of something to it's mass conserved? [7/17/2023 6:38 AM] arnak Yall stay great, Imma go try and be a goner :NRsleep: {Reactions} GlaceSleep (2) [7/17/2023 6:38 AM] feedthemee https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/681838872715591707.webp?size=48&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/681838872715591707.webp?size=48&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/hz5aS_XinW6iRK50oefBKik1Ndn1_74yXg-lN7ciKHg/%3Fsize%3D48%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/681838872715591707.webp [7/17/2023 6:38 AM] feedthemee good nighty night :HeartHeart: [7/17/2023 6:39 AM] gabrizzy see ya [7/17/2023 6:39 AM] feedthemee you're making me wanna learn physics :flutterhewwo: [7/17/2023 6:41 AM] phoenixfire42 p=mv is as basic as it gets, it's Newton's Second Law. But it's just as mysterious as anything in advanced physics why when I slam a ball into another the sum of their masses times their velocities never changes. [7/17/2023 6:43 AM] feedthemee https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1096168133397590088.webp?size=48&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1096168133397590088.webp?size=48&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/eQga6ohI1_74k8eMpy367Lhpq1qUphcBiQzCF0vtJ4g/%3Fsize%3D48%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1096168133397590088.webp [7/17/2023 6:44 AM] phoenixfire42 Honestly, nothing in Physics makes even the slightest bit of sense at all. It's all just a bunch of random math that produces an answer and it just works. [7/17/2023 6:46 AM] feedthemee physics make me question "but why is this the way it is" and then in a bit i make my way to questioning myself as to where did all this matter come from and where did it all start even before the big bang [7/17/2023 6:47 AM] feedthemee i remember already back on middle school i was so fascinated by how is it possible that everything just.. is [7/17/2023 6:47 AM] feedthemee https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1096168133397590088.webp?size=48&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1096168133397590088.webp?size=48&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/eQga6ohI1_74k8eMpy367Lhpq1qUphcBiQzCF0vtJ4g/%3Fsize%3D48%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1096168133397590088.webp [7/17/2023 6:48 AM] phoenixfire42 Physics is descriptive but it's not often prescriptive. It only can predict well when we see something happen enough to know how it will happen. And sometimes that can lead to a master theory that has gaps and those gaps can be solved with a prediction, but that is not often. {Reactions} 💛 [7/17/2023 6:59 AM] feedthemee all i have to say is "yeah", sorry :flutterhewwo: [7/17/2023 7:33 AM] amoo. {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1065124250547130460.png [7/17/2023 7:41 AM] gabrizzy :GabbyBlep: [7/17/2023 7:41 AM] comradesparkle The problem is we're still in such early days for civilisation. Even our relatively primitive computers are still something that have only existed within a single human lifespan. We're only just barely at a level of technology where understanding any of those complex physics problems could actually have real, tangible benefits, and that still isn't true of most of them. It's pretty amazing what is actually known about the universe given we're barely out of the caves. [7/17/2023 7:46 AM] voidtemplar2000 F=ma stops being relevant uhh hmm [7/17/2023 7:47 AM] voidtemplar2000 Quantum realm right [7/17/2023 8:21 AM] romulus4444 I've only done AFM a couple times, but I'm at least familiar with how it works. If you recall, I'm also an electron microscopist, though of the transmission and cryo variety, looking at proteins and such [7/17/2023 8:34 AM] phoenixfire42 Ye I knew you would know somw about it Rom we have had this convo briefly before :Derp: I do STM stuff which is a little more heavy duty than AFM but close enough. [7/17/2023 8:51 AM] phoenixfire42 Since you are science inclined, my group was the cover article of Nature in June (if you wanted more details) :Derp: Shame that research was from 3 years ago tho before I joined :dashshrug: [7/17/2023 8:53 AM] romulus4444 oh nice [7/17/2023 8:53 AM] romulus4444 i got a first author JACS paper two years after i defended [7/17/2023 8:54 AM] romulus4444 i honestly thought that research would never see the light of day [7/17/2023 8:54 AM] romulus4444 but someone finished it out (co-first) [7/17/2023 8:54 AM] phoenixfire42 And yes, I am aware how big a deal that is :FlutterWhoa: My prof has been getting international interviews nonstop. It was a *big deal* paper. [7/17/2023 8:54 AM] romulus4444 linky [7/17/2023 8:55 AM] phoenixfire42 If I can find the pdf again I will, but I can find an article easily [7/17/2023 8:56 AM] phoenixfire42 https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a44068603/first-x-ray-of-a-single-atom-photo/ {Embed} https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a44068603/first-x-ray-of-a-single-atom-photo/ Here Is the World’s First X-Ray of a Single Atom Scientists just made the invisible visible. https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/UfCMbEfd9zUhlDL1UpJ5AD9wzm0bwxUSyfDCbOtQjAw/%3Fcrop%3D1xw%3A0.6956521739130435xh%3Bcenter%2Ctop%26resize%3D1200%3A%2A/https/hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/atompictop-800x575-6478ff3105412.jpg [7/17/2023 8:57 AM] phoenixfire42 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1130483397198880778/Nature.pdf?ex=661d2435&is=660aaf35&hm=45f194dcdf4d20a27d49e3c48e30bcd95123aaa72eddc6a849be6b76c10b0995& [7/17/2023 8:57 AM] romulus4444 ok before i click that, my first thought from the image is that that's a heavy-as fuck G-block element [7/17/2023 8:58 AM] phoenixfire42 Idk if that download works, mobile sucks [7/17/2023 8:59 AM] phoenixfire42 The idea is that he proved he can correctly identify the element and oxidation state of an atom he is currently imaging. [7/17/2023 9:00 AM] romulus4444 >Terbium Called it! [7/17/2023 9:00 AM] phoenixfire42 Ye we are doing rare earth elements. It was Tb there, but I am also looking at a lot of Eu [7/17/2023 9:00 AM] romulus4444 ah this is kinda like x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy combined with STM [7/17/2023 9:01 AM] phoenixfire42 Ye it's combined with the Synchrotron at Argonne, cuz he works there too [7/17/2023 9:01 AM] phoenixfire42 And thus so do I [7/17/2023 9:01 AM] phoenixfire42 They pay my salary [7/17/2023 9:01 AM] romulus4444 nice [7/17/2023 9:03 AM] phoenixfire42 A lot of what is in that image perhaps is hydrocarbon. Idk exactly what is in that molecule, but in the current ones especially we have a chemistry team synthesize the RE atoms into a hydrocarbon cage. [7/17/2023 9:03 AM] phoenixfire42 The RE chemical state shines through it though [7/17/2023 9:04 AM] romulus4444 ye this looks a lot like the kinda stuff i did in undergrad with XPS, with using the energies to determine the chemical states [7/17/2023 9:04 AM] romulus4444 but using the STM tip instead [7/17/2023 9:04 AM] romulus4444 so you can look at a single thing instead of a whole surface [7/17/2023 9:06 AM] romulus4444 ok ok i see what the colored areas correspond to now, each blob is a whole iron-hydrocarbon complex [7/17/2023 9:08 AM] phoenixfire42 Ye. The tip is also specially fabricated with sputtering to be a coaxial so we can be sure it is looking at one atom and not several. The width of the x-ray cross section is um not nm, so that matters. [7/17/2023 9:08 AM] romulus4444 this was really neat, thanks for sharing! [7/17/2023 9:08 AM] romulus4444 i gotta go to work now, so i'm sure i'll chat more about it later [7/17/2023 9:09 AM] phoenixfire42 Okie [7/17/2023 11:23 AM] romulus4444 Inside an electron microscope {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1130520124705738834/20230717_102249.jpg?ex=661d4669&is=660ad169&hm=fb8c71e5ebc9e748596defe3b19c6b16b2d7b79bf441ceb3731c88b0509fd7ed& [7/17/2023 11:24 AM] feedthemee :O [7/17/2023 11:42 AM] Deleted User Not going to lie I thought that was your PC setup and I almost had a heart attack [7/17/2023 11:42 AM] Deleted User :ZoniLaugh: [7/17/2023 11:43 AM] romulus4444 Well the round window in the center left of the frame is at eye level and I'm 6 feet tall so that'd be a huge PC lol [7/17/2023 11:44 AM] phoenixfire42 That's very much more professional than my STM looks lmao [7/17/2023 11:44 AM] phoenixfire42 Rewiring it of late. God it sucks ass to deal with the wires lol. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1130525469784154232/20230619_135134.jpg?ex=661d4b64&is=660ad664&hm=95db60e326a409b430d9ccb88a3dbf4e6ec83ecc469d7897cb4cb150599599f7& [7/17/2023 11:44 AM] phoenixfire42 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1130525551082344558/187758f4-06cc-45d3-a36e-87ff9eda5963.jpg?ex=661d4b77&is=660ad677&hm=bf4396e22fc97e822fb2069df37544432878effd2974dc221513789a2dcbd118& [7/17/2023 11:44 AM] phoenixfire42 Big boi [7/17/2023 11:45 AM] romulus4444 You gotta rewire all those? Fuuuck that [7/17/2023 11:45 AM] phoenixfire42 Yep... [7/17/2023 11:45 AM] phoenixfire42 0.3 mm wires. Theres *a lot* of them [7/17/2023 11:45 AM] romulus4444 That looks kinda like the UHV chamber i did XPS in in undergrad [7/17/2023 11:46 AM] romulus4444 (Ultra high vacuum) (x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) [7/17/2023 11:46 AM] phoenixfire42 It's a mess. The problem (or boon depending on your angle I guess) is that none of it is company made. We built all of it at some point, and he expects his grad students to make it work. [7/17/2023 11:47 AM] phoenixfire42 Ye I know jargon lol [7/17/2023 11:47 AM] Deleted User .3...... [7/17/2023 11:47 AM] Deleted User :Zonishocked: [7/17/2023 11:47 AM] romulus4444 It was more for everyone else lol {Reactions} 🕵️ [7/17/2023 11:48 AM] phoenixfire42 More wire hell {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1130526379696472155/20230612_105506.jpg?ex=661d4c3d&is=660ad73d&hm=e920a1260465586ff386789530a6c4c6a768b4ae2038b277631d6bb3e115c0b8& [7/17/2023 11:48 AM] phoenixfire42 It sucks so bad to solder these wires :RainbowTooMuch: [7/17/2023 11:48 AM] romulus4444 I built one from scratch from spare parts lying around the lab, we used it to sputter various metals and do ICP plasma etching/deposition with various gasses [7/17/2023 11:49 AM] romulus4444 I love cobalt sputtering, the plasma is such a pretty blue [7/17/2023 11:49 AM] romulus4444 Argon is pretty too [7/17/2023 11:49 AM] phoenixfire42 We sputter Neon to clean the UHV samples. I don't do much else with that [7/17/2023 11:49 AM] phoenixfire42 I think at Argonne they use Argon. Fitting. [7/17/2023 11:50 AM] romulus4444 When i did a lot of SEM i had to gold sputter all the samples [7/17/2023 11:51 AM] phoenixfire42 The sample I have been using is Au(111), but sometimes they use Ag, Cu, or Ni. We just clean it with annealing and sputtering a million times [7/17/2023 11:52 AM] romulus4444 I miss doing lab work sometimes [7/17/2023 11:52 AM] romulus4444 *sometimes* [7/17/2023 11:53 AM] phoenixfire42 It's so slow for anything to happen [7/17/2023 11:53 AM] romulus4444 This is a cryoEM sample grid {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1130527716106571897/20230717_105305.jpg?ex=661d4d7b&is=660ad87b&hm=4dcf54729a9c07261ac8084b1d81728f4045354d94da6bfc24f3fd9f3900ce45& [7/17/2023 11:53 AM] romulus4444 Pls don't steal my fingerprints [7/17/2023 11:55 AM] phoenixfire42 I C. I have used an SEM before, but nothing that new or nice. [7/17/2023 11:55 AM] romulus4444 Ah, this is for TEM [7/17/2023 11:55 AM] Deleted User Well since you asked nicely….. [7/17/2023 11:55 AM] Deleted User {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1124944419578187867.png [7/17/2023 11:56 AM] feedthemee 📸 [7/17/2023 11:56 AM] phoenixfire42 The STM they have at Argonne is insane. I'm sure that's no suprise. [7/17/2023 11:56 AM] romulus4444 It's a grid of copper bars with an electron-transparent carbon layer over it with regular holes to suspend your sample proteins in amorphous ice in [7/17/2023 11:57 AM] phoenixfire42 They can hold it at a location for days with no big drift :RainbowTooMuch: [7/17/2023 11:57 AM] romulus4444 Yeah the specs on that must be bonkers [7/17/2023 11:57 AM] phoenixfire42 My boss is the guy who gets them made [7/17/2023 11:58 AM] phoenixfire42 He was in the research group that formed CreaTec [7/17/2023 12:05 PM] gabrizzy don't mind if i do :evil: [7/17/2023 2:35 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1130568559869841438/F0x7PnSacAA3E94.png-2.jpg?ex=661d7385&is=660afe85&hm=19075bc01eda8c0177819203c70eb6ab6a11c6b22943580f4af84021c4f975d9& [7/17/2023 2:50 PM] dragonsreborn333 That’s a mess [7/17/2023 2:51 PM] dragonsreborn333 Metal sputtering is cool [7/17/2023 3:50 PM] Deleted User Hewo [7/17/2023 3:54 PM] Deleted User Wasabi [7/17/2023 3:54 PM] Deleted User :ZoniLikes: [7/17/2023 4:22 PM] Deleted User Nothin much [7/17/2023 4:22 PM] Deleted User ;3 [7/17/2023 4:29 PM] Deleted User At workkkk. Is 100° [7/17/2023 4:33 PM] comradesparkle I was in the US the other week and it was nice and warm. I go home to the UK and it feels autumnal here. It's been no warmer than about 16c and raining a lot. June was really dry and hot but then summer just abruptly ended and now there are mushrooms sprouting up everywhere [7/17/2023 4:35 PM] comradesparkle Meanwhile down in Spain it's like nearly 50c. Not all that far away really [7/17/2023 5:43 PM] Deleted User Share the early winter sparkle [7/17/2023 5:43 PM] Deleted User :Zonicry: [7/17/2023 5:45 PM] comradesparkle You don't want it. Even when winter is on time it lasts 5 months. [7/17/2023 5:45 PM] Deleted User Lmao [7/17/2023 5:45 PM] Deleted User I mean at least you can do something about the cold. Wear more clothes….when it’s hot you just kinda….suffer….. [7/17/2023 5:46 PM] Deleted User {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1065124250547130460.png [7/17/2023 5:48 PM] shalour Give me winter [7/17/2023 5:59 PM] comradesparkle Well, you can get very wet. If it's really bad then you just get flooded. It also just gets really depressing when you don't see blue sky for 6 months straight [7/17/2023 6:00 PM] Deleted User Thas a valid bummer [7/17/2023 6:01 PM] Deleted User :Zonithink: [7/17/2023 6:08 PM] fluffymarsh Here in my country it's crazy, today it can be 30°C and sunny but tomorrow it can be 12°C and raining with a tornado [7/17/2023 6:19 PM] romulus4444 It rains forests there, or so I'm led to believe [7/17/2023 6:50 PM] arnak It's just currently 36 C here, as has been the usual. Better than what we had for a couple days there :SGexhausted: [7/17/2023 8:25 PM] zatillias Next week is gonna be all 39-40 C :deflated: starting Thursday or so [7/18/2023 1:54 AM] fluffymarsh I Don't live next to the Amazon Forest lol [7/18/2023 7:10 AM] gamoray Not too terribly hot by me, just lower lower 30s, but relative humidity has been 90%+ for the past week [7/18/2023 8:10 AM] itsskyliner It's raining and 16c [7/18/2023 8:27 AM] feedthemee i want that ;~; [7/18/2023 8:27 AM] feedthemee 32˚C and im melting [7/18/2023 11:55 AM] Deleted User meanwhile in California it's 85 F and blazing hot almost every day [7/18/2023 11:55 AM] Deleted User :CS_oufghh: [7/18/2023 12:05 PM] dragonsreborn333 It’s 23°C here rn [7/18/2023 12:24 PM] itsskyliner Still 16c here lmao British weather [7/18/2023 12:29 PM] langou 29°C :quibble_sweat: [7/18/2023 7:18 PM] arnak help {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1131001972921737278/Screenshot_20230718_181754.jpg?ex=6615ccab&is=660357ab&hm=421505660798fc1e62eab64c8ead55b58a66c08ae7fd63b75126adf1f7e3c5f0& [7/18/2023 7:20 PM] feedthemee omg ;~; [7/20/2023 1:46 AM] fluffymarsh Guys,Should i Go Watch Barbie Or Oppenheimer? [7/20/2023 1:47 AM] gabrizzy https://tenor.com/view/why-not-both-why-not-take-both-gif-11478682 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/why-not-both-why-not-take-both-gif-11478682 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ncJzNpcHuQfvBJ0-dpO_m8eINCqaLbhedA5ka3OyrDg/https/media.tenor.com/odyVsZbC-OYAAAAD/why-not-both-why-not.png [7/20/2023 1:48 AM] solid_dd Neither [7/20/2023 1:48 AM] fluffymarsh I only Have money for one lol [7/20/2023 1:54 AM] dragonsreborn333 Oppenheimer [7/20/2023 1:55 AM] dragonsreborn333 The movie will blast you away literally [7/20/2023 2:08 AM] solid_dd Murder Drones is completely free on YouTube right now [7/20/2023 4:08 AM] meganought im watching both this friday actually [7/20/2023 4:09 AM] meganought partly for the meme, partly because an old friend invited me, but mostly because im genuinely curous about both movies [7/20/2023 11:34 AM] phoenixfire42 On the r/place grind whenever I can be on this vacation :ajdrunk: [7/20/2023 11:34 AM] phoenixfire42 I see it didn't take long to be attacked :GlimISee: Not that it matters much this early in :dashshrug: [7/20/2023 11:35 AM] meganought oh i guess this hasnt been brought up here manechat is not hosting r/place, another server is taking the slack this time [7/20/2023 11:35 AM] phoenixfire42 Yea I can make an announcement if you want [7/20/2023 11:35 AM] meganought nah [7/20/2023 1:32 PM] evil_gavier I'm watching Barbie today, so I'd say you should see Oppenheimer, so we can recommend the other one to eachother later [7/20/2023 1:32 PM] voidtemplar2000 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/709675740190474320/1131599356416512100/image.png {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/709675740190474320/1131599356416512100/image.png https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/709675740190474320/1131599356416512100/image.png?ex=6617f906&is=66058406&hm=4caed31d0f9d6e70c6ff74583d823c453b376001686826a8ef92a6357b9da11f& [7/20/2023 1:32 PM] voidtemplar2000 For those not following [7/20/2023 1:32 PM] voidtemplar2000 Place is going as well as you’d expect [7/20/2023 1:33 PM] evil_gavier rainbow dodging the ukraine flag and landing right next to the void lol [7/20/2023 1:51 PM] romulus4444 :pixelponk: [7/20/2023 2:09 PM] dragonsreborn333 Anyone have the link to r place live [7/20/2023 2:10 PM] feedthemee just google r/place [7/20/2023 2:26 PM] dragonsreborn333 I’m on mobile btw [7/20/2023 2:35 PM] meganought You need to use the official reddit app then {Reactions} 😔 (2) [7/20/2023 2:57 PM] dragonsreborn333 sadge [7/20/2023 7:52 PM] phoenixfire42 It's going pretty okay so far :VelSip: I wonder if the streamers are gonna come out again :GlimISee: A lot of them got banned from it at the end last time I remember but still. [7/20/2023 9:28 PM] evil_gavier Update, just came back from barbie: It's really good. Like, actually genuinely good (tho the target audience turned to be somewhat older than I expected lol) [7/20/2023 9:51 PM] shalour And I just saw Oppenheimer. Simply a fantastic movie. It's so intense [7/20/2023 9:52 PM] meganought I'm seeing both later today [7/20/2023 9:52 PM] shalour I saw it in dolby. The sound was crazy [7/20/2023 9:54 PM] romulus4444 sweet, i might go see both in the near future [7/20/2023 10:00 PM] amoo. Been years since I last went to the cinema. I'm just upset that in Russia they don't provide movies with English dubs so the voiceovers are so cringe or with barely any emotion lol. [7/20/2023 10:08 PM] gabrizzy i dunno which is worse, having to listen to poorly translated voiceovers or being all by your own watching an english dubbed movie [7/22/2023 6:11 PM] stormshadow_cote https://twitter.com/Reddit/status/1682855591209738240 Reddit's official Twitter endorsing the attack on bronies {Embed} Reddit (@Reddit) https://twitter.com/Reddit/status/1682855591209738240 Protect Perry the Platypus at all costs Likes 1037 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/tApKI3JX11k25Hbzg1Hv-8au3_0d38fnolOwcjieC2c/https/pbs.twimg.com/media/F1q0PZiXwAA0E6J.jpg Twitter [7/22/2023 6:14 PM] phoenixfire42 Yes, I am aware. I'm also not surprised. I already know the r/place admins don't like us; last year they were deleting brony posts on the actual reddit :GlimISee: [7/22/2023 6:14 PM] stormshadow_cote They did what now :kittyrly: [7/22/2023 6:15 PM] phoenixfire42 But that tweet is very sus. I know they know what was there and are just doing it to fuck with us [7/22/2023 6:19 PM] voidtemplar2000 I can’t be arsed to care about place this time around. It’s transparently just to boost numbers before an IPO and well [7/22/2023 6:19 PM] voidtemplar2000 Much of the magic of it has gone away [7/22/2023 6:20 PM] phoenixfire42 Yea I know. I just feel a compulsion to do it for the fandom, but I do not care nearly as much as last time. [7/22/2023 6:21 PM] stormshadow_cote I've hardly thought about it this time around either, but I came across a comment on Derpi that linked to that tweet [7/22/2023 6:21 PM] phoenixfire42 I was on vacation when it dropped as well :spikewtf: I just got back not long ago. [7/22/2023 6:24 PM] phoenixfire42 r/place is just a reminder to me how many NPCs exist in the world. So much pointless hate and bandwagoning. I only do it cuz we are organized in a positive way. [7/22/2023 6:25 PM] voidtemplar2000 With the amount of Genshin hate therr sometimes is [7/22/2023 6:25 PM] voidtemplar2000 I expected the Genshin and Honkai stuff to be vandalized [7/22/2023 6:26 PM] phoenixfire42 See, but that would require any of the streamers and NPCs to attack anyone but us :VelSip: [7/22/2023 6:26 PM] phoenixfire42 There are a couple others who get it bad like OSU!, but we always get the shit end of the stick on r/place [7/22/2023 6:39 PM] onyxdash Some of the bronies on Twitter are making everything worse by spamming the tweet :SunnyBruh: [7/22/2023 6:43 PM] phoenixfire42 People are too heated about it in the wrong way. I'm not getting on a high ground about that, I get it, but the anger must be channeled in the correct way. [7/22/2023 6:43 PM] phoenixfire42 :VelSip: [7/23/2023 6:06 PM] fluffymarsh Watch this full video {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1132795973077315725/video0_8.mp4?ex=661c5376&is=6609de76&hm=ecf43fd4bdb47fdcc48e012cd01197750c15db28657c47e36259d6586eff29c7& [7/23/2023 9:34 PM] gabrizzy https://tenor.com/view/no-i-dont-think-i-will-gif-23864982 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/no-i-dont-think-i-will-gif-23864982 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/bxN9rzmT88_YUY9RFTFxkqWe6Xelk0KIDyXLvfV-YmI/https/media.tenor.com/WtfJo0beYhgAAAAD/no-i-dont-think-i-will.png [7/23/2023 9:35 PM] amoo. {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1116845583299252254.png [7/24/2023 1:09 AM] iwannabehyper Nuh uh [7/24/2023 2:35 AM] jdbo https://tenor.com/view/nuh-uh-nuh-gif-25159854 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/nuh-uh-nuh-gif-25159854 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/JdpkX7rAOxlfvmU0PBRX_Rqu55fgK5E6Cc7e_0e_ky8/https/media.tenor.com/_tHxkI_ur48AAAAD/nuh-uh-nuh.png [7/24/2023 2:36 AM] feedthemee NUH UH [7/24/2023 2:37 AM] gabrizzy https://tenor.com/view/kazooiebanjo-thumbs-up-good-job-approve-nintendo64-gif-11667664 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/kazooiebanjo-thumbs-up-good-job-approve-nintendo64-gif-11667664 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/MXSPnq1BCnzmHdipkx2e6wA8iGyxcyag5g08ywUl2VM/https/media.tenor.com/9woR5DUGmHMAAAAD/kazooiebanjo-thumbs-up.png [7/26/2023 4:47 PM] fluffymarsh New Art Of My OC lol {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1133863253471154316/IMG_1971.png?ex=6616faf1&is=660485f1&hm=6d297268972f3164d4db52dcc7a2b0dc77ce01363fbcdefb35068c7e8e0b7991& [7/26/2023 5:25 PM] evil_gavier 🥺 [7/26/2023 6:22 PM] fluffymarsh Literally [7/26/2023 8:38 PM] gabrizzy :AL_MLPPat: [7/26/2023 9:21 PM] gamoray Pet the pone [7/27/2023 2:00 AM] emperor_sombra :PinkieHeadPats: :ponkheadpat: [7/27/2023 2:13 AM] romulus4444 :mistypat: [7/28/2023 12:02 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1134516270696517743/ssstwitter.com_1690530511795.mp4?ex=66195b1d&is=6606e61d&hm=41a0699cf484d56ce15250deac58d9322dd7c2e5dc13f0679bd8929f4381416a& [7/28/2023 5:02 PM] fluffymarsh Coming to Fortnite Today {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1134591807607554148/20230728_160434.jpg?ex=6619a176&is=66072c76&hm=bd6acae700984db1fee1292f376de356690961ef7085a2d19b51fcad1f604642& [7/29/2023 4:21 AM] hon3ybrewer {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1132534289737719838.png [7/29/2023 4:24 AM] feedthemee UwU [7/29/2023 4:24 AM] feedthemee (that's him) [7/29/2023 6:22 PM] fluffymarsh Hello PCL [7/29/2023 6:25 PM] hon3ybrewer :SweetBunWave: [7/29/2023 6:25 PM] feedthemee hello marsh the fluffy [7/29/2023 6:26 PM] hon3ybrewer helloo how're you uwu [7/30/2023 12:12 AM] Deleted User Uwu [7/30/2023 12:19 AM] gabrizzy https://tenor.com/view/scout-yo-whats-up-team-fortress2-gif-22428822 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/scout-yo-whats-up-team-fortress2-gif-22428822 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/mlN6OXelzgZGpF9c5Vnq-K0psxaWYy9EA2aW_Haq0F8/https/media.tenor.com/9jM9ABZxdQkAAAAD/scout-yo.png [7/31/2023 3:55 AM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1135480816005304380/20230730_232416.jpg?ex=661cdd6a&is=660a686a&hm=8c0cc3f48123e006ec40d5cb6b9d0f83ac7a68f4a91f0cf2853987768b1c16e0& [7/31/2023 4:41 AM] solid_dd Kitty [7/31/2023 4:43 AM] hon3ybrewer hes a big baby :HG_derp: i usually just call him mr stinky cause i hate the name my family gave him lmao [7/31/2023 4:47 AM] solid_dd What's his name [7/31/2023 4:47 AM] feedthemee stinkus [7/31/2023 4:47 AM] hon3ybrewer little boy :ded: [7/31/2023 4:48 AM] hon3ybrewer i wanted to name him sammy :( [7/31/2023 4:53 AM] solid_dd That's not a name [7/31/2023 4:53 AM] solid_dd That's a description [7/31/2023 4:54 AM] solid_dd When I get a cat I wanna name him something like Roman or Ivan [7/31/2023 4:56 AM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1135496123402965002/20230731_035435.jpg?ex=661cebac&is=660a76ac&hm=6c894bb12cdebf3c02ec3a6b0f9283b754b026d4bb6920f4380e33f24535e6ac& [7/31/2023 4:56 AM] hon3ybrewer other cat [7/31/2023 4:56 AM] hon3ybrewer i can imagine those names with brown tabbies or ginger tabbies tbh [7/31/2023 4:56 AM] solid_dd So eepy [7/31/2023 4:57 AM] hon3ybrewer the grim eeper [7/31/2023 4:57 AM] hon3ybrewer she has to sit on top of something, usually what you need lmao [7/31/2023 4:59 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1135496906856992919/PXL_20230222_210918763.jpg?ex=661cec67&is=660a7767&hm=a203328205cb23f36c2f5798bc93e7d77328e76e44f24d86bb5f971a11152f7b& [7/31/2023 4:59 AM] solid_dd Look at my boy [7/31/2023 5:02 AM] hon3ybrewer silly little mans [7/31/2023 5:02 AM] hon3ybrewer :SCpatpat: [7/31/2023 5:02 AM] solid_dd He's seen some stuff [7/31/2023 5:02 AM] solid_dd A true kitty cat veteran [7/31/2023 2:18 PM] solid_dd Who do y'all think is the most infamous mlp discord criminal [7/31/2023 2:20 PM] dragonsreborn333 The person that first posted 🫙 [7/31/2023 2:22 PM] solid_dd He's an anti hero [7/31/2023 2:25 PM] evil_gavier discord-specific would be the group that nuked mlp general I guess? [7/31/2023 2:37 PM] stormshadow_cote I still share a mutual server with one of that group's members, but that server ain't in here. [7/31/2023 2:58 PM] Deleted User i forgot the names of them [7/31/2023 2:58 PM] Deleted User i could only think of one person whichwas alucurd or alucard [7/31/2023 2:58 PM] Deleted User but i dont even think that was posted here [7/31/2023 2:58 PM] solid_dd ALUCARD [7/31/2023 2:59 PM] solid_dd I REMEMBER HIM [7/31/2023 2:59 PM] Deleted User yea [7/31/2023 2:59 PM] Deleted User lol [7/31/2023 2:59 PM] Deleted User lmao [7/31/2023 2:59 PM] solid_dd I miss him... [7/31/2023 2:59 PM] Deleted User i dont even remember what happend [7/31/2023 2:59 PM] solid_dd The way he'd always use ... At the end of his sentence... [7/31/2023 3:00 PM] solid_dd Since it's discord either pedophillia, harassment or racism [7/31/2023 3:00 PM] solid_dd Those are like the three crimes [7/31/2023 3:01 PM] Deleted User or being edgy years ago [7/31/2023 3:03 PM] solid_dd I'm guilty of being edgy [7/31/2023 3:07 PM] Deleted User i could tell [7/31/2023 3:12 PM] phoenixfire42 SaveMLP is pretty bad Though they are more of a clown than a criminal. [7/31/2023 3:14 PM] solid_dd What does that mean >:/ [7/31/2023 3:14 PM] solid_dd Was that the guy who threatened Starlight Glimmer fans? [7/31/2023 3:18 PM] stormshadow_cote I can't recall about Glimmerbashing, but he was pretty bad with the S9 and G5 hate. Harassing people on Twitter about it and crap, he actually went and joined EqD's Discord last month or so and stunk it up a bit. They quickly had to ban him lol. He's been an issue pretty much since S9. I remember seeing him on the EqD Disqus comments. [7/31/2023 3:18 PM] phoenixfire42 They are the one that keeps harassing show staff and going into every community about how season 9 sucked and it needs a redo [7/31/2023 3:20 PM] stormshadow_cote They even went so far as to throw hate at community contributors like Imalou and BlooRoo on Twitter [7/31/2023 3:21 PM] solid_dd People do the weirdest stuff in mlp servers [7/31/2023 3:21 PM] solid_dd Two people joined my server and started talking about warcrimes [7/31/2023 3:23 PM] Deleted User He was comfirmed a troll [7/31/2023 3:23 PM] Deleted User just to get attention [7/31/2023 3:24 PM] Deleted User and make people mad which [7/31/2023 3:24 PM] Deleted User worked [7/31/2023 3:24 PM] phoenixfire42 Troll or not, they are obnoxious because they do it to show staff. [7/31/2023 3:24 PM] solid_dd He just like me fr fr [7/31/2023 3:26 PM] Deleted User i wish people didnt give him the attention [7/31/2023 3:26 PM] Deleted User he basiclly succeeded with his own entire dumb attention seeking [7/31/2023 3:27 PM] phoenixfire42 I mean he's gone from EQD in both the Discord and blog now, so whatever. [7/31/2023 3:28 PM] solid_dd I like when trolls are funni [7/31/2023 3:28 PM] stormshadow_cote Would a troll block someone who was giving them the attention they crave? I have the honor of being blocked by them. [7/31/2023 4:02 PM] phoenixfire42 Probably same, idr [7/31/2023 4:02 PM] phoenixfire42 I know they freaked out on me though lol [7/31/2023 5:51 PM] solid_dd Am I the only one who sorts out their pings on all of discord [7/31/2023 5:51 PM] solid_dd Everyone else has hundreds of pings [7/31/2023 5:53 PM] hon3ybrewer :hoofholding: {Reactions} LEWD (2) [7/31/2023 6:02 PM] dragonsreborn333 I barely get pinged [7/31/2023 6:03 PM] hon3ybrewer i usually just get server pings from servers im inactive in or DMs from 2-3 people :ded: [7/31/2023 6:03 PM] hon3ybrewer i always clear them though cause i dont like seeing them lmao [7/31/2023 6:45 PM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1135704903742931005/20230731_150006.jpg?ex=661dae1d&is=660b391d&hm=d1b28fda07ef532f1f8d0b1322d24949ab87dcd77cd9aa13dd587092269483a1& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1135704904044924939/20230731_150045.jpg?ex=661dae1d&is=660b391d&hm=9e034b6ffec50e0c515d6689e10189713fdecac3492e0e8872fd151f1b1b6a84& [8/1/2023 8:08 PM] hon3ybrewer how're we doing tonight PCL? [8/1/2023 8:58 PM] gabrizzy it's morning here and back to work again [8/1/2023 8:58 PM] gabrizzy :ded: [8/1/2023 9:01 PM] gamoray im so very tired [8/1/2023 9:02 PM] gamoray I worked all weekend have been out field testing an experiment the past 2 days which has been very exhausting [8/1/2023 9:03 PM] gabrizzy :AL_MLPPat: [8/2/2023 12:24 AM] romulus4444 just watched Oppenheimer [8/2/2023 12:27 AM] gabrizzy now i am become death [8/2/2023 12:30 AM] stormshadow_cote Good? [8/2/2023 12:30 AM] romulus4444 very good [8/2/2023 5:31 AM] meganought Ye [8/2/2023 5:44 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1136233119234666506/20230802_075701.jpg?ex=66165f8d&is=6603ea8d&hm=d475714001befe014984028688bed9e73b53a170d00532b3f5ecbce83c116746& [8/2/2023 5:48 AM] voidtemplar2000 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1083171793021444187/1136233119234666506/20230802_075701.jpg {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1083171793021444187/1136233119234666506/20230802_075701.jpg https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1083171793021444187/1136233119234666506/20230802_075701.jpg?ex=66165f8d&is=6603ea8d&hm=d475714001befe014984028688bed9e73b53a170d00532b3f5ecbce83c116746& [8/2/2023 5:50 AM] arnak that's just my height so I don't think I can repost [8/2/2023 5:52 AM] feedthemee https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1083171793021444187/1136233119234666506/20230802_075701.jpg {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1083171793021444187/1136233119234666506/20230802_075701.jpg https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1083171793021444187/1136233119234666506/20230802_075701.jpg?ex=66165f8d&is=6603ea8d&hm=d475714001befe014984028688bed9e73b53a170d00532b3f5ecbce83c116746& [8/2/2023 6:21 AM] amoo. 5'5 moment [8/2/2023 6:22 AM] hon3ybrewer :WAUGH: [8/2/2023 6:35 AM] gabrizzy does 5'7 count? [8/2/2023 6:35 AM] hon3ybrewer no :GlimmerSmug: [8/2/2023 6:39 AM] feedthemee rate my lunch {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1136246971896709301/20230802_123920.jpg?ex=66166c74&is=6603f774&hm=28821196c6bfa1d6319b4b75d6d42ac555697dd06c7af2d18ac8f69bd347fef1& [8/2/2023 6:40 AM] hon3ybrewer im banning you from my life [8/2/2023 6:40 AM] feedthemee wOoOoOoOow [8/2/2023 6:40 AM] hon3ybrewer {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1065910504071110716.png [8/2/2023 6:40 AM] solid_dd 10/10 [8/2/2023 6:41 AM] hon3ybrewer youre also banned from my life :REEE: [8/2/2023 6:41 AM] hon3ybrewer i need to sleep :ded: [8/2/2023 6:41 AM] solid_dd You don't appreciate true cuisine [8/2/2023 6:41 AM] feedthemee ^^^ [8/2/2023 6:42 AM] hon3ybrewer :HG_void: [8/2/2023 6:42 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1136247590694965358/IMG_8496.mp4?ex=66166d08&is=6603f808&hm=ad1a317727e98cd828f89913a155e2250a89172b3d097f5798a0258f093b5033& [8/2/2023 6:43 AM] hon3ybrewer https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1108541102283292732/1110013964038963250/ezgif.com-gif-maker.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1108541102283292732/1110013964038963250/ezgif.com-gif-maker.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1108541102283292732/1110013964038963250/ezgif.com-gif-maker.gif?ex=661c8090&is=660a0b90&hm=dc4a919f05ae18023f9fd45b7c505fff9396e580d54d371b247f66f4c43a009f& [8/2/2023 6:43 AM] solid_dd My dad [8/2/2023 6:43 AM] feedthemee same [8/2/2023 6:44 AM] hon3ybrewer :bap: [8/2/2023 6:46 AM] gabrizzy https://tenor.com/view/perfection-michael-fassbender-perfectionist-perfect-gif-7910211 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/perfection-michael-fassbender-perfectionist-perfect-gif-7910211 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/x6lzzZ0nUiKh0O6Vl9z_Fw2Y6bN1xd9sAqbxQJRpEVc/https/media.tenor.com/pWeXVj_pjM4AAAAD/perfection-michael-fassbender.png [8/2/2023 6:47 AM] feedthemee 💛 [8/2/2023 6:47 AM] hon3ybrewer is this bc his pfp is morris that you're agreeing /j [8/2/2023 6:47 AM] gabrizzy yes [8/2/2023 6:48 AM] feedthemee 💔 [8/2/2023 6:48 AM] hon3ybrewer i'll sway your opinions with my cat photo [8/2/2023 6:49 AM] zatillias :aliencat: :alienfish: :alienham: :alienpug: :alienseal: [8/2/2023 6:49 AM] hon3ybrewer :GlimmerSmug: [8/2/2023 7:12 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1136255078609723392/the_1.mp4?ex=66167401&is=6603ff01&hm=47cc92936e8719a60b250aca958668723b3afd8adba4a6ff68162035a9474c1e& [8/2/2023 10:46 AM] epiclper Has anyone figured out a way to check for people joining a server with "arts" in their name? [8/2/2023 10:46 AM] epiclper I know there's some RedBot plugin but I have no idea how to configure it [8/2/2023 10:52 AM] stormshadow_cote Discord's adding some username filtering system to AutoMod. [8/2/2023 10:56 AM] epiclper I don't want to directly filter them, cause then they'll probably change their names and approach [8/2/2023 10:56 AM] epiclper I want to warn admins that such an account just joined and then manually ban them [8/2/2023 10:58 AM] meganought Just because they have art in their name that doesn't automatically make them a scammer [8/2/2023 10:58 AM] meganought There's a good chance they are, but not a guarantee [8/2/2023 11:07 AM] epiclper So far 99% of the ones joining with "arts" at the end of their name have always tried to DM people if they want comissions [8/2/2023 11:07 AM] epiclper And they always have some kind of weird userpic and a very recent account creation date [8/2/2023 11:07 AM] epiclper That's the reason why I want to check them manually before just blanket banning all of them [8/2/2023 11:30 AM] emperor_sombra https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/15946797617431 {Embed} https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/15946797617431 Members Page What this article covers:  What is the Members page? How does the Members page work? Managing Server Members Adding Roles Reviewing Flags Searching, Pruning, and Much More Frequently Asked Que... [8/2/2023 11:31 AM] emperor_sombra Discord is adding a feature that will flag new members who have unusual DM activity. [8/2/2023 11:31 AM] voidtemplar2000 oooh [8/2/2023 11:31 AM] voidtemplar2000 that's nice [8/2/2023 11:31 AM] voidtemplar2000 Although I DM a *lot* of people [8/2/2023 11:31 AM] voidtemplar2000 so there might be some flags on my account {Reactions} bongoban (3) [8/2/2023 11:32 AM] stormshadow_cote AutoMod has settings to just warn mods, at least for their current filters. I hope they wouldn't have only "block from joining". [8/2/2023 11:32 AM] voidtemplar2000 Hey I havfe a reason [8/2/2023 11:33 AM] voidtemplar2000 I DM people because I handle EaW applications [8/2/2023 12:31 PM] epiclper I wrote a RedBot Defender rule for this now: ``` name: arts-account-joined rank: 2 event: [on-user-join, manual] if: - username-matches-any: ["*arts*"] do: - get-user-info: id: $user_id mapping: joined: joined_at created: created_at name: name display_name: display_name - notify-staff: title: "WARNING - 'arts' user found!" content: "A user with 'arts' in their name was found." fields: - {name: "Display Name", value: "$display_name", inline: true} - {name: "Created", value: "$created", inline: true} - {name: "Joined", value: "$joined", inline: true} add_ctx_fields: true thumbnail: $user_avatar_url qa_target: $user_id qa_reason: "Arts Scammer Account" ``` [8/2/2023 12:32 PM] epiclper In case anyone wants to try it too [8/2/2023 12:32 PM] epiclper So far it seems to work pretty well tho it's my first Warden rule, so beware lol [8/2/2023 12:46 PM] epiclper I've updated the script above a bit now [8/2/2023 3:11 PM] solid_dd Can I get a report on my birthday [8/2/2023 3:11 PM] solid_dd :3 [8/2/2023 3:11 PM] hon3ybrewer whens your birthday [8/2/2023 3:11 PM] solid_dd 22nd [8/2/2023 3:11 PM] hon3ybrewer :AU_lookingrespectfully: [8/2/2023 5:52 PM] epiclper This works a treat already {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1136416137710678037/IMG_4533.png?ex=66170a00&is=66049500&hm=d4fd46666d8bdaa027e41292fbacfeb355f0d114b3d4ab1b8133dfb883e7041b& {Reactions} AU_lookingrespectfully (3) [8/2/2023 5:53 PM] hon3ybrewer :YIPPEE: [8/2/2023 5:58 PM] solid_dd Instead of banning what if we did this {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1136417677313855539/boyfriends-webtoon-boyfriends.mp4?ex=66170b6f&is=6604966f&hm=31780e00b02ca1498784b364aa5a2b4509b680acebb1b0a6347d5c8e47c87243& [8/2/2023 5:58 PM] hon3ybrewer LMAO NOO [8/2/2023 5:58 PM] hon3ybrewer punishment worse than death [8/2/2023 5:58 PM] solid_dd 5000 years in jail Or One Boyfriends comic panel [8/2/2023 8:04 PM] fluffymarsh Terminator on Fortnite {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1136449505500336168/Screenshot_20230802-205532.png?ex=66172914&is=6604b414&hm=7babba51adb487644e54e27959a4d3e4c8110f93904ad91d521babc6a89e204d& [8/2/2023 8:04 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1136449517248593960/Screenshot_20230802-205551.png?ex=66172917&is=6604b417&hm=836edfbf845c652fb466284e9116a28e5b376b50b83f30a78868980bf7bd1f26& [8/3/2023 1:26 AM] hon3ybrewer my sister was going to name them jinx and sage, but my mom and grandma called them salt and pepper lmao {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1136530636581118016/20230803_002557.jpg?ex=661774a3&is=6604ffa3&hm=a877cc94d6eab8eb9e040b070468536fe1c952864c85847d87594dfadd9ed0e9& [8/3/2023 1:28 AM] hon3ybrewer the siamese is wanting to explore everywhere rn, i've had to grab him 20 times at this point from him trying to get under my furniture lmao, the black and white one is very calm compared to him, both are the sweetest little babies [8/3/2023 8:54 PM] fluffymarsh Have a pic of me {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1136824405733933116/Untitled334_20230803154711.png?ex=6618863b&is=6606113b&hm=211770888ec8fe8ecdaddf7caf5d3b220eb694b881f95f9ac45c0b320b3a81b9& {Reactions} vomiting [8/3/2023 8:55 PM] hon3ybrewer smol [8/3/2023 8:55 PM] wubzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1008382958387871784.png [8/3/2023 8:56 PM] n0xa {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/913788299968135169.png [8/3/2023 9:21 PM] gabrizzy cute [8/3/2023 10:52 PM] .primrose__ Cutieeee [8/3/2023 11:12 PM] amoo. brr {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1136859231304306762/UPD_Art_by_Tanya.png?ex=6618a6aa&is=660631aa&hm=3828757642f26ef90db6b951c5967e6aa2d864edaf6814e0f41c960c31acb8f6& [8/3/2023 11:12 PM] amoo. hors [8/3/2023 11:14 PM] gabrizzy cat {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1136859745177837669/Gabrizzy_Arc.png?ex=6618a725&is=66063225&hm=87d60f367c7df10ec396c99a4ae6d6c1b4bc24a506979071bd2aadc1bf247732& [8/3/2023 11:43 PM] gamoray {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1136866999285317652/PWStare.png?ex=6618ade6&is=660638e6&hm=139155928ec91b099839e973100ced55c6a3b762d035de1bb3bd566ea002674c& [8/4/2023 9:35 AM] Deleted User Cute aaa [8/4/2023 3:46 PM] dollierott Honse **Done by @quackduckling on Discord, Twitter: Sleepy_Nik0 ; Tumblr: Sleepy_Nikoo** {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1137109425191129168/contest_winner_one.png?ex=66198fad&is=66071aad&hm=5d5cd60808d67fd840908bc455b025191a0b562605cccfc4fd46d95e4ba4f643& [8/4/2023 4:43 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/728677795814703117/885291720546336840/image0.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/728677795814703117/885291720546336840/image0.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/728677795814703117/885291720546336840/image0.gif?ex=661713aa&is=66049eaa&hm=1ae7e6246b9aec81046f9407afdd61481b7eb2cd5fba70ade6f528cb35c9e56d& [8/4/2023 4:45 PM] feedthemee https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/728677795814703117/885291720546336840/image0.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/728677795814703117/885291720546336840/image0.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/728677795814703117/885291720546336840/image0.gif?ex=661713aa&is=66049eaa&hm=1ae7e6246b9aec81046f9407afdd61481b7eb2cd5fba70ade6f528cb35c9e56d& [8/4/2023 4:47 PM] hon3ybrewer https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/728677795814703117/885291720546336840/image0.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/728677795814703117/885291720546336840/image0.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/728677795814703117/885291720546336840/image0.gif?ex=661713aa&is=66049eaa&hm=1ae7e6246b9aec81046f9407afdd61481b7eb2cd5fba70ade6f528cb35c9e56d& [8/4/2023 5:29 PM] Deleted User {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1137135149516066856/image0-1.gif?ex=6619a7a2&is=660732a2&hm=20e757d1710a9a7587cd8524a0db2c48a613ec0f973289b281c81c7cca80d6b4& [8/4/2023 5:34 PM] n0xa {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1137136600493600778/image0-88.gif?ex=6619a8fc&is=660733fc&hm=7d289477291147ca27d1b8ffa61460cacb11a2e63bc9eb2937a2116ff261c888& [8/4/2023 5:40 PM] wubzy https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/728677795814703117/885291720546336840/image0.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/728677795814703117/885291720546336840/image0.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/728677795814703117/885291720546336840/image0.gif?ex=661713aa&is=66049eaa&hm=1ae7e6246b9aec81046f9407afdd61481b7eb2cd5fba70ade6f528cb35c9e56d& [8/4/2023 5:41 PM] romulus4444 :pogfish: {Reactions} z_banned (3) [8/4/2023 5:51 PM] wubzy :NoMorePoggers: [8/4/2023 5:51 PM] Deleted User smh breaking the chain [8/4/2023 5:51 PM] evil_gavier the effect is a bit lost on my setup lol {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1137140871993766019/image.png?ex=6619acf6&is=660737f6&hm=6b29ca04bb51037876906635dc7cbf8c463ebe3e2ad99bb6e6f6dd1110497efe& {Reactions} wheeze_bootleg (3) [8/4/2023 5:51 PM] wubzy How dare [8/4/2023 5:51 PM] hon3ybrewer :kekw: [8/4/2023 5:52 PM] Deleted User L + ratio [8/4/2023 5:52 PM] wubzy :dam: [8/4/2023 5:52 PM] Deleted User :troll_british: [8/4/2023 5:52 PM] hon3ybrewer ban romulus for this transgression against the floundering fish chain [8/4/2023 5:52 PM] hon3ybrewer {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/872613173688168458.png [8/4/2023 5:52 PM] Deleted User I second this [8/4/2023 5:52 PM] Deleted User :Ban: [8/4/2023 5:52 PM] wubzy :ban: [8/4/2023 5:53 PM] evil_gavier as the millenials say, let's get this bread [8/4/2023 5:54 PM] feedthemee https://tenor.com/view/lets-get-this-bread-gif-12741835 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/lets-get-this-bread-gif-12741835 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/eFppu5r30JR5EFMPWFjUHkz5FvGnAtGTuUqLXeHGMCQ/https/media.tenor.com/PHjUjUbrMrsAAAAD/lets-get-this-bread.png [8/4/2023 5:57 PM] wubzy :WubYippee: [8/4/2023 6:01 PM] hon3ybrewer :HG_scrunkly: [8/4/2023 6:02 PM] Deleted User :CS_grin: [8/4/2023 6:20 PM] romulus4444 oh it's a mutiny is it [8/4/2023 6:20 PM] romulus4444 :kiringun: [8/4/2023 6:21 PM] hon3ybrewer :gunL::HG_scrunkly::gunR: [8/4/2023 6:21 PM] wubzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1118672885838516324.png [8/4/2023 6:22 PM] Deleted User {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1011752285396795472.png [8/4/2023 6:22 PM] romulus4444 :ponkgun: [8/4/2023 6:22 PM] romulus4444 :ponkwithponkgun: [8/4/2023 7:13 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/mutiny-jack-sparrow-pirates-pirates-of-the-caribbean-i-wish-to-report-a-mutiny-gif-26531174 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/mutiny-jack-sparrow-pirates-pirates-of-the-caribbean-i-wish-to-report-a-mutiny-gif-26531174 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/NPIu0s19X8z_qoqWciwrS-X4KTrpQCyH_fWbNSmO9UE/https/media.tenor.com/beFlmjhB89gAAAAD/mutiny-jack-sparrow.png [8/4/2023 10:46 PM] gabrizzy where?! where have you been sending it?! [8/4/2023 10:48 PM] n0xa :silly_goober: [8/4/2023 11:10 PM] silver_edge_uwu {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1137221128050458634/silverwingsoutcomm.png?ex=6619f7b5&is=660782b5&hm=80161c846e14f61319fa69a4d42b3c4142f613582cac6bfe30fc57dc90dfad28& [8/4/2023 11:11 PM] Deleted User :SilverPets: [8/4/2023 11:22 PM] dragonsreborn333 👀 [8/4/2023 11:39 PM] Deleted User new OC art just dropped (real?!?!??!) {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1137228460037771346/IMG_0479.png?ex=6619fe89&is=66078989&hm=7cbe2af3c21eec014cd773e888cd3ca03ab627a1fbd96088bf3d103691e63589& [8/4/2023 11:41 PM] hon3ybrewer unreal [8/4/2023 11:41 PM] hon3ybrewer :GlimmerSmug: [8/4/2023 11:42 PM] dragonsreborn333 Pog coasters [8/4/2023 11:42 PM] Deleted User unreal :SadYeehaw: [8/4/2023 11:42 PM] Deleted User poggeroni :VinylPog: [8/5/2023 4:16 AM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1137298086809587772/IMG_6208.jpg?ex=661a3f61&is=6607ca61&hm=17cfe6d15c779ba37b6e74312d5546d63aa60038a2701a50c67295b1f303c0f2& [8/5/2023 6:49 AM] wubzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1038885914585354320.png [8/5/2023 6:49 AM] solid_dd https://tenor.com/view/horse-plinko-gif-23007413 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/horse-plinko-gif-23007413 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/zM5dSq39gOS_cxA5DEjZC4t4BLG5kOn3jFyKStnefiM/https/media.tenor.com/2go__Sq_LiwAAAAD/horse-plinko.png [8/5/2023 7:10 AM] emperor_sombra {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1053523687296487434.png [8/5/2023 7:11 AM] solid_dd {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/893811734337454100.png [8/5/2023 9:08 AM] n0xa https://tenor.com/view/you-have-alerted-the-horse-horse-gt-when-the-gif-24722142 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/you-have-alerted-the-horse-horse-gt-when-the-gif-24722142 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/1tH5jlcPf2hNH3OU4F_mCoIOkKurP_zL1j_SOchBJ1k/https/media.tenor.com/jhMWcjNJz2kAAAAD/you-have-alerted-the-horse-horse.png {Reactions} horseAlert [8/5/2023 10:16 AM] emperor_sombra {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1053557557962231898.png [8/5/2023 10:19 AM] feedthemee https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/898395379706511370/1103264550972825600/jermorse.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/898395379706511370/1103264550972825600/jermorse.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/898395379706511370/1103264550972825600/jermorse.gif?ex=661667ae&is=6603f2ae&hm=a5b8c906c74977ba3d9c70eca509881e26bccb9a2c4b3151878b27cc3f52e0bb& [8/5/2023 10:30 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1137392195880616028/20230804_194036.jpg?ex=661a9707&is=66082207&hm=6325c249b4a4f35e126775491b197a9d5778f3dca863177644a29245bd47b956& [8/5/2023 10:43 AM] feedthemee :3 [8/5/2023 10:44 AM] n0xa :3 [8/5/2023 10:45 AM] evil_gavier nice shoelaces you got there [8/5/2023 11:09 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1137401945619972157/km_20230702_720p_30f_20230702_220620.mp4?ex=661aa01b&is=66082b1b&hm=7e885b302226599ab66475ce7cb55965800afa6d6d1dbd9147b853b45c326ef1& [8/5/2023 11:30 AM] solid_dd What shoelaces {Reactions} 😔 [8/5/2023 2:06 PM] hon3ybrewer https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/903654609564876830/926614087700476045/Tumblr_l_1533072503313041.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/903654609564876830/926614087700476045/Tumblr_l_1533072503313041.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/903654609564876830/926614087700476045/Tumblr_l_1533072503313041.gif?ex=6619c01e&is=66074b1e&hm=51681fc5240cd97dc04b1db58a515faf7adb586f3d0cba2a1b899bee9ecb86a8& [8/5/2023 2:26 PM] Deleted User oknilp esroh :SmugArche: [8/5/2023 6:24 PM] onyxdash https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/87583189161226240/1115769830797230090/3121495.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/87583189161226240/1115769830797230090/3121495.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/87583189161226240/1115769830797230090/3121495.gif?ex=6615c1a1&is=66034ca1&hm=7d38cf29d0b46db3ff55e543b5355e479fc4501f6f9f57287dafa294a11048f9& [8/5/2023 6:52 PM] romulus4444 TIME FOR CUDDLES [8/5/2023 7:40 PM] .primrose__ Horse [8/5/2023 9:14 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1137554190990856243/IMG_5416.png?ex=661b2de5&is=6608b8e5&hm=93c6e60d2bd6489984eb9616dd089985d8ac06102ab59ce807b663100ccba7f4& [8/5/2023 9:14 PM] hon3ybrewer bye wario [8/5/2023 9:25 PM] evil_gavier yooo a fellow wario killer [8/5/2023 9:25 PM] hon3ybrewer :YIPPEE: [8/5/2023 9:26 PM] hon3ybrewer i dont remember if i asked for your birthday lol [8/5/2023 9:30 PM] evil_gavier moi? I don't think so (28/08 if you wanna know) [8/5/2023 9:30 PM] hon3ybrewer :GlimmerSmug: [8/5/2023 9:31 PM] hon3ybrewer all the august birthdays lmao [8/5/2023 9:31 PM] hon3ybrewer i am the 20th :YIPPEE: {Reactions} 🎉 [8/5/2023 9:31 PM] nightstars. auf wiedersehen mario [8/5/2023 9:32 PM] arnak Rip waluigi [8/5/2023 9:44 PM] zatillias Rip Wario x3 [8/5/2023 9:46 PM] fluffymarsh Rip Peach [8/5/2023 9:55 PM] dragonsreborn333 rip mario [8/5/2023 10:09 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1137568140860067850/cuh-you-aint-built-for-these-streets.gif?ex=661b3ae3&is=6608c5e3&hm=b1cc9e021563b8775f71b8a90c1c34ec5107e8fac8e9283ec40d1dca3823d43f& [8/5/2023 11:56 PM] gabrizzy goodbye Mario, you are my best bro, but i'll never forget you [8/6/2023 12:17 AM] Deleted User rip yoshi :z_peace: [8/6/2023 12:47 AM] n0xa idk anything bout Mario and shiz but rip whomever is in may [8/6/2023 12:49 AM] hon3ybrewer rosalina [8/6/2023 12:49 AM] hon3ybrewer {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1137566023982256189.png [8/6/2023 12:54 AM] n0xa Rosalina [8/6/2023 12:54 AM] n0xa {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/988140215719837737.png [8/6/2023 12:55 AM] hon3ybrewer {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1132534289737719838.png [8/6/2023 8:43 AM] shalour Rip peach [8/6/2023 9:42 PM] gabrizzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1137629472892395654.png [8/7/2023 12:01 AM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1137958605199507526/20230806_230021.jpg?ex=661ca689&is=660a3189&hm=0f73e7d577828fca275705945c69caeacc17ec6776f70ff9da48f0d01ec851d3& [8/7/2023 12:02 AM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/flathamster-hamster-flat-kip-kiphamster-gif-21077894 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/flathamster-hamster-flat-kip-kiphamster-gif-21077894 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/am9nxyHi8bHwkcKFvP0oeHVVx7qul-Z0iIJQd1tvays/https/media.tenor.com/2shmiu_6kUYAAAAD/flathamster-hamster.png [8/7/2023 12:06 AM] Deleted User el gato [8/7/2023 12:06 AM] Deleted User {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1137959965223550996/Screenshot_20230801_110209_Discord.jpg?ex=661ca7cd&is=660a32cd&hm=f36e46917f87da0f81030b60af420d6181e9916c02800425c054903a2c0f914c& [8/7/2023 12:10 AM] hon3ybrewer lmfao [8/7/2023 12:10 AM] hon3ybrewer not my cat pogging :kekw: [8/7/2023 12:10 AM] hon3ybrewer :catpog: [8/7/2023 12:10 AM] Deleted User {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1137961043730104410/IMG_8073.jpg?ex=661ca8cf&is=660a33cf&hm=0cc8e11af6931c604c6506dbac6773cbb22d7f619fb8fc92e0032a37a547029d& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1137961044174716968/Weld_tool_on_cat.gif?ex=661ca8cf&is=660a33cf&hm=43a5bfddf59979e720f5b1bbdeb43284b573a8f2f10226d78214287049b94adb& [8/7/2023 12:11 AM] hon3ybrewer me [8/7/2023 12:11 AM] Deleted User real [8/7/2023 8:39 PM] fluffymarsh I Just Finished Watching Oppenheimer [8/7/2023 8:40 PM] fluffymarsh Such a Good Movie [8/7/2023 8:40 PM] fluffymarsh Einsteeeeein {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1138270410371248218/IMG_20230807_200726.jpg?ex=661dc8ed&is=660b53ed&hm=84c9f99e8071c4b4da0fd91b11fff1e6665fc91e21e80222d8d67c55c5d1434b& [8/7/2023 11:03 PM] Deleted User new oc art (real) {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1138306551216623637/Coasters.png?ex=661dea96&is=660b7596&hm=26e63932bec97fa145506500b577dc34c54ecc75606e4e5f6061dc2fd212d389& [8/7/2023 11:06 PM] fluffymarsh Ebic [8/8/2023 12:13 AM] gabrizzy think fast chucklenuts {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1138324200600391690/Untitled199_20230713210033.png?ex=661dfb06&is=660b8606&hm=f75c2a64abbf4f84ef83bb601293c404be8c471489cb99db618bbb8a7833e951& [8/8/2023 6:18 AM] n0xa :NoxaPipebomb: [8/8/2023 6:18 AM] feedthemee nooo im a soldier player nooo i cant think that fast [8/8/2023 6:26 AM] gabrizzy i'm running circles around ya! [8/8/2023 6:27 AM] n0xa {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1138418078422671430/IMG_2556.png?ex=661517f4&is=6602a2f4&hm=3d0e4e5c63bbe522ded9355307db2d5694b5432cb3989fce32649ca461f9ae68& [8/8/2023 6:28 AM] feedthemee *does schadenfreude for exactly 0.76s and then kill binds* [8/8/2023 6:28 AM] feedthemee XD [8/8/2023 6:29 AM] gabrizzy https://tenor.com/view/imposter-tf2-hidino-it-could-be-you-it-coud-be-me-gif-23428091 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/imposter-tf2-hidino-it-could-be-you-it-coud-be-me-gif-23428091 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/Z3FaWWH6Zgsli67P8fhAT-jBZhaNG6sL5Vj4MjOOLD0/https/media.tenor.com/RwnDBL1GllcAAAAD/imposter-tf2.png [8/8/2023 6:35 AM] hon3ybrewer the suns rising :z_woo_yeah_baby: [8/8/2023 6:38 AM] nightstars. Agent Noxa... [8/8/2023 6:38 AM] nightstars. its good to see you again [8/8/2023 6:38 AM] nightstars. :4miladyToffee: [8/8/2023 6:38 AM] nightstars. *watch em not knowing me loool* [8/8/2023 6:39 AM] n0xa night [8/8/2023 6:39 AM] n0xa you underesitmate my own memory [8/8/2023 6:40 AM] nightstars. :jessyellowman: [8/8/2023 6:40 AM] nightstars. that's what I thought [8/8/2023 6:40 AM] n0xa :Miguel: [8/8/2023 6:40 AM] feedthemee :heisenburger: [8/8/2023 6:41 AM] n0xa how you been night :Sip: [8/8/2023 6:49 AM] jdbo horse [8/8/2023 6:52 AM] emperor_sombra {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/957422649611538452.png [8/8/2023 6:54 AM] meganought {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1002845919127011368.png [8/8/2023 7:15 AM] nightstars. Doing alright, been busy with multitasks :Derpyblblb: [8/8/2023 7:16 AM] n0xa :Arche_Dam: [8/8/2023 7:16 AM] n0xa feels [8/8/2023 7:19 AM] nightstars. yes [8/8/2023 8:18 AM] Deleted User Hello [8/8/2023 8:22 AM] hon3ybrewer {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1013118481417375804.png [8/8/2023 8:39 AM] solid_dd {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/932822092297175071.png [8/8/2023 9:33 AM] hon3ybrewer :HG_scrunkly: [8/8/2023 12:47 PM] romulus4444 {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/957422649611538452.png [8/8/2023 12:53 PM] comradesparkle I might do. [8/8/2023 12:54 PM] comradesparkle {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1002845919127011368.png [8/8/2023 8:42 PM] hon3ybrewer a hnnuy pone moment {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1138633484613718107/Untitled_Artwork-7.png?ex=6615e091&is=66036b91&hm=62b7c134fd4da6dc04f462f7fbe7a234a2aca13839c04a1bb7566bca3ae4ed16& [8/8/2023 8:43 PM] Deleted User hnnuy [8/9/2023 9:09 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1138821348274229289/ssstwitter.com_1691510217727.mp4?ex=66168f87&is=66041a87&hm=ccc00ea4bacdef6ef98a14354e134fdb139b8a9b6b6cdabb0da966646db58092& [8/10/2023 4:29 AM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1139113391349321768/Tumblr_l_389726483289150.jpg?ex=66179f84&is=66052a84&hm=11cf573344a3d4c4de8871a808a7ea0a667ab3c6340ca530ea748511b4ded693& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1139113391659687976/Tumblr_l_389728178254612.jpg?ex=66179f84&is=66052a84&hm=19a648b1aac03ead80e0179700adda95c0ade7e86906453db3f3acb2c8c6f540& [8/10/2023 4:29 AM] hon3ybrewer {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1137566023982256189.png [8/10/2023 5:29 AM] romulus4444 On my way to the airport for Everfree Northwest! Who all am I gonna see there? [8/10/2023 5:42 AM] gabrizzy not me [8/10/2023 5:42 AM] amoo. I wish [8/10/2023 3:59 PM] phoenixfire42 Algernon is going. I wish I could this year, but alas I can not [8/10/2023 4:06 PM] solid_dd Algerwhat {Reactions} TrixieConcern [8/10/2023 5:24 PM] solid_dd "I was a pedofile but I'm good now" [8/10/2023 5:24 PM] solid_dd That is such a powerful quote [8/10/2023 5:30 PM] n0xa I did commit 32 genocides in Africa before true but I'm actually great now [8/10/2023 5:31 PM] n0xa judge, let this man go he clearly learned his lesson [8/10/2023 5:34 PM] solid_dd *siggggh* I really didn't want to make this video {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1139310781394067467/image_search_1691703243319.jpg?ex=66185759&is=6605e259&hm=bda8678953d34ba55c085b5f48a2f471b1f6850932fc70f1ac1c6ada38e61402& [8/10/2023 5:35 PM] phoenixfire42 We don't need to go there :GlimISee: We're also not supposed to talk about reports in here :VelSip: [8/10/2023 5:39 PM] solid_dd Sorry [8/10/2023 5:40 PM] solid_dd Kitty :3 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1139312233051070524/SPOILER_kot.webm?ex=661858b3&is=6605e3b3&hm=28a8c09c76526b43eca637cde1861ffac465d6df04d823574a5c12de62db2e34& [8/12/2023 3:36 AM] phoenixfire42 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsJO4qIxYAM {Embed} PhoenixFire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsJO4qIxYAM Iron Minecart - Steve is Mining Diamonds Living just for mining, mining just for you. Cover of Sabbath Bloody Sabbath by Black Sabbath Lyrics: You go into the diamond mines You know you had to find The excavation of the stone You really had to mine I found some coal, I found redstone My pick begins to break My torches out, the mine is dark But I’ll still be mining Nobody will ever... https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/6RXHINbO-JjXpO2KOtbWCCHvnPTR6gLIrFP8gfrezO0/https/i.ytimg.com/vi/SsJO4qIxYAM/maxresdefault.jpg [8/12/2023 3:36 AM] phoenixfire42 :steve_walk: [8/12/2023 4:02 AM] solid_dd Beautiful. Magestic. It made me cry [8/12/2023 4:02 AM] phoenixfire42 :steve_crying: [8/12/2023 4:07 AM] feedthemee the kid who made mine diamonds be like [8/12/2023 4:07 AM] feedthemee https://tenor.com/view/legendary-battle-worthy-opponent-finally-a-worthy-opponent-our-battle-will-be-legendary-gif-14616660 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/legendary-battle-worthy-opponent-finally-a-worthy-opponent-our-battle-will-be-legendary-gif-14616660 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/CStRn4XI2I5AujTWUT734abCglywEU5WsdFTQc7vO_4/https/media.tenor.com/IxcDVCYLDlMAAAAD/legendary-battle-worthy-opponent.png [8/12/2023 4:09 AM] phoenixfire42 I spent way too long making that. [8/12/2023 4:09 AM] phoenixfire42 There are *a lot* of tracks in that song [8/12/2023 4:10 AM] phoenixfire42 :ded: [8/12/2023 4:11 AM] feedthemee i'd love to make music, but i'm afraid i just don't have musical ears if that makes sense [8/12/2023 4:11 AM] feedthemee music as in ost's for the games i wanna make [8/12/2023 4:12 AM] phoenixfire42 I just like playing music a lot. I've never been *that* good at composing, but I started dipping into that from time to time. That is not composed at all because it's a cover, but I have a few things. [8/12/2023 4:13 AM] feedthemee hehe, i seee [8/12/2023 4:13 AM] phoenixfire42 Of course the songs my friend and I always want to cover are incredibly unsingable (not that we were good anyway). I can't cover Ozzy :GlimISee: [8/12/2023 4:14 AM] feedthemee who's ozzy? :flutterhewwo: [8/12/2023 4:14 AM] feedthemee and i see, yeah i feel that with the covers you wanna make being too hard haha [8/12/2023 4:15 AM] phoenixfire42 Ozzy Osbourne? :SunnyBruh: [8/12/2023 4:15 AM] feedthemee my voice is very weird and i can't imagine it fitting any song out there [8/12/2023 4:15 AM] feedthemee i've heard that name, never heard anything from them {Reactions} 🇪 🇺 🇷 🇴 🇵 E_ 🇦 🇳 [8/12/2023 4:15 AM] phoenixfire42 :RainbowTooMuch: [8/12/2023 4:15 AM] phoenixfire42 The people in this fandom sometimes and their music taste :ded: [8/12/2023 4:16 AM] feedthemee as not a native english speaker i still got a lot of cultural stuff to catch up to okay :kekw: [8/12/2023 4:17 AM] feedthemee i've been only exposed as a kid to the mainstream music everybody knows that also plays on every radio [8/12/2023 4:17 AM] phoenixfire42 I wouldn't expect most people to recognize the song I covered despite it being a Black Sabbath song since it's not on "the big" albums, but surely you know Ozzy. His solo career was mainstream af (still is, he just put out an album last year). [8/12/2023 4:18 AM] feedthemee maybe i've heard some of his song(s) ucu but idk any of their songs by name [8/12/2023 4:18 AM] feedthemee honey istg i see you :kekw: {Reactions} TaffyHeart [8/12/2023 4:19 AM] phoenixfire42 Black Sabbath is from the UK :GlimISee: [8/12/2023 4:19 AM] feedthemee i've also heard that name but idk anything from them lmao [8/12/2023 4:19 AM] phoenixfire42 They were NWOBHM [8/12/2023 4:19 AM] phoenixfire42 They are old af [8/12/2023 4:19 AM] phoenixfire42 1970 [8/12/2023 4:19 AM] feedthemee what is NWOBHM [8/12/2023 4:19 AM] phoenixfire42 New Wave of British Heavy Metal [8/12/2023 4:19 AM] phoenixfire42 basically the start of metal [8/12/2023 4:20 AM] feedthemee ohhh i see :o [8/12/2023 4:20 AM] phoenixfire42 Black Sabbath more or less is the first metal band. You can argue that, but it's pretty much true [8/12/2023 4:21 AM] phoenixfire42 The song I covered is from 1973, so it doesn't really sound anything like modern metal in tone despite it being metal [8/12/2023 4:21 AM] feedthemee i'm not so much into metal music from that era. metal-wise i'm really into more modern stuff like sabaton, powerwolf, dragonforce (so power metal basically) [8/12/2023 4:22 AM] phoenixfire42 The extent of metal tone was pretty much gain/overdrive [8/12/2023 4:22 AM] feedthemee but i generally listen to just anything (except any rap nor anything dubstep / too electro) [8/12/2023 4:22 AM] feedthemee ohhhh i see :o [8/12/2023 4:23 AM] phoenixfire42 Surely you've heard this from them? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgz__d0VC5k This was their second album (still 1970) and was pretty much the first metal album. {Embed} Black Sabbath - Topic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgz__d0VC5k War Pigs / Luke's Wall (2012 - Remaster) Provided to YouTube by Rhino/Warner Records War Pigs / Luke's Wall (2012 - Remaster) · Black Sabbath We Sold Our Soul for Rock 'N' Roll ℗ 1970 Warner Records Inc. Drums: Bill Ward Bass Guitar: Geezer Butler Vocals: Ozzy Osbourne Producer: Rodger Bain Lead Guitar: Tony Iommi Writer: Bill Ward Writer: Geezer Butler Writer: Ozzy Osbourne Writ... https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/3ZI9kvuRXKVwAUEP-5VVEEelH3guOKTV8FSGNjE0Cbs/https/i.ytimg.com/vi/qgz__d0VC5k/maxresdefault.jpg [8/12/2023 4:24 AM] feedthemee video unavailable [8/12/2023 4:24 AM] feedthemee https://tenor.com/view/stblackst-soldier-tf2-gif-23608635 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/stblackst-soldier-tf2-gif-23608635 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/d6Qgo39clAU8fQx4X2VUnYbrZhlqE4YMuBk0MsrRuyg/https/media.tenor.com/bB439_dYBpQAAAAD/stblackst-soldier-tf2.png [8/12/2023 4:25 AM] phoenixfire42 :GlimISee: [8/12/2023 4:25 AM] stormshadow_cote Can you watch it in browser/YT app? [8/12/2023 4:25 AM] phoenixfire42 prob region locking [8/12/2023 4:25 AM] phoenixfire42 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYgpv5clf3Y {Embed} Into The Sabbath https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYgpv5clf3Y Black Sabbath - War Pigs New video on Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07NFhTc94NQ War Pigs Gen'rals gathered in their masses, Just like witches at black masses Evil minds that plot destruction, Sorcerer of death's construction In the fields the bodies burning, As the war machine keeps turning Death and hatred to mankind, Poisoning their brainwashed minds Oh Lo... https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/gfnkKvIlCuztclTKnoLD4xTgToae2GMZVHFr-ovcrhg/https/i.ytimg.com/vi/bYgpv5clf3Y/maxresdefault.jpg [8/12/2023 4:25 AM] phoenixfire42 try that [8/12/2023 4:25 AM] feedthemee nope {Reactions} ajoof [8/12/2023 4:26 AM] feedthemee ty, this one works [8/12/2023 4:26 AM] phoenixfire42 Also Iron Man and Paranoid are popular on that album, but I mean come on. War Pigs. [8/12/2023 4:26 AM] feedthemee 8mins :ded: {Reactions} GlimISee [8/12/2023 4:27 AM] comradesparkle Iron man is probably more well known than war pigs [8/12/2023 4:28 AM] phoenixfire42 Maybe, but it's a worse song [8/12/2023 4:28 AM] phoenixfire42 They wanted to name the album War Pigs. They should have, it's clearly the big song, but you know, 'Nam. [8/12/2023 4:29 AM] feedthemee 3 minutes in and i can already tell this is not my cup of tea :oop: {Reactions} GlimISee [8/12/2023 4:31 AM] phoenixfire42 I also can't get over how stupid the album cover for Paranoid is lmao. What is it even supposed to be? It looks like someone LARPing [8/12/2023 4:33 AM] feedthemee yes ikr :kekw: [8/12/2023 4:33 AM] phoenixfire42 Is he the War Pig :spikewtf: [8/12/2023 4:35 AM] feedthemee guy just went to the local costumes shop, bought 4 different ones and combined them all together, went to the forest with someone who took a photo of him 3 times in the same spot running at the camera, combined the photos and used all the effects they possibly could [8/12/2023 4:36 AM] phoenixfire42 It was probably hand drawn onto the film tbh cuz 1970 [8/12/2023 4:36 AM] feedthemee shhhh [8/12/2023 4:36 AM] feedthemee :flutterhewwo: [8/12/2023 10:50 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1139933825191923843/IMG_20230802_123634.jpg?ex=661a9b9a&is=6608269a&hm=89a2abde016c200c59f06e27f36326173197998c5f13d5f65bbebb43ae339cb7& [8/12/2023 11:13 AM] comradesparkle {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1139939798195372122/gUsyZ34_d.webp?ex=661aa12a&is=66082c2a&hm=a5455d8062117b3647adc53f2d1f8b31b165d72f96a28630ba19f66f02e80948& [8/12/2023 11:44 AM] solid_dd "Most Free Country in the world" yet I can't drive drunk [8/12/2023 11:44 AM] solid_dd I can't drive anyway but still [8/13/2023 8:12 PM] evil_gavier https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/746287000679612447/1139433730847555675/FB_IMG_1691732523816.jpg {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/746287000679612447/1139433730847555675/FB_IMG_1691732523816.jpg https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/746287000679612447/1139433730847555675/FB_IMG_1691732523816.jpg?ex=6618c9db&is=660654db&hm=6118feee216891439e392c6c328f01878d69fa7d66fe4107c83d78e020339bc4& {Reactions} kekw (3) [8/13/2023 8:16 PM] dragonsreborn333 That man should be a writer [8/13/2023 11:50 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1140492609391968417/mlp-fluttershy.mp4?ex=661ca403&is=660a2f03&hm=f4e5b8f8575bf7d763a2388aea4826980199fcfdebc4732a3596b0c03e21e096& [8/14/2023 5:19 AM] fluffymarsh https://discord.com/channels/981802864353632266/982421543873282109/1140400562102349834 This dude is probably Brazilian 💀 [8/14/2023 5:32 AM] phoenixfire42 No report talk in off topic :GlaceBonk: [8/14/2023 5:40 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1140580681114730506/20230813_162854.jpg?ex=661cf609&is=660a8109&hm=3e05a21a17711c751a423ab94e8200855799be5171d8c272e1dfa4847b2e1713& {Reactions} 😔 [8/14/2023 6:06 AM] wubzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1038885914585354320.png [8/14/2023 6:17 AM] phoenixfire42 Ladies and gentlemen, the first song I ever wrote in College 5 years ago for an English project :rarityBow: (I'm not kidding I did this for a Junior Composition project). I am the bass player and one vocalist (it's the same guy I do Iron Minecart with now). {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1140590002745647194/Library_of_Alexandria.mp3?ex=661cfeb7&is=660a89b7&hm=667882546d88a71372f0a2049c0b0d8607f6ef74d7ff6b34c135874e934b3bee& [8/14/2023 6:22 AM] amoo. Gadies and Lentlemen {Reactions} GlimISee [8/14/2023 6:46 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1140597264461602986/IMG_5755.png.jpg?ex=661d057b&is=660a907b&hm=c007967ae7d9c408a1fb2aa30ba9b669f3abf98fea7e7e3d44bc165e777f0555& [8/14/2023 6:52 AM] phoenixfire42 Fuck it might as well put it on YT [8/14/2023 6:52 AM] phoenixfire42 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouxESOgVxUQ {Embed} PhoenixFire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouxESOgVxUQ Lucien and the Waynes - The Library of Alexandria This is the first song we ever wrote. It was for an English assignment in University. https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/iETRYmhF86_AFez08yNVbiiLEq5WC19VS6DzFxOZyl8/https/i.ytimg.com/vi/ouxESOgVxUQ/sddefault.jpg [8/14/2023 6:52 AM] phoenixfire42 God that tone is awful lmao [8/14/2023 1:04 PM] epiclper {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1140692501527806062/image.png?ex=661d5e2d&is=660ae92d&hm=36098cbb9ec6478d47db5662228d4c818b41652167882ed3217a397e9503922b& [8/14/2023 1:04 PM] epiclper https://tenor.com/view/complete-got-em-we-we-got-them-gif-13114115 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/complete-got-em-we-we-got-them-gif-13114115 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/2h6FI3mRXCRFyElMnVv0J00jUybUHfuBCSJjigNL1_I/https/media.tenor.com/4m-SyYXdsb0AAAAD/complete-got-em.png [8/14/2023 1:04 PM] epiclper :cadance_wheeze: :cadance_wheeze: :cadance_wheeze: :cadance_wheeze: :cadance_wheeze: [8/14/2023 1:12 PM] gabrizzy :KEKW: [8/14/2023 1:13 PM] astrolazuli Absolute fucking madlad [8/14/2023 1:51 PM] dragonsreborn333 Don’t be shy drop the ip 👀 [8/14/2023 2:03 PM] fluffymarsh ID: *Too Lazy For Search* Profile: @PhoenixFire Name: Joaquin PhoenixFire Issue: HE BONKED ME!!!! [8/14/2023 2:08 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/bonk-mega-bonk-bonk-dog-bonkers-bonk-anime-gif-24565990 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/bonk-mega-bonk-bonk-dog-bonkers-bonk-anime-gif-24565990 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/AE92VI7LPygKEbVjDqc8xmxtcPa8JknG0AO_u3Ef-bM/https/media.tenor.com/Tg9jEwKCZVoAAAAD/bonk-mega-bonk.png [8/14/2023 2:09 PM] emperor_sombra {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/888044064883236954.png [8/15/2023 5:46 PM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1141125693028175963/958095618537058334.gif?ex=6615b71e&is=6603421e&hm=d4f7ac30421466a23d8534eb3ea0649b6e60ec348ca4745f626209289480967e& [8/15/2023 5:56 PM] dragonsreborn333 force explode [8/16/2023 12:56 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1141234077270298634/km_20230816_1080p_60f_20230816_014809.mp4?ex=66161c0f&is=6603a70f&hm=e389a352a105943d956bf4b7ad62d79dbb8630cd4a0fd6519e18692048e05ead& [8/16/2023 4:09 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1141282511360630854/RDT_20230813_1414265911126124749526615.jpg?ex=6616492a&is=6603d42a&hm=9de25e2abc4db9129f794c8c5c39036fcfc15f70ad2eb5723b7001e99b19b1be& [8/16/2023 6:39 PM] onyxdash {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1139300986293334188.png [8/16/2023 6:47 PM] comradesparkle Welcome, @Alilunaa I'm not in your server, do you mind posting an invite in #server-portal? [8/17/2023 6:46 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1141684431321571369/rapidsave.com_adopt_me_heil_spez-7b8601p0k7ib1.mp4?ex=6617bf7b&is=66054a7b&hm=6e716803c608611f12c21670c45030f138e5ac8e6f56fe7b478d613789b60eae& [8/18/2023 2:57 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1142170405407313960/Screenshot_20230818-155622.png?ex=66198415&is=66070f15&hm=9cd4f00f61f0fd5459f17c3e1d3231351b22eb637740a82bca56b418367d4b6d& [8/18/2023 3:02 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1142171681574617219/ssstwitter.com_1692035104802.mp4?ex=66198545&is=66071045&hm=a62c3a9a44a40a1b23330b61e7397f0ab787eca39330444d9cba2ff0716c7227& [8/18/2023 6:49 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1142228902773800990/Screenshot_20230818-175921.png?ex=6619ba90&is=66074590&hm=8e64be269b2293a9079799b379f05d0809be971d66abfc0b95b4516dcc4a9d6b& [8/20/2023 2:10 AM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1142702228923224105/20230819_183433.jpg?ex=661b7361&is=6608fe61&hm=e94be7e10fe149bf87815f04f4f6cbb89e948a871108d15c3a17a8b34b2c1af8& [8/20/2023 2:32 PM] solid_dd How dare you call my baby stinky >:( [8/20/2023 2:33 PM] hon3ybrewer i can smell him from here /j [8/20/2023 2:33 PM] solid_dd :Vdepresso: [8/20/2023 2:33 PM] solid_dd Don't insult the boy [8/20/2023 2:34 PM] hon3ybrewer :HG_scrunkly: [8/20/2023 2:36 PM] solid_dd Hydraulic press >:3 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1142889790719660184/Untitled47_20230820193544.png?ex=661c220f&is=6609ad0f&hm=a94cc4bf677aef7bfac3f25d3a8be5f4caaf52d13963619d0fe148b13541285a& [8/20/2023 2:36 PM] hon3ybrewer LMAO [8/20/2023 2:36 PM] hon3ybrewer :hydraulicpress: [8/20/2023 2:38 PM] solid_dd I have started collecting coca cola cans for this sole reason {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1142890385094475857/4cc29a04-8296-4019-a09c-abfa5b7e49d4.jpg?ex=661c229d&is=6609ad9d&hm=11eafc8c03b33b4f56b881833432c19888cc3c7d36e4c1621960f05bebbb74ee& [8/20/2023 2:38 PM] solid_dd I'm at 7 normals and two minis [8/20/2023 2:38 PM] hon3ybrewer why [8/20/2023 2:38 PM] feedthemee the honey core {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1142890471354531931/image.png?ex=661c22b2&is=6609adb2&hm=152db15f0481acf544e4ca62599f3fa3b997455f2eef9769e70fbb1a28c185dd& [8/20/2023 2:38 PM] hon3ybrewer LMAO [8/20/2023 2:39 PM] hon3ybrewer this is abuse 😭 [8/20/2023 2:39 PM] solid_dd He must feed. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1142890605870071948/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_37ed0b05-b728-4797-b0d8-57d12a98c3c1.jpg?ex=661c22d2&is=6609add2&hm=53e90da67e5174eab9539755c7814b58e86ab0573464f38ef64bef04b610e3fa& [8/20/2023 2:39 PM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1142890680188944456/exposed_nerve_meme.png?ex=661c22e4&is=6609ade4&hm=5ecadd3475ceed87b04d77d1e9ddeb4d0405f81e804bdfcbe84549a5dd77e7b9& [8/20/2023 2:44 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1142891873388740708/get_sploded.gif?ex=661c2400&is=6609af00&hm=78a4ce6793ee6547bc2d7614071cc71618a9919c47624d363e09f7fd0c6472b8& [8/20/2023 2:45 PM] hon3ybrewer WHY ARE MY COLORS BASICALLY GONE 😭 [8/20/2023 2:45 PM] solid_dd Kabooooom [8/20/2023 2:46 PM] hon3ybrewer :wizardspell1::explosion::wizardspell2: [8/20/2023 2:47 PM] feedthemee 🫳 💥 🫴 {Reactions} kekw (2) [8/20/2023 2:47 PM] hon3ybrewer DIY wizardspell moment [8/20/2023 2:51 PM] solid_dd :ch_wizard: [8/20/2023 2:51 PM] solid_dd I'm a wizzard [8/20/2023 2:54 PM] hon3ybrewer are you a rizzard [8/20/2023 2:55 PM] dragonsreborn333 I am the rizzard [8/20/2023 2:55 PM] solid_dd If by rizz you mean horrific at any form of social interaction then yes [8/20/2023 2:55 PM] hon3ybrewer :swag: [8/20/2023 2:55 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1142894765810143262/image_search_1692484813560.jpg?ex=661c26b2&is=6609b1b2&hm=7d3d86715892789a44697639008c4d62a2d86eb0d8d7d7dae304388fcae2c24e& [8/20/2023 2:56 PM] dragonsreborn333 Ayo face reveal? [8/20/2023 2:56 PM] feedthemee :twicute: [8/20/2023 2:56 PM] hon3ybrewer send people this your rizz will go way up {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1142895073818853587/549BF6A7-28E8-4B1A-9D39-554EAE6095D3.png?ex=661c26fb&is=6609b1fb&hm=00361fed19fbc1a71f8e3318ba71a1939ada891333f4af535be455611ab6b566& [8/20/2023 2:57 PM] solid_dd My face is too beautiful to be revealed to your mortal minds [8/20/2023 2:58 PM] solid_dd (With rizz) {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1142895380674134086/image_search_1692358207288.gif?ex=661c2744&is=6609b244&hm=8a3dc36e6fb3f8c2c32d0349b6ba1c852d168f4fdab505918742f443dce001e9& [8/20/2023 2:58 PM] dragonsreborn333 Or too ugly 💀 [8/20/2023 2:58 PM] dragonsreborn333 Oooooohhhhh [8/20/2023 2:58 PM] solid_dd :( [8/20/2023 2:58 PM] dragonsreborn333 Jk [8/20/2023 2:58 PM] solid_dd That's not very friendship [8/20/2023 2:59 PM] hon3ybrewer dragons cant be rizzed [8/20/2023 2:59 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1142895829892464750/image_search_1692557988907.png?ex=661c27af&is=6609b2af&hm=ce9df6d07b638799088074428bc34b1f297a43011dc651f87af43ece5226668b& [8/20/2023 3:00 PM] feedthemee :Taffyvoid: [8/20/2023 3:00 PM] hon3ybrewer LMAO [8/20/2023 3:02 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1142896344613277716/cat_on_the_tub.mp4?ex=661c282a&is=6609b32a&hm=16743b435ee8509747af9ec5eded296ec33a72da09c0dca33b1e054fc285c8e9& [8/20/2023 3:03 PM] dragonsreborn333 That’s for a female dragon [8/20/2023 3:04 PM] solid_dd What's the difference [8/20/2023 3:04 PM] hon3ybrewer shinji sees past gender :stares: [8/20/2023 3:04 PM] hon3ybrewer dragons you're not safe [8/20/2023 3:05 PM] dragonsreborn333 I’m a male aroace dragon🗿 [8/20/2023 3:06 PM] dragonsreborn333 I cannot be rizzed [8/20/2023 3:06 PM] hon3ybrewer you arent safe [8/20/2023 3:06 PM] solid_dd :Nthinking: [8/20/2023 3:06 PM] hon3ybrewer https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/693719901302685706/786744082134335518/image0-1.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/693719901302685706/786744082134335518/image0-1.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/693719901302685706/786744082134335518/image0-1.gif?ex=66187986&is=66060486&hm=e261685e6235726693db1e9f0d077ad6567e46d5daf78fb763bb3815ec53440b& [8/20/2023 3:07 PM] solid_dd Look at this rizzy little feller {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1142897623720804402/image_search_1692558412295.png?ex=661c295b&is=6609b45b&hm=7c47c75c9e5f5e8c985eaf076091f74f4bb5f0dc49137d056f119db5b8c01ce5& [8/20/2023 3:07 PM] hon3ybrewer a certified thang [8/20/2023 3:08 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/rizz-dbz-scouter-vegeta-gif-26172768 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/rizz-dbz-scouter-vegeta-gif-26172768 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/objHWtt_eOp2e6vOI2HGWHy075mvXXTL6etOlt96j1s/https/media.tenor.com/ce-ptLXMAVwAAAAD/rizz-dbz.png [8/20/2023 3:08 PM] hon3ybrewer i blinded myself looking at the window 💀 [8/20/2023 3:08 PM] solid_dd Imagine looking out the window [8/20/2023 3:08 PM] solid_dd What's outside the window [8/20/2023 3:09 PM] dragonsreborn333 A nuke [8/20/2023 3:09 PM] hon3ybrewer the sun [8/20/2023 3:10 PM] dragonsreborn333 Yes the sun is a nuke [8/20/2023 3:10 PM] dragonsreborn333 It undergoes a thermonuclear reaction called fusion oOoOoo [8/20/2023 3:11 PM] solid_dd The sun is just a big coin [8/20/2023 3:11 PM] solid_dd A year is when the breeze flips it [8/20/2023 3:12 PM] dragonsreborn333 And you are a block of cheems [8/20/2023 3:13 PM] solid_dd I'm a kitty cat [8/20/2023 3:17 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/bonk-doge-gif-24837098 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/bonk-doge-gif-24837098 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/21h5tNlhkwGphMebIg8PMtjIeayKwlact0X8dfXGd3k/https/media.tenor.com/5YrUft9OXfUAAAAD/bonk-doge.png [8/20/2023 3:18 PM] solid_dd Cheems died [8/20/2023 3:18 PM] solid_dd 😔 [8/20/2023 3:29 PM] dragonsreborn333 Yeah I heard about that 😭 [8/20/2023 3:32 PM] solid_dd Sad that the dogs of the internet are dying [8/20/2023 3:32 PM] solid_dd If Maxwell dies I am going on a rampage [8/20/2023 3:35 PM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1142904781212483615/like_ya_cut_g.mp4?ex=661c3005&is=6609bb05&hm=09ac979b5f68acf864473dfc53f30a967726e8bcd587754c37dfbc5b8774f39a& [8/20/2023 3:37 PM] solid_dd Cute turtle :) [8/20/2023 8:47 PM] gabrizzy are you sure about that? [8/20/2023 8:47 PM] dragonsreborn333 Im sure [8/20/2023 8:47 PM] gabrizzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1136642427613085736.png [8/20/2023 8:47 PM] hon3ybrewer someone rizz this leezur [8/20/2023 8:48 PM] gabrizzy and my name has that [8/20/2023 8:48 PM] gabrizzy so here i come [8/20/2023 8:49 PM] hon3ybrewer the gabrizzer [8/20/2023 9:07 PM] gabrizzy :GabbyInYourWalls: [8/20/2023 10:52 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1143014769511628930/37ed0b05-b728-4797-b0d8-57d12a98c3c1.jpg?ex=661c9675&is=660a2175&hm=21f74bdf092d219b233b390ce5a76d633499fa71e22f8bfbabd9ac5fd03e7713& [8/20/2023 10:52 PM] solid_dd It's four in the fucking four man [8/20/2023 10:53 PM] hon3ybrewer four in the four [8/20/2023 10:55 PM] solid_dd Four hours [8/20/2023 10:55 PM] solid_dd Since 0 hours [8/20/2023 10:55 PM] solid_dd 4 + 0 = 4 [8/20/2023 10:55 PM] solid_dd 4 in da morni [8/20/2023 10:55 PM] solid_dd 3:55 technically [8/20/2023 10:55 PM] solid_dd But like [8/20/2023 10:56 PM] solid_dd Who caaaaaaares [8/20/2023 11:01 PM] hon3ybrewer :foxderp: [8/20/2023 11:08 PM] solid_dd Dumb fox [8/20/2023 11:08 PM] hon3ybrewer dont insult miboo like that :slap: [8/20/2023 11:09 PM] phoenixfire42 stinky [8/20/2023 11:09 PM] hon3ybrewer :bap: [8/20/2023 11:24 PM] solid_dd Smelly poopy fox {Reactions} GlimISee [8/20/2023 11:33 PM] solid_dd :SmugNAgain: [8/20/2023 11:33 PM] feedthemee :nuhuh: [8/20/2023 11:41 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1143027157300412466/RDT_20230816_1224049063755689118495709.jpg?ex=661ca1fe&is=660a2cfe&hm=383756915d9cc374d28fd4889836f3082dea98aab46a59a7b6d17684e84352a7& [8/21/2023 1:16 AM] onyxdash {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1117031095611957328.png [8/21/2023 2:00 AM] elongatedmusket :stare: [8/21/2023 2:03 AM] gabrizzy :PZ_StarlightIntensifies: [8/21/2023 7:04 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1143138473277141054/Screenshot_20230219_192605_Instagram.png?ex=661d09aa&is=660a94aa&hm=398e9ec1773e73aa9b78bef97761ff6b64bfa61a397917b330d0588b43ee9149& [8/21/2023 7:16 PM] n0xa :GAYRAT::GAYRAT::GAYRAT: [8/21/2023 7:17 PM] hon3ybrewer :ratgrab: [8/21/2023 7:31 PM] romulus4444 :vibrat: [8/21/2023 7:38 PM] evil_gavier grat, if you don't have time to say the whole thing [8/21/2023 8:10 PM] n0xa GAY RAT [8/21/2023 8:10 PM] dragonsreborn333 Gray [8/21/2023 8:12 PM] romulus4444 :viberat: [8/21/2023 8:54 PM] gabrizzy rat gay [8/21/2023 9:17 PM] nightstars. origin behind gray color and name [8/21/2023 9:42 PM] drunknotiam :slugman: [8/22/2023 1:30 AM] solid_dd https://tenor.com/view/yippeee-yippee-gif-tbh-gif-25638359 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/yippeee-yippee-gif-tbh-gif-25638359 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/TahljCv9IfAylirryxR44pmGaeuwdb-SDMpwgKS883Y/https/media.tenor.com/edmmDwbEIOYAAAAD/yippeee-yippee-gif.png [8/22/2023 1:30 AM] solid_dd BIRTHDAY [8/22/2023 1:32 AM] solid_dd :D [8/22/2023 1:32 AM] hon3ybrewer HAPPY BIRTHDAY [8/22/2023 1:32 AM] romulus4444 {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/910228538454577173.png [8/22/2023 1:32 AM] dragonsreborn333 Happy womb ejection day [8/22/2023 1:33 AM] feedthemee 💀 [8/22/2023 1:33 AM] hon3ybrewer :YIPPEE: [8/22/2023 1:33 AM] feedthemee that sticker lmao [8/22/2023 1:33 AM] feedthemee anyways happy birthday woohoo [8/22/2023 1:40 AM] solid_dd I'd like to thank everyone who made this possible [8/22/2023 1:40 AM] solid_dd My mom [8/22/2023 1:40 AM] solid_dd My dad [8/22/2023 1:40 AM] solid_dd My grandma [8/22/2023 1:40 AM] solid_dd My grandma [8/22/2023 1:40 AM] solid_dd My grandpa [8/22/2023 1:40 AM] solid_dd My grandpa [8/22/2023 1:40 AM] solid_dd My cat [8/22/2023 1:44 AM] gabrizzy :GabbyYippee: [8/22/2023 1:44 AM] gabrizzy anyway happy birthday!!! :cakes: :cakeslice: :cakesmile: :chococake: :cornercake: :happycake: :rainbowcake: :yumcake: [8/22/2023 1:48 AM] phoenixfire42 :HappyBday: [8/22/2023 1:56 AM] hon3ybrewer tbh creature [8/22/2023 1:57 AM] hon3ybrewer :HG_scrunkly: [8/22/2023 1:57 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1143423769625501696/get_sploded.gif?ex=6614d8de&is=660263de&hm=47529a09d23991064b6bd0728a8163da0896f2dcc5bdd6931577574a1533bb9e& {Reactions} kekw [8/22/2023 1:58 AM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/house-explosion-explode-boom-kaboom-gif-19506150 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/house-explosion-explode-boom-kaboom-gif-19506150 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/0CcWKp5oUGIQmmL2dsMRfcLPgO1i45nbAmLQqP3oUMU/https/media.tenor.com/eEs1jRy5UXgAAAAD/house-explosion.png [8/22/2023 1:59 AM] solid_dd Splosion [8/22/2023 1:59 AM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1143424258874282056/get_sploded.gif?ex=6614d953&is=66026453&hm=9a7ad7016d8481e63b3cfea10ba8e725a942393680fa726c1e6fc4ed6c73b168& [8/22/2023 1:59 AM] hon3ybrewer i have a video for you shinji [8/22/2023 2:00 AM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1143424406387949670/b0ce0b2cb2aa49d9124a70032a2267bb.mp4?ex=6614d976&is=66026476&hm=73f269ce428aadced22eb0bb32696ae3129cb667a4bc9e93682942ec8676e9d2& [8/22/2023 2:01 AM] solid_dd Lemon creature [8/22/2023 2:01 AM] hon3ybrewer watch it [8/22/2023 2:02 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1143425066823065682/Screenshot_20230817-061642_Instagram.jpg?ex=6614da13&is=66026513&hm=984a4ef7ca9443af8e5de29e51a33ad8ed68c2ed02cac0a87561820336e4670d& [8/22/2023 2:03 AM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1143425157923344444/image0.gif?ex=6614da29&is=66026529&hm=7176a6e6213cb8a01d547d1a314e081ee3e2c2b5328646a813210e2a9308cf07& [8/22/2023 2:12 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1143427379516158062/ssstwitter.com_1692608260905.mp4?ex=6614dc3b&is=6602673b&hm=83f5d68cb869991ec6aa90a6b1071925a99c9a61d9a7276c5d84b505bb3bb27b& [8/22/2023 2:18 AM] hon3ybrewer looking for LED lights to buy [8/22/2023 2:19 AM] solid_dd Y [8/22/2023 2:19 AM] hon3ybrewer i want them [8/22/2023 2:20 AM] solid_dd Zamn [8/22/2023 11:36 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1143569402713886772/20230822_112948.jpg?ex=66156080&is=6602eb80&hm=cbd4c5145937c1a68a76e2e79c9e3f28602fda4715a1c1cd12e0c3d2fa326974& [8/22/2023 11:38 AM] romulus4444 I can smell this picture [8/22/2023 12:02 PM] hon3ybrewer :smellgood: [8/22/2023 12:26 PM] solid_dd Home <3 [8/22/2023 1:05 PM] da_blue_cola MLP General gone? Yes please. [8/22/2023 1:06 PM] da_blue_cola Still remember the paragraph I drafted for Plaza when the whole hoo-hah was going on [8/22/2023 1:11 PM] emperor_sombra Yep, sent to the moon [8/22/2023 1:11 PM] emperor_sombra {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/927258027743145995.png [8/22/2023 1:22 PM] solid_dd Wait is MLP General gone [8/22/2023 1:29 PM] emperor_sombra From this server. Not that their server is gone. [8/22/2023 1:30 PM] da_blue_cola That place was, and probably still is, a mockery [8/22/2023 1:58 PM] dragonsreborn333 Wb blue [8/22/2023 2:25 PM] solid_dd Awww [8/23/2023 2:14 AM] epiclper Who or what? [8/23/2023 2:14 AM] epiclper What happened [8/23/2023 2:14 AM] epiclper What pony drama did I miss [8/23/2023 2:14 AM] epiclper :derpThinking: [8/23/2023 3:49 AM] amoo. Doesn't matter no more x] [8/23/2023 4:01 AM] phoenixfire42 This fandom never ceases to provide me with a stream of drama to deal with :ajdrunk: Though I suppose I didn't exactly put myself in a position to avoid it :GlimISee: [8/23/2023 4:17 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1143821219943161896/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_824ec1b1-a59d-4aa5-a565-37d823c32026.jpg?ex=66164b06&is=6603d606&hm=5d06c86c63474fc8db76507527cae7f4b8f3d3061a34f36d34146c13585f9893& [8/23/2023 4:17 AM] solid_dd Bow before me [8/23/2023 4:22 AM] feedthemee https://tenor.com/view/no-i-dont-think-i-will-gif-23864982 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/no-i-dont-think-i-will-gif-23864982 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/bxN9rzmT88_YUY9RFTFxkqWe6Xelk0KIDyXLvfV-YmI/https/media.tenor.com/WtfJo0beYhgAAAAD/no-i-dont-think-i-will.png [8/23/2023 4:25 AM] phoenixfire42 I'd buy that game if it wasn't shovelware :ded: [8/23/2023 4:27 AM] comradesparkle Me too. [8/23/2023 4:27 AM] solid_dd I got it for free so [8/23/2023 4:27 AM] solid_dd Easy platinum of my life [8/23/2023 4:27 AM] phoenixfire42 :GlimISee: [8/23/2023 4:27 AM] solid_dd :DeviousLittleCreature: [8/23/2023 9:15 AM] stormshadow_cote A server whose admins never learned. Repeated server wipes by imposters gaining admin rights, troublesome individuals getting reinvited, some of their staff were leaking PCL reports to the reported person, etc. [8/23/2023 10:33 AM] romulus4444 https://discord.com/channels/981802864353632266/983243420216733736/1125152029757689986 [8/23/2023 10:36 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1143916692221722775/1457F369-45F4-448B-9FE9-2FB17A834C7F.jpg?ex=6616a3f0&is=66042ef0&hm=8593296e9a07a5586bbc1a6fe0478053f93ff717f81142b3365e9d196b569184& [8/23/2023 10:37 AM] feedthemee :UwU: [8/23/2023 10:45 AM] solid_dd :ch_jesus: [8/23/2023 10:45 AM] solid_dd What did you mean by that? [8/23/2023 10:48 AM] hon3ybrewer :UwU: [8/23/2023 10:52 AM] solid_dd :ch_scaredfast: [8/23/2023 10:52 AM] solid_dd What did you mean by that [8/23/2023 10:52 AM] nightstars. NSt seems good name [8/23/2023 10:59 AM] feedthemee :UwU: [8/23/2023 10:59 AM] hon3ybrewer :UwU: [8/23/2023 11:02 AM] solid_dd :ch_lunashock: [8/23/2023 11:02 AM] solid_dd WHAT DOES IT MEAN [8/23/2023 11:02 AM] feedthemee :UwU: [8/23/2023 11:02 AM] hon3ybrewer :UwU: [8/23/2023 11:02 AM] solid_dd :Vdepresso: [8/23/2023 11:10 AM] romulus4444 Ok i think it's getting a little too shitposty, time to back it off a bit [8/23/2023 11:12 AM] solid_dd A lil shit posting heals the soul [8/23/2023 11:12 AM] romulus4444 > lil [8/23/2023 6:30 PM] shalour I would only recommend buying it for $10 or less [8/23/2023 6:45 PM] solid_dd Or [8/23/2023 6:45 PM] solid_dd Pirate it [8/23/2023 6:45 PM] phoenixfire42 :GlimISee: [8/23/2023 6:45 PM] phoenixfire42 I do not condone piracy (at least not where there are other options). [8/23/2023 6:50 PM] solid_dd I only pirate when I have no choice or I don't wanna support a corporation [8/23/2023 6:51 PM] solid_dd *cough* Sims 4 packs *cough* [8/23/2023 6:51 PM] meganought lets not discuss piracy in this server i think [8/23/2023 7:01 PM] dragonsreborn333 Arrrr [8/23/2023 7:03 PM] phoenixfire42 https://tenor.com/view/robbie-rotten-stefan-karl-lazy-town-pirate-parrot-gif-12378184 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/robbie-rotten-stefan-karl-lazy-town-pirate-parrot-gif-12378184 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/m55_7per6k4gR9sx6QHMQj7XCNbtrGNJ7h_PfYG4b8s/https/media.tenor.com/sXWYFuL6qKgAAAAe/robbie-rotten-stefan-karl.png [8/23/2023 7:11 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/piratesofthecaribbean-gif-8781335 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/piratesofthecaribbean-gif-8781335 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/2MxC_FKbFUGI5rjFEzgCeA4QZjm5tiqfynYAFMkI5XE/https/media.tenor.com/CuLpYF-ACZEAAAAe/piratesofthecaribbean.png [8/23/2023 7:22 PM] romulus4444 so anyway, i was sailin' the high seas when... [8/23/2023 7:23 PM] dragonsreborn333 Romulus took an arrow to the knee [8/23/2023 7:23 PM] romulus4444 :fettided1::fettided2: [8/23/2023 8:18 PM] solid_dd Hot :( [8/24/2023 12:42 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1144129662092591186/Download.mp4?ex=66176a48&is=6604f548&hm=ab174497e6c413492c4e0d9dbfc381bb88dc88a3005327a914a2aa377b45c72e& [8/24/2023 1:35 AM] fluffymarsh Bruhhhh Now Art Scammers Have Evolved To "Oh Is That Your OC On Your Pfp? I Have some ideias that i can show you if you commision me" [8/24/2023 1:36 AM] feedthemee nah some of them have been doing this for a while [8/24/2023 1:37 AM] fluffymarsh 3 people in one day [8/24/2023 1:37 AM] feedthemee 💀 [8/24/2023 1:37 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1144143517900345354/Screenshot_20230824-023740.png?ex=6617772f&is=6605022f&hm=5dc46a19b377719b9e77f309e32ee0484f392e54e9b98ff1176979ca7dd894dc& [8/24/2023 1:38 AM] fluffymarsh So annoying [8/24/2023 1:39 AM] feedthemee "so what at least you can check my work" [8/24/2023 1:39 AM] feedthemee :AU_wheeze: [8/24/2023 1:40 AM] gabrizzy "i know you don't want to comm me but i insist you should anyway" [8/24/2023 1:41 AM] fluffymarsh Lemme report lol [8/24/2023 1:41 AM] hon3ybrewer youre required to commission them now [8/24/2023 1:42 AM] fluffymarsh 😫 [8/24/2023 1:43 AM] hon3ybrewer :stares: [8/24/2023 1:43 AM] dragonsreborn333 I ate your comm {Reactions} TrixieConcern [8/24/2023 1:44 AM] dragonsreborn333 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1041565716601634908/1110776673282031668/Fw2W5VzWAAEQx0t.jpg {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1041565716601634908/1110776673282031668/Fw2W5VzWAAEQx0t.jpg https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1041565716601634908/1110776673282031668/Fw2W5VzWAAEQx0t.jpg?ex=66160c64&is=66039764&hm=b0194bec4dbe94480433de94b173e7542065f5b03faca598246a00d5d026e4d0& [8/24/2023 3:50 AM] jdbo gonna bet someone out there with a blank image as their pfp has been dm'd by an art scammer [8/24/2023 3:52 AM] jdbo "Can i draw your pfp?" "it's literally nothing" [8/24/2023 3:53 AM] feedthemee "so what that doesnt stop you from commissioning me" [8/24/2023 3:54 AM] hon3ybrewer yeah let me draw you a nice ol nothing for 100 $ [8/24/2023 6:09 AM] solid_dd I went to sleep [8/24/2023 6:09 AM] solid_dd At 6 in the morning today [8/24/2023 6:09 AM] solid_dd :ch_pain: [8/24/2023 6:10 AM] hon3ybrewer its almost that time for me [8/24/2023 6:10 AM] feedthemee :InsomniaGlim: [8/24/2023 6:10 AM] solid_dd Zamn why aren't you asleep [8/24/2023 6:11 AM] hon3ybrewer my sleep schedule is fucked [8/24/2023 6:11 AM] hon3ybrewer :HG_derp: [8/24/2023 6:16 AM] solid_dd Same [8/24/2023 6:16 AM] solid_dd 🤝 [8/24/2023 4:02 PM] n0xa i had what i think was an art scammer but for once they werent a bot [8/24/2023 4:02 PM] n0xa somehow had an actual convo [8/24/2023 4:10 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1144363131750072370/IMG_5936.png?ex=661843b7&is=6605ceb7&hm=5a9c02c8eda19ff688f4191e4a8231ae1d9bfdcd18c5f95176244c2204d0f55a& [8/24/2023 4:12 PM] jdbo "what is your pfp because i wanna draw it?" **"Oh it's just John Cena, except you can't see him"** {Reactions} AreYouSure [8/25/2023 4:36 AM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1144550874216149022/get_sploded.gif?ex=6618f291&is=66067d91&hm=3ca04ca250915bf22c297c633cce954494a300338976d98c07337d3379e687df& [8/25/2023 10:44 AM] solid_dd Deserved [8/25/2023 10:44 AM] hon3ybrewer :wizardspell1::explosion::wizardspell2: [8/25/2023 10:55 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1144646362684723361/20230820_101505.jpg?ex=66194b7f&is=6606d67f&hm=5666e64bd38f5644e3d35eb22cc6b469846af27ec11c3a9911df7489eadc4120& [8/25/2023 11:17 AM] onyxdash Based [8/25/2023 2:46 PM] comradesparkle Nah, just cool {Reactions} 🥁 [8/27/2023 12:28 AM] n0xa {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1145213241174266057/IMG_9560.png?ex=661b5b71&is=6608e671&hm=c4c99f277c5fc7a2bf3ad569ae9bc0faacf491a946bb1af2f3087f7efdee6c53& [8/28/2023 9:58 AM] onyxdash {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1139300986293334188.png [8/28/2023 9:58 AM] onyxdash Obenheemer appears [8/28/2023 11:03 AM] solid_dd I roll to seduce [8/28/2023 11:11 AM] gabrizzy i roll to rizz [8/28/2023 11:12 AM] evil_gavier he is impressed by your somersault [8/28/2023 11:14 AM] dragonsreborn333 roll for damage [8/28/2023 11:15 AM] solid_dd 17 [8/28/2023 11:18 AM] dragonsreborn333 you are dead [8/28/2023 11:20 AM] solid_dd ... [8/28/2023 11:24 AM] dragonsreborn333 in an attempt to seduce the dragon you were utterly crushed under its claws [8/28/2023 11:37 AM] comradesparkle Are you a communist? He's totally into that. [8/28/2023 11:38 AM] solid_dd Better dead then red. [8/28/2023 11:38 AM] comradesparkle No obenheemer for you then [8/28/2023 11:40 AM] solid_dd :( [8/29/2023 5:12 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1146190631782326433/tomato_edit.mp4?ex=6615af35&is=66033a35&hm=cbaecdd5302945157fd0393cbc477e285326e669802e94d7bf6a212eba964304& [8/30/2023 12:19 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1146298084184293406/hair-1.png?ex=66161348&is=66039e48&hm=89982184c50663dc3ef06d005580bed3ce824ae008f52e7691dcc94738886c21& [8/30/2023 12:23 AM] hon3ybrewer its too dark to be my hair :GlimmerSmug: [8/30/2023 1:54 AM] Deleted User {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1124944509562794006.png [8/30/2023 4:37 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1146363134077059072/image-2.png?ex=66164fdd&is=6603dadd&hm=9fa6edb55862163baac79d327739ab82fd876a5b5948ebcaebc65ccf55c4d3e7& [8/30/2023 9:43 AM] Deleted User *PTSD* [8/30/2023 9:54 AM] solid_dd Gonna move your clip down. [8/30/2023 10:01 AM] dragonsreborn333 Never had this lol [8/30/2023 10:11 AM] feedthemee i dont get it [8/30/2023 11:16 AM] solid_dd High clip = Good Low clip = Bad [8/30/2023 11:16 AM] feedthemee oh lol where is this from [8/30/2023 11:48 AM] solid_dd School [8/30/2023 1:44 PM] evil_gavier {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1146500823774412850/beanbag_animation_studio_OhNo.mp4?ex=6616d019&is=66045b19&hm=10227261eb602ebc15bda903c4e4aea974ae1628a0416719e4b2389a98b8f786& [8/30/2023 6:16 PM] hon3ybrewer stankus from this morning {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1146569199599235182/20230830_065443.jpg?ex=66170fc7&is=66049ac7&hm=f6d7d0c902f344db4c3737d1eb6ba83b5222b2ff9497015fc1cb779a2037a194& [8/30/2023 6:59 PM] fluffymarsh Aw Shit Here We Go Again {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1146579869401088202/Screenshot_20230830-195841.png?ex=661719b7&is=6604a4b7&hm=6cdc81deb58ea0e9df28bef8d55acc438934a302616260c0abc9bda887f5d5c7& [8/30/2023 7:20 PM] evil_gavier lol, that's clever [8/30/2023 7:20 PM] comradesparkle that one looks familiar [8/30/2023 10:31 PM] da_blue_cola Y’all ever just {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1146633330159267840/IMG_0440.jpg?ex=66174b81&is=6604d681&hm=b8ebcd40575d4c076e206f014ef06351368987353d48299924e70fb279a69885& [8/30/2023 10:48 PM] gamoray I've done a little of {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1146637681640611870/DSC00522.JPG?ex=66174f8e&is=6604da8e&hm=3c057e92f06add57fbae325e40bb5d71122ec381a929a78f54055784d1442c12& [8/30/2023 11:00 PM] gabrizzy qts [8/31/2023 12:07 AM] vuisammie I do not own the ponies [8/31/2023 12:46 AM] Deleted User Didn’t realize they could get a bucket of blue paint so wrong…. [8/31/2023 12:18 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1146841455877431496/rapidsave.com_soap_heil_spez-tm7f359tt2lb1.mp4?ex=66180d56&is=66059856&hm=33002a2549b5c3fc6aa479eaa68e87aeeec4295f4a10573b776ab637f727b3af& [8/31/2023 8:04 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwjuTHShvqC/?igshid=NzZhOTFlYzFmZQ== {Embed} https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwjuTHShvqC/?igshid=NzZhOTFlYzFmZQ== Instagram [8/31/2023 11:01 PM] gabrizzy today is the day {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1147003324529381416/Untitled246_Restored_20230831190008.png?ex=6618a416&is=66062f16&hm=b30e29c292cfd505e85e09f614399ed25ecc78c377ca9507ba2c03d60d00ee6d& {Reactions} Zoniloves (2) [8/31/2023 11:17 PM] Deleted User Happy birfdayyyy [9/1/2023 12:08 AM] gabrizzy :GabbyBlob: [9/1/2023 12:19 AM] fluffymarsh Happy Bdayyy {Reactions} AL_MLPHug (2) [9/1/2023 1:54 AM] dragonsreborn333 Happy womb ejection day @Gabrizzy {Reactions} AL_MLPPat [9/1/2023 8:33 AM] vuisammie Well, I just broke an art scammer [9/1/2023 8:35 AM] feedthemee how so :OGStareSonia: [9/1/2023 8:37 AM] vuisammie Apparently, having an apple jack profile picture, then if they ask where you got your pfp, be so unclear, it confuses them really bad. Also why I have the whole cidar jack thing rather than the princess Sammie thing right now. 36 art scams and counting this year… [9/1/2023 8:38 AM] feedthemee :HeartGiggle3: i haven't gotten any art scam yet [9/1/2023 8:39 AM] voidtemplar2000 I got a Steam scam on another server [9/1/2023 8:39 AM] feedthemee well, i got some but because i was suspecting some people of being art scammers so i hit them up with the usual "hello" [9/1/2023 8:39 AM] feedthemee oh yeah i did get a steam scam recently [9/1/2023 8:40 AM] feedthemee i was preparing my ip grabber to scare the scammer but they got banned before i could do anything 😔 [9/1/2023 8:40 AM] vuisammie No trust me when I say this, don’t make your OC too good, it attracts art scams like flies [9/1/2023 8:40 AM] voidtemplar2000 I just ignored them and moved on [9/1/2023 8:40 AM] feedthemee *Princess Sammie, suffering from success* [9/1/2023 8:41 AM] vuisammie As always…. {Reactions} snoggle [9/1/2023 8:41 AM] feedthemee thats also an option [9/1/2023 8:43 AM] voidtemplar2000 I was tempted to just...write "No, that's someone else" [9/1/2023 8:45 AM] feedthemee lmao i should try that sometime [9/1/2023 9:01 AM] emperor_sombra :WhatTheHay: [9/1/2023 9:02 AM] emperor_sombra Use a stick pony as a PFP [9/1/2023 9:03 AM] gabrizzy :pepela: [9/1/2023 9:24 AM] hon3ybrewer happy birthday gabrizzy :YIPPEE: [9/1/2023 9:30 AM] vuisammie One issue with that… not a pony :veeWut: [9/1/2023 9:34 AM] gabrizzy :GabbyYippee: [9/1/2023 9:35 AM] vuisammie :Arche_Pat: [9/1/2023 9:35 AM] feedthemee hypersonic speed pats :HAHAHA: [9/1/2023 9:43 AM] solid_dd Happy birthday whoever's birthday it is [9/1/2023 9:44 AM] gabrizzy damn [9/1/2023 9:44 AM] gabrizzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1125980922043449555.png [9/1/2023 9:46 AM] solid_dd I just woke up I'm sowwy [9/1/2023 9:46 AM] solid_dd HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAAAAAAY [9/1/2023 9:47 AM] gabrizzy :YippeeBounce: :AL_MLPHug: :GabbyInYourWalls: [9/1/2023 9:47 AM] solid_dd https://tenor.com/view/happy-birthday-balloons-gif-26478605 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/happy-birthday-balloons-gif-26478605 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/HLOHJmwn3z8lWJPXqPZhafsj3ZLe8959OgiExAOKAr4/https/media.tenor.com/LYzFzyam1xwAAAAe/happy-birthday-balloons.png [9/1/2023 9:48 AM] solid_dd Cringe birthday GIFs are my favourite GIFs [9/1/2023 9:49 AM] gabrizzy :flutteryes: [9/1/2023 10:30 AM] romulus4444 Birthday [9/1/2023 10:30 AM] romulus4444 {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/910228538454577173.png [9/1/2023 10:32 AM] arnak Happ Birth! [9/1/2023 10:33 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1147177407246245918/20230828_180948.jpg?ex=66194637&is=6606d137&hm=ebe29c267892de08ec7c54dd59de76d950fda6a1043ad9b90efd25fa45ff4cf3& [9/1/2023 10:40 AM] hon3ybrewer :GlimmerSmug: [9/1/2023 10:56 AM] solid_dd :marcus_eyebrow: [9/1/2023 11:08 AM] vuisammie :flareStare: [9/1/2023 11:09 AM] feedthemee help {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1147186521334628412/20230901_170431.jpg?ex=66194eb4&is=6606d9b4&hm=9dfe8ec39368369338603d23a99bc9a266be18d294c8369dfc9fe03c4175b09a& [9/1/2023 11:09 AM] feedthemee i cant feel my left hand anymore he actually fell aeep [9/1/2023 11:11 AM] solid_dd His hand :) [9/1/2023 11:11 AM] vuisammie Skill issue, just throw [9/1/2023 11:11 AM] feedthemee :REEE: [9/1/2023 11:11 AM] feedthemee nO [9/1/2023 11:12 AM] voidtemplar2000 Yeet the fluff [9/1/2023 11:12 AM] vuisammie I think it’s, our hand now. [9/1/2023 11:12 AM] feedthemee 😭 [9/1/2023 11:13 AM] solid_dd The hand is now public property [9/1/2023 11:14 AM] vuisammie :smolderholup: [9/2/2023 3:49 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1147438176504385547/engineersmb.mp4?ex=661a3913&is=6607c413&hm=5c3204361ed0e6d9d6d67afafca6e16b5c7b74c7ce9f3a9213c7c7863d52a1f3& [9/2/2023 4:08 AM] hon3ybrewer this video is giving me irreversible brain damage [9/2/2023 4:42 AM] gabrizzy https://tenor.com/view/thumbs-up-engineer-gaming-gif-19532009 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/thumbs-up-engineer-gaming-gif-19532009 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/o69LfP9Bga6Ku3bVG3CW0PsmFqKxgininPOvyINMzW4/https/media.tenor.com/RpxxkrGJ5VIAAAAe/thumbs-up-engineer-gaming.png [9/2/2023 8:07 PM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1147684354697474078/surprise.mp4?ex=661b1e59&is=6608a959&hm=f1996d9125c8c38a8be1eb45396a57d25df5c04263da33e808e5afde8f1d686b& [9/2/2023 8:08 PM] hon3ybrewer staff pings [9/2/2023 8:08 PM] phoenixfire42 I'm always around, lurking in the shadows [9/2/2023 8:08 PM] hon3ybrewer :stares: [9/2/2023 11:04 PM] vuisammie Same lol [9/3/2023 3:16 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1147792099278856212/rapidsave.com_hungry_drifter-7wuo8yd6cqlb1.mp4?ex=661b82b1&is=66090db1&hm=b6c88dd68274a212ad4ce4eb3275218617626882af3aefb613f090d47b2cec64& [9/3/2023 3:18 AM] feedthemee https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/534424530513428500/1097550837150122054/i_am_hungry.png {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/534424530513428500/1097550837150122054/i_am_hungry.png https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/534424530513428500/1097550837150122054/i_am_hungry.png?ex=661d4ddf&is=660ad8df&hm=a1c64852612532b9ed50c8317b47d9ae62c169355dae84213fb200675ab7b7af& {Reactions} kekw [9/3/2023 3:48 AM] solid_dd Blue Blonde Twi [9/3/2023 3:49 AM] feedthemee :OGStareSonia: [9/3/2023 3:50 AM] phoenixfire42 :GlimISee: [9/3/2023 3:53 AM] solid_dd :ch_british: [9/3/2023 11:01 AM] nightstars. mamma mia, me got filtered for specific word again ;-; [9/3/2023 11:01 AM] nightstars. anyways [9/3/2023 11:01 AM] nightstars. a spike [9/3/2023 11:01 AM] nightstars. there :TwiSmug: [9/3/2023 11:01 AM] nightstars. xD [9/3/2023 11:50 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1147921579230105680/6fdb8cd1-5d6c-47c7-a79e-49f2f499af29.jpg?ex=661bfb47&is=66098647&hm=17adfd5ccfb33847286b5543475641c81ee5485d1d9fa2a337ac065bc194ee22& {Reactions} thistbh [9/3/2023 11:50 AM] solid_dd Addiction [9/3/2023 11:58 AM] gabrizzy coke [9/3/2023 12:02 PM] solid_dd He a coke fiend fr [9/3/2023 6:47 PM] onyxdash coca cola espuma [9/3/2023 6:47 PM] onyxdash https://tenor.com/view/coca-cola-espuma-gif-25572606 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/coca-cola-espuma-gif-25572606 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/vTutUiSkNw8p5zB3AWJccMOY_cNY6MUlWPr6Q5yEKHc/https/media.tenor.com/4TlYQHzypxQAAAAe/coca-cola-espuma.png [9/4/2023 3:22 AM] fluffymarsh Why are you talking portuguese silly [9/4/2023 6:48 AM] snowshovelmusic Espuma is also a word in Spanish [9/4/2023 6:48 AM] snowshovelmusic Technically, he's speaking 2 languages in one sentence. [9/4/2023 7:56 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1148225014370410596/ssstik.io_1692700860435.mp4?ex=661d15e0&is=660aa0e0&hm=fad0ed54a89e6313bae76bbd4c92cd083f3d37a17cdcc0e7f18928ddc46aa5c7& [9/4/2023 7:56 AM] hon3ybrewer what the fuck LMAO [9/4/2023 9:03 AM] solid_dd Tooth brush gangstas paradise [9/4/2023 9:51 AM] onyxdash {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1117031095611957328.png [9/4/2023 9:52 AM] onyxdash Uh [9/4/2023 9:52 AM] onyxdash Magic [9/4/2023 9:52 AM] onyxdash Yes [9/4/2023 9:52 AM] onyxdash That [9/4/2023 10:02 AM] onyxdash I'll assume you've heard the Minecraft Villager covers too :ChadSip: [9/4/2023 10:02 AM] solid_dd Perhaps [9/4/2023 10:02 AM] solid_dd :ch_chad: [9/4/2023 10:03 AM] onyxdash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6caLUVvH7U {Embed} Bleepix Radio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6caLUVvH7U Minecraft Villager - Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise (AI Cover) Keep spendin' most our lives Livin' in a villager's paradise https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/QeTD1C2LgjmOwVoaF0sNQ3eLxVbetD3XUDN-p8j0PdI/https/i.ytimg.com/vi/D6caLUVvH7U/maxresdefault.jpg [9/4/2023 10:35 AM] .primrose__ Cool song [9/4/2023 11:40 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1148281560961912964/IMG_6034.png.jpg?ex=661d4a8a&is=660ad58a&hm=0ad6988795b8a9e0e3db20e1852952388bba155a8e58f6e18aa7d0c544bf1a5a& [9/4/2023 4:47 PM] wubzy {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1148358746662252564/IMG_1387.jpg?ex=661d926c&is=660b1d6c&hm=df85def7eb7060ba2598b9ccf750723303f20ab0c4e9841aadd7897687ec8961& [9/4/2023 6:14 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/lizard-lick-orange-gif-16097047 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/lizard-lick-orange-gif-16097047 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/Vc3e8AO94g2_zIOBBb1nessxE-xLmUb1GyvOxJwMd90/https/media.tenor.com/NkPmdrY2y00AAAAe/lizard-lick.png [9/5/2023 2:32 AM] solid_dd Thief [9/5/2023 2:32 AM] solid_dd He didn't pay for that lemon [9/5/2023 2:33 AM] gabrizzy :PZ_Lemon: [9/5/2023 3:22 AM] vuisammie 37 art scams this year now [9/5/2023 3:27 AM] feedthemee https://tenor.com/view/but-thats-not-all-joe-claffey-still-have-a-lot-there-still-have-more-thats-not-all-gif-17690516 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/but-thats-not-all-joe-claffey-still-have-a-lot-there-still-have-more-thats-not-all-gif-17690516 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/z8iQwpOvv1ngeqGOFrq2tREFz6Lc785TGkrpDFjfyOo/https/media.tenor.com/wlqalt-oKQ8AAAAe/but-thats-not-all-joe-claffey.png [9/5/2023 1:22 PM] solid_dd For every art scam, at the end of the year, do a push up [9/5/2023 1:26 PM] vuisammie I’m going to be shredded by the end of the year {Reactions} Bulk (3) [9/5/2023 1:50 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/big-ramy-bodybuilder-chest-massive-gif-21475512 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/big-ramy-bodybuilder-chest-massive-gif-21475512 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/Q6s5bqpowQjUWthpp0k0pEnLYrX81XaWhwjdd3ko0FM/https/media.tenor.com/U2scmO1LDggAAAAe/big-ramy.png [9/5/2023 2:07 PM] solid_dd Holee mama [9/5/2023 2:13 PM] vuisammie I’ll do as many pushes as I have art scams every day of December [9/5/2023 2:20 PM] solid_dd Pinkie swear. [9/5/2023 2:20 PM] solid_dd :sussy: [9/5/2023 3:30 PM] vuisammie Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye [9/5/2023 3:30 PM] solid_dd Did you put your hoof in your eye? [9/5/2023 3:31 PM] vuisammie I put my paw in my eye, ow [9/5/2023 3:31 PM] solid_dd :ch_lunaevil: [9/5/2023 3:31 PM] solid_dd Hehehehe [9/5/2023 3:32 PM] vuisammie :EeveeGun: [9/5/2023 3:32 PM] solid_dd :grab2: [9/5/2023 3:33 PM] vuisammie :iblob_GRAB: [9/5/2023 3:34 PM] solid_dd :ch_gun: [9/5/2023 3:34 PM] vuisammie You do not grab me, I grab you [9/5/2023 3:34 PM] solid_dd You can't [9/5/2023 3:34 PM] solid_dd Paws no grabby grabby [9/5/2023 3:35 PM] vuisammie Jokes on you, I have magic [9/5/2023 3:35 PM] solid_dd Jokes on you, I have a crossiant [9/5/2023 3:36 PM] vuisammie I always have a crossiant [9/5/2023 3:36 PM] solid_dd Nuh uh [9/5/2023 3:37 PM] vuisammie Have to, have to keep a certain brown pony in check at all times [9/5/2023 3:38 PM] solid_dd :Plush_Uzi_Staring: [9/5/2023 3:38 PM] solid_dd Can I have one? [9/5/2023 3:38 PM] vuisammie 🥐 [9/5/2023 3:40 PM] solid_dd :death: [9/5/2023 3:41 PM] emperor_sombra :peetzer: 🥐 [9/5/2023 3:43 PM] solid_dd Crossiant pizza sounds good [9/5/2023 3:43 PM] emperor_sombra {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1148704903192137839/Croissant_crust.jpg?ex=66159a4e&is=6603254e&hm=4df1834961786d4b580fdd68ad5e1773fb1ff927a70b4da9d90878a6cfe3fbf2& [9/5/2023 3:43 PM] solid_dd Yummy [9/5/2023 3:43 PM] solid_dd Hand me a slice [9/5/2023 6:01 PM] gamoray Digrumbos [9/6/2023 8:46 PM] astrolazuli https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1077603000664719480/1082362939056590858/murder.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1077603000664719480/1082362939056590858/murder.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1077603000664719480/1082362939056590858/murder.gif?ex=661d6c0a&is=660af70a&hm=a8c1dc01065b8ffa99d441d6b4fb17067b0c42eaa919cca235f313be23058d16& [9/6/2023 9:42 PM] hon3ybrewer :brick: [9/7/2023 1:01 AM] solid_dd 🧱 [9/7/2023 1:02 AM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/mauzymice-furry-memes-bricks-mauzy-mice-gif-6847004573916581020 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/mauzymice-furry-memes-bricks-mauzy-mice-gif-6847004573916581020 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/TzuOvFqGZ9iOWsMsqk46KIBaVpk1iFThzYYtzDCg8Dc/https/media.tenor.com/XwVyYgvFzJwAAAAe/mauzymice-furry-memes.png [9/7/2023 5:49 PM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1149461495801974954/cc9d71db4aaa4923880bdc167a1d96e8_CC451A718EAD5ACB7FB7555B3C7E5C8B_video_dashinit.mp4?ex=66185af0&is=6605e5f0&hm=eec6729438d9a086ec795a8d2a8d213a9eb40f721b087a94c96775ee1c54bb35& [9/8/2023 9:23 PM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1149877764489490582/20230907_094239.jpg?ex=6619de9e&is=6607699e&hm=1342b0cad83faa06412d640957f60852d58bb29470f08e53edde50746804d1b0& [9/9/2023 3:11 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1149965315648782467/c546c0f23a5bf902f24c7fcaa4ac4f96.jpg?ex=661a3028&is=6607bb28&hm=d3d3d6c4a95d7e6e8fa3575d24b0de604908b4f2bf7a877cd5d34fe43648ba91& [9/9/2023 3:51 AM] vuisammie 38 [9/9/2023 5:18 AM] solid_dd Double it and give it to the next person [9/9/2023 5:55 AM] fluffymarsh 💀 [9/9/2023 5:55 AM] fluffymarsh @solid_dd Any New Murder Drones Episode? [9/9/2023 5:55 AM] solid_dd Oh ye episode 6 came out [9/9/2023 5:56 AM] fluffymarsh Nice [9/9/2023 5:56 AM] fluffymarsh I'll watch it [9/10/2023 10:05 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1150431969050644490/20230910_090915.jpg?ex=661be2c3&is=66096dc3&hm=e581d92da6d740a8bd32741e1967323a66addde804c434367bf78ff52a2aa117& [9/10/2023 11:54 AM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1150459190930845777/20230910_031727.jpg?ex=661bfc1d&is=6609871d&hm=d52487c293d907a6a5ebd3c74cc791bf9d3d99f4507670b7f6a5c35a018d409c& [9/10/2023 12:28 PM] solid_dd Kitty [9/13/2023 1:03 PM] alex1302 not really a report but just in case anyone runs a small server. worth to watch out for. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1151563896553996348/2023-09-13_18_55_34-Friends_-_Discord.png?ex=6616c673&is=66045173&hm=5c8813696f064454701437697e3ca07658f033b12a23c6b15a683d76978912ba& [9/13/2023 1:05 PM] solid_dd Why would they do that tho [9/13/2023 1:06 PM] dragonsreborn333 Yeah I saw that too [9/13/2023 1:55 PM] comradesparkle ughhh no [9/13/2023 1:56 PM] vuisammie Welp, guess I’m not gonna make a new server now… [9/13/2023 1:59 PM] alex1302 there is an role setting called "manage Expressions" that can allow or disallow this. [9/13/2023 2:05 PM] vuisammie That’s so stupid [9/13/2023 2:13 PM] stormshadow_cote Why the fuck are they weakening security option defaults? [9/13/2023 2:44 PM] vuisammie Saw twi… I mean x, and were like ooo, we can do better [9/13/2023 3:14 PM] comradesparkle I found out recently that one of our bots had an option that let anyone upload emotes to the server. Thankfully nobody had discovered it before I worked out how to disable it. Nothing about it at all in the bot's usual settings, only possible to turn it off by disabling the slash command in Discord. [9/13/2023 3:15 PM] comradesparkle Then said bot also broke all its slash commands anyway [9/13/2023 3:19 PM] romulus4444 :sweetie_bot: [9/13/2023 3:20 PM] solid_dd Discord is just gonna give everyone mod or something next update [9/13/2023 3:22 PM] vuisammie Nah, just gonna delete every server with no back up, calling it [9/13/2023 3:22 PM] solid_dd That'd be funny [9/13/2023 3:23 PM] solid_dd Watching everything burn [9/13/2023 3:28 PM] vuisammie :4_Eevee_Sipping: [9/13/2023 3:30 PM] solid_dd :catpatforever: [9/13/2023 3:45 PM] vuisammie I will enjoy the show [9/13/2023 4:15 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/doctor-who-time-lord-victorius-david-tennant-10th-doctor-tenth-doctor-gif-16490132272527167740 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/doctor-who-time-lord-victorius-david-tennant-10th-doctor-tenth-doctor-gif-16490132272527167740 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/SGRuZhaXesXkYDem_ZABEo6h-KnkC00RFAexSSVtA70/https/media.tenor.com/5Ni37vMv0PwAAAAe/doctor-who-time-lord-victorius.png [9/13/2023 5:08 PM] nightstars. I really recommend having custom bots at this point (like how I did in my server) [9/13/2023 5:11 PM] romulus4444 :moonbotlilshit: [9/13/2023 5:19 PM] amoo. {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1092527557221552228.png [9/13/2023 7:47 PM] wubzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1118674866204319846.png [9/13/2023 9:50 PM] gabrizzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1137629472892395654.png [9/14/2023 10:08 PM] fluffymarsh Hey Guys Rate My Cutie Mark {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1152063245683793921/1694743557326.png?ex=66189782&is=66062282&hm=c9853cad9d62fcddbcfa4ef656ca8c91df4df82d2b38f2c7d489d77b0dd9c25a& [9/14/2023 10:08 PM] zero_problems I like it [9/14/2023 10:08 PM] vuisammie Pretty okay [9/14/2023 10:10 PM] dragonsreborn333 *consumes the marshmallow* [9/14/2023 10:12 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1152064257882587146/image0.gif?ex=66189873&is=66062373&hm=e2ea5284aa99689e3221bab9bf0e2124e47b683b1477e3f37bacf1ec8516c764& [9/14/2023 10:12 PM] gabrizzy hey it's me [9/14/2023 10:13 PM] vuisammie Guys rate my cutie mark {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1152064742014332969/IMG_2014.jpg?ex=661898e6&is=660623e6&hm=b2e5f73b499b918108069e3489a70ca54ea5ca8849f40635345ded17a22831eb& [9/14/2023 10:14 PM] zero_problems 10/10 I'm so happy that you made my soul your cutie mark [9/14/2023 10:14 PM] vuisammie Ah so it doesn’t exist? [9/14/2023 10:15 PM] zero_problems Isn't it wonderful XD [9/14/2023 10:15 PM] vuisammie How’s pony palace holding up btw? [9/14/2023 10:18 PM] vuisammie Alright good talk [9/14/2023 10:19 PM] zero_problems Sorry was doing something were currently making some.events [9/14/2023 10:19 PM] zero_problems It's gone a bit quiet but we still have regulars talking [9/14/2023 10:22 PM] vuisammie Kinda figured as much… [9/14/2023 10:24 PM] nightstars. Mine is dying [9/14/2023 10:25 PM] nightstars. its pure silent [9/14/2023 10:25 PM] vuisammie I assume you mean harmony [9/14/2023 10:25 PM] nightstars. yus [9/14/2023 10:25 PM] nightstars. I own harmony [9/14/2023 10:25 PM] zero_problems If you ever wanna talk you can say hi [9/14/2023 10:25 PM] vuisammie Eh [9/14/2023 10:26 PM] vuisammie Better if I stay away from there for a while [9/14/2023 10:26 PM] zero_problems I meant to me [9/14/2023 10:26 PM] zero_problems My dms are still open we're still friends [9/14/2023 10:39 PM] fluffymarsh The Fork,The Marshmallow,The Whipped Cream Or The Cherry? [9/14/2023 10:40 PM] vuisammie ALL [9/14/2023 10:41 PM] gabrizzy :flutteryes: [9/14/2023 10:41 PM] gabrizzy add some cotton candy and it'll be perfect [9/14/2023 10:59 PM] fluffymarsh No Cotton Candy! Only **Marshmallows** Here! [9/14/2023 11:00 PM] gabrizzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1125980922043449555.png [9/14/2023 11:00 PM] gabrizzy fine then [9/14/2023 11:02 PM] fluffymarsh But, i'll give you a cotton candy cause ur cute ^w^ [9/14/2023 11:02 PM] gabrizzy :pounce::YippeeBounce::GabbyBlob: [9/14/2023 11:02 PM] gabrizzy thankies [9/15/2023 4:59 PM] phoenixfire42 I got the new members page in EQD :pinkwow: [9/15/2023 4:59 PM] phoenixfire42 It seems like it might actually work [9/15/2023 4:59 PM] phoenixfire42 It flagged 2 people I already knew/was pretty sure were art scammers [9/15/2023 5:01 PM] romulus4444 Woohoo! Can't wait for it in manechat [9/15/2023 5:02 PM] phoenixfire42 I can't say for sure how good it is at catching scammers/if it will false flag people, but the 3 people that were on there initially were all sus. [9/15/2023 5:03 PM] phoenixfire42 0 messages, and 1 of them we have proof is just a scammer [9/15/2023 5:03 PM] phoenixfire42 Will throw IDs [9/15/2023 6:21 PM] vuisammie 39 [9/17/2023 7:33 PM] fluffymarsh Fortnite Battle Pass Skins as Ponies {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1153111621657444372/IMG_6921.png?ex=661c67e2&is=6609f2e2&hm=e3d9bbda33f8eb67d6ed0d2e6a667ad2e13560ef3d3f0900d49370e6171a7efa& [9/17/2023 9:15 PM] gabrizzy https://tenor.com/view/thumbs-up-engineer-gaming-gif-19532009 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/thumbs-up-engineer-gaming-gif-19532009 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/o69LfP9Bga6Ku3bVG3CW0PsmFqKxgininPOvyINMzW4/https/media.tenor.com/RpxxkrGJ5VIAAAAe/thumbs-up-engineer-gaming.png [9/18/2023 3:12 AM] solid_dd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1153226909321265274/F4jY3FkXkAAKJdq.png?ex=661cd341&is=660a5e41&hm=ea0a78ed685de14176428049ae76c29a227157adf81fbed5e282ba76102afad8& [9/18/2023 8:35 AM] vuisammie 40 {Reactions} 😭 [9/18/2023 7:50 PM] jdbo i would but i won't lol {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1153478148302835763/image.png?ex=661dbd3d&is=660b483d&hm=0407a5bc46aedb5535e985b806b204926af2f3d89d788b78adf8c3db8ad18f97& [9/18/2023 7:50 PM] phoenixfire42 :GlimISee: [9/18/2023 7:52 PM] dragonsreborn333 the urge [9/18/2023 8:04 PM] onyxdash :dab: [9/18/2023 8:04 PM] onyxdash I did it [9/18/2023 8:06 PM] dragonsreborn333 Smh you didn’t say the word to claim it [9/18/2023 8:13 PM] onyxdash :PonkTerror: [9/18/2023 8:14 PM] nightstars. I wanna say a but nah, imma keep it formal xd [9/18/2023 8:14 PM] dragonsreborn333 You gotta say claimed [9/18/2023 8:15 PM] nightstars. meh? [9/18/2023 8:15 PM] nightstars. :AJLiarJack: [9/18/2023 8:15 PM] dragonsreborn333 Generally speaking [9/18/2023 8:21 PM] vuisammie Honestly, I’m pretty sure I’m the most immature person here so…. I think this one is mine to take… but I’m gonna keep watching [9/18/2023 8:24 PM] vuisammie Oh for fucks sake that’s 41 scams this year. [9/19/2023 4:52 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1153614485039362108/km_20230919_1080p_60f_20230919_054954.mp4?ex=661501b6&is=66028cb6&hm=8a5a9750a6b634b3f180fdeef3bf14e0cf399337c7bdaf712ecc170d8e3d0e4f& [9/19/2023 4:54 AM] feedthemee XD [9/19/2023 2:16 PM] evil_gavier https://www.fxdeviantart.com/aztrial/art/MLP-G5-good-morning-983412790 {Embed} https://www.fxdeviantart.com/aztrial/art/MLP-G5-good-morning-983412790 MLP G5: good morning by aztrial https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/eyvWA89G5zsCovZb8lcsxgdjYhyeWoTB69MI-u1wtWs/%3Ftoken%3DeyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTQ2MyIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzJmODcxZWM3LWM0OWYtNGQ1MC1hODNkLTRhNzc1ZTg5YjIzNFwvZGc5aHk1eS00NjJjYzc0NC1mMTg1LTQ5OTYtYWExZC1iYzVkN2ViMjlkMjQucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEyODAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.gf3_QkObxE5EMkNdb6oGPeiBjOgPHUYf2MbbwsaXXFc/https/images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/2f871ec7-c49f-4d50-a83d-4a775e89b234/dg9hy5y-462cc744-f185-4996-aa1d-bc5d7eb29d24.png/v1/fill/w_836%2Ch_956%2Cq_70%2Cstrp/mlp_g5__good_morning_by_aztrial_dg9hy5y-pre.jpg [9/19/2023 2:16 PM] vuisammie :LunaMotionBlurWheeze: [9/19/2023 5:30 PM] shalour :CursedPog: [9/21/2023 8:50 AM] fluffymarsh Who here is watching the new series Adventure Time With Fionna and Cake [9/26/2023 4:00 PM] wubzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1118674866204319846.png [9/26/2023 4:04 PM] saijsaij {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/974750385375957072.png [9/26/2023 4:04 PM] wubzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1129120344305836092.png [9/26/2023 4:05 PM] wubzy Fancy seeing you here Saij [9/26/2023 4:05 PM] ebonyrose :RoseBlep: [9/26/2023 4:06 PM] saijsaij Was time I joined ^^ [9/26/2023 4:06 PM] wubzy :flutter_nod: [9/26/2023 4:10 PM] vuisammie Hi saij! [9/28/2023 3:09 PM] hon3ybrewer discord has new avatar decorations you have to pay for now 💀 there are three that were part of discords birthday that're still available but this is just hilariously sad [9/28/2023 4:04 PM] comradesparkle They've been around for a while [9/28/2023 4:05 PM] hon3ybrewer they only appeared for me today lmao 😭 [9/28/2023 4:20 PM] emperor_sombra {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1157049172206301214/discord-uwu.png?ex=66184603&is=6605d103&hm=a894401ddab4b03d7a2e93a1461930d8d1b23bd96bbf63de2132b6299aa166e2& [9/28/2023 4:21 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/drake-gun-gif-27670855 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/drake-gun-gif-27670855 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/Kcctn5mXDIrh1nYh4f3-tRUXYLRpCeQFgsK2NOKfSds/https/media.tenor.com/Q8ZKIMn9KvwAAAAe/drake-gun.png [9/28/2023 4:23 PM] hon3ybrewer use the uwu~ theme dragons [9/28/2023 4:24 PM] zatillias uwu :333 [9/28/2023 4:34 PM] feedthemee :GlimmerStare: [9/28/2023 4:35 PM] feedthemee this is the best thing discord has made idk what u mean [9/28/2023 4:38 PM] dragonsreborn333 I’m broke honey [9/28/2023 4:51 PM] hon3ybrewer feed wtf is wrong with you [9/28/2023 4:51 PM] hon3ybrewer i will buy you nitro once my paycheck comes through [9/28/2023 4:52 PM] dragonsreborn333 you dont need to, I dont need nitro [9/28/2023 4:52 PM] dragonsreborn333 💀 [9/28/2023 4:52 PM] hon3ybrewer :grab2: [9/28/2023 4:52 PM] dragonsreborn333 reeee [9/28/2023 6:38 PM] dragonsreborn333 *cough* SOMEONE TORTURED ME TO TAKE NITRO {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1157084058870882386/IMG_7348.png?ex=66186681&is=6605f181&hm=e09385824e0f0850624f11810ba30db02d0254e0d8b0b2e3c1b6abae4e979cbf& [9/28/2023 6:39 PM] dragonsreborn333 @Honey [9/28/2023 6:39 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/dragon-reeee-scream-screaming-scalie-gif-20472809 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/dragon-reeee-scream-screaming-scalie-gif-20472809 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/F1K3BqpEL0UM20XvBEsFgp2eComlRUmYe2kjCJrxYvM/https/media.tenor.com/eZi7LG5fLVsAAAAe/dragon-reeee.png [9/28/2023 6:39 PM] vuisammie Nitro for fellow admin :scootsalute: [9/28/2023 6:41 PM] dragonsreborn333 I’m not even an admin, im just a moderator lmao [9/28/2023 6:41 PM] vuisammie Close enough [9/28/2023 6:41 PM] dragonsreborn333 :Catscrem: [9/28/2023 7:05 PM] hon3ybrewer :kekw: [9/30/2023 3:11 AM] fluffymarsh Ngl this https://discord.com/channels/981802864353632266/1132389528162795660/1157575098232995840 made me laugh lol even If you say you are not buying they still try smh [9/30/2023 3:42 AM] wubzy Vacuum cleaner salespersons fr [9/30/2023 3:42 AM] wubzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1038885914585354320.png [9/30/2023 5:54 AM] gabrizzy and then they will ask you what reason and say you can pay half and pay later [9/30/2023 6:29 AM] phoenixfire42 I've strongly insulted them before multiple times and they keep coming back [9/30/2023 6:29 AM] phoenixfire42 They are just like "okay" and keep going [9/30/2023 6:29 AM] phoenixfire42 And my insults are not mild in general :VelSip: [9/30/2023 6:53 AM] gabrizzy they are like "pls buy something???? i'm really struggling as i have to pay for medical bills \:(" [9/30/2023 6:54 AM] gabrizzy making up fake ass sob stories to get you to buy their art [9/30/2023 6:58 AM] voidtemplar2000 there are artists whose sob stories work on me [9/30/2023 6:58 AM] voidtemplar2000 I also happen to have known said artists for about three years now [9/30/2023 7:21 AM] phoenixfire42 They aren't even artists [9/30/2023 7:21 AM] phoenixfire42 The best they will do for you is roll AI [9/30/2023 7:39 AM] gabrizzy or trace some random artwork they totally did not steal from the internet [10/3/2023 2:53 AM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1158658111431790653/20231002_195644.jpg?ex=6614e5f4&is=660270f4&hm=5305e97be66b75c39e4a90a6321e704b8087cf81c720ec467e0b4768807ca770& [10/6/2023 11:11 AM] onyxdash Gato [10/7/2023 3:50 PM] miboopls Oh my god they did it [10/7/2023 3:50 PM] miboopls I was hoping it was just a joke [10/7/2023 3:51 PM] miboopls Why did they do this [10/7/2023 3:52 PM] dragonsreborn333 I got the camo one on [10/10/2023 8:24 AM] fluffymarsh Michael Myers And Jack On Fortnite!!! {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1161278178225029130/20231010_071727.jpg?ex=66153395&is=6602be95&hm=b2fecc13deac1209e9a49938d2a70a870f2dc122c4ee5d3d3adaf0927a6a2090& [10/10/2023 8:25 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1161278209753616385/20231010_084643.jpg?ex=6615339c&is=6602be9c&hm=7f907cfc3ec1f4eaf3aba70058195717cf999ba516cb87988be2f891a720c1eb& {Reactions} TwiFortnite [10/10/2023 8:25 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1161278296739303544/Shiina_20231010_2.mp4?ex=661533b1&is=6602beb1&hm=3a2674e4c82dffd8958975c816ef7c76f3b858d49680cd7270e0a6f24b4f54e2& [10/10/2023 2:29 PM] frostflare nerds [10/10/2023 2:30 PM] phoenixfire42 :GlimISee: [10/10/2023 2:31 PM] phoenixfire42 I can start dumping math on you [10/10/2023 2:31 PM] phoenixfire42 :spooky: [10/10/2023 2:37 PM] fluffymarsh *Sadly Hits The Griddy* [10/10/2023 2:38 PM] frostflare please no [10/10/2023 2:38 PM] frostflare I've been hitting griddy's on people non-stop all week because its a celebration on the new Fifa game xd [10/10/2023 2:38 PM] fluffymarsh And An Emote on Fortnite [10/10/2023 2:39 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1161372542666276915/Download.mp4?ex=66158b77&is=66031677&hm=643e8981024a78bc842192c56f02f4f873ca4fa1abfa6fe918c0b35de2ed60ac& [10/10/2023 2:40 PM] phoenixfire42 :GlimISee: [10/10/2023 4:47 PM] hon3ybrewer https://discord.com/channels/981802864353632266/983248522642067456/1161391350898495598 :themaskdoesntevenfitinnoneoftheh: [10/10/2023 5:55 PM] epiclper Bro emergency deleted all his messages but this scam bullcrap also goes to Telegram now, gods fucking hell man {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1161421670414811226/IMG_6461.png?ex=6615b938&is=66034438&hm=dffb1ff7551e73a0d34528568980e15af33bc6315e4f6109609f81b6e659bfcb& [10/10/2023 5:55 PM] epiclper Being all like "hey how you doing" and then at once copy/pasted a long message asking if I want a commission [10/10/2023 5:55 PM] epiclper :thefaceofmercy: :thefaceofmercy: :thefaceofmercy: [10/10/2023 9:35 PM] gabrizzy even telegram isn't safe from this crap [10/11/2023 7:52 PM] fluffymarsh Ahhhh I'm so Hyped for it {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1161813510515327057/video_1.mp4?ex=66172626&is=6604b126&hm=a58945a87ece53f492474d982df0ef004ba7acbefc03c82c70784df455b638af& [10/12/2023 6:14 PM] vuisammie 42 [10/12/2023 7:28 PM] fluffymarsh @PhoenixFire is so rude for this 😭 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1162169851222163586/image-2.png?ex=66187204&is=6605fd04&hm=6f7f15761323d6d2bf66950a8f6de3fa7f758bce76be771eadbec20e1a53fe4b& [10/12/2023 7:28 PM] vuisammie Not gonna, sounds like you having a skill issue [10/12/2023 7:28 PM] amoo. Ithinkthatssatirefrombothparties [10/12/2023 7:57 PM] phoenixfire42 :GlimISee: [10/12/2023 8:10 PM] dragonsreborn333 I am the fire {Reactions} TrixieConcern [10/12/2023 9:55 PM] gabrizzy @PhoenixFire i hate you too homie, i'll drag you down into the fire with me [10/12/2023 10:00 PM] phoenixfire42 :TrixieConcern: [10/12/2023 10:03 PM] gabrizzy jk i still love ya [10/12/2023 10:03 PM] gabrizzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1145109413695336548.png [10/13/2023 1:50 AM] fluffymarsh I will cancel you on Twitter 😭😭😭 [10/13/2023 11:00 AM] phoenixfire42 I don't use Twitter [10/13/2023 11:19 AM] romulus4444 I dropped twitter for good once tweetdeck was kill [10/13/2023 11:24 AM] phoenixfire42 I never used it in the first place [10/13/2023 11:24 AM] phoenixfire42 :coolrainbow: [10/13/2023 11:24 AM] phoenixfire42 I'm not one for Social Media tbh. Discord is a little different because it's more active. I don't like the whole throwing posts into the void vibe [10/13/2023 11:40 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1162414498158747730/image0.gif?ex=661955dc&is=6606e0dc&hm=ad383b18e3ffd0781924a4f42601767fc54284bccdfd03f8b06340df87488f96& [10/19/2023 5:56 AM] astrolazuli I'm still mad that this server wasn't called Protectors Of Non-Equestrians (PONE). {Reactions} pinkwow [10/19/2023 5:56 AM] astrolazuli Just wanted to say that [10/19/2023 5:57 AM] astrolazuli ||/j|| [10/19/2023 11:29 AM] fluffymarsh Pony Community Leaders Sound Like Something More Serious lol [10/19/2023 11:56 AM] astrolazuli Yeah but [10/19/2023 11:56 AM] astrolazuli We're the MLP fandom [10/19/2023 11:56 AM] astrolazuli We have pony pfps [10/19/2023 11:57 AM] astrolazuli :starblep: [10/19/2023 12:07 PM] dragonsreborn333 Wrong [10/19/2023 12:30 PM] vuisammie Wrong [10/19/2023 1:53 PM] fluffymarsh Eliminate one from each row {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1164622446205337651/20231019_145320.jpg?ex=661823ac&is=6605aeac&hm=f77d08534bb0b4ac9434834d7c758bf7df596a65dda52ae9f072bb68ea3d212e& [10/19/2023 1:54 PM] vuisammie Owl house, over garden and gumball [10/19/2023 1:55 PM] fluffymarsh How Dare You Eliminate Gumball 😭 [10/19/2023 1:56 PM] vuisammie Meh [10/19/2023 1:56 PM] evil_gavier wow, 2 wrong choices out of three [10/19/2023 1:56 PM] evil_gavier SU, StarVs, Gumball [10/19/2023 1:57 PM] vuisammie Well the three I can’t eliminate are gravity falls, adventure time, and avatar. [10/19/2023 2:00 PM] evil_gavier I haven't seen adventure time. Heard it's good, but I have seen Over the Garden Wall and I know it's good. Steven Universe is good but not better than the other two in its row [10/19/2023 2:01 PM] vuisammie I have not seen over, I live under a rock [10/19/2023 2:02 PM] evil_gavier fair lol [10/19/2023 2:02 PM] vuisammie Haven’t seen arcane but I just do not like gumball [10/19/2023 2:02 PM] evil_gavier it's pretty short, if you feel like watching something halloweeny for the season [10/19/2023 2:03 PM] vuisammie Maybe [10/19/2023 3:19 PM] shalour Owl house, over garden, arcane [10/19/2023 3:45 PM] hon3ybrewer i cant do one from each row, i hate 2 of the shows too much to do so :foxderp: [10/19/2023 3:55 PM] fluffymarsh I respect your opinion {Reactions} EvilGlimNod [10/20/2023 5:58 PM] fluffymarsh What song makes you feel like this? {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1165046491958759495/20231020_185727.jpg?ex=6619ae99&is=66073999&hm=db61abe5fa7d0b9633e04b59399b5138845d9560d038c0b951337643da0902ab& [10/20/2023 6:31 PM] amoo. Adventure of a Lifetime [10/21/2023 3:50 AM] gabrizzy baby shark [10/21/2023 10:47 AM] fluffymarsh 💀 [10/21/2023 7:52 PM] slimpickens_ cider and pizza {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1165437380770156704/IMG_0905.jpg?ex=661b1aa4&is=6608a5a4&hm=e2d618b17b49593c63307c6d82c4eff809737075b954d601b7146d25cde743d7& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1165437381478985879/IMG_0906.jpg?ex=661b1aa4&is=6608a5a4&hm=3a57e801afa2f78ffc571d4b0215aaf744a7028ad44a0a67f9aa36419659ea63& [10/21/2023 10:38 PM] fluffymarsh Yummy [10/22/2023 4:57 AM] comradesparkle Welcome, Derpy! [10/22/2023 5:23 AM] .derpy. :FlutterWave: [10/22/2023 9:15 AM] vuisammie Welcome derpy! [10/22/2023 5:09 PM] shalour :GlimBooping: {Reactions} GlimBoop (3) [10/22/2023 6:52 PM] .derpy. :GlimBooped: [10/24/2023 1:44 PM] fluffymarsh Hello Hello PCL [10/24/2023 1:48 PM] romulus4444 {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/861309488664281119.png [10/24/2023 5:25 PM] snowshovelmusic Since I'm no longer an Admin of PrinceWhateverer server, I'm gonna leave, it was nice to talk and know you all. [10/24/2023 5:25 PM] snowshovelmusic Have a goodnight / day [10/24/2023 9:34 PM] gabrizzy :Lightning_salute: [10/25/2023 10:45 PM] gabrizzy {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1166930476083204136/Gab-1.png?ex=66174eb2&is=6604d9b2&hm=c1aab31bdfcb605945dbc83d7238c350020ea5a098fd79c10520eddeafd72b1d& [10/25/2023 10:48 PM] hon3ybrewer :TaffyHeart: [10/26/2023 4:39 AM] hon3ybrewer :frostpride::HG_pride: [10/26/2023 4:39 AM] hon3ybrewer how is pcl doing [10/26/2023 4:40 AM] phoenixfire42 :trixiemmmaybe: [10/26/2023 4:40 AM] phoenixfire42 Good enough [10/26/2023 5:31 AM] wubzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1153103943568736306.png [10/26/2023 6:30 AM] gabrizzy dinner time [10/26/2023 6:32 AM] emperor_sombra :ponkdonuts: [10/26/2023 2:23 PM] fluffymarsh My family 0.000000.2 milliseconds after I open a bag of chips [10/26/2023 2:26 PM] romulus4444 Average pringles can [10/26/2023 2:34 PM] fluffymarsh :THIS: [10/26/2023 8:24 PM] astrolazuli murder [10/26/2023 8:24 PM] astrolazuli :happiii: [10/26/2023 8:25 PM] hon3ybrewer :REEE: [10/26/2023 8:25 PM] hon3ybrewer why :WAUGH: [10/26/2023 8:25 PM] astrolazuli idk it's a fun word to say [10/26/2023 8:25 PM] astrolazuli especially with a British accent [10/26/2023 8:25 PM] astrolazuli muhduh {Reactions} kekw [10/26/2023 8:25 PM] hon3ybrewer minah [10/26/2023 8:26 PM] astrolazuli My phone probably thinks I'm very into murder because I love saying it out loud [10/26/2023 8:26 PM] astrolazuli I just appreciate some soothing phonemes [10/26/2023 8:26 PM] hon3ybrewer you are [10/26/2023 8:26 PM] astrolazuli Nah nah you see that's my boyfriend [10/26/2023 8:26 PM] phoenixfire42 :TrixieConcern: {Reactions} kekw (3) [10/26/2023 8:27 PM] hon3ybrewer do you commit murder together [10/26/2023 8:31 PM] astrolazuli only on Sundays [10/26/2023 8:31 PM] hon3ybrewer most romantic date idea [10/26/2023 8:40 PM] dragonsreborn333 Uh hi pcl, I would like to report on a mod abuse against @Astro 💙 in cahoots with @Captain Muista for muting me :angeredthetwiggles: [10/26/2023 8:41 PM] phoenixfire42 You can't spell romance without o. And o is a circle. Now let's put that circle on the complex plane. Now let's talk about Euler's formula. Let's use that to express electron waves. Now we are getting somewhere :Celblep: [10/26/2023 8:42 PM] phoenixfire42 That's my ideal date [10/26/2023 8:44 PM] hon3ybrewer :WoozyWeary: [10/26/2023 8:48 PM] captainmuista Fuckin narc [10/26/2023 8:49 PM] phoenixfire42 I can mute him here too if that's what you want [10/26/2023 8:49 PM] phoenixfire42 :SilverSly: [10/26/2023 8:52 PM] captainmuista https://tenor.com/view/mr-bison-street-fighter-yes-gif-3718772 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/mr-bison-street-fighter-yes-gif-3718772 Mr. Bison says YES! https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/AFqK8YUQnMxcgOZEDN8LET6Ifpm9J0im2Ni36-xJ2mk/https/media.tenor.com/CpC2bNOuRQAAAAAe/mr-bison-street-fighter.png [10/26/2023 8:52 PM] dragonsreborn333 noooooo [10/26/2023 8:52 PM] dragonsreborn333 mute them, not meeee [10/26/2023 8:53 PM] phoenixfire42 You have to solve my math problem to not be muted [10/26/2023 8:53 PM] dragonsreborn333 bet [10/26/2023 8:53 PM] dragonsreborn333 XD [10/26/2023 8:53 PM] phoenixfire42 Find the x that satisfy: 1^x = 69 [10/26/2023 8:55 PM] dragonsreborn333 undefined [10/26/2023 8:55 PM] phoenixfire42 Unfortunately that is not correct [10/26/2023 8:55 PM] phoenixfire42 :VelSip: [10/26/2023 8:55 PM] dragonsreborn333 reee [10/26/2023 8:55 PM] phoenixfire42 I'm gonna have to banish you to the shadow realm for 420 days and 69 hours [10/26/2023 8:57 PM] dragonsreborn333 :eternalscreee: [10/26/2023 8:57 PM] fluffymarsh He Said 69 😱 This Means A Lot of stuff here on discord And can be considered NSFW {Reactions} GlimISee (3) [10/26/2023 8:57 PM] dragonsreborn333 ^ [10/26/2023 8:58 PM] dragonsreborn333 :BongoBan: [10/26/2023 8:58 PM] fluffymarsh Baaannn [10/26/2023 8:58 PM] dragonsreborn333 bannnnnn [10/26/2023 8:59 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/yeet-simba-lion-king-cartoon-throw-gif-17710053 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/yeet-simba-lion-king-cartoon-throw-gif-17710053 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/DJaJRMHW9tYPXVtTQy-nMIfL2IHyUKwe06OboHao5gA/https/media.tenor.com/A5TypDT0UgcAAAAe/yeet-simba.png [10/26/2023 9:01 PM] evil_gavier easy. We'll be using Gavier's set of axioms for this problem. let J be a number such that J satisfies 1^J = 69 the answer is J this may not be compatible with most maths you're used to [10/26/2023 9:05 PM] dragonsreborn333 counter: godel's theorem states that any mathematical statement that is true cannot be proven, therefore skill issue [10/26/2023 9:08 PM] phoenixfire42 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1167268461769146478/image.png?ex=66188978&is=66061478&hm=4aabdba6c68a5f85f33a75d84bdaf93429d33d1f2a642f4b25106c38219d8460& {Reactions} 🤔 [10/26/2023 9:11 PM] dragonsreborn333 bruhhhhh [10/26/2023 9:12 PM] dragonsreborn333 its imaginary, therefore doesnt exist [10/26/2023 9:14 PM] evil_gavier DragonsReborn confirmed to deny the existence of private property [10/26/2023 9:19 PM] dragonsreborn333 cri I dont know anything about complex equations [10/26/2023 9:21 PM] phoenixfire42 It's really not hard tbh. You just gotta think a different way [10/26/2023 9:21 PM] phoenixfire42 If you understand polar coordinates in 2 dimentions you are already 95% the way there [10/26/2023 9:22 PM] dragonsreborn333 I mean like in a formal setting [10/26/2023 9:22 PM] phoenixfire42 Just imagine the x axis is real numbers and the y axis is imagionary. This can be done because the two sets of numbers are orthogonal in an algebraic sense. Now plotting to the plane something like, idk, (2,3) is done by writing 2+3i [10/26/2023 9:24 PM] phoenixfire42 And moving that to angles, if you take the unit circle, you can map polar coordinates around it if you understand e^i\*theta reolves around the unit circle every 2 pi (it equals 1 when theta is some multiple of 2\*pi) [10/26/2023 9:25 PM] phoenixfire42 So complex numbers let you turn one dimensional real numbers into two dimensional imaginary numbers that are cyclical every 2 pi [10/26/2023 9:26 PM] dragonsreborn333 :bceDerp4: I dont get where the e comes from [10/26/2023 9:26 PM] phoenixfire42 The unit circle can be drawn with the equation e^i*theta [10/26/2023 9:26 PM] phoenixfire42 That just is the unit circle in the complex plane [10/26/2023 9:27 PM] dragonsreborn333 can it be derived from x^2+y^2=1 [10/26/2023 9:27 PM] phoenixfire42 Probably, but not without doing weird crap. And in complex numbers, there is no y. x are real numbers and y are imagionary numbers. [10/26/2023 9:28 PM] phoenixfire42 So one number maps to two dimensions [10/26/2023 9:28 PM] phoenixfire42 1+i is plotting (1,1) in that plane [10/26/2023 9:28 PM] dragonsreborn333 I know i is sqrt(-1) [10/26/2023 9:29 PM] phoenixfire42 that is correct [10/26/2023 9:29 PM] dragonsreborn333 from x^2=-1 [10/26/2023 9:29 PM] phoenixfire42 The only reason this works is because real and imagionary numbers are orthagonal, so you can make the number lines intersect at a right angle. No combination of a real number gives you i and vice versa. [10/26/2023 9:30 PM] phoenixfire42 You can't manipulate two real numbers into giving you i without taking a root [10/26/2023 9:30 PM] astrolazuli Look a jazz chord [10/26/2023 9:30 PM] dragonsreborn333 I dont speak jazz [10/26/2023 9:31 PM] dragonsreborn333 XD [10/26/2023 9:31 PM] astrolazuli Do you ever just Ebmaj13sus4 [10/26/2023 9:32 PM] phoenixfire42 You pretty much just have to start by accepting this. Understanding why it's true is more complicated than the things you can already do with it {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1167274501260726312/image.png?ex=66188f18&is=66061a18&hm=158459121e1956f63947b1c884427947079f00ecd015b6e1ce03e9975d1d5bba& [10/26/2023 9:32 PM] dragonsreborn333 :dead: [10/26/2023 9:32 PM] phoenixfire42 And if you know the unit circle, cos is the x coordinate and sin is the y coordinate of the circumference [10/26/2023 9:33 PM] phoenixfire42 Or the point on it I mean [10/26/2023 9:33 PM] phoenixfire42 For a given angle [10/26/2023 9:34 PM] dragonsreborn333 time to watch 3b1b to understand this [10/26/2023 9:34 PM] phoenixfire42 He does have videos on it [10/27/2023 8:25 AM] vuisammie 43 [10/29/2023 6:20 PM] dragonsreborn333 Imagine banning a language for a war [10/30/2023 4:42 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1168469997111214110/km_20231030-1_1080p_60f_20231030_052909.mp4?ex=661ce87c&is=660a737c&hm=93c758d987136367b12fba14153c0ea52ec2326f2989dba14db197674e9d0004& [10/30/2023 5:15 AM] hon3ybrewer :HG_honey: [10/30/2023 5:16 AM] dragonsreborn333 :Savage: [10/30/2023 5:21 AM] hon3ybrewer :REEE: [10/30/2023 9:57 PM] phoenixfire42 You best watch out Creepers I am coming for you {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1168730377666441246/IMG_0959.png?ex=661ddafb&is=660b65fb&hm=7973c38cdf4a3be90233dc87e15c544f3ed0a69840d74aa45f2bb405a3d09dbf& [10/30/2023 10:09 PM] hon3ybrewer foot [10/30/2023 10:09 PM] phoenixfire42 :GlimISee: {Reactions} GlimBooping [10/30/2023 10:20 PM] hon3ybrewer i could make it worse {Reactions} TrixieConcern [10/30/2023 10:22 PM] phoenixfire42 What does that even mean [10/30/2023 10:22 PM] phoenixfire42 :RainbowTooMuch: [10/30/2023 10:23 PM] evil_gavier I love the shirt lol [10/30/2023 10:34 PM] hon3ybrewer :slurp: {Reactions} TrixieConcern [10/30/2023 11:15 PM] gabrizzy OUH OUH OUH OUH OUH {Reactions} kekw [10/30/2023 11:30 PM] phoenixfire42 :steve_walk: [10/30/2023 11:30 PM] dragonsreborn333 :WoozyWeary: {Reactions} kekw [10/31/2023 2:04 AM] romulus4444 :FoxSpin: [10/31/2023 2:39 AM] emperor_sombra {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1092102575383388311.png [10/31/2023 2:57 AM] astrolazuli >default skin >diamond without enchantments >no armour >no shield [10/31/2023 2:58 AM] hon3ybrewer :pikaxe: [10/31/2023 2:59 AM] phoenixfire42 No armor? Uh, can you not see my shirt? smh. [10/31/2023 2:59 AM] dragonsreborn333 :PikaMiner: [10/31/2023 3:00 AM] astrolazuli Does this imply that Steve's blue shirt is actually his skin? {Reactions} TrixieConcern [10/31/2023 3:00 AM] astrolazuli Happy Halloween everyone! [10/31/2023 3:01 AM] hon3ybrewer thanks astro [10/31/2023 3:01 AM] phoenixfire42 No it implies I was wearing diamond armor :GlimISee: [10/31/2023 3:01 AM] hon3ybrewer his shirt is skin [10/31/2023 3:01 AM] dragonsreborn333 Happy Halloween [10/31/2023 3:29 AM] gabrizzy spoopy time {Reactions} spooky [10/31/2023 6:21 AM] jdbo merry halloween [10/31/2023 9:44 AM] vuisammie :skellyVIBE: [10/31/2023 2:14 PM] evil_gavier yes? the shirt is part of the default skin, it's drawn right there along the rest of it {Reactions} kekw [10/31/2023 7:36 PM] fluffymarsh Thank You Fortnite 😍 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1169057222270140557/Screenshot_20231031-2031222.png?ex=6615d0e1&is=66035be1&hm=cdd8fb656c22273ae4c3d4bcb9daff9a86c51c91d10770b2c4bc011909323296& [10/31/2023 7:39 PM] evil_gavier 🤑 [10/31/2023 7:40 PM] evil_gavier happy halloween btw [10/31/2023 7:43 PM] amoo. Happy new year [10/31/2023 10:32 PM] gabrizzy ho ho ho [11/1/2023 8:40 AM] vuisammie Happy new century. [11/1/2023 1:59 PM] shalour happy new millennium [11/1/2023 2:00 PM] vuisammie Can we make coco a measurement? [11/1/2023 2:24 PM] shalour YES [11/1/2023 3:54 PM] romulus4444 :CocoHappy: [11/6/2023 12:23 AM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1170956600186515526/Screenshot_20231006_135410_One_UI_Home-1.png?ex=661cb9d0&is=660a44d0&hm=68a0ae868af10a91d10041b7b2924c8aa00356132fee3b283dc618d1fe1020fe& [11/6/2023 2:48 AM] elongatedmusket Good [11/10/2023 3:55 PM] epiclper Bro really tried to play the schlong card :kek: @ComradeSparkle [11/10/2023 3:55 PM] epiclper Some people are pathetic [11/11/2023 6:37 AM] feedthemee 💀 [11/11/2023 7:26 AM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1172874895504457829/9c025e20-7ff5-11ee-8ca2-7b1fc7fd50ae.jpg?ex=661a79de&is=660804de&hm=4aa7ef9d7a3c25a72da72c44382e8716da65f14edc9ea4aff8ef9d24eb4cead2& [11/11/2023 7:50 AM] gabrizzy {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1096430270653141104.png [11/11/2023 9:31 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon If someone wants a cool ban video {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1172906545336549447/glory_to_mods.mp4?ex=661a9757&is=66082257&hm=e306581ce15287a91c1633d4174e478d672279a1ad4a7374af57d112454409e2& [11/14/2023 7:41 PM] da_blue_cola Thank you for this [11/14/2023 7:41 PM] da_blue_cola I am keeping it an pinning it in our moderator chat [11/14/2023 7:46 PM] phoenixfire42 https://tenor.com/view/discord-monkey-discord-moderator-select-2020-gif-19647680 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/discord-monkey-discord-moderator-select-2020-gif-19647680 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ZCX6mKkaBIwtwglujkisaVGMdMQI4Wm9tLtqoG6l6gE/https/media.tenor.com/UITC4wkZy50AAAAe/discord-monkey.png [11/14/2023 8:06 PM] zatillias https://tenor.com/view/gumball-discord-mod-gif-22325292 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/gumball-discord-mod-gif-22325292 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/3GIUHvAsGKMcoggawVAquK2qdmjqPdJy6Adi8P0pAxc/https/media.tenor.com/W56Ik4e1Cb0AAAAe/gumball-discord-mod.png [11/14/2023 9:25 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1174173267968397382/dude_turned_into_Saul_Goodman_Full-HD.mp4?ex=6615f892&is=66038392&hm=1e7716cf354b2840a62689594eb66381f9d3381f99f8cf427810ef907fe8d46f& [11/15/2023 9:53 AM] vuisammie Lucky!!!!! [11/15/2023 10:29 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1174370619689795584/Screenshot_20231115-122021.png?ex=6616b05e&is=66043b5e&hm=fdc6d0f657e9ea577d2cfc0ec84cf86581e03d2add9ee2054039bddb802ae8b2& [11/15/2023 1:50 PM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1174421132766617620/CaliforniaGirls.gif?ex=6616df69&is=66046a69&hm=544bcbe2075b527f484f63b14b9978709602995281662df71ca58263262b416c& [11/15/2023 2:53 PM] onemightyarc Hai everyone! {Reactions} wave [11/15/2023 10:09 PM] gabrizzy :GabbyFastWave: [11/15/2023 10:09 PM] gabrizzy california gurls, we're unforgettable~ [11/16/2023 2:42 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon Daisy dukes, Bikinis on top [11/16/2023 11:00 AM] fluffymarsh Another Collab Coming Soon {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1174740898043678783/20231116_070442.jpg?ex=66180937&is=66059437&hm=f0dc39e3571a07654c02aa5f77886914596f41441d91b078437d6a9fe726d7ec& [11/17/2023 12:02 AM] fluffymarsh Let's Goooooo 1 Day for my birthdayyyyy [11/17/2023 12:03 AM] fluffymarsh :PonkHoenn: [11/17/2023 12:31 AM] onemightyarc Happy early burfday! :HG_birthdaypop: [11/17/2023 12:32 AM] fluffymarsh Thanks lol [11/17/2023 1:09 AM] gabrizzy 🍰:cakes::birthday_cake::cakeslice::cakesmile::chococake::cornercake: [11/17/2023 1:14 AM] fluffymarsh A powdered milk cake with strawberries [11/17/2023 1:14 AM] fluffymarsh :PPdrool: [11/17/2023 1:29 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1174959551129341952/Happy_Birthday.mp4?ex=6618d4da&is=66065fda&hm=250476586037b98e4eb06b929974fd8297237c5b6c3fba2ec9abdd65e0181cb6& [11/17/2023 4:13 PM] vuisammie How hard should I attempt to troll an art scammer if they trying to get me from a different server despite the fact that they were banned from the server I’m adminning me? [11/17/2023 4:13 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon Yes [11/17/2023 4:13 PM] vuisammie Okay [11/17/2023 4:14 PM] vuisammie Now we wait [11/17/2023 4:14 PM] vuisammie Let’s see if I can do a reverse art scam? [11/17/2023 4:18 PM] vuisammie {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1175183268174364784/IMG_2238.png?ex=6619a534&is=66073034&hm=772abb667b9afc800f2f4ab94cd2134b4b4093d15ee7c9f595b5d4586842018b& [11/17/2023 4:24 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon Lol! [11/17/2023 4:41 PM] vuisammie WAIT A MINUTE [11/17/2023 4:41 PM] vuisammie THE SAME PERSON TRIED TO ART SCAM ME TWICE :LunaMotionBlurWheeze: [11/17/2023 4:42 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon BRUH [11/17/2023 4:42 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon https://tenor.com/view/wheeze-laugh-gif-14359545 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/wheeze-laugh-gif-14359545 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/1wTXCdO-2b7yyE3mvM2rNMIcxyvl1wXe-hISnEoItzo/https/media.tenor.com/yUqKY2BlKvcAAAAe/wheeze-laugh.png [11/17/2023 4:43 PM] vuisammie I fucking kid you not, they are the same account. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1175189583021998120/IMG_2239.png?ex=6619ab16&is=66073616&hm=4cf64a35727270ed541e95425994f045e70252542aabbc50b12262aa00ccc09c& [11/17/2023 4:44 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon That is insanity! Literall! [11/17/2023 6:39 PM] wubzy I just got one from them too [11/17/2023 6:39 PM] wubzy :WubWheeze: [11/17/2023 8:33 PM] drunknotiam :peepoSmoke: [11/18/2023 1:19 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon Now again because its his birthday! [11/18/2023 1:19 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1175319377126625301/Happy_Birthday.mp4?ex=661a23f7&is=6607aef7&hm=3ba5991d0e556151a7a560b76acb794cec904976d6309c513c9763d682fd4529& [11/21/2023 10:38 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1176547168853692437/20231121_040857.jpg?ex=661560f0&is=6602ebf0&hm=1ea6fa3416c0ee1bdc912ee90fab0ba09293ba018a7b93d3f7821556a2be380d& [11/21/2023 10:38 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1176547183407943720/Screenshot_20231121_084439_TikTok.jpg?ex=661560f3&is=6602ebf3&hm=a5f28a60b3d109e755f0690752d7d21cb5e3836002e5521ead9367f011e4bab9& [11/21/2023 9:34 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1176712162987737149/Eminem_x_Fortnite_HD.mp4?ex=6615fa99&is=66038599&hm=1009cfe213a7a1a9269baa65dd98d36c533dbbdcb7f85200725ab4a98b52fd72& [11/22/2023 12:30 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1176756559611699260/Firework_battle_Starwars.mp4?ex=661623f2&is=6603aef2&hm=3c574d2e52e43e94cacae31b8c6a22476107e26ac39861f4b74276073012427a& [11/22/2023 5:22 AM] phoenixfire42 What's up PCL [11/22/2023 5:22 AM] phoenixfire42 :VelSip: [11/22/2023 5:23 AM] astrolazuli 7:33 in gosh darn morning, ready to go to uni and learn things [11/22/2023 5:23 AM] astrolazuli yeehaw [11/22/2023 5:23 AM] astrolazuli wbu? [11/22/2023 5:24 AM] dragonsreborn333 5:24 am rn [11/22/2023 5:24 AM] phoenixfire42 Same as Dragons [11/22/2023 5:24 AM] phoenixfire42 I can see the chronically online night owl gene is pretty consistent in pony moderation [11/22/2023 5:25 AM] dragonsreborn333 How are you off by 10 minutes astro lmao [11/22/2023 5:26 AM] astrolazuli I misread the hour [11/22/2023 5:26 AM] astrolazuli :starderp: [11/22/2023 5:26 AM] dragonsreborn333 Did you uhh fall into a time slip lol [11/22/2023 5:26 AM] astrolazuli oh yes totally [11/22/2023 5:26 AM] astrolazuli I'll take that as my excuse [11/22/2023 5:26 AM] dragonsreborn333 XD [11/22/2023 5:27 AM] phoenixfire42 Astro is living in Chile time. It's a separate continuum. [11/22/2023 5:27 AM] dragonsreborn333 Indeed [11/22/2023 5:28 AM] emperor_sombra I get to wake up at 2 am for work everyday. :SGexhausted: {Reactions} Sad_Pinkamena [11/22/2023 5:28 AM] dragonsreborn333 We are separate by exactly 2 hours and the 10 minutes offset is time slip xD [11/22/2023 5:30 AM] dragonsreborn333 I got the night shift starting next week at my new job [11/22/2023 5:31 AM] phoenixfire42 Hype. What you doing for work? [11/22/2023 5:32 AM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/fnaf-gif-20043492 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/fnaf-gif-20043492 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/dDczPXau4i04QegcniM96faid7C84gRJe7iHw7AVgkw/https/media.tenor.com/9_8fCidZ-BAAAAAe/fnaf.png [11/22/2023 5:32 AM] phoenixfire42 :GlimISee: [11/22/2023 5:32 AM] dragonsreborn333 Retail at Dollarama [11/22/2023 5:33 AM] phoenixfire42 Whatever pays the bills. It probably pays more than being a grad student :TwiShake: [11/22/2023 5:33 AM] dragonsreborn333 It’s minimum wage lol [11/22/2023 5:34 AM] dragonsreborn333 Probably helps more with my loans [11/22/2023 5:34 AM] phoenixfire42 Minimum varies by state [11/22/2023 5:34 AM] dragonsreborn333 I live in Canada [11/22/2023 5:35 AM] phoenixfire42 I get 30k, but not really. I have to pay 750 3 times a year for no reason on fees, and I have to buy my own health insurance for another 1.5k or so 3 times a year. So it's really not much better than minumum. [11/22/2023 5:35 AM] dragonsreborn333 Ours in about $16/h [11/22/2023 5:36 AM] phoenixfire42 That's way better than me [11/22/2023 5:36 AM] phoenixfire42 In Ohio Minimum is 10.45 [11/22/2023 5:37 AM] dragonsreborn333 Currency convert that’s 14.33 cad [11/22/2023 5:37 AM] emperor_sombra Pennsylvania's minimum wage is still the same as federal which is $7.25 [11/22/2023 5:37 AM] dragonsreborn333 <.< [11/22/2023 5:37 AM] dragonsreborn333 You living in the 1960s? [11/22/2023 5:38 AM] phoenixfire42 Rough. Ohio was like that until a few years ago [11/22/2023 5:38 AM] phoenixfire42 When I was working in Undergrad just 5 or so years ago minimum was near 8 dollars [11/22/2023 5:38 AM] emperor_sombra It is rare for me to see any job listings under $13 an hour around here though. Even for fast food. [11/22/2023 5:39 AM] phoenixfire42 Before Covid everything was minimum. Since Covid they are around 11 [11/22/2023 5:39 AM] phoenixfire42 Which Minimum has risen to [11/22/2023 5:39 AM] phoenixfire42 So idk [11/22/2023 5:39 AM] phoenixfire42 It's rising fast in Ohio [11/22/2023 5:39 AM] phoenixfire42 Like I said it was 2 dollars less not even 4 or 5 years ago [11/22/2023 5:41 AM] dragonsreborn333 Hows inflation there? [11/22/2023 5:42 AM] phoenixfire42 I'd imagine the same as anywhere else in the US. Idk [11/22/2023 5:42 AM] phoenixfire42 No context [11/22/2023 5:43 AM] phoenixfire42 All I know is that I used to be able to spend 5 dollars on a meal at fast food and it now costs me 10 :LunaGrumpy: [11/22/2023 5:43 AM] phoenixfire42 That's the real metric [11/22/2023 5:43 AM] phoenixfire42 lmao [11/22/2023 5:45 AM] dragonsreborn333 Fr the price to dine in on my campus residence doubled in the last 4-5 years I’ve been here now [11/22/2023 5:45 AM] phoenixfire42 Yea inflation is disgusting rn [11/22/2023 5:45 AM] phoenixfire42 Things legitimately cost twice what they cost in 2019. [11/22/2023 5:45 AM] dragonsreborn333 Lunch used to be about 11-13 now it’s 23 [11/22/2023 5:45 AM] phoenixfire42 It is outpacing the growth of minimum wage, even in Ohio where it is ballooning every year [11/22/2023 5:46 AM] phoenixfire42 Even just 1 year ago I felt my wage going further. It is insane [11/22/2023 5:47 AM] dragonsreborn333 Minimum wage rate: 2x inflation rate: x^2 [11/22/2023 5:48 AM] phoenixfire42 There's a lot of reasons for it, but energy is probably the biggest one still. Fuel is just crazy rn. It's getting better, but a year ago it was nuts. [11/22/2023 5:50 AM] phoenixfire42 I've never seen anything so rediculous. It was over 5 dollars last year for a gallon. Which might not sound awful to a lot of you (especially those from the west), but around here where everyone is working minimum it is brutal. [11/22/2023 5:50 AM] phoenixfire42 Especially when the nearest city is over an hour away in all directions :GlimISee: [11/22/2023 5:52 AM] dragonsreborn333 Rural moment [11/22/2023 5:53 AM] phoenixfire42 Gas on average costs way more everywhere else. Especially in Europe. But in Europe you also have access to public transport and everything is closer [11/22/2023 5:53 AM] phoenixfire42 You can't do shit around here without driving for miles and miles and miles [11/22/2023 5:55 AM] phoenixfire42 Like just getting to a decent doctor is a 100 mile drive, one way [11/22/2023 5:57 AM] phoenixfire42 I hate Appalachia :GlimISee: [11/22/2023 6:02 AM] comradesparkle Inflation has hit the UK really hard, especially for food. Its just starting to slow down but food inflation is still around 10%. It varies a lot but some things have gone up a bit, others are like 3 times the price they used to be. [11/22/2023 6:04 AM] dragonsreborn333 The solution to getting rid of hyperinflation is getting rid of the extra zeros *derp* [11/22/2023 6:04 AM] phoenixfire42 Idk. I'm just a young idiot stumbling through life. All I know is things feel worse now because things on average cost more. I am no genius on economics or politics. [11/22/2023 6:08 AM] phoenixfire42 Idk. Anyone have anything fun goin on in life? :derpybored: [11/22/2023 6:10 AM] dragonsreborn333 There’s only two solutions to hyperinflation 1. Attach the currency to something that actually has inherit value like gold or 2. Use better(cope) currency [11/22/2023 6:12 AM] phoenixfire42 We got rid of the gold standard though because of deflation [11/22/2023 6:12 AM] phoenixfire42 Deflation is just as bad [11/22/2023 6:14 AM] dragonsreborn333 So what happens if the currency with the highest value suffers from hyperinflation. They can’t replace their currency so they have to set a gold standard [11/22/2023 6:18 AM] phoenixfire42 There's nothing intrinsically wrong with a gold standard. The problem is that the growth of gold reserves in the world are outpaced by the demand of transaction. [11/22/2023 6:20 AM] phoenixfire42 There is so much fake money made every day through things like fractional reserve banking, and there is no ability to back it up with gold anymore [11/22/2023 6:24 AM] phoenixfire42 But idk, I'm waiting for someone more educated than me on things to prove me wrong. Please do, I enjoy a good discussion. :Derp: [11/22/2023 6:56 AM] shalour It's crazy. I was making crap money when I was 16-20 lol [11/22/2023 6:58 AM] phoenixfire42 On a side note, why are so many of us from the Midwest/Appalachia :GlimISee: [11/22/2023 6:58 AM] phoenixfire42 Or at least near it [11/22/2023 6:58 AM] phoenixfire42 PA is close enough [11/22/2023 6:59 AM] emperor_sombra I would think so. I drive by the Appalachian trail everyday. Those hikers like to cross the highway at bad times. [11/22/2023 7:00 AM] phoenixfire42 PA is part of Appalachia depending on where you are (like Ohio; I am from that part). But reguardless it is just a trend I noticed. So many of us are from PA, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, etc. [11/22/2023 7:02 AM] phoenixfire42 It's enough to not be a coincidence. [11/22/2023 7:02 AM] phoenixfire42 Surely you know what I mean [11/22/2023 7:11 AM] dragonsreborn333 I know quite a few from Texas [11/22/2023 7:12 AM] phoenixfire42 Texas is another hot spot yea [11/22/2023 7:13 AM] phoenixfire42 But the Midwest is definately a hot spot [11/22/2023 7:13 AM] phoenixfire42 We do have 3 pony cons [11/22/2023 7:23 AM] jdbo Pony [11/22/2023 8:34 AM] vuisammie I can’t believe I’m gonna have to make this report… [11/22/2023 8:42 AM] shalour Because it's the best place to be :GlimYep: [11/22/2023 8:42 AM] phoenixfire42 I wish [11/22/2023 8:43 AM] shalour I like living in PA. It's just in a perfect location for travel. [11/22/2023 8:45 AM] phoenixfire42 I actually hate South Eastern Ohio. it is a forsaken shithole of drugs and no ambition in life. It ruins people. [11/22/2023 8:55 AM] vuisammie Middle of the pack moment [11/22/2023 9:01 AM] romulus4444 I escaped ohio once [11/22/2023 9:02 AM] phoenixfire42 It's not even an all of Ohio problem [11/22/2023 9:02 AM] phoenixfire42 It's a South Eastern Ohio problem. My hometown borders West Virginia. It's the town on the Ohio side of the Mothman stuff :GlimISee: [11/22/2023 9:03 AM] romulus4444 I've never gone to ohio, only left [11/22/2023 9:04 AM] phoenixfire42 The difference between my neck of Ohio and even central Ohio is stark [11/22/2023 9:04 AM] phoenixfire42 My part might as well just be WV [11/22/2023 9:06 AM] romulus4444 I think minimum wage here is still $7.25 [11/22/2023 9:06 AM] phoenixfire42 oof [11/22/2023 9:06 AM] phoenixfire42 Rocking Federal minimum [11/22/2023 9:06 AM] romulus4444 Back when i had my first job it was $5.15 [11/22/2023 9:07 AM] phoenixfire42 I would hate to make 7.25 today. Actually a joke. You would just die on the streets [11/22/2023 9:36 AM] comradesparkle I hate where I live too. Its a bunch of old people waiting to die and voting for all the most corrupt options, and property developers cramming in anything they can on the tiny patches of undeveloped land around all the towns, no infrastructure to support it all, and the jobs don't pay enough to cover the ridiculous housing costs. [11/22/2023 9:37 AM] feedthemee that's pretty much how it is everywhere rn it seems [11/22/2023 9:38 AM] feedthemee housing prices either leaving you with very little at the end of the month or it being completely unaffordable [11/22/2023 9:41 AM] vuisammie Is it bad that I’m about to say that I’m fine where I live? :hahapanic: [11/22/2023 9:42 AM] comradesparkle Where I live its completely unaffordable. Only way is dual income and good luck finding a girlfriend around here. You can walk around town for 20 minutes and not see a sole woman of child bearing age. [11/22/2023 9:42 AM] vuisammie Sheesh [11/22/2023 9:42 AM] comradesparkle Its become a retirement village. Even the towns market has been demolished and replaced with a retirement home [11/22/2023 9:43 AM] comradesparkle there's nothing left to do but sit around watching countdown waiting for the curtains to close. [11/22/2023 9:43 AM] romulus4444 https://tenor.com/view/do-you-have-any-idea-how-little-that-narrows-it-down-that-narrows-it-down-clear-now-its-clear-now-i-understand-now-gif-21256627 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/do-you-have-any-idea-how-little-that-narrows-it-down-that-narrows-it-down-clear-now-its-clear-now-i-understand-now-gif-21256627 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/W7jD1j4H4xJlLDJGPjvyLNQcxg6PUE45aAGoM4ePMro/https/media.tenor.com/LlBBzlkIQk4AAAAe/do-you-have-any-idea-how-little-that-narrows-it-down-that-narrows-it-down.png {Reactions} LunaMotionBlurWheeze [11/22/2023 9:44 AM] comradesparkle I despise it. I mean there are worse places because at least it isn't super dangerous, but its just so moribund and lifeless. [11/22/2023 9:44 AM] feedthemee im a software developer and so i'm lucky to get quite better pay than other people and so i'm having the money for rent just fine, but still it's so much money just going away every month. i'm sorry for people who work minimum wage 'cuz even in a small city in czechia it's unaffordable [11/22/2023 9:45 AM] comradesparkle Lol I'm a developer and don't even make national average, and the propery here is some of the most expensive outside of london [11/22/2023 9:46 AM] romulus4444 I am fortunate that I make enough to live on my own, but inflation is stretching things further and further [11/22/2023 9:46 AM] feedthemee from what i know, investors in the area buy the apartments, "renovate them" and then sell / rent them for much more. on one hand it's nice to have a renovated apartment for sure, but i'd rather live in a slightly older appartment for normal money :waaa: [11/22/2023 9:47 AM] phoenixfire42 I just hate the attitude where I am from. No one cares to learn anything. Everyone is uneducated and likes it, and so many people are on drugs. [11/22/2023 9:47 AM] feedthemee that is depressing [11/22/2023 9:47 AM] comradesparkle Its impossible here. Tried it in 2019. I had £5 to last me a week for food. Would totally inpossible now. [11/22/2023 9:48 AM] feedthemee if you're from the us i don't honestly wonder. last thing i'd want is to take a huge student loan when everything is already so expensive [11/22/2023 9:49 AM] phoenixfire42 It's not just that it's the US. It's that I am in Appalachia. No one has any fucks to give. This is rootin' tootin' gun shootin' married with kids at 19 territory. [11/22/2023 9:49 AM] feedthemee czechia has luckily all public unis free, even for foreigners (if you take the classes in czech). though high school taught me enough and i dropped out of uni after first semester [11/22/2023 9:49 AM] feedthemee good god [11/22/2023 9:50 AM] feedthemee also that's sad D: [11/22/2023 9:50 AM] comradesparkle I'm emigrating next year [11/22/2023 9:50 AM] phoenixfire42 You see it everywhere here. Almost no one in my class went to Uni, and pretty much everyone outside of my friend group dropped out. My brothers both do drugs to some level, and no one has any aspirations to leave. [11/22/2023 9:50 AM] feedthemee to where? if you don't mind me asking [11/22/2023 9:51 AM] comradesparkle there is no future in this country, its disappeared up its own backside [11/22/2023 9:51 AM] phoenixfire42 The only positive thing I have to say about this place is that if you aspire to be a failure, you can rent a house being one. No one wants to be here so the property isn't that expensive. [11/22/2023 9:52 AM] comradesparkle Netherlands hopefully. Its still expensive but it has more of a future and I can get work there, and the language barrier isn't too steep [11/22/2023 9:52 AM] feedthemee man :HeartDoomer: and i thought we were doing bad here [11/22/2023 9:52 AM] phoenixfire42 It's basically West Virginia in my hometown. [11/22/2023 9:52 AM] phoenixfire42 It's only a stone's throw away anyway [11/22/2023 9:52 AM] comradesparkle Its also within driving distance [11/22/2023 9:52 AM] feedthemee my friend went to work to netherlands and is gonna come back next year [11/22/2023 9:52 AM] feedthemee stuff was so expensive he had to share an appartment with a bunch of strangers [11/22/2023 9:53 AM] feedthemee but, he was very near amsterdam so that's probably what made it even more expensive [11/22/2023 9:53 AM] feedthemee hope you can fine something affordable tho [11/22/2023 9:53 AM] phoenixfire42 There is a reason WV consistently ranks the lowest in happiness and mental health in the US. It's a shithole. [11/22/2023 9:53 AM] comradesparkle Property there is about the same price as here but the pay is better [11/22/2023 9:53 AM] feedthemee i see, i see [11/22/2023 9:55 AM] phoenixfire42 I guess if you are already rich/working as a doctor it's paradise here. Being rich in a land of destitute people is overwhelmingly powerful. [11/22/2023 10:03 AM] phoenixfire42 I want to see the world at some point :Derp: So expensive though :ded: [11/22/2023 10:05 AM] feedthemee i was on a roadtrip through a bunch of countries in europe like 2 months back and it was amazing. if you ever got the chance, go for it uwu [11/22/2023 10:06 AM] phoenixfire42 You can see so many different cultures in Europe so easily though. In the US I could drive for literally 72 hours and see nothing different. [11/22/2023 10:07 AM] phoenixfire42 The terrain changes, but the people don't really [11/22/2023 10:08 AM] phoenixfire42 I mean that's an oversimplification yea, there are a lot of small cultural things in the US place to place, but I want to see something not American [11/22/2023 10:08 AM] phoenixfire42 Or at least South American if I do [11/22/2023 10:16 AM] feedthemee yeah, i can understand that [11/22/2023 10:17 AM] feedthemee and it sucks cuz it'll only be more expensive to travel somewhere further away [11/22/2023 10:20 AM] phoenixfire42 Yes and no. Flying to Seattle for Everfree isn't really that much more expensive than if I were to fly to Europe tbh [11/22/2023 10:20 AM] phoenixfire42 Though that's more a statement on how bad transit in the US is maybe [11/22/2023 10:20 AM] phoenixfire42 But it is really damn far away [11/22/2023 10:20 AM] phoenixfire42 It's like 2/3 as far [11/22/2023 10:24 AM] shalour I would only go to europe for a ponycon haha [11/22/2023 10:25 AM] phoenixfire42 I would go for a pony con, but that wouldn't be the only reason why. It would probably be the only reason I would go alone though, since the plan would be to see some of y'all [11/22/2023 10:25 AM] phoenixfire42 I have a non-pony life though, as hard as that may seem to be true for as often as I spend on here :VelSip: [11/22/2023 10:26 AM] shalour Me too [11/22/2023 10:28 AM] shalour I primarily travel only for cons nowadays. They eat up so much money [11/22/2023 10:29 AM] phoenixfire42 My Iron Minecart friend want to go to Oktoberfest, so Galacon may not even be the reason I go to Germany first :dashshrug: [11/22/2023 10:30 AM] romulus4444 All my vacations are for pony cons [11/22/2023 10:30 AM] romulus4444 Can only do 2 a year though, and only because i live by one [11/22/2023 10:31 AM] phoenixfire42 I want to go to more pony cons, but my IRL friends aren't really into pony (except for Grimlock). [11/22/2023 10:31 AM] phoenixfire42 Grimlock and I are from the same HS fyi [11/22/2023 10:31 AM] shalour Finally expanding to 3 next year [11/22/2023 10:32 AM] shalour I only live kinda close to 1. Northeast US has a real lack of pony cons [11/22/2023 10:32 AM] shalour Did you convert him [11/22/2023 10:32 AM] phoenixfire42 Pretty much [11/22/2023 10:32 AM] shalour I couldn't convert my friends [11/22/2023 10:33 AM] phoenixfire42 We weren't much of friends in HS, but I met him again in Uni. We used to do theater in Elementary school and we lost touch. [11/22/2023 10:33 AM] shalour Ah [11/22/2023 2:14 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1176963895454347385/20231122_121521.jpg?ex=6616e50b&is=6604700b&hm=87c441d1e386298c827522c86e90cfeeedde031521feb6bbf7429da1aa225379& [11/22/2023 2:20 PM] hon3ybrewer :foxderp: [11/22/2023 2:26 PM] hon3ybrewer i am partially thankful i live more around western/central kentucky cause of this lmao, appalachia is a literal shithole [11/22/2023 10:48 PM] fluffymarsh Hey Wanda, Why is W spelled with D? {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1177093354182414486/o_wanda_porque_w_se_escreve_com_d___HIGH.mp4?ex=66175d9c&is=6604e89c&hm=40829c8574e926d70b55343d72c2ab4306050ca30b51516b328c131c4afabdeb& [11/23/2023 2:00 PM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1177322790609768580/20231123_021944.jpg?ex=6618334a&is=6605be4a&hm=8416877b23f5c740c277893a3707d515ef852dd75cef4892159337cd58254746& [11/23/2023 2:00 PM] feedthemee la creatura uwu [11/23/2023 2:00 PM] feedthemee and your cat [11/23/2023 2:00 PM] hon3ybrewer demon baby [11/25/2023 3:15 AM] phoenixfire42 @Onyx Dash Explain yourself :spikewtf: {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1177885335590547466/image.png?ex=661a3f34&is=6607ca34&hm=de2c431269b659252c1a983c9d20058e99a67b94827bbee3c467733a4cdbd72f& {Reactions} kekw (8) [11/25/2023 5:50 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1178105407336632371/End_HD.mp4?ex=661b0c29&is=66089729&hm=e0dd3d93dada78450d558cceacde71959986b632a3732af46b605a82beb19584& [11/26/2023 10:29 PM] fluffymarsh Who here plays Fortnite and is going to watch that event? [11/26/2023 10:31 PM] fluffymarsh @Amoo the local detective 🔍 I'm trying to find your server's main chat where is It 😭 [11/26/2023 10:31 PM] amoo. Lounge [11/26/2023 10:31 PM] fluffymarsh Ah [11/26/2023 10:31 PM] amoo. #deleted-channel [11/26/2023 10:33 PM] fluffymarsh Thanks [11/26/2023 10:33 PM] fluffymarsh Lol [11/26/2023 10:52 PM] fluffymarsh @Amoo the local detective 🔍 Do you like Lego Games,Guitar Hero,Rocket League And Racing Games? [11/26/2023 11:14 PM] amoo. I like racing [11/26/2023 11:22 PM] phoenixfire42 I've been known to play Guitar Hero :VelSip: [11/27/2023 4:41 AM] fluffymarsh Well Cuties Fortnite Will Make New Gamemodes based on that [11/27/2023 4:42 AM] fluffymarsh They will basically be another game [11/27/2023 4:42 AM] fluffymarsh But inside Fortnite [11/28/2023 2:15 AM] fluffymarsh Hey Guys does anyone here Knows a website where I can read the 10th season of MLP for free? [11/28/2023 3:44 AM] meganought Yayponies? That's where basically everything is available to torrent [11/28/2023 7:54 PM] onyxdash oh? [11/28/2023 7:54 PM] onyxdash I didn't even know you pinged me here lmao [11/29/2023 8:06 PM] fluffymarsh OMGGGG {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1179589358278430841/Slim_Shady_HD.mp4?ex=661737b2&is=6604c2b2&hm=7e80f8401bab400ca2dd01536df44edd30f658f7f50efd34f4b51ac0cdcf4ff6& {Reactions} SBBlink [11/30/2023 12:16 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1179833375750619227/Slim_Shady__Full-HD.mp4?ex=66181af5&is=6605a5f5&hm=caae5236d020a3bc85dd4e3bc76ea61ad9c07c1efa9c7e90d0698663a23fd771& [11/30/2023 7:01 PM] drunknotiam @FluffyMarsh Hey did you know they added eminem to fortnite [11/30/2023 7:27 PM] fluffymarsh A week ago He got leaked [11/30/2023 7:28 PM] fluffymarsh And yesterday He got released [11/30/2023 7:28 PM] fluffymarsh I Got All his items lol [11/30/2023 7:37 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1179944274293428264/Screenshot_20231130-213546.png?ex=6618823d&is=66060d3d&hm=5460e15e0ac848042b4d6f12deca3d9d234798198892159a20108efd9c8c8a5f& [12/1/2023 4:40 AM] comradesparkle Twilight is mine :TwiFlirt: [12/1/2023 4:49 AM] voidtemplar2000 That was a very strange report to read [12/1/2023 5:03 AM] meganought Fucking weirdo [12/1/2023 5:03 AM] meganought We all know twilight is mine anyway {Reactions} TwiNope [12/1/2023 5:04 AM] jdbo https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/650447483750580274.gif?size=128&name=TwiEyeSparkle&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/650447483750580274.gif?size=128&name=TwiEyeSparkle&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/xfx-BrDDprflcfFxsilCsf44MBQ3poTfSuOnwGPhv5g/%3Fsize%3D128%26name%3DTwiEyeSparkle%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/650447483750580274.gif {Reactions} 💜 [12/1/2023 5:04 AM] jdbo the sparkle horse {Reactions} TwiNod [12/1/2023 5:37 AM] gabrizzy y'all need to touch grass [12/1/2023 5:37 AM] gabrizzy :TouchGrass: :TouchGrass: :TouchGrass: :TouchGrass: [12/1/2023 5:38 AM] .derpy. {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1180095542857039963/ij5vhw1j97fb1.png?ex=66190f1e&is=66069a1e&hm=73ece5d1f4395b35b3861e75e40e924384dfce003d6839361baf7544af0a12bb& [12/1/2023 5:40 AM] emperor_sombra https://imgur.com/NWbqy2p {Embed} https://imgur.com/NWbqy2p https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/r5HweHrBcoja6J7-S2ZQLdaAvoOacZPFe7hAUIrQV5o/https/i.imgur.com/NWbqy2ph.jpg [12/1/2023 6:08 AM] rainbowbrony i made a public open source discord bot wich i want to make better if u know any useful features post it in issues or if ur a dev yourself feel free to contribute repo can be found here: https://github.com/PonyCommunity/Pony-Police {Embed} https://github.com/PonyCommunity/Pony-Police GitHub - PonyCommunity/Pony-Police: A Discord bot to keep mlp Commu... A Discord bot to keep mlp Communities safe. Contribute to PonyCommunity/Pony-Police development by creating an account on GitHub. https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/4gxVrvR7zMgu0tulCVAb7k6TuB6oxIJWZGv5ZLtzcJw/https/opengraph.githubassets.com/940b4fc681173a89274f6c2cafe709ed85af4df2629a97290bda554fa9be9b66/PonyCommunity/Pony-Police [12/1/2023 6:18 AM] gabrizzy "eated" [12/1/2023 6:18 AM] .derpy. :GlimEating: [12/1/2023 9:40 AM] fluffymarsh PETER GRIFFIN IS IN THE NEXT FORTNITE BATTLE PASS [12/1/2023 12:00 PM] shalour :LunaWheeze: [12/1/2023 12:00 PM] shalour Now that's a funny choice [12/1/2023 12:01 PM] fluffymarsh Xbox "Accidentally" Leaked it {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1180191834497089576/20231201_052407.jpg?ex=661968cc&is=6606f3cc&hm=960bc52aa0f4ab1949a6d00acd739f2b5699351c66caab2a32d1de3b5d7edeba& [12/1/2023 2:36 PM] vuisammie Oh god… I have to do push-ups today… I almost forgot it’s December [12/1/2023 2:42 PM] vuisammie 45 [12/1/2023 2:44 PM] evil_gavier for a second I thought that was the amount of pushups done lmao [12/1/2023 2:45 PM] vuisammie That’s the amount I have to do today [12/1/2023 2:45 PM] vuisammie Should make this a series. Because funny [12/1/2023 3:05 PM] zatillias Oh my god??? [12/1/2023 6:53 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1180295606305034320/Omg_HD.mp4?ex=6619c971&is=66075471&hm=9f6cd6d2212c7ebe1ff2fa5d736b8cff54c960c9381349c4a3c3cf36df41563d& {Reactions} cry (2) [12/2/2023 12:47 AM] lunar_explorator https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/865507489986248704/974094151819882516/1117740.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/865507489986248704/974094151819882516/1117740.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/865507489986248704/974094151819882516/1117740.gif?ex=661723df&is=6604aedf&hm=3aef46b9721c9ba6f391a8a1d10a4d322fd46e8e74d45625b5b0cd7599d6fcae& [12/2/2023 9:29 AM] rainbowbrony does anyone have experience with php? [12/2/2023 3:21 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1180604617030107268/20231202_134421.jpg?ex=661ae93b&is=6608743b&hm=7dbe1ae99580fa1d37a01b0eaa8d9bc54b0dfca0cdc9283400c30969ff5a72b4& [12/2/2023 3:32 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon Ayo The Weekened? [12/2/2023 3:33 PM] fluffymarsh Yezzzz [12/2/2023 3:33 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1180607739043512350/iFireMonkey_20231202_1_new.mp4?ex=661aec23&is=66087723&hm=30fcf83fefe0ae785e63957a3b418d960fe996a7a43c6e3442cb31de1fb2662a& [12/2/2023 3:33 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1180607751651606558/20231202_172531.jpg?ex=661aec26&is=66087726&hm=9b48d7dd729168f42a0a3cd7173f9aae6e992a03e874a75fd3f5f05b5e97bf1e& [12/2/2023 3:38 PM] evil_gavier holy shit [12/2/2023 3:38 PM] evil_gavier my childhood mixed with someone else's childhood [12/3/2023 1:07 AM] fluffymarsh https://youtu.be/N0qzSv9c0IY?si=mmDn3blMHzmIaWt9 {Embed} Fortnite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0qzSv9c0IY Peter Griffin Seeks Fitness Advice from Meowscles | Fortnite Hybrid... Peter Griffin seeks fitness advice and finds himself in Fortnite: What happens when family guy Peter Griffin seeks out fitness advice from a cartoon cat? Check out how Peter finds his way into Fortnite with a sneak peek of gameplay action in Fortnite Battle Royale. The Family Guy Set is available in Chapter 5 Season 1 - Underground when you p... https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/yMmzxZ4J1wSJASM9CBsZorNU9S0hrueshuRmb_PQKHs/https/i.ytimg.com/vi/N0qzSv9c0IY/maxresdefault.jpg [12/3/2023 7:23 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon No way [12/3/2023 7:23 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon NO WAY [12/3/2023 10:01 PM] drunknotiam @Amoo the local detective 🔍 Yo I like your pfp on here, that's sick [12/3/2023 10:01 PM] amoo. {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1092527602335498361.png [12/3/2023 10:01 PM] amoo. Thank ye officer [12/3/2023 10:02 PM] drunknotiam :MichiPeace: [12/4/2023 12:10 AM] lunar_explorator https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/927035735566057572.webp?size=48&name=Viva_Heart&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/927035735566057572.webp?size=48&name=Viva_Heart&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/yI7YSpgkcwg4hGxbSbHvgyLTYNFAWueT-9c2uk9TNOM/%3Fsize%3D48%26name%3DViva_Heart%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/927035735566057572.webp [12/4/2023 12:10 AM] lunar_explorator It is very nice [12/4/2023 12:10 AM] lunar_explorator I actually just saw your emotes on derpi the other day I went to derpi to look for something else, but I saw them when I got onto the front page and was instantly taken by them They're great [12/4/2023 12:13 AM] amoo. {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1092527602335498361.png [12/4/2023 12:13 AM] amoo. My man, your verification answers made our whole staff team go ballistic HABSDJAS [12/4/2023 12:13 AM] amoo. We appreciate long responses BUT NOT ESSAYS BECAUSE WE ARE TOO STUPID 😭 [12/4/2023 12:13 AM] amoo. HAHAHA [12/4/2023 12:18 AM] lunar_explorator https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/942199848273330186.webp?size=48&name=nekocatsip&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/942199848273330186.webp?size=48&name=nekocatsip&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/4p4BXr48yjTE3nH3sEO_8JDDtn-y3FfXwjzHI6enN0Y/%3Fsize%3D48%26name%3Dnekocatsip%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/942199848273330186.webp [12/4/2023 12:20 AM] lunar_explorator Awwwh I get a bit wordy when I'm in the mood, and it's a subject that makes me happy Plus, I didn't wanna leave answers that were *too* short since those can be boring [12/4/2023 12:20 AM] lunar_explorator Glad to hear you enjoyed them [12/4/2023 12:21 AM] lunar_explorator Also If I could ask [12/4/2023 12:21 AM] lunar_explorator Does your bot pick up other messages too, aside from the prompts? [12/4/2023 12:22 AM] lunar_explorator ~~I left it a few thank you messages because it felt like a very smart bot, and I wasn't sure if it was a real person or not sometimes. So I wanted to thank it, just in case.~~ [12/4/2023 12:39 AM] amoo. We can see people that DM the bot even out of the blue :) [12/4/2023 12:39 AM] amoo. And what exactly they DM them [12/4/2023 12:39 AM] amoo. So not just verification [12/4/2023 12:39 AM] amoo. Absolutely anything [12/4/2023 12:42 AM] lunar_explorator https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/437083382137094155.webp?size=48&name=birdok&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/437083382137094155.webp?size=48&name=birdok&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/lywWDnaJxdzTpSTYv3L7juPJa7a6ebBMHGzwjmJmx1o/%3Fsize%3D48%26name%3Dbirdok%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/437083382137094155.webp [12/4/2023 12:45 AM] amoo. :3 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1181108961085243402/IMG_4499.png?ex=661cbef0&is=660a49f0&hm=33262b7ea74a1d357da393930002b63c880578902a3c94c72419dcd27949b43a& [12/4/2023 12:50 AM] lunar_explorator https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/783037794317631569.webp?size=48&name=magical_tanks&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/783037794317631569.webp?size=48&name=magical_tanks&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/7iKxzh9iSPTjo5bnU9Rqt7AtLsdR7WunwzaL9apWPz4/%3Fsize%3D48%26name%3Dmagical_tanks%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/783037794317631569.webp [12/4/2023 2:23 PM] fluffymarsh @Max the dragon loaf https://discord.com/channels/981802864353632266/1132389528162795660/1181268923228897280 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1181314828493668414/Screenshot_20231204-162227.png?ex=661d7eaa&is=660b09aa&hm=4cf7fbab143f7844773c8eebc809c413f8ac48b13fb5ef24f4e353d23ecb6561& [12/4/2023 2:24 PM] fluffymarsh :3 [12/4/2023 2:24 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon https://tenor.com/view/wheeze-laugh-gif-14359545 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/wheeze-laugh-gif-14359545 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/1wTXCdO-2b7yyE3mvM2rNMIcxyvl1wXe-hISnEoItzo/https/media.tenor.com/yUqKY2BlKvcAAAAe/wheeze-laugh.png [12/4/2023 2:24 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon Thats so sad, I nearly dropped my wine glas. {Reactions} kekw (5) [12/4/2023 8:13 PM] fluffymarsh https://youtu.be/jIDSHW5tIrQ?si=39Qa9G8Mh63JIIj7 {Embed} The Weeknd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIDSHW5tIrQ The Weeknd x Fortnite Festival Trailer The Weeknd takes the stage in @fortnite Festival, a brand-new music experience launching in Fortnite on December 9. Tune in for a first glimpse at Festival, and The Weeknd in Fortnite. ►Learn More: https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite ►The Weeknd Tour dates: http://theweeknd.com/tour ►Exclusive merch: http://theweeknd.co/shop ►Subscribe to The W... https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/NJ9B728z9JryBig5qpxw09qfwur7aNX2fs05mRcsPqs/https/i.ytimg.com/vi/jIDSHW5tIrQ/maxresdefault.jpg {Reactions} KrabPog [12/4/2023 8:19 PM] fluffymarsh @PhoenixFire i should Totally like have My Own chat to post Fortnite Here :3 [12/4/2023 8:21 PM] phoenixfire42 :TrixieConcern: [12/4/2023 8:40 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1181409718292447312/image0.gif?ex=661dd70a&is=660b620a&hm=1c3da1ceb82aba952e4110270d12c9fed87dfdf186157b4afc885c1561efc5ab& [12/5/2023 3:31 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon @ComradeSparkle Its not new, it already goes for about a month or longer [12/5/2023 3:32 PM] comradesparkle Interesting, it's the first I've seen of it. It was reported me from someone who picked it up from outside pony servers [12/5/2023 3:33 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10A5qpmC6pE {Embed} No Text To Speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10A5qpmC6pE Illiterate Discord Scammers Reported Me... These scammers on Discord evolved. From steam scammers to Discord scammers. But does this change come with any new tricks or is it the same scam in a different coat of paint? Well, there are some changes. And unfortunately that's enough where people still fall for this Discord scam. And these scammers will eventually be more prevalent than stea... https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/smyW4GTWgauibAAg80Se42VcfLQfkd--lWI7xT4kmmE/https/i.ytimg.com/vi/10A5qpmC6pE/maxresdefault.jpg [12/5/2023 3:33 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon No Text to speech nearly always informs about new updates of Discord which also includes scam variants [12/7/2023 7:46 AM] hon3ybrewer {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1182302203046801418/image-102.png?ex=6617dbbb&is=660566bb&hm=4091a128b2612a030c8d7c3e1bd2a28ca8e2220b718030b786956aa26362e575& {Reactions} TrixieConcern (4) [12/7/2023 8:27 AM] gabrizzy :NomNomNomEarNomNomNom: [12/7/2023 10:00 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon Do it [12/8/2023 12:24 PM] lunar_explorator 'Allo 'allo Y'all may find this noteworthy {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1182734457908764722/Screenshot_20231209-024250_Discord.png?ex=66196e4c&is=6606f94c&hm=e665a860a75d6d120e87475d8422bdf5007d7ae8146960fedd8a6696dea77b54& [12/8/2023 12:26 PM] lunar_explorator I updated my discord just to disable it so I don't forget months later, which is when I'd normally get around to updating [12/8/2023 12:40 PM] romulus4444 https://manebooru.art/images/4022696 {Embed} shoutingisfun https://manebooru.art/images/4022696 #4022696 - safe, artist:shoutingisfun, edit, editor:i-shooped-a-pwn... https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/PCG_R9IhEQKglI0UTuvcajv4tQCDna-XytnBKK2UHDI/https/static.manebooru.art/img/2022/7/9/4022696/large.png [12/8/2023 12:42 PM] vuisammie A live view of me this Christmas. [12/8/2023 2:26 PM] gabrizzy {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1182765210503757825/Wellchosenoverheateddamaged_b10af1_11135038.jpg?ex=66198af0&is=660715f0&hm=a422f51928477c6d4a015b340db95172451a2d8d76605a225ec0c531fa22414a& {Reactions} kekw (4) [12/8/2023 3:16 PM] dragonsreborn333 It’s more like zuck bought discord [12/8/2023 11:11 PM] gabrizzy even worse [12/9/2023 2:03 AM] comradesparkle No, still not quite [12/11/2023 6:01 PM] fluffymarsh The Weeknd {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1183906361470373969/20231211_193244_edited2.mp4?ex=661db1b8&is=660b3cb8&hm=fcd87bc220dce4d2f66cfaf60c6464f80a6e7f0b307bc2c0e50d0b77213f46a3& [12/15/2023 10:33 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon https://youtu.be/I2J2N1i8I2k?si=v5uhiTdXnwhagPnY&t=178 So far my best end response to scammers {Embed} PrinceWhateverer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2J2N1i8I2k&start=178 PrinceWhateverer - Spare Me! (ft. Rarity [BGM]) [Explicit] Woo! My FIRST EVER Rarity track!! COME READ!! 🔻 === L I N K S & I N F O === 🔻 So this track actually has an animatic in progress!! (As do many of the unreleased original tracks I have waiting in the wings! OwO) Which I will edit and release as soon as I can ;D but for now I hope you enjoy this new track about Rarity's struggle with the truth ... https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/VKLQAlBf9MrNHAoAIwuZxhaHwVabjDm3IrU_VhvDtUU/https/i.ytimg.com/vi/I2J2N1i8I2k/maxresdefault.jpg [12/15/2023 10:35 AM] feedthemee lmaoo [12/15/2023 10:53 AM] vuisammie I have done this before [12/15/2023 10:55 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon Nice 🤝 [12/18/2023 9:34 PM] lunar_explorator https://tenor.com/view/fat-duck-funny-gif-13147095 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/fat-duck-funny-gif-13147095 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/hivNLd93-EQf3dd3AeUJx9Y0NunENZ3bxukGhIYkdSs/https/media.tenor.com/5b9H0nygpoYAAAAe/fat-duck.png [12/18/2023 10:06 PM] romulus4444 borb [12/19/2023 7:47 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1186832259915980870/NicePng_buzz-light-year-png_9121668.png?ex=6615e1ad&is=66036cad&hm=6bea8ca6b4c84bf8dd2da24d87ca8f2c8cb605ff5d22f8251f03c490f0f24e52& [12/24/2023 1:39 AM] phoenixfire42 *UwU* [12/24/2023 1:39 AM] phoenixfire42 https://tenor.com/view/trixie-lulamoon-moon-dancer-mlp-my-little-pony-gif-16170182 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/trixie-lulamoon-moon-dancer-mlp-my-little-pony-gif-16170182 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/PgP3eiSscJ_irAYo4F5G50OGwHKQdsafXh9LJV8HQ3M/https/media.tenor.com/wJGn10_rQtoAAAAe/trixie-lulamoon.png [12/24/2023 2:30 AM] gabrizzy owo [12/24/2023 2:44 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon Merry Christmas! [12/24/2023 4:51 AM] gabrizzy merr crimas [12/24/2023 10:13 PM] fluffymarsh Merry Christmas Everypony 🎄🎁 [12/24/2023 10:31 PM] slimpickens_ I hope everyone has a merry Christmas/Happy Holidays {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1188685458117492736/IMG_1367.jpg?ex=661c9f99&is=660a2a99&hm=9adc1a700305691a81f71b55a6f5b571f5c562a2673d36fafe6891c840d4c12c& [12/24/2023 11:00 PM] gabrizzy merr crimas y'all [12/25/2023 12:00 AM] dragonsreborn333 Merry Christmas [12/25/2023 12:35 AM] lunar_explorator https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/685875440463773737/786813297420009512/Bellpone_Discord.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/685875440463773737/786813297420009512/Bellpone_Discord.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/685875440463773737/786813297420009512/Bellpone_Discord.gif?ex=6618b9fc&is=660644fc&hm=7cf8b687c8118d9f4135563387a8364326b00843a0a6046be0d8de4e793eb9fa& [12/25/2023 2:38 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon Merry chrismas [12/25/2023 2:40 AM] dragonsreborn333 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1188748124240490506/image0.jpg?ex=661cd9f6&is=660a64f6&hm=e8cc59c8e80a0b2a9d143c89ed690fbf4199e68ee554e5e01a17219e59e0acd4& [12/25/2023 2:51 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon https://tenor.com/view/are-you-ready-for-christmas-mlp-christmas-is-over-gif-13152018 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/are-you-ready-for-christmas-mlp-christmas-is-over-gif-13152018 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/Dz-BALz0yaL1ApC2cUHGuah2h6FRFLhBxcZZU1JZKFw/https/media.tenor.com/qQLxV4SNZpEAAAAe/are-you-ready-for-christmas-mlp.png [12/25/2023 3:53 PM] lunar_explorator https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/863868826365984818/1188483343029915658/large.png?ex=659ab05d&is=65883b5d&hm=01d5de958e7e0130c4336469ba95233ab42ad4d147db99074d60e4284ae71efe& {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/863868826365984818/1188483343029915658/large.png?ex=659ab05d&is=65883b5d&hm=01d5de958e7e0130c4336469ba95233ab42ad4d147db99074d60e4284ae71efe& https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/863868826365984818/1188483343029915658/large.png?ex=661be35d&is=66096e5d&hm=2480ec28537cd090f951c22af611b29943f87291c248446a6ea2d4a85af38fbb& [12/30/2023 2:04 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1190551063879745556/cha_cha_real_smooth_cat_HD.mp4?ex=661a2e94&is=6607b994&hm=7edca2bcadaf2a27eb07997e23760564318625e83dfa7b65340437f5e5c34868& [12/30/2023 6:11 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1190613113771413575/IFUEeQh.mp4?ex=661a685e&is=6607f35e&hm=6587520e1a11eb7bcd7734e46842ef23ebc7e88cb91540db4098dc54b6d74c33& [12/31/2023 10:27 PM] astrolazuli Happy new year to all servers! [12/31/2023 10:28 PM] astrolazuli You all make the community what it is, keep it up! :astroheart: [12/31/2023 10:34 PM] gabrizzy :PleadingBlob: :hiiiheeyyyhaaiiiiiiihewwooooohii: :Siren_love: [12/31/2023 11:28 PM] lunar_explorator https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/685875440463773737/786813297420009512/Bellpone_Discord.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/685875440463773737/786813297420009512/Bellpone_Discord.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/685875440463773737/786813297420009512/Bellpone_Discord.gif?ex=6618b9fc&is=660644fc&hm=7cf8b687c8118d9f4135563387a8364326b00843a0a6046be0d8de4e793eb9fa& [1/1/2024 12:54 AM] phoenixfire42 Love you all! [1/1/2024 12:54 AM] phoenixfire42 {Stickers} https://cdn.discordapp.com/stickers/1164094306378854411.png {Reactions} Hugs (3) [1/1/2024 1:23 AM] gabrizzy :AL_BOOST_C0ffeeLove::pounce: [1/1/2024 2:07 AM] elongatedmusket New years [1/1/2024 2:07 AM] elongatedmusket Huzzah [1/1/2024 2:30 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon Happy new year! [1/1/2024 4:18 AM] slimpickens_ Happy new years! [1/1/2024 4:18 AM] slimpickens_ Yall are amazing [1/1/2024 4:21 AM] romulus4444 happy new years y'all [1/4/2024 8:02 AM] epiclper Not a real report but potential mass-join, banned them for now... {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1192452940212994098/IMG_8507.png?ex=6617df57&is=66056a57&hm=8fab806fa162bf08aae8bea1e3fbe438e957a1eb3d6bb018f78ff02b2f18bc4f& [1/5/2024 1:24 PM] vuisammie Alright, gotta start doing one push-up a day. [1/5/2024 1:43 PM] dragonsreborn333 Everytime I ban a scammer I do one push up ☝️ [1/5/2024 1:43 PM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/gigachad-chad-gif-20773266 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/gigachad-chad-gif-20773266 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/sVzKvyjzfmhb1CzG4JeCchife6F1Tf7j7gmXrPuxE4c/https/media.tenor.com/epNMHGvRyHcAAAAe/gigachad-chad.png [1/6/2024 3:47 AM] lunar_explorator 🦇 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1193113548986011658/IMG_4278.jpg?ex=661a4695&is=6607d195&hm=ad0b46d5048c2b107d0c0bae6f22f65032fcae151fc6f2fb7ffb75fe08aa3089& [1/6/2024 5:07 AM] amoo. Steals [1/6/2024 11:48 AM] stormshadow_cote :fettiwow: [1/6/2024 11:48 AM] stormshadow_cote Who is that? [1/6/2024 2:14 PM] meganought i dont recognize the OC but pretty sure the artist is moozua, i recognize the art style [1/6/2024 2:41 PM] lunar_explorator https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/857289641995534346/863663537137516544/deeryes.gif {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/857289641995534346/863663537137516544/deeryes.gif https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/857289641995534346/863663537137516544/deeryes.gif?ex=661b7359&is=6608fe59&hm=396bde28e6ebb35a719df4a7dd3379ea197ee8dbc77dffe995229bca78d9de7b& [1/6/2024 2:41 PM] lunar_explorator They are the artist! [1/6/2024 2:41 PM] lunar_explorator It’s their own OC. [1/9/2024 1:43 AM] phoenixfire42 :leafeon_uwu: [1/9/2024 1:43 AM] phoenixfire42 I am bored [1/9/2024 1:43 AM] dragonsreborn333 https://tenor.com/view/toothless-toothless-dragon-lizard-dance-dancing-gif-18147614732076936345 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/toothless-toothless-dragon-lizard-dance-dancing-gif-18147614732076936345 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/-8v9LeikqNfLr_bGMCijXAV1HRLEmm81F4A9_wprLlI/https/media.tenor.com/-9lHctoXbJkAAAAe/toothless-toothless-dragon.png [1/9/2024 1:43 AM] phoenixfire42 stick bug [1/9/2024 4:50 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon https://tenor.com/view/toothless-dragon-dance-boogie-happy-gif-5558141494209424671 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/toothless-dragon-dance-boogie-happy-gif-5558141494209424671 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/bC3wSr_keEnw5LvvhT5-M7iqyuDlvrn-zO71KexJfig/https/media.tenor.com/TSJ8PZ22LR8AAAAe/toothless-dragon.png [1/14/2024 11:22 AM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1196127239394312192/Dog_Spins_Around_Then_Poops_on_a_Bed_HIGH.mp4?ex=661c02cc&is=66098dcc&hm=9c552e18b61e9f592c8fb65808fe769874a1744941722ab5ec2dd1ba633a5a94& [1/16/2024 8:58 PM] fluffymarsh Hey guys these are my new OCs what Yall think? {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1196996869331632209/1705363279538.png?ex=6615f234&is=66037d34&hm=3a0cda0dd4bebf5ec927447eb955cd843624251cb4659f7e287c5481db6ccbfe& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1196996869650403468/1705363351597.png?ex=6615f234&is=66037d34&hm=febd9048bc203051af016d4bdb33a15f3e6e9ab2fb0c0df011982a591c32294a& [1/16/2024 8:58 PM] .derpy. :FlutterApplaud: [1/16/2024 8:58 PM] .derpy. they look good [1/16/2024 9:06 PM] fluffymarsh Thanks xD [1/16/2024 9:09 PM] lunar_explorator https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/422440473249054720.webp?size=48&name=lyrathumbsup&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/422440473249054720.webp?size=48&name=lyrathumbsup&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/yo7VEAmpOwKChtZm3Msx1sdBc5PbGdbfyRMWDEF0kA8/%3Fsize%3D48%26name%3Dlyrathumbsup%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/422440473249054720.webp [1/16/2024 10:23 PM] gabrizzy qts [1/16/2024 10:31 PM] fluffymarsh Thanks lol [1/16/2024 11:16 PM] gabrizzy :AL_PonyPat: [1/16/2024 11:45 PM] stormshadow_cote Rather graphic [1/16/2024 11:46 PM] romulus4444 I don't think it's cool, but I'm just one guy [1/17/2024 12:06 AM] fluffymarsh Yeah,But if you listened to his music you know his amazing songs made up for it lol [1/17/2024 12:07 AM] stormshadow_cote I'm sorry, but I don't care about outside stuff. If I saw bloodied faces in avatars in Ponies React, I would ask for it to be changed [1/17/2024 12:09 AM] fluffymarsh I'd probably not use The blood lol [1/17/2024 12:09 AM] fluffymarsh Just the Pose [1/17/2024 12:09 AM] fluffymarsh And The Background [1/17/2024 12:10 AM] fluffymarsh I Love That Weeknd's Album [1/17/2024 12:22 AM] fluffymarsh (btw i deleted the picture so i Don't get into trouble) [1/17/2024 1:59 AM] fluffymarsh Listening to this after some long time brings me back good memories lol {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1197072706349309972/Screenshot_20240117-035910.png?ex=661638d5&is=6603c3d5&hm=83e231b56b71372fa78eb0dcf54ae5051448a7161de21d5658813264befb8e9f& [1/20/2024 12:58 AM] fluffymarsh Can anyone send me The link to discord's report thing? [1/20/2024 12:59 AM] databytebrony https://discord.com/safety/360044103651-reporting-abusive-behavior-to-discord {Embed} https://discord.com/safety/360044103651-reporting-abusive-behavior-to-discord How to Report Abusive Behavior To Discord Learn how to report problems and issues to Discord. https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/aawKlZ1jJjMWrdbfO57ld1XCEb13yFpn7SUTvxgYM5o/https/assets-global.website-files.com/625fe439fb70a9d901e138ab/64af3764ced25ad838454def_Meta-Image-Safety-Library.png [1/20/2024 1:00 AM] databytebrony https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000029212&tf_360011846391=us_family_center [1/20/2024 11:10 PM] fluffymarsh Thxx [1/27/2024 1:49 AM] lunar_explorator @Raine Welcome! [1/27/2024 1:49 AM] lunar_explorator https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/757277450790240276.webp?size=48&name=wave%7E1&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/757277450790240276.webp?size=48&name=wave%7E1&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/TBcHbNf4O9O673CRbYRU3TrU6zxaxpWE1DF2KYseBCk/%3Fsize%3D48%26name%3Dwave%257E1%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/757277450790240276.webp [1/27/2024 5:12 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon Welcome! [1/27/2024 9:55 AM] lunar_explorator Also welcome @Ney ! [1/27/2024 1:45 PM] rainey_clouds Hello [1/27/2024 2:07 PM] neytria hello :Neyplead: [1/28/2024 3:39 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon Heya [1/30/2024 1:49 PM] voidtemplar2000 And now, a rendition of Gilbert and Sullivan [1/30/2024 1:49 PM] voidtemplar2000 As someday it may happen that the hammer must come down, I got a little list, I've got a little list Of candidates and targets who that could be found. And who never would be missed — who never would be missed!   There's the KF lolcow troll who thinks he's some hot shit Who makes up for in shock content what he lacks in wit The Discord scam who try to claim that they made a report Then ask you to click a link, they say it's to "support". Not to mentions those who argue about the makes and breaks. They'd none of them be missed, they'd none of them be missed.   I've got 'em on the list — I've got 'em on the list; And they'll none of 'em be missed — they'll none of 'em be missed   There's the guy who prays on minors, then wants to meet up too Who thinks it's OK to groom as long it's through the tubes The starving artist who shows up and tries to make a deal Then uses an AI or steals some art for the reveal. In truth there are so many all-so-many people with remiss They'd none of them be missed, they'd none of them be missed.   We've got 'em on the list — We've got 'em on the list; And they'll none of 'em be missed — they'll none of 'em be missed   And the people who just are giant assholes all the day.  And can't just get the gist. I've got them on the list. The 'programmer' who made a game and wants you to test it out. A trojan? 'course it is. They'd none of them be missed.   The ones who want to be racist in an online space Who throws off every slur between LA and Hudson Bay The ones who spams the server with their ninety-somethingth alt. Then harass the mods and thinks that they are sole at fault. People whose hand have lacked contact with the grist   They'd none of them be missed. They'd none of them be missed. We'll put them on the list. We'll pass around the list. And they'll none of them be missed. They'll none of them be missed. [2/2/2024 5:32 PM] onyxdash Huzzah {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1203105697693442170/IMG_3560.jpg?ex=6619b67e&is=6607417e&hm=01641737d2234e6c281cbc37f27e89a7f209043ec8dda166d31fc24db8ae8876& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1203105698678833182/IMG_3561.jpg?ex=6619b67f&is=6607417f&hm=d8a0a718ce7427dcf13773a5b4692660d555d23d11281945bdf0dacdbe1d3d33& [2/2/2024 5:32 PM] onyxdash The fun has been doubled [2/2/2024 5:35 PM] onyxdash {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1203106530715635804/IMG_3562.mov?ex=6619b745&is=66074245&hm=89aec1503bc27d12f8341b38e47901b091bcd4ad6b23607e9dadde425f31c0b2& {Reactions} 🔥 (2) [2/3/2024 6:03 AM] neytria :o [2/4/2024 6:06 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon Damn [2/4/2024 12:29 PM] evil_gavier https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1031114978335395860/1203568779376730222/image0.jpg?ex=65d191c6&is=65bf1cc6&hm=c858a777181b433b3438b51369e05b42cc801a34cdc47420bab51cd35f818aec& {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1031114978335395860/1203568779376730222/image0.jpg?ex=65d191c6&is=65bf1cc6&hm=c858a777181b433b3438b51369e05b42cc801a34cdc47420bab51cd35f818aec& https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1031114978335395860/1203568779376730222/image0.jpg?ex=661b65c6&is=6608f0c6&hm=bf0fc69c5f691adbb3f4276166d79b95eb09dcf231cc05030f989aba08317862& {Reactions} kekw [2/5/2024 5:28 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1204010668995518504/friendship-lesson.jpg?ex=661d0150&is=660a8c50&hm=8abf0fc16ef1c73e513f2ce4691dbee151f6ec7da801d5864380bd18d0fda907& {Reactions} 💜 [2/12/2024 3:30 AM] lunar_explorator Welcome @Twilight ! [2/12/2024 3:31 AM] lunar_explorator https://tenor.com/view/hi-new-friend-izzy-moonbow-my-little-pony-a-new-generation-hello-new-pal-hey-there-gif-22937719 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/hi-new-friend-izzy-moonbow-my-little-pony-a-new-generation-hello-new-pal-hey-there-gif-22937719 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/FYIaCmCAgIx1J6W3wOg2lWb1xIejUw6hkGotYLWvemc/https/media.tenor.com/CyNpv6r5tJIAAAAe/hi-new-friend-izzy-moonbow.png [2/12/2024 8:57 AM] twilight1 Hi! 👋 [2/12/2024 2:33 PM] databytebrony {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1206684482992742400/image.png?ex=661d80ff&is=660b0bff&hm=dae737c34797c0b6aba39019c6e84928cd95731038e352ee8917fccbc7207ab0& [2/12/2024 3:43 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon 💀 [2/12/2024 4:06 PM] databytebrony pft, still managing to waste their time - they just spent an hour generating a lineart to convince me that they send clients lineart to show progress {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1206707938337628180/image.png?ex=661d96d8&is=660b21d8&hm=a2d05f007506849d2a35c17ac48c4f948e789aa275867214eb31d689fa3bcfdc& [2/12/2024 4:20 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon Waste more! [2/12/2024 4:21 PM] databytebrony I'm trying to get them to send me pictures of their fursona xD [2/12/2024 4:32 PM] phoenixfire42 I'm surprised they are even entertaining you. When I call them out for using AI they block me and run for the hills [2/12/2024 4:40 PM] databytebrony Yep, they ghosted me xD {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1206716381299740722/image.png?ex=661d9eb5&is=660b29b5&hm=2787906ad0a96ec44729c970634a5a5cb67668abb6fbc76cebc0effe9e509295& [2/13/2024 1:27 AM] max.the.fallen.dragon Awww xD [2/17/2024 5:56 PM] rainbowbrony i have a ponytown animator servers could use to create custom emojies {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1208547591525244949/image.png?ex=661b0da7&is=660898a7&hm=1ff1e75d358647d5c3e407c7ea491a20feb56bab60ed45af28fdc27cc4b05d6c& [2/17/2024 5:56 PM] rainbowbrony the result {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1208547658667659334/shew0kx17w.gif?ex=661b0db7&is=660898b7&hm=434e62d40935d25699c26ff7f48b71c7a5d6099ca396cbec3d2b8b0cb253dc22& [2/17/2024 5:58 PM] rainbowbrony for those who want to try it its part of derpystown for free https://play.derpystown.com/ after logging in create your pony then click: try our animator at the homescreen {Embed} https://play.derpystown.com/ DerpysTown derpy's custom server https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/HF9_7blmP_ePO7ySDw0Xkfy469F3qLltD9Yz-jZVlek/https/play.derpystown.com/assets/images/logo-120-ce14643c84.png [2/17/2024 6:13 PM] lunar_explorator Very neat, thank you! Gotta try that out [2/17/2024 6:16 PM] rainbowbrony if u need help let me know [2/27/2024 7:23 PM] phoenixfire42 Alright, this looks a little bit much for here. I am ignorant to this drama, but if there is something that needs to be said, please do it to me/someone else on staff more directly and not in this board. [2/27/2024 7:35 PM] vuisammie I might also have a word to say in this one, though I don’t know whether to trust any validity on the statement givin’ to me or not. [2/27/2024 7:37 PM] phoenixfire42 If there's any drama between members here, please don't air it out in general chats. If need be, we can discuss it in a more appropriate setting. [2/27/2024 7:41 PM] twilight1 Sorry for dragging this annoying topic into this here server. Just got a bit frustrated. Will deal with it in private chat tomorrow {Reactions} ScootaPat (2) [2/28/2024 1:03 PM] rainbowbrony i got pinged? [2/28/2024 1:12 PM] rainbowbrony was it about me or something? [2/28/2024 3:22 PM] fluffymarsh Fortnite is Going Crazy Tomorrow {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1212495175218372698/ssstwitter.com_1709045288002.mp4?ex=6616f520&is=66048020&hm=a10746fb67934719a5c4f28c380ce30dfb65f0c37e5a892ab46b7f4bf330ba33& [2/28/2024 3:43 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon There is not even a number, its just *b i g* [2/29/2024 5:07 PM] romulus4444 Welcome @Lemon [2/29/2024 5:07 PM] shalour Hi lemon :RainbowBoop: {Reactions} RainbowBoop [2/29/2024 5:07 PM] .derpy. :FlutterWave: {Reactions} ultrainstinctwave [2/29/2024 5:07 PM] lemongreen Thanks! :PZ_LemonLove: [2/29/2024 5:09 PM] rainbowbrony 🥳 [2/29/2024 5:13 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon Heya! [2/29/2024 6:40 PM] vuisammie Hi lemon! [2/29/2024 8:07 PM] lemongreen :PZ_LemonWave: [3/2/2024 2:04 PM] rainbowbrony i tend to update my server security bot pretty soon doen anyone have suggestions on things i could add to it? [3/2/2024 2:05 PM] rainbowbrony {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1213562876061810819/Screenshot_2024-03-02-20-05-20-01_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg?ex=661ad780&is=66086280&hm=0eca3497ce8df6128598b36071a73a8d0041d862329237bcab9f3075982abe99& [3/2/2024 3:28 PM] nightstars. I will give suggestion that I already made malicious/malware url detector [3/2/2024 3:28 PM] nightstars. +virus detector [3/2/2024 3:28 PM] nightstars. such as attachments or images [3/2/2024 8:13 PM] rainbowbrony An url checker would work [3/3/2024 6:55 AM] rainbowbrony i will try to implement this https://github.com/muety/safe-browse-url-lookup?tab=readme-ov-file {Embed} https://github.com/muety/safe-browse-url-lookup?tab=readme-ov-file GitHub - muety/safe-browse-url-lookup: A simplified NodeJS wrapper ... A simplified NodeJS wrapper for Google's Safe Browsing API v4 to check whether a URL is malicious or not. See https://developers.google.com/safe-browsing/v4/ for more information. - muety/s... https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/z-wwjSCjqLZKwtkIxKX9A57X-AjIWkpbGqHRyzlzRdg/https/opengraph.githubassets.com/94953446e4e71d2c6ac5dbaebb9c8334116cbc73c09b827ba46b9e8db9b84040/muety/safe-browse-url-lookup [3/3/2024 7:58 AM] nightstars. Google!? [3/3/2024 7:58 AM] nightstars. I recommend an antivirus instead [3/3/2024 7:58 AM] nightstars. Like kaspersky or bitdefender [3/3/2024 7:58 AM] nightstars. The one I did was using Kaspersky [3/3/2024 7:58 AM] nightstars. Lemme give you the sauce [3/3/2024 7:59 AM] nightstars. Or I could say, the API [3/3/2024 8:00 AM] nightstars. https://opentip.kaspersky.com/api/v1/search/domain?request={event_message_content} x-api-key = `YOUR_KEY` [3/3/2024 8:01 AM] nightstars. replace {event_message_content} with the actual event/listener [3/3/2024 8:01 AM] nightstars. all I did was just examples (except the API URL which is the real one) [3/3/2024 8:02 AM] nightstars. unless you wanna implement both google and kaspersky, then that would work [3/3/2024 8:59 AM] rainbowbrony i can try [3/3/2024 9:05 AM] rainbowbrony it only works for companies and is paid i wont be able to use it [3/3/2024 9:06 AM] rainbowbrony only lookup but new links wont work then [3/3/2024 9:16 AM] nightstars. but for me it works everytime someone posts a link [3/3/2024 9:16 AM] nightstars. that's so strange, I didn't pay anything [3/3/2024 9:16 AM] nightstars. should I give my api key at this point? lol I don't use kaspersky as much as bitdefender [3/3/2024 9:18 AM] rainbowbrony i can try but i think im adding 3 endpoints then [3/3/2024 9:19 AM] rainbowbrony google kaspersky and Cloudflare [3/3/2024 9:19 AM] nightstars. If possible, Bitdefender (I really wanna try and know how cuz its so complex compared to Kaspersky) [3/3/2024 9:19 AM] nightstars. And ooo, cloudflare [3/3/2024 9:20 AM] nightstars. I need their API [3/3/2024 9:20 AM] rainbowbrony https://developers.cloudflare.com/radar/investigate/url-scanner/ {Embed} https://developers.cloudflare.com/radar/investigate/url-scanner/ URL Scanner (beta) · Cloudflare Radar docs In order to better understand Internet usage around the world, Radar provides a URL Scanner at https://radar.cloudflare.com/scan . https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/pfnzNRv5F2MhmAKuf_IUfYT9mUZpXuLToacMo_Xw-NY/https/developers.cloudflare.com/cf-twitter-card.png [3/3/2024 9:20 AM] nightstars. :ThinkEyes: [3/3/2024 9:20 AM] nightstars. Danke [3/3/2024 9:20 AM] nightstars. Time to add new system [3/3/2024 9:20 AM] rainbowbrony lol [3/3/2024 9:20 AM] nightstars. :1rdgiggle: [3/3/2024 9:31 AM] rainbowbrony https://radar.cloudflare.com/scan/32b86b17-9110-4d6e-b2b0-8c6f2be393b3/summary [3/3/2024 9:31 AM] rainbowbrony a test scan from my own site [3/3/2024 12:40 PM] rainbowbrony im also working on it now i can at least seperate a url from the rest of a message {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1213903727224954931/Screenshot_2024-03-03-18-38-35-00_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg?ex=661c14f1&is=66099ff1&hm=38ac73e4360a71748ee64bcae2b0df9d8dbb9cfc1254f878ef9d2130834d5b59& [3/3/2024 12:40 PM] rainbowbrony it still has a long way tho 😂 [3/3/2024 12:41 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon what is with https? [3/3/2024 12:41 PM] rainbowbrony it does both [3/3/2024 12:42 PM] rainbowbrony https still begins with http [3/3/2024 12:42 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon Anf what is with HTCPCP? [3/3/2024 12:42 PM] rainbowbrony is that a thing? [3/3/2024 12:42 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon Yeah its defined in RFC 2324 [3/3/2024 12:43 PM] rainbowbrony never heard of any of that [3/3/2024 12:43 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon https://tenor.com/view/he-really-doesnt-have-a-clue-at-all-the-real-world-home-away-from-home-he-doesnt-know-he-doesnt-have-any-idea-gif-23581027 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/he-really-doesnt-have-a-clue-at-all-the-real-world-home-away-from-home-he-doesnt-know-he-doesnt-have-any-idea-gif-23581027 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/oAvETr4gQbHU10EogP7xcV282QITpksxziscpvVost0/https/media.tenor.com/SOMQVpJPUKIAAAAe/he-really-doesnt-have-a-clue-at-all-the-real-world.png [3/3/2024 12:44 PM] rainbowbrony this will seperate a url from a message and the url wil be sent to s online scanner but its not finished by far [3/3/2024 12:44 PM] rainbowbrony nope [3/3/2024 12:45 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon Its the Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol everyone should know about it because you can make coffee with it XD [3/3/2024 12:45 PM] rainbowbrony 😂never knew [3/3/2024 12:47 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon There is even an updated version of it with RFC 7168, HTCPCP-TEA or written Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol for Tea Efflux Appliances [3/3/2024 12:49 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon You know that I am just joking right? Since it was written on April Fools XD [3/3/2024 1:02 PM] rainbowbrony lol [3/3/2024 2:56 PM] vuisammie Firstly, welcome @Lumin, secondly, I thought your pfp was coco was a second. [3/3/2024 2:59 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon Welcome @Lumin [3/3/2024 3:48 PM] nathanraccoon coco? [3/3/2024 4:06 PM] arnak Pommel [3/3/2024 4:32 PM] nathanraccoon Ahhh right [3/3/2024 4:32 PM] nathanraccoon My sona has never been compared with them before ngl [3/3/2024 4:33 PM] nathanraccoon {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1213962416925446245/Lumin_ref_standing_stellardusk.png?ex=661c4b9a&is=6609d69a&hm=5558e2cb4d758e5e64f279779f0c205a1c64b3df71d9f9eb643809cd517ed418& [3/3/2024 6:23 PM] shalour Very similar color pallete yeah [3/3/2024 7:31 PM] nathanraccoon Yeah, I can understand why you mistake them in the small pfp [3/3/2024 7:31 PM] nathanraccoon Fortunately their designs are still quite different [3/4/2024 3:40 AM] rainbowbrony secret santa 😂 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1214130314029305926/Screenshot_2024-03-04-09-39-59-04_572064f74bd5f9fa804b05334aa4f912.jpg?ex=661ce7f8&is=660a72f8&hm=1af3de06f27bab8588869ae788fc76be78d11abcc817aa4e67d53961b94a8aee& [3/4/2024 3:40 AM] rainbowbrony thats a fail xd [3/8/2024 3:01 PM] stormshadow_cote https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/620689769847848961/1211256872875859989/discord-mods-heading-to-announcements-discord-mods-ezgif.com-video-to-gif-converter.gif?ex=65f6c45e&is=65e44f5e&hm=65c2a706bf81b5462ebee878dbfec6e9f903b6770a4016b8a7a3b93603308f8e&= {Embed} https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/620689769847848961/1211256872875859989/discord-mods-heading-to-announcements-discord-mods-ezgif.com-video-to-gif-converter.gif?ex=65f6c45e&is=65e44f5e&hm=65c2a706bf81b5462ebee878dbfec6e9f903b6770a4016b8a7a3b93603308f8e&= https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/620689769847848961/1211256872875859989/discord-mods-heading-to-announcements-discord-mods-ezgif.com-video-to-gif-converter.gif?ex=661bae5e&is=6609395e&hm=9622ed2decd726e75cda3a5dfdbb788a0d5dbc14ac90ab67067621c356455312& [3/8/2024 3:07 PM] databytebrony The last scammer's quote is spot-on: {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1215752863322476554/image.png?ex=66199496&is=66071f96&hm=7ec95f89417be1d99c7147ec42c8344072739920035b0fcb83c5102a5d584292& [3/8/2024 3:32 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon True [3/8/2024 3:33 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon But on the bright side, it gives you more time to torture them [3/8/2024 5:18 PM] vuisammie Damn right it does [3/8/2024 5:52 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon https://tenor.com/view/discord-discord-drama-drama-argument-political-gif-24419538 {Embed} https://tenor.com/view/discord-discord-drama-drama-argument-political-gif-24419538 https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/aGFl04yWIn69SKBFhigNPVCWl-AnrOBU6bGcqPgOxRQ/https/media.tenor.com/Ki3S5xrrY9wAAAAe/discord-discord-drama.png [3/21/2024 6:11 PM] emperor_sombra Discord polls are rolling out today. Some servers have it live now. Anyone with **View Channel** permission can vote and anyone with **Send Messages** permission can make a poll. Can't turn it off. https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/22163184112407-Polls-FAQ {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1220495149038047262/Discord_Polls.png?ex=6618602f&is=6605eb2f&hm=e3f2ab779428e065c8db11d9805f8646209598dc8061e6771c1355576e6619e3& [3/21/2024 6:15 PM] meganought ..cant turn it off? for fuck sake discord [3/21/2024 6:18 PM] jdbo no way to disable poll to prevent spam in chat? {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1220496690327326850/mqdefault-1.jpg?ex=6618619e&is=6605ec9e&hm=095e70dfe6dbe5813af3f1b018d72bf078e15b4af2293ad23392157bc69edccc& [3/21/2024 6:20 PM] emperor_sombra There is a nice big pop-up bubble that tells you about the new poll feature too. Everyone will know. [3/21/2024 6:21 PM] meganought huzah... [3/21/2024 6:21 PM] vuisammie God. {Reactions} LunaMotionBlurWheeze [3/21/2024 6:22 PM] vuisammie This is really just a race of who can completely end a server race. Between discord and twitter I mean. [3/26/2024 1:44 AM] lunar_explorator Spring is here! [3/26/2024 1:44 AM] lunar_explorator https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/694593328251142244.gif?size=48&name=Bellpone&quality=lossless {Embed} https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/694593328251142244.gif?size=48&name=Bellpone&quality=lossless https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/1ayfzZrcfHnes4IGwFMDYrFUU5v2GLxzdR6odiNPrvA/%3Fsize%3D48%26name%3DBellpone%26quality%3Dlossless/https/cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/694593328251142244.gif [3/26/2024 1:44 AM] lunar_explorator (Since six/seven days ago) [3/27/2024 2:41 PM] max.the.fallen.dragon Yup [3/30/2024 9:27 PM] fluffymarsh {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1083171793021444187/1223805818869256335/2854647d4c9507faceeb4ed3d914a6f5.png?ex=661b30fc&is=6608bbfc&hm=b3ba80f5d797a2e87253fc477388a29c5a3788b0cd5372e3fcc42b077f604c81& ============================================================== Exported 4,817 message(s) ==============================================================