Special Containment Procedures for SCP-8901 Item #: SCP-8901 Object Class: Euclid Description: SCP-8901 is a 15-meter-tall humanoid entity, resembling a giantess of unknown origin. SCP-8901 displays extreme aggression and hostility towards human beings and all forms of human-made structures or technology. It is capable of causing extensive damage to its surroundings. Containment Procedures: Location: SCP-8901 is to be contained within Site-24, a dedicated facility designed to house and study humanoid SCP entities. Site-24 is to be located in a remote, isolated area, at least 50 kilometers away from any densely populated area. The site should be surrounded by a high concrete wall measuring at least 50 meters in height. Access Control: Access to Site-24 is to be restricted to Level 4 personnel and above. All personnel entering the containment area must undergo psychological evaluation. Physical Containment Chamber: SCP-8901 is to be contained within a reinforced steel chamber measuring 25 meters in height, 20 meters in width, and 20 meters in length. The chamber should be equipped with a robust security system, including surveillance cameras, motion sensors, and reinforced blast doors. The chamber's walls should be a minimum of 3 meters thick, constructed of high-strength materials. Security Personnel: Armed security personnel must be stationed outside SCP-8901 containment chamber around the clock. In case of a containment breach or aggressive behavior, personnel are authorized to use lethal force to subdue SCP-8901. Communication: Under no circumstances should personnel attempt direct communication with SCP-8901, Any attempts at communication should be done through pre-recorded messages or an intercom system to minimize any potential negative responses from the entity, Class D personnel are allowed direct communication inside the containment enclosure under approval of the Site Director. Testing: Any research or testing involving SCP-8901 must be authorized by the Site Director and conducted using Class D personnel, remote-controlled drones and/or specialized equipment. All personnel involved in testing must follow strict SCP procedures and protocols. Provisions: SCP-8901 must be provided with a controlled diet of raw meat and water through automated systems. All provisions must be inspected for tampering to prevent any potential manipulation or escape attempts. Emergency Procedures: In the event of a containment breach, personnel should follow established evacuation procedures and attempt to re-contain SCP-8901 using the remote kill switch devices. Lethal force is authorized. Psychological Analysis: Regular psychological assessments of SCP-8901 will be conducted to monitor changes in behavior and possible methods of pacification. Ongoing Research: Research into SCP-8901's origins, nature, and methods of control are ongoing. All findings and reports must be shared with the SCP Foundation research community. Note: Due to SCP-8901's aggressive nature and significant threat potential, the utmost vigilance and adherence to containment procedures are essential. Personnel are reminded that any deviations from these procedures may result in severe consequences, up to and including a full-scale containment breach and loss of life.