jakparty.soy admin - September 18th 2022: I'm sorry to disturb you while you are on vacation, but I believe that a matter of great importance has come up. It's come to my attention that my site is being shilled along side CP spam raids on soyjak.party. It's also come to my attention through a recent manager post that one of the CP spammers has been found. I'd like to make it clear that I do not condone the advertisement of my site in such a way, I have made a post about it on my /meta/ board awhile ago (https://jakparty.soy/meta/thread/281.html) about the subject due to one user's shilling raid being near another CP spam raid. I fear that someone malicious is attempting to abuse the seperation between our sites to ruin both of us. For my, your, and our userbase's sake this cannot be allowed to happen. Since the post by the manager was rather vague, I'd like to know if me or my site was implicated in any way with this raid other than the raider's shilling attempts. I would also like to lend a hand where I can in discovering the true culprit behind the CP spam. Over all, I just hope this issue can be resolved swiftly and civilly. Do write back when you can. Thank you for your time. Kuz - September 18th 2022: I had to interrupt my day to address the child porn spam coming from people shilling your website. I find it very hard to believe that people are just randomly decided to give you free advertising and then post CP a few hours. Also, DDoSing is a federal crime. I wish you would just leave me and my site alone. I went on vacation so people would stop complaining about my presence and then I have to come back because someone posted daisys destruction. You lie about me incessantly and then whenever you or users of your website come to spam CP on the sharty, scarring innocent teenagers for no other reason than just to break it up even more, you have the gall to email me. If you want to better explain your situation or why your doing what your doing then go ahead. I'd like if you would just stop this shtick altogether and just talk to me about what your so mad about. I've done everything I can to please the users of this site including my critics. jakparty.soy admin - September 18th 2022: Kuz, I am sorry that this is taking an actual toll on you. I do not mean any harm to you personally. I understand your suspicion of my motives, especially after there have been people who tried to use my sites name to do something overtly illegal on yours. The DDoSer was a person who used my site, I have banned them for their attack on yours. I do not wish for my site to become a hub of criminality. I believe that there have been some coincidences and overt harm done by those shilling my site. I do know that one soyteen opted to shill my site with one of our banners and almost instantly after a CP raid happened. I believe that to be a coincidence. I have seen some proof that the current cp spammer is posting the name of the site along with his CP. I believe this to be malicious intent to try to drag my site's name through the mud and cause more drama between us. I don't want there to be anymore illegal problems like these between our sites and I'm willing to help you make sure of that. >You lie about me incessantly If you wouldn't mind pointing out any falsehoods I have stated, I'd be glad to discuss them. I may be misinformed about some aspects of you or the current administration. If I have said something overtly incorrect, and you have changed my mind on the fact, I will be willing to take back those statements and correct them publically. >then whenever you or users of your website come to spam CP on the sharty, scarring innocent teenagers for no other reason than just to break it up even more I personally have never spammed CP on your site. I am unsure if users of mine have attacked yours in this way. If they have, I'll gladly get rid of them. I do not want to give them a place to reside and fester. I only wish to offer an alternative to soyteens, not antagonize and attack. That does more damage to the soymunity as a whole than it does good. I don't want to facilitate harm, I don't want to orchestrate harm, I don't want to harbor harm. I wish only to compete in a fair and non-hostile way. >If you want to better explain your situation or why your doing what your doing then go ahead. I'd like if you would just stop this shtick altogether and just talk to me about what your so mad about. I've done everything I can to please the users of this site including my critics. I have fear of the consolidation of alt-chans that comes with your presence. Diversity of imageboard owners is a virtue in my eyes in case something happens. I have a feeling you may contest this perception of you, feel free to. The moderation on the sharty was very restrictive, then very loose, then went to a place that a bit of a middle ground. I wish for very loose moderation on the sharty since I believe that the chaos will bring about better 'jakking. Things have gotten better over time, I have to admit that, but the inconsistancy at first was not very reassuring. Thus, I remain skeptical. I enjoy some of the slowness of smaller boards a bit akin to how it was in early 2022. The sharty now is a bit too fast for my liking. This is a minor reason I host. To some extent, I hold nostalgia for the early soot era of administration and the general feel of the site. I want to emulate that on my site. I actually enjoy administration of imageboards like these. I was tempted to make it more generalist over time as well as to make it unique. I probably have more things I could drum up for why I host my alt-chan as well, but that's what comes to mind first. >I've done everything I can to please the users of this site including my critics. I do genuinely believe this about you even if I disagree with your policies. I hope we may discuss this problem and come to some form of conclusion. Again, I am sorry for any trouble my site has personally brought you. I do not wish to make you miserable or kill your site, only offer an alternative for those discontent with your administrative style. I hope that this email can a method of opening communications and ease tensions. Kuz - September 20th, 2022: Admin, I have really had it up to here with you. Last night, people used your website to organize a raid where hundreds of interracial porn, cp, and of course shill images for your site have been posted. Since your plea to me I have withheld the NSS from completing the work that needs to be done to stop this from happening, because you signaled to me you would. Put an end to this immediately or I will put an end to your website, you are orchestrating the posting of child porn which you then report to my domain registrar and the safety of the site is at risk. I do not care if you personally clear your hands of this, your refusal to put an end to the people doing it on your site and the massive benefits youd recieve if you killed the party make you guilty. Do not make me threaten you, I take this CP spam stuff very seriously and I will not hesitate to deal with you as I dealt with Robert Brown. I will use all my resources to find you and those you enabled. This is your last chance jakparty.soy admin - September 20th, 2022: I am attempting to locate the source of the cp raids being organized on my site. I fail to see any, that may just be due to a failure on my part. If you can give the specific areas where these horrible actions are happening, I'll gladly suppress them to the best of my ability. I don't want my site's name tainted with such debauchery. It's appauling, immoral, and illegal. I'm going to reiterate this. I don't wish to harm your website. I don't wish to host those who harm your website. I don't think any witch hunts are necessary, only cooperation between us. Neither of us are happy with this situation, I don't think either of us should be antagonizing eachother. If you take me down, I doubt the CP raids would stop. Someone is hell bent on attacking the soyjak community. I have made it specifically clear that I don't want to attract people during CP raids. I am willing to do more if you can point me in the direction on what to do. I am not your enemy in this situation. >you are orchestrating the posting of child porn which you then report to my domain registrar I have done no such thing. I have had a similar incident happen to me recently as well with accusations of filling the wiki with child porn being sent to my providers. I believe both of us are under attack by the same person and I plea for you to not escalate this for everyone's sake. On cooperative note, I would like to bring to your attention a tool I have been looking over that can be used to check uploads by perceptual hash. https://github.com/facebook/ThreatExchange It's Facebook's PDQ, a perceptual hashing algorithm for videos and images. I believe it is useful for countering CSAM. Facebook hosts their own instance usable by APIs: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/threat-exchange/getting-started I suggest you show this to your developers and see if this tool would help in automatically countering CSAM material. I understand your anger with this situation. You don't want to deal with this, I don't want to deal with this, however coming after me and my website is not going to solve our problems. Please work with me, direct me towards any offenses happening on the infastructure I control, and discuss with me on what either of us can do to help fix this. I will deal with offenders to the best of my ability. I don't want to harbor them. Kuz - September 20th, 2022: Last night, over 100 threads with "jakparty.soy" shill images attached to them were posted. How is this in any way supposed to signal a cooperative attitude to me? I dont have any thing against competitor websites, I made friends with the admins of frenschan (And bstall when it was around) and allowed them to "shill" their sites legally and peacefully. I was ready to do the same with you but you (or your users) decided to go the way of trying to wipe the catalog, insert hidden links inside soyjaks, spamming the report function with over 2000 links to jakparty which slowed down our ability to delete the CP that was also posted, and others. This is just talking about the things specifically related to your site in particular, not even considering the CP issue. Theres also the 9chan.tw bunker, the 8kun bunker, and others. They are all practical, working bunker boards for the site. Jakparty didnt try to go their way, instead you tried to carve out your own chunked up bit of the site under the false and libelous pretense of me "censoring the main site" and supposed support for soot, even though he is a friend of mine who has been helping me in the moderation of the 'party up until recently when he got busy. Not to mention his continued collaboration with the upcoming Q&A, which, FYI, he will announce on soot.soy. None of it makes sense. When I think of this I think of 8chan. A once thriving, vibrant community now is dead because its community split into hundreds of smaller, deader altchans who all compete with eachother. Do you want this to happen to the party? You again say you dont want the site to be hurt, but the actions of your users (who have your support judging by recent posts) spamming jakparty links forced me to ban tor again, which harms numerous other people. Your sites mere existance (which only lures in its few users under the false assumption that its somehow "free-er") does harm to the community by giving its worst users (CP spammers, UTTP raiders, shills, and bbc porn spammers) a place to ally with and regroup to attack our main site. I was there when you made the site and i've seen what you post (with and without your capcode). You didnt make the site for "decentralization" (which is stupid, because under soot the wiki, booru, bunker, and main site were owned by him, and under me, all 4 are owned by different people), you made it to compete with the sharty, using the people who dislike me as a way to jumpstart by advertising it as "kuz free". Your site has been nothing but a harm to the sharty from its inception. Why? Why didnt you just try and talk to me beforehand and settle our differences that way? Im frustrated not only at the cp, but at the drama your site caused and causes on a daily basis, and the harm its doing by fracturing the site. jakparty.soy admin - September 20th, 2022: I was not aware there was an attack on your reporting infastructure. I do sympathize with this and apologize on the behalf of my userbase for this. I'll be updating our rules and making an anouncement to ensure that this type of attack is known to not be appreciated and not to be used in any raids due to its hampering of moderator ability to remove illegal material. For the other issues such as catty wiping and stealth shilling, i'd like to remind you that similar tactics have been used by soyteens for quite some time to raid other websites. I believe this, to some extent, is fair game due to that long standing tradition. It's just in 'jakker blood to be obnoxious like that. We can discuss this matter in more detail, I am all ears on the subject. >Theres also the 9chan.tw bunker, the 8kun bunker, and others. They are all >practical, working bunker boards for the site. Jakparty didnt try to go >their way, instead you tried to carve out your own chunked up bit of the >site under the false and libelous pretense of me "censoring the main site" >and supposed support for soot, even though he is a friend of mine who has >been helping me in the moderation of the 'party up until recently when he >got busy. Not to mention his continued collaboration with the upcoming Q&A, >which, FYI, he will announce on soot.soy. None of it makes sense. I believe the "sootism" thing is just a joke for most people. Most people know that you and soot are on decent terms. It doesn't even make sense either if someone is a "sootist" when soot handed control of the site over to you. I like to believe it's more symbolic of the nostalgia for the earlier time in sharty history when things were better. It's just that, a joke aesthetic used for fun. >When I think of this I think of 8chan. A once thriving, vibrant community >now is dead because its community split into hundreds of smaller, deader >altchans who all compete with eachother. Do you want this to happen to the >party? I don't want 'jakking to die. I do want alternatives to crop up so 'jakking isn't centralized into one area where it can easily die. If you gave up on the site tomarrow and handed over to some nutter, they could kill it faster than the government killed 8chan. Yes we soyteens are guests to other sites, but there really isn't a replacement for an independent /qa/-like site. Also, there are those disgruntled with the administration of your site for various reasons. I think everyone has their own reasons and appeasement of all is not going to do much as that'll piss others off. It's really hard to tell what people want when you're dealing with anonymous shitposters. A joke can be seen as serious and what is serious can be seen as a joke. However, I'm personally sympathetic to the changes that have been made recently in regards to relaxing the rules. I think the posting quality has gone up a bit since this to how things were before. I appreciate that, but, I don't know if it'll stick. Maybe it does, and soyjak.party beats jakparty.soy by simply being a better site. Honestly, I hope that happens. But, if it doesn't, then so be it and my site still lives. At it's core, my site should exist as fair competition to out do, not as an enemy attempting to harm soyjak.party. I don't want to take down your site, I only want an alternative so that soyteens get a choice at the end. That's why I tell people to make up their mind about you, I don't want to tell them what to think. >You again say you dont want the site to be hurt, but the actions of your >users (who have your support judging by recent posts) spamming jakparty >links forced me to ban tor again, which harms numerous other people. Your >sites mere existance (which only lures in its few users under the false >assumption that its somehow "free-er") does harm to the community by giving >its worst users (CP spammers, UTTP raiders, shills, and bbc porn spammers) a >place to ally with and regroup to attack our main site. CP Spammers are not tolerated and will be removed whenever possible. Non-soyteen shills are bots from what I can tell, just spreading their sites around to alt-chans fishing for users. It's just kinda cringe since it's not funny OC. BBC posters and UTTP posters are types of posters that I have mixed feelings on. I know nothing on the lore about cobson and BBC spam. I was never involved in any namefaggy discord servers or other cliques. I don't follow that sort of drama, I only look at the outputs. I think BBC cobson is funny. It's a symbol of modern sexual depravity projected onto soyjaks. I think the format has potential. However, I understand the dislike of the spam, however spam is a tactic soyteens have used for awhile, it'd be hypocritical to get rid of it. I'm divided on it, but I allow in hopes that good faith 'jakkers will use the format to make gems. UTTP is autistic. I know a little about them, but from what I know, the UTTP spam is originating from a cytube autist who is obsessed with the group. I think UTTP, when in small doses, is funny due to the OC pumped out. It's like soyjaks but for autistic children who use GoAnimate. I think it's a necessary foil to the autism that soyteens have. >I was there when you made the site and i've seen what you post (with and >without your capcode). You didnt make the site for "decentralization" (which >is stupid, because under soot the wiki, booru, bunker, and main site were >owned by him, and under me, all 4 are owned by different people), you made >it to compete with the sharty, using the people who dislike me as a way to >jumpstart by advertising it as "kuz free". Your site has been nothing but a >harm to the sharty from its inception. Why? Why didnt you just try and talk >to me beforehand and settle our differences that way? At first the site was made as a gutteral reaction. I distrusted you. I still distrust you to some extent, you did just threaten me. There's no denying you have a history. Things were very up in the air at the time. No one knew what the future looked like, so I seized the opportunity and created a splinter just in case. Things went smoother than I expected, but it was rocky enough for people to entertain the idea of my site. Controversies happened, people swapped sides, you know the history. My site exists as a place for people not happy with your administration. There are genuine soyteens who post there. They are happy about the site existing. They want to contribute to it, they want to improve it, they see that my site has potential. I rather not throw this away. But also, I don't want to be an enemy, only a competitor. I rather be diplomatic than nasty. I recognize that there are people who prefer your site, I would hope you do the same with mine. The hostility between our sites is more dangerous than either of our sites merely existing. There are shitposters on both sites who attempt to get a rise out of both of us, they'll use the feud between us as a method to troll. I think this sometimes leads to funny stuff (such as the frogposter on my site) and sometimes it leads to some really dangerous stuff like the CP spammer. >Im frustrated not only at the cp, but at the drama your site caused and >causes on a daily basis, and the harm its doing by fracturing the site. Baring the CP spam and attacks on your infastructure, I think you're making this split more serious than it actually is. We both own unprofitable bald cartoon man shitposting forums. You're accidently hitting the Streisand effect with mentions of my sites name and I think that makes people want to spam it just because it's funny and makes admins mad. The seriousness is antithetical to 'jakking and so soyteens will abuse that for funnies. I think the seriousness of your attitude towards my site is also giving a cp spammer ammunition to make you angry and cause actual problems. I think that's more dangerous than anything I have done since it gives attention whores the attention they desire. Your policy on not discussing the CP spam, while controversial, I do sympathize with for this reason. I can't blame you for any of this, you're human, and I may also be wrong, so forgive me if I am wrong, but this is just how I see it. jakparty.soy is a splinter website created because I distrusted a russian on a bald cartoon man shitposting forum and people post on it because they're mildly discontent with the administration of said forum. It's been made more serious than it needs to be due to a mix of bad actors and poor communication. I appologize for not contacting you earlier, you are right that this created more problems than it solved. Thank you for being understanding and replying to this email in a civil matter. It's appreciated and I hope this tone will be the new normal for any further correspondence. Kuz - September 21th, 2022: I dont like raids. I do not care if it is seen as hypocritical (it isnt, I never participate in raids). I allow them on my site because none of the targets are going to cause me a problem. However, if they did (for example, tried to raid a government website), id put an end to it. I'd advise you to take this stance too, and put me in that regard. I work tirelessly to put an immediate end to those who try to harm me, my websites, or my network. When UTTP started raiding us, I found them on Vidlii and ruthlessly rooted them out of the site until they were none left. When they moved to Youtube, I had them taken down there too. When a troll named Robert Brown decided to spam my sites daily uses thousands of proxies (with CP, but that wasnt the deciding factor for my actions), I found his address and used all means available to me to have him arrested, and was able to get him sent to jail for his CP spam. When "Straitjakit", a raider from a site the NSS offers protection ("Gurochan") I directed the NSS to harm him online, and great damage was done to his internet accounts. When a federated network of textboards known as The Multichannel started organizing raids on my sites, I directed all our resources to having them destroyed by any means, now? It does not exist. The maintainers are too afraid to even log back in to their github accounts to continue the project. Only some of these were CP related. While I regard CP spam as particularly aggregious (and I will go the extra mile in finding and arresting those individuals) I hold all attacks on my websites in roughly equal regard. What you are doing, any CP related things aside, is not illegal, but that does not mean it is not within my power to stop it. You seem to have known me before out interactions, and I hope if theres something you've learned in that time, is that I am stubborn. I will not cease my efforts to destroy completely your website if you do not; 1. Shut it down or 2. Outlaw organizing, participating, or inciting raids against my sites I have given you THREE seperate oppurtunities to put an end to this yourself without violence, and then I gave you one more to talk it out civily with me and you still refused, claiming that attacking the 'party was "in good nature" and part of "soyjak culture" (by wiping the catalog and shilling your site endlessly, which resulted in the tor ban), and now, trying to sabotage my future projects such as the 'craft server through shilling it all over /muv/, not to mention the very high likelihood in my mind that you have allowed CP raids to go on, as you have signaled to me and your userbase many times prior to our first interaction that you see me as dangerous, a threat, or somehow deserving of punishment. While I have been cordial and attempted to diplomatically resolve these issues, you, although with articulate and kind words, have not made any real, prctical advancements towards peace between our websites I have, up until this point, refrained from directly threatening you, I am no longer doing that. I am telling you right now, that if you do not immediately cease your (or your users) nightly raids on the 'party, I will. And I will use any and ALL means necessary to do so, I will spare no expensive, I will risk all collateral, and I will eliminate anything or anyone who tries to prevent me from doing so. The ends justify the means. Your activities which, if your story is to be believed, at the very least borderline on illegal must be stopped. Assuming you are lying, which I can and will find out, I will not only destroy your website, but I will work with the police to forward them the necessary information to end your illegal activity. I have that information on standby, and I have already prepared instructions on an operation to put an end to the attacks on my network which originate from your website. Make a wise decision, do not underestimate my willingness to act on every word of this email regardless of any collateral damage suffered in order to eliminate people who threaten the safety of the network. Spitefully, Y. Kuznetsov