@ECHO OFF SET DnBest=--hls-prefer-native --add-metadata -f best SET DnBestAudVid=--hls-prefer-native --add-metadata SET DnBestUnmerge=--hls-prefer-native --add-metadata -f "bestvideo,bestaudio" SET DnBestMP4_MPA=--hls-prefer-native --add-metadata -f "bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best" SET DnBestMP4_AAC=--hls-prefer-native --add-metadata -f "bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=aac]/best[ext=mp4]/best" SET DnMP3=--write-all-thumbnails --hls-prefer-native --add-metadata --embed-thumbnail -f bestaudio/best -x --audio-quality 1 --audio-format mp3 SET DnAAC=--write-all-thumbnails --hls-prefer-native --add-metadata --embed-thumbnail -f bestaudio/best -x --audio-quality 1 --audio-format aac SET DnM4A=--write-all-thumbnails --hls-prefer-native --add-metadata --embed-thumbnail -f bestaudio/best -x --audio-quality 1 --audio-format m4a SET Destination="D:\Downloads\Video/%%(title)s.%%(ext)s" if not -%1-==-- SET URL=%* if -%1-==-- goto fopNew :top CLS ECHO URL: %URL% ECHO ---------------------- ECHO Available operations: ECHO ---------------------- ECHO . ::This prints the list of the operations ECHO 1. Best already on site ECHO 2. Best Audio and Best Video ECHO 3. Best (no merge) ECHO 4. Best MP4 and M4A ECHO 5. Best MP4 and AAC ECHO 6. MP3 (Audio) ECHO 7. AAC (Audio) ECHO 8. M4A (Audio) ECHO - ECHO f. List all possible formats ECHO u. Auto-update ECHO n. Process New File ECHO x. Quit ECHO - ::Ask the user to choose the operation they want SET /P operation=Which operation would you like to do?: if "%operation%"=="n" goto fopNew if "%operation%"=="N" goto fopNew if "%operation%"=="1" goto fop1 if "%operation%"=="2" goto fop2 if "%operation%"=="3" goto fop3 if "%operation%"=="4" goto fop4 if "%operation%"=="5" goto fop5 if "%operation%"=="6" goto fop6 if "%operation%"=="7" goto fop7 if "%operation%"=="8" goto fop8 if "%operation%"=="f" goto fopFormat if "%operation%"=="F" goto fopFormat if "%operation%"=="u" goto fopUpdate if "%operation%"=="U" goto fopUpdate goto fopQuit :fop1 ECHO Best: youtube-dl %DnBest% -o %Destination% %URL% pause goto top :fop2 ECHO Best Audio and Best Video: youtube-dl %DnBestAudVid% -o %Destination% %URL% pause goto top :fop3 ECHO Best No Merge: youtube-dl %DnBestUnmerge% -o %Destination% %URL% pause goto top :fop4 ECHO Best MP4 and MPa: youtube-dl %DnBestMP4_MPA% -o %Destination% %URL% pause goto top :fop5 ECHO Best MP4 and AAC: youtube-dl %DnBestMP4_AAC% -o %Destination% %URL% pause goto top :fop6 ECHO MP3: youtube-dl %DnMP3% -o %Destination% %URL% pause goto top :fop7 ECHO AAC: youtube-dl %DnAAC% -o %Destination% %URL% pause goto top :fop8 ECHO M4A: youtube-dl %DnM4A% -o %Destination% %URL% pause goto top :fopFormat ECHO List of all possible formats: youtube-dl -F %URL% pause goto top :fopUpdate ECHO Updates: youtube-dl -U pause goto top :fopNew SET /P URL=Please enter the video URL: goto top :fopQuit