00:04 hello hello hidden gems it is or has 00:08 been day four of the Richard Allen trial 00:12 has concluded and so I am here to tell 00:15 you all the latest took notes throughout 00:17 trial I was in there for those new to 00:19 the channel hit subscribe so you can 00:21 join the live chat but I am in the 00:23 courtroom every day in Deli Indiana 00:26 covering the Richard Allen trial and I 00:28 am going to go through in detail 00:30 everything that happen today because 01:31 there are no cameras and no audio in the 01:33 courtroom I am here to help you by 01:36 sharing what I saw what I heard um 01:40 before we uh start with anything else 01:43 I'm going to continue to go in order 01:45 except for one thing and that is because 01:48 our lunch live my lunch live I was 01:50 sharing that I had questions still when 01:52 it came to the 43 second video that we 01:55 saw of Abby and Libby with uh with the 01:58 alleged Bridge guy in the background 01:00 this Infamous video that we've only ever 01:03 seen a snapshot of with uh the audio 01:06 down the hill in Richard Allen I said 01:09 that I had more questions and answers 01:11 after watching it because I did not hear 01:12 down the hill nor did I see the bridge 01:15 guy in it but my neighbor did see the 01:18 bridge guy in the background and they 01:20 showed a screenshot or a stillshot to 01:22 the jury of of bridge guy so I knew that 01:27 that was the video all I heard was liby 01:29 and Abby well we got back from lunch I 02:32 just want to say this and the next 02:34 witness they had which we will get to 02:36 soon was the one that enhanced the audio 02:39 on the video and we were able to watch 02:41 the video for a second time and you can 02:43 hear ever so slightly at the end of that 02:46 video guys down the hill and so that 02:49 answers my question that's what it was 02:52 this was the video it was the video i' 02:54 had always wondered if there were two 02:56 videos if there was an audio and a video 02:58 how this happened and now we know it was 02:01 a 43 second video and you can see Abby 02:07 she goes off screen and you and then 02:09 ever so Fain you see a guy in the 02:11 background just for a split second you 02:14 can see him behind Abby and that's the 02:16 visual that we've seen of bridge 02:18 guy and that we've always seen and then 02:22 at the very very end you hear guys down 02:24 the hill and that is when Abby says 02:27 there's no path in her little voice I 03:31 wrote in my notes by the way such a 03:33 young sounding innocent voice and I 03:36 looked over at my neighbor's notes and 03:38 she wrote they sound so 03:41 young um let me share with you this 03:44 video since again I talked about on my 03:47 lunch live and I want to answer the 03:49 questions that I had and then we will 03:52 jump into the full day the full trial 03:55 and I'll give you everything that I know 03:58 so the GU the guys down the hill Hill 03:00 Bridge Guy video um it focuses it's at 03:05 the very end of the video again where it 03:07 focuses on the gravel when he says guys 03:10 down the hill it's looking at the gravel 03:12 so they did put the enhanced audio with 03:15 the visual of bridge guy but they're 03:17 both from the same video um so what the 03:20 public sees is the audio connected to 03:25 the video but it's actually focusing on 03:27 the gravel when he says guys down the 03:29 hill ever so 04:31 faintly um you see him walking behind 04:34 Abby and then uh it starts it begins to 04:38 show Abby walking and then running and 04:42 they get to the end of the monan High 04:45 Bridge the end the the private property 04:47 end not the public access end they get 04:50 to the end of the bridge and uh that's 04:54 when Abby starts running and then she 04:56 gets close to Libby and then they talk 04:58 amongst themselves I couldn't make out 04:01 everything that they were saying and 04:02 then Abby says there's no path in 04:05 response to guys down the 04:08 hill and to see it and to hear it to see 04:12 their response and to hear it they it 04:14 was a complete dead end they're 04:16 completely alone on this other side of 04:18 the bridge that very few people go in 04:20 fact many witnesses today we'll get to 04:22 those two talked about how they love to 04:24 walk on the trails but they're too 04:25 scared to go on the bridge or they don't 04:27 go on the bridge it's the brave souls 04:29 the adventurous Souls that go walk out 05:31 on this rail old railroad bridge the 05:35 Monon High Bridge and they were on the 05:37 complete other end of it when he 05:41 cornered them technically and said guys 05:44 down the hill and they realized 05:47 literally realized we have nowhere to go 05:48 there isn't even a path what does he 05:49 want us to do and then I realized that 05:53 this was likely the Disturbed area of 05:55 the hill or the slide that I talked 05:57 about yesterday on my live where they 05:59 had to slide down and then that video 05:03 abruptly 05:04 ends and H it was taken at 213 p.m. 05:10 which is interesting because it was also 05:12 213 it was February 13th at 2:13 p.m. 05:15 was the timestamp on that last video and 05:20 uh you know I wanted to shout through 05:22 the the screen almost and and say scream 05:25 Girls scream they were so young I'm sure 05:28 they were so afraid I'm sure they were 05:30 so confused and there was nobody around 06:33 and he allegedly um Bridge guy allegedly 06:37 had um a gun and or he clearly had a 06:42 weapon 06:44 um yeah 06:47 so heartbreaking to see the full 43 06:50 second video and then to come back from 06:52 lunch and have those questions answered 06:54 and to hear it again it was so faint and 06:58 the shot of bridge guy 06:00 so quick it's incredible that they were 06:03 able to enhance the audio in my opinion 06:05 to what they did for the 06:07 public all right so with that I did not 06:13 hear one of the girls say gun and 06:15 allegedly they might say that in the 06:17 video right so I am simply sharing what 06:20 I was able to hear and again the first 06:22 time the first time I didn't hear guys 06:24 down the hill I went and reported my 06:25 lunch live I have more questions than 06:27 answers now because where's where do 06:30 they say down the hill we came back I 07:33 just to remind you guys the Acoustics in 07:35 this courtroom are really not great it's 07:38 a very old very beautiful courtroom it's 07:42 like original from when it was built 07:44 high high ceilings these wood theater 07:47 seats um I'm on Row three very few 07:50 people are even allowed in to listen but 07:53 because it's so vast and so large it 07:56 everything just Echoes and unless you're 07:58 right up you know in with the the jury 07:01 and the 07:02 judge you know we're straining to hear 07:04 so so 07:06 my so anyway I just want to say there 07:09 were certainly things I'm sure I did not 07:11 hear we were able to listen to it twice 07:14 today and I heard a lot more the second 07:17 time around so I don't know what I 07:19 didn't 07:20 hear 07:22 um uh so people are asking about uh the 07:26 wounds um I would recommend any crime 07:29 scene photos and what I shared I 08:30 recommend yet last night's live 08:35 um all right let's start at the 08:39 beginning and last night this went so 08:41 long I said I was going to answer some 08:43 questions after and I never got to them 08:44 and so I apologize about that so many so 08:47 much kind support yesterday so I will 08:50 again try to Star your questions or if 08:52 you want to save them to the end I will 08:54 try to scan and look for questions we'll 08:56 do that at the end um so today this 08:60 morning um pulling out my trusty notes 08:02 we started again with crime scene 08:04 investigator Ryan we ended with him 08:06 yesterday there was no cross so we we he 08:10 had not concluded so he came back and we 08:12 started off this morning with crime 08:13 scene investigator Ryan and prosecutor 08:17 lutrell um took 08:19 questioning and and that's where we 08:21 ended was as was the questioning with 08:24 this W with this um witness so he 08:27 explains that bags of evidence um were 09:31 taken and they laid out an Evidence 09:33 table in front of the court and uh there 09:36 were a bunch of packages in brown bags 09:39 so we knew this was an Evidence moment 09:41 what are they what do they have as 09:43 evidence um and as they continued uh 09:48 they picked up each separate 09:50 bag discussed how it was sealed who 09:53 packaged it how it was sealed how it was 09:56 transported and explained how the 09:58 evidence was kept in egyp individual bag 09:00 they did not open the bags today but 09:02 they lifted up each one read what was 09:04 inside each bag and shared the evidence 09:06 within the bags so and I took the entire 09:10 list I'll read to you all the evidence 09:12 they listed today that doesn't mean all 09:14 of the evidence ever what I mean is 09:16 evidence that they brought up with uh 09:18 crime scene investigator uh Ryan so the 09:22 first one was a black and white Nike 09:25 shoe it was collected at the scene size 09:28 10 09:30 um it was uh and then this is where they 10:33 stop for again and reiterate and 10:35 describe how lab the lab management 10:37 system works there's a barcode sticker 10:40 system to track each item the evidence 10:43 is in the paper bag and it's sealed and 10:44 within the paper bag is a white bag and 10:46 that is sealed as well other evidence 10:50 these were all recovered from Deer Creek 10:53 including that Nike shoe so a Hollister 10:56 brand jeans size 26 which I'm just going 10:00 to throw out that that would be aby's 10:02 jeans they were found in Deer Creek in 10:04 the water not on 10:06 her uh a color tone brand tie dye size 10:10 XL 10:11 t-shirt a gray No Boundaries hooded 10:14 sweatshirt size medium I speculate that 10:17 that is the sweatshirt that Abby is 10:18 wearing in uh her last the last photo of 10:23 her that was put on 10:25 Snapchat um a Sonoma brand pink 11:30 underwear black and purple sock a pink 11:35 sock and a green 11:38 headscarf as well as a black Faded Glory 11:42 s large 11:45 camisol again those were all found in 11:48 Deer Creek and collected as 11:52 evidence um the prosecutor then stops to 11:54 question transportation of the evidence 11:57 from the crime scene Ryan um 11:60 explains that he packaged the evidence 11:02 himself or most of it here he he trans 11:06 unless I say otherwise 11:08 Ryan uh is the person who transported 11:11 the evidence himself from ground zero to 11:13 his car or vehicle to the 11:15 lab so here is more that was taken at 11:19 the crime scene so not Deer Creek but 11:22 the crime scene Converse um tennis Shu 11:26 recovered at the scene another Converse 11:29 tennis shoe recovered from the body of 12:31 Abigail her left 12:33 shoe a 40 caliber Smith and Western 12:37 recovered uh unspent round recovered 12:40 between the girls at the crime 12:43 scene um a strand of hair there's that 12:47 hair taken from between the fingers of 12:52 Abigail the left arm of Abigail a strand 12:56 of material that was taken from uh 12:60 her left 12:01 arm all right and then we're going to 12:04 talk about swabs and when they explain 12:05 swabs they mean a cotton swab that he 12:07 took at the crime scene cotton swab a 12:10 swab from Liberty's left wrist taken by 12:14 Ryan at the scene a swab from inside 12:17 liby's right wrist taken from Ryan at 12:20 the scene a swab from Liberty's belly 12:26 button again this is all collected by C 12:29 irion a swab from Liberty German's thigh 13:33 above the knee a strand of fiber 13:36 material the from the left hand of 13:39 Liberty a swab of a blood stain off of 13:44 the tree this is the blood stain that 13:45 was 4 feet above ground level of the 13:49 tree they took a black Nike found under 13:52 the body of Abigail Williams a swab area 13:56 of blood between two markers placed on 13:59 on the 13:00 ground a swab on the ground near the 13:04 feet of Liberty which is presumed to be 13:08 blood a swab on the ground below Liberty 13:12 German a swab on the ground near the 13:15 tree which they believe to be blood a 13:17 swab presumed blood near ground between 13:19 Abbey and Libby a swab of a red stain by 13:22 the head of Abbey presumed to be blood a 13:26 swab sample from the north side of the 13:28 tree of blood on the tree a swab of a 14:32 red stain on lower part of the tree a 14:35 swab from the left index finger of 14:37 Liberty German a swab from the left 14:40 pinky of Liberty 14:42 German a cellular telephone the phone 14:45 collected at the scene it was collected 14:48 by the way by the supervisor and not by 14:50 Ryan that is the only thing that was not 14:52 collected by Ryan was the cell phone 14:55 collected by the supervisor no items of 14:59 were packaged together all of these by 14:02 the way were packaged separately a swab 14:05 of Liberty Germans left thigh a swab of 14:08 Liberty German's right thigh swab of 14:11 Liberty German's right breast a swab 14:13 from Liberty German's left breast and 14:16 then we got into two boxes and they 14:18 showed two boxes of um evidence and they 14:22 asked what are in these two boxes and 14:24 they explained that uh CSI Ryan 14:26 explained that these were two sexual 14:28 assault kits they are uh victims of 15:31 sexual assault they are the kits and 15:32 they are only opened upon use they're a 15:35 standard case and they are the standard 15:37 box and the standard kit used in the 15:39 state of 15:41 Indiana these kits were actually 15:43 provided to Dr core KR and he is the one 15:47 who completed the kits uh I believe on 15:50 uh on uh February 15:54 15th there was one for Abby and one for 15:58 Libby then 15:60 a trace fiber from the upper left arm 15:02 from Abby was collected a black 15:04 sweatshirt extra- llarge Deli swimming 15:08 it had red stains on it that was 15:10 actually I realized Kelsey's sweatshirt 15:12 I referred to it as Libby sweatshirt 15:14 yesterday on my live but Libby it was in 15:16 Libby's car it it belonged to the 15:19 Germans um not to Abby but it was 15:22 Kelsey's swimming 15:24 sweatshirt her 15:26 sister blue jeans Maurice brand size 15:29 extra 16:30 large uh taken from the crime scene I 16:33 assume those are the jeans that um Abby 16:36 was wearing when found a gray cotton bra 16:39 fruit of a loom size 34 a pink 16:42 sleeveless shirt with red stains a black 16:44 bra size 34A with red 16:47 stains and then they handed jurors three 16:50 packages to show them how the evidence 16:52 was sealed and the jurors actually 16:54 passed around all the evidence to 16:57 understand just how all of the evidence 16:59 was packed packaged and again none of 16:01 the evidence was open today just listed 16:03 and then 16:06 entered uh Dr core also has a photo of 16:10 Abigail Williams autopsy and in that 16:13 autopsy he notes the moisture to the 16:16 clothes on Abigail Williams so again 16:19 we're referring to the dampness and how 16:21 they're wet the defense has really tried 16:23 to say that maybe they weren't wet we're 16:26 hearing now from the autopsy that they 16:27 were labeled as wet notes of moisture to 16:30 the clothing damp and this was the 17:32 following day at the autopsy on uh 17:36 February 17:38 15th her clothes still wet then they 17:42 found the end of the cartridge is a head 17:45 stamp area and it contains primer and 17:47 the brand was Winchester Smith and 17:49 Western um the defense then did a cross 17:52 exam Rosie did the cross exam and he 17:56 asked uh CSI Ryan is there any evidence 17:59 found on the swabs connecting to Allan 17:02 that was his straight up he just like 17:03 came out of the gate and was like okay 17:05 so you just listed all this evidence we 17:07 don't know what's in it so he just went 17:09 straight to the straight for it and just 17:13 said is there any evidence found on the 17:15 swabs connecting the crime to Richard 17:19 Allen and uh his response was that he 17:22 was Ryan's response was that he was not 17:24 aware of any um and then uh Rosie starts 17:28 going through each piece of evence 17:29 asking is there is is Richard Allen 18:31 connected to any of these pieces of 18:33 evidence one by one he's asking for any 18:36 connection um and there's a blanket 18:39 statement now being given by CSI Ryan 18:41 and it's not that I'm aware of not that 18:43 I'm aware of then finally there was an 18:46 objection I'm actually surprised the 18:47 objection didn't come earlier but the 18:49 prosecution objects and they say this 18:52 witness um isn't testifying about 18:55 evidence analysis we are just really 18:57 listing the evidence that we have 18:60 um and the objection was sustained by 18:03 the judge Rosie continued did you ever 18:06 speak with anyone who was involved in 18:08 the analysis of the evidence and uh Ryan 18:12 explains no he has had he has not had 18:14 any conversations with any of the 18:17 analysts that did the the evidence there 18:20 is more objection uh they stating that 18:23 this there is no relevance to what he is 18:26 asking Ryan because again he did not 18:28 analyze the evidence and does not know 18:30 about the analyzation of the evidence 19:32 the defense Rosie actually seems pretty 19:35 upset and he says judge this is so 19:37 important and the judge says it's uh the 19:41 judge sustains the prosecution's 19:43 objection but then says perhaps for 19:46 sustained and then she said perhaps for 19:48 another witness you can essentially ask 19:50 these questions so it wasn't the 19:51 questions that the judge was not okay 19:54 with it was the witness that they were 19:56 posing these questions to 19:59 and then there are more objections Rosie 19:01 seems a little bit more upset he asks a 19:03 question to Ryan doesn't let Ryan finish 19:06 um it was Familiar of um other defense 19:11 attorney John prior I'll be honest you 19:13 wouldn't let his Witnesses finish their 19:15 sentences and there was an objection by 19:17 the prosecution that said interruptions 19:19 by defense and again the judge sustained 19:22 that objection the defense asked would 19:26 you agree that there are unique 19:28 circumstances 19:29 to this crime 20:31 scene um thank you Cindy I appreciate it 20:35 now this was a great moment in my 20:37 opinion because I did think it was 20:40 rather humorous I admit that Rosie 20:43 starts to ask a question with would you 20:45 agree which you just shouldn't you're 20:48 saying that you agree with the witness 20:50 like you're wanting the witness to agree 20:51 that no questioning in in court should 20:54 be about agreeing with the defense so 20:57 would you agree that there are unique 20:58 circum ances to this crime scene there 20:60 was an objection he is inserting 20:02 opinions by saying would you agree what 20:04 they're saying is that Rosie is saying 20:06 what he believes right and that's 20:08 irrelevant the defense attorney doesn't 20:10 need to be testifying he should simply 20:11 be asking questions of the witness so 20:14 objection sustained and so the judge 20:18 explains like look just rephrase you 20:19 can't say would you agree you're show 20:22 you're inserting opinions and that was 20:24 the beginning of Rosie um multiple times 20:27 starting questions with would you agree 20:30 and it was like he did it subconsciously 21:32 and he was so frustrated by the end but 21:35 it is true he shouldn't be saying that 21:36 so the defense rephrases and asks about 21:39 the 21:40 sticks so they can't say would you agree 21:43 this crime scene is unique um they said 21:46 what about those sticks Ryan says that 21:49 the sticks appear uh that they were 21:51 meant to conceal some things at the 21:53 crime scene that's how Ryan perceives 21:55 the sticks at the crime scene CSI Ryan 21:58 and the defense says well well were they 21:60 were the sticks trying to communicate 21:02 something um were they trying to say 21:05 something so uh the defense now is 21:07 implying that the sticks are more than 21:09 just uh something trying to conceal the 21:11 crime scene thank you so much Rachel um 21:14 the defense says someone 21:16 suggested then and so so that was one 21:19 thing the defense was able to kind of 21:21 slide in that these sticks are weird 21:23 that maybe this crime scene is weird and 21:25 then the defense says somebody suggested 21:28 that you go back and you collect the 21:30 sticks right Ryan explains yes I went 22:32 back to collect the sticks it's sort of 22:34 like just you know twisting you know on 22:37 that one it is really bad that he did 22:38 not collect the sticks the first time 22:40 and they went back two days later and 22:41 collected the sticks that is a win for 22:43 the defense in my opinion and he's just 22:46 uh you know twisting the knife on that 22:47 one like making sure 22:49 that um people know that he messed up 22:52 there um so asking if he knew whose 22:56 clothing belonged to who the defense is 22:58 asking 22:60 um how he would know what clothing 22:02 belonged to who and Ryan said it was a 22:04 logical assumption uh German sweatshirt 22:08 uh on Libby was larger size they have 22:11 the girls are different sizes ab's 22:13 really petite um Libby is larger than 22:17 Abby and so he said it was just an 22:19 subsumption of which clothes belonged to 22:21 Who and the defense is asking if that 22:23 means that they were undressed and then 22:25 Abby was 22:26 redressed and Ryan says I assume so the 23:31 defense is now again asking about sticks 23:34 and also foot traffic that would affect 23:36 the 23:37 crimey the defense asks are you aware 23:40 that a blood that the blood splatter 23:43 expert uh was hired Ryan says I am aware 23:48 the defense asks well have you hired 23:50 anyone or have you asked anyone you know 23:51 about any blood bladder expert Ryan says 23:54 no and then the defense says well could 23:57 it be that um blood splatter expert 23:01 could have helped with the time frame of 23:03 the crimes where people were standing 23:05 Ryan says I don't know I actually think 23:07 it could have been it should have 23:08 certainly been more of this crime scene 23:10 I don't know why they wouldn't have 23:11 gotten a blood splatter expert right 23:13 away question do you a knowledge you 23:15 don't know the time of death of the 23:17 girls and says that he says the death 23:20 time is between the last time they were 23:22 seen alive and when they were found 23:25 defenses is there anything unusual about 23:26 finding an unspent Round in Indiana 23:29 Ryan says it would be unusual for me to 24:31 leave an unspent round on someone's 24:33 private property Ryan says it would be 24:36 more common to find a bullet associated 24:38 with gaming or hunting which by the way 24:41 uh just to remember I said this 24:43 yesterday but uh ryion is now while he 24:46 was a CSI investigator in 2017 he's now 24:49 actually part of the gaming head of the 24:51 gaming Commission in Indiana and he he 24:53 actually does he regulates gaming in the 24:56 state of Indiana so he would know a lot 24:58 about 24:59 uh you know guns unspent rounds so he 24:03 you know I'm going to listen to him on 24:05 this one defense is now showing the 24:07 north side of the creek and Rosie I 24:09 wrote Rosie is being feisty lots of 24:11 objections the judge is calmly 24:13 sustaining them I think this was when he 24:15 kept saying would you agree would you 24:16 agree and he could not get a question 24:18 out without saying would you agree the 24:20 judge is requesting Ro uh Rosie to use 24:23 the official name of evidence and he 24:26 continues questions about the bullet 24:28 photo putting doubt into this piece of 25:31 evidence they really really want to put 25:33 some doubt on this uh unspent um on this 25:37 bullet because it's clearly um a piece 25:40 of information that ties their client 25:43 Richard Allen possibly to the murders 25:45 and if they can create doubt that this 25:47 bullet even means anything that's a win 25:49 for the defense so they're really 25:51 pushing that um Rosie continues to 25:54 testify with questions do you agree you 25:56 should have taken a pick of the unspent 25:58 route do you agree uh would you agree 25:00 with me that you did a poor job that was 25:02 a good one would you agree with me that 25:05 you did a poor job that was certainly 25:07 objected and sustained by the judge and 25:10 again he says you cannot ask if someone 25:13 agrees with you there was a redirect um 25:16 Lal asked how many bullets did you find 25:19 one how many pieces of ammunition did 25:21 you find one did you preserve the 25:24 evidence yes that was really important 25:27 because one thing I think that the 25:28 defense is really try to do is make it 26:30 seem as if they didn't handle the 26:32 evidence well that a bullet could have 26:33 gotten mixed up that maybe they swwa the 26:37 bullet with another bullet um and so 26:39 just to Simply say how many pieces of 26:42 ammunition were found one did you 26:44 preserve the evidence yes the photo of 26:47 bullet in the ground did you place it 26:48 and preserve it yes um boom boom boom 26:52 and what the bullet 26:54 is and then Ryan actually explains why 26:57 there might not have been any this is 26:58 interesting to me why there might not 26:60 have been any animal activity or 26:02 scavengers when the girls were found and 26:04 it doesn't necessarily mean that uh they 26:07 died uh later than sooner he said that 26:10 insect activity is essentially 26:12 non-existent at that time of year in 26:14 Indiana in February in Indiana and 26:17 insects often bring scavengers so he's 26:19 not surprised that there was no animal 26:21 activity at the bodies and again just to 26:23 remind you that um he regulates gaming 26:28 in the state of Indiana so I'm sure he 26:30 knows this stuff then there were jur 27:34 questions they asked if undergrowth 27:36 appeared to be disturbed under Abby to 27:38 make it look as if she was dressed there 27:41 so the jury is certainly wondering if 27:43 Abby was 27:45 redressed after she was murdered or if 27:48 she was dressed before and you know what 27:51 I'm going to say this I too have 27:53 wondered I believe that the girls were 27:57 certainly undressed 27:59 um before the audio is really 27:02 bad oh no glad I finally 27:08 looked let's 27:17 see okay hello hello hello the glitching 27:20 is bad if it if it doesn't get better 27:23 here in a second I'll 27:25 un oh yeah okay hold 28:47 on you 28:50 know it is showing it's showing High 28:53 Wireless I don't know if you guys can 28:55 see me hear me but the wireless is 28:57 showing really great 28:59 but on streamyard the streaming service 28:01 I'm using it's looking low 28:05 um is it 28:08 better I'm going to keep going in hope 28:11 that it gets better because I really 28:13 don't know what to 28:15 do let me shut off all my other 28:19 tabs um okay I'll just keep going 28:22 fingers crossed it gets better okay I 28:24 I'll check in a little bit and see if it 28:26 if it it's not working 28:29 the jury asked do the undergrowth appear 29:31 to be disturbed under Abby I was sharing 29:33 my opinion on uh what whether or not I 29:36 think that Abby may have been redressed 29:38 after death and I think it's possible 29:40 now um now that I've seen crime scene 29:43 and saw how she had her clothing and she 29:47 was like this with her sweatshirt and 29:48 the really large pants I do wonder and 29:50 her clothes were in the creek I do 29:52 Wonder now if um if Bridge guy or the 29:58 alleged murderer after he killed them 29:01 decided to put clothing on ababab I 29:05 think it could be a possibility but I I 29:08 simply do not know 29:12 um sorry I think I 29:15 have 29:19 um all 29:23 right I hear my okay so um one second 30:01 all 30:02 right they have not mentioned Ron Logan 30:05 because he this is not his trial he's um 30:09 they they've not mentioned him at all 30:11 all right um then we have 30:17 um let's 30:19 look where was I forgive me guys 30:25 sorry how's my how's my uh Wireless 30:29 doing I hope it gets 31:32 better 31:34 um okay the bullet collected in an 31:36 envelope has it ever been removed from 31:38 its original packaging that was a 31:40 question by the jury and the answer is 31:44 no and then another jury question 31:47 question was was the bullet placed in a 31:48 pill box or an envelope and they 31:51 explained that was placed in an 31:55 envelope the next witness the next 31:57 witness was Brian bunner and this is 31:60 still before lunch and this was Trooper 31:03 Brian bunner with the Indiana State 31:04 Police he served 24 years with the state 31:07 police uh he's been a law enforcement 31:09 for 27 years and he's now involved in 31:12 digital forensics for the state of 31:14 Indiana um the questioning was done by 31:17 mcleland on this Trooper Bruner bunner 31:21 excuse me Trooper bunner in 2009 moved 31:23 to cyber crimes unit now known as 31:27 digital forensic 31:28 he specializes in cell phones and 32:31 computers since 2009 he has analyzed 32:35 thousands of phones and he is an expert 32:37 witness on cell phones in 2017 there was 32:40 a a 2017 procedure was you get your 32:44 phone in um you document the serial 32:47 number apps take piics and software to 32:50 extract a phone so he's explaining just 32:53 how he 32:57 um uh 32:59 I just saw Dorian Gray's question with 32:01 utmost respect aby's arms were not in 32:03 the C of the sweatshirt but were inside 32:05 the sweatshirt is that correct they were 32:07 inside the sleeves of the sweater and 32:09 the sleeves were covering her hands I 32:11 explained that on yesterday's live um 32:14 and so forgive me guys so we're talking 32:19 about U sorry guys I got distracted lot 32:22 going on okay so um there was a phone so 32:27 we're talking about the cell phone and 32:28 how the cell phone was documented and 33:32 taking picks and software to extract the 33:34 phone and then they take that info and 33:35 they decipher it in another program it 33:39 it's involved after 33:41 being let's see I involved after being 33:45 contacted okay Brian bunner got involved 33:49 after being contacted um by someone to 33:52 find after finding Libby's phone it was 33:55 BR he brought the phone on February 15th 33:59 uh on 2017 to his Indianapolis office 33:03 looking at the photos that there are 33:05 photos that he took while doing exam of 33:06 the phone and the jury actually saw all 33:08 of the photos of the phone that he did 33:13 one second guys hold on 34:32 okay 34:35 um so he there are photos that he took 34:37 while doing an exam of his phone and 34:39 they were picks of the phone on the back 34:41 side of the phone and the phone was an 34:43 Apple iPhone six they took photos of a 34:46 SIM card so there was a SIM card in the 34:48 phone back then and it was an AT&T SIM 34:51 card and uh the provider is a 34:54 T&T so that is uh some something that 34:58 people wondering Libby's phone was 34:01 provider was AT&T the phone powered on 34:04 after bu plugged it in because the 34:06 battery had been dead he was given a 34:08 code for the phone and he punched in 34:10 that code state exhibit 195 ass showed 34:13 the general settings and the name 34:15 Liberty's iPhone so she had named it 34:17 Liberty's iPhone the iCloud account was 34:19 liberty. German icloud.com and there was 34:22 a screenshot of the settings and there 34:25 was a Snapchat settings as well the name 34:27 is Liberty in the app on the phone the 34:30 time zone was Eastern and a box is set 35:33 on auto to the time zone so whatever 35:36 time zone phone is in that is when the 35:39 has the time zone is set at& set the 35:42 date and time then he extracts the data 35:45 using a program called celebrite It's a 35:48 program that uh the the Indiana State 35:52 Police purchased a license to sellbrite 35:56 a sellbrite report was was several 35:59 hundred pages long and on that day that 35:02 they extracted all the data from Libby's 35:04 phone they didn't have time to go 35:05 through all of the cele data because it 35:07 was several hundred Pages it was a 35:09 several hundred page report and so um 35:12 berer ran it but then he rushed it 35:14 through to give it to another Trooper 35:17 because it was so important to he 35:18 explains they didn't want to wait on the 35:21 report they wanted to give it to the 35:22 investigators that were investigating 35:23 the crime so while the Idaho Idaho the 35:26 Indiana State Police 35:29 uh went through and extracted the phone 36:30 data they did not analyze it they handed 36:32 it to investigators to analyze after 36:33 they sub right they able to see the last 36:37 photos and videos taken on the phone um 36:40 at this moment by the way I noticed that 36:41 Richard Allen is taking notes and then 36:44 they play the last video that was ever 36:47 shown on Libby's phone and we've already 36:50 talked about this and I talked about 36:51 this in my lunch live what I saw and 36:53 then I explained after lunch what I saw 36:56 and so just to remind everyone it was a 36:58 43 second video it was the down the hill 36:01 video of bridge 36:03 guy you can only see him for like a 36:05 split second but they and then at the 36:08 very end of the video with some enhanced 36:10 audio you can hear down the hill at the 36:13 very end and while the phone is sort of 36:15 landing on gravel and I also suspect 36:17 that Libby was pretending not to film 36:20 because it wasn't really pointed to 36:21 anyone she had Abby and then it kind of 36:23 went to the side and you could hear Abby 36:25 and there's gravel so clear that Libby 36:28 was probably trying to hide her phone at 37:30 that moment and not really show she was 37:33 filming and had it down but she 37:35 continued to film and you hear Abby say 37:38 that there is no path and you see just 37:41 the dead end they found themselves in I 37:44 you know there is not a person inide 37:46 they're on the opposite side of a bridge 37:48 where nobody is and I can't imagine that 37:51 feeling it's so heartbreaking to here 37:54 and they played that last video and 37:55 right after they played that video and 37:57 you grab me talking no path here I 37:00 write um they show screenshots taken 37:03 from the video and even though they were 37:05 only presented to the jury the entire 37:06 gallery I was able to see some of those 37:08 screenshots and you actually see Richard 37:11 Allen um excuse me I flustered do not 37:16 see Richard Allen we do not I saw 37:18 Richard Allen Court we saw brid guy um 37:20 forgive my slips guys it is Richard 37:22 all's trial and I am tired but we see 37:26 who the prosecution is going to Ed is 37:28 Richard Allen but uh we see Bridge guy 38:33 um in the 38:35 background the phone is brought back to 38:38 bunner on February 22nd 38:42 2017 knowing that it was an ongoing case 38:45 they wanted the phone back to use they 38:47 wanted to give the phone back so he 38:48 could use every tool in this tool bit to 38:50 get data off the phone and so he had all 38:53 these tools and programs and he did 38:55 another extraction of the phone 38:57 including the cloud and the iTunes he 38:59 got the phone back on September 5th 2017 38:02 as well and he received the phone back 38:04 again and did another extraction of the 38:07 phone again each level took more and 38:09 more off of the phone there are new 38:11 capabilities now to gather more off the 38:12 phone and the new method gave new 38:15 information we don't know what that 38:17 information is but there is information 38:20 uh but they claimed it was minimal and 38:23 then even more they shipped it to 38:25 Homeland Security in Washington DC to 38:28 get method three extraction back with a 39:30 completely new report so this phone has 39:33 essentially gone through the ringer 39:34 there is nothing we don't know I'm 39:36 assuming about Libby's phone uh with the 39:39 amount of extractions that they did on 39:41 this because there was new technology 39:43 and then again they examed it in 39:46 2019 in his office once again with newer 39:49 technology which is interesting because 39:52 um yeah one second really quickly hold 39:55 on I'm going to mute this for a second I 39:57 have someone trying to help me with the 39:58 audio 39:22 here hey guys I just wanted to tell you 39:24 that was my kind roommate and and I was 39:26 standing up because they were trying to 39:27 help me figure out what was going on 39:29 with my internet and we don't think that 40:32 there's anything we can do just so you 40:34 know we are in an Airbnb and I did have 40:37 roommates that's why I kept getting up 40:38 and I was a little flustered because 40:40 they're watching too and they're saying 40:41 this isn't working and uh I'm trying to 40:44 fix it and we just don't know if there's 40:46 anything we can do because uh of the 40:48 Airbnb and it's we're on their Wireless 40:51 so I am so sorry um I'm really sorry 40:54 that it's continuing to buffer um I see 40:58 another line so hopefully it gets better 40:01 but I want you guys to know that you've 40:03 got like a team of people trying to help 40:05 me and uh hopefully it improves tomorrow 40:09 and maybe 40:15 today all right 40:18 um so this this telephone has been 40:21 through the ringer we learned over and 40:23 over and over again just how much this 40:25 phone has been through and through 40:26 different years and even in 2019 which I 40:28 find interesting because in 2019 there 41:30 was another press conference and that's 41:32 when they added guys down the hill to 41:35 bridge guys video asking for the 41:37 Public's help and that was two years 41:38 after the murders and and they did 41:40 another extraction then so now it's 41:42 cross exam with the defense and a woman 41:46 um the woman the female um is better now 41:50 I heard it's better now oh everyone's 41:52 saying it's better okay the internet the 41:56 internet gods are on our side thank you 41:58 well I've had all my roommates here 41:60 giving me the thumbs up all right better 41:02 now yay all right fingers crossed it 41:06 stays um so we're talking about the 41:09 phone all of all of the evidence that we 41:13 um that it's been through it's been 41:14 through the ringer and the defense then 41:16 asks um the female excuse me the female 41:20 defense attorney um o asks um are you 41:24 certified in sellbrite again sellbrite 41:27 is the program that the state of Indiana 41:29 is licensed to use for these really high 42:32 um intense extractions of cell phones in 42:35 their crime unit and they explain that 42:37 vendor certifications are not a thing 42:39 with police they don't do that and so he 42:40 says no I'm not certified um and I do 42:43 kind of get that I'll be honest uh 42:45 vendor vendor certifications are kind of 42:47 a marketing thing in my opinion uh they 42:50 explain the difference between a logical 42:52 extraction and an advanced extraction 42:55 and his extraction was a logical one and 42:57 there's 's a lot of debate now about 42:59 differing extractions uh full service at 42:02 the different levels one two and three 42:04 and again um they talk about the video 42:06 on the phone and uh the messaging a 42:10 service let's 42:13 see where am I 42:16 now all right oh so uh O then starts to 42:22 um ask him this witness about IM 42:26 messaging on the phone and if iMessaging 42:29 is a thing and there is an objection and 43:31 the judge overrules this objection and 43:33 says no um Liberty so they they're able 43:36 to say Does Liberty have iMessaging 43:38 enabled um the witness doesn't know 43:41 whether or not she has uh iMessaging 43:43 enabled well and she's saying well it 43:45 shows that she did have it enabled where 43:47 is she going with this right no one 43:49 knows where she is going well then she 43:52 explains does the find my iPhone app 43:54 help parents find their kids there's 43:56 another objection by the prosecution 43:58 with this line of questioning by the 43:59 defense is it true when you plug your 43:01 phone in and extract data you lose some 43:04 she asks um true is the answer actually 43:08 by by Brian bunner that yes you lose 43:11 some data every time you extract this is 43:14 interesting so when the plug phone was 43:16 plugged in in 2017 was Data lost the 43:19 defense asks not necessarily but 43:21 possibly yes so each time an extraction 43:24 is done we learn some data is Poss 43:27 possibly lost even if some data is 43:30 gained thought that was interesting 44:32 don't know how those extractions work 44:33 but that was new information to me and 44:36 then um we have mlen on the redirect 44:39 with Bryant bunner and uh explains again 44:42 that the vendor certification just isn't 44:44 a thing that Indiana State Police um 44:47 spend money on but he certainly is 44:49 trained by sellbrite doesn't feel like 44:51 he needs the 44:52 certification explains more of how he 44:55 does cell phone extractions and explains 44:58 that the but then he explains that the 44:01 GPS location is not always accurate 44:03 because they were pressing for latitude 44:04 and longitude of the video so this part 44:08 was really odd to me to me it's clear 44:12 from the video that they're on the mon 44:13 on high bridge the in the video in the 44:17 last video 44:18 right and then they spent a really long 44:21 time trying to argue that the latitude 44:23 and logitude of this time stamp at 213 44:26 doesn't match the mon on Highbridge I 44:29 just thought and they spent so long on 45:31 it I stopped taking notes I just felt it 45:32 was a little I mean it didn't do 45:34 anything for me maybe the jurors carry 45:36 about that detail but I thought well 45:38 clearly it's wrong because clearly to me 45:40 it's showing that the the Monon hybridge 45:42 but I guess they're just trying to 45:43 create doubt right that something is ay 45:47 um the GPS area shown by the attorney is 45:50 in range but it's not exactly where the 45:52 video is 45:54 taken the jury questions actually ask 45:56 about latitude UD and longitude what 45:58 info is on the database that the Apple 45:02 um what info is on the C database Apple 45:05 extracts data that no one knows existed 45:08 like look um some this is where the jury 45:12 questions yesterday I was stating that I 45:14 was loving the jury the jury questions 45:17 because it shows you their thought 45:19 process today I was kind of like really 45:22 this is what they're this is where 45:24 they're going like I don't know but it 45:28 was interesting nonetheless but I just 46:30 the questions they had were a little 46:32 interesting today especially on the cell 46:33 phone data and latitude and longitude 46:35 I'll just say that all right then it was 46:37 lunchtime at lunch I came out I shared 46:40 that we had seen that video and I wasn't 46:43 sure that I heard down the hill so I 46:45 thought it might be I had so many 46:47 questions the moment I got back again 46:50 from lunch those questions were answered 46:53 and I learned that down the hill was 46:56 said in that video at the very end ever 46:58 so slightly and the person Jeremy 46:60 Chapman who had been with the Indiana 46:02 State Police for 30 years came and his 46:06 job is to make photos and videos clear 46:09 and audio crisper that is what he does 46:12 and so boom he came in to answer all my 46:15 questions thank you Jeremy he explained 46:19 that uh there are filters that are used 46:21 to eliminate background noise and at the 46:23 time of this crime he was a sergeant 46:25 with Indiana State Police doing forensic 46:28 extractions as well he was sent the 47:30 video and uh again he he said that he 47:34 heard the girl say there's no path and 47:37 uh heard guys down the hill in quotes 47:40 and I wrote back I wrote I heard it this 47:43 time and I also assume that where Abby 47:48 says there is no path and she is saying 47:50 guys down the hill that that is the 47:51 Disturbed area that was referred to the 47:54 the slide that was referred to in 47:57 testimony yesterday that was continuing 47:00 to BR be brought up that uh down the 47:03 hill is where they had to slide honestly 47:07 maybe on there all the way down this 47:10 hill 47:13 yeah I put really I was really sad 47:15 hearing there it's just such a sad thing 47:18 to say um okay this is interesting you 47:23 ready for this this was not seen by me 47:26 this was seen by someone sitting next to 47:28 me and 48:32 uh according to a witness in 48:36 court Kathy Richard Allen's wife is 48:39 shaking her head in disgust during the 48:43 video being shown I did not look at 48:45 Kathy as I watched the video I was so 48:48 interested in the video but this person 48:52 turned to me and said did you see that 48:53 did you see that and her her words were 48:57 Kathy his wife was shaking her head and 48:59 what she thought was discussed discussed 48:02 watch while watching the video of course 48:03 that's her opinion in discussed but I'm 48:05 just relaying to you what someone told 48:07 me they saw in court that I did not 48:11 see um here are the other things I 48:14 noticed in the video they were all alone 48:17 completely alone and they were at a 48:20 complete dead 48:22 end it really was a perfect opportunity 48:25 for bridge guy 48:28 um the disturbance of slide I assume now 49:31 was where the girls were going to have 49:32 to were about to have to go down the 49:35 hill they had nowhere to go I wrote they 49:38 should have screamed I think that was my 49:40 maternal part of me saying that I can 49:43 see why they didn't why they were so 49:45 fearful and he had a weapon and they 49:47 were so young and didn't know what to do 49:50 and that you couldn't see anybody else 49:52 around right but it makes me think about 49:55 teaching children and again just to 49:58 scream scream as loud as they can I mean 49:01 I don't know if that would have helped 49:03 you know but I just broke my heart to 49:06 see this 49:07 video 49:09 um they enhance in certain frames and we 49:13 hear the enhanced audio down the hill 49:16 and we see the enhanced photo of bridge 49:20 guy now there is a new witness this 49:22 witness was really interesting to me we 49:24 got now and two witnesses that were 49:26 there the day that Libby and Abby were 49:29 allegedly murdered the first witness was 50:33 rayy Garrison Ry Garrison was brunette 50:36 she was younger she had glasses and very 50:38 long dark hair and I thought who is this 50:41 and back in 2017 she went to Deli high 50:44 school she was 16 years old back then 50:48 and she knew of liby and Abbey but she 50:51 didn't know them personally but she 50:52 certainly knew who they were enough that 50:55 she she had a phone and she used snap 50:57 chat and she was connected to Libby they 50:59 were friends on social 50:01 media she would actually go to the 50:03 bridge two to three times a week which 50:06 also shows just how popular this bridge 50:08 is in this area this bridge in this area 50:10 I think are really just Central to this 50:11 beautiful town and the community so she 50:14 would go to this bridge two to three 50:16 times a week sometimes every day she 50:18 would go alone or with friends uh this 50:22 day Ry um was actually let me see she 50:26 was at her dad's house I believe let me 50:28 confirm this she went a lot of places so 51:30 I want to make sure I have it right 51:33 um she was at her dad's house and then 51:36 she uh walked to her friends and stopped 51:41 at her mom's and she got her sister 51:43 12-year-old Isabelle and her other 51:45 sister Anna 13 years old she went with 51:47 her friend Bri uh who stopped by her 51:50 house she stopped by her friend Bree's 51:52 house on the way and she came too so 51:54 there were four girls Riley h 12 okay 51:57 this is where it was so she was at her 51:59 dad's house and Riley took her 51:01 12-year-old sister Isabelle with her and 51:03 then they stopped by breeze house and 51:05 they grabbed her friend Bri who was the 51:07 same age as rley and then they stopped 51:10 by ry's Mom house and grabbed her sister 51:12 Anna who was 13 years old so a 51:14 12-year-old a 13-year-old and two 51:16 16-year- olds all went they came across 51:19 town and they went across Freedom bridge 51:21 to the monan High Bridge which people 51:24 today started calling it simply 51:25 Highbridge uh for sure so if I say 51:27 hybridge or Monon Highbridge same same 52:30 they went out to the first platform so 52:34 the because it's an old Rail Road Track 52:35 there are little platforms throughout 52:37 the bridge this was a very scary bridge 52:40 and they went out to the first platform 52:42 but only Bri and Ry went on the 52:45 Highbridge not the 12 and 13-year-old 52:48 sisters of rley it was at 11:30 a.m. and 52:51 they only went to that first platform 52:53 they took some photographs and then they 52:55 went down by the river to take 52:57 additional photos now um rayy actually 52:01 loved taking photographs she had a Nikon 52:02 so she was not taking pictures with her 52:04 cell phone so they were not timestamped 52:07 like they would have been on an iPhone 52:09 or a cell phone she was taking them with 52:10 a Nikon she went down to the right side 52:13 area with less brush and trees on the 52:15 right hand side she took pictures of the 52:16 water and nature she went back up the 52:19 same way they came down it was a nice 52:22 day it was sunny and she said it was 47° 52:26 out she she had a light jacket um they 52:29 stopped her then the pro the prosecution 53:31 stopped her and said okay can you 53:32 explain why you know the exact 53:34 temperature back from 2017 and she said 53:36 it was because her dad had checked the 53:39 temperature because he was concerned 53:41 about her being too cold and her sister 53:43 they checked the temps they worried 53:45 about me hence I know the temperature 53:47 because her dad checked it before she 53:49 left and realized that they were going 53:51 to be okay she did not see anyone on the 53:54 high bridge at all but she did see 53:57 someone on the way out she saw someone 53:01 walking to the mon on Highbridge and she 53:04 saw someone when she left she saw 53:06 someone walking their dog um at first 53:09 and she recalls that the time around 53:12 this was right before 2:30 because she 53:15 had to be home by 2:30 she remembers 53:17 that so this is kind of complicated now 53:19 right because if she had to be home by 53:20 2:30 and the girls took the video of the 53:24 bridge guy at um at at 2113 we're 53:30 talking you know 54:32 shortly just put a pin in that she said 54:35 hi as she left um okay so she saw 54:39 somebody else um Beyond some besides 54:42 someone walking a dog she saw a man and 54:45 rley said that she said hi as uh she 54:48 went past this man and rather than 54:51 saying hi back he glared at her and he 54:55 did not say hi back back um I put in in 54:59 parenthesis here to check the probable 54:00 cause because this is this story is in 54:02 the probable cause that a Witnesses saw 54:05 someone that did not say hi 54:07 back when rayley heard that the girls 54:10 were missing she immediately thought of 54:12 the man walking that she saw she asked 54:16 she was asked to make a statement after 54:18 she called police and this was on uh 54:20 February 15th the day after the girls 54:23 bodies were 54:25 found and then she ALS Al took pictures 54:28 of Brie on the bridge her friend Bri she 55:32 gave a description of a man that was 55:35 overdressed for the weather because it 55:37 was fairly it was warmer for that time 55:39 of the year that he had a hat his face 55:43 was covered he had darker clothes he was 55:46 Caucasian light skinned he had a hood on 55:49 with a hat and had a jacket up over his 55:52 mouth around the nose she then used 55:56 hands to show how much was covered like 55:60 this and you probably can't hear me when 55:02 I do that but this is what she did she 55:04 said is his face was covered to about 55:07 right 55:08 there uh and she remembered this because 55:12 while she was wearing a wind jacket he 55:14 was definitely overdressed he had his 55:16 hands in his pocket she first Saw His 55:20 image on Facebook and by that she means 55:22 Bridge guys image the the man in the 55:25 video and when she saw the image she 55:27 realized this was the man that she saw 55:29 on the trail that did not respond to her 56:32 as she walked by rley by the way said 56:35 there was a day off of school because 56:37 they were doing a makeup for a snow 56:39 day um at the freedom Bridge close to 56:43 the end still in the trees 56:47 um oh so she walked up to the map to 56:49 kind of explain where she was and it was 56:51 confusing so I'm writing what I'm seeing 56:53 but I'm not certain so I'm going to skip 56:54 this because I was partially loed so she 56:57 went up with a pointer to show show 56:59 where she saw Bridge guy and I am just 56:01 not certain enough to even tell you but 56:03 she was explaining that as they were 56:05 leaving the man walked by her that she 56:09 believes was Bridge guy and he scalled 56:11 and didn't 56:12 respond now uh a comes back with some 56:18 cross exam 56:20 and a did a pretty good job she brought 56:23 up some things that um that rley said 56:27 back in 2017 originally she said that 56:30 the man was wearing all black she had 57:33 stated that to Steve Mullins she said 57:35 that she she answered and said well yes 57:38 I thought he was in all black but when I 57:41 saw him she realized it was uh him and 57:44 he was just simply wearing darker 57:46 clothing but admitted that yeah she 57:47 might have said all black the first time 57:51 she described the man is in his 30s and 57:53 a bigger build on 21717 57:57 she says he was muscular with dirty 57:58 blonde hair well she 57:00 explains that he was covered and layered 57:03 so he looked larger at that time she 57:07 could uh hear she 57:11 could see hair long enough that it was 57:13 coming out of the hoodie and then there 57:15 was a question that said you said his 57:17 hair was Curly and she says I don't 57:19 recall saying that they handed a 57:21 statement that she originally made in 57:23 February 2017 by the defense and 57:25 appearance that she might have said that 57:26 he had curly brown eyes and a square jaw 58:30 and then she gave another statement in 58:32 2021 you said um that your memory might 58:35 have impacted the things that she had 58:37 seen and she agrees that her memory may 58:39 have been impacted a bit she says that 58:42 she originally saw him though at 2:15 58:47 and that brings a concern 58:49 because the girl's video was taken at 58:53 213 time stamped at 213 so 58:57 I put a little side eye there like H 58:59 that's that's rough she said the man was 58:02 taller than her she is 5'7 so she 58:05 suggested the man may be 5'10 Richard 58:08 Allen the man who's on trial is about 58:11 5'5 58:13 um so yeah there were some certain 58:16 questions um about her recollection but 58:19 on redirect she said that uh she 58:24 absolutely believes that Bridge guy is 58:27 the man she saw that did not say hello 58:30 to her she said that she um had never 59:34 given a statement to police before and 59:37 had never been asked to estimate 59:38 someone's height or to look before and 59:41 there were no time stamps on the camera 59:43 so she's admitting that like hindsight 59:44 is everything like she didn't know that 59:46 she was going to be needing to give a 59:47 statement about this man's height and 59:50 about what he looked like and it was all 59:51 from memory and she did the best she 59:53 could but she stands and said she she 59:55 says she's certain that it was Bridge 59:57 guy I don't know how that necessarily 59:59 helps the prosecution I'm going to be 59:01 honest 59:02 because um this is the trial of Richard 59:04 Allen and if they're gonna try to say 59:07 that Ry absolutely saw Bridge guy and 59:10 the description doesn't necessarily 59:12 match Richard Allen I don't know that 59:14 how that necessarily helps uh the 59:16 prosecution prove that uh Richard Allen 59:21 um is the murderer but but you know to 59:23 be determined I also want to point out 59:25 though that Richard Allen uh was in his 59:27 40s back in 2017 so um you know it he he 60:32 was a lot younger 7 years ago weren't we 60:35 all ah seven years 60:37 ago I was such a young buck 60:40 okay um I really was because that was uh 60:44 before I was a mother and seven years 60:46 later it's really denle all right 60:50 um she was certain when she saw the pick 60:54 of brid guy Bridge guy that that was who 60:56 she saw saw and then we have another 60:58 crossed event says the pick you saw 60:60 influenced your memory isn't that true 60:02 and then ry's response again she gets 60:04 really kind of almost defiant she says I 60:06 am certain that that is the man I saw 60:08 the bridge guy was who she saw the 60:10 picture of bridge guy um so they're not 60:13 she's not saying that Richard Allen is 60:14 the man I saw she's saying the bridge 60:15 Guy The Man in the picture is the man 60:17 she saw um whoever Bridge guy is the 60:22 defense ends with saying well you said 60:24 black jeans and a black shirt 60:27 and that's 61:32 that okay now we go to Bri Brienne 61:38 Wilbur is her name and that was the 61:41 friend that was with um rley that day so 61:46 they were with ry's sisters and her 61:48 friend Bri so we're going to be able to 61:51 I I like this I appreciate this now 61:53 let's compare Brie's story with ry's 61:56 story right let's find out 61:59 um 61:01 so she's a friend ofy and she actually 61:05 did know Libby she did know Libby and 61:08 she knew Libby through Kelsey because 61:10 Kelsey German who dropped Abby and Libby 61:13 off that day um was Bree's best friend 61:18 so this is close to home right for her 61:21 she said that she used Snapchat the 61:23 Snapchat app back in 2017 in she 61:26 actually had Libby or Liberty as a 61:29 Snapchat friend she went to the Manan 62:32 high bridge that day with rley it was a 62:35 place that she visited often with 62:36 friends uh it was a walking 62:39 distance um from her friends and from 62:43 her house and on 2113 she went with Ry 62:46 and Anna um she was at her thank you so 62:50 much attorney Melanie little I 62:51 appreciate it she went at her house and 62:55 you know what guys pause I've got to 62:57 turn on the light it's getting darker 62:59 and darker and while you guys can see me 62:01 because there's light on my computer I 62:02 cannot read my notebook anymore so let's 62:05 find out where the light switch 62:19 is oh good now I'm orange so 62:24 okay um here we go I can at least 62:28 despite the lighting color I can at 62:29 least now 63:31 see my 63:33 notebook so she was friends with Libby 63:35 on Snapchat this is Bri and she visited 63:38 the monan Highbridge often and the 63:40 trails often she went with rayy this day 63:43 to the High Bridge to take photographs 63:45 she would only go onto the monan High 63:48 Bridge though one or two steps she was 63:50 scared of the bridge she did not trust 63:52 it she wasn't one to venture onto this 63:53 bridge um so she only went on one or or 63:56 two steps she would walk over Freedom 63:58 bridge to get to the mon on high bridge 63:59 and after getting to the mon on high 63:01 bridge she would take pics and then she 63:04 uh would chat but she did not cross the 63:07 bridge she did post a photo from that 63:10 dat using SnapChat she posted it when 63:13 they were getting ready to leave and she 63:14 saw a few people um she took the pics on 63:19 the way back from where they were 63:21 hanging out and the last photo they 63:24 asked was on the way home then as in 63:27 like walking back from the trails and 63:29 she wrotes yes she writes yes and they 64:32 provided those photos to law enforcement 64:35 along with the Snapchat 64:37 timestamp so they they publish for the 64:41 jury the time stamp and the time stamp 64:45 the first pick of the monan Highbridge 64:47 standing back was at 12:43 that was the 64:50 first photo taken at 64:52 2113 the second photo was taken on our 64:55 way back and was at 64:58 1:26 at 213 at one of the benches so 64:02 that changes by the way ry's idea that 64:05 she saw the man at 215 this is now 64:07 really kind of 64:08 Shifting that it's now making me feel a 64:11 little bit better about what she saw 64:14 because we're getting timestamps from 64:17 Snapchat at 1 64:20 126 64:21 and then Brie says that we saw one or 64:25 two people on our way out and we saw a 64:29 man dressed in many many layers walking 65:32 with purpose is how Bri explains it and 65:36 then Bri explains that Ry says hi to 65:38 everyone it's just something reallyy 65:39 does she's really nice and she likes 65:42 it's because we're a community here in 65:44 Deli and so whenever reallyy would see 65:45 someone she would always say hi and that 65:48 people would most likely say hi back to 65:51 rley and so she also remembers that rley 65:54 said hi to this man and he did not say 65:57 hi back and it gave Bri some really 65:01 weird 65:02 Vibes she also remembers that this man 65:05 had a jacket on and she explains that as 65:08 we were walking back she got a message 65:11 from Libby Libby herself on Snapchat 65:15 asking if Bri was still at the monan 65:18 Highbridge hi um so that would mean that 65:23 this was all happening and that they saw 65:25 the man before the last video on Libby's 66:30 phone right so Libby asks if they were 66:35 still on the trail she messaged me and I 66:38 told her no we had just left 10 minutes 66:40 ago referring to the Monon 66:42 hybridge she then was with 66:46 Kelsey when so Bri was then with Kelsey 66:49 when Kelsey's grandmother called Kelsey 66:51 to say that Libby was missing she 66:54 informed law enforcement right away that 66:56 this person was walking with a purpose 66:59 they couldn't see Brie could not see 66:01 much hair said that he had on a blue 66:04 jacket and blue pants so she so this 66:07 sounds more like Bridge guy and uh 66:10 learned the next day that Abby and Libby 66:13 were actually dead and she saw Bridge 66:16 guy on social media the the footage of 66:18 bridge guy on social media and realized 66:21 that that was the person that she 66:23 saw uh questions being asked to Bri how 66:26 long after the bench photo did you run 66:28 into Bridge guy Bri explains that she 67:31 does not know the exact time but she was 67:33 still in the woods meaning that they 67:34 weren't completely out so it might not 67:37 have been that long after she left the 67:39 bridge and the bridge guy was allegedly 67:42 walking towards the bridge or who they 67:44 think is the bridge guy this man with 67:46 many layers was walking towards the 67:47 bridge while they were walking away from 67:49 the bridge Baldwin does a cross exam and 67:52 he explains that Bri described the 67:55 height and said that he was a taller man 67:57 again Richard Allen sitting here in 67:59 court is five five so they're clearly 67:02 making mention of the height 67:06 um he gave a statement in August of 2020 67:11 to the Marshall's office or breeded and 67:13 will she review her words she she told 67:16 police that he was probably in his early 67:19 30s she responds I was 16 which is true 67:23 like you never know how old someone is 67:24 when you're 16 right or I hope not 67:27 because I've got a story for you some 67:29 young man guessed how old I was and was 68:32 not good all right um anyway so a zip up 68:37 windbreaker jacket we so I want to 68:39 imagine that 16y olds don't know how old 68:41 somebody is um a hoodie said he that he 68:46 had a zipup windbreaker jacket had a 68:47 hoodie on or something on his head 68:50 redirect she confirms that she saw the 68:52 man Bridge guy that the man she saw was 68:55 the man in the photo of bridge guy as 68:59 she left the courtroom I noted this as 68:01 Bri left the courtroom so the pro so the 68:04 the door of the courtroom is over here 68:07 and I'm sitting on one side the right 68:10 side by the door which is also where the 68:12 defense sits and on this side is uh the 68:15 prosecution side where the victim's 68:17 families uh sit and as she walked out 68:21 she waved over and she waved at Kelsey 68:23 goodbye Kelsey German is in court that's 68:26 Libby's sister and they they waved at 68:28 each other as she 68:29 left the next witness was Elizabeth or 69:33 Betsy Blair Betsy Blair as we'll call 69:35 her she frequented the Monon High Bridge 69:38 Trail in 2016 and 2017 often to walk the 69:42 trail between the freedom bridge and the 69:45 High Bridge mon on high bridge she would 69:47 walk the high bridge now she explained 69:49 everywhere she walked I've been to the 69:51 Highbridge I've been down these trails 69:52 and by the time she was explaining every 69:55 which way she went I was completely lost 69:57 but let's just say she's a rock star she 69:00 does this uh I said finally she goes 69:04 back and forth and everywhere and she 69:05 would do this epic loop three times a 69:08 day every day um go Betsy you are an 69:12 inspiration she did two loops on 69:16 February 69:18 13th and then she took a break before 69:20 she started her third Loop or started 69:22 the third Loop and then she left um and 69:25 as she left she saw a car parked 69:27 discreetly this is important she brings 69:30 up a car so Betsy brings up a couple 70:31 things that um are 70:33 important as she leaves before she does 70:36 the third Loop she notices a car parked 70:39 discreetly she mentions as a car that's 70:41 interesting to me she went then to the 70:45 library to use the restroom and then she 70:47 came back after using the restroom to 70:50 finish her third loop again Rockstar 70:52 Betsy I should just like try going on a 70:55 a walk you know twice a week and she's 70:57 incredible doing these loops and she's 70:59 has to go to the restroom she goes to 70:00 the library she comes back she's going 70:01 to finish her Loop and on the third Loop 70:04 she saw a man on the bridge she went to 70:08 the orange barricade right by the mon on 70:10 high bridge as she saw the person um she 70:14 he was on the he was on a bridge on a 70:16 platform she explains and then she went 70:19 back the other direction to finish her 70:21 Loop then she saw two girls and she 70:24 noticed that these two girls were 70:26 walking and they were chatting quietly 70:28 and 70:29 intimately later that day she sees that 71:32 Libby and Abby are missing on the news 71:34 her husband tells her that there are two 71:36 girls missing because he knows that she 71:39 goes to the mon on hybridge Trails so he 71:41 says by the way there's two girls 71:42 missing she looks at their photos and 71:44 she realizes that those were the two 71:46 girls she saw walking she saw Libby and 71:48 Abby Betsy claims this so she called uh 71:53 the Sheriff's Office to report that she 71:55 had seen them 71:56 and immediately that she recognized them 71:58 in their photos the next day it was 71:00 reported that the girls were deceased 71:03 and she sees Bridge guy on the news she 71:07 recognizes him as the man that she saw 71:09 on the bridge platform and she went and 71:12 called police and she went and gave a 71:15 statement then they take her Fitbit data 71:18 again Betsy total Rockstar she's got her 71:20 Fitbit data and it's all handed to the 71:23 jury to explain the multiple Loops that 71:25 she took that day so they see between 71:29 1200 and 1 1200 and 1 p.m. that she is 72:31 walking the first two Loops at at the 72:34 trails now the third loop again she took 72:37 a break before the third Loop went to 72:38 the library used the restroom came back 72:41 the third Loop is where she says that 72:42 she saw Bridge guy at the beginning of 72:45 the loop he was out on the bridge on a 72:48 platform out there she he looked at her 72:52 when she came to the barricade I guess 72:54 there's a barricade at the bridge pretty 72:56 much like it don't cross this there's a 72:58 barricade never never works but you know 72:59 they've got a barricade there he looks 72:02 at her as if he was waiting for someone 72:05 but he wasn't looking for her she was 72:07 about 50 feet away and she could not see 72:11 his face clearly and then it was also on 72:14 that third Loop that she saw the two 72:16 girls and they were headed to the Monon 72:18 high 72:19 bridge now there's a cross exam with 72:22 Baldwin and this is where it's really 72:23 interesting I want to remind you that 72:25 she mentioned a vehicle because this is 72:29 interesting so she explains that she 73:31 went to the mean the mir's entrance um 73:35 there's an unobstructed View and she 73:37 said that the man was in his 20s or 30s 73:41 and said that there was brown hair to 73:45 the person making a sketch okay 73:50 pause the sketches of the alleged Bridge 73:53 guy there are two separate sketches one 73:55 relased in 2017 and One released in 2019 73:59 and a lot of people think they look 73:01 vastly different from one another I 73:02 actually think they look kind of similar 73:04 but one's older one's younger there are 73:05 two separate sketches the prosecution 73:08 has worked really hard to not have the 73:10 sketches entered as evidence or seen at 73:13 this 73:14 trial but what's going to make it so 73:16 that all of a sudden the sketches will 73:18 need to be entered a witness mentioning 73:21 the sketches and at this moment Betsy 73:24 mentions the sketch sketches she states 73:28 that she had an unobstructed 73:30 view that she claimed that this man was 74:33 in his 20s or 30s and said that had and 74:38 that she stated to the person that he 74:40 had brown hair and stated it to the 74:43 person making the sketch Boom at that 74:46 moment a lot of us looked around at each 74:49 other and we said the sketches will now 74:52 be entered like that is going to make it 74:54 that the sketches will be absolutely 74:57 yeah Betsy opened the door to sketches 74:00 being presented in 74:02 court and uh I I wrote that can the 74:05 sketches come in now she just brought it 74:08 up uh but she explains that this person 74:11 this bridge guy looked young more boyish 74:14 looking in quotes beautiful in 74:16 appearance average height was her best 74:19 guess she did not see any facial hair 74:22 and was not he was not wearing a hat or 74:25 at least she did not see one she left 74:28 through the mir's exit that's the same 75:32 way that Abby and Libby were dropped off 75:35 and came in by Kelsey the mir's uh 75:37 entrance she left and she went westbound 75:40 on 300 north um and then this is 75:43 interesting the defense asks her about a 75:50 vehicle that she saw and it's a there's 75:54 an objection because it's out of scope 75:57 like it's not relevant and that was 75:59 sustained by the judge but I thought 75:01 that was really interesting because she 75:03 did bring up an obscured vehicle she 75:06 brought up a 75:07 vehicle that she says was 75:11 um you know that was sort of hidden and 75:15 when uh the defense went to bring it up 75:17 they the prosecution stated that was out 75:19 of out of the line of questioning Beyond 75:23 scope beyond the scope and was sustained 75:26 by the judge and I just you know 75:27 questioned for my law friends I was 75:28 really confused I'm like wait she 75:30 brought up a car too so couldn't they 76:32 ask about the car in a cross exam I 76:35 don't know yeah baldon was just about to 76:37 ask about vehicles and the judge 76:39 sustained that it was outside the scope 76:42 so I don't 76:43 know uh jury the jury has questions for 76:46 her they ask um what distance uh was she 76:50 from the man on the bridge she again 76:52 explains it was 50 feet and then a 76:54 question by the jury 76:56 how could you tell that he was looking 76:58 at someone and her answer is that she 76:00 could tell by his posture the way he 76:02 stood the way he sort of like presented 76:05 himself from a distance it just seemed 76:06 like maybe he was waiting for somebody 76:08 or looking for someone another question 76:11 from the jury is uh she said that he had 76:14 poofy hair that is true she said that he 76:17 had poofy hair and there is a sketch 76:18 with some poofy hair so now I think I'm 76:21 kind of figuring out why there was a 76:22 sketch with someone with poofy hair she 76:24 said that he had poofy hair and a juror 76:27 asks could you have mistaken poofy hair 77:30 for a hat thought that was a great 77:32 question because it actually I think 77:34 this could be true and she answers yes I 77:37 could have mistaken poofy hair for a hat 77:40 so the jury questions to Betsy I thought 77:42 were great we ended the day on Steve 77:45 Mullins again Steve Mullins testified 77:47 the first day of trial at opening 77:49 statements he's a Carol he's an 77:51 investigator for the Carol County 77:53 prosecutor's office and he explained how 77:55 they received um surveillance video from 77:59 the hoer Harvest store which has 77:01 surveillance video on um that street 77:04 going in and out of the mon monan 77:06 hybridge Trail or nearby and uh so this 77:11 is what they they got to confirm that 77:15 the Witnesses were actually at the trail 77:17 like they claimed they were um this is 77:21 what I have at 12:02 they have Betsy 77:24 going eastbound towards the trails at 77:27 1:15 they have Betsy going away that's 77:30 probably to use the restroom at 146 they 78:32 have Betsy going back and then 149 they 78:36 have Kelsey leaving the area after 78:38 dropping Abby and Libby off and then at 78:41 218 they have Betsy leaving and at 3:56 78:46 they have Sarah going uh Sarah has not 78:49 testified yet so we're clearly going to 78:50 hear from aarah maybe tomorrow but uh 78:54 they confirmed all these times so to 78:57 point out that these 78:59 Witnesses likely did see Bridge guy um 78:03 not one of them said that he was 78:06 55 and uh so again it'll be it'll be 78:09 interesting to see how they tie these 78:11 sightings that they claim are bridge guy 78:13 these witnesses that claim that they saw 78:15 Bridge guy um on the trail to uh Richard 78:19 Allen but these three Witnesses are 78:22 certain they saw Bridge guy 78:27 um that was today let me let me look and 79:31 then I'm going to answer a few 79:37 questions yep shows screenshots that 79:40 Steve Mullin took of the surveillance 79:46 video yeah that's it so let's get to 79:49 questions again and I just want to 79:51 apologize for earlier um the technical 79:54 difficulties we had with streaming and 79:56 the buffering I I hope it's okay now 79:58 thanks everybody for sticking with me so 79:02 let's first go to the start questions um 79:06 thank you Kaylee I appreciate that 79:10 um a toz thank you so much for gifting 79:19 memberships CC says Dr John's opinion of 79:22 the defendant is something I'm curious 79:23 to hear well head to our pod podcast and 79:26 you can hear uh some of his thoughts not 79:28 in detail about his background or 80:30 anything but you can certainly hear some 80:32 of Dr John's thoughts on this case uh it 80:34 was just posted to our podcast last 80:37 night or you can listen on YouTube to uh 80:42 he shared some thoughts on the case 80:44 before it went to 80:47 trial thank you Cindy so 80:50 much I appreciate that you appreciate my 80:53 detailed notes they're not for everyone 80:54 but again because the reason I'm doing 80:56 detailed notes whether they're for 80:57 everyone or not is because there is no 80:00 audio there is no video there is no live 80:03 tweeting and I feel like it's a bit of 80:05 almost a duty to just share every note I 80:08 took in there and put it out here I will 80:11 also do summaries by the end of the week 80:13 so if detail notes are not your jam look 80:17 for a summary of what we learned that is 80:20 really interesting at the end of each 80:21 week so we're John and I are also 80:24 working I'm putting that together too so 80:27 thank you for appreciating though the 80:28 detailed 81:31 notes Rachel thank you so so 81:34 much I appreciate that thank you Mama 81:40 T thank you Jane oh you guys thank you 81:43 so much I came for questions and you 81:45 guys are all just thank you thank you 81:47 thank you I appreciate 81:52 it uh Lisa asks 81:55 does my opinion change about the 81:57 proximity of bridge guy after seeing the 81:59 video in full just catching up listening 81:01 to the very beginning message um the 81:04 proximity meaning how close Bridge guy 81:05 was to the girls is that what we mean 81:10 um I think I think I don't know if my 81:13 opinion changed I just think it filled 81:16 in some blanks because I don't know if I 81:18 had a strong opinion I just think it 81:19 helped with context I'm always waiting 81:21 for context before I put everything 81:22 together and I really didn't know 81:25 you know the video I mentioned this on 81:27 my lunch live but when they show him 81:30 walking and they say down the hill it 82:31 was really clear to me 82:33 that that they spliced that together 82:36 because he's so far 82:37 away you know I knew that and you can't 82:41 see his mouth 82:42 moving but so I guess now that we're 82:45 saying this thank you for helping me 82:47 walk this through I think you're right 82:48 my opinion has changed a bit because 82:50 after seeing the 82:52 video him seeming so far away realizing 82:55 that the girls were kind of at the end 82:57 it was like he was walking towards them 82:58 quickly and yeah he now seems a lot 82:00 closer to me so see right after seeing 82:03 the video in full and hearing down the 82:05 hill by Bridge 82:07 guy um and seeing how far down I mean 82:11 they were so alone I think you're right 82:13 it makes me realize that he was a lot he 82:15 was closer they had nowhere to go it was 82:17 a dead end and he was coming and he was 82:19 getting them down the hill 82:21 before um anything else 82:30 aby's arms again Dorian great question 83:33 aby's arms were in the sleeves of the 83:35 sweatshirt but they were not out they 83:38 were they were still inside the sleeves 83:40 so the sleeves were covering her hands 83:44 and she was like um this so these are 83:47 how her hands but then the sleeves were 83:49 covering them and after they pulled the 83:51 sleeves down that's where they could see 83:53 her hands 83:57 thank you 83:58 lii thank you Melanie so 83:06 much 83:13 um 83:17 um all right so let's go to the live and 83:20 I'll look for any questions if you have 83:22 a question use a red question mark Mar 83:25 it helps me find questions a little bit 84:38 more so do investigators and prosecutors 84:40 believe that Libby stop the recording of 84:42 bridge guy immediately after he says 84:44 down the hill do they believe he didn't 84:46 know she was filming him I I think 84:48 you're actually asking great questions I 84:50 don't know if we know um I believe that 84:54 he didn't no they were filming him and 84:55 the reason I believe that is after 84:57 seeing the video she has it down at her 84:59 side she's pointing the phone towards 84:01 gravel so she's like clearly filming 84:03 Abby and then she kind of puts the phone 84:05 down you saw him in the distance and 84:08 then when you hear down the hill her 84:11 phone is pointed at the gravel it's 84:13 shaky she's getting aby's you know jeans 84:16 so I think she was certainly not looking 84:19 like she was filming and I don't believe 84:21 he might have known that she filmed him 84:25 who 85:30 knows uh the defenses demeanor towards 85:33 Witnesses they're certainly being hard 85:35 on them I um I feel like they were uh 85:38 the defense was a little bit nicer to 85:39 the three witnesses that weren't law 85:41 enforcement so with rayy and Bri and 85:46 Betsy they were um a little bit softer 85:51 but when it comes to law enforcement 85:52 sorry I just got scared by a moth they 85:54 were definitely harder on law law 85:56 enforcement um especially today Rosie's 85:59 demeanor while trying to really push uh 85:02 the CSI investigator um Ryan he was he 85:06 was pretty um defiant and impassioned um 85:11 that reminds me I did not finish the 85:13 most important thing with Betsy I 85:15 brought up Betsy's name again so I told 85:17 you guys that there's this moment where 85:19 she brought up the sketch so the jury 85:22 leaves and it's brought up right away by 85:25 the defense the defense says to the 85:27 judge look can we bring in the sketch 85:28 now it's come up in court and the 86:30 prosecution doesn't even argue like I 86:32 think they knew like yeah she opened the 86:34 door and so yeah the sketches will be 86:37 coming into court now um so I don't know 86:42 if that's necessarily I don't have a 86:44 strong opinion on if it's a bad or good 86:45 thing because honestly I think the 86:47 sketches um it's you know I think they 86:50 could look like several men it's an 86:52 average sketch I don't think it is 86:55 necessarily 86:57 bad okay a few people have asked me if 86:59 the girls mentioned a gun on video 86:00 because I had heard that they might do 86:02 that and I did not hear it but I can't 86:05 say it's not there either because I did 86:08 not hear a lot the first time and then 86:10 the second time around I heard more so 86:13 I'm not going to trust what I heard and 86:16 didn't hear with the Acoustics of this 86:18 court room so I did not hear the 86:20 mentioning of the gun but that doesn't 86:22 mean it wasn't said 86:28 um so glad Aussie 87:40 girl what was on the video was Abby 87:44 walking at the end of the bridge Libby 87:47 was already it seems like it was like 87:49 just as they were getting to the end of 87:51 the bridge like I think they went like 87:52 Abby went from the bridge to the land 87:56 like not on the bridge and it's 87:58 unfortunately the dead end of the bridge 87:00 where it's private property and uh then 87:03 it's pointing at gravel when you hear 87:06 the words down the hill um and I 87:08 actually didn't hear guys down the hill 87:10 I just heard down the hill but again I 87:11 believe the guys is there and I just 87:13 heard down the hill and you see part of 87:16 aby's pants you know like I said it's 87:18 kind of shaky like she's putting the 87:20 phone at her side and then it kind of 87:22 turns around and Libby clearly turns 87:24 around and 87:25 follows Abby and Abby says there's no 87:27 path like as in how are we supposed to 87:29 go down this hill as this man is 88:31 demanding that we do this with this dead 88:37 end uh could you compare voices I I am 88:40 curious to know if they're going to 88:41 bring in like a voice recogn recognition 88:44 expert to compare 88:47 voices could you tell us more about the 88:49 jury yeah so the jury is um seven women 88:53 five men men um it's not the most 88:58 diverse jury I've ever seen but I just 88:60 don't think it's a very diverse area but 88:02 they are diverse in 88:05 ages um so but but five five men seven 88:13 women and I think as diverse as you're 88:16 going to get in this uh area of the 88:18 country 88:27 right 89:32 exactly Richard Allen's demeanor in 89:34 court today you know he looks around a 89:37 lot and he looks around a lot at one 89:40 point according to another Witness by me 89:43 in court this is also something that I 89:45 missed after lunch he turned around 89:47 towards his mother and wife were there 89:49 every day and winked and smiled um I 89:53 don't know who that was too whether that 89:54 was to his mother or to Cathy and again 89:57 I did not see it someone else saw it I 89:59 believe them because he certainly looks 89:01 around a lot and makes eye contact I I 89:04 also saw him sort of grinning today I 89:06 did not see Baldwin any of the defense 89:08 attorneys with their arm around him 89:10 today um but he he yeah he looks around 89:13 he was looking at notes and he was in a 89:16 plaid shirt and brown pants and a brown 89:20 belt and he definitely looks um 89:25 he definitely looks worn out but this is 89:27 interesting I I didn't share this this 89:29 is day two of court and I never shared 90:30 this but before court started on day two 90:33 we were sitting we well I often sit 90:35 right behind the defense and so I'm an 90:39 earshot and Baldwin um the defense 90:42 attorney Baldwin came up and put his arm 90:45 around uh Kathy his wife as well as 90:48 Richard Allen's mother and said hello to 90:51 them and said you know I haven't seen 90:53 Richard Allen I wrote down the exact 90:55 quote let's see if I can find it but he 90:57 said I haven't seen Richard Allen it's 90:58 one of the first things I ever wrote in 90:59 my notes it was my 90:04 um let's just find 90:13 it 90:15 um well okay I can't find it that fast I 90:19 guess but he said I haven't seen Richard 90:21 Allen looking this good um since they 90:25 first arrested 90:28 him thought was interesting right um I 91:31 still want to find it okay found it 91:33 found I was like I got to find it exact 91:35 quotes Baldwin to Richard Allen's mother 91:39 in quotes he's as good as I've seen him 91:41 since the first day I saw him this is 91:43 before court begins on Saturday October 91:46 19th 91:47 2024 so there you go 91:11 um sorry guys sorry about um I'm seeing 91:16 you guys are seeing yeah uh blood 91:19 spatter forgive me Smith and Wesson I'm 91:22 learning guys so thank you for your 91:23 patience as I relay 91:26 things in court without Google to to 91:29 double check myself I just have my notes 92:31 and then I jump on 92:33 here they did say Richard Allen's name 92:36 more today because they were asking 92:38 mostly by the defense asking if he was 92:40 tied to uh evidence and sort of implying 92:44 that he doesn't match Witnesses um uh 92:47 who witnesses say is Bridge guy but it 92:49 was mostly the defense bringing his name 92:51 up not the prosecution 92:55 I don't think cameras will ever be 92:57 allowed thank you Gabby so 92:01 much yeah I agree you know a person 92:04 wearing a hoodie or a hat or wearing 92:06 hiking type boots would look taller and 92:07 again nobody's thinking that they're 92:09 going to have to give like uh you know a 92:12 report to someone that they randomly see 92:14 on a trail 92:16 um 92:20 so yeah 92:30 um it was just Richard or sorry um it 93:34 was 93:39 just am I sorry forgive me 93:46 guys okay Dian is asking forgive me 93:49 Diana is asking could the down the hill 93:50 be in response to where is the path 93:53 didn't you say the Abby or liby said 93:55 down the hill as well maybe he's 93:56 verifying the path that was down the 93:58 hill I heard Bridge Guy saying down the 93:01 hill I did not hear Abby or Libby saying 93:03 down the hill only a male voice that I 93:07 assume is Bridge guy because you 93:08 couldn't see Bridge guy you could just 93:10 hear a man's voice say down the hill it 93:12 was very 93:15 faint yes he could have been wearing you 93:17 know who knows why he looked 93:22 taller uh the 43 second video was 93:24 allegedly uncut 93:27 yes 93:29 um all 94:34 right I'll see if Joseph got Morgan yeah 94:38 um Can that's a good question Cynthia is 94:41 Richard Allen's daughter a witness I I 94:42 don't know but I will say that she has 94:44 not been to court she has not Sat by her 94:49 uh mother or her grandmother and she has 94:51 not been there so so that's a good 94:52 question is she just not showing up or 94:54 is she's somehow a witness for the state 94:56 um I don't know I don't know what she'd 94:57 be a witness for but it's a great 94:59 question thank you so 94:05 much oh yeah the for people saying 94:08 something about the video like implying 94:09 that there were two two men or someone 94:12 there was only one man um in the video 94:15 that anyone could see just one person 94:19 all right guys um I might take off 94:21 soon um 94:25 yeah Alicia I I agree and also like how 94:28 do you it's hard to tell how tall bridge 95:30 guy is right think about um us looking 95:33 at Bridge guy I can't tell if he's six 95:35 feet tall or if he's 5 foot4 right so I 95:39 kind of have a little bit of empathy for 95:41 the witnesses like not knowing exactly 95:43 how T is right but I can't tell how T is 95:46 on the bridge 95:50 um nobody was asking if Richard Allen 95:53 looked like Bridge guy today no one was 95:56 asking them so they're clearly waiting 95:59 again to bring him 95:04 in thank you casyl I appreciate 95:08 it all 95:12 right thank you guys again I'm sorry for 95:15 the technical difficulties we had in the 95:17 middle of this live I'm so so sorry 95:19 thank you for sticking with me as we 95:21 covered everything from court today is 95:23 day four 95:24 of the Richard Allen murder trial in 95:27 Deli Indiana and I've got to go prep for 96:30 day five because uh it essentially means 96:33 getting ready getting all bundled up 96:35 headed out to the courthouse setting up 96:37 some chairs getting some camping mats 96:40 maybe crashing taking a little nap 96:42 before another waiting game begins so 96:47 anyway thank you though for all of your 96:49 support and again for your compassion 96:52 during Tech difficulties while I travel 96:54 and uh we'll see you guys tomorrow see 96:58 you bye-bye thanks for subscribing and 96:60 liking it helps it genuinely helps uh 96:03 John and I actually be able to cover 96:05 these trials the way we do so thank you 96:07 so much for making that possible for us 96:09 with your support um and just liking or 96:12 subscribing is support we really 96:14 appreciate it we'll see you guys bye