「Fufufu, Amazing ❤, only Miss Terena can dress like a cow and look the part. Come on now, moo...」 「......Please......Stop joking!」 「But I'm Serious... Oh well, whatever. Just get on top on the desk.」 「......What?......」 「Please, teach me everything about the indecent parts of the female body using your own body, Miss Terena ❤.」 「...I'm...I'm so embarrassed......」 (But......I'm probably going to be forced to do this anyways......There's no point resisting it now......The sooner I get this nonsense over, the better...) 「.....Ok Ok......I get it...」 「Ahaha, It looks like you're starting to realize your position here ❤...... now then......」 「Put your hips up here, like that ...now open your legs...I'll give you a wand, and I want you to use it to point and explain... 」 (......How could this child come up with something so obscene......I'm really worried...about his future......) 「Kuu...ugh......」 「Huf...huf......Is this......what you want?」 「Fufufu, good! ❤ Now, please teach me everything you know about the dirty parts of a woman's body, Miss Terena. 」